#nuh night bbgs
masked-artist-xp · 6 months
I'm gonna force myself to go to sleep so I don't fall asleep during any classes tmr
Nuh night
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How would Jason Grace spoil you? boyfriend hcs list
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author's note: ik i have an angsty jason grace prompt in my asks and i swear im working on it! But this idea just popped up on my mind and I've been thinking about it all night yesterday omgg. Let me know if you guys want a Leo/Percy/Frank version of this, I mostly write for Jason since he's my bbg but I might actually do the others this time since the idea is so cute!
I'll start off by saying, Jason is a selfcare supporter bf.
Okay so yk how the Romans in CJ have such high standards? They literally exhibit royal/regal energy, and are super fans of luxury stuff.
Jason despite being influenced by greeks would always be a roman. Whether he likes it or not, there will always be roman blood in him. So he makes these cute/simple ideas for dates/gifts but his execution is just pure sophistication. He's SO simple yet so fancy, and Ik they're contradictions but I promise I'll explain.
like this boy would make sure to run you a nice warm roman bath after you come back from a dangerous/tiresome quest to ease your muscles. Cute and simple right? Wrong. This man would buy all sorts of expensive bath perfumes, bath bombs, fragranted petals, etc to make it extra special for you.
See so this is what I mean when I say his ideas are cute, but executed in a very fancy way.
He LOVES spoiling you with self care products, like sheet masks, lotion, cleansers, hair masks, etc. like he simply does NOT care about the money, as long as his girl is taking care of herself?? That's all that matters tbh
This is mostly because Jason, as a kid soldier, never had any time for himself, the closest thing he's ever done to "selfcare" is probably take long baths + trim his hair lol
jason was blessed with his mother's ethereal actress beauty okay. So selfcare or no self care would have zero effect on him physically bc bro would still look majestic.
ANYWAYS he feels like his inner child just kinda heals when he sees you prioritising yourself and he admires it sm :((
would be ecstatic if you rope him into self care. He would be sceptical at first but then as you're applying a face mask on him he'd be like "wait this is actually so relaxing what" and you love the way his face muscles soften at that. Like he really deserves a break and some relaxation, you'd often trick him into using your skincare products intentionally bc he deserves self care.
once he felt so soothed with the lemon facemask he was wearing that he fell asleep on your shoulder and was all zzz 🥺
and would make sure to restock all your products if they run out.
he feels that the self-care has more of a mental and emotional effect on him rather than physical
Which is what matters to him
honestly?? He supports you if you want to wear makeup. Like he'd think you look gorgeous either way but if you like wearing lipgloss? So be it. You get any lipgloss you want he's paying. He just LOVES that you love yourself too :( and would do anything to make you feel comfortable.
This man loves investing on food. Again, it's bc he never even had the time to properly eat as a legionnaire :(
So he'd love to take you out to places and just munch on tasty food and talk. New Rome has bomb food okay. Bro just never got to eat them.
Lmao he's like everyone's grandma when it comes to food. "Have you eaten? You HAVE to eat!! I'll get you food! Go back to your room!"
would spoonfeed you soup if you're sick bc nuh uh you ain't going without eating hun 😤
hes the worried anxious mother hen bf okay fight me.
Food + selfcare = Jason Grace's love language
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scekrex · 3 months
Yk like, reader complaining his issues with them (like fuck bro, he DID NOT get a break from them, even when he got to heaven) to the point where he’s all depressed all over again just like when he was alive, and Adam’s like “Bitch, nuh uh. You ain’t getting depressed from those mfs again 😒” and tries all his best to avoid reader’s parents when they’re walking/flying around heaven together, until they finally catch up and confront reader (in the worst time possible—Adam isn’t there for a few mins) about his mistakes and everything, until our bbg comes to save us and explodes at reader’s parents and hypothetically gives them an award for the worst parents possible to ever get in heaven
have a good day/night 🐴
The Plan (Fuck Parents)
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, shitty parents
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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How your parents had managed to cross the pearly gates had always been a question no one had been able to answer. They had been awful when you had been alive and death hadn't changed a thing about that, so why in God's holy name they were up in heaven with you, you'd probably never figure out. But that was fine - well not fine but you were handling it. And by that you meant Adam was handling it.
“Fuck you,” you yelled at your mother, flipping her off as you were to turn around to leave. Not with her though, she firmly grabbed you by your shoulder, forcing you to look at her yet again. “You don't get to talk to me that way, that Adam guy is no good for you, you even talk like those sinners already,” she tried to sound concerned, she really did, but after spending so much time with her, she was an open book for you to read. So really there was no concern about you, only hatred towards you and your boyfriend. “Don’t you fucking dare to bring Adam into this conversation, you don't fucking like him, fine, but that doesn't mean I have to hate his guts too,” you replied furiously, slapping her hand away and taking a step back, away from her and towards the door. “We can fucking talk when you decide to behave like a motherfucking grown up instead of a five year old,” and with that you finally turned away and stormed out of the apartment, the door slammed shut behind you.
You rushed down the stairs of the building until you reached the exit, there was Adam, already waiting for you. A playful grin was on his lips as his arm wrapped around you and he greeted you with a quick kiss, “You doing good babes?” Fuck no you weren't, you were pretty sure Adam knew that as well as you did, but the brunette always tried his best to keep your mood as bright as possible. “Mom’s acting like a fucking cunt again,” you answered his question honestly. There was no point in lying, you didn't have the energy for that anyways. You were fed up with your parents, and had been ever since they had died. But now you were in heaven too and things got fucking complicated again. First they had complained about your attitude, then they didn't like that you and Adam were dating. They constantly found things to bitch about and it really fucked with your head.
Adam pulled you flush against his side as he guided you down the street, away from your parents’ apartment. “How about I get us both milkshakes and we'll just enjoy the fucking day without her then?” Adam offered and that made you beam at your boyfriend in excitement. He always knew how to cheer you up.
As you stopped in front of the small ice cream parlor you both enjoyed so much, he asked you to wait outside so he could pick up your drinks, you agreed happily.
Big mistake.
Once Adam had entered the building, your father approached you, where he was coming from. You didn't know and you didn't care either, you weren't up for a chat with him and your body language made that crystal clear. Your father, however, ignored that perfectly fine. “You can't walk around with him in this area,” was the first thing the man said to you in a tone that made it clear he was ready for another discussion. “It’s fucking heaven, I can hang out with Adam wherever the fuck I want,” was your reply as you turned away from the man that had raised you with crossed arms. What the fuck was Adam taking so long? “It ruins our image, Y/N.” You shot him an annoyed side eye, “So me dating the first man is ruining your image? That ain't got shit to do with me, dad, and you know it. So quit acting like I'm fucking five and move on with your existence.” That that clearly was the wrong thing to say because as you were about to enter the parlor to follow Adam and get away from your father, he grabbed you by the wrist to stop you from that. “Listen, if you wanna act like a rebelling teenager, do that by dyeing your hair, painting your nails and listening to that trashy music, not by dating Adam,” your father seemed dead serious about it. Did he really think you were dating Adam just to piss him off? “Dad, I'm not dating Adam because you hate him, I'm dating him because I fucking love him,” the little bell above the parlor's door ringed as Adam stepped outside with two milkshakes in his hands, his eyes darkened as soon as he spotted you with your father.
He walked up to you, just catching your last words as he stopped next to you and handed you your drink, “Is there a problem?” Your father looked up at Adam, pure hatred was reflecting in his eyes as he confidently spoke, “Yes. You can't hang around my son in public.” The brunette took a sip from his own drink as he looked down at the man that raised you disinterestedly and hummed, “Mhm, yeah, no. I hang around my fucking boyfriend wherever I want.” “Not if I get to say something about that,” your father disagreed. In God's mighty name, he was truly acting like you were a five year old child. “I’m an adult so you don't get to say shit about it,” you stood up for yourself as Adam's arm lazily wrapped around your waist and he nodded in agreement. “If you don't fucking like it, fine,” the first man clarified as he took yet another sip, “Then look the fucking other way and mind your own fucking business.” And with that, Adam simply flipped him off and walked past him with you by his side, basically shoving your father out of the way. You heard him grumble something about consequences but you really didn't mind. “You’re gonna crash at my place until they pull out the stick that got stuck in their asses,” the brunette simply decided as he placed a soft kiss onto your head. “Now, we'll get your mind to focus on something more fun, how does going go-karting sound to you, babes?” It was yet again something that made you beam at him in delight. Adam truly knew how to get your mind off of your parents. “And after that we're gonna go watch a fucking movie at my place, sounds good?” You nodded, a cheerful smile on your lips, “Sounds fucking good.”
“Tell your dad he can suck my dick if he keeps up his fucking attitude,” the first man spoke loudly enough for your father to hear him and the smile on your lips turned into an amused grin. You loved this fucking idiot so much. “I swear, one word from you babes and I'll beat the living shit outta them.”
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ashymationzowu · 3 months
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commission I finished up last night 💗
I'm also thinking of drawing my oc zero again bc so many people have been asking for it... So... Should I?
he looks like this btw
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
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a/n: @tom-hlover i hope this was to your liking! it was a lil hard but i do love tom holland’s spidey so here it is! i just assumed that it was a romantic relationship too !!
lets get it!
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okay so first things first?
yall are ATTACHED at the hip
ned and mj clown peter for this all the fucking TIME
like he always walks you to class and sits next to you in class
peter we get it you want this melanin dial it back
and you are a superhero FIEND
anyone who knows you knows you go feral for superheroes and spiderman specifically
mj knows this, ned knows this, peter definitely knows this
mj always just gotta give peter a look like
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whenever you start gushing about whatever spidey did that night
“peter did you see him last night?! he looked so amazing!”
“ah yeah n/n i saw!”
internal SCREAMING
like his beautiful amazing talented spectacular crush and best friend is fawning over him ???
mind boggling brothers
i mean your lockscreen is one of those press hold ones that move? so at first it’s a group picture of you, peter, mj and ned then you hold and boom its spidey swinging
peter found this out by accident and simply lost his mind in his room
you would do ANYTHING to see spidey in action and anYTHING TO HELP
bbg just wanna be a hero too 🤪
this day peter couldn’t come over to your house this time bc of his internship and had to leave early
aka code word for spidey shit to do lmao
and you’re a lil bummed
“but petey it’s wednesday and we were supposed watch mean girls and legally blonde.”
“i-i know i’m sorry n/n i’ll make it up to you”
mj and ned heard that and LOST IT
you frowned watching peter book it outta there like the lights were out
i mean my mans usain bolted it
mj and ned couldnt go home with you either so that sucked
you didnt usually walk home by yourself and honestly you really didn’t want to
it mf queens man. it’s not the safest place in the world
you started walking home and decided to buy some snacks n shit bc you saw them glazed donuts lookin real SCRUMPTIOUS AND FRESH in that packet
now you got the snacks secured in your bag and ready to go
you’re walking down the sidewalk when you hear some grunts and scrapping sounds?
you look down the alleyway and literally see your idol spiderman cornered
nuh uh not on your watch
you dropped your bookbag and tied ya braids/locks/afro back and took a running start
just as spidey was about to get punched you KICKED that mf straight in the cheek
spidey is like ????
“get got bitch!”
y/n???? awSHIT
its YOU
on one hand that was badass and two WHY ARE YOU HERE AND NOT HOME???
you grabbed a random pipe laying around and went ham on that bitch
peter is like confused and panicking as he stands up
you are handling your shit you aint need no mf powers
you got the black nasties on that was powerful enough
you are deadass yelling BITCH each time you hit them
peter snaps outta it and pulls you back
bc damn they knocked out alr you were bashing that hoe IN
you drop the pipe and turn to spidey with that big ol smile
peter felt his knees buckle
“you okay spidey? you looked like you needed some help?”
holy shit?
“u-uh t-thank you y–miss”
he had to speak from the belly with that
(i can hear my chorus teacher going SING FROM YOUR DIAPHRAGM)
while yall chatting it up another villain swooped in and threw some shit at yall?
idk how to describe it but it damn near almost impaled you but thankfully peter’s spidey sense kicked in and he pulled you out of the way
even though now you’re in fucking DANGER you’re losing your mind bc you are pressed up against peter’s chest
like damn spidey you really built like that?
peter on the other hand is like shit
cant let the loml aka crush slash bestfriend get hurt but i gotta fight these mfs....
he’s like fuck it man we gon dip just this once and picks you up
“hold onto me real quick?”
“o-oh okay????”
you’re living the fuckin DREAM and wrap your arms around his neck
peter’s trying to stay professional but ... girl you smell good asf and you basically intoxicating babyboy
then he just tHWIPS it outta there and hooks his foot onto your bookbag
shit was sexc even tho that didnt make much sense
yall SWINGING thru the streets with a lil funk and soul
you’re fully living the dream now baby!
he kinda just kicks his foot up and you catch your bookbag before wrapping your arms around his neck again
he swings yall onto a building roof top and you’re in awe
you’ve never seen queens like this before
he lets you go
“beautiful right? one of the benefits of being able to swing around”
“i know thats right...”
he’s just admiring you now
lil did we know tony stark PEEPED that shit thaNKS KAREN
you noticed spidey just staring at you and you lwk feel your cheeks heat up (bc black people don’t blush ❤️)
spidey you deadass left two CRIMINALS out in the open like hurry up
“h-hey can we take a picture together? i wanna show my petey that i met you!”
“o-oh uh sure? also who’s.... who’s petey?”
“oh he’s my best friend! technically his name is peter but i love giving him nicknames.”
bitch oh???
you turned on your phone and show him your lockscreen pointing at peter
“isnt he just adorable?”
palms are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy
“ah. do you. do you like him?”
you kinda just unlock your phone while looking away
“y-yeah i mean who wouldn’t? he’s perfect... 👉🏽👈🏽”
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“you like peter?”
“peter parker?”
“oh thank god”
“i beg your pardon?”
“oh i um i said that b-because i know him and im pretty sure he likes you back”
“y-yeah. he talks alot about you”
my mans are you really... snitching on yourself?
he really being his own wingman...
“yup. i get it too. you’re. you’re beautiful.”
you went
are my eyes deceiving me or is spiderman calling me BEAUTIFUL???
now yall both flustered
you’re thankful for your beautiful melaninated skin
peter’s thankful for that mf mask
“t-the picture”
“o-oh right”
cue tony PLOTTING like a mf
yall take two cute lil selfies together before spidey realizes he on the fuckin JOB
“ah i have to go let me take you home. where do you live?”
and you tell him your address even tho he already had it memorized by heart
he swang you to your doorstep and waved you goodnight before going back to handle those criminals
after that peter’s finally on his way home when tony pipes up
“was that the girl you always talk about”
“m-mr. stark??? you saw that??”
“all of it. she’s badass i want her on our team.”
that night you got an email from tony stark and you RANG UP PETER SO QUICKLY TO LOSE YOUR SHIT ABT NOT ONLY TONY BUT SPIDEY TOO
“t-that’s amazing n/n!”
the next day at school you absolutely GLOMPED him and mj
you are BUZZING with energy
mj’s kinda like?? did peter dick you down or some shit why you this hyped in the morning???
peter alr knows and is internally screaming into the void bc you like him back????
you’re already showing mj the pictures like “BRO LOOK HE EVEN HELD MY WAIST YESTERDAY!!”
ned is like 😏
mj is like 😌
they giving peter the LOOK
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bc bro.... cmon now peter.
mj and ned dip leaving you to gush to peter alone
“do you think i can really be a hero petey?”
“d-definitely n/n i mean you did save spiderman yesterday”
“you’re right!”
peter has lost his shit too many times
“also petey. i like you alot.”
cheek kiss and dip
petey boy is stunned standing there in the halls like 😳
then he revives himself like ik this pretty bitch didnt just kiss and dip me like that
now he chasing you
alls good
mj and ned got blackmail too
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
“This dress....but nothing under..”
Chris casually givin me mad thirst after that video of dressing Bbg Joyce
So here’s something based on that part where he picked the sheer dress at first and was being a headass saying to wear it with nothing under
The summer heat of the day had left a rush of laziness flow through your body. You felt heavy and tired as you sprawled out across the cold sheets of your bed, wanting to just lay and rest of the day. But of course, there were events that needed to be attended to, leaving you forced to actually get dressed and ready for the rest of the night.
Your clothes from earlier in the day were thrown across the floor, your light pjs the first thing you wanted to slap on as soon as you and Chris had gotten home from a long day at the Zoo. The heat and events of the day hadn’t gotten to him at all, he was up and full of energy, getting ready even earlier in advance than needed for the event tonight. You groaned at him from your bed and tossed around the surface.
“How are you able to get ready now??? It’s hot and icky and I’m so tired dude,” you finish as you bury your head in the cold pillow. “No sé, baby, i just got hit with an energy burst. I’m feeling damn good.” You hear his smile from his position by your closet as he picks his outfit he had planned out for awhile. The thought of deciding what to wear and getting ready made your mind reel and fill with a weird sense of dread. You sit up finally, facing Chris as he stands at your closet and an impulse idea comes out your mouth.
“Can you just pick what i should wear too while your at it?” He stops what he’s doing and stares at you in shock. You stare back just as confused and ask what’s wrong with only a look. “Are you serious?” He says like he can’t believe and you shrug simply and repeat yourself.
“Uh?? Yeah? Just pick something out for me, i feel too lazy and i trust you enough i guess.” He tosses his clothes to the side and his eyes dart across your section of the closet, you can see he’s weighing his options closely. “Just show me before you make up your mind,” you add on and start playing around on your phone, listening to Chris move around and grab pieces of clothing.
“Something like this??” He lifts up a hanger that had a pair of pretty black ripped jeans and shows it off as his first suggestion. You stare at them and contemplate for a second. “Hmmm, they are cute, but it’s way too hot for tight pants love.” He “oooh”’s curiously in response and gets back to rummaging the space.
You watch him with a little smile as he concentrates on the abundance of fabric in front of him, the way he analyzes each piece for a hot second before moving on. He picks up this time a bright colored bodysuit, tossing it on the bed confidently and you can’t deny you were a little impressed with the choice. He’s searching in the closet once more with intent, looking for a specific something he knows he wants to go with the bodysuit.
“Uhh” He hums to himself a little anxiously, not being able to find what he needed. “Bro where are those one pants of yours?” He says frantically and you laugh at his word choices. “Headass, which one of ‘those pants’ do you mean??” You question and wait for his awful yet accurate description.
“The ones that are flowy... and black,” he slows down but his hands are still moving fast through each hanger in your section. “Theyre kinda thin, have little gold patterns around the leg, hug your waist, make your butt look really good.” And for some reason it’s that sentence and you know suddenly exactly which pants he means.
“Aw baby, those pants are dirty, remember? You spilt your milkshake on us both the other night.” His expression changes drastically, all plans of the bomb fit he had were completely tossed out the window over a technicality. You try quickly to change his mood before he got too down. “But that was a really good one you had in mind. Would’ve been dope,” you point towards another section of the closet, “just choose somethin else- maybe the dresses in the corner over there. Easy .”
Knowing Chris, he could finesse a good look just from one dress. Maybe he’d flash it up with shoes, maybe a jacket or something over it, ice the hell out of it with some good accessories. Whatever it was, you trusted him. Nothing could be too bad with the dress options that you had.
He scans the items once again, examining even with his hand under his chin like he was deep in thought. He perks up suddenly, diving straight in for your jewelery and other accessories- just how you thought. The sound of metal clacking together fills your ears as you scroll through your phone mindlessly, feeling the drop of everything he picked out plop next to you on the bed.
“Aight done.” He tosses your pair of shoes next to you and you finally look up, eyeing all the little things he set out around you. Only thing was... no dress. “As much as i love all these pieces,” you start sarcastically, fiddling around with all the jewelery in your hands, “i think they’d match better with actual clothes, babe.”
He smiles as you finish your sentence and jumps as he realizes he didn’t set the dress out. “OH!” He turns around and grabs a hanger off the rack, hiding it behind his back for extra surprise effect. You nod your head with anticipation, signaling to him you were finally ready to see what he had picked. He whips the hanger out in front of him with a quick “This..”
He stops and you’re both quiet before you start to question, “wait ? With wha-“ “-BuT nothing under.” He interrupts and answers you with the end of his sentence. Your mouth is hung open, not sure if by confusion or a maybe a little shock. You laugh it off as a joke.
“Thats a good one, got me there.” He holds up the dress higher to see it better in all its glory and his face is serious. “I’m not joking dude.” He throws it over to you and you catch it. “Now get ready, perezosa.” You hold the dress in your hands and examine it closer. It was how you remembered it when you bought it. Short, above the knee, little white dress, beautiful lace patterns across the bottom and right around the bra line. The one thing you must’ve forgot??
The entire thing was completely sheer lace all the way around.
“Chris.” You call him and he looks up from buttoning his shirt cluelessly. “Qué?” You squint your eyes at him to see if he was playing dumb or not. “This dress is totally see through,” this time he looks at you the same exact way, peering down at you with a confused expression. “And??” You roll your eyes in protest.
“I cant wear this in public, that’s crazy I’d be literally naked.” You argue and you finally see the curtain fall from his prank as he holds in a tiny smirk to himself. The smirk grows bigger as you realize and express it with a quiet “ooooh nuh uh.” You throw your hoop earrings at him aggressively and scream “you dick, i totally believed you! !!” His cackle echoes in the room as he takes the hit of the earrings followed by about 6 rings immediately after.
“I just wanted to see if it’d work,” he shrugs and playfully throws a ring back at you, walking back to the closet to pick something real this time. “Not gonna lie, it’s kinda good. Just not for a public event.” You admit and play with the fabric in your hands. His back is turned to you unknowingly as you stand up and remove your clothes. You throw on the dress over your bra and underwear that definitely did not match, and gaze at the mirror to see how even just this looked.
Not bad. All your intimate bits were covered; which was good, but for sure still showed off all you had to offer. “I kinda like it,” you think out loud and Chris turns around to see what you’re talking about. He stops dead in his tracks as he’s face to face with his outfit creation almost at its full capacity. His cheeks flush red and he’s a little flustered. “I d-didnt think you’d actually.. i mean it’s not completely- but it’s still.. you look really good wow.” He stutters and your confidence levels rise and your heart feels loved.
He creeps his way over to you slowly, pulling your bodies together in the last few inches by tugging the loose bottom of your dress. His hand rests on the curve of your back and he’s so close he has to look all the way down at you to meet your glance. Your body shakes from the intimacy of his look, the feel of his hand and body so close to yours. Even though you were technically clothed, the ultra thin layer between you still made everything more sensitive.
He lifts your chin with his finger and you feel his hit breath as he leans in to whisper in your ear. “Not too late to change your mind about nothing underneath..” You swear you almost moan out loud for just that, but you swallow hard as he catches you off guard, walking you backwards to the foot of the bed. Your butt hits the edge and you take no time to lean back onto the surface, Chris pressing himself over you, spreading your legs with skill so one is already hugging his waist tightly.
“Chris,” you whimper out as he paints you with by far the hottest neck kisses you’ve ever had. “Do we have time?” He grinds his hips into you as part of his response, showing you how eager and ready he was. His hand glides with ease underneath your dress, running against your skin like silk. His tongue slips against your own as he pulls away for a second, licking his lips slowly and heavily as he looked at you with dark glossed over eyes. “Of course we have time. Look how much easier it is to undress you....”
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