#not that I’ll disappear or anything I’ll hopefully be dead
This entire next month better go exactly the way I planned it to or else I will be throwing a big ass hissy fit on here and then yall will probably never hear from me again
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rockettothestars222 · 4 months
Summary : After the battle with Adam, Alastor disappeared. Everyone was sure he was dead, but you knew better than that. You find him injured and vulnerable in his broken down radio tower, and decide to give him a hand with his wounds.
Tags : GenderNeutral!reader, reader is shorter than Al, soft!Alastor, sorta, fluff, lots of fluff, hurt/comfort, Alastor is losing it
Notes : My first Tumblr one shot! Hopefully this isn’t too OOC, but writing a character who hides any sign of real emotion being vulnerable is difficult. Enjoy!
Word Count : 2,418
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You breathed, Hell’s fiery air stinging your lungs as you looked around at the death and destruction that surrounded you. You look back over your shoulder, Charlie’s quiet sniffles taking your attention. Lucifer was knelt in front of her, his hand brushing her cheek, a weak attempt at comforting her after her life’s dream was just destroyed. You frowned, your brow creasing together as you felt a hand on your shoulder. Looking up, your gaze me with Angel Dust’s.
“You did good out there,” he smiles down at you, an excited squeal coming from the pig in his opposite arms. You muster a strained grin, but his fades. “Still sucks though, huh?”
You nod, dropping your grin, “Yeah, still sucks. I can’t believe it’s all gone,” you look away from the arachnid, your eyes casting over the destroyed hotel once again. Angel nods, his arm drifting around your shoulder and giving you a squeeze, the best, and really the only, form of comfort he knows how to provide.
“We’ll rebuild it,” he squeezes you again, before releasing you and approaching Charlie and the rest of the group. You follow behind, though your gaze remains astray, scanning the battleground. Looking for any sign of someone alive. You know deep down who you were looking for.
Alastor, the overlord you’d grown to call a friend.
Not everyone would consider him that, but you were an optimist. You hoped he’d consider you the same. No one in Hell would be as kind as he had been to you without considering you some sort of friend. Or, well, as kind as an overlord like him could be. And everyone was convinced he was gone, but you weren’t that naive. Alastor, if faced with death or fleeing, would flee. He was snarky and a bit egotistical, sure, but he wasn’t an idiot.
“Uhm, hey, I’m going to get see if I can find any of my stuff out here. Maybe some of it is salvageable,” you call to the rest of the group, stepping closer to the mess that used to be your home. The ground cracked beneath you as you stepped across the rubble. Charlie, who’d seemingly made her peace with the tragedy that had occurred, looked to you, rising to her feet.
“Do you want any help?”
“No, no, I got it,” you were lying to your teeth, but you had to see if he was out there. She looked at you with sympathetic eyes, walking closer and wrapping you in a tight hug. Your arms wrap around her waist, squeezing her close.
“Be careful out there, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt on anything. We’re going to go and get something to eat, try and relax a bit before we start rebuilding tomorrow. Text me when you’re done, you can meet us out there, okay?” She pulls away from you, her hands still resting on your shoulders as yours fell to your sides.
“I’ll be careful, I promise,” you assure, smiling as the taller girl pulls away from you fully, waving you goodbye as she approaches the rest of the group. You watch as they leave, before turning back to the rubble, that strained smile of yours dropping. You rubbed your cheeks. How did Alastor do that all the time?
And with that, you were off, wandering as your eyes scanned the area, reminiscing as you came across bits and pieces of the place you’d called home for the past 6 months. Broken pieces of Sir Pentious’ old machinery make your brows furrow together, a feeling that you could only describe as grief swallowing your thoughts for a brief moment, your chest tightening. You stared at that machine for a good few minutes before tearing your gaze away, trying to look at anything else.
And there it was.
A good 30 feet from you was Alastor’s radio tower. Some of the windows broken, dented, and on its side, but for the most part it was still in tact. You began to walk towards it, without much thought. He’d spent a lot of time there before you’d all started preparing for the extermination. He was insistent it was the best part of the hotel.
The closer you got, the more hesitant you became. If the trail of blood in the dirt wasn’t off putting enough, the green glow that was emitting from tower surely was. But these two things sealed one thing in your mind: Alastor was alive. Of course he was, you’d known that. But that small strand of doubt was planted in your head by the others.
You walk around the broken and dented structure, before finding that the hatch inside was already open. You drew a final breath before pulling yourself up and inside. As you heaved yourself into the tower, you were met with something hard to look at. Alastor had his back turned to you, one arm over his chest, one arm helping him hold himself upright against the control panel of the tower. His overcoat had been thrown to the floor, it was a rare sight to see him without it. You frowned, pushing off of the floor and standing. You wanted to move closer, but weren’t sure you could do so without startling the overlord. If you’d managed to get this close without him noticing, you knew he must be very deep in thought.
“Alastor?” You tried, your voice soft. Even so, Alastor’s whole body stilled, his head turning sharply to look at you, his horns and shoulders growing two times their normal size. He had a wild look in his eye, but seemed to calm as he realized it was you, his body relaxing, and returning to its original position. His expression had turned sour, despite the constant smile.
“You shouldn’t be here,” he replied, his voice hoarse as he looked away. You frowned, stepping closer, avoiding the pools of blood on the ground.
“Alastor, we thought you were dead,” your voice was back to its normal volume.
The static sound, that was nearly a constant whenever Alastor was near, seemed to grow louder as his entire body span to face you, almost as if he were going to get angry, but he stumbled, both of his hands going back and gripping the control panel behind him. Now, you could see the giant gash across his chest, blood seeped into his shirt. Your eyes trailed from the bottom of his wound, up to meet his eyes. There was something behind them that you couldn’t quite place.
There was a beat of silence before you piped up again.
“He really got you, huh?” You point out the obvious, walking closer. Alastor tried to straighten himself, only using one hand to keep himself upright as the other found its way back to covering the wound.
“It is nothing that I can’t handle,” he assured, pressing his arm closer to his body. You stopped in front of him, looking into his eyes as you placed your hand on his. He wretched away, his rear pressing fully against the control panel, his hand sliding back. “Don’t.”
“Alastor,” you began, but he cut you off.
“Perhaps you misunderstood, I am FINE,” he growls, pushing himself away and walking around you, you turn to follow him with your eyes. “He may have hit me but I’m alive. Of COURSE I am. I mean, if I weren’t what would people think?”
Your brows furrowed, “what are you talking about, Al?”
“I have been a wonder to everyone since I manifested here, if I died for the princess of Hell and her low life sinners, I would be regarded as some,” he paused, clutching his chest as he turned away from you. “Altruist.”
He spat the word like it was the worst thing to ever leave his lips.
“I would be regarded at the ‘Oh so powerful Radio Demon who DIED for a chance at a redemption that isn’t even POSSIBLE.”
You walked closer to him, placing a hesitant hand on the small of his back. He glanced over his shoulder, and your expression softened.
“Alastor, no one is expecting you to die for us. All I want from you right now is. For you to let me help you,” you searched his face for any sign of agreement, but he was nearly impossible to read. A sigh escaped him. “You’re really hurt, Al.”
“I know,” he murmured, his ears flicking back as he turned to face you. He walked back towards the control panel, you trailing behind. You assumed him accepting that he was hurt was the closest thing you’d get to him saying, ‘I need help.’
“You should sit. It’ll be easier that way,” you looked up at Alastor, who was avoiding your gaze like the plague. You assumed he was ashamed of the situation he was in. He sat on the edge of the counter, snapping his fingers. A roll of bandages and pads of gauze appearing in your hands. You sat them down on the control panel beside him.
“I could have done this on my own, my dear,” he looks down at your hands as they reach for the buttons on his shirt, gently unbuttoning the first few.
“I’m sure you could have,” you murmur, though not fully paying attention to his words. You reached the last few buttons, pulling his shirt open. You could feel your face flushing as the his undershirt slipped off of his shoulders. It was a little unbelievable that the big bad Radio Demon was allowing this, but you supposed coming face to face with a second death was enough to allow a miracle.
Bending down slightly at your waist to reach better, you take some of the gauze, pressing it firmly to his wound. Alastor took a sharp inhale, his ears shifting back further than they already had been. Your frown grew deeper as you looked up at him, your free hand taking his, gently stroking your thumb across his skin.
“Alastor? Is this okay?” Your eyes scan his face, that somehow managed to display pain all while wearing that signature smile.
“It’s fine. I don’t want to hear a word about this when you’re done,” he winced, squeezing your hand as you began to wrap the bandages around the bottom half of his wound. You rolled your eyes, nodding.
“Not like anyone would believe me. I mean, you? Hurt? Impossible, right?” You pressed another piece of gauze to him, causing his claws to dig into your skin. It didn’t break, but it stung a bit. You tried your best not to show it — however hard that was — you didn’t want him to think that this, whatever this is, wasn’t okay.
“That’s not what I’m talking about,” he looked down at you, his brow creasing. You both fell silent, the crackling of radio static tickling your ears. You wrapped the rest of his wound in silence, your free hand grazing down the bandages, just barely making contact.
“You know,” you start, rising to your normal posture, finally removing your hand from his. “Letting someone help you doesn’t make you any less powerful.”
Another beat of silence as you grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it back up over his shoulders. His hands, in one swift motion, grabbed yours and pulled you between his legs, closer to his chest. You looked up at him, your eyes widening as they met his. Just inches away from your own was The Radio Demon’s face. His eyes were pitch black, red radio dials replacing his pupils. His neck was contorted, smile stretched further than you imagined could be comfortable.
“You. Don’t. Understand,” he growled, his breath hot against your face. You tried your best to remain composed, not looking away from him as his grip on you tightened. “You are not ME. You could not possibly imagine the position I am in because of that DAMNED hotel.”
“You’re right.”
Alastor’s grip loosened immensely, his neck snapping back to be in it’s anatomically correct shape. His eyes fluttered a few times before returning to normal, he looked almost confused by your agreement. He stayed silent, even his static flushing to barely a hum.
“Alastor, I don’t know what it’s like in your shoes right now. But if you ever wanted to TELL me what it’s like, I’d be here to listen,” you, gently, squeezed his hands in yours. Alastor’s eyes scanned every inch of your face, over and over and over. Looking for any sign that you were going to use this vulnerability against him. To hurt him. To knock him down from the tower he’d built for himself. But there was none. Your expression held nothing but genuineness.
He briefly considered telling you everything that was troubling him, briefly thought about scaring you away so he didn’t have to face you, and though still brief, his thoughts lingered on the consideration of pulling you closer and thanking you for treating him like he wasn’t the monster he knew he truly was. But he did none of those things. He didn’t have time to unbox what all of those thoughts said about him. He just smiled down at you, a real smile, his left hand caressing your face.
“Thank you for helping me, my dearest,” Alastor’s voice had returned to its normal chipper tone, but it didn’t seem as fake as usual. Not when it was directed at you. A grin of your own blossomed across your face as you placed your hand on his, leaning your cheek into his hand. You turned you face a bit, placing your lips against his palm for a short moment, all while never breaking eye contact. If you didn’t know better, you’d of sworn a light blush crossed Alastor’s cheeks.
“Anytime, Al.”
Alastor cleared his throat, his ears flicking back into an upright position as he pulled his hands away from you and pushed himself up and off of the control panel. He straightened his posture re-buttoning his bloody and tethered undershirt. You quickly grabbed his overcoat so he wouldn’t try to bend over and grab it himself, and ushered back over to him. He took it from your arms, putting it on and dusting it off as if that would mend its holes and cleanse it of the blood that stained it.
“Well, I should be going now,” Alastor approached you, taking your hand for a final time and placing a kiss to your knuckles. “You are truly a diamond in the rough, darling. I’ll be seeing you soon.”
“Wait, where are you—” but before you could complete that question, he disappeared in a flash of green light and dark smoke. You blinked, your face flushing as you recalled what had just happened. You were almost unsure it was real.
You’d have to tell Charlie the new hotel was going to need a radio tower.
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How You Turn My World; Chapter 4
You finally find your way into the labyrinth, coming across some new and old faces; both friendly and malicious.
Character; Lilia Vanrouge
Content; Gender-neutral reader, reader is getting tired of being stuck here and smelling like a bog
Content Warnings; Swearing, some talk of death, reader passes out
Word Count; 2.2 K
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |
As per usual, don't put my work into AI.
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You were finally making some decent progress, what, with not being stuck in some bog and knowing somewhat of where you were going. A vast improvement really! Well, it would be, but unfortunately, you still reeked of rotten eggs and skunk — apparently the bog stench only got worse the longer it stayed on.
“Why did it have to dump me into the swamp,” you huffed, rounding yet another corner. “Like, it could have dumped me beside the water, but, no, no, let’s dump the magicless human right into the putrid bog water! A good guffaw, don’t you think? Ha ha ha HA!”
At least your au de Bog of Eternal Stench kept any would-be assailants away since you hadn’t run into anything (besides a rose bush, ouch) since you started making your way through the labyrinth. So maybe it wasn’t all that bad… damn, maybe your sense of smell was just used to it… hey, if stink helps you not die, then you would gladly stay stinky! Well, bitterly stay stinky is more like it.
“Assholes,” you muttered, rounding another corner. 
But it wasn’t a corner; it was a crossroad. Three paths merged off of the one you were on.
… aren’t labyrinths just one long line? THIS IS A FUCKING MAZE?! You groaned, looking at your possible options which all looked exactly the same.
Decisions, decisions, decisions. Of course nothing is easy here, no no no! Gotta make things difficult now.
The hedge behind you rustled, and you whipped around, getting into a stance where you could either land a pretty good sucker punch to the hedge-stalker or make a mad dash away. But out of the hedge crawled out a small, fuzzy, caterpillar. And back at home you would have thought it was cute, but you learned your lesson from the doors; don’t trust it, or anyone for that matter.
You looked down at the caterpillar, and the caterpillar looked up at you, blinking slowly. 
What are the chances… 
“Do you know a way out,” you asked the caterpillar, crouching down so that you didn’t tower over it.
The caterpillar blinked at you again (apparently caterpillars in the Underground have eyelids, which isn’t the weirdest thing considering everything). “No,” it chirped and continued crawling on its merry way, wherever that may be. “But you’ll find the way.” And it disappeared into the growth of the maze, humming a little tune to itself.
You sighed, and pushed yourself back up, straightening out your shoulders and looking up to the sky. “I’ll find a way,” you breathed, looking up at the cloudless sky which was starting to turn a brilliant amber with the setting sun. “I might want to find a way is more like it.”
You looked back down to the ground, looking at the three paths in front of you. They all look the same, save for the ground making up paths themselves, with the middle and right paths looking well worn with travel. And while they may be well worn, there was a voice at the back of your head that was whispering caution. The left-most path was not as well travelled, with dead vines covering parts of it.
“Hopefully you’re right, little buddy since I could use all the luck I can get.” And you made your way down the path, hoping that it was the correct one and didn’t lead you to your death or some other unpleasant thing.
Lilia was at the entrance of the labyrinth, in front of the two doors.
“Have you seen a human, about this tall, a bit of a temper, and smelling foul,” he asked the doors.
The doors looked at each other before looking at Lilia. “And what’s it to you,” they said in unison.
Lilia smiled, but it was one of mild annoyance, not joy or amusement. “Royal orders I fear. You wouldn’t want the mistress finding out about you both tampering with a royal matter, would you?” The smile turned cat-like since Lilia had backed them into a corner.
The doors paled, with the blue door speaking up. “No no, sir! We would never dream of such a thing!!! Yes, there was a human, a wretched one at that, horribly rude!”
Lilia hummed, cocking a brow at the door. “I do think wretched is a bit of an overstatement now,” he whispered to himself. “Well, tell me where about they are then. The sooner I can collect them, the better for you lot.”
The red door sighed, “Near the heart of it, they took the left path.”
Left path? Why the left path leads to… Shit. Lilia mentally groaned, knowing that regardless of the path you took, you would end up having to deal with them eventually. “Your cooperation has been noted,” is what he said though, giving the doors both a nod before turning into a bat and flying over the labyrinth, trying to find you before you ran into whoever them was.
“Please be clever enough not to die,” he whispered to no one, hoping that he didn’t have to deliver your body to the Queen.
The left path brought you to what looked like a forest; with old-growth trees, ferns and moss covering the ground, and a list mist hanging in the air. It was peaceful and beautiful, with the setting sun illuminating the mist without burning it away.
But that would not last, night was fast approaching and you had nothing to protect you this time; no rowan tree to haul your ass up, and no sort of weapon to protect yourself besides the oh-so-lovely smell of the bog to deter something from eating you. You were pretty sure it would also keep away anything that wanted to otherwise snatch you up.
“AH!” Something jumped out from a tree, and you couldn’t fully register what it was since you were also screeching, much like the creature was at you; you with fright, the creature with amusement and joy.
Two other creatures jumped out from behind the trees and startled cackling, jumping, and clapping. Together, they surrounded you, with no way to really escape them without fighting through.
… you really should have read about fae species, since you didn’t know what they exactly were, or how dangerous they were either. 
One pulled you near a pit and lit a fire, cackling in glee and dancing, trying to get you to join them. “Ah come on, human, have some fun! DANCE BABEY!!!!”
But you stayed still as more creatures came out of the shadows, dancing around the fire, giggling, cackling, and pulling a bit at your clothes to prompt you to join them. You didn’t know, cementing your feet down, your eyes watching their movements with caution.
‘Should you dance with the fae, you shall not stop dancing until you exhaust yourself. And once you wake up, you will continue dancing. This cycle will repeat itself until you dance to death.’ 
At least that was what the book said, and so you stayed still, regardless of how much the creatures pulled at you. While it looked like a grand old time, you remained where you were.
“I don’t have time for dancing,” you answered coldly, flinching from pinching fingers. You were also a bit shocked that Eau de Bog of Eternal Stench wasn’t keeping them away. Either, they couldn’t smell, or, they didn’t care that you smelled downright awful. “So this ‘baby’ won’t dance.”
And should I be offended by you calling me ‘baby’ or am I reading too much into it?
The main creature just shrugged and spun its dancing partner around. “Your loss human! More fun for us then! YIPPEE!!!” And it threw something in the fire to where you could feel the heat on your face.
What now? You were just standing there awkwardly as the creatures danced about, singing something that you couldn’t really make out. All you knew was that the heat, noise, and the dizzying dance of them was making your head pound, and throat scream in thirst. You hadn’t drank anything for over a day(?) — no, bog water did not count — and the heat from the fire made the thirst only worse. Shit.
“Ah, you don’t look too… hot there human,” one of the creatures snickered at its own joke at your expense. “Maybe if you dance with us, loosen up and have a bit of fun, then you can have a drink? Hmm? Dancing won’t kill you!” But its failed attempts at covering up its own malicious giggles were more than enough to stand your ground… which was coming at you quite fast since you practically collapsed.
Was it the thirst? The pounding migraine that wanted nothing more than to crawl into some dark hole and hide? Or your exhaustion from making that tiring trek, crawling yourself out of the bog and making the trek again, or the hours you had spent wandering around the maze with no real idea of where you were going? All you really knew was that you were now on the ground with the creatures poking at you to see if you were still alive.
“Aw, man! Are they already dead? That’s no fun!” One of the creatures pouted, raising up your arm, and you let it plop back to the ground. “Come on human! Get up! You’re not a party pooper are you?”
Scre you buddy! Can’t you read the situation?!
You were trying your best to stay quiet, which wasn’t all that hard, since all of your energy was gone. 
“They best not be,” a familiar voice called out.
From your position, you couldn’t see who it was, but you could make out the creatures jumping away from you like you were the hot fire instead of the fire pit. But someone else was approaching until you could make out a pair of shoes in front of your face.
They crouched down beside you, placing their fingers gently at the base of your throat; taking your pulse. “Hmph, playing dead, are we, Beastie?”
That irritating chuckle. The annoying nickname. Those mischievous magenta eyes that now looked at you with curiosity and amusement.
It was him — Mr. Sparkles.
And he had just blown your act of playing possum (well, not really, since you had actually collapsed).
But you didn’t say anything, instead favouring to give him a dirty look. Yet he just shook his head in jest, and proceeded to pick you up and wrap you around his shoulders and neck like some sort of bizarre ermine pelt; better than being carried like a sack of potatoes or the bridal carry you supposed.
“Her majesty sends her regards for not turning or killing her guest,” Lilia offered the creatures. It would be such a waste and pity to see such an entertaining Beastie leave us too soon now. “But do know she won’t take to their condition lightly.”
My condition? I’m not some Victorian child with some unknown illness wreaking havoc on their body you know?! But all that you did was groan and cough. You couldn’t even cough in Mr. Sparkles’ (Lilia’s) face, since you had a lovely view of the moss-covered ground and the fae’s shoes.
He patted the back of your calves, and you would have kicked him if you had more energy, but you didn’t. “Now, we really should be off, since Beastie has… an hour to get out of this maze before they turn into some sort of worm, or a hedge; never know what this old labyrinth will decide on really.” Lilia chuckled at the thought (was it merriment, or was he happy that you weren’t joining the caterpillar you met earlier?).
“No,” you wheezed. “WoRm!”
“See! They said it themself! No worm! How lovely that we are on a similar wavelength, Beastie! Marvellous even!” Lilia exclaimed, and the both of you started levitating off of the ground. “Now, do enjoy your party, Fireys!”
The creatures (Fireys apparently) groaned but got back to their party, dancing around the fire like they didn’t just try to lure you to your death mere minutes before.
“Tsk tsk, Beastie,” Lilia’s tutting brought your attention back to him and you grumbled. “You owe me two favours now, you know. Lucky that I found you… although that part wasn’t hard. I thought you learned your lesson the first time you decided to take a dip into the Bog of Eternal Stench?”
You lightly kicked him, letting your irritation be known, but Lilia just hummed. “Now now, no need to be like that! Do you want to smell like a bog when you meet the mistress? She wouldn’t take kindly to your… unique aroma.”
You hissed out a breath since he decided to pinch at your ear rather harshly — prompting for you to answer. “No,” you whispered hoarsely.
“Also, do read up on that book, since you will want to know about the government and fae species etiquette!”
From a smelly bog and fumbling around a maze for hours on end, to finding yourself being taken to fae high society… was it too late to become some worm in the maze? I think being a worm actually has a better chance of me living.
But sadly, you were saved from an eternity of being a worm. Hopefully, Mr. Sparkles (Lilia) would cover for your blunders a little for when you found yourself in front of ‘the mistress’.
To be continued!
Tags; @afunkyfreshblog @cheezy-moon @eynnwwyjth @identity-theft-101 @ithseem @lucid-stories @ryker-writes @twistwonderlanddevotee @xxoomiii
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seungmoonandstars · 4 months
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Kim Seungmin/female reader
wc: ~7.2k
rating: fluff (kinda?) to smut to fluff ಇ (sub/switch!seungmin/softdom!reader)
comments: this is my first time trying out non idol Seungmin. @xirxe requested au fluff! I started a coworker au, and then got more info from them after I started writing furiously. I'm still working on another one more specific to their request, but I decided to finish this one as well. "Finish" …because I don't know when to stop ever. It got very long and turned much more sex-heavy than originally intended. Anyway, I miss writing long pieces and now I might write a part 5 for Blind Date (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)
⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄
The first time you see him, he’s in one of the appliance aisles. Actually, it’s the first time you hear him, because what gets your attention is him laughing hysterically with another coworker, goofing off, sitting in one of the display office chairs. And he’s just about to be launched down the aisle when you turn the corner.
“Oh shit…caught,” you hear one of them say, and you’re pretty sure it was Changbin. But they both stop dead and look at you like you already handed out their punishments.
The reality is, you don’t care what they’re doing, because the store is nearly empty of customers. The snowstorm outside is making sure of that. But you’re new, and you’re above them—that’s all it takes to make things awkward. They’re probably expecting you to start bossing them around immediately.
Nope. You walk by them and smirk, “don’t break anything please…”
They giggle and pick up where they left off as soon as you turn the corner and disappear. You remember who the dark haired one is, but for some reason, the name of the blond in the chair is escaping you.
The second time you see him, he’s fighting with the coffee machine in the breakroom.
As soon as he hears you walk in, he stops beating his open palm against the side, looks back, smiles, then tries the button again. “Do you want a cup?” He asks.
“Doesn’t seem like it wants to give us any.”
“Surrounded by brand new Nespresso machines…stuck with this.” He opens the top, closes it, then pushes the button again. This time it works, and a moment later, his coffee is pouring into his cup.
“Maybe I can ask about getting a new one for us.” You watch him watching his coffee.
He swirls it and brings it to his nose before taking a sip. “I’ve tried. Hopefully you have better luck.”
To your surprise, he sits directly across from you at the table. You look at him, try desperately to remember his name. You forgot to check the schedule when you saw him earlier in the day, but you don’t want to ask. And of course he isn’t wearing his name tag.
“Where’s your name tag?” You ask, trying not to sound too much like a manager.
“Uh…” he slaps his chest where it should be, looks down at it, thinks. “I must’ve lost it.” The smirk on his face is…cute.
“I’ll get you a new one.”
“You’re very helpful.” He shakes his bangs away from his eyes—blond, a little too long. You can see his big dark eyes a little better, just for a second until his gaze drops back down to his coffee.
“I try.”
He’s quiet for the remainder of your break, but when you rise to leave, he does as well. You head toward the office, and he follows. Just before you get there, he makes a left turn.
Now you can finally look at the schedule and figure out his name.
・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄
The very next day, you still have no idea who he is. The copy of the schedule was nowhere to be found, and your computer access is still limited. Try as you might, your login just won’t work. All you have to do is ask him, though. It’s not that big of a deal. And honestly, if you weren’t wearing your name tag, he probably wouldn’t know yours either.
A soft knock on the office door makes you jump. You check the time—8am. If only you could find a schedule, you’d know who was supposed to be here right now.
“Good morning!” You’re greeted with a familiar face when you open the door. He steps inside, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Do you have a job for me?”
“Do I…I’m not sure. Is anyone else here?”
“Uhm, well you opened the doors,” he starts, rubbing the back of his neck, “and I just came in because the door wasn’t locked, which was lucky, because it’s cold out and I did not want to stand out there and wait.”
“Okay, so we’re here.”
“Just us, yes.”
“Do you have a login for the computer?”
He nods and smiles, takes a seat, and starts typing. “You don’t?”
“It doesn’t work yet.”
“Oh okay, that sounds about right for this place.” He gets up and turns the seat for you. “I don’t have as much access as your login would, but it’s better than nothing.”
You sit down and spin back to the computer, look around, click a few things. His profile photo stares at you from the corner, and you have to force yourself not to accidentally click on it. He’s watching over your shoulder, leaning in a little, trying to be helpful. You catch the faintest scent of whatever he's wearing. It's not cologne, though. He just smells clean and nice, probably how his bedroom smells.
You find a page of contacts, phone numbers. Good enough for now. “Thanks,” you turn to him and he’s staring down at you with a goofy smile.
“No problem. I’m going to go make some coffee.”
As soon as he leaves, you don’t grab your phone and call another manager, and you don’t even keep the contact page up. You go back and click on his profile.
“Oh! Kim Seung Min, that’s your name.” You stare at his profile photo. His hair is darker in this, and the contrast makes his skin look pale and his eyes look even bigger. His smile is so wide, like he's actually happy to be there. He’s very photogenic; it’s a good photo. A work ID photo really has no business looking this nice.
A few minutes later, he knocks again, and you quickly exit out of the screen as if he can see you through the door.
“Sorry, I just…I saw the new machine," his little nod and blink makes your breath catch in your throat. "I made you some.”
Seungmin hands you a mug of coffee, a little darker than you’re used to, but he obviously watched you put milk in yours yesterday, and tried his best to copy it.
“Thank you, Seungmin.”
“I can remake it, if it’s not good.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Did you find what you were looking for?”
You look at the screen, heart starting to race. Did you only think you exited out of his profile? No, it’s not there. What is he talking about?
“Oh…oh, no not yet. No answer. I’ll call again in a few minutes.”
“I can help you with the opening stuff, if you’d like. I’ve done it a few times with the other managers.”
“The guy I saw yesterday and the one I’m seeing now don’t seem like the same person.”
He stares blankly for a few seconds, puffs out his cheeks, looks around. “Me?” The blush in his cheeks is rising. “Am I being too responsible right now? I can stop.” Seungmin smiles so big you can see all of his teeth.
It’s hard keeping your own smile in check. This one has to know how cute he is, and there’s no way he doesn’t use it to his advantage. “You can stop in an hour.”
The two of you survive, dancing around each other for a few hours—you, purposely avoiding him several times by swerving to a different aisle. Him, well…he acted responsible all morning, smiled every time you made eye contact. When noon finally comes around, another manager shows up, and the snow finally stops.
Changbin also arrived at noon, and as soon as he and Seungmin looked at each other, all responsibility flew out the window. But you turned a blind eye to whatever goofing off they decided to do. And Seungmin, unfortunately, didn’t look in your direction the rest of the day.
・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄
“Does your login work yet?” Seungmin comes in and digs around in the pockets of his jacket.
You’re slumped over on the table, phone in hand, trying not to fall asleep, but you sit up when you see him come through the door, “It does.”
This is the first time you’ve seen him in three days. He was off, then you were off for two days. Now you’re on break, and he just started his shift 15 minutes ago. You’re not sure why he’s in here, and whatever he’s looking for in his pockets doesn’t seem to be there.
“Are you okay?” he asks, and then finally pulls something out. It’s his name tag. He pins it to his shirt, very crookedly, then takes it off and tries again.
“Yeah, just didn’t sleep well,” you squint at it and try to make out the little sticker by his name, but he’s too far away.
“The trick to falling asleep is to try to stay awake.”
“What?” You look from his name tag to his face. His hair is dark again. “Your hair.”
“My hair? Oh! I got tired of being blond.”
You like it dark. It’s not dark, though, not really. It’s a natural brown color, but he obviously did it himself, because you can still see some blond streaks coming through. It makes his skin look warm. Yes, you like it.
“If you try to keep yourself awake in bed, you fall asleep. I was trying to read on my phone last night, and I really wanted to finish the chapter, but I ended up dozing off and dropping my phone on my face.”
It’s so stupid, and so clever. And cute.
Seungmin smirks at you and turns to walk away, and then he turns back. “Does it look okay?”
You stare at him. Does what look okay? His badge? Everything from where you’re sitting looks very good, now that he mentions it. Long legs in his black jeans, a little loose around his tiny frame. There's a rip over one thigh, and you can see some of his skin peeking through. The belt holding them up had to have an extra hole poked in it, because the end of it is long enough to stick out from the dark blue work shirt.
“My hair, I mean.”
“Yeah, I like it.”
・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄
Seungmin isn’t alone today. His work buddy is here, and you can hear them all the way on the other side of the store. An hour or so later, another one comes in—this one you haven’t met yet, because he’s been gone all week. But as soon as he clocks in and returns to the floor, you hear all three of them laughing and acting up.
You don’t want to have to compete with two friends to get to him, but you will.
A walk by the phone accessory aisle gives you a chance to peek at them. Seungmin is sitting on the floor, legs crossed, arms propping up his long body.
Nobody else in the store seems to bother with making them work, so you don’t either. At least not now, in your first week. It’s hard enough starting a new job without worrying about making enemies—and besides, the minute you laid eyes on his him, making a new friend became your agenda.
And of course they all sit in the breakroom together, chatting loudly. As long as one of those two are here, you don’t imagine you’ll have any opportunity to talk to him.
They’re not teenage boys, but you wouldn’t really know it if you could only hear the conversation and not see them. You almost walk in on them, but the noise startles you just as you reach for the door knob. Stopping and listening in is not your smartest decision of the day, but once you stand silently for a few seconds, you can’t move.
The first voice is easily recognizable—it’s Changbin.
“She doesn’t talk much…she hasn’t spoken to me at all. Well, except when she told me not to break anything.”
“Well I haven’t even seen her yet, so I guess she—“
“It’s shitty being new. I’m sure she’s just trying to get used to things.”
Seungmin’s voice is surprisingly quiet.
“Maybe. You’ve worked with her more. And I always see her looking at you…so.”
“So…what?” Seungmin is still quiet but there’s a tiny bit of offense behind it.
“So maybe you’re making it easier for her to adjust.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
"Don't play dumb, Seungie...older woman, authority figure." Changbin laughs,
“Cmon Min…” this time it’s the other one talking, “we know you’re a little bit of a slut sometimes.”
He doesn’t say anything in return, but you hear his chair being pushed back, and then he gets to his feet. It takes you a second to loosen yourself from the spot, but you manage just in time and duck behind the corner.
Seungmin runs right into you when he turns and he nearly knocks you to the ground, but his hand grabs your arm to steady you. “I’m sorry…you alright?” His voice is still quiet. He’s whispering, probably because he doesn’t want them to hear.
“Yeah, I’m good.” You look up at him, and you can’t help but wonder if what they just said about him is true. They were obviously trying to rile him up, but friends are also brutally honest sometimes.
“Are you going on your break? I wouldn’t go in there yet, if you are.”
“I was going to, yes.”
“Changbin and Hyunjin are in there, and they can be a handful sometimes.”
“And you’re not?”
A nervous laugh comes out, “uhm, maybe sometimes. They’re not the best influence on me.”
“I’ll be okay.”
“I can go back and make you a coffee. Actually…”
“Seungmin you don’t have to do that.”
“…I can take you across the street and we can grab some better coffee there.”
“Seungmin,” you widen your eyes at him, because his are huge.
“Please, I want to.”
“Are you flirting with me?” You're not sure why he wants to protect you, but that's clearly what he's doing.
Another nervous laugh. His ears turn red. He stutters, “flirting…um, uh no I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.”
You hear them before you see them. They open the door and turn the corner before you can react—Seungmin freezes and stares at you. Changbin pushes him into the wall as he walks by, laughs, nods to you, and disappears.
“Guess the breakroom is safe now.”
・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄
Once today, Seungmin caught himself staring at you. He dropped his eyes back down to his phone immediately, heart racing, face red. Part of him wanted you to catch him looking, the other part is still nervous.
You asked him to watch the register specifically to keep him away from his jerk friends, and you tried not to make it too obvious, but he knows. From here, he can see you wandering around, and you can see him. They’re nowhere to be found. It’s quiet.
He won’t tell anyone (well, not them), but he likes when it’s quiet and he can be by himself. And as much as he hates watching the register, he’s glad you put him up here, because it gives him a a chance to read and people watch. Now he’s just waiting for you to walk by.
A text pops up on his phone:
Did you get in trouble Seung?
He ignores it.
She’s looking at you right now…she’s swooning
He tries to ignore him again, but he looks up and around, trying to find you. Seungmin knows Changbin is just being an asshole, but maybe you are looking at him. He’s hoping you are.
He jumps, and nearly drops his phone. “Hi…hi. You’re very quiet.”
“Sorry. I can wear a bell, if that helps.”
“A bell? Like a…a collar?” Seungmin watches as your eyes grow big. He has no idea why he said that, and now you probably think he’s a pervert. “Can we pretend I didn’t say that.” He goes back to his phone only to see more texts—a string of laughing emojis—oh, there she is—she can’t stay away from you.
“Yeah…bell, collar. Makes sense.”
“That was..." he groans, "so stupid. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. At least I know where your mind is now.”
“No, it’s not. I’m not…I mean, I’m just a ditz.”
“You’d look much better in one.”
He squeezes his eyes shut and rubs at his cheeks. “Please don’t hate me.” His eyes pop open again, “I’d what?”
“…look cute wearing a collar.”
“I would?”
You mhm and walk away. Just leave it at that. Were you flirting? Deflecting? Making him feel less stupid?
Seungmin doesn’t feel any less stupid. A comment like that to the wrong person could mean getting fired, and he just said it to his new manager.
But he doesn’t think you’d get him in trouble. He has no reason to think you wouldn’t, but…no, you wouldn’t.
You pop up behind him again, and once again, he jumps. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to make me dislike you."
・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄
The next time you see him, he’s on his way out. You’re making coffee, he barrels into the breakroom to grab his things. He doesn’t seem like he’s in a great mood, so you keep your attention on your mug.
Seungmin is in his locker and mumbling to himself. And then… “oh, I didn’t know anyone was is here.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, just ready to get out of here. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The ghost of a smile is on his lips as he grabs his coat and runs back out the door. You were hoping for one more awkward moment with him before either of you left tonight, but now it’ll have to wait.
But he comes back in a moment later; doesn't speak, doesn't even close the door. Just looks at you.
Seungmin has no idea why he came back in, but he was hoping a good excuse would come to him in the few seconds it took to get here. Now he's just staring stupidly and chewing on his lip.
"Hi," you smile at him and sip your coffee. "Did you want a cup before you catch your bus?"
"How'd you know I take the bus?"
"You shrug, "It's in your availability, silly."
"Oh, right. So you're not just watching me all the time?"
"I didn't say that."
They're heard before they're seen. Changbin and Hyunjin push themselves right through Seungmin on the way into the breakroom.
"Oh, hi boss," Changbin reddens and smirks when he sees you standing there, "Is this a bad time?"
"I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow." Seungmin ducks out quickly before you can even say goodbye.
・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄
“Don’t forget your coffee,” Hyunjin squeezes Seungmin’s shoulder as he sneaks by him.
“My what? I didn’t bring coffee in with me.”
“It has your name on it.”
He turns and see it’s sitting there. Just a black coffee, but not from here. It’s from the coffee shop across the street. And yes, his name is written neatly on the side.
“Somebody brought you coffee. How sweet.” He smirks. “Have a good shift.”
Seungmin picks it up and takes a sip. It’s still hot, so it was just set here recently. And of course he knows who put it there, because he can be a little stupid sometimes, but not that stupid. He looks at the schedule on his phone to see who he works with, and you’re right in the middle of his shift. You’ll be gone soon, but, at least he didn’t just miss you.
“Thank you,” he says, walking up behind you. You have your coffee in one hand, phone in the other.
“For what?” Seungmin doesn’t scare you, his voice is too sweet and soft, even if he does sneak up.
He looks at his cup, then to you.
“You’re welcome. Hopefully you always take it black.”
“Most of the time, yes.”
“Oh, and you’re getting cut today.“
“My shift was cut?”
“In half. I told the boss I needed you here until I was done.”
“You do?”
“No, but I figured half a shift was better than none. And I can give you a ride home, if you want. It’s too cold to wait on the bus.”
Seungmin sips his coffee, because he’s not sure how to respond just yet. His stomach is swirling, though, and he’s trying to conceal his smile. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
You turn to face him, “in trouble for what?”
“You think you’re my favorite?”
He nods once, mouth still covered by his cup.
“You’re right, you are.”
The rest of the shift drags, and of course it would—you’re putting him in your car and taking him home in a few hours…this will be your first time seeing him outside of work. You try to keep away from Seungmin as much as possible, though, because he’s right. If you’re not careful, everyone will notice the attention you’re starting to give him.
“I’m a bit of a drive from here,” he says when you finally walk down the same aisle as him. “So if you don’t want—“
“If you can handle it on the bus, I’m sure I can handle the drive.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I don’t mind. You can get the coffee next time, if it makes you feel better.”
“Yes,” he reaches out and looks at the order on the side of your cup. “I can do that.”
・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄
It is a long drive. But you don’t mind, because he’s comfortable in the passenger seat; head back, eyes closed. You sneak a glance at him every chance you get, and each time, it looks like he’s sleeping soundly. It’s nice seeing him so close, letting your eyes linger even more than you dared to before. Even in the dark. The shape of his nose and lips, his jawline, his ear. The way his hair falls so nicely, and so effortlessly.
But of course he catches you, looks right back, and smiles.
“You really have such a long ride to and from work every day, Seungmin?” You blush, even though you don’t think he saw you staring.
“Yeah, it’s not bad. I’m used to it.”
“Are you saving for a car?”
“No, I can’t drive.”
“Oh, do you want to learn?”
“I’m not sure, thinking about driving makes me nervous.”
“I don’t want this to come across weird, but…how old are you?”
“I am 23. Am I too young or too old?” He flips down the visor and opens the mirror.
“Are you flirting?”
“You did it first.”
“No, I think you might have flirted first, actually.”
“When you tried to keep me out of the breakroom. But I guess that was more for my own sake than anything.”
“I didn’t want you to have to listen to them.” Seungmin sits back again, and you can feel his stare burning into you.
“I heard them.”
“You did? What did you hear?”
“Your friends think you’re fucking me…or that you’re going to. And that you’re a slut.”
He’s quiet, and you hope you haven’t gone too far by actually saying it as crassly as they did.
“I’m not.”
“You’re not a slut?” You smile at him, hoping to break any tension you may have created. Thankfully it seems to work, because Seungmin laughs and covers his eyes. Then shakes his head.
“Or you’re not gonna fuck me?”
You can’t see his reaction, because now you have to watch the road, but he’s quiet again and it’s killing you.
“Take a left up here.” He says.
You decide to avoid eye contact completely until you get him home, and luckily, it’s not much longer. You pull into a spot as close to the door as possible, put it in park, and look at him.
He’s still relaxed, sitting back, eyes wide open and staring at you.
“I’m sorry, that was…uh, maybe too much.“
“Do you wanna come up?”
Of course you do. The last three weeks you’ve spent trying to keep your distance has been torture, but you’re still nervous as you follow him down the hall to his apartment. You’re certain that as soon as you have him where you want him, you’ll snap out of it.
“This one,” he says it quietly, a little timid, maybe. You like it. “It’s probably a little messy.”
“I don’t mind.”
It’s not. Seungmin’s idea of messy is your idea of tidied up. And it’s a cute little apartment. Just looking at the couch—the big striped throw pillows, a few plushies, it doesn’t look like a typical single guys apartment. It’s cute, and it’s comfortable. It’s really cute. The kitchen is small and most of the counter space is taken up by an espresso machine and all of the things that go with it. It’s neat in here, too. Not a dish or cup out of place.
“I like it,” you turn and he’s there, an inch away from you. “Can I see the rest?”
“Of course.”
The rest being his bedroom, and he leads you right in. It’s a little darker in here, but it’s still very him. It’s sweet, a little bit colorful, and very very soft.
The dog plush on top of one of his pillows reminds you of something important, “oh, you're collar. It's at home.”
“My collar? You got me a collar?”
“Yeah, it’s really cute.” You close the gap between you and grab the neck of his shirt, “sit.”
He does. Seungmin sits on the edge of his bed, not breaking eye contact. He leans back and rests on his hands, stretches out his long torso, spreads his knees as you put a leg between them. "What does it look like?"
You run your hand up to his throat and very, very lightly close your hand around it. No need to scare him off immediately. You want to squeeze, but right now you’re perfectly content just touching him "It's red...dark red, and has a gold chain across the front."
"A bell?"
“Of course. A tag, if you want.”
His eyes light up, and his hand wraps around your thigh, thumb moves in gentle circles. It sends a little shiver up your arms. He’s making your head swim, and you need to get a hold of yourself.
"...but you won't be fucking me."
"Huh?" he stops, and his mouth opens a little.
It seems a little bold of him, but he slides both hands up your thighs, up your hips, and hooks his fingers underneath your leggings. You told him he won’t be fucking you, and yet…
He pulls down, gently, until you can kick them to the side...and he looks up at you with pleading eyes. You grab a handful of his pretty hair and put his lips on you, and he kisses your hip so softly, you feel like you could melt.
“No," you push him back a little and straddle him. He’s resting on one elbow, and the other hand is slowly moving up toward your ass. “No, pup…I’m fucking you.”
He mouths the word pup, bites down on his lips, tries to hold back his smile. “Yes, please.”
“Please? Oh, I knew you were the one.”
“I am,” Seungmin falls to his back, and sighs…moans, “I am, noona.” His hips buck up and he looks down at his quickly growing erection. Seungmin was probably already halfway there when he invited you up.
He needs let loose, but first you feel him over his clothes. He’s a handful, and he twitches when your fingers move along his length.
“Please…” he whispers, and his puppy eyes are impossible to deny. Now you want to give him everything. “Take care of me.”
“Oh, Seungmin…” you unbuckle his belt, unbutton, unzip. Very slowly. “I will.”
“Hmm?” You run a hand over him again, and the red, needy tip of his cock peeks out from his briefs. “What’d you say?”
“Call me—“ he’s cut short by your lips wrapping around his head. His moan cuts through you, your pussy throbs, and your mouth sucks him in a little more. “…call me Minnie.”
“Minnie,” you moan, licking the pre-cum from his stomach. “Minnie, you’re so hard for me.”
Finally, you pull at the sides of his jeans, slide them down his legs, and throw them to the side. You suck him in as far as you can—he squirms, and his hips jerk up toward your mouth, pushing him in even further. A slap on his thigh settles him, letting you work him at your own pace. You don’t want him anywhere near close yet, because you’re just getting started.
“Are you gonna be good for me?” You look at him, stroke him slowly, take in the rest of his body. His sweatshirt is still on, but pushed up just enough for you to see his stomach.
“Yes, I’ll be good.”
You lean down and kiss his stomach, run your tongue across his belly button, “take that off.”
Seungmin listens and pulls his sweatshirt over his head.
“Look at me.”
He does. He doesn’t break eye contact when you suck him back into your mouth, stroke hard and slow, lick the pre-cum leaking out of him again. His moan is desperate and whiny, just how you like it.
“You’re so pretty, Minnie.” You crawl over him, leaving kisses on his body as you go, and when you stop at his throat, he whines a little and licks his lips. “So sweet.”
You’re making him blush. And you give him no warning when you take his dick and slide it across the wet fold of your cunt. His fingers grip your thighs, and you let him hold on as you push him in. Despite how wet you are, it takes a little work. You slide down slowly until he disappears completely inside of you.
The sound he makes for you is so much better, so much softer than you thought it would be—he’s already begging for more.
You grind your hips into him and stretch yourself around his thickness, get used to how much he’s filling you up. “Minnie,” you moan. “Fuck.”
You could do this until you come. You might. He seems like he's enjoying himself, too.
His hips lift and hit you deeper. You let him, because it feels too good. He mumbles something, but you’re too lost in how he’s making you feel.
When your hands grip the sheets next to him, his wrap around your arms, slide up, and then back down. “You feel so good,” he purrs.
You lift your hips and bounce on him, slowly at first, because he’s already losing it. He has no problem making noise and his moans drown out whatever he’s trying to say…
so good… don’t… stop… please… ah… so tight...I'm gonna...
“Oh no baby, not yet,” you slow down and grind on him again, hitting just the right spot. You lean back and hit it even harder, over and over. Each pound against his hips makes him whine. “Pup, you’re gonna make me come already, you’re such a good boy.”
You do. You look at him as you squeeze him tight, relax, and gently bounce up and down. Seungmin smiles and licks his lips—the only sound is the wet slide of him being covered in your come, and it's all he can keep his eyes on.
He bucks up hard, “I wanna come,” and again, you let him. He’s getting away with far too much, but he feels so good, and he’s too cute, and he’s too gentle. And you can’t wait to make him come. But not yet.
“Soon Minnie, I promise,” you lean forward and groan with the change in angle. “I want you all night.” You place a kiss on his chest, bite and kiss his nipple.
“I can come for you…all night.”
“I bet you can.”
“Kiss me, please.”
“I am…” you laugh and work you way further up.
“Please,” he whispers. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for weeks.”
“You have?”
“Yeah…mhm, I have.”
“Oh, you…you like me, huh? I mean—”
Seungmin nods, “don’t you like me?”
“I like you very much,” you kiss the corner of his mouth, bite his lip, and then finally press your lips against his. He kisses so eagerly, so hungrily, you almost can’t keep up with his tongue.
He hums and moans down your throat, holds onto your thighs tight enough to leave marks—fucks you, slowly and deeply, rolling his hips so smoothly you can already feel another orgasm rising. You wonder if he even knows how good he is.
“Min—” you just barely get it out around his lips. “Minnie…”
He slows down, but doesn’t stop.
“Easy,” you finally pry him off of you and push him down, hand just below his throat, “take it easy.”
“Sorry,” Seungmin slows his hips down even more, and eventually comes to a stop. His fingers are still digging into your skin, and his chest is heaving.
“No,” you run your fingers up and down his throat, kiss him one more time, and pull him up by the back of his neck until he’s sitting. “Nothing to be sorry for, you’re still a good boy.”
This has been too easy. You weren’t sure how easy it would be to get him underneath you, falling apart, begging for more…but you had a feeling he wanted it just as much as you. What you weren’t completely sure of was how much control he’d give to you.
Luckily, Seungmin is just what you hoped he would be: gentle, pliant, needy for attention, and very horny.
He melts into your touch—your fingers running through his hair, your thumbs running over his ears, still red and warm. You kiss and suck at the skin on his jaw, not caring if you leave marks. And very slowly, you start to move your hips again.
You have his shoulders for leverage now, and your arms are wrapped loosely around him. From this position he could take so much more control, but he doesn’t. He’s content just watching you move on him, looking up every so often until you look back. Every time you do, a smile tugs at his lips, and you can tell he just wants to kiss you again.
Keeping it from him is becoming a challenge. He craves touch and affection, and he might be the most patient, well-behaved fuck you’ve had in a long time, so you will give it to him eventually.
“Seungmin?” His name feels so nice rolling off of your tongue.
He looks at you…flushed, sweat rolling down the bridge of his nose. He answers by sliding his palm up along your spine.
“Seungmin…” you lock your arms around him, pull him in until your foreheads are touching, and start fucking him faster. He holds you steady, pulls you toward him, grinds you on his cock just how he likes it. “Oh god…ah, just like that, pup. Fuck.”
“Yeah?” He leans forward and kisses, “that feels good, hm?”
His words come out so heavy and warm and thick. You can’t stop him, you won’t. He keeps his pace and movements so steady, and it feels so good you could cry.
“Come for me, please. I wanna hear you.”
Seungmin, you whine his name, pathetically, like you’re falling apart, because you are. You moan and your legs start to shake, but he holds you tighter and keeps you moving on him. In and out, back and forth. Right where you need it. Over and over.
You cry out, and he smiles as he works you through it—gradually slowing down as you relax...then he lifts you up and off of him.
“No, I’m not done with you.”
“Just a little break,” he pushes his forehead against yours again, closes in on your lips, but you shake your head.
“You’re not in charge, pup.”
“I’m not, I know. Catch your breath.”
“You feel so good...I wanna keep going.”
“Not yet…” he grabs you around the middle and puts you on your back. “Relax.”
“Minnie…what are you doing?”
The room spins. You close your eyes. The bed shifts as he lays down, and you feel a blanket being pulled up and over you. And then his arm is there, pulling you against his warm body and holding you tight. Seungmin is turning everything upside down. You’re melting into him, and you like it.
“What about you?” You mumble into his chest, “I wanna make you feel good.”
“You are…don’t worry. We’re just catching our breath.”
He rubs your back, “hmm?” pulls away just enough to look at you.
“Nothing? You sure?”
“No. What are we doing? Ooh…you like me.” It’s hard not to smile when you say it out loud again. “Do you, really?”
He laughs and tries to hide his face behind the blanket. “Yeah, sorry. Am I complicating things?”
“You are, but it’s okay.”
“Is it too much? We can keep going, if that’s what you want. You can take over again.”
“Is this what you like, sweetie?” You slide a fingertip along his jaw and over his ear. “Just being like this? Kissing…” you pull him close for one, “touching.”
“Yeah, yeah I do.” Seungmin is excited and relaxed and nervous all at once. You’re a little more than he was expecting, but he’s not going to complain. He wanted this. He still wants it.
Another kiss on his lips, “you just want taken care of, yeah?”
He nods.
“Good,” as soon as you wiggle your hand free, you slide it down his stomach until your fingertips find him, still hard. Taking care of Seungmin is the only thing on your mind now; making him feel good, giving him all the attention and affection he needs. Making sure he comes back for more.
Slow, gentle strokes—a kiss between his eyes, on the tip of his nose. You almost get teeth when you go for the smile on his lips.
His hands are all over you, touching everywhere he can.
You swallow every little moan that passes his lips, every hitch in his breath when he can’t keep from pushing his hips against you. He gets closer, and he wants more, but you just keep kissing him and touching him just enough.
“Can I…”
His eyes scan your face, and he pushes you flat on your back again. Before you even think of protesting, he’s on you, lips on your neck, hands on your thighs, hips grinding into yours. He stretches you out and his thumb finds your clit, still swollen and sensitive.
You focus on kissing him and letting him work. It’s not that you can’t give up control—you just usually don’t. Seungmin is making it easy, though. His pace isn’t too much. He’s not smothering you, and he’s not selfishly pounding you into the bed. Your thighs are resting on his lap, hips up, legs curled around him. And every time he slides in, his dick hits right where you need it to. You can breath between his kisses, and you can enjoy every soft movement of his fingers.
“Should’ve let you take over sooner…”
A pretty smile spreads across his face, and you get lost in his eyes; two big black crescent moons, squished by his pink cheeks. You’ve never had someone smile at you like him. Not while they fucked you like this, at least.
“So good...feels so good,” you barely hear him when he breathes it out. "Does it, baby?"
His mouth is on yours before you can answer, wet and messy, teeth biting and pulling at your lips—down to your throat, he bites and sucks and licks at the sweat forming there.
“You like leaving marks, pup?” You ask, but in your head is an echo of him calling you baby.
The mhmm against your neck makes you shiver.
“Should I keep them out for your friends to see?”
Seungmin is up and back in your face… "yes"…forehead against yours, “please.”
He’s getting so close. Whiney shallow breaths, slow deep thrusts.
“Come in me…it’s okay.”
That…and your fingers grabbing for his hair—that’s all he needed. It hits him and he falls onto you. Your hands move to wrap around his waist, and you hold tight as he slows himself and fills you up. All of his weight on you feels so good, though. His sweat and his heat, his heavy breaths moving across your face.
He shifts to kiss your neck again. Softly, though...no marks this time.
The room is quiet for a while, and only sounds are your legs rubbing against the sheets, against his thighs, the wet release of Seungmin’s lips on your skin.
“You okay?” He finally breaks the silence. “Was that okay?”
You nod and knead your fingers into his shoulders, “you have a good touch, pup.”
“I like that," he sighs, pulls himself out, crashes down next to you. But his arm stays draped over your stomach,
“Hmm, what do you like?”
He props himself up and bats his eyes at you, “I like being pup. Do you call…um, do you call other guys cute nicknames?” Seungmin looks away when he finally stutters it out.
“What makes you think there are other guys?”
And now his face turns bright red. “Oh, sorry, you’re just...you seem like you know what you're doing. You know what you want."
“It's alright. There hasn’t been anyone in a while.”
“Just me,” he whispers, and smirks.
“You’re my only pup.”
Lips press against your shoulder, his arm squeezes and brings you closer. You can't help but lean into his embrace. Even now, after everything is done, at least for the moment, you can't escape your growing feelings for him. Sex didn't quench the desire—you don't want to get dressed and leave, you don't want to be done and rid of him until the feeling returns.
The guys you usually sleep with are one night stands for a reason, and you never think of them again when they leave. And you certainly don't give them cute nicknames.
"You threw me off a little, though."
"I did? What did I do?" he laughs, and he has no idea how much it cuts through you. "You were amazing."
"You're so sweet."
Seungmin searches your face, but he can’t figure out what’s going on in your head. It seems like you feel the same as he does, or it did, but right now is when it matters. You caught each other, you poured yourselves out all over place. Now what?
"What's wrong?" he gets even closer, and his nose is almost brushing against yours. "Coming down from everything, maybe? Do you want me to get your stuff so you can get dressed?"
"No, I don't wanna leave."
The relief that washes over his face—you can see it. He isn’t trying to be subtle, because Seungmin has already confessed his feelings to you. You kind of did, too. The difference is, you lied, because you weren’t totally, completely, one hundred percent sure until a few minutes ago.
Now he’s looking down at you like he didn’t just give you three orgasms, and like his come isn’t slowly dripping out of you.
“Not yet.”
“You can stay as long as you want.”
“I can take us to work in the morning.”
“You wanna spend the night? Ah, I can make us dinner, and breakfast…unless, maybe that’s too much.”
“No, it's not. But I am wondering something..."
He’s so eager to hear. He rests his chin on you and grins, “what is it?”
“Can we do that again? Can you really come all night?
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spoonsock · 11 months
3 AM shenanigans
Gwen Stacy x reader
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Synopsis: It’s late, you’re hungry and your girlfriend can’t cook to save her life.
Warnings: none, this is pure fluff and typical teenage fucking around late at night.
Not proofread. I’ve come to realization I never proofread anything I write. Oh well.
Take this short little thing instead of a part 2 for show me love, I’ll write it soon I swear 🙏 also I’m glad that the whole community agrees that Gwen can’t cook lmaoo.
“I’m hungry”
“And how’s that my problem?”
You push the absolute bully of your girlfriend. “Ouch”, she says monotonously, eyes still closed, and you glare at her, knowing darn well she can feel you doing so.
You’re sleeping over at her place, her dad’s not home and you’re both laying on her bed, trying to fall asleep but the grumbling of your stomach is interrupting you. You ate dinner but it has been a couple of hours since then and. You. Are. Hungry.
You turn on your back to glance at the clock on Gwen’s nightstand. 03:05 it says. Whatever, you think, it’s never to late to eat.
“Gwendyy, I’m staaaarvingggg”, you pout at her.
“No” is the only answer you get. “…Fine, I didn’t want to resort to this, but I guess you leave me no choice”, you say before getting up from the bed and grabbing both of Gwen’s arms and dragging her upwards. The attempt of getting her to get up doesn’t work and she falls from the bed, making a loud noise as she lands. Before you can process it, she grabs your knees and pulls, letting you to fall flat on your butt with a thump.
You pretend to be hurt and she actually gets worried for a second and you use that moment to grab her hands and pin them above her head, getting on top of her as she’s laying on the floor, not letting her move, and looking her dead in the eye before saying how you need to eat or you’ll die and it’ll be her fault *she know’s you’re exaggerating ofc*.
Unfortunately for you, your girlfriend is Spider-woman. Idk why would you even think you could overpower her, she literally has super strength. So she easily turns you over and pins your arms above your head before whisper yelling at you how there will be no food making at 3 in the morning. The two of you toss and turn on the floor for some time, like a pair of fucking toddlers, giggling and wiping the dust off of the floor with your pajamas.
Eventually Gwen gives in and you happily lead her to her own kitchen. You’ve never cooked in her kitchen though, meaning you don’t know where anything is, so your girlfriend tells you to sit still while she makes you something to eat.
“You know what, if I really have to cook for you in the middle of the night, Imma cook you the meal of your life”, she says and excitement builds up inside of you, wondering what kind of a Gordon Ramsay bullshit is she about to pull. You watch her patiently as she brings ingredients out of her fridge and pulls out a bowl and cutlery from different drawers. She heats up some oil in a big ass pot and then adds a thing after a thing in it.
After a while, you smell something burning and you ask her if everything’s okay, but she assures you it’s all doing great and you decide to ask no more, even though you definitely heard the panic in her voice.
Aside from that, she looks super confident in whatever she’s doing so you don’t even ask her what is she making for you, and honestly, you don’t even wanna know. You trust her and you’re hungry and you’ll eat whatever she makes for you.
Or at least that’s what you thought, until she put the big ass bowl™️ in front of you. And in it was a suspicious liquid mixture of pasta, different types of something green, carrots (hopefully?), corn, jelly????, mushrooms, bacon, and other suspicious stuff. Gwen hands you a spoon and smiles brightly, all the signs of tiredness disappeared, as if she wasn’t desperately trying to fall asleep cuddled up next to you, like, half of an hour ago.
“Bon appétit, babe”, she says, putting on a bad french accent.
Your girlfriend sits next to you, waiting for you to try the meal (?) she has prepared for you, and you give her a hesitant smile before dipping the spoon in the bowl and then putting it in your mouth.
You couldn’t even get yourself to swallow whatever you just put in your mouth because the feeling of it on your tongue made you immediately start to choke. It was sweet, salty, bitter, spicy and cold all at the same time. You run to get yourself some water, trying to lose the taste of it from your mouth while Gwen watches you confused. As you are drinking your water, she decides to try the meal herself and has the same reaction as you do.
So you just stand there silently, in her kitchen, staring at the big ass bowl™️ on the table. It seems as if something will jump out of it and attack you. The liquid reminds you of a swamp and you don’t feel hungry at all anymore.
Gwen sighs deeply. The two of you decide to go back to bed and try not to have nightmares of the meal your dear spider girlfriend has prepared for you. At least you know she put effort in trying to make you happy, which warms your heart and you pull her closer to you to press a kiss on her forehead.
When you wake up, you see her dad in the kitchen, sitting down and staring at the bowl intently and quietly, as if contemplating his whole existence because of the bowl. “You tried it, didn’t you?”, you ask and he slowly nods his head, obviously still in shock from the taste of the meal.
That was the day you decided you’ll be the one to prepare food from now on.
Guys she was trying to make minestrone (soup) bc she saw a recipe for it somewhere and she really wanted to try making it. She’s so precious 🥹💞
Yes I put trademark ™️ on the big ass bowl.
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wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 15
Happy WIP Wednesday! (Ignores the fact that it's almost an hour into Thursday my time.)
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
“Shit. Okay. I’ll fly us back. Bye Tim, everyone!” Danny picked up Tucker and flew away, turning invisible before he was more than a few yards away.
Tim sighed as he watched them. “Invisibility would be such a useful power. Paired with intangibility? Do you have any idea how much that’d help us out in Gotham?”
“Yeah, yeah,” said Cassie dismissively. “So what’re we doing for the next few hours?”
Wulf cocked his head and looked at them. Tim waved to him. “Let’s see what we can find out from our maybe-friend here.” Then, to Wulf, he asked, “Walker?”
Wulf’s bemused expression turned angry and he snarled.
Tim laughed and gave a thumbs up to show his agreement. “I’ve”—he pointed at himself—“heard”—this time his ears—“bad”—he scowled—“things about Walker.”
“Malbono,” said Wulf.
Tim grinned. “Very malbono,” he agreed.
Wulf bared his teeth, but this time, Tim thought it was more of a grin.
Cassie sat down on the ground. “So, Wulf and Danny are both targeted by this Walker ghost. How do we keep them safe?”
Tim shrugged. To Wulf, he said, “We”—pointing to him and his friends—“keep you”— pointing to Wulf—“safe. Secure. Protect.” Hopefully at least one of those words would be similar enough to the Esperanto word for the same concept.
“Protekti,” agreed Wulf.
Bart pointed at himself. “One.” Then to Conner, “Two.” Tim was called three and Cassie four. With a stick, he drew a crude figure of Danny’s ghost form, Sam, and Tucker, counting each one to seven. Then he pointed to Wulf. “Eight.” He drew the number in the dirt to reinforce the count. “Walker, how many?” He lifted his hands in an I-don’t-know gesture.
Wulf started with his hands close and slowly spread them wide. “Multaj.”
Tim’s stomach sank at the answer. They’d faced bad odds before, but it was never good.
“What does Walker want?” asked Conner.
But Wulf only looked at him in confusion and none of them could figure out how to ask that in charades.
Cassie grabbed another stick and began drawing. She started with a line and on one side, she had humanoid ghosts with tails instead of legs, on the other side she had stick figures. Then she drew arrows from the ghost side to the human side. Under the arrows, she drew question marks. Looking up, she asked, “How?”
Wulf bared his teeth again and pointed at himself. “Wulf.” He flexed his hand showing off his claws. Conner tensed at the action, but Wulf ignored him. Instead, he drew his hand down the air. Tim felt like he could hear tearing, but it was as if the sound originated in his brain, bypassing his ears entirely.
In the path of Wulf’s claws was a glowing green portal. Another gesture and it disappeared.
Tim stared in wonder. “So, if you’re here and with us, Walker can’t send any more ghosts to Amity. That makes things so much easier.”
Wulf only grinned at him.
Bart poked Tim’s side. “Think he needs to eat?”
Tim laughed. “You’re just hungry yourself. He’s already dead.”
Bart shrugged. “We haven’t had lunch yet.”
“I’m with Bart,” said Cassie. “I’m getting hungry. And it’d be rude to not offer anything to him. Bart, get us stuff from that burger place Danny took us to. And grab extra in case our new friend wants anything.”
Tim rummaged around in his bag and pulled out two hundred dollars cash. All three of his friends had metabolisms to match their powers. “Here, get as much as you want. Simple cheeseburger and fries for me.”
The others gave their orders and Bart was off.
The rest of the afternoon was spent mostly hanging out in the woods with Wulf. When Bart had offered him a burger, he’d sniffed it before pulling a face and giving it back. Bart just shrugged and ate it himself.
“Shouldn’t you be doing homework?” Conner asked Tim after a while. They’d run through most of the questions they could ask via pantomime and Bart and Cassie had taken to pointing at things and asking what they were called in Esperanto. “Bruce won’t be happy with you.”
Tim sighed. “No, you’re right. If we can’t research in the library, I should do something productive.”
Though it only took an hour and a half of going through his schoolwork for Tim to want to tear his own hair out. He slammed his book shut, making four pairs of eyes instantly fly to him.
“I can’t do this anymore! I can’t wait until I don’t need to be in school anymore. Who wants to spar with me?”
Conner stepped forward. “I’ll take the first round.”
“Great. I’m going to use the staff Danny gave me. I want to practice with it more.”
Wulf watched them as they sparred. Tim held his own against Conner, though ultimately the half-Kryptonian won. Cassie beat him next.
Bart sat the spars out because he won every time if allowed to fight. But he made a very good referee.
Tim and Cassie were having their third match of the day when Danny, Sam, and Tucker rejoined them.
Tim was breathing hard as he blocked another blow from Cassie with his staff. “Hey, Danny,” he said. Then he did a twist he’d learned from Dick coupled with a move he’d learned from Lady Shiva and Cassie was flat on her back. Tim grinned as he offered her a hand to help her up. “Looks like I win the last match of the day.”
“Well I won our two previous ones,” retorted Cassie as she took his hand.
Sam let out a whistle. “Damn, that was impressive. Where’d you learn to fight like that?”
“B sent me to Europe for several months to train from a bunch of different masters when I forced him to take me on.”
“Must’ve been good teachers if you can hold your own as a regular human against metas.”
Tim nodded and moved so he could nudge Danny. “I’ve been trying to convince this one to join me for a few weekends so I could get him some training, but he’d rather rely on luck and his powers.”
Danny rolled his eyes and scoffed. “You know that’s not what it is. I’m just afraid that if I leave any more often than I have to, something will happen!”
“Sure, sure,” said Tim. “But now that your parents know me and I can see just how bad it is, I’ll be coming to you to train you. No getting out of it now!”
Danny just groaned.
Tucker grinned. “Let me know when you come, and I’ll fit your training sessions into Danny’s schedule.”
Sam pointed her thumb at Wulf. “So, how’re we gonna sneak a giant ghost through town and into my house anyway?”
Danny shrugged. “I figured he and I could fly there invisibly. I’ll drop my invisibility and enter through the door so your parents or grandma see me enter, and Wulf will drop it once we’re in private.”
“Fine, fine. Come on, then.”
In the show, there was a time skip between when Danny caught up with Wulf during his school lunch period and the four (Danny, Sam, Tucker, Wulf) all cramming into Tucker's bedroom that night. So I have no idea if Danny returned to school or not. And if he did, what did Wulf do all afternoon and evening? How did they meet up again? Or am I right and Danny skipped?
Good thing we have other people here to help out this time and it doesn't matter!
I no longer do tag lists for this fic, but please checkout the Subscription Post if you want notifications when this updates.
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ramblingoak · 3 days
The Repugnant
Chapter Two: Setting Sail
Read Chapter One / Check out amazing art by @foxybouquet HERE
Your father always warned you that you were too curious for your own good. After hearing rumors of the pirate ship The Repugnant in the area you snuck out of your father's villa to try and get a peek at the dreaded pirate and his crew of monsters. But what happens when Captain Mary Goore gets a peek of you first?
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Mary Goore x Female Reader
Warnings: vampire!pirate!Mary Goore and special appearances by Copia and Terzo, vampire shenanigans, horror, violence, no one is dead but they're not exactly alive either so ye be warned, um canon accurate Terzo?, nsfw 18+only mdni, 2,500 words (thank you to @ghuleh-recs for the banner, collage and dividers!)
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Your blood was on fire.
Mary had spent a few moments licking over your pulse, chuckling at your continued pleas to let you go.  At the first touch of their fangs your knees went weak and Mary settled more firmly against you to keep you upright.  The pain was blinding, making your mouth open in a silent cry as it seemed to build and build.  You had never felt pain like this before, never felt anything like this before.  Your hands clawed at Mary’s back but it was no use.
You were going to die in this alley.
As soon as the thought crossed your mind Mary pulled away.  You couldn’t stop the whimper that left you as his fangs pulled out of your neck.  Despite his bite only going on for a handful of moments it felt odd not to have them there anymore.  Like you were empty almost.  The feeling scared you, your mind wandering to the stories your nanny had told you about those that fell under a vampire’s thrall.
“A thrall?!”  Mary’s head whipped up, their eyes brighter than any ruby you had ever seen and their smile wide and dripping with your blood.  “That’s adorable.  Do you wanna be my thrall, little starfish?”
“I don’t want to be your anything.”
“You say that now but I bet I’ll change your mi–shit!”
Mary doubled over when you jammed your knee into his crotch.  Their grip lessened enough that you were able to shove them down onto the mist covered ground and escape past them.  You stumbled across the uneven cobblestones, desperate to at least get to the street.  If you got there you’d have a better chance of getting away and hopefully either finding somewhere to hide or one of your father’s soldiers.  
As you reached the end of the alley the mist became thicker and nearly impossible to see through.  Mary shouted behind you and you dared a look back right as you reached the street.  The only thing you could see were his red eyes glaring at you from the mist and you knew that would be something that would haunt your dreams for years.  You gasped when your foot got caught on a stone and you stumbled, bracing yourself to land hard on the ground except the ground never came.
“Steady now, ragazza.”  
The heavily accented voice drifted over you as you tried to steady yourself in the man’s grip.  You looked up to thank him, expecting to see a soldier but your words froze in your throat.  
There was nothing there.
“Wh-what…”  You tried to pull away from whatever had a hold of you but the grip was firm and a chill began to creep up your arms.  “Let me go!”    
“Yeah, Copia,”  Another chill ran through you but this had more to do with the monster now standing at your back.  “Let go of my snack.”
“You were supposed to bring her to the ship, idiota.”
“I’m working on it.”  Mary wrapped an arm around your waist and tugged you back against their chest.  “Just got a little sidetracked is all.  Did her daddy get the note?”
“Sì, Phantom left it on his front door.”  
The hold on your arms finally disappeared and you quickly wrapped them around your waist.  Behind you Mary laughed and you whimpered when you felt their breath on the wound they left on your neck.
“What’s the matter, starfish?  Never seen a ghost before?”  Your eyes searched the mist before you, trying to make sense of what was happening.  A ghost?  “You have to focus now.  Just watch.”
As Mary spoke the mist before you seemed to get thicker, swirling and concentrating until it began to resemble a figure.  Your eyes trailed up from the cobblestones, taking in the man that was seemingly appearing from nothing.  He was still not entirely there, the building behind him visible through his body.  The only things that seemed solid about him were his green and white eyes and right now they were focused on you.  
“Ciao, bella.”
“Hey!”  Mary slipped an arm around your waist and pulled you securely against their chest.  “None of that, she’s mine.”
“I just said hello!”
“Yeah but that’s how it always starts.”
The ghost, Copia, rolled his eyes but you could see a hint of a smirk on his face.   
“We need to go.”  Copia took a few steps back, his form briefly disappearing into the mist before he was visible again.  “Before the spell wears off preferably.”
“Where are you taking me?”  You tried to dig your heels in but Mary was too strong, easily pulling you along as they began to walk down the street.  Ahead of you Copia’s eyes appeared off and on but he seemed mostly concerned with if anyone was following you.  “Are you…can I go back home?”
“Nope!  Someplace even better.”
Fighting was useless so you let Mary pull you through the streets.  There was random shouting around but you never caught sight of anyone else.  Occasionally Copia would disappear completely only to come back with blood dripping from a very real looking sword in his hand.  So many questions were building up inside of you but you kept your mouth shut until you finally saw your destination.
The Repugnant.
“No!”  You shoved at Mary with all your might, kicking at him when they lifted you into the air.  “Let me go!”
“Sorry, starfish.  You’re stuck with us for a while.”  Mary grunted when your foot connected with their knee, letting go of you with a curse.  “Copia!  Take her!”
You quickly looked up from where you had fallen onto the street, your eyes immediately meeting those of the ghost.  The moon peeked through the clouds and you were able to make out more of his face.  Hair that was blowing wildly around his head despite no breeze around, sideburns and then a mustache perched over a smug grin.
“Mi dispiace, bella.  Captain’s orders.”  
All the fight left you then and you didn’t say a word when the strange cold hands lifted you up onto your feet.  There was no telling what they’d do to you if you kept fighting them.  At least for now it seemed they were trying to get something from your father so perhaps you were safe for the time being.  You turned your head to look at Mary, shivering when you saw their ruby gaze on you.  The bite throbbed under his stare and you couldn’t help but press one of your hands over the still bleeding wound.
Maybe safe wasn’t the best word to use.
Mary started stalking towards you, their eyes glued onto your neck.  You shivered when they reached a hand out to pull yours away from the bite wound.  Copia muttered something behind you and Mary jerked their head towards the ship.  Mary’s grip tightened on your hand as the ghost disappeared, leaving only cold air behind you.
“Are you going to behave, little starfish?”  When you nodded weakly Mary smiled and licked their lips.  “Good.  I’d hate to have to tie you up.”  Mary brought your hand close to their face, sniffing at your skin briefly.  To your horror they stuck their tongue out and lapped at the blood that had gotten on your hand.  “Has anyone ever told you how good you taste?”
“Please…I’m sure my father would pay anything you asked for to get me back.”
“Oh I’m counting on it.”  They laughed when you tried to tug your hand away, holding it even tighter.  “On second thought maybe I should tie you up.  Drink my fill of you while you can’t do anything about it.”
“No?  You don’t like that idea?”  Mary grinned and yanked you against them, one hand slipping around your waist and resting low on your back.  “You’re right, it’ll be more fun to have you put up a fight.”
Their mouth descended on your neck again but instead of teeth you just felt the wet strokes of Mary’s tongue.  They lapped at your neck slowly, cleaning up the blood that was quickly drying in the night air.  You let yourself go limp against them, silent tears streaming down your face while they worked. 
What would become of you on Mary’s ship?  Was it full of more ghosts like Copia?  Or were there worse things on board, things that you’d only be able to imagine in your nightmares.  Would Mary drink from you again? 
Oh don’t worry, starfish.  I’ll be tasting you again.
You froze when Mary’s voice drifted through your head, looking at him in alarm when he straightened up to meet your eyes.  When you started shaking your head Mary just laughed before starting down the dock towards the ship, dragging you along behind them.  You couldn’t help but stare at the ship in awe as they tugged you towards it.  The tall black sails disappeared into the night sky but you could just make out the jolly roger flag billowing in the wind.  Mary stopped at the edge of the gangplank, a bright grin on their face while they reached up to cup your cheek.
“Soon you'll be begging for it.”
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The deck of the ship was chaotic.
You found yourself hiding your face against Mary’s shoulder, scared to see what was around you.  There were shouts, snarls, growls…sounds that you had never even heard before.  You couldn’t even imagine what they might belong to.  It was almost a relief when you heard Copia’s voice.
“Are you putting her in your cabin?”
“No, she’ll be too distracting.”  Mary wrapped an arm around your shoulders and lifted your chin up with a single finger.  “She can stay with your brother.”
“Terzo isn’t going to like that.”
“Yeah?  Well Terzo is in no position to dictate what I do on my ship.”  The vampire poked the tip of your nose before addressing you.   “You don’t mind hanging out with Terzo, do ya starfish?”
“Wh-what is Terzo?”
“Ah, he’s mostly harmless.”  Mary tugged at your shoulder and started leading you towards the stairs that led into the ship’s belly.  “Honestly it’s probably the safest place on my ship.  Hard to say what the others might be tempted to do to you.”
“What are…”  You dared a look around you, freezing when your eyes landed on something that could only be described as a giant insect.  The creature cocked their head and blinked at you before a set of wings spread out behind them and they took off into the air.  “I think I’m going to faint.”
“Don’t worry, starfish.  They might be tempted but they know not to touch you.”  Mary continued to lead you through the inside of the ship, past various doors until they stopped before one at the end of the passageway.  “Only I get to do that.”
“I’d rather you didn’t.”
“Come on, we both know that’s not true.”  They began to move closer, crowding you back against the wall.  It was beginning to be overwhelming having them this close.  All you could think about was their tongue on your skin and their teeth in your neck.  Mary pushed their head up close, their lips grazing your cheek when they spoke.  “It sure feels like you enjoy it when I touch you.”
“That’s a lie!”
Mary easily blocked your knee and grabbed your hands when you tried to hit him.  You felt like crying when they spun you around to face the door to the cabin.
“There’s no use lying to me, I can already feel your emotions.”  They lowered their head and licked across the bite wound, their chest vibrating with laughter when you whimpered.  “Just imagine what I’ll be able to do when I get an even better taste.”
Mary had the cabin door open before you could think of an answer, shoving you inside roughly before slamming it closed.  You took a few tentative steps as your eyes adjusted to the dark room, nervously looking around for whoever or whatever Terzo was.  The small window barely let any moonlight in so you could just make out a bed, a dresser and a table with a couple chairs.  There were a few items on top of the dresser, one almost looked like a mannequin head but you were too scared to get any closer.  When your eyes finally adjusted to the dimness you were able to make out what looked to be a figure sitting in one of the chairs in the far corner.
“H-hello?”  You gripped your dress skirts in your hands to try to stop them from shaking.  “Terzo?”
“Buonasera, dolcezza.”  Your head jerked over to the dresser, startled when the voice seemed to come from there instead of the chair.  “Mi dispiace, I would have cleaned up if I had known I was going to have a guest.”
“I’m not a guest.”  It was hard to keep the venom from your voice but you couldn’t help it.  You looked back at the chair when the legs moved, one leg elegantly crossing over the other as you watched.  “I’m a prisoner.”
“Ah, so the Captain was successful then.  Bene, molto bene.”
“Yes, he kidnapped me.  Him and that ghost.”
“So you met mio fratello then?  Quite the sight isn’t he?”  Terzo laughed then and you nervously glanced towards the dresser top again.  “What you can see of him anyway.”
“Are you a ghost too?”
“Un fantasma?  Oh no dolcezza, I’m as solid as they come.”  
A horrible tingling sensation started crawling over your skin as you watched the figure in the chair straighten up.  There was something off about it but it was too dark to get a good look.  You couldn’t help but take a step back when they got up and began to walk towards the dresser.  The sparse moonlight caught the figure and when you finally realized what was wrong about them your jaw dropped.  
You couldn’t even get the words to leave your mouth as the horrific sight before you started to make sense.  No, not sense, nothing on this ship made any damned sense.  The sound of a match being struck filled the room and when you got a better look at Terzo as he lit some candles you stumbled back until you hit the door of the room.  The knob rattled uselessly in your hand, locked and unwilling to turn.
“Is everything ah, okie dokie, dolcezza?”  Terzo finished with the candles and then held the match out to the mannequin head.  You jumped when a face was briefly lit up in the light before the match flame was blown out.  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“How are you…”  Your vision started to swim as Terzo picked up the head, his head, casually holding it in his hands at his waist.  “But that’s your…”
“Sì, I’m afraid my head got separated from the rest of me.”  Terzo lifted his head up higher, close to where it should be on his neck.  “I’d almost rather be a ghost to be honest.  Or un mostro.  What do you think, dolcezza?” 
Terzo thrust his head your way then, his lips turned up in a bright grin.  You barely were able to make out his features before the room began to get dark again.  As your knees buckled and you fell to the floor you could have sworn you heard Mary’s voice in your head...
Sleep tight, starfish.
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sorchathered · 3 months
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Don’t take the girl
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Pairing- Rhett Abbott x reader
Summary- the after effects of Perry and Royal killing the Tillerson boys brings more trouble and heartache into Rhett’s life, can he keep what he holds most dear or will he lose it all?
Warnings- language, violence, mentions of death, smut.
A/N- I meant to put this out months ago but never did, hopefully y’all like it! It’s a rewrite of one of my first fics and I still don’t know if I like it but I’m putting it out into the tumblr-verse anyway lol.
“I called my firm in Cheyenne, and they said they could get my position back for me by the end of next week, I-I think it’s the best option right now.”
Rhett reels back from you like he’s been slapped, furiously shaking his head eyes full of venom.
“Don’t you get tired of it? Constantly running from your problems?”
You give him an incredulous look, clearly he’s not going to let this go quietly like you’d (foolishly) hoped.
“I’m not running! It’s self preservation Rhett! For both of us! We can’t just dilute ourselves into thinking we could weld ourselves back together, we’re completely different people now and I love you- God I love you more than anything and always will-“
“Don’t, you don’t get to use that on me when clearly you and I have different ideas of what love is.” He looks absolutely disgusted now, you can barely stand to look at him, it brings tears to your eyes to even think you’re hurting him again.
“That’s not fair and you know it-“
“Not fair?! You wanna know how many girls I’ve slept with since you?”
“Don’t” you reply weakly
“At least a hundred, maybe more I don’t even see their faces anymore Y/N. I haven’t had a single relationship that lasted more than a month since you left, I can’t even try to make it work. I got with Maria trying to feel something, anything but I couldn’t get serious, she knew I’d never be over you and I hate that she was right. Because when I’m fucking some buckle bunny or one night stand you’re the only face I see. You came home and it was like a sign, I could get my second chance and get my shit together, be the man you deserved. But there’s something broken in you, you can’t just let me love you.” He looks into your teary eyes and shakes his head, “I refuse to be the reason we fell apart. You turn your back on me now and that’s it darlin’ don’t ever think I’ll let you in again.”
He turns on his heel and slams your front door, rattling the windows with the force of it. You want more than anything to run after him, beg him to listen but you know he’s right. You are scared; Perry and Amy were missing, Trevor and Billy were dead and Rhett had barely made it out unscathed. The Tillerson’s were still circling like vultures, Perry had admitted to murdering Trevor before he disappeared but they wanted retribution and they’d take a pound of Abbott flesh to settle the score. Dropping to your knees in your family’s home you sobbed, you knew you’d fucked up again but you didn’t know any other way but to save yourself when things got tough.
You and Rhett had fallen in love overnight it seemed, your mother’s had been attached at the hip all your lives and to say the two of you tolerated each other was an overstatement. Junior prom seemed to change everything, he asked Maria and she turned him down cold, and your boyfriend dumped you the week before so of course your parents suggested you go together. Rhett couldn’t think of anything more painful in his life, but he knew better than to question Cece so off he trudged in his suit jacket, wranglers and best pair of boots to pick you up. When you crossed the threshold it was like he’d never seen you before in his life, you’d always been one of the boys to him but in your baby blue dress and hair all curled he swore you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on. You had been inseparable from that night on, always holding hands and stealing kisses; Perry attempting to take the piss out of you at every opportunity but it never phased you.
When you’d been accepted to college in another state Rhett felt like his whole world collapsed. You both promised you’d make it work and stay together but the distance became too much and before you knew it 6 years had passed between you. You’d seen each other in passing over holidays but he was jaded from the heartbreak and you knew better than to push him. Your mother had passed at the beginning of the year and you made the trek back to Wabang to settle her affairs, but ended up getting a job with the local law firm and before you knew it months had passed and you’d fully integrated yourself back into the community.
Stepping into the pit bar that summer night had changed everything, he’d been drinking with his buddies and you had let an old high school girlfriend convince you that drinks and line dancing were the cure for your melancholy. Some guy got a little too handsy, Rhett came out of nowhere and knocked him on his ass and just like that the two of you were making out like teenagers in the front of his old pickup. You’d picked right back up where you left off, and then everything went to shit that fateful fall night when Perry took Trevor’s life.
Rhett was seething as he drove back to the ranch, he felt like his skin was on fire and couldn’t stop the tears from spilling as he violently shook. How was he supposed to go without you again? He’d been patched up with tape and glue for years, just trying to make a name for himself in the pbr circuit and drowning his sorrows in beer and pussy. He’d become a shell of who he was without you, a version of himself he hated. You’d come back into his life and for once he had hope for a future outside of just surviving. He knew you were scared but damnit so was he! His family was unraveling at the seams and he couldn’t do anything to stop the onslaught of troubles that ravaged everything he held dear. He slammed the truck to a stop, tears blinding his eyes as he began to hyperventilate, sobs wracking his body and he let it all wash over him. Didn’t know how long he’d sat there until he was startled by his phone ringing, pulling himself together to see who the hell needed him this late at night.
“Rhett! Rhett please- I need you to listen-“
You sobbed into the phone, something was wrong; you hadn’t been the number on the screen when he answered, and he heard a thud and a scream from you on the line as someone else took over the call.
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a dilemma Abbott, both my brothers are dead and there’s no one to pay the price for the sins your family committed. So it looks like your sweetheart will have to do.” Luke Tillerson laughs darkly as he drags you out to his truck by your hair, Rhett can hear your sobs through the phone and he nearly blacks out from the anger coursing through him.
“Luke if you hurt her-“
“Aht Aht let’s not make empty threats Rhett, you know I hold all the cards right now. You want to see her alive? Trade yourself for her, you’ve got twenty minutes.” The line goes dead and the phone lights up again with a text. With shaking hands Rhett opens the message, blood splattered across your beautiful face as you lay slumped in the bed of Luke’s truck. Coordinates for a location and a countdown pop up next, and Rhett has to wrench the door of the cab open to throw up. He unlocks his phone again and dials Sheriff Joy, he doesn’t know how to fix this but he’ll give himself up, let Luke torture him until his last breath if it means keeping you safe.
Against the sheriff and his father’s wishes Rhett is speeding down the highway, gps taking him towards the location Luke sent him. His shotgun that normally lay under the bench seat of his truck was in his lap now, knowing he would do what was needed if it meant keeping you alive; even if that meant Wayne Tillerson would bury all three sons in the span of a month.
Joy had begged him to wait for them to get there first, but he knew at the first sign of police presence Luke would do something drastic and he couldn’t take that risk. He shut off his headlights as he turned into the drive near the tiny shack the directions had led him to, putting the truck in park a couple hundred feet away. He still had a good ten minutes to spare maybe if he could get the upper hand he could subdue Luke and get you both out of this unscathed.
Creeping up towards the old building he could see a light and hear voices, as he peered into the window he found Luke pacing the floor with you tied to a chair. Bruises were blooming across your cheekbone and your nose was bloody, tears pouring from your eyes as you begged him to let you go. You catch movement in the window, his eyes meeting yours in that moment you know you need to create a diversion if you want to keep the both of you alive.
“Luke you don’t have to do this, you know Rhett isn’t responsible for what happened! You can still walk away from this, I won’t press charges and we can let this go.”
He cocks his head to the side, appraising you, something dark behind his eyes that causes a shiver to run down your spine. He shoves himself off the rickety table he was perched on, kneels down in front of you and places his hands on either side of your duct taped calves.
“Oh y/n you sweet little thing. I’m not blind you know, I’ve noticed you over the years; you grew up to be quite the woman. Accomplished lawyer, definitely more than just a pretty face and it kind of makes me wonder why the hell you’ve been wasting your time on Rhett. He’s small time darlin’, never gonna be anything more than a glorified ranch hand, constantly chasing after his daddy’s approval. Tsk tsk if your parents could see you now, all the time and money they wasted to get you out of this piece of shit town and here you are repeating your mistakes all over again.”
He’s taunting you, just looking for a fight; any excuse to take out some of the aggression that has sat under the surface as his whole world fell apart. You could give him what he wanted, go head to head and maybe keep him distracted while the clock runs out, but really you would just be prolonging the inevitable. He wanted someone to pay for what had been done to him, and you knew he’d get it. So you looked at him with the sweetest smile you could muster and spit directly into his face. While he was distracted you pushed your chair forward to land on top of him, hoping to disarm him as the gun slides across the floor. He lets out a shriek, hauling you back up by the hair just as Rhett quietly steps through the door behind him. Luke raises his open palm to strike you and as he does Rhett slams the butt of his shotgun against the back of Luke’s head, rendering him unconscious. He steps over his body as he rushes for you, your body shaking as he looks you over, making sure all your injuries are superficial.
“Baby girl look at me, you’re ok y/n. Don’t panic, this isn’t over yet.” He leans down to kiss you and you nod frantically, you know he needs to subdue Luke before he comes to and tries to attack again. Tucking the pistol Luke was carrying into his waistband he hauls his unconscious body off the floor and begins taping his arms and legs together. Flashing lights and sirens fill the quiet and you let out a sob, everything is going to be ok, you two are finally safe.
After nearly an hour of questioning and prodding from the paramedics you are finally free to go, gently placed in Rhett’s truck and tucked inside his arm as he drives you back home. Luke had been arrested, no bail was set and a protective order would be put in place to keep the two of you safe from what was left of the Tillerson family.
You’d let Rhett carry you inside and up the stairs to your room with no complaint, normally you’d fuss at him for babying you but after the events of the night you needed him close.
As he began to remove your shoes you were overcome with emotion, tangling your right hand in his hair and letting out a sob. He startled at the outburst, surging forward to pull you back into his arms, cradling you in his lap and he tried to calm your tears.
“It’s alright sug, just let it out baby I’m right here I got ya.” He was pressing kisses to the side of your head and you didn’t know what was coming over you as you quickly grasped his face and slotted your lips against his. You needed him to be closer, shivering in his arms as you began to yank at his clothes, trying to curl yourself in on him. He tried to pull back to make sure you were really up for what you were asking but you wouldn’t let him, rubbing your clothed core along his ridiculous gaudy belt buckle and sucking his tongue. Giving in to you was as easy as breathing, if he was honest he needed this as much as you the fear of losing you had shaken him to his foundation, if he could convince you to stay he’d make sure you got everything you dreamed of.
Finally stripped bare you lowered yourself onto him, tears still silently spilling from your eyes as you kissed him, the thought that you’d almost given this up mere hours ago was unimaginable. He let you take the lead, grinding down on him and letting his pubic bone catch your clit with each thrust, head thrown back in pleasure as he sucked marks all over your chest. It was pure need thrumming through you both as you cried out and reached your orgasm, whispered I love yous against each others skin while he let you ride it out. Flipping you on to your back he began to chase his own release, wrapping his rough hand around your throat and pulling you into a passionate kiss, he groaned deep into your mouth and came inside you, the heat flooding your abdomen bringing another climax of your own as you both collapsed to the floor a tangle of sweaty limbs.
You must’ve fallen asleep like that because you woke to the sun peering through your window still tangled up in Rhett’s warm embrace on the bedroom rug. You nuzzled into his neck and pressed kisses to his jaw as you felt him stir beside you.
“Wake up sleepy head, need to get us both cleaned up and fed” you cooed at him and he grinned underneath his arm, laugh rumbling through his chest and against yours at the realization that you two hadn’t even made it to bed. He let you haul him up and drag him to the shower, what should have been an innocent soaping up of bodies became a heated affair with you pressed against the shower wall as he fucked you hard until you both were spent and starving.
He knew you still had a lot to talk about, what had happened before your abduction still wasn’t resolved but he didn’t press it, content to just spend the day wrapped up in you. Cece had called you both over a dozen times, full of worry after Royal had come home to tell her what happened. You rang her after breakfast and promised everyone was ok, agreeing to come have dinner later in the week after you’d rested. You knew you’d have to field questions from most everyone in town in the aftermath but you couldn’t bring yourself to reply to any texts or messages on social media; just the thought made you nauseous all over again, memory of the feeling of Luke’s hands brutalizing you making you drop the mug in your hands shattering on the ground and making you jump.
Rhett was there in an instant to help you clean it up, making sure you didn’t hurt yourself and tossing the remnants in the trash. You looked up at him letting out another sob, since when had you become such an emotional wreck?! You couldn’t seem to keep it together as you began to apologize over and over, Rhett scooping you up into his arms and placing you on the counter to hug you close.
“Hey, hey none of that ok? You didn’t do anything wrong, you knew this shit would happen and tried to make a clean break; goddamnit I should have let you then I could have kept you safe from all of this.” He felt wretched, he’d blown you off when you said the Tillerson’s would look for revenge and then been forced to watch as you were nearly taken from him as a result of his family’s sins. You shook your head violently now, trying to force the words out because if he blamed himself for one more minute you may explode.
“I shouldn’t have tried to leave Rhett! If I hadn’t run you off last night Luke would have never been able to take me, and we wouldn’t have gone through all this!” You wailed and stuttered as you tried to continue, needing him to understand what had been consuming your thoughts all day. “I don’t ever want to be without you again, I was so scared he’d hurt you or me and we’d never get a future together. You deserve everything baby, I promise I won’t ever leave again just please don’t blame yourself for this anymore.” He couldn’t stop the tears now, didn’t know where yours began and his ended but he pressed himself to you and poured all the love he had into kissing you.
*1 year later*
Rhett was exhausted. He’d finished up last years circuit in first place, made the finals and won those as well, catching the eye of scouts who signed him immediately for a professional team. Since then he’d been touring and riding in competitions, in and out of hotels but always on the run to get back to you. The season was finally over and he was bone tired, but he drove all night to make it home to your little homestead in Cheyenne in the wee hours of the morning. Moving out of Wabang had been a breath of fresh air, the two of you were thriving in your careers and had bought a small farm on the outskirts of the capital city, a new start just what you both had needed. He trudged up the steps now, quietly trying to enter your house not wanting to wake you so early. But as he entered the living space he saw the bedroom light on and heard soft cries flowing down the hall. There in the warm glow of your shared bedroom was his beautiful wife and 1 month old baby girl, you were singing softly to her as you rocked her in your chair, attempting to soothe the little one back to sleep. His heart swelled at the view, drinking both of you in as he leaned in the doorway, completely enamored.
You looked up at him, sensing his presence from his gaze and cooed down at the baby in your arms. “Look what we have here my sweet little angel, daddy is finally home.”
He crossed the room to gather you both in his embrace, he’d gotten everything he ever wanted.
Tagging- @attapullman @bobgasm @sebsxphia
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close to home | chapter nineteen
close to home | chapter nineteen
plot: the reader learns that Lizzie's issues are more than what they seem, and pays dearly for it
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,478 Warnings: violence, blood, child death/murder, character death A/N: thanks for reading! I can't believe we're on chapter nineteen already!! Lots more to come ;)
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When you went to go hunting the following day, Mika cried at the idea of you leaving. So Carol and Tyreese offered instead, and she settled next to you with her doll. You gave her arm a quick squeeze and told her you were going to get some pecans for breakfast. 
Both Carol and Tyreese met you in the kitchen. 
“I don’t understand why she’s so clingy,” You said in a hushed tone. “She’s not like that with you two. Every day gets worse.” You said with concern. 
“You look like their mother,” Carol said sadly. “Their father had a picture. I’d only seen it once. But you look a little like her. I think she just feels safer with you.”
Your heart broke for the little girl, and you looked back, watching as she played with Judith and the doll again. “What do we do?”
“I don’t think we can do anything,” Tyreese said. “Yesterday spooked her. We haven’t really spoken to them about what happened at the prison. Maybe tonight we should.”
You and Carol nodded in agreement. “Alright. You guys go out and hopefully get something. I’ll play dolls with her.” You said with a light laugh. 
The two of them gave you a look before disappearing, and you worked at preparing more pecans for breakfast. When you walked back into the living room, Lizzie was sitting on the couch, reading through a book. 
The three of you settled into a nice silence. You played quietly with Judith and Mika while Lizzie read. After a few hours, Lizzie jumped up and asked if she could go outside. Being a nice day, you decided to send them out with Judith while you grabbed some lunch, and you’d all eat it outside. 
You were carrying a bowl outside when you heard movement from behind you and a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. The bowl fell from your hands, and you looked to Lizzie. Her hands were coated in your blood, and her knife was sticking out from your side when you looked down. 
“Lizzie…” You said. You could taste blood. 
Your knees went wobbly, and you fell down. 
“It’s okay. You’ll come back,” Lizzie said. “Mika wouldn’t want to go without you.” 
You looked up at her in confusion and looked around for the younger girl. You saw her lying on the ground through the railing, and your eyes filled with tears. You crawled forward, fire burning through your torso. 
There on the grass lay Mika, struggling to breathe. It took all your energy to get down the steps and collapse beside her. Fear and pain were etched across her face, and you cried, cupping her cheeks. 
“It hurts,” She breathed out. 
“Shh, shh,” You said, rubbing her head and pushing back her bloody hair. “You’re okay.”
“I’m scared…” Mika cried softly to you. Her face was so pale, and you rested your forehead against her shoulder to swallow your cries for a second. 
“It’s okay,” You said, blinking through endless tears and pain and looking at her. “I’m coming with you. There’s no reason to be scared.”
She looked up at you with such fear and pain, but it only lasted for another second. The light in her eyes faded, and she took her last breath. 
You started to sob loudly, nearly screaming in agony at the pain in your side and the dead little girl in front of you. “Mika…” You cried, holding her face in your hands. You couldn’t tell what was her blood and what was yours. 
“It’s okay,” Lizzie said, kneeling beside you and grabbing your shoulder. “She’ll come back. You both will. And Carol will see.” 
You looked slowly up at the little girl. Her face was blurry through your tears. You reached for Mika’s gun slowly, but Lizzie stood, seeing Carol and Tyreese in the distance. 
You tried to turn, yelping in pain. The knife was still in there, holding in as much blood as possible. You tried to narrow down the spot where she stabbed you, and you didn’t think it would be lethal if Carol could stop the bleeding. 
When you looked up to see Carol and Tyreese had come over, you let out a sigh of relief through your cries and leaned back, looking at Mika. Your vision blurred again before darkness consumed you. 
“It’s just a simple run,” You said, smiling at Daryl and walking over to his bike. “I wanna scope out the library at the town a few miles up the road. We’ve got a decent amount of kids, and I think we’ll get more. I wanna see about getting them some books.” 
Daryl looked at you like you were crazy. “You wanna go risk our lives for some stupid books?” 
You laughed and grabbed a piece of meat off his plate. “Come on, the road is too blocked off for me to get a car through, and Michonne took the horse. I wanna take the bike.”
“You wanna take my bike and risk our lives for some stupid books?”
You laughed again and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him from his seat. “I’ll swipe your keys if you don’t come with me. Or I’ll just head on out and walk there.”
He scuffed and pulled his arm back. “Make a nice snack for walkers.”
You rolled your eyes and sat down. “Come on. Those new girls, Lizzie and Mika. They just got here, and they’re so scared. I think they were out there a long time. Can you come with me, please?” You asked sincerely. 
Daryl looked at your wide, hopeful eyes and knew he could complain all he wanted, but he would never refuse. If you wished for books for the children, he would gladly take you out to get them. He couldn’t say no to your beaming eyes and hopeful smile. 
“Aight, aight,” He gruffed. He quickly finished the rest of his food as you cheered and stood up. 
As you walked down to the gate where his bike was, you told him about the area, one of which he was familiar with. 
Maggie was there to greet you at the gate and watched with humor as you argued with Daryl about letting you drive--he never did seem to follow your sarcasm. Finally, you gave him a break and sat on the bike behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
As Daryl slowly pulled out, Maggie gave you a look, and the last thing she saw was you giving her the middle finger while Daryl drove the two of you out of there.
You groaned in pain as your eyes fluttered open. Your side seemed to be on fire, and you could feel the tight pressure of something wrapped around your middle. You realized you were lying on the couch underneath a heavy blanket when you came to. Your shirt was gone, and you were just in a sports bra, and there was a cloth wrapped tightly around you. 
Carol and Tyreese were sitting at the table, and when they heard movement, they both came over. When you looked at the sadness and red eyes, you couldn't help but cry again. The pain and loss were so suffocating, and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
Carol frowned and knelt down, holding your hand as she cried not to cry. “It’ll be okay, (Y/N).”
The following day, Carol filled you in on what happened. Tyreese ransacked a few houses down the road for some medication and found some antibiotics for you. Your wound wasn’t deep at all--Lizzie didn’t have the best aim, and it was a small knife to begin with. Still, they could find some thread to stitch it up, and it would hold. You were lucky.
Lizzie was put down, and both their graves were in the front of the yard. You tried your hardest not to cry for Mika, and Lizzie, too, for the confused girl she was. 
Both Carol and Tyreese gave you the option of another day, but you couldn’t stand the look of the house anymore. And you could walk. It would be painful, and if you had to run, you might as well be screwed. But you couldn’t be in this house. 
While Carol and Tyreese gathered your supplies, you limped outside and stood by the graves. You couldn’t kneel, but standing hurt less anyway. You let a few tears slip and longed for the comfort of your best friend. He wouldn’t know what to say, but just him being there would be enough. He made you feel like you could get through anything. Now, without him and the rest of your family, you weren’t sure what you could do. 
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namiusedbubble · 1 year
Let me stay
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A self-indulgent comfort fic with Sebastian. TW: Depression
It was bound to happen eventually. 
From the minute you’d arrived at Hogwarts, it seemed like everyone and their gran wanted you to solve all of their problems. It started okay, just an extra assignment here, a rescue mission there, but soon you were stopping rebellions, covering up murders, and watching as your father figure died in your arms. Really, it shouldn’t have come as such a surprise when you eventually crashed and disappeared.
Sebastian had been searching for three days before he finally found a trace of you in the form of a burned-down poacher camp deep within the Forbidden Forest. The scent of ash still overwhelmed the area, and he knew you couldn’t have gone far.
He followed a nearby path, taking note of the dead spiders that were now proving to be something of a navigational aid to find you. Poppy had warned him about the centaurs living here, but he doubted centaurs had anything to do with this. No, this had your signature all over it. He was the one who taught you confringo, after all. 
After a bit of walking, he eventually stumbled across a small, cream-coloured tent nestled within a clearing. Unlike those belonging to poachers or goblins, this one stood alone. Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle when he spotted the unicorns grazing nearby. Trust you to run away and join a herd of unicorns.
He calls your name as he approached, not wishing to startle you and end up hexed or worse. The flap opened then as if it had been expecting him, and it gave him the opportunity to look inside. The tent had clearly been enchanted to appear smaller than it actually was. A large wooden beam decked out in fairy lights stood in the middle, offering support for the structure and providing a warm, inviting glow. At the back of the tent, a claw-legged bath sat next to a large bed, and Sebastian had half a mind to crawl in and take a nap. 
Until he saw your head appear from beneath the covers and his heart sank. Your eyes were bloodshot, the dark circles beneath them only serving to accentuate your pallid complexion and it was clear you hadn’t been sleeping. 
“Took you long enough.” you rasped. “I thought you would have been here days ago.”
Sebastian snorted and kicked off his dirty boots, the tent once again sealing itself behind him. “Yes, well, turns out you’re a much better hider than I am a seeker. And that’s saying something.”
You smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes and he resisted the urge to pull you into a crushing hug. Instead, he settled his hand on your cheek and brushed his thumb over the tear tracks. He hated seeing you like this. You were one of the strongest people Sebastian had ever met. You took on the world repeatedly and won every single time, and had been the only source of light and comfort for him when everything went down with Anne and Ominis. He’d thought that nothing could phase you, but he’d been wrong. Very wrong, and now he was determined to return the favour.
“I’ll run you a bath.” He stated, pulling his hand away. He didn’t miss how your head briefly followed his touch before you caught yourself. 
“I think you need one more than I, Sallow.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, flipping the taps shut when the water reached the perfect temperature and amount. “Very funny today, aren’t we?” He held out his hand to you. You took a second to think it over before finally releasing a sigh and placing your hand in his, allowing him to pull you from the sanctuary of your new bed. It had been so long since you’d moved from it that Sebastian was forced to support your weight as your legs turned to mush. 
Once he was sure you were steady, he turned away from you. “I won’t look.” He promised. He heard the sound of your robe dropping to the floor and willed the blush from his face. It wasn’t the time to act like a school boy with a crush, even if that’s exactly what he was. He needed to be there for you emotionally and mentally. Maybe one day, hopefully, physically, too, but not yet. 
“You can turn around now. I added soap, you can’t see anything.”
Sebastian took a deep breath and turned to face you. You were staring into the water with a distant expression he’d never seen on you before, and he had to swallow the lump in his throat before he let himself cry for you.
He spotted an old book laying on the floor by the bed and grabbed it. He quietly moved behind your head then and transfigured the book into a handled copper cup. Sebastian dipped the cup into the bath before reaching up and slowly pouring the water onto your head, careful not to let it run down into your eyes. Sebastian gently brushed his fingers through your hair, untangling the knots that had formed during your days of tossing and turning. He felt you deflate, your head leaning back towards him as he massaged more soap into your scalp.
No words needed to be said, Sebastian already knew why you needed to get away, and one look at you told him that you wouldn’t have the energy to open up verbally to him, anyway. He would bring it up with you later, he decided, but for now, Sebastian focused on helping you completely the basic tasks you’d clearly been neglecting. He knew it wouldn’t bring you out of the dark place you found yourself, but it was a start. 
When all of the soap had been rinsed from your hair and the water had cooled, Sebastian leaned forward and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, and rested his chin on the top of your head. He knew this was an entirely inappropriate situation to put you in, but both of you had been through too much to care about notions of “decency”, and by the way you brought your hands up to hold onto his arms, he knew you didn’t, either. 
“Come back to the castle with me.” He whispered into your now clean hair. “Or let me stay here with you. I just ... I don’t want you to be alone anymore. You don’t need to be alone anymore. Let me take care of you like you care for everyone else.”
His words opened a floodgate inside of you, sobs wracking your body before you could stop them, and Sebastian held you tighter against his chest. It physically pained him to not just turn you around and embrace you fully, so he settled for pressing chaste kisses into your head and temple and allowed his own tears to fall freely. Sebastian didn’t know how long you both stayed like that, but the water was well and truly cold by the time you’d settled down. 
Sebastian went to grab a towel when he felt you begin to stand, and by the time he’d returned, you were wrapped in a fluffy robe he assumed was enchanted from your school one. He didn’t waste any time in draping the towel over your head and palming out the remaining liquid. It was mostly dry by now, but he’d hate for you to catch a cold from sleeping on wet hair.
“I want to go back with you.” You muttered, meeting his gaze for the first time that night. “Tomorrow. We’ll go back tomorrow. I’m too tired to face anyone but you tonight.” You took the towel from him and threw it across the room, your fingers tangling with his as you lead him towards the bed.
If this were any other situation, Sebastian thought he could have died from being invited into your bed. He had fantasized about it, often, if he were being honest, but now all he felt was a warmth engulfing him. You trusted him completely and without reservation, even after everything he himself had put you through, and he knew he would do anything to keep it that way. 
You both crawled into bed while he used his wand to snuff out the lights, plunging the tent into almost complete darkness. He reached over then, pulling you slightly on top of him so your head lay on his chest and his arms were once again around your shoulders. Sebastian thought, at that moment, he would give anything in the world to stay here in this tent with you. No more obligations, no more goblins or curses or demanding professors. Just you and him. He supposed it had been just you and him for quite a while now, but he liked it better when you weren’t taking on the world.
“Your heart is beating so fast.” You whispered, and Sebastian could hear the teasing lilt in your tired voice. “Do you want to sleep on the floor? Perhaps take a cold bath yourself?”
His face burned at your words, and you laughed as his heart sped up even more. Sebastian huffed and pulled the covers over you both. “Shut the hell up and go to sleep.”
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poraphia · 9 months
loved your response to the siren + vigilante reader ask :)
I was thinking that the reader probably let people think they were dead because there were some dangerous people after them— or maybe they just got caught up in a scheme of some sort. Either way, with their self-isolating I’ll-do-it-myself attitude, they convinced themselves that letting everyone, even Wilbur, think they were dead was for the best
idk something justifiable so that siren doesn’t 100% hate the reader when he figures it out
DUDE what if siren falls in love with the vigilante, not knowing it’s the reader, and when he “confesses” (more like hints towards because he’s too much of a pussy for a real confession) the reader kinda reveals it’s them— because they feel bad for lying to him for so long
ouchhh angst
But also hopefully eventually maybe maybe maybe fluff
yk that scene in httyd stoick sees valka after so long? yeahh..
The vigilante and the villain sat on the familiar rooftop together, but this time, there was no screaming Zephyrus, no dangerous 404 throwing blades, and best of all, no Siren bleeding out on the floor.
It was peaceful, quaint, and comfortable.
Siren stared out onto the stars, admiring each glisten and twinkle they had to offer. A small smile lit his face, enjoying such company from someone so unlikely.
"I love being here with you, you know that right?" He spoke gently.
And though the vigilante tried their best to feel the same comfort in that moment, they just couldn't. Their hands fidgeted in their lap and their eyes refused to even catch a glimpse of Siren's figure.
"Siren..?" The vigilante mumbled. Siren turned to them, his smile still not leaving his face. In fact, it grew wider at the sight of them. It's been months since their first encounter. The fact that the vigilante uttered his civilian name was dismissed, just as how his hand caressed them with a familiar warmth.
"Yes, is everything okay?" He asked. His smile had left now, noticing how the vigilante squirmed with their hands clutching their arms. But they stayed silent, making little noises as scarce attempts to express their feelings. That was until they took a long, shaky breath.
"This... Secret has been eating me alive for the longest." The vigilante now faced Siren. A bit of them pained to even catch sight at the half-masked villain. Because in reality, they only longed to see those chocolate brown eyes. "I know heroes, villains, and vigilantes must keep their identities a secret from one another, but this is something I feel the upmost guilt about. If anyone deserved to know who I am in this world, it... It would be you, Wilbur."
And just like that, Siren's heart strings were wrapped around their hand and pulled forcefully to be slammed against the wall like a wrecking ball.
"What do you mean..?" His voice trembled. He wasn't sure if it was shock, hurt, or unnerving suspicion rising upon him. If anything, it was a sick mixture of all.
Without any further words exchanged, the vigilante reached behind their head, undoing the buckles to their mask.
There was a wave of denial rushing through the villain. What if this was just some sick, twisted joke Jester decided to play? Some person just happened to look like his presumed-dead lover. It was all coincidence, it was all a mistake, it was all a delusion.
The mask rested on the lap of the vigilante as all Siren could do was stare in horror. In return, they scoffed and looked away.
"You can fucking scream at me if you want to." They spat as they stood up, carefully balancing themselves on top of the building's roof edge. In an instant, Siren scrambled up as well, but never averted his eyes from the sight.
This isn't real. This can't be real.
As they began stepping backwards, almost scared of what Siren had to say, he mindlessly stepped closer, almost paranoid that if they moved any further, they'd disappear again. For years.
"Will... Fucking say something." They demanded. "I-I know it was wrong of me. I get it, okay! But you have to understand it wasn't that simple." A sob choked out in the midst of their sentence. But all Siren did was stare, stepping closer as they stepped back.
"There was no fucking hope for me if the heroes knew I was still alive! I would've put you and danger, f-fuck-- Your whole family, Wilbur! I-I didn't want to hurt you!" They were screaming now. Tears were nothing but a decoration to their distraught face.
They were near the edge of the building now. The heartbroken vigilante cautiously looked back, but Siren, no, Siren didn't care about his surroundings. Only the being that stood right in front of him.
"Please-- fuck, Wilbur!" They pleaded. "You're scaring me! Fucking say something please--!"
They had no more room to back away now. A shock of fear rushed through their body as their foot felt nothing underneath their next step. Siren wrapped an arm behind their torso, his spare hand holding theirs. A position that felt so dangerous in that moment as they dangled off the edge of the building, but it was a position that felt so right.
A position that felt like late night dancing in the living room after sneaking in late at night way past curfew.
A position of him and his long lost lover.
Siren pulled away the hand that held theirs to slide off his blindfold completely. He gently placed a hand onto their warm, flushed cheek, near reminiscent of their first encounter. They placed a hand on top of his.
Quietly, Siren muttered:
"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you.."
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borahaerhy · 1 year
Dealer (5) - myg
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Summary: Your boyfriend seemed like a dream come true: always wanting to be around you, making sure you would get home safe, never taking his hands off you. These little comforts became your whole world, and then the only thing you were allowed to have left in the world. Luckily, your boyfriends drug dealer turned out to be a much nicer guy.
Pairing: DrugDealer!Yoongi x Female!Reader
Genre: Mafia/drug kingpin au, Y/N coming from nothing, found family, Eventual smut
Warnings: Obsession, hit men, non-graphic unaliving, a lot of guns, Seokjin's house is a labyrinth, Jimin's father kinda sucks I'm ngl, Yoongi isn't in this as much as I planned for him to be, but he will be for the next one, also a lot more action in the next one :))
Word count: 2.3k
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Note: If you are sensitive or triggered by abusive relationships or manipulation in any way, please do not read this fic, it can be very triggering. It will also be referenced that Y/n used to self harm, and has self-harm scars. This is fic is going to cover a lot of intense topics, and there will be a lot of drugs.
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The past 24 hours have been odd, to say the least. Yoongi never really saw himself as someone that would intervene in the personal life of someone he knew nothing about. Being a drug dealer for as long as he’d been one came along with seeing your fair share of sketchy shit; but Yoongi had always been able to separate that from his personal life.
Until you, that is.
“I’ve dealt with these guys before, don’t worry, I know how to deal with them,” Yoongi was pulled from his thoughts by Jin, who was now seated across from him, eyes trained on the laptop in front of him.
“When you say you’ve dealt with them before, you mean…?” Yoongi’s voice trailed off slightly at the end, wanting to make sure he completely understood what Jin was talking about.
“Many people have tried to put hits out on me, and these guys are usually the ones they hire. More often than not, they’re dead before they even see me,” Jin’s eyes never left the screen as he spoke softly, the majority of his attention falling on what he was looking at rather than what he was saying.
“You don’t plan on just keeping us here until you kill all of them, do you?” Jin lips curled up slightly, a soft chuckle leaving his lips as he shook his head.
“Of course not, we’re taking out their leader and their most high-profile killer. Once they’re gone, the rest will disappear, hopefully to find better, more productive jobs,” Taehyung and Hoseok were both on their second cups of coffee, neither of them really having said anything. “Hobi, you’re the one that knows this Zeke guy the most, right?”
Hoseok straightened himself in his seat, bringing his full attention to Jin in an instant. “Uh, yeah. We used to hang out a lot before him and Y/n started going out.”
“What do I need to worry about in terms of him?” For the first time since they’d gotten downstairs, Jin looked up, his full attention now on Hoseok, waiting for his response so he knew how to move forward.
“He’s no hit man, that’s for sure. But he is obsessed with Y/n; has been since before she even knew he existed. I don’t think he’ll stop until he’s dead or in prison, and even then, prison is only stopping him until he can get out,” Jin’s face fell slightly as everyone else in the room tensed. Hoseok never liked talking about Zeke, but he was the only person that fully knew what he was capable of; so he was going to have to start.
“He’s that bad, huh?” Hoseok nodded slightly as the weight of the situation everyone was in finally settled on their shoulders; and it was a lot heavier than any of them had fully realized.
“Have you made any progress?” Jimin sighed, his fathers voice ringing through his ear piece a little louder and sooner than he would’ve liked it to.
“Can’t talk, I’m on his property,” Jimin’s voice was low as he covered his mouth in a way so that if there was anyone nearby, they wouldn’t be able to hear him.
“Fine, then I’ll talk,” Jimin rolled his eyes as he internally cursed himself, jumping from the branch of one tree to another, his landing silent as his footing was perfect. “Zeke just showed up and he won’t shut the fuck up; you have an hour to get her or I’m sending in reinforcements,” Before Jimin could protest or further explain his situation now that he’s reached higher ground, His father had hung up the phone.
The thing about being on Seokjin's property was that it was thousands of acres of mostly wooded land, and his house was very well camouflaged within that. Jimin was dancing across tree tops to try and silently move around to find it without being detected, having already spotted two heavily armed guards on the ground in the twenty minutes he’d been there.
Finding his house within an hour would be practically impossible.
Namjoon let you know there was clean clothes in the dresser and a shower in the bathroom connected to the room in case you wanted to take a shower before you got some rest; an offer you gladly took. You sat in there for almost 30 minutes, just letting the near boiling water turn your skin red before you tried to get some rest.
But nearly 3 hours later, you were still wide awake.
You found yourself completely unable to sleep, tossing and turning in the room far too big for your liking. Your thoughts are loud and never ending, a new concern or worry entering your head before the last one can even finish settling in.
You sat up with a huff, throwing the pristine white blanket off of you as you brought your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them and pulling them further into you. You took a few deep breaths as you took in your surroundings, attempting to ground yourself before your panic fully set in. The room you had only been in for a few hours almost looked to be staged; nothing looked like it had ever been used, like it was only there to look like a bedroom - not to actually be one.
You stood from the bed when you felt safe enough to do so, and made your way to the door. If you couldn’t sleep, you may as well help the guys figure things out.
You stood with your hand on the door knob for an unnecessary amount of time, mostly just trying to gain the courage to leave the room. You took another deep breath and closed your eyes, things always being less scary if you can’t see them, and opened the door.
Right outside the door was the more intimidating of the two men from earlier; Jungkook if you remembered his name correctly. He turned abruptly to face you when he heard your door open, only looking at you for a split second before he looked behind you, searching the room for any signs of danger.
“I-I’m sorry, I just can’t sleep. I was going to see if the guys needed any help,” You stuttered out, not expecting someone to be standing right outside the door, and still looking absolutely terrifying.
His demeanor seemed to relax significantly once you spoke, yet he still seemed tense; hands clasped behind his back and his jaw tensed. He shook his head silently as he still continued scanning the room behind you, though much less frantically now. You furrowed your brows, still waiting on him to speak, but he never does.
“I can’t go help?” You questioned, a little confused at his silence. Jungkook finally looks at you, his eyes looking at your concerned expression for less than a second before he looked away again. He shook his head softly, his gaze moving down to look at the ground in between the two of you
“Uhm, no,” He cleared his throat, his eyes still looking down as he continued. “You can’t go downstairs. It would be, uhm, upsetting, to have to listen to that,” Jungkook stuttered out, his voice a lot softer and gentle than you had initially expected.
“Oh… is there anything I can do besides sit in here and freak out?” You lighthearted tone made him smile slightly. You took pride in knowing that your outgoing nature was still there, even if you hadn’t used it in a while.
“I’m afraid n-” Jungkook was cut off by a loud bang, a gunshot, if you had to guess; and he reacted before you even knew what was happening.
He pushed you back into the room and closed the door silently, before he pulled you towards the closet. He let go of you and opened the door, pulled the giant dresser out of the closet effortlessly to reveal a trap door that led god knows where. He opened it up and waved you over, silently asking you to go down.
He was right behind you, pulling the dresser back into place before he rushed down the stairs.
At the bottom was a small cellar that, from what it looked like, was used as an armory. Racks and cases that covered the walls were all filled with guns, guns that Jungkook was taking off the walls.
“Here,” without looking at you, he hands you a gun with one hand, the other taking ammunition out of a box.
“You’re giving me a gun?”
“You shouldn’t need it, but just in case,” You took a deep breath before nodding and putting the gun carefully in the waistband of your jeans.
He slung a shotgun over his shoulder and put two more handguns into the waistband of his jeans, accompanying the one he already had there, along god knows how much ammo he had in a bag slung off his other shoulder.
He had one more in his hand, before he moved over to one of the walls and pushed in a brick. The wall next to the brick moved back and slid behind the wall next to it, revealing a pathway. What is this, an episode of Scooby Doo?
That was definitely less than an hour.
At most, another 45 minutes went by before Jimin noticed several large black cars driving through the woods he’d worked so hard to stealthily get into, followed by extensive gunshots filling the otherwise serene area.
Jimin now raced on the ground toward the sound of gun fire, passing the bloodied bodies of hit men he’d known and Seokjin's guards alike.
He hated to benefit off of the deaths of others, but the less skilled hit men running in guns blazing were really a good distraction for him to sneak in the back.
Sneaking in certainly shouldn’t have been the easiest, but Jimin’s gun had a silencer, so he just shot through a door knob and was in.
Where he had managed to break into, was still to be determined. This could be a completely different house on the property to throw people off, a staged home of someone completely different to make us think were in the wrong spot; maybe even a part of the same building they were in, only there was no way to get over there.
One thing Jimin had always known when it came to certain high-profile cases - especially Seokjin - is that nothing is exactly what it seems, so stay alert.
He knew that Seokjin liked to have secret rooms to hide people and things in, something they’d learned on the fifth hit someone tried to put out on him.
He made his way to the basement, every room he entered being completely empty as everyone had run off to deal with the people obviously trying to break in. His gun was drawn as he swept the basement, looking in every nook and cranny knowing that there was something down here he was missing.
He almost gave up when he tripped over a piece of carpet that wasn’t laying flat. He looked back at it, noticing a small portion of the carpeting was a different color than the rest of the room.
After scanning the room one last time to make sure no one had snuck down when he wasn’t paying attention, he put his gun in his holster before he leaned down to lift the carpet.
A trap door. Nice.
A small smile crept onto Jimin’s face before it quickly washed away. He opened the door and took his gun back out before he started down the dusty looking steps.
It took him longer than he would’ve liked to find the light, but once he did, he realized it was just an empty room. Dusty and full of cobwebs, it didn’t look like anyone had been in here for at least a decade.
But that was exactly why Jimin knew he was in the right spot.
What seemed like hours later, and several layers deeper into the labyrinth that was Seokjin’s house, Jimin felt like he was no closer to finding you than he had been when he was hiding in the trees.
But at this point it was too late to go back, not that he even knew how to get out at this point; so he kept moving.
Jimin was now in a pitch black room with no idea how big the room was, or if there was any way out. His steps were slow and careful, as he held his weapon up, ready in case anyone pops out at him.
He evidently stepped wrong, the creaky floor giving way under him; an actual trap door meant to get him stuck so that he couldn’t escape.
He landed on the cold ground with a thud, his gun flying from his hand and landing halfway across the room as he groaned, letting his now very sore body relax on the ground; though that didn't last long as he heard a gun cocking above him.
He sighed, eyes clenched shut as he slowly pushed himself off the ground, making sure his movements were slow and hands stayed visible the whole time. As he sat up though, the fear that coursed through him turned to relief.
“Y/n?” You lowered the shaky gun in your hands slightly, just enough to see the face of the man you had it pointed at.
I know this isn't as action-packed as I would have liked it to be, but trust me, the next chapter will be following the hit men and the guys, guns blazing.
I'm hoping to have that one up by July
(That's a joke. But seriously if I don't have another chapter up by July, shoot me)
 Taglist: @pamzn @fvcuidk @cybm1n @limiworld @scuzmunkie @hyunjingin @nellyboosworld @giselleg7784 @zaeve @lovelgirl22 @rosquilleta @kooliv @bangtannie7 @strawberryjimin13 @anjoellamorte @limitlessdespondency @lalaoise @roxy1205 @lavender-ivy @orangecarrotlemon @billy-jeans23  @jwlmnbt @artemis1862 @namjoonsbuspass @luaspersona @wittyreader @be0mluver  @acquiescence804 @dustyinkpages 
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topazy · 11 months
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, minor violence
Chapter: 4.12
Your hair fell over your shoulders as you pulled clumps of blood out of 10K’s hair with your fingers. It would make cutting his dark locks, which had grown to just under his ears, that much easier without pieces of Z still in them. You were both drenched in blood and in need of bathing in the nearby river, but it was safer to wait until all the thick smoke from the explosion had cleared.
“It meant what I said.”
“I know; that’s why I agreed to marry you.”
10k tilts his head around, looking up from over his shoulder; his eyes almost have a pleading look in them. Just over half a year had passed since your group had all gone their separate ways, but it never became any easier to accept; out of everyone, 10k had taken it the hardest. Growing up, he only had his mother, so gaining a family he never had just to lose it was difficult to adjust to, especially with how it ended. 5K was dead, Murphy had gone AWOL, which was concerning considering he tried to build his own army last time, you and Addy weren’t on speaking terms, Warren was untraceable, and Doc decided he needed to do more and left to join a Z hunting party. He promised he’d be back, but I still hurt when he left. You were grateful that Red chose to stay with you and 10K, but all the new memories you were making didn’t ease the pain of the old ones.
All of this, combined with 10k’s body trying to function as normal after being bitten, had made him paranoid; he was scared anything that was too good would suddenly disappear.
“I love you, Tommy.” You kiss him on the only blood-free part of his face, which was his left cheek.
“I love you too,” he smiles. “When the time is right, we will get married, and hopefully our old gang will be there.”
“How will we know when the time is right?”
He shrugs and says, “I don’t know; I guess we just will.”
“You seem lost in thought; what are you thinking about?” 10k asks as you walk through a plot of land that was mainly rumbling from collapsed buildings and abandoned vehicles.
“One day in the future, when we have our own home again, I'll have the note you’d written me framed and hung up on a wall.”
10k raises his brows, smiling, and says, “That's a very hopeful thought to have, although I’m surprised that note has lasted so long.”
“You’re kidding, right? I treat it as if the paper were made from gold.”
“You know,” Murphy says loudly for Warren, who was charging in front, to hear. “If you just told us what you were looking for, it would be a lot easier to help you find it.”
Warren takes a moment to reply as her eyes scan the area, “I’ll know when I see it.”
Rolling your eyes, you sighed. You’d been relentlessly flogging Warren for days, and she had shared nothing useful about the location or any other information that would help you help her. It was growing increasingly frustrating, especially with Murphy dragging the zombified president behind him. After a while of walking, Warren zones out again, but then comes to and orders Murphy to stand in one spot while holding his hands in the air.
“How long do I need to do this for?” He moans, “I haven’t showered in three weeks, and my arms are tired.”
“It’s definitely longer than three weeks,” you snort.
After making Murphy change his arm position and holding up a sign post, Warren spots something no one else can see and somehow finds a hatch that had been hidden beneath the dirt and rubble leading to your next location.
Your mouth twists in irritation as you struggle to lower the dead president, who was surprisingly heavy, into the room the hatch led to, which was part of an underground army base. 10K, Warren, Murphy, and Doc had already gone in first to make sure it was clear, leaving you and Sarge alone for the first time in days. Neither of you had attempted to utter a single word to one another before this, but now you were forced to.
“Easy, steady,” she says, looking down. “Take it slow, nice and slow.”
“Easy for you to say.” You grit your teeth as you feel the rope burning the palms of your hands. You feel yourself startling to lose your grip. “I’m going to drop him!”
Sarge quickly grabs the rope that’s slipping and says, “Holy shit, he’s heavy!”
Even with the two of you trying to keep him steady, the president's weight became too much when he began wriggling about in the makeshift harness, causing the rope to slip from both of your hands. Hearing the thud below, you share a shocked look before both moving to stare down the hatch. Luckily, he was still moving, which meant you hadn’t re-killed him.
You let out a soft chuckle while getting to your feet. Sarge looks at you nervously; she motions for you to climb down the ladder first, “after you.”
10k takes your hand as he helps you jump off the end of the ladder, giving you a knowing look that says, “My bad.” You clear your throat. “So where to next?”
“That way,” Warren says before exiting the room.
As you go down different hallways, you come across a handful of Z’s that have gone blind due to the lack of sunlight, which meant it was easy for you to show mercy to time. Not wanting to create any noise, you shot them in the head with arrows. Your group remains silent until you reach a staircase and try to figure out the best way to get the zombie down it quickly.
“Maybe we could make a stretcher?” Doc suggests.
“That’s a good—” you stop talking when you hear a loud thud, and you glance over your shoulder to see Murphy standing suspiciously alone. “Murphy, did you just push the zombified president down the stairs?”
“Ex-president,” he points out. “And it saved us time, and besides, he’s already dead.”
Warren shakes her head. “We better go get him before he wanders off.”
You finally find the president after going down thirty flights of stairs to find two Zs eating the organs from his stomach. “I got it,” 10k says before using a slingshot to fire a sharp blade that goes through the two Z’s heads. He clicks his tongue and says, “Eight thousand, four hundred fifty-two.”
While Doc and Murphy tried their best to fix the president up as best they could so the zombie could walk again, your eyes remained glued to Sarge, who was staring at 10k so lovingly. You felt as if something was finally clicking into place as an uneasy feeling set in your gut.
“Let’s go,” Warren says, interrupting your thoughts.
You go into a control room and look around until Warren spots a red sign with a black message saying fourth strike and declares that’s the way to go.
You manage to fight your way through a small herd of Z’s without anyone getting bitten or hurt. While you all catch your breath, another Z appears suddenly behind you. Quickly, you stab it in the head and ask, “Where did that come from?”
10k points to the floor above, “up there.”
“I don’t think God has anything to do with this,” Murphy says sarcastically.
“No, I mean someone is pushing bodies over the edge.”
You look up as more Zs are pushed over and spot an older man with glasses about to push another Z over. “Hey!” You are behind him, firing arrows at him while Warren begins firing shots; however, the man is able to duck behind the wall. “Son of a bitch! Who the hell is that?”
“Possibly the same zona bastard who hacked the northern lights, then he had the launch codes,” Warren says, sounding panicked. “We can’t let him get to the drone before us.”
“Looks like it’s a race to the finish, then.”
A few things became more obvious to you while looking for the drone, including that Warren had apparently picked up a number of skills she had no memory of, including speaking Latin and hacking computers; the missions were growing increasingly dangerous as the minutes passed as more Z’s appeared; and Sarge most definitely had feelings for 10k. Seeing her stare at him with puppy-dog eyes made anger swirl inside you, but you had no right to be angry when she hadn’t acted on her feelings or had any control over them.
“Anyone else seeing this countdown?” Doc asks as a beep fills the room.
Warren remains silent as she clicks away at the computer, which now shows multiple CCTV footage of a small aircraft as gunfire fills the room. You join 10k and Sarge as they try to hold off Z’s from entering the room.
“Warren, we need the door code to close it!”
She doesn’t answer and sits, talking to herself instead.
“The code! Now, before the Z’s kill us!”
When she doesn’t answer, Doc tries his best to push the door closed, but he only manages to push it so far.
Suddenly Warren snaps out of her trance and back to reality, “It was Teller.”
“Dr. Teller?”
She explains that she remembers that Dr. Teller from Mercy Labs was the one who woke her from her coma to tell her about the black rainbow and how to stop it. She passes on instructions to both Doc and Murphy before saying she needs to go alone for the next part of the mission.
“We go where you go, boss.”
“Doc’s right, we can’t split up now. It isn’t safe.”
“You guys need to stay here and turn the keys in the computer,” she says, glancing down at the ground. “Where I’m going, no one can follow.”
Your jaw drops as the feeling of sorrow spreads through the room; it felt as if Warren was saying goodbye.
Warren pulls 10K in for her hug. She holds onto him tightly and says, “When you get to Newsmerica and find Addy, Sun Mei, and Red, tell them I love you from me.”
This was wrong. It felt as if Warren had already accepted that she needed to die in order to save the world.
With tears in her eyes, Warren steps back from her hug with 10k, turning to Doc and hugging him before embracing you tightly. “You’ve done good, kid,” she whispers. “I want you to go on and have the best life possible, with lots of little babies and at least one named after me.”
You let out a broken chuckle as you held back from crying. Throughout the years, Warren had been a massive part of your lives and was the reason all of you had survived so long. Losing her was going to be devastating.
“I’ll see you soon,” you sniff.
10k rests his forehead against the back of your shoulder as she leaves. The only thing you could do now was watch the screen on the computer.
“What is she doing?”
“Changing a cylinder on the aircraft,” Doc answers. “Apparently one saves the world and the other destroys it.”
“Okay, but once she’s done that, she can leave, right?” Deep down, you knew the answer but desperately wanted someone to tell you you were wrong.
“Uh guys!” 10k says, “we aren’t alone!”
When a Z forces itself through the crack in the door you fight to kill it as the others turn the keys and press the alarms as Warren had instructed causing red lights to start flashing and another countdown.
When Murphy spots the man from before who’d thrown the Z’s down on the screen he rushes from the room, despite Doc trying to stop him.
Your eyes flicker between screens as you watch Warren climb back into the drone and try to watch for Murphy on the other. The countdown reaches the final ten seconds causing you to panic, “what do we do? The drone is going to take off with Warren inside.”
“We can’t stay here,” 10k says, opening the door.
The four of you race down to the landing strip just as the drone dissolves into little pieces in the air, leaving behind what looks like a black rainbow in the sky.
She’s gone. Warren was really gone.
“What the hell?” Doc asks from beside you.
You glance to the side to see Murphy, who looked quite sunburned. You look at him in disbelief before looking back to the sky and saying, “We’re all going to die, aren’t we?”
“Looks like it,” 10k answers.
You stare up at the black rainbow above, finding it hard to believe you’d just lost Warren, your leader, your friend. Behind you, Sarge, let’s out a small gasp, but you don’t pay attention to why. You only look away from the darkness above when you feel something brush against the back of your leg. You glance over your shoulder and see 10k looking as if he’s going to sit on the ground. “What are you—”
10k falls to one knee and pulls out a ring box, “Astra…”
You momentarily freeze, unable to think as you process the unanswered question his shaky voice wasn’t able to get out. 10k opens the ring box, revealing multiple rings, each of them looking a different size. The thought of him saving them all for you causes tears to swell up. You look over to Doc and say, “can you marry us?”
He laughs a little before lifting his head to address Sarge and Murphy, waving them to stand at the side. The sun was setting, the air smelled of smoke, and everyone was covered in sweat, dirt, and blood, but weirdly, it seemed fitting for the type of life you lived. Doc clears his throat: “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two crazy kids. Now in the world before wedding ceremonies were drawn out, but since there’s a chance the dead could gate crash, I'm going to keep it short and cut to the vows.”
You all laugh at his words as 10k, who’s now standing, takes your hand in his. “I have spent my entire life feeling like something was missing, and I didn’t know what it was until I spotted a group of strangers fighting off the undead. That’s when I first saw you and finally found what was missing.”
You wipe away the tears trickling down your cheek while you let out a shaky breath. This was a moment you’d been looking forward to for so long, but it felt surreal finally living it, and it also broke your heart thinking of everyone who should have been there. Addy, Mack, Cassandra, Garnett, Vazquez, Red, and Warren 10k squeezes your hand when he sees you become emotional and gives you a moment before he continues. You wipe at your nose and nod for him to go on, “Sorry.”
He smiles brightly. “I knew from the moment I saw you pull the blade from your belt and take out a bunch of Z’s so fearlessly that you’d be important to me.” He chokes up and takes a deep breath. “My biggest fear is losing you. When you were kidnapped, I realized how much I loved you and that there was nothing I wouldn’t do to find you. I love you and promise to always protect you and stand by your side.”
Your heart melts when you hear those sweet words fall from his mouth. “When the apocalypse began, I lost all faith that anything good could last, but from the day you saved me, I knew our fates were intertwined, but I had no idea how madly I’d fall for you. You’re my best friend, Tommy, and there’s not a line I wouldn’t cross to keep you safe.”
By the end of saying your improvised vows, you are both crying, along with everyone else, including Murphy, who is now holding the ring box. He looks between the rings and your hand before pulling one out and handing it to 10k, saying, “I think this one will fit.”
It was a plain silver band that surprisingly fit as 10K placed it on your finger. You notice Doc's eyes have now gone bloodshot from crying; he claps his hands together and cheers, “You now may kiss the bride!” Your lips collide, and you smile into the kiss as 10k wraps his arms around your waist. When you pull back, Doc announces, “I now pronounce you man and wife!”
You kiss 10k again and mumble into his lips, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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stabbyfoxandrew · 2 months
Hello, could I get a little bit of arsonist neil/firefighter andrew pls🙏 (hopefully you don’t get too many asks this week so you can enjoy tsc! Sending you much love💕)
WIP Wednesday (4/10) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 142)
Nathaniel’s hands are cuffed behind him and he can’t feel his fingers. It’s dark and damp and it smells like bleach. Bleach and... barbecue. Nathaniel chokes out a sob when he realizes that’s the smell of his own burning flesh. His arms are still aching from the treatment they received in the car. He’s going to die here. He’s going to die here.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t catch you, Junior?” comes a gravelly voice from the stairs.
Time’s up.
He’s dead. 
Nathaniel watches the Butcher come down the stairs with terror. He doesn’t move, doesn’t breathe. If he’s still, maybe his father won’t see him. Maybe he’ll fade through the floor and disappear entirely. Maybe he’ll wake up in a motel bed with his mother behind him.
No such luck. The Butcher comes into view and looks down at him with a gut-wrenching smile.
“I have other business to attend to tonight. So I’m going to make this quick. Not too quick, mind you. I’ve always been a family man, I’ll make time for my son.”
Off to the side Lola laughs and it’s a cruel, disgusting sound. 
“First your legs,” The Butcher says, as if he's given it thought. “Then your arms. And I'll let you rest for a bit before I take your head. Understand that, Junior?”
Nathaniel gulps in a breath and nods, unable to do anything else.
The steel of his father’s axe glints under the single bulb dangling overhead and then it comes down—
Neil wakes with a gasp and finds himself still tied up. He can’t move. Can’t feel his legs. No, no, no. He thrashes and rolls around, trying to free himself, and ends up falling. He hits the ground with a thump and his heart is beating out of his chest. 
Where the hell is he? 
Where the hell is Nathan?
Neil blinks his eyes open and stares through the darkness until he recognizes his surroundings. A bed and a nightstand with a digital clock…? Neil lets out a breath of relief. He’s in his hotel room. 
And he isn’t tied up, but tangled in bedsheets and blankets. He flails until he’s loose and sits up to feel for his legs. Once he’s patted each of them all the way down to his toes, he lies back down and stares up at the dark ceiling for a second. His heart is still pounding and his head is hurting. Had he hit it when he fell out of bed?
Neil doesn’t know.
But he’s got to go.
He’s got to go now.
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ajpendragon · 8 months
Since I was informed that I didn’t actually fix anything with the last part, here is the final part of this series. Here are parts one and two, in case you need them. Hopefully this will be a more satisfactory ending.
Hold On
Watching Gordon disappear into the darkness was difficult. His little brother had tried to hide it, but Virgil’s medic’s eye had caught the winces of pain. He knew Gordon’s back was hurting. He also knew calling his brother out on it would cost them valuable time they didn’t have, and accomplish nothing. So he let him go, waiting until Gordon was out of sight before sighing and switching his communicator to a direct line to John.
“He’s doing too much, John. He’s going to burn himself out.”
His space brother responded immediately. “I know, Virgil. After this, he’s on mandatory downtime for the next week. You both are.”
Moving to secure a beam that was coming loose, Virgil shook his head. “I can keep going.”
“Funny. That’s exactly what Gordon would say. You’re both grounded. You’re way over your flight hours.”
Later, Virgil would blame himself for distracting John, because the warning they got was not nearly enough.
“The building is coming down now!” John’s voice blared from his comm. “Get out of there!”
Years of rescues had trained Virgil to respond to that voice, and he was out of the building before he consciously processed he was moving. Behind him, the debris thundered to the ground, collapsing where he had just been. He rested his hand on his knees, breathing heavily. That had been close.
Static filled the comms, and he froze. “Gordon? Gordon!?!” He and John both shouted. Only the static answered them. Virgil plunged back into the debris, frantically yanking beams out of the way to get to his brother. He vaguely registered John shouting for EOS, too focused on his own work, but her reply had his blood running cold. No data transmitting? That could mean a suit malfunction, but there was another, much more terrifying option, and in this situation, it seemed more likely. There was simply no data to transmit.
He didn’t even notice the static had cut out as he sat heavily on a convenient beam. Gordon was gone?
Virgil’s brain was refusing to work. He had let Gordon go into the building on his own. He had distracted John, delaying the warning that could have saved Gordon. His little brother was dead, and it was all his fault. How could he continue? How could he face Scott? How could he live with himself? What could-
“Virgil!” John’s voice shook him out of his spiral. “I’ve got something. It’s very faint, but it matches Gordon’s last known location.”
Virgil sprang to his feet. He could blame himself later. Right now, he had a brother to save. “I’m coming, Gordon. Just hold on.”
He had been digging for hours, and his body was refusing to continue much longer. “John, tell me something good.” He begged.
“The closer you get, the stronger the signal gets. It must have been all the debris blocking the signal. I’ve got his vitals. They’re fairly weak, but that’s to be expected. I don’t love his heart rate, though. It’s far too high. I think he’s panicking, Virgil.”
“I’m almost there, Gordon. Hold on. I’m coming.”
One last push, and Virgil was clearing the final bits of debris from his brother’s position. He had to be careful now. One wrong move, and things could crumble further, crushing Gordon. He could see the bright blue boot of an IR uniform peeking out from under the slab in front of him. “Gordon? Can you hear me?”
“Virgil. Am I glad to hear your voice.” Gordon was trying to hide it, but Virgil could hear the relief in his voice. “I can’t move right now, so I’ve just been waiting for you to get here.”
“I’ll have you out in a minute.” Virgil promised. “Just hold on.” He lifted the final slab, and Gordon was free. “Hold still.” He ordered, attempting to check for injuries before moving his brother, but Gordon had other plans, As soon as the slab was gone, he was up, forcing himself to his feet, despite the obvious pain he was feeling. Though from the haunted look in his eyes, Virgil knew better than to protest.
“All right, get home you two.” John ordered. “I’m coming down tonight, and if you don’t hurry up, I’m going to beat you home.”
Virgil slung Gordon’s arm over his shoulders, and they started heading back to Two. They all had a lot to process, but everyone was alive, and at the moment, that was all that mattered.
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Lost and Found- Part 11
,296A/N: Hey guys, here’s the next part! Unfortunately my friend got really busy and wasn’t able to beta read the story within a reasonable time phrase, so I’m going to be honest and say these next few chapters have me really nervous. I just worry about the pacing and if everything is moving too quickly. At the same time, I don’t want things to be repetitive and boring. Hopefully they’re okay. Thanks for being so patient guys! 
Genre: Horror, Action, Adventure, Romance, Slow-Burn,  
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Named Reader (Named but not Described)
Summary: Ella was one of the missing hikers who was kidnapped by the villagers. She narrowly escaped being sacrificed, but her friends weren’t so lucky. Managing to survive out in the woods with her previous skills and knowledge, she runs into Leon, and that meeting begins the longest, most dangerous adventure of her life as she tries to help him save the girl she saw being taken into the church. What will happen along the way? Only one way to find out.  
Warnings: Canon typical violence and gore, Death, Murder, Monsters, Suicidal ideations mentioned
Word Count: 9,296
Part 10 Part 12  Story Masterlist
Ella was starting to worry more as the time ticked by, but after a few more minutes, the sound of the gated door above them opening echoed through the room, both Ella and Leon getting to their feet.
Relief washed through Ella as Ashley came out into view, seeming uninjured. Ella had no idea how they would have gotten out of this cage if Ashley had been captured, and now Ella didn’t have to find out.
“Leon, Ella!” She called, happy to see that they were okay as well. 
“Ashley! Are you alright?” Leon asked first and foremost, having been just as worried as Ella, even if he was better at hiding it. 
“Yeah! Give me a sec, I’ll get you guys out.” She looked to the lever, walking over and trying to move the dead body off of it. As she did, something fell out of his robe. A key!
“Hey, try this!” She tossed the key down, Leon catching it before looking back up at her.
“Can you make it down? I can catch you?” Ella was just ready for him to open the door so they could get to her, but her getting down was definitely a big part of that, so Ella waited as patiently as she possibly could. 
“Yeah, I think so!” Ashley nodded, and Leon moved to unlock the door, Ella right behind him. However, Ella spun around when she heard Ashley scream, her eyes widening as she took in the large robed creature grabbing ahold of the young girl.
“Ashey!” She shouted, unable to do anything as the thing carried her away. There was no quick way up to the balcony, which meant there was no quick way to Ashley. Leon tried firing shots at it, but it had no effect, the thing stopping for only a moment to look at him with its glowing orange eyes, before turning back around and disappearing. 
“Shit!” Leon cursed, Ella gritting her teeth in frustration, ignoring the pain it brought her jaw. They had been so close! She had been right there! At least Ella knew they wouldn’t kill Ashley. There was still time to get her back. It wasn’t over yet. Ella took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down as she reminded herself of that over and over. Ashley would be okay. Ella wouldn’t fail her too.
“Just wait for us Ashley, we’re coming.” She murmured to herself. She didn’t know how much time they had left for either Ashley or Leon, but they would figure this out, and get that damned medicine from Luis. Ella was brought from her thoughts when Leon’s comms beeped, and she stepped forward to listen. An unfamiliar female voice sounded through the ear piece, her brow furrowing. 
“Ada?” So that was her name. Ella thought the name was pretty, but she couldn’t help but wonder who she was. The question left her mind for the moment at her tip, the two of them now having an idea where to go, and Ada hung up soon after that. 
“Hey, Ada? Ada!” Leon sighed. “Perfect.” Ella looked to him, hearing something behind his tone. 
“Who’s Ada?” She questioned curiously as they got outside the cage, and Leon looked to her.
“She’s a mercenary I met in Raccoon City.” The way he said mercenary stuck out to her, but Ella was confused about something else. What would a mercenary be doing here?
“What does she want?” Ella voiced her question out loud, as Leon clearly knew her and might have an idea as to what she was here for. 
“I don’t know, but whatever it is, we should probably keep her from getting it.” He told her, giving Ella the idea that he didn’t trust Ada one bit. Ella supposed that was fair considering the woman’s occupation, but it felt like it was more than that. Ella studied him a moment, noticing he was frowning more than usual after the call. He noticed her looking at him. 
“What?” His tone confirmed it, as it was one of a man who’s pride was hurt, and the realization crossed Ella’s features. 
“She tricked you didn’t she? In Raccoon city?” Ella was guessing, but Leon’s reaction told her all she needed to know as the man looked away from her quickly. 
“It doesn’t matter. The point is she can’t be trusted.” The response was vague and it avoided the question, Ella figuring that Ada must have done a number on poor 21 year old Leon. 
“Of course she can’t. She’s a mercenary. They’re usually big on money and not much else.” Ella chuckled as they moved forward, intentionally avoiding Leon’s light glare. 
She quickly gathered that it was a touchy subject for him despite it being six years ago, and she would do well to avoid the topic moving forward, even if she was really curious as to what happened. 
They made their way towards the throne room, dealing with more knights and puzzles, and the most disgusting bug looking creatures Ella had ever seen (Ella hated bugs), before they made it outside, where the annoying voice of Ramon greeted them. Well, Leon. He still ignored Ella’s existence while simultaneously trying his hardest to kill her.
“Oh Mr. Kennedy, not much of a knight, are you?” Ella found herself mentally pleading with Ramon to not compare Leon to a knight right now. She’s had her fill of those for a lifetime. “Your princess is a. . .Spirited individual.” Ella perked up at the mention of Ashley. “I must say, she gave us a considerable amount of trouble!” Ella hoped she continued to do so long enough for them to get there. They were close, and Ella was ready to get Ashley back and shut Powder Puff up for good. 
Getting the drawbridge down, they got the doors across from it open, being greeted by some cult members and two of the scariest looking monsters Ella had seen yet- and that was saying something. 
“Great. There’s two of them.” Them? Ella wondered if Leon had faced these things before, though she was sure she would recognize them if he had unless it happened while she was with Ashley. 
Ella tried to get a good look at the creatures, before noticing the long razor sharp claws, recognition hitting her. They were the same thing that he faced after falling through the wood. Ella had barely gotten a look at it at the time, but she recognized those claws. At least that meant they were killable. 
The cultists ran forward, and Ella and Leon began taking them down, before the sounds of chains breaking drew their attention, and suddenly one of the monsters was running toward her. Ella ran to the side, narrowly avoiding the swinging claws as her heart pounded with fear. These guys were straight out of a horror movie, and while that could be said about everything they had encountered thus far, there was just something about these creatures that made Ella want to run and hide. 
“They can’t see you! They rely on sound!” Leon shouted, simultaneously drawing the creature's attention away from her and letting her know how to handle them. He must have noticed that she had practically frozen in fear, and she was grateful for him, because it had been a minute since she had been that scared by one of the horrors they faced, and the monster not being focused on her helped her take a moment to breathe and reign in her fear. 
Once she had steeled herself, she moved quietly, going around the wall before noticing the large bell by the gate they needed to go through. Knowing that they relied on their sound, it was the perfect object to help direct these guys the way she wanted.
She shot the golden instrument, the loud sound and vibration seeming to disorient the creatures as they swung around at nothing, giving Leon the perfect opportunity to shoot one of them in the back where the parasite was. Ella moved, following his lead and doing the same to the other one, who was much closer to her. It didn’t take long for it to charge, but Ella shot the bell again, before moving out of the way. 
Eventually Ella got the genius idea to have the creature take out the cult members for them, and when a few members were right in front of her, she shouted and quickly moved away so she wasn’t in the creature's line of fury.
Predictably, one of the creatures came barreling towards the noise, hitting the cult members and making quick work of them, saving Leon and Ella some ammo. Repeating the actions with the bell helped Ella and Leon get shots on the parasites coming out the monsters backs, and soon, they fell to the ground dead, having taken all of the cultists along with them. 
Ella and Leon both took a moment to gather themselves and reload their weapons. 
“Those gave me the creeps unlike anything else. . .” She admitted to Leon, a bit embarrassed that she had almost frozen in fear. She thought she was past that, but no matter what horrors this place threw out her, there always seemed to be something worse waiting ahead. 
“You seem to have handled yourself just fine.” She looked to see him giving her a half smile, and she felt her cheeks warm slightly. She appreciated his compliment and assurance, her embarrassment fading as she reminded herself that despite her fear, she had taken one down.  She didn’t know if he did it on purpose, but Ella was quickly realizing that Leon was good at comforting others in his own way. 
The gate required two unicorn horns in order to be opened, and fortunately, or unfortunately if you asked Ella, the creatures had them on them, Ella grimacing as she cautiously grabbed one from the monster she killed as if it would spring to life suddenly.
That didn’t happen, and she moved to the statues with Leon to put them in their rightful places. The gate raised, giving them access to the large ornate doors to the throne room. The two shared a look, Ella nodding to say she was ready, before they moved to open them. 
“Nooo! No!” The two heard Ashley scream from the inside, panic filling Ella as she picked up her pace, her and Leon pushing the doors open with their guns drawn. 
Ramon was sitting on the throne with his legs crossed, a drink in hand, and Ella took in the two cultists holding Ashley and forcing her into a kneeling position, that damned symbol painted on her face. A now familiar rage filled Ella as both her and Leon ran forward, preparing to attack the men holding her.
“Stop! No! Don’t come any closer!” Leon and Ella halted, and Ella grit her teeth, desperately wanting to go to her and get those men off of her. She took in the hole in front of her, seeing that it was deep, only blackness visible. She had no idea how long the drop would be, but she really didn’t want to find out, taking a step back as she focused back on Ashley.
“Are you hurt?” Leon asked, but just as he did, Ashley looked at something above him. 
“Watch out!” Ella could barely get a good look at the red robed guard that landed on Leon before a strange arm shot out, slamming into her and sending her flying into the stone wall to the side. She dropped her gun, crumpling to the floor as she tried to push away the disorientation and pain that had blossomed throughout her body. 
“Please, continue.” Ashley’s crying and begging echoed in Ella’s ears, and she weakly raised her head, watching as a robed man brought over a large chalice that had black liquid sloshing within it. 
Ella moved to reach for her gun as she got to her knees, needing to do something and refusing to let the pain stop her. However, the other red robed creature appeared, forcing her back down as she let out a grunt at the pressure holding her to the stone floor. These things were unbelievably strong, and whatever they used to hold them down covered Ella’s entire torso, making it impossible for her to get up. 
“Do not resist, my dear. It serves only to make your suffering all the worse.” The men chanted as the two holding her forced her mouth open, and Ella watched in horror as they poured the liquid down her throat, helpless to do anything. Ashley coughed as the men released her, the remaining liquid spilling out of her mouth as she put a hand to her stomach. The dark veins suddenly became much more apparent on Ashley’s skin, Ella’s eyes widening as she watched them spread up the young girl's arms, neck and face, and Ella immediately realized the liquid must have sped up the process of the Plaga’s hold on her.  However, Ella’s attention was stolen as Leon grunted, struggling in the thing holding him’s grasp as it raised him above the large hole in the floor. Ella felt her heart drop into her stomach as she realized what was about to happen. 
“Leon!” She shouted, trying to struggle, but it was no use, the thing only pressing her down harder. Ramon spoke in Spanish, and in the next second, before Ella could even blink, the thing threw Leon into the hole.
“NO!” Her heart twisted violently in her chest as Leon disappeared from her sight, Ashley crawling to the edge with a scream of his name. Silence fell over the room for a moment, Ella’s eyes never leaving the hole as she tried to process what just happened. There was no way Leon had just. . . 
Ella’s breath caught in her throat as she realized what might have just occurred, an overwhelming sense of dread and heartbreak swirling within her. She was snapped out of it when the thing suddenly lifted her, and she wondered for the first time if she was also going to be tossed into the hole behind him. However, the thing brought her closer to Ramon, who looked at her with disdain. 
“You should have never been allowed to live.” He tsk’d. “However, it seems that mistake will now be amended. As much as I wish to kill you now, Lord Saddler believes it would be fitting to have the girl do it when she finally submits herself to the gift instead. A testament that she is finally ours.” Ella’s brows furrowed in confusion, not understanding why they wouldn’t just kill her now. It looked like Ramon was considering it as he watched her closely. The thing holding her let her go enough so the cultists could take all of her gear, though Ella was able to hide something under her flannel shirt. The men moved to grab the two grenades at her waist, managing to grab one just before Ramon continued. 
“But perhaps we could tell Lord Saddler that you resisted, giving us no choice but to kill you.” Ella knew that was her cue as she revealed the flash grenade she had grabbed without the cultists knowing, pulling the pin and dropping it between them. 
“Ashley, cover your eyes!” She shouted, following her own advice as the bright light went off. Saved from the effects, Ella moved quickly, kicking the cultists holding Ashley off of her before taking her hand and pulling her along with her to the door. 
Ashley was sluggish and weak, but she did her best to follow Ella as the girl practically slammed into the doors to open them quickly. Ella was running on autopilot at the moment, having no real plan except getting Ashley the hell out of there. 
Cultists were running after them, and with how slow Ashley was moving, it was hard to not keep the distance from closing little by little, Ella getting to the next door after avoiding the dead bodies on the ground. 
“Ella stop-” Ashley breathed, panting as Ella got the door open. Ella looked back at the girl incredulously, not understanding how she could be asking her to stop when the cultists were  practically right behind them. “I can’t. . I’m too slow and weak. You have to go without me.” Ella couldn’t believe what she was hearing, immediately shaking her head to tell her there was no way she was doing that. Before she could even open her mouth, Ashley spoke first.. “Ella, they’ll kill you! At least if you run you can come find me later. Please-” She tried to reason with her, turning to see the cultists about to close the gap. 
Ella knew she was right. They wouldn’t kill Ashley, but if Ramon was hesitating to kill Ella before, she had just given him the perfect reason to do it now. But how could she just leave Ashley? It felt so wrong, and Ella didn’t know if she could do it. However, Ashley didn’t give her a choice as she used what little strength she had to shove Ella out of the door. 
“Go!” She shouted, before leaning her body against the wood and closing it behind her, giving Ella no time to react. Ella was left standing there, staring at the doors as she heard Ashley’s yelp of fear, Ella knowing they had just grabbed her. 
Guilt had already been swirling inside her, along with many other emotions, but it increased tenfold, Ella’s breathing becoming shaky and uneven as she tried to process everything that had just happened in her head. It had all happened so fast. . .how had so much changed in the matter of minutes? A large weight inside her threatened to pull Ella down, but she knew that if she didn’t get moving, Ashley’s actions would be in vain. Ella’s jaw set as she forced herself to turn away from the door and run across the stone she and Leon had been at not even an hour ago, the thought of the blonde causing a lump to form in her throat. 
Getting to the other side, she ran through the still open gate and into the large and partially destroyed room she and Leon faced the swarm of flying bugs, hearing cultists shout behind her and realizing they were coming after her once more. 
She cursed under her breath, picking up her pace as she ran up the steps and to the door they had unlocked from the inside, squeezing through and wasting no time as she ran down the corridor. 
She ended up going into the library where she and Leon had fought off more knights while going after Ashley, crawling into a small crevice in the bookshelves to hide as she pressed her hand against her mouth, trying to quiet her breathing. 
The cultists hadn’t been far behind her, and she could hear them shouting in Spanish outside the library. It only took a few moments before the door opened, and Ella held her breath as the sound of footsteps entered the room. Light from the cultists' torches filled the room, and Ella pulled herself further into the small nook she was in, holding her knees to her chest and praying she wouldn’t be found. 
It took about five minutes, but eventually the handful of men who had come into the room left, the door shutting behind them as silence filled the room. 
Ella gave it a few more minutes to be safe, but when no other sound could be heard, she released the breath she had been holding, it immediately being followed by a sob before Ella slapped a hand over her mouth once more. 
She didn’t want to cry. She didn’t want to feel helpless. She didn’t want to feel her heart shattering in her chest again at the realization she had lost someone else. There was no way Leon had survived that fall. . .they wouldn’t have thrown him down there if they believed he could survive it after all.
That meant that just like Alice, Ella had failed in saving Leon. And now all Ashley had left was her. Self-loathing filled Ella’s thoughts again as she berated herself mentally. She wasn’t Leon. She wasn’t a trained agent. She didn’t have his connections. She didn’t even have her weapons on her anymore. She had a single grenade, which could only do so much assuming she used it properly. She had no real way to defend herself except her limited self-defense knowledge, which had failed her twice already. 
How was she supposed to save Ashley? 
She remembered Ashley’s words just before she shut the door on Ella. Ashley had told her to come after her. She was relying on Ella. Despite knowing that, all Ella could feel was hopelessness and self doubt, seemingly unable to pick herself up this time. 
The sound of clicking echoed throughout the library, Ella’s eyes widening as she once again held her breath. There was someone else in this room. But how? Ella hadn’t heard anyone come in? And what was that sound? It almost sounded like heels. That was confirmed when a pair of black boots appeared in front the nook Ella was hiding, and Ella’s heart pounded loudly in her chest as she waited for whoever was standing there to say or do anything. She flinched when a gloved hand appeared, though it was being held out to her in offer. 
Ella’s brows furrowed, her eyes taking in the unfamiliar hand. There were no visible veins along the smooth skin that Ella could see, telling Ella that the person it was attached to wasn’t infected. Cautiously, Ella took the hand, letting the unknown person help her out of the nook. Soon, Ella was face to face with a gorgeous black haired woman, though Ella didn’t recognize her even remotely. 
“Who-” She had tried to ask, but the woman was quick to cut her off. 
“The name’s Ada. I’m sure you’ve heard of me?” Ada. . .She was the mercenary that Leon had met in Raccoon City. Ella took her in for a moment, having not expected to meet the woman on her journey. Especially not like this. 
“Y-Yeah. Leon-” She had to swallow the lump in her throat. “He told me about you. Briefly.” She wondered if Ada knew what happened to him, and if she should tell her. The two had a past after all, and Leon’s reaction to her suggested there was more behind their relationship. 
“Good. Keep your chin up, okay?” Ella was brought from her thoughts at Ada’s words, focusing back on the woman who was giving her a small smile. “And don’t worry about Leon. Trust me, he’s lived through much worse.” The complete certainty in her voice made Ella stop, the slightest bit of hope pushing its way through the flurry of negative emotions still inside her. “You’ll actually be good for him, unlike me.” That last part was murmured under the woman’s breath, but Ella had heard it, though she didn’t understand what she meant. Before she could ask, Ada pulled a combat knife out from behind her, holding it out for Ella. “Take this, and stay alive. You’ve managed to do that this far, so you might as well keep going.” Ada’s tone was almost dismissive, as if she was putting up a front, but considering what she was currently doing for Ella, she knew better than to believe it. 
Ada didn’t have to be here, giving Ella hope and a way to defend herself, but she was. And Ella appreciated it more than Ada could ever possibly know as she took the knife from the woman, nodding in agreement. Ada seemed satisfied with that, and in the next moment, she moved towards the windows of the library, Ella only realizing then that one of them was open. Ada climbed onto the ledge, turning to her once more and shooting her a wink, before using a grappling gun and disappearing from Ella’s sight. 
Ella was left standing there, still a bit surprised about the interaction. She didn’t fully understand it, but she did know that Ada had just saved her from herself, and that was something Ella wasn’t sure she’d get the chance to repay the woman for. 
Looking at the knife in her hand, she steeled her resolve. Ada had clearly known what happened to Leon, and she hadn’t been the least bit worried about him. Ella didn’t know if she knew something Ella didn’t, but either way, Ella would hold on to the tiny bit of hope within her that Leon was okay, it being just enough to keep the fear of having lost him at bay for the time being. 
Ella thought about her next move, knowing that all she could do was try to find Ashley, and hopefully run into Leon. If he was alive, he was already doing that himself, afterall. 
Ella had nothing to go off of where Ashley had been taken, and she was operating blind. Not only that, but one of those creatures in the red robes that had been behind Ramon were walking about, presumably looking for her. Ella had noticed early on that it made a chittering sound, and that helped her keep away from it and out of sight, as it alerted her that it was near. 
She did not want to face off against it, as they were far too strong for her to take on, especially with just a knife and a grenade. She had wanted to go back to the throne room and see if she could find her gear, but that path was heavily guarded, Ramon probably assuming she would try that exact thing, and it was too much of a risk. She knew the throne room was a dead end, so there was no other reason to risk going back to it. 
That left her wandering about the castle, looking for any signs of Ashley and dealing with the cultists that were patrolling the area as well with just her stealth skills, combat knife, and a single grenade she couldn’t use. Ella had gotten used to sneaking about in the woods, but the castle was a different terrain, and it was a challenge for her to keep out of sight. She had to engage with cultists every now and then, but she made sure to keep it stealthy, sneaking up behind them and stabbing them in the throat before laying them down and out of sight. She only did this when she needed to check a pathway for signs of Ashley or a way forward, as she didn’t want to risk being seen too often. She knew if she did, her luck would eventually run out, and she couldn't help Ashley if she was dead. 
A couple of hours later, it felt like Ella had looked everywhere. Every pathway forward ended in a dead end, and there were cultists still patrolling about. 
At least the chittering creature had disappeared after a bit, though Ella didn’t know if she should be relieved or concerned, being on high alert just in case as she found a place to rest and think about her next move. If she kept wandering around with no direction, she was going to get caught. Considering their numbers were falling, they had to know she was skulking about by now, and they would be even more on guard. She needed a better game plan. 
She looked at her hands, flexing the sore muscles in them. Stabbing people over and over again wasn’t easy, and her hand had cramped up a few times. She found herself wondering if having Leon’s fingerless gloves would help, and wishing the Merchant had some for sale, however she quickly returned her thinking to her next move. 
Ella only thought about Leon in bits and pieces, unable to do so for too long lest she fall down the rabbit hole of worrying he was dead and what that could mean. There was still a heavy weight in her chest, and if she acknowledged it too much, it may just drag her down. 
She took in a deep breath, instead thinking about the creatures with the glowing orange eyes. Why had it disappeared? Where could it have gone? That was what she needed to focus on right now. 
It was quiet a few moments as Ella tried to consider the possibilities, but eventually, realization crossed her features. 
It wasn’t gone. It was blocking the path forward. 
Ella thought back to when she had last seen the creature, figuring that was as good a clue as she was going to get. 
Fortunately, there weren’t more cultists than before, Ella having worried they would have replaced the ones she had taken care of. It left her way somewhat open as she decided her best bet was to go in the direction the creature had been heading. If she remembered correctly, it would eventually lead her towards- 
Ella remembered the gated doors in the big room that was partially destroyed. It was locked from the outside, making it impossible to get through easily, but Ella knew that had to be where she needed to go. It was the only place she hadn’t been in this god forsaken castle. 
She’d have to worry about getting through it once she crossed that bridge, because she had a much bigger obstacle in her way if she was right. 
Getting back to the destroyed ballroom, Ella hid behind a wall by the entrance as she listened for the now familiar sound. Sure enough, Ella could hear the chittering of the creature echoing through the large space, which meant she had been right. 
Ella felt both dread and relief. Relief that she finally had a direction to go. Dread, because she knew there was no way she could get that door open without engaging with the creature in some way. 
This would determine whether or not she could save Ashley. She would either kill this creature, or it would kill her. Ella remembered all the times she would joke about turning back, and she could practically hear Leon’s voice in her head right now telling her there was no other choice. 
Not if she wanted to save Ashley. 
Ashley was the whole reason Ella was even here right now. She had told Leon that she had to save Ashley to make up for the fact that she couldn’t save Alice, and while that was still true, she knew it was more than that now. Ashley was her friend, and she was relying on Ella right now. Ella refused to leave her behind, even if it meant dying. 
Leon hadn’t even made these things flinch, the creatures always brushing off his attacks with little concern, and she didn’t know what she could do that Leon couldn’t, but it didn’t matter. She had to try. 
Having prepared herself as much as she could, Ella peeked into the room, able to see the shadow of the creature moving along the top floor, which at least gave her some cover. She kept her footfalls quiet as she walked into the room, hiding behind a pillar and looking around. Maybe there was something she could use to her advantage. 
There was rubble everywhere, but anything big enough to take out the creature was far too heavy for Ella to push, which didn’t leave her much. There were holes in the ground, and if she could make him fall into one of them, then maybe that would work, but she didn’t forget that the creature had strange limbs, and he could probably climb his way out, so she didn’t know if that would work.  
Remembering her single grenade, she paused, an idea coming to mind. It was dangerous, and she’d have to time it exactly right, but if she could use the explosion to knock one of the large pieces of rubble onto the thing, then maybe that would either kill it, or at least pin it in place long enough for her to get out of there. 
It was her best shot, and Ella silently moved to find the best piece of stone for her plan, keeping an eye on the creature's shadow so she knew where it was at all times. 
There was a boulder that was near the edge of the top floor, and Ella knew it would be perfect for what she wanted to do. She just needed to get up there, place the active grenade under the rock, and jump down while the thing was chasing her, using herself as bait and getting out of the way just in time for the boulder to fall on it. 
Easy enough. 
“Who am I kidding.” She whispered to herself under her breath as she went through the plan in her mind over and over again. So many things could go wrong, and she knew it. Timing would be the hardest aspect, remembering that Leon said these grenades took about 3 to 5 seconds to explode, and she only had one shot. There was a very small chance of success, but what choice did she have? 
Ella took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she had to do, before looking to the stairs she’d need to climb. She had no idea how fast the creature was, but she would have to be faster, or at least fast enough to get to where she needed to be before it could grab her. She would also have to bring it to the first floor so that it was behind her, otherwise she would never get to the stone in time. 
She grabbed the grenade off her belt loop, her fingers wrapping tightly around the explosive as took a deep breath. 
“Here goes nothing.” She murmured, before running out of cover and into the open when the creature was the farthest away from the stone. “Hey, looking for me?” She called, though the things eyes had been on her the second she had exposed herself, and Ella barely had any time to react as it leapt towards her. 
With a gasp, she moved around the pillar in front of her, needing to use it and the rubble everywhere to slow the thing down so she could make it to the stairs. She jumped around the rubble, using her ability to maneuver to her advantage as she quickly made it through the rocky terrain, before bolting for the stairs. 
The thing wasn’t far behind her, Ella managing to get to the top of the stairs just as it leapt right over the terrain, landing halfway up the stairs and leaving very little space between them. Ella cursed but didn’t stop, knowing it would cost her her life as she practically slid to the rock, pulling the pin and placing the grenade in the crevice between the stone and the floor as the creature almost flew towards her. 
She couldn’t even look at where she was going to land as she practically threw herself off the edge, landing on her shoulder with a grunt. Pain blossomed across her upper bicep, but as a shadow loomed over her, she had to push past it as she scurried to the side, the explosion sounding just as the creature landed in front of her. Ella hadn’t been able to get far away, but all she could do was pull her knees up to her chest and cover her head with her arms when rubble fell around her, some hitting her in the thigh and forearm and making Ella grit her teeth.
The ground shook as the boulder landed on the floor with a crash, Ella flinching but not looking up as she waited. Whether she was waiting for the thing to kill her, or for silence to follow, she didn’t know, but after a few moments, the latter prevailed, and Ella cautiously removed her arms and looked towards the large rock not even a few inches by her boots. Shock and relief filled her as she saw the robed creature pinned beneath the rock, unmoving. 
She almost couldn’t believe what she was seeing, and she was sitting there for a few moments as she processed that she had done it. She had no idea if the creature was dead, but she wasn’t going to get close enough to check, Ella quickly reigning in the shock of what she had done as she got to her feet. 
Afraid the thing would eventually crawl out from under the boulder, she wasted no more time as she ran towards the gaited door, her eyes roaming over it and looking for any way through. There was a small vertical opening in the middle, and Ella wondered if she’d be able to fit her arms through enough to pull the lock out. 
She knew it wouldn’t be an easy fit, but she’d have to try, otherwise she didn’t know how she would get past it. 
Ella raised her arms, pushing through the opening and only managing to get to the middle of her forearm before the fit became tight, and she had to start forcing her arms through. She could immediately feel the blood flow being cut off as she got to her elbows, but she could reach enough to push the tip of the sliding lock out, just needing to be able to reach the handle with her other hand. Ella bit into her lip at the pain, but didn’t stop as she pushed it as far as she possibly could, barely able to reach the handle with her other hand. 
Taking a moment break, she prepared herself, knowing this next part was going to hurt. Knowing she couldn’t avoid it, she began to pull her arm out, the metal of the gate roughly tearing at the skin of her arm, and Ella couldn’t help the cry of pain as she kept pulling her arm towards her despite the pain. Tears welled in her eyes against her will, but soon, her arm was free, Ella letting out a breath of momentary relief. 
She was bleeding a bit, but otherwise okay, and soon, Ella did the same with her other arm, pulling the handle with her and unlocking the gate. 
The fresh wounds at her arms stung, Ella looking over the damage with a wince as blood dripped down her forearms. 
So much for not adding to her collection. 
Ella took only a few minutes to clean and wrap her arms, before looking to the car that would take her across the open ravine and towards a clock tower. The realization that she was one step closer to Ashley crossed her mind, and Ella was quick to get to the car, opening the door and stepping inside. As if the thing had a sensor, it began to move, Ella looking over the edge once there was nothing below her and swallowing down the anxiety. She still couldn’t come to terms with the fact that she had survived the creature and was finally making progress in her quest to find Ashley, on her own. 
In the library, she had admittedly thought she wouldn’t make it five minutes without Leon, but here she was. She had kept hidden and taken down cultists on her own with just a knife, and then, she had taken down the orange eyed creature with just a grenade and a boulder. She was more capable than she realized, despite what her self doubt wanted to make her think.
She didn’t know how far she’d get with her plan to save Ashley, but she had far more confidence in herself than she did a couple of hours ago, and she would take the wins where she could get them. 
Making it to the other side, Ella stepped off the car, turning to see the trolley begin to go back towards where she had come from on its own.
That was good, because if Leon was behind her, he’d need it to get across. Ella refused to let her mind question whether or not he would be behind her, turning towards the clock tower and focusing on it. 
She pulled the combat knife from her boot, before cautiously moving forward up the steps and inside the clocktower. There was a spiral staircase along the wall, but Ella was more focused on what was in the middle. A stone statue of Ramon was there, wooden platforms all around it as if it had just been built. 
“Wow. . .this guy may be more full of himself than Saddler.” She murmured as she shook her head. There were some cultists further up the stairs, and Ella knew there was no sneaking around anymore, readying herself to fight. 
She knew to be smart and run past who she could, only engaging with the ones she absolutely had to, but as she got to the first platform, that plan was quickly thwarted when Ramon’s statue suddenly starting spewing fire out of its mouth, the flames licking at Ella’s arm as she barely dodged it, moving back down the stairs. 
Now stopped, a few cultists began to surround her, and she knew she’d never get past these stairs with that statue blocking her path. 
She looked to the cultists with a crossbow, dodging the arrow and lunging at her as Ella stabbed the knife into the woman's neck. Having no time to pause with the other cultists reaching for her, she slid the knife into her boot before grabbing the crossbow from the now dead woman’s hands, managing to snag a couple of bolts before she was forced to dodge a hatchet. 
Moving around them, she jumped onto the wooden platform by the statue that had paused its assault, getting behind its head to avoid the flames that would surely come soon. Using the crossbow bolts she had grabbed, she took out the cultists around her, or at least wounded them (she didn’t have amazing aim with the unfamiliar weapon), giving her time to focus on the statue. She waited for the flames to cease once more, before she slammed the handle of the crossbow into the joints of the statue's mouth, hoping to dislodge it. 
Her plan was to dislodge it and expose the pipe that the flames were coming out of so she could break it, making it to where the flames would go up into the head instead of towards the stairs. Flames would still escape from the statue, but they wouldn’t be directly pointed at the stairs, giving Ella an open passage forward. 
She managed to get one corner of the mouth dislodged, but the wood of the crossbow was splintered. Ella still moved over to the other side, hoping it would last long enough to dislodge it as well, and if it didn’t, hopefully it would do enough damage that Ella could pull it off. However, someone calling her name stopped her. 
“Ella?” She knew that voice, her heart jumping in her chest as she moved to look over the edge. Sure enough, Leon was on the bottom floor, and the weight that had almost cemented itself inside of Ella lifted so abruptly she was almost knocked off balance. 
“Leon, you’re alive!” She breathed, her shoulders almost sagging as the anxiety dissipated. The two stared at each other for a few moments, taking each other in. Relief was visible in Leon’s eyes as well, the blond having clearly been worried about her. He had known they wouldn’t kill Ashley, but Ella’s fate had been unknown, even when she didn’t follow him down.
“You weren’t worried about me were you? You know I don’t go down easy.” She joked as she moved to look for a way down. She was ready to pull Leon into a hug whether he liked it or not, needing to let her mind fully accept that he was alive. 
“Yeah I know. Couldn’t really help it.” That made her pause for a moment, Ella’s heart fluttering in her chest. The way he said it, as well as him so freely admitting it, caught her by surprise. Before Ella could really react, however, Leon’s eyes widened. “Ella-” Ella had no time to react as the loud thud of the creature landing behind rattled the wood and knocked her off her feet, its arm shooting out and wrapping around her before she could fall. 
Being distracted by Leon made her miss the chittering sound that was now echoing in her ear, Ella mentally cursing as she realized she had let herself get caught. Her arms were pressed against her sides, Ella having dropped the crossbow, and the creature's grip tightened, making Ella grit her teeth at the pressure as it lifted her up. The body armor she wore only seemed to evenly distribute the tightness around her upper torso, working against her in that moment.  Her feet were no longer on the ground, Ella’s legs dangling in the air and leaving her completely incapacitated and unable to free herself. 
Leon had his gun up, but the sound of boots against wood echoed behind Ella as Ramon stepped onto the platform and into Leon’s sight. 
“Sorry to interrupt this touching reunion. However, this nuisance must finally be dealt with.” He referred to Ella,  though he didn’t take his eyes off Leon. “Are you prepared to watch her die, Mr. Kennedy?” Ramon asked him, before gesturing towards the creature. It was then that it began to squeeze Ella between its claws, Ella feeling the air practically forced out of her lungs as the material of her body armor constricted around her ribcage, the bones closing around her lungs painfully. If she had any air, she’d be screaming, but she could only manage a pathetic whimper as her brain began to pound violently against her skull and her lungs burned as though they were on fire. 
“Ramon!” Ella could barely hear Leon shout over the blood rushing in her ears, and she could only shut her eyes tightly, becoming lightheaded and disoriented as more time passed, and she was sure her ribs were about to snap at any moment as she mentally begged for mercy. “Stop!” The panic and desperation wasn’t well hidden in Leon’s voice, the man unable to do anything but watch as he knew his bullets wouldn’t hurt the creature, and shooting Ramon would only guarantee the creature crushing Ella. 
Without warning, the creature’s grip loosened, Ella sucking in a breath and coughing as she was mercifully given reprieve. Every rise and fall of her chest sent sharp pains throughout her upper torso, but she couldn’t stop herself, her body desperate for oxygen. 
“Do not worry, Mr. Kennedy.” There was something behind Ramon’s voice. He almost sounded surprised, and if Ella wasn’t barely awake and experiencing the worst headache of her life, she might have realized why. “Lord Saddler has a special death planned out for her.” Ella weakly looked up at Leon, her teary eyes meeting his. He looked pissed, but there were other emotions present in his gaze, his usually guarded expression having fallen. “You, however, are at your journey’s end.” Worry and residual fear were the only emotions she could place before the creature holding her jumped up and out of sight, Leon eyes following her until they no longer could.  “Expel this intruder!” She heard Ramon shout as the thing carried her out of the clock tower. Ella was limp in its hold, still suffering the effects of its assault and trying her best to stay awake despite the fact that relief from the excruciating pain in her head  and chest awaited her in unconsciousness. 
Ella felt as though she was losing time, falling in and out of consciousness as she was eventually handed over to a cultist. He was carrying her over his shoulder, her hands tied even though she couldn’t really struggle.
“Ella!” A familiar voice reached her ears, and it took her a moment to place that it was Ashley. She did her best to raise her head and look up, seeing the girl being walked with her hands held behind her back. She was clearly weak and in pain, but she was still there and fighting the parasite, which sent relief through Ella. 
Ella couldn’t hold her head up for long, not even able to find the strength to respond as her migrain seemed to increase at the simple movement, nausea swirling in her stomach. All she could do was try to stay awake, it being the only thing she could focus on.
Ella had no idea how much time had passed, but they reached an archway where a relatively normal looking man in a red beret was standing, his eyes raising at the sight of Ella. 
“What’s this?” He asked, his voice gruff and deep. 
“Lord Saddler requested she be brought with the girl.” Ramon’s displeasure at the fact was palpable, and the man only grunted, gesturing for the cultist holding her to move ahead. 
“I have delivered the girl to you, as promised! Do tell our lord to not-” The words faded as Ella got farther and farther away from them. Ashley wasn’t too far behind, and soon the doors in the archway were closing. For a moment, Ella thought she heard the sound of gunshots, but she couldn’t really tell for sure with her headache and lightheadedness. She hoped, however, that she had, and it meant Leon wasn’t too far behind them and he had survived the clock tower. 
Eventually, Ella was tossed into a cell-like room, barely keeping her head from slamming against the floor and finding herself grateful her hands had been tied in front of her. Even though she had caught herself, the sudden movements had still caused her head to spin further, Ella falling back against the ground weakly. The men carried an unconscious Ashley over to a bed in the corner, laying her down before leaving both girls alone, the only door  in the cell slamming shut. 
“Ashley-” Ella tried, though she immediately had to squeeze her eyes shut and swallow in an attempt to keep the bile from rising in her throat, quickly realizing that speaking was a bad idea at the moment. She wasn’t sure she could wake Ashley up right now anyway, let alone keep herself conscious any longer. 
Leon briefly appeared in her mind, his expression from before ingrained into her memory, and she could only hope he was okay as the darkness finally took over her vision.
When Ella came to, it took her mind a moment to clear the fog, the pain in her head having faded into a dull headache. She also realized her hands were no longer tied, and her head wasn’t resting against the hard ground anymore. Her brows furrowed as she tried to make out what it was, only able to determine that it was warm in her disoriented state. She took in the room around her, and it was then she realized she was in a different spot from before as well. 
“Hey, you’re awake.” The familiar voice was soft, and Ella turned her head to see Leon looking down at her. It was then she realized her head had been resting on his thigh, though that thought was quickly forgotten as she fully processed that Leon was in front of her. His expression was guarded once more, but Ella could still see the relief he was feeling as he looked down at her. 
She sat up, before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug, not caring that the movement had slightly worsened her headache. Leon was surprised, but he didn’t object, his arm eventually moving to return it. Their reunion from before had been cut short, and Ella barely had time to accept that he was alive before being attacked. Now, she could feel the warmth from his body and his breath against her neck, all of her anxiety finally leaving her. “How are you feeling?” He asked her after a few moments, and Ella pulled away to look him in the eyes. He looked exhausted, but otherwise okay, which was all she could ask for.
Ella then considered his question, seeming to come back to her body then as she realized that her torso was extremely sore. It had been before the creature had attacked her, but that was nothing compared to how she was feeling now. Especially in her arms and chest, which had taken the brunt of it. 
Ella shrugged off her flannel, wincing lightly as she did, and it was then she saw the dark, ugly bruising in the shape of the creature's claws across her biceps and right below her elbows, grimacing slightly at the sight. They weren’t pretty, but considering she was covered in injuries at the moment, what was a couple more? She then pressed her hand against her chest, testing out her ribs. A spot on her right side made her grit her teeth and suck in a breath as a sharp pain shot through her, but it didn’t feel broken, which was all she could ask for. 
“I’m alright.” She finally answered after concluding her self examination. “I’ll take a headache and some bruising over what could have happened.” She joked as she looked back up at Leon, noticing that his eyes were trained on the bruises. He looked upset, with his set jaw and hard gaze, and Ella replaced the flannel on her shoulders, having a feeling he was beating himself up at the moment. “Like I said, I’m okay.” She repeated more firmly, regretting her joke now. She really should have known better, but she didn’t blame Leon for what happened, and he shouldn’t either. She was the one who had been distracted and missed the chittering, after all. “How are you doing? Did you get the medicine?” She asked him, drawing his focus away from her. She looked up at Ashley, seeing that she was sleeping peacefully, the veins having receded completely, which answered her question on its own. 
Leon looked to his arm, Ella’s eyes following as she realized his veins were still black. Ella wondered if he had not used it on himself, confused as to why they didn’t look much better. 
“Yeah, but it’s spreading faster.” He answered her unspoken question, Ella’s heart dropping. That meant they were still on a time crunch, but at least Leon and Ashley had a little more time. They just had to get to Luis’ lab for the procedure.
“At least Luis came through, huh?” Ella hummed at the thought of the man, wondering where he was. She had known they wouldn’t regret trusting him. She just wished he would stick by them so they could make sure he got out as well. 
“Yeah, he did.” Leon replied, but there was something in his tone, and Ella gave him a curious look. “He didn’t make it.” He murmured regretfully, and Ella froze, processing what Leon had just revealed as she looked to the floor. She found herself almost not believing it, thinking that surely Leon was mistaken. Luis was always cracking jokes and flirting at inappropriate times, and it had made him seem practically invincible. Ella couldn’t make sense of the news that he was dead. However, Leon, who hadn’t been a big fan of the man, was clearly upset about it as well, which cemented it within Ella. 
Luis was gone. Ella hadn’t known him very well, but he had grown on her, and she had been looking forward to meeting him again, and finally giving him her name.
Now, she’d never get the chance.
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