#not enough ppl talk about this pathetic boi
brandileigh2003 · 6 months
Ok. But like?
I'm cool with remus not being traditionally beautiful. But Sirius still thinking he's the best thing ever. I think that he has certain attractive features, but he's def not some rockstar and most ppl don't take a second glance. But you need that to see the shade of his eyes, his crooked smile. Sirius loves him and finds beauty because of not despite of his scars. Bc they show strength and tell a story.
Mid level I think someone put it. Sure, I get why that can be a thing.
But. I think he can have sex appeal in other ways. His smile, his voice, a look in his eyes, muscles in certain places that defies him being otherwise skinny.
I'm fine with sirius being super intelligent and quick. Its canon after all. I love how him and James have this quality. But I don't think that means that remus liking to read or studying a lot takes that away from Sirius. I think that he likes academic validation, and he needs to read and study to stay caught up. He wants to prove he's worthy to be at school and has to work for it. I do think that he's smart though, and adds to group dynamics.
I don't think that he's just a downer and boring persay, otherwise why would they want to be with him. I think that he'll do the research maybe on the great idea that Sirius and James had and they will later carry it out flawlessly. Or sees some kind of gap in the plan and can think quick to help patch it up.
I do think he probably gets so hyperfixated on things which some people can't stand. but sirius loves to hear him talk about it. Just like remus is obsessed with everything sirius has to say. He's totally a nerd but I don't think he's just pathetic or a loser. Or maybe I just don't see those words the same as the recent posts have been using for him.
I think he's extraordinarily kind. he worships sirius, who in turn thinks remus is also the best. He's not rude to him even though I really do think they fight. But can't stay mad at each other long.
I do think that he can be angry, but I also think that a lot of times it's just at himself or crappy life circumstances. He's normally careful to keep any anger controlled bc he's worried about perception.
he's shy and and awkward and deals with a lot. He loves to help the younger students, and he uses above hard earned study methods to help them bc everything doesn't just come naturally or can share how he overcame it.
If everyone has a crush it's not bc he's completely hot or any of that. He's a soft boy with big comfy sweaters that gives good hugs. He's a good listener, a good teacher, shares anything he has, especially the chocolate that seems to be never ending in his bag. Bc he believes that it'll make you feel better. He has a kind word or compliment and can make you feel better.
I think he can be a momma's boy. And wants hope or poppy to hug him, and give him a space to cry and be weak. Otherwise I think that he likes to try to hide his pain bc he doesn't want to be a burden.
And ... That all said. I think that CR remus is different than a lot of this and hes absolutely perfect and I love him and I'd do insane things for this fictional man. It's one of my favorite ways to read about him. But something that carries over there from everything else I said is how enamored he is with Sirius Black. And how much he loves his inner circle. How he has this sacrificial love.
But anyways, I could go on about CR but that's totally not the point. Ive just seen a few things and wanted to say some things about how I see him a lot. And maybe the posts that have me feeling kind of sad talking about him are actually saying some of the same things I'm just negatively associating some words or ideas bc I know personally I can also interpret things completely the wrong way or not read into the subtext well enough
Let me know what you think. But if you think this is wrong; be kind.
And the people who like to come all up in my inbox about hating Sirius-- this isnt that. To be clear. I don't want remus to take over any traits of Sirius or whatever else you accuse me of. This has to do mostly with remus except me saying that sirius sees something in remus that a lot of people don't, that they're in love and adore each other.
I do in fact love Sirius Black and think he's wonderful. And you're missing the point if you think I hate that man. But I want to talk about remus rn and if you want something talking about Sirius, so many other wonderful people on here do that, so let's find that instead and let me hyperfixate and talk about remus.
Other random things I'll probably add to that really are prb just me.
-he is a horrible dancer. But he'll do it for sirius
-he'd do almost anything for Sirius.
-he's a music snob. But he'll read anything
-he is super annoying in class bc he shakes his leg or taps his quill. Sirius thinks it's adorable though.
-he needs a cane around the full. But he doesn't like to use it.
-the man loves weed. Him and hope smoke together.
-he has no idea how to take care of his hair
-to me he's associated with chronic illness, pain or disability in every universe. Or some mix or variation. (Ofc authors have free choice it's their story and I have no right for demands or anything) but I write him that way, hc him that way, get stupidly happy when I read it bc I feel so seen, search AO3 tags regularly for these portrayals.
-remus has no sense of style. But sirius doesn't care, he's so soft and cozy with his sweaters. The only thing about that is that I'm personally convinced hope bought remus a leather jacket, he shows up wearing it on the train, Sirius somehow gets his hands on it... Remus' eyes pop out of his head, maybe drools a bit- and it becomes Sirius' trademark
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foryoupeko · 2 years
How I write the SDR2 cast
Hajime - He’s a thin line of “I’m responsible for keeping my entire class sane” and “I’m 15, I like to do dumb shit”
Chiaki - She’s sleeps all the time and only wakes up to say something useful
Nagito - Spits out awkward (but true) statements with a tinge of depression behind it
Kazuichi: Why isn’t Nagito affected by Peko’s murderous intent?
Nagito: That’s because I don’t understand the concept of self preservation
Fuyuhiko - Wants to be the dad friend but he has the patience of a chihuahua
Peko - Straight man, that’s right people who don’t get comedy jargon, a straight man. Also she has emotions but she doesn’t show it on her face. If I had a nickel for every time someone states she has no emotions or just boils it down to “she likes fluffy things” I could buy the rights to Danganronpa and take Peko for myself.
Kazuichi - Saids the most pathetic things you ever heard from an incel. If I ever need to make a character point out something most ppl would be smart enough not to ask about, I know Kazuichi has my back. Also a fun punching bag for the other characters but not in a mean way.
Sonia - I really don’t know her personality at all. I think it’s weird that in the DR3 anime Chiaki was the one trying to keep the group together, when that was Sonia’s ONE role in chapter 2. Like why the fuck did we give Sonia’s one gimmick to Chaiki? IDK I technically didn’t watch the DR3 anime so maybe I’m wrong.
Gundham - If you can ever decipher what he saids, he’s actually a tsundere mom friend
Nekomaru - Enabler / Hypeman
Akane - No impulse control. Also dumb because of trauma and no formal education.
Ibuiki - Saids really batshit crazy things, she has ADHD so no context needed for anything
Hiyoko - If I need someone to be mean for no reason, Hiyoko will go up to bat
Mikan - She cries a lot. I don’t really find the “Mikan get bullied” jokes funny. I think she’s also unhinged and talks about torture quite a bit. I feel like she’s a psychopath but we all ignore it because the franchise does her dirty so we give her a pass. The whole “she’s a nurse because she likes to feel superior to her patient” is a big pill to swallow. 
Mahiru - Honestly if I need a character to be a nag, sexist, or a lesbian, Mahiru will get screentime. Overall Mahiru pisses me off but I think that’s because I’m genderfluid and her views on gender is problematic at best. The only way I like writing her is if she has an unrequited crush on Peko but I know making the lesbian fall for the unobtainable straight girl is problematic so I don’t want to do that.
Fuyuhiko: *explains the whole Peko and Kuzuryu dynamic* And that’s why Peko did what she did… 
Mahiru: You know. Boys are supposed to protect girls
Fuyuhiko: I know, I should’ve protected both you and Peko
Mahiru: Who cares about me? I mean nothing to you! Why didn’t you protect Peko??? She deserved better!!!
Hiyoko: (slowly realizes that between Sato and Peko, Mahiru probably has a thing for strong women)
Imposter - Real MVP dad friend. Always asking if everyone has snacks and having fun.
Teruteru - As a horny asexual, I write Teruteru horny but not nasty. He will say gross things but never follow thru with any of them.
Teruteru: Yes I will trick Sonia into giving me beej. Oh shit she’s taking me seriously. I gotta bail.
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
Yuuko for the character meme?
Yuuko our queen, best woman in existence ❤
Sexuality headcanon:
Look, with how touchy she was with her female clients in beginning of manga, I cannot headcanon Yuuko as anything but bi. Obviously said female clients had to be straight bc otherwise they would have gone feral.
Gender headcanon:
Fuck gender, Yuuko is gender
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Actually I have none. I sort of would have liked to see her with Himawari but I don't remember any clue in canon pointing out there might be something going on between them. But as far as imagination and self indulgence can go 😌 *time to check ao3*
I was going to say just Watanuki but actually no: whole gang (including Doumeki and Himawari). They go out on picnic. Watanuki is mopping around per usual so Yuuko does this:
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Something something he starts screaming but Yuuko deflects it. Then he sees Doumeki and Himawari observing him and talking so Watanuki an idiot starts hissing at Doumeki how this isn't shojo manga and he's not a male lead to flirt with female lead Himawari. Jokes on you boy it is shojo manga and Doumeki is male lead but I'm afraid Himawari isn't female lead but someone is.
Watanuki/Yuuko rly isn't my cup of tea. No bashing on ppl who ship then but I rly can't see their relationship in romantic light even though they're each other's most important person. Bc RIP to relationship hierarchy but your strongest bond doesn't have to be romantic by design
Also I joke about pathetic bastard malewife Clow pulling off best woman in universe but I really have nothing against ship actually. Bc I don't recall them even interacting in manga? 🤔 yes there are enough clues to indicate something was going on between them but how can I judge when I don't even know how their story went
Random headcanon:
Yuuko ships douwata I feel it in my heart. She also ships syaosaku and kurofai. Idk if Yuuko knows about ccs universe but if she knows about touyuki she ships it too. Only thing she doesn't ship is fuukam bc each time deliver boy Fuuma runs into Kamui deliveries are late by weeks
General opinion:
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Is there any other valid option on Yuuko?
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I need to talk more about the scene hug scene of 5x11
Because they're both pissed about being basically back to square one
But Oz wants recognition, appreciation, he seeks it like we saw in season 3. “We saved this city from certain damnation, but will we see any credit for our loyalty, our selfless bravery? Of course not!”
Ed says "I don't want their thanks or their respect" but Oswald does. Ed wants attention and to have fun basically and doesn't give a fuck about anything else, 3x15, “The point wasn’t to kill a bunch of cops, it was you playing my game.” (it is also true Ed doesn't rlly kill people unless necessary or ppl that hurt him as he says to Jim in a previous episode)
Oswald is slightly different
3x16, Convo between Oz and Gabe "We all followed you out of fear" "Actually, I can live with that, fear and respect, management 101" "no one ever respected you" and he hates that
Oswald is emotional and in a way he cares about people. In his own way, that's for sure: he cares about what people think of him and how they see him, at least partially.
From the same convo "We all saw what you really are. A tiny freak who used to hold an umbrella" and that was hard enough to hear that he went in rage mode
Ed says here "You know what I felt, standing shoulder to shoulder with those people out there? Nothing."
Which is different from Oswald's confrontation with Jim at the pier in 5x12 "You and I stood shoulder to shoulder on those barricades, ready to die for this city. Six months later, you locked me up like an animal!"
And we also see the giant ego of Ed, going "They will bow, to the Riddler, and they won’t get up until I permit them to.” and before, how much he hates how he used to be, looking in the mirror, saying "Shy, awkward, pathetic Ed."
All of this seems an intricate obsessive way to prove himself he's worthy, to prove himself he's not weak. “All my life i felt like there’s someone inside me, stronger and smarter, that people would fear. No one else saw that.” 3x15, Ed and Lucius conversation. And don't get me even started on Lucius saying "Except Oswald" and Ed confirming cus this isn't about that.
Now you might be "Ed also cares about how people see him tho" and reference the various times his actions were described as mad, him as a psycho of some sort. But I feel like that's more about seeing him crazy and not a genius or whatever than actually caring about how ppl see him, it has more to do with his ego and so I think it's different from Oswald's perspective.
Now back to this scene. I also like how Oz says basically nothing for the whole speech Ed does, before starting and renting that people should have let him run things, because then the city would have been fine, he had this and that
And Ed half interrupts him, pointing a finger at him saying "Gordon took them. Why? because he still sees you as Fish Mooney’s umbrella boy, and he always will.” and Oz has this half realization, weakly saying "Yes". Because again, they both hate being seen as weak and prove the world wrong but Ed wants to prove that to himself more than the world.
Oz probably also has the insecurities of being weak, this and that, but I wonder if that's because how he sees himself or if these insecurities originated from the outside, from the way others sees him. Because with the way he was raised by his mother, I feel like he had this half of confidence and half of non confidence but being like "oh I'm a nobody? Oh I'm weak? Oh I'll fucking show you how weak I am, how useless I am, how much of a nobody i am" and I take this from also the line in season 1 "This nobody still out foxed you at every turn"
Like Idk I just feel like they have so much parallelism but at the same time so many differences
Back again to the scene. It's Ed who says "I only came back to help him save this city so I could take it for myself.”
Like ya with Oswald taking the city is basically always implied but the second man has a deeper connection with the city. And without even talking about Ed always having to be with someone. Because what he did with Lee is basically what he did in the mayor era, it's like he has this need of almost codependency and when he's not having that with someone what he does? Making people follow his games! Making them pawns in his game! Make a quiz show! Attention, attention and fun and games and riddles and nothing else if not searching for someone to be the new person he can attach himself to. And that leads me to believe that's the reason he stayed for Oz, without even talking ab romantic implications.
But I'm getting off the rails
So, Oswald is the one to propose to work together "We would be so strong together." Like when in a previous episode he went to Ed to escape from Gotham together “We’ve been through all of this before. I’ve tried to kill you. You’ve tried to kill me. But here we are in this room. Together. It means fate has different plans for us.”
And they think ab it for a second, Ed still looking in the mirror, he adjusts his jacket and does the smaller smirk I've ever seen and like, is it bc he's feeling confident? Is he think about working with Oswald?
And Oz takes the knife from his leg brake and hides it before talking about the pact.
And Ed already position his knife behind his back and when Oswald proposes a hug, the blade is out.
And at the start Ed's blade is up and he turns it down so that it's easier during the hug to stab Oz in the back
While Oswald's stays up.
And like from the start of the hug Oswald's eyes are tearish (or at least they're very lucid)
And it's like 0.2 seconds where they're both waiting, and Ed is in position to stabs him and his hand is barely shaking but he cannot do it and after this wait
Oz is so happy and hugs him tighter and I'm gonna cry pls and he has this small sighs out of relief and also he's not pointing the blade at Ed' back, so he's hugging him with both arms
And Ed hugs him tighter too mind you with just one arm and smiles and omg I cannot do this
And the embrace ends, Oswald's knife ends in his pocket and he says "Life beings anew"
And Ed smiles again even more and put his knife in the pocket AND THE WAY THEY LOOK IN EACH OTHER'S EYES, SMILING
so ya that's what I have to say for this scene
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stregoniconiconii · 1 year
I never understood the whole Steve’s fall from high school royalty thing from people because they’re sometimes the same people who are also saying that Robin gets a lot of attention during her senior year because Steve gives her rides and stuff and I feel like those opinions can’t really co-exist, but also I guess they can in a way? Idk
I think they can both be true but it’s a matter of perspective and depends at which point in Steve’s senior year we’re in. Because Steve is still definitely popular at the beginning of s2 and I don’t think one fight with the new kid and a bad break up would destroy all that so he’s presumably popular throughout his senior year. Honestly maybe getting beat up and broken up with would have endeared him to some of the female population bc he’s a reformed womaniser who’s just gotten out of a relationship and he’s injured so he would need to be nursed back to health. Hmm yeah I could see some girls trying to get in on that bc if Steve was as sought after as it’s implied in s1 then there would be some girls still interested in him and who are willing to be the rebound. Billy might be shiny and new but I feel like eventually enough girls would be like yeah he’s kind of a jackass that some would avoid him and Steve would comparatively seem like the nice rich boy next door which is also desirable . The other side of it is that I think Steve would have lost favour with the popular guys of his class, especially if he’s out of commission for his sports for a significant amount of time which I think he was bc of the concussion he definitely got lol so he’s not there to lead the team to victory and I think Billy being in on sports would cause conflict. I do think some of it depends on if Billy leaves Steve alone after s2 bc I could see him trying to bully Steve tbh. Mostly I think it was a slow fall to Steve feeling like a loser as he does in s3 and I think that’s directly linked to his rejection from colleges like as the year goes on more and more people get accepted into college and ppl talk about post high school plans and Steve doesn’t have a plan and he’s not getting accepted anywhere so I could see him trying to hide this from his classmates and his parents and then it blowing up in his face. We see a little bit of that when he tries to flirt with that girl who’s going to Purdue and the girl obviously thinks it’s a bit pathetic and it is bc it’s abysmal flirting lol but yeah Steve mentions caring about being prom king which I take to mean that he like campaigned for it or won it and that’s all based on votes hence popularity. Idk I feel like Steve thinks he doesn’t have any friends and it’s somewhat true bc his classmates might like him and he might have people to spend time with but it doesn’t mean that he liked them or that he enjoyed spending time with them..which I think is related to him struggling with relating to ppl who don’t know anything about the UD and definitely why he ends up becoming so close to Dustin and eventually robin
But yeah lol ppl do tend to have conflicting headcanons I definitely do but for me my headcanons exist in this limbo state of being both true and not true and it depends on what little story I’m writing needs lol
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thedumestflower · 1 year
Boyfreinds webcomic criticism/rant
TLDR; boyfriends webtoon is lame and mid because its kinda icky and the writing sucks
Okay so yall hae heard about the boyfriends webtoon comic, and imma talk about why i personally dislike it
okay so the first main reason to why i dont like this webcomic is that, its well... icky,, niot exactly cringe (i mean yeah it is a little bit "cringe" but i think it just aged poorly, with it being made in early 2020) , but just, a little gross to me. Like the whole thing where the character nerd acts innocent but is actually a pervert, also the fact that hes 19 with the others are like, 20 and older, idk man just feels kind gross. also the fact that the charater goth keeps getting s3xualized even though hes asexual, with things like suggestive scenes to an actual fucking nsfw comic with him and nerd with, holy shit dude, the creator has stated hes a huge flirt but dosent like the s3x, but like, bro??????thats kinda gross to me to see a asexual character that keeps getting sexualized, and yeah asexual ppl can have the s3x but , it still rubs me the wrong way.
and the second reason i dont like this is because its fucking boring as sin to me. OK , ok , hear me out, webcomic being simply not my cup of tea isnt the only reason i think its mid, i also think the writing could be alot better, let me explain.
So the comic, the very beginning of the comic , it just starts out , literally with prep saying (im gonna be paraphrasing here for comedy but you get the pitcure) "omg im so over being single i want boyfren" and goth being like " haha, im gonna get boyfren befor you with my epic gamer rizz" and the nerd just fucking trips and falls, right infront of them, goth helps him up and they talk and make plans for shit. Now, notice how we get no fucking introduction? i mean, we get character cards for them but i think if you can do basic writing, and a simple, "oh im prep and im goth and we go 2 collage , and prep is singl and pathetic , but incredibly oblivious to goth crushing on him for like fuckn whatever years hes been doing this shit" ,like bro its that fucking simple, without setting up a basic background , we have no clue who these characters are and why we should care about them, we jut know that goth get bitches and prep doesn't(at the beginning of the series).
I also feel like more time should have been spent on the boys individual relationships BEFORE they become a official couple and not after , and to the comics credit, they kind do, but they fail to make me care because , again, no character introductions except for those character cards, witch don't really do much for the reader expect give us there name, age, and majors, witch also could have been told to us, along with more infromation about the character like, basic backstory and scene with a simple character introduction at the beginning.
Another problem within this problem is the characters themselves, you see, my problem is that they're stereotypes, witch, isn't bad, as long as its done well. But the creator doesn't do anything really interesting with them, no subversions of expectations , hell, its hard to even call them true to their original stereotypes, yeah prep is enough like a prep and sure i guess jock is enough like a jock, but goth isnt really even,, goth like, i mean character design wise, (im not a big fan of the gothy character stereotype where their just , edgey and shit) , i mean , if you go on Pinterest and type in "gothic aesthetic" you'd get somthing alot more like fancy suits and dresses and abandoned churches, not my immortal draco malfoy.(im sorry ill never make that joke ever again) . also the fact the nerd isnt even that much of a nerd, where the epic gamer shit, where the dnd handbooks, where the info dumping about your favorite obscure pieces of media? the most nerd shit that hes into is problem k-pop, or animal crossing, which, honestly to me, isnt really nerdy , . fucking hell, i mean jock isnt even a fucking himbo, like THE DUMB JOCK STERYOTYPE IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE THATS SUCH A MISSED OPPERTUNITY. So for me, either go big or go home
haha so yeah, thats why i dont like this webcomic, and my criticisms, if you agree with me, thats fine, if you dont agree with me and just want your silly brainrot pastel gays, thats also fine, i dont realy care if you like the webcomic or not.
But if you wish the boyfriends webcomic did something more interesting and cool with theyre characters and wish for a more "dramatic" story, with cool character designs and interesting and dynamics and also was made by someone who shouldn't really be making romance media and is not qualified to do this because they are aro ace but is really into shipping culture, well i do have an idea for a remake of it with all the things listed above, i might make a askblog for it teehee,
well thanks for reading and wasting your fuckn time on this earth
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oracleofsecrets · 1 year
SAE 0W-20. Oh oops. Wrote this in notes app so. Here, have my car’s motor oil flavor
Anyway I think I’ll do ace attorney bc that’s the one I’ve been Most aware of its fandom
1 — character everyone gets wrong
There are several,,, but the ones that peeve me the most are Maya and Franziska
Maya’s often flattened into memester burger queen comedic relief who dispenses Romantic advice to make nrmt happen. It’s such a waste when she’s got So much happening and is pretty damn smart
Similarly, Franziska is sidelined even More and is reduced to Angry Meanie and also a prop to encourage nrmt. I find that the average franziska portrayal is really one-note and is just like “Haha she says fool and whips people” which sucks bc again she has So much unexplored complexity in the games And in fandom that people wouldn’t hesitate to explore if she were a male character instead
And also these tend to combine into really boring franmaya just to make sunshine/grump happen. Or again, they’re off to the side or used only as a vehicle for nrmt development.
Or like… I’ve seen ppl think Maya was head over heels for Franziska from Day One like. No??? Wtf? I think Maya had More Important Things on her mind than like. “Ooh that person prosecuting me is kinda hot👀”
I can’t even elaborate Too much bc I’d be here all day but. Also criminally misportrayed is Phoenix. He is not uwu sunshine bleeding heart heart on his sleeve. And neither is Ryuunosuke.
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Ok one more salt. Temenos OctopathTraveler2 wasn’t Madly In Love with Crick. Also he is Not as horny/flirty as many are portraying him as…. He outright said staves don’t need sheaths smh my head
19 — smth I’m mad/ashamed I actually kinda like
My lawyer says I don’t have to answer this question
Idk if Shame/anger is the word for it. But I want to study kristoph under a microscope and also purposefully zoom in too far so that he gets crushed when the long magnifier breaks the slide glass
It’s more like… I don’t want to be associated w people who like genuinely think he was just misunderstood 🥺 uwuuu he was in WUV, he had a bad childhood. or the opposite, with ppl who go a lot darker in their interpretation bc that’s just not smth I want to think about
Cuz like. Obviously this guy fucking sucks and I hate him but also he’s sooooo pathetic that it’s funny
And also I think it’s interesting to think about like, what being friends (or “friends”) with someone like that for Seven Years does to Phoenix. Bc I lov putting that man through the wringer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
25 — common fandom complaint sick of hearing
Any apologism and vehement defense of shitty male characters lol
Godot’s shitty condescending misogynistic remark at franziska wasn’t a mistranslation. He calls her a shrew/unruly woman, basically says “that’s enough princess, it’s adult time” (notably using “-Chan”, where Phoenix calls her Von Karma Kenji [“prosecutor von karma”]). This line was translated to “But you can go now, princess. It's time for the big boys to take the reins.” So like…. Where’s the misinterpretation 🤨
And also he says “I don’t like talkative women”. There might be more nuance there that google translate can’t capture but like. That’s Still a sexist thing to say.
Just admit ur horny for godot and don’t care about women
Mvk doesn’t have lead poisoning; he’s an emotionally abusive parent and shitty person. Like u don’t even have to squint at the games to come to that conclusion. Kin memories and brainless analysis won’t disprove that. Sometimes abusers can even do nice things or genuinely love someone, but that doesn’t mean they’re not abusive
Barok van Zieks doesn’t have a Redemption arc from his Constant Indefensible Racism. You clowns are just horny and have bad taste.
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lanadelspice · 1 year
Sometimes it felt like you and Axel were like boyfriends because lord like he changed sm about you , ik you said that , that was your real you but i feel like it’s just a modified version of yourself to not let shit get to you , you put on this bad boy act and for what, you’re WEAK mentally , deep down ik you are just the way i am. what are you compensating for??? for the lack of balls you have. actually if you are ghosting me why couldn’t you be enough of a man and just rip off the bandage and just let me know you aren’t interested gosh, yes it would hurt me and take a lot of effort on your side but jeez it wouldn’t have me questioning my whole experience with you. you said “yeah thank you so much see yaaaa!!!” 24 hours ago. so i've been processing everything and i feel worse, i keep telling myself it’s gonna be better and i’m gonna move on but i feel stuck in the same place. i relied on you sm, you were an escape for me, i keep hoping maybe you’ll change your mind and text me. The other thing was that for once I wasn't chasing someone, you were the one after me. So when it was taken away it left a little void ig. I miss your face, your voice, your random “pretty cool” saying whenever it got quiet, or the cool story whenever you didn't exactly know what to comment on a story, the giggle you would get whenever you were nervous around me, your smell, your little awkwardness, the warmth of your skin. i’ve cried so much to the point i feel sick and nauseous. I do feel pathetic because ik you weren’t even my bf and it was just a thing but maybe that’s why it hurts more, there was never anything official but it felt official. I had talked to many ppl before you but none of them were met outside of school, and I never hung out with them outside of school as well. I actually hung out with you for hours at times so it made it easier for me to like you, I miss our little car hang outs and our chats we had. I sucks that you ended up being a cheater because i told you how shitty my life has been because of cheaters, i told you about my fucking parents and their situation, i’ve told you about such personal things in my life that ive never been confident enough to tell others. Maybe that’s why it also hurt when you mentioned you wanted to disappear. I remember you gave me a warning that you do this, maybe i was hoping that you would change or that i could “fix” that aspect of yourself. I maybe should have taken that warning more seriously. I lowkey have abandonment issues. I'm also a people pleaser. I told you that too , I even explained to you my method of being why I am the way I am.  I wish you were able to be that comfortable with me, ik you had trust issues but I'm not like everyone else. Yes I get emotional and my logic goes away in a situation of stress but  I was willing to be with you regardless of all your issues you said you have. you telling me you fight people and don’t know why you do it , i didn’t mind because i felt i could see past that.I wanted to know why your brain functioned the way it did. It's like genuinely I was intrigued with you as well.
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sk3tch404 · 1 year
Lowkey,, when I saw your Yandere's, I was reminded of the pic above 👀 granted, they're not as manic/feral but i can't help but hit them with the good ol' pathetic-lil-meow-meow-ification beam whenever I see them 😔✊. everyone can feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again (/ref) if I delude myself hard enough 🥹🙏
*cartoonish sounds of struggle & animal noises can be heard*
-ight! Okok so like, get this- I have rabies's now 😎
This gives me a timeframe of about- *checks msdmanual.com* 3-7 days to go ahead and infect every Yan in my vicinity, which means I'm gonna bite em all >:)) (not sure if Rory can get infected since he's a vamp n all 🤔 but a girl can dreammmm 😔) I may perish at the end of my crusade, but at least I'll drag some of them to hell with me 🫡
Moving on, Rory's re-design be looking mad fineeeee, though I'm gonna miss his long hair, rip my opportunity to draw him in pig-tails 🙏 at least he can get more bitches now with the added ✨glasses✨ factor (no, I'm totally unbiased towards men who wear glasses of any kind, what are you talking abou-)
yeheaaa boi, I'm def gonna replace his Scumbag Glasses (affectionate) with heart shape lenses in my next attempt at a fanart for him 😈😈 gonna turn Mr. Valentine into Mr. Valentine² MUHAHAHAHAHAAA GET HIT WITH MY UWU-FICATION BEAM, IDIOT /lh gonna turn this 😎 bitch into a 😍 bitch
Also goddammit ur chibi style makes me wanna squish their cheeks granny style- I don't wanna squish a serial killers cheeks plsssss I didn't get over my creepypasta whole phase, only to be charmed by the next gen of murderous pretty boys 😫😫 I. Absolutely. Mustn't. 😬 damn ur artstyle, it's too good for my heart- /pos
-Ren'py anon
Yeah they're pretty chill before they get unhinged, but hitting them with that pathetic little meow meow beam makes them a bit more tolerable 😘 Not gonna even lie, I get nervous and lowkey freak out when I code in the creepy parts and play through it. LIKE BOY WTF ARE YOU LOOKING AT??? FREAKY ASS MF I HATE YOU. DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH PLAYER.
But pretending they're nothing but miserable maniacs stuck in their own little worlds makes me feel better 🤓(Goofy ahh reaction /j)
Katy Perry ref is just what was needed </3 no no what do you mean he enjoys hurting me emotionally and physically to make up for his own personal faults? No he's just a little sad soul that hugs me when I'm sad and loves me no matter what.
Tbh it's a fifty fify. All he has to worry about is passing out in the middle of it if he hasn't fed in a while.
Which reminds me. I haven't said a lot about him yet. I think I'll info dump on him sometime, but idk bc there is a little spoiler but not really bc it's a big part of his character and for the story of his route. It will be common knowledge when you play anyway.
If you don't hit the Volkovs with the animal foam first, they WILL catch wind of what you're doing and shoot you down or smth. They don't play 💀 since it is 3 to 7 BUSINESS DAYS. They are always doing business, so 3 is all too easy.
Also tysm!!! I too am gonna miss Rory's long hair, but it's gotta go so he can refresh! And dw I'm gonna make it a tad more layered and longer so you can do pigtails little kids have that look like two antennas.
And Rory has always had glasses, I just didn't draw them that time lol
OMG HE WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE THOSE HEARTSHAPED GLASSES. JUST UH NOT OUTSIDE THOUGH. HES GOT OPPS IN THOSE STREETS... Would legit fall in love if you kept doing silly shit like that (Damn you really did square up his Valentine's rizz) UWU fication success???
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narumi-gens · 2 years
Okie I’m callin ya melly bean (like jelly bean ya know?) 💕 I have no idea about a release date for HP, honestly. I agree that there is SO much coming out that I’m kinda just laying here waiting for it to all release so I can get overwhelmed and take forever to start watching hahA (except for CSM that’s getting watched ASAP)
Omg yes I have been reading part 2 and honestly? The first chapter back blew me the fuck away. I was worried like, what if it’s disappointing? What if it doesn’t live up to the hype I had in my head? But what a small minded little bug I am. I am in LOVE with Yoru and can’t wait to see what heart breaking shit she gets up to 😭 Also yes! There was also a cat dude 🥺💕 Seeing him back was so good, I missed him so much I hope Tatsuki gives us more and doesn’t throw a complete curve ball next chapter by starting off with some completely different plot.
UggGGGHHHHHH tired, messy, boys who smoke like a chimney are my absolute weakness! My friends are always telling me to stop going for guys I gotta fix but like, if I don’t fix him then is he really even mine? I binge watched The Bear too and also thought it would be a comedy but it ended up really surprising me. I thought it was shot beautifully and did a great job at portraying grief when it comes to having a loved one unaliving themselves who wasn’t the best person when they were alive but you still miss them like hell and remember them in the best light because what else can you do? (Hit a lil close to home and it’s nice seeing media ditch the bullshit trope of “an angel gained their wings” ya know?)
Alsooooooo I’ve been seeing your Yuri drabbles and that you’re possibly working on a fic for him and !!! He’s my favourite from Spy x Family and I agree there totally isn’t enough content for him and don’t mind me on my knees presenting my cupped hands towards you for a lil sustenance 🤲🏼
😭 Naoya my poor, sad, sack of misogynistic shit I can’t believe what they’ve done to you. I’m not gonna act like it isn’t what he deserves but WE deserve some pretty boy Naoya even though I know we are 100% not gonna get it 🥲 At least we’re getting feral Maki <333
This ask has been SO freaking long and I’m sorry but I had to mention one more thing! I feel like we seriously have the same taste when it comes to the entertainment we like to consume (whether it be music, manga or television) so I was wondering if you’ve seen The Boys? I just started watching it and I’m already on season 2! I would love to talk (write) your ear (eye) off about it if you have!
- 💀 🌸 (Glad to hear you’ve been doing well! Remember to drink water and give Miso lots of kisses on the nose 💕)
We can always count on Fujimoto to do the exact opposite of what we're expecting. "Oh, you've been waiting a year and a half for CSM to come back? Well here's a brand new character with no mention of the old protagonist and I'm gonna make you fall in love with her immediately." And I did, I so did. I love how pathetic she is and how clumsy she is and how deep down she's just so kind 🥺 This last chapter was seriously one of my fave CSM chapters. Like probably a top 10 or even top 5 chapter. I'm just soooo happy it's back 🥰
Yeah, I really loved how The Bear looked at grief and was like "there are just some things you're never to know about a person or from a person when they're gone and you just have to make your peace with it." Like what a gut punch. Almost as much of a gut punch as Carmy's "I don't ask ppl how they're doing bc I don't know what to say when ppl ask me how I'm doing." Alsooooo....Jeremy Allen White just did one of those "essential things" GQ videos and I'm just so in love with him 😭😭😭😭
Omg that Yuri fic is getting some real big hype and I'm so sorry to everyone who's going to have to wait like a year for it to come out bc I am a s l o w writer lol but there really is such a lack of Yuri content out there that it's upsetting 😡 So even it takes me ages, I will get that fic out. It's going on the wip list in my pinned!
I actually haven't seen The Boys! When it came out and everyone first got into it, I was like "oh it's just an adult version of BNHA" but now I'm so profoundly uninterested in BNHA that it might be a good time to start. Plus there's like 3-4 seasons now so plenty of episodes to catch up on... 🤔
Always feel free to drop in my inbox lovely 💕💕💕 (I will drink lots of water but I will not kiss Miso on the nose bc she hates that. But she does love giving kisses. Sometimes I'll be sitting on the couch and won't realize she's behind me and all of a sudden she'll start licking my hair to clean me bc she thinks I'm her baby and not the other way around 🥺)
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aresrambles · 3 years
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Are You Bored? [Pt. 2]
shigaraki tomura x f!reader - explicit nsfw, strictly 18+, villain!reader, degradation, phone sex, mutual masturbation (1091 words)
a/n: ok so a few ppl requested pt. 2 so i gave it a shot! i’m not sure if i took this in the right direction but hopefully it’s ok. obviously a lot more steamy from where we left off. please enjoy!
click this for part one
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
”What is it?”
Shigaraki’s grumbling through Discord, something about how it’s late at night and you’re disturbing some important planning of his. You pretend to have not seen the ‘Playing: Minecraft’ update on his profile and promptly apologise before mustering the courage to speak up to your so-called superior.
“Well, y’see Boss, I think you might have something that belongs to me.”
Well, fuck. So she had the brains to notice her bra’s missing. Honestly, you can’t even blame Shigaraki for what he did. Infact, what kind of fucking slut leaves her undergarments just laying around for anyone to see? You were practically begging for him to steal them, especially with the way your eyes not-so-subtly washed over them with sheer panic. If you asked him, he was doing you a favour: one less uncomfortable contraption to hide those beautiful tits away from him.
Shigaraki pauses for a moment before slumping down on his desk and groaning into the mic. He decides it wouldn’t hurt to fuck with you for a little bit. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” he lies, eyeing the pretty black number thrown onto his bed. Just looking at it was beginning to give him a semi.
“No, I think- I think you do. I had, uh, an item of clothing on my floor. Maybe you accidentally picked it up or moved it aside?”
You wait anxiously for Shigaraki’s response. He’s always been calculated and cool around you, not really speaking more than he has to. It makes you reflect on whether he even has any real personality at all, behind that huge goal of destroying hero society and playing a shitty game now and then? Your waiting is not prolonged however as you hear him shifting around in his chair before continuing.
“You called me for this? To throw some baseless accusation around ‘cause you lost some panties?” You can practically hear his shit-eating grin and cant help but feel a insulted pang in your chest. Why won’t he just own up to it?
“Boss, c’mon. I know it was you- can I just have it back?”
Shigaraki pretends to mull it over before something flashes up on his screen, stopping him in his tracks. He almost can’t believe his eyes until he hears your soft voice in his ears again. “I… You’re putting me in a difficult position without it.”
As soon as his eyes roll over the promiscuous pixels on his screen, Shigaraki’s palm shoots to rub over his clothed dick. It seems this said ‘position’ was nothing short of you splayed out in a chair, alone and topless, body dimly illuminated by cool blue lights. Shigaraki assumes it’s coming from the monitor in front of you. Taking a deep breath, you turn on your video camera and angle it so he can see, well, everything.
And boy, if he was struggling before, it was no comparison to the pathetic state he was in now. Your bashful expression only turned him on more, as you shoot a pleading look his way. “Instead of that flimsy thing,” You take a second to drag a finger down from your neck to waist, “Wouldn’t you rather have this instead?”
Truly, you do want that bra back. It was expensive and you know damn well the bastard won’t reimburse you for it, but the need to act like a cockwhore had been on your mind ever since he fucked off from your place. Ever since you had kissed, the scene has been on your mind replaying over and over.
“What are you doing?” Shigaraki pants out inbetween breaths, scrambling to free his cock from his pants that feel far tighter than a few seconds prior. “Just-just what the fuck are you doing?”
You don’t think you could answer that even if you tried, instead taking those same fingers and sticking them in your mouth. Shigaraki groans before you once more begin to hear shuffling on the other end.
“I- I’m not showing you my face.” He mumbles before your screen lights up with the sight of him adjusting his camera to face his crotch. You don’t fail to catch the light blush that was caught on Shigaraki’s nose and cheeks before you’re faced with a much lewder sight. His cock, red-tipped and leaking, cast a brighter glow across your features. You watch him begin to give himself languid, firm strokes as you almost salivate in awe.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” You murmur, not realizing you’ve taken your fingers out of your mouth and are speaking loud enough for the mic to pick it up. Shigaraki only whimpers in response as he looks at the soft curves and edges of your body. This is so much better than anything he could have ever imagined. The way you were just presenting yourself to him like some desperate bitch in heat was like a straight-up snippet from his wildest dreams. What he would do to be able to touch you right now, to drag his nails across your supple skin and mark it up real good. Instead, he reminds himself to grab ahold of the current victory and pay attention to you in the moment. It’s not everyday he gets a bitch willing to put on a live show.
“Touch yourself,” Shigaraki breathes out, ‘and- and say my name, say Tomura when you do it.” The gentle commands make your gut clench as you take off your jeans and begun to rub your clit through your panties. The wet stain makes Shiggy’s hips buckle and he stops stroking himself, just for a couple of seconds, to regain his composure.
“Can I put my fingers inside?” You question quietly, shyly peering at the camera. Shigaraki nods his head vigorously before realizing you can’t see him, and instead settles on grunting in approval. You let out an almost comically lewd moan at the feeling of your fingers entering you, slowly pumping in and out.
“Tomura, m’feels good. Want your fingers inside me-“
Watching you squirm and mewl as you fingered your soaking pussy was doing things to Shigaraki, things that were making him wander dangerously close to mistaking the line between lust and love. Because Shigaraki truly believed he loved you in this moment. Watching you be so vulnerable, so beautiful, all for him… He had to lay his claim on you. If he didn’t, he thinks it’d kill him.
“Just like that, keep going.” he cooes.
For once, you don’t look bored.
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hey baby!! 🥺🥺 I was wondering if you could do something where the reader was flirting with somebody and sirius gets mad and “shows the reader who they belong to” or sum idk! Have a good rest of your day anyways !!
My level of love-starved: Melting when ppl call me baby
Fresh out of my accounting exam so if there are any mistakes pls forgive me
Thank you for the request babe🥰
Warning: 18+
Keeping a relationship secret is difficult. The two of you hadn’t been ready to make it public, wanting a little peace for yourselves before the entire school would know. But secret didn‘t only mean a hundred fleeting moments with silent giggles and stolen kisses, it also meant yearning and jealousy.
„Are you free this afternoon?“
„Why, what are we doing?“
Sirius whipped his head around when he heard your flirty response, scowling at the boy who was clearly standing to close for his comfort.
„I would like to take you out actually..“ The boy said, leaning against the bookshelf to display an air of nonchalance.
„Hm“ you teased, looking him up and down „I don‘t see why n-“
Sirius called you name rather loudly and you threw him a coy glance over your shoulder, smirking when you saw his pissed off expression.
„Get over here.“
Your smirk widened and you shook your head.
„I‘m busy talking to Jonny.“
He scoffed when he heard you call Jonathan ‚Jonny‘ and slammed his book shut, making his way over to you.
„Sorry mate, she‘s busy with me tonight.“
Jonny squared his shoulders, standing tall as he took your other wrist. Sirius raised his brows in disbelief, jaw clenching when he saw anothers hands on you. On his girl.
„Why not let the lady decide?“
Sirius stepped closer, only seconds away from using Jonathan as a boxing sack.
„She is with me. Get your hands off my girl before I bash your head in. Blacks have a habit of using curses, you know. Wouldn‘t want you to lose your hand.“
If it was possible, you fell even more in love with your boyfriend. The way he was towering over you both, jaw clenched and grey eyes as cold as ice made you shiver with desire. He was oozing pure danger and dominance, the atmosphere around you three quickly turning dark.
Apparently Jonny wasn’t completely daft and finally let go, stepping away. You didn‘t even watch him leave, too focused on Sirius‘ face. You could just imagine his tense shoulders, his back muscles tightening and you felt yourself grow hotter by the second.
Sirius closed his eyes for a second before he looked down at you, eyes flashing in irritation when he saw your dazed expression.
„You like winding me up? Letting a loser like him just touch you like that?“
You didn‘t know what to say, eyes staring at his lips as you tried to make sense of his words. His voice was husky and it made you think of the night before, when he had tied you up and eaten you out for nearly two hours.
„We were just talking“ you argued weakly, internally congratulating yourself that you got him all worked up. Angry sex with Sirius is unmatched.
„Just talking?“ He echoed, a fake smile spreading across his lips. „Alright, I‘ll just fuck you then.“
Pulling you with him he hid you behind a tall bookshelf, nothing gentle about the way he pushed your skirt up, ripping your panties off.
„I can‘t fucking believe it, you really enjoyed this.“ he sneered, forcing three fingers inside. You protested, clenching your legs but he just parted them with his knees, pressing his hips to yours.
„Don‘t you dare act all innocent now, you‘re soaked. See?“
Bringing his fingers back up he showed you the glistening wetness, smiling at you mockingly.
„Aw baby, don‘t blush. You make me wanna fuck you even more.“ Although his words were just cruel, he kept his voice soft, making you swoon.
„Please“ you whispered „Please, need you..“
Sirius opened his zipper enough the pull out his cock, wasting no time in rubbing it across your pussy lips. The tip felt hot as he fucked your clit with it, coating you in his precum and he pushed in with a hard thrust.
His hands came up to rest on the shelves next to your head, anchoring himself and he pressed you into the books behind you, hips setting a punishing pace. You gasped loudly when you felt him hit your spot and Sirius made no move in keeping you quiet, his eyes twinkling possessively when he watched you struggle to keep in your moans. It made him go faster, seeing how he was the one who made you feel this way, who reduced you to a pathetic babbling mess. A desperate slut who let him fucker her in a library.
He pushed his forehead on yours and you both watched how he fucked into you, his cock covered with your slick. Glancing up through his lashes he hissed against your lips.
„See how I fuck you? Huh? You better get it through your stupid head that this. Cunt. Is. Mine.“
He pushed in so deep with every word that a loud shriek escaped you and he kissed you hard. It was wet and filthy, sucking on your tongue and biting at your lips. He didn‘t care if anyone would see.
You ripped his shirt open, a few buttons falling off and clawed at his back. He groaned and burried his face in your neck to keep himself quiet.
You pulled his head back by his hair, keep eye contact as you tightend your cunt around him, watching how his mouth fell open and his brows drew together. So fucking beautiful.
„You make me lose control.“ He whispered breathlessly and gasped when you bit at his exposed throat. Falling against you he came, filling you up as he fucked you until you reached your orgasm seconds later. You were panting into each others mouths, not getting enough of one another.
„I don‘t think Jo-“
Sirius bit your lip hard, drawing blood.
„Don‘t“ he growled „don‘t say his name.“
„Yes, Sirius.“
He fucked you for the entire night that day, until you couldn‘t remember the J of Jonny.
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Prelude - Haha Hi I've never done anything quite like this or this long (like 5k bich) but I am THORSTy and I’ve been sitting on these asks for so long I’m so sorry. ALSO to the ppl sending me the sweet gentle asks about my blog guess what??? I would D I E for you legit I read one of them this morning I almost teared up. I haven’t cried (Except for like (TW) s*ui*ide cry lol those don’t count) since like??? last year?? no joke. 
ANYWHO idk how to write a praise kink so I went with like, insecurity? but then Kiribaku likes makes the reader just melt cause they keep praising her and they bring it out during nasty times and she's GONE yeeted off the earth it makes her so hot and wet lol.
Pairing - Kiribaku X Reader
Prompt - 
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Warnings - NSFW!!!! Dirty talk, my best effort at a praise kink, mirror stuff, ummmm mentions of kidnapping. DUB-CON big time, maybe technically even noncon cause reader DOES NOT want it but has just. resigned herself to being a plaything.
Music - https://youtu.be/STO4-8vkG0U 
“What the fuck did you just say?”
You couldn’t meet Bakugou’s eyes. HIs gaze was so intense, eyes so passionate and fierce. You were so embarrassed, aware of Kirishima’s gaze fixed on your form from where he was seated in the armchair.  
“I-I…….. don’t like it…. when you talk like that….”
“Fuckin’ what?” Bakugou barked, his brows knitting in confusion.  
“What do you mean, baby?” Kiri stood, moving to sit next to Bakugou on the couch so he could see your face.
You wiggled around uncomfortably in your spot on the floor,  where you were kneeling between Bakugou’s feet.  Kirishima had made some comment, something about how pretty you looked being so sweet for Bakugou. You were literally just sitting there, but Kiri thought you worthy of praise
“It’s not true…… I’m not-my body doesn’t look nice and I just….. every time you guys say stuff about me, all I can think of is how bad I look.”  It was hard to choke out the words, your face flushing red as your eyes filled with tears. You were so embarrassed, having to explain your insecurities to your kidnappers. It was bad enough that they dressed you up in slinky outfits, booty shorts and thin shirts that were almost see-through. You hated it, hated the way it made you feel, hated the way it made you look. It was humiliating.
“Well that’s a bunch of bullshit. I don’t go around saying shit unless it’s true.” Bakugou glared down at you. He seemed angry that you would even have that view of yourself, the foot resting on the floor by your hip beginning to tap in agitation. 
Kirishima scooted closer so he could reach you, his hand coming up to stroke your hair. “We mean what we say. You’re beautiful, such a good, obedient little girl for us.”
“No, no - please don’t say that kind of stuff!”  You were getting worked up now, tears falling freely as you hugged your arms around your body. Kirishima shared a look with Bakugou, the two men quickly deciding to drop the conversation and move on to something else.
“Tch, whatever. C’mere”  Bakugou patted his leg, prompting you to shuffle out of your kneeling position and onto his lap. You would rather not, but you knew what resistance would result in, and you’d prefer not having to nurse a sore bottom and mild burns for the next few days. Bakugou wrapped an arm loosely around your waist, tugging you closer to him on his lap. Kiri still petted your hair, pressed up against the blond man’s side as he smiled at you.
“It’s fine baby, calm down. Maybe one day you’ll see what we see.” Without leaving any room for you to argue, Kirishima planted a quick smooch on your forehead before rising from the couch. “Do you two have any preferences for dinner? I was thinking we could order something from that yakisoba place, remember Bakugou? The one Mina recommended.”
“Yeah, go for it. They have any spicy shit?”
Tuning them out, you swiped at your tears, trying to reel yourself back into a steady emotional state. You feel so weak these days, both physically and emotionally. Being held captive by the two men had worn you down, made you prone to teary outbursts. You held no control - your daily routine dictated by the men from the first day they had snatched you from your home. You were reluctant to obey, had even fought them at first, but you quickly realized it was easier (and less painful) to just do what they wanted.  
Fighting was useless.
Weeks had passed since your little outburst. Unfortunately, Bakugou and Kirishima weren’t willing to give up praising you every chance they got.  You had an inkling suspicion that they had upped the amount of comments they made about you ever since that day, enjoying watching you squirm and your face go bright red. It made you blush, yes. Made your heart beat a little faster, made you flounder for words if you were in the middle of speaking. But you just felt….. shame when they praised you. 
They lauded you for your obedience, how compliant you were for them. Kiri would ask you to sit down and wait at the table while he answered the door (“don’t make a sound baby.”), and you did. Bakugou would have you sit in his lap while playing video games, and you tried you’re best not to squirm. It made you almost feel sick inside, how quickly you had adjusted to being their “good girl”. You just wanted to please, didn’t want them angry at you.
What really made you blush was when they would strip you down, bend you over the nearest surface. They’d be fucking into you, fondling your body while whispering compliments in-between kisses. You never felt “beautiful” nor “delicious”, no matter how many times they told you otherwise. It was especially humiliating when one of them would take you on the bed, the other watching. You always wanted to hide, shield away your body from their prying eyes, but they never let you.
You just didn’t get it, didn’t understand what they saw when they looked at you. Staring into the bathroom mirror, all you saw were your imperfections, your insecurities.  It was shameful, pathetic. You felt entirely unworthy of the attention and love you were being showered with.
The boys had seemed more… energetic today, Kirishima almost seeming to bounce with each step, Bakugou smiling gently at you. It made you nervous. It made you even more nervous when Bakugou took his leave, giving both you and Kirishima a quick peck on the lips before going out the door. It was a weekend, and you knew that both men didn’t have work today. You tried asking Kirishima where Bakugou was going, but all you got out of him was a laugh and “Don’t worry about it! He’s gonna do a little bit of shopping.”
Well, at least that eased your mind a tiny bit.
You didn’t have much time to dwell on it though, Kirishima herding you into the basement.  It was the their home gym, filled with weights and machines that kept the two men strong and fit, and you weren’t usually allowed down there. If you were, it was because both of the men were present, and they could watch you while they worked out (you knew that they liked showing off for you, even if they didn’t admit it.).
But today Kiri wasn’t going down there to work out. Once the two of you made it down the steps, Kiri was pulling an exercise bench over, instructing you to lay down on it, belly up.  You did what he said.
“‘Kay, I’m gonna go upstairs to get some stuff. I want your shorts off by the time I get back, alright baby?”
You nodded.
Sighing, you shimmied your shorts down as he left. You never had to worry about underwear - they never let you wear it unless you were on your period. You knew vaguely what direction this was going in, and had already resigned yourself to getting fucked silly by the redhead. It was practically useless trying to resist.
When he came back, you were surprised. He had rope and…… a Hitachi. That was new. In the short time you’d been living with them, you had gotten used to their habits when they fucked you. Neither man was too interested in toys,  preferring to stimulate you manually, so this was an unwelcome surprise.
“Mmhm, you look so sexy baby.” Kiri kneeled down next to you, before peeling apart your thighs. He grinned at you, shark teeth flashing, before snatching up the Hitachi wand, pressing it directly against your pussy. You didn’t like where this is going. 
He didn’t turn it on, instead reaching for the rope that he had brought down. The redhead began wrapping it around your thighs, lifting your legs to encircle them with the rope. It took a few minutes, which were tense, silent as you watched him work.  He made sure to also circle the rope around your hands and torso, anchoring your arms by your side. When Kiri was finished, you were trapped, unable to move your legs, to even simply part them an inch. The Hitachi wand was still directly on your pussy, snug and unmoving. It rubbed against your clit, making you bite your lip at the delicious friction.  Kirishima gave you a flashy smile, turning to ruffle your hair. Distantly you noticed he didn’t have a shirt on.
“Alright babe, we’re gonna have some fun while we wait for Katsuki. You know what this is?” He tapped the wand nestled between your legs.
“It’s…. It’s a vibrator.” You managed, throat suddenly dry.
Kirishima seemed to beam even brighter. “Yeah! I’m gonna turn it on, let you have your fun. But you gotta tell me before you cum, okay? Think you can do that?”
A quick nod from you and the vibrator buzzed to life between your legs, Kirishima not in the mood to dawdle. Your back arched off the bench at the sensation, the pleasure quick and intense. Kirishima stayed kneeling beside you, watching you writhe as he changed the speed of the wand. 
It didn’t take long for you to cry out, “Kirishima, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!”, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body. It made your shirt stick to your chest, accentuate the heaving of your breasts as panted. Right before you orgasmed though, Kiri flipped the off switch, the vibrations cutting off and leaving you hanging. Your eyes shot open, confusion furrowing you’re brow.
“Wha-Kiri? What?”
The redhead smirked, pressing a hand to your tummy to prevent you from moving against the wand, desperate for more stimulation, desperate to orgasm.
“Not yet baby, not yet.”
He patted your stomach soothingly as you stared up at him in confusion. You had been so close! Why have you tell him when you’re going to cum, only to rip that away from you??
A minute passed, then two, Kirishima still rubbing his big hand across your tummy. It was meant to be soothing, a soft gesture, but it only heated your skin, made pleasure thrum in your veins. When you had sufficiently calmed down, chest no longer heaving, Kiri reached down and flicked the wand back on, chuckling at the way you desperately ground against the rounded head of the toy.
“Mm, desperate little baby, aren’t you?” He was kissing your neck, letting his tongue slip out to lick at the skin there.  It set you on fire. Reaching the high of orgasm came even quicker this time, spurred on by your movements and determination to cum. If you didn’t tell Kirishima when you were about to, he wouldn’t be able to stop you. So you stayed silent, circling your hips as best you could, leaning into the hot kisses being pressed to your throat.
All of a sudden, the vibrator clicked off, Kirishima’s hand on your tummy once again.
“Thought you could get away with that one? You’re so cute.”
You felt like screaming, yelling out your frustration. He knew your body too well, could feel the hitch in your breath as you prepared to orgasm, felt your fingers tighten, clenching around nothing. He had stopped the vibrator right as you were beginning to feel it, the wave of pleasure. It was frustrating.
You could hardly believe you were thinking this, but you couldn’t wait for Bakugou to get back.
It was torture, having your orgasm slip away from you time after time. Kirishima was having fun, groping your chest, leaving sloppy kisses along your neck and collarbone. He liked seeing you struggle, almost at the point of begging and pleading with him in your need to cum.
He had been edging you for a while now, you didn’t even know how many orgasms he had yanked you away from. Kiri had just stopped you once more, turning the vibrator off and holding you still /right/ as you felt yourself letting go. You wanted to scream, on the verge of tears. But then Kirishima was glancing at his phone, stuffing it in his pocket before standing so he could untie you from the bench.
“Bakugou’s back, we’re gonna go see what he brought home for us!”
You could barely think straight, wincing when Kiri removed the vibrator pressing up against your pussy. You were drenched, pussy wet and red and puffy, your own slick covering your thighs. Kirishima helped you to your feet, guiding you into your shorts. You were too out of it to do much, simply letting the man guide and push and lift your body as he pleased. When he pressed up against you to pull your shorts snug over your hips, you felt his bulge through his shorts, poking you in the stomach.  You suppose he’d been waiting for relief too, just the same as you.
Kirishima helped you totter up the basement stairs, then guided you towards the bedroom, hand on your waist. You stumbled through the door, eyes immediately focusing on the giant mirror leaned up against the wall. How had Bakugou even gotten it through the door?  
“Damn Kiri, you’re really worked up.”
Bakugou was sitting on the bed, unlacing his shoes. Kirishima chuckled, hand leaving your waist so he could go sit beside the blonde.
“Me and her both man. Had to hold myself back, she was making such raunchy sounds.”
Their attention turned to you, both men smirking as they eyed you, Kirishima still with a prominent tent in his shorts.
“Yeah, I fuckin’ bet.”  Bakugou smirked. 
Kirishima stood, stepping languidly around you until he was at your back, broad chest pressing up against you.
“I mean, look at this -“ a hand cupped your mound, making you jump. You were still sensitive from being denied so many times, even the slightest touch had you twitching. “ - she’s fucking dripping.”
It was true, the crotch of your shorts soaked with your juices. Kiri rubbed his index finger against the seam, pressing it up and against your clit. You shuddered, hand flying up at grasp onto his arm. It felt so good, you hated his touch, didn’t want his hands on you, but oh, your body liked it.
Kirishima pushed you forward, fingers still teasing you through your wet shorts.  You gasped when you were pushed face first into the bed, bent at the waist.  A hot, blunt hardness rubbed up against you, Kiri’s hand still cupping your mound.
“You’re being such a good little bitch, letting us do whatever the fuck we want to your stupid little cunt.” 
You lifted your eyes, saw Bakugou smirking down at you as you were rocked gently by the force of Kiri’s humping. The blond was palming himself over his jeans, but your attention was quickly shifted when you felt your shorts getting ripped down, off your body.
“Step out.” You obeyed. Kirishima was hungry, lustful - voice deeper and serious now - no trace of his signature lightheartedness. He always got like this this when he was excited.  Your head was wrenched to the side, cheek mashed against the bedspread, large hand pressing and holding you in place. Belatedly, you recognized you were facing the mirror leaned against the wall, could see Kirishima’s bulk behind you, his shorts already pulled down to reveal his hard cock. If you hadn’t taken it before, you would be scared. He was thick, blunt and girthy - not to mention a considerable length. The tip was flushed red, almost purple, shiny with leaked precum and almost swollen. 
“Look at yourself in the mirror baby, you see that? How nice you look, all obedient and ready to take my cock? Such a good, sweet little girl.”
You looked so tiny compared to the redhead, the man having to bend his knees slightly to rub the head of his cock against your pussy. You tried not to moan when he focused it on your clit, rubbing it rapidly over the nub.  “Kiri - please……Aah! Let me - lemme cum..” You whined.
“God, you’re so perfect, you know that?” He breathed out a laugh, still rubbing the head of his blunt cock over your clit, hand still forcing your head to the side, making you watch his movements. You almost wanted to cry - being teased and denied for so long. You just wanted to cum, wanted to get this over quickly so you could go shower. 
Normally seeing yourself in a mirror was something you’d try to avoid, not favoring the way you looked. But now, you were mesmerized, watching through the reflection the way Kirishima’s red cock pulsed as he finally, finally slipped it into your opening. You choked on a moan as he slowly stretched you out, feeding inch after inch of his wide cock into you. In the mirror, you saw him tip his head back, groaning low in his throat when he finally bottomed out, fat balls pressed flush against you.
 “Fuck, oh god, feels so good. You’re so good, can feel your pretty little pussy trying to milk me.” He leaned down, warm chest plastered across your back as he whispered in your ear. 
“You really want this, don’t you? Such a gorgeous baby, so sexy and hot and  perfect.”
The man didn’t start out slowly, he never did. He was aggressive, unrelenting as he thrust his fat cock into you over and over. Your legs were shaking, the pleasure making you weak-kneed, your tongue lolling out of your open mouth, unable to quiet your moans. Kirishima’s pace was frenzied, excited, animalistic as he chased his own pleasure, the sound of his skin slapping against your own filling the room. It was incredible.
His dick hit all the right spots, pressing you closer and closer to your orgasm. If he didn’t let you cum this time you were going to cry.  Your could hear the lecherous, sinful sounds of your pussy squelching, milky juices getting everywhere. It coated his dick, was covering your thighs. You could feel drops of wetness being flicked everywhere on every thrust, the wet, fast slaps of his thighs against you making your stomach clench even harder.  The hand in your hair pulled up slightly, wrenching your head back in order for Kiri to give your a quick, desperate kiss - full of teeth and spit. He had hardly detached from your lips before he was mouthing at your back, spitting out filth as he did so.
“Shit, I love you so much. Wish I could be inside you all time - see how easily your body takes me? You were made for this, such a filthy little baby. Always look so tempting, always wanna fuck you, fill you up, make you squirt.” 
His words were getting to you, as you were forced to watch him pounding into you, hips snapping and tensing in an animalistic fashion. It was too much - the pleasure, his crude words, the visual of seeing yourself getting fucked, worshipped. Your eyes closed, clenching shut as you moaned over a particularly satisfying thrust. Kiri didn’t like that. The hand not holding your head against the bed slipped underneath you, immediately finding your clit, pinching at it viciously.
“Open your eyes, keep watching or else I stop.”
You wailed, eyes flying open. Kirishima was smiling, still kissing sloppily at your back as he began playing with your clit.
“You always look so tasty, can’t tell you - Fuck! - how many times I think about fucking your brains out during the day - shit, you’re so good for me.”
HIs hips stuttered as he rammed forward, signaling he was close. He wasn’t the only one - your hands clawing at the bedspread, your hips moving and twitching as you tried to grind yourself against his hand, his cock slamming into you.  His big hand rubbed you just right, and it sent a pang of sizzling pleasure trough your body.  A broken cry left you as you finally orgasmed, hot, shaking, senseless. Thank god.
The wild twitching of your pussy as you rode out your high triggered Kirishima’s own orgasm, the man burying his face between your shoulder blades as his own hips twitched wildly, humping his cock into you as he released his seed.  He was cursing, saying something, but it was muffled by the skin he caught between his teeth, making you squeal as you felt hot cum shoot into you. It took a minute for the man to slow down, thrusting through his orgasm and into the aftershocks, milking and prolonging both of your pleasure. It felt so good, so right. You were so high from the endorphins that you couldn’t even think to remember how wrong this was, how you didn’t want any of it.
Pulling out, Kirishima watched his cum begin dripping out of your cunt, pushing himself away from your back as he stood, chest heaving, body glistening with sweat. You were barely able to keep yourself up, still bent over the bed, legs wobbly and arms jelly. A separate set of hands pulled you to the side, and you let yourself be manhandled, pulled and situated in Bakugou’s lap, his chest to your back.
You had forgotten about Bakugou.
His jeans were off, along with his boxers. His shirt was gone too, thrown somewhere on the floor. The blond ripped at the shirt still plastered to your chest, the fabric giving in easily to his strength. You couldn’t bring yourself to care as it shredded right through the middle, freeing your tits. It’s not like it hid anything anyways.
“Jesus, that was so fuckin’ hot, watching Kiri pound into you like that. Look at yourself, leaking everywhere like a damn hose. You like having Kiri’s cum sliding out of your soggy little cunt?” 
His chin hooked over your shoulder and he directed your gaze forward. 
There was another mirror.
It was leaned up against the far wall, allowing you a perfect view of your sweaty, debauched body as Bakugou spread you legs, hooking your knees over his own so he could force your thighs even further apart. Oh god.
He was hard as a rock, moving your body around on his lap so his dick pressed up against the outside of your pussy, cum still escaping from your hole. You were exhausted, body limp and pliant - you didn’t know if you could go another round.
Bakugou didn’t care.
A harsh slap had you crying out, a sharp “Ah!”  Filling the room. Bakugou slapped your slit again, and you tried to curl in on yourself, protect yourself from the abuse on your sensitive pussy. The blond slithered a hand around your chest, reaching up to grip your throat lightly.
“Stop that. Fucking look at this shit. See how sloppy your pussy is? Everytime I do this - “ He delivered another quick slap, and you writhed on his lap, which caused you to push against the hard cock nestled between your thighs. “ - You let more cream out.”
Without saying anything more, Bakugou shoved the hand not around your throat under your thigh, lifting you up just enough so he could slip his dick into you. HIs cock was less girth than Kirishima’s - it was  about the same length but a more manageable size. He had been jacking off while watching Kiri fuck you, so his length was already coated in a layer of his spit and precum. That, combined with the cum already drenching your insides,  meant he met virtually no resistance as he thrust up slowly.
You writhed, the hand at your throat and at your thigh keeping you steady in his lap. Kirishima was on the floor, leaning his back against the bed as he watched the two of you in the mirror, still panting and calming down from his intense orgasm. 
There wasn’t any time to adjust, to ask Bakugou to wait, you’re too sensitive to go again! He was more relaxed than Kirishima, more controlled and languid in his thrusting. He rolled his hips, bouncing you gently in his lap as he forced you to keep your head straight, despite your efforts to turn away from the mirror showing your own reflection. You looked absolutely filthy - face flushed, tits bouncing, Bakugou’s hard cock drilling into you. You couldn’t help but moan, the sight stirring up something, some heated feeling inside your tummy.You liked watching them fuck you.
“Goddamn, every single time feels so fucking good. Shit, shit shit shit - it’s like you were made for us!”
He sounded so gleeful, so truthful. You unconsciously clenched around his length, feeling tingly as his thrusts ground deep, hit every single spot that made a sweet zing of  bliss race through your body.
“Ah, ah fuck, you finally get it? You see what we’re fuckin’ on about when we say you look so damn delicious? Shit, I wanna take a bite outta you, so juicy and ripe and fucking perfect.”
Bakugou was out of breath, his voice deep as he growled at you.  You grabbed at the arm around your chest, his thighs, his hair - anything to anchor yourself as his balls papped against you. You could hear someone moaning, whining and sobbing, was that you?
Kirishima had recovered, moving to kneel between Bakugou’s and your own spread legs. “Bakugou, you two look so good together.” That seemed to spur the blond on, his thrusts speeding up as he grunted. You screamed when you felt  a wet muscle swip at your clit, looking down to see Kirishima grinning up at you, his tongue hanging out. On each thrust, he was licking at Bakugou’s cock, and then at your clit right above him, making you wiggle and spasm as you tried to escape the intense sensation.
“Kiri, Kir- stop! Stop, please I can’t! Stop, stop stop stop!”
You were pushing at his head, albeit weakly, but you were trying to move him away, becoming frantic as the combined efforts of the two men overwhelmed you, had you throwing your head back against Bakugou’s shoulder and gasping. Bakugou snickered, before plunging his tongue into your open mouth, stealing a kiss. You whined, scrabbling at his arms, Kirishima’s hair, trying to get away but simultaneously trying to bring the two of them closer. It felt so /good/, you didn’t even have the words to describe how heavenly and lascivious and filthy you were feeling. 
“Hah, you’re so wet, you hear yourself? Sloppy girl. Taking me so well, shit, so goddamn good.”
You could indeed, hear yourself. On every thrust of Bakugou’s, your pussy squelched, greedily sucking him in. It was absolutely filthy, hearing your juices and Kiri’s cum sloshing together as Bakugou shoved his cock into you, again and again. You could hear Kirishima slurping at your cunt with fervor, could tell by the slick sounds and rhythmic movement of his arm that he was frantically jerking himself off as he lapped at the point where Bakugou’s hot flesh met your own.  It was hot, not only in temperature. 
“C’mon baby, let it out, let me taste you. Wanna see you clenching around Katsuki’s cock like the good, sweet little girl you are.”
Kirishima’s words hand you reeling, and the second his lips went back to attacking your clit, you were gone. It almost hurt, how tense your muscles became, squeezing an agonizingly delicious orgasm out of you. Bakugou felt you release, his thrusts speeding up as Kirishima kept his tongue out, laving at Bakuguo’s cock as he hammered into your clenching cunt. You were crying, twisting In Bakugou’s hold as you were quickly overstimulated, shrieking as you were left with no respite.
It didn’t take long for Bakugou to cum, spurred on by your writhing and tears, the way you were begging and pleading and sobbing, imploring the men to stop. With a guttural moan, the blond gave on last thrust, shooting his seed into you, hot ropes of cum filling you up. Kirishima was still licking around Bakugou’s cock, catching the cum and slick that squeezed it’s way past the cock plugging you up.
You shivered, relaxing against the hard chest behind you as Kirishima eventually stopped lapping at you, his own arm still. He had cum again at some point, pumping his cock into his own fist. Bakugou pressed a gentle kiss behind your ear, panting hotly against the shell.
“Fuuuuuck-“ he whined out “- that was amazing.”
“Mhmm.” Kiri hummed his agreement, slowly standing. The redhead flopped down on the bed, crawling up to sprawl out on one side, head resting against a pillow. Bakugou slipped out of you with no warning, your sudden gasp as you felt wet drip out of you making him chuckle. He maneuvered your lax body onto the bed, next to Kirishima, before pressing himself up behind you, trapping your body between the two men. You were too tired to feel gross, to mind the wet slide of your thighs as you shifted into a more comfortable position. Kirishima threw an arm around your waist, leaning up on his elbow to hover over and across you, stealing a kiss from Bakugou. Then he was stealing one from you, wet mouth connected to your own. 
You didn’t fight.
When he flopped back down, you breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like you could finally relax as the two men stayed silent, all three of you exhausted, fucked out. 
This was only the tip of the ice berg. 
If you knew how often and intensely the men intended to fuck you near the mirrors, you would probably pass out. They just wanted to show you what they saw in you. It had been two of the strongest orgasms you had experienced in a while, but there was no way you’d admit it was because of their praising and insistence  on making you watch yourself getting railed by them.
For now, you let yourself drift into a comfortable doze, let the heat of the two bodies caging you in keep you warm, keep you trapped.
Why bother fighting? 
There was no escape.
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youmyjhope · 3 years
about the recent bts / permission to dance slander
( its gonna be here too cuz its my blog and i dont care. its about the ppl who shit on bts because of their english songs. i got so mad after seeing everyone bitch on reddit. )
yall be fucking dramatic and really don't seem to like the boys very much if you doubt them, it's fucking cringe... the way y'all think y'all know better than hybe and bts themselves PLS. like i understand not liking the song, it's not their best work BUT IT WASN'T MEANT TO BE and bts themselves always say that their english songs are not deep. yall cross the line when yall PROJECT on the members and go like "ahh there's something wrong with them, bts sold out, they need a break, they don't like making music anymore". yall even say you wish them to enlist and other shit 🤢🤢
but bitch are you YOONGI to say that he's losing passion for music or that he should hate the musical direction bts is taking or whatever? you have this imaginary yoongi in your head and when the REAL yoongi doesnt meet your stupid expectations you SHIT ON HIM AND BTS. you act so fucking pathetic and ALL you need to do about it is simply be invested in bts enough, listen to THEIR OWN words and to all their music not only 3 english songs. YOUR BTS SELLING OUT / LOSING PASSION / BEING CLUELESS NARRATIVE IS BULLSHIT. you are not even a fan because it should be obvious for fans.
when you complain about lets say yoongi being proud about the billboard and talking about being first a lot cuz "ITS IS SO WRONG, HE ONLY CARES ABOUT NUMBERS NOW", are you seriously this dumb? MAYBE LEAVE HIM ALONE AND FUCKING LET HIM BE PROUD AND CONFIDENT?? Ofc he should talk about it and be proud CUZ DUH their achivements are amazing. bts are always greatful and work SO hard for them. they are having this huge success because they deserve it 100 % and they ALWAYS acknowledge that armys support them in return for everything they do for us. what you think he is supposed to do, cry and say that bts is shit and armys are shit for supporting bts cuz YOU think bts is shit and sold out?😐 bts members are very ambitious and goal-oriented, have always been this way, and they have the RIGHT to be. again, if there's anybody who deserves having records broken, it's THEM.
they said numerous times that they are aiming at the grammys with all these english releases. IT IS THEIR GOAL FOR NOW. they have reached more things than anyone could ever imagine so next they want a grammy and they will get it. idc if you think grammys are shit so bts shouldnt try to get the award, THEY ARE TRYING AND THIS IS THEIR WAY. they are doing everything they can to be acklowledged by this highly biased institution which is STILL CONSIDERED INFLUENTIAL worldwide. they make connections in america and make english songs that break records and actually give them recognition there (cuz apparently some americans dont know that english translations exist).
bts are phenomenal, very different from other artists, and so talented but ppl think they are not worthy of something called "the most important music award". they will actually give this award the meaning it is supposed to hold. cry if you disagree. you say bts are selling out and seek western validation but you miss the point. THE REAL ISSUE IS THAT WITHOUT THESE ENGLISH SONGS AND CONNECTIONS BTS WILL CONTINUE TO BE IGNORED BY THE RACIST AMERICAN MUSIC INDUSTRY.
and then if you say "they should make deeper english songs to win a grammy" consider
1) english is not their native language but even then they are doing great and make good happy pop songs
2) dynamite literally gave them the nomination??, making this type of song was a right move
3) pls they gave the bts's award to some lady gaga shit purely because WHITE AMERICAN and connections. like I literally would prefer bts putting out the most low-effort terrible song and getting a grammy because armys held the committees hostage than THIS CORRUPT NONSENSE.
hmm do some of yall really have the audacity to say that bts didnt deserve to win? they are authentic, talented, hard-working, worthy. THEY LITERALLY PAVED THEIR WAY TO THE GRAMMYS. THEY MADE WHAT NOBODY IN KOREA HAS DONE BEFORE. all that just to be fucking disrespected by old white men????
so in conclusion BTS ARE THE SAME. they changed ofc but for the better. they have goals and reach them. THEY ARE NOT SELLING OUT. they have too much at stake for yall to be throwing this phrase around. THEY WILL GET THE GRAMMY.
AND i didnt dislike ptd. in fact ptd is the SOTC. so just stay mad.
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equalseleventhirds · 3 years
1-this whole debacle is fucking annoying.When I saw a post vagueing about it I @the OP to talk about how it's a reaction that some fans have to the fanon flanderization of Martin's character & it has more nuance than "sex=cool" but then OP told me to get off my "high horse" and to "calm down" bc "I cant handle when people have different hcs than mine" & I was missing the point and that people have been exagerating Martin's bitchness to the point he's unrecongnizable & apparently acted like ->
2- portraying him as sensitive and kind for the sake of being kind was making him into a "soft boy" and I'm like what? & OK!OK!OK Dude I get it! but still I think it was hypocrital of them to say that me others were getting pissy abt different hcs of Martin when they themselves were taking what me and you said in bad faith. Like, I dont 100% agree w/ all your Martin takes but I understand them & I understand to your annoyance at seeing his character getting simplified to fit into an archetype ->
3-but still you respectful & said there was nothing wrong or pathetic w/ being more emotional & insecure but still people took you on bad faith & didn't even have the guts to have an honest discussion w/ you but instead vagued you in bad faith post that ALSO missed the point of your gripes.
god i am. rapidly reaching a point where i hate the ‘you just won’t let ppl have their headcanons’ thing bcos like, i am usually of the ‘let ppl have whatever headcanons it’s fine’ camp, i encourage headcanons, but there’s a point where ‘fun headcanons interpreting canon’ slides into ‘blatantly ignoring canon and pretending a flat, one-dimensional archetype is canon’, and any criticism of that is ‘trying to control ppl’s opinions’ instead of like. valid fucking criticism of bad writing & often also offensive tropes. damn it.
like, there are so many ways of being soft that are not crying into a pillow about being fat and unlovable. there are ways of being soft and kind and caring that martin displays in canon that are not. that. (also i literally never mentioned sex fjsdklfs i just said i think martin’s hot & knows it, and i was joking abt a lot of that before i got into my Other Analysis Angle)
if the issue is ppl ignoring martin’s kindnesses to make him just bitchy & mean, then fine, fucking talk about that. but that was never the goddamn message of my posts, it has never been a topic of my fics, i am not the person they want to complain at, they are misinterpreting my posts in bad faith. i said multiple times, even before anyone pointed out how some of what i said was coming across, that martin is kind and caring. i said that he fears that he is not kind enough, that he struggles with connecting with people, and i said that he tries anyway, that he is kind enough and he shows that over and over again in canon. we can have both a kind martin and a martin who doesn’t literally cry over how fat he is, gdi, these things are not fucking mutually exclusive, and if they wouldn’t just vaguepost and refuse to listen and block me then we could talk about this.
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Ok so Camille’s an asshole on that we can all agree, but I’m really tired of people in the fandom acting like she’s just your typical annoying ex and she makes poor uwu Alec feel insecure cause fuck that. Camille was 100% abusive and manipulative but I also think she was sexually abusive too I mean seeing what she did to Simon and kissing Magnus without his consent even though he was clearly uncomfortable, consent doesn’t really seem to be an issue for her-
I feel like she definitely manipulated his fear of loneliness and not being good enough, to suit her needs. Like Magnus isn’t in the mood for sex or it’s especially triggering on a certain day, either way he’s not up for it but Camille makes him do it anyway. She threatens to leave or go find someone else who can fulfill her needs or take care of her when Magnus won’t, ‘I mean does he even love her when he won’t do this one simple thing for her?’ 
So he just lets her do what she wants, even if he’s having a full blown panic attack Camille doesn’t care or she’ll just leave insulting him saying she can’t deal with this right now and leaving Magnus with no idea when or if she’ll be back. So the next time she asks he hesitates less or initiates it more even when he’s not in the mood so she won’t leave and yeah I have a lot of emotions relating to this. and now I’m thinking about how it’ll affect his future relationships, not even talking about Alec but other people - I have this headcanon where when he got away from Camille and is healing, him ragnor and Catarina live together in ragnors cottage or somewhere away from people for awhile so Magnus can slowly heal and focus on himself and unlearn Camille’s abuse with the help of his family 
But despite what this fandom says Magnus has always been a helper and a selfless person to the point of self destruction. He’s unable to prioritise his own health and he wouldn’t be able to slow down and feel the full force of the abuse he experienced cause he feels like he’ll fall apart if he does and ‘no one wants a pathetic crybaby who breaks down when someone moves their hand too fast in his direction it wasn’t even that bad he’s just exaggerating like he always does this is why Camille doesn’t love him back’ (the ‘’ parts were meant to be strikethrough to signify Magnus’ inner thoughts but that doesn’t work on asks)
And he’s scared to get in another relationship cause he doesn’t think he’d be able to speak up for himself if they turned violent or controlling, he’s scared that if they did he’d just let them so he closes himself off from people puts these walls around him and a bright smile on his face that doesn’t let anyone think there’s anything wrong. And theres so much pain going on in the world ‘they have it much worse than him anyway’ and Magnus tries to help the best he can as he always does and he’s always there for people to lean on without any reciprocation and he’s so emotionally and physically tired and he’s not sure how much longer he can take it, almost considers going back to blackfairs bridge ‘really he’d be doing the world a favour’ but theres too many bad memories and he promised his family he would try so he holds on and then he finds Raphael and that obviously doesn’t fix everything but- I was going to continue this but it’s two am in my country and honesty it’s too long already😅 sorry for the rant it’s just a lot of emotions. Im so tired of the ‘Camille’s an annoying ex who keeps getting in the way of my favourite gay ship😠’ metas and needed to let out some feelings before I explode from my hate for Camille
UGH ANON HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE NOT ONLY A GENIUS BUT ALSO MY NEW BEST FRIEND, AN INTELLECTUAL, AND COMPLETELY RIGHT. YOU ARE SO CORRECT!!! idk if uve read my other post that i posted while i was waiting for you but we no longer have the same hat we are SHARING the hat!! i can't believe i got this ask right after i had just made that long ass rant and was in so much need to talk about this like ugh are you my guardian angel. i love you more than anyone else ive ever met
ok ok ok coherent thoughts ok i can do this. first of all THE SALT how does it feel to have vision and coherency. ppl writing camille as just an annoying ex or a bad ex or even as like "oh they both made mistakes and it ended up terrible" drives me UP THE WALL. camille was explicitly abusive, so much so that magnus CANONICALLY WAS UNABLE TO ALLOW PEOPLE TO GET CLOSE TO HIM FOR ALMOST A CENTURY. and she was shown to be abusive, both in the physical sense as you have reminded us so brilliantly and in the sense that her whole "choose me" speech? like she doesn't have to literally say the words "no one but me would ever love you" for that to be exactly what she's saying. she's obviously playing with his insecurities and putting him down while presenting her as his savior, it's CLASSIC ABUSE. she was written as such a perfect to-the-book abuser that it honestly shocks me like they did that really all they ticked all the boxes. the way she immediately launched to talk about alec's mortality too, the way she was obviously trying to make them fight and draw them apart - it wasn't a jealousy thing, it is just that she's abusive and she wants him isolated so she can toy with him and manipulate him 
EVEN SALTIER WHEN THEY MAKE IT ABOUT ALEC BEING INSECURE LIKE. especially because canonically he literally watched camille kiss magnus and didn't care, which was sexy of him because i was dreading some jealousy drama or something but instead he was just like. obviously she did it to hurt you. i only care in the sense that she's a fucking bitch. we stan! 
as for how she treated him! oof i think the same thing with the same words dioajdsaoij it always circled back to "why can't you do this for me?" in and outside of sex - i mentioned that in a conversation in the comments of my other post but i think that with camille the sexual abuse was really just an extension of the regular abuse, so they bleed together and are not really separable in that sense. at every turn, he had to prove his worth, and she used his fear of loneliness both in the sense that she amplified it and made it seem like the only way to not be lonely was to be with her, and that she gave him just enough for him not to feel desperately lonely so she could string him along. not to mention, they both always go back to how magnus supposedly "owes" her, and yes, it's because of the bridge, of course, but there's also that underlying tone of "because she put up with him and gave him affection when no one else would". even when what she did was nowhere close to real affection. so it's both the bridge and the after. she could have saved him and left, but she stayed. that's why he feels he owes her, and she will absolutely use it
AND UR SO RIGHT ABOUT MAGNUS BEING UNABLE TO PRIORITIZE HIS OWN HEALTH UGH UGH UGH UGH like he has no choice for a while because she left him fucking broken and seeing the way she treats him and the amount of shit he puts up with i can only imagine how far she had to go for him to reach a breaking point and leave her for real. but as soon as he could pretend to have himself together he just threw himself out there. and i believe that he felt guilty for having catarina and ragnor take care of him when he abandoned them because of camille - obviously that's not what happened, she manipulated him into staying away from them, made his life hell whenever he wanted to hang out with them until he no longer had the energy to put up a fight to keep in contact with the people he loves, but it's what he feels that happened, and most likely what camille herself eventually started to tell him happened once they had been pulled away enough. ("you're gonna leave me? and go back to who? your little friends who tried to pit you against me from day one? they're just gonna say 'i told you so', magnus. and why would they take you back when you left them before? when was the last time you even saw them? you chose this, you chose me, and now you're gonna come back to them and expect them to welcome you with open arms? you selfish little prick")
AND RAPHAEL!!! raphael was so important, honestly, we say that magnus didn't let anyone into his heart but obviously raphael was the exception and EXTREMELY important for his healing. it's a complicated relationship because he's sort of a father figure for rapha, and as such, he doesn't allow himself to be completely vulnerable around him, because that's not "his role". but! he was the first person whom magnus let in. and they obviously know each other deeply ("i hate to see you like this" even though magnus looked completely put together to the outside eye) and are plenty affectionate ("sweet boy", the hugs, the way rapha talked about magnus with so much love and awe in his eyes and voice) and trusting (the way raphael went to magnus' loft, not his own damn clan, when he was tortured...). i know this fandom likes to pretend that they pretend to hate each other but NO THEY DON'T they are openly caring and loving with each other fucking fight me on this
anyway, my point is that raphael was the first person he allowed himself to trust, and of course, part of that is simply because raphael was vulnerable and in need and like you said he can't just stay still when he sees someone struggling. but to care for raphael eventually had to mean to open up to him and when he welcomed raphael in, he gained a new member to his family. raphael is his kid. that's no small thing. their bond goes deep and it's extremely important because again, after camille magnus wouldn't allow people to get close to his heart, because he was scared of how they could use that against him. raphael was his first, and the only reason magnus was able to open himself up for romantic love again (which was an extra step, not because romantic love is more important or deeper, but because it's specifically the kind of love that camille used against him, and thus it makes him even more scared) was because he had already been relearning trust and platonic love with rapha
rapha did him good!!! there's a reason he calls him "sweet boy" okay. and rapha cares about him and he NOTICES WHEN HE'S IN A BAD SHAPE EVEN THROUGH ALL OF MAGNUS' WALLS and he specifically didn't want magnus involved with the camille drama even when it had obviously gotten out of hand because he wanted to keep him safe and away from her!!! i want to be shot in the face!!! they love each other so much! fuck!
and also that implies that raphael knows about camille which means he might be the first person who met magnus post-camille and heard the story, which means that he might be (and probably is) the first person who was never involved that magnus opened up about this to. if that ain't some powerful and important shit i don't know what is. because part of abuse is that you can't talk about it - there's this sense of shame and guilt both from staying and from not staying more, especially because magnus canonically still feels like he owes her... aaaaa
this answer is all over the place im sorry but my point is you are correct, camille is a textbook abuser not just a shitty ex, she fucked up his head and made him unable to open up for a long time, and the first person that helped him break those walls was raphael and they LOVE EACH OTHER VERY MUCH AND DEEPLY thank you for your attention
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