#not a vent post! I'm not like frustrated it's just a lot harder than i hoped it'd be lol
somelazyassartist · 4 months
Why is the Don Bluth art style so hard to mimic lmao, I've been practicing for what feels like ages and I've only made one sketch I think actually looks good lol
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ao3commentoftheday · 10 months
I'm going to start this post off by saying that I write fic, and I know the pain of putting something out there and not getting a response. It sucks and it hurts and it puts a dent in my self-confidence. If I have the choice between posting a work on AO3 and getting only comments or posting a work on AO3 and getting only kudos, I'll probably choose comments let's say 8 times out of 10.
But with that in mind, posts that attempt to shame or guilt readers into commenting don't actually work.
Negative reinforcement (in the form of shame, guilt, or other worse emotions) doesn't make anyone want to do the thing. It just makes them want to avoid the guilt, etc. Rather than encouraging someone to talk to you about your writing, you're making that person want to avoid you so that they don't have to feel bad. That's just human nature.
I've said before that I think a lot of writers are looking for community rather than comments, and I still think that's true. The reason I love both writing and receiving comments is because it makes me feel like I've made a connection with someone. I may never know their real name or what they look like or where they live or anything else but what fandom we have in common, but we've reached out to each other in this text-based medium and we've shared words that made each other feel something.
I know that these posts are written out of frustration or loneliness or needing support or a hundred other reasons I could list off the top of my head. But when I read "you should be grateful for the things I give you and show me proper appreciation" it just reminds me of my parents telling me to clean my room or to follow the rules while I live under their roof.
It's so much more vulnerable to admit, "I don't know if this story is any good and I really wish someone would reassure me right now."
It's much harder to say, "I feel so alone in this fandom, and I want to make friends with someone."
It's difficult to admit, "I worked so hard on this for so long and I'm so tired, but if someone out there likes it then all of that effort will be worthwhile - and if no one says anything, then I'll feel like my effort was wasted."
I'm not trying to shame the people who made those posts, and if that's how this comes across then I'm sorry. I'm just trying to explain why I think those posts will harm more than they help.
I also hope that any readers who see this post will understand that those writers are just people who are feeling a lot of different ways, and they're venting their frustrations. I've been there. I've reblogged those posts before when I was feeling frustrated like that too.
If you're able to comment, those comments are appreciated. If you're not able to comment (for whatever reason), that's okay too. ❤️
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pallastrology · 1 month
april notes
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artwork by maurice hagemans
i feel like march has been really intense... anyone else? i think the aqua/pisces/aries mix can be tough, and with the coming of spring it's a very impactful time of year. anyway, april starts out with the moon trine mercury, in sagittarius and aries. this is a nice transit, though very fast; your feelings and thoughts work together harmoniously to find the heart of the matter. complementing this is venus, which is currently conjunct neptune in ephemeral pisces, and sextile uranus in collected taurus. two very nice aspects here, bringing some much-needed calm and compassion to us before the storm that is mercury going retrograde hits. for general advice on mercury retrograde, see this post! throughout the first week of april, the moon will join pluto in aquarius. coupled with mercury in retrograde, i would say be cautious; not scared, but collect yourself and your thoughts before you speak up. don't go in blindly and don't give into your every desire. venus soon ingresses into aries, which can make it harder to ignore those desires, especially when the moon forms a conjunction. while it's good to chase your dreams, remember to stay grounded!
when the moon joins mercury in aries, we might be feeling pent up and ready to blow. if you can, look for an outlet that doesn't involve direct communication with others, unless you have a trusted person you can vent to knowing that they really get you. it's a good time to exercise or go hiking if you're into it, to burn off some frustration and clear your head. the new moon in aries on the 8th can amplify these struggles. again, i would say, do something physical (i like to clean my house around the new moon, it's a good workout and helps me feel calmer and less chaotic), and refine (or start to form) your plans. don't necessarily make any huge leaps right now though. later on, mars joins saturn to form a conjunction in pisces; this placement signifies immense inner strength and endurance. this is a good time to remind yourself that you're stronger than you give yourself credit for, and to be proud of how hard you are working to achieve your goals. it may bring up issues of balance, however; are you a workaholic? are you not putting in the effort/resources you could be? some reflection and a plan might be useful if you're feeling unbalanced.
later in the month, jupiter joins uranus in taurus. watch out for overindulgence and impulsivity! that being said, you've been working very hard, and it's okay to enjoy the fruits of your labour. just remember to appreciate the little things too, and not get caught up in sudden dreams and desires that, ultimately, steer you away from your goals. on the 20th, the sun ingresses into taurus, and we arrive at ox station! it's time to focus on our values and self-worth, our home life and environment, our work ethic and spending (or saving) habits, and take some time to enjoy the sweeter side of life. a little treat can go a long way, but let's stay focused. the sun square pluto in aquarius puts a bit of dampener on an otherwise warm and inviting transit, but it's nothing to fear; squares indicate a power struggle, yes, but they also indicate a lot of energy. how you channel that energy is up to you.
the full moon on the 24th could be quite tense, as pluto in aquarius makes it a t-square. while stress and tension aren't pleasant sensations or states to be in, this full moon could be a kind of catalyst moment; we often think of the full lunar phase as a time of release and reflection, and i think this will hold very true here. i'm personally expecting to feel like a wreck by this point, but often, for me at least, those "breaking point" moments help me gain clarity and rearrange what isn't working, or what's causing me stress. i hope that your full moon won't be stressful, but if it is, try doing something relaxing and just giving yourself the space to feel what you need to.
right at the end of the month, venus ingresses into taurus, which is a very comfortable placement. this transit asks us to lighten the load a little bit and get creative in life; to enjoy ourselves and find the balance between work and pleasure. to value ourselves the way we do our loved ones, and to build trust in ourselves and our inner circles. trust goes both ways of course, so we are tasked with being honest and reliable this month. wishing you all the best, as always.
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feyascorner · 3 months
First off, I just gotta GUSH about how much I literally love your writings and all the little hc and tiny ideas you spit out on your blog~~ so much that you are actually one of the reasons I decided to pick up writing fanfic again and of course (Astarion is a literally, gem to write about)
I would like some advice if that is alright. How exactly do you get into the writing mood? I posted a chapter of a fic I am working on, but I seem to be in a slump right now. This is due to two things: I constantly feel this pressure while writing that it simply isn't as good as the fics I read myself, and I start to question whether or not I am actually doing well expressing the fic itself.
The second is, do you ever start listening to songs and get all these different scenarios you start planning on in your head, but when you try to write it, it just turns out to be bleh or nowhere near what you pictured in your mind? How do you manage to deal with that?
Thank you so much, and also so sorry for literally ranting/venting about this lol I think I just hold you in very high regard :)
Hello friend!! I'm so happy you decided to start writing again! It’s definitely a challenge sometimes w so much time that goes into it but it’s also very satisfying to watch it all come together :)
My writing process is a little more messy than it should be to be honest…i either just start writing for no apparent reason, daydream a lot throughout the day, but I think the most common occurrence is that I play the actual game and it just inspires me since I'm constantly talking to the actual character! It’s totally okay to be in a slump, it happens too often to me too. And as for feeling like your writing isn't good enough, please know that no matter how many fics there are yours is unique as your own. There's nothing like your own writing and it’s all the more reason to post it! And remember that writing is ultimately for your own satisfaction and nobody else’s! If you don't enjoy it there's no point! So try not to second guess yourself (I do this too but there really is no need to worry :)) if it helps I like to make some program read what I wrote out loud! It helps me catch mistakes and it makes me more confident in what I'm putting out so this might help you too <3
And yes I think it’s a universal author thing where you have so many thoughts but it just..doesnt work on paper? It’s the most frustrating thing ever but what I do is write JUST the dialogue first! I've seen this advice on other pages but if I write only the dialogue it’s harder to get stuck somewhere with description or actions. And if you like the way the dialogue came out you can just fill out the rest after :)
There's no need to apologize! I love that people trust me enough to ask for advice because I know how difficult writing can be…youre doing great just by writing a few words! Good luck I hope this helped even a little bit! ❤️
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
my sexuality is so confusing and nebulous and label-defying it's so frustrating
right now for the most part i just ID as grayaroace. not in the "experiences attraction but very infrequently" way, but in the "experiences attraction but it's very mild" way. that's where i get tripped up. there's more to it than that
i both like the idea of participating in sex and hate it. i enjoy self-pleasure, reading erotica, and imagining fictional characters in sexual situations (though i don't like going into too much detail with it). sex sounds nice in theory, but awkward and terrifying in practice. the part that freaks me out the most is the idea of someone seeing me naked, especially my genitalia. i think it's mostly due to gender dysphoria-- i'm transmasc, which is important context for most (or all?) of this
i'm attracted to women, and when i say that i don't mean i get crushes (though i think i had one once?) or that i ever care enough to seek out sex with any one woman in particular. but i am definitely attracted to them in a way i am not attracted to men. when i try to imagine myself in a romantic or sexual situation, it's with a woman. i do find women hot, find their bodies arousing, but i don't really want sex. i do, but not really.
see how this is confusing? i both am and am not, i both do and don't. i'm so envious of people who can just be like "yeah i'm gay/bi/lesbian/ace". i wish it was that easy. i wish my orientation fit into a neat box
i often go down tumblr rabbit holes of aspec posts and they only ever make me more confused. every time i'm reminded that allo people can also be sex repulsed i start to spiral, thinking maybe THAT'S what i really am, and my hesitation to have sex is because of my dysphoria. i have a below average libido too, which makes it harder to tell. it makes a lot of sense to me, but i don't know how to know for sure. i'm getting sick of labels because they've been so annoying to try to navigate. every time i think i've got it, the rug gets pulled out from under me again
if there is one label that i find myself relating to a lot it's stone butch. i'm pretty sure it's exclusively a lesbian term because that's the only context i ever hear butch in, and because i don't identify as a woman or woman adjacent i don't ID as a lesbian or feel comfortable using their terms. but the idea behind stone butch fits me very well. i only like the idea of giving in a sexual situation. i feel drawn to the idea of hand stuff and giving oral, but despise the idea of being on the receiving end of either. i don't want to be penetrated, but would gladly penetrate a partner if we had a strap. this definitely ties back to my gender dysphoria. it has me wondering, is there a transmasc version of stone butch? i've never seen anyone talk about anything like what i feel. all the transmascs i see online are mlm
it also makes me feel pretty insecure in queer spaces that, despite being queer in multiple ways (aspec + trans) i'm quite vanilla and almost hetero with my sexual interest. so on top of everything else i feel like a fake queer person. i feel alone
i don't know how to end this but if you got this far thank you for reading, and thank you to the person who runs this blog for providing a space for me to vent
Submitted April 16, 2023
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fallowtail · 5 months
venting about adhd related burnout and skill loss under the cut, mild suicidal tw for just the mention of having it
Frustrated about my inability to explain or advocate for myself because my brain can't hold onto the thoughts long enough to be able to do so. I love my adhd being debilitating and cutting off my ability to properly communicate lol (coupled with the autism, here). Like it's very upsetting that it affects my creativity. I've never really been a creative naturally, it is not something that comes easy to me in the slightest, but of course I decided to make this thing that I have to claw tooth and nail to even accomplish the bare minimum my entire sense of self and worth (which is not me trying to say people who are creatively inclined more naturally don't work for it, but the way they talk about it and the way I experience it are vastly different- which I can't properly explain because. Gestures to the rest of this post.) I can't form ideas the way other people can, I can't remember things long enough to do them, I can't connect ideas together the way you need to be able to do to Create things, but also in a real world sense it blocks me from being able to get help because I can't explain my experiences, I can't properly talk to people because I can't remember what I'm saying. I'm even having trouble writing this post because I can't remember what I'm trying to say, trying desperately to jog my brain into being able to connect or even FORM a thought to be able to express myself, and I just...can't. I don't have the ability. And a lot of other people with adhd don't seem to understand this and it makes me feel even worse about myself because if they can do it, why can't I? What is the difference between them and me, that allows them to do these things that feel insurmountable to me when we supposedly have the same brain problem? That what they lament as them being a failure still, is a level of ability that I would kill for? How am I not supposed to see them doing these things and feel like there is something even more innately wrong with me, when they all can do them and I can't?
Especially when they turn around and tell me they understand, when they very clearly do not, because if they're able to accomplish these things they obviously are not in the same position that I am, and when I try and express that I get spit on with the "it's not a competition!" because the idea that other people experience the disability in a different way than them is not acceptable, or something. I don't come up to them telling them how much worse I have it, they always come to me telling me we're the same and I pushback against that because no, we aren't, please stop telling me my experience is the same as yours, and they fire up in outrage, and I'm so tired. It feels like brain damage, most of the time. It's like when you forget a word and nothing you do helps you remember it, but for everything. I can't focus on anything, not even my own thoughts- I can barely form thoughts, let alone get them out of my head lol. & I think what happens is people who have a similar experience but not exact think I'm being self-deprecating/hating or dramatic or hard on myself instead of trying to explain my reality, which makes them tell me my experience isn't real, look at this thing you managed to make that one time, this is proof you're lying and nothing you're saying is real or true, you're being dramatic, you CAN do it, you're just being self-deprecating, that I just need to try harder, that things will get better, when they aren't getting better, I'm declining and rapidly getting worse, and because of all that above I can't advocate for myself and properly tell them they're wrong. They want to pat themselves on the back for telling me to get over it and be more like them, they think they're being supportive and understanding and relatable. And then people will look at this post that took me around an hour to write and made me physically nauseous from how hard I had to think to do it where I'm still not properly explaining myself or getting my point across that I want to, and decide the same thing as above, so any attempts I make to explain how hard things are for me in my specific mental situation make people go "well you managed it then, so obviously it's not true and you're lying and I fully understand your experience and we are the same" and I just. Screams long and loud and exhaustedly into my hands. I just want to be able to think. I just want the brainfog to clear up. It never will, will it. I'm just? Like this? Forever?
Watching myself decline is so scary and so hard. It's just so...exhausting. And upsetting. And it feels like nobody understands, and I can't explain myself to MAKE them understand, and I would do literally anything just to be able to think coherently, to be able to put things together, to form a thought properly. Being in deep autistic burnout and heavy suicidal depression at the same time has not helped things, lol. I have like every possible thing that affects mental clarity piled up on top of me that then make each other worse because of it. Its honestly kind of hilarious at this point! And everyone I've talked to tells me medication doesn't help them, and even if it does it still doesn't for everyone, and with my track record I know for me it probably won't, and I just- how am I supposed to want to get to 30 being like this? How am I supposed to want to enter my 30's being this way? Still untreated, declining, getting worse, with no bright side to look forward to, losing everything I care about and everything I've based my sense of self around. It's not a life worth living if I can't cling to my artistic expressions but I'm losing them, and I don't think I can get them back. Other people take joy in their neurodivergency but I would do absolutely anything to get rid of mine. This is torture.
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 10 months
Specs, you’re a good spider, right? At the very least, you’re a hell of a lot better than I am. You don’t need to get down here, we’ll handle ourselves just fine. I need.. I need advice.
How do you steel yourself for the most horrible things you’ll ever see? I feel like a child to admit it but I’m finding.. difficult.. to move forward. I know what I must do to survive down here and for the most part, I was managing this just fine.
But something about my last encounter hit me in a way that I wasn’t anticipating. I recognize it from what I’ve seen from my father when he came back from the war; I believe the term for it is “combat fatigue”. Not a doctor by any means, but I’ve seen it in action for a long enough time to draw some connections to it.
But unlike my father, I don’t really.. have a place to rest. How do I convince the rest of myself to keep going in spite of this?
- @ask-percyparker
I wish there was an easy answer, Perce. I really do.
I've been in that position...a few times over my career. Or maybe a few hundred. I haven't really kept track. I understand the feelings of...of numbness, hypervigilance, lingering fear and anger and guilt...in my time period, it's not called combat fatigue anymore. Its official name is post-traumatic stress disorder. And, if you're very, very lucky, time and distance will eventually take some of the edge off.
I'm not lucky. But that's beside the point.
Methods of managing it--ignoring therapy as an option, because in your case it isn't--tend to be slipshod, and their effectiveness tends to vary. Sometimes the stuff I do works great, sometimes it's all but useless. When I was fifteen and my symptoms were just starting to get debilitating, Aunt May taught me some exercises with controlled breathing that I still use to settle myself during an episode. Talking to people I love and trust takes a lot of the weight off my shoulders...although, I'll admit, it takes some effort and bravery to make myself start those conversations. You've got Theo and MJ; allowing yourself to lean on them will help more than you can imagine, even though I know every instinct you have is terrified of being that vulnerable. It's hard, but it's worth it. Usually.
And to brace myself for the future?
...That's even harder. I'm not sure there is a good way to do it. But what I do is keep those loved ones close to my chest, and keep myself focused on why I put myself through this fuckery.
I was an awful, awful kid in my first few months as a vigilante; mostly just out there to vent my frustrations and get some photos to sell and ease that knot of guilt in my stomach about what happened to Ben. And because I was in it entirely for myself, those first few disasters hit harder than I think they would've now. I almost quit like a dozen times back then. But eventually I started to realize how many people my selfishness hurt, and how much I could genuinely help if I tried, and I started to understand my...my obligation to help where I could. My responsibility.
I won't say that understanding and accepting that responsibility made me a better person, because I'm not sure it did. But it did give me the strength to keep trying. To push forward and roll with the punches, because I wasn't just doing it for me anymore. I can't promise it'll do the same for you--but it might be a start.
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askanaroace · 10 months
Carnival of Aros: Loneliness - I Don't Think I Experience It
I'm hosting July's Carnival of Aros on the topic of Loneliness. August, October, November, and on still need hosts, so if you're interested in interacting more with the aro community, please consider volunteering!
So when I created the intro post to the Loneliness topic, I proposed a question I couldn't get out of my head.
What’s your understanding or definition of loneliness? Does this seem to differ from an alloromantic’s description of loneliness?
After this, I was just like...omg does it?
First, I tried to define loneliness. And that was hard. I knew the general feeling of what I call loneliness but putting words to that was a lot harder.
I'm not gonna lie. I gave up on trying to figure out what words were fitting really quick. And instead I asked on facebook for any connections to give me their definition of loneliness if they wished.
Four alloplatonic alloromantic allosexuals answered me. I won't quote them, since I didn't get permission for that, but holy shit.
Their answers were absolutely heartbreaking. They centered around the idea of being isolated and/or disconnected and/or misunderstood and experiencing a sucking black hollowness of hopelessness and pain. Multiple of them brought up how loneliness could cause or worsen depression and other mental health struggles.
They all had really strong descriptions of how horrible loneliness felt. Even just through text alone, I could feel the intensity of their feelings.
And from the very first answer, I just had to go: holy shit. I don't think I've ever really been lonely. And every answer that came after the first just verified that I have never felt these depths of loneliness my connections were describing.
For reference, I'm an aplatonic aromantic (caedromantic) asexual. I'm not sure I was always aplatonic or it's also related to my trauma, but I have always had much lower social needs than everyone around me.
I've definitely felt isolated, disconnected, and misunderstood before. There's a lot of times where I want to have someone to reach out to in order to vent about something or be hopeful about something and felt like no one would really support or understand or maybe even care about me. I've often struggled with reconciling the fact that I'm not interested in any sort of committed relationship and the fact that I'm supposed to be interested in marriage. I've struggled with feeling left behind because I'm just not interested in so many of the adult "milestones" of modern culture (primarily marriage and kids).
And that's what I would have described as loneliness. Wanting to want someone to reach out to but not wanting it. The inconvenience of not having anyone to share the petty bullshit minutia of life with. The frustration of only having myself as my own cheerleading section (and failing miserably at it).
I would maybe have categorized these feelings as a max intensity of 5 out of 10. And that is a maximum - not an average.
Judging by my connections descriptions, their intensity sounds a lot closer to a 10.
And that's really interesting. Is this comparative emotional blunting due to depression/other mental illness? Is it wrapped up in the fact that I generally don't want/can't handle intimate connections? Is it a mix of both?
It's an interesting question, and like many other personal questions about identity and self - one I'm just not sure I have a true answer to. I would guess it's both with a sprinkling of other things I haven't considered just due to the messy, complicated nature of humans. But who really knows.
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punkalope · 10 months
All that venting to say it really sucks being a disabled artist who makes money on the internet rn tbh. I can't even make money at the moment for personal reasons but it frustrates me so much because my choices for an art site where I can put everything are:
classic deviantart clone with horrid management and is also 18+ that no one likes because of horrible drama, was literally perfect until hell broke loose
furry art site that is only slightly better than deviantart clone in terms of morals and probably has more professional management and isnt exclusively 18+ but makes me uncomfortable due to how its morals are only slightly better and i hate the layout
modern / eclipse deviantart which is so poorly optimized and lags to hell and back and hurts my eyes to look at. also half of it is broken, uploading to it is physically painful
indie art site that doesnt function at all because its so horribly optimized. also lacks any customization. is one of those "social medias for artists" things which is stupid
other smaller old art site that lacks customization and also has crappy morals
AI art galore, too professional for my tastes
tumblr, where i cant post my adult art
an art site that is app exclusive and also "social media for art"
instagram. you cant tell me tumblr is too difficult to use when instagram exists. i feel like a boomer trying to use it, and they change and remove shit every time i open it i swear. i never see what i want or like.
twitter is . twitter right now
personal website which i have to code and curate by myself. and while that gives me a lot of wiggle room its entirely up to me to separate my adult work from my sfw stuff. which i can do but it requires possibly an entirely separate website that i have to carefully try to make harder to access and i would rather have a company be responsible for this shit and not me, one person trying to get by. it takes a lot of work just to manage the site myself!
Anyways i'm jst really exhausted, and a lot of other life factors rn are making these things really hard for me.
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jazzytrait · 2 years
So... I'm just gonna come out and say it because it will probably be obvious in my posts over time: I'm not a fan of kids. If you wanna go down this rat hole with me, keep reading.
In most people's minds that makes me some kind of asshole, but really. I just do not have the energy or patience for children. This is coming form someone who used to babysit, work in daycares and initially enrolled in school as an elementary education major. (That changed SO QUICK after the daycare job)
I don't have anything against them individually. I love my 8 yr old nephew (he's kooky af), but I can only deal with him for about an hour before I'm like "Ok someone please come get this kid."
I'm not a mother. At one point I intended to be, but life had its own ideas and it turns out that without some majorly expensive medical help that was not going to happen for me. I was also young and from a poverty home, so there was no money for such things. At first it was sad, but as I got older I saw all my friends having kids and watching them struggle. Their marriages fell apart because of the shift in focus and the stress, they had no more time for their interests or hobbies, they were no longer the same people I knew... they became "Mommy". It was kinda scary, honestly. I did a lot of research and found some studies showing that having a baby can often decrease happiness in a marriage by over 60% and it only ever recovers by like 10% on average. Couple that with the general "loss of identity" that many mothers experience, risks of health complications, things like post-partum depression and not to mention the financial implications of a child. I felt like I dodged a bullet in a lot of ways by being unable to have children. I've been able to travel, move to some great cities, enjoy some awesome experiences that would have otherwise been MUCH harder or more expensive with a child. I indulge in my hobbies and interests and give my attention and care (that would have been focused on a child) to my significant other. We focus on making our lives better just for us. It may seem selfish, but we get to exist and enjoy ourselves however we want and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
So, how does this relate to The Sims 4 and my gameplay style? I'm just not very kid-focused. My sims have kids to advance a legacy and that's really the only reason. The babies are just annoying little alarms that go off every so often that you have to hit snooze on (though that baby anim from the Behind the Sims Summit looks interesting) and the toddlers are SO MUCH WORK. They need near constant monitoring! It's stressful and annoying. For a long time I would just age up babies and toddlers immediately and move on. I find the interesting part of a sim's life really begins as a teen and everything else is just foundational.
So, I will probably never focus on kids. There probably won't be any adorable posed photos with the toddlers and my overall attitude to my sims having babies/toddlers is somewhere along the lines of "Please make it stop". I have so much respect for mothers who have more patience and grace than I. It's just not me.
There was really no purpose to this rant other than to just vent my frustration about it because... my sim is pregnant again and I'm already preemptively annoyed! But it's ok. There are all kinds of people and all kinds of simmers with all kinds of play-styles. Whether you're a family simmer and just can't get enough of them babies or someone who focuses solely on adults or any other measure in the spectrum of styles in-between... It's cool. Be you, play you, don't feel like any one way is the right way to play. Yadda yadda yadda... [insert platitudes]... ✌️👽
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🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I think basically every multi chapter fic is a lot harder for me than people realize. While coming up with good ideas is easy for me, keeping that steam up for a while fic gets very hard very fast, especially when I feel like I'm on a time limit, whether self imposed or not. Important To Me is the main culprit in this, because I did experience a big life disruption that prevented me from posting the third chapter when I wanted to, and most likely I won't be able to do this coming Wednesday on time as well. I still enjoy writing these fics, I just really don't do well with deadlines.
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
Oh man I get a LOT out of writing. I get to vent my own personal frustrations, expand on bits of lore and characters and plots that I thought didn't get justice, I get to make up my own silly scenarios in my head. I think the main thing, though, is the various friends I've made via writing. I love them all so much. Shoutout to my mutuals for being the coolest people alive fr.
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
I definitely stick to one style most of the time (third person limited in past tense) but I'm not against changing up that style for limited sections or even entire fics. In fact I've got an AU in my head with a robot character who was originally a person where I was planning on having their narration done in a very different style from everyone else, primarily to show how different they are from everyone else and their normal self, and to cause emotional pain in character and reader alike. Also if I read something that I find really really cool in a book or another fanfiction, I may try to do something like it even if it's very different from my normal style.
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[ a bit of a ramble by a very tired tolys since i'm tired but i can't sleep ]
[ idk i'm just typign with my eyes closed at this point because the bright white of the beta editor is hurting the hell out of my eyes right now. ]
[ i'm so incredibly sleepy but I can't sleep at the sam etime, when i first tried logging into Tumblr the damn site wasn''t working so then I went to twitter and. you all have to know who Kanye "Ye" West is at this point. the dumbass leaked his kids' school;s name just so they'd be taken out and brought to his school... which is stupid. I don't know where the post is anymore but apparently they don't even fucking teach history at that school. I can't believe their are children that attend that school. it's not even accredited, so colleges probably couldn't even accept a student that "graduated" from that school which honestly... i feel bad for the kid and more so concern for the parents.. like we're talking about the same guy that supports some orange fucko, has a line of clothes that says WLM which is a whole nother issue but I actually hate him so much and honestly good on Kim for not saying anything about it either other than hiring more security because Ye's just digging himself an early legal grave... sigh. Man has so many mental problems and it pains me that with the amount of money he probably makes in a day could pay off so much stuff for us. Weekly therapy, all of our meds that we have to take, doctors appts. like he could be using that money and the resources he has to help better himself as a person and get the help he needs and he spends it on building a school that you don't fucking learn in. I have very strong opinions about the American Education system. actually i can go on about that, but after I finish talk about Kanye. Schools are a place you're meant to learn in and the fact that you AAAAAAA Kanye is an enigma at this point and he frustrates me. fuckin rich folk and their ability to do whatever they please. i swear the only reason I listen to his music still is because spotify doesn't give their artist's enough fucking money. then again, i don't even listen to his new shit, I miss the days when we were younger and got to listen to Stronger on the radio and us liking it simply cuz it sampled Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk... sigh... I'd say the good old days but my own existence is proof enough it's not exactly *good* old days. ]
[Anyways, I don't like the American Education system for a variety of reasons but the main one stems from their lack of care towards students with IEPs/504s otherwise neurodivergent students and also how... white-tified it is. though i think that's another vent as I'm finally getting really tired again. good night ]
[ oh good on me. not a lot of spelling errors. and that's on having the keyboard practically memorized. ]
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aritany · 3 years
hi aren.
i've been querying for about 7 months now, including the summer lull where not many agents are open to queries and are closed for review. not one agent has requested a partial or a full. not one.
i woke up to another rejection that basically said "i would've championed this project if the first ten pages were more gripping" which hurt like hell because if i get any reason for rejection, it's usually that. i have spent too much time revamping those first ten pages and gotten too much praise for the rest of the book to be a good judge of if they're gripping anymore, but i honestly don't know what to do.
i have another project i could feasibly query. it's always the thing of "the thing i'm writing right now would be such the perfect thing to query just you wait" haha, but i am seriously wondering if i should just give up on this book. it's such a perfect debut novel, and i do remember you talking about hearing "your book is good, just not good enough" on submissions, and yet you got a publisher, which is even harder than getting an agent, so i've heard. and you didn't have to change anything about your book, you just had to wait for the right one.
i did have expectations in my head when i started--i'd read that one in five agents should be requesting further materials, and i saw how quickly you got your agent, and i have been made to feel like i'm not allowed to be sad or bitter about rejections because i have to have a thick skin. but fuck, it's hard.
i wonder, is my book bad? when i have been told over and over that it's not. do i revamp these first ten pages again? do i keep going with them as they are, thinking of all those success stories about how you just have to keep trying and someday someone will love those pages as they are? do i give up and try this other project, starting over? even finding possible agents to suit my book has become hard these days, i have to dig and dig every time.
thanks, sorry this turned into such a vent. you documenting your publishing journey, particularly all your hurts while proving that it can be done still has been so helpful to me. <3
hey, lila. i'm so sorry this process has been such a challenge. publishing is a really hard market to break into, so that these days a lot of it ends up being luck and timing, which is such a pain in the ass to hear no matter how much it's true.
i don't know whether this will end up being advice so much as commiserating, but i want to tell you something i wish i knew when i started querying and getting into the business: publishing is so fucking slow. just in general, as an industry, it's so slow. take how slow you're thinking it is and then multiply it by five. seriously. i got agented fast because my agent happened to look at the queries on the top of her pile instead of starting with the older ones, which she never does. that was 99.9% chance and isn't the norm (had nothing to do with my query!). we were on submission with WCA for a year, and it was february when we sent the draft to the editor who ended up acquiring. she took until july to get back to us at all, and two more months (after we were almost certain she was going to offer!). that's just the way it's going right now, so that's just something to keep in mind that has nothing to do with you.
onto my next point about publishing: right now it is ALL about what's commercial. i could write a much longer post about this (and honestly i might) because i find it so frustrating. i'm encountering this same problem with IWYW, which is hands down my favourite of my recent novels and has had the widest interest from the public so far. the novel that's getting published is hooky as fuck. that's honestly why i queried it, even though i knew as i was querying that IWYW was much closer to my heart. it's a frustration of mine every time i start a new project, and there's a little voice in my head that's going is this marketable and i have to work really hard to silence it because that's not what drafting is about.
it's been seven months, so by now it's really up to you what step you want to take next. the nice thing is that even if the novel you're querying now isn't your debut, that doesn't mean there's no future for it. it's not a goodbye, just a see you later. i put WCA first because i was more confident that it would get me published, and it ended up making it through the necessary hoops. i thought that meant IWYW would be next, but it likely won't, because my agent pushed for a different one of my projects to be the second thing we put out on submission. that still doesn't mean it's over for IWYW, though! it's a one day project, and i've made peace with that.
other things to consider about publishing as of october 2021 that have nothing to do with you:
there's a huge supply shortage in printers, which is causing HUGE stress in imprints.
some of the major publishing houses are combining, and the ripple effect of that is crazy.
everyone is catching up with summer stuff right now. every agent and editor i've spoken with recently tells me the same thing: they are exhausted. they are burnt out like they never have been before. this is an industry wide issue and only getting worse.
so, all in all: if you've been querying for 7 months, just remember that's like 2 weeks in publishing time. it's absolutely not too long to keep going, but at the same time there's no harm in querying a different project. do what feels doable to you right now. and as i've mentioned before, rejections are a good thing. they tell you who is not going to champion your book the way it deserves. you deserve a fuck yes from somebody, and that'll come your way one day. might even be next week. i know it's so frustrating, but persevere. lean on your community for support. put your energy into other projects you love, and remember that a no is not about your book, it's about the agent. (it really really really is. i can't begin to tell you how many 'loved this but can't see a space for it in our upcoming publications' we heard while on sub. enough to cry over.) you got this.
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ablednt · 2 years
im not disagreeing with ur gifted kid post, but the way some of ur stuff is phrased can come off in ways u might not have intended. boiling those sorts of unrealistic expectations of very young kids down to "being complimented too much" ignores that a lot of these kids were unfairly placed in these programs and forced to complete them regardless of how much they struggled with it (and that these kids were in prime environments for developing npd due to overinflated ego from a young age). many gifted kids were given extremely unreasonable expectations and only barely managed to meet them in order to avoid facing punishment for failing. im not saying there ARENT gifted kids who dont treat it like "oh i was so special and now im not boohoo :( i need special treatment for it" but i feel like theres some aspects thats have been unintentionally misunderstood (/nm /nonagg!!! ^^ just wanted to bring this up as more of a discussion than an argument, hope ive made sense!)
No I definitely agree but my point is that I've never seen a genuine discussion from these people about this and I'm sure they exist to some capacity but that's Very Clearly not what the community was formed around nor where the term originated. People don't complain that they had expectations on them they just make stupid tiktoks like "teachers seeing a neurodivergent person: omg you're so smart you're my favorite student!!!" and then act like that's 1. universal and not just for palatable NDs and 2. that being complimented by their teachers was the problem and not everything else
I think it's also important to note that the expectations really weren't worse for gifted kids, it's just that gifted kids got closer to reaching those expectations and felt they actually had a chance whereas everyone else was punished automatically for not coming close. The issue is not specific to any one class or type of class it's a widespread issue with academia as a whole.
I genuinely don't think that gifted kids had it any easier than anyone else but I don't think that they had it harder either. Recently someone while venting told me, "I think school is stealing my family from me" because of the extreme expectations put on them and they're definitely not in any kind of gifted kid program, it's literally just as bad and extreme for all of us.
Like and I really don't think it's a coincidence that the times that I've criticized gifted kids and the times that I've challenged academia is when I've gotten some of my most blatantly ableist asks telling me to "just get over [my disability] and read some fucking books" and grasping at whatever straws they can to make me look "unintelligent" (like yeah I totally don't have trauma with academia I'm just mad because [checks notes] I play undertale sometimes and it made me incapable of coherent thought I guess/s)
The community is inherently classist and ableist and whilst they definitely do have trauma from academia it is not any different than the rest of ours, them separating it as some different and unique trauma just because they did better than us so obviously we just Wouldn't Understand their Huge Brains is just so frustrating and gross and I just really wish people would realize that rather than using this as a crutch not to work on their internalized ableism like yeah take trauma processing at your own pace but that doesn't mean you get to make it everyone else's problem.
Also a lot of people are gonna hate this comparison but I frankly don't see a single difference in gifted kids making up terms to say that their experiences are somehow more severe or even all that different to ours cause they're just Built Different and empaths taking widespread issues that affect everyone and acting like they're just sensitive special little souls and we could never comprehend their pain when really it's the same shit like depression, anxiety, etc. that we all live with on a daily basis.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
(Sorta response to the anon ask about potential) I think it's important to remember that we, the audience, have liberties that RT doesn't when it comes to our fics/rewrites. RT doesn't have the luxury of years of retrospection on the show, or all the time they could want, to write. RT are also writing from scratch, not just adding to another's work. It's like the difference between following a recipe and cooking from scratch.
Not saying it excuses their blatant missteps, but as someone who has written on a deadline like that for something I'm getting paid for before, let me tell you it can be really easy to let cracks form moment to moment.
Hey, @just-rwby Idk why I just haven't been seeing your asks until recently, but this is a very fair point to make. It's easy to spot mistakes from the outside, it's much harder to see them in your own work. I have a consistent writing partner for fan fics who often will scroll over sentences on our google docs that I wrote and then write 'What?' So I know I'm just not communicating what I want right, and not writing so well. Writing is hard, and I'm by no means a professional.
As for re-writes, it is important to note that we are looking at RWBY from the outside and have all of the time in the world to figure out how we’d ‘do it right,’ we have all the pieces we need, we know where the characters might be headed from the start, we can see where the writers may have tripped up, we can watch RWBY fifty times to make sure we have the full picture. If someone were to re-write Harry Potter, they might get rid of the unnecessary floo network and use portkeys from the start because while JK Rowling might not have invented them when she wrote book two, we know - after years and years of being able to critically look at the complete series - that portkeys are going to exist and will be crucial for the fourth book. But that doesn’t mean that we’re better or worse at writing than JK Rowling.
The first time I was making a ‘re-write’ it was to alter the character reactions to Lost Fable in volume six that had really frustrated me. During the course of that fic, me and the person that I was writing the fic with turned it into a big overarching story where we A. Forgot that Raven had suggested Ozpin was her headmaster and had him be the former classmate of Qrow. B. Missed the quick flash of Pietro we see in volume three when Penny is killed and instead wrote an OC father for her. C. Forgot that communications were down and had that OC father contact them via their scrolls sometimes. And so on and so forth. Even with the option to watch through the first five seasons over and over, we were still making lots of mistakes. Of course, we were writing the fic for ourselves, never published it, and never sold it or claimed to be professionals.
Making AUs is great! It’s always fun to re-write things in the way that we want or to fix the mistakes we can see since we’re not under any time limit and can really think things through. For instance, I’ve been slowly trying to work on a RWBY re-write and one of the things I’d do is keep Ironwood a hero and go with Yang x Weiss and Blake x Sun as romantic ships. It would be ridiculous for me to say that RWBY should’ve gone with those ships and that arc for Ironwood just because I want it. But it is perfectly valid for me to say that I don’t think the way they did Ironwood’s arc was good and that I don’t think Blake x Yang as a ship has been done well. And it may have been rushed, but CRWBY are meant to be professionals trying to sell a product, unlike me.
Criticizing RWBY is valid, even venting and bashing and nitpicking is valid (posting it using the proper tags in a website so the creators will never see and that fans of the show can filter out.) RWBY the official product has to be held to a higher standard than any fanwork, because it is official, it’s meant to be professional, and it’s a product that RT is trying to sell people on. As creative and good and full of potential RWBY can be at times, their big mistakes are more serious and impact the overall story or even have hurtful narratives that impact the real world.
But RWBY fanworks are inherently built off of RWBY. People who make RWBY  re-writes can alter the world magic, they can change up character ages and backgrounds, they can throw in ‘fixes’ and leave out some of the bigger mistakes and some of the harmful narratives in RWBY... But in the end, they aren’t making their own product, they’re just altering the foundation of someone else’s work and doing so with none of the limitations they have. Whether or not people who make these re-writes are better writers than the CRWBY writers is something that can’t be gauged through those re-writes, it has to be gauged through the products they’ve actually made on their own.
I’ve never managed to make anything of my own. I have tons of ideas, but I struggle to get them to become anything solid. The fact that the RWBY writers consistently put out a product is an accomplishment I’ve only dreamed about. But there are still these big, blatant mistakes and it is perfectly to valid to wonder at how they were missed and to criticize RWBY for them, because it impacts their story in the long run.
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I just saw your post on the matchups,,, but first of all - CONGRATULATIONS!! you deserve it so much<3
and can I please request a match-up?
my pronouns are she/they and I'm a lesbian! I'm infj and aries!
I'm 5,6 and I have brown-purple long length hair with hazel eyes.
I love learning about flowers and lgbtq+ history, singing, exploring nature, traveling, and baking! oh, and painting rocks!
well, I'm very quiet and closed off to strangers. but with my friends, my personality totally changes. they describe me as kind, responsible, chaotic, and pretty cheerful! but also realistic and honest (in a nice way?). I think that fits my actual personality.
I'm a very good listener, but I also really want someone to listen to me. also, someone that tells me how things are and is pretty good at communication because I'm a big overthinker. physical affection would be great as well. just someone who loves me as much as I love them.
my worst weakness is being bad at confrontation! but my biggest strength I think is being cared about others.
I also love picnics and studio ghibli movies!
I don't know if this helps but I listen to Mitsuki, mother mother and marina and the diamonds a lot.
photos for the relationship would be better, please!
thank you and congratulations again꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
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Okay okay okay, I know this is a character matchup but like... can I match you up with me? You literally sound perfect.
Also, amazing taste in music, Mitski and Mother Mother are totally my two favorite artists!
Enough of that, I match you with...
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Okay, reading this ask, it was basically screaming Annie at me
It feels like it would be a really stable and mutually beneficial relationship
At first, she was drawn to you just because of how quiet you were
Because, thank god, there was someone in the cadets who knew how to keep their mouth shut
Plus, she couldn't deny at all that she was physically attracted to you, too
So, for a while, she stuck by your side, watching over you like a hawk would to her territory
But, over time, you seemed to start talking to her much more
It surprised her at first, but she quickly decided she liked the talkative you much better
You seemed so genuinely happy to be near her, always smiling and spending time with her, no matter how stoic and unresponsive she stayed
And, she couldn't deny that occasionally getting roped into your little schemes and jokes was a little amusing sometimes
The more time she spent around you, the more she felt her affection grow towards you
It started with just an innocent curiosity, but was quickly growing into a genuine crush
She resisted pretty fiercely at first, refusing to admit her feelings or, heaven forbid, confess
But time passed, and it grew harder and harder for her to hide it
The way you would so casually put your hand on her shoulder, acting like it was such a platonic gesture. It was, to you, but to her, it made her heart flutter and her face redden
But she'd persist on keeping it hidden
That is, until she can't take it anymore
Having you around her so often, being so friendly to such an aloof person like her... it was driving her wild
So, one day, she quietly led you by your hand to a small open area in the forest near the barracks, having brought a soft blanket and a handful of stolen food for the two of you to share
She listens intently as you talk to her about whatever currently interested you, eating her portion of the food and making sure there was plenty left for you
Eventually, the sun was starting to set, and the two of you had ran out of food. You had to head back in soon, and Annie suddenly had no more time to stall
She quietly confessed her feelings to you, spilling the words from her heart in a moment of vulnerability that seldom surfaced
She raised her head to meet your glance, and you could her the slightest shake of nervousness in her voice as she asked if you liked her back
Which, you did, and you made it clear that you did very quickly
And boy, she was elated
Not that it showed on her face, but her heart was practically doing cartwheels as you moved over to hug her, and she immediately hugged back, practically involuntarily
Following the start of your relationship, Annie still stayed closely by your side, almost like a protector (a knight in shining armor, if you will)
If anyone, anyone, tries to start shit with you, she's immediately there to tell them that "she doesn't want anything to do with you, back off"
But, when the two of you are alone, she gets very soft
Insists on touching you in some way
Not sexually, but just laying your head in her lap, or leaning against her chest
She'll just melt having someone who she cares about deeply, someone like you, so close to her
She truly feels like she has the whole world in her arms whenever you cuddle with her
Refuses to let you go whenever there's "still extra time to cuddle"
She will spoon you the entire night, and dare you even try to wiggle away, she's pulling you right back
Even when she's asleep, she'll always make sure that you're firmly against her front, like a giant teddy bear she refuses to let go of
Whenever you're anxious or upset, she makes sure that she's the first one you go to
She's not the best with words, but she can sure as hell listen
She'll always make sure you've vented out all your feelings, be it frustration, anger, sadness, grief, anything
She'll cradle you in her arms and pull you against your chest if you start crying, coddling you in the most comforting way she can manage
And if she's upset about something, she'll be a bit hesitant, but she'll ask if she can talk about something with you
And she sounds alarmingly small whenever she vents like this
Sometimes she might want to cuddle, other times she wants your words to reassure her that she's worth it, and sometimes she just wants someone to listen patiently
Sometimes, when it's really bad for her, she'll ask you to sing for her, and by the time the song is finished, you'll find her already asleep against your chest
She even started calling you her little songbird on occasion after that
But don't be fooled by her nonchalant behavior, this woman would do anything for you
"Alright cadets, sparring is up! You'll be on free time until the sun begins to set, then file into the cafeteria for dinner!" Commander Shadis shouts over the commotion of the sparring ground. You finally stilled your movements, dropping your fists from their defensive stance and letting them fall to your sides, taking in a large sigh of air. Immediately, almost all of the cadets, including your training partner, dissipate to seek out their own little friend groups, using the rare free time as a chance to unwind and relax with your friends.
A warm hand on your shoulder startles you out of your breathless and oblivious state, and you turn to find the owner of the hand; none other than Annie.
"Hey, I was watching you from where I was sparring." She started, moving her hand in slow circles to lazily massage your shoulder in a calming manner. "You're technique is improving. Well done, you're catching on fast."
You sigh, tilting your head back to stare up at the sky. "Yeah, I guess..." You mutter. It didn't escape you how your voice sounded fragile and weak, but you weren't surprised. You had been feeling pretty awful for the past few days now, and as time passed seemingly without any time to breathe, you could only feel as the soreness seeped through your muscles, headache already starting to pound away at your temple, throbbing painfully.
Annie tilted her head to the side slightly, eyebrows furrowing in concern as her hand stilled. "You okay? You don't sound good."
"I'm fine, just didn't get enough sleep."
"Liar." She spoke bluntly. You knew she was only trying to pry out what was wrong, but it didn't stop the sting of the word. "What's really going on? You can tell me." Her voice softened drastically from her previous tone, practically coaxing you to spill all of your worries onto her.
“Really, don't worry about it-"
"HEY Y/N! ANNIE!" An obnoxious voice called over the buzzing of voices left and right. The short-tempered brunette, Eren, jogged over to where you two were, trailed closely by Armin, Mikasa, Jean, and Reiner.
"We're going out to the forest to see who can collect the most berries, wanna come?" He chirped, inviting you into his little competition. If your body didn't feel like pure shit right now, you would consider joining him.
"It's fine." Annie interjects, taking a few subtle steps forward, standing in front of you to avoid bringing you into the purposefully short conversation. "She isn't feeling well, we're going to head to the barracks."
Eren's eyes traveled from Annie towards you, then back at Annie. Finally, he shrugged, turning around and walking away. "If you say so. But I'm not sharing any just so you know."
Once the small group had all started in the direction opposite of you and Annie, she took your hand firmly. "C'mon." She mumbled, tugging at your wrist to get you to follow.
She led you exactly where she said she would: the barracks. There, she found your bed, the one you had agreed to share with her, pulling the blankets up and climbing underneath them. Silently, she stared at you, patting the space next to her as an invitation. You obeyed silently, lying down next to her, and feeling a small fraction of the tension in your body melt away the second Annie's arms wrapped around you.
"Are you sure you're okay? Seriously, I don't like seeing you look so miserable." She muttered into the crook of your neck, hand searching under the blanket for your own, soon finding your it and rubbing comforting circles over the back.
"Mhm..." You groaned, already fighting off the urge to close your eyes and fall asleep right then and there. "Just... tired. I feel like Shadis hasn't given us a break in weeks. I'm so sore... and tired..." A quiet grumble breaks through the silence, from what you presume to be your own stomach. "...and hungry." You finish.
Annie laughs softly at your last statement, heat rising to her cheeks as she moves her body to kiss you on the forehead. "I'll make sure to split some of my rations with you darling, I don't mind."
Her soothing voice had an unfortunate (or fortunate, it all depends on the situation) effect on you, sleep already trying to grasp you and pull you into its realm.
"You don't... have to..." You mumbled, lolling your head to the side as your eyes slipped shut, all attempts at protest dying in your throat as you plunged into unconsciousness.
Annie smiled softly at your sleeping form, pulling you closer and planting another kiss to your forehead. "Sleep well."
(I couldn’t make the images smaller help 😥)
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