#noriaki kakyoin x you
jolyfics · 2 months
Hello! I really like your posts ❤️ please can you do something like a date or first-kiss-situation with Noriaki? Or your HC for him (maybe even for 3+ , if he had survived, parts). It will be wonderful!
𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚
𝘬𝘢𝘬𝘺𝘰𝘪𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: you and kakyoins first kiss
notes: i’m so sorry this took so long!! i hope you enjoy it ml <3
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it was a dark night, cold per usual, you hated how Egypt’s weather fluctuated due to the time of day. you lay awake staring at the fire, it seemed to be the only thing causing you comfort on a night like this. it was your turn to keep watch while the rest of the crusaders slept, a job that everyone had to do if you were sleeping on the road instead of a hotel.
you yawned, tiredness slowly creeping up on you, what you’d do to know what time it was. you just wanted to sleep.
“hey..” a tired voice came from your left. startled, you turned your head, only to be met with kakyoins sleepy eyes.
“good morning, kak” you responded, turning your head back towards the fire. it seemed to keep you awake for the time being.
before long, you heard rustling and then a heavy blanket placed over your head, you turned around to see kakyoin smiling. he too was underneath the blanket.
“you looked cold, i figured i should help out, did it work?” he asked, scooting closer towards you for heat, as well as to make sure the blanket stayed on both of you.
“i am, thank you” you gave him a ‘thank you’ smile before laying your head to rest on his shoulder. you had almost forgot how much muscle kakyoin actually had, giving that he was smaller than the rest of the crusaders.
he rested his head atop of yours. you both lay there for a few moments, basking in the fires cracking flames, as well as eachother. it was nice, comfortable even. you two had been pretty good friends for this trip, being the closest to eachother.
he lifted his head, you did so too, looking up to see why he moved. his head was pointed at the sand, like he was contemplating something. before you could ask whats wrong, he lifted his hand and placed it on your cheek; then, he placed his lips ontop of yours. you could feel your cheeks heating up every second, though, you didn’t want him to stop
he parted away from you, he seemed shocked at what he did, “(name).. i’m so sorry i-“ you cut him off, “it’s okay, i liked it”
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strawmariee · 10 days
olá ♡ tudo bem? achei o seu perfil enquanto pesquisava fanfics do Polnareff e quero dizer que assim... apaixonada estou (rs)
pode esperar muitas notificações minhas favoritando e reblogando algumas histórias hihihi♡♡
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quero saber, se não for incômodo: você se incomodaria em escrever um imagine Kakyoin x leitora que se passa na parte 4? (pouca gente escreve pro Kakyoin na parte 4 até parece que ele não sobreviveu a luta contra o DIO loucura né)
Algo como, a leitora e ele se apaixonaram quando adolescentes durante a viagem ao Egito mas, como o Kakyoin ficou muito debilitado após a luta com o DIO e demorou um tempo para se recuperar no hospital (coma curto, cirurgias, etc), a leitora acaba tendo que seguir a vida e se afastando dele e do Jotaro, mas sempre mantendo um contato breve e a distância. Em 1999, Jotaro acaba indo pra Morioh-cho com Kakyoin (que agora com 27-28 anos trabalha para a Fundação Speedwagon) e lá, por culpa dos stands inimigos, o Jotaro acaba entrando em contato com a leitora e os outros crusaders (que também sobreviveram cof cof) para derrotar Kira; é aí que o Kakyoin e a leitora acabam se reencontrando cara a cara e percebendo que os sentimentos nunca sumiram.
pode ser com um pouquinho de angst se quiser, com o Kakyoin pensando que a leitora casou com alguém e tals mas que termina bem fluff com os dois confessando que ainda se amam rs
era só isso, perdão o incômodo !!! ♡ beijinhos
Notes: Então... Nossa, me desculpa mesmo pela demora pra responder seu request! Ele é tão bonitinho e eu queria mesmo ter feito ele antes, mas aconteceu tanta coisa que eu me desanimei em escrever pra Jojo que eu acabei atrasando seu request, me desculpa!! Eu então escrevi e espero que possa compensar a demora!!🥺❤️
My Only Love — Noriaki Kakyoin x Leitora
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Recomendações para ouvir: Only-LeeHi
Contents: Fluff, angst, exes to lovers
Like, reblogs e comentários sempre bem-vindos!
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Eu corria e corria até praticamente ofegar em frente a recepção daquele hospital de Cairo, na qual várias pessoas pareciam me julgar devido ao barulho enorme que fiz ao abrir a porta dupla do meu quarto de hospital com força.
— Senhorita, por favor, se você não sabe nós estamos em um hospital. — a enfermeira diz, em uma voz que claramente está me repreendendo. — Adolescentes...
— Olha, peço desculpas, mas não estou com cabeça para isso agora! Me diga, como vim parar aqui? Quem me trouxe? Estou há quanto tempo aqui e—
— Se acalma criança, misericórdia! — a mulher de cabelos pretos bufou baixinho e logo pegou uma prancheta e ajeitou seus óculos antes de me responder. — Quem trouxe você aqui foi um homem chamado Joseph Joestar.
"Senhor Joestar? Oh, então isso significa que ele está vivo! Ainda bem..." eu pensei, soltando um suspiro de alívio antes de voltar a encarar os olhos da recepcionista.
— Sabe onde posso encontrá-lo? Eu preciso ter uma conversa urgente com ele.
Assim que ela me informou o número do quarto, eu agradeci e logo peguei o elevador e, assim que as portas se fecharam, contrai de leve as minhas costas ao finalmente notar um curativo próximo de minha costela e, quando tirei apenas um pedaço da atadura pude ver vários pontos ali.
É, então realmente eu fui bem ferida por aquele maldito do DIO.
Minha atenção logo foi atraída quando o elevador anunciou ter chegado no meu andar e então eu corri na direção do quarto 303 e, assim que parei em frente a porta, senti um mix de emoções:
Nervosismo, ansiedade, tristeza, alívio... Não sabia definir o que sentia em palavras.
Assim que eu bati a porta e a abri, meu coração pareceu parar em um instante quando, ali na cama do hospital, estava ninguém menos que ele, o garoto que me fez sempre soltar um suspiro apaixonado ao longo desses quase 2 meses, Noriaki Kakyoin.
— Nori... — seu apelido saiu de meus lábios de uma forma baixa e quebrada, e eu imediatamente caminhei na sua direção e afastei algumas de suas mechas ruivas de sua testa. Minha atenção foi para o monitor de batimentos cardíacos e vi que eles mostravam o quão frágil e delicada é a situação dele. — O que aquele filho da puta do DIO fez com você?
— S/n, fico feliz de você finalmente ter acordado.
Senti um alívio instantâneo ao virar minha cabeça por cima do ombro e ver o senhor Joestar ali na porta, segurando um sanduíche e um copo de café em suas mãos. Um pequeno sorriso em seus lábios, na qual eu correspondi.
— E eu fico feliz em ver que você está bem, senhor Joestar. Mas e quanto aos outros? — perguntei com curiosidade, inclinando de leve minha cabeça para o lado enquanto continuo acariciando o cacho de Kakyoin que, sem surpresa, sequer reagiu.
— Jotaro está bem apesar de ter saído com seu braço esquerdo quebrado e, como você pode ver, não posso dizer o mesmo de Kakyoin e também de Avdol e Iggy. Polnareff também está bem, apesar do ataque que sofreu de DIO.
Assenti antes de olhar de volta pro ruivo adormecido, no entanto, senti a mão de Joseph em meu ombro.
— S/n, precisamos conversar.
— Sobre o que?
Eu perguntei um pouco preocupada, já que sua voz está bem séria e eu senti que suas próximas palavras realmente seriam assim.
— Escuta, como você pode ver com os seus próprios olhos o Kakyoin está muito debilitado, então... Eu acho que seja melhor que você siga com a sua vida sem se preocupar com a gente.
Ele pareceu hesitante em dizer aquilo, mas assim que suas palavras foram processadas em meu cérebro, eu arregalei os meus olhos enquanto engulo em seco e aperto minhas mãos em punhos.
— P-por que está dizendo isso, senhor Joestar? Eu—
— Olha, não sabemos como que ele vai se recuperar ou até mesmo se lembrar do que aconteceu... Então é melhor que você—
Eu não consegui aceitar aquilo e, sem perceber, senti minhas bochechas ficarem molhadas com minhas lágrimas que começaram a sair incontrolavelmente e eu logo abracei o mais velho que me acolheu em seus braços.
Naquele momento, senti que meu mundo havia perdido a cor, enquanto eu chorava e ao mesmo tempo intercalava meu olhar entre Kakyoin e a camisa do senhor Joestar que foi onde agarrei para me manter firme.
— É melhor que você siga com sua vida S/N, — ele dizia com uma voz compreensiva enquanto acaricia o topo da minha cabeça com uma de suas mãos. — eu espero mesmo que consiga realizar todos os seus sonhos.
Naquele dia, eu com certeza havia sofrido como nunca antes... Eu praticamente encharquei a camisa do senhor Joestar com minhas lágrimas enquanto assinto em um único movimento, mesmo contra a minha vontade.
Seguir em frente... É o que eu venho tentando fazer desde então.
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Um suspiro escapou de meus lábios assim que essa lembrança ressurgiu em minha mente, totalmente fresca mesmo após 10 anos... Me pergunto como todos estão já que, a pedido de Joseph, eu realmente resolvi seguir com minha vida apesar de meu coração ainda estar esperando rever um certo alguém...
— Tia S/n? — balancei rapidamente minha cabeça para espantar meus pensamentos assim que ouvi a doce voz de Clara, a minha pequena paciente que me olha com seus olhinhos brilhando. — Você tá bem?
— Oh, mas é claro que sim, não se preocupe comigo!
Digo para confortá-la, e logo acaricio sua cabeça enquanto continuo colocando um pequeno curativo em seu joelho. Após eu me mudar do Japão, eu consegui entrar em uma faculdade de Medicina dos Estados Unidos, onde eu até mesmo tive um pequeno e pouco contato com a família Joestar.
No entanto, tanto Jotaro quanto eu parecíamos ocupados demais para sequer conversarmos direito e, assim, eu acabei perdendo contato com estes na qual viajei por quase 50 di—
Me espantei assim que escutei o telefone do meu consultório tocar de repente, e então me apressei rapidamente para liberar a pequena Clara e correr até o aparelho antes de atender a ligação em um movimento veloz.
— Bom dia, aqui é o consultório da dra. S/n, com quem estou falando?
— Já faz bastante tempo, não é doutora?
Meus lábios se abriram em um perfeito O ao reconhecer aquela voz que nunca mais havia ouvido: a voz de Jotaro Kujo. Engoli em seco ao sentir meu coração acelerar um pouco com a ideia de reencontrar com Kakyoin depois de tantos anos, depois de tudo que—
— Ei S/n, você ainda está ai? — a voz dele me tirou de meus próprios pensamentos, e logo sacudi a cabeça mesmo que ele não pudesse ver isso.
— Sim, desculpa. É só o cansaço do trabalho que está me deixando um pouco lenta.
— Entendo. Olha, eu gostaria que nos encontrássemos pessoalmente, preciso de sua ajuda referente a um assunto bem sério.
— Certo. Bom, que tal nos encontrarmos em um café hoje a tarde? Estou com a agenda livre!
— Ok, então nos encontraremos no St. Gentleman's.
E, do jeitinho Jotaro de sempre, ele desligou sem me dar uma chance de responder, me dando um sentimento de nostalgia que me fez rir um pouco após enganchar o telefone novamente no seu apoio enquanto encosto minha costa na borda da mesa e encaro o teto.
— Vamos ver no que isso vai dar...
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Assim que o horário do meu expediente terminou, eu saí do consultório na direção do café na qual combinei de me encontrar com Jotaro. Demorei alguns minutos para chegar lá e, quando reconheci a forma alta mas agora não tão musculosa de Jotaro, sorri quase que de imediato e me preparei para levantar a mão e acenar.
Todavia, todo o meu sistema pareceu dar pane quando reconheci uma certa cabeleira ruiva ao lado dele, o que fez com que meu cérebro bugasse e eu ficasse parada feito uma abobada no meio da rua.
Logo balancei minha cabeça e voltei a caminhar na direção dos dois, porém, quando aqueles olhos violetas me notaram, senti que minhas pernas viraram gelatina de repente.
— Boa tarde. — anunciei minha chegada com uma voz baixa, olhando brevemente para Jotaro e logo para Kakyoin, onde meu olhar ficou por um pouco mais de tempo.
— Fico feliz que você pôde vir.
Jotaro diz com um curto e raro sorriso, mas minha atenção continua no ruivo que também parecia focado na minha presença. Logo nos sentamos em uma das mesas e pegamos os cardápios que nos foi entregue.
— Então, sobre o que você queria conversar comigo?— perguntei de repente para preencher o silêncio que se fazia naquela mesa, que já estava começando a me agoniar.
E após minha pergunta, Jotaro me atualizou sobre o que o levou até aqui em Morioh: Joseph havia pulado a cerca e, por conta disso, mais um Joestar veio ao mundo, e isso me fez arregalar mais ainda os meus olhos que até mesmo brilharam com aquela forte fofoca.
— E como que a vovó Suzie q reagiu??
— Para ser sincero, nunca havia visto a vovó tão brava em toda a minha vida, o velho com certeza ouviu bastante coisa dela.
Jotaro diz com um mísero sorriso novamente que foi coberto pela xícara assim que ele bebeu o café que ele havia pedido. No entanto, após essa novidade, Jotaro foi direto ao assunto na qual ele queria minha ajuda: Havia um serial killler a solta na cidade, e isso me deixou com uma pulga atrás da orelha.
E, depois de ficarmos praticamente a tarde toda conversando sobre o possível assassino e as pistas sobre sua identidade, logo me levantei da cadeira ao olhar o meu relógio de pulso.
— É melhor eu ir, está bem tarde e depois de saber desse serial killer eu prefiro não arriscar em ser a próxima vítima dele. — digo enquanto coloco minha bolsa de lado e logo quando decido me virar e dar os primeiros passos...
— Eu posso acompanhar você?
Aquela voz... Aquela voz tão doce quanto uma avelã me perguntando se eu gostaria de sua companhia depois de tanto tempo me fez novamente ficar com a mente como um mingau.
— Bem, eu gostaria se não for muito incômodo.
— Não é, afinal, se não fosse eu não teria me oferecido.
Ele diz com aquele sorriso doce e ao mesmo tempo provocador dele enquanto ajeita de leve os seus óculos na ponte do seu nariz, o que me fez sorrir com pura nostalgia. Quem sou eu para negar não é mesmo?
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O barulho de nossos passos eram o único som do lugar além do das batidas das ondas contra as rochas próximas ao mar e o leve cantarolar dos grilos, o que me deixava cada vez mais ansiosa em falar algo...
Mas nada me vinha a mente.
— Você esteve por aqui por todos esses anos? — Kakyoin disse e notei seus olhos em mim enquanto esperava que eu dissesse algo, e eu logo assenti.
— Bem, a verdade é que só estou aqui há alguns anos, uns 3 na verdade. Desde aquele evento com o DIO eu estive nos EUA.
— Entendo... E você seguiu seu sonho de ser pediatra. Fico feliz por você.
Eu logo sorri suavemente e virei minha cabeça em sua direção para notar a forma como ele sorria pra mim, da mesma maneira de antes... Ele não havia mudado muita coisa, apenas parecia um pouco mais alto e levemente musculoso.
— E quanto a você?
— Me tornei designer de games, juntei duas coisas que gosto bastante e cá estou eu, dando uma de detetive junto com o Jojo.
Aquela sua frase arrancou uma risada coletiva nossa e logo senti um pouco de tristeza ao já reconhecer a silhueta da minha casa ao longe. Infelizmente tudo que é bom deve acabar... Dependendo de mim eu congelaria este momento só para eu conseguir ver esse lindo sorriso dele.
— Aqui é onde eu moro...— digo sem forçar minha tristeza em já ter que dizer adeus a ele de novo.
— Eu vejo... Bom, então... Boa noite S/n.
— Boa noite, Nori.
Mas nenhum de nós se moveu e continuamos um em frente ao outro e nos observando em silêncio enquanto atrasávamos algo que uma hora ou outra aconteceria. Então fui eu quem deu a iniciativa e me virei na direção do portão da minha casa após acenar em despedida.
Logo senti um pequeno peso em meu ombro e, quando estava prestes a dizer algo, me senti ser virada e logo um beijo caloroso foi plantado em minha testa, tão suave que quase nem senti. Meu coração bateu de forma descompensada e mordi levemente meu lábio inferior quando o beijo foi desfeito e ele apoiou seu queixo no topo da minha cabeça.
— Senti sua falta.
Ele sussurrou aquela frase contra meus cabelos, e eu senti a imensa necessidade de me aconchegar contra seu peito e nunca mais sair dali, como se eu pertencesse aos seus braços.
— Eu também senti a sua... Muita.
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Já faz bastante tempo que eu não acordo tão bem e leve, suspirei baixinho assim que abri a janela do meu quarto, sentindo a brisa da manhã acariciar meu rosto e assim que abri meus olhos, me espantei ao ver Kakyoin em frente a minha casa, sorrindo e segurando uma xícara de café e com um jornal em baixo de seu outro braço.
Eu então corri até o andar de baixo e destranquei a porta, dando de cara com ele.
— Não esperava ver você aqui tão cedo, Nori! — disse sem esconder minha surpresa, arrancando uma melodiosa risada dele que entrou na minha casa após eu dar um passo pro lado, lhe dando espaço.
— Bem, é que ontem Jojo e eu discutimos sobre o início da investigação sobre o possível serial killer, então vim até aqui pra... Bom, perguntar se você quer investigar junto comigo.
— Que pergunta boba, mas é claro que eu quero! — minha animação arrancou novamente uma risada dele, que logo se sentou no sofá e eu continuei em pé. — Só espera um pouco que eu vou me arrumar.
Digo e logo corro para o andar de cima da minha casa, indo para o meu quarto e em seguida para o banheiro para tomar um rápido banho antes de ir até o meu guarda-roupa e escolher uma roupa que me agradasse. Após fazer uma leve maquiagem desci as escadas e logo Kakyoin reapareceu no meu campo e visão, e ver ele tão concentrado enquanto lia o jornal fez com que borboletas surgissem em meu estômago.
— O que você tanto lê? — perguntei assim que fiquei atrás dele no sofá e olhei para o jornal por cima do seu ombro.
— Estou tentando achar alguma pista que possa nos ajudar.
Virei meu rosto na direção dele e vi que ele já me observava antes, o que fez com que minhas bochechas ficassem mais vermelhas ao estar em frente daqueles olhos violetas novamente depois de 10 anos...
E que elas ainda tinham o mesmo efeito sobre mim.
— Você fica sexy de óculos. — aquilo saiu fora de controle dos meus lábios e ao ver as bochechas dele ficando quase da mesma cor do cabelo dele, percebi que talvez eu tenha ido longe demais. — Desc-
— Talvez você vá se acostumar em me ver com eles por bastante tempo... E talvez sem eles também.
O que ele quis dizer com isso?
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Passamos o dia todo andando por vários lugares de Morioh, não encontrando uma pista sequer do cujo assassino. No entanto, recebemos ligação de um tal de Koichi explicando o que ele e Jotaro haviam passado e, para minha surpresa eles conseguiram descobrir o serial killer que tanto estávamos procurando.
— Nori, parece que Jotaro conseguiu descobrir quem é o assassino! — digo enquanto corro na direção dele que está na minha sala encarando a mesa de centro que estava bagunçada com várias fotos e artigos de jornal.
— Realmente? Bem, não me surpreende tanto.
O ruivo então suspirou antes de se sentar no sofá e colocar os óculos na mesa de centro, fechando seus olhos para descansar eles um pouco. Eu prontamente fui até a cozinha e peguei um copo d'água e voltei para a sala de estar, entregando para ele que sorriu de forma cansada assim que notou.
— Obrigado S/n.
Ele diz antes de tomar o líquido gelado aos poucos, e eu encostei a lateral da minha cabeça no encosto do sofá para observar ele, vendo seu pomo de adão subir e descer conforme ele bebe a água. Sorri sem perceber, ainda admirando pequenos traços em seu rosto como a leve marcação em sua bochecha, seu maxilar definido, aquela mecha cacheada dele que eu adorava tanto enrolar no dedo quando ele ficava deitado no meu colo e—
Meu cérebro derreteu quando notei que ele já havia terminado e que ficou olhando para mim, parecendo me observar também. Engoli em seco, ao ver que ele parecia querer falar algo...
— Acho melhor eu ir, está bem tarde e não quero estar incomodando você.
— Você sabe que nunca vai ser um incômodo pra mim, pelo contrário... Eu gostaria de passar mais tempo com você.
Vi as bochechas dele corando apesar de seu rosto ainda estar calmo.
— Bem, talvez amanhã possamos tomar um sorvete juntos? Não sei se é uma boa ideia visto que temos esse assassino a solta, mas...
— Somos fortes, se ele mexer com a gente ele sai chorando!
Minha frase arrancou uma risada nossa, mas no minuto seguinte nos levantamos do sofá e eu abri a porta para ele, que se virou para mim assim que passou por ela.
— Então.. Até amanhã Nori.
— Até amanhã.
Ele diz com um sorriso suave e, assim como ontem, ficamos nos olhando em silêncio até que vi ele começar a se inclinar na minha direção, fazendo com que um frio surgisse na minha barriga e eu rapidamente fiquei com as mãos suadas.
Uma de suas mãos segurou meu rosto e eu fechei meus olhos assim que senti sua respiração quente contra minha bochecha. Mas logo senti o calor dele se afastando de mim, o que me fez encarar ele confusa.
— Nori?
— Desculpa S/n, talvez eu tenha confudido as coisas.
Ele diz e logo coça a nuca antes de sair rapidamente dali, me deixando extremamente confusa e com o coração acelerado para trás. E foi quando eu vi, quase em frente a minha casa, a pequena Clara com uma careta surpresa e sendo segurada por seu pai.
Oh... Talvez Nori realmente confundiu as coisas.
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Depois desse dia, tentei contatar Noriaki várias e várias vezes, querendo conversar com ele e esclarecer as coisas... Mas ele nem atendia as minhas chamadas. Fui até o hotel em que ele e Jotaro estão hospedados e coincidentemente ele nunca estava.
E após uma semana fazendo tudo isso, acabei desistindo e resolvi seguir com a minha vida já que nem para o caso do assassino, que descobri se chamar Kira Yoshikage graças a Jotaro, eles pareciam querer me envolver mais.
— Tia, você tá bem? — Clara me perguntou enquanto claramente nota meu desânimo em atendê-la.
— Sim, estou bem querida. Só alguns problemas de adulto.
— Tem a ver com aquele homem com você naquele dia? — ela perguntou de uma forma tão certeira que eu até me espantei. — Acho que sim! O que foi tia? Alguma bruxa malvada quis roubar ele da senhora??
— Ha ha, não pequena... É complicado, entende?
— Ah tia... Adulto gosta de complicar as coisas! Por que não se casa logo com ele?? Ele parece ser o seu verdadeiro príncipe encantado!
Soltei uma risada baixa, concordando com a cabeça para que a pequena Clara ficasse feliz. Queria que as coisas fossem mais fáceis como no mundo dela...
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Suspirei assim que terminei de preencher mais alguns documentos e fazer mais algumas anotações, e logo joguei meus cabelos para trás enquanto admiro todo o trabalho que fiz. No entanto, uma batida suave na porta desfez meu alívio quando já imaginei que podia ser minha assistente.
— Pode entrar Aiko.
— Não é a Aiko, mas agradeço por me deixar entrar.
Me espantei assim que vi Noriaki ali, sorrindo suavemente e segurando um pequeno buquê das minhas flores favoritas como também uma pelúcia do Togepi em sua outra mão.
— Nori?? O que diabos você- Como soube onde fica meu consultório??
— Bem, tive a ajuda de uma pequena chamada Clara, ela disse que você estava muito triste e que precisava ver seu príncipe encantado.
— Deus, essa Clara... — digo desacreditada enquanto rio e vejo ele se sentar ao meu lado, me entregando as coisas que ele segurava e logo sua mão cobriu a minha, acariciando-a. — Por que me ignorou, Nori?
— Eu... Peço desculpas pequena. — ele diz, e eu corei só com aquele apelido, tão bobo mas que saindo dos lábios dele me causava tantas coisas... — Eu vi aquela menininha e aquele cara parados em frente a sua casa e senti uma angústia só de pensar de que você havia seguido com sua vida... Eu me senti vazio, entende? E também por conta do problema com o Kira, estava totalmente focado em encontrar ele junto com Jotaro e os outros.
— Mas... Nós podíamos ter resolvido isso com uma conversa Kakyoin. — digo ainda séria, mas acariciando a mão dele de volta.
— Eu sei que sim, mas eu não pensei nisso, eu só me senti da mesma forma quando soube que você havia se mudado para os Estados Unidos quando acordei do meu coma... Eu senti que havia te perdido de vez.
— Você nunca me perdeu, eu sempre estive aqui... Esperando um dia te reencontrar e fazer as coisas de maneira certa, sem DIO ou qualquer outra coisa nos atrapalhando. — ele sorriu, dando um beijo em minha testa antes de tirar uma mecha de cabelo do meu rosto.
— Então... Será que nós podemos recomeçar do jeito certo? — ele diz, e eu nem precisei pensar duas vezes antes de assentir.
— Oh Nori, você acha que teria alguma chance de eu negar? Você é o único pra mim, meu único amor.
O ruivo sorriu mais ainda me puxando pro colo dele e enchendo meu rosto de beijos enquanto me abraça com força e arranca risadas minhas enquanto abraço o pescoço dele.
Parece que a pequena estava certa afinal, Kakyoin é o meu principe encantado e isso nunca vai mudar.
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amberswords · 2 years
🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞 (trans woman Nori, afab reader! CWs: breeding kink, possessiveness)
Imagine Nori breeding you. She loves that you are hers and she wants to make it clear for everyone that this, all of you, your little brain and your pretty body, are all hers for the taking, whenever she wants you.
She is lithe but strong, pushing your thighs almost flush to your torso, and she fucks you with long, slow thrusts meant to brush your cervix every single time, having you squirming underneath her in seconds.
When she comes inside of you, she tilts your hips up, fingering every drop of her seed back into you, telling you how excited she is of "knocking up her cute little pussy". You are all hers, and you cannot wait for it to show on the outside as well. <3
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Cropped Patreon Requests
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 1 month
Jotaro Kujo — kakyoin's amusement
cw: nothing rlly, jotaro kujo is bad at feelings tag
an: inspired by that tiktok audio of when he sees me lol
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Always being on the move with barely any breaks and with enemies at every turn has left Kakyoin with little to no entertainment. Of course, he doesn't mind, even if he's already starting to miss his NES.
Fortunately for the red-head teenager, it seems that the Gods have heard his prayers and have blessed him with a new source of entertainment, exclusive front-row seats that only he is the audience of, said entertainment being the hidden feelings between you and Jotaro.
Well, it's not really hidden—you're both aware of your feelings, just not each other's. And being the only other teenager left, the two of you ran to Kakyoin to rant about your feelings. 
And just the admissions alone was already absolutely amusing.
You were the first to admit your feelings. 
It was still early on the journey, and Kakyoin was tasked to retrieve tickets with Jotaro, but he found that the teen had already gone on without him. Shrugging it off, Kakyoin opted to enjoy his stay and make the most of the hotel amenities instead. 
He found himself in the pool area, and much to his surprise, he caught you in one of the beach chairs on the poolside. Feeling his eyes on you, you wave him over, and he approaches you to sit on the beach chair adjacent to yours. 
It was quiet, and Kakyoin racked his brain for anything to say. Eventually, he opens up the conversation with one of the obscure facts he knows off the top of his head. 
Thankfully, you responded in kind, and the conversation flowed easily from there. Your conversation bounced from one thing to another before eventually, the both of you settled in comfortable silence while laying back on your respective beach chairs. 
It was a bit sudden for Kakyoin, but he'd be lying if he said he was surprised when you suddenly admitted it. 
"I think I like him...." You spoke, suddenly breaking the silence between you and the red-headed teen. Kakyoin glances at you, and he can see you feeling a bit embarrassed to say it out loud. 
"Hm..." Kakyoin hums in response before adding with a noticeable teasing lilt in his voice. "Who? Polnareff?"
"Yes, of course. Because I want a grown man." You respond sarcastically, rolling your eyes as you look at him, watching his lips turn up to an amused smirk. "I'm talking about Mr. Joestar, obviously."
"Right, my mistake." Kakyoin matched your energy, the both of you sharing a chuckle, before he turns to look at you, meeting your gaze. 
"So, Jotaro, huh?" 
Kakyoin's smirk widens at the sudden smitten look on your face just from the mention of the name, and he's 99% positive that you don't even realize it. 
"Yeah..." You sigh, one that reminds him of a hopeless romantic protagonist of romcoms he's seen his parents watch before. "I mean, can you blame me? Going through all these troubles just for his mom? How he jumped to save that kid without hesitation? And that face of his isn't helping."
"Honestly? I can't say I'm surprised." Kakyoin responds to your small rant, his voice soft and comforting. He sees your lips part, looking at him in slight panic, and he cuts you off before you can even speak. 
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
"Thanks, Kakyoin."
"Mhm. Thank you for trusting me with this."
On the other hand, it took Jotaro quite a while before he admitted it—both to himself and to his friend. 
After a long day of fighting the menace that was Steely Dan and a long day of traveling, they ended up in another hotel. As usual, Jotaro and Kakyoin ended up sharing a room, and you ended up getting separated from them with your very own room. 
It was a really long day for both teenagers; both were drained and worn out, with Kakyoin mentally exhausted from exerting the effort to manifest his stand in a much smaller form and Jotaro both mentally and physically drained after all the beating he took earlier in the day. 
"I should've beaten him up more." Jotaro groans from his bed, making Kakyoin turn to look at him, a brow raised. 
"Steely Dan? You ended up hating him that much?" Kakyoin responds before leaning on his elbows, still lying on the bed. "How bad are the things he did to you when we left you with him?"
"That's not the issue. I've already made him pay for what he did to me." Jotaro responds, before shooting up from his bed, removing his hat, and placing it on the shared nightstand between their beds, running a hand through his hair. 
"But...." Jotaro trails off, and Kakyoin sits up on his bed as well, raising his brow even more. 
Jotaro grumbled something under his breath, and Kakyoin could swear he heard your name amongst the words the other teen grumbled. 
Kakyoin repeats your name, and Jotaro faces Kakyoin, his gaze hardened. 
"What about them?" Kakyoin asks curiously. 
"I can't easily forgive him for the shit he did to them."
Kakyoin is quite surprised by his words and how genuine they sound. His gaze darts to his friend's face, his scowl deeper than usual, a vein almost popping on his temple. Jotaro's exhaustion must be making him slip his composure, his emotions taking hold of his exhausted mind. 
"What did he do?" 
"He grabbed them. Right. in front. of. me." Jotaro scowls, his jaw clenched tightly. "Grabbed onto their arm so tightly like they were his."
Kakyoin blinks at that, his eyes widening slightly. No.. that expression on Jotaro's face.. it wasn't annoyance. Not completely...
"Held their chin to make them look at him. His face was so damn close to theirs, I would've punched him right then and there if it wasn't for the old man."
Definitely not annoyance. It's jealousy.
"I could feel Star Platinum just about ready to make him regret being born, and I had to actively hold him back." Jotaro finishes his mini-rant with a deep, annoyed sigh, his eyes darting over to look at Kakyoin. 
It was Jotaro's turn to look confused at the amused grin on Kakyoin's face, a knowing look in his lavender gaze, making Jotaro's brows scrunch in confusion as he looks at his friend. 
"The hell are you smiling about?" Jotaro asks bluntly with a deep scowl, "Didn't you hear a thing I just said?"
"I think you're the one who didn't hear what you just said, Jotaro." Kakyoin responds amusedly, his grin not faltering even under the scrutinizing gaze of Jotaro Kujo. 
"What are you blabbering about?"
"Think back to your words, Jotaro. You're not stupid."
Jotaro paused for a while, running a hand through his already messy hair at his friend's cryptic behavior. He was already exhausted and pissed off; he didn't need any more of Kakyoin's bullshit—still, curiously, Jotaro did as he was asked. 
Kakyoin's amused smile slowly widens along with Jotaro's eyes slowly widening in realization as he plays his own words back in his mind. His surprised gaze turned to look at Kakyoin. 
"Are you suggesting....?" Jotaro trails off with a hiss. "Fuck off."
"I'm not even saying anything."
"Don't think about it. I'd rather eat my socks."
"Don't look at me like—" Jotaro sighs. "It's not like that,"
"But it is," Kakyoin insists with a raised brow and a smirk, "Isn't it?"
Jotaro didn't even respond this time, looking away from his friend's teasing gaze as his own landed on his bed sheets. Kakyoin could see the dust of pink on the other teen's cheeks the more he remained silent, and that was already enough of a response to him. 
"God fucking damnit." Jotaro curses under his breath at the realization, letting out a deep sigh as he glares at his sheets. Kakyoin remained silent as he let Jotaro think about his newfound feelings. 
Eventually, Jotaro turns his head to look at Kakyoin, the usual calm, cold, neutral look on his face as his ocean gaze stares through his lavender ones. 
"Turn away for a bit." Was all Jotaro said. Confused, Kakyoin did as he was told, turning his back to Jotaro and looking at the wall beside his bed. 
Suddenly, Kakyoin jumps slightly in surprise. 
Jotaro is screaming.
It's muffled, probably by his pillows and his sheets, and it probably wasn't loud enough to be heard outside their room, but loud enough to surprise Kakyoin.
It didn't take long before he heard a deep breath and then silence.
"Good night," Jotaro spoke nonchalantly, and Kakyoin swiftly turned, but Jotaro was already on his side, back turned towards the red-head who was only blinking at him in a mix of amusement and surprise. 
"Also, don't tell anyone about this."
"Aye, aye, captain."
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rougepancake · 10 months
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Experiencing the “there’s only one bed” trope with them
Ft. Muhammad Avdol, J.P. Polnareff, Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, & Joseph Joestar
Warnings: Just fluff. I don’t have it in my heart to make this smutty ���� Not proofread
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He knows good and well that Joseph is the whore behind all of this 😭
As soon as he gets to the room and realizes that you’re all set up he wants nothing more than to pass away and die
Like you walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body and he’s like FUCK
The funny part is he got shitfaced like two weeks prior to this and accidentally told Joseph that he would smash you if given the opportunity
So there you are. Standing in front of each other in total awkward silence as you both figure out what to do
“Would you like the bed for tonight?” He asks slowly, shifting uncomfortably as he stand before you. To his surprise, you only shrug in response.
“Nah. I’ll take the floor.” You turned your back to him and pulled a robe over your body, dropping the towel underneath it before looking back at him. “Plus don’t you have back problems or something??”
He stopped. How did you remember that? He had told you that when he first met you, as a way to make conversation, not in any serious connotation.
“R-Right…” He cleared his throat and looks down at you, giving you a stern look before speaking once again. “But it’s not good for you to sleep on the floor.”
“So what? You wanna share the bed then?”
“I don’t see why not.”
He instantly regretted saying that I kid you not
Like he’s freaking out BIG TIME and is praying he just spontaneously dies in his sleep tonight
What if he does something in his sleep??? What is he sleep talks and accidentally confesses????
Yeah my guy is having an internal panic attack
Once you guys get around to getting to bed, he stays strictly on the edge of the bed, his back facing you. He wants to give you as much space as possible
But the mf wakes up holding you in his arms
Almost fucking dies because you’re still asleep and he almost shouted
The sight warms his heart though, so he allows himself to stay this way until you wake up
Then neither of you speak of it again
But you both kick Joseph’s ass afterwards
He did this himself and failed at it so bad you guys
He was like “oh no I suppose we’ve got no other choice but to sleep in the same bed together”
You told him to sleep on the floor
Was genuinely offended but let you win because he thinks you’re hot
“Oh my, look at this situation we’ve gotten ourselves into.” He teased, smirking as he watched you set your stuff on the hotel bed.
“You mean you.”
You turned around and glared at him, rolling your eyes at his ignorance. “I know you set this up. Now suffer and sleep on the floor.” You pointed to a nearby corner, smirking as you teased him.
“You’re cruel.”
Is a big baby about it and eventually guilt trips you into letting him up onto the bed
Cries with relief when you cave
He snores so loudly that it makes you regret everything
Also cuddles in his sleep and you have to keep pushing him away but he’s like a fucking brick 😭
Rolls over at one point and nearly crushes you but plays it off in the morning
He’s batting his eyelashes and shit when he wakes up as if he slept like a cute little baby
You beat his ass LOL
Never heard the end of it from Joseph
Kakyoin set him up and he knew it as soon as he walked into the room
You had just gotten settled when you saw him walk in there
And holy shit was he pissed
Or he looked that way
He was projecting his embarrassment poorly
Naturally, there was one bathroom and one bed (which he hated)
He does not like the idea of forced proximity but deals with it because he’s got no other choice
So the question comes up of “do we share the bed or do we both sleep on the floor?” Cause lord knows you’re both too stubborn to let the other sleep on the floor alone
“What’s the plan for tonight?” He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, his hat covering his eyes as he stood, which made it difficult for you to get a read on how he was feeling.
But his ears were red.
“I was just going to take the floor.” You shrugged, grabbing a towel before you walked over to the bathroom. “I don’t mind.” You closed the door behind you and he couldn’t help but blush at the thought of you just being so comfortable with this.
“You’re not taking the floor. I will.” He tells you through the door, and you scoff in response.
“You’re not taking the floor either then.” You grumble and turn on the water.
He pauses and has this brief moment of ‘so what now’ but once he gets what you’re insinuating he feels his heart fall to his stomach. What if he snores? Or crushes you?? Oh he’s so gonna kick Kakyoin’s ass if he makes it out of this alive.
Stays as far away from you as possible when it comes time to sleep. He’s got a good poker face but GOD DAMN his heart is about to explode
The two of you talk a little until you fall asleep mid conversation, which he finds annoying but doesn’t mind that much bc he’s a cutie
You wind up spooning him in your sleep and MY GOD he loves it
Dude would spend the rest of his life in your arms if he had the option
He sleeps like a rock though, so once he’s out, he’s out
But you wake up to Star Platinum poking your cheek and Jotaro asleep in your arms, which is such a beautiful sight 😩
Makes you wish you had a camera, but you just sit there and enjoy the moment
When he wakes up he makes you swear not to tell anyone about what happened
Secretly hopes that Kak has the balls to do this again
He gets to the room first and sets his stuff down on the bed, when you walk in after him he swears he’s going to have a stroke
It’s not that he minds or anything but what the hell???
All things considered, he plays it off pretty well. He’s smooth in the way he handles it and even offers to take the floor if you want him to
All the alarms in his head are blaring but he’s fine dw
The original smooth operator
Refuses to even let you suggest sleeping in the floor or anywhere else- you’re already here so why not just stay?
“So how are we going to do this?” He asks as he sits down on the edge of the bed, a soft smirk on his lips.
“I was going to j-“
“Excuse me?” You paused and looked at him, seemingly offended by how he interrupted you.
“Surely it’s not good for your back.” He shrugged it off and patted the spot beside him. “Why don’t we just share the bed instead? That way no one has to sleep on the floor.”
If you have any form of routine before bed, expect him to join you or help you out
This is his chance and my man is NOT throwing it away
Would do your hair if you asked him to
Probably reads before bed, so don’t be surprised if his side of the room is still lit up after you go to sleep
Subconsciously gives you head pats while you sleep next to him; catches himself and wants to die
At some point he finally decides to stop reading and grow a pair, rolling over onto his side and gently wrapping his arms around your waist
He loves the closeness, and loves being able to bury his head in the crook of your neck
It almost doesn’t feel real to him, but he’s happy that it is
When you wake up he teases you about how you slept like- “you snore” or “I thought you were gonna kick me off the bed”
Unlike the others, he’ll bring it up from time to time just to mess with you
WHORE (pt. 2)
He set it up himself thinking he was about to be smooth and it went horribly wrong
Like as soon as you see him walk into the room you’re like “fuck”
But not in a ‘omg he’s so hot I can’t even’ type of way it’s more like ‘oh god no it’s Joseph’
“Oh my god!! There’s only one bed!!” He pretended to be shocked, his hands coming up to his face as he feigned surprise. “What’ll we do?!?”
“I’ll sleep on the floor.” With the way you said it, it was clear that you weren’t going to accept any other answer.
“Wha- are you sure? It’s not good for your back, or your anything for that matter.” He did his best to argue, but you shot him a glare and began setting up on the floor.
“Yep. I’m pretty sure.”
He’s never felt so defeated in his entire life
Like ever
Bro wishes he was as smooth as Kakyoin 🤭
Keeps hinting at it periodically, but gives up when you stop responding to him
Eventually, you fall asleep on the floor, your face buried into the pillow that you had taken off the bed
He decides to pull a funny and pick you up while you rest, setting you on the bed and covering you up before taking your spot on the floor
When you wake up you have a slight change of heart, but he’s still a whore so you’re not having any of it
Brings it up from time to time and his bullied by Polnareff and Avdol for failing so hard
They won’t ever let him forget
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lcatscookie · 1 month
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With my sick and twisted mind I can invent any Jotakak part 4 and 6 situation. AND put kakyoin in a cunty outfit.
Bonus with children:
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
jojo’s bizarre porn tropes
publishing even MORE headcanons before i finish the first set ? an absolute iconic move from me tbh. i went crazy with my tags bro😩but anyways enjoy this …i will do more characters if i can come up with more tropes
here’s part two
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jonathan - he’s very vanilla so your videos fall under the passionate category. jonathan takes the act of making love very seriously so expect to cum at least twice in one session. he won’t over stimulate though , he gives you a pleasant high. y’all don’t post a lot but when you do it’s usually a movie that will have the viewers drooling.
joseph- amateur porn. he isn’t too fond on setting up a camera and having a script or whatever. he’d much rather record you giving him head or maybe a lil pov of back shots. joseph makes sure you’re featured on his only fans regularly. videos are usually no longer than 5 minutes.
jotaro- big dick small girl trope. my god this man is hung. people watching your videos are always slightly worried for your safety. how does it fit? women all around the world want to be you. some of the more aggressive sessions almost always lead to concerned comments. jotaro does have a bit of a reputation so he refuses to show his face along with yours.
kakyoin- not a trope but most of your posts are cosplay related. dressing up as your favorite anime characters and fucking for money is a dream come true. a lot of work goes into your videos mainly because of the well put together costumes and make up looks. the entire look gets ruined in the end but presentation is a big deal. the two of you have a cute set up. it’s high effort but the rewards are so worth it.
josuke- innocent boy and experienced woman. he still won’t say it out loud but he is a total bottom so having you top him/take control is perfect. josuke will use titles like “step mom gives new son blowjob during dinner” to catch a persons attention. or so he says. you’d swear he has a bit of a thing for it. your videos are usually a bit longer and medium effort.
giorno- very beautifully done/well put together porn. people who watch the two of you enjoy modern art and pretty landscapes. it’s essentially art house porn. your content is extremely well put together and is pleasing to eye as well as to the dick/pussy. giorno doesn’t much care if his face is recognized-hes a crime lord there’s not much anyone can do at this point.
leone- rough sex! the people who watch your videos are sickos and the others are worried for your safety. lots of tying up, whipping, slapping and abuse of your little hole. don’t worry it’s all consensual and monitored.
bruno- pov style porn. honestly an iconic move from him. he loves to go back and watch your tapes so why not upload them. similar to joseph they’re never longer than five minutes but there’s a good amount of them. occasionally you two will put together tutorials for those less experienced in sex.
jolyne- lesbian! jojo knows how much men love that wlw content so the two of you exploit that fetish to the max. it started off as just a few short clips but as time went on you and jolyne got a whole set up. most of your vids are pretty basic but men especially eat them up so 🤪
hermes- massage porn. she’s always been good with her hands so why not use her abilities for something fun? you guys don’t upload often. not because you don’t want to just because you always forget or get too caught up in what you’re doing.
foo fighters- the two of you were on the weirder side of porn hub. strange toys, story lines and odd outfits. from alien sex to retro porn you’ve done it all. honestly it doesn’t really matter if others find it sexy the two of you enjoy it. it doesn’t take much to convince them to post your videos- it takes longer to explain how the camera works than anything.
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igot-sarang-ggg · 5 months
Recovery (Avdol x f!Reader) SMUT
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WARNINGS: Minors and ageless blogs dni. Sexually explicit content under cut.
( A/n I haven't written SMUT in So long So I'm a bit rusty. But anyways I hope you enjoy)
Small summary: after getting injured during the battle with Hol-Horse and Hanged Man you and Avdol go into hiding in an island until you've both recoverd. But a few nights before at one of the hotels you were staying at things got a little heated between you two and it would be gone further if someone didn't interrupt.
Small mentions: Avdol x f!reader, Avdol being a bit shy, SMUT, 18+, body worship, reader is a stand user but it’s not used
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"So how long do we need to stay on this island?" I asked Avdol as he gathered some eggs from his chicken, "Just a few days until Mr. Joestar comes to pick us up. Until then, we both need to recover from our injuries." I got hurt along side Avdol while fighting Hol horse and Hanged Man. "How long was I passed out for?" He placed the basket down. "About a day or two. The Speed Wagon foundation should be dropping by with some more medication for us." He sighed, "In the meantime would you mind helping me make breakfast." I stood up from my spot, "Sure."
We headed back inside and started cooking the eggs. "Have you been able to explore the island yet?" I asked Avdol. he was cutting a banana into small pieces for us both, "I did yesterday with some members of the Speed Wagon. There nothing suspicious here as of yet." I grunted taking in the information he gave me. "So... What do we do now?" I took a bit from the fruit he did the same, "We wait until Mr. Joestar and the others come to get us." The rest of the day Avdol and I cleaned and watched how some of the chickens fought for their food. 
Night had finally fallen. We both went inside, I didn't realize it until now but, "Why is there only one bed?"
 "Y/n this is a small house, two beds wouldn't fit in here." Avdol sat down on the bed, I stared at the bed still thinking if its a good idea for us to be laying in the same bed. "I can assure you I won't bite... If you want I could sleep on the small couch." He points towards the couch behind me. "I-its fine, I just zoned out for moment." I walked over to the other side of the bed, "Plus, you're a big guy. I don't want you sleeping on that small thing." Laying down in bed I looked up at the ceiling, my eyes slowly shutting.
It was now dark out the only thing that was lighting up the room a dim candle light that was slowly fading and the moonlight entering the room. Looking beside me there was an empty spot, "Where's Avdol?" I asked myself. I slowly got out of bed feeling groggy and walked towards the living room, the front door was opened. I was now wide awake and draw out my stand. As I was about to walk out I saw Avdol sitting at the entrance. "Are you trying to give me a heat attack?"
 "My Apologize Y/n." I placed my hand on his shoulder and sat down next to him looking up at the stars, "It's fine.... Couldn't sleep?" I asked him, "No I couldn't. Something was keeping me up." 
"Was I snoring?! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to keep you u-" Avdol chuckled slightly at me panicking. "No I uh ... It's just been awhile since you and I were alone." I felt my cheeks burning at the thought of that night we spent together; the way Avdol kissed me gently, the soft whimpers escape my lips as he kissed my neck and things were getting heated until Polnareff walked in and almost caught us. Since that night We agreed not to talk about it again.
 "Were you thinking about that night?" He looked at me, under the moonlight I can tell he was a bit flustered, "I was... I wanted to see more of you... Hear more from you... Please you." With each word he leaned in placing a kiss on my lips once, twice, and I then pulled him closer to me closing what little gap we had between us. 
In a swift movement I was now on top of Avdol, we pulled away catching our breath. "Let's go inside it'll be more comfortable in the bed." I got off of him and lead him to the bed. he sat down and I got on top of him wrapping my arms around his neck he tensed up under my touch. "Are you sure you wanna do this Y/n your don't h-" I kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear. "I've been wanting to do this again since that night at the hotel." 
A few candles relit around the room, I caught a quick glimpse of magicians red. He placed both hands on my hip pushing me down onto his bugle a muffled gasped escaped my lips, he was already hard... Avdol let out a pleasurable sigh as  I started teasing him by slightly bouncing on his clothed bugle. "Y-y/n~"  
He pulled me closer to him kissing and nibbling at my neck, his hand now making their way inside my shirt. His hands trailed up and down my body, giving me shivers. Avdol lifted up my shirt now kissing my chest and  playing with my nipples one hand squeezing and burying his face between my breasts, leaving excited kisses, "Avdol~" He'd slowly lied me down upon bed gently stripping his and mine cloth off. His member slipping out, "You're so big" I took his member in my hand passing a teasing stroke on it. He started moving his hips a bit, "Please don't tease, my love." He moaned closing his eyes. He grabbed his member aligning himself at my entrance. "Are you ready?" He asked, "Yes." I nodded. I could feel his tip slowly entering me, "Ah~" 
 "Are you okay~" Avdols thrust were slow, "Y-yeah~" Even though he was starting at a slow pace I couldn't help whimper with each movment. After some time I was able to adjust to his size.
Wet squishing sounds fill the bedroom along with my soft gasps. "Avdol i-..." I couldn't speak. The amount of pleasure he was giving me had me choking on my words. "Y-you're getting tighter... A-are you close?" I nodded, words failing to come out. He started slowing down, "N-no don't s-stop." He looked at me a bit shocked, "But I'm gonna overstimulate you. It might hurt you." Through the flickering candle light I could see the concern in his eyes. I pulled him in and kissed him, "I-its fine Keep going until you cum." He nodded grabbing my legs and throwing them over his shoulder closing the gap between us the best he could and thrusting faster. "Fuck~" That was the first time I've ever heard him curse. I'd already reached my high, Abdul was now chasing his.
His thrust were getting sloppy, he removed my legs from his shoulder and kissed me muffling his moan as he came. He started slowing down and pulling out, "Fuck~" He was breathing heavily looking down at me. He leaned in kissing my forehead "Can you move?" I was too tired  to move. "I'll be right back." He grabbed a rag and cleaned me and himself off. After he was done he laid down in bed with me wrapping his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, "Avdol, I love you." He chuckled caressing my  head, "I love you too."
The next morning Avdol was on a call with Mr. Joestar while I was making breakfast. "I see... I'll tell Y/n about the plan then." He hung up, "What happened?" I asked him, he walked up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on top of mine. "Mr. Joestar will be coming soon to get us..." I could tell there was more to that "And?"
 " And he wants us to play a prank on kakyoin and polnareff. He wants us to pretend to be my parents. " I stopped chopping the onions setting the knife aside and faced him his hands still on my waist, "I'm sorry but I refuse." 
 "It wouldn't hurt, would it y/n?" I sighed, "Avdol did you forget that polnareff is a literal walking stand magnet. Remember I can see two different possibilities in the furture. One is that he'll run, a stand gets him and two that he actually stays still for once. I have a feeling his gonna run away and some stand users gonna get him."
 "We'll just have to see," he kissed my forehead, " if you'd like you could stay inside while we're playing the prank on them."
"You really want to play the prank on them don't you Avdol?" He nodded. I chuckled turning back around to continue cooking, "I'll stay inside then."
 Avdol pulled me closer to him kissing my cheek. "Can you help me look older before they come... They'll be here later on today."
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Request are open!
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nicherayyy · 1 year
Reader: I have an idea!
Kakyoin: a good idea?
Reader: let's not get ahead of ourselves.
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ophelian-darling · 7 months
Prompta 94 + 38 with noriyaki kakyoin. He's ready captured you and confessed his love to you and you're still trying to get used to your new home.
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"I'm the only one who can understand you"
"You're adorable when you're asleep"
TW: Isolation, Obsession, Implied Stalking and kidnapping, delusional thoughts.
Word Count : 1.3k words.
enjoy ♡
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"Smile for me!" 
It's been weeks- at least in your perception. There are certain thoughts of obscurity that gnaw your brain, the effect of Noriaki present even in the scatters of your mind's rambles: Time has no existence except that of the imagination, the more our thinking daubs with life colors, the more we get old. The clouds behind the window marched in a Foggy lane; so dreadful with a beauty of its own.
"Everything is beautiful! our eyes just can't see the bewitching charm of it. it's the human eye that is ugly" 
Noriaki would chatter for hours about everything and nothing. Clutching a brush and standing in front of a canvas, aimlessly coloring a homely sketch in a passion of a Picasso yet in the skill of the Austrian painter, an opinion that God forbid if you shared to him no matter how he insisted you to. Better leave him to swim in a warm sea of his own illusions if it meant that you're out of any disturbing antics he would present. 
A first look at him would tell no secret about the madness veining through him; it's just an introverted classmate with an amateur hobby of painting, someone who isn't recognizable in any way or form. Anyone who sees him scribbling on a paper would think that he's just recording notes for a class, while he is lining a crimson billet-doux. They would think he was fulfilling his class cleaning duty in the evening, while he was wiping the violent evidence of his crimes. They thought he was a sweet boyfriend to walk his lover home, while he was-
"What are you thinking of, Dollface?" 
"Uh-" Instinctively changing your position as you uttered a faux-casual 'nothing', you realized that you were staring through a skylight window for too long, perhaps forgetting (or ignoring?) him as he ordered you to smile. quickly, you put your lips curves to a height that felt awkward, a smile of a rushed family photo. He hummed in response, seemingly buying it so as to complete his 'Masterpiece' (using his words).
"I'm almost done, I can't wait for you to see it" 
"I'm so excited to see it!" you lied, the family photo smile still plastered on your face. 
"This is the best thing I've ever drawn so far" He smiled, cheerfully eyeing your resting figure on the chair "I wanted to paint you in full coloring for so long, and now I'm glad I got the chance to finally do it" 
Just at your left, a wall stood still, dozens of haste sketches hanging on, some semi-completed, others either barely spilled any effort or neglected at their prime, jittery lineaments in dark pencil. You could tell that Noriaki was frustrated with them: they never matched the tableau vivant he carved in his mind's eye; yet they somehow ended up being useful enough to have the honor to be remembered and kept. 
Leisurely, the corners of the house engraved themselves in your memory corridors, so was the daily script of life here: days mimed each other, Noriaki's smiles split into thousands of colors, yet his eyes were ever the same as fake greens; none of them held any normalcy or spontaneity, just faux calmness. In the morning, you both wake up- He's the first to rise from bed, rattling you awake before having breakfast together. His tongue flows when the sun shines, he talks and speaks and laughs and chatters nineteen to the dozen, his voice very clear in your anamnesis yet his words hazy. as your teacup hangs between your thumb and index finger, you focus on the movement of his lips and nod at whatever letter he throws. As the ether discolor into cinnabar, his room is solely altered to be a temple honoring you: poems, paintings and pictures wallpapered the small room in a morbid show of attachment. When the moon is crowned in the sky with stars, The jar of cogitation breaks, and Noriaki would animate his dreams of a family and a blithe life, framing you and him in one iridescent cadre, until the heavy curtain of dreamless slumber falls on your eyes.
"I'm done!" He announced happily "Come take a look" 
You stood up, blood circulating again through the muscles of your backside and thighs. Of course, sitting for two hours in a stiff position to please the Mr.Artist was nowhere of an exertion near his. You just have to sit and look pretty, he would argue.
"It's the best ever! I'm really proud of this one. I've been thinking about making it real for so long, and it's as perfect as I imagined!" The palette in his left hand moved with each word, intonating his speech. He surely was excited- you never got a reaction so enthusiastic from him.
You kept your smile, looking at the product of two hours in front of you.
A dark line rimmed a color that seemed like your skin tone, vigor lines on what you assumed to be the head pastiched your hair, proving even more how much of blind digits he had. The eyes of your own face were closed, an expression you never felt or recognized on your features layered your replica on the canvas. it was what a crow would caw compared to what a nightingale would chant.
"So?" He waited for your approval.
Life with Noriaki taught you a massively important key skill: Lying. your lips curve up, your vocal cords silken as the lie rolls down your tongue "It's really beautiful!" you reach up to his face and kiss his cheek as a 'thank you for bothering yourself to appreciate my beauty'. He basked in your validation and demanded it almost always.
"But I'm kinda curious, why did you draw my eyes closed?" you noticed his smile shift from a saccharine one to egoistic.
"You know you're already cute right? yet not genuinely" He stared at the painting, carrying on "I think that honesty suits your face best. I know that you didn't like the painting, and I know that you never liked any of my sketches or anything I ever made for you" His lips merged into a thin line, a gray flicker flashing in his irises. coolly, he continued "You have that stupid fake kindness about you, you don't want to hurt my feelings, and I hate pressing you to tell me your honest thoughts. I feel like at this point you treat me like a fucking toddler, you encourage and say sugary things to please me… you constantly lie to me to make me happy, and as much as this is caring, it bothers me" 
Your lips sewed themselves. 
"But I found a way. I memorize everything about you every single day, I came to know you more and more. isn't this sweet, My lovely eye candy? I get to understand you better! Now I know just too well about you! Now I'm the only one who can understand you" 
Four eyes widened, two out of pure shock, others out of an unfamiliar emotion, something that sounded like a pink Mania.
"And to answer your question, I realized why I love looking at you sleeping… I couldn't put my finger on it for a year, but the more I see the more I fathom it: you're most vulnerable when you're asleep… all appealing and appetizing and too pure to commit the crime of lying so glibly and beautifully… slumber has just a nice touch on your face, You're truly adorable when you're asleep" 
Thinking has no time to course within your brain. The head of his brush was smudged back in a crimson mix of colors, taking a clot of red and sullying the white canvas, just above the head of your painting. 
"Let's see how honest I can make you"
All red, a human Masterpiece of his.
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junosartsthetic · 2 years
Pool Time
SDC reacting to you in a bikini. Chaos ensues. Contains suggestive/mild sexual content, especially in Joseph’s part. Oops. Written for female readers. 
It wasn’t often you got to relax for a moment during your crusade to defeat Dio, so you jumped at the chance to spend the afternoon at the pool with the rest of your companions. The vehicle taking you to your next destination—a train—wasn’t going to arrive until tomorrow afternoon, so you figured you all might as well do something fun while waiting. 
Luckily, you managed to snag a bathing suit from the giftshop in the hotel lobby. Did you pay for it? Ehh. Not important.
You finished tying the bikini straps around your neck, looking yourself over in the bathroom mirror. The top piece consisted of a red patterned bra piece with black straps. The bottoms were entirely black with little red bows on either hip. You winked at yourself. You were never the vain type, but you felt pretty hot at the moment.
The bikini was a little tight being that you were too busy trying not to get caught to look at the tag, but it fit good enough. Your thighs stretched the fabric bottoms, and you had to tuck in the tops of your breasts to fit inside the cups, but everything private was covered. All you wanted to do was jump in the water and stay there so it didn’t matter too much. The hot weather of the Middle East was not your cup of tea.
You grabbed a hotel towel, wrapping it around your waist and securing it there before stepping out of the bathroom. Everyone else was already at the pool, as they’d changed and left in the time you sought out a swimsuit. 
Quickly applying sunscreen, you rushed out of the hotel room and to the elevator. Moments later, you arrived in front of the gated pool. It was quite a nice hotel, and there were many shaded tables scattered around the patio. You looked around, spotting the others seated around a large round table. An umbrella provided shade as they sipped on various drinks. You wondered why none of them chose to take a swim. Were they not dying of heat exhaustion, even with their iced drinks?
Tossing that thought aside, you focused on your current dilemma. You needed to be let inside as you didn’t grab a key. You waved both hands, shouting out a name and catching the attention of a certain someone—your boyfriend. Not only that, but a few others also looked your way. It was hard not to pay attention to you in your current state of dress.
“Holy shit,” Noriaki breathed, eyes widening. Even sporting green swim shorts instead of his usual attire, he felt hot. He looked around, noticing he wasn’t the only one glancing your way. A pit settled in his stomach. He didn’t want to come off as a bastard, or tell anyone, especially you, what to wear, but your current attire sent his mind spiraling.
There was no denying your beauty. He always thought you were beautiful, but this was something else. It felt wrong seeing you in so little fabric in such a public place. 
He shook his head to clear his thoughts before gathering himself and walking to let you in.
“Thanks, Nori.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I thought I’d have to climb the gate for a second there. You seemed out of it. You okay?”
He nodded. “Oh, uhh, yeah. I’m good. You just caught me off guard. I see you found a swimsuit.” 
“Yeah.” You pulled on the strap of the bikini top before releasing it. It sunk back against your skin tightly. “It’s kind of small, though. I hope it doesn’t tear or something.”
His face flushed red at your words. He quickly changed the subject. “Let’s get in the water. I’m dying out in this heat.”
You hummed in agreement, walking beside him back to the table. “Lemme put my towel down.”
You untied the cloth from your hips, tossing it on a chair before heading towards the large body of water. Noriaki struggled to keep his eyes from trailing downwards, and he quickly followed behind you, standing close enough to block your backside from any prying eyes.
This was simultaneously the worst and best thing he’d ever experienced. It was going to be a long afternoon.
Jotaro was good at keeping his emotions in check, for the most part, but he had no hat to cover his face, nor a jacket collar to pop up to hide his red cheeks. All he could do was look down and mutter.
“Jotaro,” Joseph scolded. “Don’t just sit there. Go let your girlfriend in.”
“Mr. Joestar,” Avdol said. “I think he’s a little overwhelmed. I’ll go let her in.”
“Good grief,” grumbled Jotaro, getting up in his usual irritated manner. “I’m fine. I’m going.”
Polnareff snickered. “Go on, tough guy. Go get your girl.”
“Shut up, Polnareff.”
The Frenchman continued to snicker.
Jotaro made it to the gate, unlatching it and letting you inside with a grunt. You raised a brow. “Why are you so grumpy? Something happen?”
“Old man Joseph and Polnareff are just annoying.”
You giggled. “Oh boy. Can’t wait to see what this is all about. C’mon.” You grabbed his hand.
It was like leading a very intimidating lost puppy across the patio. 
You motioned for him to sit down before plopping down on top of him, greeting everybody with a wave. “Sorry for the wait. I had to go find something to wear.”
“Hmph. Took you long enough,” muttered your boyfriend from behind you. You leaned back against him, rolling your eyes.
“Anyway. I’m gonna go swim. When you stop pouting, you can join me. Okay?” You kissed his cheek before skipping off towards the diving board. 
“Aren’t you gonna go after her?” Kakyoin gestured.
“In a minute,” replied Jotaro, sipping on his drink.
Polnareff nudged Kakyoin. “He’s gotta recover from seeing his girlfriend in a bikini. It’s a big step in a relationship, ya know. He’ll be thinking about it for weeks,” he laughed.
Kakyoin muffled a snicker.
It was fun teasing the normally stoic teenager, especially when he couldn’t deny it because it was written all over his face.
“Young love,” Joseph mused. “How adorable.”
“Can it, old man.”
There was only one thing on this man’s mind, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. He shifted in his chair, silver swim trunks wrinkling as he did so. He could swear up and down he was a gentleman and he couldn’t reduce your complex being into such shallow words, but only a few words circled his head as you bounced up and down, still waving in an attempt to get someone to open the gate. “Her tits look amazing in that bikini.”
Avdol cleared his throat. Polnareff let out an embarrassed chuckle. “I said that outloud, didn’t I?”
“Yes,” he replied. “Yes you did.”
“Am I wrong?” Polnareff said, getting up from his chair.
“Do you really want me to answer that question about your girlfriend, Polnareff?”
Polnareff stopped in his tracks. “Uhh. No. I’m just gonna go let her in now.” He pointed a thumb to the gate before shuffling off.
You raised a brow as he opened the gate for you. “So, what was that little conversation just now? I saw you talking with Avdol. You looked embarrassed.”
He chuckled nervously. “I was just saying how nice you look, ma cherie.” He kissed your cheeks.
You narrowed your eyes. “Nice? You said I look nice? Because from what I could understand, I think you said something along the lines of my tits looking amazing in this bikini?”
His cheeks reddened. “How’d you hear that from so far away?”
You pat his shoulder. “I’m not too shabby at reading lips, love. I do appreciate the compliment, though.” 
He could only watch in awe as you walked away, hips swaying as you did so. He hurried to catch up to you.
You threw your towel off, diving into the pool and splattering him with water. He grinned goofily, running a hand through his now wet hair. “What a woman.”
“You said that out loud again, Polnareff.”
“Shut up, Avdol.”
You’d think that over the years, he’d learn to act his age, but this was Joseph Joestar we’re talking about. He never changed. As such, he still acted like a horny teenager during certain situations—one such situation being right now.
“Oh. My. God.” With surprising speed, he was out the gate and scooping you into his arms. He headed back towards the hotel building.
“Pool’s back that way, Joseph. Where are we going? I’m hot.”
“Exactly, which is why we are going somewhere more private.”
You shifted in his arms. “I meant as in the temperature. Why do you insist on going somewhere else?”
“It’s frowned upon to fuck in public, sweetheart.”
Your heart skipped a beat as your breath caught in your throat. “Jesus Christ, Joseph. Don’t just say things like that! And I seriously wanted to swim and hang out with the other guys.”
He laughed at your flustered reaction. “You’re not hanging out with anyone dressed like that.”
“Why not?”
He looked down at you, giving you a knowing look. “Don’t act all innocent, missy.”
Despite your annoyance, you couldn’t help but grin in anticipation. Not having any free time on the trip also meant not really having any alone time. . . and since the others were all down at the pool, it meant you two had the room to yourselves. . . 
“Okay, okay, we can go back to the room. Can I at least walk on my own, though? It’s embarrassing being carried.”
“Fine, fine. I was trying to be a gentleman.” He set you down.
“Whatever you say,” you replied, reaching to fix your sandal that got undone in the chaos of Joseph. A playful slap on your ass caused you to yelp in surprise, straightening back out to give Joseph a glare. He looked everywhere but you. You slapped his arm. “Hold your horses, mister. Patience is not a virtue of yours, huh?”
He finally looked into your eyes, shooting you a wink. “Not when it comes to you.”
You blushed at his words, grabbing his hand. “Hush, you smooth talking bastard. Now let's go before you get any more ideas while we’re not even out of the hotel hallway.” You pulled him into the elevator.
The others chose not to go back to the room until they had absolutely no other option. They didn’t want to witness whatever was happening. They instead hung out at the hotel restaurant for the rest of the day, still in their swimwear. 
He spat out his beverage in surprise, a hand on his chest as he coughed. Polnareff patted his back, laughing. “Careful. Don’t die before you get to compliment her. You’re a lucky guy, Avdol. She’s. . . stunning.”
Avdol sent a glare at Polnareff. “I know. She is my girlfriend, afterall, Polnareff.”
Polnareff put his hands up in defense. “No need to get jealous or angry. I swear I’d never try anything. Now go let her in before someone else tries something.”
Avdol grunted, standing up and making his way over. Polnareff was right about somebody else trying something—a man was currently at the gate, obviously trying to make a pass at you.
“That swimsuit fits you just right,” he drawled, fingers messing with the gate but not opening it.
“Actually, it’s a bit snug,” you replied, clearly uninterested as you rolled your eyes. “Now can you move so my boyfriend can let me in? You’re blocking the gate.”
“Yes. Move.” Avdol roughly pushed the man out of the way, opening the gate as he guided you towards the table. He pulled out a seat for you, handing you your favorite iced beverage. You kissed his cheek in thanks.
“I really don’t like when people don’t take no for an answer,” you muttered, slurping your drink as you tapped your fingers on the table. “I should’ve sucker punched him instead of trying to get him to take a hint.”
“I can go take care of him,” Avdol said, moving to get out of his seat. You grabbed his arm, keeping him in place.
“It’s fine. It’s just—I know I kind of look like a whore in this bikini, but it was the only one I could, uhh, find.” You stopped yourself from admitting your theft. “It’s not an intentional thing that it’s all tight.” You snapped a strap of your bikini top. 
“Don’t say that,” your boyfriend replied. “You’re a beautiful woman wearing whatever she wants. If anybody has a problem with that, I’ll deal with them.”
You slid into his chair, sitting on his lap as you hugged his neck. “God, you’re the best.”
Avdol’s breath hitched as you pressed against him, chest smushed against his as you peppered his face with kisses.
Polnareff cleared his throat awkwardly. “(Y/N), maybe don’t do that here? This is a semi-public pool.”
You paused in your affections to look at the Frenchman. “It’s not like we’re fucking or something, but fine. I’m gonna go swim.”
You slid back off of your now flustered boyfriend to take a dip, leaving the others to laugh at Avdol’s embarrassed state. 
“Avdol,” Polnareff snickered. “Got something you need to take care of, friend?”
“Polnareff. Shut your mouth.”
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strawmariee · 9 months
Oiee! Eu gostaria de fazer um pedido de um cenário na parte 3, onde a leitora defende o kakyoin (e se der, ajuda a provar que ele estava certo) no episódio do stand da morte 13.
Eu nunca vi ninguém escrever nada sobre isso, e acho muita sacanagem que os crusaders tiraram o coitado do kakyoin de doido antes de tentar acreditar nele :(
Adoro o seu blog! Tenha um ótimo dia/noite ^3^
Olá!! Como você está? Eu espero que bem!💕 Muito obrigada pelo request, eu realmente achei ele incrível e gostaria de tê-lo escrito antes, mas a falta de inspiração ainda me assombrava💔 Mas finalmente consegui fazê-la!! Espero muito que gostem e tenham uma boa leitura!!
Wildest Dreams
Noriaki Kakyoin x Leitora
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Observo de longe com um olhar tranquilo o sr. Joestar conversando com o homem na qual havia lhe vendido um avião para que pudéssemos continuar a nossa viagem com destino para Cairo. Sorri assim que notei Polnareff retornar ao lado de Kakyoin, mas meu semblante se fechou quando vi que o ruivo parecia pensativo com alguma coisa.
– Kakyoin, está tudo bem? - Perguntei enquanto me aproximo dele e coloco minha mão amigavelmente no braço dele. Não pude deixar de notar o sorriso grande de Polnareff e de como ele saiu na direção de Jotaro e Joseph, parecendo querer deixar Kakyoin e eu sozinhos.
– Eu estou bem… Só acho que tive um pesadelo. - Ele disse enquanto olha levemente atordoado para trás e eu sigo o olhar dele, vendo apenas um garotinho chorando por algum motivo que desconheço.
– Caso você queira contar sobre ele, eu estarei aqui para ouvi-lo sempre. - Digo com um tom gentil e amigável em minha voz enquanto ainda o encaro.
– Eu agradeço S/n, mas infelizmente não consigo me lembrar do sonho… No entanto, se eu lembrar eu com certeza o farei.
Ele deu uma pequena carícia na minha cabeça e sorrimos um para o outro antes de caminharmos até onde o grupo está. Joseph continua a discutir com o vendedor do avião, que explicou que não poderia entregar o veículo hoje por conta de um bebê que estava doente, mas uma senhorinha que acredito ser a mãe do bebê, deu a ideia de levarmos ele junto conosco. E depois de muita conversa, resolvemos levá-lo.
– Ah… Gente, eu vou caber aí? - Pergunto enquanto vejo Kakyoin e Polnareff nos bancos de trás do avião, e como eles eram grandes, acabou não sobrando muito espaço pra mim.
– Não tem nenhum problema, S/n! Você pode ir no colo do Kakyoin. - Polnareff me olhou com um sorriso malicioso e meu rosto ficou mais vermelho que o cabelo do Kakyoin, que está tão corado quanto eu. Ouvi uma risadinha do Joseph e vi Jotaro escondendo o rosto com a aba do boné, mas fui capaz de ver rapidamente o sorrisinho dele.
– Polnareff… - Murmuro o nome dele em um tom de ameaça e invoco o meu stand que parecia estar prestes a dar uma surra no francês, que ficou assustado ao perceber isso.
– E-Ei, calma minha querida e maravilhosa S/n! É apenas uma brincadeira!! - Ele colocou as duas mãos na frente do corpo, como se estivesse se rendendo.
– Acho bom.
Digo enquanto me acalmo um pouco e entro no avião, me espremendo para ficar entre Polnareff e Kakyoin e com a cesta do bebê no meu colo.
Enquanto Joseph pilota o avião, eu comecei a observar aquele bebê, e minha intuição estava gritando que havia algo de errado… Balancei um pouco minha cabeça para os lados enquanto penso: “Não seja boba, S/n S/s! Ele é apenas um bebê!”. Mas para ser sincera, eu mesma não consigo engolir esse meu pensamento.
Percebi que Kakyoin e Polnareff estavam dormindo em cada lado meu, então peguei meu walkman e comecei a escutar alguma música para que a viagem pudesse ser mais rápida. Em um momento sem querer, eu olhei para o bebê e me espantei quando o vi com um olhar macabro acompanhado de um sorriso, e quando ele notou que eu percebi, ele voltou a “dormir” como se nada tivesse acontecido! Espantei-me quando um toque me chamou a atenção, e eu vi que era Jotaro, então eu retirei os meus fones.
– S/n, eu acho o bebê fez as necessidades. Tem como trocar a fralda dele? - Joseph perguntou para mim, então fiz uma cara malandra e acordei Polnareff ao meu lado.
– Hã…? Oquê? - O francês coçou os olhos devido o despertar repentino. - Oque foi?
– O senhor Joestar falou pra você trocar a fralda do bebê. - Digo e entrego a cesta que o bebê está e sorri ao ver que me livraria desta tarefa e ainda por cima me divertiria vendo ele com dificuldade em fazer uma coisa tão simples. - Polnareff, você tá fazendo tudo errado! Coitado do seu filho se você tiver um!
– Pode vir me ajudar então?!
– Não acho que você esteja merecendo a minha ajuda!
– S/n!!
Dei uma risada e confesso estar apenas brincando, oque o deixou aliviado e então tento ajudá-lo a pelo menos não deixar a criança de cabeça para baixo. Mas repente todos do avião se espantaram quando Kakyoin começou a gritar e a se espernear enquanto está dormindo!
Olhamos assustados para ele e eu imediatamente tento acordá-lo, mas Kakyoin dá um chute em mim e no sr. Joseph, que acabou perdendo o controle do avião e agora nós caíamos em uma velocidade absurda!
– S/n, você está bem?! - Polnareff ficou preocupado com o chute que recebi e olhou para o meu rosto que provavelmente estava com alguma marca.
– Estou bem, não se preocupe! - Digo mais nervosa por estarmos caindo do que por ter recebido esse chute.
Todos pareciam estar aflitos enquanto o avião parecia cada vez mais perto do chão, Jotaro segurava a perna de Kakyoin e eu tentava acordar o Kakyoin que parecia ter paralisado. Por sorte, quando o avião estava prestes a cair, Joseph conseguiu retornar o controle e todos nós escapamos de dar de cara no chão! Suspirei e notei o bebê mais uma vez nos braços de Polnareff, com aquele mesmo sorriso… Esse bebê é muito estranho…!
– Ei, velhote! - Ouvimos a voz de Jotaro e eu suspirei quando notei oque aconteceria em seguida, então apenas aceitei o meu destino.
Já era noite e estávamos no meio do deserto, mas por sorte encontramos um bom lugar para acamparmos próximo de onde o avião está. Nesse momento, eu estou ajudando Jotaro a pegar algumas coisas do avião que se encontra destruído e meu olhar não consegue deixar o Kakyoin, que está com a mão na testa e parecia bem abatido.
– Jotaro, eu já volto. - Aviso e escuto ele apenas murmurar um “Hum” e caminho até o ruivo, me sentando ao lado dele. - Kakyoin, estou preocupada com você.
– Me perdoe S/n… Não sei oque está acontecendo comigo. - Ele diz sem me encarar.
Antes que eu pudesse falar alguma coisa Joseph nos chamou para jantar, então todos nós pegamos um pouco de comida enquanto o mais velho do grupo começou a fazer uma papa para o bebê. Resolvi voltar para o avião para pegar a minha mochila e alguns sacos de dormir para o grupo e enquanto eu estava procurando, ouvi uma discussão acontecendo no acampamento e então eu corri de volta para lá.
– Ei, oque está acontecendo?! - Digo enquanto coloco os sacos e a minha mochila no chão, próximo de um tronco.
– S/n, o Kakyoin está ficando completamente louco! - Polnareff diz enquanto aponta o dedo para Kakyoin.
– S/n, me escuta por favor! - Kakyoin se aproxima de mim e me segura pelos ombros, ele parecia desesperado e eu me senti tocada com isso. - Eu sei que tem algo de errado com esse bebê! Eu o vi comendo um escorpião há poucos minutos. E eu escrevi isso, provavelmente enquanto eu dormia.
Kakyoin levanta a manga de seu casaco e eu vejo escrito “Baby Stand” no seu braço, e arregalei levemente os olhos.
– Eu sinto que isso é um tipo de aviso! Por favor, acreditem em mim.
– Vê?! Ele tá completamente biruta da cabeça!
– Eu acredito em você, Kakyoin. - Digo e todos, até mesmo ele, pareceram surpresos com a minha resposta.
– Você também tá ficando louca, S/n?! - Polnareff parecia desacreditado.
– Polnareff, oque impediria disso ser verdade?! Esse bebê tem alguma coisa estranha e eu vi isso desde o avião! Além do mais, se até mesmo um macaco já foi um usuário de stand, oque impede de um bebê ser?! - Pergunto enquanto me mantenho ao lado de Kakyoin, que parecia grato por eu ser a única a defendê-lo ali.
– Mas… Isso não deixa de ser loucura! - Polnareff continuou a argumentar e eu apertei minha mão em punho enquanto o encaro.
– E desde quando tudo que a gente passou nessas 4 semanas não é loucura?! Nessa jornada tudo é possível!
– Já chega vocês! - Joseph falou de uma maneira rígida, como se fosse um pai dando bronca nos filhos. - Olha, vocês devem estar estressados por conta da viagem. Por que não vão dormir um pouco e amanhã conversamos melhor sobre isso?
Polnareff e eu concordamos e eu estava prestes a dar meia-volta e arrumar o meu saco de dormir, quando fomos surpreendidos pelo Kakyoin ativando o Hierophant Green e o mandando na direção do bebê que estava nos braços de Joseph. Eu tentei impedí-lo mas Polnareff ativou o Silver Chariot e o nocauteou por trás.
– Caramba… Será que o Kakyoin não vai mais poder nos acompanhar? - O francês perguntou enquanto todos nós olhamos para Kakyoin desacordado no chão.
– Não tenho certeza, vamos deixar para resolver isso amanhã.
Joseph diz enquanto põe o bebê na cesta e eu imediatamente me sinto mal enquanto olho para o ruivo que permanecia desacordado.
Arregalei os olhos quando notei que os Crusaders e eu estávamos em um tipo de parque de diversões, e isso nos deixou atentos. Polnareff pareceu chocado.
– Merda, eu me lembro agora! - Ele colocou a mão na cara enquanto olha para todos nós com aflição. - Estamos sob ataque de um stand, e o usuário dele é o bebê. Kakyoin tinha razão!
– Sei que não é um bom momento, mas… EU SABIA! - Digo enquanto olho para aqueles 3 com um sorriso ladino, mas em seguida olho para os lados. - Por falar nisso… Cadê ele?!
– Já era pra ele estar aqui! Vem, vamos procurá-lo!
Mas antes que pudéssemos dar um único passo, os cabelos de Polnareff cresceram e se prenderam em dois postes, a corrente de Jotaro estava firmemente enrolada no pescoço dele e a mão protética do sr. Joseph ficou enorme!
– Mas que… - Antes de eu me mexer, algumas plantes enrolaram as suas raízes em meu braços e pernas, me derrubando no chão e me deixando presa. - D-Droga, como nos livramos desse stand?!
Enquanto tentávamos bolar algum plano, percebemos um tipo de “representação da morte” com uma cara de palhaço se aproximando de nós, e meu coração acelerou de medo e raiva enquanto o encarava.
– Lali-ho!
Jotaro tentou invocar Star Platinum, no entanto, era apenas uma das falsificações do stand. Ele, que se chama Death 13, começou a nos explicar que não conseguíamos invocar nossos stands pois como estávamos dormindo, nossa mente estava em um estado de relaxamento.
– O Death 13 jamais precisará enfrentar um stand, eu sempre serei vitorioso! - Ele se aproximou e ergueu a sua foice para nos atacar, mas para nossa surpresa, o Hierophant Green apareceu e começou a enforcar o Death 13, que tentava se livrar do aperto.
– Olhem, é o Kakyoin! - Polnareff apontou para uma xícara de um dos vários brinquedos que tinham no local, e meus olhos brilharam quando o vi sentado de um jeito bem… Uau!
– É a hora da sua punição, baby.
Misericórdia Senhor, é impressão minha ou esse lugar começou a ficar mais quente? Acho que é algum ataque do Death 13…
A luta entre Kakyoin e o stand do bebê era bem tensa, mas eu tinha minha confiança total no ruivo, que parecia pegar leve por conta do usuário ainda ser um bebê, e essa coisa tão simples me fez suspirar ainda mais por ele.
– Ei… S/n, pelo menos tente disfarçar. Você tá praticamente babando pelo Kakyoin~ - Polnareff sussurrou no meu ouvido.
– Eu tô?! - Limpei o canto da minha boca e notei que era apenas mais uma provocação do francês, que pareceu se divertir com o meu rápido desespero. - Quando nós acordarmos, eu juro que vou te matar!!
– Você nem vai se lembrar disso, quando nós acordarmos tudo será apagado da nossa cabeça!
– Hunf, você tem sorte!
Vi que ao longe, Hierophant Green estava dentro do Death 13, que curava a ferida do braço de Kakyoin por pura pressão. Suspirei e caminhei em passos lentos e nervosos até o ruivo, que quando me notou, sorriu de uma maneira doce.
– S/n, obrigado… Obrigado por ter ficado ao meu lado.
Não o respondi, mas ao invés disso, fiquei em sua frente enquanto eu perdia minha coragem aos poucos a medida que os olhos violetas de Kakyoin me observam de uma maneira confusa. Antes que ele perguntasse algo, apenas suspirei e então agarrei o colarinho dele, o puxando para um beijo.
Ouvi as comemorações de Polnareff e Joseph e senti que Kakyoin havia congelado por aquela minha ação inesperada, mas logo senti suas mãos em minha nuca enquanto me beija na mesma intensidade. Desfiz o beijo para recuperar o fôlego e então sorri para ele, que estava com as bochechas coradas e me olhando com ternura.
– Vou rezar para que você fale mais vezes a palavra “baby” na mesma forma que antes. É tão atraente!
– Vou tentar me lembrar disso…
– Ei… S/n, acorda. - Resmunguei algo que nem eu mesma entendi, mas consegui ouvir uma risada. - Vem, temos que tomar café para continuarmos a viagem.
Abri os meus olhos e me sentei no saco de dormir enquanto vejo Kakyoin mais radiante enquanto acorda todos os outros. Me levantei e fui até uma poça que tinha ali perto e comecei a lavar o meu rosto, que foi algo que Polnareff, sr. Joseph e Jotaro também fizeram.
– Tenho a impressão de ter tido um pesadelo na noite passada… Mas não consigo me lembrar. - Polnareff indaga e nós 3 concordamos.
– É, tenho a impressão de ter sonhado com algo bem assustador…
Concordei com um aceno, logo me levantei e fui para perto da fogueira recém-apagada, que vi que tinha pratos com ovos, salsicha e também panquecas.
– Uau, você quem preparou tudo Kakyoin? - Perguntei enquanto me sento no chão e pego um dos pratos.
– Sim, eu quem preparei tudo. - Ele se aproximou e retirou o prato que estava em minhas mãos e colocou outro, que parecia ter uma porção maior de tudo que tinha e também havia morangos e mirtilos próximos das panquecas.
– Uau! Obrigada Kakyoin, assim eu vou acabar me acostumando mal! - Digo com um tom de brincadeira enquanto pego um garfo enquanto como um pedaço da panqueca. - Uau, isso está delicioso!
– Obrigado. - Kakyoin colocou seu rosto ao lado do meu e me arrepiei quando senti a respiração dele acariciando a ponta da minha orelha. - Isso é apenas para você, baby.
Meu corpo inteiro esquentou e ele simplesmente se levantou com um sorriso ladino e saiu segurando um prato com oque parecia ser papa para o bebê como se nada tivesse acontecido!
Eu sinceramente acho que a minha morte não será causada pelo DIO, e sim por Noriaki Kakyoin e o seu charme.
The End
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amberswords · 2 years
MINORS DNI. Explicit sexual content under the cut.
CWs: AFAB GENDERNEUTRAL READER, gendered genitals (described as cunt/pussy/clit), TRANS WOMAN Kakyoin, gendered genitals (cock/dick/balls), SEX WORK (camming), consensual humiliation (reader gets called bitch/slut/whore by Noriaki and the chat, they are okay with it), Consensual Non-Consent elements (not discussed in-fic, but implied. You ask her to stop but don't safeword out of things), overstimulation, squirting, briefly mentioned knife play, mommy kink, sex toys (vibrator), mentioned double penetration.
Kakyoin has invited you once more to her place! Of course, you aren't going just to see your friend, but to help her in her job as her sex-worker persona 'Cherry', a gamer camgirl and domme extraordinaire.
"Oh, c'mon, he's absolutely cheating!"
Kakyoin's voice is whiny in your ear, as she holds the controller pressed against your lower back and violently taps buttons, letting out an exaggerated lament when –something– happens behind you. The red flash you see out of the corner of your eye makes you realize that she just got killed, and you gasp.
It's not out of surprise, though. It's caused because Nori puts her controller down with a little bit of force and you bounce on her lap, feeling her dick shoving even deeper inside of you, rubbing against your walls to create a terribly embarrassing wet noise that you are sure the microphones are picking up.
You are completely naked on her lap. Legs spread around her thighs in the confines of the bright pink gamer chair, with your face hidden in her neck where you try in vain to conceal the pretty little breaths that escape your lips whenever she shifts and her dick kisses your cervix, making you squirm and try to buck away from her, which only turns the sensations into something all the more intense.
"Shhh, quiet down, pretty" Nori hums, pressing a lipstick-sticky kiss to your cheek as her hand reaches down to grab at your asscheek, squeezing your skin before slapping down on it."I'm busy right now"
You mewl, hairs prickling up with the slight pain, and you suckle on the skin of her neck, trying to calm yourself down. It's a losing game: you are drooling on her dick, clear cum dripping down her shaft just out of the cameras' eye. Every time that she adjusts you clench down on her, and you can feel the air of amusement that comes out of her.
"So, I already reported the asshole, but nothing's gonna happen with that for a while, so I'm gonna join another server," Noriaki announces to her chat. You hear rapid pinging from donors, and hear Nori laughing quietly in your ear "You want me to play with the whore a little bit before that?"
Her voice is saccharin sweet, bright and light in a way that is very different to what she actually sounds like in real life, but it makes you feel all the best kinds of tingly in the pit of your stomach. This persona is so separated from her usual self, it makes hearing her insults feel like the best terms of endearment.
Another ping, this one coming with a little cheerful ring that you recognize as a big tip being set. You tense up, shaking your head frantically and only receiving a harder spank in response.
"Cherry, cherry—" You whimper her nickname, and she giggles, grabbing you by the hair and pulling you back to look at your face with a gentle smile. You try to form words, but the only thing that comes out is a tiny little cry.
"Y'know what that means, yeah?" You nod frantically, then shake your head to try to keep her from trying, but she's already leaning to her side to pick up a previously forgotten little bullet vibrator, matching all the pink in her room "We got paid for 15 minutes, sweetheart"
The hellish thing is already vibrating, the rumble of it making the tips of her fingers shake and she winks at you, bringing it to her lips to lick it, wetting it lewdly and staring at the cameras right above both of you, sucking the vibe with a loud smack of her lips and humming.
"I hope everyone's ready to send more tips in, yeah? Gotta take care of our little slut while I play"
Then she presses the vibe right onto your clit, and you squeal, shaking apart in her arms as you try to tear your body away from her. You are overstimulated and trembling, and Nori soothes her hand down your back for a couple of seconds until you settle back down on her dick again, hiccuping a small sob.
She picks back up her controller, the sound of your erratic breath drowning out the clicking of it. She's still talking sporadically, reacting to things said in chat and commenting on the game she's playing, but she has given you the spotlight, letting the choir of your desperate moans take the lead of the messages in the chat.
Nori nudges your cheek with her own, and you pitifully twist your body, jumping when the vibrator kicks up a notch, and you cling to her shoulders. 
"Can you read the chat for me, baby? Cannot look away from the game now" She asks loud enough that it seems to be privately for you, but it's all part of the show she's putting on.
But— you have to be good for her. You have to be really good for your Nori.
So you focus your teary eyes into the big second screen she has, where the chat of the camsite is going past pretty quickly. You do not know how many viewers you have, but you can see in the corner of the screen Kakyoin's serene, focused face next to your debauched expression.
[2$] CBT_0404: oh look at their face! hi slut!
Abused_Gaping_Hole: oh my god are those tears already? how many times have they come?
Star_Mistress: 4 times last round with the vibrator.
[$5] StonedLesbians: holy sht no wonder they r crying lolll keep it up!!!
You whimper, noticing how your face burns hot with embarrassment. A bunch of other insults are thrown at you, most of them surrounded by heart emotes and sweet words, and you can feel yourself getting sloppier.
"What are they saying, sweetie?" Nori nudges you gently, and you try to steady your breathing.
"They are…" You dig your fingertips harder into her skin, back arching as you accidentally grind her dick deeper into yourself "They are calling me a slut, and— a-and a pretty whore—"
You curl inwards, gasping sharply and clenching down on Nori as you come once more, lifting yourself up on your knees until her dick slips outside of you and you can get away from the vibrator for a couple of seconds.
It's a mistake and you only realize it a second too late, when your brain is rebooting from a numbing orgasm, because you hear Kakyoin cursing between her teeth and how the controller falls with a thud on her desk, just before her manicured fingers are grabbing you by the thighs and slamming you right back onto her dick.
It slides in without resistance, as you've grown so loose with the stimulation and at least 20 minutes of her cock rearranging your guts, but you still cannot help the shout the violence of the motion steals from your lungs.
Noriaki holds you down firmly until your cunt is pressed against the fine red curls at the base of her dick, and she cannot hold a shaky breath herself as your warm encases her— yet, her expression continues to be stern, a subdued sort of disappointment gleaming in her eyes in a mockery of anger.
"Mommy, nnn– Mommy, n-no!" You sob as she grabs your wrists from where you have been trying to anchor yourself on her shoulders, and she pushes your hands together by your back firmly, pushing your shoulders back and leaving your chest and torso exposed and away from her.
"And I was being so good to you," She clicks her tongue, bucking her hips up rough enough that you hear her chair creak a bit, muffled by the sound of your heavy panting. Noriaki picks the vibrator back up, and presses it up against your lips. "Hold this for me, bitch"
You hold the pink little thing between your wet lips, tasting yourself on it and whimpering, trying to keep yourself from sucking harder. You've already made enough of an embarrassment out of yourself in front of everyone.
Noriaki reaches behind you with her free hand, searching on her desk for a white remote that she uses to change between all of the cameras she uses, and clicks on it twice before dropping the remote back down.
"How's that for everyone, guys? How does the bitch look?"
You arch yourself further back until you manage to catch a glimpse of the monitor, which only makes you recoil and squirm, seeing how Noriaki has changed the perspective to the camera angled right on the ceiling above you, leaving the expanse of your body to be shown to the world.
It gets worse as Nori gets off from her chair, resting your shoulders on the desk and keeping your torso off the floor with her thighs, where you know the camera can see her dick disappearing deep inside your stretched pussy. She rolls her hips, slow and intentional, and you choke a little.
[10$] Dr.Feelgood: Cut them up.
thornydilf_: wtf 
[MOD] MilfOfFive: Cherry does not do any sort of harming in these streams, and it's against the rules. Please keep your requests mindful.
[MOD] [10$] MilfOfFive: And you are doing so good, Cherry! Such a lovely stream as always.
[50$] Star_Mistress: Fuck them until they squirt all over you, Cherry.
MetallicasMistress69420: Ooh lol here we go
FatherOfSix: uhhh mamma I wanna see that
Nori smiles as she glances at her chat, licking her lips in recognition at the user that keeps sending out very generous sums in every one of her streams, but specially when you are there with her as her most special guest.
"Did you see, slut? Your mistress Star still thinks you deserve to come after that shit you pulled off!" She grabs the vibrator from your lips just as it starts to shut down, as the 15 minutes have finally ended, and gives it a long lick, staring you down. "Last bit of the show, guys, and Star wants to go out with a bang. Wanna give us a couple more minutes with this little guy?"
It barely takes a couple of seconds before the chat starts pinging again, everyone seeming excited to be able to assist to the grand finale.
[20$] thornydilf_: ;-) ;-) ;-)
[5$] vibeisunbreakable: shit I'm poor omg what
[100$] Star_Mistress: Go.
[10$] Piss_y_goth: Have fun.
The vibe rumbles again, loud and high, and you shakily wrap your legs around Kakyoin's hips as she gives it a final lick and reaches down with it.
She presses it right up against the head of your clit, just as she pulls her hips back a few inches, letting the shock of stimulation make your mouth fall open and then pushing you to shouting when she slams her hips against yours at a punishing pace.
It's rough, making your stomach tense up and shake as her balls slap against the skin of your ass and the little drops of sticky cum increase, making the distance between your cunt and her dick feel insignificant as she pulls back between thrusts. 
You cannot even trash around anymore, held down by the wrists as you are, and the demonic little machine is making you feel numb down to your toes. It's way too much, with how relentlessly Nori is pounding you, you stop hearing the notifications of new donations, focused only on the feeling of your cunt rubbing her mons pubis whenever she gets close enough, and how much worse it makes the feeling of the little vibe.
"Mommy, mommy, mommy—" You plead, incrementally louder and nonsensical. Sweat drips down your ribs, and you look up at the ceiling without really looking.
"My sweet little bitch," She murmurs reverently, tenderly "Go on, baby, come for mommy"
You come without a single sound, mouth opening and closing as you gasp for air and your eyes roll back, and Kakyoin stops her thrusts to press deeper, deciding instead to grind right up into you.
"S-Stop," You cry out, clenching your thighs against her waist when you are not allowed down from your high, instead being faced with the feeling of the bullet vibe being rubbed up and down your hard little length "Cherry! Mommy, please!"
She smiles down at you, and you feel her twitching deep inside you as she at last starts to fill you up, leaving you even messier.
"I told you to come, baby, let's go"
You cannot even begin to beg, as you feel the blood rushing down your scalp and into your lower belly and all strength escapes you in a shrill cry, both yours and Kakyoin's cum rushing out of you as you are forced to come one last time.
It leaves you shaking, and very grateful that Noriaki is strong enough to lift you up before your legs give up and you plummet down to the floor.
You close your eyes in exhaustion, barely hearing Nori signing off before you pass out.
"That was all for tonight's stream, guys! Tune in next week to see how well we can manage DP, yeah?"
Oh, boy.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
OKAY I just had the cutest idea the reader is taking care of kakyoin when he's in hospital and there brushing his hair and just taking care if him and just cute moments like that y can ignore if u want tho lol-♡
notes: I am personally offended that you told me that I could ignore this if I wanted to. THIS THIS THE CUTEST IDEA FOR KAKYOIN I HAVE GOTTEN AS OF YET!!! I could never ignore this, so thank you so much my love because this is <33333
Care - Kakyoin
word count: 743
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You signed all the paperwork needed and smiled at the receptionist. "Thank you so much."
She smiled back at you, her cheeks wrinkling. "Of course." She took the paperwork from you gently. "Is he your boyfriend?"
Your cheeks flushed pink and you giggled nervously. "It's complicated."
"Ah, I see. Well, thank you for checking up on him. You're a good friend." Her smiled didn't fade once when you walked away to Kakyoin's hospital room. This had been the second time that you have been to visit him since his injury.
You knocked on the side of his door, a little nervous about his condition and his head shot up and he smiled. "y/n, is that you?"
"Yup, just me," you smiled, walking in the room and setting down a little box of chocolates you had bought him. "How are you feeling?"
"Better," Kakyoin sat up and you frowned, seeing that his eyes were still covered up in bandages. "Still can't see though," he giggled. "How about you?"
"Kakyoin, I'm not the one sitting in a hospital bed right now."
"Well, that's a good thing, so apparently you're doing well."
You jokingly rolled your eyes and chuckled. "I'm doing good, thank you for asking."
The room went silent for a moment as the two of you just appreciated the warm wind that blew in through the open window. Kakyoin cleared his throat and you looked over at him, noticing the tips of his ears had turned a bright shade of pink. "y/n?"
"Yes?" You tilted your head, hoping that everything was okay.
"Can... Uh... Can I hug you?"
Now the tips of your ears were pink. "Y-Yeah. Of course you can."
You walked over to the side of his bed and felt his hands trail over your waist before pulling you down on the bed to wrap his arms completely around you. You melted to his touch subconsciously and put your hand on the back of his head noticing a huge rat's next that was on his hair. You laughed and tugged at it.
"Ow! What is that?!" Kakyoin touched the back of his head. "Ew, is that my hair?!"
"Do you want me to brush it for you?" You asked, trying to locate a brush or comb anywhere nearby.
"Would you?" You noticed that his cheeks had turned a lighter shade of red.
"Of course I would." You dug in his bag and found his comb towards the bottom and got the knot out with ease, as his hair was so soft. He leaned to your touch, nearly purring as you ran the brush over his head multiple times. You didn't care that you had gotten the knot out, you kept brushing, seeing how happy he was that you were doing this for him.
"Do you need anything to eat?" You finally asked, running the comb through his hair one last time.
"Yes please." His voice was soft, like he had just woken up from a nap.
You grabbed one of the chocolates that you got him, popped in his mouth, and his face immediately lit up. "Is that chocolate?"
You smiled and fed him another one. "I got you a whole box of chocolates I thought you would like."
Kakyoin made a satisfied sound and finished the current piece he was eating. "These are delicious! Thank you, y/n."
"Of course. I know it's not exactly what you meant by food, but I thought you would like it. I'll go get us some actual food, I'll be right back."
You went to leave, but felt his hand grab your wrist. You turned to him, confused. "Kakyoin?"
"Why are you doing all this?" His tone was serious and if he could make eye contact with you, he would.
"What do you mean?"
"You're bringing me a bunch of nice things and going out of your way to take care of me."
"Kakyoin, I care about you. A lot. I just want you to be comfortable, even in a hospital."
He pulled on the arm he had in his grasp and you flew towards him, landing on his lap and into his arms.
You sat up at an angle where you could hug him more comfortably and threw your arms around the back of his neck. He held you closer than you ever thought he could and buried his face in the crook of your neck. "Thank you, y/n."
"Anytime, Kakyoin."
jjba masterlist (2) | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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tangytiramisu · 1 year
Gag Gifts the Stardust Crusaders Give You for Valentine’s Day
Warnings: Savagery Some NSFW jokes and imagery
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Jotaro Kujo
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and a card
Noriaki Kakyoin
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It’s cherry flavored too
Jean Pierre Polnareff
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My love for you is like diarrhea— I can never hold it in!
~Jean Pierre Polnareff
Muhammad Avdol
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He most likely made these himself ❤️
Joseph Joestar
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He asks you to wear them immediately
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