#non-plural related!
our-inspire-verse · 4 months
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Such a terrible photo but! System friends! Idea for front indicator! Business cards or just straight up name tags. Gonna get a clip for the top part but for now im gonna stick it in my pocket and just show people.
Main host Inthrum(me! Omg its me my name and my face on an id card!) gets one because I'm the most long term fronter, and most likely to introduce myself and interact. Eventually several others will get one but this is an experiment for now.
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yther · 11 months
fuck this is def gonna take a secondary person to film
poly army TM actually wanna help me out with this?
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paluimbel · 2 years
So some things have come up recently with my kind-of source(?) that have led us to do some thinking about how the fictives in our system experience exomemories, and I thought I'd post it here because we haven't seen anyone else talk about similar experiences. Disclaimer, I have a bit of a tendency to ramble, so this could get a bit long.
First of all, I'm from an AU in which my home got invaded by, like, basically the Borg, from Star Trek, but not quite. It's a bit complicated. Anyway, nearly all my friends died, and then I thought my closest friend died, and then I ended up in a parallel dimension full of vampires and werewolves.
Now, the main reason I know any of this is because the knowledge carries over from other system members reading about my source au. I don't remember basically any of this from my POV. But at the same time, I still kinda do? And out of all the fictives in my system, as of right now, I have the strongest connection to my source.
The main reason this came up was because a recent crossover event in the non-au version of my source meant that that verson of them got trapped in another dimension, seperated from her best friend, just not having a good time. All of which was... concerningly reminiscent of my source, at least emotionally.
As a result, I've been having these not-quite-flashbacks (similar to emotional flashbacks to stuff that happened to the body, just a lot less intense), this got us talking about how different fictives in our system experience exomemories.
I primarily experience things that happened to my source like deja vu But Bad. Additionally, while I know my best friend in my source is alive, my source doesn't, and as a result I still emotionally feel like I'm grieving her a lot of the time. I miss her.
Impulse has basically no memories or specific story he's attached to. He misses and feels a connection with people from his source, mainly Tango and BDubs, since we also have fictives of Pearl and Gem who are around fairly frequently. His primary coping mechanism for this has historically been fanfiction; however, as far as I can tell, he's spent most of his time with Gem and Pearl since they showed up.
Most of our other fictives are in the same boat. Herobrine and Eret miss Foolish and also that one kid from their source (another AU, long story). Phil misses Techno (Wilbur complained about Phil not missing him to which Phil pointed out that Wil was literally right there). Wilbur doesn't quite miss anyone in particular but does miss the roles certain people played in his life.
Pearl is pretty canon divergent and Gem hasn't been here long enough to know herself as an individual super well, just enough to get a vague sense of missing someone without knowing who, but they're both almost instinctively tight-knit with Impulse. Stress has basically no connection to her source. Scott technically kinda wrote his source? He misses people from it but not really in the same way the others do. Sam got super cagey when we tried to ask him, and despite everyone having access to all his memories in front, he doesn't actually do much unprompted self reflection, so we don't really know what's going on there.
I don't really know how to end this. Just thought it was kinda interesting and wanted to see if anyone had any similar experiences, since we haven't seen this talked about much.
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linklocus · 2 years
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ok so I made the mistake of Consuming Media and am now having a fun-sized identity crisis and i wanna talk about it. so recently I watched the new dhmis show. it was good and I enjoyed it. red guy was my favorite character. I'm sure you can tell where this is going. this new potential linktype would be fine if it didn't throw a metaphorical monkey wrench into my sense of self. as you can see in the attached diagram, all of my links have something in common. nepeta and tyzias are both aliens, tyzias and salmonid are part animal, and nepeta and salmonid both contribute to my prey drive. red guy does not fit any of those criteria in the slightest. the first time I shifted to him I became a whole new Flavor Of GuyTM and its freaking me out. the thing is, it didnt feel wrong or foreign, it actually felt pretty similar to my default "human" state. basically what I'm saying is I'm getting to explore a completely different part of myself that I've never experienced in my linktypes. thanks for coming to my ted talk and sorry for dumping this on you but I needed to get it out somewhere and I don't have a blog. I promise I won't make this a habit or anything an ask just couldn't contain my bullshit this time -🍰
___ That is so cool tho!! Thank you for sharing! It's such a stellar example of how we're capable of going COMPLETELY outside of who we think we are. We can develop personality traits and a sense of self that fits nowhere into our established understanding of ourselves. Humans (and other animals) are extremely adaptable. I'm happy you're exploring something of this type instead of being scared off by how it doesn't fit into your system of self-understanding 💛
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artbyblastweave · 11 months
Still playing Skyrim. And I’m interested to report that the game is actually better than I remember, on balance. But I’m kind of fascinated by what’s going on with Lydia, mechanically and narratively.
Lydia is the first follower who gets shoved in your face just by virtue of following the main quest. There are others you can pick up earlier, but not without finishing errands (for Faendal and Sven), by forking up a pretty big chunk of change for the early game by hiring Janessa, or by going out of your way in some other manner. If you’re completely new to the game and you’re just powering through the main story as it’s presented, she’s the first option for a follower that the game highlights for you in giant blinking neon lights. And as a quest reward, she’s mechanically kind of a godsend at that point in the story; a doubling of carry capacity, an excellent meat shield and distraction, a way to extract utility from weapons and armor you don’t want to use yourself. More subjectively she provides the impression of a stalwart ally or companion in what can be a very lonely worldspace to exist in. There’s very little reason not to take her with you, and once you have her, the majority of companions being equal, there’s very little reason to get rid of her until she stops level scaling.
Despite the mechanical utility Lydia provides at a crucial point, and the resultant likelyhood that you’ll haul her along for the ride, she’s only a couple steps up from the companion cube. She has no specific, non-fungible impact on the narrative beyond demonstrating Jarl Balgruuf’s favor. Her deferral to you is automatic; if someone is actively paying her a salary to help you defile graves, cut deals with every deity on the continent and invade the afterlife, it sure as hell isn’t you. It isn’t clear what her gig under Balgruuf was before she was assigned to you. She has no personal narrative. She has no personal side quest. One of her biggest inklings of personality is when she expresses vague dissatisfaction with being treated as a pack mule, but then she does it anyway.  She’s party to world-shaking events and political upheavals, but she’s present purely in her capacity as your appendix, so reality simply treats her as your plus-one. 
She’ll block doors you’re trying to get through, and she’ll get mad at you if you push her out of the way. She’ll charge into battle or set off traps while you’re trying to sneak. She’ll microaggress you with stock Nord dialogue while pulverizing your enemies, a plurality of whom are also Nords. She’ll distract bosses long enough to buy you breathing room for a healing spell or a potion. You’ll kill her by accident with an ill-timed area-of-effect spell, roll your eyes, and, ultimately, probably reload your save. Because she might only be a couple steps up from a companion cube, but the whole gag with the companion cube is how ridiculously low the threshold is for the audience to get genuinely attached to something in a video game. A thin character invites apophenia. Behaviors that are purely downstream of dev thoughtlessness will still imply character traits if taken at Watsonian Face Value. In this case, inexplicable undying loyalty, reserved comments on impressive landmarks, and comical stoicism in the face of some of the weirdest events it’s conceptually possible to encounter.  So here’s to weird, underbaked companions in Bethesda Games, and everything we can project onto the void they provide. And Here’s to that related genus of character- units in squad-based tactics or management-sim games with permadeath mechanics who last long enough and accumulate enough equipment, skill points, etc. that they become your Special Little Guy despite otherwise lacking any deliberate character traits.
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gay-impressionist · 10 months
Hi! I’m starting to learn French and one thing that’s both cool and weird to me is how everything is gendered in a way (referring to someone/whose saying the statement/etc.) and I was wondering how that relates to people who identity as non-binary or gender fluid in France? Are there equivalents to they/them pronouns or neo pronouns in French?
I do plan on doing my own research about this but I figured since I love your blog and you’re really open about different cultural lgbtq+ communities I’d try here first!
That's an awesome question... with a complicated answer lmao. So buckle up and bear with me !
Basically, you can't be non-binary in French. The community found ways to do it but it's not mainstream. Most of the time, they're going to get misgendered or will have to misgender themselves to get understood.
Some things I'm going to list here are not proper French. Actually, they can even be forbidden in some circumstances, according to the law (the use of inclusive language, and more specifically le point médian, was made illegal in schools in 2021 for ex) or simply because your company etc forbids it. So use this wisely, there is a time and place for inclusive language in France.
That said, things have greatly developed over the last two decades. Which was partly because of the queer community and mainly because of feminists, who are tired of the way French erases women. More and more people are using inclusive language, at least in some circumstances and circles (for ex, i wrote my master's thesis in inclusive language and it was accepted bc i was in a leftist faculty). And inclusive language is debated as a serious issue now, which is saying something.
So, how do you use inclusive language in practice?
There are different ways, as it's informal and mostly new. People are still testing new things and trying out various methods. You can stick to one or alternate or mix them up.
Officially, there isn't a gender neutral pronoun. We don't have an equivalent to they. You're either talking about a man or a woman. If it's both, you use masculine pronouns ("masculine trumps feminine" rule). Same thing if you don't know the gender of the person ("masculin générique").
The most common neopronoun is "iel" (plural : iels), which is obviously a contraction of the masculine pronoun "il" and its feminine equivalent "elle". It works for nb folks or to avoid talking about someone's gender or to refer to a group of men and women. So it's equally used by the queer community and feminists.
I'm pretty sure other neopronouns exist but I can't think of any at the top of my head.
Choosing the right words
Sometimes, inclusive language is just about learning to use alternatives.
Instead of using gendered words, you can choose to use gender-neutral words or words "épicènes", aka words which are identical in their feminine and masculine form. For ex, instead of "homme politique" or "femme politique", you can use "personnalité politique". Personnalité is a feminine word but it's actually gender-neutral as you can use it for women and men alike. "Élève" (student) is épicène, as a female student and a male student are both referred to as "élève". Although épicène words as a gender-neutral option only work in their plural form, as you have to choose either a feminine or masculine article for the singular ("les élèves" is inclusive but it can only be "un" or "une" élève).
As good as this method is, it can be quite limitating. Your vocabulary will be drastically reduced and it can be quite hard to master that kind of speech so you can reach the point where you don't have to think everything over for ages before you open your mouth.
With oral French, you can take it a step further by choosing words that sound the same even if they have a different spelling. Ex, friend is "ami" or "amie" but it's pronounced the same way so if you say it out loud, people can't know how you're gendering it (as long as there isn't a gendered article/word with it ofc).
It avoids misgendering people but the downside is that, as masculine is considered neutral in French, people will often think : no gender specified = masculine. Not even because they're sexist or whatever, it's just so ingrained in our brains that it's a knee-jerk reaction.
That's also why most feminists often prefer to use explicitly feminine words when talking about women. For ex, they prefer the word "autrice" to "auteure" (female writer) because the second one sounds the same as its masculine version "auteur". And as previously mentionned, out loud, people will assume by default you're talking about a man. It's a big debate though, lots of women prefer words that sound masculine - going as far as refusing to use feminine words at all! Which sounds cool and gender-bending as fuck but in reality comes from feminine words traditionally seen as less legitimate and serious. Even today, if you look up the word empress "impératrice" in a French dictionary, the first definition that comes up is "wife of an emperor". "Woman ruling a country" comes second. Using a masculine title to refer to women can also be a way to mock them and show they're not welcome (a french deputy got fined in 2014 because he called the female president of the national assembly "Madame le président" and refused to use the feminine title "Madame la présidente").
Recently the tendency and official guidelines have been to feminize words, so I'd say go with that by default, but respect other people's choice if they specify how they want to be called.
Anyway I'm getting off-track but what I meant was that in French, if you avoid talking about gender, you're automatically erasing women (and nb people). So if you want to include everyone, you need to make it obvious.
Inclusivity as a statement
The most common way to make women and men equally visible is the "point médian" rule, which you can also use to refer to non-binary people as it avoids picking a specific gender.
Basically, it means pasting together the masculine and feminine forms of a word and using dots/middle dots/hyphens/parentheses/capital letters to create an inclusive word. For ex, instead of saying acteur (♂️) or actrice (♀️) for actor, you'll write "acteur.ice". For the plural form, there are two schools of thought : either you separate the feminine and masculine form AND the suffix used to signify the plural, or you don't. Aka, "acteur.ice.s" or "acteur.ices". Personally I prefer the second option because less dots makes it easier to read and faster to write, but it's an individual choice, both work.
There are two major downsides to this method : it only works in writing + it isn't doable for every word, as feminine and masculine words can be quite different and pasting them together that way would be unintelligible. Ex, "copain" and "copine" (friend or boyfriend/girlfriend depending on the context) would give something like "cop.ain.ine"...
You can work around that by choosing alternative words (as previously stated!). And it's still a pretty good method, especially as it works for any type of word (adjectives etc). Some people argue that it's hard to read and ugly but personally I think it's just a matter of habit (although it does pose a problem for people using screen readers). Be aware that it is the most controversial version of inclusive writing, as it's the furthest structure from how languages typically work.
If you don't like dots or want an alternative for oral speech, you can also straight up create new words that sound both feminine and masculine, making them gender-neutral. To use the previous example, "copain" and "copine" become "copaine".
Obviously, this only works if it's obvious which words they're based on. I think it's a great way to make French more inclusive but I'd advise against using it with uninitiated people as it would probably confuse them more than anything. This method is still quite niche.
An inclusive, yet binary language
As you've probably figured out, inclusive language remains quite binary in the way we approach it. It's more about making things both masculine and feminine than transcending gender and creating gender-neutral alternatives. Probably because inclusive language was more often a will to stop women from being erased rather than a non-binary friendly gesture.
Which means, there are also some rules that were created to avoid the "masculine trumps feminine rule" but don't allow room for non-binarity at all. I'll still explain them because they're interesting and you might encounter them at some point.
The proximity rule ("règle de proximité") is one of these. It existed in Ancient Greek and Latin but was dropped in Modern French in favor of the masculine trumps feminine rule. Basically, you gender things according to what's closest in the sentence instead of systematically using masculine words to gender a mixed group. For ex, instead of saying "Les hommes et les femmes sont beaux" you say "Les hommes et les femmes sont belles", as the subject "femmes" is closer to the adjective "beau/belle" than "hommes".
Another method is to systematically use both masculine and feminine words (which I personally find excruciating to write and read). Meaning, instead of writing "Les étudiants mangent à la cantine" (students eat at the cafeteria), you'll write "Les étudiantes et les étudiants mangent à la cantine".
This is mainly for the subject of the sentence : adjectives and such are gendered according to the masculine trumps feminine rule. The point is to explicitly include women, not to make the sentence unintelligible or gender-neutral.
When following this method, you also have to pay attention to whether you put the feminine subject first or the masculine. The rule is to follow alphabetical order. For ex, in "l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes", "femmes" comes first because F comes before H. But in "Les auteurs et les autrices de roman", "auteurs" comes first because E comes before R. Etc.
This method is common as it's the only inclusive language you can get away with, given that it's a valid way of speaking French. It's even mandatory in some situations now, like in job descriptions for the french administration, in the spirit of gender equality.
So, how do I gender a non-binary person?
In short, you can use the pronoun iel + avoid gendered words and/or use the point médian and/or make up new words.
But keep in mind that if you're not talking to someone familiar with these rules, you'll have some explaining to do. And looots of people are still very anti inclusive language, because they're sexist and/or transphobic, ignorant, language purists, etc. A few years ago it was the thing to be angry about for conservatives and anti-feminists so it's still very controversial. But if you're in a trans inclusive queer space or talking with intersectionnal leftists, go for it !
I hope I covered everything (fellow french, don't hesitate to comment!) and didn't put you to sleep lmao. If you want to see some examples, you can look it up on Wikipedia or check #bagaitte on tumblr (it's the french queer tag) 😉
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theconstellarium · 8 months
This review regarding non-disordered plurality was just published September 12, 2023 - and better still, it focuses on the voices of those with lived multiplicity experiences, not just professionals' opinions & observations! (AND it's free access!)
Some highlights:
...DID is characterized as having ‘two or more distinct personality states’, in addition to gaps in memory recall, which cause significant distress to the individual (Reinders & Veltman, 2021, p. 1). Comparably, multiplicity describes the experience of being more than one self and is not a diagnosis. Multiplicity is associated with a lack of distress, and impairment in functioning, and often does not involve amnesia between selves; however, some people who experience multiplicity have received a diagnosis such as DID or OSDD (Young Voices Study, 2021). Due to the heterogeneity of dissociative experiences, multiplicity can encompass various presentations as described in this review.
...prevalence rates of multiplicity-spectrum conditions are difficult to extrapolate due to limited reporting and identification, although suspected to be between 4.6% and 46% (Loewenstein, 2018). Indeed, Ross et al. (2002) acknowledged many individuals do not meet clinical criteria as a result of a lack of negative impairment; however, they do align with other descriptors of dissociative experiences. Thus, there is a need to understand the wide spectrum of experiences multiplicity encompasses to consider how an awareness of multiplicity can exist outside of an illness model, reducing stigma and thus stigma related distress surrounding multiplicity (Eve & Parry, 2021; Parry et al., 2017).
...there remains a paucity of understanding surrounding multiplicity-spectrum experiences, especially for people who identify as multiple but for whom multiple selves do not cause functional difficulties in day-to-day life. For people who experience the presence of inner multiplicity but do not suffer distressing consequences from their multiplicity experience, they can feel misaligned, misinterpreted and overlooked by the medicalization of their inner world.
The findings of this review support the notion that multiplicity experiences are complex and varied, existing across a continuum inclusive of multiplicity, DID and derealization–depersonalization (Sar, 2011).
This is huge! So cool to see these perspectives and some scientific literature surrounding non-disordered plurality!
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alterhuman-resources · 5 months
↰ go back to the main master post
• What's "alterhuman"?
◯⃤Alterhuman is an umbrella term including any identity that derives from the standard human experience. Yes! this includes human identities!
◯⃤Not all alterhuman people identify as non human, some alterhuman people are human.
◯⃤The alterhuman symbol is the alt key : ⎇
◯⃤The original coining can be found here
☾⋆⁺₊✧ " Alterhuman is a term that refers to someone who does not fit the traditional standard of what is considered human, and/or does not identify as human. " ☾⋆⁺₊✧
[by lgbtqia.wiki, 28/12/23, sourced from alt-h.net]
• Identities & other terms
A few identities under the alterhuman umbrella are, but are not limited to :
Constellic || Daemians & Daemons || Dragons || Endels || Furries || Fictionfolk || Nonhumans || Otherkin || Otherhearted || Otherlink || Otherflick || Phytanthrope || Synpath || Therians
Links to each term will be added progressively
Note that :
The term alterhuman is opt-in, many people can identify with one or more of these identities but chose to not associate themselves with the term alterhuman or any other umbrella term their chosen label can be found under]
These identities, even if some are etymologically similar to others, refer to groups and communities sourced/anchored/found in this(these) reality(universes).
Some great alterhuman related blogs to check out : @frameacloud @who-is-page @liongoatsnake
& Plurality is also often considered to be under the Alterhuman umbrella, although not all systems might identify as alterhuman solely because of their plurality, or identify as alterhuman at all. But due to the complexity of plurality, terms, analyses, and other resources concerning that community and identities, any further information will be sorted, stored and can be found in our partner blog : @plurality-resources &
⚠ if reblogging please remember to refer to the original post, as very often these might be updated with new information
posted the 28/12/23
update log : [29/12/23; fixing terms; added link; added blogs; fixing wording; added plurality info] [30/12/23; added terms] [06/01/24; applied noting system; added bottom indented reblogging note; displaced links]
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goldmanguyperson · 6 months
a little message to my therian friends: Do not use the Therian Guide Forums.
The owner of the site, Dustwolf, is transphobic and supports it under the guise of “allowing free speech” as well as supposedly defending biology. Specifically, he is against and tacitly supports people who are against especially genders based around species, or who are otherwise outside of the binary and whatever could be considered in between. He did nothing about people arguing to me that they do not need to respect a person’s gender because of culture or (bad) biology.
He essentially told me that they deserve to have “free speech”. Told me that he was doing what he was to “protect the community”. Like, protect who? The bigots? Your small little bigoted group of therians? Really?
Other things—Sysmedicalism was endorsed by the previous owner (and also literal child predator and bestiality committer. he has since been banned but co owner Dustwolf remains as sole owner) LycanTheory. The wording he uses includes rejecting self diagnoses of disorders that go under the label of plurality, and asks way too much personal, even confidential information of systems—“why should we accept anybody’s claims of ‘plurality’ without a professional diagnosis or history of treatment”. r/systemcringe talking points get regurgitated there as well.
The forums also allow discussion of zoophilia while at the same time banning mention of consent, and i really hope i do not have to explain why this is pretty gross and dangerous.
Rejected and banned members on the forum get labeled as “human”. Disrespecting somebody’s identity for any reason is pretty disgusting. Don’t particularly care what theyve done to make people believe they should be treated that way.
Dustwolf and previous co-owner LycanTheory have advocated for therian seperatism and clearly look down on non-therians under the alterhuman umbrella. Dustwolf does so while simultaneously trying to dunk on feminism and “identity politics”.
I saw kids applying to be on these forums when i was first trying to learn about my otherkinity and found this website (it is considerably high up in search results relating to therian information). I am worried for them. Please warn people against using this website as best you can. The sense of community you might get there is just not worth the potential damage to your identity journey and emotional state.
A deeper look can be found at this link: https://invisibleotherkin.neocities.org/Resource-Masterlist/Therian-Guide-Beware
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alpimerealmsystem · 7 months
Shout out to non-humans who's non-humanity is related to mental illness or neurodivergance! You are seen, loved, and your identity is valid!
There are a couple people in the system who identify as voidkin and have for a few months, but more recently they realized it's more related to us being plural after they learned that. They're still happy with the voidkin label though, that's what's felt right to them and just because it relates to being plural for us doesn't mean it's not valid!
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the80srewinders · 29 days
We used to be pro endo, but we're not anymore. We've learned, we've grown. We've seen bad things from both sides- anti endo and pro endo. We took time away from the online plural community to do immense research into endogenic systems and have concluded there's no proof they exist, and the only proof they give into their existence is opinion or studies that don't involve brain imaging. They never cite real medical sources or scientific sources, and since plurality is neurodivergence, endogenic plurality would still be considered disordered. There is no such thing as non disordered plurality, even if endogenic systems are real. The endo community largely spreads misinformation by saying non disordered plurality is real. The brain does not just make alters, headmates, whatever just to make them. There has to be a reason, and if endogenic systems are real, then that reason is they're neurodivergent. Which is disordered. There's no such thing as "non disordered autism" and the same applies to systems. So the pro endo community lack of scientific proof and linking non medical articles is enough proof they're probably not real. Endos also are taking over the plural community, when its focus should be on DID/OSDD because its a real disorder with a century of misinformation to debunk and lots of stigma, the people who have it suffered immense trauma as children and have struggles in their daily lives singlets won't understand. Instead of making a strong tight knit community for DID/OSDD systems, literal childhood trauma survivors, endos and their supporters have made the whole plural community a place of instability, fights and side taking. They've made it into everything a safe place for neurodivergence shouldn't be, especially for a posttraumatic and highly stigmatized disorder. The community that should be helping DID/OSDD systems and ending stigma, ending stereotypes, spreading facts is damaging the DID/OSDD community, and if singlets think it exists. We have no proof endos are real, but they've came and invaded our community and ruined it. Now endos want to invade other spaces not even related to plurality- autism spaces, fandom spaces and lgbt spaces. They also steal DID/OSDD terms and other cultural religious terms and even invade religious spaces or beliefs with their "everything is plural! god is a system!" tricks. Sure, the anti endos who choose endos to bully and bait are toxic, but most endos we've seen are just as toxic, just not by blatant harassment. Endos are for appropriation, invasion and "pluralizing" everything. They also damage the DID/OSDD community in ways I'll have to write a guide or ted talk on. I may be neutral as far as if i think endos are real, but I'm definitely anti endo in the sense that i am against the endo community for their spread of misinformation and damage to the DID/OSDD community.
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hiiragi7 · 5 months
Endogenic Plurality, Disability, & Ableism
Note: For simplicity's sake, this post will be focused on endogenic plurals without a CDD, and uses endogenic interchangeably with "endogenic without a CDD" to be less wordy. Disability and disorder are also used somewhat interchangeably here.
I've been thinking more on the "do endogenic plurals experience ableism for being plural" debate, and something which I really would like to explore more in discussion is how plurality's proximity to disability impacts the ways in which endogenic plurals are treated.
While I see some fair points in each argument, statements such as "if you don't have a disorder, you do not face ableism" and "endogenic plurals only face misdirected ableism" are vastly oversimplifying the actual issues here to the point that they are actually misleading at best and harmfully incorrect at worst.
I have been reading Cripping Intersex lately and it has changed a lot of the ways in which I view disability politics. One thing that this book has made very clear: Saying "I do not have a disorder" does not prevent you from being subjected to discrimination based on an ableist system, and in fact rejecting the disability framework entirely not only does nothing to dismantle that ableism but even reinforces it.
This is not to say that endogenic plurals are "actually disabled/disordered", but rather that plurality as a whole has a proximity to disability in such a way that it is almost inherently subjected to ableism. There is absolutely a socially and medically enforced view of self which excludes any sort of overt plurality, especially in a Western colonialist context. Whether your plurality is actually disordered or not, that does not matter when you are working within a systemic framework which seeks to eliminate anything not defined as normal or acceptable. It doesn't even matter if your plurality is non-pathological; if it is not socially accepted as "normal", it is treated as disordered and to be fixed.
This sort of ableism is not only related to ableism more common to DID, but ableism as a whole. It is related to disability as a socially prescribed status through discrimination rather than black-and-white categories or objective truths regarding disorder and non-disorder. It is related to how saneism defines what is and is not normal and acceptable, rather than what psychology or the medical field defines as "actually" pathological and disordered (though it is important to acknowledge that these two systems heavily interact, as well, and that oppression impacts how the medical system defines pathology).
I reject that ableism towards endogenic plurals is simply "misdirected". To call it "misdirected ableism" is so often used to say that endogenic plurals are not the intended target, but I argue that they absolutely are included as intentional targets because plurality as a whole is a target, explicitly named or not. The determining factor for ableism is not whether someone is "really" disordered or not, but that they are treated as such due to societal standards regarding acceptable and unacceptable ways of being. When "unacceptable" is equated to "disordered" through a saneist lens, you are treated as such - and, you are, therefore, vulnerable to ableism.
I heavily agree with those who have so far spoken about how what people call pluralphobia is so often just ableism (though I also view it as often intersecting with anti-spiritual/religious views and racism), however I feel that we need to take this conversation even further to examine exactly how ableism works and who it affects. This post is also not meant to say "endos are oppressed for being plural", but rather that endos are oppressed through the same ableist systems that affect all plurals/people with CDDs and to expand on that to open conversation about it.
On a final note, I'd like to reflect on how rejection of disability has gone for various movements in the past and how that relates to the modern plural community and its approach to "plural acceptance".
As someone who was diagnosed with autism in the 2000s and saw a lot of push from autistics back then to de-medicalize autism to avoid further forced "normalizing treatment" like ABA, I can say that rejecting the framework of disability and ableism did not help us to dismantle systemic medical violence against autistic people and even isolated many severely disabled autistics who rely on medical interventions and support.
As an intersex person, I can say that the intersex community rejecting the framework of disability and ableism did not help us to end "normalizing treatments" against intersex people and even isolated many intersex people who do identify themselves as being disordered due to their intersex condition.
And as a person with DID, I have learned about how the empowered multiples movement had attempted to reject the framework of disorder and ableism to avoid medicalization and forced fusion, and how that did not help systems who did need medical intervention nor did it do anything to dismantle medical violence or stigma against multiples.
Any sort of wider "Plural Acceptance Movement" that comes into existence will fail if it is not also simultaneously and inherently a disability movement, and this is not just due to the existence of CDD systems. Seperation from disability does not exempt you from ableism or ableist frameworks and systemic oppression. CDD or not, we all as a community are impacted by ableism and cannot find any widespread acceptance while ignoring that. Plural acceptance is disability acceptance.
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1800pain · 10 months
Hello. As a show of my ability, I have created a private system server template for you to use. While "private" is in the name, I have included two access roles (Friend and Trusted Friend)—however I have not done any permissions for them. There is a Bot role that has permissions for them, like access to the System Setup category.
And, like the last template, only traumagenic systems can interact with this blog and use my templates. Endogenic systems and their supporters get blocked.
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Note that not every single channel is in this gif, just the ones I deemed the most important to show.
Use the template here, however do note that the announcement channel and all of the forums channels will not copy over, and you will have to add them yourself: Private System Server Template
I am okay with you editing my template for your own use. Do not redistribute as your own.
If you need any help, you can leave an ask in my inbox.
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Explanations for channels under the cut. LONG, BUT PRETTY DAMN IMPORTANT TO READ.
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All forum channels are marked with a speech bubble emoji 💬 in front of them; those are channels that you will miss. The single announcement channel that also will be missing is marked with a mega emoji 📢.
#welcome - When someone joins the server, they will not see any channels, and you must give them a role so they can access this the server. You can see their welcome message here so you know someone's joined.
📢 update-status-fronting - If a switch happens, you put up a DNI, or want to otherwise warn people about your current state, you can update it here.
🔇 layout by 1 800 pain on tumblr - Feel free to delete this.
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Text channels:
#bot - This is the only channel that has "Use application commands" permissions on it. If you would like to set it on other channels, you'd have to do it manually—or you can add it to the @​everyone tag.
💬 dms - In the title, I put "[DM/GC] Channel name" under the post, then write the participants. I have a tag system for this channel (see below).
💬 thoughts - Headmates' thinking time. I also have a tag system for this channel (see below).
💬 mailbox - Essentially, I create a channel with a headmate's name and there are two tags: Read and Unread. Read means they've read the messages people leave for them, and Unread means they have yet to read them. It's a simple way to communicate with headmates who are not fronting.
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System Setup:
All servers here are unable to be chatted in; only any member with the Bot role can do that. I enjoy setting up my PluralKit work into a few separate categories:
#resources - Easy access to Simply Plural, Notion, Evernote, or various places I get PNGs to set up PluralKit profiles—things of that nature and related to it.
#pk-setup - For descriptions and things.
#pk-pfps (not in gif) - To add profile pictures and banners. I put it in its own space because it's a different type of spam, image-based spam, than pk-setup, which is mostly text-based spam.
#new-arrivals - For showing people who made their PluralKit account, mainly for documentation.
#pk-spam - Just general things that don't quite relate to the ones above; typically things like pk;r.
💬 image-resources - If you change your icons or banners a lot, this can help. I put icons/banners here with credits to the original artist, the original art, and the edited version we use in our profiles. It's tagged by Icon, Faceclaim, Banners, etc.
#pk-log (hidden, not in gif) - To store PluralKit messages. If you also would like, you can add a more general moderation bot (such as Carl-bot) to also store non-PK messages.
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#to-do: Self-explanatory; got any plans? Put them here.
#sys-chat: More general system chatter.
#sys-work: Talk about... system work.
#headmate-observations: If you notice something about your headmate—such as a positive/negative trigger, a various quirk they have, or any idea how their role works—share it here.
💬 headspace: A headspace forum to talk about headspace. More information in the image below.
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The collection of the channels that you will miss, check the images above for extended information:
📢 update-status-fronting (uncategorized)
💬 dms (in general category)
💬 thoughts (in general category)
💬 mailbox (in general category)
💬 image-resources (in System Setup category)
💬 headspace (in System-centric category)
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cpunkhobie · 11 months
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@non-rise-tmnt-au-competition POLL LINK HERE !
Ronin Plural Au here :) !
Imma have to finish the rest of of the propaganda in the caption cause I don’t have the energy to keep drawing it on my phone BUT
*Im a system and this is an AU about being a system ! :D that’s what Ronin Plural AU is !! Ronin is just a bunch of dudes stacked in a trench coat
But YEAH. !!!! I have seriously put a lot of effort and thought into this AU and making sure the system dynamics are accurate AS WELL as Ronin’s relationship as a system with the other characters in their world, INCLUDING THEIR VILLIANS
It’s pretty much a whole new iteration with its own magic system that ALSO is a metaphor and helps tackle topics of emotional disregulation and generational trauma. It’s also made by an Chinese person (me) whose focusing very hard on creating an accurate and relatable representation of Asian American families and culture. The themes of generational trauma coming hand in hand with the trauma the Ronin system originated from
I could go on and on honestly abt Ronins found family with Casey, April and Karai, or the relationship between the Hamato and Foot clan but seriously!!! I care abt this au so much even if I don’t post abt it as often as I’d like to. So a vote would mean a lot. So um YEAH !!! Vote roninpluralau au and support your local systems TODAY !
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crow-girl-cock · 4 months
Hai :7
I love you!
yes you!
click this.
now for introduction.
my name is Renée Corbeau
but you can call me ren or crow
I love crows! they feel like family to me and I hope next cycle I get to experience the life of a crow.
I have gone through alot in life and fancy myself some sort of activist by proxy of that pain, am I perfect? fuck no! I am still learning and probably operate under toxic bias still despite all the effort I have put into growth.
I'm adhd, autistic, anxious, depressive, dissociative, probably some degree of plurality.
I'm a gender non-conforming transwoman, definitely puppy coded, and severely down bad for women, especially butch women!
that being said the human body is beautiful. especially fat bodies, I'm a sucker for meat :3
all my guys, gals, and non binary pals deserve kisses (assuming that they want them)
I love gender fuckery, people who actively blur those lines are doing the lords work.
despite being very friendly and appearing slightly outgoing sometimes, I am very shy and dont have a very large social battery.
if I ever dont respond dont take it personally there are loads of reasons why this could be.
U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U U⁠^ᴥ^⁠U
I am kind of a red mage when it comes to special interests, I know a little bit about alot.
(all lists are not ordered and not exhaustive)
some examples include;
from gaming~ pokemon, zelda, elderscrolls, darksouls, minecraft, osu!, space sims (elite dangerous, astroneer, dyson sphere project, hardspaceshipbreaker), roguelikes (noita, deadcells, gungeon, vagante, slaythespire)
from other media~ pokemon again, bluey, adventure time, atla, bee and puppycat, studio ghibli (nausicaa is goat), csm, bleach, dragonball, naruto, she-ra, dungeon meshi
from *gasps* real life~
space (and metaphysics), nature (it's peculiarities and the many funky adorable little guys born in it) I'm definitely a poser but skateboarding and rollerskating (I really want to get into rollerderby) philosophy (to the extent that any skid is);
(not as well read as I would like because there is so much of it, and so much of the truth is buried under misinformation, but I have deconstructed the whole western myth of how things went and painted myself a much clearer picture as to how things got so bad and am learning new things about the world all the time, please feel free to info dump about anything history related I'd love to hear it. anthropology and archaeology too obvs)
(this is my chosen field for better or worse >⁠.⁠< I am going to college for web and graphic design (2024-2026) I might extend that an extra 2 years to make it a bachelor of design and hope to one day make graphic novels, beautifully illustrated with deep thought provoking stories)
໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ ૮꒰՞⸝⸝- ༝ -⸝⸝꒱ა ໒꒰՞⸝⸝. ̫ .ܸ⸝⸝ ꒱ა
Kink! (definitely subject to change)
petplay, musk, intox, bondage, impact, cnc, degradation, somno, hypno, blood, knives, size difference probably more I haven't thought of
I'm poly and very t4t
I'm a switch but this hellsite has been steadily turning me into a bottom day by day heheh
but no actually
I used to be a hypersexual dom pre-transition
but E has made me alot less uncontrollably horny and far more sensitive and inclined to seek vulnerability, all my drive to dom has dissolved
also I suck at tagging and will sometimes will reblog art/random things from tags without checking bios
if that upsets you or makes you uncomfortable please see the block button for more info ;3c
.♡. .♡. .♡.
anyways since you made it this far
here have some headpats
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spread kindness please and thank you ^v^
As above, So below.
Hai :7
I love you!
yes you!
70 notes · View notes
sophieinwonderland · 3 months
My headcannon is that when human beings first came to existence, they were supposed to have alters and headmates to share the load of work, but then it just went away, but all of them are still in the back of every person’s mind like: “Dude, what the hell? Tell Tiffany you didn’t wanna go to that party! Screw being late to school, pet that damn dog!” And we just perceive that as our thoughts and talking to ourselves. /j
Seriously though, what do you think (or is there evidence of) a survival mechanism behind plurality, or did it begin when urban and modern society began due to stress and such?
Ooh! There are so many layers to this! This is going to be fun! 😊
20,000 BC
I think we can start with dissociation, because let's face it, living in the past probably would have been pretty traumatic. And it makes sense people would have a mechanism to separate themselves from that trauma.
Imagine the year is 20,000 BC. You're a child being raised in a home made of the bones of the mighty mammoths. The world outside is a harsh, frigid wasteland. It's kill or be killed. And you've been taught this from a young age. Your youth is preparing to hunt the monsters that stalk the land, like the great beast whose bones were used to construct your home.
As you grow, you likely would find yourself living a dual-life. On one hand, you're the killer, the hunter of monsters. On the other, you need to be kind and caring to your family and friends because humans are social creatures. You need to be able to put the killer inside you to sleep when you're at home.
I don't usually think of the metaphor of having a work self and home self as being a plural thing. But I think it might become one when your "work self" involves entering a dangerous world of monsters where you need to hunt to survive every day.
This, I feel, is a good explanation for the evolutionary advantage of dissociation to our ancestors
But that leaves out non-traumagenic plurality.
Before we get to this, let's talk about something that isn't plural itself but is related.
Evolution of Dream Characters!
Here's one curious feature of humanity that we all kind of take for granted...
We have a holodeck in our head! An ability to, every night, create realistic mental simulations of the world.
There are many explanations for this ability, but personally, I take the view that it's intended as a conflict simulator. A danger room without the danger. How do you ensure that a species will survive the dangers of the world? You let them simulate the dangers they expect will happen every single night. It's like how a speech will go better if you rehearse what you're going to say first. Being forced to simulate a hunt will you make better prepared for it.
In my opinion, dreams are rehearsal for battling sabretooth tigers.
This is why so many dreams involve conflict, and even why we so often have nightmares. A nightmare is just your mind simulating how you would deal with something you're afraid of.
But where this gets really interesting and scary is that dreams don't just simulate circumstances and creatures. Dreams simulate people.
This also makes a lot of sense from an evolutionary perspective. There's an advantage to being able to predict how other people would react to you, and replay scenarios in your mind to train yourself for human interaction.
The strange thing is that these temporary people that we call dream characters are often fully autonomous. Even most lucid dreamers who learn to control other aspects of their dreams still can't control their dreams characters.
To me, this only makes sense if dream characters are temporary dissociated agents. Not exactly alters since they don't front. And not even full headmates since they don't last longer than the dream. But using similar mechanisms.
Evolution of Tulpas and Daydream Characters
With all of this in mind, I want to point out that daydreams and imagination exist for a similar reason as dreams. They're to simulate things. The difference is that daydreams and imagination are usually more controlled and less autonomous. You choose the simulation you want to run.
The reason that tulpas are able to exist is that, if someone were to imagine the same character over and over again, the brain might see that character as being more important. Conscious control over an imaginary character slows the simulation down and can interfere with it running, so the simulation needs to become automatized. And over time, with repeated interaction, that simulation could grow to develop its own autobiographical memories and become fully sapient.
In 20,000 BC, it wouldn't be recognized as a headmate, but probably some sort of external spirit or deity.
But why do these things work this way? Why is it possible for tulpas to exist, be sentient, and even front?
The brain is lazy
I think the brain's design cut corners and uses the same mechanisms for all of these that it uses to make the singlet "self."
There's a certain logic to this. If you need the brain to simulate other sentient people, why wouldn't it just use the same ones it uses to simulate the host?
Especially when the brain wasn't designed. These various mechanisms likely just evolved out of each other. Did the brain evolve to simulate a "self" first and later evolve to simulate "other" people? Or did we have the ability to simulate other people first, and later our sense of self evolved from that?
Whatever the case may be, I'm sure one did evolve from the other, and this is the reasons for a lot of the oddities we experience in plurality.
Anyway, that's my theory! 😁
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