#nocturn has me feeling feelings i never felt before
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Criminally underrated music artists. Listen to their music or I will have your head.
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dirtytomatoedwrites · 10 months
Preludes and Nocturnes - Part 2
Paring: Rafe Cameron x InnocentPogue!reader
Summary: Rafe discovers your hidden talent and now he has seen it, you have his full attention.
PART 1 is here if you haven't read it
Warnings:  18+ Smut. Darkish!Rafe. Virgin!Reader. Romance, Angst, Dub-Con, Fingering. Not Proof-Read so mistakes are my own.
Word Count: 8.3k words (Rafe has released the writing beast in me)
Author Note: Hello lovelies! So happy you enjoyed the first part.  Here's the second. I thought it would just be just a second part but the more I wrote the story just kept unfolding and I really want to do it justice. (I think part 1 and 2 together is the longest I've written for any fic character) So in order to really get into the angst and it not be too long its going to have to be 3 perhaps 4 parts (not sure yet) Anyway I'm currently writing part 3 so it won't be too long before posting. One thing - there's only one piece of music with this part and I would suggest playing it and leaving it running while you read the rest of the chapter.
Thank you for reading and sticking with the story and if you enjoyed it please reblog. It helps to spread the love.  Much love and take care. ❤️
Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Please don’t steal or copy bits of my writing or any writing from other writers cause karma will get ya.
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The soft glow of your phone, quietly vibrating beside you, nudged you out of your peaceful slumber. Still shrouded in a groggy haze, you instinctively turned away from it. Without even a glance, you knew who the messenger was, and the mere thought that he had sent another text caused a weary sigh to escape your lips.
Rafe's persistent attempts to connect since that unforgettable night had been unrelenting. Ignoring his calls was relatively easy (you had silenced his number), but his text messages proved more difficult to dismiss. Simple words like "Hey," "Hi," and "Talk to me" consistently lit up your phone at all hours, serving as a gentle yet persistent plea for your response—a response you couldn't bring yourself to give, yet somehow couldn't bring yourself to block him outright either. Ultimately, you opted for what seemed the only rational strategy, although in hindsight, it may not have been the wisest: complete avoidance.
But, in truth, none of that mattered. Not when your waking thoughts and dreams were dominated by memories of Rafe, endlessly replaying the night you shared. The feeling of being completely overwhelmed that night, your pleading words that it was all too much, that you needed to stop, were still fresh in your mind. How Rafe merely smiled in response and declared it was only the beginning, sealing his promise with a kiss.
And as he kissed you slow and deep, Rafe was true to his word. His middle finger wormed its way back between your legs. He found your sensitive clit already swollen and slippery with your slick and rubbed the nub in gentle circles in sync with his languid kiss. Slow and steady, minutes ticked by as Rafe dragged out your pleasure, watching you patiently, drawing back his finger whenever he felt you were close, his tongue lazily circling yours, as you both breathed as one. Until finally, finally, he allowed you to cum.
Your body exploded for him, blinding white pleasure saturated your senses leaving you crying and shaking while Rafe whispered soothingly against the shell of your ear "That's a good girl. That's a good girl."
Your unforgettable night with Rafe was unparalleled, surpassing all previous experiences, including those with your first and only boyfriend, Jake. Granted, you had not given Jake the same liberties, but even with the awkward kisses and over-the-clothes groping that marked your brief relationship, Jake had never elicited emotions remotely comparable to what Rafe managed in just one evening. What Rafe stirred effortlessly within you was a different beast entirely — something desperate, needy, and vulnerable. The sensation was so powerful that even three weeks later, it remained, smoldering like a steadfast ember, ready to reignite under the right conditions.
This realization filled you with absolute dread. The sudden understanding that it was Rafe- Rafe Cameron that held the power to shape your desires, ignite unknown cravings, and provoke illicit responses from your body that you couldn't control, was utterly terrifying.
You had often heard tales of girls falling for the proverbial 'bad boy,' forsaking their better judgment for some reckless charmer, and had always scoffed at such narratives. The thought of you succumbing to such feelings or desires was, until recently, beyond the realm of your wildest dreams. It seemed, however, that you were not as immune as you had once believed. All it took was the right—or perhaps, in this case, the wrong—person to stir those latent desires to the surface.
The sheets felt like an unwelcome weighted blanket on your body, pressing you down as you twisted and turned, desperately trying for sleep to come. But it remained stubbornly out of reach. Instead, you found yourself overwhelmed by a flood of polarising emotions.
Chief among them was a sharp sting of shame from that night with Rafe—a shame born from the startling responsiveness of your own body to his, and a gnawing guilt that it was Rafe, of all people, who had elicited such a reaction.
Yet, beneath the layers of guilt and shame, another emotion stirred, one you fervently sought to squash: a thrill of excitement at how utterly alive you felt being dominated by him and the confusing, even more, inescapable undeniable truth—you had loved every single intoxicating minute of it.
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In a small town of no more than 7000 souls, you had turned avoiding Rafe into something of an art form. It wasn't difficult, really. Your comfort zones were galaxies away from the crowded, noisy spots that seemed to magnetize him. Bars, clubs, and bonfires weren't your scene anyway.  Your day-to-day orbit included exam prep and college applications, mostly done at the library for a change of scenery, relentless babysitting shifts, and quiet trips to the edges of the out sticks with your cousin to catch crawfish —far from the exclusive circles of Figure 8. 
Life was, if not exactly smooth sailing, at least predictably turbulent. Everything seemed under control, except for one tiny, nagging detail: Rafe. And your near-pathological commitment to avoid him.
On an average day that seemed to blend seamlessly with the rest, you were navigating your way through a series of errands for your dad. The North Carolina sun was blazing overhead casting sharp shadows. As you rounded a corner bathed in this bright, unforgiving light, a figure suddenly materialized. At first, it seemed like a trick of the heat, an illusion stirred up by the sweltering atmosphere. But as your eyes adjusted, recognition dawned. It was Rafe, but he looked... different.
Your gaze drank in the details, lingering over the notable changes—the buzzcut that gave him an even more dangerous edge, the way he stood taller, seeming to tower over the world, the newfound confidence that rolled off him in waves, a palpable energy that dared anyone to challenge him.  But the transformation wasn't just physical. An undercurrent of danger clung to him like a second skin.  He looked like he had seen things. Done bad things.
Reality came rushing back, slamming into you like a tidal wave, you tried to reverse course, turning on your heels to disappear from his line of sight. Yet, your reaction came a second too late. Rafe had spotted you, and maybe if you hadn't just blown most of your cash on groceries, you would've dropped them and run.
Rafe's speed was unrivaled. With just a few long strides, he effortlessly caught up to you. Firmly grasping your arm, he swiftly spun you around to face him, and there, you saw your own reflection in his Ray-Bans. He slid the sunglasses onto his head, revealing his piercing blue eyes. He made no attempt to hide the whirlpool of emotions swirling within them.
"That's not very neighborly of you," he said. His words were clipped and tinged with anger, yet something in his expression softened slightly as he gazed at you. Was it relief? Disappointment? It was difficult to determine, but one thing was clear—his emotions were just as tumultuous as yours.
"I forgot something—"
"Oh, you forgot something?" His grip tightened, decreasing the space between you.
"Yes, from the supermarket—"
"What, the one over there?" he asked, casually gesturing over his shoulder in the opposite direction.
"A different store."
"Right, right. Well, I'll walk you there."
"No! I've changed my mind," you protested, shaking your head. Your feet instinctively shuffled backward as you attempted to free yourself from his grip. His laughter was low and dry, his hold on you tightening.
"I need to go, Rafe. Let me go. I have to get home," you pleaded, desperation edging your voice.
"You heard her, country club. She said 'Let go'." The forceful tug-of-war between you and Rafe abruptly seized as both of you turned to see Barry approaching. You'd never directly interacted with Barry, but tales of his local thuggery and drug dealing were well-known to you. He greeted Rafe with a familiarity that, given Rafe's reputation, was not surprising.
"This doesn't concern you, man. Keep moving," Rafe commanded, his gaze fixed on Barry.
"Well, I did hear her say 'let her go'," Barry remarked, positioning himself beside you.
"Yeah well, she doesn’t know what she wants," Rafe retorted, his tongue darting out to moisten his lips as he pulled you closer, positioning himself between you and Barry.
"Just let her go, man—"
"Fuck off," Rafe spat.
Unfazed, Barry squinted and leaned in closer. "You realize how this looks, right? Out here in broad daylight?" he warned.
“Keep walking,” Rafe's jaw clenched as he squared off against Barry.
"Do you not realize what you are doing, bro?"
"I said keep walking," Rafe said icily, maintaining eye contact.
An unspoken exchange passed between the two men, concluding with Barry retreating, hands lifted in a gesture of surrender. “Alright then,” he conceded. “You do you, country club. You do you. But don't come crying to me when this shit backfires. I warned your J.Crew lookin' ass.”
After Barry's departure, Rafe scanned the surroundings before returning his focus to you.
"Where's your car?" His question hung heavily in the air as you looked up at him, fear evident in your eyes.
“Hey, I asked you a question,” Rafe's voice softened, his hand gently shaking your arm. “Where's your car?”
"It's...it's not working,” you whispered.
“You walked here?”
You nodded, swallowing hard.
A smirk crept across his lips. "Well, aren't you in luck? I'll give you a ride."
"No, that's... I can walk. I planned to walk—"
"Don't. Don't do that. Don’t act dumb, alright? It's nearly a hundred degrees out. What- you planning on collapsing on the side of the road?" His tone was surprisingly gentle, even as he grabbed the grocery bag from your hands. "Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill, yeah? Barry's already acting like a fool. We don't need a full circus," he stated, heading towards his truck and leaving you with no choice but to trail after him.
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Rafe held the door open for you, assisting you as you climbed onto the plush leather seat. After handing you the grocery bag, he closed the door and walked around to the driver's side. In a subtle move to put some distance between the two of you, you placed the grocery bag in the middle.
Rafe started the truck, rolled up the windows, and activated the air conditioning. The truck pulled out of the parking lot, beginning a mostly silent ride.
Apart from the occasional glances Rafe threw your way, the journey remained relatively quiet. He made no attempt to hide his attention, his thumb rhythmically tapping on the steering wheel. The intensity of his gaze was unnerving, and you felt like you were suffocating despite the AC. You couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze.
"You look good..." Rafe stated, punctuating his words with an approving nod. The compliment stirred a flurry of emotions within you, leaving you feeling disoriented. As your heart pounded like a war drum, the silence seemed to morph, becoming dense and strangling.
"Thank you," you muttered trying to fill it. Your gaze firmly on the road ahead.
"How's your dad?" He asked, initiating a light conversation about your dad's well-being. You answered his questions with measured caution, unsure of his intentions. You informed him that your dad was coming home tonight and you intended to cook him a meal since he practically survived on sandwiches during the week in Burnsville. Rafe's thoughtful nods suggested he was listening, but there was an undercurrent of ambiguity that left you uneasy.
"What are you planning on making for him?" he asked with a semblance of innocence.
Your voice wavered as you listed the dishes, each word revealing your growing vulnerability. Anticipating his next move or comment, your heart raced and you braced yourself for what felt like an inevitable confrontation. You kept thinking he'd ask about the unanswered calls, about his ignored messages.
"Wow, you’re a real cook, not just a 'barely-can-boil-water' cook."
“I manage,” you replied.
Rafe hummed in agreement, his thumb still tapping the steering wheel albeit slower; more measured. “You know, Wheeze misses you.”
“I miss her too. How is she?”
“Good. She’s got exams coming up, so she’s been focusing on that. She's also got herself a little girlfriend."
"You seem to approve. Let me guess, Kook?" you asked absentmindedly.
"Nah, Pogue," he corrected, emphasizing the 'P'. "I guess we like what we like, huh?" he said, eyes raking over you.
Silence followed as Rafe steered away from the main road, venturing down an isolated street lined with beech trees. Decaying houses dotted the landscape, separated by wild stretches of tall bluestems and switchgrass.
"You should, you know… come by the house. See her sometime. I know she’d like that."
“Oh- I.. I would but I can't," you stammered, shaking your head "I have college applications to finish. Maybe sometime after."
“Right, right… college... applications... where are you applying?”
"Um… Kildare Community, Piedmont, Sun Valley, Crystal Coast Community--"
"What about Juilliard or Berklee? You applying to any of those?”
His question caught you off guard, and you turned your gaze towards him. Under the sunlight, his handsome profile seemed almost otherworldly.
"I hadn't really given it much thought," you confessed, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
His eyes fixed on yours, curiosity flickering in them. "Why not?"
Your answer was simple, albeit hard to articulate. "I can't afford it," you said with a shrug. Your eyes back on the unfolding road ahead when his gaze became too much.
"Don't they offer scholarships?"
"Yeah, they do. But the competition among applicants would be intense-"
"So? You're talented. Apply." he said matter of factly. "There are folks on the cut dreaming of an escape, with squat to show for it. You? You have options..." His voice trailed off, and he shook his head, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. "Don't squander it. Not here and definitely not at some shitty community college."
Taken aback, you struggled to find a response, and it didn't help that you could feel his eyes on you, evaluating your reaction. The remaining ride passed in silence, and by the time he pulled up outside your house, you were more than relieved.
"Thank you, Rafe," you said, quickly reaching for your grocery bag, but Rafe stopped you.
"So, that's it? Just 'thank you, Rafe?'" he asked, his jaw shifting restlessly from side to side, as though words were on the edge of his tongue, fighting to break free.
"Oh— I'm sorry, I should've offered to cover the gas. I don't have much on me, but I can--" Your words were cut short by Rafe shaking his head.
"I don't want your money."
Fear prickled your skin, "Then what—what do you want?" Swallowing nervously, you awaited his response.
Rafe's gaze flitted to your lips then back to your eyes "A kiss." he said.
Your head jerked back, unsure you'd heard him correctly.
"A kiss?" you echoed, attempting to digest his sudden proposal.
"Yeah, just a kiss," he replied. His voice was so steady, so devoid of emotion, it was as if he was merely commenting on the weather or asking if you had the time.
Your query rang out once more, uncertainty creeping into your voice, "A kiss?"
"Just one. One kiss and we call it even." Rafe's lean-in was deliberate, his index finger lightly grazing your jaw, igniting a trail of warmth along your skin and unsubconsciously you leaned into it.
"A kiss," you whispered back, your eyes locked onto his. Perhaps you didn't want things to escalate into a fight, but maybe, just maybe, a part of you wanted to kiss him. Taking a breath to steel yourself, you leaned in, brushing a swift kiss against his cheek. Almost instinctively, his lips followed, seeking yours.
"That's, that's not a kiss," Rafe breathed, his eyes growing progressively darker with each word he spoke.
Gently, Rafe curled his fingers around the back of your neck, drawing you closer. His attention was solely focused on your lips. As if under a spell, you relented, delivering a brief, innocent kiss onto his lips. But just as you began to pull away, Rafe halted you, his fingers remaining intertwined at the nape of your neck.
"Nah, that doesn't count."
"I kissed you, Rafe—" you began, your voice trembling.
"No, no. You owe me a real kiss for all the unanswered texts and the missed calls..." His words triggered a surge of panic within you and you tried to pull away, but Rafe held you firm, his gaze burning into your own. "I was worried about you. Did you know that?" he asked, his eyebrows creasing in confusion.
"We had fun. I made you feel good and then you just...." He paused, collecting his thoughts, his eyes darting between your lips and your startled expression. "I thought something had happened to you. But then, I woke the fuck up and realised you were safe - you just ghosted me. You know, I even contemplated driving over to your house? But I knew your dad wouldn't appreciate that. I thought I might never see you again, and then...there you were."
Rafe's words gushed forth like a sudden revelation. "There you were, shopping for groceries to cook for your dad, playing the dutiful daughter, blissfully content in your little world, while mine was hell." He spat out the words with venom, his fingers tensing at the nape of your neck, pulling you so close that his lips were mere millimeters from yours. His eyes, swirling with turmoil, locked intensely onto your eyes, which were now brimming with unshed tears.
"So, while I'm relieved you're okay," he started, his lips curving into a slight pout as he painstakingly enunciated each word, "You owe me. You owe me for thinking about you. You owe me for worrying about you. Now, open your mouth."
"Rafe," you whispered, tears beginning to cascade down your cheeks.
"I said, open. Your. Mouth." His voice hardened, his command leaving no room for doubt.
Your broken sob was all it took for Rafe to swoop in, kissing you passionately. His tongue probed the depths of your mouth, and you willingly complied, feeling the unmistakable force in his movements - raw, desperate, determined.
With each passing moment, Rafe deepened the kiss, leaning into you even further. He poured in his passion, demanding that you returned it with equal intensity, leaving your head spinning and your heart aching. The sheer intensity of the moment left you gasping for breath, and as Rafe's lips left yours to press desperate, kisses against your cheek and down the column of your throat you felt like you couldn't breathe at all.
"Please, I have to go, I have to," you managed to muster, pulling his fingers away and pushing him back. With a surge of determination, you grabbed your grocery bag and yanked on the passenger door, only for Rafe to swiftly reach over and slam it shut.
You turned to face him, struggling to catch your breath and see him through your teary haze. Rafe's face portrayed a picture of calm, cold calculation, with only the harsh puffs of air escaping his lips marring that composure. "You're making this difficult," he uttered, his voice echoing the icy chill of his demeanor. "It doesn't have to be."
Rafe relinquished his hold on the door, and you seized the opportunity, yanking it open. You nearly lost your balance in the process but managed to catch yourself just in time. Without daring to look back, you bolted towards your porch. Only when you heard the grating sound of his truck pulling away and tires screeching against the gravel did you risk a glance back.
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The rhythmic splash of water against the wooden planks of the dinghy was the only sound as you and your cousin worked in tandem, freeing the crawfish from their nets and emptying them into plastic buckets filled with fresh water.
The usual serene ambiance of your shared task was disrupted by the thickening tension in the air, both from the approaching storm and from the heavy silence your cousin seemed eager to shatter.
"You know," she began, her voice deliberately casual, "Konnie's been running her mouth again."
You looked up from the net you were shaking above the bucket of cold water, one eyebrow raised. “Oh, yeah? What crazy story has she cooked up this time?"
She hesitated, then said with faux nonchalance, "Something about seeing Rafe with a girl yesterday. Says she looked a lot like you."
"What?" You froze mid-shake, a flicker of surprise crossing your face.
"Wild, right?”
Forcing a laugh, you attempted to balance surprise with casual dismissal. "Konnie's always been good at making stuff up."
She glanced sharply at you, her gaze assessing. "It's not ‘making stuff up’ if Barry was there to corroborate it."
The weight of the revelation pulled at your focus.
“This sounds like something out of a K-drama," you whispered, your focus back on your trap.
"Isn't it just? Our Kook King looking down on half the town like we're nothing but shit beneath his shoes, is with a Pogue. An actual born and bred Pogue. I don’t know if that’s rich in irony or if it makes him a hypocrite?" She laughed bitterly.
"Both, probably, if it were true. But it’s not.”
She nodded slowly. "Right well, Konnie said Barry tried to stop Rafe from making a scene. Why would Rafe be making a scene?” she asked, her eyes locked onto you.
Your fingers tightened around the net, your heart beating in your throat. "I don't know. It's the outer banks. People talk. They get things wrong and--"
She sighed, leaning closer. "Is there something going on between you and Rafe?”
“No, there isn't—"
“Because if there is, I need to know. Like, are you sleeping with him-“
“Then are you dating him?”
“No- it’s not like that." You said shaking your head profusely.
"Then what's it like?"
"I babysit his sister you know that—" you faltered under your cousin's intense gaze. "He just happened to be in town when I was grocery shopping and he gave me a ride home. Nothing happened.”
Your cousin gave out a bitter laugh and shook her head. "A minute ago you were acting like it was some baseless rumour—”
"Because you were freaking me out! What else was I supposed to say? You just came at me with a bunch of questions like I did something wrong" You said, your face hot.
You couldn’t help but notice your cousin’s frustrated sigh.
“Look, I’ve got your back, regardless of whatever is going on here. And I can’t tell you how to live your life, that's for you to decide. But, Rafe-- Rafe is not the type of guy you want to be involved with in any capacity. I thought you knew that.” The distant growl of thunder underscored the urgency of her words.
“I do, and I’m not,” you said, licking your lips.
“Good. Because Rafe would never risk being seen in public with a Pogue, let alone put his reputation on the line for one. If you get involved with him, you'll be the one who ends up getting hurt."
"I know," you murmured in agreement.
She nodded and looked up at the darkening sky. "Good. Just making sure we're on the same page is all."
"We are," You nodded, barely able to meet her eyes. "We should hurry," you said quietly. "A storm's coming."
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During the subsequent week, Rafe had surfaced in your life more times than in the previous three weeks of no contact. Initially, you brushed it off as mere coincidence. You saw him at the market, then again at the docks, immersed in intense conversation with his friends, and once again at the wreck when you went to pick up food. Each encounter was brief, like an encounter with a spectre and each time you slipped away, thankfully, unseen.
With your heart hammering in your chest, you assured yourself that he wasn't intentionally seeking you out. You dismissed these run-ins as sheer coincidence. That's what you convinced yourself, at least.
Until the Library.
Your heart stuttered as you spotted him through the double doors just as you were about to exit. There he was, nonchalantly leaning against his truck, eyes concealed behind Ray-Bans and his arms folded.
Despite the casual stance, his presence radiated terrifying, intimidating energy. His posture, his unwavering gaze, his patient vigil - it all pointed towards one intention. It felt like you had been doused with cold water when realization struck-
Rafe was waiting.
For you.
Two choices lay before you. Either you could escape through the back door or find a window to climb out of. But deep down, you knew these would only delay the inevitable. It was time to confront the situation. Harnessing every ounce of courage, you resolved to put an end to this.
Usually, you'd carry only a handful of books, but today you had filled your tote. The thought of smacking Rafe in the head with it seemed like a good option. Adjusting the strap on your shoulder and gripping the bag firmly, you pulled the brass handle, flung open the door, and strode down the library’s stone steps, your chin lifted high.
A grin worthy of the Cheshire Cat split Rafe's face, his teeth flashing with amusement as he watched you. But you didn't give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his presence. You breezed past him, leaving him behind in your determined stride.
Not long after, Rafe slipped into his truck and drove alongside you, his arm hanging out of the window, eyes flicking between you and the road.
"It's gonna rain, you know." he said. His voice, smooth as silk, echoed around you. You kept walking, acting as if his words had fallen on deaf ears, yet they hung ominously in the air.
"It's gonna rain, you know," Rafe repeated, amusement tingeing his tone.
"I heard you the first time," you snapped, your voice sharper than you had intended.
Rafe whistled in surprise. His grin only widened, “Come on, don't be like that. Get in. I'll give you a ride."
You faltered for a moment at his offer, but quickly regained your stride. "I don't need anything from you, Rafe."
"Sure about that?" He drawled, his truck moving at the same steady pace as you.
The thrum of your heartbeat in your ears underscored your steely resolve, refusing to meet his gaze. The truck's engine growled ominously at your side.
"You know, a ride with me wouldn't be so bad. In fact, you might enjoy it”
"I'd rather get hit by lightning," you fired back, keeping your gaze fixed straight ahead.
Rafe removed his sunglasses and lightly tossed them on the dash. His silence was heavy, bearing witness to your defiance before his voice returned, a touch of impatience coating his words. "So how much longer are you planning to keep this up?"
“What do you mean? Keeping what up?”
“Running...pretending like you don’t give a shit—”
"Who said anything about running? I'm walking away. There's a difference."
"Oh, is that what this is? Right. Right." He drawled, the truck maintaining its constant presence by your side. "Well, it looks more like running to me."
"You can think whatever you want, Rafe. I really don’t care" Your words were as icy as a protective shield, distancing you from his unnerving scrutiny.
"You know," he spoke after another pause, his voice melting into a softer, intimate cadence, "You'd think I'd be bored by now but nah, I like these little interactions of ours. I look forward to them, actually…”
"Don't," you managed to whisper.
"Don't what?" He questioned, feigned innocence in his tone. You could hear the smirk in his voice, a symbol of triumph despite your rebuffs.
"Just leave me alone, Rafe."
"You know I can't do that," he declared with unshakeable certainty.
"Why not?" You shot back, halting to confront him and Rafe hit the brakes. As you turned to face him, the first drops of rain began to fall, soaking your skin and hair. You surrendered to the sensation, letting the rain blur your surroundings into an indistinct haze. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"
A fleeting wave of vulnerability crossed Rafe's face, causing his confident smile to momentarily falter. "You know why..." He began, licking his lips, as if the weight of his next words were a challenge to articulate.
"No, I don’t. Aren't there plenty of Kooks you should be chasing after? Isn't that supposed to be your speed, anyway?" Your voice was laced with a mix of frustration and genuine curiosity.
He exhaled slowly, his eyes unwavering, locked onto yours. "Okay, you want me to spell it out? Fine." Leaning in just slightly, ensuring every word landed with intent, he said, "I like you, yeah? Not some Kook or a Touron. You." And then, softer, almost a whisper against the backdrop of the rain, "You know I do." The quiet intensity of his affirmation sent shivers down your spine. It was a truth both of you had danced around, a truth as terrifying as it was undeniable. Time seemed to stretch in that moment, punctuated only by the drumming rain and the frantic pace of your heart.
You swallowed hard, battling the storm of emotions threatening to spill out. "Well, you have a peculiar way of showing it," you managed to say, your voice quivering with a mix of vulnerability and defiance. His unexpected honesty had pulled the rug out from under your feet, leaving you reeling. "You've been stalking me, trying to intimidate me, forcing me to do things I don't want to--"
"Forcing you?" Rafe’s gaze hardened as he studied your face. "Forcing you? I’m forcing you?”
“Yes, Rafe. Forcing me,” you protested, the words tinged with desperation, a last-ditch attempt to create distance between you two.
Rafe chuckled under his breath as he shook his head. “I'm forcing you, but you came harder than you've ever done in your entire life just from my fingers. I'm forcing you, but you came so many times you could barely remember your own name--"
"I never wanted any of that! I didn't ask for any of that—" You tried to reason only for Rafe to silence you with a frustrated roar, his hand banging on the steering wheel.
"Get in the fucking truck!!"
"No!" you laughed shakily “No. in fact, I'm perfectly fine. Right. Here." you declared defiantly, tilting your head back to let the rain wash over you. A temporary respite came with your eyes squeezed shut. When you dared to open them again, Rafe was still there, an unwavering, persistent figure.
With another heavy sigh, Rafe surrendered. "Alright." he nodded bitterly "Alright, You're really gonna make me do this, huh?"
"Do what?" you retorted, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Before you could decipher his next move, Rafe abruptly killed the engine, flung open the door and stepped out into the torrential downpour. The heavens seemed intent on soaking him through. Droplets of rain lashed down, darkening his shirt until it clung to his chiseled torso, revealing the muscular contours beneath.
"What the fuck," you whispered under your breath, your heart racing from his unexpected action. There he stood, defiant against the torrential rain, every drop sliding down his chiseled features, his piercing eyes never wavering from yours.
Time seemed to stand still until, driven by some invisible force, Rafe lunged forward pulling you into his embrace, his lips fiercely meeting yours.
His lips was soft. Not demanding and you found yourself responding instinctively. Your heart pounded wildly in your chest as your hands moved to grip the wet fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer. You could taste the rain on his lips, mingled with the hint of sweetness from the soda he had been drinking earlier. The world disappeared.
There was only him.
The kiss deepened, Rafe's hand moved to cradle the back of your head, fingers tangling in your rain-soaked hair, while his other arm snaked around your waist, pulling your body flush against his. His touch sent a shiver of anticipation running down your spine, setting your nerves alight. The rain beating down on you both seemed to fade into the background, drowned out by the thunderous pounding of your heart.
His lips moved with a fervor that left you breathless, each stroke of his tongue against yours an echo of the underlying passion and yearning that had been simmering beneath the surface. Every sensation, every emotion was amplified tenfold in the shared intimacy of the kiss. You surrendered completely to the moment, losing yourself in the touch of his skin, the strength of his hold, and the intoxicating taste of his lips.
Eventually, the kiss slowed, the initial fervor simmering into something softer, sweeter. Rafe broke away, his breath shaky. His eyes held yours captive, and a flush crept onto his face. His fingers traced a path down your cheek, before he finally stepped back.
"We can do this two ways," Rafe murmured over the steady patter of rain on the truck's roof. Pure mischief danced in his eyes as he stated, "I can drag you kicking and screaming and trust me, I’ll enjoy every minute of it, or you can walk and get in on your own. But either way - you're getting in the truck. Your call."
Wordlessly, you pivoted and moved towards the truck, your boots crunching against the rain-dampened gravel.
"That's what I thought," Rafe replied, a victorious grin splitting his rain-speckled face as he caught your fleeting glare. Unruffled, he stretched out his hand, popping open the weather-beaten door with a familiar creak lost in the drumming rain. His hand was warm and steady as he helped you up into the seat, the fabric of your clothes already beginning to stick to the leather.
In one fluid movement, Rafe navigated around the truck, momentarily swallowed by the spray of the falling rain before reappearing on the driver's side. With a clunk, the door closed behind him, sealing out the chill and sound of the heavy rain. His wrist flicked, the ignition turning over and the engine’s steady rumble intertwining with the rhythmic tapping of raindrops on the roof.
Leaning over the seat, Rafe's momentarily searched around the back. When he reappeared, he held a well-used, grey fleece jacket, its fabric softened by countless washes.
"Here," he offered, his voice barely louder than the muted patter of the rain against the windows. He extended it towards you, his fingers brushing against yours in exchange.
"Thank you," you replied, accepting the jacket. The fleece was surprisingly warm, a welcome contrast to the chill spreading through your rain-soaked clothes.
Rafe maneuvered the truck through the storm your house barely discernible in the relentless deluge. He parked close to your porch, an unspoken gesture to spare you from the worst of the rain. When he switched off the engine, the absence of its rumble made the cab feel suddenly small. The silence that enveloped you both was thick, charged with unsaid words and emotions neither of you didn't know how to share.
Rafe turned to face you, the dim glow from the dashboard lights casting a soft luminescence on his features. Rain droplets traced shimmering paths down his face, catching on his eyelashes and hanging at the tips. His gaze held yours, searching, longing, a question lingering in his eyes.
Swallowing hard, you broke the silence. "Want to come in?" The words hung in the air, tender and tentative. "Maybe dry off a little before hitting the road?"
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"Make yourself at home" you said.
With a click, you turned on the side lamp, illuminating the cozy sitting room in a warm glow. You excused yourself, leaving Rafe momentarily to fetch some things for him. From the hallway closet, you grabbed a clean towel, and after a brief rummage through your dad's wardrobe, you found a red plaid shirt that might fit him. Deciding to change yourself, you quickly slipped into a comfortable, loose faded shirt and denim shorts.
Upon your return, you found Rafe intently examining the family photos that adorned your walls. The captured moments were a mix of joyful events and everyday life: you proudly holding up your first caught fish, a close-up with you and a school friend age seven with your front teeth missing, an affectionate snapshot of your parents in a tender embrace, and a cherished image of baby you, seated on your dad's lap at the piano. Each photo was a silent testament to days that were simpler, happier.
Rafe, towering in your small living room, shifted his gaze to the old piano settled in one corner. The instrument, though aged, held a simple grace.
“It’s not as grand as the one at your place,” you remarked gently, catching his attention. As his gaze shifted to you, there was a perceptible pause as his eyes traveled down to your legs and then resettled on your face.
"But it still has its charm, right?"
“I guess,” you shrugged, closing the distance between you two and handing him the towel and shirt.
Your fingers brushed with the exchange, sending a thrill through you. With a grateful nod, Rafe dried his head and face. He began to unbutton his shirt, pulling the wet fabric from his slacks, peeling it off his body. As he revealed inch after inch of lean muscle and beautifully tanned, unmarked skin, you couldn't help but admire the flawless appearance—a testament to his privileged Kook life.
“Can't take your eyes off, can you? Want a guided tour?” He teased.
“Dream on, Cameron,” you shot back, attempting to sound casual, but the playful glint in his eyes suggested he knew exactly the effect he was having on you. The sound of his confident chuckle filled the room with warmth.
“How long have you had it?” he inquired, head tilting towards the piano.
“You mean Betsy?”
Rafe smiled “It has a name?”
“Of course. We've had her as long as I can remember. My dad got her before I was born. She’s older than I am,” you confessed with a fond smile.
"Go on, play for me," Rafe murmured, the timbre of his voice making it feel less like a request and more like an intimate invite.
The memory of the last time you played for him, and what had ensued, made you take a deep breath. But you shook off the feeling, reminding yourself that your bench was, luckily, a one-seater. "I'll play," you said with a small smile, "but you've got to promise to behave."
Rafe chuckled, leaning back on the couch, wearing your dad's shirt but leaving it unbuttoned. His smirk was wicked and teasing, the very embodiment of temptation itself. "No promises."
Rolling your eyes. You took a seat on the bench and began to play, allowing the music to flow through your fingers. Each note resonated with the room, reflecting the myriad emotions swirling within you. The gentle glow of the room's lighting seemed to dance in tune with the melody, casting warm and shifting shadows. The scent of the rain outside mingled with the familiar smells of your home, creating an atmosphere of nostalgia and present moments intertwining. As the final note lingered in the air, caressing the silence that followed, you turned to find Rafe's gaze fixed intently on you. His eyes, laden with intensity and yearning.
“Come here,” he said softly, his voice filled with something deeper, something unspoken. He leaned back against the sofa, extending his hand to you.
With a deep breath, and a flutter in your chest, you walked towards him, finally straddling him, feeling the warmth and strength of him beneath you, knowing that this moment was a milestone, a turning point in whatever it was that was unfolding between you two.
Rafe's fingers delicately trailed along your thighs, taking in every curve and contour. He lingered for a moment on a mole on your left leg, brushing his thumb over its slightly elevated surface. Every touch ignited a fire on your skin, an intimate dance of warmth and desire. As his hands continued their exploration, they ascended up your sides and Rafe sat up.
Suddenly his hands wrapped around your neck, tipping your head back with a possessiveness that made you gasp. The raw strength in his grip was undeniable; he held the power to hurt you. But somewhere deep down, amidst the swirling mix of emotions, you felt an unwavering trust that he wouldn't.
With your head tilted back, you found yourself drowning in Rafe's gaze. He examined your features, delicately turning your face this way and that, softly illuminated by the nearby lamp. Every aspect of your countenance seemed to fascinate him, but it was his own features — the small scar above his right eyebrow, the striking high cheekbones, thick lashes, and those mesmerizing blue eyes — that captivated you in return. When those very eyes briefly lingered on your lips, and his thumb gently brushed against them a sharp inhale caught in your throat.
"So fuckin' pretty," Rafe breathed, the weight of his words heavy in the brief silence that followed. Then, with an urgency that stole your breath away, he captured your lips with his. His kiss was both tender and powerful, a dance of tongues and unspoken passion.
His hands moved from your neck, sliding beneath your shirt finally touching bare skin to wrap around you. The world seemed to tilt as he expertly turned, positioning you beneath him without breaking the kiss.
Rafe's fingers found the buttons of your shirt. Each one he undid was like unwrapping a gift, each sliver of exposed skin driving him further into a fervor kissing you deeper until he pulled away from your lips altogether to look down and savour your breasts.
“I knew it…” he whispered “You’re gorgeous...” and wasted no time in swirling his tongue around your pert nipple before sucking it into his mouth. His other hand kneading the tender flesh of your other breast oh so softly.
Rafe's touch sent waves of electricity coursing through your body, each sensation igniting the desire between your thighs. With every gentle tug, every teasing bite, you surrendered to your longing, your moans a symphony of need. While dampness formed at your core, evidence of your escalating arousal.
Leaving your nipple, his lips sought your cheek, his fingers deftly finding the button of your shorts, effortlessly undoing it. "I couldn't stop thinking about the way you squirted for me." he smiled, his voice a soft murmur in your ear.
"Ugh- Rafe, don't-" You couldn't help but groan, your hands instinctively covering your face in a mix of bashfulness and embarrassment.
"Come on, babe don't hide from me now," he urged, gently moving your hands away from your face. His unwavering gaze bore into you, with a magnetic intensity that held you captive. "It was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen," he continued, his words wrapping around you like a sensual embrace. You responded with a mix of eye-rolling and a self-conscious laugh, but Rafe's touch on your jaw stilled your reaction.
"I'm serious," he insisted, his eyes locked onto yours. "Watching you moan for me all desperate and sweet. Feeling your pretty little pussy swallow my fingers... and then knowing I made you feel so fucking good you couldn't help but squirt…” Rafe groaned “Baby, I jerked off to the thought so many times I'm surprised my dick hasn't fallen off." he chuckled. "All I could think about these last few weeks was watching you cum. I wanna watch you cum." Rafe's words were a soft murmur, his unwavering gaze locked onto yours.
Adjusting his position slightly, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your jeans shorts, a deliberate slowness in his movements as he eased them down your body. His breath quickened, his eyes devouring the sight of you in your white panties, damp with the evidence of your arousal.
Moistening his lips, he carefully tugged down your panties, guiding your legs free from their confines. He stared at your pussy taking his fill.
"Pretty as a picture," he whispered. Settling in beside you, he rested his head on his palm, his gaze fixed upon you. "I want to watch you cum, but this time..." Rafe tenderly parted your legs, cradling your knees and exposing you fully to the room's golden light. "This time, I want to see everything," he murmured.
His fingers traced the contours of your mound, the subtle hills and valleys of your skin. A light dusting of pubic hair added to the texture he was exploring. There, at your slit, a glistening collection of your arousal had formed. With a gentle touch, he collected a bead of it on his fingertip, his eyes locked onto your face. Bringing his finger to his lips, he sensually tasted you, an intense hunger gleaming in his gaze.
"I’ll need to eat this pussy too..." he murmured, nodding as if confirming an important task on his list of things to do. "But let's take it one step at a time, yeah? Don't want you running away from me anytime soon." His words held a trace of humor, a playful acknowledgment of the strained heated desires between you two. You were about to chastise him but his lips captured yours in a hungry kiss. While your mouths entwined, Rafe's finger moved back to your clit, his gentle movements coaxing a moan from your lips.
Just as you were sinking into his heavenly touch, Rafe broke the kiss and gently pulled his finger away from your clit. The absence of his touch almost prompted a whine from you, but Rafe quickly quieted you with a gentle shush. With a practiced finesse that revealed a glimpse of his dexterity, he employed his teeth to deftly remove the signet ring that encircled his finger. The ring glided off smoothly, lingering briefly within his mouth before finding its place in his pants pocket. His voice, laced with desire, broke the silence in a husky murmur, "Can’t go deep with a ring in the way, can we?” With deliberate intent, he returned his two fingers between your folds and wormed them inside you.
"Oh god, oh shit-" The fabric of Rafe's (or rather, your dad’s) shirt twisted beneath the force of your grip, your fingers curling and clenching as a flood of both pleasure and pain surged through your core. He was not lying when he said he was going to go deep.
Admitting comfort at this moment wouldn't be honest, not with the way his fingers were delving inside you, pushing against your tight channel. The fine line between discomfort and pleasure was being treaded, a line that teased just on the cusp of crossing into one or the other. Strangely, there was an undeniable allure in feeling so exquisitely full and it dawned on you that even with the mingling pain you liked being full.
With a mix of awe and submission, you embraced the realization that this was indeed what your body was designed for—an intricate dance of taking and being taken. The recognition of your body's innate capacity to accept him, to welcome him so completely, was a mesmerizing revelation that you couldn't help but marvel at.
As your gaze drifted downward, you couldn't help but raise an intrigued eyebrow at the sight that greeted you. His long, skillful fingers moved sinfully, withdrawing and reentering, each motion leaving them glistening with the evidence of your arousal. The sight and sound was hypnotic, and as a drawn-out moan escaped your lips, you couldn't help but notice Rafe's gaze following suit, his own reaction mirrored in the form of a needy groan.
"God, look at you. Taking it all the way to my palm... making a pretty mess." he quipped, his voice trembling with desire as a shaky chuckle escaped him. "Does it hurt?"
You gasped in response, the honesty ringing true in your voice, "A little."
A low, almost guttural groan escaped Rafe's lips, his tongue darting out to moisten his suddenly dry lips. "Yeah, but you like it, don't you? That slight twinge of pain. Hurts good, doesn't it?"
A slow, almost reverent nod escaped you as your eyes rolled backward, caught in the riptide of sensation. Your hand joined Rafe's at his wrist, a desperate yearning to connect more deeply with the source of your pleasure and the exquisite ache that accompanied it. You craved the sensation of his every stroke, each movement a testament to his mastery over your desire. Your hips began to sway, an instinctual response, seeking more friction, a little extra pressure to tip the scale just a bit further into pleasure. When you started to pluck and gently pull on your nipple you had finally reached it.
"Shit. That's it. Take what you need, baby.” He whispered. His tongue made its way back to your other nipple sucking on the tender flesh while he stared up at you. His gentle tongue swirling and firm hard fingers relentlessly drilling and your own hand gently plucking had you seeing stars and then some. You could feel his cock, thick and stiff brushing against your side as he rutted slowly against you seeking friction and for the first time you began to whine in sheer desperation, wishing he had fucked you with his cock instead.
"Use your words, baby," Rafe's voice held an almost teasing quality. "I want to know how good it feels—for next time when you accuse me of forcing you..."
You should have been mad, outraged even, by his audacity. But there was a magnetic pull in his words, a spell that rendered your protests powerless against the tide of pleasure that had you firmly in its grasp. The chorus of moans that spilled from your lips was a testament to your surrender "Don't stop- feels so good. Oh god, ‘m close. So close. Please Rafe-- please.. please... please.." Your words quivered with a mixture of urgency and need, punctuated by the ragged rhythm of your breath as your body shook.
As if on cue, Rafe applied a cork-screw motion, his fingers expertly stroking your G-spot with fervor. Your orgasm surged forth, violent and all-consuming. Waves of ecstacy coursed through your body, compelling your abdomen to convulse, and your leg to kick, a response to Rafe speeding up his efforts, fingers plunging deep while his thumb orchestrated rapid blissful circles on your clit.
"OH, FUCK-- OH RAFE!!!" Your voice filled the room as you were swept away in the throes of your orgasm. You couldn’t help but soak his fingers, and like a breached dam, overflowing and cascading, so too did your juices overflow as it trickled down to the cleft of your ass.
"Fuck—" Rafe hissed, his voice strained. "Ah, shit!" he sneered through clenched teeth. Overwhelmed at the sight, feel and sound of you screaming his name, his hips involuntarily jerked as he came. An untouched release that left him gasping for breath. His moans blended with yours, a beautiful song of shared pleasure that only ended when he leaned in for a messy kiss.
His gaze never wavered; it feasted on every second of your reaction and revelled in the glorious aftermath. You were glowing, skin flushed and alive from the intensity of your climax. Your chest rose and fell rapidly, sweat glistening off of your exposed breasts. Legs still spread, revealing the slippery mess with his fingers buried deep in you.
If you weren't so strung out from your orgasm, the opportunity to catch a glimpse of something more in his expression might have presented itself. A fleeting flicker of his unwavering fixation taking root, a mere hint of the deeper obsession he harbored for you. But instead your eyes closed, your lips forming a satisfied, lopsided grin. You couldn’t think. In fact, you couldn't care about anything at all.
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Feedback is always appreciated. Lots of love until next time and thanks for reading.
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lolahasmoxie · 7 months
Conversations at 3 AM (E.M.)
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PAIRING: Eddie Munson x Reader
WORD: 1.3k
WARNING: nudity, language, casual intimacy, established relationship, friends to lovers, mentions of getting pregnant, mentions of sexy times, heart-to-heart talks (Eddie & reader are 25)
CONCEPT: You and Eddie aren't used to people sticking around.
DIVIDER FROM @firefly-graphics
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Even though you were born at 6 a.m. on the dot, you were a night owl through and through.
During high school and college, summer meant you became a nocturnal creature, much to the annoyance of your family. There was one person it never annoyed, though.
You had met Eddie in elementary school after he moved into the trailer across from yours. From the day you met, you had been thick as thieves. For years, your friends watched as you skirted the line of will they won't they, watching the other traverse dating and relationships with an envious eye. It wasn't until a year ago, when Eddie kissed you during the middle of a movie night, that you had finally become more.
Tonight, you'd had dinner at Steve's house with the whole gang, seeing as Mike, Dustin, and Lucas were all in town for a long weekend from college. The boys had planned a one-off campaign at your shared apartment the following night, and by midnight, you and Eddie were in your home.
Side by side, you brushed your teeth, trying not to laugh as Eddie made faces at you in the mirror. Once in your Queen bed, Eddie's hands began mapping your body, and in a practiced routine that felt like breathing, you let him love you until sleep came for you both.
However, this time, sleep only came for Eddie.
You had tried everything to fall back asleep: counting sheep, listing Metallica songs followed by Black Sabbath, breathing in time with Eddie. Nothing worked. So, as carefully as you could, you crawled out of his hold, placing your pillow closer to Eddie when he started to stir. As his gangly arms wound around the object, you entered your kitchen.
You had been at the table for a while when you heard soft footsteps coming down the hallway. Turning your head, you watch as your tall metalhead boy walks into the kitchen naked as a jaybird, cock dangling freely as his hands wipe at his eyes like a little boy.
"What time issit." he mumbles as Eddie comes up behind you. He wraps his arms around you, placing a kiss on your hairline. "Why are you still up?"
"Almost 3 a.m. and I tried to go to sleep, but no dice," you say. He nods in understanding before sitting next to you at the table.
"I was having this great dream; you were wearing that black number you wore to our last show at the Hideout? Anyway, you were letting me drag you to the bathroom to do unspeakable things to you when I woke up, and instead of rubbing against my pretty girlfriend, I was humping your pillow. By the way, I'm pretty sure there's a stain, and I'm sorry in advance." You can't help but smile as you dip a carrot into the hummus.
"Didn't want to wake you up. You know how I toss and turn when I can't sleep."
"So there's no reason you're up at almost 3 a.m. eating," he paused as he reached for the container of hummus. "Jalapeno hummus? Holy fuck, you're not pregnant, are you?"
"No, you asshole," you playfully slap Eddie's arm as he tries to play off his terrified expression. "Nice to know how you feel about the topic, though."
"I'm just warning you, we could be on a babymaking schedule to get knocked up; I will still probably freak the fuck out when it does happen, so just a heads up for when we get there."
"Duly noted." you chuckle. Eddie laces his hand into yours and brings them to his lips. You can feel his eyes on you; you know Eddie will give you your space to work out whatever is going on in your brain. But he's also a persistent asshole who won't stop until he finds out why you left him alone in bed. "Does this ever feel too good, Eds?"
"What do you mean?"
"Us. I mean, we disagree on things, but we never really fight. Being together with you has always just felt scarily easy; I've never had that with other boyfriends." You sigh as you look at your joined hands. "Feels like I'm waiting for something, but I don't know for what."
"Easy, I know what it is," Eddie says as he gives your hand a squeeze. "You're waiting for the other shoe to drop." When you meet his gaze, those cow-brown eyes study you, looking at you with more love than you think you can handle.
"Elaborate, please."
"You and I have always been alike," he begins. "our dating histories are littered with people telling us we were too much. Too loud, too needy, or too whatever. But here's the good part, babe. You will never be too much for me. Ever."
"You mean it?" You're impressed that he could sum up your feelings so succinctly. He grins at you, a beautiful smile spreading from ear to ear.
"Of course I mean it. I had to watch you date assholes for ten years; you really think I'm gonna let you go now that I'm lucky enough to call you mine? Not a chance, sweetheart." You reach out a hand and cup his cheek, and you can't help but smile when Eddie leans into your touch.
"Thank you, Eddie."
"No problem; you know, I had resigned myself to loving you from afar a long time ago. Sometimes, when I wake up next to you, I feel like I gotta pinch myself to make sure it's real."
"You're such a cheeseball," you tease. "Why don't you head back to bed? I'm gonna clean up and join you in a minute." You stand from your chair, but Eddie stops you with a tug of your hand. In a flash, you're on his lap. Your hands hold onto his shoulders, although you're in no danger of falling. Edde's grip is secure as he gives you a look you are all too familiar with. You speak his name, and he raises a hand to push the hair from your face.
"You know, it was very mean to leave me in that big bed all by myself," he begins, his hand cupping your cheek. You feel your body warm as his thumb caresses your cheek. "Why don't you let me take you back to bed and help quiet that big brain of yours. Sound good, sweetheart?"
You lean in to kiss your man, his arms wrapping tight around you as he fists your shirt in his hands. When his tongue runs along the seam of your lips, you happily grant him access, tangling your hands in his hair while you slowly start to grind against him. When you feel him hard and warm underneath you, you think you may never want to sleep again.
You both enjoy the kiss, neither of you rushing things. You pull back when you need air, and while Eddie's face is happy, there's something else. You raise an eyebrow as he licks his lips.
"You taste like salsa." You can't help but laugh as you lean forward and bury your nose in his neck. He pulls you closer, hands caressing your back like you're the most precious being in his universe. You can feel his chuckle as your chests press together.
You stay still for a moment to enjoy being surrounded by him. One of the things you loved about being nocturnal was how quiet the world was at almost 3 a.m. You hum contentedly when you feel Eddie's lips against your hair. You close your eyes, wanting to commit this moment, this feeling to memory.
"Alright," Eddie taps you on the ass and breaks the silence. "Let me take you back to bed, alright?" You climb out of his lap and softly kiss the corner of his mouth.
"I'll go brush my teeth. Why don't you go make sure the bed is warm." Eddie hops up, cock bobbing comically as he begins to do a naked run back to your room.
"I'll keep the home fires burning! If I fall asleep, wake me up with head!"
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Dustin: I'm just gonna have a seat here, and we can get started.
Eddie: fair warning, my naked ass has been on that chair.
Dustin: 😳
Dustin: like, recently naked?
Eddie: last night.
Dustin: you're a fucking animal.
Eddie: 😁
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vickyvicarious · 17 days
Jonathan's decision to play along today was very difficult to make. But, in the end, it was the right move. He set aside his anger and impulse to rebel... perhaps as much or more out of fear rather than just logic, but we do see his reasoning and it makes sense.
And honestly, I think he pushed his luck nearly to the limit anyways. Look at how Dracula asked. First, he waited a few days after everything that went down with the vampire ladies, perhaps to see if Jonathan would bring up the topic. If Jonathan does, maybe he had plans to lie to him again, to gaslight him about either never sleeping outside of his room, or about Dracula finding him dreaming somewhere else and helping him back to his own bed. Still, Jonathan's reaction to such a lie could very easily force an end to all this pretending. But since he never brings it up at all, Dracula knows he can continue his game. In fact, Jonathan is proving to be a very resilient player, one who has just enough struggle in him to make it more interesting, without being too unmanageable or ever close to actually get away.
Dracula gives Jonathan this 'request' "in the suavest tones" - he's really emphasizing his charm here, being extra friendly as he tries to make Jonathan feel even worse. But then, contrary to what he's seen thus far, Jonathan hesitates.
I would fain have rebelled, but felt that in the present state of things it would be madness to quarrel openly with the Count whilst I am so absolutely in his power; and to refuse would be to excite his suspicion and to arouse his anger. He knows that I know too much, and that I must not live, lest I be dangerous to him; my only chance is to prolong my opportunities. Something may occur which will give me a chance to escape. I saw in his eyes something of that gathering wrath which was manifest when he hurled that fair woman from him. He explained to me that posts were few and uncertain, and that my writing now would ensure ease of mind to my friends; and he assured me with so much impressiveness that he would countermand the later letters, which would be held over at Bistritz until due time in case chance would admit of my prolonging my stay, that to oppose him would have been to create new suspicion.
I think he must have been sitting there making these arguments to himself in real time. Wrestling with his fear and his outrage and possibly losing most of his control over his expression and body language as he did so. And at first, this is fun for Dracula. He wants Jonathan to struggle like this. It's fun to watch. But then, the longer it goes on, the more real becomes the possibility that this will be Jonathan's breaking point. And if it is, if he outright says "no" even this once, then Dracula's entire game is ruined. He's just committed to wanting to keep Jonathan around for another full month. Jonathan passed the test with the other vampires. Dracula has been looking forward to this. How dare he spoil this -
Dracula's rage rises as he finds himself forces to make excuses and be convincing when he likely assumed he no longer needed to put in that much effort. Jonathan finally does agree, but he didn't do so right away. And it's a very fine line, because continuing to do this does in fact make him more interesting and fun in the long run, and thus perhaps allow him to live longer. Maybe after they separate for the evening (morning, being nocturnal) Dracula would actually look back on this moment with indulgent enjoyment. He pushed perhaps right up to the limit of what Dracula would tolerate, but he didn't quite cross it, so the game can continue. But at the same time, pushing like this (or rather, resisting being pushed before giving in) is extremely dangerous in the moment - because in the moment, there's still a chance Jonathan could cross the line. Dracula has a temper and he will take it out on Jonathan if he decides he's had enough.
It's that tightrope again. More of the same. But I just... love imagining this moment. Dracula's sickly-sweet smugness at the start, his utter confidence in his victory once again. And Jonathan - pausing. Saying nothing in response. Thinking it over, taking so long to do so, trying so hard to keep a neutral face but not fully succeeding, maybe keeping his head bowed so his expression can't be seen. Dracula's anger building along with almost a sort of desperation, as he lays out all this bullshit reasoning, maybe losing control of his own tone somewhat as he gets more aggressively vehement. The absolute tension rising, up and up right until the moment Jonathan looks up and agrees, when it suddenly dissipates. But the aftermath lingers, even in Dracula's victory. Even as Jonathan writes the three letters, one after another under Dracula's watchful eye. Dracula takes them from his hand, squeezes his shoulder in ostensible thanks, but such a clear threat. Jonathan's face twitching, a little spasm of fear and despair, at the contact.
It could be SUCH a good scene in an adaptation that emphasized the abusive dynamic here.
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nick-nocturne · 3 months
Hello! I recently got into your content with Welcome home, and I scrolled on your blog for a bit. I saw that you have... some sort of rivalry/beef with matpat of the theorist channels, and I wanted to know your thoughts on his retirement. As someone who grew up watching his game theory videos, and having those game theory videos, particularly the fnaf theory videos, be the reason I was able to fit in and share common interests with my peers in middle and high school when the fnaf craze was still going strong? It was hard to hear your criticism of one of my beloved childhood figures. But you helped me realize that I had put matpat up on a pedestal because of his videos and because of my childhood nostalgia, and that I didn't need to do that. I do wonder if you think that matpat has gotten better, that he's not as bad or egotistical as he was before. There are many questions I would like to ask. But I'll stick with only one.
So, rivalry/beef/hatred or whatever feelings you hold towards matpat aside, how do you feel about matpat retiring from YouTube? Are you happy? Elated to see a rival or opponent gone? Or do you feel something else about seeing him leave the public sphere. I'd just like to know your opinion, considering your strong feelings on him before.
Thank you for your time, Mr. Nocturne.
An angel must've tapped you to ask this, considering how much I've been thinking about this lately. ::3 The majority of heat I've ever lobbed against MatPat in prior years can best be described as angst, a lot of it unwarranted. I've had issues with his business practices, his content practices, and a lot of his content approaches--but that never called for the kind of flippant sneering I used to exhibit towards him. I've had criticism of MatPat and can't say I saw Game Theory as favorably as I felt it could have been--and I wish I could tell myself from a few years ago to accept that feeling and chill, especially when I knew I still respected his passion, his dedication, and his impact. I feel really good about MatPat retiring and it's for exactly two reasons: he gets to leave on happy terms, on his own terms, after fulfilling a career of over a decade being a trailblazer on YouTube who legitimately has inspired hundreds, if not thousands, of people in a truly positive way; and he gets to pass his position to someone else and give them a chance at what is, for coverage in certain areas of art creation, the top of the mountain. I also thought while watching his goodbye video that he's clearly been thinking a ton about how he's done his work on YouTube, and the impact he's had through his methods, good and bad--I could hear it in his words and the nuances. He's been reflecting, that's for sure, and it informed the way he sat down to talk about the journey. I also felt a lot of resonating with things he said, and there were moments in that goodbye video that I truly understood him and know exactly how he feels. I felt I could have sat on that couch with him and had a conversation as a guy who gets it, because this many years on, I do get it. And while I don't have as much in common with MatPat as I do Jamie of Inside A Mind, or Jeff of Jeffiot, or Goose Boose, there's common ground he and I could talk very warmly over. Ultimately, I am happy he gets to leave in happiness, with what he's built in hands he trusts, and that he knows his first baby--Game Theory--is going to be safe. I wish him, very sincerely, so much happiness and all the fulfillment that opening his life and getting more time as a father, husband, and man will bring him.
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
Always Epilogue Part 2
Summary: You and Azriel have been best friends for years after you joined the inner circle as the top healer in Velaris. But with Elain and Nesta’s recent arrival, Azriel has begun to ignore your friendship in favor of being together with Elain. You are heartbroken, and it is Starfall where you will be confined in the house of wind with Azriel and Elain. Everything will be okay though… right?
Word count: ~6.2K Warnings: minor spice, fluff, first time writing Masterlist, Epilogue Part 1 A/N: I want to start off by saying, I am so sorry this took so long to come out with. I am not super happy with it, but it is here and this is the end. As always, please please please like, reblog and comment. I love hearing your guys' thoughts. It always means so so much to me. I can't believe I made it this far. The fact I have written a series is mind blowing to me. I hope you guys at least like it <3 Love y'all so much!!!
6 Months 
Ever since your conversation months ago, Azriel had done everything in his power to spend time with you, to give you his undivided attention, to ensure that you knew he was sorry, that he took responsibility for his actions, that he would try to be better, that you were the only one he could ever want, the only one he would ever need. 
As the days went on, you spent more and more time with Azriel, and you noticed a change in him. There was a brightness in his laughter, he smiled more fully, more easily, and his general demeanor, his aura, the way he carried himself, had fully relaxed. It had become more open. His wings were often flared out, expanding into their full span and never compressed tightly against his back, like he had stopped using them to cause him discomfort. You had even noticed a change in his shadows behavior, once standing at attention in every setting, slithering across rooms to figure out who exactly was present, were now swirling freely around you both, tracing up your figure and tugging at your wrist, your waist, your hips, your thighs, anywhere they could wrap themselves around, pulling you closer to their master. While his shadows were still alert and oriented to their surroundings, intent on keeping you safe, they had become more subdued, almost less angry, less rabid. Even the people of Valeris were starting to notice the change in the shadowsinger. Before, they had been too fearful of the male to send a greeting his way, nodding in acknowledgement, then turning hastily away to avoid his dark gaze, his shadows a threatening presence surrounding him. Now, the people were readily, openly, waving at him, even comfortable enough to begin conversations with the male they once feared. 
And the changes in you had become… palpable. 
The constant presence of Az had left with the warmth of his presence, a constant contentedness. You woke up feeling fully rested, ready, excited even, to start a new day with your mate. The bags under your eyes had smoothed into your skin, and your smile lines grew deeper as the laughter you shared with Az became more frequent and fuller. Every moment you spent with him reminded you all over of why you had fallen for him initially. All the things you had shared with him over the years about your likes and dislikes, he had apparently stored into his mind, holding them close to his heart as he decided what he wanted to do with you, for you. He outdid himself every time. Every single time. Every time he took you somewhere, everytime he brought you tiny gifts, every time he whispered hushed murmurs into your hair as you cuddled, you felt loved. You felt cherished. You felt adored. 
Decades ago, you had mentioned your love for stargazing, even going as far as to change your sleep schedule to live nocturnally just so you could have the best view of the stars. It was a common thing in Velaris, something that a lot of the townspeople enjoyed. It worked for a couple months, until you were nearly passing out in the middle of training and then Az had forced you into his bed to sleep. He sat across from your splayed out body, legs stretched out with his back leaning against the oak bed frame reading his book, ignoring your protests as his shadows held your waist down to the bed. He didn’t even lift up his gaze from the story he was apparently engrossed in when he sternly replied, “sleep first, talk later.” Eventually the cool touch of his shadows and the warmth that radiated off the male had you slipping into a deep sleep. You had woken up six hours later to Az in the same position. He hadn’t moved besides turning the page to his book, watching over you as you slept. When his hazel eyes drifted toward your half lidded glare, he smirked and huffed out a laugh, “Welcome back to the land of the living sleeping beauty.” The nickname had your heart fluttering, you ignored it as you cleared your throat and muttered back a hiss that had Az nearly rolling in laughter. 
You looked back at the memory with a certain fondness, hints of his love emulating through his acts of friendship. And it seems he hadn’t forgotten any of it. Not that night. Not the stargazing. The first date he had taken you on, he had woken you up in the middle of the night when the rest of the city was still asleep, grasping at your ankle and yanking you out from under your warm blankets. He burst out in laughter at your meek attempts to smack his chest, pulling you into his embrace and pressing a long kiss into your temple murmuring apologies before taking the blanket off your bed and wrapping it around you. He flew you to the house of wind where there was a wool blanket laid out on the roof, you gasped at the array of freshly cut fruit, croissants, biscuits, cheeses and bread resting atop it. The sky was clear, not a single cloud in sight, giving you an unobstructed view of the twinkling stars in the night sky. Azriel tucked you under his arm as you settled down next to him, wrapping his wing around you to keep you warm as he pointed up at the sky, listing each and every constellation that was visible to the naked eye, recounting the legends that came with them, legend of goddess’ fighting with the gods, stories of the earliest night court rulers and how they came to be. When you had finally gathered the courage to ask when he had taken the time to learn about all of these constellations, he casually shrugged, mumbling the fact that he had gone to the deepest parts of the library searching for these stories, searching for the different night skies and all the constellations they held, and had memorized each and every one of them. Where they were in the sky, and the stories associated with them. Just for you. Just to impress you. Just to show you how much he cared. 
The fact he had gone out of his way to learn about your interests, the fact he spent his free time for months memorizing small intricate details despite his busy life being spymaster, just for you. Gods, he had your heart palpitating just from that. 
The next week, he had taken you to the rainbow, insisting on buying you whatever you wanted without any limit. And when you had insisted you didn’t need anything new, that you had everything you wanted, he laced his marred fingers with yours, peppering kisses into the back of your hand before pulling you into different stores. He patiently browsed through the dresses, the makeup, the jewelry himself, picking out what he wanted to buy for you, imploring you to try out his choices and to pick some of your own. When you had finally given in, he had smiled so widely, so fully, your cheeks had flushed. The entire day he had spent, flattering you with compliments on how beautiful and elegant you looked, spoiling you with different clothes and shoes and whatever your heart desired, claiming all the while that you were the most entrancing female he had ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on. 
A couple of days later, he had flown you out to the libraries in Day Court just to spend the entire afternoon picking out books for each other to read. When you found your picks, he led you to one of the gardens outside, sitting down next to you in a bench swing, pressing his entire side into yours, contently reading your pick for him. The book he had chosen for you had been a lovely, heartbreaking, remarkable tale of an antihero finding peace in his life with his wife and two twin girls. At some point during your reading, you had glanced up to find Az silently watching you. His tan cheeks flushed under your gaze, smiling sheepishly at you as he played with your fingers, embarrassed to have been caught admiring you in the sunlight. You gently chuckled, leaning up to press a soft kiss into his burning cheek before resting your head against his shoulder, falling back into the depths of your book, feeling perfectly content in his presence, feeling at peace in his presence, like there was nothing to worry about when he was around. And that is how Azriel made you feel. Safe. Content. At peace. Joyful. Full of life. 
This morning was no different. He had shown up before sunrise, pressing gentle kisses all over your face to wake you. He had already picked out your clothes, a lace blue top with waist high pants, setting them out before waiting on the balcony for you to get ready. As you walked out, his jaw nearly fell to the floor, hazel eyes sparkling as he admired you. “You are the most stunning female to have ever existed, my love,” his lips brushed against your ear, murmuring his tender worship before pulling you into his grasp, wrapping your legs around his waist and securing his arm around your hips as he pushed you both into the sky, carrying you to distant mountains in the horizon where you hiked up a long empty forested trail so you could watch the sunrise at the peak. The pink melting with gold and blue was one of the most stunning views you had ever seen, enhanced with the humming of your bond as Azriel’s arms found themselves locked around your waist, stroking at your belly. The silence you shared wasn’t an empty one. It was utter tranquility. When the sun had risen into the sky,  you turned to wrap your arms around Az’s waist, thanking him for giving you this experience. He only smiled, leaning down to kiss your temple, murmuring into your hair as he buried himself further into your arms that your day together wasn’t ending here, that this was only the beginning, how he had wanted to start of the day by bringing you to one of the hidden treasures of Night Court that he had found during his years of work as spymaster.
You spent a couple of more moments soaking in the warmth of the sun before following Azriel down a winding path that seemed to disappear into the brush. You gripped his hand the entire way down, his thumb stroking at your knuckles, your shared puffs of breath the only sound besides the morning doves coos. You walked for what seemed like miles, until finally, the path Az took you on ended at what seemed to be an opening through the trees. You gasped at the site before you, a remote cabin cafe near the bottom of the mountain that neighbored a waterfall. The water spilling over the edge of the cliff had turned golden from the sunrays, and the fresh mist created a cool sheen around you and Az. He quickly kissed your cheek before rushing inside to grab you a warm egg and cheese sandwich and coffee that he had promised would be the best breakfast you would ever have. The cafe had a porch overlooking the waterfall where the mist could still float onto the patrons without overwhelming them, and you found a little corner nook that seemed like the perfect view to the waterfall and surrounding foliage. Your mate finally rejoined you, sandwiches and coffee in toe, sitting down next to you to take in the scene. 
You had spent the rest of your day there, quietly conversing with Az about anything and everything that came to mind. Laughter was shared between the two of you, along with openly shared loving gazes sent to one another. To think that months ago, you were nearly considering rejecting him as a mate… the thought was nearly sickening now. Any time you mind accidentally drifted to it, your stomach would squeeze and your heart would drop. Every time though, the second Az would squeeze your thigh with his warm hand, you would forget. He sat so freely. His wings were relaxed, nearly drooping on the ground as one was leaning into your back against the chair. The sight of his damp curly ink hair pressing against his forehead, his tan skin highlighted, nearly glowing, by the sun, hazel eyes bright next to the waterfall that glowed with starlight left you breathless. He was truly, and effortlessly, the most beautiful male you had ever known to exist. And to think he felt similarly about you was nearly unbelievable. But here he was, constantly voicing his belief in your beauty, not as an opinion, but as pure fact. 
An hour before sunset, Az insisted on eating an early dinner before setting off on your next adventure. The cafe owner, an older female, who was gentle as she was kind, brought out a full fledged meal consisting of beef stew, loafs of freshly baked bread, and mash coupled with a bottle of wine. She hugged Azriel, kissing the top of his head as she sung his praises, rambling on about how, “he has spent decades talking about you dear, really, I am surprised he finally found the courage to bring you,” and “you are so beautiful dear, Azzy could not have done you justice even if he tried.” The poor male turned red at the nickname, staring you down as a smirk lilted your lips, knowing that endless teasing was about to befall him the moment the female walked back inside. “Azzy?” you mouthed at him, only to have your foot gently pulled by his shadows in reply. The female squeezed your hands after setting down the food, her honeyed eyes gazing into yours, simmering with joy, “I am so happy you are here. The hours this young male has spent loving you is beyond comprehension,” turning to Az with a wink, patting his shoulder before walking back inside. You sat for a moment, a bit stunned by her words, staring at the squirming male before you, it nearly made you laugh how shy he got under your gaze. You pressed your lips together into a warm smile, gesturing at the food, “Let’s eat sweets.” 
Despite being stuffed full, your mate insisted on getting a dessert the two of you could share, “It is the best cake you will ever try dove, I am telling you.” The smell of pineapple wafting from the plate had been so mouthwatering as he set it down in front of you, you almost immediately began digging in. The spymaster, however, snatched your spoon right out of your grasp, chucking it into the forest as you gaped at him, “what the fuck Azriel?” He smirked in reply, picking up his spoon, and scooping the whipped cream off the cake, nonchalantly popping it into his mouth, his eyes never leaving yours. You gasped in confusion, but before you could ask him what the hell he was doing, he scooped another part of the cake onto his spoon, this time holding it out to you. You reached up to take the spoon from his grasp, but he, again, pulled away. “What the hell, Az?” you exasperatedly rolled your eyes as he held out the spoon to you again, “What game are you playing?” 
He huffed out a laugh, clearly amused by your annoyance, “No games sweetheart, just wanna feed you myself.” Your continued gaping had his expression dropping into one of shyness, a blush spreading across his cheeks as embarrassment began to fill within him, “I– I’m sorry. Did I overstep?” You opted to not respond, giving him a taste of his own medicine for a moment, watching as he began squirming in his seat, this time holding out the spoon for you to grab onto, clearly uncomfortable that he may have crossed a boundary, that he may have upset you. After a couple of seconds, you decided you had had enough of teasing the poor male, leaning forward, enclosing your lips around the spoon, keeping your eyes locked on his. The cream melted in your mouth, and you shut your eyes, humming around the spoon before pulling away to watch Azriel’s reaction. His flush had spread across his face towards his neck and ears as he shifted in his seat, wings flaring at his sides as he stared at you, his jaw dropping when you hummed again, winking as your tongue slipped out to lick the cream that had been left on your lips. 
You giggled in delight, a shot of electricity coursing through your veins as the scent of the shadowsinger had shifted into something deeper, more musky, something more delicious that had you craving more than just the dessert before you. You spent the next couple of minutes going back and forth, allowing Az to feed you a bite and then himself, playing a coy game of seduction with the spymaster with your tiny moans and winking. With the last crumbs of the cake dropping into your mouth, you were close to begging him to take you right there on the table, but before you could utter out a word, he interrupted you, a soft look replacing his heated one, “I brought you here for a reason, Y/N.” 
You sighed, slightly disappointed at the shift in the mood, but accepting it rather quickly as curiosity began to seep into you, “Oh?” urging him to continue. 
He nodded, his scarred hand coming onto the table, clasping onto yours as he pulled you out of your seat and into his embrace. You lifted your hands to caress his muscled arms before landing on his chest, smoothing down the wrinkles that had formed on his shirt from the hours spent under the mist of the waterfall. “I– I hurt you deeply on Starfall. I ruined the night for you– for us. There is no making up for it, my love. But I heard that there was going to be a rare meteor shower tonight that would be visible from the peak of the mountain right after sunset. It is no Starfall… but… I want,” he sighed, pulling at the back of your shirt in nerves, “I want to redo that night with you, if you’ll let me?” 
You were, for what seems like the hundredth time today, stunned by Azriel. Stunned by his thoughtfulness. Stunned by his love. Never in a million years did you think he would ever think to do something like this for you. He brought you to the peak of this mountain to watch the sunrise, claiming it as a wonder of the night court. He brought you to this lovely cafe where you spent the entire day enjoying each other's presence, enjoying the openness of the bond you shared. He had spent the past couple of weeks, months, just loving you, adoring you the way he wanted to for decades but hadn’t. You hadn’t suggested anything, you hadn’t forced him to do any of it. This was all him. It was nearly overwhelming, the love he was showing you so unapologetically, so truthfully, so thoughtfully. You could feel the urge to cry building up, this time from joy. Joy that your mate was giving you so generously, over and over again. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just…” He pulled you closer, pressing your body against his as he inhaled, “I hate how Starfall turned out this year. I just… I just want to do…” He paused once again, recollecting himself, a wry smile appearing on his face at the gentle squeeze you pressed into his shoulders, “I want to make it up to you. I want this to be our mini Starfall this year. But truly… if you don’t feel up for it, we can go home and do whatever you want… or I mean, I can leave as well if you want to spend the rest of your night alone, I understand completely, it's been a long day milling about and–” 
You cut him off before he could ramble on, quickly shaking your head, “No, Az, please. I want to see the meteor shower with you,” yanking your mate down into a bear hug, burying your face into his neck as you sent waves of love down the bond which he immediately returned with ten times the force you had used. He inhaled the scent of your hair, rubbing his hands up and down your back, squeezing at the back of your neck, soaking in the comfort you were providing. You held each other for a couple of more minutes, letting his shadows enclose you two into darkness. 
And then, without warning, Azriel pulled himself away, a huge grin pulling at his lips. 
“Azriel,” you shrieked, breathlessly laughing into the shadowsinger’s muscled back as he threw you over his shoulder swiftly, securing his arm around your thighs before he took off into flight, ascending with no extra effort despite carrying your weight on one of his sides. You clutched at his belt, adrenaline pumping through your veins, not because you were afraid he would drop you, but instead because of the thrill of the moment of intimacy shifting into one of playfulness, “We are gonna be late, my dove, we need to hurry or else we will miss it,” he merrily shouted back. 
You shifted slightly, turning your face towards his back so he could hear you, your teasing voice barely reaching his eardrums over the sounds of the wind whipping around you, “And whose fault is that?” You gasped as the male landed a swift smack on your ass, following it with a gentle bite on the clothed flesh. You kicked your feet, wriggling in his embrace which he only tightened, “How was I supposed to know you would take forever in eating our dessert, my love?” The carefree tone he used highlighted the ease the spymaster felt as he flew you to the peak of the mountain, night falling hastily as the heavens began to peak through the dark. 
You stood with your back against his chest, his arms secured around your waist as you both stared up at the sky. His wings had encircled you completely, providing their warmth when you had shivered against the chill of the wind. He had done it almost reflexively, like he hadn’t even thought of it. The moment he felt the slight shift in your stance, his wings strung around you to blanket you. You patiently waited, leaning into Az, resting the back of your head into his chest, admiring the brightness of the stars and the moons. 
And then, a bright streak lit the night sky. You gasped at the beauty, the meteor leaving a trail of stardust that twinkled in a prism of color, the sky merely morphed around the pressure of the spinning rock. And then another streaked across the night sky. And then another. And another. And another. Until the night sky had brightened into an aurora of meteors, the stardust twinkling brighter than any of the stars in the background. Tears lined your eyes at the beauty of the sight. Never had you seen anything like this. Starfall didn’t even compare in terms of the magnificence to this. 
“Azriel,” You paused, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat, “Thank you. This is so, so stunning.” Your hands gripped at the muscles of his arms that were wrapped around you, squeezing as tightly as you could. He strengthened his embrace around you, kissing your neck, then the lobe of your ear, and then your temple before resting his chin atop of your head, “The depths of my love for you are endless, my dove. You don’t ever need to thank me. Not for tonight. Not for today. Not for any of this. You deserve every ounce of love and affection I have for you. All of it belongs to you. And I can guarantee you that this sight… it does not even begin to match your beauty.” 
A while after, Azriel had laid out the same wool blanket he had used on the roof of the house of wind months ago, allowing for you to lay down, one of his shoulders supporting the back of your head. Occasionally, he would lean down to press kisses into your temple or your forehead, or just to smell your hair sending strokes of warmth, peace, content, and love down your bond that was now singing. Your hand had searched for his, interlocking your fingers together the second you found it, rubbing the scarred skin with your thumb, lifting it up every once and a while to kiss every ridge and line that marred the back of his hand and palm. 
And you stayed that way, for hours and hours until the meteor shower had stopped, the moons and the remaining aurora now being the only source of light in the night sky. You turned, shifting to rest your chin against his chest, leaning up every once and a while to kiss his sharp jawline. His iris’ flickered back and forth between yours, caught in a deep thought that he murmured out after kissing the tip of your nose, “You know dove, I have always felt so terrible about my hands. I hate the way they look. I hate the way they are ruined by the horrors of my past. I– I torture people, and sometimes I think that maybe the mother left my hands marred because of how I use them to hurt others.” His eyes grew distant, as if he was remembering the sins of his past, the sins of his future. “Stop that, Azriel. Right now.” You pulled his hands into your chest, holding them close to your heart, “You protect the Night Court with these hands. You protect the people of Valeris with these hands. You protect your high lord and lady with these hands. And you protect me with these hands. These beautiful, perfect hands are nothing to be ashamed of, my love. I absolutely adore every crevice, every ridge, every inch of these hands. Honestly, they are my favorite part about you.” 
He stared at you for a moment, searching your eyes for any hint of a lie, but he couldn’t find any. A small smirk lilted at his lips, “Your favorite part, dove? I can promise you that one day, that will change.” You snorted at his cheekiness, a small… maybe a large, secret part of you believing him. But there was no way you were going to tell him that. You would, however, meet his teasing with your own, “I worship every part of you Azriel, don't you know that?” You pushed yourself up, using his chest as your anchor, lifting your leg over his to move yourself into his lap. His grip shifted from your hands to the curve of your hip,  “Oh?” he asked breathlessly, his pupils blown wide as his hazel iris’ darkened into a deeper, burnt shade of brown. 
“Oh yes, Azriel” you leaned down, a hair's-width separating your lips from his. His breathing quickened, feeling his heart begin to race beneath where your hands were placed on his chest, you closed the distance, licking at his parted lips, sliding your tongue across the plump of his bottom lip. His eyes fluttered shut as he moaned into your parted mouth, suckling on your prodding tongue, reclasping his hands at your hips, tightening their hold as you began undulating against him, locking your lips together as the sounds of his groans filled the night air. 
10 months
You stood in the kitchen, silently stirring the soup that you were warming for dinner tonight, lost in thought and missing your mate dearly. Azriel had gone off on a mission to Dawn a couple of days ago with a promise of being back as soon as possible. And true to his word, earlier in the evening, he had sent word that he was back in Valeris, but he would need to debrief with Cass and Rhys before he could join you. The moment you had received word, you had moved to the kitchen, ready to eat dinner with your mate and then stay up with him for the rest of the night. And maybe… maybe you would keep him in bed with you, and refuse to let him go. 
You smiled to yourself when you heard the door to your balcony open, pushing the soup off the stove, and running towards your bedroom where he stood at the doorway waiting for you. You didn’t hold back, leaping into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and leaning in to press passionate kisses into his lips. He smiled into each kiss, chuckling at your eagerness, holding you up by your ass and kicking the glass door shut behind him. He continued moving his lips against yours as he carried you out of the room, slowing your kisses into softer ones, and then into pecks before plopping you onto the couch. He didn’t hesitate for a second, pushing your legs apart to rest his own in between them and nuzzling into your neck as he flopped his entire body weight onto you. 
You laid together in silence, one of your hands running up in the space between the spymaster’s wings, massaging at the tender knots, all the while allowing his shadows to play with your hair. “They missed you,” Az murmured as he pressed open mouthed kisses into your neck, running his fingers up and down your side, feeling every curve, indentation, every part of you that belonged to him. You hummed in reply, preening at Azriel’s attention, your other hand fumbling with the locket he had given you decades ago, twisting and turning it between your fingers, and then opening and shutting it creating a soft clicking noise. 
Azriel pulled away, letting out a soft chuckle, before fingering the locket away from you, rubbing at the constellations and the poem engraved into the solid gold, “What does it mean Az?” Your honeyed tone encouraging his shadows to sing back sweet nothings at their master's love. 
He stayed silent for a moment, a shy smile gracing his beautiful face, a raw contrast of his usual stoicness, his fearlessness, and yet, here he lay before you. With every part of his soul bare, every part of his heart exposed to allow for you to do whatever you wish to it. He burrowed his face back into your neck, suddenly shy, hiding the flush that crept up his neck to the pointed tips of his ears, “It’s a poem, dove,” his words slurring together, drunk on the feeling of you pressed against him. Your now free hand reached down to play with the scarred fingers of his free hand, his breath catching every time you lifted one to press a gentle kiss into the flesh. 
A huff teared through your lips as you nipped at the pad of his pinky finger, quickly soothing the sting with a kitten lick that had the spymaster’s wings flaring as his body shuddered against yours. “I figured that out for myself Az,” you paused, shifting your gaze down to his, throwing one of your legs around his waist, “I mean what does it translate to?” He stared at you for another moment, eyes shifting between yours, studying you, memorizing you. Memorizing the way your hair frames your face, memorizing the way the warmth of the flames creating a soft glow to your skin, memorizing the color of your eyes that he can never find the words to describe the beauty of, memorizing the way your eyebrows move independently allowing him hints of your emotions, memorizing the teasing smirk you flashed at him that had his heart skipping a couple of beats. The words slipped out between his pink lips as smoothly as water flowing through a river, 
“Oh my beloved.
You have taken my darkness, 
As the light of a bright shining star that is you.
I am yours. 
I’m a dark darkness, and you are my enchanting light.
You are my golden morning sun,
You are my silver moonlight.
I am yours, Oh my beloved.”
Every word came with a pulse of love down your bond, a pulse of longing, a pulse of worship, a pulse of devotion. It built up inside you, a welcome sensation, a feeling of belonging, a feeling of yearning that ended in a tender passionate love that you carried for the shadowsinger, for the spymaster of the night court, for the male laying before you, for your best friend, for the love of your life, for your mate. Az sucked in a shaky breath, pausing, his eyes flickering with a fervor and nerves, but otherwise, was still, with his hand pressed into the curve of your waist, letting the heat seep in through the fabric of your dress. The only sign of movement in the room came from his shadows that swirled around you, encompassing you both into a comfortable emptiness that separated reality in this moment, from the reality of the outside world. 
Even in the darkness, you could feel his eyes hadn’t left yours. He hadn’t left you. The steam of warm air that slipped passed his lips pressed a gentle kiss into yours, reminding you, he would never ever leave you. The candescence of his voice lulled your racing heart as you reeled at his ballad, your mind dissecting every word and phrase that he, Azriel, had chosen to inscribe in the locket you wore since the moment he had gifted it to you. After another shaky inhale, he continued, 
“Every sorrow I carry,
Yanked away
As you fill my eyes with your light
As you talk to me without speaking
My world is in your love.
Oh my golden morning sun, 
Oh my silver moonlight,
Oh my beloved, I am yours.”
“Oh Azriel…” his shy smile returned as he studied your reaction to his words. You didn’t have anything to say. There were no words that you could say, that you could even think of saying that could properly express the way you were feeling right now. So you reached down to grasp his chin, leaning down to move your lips against his in a series of kisses that echoed with the love you poured down the bond. After a couple of moments, the timer for the oven went off. And you forced yourself away after another rush of kisses, taking a deep sigh, pushing him off your body but pulling him up with you to follow you into the kitchen. You seated him at the small dining table, resting your hands on his shoulders, leaning in for another kiss which he gladly returned, eager for more. A low hum was tugging at your bond as you slowly moved away, putting your oven mitts, opening the door to it, allowing the warm air to rush against your face as you pulled out and set before Azriel, a blueberry pie. Your mate's favorite dessert. You shakily smiled at him as his shocked gaze turned away from the piping hot dessert to you. You nervously wrung your hands together, “And the constellation?” 
His throat bobbed, “The…” He stared up at you, mouth opening and closing as he continued to swallow on the air that had suddenly left him, “The what?” His eyes flicked back and forth between yours as you seated yourself next to him, leaning forward to cut a slice out of the pie to place in front of him. “What does the constellation mean, my love?” His body shook as you took the fork that was resting on the table, trembling as you picked it up and cut through the edge of the pie on the plate, bringing it up to your lips to blow some air to cool it down. 
“It was the only constellation that was present in the night sky the day we met,” he muttered, his hazel eyes suddenly lined with tears as he held his breath watching your slow movements. 
A tear escaped, slipping down his cheek as you nodded in understanding, smiling at your mate as you brought the pie to his lips. He didn’t move, hazel iris’ needing to know. Needing to know if this was what he thought it was. If this was you offering food because you were accepting the mating bond. “Please Az. Eat the pie, and let me accept the bond.” A choked sob exhaled past his lips as he took a gasp of relief, your own tears of happiness streaming down your cheek as he leaned forward, humming as he stuffed the bite into his mouth, the golden thread tying you together, glowing and singing with acceptance and love. He pushed the plate away the second he finished swallowing, yanking you into his lap, kissing every tear that had spilled past your cheeks away before finally, slotting his lips against yours. “I love you so much, my beautiful mate, my dove,” he murmured out in between gasps as your hands cupped his cheeks closer, pressing your lips together harder, “I love you too Az, always.”
Taglist: @paasrin @positivewitch @fieldofdaisiies @judig92 @sv0430 @highlady-ofillyria @wrensical003@brekkershadowsinger@starswholistenanddreamsanswered@mrs-azriel @cityofidek @nova-stardragon @thewarriormoon @ilovespideyyy@azzydaddy@bookish-dream @nobody00sthings @marigold-morelli@solossweater@rubygirly@hanasakr@ellievickstar @shadowcrossworld @lucyysthings@cameronsails @peachycandy10 @bruhhv @flyingsquids @adreamerforthestars@lahoete@mis-lil-red@his-sweet-nightmare@esposadomd@blurredlamplight@elizarikaallen@tiffthebookworm@valeridarkness@wifeofcamillamacaulay @everyonehatescarmen  @azriels-favorite-simp@goldentournesol@marina468@elsie-bells@slvtherinseeker@cafe-inaaa@honeyrydernot@itsonlymemyself-and-i@nemesis6666@thegirlintheshadows101-blog@kennedy-brooke @chocolatecakelargeshake
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taintedtort · 1 year
prompt ✧ being clingy with them
characters ✧ lumine, beidou, albedo, wanderer
warnings ✧ gn!reader, petname (honey) in lumines part
a/n ✧ here you are 🦊 anon ! these are kinda short cus i took an edible right before writing, might redo later.. sorry!!!
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✧ personally i think she likes cuddles, so she wouldn’t mind if you were being extra clingy. she’d be a bit confused at first but would overall just accept it.
✧ when she felt you tug on her dress, she made a humming noise while turning to face you, only to be met with your arms around her waist. she let out a quiet surprised noise, but instantly hugged you back. asked if something was wrong but you just shook your head, so she leaned further into your embrace.
✧ she pet your hair a little and didn’t make a move to pull away, so you two stood there hugging for a good while. when you finally pulled away, she smiled lovingly at you.
"hi honey, you okay?"
✧ she’s not always a gentle lover, she constantly throws her arms around you, bear hugs you, and pats your back a little too hard. of course, she’d never take it too far, she knows your limits and her strength. but that’s not to say she can’t be gentle.
✧ when she set her last box down and turned to see you, she greeted you with a huge smile. she watched as you walked a few steps to her and put your head on her shoulder. she instantly wrapped her arms around you, pulling you closer to her body.
✧ mumbled a flirty remark in your hair before placing a kiss. she was the one to pull away, but only to ask if you were feeling alright. she didn’t know if you were sea sick or just being clingy.
✧ when you bashfully stated that you just wanted to be close to her for a second, she grinned and teased you about it, but placed another kiss to your head nonetheless.
"aw, you missed me? you could’ve just said that."
✧ he’s not super affectionate, but he has his moments. he doesn’t mind holding you or placing chaste kisses to your face at all. he doesn’t usually come to bed when you do, which leads to you always being asleep before him. you try to stay awake and wait for him, but he’s totally nocturnal so it’s hard and you almost always fail.
✧ this time however, you managed to stay awake. you had an ache in your chest that you knew only his presence could dull, so you waited. not like you could sleep anyway, you kept thinking about him and missing him— even though he was in the other room. you just wanted to hold onto him, but you didn’t want to annoy him while he was working… so you waited like you always do.
✧ once he finally stepped into the room, his droopy eyes finding yours, his brow furrowed. he made a comment about how he didn’t think you were still awake. he was met with your arms stretching out towards him, silently asking for a hug.
✧ he obliged with a smile. climbed under the covers with you and let you wrap your arms around him, putting your cheek on top of his head. you felt him place a kiss to your collarbone and you let out a content sigh.
"you want to cuddle? oh— yes, of course."
✧ definitely isn’t used to physical touch, but he craves it so much— especially from you. he‘d act annoyed at your hugs and kisses but he secretly loves them, and you knew that. he never pushes you away, even if his body is aching to move.
✧ when he entered your shared home, he saw you sitting on the couch. you heard him walk in and called him over, a smile clear in your voice. you’d been missing him all day, he had been with nahida and you didn’t want to intrude, so you stayed behind and waited.
✧ once he reached you, he stood in front of you, an expectant look on his face. when you pat the spot next to you, he sat with a grunt.
✧ you leaned your head on his shoulder and laced your fingers with his, a dreamy sigh leaving your lips. you mumbled that you missed him so much and you were glad he was finally back. he thanked the archons that your head was downward so you couldn’t see the faint pink on his cheeks and ears. he grumbled something back about you being overdramatic, but squeezed your hand tighter in the process.
"i wasn’t gone for that long, you really need me around that much?"
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
Reflections | L.DH (M)
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prologue- “what do you think our children would look like?” + “I’m such a coward. Fuck it.”
tw- friends to lovers trope, they’re kinda oblivious to their feelings especially y/n, haechan is whipped as hell. mentions of smoking, drugs (like weed) and alcohol. university mention. y/n is a smart good girl and haechan is sorta the mischievous boy in her class that causes trouble. Honestly just a cute fluff romantic scenario <3
notes- heavily inspired by the song “Reflections” by the neighbourhood.
“Fuck off donghyuck!”
your face scrunches in multiple wrinkles, frowning at your friend who has been a pain in your ass repeatedly by constantly pressing on your laptops keyboard which would mess up the article you will have to present in your psychology class tomorrow. you are pulling a fortnight for this piece of work and when you told your friends that you were busy that you can’t attend jaehyun’s party; one of your ‘friends’, not sure if you can call him one anymore considering he’s such an asshole right now.
Donghyuck voluntarily said he will help you out, since he’s already done this project (early) you agreed but little did you start to regret it quickly when he was simply distracting you from finishing it. Right now the time is about 4.00 am and it’s causing you to have a minor breakdown.
just a little university minor breakdown that will leave you pulling at your hair and scream, kick and maybe even few tears if it worsens.
The boy looks up at y/n flashing her a deviously smile as his voice coos singing. “I been trying to do that if you haven’t noticed, babe.”
Lips left out a small Ugh, he hears you push his face away with your flat palm as your attention turns to your laptop, pressing on the keyboards again. He whines blowing out raspberries.
“Someone’s stressed..” he sang again as he brushes forth his fingers in your hair, flicking it in the air one curly strand by another. You close your eyes letting out a harsh exhale, god you pray he just happens to pass out but knowing donghyuck- he’s a freaking nocturnal animal.
He never sleeps you swear.
“Donghyuck I would lovingly appreciate it if you… get out of my dorm.” You spat warningly. He pouts watching you. “But you said I could stay.”
“Yeah because I didn’t think you’d be a pain in my ass.”
“You should thank me I’m entertaining you.” He sassily retorts sitting up on your bed, he crawls behind you where he pushes you away from your laptop and takes it; he begins to slowly type humming. “Look I’ll help you, I can tell you’re struggling.”
you sigh. Was it really that obvious? Out of all people donghyuck really can read you as if you were a tracing paper, you were as transparent as anything; maybe it’s because you guys are closer than you would actually like to admit. People would often mistake you guys as a loving couple, hell some thought you were married considering the amount of bickering you guys do. It’s reached the point where your parents and his parents genuinely wish to see you everytime you’re with another.
As you would watch the serious expression on your friend next to you, you felt slightly like a burden. You grunt in protest reaching to snatch the laptop. “Let me do it I’m almost finished anyways—“ he would pull the laptop from your reach. “No, take a rest.”
you frown. “No I’ll finish it, hyuck.” you said back as you crawl to reach the laptop but in the end you were faced with the most stubborn boy you known to existence so you ultimately gave up with a gentle sigh. instead you place your head on his lap as he types away the last bits of words in your article.
haechan looks down at you with a soft smile, he softly pats your bangs away from your face before saving the article. he couldn’t help but tilt his head, humming.
“you know…what do you think our children would look like?”
you open your eyes, raising eyebrows at his sudden question. you croak a short smile, scoffing. “suddenly?”
he gives a soft nod. “genuine question.”
“I think they would be troublesome. Especially your children.”
he gasp slightly offended. “Uhm excuse you y/n my children are perfect just the way they are.” you snicker as you reach forward cupping his face, squishing it a little. “as if, more like devil’s offsprings.”
“What if we had children together.” he trails quietly and you softly pause, letting go off his face. “You mean…if me and you had a child together?”
he nods. “Mhm what do you think they would be like?”
“Non existent… I dunno.” you slowly shrug it away but he pouts with some sadness lingering. “Come on answer seriously.” He tells y/n as he saw you sit up on the bed. You look around your room warily.
“what do you think then?” Y/n asks the boy.
He would push the laptop on the side as he lays on the right side of your bed and you would follow his body on the left side, leaning a gap in the middle between your bodies. There was a share breathe took in. Haechan would look at y/n as if she was the missing piece all along. Though this was obvious to all of the uni campus, to y/n it was like a non existent fantasy that would never happen. You met donghyuck at your first year as freshmen, you transferred from another uni few months after and since you were the new girl, everyone wanted to be your friend. Haechan laid eyes on you when you were chosen to sit next to him in psychology and he swore he never fell in love so quickly.
It was love at first sight for him. You started as sweet friends who grew to slowly pick up a bickering relationship where you constantly play fight like small children. You think of him as someone always up to no good, a boy who is stuck in his sixteen years rather than twenty one. Not only was he the type of boy to get into trouble, he did hang around the wrong people who were bad influence.
he would get into lots of police trouble and at some point he skipped school so many times to comprehend. Yet every time something fucked him over, he calls you. Whenever he was drunk to his bones, he calls his top pinned saved number under the contact name ‘my saviour’, which is you. When he hit the darkest time of his life where his mother happened to be severally ill, he isolated himself away from the world.
who was the one who never stayed away no matter how many times he pushed people out of his life and cut them out numerous times? It was always you. No matter how much you argue with him, no matter what he does to annoy you and become a massive headache; you really can’t help but think you’re fated to him. It was a blessing and a curse.
He was your reflection. You were his reflection.
The reflection of all those bad things he has done, the hard moments in life he overcame (all thanks to you)— you were exactly that, the proven moment of how far he’s come and changed thanks to you.
“I think our children would be adorable!” He exclaims with a short smile. “I’d like a little girl that looks like you.”
“Too bad I really want a boy.” You reply back and he immediately disagrees. “No way, having a daughter is way better.”
You shrug flicking your fingers on his loose wavy hair, not lying but you always found his natural hair so attractive, the way it was wavy and curly in some areas, it covered his eyes most of the time and whenever he came to class half asleep he would barely have time to brush it; yet you loved that. His imperfections were his perfect traits.
“You’re rather serious about this topic. Did you fall for me or something?” You joke out.
He falters at your words with slow hums as he never broke eye contact with your lips. Haechan was quick to catch himself staring a little too long, so he turns away to his phone to look at the time.
“Oh shoot it’s already 4.50.” He loudly barks sitting up. “We have class in about four hours, you’ll be a total zombie if you don’t sleep now.”
You raise your eyebrows. “What about you? The boys dorms are locked already and so are the girl’s dorms. Will you just sleep at mine?” He smirks making himself comfortable on your bed as if it was his own. “You bet I am. Lay down and go to sleep already.”
“Okay dad relax, gosh.” You grumble. The moment your body was sleeping next to his you seem to have fell into a comfortable slumber. something about being in hyuck’s presence makes you feel safe…
Your body relaxes underneath the bedcovers as your lamp was turned off leaving the room cover by the midnight darkness. He was wide awake staring right at you as he lays on the side to watch your unconscious face. Smiling to himself ear to ear, the little moles on his beautiful melancholy skin stand out in the blackness of the dorm. he’d slowly run his fingers down the sides of your face, brushing the little hairs from your fringe away,
The softness of your cut bangs prickle the fingers a tiny bit, though he never minded it. your gentle breathes leaning your flaring nostrils were cute to watch, and somehow he found himself admiring your raw beauty. Messy hair, no makeup leaving only your bare face, loose tomboyish clothes that suit your figure well.
he felt like he was too close to stars, just by being with you. you were the planet that was resolving round the sun.
Haechan didn’t realise it until he was far too in the situation, his lips were subconsciously closing in the small gap between you and him; he marks the open cheek leaving a wet smooch. the kiss was short lived when he slowly backs away, with a proud smile on his face. those strong feelings only grew stronger and he felt some sort of clarity from it.
he didn’t have the courage to do anything he wished to do and say when you were wide awake. But when you were asleep, he can’t surpass on the opportunity revealing itself. Yes, he was a coward.
A coward that couldn’t express his hidden feelings that he developed exactly four years ago.
But the moment he saw a glimpse your eyelashes fluttering, your eyes adjusting to the darkness where you saw haechan’s face hovering over yours. He stands frozen like a statue, dead silence. Y/n must’ve felt her stomach twist and turn, overburden by massive butterflies flying around to escape the lower abdomen. Heart skipped a beat in unison. Breathing was on holt, making you forget how to breath.
He didn’t want to be caught. He didn’t want his relationship with you change, as much as he craved a change, he was scared of it happening in reality. Haechan would rather keep fantasising about it in his head treating it like a delusional crush that will pass. Because he never knew somebody like you.
He would rather know and keep you around instead of using you because of his personal romantic feelings he holds deeply for you. He knows you don’t feel the same way, so what was the point of confessing exactly to you? The only answer was rejection from you. He wouldn’t want to lose you just because of his selfish feelings he has.
Caught by surprise when two cold hands crawl on his sharp v-jawline, with a strong force pulling him softly in on warm lips. The boy lets out a small gaping gasp that your ears picked up. You pull away from the small kiss you gave him, watching him lovingly under the bright moonlight creeping in through the windows behind your back.
Haechan eyes you hungrily, like it was a dream of his, honestly speaking he gaslights himself to believe this was just a dream of his happening; the boy lightly pulls you by your waist underneath the bed duvet covering you both. Captivating your lips in another kiss, but this time it was much more passionate. He was taking little control over time, he explores your tongue inside and out as well as your soft lips that smell of vanilla chapsticks you always put on your lips durning class.
Who knew he could get so addicted on the fantasy he could only dream about? The real deal was so much better than haechan could ever imagine. You were his bane of existence knowing that you’re going to be the death of him. He wonders what did he do in his past life to deserve such torture for over four years, pretending to not have any feelings for you. Having to deny them to his best mates.
Having to watch you speak about guys you were finding attractive. Hell he even watched you go through a breakup once and that is what pained him the most. He fought your ex and you ended up getting pissed at him, because you weren’t aware of his feelings he held for you. Haechan swears he’d never dare make you cry. It’s the last thing he wants to do to you.
Y/n’s lips quiver against the aggressive synchronised movements as you wrap your fingers round his beautiful long curly locks. He breaks out the kiss, murmuring words you couldn’t ever imagine.
“I’m such a coward. Fuck it.” He tells to no one specific but only himself, as if it was a pep talk.
“I love you, y/n.”
Brave words coming to the surface just like the colour rushing to his cheeks, thankfully the darkness covers it enough that you wouldn’t be able to see how nervous he was to the point he would be blushing like a twelve year old boy confessing to his first love; the giddy little feelings you’d thing was left behind in his puberty years, weren’t really gone.
“Hyuck..” you mutter as you watch him, seeing the girl’s eyes tremble a little as your fingers slowly unlock from the hair. You trace your hands around his face bringing him in a warm embrace close to your necktie where he rests just above the chin.
He was preparing himself for a rejection. Closed eyes shut as he enjoys the last embrace that he managed to make himself believe that it was the last time he will ever see you, ever speak to you and the humiliation will traumatise him truly. He was scared.
But when your soft voice haunts his mind with a twist of words that he never believed at first before his pupils open wide, face rushing to the surface to watch you as the only light source was from the bright full moon.
“I love you too. Always have.”
Maybe…maybe this wasn’t a dream. Haechan prays it wasn’t.
He never knew he found someone that fell just as hard as he did, because the moment his eyes laid on round bambi eyes he swore he saw his own reflection in your eyes.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating, copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu <3 reblog this fic and follow me for more it helps a girl out.
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gffa · 7 months
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One thing I did like about the ending of Gotham War is that I feel like there's some potentially interesting analysis of Bruce's character to be had here, because I find this whole thing 1000% more interesting viewed through the lens of Bruce backsliding on his core classic issue: He's terrified out of his mind at how much he loves these people around him and he struggles with having relationships with people who have fundamental differences to him. I keep thinking of that Tini Howard quote about this arc and about how it's not about whether or not Bruce and Selina can get together, but that he doesn't really know how to agree to disagree with someone he loves when it comes to something deeply foundational to him. And I think that's the entire point of including everything with Jason--that it's Bruce at a low point, after too much stress coming too quickly, too many major psychological pummelings over the last several arcs, and hitting a point where he can't deal with shoving aside his fundamental disagreements with Jason anymore. But he can't just write Jason off either, because Jason is his son, so his ten simultaneous mental breakdowns all get together and decide that the only option he can live with, is to try to force Jason out of this life. That's why he tries to talk himself into forcing Dick and Tim and Damian to be caught by the police, so they'd be forced out of this life. That's why he crumbles in an alley and tries to talk himself out of loving these people. Because he doesn't know how to agree to disagree with them and still keep loving them, keep having a relationship with them.
Because everything that happened with Selina, that he really let himself believe that he could be with her, marry her, and still be Batman, that really fucked him up and I think Gotham War is more of the aftermath of that. That's how I'm (admittedly doggedly) interpreting the bit about Selina and him being the "parents" of this group, despite that Selina was never in that role--I think Bruce wanted them to be the "parents" of the group and let himself believe in it and, when it went pear-shaped, something in him backslid terribly and now we're all here. "I'm okay with me not having happiness." is a direct call-back to Bruce in the car with Alfred on the way to the wedding, asking with surprising vulnerability, "Am I allowed to be happy?" He opened his heart and got hurt again and it's been stewing for awhile and so much has happened since then--Zur-En-Arrh, Tim getting his throat cut, Dick coming to cheer him up after Selina and getting shot in the head and Bruce almost losing him, Failsafe, Insomnia, everything that's going on over in Gotham Nocturne, etc.--that it fractured something in him and the cracks have finally grown deep enough that it fell apart in this story. So now all of this is just mounting tragedies to him. Which means he can't stay connected to it because he's too afraid of losing them and he's unwilling to try after what his fracturing led him to do. He can't stop them from living this life, despite everything he tried. He can't stop loving them, despite how hard he tried. So, all he can do is walk away before he gets hurt again, trying to leave everything in Dick's hands. Dick who is "better than Batman", who is better than Bruce. That he wants Dick and Barbara to be the "parents", because that's what he was trying to be and felt he failed at it, like to me this ending isn't really resolution, this is a low point for Bruce as a character in his bigger arc, because I think Batman's character arc always has to come back to his trauma of losing his family when he was young, working to let a new family in, coming to love them, and struggling against how much it terrifies him that he might lose them, too, because he doesn't think he can survive that kind of pain again. He'll still be in Damian's life, still be Batman and Robin there, but I think he's making an exception there because so much of it comes back to being able to live with fundamentally disagreeing with someone--Dick and Jason and Tim are adults, he can't tell them what to do anymore. Damian is young enough that, even if they clash, he's still directly in charge of raising him.
Zur-En-Arrh does hang over this entire storyline, he's part of what's taking up too much space to allow Bruce any mental breathing room, but fundamentally I see this storyline as part of Bruce's issues: That he's terrified of losing those he loves, but he can't control them, he desperately tries to and it doesn't work, and he can't live with them taking different paths from his ideals, so he walks away, rather than get hurt further. Bruce is probably going to dig himself further down into this hole and he's being incredibly dumb about it, but I can see how this fits all things that he has always struggled with--and sometimes he loses that fight against himself. This event wasn't really about fighting with Selina or Vandal Savage or even his kids--this was Bruce's love versus his fears, and today his fears won.
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prose-for-hire · 1 year
Night Owl
Pairing: Spike x reader (w/ epilepsy)
Request: Spike and a reader who has epilepsy starts having seizures. They are out on a date and he looks out for them. Comfort fic.
Requested by: @blue-eyes-broken-heart (Anon Liz)
A/N: Hope this is okay for you babe and I hope you’re doing well !! I don’t have epilepsy so google was my guide on this one, if it doesn’t quite work please (please!!) tell me it can always be changed 💖
Here are some brief first aid tips on how to help if someone is having an epileptic seizure: https://www.redcross.org.uk/first-aid/learn-first-aid/seizures
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You hadn’t exactly met Spike in a traditional way, he had tried to kill you and his friends at your school parents night. But, later, when he had got to know you more, he had realised feelings had started to blossom. Spike had been sweet on you, since the days you had spent together while he was chained to Giles’ tub. You were the only one who didn’t complain or taunt him when you made him blood. The only one who sat through Passions and the only one that held an actual conversation with him.
He appreciated you for that, thought you were a decent sort. But soon he began to develop these feelings for you. He couldn’t explain it, the idea of falling for a human had once been laughable to him. But you, you were something else.
You usually stayed up with him during the night, you tended to do a lot of reading and it was a time of day that you were most comfortable. Later on, he used to call you his night owl. Then, his favourite night owl. Which made you glow. You were as nocturnal as him it seemed.
Some evenings he would ask you to read out loud to him. He just loved to hear your voice. It was his favourite sound, he could listen to it for the rest of his life and never get sick of it. He loved everything about you and he told you as much one early morning that you shared together in his crypt once he was finally done being passed around the Scoobies as their hostage.
He had made the crypt extra comfortable, just for you. So that you would spend as much time as possible there. Which, you of course did. In fact, you ended up moving in. You loved your routines, the way you both had a passion for great (and some not so great) tv shows. He knew you inside and out and loved you more for it.
He doted on you and he didn’t change once you explained that you had epilepsy, a conversation you wanted to have before you moved in. He of course worried about you but he didn’t treat you as if he felt he had to be cautious around you. In fact, he didn’t change how he acted at all, he just nodded once and smiled at you, pressing a kiss against your lips and carried on telling you about this fight he had in like 40 BC.
He always looked out for you though. He once charged up the steps to the highest level of the Bronze and ripped the stage lighting out so that it wouldn’t trigger one of your seizures. To be fair, he had asked them nicely not to use them to begin with. Well, he snarled at them and threatened their lives. But, hey, you never said he was perfect.
You didn’t want perfect. You wanted his every flaw, you wanted every twisted and darkest parts of him. You never wanted him to have to hide parts of himself away. Because that was him.
Tonight was date night. He hated when you called it that, he was evil and evil creatures didn’t do date night. But when you gave him one of those looks he relented and just held your hand and walked into your date. It was already 12AM, you had enjoyed a nap together that afternoon so you were characteristically going to end up staying up most of the night. Which suited you both just fine.
He had taken you to a bar. One on the outskirts of Sunnydale that you had said you wanted to check out sometime. He had drove you both there, his insistence on being your personal chauffeur was very sweet. That was, until he started driving and then you were more focusing on trying not to fear for your life.
He drove like a bat out of hell. Though he got a bit grumpy whenever you used that particular phrasing, it reminded him of Dracula and there was some debt between them that was apparently a bit of a sore point. Not to mention that when he did drive with you in the car, his eyes were barely on the road, he was so distracted by you. Despite this he had never actually crashed. He was an annoyingly good driver except for the speed. His driving did get you to your destinations quickly though, you were never late to anything with Spike around.
You had a nice night, you laughed and danced together, he was very happy to show you off to some of the demons he recognised. You and he let loose, had a lot of fun. You eventually started to feel fatigued, seemingly from all the laughing you had been doing so he took you to sit down at a secluded table at the back of the bar.
His hand in yours, his eyes drinking in your form. He couldn’t figure out how he had got so lucky. How he had bagged someone as amazing as you. He didn’t know, but you had been thinking the exact same thing. He was everything to you. You felt so safe, so protected with him around.
He opened his mouth, wanting to tell you just how much he loved you, when he noted you were looking a little detached from the surroundings. You were somewhere else. In your head.
And then it happened. You were having a seizure. He saw that you were about to fit a split second before it even happened. With inhuman speed Spike was by your side, cradling your head so that you didn’t hurt yourself. His touch was firm and tender as he lowered you to lie down on. You were losing consciousness.
He ripped off his shirt and balled it up, putting it behind your head so that it acted as a cushion. He didn’t care that he was half naked in the middle of the bar. He couldn’t feel the cold, after all. And he didn’t care for the opinions of anyone else except you.
He had swiped a bunch of medical textbooks when he was last raiding the local emergency room for blood and had read everything that he possibly could about how to care for you in the best way possible. He rested you on your side with your head tilted back, hoping you knew he was right there with you. He glared around at the people that kept looking over. Most of them just wanted to know how they could help but he intimidated them into giving you space.
You were disoriented. Your mind swam in confusion as you remembered where you were and what had just happened. You opened your eyes, half expecting to be alone somewhere. But, of course, there he was. Your vampire.
He was kneeling beside you, his brows knit in concern as he waited for you to come to. Your eyes met his, the relief on his face evident as he squeezed your hand that you hadn’t realised he was holding. That was when you noticed his bare chest, your eyes lingering on the chiselled abs that you knew so well.
“Why are you topless?” Your eyes focused on your vampire incredulously, “This isn’t a strip club Spike! I can’t take you anywhere” You pretended to sigh and roll your eyes, a tired smile on your lips as he matched your expression.
“Let’s get you home pet” He said, reaching to take his red shirt back from under your head.
“No, uh, that’s okay. I think I’ll keep it” You smiled evilly, taking it back from him. He didn’t argue.
“Thought I was meant to be the big bad, you’re givin’ me a run for my money, pet” He took on your weight easily, one hand under your thigh and the other supporting your back. The red shirt draped around your shoulders.
“You can have-” You started to feel bad, offering to give it back. You were making him walk through the cold night, carrying you and shirtless too. But he took it as a point of pride, having the honour to carry you through the streets. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Looks better on you anyway, love” He smiled, leaning in to press a kiss against your cheek as you leaned against his shoulder, the exhaustion of your seizure making you incredibly tired.
You fell asleep in his arms as he cradled your form, you had never felt so safe through the streets of Sunnydale.
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In the Middle of the Night
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TW: smut. Language. Cockwarming. Slight Dom!JJ. Somnophilia.
Kook!Reader and JJ Maybank
SUMMARY: JJ awakes to a pleasurable sensation he continues you to quell. 
JJ sleeping over at his girlfriends house for the first time (kook gf)
🤍Totally ignore this if you don’t like it but while JJ and reader are cockwarming she has a wet dream with jj and he doesn’t know what he should do 
In The Middle of the Night
It was the first time I could hold her in my arms without interruption. No curious younger sibling with an ear to her door and therefore no need to be silent. And there was also no fear of being ridiculed after she left in some quick afternoon rendezvous by Kie or Pope, where John B would have probably offered a high five. But for now, I could appreciate her for myself. No other Kooks trying to steal her attention and no other pogues reminding me of how she would get tired of me in due time. 
No, I had her completely to myself. Her skin as soft as her hair as it rested on my lips. The scent of sex and coconut still lingering in the sheets beneath us as a swore I could never get enough of either. Her scent or her. My fingers began to trace her, needing to touch her for more than a moment. Favoring the way that, even in her sleep, her body reacted to my touch. With the angle in which she laid, I was able to adjust slightly and keep her at rest, before managing to witness her expression. Furrowed brows coming from the tease I made over her nipples, covered by the thin sheet from her adolescent bedroom. I fought the urge to suck, bite, even pull it free.
 I needed her. I needed my girl. And I needed her now. 
She was perfection, where I was stained. Gold to rust. Good to bad. And even as I lay nocturnal at her side, stealing every second I could to witness her, she was angelic and pristine before me. Even with skin still damp with former sweat and hair tousled in how I pulled it to my will in every position she allowed. Not one we haven't tried yet. But her body was still ethereal. Warm. Wet. Chilled. Clenching. 
"Fuck..." I smirked, believing she was initiating some kind of encore to the apparent lack of satisfaction or desperation to repeat it. But I could feel her clench around me, my cock finding a home as she remained asleep, feeling her warmth wash over me in a single rush. Too warm. Too wet. Too fucking hot. 
"JJ..." She moaned still asleep, my expression hollow in anything but lust.
I froze for a moment, wondering if it was how I touched her that made her coat my dick. A smile caught by the sliver of moonlight offering the same illumination to her. The squint made in her sleep and slight breathlessness coming back to rest as I couldn't and didn't care to fight my pout. Just as quickly as she found ecstasy, it slipped as a stain beneath us both. My cock suddenly brought to life to the flickers of her tension as my hand wrapped around her breast. 
I needed her. 
More than I ever thought possible. 
Her skin felt softer, warmer, as I took it into my possession. There didn't exist a single inch of her skin that I hadn't touched, but it felt new to me at this moment. As if I saw her as vulnerable as our first interaction and the countless between now and then were fantasies. But I was desperate. I was hard as a fucking rock as I could feel my release already forming by those handful of clenches. And if I had to endure it, goddamnit, so would she. 
My lips were soft to her neck but my hands were tight to her breast. I was sure they'd bruise and I didn't care. I wanted those pained moans to be because of me. I wanted them to wake her up. 
Just not yet. 
With my second hand beneath the same pillow hers had been for rest, I intertwined our fingers until she was helpless to me. I had her pinned, my ankle keeping hers flat on the bed, as she began to awaken beneath me. 
"JJ?" She was already breathless. "What happened?" 
"You came in your sleep, princess...had a nice little wet dream about me..." I could feel the heat from her blush on my forehead as I kissed her shoulder. 
"I did?" You nodded. 
"Made quite a little mess, too..." 
"Ah...JJ..." She winced as I kept her flat. I was certain after how she'd come before falling asleep on my arms that she was still sore. And having come a handful of minutes prior, she was certain to be overstimulated. And I loved it. The pleas. The trembling. The way she spoke my name in desperation to stop, even as her body pulled for me to continue. Thankfully for her, and my own throbbing cock, I was never good at following directions. 
"Don't worry sweetheart, you don't have to dream about it...I'll make it real..." I began a steady pace as she fought beneath me. But not to move or to stop, but to rival me. She wanted me deeper and she showed this in the way she would move against me. But my grip kept her still. It would show still in the way she spoke my name. That little whine that could annoy me when she complained about something first class was the same I craved in moments like this. Knowing I was both her savior and her tormentor. 
"JJ..." She gasped as my thumb made teasing brushes over her clit. 
"How many times have you had a dream like that? Waking up to soaked little panties?" 
"Too often." I was slightly annoyed by this. All the times I could have made good on it as I intended to now. Well better late than never I suppose. 
"All those ruined panties..." I scoffed into her shoulder. "When I can just ruin you myself..." 
"Please...you do...so well..." I tightened both grips on her as my breath came to the shell of her ear. 
"You always dream about me?" 
"Every night..."
"What did I do?"
"This..." She confessed in relief before I retracted.
 I was close. Too fucking close. I could come if she looked at me with those kind eyes beckoning me as the siren she could be. I wanted this to last. Even if I throbbed. Which happened to be a side effect to being with her. 
I pinned her arms beside her head as I hovered over her, by chest intentionally breathing heavy to feel her nipples against me. Something so light had me needy to be inside her again. Not even the way she held onto me, which was enough to end me altogether. 
"Did I take my time?" She shook her head "no". 
"Was that because I wanted to come or because I wanted to make you?" I kissed her breasts as her fingers pulled through my hair. 
"Please, JJ..." I raised my eyes at the perfect time to the two fingers teasing her entrance. Poor girl was drilling. Practically pouring out for me. 
"You want my fingers, princess?"
"Two!" She gasped in desperation. 
"Always so greedy-" but against my words, I obliged. One finger followed by the other as she stretched around me. Sultry and tight, just as she always was for me. No matter how many times I fucked her. She was always so fucking tight. 
"I love how I can hear how badly you want me..." I explained as I relished the sounds made of my fingers and her excess. Not to mention the way her breath hitched when I came to that spot. The one that had her hands wrapped around my wrist. 
"I'm not gonna last, JJ..."
"And who said I wanted you to?" I teased, dropping between her thighs and over her clit. She was soaked enough no spit was needed, but I loved the way her eyes rolled when I did. A single spurt and she was moaning uncontrollably beneath me. 
"I'm so close, JJ-"
"You want them to hear back at The Chateau?"
"Wouldn't be the first time..." She reminded as I illuminated at the memory. 
"Or the last..." I threaten sex as she arches her back. 
"Right there!"
"Here?" I tease, slipping my hand just beneath where I knew could unbuckle her again in seconds. She attempted to move me back but I slip away. 
"Stop edging me, JJ...please..."
"Not until you tell me what you dreamt of specifically, sweetheart. I wanna make all your dreams come true..."
"Then fuck me!" She belted as I paused for a moment, savoring in making her wait. 
"Just like you did earlier. Harder. Deeper. Please, I'm so fucking desperate..." I planned to worsen this. I set myself between her legs however, her thighs clenching around me immediately. Fuck, she has that perfect vice I felt long after she was gone. 
"Aren't you always?" I taunted as she whimpered and nodded. 
"But I want to kiss you... everywhere...watching you squirm like that...moan like that...did something to me..."
"And I want that something inside of me, JJ...please..." But I wanted to torment her. I offered one finger, a handful of pumps, and a retraction. Two fingers, bending them to her g-spot and kissing her breasts, before pulling back again. I released this, taking occupancy over her nipples and clit as she shook beneath me. All until I knew one more stroke of my tongue would be her undoing. 
"Say it again." She was exhausted before I was even inside of her on my final brigade of thrusts. Poor thing thought it would end this way. 
I align myself to her sex. So fucking wet I could slide so easily. The thought making me flex. 
"Fuck me, JJ...please..." She was weak but needy as her fingers to my shoulders validated this. And finally, our mutual torment was over. 
"It's too much!" She cried out beneath me as I kissed her softly. 
"You can do it, sweetheart. You always do. So fucking good for me..." It was difficult to speak with how she felt wrapped around me. But I needed to commend her. But then again, not enough words, or at least none I knew, could explain how I felt with her. 
"JJ...I can feel it..." But somehow it wasn't enough. Knowing she was close, I needed her closed. Deeper. Harder. Just as she asked for. I pulled her knees to her chest and kept myself in this angle over her. The bed pounding into the wall as I wrapped my hand over the headboard, but it only sent it harder into the foundation. 
"Can you still feel me, princess?" She was silent, her lips pulled apart as no sound emerged. And I knew the look well. She wasn't just coming, she was squirting. Her gasps returning as she coated me, our mutual thighs, the sheets, and I still needed more. 
"Keep coming for me, baby..."
"I can't..."
"One more time...I know you can do it...just one more for me..." She complied, fighting the jolts made of her body as I climbed to my high within her. 
Something erupted between us. Her or me, I couldn't dispute or claim. But the sheets were a mess along with our bodies. Claw marks and bruises would be left in the exchange as I kept her beneath me. Heaven on earth for only a moment before hellfire consumed me as my eyes opened to find her exasperated. 
Even after this, I still wanted more. 
And I would get it. 
Just maybe after some sleep. As long as she didn't clench me like that again...
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 @pankhoeforlife @pankowperfection
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artofhazbinhotel · 29 days
Staticmoth argument scenario as usual because they're in love but awful people
Vox had been staying out at night to work on a new project pulling all nighters for at least a week now and he was exhausted, he thought he knew a way to cheer himself up and finally get some sleep: Valentino. He actually came home tonight and Valentino was watching his latest work on TV as he often does, he's very proud of his work despite Velvette and Vox not wanting to see it in the living room 24/7, or ever. When the moth demon heard the door he peeked over the couch with an antenna twitch to see who, hoping it was finally Vox, it was. It was a late hour but Valentino doesn't usually sleep at night from being nocturnal, he'll sleep on occasion if it's after sex or forcing Vox to sleep by making a makeshift wing straightjacket. Vox flopped onto the couch beside Valentino, laying on his back across his long legs, "You would not believe the day I had" small talk seemed to be a good way to go about this he figured, he would never just straight out ask 'want to have sex?' that's Val's job. Valentino cupped his face with a hand while another laid across his chest "My poor baby, it's a shame you do it to yourself"
Vox rolled his eyes ignoring the comment before continuing "I missed you" Valentino couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at this, of course he missed Vox, he was pissed off at him for neglecting him so long, past the point of trying to seduce him for attention, that's how pissed he was. "Yeah?" He doesn't deserve to hear it in return he decides, bitter. The media demon didn't expect to hear it back anyway but it still kind of stung, finally he sits up despite how comfy that position was, he always found Valentino's lap a nice comforting pillow. "You deserve attention even if you didn't miss me, is there anything I can do for you baby?" The TV host was really hoping sweet talk would get his 'business partner' out of this mood he seemed to have right now, sometimes it does, it's 50/50.
"You mean what I can do for you? You're not the top here" he stated matter of fact, causing Vox to blush a little in embarrassment and gesture dramatically "I would be more often if you'd let me! I could do that for you if you want? Think of it as an apology" Valentino could almost laugh at that, instead he pretends to ponder it "Hm.. No." Vox figured Val was just rejecting him wanting to be a top so he sighs , "Fine, okay, you can use me to feel good instead then, how's that sound?" He was almost certain the phrasing would make Valentino extremely interested, he's into that shit. But for whatever reason that shocked the overlord, Valentino rejected it all together "I don't want to have sex."
Vox's eyes widened a little, Valentino probably has never said that sentence before in his life "Oh- that's fine- Are you not feeling good or..? You don't smell like alcohol so I didn't think it was an issue to offer, you don't seem high either, or at least not past the normal amount" Valentino glared "You have such an ego you think I have to be sick not to want to fuck you?" Usually in their arguments they've both done something, but Val hasn't done anything wrong for once, Vox doesn't think he has either, right? He's starting to question it finally. "What? No, I was just checking-" he didn't like the way he stammered.
The much taller demon scooted away "You leave me alone for an entire week and the first thing you do when you're back is offer sex. What? You only want me when it's convenient? I bet this is just a stress relief, I'm not your fucking stress ball" Wait Valentino feels that way-? Vox was now panicking, it did cross his mind Valentino might be guilt tripping, but he felt guilty just for thinking that. "Val, no, I only offered because you like sex, I was busy, I didn't leave you alone on purpose, and you weren't alone, you had your workers, I didn't even think you would notice" that sounds indicative of a deeper issue. Valentino huffed, getting a little angrier, which was a little better than that calm tone since it's more familiar. "Of course I noticed, I noticed you didn't want me"
Vox decided to try physical comfort since he's awful with words, he leaned forward so his hand could reach his cheek. "I *never* don't want you, get that in your head, I said I missed you and I meant it." Valentino switches up so fast, because now he was lowering his antennas "really?" He still seemed a little skeptical but that's better. Vox nodded quickly and he leaned into his touch, he missed it. "Then show me you want me, I changed my mind" Vox felt a little awkward about this considering his heart rate when up with all that guilt but he assumed kissing Val would fix that so he did.
They proceeded to that for several hours, Vox was so exhausted by the end he passed out laying on Valentino's chest and neck fluff as a pillow. Thank God Valentino's wings cover or when Velvette walked by in the morning she would be more traumatized than usual considering they're still on the couch. As much as she wanted to bitch about the couch she also was glad Vox was finally sleeping so she left it be. When they finally woke up Vox lazily asked a "are you feeling better? Not mad?" Valentino reached around for his glasses because of the blinding windows but mumbled a "Better"
Vox was quiet for a minute, maybe Valentino would be too asleep to process "I'm sorry" it was a numble too, normally he'd just buy him something but it felt needed after that conversation yesterday. Valentino blinked a little, processing, before pushing Vox off of him to get up, unforgiving and cold despite the night "Then don't do it again."
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nocturneblight · 2 months
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(Enthu’s nocturnal rest))
The two parked themselves near the tree, sitting down and resting they’re backs up agains the firm trunk, they watched outward towards the lake, looking at he bright hues that were the waters and sky, it was still gorgeous outside.
Jenecis turned her head towards Edward, “So.. Edward, How are you feeling about all we went over tonight? You sure look like you caught on well to the whole magic thing.”
Edward faced her, smiling.
“Yeah! It’s been really fun! I thought it’d be harder than what it was but nope, I think I could get used to this sort of thing pretty easily.” He replied.
Jenecis nodded, “That’s true, Man.. You really are a prodigy at this I think, Whenever I started up using spells it took me quite the while to actually mature them, like, A long, long while. Im surprised you already got the hang of it.”
“Its thanks to your help, I never would have tried or understood how to do this without you being here, teaching me about it and taking the time to do so, Thank you for this, and actually, everything as a matter of fact. You’ve been really great to me for what little time we’ve had together and I’m grateful for it.” He answered happily.
Jenecis shyly smiled back, “of course! I mean, We’re friends.. Ya know? This kind of thing is a normality between two of this relationship quality, It’s a common decency”
Edward chuckled, “Common decency? When is the last time you seen that? For me, I can’t even recall how long it’s been since another took the time to treat me respectfully.”
Jenecis chuckled back, her smile slowly sinking to a still lip, not sad or happy but simply still.
“Yeah… Years for sure, I don’t think I’ve had such a delightful time with another in roughly a decade…” she wandered off, contemplating on each of their loneliness.
Edward gently tugged on her right arm, gaining her attention.
“Hey! I’m glad that decade is over and we’re here now, the past was bad for sure but, now look at us! Tonight was great! You helped me understand magic, We both did some absurd exercise that ended with you tackling me into the water! You can’t tell me tonight wasn’t worth it” he jested.
Jenecis stopped her ruminating and grinned at him, knowing he was trying to shake her out of her odd feelings.
“You’re right, as always, haha. We really did do a lot tonight, you had me going nuts, thinking you were really about to summon a monster to destroy us all… Your already attuned to using magic like it’s nothing… your full of surprises Edward, I can only wonder what your going to do next, hehe…” she giggled.
Edward laid back against the tree, his legs kicked up on one another and his arms rested behind his head in relaxation.
“Whatever comes next, we’ll do it together! It’ll be hard for anything to go wrong when you’re here with me.” He said.
Jenecis assumed a similar position, resting back like he did, splaying out and taking a gentler demeanor.
“Yeah, about whatever comes next…” she said aloud.
Edward turned his head towards her, “Still thinking about our plan?”
Jenecis frowned a bit, “Yeah…”
Edward focused his attention on her, “Are you thinking we shouldn’t do it?”
Jenecis shook her head, “No no, I really want it to work out but…”
“But what?” He interrupted.
Jenecis looked downward, “What if you get killed? I’ve already ran the idea through my head numerous times and know the Scheme but, There is always the possibility that something can go wrong.” She said.
Edward joined her and lowered his smile.
“Jenecis listen, I’ve really enjoyed what you have showed me recently, I used to long for my life to end sometimes when I lived on the streets because of how terrible it was but now I want to live more than ever. Knowing there is more to this world than surviving has given me even greater hope than I’ve ever felt before.” He explained.
“And with that being said, I’ll make sure to get the job done and return back safe. It’s true, I’ve never taken a living persons life before but this should be really simple, ya know? I trust you understand that we, as living beings, live very fragile lives that could end any second. heck, it’s the reason why we worry now, But despite all of that, enthu’s life is delicate also, all it takes is one dagger to any where on her body with that serum you gave me and she’s done, and since I’m going to take her in her sleep, the advantage is in our favor.” He explained throughly, trying to convince her not to worry.
“And if she wakes up? If she’s not asleep? I’ve seen her always enter her house at this late hour, I’ve always assumed she goes to bed but what if I’m wrong?” Jenecis questioned, not looking at Edward but reflecting on herself.
He chimed in, “That magic you showed me tonight will help us then, just think, if I can run really quick, jump super high, and summon something for AT LEAST 11 seconds followed by horrible lighting, then surely enough I stand a chance at staying alive, ya know?”
Jenecis slightly smirked, soon followed by her frown continuing.
“What am I doing? Sending him into enthu’s house at night to murder her, why can’t I do it myself? What makes this so intimidating? If it’s intimidating for me then why am I sending him? I don’t want him dying, and yet I’m going to be asking him to do a task that I myself refuse to do out of fear of being caught…
No, it’s not out of fear is it? I just want the town people to realize how much they need me, if I were to leave for those couple of weeks and have enthu die quickly, The moment I returned the people would realize how much of value I am, it would show all of them that they were useless without me, that enthu was just another pathetic sort that didn’t care about them and only focused on herself.” She thought, not replying to Edward and still thinking heavily.
“But now that I’ve spent so much time with Edward, Is it really worth it? Why should I care about the people if I have him? He’s loyal to me, I took him in, clothed him, taught him, had good times with him. He treats me right, but… No. Enthu is the reason behind why I have these marks on my body, she’s the idiot who got in my way, it was her own damn fault for coming into this town, she’ll ruin our future if I let her stay alive, I can’t run the risk of her being around any longer, one way or another… she’ll somehow convince everyone to turn on me.
What happens then? Mass hysteria causes the mob mentality of the citizens to surround me and then it’s all over, I’ll lose my house, my things, possibly my life, Edward…, I have to nip the bud right now, Seal the deal and then me and Edward can live in peace. I’ll be the savior of this town, ME, Just as always.” She finished, making up her mind.
Edward patted her shoulder, snapping her out of her thoughts once more.
“Jenecis? Hello?”
She turned to him, “Sorry about that, just a bit nervous about our whole plan”
Edward tilted his head, still gazing at her.
“Have some faith in me, eh? Just like with our magic, we’ll get what we want. All we have to do is trust that it’ll work out.” He replied, attempting to lighten her mind.
Jenecis falsified a smile to him,
“You’re right Edward, just like the magic we use, Belief will make our plans work out” she said, accepting his hope.
Jenecis recalled what she offered Edward for doing this deed, A house paid at her expense, food every month, luxuries beyond his imagination.
“Hey so, This is just a proposal but…” she stopped, stuttering a little through her words, trying to find the will to not make herself sound foolish.
“Yeah?” He asked.
She quickly worked her feelings back together, ready to speak her mind.
“That offer I told you earlier, about the house and all… Well, it’s going to be your reward for helping my plans but I- I wanted to tell you that there is an alternative to it, If you’d like of course!” She squeaked nervously.
Edward noticed her sudden shyness over the subject, But decided not to pressure her.
“alright then, shoot” he said, ready for her special alternative deal.
“W-well, since you’re accustomed to my house and all, I figured that you could stay with me if you want” she said, somehow keeping herself together.
Edward’s eyes widened, “She wants to cohabitate!? Really?!” His mind screamed.
He didn’t mind the idea but… it was an intimate gesture to him, Knowing that she wouldn’t mind keeping him under the same roof as her, he felt special, It wasn’t everyday that someone wanted him to stay by their side.
“Y-you don’t have to accept, It’s just, if you want to, Ya know?” She struggled to say, nervous to being denied by him.
“Accepted!” He said, proudly and swiftly.
“Yeah, that sounds lovely”
“G-great! I mean, sounds good, I’ll be glad to have you” she replied, trying to hide her big grin.
Jenecis stood up, dusting her now dry clothes off,
“Well Edward, we’d best head back and hit the hay, We only have one more night to go before we make the big change occur.” She spoke.
Edward stood up, following her lead, “Right! Actually… how did we stay up this long? I think we’ve been awake for two whole days!” He added
Jenecis quickly replied, “the Caffeine of course, You recall what I said about myself earlier, I’m just used to staying up multiple days but you, I’m sure your body is charged up from its first dip into the wild side of caffeine.”
“Hehe, that’s true…”
Jenecis motioned her hand,
“Come on, Let’s get some rest in, we’ve got big events ahead of us”
The two made their way back to the house, getting inside and swapping out of their clothes into sleeping attire.
Edward followed behind jenecis, both of them now standing in the middle of the living room.
“Let’s see…” said jenecis aloud, looking for the clock in the kitchen.
“2 AM huh?” She said.
“Really!?” Exclaimed Edward, amazed by the time shift.
“Yup, time sure did fly when we were talking and having fun, At least we have some time left to sleep till it’s 7, er well, for me anyway, You can sleep in if you want” she explained.
Jenecis walked upstairs, stopping herself on the second step to her bedroom.
“Pssst, Edward, you know where the guest room is right?”
Edward nervously smirked, “Ahaha, You got me”
She walked back down stairs and guided him to the guest room.
“And right in here is a bed for ya, Need anything? Hungry? Thirsty? Once I fall asleep I’m out for the count” she asked.
Edward shook his head, “No thanks, And uh, Thanks for the actual bedroom!” He replied, excited to lay in the plush bed.
Jenecis saw herself out of the room, leaning her head in once more to see him.
“Want me to tuck you in?” She said, snickering.
Edward rolled his eyes,
“Pssssh, Goodnight jen, I really appreciate what you’ve done for me”
She smirked at him, Slowly closing the door.
“Goodnight, eddy~” she said, Sweetly.
Edward’s face flushed slightly at her tender words.
“Eddy? Hehehe” he thought, Coiling up in the soft sheets and resting.
“Tomorrow night… that’s when I’ll do it, Jenecis will initiate her leave to the town, I’ll sneak out and end enthu’s life in her sleep… Then, Me and jenecis will coup together in this household… Man, I’m too tired to think right now but, So much is going to happen in one day…” he thought, lulling himself to sleep in the comfy confines of the bed.
Jenecis made her way upstairs, Falling into bed and staring at the ceiling, she tossed and turned as she tried to fall asleep, helpless to her restlessness.
After 1 hour of tossing and turning, she sat herself up on the side of the bed, leaning on her knees with her elbows and running her hands through her hair and face.
“I have to think of something that’ll make sure Edward stays safe during the killing, He knows magic… Damnit! I forgot to teach him about offense spells! If she wakes up In her sleep… Fuck… She knows far too many spells for him to even keep up with… let alone combat experience.” She thought, stressing heavily.
Jenecis stood up out of bed and paced around, plotting on how she could turn the tides of possibilities more in her favor.
“I could give him something to protect him, Let’s see… armor? Nope. He isn’t trained in using it, plus he needs to sneak in.
“And after this? He’ll be subjected to dying at an old age, then I’ll be alone again… unless…” She kept thinking.
“I’ve got it!” She mumbled at a whisper.
Without a second thought, jenecis reached into the closet in her bedroom, shuffling around the top shelf and soon picking out a large pouch of coinage.
The gold metals clicked together as she gripped the heavy pouch, every texture and edge of the coins stabbed against the pouches leather and outlined it.
She then reached into her closet once more, now picking out a pair of similar clothes to what she wore earlier. Swapping into them from her loungewear and stuffing the pouch of coins into her pocket, then making her way out of her bedroom.
As her hand grasped the door handle to open it, she realized Edward would be still asleep.
“Easy… easy” she whispered to herself, attempting to sneak down the stairs.
The floor creaked gently as her feet touched each step, She made sure to softly weigh herself down each edge.
Gentle steps sounded off the stairs, not loud enough to echo through the room, soon enough, she finally found herself at the bottom of the steps.
With one foot going in front of the other, she walked towards the door leading to the front of the house, slipping on her loafers and tenderly unlocking the door, pulling it open and sliding it shut behind her with little noise made.
Now, out on the stone streets, She made her way towards the other side of the town, stepping through the shadowed roads that no one else was present on.
*tik tik tik*
Jenecis stood before the store the two had visited earlier, looking up and seeing the opening hours were far away from the current time.
She walked up to the apparatus that was near the door, poking the screen and initiating its features.
“Yo, Biyat it’s me” she said into it, Making sure to keep her voice down so none would be alerted.
“I’m in need of a special order, I need it done by today. When you get this I need you to immediately ping me.” She continued.
And with those final words, She clicked the device again, sealing her message into it and walking away, now going towards the main plaza of the town.
She made her way past multiple stores, every light was off, everyone was asleep, passed out, or drunk. Even the bars lights were turned low, only the blue hue of the sky existed at this late hour.
She walked towards the big house that was in the middle of the road leading in and out of the plaza, from the gate to the center and beyond the town.
She looked at the yellow flowers that were spread across the lawn, perfectly taken care of, neatly ordered. She looked up soon after, now gazing at the houses purple curtains and well crafted sturdy structure of stone and wood, It was one of the grandest houses in town, compared to the many others.
“Edward will make his way into here soon…” she thought.
Jenecis slowly crept into the yard, making her way over the sturdy steel fence that locked anyone out, a quick vault over was enough to land her into the properties garden.
“Nearly landed on the flowers” she mumbled quietly, making sure to avoid leaving any traces of her presence.
She stepped through the garden, forwarding towards the houses front door, only moving along the tiny stone pathway that zigzagged through the plants.
Once reaching the door, She put her head against it, leaning sideways to listen in.
“Not a noise” She thought, realizing enthu was definitely asleep by this time.
She then trekked across the sides of the house, looking at the buildings sides to spot an opening to enter.
The multiple windows along the structure were all closed, the purple curtains pulled taut over them to block any sight, all but for one that was at the very top of the house, The only one that was left open and could overlook the neighborhood.
“I didn’t think this through enough” she processed to herself, Reflecting on how Edward would get into the house.
“Wait a moment, Jumping! He can definitely make it in through there!” She thought.
Jenecis walked to the wall that had the open window, She could jump into the window herself, but, The possibility of being found out was too great.
“I need to see what’s in there, Maybe I could map out what the inside looks like so Edward could easily get in and out.”
Jenecis closed her eyes, thinking hard on what she wanted.
“A moveable first person view of the houses insides, That’s all I need, a way to move around inside the house through a floating eye, Like a flys view, a way to secretly record what’s inside…” she continued to think, meditating on the idea, channeling her magic to grant something of value.
A mist of opaque white puffed in front of her, forming a small, see-through Gnat.
Her view suddenly shifted from looking at the side of the house to her own face, seeing how her eyes closed, her head lowered, standing still in place without too much movement.
“All right, it worked!” She thought to herself, unable to form words in her new inhabited body.
She flew upward, reaching higher altitude to get into the window.
Her new form was harder to breathe in, the lungs were small, the shape was obtuse, and the higher she flew the more her lungs strained.
“Keep it together, I just need a quick view of the house and then I can simply fall back into my normal state.”
Flying through the window, she realized the room was the attic of the house, interesting trinkets were placed through the room, Books and blankets were dressed across the couch, a table had reflexive baubles items on it.
It was quite big for an attic, a living space no doubt.
“She must spend some time up here…” thought jenecis, still viewing the rooms odd design.
With enough looking around, She spotted stairs leading downward from the attic room and into the second floor. She then flew down them and waded around the other apartment, seeking out where enthu rested.
There was multiple rooms on the second floor, doors leading into spaces that had numerous uses, a shower, a recreational room, a library-esque area, etc.
“Who needs this many rooms anyway?” She thought, curios to the houses design.
After searching through all of the second floor rooms, she came up with zero sightings of enthu.
“Is she not even home today?”
Jenecis transferred downstairs, reaching the last bottom floor of the house, first the kitchen, and the dining room, then making her way towards the living room door, The biggest of the previous rooms.
“She’s gotta be around here somewhere-“
Jenecis quickly darted behind the corner of the doorframe, tucking up against the side and keeping her tiny limbs clutched onto the wall.
Her heart raced, her breathing hitched and she felt her chest become heavy as she exhaled and inhaled in panic.
“Who made that noise!? Don’t tell me she saw me!” Her mind scrambled, in fear over that sudden heavy voice.
The gnats body began to fade, jenecis felt her energy wavering, such panic was forcing her out of her focus over the state of her phantom body.
Her eyes darkened around the edges, a headache creeped up on her temples and began to close her eyesight off.
“Breathe! Just breathe! Calm yourself!” She thought, Now channeling her thoughts into centering around her air intake.
“PHEEEEEW” sounded off the deep voice again, in a much lighter tone.
Jenecis turned and flew back from the doorframe into the air again,
“What? Did someone just whistle?” She thought, now working her way to the doors opening to look again.
She slowly bended her phantasm form around the corner, arching her bug eyes around the corner and staring into the living room.
“What in the-“
She spotted the source of the noise, laying down on the couch, splayed out for her to see in clear view.
“There she is!” Thought jenecis, now automatically relaxing her breathing again.
She flew over above enthu’s body, making sure to keep her distance, just in case she were to wake up.
Enthu’s tall body took up the entire couch, her sharp pointy ears shot off the end. Her rotund belly inflated and deflated, rhythmically expanding and depressing with each intake of air. her legs were adorned by striped thigh highs that were tautly fitted onto her, she looked comfy, maybe without pride but comfy regardless.
Her fluffy body and limbs were spread out on the couch, her two arms hanging off the side in sloppily fashion, her hands limp with nothing in them. Although a packet of sweets was on the floor slightly below where her hands were, Her legs were similar, one kicked over the ledge of the sofa while the other was tucked into her. Her large tail extended out and flopped over herself almost like a pillow, And finally, a blanket was pulled across her lazily, only half covering her body, like it had been yanked around numerous times.
The table next to her was decorated with interesting things, from food, candy, and drinks. Containers opened with the lids swinging still, Wrappers scattered out along the table and poorly decorated the floor somewhat.
There was one single device resting on a wooden stand from across enthu’s position, roughly eye level with her body. A glossy firm, square box that was thinner than a sword, it looked to be playing music at a low, Quiet tune. the sound of brass instruments gently sounded off through the room, even string instruments joined the endeavors of the tune being played.
“What in the fuck is going on?” Thought jenecis, watching the entirety of the room around her, a bit disappointed by how it looked.
“She really let herself go… It’s only been a 2 years! Where is her strong form? Her dominating presence? She looks like a stuffed animal now!” Jenecis said to herself.
Suddenly, her sight blurred.
“Nnngh! Spent too much time looking!”
Jenecis focused her breathing, channeling her thoughts to herself.
“I’ve seen enough, time to return, I got what I needed.”
With that being thought, Her eyesight returned to her original body, opening her eyes and seeing the outside of the house once more, Taking a large breathe in and out, relieved to have her much bigger lungs back again.
“This’ll be easy”
She then made her way back to the front gate, stepping over it once more and walking back to her house.
“Just gotta remember the rout I took inside, explain it to Edward and he’ll be able to do it, no problem at all.”
As she got to the door, she recalled that Edward would still be fast asleep, With caution, she gently peeled the door open and tip toed.
One step into the house, She was face to face with Edward
“Didn’t I tell you to come home by midnight missy? That’s it, you’re grounded for a week.” Said Edward, looking sterner than ever.
Jenecis yelped, getting startled by his sudden words, “Edward! What are you doing up now?” She panicked.
Edward cocked his brow, “I could ask you the same question, i heard you leaving AND returning, your footsteps were noticeable” he remarked.
She tucked away past him, dismissively revealing her hands to show she was innocent.
“I just uh… was doing some more night walking! Ya know, staying up and getting pumped!” She squeaked.
“We already night walked, AND you went to fall asleep just three hours ago!” He exclaimed, not rudely but in deep question.
She went up the stairs, avoiding him, “Listen, it’s like, secret guard stuff, and you’re like, totally not allowed to know so… SHUT” she spoke, closing her room door and putting away her attire to don her armor.
Jenecis walked out in her new set of armor, dressed from head to toe, even including her headgear.
Edward kept waiting at the doorway, wondering when she would come back down.
*tik Tok tik*
Jenecis marched down the stairs in her armor and met with Edward once more, her face now covered by the gear.
She halted him, “I’ve gotta finish up my guard duty for today, quickly! I didn’t think the travel through and I have to leave at dusk! Sorry Edward, I really gotta kickstart my work for today but I promise I’ll chat with you for a bit when I get back!” She said, leaving in a hurry.
She closed the door behind her and left him alone in the house, now rushing down the street to get to the barracks and wake up the rest of the guards for morning patrol.
“Darn! It is five in the morning, She has a lot to answer for when she gets back but I really need to sleep” he said to himself, now moving back into the guest room and laying down.
“Guess I’ll take the day off then…” he thought, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep again.
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shamythelazypotato · 6 months
Nocturnal Bonds
Fandom : Animator vs Animation (AvA)
Word count: 1109 words
TW: Mention of blood and violence
Notes: this fanfic takes place before the showdown, I saw this idea somewhere a year ago and now I could finally write a fanfic about it, hope you like it :3
It was late at night for Chosen and Dark, these two stick figures were sleeping peacefully. Dark, with a gentle snore, lay sprawled on his back, one arm casually thrown across Chosen's face. Meanwhile, his leg, seemingly intertwined with Chosen's, created an unintentional yet oddly comforting connection.
Dark was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of violence and fighting as much as you can expect of someone called The Dark Lord.
However, unlike their usual success, Dark found himself trapped between two guards that easily doubled his size; he was weak and overpowered, and so his partner who was pinned to the wall with a knife in his throat and being threatened by an unknown teal stickfigure with a wicked smile on his face, he looked like the type of maniac who wouldn't hesitate to kill someone for their own gain and recognition...
The Dark Lord has never found himself in a situation like this, his eyes were wide and full of a mix of emotions ranging between confusion, anger, frustration... and a new feeling he hasn't felt in a long time since he was created:
But this time, it wasn't the fear of getting killed; it's the fear of getting his only best friend and partner in crime killed.
The one who always puts up with your temper
The one who doesn't hesitate to defend you
The one who forgave you even though you tried to kill him
And the one who is now sacrificing for you...
Dark's breathing quickens, his desperation increases so does his fury and anger, he tries to kick, punch, crawl and bite, anything possible just to save his friend from this horrible fate, but at seeing that he lacks the strength to free himself, he tries to use her only weapon left.. his sharp tongue.
"Don't you dare to touch him!" Dark snarls with full hatred, his glowing red eyes piercing through this navy stickfigure soul and flesh. Even in the face of death, Dark wouldn't beg but he's willing to even murder only for Chosen.
The teal stickfigure only scoffs as a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips, the knife dangerously moving tantalizing against Chosen's neck.
Chosen's face goes through several stages, from anger to sadness in a few seconds, as he accepts his only fate he gets to say slowly in a few words.
"I'm glad it's me and not you, I love you Dark" a small smile shows in his face before...
Lots of Blood.
And then a piercing bloody scream
"CHOSEN!" His name leaves Dark's lips as soon as he woke up from his vivid nightmare.
just... a nightmare, only that, right?
Dark had to make sure it was, he turned his head at his side of the bed only to find a startled Chosen sitting on the bed, looking at him concerned and surprised, he has never heard screamed his partner that way before..
"Dark? Are you okay?" Chosen whisper his question, his dark eyes looking at Dark through the night. "What happene-"
A tight hug cut his words, The Dark Lord, was hugging The Chosen One with such determination and desperation he hasn't seen since they escaped noogai computer.
"...Dark?" Chosen asks, not able to hide the hint of surprise for this sudden affection. Dark's breathing quickens in response, but he lets some words spill from his dry lips.
"I thought I lost you"
And without further words Dark let out a strangled sob, and threw himself around Chosen, unable to hold back the tears of relief. Chosen was fine, he was okay, but even most importantly, he was alive.
Chosen looks taken aback for Dark's tears, the red and villainous stickfigure doesn't often cry over silly things such as a nightmares...let alone about the thought of him being murdered
Chosen doesn't let his thoughts wander on why, the only thing he needs to know right now is how to comfort his usually unafraid and bold partner so Chosen awkwardly yet genuinely wraps his arms around Dark's shoulders, pressing slightly against his chest in an odd way of comfort. Years of conquering worlds don't prepare for something like this!.
The black hollowed head just sighs tiredly, yet remains at Dark's side wordless, afraid to say something that could make things worse, Dark just keeps sobbing until his tears drift into soft sniffles against Chosen's shoulder, without meeting his partner's calm yet concern gaze he says barely above a whisper.
"I thought I lost you.." Dark repeats again in a hollow and sorrowful voice.
"What? Like in your dream?" Chosen says as he looks at his companion with a hint of sympathy in his eyes. "What...what happened?" Chosen asks tentatively, begging inside it's the right time and question to make in this sensitive situation.
Dark takes a deep breath before looking at Chosen's eyes, vulnerability showing through yet also a bit of bashfulness at being seen so..weak even for himself, he says in what he prays is his usual steady and confident voice "I... dreamed we were in a fight, and a strange stickfigure somehow overpowered you while I was just.. trapped on the floor.." Dark's breath gets heavier, he fights against the tears and says with his head bowed "And I saw how you sacrificed for me" There, he said it, Dark just keeps up his strong facade as much as he can, enough tears already!
Chosen remains silent for a few long seconds, and then a small chuckle
"And you believed it?" Chosen can't help but say, in a mixture of amusement and sympathy evident in his tone "C'mon Dark, you know I'm better than that, but I guess even in your dreams you see me as weak" Chosen jokes lightly, Dark looks up, slightly surprised yet quickly recovers,he growls but he simply nudges Chosen's arm roughly "Hey! I can't control what I dream y'know?" Dark says slightly annoyed, yet also relieved when Chosen decides to not acknowledge his brief vulnerability.
"But y'know, maybe you got something right after all" Chosen continues, not flinching slightly at Dark's punch; he leans closer as he says "I would sacrifice my life for you" Chosen says bluntly and earnestly. Dark is at loss of words for a few seconds, and then he shakes his head and finally says
"You're such a dumbass if you think I'm letting anyone kill you that easily, you're mine to deal with " Dark retorts back sharply, yet also slightly touched by Chosen's words. Chosen lets out a small yet amused chuckle
"Whatever you say Dark, I'm the one protecting you, y'know that?" Chosen's words are as close as he can pass through as an "I care about you"
Dark responds with the same level of subtlety "Not as long as I breath, Chosen one" and with that, another vow was made for tonight.
Little did they know how easily those vows would turn to ashes in a matter of months...
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jacevelaryonswife · 1 year
Shadowplay | Part two
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When did he develop intentions for you? You, who were never special. You weren't a dragon or blood of old valyria. And yet, you were the only lady who cleared his sight on cloudy nights.
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
warnings: slight angst, happy ending.
for: @hopebaker
Part one - Part two
The conflicted feeling between following your shadow and not getting involved in your life gradually suffocated Aemond, pushing him over the limite that night. He doesn't know how, he doesn't know why, he just knows he has to come to you and stop the madness you’re subjecting your life and reputation to. You might not be that special, but you were occupying a space in his mind that troubled him on a daily basis.
“The city at night is not a suitable environment for a lady.” He said, blocking your way out. "Where is your brother?"
Your mind went back to the grey strands you'd seen on one of your first escapes from the castle. It was him. When tension began to creep into your body and your breathing became irregular, you inquired:
“Are you watching us? A few nights ago I thought I saw grey hairs in the hall.”
He remained silent, features fading briefly. In addition to being discovered earlier, it had self-reported now. Maybe he underestimated your perception, or overestimated his abilities.
"Let me pass."
He did not know.
“It's not safe for you out there. Not decent.”
Decent. What was decent? Submitting to the misfortune of a choice not made by you? Serving as a breeding source for a man's children? Keeping up appearances of something unreal? Not. Decency is a concept that does not apply to your reality. There is no decency in the court of King Viserys I, only service.
"I'm afraid that's not your problem, my prince." When he continued to bar your way, your tone rose considerably. "Let me go."
"Why are you doing this? Why do you care?”
"I don't know."
"You don’t know? Do you want to mess up my life for something you don't know about?"
“You are disturbing your life, what do you think your lord father will do if he discovers your nocturnal wanderings?”
“Do you dare tell?”
“Do you think I should?”
“So return to your chambers, my lady.”
Your beautiful eyes, before indifferent, now replicated the feeling of the last time they crossed paths: anger. Your jaw clenched as harsh words tumbled from your mouth.
“It's easy for you to act like that. You’re not trapped in an unhappy engagement and you will not spend the rest of your days in a decrepit castle in the north serving solely to birth the children of an old man who cares nothing for me, beyond the name and youth I carry.” Your lip trembled as a lone tear threatened to stain you cheek. "You don't understand and you never will."
Even though Aemond's recurrent pity for the situation softened him, urged him to touch your face and calm your heart, he remained impassive, erect, without moving a hair.
“My mother married an older man.” His words were emotionless, conscious of weight and meaning.
"I'm not your mother." You protested irritably. “Let me go, Aemond, please.”
“I can not, my lady.”
He didn't expect so much fury from your small body when you tried to break through the barrier he imposed. His long hands held you forearms firmly but gently.
“I don't want to hurt you, my lady.”
“You’re already doing it.” There were no obstacles to stop the tears from escaping your eyes. He felt awful, truly awful. “My wedding is in a month and you are trying to deprive me of seeing the world beyond these walls.”
“Did you intend to go alone today? Are you out of your mind my lady, don't you know how dangerous it is out there for someone like you? These people are wild and freeloaders. Your brother is a fool for showing you this world.”
“My brother is the most honorable man I know. You are a fool for trying to control my life. Get out of my way!"
"Where is he?"
“None of your business.”
Yes. It says. He doesn't know why, he doesn't know why he cares, seven hells he doesn't know why he keeps holding your body so close. He just needs to do what he has to do: maintain your honor and safety. So he hates himself all over again when your eyes widen at the threat of telling your father in exchange for your brother's location. He could feel your body tense again in pure derision. He hates himself for it.
“At the intersection between the castle and the city.” Your tone was meek, weak and whiny. “Don't do anything to him, please.”
Releasing your wrists, Aemond forced himself not to caress your face and wipe away your sadness. “I will not, my lady. But you have to promise me you won't do that again.”
“Why, Aemond? Why are you doing this?"
“Just promise me.”
"No. I will not submit to you. Do not speak to me again.”
Your name was tossed to the wind as your legs stormed towards your chambers. Who does he think he is? You wouldn't let another man dictate the reins of your life. No. Not now that you've tasted the sweetest piece of freedom.
That night Aemond went to meet your brother, surprising him. He was a fool, utterly, what kind of man would expose a lady as exquisite as yourself to the low environment of the flea bottom?
“Why do you care?” Your good brother questioned truly intrigued.
"It does not matter. Yo-"
"Yes. Matter yes. What are your intentions with my sister?”
Perhaps the prince overestimated his effect on people, for your brother was undeterred.
“What are your intentions with my sister, my prince?” He insisted.
“I have no intentions with your sister, my lord.”
“I saw how you looked at her a while ago, when we were with my father and her bridgeroom” Your brother recalled. “And now this. How often do you watch the other nobles, my prince?”
Even with the one-eyed prince's newly stiffened posture, your brother continued.
“If you wish to marry my sister, I need to know that you would treat her well, as I might deal with my lord father.”
"I don't need your interference."
“So you admit your intentions?”
Aemond took a deep breath. He hated being confronted in such a way, especially when there was substantiation in the insinuations hurled at him. And when did that happen? When did he develop intentions for you? You, who were never special. You weren't a dragon and you weren't blood of old Valyria. And yet, you were the only lady who cleared his eyes on cloudy nights. You, a pretty, fearless little thing with expressive eyes and tempting lips. You were beautiful and he knew so little about you. Not that family and blood bullshit, but about you, who are you when the owl sings? He was intrigued and tempted. He needed to meet you.
“If you have something to say, come to me. If not, just stay out of my sister's life, she has enough unhappiness to worry about.”
He didn't want your unhappiness.
The prince's steps towards the red keep were relentless like the confusion in his heart. He doesn't understand the origin of feelings and what he really feels for you, but he knows he does. He feels. He wants to wrap your body and dry your tears, he wants to unravel your thoughts and personality. What did you like? What did you think of him? Who were you? Would you be able to love him as lord husband and man?
Aemond tried to be silent as he knocked on your bedroom door, breathing heavily. He would never forgive himself for tarnishing your reputation, no matter how much he wanted to kiss you as soon as he opened the door with tense hands dressed in a white bedclothes. You were angelic. It was almost a sin to touch your skin with dubious intentions.
Your nervous eyes failed to see him motionless, toes curling in response. You didn't expect him back, you didn't expect to see him there. Aemond Targaryen was not Aegon Targaryen, he did not hunt palace maidens like a predator, nor did he make sexual passes for noble ladies. He was polite, reserved and observant.
No lady has ever dared to breach his barrier, and he himself has never dishonored any woman. Still, he was at your door at owl time with heavy breathing and an uncertain look. When you remained silent and did not invite him in, the prince's hands took his own, making a lingering thumb stroke. Your gaze widened, mouth opening the tiniest bit as he walked slowly into your chambers and closed the door.
“I don't know how I developed this feeling that tightens my chest when I think of you, but I can't pretend it doesn't affect me.” Aemond initiated. “I want to touch your face, finger your lip and take you as mine. My lady wife.”
If it were possible for your eyes to open wider, you would. You inhaled deeply, mouth opening in confusion. Aemond Targaryen was pleading with you. He was… he wanted… to marry you.
“Do you… do you want to marry me?” Your tone was low, calm and smooth.
“Yes, my lady.”
“Would you talk to my father?”
You don't know how or why the prince wants to join you in marriage. You don't even know why you got excited internally with the idea, besides beauty, blood and reputation, you don't know him. You don't know who Aemond is. But you could know.
Before he could react, your lips were on his vividly. He was handsome, young and imponent. So attractive.
“I won't have time to meet you. And if you regret it?” You whispered into his lips.
“If that happens, I will give you time to find another bridegroom to your liking. Even if I believe that will not happen.” He sealed his lips to yours, his big hands cupping your face. “Be mine, my lady.”
“Yes, my prince. Make me yours.”
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lumiidragon · 2 years
is it just me or did they turn Toothless into basically a 12 year old's overpowered mary sue OC in THW? like they made him the last of his kind, gave him the Light Fury's cloaking and the Skrill's lightning channeling powers, and made him the king of literally every dragon in the world. like in HTTYD2 he was very powerful but not ridiculously so, and him becoming the alpha of Berk's dragons was because they chose to follow him for helping free them from Drago and was a cool parallel to Hiccup becoming the chief of Berk, and it actually felt believable. then THW was just like "Toothless is the most coolest rarest strongest and specialest dragon ever and all dragons obey him because he's the best" and it just feels more like it belongs in a bad fanfiction written by a kid than it does an official film in the HTTYD series
And tbh, this is what made me like him less. Night furies are cool, ok? Who doesn't think that to some degree, but Toothless became less of a believable creature and more of a "Look! This is the coolest, most powerful, most epic dragon ever and all other dragons are nothing compared to him!"
Toothless's power didn't come from being a "King of All Dragons" nor from having all of these special, flashy abilities. It came from his bond with Hiccup. Their friendship pushed Toothless beyond the animalistic boundaries that tied him to being just like any other dragon. He fought against nature's call itself (the Alpha Call) because his friendship was more important and powerful than nature itself. That is what made Toothless so powerful and why THW ruined his character so much. They didn't want Toothless and Hiccup's friendship to be the driving force anymore, but still needed Toothless special somehow, so they started slapping each and every special thing he could have had onto him.
First off, I cannot wrap my head around Toothless being the "King of all dragons in the world". Neither bewilderbeast held that title, so why did Toothless all of a sudden get it? A flock alpha, yes, but king of every single dragon species and individual in the world??? That's not how any animal or natural force works. That's not even how humans work unless you want to throw the world into chaos and disorder. One dragon cannot and should not be the driving force of EVERY dragon. A night fury cannot understand and cater to each species' need as a "king". THW wants to push the "dragons are just wild animals" theme so hard, then they need to listen to it and not twist it for plot convenience. Toothless ruling Berk's flock is one thing, but you will not convince me that he rules every dragon in the world because the world is a BIG place.
Second is the stupid cloaking ability. Ok, so "night furies being the unholy offspring of lightening and death" could easily be used to defend this but here's my take on this: the plasma blast. You have to remember the era we're in and not everything is as literal as the stories are going to say. No, I don't think the skrill-like lighting-before-cloaking is what this title refers to. You know what IS like lightening, however? A night fury's plasma blast. This superheated, bright, sound barrier-cracking ability is most likely what the stories and title are referring to. Up until THW, Toothless has never shown anything lightening-like and the cloaking ability just makes no sense for an already black, nocturnal animal. Any animal that is already blending into its surroundings isn't going to want to shoot off some bright and loud blast just to hop through it and...blend in again??? It's redundant and this ability was literally just added in for reasons, I guess. I hate it and will never see it as canon.
Lastly, they robbed us of other night furies. Toothless's character taking such a nosedive nearly ruined the whole night fury species for me because he will forever be the only canon representation for the species. That, and the whole "last of their kind" trope is super boring and overused. They drug us along with the premise that we may indeed get more night furies only to hand us THW and shrug saying "Ah, sorry. No night furies. Instead, here's a dude that apparently can confirm in the viking age that he indeed traveled every corner of the world without modern technology and transportation and has indeed conformed that there is no night furies at any corner of the world despite most of it being undiscovered at this time." They didn't even give us a story with it, they did the BIGGEST story no-no and "told instead of showed". We got no flashbacks, no other touching on this subject, just a few words from a dude that apparently canon-wise, we have to accept is true. Lame, poorly told, and boring.
Also for clarification, I LOVE Toothless, but THW Toothless is not the same dragon and I do not care for this soulless stranger.
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