#no way my art inspired a romance scene for one of my favorite characters ever
niku30 · 1 month
Craziest thing that ever happened to me I’m ngl
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silenzahra · 21 days
Luigi the Bookworm 📚✨
Today, April 23rd, we celebrate Book Day in Spain with a beautiful tradition: gifting books and roses. In the past few months, I've started to see Luigi, my favorite Mario character, as a bookworm, thanks to some art pieces like this one, by Mikis_art94 on Instagram, and this one, a short comic by Sarahsketckesluigi, also on Instagram.
And, since I'm also a bookworm myself, I thought of celebrating this day by sharing with you my own take on Luigi's bookish side 🤭 Warning: this is gonna be LONG, so make sure to grab some drinks and snacks and make yourselves comfortable! 💖
(Also, I may go and turn some of these into actual fanfics at some point because, well... I got myself inspired 👀🤭✨)
Please go and check this amazing post by @itsavee4117! It's a companion to this one and you can see many of my headcanons illustrated in his lovely art style!!! 📚💖
@bberetd @vulpixfairy1985 @peaches2217 @nuctoria @keakruiser
@pepperycar @kelbreyworshipper @roscolate and anyone else who might be interested: I hope you enjoy! Happy Book Day! 📚🥀✨
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Part 1: Luigi's Bookish Side
Luigi is a person who tends to get excited easily, and when he does, he experiences those feelings with great intensity. This applies to all aspects of his life, and reading, one of his greatest passions, is no exception.
In terms of genres, Luigi is generally open to read anything. He enjoys realistic novels, historical novels, classic novels, mystery novels, sci-fi novels... And he also reads books about gardening, cooking, baking and mechanics from time to time. The only things he’s unable to consume are thrillers and horror. He's tried, but, with all the times he's had to face King Boo, he's had more than enough terror and frights to last him a lifetime, thank you very much.
His favorite genres are fantasy and romance. The former, because traveling to made-up worlds allows him to forget about his real-life problems and offers him an escape from his daily life, which can often be exhausting. The second, because he’s a complete romantic who loves to see people loving each other and living happily ever after. And also... because of something that has to do with Daisy.
Luigi lives every book he reads with the same intensity. For him, it's as if the characters really existed, as if they were his friends, people he can talk to, share common interests with, and also help to achieve their purposes in life (i.e. in the books they’re from).
And maybe... just maybe... he's fallen in love more than once while reading and now he has a loooong list of literary crushes thet only keeps growing.
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So, when he’s reading, Luigi laughs with the characters, cries when one of them suffers or dies, his heart tearing in his chest, and is deeply moved every time a tender moment occurs, such as a kiss, a hug or a cute scene involving, for example, a baby or an animal.
His favorite stories are those about siblings. Not only because he enjoys reading family stories, but also because, without even thinking about it, he often finds it easy to put himself in the place of the younger sibling. For him, therefore, it’s as if he were reading a story starring himself and his beloved brother Mario, and he loves to imagine that they’re going on adventures together in an unknown world. Almost like when they first arrived in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Over the years, Luigi has gathered quite a collection of books, so Mario, the moment they move into the little house in the Mushroom Kingdom that Peach offered them, doesn't hesitate to suggest to his brother that he use the extra room to build himself a small library. Luigi is not too sure at first, thinking that maybe his brother would like to have an office, but Mario insists.
So Luigi has a small library in his new home, which he soon fills to the top with books, and it’s his pride and joy. He and Mario assembled the bookshelves together, which they brought all the way from Brooklyn, and now Luigi has a wonderful reading nook where he can isolate himself to let his imagination run wild for hours. It is, along with the bedroom he shares with Mario, his favorite room in the whole house.
For Luigi, reading is something so important, meaningful and almost sacred in his life, that he has a whole ritual that he performs every time he sits down to read. He has a rocking chair in his small library, a present from his brother when they moved to live in the Mushroom Kingdom, and he has it placed right next to the window and in front of the fireplace. He likes to be able to see the sky when he looks up from his reading, and he usually stares at the clouds or the stars while he daydreams about or reflects on what he has just read. During the summer, he usually keeps it open, as he loves to read in natural light while the gentle breeze from Peach's land cools him, and in winter he keeps it firmly closed while the fireplace warms him.
Luigi loves to light a scented candle to help him get in the perfect mood for reading. His favorite scent is vanilla, as it reminds him of his favorite princess, but he also loves lavender and cinnamon. He usually makes himself a hot drink, sometimes tea, sometimes chocolate, and brings a nice blanket to warm up, which is why his favorite time to read is the coldest time of the year, especially autumn. He also prepares his set of post-its to mark his favorite sentences and parts of the book, and he has a ritual for colors too: yellow for funny moments, blue for sentences that make him reflect on them, red or pink for romantic scenes…
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Luigi knows that there are many people who write directly in their books, but, for him, that is unthinkable. He sees books as a valuable and precious object, a repository of stories that helps him disconnect from reality and let his imagination run wild. He respects what everyone does with their books, but he’s simply incapable. Especially if it’s a book he has been given as a gift.
His favorite copies are hardcover, even more so if they include a dust jacket. He treasures all his books with the same affection, but those are undoubtedly his weak point. The most precious of all is a hardcover, dust-jacketed edition of his favorite book, which was a present from Mario, and which also has painted edges.
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Usually, when it's time to read, Mario is either napping, spending quality time with Peach, or doing something else around the house. Polterpup, on the other hand, takes the opportunity to approach his owner and, if it's summer, lie at his feet while he reads. If it's winter, however, Polterpup will jump into Luigi's lap without his permission and cuddle up and fall asleep immediately, before Luigi even has time to recover from the fright and resume reading. (Check out @pepperycar's funny addition to this!)
Luigi is a speed reader. Usually, when he starts reading, he doesn't intend to go too fast. It's just that, after so many years reading, his eyes have acquired an astonishing speed, and he’s able to retain every word in his head despite going through them very quickly. Also, if a book really hooks him, he’s unable to put it down until he finishes it, which has caused him to stay up late several nights and go to work half asleep the next day, but it's always totally worth it. Because of this ability, he can finish books of about 300-400 pages in just a few hours, and sometimes also 500 if he gets caught up completely.
Luigi LOVES to buy books. His favorite visits are to Sarasaland and the bookstore, and he also does a lot of online shopping to support small publishers. Every time a new book comes home, he gets excited as if it's the first time, and always asks Mario to please record him while he's unboxing it. Mario unhesitatingly stands on the other side of the camera and makes sure that every shot is perfect and that the book looks great, and Luigi, delighted and grateful, always gives him the tightest and most spontaneous hugs every time they finish filming.
And, of course, once he has the book in his hands, Luigi squeals and kicks, excited, as he waves it in the air like maracas before hugging it tightly to his chest. And, when the book is a present from someone dear to him, he acts exactly the same, only he ends up crying and thanking again and again the person who gave it to him while, again, he presses the book against himself as if his life depended on it.
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Luigi is VERY much a fan of merchandising. He loves collecting bookmarks, he has such a huge collection that he's had to divide it into several drawers, and every time he’s going to start a new reading, he tends to spend more time deciding which bookmark will be the most suitable than choosing the book itself. He’s also bought a few literary stickers and some printed works of his favorite books, like fanarts of different scenes or characters illustrated by various artists, which he's hung on a corkboard. And, of course, since his books are the most precious thing he has, he’s also bought many literary covers from different small artists' stores, so that he can keep his books well protected when he carries them around.
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Luigi is the kind of person who takes a book with him everywhere. A doctor's appointment? Book in backpack in case the wait gets longer. Public transport? He can't think of a better way to spend it than reading. He even takes them with him when he meets up with Mario, Peach and Toad, just in case his brother and the princess get lovey-dovey, and Toad falls asleep. And, if there's one thing Luigi likes better than sleeping in nature, it's reading in nature.
Part 2: The Reader Brother
Luigi has loved reading since he was very young. When he and Mario were babies, their parents used to tell them a bedtime story, sometimes Pio, sometimes Mia, and Luigi always listened very attentively. He would gawk listening to them and loved how they used to put voices and even recreate some scenes to make them laugh.
Mario also listened very interested, but being a more energetic baby, he used to fall asleep about halfway through the story, with his head resting on Luigi's shoulder and his arm firmly around his brother's waist. Their parents would drool, but they had to continue, for Luigi, even if he was struggling to keep his eyes open, wasn’t going to go to sleep without knowing the ending.
Only then, with a satisfied smile, he would hug his brother back, curl up next to him, close his eyes, and put his thumb in his mouth to get ready for sleep. By then, Mario was completely asleep, clinging to Luigi like a koala to a eucalyptus tree, and their parents had to make great efforts not to melt as they tucked them in and kissed them goodnight.
Since then, both brothers have grown up being great lovers of stories, only that, while Luigi loves books, Mario prefers to consume them in movies or video games. Even so, these are all hobbies that the brothers share, as they love to immerse themselves in a good story that helps them escape from reality for a while.
When Luigi gets emotional about a book he’s reading or has just read, Mario immediately comes to his side to hug and comfort him. He knows that, even if it's fiction, his brother has lived through it all in such a way that his feelings, of sadness, joy or emptiness at having finished a great story, are real and intense. And Mario would never judge him for it.
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Luigi is deeply grateful not only that his brother comforts him, but that he listens to him talk endlessly about what has just happened in the book he’s reading, and even catches his emotions. Mario may not cry, but he feels his brother's sadness as if it were his own. Fortunately, the same thing happens when Luigi is happy or excited because of a book, and even on the few occasions when Luigi has gotten angry with a character, Mario has giggled under his breath before calming him down, because he finds it extremely tender.
Luigi usually goes to the bookstore at least once a week, and Mario, since they were teenagers, has almost always accompanied him. The only exceptions were when Mario was dating Pauline, and Luigi had no problem paying his weekly visit to the bookstore by himself, but, deep down, he missed Mario.
His brother also loves to accompany him, because, despite not being as much of a reader as Luigi, he enjoys watching him go back and forth from one shelf to another, pointing out the books he’s already read and the ones he wants to read. Also, when he gets the chance to buy a new one, Mario is amused to see Luigi picking up one book after another and trying to load them all and then deciding which one to take home.
Of course, Mario immediately offers to help him carry the books so that Luigi can keep picking up more if he wants to, and Luigi appreciates it from the bottom of his heart. And also that, again, Mario listens to him chatting incessantly about why each book has caught his attention and why he has such a hard time making up his mind.
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Mario always tries to guide him in the best possible way: "What do you feel like reading more right now?" "Is it part of a series or is it a standalone?" "Is the sequel already out or would you have to wait?" "Did you like this or that author better?"
And Luigi thanks him deeply for his advice and questions because, that way, he manages to discern which book he really wants to buy that time.
The best way to surprise Luigi, the best birthday and Christmas present, will always be a book. Mario knows this, and that's why he doesn't hesitate to ask his brother to show him his long and endless lists of books he wants to purchase, as well as discreetly taking notes every time he goes to the bookstore with him. Luigi cherishes every book his brother has gifted him like the priceless treasures they are to him.
Sometimes Luigi runs into space problems. Even though his bookshelf is large and spacious, there’s a limit to everything. In those moments when he’s overwhelmed because he doesn't know where to place his new acquisitions, Mario always comes to the rescue: he immediately offers to hang a new shelf on the wall, or to look for another bookshelf to place in some free space in the room, or, directly, he stares at Luigi's shelf with a frown and his hand on his chin for a few moments, before taking the new books from his brother's arms and, displaying his skills playing Tetris, manages to find room to place them.
He loves to do it not only because he enjoys applying in real life what he has learned playing video games, but above all because of the relieved smile that blooms on Luigi's lips when he sees that Mario has found the perfect solution.
Luigi loves going to literary events where he can meet his favorite authors and have his books signed, but he tends to get so nervous that he always gets stuck for words and sweats a lot, which embarrasses him deeply.
The first time, in fact, Luigi was so shocked to have his favorite author in front of him that he fainted. When he woke up in the ambulance, he was so embarrassed that nothing Mario, who, of course, always accompanies him, said succeeded in comforting him.
He only calmed down a bit at home, when, alone with Mario, he began to silently cry without even realizing it, and his brother, not uttering a word, sat down in front of him, worried, and wrapped him gently in his arms. He pressed the back of Luigi's neck softly to make him rest his head on his shoulder and stroked his back gently, his heart aching at each new sob that escaped his brother's throat.
It took him many, many years to convince Luigi to go to an event again, for Luigi feared the same thing would happen to him again. He didn't want to make a fool of himself like that ever again, especially not in front of writers he deeply admires.
So Mario decided that they would practice: he dressed as much as he could like Luigi's favorite author, watched as many videos as he could on the internet to soak up his personality and find out what kind of books they wrote, and pretended to be them again and again, relentlessly, until Luigi, little by little, managed to exchange a few words with him.
It took them many attempts, because, despite knowing it was his brother, Luigi had no trouble getting into the situation due to his overflowing imagination. Mario had to step out of character several times to try to calm him down and help him regulate his breathing.
Luckily, thanks to Mario's efforts, eventually it worked, and Luigi, a few years later, found himself back at an event and able to chat for a few minutes with the writers he read, even though his heart was beating frantically in his chest and excitement was flooding his insides.
He will never be able to thank his brother for his infinite patience, but Mario always plays it down tenderly. He keeps assuring him that it was not patience, but his deep and sincere love for his younger brother and his eagerness to help him fulfill his wishes.
Part 3: Royalty + Luaisy
Ever since the brothers met Princess Peach, she and Luigi have been, little by little, building up a beautiful friendship that grows every day, just like the sweet romantic relationship between her and Mario.
It didn't take long for Peach to discover Luigi's bookish side, and it made her eager and excited, as she has always enjoyed reading and loves to comment on the books she reads in great detail.
So she didn't hesitate to take Luigi to the huge library of her castle, and she smiled, touched, as she saw the amazement with which Luigi observed its towering shelves, turning on himself in the center of the room as he tried to take it all in.
Since then, Peach and Luigi have become reading buddies. The two of them love to immerse themselves in a good story, read together in the castle library while comfortably sipping tea and, of course, comment on what they have just read and exchange views. Luigi even ends up causing Peach to also take a liking to collecting bookmarks and literary merchandising.
They often do joint readings: they discover a book they both feel like reading and set a series of goals to try to read it at the same pace, so they can discuss it as they go along. Sometimes, however, Luigi discovers that Peach hasn't read one of his favorite books, so he doesn't hesitate to read it with her so he can see her reactions, and vice versa. They love to share their anger, their cries and their joys, for it fills their hearts with bliss and emotion that they have someone by their side who understands perfectly well what they’re feeling and why.
They enjoy hearing what this or that scene has made the other feel, or what they think of this or that character, because it helps them to see things from a point of view that, perhaps, they had not considered before. Reading enriches them, but their literary conversations enrich them even more.
And Mario, of course, is delighted that the two most important people in his life have forged such a strong, deep bond and spend so much quality time together, sharing one of their greatest passions. Often, unbeknownst to them, he stands watching them as they read in the library and gets a silly grin on his face when he sees them laughing together after chatting a bit about their readings.
When it comes to Prince Peasley, on the other hand, Luigi is the one who watches him while smiling, mesmerized, as the prince, always so elegant and sophisticated, has an exquisite oratory and knows how to strike the perfect tone every time a character intervenes, and also to confer the right emotion when it comes to the narrator. And Luigi, besides staring at him, enraptured by the fabulousness of his figure, also listens to him spellbound. He would almost say that he enjoys reading more when his beloved prince is the one who narrates, and plays, the stories.
Princess Daisy, due to her energetic nature, is not much prone to reading. She prefers more dynamic activities where she can unleash not only her endless energy, but also her competitive side. Even so, she knows and respects the value of books, having grown up well aware of their importance in safeguarding and protecting the history of her kingdom. (@kelbreyworshipper you may like these ones!)
But when she meets Luigi, she begins to show a slight interest in reading, something that at first was only born so that she could have something to talk to him about. Fortunately, Luigi, despite his initial shyness, doesn't need more than a mention of literature to start talking nonstop about his favorite stories and how much they make him feel. And Daisy, not even realizing it, finds herself listening to him entranced, very attentive to his every word and genuinely understanding why there are people, like Luigi, who find reading so exciting.
Over time, she starts asking him for book recommendations, which he happily obliges, and Daisy discovers that she actually enjoys reading, especially stories with tons of action. Still, what she likes the most about this is Luigi's thrilled and moved expression when he finds out she's actually listened to him, read the book he recommended and, therefore, now they can fangirl together. She falls even harder for him because of the cute little face he makes.
Sensing that her interest in him is growing and that it may be mutual, Daisy decides to invite Luigi to Sarasaland Castle to show him her library. At first she doesn't tell him what she has invited him for, which makes Luigi VERY nervous, as he doesn't know if this is a date or not. She playfully takes him by the hands, leads him to the library doors and asks him to close his eyes. Luigi hesitates a little, unsure, but ends up obeying so as not to disappoint her.
Daisy then opens the library and guides Luigi carefully inside. He almost trips, which makes her laugh, causing him, in turn, to relax a bit. And when she finally tells him to open his eyes, Luigi gasps and his jaw drops, his heart pounding in his chest, not only because that library is even a bit larger than Peach's, but also because, slowly, his mind understands and assimilates that Daisy had prepared this to surprise him.
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And even though he’s fascinated by all the books before him, he ends up, without realizing it, looking at Daisy, with a blushing smile on his flushed face and his hands over his heart, while she explains to him that all those volumes belonged to his ancestors and that he has her permission to come whenever he wants to get them. "They're yours!" she says at last, turning to him, and Luigi's heart grows larger at the offer, causing a tear to escape his eyes as the princess, full of tenderness, smiles at him.
Over the next few days, Luigi goes to the library, encouraged by Daisy, who insists again and again that he come to Sarasaland. Her library has a huge ladder to reach the highest shelves, and Daisy uses it without a second thought to glide across the room, to the terrified gaze of Luigi, who dares not even climb the first rung.
As soon as she notices this, Daisy gets down, walks over to Luigi and takes him by the hand to guide him to the ladder. He almost cringes when she places his hand on the wood and freezes when Daisy encourages him to climb up. "It's completely safe!" she assures him. "And, besides, I'll be right here. You can hold my hand as you climb up. I promise I won't slide you down too fast the first time!"
Very slowly and clinging to Daisy's hand, Luigi climbs up the steps. She doesn't let go and keeps repeating phrases to encourage him, which makes Luigi feel almost as safe as when he is with Mario, though in a different way. Once he reaches the top of the first shelf, however, Luigi is unable to climb any higher, so Daisy doesn't pressure him any further. She gently grasps the lower end of the ladder and, after warning him, moves it a little, very slowly as she promised, to make him feel secure.
The next day, however, Daisy goes up right after Luigi and, leaning into the next bookshelf, pushes as hard as she can to propel the ladder to the opposite side at breakneck speed. Her laughter mingles with Luigi’s screams, but however, once they stop, he discovers that, despite his initial panic, he’s had fun with what Daisy has just done.
This then becomes a regular occurrence between them, until it gets to the point where Luigi feels comfortable and confident enough to climb the ladder by himself and propel himself across the library in true “Beauty and the Beast” style.
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In the kingdom of Sarasaland there’s a tradition to honor books, as they’re not only a source of entertainment, but also the sacred objects that preserve their history. Daisy has grown up with these values and does not hesitate to tell Luigi about this tradition soon after they start dating.
On Book Day, it is customary for the man to give the woman a rose and the woman to give the man a book. This originated many centuries ago, before everything related to gender and relationships evolved, so nowadays, simply put, the members of a romantic relationship give each other both a book and a rose.
Luigi shows up in Sarasaland on the appointed date very nervously, dressed in a smart green suit, his favorite color, and carrying a wrapped book for Daisy, as well as a purple rose, very rare and hard to come by, which he has grown himself in his garden with Peach's help. Daisy greets him in a lovely purple dress, with a vaporous skirt, matching elbow-length gloves and her delicate shoulders bare. She holds out her gift to him almost before he reaches the castle gates and can recover from the amazement of seeing her so dazzling and beautiful.
He’s delighted when, upon opening it, he discovers that it is one of those special editions he’s been looking for for so long. Only Mario knew he wanted it, so he understands, without needing Daisy to tell him, that his brother has given his girlfriend a hand to surprise him. And that makes his heart fill with love and his eyes with tears, and the book even more precious to him.
Daisy excitedly opens her present and, to Luigi's surprise, squeals when she discovers that he’s gifted her a fantasy adventure novel that caught her eye when he first took her to his favorite Brooklyn bookstore. Daisy drags him into the library, invites him to sit down with some drinks (tea for him, a smoothie for her), and asks him to please start reading.
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And so they spend their first Book Day together: settled on Daisy's fluffy library couch, she sat on his lap, the skirt of her purple dress spread over his legs, almost hiding them, and her arms around his neck, depositing light kisses here and there as he struggles to read aloud the book he’s just given her. This was the first time they gave each other a book, but of course it would not be the last, as reading together, visiting the Brooklyn bookstore and Sarasaland and Mushroom Kingdom libraries, and continuing to celebrate Book Day would soon become habit for them.
Daisy often stares at Luigi as he reads, amused by his reactions and the faces he makes, and, when their relationship is more established, she has no qualms about peeping over his shoulder. And Luigi, far from getting angry, what he did the first time and has continued to do ever since is to read aloud, so that she also finds herself immersed in the story without realizing it. (This may sound familiar!)
But what Luigi enjoys the most is that Daisy, whenever the characters in the book share some intimate gesture, instantly replicates it with him. If they hold hands, Daisy immediately reaches for Luigi's hand. If there’s a hug, Daisy wraps her arms around Luigi and holds him tightly, which leaves him breathless, but also makes him laugh and fills his heart with tenderness.
And, of course, if there are kisses, Daisy won't hesitate to start showering Luigi with them. First on his hand, on the tips of his fingers and on his palm. Then on the forehead, with a delicacy that always melts Luigi. His cheeks color every time Daisy places her lips on them, but what drives him absolutely crazy is when she seeks his mouth. It's the only thing that makes him put down the book and postpone reading for another time. (Check out @bberetd's wonderful art for this!)
Often, before they fall asleep, Daisy cuddles up to Luigi in bed, wearing his green shirt, and buries her face in the crook of his neck. Luigi absentmindedly begins to fiddle with her hair, delighted to have her so close, and, with his other hand, reaches for his book to read aloud a few more pages before they fall asleep. It's part of their routine and they both love sharing stories that way.
Part 4: The gang
The visit to the bookstore and libraries has now become a regular occurrence for everyone. As soon as he started talking about books with Peach and she showed him her library, Luigi immediately invited her to come with him and Mario the next time they went to their regular Brooklyn bookstore, and she gladly accepted.
On that first visit by the princess, Peach was as thrilled as Luigi and the two of them went back and forth in the bookstore, she eagerly looking at everything, he endlessly talking about the store and the many books he’s bought there. Soon they found themselves going often to acquire new books, not without first spending a good while in the place accumulating stories in their arms to, again, decide in the end.
Again Luigi was looking for Mario, who, unconsciously, had been staring at them with an amused smile and his eyes full of affection. Blushing, Mario would hurry to come to his side to help him, and Luigi, even though he’d caught him gazing at the princess in rapt attention, wouldn’t comment anything so as not to make him uncomfortable or put any pressure on him.
Many times, however, Peach would intervene and take two of the books Luigi had chosen. That's how she also started giving him books as presents, and Luigi couldn't be more grateful that his beloved friend pampers him that way. Her gesture makes her even more attractive and sweet in the eyes of Mario, who melts at seeing her displaying such adoration towards his beloved little brother.
Daisy, always eager to learn more about the place where her dearest hero in green grew up, also joins in, but, to her surprise, she finds herself next to Mario, fondly watching Peach and Luigi, especially the latter. They, however, are so excited talking about books that they never notice the goofy smiles with which Daisy and Mario look at them, delighted to see their two favorite people indulging in their greatest passion.
Despite this, both Mario and Daisy make sure to pay attention to the books that Luigi and Peach point out with the intention of acquiring them in the future, and then make plans with each other to decide which ones to give them on future birthdays, Christmases and, of course, regular days. Any time is a good time to surprise their favorite people with a new literary gift.
Sometimes, on their dates, Luigi and Daisy also go to the bookstore, and she, as always, listens to him talk very attentively. When it comes to advising him on which book to acquire, however, she’s much more practical: she thinks Luigi should pick the book he wants to read the most… or the one with the most romance in it.
And Luigi blushes violently because he perfectly understands the implications of such a suggestion.
Literary events also end up being a regular thing they all do together. Luigi, thanks to Mario, already manages to control his nerves and chat a bit with the authors when they sign his books. Peach, of course, is all sweetness and always tells them how much their stories have made her feel and dream. Mario just smiles and listens, delighted to be able to accompany them and to see them enjoying themselves so much, right up their alley. He always takes pictures of them with the authors, both together and separately, something he already did when it was just him and Luigi.
Daisy, on the other hand, is so spontaneous and genuine that she doesn't hold back when it comes to treating the writers with too much familiarity, which only embarrasses the others, especially Luigi. If it's the author of a romance book, Daisy doesn't hesitate to cheerfully tell them how much she and her boyfriend enjoyed the sensual and intimate scenes, or that she lost count of how many times she kissed her sweetie during the reading because of the sheer number of times the characters kissed.
In those moments, Luigi can only think of crawling under a rock. He has to resort to all the training with Mario to manage to keep his composure and not faint again or run away to hide so no one sees him turning red as a tomato.
However, then Daisy intertwines her arm with his and kisses him on the cheek, and he feels that his blush, this time, is due to being close to her and to her tokens of affection. After all, Luigi adores everything about his princess, all her sides and her personality, and besides, to other authors, fortunately, Daisy tells them how much fun she and her boyfriend had with their novel, and Luigi can only adore her.
At these events, both Mario and Daisy go out of their way to get lots of bookmarks and merch for Luigi and Peach, as they know they both love to collect stuff related to their favorite books. And also, again, they take mental notes of all the books they can buy as future presents for them.
From time to time, Toad and Peasley also join in on their visits to the bookstore, libraries or events. Toad is a big fan of fantasy and adventure comics, as they nurture his enthusiastic and adventurous spirit, and Peasley loves to talk endlessly with his favorite authors about the various subjects they cover in their books, thus unconsciously displaying, once again, his impeccable eloquence.
I really hope you liked this! I had a blast writing all of this and imagining my favorite characters in the many situations I've experienced myself as a bookworm, as well as adding others I came up with 🥰
Plase feel free to add your comments and feedback, and also headcanons if you have a few of your own! And if by any chance this inspires you to create your own stuff, I'd be more than honored 😭 All I ask is to please give credit! 🙏💖
Before I leave, please remember to check @itsavee4117's blog today! You won't regret it 🤩📚✨
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knightotoc · 6 days
The beginning and end of Crosshair's arc each address a separate frustration I've had with Star Wars backpedaling on its own drama.
The first is the wishy-washiness of the clones' implanted brain chips. The original concept art from Attack of the Clones shows the clones to be victims of brainwashing. The sterile, science-gone-wrong imagery is inspired by Lucas' debut THX-1138, a bleak film with a tenuous and generally confrontational relationship to Star Wars. AotC, with its forbidden romance and evil fetus-growing laboratories, is the SW movie most similar to THX, and also my favorite.
The AotC concept artists went so far as to speculate that the clones did not have souls, an extreme reaction but certainly a dramatic tabula rasa to build characters upon. RotS briefly shows the Jedi's complete trust in the clones and the clones' ruthless betrayal; the explanation for this shocking behavior is implied through a parallel to Anakin, as is everything else in that movie.
But once the darn cartoon had been on cable for a few years, the writers lost faith in the THX reference and Anakin parallel and decided to replace brainwashing/manipulation with a physical Order 66 chip in the clones' brains. The idea that their characters had become too lovable to ever willingly do something so bad is a fundamental misunderstanding of Star Wars, the operatic genre, and human nature.
Season 7, while knocking it out of the park with the Maul stuff, made this brain chip thing even worse by having Ahsoka break Rex's before he had to kill any Jedi. So even though the clones are innocent, the protagonist clone is even more innocent.
And now he's supposed to lead the clones away from the Empire, but why should they follow someone who can't even relate to their fundamental curse? He's like Galahad, the only knight chaste enough to find the Holy Grail, and they're like Bors, who is technically chaste except for that one time he had sex because he got tricked by a magic spell. Thank God for rigid moral hierarchies beyond earthly control!
The only other clones who can't relate to the chip curse are the Bad Batch, since their mutated brains made them immune to it. But while the goodies don't hurt a fly, Crosshair uses his special gift of free will to shoot at a cute little Padawan. And not just any Padawan, but one of the most beloved Jedi to ever do it, the future Kanan Jarrus.
So in a bent around way, Crosshair punches through this annoying loophole the cartoon writers made in one of the movies' darkest scenes. He's not matchy-matchy, but he is still genuinely brainwashed, which makes him the only clone who still follows their original violent vision.
So, the twist at the beginning of Crosshair's arc course-corrects a decision made in a spin-off about the motivations for background characters -- but the end of his arc addresses a much bigger problem, one that affects the greatest scenes and biggest characters in the whole story: amputation.
Luke's spiritual pain from learning the truth about his father is accompanied by the physical pain of amputation. Obi-Wan demonstrates his unexpected badassery through amputation. Luke demonstrates his burgeoning badassery by Force-pulling his lightsaber toward him...shortly followed by amputation. Anakin's repeated carelessness for his weapon and life leads to him stupidly running right into amputation. Kreia proves her twisted devotion by amputation. Cay Qel-Droma becomes dependent on his brother because of amputation. Obi-Wan will not kill Anakin, but he will amputate him.
And these scenes are scary and intense, in the moment. But they do not have consequences. All of these amputees are either alien villains who we never hear from again, or Force-wielders supported by a wealthy institution which instantly provides a perfect prosthetic. Only Kreia runs around with an actual stump, but her signature move is telekinetically spinning three purple lightsabers.
There are several heart-stirring images, such as Anakin's robotic hand holding Padmé's at their wedding, or Luke's hand revealing gizmos instead of blood when he's shot on Jabba's yacht, but these images have more to do with Lucas' problematic theme of "nature > technology" than the theme of disability.
But Crosshair does not have the Force, and he certainly doesn't have the support of any institution. Most dramatically of all, his amputation is not the tragic finale of his battle, but only the penultimate act.
As a fantastically skilled sniper, Crosshair relies more upon his hands than any other SW character I know. His astounding precision is demonstrated most memorably in this scene from an earlier season, in which the music stops to allow his laser fire to ricochet off a spinning disk, down a hallway, and right into his clanker target's head:
This isn't the Force. This isn't believing in something you can't see. This is deliberate!
Throughout the last season, Crosshair has a tremor in his dominant hand which significantly affects his aim. This comes to a terrible head when he misses the shot meant to attach a tracking device to the ship kidnapping his sister Omega (again). After years of doing wrong, he finally wants to do right, and he fails because of his humiliating and unprepared-for disability.
This disability continues throughout the long journey to track her down by their wits, until he is finally captured himself. Just as escape seems close, the Imperials cut off his dominant hand to punish him. In all the other cases of amputation in Star Wars, it takes a guy completely out of the fight. But Crosshair can't afford to lose, yet. He has to keep going.
In the final battle scene, the villain is hand-cuffed to Omega on the other end of a bridge (with no hand rails of course), and Crosshair has to shoot the hand-cuffs off so the badguy can fall without dragging down Omega. Crosshair has to lean his rifle on his brother Hunter's shoulder, balance with his stump, and pull the trigger with his non-dominant hand.
The first Star Wars movie is actually unique among the franchise for having a purely satisfying victory -- the other ones all pile on some tragedy or irony -- but I think that Crosshair's victory is the most satisfying of all.
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freesia-writes · 9 months
Chapter 11: Intellect
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During the Clone Wars, the Bad Batch is tasked with a variety of missions across the galaxy. An unexpected addition to their team throws a wrench in the mix, particularly for Tech, who finds a particular connection with this disillusioned Padawan-turned-mechanic named Vel throughout the events in this action-adventure romance.
COVER ART BY @zaana!! And this was my first fanfic ever, y'all! :D
Master List of Chapters
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Author's Note: The nature scene in this chapter is actually where I started writing this entire story. :) I was in a gorgeous place on a hike one day, we were in the middle of season 2 of TBB being released, and I was totally smitten with Tech, so I imagined what it would be like to explore the setting with him there. As I'm re-reading it and editing it this time around, with a much fuller grasp of Tech, I had to shift a few things to make it more in-character and fitting. :) But you'll see a picture of the tree that inspired this whole writing endeavor too, LOL.
A few weeks passed, full of various adventures and punctuated with rest and refuels. Vel was slow to let her guard down, and understandably so. She was invited to various projects and repairs around the ship but was somehow not expected to contribute in any way just yet. There was a gentle ease into the new dynamic, and she noted Hunter's particular sensitivity toward her. Vel had made her intentions clear in their "real talk", as Wrecker had coined it, that she was willing to rejoin with the condition that she was not to be "piled off on the next farmer they saw." Hunter had accepted this with a grin and a "fair enough", and they were off to the races.
Vel tended to stay on the ship for the most part, venturing out only for necessities or for simple local explorations on hospitable and friendly stops. She did enjoy trying various foods and attempting to learn some phrases of strange new languages but primarily contented herself with her work around the ship. 
The team landed on a densely wooded planet, a beautiful, lush place teeming with life. Having time before "the show would begin", again as Wrecker had put it, Tech decided to explore the flora and fauna, and Vel opted to tag along. It had been a relatively quiet week, and everyone was in good spirits. She definitely had no other motive in seeking out time alone with him. Definitely. But, in all honesty, the beauty of the planet was inspiring, and she soon realized that she was being fully present, simply soaking up everything around her. Tech was completely engrossed in his visor and scanner at the same time, a stark contrast to Vel's uncharacteristically free enjoyment of the scene around them. She had worked hard to keep up a stoic exterior, to avoid being hurt again. But something about this kind of nature setting brought out her favorite side of herself, and she emanated peace and delight as they ventured into the forest.
Momentarily peering through the lines on his visor, Tech watched her explore and discover for a moment, fascinated by this soft, curious side of hers. She caught his glance and instead of any sort of challenge or walling-off, she held up a stem, revealing a giant, round leaf with a disproportionately tiny white flower right in the center. It could have been missed by the casual passerby.
"Would you look at this!" she called, twirling it between her fingers with childish intrigue.
"I am observing," he replied, regarding both her and the plant with interest.
She explored the textures of the trees, taking deep breaths of the crisp, fresh air, and bent down to inspect the tiniest patch of plants, amazed by the variety and intricacy in one small area. Tech continued looking at everything through his visor, with species information and characteristics filing past his eyes. He tapped into the datapad, categorizing and noting each item before filing it away.
Vel rose from her plant inspection, suddenly enamored with a large tree trunk with impossibly smooth bark. Large pieces had fallen off in chunks, revealing a watercolor texture of browns. It was dappled with random knots and bumps, and the grain of the bark swirled around each one as if it were a galaxy all on its own. There were specks of red and long streaks of dark brown, all in a perfect work of art. It was too much to keep it to herself.
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"Tech! Look!" she said, beckoning him over from a curled fern he was scanning. "This tree is incredible."
His response was immediate: he tapped on the datapad and looked at the information feeding through his visor. "Indeed! It has a growth cycle of over—" "No, Tech," Vel said, with insistence, "Really look." She placed a gentle hand on his own, wrapped around the datapad, and gave him a meaningful glance before she reached up and, hesitating to check for any complaint, lifted his visor to reveal those large, inquisitive eyes. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight, the intensity of her reaction surprising her. He blinked for a moment, brow furrowing in comprehension. "Ah," he brightened up suddenly, "I am neglecting the full experience of all of the senses by favoring only the visual." "If that's how you need to put it," Vel responded, trying to return her focus to the situation at hand. "But try it. This place is incredible. I haven't felt like this since I was a kid. It's absolutely filled with intricacies and details that you could spend forever discovering. So full of vibrant life and delights of all kinds... So much you'd miss with just a cursory glance." Tech observed her, head tilted once again, finding those words to be fitting for more than just the nature around them. These strange thoughts were foreign to him, but he observed them with curiosity, fitting them into the larger puzzle of his experience. They were even accompanied by certain sensations that he associated with particular emotions, and he was torn between taking a moment to cognitively investigate the feelings or simply continuing to experience them.
Vel reached a hand up to the tree trunk once again, marveling at its simultaneous texture and smoothness. She leaned in, mesmerized by the intricate filigree of fibers, while Tech stood beside her, unmoving but watching with interest.
It was too wonderful to keep to herself, and she felt compelled by some unseen force. "Can you take off your glove?" she asked, reaching for his hand. She wasn't sure what had gotten into her today, but the joy of the setting and the company was carrying her along on a cloud. And the fact that he allowed his hand to rest in hers was sending tingles through her like a wildfire. "Is it necessary?" he inquired. "Yes," she replied firmly, "It will be a decidedly beneficial endeavor." The shadow of a smile curved Tech's lips at her choice of words, and he looked down at his hand, considering the way her simple touch made him feel. Vel wanted to take his glove off for him, but for some reason it felt too bold, too intimate, so she sat there for a moment, frozen in indecision.
He took his hand back, tugging the fingertips of his gloves until the small armor plate and black fabric around it were pulled all the way off, and he tucked his glove in a pouch. Another pause held him back as he studied the tree, either trying to identify the optimal hand placement or convincing himself that this was indeed better than memorizing its characteristics.
"Can I touch your hand?" Vel whispered, trying to make it seem as natural as possible. But her insides were churning as he turned his brown eyes on her, reaching for the tree but hovering his hand above it, giving her a slow nod.
Vel placed his bare hand on the tree with hers on top of it, electricity surging through her limbs at the sensation. She splayed her fingers out, between his, and gently cupped his hand to move it up the tree a bit, roving from silky white patches to stubbly brown areas dotted with red flecks. But she wasn't focused on the tree at all, rather completely intoxicated by his warm hand, strong yet soft... the texture of his knuckles, the shape of his long fingers... The consistency of the tree's surface was quite enjoyable, Tech mused to himself. There was a delightful variety within just a small area, and he wondered if the tree could possibly be a hybrid between a few local species. He was distracted, however, by a sudden awareness of the intimacy of the situation. He wasn't usually one to allow or enjoy physical touch. But the typical stomach-churning sense that usually flared up in response was notably absent. He explored further, both the wood and the feeling, and moved of his own accord a bit, tracing the knots along the side with her palm still resting on the back of his hand. The tranquility was unmatched, and time seemed to slow down. Tech leaned in to look closer at the markings and growth patterns, eyes roving from one knot to the next. Vel felt his inner calm rising to match her own, standing still next to him, and took a moment to savor it all -- the touch of their hands, the crisp air, and the gentle breeze.
The peace was broken when she felt a twinge inside of her, something old and familiar yet still foreign somehow. Alarmed, she pulled her hand away, taking a step back and casting a glance around the small clearing. Tech noted her sudden shift and moved back as well, swiftly swapping his datapad for a blaster and watching her in silent question.
"That was weird," Vel tried to explain, "It felt like a presence, but not a full one... but that doesn't really make sense..." She fell silent as the sensation grew again, almost like a small shadow passing over her, but there was no indication of threat or impending danger. Her eyes flickered to and fro, searching for the source of this mystery. 
Tech caught her eye and nodded deftly toward a branch to their right. She followed his gaze to discover a small bird, no bigger than a Loth-Cat, perched above them. It observed them calmly, with more composure than any creature she had seen before. She felt inexplicably connected to it, which kindled her curiosity.
"I believe that is a convor," Tech said, tucking his blaster back into its holster and lowering his visor. "They are also called Trandoshan birds, native to the moon called Wasskah, but they are found in various planets throughout the galaxy. Apparently, they are known to have notably strong connections to the Force." 
Vel's eyes remained on the convor, and it regarded her evenly. She felt disproportionately encouraged by the fact that she had even sensed it in the first place. Her Force skills had been so abysmal that she had continually resolved to give up any hope of it entirely, yet somehow she kept coming back to try. 
She closed her eyes, turning her focus inward, and reached down to that place deep within, a place of stillness and calm. It was so much easier to access here than all the busy places they had been, and she relished its presence. From there, she stretched her awareness outward, connecting with the living Force all around them. 
It was like seeing a dim outline of the world through closed eyes, as she felt Tech's presence beside her, the trees and plants, the insects and flowers. She felt the convor as well, a radiant little beam of light on the branch above. Its energy touched her own, and she sucked in a soft breath, marveling at the experience. 
Tech watched curiously, mystified at this strange ancient magic. He lifted his visor to better ascertain the situation and found himself unable to take his eyes from Vel's face. "Unremarkable", she had said, so many times, about virtually everything about herself. Yet in this moment, there could not have been a less accurate description. 
His gaze roved from her closed eyes, more serene than he had ever seen, up to her textured brown hair following it to where it was tied loosely at the nape of her neck. He noted her mouth, the corners of which were twitching upward in a gentle smile. The primly pointed twin peaks of her upper lip sat in stark contrast to the full curvature of her bottom lip, slightly parted in her intentional outward focus. 
This last observation created a churning sort of sensation in his midsection, and Tech placed a hand on his stomach. He couldn't bring himself to look away, though his mind continued to race with queries. He felt a warmth begin to accompany the tingles, and he swallowed more noisily than intended. 
Vel opened, her eyes, retreating from the blissful awareness of all things around them, and found herself looking into Tech's face, painted with an inscrutable expression. She smiled fully, feeling a compulsion to reach out and touch his cheek, but she had explored quite enough for one day, and felt awash with glowing contentment.
"Well," Tech said, licking his lips and adjusting his goggles before turning to head back toward the ship. "This has been most informative." 
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Author's Note -- I wrote this before the Pabu episode aired, but now as I'm re-reading it, I see a similarity between Vel asking him to engage with the tree and Phee showing him the lights coming on at sunset. Heheh. Ah well.
Tag List: @merkitty49 @vimse @arctrooper69 @dystopicjumpsuit @starrylothcat @ghostperson69 @dreamie411 @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @sinfulsalutations @ughhhhfoff @coraex @amorfista @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @followthepurrgil @littlefeatherr @sunshinesdaydream @dangraccoon @thew0nderer2342
(If you're on my regular tag list, let me know if you want to be tagged in this; I didn't want to spam ya!)
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roselightfairy · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Aww, I love this! Okay, thank you so much and thank you for the chance to do some navel gazing!
Also... my AO3 has 144 stories on it. When did that happen? For a question like this, I want to pick for quality of writing, but I'm finding myself going back mostly to the stories that either really stretched or defined me as a writer, or simply the ones that were a really memorable experience to write . . . which unfortunately means mostly my longer fics, as so many of the shorter ones were written in a single flurry that I barely remember after the fact! Even though there are some shorter fics that I think are better than the longer ones. So let's get started.
Finding a Voice - I mean, how can I not say this one? This fic, like a lot of my older work, has some passages and scenes that I think are so good I can't believe I wrote them, and some that make me cringe to look back on - but how can I not pick it, when it's the story that probably defines me most as a writer? It's the story that allowed me to stake out my own headcanons and gave rise to hundreds of thousands more in the same world. And, like all my LOTR stuff, I do want to return to it someday soon. <3
Ever Changing, Ever Climbing - still the longest thing I've ever written, and the thing I worked on for the longest time. I lived in the world of this story and these characters for almost a year, and probably came the closest I ever have to what non-fanfic authors experience when coming up with their own characters, because I got to make so much of it up! It similarly has bits that make me cringe, especially when I realize how much more deeply other people have thought about Mirkwood worldbuilding and how much lore I straight-up got wrong, but I think it also has some of my best prose and my best romance writing. And siblings. I got to write baby Legolas in this! And also I just love Laerwen so much and love that I got the chance to write her an origin story, so that it doesn't all exist only in the background of my head.
Only Through Surrender - come on, this is my current obsession; I was never not going to put it on the list! But in some ways, this is exactly the inverse of the previous story. I wrote this faster than I've ever written anything this long, and it's the most daring thing I've ever written in terms of plot. The romance is almost a subplot, which I don't know that I've ever done satisfactorily, and it's an AU, which is not something I'm great at sustaining, and even though I don't know that the writing style overall is my best work, I think that the structure and pacing of the story - and the things I did with characters - are pretty good, all things considered! The only non-LOTR fic on this list.
Velle - in terms of "fun to write," this story might be the very top of all of them. This was @deheerkonijn's and my early-covid project (we actually started it a couple months before, but I think working on it saved us in those early telework days of stress and angst); it's a form of storytelling neither of us had tried before, combining both of our skills, and it's probably the most rigorously edited and densely-packed thing I've ever written. We went over and over and over this story with a fine-toothed comb, making sure the writing and the art worked perfectly together, and we liked it so much we printed it as a physical book! *smooches my copy gently*
Having moved out of the most iconic ones, I wasn't sure what to pick for the last! This became a bit of a toss-up, but I wanted to have a shorter fic represented, so: the hunter's heart, the hunter's mouth. This is my only fic with a Richard Siken title, so I figured it was fitting given that he's everywhere right now. ;) Inspired by the title, this is one of my more deliberately poetic fics, and I had a lot of fun with the writing. It's also some of my more daringly explicit work! (still does not include any words for certain aspects of anatomy)
Thanks so much again for sending me this ask! So sorry for how much I ramble when talking about myself! ;) Off to go pass it on!
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mushiver · 5 months
I haven't been a movie nerd even ONCE on this account. Here's my top 10 movies in 2023
1. The Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
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Can't go wrong here. There's fantasy, action scenes, friendship, romance, badass dialogue, comedy. There's refreshing masculinity where men are close friends, fight for each other, die for each other, kiss each other on the forehead, sing, etc. The Aragorn Arwen romance is sweet and isn't overblown, and the main theme is to fight for good. If you're tired of anti-heroes and want a clean good vs. evil, this is it. The downside is not having poc representation and only 3 important women, but they are extremely awesome and play pivotal roles. If you've heard about LOTR for forever but never actually seen it, here's your sign.
2. The Lego Movie
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This movie sells itself, but I have seen it maybe. 40 times. And I could quote it from start to end as a kid. It's funny, has crossover characters along with the main ones (like Batman, Superman, Gandalf, Abraham Lincoln, Han Solo), lots of references, and the main message is that you're special in your own way. It's very autism coded, I think
3. Jaws
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Classic man vs. monster, and it's great if you don't watch thrillers and need something "dip your toes in." While the majority of the town goes all rambo trying to kill the shark, the main characters are the opposite. The chief of police is ultimately empathetic and wants to stop more people from being hurt, Matt Hooper is a shark expert "city boy" coming along, and Quint has a boat that needs to be bigger
4. My Cousin Vinny
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Vinny is a lawyer taking a case to prove his cousin didn't murder a clerk, but he's the worst lawyer in existence. He forgot everything he learned in law school, can't stop wearing a leather jacket to court, and his fiancée saves him most times. It has some of the most quotable lines and 10/10 I recommend to Alabamans for the southern jokes
5. Knives Out
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A modern "whodunit" mystery that shines the most because it's a comedy. The main character Marta is the only one who thinks she knows what happened, but she pukes every time she tells a lie. Benoit Blanc is also the most iconic detective to me and one of my favorite characters ever
6. Tommy Boy
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This has a very similar tone to My Cousin Vinny, but it's a road trip movie. After Tommy's dad dies, he and Richard (a jerk coworker) try to sell autoparts to save his company. They're the worst salesmen in existence, but ultimately are creative and pull some shenanigans (Tommy and Richard go from rivals to buddies). It's from the 90s and not very chill with the r-slur and some fat jokes, but it's ultimately a feel-good movie if that isn't a dealbreaker for you
7. Jurassic Park
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Like Jaws, another classic pop culture movie. The score is so good, and they make a world full of dinosaurs have the same magic feel as the wizarding world. It's an adventure movie with great action scenes and characters. (This is a trope I love personally but) Alan Grant is a grump who doesn't like kids, but later he looks after them. Ellie Sattler is one of my favorite characters ever, and Jeff Goldblum lays on a table. Survival movies are fun 10/10
8. Joker (2019)
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DROOLING OVER THE CINEMATOGRAPHY. It's such a well-made movie, and you never know entirely what's real with unreliable narrating. It makes you feel for Arthur and understand his actions while knowing he made the wrong decisions in the end. Some think it's negative for mental health representation, but it can be used as a cautionary tale for the ways mentally ill people are mistreated and how the events that led to the start of the film weren't his fault. Ultimately, I think it inspires more empathy, and it's a piece of art
9. Signs
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I'm a sucker for the "everything makes sense in the end" trope. A lot of people didn't like the combo of two supernaturals (the existence of God and aliens), but I don't think it ruins the movie. It centers around a family struggling with the death of their mother (or sister or wife, depending on the character), and the ex-priest dad had lost connection with his faith. He happens to find it again because of an alien invasion. Normal Tuesday
10. Arsenic and Old Lace
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From 1944, it's a weird movie and the acting is iconic. Mortimer is trying to get to his honeymoon, but when he visits his aunts, he finds a dead body in the house. It's a comedy involving shenanigans, avoiding the police, and an uncle who thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt. (It's a bit outdated as far as mental illness goes, but Mortimer's goal is to put his family in the care of a mental institution rather than shipping them off or telling the police.) As a drama queen, I also appreciate Cary Grant being a drama queen
10 honorable mentions: Lego Batman, Napoleon Dynamite, The Goofy Movie, Clue, Psycho, Marriage Story, Into the Spiderverse, Avengers Endgame, Dead Poets Society, Muder on the Orient Express. Swag thanks for reading
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
I've been meaning to do this for a while BUT I KEPT FORGETTING Fanfic emoji asks!
😅 🎢 ✨ 🎶 🍷 🍆 ❌ 🎃 🎯 🎨 🤩 🤯 🥰
(Hopefully it works because I am currently on laptop so I'm copy pasting some of the emotes :D)
Seems to have worked fine! And I looked back in my blog but couldn't find it so I just searched for it, hope it's the same one >.<
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists? - Tbh I feel like after any amount of time, all of my work is embarrassing to look back at 〒▽〒
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride? - Prolly Occupational Hazards, and maybe the one I'm currently writing since it's also gonna have a lot of action/horror
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. - NO >:ccc Ok well I guess??? I'm proud of like actually getting myself to make stuff I want to make. It's so easy for me to come up with ideas (well most of the time) but actually writing them??? Hhhhhhhhhgghhgh
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately? - Yep! Atm my current go-to is this because it fits the vibe of the story pretty well
🍷 Do you drink and write? - Occasionally?? I don't drink much since I have a sensitive stomach and when I do I don't tend to try writing because I get all giggly and lazy
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic? - Technically?? But I keep a majority of them for me myself and I because a majority of my spicy content is in fact highly specific to my interests and well, it's eMBARRASSING ----┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘ Out of the two I've posted publicly in this fandom, How to Lure a Handler is obvs the most popular since I deleted the other gjreigjioejgioj (and for good reason, jesus christ it was self-indulgent to a fault)
❌ What's a trope you will never write? - Probably any kind of major character death, UNLESS they come back right away or it's a major character who sucks- like Pee paw Asston
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic? - Technically?? Usually I get too busy with holiday stuff/have too much pressure to write something for a holiday that it discourages me from actually writing anything, but You Will Be a Monument to my Name is technically a very late Halloween fic
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which? - Some of my readers have created major plot points 😂 Seriously my readers are so much more imaginative than I could ever be (I use said plot points only with their consent + credit)
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories? - I ADORE IT AND EAT IT AND DEVOUR IT AND WANT TO PIN IT ON MY WALLS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but at the same time I feel completely undeserving of it
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? - ............ ogireuhgj3rhgu5r3uguihg Ya'll know this one ☀️
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)? - Every genre tbh, but especially action/thriller/horror because idk I tend to write everything in a chronological?? way rather than using descriptive sensory elements and such. Ironically it's my fav genre/s to write
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics? - ABSO-FUCKIN-LUTELY and again I feel like a potato who does not in any way warrant any kind of people's time BUT I STILL LOVE AND APPRICIATE IT EVEN SO
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ren-c-leyn · 2 years
Who's your top 5-10 writeblrs that you would recommend following/reading their content? - @dusk-written
*inhales deeply to prepare for intense fangirling*
@hyba is one of my oldest mutuals whose still active. If you like - middle-eastern inspired fantasy, suspense, horror, or worlds and characters who feel like they're going to jump off the page, she's you're gal. Highly, highly detailed worlds that feel like you can step right into them, amazing tension, incredibly detailed and complex characters, and these very well thought out chains of cause and effect. I can scream about her writing forever and still not tell you everything I love about it. The Pirates of Sissa world is my favorite, and has been since she first told me about it, but she has so many in dozens of genres and they are all incredible. There isn't a single one that isn't fascinating.
@writingonesdreams is a talented fantasy writer who has very interesting and complex characters who feel very real, some really cool settings, and has recently been sharing some of her project's AUs. They are all amazing, I am always blown away by her creativity and how fluid and airy her style feels. Always an exceptional read that leaves you wanting more and more.
@writeblrfantasy does incredible queer fantasy romances, but fluffy and dark. She will play your emotions like a violin, making you smile and then heartbroken all in the same scene without breaking the flow at all. I have fallen in love with like 80% of her projects, and I have binge read all of her snippets repeatedly and never regret a moment of it. Lovely writing style, creative worlds, unforgettable characters.
@sleepyowlwrites does beautiful poetry, sometimes accidentally, and has some incredible characters. I freaken ADORE Dirt in the Doing and love her poems so much I feel like I'd explode before I even got half-way through explaining why.
@bloodlessheirbyjacques I haven't gotten a chance to sort through all of her amazing snippets that she's tagged me in (I promise I haven't forgotten about them!) but the ones I have read have left me absolutely gobsmacked. An amazing eye for detail, complex and fascinating characters, and I freaken adore her monsters and magic system for Bloodless Heir! A very cool world, a very cool writer.
@hannahactuallywrites has some very creative ideas, I'm particularly fond of The Fantastical World of Dreams and that entire world, but she does everything from fantasy, to horror, to sci-fi, to musicals, and more. She's always shuffling projects, though, so you never quite know what's going to pop up on your dash next. A very fun, very easy to digest writing style, lots of enthusiasm, and varied characters who all feel unique and leave impressions.
@vermontwrites If you want to talk about an eye for the details, go binge read everything they've ever shared. No, seriously, do it. The most incredible way of describing things I have seen on tumblr, a criminally underrated writeblr. I still randomly think about this short piece they wrote for me about a cursed librarian and their amazing dream-like library all the time. I still think about the way they described a city in one of their short pieces, like fingers reaching into a sky. I just freaken love, love, love the way they handle descriptions. Then, there's the characters. All amazing and different and memorable. Plus, they do amazing art so you can see what these characters look like ^^
I'm sure there's more peoples I could scream about, and I wish there were some who were still active here on tumblr so I could scream about them, but alas these are the lovely people who first came to mind that I know are still here. Seriously, if you get the time, check them out. Check them all out. They are incredible writers who inspire me to keep improving my own style and whose works have inspired me to go completely wild with my self-indulgent worlds.
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loveislarryislove · 1 year
2022 Writing Reflection
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 18 (holy shit???)
2. Word count posted for the year: 107,382 (double holy shit?????)
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction, Critical Role, Tamora Pierce, The Old Guard, Percy Jackson
4. Pairings: Larry, BeauJester, Immortal Husbands, Shiall, Solangelo
5. Story with the most…
Kudos: I Can Build Your Heart A Home
Bookmarks: I Can Build Your Heart A Home
Comments: Hash Brown, Egg Yolk, I Will Always Love You
Hits: Your Skin On Mine (I'm Losing Control)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): 
So I have two fics I want to shout out for this. First is Do You Think The Tides Know, which is a super personal concept to me and one I’ve been wanting to explore for a while. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever written before, and I’m not sure if I’ve ever read anything quite like it -- where from the beginning it’s clear that the main character won’t get the guy, where the endgame pairing doesn’t involve our POV character, where no matter what we’re rooting for we know it involves heartbreak. It’s complicated and it’s messy and it’s imperfect and it’s painful and I think that’s important, you know? That’s real. That’s life. And that’s okay. 
I’m also really proud of my Reverse Bang fic, they say looks can kill (and i might try), which just posted this week. I’ve always been intimidated by worldbuilding, but the art and prompt from @haztobegood were just... so vivid and interesting and exciting, and I could feel the world begging to be explored. I was initially afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it justice and realize the ideas the way I wanted, but I’m so glad I did it anyways. I don’t think I did a perfect job, there are still gaps that I’m aware of as the person who created them, but I also think that overall I did a damn good job! Go me!  
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): 
I’m also going to mention two here. First is my Emelan fic for Troped: Chapters -- I had some fun with the concepts but I just wasn’t feeling the romance that was the center of the prompts, and I wasn’t sure how to make everything play out effectively. Second is my Camp Half-Blood AU for Astrofest -- I had a much bigger, grander, more complex idea mapped out based on all the different positive and negative meanings of the card, but I just bit off more than I could chew in terms of time and energy, so the fic I wrote instead was a much simpler spur-of-the-moment idea. It’s a fine story, I don’t dislike it, but it wasn’t what I’d wanted to write initially. Still, I’m glad it nudged me to start exploring that ‘verse -- I wrote a PJO fic a month or two later and I’d like to write more! I might also revisit the more complex idea someday, I still think that it would be a super cool story! 
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: 
I received a ton of wonderful comments and tags, but I think some of my favourites were the appreciation for the check ins and conversations around kink in fics like it's always me that ends up getting wet. We love boundaries and consent!!! Having that level of trust with your partner is what most interests me about kink, so it felt really validating and rewarding to see that reflected and appreciated. 
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: 
Looking at my writing tracker, I only wrote like... 800 words in March, so I guess numerically you could say that was hard, since I didn’t do it. 
In the other direction, in August and September I published TEN fics (totaling about 46k words), so that was. a lot of writing. why did I do this. I’m so proud but also kind of concerned. 
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Is it too unspecific to say “all of the smut”? Like wow, usually I don’t really write smut, but this year I was apparently VERY INSPIRED. And I kept writing such huge word counts in one go, wow. 
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
Oh man, it’s always hard to pick just one piece (especially without it getting ridiculously long), but let’s go with this snippet from Do You Think The Tides Know, as Zayn says goodbye to Louis at the end of the summer:
Zayn pulls Louis into a tight hug, trying to memorize the feeling of his body, the sound of his heartbeat, the smell of his hair.
“Don’t be a stranger, yeah?” he says, trying to keep the catch in his throat from showing in his voice. “I know we don’t usually talk that much outside the summer, but… you have my number, if you ever, like, have questions or just… if you ever need anything. Call me.”
Louis chuckles. “I know,” he says. “You’ve always got my back. Thanks, man. You’re a great friend.”
Zayn squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, then forces them back open. “Good,” he says, stepping back. “And… good luck.”
A bright smile dawns across Louis’ face. Zayn wishes it was for him, wishes he could make Louis look like that. But failing that, he hopes that the person who does make Louis smile like that – he hopes he never stops.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
This is kind of unspecific, but I think just... being more willing to try things that are unfamiliar and step outside of my usual comfort zone. That willingness feels like growth, and doing that creates growth. 
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
Part of me wants to say writing self-motivated fics, stories I tell just because I want to and without outside boxes I have to fit into or people holding me accountable. But maybe the real growth would be acknowledging that those outside influences and motivations are valid, and if they work for me, that’s not such a bad thing. 
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): 
gotta be @alwaysxlarrie. I can always count on lauren to hype me up or help me brainstorm or get my creative gears turning or tell me if a sentence or moodboard looks weird or celebrate my accomplishments. and I love returning the favor! mutual brain furbies for life -- you the best! 
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: 
The “weird holiday traditions” in The Streetlights Are All Saying Your Name are both real traditions that my family had when I was growing up
I work in a pet store, and so for All Ewe Need Is Lamb, I used information and products and even photos from my work 
As I mentioned before, Do You Think The Tides Know is based on a really personal experience -- it’s not like 100% true to life, but the idea of dating someone while in love with someone else, and knowing that the relationship had an end date, but celebrating the happiness and fun and learning in the meantime -- that was real to me, and super meaningful. So grateful for everyone else who has connected to the fic as well!
And this is kind of the inverse and a slightly more spicy one, so look away if you don’t want to know, but. Writing for the @1dwatersportsficfest ultimately led to me telling my fiancée that I was into that. So. I guess that’s my writing showing up in my real life!
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: 
If you’re afraid of doing something because it feels out of your comfort zone or what you’re used to doing -- that’s where the growth is. Find people who encourage you to do it anyways, who make you feel excited to go there, who celebrate your achievements. It’s so much less scary with friends, and you’ll probably surprise yourself with how much you’re capable of.  
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: 
With the publication of my fic for the 1D Reverse Bang this week, I am officially finished all my current projects! Which isn’t to say I don’t have forgotten half-finished projects, but I don’t have anything I’m actively working on at the moment. It’s exciting and terrifying at the same time. What will I daydream about on the bus now???
I’m feeling called back to my Soft Established Relationship Vax’ilmore Fluff Series, so might write a couple of those next (then again, I said I’d do that last year, and that lasted about 8 days so. we’ll see). I’m also eyeing up some of the fests for this coming year (I need external motivation, it’s a problem) and @1dtourdeficfest @faithinthefutureficfest @1dastroficfest are all on my list of contenders.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
I’m not sure who all has already done this so apologies if I’m tagging someone who has already done it (or already been tagged a billion times), but: @alwaysxlarrie @haztobegood @zanniscaramouche @andfollowthesun @larry-hiatus @panye @littleroverlouis @beckydoesthings @finelinegynandromorph @paranormalbabydoll @thebreadvansstuff
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We know Batman Beyond is a great Spider-Man cartoon, but is it a better Spider-Man cartoon than Spectacular Spider-Man?
Ashamed to admit that when I was first exposed to Spectacular Spider-Man, I didn't like it because of the art style. It took me going back and rewatching it as an adult to really appreciate how good that show was, with the simpler animation style allowing for much more fluidity in the action scenes, along with Spidey getting to actually throw punches unlike the 90s cartoon.
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This show feels like the last great Spider-Man adaptation to primarily draw on the 616 source material rather than the Ultimate Spider-Man comics (although those definitely influenced the show as well). My favorite part was the development of MJ copying her arc in the 616 comics. MJ starts out as a party girl and slowly matures over time just like her comics incarnation, as opposed to all the other adaptions of her skipping over that character growth to just pair her and Peter together immediately. Peter himself is great, Josh Keaton would be my default "voice" for Peter if I hadn't already been raised on Christopher Barnes, and I liked how the show wasn't afraid to remind you that Peter could be a real asshole at times. Spectacular Gwen Stacy was the best incarnation of the character because it was the only one to ever give Gwen a personality or anything resembling growth until ITSV Gwen came along. Real shame we never got to see her and Peter together for an entire season because I really wanted to watch how Weisman would portray their romance and how it would end given he's said MJ was endgame.
But the real standout has to be the villains. Weisman's need to tie everything together actually works out well here because the show is focused on crime in a single city rather than an entire universe. Most of the supervillains are connected to Osborn or Tombstone in some way, because the villains are necessary to keep Spider-Man distracted. Doc Ock in this show was fantastic, I'd bet anything that the Insominac version looked to this take as a model, because seeing him go from sniveling sycophant to psychopath was masterfully done. Eddie Brock was the dark reflection of Peter Parker here that the comics have wanted him to be but never successfully pulled off. And of course this show's take on Norman Osborn/Green Goblin was perfect, Weisman and Osborn are a match made in heaven. If there's anyone besides Lex Luthor who can be the vehicle for Weisman's love of villains leaning back in their chairs and going Just As Planned! after the hero deals them a major setback, it's the guy who orchestrated the Clone Saga.
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Damn shame this is one Weisman show that has zero chance of ever coming back. Sony's post Raimi movies were terrible but if this show had gotten to continue I would have happily taken it over the MCU movies. Ah well, what could have been right? Perhaps that upcoming MCU cartoon will look to this rather than it's horrid successors for inspiration.
(And much as I like Batman Beyond nah, it's not the better animated Spider-Man cartoon).
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abimee · 2 years
1 20 and 22 (hug and snail emojee)
a piece from this year that you’re really proud of
if i can choose another one..... i already chose a whole drawing but i will say this year ive been drawing a lot of stuff i cant/wont post on here with less detail/more abstraction that brings out the sections that Do have a little more focus on it and while ive mostly been using this technique to really pathetic romance stuff i do like it for sadder pieces too. cant post most of it cause it involves naked bodies but i also think they crop incredibly well
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id never stop drawing details but i think this style that im using for stuff where its moreso me just wanting to get out these vague romantic scenes in my head rather than make a piece of art really works just again too bad i cant post any of this anywhere besides my priv because ive been KILLING IT
what inspires you
hmmmm music. spite motivates and inspires me too. i hate being That Guy and saying others art doesnt inspire me but i think its moreso peoples ideas that inspire me in their art rather than any part of their like visual style if that makes sense. like i dont care if someone draws lines a certain way or colors this way but ill go ballistic bananas over how they often draw mundane scenarios or how they characterize people or how maybe this artist has a quirk where they always draw their favorite characters wearing their outfits. stuff like that from artists inspire me
also not to get sappy but recently ive been really inspired by people with niche/less popular WOLxCanon ships. saw someone shipping their WOL with maxima and ive always liked maxima (love when garleans defect from their shit ass imperialist hell country<-) but never thought about shipping him ever but op looked like they were having so much fun and made such good gposes that it propelled me to wanna get more invested into making hythloazem content because i Want to be dedicated and full of love like them. this probably goes back to this one person's wol x graha fic i read back in ARR that altered me and while wol x graha stuff IS popular op wrote it more like a toxic relationship and through their WOL i found out stuff like people really dedicated to lesser npcs and characters who dont even show up in MSQ and it opened my mind cause all i saw was the same rehashed wol x graha or genwol x graha when theres a treasure trove of people dedicated to a specific little guy who doesnt have much content about them but their wol loves them so much. i think thats my biggest inspo right now
also ferdinand x hubert content ive followed a few artists dedicated to those fuckers and they can draw. also weiss and nier content from gestalt i read a cute fic about them and it made me go I cannot belueve im reading about a guy in love with a book. and then i got up and made like 5 pieces of art because it fueled me with love so i gotta say that inspired me at least 50%
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qu-oi · 7 months
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...He tells me that I've "come too late."
〜 ⚝ 〜
This is my first roleplay blog, I was inspired after seeing many other amazing ones like it! Don't worry though, I'm an excellent writer! ...when I'm not braindead, anyway. Don't think twice about sending an ask or a dm to me! I love talking to anyone! <3
More about me!
Hello! You can call me Chae.
Hey, hey, hey! Come and talk to me! I won't turn you down. I would love to have more Genshin friends, and maybe even join a roleplay group! ^^
If you want to friend me on Genshin or something like PlayStation or Nintendo just dm me because I'm way over the friend list limit, haha!
I'm a total nerd, geek, weeb, whatever you wanna call it. I am and have been in too many fandoms to name, so if you wanna talk about stuff other than Genshin, let's! That goes for any sorta media, video games, animanga, shows, music, animation, or random stuff, the list goes on.
Hm, I can't think of much else. I like to cook, bake, read, and draw among other things. Playing and/or watching sports is NOT one of them. I don't like shrimp. I walk a lot, but I just started driving recently. School always has me on a tight leash, aaand I get flustered pretty easily.
I think that does it for an introduction!
Rules, I guess?
I'm not that picky, but there are some boundaries.
1.) I'm not 18+, so suggestive and borderline stuff is okay but keep it reasonable alright? I'm a sucker for romance.
2.) On the topic of romance, I LOVE SHIPPING! So go wild! Especially with Lumine. Here are some of my favorites: Scaralumi, Lynlumi, Xiaolumi, Venlumi, Heilumi, Kazulumi + others (with and without Lumine).
3.) I don't really know how roleplay etiquette on Tumblr works, so please try to be patient as I learn, haha (any guidance would be super appreciated)!
4.) Depending on who you are, you either have the 100% right to rush me in a response or not LOL- if I get any friends here don't hesitate to push me for a reply.
5.) C'mon just don't be shy and have fun! I want to be involved in many creative things for this fandom and maybe help some people here smile.
6.) If you give me a super cute RP idea or scenario I'l will like, totally draw it. I'm going to include some of my own art on here.
Stuff to know:
Although I've been playing since version 1.0 basically, I'm not past the Liyue Archon quest. ^^; Horrible, terrible, unforgivable! I know...
I don't have Inazuma or Sumeru unlocked, so I know close to nothing about any of those regions outside of Kazuha and Scaramouche back stories (yeah, I have favorites, perhaps even a type. Can you tell lol?). But I have been playing through Fontaine's Archon quest, so hooray! 🎉
I'll try to not let it affect any of Lumine's responses, but I am clueless so inevitably so is she, teehee.
Tags are as follows!
#. ooc = Out of character, not an answer from Lumine.
#. lumine = Lumine's answers!
#. star art = The art I'll make of cute scenes, eventually.
#. retrace = Reblogs yeaaa. B-)
Well, I hope I didn't miss anything. If you ever have questions you want to ask about me or roleplay just let me know! ✩
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honeybeegames · 3 years
Do you have any IF recs? I want to get into more but I’m not sure where to start
anon, you have come to the right person for this.
the golden rose by @anathemafiction - if you haven’t had the pleasure of playing the demo, you need to. my IRLs know i never shut up about ana’s writing or story or characters or anything. i was blessed enough to be able to beta the finished game and i can tell you all it’s amazing. i wish i could’ve recorded my reaction because my mouth dropped several times throughout. super excited for the release in april just so i can consume it all again 😭 the MC is by far my favorite character (even though you literally play them). if you play a snarky/flirty MC you’ll know why, LOL. i could talk abt the rose all day but i’ll stop myself here so the post doesn’t get too long, haha.
blood moon by @barbwritesstuff - i feel like this is one everyone recommends, but it’s for good reason, trust me. the romance is spectacular and it’s about werewolves, where could you go wrong? carrie and marco’s romances are by far my favorites even though they’re drastically different from each other, they’ve both managed to become my favorite characters. (also if you’ve played the scene where you stay behind to watch carrie and marco stays with you you’ll know why marco breaks and makes my heart)
mind blind by @mindblindbard - again, super popular one i’m sure you’ve seen recommended, and i’m recommending it again because you need to read it. like, one play through and you’ll understand all the hype around it.
the northern passage by @northern-passage - everyone and their mom has told you to read this and now i’m here with my own mother to tell you to read this. the world building in this is one of my favorites. the writing has me rolling around. lea has my heart in their hand and i can only hope they’re kind to it.
scout: an apocalypse story by @anya-dev - PLEASE. it’s so good and the characters are all so amazing and just, please. has one of the best ever friends to lovers romances (coming from someone who wasn’t that big of a fan of this trope before reading this) that makes me emotional. “is this what friends do?” MURDERED ME IN MY OWN HOME. BEAT ME UP WITH MY OWN HANDS. still not over it.
a tale of crowns by @ataleofcrowns - read it. now. you won’t regret it. every chapter has me rolling around squealing like i’m an otome game protag. also one of the few games i cannot pick a favorite character because all of them are so dear to me. even the side characters 😭 i adore them all. (maybe X more because they were my first route, but i still wouldn’t say they’re my favorite. i love them all too much.)
checkmate in three moves by @checkmatein3moves - the amount of RO’s is so crazy, plus all the variations. phew. the talent, the patient. the writing is so good too. i’m so invested in every single relationship that i have to play every single route once all the characters are introduced. mostly because i have no self control and love the way the characters are written. (am a sailormance before i’m human.)
virtue’s end by @virtuesend-if - another amazing one that’s coming out with a new (?) demo i believe. also has a great cast of RO’s and an MC i absolutely adore. i am in love with shea and elexis both so i’m not sure what I’m going to do 😁
wayfarer by @idrellegames - dnd inspired and it plays similar to that. failing stat checks is one of my favorite things to do, lol. literally purposely lost the fight against the count to get the confession scene with aeran so that i could scream into my pillow kicking my feet and shit.
the remainder by @the-remainder - more of a vn/if mix, but still really really good. the art is beautiful and the storyline has me hooked. i would give up my arms for ilar even though they do suspicious things.
perfumare by @pdrrook - agh this one had be staying up till 6 in the morning one night just to get through all the routes. i’m in love with the writing. has another super duper amazing friends to lovers route with an angry confession. you probably imagine by now i was rolling around in bed giggling while reading that part.
these don’t have demos but they’re some of my most anticipated WIPs so: ear candy by @earcandy-if, spilt milk by @spiltmilk-if, and witches of fengrove by @witchesofferngrove all deserve praise because they’ve managed to make me love their IFs without me reading their demo. super excited for them!
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halcyon-hyacinth · 3 years
toh fanfics to keep you busy during hiatus, a thread.
A/N: If an author has a (*) by their name, PLEASE check out their other works!!! After combing through the toh archive, I now follow the skilled writers I've found rather than checking ao3 tags. This list could be longer but I really wanted to highlight these writers.
Finding Home Amongst the Infinite by DontDoHeroinKids * Multichapter, ongoing. Adventure/Action, Canon Divergence, Found Family, Friendship.
Mini Summary: Luz is a planes walker, and has spent years stumbling across the multitudes of realities, desperately searching for a way to return to her abandoned home with little success. She winds up in the Isles where she'll find answers and allies to help her on her journey.
One of the best multi chapter fics I've had the pleasure of reading. Luz's dynamic with all the characters is handled extremely well. Unlike other multi chap fics I've read, this is almost entirely done from Luz's POV.
Holding You Back by @FoolsSee *
Canon-Compliant Character Study, completed.
Recommendation in honor of Yesterday's Lie. Pre-season 1 one shot that captures Camila and Luz's relationship really well + strong characterization. Fools has written 27 other toh fics- PLEASE check out the authors other works!!!
Breaking Point by SquirrelWriter *
Canon-Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, completed.
My favorite Luz and Amity oneshot. Not a lot of writers can effectively capture what makes their friendship work and this one knocks it out of the park.
Your Name by SunshineChildx
Multichapter, Slow burn, Friends to lovers, ongoing.
lumity fic based on the move of the same name. Not yet completed, but this is one of the most well written fics I've ever read. The prose and narration are beautiful and I've cried reading it.
Eda Clawthorne's Pro Skater by A_Big_Old_Skeleton
Series, Skateshop AU, Fluff, Angst, Humor, ongoing.
This is the only beta fic I support tbh. The characterization is off the charts and I adore how the author handles everyone's relationships. The comedy and storytelling are superb.
Postcards from a Place Named Threshold by incoherent_icarus_works *
Series, Character Study, ongoing.
A collection of standalone character study oneshots each centered around a different character from The Owl House (atm Luz, Willow, Boscha) . Luz one shot was inspired by @woozywonder art!
Curse Me Goodbye by Lumitations *
Canon Divergence, Comedy, Urban Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Romance. Multichapter, completed.
One of the most fun fics I've ever read. The mystery/intrigue is INCREDIBLE as are the kick-ass action scenes. Lumity centric.
Heir of the Jedi by @whatisurowlpolicy *
Multichapter. Ongoing. Action/Adventure, Star Wars AU, Angst, Fluff, Humor, Enemies to Lovers
I don't know shit about Star Wars and I am begging anyone who is dissuaded by the AU tag to READ THIS FIC! Green is extremely good at handling the ensemble cast of toh along with writing top tier development for every character. It's also lumity centric, and I think y'all will enjoy their take on them.
Our Stories Burn Bright, Hung Like Stars in the Sky by AtticusKaine*
Series, ongoing. Action/Adventure, Romance, Found Family, Humor.
What the hell are you doing with your life if you haven't read this series? Hands down my favorite toh canon divergence, it fleshes out every single character in ways you wouldn't believe.
make my heart your home by @tiredandjaded*
Ongoing series, found family, hurt/comfort.
Takes place in between s1/s2, I take it as canon. The relationships between Luz, Eda and Lilith post YBOS are handled beautifully-- the character dynamics and found family vibes are off the charts.
Hold Me Close by @the-lone-witch-and-secret-room
Oneshot. Completed. Jerbric Hurt/Comfort.
She writes the well-known Locked Out ALONG WITH several god-tier one shots y'all HAVE to read oh my god. This is one of my favorites. The characterization of Jerbo and Edric's relationship is super sweet.
learning how to be (with you by my side) by uniqeusernamegenerator*
Multichapter. Completed. College AU, Romance, Comedy
Atm you can only view it if you have an AO3 account and if you haven't read this masterpiece already YOU MUST! It's easy and free.
This is one of the best lumity fics of all time. The slice of life feel is otherworldly, as is the author's INCREDIBLE prose. Hits you right in the feels along with their skarscha fic windows up, walls down.
Transcendence by rhysanity
Oneshot. Soulmates AU. Completed.
This is what I like to call a ship conversion fic. If you've never considered skarscha before, read this fic. It will hit you in the feels and have you rereading over and over again for eternity.
Golden written by @whatisurowlpolicy / story by both of us *
Multichapter, ongoing. Golden Guard Amity AU. Action/Adventure, Found Family, Drama, Comedy, Hurt/Comfort
Shamless plug, this is one of my favorite ideas I've ever thought of and I am beyond hyped to be co-creating it with Green. We're doing a role reversal following a lot of the same beats of season 1 but putting our own spin on it. You'll see a lot more of the dynamics we haven't seen a lot in season 2 like Amity and Lilith along with Willow and Gus. Gonna go ahead and @anguigenus because Gus and Amity's relationship is one of the major focuses of the fic.
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jostenneil · 3 years
I would like some shoujo recs! I haven't read any in a longtime. I don't mind if they have love triangles or love quadrangles as long as the dynamics are good.
i’m sorry for getting to this late! and i hope it’s okay to rec some josei as well, the only difference between shoujo and josei strictly speaking is the age demographic, otherwise both traditionally cater towards women (not that other ppl can’t read these obv!) 
princess tutu (anime) - this is one of the greatest pieces of shoujo i’ve ever been exposed to. it centers on a rly clever and cathartic adaptation of the swan lake mythos, and what’s most interesting about it is its focus on storytelling. the primary tag line of the show is “may those who accept their fate be granted happiness. may those who defy their fate be granted glory”. it’s all about the characters making choices and realizing their own ability to write the story that follows, rather than remaining shackled to the insidious story penned by the primary villain, drosselmeyer. the relationships are complex and dark but also rly healing in the long run, and the ballet aesthetics are exquisite! 
kanata kara (manga) - this isekai manga centers on noriko, a girl suddenly dropped into an alternate world where she’s referred to as “the awakening”, fated to awaken the monstrous sky demon. everyone in this world is bent on getting “the awakening” first to use it to their own benefit, but noriko is actually found by the sky demon, a boy named izark, and they start to travel together through various countries while on the run. the rly charming point of kanata kara is that noriko doesn’t magically know the language of the world, she has to learn it entirely from scratch. she’s also someone who works rly hard to be useful and a source of solid support for izark and the friends she makes, and i think that coupled with the narrative message of each person having their part to play in the betterment of the world is rly inspiring to read about 
akagami no shirayukihime (anime/manga) - shirayuki is a girl with rly vibrant red hair, and the prince of her country wants her as his concubine bc of it, so she decides to run away to the neighboring country. there she meets the country’s second prince, zen, along with his friends at the palace, and she makes a new living for herself as a palace pharmacist. it’s a rly sweet manga that i appreciate for delving into the behind the scenes part of court politics, particularly bc we tend to think that fantasies imply battles, but that’s not necessarily the end all, be all of relations between countries. there’s also a wonderful focus on shirayuki’s work as a pharmacist, and how her knowledge of plants and medicinal herbs helps her support zen as he works to become a prince more involved with his people 
legend of basara (manga) - this series focuses on a post apocalyptic japan ruled by an oppressive emperor. a child of prophecy is fated to be born into a village and save the country, and when twins are born, the villagers assume the brother is the fated savior. when they grow up, however, one of the emperor’s sons, the red king, kills the brother, and so his sister, sarasa, has to pretend she’s the one who died so she can carry on the revolution as her brother, else all hope is lost. all of this is tied in with the fact that in her rare free time, sarasa happens to meet a boy named shuri, who is actually the red king! neither of them know each other’s real identities or that they’re the ones facing each other on the battlefield, so it makes for a rly angty romance, coupled in with excellent political commentary on privilege and oppression. shuri has one of the best antagonist to protagonist developments i’ve ever seen, and sarasa is a great example of a character vested with so much responsibility, who wants to bring her people to freedom but also be just a normal girl 
honey and clover (anime/manga) - this is one of my all time favorites! it follows some university students attending art school and their day-to-day life as they struggle to create, maintain relationships with each other, graduate, etc. i think chica umino’s works in general can be exemplified by her portrayal of every day life, and how it’s not so mundane and actually carries a lot of emotion. there’s so much catharsis present in this work for me bc it really reaches out to people who feel lost of purposeless or alone in their lives and feel like they have no reason to continue creating or moving forward. i think it also has a rly realistic portrayal of romance in the sense that its focus is on how characters grow through romance rather than whether they end up with a certain person. esp if you’re a college student, i think it’ll rly resonate with you 
kobato (manga) - this was serialized in a seinen magazine for some reason but i think most ppl agree it feels shoujo in delivery. it’s probably my personal favorite clamp work. the floral aesthetics and artwork of angels is absolutely gorgeous, and it features a rly endearing story about a girl, kobato, who must collect “healed hearts” in a bottle in order to return to a certain place. i can’t really reveal what i most enjoy about it without giving away serious spoilers, but there’s that classic clamp execution of the binding nature of contracts and weighing the things we want against the things we must do, which makes for some rly heartfelt, angsty progressions. mostly i just love seeing the narrative unfold kobato, as she starts off as is this seemingly naive girl who we come to realize is actually hurting deeply inside
lovely complex (anime) - this is a classic so if you’ve already heard of it i wouldn’t be surprised but nonetheless it’s probably my favorite in that area of early 00s shoujo romcoms. the story follows risa and otani, who are known as a comedic duo in their high school bc she’s unusually tall and he’s unusually short. there’s lots of gags and kidding around, but ultimately the story delves into how both of them subconsciously fall for each other despite treating each other like gag men at first. there’s comedic love triangles and plenty of miscommunication galore, but i think it takes these shoujo tropes and puts a rly refreshing twist on them that drives you crazy in a way that’s actually very entertaining. the infamous bear curry gag has practically been immortalized in shoujo fandom 
yumeiro patissiere (manga) - this is another one most people have probably heard of BUT, that’s usually bc of the anime. the manga is actually much shorter and different in some ways, and at the end of the day i think i prefer it, esp art wise as the charm in matsumoto’s art style is just impossible to replicate anywhere else. it follows a girl named ichigo, who has a very sensitive taste palate and is spontaneously selected to attend a patissieres academy, despite the fact that she can’t cook for shit! she’s placed in the a-level class alongside the academy’s three genius students, commonly called the “sweets princes”, and they befriend and gradually help her hone her skills until she’s at a level where she can compete with them on a team. all in all it’s a rly endearing story about perseverance, hard work, and the desire to make ppl happy with the food you make for them (kitchen princess is also a predecessor to this series that i think may even have heavily inspired it and i would recommend it, too! it’s just a little on the darker side in terms of dramatics) 
this is just the start of a list tbh but these are some of my all time favorites that came to mind! do let me know if you try out and enjoy any of them, i would love to hear about it ❤️
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softgrungeprophet · 2 years
tasm is my favorite spidey movie alongside raimi’s sm2 obviously but it definitely falls into a lineage of tropes that is far too prevalent, as far as dr connors is concerned
super frustrating cause i think that movie does a lot of things right in its writing, approach to peter and his relationships, to gwen and may specifically but also uncle ben and even flash in some ways, plus design language (i love sporty suits...) (prefer the eyes in 2 though) etc etc, even the skateboard as a really solid way to call back to the motorcycle— but the whole like “woe is me, nothing is worse than being disabled” thing is extremely obnoxious and mars an otherwise very good movie for me (also the voiceover scene in the deleted scenes is better than the final version imo, the version where it sounds more like a recorded playback fits better aesthetically and thematically imo whereas the final version mostly is just corny and is probably legitimately one of my least favorite scenes in the movie)
tasm2 also imo has similar pitfalls with max, though imo the electro aspect of that movie is by far the best part. i don’t really like the goblin stuff unfortunately lol—except i do think gwen’s death was like, very effective, especially in the context of the first movie and previous fakeouts, so it definitely did that well, even if i think the movie would have been better split into two and allowed more room to breathe for both
this is also a criticism i have of the batman’s depiction of the riddler once unmasked, though in this case the way he’s played onscreen is not the “wow being physically disabled is the worst” sort but rather the “wow look at this neurodivergent creature” sort that is, again, very prevalent in media especially in these genres and is nothing short of maddening as someone with a whole lot of both physically disabled and neurodivergent family members (and myself)
also appears in like.
SO many comic books lmfao
frustratingly widespread. either it’s weird inspiration porn or it’s weird self hatred, spanning all kinds of stuff from romance to horror to action, and it’s like YEAH there are difficulties in being disabled obviously and a lot of people get depressed or have rough patches or self-hatred because of that and because of not being able to do things they used to do but like... this one specific POV (usually a POV that is mostly held by abled ppl) is so deeply overrepresented in media, movies, games, comic books, novels.... where like... being disabled is just the worst possible thing you could ever be, and it’s worse than death, and so on and so forth, as though a man who’s been disabled a long time wouldn’t just be kind of used to it by then lmfao
reason number 454968549 why i find the agent venom origin SO frustrating cause previously, like, you had this whole really solid mini arc in web of spidey about flash coming to terms with his disability and accepting himself and understanding that he can both be loved and love himself while disabled without needing to “fix” that via weird secret government experimentation, and then like... a year or two later you have a comic that literally uses the exact thing that comic showed was not necessary for his happiness (aforementioned secret gov experiments) and said, actually, he IS going to do that, and also, i’m a bad writer who thinks flash is a fucking moron who doesn’t understand how friendship works between tWO PEOPLE HE’S BEEN FRIENDS WITH SINCE HE WAS LIKE 18 i’m sorry i just hate the AV origin so much it’s so contradictory to every aspect of this character
sure character regression happens but that just felt like contradictory writing and the usual lack of interest in character development, in favor of blatant military propaganda and a story the only redeeming aspect of which was, to be quite frank, the art
anyway what was i talking about
oh yeah disabilities aren’t the end of the world and it would be nice if media could approach them better. even stuff that’s otherwise good or that i really like often stumbles in this area, whether it’s various agent venom comics that ALMOST have it (this is often most noticeable in the fact that flash is using hospital-style wheelchairs or the wrong kind of prostheses) or a movie that does everything else just right but drops the ball on self-loathing and what that actually feels like over time (imo) or a game that inexplicably has an entire asylum based subplot for no fucking reason other than the fact that it came out in 2012 and that was en vogue then because of arkham asylum lmao
#it's funny tho cause for years and years all the criticism ppl flung about tasm was always shit like oh peter's too charismatic#or oh he's too confident or oh he rides a skateboard or—#it was never the ACTUAL things about that movie that CAN and SHOULD be criticized like its approach as a series to mental illness#and physical disability no it was always well peter has too much of a personality or too much of a handsome face or he's too jewish#or the soundtrack isn't danny elfman therefore?? it's??? inherently bad? that was a real weird take i saw once#and it's like there are real criticisms to be had but all you can come up with is that you took the eggs too fucking literally?#and can't understand their purpose and why they were included as a specific way to symbolize peter and may's relationship?#that's your problem???????????#it's so fucking annoying#nadia rambles#nadia reads comics#kind of#there is a lot of media i really like that has these kinds of things that are very frustrating cause they end up dragging down good stuff#as an aside my movie ranking is that ITSV - TASM - SM2 are my number 1 tie#SM1 and TASM2 are about equal for me for complicated reasons#SM3 is mostly last because of the stuff with Gwen and the casting and writing for her I really disliked a lot#but as a movie i still find it fun to watch and gwen is basically the only reason it's lower than tasm2 tbqh#otherwise i think they'd probably be about tied for last in terms of messiness with characters i mostly enjoy#i also am just not a big fan of tobey as peter... like he's not the WORST choice but... like if i was casting a spidey movie he'd not be#on my list of choices#neither would everyone's little cinnamon roll you know who#andrew garfield was absolutely top tier casting for peter in terms of physique and physical appearance and body language and hair and#eyebrows and well his only fault is that his butt is flat.#and as we all know peter parker canonically has a fat ass#sorry about this#long post#idk what the point even is it would just be nice if people were a little more open to the notion that being disabled#is not like... a Fate Worse Than Death even when it sucks in a lot of ways#i mean it's a little complicated too though and depends on the disability like#how that ends up playing out. obvs. i WOULD like to be fixed actually. but that's my personal experience.
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