#no pic this time guys
quanblovk · 2 years
The greatest warrior in the galaxy goes shopping with the shadow of the greatest swordsman.
▪︎Chapter 1: A mysterious encounter!
▪︎Chapter 2: Shadow Cashier Dee's fate.
▪︎Chapter 3: A new friend or foe?
(Reccomended reading music)
The sight of Dreamland's Pupupu mart was nothing like it's mirror version. The moment Dark Meta Knight stepped into the store, he was instantly greeted with a much livelier atmosphere than usual. The difference was big enough to catch him off guard, everything was so much more colorful and light-hearted. The shop's theme song blasts through the speakers as the customers happily shop to its tune. Staff members would energetically advertise their products and give out free samples, cashiers would engage in cheerful conversations with the dustomers checking out. Waddle dees waddled, Waddle doos doodled, everyone enjoyed shopping at Pupupu mart! Though they were abit skeptical at the knight's appearance, they paid no heed to it and continued about their day. The dark knight lets out a silent sigh of relief under his cape and searches for the soup aisle. The variety of products and cleanliness of the whole area certainly made an impression on him, Dreamland's Pupupu mart truly was something else entirely. The shelves were full of unfamiliar brands with a whole assortment of flavors that he'd never tasted before. Mirror Pupupu mart only had maxim tomato and onion soup cans, which weren't always fully stocked at times as well. Although it was tempting to try out a new flavour, Dark Meta Knight shook it off and scanned for the bright red can with the letter "M".
Finally, the knight found it, the nutritious tomato paste. He quickly walked towards it and reached out. However....
"F-fancy seeing you here? Meta Knight? No...you aren't him...you're...."
He recoiled back and hastily pulled up his cape. That shitake mask...those horns...those eyes...it was no mistake, that was the temporal warrior himself, Galacta Knight, shopping for the same soup cans as he was. Why is he here In a place like this?
"Meta Knight's twin!"
"You're his brother! That torned cape, those crimson red sabatons, your glowing eyes....there's no mistake. You're Meta Knight's evil twin!"
"Ahh I'm joking, I never liked the concept of a "good" and "evil" twin anyways. It's too biased and cruel. I still can't believe people gave you the nickname "Dark Meta Knight"."
What the hell is he talking about?
"*Ahem* sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. My name is Galacta Knight and yes, i am the Galacta Knight- The greatest warrior in the galaxy. Or whatever title people know me by, there's...so many...."
"So..." the warrior steps closer towards the dark knight, lowering his eyelevel to match his. "What brings you to this place?"
[-pause music-]
What's with that look? Place? Is that implying something else other than this store?
Does he know? Does Galacta Knight know he was Meta Knight's reflection? If he does...then that means he's been toying with him earlier...but why? Is he suspicious of him?
"Hmph, I'm just here to pick up my groceries. It doesn't concern you-"
"And you expect me to believe you so easily?"
The galactic warrior approaches closer, pratically almost touching the mirror knight's forehead. Never before had Dark Meta Knight truly feared anyone, including Dark Mind. But...
As his eyes met with the piercing red gaze of the temporal warrior's, every fibre of his body stood on edge. Even a fool could realize how dangerous this situation is-!
Dark Meta Knight still held his composure despite Galacta Knight's overwhelming presence. He wasn't going to let this stop him from getting what he wants. Afterall, leaving now would mean giving up and that definitely wasn't an option for the dark knight.
"I don't know what you take me for, but I can assure you, I merely came here to shop."
"No, that's not the only reason why you're here. I know what you're doing."
What? But he really WAS there to just buy tomato soup...unless...no, it can't be- how could he possibly know about- that's impossible. The chance of Galacta Knight knowing of his project were near to zero, not to mention that this bird wasn't present during Dark Mind's invasion-
"You're not only here to shop, you're here to....avoid your brother."
..........this couldn't get any more ridiculous.
[-Resume music-]
Galacta Knight backed away and assumed a more friendly tone.
"I know when someone's purposely trying to avoid someone. You're trying to hide from him, aren't you? Did you have a little sibling quarrel?"
Dark Meta Knight grumbled underneath his cape and glared at him. The knight desperately wanted to snatch the soup can and leave as he wasn't going to waste time with this man. But then, something appeared in his mind. Didn't Galacta Knight have something to do with those Jamba Hearts prior to his imprisonment? This changes everything, because the warrior's knowledge on them was very valuable to him. Knowing this, the dark knight decided to play along with whatever his new "friend" had in store.
"Hah, I knew it!"
Galacta Knight lightly chuckles and swiftly steps over to his side, playfully patting his shoulder. As he does so, the warrior looks fixedly on the small bits of white paint on Dark Meta Knight's pauldron, noticing the scratches. But before he could think of anything, the knight immediately pushed him off and burried his face further into the dark fabric.
"Don't touch me."
"Ah, sorry, sorry. It was wrong of me to treat you so friendly even though we've just met. You just remind me of your brother, thats all. Haha!"
Dark Meta Knight had no idea why Galacta Knight was acting so friendly towards him. It was....very strange. He was not used to this feeling. Even though he did experience kindness from a fairy and her human, something about this encounter was much different.
"Come on, what are you standing around for? You're here to pick up groceries right? Then let's do it together, that would buy you more time to avoid Meta Knight."
It wouldn't hurt to look around, even though he only had enough for a maxim tomato soup can. Before he could finish his train of thought, he felt his hand getting grabbed through his cape.
"Let's go!"
Galacta Knight lightly pulls his hand, signaling Dark Meta Knight to start moving. He turns around to smile warmly at him as he does so, despite knowing his mask would cast shade over it. In response, the knight sighs defeatedly and follows along.
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dat-soldier · 5 months
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dolphin guy
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arttuff · 3 months
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theyre chillin
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hopefulsapphic · 7 months
i'm an early seasons steve harrington apologist. sorry. he was not a bad person he was not a bad boyfriend he was literally just 17
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formulanni · 25 days
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just one lap ahead
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Taglist: @st-leclerc @rubywingsracing
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ryllen · 7 months
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still on with the vegetable debate 🥗🥬🥒🥦🚜🧑‍🌾
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rodatirhaalo · 6 months
I think my favorite little parallel between Ascended vs Spawn Astarion has to be this little, probably even unintentional, detail in the epilogue:
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Mr Vampire Ascendant, when confronted about freedom, asking the pc if they'd prefer sleeping in the dirt over "living" in his prescribed decadence.
Meanwhile, if left as a spawn Astarion is like
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*Passes several chairs, rugs, a pile of pillows, and two log benches to plant his pretty little ass in the dirt*
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leoweooo · 3 months
mirabelle: eeyikes! this sadness looks really tough! if only there was a Paper ALPHA V who could tell me what Craft Type it is before we become Stars In Time!!! odile:
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mochasucculent · 9 months
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Gilf on gilf psychological warfare
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best friendisms
bonus <3
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phil-the-stone-art · 4 months
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feb 26th … happy anniversary to the creation of this iconic trio and also bestiehood
heres a little doodle in their honour
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suntails · 5 months
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💙 best friends 💛
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Happy Threshold Day! I commemorated this iconic Voyager moment in stained glass.
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puppyeared · 6 months
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sketchy-noodles · 2 months
THEYRE FINALLY DONE IM SO HAPPY!!!!!! My Carnaval QSMP egg set is FINALLY finished!!!
Literally so happy with how these guys turned out <33
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notchemicallybalanced · 5 months
Bots stop posting boobies in the MCR tag challenge (Level: IMPOSSIBLE)
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