#never to see pp piercing
teisubrainrot · 3 months
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and he never took it out for a bullshit reason like ‘what if pee leaks through the hole wtf’
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grvyrd-drms · 9 months
creepypasta piercing hcs!!!???!!!
A/N: inspo from me finally stretched my ears to 0g!!! i also didn't include brian or tim, because their irl actors didn't have any. :)
characters: toby, jeff, ben, e. jack, nina, sally, jane, liu, jane, clockwork/natalie, zero, kate, jason, helen/bloody painter, puppeteer, jason, judge angels, cody/x-virus, sally
cw: mentions of piercing infections, manic episodes, and pps LOL
toby: my boy is DECKED OUT in shit!! double eyebrows and nostrils, bridge, smiley, septum, snakebites, cheeks, practically every ear piercing. had a belly button at one point (someone please draw this) but was too insecure to show it off so he took it out. on top of this sluttiness he also has dreams of getting a pp one 🤭 but only when he's manic. prefers to do his own, mostly does them during his ✨episodes✨. the one good thing about his CIPA is he can just get whatever he wants. has to be reminded to clean them.
jeff: his skin is super sensitive and he absolutely does not take care of anything so he's had to take a ton out, but he's managed to keep a few. he def has 00g gauges and a septum, left eyebrow, a few helixes, tried a lip ring and tongue but they got nasty infections. the infirmary hates him.
ben: since he's in link's body, he already has basic lobes. i like the idea that he can kind of change his appearance (being a ghost and all) so he added some more hoops along his elf ass ears. keeps trying to dare jeff into getting his nipples and belly button done (it's not working).
e. jack: has his basic lobes. was too much of a mama's boy to get any facial piercings and was too much of a wuss to get more ear piercings. and honestly??? he's been deterred away from getting more because of jeff.
nina: OMG snakebites, medusa, tongue, septum, nostril, triple lobes and helix on either side, nipples. belly button with cute ass Y2K dangly jewelry. owns half of the claire's store earring collection.
sally: has her basic lobes with the cutest little gold bow earrings <3
jane: kept her basic lobes and her seconds, both are little hoops. silver girly for life!!! doesn't really like any other body mods or such.
liu: do his staples count has one basic lobe on his right. lil hoop in it :3 wanted to be 'rebellious' 👹.
natalie: eyebrow (on the opposite side of the clock), triple lobe, industrial on left side and double helix on the right. belly button. has a nose ring on her right, with a skinny gold hoop in it. doesn't care for metals at all, they're all mixed (monster) she learned from her clock eye to keep her body clean, so she regularly cleans them. go girl!!'
zero: stretched her ears to 16mm, tongue and septum. doesn't go crazy but she's dedicated to her gauges.
puppeteer: he's sexy so has to have stretched ears. they're only at 00g cause he likes them noticeable but not too big.
bloody painter: literally nothing except an eyebrow on his left. toby thinks its odd. secretly afraid of needles so he sticks to what he has.
judge angels: basic lobes, both tragus and a helix on her left and she's happy with it. she likes that it adds a bit of sparkle to her look but its not excessive unlike some people.
jason: he's a SLUT!!!!!!!!! has dick piercings. im not gonna look them up cause i don't feel like seeing pps but he... he has a few. has his basic lobes, nipples and belly button as well.
kate: i feel like she doesn't really care about her appearance, so she used to have basic lobes but they closed cause she never put them in. is intrigued by the idea of having a ton but she knows she could never commit herself to the upkeep. admires toby's from a distance.
cody/x-virus: got influenced (peer pressured) into getting a few due to toby. HAS to make sure everything is properly sterilized beforehand and will usually do them himself to make sure. double lobes, a tongue, both eyebrows, both helixes and a snug on his right. cleans them all twice a day.
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Weekly Jungkook Fanfic Recs
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors :)
Sweet Lullabies: You’re crazy in love and for once, so is he. Idol au. https://yeojaa.tumblr.com/post/623051372729925632/masterlist-sweet
Angels & Airwaves: Jeon Jungkook has a big fat crush on a girl he’s never met. Idol au. https://yeojaa.tumblr.com/post/622960748607537154/masterlist-angels
Finders Keep Hers: A drabble about idiots in love. https://yeojaa.tumblr.com/post/622638579073646592/finders-keep-hers
Velveteen Rabbit: What do you get when you mix Thumper and Bambi? Answer: Jeon Jungkook. Hybrid au. https://yeojaa.tumblr.com/post/631595211270848512/velveteen-rabbit
Ode To The Nature Of Romance: As a classical violinist, you understand passion and romance better than most. So why does Poetry professor Jeon Jungkook seem to have such a difficult time getting you to understand? https://yeoldontknow.tumblr.com/post/164102450918/ode-to-the-nature-of-romance
Vaunt: Every weekend Beta Tau throws a ‘little’ party to help students relax and let loose and frat resident Jungkook has a big mouth that talks a lot of big game. You finally get sick of the lack of relaxation on your end and set out to see if he’s all talk. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16120811
In Motion: The rule is simple; you can look but you can't touch. https://yoonia.tumblr.com/post/187973590833/in-motion-index
Darkroom: When you somehow end up in an advanced photography class that you definitely shouldn’t be in, you seek the help of shy nerdy boy Jeon Jungkook to preserve your 4.15 GPA. It isn’t until after you stumble upon him in the darkroom that you realize your cute little nerd is actually a super hot vampire with an icy cold stare and beautiful burgundy eyes. https://yoon-kooks.tumblr.com/post/694245428209893376/darkroom-jjk
Paired And Pierced: When your professor assigns a collaborative midterm project, you’re paired up with Jeon Jungkook, the quiet grumpy smartass who keeps to himself. If you can win him over, he might give you a taste of the tatted and pierced body he’s carefully tucked away beneath those oversized hoodies. https://yoon-kooks.tumblr.com/post/706978132809367552/pp-jjk-masterlist
How Many: To Jeon Jungkook, you’re just the cutie who sits across from him in art class. He doesn’t have a clue that you’re also the hidden face of his favorite tattoo artist on social media. When the bad boy notices you’ve taken a surprising interest in his ink, he dares you to explore every inch of his body until all of his tattoos are accounted for. https://yoon-kooks.tumblr.com/post/675948622879293440/ how-many-jjk
Explorer: Jungkook does not want to impress the frankly tyrannical ways of his planet on you. He just wants to stay here and keep your couch warm for you, hold your hair back when you wash your face in the morning.  https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/630561456866377728/explorer
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sweeteaacakes · 6 days
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I swear with all these piercings, if he doesn't have on his pp then I'll break the walls. ANYWAYS!!!
Can you see??? How he seems to leans on artistic side? His halo looks like made by a calligraphy brush, his attire is a kimono(?) and he made the mask because of read a manga and got inspired by it! Why am I betting he is the otaku of WHB!?!?!??!
Never gets out, always slack off his responsibility (which grt dumped to Gusion), is uninterested from others activities— Belphegor I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE—
My other prediction (18+):
his kink, instead of the predicatable somnophilia, is piercing play
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willsimpforanyone · 1 year
Good whatever time it is, if you're currently writing for request, could you write a GN!Monster!reader x percy Jackson where the reader recently got turned into a monster because they failed a quest for their parent?
good afternoon! i can definitely do that for you
this is gonna be more angsty than usual bc i can't imagine this went well
The words echoed in my head, chipping away at my resolve.
You've failed me. You're a waste. A disappointment.
I should never have trusted something so important to someone so weak.
I curled in on myself, bones still aching from being reformed and reshaped, muscles screaming from being stretched over this new form.
They didn't even tell me what they were going to do. They just had this... look in their eye, cold and cruel. I had begged, I had been on my knees and it meant nothing.
We were supposed to go out in threes, three of us on a quest, not one. I wasn't supposed to be by myself but they insisted, it was too secret to share with more than one person. They wanted me and me alone.
Maybe they wanted me alone.
My claws scraped against my tough skin, long and thin and alien. I was taller, larger. I tried to see properly, tears obscuring my vision, but the light seemed to pierce my brain and I shrieked, something inhuman and wild.
Everything hurt, everything was wrong, I didn't even know how I was breathing. I didn't know where I was and the confusion almost hurt more.
Something was moving. Familiar sounds, leaves being shuffled out the way of feet, twigs snapping under footsteps. Okay, I'm outside.
It provided the tiniest amount of comfort, along with a wave of fresh anxiety.
"Who's there?"
A voice! I know that voice! I risked opening my eyes again, twisted, clawed hand shading my face.
Brown and green, blue peaking through. A forest. Trees came into focus, then branches, then leaves. The light still felt like pins in my eyes but I had to know who spoke.
"Whoa, what the fuck are you?!"
Oh my gods. That... that was Percy.
He didn't know who I was. I didn't even know who I was. It felt like my organs squeezed painfully, panic and fear and desperation flooding my bloodstream.
I opened what I assumed was my mouth. What came out was some kind of whine, pitiful and pathetic. No words.
A flash of bronze made me freeze. Oh gods, that's Riptide, he's going to kill me.
I skittered back as best I could, pressing against tree bark. The sharpness of the texture didn't hurt and I hated it. I wasn't a threat, I wasn't going to hurt him, I wasn't what he thought I was, oh fuck he's going to kill me.
I had to talk, I had to make him understand. I tried to clear my throat, thick with fear. It made a hacking sound, like a cat throwing up. Slowly, I moved what I assumed was my tongue, poking it out and running it along my teeth. It was long and black and my teeth were thin and sharp.
Pushing aside the mental agony of not knowing what this body looked like, I tried to remember the way to form letters.
"H-eel-pp n-m-ee-"
I was crouched on the ground, making myself as small and unthreatening as possible, clawed hands wrapped around my legs. C'mon Percy, use your brain, a real monster wouldn't ask for help.
"H-hee-lp mmm-ee."
Please, please, Percy, I'm begging you to put the sword away, help me, please!
The bronze flash disappeared and I risked a deep breath. Good start, I can do this, we'll sort this out, he'll help.
"...you want help?" He took a step closer, hand still holding Riptide in pen form. "You're asking for help?"
"Pl-pleeea-eas-e?" I kept my hand shielding my eyes but I looked up at him. I couldn't see any recognition in his face, but I couldn't see much of anything.
"Who are you?" Percy demanded, a harsh tone that felt like a punch to the gut.
My name, he needed my name. How do I say my name?
It took a few attempts, letters getting jumbled up and my tongue contorting in ways I didn't like. Some of my teeth nicked it a little and I physically recoiled at the taste of my own blood as if I could get away from my own mouth.
Percy looked confused, but less aggressive. He seemed to be patient, waiting for an explanation.
Something approaching my name left my thin lips, and his eyes widened.
"How do you know them? What did you do?"
No! No, fuck, that's not what I meant!
I repeated my name, carefully using a claw to tap on my chest. "Mmm-ee."
Percy's jaw dropped. "You're... but they're out... oh gods, what happened to you?"
I burst into tears. Huge, ribcage-wracking sobs from between my needle teeth and I reached out for Percy with a dangerously sharp hand.
He put his hand in mine and I closed my spindly fingers around it. Tears blurred what little I could see, and my throat felt raw and scratchy from panic and holding back.
"Okay, okay, we're gonna fix this, okay?" Percy's voice was wobbly but calm. "We're going to undo this, and you're going to tell me what happened and I swear to Hades I will find who did this to you." His grip tightened on my hand.
"I will find them and I promise you, they will never hurt you again."
i hope you enjoyed, thank you for requesting!
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greatkittydream · 4 months
The Creature from the dungeon. 1
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Journal entry 1
I've kept a collection of my thoughts to keep myself from going fucking insane and that if any sentient life were to find this they may be able to decipher it Leaving the basic letters of the alphabet above obviously.
okay let's recount the day me one Jacob Augustine, I was about to attend my first year of college to become an bioengineer, I just graduated high school with steady A's and B's and was planning to become an bioengineer. One in a medical field at that.
On the week before summer ended, I was making my way down to a convenience store a block away from where I live. mostly complaining that I feel like I'm wasting my life away, thinking of what else I can do to make sure once I die, I won't die with regrets. And then bam, I end up here.
Here being some.... have no fucking idea how to describe this biome, it has the floral density of a jungle yet not nearly enough insects or Wildlife to be a jungle it's more like a collection of plants than anything else. I have met sparse few insects in this jungle? It has animals, but oddly enough, no fungus.
Which is weird given the fact that they're the backbone of most jungles for recycling dead Organic matter. Not to mention, none of these plants show characteristics of jungle plants.
There are no waxy leaves to deposit water close to the roots, nor do they extend high into the sky or grow wide enough to collect any sunlight that bleeds through the trees.
The insects I have found are not poisonous or at least don't present any of the features of poisonous. No brightly colored features or camouflage.
They do follow the basic figure though of six limbs abdomen thorax and head. But they don't follow any other similarities. I found ants if you could call them that but their jaws were aligned in the opposite direction clamping up and down rather from side to side I've seen them used to great effect against Beatles?
if you could even call it that it's the closest approximation I have for a thickly armored insect, they clamped down, piercing the armor, and then ripped the thing to pieces.
I would be in heaven researching the new Wildlife After all, what self-respecting scientist even if this isn't my Specific area of biological interest wouldn't be in love with researching new things I have found right now. If it wasn't for the fact that I somehow ended up in a place against my will that behaves unlike any other ecological system I've seen.
I will somehow have to create a section in the back of my book detailing my research I have found so far. but that is for a later date. Why was I writing this again oh yeah because the fucking sun doesn't exist or the sky.
Allow me to explain to you dear reader, if you haven't already noticed if you somehow managed to find a clearing to where you can look up to the sky you will see not the sky what a collection of bright crystals somehow.
Illuminating this several mile long area as if it were the sun and it never sets. how do I know it's only several miles long easy I can see the fuckin walls. This illogical place pisses me off on so many levels. The biome I can forgive life does strange shit but the fact that this thing has no support structure whatsoever for Miles holding up.
what I'm assuming to be crystals weighing several tons each emitting a light similar to the effect of the Sun some how? do they go through nuclear Fusion or is it some other type of light emitting process which allows life to thrive down here? And if that's the case why does it look like the wild life/Flora belongs on the surface. to some degree life follows the most, well not efficient but the closest to efficient route it can find, not what looks good.
this is taking its toll on me. I have found myself doing my ticks more than usual. Oh yes, I suppose it may be best for me to explain myself a bit more.
self-report subject Jacob Augustine date of birth July the 13th 2005 age 18 state of birth Tennessee. The subject has autism. His ticks include snapping his fingers in a rapid motion, blinking rapidly, or rubbing the sides of his head. While on the low end of the spectrum he does exhibit his own issues such as his picky diet the way certain things cannot touch him or how illogical things piss him off to a absurd. degree we will see how he fares in this illogical hellhole that does not follow principles or Reason.
Okay, these are my findings for day one. I will update my journal if anything happens.
with a quick snap shut of the book, he looks up all around him. Okay, Jacob, you can do this. You're just in some illogical ecosystem. that does not appear to support a variety of life.
you have so far not identified any viable food options. So let's run through this normally. When stranded in the middle of a forest, you tie brightly colored cloth to branches and try to draw attention to your area for rescue squads.
but seeing as I'm in some confined space with no obvious human habitation, I need to start thinking of survival. In this case, I should climb to the top of a tree and look for a large water body that can support life.
And this will more than likely have some type of fish there that I can eat and water that can be processed to drink. However given the fact that this place is not running on normal principles of biodiversity there's a chance this may go horribly wrong. there could be Birds of Prey bigger than me.
There could be crocodiles that can run on land like its long extinct ancestor. alternatively, I could start clearing out areas and hoping that it rains as unlikely as that is. While cutting down a tree without any immediately available resources for such a task is unviable, it is still feasible given the amount of granite I have found in the area.
my current tools for my survival is my backpack, what was supposed to be a study notes book now turned into personal Journal, a packet of pencils a pencil sharpener, a school water bottle a pair of black Crocs a short sleeve t-shirt and gym shorts, I'm so fucked.
Okay, there are no obvious signs of precipitation that can accumulate off the bat, and cutting down trees would take far more energy than it's worth. so while it is a viable option, it's not one that's optimal. leaving only one other option that I can think of, not like I really have much of a choice. I just hope they have some type of fish I can eat without making myself eat it.
That would will make things a lot smoother. Standing up and looking for the tallest tree he can find in his immediate area he begins to climb. The idea of venomous snakes did not concern him from what he has seen so far there's no prey big enough needed for Venom or predators meaning in all likelihood he would be relatively safe from any possible Ambush predators.
Reaching the top of the tree, he saw vast fields of forest and vegetation. Luckily for him, there was a deposit of water fairly big one at that from what he can tell North words. it looked to be about an hour's jog from where he's at as well.
He was a bit of an introvert and not wanting to go outside more than strictly necessary preferring to spend most of his time with his online friends doing research and watching fun fact videos. But he did still do cardio in order to keep his body from getting health issues that could be easily avoided. he knows for a fact that he can run for about 2 hours, which in his opinion is fairly good with this in mind an hour jog with a 10 minute break in between.
He would arrive at his destination and about 3 hours while not as quick as he would like. This is his best option. With that he got to the lowest branch and hopped off. "it's a good thing I like clothing that allows me to breathe I would be fucked if this was winter clothing was that he began to jog".
Aafje vo eldertree pov
Big sis please don't go, you promised to spend time with me. I know what I promised, but this is a big day because the raxs just got fully healed, meaning we have our tank in the party, and we can finally enter the lower parts of the dungeon. And it's important they have their healer with them. But can't you just hold off for one more day? You promised me this you're always down in that stupid dungeon. I'll have you know that stupid dungeon is the reason why the eldertree family is as influential as it is. We are nobility based around dungeon delving. pretty soon You'll have to start going as well. Now, hush up please I'm pretty sure my party's outside.
Aafje's big sis had turned around and started making her way to the front door. Currently moping and pouting Aafje was upset her big sister went back on her word but then a devilish thought came to her head: if she was supposed to be going down there soon, what's stopping her from going now? She was a genius considering herself, and she knew his sister would never allow this, so the answer was simple.
Don't tell her to make her way to where she knew her sister kept her supplies. she looked around for the bag that her sister took with her for long trips from what she recalled.
Her sister was going to drop straight down to floor 150 today with the rest of her party through teleportation Crystal and start going to the lower levels.
Having found the bag, she knew she couldn't just take stuff out and sit inside her sister could tell immediately. but what she could do was use a bag of holding too cold the stuff inside while she took its place. And so she did just this. Hearing her big sister coming ada, she immediately went into the bag, hurling stuff into The Magic Bag.
Ada vo eldertree pov
Yeah, my sis was pretty upset about the news, probably in her room pouting and swearing to hate me forever. Until I come back home with some new toys or cool stuff for her. A gruff voice responded to her one Aafje recognized as raxs.
I kind of feel like a dick I mean, this is supposed to be a day for you two. You think she'd forgive me if I gave her something, what do elves like? Just bring her home a new toy and some candy and she'll be right as rain with you, now hurry up we need to go And I don't want to leave your green butt behind Mr I can stop a charging boss monster.
Please stop bringing that up, It was the 60th floor boss. I thought I could stop it on my own I learned my lesson I'm not indestructible please stop bringing that up. Yeah, well we're going to start heading down to the level we're humans start spawning, and as you well know an encounter with a human may as well be a death sentence. So please keep your wits about you, and don't let your ego take over.
walking over and grabbing her bag and swinging it over her back, she never noticed how uneven it felt. She was quite nervous today her party had actually set a record by making it to the 160th floor without encountering a human.
Meeting up with the rest of her party, her raxs, Stone. and Lionheart. a party composed of an elf, an orc, a dwarf and a Dragonborn. Not the weirdest part of you can see, but certainly, an odd one, most species tend to stay with each other. Making their way outside.
They see the great tower of the dungeon 10 miles wide in any direction, going uncountable numbers deep into the Earth. This was their destination. Walking through the bustling Street filled with all manner of species and Monday activities, in the great city of Carthage, anything could be found. The dungeon attracted all walks of life.
arriving at the dungeon management agency, a government-run facility in order to maximize profit and prevent loss of life though most of the time it just ends up being a bureaucrats dream job of having to not do anything. Most people aren't stupid enough to enter the dungeon unless prepared. Making our way down the street, I noticed something. There was a group arguing with the front counter.
"I had a feeling these were rookies". So she walked up to them and introduced herself. I am ada vo eldertree. I couldn't help noticing with the clerk here, I have a feeling you're new to the dungeon. A dark elf responded. How could you tell?
You're arguing with the clerk you never argue with the clerk They hand out the most recent information regarding migrational species in the dungeon updates to terrain and all sorts of other useful stuff but they don't have to give it out don't make enemies of the clerks may I ask what you were arguing about.
Me and my compatriots here, and I wanted to go to the lower levels and fight some of the higher tear of your monsters. we were former mercenaries. After all, we've taken up the adventuring business, specifically dungeon-delivers
I see how that could become a problem. What's your level and what floor were you wanting to go to.
Level 30, and we want to go down to Floor 110.
you wouldn't make it even if you teleport down to that floor, each floor increases by one level you're going to Face Off monsters at level 110 range. not to mention, although extremely rare humans have been known to spawn there on occasion.
We are dark elves, and we come from Noble lineages. Our level 30 is not the same as a plebeians. And why should I care about some monster type they all die the same.
This Comet pissed her off. well, normally monsters are around the same level of difficulty if you could call it that per level. but humans are something completely different. There were known as raid bosses, meaning that every one of their levels is the equivalent to 10 on a regular level. so a level one human is a level 10 standard, and this is for 110, they're level 1100.
Not to mention, there are special species stats that include Mana absorption from the air. or they're insane musculature and stamina. I don't think I need to continue. Just know that if you run into one hide and run, they don't have the best sense of smell.
"Fucking idiots we're going to die if they ran into a human. there's a reason why noble families founded on dungeon dwellers were so strong through generations of survival of the fittest."
Each one of their levels was equivalent to five levels higher and the standard and even they struggled against humans they were the kings of the dungeons you don't fuck with them.
Let's just get going. We don't want to get behind besides I think we can make it to floor 199 if we're lucky we do have a month to do this after all. then they'll start sending Rescuers and that's always a pain with paperwork.
Lord Vect pov
Who the hell is that bitch think she is talking to me like that, that high elf scum should be kissing my boots that I even talk to her.
Lord, what do you think we should do?
Isn't it obvious we're going to liberate that fine gear from them while down in the dungeonWho knows she might make find slave work, whether it be in the brothels or a whipping bitch it does not matter money can always made on suffering of others.
Jacob pov
You know this place is actually kind of lovely. Oh God, I'm talking to myself. I'm going insane already. Egh fuck it may as well make a Wilson while I'm here. After seeing the clearing up ahead, he knew that he was getting close to the water source, deciding to jog harder. and farther, he finally made it out of the clearing, and what he saw was beautiful a ring of sand surrounded. A large lake connected into the Great Wall surrounding this place surrounding that wall was purple crystals that were different from the light blue ones up above what surprised him the most, though there are other humans.
naked shortish about 5’4 for humans. But still humans it's not insane to think of nudist culture could pop up, and with how small this area is to live in, and it makes sense that they'd be shorter natural selection dictates with less nutrients available, being smaller is more advantageous.
I just hope they're not cannibalistic or violently aggressive to foreign things. HAY, HAY over Here. Quickly jogging up to the other humans, there were about 10 of them four female six male. They turn their heads to me in a lazy way before going back to what they were doing.
Coming to a stop to the closest one, a young guy, probably about 26, with brown hair and brown eyes and pale skin. Hey, do you know where we are… Do you speak English… I know Germen Wissen Sie, wo wir sind… um shit okay um. Fuck how do you say do you know where we are in Spanish again God damn it 16-year-old Jacob you should have paid attention in Spanish class more, okay. Um I know you don't understand me but you must understand I'm trying to communicate with you so “pointing towards self” I'm Jacob “ pointing towards the guy” you are?.. not even going to find me with an answer okay. Fuck you too asshole.
Looking over to my side, I noticed something peculiar. One of those Beetle things from earlier was walking by one of the shorter guys. He proceeds to squish it flat against the sand before shoveling it into his mouth. I felt a shiver go up my spine and disgust. "Well, at least they're not poisonous." Gags.
Looking around his immediate area, he notices something. The crystals form into the shape of that similar to a great door, thinking quickly, pulling out his phon clicking on the camera featur. And zooming into 10 times, he notices it.
It is a door! victory for vegeta or Jacob in this case i Miss Dragon Ball Z abridged. Well, no time like the present. Wait, how the hell am I going to get my shit over there without it getting wet damn it.
The electronics will be fine for the most part as long as I don't turn them off while they're wet. They should operate normally if dried off .my clothes will be a pain tho.
But given the aired temperature, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, but the weight might become a problem. And I don't see any shallow Banks leaning up to it. okay, let's think this one through. I could empty out my water bottle, filling it with air and then sealing it shut. That should add buoyancy, which should counteract at least a little weight. and then refill it at the door. The main problem is my journal.
After thinking it through for a good 10 minutes, he got an idea walking over to the tree line. and taking a few sticks, he throws them into the water to see what type of wood he is working with and if it will float or not. He's in luck it does. "Hmmm, I could work with this." Arranging the sticks into a Shape where they'll stick above the water and doing that again.
with three other sets to make sure his journal does not get wet he takes off his shirt and wraps it around the bundle. making sure it sticks together, setting it gently on the water to see if it will float. Or not stay together. To his luck, it does. This also means he can just put his backpack on there and the Crocs. Looking down at himself, he lets out a sigh. Well, not exactly fat, he's not skinny, either he has a healthy Pudge, he'd say a beer gut.
Making his treck across the water, he notices a large shadow following him. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck I forgot to think about water Predators. okay okay okay okay just don't panic you'll be fine panicking indicates you're afraid and Afraid means food. Ok, if this is a shark or um, oh, a shit God damn it why did i not go to zoology.
Just as the large shadow was approaching him at a rapid pace. Once it got into the distance to tell what the creature swimming was, it promptly turned around and swam for its life. Oh, good the things in massive pussy that or wasn't carnivorous now that i think about a creature that large being carnivorous.
And in this small body of water doesn't make much sense it could just be an abnormally large manatee. Or maybe some other new species. I wonder what type of characteristics force it to grow that size, though? maybe mating fights, but that's the case. Why didn't it get aggressive unless it's not as mating season and it was just curious? Questions for later.
Upon reaching the massive door, he knows the shallow sand pit, allowing him to walk up to the staircase, pulling his makeshift raft along with him. and promptly laying flat on his back onto the sand, letting out a sigh of relief despite that not being a predator.
There are so many things that could have gone wrong in that instance he could have lost all his supplies. It could have been aggressive.There could have been something else parasites bacteria, and lord knows what else lives down in the water. Now that I think about it this was a fucking stupid idea.
oh well, all is well and ends well. After waiting for his clothes to dry off enough to wear and putting them on, he walks up to the great door and pushing it open. surprisingly light for something that looked like it would weigh so much more, and what he saw was an expansive hallway stepping through the hallway he immediately felt better for some reason.
He started to jog down the hallway , and he noticed that he wasn't running out breath as quickly as he would normally. attributing it to the room just simply having more oxygen for some reason, allowing for cellular respiration to happen more, therefore slowing fatigue. He paid it no mind upon reaching the end of the hallway he noticed something a plaque above it reading 199 whatever the hell that meant taking in a deep breath and pushing open the door he saw a cave? lined with purple crystals.
hey writer here I'm new to this so I have no idea how to link it next chapter which when it comes out I will also say sorry if the writing is bad I'm trying to write it from the perspective of what would you do if you were in this situation if you have any writing tips or World building you think would make a good fit to it feel free to private message me or comment it I'll see if I can include it.
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thedarksidesoffice · 6 months
Loveletter had been unable to stay and puppyguard Pixel out of fear for much longer. She had to still go out and get food for the both of them... At this rate, the meals were just going to pixel anyway, sonce Loveletter just feeds on it's affection.
Even when she had left for the datastream to gather fresh code, she had left a small, rosey pink beatle to linger in the upper corner of Pixels room- She doesn't trust just Xavier to watch the damn kid by himself.
Regardless, she moved forward like a spider, creeping and crawling through the different links between devices to find some straggler, weaker viruses to detain. She didn't expect that she would be out for very long at least, since there's always a plethora of bugs spawning every day. She just prefers something a little more leveled up for her tastes.... Loveletter had to sift through a bunch of parasitic things that probably had only just manifested in the datastream- Food for less advanced viruses, thats all they are. If theyre lucky, out of the hundreds of little guys that are in this swirling vortex of nasty code, one or two might make it to the next stage.
She had searched for a while before she had crept up on something new. Something a bit more substantial, more digital meat on its bones. It showed itself off as a monochrome little thing, kind of staticy. Shes not sure if Pixel would enjoy the texture of something with static in its code, but once she breaks it down to its core components she can just seperate that for her little LoveBug.
Loveletter could see that it seemed injured, by how it moved. It was a bit animalistic, probably not entirely sentient yet- Its a good catch. She decided to not waste her time, and lunged into frame- The shapeshifter sent forward her hand, striking with a long pink tendril of flickering code.
It should of been over. Loveletter has never encountered a middle tier that could survive an attack properly aimed for the core.
It should of been.
Unfortunately for her, in Loveletter's eager attempt to grab the food and get back to her young, the woman's clouded mindset had made it so she had not noticed the more than abnormally large shadow underneath such a small creature. Out from this shadow, upon plunging into its core, had merely pestered it- Woke it up.
The shadow twisted and turned, churning out a large, slimlike mass that grew upward. It added onto the small creature that Loveletter had thought she was attacking, and began to slop onto it to show off its true stature.
A large, lanky figure with stark white hair and a plastered smile stood about a foot overtop of the other, it's static laced skin flickering off of its body as it stabilized.
"Y○ure a l○ng way fr○m h○me, Aren't y○u?"
Loveletter felt the hair prickle on her neck. Shit. Shit shit shit shit.
This wasn't a middle tier. This was the same advancement as herself, and she had accidentally stumbled into a newly formed domain. She wouldn't know how strong this thing is before seeing an attack though, and... shes not sure she wants to stick around and find out.
That appearance chilled her to the bone. Instead of fleeing, or maybe even trying to kill it first... That striking resemblance of one she used to know has frozen her in place, an made her want to try to reason with it.
"I d♡nt me4n any trouble- I... I haven't gone out this f4r fr0m my home dev1ce- I wasn't aw4re there was a d0main here, I will just be leav1n-"
She was stopped in her tracks, spluttering on her words as a sharp blade of sorts had pierced through her guts like butter, the black gunk that was her blood beginning to spill from an open wound right through her torso.
"Leave? Why w○uld I want y○u t○ leave? It w○uld be such a wasted ○pp○rtunity t○ finally get an evenly matched fight."
Loveletter stumbled back, clutching for the weapon deep in her stomach- When she had pulled out a round, sharpened disk like a frisby... Ornamented with a smiley face. As she looked up, she saw the figure had equiped a long, bent piece of metal out to it's side. A... a crowbar..?
Shit... this guy wasn't as talkative as someone like Rex or something. If she's not careful here, she could become the food. How did she not see him throw that disk..?
She decided that this wasn't a fight that she had to win. Pride or honor be damned, she wasnt about that. Survival has always been her number one driving force.
So she scattered. She allowed her body's pixels to fall apart, scattering into thousands of little beetles, and then sent the swarm racing back home. During the short chase, the man threw those disks, sent up firewalls, took out clusters of those creatures- But it couldn't take out all of them, and thats what counted.
Loveletter made it back home, but not in one piece.
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loneberry · 2 years
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Above: In 1883 an Indonesian volcano erupted, causing peculiar inferno-like sunsets around the globe. See the pastel sky-sketches of William Ascroft (images 2-4). A ‘Krakatoa sunset’ even inspired Munch’s famous painting, The Scream (1893):
Edvard Munch was walking with some friends one evening as the sun descended through the haze: “it was as if a flaming sword of blood slashed open the vault of heaven,” he recalled; “the atmosphere turned to blood – with glaring tongues of fire – the hills became deep blue – the fjord shaded into cold blue – among the yellow and red colours – that garish blood-red – on the road – and the railing – my companions’ faces became yellow-white – I felt something like a great scream – and truly I heard a great scream.” His painting The Scream (1893), of which he made several versions, is an enduring (and much stolen) expressionist masterpiece, a vision of human desolation writhing beneath an apocalyptic sky, as “a great unending scream pierces through nature.” As it happens, the final eruption of Krakatoa on 27 August 1883 was the loudest sound ever recorded, travelling almost 5,000 km, and heard over nearly a tenth of the earth’s surface
The Krakatoa sunsets also had a powerful effect on Victorian poets, namely Gerard Manley Hopkins, who documented their appearance with “near-forensic interest” and published his observations in Nature. An excerpt:
Above the green in turn appeared a red glow, broader and burlier in make; it was softly brindled, and in the ribs or bars the colour was rosier, in the channels where the blue of the sky shone through it was a mallow colour. Above this was a vague lilac. The red was first noticed 45º above the horizon, and spokes or beams could be seen in it, compared by one beholder to a man’s open hand. By 4.45 the red had driven out the green, and, fusing with the remains of the orange, reached the horizon. By that time the east, which had a rose tinge, became of a duller red, compared to sand; according to my observation, the ground of the sky in the east was green or else tawny, and the crimson only in the clouds. A great sheet of heavy dark cloud, with a reefed or puckered make, drew off the west in the course of the pageant: the edge of this and the smaller pellets of cloud that filed across the bright field of the sundown caught a livid green. At 5 the red in the west was fainter, at 5.20 it became notably rosier and livelier; but it was never of a pure rose. A faint dusky blush was left as late as 5.30, or later. While these changes were going on in the sky, the landscape of Ribblesdale glowed with a frowning brown. (from G. M. Hopkins, “The Remarkable Sunsets”, Nature 29 (3 January 1884), pp. 222-23)
Read an essay on Hopkins’s melancholic fascination with the Krakatoa sunsets here.
I’ve developed a fondness for this 5 ft 2 in oddball who once gave up “poetry” for lent and possessed an irrepressible desire to describe the natural world, sometimes, in his view, to the detriment of his religious asceticism. He is the place where the naturalist, the poet, and the theologian meet. Anyone who has sensed the inscape of things immediately understands…
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Here to ask u about ur faves êwê
If I’m remembering correctly I think canonically Zoro barely ever showers LMAO. In a modern AU, how often do u think he showers? 👀. If u asked him, do you think he would learn the sword style where he has a fifth sword between his ass cheeks like the meme?
Do you think Hobie has pp piercings? 🍆. Do you think he plays other string instruments like acoustic guitar, ukulele, bass, etc.? What do u think his favorite food is? Is it a stereotypical British food like fish n chips or beans on toast? Lol
Snuggling u >:3 🫶🏾💟💟💟
1. Shower: doubt in modern au it would change tbh. Pretty sure it said he showers once a week LIKE THAT SO NASTY PLS 🤢
U bet ur ass he gets scolded by either nami or sanji (sometimes usopp too cuz TELL ME U WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SMELL IT EWWWWWWW😫)
He lucky I adore his stinky butt 😧 💚
Honestly I can see him thinking about it if were talking about pirate world cuz I mean...u never know lmao
I do think he would learn to use his feet! Like he would put the swords on his shoes and go slicing with them thighs 🙄
1.🍆: Honestly I don't see why he wouldn't.
I mean...it just fits to him u know? And I know this man wouldn't tell u until yall getting spicy for the first time and then u see it like "??👁//v//👁????" And when he notices ur staring MF SMIRKS AND ASK IF U LIKE IT I CANT WITH HIM JJDNFJFJJRJJRJRJJ 😳😳😩😩😩💦💦💦
2. Instrument: I can see him playing bass as his second most used other his guitar and some drums too but not as often
3. Food: i have no idea what other foods they give over there but I think he doesn't have a favorite when it comes to snaking or lunch (mabey they tell us in the next movie who knows)
I can see him eating tortas with lots of meat idk why
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cptsadist · 1 year
Jet is so pretty omggg I want to kiss him right on the mouth ❤️‍🔥 *ahem* Anyways! could you share some crumbs of Jet lore? SFW or NSFW! Anything you want to share, thank yew
Omg I'm so glad you find him so pretty!! Yes of course!!
So Jet does a lot of shady work on the dark web. He earns his money by blackmailing, tracking people down, hacking, and finding information that people are willing to pay for. Stuff that he deems as "harmless". He's a genius when it comes to computers (but not really wirh anything else). He does a lot of work for Egon (who is Trance's bodyguard) and he sees Egon as pretty much his only friend (but it's one sided, Egon sees him as a nuisance but puts up with him for his computer skills and hoe good Jet is at navigating the dark web).
When Jet isn't at home in his shitty apartment on his computer or at Trance's doing work for Egon, he's out at raves, getting high out of his mind. He often sells drugs at these raves or just finds people willing to do them with him.
Jet is honestly really lonely though. He grew up an only child and his parents neglected him and he was hard-core bullied and tormented all the way through school so he never had any friends. He often will do or offer what he can to get people to like him, often giving out drugs for free or going home with strangers for meaningless sex just to feel like he's needed, if only for a night. He suffers from anxiety and ADHD, but he tries to keep these under wraps so that people don't get turned off to him.
He's also scared of blood, even though he often watches the snuff films that Egon makes. He's only really affected by his fear when he sees blood in person, it makes him lightheaded and feel like passing out.
He's really short and scrawny, and he has multiple piercings all over his body and face, including nipple and pp piercings.
He is pan and is a bit of a bratty bottom, but he's pretty much down for anything kink-wise. He's willing to try anything once.
Honestly he's probably really susceptible to Stockholm syndrome because if he felt like someone cared about him enough, he would look past stuff like kidnapping and torture if it meant he was important for someone.
His last name is Michaels!
He also sells drugs to Trance and him and Trance are on pretty good terms.
He's the only one of my characters who hasn't commit murder.
Thats what I could think of so far! Hope you like hearing about my sad little pretty man!
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gothamitis · 2 years
hi! ik i’m late but i figured i should make a bio post to let y’all know who i am. so. uhhh.
i’m Moth, 22 yrs old, he/him lesbian, and i’m a senior (🥳) at gotham university studying english literature.
i’m p much just some guy, i mostly stay in my apartment and try to avoid gotham’s. well. general pandemonium. that being said i have been trying to get out more, so if anyone wants to be friends feel free to lmk! (replies, asks, and dms should be open!)
ps. if you ever see me embarrass myself in public, no you didn’t. i have never done anything embarrassing, ever, in my life. you understand.
pps. if anyone’s wondering, i look like this:
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[ID: a picrew icon of an androgynous white person with freckles, brown eyes, and pink hair that is not quite shoulder length. he has multiple ear piercings, a nose ring, and is wearing a green button up with an olive argyle sweater vest and a black choker. the background is black with white stars in the upper left corner. End ID]
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heyitsjay03 · 3 years
I saw request we’re open for RE8. Could I please have a fem! reader who tries to get rid of Ethan Winters because he keeps causing distress to her wife, Alcina? Please and thank you.
yes. yes you most certainly can have this.
i have been DYING to write about some alcina x fem!reader for the sole reason being that i have NEVER questioned my sexuality so hard since this damn game came out so yeah.
ps: wrote this in first person hope that's okay!
pps: there is some major plot deviation because.... i felt like it. idk. it fit??
DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to own Resident Evil or its characters or plot. CAPCOM please don't come for me.
here you go love >:)
word count: 1.57k
"Girls!" I call, closing the door behind me. "My darlings, I'm home!" Shifting the grip on the parcel of items from the village, I look around.
Usually one of the girls would've answered by now. Bela is usually here to greet me.
She's probably with her mother.
I shrug off my fur coat, handing it to one of the maids. She takes it and lays it over the back of a chair. I can tell by the large, gnarled scar on her forearm who she is "Marienna," I mumble, staring up the stairway. "...where're the girls?"
Marienna's face pales as she stares back at me. Her mouth opens and closes like a trout. "Well?" I snap, "D'you know where they are or-?!"
A crash resounds down the hallway. Alcina's voice tears from her bedroom, followed by a shuddering sob.
I'm hurrying up the stairs in seconds, abandoning the parcel. My body collides with the door- forcing it open.
Our bedroom is destroyed- the vanity broken to pieces. Alcina's soft hands cling to the golden wood, thumb rubbing against the varnish. Slowly, her eyes trail up to me. A smile nearly as broken as the vanity crosses her painted lips. "...I loved this damned mirror," she mumbles, eyes turning down to the broken pieces again.
"What happened, darling?" I coo, stepping over the pieces to stand beside her. My hand on her shoulder, I turn her face gently towards mine. Tears are streaming down her face- leaving jagged streaks of mascara. "Are you alright? What happen-"
Alcina's body tenses under my touch. Trembling, her grip tightens on the wood. It cracks before being wrenching in twain in her hands. "It was that stupid manthing!" She hisses, standing back up to her full height.
"...what 'manthing'?" I ask, "Your brother?"
Alcina ignores me, leaning back down to pluck one of the larger fragments before throwing it across the room. "He laid his filthy paws on our daughters!"
My mind races as it struggles to understand what the hell is happening.
It's not Heisenberg. He'd never lay a finger on the girls.
Some brutish village slug- that's got to be it.
But why? Why on earth would they...?
It doesn't matter.
As Alcina leans down to grab another bit, I grab her hand. "...are... are the girls okay? Where are they?"
A shuddering sigh passes her lips. "...they're all together," she whispers, wiping tears from her face hastily. "Bela... she was... that disgusting beast, he nearly killed her!"
"What?" I mutter, eyebrows drawing together as I step back. "...what... well is she okay? What happened? Is she going to be alright?!"
Alcina sighs again. "...she'll be alright," her hand wraps around mine gently. "Her sisters found her. Brought her to me."
"Where is she now?," I ask, tightening my grip around her finger. "My baby girl... where...?"
Alcina smiles warmly, getting down onto one knee. Her fingers brush back the hair from my eyes. Tears fall quickly down my face as I realize what could've happened if Cassandra and Daniela weren't nearby. "She's with her sisters," she answers gently. "Resting... waiting for her mother to get back with the flowers and silk from the village."
A cold laugh passes my lips before I sniffle. "...her mother should've been there. Should've never left."
Alcina's face tightens. "You can't blame yourself, darling," she mumbles, turning my chin up so I can face her. "No one knew this... Ethan Winters... would be so hideously vindictive."
I nod slowly, wiping the tears from my face. "...can I see her?"
"Of course, my love," she says, leaning in to press her lips to my cheek. "Of course."
The two of us walk down the halls to the center of the house. 'Safest place for her' Alcina had told me.
She had spoken to me the entire way over here, trying to get me out of my own head.
Bless my beloved wife for trying.
But that name. It just keeps buzzing around my mind.
Images of my hands, covered in thick blood, gripping the handle of a sickle play through my head. The blade going through the jugular of this 'Ethan Winters' and popping out the other side. Him desperate for air, choking on his own hot blood, as he watches me loom over him.
His last words will be for mercy.
His last view will be my blade.
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My breath is bated as I watch him stalk through the darkness of the courtyard. In the moonlight, I can see is head is down, eyes wary as he keeps a fair grip on his pistol. The cool air lets me see him regulating his breathing- keeping him steady, keeping his pistol steady.
He's experienced.
My grip on my own weapon tightens as he stops in the gazebo. His eyes narrow as he turns around, his pistol raised. I watch in mild amusement as he whirls around, looking for something to shoot.
He's experienced, yes, but still not experienced enough.
I tug the fabric around my face higher along the bridge of my nose. Gripping my sickle, I balance on the balls of my feet.
Ethan finally relaxes, dropping his arms with his back to me.
A small smile creeps along my lips under the mask. A foolish move made by an even more foolish man.
My body slides underneath the stone railings for the stairs leading into the center of the courtyard. Untucking one of the smaller knives from my belt, I pinch it between two fingers and flick my wrist forward.
The knife goes flying- landing right between Ethan's shoulder blades. A guttural yell comes from him as he spins around to face me. In a blink, I'm up in front of him, nose brushing against his.
I can see the fear in his eyes.
I can't help my smile growing beneath the dark fabric.
Ethan raises his hand, pistol in his palm. With a tut of my lips, I shake my head and stab his hand through with my sickle. "...no, no," I mumble as he continues to scream and thrash against my hold. "There'll be none of that, I'm afraid, Mister Winters."
His teeth gritted, he hisses as my sickle is pulled from the inner part of his wrist. A bitter laugh bubbles up from my gut as he stumbles back onto the floor of the gazebo, now holding the pistol in his shaky left hand. "You can't be serious!" I giggle as Ethan pulls the trigger.
A wet squelch hits my ears as the bullet tears into my stomach. I sigh dramatically, looking down at the gushing hole in my dress. "You didn't think I was human- did you?" I ask, twirling the sickle in my hand.
"Wh- what?" Ethan mutters, eyes fixated on the bullet wound in my torso.
"I'm not," I continue, stepping closer to him as he tries to back away. Another gunshot echoes through the courtyard- the bullet landing in my left shoulder. "Not entirely, anyways."
"What the hell are you?!" Ethan yells, firing three more shots. One in the crook of my neck, one just barely grazing my temple, one lodging itself in my hip.
My jaw tightens as I hurry forward, grabbing him by the collar and throwing him back into the center of the gazebo. "I!" I snap, grabbing him again and gripping his wrist. "I... am the mother of the girl you almost killed!"
I pull another knife out of my belt. Trailing it down his lips, I smile. "And the wife... to a woman scorned." With a single swing, the knife digs into the flesh of his palm and nails it to the gazebo.
Ethan yells in pain. As I step back, his other fist cracks across my face. I stumble back. Grabbing at my cheek, I chuckle darkly. "Oh, Ethan," I coo coyly, grabbing my sickle. "You really shouldn't have done that."
I swing and watch with what could only be described as 'glee' as the blade pierces his throat. Covered in blood, the blade glistens crimson in the pale moonlight. Ethan's choked pleas are drowned out by my laughter.
"Why?" is the only word able to leave his lips without being smothered in a gush of blood.
"Because, Mister Winters," I hum, my nose brushing against his as I watch the life in his eyes flicker. "You should never have touched my family."
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"What is that delicious smell?"
I turn around to see Alcina bending down to peek outside. A smile crosses my lips as I gesture to the mutilated corpse with the end of my sickle. "Dinner, my love," I hum, wiping off the blade with the fabric I had used for a mask. "Sorry it's not the cleanest."
Alcina scoffs and waves me off. "It's fine, _________. I'll just go let the girls know their mother brought dinner...," she pauses, eyes flicking over the gushing body. "...who was that? He smells... familiar."
"Just Ethan Winters," I answer nonchalantly.
"...y-you..." Alcina stammers, eyebrows weaving together and lips pursing. "You... when did you-?"
"He must've been tired," I continue with a small smile. "He was not nearly as difficult a kill as I thought he'd be."
"...I'll... I'll be going now."
"Okay, love," I chirp, "I'll drag him in in a second. Love you!"
Alcina's eyes are still wide, mouth slightly agape as she steps away from the doorway. "...love you too... darling."
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can you tell i had a lot of fun with this?
yeah. because i did.
i hope you enjoyed! writing lady d is so much freaking fun i kid you not.
big vampy lady make brain go brr
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roanniee · 3 years
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Quite The Thin Line
Word Count: 4k ( I might have gone a little overboard? hehe)
Warnings: Swearing, Enemies to Lovers, Gender Neutral Reader, Maybe OOC Goshiki?
A/N¹: thank you so much @rosesandtoshi for allowing me to participate in this!
PPS: If you have any requests, please ask! I'd love to write more here!
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To be an Ushijima means that there will be a lot of expectations placed upon someone. As the younger sibling of Ushijima Wakatoshi, the expectations placed on you only made sense.
There was only one problem.
You are nothing like your brother. You are his complete opposite. Your excellence was on Academics rather than sports. You are a scholar, choosing the company of books and anything that is of academic roots over anything that would leave you sweating and exhausted.
Growing up with books as your constant companion, socialising was not your thing, and making friends was difficult.
Finding real friends was even harder, since most of the people you encountered have been more interested in using you to get a chance with your brother. All those experiences have left you hiding deeper into your shell, not wanting to meet new people and be used again.
You sat down beside your brother in the cafeteria with a muted sigh. You had been allowed to leave early after finishing a short quiz. As such, it was only you, your brother and a few other people in the cafeteria.
"You are troubled," Wakatoshi stated, looking at you with his piercing green eyes. You wanted to ignore him and stay in your little bubble, but you knew your brother and you knew that he was more stubborn than a mule.
"I have run out of time to choose a club," You replied, fidgeting with the sleeves of your school uniform. Clubs are mandatory in Shiratorizawa, and none of the clubs are appealing to you as you don't know anyone enough to be comfortable with them. You knew it was only a matter of time before the cafeteria gets packed with people but before you can even formulate a plan to sneak away into the comfort of the rooftop, your brother grabbed your arm gently.
"Stay. I want you to meet the team."
"Can it not wait until later, Onii-san?" You gently asked as you leaned back on your chair.
"I want you to meet the team before I bring you to the gym."
Your eyes widened at that. You have seen your brother's strength. You have seen Shiratorizawa's games through the screen. The last place you wanted to be in is a place where balls are always flying around at speeds and strength that would break your arm off.
"What do you mean 'bring me to the gym'?"
Before your brother could answer, the rest of the volleyball team walked in, bright red hair and dip dyed ash blond at the very front of them. You knew who they were, of course. Along with their games that you have watched, your brother had sent you photographs of his closest friends all throughout his years at Shiratorizawa. They just never met you before, especially since you have been hiding at the rooftops or your dorm every lunch time since school began.
"Ushi- Oh? Who's this?" The dip dyed male asked, causing eyes to turn to where you were sitting. If it was possible, you would've hid behind your brother. From where you were sitting, you could see the redhead narrow his eyes before recognition flashed in them.
"Hey, you're Ushijima Y/n!" The redhead stated with a gentle smile. Just like you, they had never met you nor seen you since your brother never showed them any photographs of you by your request. However, your brother has spoken fondly of you. you are, after all, the only sibling he has, and if it weren't for your mother's strict ways, he would've spoiled you rotten.
"I am." you stated with a shaky smile, mainly due to the stares you've been getting, something your brother noticed. Of course he did. You have never been stared at this much in all your life.
"Could you please stop staring at them? You're making them uncomfortable." Wakatoshi stated, causing many of the stares to look away. The stares of the rest of the team stayed however, and you were ready to run. You looked at your brother and practically sprinted out when he nodded at you.
"They're so shy, Wakatoshi," Tendou stated as he sat down on the seat you vacated.
"Not shy. Just cautious,introverted and easily uncomfortable," The ace said as he frowned, knowing that it was his fame that pushed you into your shell. Despite having a hard time with socialising, you used to be so bubbly and carefree, smiling at just about everything. An overall pure, kind-hearted soul. That all changed when he became one of Japan's top three under 20 aces, when you first felt the betrayal of a friend that used you to get close to him.
He hated that he had caused this to you, but you told him to never stop reaching his dreams on your account, because seeing him happy makes you happy and proud.
"I was hoping that they'd be comfortable with you before afternoon practice."
"Why? What's with afternoon practice?" their libero asked with a raised brow.
"I knew that today was the last day to choose a club, so I signed them up to be our new manager."
You know that your brother means well. He always did. Despite being only 2 years older than you, he is your pillar, the only constant person in your life. He doted on you, he made sure to be there for you. He, for the lack of a better term, adored you.
But that didn't mean that he could just go and sign you up for something you did not want to be in.
The gym is a deathtrap. But, since he signed you up and it was the last day to choose a club, you have no choice now. You could only hope that no stray balls get thrown your way, or the fact that you don't end up surrounded by intimidating players most of the time.
It took you only two weeks to realise that the team weren't serious like your brother.
They're dorks. Secret nerds. And it was this reason that you slowly began to open up to them.
Tendou loved shonen jump, and you've seen and heard him talk about it every practice. Semi is a music nerd, his bag full of music sheets and songs that have been composed to their halfway mark. Yamagata knows everything about seafood, from how to catch and cultivate them to how to prepare them. Reon is a nerd for sci-fi films, and would randomly spout facts about various films during breaks. Kawanishi knows everything there is about drinks, which is ironic as he's still underaged. But you found it adorable when his eyes lit up whenever he talked about how he found a new cocktail that he'd like to try and make. Shirabu, much like you, is a scholar. And with him, you found a kindred soul. Despite being a year older, he was your confidant, the one you talk to about various books and literary works that you've read over the years.
All in all, you got along with the team.
All but one.
Goshiki Tsutomu is your fellow first year student. Yet, you can never seem to find a bond with him, which interfered slightly with your manager duties.
You were there to help the team, yet you can never approach Goshiki without him glaring at you, and you're getting sick and tired of it quickly. While you were never a confrontational person, your patience was running thin. It was only a matter of time before you snapped.
Turns out, today was the day.
Goshiki glared at you again, and you have had enough. The gym practically stopped when they saw you walking over to Goshiki, who was deliberately trying to ignore you after glaring at you for the 5th time in the past 30 minutes.
“Okay, what is your problem with me?” You asked, hands on your hips, glaring back when he looked at you with a glare.
“I have no problem with you.” He said before nonchalantly going back to tossing the ball and spiking it. The loud sound didn't even bother you, too caught up in trying to figure out why the outside hitter didn't like you much. You really wouldn't care, but it has been interfering with your job as their manager, and THAT annoyed you to no end.
(Plus, he was cute, although you'd never admit it."
“You clearly do, seeing as you have been ignoring me or glaring at me since I became the manager. So what is your problem with me?”
You watched as Goshiki took a deep breath before facing you, the glare still on his face.
“I just think that a powerhouse team like Shiratorizawa doesn't need a manager like you. It's useless and pointless.”
The gasps that left the other team members' mouths and the glare on your brother’s face didn't escape your notice, but all you did was nod and walk away.
“It's fine, Onii-san” You said to your brother as you grabbed the empty water bottles to refill them, deliberately leaving Goshiki's out.
“Goshiki. That was too much. Do you even know the things Y/N does for the team?” Shirabu stated, eyes narrowing in disbelief when Goshiki looked away with a simple “whatever.”
When you walked back in, you placed their water bottles back in their respective places before grabbing the clipboard that held your other tasks for the day. When you saw that they were done, you sat down and grabbed your chemistry book to start up on your homework, ignoring the way your lips wanted to smirk when you saw Goshiki pick up his empty water bottle and walk out while gritting his teeth in irritation. You looked up when you felt stares on you.
“Did you not refill his water?” Reon asked.
“No. Why should I?” You said as a mischievous look made your eyes glow slightly. “He himself said it's pointless for the team to have a manager.”
A wave of shock passed through the team, seeing as no one expected sweet and introverted Y/N to be so petty. Wakatoshi opened his mouth to chastise you, no doubt about being petty, but Coach Washijo, who had been quietly observing the entire time, stopped him.
“Let them. They have the right to do so, and it's about time the boy learns to respect others rather than just a few.”
You laughed, a rather jovial sound, and it was quickly followed by Tendou's cackling and Yamagata’s snickering.
“Oh god...I can smell chaos brewing already.” Shirabu stated from where he stood between Kawanishi and Yamagata.
“Let's just hope it dies down soon.” Kawanishi replied with a cringe.
“Speak for yourself. This is prime entertainment.” Yamagata replied, still snickering under his breath.
Much to Yamagata's joy, it didn't die down.
In fact, it got worse.
While you never strayed from your duties as the team's manager, you let Goshiki deal with his own messes, unless it's something that could affect the entire team.
He spilled his water? He cleans it up.
His water ran out? He can fill it up himself.
He was sweaty? He can grab his towel from the bench on his own.
The only time you actually help him is during practice games and official games, not wanting to ruin the team's reputation.
His retaliation?
Him proving that the team doesn't need a manager by doing your duties for you.
Picking stray balls up after practice? Done before you could even think about it. Some deflated ones were even inflated by him.
Grabbing the bags of snacks and medical supplies for a game? He's already off carrying that while carrying his own things.
You honestly don't know if Goshiki was doing all this to make you angry...
Or make things easier for you.
Being a manager may look easy, it most certainly was not. You have to check the equipment after every practice, making sure the nets aren't broken or that the net poles are still functioning properly. The balls need to be put away, all inflated properly and ready to be used for the next practice. You also had to make sure that none of the team overwork themselves and cause any self-inflicted injuries. There was also you reaching out to other teams that the coach chose to coordinate possible practice matches, and collecting statistics and information for both the team and Coach Washijo.
Plus, you also had to make sure that the guys' practice vests and jerseys are always clean. Which isn't an easy task, considering that the people wearing them were all teenage males that are still going through puberty.
In short, no matter how good they smell before practice, they stink after it.
Nonetheless, you liked it. It lessened the burden on your shoulders, and if Goshiki wasn't being so childish, you would've thanked him.
Perhaps you were being childish too, with how petty you have been, but your reasoning was that he started it first.
You have nothing against Goshiki. Truly. He was adorable, all sparkly eyed and so eager and determined to be on par with your brother. In fact, if he hadn’t been an ass, you could say that you even liked him. Yet, for some reason, you pissed him off to the point that you just became rivals.
Rivals in what? You don't exactly know at this point, as it has been months since you were placed in Goshiki's enemy list. All you know is that you are in it, and that you don't see yourself leaving anytime soon.
Today was not a good day for you. You had exams all day and ended up staying up late to study as well as work on a project that was due the day after tomorrow. You can feel a cold coming, and the only thing you wanted to do was to shut the world out and sleep. But you couldn't. Today was also laundry day for the guys, and a practice match with Seijoh to boot. You couldn't slack off with your duties today.
So despite your headache that's been present the whole day along with your exhaustion, you walked into the gym, ready to help out. No one was in yet, so you immediately began to set up, ignoring your body's plea to rest. Letting your body go on autopilot, you continued what you're doing while humming a tune, not noticing that the team has been watching you.
Before you became the manager, your duties had been split between the assistant coach and the janitor. Now that you took over the position, you don't have many people helping you, as you don't want to bother anyone with the things they were all doing.
So for once, the team saw nearly the full extent of your job as their manager. They watched as you floated around, checking equipment and how inflated the balls were, before you disappeared into the club room and walked out carrying the still warm practice vests and jerseys and began folding them. You can feel your head pounding, but you just shook your head after rubbing your temple and continued with your job.
“Y/n?” The sound of your brother's voice made you jump slightly, making your headache worse and your head began to spin.
“Huh? What is it?”
“Are you okay?” Wakatoshi asked.
"Yeah, just a headache." You said before you finished folding and began walking out, hearing the Seijoh bus coming. It was clear that it wasn’t just a headache, not after they’ve seen you stop a few times to control your breathing, rub your temple and sniffle. Before you could take another step, your head spun even more and you crumpled on to the floor.
“Woah... Are you okay?” Yamagata asked, helping you up.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a headache. I'm okay." You said as you bowed in thanks and grabbed your clipboard, making your way out to greet Seijoh and lead them in. Your team wasn't convinced, because you sounded like you were trying to convince yourself rather than tell them a fact. But, they knew they can’t do much, as you were just shy of being just as stubborn as Wakatoshi.
You can feel worried glances your way, but you shook them off as you ran around to accommodate both teams since Seijoh didn't have a manager.
When you returned from fetching water, you collapsed on the bench, sweating profusely. Shirabu placed his palm on your forehead, a worried look on his face when he felt how warm you were, despite the cold sweat that beaded on your hairline.
“Hey, you're burning up and you're having cold sweats. You should go and rest.” Shirabu's words caught the attention of the others.
“I'm fine. Besides, I have a job to do.”' You said as you weakly pushed him away before trying to stand up to continue helping.
“Y/n please stop and rest.” Your brother said, but you stubbornly shook your head.
All this, Goshiki watched from the sidelines.
Goshiki has never hated anyone. Really. He's never. Sure, he gets annoyed, but the kid has a heart of pure gold and is always there to help his senpais and is usually friendly enough to his batchmates.
Until he met you, the only person that his idol, Ushijima Wakatoshi, was paying attention to and doted on. The attention and doting he wanted from his idol. It's not like he can blame Wakatoshi. You are Shiratorizawa's manager and his little sibling after all, and older brothers tend to pay attention to their siblings and hover around them protectively.
But he can't help but hate you, not when you steal Wakatoshi's attention all the fucking time.
Him getting his own water, cleaning his own mess and getting his own towels were difficult enough for him during practice. Seeing you do all your duties while obviously sick and exhausted made him realise that maybe, the team needed you unlike what he initially stated.
That maybe, that made you worth the attention he craved from your brother.
And maybe, just maybe, you were worth his attention and respect too.
Which was why he stepped forward and picked you up bridal style, a surprise to anyone in Shiratorizawa that was watching.
“Shut up,” Goshiki said as he carried you and laid you down on the bench, using his bag as your pillow and his jacket as your blanket. “Rest, Y/n.”
“But my job…” you protest as you tried to get up, only to be pushed back down by Goshiki.
“I'll take care of it. But please. Rest.” Goshiki said, running his fingers through your hair gently, his blunt nails scraping through your scalp. The gentleness of his fingers lulled you to your much needed sleep quickly.
Goshiki looked at you as you rested, wondering what exactly changed within him. When he first met you, he was infuriated. Infuriated with the way you were so introverted and would hide behind your brother but when you smiled, you lit up the room. Infuriated with the way you try so hard, and how helpful you were. Infuriated with the way you could look so effortlessly gorgeous and how you don’t notice him or smile at him like you do with Shirabu or your brother and-
Goshiki blushed as his eyes widened at the realisation.
Dear lord, he didn't hate you like he originally thought.
He had a crush on you. (possibly even more, but he doesn’t want to think that far ahead yet,) A crush he terribly showed by treating you so poorly.
He walked back to the court, the blush still evident on his cheeks.
“Oh~? Little Goshiki-kun is blushing?” Tendou teased.
“Are you alright, Goshiki? While I am thankful that you got them to rest, You never tried to get close to Y/n before.” Wakatoshi asked.
“U-uh I'm fine. I just realised something.” The first year replied with a cringe. Kawanishi looked at his kouhai and raised a brow.
“Wow... Took you what? 8 months to realise that you like them?” The dark ginger haired male asked, and both he and Shirabu actually cackled when Goshiki blushed even more and looked at the floor. A hand fell on his shoulder, and the dark haired first year tensed up and squeaked, knowing exactly whose hand it was. When he turned around, he found Wakatoshi looking at him with a stony look.
“Y-yes, Ushijima-san?”
“We are going to talk, you hear me?”
“Yes sir.”
When you woke up, it was to the feeling of someone trying to lift you up. You opened your eyes and found yourself looking at Goshiki who was hovering over you. He blushed as he backed away with his hands up.
“I-I wasn't trying anything, I promise! I just...wanted to carry you to your dorm without interrupting your sleep.” Goshiki mumbled as you slowly stood up, your headache gone after a much needed rest.
“It's fine,” you said, and a slightly awkward pause covered the two of you. You looked around and blinked when everything had been put away, and that it was only Goshiki and you left in the gym. “I slept through the entire match?”
“You did. It's fine though. Uhm…” he trailed off, looking at anywhere but you.
“What is it, Goshiki?”
“Can I...walk you to your dorm? I kind of promised your brother I would.”
You blinked, wondering why but just simply nodded your head.
You both slowly made your way out of the gym and towards the dorms. Once you are outside your dorm doors, Goshiki gently held your wrist to get your attention.
“Uhm...I'd like to apologise.” Your fellow first year stated, a grimace and a shy smile on his face.
“For what?”
“For treating you so poorly. I know it's been...8 months since I met you and I know I've been horrible to you, and for that, I apologise profusely.” Goshiki said, looking more than ready to go down on his knees to apologise to you.
“I'll forgive you, on one condition.” You said, crossing your arms in front of you. “You tell me exactly why you hate me.”
Goshiki smiled bashfully as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“It wasn't necessarily hate…” the wing spiker started to say. “It was more of...jealousy. I was jealous that Ushijima-san was paying more attention to you. Which is...stupid.”
You blinked.
Before you laughed, making Goshiki whine.
“Hey! I'm trying to apologise here. Stop laughing at me!”
“Sorry, sorry.” You said, snickering slightly, noting how cute he was while pouting. “It is kinda stupid. Does that mean you don't hate me anymore?” You asked, eyes looking at Goshiki with a hopeful look.
“No, not anymore.” Goshiki said, hesitating slightly before speaking again. “Because I realised that I never hated you in the first place.”
You froze, before you looked at Goshiki with wide eyes.
“Turns out...there is quite the thin line between hate and like.”
“Shouldn't it be hate and love?”
“I don't quite love you,' Goshiki said. 'Not yet at least.”
A beat of silence settled between the both of you, until he stepped forward and lifted your face up by the chin to meet his gaze.
“Will you give me the chance to make it up to you, to fall for you and make you fall for me?”
“Only if you promise not to break my heart if I do.”
In the next few weeks, a few changes occurred.
One, you now have a lot of help with your duties as the team's manager.
Two, you have constant shadows, making sure you are taking care of yourself. Some of the team even went as far as bringing snacks with them for you.
And three, you now have planned dates with the aspiring, upcoming ace, Goshiki Tsutomu, much to the shock of many Shiratorizawa students.
...after you made sure that your brother didn't kill him, of course.
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©Roannie 2021 Please do not plagiarise or repost my works.
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gh0stchoir · 3 years
Nothing just daishou with a snake tail
“I don’t bite..hard.”
Anime: Haikyuu!!
Character(s): Suguru Daishou
Pronouns used: He/him
Time set point: highschool ages ig,,
Warnings?: technically kidnapping, maybe stockholm syndrome(?), not proofread
Also no one ask abt where the fuck his pp would be- BECAUSE I DONT KNOW LMAO—AND IS NEKO THE CORRECT WORD FOR A CAT HUMANOID??IDK-
“Go get more wood they said..just a bunch of stupid kitties.” Y/n groaned as he was sent out, yet again, to gather wood for his clan. They could’ve gotten someone else to do it, but no.
His ears were flattened against his head as he traveled out further. He occasionally picked a few mushrooms and put them in his bag. Could be useful for the clans medic, Yaku.
He knew he couldnt go far, knowing he could travel into other clans territory without him knowing. His clan was closest two Fukurodani, an ally, and Nohebi, an enemy. Probably the biggest enemy for Nekoma. Solely because of a stupid feud the two leaders of the clans had. Even to this day, they both hated each other’s guts.
Y/n mumbled curses as he looked at all the wood he collected. It surely was enough that nobody would get on his ass complaining about the wood. He hoisted up the thingy (what the fuck is it called LMAO) that held all the wood, onto his back and continued his journey back.
Stupid of him though, as he was headed in the completely wrong direction. He hadn’t brought a map, telling Kai that “I’m smart enough to know the way back home!”
It was atleast half an hour before y/n realized he wasn’t in his clans territory anymore. He was in the territory he always was told stories of by his upperclassmen. He was in Nohebi’s territory.
The neko quickly picked up a faint scent, it was that of a fire. He could also smell the whiff of a deer. He was definitely close to the snakes main camp.
He cautiously crouched down next to bushes and trees, pupils dilating to slits, as he tried to pick up any other scents. While too far into his own mind he hadn’t realized the creature moving closer and closer from behind him.
Suddenly something quickly grabbed hold of him, and he felt something sharp against his neck. Y/n felt his breath hitch in his throat. He’d been caught.
He felt something long wrap around his body, knowing he couldn’t run and that it was the tail of some Nohebi member. All he could think about was is this his final moment alive? Would the leader kill him, wanting some sort of revenge to show Tetsurou?
“Whats a kitty like you doing here, mhm?”
Y/n was turned around, only to be faced with the man he never wanted to meet. Suguru Daishou, leader of the Nohebi clan.
He glanced down to see the mans sharp claws on his hands ready to puncture his neck. Was he going to do it if he spoke? What should he make of the situation? He didn’t know.
“Answer me cat.” Daishou narrowed his eyes, now grabbing the nekos throat with his hand.
Y/n gulped, staring into thin green eyes. What should he say? What if he said the wrong thing and he killed him?
“I was c-collecting wood. I guess I wandered into this territory, I’m deeply—deeply sorry..” He spoke quietly. He stared at the male before him.
He was much more attractive than Kuroo described him. His hair looked well kept. He had narrowed bright green eyes, along with a nice jawline. He had many piercings on his ears, most of them probably worth much value. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, showing off his slightly muscled body. To top it all off, he had a long dark green snake tail instead of legs, with some darker green, some black, markings.
“Mhm..you aren’t a stray are you? You come from nekoma…don’t you?” A grin began to grow on Daishou’s face as he examined the Nekoma member before him.
Y/n trembled under his touch, terrified that he could so easily be killed. He nodded in response once feeling the slight squeeze on his neck.
Suguru let out a chuckle, releasing his hand from y/n’s neck and slightly loosening his tail.
“I wonder what Kuroo would think…seeing one of his little kitties taken by me. Oh what fun we’ll have..”
Y/n began trying to get out of the snakes grasp, fear fueling within him. He couldn’t die, he had to get back to his clan, he had to help them, continue to help them.
“Please let me go, Daishou..I won’t tell them anything.”
Daishou laughed, shaking his head. “It’s not that easy..they’ll sense your fear and force something outta ya’. You’re gonna stay with me for awhile. I’m sure no one would mind someone as cute as you hanging out at our place for a bit.”
Y/n felt his head get dizzy, watching as Suguru easily made his way back to his camp, y/n close to him in his arms.
A week. An entire week Y/n had so far been at the Nohebi clan. His days consisted of waking up, eating breakfast, spending the day with Daishou, getting the midday meal, more time with Daishou, dinner, then sleep and repeat.
All y/n was happy about what they gave him three meals a day. And they would get upset if he skipped out on a meal. So atleast they were taking the time to make sure he was somewhat healthy. Well, he would admit to himself that it wouldn’t be an entire lie if he said that Suguru was attractive to him. And made him feel special since he treated y/n with such kindness and respect. Besides his teasing of course.
“Daishou! They’re here-multiple of them!” Hiroo yelled, catching the attention of all the Nohebi members. Daishou groaned as he set down his cards on the table. Everyone else got up and made their way to the front.
Suguru opened the door, coming face to face with Kuroo. The shorter of the two grinned lazily.
“Well look what the cat dragged in. What do you want, cat.”
Kuroo narrowed his eyes as his long tail furiously waved low to the ground behind him. “You know exactly why I’m here.”
Daishou raised a brow and huffed out a breath. “No fun, can’t ever play a game with me. You’re always so impatient..but fine. So, what do you want me to do?”
Tetsurou stared at him in disbelief. He was so close to stepping right on the end of Daishou’s tail, knowing how bad it would hurt. He’d done it in the past, knowing it would work now.
“You fucking- you know exactly what I want you to do. Give him back, he’s not apart of your clan.” Kuroo growled. His sharp teeth beginning to show.
Suguru sighed and clicked his tongue. He reached behind him and pulled y/n right next to him. Y/n stared at his clan, that stood right before him all with wide eyes as they stared back at him.
Kuroo impulsively reached out for y/n, only for Daishou to pull him back and glare at the Nekoma leader.
“Ah ah ah, no need to be hasty. Besides, the game is over. I won fair and square. Remember that time ago when all of us clans established rules? If someone from a different clan travels upon someone else’s territory, they’re free to do as they please. That’s what this kitty here did. He disobeyed the rules everyone put into place.”
Nekoma stared in shock, no one knew what to say. Yaku balled his fists up and growled, making his way to beside Kuroo. “Thats-thats not fair at all!”
“It is, shortie. We all agreed on the rules. Hell you all are trespassing on my territory right now! I could have you all killed. So, how about you scurry back home and let me have my time with the person who is my captive now. The one that I’ve seen has taken attraction to me. Isn’t that right, y/n-Chan?”
Y/n felt himself blush, as he stared into Suguru’s eyes. The same green ones he was once told to watch out for. Did he really feel attracted for him captor? Was he really going to be taken away from his clan, only to be put into the rivaling clan?
Daishou rested a hand on either side of y/n’s face, his grip soft. He smiled, a sickly sweet smile that looked nice. But behind it was only pure mischievousness. “Answer now, little kitty.”
Y/n couldnt tear his eyes away from Suguru’s, nodding his head softly. Who was he to lie? He was still going to be in the Nohebi’s grasp. Better to get out the truth before he could get hurt.
“See how honest…ah Kuroo you let a good one escape.” Daishou chuckled, having a wide grin. He looked back at his rival, practically seeing fire in his eyes.
“Now..I suggest you leave before I have to resort to killing you all. I have about thirty cages full of deadly snakes I can pour out and they can kill you all in an instant. So say goodbye to y/n and be on your way.”
All of Nekoma just stared at their clan member. He was so close to them. But they knew Daishou could kill y/n in a split second. They had to let him go, for now.
Kuroo frustratedly ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply.
“This isn’t over. Whatever this stupid game of yours you are playing, you’re not going to win. You’ve done cheated, just like you always do. We’ll get him back whether you like it or not…stay safe y/n, I promise we’ll get you soon.” Tetsurou had a sad look in his eye, looking at y/n. The male only looked away guiltily. He couldn’t look his leader in the eye, not now, maybe not ever. He felt like he betrayed them.
Suguru held a proud smirk as he watched Nekoma force themselves back to their clan, holding y/n close to his side. He glanced at him and smiled.
“Thank you, yknow. I know it was probably hard to admit your attraction for me right infront of the people that could’ve saved you. But..you did wander here. I cant just let my prey go so..will you happily stay mine?”
Y/n just stared, his head feeling light. So many emotions ran through him. His head hurt like hell, his ears feeling numb from having them folded against his head for so long. But he didn’t say a word, not giving Daishou the satisfaction he craved.
The snake sighed and closed the door, moving with y/n back up to his room. He saw how tired the neko was, knowing he wanted rest.
“It’s alright, you can answer in the morning.”
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ashtheshortstack · 3 years
Truth be Told
Rating: G Fandom: Danny Phantom
Sequel to dwelling on deceit
Tags: Valerie POV, Post-PP
Read on ao3
Danny Phantom saving the world with his genius plan was something Valerie had to give him kudos for. Especially after he confirmed her suspicions and transformed back into Danny Fenton right before her eyes. She was a bit stunned to see it happen to say the least, but she knew. And was glad she was right.
The Danny she knew was just a dorky, awkward kid that she had ended up crushing on. It was… sudden. And she didn’t quite know how it happened. Little did she know she’d been fraternizing with the enemy. Danny did though. He knew she was hunting him. And yet… still pursued her. Still wanted to feel like a normal kid and date the girl he liked. She couldn’t imagine how hard it’d been for him. How hard she’d made it on him to constantly fight her knowing full and well he didn’t want to.
Dating Danny had been an uphill battle. As much as she liked him, she knew in her heart that he liked someone else more. Valerie wasn’t stupid. She could see the way he looked at Sam. It was selfish of her to confront the goth girl on the issue, but she wanted to hope that Sam would back off. She remembered when she overheard Sam saying that they’d give her a chance for Danny’s sake, but they knew. They knew this wouldn’t work out.
Jeez, Valerie owed Sam an apology. But… that would come later.
When she suited up, she hadn’t expected to find Danny so quickly. And surprisingly… alone? He and Sam had been attached at the hip since the Disasteroid. Valerie had noticed a small class ring on Sam’s finger every day at school when the two walked down the hallway with their fingers intertwined. Which was super lame and definitely not Sam’s color, but was fitting for Danny. She hated to admit that they were cute. As much as it made her want to gag.
He sat upon the town billboard. The one with the dumb “Amity Park: A Nice Place to Live!” slogan. Yeah, Amity Park was a great place to live if you enjoyed the constant ghost attacks. She was sure their town was going to become a tourist attraction not too long after the famous Danny Phantom saved the world.
“Do ghosts normally haunt billboards at night, Phantom?” she teased as she retracted her hoverboard beneath her feet.
“Night is the best time to haunt, Red, makes things spookier,” he replied, not turning to face her yet. His ever charming sarcasm oozed from his voice, but she could place a bit of hesitance in his tone as well.
Poor guy. Danny probably thought the worst of her. She hadn’t spoken to him since they had returned to school. He had spared her a few glances and nervous smiles between classes, but she hadn’t said anything. She hadn’t dared to pop open that can of worms. And yet, there she was… somehow finally finding her courage to speak to him. The boy she had hunted… the boy she had dated.
Her face softened as she smiled. “Hey, Danny.”
He looked at her then, those green eyes piercing and glowing. “Hey, Val,” he smiled. A genuine Danny smile that she had come to appreciate so much.
Valerie took a seat next to him, not sure where to even begin. But Danny took the lead, of course.
“So, how long is this truce thing going to last? I kind of miss you chasing me around with blasters,” he joked with a half hearted shrug.
Valerie chuckled, leaning back on her palms. “I didn’t know you enjoyed fighting so much..”
“Oh, yeah. Screaming in pain, getting caught in nets, even Skulker constantly telling me he wants my pelt on his wall: love it.”
“That’s a little TMI, Danny. I didn’t need to know that you were a masochist.”
Danny gaped at her. “That is not what I--”
Valerie cut him off with a burst of laughter. He pursed his lips, giving her a glare for teasing him but seemed to relax and join in the fit of giggles with her.
When the chuckles died down, Danny finally leaned back on his palms as she was. “You knew, didn’t you?”
She didn’t have to ask him to elaborate. Valerie already knew what he was asking. She looked up, gazing at the stars with a hesitant smile etching at the corner of her lips. “I had a suspicion. That was my fault, though, I shouldn’t have been so nosy and pried.”
Sighing, he shook his head. “No, if anything I was glad you knew. It’s hard explaining why I didn’t like Vlad Masters without a reason. Especially as a ghost.”
“If it’s any consolation, I don’t like him either.”
Danny snorted at that. “Pretty sure no one likes him anymore, Val. He tried to conquer the world by force and promised safety he couldn’t follow through on. Even my dad hates his old pal Vladdy.”
“Well, I didn’t like him anymore before that. And I tried so hard to play nice so he’d give me information. I think he tried to hint at your identity a few times too.”
Humming, he nodded. “Sounds right. Vlad always had a weird obsession with me.”
“What a freak.”
“A crazed up fruitloop.”
Valerie snorted at that. “I just--I want you to know that I’m happy for you. You’ve never seemed happier and I’m glad. You deserve it, Danny.”
He looked at her, those green eyes seeming to pierce her soul. He really was too kind. Too good, ablet a bit devious at times she knew. He always wanted what was best for everyone. Willingly sacrificed himself for the greater good so many times. And somehow, he was still the dorky unpopular kid at her school. The one she was mean to for so long because she thought that’s what she was supposed to do. Dating Danny had really opened her eyes to the person he could be. It didn’t surprise her one bit that he was Danny Phantom: the ghost hero of Amity Park.
“Thank you.”
The response was so genuine… it made her heart ache. There was a look on his face, however… something that told her there was more he wanted to say. Something in his eyes that didn’t sit well in the pit of her stomach.
“What is it?” she asked.
Danny swallowed, seeming tense. “I have to ask… how do you not hate me? I lied to you--a lot. You were dating me. You were dating Danny Phantom, the literal ghost you wanted to blast to bits and had no idea. Why didn’t you come here screaming at me?”
Sighing, she felt her shoulders sag. “After that stuff with Vlad… and after I figured you out, I had a lot of time to think about it. I was a little angry at first, I guess. But then I thought about how it must’ve been for you. You just wanted to be normal for once. It’d be lame of me to blame you for that. You knew I was literally trying to destroy your other half and yet you still wanted to be with me. I can’t hate you for that.”
He considered her, seeming to soak in her words. When he nodded with a smile, Valerie felt some relief. It wasn’t even a worry she realized she had. She hadn’t thought about Danny fearing how she’d react to him being Phantom. She was glad she could clear that up for him, at least.
Clearing her throat, Valerie quickly realized that sincere conversation was no longer for her. “Sooo, is Tucker seeing anyone?”
He blinked. “Aside from his PDA? No, not that I know of,” Danny paused and grinned. “Why? You interested?”
“I dunno. Dating Amity Park’s youngest mayor in history sounds enticing..”
“What? And dating Amity Park’s ghost superhero isn’t?”
She cocked a brow. “Yeah, but I heard he’s taken.”
“Again, that’s not what I meant.”
“Duh, I know what you meant.” Valerie paused, letting silence wash over her a minute before she sighed and glanced away from him. “We were never going to work, you know that, right?”
He cocked his head in a curious gesture. “What?”
“Danny, you’ve always loved her. Even when you didn’t know it. It was so obvious to everyone else. I just--I just thought I’d take my chances.”
Danny’s cheeks tinged pink (with a little bit of green mixed in, oddly enough.) “Valerie, I liked you. A lot. My feelings for you were real too.”
“‘Liked’ being the operative word. Danny, it’s okay. You don’t have to validate your feelings to me. I know you liked me. I just know you have had stronger feelings for Sam.”
He opened his mouth as if he were going to argue, but snapped his jaw shut quickly. Pursing his lips, he glanced away. “I do. I love her.”
“Have you told her?”
Valerie smacked him on the arm.
“Why are you telling me, Fenton!? You should be telling Sam that!”
“I will!”
“When it feels right!”
Valerie groaned, flopping her head back. “Ughh, you’re such a hopeless romantic. It’s almost gross.”
“Hey! You liked it when I tried to woo you!”
“Maybe so.”
He gave her a knowing look before turning away. “I don’t know how to tell her. I’ll get there, okay?”
Raising her hands in surrender, Valerie caved. “Okay, fine. But do it quick, someone may snatch her up.”
“Are you trying to steal my girlfriend, Valerie?”
“Hey, maybe I just want to homie hop. I’ll date Tucker next then steal Sam from right under your nose.”
Snorting, Danny shoved her gently. “As if. Pretty sure she loves me.”
“Uh huh. Maybe she’d say it if you say it first.”
There was a beat of silence, and Valerie worried she had pushed the conversation too far. But Danny surprised her instead.
He smiled at her.
“Can we be like this all the time,” he asked.
“Me threatening to steal your girlfriend?”
He barked a laugh. “No! Just--Just being friends.”
Valerie smiled in return, holding out a hand to him. “Permanent friends truce, then?”
Nodding, he took her hand. “Permanent friends truce.”
When she let go, Valerie turned to look over the streets. As stressful as it could be to live in Amity Park, there’s nowhere else she’d want to go. This was home. These were her people. And she loved her life. It took her a long time to see it. But Amity Park meant so much to her. It was terrifying to know her life was a risk. Her home was at risk. But Danny saved them. Saved her. Just like he always did.
“You want to be a member of Team Phantom?”
“Oh, God,” she made a gagging sound. “You guys have a team name?”
“Hey! We’re cool enough to have a team name.”
“Sure, keep telling yourself that, Fenton.”
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These little gals were originally designed back in like 2019 I’m pretty sure! And they were in need of new renders!! Seeing that UBs typically resemble other characters in game, why not branch out? Why not make UBs based on characters of media?? In this case, they are inspired by Bayonetta!!
Some extra info provided by your’s truly~
Pokémon Name - Disruli
Japanese Name - Kororipoppu
Classification - The Wailing Pokémon (UB - Doll)
Type - Dark
Dex Entry (R) - A young ultra beast that has a powerful scream. It’s powerful wail can destroy anything in its vicinity. It mostly uses its scream as a defense mechanism.
Dex Entry (F) - This Ultra Beast’s cry is so dangerously loud, it can make a human’s ears shoot blood violently, but other of its kind seem to not be affected by the shout.
Height - 2’5 ft
Weight - 8.7 lbs
Dex Color - Orange
Evolutionary Line - Disruli -> Purgaposa
Habitat - Ultra Heaven
Abilities - Beast Boost
Hidden Ability - N/A
Signature Move - *Shivering Shout
Pokémon Name - Purgaposa
Japanese Name - Marimajocho
Classification - The Handgun Pokémon (UB - Umbra)
Type - Dark/Fairy
Dex Entry (R) - An Ultra Beast that can shoot bullets through its palms and feet, its bullets never stop going until they hit the target they’re homing in on.
Dex Entry (F) - Legends have it that the very first two Ultra Beasts ever known to the universe fused to become Purgaposa, so some believe it has two hearts.
Height - 8’2 ft
Weight - 164.4 lbs
Dex Color - Black
Evolutionary Line - Disruli -> Purgaposa
Habitat - Ultra Heaven
Abilities - Beast Boost
Hidden Ability - N/A
Signature Move - *Quad Shot, *Reversal Shot
* Name - Shivering Shout
Type - Normal
Category - Special
Base Power - N/A
Accuracy - 30
PP - 5
Description - A One-Hit KO move where the user emits an ear-piercing, shrill scream that is so overwhelmingly loud that it causes the Pokémon to faint.
* Name - Quad Shot
Type - Steel
Category - Special
Base Power - 40
Accuracy - 100
PP - 10
Description - Four bullets are shot at the target to deal damage. This attack never misses.
* Name - Reversal Shot
Type - Steel
Category - Special
Base Power - N/A
Accuracy - N/A
PP - 5
Description - The user creates a large steel ball with four barrels on its limbs. This will purposely miss the target, and eventually hit said target in between one and five turns. The power depends on how long it takes to hit the target. (If this one doesn’t make sense, think like, Future Sight. But the time it hits is random)
Some things might be weird cause I went off the original models!! Also here are the singular pictures with them! Sorry that they aren’t transparent
Disrulí’s shiny breaks the rules a little, typical of shiny UBs like Phermosa
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