#never thought i'd get attached to this stupid au
4,10 and 19 ? 👀 (did I do it right ? Or do I have add something to it ?)
4. You know I'd do anything to keep you by my side right? Anything.
10. Let me call you mine just for tonight.
19. Never scare me like that again!
Nope you did it right! Lol Thank you for sending this in ☺️
Hope you don't mind if I use the prison au, it has me in a chokehold 😫 Au belongs to @rius-cave
Lucifer pulled Adam along by the collar of his jumpsuit back to their shared cell. He was fucking pissed at the ex-officer, how stupid can you be?!
Adam was sporting a freshly made black eye, given to him by one of the V gang members. He didn't say anything as he was pulled along, he did what he did for a reason and he'd do it again.
Lucifer all but threw Adam into their cell slamming the door behind them, he waited for the click to be sure the door was locked. Adam sat down on the bed and just waited for the ear full he knew he was in for. Lucifer came up to him and gripped Adam's jaw, making him look Lucifer in the eye. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!! Do you hear me? You could have fucking died!" Lucifer roared, his voice sounded angry, but it was laced with concern.
Adam rolled his eyes which earned him a stronger grip on his jaw. "Like you give a shit." He ground out.
Lucifer glared, the nerve of this prick! "Look," he started "I know you were only trying to get that V asshole off of Anthony, I agree the guy could use a shit kicking for what he does to that kid. But putting yourself in harm's way like that? Val wouldn't think twice about shanking you."
Adam and Anthony or 'Angel' as his street name was, have grown close in the clink. So when Adam saw that fucker smacking his friend around, it set something inside his soul on fire. So he stepped in and shoved the prick into his equally weird friend. That had earned Adam his black eye when Val stood back up. Apparently, he had more in mind than just blackening the ex-officers eye.
Lucifer had stepped in at the last second and stole the shank away and had embedded it into Val's ribcage.
Adam felt his eye throb at the memory. "Well, if you'd have let him, your job here would be done now wouldn't it?"
Lucifer was taken aback by this, but he recovered quickly. "Are you really that stupid? I take my deals very seriously. For as long as I own you, you will not be harmed as much within my power."
Lucifer got closer to his face, his blue eyes boring into Adam's dark brown ones, this close he thought he could see flecks of gold. "You know I'd do anything to keep you by my side, right? Anything." He growled out. What did he have to do to drive the point home?
Adam felt his breath hitch in his throat. Somehow this felt different, like something between has changed. "I don't know, do I know that?" Sure, there had been lingering touches, they showered together for fuck sakes and even shared a weird kiss but they had never done more than that.
"I don't like people touching what belongs to me. You're my bitch, only I can touch you." Lucifer trailed a hand, the one not holding Adam's jaw, down from Adam's neck to the buttons of his jumpsuit toying with them. He undid the top button and smiled when he felt Adam shiver. "Let me call you mine, just for tonight." He whispered against Adams lips.
Yes, he owned this man's ass but he wouldn't force him into any unwanted sexual situations. Lucifer wasn't a monster.
Adam swore the temperature in their cell was turned up to a suffocating degree, he was hot all over. He knew the blonde twink wasn't going to let him fuck him, Lucifer was planning on fucking him. Adam had never been with a man before. He always thought that if he did try to sleep with a man one day, it sure was shit wasn't gonna happen in prison.
Beggers can't be choosers he supposed.
"Okay." Was all he said before Lucifer's lips attached themselves to his own, stealing the air out of his lungs. Adam felt himself being pushed down into the bunk bed, Lucifer crawling on top of him. He felt his jumpsuit being unbuttoned.
Even if this was a mistake, a choice made in the heat of the moment with emotions running too high. Neither could deny afterwards how fucking great it had been.
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f4irycafe · 2 years
⤷ summary:" i'm not scared of lions and tigers and bears but i'm scared of loving you" - jazmine sullivan ♡
⤷ characters: eren jaeger
⤷ content warnings: black!coded reader, college au, drug use (marijuana), reader had attachment/trust issues, closed off reader, naked bodies?
⤷ wc: 745
⤷ notes: i kinda hate this but oh well :(
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your heart was no longer yours, for it was currently resting in the hands of a tall green-eyed boy who seemed rather fond of it. it was his, has been for a very long time, even if you would have wished not to admit it. everytime you thought of stealing it back for yourself, he would do something so painfully good that you just told yourself, "one more week."
but one week had turned into two, three, then before you knew it two months had passed.
"and then this dicky ass kid in my 3 p.m - you're not even listening are you?" eren asked, looking over at you.
you were. you had just...gotten lost in him for a little bit. you hummed sweetly, continuing to run your nails through his hair. nails that he had recently paid for you to get done. he let his eyes grow droopy, leaning his head against your shoulder.
you raised the joint to your lips, letting it fill your lungs until you blew it out the open window. it was a rainy, lazy day in bed. wake up, light up, fuck, repeat. you couldn't even remember the last time you ate. it was just him, all day. you had stopped bothering to get back into clothes rounds ago, content to feel free and at peace with each other.
"gimmie," eren whispered as he lowered his head to your hands. you pressed the joint to his lips as he took it from you, blowing smoke out the window just as you had.
"you gotta stop doing that." he said after a bit.
"doing what?"
"zoning out on my face when i'm talking to you." you clenched your jaw in an effort not to let it drop to the ground.
"i do not -"
"it's okay. i'd stare at me all day too."
"you're stupid," you said after a few seconds of silence, snatching the joint back into your hands as you pouted.
"for real tho, wassup with that."
"what? i can't stare at you"
"you can, just not in a way you do." this boy was infuriating.
"and how, exactly do i stare to you mr. jaeger."
"you stare at me like you love me." he had taken the blunt back and anxiously hit it, turning his head after he spoke, too much of a coward to see the look on your face.
boys sucked. men sucked. dating sucked. but not eren. eren was sweet, eren asked if he could kiss you, eren bought flowers for your mother, eren pushes you to be better. he does all the right things, and when he doesn't he apologizes in the right way. he fucked you until you saw stars and ascended to higher dimensions, and he held you when you came down from those heavenly highs.
eren loved you.
and you knew that, of course you knew it. which was what made you mad. you kept giving him subtle opportunities to leave, unveiling your personality one wall at a time. and he just kept coming and coming, crashing through them all until he only had one left to conquer. he was like a little puppy, following you around wagging that big fat tail of his. sometimes when he got excited, you swore it wiggled.
and you loved eren. you loved him in a way that scared you because you'd never experienced that kind of love before. it felt like waves crashing all at once in your body, pulling you further down until his soul had you just where it wanted you.
you held his heart just as delicately as he did yours.
you didn't throw around the word casually. when you said it, you said it which each muscle in your body, each cell. and you were scared that if you took that step, said those three words, let it all out, that something bad would happen.
but that wouldn't happen with eren. he was the protector of your heart, and there wasn't much he wouldn't do to keep it safe.
"i do." you said, allowing your battling thought to quiet.
"you do what?" he asked, suddenly closr to you than he had been a second ago.
"i do lo-hmph," you paused, the words literally painful in your mouth. he laughed and pulled away from his face. shit head.
"i do love you, eren." he smiled, connecting your lips briefly, his hand coming up to massage your throat gently.
"i know you do angel," he said. "wanted to hear you say it for me, just once."
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elles ramblings: i feel like i didn't match the vibe the way i wanted to. so maybe I'll do a part 2? or just a different version?
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southelroydrive · 1 year
i got a lot of sins, but you're my favourite.
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pairings: Robin Buckley x F!Reader summary: Your relationship with Robin had always been off and on. No matter how many times you left, you always ended up back in her arms. This time, something's different. Inspired by 'Bad Idea' by Dove Cameron. (modern au because phones :] ) word count: 1.4k warnings: implied smut, heavy making out, toxic relationship (i think?)
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Robbie <3 is calling...
A smirk tugs at your lips as you stare at your phone screen. You knew this day would come eventually. At this point, it was just the circle of life.
You and Robin had a rocky relationship, to say the least. You used to be friends that just occasionally fucked each other, with no feelings attached. However, that did nothing to stop both of you from falling head over heels. That's when the arguments started. Neither of you had stated any official label for your relationship, scared of admitting your feelings. Yes, you were both stupid but the cycle of your relationship was addicting. You'd get together, get into an argument, tell the other how much you hated them, break up, miss each other, have makeup sex (arguably your favourite part), get back together and repeat. As tiring as it was, nobody else could fill the space in your heart that Robin had hand-carved for herself.
But as much as you missed her, you loved teasing her more. So, you let the phone ring and ring and ring until it stopped. The silence was almost deafening. In it, your thoughts run astray, wondering if maybe this would be the time that she'd give up. But, like clockwork, your phone screen lit up once more, telling you that she had left a voicemail.
"Listen, Y/N. I'm having second thoughts, you know, about us and I really wish I'd never let you go or told you all those things I did. I miss you so much. If you're not busy or anything uhm... I have to tell you something. Face to face preferably."
Her voice was frail and fragile but you could sense the neediness behind her tone. It was funny to you, really, how she thought she was inconspicuous and that you wouldn't be able to tell what she really wanted. But since she asked so nicely, you thought you might as well pay her a visit.
You knew you shouldn't do it. Every time this happened you'd look at yourself in the mirror. This time, you were wearing a simple black vest and shorts, one of Robin's old plaid shirts draped loosely around your frame. Eyeliner smudged from a long, tiring day at work and lips tinted red, you decided it was good enough. You grabbed your phone and car keys before leaving your home.
When you finally arrived at Robin's house, you felt the familiar sense of dread pool in your stomach. You chewed on the inside of your cheek as you knocked on the door. From inside, you could hear the thud of footsteps down the stairs before the door flung open.
Before you stood Robin, your Robin. Her eyes were wide, clearly not expecting to open the door to find you there so soon. She was wearing a plain black shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. Her hair was messy and her cheeks were tinted red. No matter what, she always amazed you with her beauty even when she wasn't trying. You catch her gaze flicker between your cherry-red lips and her shirt that sat on your shoulders. God, she thought you looked almost sinfully beautiful.
"Still a flirt, Buckley?"
"Huh?" Her eyes met yours. You bit your lip, failing to contain your smile. Her face flushed a dark red, head falling to look at the ground. "I said that out loud, didn't I?"
A small laugh escapes your lips. You tilt her head to face you, your thumb resting on her chin and your pointer finger slid underneath it. "Well, I got a lot of sins, but you're my favourite."
Next thing you know, you're in her room with your back pressed against the door. One hand pressed against the wall beside your head, keeping you trapped whilst the other gripped your hair tightly, bringing your face closer to smash your lips against hers. The kiss was sloppy but neither of you cared. Neediness and desire radiated from both of you. Your hands wander to her waist, pulling her impossibly closer, deepening the kiss. She takes your bottom lip between her teeth, tugging on it before letting go with a soft pop. You don't have a chance to react before her lips are against yours once more, taking the chance to slip her tongue into your parted lips. You hum contentedly into the kiss, gripping her waist even tighter.
When she eventually breaks away, you're gasping for air. Her puffy lips are now smudged with your red lipstick, making you gape in awe at the sight of the woman before you. Her forehead rests gently against yours, looking down at you with lust-filled eyes.
"You know, my therapist told me to try and move on from you."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhm." Her hands had now moved to rub circles on your hips, keeping you close to her. Her hot breath tickled your neck, making you shudder.
"Do you want to?"
She shakes her head, moving your hips so you were pressed against her chest. "We can talk about it in the morning." She whispers in your ear, voice sensual and longing.
Adrenaline fuels you as you shove her back until her legs hit the bed, pushing her down. Your legs straddle her waist as you sit yourself down on her lap. Immediately, her hands are on your exposed thighs, enjoying the feeling of the soft skin under her palms. Your hands run through her hair, softly grasping at the roots to expose her neck. She groans softly, grip tightening on your thighs as you trail kisses down her jaw to her neck, leaving lipstick stains in your path. You eventually reach her sweet spot, just above her collarbone. You suck on the spot gently, causing her to gasp sharply. One hand leaves her hair, drifting down her sides, playing with the hem of her shirt.
"Please..." A small whimper escapes from her throat. Your heart flutters, hearing her voice. Begging, pleading for you. But as irresistible as the girl was, especially when beneath you, you were here for a reason.
Your hands retracted from her, head moving from the crook of her neck to face her. You smile seeing how pretty she looked, face flushed and eyes screwed shut. "You had something to tell me, didn't you?"
Her eyes snapped open, biting her lip nervously. She shook her head vigorously. "No, no it's not important..." She mumbles, avoiding your gaze.
Your hands cup her cheeks, stopping her from looking anywhere but at you. "Seemed pretty important if you needed to say it face to face, hm?" You look at her through half-lidded eyes, gently moving a strand of her hair that had fallen behind her ear.
"I love you." She blurts out, hands moving from your thighs to clamp around her mouth after she spoke. Your hands froze, taking a bit too long to process what she had just confessed.
Yes, deep down you and Robin knew how hopelessly in love you were with each other but you'd never said it. Your thoughts raced, heart slamming against your chest.
Robin's panic is clear after your lack of response. Apologies start tumbling from her mouth, hands flailing like she wasn't sure what to do with them. You quickly regain your senses, grabbing her hands and pulling her into a kiss to shut her up.
She instantly relaxes into your touch, arms wrapping around your neck as you kissed. This kiss was different from all the others you had shared. This one was full of love and affection, speaking all the feelings you couldn't find the words to explain. It was slow and gentle, you felt like you could stay here forever with your lips on hers. Her hands slip from behind your neck to cup your face, lips parting from yours but still hovered a few millimetres apart.
"I love you." She repeats, breath shaky. She looked at you adoringly, pure love in her eyes making your heart swell with warmth.
"I love you too. God, I love you so much, Robbie." You laugh airily, feeling nothing but pure affection for the freckled girl. She smiles giddily, bringing your face to lean against her shoulder whilst hers is buried into your hair.
"I've waited so long for you to say that." She mumbled into your hair, inhaling the scent of your shampoo. "Does this make us... girlfriends?" She pauses before saying the last word, whispering it hesitantly.
"Yeah, you have me all to yourself now, Buckley." You tease, moving your head to face her once more.
A smirk tugs at her lips and suddenly you find yourself on your back with her towering over you.
"I'll be sure to make the most of it then, babe."
Safe to say, she definitely did and you did not talk in the morning about whatever her therapist had said. You loved each other and this time, you thought it could work out.
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some-pers0n · 3 months
ooh unpopular opinion time!
Mindreaders shouldn't have been able to mindread just dragons and scavs. It either should've been dragons only or most animals being able to be mindread by more powerful mindreaders. Seems pretty silly to have scavengers be the one exception, when, like, a lot of animals do still have emotions that can be mindread; they just don't have the same complexity as humans for the most part.
Turtle comes off as far more transfem than transmasc imo. Transfem Turtle is an under-appreciated headcanon in the fandom.
Deathbringer literally treats Glory the same way Undauntable treats Wren. It's just seen as cute and romantic with Deathbringer because Glory likes him back.
Darkstalker is a sympathetic villain and that doesn't make him morally grey in the slightest. You can sympathize with a villain while still acknowledging that they're pretty much pure evil.
Oh, on a related note, AUs where Peacemaker discovers he's Darkstalker aren't actually overrated. There's just a small minority of fans who like to say that it goes against the message of the book, when these AUs are often purposefully about pointing out the flawed messaging. And I have trouble believing Foeslayer would be a good mom to any of her dragonets, especially to the dragonet enchanted to be her "do-over" from the guy who killed her husband.
Luna's tapestry thing never really bothered me. What upset me was seeing the giant jump in character from being extremely ready and willing to fight to essentially being made into a pacifist because they needed to keep to the stereotypes.
Freedom was a bad choice of character plot-wise, but a lot of the people critiquing her just seemed to be picking on that she wasn't the perfect ever apologetic abuse survivor. Of course she's going along with what her abuser says, who's literally trapped her in his mind as a hatchling forever. At the same time, her pretty much suicide wasn't very impactful because... well, we never got time to get attached to her. She was just thrown in at the end to be a big emotional moment, and that's not really how character deaths work.
Yeah I agree with the mindreader bit. I'd love to see more unique and interesting bits with that.
I do love any sort of trans Turtle headcanons. Maybe I'm stupid but I just look at him and go: "he has no gender" and becomes just like me fr. Trans fem Turtle is so cool though,, oh you can do so much with that.
Imma be blunt and say I do like Undauntable and Wren's sort of dynamic, but as platonic. Same goes for Glorybringer. Take out the flirting and replace it with playful banter and make it platonic and you're golden. Glorybringer in its current state? Ehhhh....no thank you...
Precisely that. I love me my villains and objectively terrible characters who I WILL make relatable and hold traits the readers can identity with. Does that make them even remotely morally grey? No! It just means they have more complexity and depth than a piece of paper.
I refuse to believe Foeslayer, or Hope now, could go back to a somewhat normal life with Peacemaker. I've been itching to write a oneshot about that for a while. Also, good stuff with the other things. I just woke up and can't formulate thoughts as well lmao.
The tapestry thing bothers me a little cause it seems like Luna constantly harks back to it at the worst and most distracting bits. Not that much though. I just think it's funny to point at how much she mentions it. But, yeah, her character was pretty rushed.
On the topic of rushed characters...oh my god Freedom....you could've been so much better... But, yeah. People critique her and make her out like she's bad because she's not a perfect abuse victim who's always good. She's not that great of a character cause she doesn't have a natural and smooth arc of becoming redeemed and good. It just kinda suddenly happens. Also just because something made you cry doesn't automatically mean it's good.
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hamsamwich23 · 1 year
⚠️Tw: gr//ming and manipulation⚠️
The fact that Sonia claims that I was harassing her with my call-out post as well as the fact that she'll go and pretend I "turned against her" because I suddenly"hated her for no reason" is so fucking funny (more below)
When we were friends it wasn't like that at all, I never hated her until I realized what she did to me and many people around her. In fact I was in shock when I found out
before I knew about the fucked up shit she did, before I knew about the gross stuff she put in her aus and before I found out she's a fucking gr//mer, when she wasn't, y'know, manipulating me and making me isolate from people and when she wasn't guilt tripping me for stuff I couldn't even control...
She was my friend (or so I thought)
I loved talking to her and I loved hearing about her aus, almost every day we'd talk and I'd listen to her talk about her latest works and her artwork and her ideas
Because a lot of her au concepts were Interesting and fun to learn about, she seemed like a nice person for the most part....
Until I found out about some of them including nasty stuff as well as just, finding out she's a horrible person in general
I was emotionally (platonically) attached to her, which was part of why I was in denial about her grooming me.
I never hated her until now. I considered her one of my closest friends until I found out the truth. So no. This is not something I'm fucking doing out of "hate" or "spite"
I know you can see this Sonia. I know you're stalking my tumblr.
The only thing I really did was not finish something for her for a trade, but that was because she was shit talking me and I called her out on it, I deleted what she made me from my entire phone (I took screenshots of me deleting them). She went on a hiatus for months as well and I had no way to contact her for more information (starting in June) until after September of this year(I like having people active for me to talk to just in case I need answers for something), it was halfway done, over 800 words and I gave what I had to her before I blocked her. She complained that it took her ten minutes to do sketches, but at the same time she told me to take as much time as I needed, and I told her that if I was working too slow she could rush me if needed.
In fact, that was the only reason I didn't block her immediately. I was still working on the rough draft of it (it was a really long one shot, more of a short story), I wanted to keep my end of the deal before cutting her off (even though she literally fucking gr//med me) but I found it even harder to complete, working on it began to disgust me. I wrote over ten pages in the rough draft, I wanted to make it special, and then I find out she hurt me and so many others. If it weren't for my friend blocking her and Sonia running to me to complain about it and guilt trip me, I wouldn't have been able to block her yet. I still would have been stuck working on the stupid thing.
Sonia is just a disgusting person in general, she may be gone from tumblr but it doesn't mean anything. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. She still has a platform on instagram, a privated account, because she's aware that she's been caught.
And yet, this isn't even the most disgusting thing she's done. But I'm not going to get into that yet. Not here. I still don't feel safe knowing Sonia is stalking me still (come to my face instead of just watching me you fucking weirdo)
All I can say is block and report Sonia, avoid her at all costs. Do not harass her, and PLEASE Don't harass her partner. At all. Leave her partner alone
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1loer · 1 month
i watched girl interrupted because of your post and id love to hear more about the au, it sounds very neat!!
GLADLY first of all. You're Welcome. Secondly
I dont think my AU would stray very far from how things pan out in the original movie. BC Komaeda (at her worst) would be as volitile as Lisa is in the movie. I'd like to think that something that changes maybe is if I have Nanami as Jaime, it'd be her suicide that properly pushes Komaeda over the edge. I don't like to fridge Nanami like that though, but i unfortunately also think it works, esp. w/ their relationship being sort of similar in canon as to that. If Komaeda had or believed she had some sort of hand in her death too- AGGHH I think perhaps Komaeda wouldn't attempt to escape as often as Lisa does in the film. If she did, it'd just be to see if she /could/ do it rather than a genuine attempt at escape. Whereas Lisa believes that she doesnt belong there, and thats adds to why she wont get better, Komaeda would believe its safer that she is there, so wont work to get better bc she wants to stay there bc she likes the comfort in being ill.
I actually spoke about this w/ @/biteattack, and biteattack made the differentiation as where Lisa is very loud and charming, but Komaeda would be a lot quieter w/ her manipulation. Their relationship would basically pan out exactly like it did in the first chapter of SDR2, with Hajime trusting Komaeda without realising she's playing right into her hands. Much like Susanna, Hajime wouldn't believe there was anything wrong w/ her. Hajime would also have BPD in this AU, but her symptoms would be a lot more prominent than Susanna's in the film (there is a whole side argument to be had here over whether Susanna in the film actually had bpd. Many ((including the irl Susanna who wrote the book)) believe that it was a mis-diagnosis just due to the time-period it all occured in.) But while inside, Hajime would find an understanding and peace there that she never found anywhere else. ESPECIALLY from Komaeda. Hajime would attach herself to Komaeda instantly, both from Komaeda wanting that to happen and also because, just like in canon, Hajime wants to understand Komaeda so she can better understand herself. But she wouldn't realise that Komaeda's behaviour towards her is actively making her worse.
Ofc, bc its me, I can't help but add Mikan into the mix and make her relationship w/ Komaeda rocky and hateful as Fuck. Komaeda would probably help Hinata escape bc Komaeda would convince Hinata htat theres nothing wrong w/ her (<wrong) and that she SHOULD get out. Komaeda would be so jealous of Mikan bc she got out, and would be spiteful as fuck bc she'd see Mikan as someone who needed to be kept inside, and would not understand why she would be allowed to live so freely and think she was delusional, nad would (just like in the film) rile her up enough that she'd kill herself and AGH- I HATE THEM
The biggest betrayl would be when Komaeda realises that Hajime is actively trying to get better, just like in the film. Komaeda would see it as a personal slight, I think. But underneath it all would be jealousy. That'd be the centre of Komaeda's character, and hope would be the centre of Hinata's.
It's highly toxic and doomed. 0 happy endings. Hinata would visit Komaeda and paint her fingernails red, just like at the end of the movie.
That;s just me spitting off the top of my head and from what me and biteattack talked about. HONESTLY this all started just because I think Lisa and fem!Komaeda are the exact same flavour of sexy HJOAOHUROEGHOUETHOTEOHTH. I haven't watched the movie in a while, so its just from what I remember too. I think Yukizome would be Nurse Owen, and Monomi could be one of the other nurses bc i think thats cute and silly >u< It's not well thought out, its mostly vibes. I could iron out the mess and maybe one day i'll write something short for it but for now i have other projects I want to focus on.
IM SO HAPPY MY STUPID POST I MADE WHEN I WAS BORED IN WORK MADE U WATCH THAT FILM THO ITS SO GOOD!!!!!! if ur further interested in it, the book is rlly easy to read too, and a lot more grounded in reality. It goes more into what Kaysen's mental illness really presented like. The film skips over a LOOTT of it. Ofc, its no where near as explosive or exciting as the movie,but they had to ramp up the stakes and characters and such to make a cohesive story out of it. But i'd still rlly recommend reading the book!
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apricusapollo · 7 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
thanks for the tag @babygirlbridger 🤭💞
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
40 🚶🏻‍♀️ I am supposed to have more but I archived some a while ago because they were so bad
2.) What’s your ao3 word count?
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for haikyuu but I'm not really in that fandom anymore so now I mainly write for star wars & red white and royal blue. occasionally marauders fandom too.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
paper rings - jegulus
somethin' stupid (like, "I love you") - jegulus
english lover affair - firstprince
golden says of yore - jegulus
running through rose thorns - firstprince
6.) What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
definitely until the sunrise hold me tight. sometimes I wonder what I was high on when I wrote that.
7.) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
paper rings <33
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
nope, never gotten it.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I started a while ago and it's lowkey soo fun ngl 🤭 I usually used to avoid writing it but. not anymore.
10.) Do you write cross overs? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
oh boy. I used to. my very first famous fanfic was called fragile world. used to post it on Instagram and wattpad. it included *clears throat* shadowhunters, glee, 13 reasons why, skam, eyewitness 🧍🏻‍♀️ but in my defense I was, what, 12-13? I have CHANGED.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeaa it was kiss in the kitchen. someone reposted it on wattpad without my permission and gabby found it and told me. they did take it down after I told them to tho.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
YEAH!! made me so happy.
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
well usually me and yana come up with the plot of my fics together sometimes. there's this one jegulus fic based on a couple of hamilton songs I wanna write and yana came up with more than half of the plot so yeah!! that counts!!
14.) What’s your all time favourite ship?
I think firstprince. they're just so. *muffled sobs*
15.) What’s a WIP you’d like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
in 2021 I started writing iwaoi attack on titan au. I had outline ready, I wrote 2 chapters out of 5 and all of that. then I never continued it. it still exists in my docs but I forgot half of the plot so I doubt I'll ever finish and post it but who knows. never say never.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
writing angst?? Idk I think I'm quite good at that for a girl who has never had her heart broken (in a romantic sense)
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
DESCRIPTIONS. god I HATE describing things. I'd rather die than describe anything.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean, I don't think I'll succeed (unless it's in georgian which is my native language) and considering that I mess up english sometimes, maybe it's for the best if I just stick to one language 😭😭
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
one direction. I was 9 y/o. write it in a notebook with a sparkly pen. it was called "love."
20.) Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I have a couple so here's the list idc
paper rings
english love affair
sacred touches & wasted days
the end is here
better than revenge ('cause he's like so whatever)
champagne problems
(I'm too lazy to attach links to all of them so here's my ao3)
again, I hate tagging people so pls do this if u wanna mwah<3
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lazlolullaby · 8 months
Batman Beyond episode idea: fun with fan fiction.
if they just go directly back to high school shenanigans - Batman RPF. Self-shippers. Fangirls and fanboys. The writing club slipped that one of the prompts was "batman" and it just ran wild. I know Batman isn't considered "good" by society but teenagers are like that. Getting attached to "bad role models" and such.
I'm talking full gamut of "batman saved y/n" and "batman is my bf/gf" AUs, and NSFW/Smut.
(teens are allowed to have sexy thoughts. It doesn't mean they're evil or secretly suddenly mature adults. they gotta grow into it. It's natural.)
This almost ends Terry's career as Neo Batman.
With all of this school chatter there's renewed interest in OG Batman and Neo Batman among the teenagers. Compiling sightings, known fights, and personality traits. It comes out that Batman does hang around the teenage spots - Terry and Max will point out about the school counselor AND a coach being Rogues but no one will listen.
Bruce and Terry are worried someone is going to put together the pieces. But the days go on and it's less "who is Batman (under the cowl as a real life person)" and more "Who is Batman (that I can assign a personality to and play around with as a character)"
Terry is immediately singled out for being "un-schway" with talking about either of them. He just - gets flustered, stumbles over his words, never wants to talk about the Caped Crusaders at all.
The idea throws him off. It puts him in position to try and imagine what Neo Batman (and even Bruce!) is like off the clock based on the actions in the cowl. And he just can't, it's not computing for him.
Terry can't separate himself from the Batman persona - at least in personality - and it's just - why are they writing him like that? He'd never kidnap anyone out of misguided love? He'd never have a three way with Dee Dee! stop writing Jokerz romances for slag's sake!
Bruce attempts to help him by trying to imagine the OG Batman instead of himself. He just identifies OG Batman as Old Man Bruce and that's somewhat better. But not much.
He brings it up with his mother and Mary goes to her old records and pulls out a bunch of Zines, some disks/USBs of Batman fanfiction. "Well, if your friends like it so much, you could share." Terry just buries his head in his hands. "Thanks ma." There's even a section for Robin and Nightwing focused stories. Matt almost grabs them but Terry and Mary both have to sort through the right ones for the little kid.
It's all fun and games until teenagers start to get into trouble to meet Neo Batman. Baiting Jokerz. Calling in fake 911 calls made Commissioner Barbara Gordon reach out to the school.
The school attempts to do a crackdown. The writing club basically goes "Not Safe for Work" rules. Anything that you'd get a higher rating than PG-13 just don't bring it. Keep it in your house. Don't ruin it for the rest of us. The school gets even stricter on texting. The writers in class have to resort to pen and paper notebooks that get passed around in lunch/in the halls. Terry interrupts a "dead drop", flips through the book and drops it like he was burned.
It takes some soul searching, but eventually Terry does accept that Batman has to have a separate persona than him. Even if it doesn't feel like it from the inside. So. Terry plays up the "horny teenager" aspect in his response. (thank you billionaire playboy Brucie!).
"Yeah I've been weird about it. We've met face to face so he could stop me from taking revenge or some stupid slag like that. Look, Neo Batsy busted up the illegal weapons project that got my Dad killed. If we ever met again. Fancy dinner at least. I'd kiss him on the mouth if I could find him. A thanks if he doesn't want any of that."
The school paper armchair analyzes and comes back with. "Yeah he was a criminal, maybe his flirting could be considered going after a partner that has a strong moral compass and can fight him if needed."
People start writing "reformed bad boy x Neo Batman" fanfic based on that sound bite alone. "Be Bi, did crime" is another fun meme. Terry as Robin was probably the worst, especially the implications with the OG Batman and the OG Robins.
Like all fads, it dies down after another month. Sure, there's some diehard fans, but they keep to themselves.
(Max keeps a file of her favorites anyway.)
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byakugcu · 6 years
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Naruto Crack!AU - Four Weddings
@pain-somnia, @saradacchi and i couldn’t help ourselves and made this little cracker
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junityy · 3 years
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# PAIRING. choi soobin x f!reader
# SYNOPSIS. due to your disease for which there isn't any cure, you've been hospitalized almost your whole life already. one day soobin had to be hospitalized due to the same disease as well and ever since you two couldn't help but get attached to each other - even though you told yourself not to.
# GENRE. hospital!au, angst, pinch of fluff? (loosely inspired by five feet apart!)
# WC. 4.7k
# WARNINGS. diseases, a collapse, major character death, mentions of pills, mentions of death / dying, one mention of syringes
# A/N. im so sorry about no header pls i am STRESSED fuck u tumblr anyways i hope the icons look good/cute and u enjoy!! also this didn't turn out as angsty but well
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After looking at the little desk next to your bed, you automatically check if you haven't forgotten anything. It's not like you're going anywhere special since you can't leave the hospital, but you're paranoid that you might forget to take some of your pills.
"You getting dressed up or why are you taking so long?" you hear Soobin in the hallway, right behind your door. Turning around, you walk towards the door and quickly open it; giving him a 'are you kidding me?' look that only makes him laugh.
"I was making sure I didn't forget to take any of my pills." you explain, glancing at the little desk one more time before you dedicate your attention to him.
"Did you take yours?" asking him, Soobin quickly nods - as always.
"If I didn't I wouldn't be standing here." he chuckles, referring to how you refuse to hang out with him in the hospital unless he takes his pills. It may sounds stupid, but you wanna make sure he doesn't forget it since it's important.
"Yeah yeah, you can thank me someday." jokingly rolling your eyes at him while laughing, Soobin just nods because he knows he could really thank you. It's not like he'd forget to take his pills all the time, but you making sure he is okay is enough to thank you. Well, at least 'okay' under your circumstances.
"Anyways, are you done now?" the boy leaning at the door raises an eyebrow at you and you nod, one second later on your way to your place already. There's nothing really special here since it's nothing but a hospital. But as you and Soobin got closer, the end of a somewhat long hallway became your place.
Precisely, the very corner of the hallway; there are big windows, so automatically a pretty view from up here. Plus, there are barely ever any people here.
To anyone else it's nothing special, really. There are barely any chairs here too, but that was never a problem to either you or Soobin. The both of you preferred to sit on the floor and lean against the giant windows as you talk about the weirdest stuff. In other words; this is the only comfort place you've ever had, in your entire life.
"Hellooo?" Soobin says as he waves his hand in front of your face, since you're clearly busy thinking about something.
"Might as well tell me what you're thinking about?" he looks at you with a little smile, now in fact a bit curious.
"Every time we come here I get major flashbacks. You don't?" you end up asking him, frowning.
"I do, but I'd rather avoid thinking about some of them considering how awkward we were at the very beginning." Soobin laughs before he looks outside, the view from up here looking extra beautiful. He used to be scared of heights, until he came here.
"Okay, you're not wrong." you admit, especially now thinking back on the very beginning.
Don't get attached you thought to yourself back then and thinking back on it, at the time you met Soobin it was safe to say you were a completely different person.
You sigh at this whole 'don't get attached' thing, causing Soobin to look at you.
"What?" he tilts his head but you only shake your head, making Soobin sigh now.
"I told you I'm thinking about back then." you chuckle, but he doesn't really buy it. Well, a bit of it, but there's more to it.
"You know, I might be dying but I'm not that stupid." he jokes, knowing you were thinking about something again. This time more than just flashbacks.
"You're kinda wrong." giving him a warning look causes him to look at you in confusion.
"We are dying." you correct him playfully and end up laughing with him.
"I mean as long as it's happening slowly." you add, chuckling at your own joke.
"Then I guess we're good." you end up sighing, knowing that you're everything but 'good' when it comes to your health. Snapping out of your thoughts, you blink a few times when your vision gets slightly blurry.
Shaking your head and hoping that that was nothing, Soobin spots a couple outside - looking happier than ever. So only naturally he focuses on them walking and laughing. And when you look outside, seeing the two as well, you know what's going through Soobin's mind right now.
"Hey." lightly kicking his leg so he would look at you, you chuckle.
"Don't make that face." shaking your head at him, Soobin shortly laughs and didn't even notice he was making 'that face' again.
The face when he thinks about how unfair the world is and how unfair it is that you two are basically locked in here. The face when Soobin thinks about how one day, one of you is going to leave the other one. Although he tries to never think about stuff like that, these kind of thoughts just appear out of nowhere every now and then.
"How do you do that?" Soobin asks you all of a sudden and you can only look at him in confusion.
"How do you stay so..positive? I've only been here for a year and considering you-" before he can say anything else, he quickly cuts himself off. He's still scared to say something wrong, just like the first day you met.
"I told you it's okay to talk about it." you remind him with a little smile. Something about him being extra carefully when talking about you being locked in here for almost your whole life warms your heart.
"I know. But seriously, how can you stay-" he wants to go back to the actual question, but gets cuts off by you this time.
"This 'positive'? I can assure you that I'm not." you let out a short laugh, receiving a somewhat surprised look from him. From one second to another, the mood completely changed. Without saying a thing, Soobin waits for you to continue.
"I've been here almost my whole life. It's just that I've found a better way to deal with it I guess? If joking about it counts." laughing at yourself again, you look at Soobin again, who is definitely not in the mood to laugh. So quickly, your smile fades again.
"Look, I can't assure that these..thoughts are going to leave at one point, although I really wish I could." you start speaking again and move a bit closer to him.
"But- as 'basic' at it may sound, it gets better. I promise." nodding at him, he lightly nods back at you too.
Assuring him made you think about yourself and these thoughts. You remember not thinking abour dying just as good as you remember death being all you could think about. You've been there. In Soobin's case it's probably different though.
He's a lot more positive than you, at least more than you were when he came here. Not because he's joking around a lot, but because he's just that kind of person. He doesn't seem like one who gives up fast. You wonder if he even knows how healing his existence alone is.
Maybe not physically, but for sure mentally. Soobin has helped you in ways you didn't even think were possible. And you wonder if he is aware of that or ever will be.
"Sorry, I just thought.." without finishing his sentence, you know what he means and you just shake your head.
"It's fine." you assure him, a second later your vision getting a bit blurry again. So just like earlier, you blink a few times so it'd go away - which it thankfully does.
"You okay?" Soobin asks when he looks at you, noticing you look sort of dizzy. Considering the circumstances of you two, Soobin can't help but starting to worry at the smallest things.
"Yeah." you nod and looking around for a bit, checking to see if everything blurry again.
"Y/N." the boy next to you frowns, a little paranoid now.
"I'm okay, really." when you do seem okay again, you look at him.
"You know, maybe that's our sign to go back." Soobin half jokes and gets up, waiting for you to get up too.
You usually stay a lot longer here, but after you were looking dizzy he felt like it was best to go back to your rooms. Even when you give him a look that says 'let's stay here' he doesn't do anything; other than waiting for you.
"Fine." you sigh and get up, knowing it's best to go back and that Soobin is somewhat worried. It's honestly insane how much you two care for each other when you have your own worries.
On your way back you started joking and making the both of you laugh again - unkowingly doing that so Soobin would actually not worry about earlier. Not only because you don't want him to worry about you, which you know is impossible, but because you're getting worried yourself.
Sure it wouldn't be that big of a deal if it wasn't for your damn disease. This disease caused you to get paranoid at the smallest things, so it has become normal for you to overthink stuff like this.
"And now-" Soobin says when he opens the door to your room, letting you casually walk in.
"Go to sleep." he laughs, unkowingly trying to not worry too much about earlier as well.
"Woah, thank you for bringing me to bed." you sarcastically widen your eyes a little, Soobin only rolling his eyes at you.
"Guess I'll see you tomorrow again. Night." is the last thing he says before closing the door.
"Soobin! There you are." Yujin says when she comes out of another room, seeing the boy in front of your door.
Yujin is your and Soobin's nurse who honestly feels more like your mom rather than a nurse. Although he's only known her for a year, he feels like they've known each other for a long time despite the obvious age difference. In your case it's almost the same, except for the fact that Yujin basically raised you.
"Were you looking for me?" he asks with big eyes and she nods, both of them slowly walking towards Soobin's room together.
"Your daily blood draw, kid." Yujin chuckles when Soobin looks like he forgot about it.
"Right, sorry." shortly laughing, he sits down on his bed and just lets Yujin do whatever she needs to do.
"Had fun with Y/N?" she teases but instead of getting an answer to her question, Soobin seems to be remembering something.
"Ah- speaking of Y/N, she was feeling kinda dizzy earlier I think?" he starts speaking and thankfully isn't able to see Yujin's expression - more like how her expression dropped when he said that.
"She seems fine again, but I sta-" before he can finish talking, Yujin is already done and cuts him off - nicely.
"I got it, don't worry. Thanks for telling me." she assures him, making Soobin feel relieved. Before she can leave, she stops and turns to look at him again.
"Anything else I should know?" Yujin wants to know while watching Soobin getting comfortable in his bed already.
"You're the best." he casually says, like he always does. Just in a friendly way because he really appreciates Yujin.
Without further ado she makes her way to your room, which luckily isn't very far away from Soobin's. But when she comes in, all she sees is you sleeping, causing her to sigh.
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N." lightly shaking her head at how peacefully you're sleeping, she grabs the blanket and covers you properly with it.
"I can only pray for you." she looks at you, almost like you're her own daughter.
But can you blame her? You came here at the age of 4 and now you're 17. It feels like yesterday to Yujin when you first showed up here and when you were as little as ever.
Since she doesn't want to risk you waking up, she quietly leaves again. But the thoughts of what Soobin told her clearly do not leave so automatically, Yujin somehow tries to get rid of these thoughts since she still has work to do.
Like every night, Soobin is trying to sleep when the 'don't get attached' thing he thought about a year ago. How did he go from don't get attached to falling for you? Sooner or later he knew it'd hurt more because of that.
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Unlike Soobin who is apparently sleeping a little longer today, you could barely sleep and woke up early. You woke up multiple times at night, getting dizzy again. or just not overall feeling well and now that you think about it, you worry more and more.
So you figure it's best to talk to Yujin, although you'd rather avoid this conversation. Assuming that Soobin is still asleep, you get up and decide to open the door, looking for Yujin who is luckily here right now. Although you managed to get up, you did notice that your legs felt a lot heavier which made it a bit harder for you to stand, let alone talk.
"Yujin." you call out, obviously not too loud since there are other people here as well. When she sees you, she widens her eyes at first and then immediately enters your room.
"Y/N what happened?" is the first thing she asks, considering how drained out you look due to the lack of sleep.
"I couldn't really sleep and I'm not feeling well, I'm..starting to worry." you tell her, barely ever being this serious.
"I know." is her first reaction before she thinks for a moment.
"I can give you pills so you won't get dizzy anymore and feel a bit better, that's unfortunately all I can do right now sweetheart." she explains, but the first part got you wondering even though it's not that hard.
"How do you know I got-" before you can finish your question, Yujin cuts you off to give you the answer.
"Soobin is my patient too, you know." she chuckles for a moment before opening the little cupboard, looking for some pills she quickly finds and grabs.
"Here. You should feel better in a bit." Yujin assures you after handing you the pills, causing you to nod.
"I have to continue now, but Y/N. If anything, you know what to do." she gives you a somewhat warning look, not wanting that anything happens to you.
After she left you quickly take one of the pills and lay down in your bed, your vision every now and then getting blurry again. You can't really do much other than hoping it'll get better soon - especially before Soobin wakes up and ask for you.
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A look at the time tells Soobin that it's almost 6 PM already and that you should probably be awake by now, so he puts his laptop away and gets up. Innocently making his way to your room. Yujin told him that you'd catch up on some sleep since you couldn't sleep that good, which is why he decided to watch random videos so time would go by faster. And oh god, he realized that it was so boring without you.
As soon as he's standing in front of your door, suddenly everything becomes worse for you. Getting dizzy again, pain in your chest and overall your whole body - but especially in your chest, which can never be a good sign.
"Y/N?" you hear Soobin's voice from the hallway, precisely right behind your door. You surely did not expect him, especially not right now.
Because you can't just lay there anymore doing nothing, you start to get up slowly. Which is definitely more difficult now that you're in pain; pain that doesn't seem like it'll go away soon. Only when you're sitting on the edge of the bed you feel your legs going numb - slowly but surely.
"Are you awake?" Soobin adds, not too loud but so that you can clearly understand him.
"Yeah." you answer, looking around the room to check if your vision is blurry again - which it clearly is.
"Yeah, I'm-" you add before trying to stand up, which is a big mistake. Because as soon as you manage to stand up for less than a second you immediately collapse, feeling like you'll lose consciousness any second.
Soobin was waiting for you to finish your sentence but after he heard something loud - which was in fact you collapsing, his eyes widen and he immediately opens the door.
And seeing you laying there, not moving at all is a sight that would haunt him for a long time.
"Y/N!" Soobin panics and runs up to you, kneeling down and lifting your head up carefully.
"Yujin! Help!" he yells, having no clue what the hell is happening right now.
"Y/N, Y/N hey." he says as he turns your head so he can look at you, noticing that your eyes aren't fully closed yet.
"Look at me, hey." feeling completely overwhelmed, the poor boy is somehow trying to keep you awake.
When you do manage to open your eyes a little more before they almost close completely again, you're able recognize Soobin in front of you.
"Soobin." you mumble, trying so hard to stay awake that you don't notice the footsetps approaching at first.
"Get her on the bed." Yujin demands and Soobin does as she says, looking at you with a look in his eyes for which there aren't any words for. If you would actually see it, it'd break your heart into millions of pieces.
From one second to another there are multiple nurses around your bed, desperately trying to do what they can to help you. Only Soobin seems to be the one who has no clue of what's going on.
"Soobin, try to keep her conscious. Can you do that?" Yujin asks in a strict tone.
"I- I think so." the boy stutters and grabs your hand, carefully turning your head again so he can look at you.
"Y/N, hey, c-concentrate on me, okay?" he nervously says and you nod weakly. As if it would try to help you stay awake, you squeeze his hand.
"Yeah, yeah good. You're doing good. Keep doing that." Soobin nods, tears slowly building up in his eyes.
A moment of silence enters. In which the nurses are trying what they can to help, Soobin being scared for his life and you finally realizing what exactly is happening again. You knew this day would come.
"This-" before you can add more, the pain in your chest causes you to cut yourself off.
"This..is my own fault." you quietly say, painfully sighing afterwards.
"What? No, why are you saying that?" he frowns, not knowing why you're blaming yourself for this. Feeling like you would be getting a bit more back to normal again, you continue.
"Soobin, I mean it. This- ah." you close your eyes again as you feel the syringe in your arm, seeming like it hurts way more than it does usually.
"Hey." he widens his eyes and you squeeze his hand again, slowly opening your eyes - a  single tear escaping now when you look at him weakly.
"I'm sorry." you say and can't help but slightly shake your head.
"Y/N." Soobin simply frowns at you, not knowing what to say.
"I'm so sorry." you add, new tears running down your face as you slowly close your eyes, as much as you try to fight it. Your body shuts completely down, which you can't do anything against. Which in fact, no one can do anything against. You're the only one who could do that, but for that you'd have to travel back in time.
"Hey- Y/N!" he panics immediately.
"We're losing her!" Yujin notes as she gives you another injection, which should hopefully make you conscious again. Due to that stupid disease she can't do much right now. Unkowingly, Soobin is the one squeezing your hand now as he holds it with both of his hands.
"Y/N." he whispers, a tear landing on the bedsheets when you don't move, nor open your eyes again.
"Y/N, come on!" Yujin desperately tries to wake you up, putting on a oxygen breathing mask with a little hope.
But nothing. Not even the injection she gave you earlier that should've helped you saying conscious. Heartbroken, Yujin stops trying and is holding back tears now. It's too late.
"No." Soobin says when he sees Yujin stop trying, realizing why she stopped.
"No. Y/N, please." turning his head to look at you again, tears are streaming down his face.
Lightly shaking his head, Soobin watches you laying there, not waking up. He always thought you had pretty eyes and right now, he would do anything so he could look at them again.
Knowing there isn't anything he can still do now, he leaves a kiss on the back of your hand. The pain Soobin feels in this moment is worse than any pain the disease has ever caused him to be in. To think that this was even possible is insane.
And exactly because he feels helpless seeing you like that, he lets go of your hand and makes his way into his room again; immediately slamming the door. Not sure what to do now, Soobin cries even more when he's all alone and knows he won't be able to stop anytime soon.
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About almost an hour later of not only Soobin crying, but Yujin as well, she decides to talk to him. It's time. After she knocks on his door, she doesn't get any answer from him or any kind of reaction at all. Which is why she decides to go in, closing the door behind her again.
There she sees Soobin, sitting on his bed staring at the floor with a blank expression, looking extremely..lifeless. Although he's not crying anymore, Yujin knows he was until earlier. Just like her.
"Hey, kid." she sighs, walking up to him and putting a hand on his shoulder.
Only then Soobin notices her and slowly looks up. Just like that, the blank expression fades and he's as good as ready to burst out in tears again.
"I'm sorry." Yujin says with a sad smile. Despite the one year Soobin has been here already, she has never seen him like this. Not once.
"No, please." is his first reaction, shaking his head at her apology.
"I don't wanna hear any more 'I'm sorry's, I wanna know what happened." Soobin slightly frowns, sounding as desperate as ever.
Yujin takes a deep breath, sitting down on the edge of the bed trying to gather her thoughts.
"She was just fine yesterday." he adds, which confuses him even more.
The woman shakes her head, knowing what she's gonna tell him will hurt. Just like it hurt her back then.
"You know how long Y/N has been here, right?" she starts talking and Soobin nods.
"Since she was four." he responds, causing Yujin to be the one who nods now. Before she continues talking, she takes a little pause.
"Y/N has always been a happy girl, especially when she was younger. She used to talk about how she's gonna leave the hospital soon again and do exciting stuff. Stuff that 'normal' people do, like she'd always say." she tells him with a little smile. You used to be the happiest person she's ever known, the happiest person in this whole hospital. You would've smiled at everyone, brightening everyone's days with your happy personality.
"With the years, that hope of leaving faded." sighing, Soobin figures that this is the part he is not gonna like.
"Along with that hope, her will to fight this disease faded just as much." Yujin shakes her head when she thinks back to that time.
"So she stopped taking her pills at some point and basically refused any kind of treatment." she wipes the single tear away and looks anywhere but at Soobin.
"What?" the boy almost whispers, not really sure if he heard that right.
"What- why would she do that?" he frowns, on the verge of tears when the nurse looks at him again.
"I asked her the same thing. She said she doesn't have anything worth living for anymore, Soobin." Yujin can't help but start crying again, feeling nothing but pain in her chest when she thinks about the moment you told her that a year ago.
"No but- but when I came here sh-" before he can finish his sentence, Yujin cuts him off. He still thinks this is some kind of bad joke. You two were only friends for a year, but this doesn't sound like you. It sounds like the complete opposite of you.
"Yes, when you came here." she nods, looking at the boy with a little smile. Little by little, Soobin understands where this is going and Yujin just confirms his theory by adding something else.
"She started taking them again because of you." instead of feeling relieved that you started taking them again, - which he surely does in some way - something about what Yujin just told him causes a bigger wound in his heart.
"Do you wanna know what she said when I asked her why she started taking them again?" rhetorically asking him, Soobin quickly nods and is somewhat scared that the answer is gonna hurt even more.
"She said that she has a reason to live again. That reason was you, even to this day." and just like Yujin expected, Soobin can't help but burst out crying again after what she said. The nurse gives him a moment, in which she has to hold back her own tears one more time.
"From the moment she met you, she immediately started regretting not taking them and refusing her treatment because she knew it'd have consequences." sighing, she remembers everything like it was just yesterday.
"As soon as you entered this hospital, it was like a piece of herself came along and founds its way back to her. A piece of the happy little girl she was once." her words only make Soobin cry more, the wound in his heart getting bigger with every word Yujin says.
He simply cannot imagine you giving up. Although you were always making jokes about death, you never gave up and never wanted Soobin to give up either. So hearing that now hurts only more, feeling completely surreal.
"That's why she always made sure I never forget to take my pills, right?" he realizes, every thought of your actions causing more pain now. Yujin nods as an answer and remembers every conversation she had at nights with you. You talked about everything, but after some time you started talking to her about Soobin frequently.
"She was lucky that it..didn't happen earlier. It was like a miracle back then." Yujin notes, still wondering about why it happened just now.
"But Soobin, she was the happiest she's ever been with you. I hope you never forget that." the woman nods more to herself than Soobin since he doesn't even look at her. He needs to process what she just told him. Without adding anything else, the nurse leaves because she knows Soobin needs some alone time again.
Now it all makes sense. Your actions and your overall behaviour. Andhat's what you were sorry for earlier. You were the one who would get upset if he didn't take any of his pills, when you were the one who didn't take them for a while. How ironic. Although he would've been upset if you refused to take your pills as well, he can't be mad at you now.
Considering your circumstances, it was only natural to think about giving up every now and then, right? Unlike you back then, Soobin had a lot of things worth living for and one of them was you. Precisely, the biggest reason.
Without realizing, you two became each other's reason to fight, to be happy together while you're slowly dying.
You became each other's happiness and made sure that the other one's life was worth living, almost more than your own. And you'd always be thankful for it, as well as doing it one more time when you two meet again sometime.
But lastly, you were two hopeless teens in love, knowing the universe never gave you a chance in first place. And yet, even that didn't stop you from loving each other. Even though you never told each other, deep down you knew.
Maybe you'll have a chance in another life.
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TAGLIST @heephoriia @igyus @jakefilms
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reblogs are appreciated !!
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qingxin-s · 3 years
༉₊˚✧ʀᴇᴅ ꜱᴛʀɪɴɢ : xɪᴀᴏ x ꜰ.ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
anon requested:  a red string of fate soulmate au where in xiao would try to avoid / deny that he has a soulmate,, angst to fluff or just plain angst :]
synopsis: everyone is born with a string that connects them to their soulmate. it can never be cut, and it can never be tangled. 
genre: soulmate au, angst
word count: 1.5k
warning(s): mentions of blood and character death, not fully proof-read so sorry in advance
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Xiao had hated the idea of soulmates for as long as he could remember.
Why put all his effort into caring about someone who was going to die anyways? Why break their heart when he has to push them away due to his job? The whole idea was stupid to him, and if he could- he'd sever the string tied around his pinkie finger.
At least, that's what he thought until he met her.
A joyful soul, so full of life and energy- always prepared to lend those closest to her a helping hand. She was even kind to the Yakasha, she didn't run from him in fear. He had heard about her before their meeting, she was somewhat famous around Liyue.
Famous for her kind acts and bright smile: even the children sung their praises about her. She was who he was least expecting to be his soulmate.
The air blew harshly through his sea green hair as he sat on top of the rooftop staring down at his now bare finger- and he couldn't help but grit his teeth.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
The tugging at his finger was growing more and more frequent as he stalked through the hilltops and although he tried his best to ignore it, he couldn't help but notice how much his heart rate was beginning to rise.
Why the hell was his soulmate out so late? Didn't they know the dangers that lurked in the shadows, the monsters waiting around every corner? They were going to end up being killed before he could even meet them- if he ever decided to meet them.
With every step the young man took, the string grew tighter and tighter- becoming more visible to his eyes, to the point where he could see it trailing on the grass floor. The bush to his right moved as he looked towards the string- and he instantly pulled out his weapon.
"Who's there?" Xiao hissed, his golden hues narrowing at the sound. The bush rustled again as a head poked over the top of it, and they instantly shushed him.
"Shush! I finally managed to get the poor cat to sleep" She whisper-yelled, causing him to cock his head in confusion. What cat? Before he could ask about it however, he noticed the string around his finger lead to her own.The girl wasn't immune to this either...and she slowly turned to him.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
With a yell he threw his spear to the floor and pushed himself from the roof, jumping to grip hold of the wooden railings as tight as he could- ignoring how white his knuckles turned.
Why was he thinking of her now? It had been so long since...since then, so why did she still plague his mind?
The amber hue of the sunrise peaked shyly at him as he kept his head bowed, staring down at the bridge connecting Wangshu Inn to Liyue, and he grimaced. The sunrises weren't the same now without her, they weren't as full of energy.
"You knew this was going to happen, idiot" He growled to himself as he fell to his knees- glaring out at the scenery.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"He likes you!" (Y/N) beamed  as she watched the Yaksha poke slightly at the grey cat, his yellow eyes full of confusion as it purred at him. It had been several weeks since they had met under such unusual circumstances- and he was stupid enough to help her look after the cat she was talking about.
"Why is it making that noise? Is it possessed?" Xiao murmured as he watched the creature roll over and display it's stomach to him- causing her to burst into a peel of laughter. She clutched at his arm as he cocked his head once more.
"You're so cute, Xiao! It's a cat- it makes that noise when it's happy!" She grinned as she intertwined her hand with his own, moving it to stroke the cat. The mix of her jasmine scent and the warmth of her hand was enough to make him dizzy- and he had to focus all his attention onto the creature before him.
"Tch, whatever" He mumbled as he stroked the cat, and she clapped her hands in delight.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
Tears glassed over his yellow hues, threatening to spill and stain his cheeks. God, he'd spent so much time around her that he had picked up on her ways of expressing emotions. He had never cried this much before- dammit.
Harshly, he wiped at them with his gloved hands...but it was no use. They kept spilling, and spilling, and spilling.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"I thought I'd see you out here!" (Y/N) grinned as she poked her head round the balcony entrance, spotting the Yaksha stood there. He turned his green haired head slightly to catch her gaze, and she quickly bound over to him.
"I brought you some almond tofu! The boss was telling me how much you like it!" She smiled, holding out the small bowl to him. Almond tofu...his biggest weakness. (Y/N) pulled him towards the small table set up near the railing of the balcony and pushed him onto the chair- pointing towards the dish for him to eat.
"Did you make it yourself?" He asked, looking up at her as she stood proudly with her hands behind her back, and she nodded her head enthusiastically. With a sigh he reached towards the fork he had been provided, and he took a bite.
Almost instantly, the flavours he adored so much washed over his tongue and made his heart throb- and his yellow hues widened.
"You like it!!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she clapped her hands, and without thinking he pushed his chair away and walked up to her- wrapping her in a tight hug. Almond tofu always made him happy, and now that she had made him some...he was even happier.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"Xiao, can I ask you something?" The h/c haired girl whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder, staring out at the sunset. They were perched on the balcony at Wangshu Inn, all alone together in their little bubble. He hummed in response as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder- pulling her closer.
It was a year after their first encounter, and he had began to warm to the idea of having a soulmate. She cared about him deeply, he knew she wasn't going to leave him unprompted. But he was still scared.
Humans were too weak.
"Are you...happy that we're soulmates?" She whispered, leaning her head up to take a good look at him, soaking in his peaceful features. It was rare to see his face so relaxed, but it had become a habit around her. His eyebrows knitted as he pulled away from her slightly.
"Do you think i'm not happy?" He prodded, and she quickly shook her head.
"No, no! Just...I really like you. And I don't want you to feel forced to feel the same way just because...you know...we're soulmates" (Y/N) mumbled the last part, and he quickly cupped a hand to the back of her head and pulled her to his chest.
"I'd kill for you, don't ever think otherwise" He said firmly, and he could feel her laugh into his chest and she very quickly melted into the embrace.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
But, he'd been around long enough to know that all good things in his life swiftly come to an end.
He'd seen so much death to know what was going to happen.
He knew...he was going to lose the only good thing in his life.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"(Y/N)!? Hey, answer me already!" The Yaksha yelled as he ran towards the clearing, the mask attached to his face glowing green and lighting up his path. No...no no no. Where the hell was she?!
He told her not to go out, not to follow him because it was dangerous. But by the time he had returned to her home- she was gone. The rain beat down on his body harshly as he pushed shrubs out of his way, raising his spear to cut through some of them.
The string around his finger was tight- he knew she was nearby. But why wasn't she responding to his calls?! In his panic he slipped, almost plummeting off the face of the cliff he was approaching- but he quickly steadied himself.
Up ahead, he could see 4 figures all huddled over something, the cloud around their bodies inky black. They were demons- and they had to be eliminated. With no hesitation he sprinted towards them, jumping in the air as he cut through them like paper- and they fell to the ground with a thud.
As he landed he felt the string pull tight, and his heartbeat rose. She was here. Slowly, his eyes fell to the floor where a figure was collapsed- and his heart almost cracked.
"(Y/N)?..." He whispered as he dropped to his knees, quickly scooping her up in his arms as he brushed her h/c hair off her forehead. Her skin was cold, her lips chapped and stained a crimson colour he was all too familiar with.
"Hey! Answer me!" Xiao cried as he shook her body, but she remained silent- still. His jaw clenched as he balled her towards his chest, and without trying to stop it- a loud scream of pain left his lips. Acidic tears poured from his eyes as he clung to her, the harsh rain making the blood seeping from her body pool around him.
This is why he hated the idea of soulmates.
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applepi20 · 3 years
what it's like to be loved
zeke yeager x fem! reader
warnings: age gap, nsfw content, unprotected sex, brief smoking, zeke is kind of an asshole, female-bodied reader
modern au: zeke is rich but it isn't discussed
word count: 1.8k
chapter notes: i think i'm just projecting what i wish would happen to me
this one is kinda short but enjoy! ☾
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you stared out the window at the cityscape. the night scene was so pretty and peaceful. the warm bedroom light reflected off of the windows.
wrapped in only a sheet, you glanced over your shoulder at zeke sleeping peacefully in the bed. The post-sex glow had worn off a while ago and now you were left alone with your thoughts. you couldn't sleep and hoped the restless city would help calm you down.
your body ached from the previous activities, but your chest ached more with longing. longing to be more than just a call to satisfy. longing to be loved and longing to be loved by zeke yeager.
in retrospect, you probably shouldn't have agreed to a no strings attached, sex only relationship without considering the possibility that you would get attached and even fall in love. it didn't seem like anything to be worried about at the time. you and zeke had a very tense relationship that made the two of you clash on many occasions. falling in love with him was the last thing on your mind.
you weren't sure how much time had passed since you left zeke in the bed. you startled hearing some rustling and suddenly zeke appeared next to you.
"couldn't sleep?" he questioned.
"no, lost in my thoughts," you answered.
he nodded silently and lit up his cigar.
"do you have to do that now?" he seriously had to find an escape after what we had just done? why can't he just stay in the moment at least until I leave?
"is something wrong y/n?" he stared at you, genuinely concerned.
"it's nothing" lies you were feeding him lies, why can't he open his eyes and see how you feel about him?
zeke continued to stare at you, eyebrows raised expectantly.
"i was just wondering what it's like to be loved" you blurted out against your will, zeke's gaze was too strong to break, you had to submit.
the look on his face was unreadable.
"to be loved? i'm not sure i understand what you mean. are you talking about sex, or just loved in general?" he seemed unsure of how to word things.
"oh it's not important, forget i said anything," you tried to backtrack.
"no no what did you mean?" he pressed, he almost looked urgent for the answer.
"um I guess both, I just- well yeah both." you awkwardly said.
"i could show you," he said so quietly you almost didn't hear him. he was avoiding eye contact.
"w-what?" you mumbled.
"i could show you, what it's like to be loved" he clarified.
you stared at him with wide eyes as he slowly leaned closer. you leaned in as well. "okay?" he whispered on your lips.
you nodded as you connected your lips in a sweet kiss. zeke returned the kiss with a different enthusiasm from before. he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back towards the bed.
"if i was in love with you, first i would kiss you." he kissed you again. "and I'd keep kissing you for a while."
you were stunned all you could do was kiss back. his kisses grew more and more eager and he suddenly pulled away.
you leaned into the ghost of his lips and he smiled at you before kissing you again. you felt like you were drunk on his kisses and you never wanted to stop, these kisses felt different.
zeke moved from your mouth to start trailing kisses down your neck. he came up to your ear and whispered "i would tell you i love you." his hot breath warming your ear and making you squirm away from the ticklish sensation.
"sensitive?" i could hear the smile in his voice.
all you could do was nod, words were becoming hard to form. your whole body felt like it was on fire already, just from kissing.
"i would keep telling you i love you" he murmured and he was back to leaving kisses along your neck.
"i love you," a kiss on your cheek just barely grazing the corner of your mouth.
"i love you," another kiss on your neck.
"i love you," a kiss on your shoulder.
he kept repeating those words as he covered your neck and chest in kisses and small bites that would be gone by the morning, just a memory of the feeling.
you were finding it hard to keep your eyes open as he left feather-light kisses along your breasts and pulled the sheet you previously had wrapped around you off.
"god baby, you're so fucking pretty" he leaned in to suck on your chest leaving a red mark.
under his gaze you wanted to squirm away in embarrassment, but the look in his eyes was tender, loving almost.
he looked lost in your naked body.
"if i was in love with you, i would hold your hand" he intertwined his fingers with yours, hovering over you he leaned down to kiss you. you were still unable to do anything but respond to him and kiss back. you were overwhelmed with the attention you were getting, but it didn't seem that different from past times the two of you had sex.
zeke abruptly grabbed your hips, ripping his hand out of yours and flipped you onto your stomach before you could even process what was happening. he pulled your hips up so your back was arched and your face was buried in the mattress.
"of course i couldn't let you predict anything and i have to be a little rough to keep my baby satisfied," he said with a smirk.
he draped his body over yours and pinned your arms above your head, nipping your ear and making you shiver at the close proximity.
"if i was in love with you, i would hold you close so i could feel every little reaction i'm causing you" his hand moved down, splaying across your belly, pulling your body back into his. you held yourself up on your elbows to meet his movement.
you moaned out as he slowly pushed himself into you and you dropped down into the mattress, your arms no longer able to support you.
when he bottomed out he let out a groan and held your hips steady.
"fuuuck" he hissed through his teeth. he held your hips still despite your squirming and pleas for him to move. " you're so ready for me, you feel so good for me" he rambled almost unable to keep himself from speaking.
as he developed a rhythm, he leaned down and whispered in your ear, drawing you from your thoughts you seemed to be stuck in.
"y/n you feel so good, i love you fuck" you could hear his strained breathing as he picked up the pace. it was like he was unable to control the words that flew out of his mouth and all you could do was take it. all the tender words, the sensations, you could just lie there.
the feeling of his hips snapping against you, the overwhelming emotion and lust, had you shocked as you found your release so quickly and without warning.
"did you just come? my perfect angel" he seemed surprised at your unexpected release.
he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles one by one in time with his thrusts and you moaned in response, incoherent words on your tongue.
as his movements started to slow, you started to panic a little. "zeke keep going, i can take it" you promised, desperate for him to keep going, to fill you with his release. you craved the feeling.
you kept whining until he returned to the previous pace he had set before. you could feel his timing start to become less and less consistent as he chased his own end. there would be bruises where he was gripping your hips and you reveled in the feeling.
both of you were unable of saying anything but each other's names. he kept kissing down your back saying "angel" and "perfect" and your name in between kisses.
you could feel his hips stutter as he finally found his release and he bit down on your shoulder as he came, filling you up with his seed.
he collapsed on top of you and rolled over so you were by his side. brushing the hair out of your face he kissed you again, lightly as if he was afraid he would hurt you.
"angel, you are so perfect" he was looking at you like you were his whole world and it was making you shy away from his gaze.
you felt so loved in this moment until you realized that throughout the whole thing he was saying "if i was in love with you" not " i am in love with you". you decided to revel in the feeling just this once and then decide in the morning to go back to the normal routine of no strings attached.
"hey zeke?" you asked, a bit nervous.
"yeah, angel?" he responded, sounding tired, voice a bit raw.
you were scared to ask. almost wishing you would keep quiet and not ruin what perfect moment the two of you just had.
"you said all of that was what you would do if you were in love with me, but none of it was different than what we did before." you were hesitant, anticipating his answer.
zeke took a moment and took a deep breath.
you almost took it back and your mind felt like it was going a million miles per second. your thoughts and doubts were loud in your ears.
"y/n are you stupid?" he laughed, shaking your body as your head laid on his chest.
immediately, you felt defensive. "stupid? zeke what are you even talking about, forget i asked," you were just talking without thinking, trying to cover your tracks from before.
"y/n i love you," he interrupted. "I've been in love with you for a long time."
his words weren't registering. he WHAT.
"that stupid no strings attached rule was just so I could hide behind it and not face my feelings in case they weren't reciprocated. i've been in love with you since the first time we hooked up. I've always been yours" he continued.
you finally found your voice again. "Zeke Yeager. you've let me think that i was just a fuck toy to you for months?! do you know how many nights i've laid awake heartbroken i could never have you and you're telling me you've been mine all along? i can't believe that-ah!"
he annoyingly shuts you up with a kiss. and then follows the first kiss with two pecks.
"angel, i'm all yours, be mine? you've only made me wait forever" you wanted to kiss that stupid look right off of his face.
"of course I'm yours, zeke. you always show me what it's like to be loved."
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a-very-tired-raven · 2 years
For that character ask thingy, how about Undertale or Underfell Sans?
9hhhhh okay okay I'll do both lol
Classic Sans:
First impressions
I remember the first time i ever heard about undertale was seeing a balloon of sans in a store and an Ad and wallpaper with gaster(those mobile wallpaper apps)
And then suddenly I started seeing sans over the internet quite commonly(this was around 2016 when undertale was still really popular)
And FINALLY I watched my first playthrough of the game. It was Guava juices playthrough(so around 2017-2018 I believe), but I didn't get to see the entire thing because he never finished it lol
First impression of him? I was kinda creeped out at the forest scene where he comes up behind you after you exit the ruins. But after that when Papyrus popped up I legit couldn't stop laughing at his joking manner. This was awhile ago, so through I do have a memories I don't remember my complete first impression. Just bits and pieces. I just thought he and all the other characters were super intertaining.
Impressions now
After watching the playthrough and stuff I was attached! This was a few years after though, and I started reading comics, VAs, remixes and all that good stuff in the UT Fandom. I actually really love sans as a character now! He's super relatable to me, I love puns and always have, plus I have my own trombone!
Aaaand ketchup is my favorite condiment lol. I really love how people portray his character and the headcanons people have of him, and I love the strong relationship he has with his brother. He's honestly a goofy dude and I love it!
Favorite moment!
Huh...that's kinda hard to say? After giving it some thought I think my favorite moment with sans in the game is at the beginning with the puzzles with Papyrus, and when we go to grillbys. OH WAIT I KNOW my absolutely positively favorite moment is when he stacks hotdogs on frisk head lol. I always very wait very carefully and then I would SLOWLY move to the next room. Always heartbroken that the hotdogs disappear :c
Idea for a story
Aw geeze- I don't think my personal AU counts for this one so-
Sans goes through major character development and picks up his sock
Unpopular opinion
papyrus is somewhat stronger then sans
Idk yall I'd have to search my brain for an answer for this one-
Favorite relationship
definitely with Papyrus and alphys. I love sans' and papyruses vrother relationship, and how close they are together. I also believe he and alphys are besties, just seaight up dorky nerds together. Please for the love of God note that I mean this platonicly-
Favorite headcanon
Again sans and alphys are besies.
Red/UF sans will be under the cut bc this sucker is getting long
First impressions
Underfell and underswap were actually the two Aus that first introduced and showed me the concept of all the other Aus lol
My first impressions were a bit confusing (didn't know what what an AU was) but as I kept reading more about it I loved the idea! I actually really liked UF sans' character and stuff. Again this was awhile ago so full first impression is kinda blurry
Impressions now
Love this man. Love this au. It's one of my favorite AUs and uf sans is one of my favorite sans. I love the concept of brothers going through heck and back, bonds somehow growing more close then they were before, and understanding each other somewhat better. I love this au. I love his friggem personality! The ehadcanons people have!!! Especially love @rainbowchibbit 's soultale au. I belive(like I said this was so long ago-) this is one of the first ways Underfell was introduced to me, and I love how red is portrayed in this story. Stupid funny nervous gremlin man.
Favorite moment
Hnnng. Kinda hard because I could never find a good full underfell playthrough-
I guess it'd have to be him and uf toriels interactions? With the door and stuff, sjsjdhhd sorry if this answer is wonky-
Unpopular opinion
Sorry had to get that out lol
Favorite relationship
Probably his relationship with frisk(again if you even consider this romantic I will end you) and toriel.
Too tired to explain- sorry
Favorite headcanon
He absolutely does not mean to but he attracts kids of all ages and sizes.
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Hi. I'm the anon who asked about au's. I'm just shy, so don't take offense my apology! You're great and friendly! I'd like a scenario request though! I've been into vampires since the Halloween season, and wanted to request one. A little late, but I guess any time is a good time, haha. I'd like it to be with Tsukishima being vampire and spending the night at his crushes house, and he ends up feeding on her in her sleep? You can do what you like with this idea! I'm very interested to see it!
A/N: omfggg i went so so overboard with this,, im just so damn weak for vampire!tsukishima. TW: blood obviously. Also, keep in mind that this request involves a character coming into the reader’s bedroom to p much prey on her while she’s asleep. There’s nothing sexual involved, but if you suspect that that type of scene may trigger you, then I suggest you either don’t read this or read at your own discretion. Ok?? ok,..,, you’ve been warned and you’re on your own now. Word count: 1,870 (lmao my bad)
His fingers were akin to glass; their delicacy threatened with a shatter as they brushed against the daisies. Traces of pollen were dusted along his palms, petals of ivory stroking the length of his legs. Sparse grass had buried itself into the folds that rested within his clothes, lightly pricking his skin. 
Discarding the vivid memory, Tsukishima recalled that he hadn’t seen the cottage by the meadow in over a century. 
To Tsukishima, those memories resembled scratched segments of dusty videocassettes. He remembered that he had a brother named Akiteru, a seamstress for a mother and a labourer for a father. Their faces, however, were permanently forgotten. It didn’t bother Tsukishima, though - he preferred it over death. If it weren’t for Yamaguchi turning him, he would have died following the pillage. 
Prior to meeting her, Tsukishima never kept track of time since he had all of eternity to live. In the past year, he’d grown attached enough to maintain his relationship with her, but not attached enough to risk getting his head severed from his body. Tsukishima planned to cut her out of his life soon.
‘Look at you all zoned out,’ she teased, ‘I didn’t take you for an art critic.’ 
‘You want a critique?’ Tsukishima sneered, ‘this painting’s really ugly.’
‘It’s not ugly!’ she exclaimed, ‘Ojiisan gave it to me. He bought it from an artist in Nagiso long ago.’ 
‘Well, he had awful taste,’ he knew that that wasn’t his real opinion. What else was he supposed to say, though? That the painting of a cottage by a meadow reminded him of his first home? That he was alive before her grandfather was? 
Of course not.
‘You have a lot of nerve saying that…’ she poked the bridge of Tsukishima’s glasses, ‘… when you’re the one who’s wearing those. Get nicer frames.’
‘I’m sorry I like to see,’ he sarcastically said with a smirk, ‘is this how you treat your guests?’
‘You’re the one who said my painting’s ugly,’ she shrugged, collapsing on the couch. ‘I think ojiisan said he met a vampire when he visited Nagiso.’ 
‘Don’t be stupid,’ Tsukishima sneered, joining her, ‘there’s barely any in Japan.’
‘Yes there is,’ she asserted, ‘they used to live savagely centuries ago, but they’ve integrated into human society.’
Tsukishima was almost taken aback. She was right - creatures of his kind still existed and they integrated well. Too well, to the point where they were widely considered to be an extinct being.
‘Let me guess, your ojiisan told you that,’ Tsukishima masked his surprise with a taunting tone, ‘do vampires also disappear in mirrors and wear black cloaks?’ 
She crossed her arms as she stuck her tongue out childishly, ‘Make fun of me all you want, but he said that he knew what he saw. A young woman in an alleyway,’ she shuddered, her spine graced by a shiver, ‘her fangs buried deeply within a mangled cat, slurping up all its blood.’
‘How scary,’ Tsukishima mocked, pretending as though he hadn’t done such a thing. He was repulsed at the idea of feeding on animals, but centuries ago, there were times where he found himself desperate. All he fed on nowadays were suicide victims beneath a nearby cliff and from blood banks. Yamaguchi did the same.
‘Whatever,’ she stood up, stretching her arms out with a yawn, ‘don’t come crying to me if you ever do come across a vampire.’ 
‘Because in that situation, I’d definitely come to you,’ Tsukishima sarcastically remarked, ‘I’d feel safe with your wooden stake and silver.’
‘You realise I can make you sleep on the couch instead of the guest bedroom, right?’
Every attempt he made to quiet his mind had failed; it descended, further, further and further into an obsession with the possibility that a long blade would soon sever his head. 
Tsukishima was never aware that she possessed any knowledge about his kind. Vampires became less of a reality and more of an old tale. Not many knew that they ate human food, drank human drinks - the only difference was that it was all tasteless and that his nutrition could only be obtained from fresh blood. Put simply, human foods were a useless filler. 
Although she didn’t mention it, Tsukishima believed it was likely that she was aware of that fact. As his pupils fixated themselves to the ceiling, a year was suddenly no longer a fleeting moment to him. A year’s worth of a close relationship with a human was a long time. Especially when the human belongs to the minority that believed that vampires still lived amongst them. 
Yamaguchi had warned him of this, urging him to recall when hiring vampire hunters was common practise, when suspected vampires (and any human who sheltered a vampire) were burned at the stake, begging for any form of mercy. 
Tsukishima began packing away the belongings he brought with him to her home, concluding that her memory of him had to turn into a mirage, just like the faces of his family. As he made his way out the guest bedroom, he realised how he loathed how fond he grew of her. Tsukishima wanted to fully remember the arch of her brows, the lashes that curved away from her waterline, the wit of her tongue, the outline of her lips.
He passed by her bedroom, knowing that he couldn’t rely on his memories. Eventually, the centuries to come would led them to disintegrate into ashes, where they will never arise again - memories bore no similarity to a phoenix.
Turning around, Tsukishima quietly placed his duffle bag on the floor and carefully opened the door. He was unsure as to whether he could remember her once he left - but he was confident that he wouldn’t forget the flavour her blood carried. 
Her body had already been lulled into a deep state of sleep - after all, Tsukishima possessed heightened senses and could hear her slow and rhythmic breathing. 
The emotional attachment Tsukishima held towards her was constantly denied by him, until he envisioned his pillow beside hers. He falsely hoped to share that blanket with her for the nights to come, perhaps even bicker over blanket-stealing the following morning. Maybe she snored sometimes and he could tease her about it. Would they wake up at the same time, or would he wake up first? 
Tsukishima didn’t want those thoughts to exist anymore. He wanted them to burn with intense fury and relief; identical to the burning of suspected vampires centuries ago. 
She was already asleep on her side, her body facing the wall. Kneeling beside the double bed, Tsukishima warily placed a hand on her shoulder. The thumb of his other hand rested along the angle of her jaw, gently pushing her head further away from her neck. For a couple of seconds, Tsukishima merely stared at the skin he was about to pierce. She’ll keep him in mind while the marks scab over and bruise, but after that, she will forget about him; because he’ll be long gone by then. 
The longer his fangs grew, the more reluctant he became to bite into her. This wasn’t going to be the first time that Tsukishima fed on someone alive - there was a time when he was forced to do so. He knew his neck anatomy quite well, he wasn’t an idiot who recklessly bit into people and accidentally killed them.
Tsukishima’s felt the tip of his fangs touch her neck. This situation lacked any similarity to his past feedings on sleeping humans, for it was completely unrelated to survival. Rather, it was a feeble to cure his illness of melancholy; the fever that forced him to breathe the air that, to him, resembled the very salts of the ocean. Every inhale filled his lungs with blue hellfire.
That was what drove him to finally abandon his loyalty to cautiousness.
Tsukishima haphazardly sink his fangs into her neck, memorising the intensity of the iron. He knew that if he were to suddenly pull his head away in that moment, he’d rip her neck wide open. But he had to bite down with that much force. He had to remember her. 
As hot, thick scarlet slid down Tsukishima’s throat, he began to actually consider the consequences. With the mark, she’d easily have the power to report him. Although the probability of anyone believing her was slim, his actions were still creating the possibility of his death. For a mere second, Tsukishima even pictured himself turning her.
Once a low yelp was heard by Tsukishima’s hypersensitive ears, he rid his mind of those disorganised thoughts. He was sure that his absence of self-control had awakened her, yet he began to question whether he really was scared of getting killed. Tsukishima’s lived for centuries. He’d seen it all. 
With that realisation, Tsukishima strengthened his grip and pushed her head even further away from her neck. He noted that as his gulps turned longer and deeper, her whimpers grew louder and her knuckles curled themselves into the sheets.
When he finally pulled away, he watched her reluctantly place her fingers on the wound, smearing the bloody marks in the process. Tsukishima’s lips were still warm, a crimson trail slowly dripping down his chin. 
Tsukishima sat up, retracting his fangs back into his gums. He headed towards the door, wiping away the blood with the back of his hand. He forced the turmoil within his chest to be replaced with apathy, since he already knew the facial expression that will rest upon her face once she turned around - forehead wrinkled, eyebrows knitted, lip corners pulled downwards - sheer terror.
‘You…’ she trailed off, her voice uncertain, ‘… if you wanted to bite me that bad, you could have just asked.’
For the first time since Yamaguchi turned him, Tsukishima was the one stunned by a human. His eyelids drew themselves back slightly, his mouth agape with an intense confusion. Tsukishima didn’t want to look at her - he had no desire for her to see the breach of his facade. 
‘I already knew.’ 
After a long pause, Tsukishima snapped. ‘And you didn’t tell me,’ The apathy within his chest started to dissipate, an immeasurable confusion and fury settling in. ‘Instead, you decided to have a casual conversation with me about my kind.’ 
‘Kei,’ she said, ‘turn around and look me in the eye,’ she’d never used his first name before. He never did, either, although he always wished their relationship would reach a point where he could. 
Tsukishima obliged with her command. ‘You think I’m a fool, do you?’ his skin almost sizzled against his bones, overwhelmed by every form of hurt he’d experienced throughout the centuries. ‘All this time, you acted like you’re oblivious to what I am and spoke to me as though I’m a human.’
Mainly, it was the hurt that was buried within the sense of imminent loss.
‘Well, I’m not a human,’ Tsukishima revealed his fangs once more, clenching his teeth in anger, ‘and that means that I’ll kill you right now.’ 
‘You won’t,’ she said, her smile soft enough to be mistaken for a smirk. She was smug about the fact that her suspicion was true, though - this was Tsukishima’s crush, after all. 
She slowly stepped closer to him until she was able to firmly press her chest against his. Tenderly placing an open palm against Tsukishima’s cheek, the pad of her thumb gently stroked his cheekbone; an attempt to induce tranquillity within him. Once her gentle gesture ceased, she hooked an index finger underneath the fabric of her shirt, pulling it away from her neck to expose the bare skin of her shoulder.
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ernmark · 5 years
I was just rereading the married in space vegas au, and the line "Between the two of us, I'd rather be Peter Nureyev," just kills me every time. Any chance we could get another installment?
Holy crap, this past month has been packed.
But I’ve been tapping away at it when I’ve gotten a spare minute. So here’s the next bit:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Part 4 
According to the Office of Annulments– there’s a goddamn department for these things– it’ll take upwards of six business days before the marriage license is in the system, and only after that will they be able to begin the long process of getting it expunged.
It would have taken three business days, but Juno had to shoot off his big mouth and piss off the clerk. That’s three more days that he’s got to pay for overpriced food and an overpriced hotel room, on top of the already ridiculous filing fees.
“If it’s money you’re worried about–”
“It’s not,” Juno snaps too quickly, and then lowers his voice to something less aggressive. “I’m fine. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
“It occurred to me that we’re both here longer than expected. And the cost of the hotel is going to be the lion’s share of the expenses, after everything else is spoken for. I certainly wouldn’t mind cutting down on that cost.”
“Good luck finding a cheaper place, Nureyev,” Juno mutters. “This is the most economy you’re gonna get inside the city limits.”
“I was thinking more of splitting the bill.” He says it so delicately it’s almost clinical. He’s nervous about asking– because he’s scared he’s gonna get shot down? Or because he’s already been shouted at once in this conversation?
“What, you mean like sharing the room?” Juno asks, careful not to sound too snide. He’s not going to mock the guy just for coming up with an idea, even if it is weird. “Sure you want to be sleeping next to a stranger?”
“Come now, is that any way to speak about your husband?”
Juno’s response is a silent, stony glare.
“I’m only teasing,” Nureyev says warmly. “But we have managed to spend one night in the same room without any major bodily harm.”
“Tell that to my hangover.”
“I don’t see why we can’t continue on this way.”
“Maybe because the last time we woke up hitched. I don’t know about you, but that seems like a good reason to me.”
“That’s just it, though,” Nureyev steps closer, and his big brown eyes are impossibly bright. “The worst of it is already behind us. It isn’t as though we could possibly be more married than we already are.”
Juno looks away. “You’re missing out on a whole lot of worst-case scenarios.” He sighs. Damn this guy. If Juno doesn’t keep an eye on him, Nureyev might actually wake up in a bathtub full of ice or something. “Okay, fine. You’ve got a point. Splitting the bill is a pretty good idea.”
Nureyev smiles, only it isn’t just a smile. How the hell does the guy get his face to light up like that?
“So which one of us is checking out of their room?”
“Would you mind terribly if I do?” Nureyev asks. “Between the smell and the lumps in the mattress, I had to check the bed twice to make sure it wasn’t hiding any bodies. The alcohol aside, last night was the best night of sleep I’ve gotten in days.”
Juno glances at the bed. A king-sized mattress. He hadn’t exactly been planning to spend this bender with anyone, or he would have gotten the two queens instead. Transferring to a new room will cost extra. So will a roll-out cot. This goddamn hotel is gonna squeeze every last cred out of him, isn’t it?
But he had this coming, didn’t he? He was so busy trying to forget all his problems that he got himself a whole mess of new ones. The bed’s made, and now he’s got to lie in it. Or… not lie in it.
“Fine,” he says. “You get the bed. I’ll sleep in the chair.” He jerks his chin at the armchair in the corner. It’s not gonna be the best sleep of his life by a long shot, but it’ll be a hell of a lot better than nodding off behind a desk.
Nureyev looks affronted. “Juno, you can’t. I’m not about to chase you out of your own bed.”
“I said it’s fine.”
“I’ll take the chair. I insist.” Goddamn Nureyev acting like a goddamn martyr. Like Juno’s not the one who got them into this situation in the first place.
“I’m taking the chair and that’s final,” Juno snaps back.
He thinks he’s won the argument, but Nureyev rises to his full height and looks imperiously at him. “Very well. You can have the chair. And I’ll take the floor.”
“For fuck’s sake.” Juno scrapes a hand down his face. Why are they even paying for a room, then? They might as well sneak into a janitor’s closet or something. “We’ll share the bed, okay? It’s big enough that we won’t get in each other’s way.”
Nureyev seems to shrink back down to his normal size. “Are you sure?”
“I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
At least, Juno means to keep his hands to himself. After four hours on the comms with his spaceline, he’s too exhausted to really worry about who’s sleeping on the other side of the bed. Hell, he’s ready to pass out without a thought about dinner, but then Nureyev comes back from wherever he’d wandered off to while Juno was busy swearing at customer service reps.
“Did you get everything worked out?” Nureyev asks.
Juno drags himself out of the armchair. “Yeah. I’m off tomorrow’s flight, and they’re holding my seat until we can get this all cleared up.”
“That sounds like quite the victory.” Nureyev pulls a takeout bag out of his coat. The thin paper bulges around a pair of sandwiches. “Shall we celebrate?”
Juno could kiss him for that.
Maybe that’s what does it– the idea of it floating around in his subconscious while he’s asleep, making decisions for him that he wouldn’t have made. Maybe he’s just cold and gravitates to the nearest source of warmth. Maybe his body remembers the rightness of not sleeping alone.
Why it happens doesn’t matter.
What matters is that he wakes up nestled with his head on Nureyev’s shoulder, his arm around a slender waist, their legs intertwined. It would be fantastic if Juno had actually meant to do it, if he hadn’t explicitly said he wouldn’t, if Nureyev had agreed to something so compromising. Right here, right now, all Juno can feel is a surge of panic. 
And it only gets worse when Nureyev yawns, showing off those sharp teeth. He’s awake. “Good morning, Juno.”
Juno tries to roll put some more distance between them, but he’s too thoroughly entangled in the sheets to make a clean getaway. “Shit,” he mutters. “Listen, I wasn’t trying to pull a fast one on you or anything. This just happened.” Goddammit, he should have slept on the floor. “I’m not some creep.”
“It’s alright.” Maybe Nureyev would be more pissed if he wasn’t still half asleep. “I can’t say I mind waking up this way.”
Seriously? The reversal hits him like whiplash. 
“You wake up like this very often?” Adrenaline sharpens Juno’s voice into an accusation.
Nureyev just chuckles. “Is that jealousy I hear?”
“Jealous?” Juno raises himself incredulously on one elbow. “What the hell would I be jealous about? I barely know you.”
Nureyev gives him an odd smile. “Most mornings I wake up alone, as a matter of fact. As much as I enjoy travelling for my work, it doesn’t leave many opportunities to date. To be perfectly honest, I’d mostly given up on the prospect.”
Juno bristles. “We’re not dating.”
“Only married.” Nureyev chuckles again, completely unfazed. Funny– as tightly wound as Juno’s feeling, it’s hard to stay on edge when the Nureyev is so calm. “I know this situation is temporary, but I must say, I’m enjoying the novelty of it all. It’s something I never thought I’d get to experience for myself.”
Juno deflates a little bit despite himself. It wasn’t too long ago that he was fantasizing about married life– right before all those hopes and dreams got yanked out from under him. He’s missed all those dreams, as much as he’s been trying to convince himself otherwise. He’s missed having someone beside him as he drifts off to bed. He’s missed waking up to the sound of another heartbeat.
“Juno,” Nureyev says gently, tugging Juno out of his thoughts. “Could I ask you to indulge me?”
“More than I already am?”
“Only as far as you’re willing,” Nureyev says. “Only until the annulment goes through.”  
Juno sighs. Of course. “Listen, if you want sex you can just ask for it, alright?” 
“Duly noted. But I was hoping for something a little more… domestic.” Nureyev leans in, conspiratorially close, and Juno’s struck by the memory of other conversations held early in the morning, of another face blinking at him bleary-eyed as they gathered the energy to get out of bed, whining playfully for Juno to kick their slippers to the other side of the bed so they don’t have to walk barefoot on the cold floor. “So long as we’re here, I’d like to enjoy the full experience.” 
“If–” When did Juno’s voice get so raw? “If you’re hoping to enjoy married life, you proposed to the wrong lady.”
Some of the languid warmth drains out of Nureyev, and he’s a little more formal than before, a little less sultry. “Ah. Apologies, Juno. I didn’t intend to–”
“I don’t mean it like that,” Juno says before he can stop himself, which is stupid. It’s so stupid. He’s got a perfect opening to get out of this situation, no questions asked, no strings attached. He should take it. If he had half a brain he would take it. But he’s always been an idiot. “If you want to play at being a couple or whatever, that’s– that’s fine. But in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly all sunshine and roses. I can’t promise you won’t regret it.” 
Nureyev smiles, and Juno wishes he could soak up all the warmth in that smile. “Of course not. But a bit of risk is what makes it an adventure.”
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claymorecut · 5 years
Journey of a shipper: Kontae and how I fell for this ship?
OKAY! SO I'M FINALLY DOING THIS. Writing a long ass meta about this ship because hell, I love them and this ship is beautiful and I just need more content for this ship, so I'm making some myself! Before I start, it's just my opinion and I don't mean to offend anybody and second, I'm not a great analyst. I'm just going to ramble about stuff here and it's pretty long. So, enjoy!
I remember making this post about gintama ships back when I first started watching Gintama and I remember mentioning Kontae there. The sweet and kind guy falls for the hard-core and strong willed woman. A ship dynamic I really love. And their interactions, so damn funny I can't even say! And the 10 years gap didn't look like a big issue to me; they are both adults so I was okay with it. This ship looked funny to me, Kondou blushing, asking her to marry him, butt hair and all xD but also made me feel like "it may not get too far". But Idk why, I decided to stick with it. Because i was just so much in love with Kondou and Otae's characters. But in between all that, I really didn't see any kind of romance happening between these two and I was like maybe in an AU, they'd make a really good couple. It's not happening in Gintama 'cause I really don't see any kind of romance happening in this universe (and yet, I continued shipping xD)
But, I was wrong.
When the Yagyuu arc came and I watched episode 81. And my faith in this ship was restored. I know there were some ship-tease moments for gintae in the benizakura arc and the yagyuu arc but then this scene came:
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I know, I know, it wasn't literal but what if it was? Well, that's not the question here. I was pretty surprised to hear this myself. Gintoki saying "She'll make it up to him" and Hijikata saying "She loves him. She's just playing hard to get" and all then Otae comes and saves Kondou from his Gorilla marriage. I got the verdict here tho. Maybe it was just for comedic purpose, maybe not. But still, it was enough for me to continue shipping them coz they looked hella cute and I just thought I'd just stick to it. Maybe, I'm gonna find something big soon. I found other ships like Hijimitsu and Gintsu! But that's a topic for another day.
The pool arc came, which is like ep 217 and yes, nothing huge happened but remember how Gintoki was a making fun of Otae's breasts and how he wasn't interested in looking at her flat chest but Kondou, who was, like always, stalking her, then says he's ready to explore every part of her to find the nipple xD and Otae just punches him. Yeah that was funny. And then Tae later again comments that she can see right through Gintoki's actions and Gintoki retorts again by saying that he's not interested in her camel toe. Then this scene happens:
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Kondou says he has no interest in camel toe and Tae again punches him while yelling "YOU DON'T?!"
Weird, right?
I know, it was weird for me too! But what can I say, these short details were what made me feel like maybe, JUST MAYBE, Tae has a thing for Kondou. Just look how offended she is. I know Kondou didn't mean to disrespect her neither was he rejecting her but I think Tae feels like he is. And so she goes like "what do u mean u don't?! Don't you love me!?" Even if it was just a sexual reference, it made me think that maybe, Hijikata was right. She does try to play hard and that there is something.
Then came the love choriss arc and I got a major hint.
How Sayaka-chan was Kondou's virtual girlfriend and how he introduced her to everyone in the Shimura residence. Yup then this happens.
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This was stupid and weird and funny and my Kontae heart screamed "YER JEALOUS TAE!"
Just look at her going all dramatic while getting worried about Shinpachi. Well, of course she'll be worried about Shinpachi's well being and how her brother is just drowing into his own virtual world but Why. Throw. Kondou's. Game? If she really doesn't feel anything for him then there's no reason for her to throw Kondou's game. Why not let him stay in his own virtual world with his own virtual girlfriend? What were you planning, Sorachi-sama?
It was the very first time when it looked very evident to me that Tae has something for Kondou deep inside. That whole dramatic scream "THIS CAN'T BE!" just after Kondou introduced Sayaka-chan. I listened to that dialogue very closely and it first started with Kondo introducing her then Gintoki saying something like you're in this shit too? And soon was followed by Tae's dramatic "this can't be! Is Shin-chan going to be like this too!?" while throwing Kondou's game out and Kondou screaming "Sayaka-chan!!"
Tae's jealousy is still a mystery here but I still feel like, somewhere she was.
Moving on!
They went out on a date, which was a disaster and then alongside Kyubei in the Beam Saber arc, how Kondou fought for Otae I started to feel a lot more from Kondou's side. Yes. The stalking is a running gag but Kondou's feelings were given more comedic effect rather than highlighting it in a very serious tone. But that's how Sensei does his work. Gintama is supposed to be funny and this ship is supposed to be funny and I really wasn't expecting any intense and serious Kontae moment in the series.
Well, Sorachi-sama proved me wrong. AND I THANK HIM SO, SO VERY MUCH!
The Genderbender arc came, Kyubei is now this handsome hunk and Tae is blushing furiously and Kondou is this blond bombshell which is his too good! It's been shown over and over again that even if Kondou is a stalker, he just wants to see Otae happy. That's what he always wanted even if he isn't the reason for her happiness. When Jyubei and Tae starts meeting frequently, Kondou comes and encourages Jyubei to stop worrying about other and enjoy himself with Tae. He even says that he's happy with just being her friend and I think this proves how much he cares for her. He gives them those movie tickets telling he actually wanted to ask her out but now that he's like this, can't be with her like the way he always wanted to and now Jyubei is the only one who can take care of her. He was genuinely hurting but what matters most to him is Otae and so he leaves them while saying "if you make her cry, I'll arrest you". Even Kyubei later mentions it that it was him who was hurting and crying and he just happily sacrificed Otae so that she can be happy.
Then came the roach motel arc and OTAE WEARS THE KIMONO THAT KONDOU GAVE! Yes, not in the episode but in opening 15 she does and even in the manga cover! Ah..the feels. Well, coming back to the point, this episode was basically everybody bullying Kondou but the good part here was the ending of this episode. Kondou knowing that he was getting bullied and that Tae was a part of all this but he still says "that's how Otae-san is. This is what makes her, her." That was beautiful; he accepts her for who she is. He knows that she's brash and manipulative and even abusive but she's also kind and strong and beautiful; even after all her flaws he still continues to accept and love her. That's true love. And then comes Otae's part. She slowly starts to learn more and more about him, I think she knew he wasn't stalking her. And then she finally admits that she actually had fun with Kondou and that she got to see a new side of him while hugging that roach mask. She was happy to discover a new side of him, no stalking attached. I was so amazed to see this happening coz like I said, I wasn't expecting all these serious Kontae moments but these were actually happening. It was a breath of fresh air and I was really happy to see a developed relationship between these two characters which just made me ship them even more.
Then comes the love incense arc which was just....bizarre. What was Sensei thinking while writing this arc? Why would you do that to my poor kokoro!? But whatever, nothing is properly explained here, everybody is falling in love with everybody, Kondou turns gay, Gintoki just loses his senses and is sleeping with practically everybody, Tsukuyo's feelings for Gintoki starts to go havoc. But then, Tae and Kyubei comes in the picture. And they're in love with Gintoki too. But then, things change. Take turns out to be in love with Kondou! Hell, she was actually JEALOUS! Yes, it was the love incense and yes, this arc is just too crazy to explain anything properly but hear me out. What if, the love incense actually triggered some of Tae's hidden feelings for Kondou? Just like Tsukuyo's. Coz she actually saw Gintoki's dick first when she inhaled that smoke. Not him. But she ended up discovering her own feelings towards him. So what if this was the same case with Tae? We all saw that she was under the effect of that drug and was in love with Gintoki so Sensei, why this change of plans?
No answers, right? I don't have them either. It's just the little theory I came up with. What was Tae's real feelings? But soon the Shogun Assassination and the Farwell Shinsengumi arcs are followed after this.
And GOOD LORD! Sensei actually proved me wrong! By giving one of the most beautifully written scenes between these two characters.
It isn't always when Sorachi-sama actually decides to go for the romantic plot but in Kontae's case, I felt like he actually hinted a LOT. The very first ship in Gintama where I felt like no, this isn't just one-sided but actually, feelings were shown from both the sides, especially Tae. Like everyone, she misses him. But Tae remembering him like this and crying when she's about to get her neck slashed:
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"A real man, a real samurai would never do something like this. That man, would never do something like this."
She knows him, she knows what kind of a man Kondou really is. And even at a time like this, Kondou is the man who comes in her mind. A true man, true police, a true samurai who not for once tried to force himself upon her. Not for once showed any kind of disgrace towards any other people or her. All this time, she comes to learn more and more about him and you know, it was worth the time.
Even Shinpachi sees it.
"I'll bring that man, and everyone, back to you for sure. So wait for us with the same old smile on your face, Sis."
Why exclude him from everybody? There has a meaning behind this and a deep one and tbh, I see a romantic meaning behind this. Shinpachi addressing Kondou like this, it was new. It's not always when Sensei uses such points to evoke a romantic gesture but when he does, it sure leaves an impact.
And this is not the last time he used such implications for KonTae. Fast forward to ep 316, Tae is at Kozenigata's place and she's now leaving. Haji and Konzenigata both tries to stop her because it was dangerous outside and the police organisation isn't working properly and she replies,
"That's exactly why police need to go back to their jobs, and cabaret girls have to go back to their job."
It's like foreshadowing their relationship- the police and the cabaret girl. And then Kozenigata just simply puts a cherry on top.
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"They must have come back. Her police."
And Kondou pops out of that dustbin!
And then come the dialogues.
"Don't you think it's high time you stop doing this....You'll catch a cold."
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"Why did you have to say that out of all days? I wish you had acted like always, called me a perverted stalker and hit me like you always do. You're....making it hard to say goodbye."
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The voice acting, the dialogues, the animation, honestly everything screams romantic here. And yeah, the close-up happy-sad faces, if you've seen/read romantic anime/manga, you should know it's a shoujo trope used to display romantic feelings between two characters. And if I'm just making speculations, they're sharing the same umbrella...
Two people, especially a man and a woman, sharing an umbrella in rain is considered as a symbol of romance in Japan.
This kinda proves that romance is present in this scene.
And then finally this.
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These eyes literally says it all. It's like Tae saying I'll wait for you and when you come back, I'll happily welcome you and then we can go back to those old days. Just like how Shinpachi said.
And I think, this is the very first and the only time, Sensei used this gesture. And this is just too much for me to not ignore it!
The way Kondou looks at Tae while talking to her, it almost feels like he's telling her to not look so sad. Like I've mentioned before, Kondou wants to see her smile. And i think, in this scene it's crushing for him to see her with such a sad smile on her face. That is the last thing he wants to see. That's why he said he wanted to see her react the way she always did. And Tae not acting like that and instead showing such emotions towards him, it's too overwhelming. Just think how Kondou would be feeling there. Tae seeing him off, her eyes glistening while she sees him walk away but also waits for his arrival in the near future, its simply poetic.
The reunion between these two is as funny as ever, Kontae was back in its own color. When Okita said Kondou was always okay with their usual type of setting, he meant to say that Kondou was happy in those old days. That's what he said in the FS arc, he wanted to see her in her usual self, no sad face, no crying, just a happy Otae who loves to beat the crap outta him but also respects him. Things really were pretty intense in the SA and FS arcs but I don't think Sensei wanted to continue this for long. It was like Sensei saying, we're back to the old days, happy days. The Silver Soul arc and the ongoing arc isn't as intense as these two arcs and that's what Sensei wants to say "we're back to those good ol' day". But that doesn't mean he threw away all those meaningful moments between these two; it was so heavily implied. Just because of a troll scene, one cannot disregard the whole development and say "it was never there" because of course there was something which was very much visible to the viewers/readers, even if it isn't present now doesn't mean it was all a joke or just some i-just-wrote-it-but-now-it-doesnt-mean-anything bullshit. Yeah, the ship isn't canon but that also doesn't mean it sank. I mean, Kondou is not gonna marry that gorilla anymore so....
Imo, KonTae is the only ship in Gintama where romantic feelings are implied from both the sides. It really didnt look unrequited. It's not only Kondou or Tae, it's both of them and both of them have actually shown interest in each other in a way which I won't say is completely ambiguous. The FS arc was the part where it is shown how far their relationship has come and how they have come to learn and respect each other, maybe even love each other. I'm not forcing these ideas on anybody, these are facts and I'm sure even non-shippers must have noticed these moments as well. Honestly, the romantic implications were heavy here, the scenes, the dialogues, the "Take care" which is just too beautiful to not to be ignored. Even if I don't see canon pairings happening here, I still somehow hope for this ship.
My love for Gintsu is eternal but Kontae, this is the only ship where I feel like has come a lot far. And even other characters have mentioned their relationship and in a serious note. Check all those subtle hints, pick up the whole FS arc, it's there. A relationship that started with a gag but now is fully developed where I can see loads of potential. It's a ship that's been here from the very beginning of the series and it didn't look rushed at all. Another universe of how I met your mother lol.
People can ship whatever they like and I'm really not trying to push my thoughts onto anybody here.
But KonTae, this ship is no gag or joke and it deserves more love.
It's stupid, it's hilarious, it's beautiful and it's properly developed and that's why I fell for this ship so hard.
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