#needed to do a warm up for art. im really feeling it now lets go
poppy-metal · 14 hours
after the whole patrick lending you to art for forgiveness ordeal…… you are so unbelievably embarrassed. it’s bad enough patrick knows what you’re like, what you really want from a man, but now art knows? art, who you’ve spoken to maybe 5 times, knows the lows, knows how far you would degrade yourself to make the man you love happy. art, a mere stranger, knows that when you’re used your pussy gets soaking wet. when you’re disrespected you squeeze like you’re afraid he’ll leave. and being the kind warm person he is, he smiles at you, he waves at you like you’re friends. like you know anything about the other except for what they feel like on the inside. and god, he hadn’t even used protection. he came inside you in front of your boyfriend, and now he was free to roam the halls and smile and wave and come up to patrick and hang out and you got so quiet and so flushed it was like you were the third wheel. what really got you was how much you liked it. you liked being used. you wanted art to fuck you as hard as he needed to forgive patrick, you wanted him to hurt you. but something about it left a craving, a lingering desire. he didn’t like you like you liked him. you wanted him, him, but the only reason he did it that night was to get back at patrick, to set things right. you understood why he was so mean, but the docile and nagging part of yourself wanted to be so good he had to be nice. nice, kind, warm art. the art patrick got. you wanted that.
patrick, ever observant, knows exactly how you feel. knows you want more, but don’t know how to ask. knows art wants more, because once they’re reconciled, best friends talk. started off as a joke over beer, asking would it be so bad if it happened again? decided it wouldn’t be bad. it would be really really good. and maybe it would be even better if it happened again and again and again.
so they pull you into arts bedroom, saying they wanna “talk”, but they mainly talk to each other about you. you sit between them, cheeks burning, as patrick palms the squashed fat of your ass, as he’s allowed to do, while art gently pushes your hair away from your neck and breathes there, as you didn’t know he was allowed to do.
“patrick told me you’re embarrassed about what we did. is that true, baby?”
baby. you shudder and look to patrick, panicked, but he only smiles. he raised his eye brows and on command you answer.
“i’m really sorry about that. aren’t i, pat?”
“mhm. he wants to make it up to you. you don’t have to be embarrassed you know.”
their hands and mouths moved like magnets closer to your skin, patrick pawing at your thigh and ass as arts nose brushes your throat as he kisses your collarbone.
“ok,” you say, barely over a whisper.
“ok? ok what?”
“ok. make it up to me.”
such a brave command in such a weak voice. they both laugh, and the air tickles your neck.
they are going to take good care of you. their good little girl
im gonna bite you like im really gonna do it im gonna bite you im gonna sink my teeth in you
brain short circuiting actually head empty just patrick holding your thighs to your chest so art can eat slowly at your cunt like the slut he is - flashing those blue eyes at you. like hes cataloging your expressions, finding what places he has to tongue at to make your thighs twitch, your toes curl.
patricks not a bystander either. he bands one thick arm beneath your knees to keep you in place, his other hand reaching up to cup your jaw - turn your head to his so he can see you too. "you like my friends tongue on your pussy?" when your chest heaves and your eyes dart away he grins and leans in, "you dont have to lie. i think it's fucking hot."
then his tongue is in your mouth and you're opening for him, splitting your lips to let him inside at the same time arts tongue parts your lower lips to lap across your entrance. you cant help how your cunt squeezes, trying to drag him inside. he pulls back.
"can i eat her ass?"
you gasp when patrick lets you go. chin wet with spit from his thorough tongue fuck of your mouth. it isn't lost on you how art didn't bother to ask you, he asks patrick. that makes you squirm. arch back into patricks hard body which rumbles with a low laugh.
"you're gonna make her fall in love with you if you do that. she loves having her ass played with. think she'd be happy if i just fucked that hole and didn't touch her pussy at all."
art is gripping his cock through his boxers. squeezing the head. "fuck." his eyes finally meet yours and he licks his lips. "you want me to?"
as much as you do love it, its still embarrassing to admit. its such an intimate place. even now you can feel your rim clenching like its shy. shy but eager for the attention.
"o-okay." you tell him. and patrick reaches down, thick hands spreading your cheeks till all of you is exposed. wet cunt still open from the work art put in with his mouth, the seam between your asscheeks spread to reveal your little twitching hole. it winks repeatedly at arts stare. "please," you whine, the humiliation making you run hot, burning burning burning between them. you cover your face with your hands when art starts to lean in, pink lips parted, face flushed, blonde locks wild around his head like a halo.
his cherubic beauty is what makes the act so fucking lewd. and when the touch of his tongue flutters against your tight hole you cry out, high and whiney.
"aw," patrick says in faux sympathy. you know he doesn't actually feel bad. you can feel the hard length of his dick at your back. he loves when you're embarrassed. thinks its cute. "you're gonna make her cry, art."
you hear art moan, feel the vibration of it between your cheeks that patrick is keeping spread wide - his tongue is lapping at your rim steadily, soft coaxing licks that has the furled muscle relaxing for him. hes evil, theres nothing cherubic about him at all, you decide. hes the devil.
"little babies gonna cry cause her ass is getting tonguefucked -" lips press against the side of your head. gentle. "all your secrets are out now, baby. we both know what a fucking pervert you are. open your eyes and watch art lick your hole, c'mon."
and like the puppet on strings you are, you listen.
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punkitt-is-here · 8 months
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she thinks about it at random and starts giggling to herself
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sipsteainanxiety · 1 year
holding out (just for you) [3] || katsuki b.
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pairing: dragon!bakugo katsuki x reader
word count: 12.9k+
mentions: female reader, fantasy au, near death experience, descriptions of injuries (blood, some light gore, nausea, poisoning wrt reader), not completely revised akhdfg, aged up chars (24+), sfw, second pov, part of the bnha big bang collab!
with art drawn by the talented @your-fellow-passerine!! here is a link to the original post (give it some love!!!!) <33
side note: there had been some confusion wrt the ending of ch2 when i had posted it so im here to say that bkg did not leave LOL.
masterlist part two
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You had a feeling for a while now that Bakugo didn’t like being indebted to you. 
You picked it up from some of his more subtle mannerisms whenever you brought him food or spent hours on end healing him. You didn’t mind, you really didn’t, and you tried telling him as much. But well, if there was one thing you learned about him over all these months, it was that he was a stubborn bastard (and he knew that, too). He could be grumpy all he wanted, though—it wasn’t like you were going to stop.
One day, you were just finishing up on healing the wound near his eye when he decided to puff a small bit of smoke directly into your face. Your nose scrunched slightly as you waved away the cloud with a hand and looked into his eye expectantly. He was lucky his smoke smelled kind of good; you don’t think you would have tolerated him doing it so often if it didn’t. “Need something?”
He made a deep rumble and lifted his head up, your hands dropping away from it as he jerked his chin towards his back. You looked at it curiously. “Oh, do you want me to heal—” 
He cut you off with a light growl and shake of his head. You could only watch him dumbly, not quite understanding even as he appeared to get a bit irritated. He gestured to his back again and gave his wings a little flap, then looked pointedly down at you with another huff. 
“Oh!” You brightened as his actions seemed to click together in your head. “You wanna go somewhere?” He let out a snort and lowered his head to give you a gentle nudge with the tip of his nose. “With me?” A puff of caramel-scented smoke and quick nod was all the confirmation you needed. “Sure, we’ve got time.” The sun wouldn’t set for a while. You stepped around him to tug on your bag and head over to his back, your eyes moving to look for somewhere you could sit atop him. It wouldn’t be an issue if he didn’t have all those spikes in the way. 
Just as the thought crossed your mind, though, Bakugo lowered himself closer to the ground. After a short moment that had you raising an eyebrow at him, he retracted his spikes completely into his body. You stared at his smooth back for a second, then looked at him with bewilderment painted across your features. He avoided your gaze a bit, then flicked his eyes towards you. “Wow! Since when could you do that?!” He only snorted as a response. 
It took a bit of shimmying to crawl your way up Bakugo’s back—his scales were warm like an hearth under your palms and slightly slippery as though coated in a light layer of oil—but you eventually managed to nestle yourself in the crook where his neck met his back. Your legs dangled down from the sides of his neck in a way that reminded you of riding a horse—except your thighs were forced to spread apart much wider. You were going to be sore as all hell tomorrow.  
You rested your hands lightly on his neck in front of you and looked up to see him peering back at you, one slitted, crimson eye sharply trained on your form. You gave him a thumbs up, doing your best to ignore the butterflies fluttering away in your stomach. Were you really about to do this? “Ready!” You guessed you were.
Bakugo chuffed and turned back around as the muscles in his back rolled beneath you. It was an entirely different experience being on top of him as he prepared to take off. Part of you kind of preferred to be on the ground—watching—instead. Your heart shot up to your throat when his wings gave two massive flaps somewhere behind you, and you leaned forward to wrap your arms around his thick neck as much as you could, practically cementing your body against him. 
“Ohhh my goddd,” you choked out, holding on for dear life as he leapt up into the air in a sudden, quick motion and flew up, and up, and up. Your stomach lurched, your hair whipped around sporadically. You almost didn’t want to look down, but you did, and you gaped in amazement as the clearing got smaller and smaller. The forest turned into an indecipherable ocean of green and if you looked to your left, you could see the small houses and buildings that made up Yuuei. 
Bakugo eventually leveled off and started heading in the direction of Mount Kamino. Since his movements were less rocky than they were while he was climbing up into the air, you were able to somewhat let go of his neck to sit yourself up. The wind pushed your hair back and stung at your eyes from being this high, but it wasn’t unbearable. You breathed in deeply, the crisp air filling your lungs, then exhaled it all in a relieved sigh. The warmth of the gleaming sun to your left and the coolness of being at this altitude contrasted against each other, but you felt nothing but the heat radiating from the dragon beneath you.
You stared around in wonder, the vast expanse of blue that stretched on until it reached the silver lining of the horizon. You felt like you could get lost in all that blue, unable to tell left from right or forward from backward. The thought made you suppress a small shiver and you turned your attention to the puffy, white clouds that Bakugo soared by—you couldn’t help but reach out to them, humorously imagining that you could just snatch a chunk off to hold in your hand. 
If you peeked down at the Earth, you could see the moment when the grey of Mount Kamino met the thick forest that surrounded it. Some distance away, you could see Lake Might—a mirror in the ground that felt like a portal to another universe. That you could fall through and end up in another sky not unlike this one. Your eyes moved to skim over the face of the mountain, locating a familiar dark cave atop an equally as familiar slope.
You felt, more than heard, the rumble that quaked through Bakugo’s chest. You raised your head to look at him; he’d turned his head slightly to peer at you from the corner of a glowing, ruby eye. 
“This is amazing!” You laughed out, a silly grin on your slowly numbing face. He snorted and returned his gaze to the front. Where you both were going, you didn’t know, but you trusted him.
You got so lost in watching the green ground pass below you—the way Bakugo’s shadow drifted across the clouds he soared above—that when he started to decelerate and tilted himself downwards, you blinked in surprise. There was a large clearing atop a plateau that he circled around once before he dropped himself down onto it in a smooth landing. You hardly felt yourself get jostled around. He puffed out some smoke and crouched his legs so you could slide off his back, your thighs only slightly sore for now. 
You straightened out your clothes and looked around to see where he’d taken you. It really was just a regular clearing. You wandered away from him and crouched down by a flower sticking out from tall blades of grass. A familiar, cerulean-colored flower, with petals shaped in the form of a star and leaves that reminded you of the hearts Denki would sometimes doodle on the sides of your drink containers. Your jaw dropped open. 
“Zeniths!” you exclaimed as you picked said flower and jumped to your feet so you could spin around to face Bakugo. He was watching you quietly, his eyes flicking down to the Zenith as you scurried closer to him to brandish it eagerly. “You found a clearing!! Shit, look at all this!” You waved your hand out at the seemingly endless field covered in cerulean flowers. “This is enough to last me years!” You turned back to look at him with a wide smile that made the apples of your cheeks hurt. “Thank you! Truly.”
For a moment, all he did was stare down at you. Then he snorted out some smoke into your face and turned his head to look away in a random direction. You only laughed at his reaction and jogged off to start collecting as many Zeniths as you could. You’d have to remember where this clearing was for the future—maybe you could come back on your own.
You took your time to carefully pluck and bundle the Zeniths, wrapping their stems together with string so you could stash them in your bag. At one point, you looked around to see what Bakugo was up to and saw that he’d taken to the skies again—you hadn’t even noticed when he’d lifted off, so absorbed in your work. He was steadily circling around the plateau, clearly enjoying himself, in his own way. 
You wandered over to a particularly rough, bumpy, patch of the plateau and knelt down to gather the Zeniths there. But you paused, for a short second, as you felt a faint tremor through the soles of your shoes. You slowly stood up and waited to see if there would be another, your eyes latched onto the gently swaying grass and flowers below you. One second, two seconds—a faint shake. Three seconds, four seconds. The ground shifted. You furrowed your eyebrows.
And then the Earth erupted beneath your feet.
You let out a yelp as you tumbled backwards onto the grass and dirt, your brain not fully processing what was happening. Your reflexes kicked into overdrive when you noticed a large, dark shadow shoot towards your disoriented form, and you were just barely able to toss yourself to the side to avoid it. A large jaw snapped near your head, missing it by inches. You rolled, heart picking up a frantic beat when you heard a low, raspy hissing. From your periphery, something grey and scaley—covered with flecks of brown and green—gyrated at your side and sunk back into the ground. You stared at where it had disappeared, the Earth a mess of overturned soil that quivered for a second before it stilled. 
You swallowed thickly, breaths bated, and slowly picked yourself up from the ground. You kept your eyes locked on the area around you. And you listened. And you waited. You were scared to take a further step for fear of disturbing the odd silence that had befallen the field, but you forced yourself to slowly inch away from your spot. You licked at your dry lips, a foreboding feeling settling in your chest. Your fingers trembled into fists.
This time, when the ground exploded in a monstrous plume of dirt and grass, you let out a piercing scream and whipped yourself around so you could run. 
Keep your gaze low, you panicked to yourself as you pumped your legs as fast as you could. The terra basilisk let out a hiss that you could hear over your palpitating heart. Its large shadow lunged towards you again. You yelped and dove to the side, a pain bursting along your upper right arm as your hands scraped against rock and rough patches of soil. Still, you couldn’t stop, you couldn’t. You scrambled up and sprinted off towards some trees you could see in the distance, not giving yourself the time to rest for fear of what would become of you if you did. 
You could hear the way the basilisk snaked across the ground after you, the way it dove deep into the soil once more to leave you for a terrifyingly quiet minute. The ground shook minutely behind you, before all went still. You didn’t dare look back to see where it was, keeping your eyes locked on a point in front of you. A crisp pain was starting to manifest itself in your side, just under your ribs. Your breaths came out in quick gasps. 
Still, you ran. 
A column of dirt burst forth into the air to your right. You yelped and ducked down as you lunged to the left to avoid the dark, snapping maw that descended upon your head like the hand of death itself. But just as you pivoted to sprint in a direction opposite of the hole the basilisk had emerged from, your foot slipped on something—made it twist sharply and suddenly. You barely had time to throw out your hands to catch yourself as you went plunging towards the grass. Before you could hit the ground, however, something slammed into your side. 
It threw off your momentum—knocked you into the air—a choked gasp leaving your chapped lips as you soared blindly in a direction you couldn’t make out. Your hair whipped around your face, your eyes scrunched closed as though to brace yourself. You hit the ground with a rough thud and rolled through grass and dirt that tangled around your hair and limbs. Sticks and stones scratched at your clothes, your skin. Your head swam with the motion of skidding across the Earth in a seemingly never-ending whirlwind. A rough grunt escaped your mouth when you finally, finally, felt your back collide with something rough. It forced the wind right out of you—caused a throbbing pain to radiate across your torso. You crumpled into a heap, the energy sapped out of you like a sponge wrung dry.
And through the pounding of your heart in your ears, you heard a thundering, soul-encompassing, roar. 
It reverberated through your very bones, sunk deep into your chest and made your heart skip a beat. You could barely even move. The hammering in your head, along your back, was debilitating. Your lips trembled with the pained groans you wanted to release. The dirt felt cool against your overheating cheeks. You kept your eyes shut tightly, unwilling to look up for fear of meeting the yellowed eyes of the basilisk. All you could do was curl into a ball and listen to the snarls and growls in the near distance. Feel a sudden, sweltering heat that washed along your exposed skin—accompanied by a deep, deep rumble. You bit at the inside of your cheek and pressed your forehead further into the Earth in the hopes that it would swallow you whole.
A shrieking hiss. A vicious snarl. The sound of flesh tearing apart. The steady flapping of large wings that got fainter and fainter and fainter, until all you could hear was the gentle rustling of leaves above you. Peaceful, almost, in a way that made you feel sick. Grass tickled at your neck. Your back throbbed at the slightest of movements.
In the far, far distance, there was a faint crack that was followed by the shrill chirps and caws of birds as they fluttered up into the sky. 
You don’t know how long you lay there, your consciousness flickering in and out like a candle fighting to stay lit in a storm. Your eyes fluttered as you struggled desperately against the encroaching darkness that threatened to pull you under. Eventually, you were jolted awake by a thud somewhere near you that you could feel through the ground. For a moment, your heart stuttered in your chest, worried that the creature behind the impact was one with grey, scaly skin and yellow eyes. But then something gently nudged at your right side. Hot air fanned out over your body, ruffling your hair. There was a familiar, quiet rumbling sound that only became more insistent when you didn’t move. 
You released the groan you’d been choking on and started to shift so you could push yourself up. Your back immediately protested, practically screaming at you to lay down once more. But you couldn’t—you knew you couldn’t, no matter how much you wanted to close your eyes and simply rest. You needed to check the stinging pain you felt on your upper arm, the tenderness in your ankle.  
With muscles tenser than you’d ever felt them before, you propped yourself up on your palms and moved your legs until you were in a crawling position. You blinked hazily down at the dirt and grass beneath you, your chest moving as you took slow, steady breaths in the hopes that they would get rid of the spots of black that lingered across your vision. Bakugo let out a chuff near your head and nudged you again until you shifted, painstakingly slow. God, everything hurts. 
You managed to sit yourself up and lean back against the tree you’d slammed into, your legs extended before you. Just doing that simple action made your head swing dangerously. Inhale, then exhale. You shivered at the gentle breeze that drifted through the air. You closed your eyes for a second, then reopened them to gaze blearily up at Bakugo hovering in front of you. Worried, it seemed, if the way he was chuffing close to your face was any indication. Something dark burgundy was smeared across his mouth, coated his fangs. You swallowed thickly and forced down the sudden nausea you felt crawling up your throat. Bakugo watched you carefully for a moment, then his pink tongue darted out to lick at his maw in a quick motion. You let out a quiet sigh. 
“Did it nick you?” you croaked out once your nerves had settled, your tongue like lead in your mouth. Bakugo huffed out his irritation and nudged your shoulder pointedly. You let out a weak laugh. “Yeah, I should… focus on myself, huh?” Your left hand reached across your chest to press your palm against the stinging part of your upper arm. When you pulled it away, it was coated in crimson—though it was much darker than you’d expected it to be. And when you turned your head in an attempt to peer at the wound, you saw that it was tinged with an inky black. Your stomach dropped. No wonder you were feeling so lightheaded and clammy. 
“Fuck, it got me,” you rasped and pressed the back of your hand to your forehead. It felt warm. You needed to do something, and you needed to do it fast. Bakugo made a low whine as your eyes darted around the grass surrounding you. There were a few Zeniths swaying lazily back and forth a few feet to your left. Perfect. You took a deep breath to brace yourself, then shifted back onto your knees so you could crawl closer to the cerulean flowers. Your back pulsed hotly—you winced and struggled to push through the pain for the brief seconds it took you to reach out and snatch them up in a clumsy hand. 
Bakugo followed you with his head, puffing near your body as he kept an eye on you. The light around you was starting to… look strange. Almost like you were underwater. That couldn’t be good. You sat on your calves and promptly stuffed the Zeniths into your mouth, your jaw working furiously as you chewed them into a paste. It wasn’t the best method of execution to get them to the state you needed, but well, it would have to do. They tasted like… nothing, really. Maybe the vague hint of something that reminded you of honeydew.
You were lucky—really fucking lucky—that you were surrounded by the right flora to aid in healing your injuries and slowing down the spread of the basilisk poison. You dared not ruminate on the dark implications of the plateau housing other… less useful plants. 
You did your best to wipe the blood on your palm on the grass near your knees. There was no time to waste—you couldn’t spare the minutes it would take to get your arm to stop bleeding. As you spat the murky green mush in your mouth onto your left hand and smoothed it roughly over the gash on your upper arm, you felt Bakugo insistently nudge the side of your head. The puffs of air from his nostrils fanned gently against your cheek and tickled your neck. You glanced over to him with an inquisitive hum. Once your attention was on him, he lowered his head so he could nose at the hand clutching at your arm, pointedly huffing at it. His scales felt cool, almost, against your hot skin. That definitely couldn’t be good. 
“What?” you asked confusedly when Bakugo continued his actions. He let out a low rumble and nudged a bit harder at your hand, but you were lost as to what he was trying to say. “I don’t…” you trailed off, blinking heavily at him. You felt tired. You didn’t have the time for this. Bakugo huffed out his irritation and lifted his head away from you so you could see the white glow of his fire at the base of his neck. But instead of releasing it, he let the glow fade and exhaled a cloud of dark smoke. He then leaned towards you again so he could nose at your hands. 
“Your… fire? My hands…?” you mumbled to yourself, trying to get your foggy brain to work enough to piece things together. What did they have in common? Was there anythi— “Oh!” you exclaimed as things clicked together. “My— my magic?” 
Bakugo rumbled and leaned away from you so he could give you an expectant look—though there was something to it that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Something that made your insides twist with guilt. He was antsy, you realized, as you spotted the way his tail undulated almost frenziedly behind him. The way his unsheathed spikes bristled along his tensed spine. You bit at the inside of your cheek and turned your gaze away from him so you could inspect your wound. The Zenith mush was just enough to cover it entirely. Good. It wouldn’t take too long for the Zeniths to take effect—but you needed to get back to your cottage soon. You had more effective treatments you could administer there that would help get rid of the encroaching fever and chills. 
You cleared your parched throat and finally looked back at him impatiently waiting. “I ah, forgot to mention that my magic… it doesn’t really work on me.” You didn’t think your avoidance of telling him such information in the cave would come back to bite you in the ass, but here you were. You grimaced when he let out a low growl, his eyes slitting into thin slices. “You were being defensive when you saw— What was I supposed to do? Look”—you took a deep breath in an attempt to reorient yourself—“never mind that. We— We have to get back to my cottage.”
Bakugo made a sound from deep within his chest as you looked away from him and down at your shirt. You still felt lightheaded and your body felt like you’d just stepped out of a funeral pyre. It was exhausting. Focus, you had to focus. After doing your best to wipe the Zenith mush off of your hand, you made quick work out of tearing off a piece of the bottom of your shirt. You wrapped it around your upper arm as tightly as you could, wincing as you used your teeth to help you tie a knot that rested on top of your wound. Fuck, it was sloppy, but it would have to do until you got back home. At least the pain had simmered down to a dull throb.
“Okay.” You nodded to yourself and slowly shifted your legs around until you were in a crouching position. Leaning most of your weight on your uninjured ankle, you paused to take a small breath, then pushed yourself up. 
Immediately, your back spasmed—a sudden and ferocious thing that made you yelp and lurch forward in a reflexive attempt to curl in on yourself. You caught yourself on something in front of you that shifted underneath your torso and poked your stomach. It felt like you could hardly even move. Once you blinked away the darkness that tinged the edges of your vision, you found yourself hanging off the shimmering gold of Bakugo’s snout—practically leaning your entire weight on top of him. Slitted crimson eyes zeroed in on your perspiring face. 
“Shit, sorry,” you gasped out, eyebrows scrunched together as you waited for your back pain to settle down to a dull ache once more. Bakugo let out a rumble and a small puff of smoke that you felt caress the sides of your face. It was strangely… comforting, you guessed. Once you’d managed to collect yourself, you eased yourself off of him, one of your hands delicately resting on the scales of his left cheek as you grimaced down at your ankle. 
The boots you were wearing were thick enough that you were certain your ankle wasn’t dealing with an injury that was too dire. But still, as you tentatively shifted some of your weight onto it, you couldn’t help wincing as it gave a sharp throb. Broken, no, but it was definitely tender—maybe sprained. You sighed. 
“Les’go,” you told Bakugo as you clumsily stepped forward in the direction of his wings, your back hunched slightly to stave off any more spasms. You raised an arm to wipe it across your warm face. If you didn’t make any sudden movements and kept your back tilted, then you could somewhat hobble around. Somewhat. Bakugo puffed out some smoke and lowered himself so that he was resting flat on the ground, his spikes retracting once more. He kept a slitted eye on you, warily watching as you approached his shoulder. 
It took you longer than you would’ve liked to admit to shimmy your way onto his back. The slightest movements in the wrong direction would cause your back to pulse or your ankle to twinge. Bakugo rumbled an anxious little sound as he attempted to help you, the muscles of his back and front leg shifting underneath your scratched up palms to make the incline up his side easier to crawl across. 
As soon as you settled on top of his nape, he gave you one last glance before immediately taking off. You nearly tumbled off him with the force of his jump, your grip around his neck tightening. His wings moved at a rapid pace. The wind stung at your eyes. You grimaced when your back throbbed and leaned forward until your front rested against his neck. His scales felt a bit warmer now where they were pressed against your cheek—that meant the Zeniths were working. Good.
In the far distance, away from the plateau, you caught a glimpse of something long and grey laying on the ground. Terrifyingly still. It made something foul twist its way through your chest. You closed your eyes and lost yourself to the beating of Bakugo’s wings.
You woke up abruptly, your body jostling harshly in a way that made you bolt upright. You regretted it once your back protested angrily, a pained hiss escaping your lips as one of your hands pressed itself somewhere against your lower lumbar region. You felt groggy—sluggish—but at least you were cognizant. A rumble somewhere in front of you made you look up to see Bakugo watching you carefully, his pupil flicking to your hand pressed to your body. And it was then that you realized you were both on the ground—not in the sky. That was fast. 
He’d taken you straight to your cottage instead of the forest clearing, you noticed, as you glanced around. The space you had around it wasn’t large enough to accommodate him. He was mostly standing on top of the soil you used for your garden—you’d cleaned out the area a long time ago. You just hadn’t had the chance to plant anything yet, with all the medicinal responsibilities you were in charge of. He’d tucked his wings close to his body and made himself as small as possible—though even then it was barely enough. It certainly didn’t seem comfortable.
By now the sun had started to creep its way to the horizon, its light painting the walls of your cottage a rich honey color. Slipping off Bakugo’s back was certainly easier than the whole ordeal of clambering on top of it, though once your feet hit the ground you grimaced at the simultaneous waves of pain that radiated through your back and ankle. You mumbled something to Bakugo—a thanks, maybe, you weren’t quite sure—and stumbled your way towards your front door. 
As you reached behind you to grab your key from your bag, you startled slightly when your hand met nothing but air. A quick glance around you let you know it was nowhere in sight. You slapped a hand against your face and let out a groan. You hadn’t even noticed it was gone. Bakugo made a questioning sound in reply—you could hear him shifting closer behind you, feel the hot air that left his nose as you turned around to see his head hovering over you. He’d curled into an even tighter ball, now that you’d gotten off his back. 
“Dropped my bag back at the plateau,” you told him wearily with a sigh. You already didn’t particularly like the prospect of going back there, but well… you really needed those Zeniths. It didn’t help the bubbling, anxious feeling in your gut, though. This was a problem for another day, you decided. “We’ll grab it later,” you mumbled offhandedly and turned back around so you could clumsily swipe the spare key you kept hidden in a flower pot to the side of the door. 
You shuffled inside once the door opened, making a beeline for one of the wooden chairs you had by the table of salves and creams. You collapsed onto it heavily and grumbled when your back gave a sharp pang. There was the sound of huffing and shifting from outside that you paid no mind to for the time being, instead focused on easing your boots from your feet. A groan escaped your lips once you managed to free your aching ankle and a quick inspection of it after you slipped your sock off showed that it was swollen. Great. 
You were lucky that you had some supplies on the table from the last person you’d treated earlier in the day—just thinking about needing to walk over to your bedroom closet to grab them made your ankle pulse with another wave of pain. 
But first—the wound on your arm. 
You made quick work out of unwrapping the bloody piece of cloth from your upper arm, grimacing when it peeled wetly off your wound. You had to awkwardly twist your arm towards you and crane your neck so you could inspect it. The Zenith mush had mostly been absorbed already, eradicating the black tinge of the poison and leaving nothing but the fresh red of blood. You pressed the back of your hand against your forehead and slumped your shoulders in relief at the steadily decreasing temperature. You felt marginally better, certainly, but there was still work to be done. 
You began the tedious process of cleaning your arm up and slathering a poison-specialized salve over the gash to ensure that it wouldn’t still be in your system. You craved nothing more than to just lay in the comfort of your bed, to sleep off the aches and pains—or attempt to, at least. But you couldn’t, not yet. You let out a sigh as you tightened a roll of bandages around your arm and fastened a knot directly over the wound once more. At least you felt cleaner—albeit marginally. 
From outside, you heard Bakugou make a low whining sound that pulled you out of your focus. You lifted your gaze to see him peering at you through your open door. He couldn’t fit his head through the entryway—it was too big—so he had to settle on watching you through one of his eyes, the pupils slitted to make way for gleaming crimson. Once he saw you were looking at him, he chuffed and glanced up and down your seated form. 
“Almost done, it’s okay,” you murmured—to reassure him or yourself, you would never know. You shuffled through some of the ointments on your table until you found a pale pink one. Uncapping the jar, you swiped your fingers through the paste and lifted your shirt slightly so you could spread it lightly across your back. It was a bit cool—room temperature, you knew—and you did your best to cover all the areas that twinged and panged whenever you moved in the wrong way. Bakugo rumbled again and shifted outside your little cottage. Antsy still, you assumed. 
It wasn’t until you were finished coating and tightly wrapping up your ankle that you finally breathed out a sigh in relief. You wiped your hands off on your shirt—you’d need to trash it anyways, with how it was ripped at the bottom—and tentatively stood up from your chair so you could test how much weight you could place on your ankle. It still ached, and your back protested when you straightened up, but they were both much more manageable than they were before. At least you could walk without limping too heavily. 
You made your way over to the open doorway, painstakingly slow, and stopped just before it, bracing one of your hands against the frame. Bakugo huffed out a bit of smoke and raised his head up and away so you could step outside slightly and look up at him. 
“I’ll be fine,” you told him when it became apparent he was waiting for you to say something. He snorted and lowered himself so he could inspect your arm. The hot puffs of air from his nose fanned out along your exposed skin and made a shiver run down your spine. He gently nudged your side until you lifted a hand to rest it on his nose. Your thumb smoothed over the scales there, as though you could make them gleam brighter than they already were. He let out a quiet sound—soft enough that it nearly blended in with the rustling leaves and chirping insects.
You glanced up at the sky—the deep navy that intertwined with the last bits of tangerine from the sun—then at Bakugo, who still looked way too large for your little garden space. “It’s getting late. I need to rest and you need to head back to your own clearing for the night.”
At that, Bakugo made a low rumble and pulled away so he could properly look down at you. He seemed to curl himself into a tighter ball—nestled himself more comfortably in front of your cottage. You raised an eyebrow at him. “You can’t stay here,” you said slowly, but even then he only let out a huff and curled his tail around himself like he was going to sleep there. “No, Bakugo, seriously, you’re too big for this clearing. There’s no way you’ll be comfortable for the night.” 
He didn’t agree with you, it seemed, for he bared his teeth at you in a move that you supposed was to be threatening—but it wasn’t anymore. Not to you. He growled, but you only crossed your arms over your chest and lifted your chin as you held eye contact with one of his slitted, gemstone-like eyes. 
Stubborn bastard, you thought sourly when his gaze didn’t waver after a few moments of silence. Believe it or not, it was actually rather difficult to uphold a glare with a dragon—who knew. But you couldn’t be mad at him for wanting to stay, not really. His intentions behind it made your gaze soften as you let out a halfhearted sigh. 
“Okay, fine,” you acquiesced, your shoulders slumping. “But we really can’t stay here.” He wouldn’t be comfortable and you didn’t want to risk him getting caught camping out in front of your cottage—it would be too much to deal with if you had to explain. You chewed on the inside of your lip as you weighed your options, then tiredly rubbed the bridge of your nose. “Hang on.”
Bakugo made a rumbling sound as you turned around to shuffle back into your home—curious, perhaps, as to what you were doing. You slipped into your bedroom and grabbed a spare blanket from the closet that you tossed onto your bed. Then you rummaged around for some clean clothes and headed over to your bathroom so you could clean up. You grimaced at your reflection in the small, dinky mirror you had—dirt was smeared across your face, scratches littered your skin, and your hair was a mess of bits of grass and leaves. You’d seen better days, that was for sure.
You were quick with doing your best to scrub away all the dirt and tending to some of the deeper scratches on your face and palms. The clean clothes you tugged on made you feel better—fresher—and you swiped away the hair from your face as you tossed your ruined clothes in a corner of your little bathroom to deal with later. You grabbed the blanket you’d dropped onto your bed and shuffled back to the entrance, casting your gaze around the small space of your cottage before you closed the door and hid the spare key back in its flower pot once more.
“Alright,” you said once you turned around to look at Bakugo. He eyed the blanket overflowing in your arms like a cascading waterfall, then puffed out a cloud of smoke. “Let’s go, then.” 
You’d been prepared to make the painstakingly slow journey to his clearing on your own—a process that likely would’ve gotten more difficult as the last vestiges of sunlight disappeared beyond the horizon—but it seemed like Bakugo had caught on to what you were doing. He snorted and lowered himself down to the soil-covered ground in front of you, tilting his body so you would have an easier time clambering atop his back. You gave him a smile and did as expected, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck with the blanket smushed underneath you.
His clearing wasn’t far from your cottage—it felt like you’d arrived within two or three flaps of his large wings. Bakugo landed smoothly on the ground and lowered himself so you could clumsily slide off of him. Your back gave a slight twinge, but at least it was much more manageable than it had been before. You patted his side as a thanks and picked your way over to the center of the clearing.
Seems comfy enough, you thought to yourself as you spread your blanket over the ground, patting down any particularly lumpy areas. Then you eased yourself onto it and let out a sigh as you crossed your hands behind your head and stared up at the inky sky. Splatters of white winked at you through the heavens, intermingled with specks of blood red and sunshine yellow. It was just light enough to be able to see, though the moon had yet to show its full face. You could sense the steadily cooling air as it settled across your skin. Maybe you should have brought another blanket.
You could feel, through the ground pressed against your back, the heavy steps Bakugo took as he circled around you. The vibrations made the hairs on your arms stand up—seemed to reverberate through your entire body. You craned your neck up and to the side to watch him settle around you in a crescent moon. He yawned widely, then nestled his head somewhere to your right atop his front legs. You lifted yourself up partially to look at him lying behind you—if you shimmied yourself back by a foot or so, you could rest your head on the smooth scales that made up his underbelly. 
So you did, awkwardly shuffling backwards until your upper body came into contact with the hearth-esque warmth that he radiated from his stomach. He chuffed gently as you made yourself comfortable, wrapping your blanket snugly around yourself like you were the filling in a flaky pastry. From the corner of your vision, you could see something dark curl closer towards you in a manner that made you tense up—his tail (not a snake, no, you breathed easily). 
You relaxed into him and stared up at the sky that was soon obscured by one of his large wings as it sloped over your head. “Happy now?” you murmured, quiet in the open clearing, but loud enough that he heard and made a soft rumble that you felt through his chest. You listened—for a moment—to the sounds of his gentle breathing, the rustling leaves, and the chirping insects, then closed your eyes.
And there—surrounded by the chilly night air, the cold grass that tickled at your skin—you felt warm.
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There was a noticeable shift, in the following weeks, regarding the way Bakugo behaved around you. It was so stark—so different—from the way he’d previously been that it was impossible to not pick up on it.   
He started hovering over your cottage during the day—you noticed him through your little window more often than not. He sometimes landed upon the barren area of your garden while you were tending to things inside and peered a giant, crimson eye through the front door you left open for him. You let him so as he pleased for a day or two, but he couldn’t keep lingering around your home—you often had visitors, and you knew it would not bode well for you nor him if he stayed. You worried about the unspoken consequences. 
You told him just as much, but he was still unbearingly stubborn. However, he seemed to understand, albeit reluctantly, and toned down his visits… not by much, though.
In fact, he started flying around Yuuei more—looping around it in a massive circle whenever you were conveniently there for medicinal work or errands. You wondered how he knew when you were in the village, but figured it was easy enough for him to fly over your cottage and see if you were home or not. You did find that you still had a difficult time walking around properly—you were sore and had to use a spare cane in your closet for long treks. You supposed he was just keeping an eye on you, but well, you think you preferred him lingering around your cottage more so than this. It was startling—and a bit ominous to those who didn’t know him (that is, the entire village)—to see him flying so close. Especially since he hadn’t bothered to beforehand. He was not a bird in the sky, but rather he was close enough that you could see the way the tangerine and black markings on his scales absorbed the sunlight that gleamed off him like a shiny coin.
You had to admit, the shadow he cast upon the Earth—large enough to block out the sun and cover people in a darkness that felt just a bit too cold—was more than a bit terrifying. You were sure the villagers were uneased by his presence; you saw the looks on their faces, the way they would keep glancing up at the sky. Wonder and amazement had been replaced by anxiety and trepidation with a beat of his wings.
(“Is it scoping us out?” one villager whispered to another as they lingered under the awning of a shop—hoping the covering would conceal and protect them. “What does it want? My kids think it’s cool but they don’t understand the danger.”
“Mmmh, I don’t know,” the other replied, fidgeting with the bag they grasped in white-knuckled hands. “I hope it’s not… hungry…”) 
You grew antsy—nervous—at the whispers, but you knew if you told Bakugo to stop for the reasons you were thinking of, he would brush off your concerns. He was a dragon—he was strong enough to handle himself but… you knew he would not be unscathed if anyone particularly powerful came along. His still-healing wounds were evidence enough.
Something, however, that struck you a little odd was when you encountered Izuku whilst heading over to treat one of your patients in Yuuei. 
He’d been carrying what seemed like half of the village’s record collection when you—quite literally—ran into him. A waterfall of leather-bound books and scrolls tumbled to the paved ground. You stumbled back a bit, fumbling with your cane and bag of herbs and salves. Apologies spewed out of your mouth until you realized they were being mirrored by a rather familiar voice. Looking up, you were greeted with the sight of curly green hair and flushed, freckled cheeks. 
“I-I’m so sorry!” he stammered out, his hands hovering awkwardly over you as he glanced over your figure. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” 
“Izuku, I’m fine,” you told him with a small laugh as you straightened up and brushed away his hands. You hadn’t seen him in a while—he was awfully busy nowadays. With what, you weren’t privy to, but you supposed it wasn’t any of your business, not really. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m good— I ah”—he looked down at his feet and stooped down to start picking up his papers—“I should have been paying more attention to where I was going. Sorry—“ 
“It’s okay, really,” you soothed him again. He had a nasty habit of endlessly apologizing for things that weren’t even his fault. You bent down carefully so you could help him gather his things. One of the scrolls you grabbed had a golden seal that looked rather familiar. But before you could observe it more carefully, Izuku had grabbed it from your hands to stuff into his arms once more. 
“So, what—” Izuku cleared his throat as you stacked some books together. They looked handmade, now that you were close enough to see, and a bit worn from use. “What… happened?” 
“Hm?” You raised an eyebrow at him, then saw he was pointedly looking at the bandages around your ankle that poked out from the bottom of your pants. “Oh! I fell. Got my foot stuck around a tree root, sprained it pretty badly.” There was no way you were going to tell him you got injured while running away from a fucking basilisk. It would bring up the question of how you had escaped and, well… You still didn’t want to expose the odd friendship you had with a dragon. Not even to Izuku—and certainly not in public like this. 
“Ouch.” He grimaced and steadily rose to his feet once he’d picked up his belongings—the ones you didn’t grab, anyways. You used your cane to support most of your weight as you gingerly followed him up and meticulously stacked the books in your own hands onto his arms. “Thanks. Hopefully you feel better soon! I imagine being a healer yourself has its benefits.” 
You chuckled and adjusted your bag over your shoulder—it was a spare. “Yeah it does. I’m at least able to alleviate some of the pain with the salves I have. But anyways, where are you off to with all of that? I could hardly see your face poking over all those scrolls.” 
Izuku brightened, as though he was glad you were curious enough to ask. “Ah, turns out Yuuei’s got an amazing historical archive! Did you know All Might used to live here?” 
“Really?” You knew there was a tribute statue to him at the center of the village, but you didn’t really know much else about the swordsman other than that. He’d been a significantly powerful magic wielder, you think. Pretty unheard of for humans, though his time had been quite a while ago, so you weren’t all too sure. You didn’t care enough to do research.
“Yeah! There’s not really a lot of information about him here, though. I found a singular scroll and a few—“ 
Izuku abruptly cut himself off when a dark shadow passed over both your heads, momentarily dousing you in a coolness that was honestly a bit of a reprieve from the midday sun. You looked up to see Bakugo making his usual rounds about the village. His wings leisurely beat up and down, a sound that seemed so pronounced amongst the quiet bustle of the villagers that surrounded you. If you squinted up at him, you could see his giant, crimson eye surveilling the ground beneath him—it didn’t seem like he had spotted you yet. A small smile pricked at your lips. 
Izuku hummed and called your name, prompting you to look back at him. There was a rather contemplative look on his face, to your slight intrigue. Very ruminative. He was quiet for a moment more, then opened his mouth to speak. “You’ve lived here for a while, right? Have you… ever seen dragons around here before?” His voice was low and sounded… distant. Like he wasn’t exactly with you at the present day. 
You shook your head. “Not really. Why’re you asking?” 
Izuku stayed silent—to the point where you considered leaving him and seeing if he would notice—then seemed to snap out of his thoughts. He blinked a few times, then looked back at you with wide eyes. “Sorry! Gotta go! Can’t keep the missus waiting!” 
You were bemused, but waved him off all the same. He scurried away from you, occasionally glancing up at the sky as he left. Izuku certainly was… quirky, that was for sure. You sighed and looked back up at Bakugo to see him circling around Yuuei once more, a bright, crimson eye trained on your significantly smaller figure. You huffed lightly through your nose and set off to your intended destination. You brushed off Izuku’s strange behavior easily enough. Besides, you had more pressing matters to deal with…
Bakugo was worried, you knew he was. What had happened at the plateau was something you tried not to ruminate upon too heavily, but well, it was hard when your back still ached and your ankle still twinged. If you closed your eyes for too long, you could picture the grey scales of the terra basilisk, hear the slithering sounds it made as it chased you. But you didn’t let it affect you—tried not to. You pressed on and drowned yourself with work—with healing the rest of Bakugo’s wounds and tending to your duties as village healer. It worked, most of the time. You didn’t dare linger—didn’t dare let yourself be on your own in the silence for more than a few moments. 
And maybe Bakugo could see right through you—maybe he could tell you were avoiding addressing things. Maybe that was why he didn’t really leave you alone. 
Now that he knew you were fine with sleeping in his clearing with him, he often wanted you to go there when evening fell. You didn’t mind, not particularly, though you definitely couldn’t go there every single night—you had things to do back at your own cottage. You sometimes got visitors for illnesses that onsetted or exacerbated overnight, so it was always best for you to be at home and ready. You entertained him when you could and drank a special tea you purchased at the market to help you have a dreamless sleep. But it could only work for so long, you knew. It was a problem for the future.
You did, eventually, have to face part of your fears. Bakugo took you back to the plateau a week or so later to retrieve your bag. It was inevitable and you were aware that he had been patiently waiting for you to approach him the entire time. You were reluctant and dragged your feet for quite a while, but eventually you steeled your resolve. You would be fine, you told yourself. You would be fine.
And you were… for the most part. 
The moment your feet came into contact with the grass of the plateau, you felt unsteady. Disconnected. You knew the basilisk had been taken care of and yet, you still felt stifled. Like there was a pillow pressing into your lungs, filling your throat and mouth with cotton. You took a deep breath and picked your way over to your bag, avoiding the overturned patches of grass and dirt. Bakugo trailed behind you like a large, deadly shadow. His head hovered just over your shoulder—so that you could feel the warm puffs of air from his nostrils. It was grounding. 
You wasted no time in snatching up your bag and checking to see that it contained a decent amount of Zenith flowers—there was no need for the entire experience to be a waste. It would make you feel even shittier than you currently did. After stuffing a few more Zeniths into your bag, you clambered back atop Bakugo and let him take you home. That was enough adrenaline to last you a lifetime. You definitely wouldn’t be returning anytime soon… 
He made you stay with him that night again, curling around you as you rested on the ground and stared up at the inky sky. You spent some time pointing out some of the constellations you knew of to him, the cool air hardly noticeable from your position surrounded by the warmth he naturally radiated. You lost yourself in telling him stories that you scrounged up from the deepest depths of your brain, hoping that they would serve you well in distracting your mind from the darker path it wanted to veer towards. 
“—so when Vivithia gave her life to guide those crossing the border to safety, the Gods took the dust from her remains and scattered them across the sky,” you told Bakugo quietly, not daring to break the tranquility of the clearing, “forming the stars we see today. At least, according to legend. It is ultimately a tale of sacrifice—and love, if you think about how her lover was able to survive due to her actions.” 
Bakugo snorted out a puff of dark smoke that you watched dissipate towards the sky, spreading amongst the stars. “There are different versions of the story that I’ve heard, but they all end the same way.” You craned your head back so you could peer at him curiously. “I don’t suppose you have legends like that, do you?” 
He rumbled idly in a way that made you wonder if he was tired. The moonlight gleamed off his scales in a way that made them look opaque—pearly, almost. His eyes, half-lidded from where his head rested on his front legs, were like a pair of smoldering coal, ready to be put out for the night. You returned your gaze to the glistening sky. “Yeah, you probably can’t tell me anyw—” Something caught your eye. 
It was stark against the twinkling whites and deep navy of the night sky—a burnt golden speck that kept getting larger and larger. Bakugo made a noise and shifted when you didn’t say anything else, curious. You tilted your head and sat up, squinting at the speck until it got close enough that you could reach a hand out to touch it. 
“Oh!” you said in pleasant surprise when you felt something graze your fingers. You pulled your hand back closer to your face to inspect the little insect that sat on it. “A lightning bug!” 
The bug was a small thing that radiated light from underneath its fuzzy body. Two large eyes peered at you, its antenna twitching slightly as it crawled along the back of your fingers and hand. It kind of tickled. 
Bakugo huffed in a manner that caused you to look up towards him. It seemed like a small swarm had ventured into the clearing: there were more lightning bugs flying around his head—little specks that brought along some warmth to the coolness of the surrounding forest. Some of the bugs had settled atop his nose and were crawling up along it. You grinned; he didn’t look all too amused. 
“Careful,” you warned him when his lips parted to bare sharp teeth at the insects that scattered around him. “They’re called lightning bugs for a—” One of the bugs grew brighter and brighter until a small bolt fired from it, hitting Bakugo’s nose with a small zap! He jerked his head back—almost in offense—and puffed out a cloud of dark smoke. You bit your lip to keep yourself from laughing. “…reason.” 
You smiled and looked around at the dots of warm, honey-colored light that floated around the area. You lay back down on the ground with a sigh. “It’s nice being able to come out in the forest and encounter different kinds of magical fauna, you know?” Your eyes followed a lightning bug as it bumbled across your field of vision. “It’s different from the capital,” you murmured, then frowned, “though actually I… haven’t really seen many fairies around recently. They usually like to cause mischief. I wonder…” 
Bakugo snorted in response and you looked at him to see him resting his head back on the ground. He yawned widely—content with ignoring the lightning bugs for now. It was getting pretty late. You wrapped your blanket around your body and slid closer to his warmth. You spent a moment just watching the flickering golden lights before your vision was obscured by a large, ombré wing. Well, that was a sign as any. You decided not to dwell on things for now. 
“Yeah, time to sleep”—you yawned back at him and closed your eyes—“Good night, Bakugo.” 
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A few weeks later, you were out in the village running your usual errands when you noticed something… strange. 
You would like to say that some of the tension at having Bakugo constantly circling around the village had dissipated by now. Or, at least, you didn’t see as many people nervously glancing up at the sky anymore. It seemed they had just needed to see that he wasn’t much of a threat and in fact didn’t really… do anything to anyone. You supposed time had a hand with easing nerves, but you were sure they were still present—just not as prevalent. 
That being said, it came as a surprise to you when you saw people murmuring to each other in little groups—looking around them as though afraid they might be overheard. You were curious as to what they were conversing about—but well, they weren’t really looking up at the sky so you supposed it wasn’t in relation to Bakugo. He had eased up his circling around the village by now—seeing that you were doing quite better. Your back only twinged when you did sharp motions and you were walking around with just a slight limp—barely noticeable, really, unless someone was looking for it. Though, you were sure Bakugo would be flying around you if he could—you saw him circling around Mount Kamino earlier, perhaps for a change in scenery.
You finally understood what the whispers were about when you passed by the Blacksmith’s shop. 
He was there talking to Aizawa—a tired man with a nasty case of dry eye whom you visited on occasion to supply with special eye drops. It was hard not to notice him, with how heavy-built he was. He loomed significantly over Aizawa, who exchanged curt words with him whilst bathed in his shadow. He looked prepared for a fight, decked out in thick clothing with just as thick silver armor covering every part of his body. A large sword—the blade wider than your head and thrice as long as your own arm—lay sheathed across his back. It made a shiver run down your spine. 
When you walked past them, you were able to see a bracelet strapped to the man’s right wrist. It was made of leather, and sitting atop it was a large jewel. Mellow tangerine in color and very… vibrant. There was something… odd about it. Something that made you feel like a hand had grabbed your insides and twisted them about. But you couldn’t exactly put your finger on it. 
A chanced glance up at the man’s face allowed you to see the pinched glare settled across his features—the scar that marred the left side of it. You averted your gaze before he could notice your staring and scurried down the stone path to a familiar pub. 
The moment you entered through the doors, Denki looked up from where he was cleaning the bartop and dropped the rag in his hands. 
“Did you hear the news!?” he instantly shouted at you, then quieted down significantly at the looks he got from some of his customers lounging around in the booths. 
“Hear it? More like I saw it,” you whispered as you slid onto a stool in front of the bar. You leaned in closer towards him. “What the hell is King Enji doing here?” 
“I have no idea,” Denki whispered back, his golden eyes peering widely into your own, “but Hanta told me he’s staying at his inn, so he’s definitely planning to be here for a bit.” 
“When did he get here, do you know?” You didn’t remember seeing him when you were in the village a few days ago. 
“Earlier today, I think.” He shrugged his shoulders. “That’s when I started hearing people talking about it, anyway. Is it true he looks like he’s about to go to war?” 
You nodded. “Yeah. I just saw him talking to Aizawa about something.” 
Denki snorted. “Aizawa’s not gonna tell him shit, he hates any and all royal families.” 
You let out a pfft. You didn’t blame him, honestly. From what you’ve seen of the royal family of the capital—King Enji’s, in fact—they were… not quite regarded in a good light. “Do we even know what he wants?” 
“No idea,” Denki replied worriedly. He picked back up the rag and started cleaning at a stain—perhaps for something to do with his hands. “But it can’t be anything good.” 
You hummed your agreement, then fell quiet as you ruminated. It was quite odd to see someone like King Enji this far from the capital. He didn’t seem like the type to make such a voyage recreationally; there had to be a reason. The way he was dressed only made that twisted feeling in your stomach more pronounced. You didn’t know how fast news spread across regions, but, well… You weren’t stupid. His appearance—his awfully weaponized appearance—said enough. 
You worried, more than you should—and you knew this worry was not unfounded. You glanced out of one of the windows of Denki’s pub and frowned at the hazy sight of Mount Kamino. Dread seemed to pool in your gut.
You left with a quick farewell to Denki and an excuse that you had more shopping to do. The trek back to your cottage was a bit of a long one, but it went by faster than usual as you hurried down stone paths and kept your eyes peeled for any more glimpses of King Enji. He had disappeared elsewhere—you didn’t know whether to feel relieved or anxious. 
You wondered if Bakugo would even be in his clearing, if he had even gotten back yet from his leisurely roaming, but you heard him even before you broke through the tree lining. He looked up as you walked towards him, your eyes automatically sweeping across his wounds to make sure they were fine (they were), then looked away to continue idly stretching out his back and wings. 
“Hey”—you cleared your throat—“I’m gonna preface this by saying I know you’re more than capable of handling yourself,” you started as you stopped in front of him. He tilted his head towards you with a chuff to let you know he was listening. You bit at your lower lip for a moment, then released it. “But I was in the village earlier and King Enji was there talking to peop—” 
His head snapped towards you so fast you wondered if he got whiplash. You cut yourself off abruptly at the snarl he released, your eyes widening as he reared his head back and exhaled a plume of dark smoke. You blinked at him in surprise and stepped back when his wings fanned out behind him, his spikes bristling angrily. “Whoa! What? Something wrong? You don’t like him?” You hadn’t seen him react this viciously to something in a… while. 
Bakugo hissed, his eyes shrinking into carmine slits. He gave his wings a few pointed flaps, then stomped his hind leg—the one that had a wound close to it. You stared at the tender scarring on his flank for a moment, your jaw dropping open. 
“Oh shit,” you whispered, “is that how you got those?” A rough growl was all the confirmation you needed. 
Your heart sank; there was only one reason why King Enji would be in Yuuei. It seemed like your worries had come to fruition. You rubbed at the bridge of your nose, suddenly tired. “He’s so power hungry that I’m somehow not surprised. He must’ve heard the news once you started flying around.” You had questions that could not be answered, but that was the least of your worries. Your main concern was what now? You took in a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself to deal with an irate dragon. 
“I don’t think,” you started slowly, “it would be a good idea for you to… be here, right now.” 
Bakugo didn’t seem to particularly like what you were saying. He looked taken aback for a split second—if you hadn’t been carefully watching him you wouldn’t have noticed—then bared his teeth at you in a snarl. He moved so that his head loomed over your significantly smaller form, slitted eyes daring you to say another word. You held your ground. “Look, I already said I know you can handle yourself, but I really think laying low or— or even going somewhere else might be the right thing to do here.” Bakugo snapped his jaw in disagreement. “Your injuries are mostly healed, but not fully, and I worry that anything… strenuous might tear them open again.” 
The growl he let out was nearly thunderous. He reared back on his hind legs, fanning out his wings to make himself appear larger. He gave them a singular, large flap—purposeful. Powerful. You raised an arm up to cover your face as it sent pieces of grass and dust swirling about in the air. He huffed out a plume of smoke that washed over your body and filled your nose with the smell of burnt caramel. When he landed back on his raised legs, you felt the impact shake through the ground. You frowned. 
“I know you’re strong,” you told him again gently, “but it’s okay to run sometimes, y’know? It’s not worth dealing with him—“ 
His snarl bordered on a tumultuous roar, his tail lashing out behind him with a fervor that made you only a bit uneasy. He was getting really angry—was what you were saying that unreasonable? Or was there something else at play here? You didn’t know, you didn’t know.
“What’s wrong?” you asked him again, worry tinting your voice. He made a deep rumbling sound from his chest, his body tensing. “Why are you acting—”
He didn’t even wait for you to finish your sentence. With two large motions of his wings he’d taken to the skies, the generated wind whipping your clothes and hair around like you’d been caught out in a deadly storm. 
“Bakugo!” you called out helplessly, your voice getting lost in the repetitive flapping of his wings as he flew further and further away—towards Mount Kamino. There was a moment where all you could hear was the rustling of the trees around you, the occasional chirp from the wildlife that frolicked within the leaves. Your shoulders slumped and you ran a weary hand down your face. 
There was something wrong and you had no idea what.
You made the slow trek back to your cottage, heavily contemplating Bakugo’s reactions and what they may mean. You didn’t have a single clue, unfortunately, and his clear anger left you in a funk. You couldn’t really concentrate on anything. You kept an eye on your windows and often went outside to look up at the blue sky for a hint of gold, but Bakugo kept to himself. You spotted him flying around Mount Kamino on occasion—disappearing beyond it at times—so you knew he hadn’t left, but it still bothered you. Surely he wasn’t pissed at you for showing concern, right? You couldn’t be entirely certain. Everything just seemed to spiral out of your control.
You didn’t see him for the rest of the day and your restlessness carried into the night as you lay by yourself on your little cottage bed. You supposed he just wanted time on his own, maybe to stew in his own frustrations and whatever the cause for them may be. You understood, you did, but still… 
Stupid dragon, you thought to yourself as you rolled over and buried yourself in your blankets. 
The following day, you went about your usual routine with as minimal distractions as possible. You kept an eye out for King Enji while you were walking around in Yuuei and spotted him talking to a few more villagers here and there. You were caught between feeling relieved and nervous, though you didn’t let yourself linger around him for more than a few moments. 
It wasn’t until evening was about to fall that you heard familiar flapping just outside your cottage before the ground shook nearly imperceptibly. Your heart seemed to jump up to your throat as you paused from cleaning up some dishes. Was he—? You looked over at your windows and wiped your hands on your clothes before you speed walked over to your front door to open it with surprising vigor. 
“Finally back, huh?” you murmured with a raised eyebrow, trying not to show exactly how relieved you were that he had specifically approached you first. Bakugo rumbled as he curled himself in front of your cottage, his head lowering slightly so he could look at you properly. You reached out to rest one of your hands against his nose and smoothed over the scales there with your thumb. “Calmed down?” Being on his own must have worked wonders if he was no longer as angry as he had been yesterday. 
He snorted out a light cloud of smoke into your face and gently nudged at you with his head—his own little way of apologizing. You exhaled through your nose. “You’re really a piece of work to deal with, you know that?” He snorted again as though to say I know, then drew his head away and gave you a steady look. You tilted your head in curiosity. “Something wrong?” 
There was a moment where all he did was stare at you—a prolonged gaze that made you feel like you could be sucked into the deep carmine of his eyes. It was strange; like you were being analyzed or assessed—stripped down to your very soul. Then, he made a click from his chest and lifted his head higher. Your gaze was drawn to the base of his neck—watching as it glowed angel-white in that familiar way when he had roasted the food you’d brought him. Except, it just kept growing brighter and brighter and brighter—to the point where you had to shield your eyes with your arm, a confused “what?” escaping your lips. And as quickly as it had started, it stopped. Your eyebrows were furrowed when you lowered your arm. Then they shot up in surprise. 
There, gripped in the claws of one of his front legs, was a gem. 
It was a deep, iridescent crimson that matched the color of his eyes—a glimmering pool of blood that radiated a heat like no other. There was something electrifying about it, something that made the soft hair on your arms stand up straight. It seemed to pulse with power; gleamed brightly even in the steadily darkening environment. The gem was about the size of your head, maybe smaller, but it was gripped easily in Bakugo’s claws like he was holding a ripe apple. You were dumbstruck staring at the gem—it was like you couldn’t pull your gaze away from it. Like it was sucking you into its core, demanding that all your attention stayed on it. You swallowed thickly. You understood, at that moment, why dragons were so powerful—why they were hunted. 
“That’s… You’re…” you trailed off as you stared—mesmerizingly—at his gem. You had to steel your resolve and tear your gaze away from it to look up at Bakugo. He nudged your arm with the claws holding onto his gem, purposely. You blinked, wide-eyed. “You’re… giving it to me?” Suddenly, your mouth felt like it was coated in cotton. Your heart seemed to still in your chest. 
He was waiting, patiently, for you to do something. Your movements felt stiff as you looked at the gem, then back at him. Once, twice. And you found the strength somewhere within you to reach out and grasp the gem in clammy hands. It was heavy—like a sack of flour—but you held on tight and brought it close to your chest. It seemed to hum in your palms; made you feel like you were standing next to a large bonfire. Confusion plagued your thoughts—sent them racing around your head. 
“But— but why…” You tore your gaze away from the gem once more to look back at Bakugo. He was watching you carefully, a gleam to his rounded eyes that you couldn’t quite make out. “Why are you…” It was then that you noticed he had shifted: his wings had moved to fan out behind him, his legs were tensed like he was a breath away from jumping into the air. Something seemed to click in place and you went still. “Wait— you’re leaving?” 
He rumbled a noise that only made your heart sink. This, you feared, would not be like the previous day where he’d simply needed time to himself. No, this was something more. Something that you worried would not leave him unscathed—that was perhaps inevitable. And maybe it was something in your expression, your stance, but he lowered himself back down until his head pressed against your front. You cradled the gem in one hand—near your heart—and used the other to hold his head closer. 
“You’ll be back, right?” you asked in a quiet voice. Bakugo nudged you gently with his head and puffed a cloud of smoke at the gem in your hand—a reassurance, a promise. You didn’t know why you were so… affected by everything. Why your chest ached like it was full of water. Deep down you always knew he would eventually have to leave—but you didn’t think it would be this soon. That King Enji’s presence would be the catalyst of it all. You loathed him for it like you loathed him for all the bastardly deeds he had no doubtfully done as king. You thought you had more time. 
And—not for the first time—you wondered why. Why was he doing this, why was it important that he did? Why, why, why. You didn’t have any answers and it didn’t seem like you would be getting them anytime soon—if not ever. It all just… seemed so much bigger than you. Like it had always been from the moment you’d encountered Bakugo in that dark, dark cave. He was a dragon and you were, well… you. 
But you knew what you had to do. 
You would protect Bakugo’s gem—keep it safe for him to avoid having it fall into the wrong hands during… whatever was about to happen. This, you could do with utmost certainty. 
You let out a shaky breath, then stood on the tips of your toes so you could press a kiss to Bakugo’s forehead. It was like kissing a stone smoothed down from the elements, a warm mug filled with hot tea. It was the last thing you could give him, for now. You don’t think he had expected it, for he made the smallest of sounds, then seemed to press further into your touch. 
“Stay safe, okay?” you whispered to him once you’d pulled away. He leaned back so you could stare into his eyes. “I never got to fully finish healing you, after all. You should be fine but, well, I don’t wanna have to patch you up again.” You kept your voice light to let him know you were teasing him. 
Bakugo snorted and with one final, long look at you, he spread his ombré wings and took off. You watched, squinting against the wind he generated, as he rose into the sky in the direction of Yuuei. He disappeared beyond your line of sight once he passed over the trees—but you still heard the loud roar he let out. Felt it reverberate in your bones; a declaration of war. You gripped onto the gem more tightly than before and stood there watching the darkening sky as it transitioned from burnt mandarin to royal purple. It was a moment before Bakugo passed back overhead—a dark shadow against the twinkling whites of the galaxy—this time in the direction of Mount Kamino. 
You closed your eyes and let out a sigh that only the stars could hear. Then you turned around and headed back inside your little cottage, closing the front door behind you with a small click. 
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part four
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shygirl4991 · 4 months
Chapter 1 Date and Split
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Art done by @alianarepasa do not repost Summary:  After the event of Splits into Three everything felt like things were back to normal, that is until Three’s boyfriend kicks down his front door announcing he has fallen under the same spell he did. Together they will learn the secret of the cherry potion and with SMG4 splits put an end to the evil gang's plan.  Sequel to Split into Threes Next Chapter
Tags: Fluff, Angst, Comedy, Romance, action and adventure
SMG4 woke up in a great mood as he checked his text messages, he never knew that being on cloud nine could feel so amazing. He also never thought that the day would come that he would have fallen for his ex rival, thinking back on it he should have seen this coming with how close they got. He changes out of his pj’s then goes to brush his teeth, looking at his phone he lets out a soft giggle seeing an invite to the cafe. Spitting out the paste he dashes to get his hat ready for his first real date. 
Spade watches the others leave the cafe, he feels nervous as he walks around the cafe. Hearing the front door open he jumps only to see Melony show up “Oh fuck Mel you scared the shit out of me, im guessing you already know whats happening?” she nods, giving him a warm smile. Seeing her smile helps get the personality to relax, maybe they should have a talk with SMG3 about how much they see Melony as their daughter. His eyes get wide seeing Four walking over, he grabs Melony arm and tosses her over the counter to hide her. 
She rubs her head and frowns as she peeks over the counter, SMG4 walks in waving at Spade “Hey! Thanks for inviting me so what's the plans for the day?” Spade sighs as he opens the door for his boyfriend. “Well if I remember correctly when we were looking for memes, there was a carnival we didn't really get to enjoy.” Four’s eyes light up as he grabs Spades hand causing the man to blush “I haven't been to the carnival in years…since uh i attempted to be a ringmaster to earn money for the castle i have been a bit nervous to walk into one.” Spade let out an awkward chuckle remembering the bunny ears and the threat of leaking SMG3 browser history, thinking it over they need to also talk about a better way to look those things up. 
They walk out holding hands as Spade does his best to not shake the man’s hand off, Melony seeing them on the move starts to go after them. She puts on sunglasses and watches them from a distance as they walk into the carnival, Four looked around excited seeing all the meme themed prizes he knew what he had to do. This was his time to shine, he walks up to a basketball game the goal being you have to score at least 30 points to win a prize. SMG4 smirks, grabbing a ball and slamming a few bills on the counter. Spade leans back against the wall ready to watch his date fail, Four spins the ball on his finger “See four you may have beaten thanks to luigi in our basketball match long ago, but now we are in my playing field welcome to the SMG4 show!” 
Spade couldnt help letting out a chuckle “Alright stop being a fucking showman and throw the ball!” Four throws the ball and manages to get a few points, he turns giving a wink to Spade making him blush “Just focus on the game..baka.”
Melony smiles watching the date till she notices someone walking towards them, he slips his hand into his pocket taking out a dart gun. Melony glares as she half transforms rushing over knocking the weapon out of the pianta's hand then points her sword at his neck “Why are you after Three and the others? Why won't you leave my friends alone!?” he chuckles as he reaches out and grabs the sword “Something big is coming girly and we need that personality!” He kicks Melony away from him, cutting his hand with the sword. Looking around in a panic she throws the sword pinning the man's shirt to the ground “I won't let no one hurt my friends again!” 
SMG4 growls as Spade laughs at him “Oh fuck did you choke? Only twenty points?! Pathetic, how about a real man show you how it's done.” he flashes his sharp teeth making Fours face turn deep red. As he watched Spade walk to the game he wondered if SMG3 was always so sharp. His eyes then go wide seeing Spade making every shot like it was nothing, he frowns he wanted to impress his boyfriend and instead made himself look like an idiot. He felt the world closing in on him, if cant do something that simple how could he really stay by his ex rival side. Spade blinks noticing Four was acting strange, he sighs walking up and pulls his partner into a hug blushing “Stop thinking you idiot, not everyone can be good at everything, thought we learn this lesson nobody is perfect.”
SMG4 wraps his arms around Spade holding him tight till he feels the light return, he lets go giving a shy smile “Thanks…you always seem to know what to say,” Spade chuckles putting on fake glasses “I am a therapist you know!” 
They both chuckle as they walk to a different game in the carnival, Melony sighs making sure no one else is around before following them. She was concerned by what the man told her, as she watched over the date she got into more combat. SMG3 wasn't joking about how Spade needed protection on the date, she sighs feeling nervous for what this could mean for her friends. She already lost someone she loved, no way can she lose someone she saw as a father.
The pair chatted as they played more carnival games, SMG4 was having a fun time which was surprising. The pair spent so long fighting that it felt so strange to be here next to each other in peace, he looks to his side watching Spade point the toy gun and fire at the targets. He blushes watching the man, before hearing a noise making him turn around “Is that Melony?”
Hearing his boyfriend he panicked, grabbing Fours hand and running off “HEY I'M PRETTY DONE WITH THE CARNIVAL HOW ABOUT WE GO BACK TO THE CAFE!”  Four was surprised by the sudden switch from his date. Spade's mind was filled with murderous thoughts, the fact that the one time he let his guard down the gang had the nerve to attack made him want to join Melony and show them pain. He looks behind him seeing a confused Four, he knew if he acted dumb his idiot boyfriend would get hurt and the original wouldn't be happy about that.  They walk into the cafe, Spade awkwardly looks away “Look i…you see…” he sighs annoyed he cant express his emotion.
SMG4 giggles, taking his hand and gently giving it a kiss like some kind of fairytale prince. Spades face goes red at the action “Don't worry, it was a lot for our first date. Honestly I'm just happy we were able to see what a date would be like, it felt nice and I can't wait to be with you more Three.” Spade felt himself get shy “Whatever not like I had fun or anything but since you want to i guess we can go again…” SMG4 giggles at his reaction as they both go to sit at a cafe table. 
Melony seeing the pair safe let out a sigh of relief, she was feeling exhausted from all the fighting. She notices someone walking to the showground, she smiles seeing who it is and runs towards the person. 
Spade was trying so hard not to scream as he sat beside SMG4, the man was gushing about his newest video and he was too adorable for the tsundere to handle. The way his blue eyes lit up describing how he edited a certain part, the excitement in his voice made Spade heart skip a beat. Suddenly his thoughts were broken when Four asked him a question "Hey do you have any left over coffee? I have a long night to finish this video!" Spade waved his hand happy to be taken out of his thoughts "I'm sure there is a cup in the fridge you can take that."
Four gives a shy smile as he pats Spades hand, he walks over to the fridge and sees the cup. Grabbing it he takes a tiny sip. "Huh cherry didn't know he serves this kind, warming it I'm sure it would be delicious." He walks up to Spade showing the cup "I got it thanks! I see you're working your way up to best boyfriend!" Spade blushes and rolls his eyes "Shut it baka!" Four felt strange as he stared at Spade. His eyes flickered pink catching Spades attention "Hey are you-" before he could finish Four grabs Spades overall straps and pulled him in for a kiss.
They pulled away both blushing "I...uh okay didn't know coffee got you like that Four," SMG4 eyes go back to normal and start to panic as his face goes crimson red. Spade chuckles at the reaction forgetting his own flustered thoughts, he leans close smirking "Well then Blue thanks for the fun date, enjoy your coffee~" his flirtatious tone surprised SMG4 making him dash out of the cafe flustered. Why did he even do that?
He was so confused as he entered the castle, he looked at his reflection and saw his eyes flicker pink for a moment then purple. He rubs his eyes and they are back to his iconic blue, he must be sleepy from the events of the day. He takes the cup of coffee he got from his boyfriend and pours it into a cup to warm it up. He can feel his eyes getting irritated, he takes out his phone to look and sees more colors flicker "Red? Ugh I need to get out more if one date has me like this."
He hums, taking his warm cup of coffee out of the microwave and walks to his desk. He was home after a fun day now it's time to work, as he starts to edit he chugs the drink "Man Three really should make more cherry coffee. This is great! As he kept working on his project he started to feel strange, he blinked trying to shake off the strange feeling. He gets up to splash water on his face when the world starts to change color, he falls to the floor as everything goes dark.
"Oh god we killed him, what are we going to do our friends will hate us!" one of the voices yelled in a panic while another one laughed "We are the main character like we could die!" SMG4 groans getting up and looking around the room. He was about to let out a sigh of relief that he dreamed up the voices only to hear frantic typing behind him. He slowly turns to look at the person typing "It needs to be perfect oh god if it isn't we will lose subscribers." he slowly approaches the person to see it was him in Grey. SMG4's mind went blank as the other him turned and smiled "WE DIDN'T KILL THE ORIGINAL THANK MEMES!" he got up hugging the man "I put you in bed because i knew everyone would hate us if we left you on the floor! I'm sorry this all happened!"
SMG4 slips out of the hug giving a fearful smile as he darts out of the room and dashes to the cafe he slams the door open, scaring his boyfriend. Three jumps then turned to him "The hell Blue cant you enter my cafe like...hey are you okay?" SMG4 shakes his head freaking out "I think the lack of sleep is getting to me Three...i saw another me editing my own video!" SMG3 drops the cup in his hand hearing his words and runs to the castle, he goes to Fours room and there was all the proof he needed. The grey colored SMG4 jumps up looking at him "Oh..hello um uh...T-three."
"I...how are you here? What are you to SMG4?" his mind was racing; he just had to say goodbye to his own personalities and  now Four had his own. The grey Four blushes "Nice to meet you both, you can call me Producer im SMG4 insecurity and his needs to be perfect."
Hearing this, Four grabs his hat freaking out "HE IS MY WHAT?!" Three nods "Nice to meet you Producer, the others I'm guessing are outside?" Four now looked ready to have a heart attack "OTHERS!? THREE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" seeing how panicked his boyfriend is he gently rubs his back. He helps the man slow down his breathing before pointing to his pins "It's a long story to a long day of my life, but given you're in a similar boat take a seat." He sits down then notices that Producer nervously sits next to him writing in a notepad. Whatever was going on SMG4 had a feeling he wasn't going to like where the day takes him.
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hentagirl · 1 year
Giyu x Was Innocent Male Reader
Context: Giyu had a delicious drink but this drink had special affects..
Warning: aphrodisiac use, creampie, hickeys, first time for Y/n, corruption, oral, non-con
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(Art not mine!)
“Oh Giyu Hi!!” a woman with long hair approached Giyu who had a annoyed expression on “Oh Hi.” this woman would pester Giyu everytime “I brought you a your favorite juice~” the woman handed him a suspicious drink that made Giyu raise his eyebrow “Hello Giyu!” a young boy with a cheery expression appeared the woman wrinkled her face clearly annoyed that the boy showed up “Hello Y/n” said Giyu showing a little smile “Ooo what’s that?” asked Y/n “Oh it’s a strawberry drink wanna taste?” answered Giyu the woman immediately freaked out and had a angry look on her face “but Giyu that was made for you~” said the woman Giyu wished she was a demon so he could behead her he hated her so much the woman would always treat Y/n like a peasant whenever he appeared
‘G-Giyu i don’t think your friend likes me very much..’ Giyu widened his eyes seeing the young boy crying ‘what did she do?..” asked Giyu “she ordered me around like i was a peasant do i really look like one?..” asked Y/n “No you don’t you look beautiful why don’t i get you more beautiful clothes.” Y/n panicked “i-i don’t need new clothes you already bought me some yesterday!” panicked Y/n “that’s the benefit of being a hashira i get paid a lot.” said Giyu smiling only a smile only Y/n is allowed to see when they are alone
Y/n took a sip of the strawberry drink “It taste amazing!” smiled the young boy “well we better get going bye um.” Giyu awkwardly looked at the woman he forgot her name the woman angrily walked away leaving Y/n confused and Giyu satisfied “Let’s go home Y/n.” said Giyu not before taking a huge sip from the strawberry drink.
When they came back home Y/n was feeling a bit sick so he went to the butterfly hashira “so what is it?” asked Y/n worried Shinobu looked at him smiling as usual “have you and Giyu drank anything lately?” asked Shinobu “hmm oh this lady she’s G-Giyu’s friend..” “Ah i get it she must’ve put something in your drink.” said Shinobu she was very smart “huh? but why would she want to poison Giyu?..” asked Y/n his eyes filled of innocent Shinobu looked at Y/n and frowned “the woman didn’t try to poison Giyu she was trying to get him in bed with her.” said Shinobu she saw how confused Y/n was “your so innocent.. how much did Giyu drink?” said Shinobu “he drank the whole bottle?” said Y/n confused “maybe you should stay here tonight Giyu might not be himself at the moment..” said Shinobu “I-I can’t leave him what if he’s poisoned!” panicked Y/n “Here is a antidote make sure Giyu drinks it.” said Shinobu “and please be careful.” said Shinobu “Bye bye” Y/n hugged Shinobu and walked away with the antidote
“Giyu im home!” Y/n didn’t here anything he looked around “he must’ve left for work..” said Y/n to himself he suddenly felt the wind push him to the futon he turned around seeing Giyu who was scary looking he suddenly felt something large poke him “um Giyu a-are you ok?” said Y/n scared “I’m so much better now that your here darling~” Giyu smiled unusual he quickly attacked Y/n’s neck making him whimper he felt so embarrassed and scared “G-Giyu!” Y/n felt him hump his behind like a dog “I’m sorry Y/n but i really need you~” Giyu took of Y/n’s clothes the young boy tried covering himself but it was no use Giyu had pulled the blanket off him “G-Giyu please don’t..” Y/n was super red ‘this isn’t how his first time was suppose to go like!’ Y/n saw Giyu pull his uniform off showing his cock that was red Y/n felt Giyu pull him and felt his warm long tongue enter his insides “G-Giyu..” Y/n moaned his name making Giyu smirk Y/n could feel Giyu’s tongue reach that spot that made him see stars “are you enjoying yourself?” questioned Giyu, Y/n couldn’t respond due to the fact he was covering his moans on the poor pillow “mhm!” was all he could say Giyu felt Y/n tighten and he took out his tongue making Y/n whine Y/n turned around his face stained with tears “you look so cute begging for my tongue to go back into this hole you want my cock don’t you?~” teased Giyu “h-hurry up!” said Y/n he was to embarrassed and was super red he felt something large stretch his tight hole making him whimper in pain he felt more tears roll down his face “don’t worry darling soon you’ll feel much better~” Giyu sucked on Y/n’s neck creating dark purple hickeys Y/n closed his eyes not wanting to see Giyu after a bit Y/n told him it was ok to move Y/n opened his eyes feeling Giyu thrust and it felt fantastic just one thrust and he was already reaching his prostate “hng…deeper please..” begged Y/n, Giyu smirked he put Y/n’s leg on his shoulder giving him more access to move deeper “Hng hahh~” Y/n was seeing stars everytime Giyu’s long cock moved inside him Y/n scratched Giyu’s back creating long red marks “i’m gonna fill you up so much..” said Giyu panting he thrusted one final time and Y/n felt Giyu’s hot liquid fill his insides Y/n sighed happy that it was over he closed his eyes feeling sleep when he felt Giyu flip him over “i’m still not done with you darling~” smirked Giyu
“Hey Giyu where is Y/n??” asked Mitsuri “he wasn’t feeling well so he decided to stay at home.” said Giyu “Tomioka maybe you should cover your neck i can see the dark hickeys Y/n had left on you~” teased Shinobu, Mitsuri had her eyes wide open and was blushing “Giyu was so pissed off but couldn’t do anything since they were going at a hashira meeting.
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nix-xin-art · 1 month
It’s 1AM and I’ve finished the latest update for HSR
So let’s talk about it, and by talk I mean let’s write out a few paragraphs about my wildly running thoughts and feelings about my husbands
FIRST OF ALL, let’s talk about Gallagher. The man that you are, I never stopped being a Gallagher apologist and I’m so happy I didn’t. The fact he’s so laid back and nonchalant about having dormancy as a pet is actually such a serve on his part.
I think Gallagher in particular had a cool little story here, with the introduction of his actual connection to Mikhail being so fucking sad man, I need to give this guy a cwtch because Oml. The scene where he showed his frustrations towards Mikhail were some of my favourites, he gets a little bitter about Mikhails unwavering faith in the express. And in my brain I’ve interpreted that bitterness as a regret that maybe he could’ve done more for him, maybe been something else to have faith in dispite Gallagher not having a faith for himself.
A tasty tidbit that I enjoy from Gallagher is also the fact he calls Sunday ‘Mr Wings’ as a snarky nickname. As a Gallgher enjoyer and a Sunday slapper I enjoy that.
As for why I have ended my friendship with Sunday: Welt.
This is all I have to say, my man wholly trapped welts consciousness in his own to take him as a bargaining chip for the express, eventually hoping to trap the rest of the crew too. I don’t like that.
Im all seriousness though I do like the way all of that was handled. Welt was on his self sacrificial bullshit again and ended up getting himself into possibly detrimental trouble AGAIN. When will this man learn? It’s been 80 something years mr yang, reflect, I beg of you.
Another side tangent. The fact welt immediately understood something was up with Sunday? The fact welt immediately understood there was something wrong with gopherwood. This man never misses and I love it. I’m convinced that the reason he had to be split from the main group in 2.1 was because he would’ve seen through Gallaghers lies in an instant.
Especially since he brought up Gallaghers suspicious history lesson detour as soon as he heard about it.
Im so normal right now oh my god I need to go bounce around the walls for a bit
Also, side side tangent. The scene with the trailblazers and Mica? (Was that his name? The grave keeper in the dreamfulx reef) When welt is mumbling and he just says “huh? Were you talking to me?” I know for a fact that hoyo doesn’t skimp out on the tiny details and even himeko made a noise of confusion in that scene (if I remember correctly of course) but I might be looking too deeply into that.
Also. What is with penacony and having such plot relevant 4* characters. First it was Gallagher, now it’s Misha??? Hello??? I’m loving this 4* love.
NOW ONTO BOOTHILL. I love that guy he’s such a dumbass in all the best ways. I’ve read through the leaks of his story and… oh boy… knowing what k know… ‘I wouldn’t want to interrupt such a long awaited reunion’… currently kaying my ess.
Then there’s Acheron. Acheron has played a huge part in all the story quests of penacony so far and I’m actually starting to really warm up to her, it might’ve been mostly because abuse of her cutscene with Tiernan. That shit pulled at my heartstrings in all the most painful ways. Also the art in these cutscenes???? Hello??? Hoyo are really popping off with these. I was looking at all the little rendering details like a goddamn owl.
Lastly I wanna talk a little bit about the boss battle for this update… specifically the design of that thing… oh my god it’s gorgeous… this massive robot angel that’s also a conductor, it’s such a gorgeous design I just start kicking my feet and rolling around the floor, the boss design in this game is goddamn beautiful. First Phantilia now this.
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ravereina · 2 years
Hi, can you do a (fic?) scaramouche x camgirl!reader where they know eachother in art class (highschool AU)
Ily and your posts!!<33
(Its okay, if you're not comfortable with writing this)
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Contents: Blackmail, Dubcon, Degrading, Shy reader, Mean scara as it goes on.
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The bell rang snapping you up from your daydreams you were having about one of your friends, Scaramouche. You've always been curious about him, sure you both were friends but you always felt that there wa so much more to him than you knew.
You rushed to your last period of class which was art. You almost instantly sprang up remembering that he was in your class and that you both sat next to eachother. You walked into your class spotting Scaramocuhe facing the window. His face resting in his hand.
"Hey Scara!" you said taking a seat next to him. "Hi." He replied with a cold tone. A slight tint of blush covering his face "Huh? are you ok Scaramouche? You seem really flustered." You said with a hint of concern in your tone. "I'm fine. Its just really warm." He muttered grabbing some art supplies and working on a drawing.
You simply ignored it working on the drawing that the teacher instructed you to work on. Suddenly you broke the tense silence.
"Did something happen scaramouche? You can always tell me if something happened." You put your hands on his arm trying to comfort him. His heart swelled at your words.
He smiled softly "Lets walk to my house. I'll tell you there ok?"
You eagerly nodded your head. Constantly checking the time till school ended. As soon as the bell rang you almost shoved everything in your bag and waited for him at the door. You guys walked seemingly to his house. He stopped to open his front door,
Wondering what could be so important that he had to tell you in secret.
“I’ve seen them, Your videos.” He walked closer towards you. Your face drained pale. Thoughts racing through your head.
"H-huh? What videos..?" You tried to play dumb, Although Scaramouche saw through the poor facade you put up.
"Dont play dumb, Doing filthy things for other people." He sneered pressing in front of you as your back hit the wall. “I won't show anyone if, you let me fuck you.” He smirked. Eyes piercing into yours.
"Hu-Wait W-Wha." You tripped over your words.
“You don’t really have a choice love, Unless you want the whole school to see some of your lewd videos.” His gaze made you feel trapped and bare to him. “I wonder how the college you wanna go too would react too this.” That statement made you freeze.
"Wait scaramouche no! don-" He cut you off.
“You should think twice princess." He said, His hands caressing your shoulders trailing down your body so soothingly it made you almost forget about the situation you were in. He slowly fondled your breast throughout your shirt, rolling your nipples through his fingers.
He removed his hands from your body whining at the los of touch. "Strip." He spat removing some of his clothes. You rushed to take some off. You tried to cover some parts of your body that your undergarments couldn't cover.
"Don't be shy love, you don't seem shy showing your body off to strangers now do you?"
He said against your neck. Slowly biting and sucking your neck. Trailing down towards your breast. “Bet people tell you all the time about how pretty your body is.”
He said looking up at you for a response.
“M-mhm.” you hummed. As he shoved his hands into your panties to remove them and softly rubbing your clit. "God, you're soaked" Slipping his fingers into your cunt.
"What a whore."
He spat, Your cunt clenched around his fingers. "Heh, someone liked that, didn't they?" He teased. You shook your head out of embarrassment, trying to deny the obvious. "Scara.. come on, please." You begged. "Please what love? Tell me." He cooed.
"Fuck me please scaramouche. Need you." You pleaded loudly.
He chuckled, leading you on the couch. "Go on your hands and knees love" He ordered you. You followed his command almost instantly.
He aligned himself to your hole and slowly pushed in. You winced at the pain when he finally bottomed out. "You can move now." You whispered under your breath but just enough for him to hear it.
He started thrusting fastly into you. The only sounds hard from the room was the intense sound of skin slapping and panting coming from both of you..
"You dont know how l-long I've wanted to fuck you." He groaned pulling your hair, forcing you to arch your back.
" 's too much S-Scara!" You squealed, tears welling up in your eyes from the mix of pleasure and pain "Quit your whining bitch. You can take it." He mumbled gripping at more of your hair to hold on as he harshly thrusted into you.
"It's s-such a shame that others have seen your body, but none of them will e-ever be able to feel your tight pussy around me. He said almost smugly. ,"N-No one else! Yours Scara!!" You spewed.
"Thats fuckin right. You're mine. M'gonna breed you and keep you as mine."
The statement made you clench around him. "F-Fill me up S-Scara!" you moaned. Choked sobs emerging from your throat from him rubbing your clit.
Feeling your orgasm reaching you squealed and shut your eyes. "C-Close please,please" You babbled incoherently till you felt your orgasm crashing down upon you. Feeling him release inside of you with a grunt.
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hotluncheddie · 29 days
t4t chubby autistic steddie GO
i have been thinking about this (nsfw from twitter!!) art lately so i am here with u <3
even tho i get nervous to write trans characters, idk why, i just don't wanna mess it up i think
but im doing my best!! bc autistic and gender exploration are very lovely wonderful cozy subjects so i'm gonna focus on that
this is such a string of ideas but - 4 u <3 :3c
Stevie leaves with Eddie and Robin, taking their trust fund and leaving their parents to it - too the rest of their lives - without her. Like the Harringtons always hoped, really.
Stevie doesn't need them, the money is useful but they offer nothing more to her.
She's able to buy an apartment. In Chicago. With her loves. They learn how to live. How to live together. How to be at peace.
There's big bright widows in the main space, with light and air and the sunset. The two bedrooms are cozy and warm and it's a place for them all to grow.
'There's chips here.' Eddie says. They have a matching day off and she's trying to practice what it is to do nothing, to truly rest. Eddie helps, by being there, keeping her still with his hands and his love.
But Stevie tenses up, she was snacking, has been snacking, trying to learn her hunger signals better - what they feel like to her. It was always a rule not to east in her room, not to eat between meals. But she was hungry, she had a snack.
'I'm not judging, I'm saying so we remember to take it out next time one of us goes to the kitchen.' Eddie says, coming back from changing the tape, kissing her. Kissing her and kissing her.
Stevie relaxes.
'You've gained a little weight.' Robin says, laying on Stevies thighs on the couch, crocheting while Stevie watches sports and rubs her knuckles agains her teeth, twirling a strand of Robins hair in her fingers.
She looks down at her best friend. Robin looks back at her.
Robin smiles.
'It's good. You look more like you than you ever have before.'
Stevie smiles back. Tries not to cry.
Stevie letting herself change, relax. Unlearn those eating habits that helped her feel in control. Instead allowing herself to enjoy, and eat the things she wants to, the things she likes.
Eats pasta every night for a month and doesn’t feel bad about it. Doesn’t force herself to eat kale because she hates it, spinach is good enough. She is good enough.
Eddie gets little chubbier, in this new life. After recovering from nearly dying. Explains to Stevie in his long lilting way that he likes it, feels more protected, like his skin isn’t so fragile now.
He’s never liked his body but now he truly knows how short life is, and, maybe he can learn to like this new one. In this new place, in the love that surrounds him.
Plus, the bats destroyed his chest. So without that in the way, no longer lurking and potentially ruining his day. He realises he can shed that background fixation he always seemed to have with thinness. The idea that it would make him look more masculine or more androgynous. Curves were for girls and Eddie was not. That.
But now, now, who fucking cares. He’s alive. He needs to eat.
Steve feels a finger trailing over her hip, dipping into the band of her underwear, skimming over her crack and the the ridges of stretch marks that lead up to her waist.
'So so pretty' Eddie whispers, and it's filled with so much awe, so much grace, so much reverence and love.
Stevie shivers, feeling endless and grounded and like her body is here and hers and everything she ever dreamed of because it exists now.
She puts her hand under her loose shirt, cupping her belly. Skin still sleep warm and the energy of her palm seems to cover her whole body in warmth, in light and softness. Tinging and bright. Still being traced lightly by the love of her life. But being loves by her own hands, now, too.
She exists. And finally, everything is beautiful.
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positivelyholland · 11 months
Hey sunshine, it’s meeeeee!
So could you write something with Chris x daughter reader when she’s not having the best past couple of weeks because her brain just won’t let her communicate what she wants to (her brain just isn’t braining) and chris knows when she gets like this her anxiety is though the roof because she can’t explain anything it’s almost like her mind is just detached from herself it makes her panic badly. So it’s a lot of comfort, bluey and communication strategies because he knows it’s hard for her, so he gets scott to take her out because she’s hasn’t been out the house in a hot minute just to get her some fresh air and some of her comfort foods like apple sauce because it slaps. They just have a fun and slow couple of days until her brain finally decides it wants brain again, even if it’s as slow and spending a day in chris’ bed with bluey or going on a walk with Scott and dodger. Just comfort and to be able to slow down that’s all she needed
pairing: chris evans x daughter!reader
genre: comfort & fluff
summary: when school gets to be too much, you're dad comes and saves the day
warnings: being overwhelmed
A/N: im so sorry that it took me long to respond to this, my dear! hopefully the wait was worth it and this can be all that you wanted it to be
You sit at your desk, surrounded by what felt like a mountain of books, papers, assignments, and so on. School has become extra overwhelming lately, and you're struggling to keep up.
You had been working on your homework for hours at this point, and you were just about to reach your tipping point.
That tipping point came sooner than you thought as you finished what you assumed to be your millionth essay of the day, just to realize that you didn't save your progress.
That's when the tears started falling.
Just before you about ruined your art homework by crying, you head a gentle knock on your bedroom door. You sniffle, hastily wiping away your tears, and call out, "Come in."
The door creaks open, and you see your dad, standing there with a sympathetic smile. His presence alone is enough to provide some solace. You've always admired him—his kindness, his strength, and his unwavering support.
"Hey, kiddo," Chris says, stepping into the room. "I noticed you've been pretty stressed lately... and now you're crying so I'm a little concerned, mind if I come in and talk?"
You shake your head, and he walks over to your desk, taking a seat beside you. His comforting presence feels like a warm shield against the stress that surrounds you.
"What's been going on, y/n?" Chris asks, concern evident in his voice.
You take a deep breath and pour your heart out, sharing your struggles, fears, and frustrations. You talk about the constant pressure to excel, the feeling of never being good enough, and the anxiety that has been building up within you.
Chris listens intently, his eyes filled with empathy. When you finish, he places a hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"You know, you're doing a really good job, but i understand that it can be hard to do a good job sometimes" he says, his voice soothing. "But it's important to remember that you're not alone in this. We'll find a way to make it through together."
A glimmer of hope flickers in your eyes as you absorb his words. Your dad, understands your struggles and is determined to help you overcome them. Inspired by his unwavering support, you wipe away the remaining tears and give him a small nod.
"Alright, then," Chris says with a mischievous smile. "Enough of the studying for today. It's time for a break."
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued by his sudden shift in tone. "What do you have in mind?"
He stands up and extends a hand toward you. "How about we go on an adventure? We'll leave the books behind for a while and focus on having fun."
You hesitate for a moment, but the idea of spending time with your dad, escaping the suffocating stress, is too tempting to resist. And besides, you don't get chances to spend an entire day having fun with your dad instead of doing homework.
You reach out, your hand slipping into his, and he pulls you to your feet.
Chris leads you downstairs, and soon, the two of you are stepping out into the sunshine, Dodger's leash in hand. As the three of you walk together, he fills the air with his infectious laughter, making your worries melt away.
First, he takes you to a local park. You swing on the swings, feeling weightless as the wind rushes through your hair. He pushes you higher and higher, shouting encouragement and laughing alongside you.
Doing all this just like you did when you were a little girl. You finished at the park with a game of fetch with Dodger.
Next, you head to the arcade, where Chris challenges you to a series of friendly competitions. You cheer each other on, while both of you still want to be the winner.
As the two of you celebrate victories and laugh off defeats, all the stress and worry seem like distant memories.
When you're both worn out from games, Chris suggests grabbing ice cream. You eagerly agree, savoring each spoonful as you stroll through the city streets, talking about anything and everything. Chris listens intently, offering advice and sharing stories of his own struggles.
"Remember, kiddo," Chris whispers, his voice soft and comforting. "Life can get tough, but it's the moments like these that make it all worthwhile. You're strong, resilient, and capable of great things. Don't let the challenges define you."
His words resonate deep within your heart, filling you with newfound determination. With Chris by your side, you realize that you can face anything that comes your way.
After a good nights sleep, the next morning you settle back at your desk, ready to tackle your mountain fo work with a renewed sense of purpose. Armed with the love and support of your dad, you know you can do anything.
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oneshlut · 6 months
Hello!!!! Love your writing!!!! May i request a platonic Sun and Moon (or eclipse its up to you!) With a favorite child reader? I just think that would be adorable!!!
P.s. i LOVE your writing!!!! And your headcanons!!! Dont overwork yourself!!!! Keep being cool/pos!!!!!!!!
A/N: UGHHH you guys are SO SWEET!!! pls stop im gonna IMPLODE /j tyty for all the kind words, also i really needed some1 to tell me not to overwork myself lmaoao, ive been getting so many requests lately.. promise i'll get to all of y'all! OHOH AND I LOVE WRITING FOR THESE THREE! and child readers for them, especially!
(since im feeling extra silly i'll give you a fanfic recommendation: New Consciousness! i think it can be found on tumblr too.. its a yandere sun/moon fic&child reader, one of my favs and greatest inspo!)
Your Best Friend (Sun/Moon/Eclipse & Child!Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General meeting, friendship, and attachment headcanons for The Daycare Attendant with a child reader.
Extra Info: Sun and Moon share bodies, just like in the game. If I mention them talking to each other, they're talking with their shared consciousness.
Sun can usually tell when someone new joins the daycare. If he doesn't hear the obvious audio clue of the ballpit, he'll have a sensor that will go off so that he's notified. Every time Sun gets a notification, you can almost see his built-in smile grow wider. A new friend!
As a child new to the Pizzaplex, entering the daycare for the first time was terrifying. I don't think the current horrible reputation on the Fazbear company helped one bit. The animatronics were definitely scary, you didn't need to know that there was a chance you could go missing because of them.
But the daycare had attendants, so that calmed your nerves. Slightly. Until you realized, they too were animatronics. The statue in the entrance of the daycare was massive compared to you. You suddenly wished that you hadn't accepted that birthday invitation.
Sun immediately goes in to meet you! He's practically radiating happiness onto you, skipping to where you were. He's definitely very intense when first meeting you, waving to you like a maniac. You eventually find yourself getting used to his upbeat energy, agreeing to do most activities with him that he brings up. This includes making macaroni art, crudely put-together paper pals, and a few drawings that he's sure to hang up in his room afterwards.
The security officers seem to catch on over the next few weeks how Sun has grown attached to one child. It pretty much went against his code, as he was supposed to be keeping a watchful eye over all the kids, not just one. But the officers at Freddy's get paid minimum wage, so they don't really care about the two of you unless they've got a lawsuit on their hands.
If you were ever feeling down, he'd immediately try to cheer you up. He will spend the entire day with you if he needs to! He may be intense, clingy, and won't let you out of his sight for a mere 2 seconds, but he's got good intentions. Sun hates seing children sad, and the one thing he knew how to do best was cheer them up. Whether this be silly faces, drawings, or hide n' seek, he always had something new to distract you from the little raincloud utop your head. However, Sun knows he can be a bit chaotic at times. If you want him to, he'll give you space. Sometimes, kids just need calm, and that was definitely not his strong suit.
Sun tries not to have "favorite" children, but he couldn't deny he was growing a bit attached. You were enjoying his company anyway, so why should he have to stop? You seemed much less nervous around him aswell, so as far as he knew, he was doing the right thing. A new term had suddenly seemed to form in his memory bank: "best friend".
Now, Moon definitely caught you off guard. You had grown so used to Sun's warm, exatatic nature, that when the atmosphere to the daycare had a sudden chill, yet calming feel to it, you immediately thought something was wrong.
Given this, you met Moon when, apparently, Sun was going under.. technical support of some kind. You didn't know the full extent to the details, but what you did know was that Sun was gone, and in replacement, Moon took over both the day and night shifts. You watched as the kids in the daycare scrambled around, some trying to hide, and some just trying to get all their energy out before Moon came out for the night shift. You had intended to just stay away from him in a random corner, since most kids seemed afraid of him, but with the "night" shift coming up, you really had no way to avoid him.
Moon wasn't in the mood for hide n' seek. Not like Sun usually was. He recognized that he had a job to do, so if anything, he'd get it done. He did enjoy working for kids--it was in his code, after all--but this didn't distract him from his work. As most children were, you were scared of him at first. Moon normally just forced the kid to go to bed, either with a Moondrop candy, or tame threats like time-out. But you seemed.. different. He didn't want to be seen as mean, not to you. Instead, he tried to gain your trust by telling you that he was friends with Sun, assuming you were more favorable towards Sun.. again, as most kids were. Surprisingly, he was right to assume.
You, on the other hand, were thrown completely off guard. For the most part, you had thought Moon was this mean, strict, and harsh version of Sun--as you've heard from other children. But instead, you found him to be much more calming, if anything. Maybe the kids just hated having to tone down their energy, that when someone forced them to, they grew naturally afraid of them. That was your reasoning, anyway.
Unlike Sun, Moon is more of a "denier" than anything. He had things to do, and didn't need things getting in the way. But you were different. You weren't a distraction--no, far from it. He wouldn't admit it, but as Sun did, he grew attached. Out of all the kids he's taken care of during his career, you were definitely the calmest. Your presence is.. nice.
If you're going to anyone for comfort, it's Moon. This is if Sun didn't manage to cheer you up previously. Moon's version of comfort was more of quiet, small ambiance, plushies, blankets, and pillows. Sometimes storytimes! That's one method the two had in common. So if you ever have trouble sleeping when nap time comes around, Moon may or may not give you special treatment to ensure you sleep soundly. This means absolutely everything I just listed above for comfort.
He soon discovered what it was like to spend the whole day with you. He'd now ask Sun every now and then if he could take over the day shift for him. At first Sun denied, that would mean less time with you! But, if he made it equal..
Sun made a somewhat "deal" with Moon, where they would now just take days instead of shifts. This.. didn't look good to the staff, though. Instead of making them go back to their shifts, though, they would make sure they both got what they wanted. And in the staff's eyes, what the shared animatronic wanted was to each have both shifts. Not too far off.
A day passed one day, where neither Sun or Moon was watching over the daycare. In replacement were just the.. extremely creepy staff bots. You began to grow worried--if he'd ever come back again. Luckily, you only had to wait a day.
The day he came back, the animatronic was.. new. Different. You tried to listen in on the clumps of children's conversations--listening until the words blended together to form the name "Eclipse". The name definitely made sense for their character.
To say you were ecstatic would be an understatement. You were practically as happy as Sun was when he first met you! Eclipse was everything you could ever want--it was both of your best friends put into one personality, one animatronic. But if anyone was more excited than you, it would be Eclipse himself. One thing that was different now was his ability to tone his excitement and clinginess down. With the two brought together, their personality fell on a balance.
Meeting you was much less of a shock for him as it was for you. You liked the new look, though. As soon as Eclipse caught your eye, he immediately skipped over to squeeze you in a tight hug. Don't worry, he tried not to squeeze too hard. Even if you were confused at first, you warmed up to him quickly. You noted his voice as he spoke to you for the first time. Not too frantic like Sun's, yet not too quiet like Moon's. Something about it was.. comforting. Which leads me to my next topic.
Eclipse is the best source of comfort you can get. He can most likely tell if you're having a bad day. If you ever feel overwhelmed/overstimulated at the daycare, he'll take you to his room for the first time. If he's being honest, he's never really shown anyone his room before--until now, that is. You immediately fell in love with the room! You would ask to go there more often, and on some days, stay in there the entire day. Eclipse didn't mind, though! Anything to cheer you up, after all.
Eventually, your birthday will come around, in which Eclipse goes all out. He didn't truly expect you to visit the daycare on your birthday--he had figured you'd like to see the Glamrocks instead, but no! Eclipse was honestly so honored that you'd want to spend your birthday with him of all animatronics. With this in mind, he tries to make today the best day of your life! The best day for you in the daycare, at that. He won't go too overboard, but he will spend all his time having fun with you. Eclipse would schedule activities to do, such as macaroni pictures, creating puppets to be used in future puppet shows, and if he's feeling nice enough, he'll sneak in some FizzyFaz into the daycare. When the day starts to near an end, he'll take you backstage to his room, where he has fully decorated the small spot with birthday balloons, banners, strings, and small gifts scattered across the floor. In the center was a.. poorly made cake. Eclipse was only an animatronic after all, his coding didn't have any baking intelligence in his mainframe. It was the thought that counted.
Going home afterwards was definitely a challenge, though. You were practically dragged away from the daycare, and Eclipse had never felt more flattered. On your drive back, you had discovered that you had a new best friend. Animatronic or not.
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violynt-skies · 10 months
Rottmnt Theatre Arts AU
one of my close moots on twitter @/lynngu1n1 created a band au the other day so now im here to add onto it with a rottmnt theatre arts/performing arts au bc now i can’t stop thinking abt it let’s go!
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This first one should surprise nobody, leo is a born and raised theatre kid. He loves the performance, he loves the drama, and he loves the spotlight. Leo is often lucky and skilled enough to be cast in lead roles however he’s almost ALWAYS type casted into the love interest role. Not that it bothers him though as he takes the role with stride. He loves playing it and he knows he’s good at it.
Off stage however he’s often regarded as a leader type within the cast. people admire him and with his natural charisma he tends to take charge in helping the cast by hyping them up and setting morale high as well as almost always being on top of things when it comes what changes might've occurred when rehearsing scenes and dance numbers.
He’s the one that sets up the cast parties and after show dinners and often leads warm ups within the cast and introduces the new members to old theatre kid traditions. and despite his chill personality he actually takes his acting roles pretty seriously and works hard to learn his lines and choreography.
Things are always fun when Leo's around, you'll find him dancing in the wings when not on stage w other cast mates and pulling the most ridiculous expressions as everyone silently holds in their laughter and is the one thats got the best drama and gossip stories to tell while blasting music backstage as everyone gets ready.
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Donnie is on crew, he helps build the sets, hang the lights, watch for cues, handles mic checks and sound and controls everything from the booth during shows, wearing headsets during the show is one of his favorite things ever, it’s makes him feel like the guy in the chair.
Donnie doesnt interact with the cast that much as he’s constantly busy with the tech side of things but everyone on the cast knows him because he’s e v e r y w h e r e . And while he tends to keep to himself when working, people quickly learned to stay out of his way when he’s doing so
He absolutely loves his job though and enjoys all the intricacies that goes on behind the stage that makes the show run smoothly. Will absolutely infodump to you about certain tech aspects if you ask him about it tech week is absolute hell tho. nobody bother him.
There’s still so much to be done before opening night and trying to get these damn theatre kids to work with him can be such a nightmare sometimes. he likes them most of the time he really does, but not right now especially during mic checks, of which leo is CHRONICALLY late too
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Raph is a stage manager! though over time has quickly been adopted as the cast and crew mom. While he does everything the stage managers typically do, watching cues, helping move set pieces, keeping track of props, he’s always extended himself to helping even more backstage.
Raph's got whatever you need at all times. throats sore? come on he’ll show you where we keep the throat coat. want a mint? here you go. yes call time is at 5:30. you blanked and forgot ur line before ur scene? here’s the script u got this bud
instead of getting into the tech aspect like Donnie during the rehearsal periods, raph actually goes to help with the costumes instead! he’s making the alterations to help make ur costume fit better and finding you the right accessories for it.
In his spare time he’ll go to the shop and help build sets under donnies guidance, being able to easily move heavy pieces from place to place as well as painting them the main reason raph works so well as a stage manager tho is that he CAN wrangle the wild antics of theatre kids. and while it mostly isn’t an issue as the majority of people already respect him for his kindness. He knows how to deal with them when the chaos starts to set in where donnie couldn’t. when he needs people to get out of his way they MOVE. and while raph usually has a handle on things, the cast has seen him snap at times and have since then avoid it at all cost. When raph tells you to do something you do it.
But otherwise he’s pretty chill! he helps you with quick changes and fixes ur costume if it rips on stage. just dont touch the props, that PISSES him off
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Mikey is an ensemble kid. He enjoys theatre but hes totally content just being part of the group and experience and doesnt need to be in the spotlight. Mikey’s the kid that gets along with everyone, cast & crew, he comes to the after parties and is thoroughly engaged in warm ups
However! His skills for dancing are no joke, having previous experience with it before joining the theatre fam. as a result he ends up with a role as a dance captain! quickly picking up the choreo and then relaying it to his fellow cast mates and helping anyone who needs it
He’s the one that ALWAYS remembers the steps. and his the kid that helps remind the choreographer what came after this segment and yeah we go right then left! he’s also the one that tends to do a large amount of the stunts within the big dance numbers. Yes he can do a round off backhandspring! Need someone who can do cartwheels? He’s ur guy. Can anyone do a triple turns? That’s him.
As a result he ends up becoming well known among the cast which eventually lands him some small supporting roles in following shows as well! Not to mention he's the one that everyone goes to for help with makeup. That kid's eyeliner skills are def on another level.
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April is part of the yearbook committee at school, which as a result has her coming in during hours of rehearsal to take some pictures for it as well as the show. However, with the combination of this and also being friends with the guys, which led her to start working with them more.
This ends up with her taking an unofficial role as their marketing committee. April is the one who promotes the show on social media and is also the one that puts together the programs for the show and takes the cast headshots as well as their bios.
She and leo tag team the ticket selling, with her passion and his natural charisma they make an extremely compatible team when it comes to encouraging people to go see the show. She’s the one that helps set up the concessions at intermission and is the one who records the show and takes plenty of pictures for it for their social media.
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OUTSIDE of musical theatre season:
These boys got some other electives they’ve got lined up (which sometimes overlaps with theatre which makes things a little stressful but it’s all good)
I thoroughly believe leo is that one kid that does sports within the cast, and while ik he’s big on basketball, he also gives me some major soccer vibes- the kid def has the speed and agility for the offense position, and while he knows it’s not, half the time playing the game feels like putting on a whole ass performance and he thrives on the adrenaline of it all
Now don’t think i forgot about donnie’s overly big dramatics because i didn’t. Donnie DID actually audition for theatre, and while he’s got a huge passion for musical theatre just like leo, he later found out that he did not inherent the same talent for acting rip.
Therefore! he found something else to fill his need for dramatization and ended up in harmony show choir! a group that involves both singing dancing and performance with no need for much skills in acting, a perfect fit for him.
ofc he was a little awkward when he first joined and he’s not the best in the group but he thoroughly found himself enjoying it as a side activity and found friends in the group as well.
Raph is a choir kid! Initially he didn’t have much interest in it and ended up taking the class as a needs for an art elective but after a semester he found that he really liked it! fitting in the bass section extremely well and actually found stage managing through choir. (since half the choir kids overlap with theatre) and many of his classmates encouraged him to try it out! Especially since tech was a little short-staffed at the moment
Raph kept up w choir after a while and started auditioning for all state each year! He sometimes has some difficulties with reading the music but donnie always helps him out when he needs.
Outside of arts though, Raph is also an og sports kid like leo and is on the wrestling team
Now mikey as the arts kid of the group obviously has been in plenty of art electives that change from semester to semester, ranging from 2D and 3D drawing to sculpting and painting. Outside of those however he also found himself on the drill team!
Mikey has been in dance for a long time and quickly impressed his coaches with his dance audition which resulted in him being able to jump straight into the varsity team., and after a while he was eventually able to build himself up to becoming the team captain too
Mikey only ending up in theatre after some poking and prodding from leo who encouraged him to join in knowing he’d end up liking it which he did
As for April, outside of theatre/yearbook she also works for the school's news reporting team as well as helping w morning announcements, practicing her journaling skills in hopes of one day joining an actual news station.
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holographic-mars · 1 month
im sorry that person is being a Creep abt ur art any normal person just sees that as cute cuddling so if it's any reassurance I feel like the basic population of transformers fans and just. People in general see that as just cuddles idk how to word it but ya. I luv ur art and pls take all the time u need to rest and also my cats say hello as they meow happily and snuggle in a cuddle puddle pile all around me right now
EEEHEHEE I say hi to the kitties!!! I hope your cuddle puddle pile is warm and happy and full of purrs, thank you for your kind words n reassurances it really helps me feel better :))
I’m honestly doing a lot better I had to sit and stress for a second and now that I’ve got a clearer head I realize it’s best to let it go and ignore the person cause I said everything I needed to say. If they wanna keep obsessing over this and being weird than it’s really none of my business.
I probably will take a little break from art and all that just cause I need to cleanse my palate, I can’t say I’m unaffected bc It has caused me a lot of distress and made me feel kinda weird about my own art, and also I have finals coming up and some personal stressors I have to deal with at home.
All and all thank you so much, I love and appreciate everyone who’s been so kind to me n made me feel better about everything it means so much more than you realize !! ❤️❤️❤️🛸🛸
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Joyous cosmos be upon ye
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Why do i/Good grief - Harry Hook x reader - Oneshot
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The cold ocean wind blew past your cheeks-a puff of air escaping your lips as you curled up on the dock, one leg hanging down as the other was curled up to your chest-your arms wrapped around it. Your eyes glinted with the sunset reflecting off the horizon-which slowly disappeared behind the waves on the edge of the sea.
“There ye are”
You sat up, turning to see your beloved; Harry Hook-his hair a windswept mess and still in his work clothes, his black and white sleeveless hoodie a mess of grease and dirt from working on the lost revenge. You hummed, scooting to let him sit next to you. “hi” he whispered, taking your knee and shaking it a bit, smiling softly at you.
You smiled back, though it was pained and near hesitant. Harry noticed and wrapped his arm around you, holding you closer “ye said ya’ wanted ta’ talk?” you nodded, glancing away, looking down at the beaded bracelet he had gifted you upon your first date.
Were you really about to do this?
…you had to, you couldn’t just-leave-without saying a word.
“I want to take a break, from us.” you rushed out, clenching your eyes shut and ducking your head into your arms, fearing for Harry’s reaction. You felt his breath stop and his arm freeze, slowly withdrawing from your shoulder and his body move away from you.
‘no-no please-I’m sorry’ your mind begged him to stay close, to stay with you, you didn’t want him to leave thinking you hated him. you needed to explain. You felt his fingers go under your chin, bringing your suddenly tear-streaked face to look up at him, a sob punching out of your chest when you saw his ever-warm ocean eyes.
“I understand, mo Leannan, we’ve been together-what, five years now? We’re twenty-one now, it’s understandable you’d need some time away from us to learn about yerself or-even just-“ he cleared his throat, sounding uncomfortable with the notion of what he was about to mention “just time away from meh”
You shook your head, taking his hand and pulling it into your chest. No-you didn’t need time from him. you never wanted to be apart you just…you just “I just-fuck.” you sighed, rubbing your flushed face, it was so hard to explain. “I don’t want to leave you-I still love you, I always will-fuck I don’t think you’ll ever leave my brain. I just…fuck I don’t know, I don’t know” you sighed, bonking your head into his shoulder, feeling his free hand curl over your neck and rub the skin there with his thumb.
You felt him kiss the top of your head “I understand my love, I really do. Words are hard, I get that more than anythin’…I think-ye just need some time away, so ye can let yerself enjoy me again, right?” you perked up, looking into his eyes, his wonderful ocean eyes that had captivated you from the moment you first looked into them.
You nodded, slowly-that-that was almost it. You sighed, rubbing your neck. “the-the closest I would kin it to, would be burn out, I guess…like-remember the time I took a long break from my art-because I just-couldn’t do anything with it? No matter what?” he nodded, taking you in his arms and pulling you close “I guess I just-fucking love you so much I burnt out on you, and…I need a break so I can love you again without exhausting myself” you huffed, it sounded stupid-but it sounded right.
Harry just chuckled, kissing your cheek “aye, do what ye need ta’ do darlin’ I’ll always be here, just know that.” You let out another huff, feeling tears in your eyes as you buried yourself in his arms, it almost felt like he was fading away. “I know, I’ll come back to you-I know I will. I love you, Harry”
He hummed, closing his eyes and pressing his cheek to your head, holding you close “I love you too (y/n), I’ll see you soon.”
“see you soon, Harry Hook”
….fuck I made myself cry.
Well, this was just a lil personal goodbye fic to Harry Hook. Back in September, I announced my break from him, for writing. Im still in the fandom and of course I’ll talk about him and the others-just-for x readers, I’ll be(and have been) taking a break. For now it’ll be Walter Deville, Jtk, and maybe that one Max Wolfe fic I was beginning to do(I still need to watch-any of s1-p2 lol) otherwise, goodbye for now to Harry Hook :3.
no taglist since this one was kinda personal so...yeah.
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So I wanna vent, about something really quick, and then we'll go back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I like, hate. College. I hate it, I hate the premise, I hate that they're bleeding me for money, but most of all I hate the people. If I could do college with 5 other people and we all had our own rooms I think I'd like it more. It started snowing today, and the campus is covered in snow. And if you know anything about me, I hate the cold. I hate being cold, I hate being outside in the cold. Because when it's cold, it's guaranteed I'll probably get sick. I'll get chills, the flu, a cold, something.
I wanted to go to a college in North Carolina, but they didn't accept me for an art program, so I ended up at my current college in small-town Pennsylvania. It's cold here, in the winter. it's so goddamn cold I don't want to go outside. I shouldn't go outside. And lucky for me I don't have to go outside because I have everything I need, inside, where it's warm, and I won't die by slipping on ice.
But apparently, my roommate thinks I'm STUPID for calling one of my co-workers to see if my job on campus would still be open. When I could've just "Walked outside to see if they're open" and "It's not that cold". FIRST OF ALL the air outside has to be a certain degree to even freeze the water in the sky and make it dense enough to fall out of the sky in the form of snow. in other words, IT HAS TO BE COLD, TO MAKE COLD WEATHER, AKA SNOW. And I left my warmest coat back home by accident, so I'm even less guarded against the cold weather. And I'm also anemic, it doesn't matter how many fucking layers I put on, I can still be, (and usually am) cold. She wouldn't let me explain why I don't find it necessary to go outside in the cold when I can just as easily find out the information I need by CALLING SOMEONE ON THE PHONE. Yeah sure she may not be here on campus, however, this probably isn't the first time the school's shut down because of weather, she would probably know if the school job that we both work would still be open. Which she did, and now I know whenever the school is shut down, my job is too.
I started to raise my voice because when someone insults me, the natural reaction is to defend myself. And when someone repeatedly interrupts you in conversation, wrongly assuming you're done and continuing to invalidate your feelings and emotions because THEY think it's STUPID and you're being DUMB AND IRRATIONAL about weather you aren't used to, their argument being "You have to get used to it at some point since you live here now"
Technically, I don't actually live here. I don't have a permanent residency here. I can't vote in this state. I live in a warmer southern state. My home is in another state. I am "living" on a college campus. But in the next 3 years? I'm not going to be able to live here. I don't stay here during the winter and summer. I go HOME. I FLY TO ANOTHER STATE. Technically I don't HAVE to get used to shit. I can get my degree, and move to fucking California where it doesn't ever snow. And I can hate the cold all the same. Because it's my right to not like cold weather, yeah I complain about it, but I know it's something I have to deal with. That doesn't mean I have to "learn to get used to it" right now just because you fucking say so. And you don't have to fucking call me stupid and illogical every time I don't want to go outside. That's rude. You can think it, but you don't have to say it. I'm seriously starting to rethink my friendship with this person because we can be fine and friendly, and instantly jump into an argument fucking 5 SECONDS later. I don't want to even live with this person anymore, I'm just dealing with it because the alternative is living with someone I don't know.
anyway, rant over. Now we return to the regularly scheduled programming. 🍫
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haruniki · 1 year
Genshin Impact Characters taking care of you when you're sick- pt. 1/?
a/n: i missed doing stuff like this!! it's usually really fun to write but i stopped doing them bc i felt like they were getting repetitive, but im gonna try to not make them repetitive. Includes the ladies of Mondstat(like 4 bc i dont feel like writing for too many at once)
Jean 6/10 but only bc she's cute or whatever 🙄🙄
Jean doesn't even take time for 5 min break from work, so...
She does have people come check in on you and report back to you. In fact, she has the traveler get medicine for you and to make sure you're okay.
Also has the traveler deliver letters to you with sweet messages on them
Might even see if Lisa can help you get well sooner
If Jean does finish her work for the day, she speeds to your shared room. Immediately, kneeling and grabbing on to your hand. Apologizing that she couldn't stay with you to help you, but that she's here now and will get you whatever you need.
"Apologies, love. I know I should've stayed here with you, but I had to finish those papers. On the bright side, I completed tomorrow's work. I'll be able to stay with you and help however i can."
Lisa 8/10, she may have some medical background right?
Lisa is a alumna from Sumeru's Akademiya and her studies weren't primarily Arcane Arts so it's possible she studied some medical stuff.
Plus she's a librarian, she's mostly read or come across books on medicine or herbs that will help with whatever is wrong
takes double the time off to help you recover even if it's a small cold
Will pamper you, like paint your toenails or brush your hair for you to try to distract from the headache or aches you might have
Also puts the medicine in teas because she doesn't like how bitter medicine tastes and knows it'll help it go down easier, plus warm tea helps soothe your throat!
Tries her best not to get sick, but she might end up getting a small cold or small cough after you get well
Overall, does a really good job at helping you get well
" This tea will help the medicine go down better, plus it'll help clear up your breathing. And you'll be better in no time, but try not to swallow it to quickly. It's still pretty hot cutie."
Amber 4/10 i mean she kinda knows what to do?
Amber wants to help you but doesn't quite know how except to get medicine.
Spends like 20 minutes deciding which Medicine she should get and still doesn't get the right one. Does go back and gets the right one
She pops in on all her breaks to see how you're doing and if you need anything.
Will run and get you whatever you need, no matter how far away it is.
Makes the best soup because she had read somewhere that soup helps when someone is sick.
Also gets sick because she would constantly cuddle up to you because ahe wasn't sure what else to do to help.
"I present Amber's super special soup! I made it with all your favorite veggies! I also picked up some medicine that you can take after you eat. It should help a ton!"
Sucrose ????/10
Sucrose is an alchemist and as such she could be technically labeled as a doctor or sorts. Is she an ethical doctor? Considering what her specialty dish looks like i would say no, but to each their own.
Sucrose would probably use you being sick as amply opportunity to test out some medicine that she had made but never got the chance to test until now. No you may not question why it's an oozy looking purple still not a solid, but also not a liquid texture
However she won't make you her test subject for the medicine if you don't want to Sucrose is totally fine with getting you medicine from Albedo or a local doctor if you would prefer.
Sucrose does try her best to keep you entertained to the best of her ability. She also really tries to get you to sleep as often as you can, it should help speed up your healing process
Ask Sucrose for something made by Lisa or Amber, and use that they have a secret ingredient that helps you feel better. Sucrose cooking is a bit of a disaster
Sucrose does try her best for literally everything else and manages to not get sick after taking care of you
"This is a seru- medicine that i made a while ago... I..I didn't get the chance to study what all it does so i was hoping... Oh, yeah.. I suppose regular medicine would be the best route. Wouldn't want you to get worse."
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*busts through the wall like the fucking kool-aid man*
so on @papersirens server this got brought up somehow and @sweetsparklerain made some fucking stellar art about this too--
CW; monster/animal-hybrid fucking, nipple play, breast feeding/milking, mentions of breeding, the general fanfare for hucow stuff.
this isnt looked over well for errors im sorry! im playing fast n wild here im just excited lmao~
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🐮 he's a massive bull with great big horns that poke through his signature hat that also hides his cute floppy ears~ with big black collar and bell because he moves so quiet for someone so massive. he doesn't produce milk very often, usually goes around the farm doing the more strenuous manual labor, or will be commissioned to breed other hucows (either the old fashioned way or straight-up buying his sperm). 🐮 so when risotto does produce milk or, even more rarely, gets backed up--it's very obvious how uncomfortable it makes him. his chest his swollen, nipples puffy and so sensitive he cant bare to have anything on his chest. cant move around too much either or else it can even hurt. 🐮 milk from bulls just isn't popular enough to sell and they don't produce enough to fill a machine anyway, so he isn't allowed to go be properly milked. so he goes to you for help. you're the only person he can relax around enough to get the milk out all in one go. the methods you use to do it are also his favorite way to do it, too. 😏 🐮 so imagine sucking on his fat teats when they’re already so full they start to leak little rivulets down his body. massaging around the muscle to give him some relief from how sore the fullness makes him. be careful when you start though, you don't want an angry bull on your hands. 🐮 the best position to do this in is with you sitting on his lap. it doesn't feel anything other than a relief at first, but the longer you play with his chest, the harder risotto's cock will get. digs into your thigh to star leaking just as bad as his tits are. he wants to move on already but his chest is still so sore, and your mouth is so soft and warm. 🐮 you better tell him how good a boy he's being for being so patient. he'll get a bit huffy but you can hear his tail thumping wild against the floor from how much he enjoys hearing that. 🐮 when you're ready for the main event, start playing with his collar as you slowly sink down on his cock. risotto’s so fucking horny from all the teasing that he can barely see straight, and in the moment he'll let you lead him along with wild groans as he’s surrounded by your tight heat. 🐮 until he can’t take it anymore and rolls the two of you over so you're on your back, starts shamelessly grinding his cock into you. you've had your fun, but now it's his turn. he shoves his face into the crook of you neck to drown in the scent of your arousal, and all he can think about his how badly he needs to cum. grip at the base of his horns to make him shiver and hold you tighter and closer. 🐮 oh but the only position risotto's familiar with is the one he uses to breed heifers. you'll be folded in half into a mating press and able to feel every inch of his cock as it pounds into you fast and deep. 🐮 the amount of cum a bull in his prime can produce is taken with ease by a heifer, but as a human it leaks out of you from around risotto's cock when he cums as deep as possible inside you. his breeding instincts are really strong when he's so lost in his pleasure like this so he's not gonna let you go anytime soon. his hucow instincts will want him to keep you folded in half with his cock buried inside until he's 100% sure he's put a calf in you. 🐮 when he comes out of it he'll treat you like a fucking queen afterwards for taking such good care of him. if he hadn't made you cum already he's damn well going to make sure you do now. weather that's with his thick tongue or fingers or even his cock again if you want. if there's anyone on the farm looking for you two right now it's too bad, because once risotto gets started neither of you will be seen until the next evening at the earliest.
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