#my little shookie guy
brokenolivejar · 7 months
Kinger is my favorite in tadc
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So here’s him opening a kinder egg bc mono misread his name as kinder instead of Kinger
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jellifysh · 2 years
Fake Love (prequel)
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Or, Namjoon Needs a Break
OT7 x reader, idol!bts x fan!reader, amnesia au, takes place late 2019 and covid never happens, involves heavy manipulation from the boys, reader loses three years of memory (permanently? 👀), dark fluff, mostly cute, Namjoon just loves his boys man 😔, jimin's hornee in this au I will not apologize,, this prequel is about three years before the story starts tho
A/N: sorry for not being so active lately guys, I was busy for the week of my birthday, and then my phone broke and that’s where I do most of my writing, so I got a new one! But this is the prequel to Fake Love :) if u wanna be on the taglist, reply to this post <333
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It was Namjoon who noticed you first.
He was at the end of the table for the meet and greet, the first person the fans talked to when it was their turn. It always felt like a new experience whenever they did meet and greets in the States though, just because of the absolute culture shock. Fans here were so touchy, so ready to grab their hands and lean in across the table towards them and almost always flirty. It was something some of the other members took in stride, Jimin hardly faltering before tossing a flirty comment back and Jin responding with a squeaky laugh and a cheesy joke that he struggled to tell in English, but Namjoon could only smile awkwardly. Especially when he would talk with a fan and notice their eyes were only glancing down the table at members they were clearly more excited to talk to.
To put it simply, Namjoon kind of hated meet and greets. To be honest, the other boys did too, even if they were good at faking it. They loved being performers and having people scream their name. After a while, it started to inflate their egos. Of course they were the most popular group in the world, of course they worked harder than everyone else, of course they deserved everything they got. Their fans practically worshipped at their feet and they had every reason to. The humble attitude they kept up was a disguise, a persona only made to fish for more of the praise they thrived on.
He could see the line of fans clearly from where he sat, boredly inspecting the people in line while waiting for the next fan to take their seat in front of him.
That was when he first saw you.
You weren't necessarily different, not when he first looked at you. You were as fashionably dressed as almost everyone else there, BT21 merchandise of all their characters woven into your outfit, meant to impress them obviously. A cute Koya headband, Mang charms on your bracelet, Shooky charms on your necklace, RJ charms dangling from your ears, small Chimmy and Tata keychain plushes hooked into the front belt loops of your shorts, and a little Cooky ring. Actually, after getting a good look, Namjoon was pretty sure half of that wasn't even merch they sold. You could've made it yourself, fans have done similar things before. Nothing special. But he kept staring, eyes fixed on you. You were alone, not taking to anyone in line like others were, but you seemed perfectly content with that, like you were used to it and made your own peace with it. Namjoon couldn't remember the last time he'd been alone, really alone. He always knows he has the boys to rely on, to go back to when he gets lonely. It made him pity you a little and wonder what it'd be like to live a different life.
This sort of life got monotonous, being constantly surrounded by people and barred from dating by the company led to some irritation with their work. Having someone to spoil, someone to love, someone to have, would make up for all the time they've spent lonely in rooms full of people. He found himself distracted watching you, giving half-hearted answers to the people who sat in front of him, counting them down until it got to you. You were smiling excitedly when it was your turn to walk over to the table, a cute shy thing like you weren’t sure if you were really here right now. You walked over with wonder in your eyes, looking at him as you sat, only at him. He returned the smile, almost surprising himself when it came easier to his face than before. You bit your lip nervously as you sat before him and he found himself focusing on the action.
"Hello, I'm RM." He introduced, realizing he was silent for far too long. His voice seemed to startle you, you choked on air before composing yourself. Cute, maybe you weren't as put together as you seemed, he internally chuckled. The thought that he made you nervous made him weirdly proud.
"Sorry, I just-- Hi, I'm Y/n." You stuck your hand out suddenly, almost knocking over his water bottle. "Nice to meet you." You finished weakly.
Instinctively, he went to respond before stopping himself. It took a moment to realize, but you hadn't answered him in English like he expected. You were speaking Korean. Putting aside his shock, he went to answer. Fans often learned Korean for them, it wasn't anything too surprising, but they usually didn't speak Korean with him, since he spoke the most fluent English. You speaking to him in Korean was something that put him more at ease. His smile grew, even more genuine as he took the chance to tease you. "I'm supposed to be the clumsy one." He chuckled, pulling his water bottle aside to avoid any further accidents. That got a laugh out of you, a cute snort, but judging by the way you covered your mouth after you heard it, you didn't think it was as cute as he did. "You speak Korean?" He said instead, to distract from your embarrassment.
"Ah, yes, I've been learning for a couple years now. I wouldn't say I'm that good though." You said sheepishly, biting your lip nervously again. He chuckled inwardly. You better not do that in front of Jimin. With your cute mannerisms, seeing you bite your lip would probably make the other man determined to fluster you.
"No way, you're a natural." He insisted.
"It’s been a lot of hard work. Thank you, Namjoon-ssi." You responded softly, flustered by the compliment. "You inspired me actually."
"Me?" He blinked in shock. Well, he wasn’t really shocked, he heard people say that he inspired them all day long, but for some reason hearing you say it warmed his heart more than any of what he’d heard before.
You continued, unaware of his internal plight. "Yes. Well, yes and no. I was originally learning because I loved variety shows. I wanted to understand the jokes the way they were told, not just what the captions said." You explained, fidgeting nervously with your hands. He had to hold himself back from grabbing your hands to settle you, something in him racing to comfort you. "But I became quickly unmotivated. When I heard about how you learned English through watching Friends, I thought it was hilarious, and impressive. It reminded me that I only have to take it one step at a time. Or one episode at a time."
"Wow that's," he paused to laugh, his turn to be bashful, as he covered his mouth with a hand. “That's really sweet, actually. Are you this kind to all the other bands you do meet and greets for?" He teased.
"You're the only band I really follow closely. I listen to music of other groups, but there's something about your personalities, they mix so perfectly. Even if you weren't musicians, I'd be drawn to you." Your sweet voice said, and knowing that they were the only band who managed to catch your attention so firmly made him strangely proud.
"Drawn to us, you say?" He asked, voice trailing off as he leveled you with a look that, judging by the tilt of your head, was unreadable to you. But the mysterious look in his eye was a sign of his brain working, cranking out possibility after possibility. A flicker of hope burst inside him that he quickly extinguished. Be realistic, Namjoon, the leader needs a level head.
But his head was telling him only one thing.
Eventually your time was up, you having to move back down the table to his other members, but he kept a close eye on you as you moved. It looked like the rest of the boys were easily charmed by you, too. He could see you conversing with them easily without missing a beat, going from chair to chair with the same energy, leaving a bright smile on each boys face that was different from the practiced ones they usually had.
Jin hadn't laughed louder all day than when you were in front of him, and you and Taehyung seemed to have immediately entered a hushed serious conversation, though a light hearted one if the smile on both your faces was anything to go off of. Jungkook teared up at something you said while you were with him, and judging by the way Jimin was giving you his fuck-me stare (complete with his flirty smile) at the other end of the table, you were charming them exceptionally well. For the rest of the night after you left, the members were distracted, giving stilted conversation to the remaining fans. Namjoon caught himself drifting from reality at least twice, and if he was that bad off, he knew the rest were struggling even more.
When the fanmeet was finally done, they headed to a break room, waiting for the managers and staff to tell them they finished up for the day and were ready to leave. As Namjoon settled on the couch, chugging a bottle of water, the maknaes were still talking about you, huddling together on the floor and giggling like children. Namjoon was both surprised and unsurprised, he knew the boys all took a liking to you, but they weren’t usually so lively after an event like this. Usually they would be drained and be silent or half asleep.
Jimin sighed, melting against the couch as he stared up at the ceiling. "She was so perfect. You know, she said Chimmy was her favorite BT21 character." He sat up, boasting to the other two.
Yoongi chuckled, not moving from his position leaning against Hoseok’s shoulder as he spoke, eyes closed. "That's Jimin for you, give him one compliment and it's the only thing he'll talk about."
"Are they still talking about that girl?" Hoseok asked, cracking open a water bottle.
"You noticed her too?" Namjoon asked him. Hoseok was the impersonal out of all of them, honestly. He didn’t usually pay attention to what girl he was talking to, knowing they all wanted to hear the same generic spiel about how each and every one of them matter and he was just so excited to be meeting all his fans. Playing the happy one got tiring for him, Namjoon knew, and honestly he didn’t envy him.
However, Hoseok was smiling too, a genuine one as he fiddled with his water bottle. “She was nice. She just talked to me like a regular person. She called me Hoseok. Not Hobi, or J-Hope, or anything.”
Jimin sighed, leaning his head back against the couch cushion. “She had the cutest smile when I talked with her, she didn't even get half the stuff I was saying." He chuckled.
"Because she's not a native speaker and you were saying dirty things to her with your accent." Jin pointed out.
"So fucking cute, hyung" Jimin smiled, sliding down until he was laying flat on the floor.
"That girl is my soulmate--" Taehyung said, dreamily gazing at the wall with a twinkle in his eye.
Jungkook cut him off, "You mean my soulmate!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, did you exchange all your deepest secrets in five minutes? I didn't think so." Taehyung gloated.
"That girl was pretty charming. She actually laughed at all my jokes! And she wasn't faking it either." Jin agreed, smiling as he thought back on the pleasant conversation with you.
"She must be insane." Jungkook teased.
Jin huffed. "No! She told me she didn't know all the figurative language and slang. The jokes were all new to her so she found them funny."
"We talked about dance! She said she did ballet when she was younger and looked up to me as her inspiration for getting back into dancing. What I wouldn't do to see her in some tights. And the way she bit her lips, oh my god." Jimin babbled, slapping the floor excitedly.
"Stop being horny, Jimin." Yoongi scolded, flipping through the channels on the TV boredly.
"Like you have any room to talk, hyung. You were staring at her so hard I thought your head would pop.” Jimin teased, Yoongi turning pink.
"Was not!" He denied.
"Was too! What did she say?"
"She just said she liked my music." He replied, not meeting anyone's eyes.
"Bullshit. What did she really say? There’s no way she'd say something generic like that."
Yoongi hesitated for a moment, then said, "She said when she listens to my music, her soul yearns to be comforted."
"And that got you all hot and bothered?" Jimin continued teasing.
"Shut up." He rolled his eyes but continued. "She was just so genuine. The passion in her eyes was... magnetic. I could understand her and see myself in her. It was... an instant connection."
"With me as well. We talked about art. She speaks so many languages, did she tell you hyung?" Taehyung said, turning to Namjoon.
Namjoon shook his head no. "She only told me she learned Korean."
"She also knows Mandarin and Japanese and French and Spanish. She's incredible. She says she envied us for being she to travel the world. It's a dream of hers."
"She wants to travel the world?" Namjoon said, brain overworking again.
"She said that when she heard my story, it made her sad. She heard about my past and how hard I worked to become an idol and she related to it, she said she felt the same way I did. We're the same age but hyung, her life is so sad. She's been so alone for long." Jungkook added, looking up at Namjoon with his puppy eyes. It always made Namjoon’s heart hurt when he had that look on his face.
Hoseok nodded. “That's kinda like what she told me. She said she envied my charisma, my personality. She said she loved my confidence and how I always had the strength to keep going. She told me to never stop loving myself."
"Hyung, we have to see her again." Jungkook turned to Namjoon again, puppy eyes in full force as he pleaded.
"Ah, Jungkook, this has all been good fun, but I don't think that'll be possible." Namjoon scratched the back of his neck. He’d been thinking about it, sure, but Namjoon thinks about a lot of things. Treating this like anything other than an indulgent daydream would be crazy.
But Jungkook was persistent. "No, hyung, you can do something about this, can't you? You always know what to do."
Namjoon could feel his resolve straining, "I don't know, koo."
"It would be nice. Just to see her again, at least once." Yoongi hummed.
"Can't you get her address off of the raffle tickets or something?" Taehyung suggested.
"That’s crossing a couple boundaries." Namjoon said, slightly concerned.
"So? She's a fan, she'd be happy to see us." Jin shrugged.
"And she's already made us so much happier! Please?" Jungkook whined.
"I’ll... see what I can do." He acquiesced finally, unable to deny any longer.
"Yay!" The maknaes cheered, and while the hyungs rolled their eyes at their blatant enthusiasm, Namjoon could see their moods brighten too. He won’t deny he was eager to see you again as well. Having you in their lives would definitely make it better.
After meeting you, he was sure. The impact you had on him, on his band mates. They needed you.
Now they just had to get you to need them.
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yoongislilbutt · 5 years
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tuxedo, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader, mentions of previous jungkook x reader
summary: Your cat turns into a man. No, not, your cat was always a man and turned back into a man. Your actual cat turns into an actual man and neither you or your cat (man? cat-man?) have any idea why he's human now. Also, he's naked, so that’s a problem. Also, he’s kind of attractive. Yikes.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, mentions of the coronavirus pandemic; possibly full-on crack; Yoongi still thinks he’s a cat; mentions of smut (fem reader, m-receiving oral (choking on a dick, but not in a sexy way), doggy, spanking, wall-fucking, unintentional??? voyeurism); non-idol!AU - cat!Yoongi x human!reader; ft slightly cocky Jeon Jungkook and you being mad horny for him, what’s new; breaking of the fourth wall; are YOU a furry? you decide
an anon asked for cat hybrid Yoongi, although instead this is some voodoo witch doctor shit, whoops yes, I do reference BT21, Bob Ross, the lady-pointing-to-the-cat-accusingly meme, list goes on... and there is a cameo of 2021 Seasons Greetings Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin XD
Your lungs were being crushed.
You were bundled in your duvet, wrapped like a mint-colored burrito, on your back, head nestled comfortably in your memory foam pillow. Warm, cozy, snuggly. All things considered, a comfortable position. So comfortable that you were blessedly asleep for many hours until your lungs started getting crushed.
You cracked one eye open.
A giant tuxedo fluffball was causing this slow and painful death.
“Get off.”
You glared with slitted eyes, voice cracking from sleep. The fluffball did not move. Velvety, pointed black ears flicked back and forth. The little pink nostrils flared a bit, breathing evenly and contentedly. At least one of you was. You grunted in irritation. The minty-green eyes opened, black slits for pupils.
“I’m going to die.”
Your cat meowed in your face.
“Shut the fuck up. Get off.”
He yawned.
You narrowed your eyes and lips into lines. Stared at your insufferable, not-so-subtle tuxedo cat that was killing his owner. How long had he and his seven-kilogram ass been sitting on your tits? Too long because your sternum was already aching. You rolled over and he gave you a disgruntled meow as he tumbled off. You pulled your arms out and gave him a soft scratch behind his ears before reaching around to his white belly and patting his chest. He started purring, rolling to his side, white sock-like paws sticking up.
“Ugh, my chest hurts, Shooks. You’re a dick.”
Your cat gave zero fucks.
You were still petting him. Sigh.
“I’m getting up,” you announced to no one except your cat.
You tugged yourself out of your comfy, mint-colored duvet and winced, rubbing your breastbone. Did you buy this bedding set because it reminded you of your cat’s eye color? Yes. Were you a crazy cat lady? Maybe. In your defense, you hadn’t meant to become a crazy cat lady. You were innocently walking on the street when the tuxedo-patterned cat started following you. A large cat with big minty eyes surrounded by black fur like black bangs. White snout and jaw, pink nose, and a raspy meow. The tuxedo pattern was pretty similar to an actual suit, with a white chest and black fur over its back and limbs. White, sock-like paws, on the bigger side. Cute pink toe beans too. At the time, he was skinny and dirty, no collar around his neck, but you could tell he was long-limbed. He had a cut on his right eye, caked with blood.
“You alright, little guy?”
The cat seemed to scoff at you disapprovingly, as if to say, do I seem like a little guy to you?
“I guess you’re not a little guy. You have an owner?”
The cat’s response was headbutting your calf.
You took him back to your apartment and then it was doomed.
Why was his name Shooks? Well, actually, your cat’s name was Shooky, and it was because you tried many names to get him to respond to you – including, but not limited to, “you little shit” – and he responded to none of them except Shooky. For some reason, Shooky made him turn his black-and-white face around and look at you.
Shooky it was.
The first encounter was cute, but after you had fed him and given him a few pats, you gave him a good, hard taste of reality. Shooky was very upset about getting a bath for the first time. There had been a lot of angry meowing, although thankfully he hadn’t swiped at you very much. As soon as you got mostly undressed and sat in the bath with him, he seemed to relent. Maybe it was because you closed the glass door and he couldn’t leave.
“Do you see how dirty you are? You need a bath.”
He gave you a disapproving meow.
“Look, I even bought pet shampoo and you’ll get treats after. Come on, you.”
He was very displeased.
In any case, Shooky was now your primary companion, a large, long-limbed, fluffy tuxedo cat, following you around as you brushed your teeth and made breakfast, his new black collar jingling with a tiny silver bell. Every morning, you handed him his dry food first – he chomped down immediately – and made yourself some breakfast as he ate. Somehow your life now revolved around him, spending time looking up the best cat food (without paying an arm and a leg, you weren’t a sugar momma), making sure he was brushed (his hair got everywhere), telling everyone you needed to get home because you couldn’t miss his dinnertime (if you were a second late opening the door, Shooky would start meowing very exaggeratedly, like he was dying, what a drama queen). Was he annoying? Yes. Was he the best cuddle buddy? Also, yes. Kind of like a boyfriend, but better, because Shooky didn’t talk back.
You arranged your small dishes on the table. Tofu. Eggs. Pickled squash. Just enough for one. You sat down, holding your bowl of steamed rice.
A tuxedo furball jumped onto the table, licking his chops.
“Look here, this isn’t for you. Shoo.”
He settled onto the tabletop and stared at you as you ate.
Live with a cat was pretty similar to life without one.
Except for that weird habit Shooky had of sitting on your bathroom rug when you got out of the shower, scaring the shit out of you the first time. You lived alone, so you didn’t really bother closing doors, but you considered changing that. But it was just a cat. Also, he walked in here of his own volition. Not your fault if his eyes were scarred.
Shooky was a normal cat, but also a weird cat.
He slept a lot. Normal. He bit his paws sometimes. Weird. You figured maybe it was his nails, so you learned to trim them and he seemed better about it, but sometimes when he was stressed, you would notice fur missing from his little white socks. A lot of things could stress a cat. The internet taught you that. You brought him toys and played with him, but mostly he seemed to want you to sit down so he could plant himself in your lap. This make life rather difficult, so you decided it was time to invest in Netflix so you could at least use your time wisely.
This was for your cat, remember.
Yes, binging shows on Netflix was for your cat.
The weirdest thing was…
Shooky was always stressed when you invited a man into your home.
Maybe he didn’t like men. Something in his past, maybe? Could be. Come to think of it, did you even like men? That was a question for another day, but in any case, your cat always gave you this accusing stare when you brought a guy over, no matter how nice the guy was, even if the guy petted him very gently. Shooky never attacked them. He just glared at you like you had betrayed him somehow. How could that be?
What a needy drama queen.
You figured, eh, it didn’t really matter. He wasn’t trying to sabotage your chances of finding true love and all that stuff. 
Who are we kidding?
You’d settle for a simple good dicking.
Well, there was that one time.
That time you were in the middle of giving a guy a blowjob. It was going great. You were naked, he was naked, he had a tattooed arm – hot as fuck – and he was very vocally enjoying your tongue technology. Hey, you didn’t have many talents, but you had that going for you. Even if a guy was mildly apprehensive about banging you, once you got your mouth on his dick, it was game over. You mentally patted yourself on the back for doing such a good job.
Positive reinforcement, right?
Annnnnnnd then…
Your cat jumped onto your back and made you choke on his dick.
“Oh, fu–”
All seven kilos right between your shoulder blades. Oof.
“Are you okay?” He was half-worried, half-laughing, and Shooky was climbing up your back, pressing onto your neck, one paw on the nape, trying to murder you by dick suffocation. It took both of you to lift you off the dick – sad – and Shooky left a few scratches on your neck, as if to communicate his distaste of your infidelity. The guy was really nice about it. Actually, he found it hilarious. You scowled at Shooky and he gave you that deadpan stare that all cats seemed to have. The rest of the night was hot and heavy like you wanted and you even eventually got to complete said blowjob, which brightened your spirits.
It was a little disorienting that your cat was watching you from his cat tree the entire time.
Honestly, you would have kept dating that guy if he didn’t move to a different city. Sigh.
Eventually, you stopped bringing men over.
One, because Shooky. Two, because worldwide pandemic.
The night that changed everything was ordinary.
Too ordinary.
You were passed out on the couch, halfway into season six of American Horror Story, somewhat peeved because you wanted to watch the other seasons, but geez, season five had such a poor story and hard focus on gore that it slightly turned you off. That it was a lot, even for you. Season six was better, but slow. The first four seasons had really hooked you and the idea of them all being connected? Nutty. You wanted to watch all of it.
Idea of season five? Awesome.
Lady Gaga? Yeah, why not, you’d be seduced.
Execution? Eh… could be better.
Shooky hadn’t watched any of it. He just slept in your lap.
Subtitles really helped you out here. You didn’t understand how the English-speaking audience could hear the whispering parts, but maybe that was because your English was garbage. You could read better than listen.
At the moment, you weren’t reading shit.
You were half-tucked in a fuzzy black blanket with a tuxedo cat pattern. Did you see the tuxedo cat pattern and buy it immediately? Yes. Were you a crazy cat lady? Maybe. In any case, your head was cocked at an awkward angle on the couch cushion and your mouth was open, snoring away. Attractive. You were wearing mint-colored, striped pajamas, one arm hanging off the couch and the other on Shooky’s furry butt, because you had been petting him.
Netflix was doing that annoying thing where it was asking you if you were still watching or not.
You couldn’t respond.
Shooky was awake.
Your cat was staring at your laptop on your coffee table. It was open. An HDMI cable connected it to your television. Not a clean setup, but an effective one. Again, you lived alone. Who was going to judge you? Your tuxedo cat?
Your cat was awake.
He got off your lap and hopped to the coffee table, peering at your laptop. Then he did what any sensible cat would do.
He walked all over your keyboard.
Circling around and around, smashing all the buttons with his cute pink toe beans, looking for a comfortable spot before settling down and planting his fluffy body on top of it. Windows closed, tabs appeared, the volume got muted, your display settings got fucked, the usual.
The unusual part was that your cat was looking at the screen.
Your internet browser was open.
A video was playing on a mysterious website.
A handsome young man with a boxy smile was wearing a sienna floral dress shirt and sunglasses, oddly paired with flared violet pants. He was standing next to another young man with an angelic face who, for some reason, was wearing a pastel floral handkerchief around on his head and a white-and-navy tracksuit with black, red, and green stripes. They were standing in some weird set with a black tablecloth covered round table and a lavender crystal ball, crystal-like beaded curtains glinting in strangely colorful lighting.
There was no volume.
Your cat tilted his head at the screen, curious.
The man with the boxy smile was speaking excitedly, gesturing to the angelic-looking man who seemed to be in awe. A retro, old school graphic popped up, flowers surrounding a blocky orange and green serif font, mildly tacky but somehow endearing in its own way.
Your cat tilted his head the other way.
Your cat didn’t know Korean.
… Right?
Well, you did mostly speak to him in Korean. Maybe he was secretly fluent. He definitely knew, don’t fucking do that, because you would witness him doing the very thing you told him not to do right after you said it. Bastard. But you couldn’t bear witness to this now. You were knocked out on the couch.
Boxy-smile guy placed his fingers elegantly on his forehead, mock dismay on his features, acting as if he couldn’t believe the viewer’s skepticism. Angel-looking guy placed his hands in prayer position, the text now reading, I won’t believe you unless you prove it! Boxy-smile guy flourished to the camera, showing off his brilliant pearly-white smile, mouthing words unheard. Text appeared once more.
Make a wish, any wish!
Your cat closed his eyes and appeared to be asleep.
The video turned black and disappeared into purple sparkles.
Your internet browser unexpectedly closed.
You woke up with a painful stitch in your neck and Shooky nowhere to be found.
You tried to get up, but underestimated the cramp in your back and fell onto the hardwood floor.
You blamed the pandemic for fucking up your sleep schedule. Also, getting old. Fuck getting old and being an adult. Time didn’t stop just because you didn’t go to work. Well, not true. You did go to work; your work was just different now. You were YouTube video editor, which meant you were mostly edited video game montages now instead of travel vlogs. The work was slower now. People were getting discouraged, taking breaks, because, you know.
Anyway, not the point. You were grateful that your work was mostly internet and computer-based. Not everyone was so lucky. You were also grateful that you didn’t work in an industry that was too negatively affected by the pandemic. It had started off as a hobby, but then the creators you were helping unexpectedly blew up, needing your help more and more. You fell into it by accident, but that’s how life was. Happy little accidents. You couldn’t complain. As long as you had some income to feed your cat and you, that was enough.
Speaking of cat.
No meow.
He normally would meow or trot over to you when called. He was weirdly affectionate like that.
You were still on the floor, on hands and knees, crick in your neck and back aching. Ah yes, age was just a number until your back pain flared up due to repeated nights of unintentionally falling asleep on the couch. Lovely. You stretched out your back with a groan and yawned, cracking your neck.
That hurt. Ugh, you really needed to stop sleeping on the sofa. You untangled yourself from your blanket and headed to the bathroom, rubbing your neck. You still didn’t see your fluffy, seven-kilogram, kind-of-an-ass tuxedo cat, but whatever. He had to be in the apartment. He couldn’t exactly leave. He was a cat. What was he going to do, grow legs and opposable thumbs?
You shoved your toothpaste-covered toothbrush in your mouth and began brushing your teeth. You hummed, trying to remember if you had any deadlines. Eh, they were on your Google calendar. You would check it after washing up. You spat and brushed for a few more minutes, thinking about nothing. This was nice. Sometimes it was nice to think about nothing. No major problems to address, simply a chill and routine morning.
Seemed sufficient.
You reached over to the spit cup and put some lukewarm water in it before taking your toothbrush out and sipping some water to gargle the minty suds out.
You heard a deep, raspy voice call your name.
You looked in the mirror.
Your mouth was full of dirty toothpaste water, cheeks puffed out.
The voice called your name again, quietly.
Your eyes widened, staring into the mirror in shock.
A pale man was standing behind you, wearing your mint-colored duvet over his shoulders. Messy black hair to his rounded cheeks, dark brown cat-like eyes, small pink pout. His nose was a little red, as if he was cold. There was a black choker on his neck, with a silver bell. He was taller than you, and he looked very confused.
Pointed, velvety black ears on top of his head, white tufts of fur sticking out, flicking back and forth.
You spat all over your mirror in shock.
The man jerked back as you threw your head into the sink, hastily taking another cupful of water to rinse out your mouth because, WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON? Why was there a man in your apartment? With fucking cat ears? That moved? What kind of kinky shit was that? Were you dreaming? What the fuck?! You grabbed the hand towel from its hook and furiously wiped the dirty water off your mirror, completely convinced you were having sensory and auditory hallucinations. Did you drink last night? Accidentally buy groceries laced with LSD? Snorted three kilos of cocaine off a hooker? Who the fuck knows, but there was no fucking way that you let some fucking man in your home, because, one, pandemic and, two, Shooky–
You froze.
The pale man with black hair was still there, standing in the doorway of your bathroom, looking slightly disgusted, but also scared.
He said your name again. A question, almost like a raspy meow.
It was…
You violently wiped your bathroom mirror some more, nearly cracking the glass.
The man was still there, wearing your mint-colored duvet.
Slowly, slowly, you turned around to face this man, your neck cracking loudly, sending searing pain up the back of your head and reminding you that, nope, this is not a dream, and if it was, it was a very shitty dream because at least in a dream you shouldn’t actually feel pain. You looked up at this man, at his fluffy black bangs shading his dark attentive eyes and pale face, chewing on his lip, clutching your duvet around his body like a giant mint cloak.
The cat ears on his head twitched.
You blinked at him, watching the ears.
“Do… I know you?”
He gave you an eerily recognizable deadpan stare. “I think you do.”
No way.
This wasn’t possible.
You’re drunk, high, or in purgatory.
(You did have sex before marriage.)
“S… Shooky?” you croaked.
The man took a deep breath and shook his head.
“Actually, my name is Min Yoongi.”
You blinked at him. “What? You have a name?”
He shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”
Relief washed over you. “What do you mean, you guess? That means you’re a human being! With a birth certificate! Thank God, I thought you were my fucking cat for some reason, haha, that’s so fucking ridiculous–!” For some reason, the idea of a random stranger being in your home was much more comfortable to you than you damn cat becoming a human being, because for a hot second, you thought… but no, no, that’s stupid. “Speaking of ridiculous, these ears are crazy dude, they look almost real–”
You reached up and yanked on one of the velvety ears.
“Ow, what the fuck!”
Oh my God.
“What the FUCK?” you bellowed and a large pale hand shot out of the duvet to clamp one of his cat ears down, shrinking away from you.
“Stop yelling, please, I have sensitive hearing,” Yoongi winced, ticking his head, as if he was trying to flatten the other ear too, but couldn’t. His other hand was holding tightly to the mint duvet.
You saw a glimpse of a pale chest.
Your eyes widened into the size of saucepans.
His hand darted back into the duvet and clamped it shut from your bulging eyes, frowning. He quickly bundled himself up and straightened, thinning his mouth into a line. A few seconds passed. You gawked at him, jaw slack. The pale man sighed heavily.
“My name is Min Yoongi. My parents gave me that name. I don’t think I have a human birth certificate because I’m not a human. I am a cat. You used to call me Shooky, but Min Yoongi is my name, so I would appreciate it if you called me by my given name.”
Your jaw went even more slack.
“Cats… have names?” you squeaked.
Yoongi made a face at you. “Of course, we do. We are not savages.”
“B… But…” You frowned, shoulders falling. “You seemed to like the name Shooky…”
Yoongi shrugged his duvet-covered shoulders. “It sounded better than all the other names you suggested.”
You puffed your cheeks, placing your hands on your hips. “What was wrong with Tata? Or Chimmy? Or Cooky?”
Yoongi gave you a disapproving glare. “Well, perhaps in a parallel universe the name Shooky is somehow important to me. In any case, it was the best suggestion.”
You narrowed your eyes, frowning. “You little shit.”
“I especially disliked that one. Seemed a bit discriminating to our size difference…” He paused, looking down at you. “At the time anyway.”
Your hands fell, looking up at your cat. Er. Min Yoongi. “So, uh… Yoongi…?”
He tilted his head, peering curiously at you under his black bangs. “Hm?”
You pointed at him, gesturing up and down. “Why are you, uh… a man?”
He looked down at the duvet covering his body. You stared at your bedding wrapped around him. Why was he wearing it anyway? In fact, all you could see was a black choker with a silver bell. The mental lightning bolt suddenly hit you. Oh. Your neck began to heat. Your ears began to heat. Your whole face began to heat. Oh. Oh? Oh! Shooky – er, Yoongi? – whatever, your cat didn’t wear clothes. He only wore a collar… which meant…
It felt like your whole body was on fire with abrupt realization.
Yoongi looked up at your mint-pajama-wrapped, now tomato self still pointing at him.
“I don’t know why I’m a man.”
One of his eyebrows raised. Then Yoongi smirked.
An open-mouthed, amused smirk.
“And yes, I’m naked. Your clothes don’t fit me. I tried.”
Your cat, er, man? Cat-man? What even... never mind, Min Yoongi was sitting on your bed, still wrapped in your mint duvet like a key lime cake roll, waiting as you rummaged around in your dresser, searching for literally any piece of clothing that might possibly fit him. The problem was, you worked from home, so you didn't exactly own a plethora of different clothing options. Your daily wardrobe consisted of slinky black leggings...
"They're stretchy?" you suggested timidly. 
Yoongi had blinked at you. "I don't think so."
"It could work?"
He pursed his lips together. "I think you're forgetting something."
You gave him a blank look. "Huh?"
Yoongi gave you his deadpan stare. "I believe you are well acquainted with human male genitalia."
He had a dick.
You turned red and robotically shoved your leggings back into their place. A sudden thought flitted across your brain and you spun back to face him, blurting it out before filtering yourself. 
"Hahaha, good thing I never got you fixed, eh?"
Yoongi blinked very, very slowly. It was hard to tell if he was annoyed, amused, or wanted to murder you. In conclusion, typical cat behavior. 
"I'm not fond of the idea of castration, so I suppose so."
Your vet had suggested it, but since he had been an indoor cat and you weren't intending on getting another, you figured you wouldn't put him under the unnecessary surgery and it would help you avoid the cost. A little irresponsible? Maybe. But you were very careful not to leave the front door open and, so far, he hasn't had the chance to get some poor lady cat knocked up.
He knew you considered permanently removing his nuts. Yikes.
Sorry, Shooks. Er, Yoongi. 
In any case!
The other half of your daily wardrobe was sweatshirts, but Yoongi's shoulders were too broad for them and he was too tall. Why was he so big anyway? Well, he wasn’t exactly big, just long-limbed. You guessed he was actually on the leaner side, judging from the way the duvet wrapped around him and the brief flash of long fingers, slim forearm, and toned chest. He had been a larger cat.
Seven kilos turned into... him?
You suddenly started and yanked open your underwear drawer, shuffling through it to get to the back and pull out a neatly folded dark gray blob.
"I have this–"
The response was so forceful and dismissive that you froze, the dark gray fabric unfurling in your loose grip. It was a large men's sweatshirt, soft, charcoal, slightly acid-wash, covered with white paint stains. Eggshell white, to be exact. The exact paint color of this very bedroom, because you had worn it to repaint over that original disgusting beige color.
"Why not?" you inquired, holding it up by the shoulders. "It'll fit you, for sure. It used to be..."
Yoongi kept his completely neutral expression trained on you as you reached your revelation, his dark eyes observing every detail of your body's reaction to the memory. Your grip on the sweatshirt tightened. You felt your cheeks and ears heat, pulse roaring in your ears.
Er, right, so…
That one time that Shooky – no, Yoongi? – jumped on your back and made you choke on a dick? Yeah, that guy. Tattoo guy. Yeah, well, before that incident, tattoo guy was the friend of a friend who offered to help you paint your apartment because he had experience working construction – “helped my dad fix-up a house to resell for a couple months,” he had said with his disgustingly cute, cheeky grin, making you nod like an idiot and your pussy throb with his endearing adorableness – and you had moved all the furniture out so you two could get it done quickly.
You had to put your cat in the bathroom.
You didn’t want him to breathe in the fumes or get paint on his luscious fur. It was for his own good.
Tattoo guy had appeared in said charcoal sweatshirt, black ripped jeans, and the most attractive thighs in the whole damn universe, just out and about, giant holes exposing tan skin and taut muscle. Your eyes widened, frozen at your front door.
Oh yeah, he had paint rollers too. You hadn’t given a shit about those in that moment.
He had noticed you staring and laughed sheepishly. “Sorry, I just wore the ugliest pants I own. It might get messy, you know?”
No, tattoo guy. No one thought your pants were ugly.
You sure as hell didn’t.
“Oh, yeah, that’s why I wore this gross t-shirt,” you said absentmindedly, referring to your four-sizes-too-large, free t-shirt that had been chucked at your head while walking past your university common area. It was a hideous chanteuse with magenta writing, a color combination that absolutely deserved to go to hell, and could not even be saved by the quirky, stylish, thrift-savvy TIkTokers of today. It was the ugliest thing you owned, so you wore it to repaint your bedroom.
Now you regretted it.
Tattoo guy looked you up and down. He smirked under his long black hair.
“Your body still looks great though.”
“… Urk?”
Didn’t really matter that you couldn’t conjure a sexy response, because, clearly, tattoo guy had made his decision leagues before arriving here. Painting a bedroom? Oh, yeah, you did that, and with way too much sexual tension. A man should not be that flirty while holding two paint rollers and speed painting your walls. What were you supposed to do? You barely knew the guy. All you managed to do was make awkward small talk to get to know him better. Then he took off his sweatshirt.
“Wait, that’s illegal.”
He had smirked at you, spinning the paint roller in his hand, white t-shirt molded to his body. “Hm?”
You were being mildly disrespected, but also you were gawking at his tattooed right arm and his blindingly beautiful forearms. Cough, no. You didn’t have a thing for attractive forearms. Wasn’t like staring at this muscular pair was making you weak at the knees or anything. Okay, maybe. But you weren’t going to say it out loud. Tattoo guy ticked his chin below you, to the floor. Your job was to paint the little nooks at the corners, ceiling, and baseboards. You spent a whole lot of your job sneaking glances at him and getting caught.
“You missed a spot.”
You whipped your head to the floor, craning your head to look for it. A paint roller appeared beside you, pointing to a small sliver for nasty beige. He had a clear, silvery voice.
“Right here.”
You frowned at it and raised your paintbrush in warning to the offensive beige, ready to strike.
“… Noona.”
You started and fell over.
You sputtered, legs tangled, oversized shirt flipping up, trying not to drop the paintbrush and drawing a fat streak across the unpainted wall. You shook your head roughly, clutching the handle of the brush, cool draft floating up your shirt.
Tattoo guy appeared above you, grinning, his front teeth slightly too large and giving him the appearance of a rambunctious bunny.
“You alright?”
You felt your neck and ears heat. No, you were not alright. Yes, you were older, but that didn’t… that wasn’t the time… You didn’t expect it, that’s all. You tried very hard not to look at his thighs. Or his face. Or his chest. Just didn’t look at him. Also, you were pretty sure you were flashing him and pretty fucking sure you didn’t give a shit.
You coughed awkwardly. “Yup, I’m good.”
Back to copious sexual tension complemented by paint fumes.
Once the first coat was down, you two stood in the center of the room, surrounded by the plastic drop cloth, him banishing a paint roller and you a paintbrush. Challenge complete and it didn’t take you very long. Nice.
“We have to let it dry and then we can paint another coat,” he was explaining.
“It looks fine like this.”
Tattoo guy clicked his tongue, shaking his head. “Once it dries, it will look uneven. Trust me.”
You frowned. “Okay. How long should we wait?”
“Couple hours, at least.”
A couple hours? You frowned more. “What are we supposed to do until then?”
He didn’t reply. You turned your head to face him and tattoo guy was staring at you with a smile.
Uh oh.
He was spinning the paint roller with one hand. You felt your ears and neck heat. He switched from his left hand to his right, seamlessly. Incredibly sexy. Were the paint fumes getting to you? You gulped, awkwardly gesturing to the paintbrush.
“Let me just… put this down…”
You turned around and balanced your paintbrush in the paint tray, only to gasp as your felt something foamy roll down your back, covering you with the strong stench of paint. It stopped above the curve of your ass, unable to roll smoothly any longer.
“Hmm, can’t get past your juicy ass, noona,” he teased.
You spun around, cheeks flushed, sputtering.
No, no. You didn’t forget tattoo guy’s name. You remembered it, even now. Remembered saying it in multiple different ways, even.
“Jeon J-Jungkook!”
In surprise, streaks of paint in your hair, him smirking, dropping the paint roller on the other plastic tray and somehow not tipping it over, thank goodness, him walking up to you, taking the bottom of your paint-covered chanteuse university t-shirt, leaning down to whisper hotly against your lips.
“Ah, sorry, it seemed like you didn’t like that shirt very much,” he breathed, sending your brain into overdrive with the heat against your skin, his knuckles brushing your thighs. “You can wear my sweatshirt instead, if you like.”
Your eyes widened, staring at him in shock.
“J… Jungkook…”
In breathlessness, heart pounding in your chest, gaze locked with mischievous dark chocolate orbs, his teeth catching his lower lip, tiny mole underneath revealed.
Why was his voice so deep? The tiny tip of his pink tongue darted out, licking his lips enticingly.
“… Noona?”
This man was illegal.
Your hands darted down and gripped his, catching your lower lip in your teeth as well, matching his lip bite, seeing the eagerness growing in his eyes.
Someone should call the police. Or an ambulance.
You grinned, cocking an eyebrow. “I don’t want to wear anything around you.”
But not for you.
There was a very loud meow from your bathroom, but before Jungkook could ask, you yanked your shirt up and over your head. He gasped and instantly it was lips on lips, messy kisses and stumbling to the living room were your bed, dresser, nightstands, bookcase, knickknacks, everything scattered everywhere, but Jungkook and you were too busy yanking off clothes and getting frisky to give a shit.
You stared at Yoongi now, red from head to toe, clutching the dark gray sweatshirt. He rolled his eyes and looked away from you.
“I… washed it?” you offered weakly.
Yoongi’s dark brows raised from under his black bangs. “Mmm, you forget that I have quite keen hearing. I’m not deaf like you, human.”
The color drained from your face.
Maybe, just maybe, Jungkook got you to wear his dark gray sweatshirt, forcing you – respectfully, he called you noona, after all – to get on your hands and knees for him, then make you wait in said embarrassing position with his sweatshirt bunched around your neck – because, er, gravity – while he casually made you watch him roll the condom on, highly amused by your impatient glare, only to move away and slowly shove his dick inside your soaking wet pussy and spank your ass until you backed up into him enough times to make yourself cum on his stiff length without him moving his hips.
Respectfully, of course.
“Fuck, noona, that was so fucking hot…”
“Jungkook,” you gasped breathlessly, ass stinging in glorious pain. “F-Fuck me, please.”
He made you scream.
He fucked your hard, making the bed creak, pounding you so roughly into the mattress that your fingers curled into the mint sheets, and when you gasped that you were close, he fucking stopped, the damn sadist, causing you to slam your fists into the bed and buck back into his crotch, Jungkook chuckling at your desperation. In your haze of begging for Jungkook’s cock, you heard a judgmental meow from your bathroom, but before you could address it, Jungkook seemed to have accepted your pleading and began to thrust into you once more, making you lose your train of thought and all thoughts in general, except your dire need to orgasm.
Jungkook had made you moan for hours.
Right now, however, Yoongi’s sharp look was making you mute. You were so mortified that you swore your soul stood up and walked out of your body, too ashamed to be in Yoongi’s presence any longer.
“Mmm,” the dark-haired man mused absentmindedly, pointed ears flicking.
From spitting onto the mirror to mentioning his possible castration to remembering that you had locked Yoongi in the bathroom for hours to have mind-blowing sex with Jeon Jungkook under the guise of repainting your bedroom walls…
Too bad life doesn’t have an undo button.
You suddenly remembered Jungkook pushing you up against the bathroom door, your leg hooked around his waist, his cock plunging in and out of you, lips on your neck, and your wrists pinned to the door, rattling it as he fucked you, whispering against your skin.
“You sound so fucking sexy, make more sounds for me, I’ll fuck you as much as you want, fuck you until you can’t think, can’t move, just to hear you say my name over and over…”
“Jungkook… f-fuck, you f-feel so fucking good, o-oh, Jungkook…!”
He pulled his lips away from your neck and smirked in your face.
“Yeah… noona?”
Your back arced against the bathroom door as you came, pussy throbbing and spasming, the top of your head touching the wood, gasping Jungkook’s name in ecstasy, slamming your wrists against the door, Jungkook moaning as he came inside you, cock jerking inside the condom and swelling it with his orgasm, lips crashing down on yours and you whining pathetically into his mouth as he sucked on your tongue roughly.
A quiet, disapproving meow below you.
A master yikes.
You deliberately shoved the dark gray blob back into your underwear drawer.
Yoongi pursed his lips.
“Why is it in your underwear drawer, anyway?”
You slowly closed it, the wood snapping as the drawer touched the dresser.
A crow cawed in the distance.
“You know what, let me make a trip to the convenience store…” was your hollow reply as you mechanically walked out of your bedroom, followed by a mint duvet.
“Do you know what size I would be?” came the husky, amused chuckle behind you as you pawed around your apartment for your wallet, two masks, hand sanitizer.
“I’ll just… buy a variety…”
“Or you could measure.”
You heard a rustle and you whipped your head around, only to see Yoongi’s cocked eyebrow and a slight bit of his exposed shoulders, collarbones on display, silver bell jingling. He yanked it back up, frowning at you.
“Are you a pervert?”
“N… no!”
You jerked away and hastily hooked the masks on your ears, fumbling with your sneakers before declaring, “I will be right back!” And then you threw yourself out the door.
Yoongi sighed, finally releasing his hold on the duvet.
“Ugh, so stuffy…”
His long black tail whipped about.
The door suddenly jerked back open and you plucked your keys from the side dish.
Only to see Yoongi fully naked, sleek black tail whisking around, blinking at you.
He was naked.
Really naked.
Very, one hundred percent, naked.
The mint duvet was pooled around his legs on the ground and Min Yoongi, who was formerly your cat Shooky, was a fair-skinned, long-limbed, lean-bodied, very attractive tall man, with velvety black cat ears and tail and – urk! – completely intact human male genitalia. Your neck, ears, cheeks, chest, ancestors from generations long ago, all turned red in embarrassment. Once again, you soul completely left your body in pure mortification.
“D… Don’t leave!” you blurted, snapping the door closed.
Yoongi just stood there, sighing as he heard the door lock and a body bolt down the apartment building stairs.
“You didn’t even change out of your pajamas…” he muttered, picking up the duvet.
"I can't wear these."
It was a few hours later. Thankfully, when you arrived home with your purchases, your cat... man was asleep, wrapped like a mint cake roll in your duvet. You tried not to think about his naked body on your bed, therefore ending up thinking about his naked body on your bed. 
"You need to wear pants! For..."
Dark eyebrows raised. 
After getting home, you had spent the next thirty minutes hand-washing a black t-shirt, black boxer briefs, and loose black pants that were definitely too short but it was the only size available that could fit that waist, so you had to make do. You put the other shirts and underwear in the washing machine, but you needed to wash at least one outfit and hang it to dry. You tried to use the hottest water your hands could handle to sterilize the clothing, wincing at the blistering heat. 
You didn't know if Yoongi could get coronavirus but you weren't going to risk it. 
Eventually you placed everything on the drying rack and positioned your space heater on them to dry them off. 
Then you passed out on the couch. You deserved it, after working so hard.
Only to be woken up by Yoongi poking your shoulder roughly and telling you he couldn't wear the underwear and pants. 
He was still holding the duvet around his body and your neck was still regretting every second of sleeping on the couch. Ow. Too much physical labor. Quarantine had turned you into a formless potato. You sat up halfway, wincing. Ugh, pain. You jabbed your finger at Yoongi, who gave you a displeased narrowing of his eyes. 
"Put the pants on, you animal!"
Yoongi swept around the sofa, mint duvet and all, determined glint in his dark orbs, lips pursed in annoyance. You started, cracking your neck by accident, yelping in pain as you fell back against the couch.
Yoongi planted himself on top of you nimbly.
You froze.
Partly because you were shocked, but mostly because your neck seized a bit.
His legs were on either side of you, body still wrapped up, perfectly balanced despite the sudden leap, surveying you with a disapproving and discerning eye. The silver bell on his neck jingled with his movement. You could feel his calves against your knees.
His bare calves.
"Are you dumb?"
"What?" you croaked in response.
Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You always forget things."
You blinked at him, confused, neck heating. "What are you talking about?" you snapped impatiently.
You felt something long and furry hit your leg. Your body almost jerked up in surprise, but Yoongi hissed at you, making you lurch back, somewhat stunned at how cat-like it sounded. It was definitely a warning. You were still in your pajamas, slightly thinner material than your usual clothes. It had been cold outside, but your everlasting embarrassment had kept you toasty warm.
Like it was now, because you realized your clothed outer thigh was touching his inner thigh.
His naked inner thigh.
You let out a noise between shock and confusion.
The long, furry thing brushed against your legs as Yoongi watched you reach your slow realization.
"O-oh... Right. You have a tail..."
He grunted, thinning his eyes into slits. "Yes, because I am a cat."
Highly debatable at the moment, but you were too busy remembering your cat also had a human dick and nuts. Well, not also. Only had? Well. Maybe if you had a seco–
No. No, never mind that. Yeah.
You gulped, trying to suppress the rising heat in your ears and failing. "I can sew?"
Yoongi tilted his head, nose wrinkling a bit. Then he got off you, circling around the couch. You sat up, neck still hurting, but the warmth of your embarrassment somehow helping. Yes, great, trading temporary physical pain for lifetime mental embarrassment, only for such moments to be remembered at the most inopportune times to throw you off guard.
You visibly cringed before standing up, seeing Yoongi's hand snake out and nab the boxer briefs, making them disappear into the duvet. You saw the fabric rustle and then the briefs reappeared, chucked at your face.
Your head snapped back at the force, arms flailing.
"Should be about four or five centimeters. Make it quick. It's hot under here."
You yanked the underwear off your face, scowling. "I'm not your maid!"
Yoongi raised an eyebrow, black ears flicking. He was smirking at you. You narrowed your eyes. What was this guy so high and mighty for? If anything, he should be grateful that you even car–
"You're been cleaning up my literal shit for a few years now, so you are practically are my maid."
... Wait a second, he's right.
You growled and hauled yourself up.
An hour later, your cat was dressed.
Min Yoongi was finally wearing clothes and not your duvet and your fingers stung like a bitch.
You ended up snipping a hole and using bias tape to seal off the raw edges. You didn’t own a sewing machine, so this was the next best thing you could think of without destroying your fingers by trying to imitate zig-zag stiches, although you ended up destroying your fingers anyway because you had to sew small, delicate stitches to attach the bias tape. The area was too high traffic to not reinforce.
“Please tell me you know how to use the bathroom by yourself from now on.”
Yoongi had raised an eyebrow.
“Of course. I’ve watched you enough times to know how to expel human excrement.”
Right. Because he was your cat. Don’t think about it too much. You were trying to take everything one thing at a time so you didn’t overwhelm yourself. Those were future-you problems. Why does he talk like that anyway? You didn’t even know how he knew Korean. Was it because you watched too much television? Yikes.
You rubbed your forehead, dismissing the discussion. “Good talk.”
You realized you would have to cut openings for his tail for all the underwear on the drying rack but, again, that was a future-you problem. Instead, you let him change in your bedroom and went to retrieve the laptop on your coffee table. Plugged it in and turned it on.
All your settings were wack.
“The fuck?” you muttered, resetting your display, volume, brightness, sigh, nearly everything. This only happened when a certain someone stepped on the keys when you weren’t looking. You raised your voice, still looking at the screen. “Did you fuck with my computer last night?”
“No. Oh, well, I did sleep on it,” Yoongi was saying as he stepped out of your bedroom. You growled in your chest, annoyed, but setting everything back into its place before opening your Google calendar. Nothing due immediately, thank god. “Er, maybe you shouldn’t…”
You looked up.
Yoongi mussed his black hair, scratching at his velvety black ear. You noticed he didn’t have a set of human ears. Well, duh. That’d be weird. He was still wearing the black choker with the little silver bell on it. The t-shirt was nicely loose on his frame, the black standing out against his fair skin. The sweatpants were a little short on the ankle, the slim fit showing off his leanness. The sleek black tail swished back and forth.
He was… handsome.
Yoongi looked apprehensive, twisting his lips to one side. “Hmm.”
You blinked at him. “What?”
He shrugged. “Well, when I woke up as a human, I was cold, except for…” His hand ghosted towards his crotch. He pulled it away, waving it aside. “Mmm, never mind.”
You gave him a confused look and went back to your keyboard, typing away. Yoongi winced but you were too busy replying to an email to think too much about it.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to inform you of the following.
Min Yoongi had woken up on the coffee table, fucking freezing because humans didn’t have fur, and because his nuts and dick were getting roasted by your overheating laptop keyboard.
Upon waking up, he had a mild mental breakdown as you continued snoring loudly and unceremoniously, before scurrying away to the warmest place he knew – your bed, where he claimed the duvet and tried to figure out what the fuck was going on.
Is this real life?
He had poked at various parts of his new body, trying to figure out if this was a dream or a horrific nightmare.
As we all know.
Life is a horrific nightmare, so indeed, this was real life.
You jumped as Yoongi slumped down on the sofa next to you, sticking his head and ears into your view, blocking the computer screen.
“I’m hungry.”
You gawked at him.
“What a-are you d-doing?” you sputtered.
“I’m hungry,” he repeated. He had a bit of a raspy, almost growly voice at times, reminding you of a cat’s meow. His meow, in fact.
You scooted away, neck heating. Yoongi followed, prodding you.
“Why are you like this?” you grumbled irritably, smacking his hand. Yoongi persisted, as if you did nothing at all.
“This is how I get your attention, because you humans will ignore me if I don’t.”
“You’re a human too!”
“No, I am a cat.”
“Hello?” You grabbed his hand and jabbed at his palm, pointing to his thumb. “Cats don’t have thumbs!”
Yoongi yanked his hand out, shockingly similar to how Shooky used to pull his paw out when you were massaging his little white socks and he was over it. You noticed his cuticles looked a bit dry and torn up. Lately, Shooky’s paws had been a little chewed up too. You frowned at it, tilting your head.
Yoongi stood up and his tail whacked you in the face.
“Feed me.”
You scowled, rubbing your cheek. Yoongi stared down at you, face expressionless.
Okay, your cat might be a man now, but he was still a borderline asshole, so not much had changed.
You both stared at the bowl of dry cat food.
Yoongi raised an eyebrow.
“What am I supposed to do with all this cat food then? I just brought it last week!”
“That’s your problem.”
You threw up your hands and cooked you both some lunch.
This was too much.
You know what you did when it was too much?
You took a nap.
You had dishes to clean, underwear to make tail-holes for, a cat that was now a man, an existential crisis to address, but you know what? You took a fucking nap instead. You left Yoongi with your computer and Netflix and told him to do whatever as long as none of it involved him leaving the house.
Yoongi had snorted. “What do I need to go out there for?”
“Awesome. I’m taking a nap.”
And you passed out.
Only to wake up groggily because your lungs were being crushed.
Actually no, it kind of felt like your whole torso was being crushed.
You fought with your sleepiness, somehow worse off than you had been before the nap, scrunching up your face ad blinking blearily. Head on memory foam pillow, check. Back on soft mattress, check. Black hair with sleek cat ears and pale face pressed on your chest? Check.
What, wait?
You lurched and the head grunted, shoulders solidly pinning you down. He was under the mint-colored duvet. Yoongi, your cat that was now a man, was under the duvet.
“Stop yelling. Is that all you humans do? Yell?”
“Why are you – what are you doing here?” you hissed shrilly, trying to wiggle out from under him, but it was impossible. Yoongi was far too big now for you to throw him off.
“Sleeping, obviously,” he grumbled. “Or I was, until you started shouting.”
“Yes, but this is my bed,” you emphasized, realizing you could move your hands so you grabbed him by the waist, fingers grasping the black jersey fabric. You pressed inwards, hands molding to his sides.
Yoongi raised his head, squinting down at you.
You froze.
An oddly familiar gaze of accusation and uncaring. His eyes were dark brown, not the recognizable mint, but the effect was the same. Pink lips upturned, slightly annoyed.
You suddenly remembered he was a man.
A man who was pressed down against you, long legs around your legs, broad chest to your chest, and shockingly attractive for someone who used to be a cat.
“I sleep in your bed all the time. What’s the difference?” Yoongi muttered.
What’s the difference?
The difference???
You’re a man!
You struggled to find words, completely entranced by how close Yoongi’s face was to yours, watching his ears adjust slightly to pick up all the small sounds around him. You opened your mouth and it only made a tiny squeak. The pressure on your chest was becoming unbearable. You were so shocked that you completely forgot that you were still dying. You cleared your throat as Yoongi looked increasingly displeased.
“You… You used to be over the duvet…”
Yoongi yawned, nodding a little. “Yes, but it’s colder now. No more fur. I don’t know how you humans survive. Must be why you buy these warm things.”
Your hands were still on his waist. You pulled them away quickly and Yoongi frowned.
“Y-Yeah, but… you weigh a lot more now…” you croaked. “Can’t… breathe…”
Yoongi sighed heavily, as if this was a great disappointment. He slid off you.
“Hmm, I suppose that’s true.”
He nestled close to you and you still stunned, pin-straight body.
“Guess it’ll have to be like this instead from now on.”
Like this?
From now on?
Oh. Oh no.
Yoongi’s velvety, pointed ear flicked against your cheek, a low hum resounding in his chest.
part ii
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bbynkk · 7 years
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- They were there all along! - 
The adventures of Shooky and Cooky + Koya ! 🐰 🍪  🐨
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bimbocore · 2 years
Can I ask about your blorbos from Jackbox, if you don’t mind? Thanks bestie!!!!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Cookie Masterson without a doubt, he's my one, my only dumptruck motherfucker, Obsession.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
I REALLY LIKE THE TMP JESTER..... I may be biased bc Shooky's Jerry is one of my Favorite Guys Ever but JESTER SO GOOD
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Of the main YDKJ hosts, Nate gets the least amount of love imo, but she's legit my second favorite host and I wanna do more with her.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
I lose my fucking mind when I see Billy O' Brien, he's been demoted to background character and minor player rep, but I am fucking in LOVE with Billy.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
[REDACTED] probably, with the way I interpret him, he's just an annoying, monsterous weeb who spends all of his time making, playing with and then killing dolls
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Buzz, because of course. Especially my stupid fucking tryhard sk8ter boi interp, put him in the fucking GROUND /lh
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Mayonnaise i fucking HATE Mayonnaise, I dont mean like his actual cat version but like his split the room self, he fills me with unbridled rage
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farfromsugafanfic · 3 years
Sutures - Chapter Seven: Knotted
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): eavesdropping, angst, Yoongi kinda being a dick but not too bad lol
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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The warm water ran down your skin and onto the tiled floor of the shower. It was odd having a shower where you could stretch your arms out wide in, you were used to small showers that barely allowed you to shave your legs without hitting your head. But, the shower at the dorm was huge and you couldn't help, but stay in for much longer than was needed, allowing the water to massage your shoulders. 
After finding out that all of South Korea (and probably beyond) knew your name and thought you cheated on Minki, you'd curled up on the seat of the car. If you hadn't let Eunji drag you to the bar that night, none of this ever would've happened. You never would've met Yoongi. 
Your heart pained when the thought crossed your mind. Never meeting Yoongi. Despite the fact, he seemed to be more trouble than he was worth, there was part of your heart that didn't want to let go of him. And, it was the part you knew you needed to suppress. 
You heard a soft knock on the door, barely audible over the sound of the water. You knew it was him before he even spoke, you weren't sure if it was due to the soulmates thing or if your heart truly was betraying you because as soon as you heard his voice, all the stress you held in your chest released. 
"Sumi? Is it all right if I come in?"
"Yeah," you said. You weren't overly worried about Yoongi catching sight of your naked body. There was enough steam on the shower doors to disguise you, and it wasn't like he hadn't seen it before. 
"We can do my--uh--date once you get out," he said. "It's nothing much, but I hope it's okay. I brought you some clothes."
"Do you prefer coffee or tea?"
"Okay, when you're done just come to my studio. I've left you a note with the code." 
You finished a few minutes later wrapping your hair up in a towel. You glanced down at the clothes he'd left for you, smiling when recognized them as pajamas with Shooky, his BT21 character on them. You smiled. 
You changed and braided your hair so that it would stay out of the way and would be easy to tend to the next morning before the flight to Japan. After washing your face, you reached into the pocket of the pajamas and pulled out the sticky note with the code to Yoongi's studio. 
Despite having been in his studio before, it felt odd entering the code yourself. You held your finger gingerly above the keypad and entered each number slowly, scared that if you messed up the code an alarm would go off. 
The lock released and you heaved open the door surprised that it was so heavy. When you walked in, you found blankets on the couch and a laptop perched on the desk a couple feet from the desk. You smiled and sat down on the couch, crossing your legs, and pulling a blanket over yourself. 
Despite having been in the studio before, it seemed dirtier than before. Papers were scattered across his desk and a few coffee cups that escaped the trash. Ever since you had come together, it was obvious he wasn't getting as much work done, and that that was frustrating him. 
You also noticed the three framed photos near his main computer. One of him and the other members all wearing leis and posing in what you assumed as a Hawaiian airport. The other was of you presumed his family; his parents and what looked like an older brother. Yoongi was still a teenager in the picture and you couldn't help, but smile at how awkwardly adorable he looked with hair that stuck up and a face that wasn't quite adult yet. The third photo was that of a brown poodle puppy. 
You glanced down at the desk and noticed a photo peeking out from underneath a handful of papers. You pushed it aside and gasped when you saw that it was actually a print off of an email with a photo attachment. A photo of you and Yoongi from the alleyway. His arms around you and his mask down beneath his chin. From the angle, it looked as if he were kissing your forehead and you sighed, knowing Yoongi would probably not do such a thing in public, even if your relationship was completely real and straightforward. 
You noticed the email address came from the presumed photographer and your chest tied in knots as you hoped that meant Yoongi was trying to prevent the photo from being released. You heard the code being punched in and quickly shuffled the email back under papers and picked up the picture of Yoongi and his family and pretended to study it intensely. 
"Hey," he said, holding two mugs, making you curious as to how he opened the door in the first place. His eyes widened slightly when he saw you holding the framed photo. 
"Sorry," you said, placing the photo back on his desk. "Your family looks nice." 
Yoongi smiled. "They really want to meet you," he said. He handed you the hot mug of tea. "I didn't want to pressure you, especially since we're trying to sever this." 
"My parents have been the same," you said. "They're so happy about this whole soulmate thing. They didn't even care that you were an idol." 
"My parents were happy you were normal." 
You laughed. "Are we watching a movie?"
"Yeah," Yoongi said. "I have a couple things to finish up first if you don't mind. You can pick something while you wait, it should only be a few minutes." 
You nodded and started scrolling through Netflix on his laptop. You scrolled through the various offerings, unsure of Yoongi's preferences. Would it be inappropriate to watch something romance heavy? Would it make him uncomfortable? 
Yoongi seemed like the type of guy to like a classic gangster movie, but that wasn't something you were into. Although, you were fairly certain neither of you were huge fans of horror.
You eventually settled on a movie somewhere in the middle with a smattering of everything. A little action and a little romance, but not so unbearably cheesy that you wouldn't enjoy it. 
When you glanced up at Yoongi, he was seated at his desktop with headphones perched atop his gray hair. His head bounced slowly to a beat you couldn't hear and you could see bits of sounds and recordings that he was arranging on his screen. 
You took a sip of your tea and waited.
"Thanks for meeting up with me on such short notice," you said, adjusting the laptop screen so that there wasn't a glare on your face. "My schedule changed and I'm going to be out of the city for the next week." 
"It's not a problem," Jinwoo said, smiling, a pen in his hand and just the corner of his notebook visible. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you going?" 
"Japan," you said, not thinking much of your answer.
"Oh wait," Jinwoo said. "Jang Sumi? I think I saw you on a magazine cover? With Min Yoongi?" 
"Oh, uh, yeah," you said. "That's me." 
"So, you're his soulmate? How does that work?" 
"I don't really want to talk about this right now," you said. "Unless you can do it in English." You tried to lighten the mood, tried to make it sound like the fact your client knew what was happening in your personal life didn't make a rock sink low in your stomach.
Jinwoo laughed. "It's okay, I understand. I imagine it's hard having to uproot your life just because of your biological soulmate or whatever." 
You smiled, his flippant tone catching you off guard. "It would really help if he wasn't so busy. I can't blame the guy, he has a fantastic career, but it's hard on me." 
"You're still wearing his pajamas though."
"Shooky," he said. "Suga created that character." 
"Oh," you said. "He just gave them to me. Maybe he had an extra pair or something." 
"Or, he likes you more than he lets on."
"He really doesn't. We were supposed to have a date tonight, but he just kept working and forgot about it." Your lips tightened when you finished the sentence. You'd only talked to Jinwoo once before and your heart pounded as you realized what you'd just said. "Uh, sorry, you're just easy to talk to." 
"It's all right," he said. "I like to think we're friends, so it's okay."
Yoongi realized you were gone after almost two hours. He took off his headphones and glanced down at his watch and cursed. 
If it weren't for the crumpled blankets on the couch, he'd never know you'd ever been there. He knew he'd let you down, it was a simple movie, two hours at the most. He couldn't even spare two hours for you?
He exited his studio and headed down the hallway towards your room. He could hear your laugh, which made him smile. Thankful the hallway was abandoned, lest his smile due to your presence be discovered, he pressed his shoulder against your door frame. Your door was cracked and he could see you seated at your desk. He raised his hand to knock lightly on your door when he caught a look at your computer screen. 
It was another boy. He was young and Yoongi didn't like the way his eyes seemed to devour you, even through the screen. 
"He just gave them to me. Maybe he had an extra pair or something." You looked down at the pajamas you had on and ran your thumb over the collar.
He couldn't hear the boy's response, but your eyes widened and your shoulders tensed. 
"He really doesn't. We were supposed to have a date tonight, but he just kept working and forgot about it." Yoongi balled his fists. You were being reckless. It was obvious that you were uncomfortable with all the media attention, but you were doing nothing to help yourself. "Uh, sorry, you're just easy to talk to."  
Yoongi left your doorway and rambled back down the hallway.
"Hey Jiminie, can you pass me the other end?" 
Jimin sat on the opposite of the couch in the living room. He was in the middle of slurping up noodles, but quickly put down his bowl and chopsticks to hand you the end of the scarf. 
"Jiminie? I'm older than you, right?"
"Oh, I guess you are," you said. "But, you're so cute, it's easy to forget. You don't mind, do you?" A smirk broke out on your lips. 
"No, I like it actually." 
Jimin had just picked up his bowl of ramen when Yoongi came into the room. You could practically feel the anger rolling off him in waves. 
"Sumi," he said. "We need to talk?"
You looked up at him, your eyes large and confused. "About what?" 
Jimin had taken an interest, obviously noticing the older boy's anger. He sat down his ramen and scooted closer to you. "Yoongi, what's wrong?"
Jimin's question only annoyed him more. His body stiffened and his eyes looked nearly black. 
"What's wrong? She's so worried about her image and all the publicity, but yet is telling one of her clients all about us."
"Were you spying on me?"
"I came looking for you after--"
You looked up at him, your arms crossed. "I never would've left if--"
"That's not the point!" Yoongi's voice raised slightly. Although, he wasn't yelling. He didn't seem like to yell when he got angry, rather he sizzled in the heat until he popped like a popcorn kernel. "You can't just tell someone like him! You have no idea who this guy is! What if he goes to the press? We'd have another Minki on our hands! Are you stupid?"
Tears pricked at your vision and you felt Jimin's hand on your wrist, but it left as soon as you moved to rub your eyes. 
"Yoongi, calm down. She's not used to all this. She just made a mistake." 
"I didn't go on that date to watch you work, Yoongi. I'm sorry if I got frustrated and vented to someone who listened. But, this never would've happened if you would've just watched the movie. We were supposed to get to know each other." 
"I guess you know who I am now." 
"I'm sorry, Sumi," Jimin said, following you into your room and plopping beside you on your bed. "Yoongi sometimes gets like this. I promise he'll get over it in a couple days." 
"I really don't want to go to Japan, Jimin. I don't want to be around him." Your face fell into your hands. "But, I have to." 
"Shh, Sumi. It'll be okay. Just try to get some sleep. I'll stay with you if you want." 
You shook your head. "No," you said. "Thank you though. It just doesn't feel right." 
He nodded, seeming to understand and left you alone. 
You laid down and pulled the covers to your chin. You hated to turn Jimin away. The last thing you wanted was to be alone, but ever since that night with Yoongi, only his arms made you feel safe. 
You silently cursed and pulled Kitty to your chest.
Jimin shut your door quietly and shook his head. He hated to see you and Yoongi fight. From the day he met you, he could tell there something odd about your dynamic. The quiet understanding of each other, but yet the fierce opposition.
He passed by Yoongi's studio, the light on. Jimin knew Yoongi would probably spend the rest of the night there, not wanting to step foot in the hallway due to the fear of facing you again. 
Jimin smiled as he remembered your ragged stuffed cat. He'd done just as you had asked and placed Kitty in the donation pile. It was only later when making another trek into the living room to place more into boxes that he noticed Yoongi slipping the stuffed cat into his bag. 
He hadn't said anything then, but the morning you asked him if he was the one who'd saved the hapless creature, he couldn't help but sneak a glance at the true savior who hid his smile behind sips of morning coffee.
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seostudios · 4 years
babies? - k.hj
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pairing: kim hongjoong x fem!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: talking about pregnancy?? idk if thats a warning though
word count: 1.3k
synopsis: it's been a few months after your marriage with your new husband, hongjoong. yet the conversation of starting a family was yet to come up..or so you thought
a/n: omg fever was such a good comeback wsipdxk
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it was a late saturday night where you were just leaning down on your kitchen counter writing down a list for grocery shopping tomorrow. "asparagus, lettuce, croissants i should buy some condoms too.." you spoke to yourself writing each one down on a small post it before sticking it on the fridge. you and your husband just recently moved into a house and you guys barely got food to last you a week so you decided to write a list and buy some food tomorrow. after you posted the note you make your way to the sofa and hop under the blanket leaning on the cushion grabbing the book on the coffee table, flipping to the page a small shooky book mark was placed. you put on your reading glasses as you start to read waiting for hongjoong to return from the studio. after almost an hour and a half you hear the door locks jiggle as it creaks open, "y/n?" a voice called out. turning around you see hongjoong coming in with a plastic bag in his hand. it looks like take out, you thought to yourself getting up from the couch walking towards him. you greet him with a peck on the cheek and receiving one back. you excitingly grab the plastic bag which smelt absolutely delicious. "how was your day babe?" you ask him going around the counter to the cabinets to take out two plates. "same as always." he responded sounding bored. "how are the boys? i haven't seen them since the wedding." you say pouting. taking out the take out food you place some food for you and hongjoong on the plates. "they miss you too" he assures beaming with a big smile. you hand him the plate as you two sit down beginning to feast upon this unhealthy little dinner. "they should cvnome jfnod" you say stuffing a chicken leg in your mouth making your sentence be devoured by your meal. leaving hongjoong confused. he laughs it off and continues eating. after your meal you two decide to go to the living room to set up your television so you two could at least fall asleep watching some cartoons. it's been two hours now and hongjoong and you are just sitting down on the couch with a blanket covering you two as you guys browse through netflix. "seoul searching looks good doesn't it?" he tells you, fascinated by the preview netflix gave. you agree on watching it with him. almost thirty minutes into the movie and the position you were in almost put you to sleep. hongjoong was laying down on his back head turnt to the television and you were on top of him as his hands were wrapped lazily around your waist. your head was resting on his chest turnt to side to watch what was going on in the movie. in all honesty you could care less about what was going on in the movie. only one thought has been going through your head all day. the thing was while you waited for hongjoong to come home you had to use the restroom and coincidentally the idea of just curiously using a pregnancy test aroused your head. the thoughts of having a child with the love of your life. what an amazing family the three of you would make. oh god. you thought to yourself. this is baby fever. you thought it would be over after the test came out negative. "why would i even be pregnant i haven't slept with hongjoong since our honeymoon." you tell yourself as you take a piss on the stick. you leave the stick on the sink as you wipe. knowing there was no way you could be pregnant you leave the pregnancy test on the restroom counter as you go to back to the couch. remembering that moment you laugh and coincidentally it was during the sad scene of the movie. "hey! why are you laughing" hongjoong says as you place your chin on his chest facing him. "i just remembered i took a pregnancy test today." you say giggling more. but it seemed as it took more of a toll on hongjoong than you expected as his head turned quickly to face you his hands on your waist tightening. "what? what was the result???" he didn't seem mad, though he didn't seem happy. it was just a reaction(?) " i don't know, it was there and i was there.. plus i knew i couldn't be pregnant so it wouldn't hurt to try." you told him smile still beaming from the laughter. "go check." his voice was stern. he wasn't asking you if you could go check; he was telling. as you stood up thinking nothing of it you make your way to the restroom grabbing the test and skipping back to the couch.
you straddle on hongjoongs lap as his hands naturally were placed on the sides of your thighs rubbing them up and down soothingly. he didn't want to admit it but he was nervous. of course if it was positive he'd be happy i mean who wouldn't be? to be able to bring life into this world with non-other than the love of your life? being able to raise a child with you was his dream. it was always on his mind from the moment he laid eyes on you at the alter. the way you walked down the aisle he was so grateful. but on the other hand if it came out negative it would be a good and bad thing. of course he'd be dissapointed a little, he got all riled up for that. but it would mean less stress especially since you two are still young. getting married was already a big step at your age. "here you look" you said tossing it over to him not wanting to look. "read me what it says." you tell him smiling. he picks up the test eyes glued on the stick. he turns it to see the result. slowly his cheeks tinted a rose colour as his lips molded into the biggest smile you've ever seen. the two lines on the stick confirmed your pregnancy. but the two of you haven't slept together since your honeymoon almost a months ago. she's almost one month in and doesn't realize he thinks to himself laughing a little aloud. "what? what?" you get curious now, he hasn't even looked you in the eyes after seeing the stick. "congrats baby" he coo's to you lifting himself up to hug you. your mind went blank. congrats? was i really pregnant? does that means i'm almost a month long? you were happy. but you didn't truly understand how your husband felt. "i'm beyond happy right now. i can't believe there is a mini you in me." your say smiling cupping his cheeks. "but i'm scared." you tell him in a rasper tone as your smile fades. "won't i be a burden? you have an idol career going on. i don't want to burden you and keep you behind with a baby." you tell him looking away. using one hand to grab your chin and forcefully make you look him in the eyes he assures you. "baby this is everything i've ever wanted. i want you i want this baby." he let's you know whilst his hand moves to caress your cheek. you smile letting the joy filled tears brim the outer corners of your eye going in to kiss the love of your life. your amuse. your world. everything was right for you now. you were perfect.
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hii can you please like and re-blog to share my work? i love writing and really hope everyone out there searching for au’s of their favourite idols see this (in this case it’s ateez!) so please show love!
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
So When Can We Tell The World? {3} Min Yoongi x black! fem! reader
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Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Summary: With the Grammys only a few days away, Yoongi and the guys have to promote their appearance there along with you. Yoongi apologies for his actions last night, which you don’t fully accept, but decide to anyway, since you don’t want to have any bad omens going into your Grammy performance with him. Little did you know that Yoongi will make things worse during his V live with Hoseok.
  Genre: Angst, Fluff, Romance, Idol-verse, Smut
Word Count: 1,667
Author’s Note: I seriously don’t know how long this fic will be, but we shall see. I’ll put this entire series in it’s own master-list once I finish it, so you guys can find it in one place. As always, I hope you guys enjoy this and send in your BTS or EXO requests my way. Thanks!
The bed shifts as the morning sun pours in from the adjacent window. My eyes open to see Yoongi up in front of the mirror, buttoning up his black flannel. He turns slightly to catch my eye, forcing me to duck my head down to focus on the cerulean sheets below. Shooky remains in the middle of my bed where I put him with that eager grin, yet I don’t see RJ. 
“Yoongi, where’s RJ?”
I search under and over the covers, not seeing the fluffy white alpaca anywhere. 
“Check the floor,” Yoongi grumbles, “I think I might have accidentally kicked him from the bed last night.”
I sit up to find the stuffed alpaca near my dresser, smiling sweetly, although, I imagine there had to be some pain failing from the bed. 
“Why are you so petty?” I groan, “wait till I tell Jin-”
The feeling of Yoongi’s lips on mine cuts me off. It’s so abrupt that I have to hold onto the dresser and RJ for dear life as he deepens it. His hands move to hold my waist, giving it a light squeeze once his lips continue to move against my own. I pull back to catch my breath with a hand on his chest. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, “I’m sorry about making you feel so anxious and most importantly making you cry.”
The way he frowns with his eyebrows down and eyes intense with love makes me melt. He doesn’t understand why I couldn’t come out as his girlfriend to the world, but I can let it go for now. The Grammys are two days away and I don’t want any bad blood between us.
“Y/N?” he asks, “you there babe?”
I perk up as he presses his forehead against mine. 
“Hm, yeah,” I say, “I forgive you.”
“You sure?” he asks leaning in further, “I can make it up to you.” 
“Yoongi, you don’t have t-”
His lips are on me again, hips pressing into me to elicit a gasp as I fall back against the bed. My hands find his hair, combing through it easily while our mouths move in a delicate manner as Yoongi’s own hands start to travel. I pull away from his lips once his fingers discover the waistband of my pajamas, pulse racing from our makeout.
“Yoongi, are the guys still here?” I ask. 
Yoongi nods as his lips trace along my jaw.
“We have to leave soon,” he whispers, “but I always have time to make you feel good.”
His breath makes me shudder, yet I can’t help but to tease him. 
“You do, but recently time has not been great,” I say, “we’re both promoting a lot, you especially.”
Yoongi travels back to my face before pressing a quick, yet deep kiss to my lips.
“We’ll get more time, I promise,” he vows.
“Yoongi, I don’t want you to halt your career for me.”
“Don’t say that,” he says, “you know I’d slow down for you.”
He’s got that look again: intense black eyes on me filled with so much passion that I can die right now. 
“I know you would, but we’re good, ok?”
Yoongi nods and I seal our deal with another kiss. He adds more heat as his lips trail down to my neck again, fingers moving to the string of my pants again. 
“Let me, you deserve something for me being an idiot yesterday,” he explains, “would you rather me use my fingers or mouth?”
I bite down on my lip to suppress a moan. 
“Yoongi, the boys are still here,” I say.
“I don’t give a damn,” Yoongi growls, “I’ll make you come if you want.”
I laugh at his tone.
“God, when you say it like that,” I moan, “use that tongue technology to good use Yoongi.”
Yoongi licks his lips, already on his knees as I sit up to remove my pants. He beats me to the punch, yanking them down with ease, leaving me bare to him. Before I can say anything, his mouth meets my core, giving it an agonizing lick. 
My hands grip his hair as he starts to go faster working at my clit in hard laps, sucking it prior to continuing. I toss my head back as the moans grow and grow, almost following my release. 
“Keep going Yoon-fuck I’m close,” I groan.
Yoongi bobs his head, making eye contact with me as his tongue continues. 
“Ah! Yoongi!” 
Yoongi’s licks slow down, yet he doesn’t let up as he laps up my release while holding my shaky thighs. I try to steady my rapid heart while he kissing back up my thighs and casually drags my pants back up to my waist. He gives me a wink and a bright smile as he leans over me. 
“How was that?”
I answer him by bringing my arms around him. He melts into the embrace instantly. 
“It was perfect,” I say, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
{Yoongi’s P.O.V}
I can’t help but smile at the thought of Y/N being satisfied. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her glow that bright, God who needs a Grammy nomination when I got that in my life? 
“Ah! What are you all smiley about?”
I glance up and there’s Hoseok with the bowl of noodles he said he went to heat up five minutes ago. I didn’t even notice him return to my room of the hotel with his loud ass slurping. 
“Do you have to slurp so damn loud?” I ask. 
Hoseok shrugs as he plops down on the carpet floor beside me. 
“Oh, like how you were with Y/N this morning?” 
I look dead at him, ready to make him choke on those God damn chopsticks.
“What?” I ask. 
Hoseok chuckles before putting a large glop of noodles into his mouth. 
“You and Y/N, well at least Y/N was loud as hell,” he explains, “would you like me to reenact it?”
“Hobi please, don-”
It’s too late. He’s already opening his big mouth.
“Oh! Oh Yoongi! I’m close Yo-”  
I lean back to try to kick him in the side, yet he’s a bit quicker, being able to hop up before I can get a hit on him. 
“Got to be quicker than that,” he says, “can’t hit me with those canoe feet!”
I roll my eyes.
“Just shut up and sit down so we can do this V live,” I growl, “and Y/N doesn’t sound like that!”
“Oh I’m sure she doesn’t, but that’s all we heard while Jin was cooking this morning,” Hoseok says while taking out his phone, “hey it was better than hearing his jokes all morning.”
I shove him.
“Just start the fucking video already!” I scold.
Hoseok does once he leans it up onto it’s mini stand, sits back and continues to chow on his noodles. I stay eased with a hand against my palm, watching as the views rack up from fifty to a couple thousand and counting. Purple and red hearts fill the screen with a horde of comments. Hoseok perks up to wave, his mouth still full so I have to be the one to welcome ARMY. 
“Hi! Welcome ARMY!” I greet with a huge smile. 
Hoseok slurps up nosily and swiftly and follows my lead. 
“Hi ARMY! How are you?”
I smirk as the comments roll, roll and roll.
They read:
J-Hope I love you!
Where are the other guys?
Hey Yoongi!
I love you Min Yoongi, will you marry me?
I blink at the last comment as Hoseok goes into his usual bright self. 
“Aw, I love you guys too!” he shouts. 
“I’m sorry,” I say, “I’m taken.”
 As soon as the words leave my mouth Hoseok’s is wide open as his eyes are on me. My heart hammers against my ribs, it, along with Hoseok realizing what I just did. I just realized what I just did. 
“Oh shit,” I say. 
Hoseok closes his mouth prior to replacing his shock with a tiny grin.  
“Gotta go ARMY, bye!” he says. 
His finger is swift, yet the comments flashed anyway:
Yoongi’s WHAT?!
I fucking knew one of them where taken!
Damn! I know Jin got a family somewhere, but Yoongi?!
It better not be Halsey!
Look at their faces, dude!
“Yoongi, what the fuck!” Hoseok growls, “do you realize the shit you’ve just pulled?”
I don’t answer, yet I know. All I can do is stand to alleviate the burning in my chest. Y/N’s going to kill me and after what I promised. Fuck. 
“Yoongi,” Hoseok rises with concern, “are you ok?”
I shake my head and place my hands on my head. 
“I fucked up Hobi, I fucked up!”
Namjoon and Jin step into our room, making me frustrated even more. 
“What happened?” Namjoon asks.
“I just fucked it up with Y/N,” I groan into my hands. 
“How?” Jin asks, “you fucked her good didn’t y-”
“Hyung!” Namjoon warns, “not the time!”
“He responded to a few ARMY during our V live,” Hoseok explains, “he accidentally dropped the fact that he was in a relationship.”
Namjoon’s eyes widen before he glares down at me. It’s not that he didn’t believe Hoseok, he just wants validation from me. I nod numbly as I curl into a ball on the floor near the bed. 
“Oh, Hyung,” Namjoon soothes, “we’ll fix this, but we-”
He pauses to think for a moment prior to continuing. 
“We’re gonna have to contact PD,” he admits, “he’ll know how to deal with it.”
“What about Y/N?” I ask, “she can’t find out.”
Jin frowns. 
“Does she stay on Twitter often?” he asks.
“Forget Twitter!” I growl, “this’ll be all over the internet, all because of my carelessness!”
“Yoongi, chill,” Namjoon reassures, “it’s gonna be fine. If anything major happens we’ll be there with you and Y/N, don’t worry.”
I accept Namjoon’s advice as always, yet the burning sensation continues to build. 
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flora-jimin · 4 years
Those Long Nights (1/2)
AO3 Link
Relationship: Hoseok x OFC, Endgame Min Yoonji x Hoseok
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut (in ch 2)
Tags: College Au, Fem!Yoongi, Breakups, Pining
TW: Breakups, Relationship Anxieties
A/N: Lordy it’s been forever since I posted a BTS work. I probably got quietly booted from my nets pls lmk if I did I’m sorry yeet but I’m back this one one has been sitting in the drafts forver, so I hope you all enjoy the first chapter.
Chapter 2
“One, two, three-”
“Oh, sorry, sorry I went the wrong way. Can we start from the top again?”
A sigh.
“Yeah. One more time from the beginning, Hobi. One, two, three four, step, turn, st-” There was a series of noises, and the other members of the BTS dance squad looked up, cringing as Yoonji and Hoseok nearly fell over one another. The short woman paused, taking a long, collecting breath so she wouldn’t flip her lid before she looked up at Hoseok, cat-like eyes narrowed.
“Jung Hoseok.” Her jaw ticked in annoyance as she locked him down with her gaze, crossing her hands over her chest as he shrunk back, eyes fixed at his feet.
“I-I’m sorry, guys, I guess I’m not feeling too hot today.” He admitted, scratching the back of his head. He glanced at his phone after taking a long swig of water from his bottle, his lips pulling into a tight line before a frustrated sigh left his lips.
“I think I’m gonna head home. I’m sorry for fucking up the Run, I’ll try not to be so distracted next time. Don’t worry, I should have something for BTS at the next Run, alright? I’ll be leaving first.” He apologized, bowing low to his best friends as he ducked out of the room before any of them could stop him.
BTS, or Beyond the Scene, was the top dance crew at the Bighit School of the Performing Arts.
The six-man, one-woman group had near-perfect synergy with one another, playing off of each other's strengths and specialties to put on breathtaking performances. They often held “Run” practices, where Hoseok-the primary brain behind their choreography-would try and make up bits and pieces with Yoonji-who also came up with a lot of the concepts behind their routines- often producing music for the seven to dance to.
Until recently, everything had always gone smoothly at BTS Runs, but lately, Hoseok had been getting distracted and it was beginning to show with his lack of focus during his dancing.
Yoonji crossed her arms, shaking her head as she watched Hoseok’s brunette head disappear down the crowded halls.
“So...My money’s on the girlfriend.” Jin was the first to speak after a minute or two of awkward silence, stretching his arms over his head. Namjoon frowned, elbowing him in the side lightly.
He arched a brow.
“What? You know I’m right.” He huffed as Jimin hummed in agreement from his spot on the floor, his head resting in Jungkook’s lap as the two Busan boys rested nearby. Taehyung, who was lying sprawled out on the floor like a starfish, lifted his head, lightly wiggling the tips of his feet.
“I thought he really liked her? What was her name again?” He inquired.
“Kim Yoon Seo.” Yoonji answered, stepping over his legs as she moved to her duffle bag, grabbing a sports drink to quench her thirst. There was a mumble amongst the boys, as the name did ring a bell.
Kim Yoon Seo was one of their underclassmen, being in the same year as Taehyung and Jungkook. Her and Hoseok had started dating a few months ago-munch to Yoonji’s displeasure, though she would never admit it to anyone-and the two had been close ever since.
Or, that’s what it looked like at first.
“So...who’s gonna be the one to actually drag him by the heart-shaped ear and make him spill the beans? We can’t keep letting him pretend he’s okay when we all know he’s not.” Jungkook sighed, his fingers idly running through Jimin’s bubblegum pink hair.
There was a silence that stretched in the room, the only sound really being the crinkle of Yoonji’s drink bottle as she finished downing it, wiping her lips. She noticed the silence and looked over her shoulder, finding five pairs of eyes locked on her form.
Her eyes narrowed.
“Why do I have to be the one? You all know I’m not exactly good with my words and this is clearly a sensitive matter.” She put a hand on her hip, pointing at Namjoon.
“You’re the leader, Joon. Why can’t you do it?” She huffed. Namjoon scratched his head.
“Well, you guys technically nominated me as the leader because Jin and Hobi hyung didn’t want all of the “not fun” responsibilities and you didn’t want to be the one that had to, and I quote: “Keep you group of idiots in line 24/7”. Besides, you live right next to him. You two even come to school together.”
Yoonji clicked her tongue in annoyance before she sighed and nodded.
“Fine. I’ll do my best, but I won’t promise you anything.” She picked her duffle bag up and the boys all got on their feet as well. Jin clapped her on the shoulder, smiling wide at her as they filed out of the room.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit, Yoon. You may not be the gentlest person with your words, but you still go above and beyond to help and that’s what counts. We don’t call you ‘Suga’ for nothing.” He beamed.
“You call me Suga because I told you to.” She reminded him, arching a brow. Jin tipped his head back, laughing joyously as he walked out of the room.
“Details, details.”
Yoonji smiled as she dropped her duffle bag to the floor once she closed the door to her apartment, listening to the sound of claws on tile as her dog Min Holly came scurrying across the apartment to happily yip and bark at her feet.
She toed her shoes off, striding into her home, turning on lights as she went, all while Holly followed close behind, making a point to nudge her calves with every other step.
“I don’t know whether you’re happy to see me because you love me or because I give you food.” The Daegu dancer quipped, a small, knowing smirk coming to her face when Holly’s ears went up at the word ‘food’. She made her way to the kitchen, reaching into the cabinet to pull out a little cookie-shaped plastic container. Holly yipped, bouncing up and down as he watched his owner like a hawk.
He sat, he jumped, he walked in a circle, all to get Yoonji to move faster.
Yoonji knelt down, shaking the cookie-shaped container.
“Well, Holly-ya? Do you want Shooky to give you dinner?” She cooed, shaking ‘Shooky’ around so Holly knew there was food inside. He sat down obediently, pawing at Shooky’s head before letting out a small bark before waiting.
Satisfied, Yoonji screwed off the cap, pouring some food into Holly’s bowl before putting Shooky back into the cabinet, leaving her beloved dog to eat in peace.
She sat down heavily on the couch with her knees pulled up to her chest, chewing on her thumbnail as she tried to think of how to approach Hobi. It was never a problem before with her bringing up concerns to him, as all of BTS were very close friends. They all cared deeply for each other.
In Yoonji’s case, she cared a bit too deeply for Hoseok.
She wasn’t sure when exactly she started seeing one of her best friends as more than that, but it was the very reason she couldn’t bring herself to stop Hoseok from dating Yoon Seo when he came to their group one practice, ecstatic because the girl confessed to him one spring day. Yoonji had bit back a protest with a fake smile, ignoring the concerned looks from the other BTS dancers.
Apparently the other five had caught onto her growing feelings for their lead dancer before she even realized them.
Her train of thought was cut off by Holly bounding into the living room, barking excitedly before looking at the door that led to the balcony. She stood, her socks sinking into the plush carpet under her feet as she made her way to the door, sliding it open to stick her head outside.
She could hear the sound of sniffling and shaky breathing and her heart dropped, stepping fully into the night, looking to the left.
Sure enough, Hoseok’s curled up form was on the balcony right beside hers as he tried to keep the sound of his weak sobs to a minimum. Yoonji closed the door to her balcony, taking a couple of long strides to lean on the edge of her balcony.
He startled, jolting and nearly throwing his phone across his own balcony. Hoseok looked up, wiping his eyes furiously to try to fruitlessly cover up the fact that he was crying.
“Aigoo! Yoongs I told you about sneaking up on me!” He scolded her half-heartedly, putting a hand over his heart. She frowned, studying his face quietly.
His nose and cheeks were cherry red and his eyes were puffy. The way he held his phone was a near white-knuckled grip and refused to meet her gaze broke her heart.
“Hobi, we need to talk.”
“I’m fine, Noona, it’s nothing-”
“Hoseok. You’re messing up more than normal during our Runs, you won’t eat with us after practice, and now you’re crying on your balcony at 9 at night. Don’t you dare stand there and tell me you’re fine.” She scolded him fiercely, her eyes narrowing in such a way that made a shiver run down Hoseok’s spine. He looked down like a child that had gotten in trouble, idly rubbing his thumbs over the screen of his phone. Yoonji knew he was trying to find the words, so she waited, watching him like a hawk.
“Can...Can I come over and sit down to talk?”
Yoonji closed her eyes and exhaled for a moment before she nodded, pushing herself off of the railing.
“I’ll put some tea on and order some takeout.” was all she said before she left him be, walking back into her home. After she slid the glass door to the balcony closed, she leaned on it, running a hand down her face. She had no idea what was going on, but if Yoon Seo had done something to hurt Hoseok-
Yoonji let out a frustrated sigh, going back into the kitchen to put a pot of water to boil as she dialed a nearby restaurant to order chicken and lamb skewers. She moved to her cabinet, taking out two mugs from the colorful set she owned.
There was one for every member of BTS and an extra for Namjoon’s twin sister, Kim Amy. The young girl had the set made for the group as a present when they started their group and Yoonji had decided to hold onto it since she cooked a lot of meals for the boys when they decided to celebrate at home.
Yoonji had been so fond of her character ‘Shooky’, that she had some other dishes custom made with his smiling mischievous face on it. She grabbed her mug and the purple and blue horse one beside it. That one was Mang, Hoseok’s character.
She set the mugs down beside each other, settling a raspberry tea bag in each one. Her front door opened from somewhere behind her and she didn’t bat a lash. Hoseok had the key to her apartment and vice versa.
“Hey, Holly. You look so cute today, as always.” Hobi cooed, scratching the poodle behind the ears before he moved to sit at the dining room table.
“I’m here, Noona.”
Yoonji took a collecting breath, putting his mug in front of him before she set hers down on the other side of the table, sitting so she could look him in the eyes. He bowed slightly to thank her, moving his nervous hands to wrap around the mug, leaving his phone face down.
Yoonji studied him for a moment.
Hoseok often had trouble sitting still, but when he was upset, he always needed his hands to be busy or he’d breakdown. She let him fidget with the mug for a minute or so before she spoke.
“Okay. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Its….i-its Yoon Seo.” He sighed, shoulders slumping. Yoonji bit back the sly ‘no shit’ that was on the edge of her tongue, instead choosing to nod once to let him know she was listening and waiting for him to continue.
“Lately, she’s been pulling away from me. Spending less time with me, giving me less...attention…” He trailed off, and Yoonji could swear she watched him deflate as he muttered the last word.
“Aish, this is foolish. I sound like a loser-”
“Hoseok, if it’s bothering you, it’s not foolish to me. Tell me everything.” She pressed, reaching over to gently pat the top of his hands. He let out a shaky sigh, biting his lip.
“She doesn’t seem to want to do anything together anymore. I know she’s busy practicing and honestly so are we, so shouldn’t that make our free time more precious? She’ll go for hours ignoring me, but talk in the group chat with the other dancers. I just wish she would talk to me, y’know? If she needs space, I’ll give it to her. If she wants to spend extra time with her friends and family, obviously she has every right to but I...I don’t like being kept in the dark like this. Even when she does talk to me, she’s distracted or she seems annoyed with me even being there and I don’t know what to do.” Yoonji felt her lips part in a frown as tears welled up in Hoseok’s eyes.
“I feel like such a loser for being so sensitive. I probably sound like some attention hogging weirdo, don’t I?” He huffed out a humorless laugh, running his hand through his hair, pulling at the brunette locks. Yoonji stood and swatted his arm lightly to make him let go, frowning down at his sitting form.
“Hoseok, you’re her boyfriend. You have every right to want her to give you some more attention. If she’s making you feel like you’re a bother on her for wanting that much, she’s doing something wrong. Have you told her about how you feel?” She inquired, rubbing his shoulders for a moment before she went to take the boiling water off the stove. Hoseok sighed.
“I did. She said she didn’t know what I was talking about and that nothing had changed so I kind of...closed up after that. I started worrying about whether or not it really was my fault. Now I just...I don’t know. I feel like I’m going crazy.” The dancer admitted as Yoonji poured the water into both his and her mugs. Hoseok watched the magenta color bleed out off the tea bag, smiling as the raspberry scent wafted up into his nose.
Yoonji excused herself long enough to grab their takeout once the doorbell rang, hastily shoving a few large bills at the deliveryman and insisting that he keep the change so she could return to Hoseok.
Once the plates were served and the tea was diffused, the conversation died, with Hoseok momentarily forgetting his troubles as he ate happily. She watched him out of the corner of her eye, smiling slightly when she saw him relax for the first time since she found him on the balcony.
“If you want me to talk to her, I will.” Yoonji’s quiet offer was almost too quiet for Hoseok to hear as the duo washed out their plates and mugs. His hands froze in the soapy water, turning to look at her with wide eyes.
“R-Really? You’ll talk to Yoon Seo for me?” He perked, smiling so wide she could see one of his little dimples. Her heart stuttered and she looked away, drying her hands off with some paper towels.
It made her heart sink into her shoes at the hopeful look in his eyes, but she nodded, regardless.
The happiness and wellbeing of your best friend comes before your pining, Min Yoonji. Remember that.
She smiled despite the pang of hurt in her heart and put a damp hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah. I’ll do it, no problem.”
Hoseok grinned wildly and pulled her into a hug, drawing a small, startled gasp from her as he spun her lightly.
“Thank you so much. I love you so much, noona!” He beamed. Yoonji bit her lip and pet his head lightly, standing on her tiptoes to fully reciprocate the hug.
“Yeah...I love you too, Hobi.”
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sope-and-shine · 4 years
Christmas Special: Day 25
-> BT21 X Reader(ft. OT7) -> BT21!AU -> Word Count: 5k -> Summary: Spending Christmas alone wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but Christmas with 7...somethings was not what you had in mind. -> Warning(s): Mild Language
A/N: Did not edit
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After weeks on end of no rest and constant work, the boys are finally on their way home from their busy schedules. They’ll be able to go home and see their families this year, and it was a well deserved treat after everything they’ve done this year. So much work, and they’re about to reap they’re last reward.
Jimin yawns, stretching in his seat of the car next to Jin, “I am ready to get some sleep.” 
“Yoongi is 10 steps ahead of you.” Hoseok laughs, casting a side glance to the man next to him passed out against the glass.
Jeongguk sighs, “I’m just excited for all the food my mom is going to make.”
The car pulls up to their apartment and they all pile out, some trying to wake up from their nap, others thanking their driver for getting them home safely, and then walking up to their apartment for a good night's sleep. They’ve all had long days, so seeing their front door is like a dream come true to end their night. Taehyung, in a burst of energy, runs ahead of his brothers to throw the door open. 
“TaTa!” He cries, shoving his shoes off of his feet in a hurry and running down the hall to find his cuddly alien. The heart shaped creature pops his head out of the kitchen, a small smile appearing when he sees the very excited human. His small arms grow longer and start to wiggle in want as he waddles to give the tall boy a hug.
The others join the two in the hal, Namjoon being the last to close the door. Taehyung has his alien friend in his arms and their cheeks pressed together, “I have so much energy now that we’re home.”
“Are the others awake?” Hoseok asks. He takes a few steps towards Taehyung and TaTa before he spots Mang sitting peacefully on the couch on top of a sleeping Koya. He shrieks, “Mangie!”
RJ pops his head out of the kitchen just like TaTa had done, his bandana covered by Jin’s frilly pink apron.  On the top of his head, Shooky sits nestled in his fur enjoying how high up he his. However, when the small Cookie catches sight of the stone-faced man staring at him, he jumps and tries to flee.
“Hey! Don’t be an asshole, get back here!” Yoongi chases after his friend, quickly catching the small trouble maker in his hands before he gets too far. Lifting him up to face level, the angry cookie decides to let it be and hop on the man’s shoulder out of reluctance. Yoongi nods, “That’s what I thought.”
The others greet their friends as well, taking seats in the living room to watch the boxing match Cooky had turned on while they were gone. Namjoon’s moved Koya from his spot on the couch to rest on him instead, fixing his ears when they fall to the couch.
“Are you guys excited for Christmas next week?” Jimin asks, playing with the floppy ears on Chimmy’s hoodie while he not-so-quietly plays the harmonica on his lap .
Cooky pauses his play boxing with Jeongguk to raise a fist in excitement. He - just like the others who had given their response - were very ready to spend their holiday with the boys. After being away so long on tour, they were happy to finally spend time together again.
“I - for one - am overjoyed to have a break.” Yoongi sighs, moving Shooky from his head - where he’d climbed just to annoy the other - back to his chest, holding him there with a firm hand despite his protests to be let go.
“What are you guys going to do with your time?” Taehyung asks, popping his head over the top of TaTa’s larger one.
“My brother wants to go ice fishing, so I was thinking about going with him.” Jin says, taking a sip from the tea RJ had made.
“Why ice fishing?” Hoseok asks. He tilts his head at his older friend, and Mang - the loveable, copycat he is - does the same.
Jin shrugs, “No clue. But how bad could it be?”
“Cold? No one around? The possibility of no fish at all?” Yoongi lists off all the possible things that could be wrong with ice fishing, snorting when they all are indeed terrible, “You’re right, nothing terrible at all.”
“I’m going to take Tannie out to get new toys.” Taehyung says, changing the subject.
Hoseok nods in approval, adding in his own plans, “I was thinking of taking my mom and sister shopping.”
“My mom wants to go ice skating.” Namjoon adds. 
The boys continue talking, and sharing their holiday plans, but the friends around them begin to realize that they had not been mentioned in any of them. Chimmy - arguably the cutest - turns to Jimin - easily the most gullible member - and tilts his head in confusion.
“What’s wrong, ChimChim?” Jimin asks, pulling the little bean closer to him.
“They wish to know if they will be joining the festivities of the holiday as well.” VAN speaks up. The men in the room jump in surprise, Joon accidentally dropping one of Koya’s ears in the process. They all turn to the robot in the corner of the room, not exactly sure when it arrived. “Will they also be joining you on your vacations.”
“It’s best if all of you stay here in the house.” Namjoon sighs, he expected this. Part of him knew they’d want to join them as well, and he could understand why. But the outside world was no place for them. 
“The people outside won’t like you guys.” Jeongguk says. He didn’t mean it maliciously, or in anyway to hurt them. But it’s when he sees Chimmy and Mang frozen in horror that he realizes he should have phrased his words better.
Shooky makes a sound of displeasure from where he sits on Yoongi before sliding off of the man and storming off to another area of the house. Yoongi sits up to look after him, “Shooky!”
Chimmy and Mang follow after, running in zig-zags so they won’t be caught by their friends. Jimin sighs, “Chimmy! He didn’t mean it like that!”
Soon, the rest of the little friends they shared an apartment with had toddled off after the others, even Koya after sliding off of Namjoon’s lap from his slumber and taking his ears with him. The men left in the room sigh together, turning to the youngest with looks of disappointment.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” Jeongguk defends, shying away from the glares he’s getting. The other’s shake their heads in disappointment. They’d have to find some way to make it up to the little guys after the holiday was over.
Halfway across the world, in a small 1 bedroom apartment outside of the city, you sit on your balcony enjoying the chilly night air. Unlike most of your friends and the rest of your family, you were still stuck all by yourself for the holiday. You have work to do, people to please day in and day out. Unfortunately for you, there was no time for you to go home and see your family this year. Then again, it wasn’t like they really wanted to see you anyway. Your dad made sure to tell you that when he talked to you over the phone about you visiting.
He called to ask if you were coming to see them for the holiday, and when you told him that you wouldn’t be able to make it, he was furious. He treated you like you weren’t a grown adult paying for your own apartment and living on your own taking care of yourself. He seemed to always have something to say that just burst your bubble when you felt you were succeeding as an adult.
That’s what brought you out here to enjoy the peace and quiet of the night. 
“He just doesn’t get it…” You mutter to yourself. You look towards the sky where you can make out some of the stars if you squint hard enough. “What is his problem?”
Unbeknownst to you, you have a quiet listener above. Van, having been upset for their friends, had taken off to find someone also in need of friendship for the holiday. He’d searched far and wide, but none that truthfully needed someone. You were Van’s fifth distress call that he heard, so he came to see what you were in need of.
“I just want to show that I’m good enough…Why can’t he see that?” You ask to no one, not having any clue to your silent watcher. You wipe a stray tear and pull your knees to your chest. “He’s the reason I don’t even want to go home. I just want some love”
Love? Van knew where love was. His friends had plenty of love to give! His friends could help you easily.
Your phone rings, and your quick to compose yourself to answer it, “Hello?” 
“Hey, are you coming to spend Christmas with me?” Your friend asks, checking in on her offer from the other week. You had been talking to her about what was going on in your life and she was quick to offer you a place to go, but you didn’t want to make anyone else suffer with you.
“Ah...no...I have a lot of work to do…Maybe another time.” You offer.
She sighs, “Are you sure? I have the room!”
“No! I’m sure…” You assure her, wiping another tear that falls from her eye.
“Okay...Have a great holiday!” She cheers.
“You too.” You say halfheartedly, hanging up sometime after. You stare at your phone in sadness, “You wouldn’t want me around anyway.”
Van’s eyes flash a blue, sadness taking over his senses. He can feel your pain and the need for love. He has no doubt in his AI brain that you need love, and he knows just the people for the job.
He flies off, not seeing the way you slump over and let more tears fall from your eyes. 
After your crying session was finished, you had returned to your room to release the rest of your dignity in the safety of your sheets -Your neighbors probably enjoyed your crying too much anyways. But now, waking up to the morning light you feel refreshed and not as moody as when you fell asleep. You’re so relaxed, you almost don’t even notice the loud crash that comes from your kitchen.
You sigh, annoyed that your cat - Mr. Whiskey - was probably in the kitchen looking for food and knocking over your pots and pans again. You throw off your blankets and leave your room to scold the animal in question, but you stop dead in your tracks when you see creatures you’d never seen before littering your apartment. In front of you is a dog(?) holding the vase your best friend gave you as a housewarming gift, where the vase sat sits what looks to be a cookie waving its arms around. Your coffee table has a koala sleeping on it, an alpaca with a bandana around its neck drinking a bottle of tea you had stocked in your fridge. Running around your coffee table is a blue and purple horse with a pink bunny chasing behind it. And standing next to your window, is a blue, yellow polka-dotted, heart head something trying to pick up the glass. You’re unsure of how to feel, but your body has no problem reacting for you as you drop to the ground.
The rowdy creatures making a mess in your living room stop what they’re doing, turning their attention to where you lay passed out on the floor. They stare at your limp body in confusion, wondering when you had woken up. You were asleep when they got there, but they must have woken you up.
Well, they can’t just leave you there.
A few hours later, you wake up to something wet on your right hand and a weight pressing down on you. Opening your eyes slowly, you make out what looks to be the koala snoring away on top of you. In between the both of you is a blanket you kept laying over the top of the couch for your movie nights, keeping you warm. 
“That wasn’t a dream…?” You ask yourself. You look to your right and see a small bowl of water placed beside you, your hand having been placed inside the bowl. You pull your hand out and sigh, thankful that the stuid trick hadn’t actually worked on you. You look around your living room and finally take notice of the creature you thought you’d dreamt alive, sitting around looking at you. You sit up fast.
“What the-Sorry.” In your haste to sit up and get a better look at the things before you, the koala on top of you fell off of you and onto the floor below. Feeling guilty for practically throwing the poor thing, you reach down to help him back up. But your thrown completely off guard when you see that his ears have fallen right off of his head. You scream, “Oh my god! What the hell is going on?!”
The blue, yellow, and red one looks to you and begins trying to explain what’s happening, but everything he says seems to be in another language that you have no knowledge of. It’s enough to spur even more shock out of you.
 You shake your head trying to gain some of your sanity back, “What are you saying? What are you guys?!”
Next to her, the Alpaca with the bandana begins walking to you with your phone in his hand. He has a sweet smile - he shouldn’t have a smile at all, but that’s not important at the moment - but the fact that he’s been using your phone is concerning.
“How did you get into my phone?!” You ask accusingly. First they break into your home, break your things, and now they’re using your phone?! You’re absolutely livid until the alpaca before you turns the phone off and grabs your hand to use the thumbprint. He gives you a smile before returning to what he was doing in the first place, and you’re suddenly left feeling sorry for yelling. 
“Oh…” Is all that you say. You wait and watch what he -or she - continues searching until they’ve found what they’re looking for. So, when he turns and shows you a video of them with a group of real people, you grow a little softer. You can’t help but wonder, ‘Are they lost?’ Korea is a long way to travel, and your knowledge of Korean is limited to the small phrases your college roommate had taught you.
“Would you understand me better in Korean?” You ask, iffy on your pronunciation. Thankfully, the dog shakes his head slowly, his floppy ears twisting around his head until they fall back to his side where they had started. You nod in understanding, but it does little to calm your nerves. “Why are you here? How did you all get here? Will you get off of that?!”
In the corner of your eye, you’d kept seeing the pink bunny moving around. But it was the last straw when he began hanging off of your potted plant by your balcony door like it was a swing. His ears droop and his happy grin turns into a disappointed pout as he hops down. The horse hops down from your loveseat and waddles over to the slightly open window to point out the window you keep open just enough for Mr. Whiskey.
You shake your head in disappointment. You knew this situation would come to light sooner or later, but this exact situation wasn’t what you were expecting, Either way, these...things couldn’t stay. “You all need to go home.”
Around the room, there seems to be an unspoken sadness that each one of them holds, enough to let you know that they aren’t lost at all. These poor little things left their friends because they wanted to...
“Why don’t you want to go home? They’re you’re friends, right?” You ask. It wasn’t as if they could answer your questions in depth, but it was worth a shot to gain an understanding.
The alpaca takes your phone again, asking for your thumbprint so he can get into it again. He types away, taking his time so he can do everything correctly. You’re surprised when your phone speaks the words he wants to say, “Friends don’t want us for Christmas.”
It was sad, but you knew how that felt to an extent. But if they were anything like you, it was them that didn’t want to be with friends for the holiday. You sugh, “I doubt that’s true.”
The small cookie that you thought you’d definitely dreamt up climbs up the alpaca and takes the phone right out of his hands. It’s almost unreal when he begins typing, and you’re even more shocked at what plays from your phone. “Friends abandoned us because they don’t like us and we’re not cool to be around and they’re embarrassed of us those apples. apples. apples. Apples.”
“Well, you need to go back whether you want to or not! They’re your friends, and they’re going to be worried about you. They love you…” You say, trying to explain the importance of them going home. Sure they may not feel welcome, but that doesn’t mean they should just...not...go.
Yeah, maybe you all were more alike than you thought.  
“My friends are looking for a friend to spend the holiday with.” A voice speaks up. You look up just in time to see another creature - half grey and white, round head, and ‘x’ and ‘o’ for eyes - smash the rest of your window and enter on its own. Being your second surprise of the day, you do the next logical thing.
You pass out again.
Back home - in Korea - the boys are waking up to begin parting ways. Jimin and Jeongguk were the first two to wake up as they needed to travel all the way to Busan for Christmas. All is the same, nothing unusual compared to what they’re used to. Then again...nothing unusual was completely unusual itself. Normally, Shooky or Kooky would be making a fuss in the kitchen by now with RJ making something to eat while ignoring them. 
“Have you seen Cookie?” Jeongguk asks, poking a hole in the banana milk he took from the fridge.
Jimin shakes his head, taking a bite out of the toast he made, “He wasn’t sleeping with you last night?”
“No, I thought he was upset with me.” The younger explains. He sighs, remembering how uset the bunny was yesterday. He hoped by now that he wouldn’t be upset anymore, but it looked like he was still not happy with him by any means.
Jimin shrugs, taking another bite of his breakfast, “Chimmy didn’t want to sleep with me either.”
“Don’t you want to say goodbye though?” Jeongguk asks.
“Yeah, but we can’t force them to talk to us if they’re unhappy.” Jimin stands up from his chair and puts his plate in the sink. Passing Jeongguk, he places a hand on his shoulder, “They’ll be fine in a few days. As soon as we get back from vacation.”
“Yeah, okay.”
After waking up for a third time, you’ve calmed down quite a bit. Now, the only thing you’re worried about is getting these rowdy creatures out of your home and back to their own. You sat on your couch scrolling through plane tickets trying to find the cheapest one possible to Korea. Van and the others had already tried to help you fly back the way they had flown to you, but you vetoed that idea before you got dropped.
Now, it was just a matter of time before you’d have to figure out how to get these boys back to their boys. The first step is the plane ticket, but the second step is finding where exactly these boys lived. Why you had to go made no sense at all, but these little nuisances wouldn’t let you out of it or they’d stay - how they threatened you using your phone. 
The whole notion was absurd to you, buying a plane ticket just to return 7 - or 8 - rowdy little creatures that you weren’t really sure were what you thought they were back to South Korea where they live with the most popular boy band in the world. They were only guarded by high end security, and they were only followed by millions of women everywhere. 
Not a problem at all.
Now, sitting in your seat next to RJ and Chimmy - who are dressed up in a trench coat pretending to be human - while the others are hidden in your carry ons or on the strange duo next to you, you try to relax while you wait to land. This was the craziest thing you’ve ever done, and there was no way this would actually work. There couldn’t be any possible way for this to work. 
But it had to.
The door to the dorms slams shut, alerting the boys who didn’t have the chance to leave yet that Jimin had returned. He was already in Busan by the time Namjoon called him to tell him the news and he was pissed to know his plans had been changed for him.
“Well, ‘hello’ to you too.” Yoongi teases, getting comfortable in his seat before they would have to leave.
“Don’t talk to me right now.” Jimin glares at him, taking a seat on the couch opposite from him. 
Namjoon sighs, “Look, I know this is inconvenient bu-”
“Inconvenient? I only told my whole family I’d be home this year.” Hoseok laughs, slightly pissed himself.
“It’s just one performance.” Namjoon sighs.
“One performance that we have four days to prepare for and no heads up that we shouldn’t tell our families to expect us for the holiday.” Yoongi argues.
“Guys, please…” The leader begs.
Jeongguk sighs, “Namjoon, there is no way you are not upset about this.”
“I’m upset too, but what more can we do?” He asks.
“Fight! Yell! Argue!” Jimin says.
“Then why haven’t you?” Namjoon asks in retaliation. Jimin looks at him with the last bit of rage he has left before downcasting his eyes. “Exactly…”
“Have you guys seen TaTa?”  Taehyung asks, changing the subject.
Jin sighs, rubbing his face with his hands, “I haven’t seen any of them since Guk scared them off.”
“I swear to God, little horse man, come out of that bathroom right now!” You yell, banging on the bathroom door. You’d gotten off your plane about an hour ago and grabbed an uber, keeping the boys hidden. But as much as you wanted to get them home, you also wanted to sleep. Now, you were banging on the bathroom door of your hotel trying to get the little rascal to come out. “I have to pee!”
The others were doing their own things: The cookie, the bunny, and the alpaca watching TV on the floor, the heart dude was drawing on the notepads the hotel had, the koala was sleeping on the couch, and the dog was jumping up and down on your bed instead of his own that most of them would be sharing. You just wanted to pee, was that too much to ask? You wanted to spend Christmas in your own bed with no one else - Well, not really, but they didn’t know that - but no one seemed to get that. 
The bathroom door opens and the little horse comes waddling out with toilet paper on his foot, adjusting his apparent mask that you had no idea he had. 
Yeah, you just needed to pee and get some rest at this point.
Despite the inconvenience of having to go in and learn a new performance in time for Christmas, it was still a relief to be able to come home to their own beds. Despite the rough hours of rehearsal and the want to be with family again, it was nice to be with friends they could all consider family.
Only, they were missing pieces of their little family.
“When are they going to come back?” Taehyung asks, cuddling further into Jimin.
The older boy sighs deeply, “I don’t know.”
“I’m getting worried.” Hoseok admits, pausing his scrolling on his phone.
“What if they never come back?” Jeongguk asks, mindlessly playing with the pillow on his lap.
Namjoon sighs, “They will. We just have to be patient.”
“I just miss them so much.” Taehyung whines.
“Isn’t there a way to make this go faster?” Jin asks.
“Can we go any faster?” You ask the uber driver while your stuck in traffic. According to your GPS, the address the alpaca put in for you was only a few blocks away, but this traffic was putting you an hour behind. 
The man sighs, this being the 3rd time you’ve asked him, “Ma’am, I’m stuck in traffic.”
Your leg starts bouncing, becoming inpatient the longer you sit here. You’re too close to just be sitting here. You shake your head and grab the door handle, “We’ll get out here.” You and the boys exit the car and start your journey to the Hanam Hills Estate, trying your best to get there before the snow comes down. You push through even when Shooky and Koya crawl onto your back to sleep peacefully while the rest of you trek further and further. It’s only when you get to the security gate do you realize that is an impossible mission.
You stop before the box, already knowing this was a dead end, “How am I supposed to get in there?! There’s no way they’re going to let me in there when I’m not-” You pause your rant when you see the bunny bumping fists with the security guard, as well as the alien and the dog. He lets them pass and the others follow. So you, with the other two on your back, nod to the guard as you pass.
“I’m with them…” You nod, using the best Korean you can as you pass. You follow behind blindly, thanking yourself for wearing boots and not sneakers as you pass every unknown celebrity home with strange creatures that apparently know people well. And then you come to a tall building where the others have stopped, waiting for you to catch up.
“Is this really it?” You ask, staring ahead at the building above you. The boys push forward towards the door and you follow, climbing up two flights of stairs before you make it to another door. Your heart boy extends his limbs - another skill you didn’t know he had - and he rings the doorbell three times before returning to his form.
This was it. 
They were home. 
They didn’t need you anymore.
“Well, I got you boys back so I’ll just be going.” You say, ready to get out of there when the alien himself grabs onto you and holds you in place. You squirm in his hold, “Hey, let me go, you crazy alien!”
“Hello?” The door opens and your met with a tall man sporting shorts and a white, mario graphic tee. His confusion turns to happiness when he realizes just who is in front of him. He immediately runs to your alpaca friend, “You’re home!”
You hear other voices from behind him in the home. “They’re back?” 
The group that you had seen your boys with appears right in front of your eyes, each one smiling wide at the sight of their friends coming home. To think that they thought they were embarrassed by them. They looked like they were in love with them.
One of them looks directly at your little alien, and then looks to you attached to him. Him nod, “Hey.”
“This is (Y/n).” You scream at the sudden intrusion of the robot, holding on tight to the creature that just won’t let you go. You weren’t used to this. How could anyone get used to this? “She was lonely and needed our friends like they needed her.”
“Thank you for ratting me out to strangers.” You say, annoyed with the damn piece of technology. Looking to the men at the door looking back at you, you shrug, “So, maybe their presence wasn’t terrible, but I had to get them home where they belong...with you guys.”
The man in front of you smiles a boxy smile, throwing his arms open and pulling you into a hug similar to the one you’re already in. Only this one pulls you back and forth against your will.
“Taehyung, you’ll make her sick!” A voice calls.
“Hyung, you shouldn’t shake her that much.” Another scolds.
You sigh when the man stops shaking you, “Yeah, I should really get going anyways.”
“But you came all this way, you can’t just leave.” He argues. The alien around your neck nods and he laughs, “See? TaTa even wants you to stay.”
“TaTa? So, that’s your name, you little rascal.” You tease, shaking the creature attached to your hip. You smile, “It’s cute.”
TaTa smiles at you, only then deciding to slide off of you and join his friends who are already going inside to their home. The boys that they left, however, remain. The one that couldn’t keep his hands to himself smiles at you, “They really don’t want you to leave.”
You shake your head, “I don’t belong here, though.”
“Says who?” Another boy asks. He throws you a smile, and you see a peak of his dimples. “You should at least spend Christmas with someone.”
You don’t know what made you do it, the smiles, the pleas, or the rowdy little things at the door giving you puppy dog eyes, but you did it.
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BTS Reaction: You are wearing the wrong BT21 character on your pajamas
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I wasn’t 100% sure what you meant by the wrong apparel but I took it as meaning like you are wearing the wrong members’ character. I hope that was right 😥
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“Y/n. Why are you wearing Mang pajamas?” “Because I like Mang. He’s cheerful and happy and I like that positive attitude.” “But Koya is a cute little Koala and it’s my character. Why are you wearing Hoseok’s? Do you like him better than me?” You pick a pillow up off the bed and throw it at him. “Of course not! I love you Namjoon you know that don’t you?” “Hmm maybe you need to convince me.” Namjoon is now sitting on the edge of the bed and you move to straddle his lap, placing your hands on his shoulders. You lean in and give him a quick peck. “More” You kiss him more deeply this time, and nibble lightly on his lower lip. “More baby. I still don’t feel very loved.” You bite down harshly on his lower lip and when he opens his mouth to gasp you slip your tongue into his mouth, intertwining it with his. You pull away and Namjoon’s breaths are uneven. “Feeling better now?” “Much.”
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“Absolutely not! You are not sleeping in my bed wearing Tata pajamas!” “But Jin Tata is so adorable!” “He is not he’s a weird looking alien creature with tentacles how could you possibly think he’s more cute than RJ? That fluffy adorable little alpaca!” “Jin, Tata is unique and that’s why I like the character.” Jin huffs and throws you over his shoulder. “Jin! Where are you taking me?” He throws open Taehyung’s door and tosses you into bed next to him. He looks at Taehyung who has been startled out of his sleep by his antics. “She’s sleeping with you tonight since she likes your character so much.” At this point you are laughing so hard your sides hurt. “Fine by me. I like cuddling with y/n they’re so warm and adorable.” You snuggle into Tae and the moment his arm wraps around you, you feel yourself being snatched up by Jin again. “I WAS KIDDING TAE! Y/n is mine you can’t have them!” You both are now giggling in bed together, Jin’s arms tightly wrapped around your waist as he’s placing kisses along your neck in between his fits of laughter.
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The minute you walk into the bedroom Yoongi is sporting a pout on his face. “Okay, what’s wrong?” He doesn’t say anything, just makes a gesture towards your outfit. “What’s wrong with my pajamas?” He still doesn’t say anything but he gets up off the bed and walks over and points at the Koya character on your pajamas. “Yoongi are you seriously jealous of a BT21 character?” “No. I’m jealous of Namjoon. Koya is his character. You should be wearing mine, I’m your boyfriend.” You cup his face in your hands. “Yoongi, I wear the Shooky pajamas you got me all the time but clothes get dirty and need washing you know?” “Can’t you wear a different pair of pajamas?” “These are the only ones I brought to stay the night with you.” You see a smirk start to play at the corners of his mouth. “I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to you sleeping naked.” “Yoongi!” You playfully slap his shoulder. He takes your hand in his and leads you back to the bed to lay down with him. “I’m sorry angel. I’ll quit being a baby. I love you.” He places a kiss to your forehead as you lay down on his chest, drifting into a peaceful sleep.
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You and Hoseok were having a movie night with all of the guys. Everyone was in their pajamas so you went to the bathroom to change. When you came out wearing RJ pajamas Hoseok was appalled. “My honey is a traitor! A rude awful traitor!” You know he’s just teasing and you can’t help but laugh. “Come on Hoseok cut it out.” You go to sit next to him on the couch when he sets a giant pillow next to him on the couch so you can’t sit with them. “”Fine! Maybe I’ll go sit with Jin then.” Jin is drinking his soda when you say this and he almost drowns. “Jagi, Jin is on a chair there’s no room for you.” “I don’t know I see a perfectly fine seat right th-“ Your words are cut off by Hoseok grabbing you and hugging you tightly in his lap.” “The only lap you’re going to be sitting on is right here. Don’t forget that.” His arms wind tighter around you and you laugh. “I was just teasing you Hobi. You know I only love you.”
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Jimin was pouting. That much was obvious if his lower lip jutting out and the fact that he refuses to cuddle with you are any indication. “Sweetheart why are you wearing pajamas with Shooky on them. Shouldn’t you be wearing Chimmy to support your boyfriend?” “I like cookies Jimin. Plus I like Shooky he’s so small and cute.” “Chimmy is small and cute too. He’s a puppy! What’s cuter than that?” You roll over in bed until you’re laying on top of him. “You.” You lean in and kiss his lips. “Stop being jealous of a fictional character Park Jimin. Now you’re just being silly.” You go to roll off of him but his hands now have a tight grip on your waist. “Maybe if you kiss me some more and make me feel really loved I’ll stop being jealous.” You giggle at him as you attack his face with kisses. He is giggling along with you and the sound has your heart doing somersaults in your chest. “Feeling better now?” “Mmm much better. Thank you Jagi.”
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Taehyung was pouting from the minute you walked into the room with your Cooky pajamas. “Jagi! Why aren’t you wearing Tata pajamas, why are you wearing Jungkook’s?” “Because I like Cooky, Tae. I find his character amusing. Plus he’s a pink bunny how can you get much cuter than that?” “You try to slip into bed with him but he suddenly spreads out and starts taking up the whole bed so you can’t lay down. “Tae what are you doing?” “Go cuddle with Jungkook since you like his character so much.” You can tell he’s joking and playing with you, but you decide to play along. “Okay fine. Maybe I will.” He hears the door click and he immediately sits up, “You wouldn’t dare.” “Oh yes I would! If my boyfriend won’t cuddle with me then I’ll find some who- hey!” Taehyung had practically jumped off the bed and threw you over his shoulder, hitting your butt playfully. He throws you down onto the bed and suddenly his fingers are digging into your sides tickling you. “You take that back!” “O-okay T-Tae I’m sorry! I- I would n-never pick Jungkook over you now s-to- STOP!” He finally stops as he collapses on top of you. You run your fingers through his hair and you both fall asleep with smiles on your faces.
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You slipped into the bedroom after you had finished getting ready for bed. Jungkook heard you enter the room and he turned around to face the door. “Baby, why are you wearing Chimmy pajamas?” “Because Chimmy is adorable and dogs are my favorite animal.” “Shouldn’t you be wearing Cooky pajamas since ya know, I’m your boyfriend?” “Jungkook I have plenty of other Cooky apparel I just wanted one thing for Chimmy is that so wrong?” He stands up and walks over to you, and starts unbuttoning your shirt. “Jungkook what are you doing?” He leaves kisses down your stomach after each button he pops off. He’s kneeling on the ground in front of you now, places kisses along your waistline as he slips your bottoms off. “Kook?” He stands up and takes his white shirt off and places it over your head. “I want to see you wearing things that are mine. Okay baby?” “Yes Jungkook.”
I don’t know why I have been loving possessive/dominant Jungkook lately. Maybe I have a new kink I wasn’t aware of. Just because my writing is mostly fluffy and sfw doesn’t mean I am 😂
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tuxedo iii, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader, mentions of previous jungkook x reader
summary: It’s the next morning. Your cat is still a man. Fuck. He still thinks he owns the place, including you. Sigh. Well, you still have to do your job, because, yikes, your cat-man has spent a small fortune on new clothes (spending like he’s got a black card, what’s up with that?). Ah, but... maybe both of you are starting to finally acknowledge that he might be a more man than cat – at least for the time being...?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, mentions of the coronavirus pandemic; possibly full-on crack; mentions of and a tiny bit of smut (fem reader, spanking, doggy, unintentional??? voyeurism, dry humping / thigh riding); domestic and soft moments with your cat-man; non-idol!AU - cat!Yoongi x human!reader; ft slightly cocky Jeon Jungkook (+drama!!!) and bestfriend!Kim Seokjin; breaking of the fourth wall; are YOU a furry? yeah, I kinda think you are
*deep breath* I reference a certain boat that was stuck in the Suez Canal, Yoongi's livestream where he poked himself in the nose with the coffee straw, his love for tangerines, too many Twitch chat memes, that time his mom called him a boiled dumpling, 'BST' pink pajama Yoongi, DTS, TXT's 'Cat & Dog', etc...
part i | part ii
You woke up slowly. 
A perfect, peaceful morning. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Neck cradled by your memory foam pillow? Check. Back well supported by your soft mattress? Check. Not sleeping on your sofa and destroying your spine? Check. Hey, you’re moving up in life! Ah, what a normal day already. You opened your eyes a crack; vision blurred from the morning sunlight filtering through your curtains. Bundled in your minty-green duvet? Check. Wearing your extra soft black-and-white striped pajamas? Check. 
Large pale human hand firmly gripping your right titty? Check. 
Your eyes snapped open and flew to your left. 
Min Yoongi's face was centimeters from yours, buried into your pillow, messy bedhead sticking out everywhere. Black choker with the tiny silver bell around his neck. Still had those black velvety pointed cat ears and glowing pale skin, pretty pink lips ever-so-slightly upturned, warm exhale against your ear. 
Your cat still a disturbingly handsome man?
Ah, yup, check. 
His hand was on your right breast, fingers molded to the soft curve. A quick glance and, whew, he was still fully dressed in his black t-shirt and sweatpants from yesterday. Yes, fully, completely dressed. Shit, what if he caught you staring? You quickly flickered your eyes up at the ceiling, hastily wiping the drool away from your mouth. Whoa there. That would be embarrassing if he caught that.
Also, kind of gross. Don’t be gross. Keep it together.
Well, yup, this was still awkward, the whole hand-on-the-titty thing, hahaha, but not as awkward as it would be if, hahaha, you accidentally, oh, don't know, hahaha, got really, really, really disgustingly drunk and, hahaha, had somehow lost all impulse control and, hahaha, fucked your cat?
Hahaha, that would never happen. You’d make sure of that.
No, no, no, stop, he's your cat, your cat, he's literally been a (cat) man for one fucking day, albeit a incredibly hot, deliciously built (cat) man who put your facial massager on your nipple and let you touch his human dick in the shower and he was hard for a hot second, so... no, no, no, stop, you are not a desperate thot, get a fucking grip – well, you kind of are – but not him, for fuck’s sake, you still don't understand what the fuck is going on or if he even remotely likes you and, let's face it, he probably doesn’t because you almost paid a guy to chop off his nuts–
"Are you dying?"
You choked on air and lurched sharply at the sudden deep, raspy voice. The grip on your right breast tightened, preventing you from moving away. You did what any sensible human being would do in this situation and wheezed like you were on the verge of passing out. 
"Do you have high blood pressure?" Yoongi yawned calmly, turning his face to the side to avoid breathing in your face, thereby pressing his body even closer to you. Your neck and ears heated to five billion degrees. "Your heart's beating abnormally fast. Maybe you should see a doctor."
You definitely needed to see a doctor for something as well as several gallons of holy water and a priest to get an exorcism for that horny demon inside you. 
"Y-Your hand!"
Yoongi grunted. "What about it?"
What about it???
"It's on my tits!" you squeaked.
Yoongi lifted his head, squinting. "It is." Then his head dropped and he closed his eyes again. 
HELLO, Min Yoongi? That's ALL you have to say???
"Is there a problem?"
"I've always slept like this," he mumbled.
That's... true though. Your tuxedo cat, previously named Shooky until you realized he had his own name, did used to always sleep next to you, when he wasn’t trying to murder you by sitting on your chest, that is (he was adamant on letting you know when he needed breakfast). Usually, your cat was splayed out by your left side, his long body extended and pressed against you, his white, sock-like paws encircling your arm. Shooky had basically been a small furry heater that kicked you sometimes in his sleep. 
Keyword: small.
"Y-You w-were a cat!" you sputtered.
"I'm still a cat."
"No, you're a man! With arms!"
"The reach is a little farther. Who cares?"
WHO CARES???????
Before you could very loudly inform Yoongi who exactly cared – that’s you, by the way, yes, you – he wrapped his arms around you and yanked your body to his, turning you into a red-hot chili pepper with the amount of heat your face was now emitting. Then his free hand grabbed your other titty. Without asking! Without even so much as buying you dinner or, hell, giving you a goddamn cracker! You didn't need to be wined and dined, but at least a single fucking snack before using your tits like his own personal stress ball!
Yoongi pressed your back into his chest.
You froze. 
He pressed his crotch into your ass, shivering slightly.
Your soul left your body. 
"Ugh, this human body is terrible," Yoongi muttered. "Always so cold. I need this extra body heat or I'll die."
You'll die? YOU’LL DIE?
You were pretty sure that you were already dead. Rest in peace.
Hang on. 
Something was stuck in a very specific place, quite similar to a far-too-large boat in a narrow canal.
"What?" your cat-man grunted.
"Your..." You gulped. "Dick."
"What about it?"
"You, uh... have morning wood."
"Is that a human euphemism?" he grumbled impatiently, clear annoyance in his tone. "I don't understand your species. Wouldn't it be easier to be straightforward and explain yourself clearly?"
A muscle in your eye twitched, reaching breaking point.
"Your dick is rock-hard and you're shoving it between my ass cheeks!"
"Yeah, so? It's cold too."
Your irritation fizzled out at Yoongi’s self-assured, completely calm response. In fact, he sounded borderline bored and exasperated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. His hard dick was cold, so he put it in the warmest place he could find, your ass, duh. Nothing weird about it, of course. Your mind reeled, unable to compute what the fuck was going on. Thus, your body did what it did best in these moments where you did not want to give a response that would most certainly expose you and your dire need to get dicked.
Not deal with it, of course.
You fainted.
You shot out of bed at the harsh yell, tangled in the covers, barely registering that Yoongi no longer had a death grip on your tits – in fact, he was no longer in bed at all – and stumbled towards the source of the sound, highly disoriented, your earlier fainting spell turning you into a bumbling mess.
Admittedly, not that different from your usual self.
(Ouch, roasted.)
"What, what, what?" you croaked, running into the doorframe of the bedroom and nearly taking yourself out. 
Might as well, maybe it would have been a blessing in disguise, considering the way your life was going. 
You finally tumbled your way to the kitchen, where your cat-man was hissing at the pan on the stove. 
"I was trying to make eggs," Yoongi spat, pointing accusingly at the frying pan. His ears were flat and his tail was sticking straight up. "And then it attacked me."
If you had three functioning brain cells, you would have remembered Yoongi putting his morning wood between your ass cheeks this morning, but alas, you only had two at the moment – you did run into the doorframe, might have lost one there – so instead you nudged him aside and rolled up your sleeves, taking the pan and shaking it so the eggs wouldn't burn. 
"Was it the oil? Sometimes it pops," you asked as Yoongi continued death glaring at the pan.
"I saw you doing this yesterday. You didn't seem bothered," he mumbled, finishing with a low, angry hiss as if the pan was sentient and mocking him. The oil popped and seared your forearm, but at this point you maybe had five hair follicles total on your arms with how many times hot oil had splattered in you. It used to bother you when you were a kid, but years of cooking had desensitized the feeling, turning it to nothing more than a mere annoyance. Yoongi stayed behind you, intermittently letting out hisses of rage as you cooked.
"I told you, my dad's a chef. You get used to it," you said, tipping the pan and flipping the thin egg pancake with ease. 
"That's bizarre," Yoongi muttered. "No normal animal gets used to pain."
Normality was starting to become a bit of a foreign concept to you.  As for being an animal, well…
You took the pan off the heat and rolled the egg onto a plate with a spare set of chopsticks, turning it into a log shape. A literal egg roll, ready to be sliced into bite-sized pieces. You took a sniff. It seemed to be seasoned already. Had Yoongi simply copied what you did yesterday? His observation skills were insane.
"Then again, you seem to enjoy–"
"Yoongi," you blurted, not wanting to know what he thought you seemed to enjoy, but very sure it was going to be one-hundred-percent embarrassing and only for you. "There's some leftover beef and vegetables in the fridge you can have with the egg and rice."
He raised his eyebrows. "Beef? Why didn't you say so earlier?"
Because I was asleep and maybe half-dead? "Did you brush your teeth?' you asked suddenly. 
Yoongi scowled. "Unfortunately."
"Right, so should I, goodbye now."
You marched away hurriedly, trying not to think about how your cat had surely witnessed you getting spanked while being fucked from behind by none other than, surprise, surprise, his not-so-favorite human being, Jeon Jungkook. Tattoo guy strikes again. The worst part was, you couldn't lock the door on your cat either, because then he would meow incessantly while you were getting deep-dicked and that was even worse. 
"Your cat really likes you, huh?" Jungkook mused as you yanked open the bedroom door to the black-and-white tuxedo furball. 
"Like is a strong word," you muttered at your cat, who yawned and sauntered past you to his cat tree, acting like he owned the damn place. 
"I like you."
"Hah... wait, what?"
Jungkook grinned as your eyes found his. Took a while. You were a little distracted by his nakedness. His tattoos up his right arm. His tan skin. His muscles. His white teeth biting on his lower lip, tiny mole underneath flashing. His long black hair, framing dark chocolate eyes and teasing, cocked eyebrow. 
"I like you," he repeated, voice deep and sexy.
You turned red and made the most coherent noise you could. 
“... Urk?”
Why did he look so fucking hot and disrespectful at the same time when saying an honorific?
Jungkook came up to you, hand cupping your head and tangling his fingers in your hair. He brought his face close to yours, lips brushing against your swollen ones, taking your breath away.
"Wanna go back to me spanking you while you get off on my dick?"
Respectfully, of course. 
"How much rice do you want?"
You started, poking yourself in the nose with your toothpaste-covered toothbrush and smearing mint up your nostril – almost as bad as poking a coffee straw up your nose during a livestream in front of millions of people, yikes – as Yoongi appeared behind you, breaking you out of the memory. Your cat-man watched you with mild disgust and displeasure as you coughed and dunked your head into the sink, hurriedly rinsing off your burning nose.
"Whatever, I'll just fill it halfway."
And he left you sputtering, pajamas and hair soaking wet in your haste.
“I’m ordering some groceries,” you announced in between bites of rice and egg. You tapped lightly at the phone screen as you spoke. Green onions, tofu, cucumbers… “Do you want anything?”
You swiped rapidly and added packages of chicken, pork, and beef into your cart. Why the fuck not? You like meat. All kinds of–
“Yes, Yoongi, I’m getting meat. Anything else?”
“What else is there?”
You made a face and handed him your phone. “All sorts of things. Household products too, in case you don’t want to smell like my soap.”
“Your soap is preferable,” he said absentmindedly, scrolling through the online grocery app. You continued eating, shoving things in your mouth and none of it dick. Sad. At least it tasted good. Your cat-man had seasoned the egg well. You jumped as Yoongi spoke again. “I want these.” He turned the phone around.
You squinted at the screen, staring at a picture of orange balls. “Tangerines? Why?”
He turned the phone back to him. “They’re small, round, and look tasty.”
You blinked at him, then shrugged. “Sure, why not? I guess your palette might have changed. Try whatever you want.”
He pursed his lips and pressed a few buttons as you ate. You realized you needed to order more groceries now that your cat was a man eating your human food and no longer a cat eating his rather expensive cat food. Sigh. You had put Shooky’s cat bowls in a cabinet earlier this morning before sitting down to eat. It seemed weird leaving them out on the floor like that. Kind of offensive, maybe, now that your cat was a man and all…
“Okay, I ordered it.”
“Ah, okay, that’s good. They’ll probably come later this week.”
After breakfast, you spent nearly half an hour with Yoongi trying to pick out something for him to watch from your various streaming services, only for him to select a historical drama series. Like what? You cat (man) wanted to watch historical drama out of all things? Instead of learning about the modern world, he wanted to watch a depiction of the past?
Whatever, it had seventy-seven episodes, so at least he would be occupied for a while.
You let him be and went to your computer, intending on getting some editing done. Sure, the universe decided your cat was a man now, but you still needed to pay for said cat-man’s existence. You still didn’t know what you were going do to with all that cat food, cat toys, cat tree… ugh, this was all a problem for future you, not present you.
Present you needed to splice five-hundred images of PepeHands together and overlay it over a League of Legends one-shot compilation.
Uh, so, it was this meme of a green frog named Pepe holding up his anthropomorphic hands in despair, therefore coining the term PepeHands for a particular Twitch chat emote… never mind, it just meant you were spending some time video editing for a gaming YouTuber and it required concentration, shitty memes, and well-timed captions. And you were getting paid good money to do this.
Yeah, it’s a weird world.
You sat at your desktop and got to work, doing the rough cuts of the video first. Thankfully, the YouTuber had already sent you the timestamps of the noteworthy moments, therefore making your job a lot easier. You spent several hours compiling the clips before adding your extra flair and effects. You had a library of images and sound bites that you commonly used (including Goofy singing Evanescence's ‘Bring Me to Life’) and was in the middle of grayscaling a video clip and adding the familiar audio of all around me are familiar faces before being scared shitless.
You swore someone was singing ‘Mad World’ as they were narrating your life right now.
You jerked in your seat to see Yoongi leaning over behind you, eyebrow raised as you gawked at him.
“Don’t sneak up on me like that!” you exclaimed, pulling back an earcup of your headset.
He frowned. “How can I sneak up on you?” He flicked the silver bell on the black choker around his neck, making it jingle cheerfully. “You put stupid thing on me, remember?”
You winced. “Well, I’d take it off, but there’s some kind of voodoo magic on that shit – and hey, don’t change the subject! You have that weird cat thing where you’re silent no matter what.”
Yoongi looked unbothered. “Weird cat thing? Thought you said I was a man?”
“Thought you said you were a cat?” you shot back.
You glared at him and he gave you a blank expression. Then he cocked his head to your desk.
“Your phone is flashing.”
You jerked your head to see your phone screen flicker. You grabbed it off you desk and unlocked it, checking your messages. Five messages from – ah, but of course – your best friend. Kim Seokjin.
You pursed your lips. With the pandemic and all, you hadn’t visited Seokjin in forever, but every week he would text you, asking for a photo of your cat and he would send you a picture of his sugar glider. With every week being the same and nothing interesting of note happening, it was hard to think of conversation topics. Therefore, Seokjin and you came up with this weekly event so your friendship wouldn’t deteriorate. Also, both of you were serious introverts, so he spent most of this pandemic playing MapleStory while you spent most of it on your couch watching Netflix with your cat. It was a miracle you two hadn’t morphed into actual potatoes yet.
You glanced at Yoongi, who was inspecting his nails and picking at them. You frowned and batted at his hand. He frowned back and smacked yours, harder. You glared at him. He gave you a vacant stare, as if he had done nothing.
“Why are you picking at your cuticles?” you muttered, going back to your phone and sending Seokjin an old picture of Shooky. You couldn’t exactly send him a picture of current Shooky. He was… well, currently not a cat. You stared at the picture of the fluffy tuxedo cat curled into a ball, asleep in your lap on the couch.
That moment wasn’t even that long ago.
Somehow, it felt like ages since you had last petted that furry butt.
“Hm, dunno. Occupies my hands, I guess,” Yoongi replied distractedly.
“Well, you shouldn’t. It’s not good for you.” You noticed you had another message from the local delivery service, saying a package had arrived at your doorstep. You stood, placing your phone on the desk and looked at Yoongi, who was staring at his old cat tree, the one by the window. When he was a cat, he used to poke his head between the curtains and look outside, watching the birds. It was his favorite haunt.
“Why’d you say woof?” you asked abruptly, giving him a quizzical look. “I thought you were a cat.”
Yoongi shrugged, tearing his eyes away from the cat tree to give you an uninterested stare. “Thought it would surprise you more. You’ve heard meow for long enough.”
You furrowed your brow. “Why would you want to surprise me?”
He shrugged again. “I was bored.”
“… You were bored so you decided to sneak up and scare the shit out of me?”
He paused, black tail swishing back and forth, pointed ears perked. Then he nodded.
You lugged in the huge cardboard box, Yoongi standing out of sight of the front door as you huffed and puffed with your weak arms. Okay, it wasn’t even that big, but it was quite heavy and you weren’t exactly John Cena. Your arms were about as strong as a bowl of overcooked ramyeon noodles and that was putting it kindly. You weren’t the working out type. People who worked out diligently were dog people. People who preferred sleeping as their primary workout regimen had cats. What were the kinds of people who had cat-men then? The kind of people who like sleeping, but also needed a…
(You already know the answer.)
Yoongi snapped the door closed the second you managed to pull it on far enough to do so.
“You look like a boiled dumpling,” he commented.
“At least I’m delicious food,” you wheezed, inspecting the box. You recognized the clothing brand. “Is this the stuff your ordered? How did it come so fast?”
“I selected next-day delivery.”
You paled.
“I need clothes as soon as possible, don’t I? Or should I go back to being naked, since you’re a pervert?”
You choked, ears burning. “I’m not a pervert!”
You tried not to think about the hit on your wallet as you grabbed your keys from the side table and opened the box, seeing all the plastic packages inside. Monotone, in white or black. Figures. You tipped the box to the side and the clothes spilled out, tumbling all over the floor. It took a firm shake to dump it all on the ground. You got on your hands and knees to spread them out, tossing the cardboard aside carelessly to shift through the items. Hopefully, Yoongi had read the listings and selected the correct sizes. From your brief glance, you noticed the tops were quite oversized. Maybe he liked that fit? He had been quite a fluffy cat.
You spotted the packing slip with all the prices listed. You fished it out and then heard a thunk-thunk-thunk, the sound of cardboard on hardwood. Huh?
You looked up to see Yoongi swatting the box around.
“What… are you doing?”
He shrugged. “Investigating.”
You blinked. “Investigating what?”
“Don’t know. I simply feel the need to investigate, thus I am doing so.”
You stared at Yoongi for several minutes as he continued to… uh, investigate (???) the cardboard box, holding it this way and that, smacking it around, watching the flaps bounce in the air as it rolled. His velvety ears perked upwards, sleek black tail swishing with interest.
His expression was completely neutral.
For the first time since becoming a human, you thought Yoongi was more cat than man.
“Uh… okay…”
You glimpsed down to the paper in your hands, seeing the total cost.
You felt the color drain out of your face.
My… wallet…
F in the chat.
You fainted.
You felt someone poking you in the head.
“Are you dead?”
You gasped and jerked up like a drown victim coming up for air, still in mild shock of the sudden financial hit of your cat becoming a man. It was okay. You weren’t poor. You just didn’t expect Yoongi to be a shopping like he owned a fucking black card.
“Did I spend too much?”
You snapped out of your stunned state at his soft tone. Yoongi wasn’t looking at you. He was kneeling on top of the pile of clothes, dark eyes on the paper in your shaking hands. With a start, you realized his words were heavy with guilt, his ears pointing downwards and tail tucked against the ground.
“No,” you said quickly, putting the receipt down. “No, Yoongi. I asked you to buy clothes, remember? And besides, it’s better for you to buy things you like and are interested in, rather than me wasting money on things you’ll never wear.”
He raised his head a little, eyes darting from your face to your hands.
You smiled at him, reaching up to pat his head and stroke the fur on his ears. “Hey, don’t worry. It’s only money. Money will never be more important to me than you, okay?”
For a second, you saw something flicker in Yoongi’s eyes. It was so fast that you barely caught it. Relief? Gratitude? Fondness? Then he ticked his head out of your hand, fair cheeks flushing pink.
“You… you don’t have to do that,” he muttered.
“O… oh.” For some reason, you felt a pang in your chest at his words. “R-right.”
Yoongi made eye contact with you, dark brown orbs guarded. He spoke quietly, without emotion.
“Do you wish this never happened?”
“What?” You furrowed your brows. “What do you mean?”
He gestured to himself, waving a hand up and down carelessly. “This. Human me.”
Human me.
You answered instantly.
Yoongi gave you the disbelieving side-eye.
You let out a sheepish puff of air. “I always kind of wished you were human.” You scratched the back of your head aimlessly. “No one listened to me like you did. Even if I was having the shittest day of all time, you always made it better. You were the best cat ever.” You chuckled, smiling up at him. “Sure, your species changed, but you’re still the same, right?”
His eyes shifted, his cheeks still a light pink. “I’m still a cat,” he mumbled awkwardly.
You raised your brows. “Mhm, is that why you were playing with the box?”
“I wasn’t playing with the box,” Yoongi huffed, sounding insulted.
“Then I’ll break it down and recycle it.”
“No,” he snapped firmly. “It’s useful. We’re keeping it.”
“We don’t need a box, Yoongi.”
He tutted. “Hmph, humans. So wasteful. A perfectly good box should be reused.”
You tried to hide your laugh as Yoongi refused to look you in the eye.
You left Yoongi to examine his new wardrobe on the floor. You tried to pick them up but he stubbornly remained on the pile of clothes, not letting you move them. When you stood up to leave, you asked him when he was going to move – he replied with, "When it feels right", just cat things, you supposed – and hurried off to export the edited video you were working on earlier. The due date was today and you had to review it for quality.
A certain quality. 
A certain quality of... of... 
Needing the money.
Because your cat (man) had spent fat chunk of it on clothes, only to be more interested in the box they came in and sitting on said clothes rather than the actual items themselves. 
"I ordered the wrong color."
"Oh?" you muttered distractedly, clocking on the export button. You'd been going cross-eyed for the past two or three hours – had it really been that long? shit – and checked your phone to see Gukmul, Seokjin's white sugar glider, peering up at the camera on a white fluffy blanket. You smiled, typing a response to praise his cuteness, completely ignoring the fact that Seokjin had also stuck his handsome face in the photo, smiling with a thumbs-up next to his pet. 
The reply was instant. 
hello, acknowledge my BEAUTIFUL FACE
You deliberately didn't answer right away to piss Seokjin off even more. 
"What's wrong with it?" you asked, looking up. 
Your jaw dropped. 
You dropped your phone. 
Yoongi, your cat-man with excellent reflexes, made absolutely no move to catch it. 
It smacked you in the calf and hit your toes – fucking ow, holy shit – before clattering to the floor. You had a protective phone case on it with a cute tuxedo cat graphic. The screen wouldn't crack with the protector on it. In this moment, however, you didn't give a shit about your smartphone, Kim Seokjin, or even the blinding pain in your foot. Nope. 
You were ogling at Min Yoongi in pink silk pajamas.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to–
No, don't you dare scroll past! You think you're clever or something?! Hm? Advertisements always happen at the most crucial parts, you say? 
This is just an ad? 
Look here, Lemona Vitamin C Powder can provide a lot of benefits, including providing natural energy and boosting your immune system in, say, a worldwide pandemic–
Jeon Jungkook stared at his phone. 
At a very specific number. 
He put it down, sighing a little, looking out the window instead. It was a nice day, but he couldn't enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Pandemic and all that. He frowned, looking at the urban jungle surrounding him. Had he made a mistake moving here to the big city? Sometimes he wondered. Back then, he had moved to finish school and pursue his ambitions. Back then, his choice had seemed full of opportunities, but now.
What did he have, really?
A tiny apartment with a kind and understanding landlord. The world at his fingertips from his computer. Still a decent amount of savings left. Online courses that he needed to finish to get his film degree. 
He delved into his memories, smiling at the recollection of confused looks, awkward smiles, indignant huffs. So very unlike him to tease so much, but it was too fun and he hadn't felt the usual nervousness and shyness he had around others. There was something comforting about that smile, that apartment, and that fluffy tuxedo cat that loved to interrupt everything. 
He shouldn't have played it off.
He shouldn't have distracted.
Not after he admitted it.
"I like you."
Jungkook said it to the air, to the memory. So vivid that he reached out to touch those lips, but then it all disappeared, just like that. 
He looked at the back of his phone, wondering. But now he was too nervous and shy to pick it up again. Why was that? When he was there, being seen by those surprised eyes, he could do and say shameless things. But far away, when he was alone, Jungkook was hesitating, suddenly afraid.
You sneezed. 
Very loudly and jerking your head away from your cat-man in luxurious pink silk, jamming your nose into your elbow.
Yoongi raised an eyebrow. 
You sniffed, rubbing your nose. 
"Someone must be thinking about me..." you muttered. 
Yoongi looked down, plucking the collar of the pajamas. "The cotton shirts are the same size, but for some reason this one fits tighter. Why is that? Is there no regulated sizing in human fashion?"
Dude, be glad you're not a girl, you thought dryly. "Might be the fabric," you coughed distractedly. Distractedly because you were staring at quite possibly the most gorgeous man in the history of men and you stared at a lot of men in your short lifetime, so you had experienced eyeballs.
Man or cat-man?
Well, Yoongi was definitely the most gorgeous cat-man considering you were pretty sure there was only one in current existence.
His pointed ears stood straight up in interest, black hair messy from taking clothes on and off, fair cheeks and nose flushed pink, perhaps from physical exertion. Dark brown eyes sheepish, not quite looking at you. The black leather choker stood out on his neck, silver bell gleaming against his collarbones. The material was a mauve-pink silk, clinging to his lean body, showing off his shoulders and long limbs. The button-up shirt created a rather deep v-neckline, a sliver of pale chest visible. And his legs! His slim legs reminded you of a nimble dancer, ending in fuzzy black slippers. 
There was a weird lump in one of the pant legs, going down his thigh. 
"W-Why did you pick them?" you tried to ask in the least awkward way possible, attempting – and failing – to not to stare at his delectable thighs. 
Yoongi shrugged. "They looked like the ones you have. I meant to get black, but I suppose I didn't read the listing closely enough. They're comfortable though," he mused before making a face. Your eyes bulged as there was a sudden jerk in his pants, creating a large tent in the crotch. 
Alarms sounded off in your head, arousal shooting up like a rocket. 
"My tail is stuck," Yoongi grunted, lowering the back of the pink silk pants. The sleek black cat tail slid out, swishing in the air, tent in his pants gone. 
Right. The tail.
Because he's a cat... man.
Your inner thot was sad. Your dignity smacked you upside the head, highly disappointed in you for falling for that, then calmly shot down your arousal rocket with your shame. Oof.
"Can you show me how to sew so I can fix my own clothes from now on?" Yoongi asked as he readjusted the front of the silk shirt. 
You bent down to pick up your phone, trying to do something with your face and hands to disguise your embarrassment and burning ears. "Yeah, of course." You placed it on your desk and turned back to face him. 
Yoongi was right next to you. 
Literally so close that you could feel his body heat. 
"... Urk!"
You jumped in your seat, banging your knee against your desk and howling in pain, computer chair rolling and making you lose your balance, ass about to slip before Yoongi grabbed your chair and shoved it into the table, making you trip and fall back into the seat, head hitting the headrest a little too hard, seeing stars and rubber duckies for a second. 
Wait, were they rubber duckies? They were white and glittery, almost as if they were made from snow…
Yoongi slapped you in the face.
You rubbed your cheek, blinking rapidly to clear your vision before glaring at him.
“Checking if you were alive,” was his placid response.
Alright, it wasn’t that hard, but the unexpectedness of it still hurt. You frowned, only for the pain to slowly melt away, quickly being replaced by something else as you realized Yoongi was still half-leaning over you, a knee on your computer gaming chair to prevent it from rolling. The sting in your knee was temporarily forgotten. Yoongi spoke again, his voice low and deep, almost a sensual purr.
“You hit yourself pretty hard.”
He doesn’t know what’s he’s doing. It’s just a coincidence. A kitty-incidence, Seokjin would say.
Your eyes widened as Yoongi closed in, peering at your unfocused gaze. Now you could see down his shirt. Holy shit. Were you so deprived that you were getting mad horny from seeing Yoongi’s fucking clavicle and sternum?
Is that even a question?
Yes, you were.
“You look like you did last night.”
“What?” you breathed, still unabashedly looking down his shirt.
“Your pupils are dilated.”
You froze. His cool fingertips were on your neck.
“Heartrate increased.”
You wanted to pull back, say, no, wait, don’t do that, but Yoongi was too close and his exhale was too feathery, brushing against your lips, and you couldn’t move, trapped in your chair, between him wrapped in pink silk and your mind reeling, him still playing fucking doctor while you were trying not to jump his half-covered ass.
“And that smell.”
You finally tore your gaze away, eyes drifting up to his.
You swallowed.
“S… smell?”
Oh no.
Oh no, no, no.
Yoongi’s eyes narrowed, surveying you closely. He was so close you couldn’t see his lips, only his dark brown orbs. He didn’t say anything. He smelled like your soap, reminding you of his naked body pressed against you in the shower. Your heartbeat was leaping to your throat, threatening to choke you with your own horniness. Honestly, at this point, would you even be surprised?
You chuckled nervously, clinging onto your last shreds of self-preservation, which, admittedly, were rapidly yeeting out of your hands.
“Hahaha… but you’re… a cat… yeah?”
Seconds passed.
Minutes passed.
Yoongi’s lashes lowered, not quite looking at your eyes. Staring at your lips.
“I’m a man too,” he whispered softly.
Your eyes widened.
Yoongi kissed you.
You were so shocked that you swore your eyes nearly left your head.
It was a soft kiss, his eyes closed, tilting his head slightly to fit better against yours, pressing you back into your chair. Your head hit the headrest and you gasped, your tongue lightly flicking his lips and they parted, his own tongue sliding against yours, gentle licks, your brain malfunctioning, but body remembering, hands coming up to grab his shirt and yank him closer, pressing back against him. He backed up a little at your suddenness, exhaling hard. Your eyes snapped open, suddenly aware of how forceful you were.
Yoongi looked away, pointed black ears flicking back and forth uneasily.
You kissed your cat. Man. Cat-man.
He’s been a man for not even two days and you just tried to make out with him like a demented beast!
“A-ah, Yoongi, no, I’m so sorry, I-I… please, I didn’t mean to…” you stuttered, letting go of him quickly, but also not wanting to let go, but you should, your hands getting confused by your mental signals, repeatedly clasping and unclasping the pink silk, not realizing that he wasn’t even trying to move away.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” Yoongi said slowly.
You clutched his shirt, staring at your white knuckles, unable to look at him directly.
“I’m sorry, it’s just… you’re so handsome, but I’m your owner… and I cracked…”
“What you are is a desperate, sexually deprived human.”
You jerked your head up, seeing his unreadable expression. “I-It’s been over a year–”
All of a sudden, Yoongi lowered his knee and grabbed you by the ass, scooting you down on the rolling chair. You yelped at the swift movement, gasping as your crotch collided with his thigh, wincing as you heard the squelch of your panties jamming into your soaked core.
Welp, you can’t hide that shit now.
“You like things like this, don’t you?” Yoongi murmured.
Your cheeks heated. “T…Things like w-what…?”
Oh, you knew what. You knew very well what, but you also couldn’t form coherent sentences.
His fingers sank into your ass and he pressed you into his thigh, rolling it into your heat. The whines tore out of your throat involuntarily, grabbing his arm and staring up at him with shaking eyes, seeing his curious gaze looking down at you.
“B-But, Yoongi… I’m your o-owner,” you panted, resolve slipping with every second, your hips already rocking into his thigh, the slippery thin fabric doing nothing to hide his lean muscle, your own thighs clamping around his leg. “I’m supposed to t-take care of y-you…”
And last more than two days, fucking shit, get it together!
But you couldn’t get it together, especially not as Yoongi’s voice dropped to a lower octave, one side of his lips curving upwards.
“It’s a little different now, isn’t it?” he drawled softly, lashes lowering, eyebrows raising, his black hair darkening his gaze. “Since I am now capable to take care of you too.”
You whimpered, losing it.
Just started freely humping his leg, self-preservation completely gone. Did he even know what he was capable of, really? Did he have any idea what he could do? Surely not.
Surely, he had no idea how good he could make you feel.
Yoongi bit the side of his lip, frowning. “How will can I make it feel better? I’m only cop…” He trailed off, furry ears anxiously flicking.
You tugged on his arm, getting his attention. “Angle your leg a little more downwards… Y-Yeah, like that…” He did as you instructed, his thigh now pressing down on your clit and your rocking hips moving faster, clinging to his arm and setting your jaw, moaning at the added pleasure. “A-ah… yeah, fuck… yes, I c-can… like this…”
“You can what?” Yoongi breathed, watching your face closely, firmly holding the armrests of the chair so it wouldn’t slide.  
Your head tipped back a little, bucking harder into his thigh, so wet your juices were soaking through your leggings and drenching the pink silk, turning it darker, the strong scent of your sweet arousal clearly evident. Your eyes drifted to Yoongi’s dark orbs covered by black hair, vision hazy, noticing the slight inquisitive upturn of his upper lip. There was no point in hiding it anymore.
“Can cum, Yoongi, fuck, I’m going to cum…” you moaned, inhaling his scent, his presence, saying his name and looking up at him, the stimulation and touch of another enough to get you there, eyelids fluttering as your orgasm swept down, taking you away and filling you with serene satisfaction, crashing waves soaring through you, washing away the sand of your dry spell, a different kind of euphoria than when you were on your own, pulling Yoongi close, kissing him deeply, breathing hard.
“Y… Yoongi…”
“Was it nice?” he murmured. “Was I what you needed?”
“Yeah…” You kissed his soft lips again, semi-breathless. “I–” The wave of guilt came now, your words dropping, brows furrowing, a sharp pang in your chest. Rising, rising. Panic. Yoongi lowered his head, black hair and soft pointed ear rubbing against your eyebrow, nuzzling your cheek. Once. Twice. Again, headbutting you lightly, smoothing the worry away from your forehead, a small laugh bubbling from your throat.
“What are you doing?” you chuckled, patting his arm, smoothing out the wrinkles you had made while furiously humping him. Your eye caught the dark mark now on one of his thighs. Welp. You lasted less than ten minutes.
Pink pajama Yoongi was dangerous.
“You liked this,” he mumbled. “When you were upset.”
You chuckled, instinctively reaching up and caressing his velvety ear. “You were a little smaller then.”
“Only a little.”
He slowed until he came to a full stop, dark eye staring into yours, cheek to cheek.
“I have to look after you, my clumsy human.”
part iv
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Peripheral, Part 3.5
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Author’s Note: I finally polished this one up to my expectations. Enjoy a little “seesaw” with Yoongi’s inner angst!
Summary:  An unfortunate accident leaves Kim Namjoon with amnesia, and Big Hit, BTS, ARMY, and the entire world is desperate to help him regain his memories and knowledge. Fortunately, a new genetics company has successfully created a system to alter our brains into human databases which can help someone regain knowledge and memories through a simple input/output exchange. Can this new invention give us back our beloved leader?
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Idol AU
Word Count: 1.3K+
Warnings: Angsty Yoongi (is that really a warning though?)
Yoongi POV
Yoongi loved tteokbokki.
The spongy rice cakes slathered in a spicy sauce usually brought him so much joy, but now, he couldn’t even enjoy them in peace. Everyone else was busy loading their plates with food and meat skewers, and all Yoongi could do was sit there and stew like a rice cake in a tasty gochujang sauce.
Another skewer was placed on his plate and Yoongi smiled at Jungkook’s humble offering.
“Aren’t you hungry, Yoongi-hyung?” Jungkook asked, mouth full of lamb.
“First of all, don’t talk with your mouth full,” Yoongi admonished. “Secondly, I’m fine. Just eating a little slowly today. That’s all.”
It certainly had nothing to do with the awkwardness he was feeling while sitting directly across from a woman whom he’d held in his arms about 20 minutes ago.
And she’d been naked. Did he mention the part about her being naked? Because that’s what she had been: naked.
So naked.
Yoongi sighed heavily and bit a chunk of lamb off the skewer. It was incredibly tender and so flavorful. Jin was truly a master chef.
I wonder how delicious Y/N would taste…
Luckily, Taehyung’s voice broke through Yoongi’s thoughts, keeping the growing lust at bay.
“Y/N-noona, would you like some more kimchi?” Taehyung prompted. “I made it myself.”
Jin reached over and smacked Taehyung upside the head.
“Don’t lie to our guest, Taehyung-ah!” Jin chastised. “All you did was package the finished product that one time. Namjoon-ah and I did all the work for this batch.”
Everyone visibly froze at the mention of the missing member. Y/N could see the tension rising and stepped up to smooth it over.
“I’ve seen that episode, Tae,” she reminded him gently. “You did such a good job packaging the kimchi. I’m glad this isn’t that kimchi though. That was a really long time ago. It wouldn’t have lasted that long, would it?”
“Ooooh, she caught you in a lie, Taehyungie,” Jungkook interjected.
“Stop quoting my songs, Kookie,” Jimin pouted.
Taehyung was flustered after the physical abuse and the awkward reminder of Namjoon’s absence and the teasing. He looked even more confused than usual, which was a feat in and of itself.
“Yah, quit picking on me,” Taehyung whined. “I was just trying to impress Y/N-noona. You guys ruined everything.”
Yoongi shook his head at the ridiculous turn in the conversation. He shoveled another spoonful of tteokbokki into his mouth, not noticing the splash of sauce pooling on the side of his mouth.
A white napkin flapped in front of his face and he instinctively reached for it. It wasn’t until he followed the napkin’s point of origin that he realized Y/N was the one handing it to him. Their fingers slightly touched as he grabbed the napkin.
“Thank you,” Yoongi murmured, ducking his eyes away from her.
Y/N looked at Yoongi for a few seconds before turning to answer a question Jimin was asking her. As soon as he knew she wasn’t looking, Yoongi glanced up at her.
Damn, she looks so good right now.
She had her hair up in a metal butterfly clip. The ends were sticking up wildly in all directions. Her T-shirt had a cute Gudetama graphic on it, and Yoongi had already seen her bright yellow matching shorts. If she was trying to go for an aegyo look, she nailed it.
Why does she have to be so alluring? It’s not fair.
Yoongi took another sip of wine, trying to silence the relentless onslaught of Y/N thoughts. He wondered if they could just keep pretending like nothing had happened. That would be great.
Yeah, it could work. But, is that what I really want?
A harsh cackle sliced through his inner thoughts and Yoongi’s hand twitched on his thigh. Y/N was laughing so hard, there were tears in her eyes. Taehyung and Jimin were bickering loudly about the empty bottle of lychee soju between them, each accusing the other of drinking it.
Ugh, even her laugh is adorable. How is that even possible?
Y/N, in the meantime, lifted her soju-filled glass, reminding both of them that she’d poured out the last of the bottle.
The two boys looked at each other sheepishly and muttered brief apologies. The rest of the table chuckled at them, and Yoongi heard Jungkook murmur the phrase “hashtag soulmate problems” under his breath.
Ugh. I need to get out of here.
The empty wine glass in front of him signaled an exit for Yoongi. He politely excused himself and made a beeline for his room. With the door closed and locked behind him, he looked around the room for a welcome distraction.
Unfortunately, the only things he had in his room for distraction were his bed and his computer. He’d napped pretty hard earlier, so he wasn’t sleepy. The only other option would be the laptop.
If I’m going to compose, I need to be in my studio. I won’t be able to get anything done around here. I need space, quiet, peace.
Yoongi wandered over to his closet and started pulling on one of his oversized black hoodies, grabbing a black bucket hat to match. He dug around in a drawer for a face mask, pulled one on and sat down to pull on his black sneakers.
Let’s see if I can get out of here without any questions.
As Yoongi got to the end of the hallway, Jin pushed past him. His only older brother looked broken and upset, but now wasn’t the time to worry about that. Yoongi was in no condition to help Jin at the moment, but he had every intention of talking to him once his mind was cleared.
He almost escaped without anyone noticing, but Hoseok decided to tag along and left Yoongi standing awkwardly near the front door while he ran off to get ready.
Y/N was still stealing glances at him, but Yoongi was not prepared to confront her just yet. With the tempest of emotions raging in his mind, he had nothing of value to offer her at the moment.
Hobi sauntered back into the living and grabbed one of his hats. He offered to bring back snacks for everyone, including Y/N.
I volunteer to be her snack.
Luckily, she declined Hobi’s offer and brought Yoongi back to his senses.
I need to get these dangerous Y/N thoughts under control. What the hell is wrong with me?!
Yoongi watched her walk over to the couch, tracking her lithe movements like a predator watches its prey. He had an intense hunger for her, but could not bring himself to fulfill that desire.
No way. Not now.
He allowed himself another moment or two to take in the unkempt wisps of hair trickling across her shoulders and the subtle cling of the jersey knit fabric on her thighs. Yoongi noticed a slight shiver run down her spine, and he frowned.
This room always gets cold. I’m sure someone mentioned that earlier.
Yoongi’s face twisted in annoyance as he walked over to the hallway closet. Among the piles of pillows and blankets was his favorite Shooky blanket. The plushy feel always gave him a sense of comfort. Without a second thought, he walked back to the living room with the blanket in his hands.
Hoseok already bounced his way to the entrance, so Yoongi only had a few seconds to spare. He walked over to the couch and laid the blanket over the back within Y/N’s reach. Before she could say anything about it, he raced out the front door trailing after Hoseok.
I may not be able to talk to her right now, but there’s no harm in showing that I’m not a complete asshole.
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@caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma​‘s MASTERLIST
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amygdalagustd · 4 years
for the BTS ask: 5 11 14 43 52! I know it's a lot but I'm curious! 😅
sending many questions is more that apreciated omg I am so excited about answering all of these!!
5: How did you “discover bts”?
OKAY SO. I discovered bts in 2016. I stumbled upon the dope mv and I was soooo impressed. I thought they looked so cool!! I found myself coming back to it more and more but I honestly didn’t think I would really ever be a fan of the band, I didn’t see myself as the type of person who likes kpop (spoiler alert: I am EXACTLY the type of person who likes kpop). I absolutely fell in love with jungkook on the spot. His charisma and just the way he would smirk at the camera had me laying on the floor. I started watching more and more mv’s. I loved the run mv and the war of hormone mv so much back then!! I was also obsessed with jimin’s outfit in danger hfsfhkjft. Dance practices where next, and omg I really really couldn’t stop watching those. After that I started watching bangtan bombs and I fell in love with the guys as people. Watching them just gave me so much joy! I started listening to their b-sides and I found a lyrics video for born singer. I read along with the lyrics and I got goosebumps. I never thought these guys would have so much to SAY. I fell in love with their passion for music and their lyrics and their story. after that I just kinda embraced the fact that I was absolutely obsessed with these guys and within no time I knew everything about them. 4 years later and I’m still so happy I have them in my life.
11: Favorite MV and Why?
this is hard but I’m gonna go with the run mv. It’s PERFECT. years later I still watch it all the time. I love the vibe it has, the way it makes you feel, the story it tells. I love love LOVE yoongi in mint hair. I low key wanna live in this mv tbh. There is something about Run that is just so special and I can never really pinpoint what it is and that is why I love it so much. 
14: Funny moments that always make you laugh?
SOPE DOING ANYTHING. I watched the bangtan bomb with behind the scenes from their “I ate well” an ungodly amount of times. But honestly, how do you choose one moment when bts is literally ALWAYS FUNNY???? Entire run episodes flash before my eyes when I read this question. They are 100% the kings of comedy okay I have 100% laughed more in the years that I’ve known them than in any of the years before.
43: Favorite BT21 character?
maybe I am biased, but I love shooky. I have this little shooky plushy that I take with me everywhere and I love it SO MUCH!! I have a special place in my heart for RJ as well.
52: What did BTS inspired you to do ? and did you achieved it?
I could honestly write an entire book about this question omg they inspired me so much? They helped me be kinder to myself, they helped me be more confident, they helped me stand up for myself. They inspired me to face my anxiety and travel to see them in concert. They inspired me to do things that make me happy no matter what other people think. They inspired me to make friends and be more open! More than anything they always inspired me to make music and write songs and just….not give up on being creative?? there is something about seeing them live their  dreams that always makes me to want to do the same. They just keep reminding me how awesome music is!! thank you so much for asking!!
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dreamingwithbts · 5 years
Lil Meow Meow Idol Vlive
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Genre: Idol!Au; Fluff
Pairing: Yoongi x Idol!Reader
I'm Y/N, I'm a rapper for the new girl group of Bighit but I know BTS for a long time and I was recently exposed to the world as Suga girlfriend with our consent of course, right now im in the hotel room with the boys in Japan for their concert, watching them playing some kind of game, I was laughing filming them when I got a notification of Yoongi doing a live.
I look to the others seeing the notification and laugh hard when Jimin gets up fast running to Yoongi hotel room while me and the others see the live watching Jimin knocking on his door and Yoongi ignoring him completely.
I watch Jimin coming back to our room pouting. "He ignored me." "Sorry Chimmy!" I say hugging him, and they all went back to playing the game while I watch his live.
Taking the opportunity of the distraction I leave the room to go to Yoongi room. I knock on the door and I hear him complaining and getting up. "Hey. I thought you were Jimin again. Come on." He says opening the door smiling at me and hugging me, I enter the room and go in front of the screen while Yoongi closes the door and go seats. "Hi army!" I wave. "Continuing ..." Yoongi says continuing what he was saying to the army pulling me to his lap.
"Who is that? Is that Y/N? It was true?" Yoongi reads the comments. "Yes. This is my extremely popular girlfriend rapper Y/N. It's all true." Yoongi says calmly while I wave nervous seeing the comments. "Yes! I'm Lil Meow Meow girlfriend." I say laughing making Yoongi look at me weird making me laugh more.
"What did the other members say about it?" I read out loud. "This is their fault." Yoongi says putting his head on my shoulder. "As they said " We couldn't take you two looking at each other in despair and love anymore "" I say laughing at the memory with Yoongi laughing too.
"What did they do?" Yoongi reads. "They texted me saying Yoongi didn't leave his studio for a week and that they were worried, so I went to the company and go to his studio." I say. "More like angrily entering my studio with smoke coming out of your ears." Yoongi interrupts me. "Well sorry I was worried!" "I wasn't there for a week!" "I didn't know that!" I say defending myself making Yoongi roll his eyes laughing. "Continuing. I enter his studio angry at him and start screaming at him loud and I still remember his big eyes looking at me shock! Then he got up and...." "And I kiss her to stop screaming." Yoongi continues smirking at the memory making me blush. "Yes! He kissed me, and he told me that he just got in the studio. So I took that time and I look at him and saw that he still got his coat on and that his PC on turning on and I explain everything." "Then we look outside, and we see the boys laughing at us and Tae and Hobi dancing screaming "THEY KISSED"" Yoongi says pouting. "I remember that! You glare at them and they run away scared!" I say laughing making him laugh.
"What happen next?" I read. "Well we went to dorm to talk away from the boys and now we are boyfriend and girlfriend." I say looking at Yoongi that was looking at me smiling with that gummy smile and I boop his nose knowing he wouldn't like me to kiss him in front of everyone, so we went back to army questions.
"Did you take revenge on the boys?" Yoongi reads. "Ya. Y/N had the perfect idea." "I made them think instead of bring us together that they make us hate each other!" I say smiling evilly. "It was perfect." Yoongi says. "The next day they had dance practise so both of us start entering the room fighting screaming really loud, they look at us really scared they weren't expecting that, so they tried to stop us and I left the room still faking and I laugh of their faces when I was out of room." I say laughing. "So when she left I kick the chair to be more realistic and ignore the boys completely, and than we start the practice normally." Yoongi tells his version. "You are so evil." I read the comments. "That's not the worse part! We had to stop the pranking because Jimin started crying." I say. "Oh yeah. He was really sad. But he was okay once Y/N hugged him and calling him her baby." Yoongi says smiling.
"What did the boys do after the prank? Why is Jimin her baby?" Yoongi reads. "The boys ignore us for days but Jimin and Jungkook couldn't take that much so after two days they started talking to us." Yoongi responds. "And Jimin his my baby because his so cute! Have you guys seen that face! You can resist that cute mochi face! So his my baby!" I say smiling at the camera knowing Jimin was watching.
"Why are you there with the boys? Shouldn't you been practicing?" I read the comments. "I'm on a break and so I decide coming here with the boys since they aren't staying too long. And I still practice when they are busy preparing themselves." I say a little sad looking at the comments. "I'm really happy she's here. She makes me more relax." Yoongi says tightening his arms on my waist smiling making me smile at kiss his head.
"Can't wait to see your next concert Y/N!" I read. "Thank you! Can't wait to see all of you!" I say sending heart fingers.
I get up from his lap so Yoongi can talk to army without me after I notice that they were starting to pau attention to me instead at Yoongi and he started answering questions for him and I stay from the side smiling looking at him with passion on his eyes reading the comments, that's until I receive a text from Namjoon. *Come to my room I have an idea for his live.* and I respond that I was on my way and I get up saying to Yoongi I was leaving and I go to Namjoon room that quickly opens the door.
"Here." Namjoon says giving me a bag and I look at him confused. "Jungkook somehow had Yoongi bag and there's your pajamas in there, I had an idea of you entering the live with Shooky pajamas and me with Koya pajamas and embarrassed Yoongi!" Namjoon says with his big dimple smile and I agree immediately loving the idea.
We get dress quickly and go again to Yoongi room with Namjoon at the front knocking on the door, we hear him yelling to come in, and we enter the room showing our pajamas like models and Yoongi looks at us with his judgment face making us laugh, and we both went to both his sides. "Hi army!" Namjoon waves and starts talking to them. "That's why you leave? To put my shooky pajamas?" He asks smiling. "I like them they comfy!" I say making him smile big. "Well I'm going now. Bye Army! See you tomorrow Yoongi! Thank you Y/N!" Namjoon says leaving the room.
"It's time for me to go to. Bye army!" He says and waves to the camera turning off after I say goodbye too.
Then suddenly Yoongi picks me up and throw us both on the bed. "Yoongi!" I scream laughing, and he puts his head on my chest. "Thank you for everything." He says and I start playing with his head making him start fall asleep. "Of course Yoongi." "I love you." "I love you too my Lil Meow Meow." I say laughing. "I don't understand that nickname!" Yoongi says confused making me laugh even more.
Note: Sorry for the delay! Hope you like it! @angelsmin 💜💜💜
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