#much like her romantic relationships her platonic ones function as a way to start healing herself
azusawrites · 2 years
Theo had been right. Taking off in the middle of the night with some stranger had been a recipe for disaster. It had been a death sentence almost. And yet, as if the last year had not been spent in bed, nursing her wounds, and wanting for her ribs to heal, for breathing to become easier, for Theo to stop looking at her as if he would never be able to trust her again, here she was, repeating a mistake which she wasn’t sure she could survive this time. Those two weren’t Theo. They weren’t prepared. Seven – they couldn’t even get along now, of all times, when it was critical to have an ally of sorts, instead of an enemy ready to sell you out. Perhaps that’s why her own disappointment seemed so potent. She was hoping for some sort of approval from people who would always see her as lesser than them. 
Feeling a gentle and familiar tapping, Kore looked down into Grim’s eyes. He seemed just as apprehensive as she was, glancing in Ace and Deuce’s direction occasionally and it suddenly dawned on her that she had once again missed the main point. She wasn’t doing this for herself. 
wip: mirror marchen
fandom: twisted wonderland
wc: 3602
next chapter sneak peek
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Sokka & Zuko- The Invisible Winner of the Kataang/Zutara Debate.
Please don't take this as "Shipping War Bait", I'm doing a character analysis of ATLA about my opinion on which close Zuko relationship makes the most sense!
I feel like fandom treated Zuko/ Sokka as a crack ship but like?? That's never made sense to me.
Firstly I personally think that Aang will always remember how the fire nation destroyed his people. No matter how much he consciously says he forgives Zuko (& the fire nation) I would BET that unconsciously there's still something deeply hurt in Aang that can never truly be healed about that. As a result, Aang would not be able to LOVE Zuko as close as his other relationships. It's one of those hard to swallow pills but it's just how I interpret the characters. Aang's body has that bias, the deepest parts of his mind won't ever forget the horrific fact that his people are dead because of Ozai, and Zuko is Ozai's firstborn.
I know Aang's whole thing is that he preaches forgiveness, but here's the thing... We aren't always aware of how deeply our trauma affects us. Sometimes you don't hold a conscious bias against people... You hold an Unconscious bias. And to me, Aang holding an unconscious bias against Zuko, and not being as close to him, makes sense.
Toph could honestly work with Zuko, I think she's also a good contender for closest relationship. Though I see it in either a platonic or romantic sense (depends on the vibe). I think there could be a bit of 'fandom implicit bias' there in having Zuko and Toph constantly presented as platonic only. Like, Toph is disabled, she's blind... Do we ever question that maybe we don't like putting her with people romantically because she's disabled? Is Katara the one people ship Zuko with romantically- because Katara is more traditionally attractive? Toph is short, stocky, has short hair, is brash, and blind... Like, there's a chance she doesn't get the same treatment as Katara because she's not traditionally attractive in the way Katara is.... Something to think about.
-All that being said, I like Toph and Zuko as having a close bond either romantically or platonically. I think it's funny that they're both born rich kids, I think it's funny that they only have one fully functioning eye between them (and the comedy and hijinks that leads to). And they do work really well together throughout the show, Toph forgives Zuko when he accidentally burns her feet. And Zuko clearly appreciates how chill Toph is- she doesn't have PERSONAL bias towards Zuko as the son of the Fire Lord, in the way that the other three do.
Moving on to Katara, I have a similar sort of feeling there. It's made obvious that Katara SAW her mother die at the hands of the fire nation. It was traumatic, it was horrific, and because she was a child watching it- that is likely a DEEP core memory. In the context of the show, Zuko helps Katara find the man who killed her mother, because it's sort of a levelling of the scales. It doesn't even make Katara LIKE Zuko, it makes her neutral towards him. He helped her to basically right a wrong (that's her perspective). So yeah- for the same reasons, I've just never been convinced that Zuko and Katara could have a strong and intimate relationship because of the deepness of Katara's trauma. It takes a significant amount of time in terms of the show for her to even start talking and trusting Zuko at all. Doesn't FEEL like good romantic potential to me.
But Sokka, Sokka is the best fit of them so far. The thing is, Zuko and Sokka have a lot of different experiences- but shared values. Consider the things they've had to deal with, Sokka had to handle a huge level of grief & pressure as he quickly became responsible for his family and community at a noticeably young age. Then consider how that parallels (it is not THE SAME, but there is a PARALLEL) to Zuko's abuse & exile. They're both young men, they're both conditioned to think they should be a certain way (Sokka a warrior, Zuko a tyrant). Sokka is creative & inventive, which mirrors how Zuko has to create a new emotional source for his fire bending- once again, these are parallel elements of their characters, and demonstrate how they could relate to each other.
Sokka as a character is also slightly more separated from the association between the fire nation and the death of his mother- compared to Katara. Once again, she saw it happen right in front of her as a small child, Sokka was slightly older when the event happened, and didn't see it first hand.
There are some more generic elements of their characters that might suggest gay subtext; such as Sokka's hypermasculinity being a masking behaviour so no-one would think he's attracted to men. (Most people understand why that is; but if you don't know- leaning into very masculine things as a man, can make it feel like people won't question your assumed "straightness").
But I think what I've touched on is more relevant because it's very much tied to THESE specific characters, and how they interact, and how they could relate to each other.
TLDR; Zuko and Sokka work as a ship cos they have less things stopping them (barriers to intimacy & trauma to heal from). And they have probably the highest relatability to each other's lives, allowing them to trust each other and open up, compared to the other characters.
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ghostietea · 3 years
Ok, I'm going to say it: Akito being paired off in the end and shoved into a "happy" het relationship is an egregiously bad writing choice. 
Akito's arc at the end of Fruits Basket is one of self discovery and breaking cycles of abuse, and it is one that she has recently started where we leave off. She is making an admirable effort, but also is very newly trying to learn how to fix things and have functional relationships after a lifetime of toxicity and indoctrination. No matter how hard she's trying Akito is still in a growing phase, and has a very long way to go. Additionally, after losing her entire worldview and support system, she would be in a pretty vulnerable state, and is trapped in a loop of immense self loathing. At this point in her journey, Akito needs to focus on building platonic relationships, especially considering that she has almost no experience in companionship outside of the context of the curse. Also consider that she has issues with dependance, especially with the zodiac, and a lot of her growth is about independence, doing things by herself, and not clinging on to old relationships. To put it simply, Akito is not in a position where she should be entering a romantic relationship and, in fact, it would make more sense for her arc to leave her single. And above all, the elephant in the room still stands: less then a month ago this character literally stabbed her ex in the back. Even ignoring other factors, this is in no way a person that should be dating anytime soon and it is truly baffling that she would be part of an endgame relationship. 
And it just gets worse when you consider the context of the relationship she's in. Akito and Shigure are undeniably incredibly toxic, to the point of being mutually abusive. Takaya obviously did this on purpose, which just makes what comes later even more confusing. Akito should not be in a relationship at all, and she should certainly not be in a relationship with a man who has been manipulating her for years on end as she has been manipulating him too and, may I remind you, slept with her abusive mom specifically to spite her. These characters are consistently shown to have a really twisted relationship, only to be abruptly flipped to "whoops, happy couple now" in the last volume. I'm not saying that relationships can't start out toxic and develop into something good, but you have to put a lot of time and growth into their story to sell it. Tossing two charachters from point a to b for the sake of a "happy" ending is just bad writing. Akito may have changed, but only recently; on such a rotten base it would be too easy to slip back into old habits and there was no stage shown of significant development in their relationship. Again, not showing the development is a fatal mistake in writing a relationship like this. Even if we give Akito the benefit of the doubt since she had a "redemption arc" (as I said above, this doesn't work) that's not even touching on the fact that Shigure did not really change in regards to her, no, he simply had no reason left to fight at the current moment because he got exactly what he wanted, which was having her all to himself (Concerning when combined with the fact that we know from Furubana that Akito will let people abuse her because, again, she absolutely hates herself. I'm not saying things would go like that but character that thinks they deserve mistreatment+character that mistreated them in the past is not a good look.). Shigure didn't magically have an epiphany about his treatment of Akito, he won. You can't even say this relationship is okay now since they both changed enough, because they didn't. This is not just Akito getting into a relationship in the wrong headspace, this is Akito getting into a relationship with a long history of mutual abuse, jealousy, and toxicity with a former zodiac and it being treated as something that's completely fine.
So you have this character. After spending the whole series being a toxic and horrendous person, she has the realization that has been coming since the beginning, and decides to change. A lot of her arc is about finding out who she is after tying her whole identity to a construct, and realizing that she has to be herself and live as a human instead of a God, has to learn how to find friends that want her around as a person from outside her weird cult. She is just starting to make a few friends, starts trying to figure out herself and how to be  independent and kind, and cuts off a centuries long cycle of abuse. This character is still working for her reformation, still figuring things out, still building new relationships from the ground up. Additionally, this character has severe trauma that she is in no way is recovered from on top of all of that and honestly needs to see a professional. It. Makes. No. Sense. To. Give. Her. An. Endgame. Ship. Was it not for the ship, Akito's ending, while still rushed, would be a million times stronger, and that's why it frustrates me so much. And I'm not saying that Akito shouldn't be shipped, or that I think she should never have romantic love, and especially not that she doesn't deserve to be loved at all as I've said already that that her having platonic relationships is important. I'm saying that it should have been left out of the cannon ending with the story as is. So, if the story would be better with this easy fix, why.
Well, I think this, as many other problems with the story, boils down to Natsuki Takaya's immense dedication to extreme heteronormativity. You can see this everywhere, by the end near everyone in paired off into neat little m/f sets. This goes for immensely queer coded characters like Yuki and characters such as Rin who should probably get to heal and build more friendships before rekindling her relationship. Oftentimes couples being paired up actively makes this story's arcs weaker, which sucks because characters are Furuba's main draw. So many issues could have been fixed if Takaya didn't need her happy hets. Akito's arc is, like many other characters, especially the women, held down because the author decided to hit her in the head with the het stick. (Which is extra bad considering her and her arc are heavily queercoded and Takaya tries to make her seem as het and gender conforming as she can post redemption which is, uhhh. But this is not the post about queercoding villains and arcs that should have been gay.) 
In the end, you can say or feel what you want, but the fact still stands: Akito Sohma being in an endgame relationship is bad writing at best and seriously concerning at worst.
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larenoz · 3 years
There Has To Be Three - Updated
Originally posted as part of @rnmmarchformeta but updated to reflect some new additions. Only three eps in and already enough for an update!!
From the very beginnings of the show, symbolism related to the number three has been present.
The most obvious example of this is the mysterious symbol seen throughout the show. We see it displayed in the town lights when the power returns after Max causes the blackout. It has recurred so often in their lives that both Max and Michael have it tattooed on their bodies.
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It is initially described in terms of being a beacon. In 1.09 Songs About Texas, Max sees the symbol on the flyer for the Indigenous faith healer, Arizona. It’s here that Max learns about the way the symbol mysteriously forms near certain people, and its link to the silent woman on the reservation.
We later learn that in addition to its role as a beacon, the symbol is used as a lock. It is the Pod Squad placing their hands on their respective circle on the symbol that unlocks Mr Jones’ cell.
And again, we see the number three associated with a lock and key on the box used to house Tripp’s diary left to Patricia.
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But is the power of the design intrinsic or is it what the design represents?
Does the symbol in fact represent an important cultural or biological concept for the race of aliens to which Max, Isobel, and Michael belong? Join me dear readers on my journey into the “aliens need to be in groups of three to form stable relationships and be happy” head canon.
Could it be possible that the aliens only function successfully when they form relationships, be they romantic, sexual, platonic, sibling etc when it contains three people?
We see many different groupings of people, that don’t seem to work properly until they are together or that when fractured, bad things happen.
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Pod squad - Iz, Michael, Max
Science Bros - Liz, Michael, Kyle
Family - Liz, Rosa, Arturo
Family - Liz, Rosa, Kyle
Friends - Liz, Maria, Alex
Barn Crew - Nora, Louise, Roy
The Parents - Mimi, Jim, Jesse
Manes Men - Alex, Flint, Greg
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In 2.05 we are given an answer by Max:
“The thing is, there has to be three. Okay. There’s always three. Until the end.”
“Cause it’s all broken without three.”
This is confirmation from canon that at least for the Pod Squad, three is the magic number.
The question then becomes was Max talking only about their specific situation or is it indicative of the wider cultural/biological alien imperative?
In terms of the Pod Squad, even though they are together physically, emotionally they are distant. The events surrounding Rosa’s death break the trust within the group and the closeness they had before that event is lost. It’s only once those secrets are out in the open and they begin to repair their relationship as a group, that they each start to heal their other relationships as individuals. Obviously, there are other events impacting their individual circumstances but the point holds.
Could this within its full cultural manifestation be that triads are the norm for the aliens? And that the 2.06 threesome is them unwittingly falling into the cultural norms of Michael’s society?
Does the threesome between Maria, Alex and Michael happen because they were already the most likely (basically people who are all outsiders in some way and therefore already breaking societal norms) to be open to unconventional relationship structures and therefore more open to acting on the drive towards a triadic group?
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Originally posted by rosaortecho
Like for Kaliz, Kyle provides that balance, cause Max isn’t great at setting boundaries with Liz.
And even with Alex, Maria and Liz, their friendship was broken until they all came back together.
Even in non-romantic/sexual situations the characters tend to work better in groups of three. It isn’t until Kyle, Liz and Michael all start working together that they start making headway on healing Max and it’s only when they all contribute something equally (Liz regrowing the heart, Michael making the pacemaker and Kyle conducting the surgery) that they finally succeed.
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I like that alien culture isn’t just a replication or mirror of our world. And that the differences provide a lens for us to examine our own cultural defaults. - eg monogamy (which historically hasn’t always been the default even in the West). Canon has explicitly questioned the assumption that the aliens experience sexuality in the same way as humans. Michael says in 1.11 Champagne Supernova:
“Oh, we are literally aliens, and you’re gonna hold me to some outdated binary of sexuality?”
And Isobel in 2.07 Como La Flor:
“I mean, what does an alien care about human gender constructs?”
It isn’t such a stretch to suggest that how their society structures its intimate and familial relationships is also different than humans? If aliens aren’t monosexual by default, it’s highly possible they aren’t monogamous by default either.
While allegory plays an important part in the storytelling of the show, I wish that they would also take advantage of their sci-fi setting to explore other aspects of the aliens’ culture. Use the sci-fi genre to explore how they are different as much as how they are the same as humans. The story so far has given us so many elements that could be used as a what-if starting point for exploring different possible experiences. For example, how The Expanse has shown that as humanity expands into space different distinct culture develop. In the show, we see the exploration of a polyamous Belter family that Drummer finds herself in - the #PolyamBelterFam
Realistically, we aren’t going to see this. Even though hey even went as far as having portraying a canon threesome but stopped short of fully exploring the potential of this event by giving us a fully realised polyamorous relationship.
Nevertheless, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of the “three” symbolism and it’s going to be interesting to see if it gets developed further.
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Update 11 Aug 2021 (Post S3 Ep 3):
So only three eps in and we already have new "There Needs To Be Three" content. Let's start with the most obvious!!
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Our introduction to the home planet of the Pod Squad gives us this image of the night sky with Three Moons!! Which are sort of in the same configuration as the lock symbol?
In the dialogue of the show, Isobel actually uses the term "Triad" to describe the pod squad:
"Okay, you're right. We've all been hiding things from each other. And it has to stop.
We're not strong unless we're together. It's like you said; there has to be three. We're a triad."
(text courtesy of Saadiestuff transcripts)
In S3 Ep 3 we see Michael coming to possession of some enhanced turquoise. He ends up giving pieces to Alex, while Isobel also gets a piece. Both Michael and Alex use their pieces to boost or interact with some alien technology, while Isobel's piece enhances her empathic power.
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This one is purely theoretical at this point, but what about the Lockheart Machine and Jim's Radio - is there a missing third machine to complete a machine/circuit?
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drummergirl231-2 · 4 years
Happy Autism Awareness/Acceptance Day 2020!
To me, true awareness and acceptance go hand-in-hand. I still don’t mind the word “awareness,” since most people, even people who think they’re spreading Autism awareness, aren’t totally aware of what it is or what it’s like. But I also love calling it Autism Acceptance Day, because that’s what we need more than anything. 
To spread some awareness, I’d like to address some misconceptions about Autism and share some other thoughts I wish people knew/understood.
1. Autists/Aspies do not lack empathy. 
I found this thing and it explains it super well so I’ll just leave it here:
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Imagine a scenario where you say something totally innocent and it triggers the person you’re talking to. They start flying off the handle at you and you don’t know why. But because they’re angry, you are, too. But since you don’t know why they’re angry, you don’t know why you’re angry, either. It’s crazy overwhelming and confusing. And you want to fix whatever you did because you don’t want this other person to be angry or hurt, but you don’t know how, because their all-consuming rage makes it really hard to think and try to put yourself in their shoes. Also, you’re scared on top of it all.
That’s what having high affective and compassionate empathy and low cognitive empathy is like. It’s not that we don’t care. It’s that we care too much, and all the super specific nuances of socializing are things we have to learn one at a time, through either our mistakes or others’ mistakes. These things don’t come naturally to us, but it’s not like we can’t learn. If I were to compare math to socializing, it’s like you all have calculators or other doohickeys to do all the math for you and we just have paper and a pencil... and no eraser. 
2. Autism is not a mental illness to be “cured.”
Now don’t get me wrong, I am ALL FOR people finding ways to help us be able to deal with the world better, whether that’s a better diet, items to block out sensory stimuli or items that stimulate, or counselling that can help us navigate social situations and talk through anxiety and/or depression. But those things don’t “cure,” us because Autism isn’t a disease or something wrong with us. Autism gives us different challenges, sure, but neutotypicals have their own challenges. 
The symptoms typically associated with “low-functioning,” Autism don’t necessarily have to be a part of Autism. Many non-verbal kids grow up to be verbal. That doesn’t mean they stopped being autistic. There was a celebrity mom years ago who claimed to “cure” her son’s Autism with a gluten-free dairy-free diet. He’d been so trapped in his head, he couldn’t engage with the world around him. She altered his diet and one day he laughed at Spongebob, and that was a turning point. He became able to interact with people and react to things on TV. It was a huge breakthrough. But he was still autistic. If you were to have plopped me down on a rug as a toddler next to a toddler like this celebrity’s son before his altered diet, you wouldn’t think I was autistic at all by comparison. But I was, and I am.
Autism is a different neurological blueprint, and yes, brain-healthy diets and detoxes can do wonders for us because it seems like our brain type does make us more susceptible to negative effects from neurotoxins. But if you think someone has lost their Autism just because “the bad parts,” went away... no. That’s not how it works.
3. Not everyone is “a little autistic.” 
When I was newly diagnosed and trying to process it, someone told me something along the lines of, there there, we’re all a little autistic. But that’s not true. There are a lot of traits associated with this brain type, and yes, a neurotypical person can have a few of them. That doesn’t make them a little autistic. To be considered autistic at all, you’d have to have a large number of quirks plus social delays (not associated with excessive technology use), odd or repetitive behaviors, unusual and intense interests, communication struggles, and unusual sensory processing. Suppose you’re white. If you are white, this should be easy to imagine. Say an African American just told you about some of the challenges they’ve faced, whether it’s race-based bullying in school or racial profiling later on. Would it be appropriate to say, “There there, we’re all a little black?” NO. One, it’s false. Two, while all people struggle with stuff because to be human is to struggle sometimes, the struggles of different groups of people are totally different, and you can’t say you know exactly what it’s like or pretend everyone’s the same. We all have equal dignity and worth, but beyond that, everyone’s different. Don’t pretend differences don’t exist. Just value them.
4. Autism doesn’t have a “look.”
When I tell people I’m autistic, this is usually what I hear: “Wow! I wouldn’t have guessed! You don’t look autistic.”  ...What does that even mean??? Is it supposed to be a compliment? Because if it’s a compliment I “don’t look autistic,” then that’s kind of an insult to other autistic people. Or do they mean it like, “I don’t believe you’re really autistic because I have a preconceived idea of what an autistic person looks like and you don’t fit the bill so I’m not going to give you grace if you act weird?” I don’t know. Y’all say weird things too, sometimes, ya know? But Autism doesn’t have a look. There is a sort of distant intensity in our gaze sometimes... and I can legit see it when Jim Parsons plays Sheldon Cooper, but when I see an interview with him as himself, it’s gone. It’s not a fixed feature of our faces, and a talented NT could totally put it on.
5. Autism presents itself differently in boys and girls.
You know how not a lot of people know the symptoms of heart attacks in women because mainly people only talk about what a heart attack is like for men? It’s kinda like that with Autism, too. Typically when you hear about Autism, you’re hearing about the signs and symptoms in boys. Even most pediatricians only know to look for the way it presents in boys, which is how so many girls don’t get a diagnosis until later in life, if ever.  One difference is that, for whatever reason, girls tend to be better at nonverbal communication and taking hints. We’re mimics. Chameleons. We take on the mannerisms of those around us and who we see on TV as we force ourselves to adapt. Verbal boys might speak at unusual volumes or with an unusual voice, rhythm, or cadence, but verbal girls learn to mimic the speech patterns of others. Our special interests/obsessions aren’t typically seen as strange given our age and sex. For example, a six-year-old autistic boy might be fascinated by WWII. I was interested in fetal development. People thought, “What’s so weird about that? She’s a little girl who loves babies.” We often play with Barbies or other dolls long after our peers have stopped. It helps autistic girls process social situations. When I was shamed out of liking Barbies, I started writing stories in notebooks or in my head. Autistic boys usually struggle with social communication from an early age, but autistic girls usually don’t have any major communication struggles until adolescence, when relationships, platonic or romantic, get way more complicated.  Since little autistic girls can mimic their neurotypical peers, and since some doctors only know how to look for Autism in boys, we tend to fly under the radar, causing that huge gender gap in diagnoses.
6. Mental illness is common with Autism, but NOT part of it.
I read an article by an autist in the UK who struggles to get help for his anxiety or depression because therapists have brushed him off, saying “Well, that’s just part of being Autistic, so it can’t be helped.” NO! Just like neurotypicals can be mentally healthy or unhealthy, Autistic people can be mentally healthy or unhealthy. Just because something is common for us doesn’t mean it’s how it’s supposed to be, or that it’ll always be that way, or that it’s part of who we are and we need to embrace it. People with mental illnesses should be embraced (literally or figuratively, depending on what they’re comfortable with). Mental illnesses should not be embraced. Ever. Because autistic kids and adults often face abuse, bullying, discrimination, and are ostracized, anxiety (especially social anxiety) and depression are common for us. In more serious cases, especially in autistic teens and young adults, dissociative disorders can develop. What’s worse, it doesn’t take much looking to find the dark corners of the internet where people, autistic or not, are encouraged to embrace their developing dissociative thoughts and feelings. I once saw an interview with someone who found healing from a dissociative disorder, and she gets emails every day from others with the same disorder she had who regret some of the things they were talked into doing while living with the condition and  who want to find the healing she did. She said many of them are autistic and under the age of twenty-five. Autistic people with mental illnesses shouldn’t be talked into believing their mental illnesses are a part of them, or not mental illnesses at all, or something to celebrate and cling to. I reject the notion we should have to settle for being ill in any way. We deserve to be as healthy and whole as anyone else, and it makes me sick there are so many internet predators preying on us in this way, and that there are therapists who think Autism and mental illness has to be a packaged deal.
7. If LGBT people were treated the way autistic people are by the media, it’d lead to outrage. But it seems like no one is outraged on our behalf.
We’ve seen the news stories, haven’t we? A couple invites the news over to their house, upsetting their autistic child who then has a meltdown, the meltdown is filmed and aired, and the parents are just like, “This is what our life is like because of Autism. And it sucks. Pity us.”
There was one video I saw... I’m just so enraged by it, even after two years. A mother was praised for her open honesty as she vilified her autistic son and complained about how he ruined her life and how hard it is to go out and have people stare. I’m sorry, hard for WHO??? I don’t even want to go into the details. I know only sharing this much doesn’t make it sound like that bad of a video, it’s just... ugh. Guys. It’d be a whole separate post. I can’t deal with it right now. 
If parents went on the news after their kid came out to them as gay, and wept and begged for pity and said some of the things this woman said of her autistic son (wondering what she did wrong that made her deserve this or that led to this or saying she doesn’t believe in God but finds herself praying anyway that God’ll “fix him”), America would call them the worst parents ever. But parents of autistic kids who do this are praised for their openness and vulnerability as they publicly shame their child.
Another time, after a mass shooting carried out by a teenage boy, the news reported that he was autistic and that might have contributed to the attack (there they go, combining mental illness with Autism as one and the same again).
If a pedophile were arrested, and they said on the news, “And we just got word that he’s gay, so that may be why,” there’d be a riot. But the news can pin autists as mass murderers and no one bats an eye!
All of May last year working at a clothing store, I watched as various departments filled up with pride t-shirts to get ready for June, and I couldn’t help but think,
Where were the Autism acceptance t-shirts in March to get ready for April?
I probably shouldn’t be so surprised with the media painting us as life-ruiners and life-enders. 
I know it’s a vile and disgusting thing for me to be jealous of LGBT people in this way, especially since they have their own struggles, too. I just wish society had our backs and celebrated us instead of wanting us “fixed,” for their own convenience, ya know?
8. Almost all of us hate Autism Speaks, and those who don’t are probably just new. XD
I used to be all “Light it up blue!” as well (even though that seemed weird to me, given blue lights might be overwhelming to some people on the spectrum). But then I read something on their site that made me feel really betrayed, and down the line, I learned most autistic people hate them... some because they saw them say the opposite of what I saw they said. Basically we all have different opinions but Autism Speaks spouts whatever information their donors want them to (sellouts), and that donated money doesn’t go towards helping us, but toward more fundraising or research on how to prevent people with our brain type. I guess they’re not fond of the artistic and scientific advancements we bring to the table. They should change those puzzle pieces from blue or multi-colored to white with black specks because they want a world that’s vanilla. 
9. Some of us still like the puzzle pieces, even if we hate Autism Speaks.
I’ve talked about this in a fanfic, but I’d love it if we could redeem the puzzle pieces, because they’re still a good analogy if you assign a different meaning. Autists and NTs are puzzling to each other, no sense denying that, but the more time we spend together, the more we start to understand each other. Also, Autism does have a lot of pieces, and figuring out I was autistic was like solving the puzzle of my life. The missing pieces came together and things became clearer and made more sense. Also also, some autistic people are really good at puzzles. And then there are autists like me who aren’t necessarily good at puzzles, but get totally absorbed in working on them anyway (my parents have been doing some puzzles during the quarantine lol they’re traps! TRAPS I SAY!!!).
Nevertheless, I understand why other autistis don’t like the puzzle pieces and prefer the rainbow infinity symbol, and I quite like it, too. It’s very pretty, and the way the colors fade together is a nice symbol of how it’s a spectrum.
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It’s a sign of the infinite possibilities in our lives when we’re empowered, because we can do and have done good and great things in the world.
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wanna-b-poet31 · 5 years
A 4-Part Meta on Good Omens Part 2: Crowley’s Abuse and Trauma
This is 100% going to be a longer series on Goom Omens because I have ALLLL the thoughts on this, #Sorrynotsorry to my followers who didn’t sign up for my blog to turn into a 24/7 Good Omens one.
In Part 1 I wrote about how Aziraphale is constantly being emotionally, physically, and verbally abused by Heaven and the TLDR conclusion is that Crowley’s love for Aziraphale helps heal him from the abuses of Heaven.
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Crowley, just like Aziraphale, is also dealing with the consequences of Heaven’s abuse, but it’s being compounded with the abuse, neglect, and trauma he suffers at the hands of Hell and >spoiler< presumed death of Aziraphale.  Neither have straight forward reactions to their abuse but ARE on the road to recovery.
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In the beginning, there was a garden, a wily snake, an angel on apple tree duty, and a “parental” God. But, before then, before the beginning, there is a fall, a “purge” of angels who ask too many questions and cause too much trouble for Heaven to control through their intimidation and dogmatism. And here, we have the first abuse -- the fall.
Crowley is inquisitive by nature. Before Noah’s flood, we see him investigate the situation and interrogate Aziraphale with a barrage of questions. He knows right from wrong and craves answers for moral questions -- he needs to know what’s going on to protect others.  Although we don’t know what specific question caused his fall, we do know that asking questions threatens the authoritative nature of Heaven. No one is allowed to question the “great plan”, as evident by the hostile nature the angels respond to Crowley’s and Aziraphale’s attempts to save the Earth. Stringent, cold, and distant behavior punishes independent thought and, since Crowley needs answers, needs to know how to help, he’s a liability to their hierarchy.  
We also know that by the time we meet him, he’s already banished from grace and discarded like yesterday’s trash. He’s already fallen before tempting Eve into knowing the difference between right and wrong. He’s already fallen and already disowned by the almighty and her all her creations. He’s functionally alone, no unconditional love, no support, no reason for WHY what he’s done is bad or not. He’s neglected and isolated. 
We’re told several times that Crowley doesn’t really consider himself really fallen, or rather, that he’s sauntered vaguely downward. But, the truth of the matter is that he IS fallen, and we’re told explicitly it’s because he was asking questions, that “[asking questions] was all it took [to fall] before”.  And, we can see that 6000 years later, it’s still wreaking immeasurable damage to his emotional and mental health. 
Just look at his face when he’s begging to an unbending God who cast him out. He’s not spiteful (although given his treatment, he’s well within his rights to be) but desperate. He’s questioning why everything has to end, why he has to drop his home, his car, his best friend. He’s not mourning his fall (in this gif) but he’s not quite over the implications of being unloved. 
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When Aziraphale says he hopes Crowley is forgiven, Azi still has faith that the angels are “good” and that forgiving Crowley would allow them to still be together, fighting for the greater good. Crowley’s immediate response though is that that’s his whole deal as a demon. He says he’s “unforgivable”.  The lack of self-esteem is symptomatic of the abandonment he’s experienced. It’s not just that he doesn’t want Heaven’s forgiveness (quite honestly he doesn’t need their forgiveness because it’s not his fault he’s been abandoned, it’s theirs), it that he doesn’t feel like he’s worthy of anyone’s forgiveness. This consequently adds to the importance of Aziraphale’s later forgiveness. It’s not that Aziraphale has been wronged, it’s cementing the idea that Crowley has worth in his eyes. That, with no strings attached, Crowley is loved and cared for, even if Aziraphale’s unwilling to run away with him.  
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This is further cemented in how he responds to Aziraphale’s “nice” compliment. Unlike the genuine anger he shows the other demons, he ‘s careful with Aziraphale. Now, is it a “nice” thing to do? No. But, he’s not trying to be. Despite this, he’s careful not to hit Azi’s head against the wall, and as the gif below shows, Aziraphale’s got enough time to put a hand back behind him and brace himself against the wall. There are no defensive movements, no attempts to push back or talk his way out of the assault.  Although Azi does do that when the Angel’s confront him about working with Crowley, he knows that in this instance, Crowley is reacting to a traumatic trigger.  Crowley knows that being nice didn’t save him from falling or trauma after the fact. He’s yet to fully cope with his trauma. 
Shoutout to @greenbergsays for their excellent deep dive into this scene and being the first I can find pointing out Aziraphale’s lack of reaction.  
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Hell is no better. After being cast out, there is no such thing as unity or support. Despite Crowley being great at his job, getting awards left and right, there is no trust. Hastur explicitly says as much because Crowley acts differently, and once again he’s punished for deviating from the limited acceptable behavior. Beyond the issue of trust, there is no respect and (in the series at least) Crowley’s actual work is not recognized (no, he can’t get a wahoo though he deserves one)
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His “side” who he’s meant to be loyal to, meant to help win “the great war” ultimately does not care about him either. He is as disposable to them as he is/was to Heaven. 
Which is why he cares so damn much about Aziraphale. THIS is why he works so damn hard to be Aziraphale’s side. Crowley NEEDS a side that cares about him, and he knows that throughout the last 6 millennia, Aziraphale is the only one to see the world like he does; who is as strange and rebellious as he is; who has fallen in love with humanity like he has. Aziraphale loves hard, but also honestly. Unlike Heaven, Hell, or God, there are no strings attached to the love they share. Crowley isn’t secretly trying to manipulate Aziraphale into “falling”, Crowley knows just how important Azi’s identity as an angel is to him and Crowley goes out of his way to affirm and reaffirm Aziraphale’s identity.  
   The relationship he’s developed with Aziraphale makes walking in on his burning home the worse traumatization post-fall. Look at the pain and anger on his face when he realizes his best friend to be dead.  Crowley KNOWS running into that building that the only way for his Angel’s bookstore to be on fire is if Aziraphale is dead or dying.  Without Aziraphale, Crowley is alone. Unquestionably, undeniably, permanently alone.  Just like when he was in Heaven. Just like after the fall. Just like in heaven. 
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You can call it what you like, romantic, platonic, best friend, lover, or queer, but the grief at this moment consumes him. His loss triggers the neglect and isolation given to him by God during his original trauma. Once he’s realized, fully realized, that he’s alone without anyone left on his side, he has nothing left to fight for. Look at the grief on his face, he’s mourning, and resigned to the end of the world, because there’s no world without his support system, without his family. He has no one left to help him cope.
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 Although, one of the ways Crowley DOES try to come is through his alcoholism. Although both Aziraphale and Crowly drink often, Crowley is more prone to excess and is more frequently getting drunk as a way to deal with tragedy. Although alcoholism has a heavy genetic component, his first response is to any stress is to drink. And, there are several studies linking alcoholism to trauma.  
Also, Crowley is retraumatized the same day by the loss of his car, compounding all of the different struggles of the day (the “loss” of Azi, the rejection of Heaven and Hell, the end of the world, his apartment being invaded by murderous demons). Losing his car, his only other reliable companion, his comfort zone, leaves him at rock bottom. 
It is only Aziraphale who can help him cope with the losses and redirect on their impending doom. 
It is only Aziraphale who can help him focus through the panic of seeing his car burning before him, of ending Apocalypse before it starts,  and facing his worst fear -- Satan himself.  
It is only Aziraphale, who, despite Crowley’s overpowering resignment to death via Satan, Crowley trusts enough to refocus and come up with a plan to help Adam cause Armaggedon’t.  
Which brings me to the final trauma -- his torture. Crowley is aware of the abusive behavior in Heaven, and while he couldn’t have known he would have gotten a trial in Hell (albeit an unfair one), he does not witness it. Instead, he poses as Aziraphale and endures some of the specific psychological torture intended for his best friend. Although he knows he can survive Hellfire, there is trauma in KNOWING his best friend wouldn’t have. There is trauma in being told to shut his face and die. There is trauma in not receiving a trial.  (I’ll unpack this more in part 3)
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The only thing that enables Crowley to survive, to work through this trauma, is his relationship with Aziraphale.  He goes out of his way to inspect the resurrect the book shop, to “tempt” Aziraphale to lunch, to indulge and maintain his best friend.  He does things that make the Angel comfortable and does not once lie or violate his trust. Always, he’s on their side. Although he storms out 3 times in the show, he always uses it as breathing room, before once again seeking Aziraphale out, willing to drop everything to run away together. 
Since Heaven and Hell have disregarded him, treated him as less than dirt, he approached Aziraphale AS EQUALS. Their dynamic (Which I’ll go into more later) is not on uneven footing, and both parties treat the other with a kindness neither of them is offered by their respective worlds.  
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TLDR:  Aziraphale's love helps Crowley cope with his trauma and their no-strings-attached relationship enables him to begin healthier healing processes despite the abuses of Heaven and Hell.  
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hazelspacecadet · 4 years
She Ra - a full analysis
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“You look out for me, and I look out for you. Nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other”
She Ra is a show about two people torn apart. It’s important to recognise that this multifaceted masterpiece centres entirely on the Catradora dynamic; Noelle herself has expressed that the show was always about those two, and in a broader sense much of the wider world in the She Ra universe can be seen as a complex manifestation of Adora and Catra’s ever changing bond. Adora is not a hero in the traditional sense, as everything about her character is designed to subvert and deconstruct expectations of the hero’s journey. She is a powerful, strong and determined fighter with healing powers, a morally stubborn and highly empathetic person raised in a genocidal regime, and she runs away from the only home and only exponent of love she has ever known because her internal moral compass is just so intense it overrides the truest bond she will ever feel, at least until external factors allow for reconciliation. 
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But what defines, at a thematic level, the human interactions in She Ra is a cycle of abuse that begins with oppressive control - Horde Prime. He punishes the imperfections in Hordak to the extent that Hordak feels compelled to lash out, to prove himself powerful by any means. Horde Prime is an interesting villain because his rhetoric centres not around darkness, but light and purity. This is not only a more subversive type of manipulative language than is often seen by cartoon villains, but it clearly establishes Horde Prime as being a fundamental representation of abuse and its tendency to beat away at character traits deemed weak, anomalous, or more importantly unable to be controlled. Horde Prime needs control; he needs subservience and pure, untouched power, which is why he forms his empire around a hive mind. Hordak of course breaks the hive mind itself, but abuse is a parasitic thing, and controls Hordak’s deplorable actions on Etheria right from his first introduction, talking directly to Catra. But the cycle does not stop at Hordak; his monstrous coping methods cause subtler damage by affecting Shadow Weaver. She is an interesting character because unlike Hordak, she was shown to have independent agency in her harmful actions before finding her way to the Horde, but it is clear that the intense sensation of being cast out, before the Horde rescued her only to thrust her into a cycle of rage and exploitation, leads to the final stage of this particular cycle: Adora, and more importantly Catra.
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The show makes it abundantly clear that Catra gets the short straw in interactions with Shadow Weaver; and not only that, but it is shown that Catra’s narrative of Adora being a neglectful, selfish pretend-hero is one instilled not by Adora, but Shadow Weaver and her often-times violent favouritism. Adora isn’t selfish or neglectful - her strong moral compass certainly isn’t perfect, and letting go of complete undirected empathy is something she learns in the conversation with Mara in season 5 (“you are worth more than what you can give to other people”) - but those traits are at odds to how Adora is presented, and in particular how her relationship with Catra is presented. Shadow Weaver neglects Catra, and does it to such an extent that Catra is forced into a mindset of breaking her bond with Adora over an injustice that was never her friend’s fault. Shadow Weaver’s manipulation is so powerful, it makes Catra believe that Adora’s protection, her deep-seated love, is malignant. That is abuse: it turns love into hate and protection into violence. 
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In this cycle, this systematic abuse from Prime to Hordak to Shadow Weaver to Catra, there are two anomalies. They have to be anomalous, uncontrollable, natural, because this cycle begins with oppressive control, and therefore only two variables can violate that base injustice - love, and imperfection. From a meta-narrative sense, She Ra is a unique beast because characters do not simply have flaws for the sake of flaws, but those flaws are the direct reason for the eventual collapse of the show’s main antagonism. What breaks Prime is a kiss, and a mad scientist. The kiss is Adora and Catra displaying a desire for closeness that represents years of struggle against systematic abuse, abuse that has deliberately forced love to become hate, and that only when the cycle reaches its peak and the initial abuser makes a final bid for absolute control, can the true reconciliation begin. The mad scientist is of course Entrapta, whose powerful adoration of imperfection ultimately destroys Prime, or at least his preferred vessel. Abuse of the kind shown in She Ra cannot exist when people find beauty and joy in the things it seeks to eliminate, and Entrapta is exactly the anomaly needed to help break the cycle. Returning to the core of those two lovers, Catra finds her want for Adora, and it is reciprocated because the underlying love was always there, but the intent, the desire for closeness only became apparent when years of unnecessary hurt had been recognised and their true cause exposed: not each other, but the cycle.
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Of course, abuse in the She Ra universe is only actively broken by one thing: love. I touched on this theme earlier when discussing abuse as the two are somewhat intertwined but love, in platonic and romantic forms, is so crucial to the functioning of She Ra’s characters and their motivations. Catra and Adora have always loved each other (they only express this at the climax because they must fight through abuse to find a shared desire), and this love is shown right from both the start of the show, and the first time we see them interact chronologically - in Promise. What’s interesting is we never know how they meet, or what they say to each other first, but instead the earliest canonical Catradora interaction is the promise itself: a dedication so strong it defines Catra’s actions years later on an alien ship as she saves a person she does not even claim to like. The show puts Catra and Adora’s love first, as that is the establishment of their truly meaningful connection, with other flashbacks and all of season 5 expanding upon that bond. We know that love breaks abuse because Horde Prime is abuse and he is defeated by a kiss, but what does that imply? 
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The kiss, and therefore the confirmation of She Ra’s central love, carries with it a moral lesson, a message, that hurt and abuse can be overcome through the mutual reconciliation that comes with unconditional love. In the show, all kinds of love shown to be beneficial and non-toxic are unconditional: Catra can only want Adora when she accepts that Adora will always be morally upstanding and stubbornly empathetic, and Adora can only want Catra when she accepts that Catra defaults to self-hatred and pushing away, and only when both of these conditions are made meaningless by the force of attraction and belonging known as love, can the kiss be shown and the abuse broken. 
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Love is not just shown between that central relationship, but throughout She Ra and its characters. Glimmer is a flawed and sometimes maligned character, but her importance to the show and its progression cannot be overstated, especially in season 5. On the ship in episodes 1 and 2, Catra needed something to hold onto. Torn from her home, powerless and very clearly unable to manipulate and fight Horde Prime like she could with Hordak, Catra’s only option became Glimmer. Their bond forms quickly and shakily, but what is so crucial about their interactions is that in order to reconcile with Adora, Catra needed to see someone like Glimmer, who had both made huge mistakes and at one point believed her own mistakes to be the right decision, completely and unconditionally forgive Adora and desire to be home with her. They share love for Adora, different kinds of love, but a strong connection and belonging that in the case of the open and empathetic Glimmer is very obvious. It’s also no accident that later on, during interactions in the expanded Best Friend Squad, Catra takes several social cues from Glimmer first, with Adora a trusted support. Catra is always going to care about Adora more than anything, but it takes the model example of Glimmer to show her how. 
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But Adora is not just the subject of Catra’s attractions. As the main character, the dual figure around which the show is built both emotionally and plot-wise, she has a striking amount of agency, but also experiences a corruption of her truest desires at the hands of abuse. The abuse of Adora is subversive and difficult to spot, but it all comes down the pedestal that Shadow Weaver built for her, as well as her own innate morals and how those two factors, in Adora’s mind, prevented her from loving and caring for Catra in the right way. Throughout the show, Adora treats her own need to help others and her desire to be with the people she loves as mutually exclusive; even when Bow and Glimmer remind her that she is not alone, Adora has a penchant for going it alone, believing herself to be this chosen hero who must rescue the people of Etheria without reconciling with herself and her closest friends. In fact, the part of Adora that pushes people away in the name of heroism is not actually her, but instead the cycle of abuse exploiting her moral compass to fulfill corrupt desires that are not and never could be her own. Even the purported good guys do it, the First Ones making Adora believe that her path, her destiny, is to be a weapon. She fights this at the climax of season 4, but never comes to terms with it mentally until the conversation with Mara. And after it has all become hopeless, lost and Etheria is destined to burn away, Catra flips the script. Adora’s truest desire was Catra, but the abuse was too ingrained, the hurt too deep, for these desires to become reality, to be found within themselves. Only when Adora knows her blind heroism has lost, and therefore all to be lost, can Catra, whose arc has now culminated, save the universe. They both found not only their own destiny, but learnt to accept the intertwining of their lives as something that can be a force for good, a force for love. 
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So to conclude, She Ra is not just about being torn apart, but in the end is about two girls fighting abuse as they learn to love each other, and eventually watching the patterns of abuse fade away as they express pure, unconditional love through a kiss that changes everything. 
“Don’t you get it? I love you. I always have.”
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xdsockmonkey · 4 years
The Best I’ve Been in A While
Pairing: Aziraphale x Reader (could be platonic or romantic), Crowley
Word Count: 1,653
Warnings: Mentions of a breakup, hurt comfort
Summary: Reader gets broken up with, Aziraphale helps
Notes: *I tried to make everything as gender-neutral as possible* This is based on @thependragonwritersguild​ prompt #11596 for @daryls-crossbow-carols-boots​ who asked for someone to write an Aziraphale fic and I finally got an idea
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You had recently moved to London… well, not that recently. You had moved here over a year ago, got a relatively good job and two solid friends, but you still felt like something was missing. You had gotten a black kitten to keep you company—you loved Butters (the name was part of the reason you fell in love with her) but there was still something missing. Today was Saturday and you were fulfilling your tradition of going on a random adventure one day out of the week. Today you were wandering some streets you had never paid much attention to while sipping some coffee. So far you had discovered two pet stores, a donut shop, a pizza shop and a Christmas store. As you were walking down the street, looking at the colorful shops you were passing, you accidentally bumped shoulders with a stranger.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed. As your head turned to look at the stranger, you first noticed his dark sunglasses. But for a split second you could see behind them and you could see bright yellow-orange eyes. The stranger pauses for a second and stands up straight.
“No worries,” he quietly says, before walking away. As you continued to wander around you kept thinking about that man. He intrigued you and you felt an immediate urge to want to be his friend. Later that day, when you were home curled up on your bed with your cat you suddenly got a text.
“We scheduled too many people for tomorrow, you can have the day off,” your manager sent. Not putting too much thought into it, you turned off your alarms and decided to watch some TV while falling asleep.
When you awoke the next morning, you instantly thought of the man with the yellow eyes. Throughout the morning you continued to feel the strong urge to go back to the streets you wandered less than 24 hours ago. You ate a quick breakfast while watching TV then changed into some casual clothes. Once you felt ready to face the world, you grabbed your phone and earbuds and listened to some of your favorite music as you walked to the streets you wandered the day before. As you were nearing a corner, something made you stop—some kind of feeling, similar to daja vu. It made you feel as though you were walking toward something greater. Your feet began to move forward again, and before you knew what you were doing, you had entered a shop. The atmosphere of the building immediately brought you a sense of peace and you just knew you were in a book shop. It was incredibly quiet but some soft squeaks of old stairs told you someone was here.
“Hello?” asked a sweet voice. Instinctively, you stopped all movement and suddenly felt very out of place. Feeling unsure of yourself, you decided to turn around and exit the bookshop. Right as your hand touched the handle the stranger said “You don’t have to leave… if you don’t want to that is.” Something about the way he spoke made you take your hand off the door handle and turn around. What you didn’t know was that this day was the start of the best year of your life.
You began to hang out at the bookshop more. You learned that Aziraphale was the name of the man who ran the shop and that Crowley was the name of his friend (the man with the sunglasses that you had accidentally ran into). About six months after meeting them they told you they were an angel and a demon. Life was great. You had found these two amazing people that you spent most of your free time with, unless you were with Charlie. You had met Charlie two months after meeting Aziraphale and Crowley. Charlie had asked for your phone number, then immediately asked you on a date. Not having anything to lose, you agreed. Things were great in the beginning, they made you laugh and were incredibly respectful with any boundaries you set, but after two months of dating something in the relationship felt off. You tried to spend more time with them and to talk about what was going on but they would always change the subject, so you just dropped it.
Now, here you are, almost five months into the relationship and Charlie is coming to your apartment to “have a very serious talk.” You were sitting at your kitchen table trying to calm your shaking hands.
“They should be here by now,” you mumble to yourself. Not even a minute later an uneven knock comes from your door. Taking a deep breath you stood up and walked to your door. Gathering all your courage you opened the door.
“Hey!” you said, forcing a smile to your face. They looked nervous, but not a good kind of nervous like when you’re on a rollercoaster, it was a bad kind of nervous like when you have to take a test you didn’t study for.
“I’m just going to make this quick,” they start, not even looking you in the eye. “We’re over. I just can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry.” And with that, they were gone. You were left standing in the doorway completely flabbergasted. You slowly backed into your apartment and locked your door. Turning around you slid down the back of the door. You put your hand over to try and control your sobs. You sat against your door for an hour as sorrow overtook your body. Butters curled up between your legs and tried to lift your spirits. Eventually, the afternoon turned into the evening and you had to find the strength to stand up and get something to eat. Shuffling to your kitchen you grabbed a random snack and stumbled into your bedroom. You turned on the TV, not bothering to change the channel to something you’d actually like to watch and ate your snack. Feeling a tiny bit better you checked your phone. You had 20 unread texts from Crowley and 40 missed calls from Aziraphale. You felt bad for not answering but you didn’t have the emotional capacity to do that right now, so with the TV still on you rolled over and went to sleep (even though it wasn’t even 6 pm yet).
When you awoke the next day you felt a lot better. You weren’t at 100% yet, but you felt as though you could function. When you checked your phone you had even more missed texts and calls from Crowley and Aziraphale. You decided you better go visit them before they thought you were dead. Sighing, you got up and brushed your teeth then got dressed. You walked to a coffee shop and got a drink before continuing your walk to the bookshop. As you got closer you became more nervous and almost considered turning back, but you forced yourself to continue forward.
Your steps slowed as you walked up the steps of the old store. Slowly, you pushed open the door and walked inside. You didn’t even know what brought you here, you began to think that it would’ve been better if you started at home. You didn’t want to be a burden to them. Hearing the familiar creaking of the old stairs, you knew they were here and it was too late to turn back.
“Y/N! Darling, is everything alright? You weren’t answering your phone and I almost came over last night but Crowley convinced me to wait til tonight if we still hadn’t heard anything…” the Angel continued to ramble. Your feet pulled you forward and before you knew it, you had yourself wrapped around him in a warm hug. His train of thought halted and his arms were soon wrapped around you. You were trying so hard not to break down right there but a few tears escaped.
“What’s wrong?” Crowley asked from behind Aziraphale. The Angel pulled away and gave you a concerned look while checking over your face. You suddenly felt very small under both of their strong gazes. Your eyes diverted to the ground as you began to fidget with your hands.
“Y/N, you know you can tell us anything,” Aziraphale said as you began to fight back tears. “We need to know what happened so we can help.”
“Umm… you remember Charlie right?” you quietly began.
“Of course,” the angel replied.
“About three months ago I felt something in our relationship change… oh my God, I’m so stupid of not doing anything about it sooner!” you cried. Suddenly feeling very weak on your feet, you felt yourself start to collapse. The angel and the demon leaped toward you and caught you; one on each arm.
“Let’s come have a seat on the sofa,” the angel mumbled. Slowly all three of you shuffled to the sofa as tears poured out your eyes. Once you were all settled on the sofa (Aziraphale on your left and Crowley on your right). Crowley had his hand resting on your shoulder while Aziraphale had you hand in both of his.
“Continue dear,” Aziraphale whispered. Taking a few moments to compose yourself, you regained your train of thought.
“Anyway, the main point is, they broke up with me yesterday. They didn’t say why th-they just said it was over.” Once again you crying your eyes out and your body was exhausted. Before you knew it, your body collapsed sideways onto Aziraphale as you continued to cry. His arms quickly wrapped around your body and held you close.
“It’s okay. Everything will be alright,” Aziraphale whispered into your hair. You hardly noticed Crowley leaving the two of you. “You can stay here as long as you want.”
And you did. That night you went back to your apartment to get Butters and her toys and food. You stayed at the bookshop for nearly three weeks. Your heart began to heal and before you knew it you were the best you had been in a long time.
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with the new book coming out soon, how do you feel about reyna and apollo possibly getting together or whatever's going on? i REALLY don't like it and honestly, i'm pretty sure no one else does either
So I am personally really against the pairing, I don’t think they are compatible at all and I just don’t think they would be good as a couple, their personalities make it hard for me to picture them ever being in a healthy relationship, they are just too different, and that’s not to say that people who don’t have a lot in common can’t be in a functional relationship, I just really can’t find anything about either of them that would make me think they would be good as a couple, they have a few minor things in common, but their personalities are polar opposites, they’d likely get bored of each other if they actually dated. I think they have potential to become close friends who support each other and have a platonic relationship, but they both seem to want such different thing in their life, I don’t think them being together romantically would work. Apollo’s quest is for him to regain his immortality and to bring back the oracles he neglected, when his quest is over and he becomes a god, how would they even stay together? Their options would be for Apollo to stay mortal for Reyna, have Apollo become a god and Reyna stay mortal or have Reyna become a goddess with him. And none of those options really sound great to me, and I will riot if this series ends with Apollo not being a god. But lack of compatibility aside, my main problem with the ship is that the age gap seems highly inappropriate to me, I think in the Heroes of Olympus Reyna was sixteen or something, she might be seventeen by The Tyrants Tomb, but regardless she is a minor. Apollo on the other hand is thousands of years old, even though he is technically in the body of a sixteen year old, he’s still had the life experiences of an adult, he has kids for crying out loud. He’s definitely lost a lot of his memories, and doesn’t remember all of his 4612 years, but he clearly does remember quite a lot of his life and he doesn’t really seem to think of himself as a teenager, and he definitely doesn’t have the maturity of a teenager, so him dating a minor is very much off the table in my opinion. He even stated that Olujime, the guy he was flirting with in The Dark Prophecy, who would have been in his twenties and in college, was too young for him, so Reyna would certainly be too young for him. The age gap for me is the biggest reason I don’t like it, and another reason that I really don’t like the ship is that I know that Apollo is a character who has gotten a lot of hate from the pjo fandom for being “annoying” and because a lot of people in the fandom have decided its his fault that Jason is dead (people seem to be more mad at him than they are at Caligula for Jason dying which infuriates me to no end, even though everyone knows it was Caligula that killed him and no one denies Caligula’s role thankfully, there are still people spending more time being mad at Apollo than at Caligula, I have even heard people say “it’s almost entirely Apollo’s fault”) and if Apollo, someone who is hated by a decent chunk of the fandom dates a character like Reyna who has a lot of stans who think she is too good for this world and that no one is worthy of her, Apollo is going to get even more hate. And not to mention that I think a lot of people will be annoyed if Reyna ends up with any man at all, people want her to be a lesbian (despite the fact that she has had male crushes, so if she were to be wlw she would surely be bi or pan) I think the fandom will throw a hissy fit if Reyna doesn’t either stay single or end up with a girl, and if she ends up with Apollo, people aren’t going to be happy and they’ll take their anger out on him and I’m not ready for that to happen. I’ve already seen him get enough hate for Jason dying, if this happens too, Apollo and toa is going to get so much hate I can’t stand it. 
And I know I’ve given a lot of reasons why I think it doesn’t work, and I don’t think it does, but honestly if it weren’t for the inappropriate age gap, I would be willing to give Reypollo a chance if it were well developed, and I think that if Venus’ prophecy was about them, there wouldn’t be the problem of underdevelopment, since it’d be in the making for several books now. But given Reyna’s age no amount of development is going to make me like it. If Venus’ prophecy was about Apollo and Reyna being a couple and Rick has been planning this for several books now, I really wish that he had given more thought to the age thing, and made Reyna at least eighteen if she were to end up with a four thousand year old in the body of a teenager. Like if Rick has been planning this for so long, I’m going to be pretty mad that he never gave consideration to the fact that Reyna would be too young for Apollo, he could have easily avoided it by making Reyna 18+ and having Apollo be turned into a mortal a few years older than sixteen, and then the age thing wouldn’t be a problem. But I think Rick just really doesn’t seem to consider the age gaps of characters when pairing them up, like Caleo for example, it’s a ship I would otherwise be fine with if not for the fact that Leo is younger than Reyna and Calypso is older than Apollo. I think the only thing about Caleo that makes it a little less terrible is that Calypso at least acts like a teenager and wants  to go to school like a normal teen, and since time was very distorted on Ogygia, maybe she does have the maturity of a teen, but that’s a big maybe and I just don’t understand why Rick would even go there, Caleo is a pairing that is hard to defend. And Sadie and Anubis, which I don’t remember too well, but Sadie is twelve or thirteen and her love interest was thousands of years old. I need to reread the Kane Chronicles, but I don’t think they actually ended up together, I think they just sort of liked each other or something, but even that just weirds me out so much. 
And yeah, there certainly aren’t many people who like this ship and want it to be canon, I’ve only heard maybe two people say they were open to it, I haven’t seen Reypollo really get much more support than that, most people seem to agree that the ship just does not work. 
And I know that during the lead up to The Tyrants Tomb there are going to be Reyna stans that are going to hate the ship because “Reyna deserves better” I know that we are going to start seeing more posts saying stuff like “Reyna don’t worry I’ll save you from that idiot Apollo” I already have for months, and this was before we had that excerpt from TTT hinting at Reypollo, I’m honestly scared to check the toa tags these days, because even though it isn’t canon (yet) Apollo is probably already getting hate. 
I think in the next book we will find out what Venus’ prophecy that “no demigod would heal her heart” meant and who it was about. I have argued before that Venus’ prophecy could be about Apollo, but the heart healing was meant in a platonic way and that Reyna and Apollo will confide in each other and help each other through some of their past traumas. The prophecy was vague, and to me “healing her heart” doesn’t necessarily have to mean that they would need to be in a romantic relationship to do that, sometimes what people need isn’t a romantic relationship to fix their problems, sometimes what people need is a friend who can support them and who they can confide in, and I’m really hoping that Apollo can be that person for Reyna, and that is what the prophecy was talking about. I’m hoping that Rick is just trying to subvert our expectations, Reypollo seems almost too obvious in my opinion, however that’s probably just wishful thinking on my part, it’ll likely end up being canon.
Edit: Okay since posting this I’ve also come to the realisation that Rick’s timelines are as the kids say “whack” so with that in mind there is the possibility that Reyna is fucking somehow eighteen years old by the Tyrants Tomb tbh I don’t really remember her age too well so you’ll have to forgive me if I’m wrong but if she is eighteen by the Tyrants Tomb, then the ship would definitely be less problematic in my opinion and I’d definitely have less ground to stand on when I say that the age is inappropriate, however from my memory of her age in hoo, she would still be a minor, and if she is a minor I am not cool with it. Any other problems I have with the ship are incredibly small compared to my problems with the age gap. So if it were to be canon and they were both at an age where they could consent to a relationship, I could live with it, if Reyna is a minor however, I am very much not okay with them dating. But unless it’s confirmed in canon that Reyna isn’t a minor, I still stick by the statement that the age gap isn’t appropriate. And even if she is eighteen, it still would be pretty weird in my opinion.
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Do you think we will ever get a bellarke kiss? i know we got plenty of other confirmations, but it would be nice for it to be spelt out for me? i want endgame without a shadow of a doubt, is that too much to ask?
I actually believe that The 100 is around 25% ABOUT Bellarke and I believe the end game of that story is romantic fulfillment, because their relationship is NOT platonic. A platonic soulmate pairing is Sherlock and Joan, not Clarke and Bellamy. They yearn for each other and are jealous when the other is with someone else and long for something more, mutually. They are MUTUALLY PINING, which is an awesome story, imo. 
It can be hard to tell what KIND of story a person is telling, and so our task as the audience, if we want to follow along and be on top of the story instead of just sitting back and enjoying the rollercoaster ride is to figure out what the story is, what genre it is, what tropes they’re using, what archetypes, what themes, what style... what TYPE of story.
A lot of genre stories are very simple and not surprising, a soap offers melodrama and mix and matching relationships, an action show offers big fights and exciting adventures and a victory to reach for, romances offer love and consummation and if a tragedy pain and loss and if a comedy or romantic genre happiness and unification of the couple.. Right? 
So what the hell story are they telling HERE? It IS a post apocalyptic science fiction action adventure survival show, and so we have science fiction tropes like spaceships, AIs, mad scientists, and we have post apoclayptic tropes like quests for redemption, birth and rebirth, scavengers and warriors, mutants, savages, and we have battle scenes and sword fights and gun fights and kidnappings and rescue missions and death.
There is an OBVIOUS Bellarke storyline, and it is OBVIOUSLY (not a delusion) a love story. It IS about their partnership, a soulmate relationship, her head to his heart, their NEED to be together, she is the hero but he is the key, her need to redeem him his need to save her.  Their feelings are not platonic, which precludes romance or sexual desire or longing, thus the jealous watching while one is with someone else romantically or sexually.  BUT the question is, what KIND of romance is it??? We know already it’s a slow burn, but are we getting our established relationship? It’s what I want, but what I want is not relevant to what story they are telling. I suppose I shouldn’t have to tell you that what YOU want isn’t relevant to what story they are telling, either. This kiss and confirmation you want? It doesn’t matter. Us wanting something to happen doesn’t mean that’s the story, doesn’t mean that’s what we’re getting. That’s the kind of interpretation that leads to people deciding Lxa was the hero and Clarke her reward and Bellamy the villain, or Spacekru were the stars with Echo (WTF!? That doesn’t even make any sense,) the new hero and Clarke was the villain. Or ignoring Marper and Mackson because you ship Minty, when Marper and Mackson are also beautiful? And ignoring the actual story and the actual heroes leads to being disappointed when our wants don’t happen the way we want them to. Also, my opinion about what is going to happen isn’t relevant to what is going to happen, either. I am an observer, looking for textual clues for what story is going to happen. Now I’m a GOOD observer, and I spend a lot of time double checking my theories against the text and against logic and literary analysis thought, but I am still only putting the puzzle pieces together trying to make it fit the story they are telling.
I will say that the theory I have found MOST useful in puzzling out the story is Jungian Literary Theory. 
Jung is also an influential force in myth (archetypal) criticism. Psychological critics are generally concerned with his concept of the process of individuation (the process of discovering what makes one different form everyone else). Jung labelled three parts of the self:
Shadow – the darker, unconscious self; rarely surfaces, yet must be faced for totality of SelfPersona – the public personality/mask (particularly masculine)Anima/Animus – a man’s/woman’s “soul image” (the negative that makes a composite whole)
A neurosis occurs when someone fails to assimilate one of these unconscious components into his conscious and projects it on someone else. The persona must be flexible and be able to balance the components of the psyche.
Mythological / Archetypal: A mythological / archetypal approach to literature assumes that there is a collection of symbols, images, characters, and motifs (i.e., archetypes) that evokes a similar response in all people. According to the psychologist Carl Jung, mankind possesses a “collective unconscious” (a cosmic reservoir of human experience) that contains these archetypes and that is common to all of humanity. Myth critics identify these archetypal patterns and discuss how they function in the works. They believe that these archetypes are the source of much of literature’s power. [x]
The Shadow-Persona-Anima/Animus is a particularly good fit for The 100 AND Bellarke. Bellarke ARE the Anima/Animus. In fact, we have seen again and again the dark/light, yin yang symbolism to make us subconsciously connect them as two sides of the same coin, dark and light... and they take turns being the dark and light. If they are the anima/animus, then that means they need to integrate the other (which we saw between seasons 4/5) and it also means they need to be together which we’ve seen in seasons 1-6, and which need has only gotten BIGGER as the seasons have passed.
Oh when I consider this approach more fully, I think that Octavia is the Shadow to Bellamy’s Persona... the girl under the floor, rarely let out, and once free (after losing her animus [lincoln] going out of control and becoming a tyrant that destroys the world until the persona asserts itself and feelings/pain/emotion is balanced once again with purpose/ethics/doing what is right.) You know what? I’m shocked that no one has really delved into the Hades/Persephone/Demeter allegory of Dante/Clarke/Abby. I went with Dante’s Inferno as the allegory I explored... maybe because I didn’t start doing my Jungian analysis until season 3 and they showed us that Blake illustration of Dante’s Inferno, and I took the knock upside the head the show was giving me and went OH YOU MEAN IT’S AN ALLUSION!!!!
I think this show is, well, a mix and match of different influences, and I like that. I like that we get The Divine Comedy and the bible as well as Greek mythology as well as Game of Thrones and Battlestar Gallactica and Tangled and The Beauty and The Beast and Penelope and Odysseus as well as Elizabeth and Darcy. I like that shit. The mythic/archetypal stories can be seen in ALL those references. Bellamy is Han Solo and Clarke is Princess Leia. See I love that shit.
I think in some ways, this show is about healing and becoming whole and making peace with your darkness and choosing to be better and rebirth and redeeming humanity and hopefully in season 7, although it is by no means certain, the healing of the earth itself. It’s about trauma and how we struggle to come back from total destruction, because that’s what post apocalyptic fiction is about and one of the reasons we consume it... because we can see our OWN rebirth in the dramatic, fictional rebirth (and why I hate post apocalyptic fic where the guiding principle is that humanity is doomed and there’s no point.) 
Oh wait. You asked about Bellarke and I went into jungian literary analysis and Dante’s inferno and post apocalyptic fic... Okay so here’s the thing. I can not GUARANTEE you that you’ll get a kiss. Because a KISS isn’t the point. The point is UNITY, together, the head and the heart, becoming WHOLE. This is why they could end every season with Clarke and Bellamy together and victorious, but together in a different way, and still with more story to tell... because...wait... each season there has been a DIFFERENT mythic tale of the anima/animus coming together. If the show had ended at season 4, it would have been the sun/moon, always longing, never together. If it had ended at season 5, it might have been binary stars, aligned and moving in the same direction. Now in season 6, we don’t get the ending of our story. We’re still in the middle of it, but Clarke and Bellamy have actually come TOGETHER, and it is in an intimate, romantic way, with that fairy tale “true loves kiss bringing her back from the dead,” aka mouth to mouth aka “the kiss of life,”... when we know that mouth to mouth was not necessary to CPR, but it WAS necessary to the romantic trope of true love’s kiss.
See, this all brings me back to my ORIGINAL analysis on Bellarke after Hakeldama in season 3, when everyone thought Bellarke was dead and CL was the endgame story, and I went, no wait. They are the head and the heart and they can only do it TOGETHER and the main idea is bringing together the opposites/enemies/yin and yang to create a coherent whole that means that Clarke and Bellamy HAVE to be together that’s how this story works. Bellarke is endgame. I don’t make the rules.
Of course I was not aware that it wasn’t considering ONLY romance to be “together,” and the hands metaphor was used instead of fandom’s desire for a kiss, and there are other archetypal light/dark head/heart/ yin/yang king/queen stories than just the simple romance that shippers want. Not that there’s anything wrong with the simple romance. I think season 1 WAS a simple romance for them. It was enemies to friends to lovers... but without the resolution of the lovers part when they decided to drag it out into a slow burn that COULD, if we got to the end of it, be the most fantastic epic love story on tv. 
I’ve faced so many years of people telling me I was delusional, I have double checked my theories and compared the development of the bellarke relationship to canon, to romantic conventions, to archetypes, to allusions, to other ships on the show. I’ve watched and charted the relationship growth for all six seasons, and the thing is, yeah they sometimes pull back and they always put obstacles between clarke and bellamy and if I saw the direction going ELSEWHERE, that’s what I would go with, because I am more attached to the story than to my WANTING it to give me my ship. But they are NOT portraying Bellarke as platonic, and they are NOT portraying B/E as endgame, but as a romantic obstacle, family, spy/master, and a “right for now” romance, rather than a Ms. Right romance. And Echo’s story is not being portrayed as her being fulfilled by her relationship with Bellamy, but by rediscovering who she is and reclaiming her life from the people who would use her, who stole her identity. Echo’s story seems to be going in a feminist direction about female empowerment and not needing no man, while Clarke and Bellamy’s story has gone in a “yes I can do it without you but I don’t want to and I need you in my life because I love you and I won’t let you go.” Bellarke’s story has only gotten MORE romantic, culminating this season in that true love’s kiss/back from the dead... which leaves us season 7, to ratchet the epic love story up one last notch. 
Which notch? Consummation. So yeah, I think they’ll “kiss,” because the togetherness has steadily gotten more and more romantic every single season and I honestly can’t see what else could come between true love’s kiss and  endgame except a season worth of story about how they get from “I can’t lose you, I need you,” to endgame romantic physical and official “we are married and in love” status. But you know, i’m not one of the writers just an observer with some literary analysis.  My fave is jungian, but i like the others, too. Except maybe the first one, historical/biographical, because I don’t think that works at ALL unless you understand the text for itself outside of historical biographical context which would be a secondary analysis, and I think fandom prefers hist/bio but never bothers to understand the story being told for itself before deciding it means all sorts of things about context. oh my god rowena stop talking and just post. 
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Meeting and Dating Dwayne
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(Not my gif)(Requested by like three anonymous askers)
(Sorry if these suck its hard to write for someone who has like no lines)
- You met Dwayne on the boardwalk, the only place anyone has a chance of actually seeing the vamps. Laddie had ran past and knocked the bag out of your hands. As you were picking up everything that had spilled out, two more hands came to help you.
- When you looked up, voila, there he was in all his glory. You realized the boy was with him after he turned around and told him to apologize. You brushed off the apology with a smile, thanked the man and quickly retreated back into the crowd nervously.
- Dwayne decided that he needed to have you the moment he watched you practically run from him, a flustered look on your face and the sound of your quickened heartbeat racing in his ears.
- The two of you bump into each other again later that night.
“...Hi.” He’s never been much of a talker has he.
- The two of you share a small laugh and talk for a little bit before you have to go. As you go to walk off, he stops you and asks if you’d like to go out with him sometime. Because you’re a normal person with a functioning brain, you obviously agree to see him again. 
- He takes you to the movies because he doesn’t trust his people/conversation skills. He’s somewhat shy when it comes to new people, especially when he’s alone with them and they’re as pretty as you. You take notice of the fact but to you, it’s kind of sweet and endearing. It’s nice to think that you have some sort of effect on the man who looks like he’s jumped straight out of a magazine.
- You guys keep looking over at each other more interested in the beauty beside you than the actual movie. You end up making out after thirty minutes of “watching” the film. It’s hard not to make out with someone who is just so kissable but I digress
- After that you continue to see each other. You would kiss and all that but he would also sometimes disappear for a day or two and sometimes more with no warning leaving you wondering if he was alive or not or if he really cared about you.
- You guys never put a label on what you had so you didn’t feel like you could really say anything about it or demand to know where he was going. You had fun with him when you did see him so you just tried to enjoy the time you spent with him and told yourself that you you guys weren't serious and that you shouldn't waste your time thinking about “what you guys are”.
- That is until your friends ask about him and whether you’re dating him or anyone else, you can’t exactly say you are since you don’t know so they try and set you up with someone else.
- Dwayne comes to visit you while you’re getting ready for your date and it’s obviously awkward when you have to explain where you’re going and why you’re so dressed up.
- You guys start to argue after he gets angry and when your date comes he straight up goes to the door and tells him to get the fuck off the property before closing the door and pulling you into a kiss.  
“I don’t know if you were confused or what but you’re mine. So you never pull that shit again or else I’ll do more then just scare them away.”
- He’s not entirely romantic but you can’t complain, not many guys are but at least you can say Dwayne has his moments.
- He’s a bit temperamental. He’s quick to anger but hides it behind his usual stoic expression although now you’re an expert at spotting when his body tenses up and his jaw clenches. 
- Jealous as hell, Paul makes fun of him for it and uses it against him when he’s bored and wants some entertainment.
- Though guys don’t really dare try to flirt with you anymore considering your brooding boyfriend is always behind you or at your side but there’s always a time when you’re “alone” and a guy will approach.
- You’ll be talking to a random guy in a completely polite and platonic manner while Dwayne’s watching on like a hawk as per usual. Paul will them proceed to stroll up beside him and trie to start shit.
“Damn do you see the way he’s looking at her Dwayne?”
“What are you talking about Paul?”
“Well man I’m just saying I would never let a guy look at my girl like that. I’d punch the guys lights out but obviously you’re more patient, trusting ... or just dumb.”
- He probably ends up fighting the guy later because Paul provoked him. You have to sit down and scold Paul because he knows damn well what he did.
- If you work a night shift he is always visiting you, he says he’s just hanging around the boardwalk and decided to drop by.
- You probably find out that he’s a vampire like months into the relationship. He probably doesn’t even tell you, you find out from him baring his teeth at some drunk guy who smacked your ass.
- You spend the rest of the night inspecting his face and teeth while he tries to explain it. He’s kind of scared that you’ll decide you can’t be with him because of the whole vampire thing. 
- Intense and rough kisses, he either holds your face or your neck when you kiss.
- He’ll never admit it but he lets out soft moans when you kiss.
- It’s a very intimate and heavy experience, he’s one hell of a kisser and can get you to the point where you feel addicted to him.
- Motorcycle rides, he grabs your ass when he’s helping you onto his bike.
- Night time beach dates with bonfires. You cuddle into his side and watch the stars while listening to the crackling of the fire.
- He loves playing with your hair while you guys lay together, you can hear the slight jingle of his bracelets as his hand moves around your head.
- Wearing his jewelry, he’ll sometimes tell you to keep it when he sees the look on your face when you put it on and the way it looks on you. 
- Head kisses, usually right at your hairline or on the top of your head. 
- Finger guns
- Constant winking
- He’s like shirtless 24/7. Does he own a shirt? You don’t know.
- It’s sometimes annoying because girls ogle the hell out of him (who wouldn’t). He giggles in a manly way when you get jealous, he thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world when you usher him away from girls
 “You know I only like you baby.”
- He’d let you put makeup on him. He wears eyeliner himself and is surprisingly good with makeup.
- He also likes doing your makeup, he loves that he can be so close and have an excuse to touch and look at your face.
- You’re usually the one who initiates any affection. He does actually love when your touching on and kissing him especially when you do it to try and cheer him up. 
- He feels like he can let his guard down around you and open up more than he ever has with anybody.  
- He has never really felt this way about anyone else and he tells you this every so often.
- It’s his way of saying I love you but with more meaning.
- He feels like ‘I love you’ is really cliche and meaningless a lot of the time but if you want to say or want him to he will.
- You’re one of the things that makes him smile the most.
-  His laugh can heal people.
- Loves when you straddle him and kiss his jaw and neck. 
- Since he likes it so much he does the same thing to you. You can’t say that you don’t like it because lets be honest you do. A lot.
- Husky whispers in your ear or while your faces are close together.
- Little gifts from street vendors, you have a little key chain with your initials on it that he randomly got you one night. 
- Thinks it’s impossible to get and stay mad at you. The instant he sees your sad face or hears an apology he forgives you he just can’t stand to see you upset. 
- Paul teases him for this as well but he once saw you when you were upset and has never felt the same ever since. 
- He can’t stand when your mad at him because he barely sees you as is and if you’re trying to avoid or ignore him how is he gonna spend some quality time with you. He’s very dramatic about this.
- Has literally stood outside your door knocking and calling for you until sunrise where you had to let him in so he didn’t fucking die. You finally talk and he apologizes while your checking that he’s not burnt to shit. 
- You threaten to actually burn him if he ever does that again and he just kisses you; happy that you’ve forgiven him.
- He’s always looking out for you and making sure you’re safe
- He actually likes watching romcoms with you because he can see what you wish a guy would do for you. He takes notes ladies and he’ll become your’re ideal man. 
- He calls you babe, sweetheart and hon.
- Couldn’t care less about stretch marks, he actually prefers them. He thinks they’re cool like they’re some type of tattoo.
- Staying up so you can see him.  He tells you that you should really be sleeping but makes no move to leave or take you home.
- He’s stayed at your house during the day at least once, you spend it cuddled up in a dark room watching movies and enjoying the serenity. 
- You surprise him with a room with blocked out windows and his heart melts when you ask him if it could work. 
- He’s ready to die for you no joke. 
- He mostly tries to keep you away from the guys, he knows they aren’t the safest or most trustworthy company. 
- You are the friendliest with Paul out of all the guys, he’s the most easygoing and least ready to fight or kill you. He’s also borderline the only one Dwayne is slightly okay with you hanging out with.  
- You only really met them because they found out about you and took it upon themselves to come to your work and introduce themselves. Dwayne could actually feel his heart drop when you told him. 
- You don’t get why he doesn’t want you hanging out with them. They were only ever nice to you, slightly threatening but nice. 
- He’s just trying to keep you safe and happy for as long as possible before you have to really make the decision between vampire or human.
- He’s willing to get married but would most likely want a small wedding with only close friends and family. 
- He’s obviously good with kids. He wouldn’t mind stealing one and raising it with you.
- He might not be the easiest to date but he definitely makes it worth the trouble.
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velvetinewitch · 4 years
wips list
this functions as a key to all of my wips, including ones i don’t actively write but still work on occasionally. in case you didn’t know, all of my wips include: poc, LGBT+ characters, disabled and non-neurotypical characters, found families, usually fantasy elements because i love magic, and often a little romance (which is usually accompanied by found families or tragedy, but for my romance-repulsed friends, there are still stories with no romance!)
key: *: heavily connected stories >: stories taking place after the events of Faye and Fate (a very distant future)
Closest to Complete (in order... ish)
Painted Cards: a group of teenagers end up criminals after a magical goddess chooses them for greatness. instead of embarking on some epic adventure, they decide to save the world another way: through kindness and coffee. a story about a found family made up of unintentional criminals with trauma that they’ll learn to cope with. mostly written for myself, but also written for the people in my life who needed to see characters like them have a happy ending. a very hopeful, fantasy slice-of-life story.
*Faye and Fate: almost everything i write is exposition or a result of this 5 book series. Aralion Faye resets the timeline so often it all just blurs together. with each new on she creates, she watches the ones she loves die over and over again, as if it’s all a video game culminating up to that game over screen. things always start out so innocently, too; her memories never return until later, so for a while, she enjoys attending a magic school, falling in love, playing pranks, befriending her peers. by the end of the year, the world comes back to remind her that her happy ending is unachievable. between traitors, corruption, fires, and cliffs... this time has to be different. this time she’ll save everyone she loves. is overall a story about heroes of all types. love this series so much abhddvk. magic is based on skills/interests: art, writing, engineering, astronomy, directing, zoology, architecture, makeup art, etc
*Mortals Versus Morals: (this isn’t actually the title but it makes me laugh so it’s being used as the placeholder) Glen is 17, rich, sheltered, and possibly the most lawful good person ever. plot twist- there’s a prophecy predicting his (as well as 6 others’) involvement in the end of the world, and they aren’t on the good side. Glen struggles to balance saving the world from villains while trying not to become a villain himself. includes: road trips and bonding, scenes like the one where the aro-ace friend gets seduced by a nine-tailed fox who runs a Burger King, everyone educating Glen on cultures and respecting pronouns :) as well as the occasional choking angst that comes with a bunch of almost adults getting dragged into the business of gods. did i mention there are gods? there are gods. i do kill a love interest of a protag but then give them TWO romantic partners because i’m not a coward (i feel like the characters who lose a love interest end up in a poly relationship most often in my stories... as a sort of apology to them lmao). also Utah? basically stops existing at some point. magic is based off a deity someone worships, with worship comes borrowed magic. the characters themselves are basically just omnists? 
Beneath Our Skin: Sam and Ana don’t know each other. it’s by chance that they’re separated from their class during a field trip, and end of wandering straight into a portal to another world, one with magic. while searching for a way home, they accidentally make their own- in the meantime, they’re gonna find a magician who can give Sam a shapeshifting spell because Sam would really like to transition, even if it’s through magical means, please. written for me and my fake-brother, so lots of being platonically domestic and also sarcastic... this is in a really poetic writing style too.
House of Crabs: this is not the name it just makes me giggle so placeholder time! contemporary, no romance or fantasy or anything (although like one crime is committed but life is life that). here’s the old summary: Siera lives in the mansion of thirty year old Janelle, a woman who has the tendency to take in stray children, granting them shelter despite their tragic backstories or strange personalities. When one of the outcasts, Roy, is confronted by his biological brother, Roy is absolutely horrified by the concept of being dragged back to his transphobic family. The outcasts are dead set on protecting him, even if it requires breaking laws. But Roy's brother doesn't seem that content on harming Roy or bringing him home against his will. Instead, the boy seems more interested in coming out of the closet, hoping that his little brother and his new family can help him learn how to be his true flamboyant self. 
>Obligatory Superhero Stories (3 stories):  ----Lei is supposedly a civilian, until she arrests the man who ruined her life and accidentally ends up adopting his daughter, Hera. Hera coerces her into adopting her classmate Jason. the two get kidnapped. Lei gets annoyed by how useless she is in saving them, and becomes the first non-mutant superhero. in the meanwhile, the US Secretary of Powers, Victoria, is forced to monitor her progress for a court case deciding whether this is legal, and accidentally falls in love. Hera fucks with journalists and enjoys being politically smarter, Jason attempts to create a ground-breaking technology and blows up hundreds of phones, and Victoria never sleeps. literally. her superpower is just,,, no sleeping. ----Vessa becomes a superhero by accident. it involves art galleries, snow, and unlicensed doctors. now, she operates under an alias, the hero Froze (very creative, yes), alongside her trusted sidekicks. unbeknownst to Vessa, she has a history with the villain she’s fighting, and their teams may be more entangled outside of their aliases than first believed. basically, an enemies to family (and some lovers) story, involving a lot of morally grey shenanigans thanks to a corrupt society. ----there’s a villain on the lose, know as Heart-twist, with the ability to take someone’s darker emotions and intensify them. in reality, Sora is just a teenage girl, with four dear and near friends. it’s been a year since her sister’s boyfriend, a hero, prioritized glorious battle over rescue, and her sister died alone and afraid. Sora is just waiting to make him fall in love with her, so she can repay the favor.
>Paint Me a Picture: dystopian future! roughly 78% of the population is monochromatic, and can only see in shades of grey. it seems petty in plain sight, but jealousy has left the other 22% segregated, separated by a boundary and sinking in poverty. Pristaline is apart of the majority, privileged without even realizing it- her biggest concern is making herself a future in law. a car accident leaves her in a recover home near the boundary, where she accidentally meets Jackson, a color-seeing boy, who calls her eyes ‘blue.’ the encounter sparks a revolution. this is a sadder story- it ends with a girl, watercolor swatches, and a grave.
*Run From Wolves: Elayna is unfortunate enough to be a magic-born in the one kingdom that still prosecutes female magic-borns (to which she says, fuck their religion for saying women shouldn’t have magic). when she and her half-brother Shage are discovered, instead of being executed, Elayna is offered a position beside her brother in the kingdoms prestigious Goddess Guard. the offer comes with a price: they must swear allegiance to the king, and can do him no harm. luckily, a pretty spy from a neighboring kingdom offers Elayna a loophole. includes spirit animals, political intrigue, lesbians, murdering an asshole king, and a secret mystery involving immortality and wolves.
*Twin Kingdoms: there’s an island floating in the sky- two, now, split in half down the center. Melony and Serena have known about the conflict between their kingdoms, but they never really realized it’s intensity until Melony’s older brother close friend betrayed her and seized the throne for himself, pitting her kingdom against Serena’s and searching for war. Melony and Serena are able to escape together, living in disguise and biding their time before they can retake what belongs to them. has a really fun character who’s a villain (she’s the traitor brother’s little sister), gets stuck with an injury, is healed by a girl in an enemy village, and struggles to reaffirm her beliefs while vaguely falling in love. sighhhhhh i miss this series
*Where Shadows Bloom: written during the time of my life where i loved badass assassins becoming queens or princess... despite the trope being looked down upon, i hold this dear to my heart. basically, there’s a period of turmoil throughout the entire planet. on one end of the world, the queen is assassinated by a girl aiming to use her throne to destroy her noble parents, an underground group seeks to end slavery through magical battles and underhanded deals, and an orphan boy is made king. on the other side of the world, a second world war rages, pitting the Gold Alliance (good guys) against the Silver Alliance (bad guys). a princess goes undercover, venturing into a captured kingdom to spy on opposing forces. she’s taken in by an engineer/pilot who helps her stay in disguise as she uncovers the nefarious plot that involves the prosecution of an entire people. it all ties in together.
*Fateless: i really can’t get enough of magic and princesses, huh. ever wonder what Arthurian mythology would be like if it was in my world? Raine’s family has known tragedy after tragedy, from the death of her uncle, then aunt, her brother, and finally, her parents. fate has left her alive to inherit their throne when she comes of age. still, even she is cursed, wearing a ring that burns her with the pain of her people. she doesn’t wince anymore, not even when she watches another witch burn at the stake, and feels the flames crawl up her body, phantom but so, so real. when her kingdom falls, Raine and her most trusted knights are forced to flee into the woods. there, they find a tavern alongside a their road, run by a mysterious woman named Lancelin. there’s something familiar about the woman, something from Raine’s past, and something strange about the way that each of her customers leaves with healed minds and bodies. secretly-enemies to secretly-lovers! as common with me...
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yuletide letter 2k19
hello author, so sorry this is going up so late!! and thank you in advance for whatever you write <3
some general info before we get into fandoms:
stuff i like: i will always love a little slice-of-life/missing moments/character study fic, something quiet and introspective. i tend to prefer mostly canon-compliant works although i’m certainly not a stickler for detail (and one of these fandoms is somewhat of an exception); feel free to disregard small things that are inconvenient for your story. when i’m interested in reading fic for something, it tends to be because i’m interested in the characters more than in the plot, and that carries over to the fic i like to read—there really doesn’t need to be much “happening” for me to like it, and a single solid, meaningful, in-character conversation for any of these fandoms/pairings would delight me. i am certainly not one of those people who is ever going to be turned off by “too much description” in fic, and don’t find it pretentious or annoying when fic tries to be inventive in its prose or form—quite the opposite! but i’ve also loved loads of conventionally told stories, so no pressure if that’s not your style (or in any case, really; this is fandom, it should be fun and chill). i like romance and gen pretty equally, and would for any of thesefandom.
stuff i don’t like: i don’t care for fic that’s dark for the sake of being dark. obviously that’s sort of subjective, but i guess a good gauge is (for these fandoms, at least) i’m not really interested in fic that’s darker than the canon. on the other hand, i also really don’t care for straight-up fluff, domestic bliss of any kind, non-canonical nicknames, rom-com plot points or most popular shippy tropes (fake dating, etc.); again, canon is a good gauge, and i don’t like it when characters’ hard edges are shaved off. adult content is fine, but i would prefer something that is not straight-up smut.
ok! fandoms!
american vandal: i am straight up reusing what i wrote last year, because a year later this is still the best show ever to exist and its cancellation continues to haunt me: mostly what i want from fic for it is peter & sam’s lived-in, almost too familiar twosome dynamic, at any point, platonic or romantic. if you prefer more of a prompt, some ideas that come to mind are how peter talked sam into this outrageously time consuming project in the first place; how they reacted to/celebrated/decided to commit to the netflix deal; packing up from season two; thinking about the future during the summer after graduation; keeping in touch at college. i like them as friends or as boyfriends (getting together fic definitely works), but if they’re kissing this is definitely a pairing where fluff is extremely not my jam—possibly my favorite moment of season one is “can i see that” / “i feel like you’re gonna hit me” / “[peter hits sam]. i like them giving each other shit and rolling their eyes as much as admiring each other’s detective work.
jessica jones: because i am very predictable, i am obsessed with jess and trish. this is in fact the fandom that breaks my canon compliant preference rule, in that i would love to see them making their way back to each other post-season 2 fully disregarding season 3 (which i haven’t yet watched, though know the gist of, and will have watched by yuletide). if you feel like you could write a meaningful reconciliation that fully incorporates canon, by all means go ahead! but again, i’d be happy with a simpler but happier ending for the two of them. if you prefer to stay fully within canon, i am also always down for glimpses of their relationship across the years; i’d LOVE to read fic about them as difficult teens with big emotions living in a house with trish’s horrible mother, or about the years when jessica was the more functional member of the pair. i’d also love to see something between seasons one and two, when their bond was arguably strongest after having been tested and repaired, the two of them decompressing from kilgrave. this is another pairing where i’m totally happy to read them as having the close and sometimes difficult sister-bond they have in the show, or something more explicitly romantic.
the goldfinch: i mean, look: i am a sucker for the emotionally damaged nightmare pairing of theo and boris. i would read a separate 900 page novel about the vegas years alone. i’d also be interested in fic that looks at one or both of them thinking of the other in the years between vegas and the end of the book. in general i feel like reading them as capable of becoming any kind of real romantic pairing is not in keeping with canon, so anything happening during or shortly after the book i’d prefer to leave unresolved and weird like it is in the novel… but nonetheless i would totally read about them getting together for real if it happened, like, several years after the book’s close. all that said, i put just the one character down in this request because honestly i’d also love any kind of fic looking at theo’s headspace after the end of the book. tartt takes us on this whole journey that’s like 99.9% fucked up trauma shit and .1% the very beginning of healing and i love it, but it would be very emotionally satisfying to read just, like, something catching us up with theo, maybe on the road as he’s embarking on the long process of fixing his mistakes/atoning for his sins, maybe once he’s settled back in new york and starting to feel like he can actually wonder about the future, maybe a closer look than we get in the epilogue about his new experiments with sobriety. the one thing i really don’t want to see is him and pippa ever getting together, and actually another prompt i’d be thrilled with is theo coming to a place where he can finally let go of his romantic feelings for her for good.
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cleocazo · 5 years
im . never on this blog anymore. but. im still a member of sidekickhq & i now play ,,, sm characters who all have sO MANY wanted connections ( there are thirty nine underneath the cut ! ) so if ur looking for a new rp ( its a marvel/dc next gen / canon rp and its .. v fun . has some rly nice members and a rly welcoming + supportive groupchat ) and wanna join w some connections already made this could b for u ! i play like nine chars and if given the chance .. ill throw them all @ everyone 
( REEVA SUMMERS ), our ( KEHLANI ) fc is looking for her ( PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION SQUAD ) who look like ( PLAYERS CHOICE ) and are ( BETWEEN 21 AND 26 ). you ( DO ) have to contact prior to applying at ( SPECTRVLS or discord ). ( so i’m looking for four more characters to fill up the squad of six that also includes jeannie drake-kent !! they’re basically a small group of people who never thought to create an official school club to satisfy the need in their life for spooky shit, and instead found like minded people on their own and became.. kinda a little mystery gang! reeva is the true believer “leader” of the group, because she’s .. spooky inclined and started down this path for some p hard to explain reasons, jeannie is the velma of the group, and past that… we’re really in need of every other type! they might branch into their own buzzfeed unsolved style youtube channel at some point, which could mean that they need people for cameras / sound / etc, but … there r plenty of options so! )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for her ( ADULTHOOD SUX SQUAD / THREE - FOUR FRIENDS ) connection who look like ( UTP ) who are ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( you know what’s hard about adulthood? all of it. makena was kinda super shuttled towards having to be a functioning adult when keely came along, but that doesn’t mean she 1. enjoys it and 2. is any good at it. paying bills on time is hard. remembering to renew her internet security is hard. getting regular smear tests? hard. nothing is easy, and this is the group of friends she laments that with. three to four wine mom’s / dad’s / parent’s / people who aren’t parents but who are in or around the same age and having just as much trouble adjusting / etc who met in a doctors office or something and who now get together every week just to drink wine and complain about taxes and anti-vaxxers. ) ( walt wilson + more )
( TRIXIE ESPINOZA ), our ( CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ) fc is looking for a ( GUARDIAN ANGEL, FLIPPED ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( how is it flipped, u might ask? well.. trixie is the guardian angel, in this scenario, and this person is someone she’s met along her merry way and who she’s trying to help, real lowkey. that can be in one of two ways: either they’re always in some sort of physical pain that she’s helping them with, OR they’re someone who’s usually in a lot of emotional pain, which she can hone in on with her angel given empathetic healing powers and ease. how they met and what exactly is going on is to be decided, and how they’d react to knowing that trixie spends a lot of time focusing on them and making them feel better without ever asking if she could / if they wanted her to do that is really up in the air, but… pls. )
( VICTORIA CREED ), our ( STELLA MAEVE ) fc is looking for ( SOMEONE TO PROTECT ) who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( ANY AGE / PREFERABLY YOUNGER THAN HER ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( from now and until the end of her life, victoria is gonna be living with what she’s done, and working on making herself better. i like the idea of her coming across someone who’s just… good. the goodness radiates off of them, and they make her think of all the innocent people she’s hurt, and also kind of make her think about the innocent person she could have been, if the world allowed - and maybe they’re not having such a good time of it, or maybe they are and she just wants to make sure that things never sour for them, but either way, she takes it upon herself to be their guardian angel. maybe more accurately. personal attack dog. she works hard to keep them safe and to her that means being willing to lay her life down for them at a moments notice and being equally as willing to take a life for them, too. )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for a ( BRO ) connection who looks like ( JAMIE DORNAN, KAREENA KAPOOR, DANIEL GILLIES, BIANCA LAWSON / UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( basically… when you look for “bromance aesthetic”, they’re the search results. adrian is that one guy who’s a total gruff dumbass on the surface, but underneath, he’s such a genuine soft person who’s just so tired, and who just… keeps trying to do the right thing and continues to fuck it up. he’s a loyal friend, and like in all aspects of his life, he tries - but he isn’t always great, and this is the one person in his life who has really stuck by him, and who’s really in his corner when he needs it. likewise, he’s in theirs. they’re probably way more put together than he is, with a lot more going for them - but their bond is unshakable, and they’ll always be bros. )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for a ( ARMY SQUAD / THREE TO FOUR PEOPLE ) connection who look like ( JON HAMM, MATT DAVIS, EVANGELINE LILLY, RASHIDA JONES / UP TO PLAYER ) who are ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( adrian was in the british army from ages seventeen to twenty six, when a serious injury brought his honorable career to a sudden end. he was the only survivor of a landmine related explosion, and a few of his friends died that day - but some of the people he was closest to survived, and i’d love for him to have their friendship, even now. they would have known him at his happiest and most put together, and have been witness to just how badly he fell apart when it was all said and done, and there’s just.. something really lovely to me in the idea of him clinging to their friendship more than he clings to any sort of relationship like that. )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for a ( PARTY SQUAD / THREE TO FOUR PEOPLE ) connection who look like ( LAKEITH STANFIELD, THERESA PALMER, SHILOH FERNANDEZ, ALISHA BOE / UP TO PLAYER  ) who are ( 21+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( think… gossip girl flashbacks to when the core squad was younger, everyone was drunk or high, and they were… dancing on bars and having fights with the shower head and just being general delinquents. that’s this squad. they met through the party scene, and their friendship survives only because of it. nikki indulges their bad habits, and they certainly indulge hers - the entire group heading out pretty routinely to turn up at nightclubs and wingguy the heck out of each other. they’ve NEVER had a sober conversation and they support each others inklings even when they shouldn’t, but there’s… some loyalty, in the sense that they don’t ditch each other when the cops crash whatever rave they’ve found to be at. )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for a ( YOUNGER SIBLING FIGURE ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( UNDER 21 ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( so! i’m into two versions of how this goes, but both of them are down to one thing: nikki has never had a sibling, and with the shitty homelife she’s had… she’s always kind of craved one. she sees something of herself in this character, and that’s where the option is. either they’re sweet and innocent and something to be protected, like she once was… or they’re a demon straight out of the depths of hell, and someone she can see her current self in. nikki will take them under her wing and be a voice of reason, if needed, or a cool older figure who can supply them with booze, if .. also needed. it’s p open cause i’m not too fussy ! )
( NORA LANCE-QUEEN ), our ( TAISSA FARMIGA ) fc is looking for ( RICH KID FRIENDS / SQUAD OF FIVE INCL. NORA ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( 21+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( give nora her rich kid squad! i’m into this idea of this squad of kids - all in or around the same age - having grown up around one another in that upper class scene, and having gotten shoved together by parents or sitters and told to play nice. as they got older they just sort of continued to go with it, and the cracks started showing a long time ago, but it’s only now that they’re adults they’re starting to act on it. there might be some genuine friendships in the bunch, but i’m most interested in the splintering and seeing where the friendships are falling apart because they were built on not much at all - so throw ‘em at me! )
( NORA-LANCE-QUEEN ), our ( TAISSA FARMIGA ) fc is looking for her ( CLOSEST FRIENDS / SQUAD OF FOUR INCL. NORA ) who look like ( ABIGAIL BRESLIN, DEMETRIUS JOYETTE, GAGE GOLIGHTLY, ROSS BUTLER / UP TO PLAYER ) who are ( 21+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( this is the COMPLETE opposite to nora’s rich kid squad. these are people who chose to be friends - and maybe, they were at the same private schools or something, but they made a conscious decision to become as close as they are and they’ve worked on keeping their friendship strong over the years, meaning that they’re all genuine friends, and all genuinely there for one another. there’s no ulterior motive. just straight up love and respect, and who doesn’t need a whole lot of that? )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for an ( EX-WIFE ) connection who looks like ( LAUREN COHAN, SARAH SHAHI, JULIA JONES, KRISTEN BELL / UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( ex-wife. as in. not his wife anymore. as in… they’re actually still married, lowkey, but the marriage itself actually only lasted six months, and neither has been near enough to the other to do anything about a divorce since the split. when adrian was at his lowest - and believe me, messy as he is now, now is NOT that time - he made a lot of poor decisions. he did a lot of things in order to try and make himself feel better, and he indulged in alcohol and short lived relationships left and right trying to find some reason to keep on going. he was twenty nine, when they started to date, casually, and he had just turned thirty when they married at gretna green. six months later, i imagine she’d gotten sick of this guy who she thought would MAYBE change, and they split - never to see one another again, ‘til now. i think it’d be more fun if she was someone he grew up with, who he kind of… latched onto, in a way, turning a friendship into something more. it probably never fit right, but both were willing to give it a go. there’ll be lots of potential for angst and stuff cos why wouldn’t there be, and i’m just.. p into it. )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for an ( EX-FLING / MOTHER OF HIS CHILD ) connection who looks like ( EVA GREEN, MILA KUNIS, EVA LONGORIA, HOLLY MARIE COMBS ) who is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DO ) have to contact prior to applying at ( FIIDELIS ). ( so! i won’t go into everything about this one here cause i wanna try keep it short, but basically… they were on and off and never really an official item for years - way back to when he was still in the army, meeting up and having relations whenever he was home / free for a while - and were… complete opposites. on the surface, it seemed as if she was the sweet and innocent angel, and he was this rough geezer. in actuality, SHE’S kinda cold hearted - in the best of ways - and he’s the softie, but… not many people rly knew that truth. anyway, they came to an end right around the time he got into his short lived relationship + marriage, and he always thought of her as a big “what if”… right up to last year when he discovered that after they had ended, she had moved to the states and had his son. the kid is seven now, and she never told him for obvious reasons, but he’s here only to try and make something work - he never WANTED to have a kid, but he’s not going to deny him now he knows. we can talk out p much everything, but ! yeah ! )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for a ( EX-FLING / MAX. FOUR ) connection who looks like ( DIANE GUERRERO, SAM CLAFLIN, HALSEY, CHACE CRAWFORD / UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 21+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( i’ve said it before and it’s time to say it again. nikki is highly fuckt up. she’s never learnt how to… feel, the way she should have, and this means that when it comes to romance and whatnot, she’s… not great. in fact. the only way she knows how to express feelings that she has in line with romance is by having sex, and so, her life has been littered with meaningless flings that ultimately went nowhere because she turned what could have been something into a brief affair. that means that she has a lot of exes, and all of them come with a story… and i’m pretty interested in working those out with people. )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for her ( TUGGED-ALONG-ON-A-STRING-EX ) connection who looks like ( RAMI MALEK, LAKEITH STANFIELD, KEKE PALMER, JANEL PARRISH / UTP ) who is ( 25+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. (from the time she was nineteen to when they officially broke up, she and cooper kent had a … pretty volatile relationship. there was a lot of love, don’t get me wrong - but they were two strong personalities with a tendency to explode, and sometimes, simple arguments turned into them being “on a break”. both dated other people during such times, but this is someone who makena kind of.. led on, i suppose, for lack of a better term. they dated more than once. they were her go to, for a time, whenever she and cooper split. and she didn’t like herself for it - she’s not THAT bad - but she wasn’t ever good at being alone, meaning that it just kept happening, even if she recognized she should have let them go, because she was always going to go back to cooper. eventually, for reasons to be discussed, it did come to an end, but it had definitely already gone on for too long, and how things are now is up in the air. )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for her ( BAD INFLUENCE BLENDED WITH FRIEND + BENEFITS ) connection who looks like ( MANNY MONTANA, EMMA GREENWELL, JORDAN CONNOR, LEIGH ANNE PINNOCK / UTP ) who is ( 24+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( makena is kinda .. an ass, but at her core, she’s not so bad. this character is someone who’s textbook ‘villain’, someone she should be keeping at farther than arms length for her own sake & her kids, but who she’s had… more than one liaison with, because they’re pretty much addictive. something about them keeps her coming back in spite of herself, and who’s to say if falling into bed with someone who’s a lot more BAD than she is will end well? )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for ( CURRENT FLINGS / MAX. FOUR ) who look like ( LAKEITH STANFIELD, RAMI MALEK, RITA VOLK, REBECCA BREEDS / UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 22+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( just to reiterate an earlier point: nikki doesn’t know how to express feelings that line up with ‘liking someone’ or ‘general romance’ in any way that isn’t sex, and this means that she has.. a lot of short lived relationships with people, that probably WOULDN’T be so shortlived if she just learnt to use her words. likewise with the exes connection, she probably has a few people, with different dynamics with each, and i’m super interested in talking about those and working out… what drew them to one another, and how exactly they feel towards one another. )
( RAMONA DARKHOLME ), our ( MADCHEN AMICK ) fc is looking for her ( EX-FLINGS / MAX. FOUR ) who look like ( WINONA RYDER, SOFIA VERGARA, PEDRO PASCAL, HUGH DANCY / UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( 35+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( romy might have lost the love of her life, but she did not lose her sex drive. i’m sure there’s a better way i could have worded that, but… whatever. over the years since her fiance passed, romy has tried many times to move on - and that means she has quite a few exes scattered about the place, all of whom she has a different dynamic with. like any ex / current fling connect, i’m most interested in discussing how it started and all with people who want to do it, cause i think that’s the best way of making unique dynamics! )
( TRIXIE ESPINOZA ), our ( CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ) fc is looking for her ( MOTHER / CHLOE DECKER ) who looks like ( LAUREN GERMAN, VERA FARMIGA, WINONA RYDER, SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR, AMY ACKER, PLAYERS CHOICE ) who is ( 40+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( if u have seen lucifer, then u already have a pretty good idea of trixie’s dynamic with her mom! her dad is great and all, but… chloe was the one who was REALLY there for her, ya know? i kinda had it hced that chloe is now with lucifer cause that’s how the show was heading to and i didn’t imagine anyone snagging anymore lucifer chars, but i’m! definitely open to changing that! just gimme her mom pls! )
( VICTORIA CREED ), our ( STELLA MAEVE ) fc is looking for a ( “HALF-SIBLING” / COUSIN ) connection who looks like ( DJ COTRONA, JASON RALPH, KATIE CASSIDY, TINASHE, ANTHONY RAMOS, PLAYERS CHOICE ) who is ( ANY AGE / PREFERABLY 26+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( so. yall best know yall can do what yall WANT, its just.. originally when i played vicki i had a wc for a “half-brother”, and i was thinking about it recently and think it could be… kinda fun. SO. this is for a kid of victor creed - either.. biologically, or another one that he just kinda . stole - that vicki actually knew during certain points of her life, because for the most part, she was pretty isolated. for whatever reason - maybe he just wanted someone to keep an eye on his investment or whatever - victor allowed these two to interact a bit more, and depending on how they were to one another, i feel that a certain loyalty definitely could have developed between them. vicki got fucked over a couple times and left in, like, japan for 9 months and a yemen prison for another six and incidents like that have dotted her life, but im kinda thinking this “half-sibling” could have been the one who.. helped her out, or was stuck there alongside her. gimme! )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for a ( EX-CLIENTS ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( ANY AGE ) you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( i’m gonna keep this one a little vague, cause.. i wanna leave it open to multiple people, and i think every single one of those could have a different sort of dynamic with her. nikki used to work as a drugrunner for a major dealer named callum. he was, for want of a better description - an abusive piece of shit, and he continued to be that right up until nikki killed him in self defense. HOWEVER, before he died and she got carted off to jail, nikki used to do a lot of jobs for him, and they led her across states. she would have rubbed shoulders with a lot of not so great people, but also some kinda ok ones. some might have heard what happened, others won’t and might be kinda confused about what the FUCK happened to their supply, but either way.. i want. also. callum coulda had some other helpers. idk. i just want it ALL. )
( RAMONA DARKHOLME ), our ( MADCHEN AMICK ) fc is looking for their ( EX-BROTHERHOOD GROUP MEMBERS ) connection who look like ( WINONA RYDER, PEDRO PASCAL, JADA PINKETT SMITH, ANGELA BASSETT, HALLY BERRY, NORMAN REEDUS, KEANU REEVES / PLAYERS CHOICE, MUST BE 40+ THO ) who are ( 45+ YEARS OLD. ) you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( any of them can maybe be kids of canons, depending ON the canon?? anyway. all of them - preferably about.. five, ig - are surviving members of the brotherhood group that romy ran, some nineteen years ago. they all worked together for YEARS, moving around europe a lot but spending some time settled in rural germany, which was ultimately where their particular crusade seemed to come to an end. intolerant humans attacked them, most were killed, and those that ran were assumed dead / assumed they were the only survivors, pretty much ‘til now. romy back means they’re probably gonna maybe want to restart what they were doing before, and this connection could rly go.. any way. maybe romy - ran into one of them at some point in the past, and relieved they were alive, kept in contact to call them someday, leading to their reunion now. maybe they’ve seen a familiar name in the paper, or on the paragon website. maybe this is just where the wind has blown them. i lov the idea of this squad, ‘kay, cos.. they spent a chunk of their time together, and for romy, they were less friends more #fam ) ( elijah creed + others )
( SIENNA THOMPKINS ), our ( ADRIA ARJONA ) fc is looking for a ( BUSINESS ASSOCIATE / CO-WORKER / WHATEVER TF U WOULD CALL IT ) connection who looks like ( PIPPA SOO, RAMI MALEK, MANNY MONTANA, KAREN FUKUHARA, PLAYERS CHOICE ) who is ( 27+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( think matt and foggy, avocados at law! sia is pretty set on becoming a real good private investigator, nowadays, after a long period of indecision - and i’d love for her to have someone along for that ride with her! i kinda imagine they met during the course of a law degree, cause that’s something sia actually holds, and then maybe.. lost contact for a hot minute as her life fell APART, but somehow or another have gotten back in touch and decided to open their firm together. halving the running costs, sharing the cases, helping each other out, etc. both their names can be over the door and it’s really just.. two best buds being best buds. )
( NORA LANCE-QUEEN ), our ( TAISSA FARMIGA ) fc is looking for an ( EX-FAKE PARTNER ) connection who looks like ( MANNY JACINTO, BEN HARDY, EMMA GREENWELL, JORDAN CONNOR, KEKE PALMER, PLAYERS CHOICE ) who is ( 24+ ). you ( DO ) have to contact prior to applying at ( BABYCANARY or discord ). ( i’ve put so little thought into this that it’s actually kinda hilarious BUT im a hoe for fake dating tropes and i think that an ex fake dating scenario is… so fuckin funny. anyway. nora was an up and coming hollywood star between ages eighteen to twenty two until life royally screwed her over, and this is.. a wc for a character who was maybe in the same setting / at least in a … high upper class one that would have allowed them rub shoulders, who was kinda the perfect person, in her managements eyes, to have on her arm. their relationship would have been all over tabloids for a while and they would have walked the red carpet together and done some fun interviews, and.. how it came to an end can be discussed, but i think it could be ! supes fun !   )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for her ( EX HOUSEMATE ) connection who looks like ( PIPPA SOO, ALFIE ENOCH, HAYLEY LAW, JOHN BOYEGA / UTP ) who is ( 25+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( in the years before her daughter was born, makena wasn’t always the most stable of people. she’s also never exactly been the WORST, but… she’s always had a lot of issues with keeping her emotions in check, and she used to be horribly selfish and petty, at the worst of times. after becoming friends in college, she and this character decided to get an apartment together and split the costs - but after a few months of this, shit hit the fan, and kena fucked up in a way that she couldn’t go back from, resulting in them kicking her out. they’ve barely spoken since, and she harbors.. a lot of resentment, for that fateful event. )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for her ( ACCIDENTAL VICTIM ) connection who looks like ( UTP ) who is ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( though she doesn't really know it ( she’s always suspected, but there’s no real way for her to check ), makena has some level of probability manipulation, inherited from her mother. for her, this manifested as doing well in tests she didn’t study for, but stressed about until her mutation kicked in, or being unusually good at convincing her parents to allow certain things, or… dot dot dot. a lot of lucky coincidences, if you will, have dotted HER life - but for this character, just being in the vicinity of the girl that doesn’t like them and who they certainly don’t like either ( reasons tbd ) turns their luck sour. she projects onto them unknowingly, twisting their luck and turning it bad - meaning that when they’re around kena, they’re FAR more likely to suffer some pretty horrible happenings. maybe they realize what’s happening, based solely on knowing about her mom. maybe not, and it’s something that needs to be discovered. either way… who’s to say how they’ll solve it?)
( TRIXIE ESPINOZA ), our ( CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ) fc is looking for ( MORTUARY COWORKERS ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( so !! trixie currently works at the local morgue, and as of right now… i think she’s the only one who does? and i’d love for her to have some coworkers there, cause it’s obviously such a heavy job, and i think… while it doesn’t phase trix, it would still be nice for her to have people who can relate to how TOUGH it can be sometimes, and who she can kind of have developed a little something something with. ) 
( TRIXIE ESPINOZA ), our ( CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ) fc is looking for ( ILLEGAL PATIENTS ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( trix is a med student, and she does a lot of work at the local hospital - but i also imagine that over the last few years, she’s sort of made a name for herself in the lowkey sense as someone who’s willing to treat patients out of hours / out of the hospital / etc on the downlow. if your character is a vigilante / hero / villain / etc, who sometimes gets themselves fuckt up and doesn’t want to make the big deal it could be by getting treated officially… hit her up ! she’ll fix you up for free, and she’ll do it discreetly. )
( TRIXIE ESPINOZA ), our ( CHRISTIAN SERRATOS ) fc is looking for her ( NON-BELIEVER ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( allow me introduce… the bitch that rly deserves to not be believed every once in a while. trixie’s parents chloe and dan might be entirely human - albeit, blessed - but her STEPFATHER is another story altogether, and given that she’s grown up aware of the fact that he’s the devil / his family are all angels / his friends are demons… she’s very comfortable with talking about it and all, and does that quite freely. given that line of talk can be pretty controversial, i’d love for her to have someone in her life.. a friend.. enemy.. frenemy, maybe.. who just. can’t believe her. they refuse to believe what she’s telling them about her family, for whatever reason, and this leads to.. so many arguments and debates. )
( VICTORIA CREED ), our ( STELLA MAEVE ) fc is looking for her ( THERAPIST ) who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( victoria is just the latest in a line of traumatized students to begin attending the school / living in paragon, but… when i say she’d really benefit from having someone who’s trying to listen and understand and help her… i mean it. they don’t even have to be fully licensed therapists - and part of me kind of loves if it’s just someone doing this out of the goodness of their heart. she’s spent twenty six years being broken down into a shell of an actual human being, and under her “fathers” thumb, she’s never developed any sort of emotional or social or, well, normal skills needed to live, and really suffered every sort of abuse a person could. she certainly has some sort of stockholm syndrome from it all that’s going to be hard to break through, and she just needs someone who’ll listen, and hear her, and then.. offer a shoulder to lean on, or offer words that might help her through. )
( VICTORIA CREED ), our ( STELLA MAEVE ) fc is looking for her ( TUTOR / ANY NUMBER OF ) who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( again ! victoria is another in a long line joining the school who doesn’t really have.. any sort of formal education behind her, and while i do think it’s a good idea to have her go down this path, i struggle to see how she’ll make it without having people willing to work with her. she’s smart, and she’ll pick things up quite quickly, but she’s still going to be a difficult sort of student just because she’s never really had to learn things in this kind of setting - people with patience encouraged, but people without would be equally fun )
( VICTORIA CREED ), our ( STELLA MAEVE ) fc is looking for ( victims ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( twenty six years spent being little more than another weapon in victor creed’s hands means that victoria has… a lot of blood on her hands. i dare say that none of it is blood she wanted to spill, but the fact remains that she never really knew enough torefuse. she’s done a lot of things she’s not proud of, and she’s hurt a lot of people - meaning she’s going to be spending a great deal of her very long life trying, in vain, to make amends in some way. i want for her to encounter people who she’s hurt. either directly, or that… she hurt their family or distant family before alongside victor, and either she recognizes them and seeks them out, or they recognize her and seek her out. give her people who shout and scream about what she’s done, and people who can’t believe she’s being allowed walk around and keep on living. give her people who know she was just another victim of a psychopath, who could maybe give her something she’s never had before - forgiveness - and make her feel a way she’s also… never felt before. give her all sorts of connections under this heading bc i think it’s unrealistic if she has none. )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for a ( NEW BOSS / ANYONE WHO WORKS ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( right now, adrian’s main job is pouring coffee for millennials at starbucks. he’s ex-army and current gang, and he’s really not got that much going for him - but it’d be nice, if there was someone out there in a better place, job wise, willing to give him a shot. he needs to get that bread! )
( ADRIAN TREVOR ), our ( TOM HARDY ) fc is looking for a ( NEW BOSS x2 / ANY PRESS ADJACENT CHARACTER WHO WORKS ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( can you tell that i literally… do not know what to refer to this connection as? lmao. anyway he’s an independent journalist - who writes things on like… avocado recipes and shit for whoever will hire him at a time - and i’m not sure on the newspaper / general press situation here, but i’d love for someone to read his writing and take him on as some sort of regular reporter. i imagine it would remain secondary to his “main” job if only because he really needs to keep himself afloat here, but over time, i’d love to see him succeed and actually become the journalist who writes about relevant things that he’s always dreamt of being. )
( NIKKI BARTON ), our ( PHOEBE TONKIN ) fc is looking for a ( TUTOR ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 20+ ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( nikki is! not great! at anything, really, but specifically college. she barely got her ged, and she’s been scraping by since trying to make herself do well. i want for her to have someone she sees regularly - and either gets along with or DOESN’T - who helps her out with her studies, because while she’s messy and it mightn’t seem it, succeeding and doing something good in her life is actually her lowkey dream, and she doesn’t want to flunk if possible. )
( MAKENA THURMAN ), our ( ZOE KRAVITZ ) fc is looking for a ( BOSS ) connection who look like ( JASON MOMOA ) and is ( 30+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( kena works at the karma klub as an accountant and booking agent, and i’d ! love for her manager / owner of the klub / honestly… whatever tf / to be a jason momoa face, just because… their pics are supes cute and i think it’d be really sweet if kena had this older guy in her life who’s almost, like… someone guiding her? they’re in the scene longer than her, they can provide some tips and tricks, and just past the job aspect.. neither of her parents are here, so it would be nice for her to have someone who can sort of step into that role and be someone who she has learnt to be able to go to and confide in, when needed. ) 
( REEVA SUMMERS ), our ( KEHLANI ) fc is looking for ( PEOPLE SEEKING GHOSTS ) who look like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and are ( ANY AGE ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( i dont know what to refer to this as, but… on top of doing some general occult things for people at paragon as a way of keeping her skills sharp, reeva… will also, when able to, communicate with people’s lost loved ones for free because helping ghosts and helping people are two things equally important to her. if she can pass along a message from the living to the dead or vice versa that might provide either with some sort of peace, then she’s all in. give her people she’s trying to help or give me, specifically, death )
( RAMONA DARKHOLME ), our ( MADCHEN AMICK ) fc is looking for a ( APPRENTICE ) connection who looks like ( UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( YOUNGER THAN 30 ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( right now, she’s a security guard and mechanic, but over her 53 years, romy has been a lot of things. while i see this as someone who she’s grown quite close to / taken under her wing / been adopted by who’s interested in learning the tricks of the mechanics trade, i’d be willing to talk with anyone on changing that and making what they’re learning from romy into something different! i just think it’d be neat if she had someone who’s almost becoming a child figure, in her eyes, who she can kinda… learn to be softer with, and really practice with in regards to learning how to be a better mother. )
( SIENNA THOMPKINS ), our ( ADRIA ARJONA ) fc is looking for a ( PREVIOUS ROOMMATE ) connection who looks like ( LUKE MITCHELL,  LEIGH ANNE PINNOCK, NORMANI KORDEI, SINQUA WALLS / UP TO PLAYER ) and is ( 24+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( way back when she was eighteen, sia left wayne manor - where she had been living with her father, alfred - and moved so she could be closer, if not in, gotham city. it suited her better, at the time, and she shared an apartment with a friend she met at gotham academy who split expenses and probably knows sia from both… a time when she was at her most carefree and reckless, and a sia who was at her most sad and closed in. they’re someone she still, to this day, would consider one of her closest friends - and i’d love to work out why they didn’t choose to continue living together, and if they’ve been in contact much since sia left gotham!  )
( SIENNA THOMPKINS ), our ( ADRIA ARJONA ) fc is looking for a ( TRAINING PARTNER ) connection who looks like ( LIAM HEMSWORTH,  SURAJ SHARMA, TATIANA MASLANY, EMMA GREENWELL / UP TO PLAYER ) who is ( 24+ YEARS OLD ). you ( DON’T ) have to contact prior to applying. ( sia used to be batgirl, once upon a time! and she was good at it! she was a good hero! then life turned pretty shitty and she hung up the mask, and she… continued down a pretty good path, until life turned more shitty, and she lost herself a bit. losing herself, and giving into feelings of hopelessness and anger and grief, really shed light on something sia kept from even herself for years - that she’s never really belonged or felt as if she did, anywhere, other than when she was batgirl. she’s started training again in hopes of being able to one day step out as some sort of vigilante hero again, and i REALLY want her to have someone who she’s confided her dream in, and who’s helping her achieve it. maybe they could… be… partners… :~~ )
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codynaomiswire · 6 years
“Beyond the Corona Walls“: Initial Thoughts
Some initial thoughts I have after watching “Beyond the Corona Walls” (may do a more in-depth episode analysis a bit later):
- I LOVE ADIRA!!!!  Omigosh!  She’s SO different than how I first thought she would be - i.e. cold, deadly serious, speaks like a wood elf from Middle Earth, etc.  But the writers and animators made her so fun, quirky and sassy, I LOVE IT!!!  (I still kinda wish she gave more info about the lore of the sun drop and moon drop, but maybe she really did tell all that she knew about it/all that needed to be heard by Rapunzel and Co. at that time.  We’ll see!  In any event, I think she’s a wonderful addition to the cast, and I’m so happy that she’s here!)
- I REALLY hope Adira doesn’t turn out to be evil/turns evil.  Not trying to rain on the current Adira parade here, but after all that happened with our cinnamon roll son Varian, I don’t think anyone is safe from going off the deep end in this series.  Though even if Adira does turn out to be evil and/or not be quite what she seems to be right now, I think she’ll still be one of my top favs in any event.  She’s just such a well-done character already!  Can’t wait to see more of her!
- I REALLY hope Adira and Varian meet at some point in season 02!  While I’m still holding out hope for a possible mentor-protégé relationship between Xavier and Varian, I do think meeting Adira (if she is/remains good) could potentially be a good thing for Varian, too.  Especially when she also knew his dad and had been close friends with him, I think there’s a lot of room for a potential bond between these two.
- I really don’t think at this stage that Adira is Varian’s mother (given what we’ve seen in the flashback and everything), but I could be wrong.  We’ll see.  *shrugs*
- Vex was pretty cool.  I hope we get to see more of her in the future, and that the water returns to her town.  (As it seems heavily implied that a large river used to run right through the town, but now it’s either dammed off or has dried up for some reason.  Though considering how lush the Baron’s property was compared to the rest of the town, it seems likely that he had something to do with that.  Is his house built on the dam/build to be a dam??  Idk.)
- The way they draw and animate food in this series is fantastic!  xD  I can see why Lance goes crazy for it all.
- Some elements of the plotline with Stalyan and Eugene felt a bit forced to me if I’m honest, but it did explain a lot in terms of why Eugene and Lance are so hated by the Baron.  And it does show a bit more of just how much Eugene has changed since his days as Flynn Rider.
- LAAAAAAAAAAANCE!!!!  D’x  Dang, he gets the short end of the stick way too many times!  Though this was only episode 01 of season 02, and I’m SO glad that we’re going to see so much more of him in future episodes!  I’m sure we’ll get to really see him shine as things move along, and I’m so excited!  8D
- I love how they threw in the bit with Eugene just outright telling Lance that he loves him when it looked like Lance isn’t going to make it.  Yeah, they immediately threw in some comic relief afterwards with Lance’s hallucination comments, but dang, I still got the feels from that!  D’x  I also love how the writers have explored how people can have deep and intimate relationships with one another that are purely platonic, and don’t limit the “I love you” phrase and feeling only to romantic relationships!!!   I love how they really brought this out in that moment with Eugene and Lance, and I hope we get to see more interesting and deep relationships between characters that aren’t centered just on the romantic.  (I’m not trying to knock romantic relationships, but I think it’s really good for people to see that a relationship doesn’t have to be romantic in order to be intimate and meaningful, and I feel this series is really trying to emphasize that!  Fantastic job on the writers for that!!!  Thank you!)
- I do feel bad for Stalyan in a lot of ways.  Yeah she wasn’t much better than her dad in this episode, but dang, being left at the altar by the man whom you thought loved you back and whom you had gone on so many adventures and heists with must’ve been soul crushing!  Yes, as unfair as it was, it is still up to Stalyan to do some soul searching of her own now and figure out how to move on from that, but I also can’t blame her for feeling bitter about, at least for a time.
- I kind of wish that Eugene had at least begun to patch things up with Stalyan in this episode...but yeah, having Lance’s life on the line pretty much threw any chances of that happening out the window.  While Stalyan herself didn’t do it, she really didn’t seem all that against it either, which really bothered me.  I may have felt bad for her in a lot of ways, but that was inexcusable.
- Rapunzel’s jealously and nastiness in the whole Stalyan plotline really surprised me (esp. when she snapped at Cass, like...dang!).  I mean, I do rather like how the writers of TTS/RTA aren’t afraid to make Rapunzel a bit of a flawed character, and I know the situation was rather emotionally charged in a lot of ways for her, but some of Rapunzel’s responses seemed a little...excessive or petty to me?  Idk.  Will have to think about it more I guess.  (I also need to think more about how they responded to Stalyan as she was dragging her dying father away towards the end of the episode!  Kind of like with the situation with Varian, I didn’t expect any of the heroes to be oozing with compassion for their foe at the moment (esp. with attempted murder being done once again), but I also found it a bit crass on their part to just respond to her situation with Eugene and Raps holding hands and making a snide comment in her direction.  It just felt a bit cold for them I think.)
- The whole thing with the black rocks not responding to Rapunzel’s sun drop powers like they did in “Secret of the Sun Drop” was an intriguing twist!  I think it also functions well for the story as now Raps won’t be super OP during the course of their adventure.  It helps to raise the stakes and make things more risky (like when it was revealed at the beginning of season 01 that she couldn’t just heal people magically like she used to).  Good call on the part of the writers!
- I loved the flashback at the beginning of the episode!!!  I’m so excited to learn more about the lore of the mysterious magic opal, the sun drop and moon drop, who this King Edmund character is, what the Dark Kingdom is, and what Adira, Quirin, and (likely by extension) Varian have to do with it.
Aaaaand I think that’s about it for now!  Overall, I feel this was a good start to season 02, and I can’t wait to see more in the coming weeks (esp. more of my precious boi!  Varian where are you!!!????)!  Take care peeps!
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stardustizuku · 6 years
You say you love him but then you say his route is worse than yoosungs
Because it’s very different. V is a really sweet, really nice man. I like him, I want to protect him.
However, the route makes me a bit angry. Mostly because of the portrayal of mentally ill people (Rika) and I don’t feel like a problem this big would be solved with a complete stranger or a romantic interest.
The roots of V’s pain comes precisely from loving too much. The LAST thing he need right now is someone trying to win his heart when onlysix month before he was in a (probably abusive) relationship with someone.
I don’t think this is something WE as an MC can actually heal. This is something that the RFA should be doing.
I’m IN day 7 and all I have done is: suppor the RFA (that I have come to love and it’s something almost natural at this point) Trust V, and not talk shit about Rika. These are no marvelous things, this is something literally anyone can do, even within RFA.
In other routes you had to act…different. Do something they needed and no one else could supply. With seven you joked. With Jaehee you fangirled. With Zen you complimented him non platonically. With Jumin you understood him. With Yoosung you provided the support he didn’t have in the rest.
But V is trusted by everyone but Yoosung. They all want to help. I’m SURE Jumin would be of much more help than MC right now. Because they have history, they both knew Rika, because they both loved her and because they both care for each other.
Us? We are nothing but a stranger that got caught up with his Ex little game. And because he is responsable he cares about us. It’s not a sense of love what he feels, he feels responsable for what happened to us. And while I love him and I want to help him, HES NOT OKAY. It’s not okay to lie. I get why he did it, but he shouldn’t have !!! I think he’s a really good person but his decisions have been AWFUL.
And honestly, I would complain less if this were a platonic route. Just a friendly stranger trying to help another broken soul. If MC reassured him more of how he didn’t do anything wrong. If V actually emotionally relied on MC instead of just come in and tell you to trust him. And when you say YES, he starts falling in love with you???
There are a lot of ways to make me like this route. Maybe actually try to talk to Rika and in a serious conversation to help her would be a good start. Maybe V actually calling MC something other than “nice” would be pretty cool. If maybe V actually opened up. Or if we got to see subtle hints that he ACTUALLY likes MC and not just caring because this whole thing (he feels) is his fault.
I can’t heal or help him!! The game gives me options that DO NOT help him. I’m just trusting him and being a decent person. I’m not talking to him like “hey you’re a good person, never forget it” or “I think you’re a great man” and he doesn’t act like he actually likes me back. I feel like a child being saved by a guardian figure.
TLDR; I like v. I like him a lot. But I don’t like how they handled the route. The situation, the characters, the development. I SPECIALLY didn’t like how they treat Rika, since it’s been confirmed she is mentally unstable enough that she needed to go to therapy. And they fucking paint her in a horrible light. “Oh haha, aren’t mentally ill girls the worst?they can’t function in society and will start a cult!!” Thanks for the stigma and misogyny!! Because if you’re not a hot guy, your mental health can be swept under the rug as “evil hysteric woman”
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