#mirror maze au
idk-im-just-here-now · 3 months
BONK MIRROR MAZE POSTER! This is for the @tmntaucompetition this year - I'm not sure if we made it, but here's to hoping and I hope everyone has a wonderful competition!
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rookie-valkyrie16 · 1 year
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Here are some doodles~! Some are about Pizza Tower, sone are about Welcome Home, and sone are about my Mirror Maze AU.
These are just random doodles, nothing else -w-
But man, I’m starting to love the new arg horror called “Welcome Home” by the way!
(I don’t own anything else except my Mirror Maze AU and my art. Do NOT steal it!)
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wintys-ghost · 10 months
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Violation of Belief
Pt. 2 out of 2
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glassrowboat · 1 month
Daydream in a Nightmare
Authors note: I read a soulmate au where with dream sharing. Everytime you fall asleep you and your SM would meet in a world that would reflect your consciousness and who you were. So down below are the boys and what I think the places their dreams would depict.
Diluc: The cathedral. His mom, back when she was alive, used to play during service and afterwards Diluc ran over greeting her with the biggest smile, asking her to play him one more song. She never failed to. Maybe that's why there's always a gentle melody playing whenever you see him as he rests his fingers over the same white tiles, simply trying to remember how to play.
Kaeya: The Dawn Winery. Or at least parts of it. Behind closed doors there's the scent of grass, of dirt, and the faintest smell of ash. He says it's simply the vineyard that in the real world would be right outside, but he knows well as he pulls your hand from the doorknob that it's ruins of a fallen nation haunting him right on the other side.
Albedo: Glass walls. A maze of mirrors and reflections. If you ever have stopped to bother to count between Albedo’s musings as he shares with you the secrets of the world, you'd notice that for some reason he always has more reflections in the walls around you than of your own figure. Like there's more of him than there is of you.
Venti: Old Mondstadt. Back before the revolution, back when there were people in the streets wishing their God weren't so unjust, but in his dreams that wall of spiraling wind is never there. A warped perception of a life he wished to have lived as he sits in your lap not as Venti the bard, but a wind sprite trying to bury into your clothes for warmth. Just don't call him pipsqueek or he'll try and bite your fingers. Playfully. You think.
Zhongli: A place that no longer exists, one torn away by this world during the archon war. It's unlike him not to comment on a place, a trinket, an item, as you pick something up and fiddle with it, but this place he never goes into full detail on. However, he will tell you all about the artisanship of the table you two are sharing tea over.
Baizhu: His home back in Chenyu Vale, back before the illness hit his village, back before his parents passed away. Just a modest home that shows signs of being truly well lived in and loved. Mindlessly while you two talk he'll be cleaning the place, just the way he always does at the pharmacy. Though it does help give him something to fill the silence. It turns out he's a lot more used to Changsheng chiming in with comments than he thought. He just hopes you two get along when the time to meet in person finally comes about.
Ga ming: A festival. There's water kicking up at everyone's feet, up to everyones ankles as people with their face covered in all manner of masks walk you both by. Ga ming would pull you along from booth to booth, trying his best to win prizes despite the fact you both know they'll be gone by the time you wake.
Xiao: A Chinese pavilion in the sky. You walk among the clouds as you follow the path of the street, looking over the accents that seem somehow both rich in color and dull, muddied all at the same time. Something you've noticed from his dreams compared to yours, his always have a lingering black fog creeping in at the corner of your eyes. It makes you feel like someone else is in this world with you, like there's eyes waiting to do more than just watch.
Kazooha: A meadow. The wind passes you both by, stirring up pages of books you two sit reading in silence. You can't help but wonder if these are all books he's read before, especially the ones that wax poetry or something else. His thoughts, perhaps? Maybe Kazuha's very own writings? But that matters little as his head is resting on your shoulder as you try to catch words between the fluttering sheets of paper.
Itto: A kabuki play. It always ends up in you two hiding away in the back room where the performers would get ready before getting back out on stage for the next act. You would see the brightest of colors, richest of fabrics, and practiced movements so fine tuned that you can't understand why Itto is so focused on taking the makeup on the vanity in the back simply so he can paint your face with red marks just like his. To each their own you suppose, and who are you to complain when it means drawing hearts on his arm when Itto isn't paying attention?
Gorou: A tea house. It's a small place, simple, but certainly not lacking charm as Gorou pours you a cup. At first the fact you could actually taste the rich herbs on your tongue in this dreamscape threw you off, but now it's just another part of this odd reality. But saying that, the first time you spat out the drink he offered as soon as the bitter taste hit you. Apparently he never expected you to not already be used to green tea. The poor fella was apologizing for the rest of the night, ears laid flat on his head and tail tucked between his legs. It's okay though, you made it even by trying to give him dog treats. It was you having to beg for forgiveness then.
Thoma: It was different this time. No glowing blue flowers and a forest that you two would stroll through mindlessly while chatting for hours. No, this time Thoma was sitting on a wooden platform below a giant stone statue. Intriguing, yes, but mattered little compared to the rope burns around his wrist. He tried to tell you not to worry about it. That it was an accident. But that mattered little as your lips pressed to the red, irritated skin and he gave you a strained smile. You knew better than to ask about it more from there.
Ayato: It's ever changing. It's like he is constantly thinking of something whenever He falls asleep and it reflects in his dreams. Once it was a Japanese styled room the next it was some room in Fontaine's architecture. But it's always a bedroom. A place of relaxation as Ayato buries his head in your lap like it was a pillow. He'll whine about being overworked until you're tempted to pull on his hair just to make the man shut up for once, but last time you did that it led to the bed being used for a lot more than just rest. For now just pat his head and let him vent, the man needs it.
Kaveh: A sketch brought to life from his mothers blueprints. One he saw his mother sketching back when Kaveh was a boy and she would let him sit on her lap, let him comment on the drawings. She would always find some way to incorporate his addictions into the sketch. Nowadays he knows the building that was actually constructed in the end to be simpler, duller than the one his mother wanted, but in his dreams with you it stands tall and proud.
Al Haitham: An attic. It's dusty and it clearly had a hole in the roof that was covered over by some wooden planks and nails. A patch work job that needs to be fixed but if you ever take the time to bother with it while Al Haitham sits in an old rocking chair covered by a quilt reading the night away it will only be there the next dream cycle. It pisses you off. He pisses you off. All nonchalance and an apathetic look even as you plop yourself in his lap and take that book away. And what pisses you off even more? How he dares to call you needy as he holds you close. It's best to ignore the fact he started reading over your shoulder.
Tighnari: Pardis Dhyai. He'll sit on the walkway watching you kick the water of the ponds around, paying no mind to when you splash at him. Not anymore at least. He's learned quickly if he makes a snarky comment you'll give one back and it'll go on and on until somehow it ends in him getting dragged into the pond with you. Both dripping algae filled water as he wondered what gods made this numbskull his mate.
Cyno: Lambad's Tavern. Everytime he would come back from treks in the desert he would go there, get a drink, and play a round of cards with whoever was willing. It was a pattern. Work, work, rest, and more work. But now he didn't have to constantly be on work mode as he sat with you in the old booth shuffling cards as he tried to explain to you how TCG works. So far everytime you lose you've thrown those elemental dice and him, and with a smile he lets them hit him in the head despite being fully able to dodge them. His soulmate is such a sore loser.
Wanderer: Shakkei Pavilion. He hates it. Hates that this is the place his unconscious has chosen to sink onto so stubbornly. His wooden fingers would slide over the paintings depicting Scaramouche’s past that has now been severed from him in everyone's eyes but Nahida and the Traveler. If you knew, would you still hold his hand? Would you still trace the details of his joints and comment that you find his pretty face such a stark contrast to his sharp words? He's afraid to find out, the idea that you might be his fourth betrayal always lingering in the back of his mind.
Neuvillette: Under the water where the currents would carry stray bits of seaweed and fish swimming past. The first time you shared a dream with him here he had to calm you down as instinctively you held your breath, taking your hands in his and assuring you if he can talk like this, you can suck in air just as well. It took some time getting used to, but now he watches as you grab starfish off the ocean floor and bring them over to him like a prize to be presented. This is what humans must be like Neuvillette tells himself as you braid them into his hair.
Worcestershire sauce: A home. A nice one at that. Big, had decent furnishings, pictures of kids hung up on the wall. If you listened closely enough you could even hear children playing outside from the cracked open windows that showed the brightest sky outside. Wriothesly would walk behind you as you would watch the grass blowing in the wind, not saying a word as he rested his chin on top of your head. He never thought he'd be back here again. The very place made him feel sick to his stomach, but with you? It was bearable. Even as you tried to grab his handcuffs from him.
Childe: His childhood home. Back before the renovations he bought for the place with his money as a harbinger, back before the redecorating of rooms to fit more children, and back to what the house was like when he was just a boy yet to fall into the abyss. Back when everything was simpler. He would pick up toys that have gone missing, never to be seen again and stare in wonder how it all is exactly how he remembers it. It makes it so much easier to be Ajax with you, rather than Tartaglia.
Dottore: The hospital he was working in when trying to help Eleazar patients. For the life of him does he hate it, being back in the desert always having to tip his shoes out of sand that never seems to fully clear off. It doesn't help you try and pour sand down his shirt, but in a way he supposes it's better you two stay out here under that blistering sun than you going inside to be met with the smell of death. No, you don't need to know about that side of him just yet.
Pantalone: His office. It always makes it hard to tell at first if he's awake, not when the same scene greets him either way. You always joke about him being married to his work and you're the mistress in this relationship. At this point he counts on the comment as soon as his eyes flutter open and he's greeted with the sight of you sitting on the desk he's been using as a pillow. Still, he can never help the genuine smile at seeing you once again.
Captain: A flower field. The snowdrops peek out from under the fluffy blanket of white powder, crunching under every step he takes. Even in his dreams the cold of Snezhnaya is ever present, ever biting. It only makes sense you are shivering behind him even as he lets you steal his cloak that is more of a blanket on you than anything. This field, he knows it well, knows that what waters these flowers is more blood than anything else, but that matters little as he wraps his arms around you. Maybe he can find a way to dream you a proper jacket.
Pierro: A grand hall. It reminds you of the way ballrooms are described in romance stories as the couple depicted would dance the night away. Columns so high you have to tilt your head back just to see where they meet the ceiling covered in paintings you've never seen before. That is until Pierro steps into your view. He always offered his hand to you before you could ask, and as your fingers interlocked he would tell you about them. Always ready to answer your questions. It meant someone was curious about a part of his long lost nation. So, of course, he was always happy to share.
Scaramouche: A never ending fire. It's a small shack, engulfed by flames that never seem to dwindle or burn out the wood it feeds on. Like this place was stuck in time in his mind. He doesn't talk to you, not any more than a sharp shut up. The only time that glare he showed you disappeared is when you pulled your hand back from the curious fire with a hiss, not expecting it to actually hurt in this fake reality. For a moment you could have sworn he took a step towards you, but he never came any closer than that as he hissed at you to be careful. Dumb mortals should at least know not to burn themselves.
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snugg-slugg · 3 months
The Amazing Digital DLC: Meet Minnie!
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Pt 6/??
First - Previous - Next
And they finally enter the mirror maze!
Yay! You guys get to see my favorite panel I’ve drawn (thus far at least)! I absolutely loved making the loading screen and I love how it came out even more. Who knew rendering (even as simplistic as I did) could be so fun?
The original creator of this AU is sm-baby!
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spacedace · 10 months
Here be the first little bit of the new DP x DC AU I warned about earlier where Tim, due to his constant repeated attempts at cloning Bart & Kon, accidentally summons slightly eldritch Elle who is very interested in what he’s up to.
As always feel free to run with this as a prompt if yall find anything here interesting :D
Tim didn’t mean to summon her.
He’d been in the lab, staring at the data on the latest failed attempts at cloning Kon and Bart and feeling like he was cracking in two. Eyes burning, chest tight, world spinning out into shifting impossible shadows around him as his mind and body struggled to push him forward into another day without sleep. The hush of water in the tanks, his unsteady steps on the cement floor, the chill seeping into his bones.
He stumbled and swayed through the maze of the lab, numbers dripping like blood down the screen as he tried to stare at the figures. He needed to try again, needed to bring them back, in whatever capacity he could. This time would work. This time he’d get it right.
When he saw her, feet clumsy as he rounded a corner, he thought she was just another hallucination.
How could she be anything else?
Skin like a polished mirror, hair like the white-hot flash of lightning, eyes as green as the depths of the Lazarus Pits. She floated before a tank, spectral and strange with a long wisping tail that drifted off into nothingness in place of legs, body shifting and changing before his eyes in ways that bodies should not be able to. Outside of the eyes the face was…not there. An impression of the shapes that you’d expect to see in a human face, like the Question’s. Sometimes though the features defined, sharpened. Mirror bright skin crackling as faces took shape in the glass.
In the low light of the lab, he almost imaged one of those faces was Kon’s. Dimples and freckles and high cheek bones and the slant of a silhouette that haunted Tim’s dreams at night. A flicker of her lightining hair and it was gone. Smoothed back into soft blankness once more.
He watched from the of the aisle as she lifted too-long mirror shard fingers and rest them gently on the glass as she seemed to peer in at the lifeless body inside.
Attempt 76.
One of his tries with Bart. The organs hadn’t grown right during the age-up process. Tim had cried for that one as he had for all the others. As he had for Bart and Kon when they had died. As he still did as the fact that it was more maddened grief than hope that kept him pushing forward anyway.
He closed his eyes to the hallucination at the end of the aisle. Breathed deep and steady. It might be gone when he opened his eyes again. It might not be. It might be something - someone - else when he dares look next. He’d been through this time and time again over the days and weeks he’d been throwing himself at this agonizing wall. The only difference this time was the intricate strangeness, the total lack of recognition he had for the figure, baring the moment he almost saw Kon in its face.
Coffee. Maybe some harder stimulants, if he had any left. New data to review, new attempts to be made. He didn’t have time for the effects of sleep deprivation.
Tim opened his eyes.
He jerked back as he came face to face with himself, warped and strange and green in the reflective face of the being where it now hovered so close that if it breathed he would feel it upon his face.
She tilted her head at him, curious. Hands rose to cup his face, rest on his shoulders, wrap around his arms, cradle his hands. More hands than he’d seen before. More hands than he was able to truly comprehend, stomach souring as his eyes stung and strained in the attempt to look at the impossible warping of her body. Despite the glint of shattered glass that made up her fractured palms and splintered silver fingers, her hands were soft and warm where they curled around him. Almost human in the way they held him in place, the hold pleasantly firm.
He’d never had a doting elder aunt to pinch his cheeks and demand to get a look at him, but he imagined this might be what that felt like. The way the being shifted her head from side to side, his reflection warping in the curved reflection of the planes of her featureless face, added to the strange idea. His hallucinations didn’t normally touch him, though. And never so…kindly.
Tim felt his blood go cold as he realized it might not be a figment of his fracturing mind floating before him.
Swallowing nervously, he tried to shift backwards, to slip out of the many grasping hands before the softness turned sharp and began to cut into him. He felt something cool against the back of his legs, hair standing on end as static electricity built up on his skin where he brushed the trailing tail he hadn’t noticed her curl around him. The entity leaned in close, the depthless green of her glowing eyes consuming Tim’s entire field of vision, and he was flooded by the sudden, horrible awareness of being Known.
The world fell away from him, his stomach lurching with the sick-sweet feel of free fall that used to exhilarate him when he’d first become Robin and had flown from rooftops dangling by his grapple and his belief in the magic being Robin instilled in him. The lab, the equipment, the piles of data and desperate scribbles, the failed clones, Tim himself. All swept away in the flood of green and the roar of lightning and the cool press of glass.
He came to would could have been minutes or centuries later. Gasping and sick on the cold cement floor, shivering as he dry heaved. His mouth full of salt and copper and the burning crackle of ozone at the back of his throat.
For a moment, disoriented and dizzy, he thought it had all been a hallucination after all. Or some fractious dream visited upon him by his torn and tattered mind after he’d finally collapsed from exhaustion on the lab floor. That the entity truly had been just in his mind, a consequence of his refusal to rest until his work was done.
Then he felt the glass-cool fingers running through his hair, the warm hand rubbing at his back, heard the low murmurs of reassurance in a voice that was almost, almost human.
He spasmed as he tried to jerk away, hissing with the sharp sting of pins and needles dancing over every nerve. His limbs were heavy and clumsy, and he was crashing back to the cold floor under his own weight before he could even try and drag himself away. His breathing came in short, aching gasps as he tried to twist away, only managing to roll to his back to see the entity where it sat calmly looking down at him.
She had a face now. A solid, steady one that fit her in a way that made him think it must be her real one, though what that meant exactly he didn’t know. The glowing eyes had dimmed and shifted, more human looking with black pupils and white sclera. Button nose marked with silver-tarnish freckles that spread over her cheeks too. A mouth, with lips curled into an apologetic smile. Her hair, still shifting as if caught in a wind that wasn’t there, was still the bright white it’d been before, but the lighting of the locks had settled into faint crackles between the curls. Whatever she was, whatever she’d done to him, he could look at her without feeling like his mind might just crack in two.
“Wha-“ His voice cracked, painful and hoarse like he’d been screaming. Maybe he had been. Swallowing around the burn in his throat, he choked out a hissed, “What are you?”
Her head tilted in that curious slant again, more human features giving her a bright, youthful look as she peered down at him questioningly. “You summoned me, Little Gaffer, shouldn’t you know?”
Gaffer is a term used for a glass crafter, as well as light technicians for stage/movie productions. I’m using it as the term for the person who creates a Clone, with the clone themselves being a Mirrorborn, and the person they are cloned from being called the clone’s Reflected. Gaffer is probably a bit of a stretch for this, technically I think someone who makes mirrors would be called a Glazier (Glaziers are glassmakers) but I wasn’t vibing that as much. Besides I like the vibe of glass + light = mirror in a way.
Anyway, opening volley of a new AU where Tim ends up becoming like a warlock to Elle to get his loved ones back, while Elle is just having the time of her sorta eldritch little life watching this absolute mess of a human wreck shit and cause so much chaos even without the powers she starts giving him.
(Elle in this is both the God Queen of Clones/Mirrorborn as well as the Ancient of the Speedforce (which I’ve decided is called the Ever Onward in the Infinite Realms, because I literally can’t be stopped from trying to make normal DC things sound mystical because spooky Infinite Realms aesthetics haha)
Have a tiny bit more written for this, but don’t know how much I’ll end up writing for it with all the other projects I have currently lol, so if anyone is interested feel free to run with it as you so desire haha
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the-slumberparty · 8 months
𝕹𝖆𝖛𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕽𝖔𝖔 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖙: 𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜’𝖘 𝕿𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖘
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For this challenge, we are asking you to use the rule of three. What does that mean?
In this case, it means you choose three of the tropes listed below the cut and create something with all three woven in. How you do so is entirely up to you. We are accepting both aesthetic and written pieces for this challenge.
As this is our October/Halloween challenge, we do hope that your work will have a creepy or suspenseful undertone, but by no means does it need to be pure horror. However, we do highly encourage supernatural elements and monsters and any creativity you come up with. 
This is a monthly event, with a final due date of November 5, 2023 for late submissions.
🦇This challenge is open to all fandoms and characters
🔮Dark creations are accepted but we will not accept underage, incest, or bestiality. Please don’t forget to add warnings to your works appropriately.
🎃For written pieces, there are no word count limits, but we do ask that you add a “read more” beyond 500 words.
👻We hope that creators can create an inclusive work and encourage writers and creators to use appropriate tagging, ie, f!reader, etc..
🧛‍♀️For this challenge, we will not accept sequels or continuations to previous works. However, if you create a piece which can stand on its own within an existing AU or world, this can be submitted.
🧌Creators may submit three pieces of each medium (up to three visual pieces and up to three written pieces)
💀Be kind to yourself and to others. We are here to support and include each other.
🧙🏾‍♀️𝔉𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔰/𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔲𝔱🧙🏾‍♀️
An unwanted houseguest
A secret society of supernatural beings
College party gone wrong
The house from all the scary stories
A summoning game brings more than fun
A nightmare come to life
Caught trespassing on private property
A cursed item unearthed
Mirrors playing tricks on the mind
A secret room
The return of a villain thought dead
A new neighbour that keeps mysterious hours
Power outage
Art come to life
There’s something in the water
A strange attraction at the carnival
Space station with an uninvited passengers
Noises coming from the forest
A haunted attraction that has real ghosts
Small town with a dark secret
A doppelganger of yourself or someone you know
Mad scientist testing the bounds of humanity
A fairytale revealed to be a horror story
The monster luring you into in the basement
A parasite that feeds off others
Lost in a corn maze
A string of unexplained deaths
Evil doll come to life
Items moving and/or going missing
A character is dead all along
Bodily changes you cannot stop
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soullumii · 1 year
carnival lights | joel miller x f!reader
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pairing: joel miller x fem!reader
summary: you take joel to the yearly summer carnival.
warnings/tags: pure fluff, little bit of sexual humor, fake gun use! (water guns), carnival fun, no outbreak!joel, soft!joel, modern au, food, implied age gap (reader is in her 20s, joel is in his 40s), pet names (peach, darlin', sweetheart, baby), established relationship. (can be read as part of the stranded universe!), NO USE OF Y/N
word count: 3.5k
a/n: something cute while i work on stranded part 2. there's no plot, just vibes
taglist: @hecatombix @thatmemechick @sexygaypalpatine
“I can’t believe you dragged me out to this mess,” Joel grumbles. 
Warm summer air settles over the both of you as screams from excited kids and terrified people on rollercoasters echo around you in the night. Joel’s scowl is illuminated by flashing lights from various pop-up mirror mazes, haphazardly put together ferris wheels, and scandalously painted funhouses.
Seriously, though, why does the children’s funhouse have a mural of a Parisian can-can dancer plastered on the front of it, her fish-netted vagina visible from quite literally any angle within this carnival?
It’s so incredibly ridiculous, and you absolutely love it. You just love carnivals—always have. 
Even if they’re probably a safety hazard, even if the creepy clowns wandering about scared you a lot as a kid, and even if the sweet aroma of funnel cakes and fried Oreos and cotton candy mixes with the skunky smell of cheap weed. It brings back memories. And yeah, it might give you a headache after a few minutes, but it’s everything you adore, even if you’re in your late twenties now. 
“It’s fun, Joel. Have you ever heard of fun?” You tease, dragging him along the dirt path littered with cigarette butts and mystery liquids. You get a whiff of hot dog.
Joel must get it too, because his nose scrunches and he steps aside a dubious pile of something inscrutable. “My definition of fun ain’t exactly this.”
“Look! That looks fun!” You point excitedly toward a ride called “The Zipper” rising high in the sky, its metal capsules filled with adrenaline junkies swinging back and forth as the entire ride spins on an axis.
“Jesus Christ,” Joel swears under his breath.
“What? Don’t you want to ride it?” 
When you glance over at him, he’s looking particularly green, though you can’t exactly tell if that’s from the spinning cups next to you flashing green and white or if he’s truly feeling unwell.
“Are you okay?” You ask, sincerity coating your words as you turn to him. 
“I’m fine,” he shakes his head. “I just—you should’ve taken Ellie and Sarah with you. I’m not any fun at these kinds of things.”
“Joel…” you say, a teasing smile growing as your hand lands on his arm. “Are you scared?” 
He scowls, but hesitates in his answer, gaze darting away from you. “No.”
Liar. “Joel, it's okay if you’re scared,” you say. “We don’t have to ride any rides. I wanted to come with you just to spend time with you.”
His gaze softens and he sighs. “I know, peach. I wanna spend time with you, too. And for the record, I’m not scared, I’m just concerned about… my back.”
“Riiight,” you smirk. “Let’s go find something to do that won’t hurt your back then.”
You find a funnel cake stand charging $15 per cake. Joel grumbles about how ridiculous, and frankly, illegal it is that they’re charging so much for what is basically a scribble of fried dough as he pulls out his wallet.
“It's about the culture of it all, Joel,” you declare as you take a bite of doughy and powdered sugar goodness. “It’s just what carnival goers do. It’s only once a year, they can make the sacrifice.” You tear off a piece of it and give it to him. 
“I guess seein’ Sarah smile after eatin’ fried oreos was worth it," he relents as he takes the cake and plops it into his mouth, humming gratefully and yes! you’re starting to wear him down! 
After you both finish your funnel cake among a screaming swath of kids, you drag him toward the farm animals. This, he has to like. 
You enter into the tent, Joel’s hand tucked in yours, and the smell of manure and dirt immediately choke the both of you, the scent trapped in by the heat and the plastic material of the tarp. Joel somehow seems to look even worse than he did when you mentioned the Zipper.
“These poor animals,” he whispers, eyes wide as he takes in the fences sectioning off llamas and sheep and highland cattle. “They should be out wanderin’ in a field.”
“They do, Joel,” you insist, squeezing his hand. “It’s just for tonight. Come on, let’s go pet one.”
After a snot-nosed child stumbles away from the sheep pen, Joel makes his way over. He frowns down at them, reaching a hand in through the fence to pet them. The sheep inch forward, pressing their wet noses into his palm, and he strokes their soft wool lovingly. Your heart flutters at the sight.
And then you hear him whispering to them: “I’ll get you out of here.”
Before Joel can do something drastic, like wrench open the fence on pure strength alone (which you know he is absolutely capable of), you drag him out of the tent. Your spirits are extinguished, the night feeling more and more like a failure. You have to get him to have fun, somehow.
“Those poor animals,” he says again, shakes his head as you draw him toward the game booths.
“They’ll be okay, Joel,” you reassure gently, rubbing his shoulder blades. 
He just shakes his head again, and your heart fractures. You plaster on a smile and set him in front of a booth with two plastic water guns tethered to a ledge, at the far end of the booth are targets bobbing up and down, moving along a track.
“Let’s play this!” You say, handing the teenage booth manager a dollar bill. He chews his gum apathetically, and pulls the lever to start up the game. 
This piques Joel’s interest and he watches you grab the pistol-shaped water gun, aiming it at a target, your eye winking as you train your gaze on a target. 
“No, no, I can’t let you shoot like that,” he says, grabbing the pistol. He maneuvers your hands, “Left squeezes on the right, darlin’.” He then adjusts your arms and tries to grab the pistol from you, but it's sturdy in your new grasp, not going anywhere.
“There,” he says, proud, and grabs the other gun, pointing it at the first target. “Good luck, peach. You're gonna need it.”
“We’ll see about that,” you tease. You have no idea what you’re getting into.
“Start,” the booth manager monotonously drawls.
Before you can even pull the trigger, three of Joel’s targets are down, and he is cackling as he obliterates the others on his side. Your jaw drops, eyes widening.
Because, what the hell?
You scramble to catch up, pressing the trigger rapidly at your own targets, but only a few hits land. By the time the bored teenager calls ‘game’, Joel’s got his arms over his chest, watching you with a satisfied smile as you try in vain to shoot the last three targets on your side.
You turn to him in shock, but your bones feel light, your pulse beating rapidly because at least he’s finally having fun. And, admittedly, his skill is attractive.
“You should see your face right now,” he laughs.
“You won this,” the teenager drones, holding out a big fluffy teddy bear, half the size of Joel. 
“I’m keepin’ this,” Joel says, grabbing the bear and holding it close. He looks ridiculous, holding that giant teddy bear in his corded arms, peppered locks falling over his forehead. Ridiculously handsome. Ridiculously cute. You've got to keep this going.
“What? Seriously? You’re not going to give your girlfriend the bear you won?” You pout. He just smiles wider. 
“Darlin’, you’ve gotta earn this. Your shootin’ was pathetic.” He grabs another dollar from his wallet and hands it to the red-headed teen. “Another one, kid.”
Instead of grabbing his own pistol when the game starts up again, Joel comes in close around your back, warm chest pressing against your shoulder blades as his hands skim down your arms. He lays a chaste kiss on the side of your throat and your heart beats rapidly like a bird’s, warmth settling within you, a flush dusting your cheeks at his proximity. 
His broad palms land on yours, and he adjusts your hold again like he did last time. “This was good. Your aim, on the other hand…”
“I’ve never shot a fucking gun before, Joel,” you defend.
“This is a water gun, peach.” You grumble as he drags your arms up, sets them in a position that is honestly not very comfortable, but you can see how it might be easier for aiming. 
“Aim that ‘lil notch at the top of the gun in the middle of your target.” You follow his instruction dutifully. “Good, now shoot.”
It’s all in good fun, the gun light and cheap in your hand, but you treat it as if you truly are about to shoot a real gun, if only because your competitive nature likes to take over. You take a deep breath and let it out, then pull the trigger. The target goes down swiftly.
Joel pulls back, grinning down at you. “Nice job, peach.”
You preen at his praise.
“Alright, now hit the next one.” 
You do just that. He holds his hand up for a high five and you slam your palm onto his, laughing giddily. "I'm so fucking good at this!"
He hisses, shaking his stinging hand out, “Why do you always high five so hard?”
“The game’s almost done,” the teenager warns.
You turn and deflate at the sight of ten targets still standing, confidence leaving your body in one fell swoop. You have about twenty seconds to shoot the last targets, and you wilt, knowing that’s absolutely not going to happen. You gaze sadly at the stuffed whale hanging from the awning. 
Joel, noticing your disappointment, grabs his own pistol and fires off at his targets, each painted bullseye flinging back as the water hits it, the targets dropping one by one in quick succession. Even the moving ones he finds easily, spraying them with firm focus, eyebrows furrowed over his hard eyes. 
He finishes with five seconds to spare, and a smirk on his lips. He makes a show to pretend to blow smoke away from the water gun’s barrel, and you can't help but laugh. You never see him this goofy, and it makes your body tingle with happiness.
The booth manager rolls his eyes and gets the whale down, handing it to Joel. You give him the biggest puppy eyes you can manage, lips puckered in a pout, and you can see the moment it hits him right in the heart, his smile growing soft, the way he looks away from you, turning to try and hide it. But he can’t, and you tremble at the sight feeling so full, so warm. 
“Come on, Joel. I’m never going to be as good as you–which by the way, where the fuck did you learn to do that?” You say, grabbing the tail of the whale and tugging. 
"Growin' up on a farm, darlin'. Tommy was always wantin' to shoot the ducks."
"Ah, so you're a master at duck hunting, huh?"
He shrugs. "You could say that."
He tugs the whale away from your grasp, gesturing to the booth. "Alright, one more game. Come on baby, you can do it."
You groan, and he hands another dollar over. The kid looks even more bored. Maybe even annoyed at this point. You don't blame him. You grab the pistol, and get to shooting, not without spraying some water at Joel first. He doesn’t even flinch.
Five targets later (you never could get the full ten), you're whooping and hollering as the kid hands you a fluffy monkey plushie.
"There we go!" Joel praises. “Nice goin’ peach!”
You do a little happy dance, not caring if you look ridiculous, and Joel tucks you into his side, throwing another dollar bill at the apathetic teen.
“For your patience,” he says. You giggle loudly into your palm.
“I don’t get paid enough to be here,” the kid mumbles as Joel tugs you away and back through the carnival.
You look up at him, taking in his carefree expression, the content smile on his face, and the way the lights flash off his eyes, making them sparkle. His strong arm is wrapped around your waist, your cheek pressed into his shoulder.
“Finally having fun?”
He looks down at you, eyebrow quirking. “What’d’ya mean? I’ve been havin’ fun this whole time.”
You stop, pulling back to really look at him, blinking in disbelief. “What? But you’ve seemed so… upset. The rollercoasters, the funnel cake...the animals."
Joel’s smile slips, and a clear sincerity takes hold in his eyes. “Darlin’ none of that matters to me. Just bein’ with you is enough to make anythin’ fun.”
“Oh,” is all you can say, nerves thrumming, mind racing.
“I’m sorry I made you feel otherwise, I'm not very good with emotions," he says, threading his fingers with yours, and your heart stutters. You knew that. He’s always been a closed book, and even if he does decide to be more open, it can be hard to truly decipher how he feels. Though he’s always quick to assure you that you mean everything to him.
“I’ll ride a damn rollercoaster with you anytime if you really want me to.”
This is why you love him so damn much.
You beam, though it turns teasing, “Thanks, Joel, but I don’t want to hurt you.” You poke his lower back.
Joel chuckles. “My back is fine. I’m just scared.”
“Oh really? Finally admitting it, Miller?“
"You know I struggle with admitting my flaws, darlin'."
"Right, because you hardly have any."
"Well, anyway, I have an idea."
"Do ya now?”
You drag him toward the giant ferris wheel stretching high into the sky, the neon lights climbing its spokes flashing excitedly, drawing the carnival goers in.
You settle in a seat with Joel next to you, though because of the long line, you're forced to be seated with another couple across the way. An older couple, with matching t-shirts and candy necklaces.
"Hey there!" The woman chirps. "What a lovely night, ain't it?"
Joel nods awkwardly, "Sure is."
"It's beautiful," you add.
It truly is, a gentle breeze stirs the warm air, driving away mosquitos and the Texan humidity. The navy sky is clear, only a few fluffy clouds sprinkled about. You’d spend the entire night out here if you could.
"I'm Sharon, my husband Burt and I have been comin' to this carnival for the past fifty years," she says, gesturing to the man in overalls beside her.
"That's amazing," you say honestly. "I’d like to have a tradition like that, too.”
You tell her your and Joel’s names, ignoring the latter’s pleading glance at you by smiling at Sharon and Burt and complimenting their matching shirts.
Burt's says: Nothing Sense We're and hers says: Makes When Apart.
You despise the shirts deeply, but you might as well be friendly to the people you'll be stuck with for the next fifteen minutes.
"Thanks darlin'! Are you two a couple?"
You take Joel's hand, "Yep! Finally reeled this slippery fish in."
"Jesus Christ," Joel grumbles under his breath. You try not to laugh.
"Older men, so evasive, am I right?" Sharon whispers, a hand coming up to shield her mouth from her husband, as if he can't hear her in this tiny space.
"I hear you, sister.”
Joel rubs his thumb and forefinger against his temple.
"Well, enjoy your ride," she beams. "Just beware, my hubby gets gassy when we get halfway up."
You choke on a shocked laugh, your palm slapping over your lips. You lean into Joel, eyes wide, who looks green once again.
"Oh my god," you hiss to him.
"Now look what you've done. We're 'bout to get chloroformed by farts."
You can’t hide your laugh this time, “Joel!"
The ferris wheel jerks, and Joel's hand tightens around yours as it begins to ascend. You notice the tick in his jaw, the way his gaze pointedly darts from the spokes of the wheel to the pole in the center of the seat and back.
"Are you scared of ferris wheels too?" You ask.
"No," he hisses. "I'm scared of state carnival ferris wheels. They set this piece of shit up in three days. How can you even trust it?"
"I just like to think about possible ways I'd survive it."
"Yeah, like what? Grabbing onto the pole and just hanging there 'til they get ya?"
"Exactly, see, it'll be fine."
"That's if the whole thing doesn't detach."
"I think it's more likely we'll die from suffocating by old man farts than this thing detaching."
That gets a laugh out of Joel, and his gaze finally finds the land stretching out beneath you as the ferris wheel rises. The moon hangs high above the clouds, bright and full, and stars dot the dark sky like jewels sewn on a blanket. The breeze ruffles his hair, and you wish to run your hands through it.
"This is nice," he says. "I'm glad I came out here with you."
"You didn't have much of a choice, but I'm glad you're enjoying it."
You hear the man across from you pass gas, and you hide a grimace.
Joel leans in to whisper in your ear, his breath ghosting over your sensitive skin making you shiver. "This would be pretty romantic if it weren't for Mr. and Mrs. Clause over there."
"Watch it, you'll be approaching that age soon."
"I've got at least twenty years, peach. Maybe you'll be sick of me by then."
"Oh no," you shake your head, looking earnestly into his eyes. "I'll gratefully smell your farts 'til the end, Joel."
"You're messed up," he grimaces.
You just smile at him, and he grins back, his arm slung over the back of the seat, his thumb massaging your neck, and you melt into him, content to watch the world shrink as you near the top.
Eventually the ferris wheel comes to a stop at the top, and you gaze out across the dark world, head resting on Joel's shoulder. He pulls you in close.
"It's time for the kiss!" Sharon exclaims, grabbing Burt's fraying overalls and tugging him in to plant a kiss right on his lips. He melts right into her, and in mere seconds, you and Joel are witness to a geriatric couple making out.
"Ain't this somethin'," Joel says.
"Oh. My. God."
Sharon pulls back after a good thirty seconds, and turns to you and Joel. "Alright! Your turn!"
"Oh no, that's okay," you say, waving your hand. Joel is private in his affections, though his little show at the target booth earlier might say otherwise. Generally, he prefers keeping you to himself.
But tonight, he's full of surprises.
"C'mon, peach. Let's do it. Let’s give these kind folks a show, like they did for us."
"Yes! He gets it!" Sharon bounces excitedly. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
You've been wanting to kiss him all night, so you're really not against it. Though, it's still weird, and you give Joel a pained look.
"I'll give you the whale for this," he promises.
"And the bear," you argue.
"Fine. And the bear."
You grin, and then his hand is at the back of your neck, pulling you in, his nose brushing your cheek as he slots your lips together. He tastes like funnel cake and cotton candy and you honestly don't want this night to end.
Your eyes flutter shut as he adjusts you to deepen the kiss, his tongue swiping across your bottom lip. Your hands plant on his chest, nails digging into the fabric stretching over his firm pecs.
"Woo! Yeah! Kiss her hard! Kiss her really good.”
Your lip is still caught between his teeth when Joel slowly pulls away, eyes trained angrily on Sharon and Burt. He clears his throat as leans back in his seat, and you avoid eye contact with the very strange couple across from you. Joel's hand is hot on your exposed thigh, and now you really wish you weren't fifty feet in the air stuck with some very questionable folks.
Finally, five minutes later you touch the ground again.
"Y'all have fun now!" Sharon squeaks and steers Burt toward the cowboy-themed carousel.
"Have a good night you two," Joel says, faintly as they beeline away from you, almost like you were the weird ones.
He hands you the whale but holds the bear for you as you make your way back to Joel's pickup.
"Well, that was something," you say.
"I don't think I'll get that image out of my head. Or the smell," Joel's nose scrunches.
You stop, turning toward him. "I'm sorry about this. I thought it would be fun. We'd play games and share a romantic kiss on the ferris wheel and feed the animals-"
The words fade as Joel's palm settles on your cheek, his thumb running across your bottom lip, his other hand landing on your waist. "Darlin', we did all of that."
"Yeah, but it all sucked. I can't shoot for shit. And you don't like the animals being all cooped up, and then Sharon and Burt practically eating each other in front of us, then getting turned on by our kissing? You don't think I saw Burt's hard-on?"
His eyes widen in disgusted shock. "His what?"
Your eyes well up. "I’m sorry, Joel."
He shakes his head, pulling you into his chest. "Peach, I had a great time. I love doing whatever you love. I love you, okay? So next year, you can drag me out here again and we can be Sharon and Burt's spank bank material and I'll enjoy it just as much as I did today."
Your laugh is watery against his chest, and he tilts your chin up to softly press his lips against yours again, this time shielded from the hungry gaze of strange old people. He thumbs away your tears.
"By the way," he whispers against your lips. "I liked watchin' you fail at shootin'. It's cute."
You glare half-heartedly at him, pushing him off of you and rounding to the passenger side of the truck. "I always knew you were into humiliation."
"Maybe we should try it, just to know for sure," he smirks, leaning against the door frame, towering over you.
You look him up and down, eyeing the muscles of his forearms and the way his t-shirt stretches across his broad chest. Your voice comes out lower than you expect it to.
“Get in the damn truck, Miller."
"Yes ma'am."
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[Extends a hand when they see the other was searching for it while they’re sleeping] for any of your AUs?
Time for some Rodeo!AU content because it IS my first au I ever came up with and I have sorely neglected my first child :)
What I was listening to while writing this:
Bucky stabbed his finger against the worn numbers of the vending machine with a bit more malice than was probably warranted, but at that point he really couldn't be bothered to feign normalcy. He also chose not to glare at the look that one of the nurses gave him as she walked past at his annoyance, scurrying along quickly in her wrinkled scrubs.
The harsh over-head lights only served to make his head throb harder, exhaustion gripping him in its unforgiving talons. He muttered small mercys under his breath when the machine finally spat the energy drink he desperately needed down into the opening with a harsh rattle. His knees protested when he leaned down to grab it, every bone and muscle popping unpleasantly in a cacophony of aches and pains that he still wasn't a hundred percent used to even after years of harsh injuries and falls. He dreaded the future when he was in his 40's-50's with passion.
Running a hand down his face, allowing a sigh to slip past his lips, Bucky turned and made a familiar path back down the long sterile hallway. It was a maze of twists and turns to find the room he had all but taken to calling home for the last few days, but it had become second nature now. He didn't even have to put much effort into his own awareness to find himself exactly where he needed to end up.
Cracking the can held tightly in his hands, he allowed a quick mouthful of the acidic taste as he came to a stop in front of the closed door, the numbers 13 a dark contrast in black on pale white walls just to the left of it. He hazarded a quick blank look down to the toes of his sand covered Ariat boots, filthy and out of place where he was now, a deep breath filling his lungs before gently grabbing the handle and pushing open the door quietly. He squeezed himself through the small gap he allowed, trying not to let too much bright white light make its way into the dark void of the room.
Shutting the door behind himself was like cutting off the outside world completely, a tender silence enveloping everything like he'd just dunked his head underneath water, muted, calm and careful.
It was just a harsh reminder though when through that muted stillness, the monotonous beeps of a vital signs monitor and the slow clicking of a working drip shattered the false security he had let himself melt into when he had left for those mere few moments to grab himself the drink.
His throat felt impossibly tight, restricting and uncomfortable as he crept his way quietly across the room, skirting around the end of the hospital bed and back towards the big lounge-type chair that he had slept or sat in constantly for days on end. It wasn't until he had lowered himself gently back down into it with a barely audible oomph, sitting the can on the ledged windowsill, that he allowed his eyes to flicker over to the still sleeping form in the bed.
The tight sensation in his throat got worse as his gaze flickered over the dark mottled bruises painting the entire left side of Gale's face, purple and harsh on sun-tanned skin that made the smaller man look almost too pale in what little light managed to bathe the room from between the closed blinds of the windows leading out into the hospital hallway. Small, but large enough for doctors and nurses to look into in observation as they walked past during the daylight hours. Bucky was thankful for the blinds, not sure he could handle seeing Gale's state in that moment in complete luminescence.
He allowed himself to stare at the rise and fall of Gale's chest underneath scratchy white blankets for a few moments. Just letting his own breathing mirror it, the beeping from the monitor almost in sync with both of them.
The slight wet wheeze still evident in every other inhale from Gale's breath had his nervousness fight its way into his mind, but he forced himself to calm down, re-running the doctor's words from a few days before back through his head for what felt like the millionth time.
Concussion. Five broken ribs. Broken orbital socket. Severely fractured left arm, same shoulder dislocated but since resolved. Broken left wrist. Not critical. No life support needed.
He's going to be okay. He's going to be okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Bucky swallowed down the sudden nausea that tried to claw its way into his stomach, images he wished he never witnessed and could never think of again flashing into his mind in tiny almost frantic increments.
Leaning up against the rails of the arena, hearing the noise of the crowd in the stands and the garbled voice of the announcer through the old speakers of the current grounds they were at. Seeing Gale up on his horse at the end of the arena, lasso poised in a gloved hand. That tiny almost invisible nod to whoever was manning the cattle chute. The gates flying open, steer leaping forward into a sprint, Gale's spurring his horse forward only a second behind. The quick flat gallop up the length of the arena, lasso lifted and twirling, and then the split second of a hoof put wrong, a fluke, a one in a million.
Watching almost as if in slow motion as the horse flipped, violent and sharp and deadly, and Gale being a helpless victim in the motion, not able to react in any way other than going down with the animal and being crushed underneath its 1000 pound body, disappearing underneath the horse's mass. Dust and sand flew up in all directions, and it was only when out of the sudden chaos that one of the women in the crowd screamed in shock that Bucky was spurred out of his slack-jawed wide eyed stupor and had him vaulting himself over the rails and running in the direction of the tragedy that had just occurred right in front of everyone's eyes. That repeating voice in his head of he's dead, he's dead, he's dead like a skipping record player.
He couldn't recall much after that, just snippets of memory of people shouting and panicking, Douglas and Curt making it to Gale and the horse at the same time as Bucky. Curt's voice screaming angrily and scared at the officials and the people around them to get the fucking ambulance and medicals over here you bunch of no good fucking-
Bucky was pulled from his thoughts by the nearly imperceptible noise that came from Gale's direction, a pained whimper cutting through the dark, and Bucky half stood from the chair, ready to press the call button or run out to get any of the nurses or doctors close enough outside the room. But Gale was still, save for the small frown that creased his brow, pain fluttering over his features before smoothing back out into the bliss of a drugged sleep.
Bucky blew out the breath he hadn't realised he had been holding in relief, slowly lowering himself back down into the uncomfortable lumpy cushion of the chair. He didn't take his eyes off of Buck, taking in once again the painful looking dark bruises and the small cut splitting the other man's bottom lip, luckily no longer bleeding. Blond hair fell limply over his forehead, some of the strands still stained a washed out red from the days old blood that Bucky wasn't able to completely wipe away while Gale was unconscious to the world in those first two harrowing days.
Bucky's gaze flickered down, resting on the open palm of Buck's right (and thankfully, amazingly) uninjured hand that was reaching out unconsciously towards him, and he couldn't fight the sudden tears that sat threateningly against his lower lashes, ready to spill if he took one wrong move.
Gingerly, like Buck would break underneath his touch, Bucky reached his own hand out and let himself melt into the cold sensation of Buck's fingers and palm against his own, the slightly smaller hand all of a sudden seeming so fragile in the grand scheme of things. He wiped the traitorous tears of his eyes away with the back of his free hand, sniffling harshly in defiance.
Letting his eyes roam over Buck's now peaceful expression, he reached up and carefully brushed some of the wayward blond hairs off of the smaller man's face, trying not to fuss but at the same time letting himself feel the stark relief bleed through into his mind and heart.
He's going to be okay, he's going to be okay.
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dawn-moths · 2 months
"Till Death, What's Left"
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Tomura & Dabi x Female Reader
word count: 23,000+
part 1 * part 2 * ...
(A quirkless AU where after fleeing a treacherous incident, you find yourself caught up in the company of two strangers who also seem to have just narrowly escaped their own horrors. Unexpected events keep the three of you crossing paths. Maybe it’s twisted coincidence. Maybe it’s fate. And maybe, just maybe, the three of you could make the perfect trio to perform a string of robberies with payouts high enough to change your lives forever.)
disclaimer/content warning: 18+ content! minors dni! concept inspired by the music video for “365 Fresh” by triple h, title taken from the lyrics, drug mention, drinking, sexual harassment/assault, violence, blood/gore, suicidal thoughts/actions, angst and trauma, jealousy, love triangle.
*i'm reposting this fic in hopes that it reaches a wider audience this time given it originally went up back when i was sh*dowb*nned. also because chapter two will be coming out soon and i'll be putting in a lot more consistent work into it throughout this year.
*ao3 mirror*
The alleyway was narrow, cluttered with stray trash cans and empty produce crates and abandoned pieces of furniture that were littered with holes, serving as a metropolis for the vermin that scampered through the dirty, downtown streets.
The clouds covered the moon, another storm likely on its way based on the warnings grumbling from the distant, low rumble of thunder, the air thick with the humidity of the summer season. Suffocating, almost. Each breath taken was labored, the acrid tastes emanating from the city laying heavy on one’s tongue.
And, as painful as it was to draw in air under normal circumstances amidst this kind of weather, Dabi was running, his lungs burning every time he forced them to suck down more oxygen. His spiky black hair stuck to his forehead and back of his neck with a layer of building sweat, his old black boots nearly falling apart at the soles, brittle laces threatening to snap every time he got lucky enough to tie them up again.
He moved quickly through the obstacles of the alley, swiftly— like the stray cats that were spooked back into hiding with the sound of his fast falling footsteps coming near— but not nearly quick enough.
From behind him, the shouts were always right on his tail.
At the most, their angry voices were only ever the turn of a single corner away, at the least, close enough to grab his beat up old black denim jacket and yank him to the ground by the tattered collar.
If he could get to the abandoned apartment complexes further into the slums, he could lose his pursuers, weave his way through the crumbling buildings, his long, thin limbs slithering smoothly like snakes through the maze of gaps and holes that he knew so well— almost as if they were merely the halls of his childhood home.
Dabi wasn’t accustomed to getting caught. In fact, he’d only ever been sighted twice before, back when he’d first taken to this life after running away at the age of sixteen from the city that now loomed in the foggy distance. The beatings he’d sustained from the rival gangs back then, the near death experience of having his head kicked in by men twice his size and strength paired with the metallic taste of blood running down his throat had taught him to abide by one simple rule.
Don’t steal from someone you can’t outrun.
And Dabi was fast. Always had been, whether it be by wit or physical speed. But tonight, after enduring the beginnings of withdrawal from his beloved painkillers, his vision starting to sway, setting his balance off just enough, he wasn’t on his usual game.
The real kicker of it all is that he could see them come into view— the silhouette of the rundown, deserted apartments only a block or two away— just before his next step found a deep puddle and his feet slid out from under him, body slamming into the brick wall of the connecting alley before the back of his head smacked down on the grimy, cracked asphalt with a sickening thud.
It took his chasers four more strides to catch up, jumping on him immediately and snatching back the cash he’d swiped before beginning the third— and possibly final— beating that Dabi had ever experienced on these harsh streets.
His pale, tattoo covered skin was split with streaks of red, bruises blossoming in deep blue and violet shades across his face and body with every punch, every kick, every deadly impact from the gang as they told him— promised him— that they were going to kill him for this. The blood mixed with the sweat and ran in rivulets down his face, his teeth grit so hard with the pain that he feared they might crack.
But Dabi didn’t beg for mercy, didn’t even ask them to stop once.
He hadn’t the first time he’d been in this situation, or the second time, and now, he almost couldn’t help but laugh after his enemies left him to die lying in that alley.
They should’ve killed me, he thought through his sinister hysteria. They should’ve fucking killed me.
Because pain wasn’t something that Dabi feared.
Pain was like an old friend.
When he knew it was coming— and even when the visit was unexpected— Dabi welcomed the pain.
Because the pain meant he was still alive, even if just out of spite.
But he needed to get more of his pills. 
The pills weren’t the farewell to his old friend, pain.
The pills were an “I’ll see you soon.”
He liked the painkillers at night, when he was trying to sleep. Couldn’t sleep without them these days. But after a big break a few weeks back, Dabi had found himself with some extra time on his hands. More time to kill. More time to sleep.
So his nighttime hobby bled into the day, accompanied him through his afternoons and mingled with his lonely evenings.
Before he knew it, he’d found himself in a full blown love affair with the little white pills. His cruel, addictive mistress.
And he needed more.
He desperately needed more.
He’d do anything— had risked his life once already that night— and showed no signs of stopping.
After a while, he sat up with a groan of suffering, clutching his side where he was sure at least two of his ribs were broken, and braced himself against the cold brick wall of the alley to get back on his own two feet.
He had a bloody nose, a split lip, several other cuts and bruises marking his person, one of the more notable ones being a black welt under one of his eyes, the sclera dyed with red where a blood vessel had burst, contrasting starkly against his cobalt blue irises.
Dabi had already looked like hell on a good day and now…
Well, at least he still had his boots, even if they were falling apart.
So he kept moving, preparing to chase the next opportunity for cash.
Because he needed this tonight.
He’d lose his goodman mind if he saw the sun come up and his limbs were still shaking and his blood felt icy hot in his veins.
He was only a few blocks away from the nightlife district. Could practically see the red neon and blinking lights from where he staggered in the darkness.
So he started walking— limping, more accurately— trying not to scrape one aching foot on the pavement behind him where one of the bastards had tried to snap his ankle, and slipped into a shitty looking bar where the light was low enough that the other patrons hopefully couldn’t see his severe state of appearance.
“Hello, ladies,” Dabi began smoothly after clearing some thick, blood infused salvia from his throat, slinking towards the main bar where he saw two lone women drinking with one empty seat between them. He slipped onto the vacant stool and draped his arms over both their shoulders, limbs heavy with fatigue and radiating heat from the fading adrenaline.
They gave him varying glares of disinterest and disgust, but Dabi didn’t mind that.
It wasn’t the girls he was after tonight, anyway.
It was the set of shiny car keys that were placed oh so naively on the counter next to one of the women, the black and silver of the key fob taunting him, begging to be swung around his long, boney, tattoo covered fingers, tossed up into the air, caught, and pocketed as he strolled out of the bar and towards his new ride.
That oughta sell for enough cash to fund his drugs.
“I couldn’t help but notice that you both seem to be alone tonight…” Dabi’s lithe grasp inched closer towards the keys, slow and steady so as to not raise suspicions, yet it was killing him inside not to just snatch them and run. If not for the recent beating, he would’ve. “Might I interest you in my company?”
“We’re good, thanks,” one of the women shot back as she aggressively shrugged Dabi’s arm off her shoulders.
“Awww, c’moooon…” Dabi cooed condescendingly, eyebrows pulled together and lifted with faked disappointment. “Don’t be like that.” His fingers were nearly at the keys now. Just a few more inches and then…
“Dude, are you deaf?” the other asked rhetorically, also irritated at the unwelcome advances. “We’re not interested. Now get lost.”
Just a little closer…
A liiiiiiittle closer…
“Alright, alright…” Dabi stood from the barstool, slipping his hands into his jacket pockets and beginning to step away. “Just tryna be a gentleman, jeez…” And then, just as he’d played out in his fantasy, as he exited the bar and stepped back into the city streets, he twirled the keys around one finger, tossed them into the air, caught them, and headed towards the car whose headlights blinked from down the block as the unlock button from the keys was sensed.
“Dumb bitch,” he chuckled under his breath as he turned the keys in the ignition, hearing the engine start up as the radio turned on, pulling out of the poor excuse for a parallel parking job and speeding off back towards his part of town.
As the high of his success coursed through his veins, he caught onto what song was playing and cranked up the volume, the windows shaking with the bass as “Audi A4” by MISSIO blared through his stolen car.
“I know you’re watchin’!” he called out with the loud song, approaching an intersection where the light had just turned yellow, pressing down harder on the gas pedal. “My A-Team’s rockin’!” There was another vehicle approaching from the adjacent lane, their light soon to turn green. “And I’m not stoppin’!” He ran the red light as he sung along, laughing to himself when the other car slammed on their brakes and held down their horn at him. “One! Two! Three! Four!”
And with that, Dabi had officially crossed back into his part of town.
You were just closing up for the night, working the late shift at the privately owned salon and barber shop that you’d gotten a job at by a friend of a friend.
You fucking hated this place.
It always smelled like mold, especially after it rained, and the owner always gave you the jobs no one else wanted to do on top of the job you’d been hired to do, which had originally been to cut hair.
No, your misogynistic, ugly bastard of a boss didn’t even try to hide it. He made it plain as day what his real intentions were in hiring you.
You gotta get into all the cracks and crevices, he’d remind you with a sleazy smirk, watching you with hungry eyes as you got down on your hands and knees to scrub the floor. If you don’t do it this way, it’ll never get clean.
He complained about having to come in to “check on you” all the time, yet always found it in his “busy schedule” to watch you do something as degrading as scrubbing in between the mildew ridden linoleum with a toothbrush. Always had something to say about what you wore to work, no matter what it was, and had even slapped you on the ass a few times before as a “joke”.
Too bad you needed this job. Wouldn’t survive without it. Not unless you wanted to go work at the cheapest strip club in the red light district just to pay for some microwavable meals and barely scrape by on rent.
Yeah, you fucking hated this place. You often spent your time daydreaming about burning it down as you snipped the dead ends off of people’s hair, fantasizing about slitting your boss’s throat with a pair of scissors or straight razor as he hovered nearby and watched you blow dry and style your clients’ new looks.
But tonight, just about ready to walk out of this shithole that you still couldn’t believe anyone came back to, let alone could find in its hole in the wall location, you let out an exasperated sigh when you heard the cheap, rust-rotted bells— one of which was broken— jingle above the front door.
“We’re closed!” you called as you folded the last cloth poncho up and tossed it over one of the chairs. Then just to yourself you mumbled, “God, can’t anyone read the sign…”
But then you sucked in a gasp at the sight of the large, lumpy silhouette that belonged to your boss standing in the entrance to the salon, clutching your heart as he startled you.
“I’m just closing up,” you began as you caught your breath, wanting to get out of here even more now. “What? You forget something?”
“No,” your boss stated sternly as he stepped further into the salon and closer to you, you instinctively taking a step back towards the sinks. “You have one final customer.” He sat down in one of the three chairs and you felt your stomach sink.
This motherfucker.
“Well, are you gonna do your job or are you only good for sweeping and scrubbing floors?!” he snapped, shaking you from your creeping dread.
You grabbed your scissors and comb, trying to steady your shaking hands as you draped the poncho over him.
He was watching you from the mirror, beady eyes glued to the little bit of cleavage that showed from your button up shirt, only ever drifting to find your thighs that were exposed below your jean skirt.
Fucking pervert, you cursed him with distain, snipping away at his greasy, thinning hair as your rage began to boil.
“Oh, and I want a shave too, alright, sweetheart?” he added, mocking tone proving that he knew he was getting under your skin and enjoying every second of it.
Once you were done with his hair you grabbed the straight razor and shaving cream, trying to remain expressionless as you slathered his face with the white foam, refusing to meet the predatory gaze that he kept trained on you while you worked.
“You better not cut me,” he threatened with a leer, flashing the gaps in between his crooked, discolored teeth, some of which were missing entirely. You opened the straight razor, the metal gleaming sinisterly under the fluorescent lights. “If you do…” His hand found your thigh, sliding up to squeeze your ass over your skirt, making you flinch and grit your teeth, jaw flexing in venomous vexation. “You’re not gonna like the consequences.”
Yeah, well you’re not the one with a razor to my neck, motherfucker, you thought with burning malice.
You could see it so clearly, practically feel it as you sliced the blade across his fat neck, skin parting like a hot knife through butter as dark, dangerous red spilled out and drenched his pit-stained polo with gore.
You were sure that no one would miss him.
In the very least, you and your co-workers— the few of them that you had— would be free from his fucked up definition of flirting.
But what would you do with the body?
Surely you couldn’t lift him on your own and you’d probably expend more energy than you currently had available to drag him into the alley out back.
And what about the blood?
You could try to mop it up but…
“What’s the problem, hon?” he asked in that patronizing way you fucking hated when he noticed you hesitating. His hand began to worm its way up under your skirt, a few of his rough, thick fingers sliding under the waistband of your panties at your hip. “I hope you don’t take this long with regular customers.”
Your grip tightened around the straight razor, face scrunching up in disgust and discomfort.
“Hey!” he snapped when you didn’t give a reply, his grip tightening on you as well, making you hiss through clenched teeth and finally shoot your gaze down to meet his. His sharpness softened then, as if he’d won something, another revolting smirk spreading across his thin lips. “Do a good job and I’ll make sure and give you an extra good tip, ok?”
You let out a slow, only slightly shaky exhale, and then, with the blade pressed to his neck, you began to drag the razor along his stubbly skin, careful not to nick him.
He took his hand off you— for now, at least— but that did nothing to ease the fury that was expanding in your chest.
It’d be so easy, the idea whispered ominously. He’s in no position to run, no position to fight back. You have him exactly where you want him. Exactly where you need him.
Like a hot knife through butter.
Once you were done, using a warm towel to dab off the remaining shaving cream, your boss rolled himself from the chair with a grunt and went to inspect your work up close in one of the many mirrors.
“Not baaaaaad…” he praised in a rough, sing-songy tone, again making a lump of anxiety settle in your throat. You tried to swallow it down before you’d have to speak to him again, if he found a way to get another response out of you.
He turned to face you as you refolded the poncho and tossed it back over the chair, huffing out a breath of annoyance.
But just before you could turn around to hurry past him down the short hallway and exit the shop, one of his big hands found your shoulder, startling you yet again. “Now…” Your eyes went wide with terror as his expression morphed into something violent, something that spelled more than just unwarranted touching or sexist remarks. “How about I give you that tip I promised, hm?”
He was pressing you against the sink counter before you got the first syllable of your protest out, your hips digging painfully into the edge while his growing erection rubbed up against the back of you.
“Stop!” you shouted, fighting to break free. “Stop! Let go!”
The straight razor sat open next to the sink.
“C’mon now…” he growled, pushing into you harder as he tried to hold you still, pressing your chest flat to the counter as you twisted and writhed under his grip. “Don’t be difficult. That’ll just make things harder for the both of us.”
Your blood ran cold, causing you to struggle harder, screaming out loud and shrill.
He slapped a hand over your mouth and you bit into his skin, making him curse and then rake his fingers roughly through your hair, grabbing at the roots and forcefully slamming your head down onto the sink counter, making you body shudder with the pain and then still momentarily from the daze of the impact.
The straight razor still sat open next to the sink, the glint of light off the blade blurring in and out of your spinning vision.
“You think I keep you around here ‘cause you’re actually good at cutting hair?” your boss taunted through a short, curt chuckle, undoing his belt as he kept you pinned against the counter. “Yeah, guess you’re as dumb as you are pretty, hon.”
You reached out, movements sluggish at first, and grabbed the razor, sliding it towards you.
“Maybe you should work late more often,” he had the audacity to say next, tugging your panties down, the sounds of threads tearing making your heart hammer in your chest with panic and your stomach turn with nausea. “Maybe, if you’re good, I’ll give you a raise…”
You began to push up from the counter, spine trying to straighten, the razor gripped tight in your trembling first.
But it wasn’t fear that was making you shake right now.
Now it was nothing but pure, white hot, blinding rage.
“Little slut. Always coming to work dressed like a whore. You can’t exactly blame me for—” But the next insult was cut short as the deadly end of the straight razor buried itself into the disgusting man’s throat, his sputtering gags filling the space where his words used to be as liquid red ribbons spurted from his jugular.
You yanked the blade from his neck, a spray of red speckling your face and front of your button up shirt as you winced and closed your eyes, more of the gore spilling from his neck from between his fingers as he stumbled back and tried to apply pressure to the wound.
You watched as he tripped over his own feet and almost fell back into the chair he’d just had you shave him in, but missed by a couple feet and instead smacked the back of his head against the metal arm rest before dropping like a bag of rocks to the linoleum floor.
The razor was still in your hand, blood dripping off the end of the blade that reflected the bastard’s final dying breaths.
He gaped at you with wide eyes, reaching out with his free hand and seeming to be attempting to plead, to beg for help or mercy or any of the other things he would never have shown you.
But you weren’t a monster like him.
You weren’t going to leave your prey to writhe and squirm in agony.
Because you weren’t a coward either.
For better or for worse, you were going to finish the job.
Like a hot knife through butter, huh?
Let’s find out.
You approached him slowly, careful to stay out of reach from his grabbing hands that would likely pull you down to the floor by your ankle and try to get the one up on you again in his final moments. When you realized just how weak he was growing from the bloodloss, you straddled his fat body, probably giving him one last hard on before it all came to an end. Because the next thing you did was drive the razor into the base of his neck, right where there would’ve been a dip in his collar bones if they’d been visible, repeating the vicious motion until his struggling had finally stilled and he lay there unmoving, his blood covering you both, the light having left his squinting, rodent-like stare.
You stepped off of him then, watching the blood pool around him for a minute or two before the weight of it all came crashing down on you. The straight razor slipped out of your hands, which were trembling in fear now, all prior rage-fueled vengeance gone. And it was the metallic clang of the weapon hitting the floor that finally pulled you back down to earth.
“Fuck…” you exhaled through a shaky breath, looking down at the blood that covered your hands, hasilty wiping them on your jean skirt with splotches of red before rushing over to grab all the ponchos you’d just folded, throwing them down and trying to soak up all the blood that was continuing to pour from his person.
“Fuck… Fuck… Fuck!”
Thank god it was closing, but still. The night would only last so many hours. Would you have enough of them to get rid of the body and hide the evidence before tomorrow morning’s clients came knocking?
There was so much blood. Way more than you thought there’d be, that was for sure. All the ponchos were ruined with a dark, rusty red. Discarded thoughtlessly in the dumpster out back where you’d painstakingly dragged the body to slump alongside all the trash it belonged with.
Someone would find him. There was no doubt about that.
But by then, you’d be gone. The shop would be clean. Or clean enough to buy you a little more time, at the very least. And you’d most likely have packed the few belongings you had back at your dingy, cramped apartment and skipped town.
You didn’t know where you were going but the one thing you did know was that you couldn’t stay here.
It had to be nearly two in the morning when you finally stumbled out of the shop, not remembering if you locked up behind you but not giving a shit at this point, hurrying down the short span of alley that would lead you back out onto the hopefully abandoned main streets, when the blinding glare of oncoming headlights stopped you in your tracks, causing you to freeze in the middle of the narrow road where a car was barreling towards you.
If it killed you, at least you wouldn’t have to deal with the cops hunting you down.
But it stopped with a jolt and a screech only a few feet before colliding with you, the driver inside slamming back against the headrest with the force before you both just stared at each other through the windshield with wide-eyed, surprised and terrified expressions.
Dabi noticed the blotches of red that were freckled across your white shirt, the smudges of rust on the faded denim of your skirt, saw the bits of blood that had dried in your hair and on your face where you thought you’d wiped the evidence away.
He turned down the blaring music and opened the driver’s side door, stepping out and looking at you for a moment as the headlights continued to cause you to squint and shield your vision with one hand, only able to see the stranger’s silhouette— a tall, lanky shadow with spiky, wild hair.
What he’d meant to say was get out of the road, but instead what came out was, “Need a ride?”
You nodded, trying to gulp down the remnants of the trauma you’d just been through over the past couple of hours.
“Then get in.”
So you did, having no problem listening to this man without hesitation— well, you had minor hesitation, but still— though you supposed that this man hadn’t tried to assault and rape you.
If he did, you wouldn’t have your straight razor, but now that you’d done it once, you supposed you wouldn’t be afraid to kill again.
But he didn’t try to put his pale, tattoo covered hands on you. Just glanced down at the blood that stained your hands and asked with a sarcastically curious, “What happened?”
“Nothing…” you shook your head, trying to hide your hands by sitting on them, feeling the still drying blood sticking to the underside of your thighs, staring out the window and hoping that he would become more distracted by the road than your crime. “You can just drop me off near the train station.”
The man, who you now noticed had tattoos not just on his hands but pretty much everywhere— the ink trailing up his wrists and arms, his neck, even some migrating under his eyes— along with cuts and bruises of his own, and bright, clear, damn near entrancing blue eyes simply put the car into drive and continued down the narrow side street towards where you’d directed him.
Tomura Shigaraki had tried to kill himself numerous times before.
He’d tried suffocation, drowning, pills, leaning off the edge of a bridge and peering down at the drop that was sure to end him the moment his body hit the concrete.
He’d tried— and succeeded— at taking his own life numerous times before in the safety of his own mind. Took comfort in imagining his lifeless body lying still, undisturbed on a sidewalk somewhere or, better yet, in the comfort and familiarity of his own home.
And, a few times, he’d tied a plastic bag tight around his head and breathed until all the air was sucked out only to then panic and then tear it open, taking in big gulps of air and coughing out his impulsive stupidity.
He’d gotten into an overflowing bathtub completely clothed and submerged himself beneath the surface, tried to hold himself at the bottom until his body began to convulse and his chest tightened in pain, only to then break through the surface and yield the same result as when he’d failed previously.
But tonight, Tomura had found a fool proof plan.
There was always traffic downtown, especially on the weekend when the bars and clubs and general nightlife scene was at its most concentrated.
So as he walked along the sidewalk in his beat up old red converse, one of the laces untied and threatening to trip him with every step, he tried to imagine which one would take his life.
Would it be a standard yellow taxi cab? A family SUV?
Or maybe it would be a nice, expensive, spotless sports car.
Maybe it would be red or black or— better yet— white. That way his blood would show up bright against the hood.
Yeah, a white ferrari might be nice, Tomura thought with morbid glee.
But as he stood at the crosswalk, the glowing street sign above his head blinking with the WALK symbol of the little minimalistic figure taking a step forward, he found the one that he really wanted.
It wasn’t a ferrari, but it was white. A Mercedes-Maybach S Class with silver detailing.
And it was going fast.
Even after the light turned to yellow, the speeding car showed no signs of slowing.
Perfect, Tomura thought, bracing himself to step out in front of it at just the right moment.
The street was empty, aside from him and the car, the late hours of the night proving to be a little less optimal for his death than he would’ve originally liked, but if this was it then so be it. Tomura was ready to die. 
He was ready to not have anything around to stop him this time.
So he did it.
He jumped in front of the speeding car, his body slamming into the hood just as Dabi slammed on the brakes and skid to a halt for the second time that night— the second time that hour— nearly killing another complete stranger.
Tomura’s body flung back and rolled out into the middle of the street, laying motionless under the glow of the red light.
“What the fuck?!” Dabi shouted as he stepped out of the car, trying to assess the damage but not stray too far as he was still seriously considering just driving off. But he’d already stolen a car. He didn’t exactly want to add hit and run to his list of crimes for the night, though it’s not like it would’ve been the first time. “Are you fucking kidding me?!”
“Should we help him?!” You were getting out of the car now, unsure of whether you should approach, seeming to be pulled towards the body and the car back and forth by an invisible line as you nervously shuffled on your feet. “God, what do we do?!”
“He threw himself in front of me!” Dabi snapped defensively, as if you hadn’t been sitting right next to him and seen the whole thing. “Fucking idiot! God…”
“Well, is he dead or…?” You now started towards the body as Dabi scanned the area, pulling on his hair with stress and frustration. No one was around but that didn’t mean the accident hadn’t been seen.
The scrawny stranger who lay in a heap of black clothing and shaggy, silvery hair wasn’t moving, but still, you couldn’t help but hold out hope.
“H-hello?” you asked once you were close enough that, if he was alive, he might be able to hear you. You knelt down to his level, leaning over him now, trembling hands hovering above his body like you were afraid even the gentlest of touches would shatter him, cause him to disintegrate to dust.
But then the young man groaned and flopped over onto his back, blinking bleary, scarlet eyes up at you. He had tired eyes, dark circles etched in deep, and a scar that ran over one side of his chapped lips.
“Oh my god!” you exclaimed as the silver-haired stranger mumbled quiet, incoherent things under his breath. “Hey! Hey, he’s alive!” you called back towards the tattooed man who’d nearly killed you not long ago. “He’s alive!”
Dabi remained by the car, his body leaning against the inside of the open driver’s door with one foot perched on the floor mat, halfway to just abandoning the both of you here and saving his own ass. “Are you fucking kidding me…?” he asked again, though this time mainly to himself.
“Hey, can you hear me?” you asked the person laying on the road in front of you. “Are you ok?”
As Tomura’s vision began to refocus, his voice began to return to him too. As far as he could tell, he was mostly uninjured. His entire body felt like it was just run over by a truck— or, well, actually, it was a Mercedes-Mayback S Class— but other than the constant aching soreness that made it hard for him to move, he was otherwise alive.
“Are you…” Tomura began. You leaned in closer to hear him better, his voice a raspy ghost of a whisper. “Are you an angel?”
When you smiled at him then, just a tiny, slightly amused yet relieved grin, Tomura’s eyes rolled back into his head and he let out an exhausted sigh. Or, well, perhaps he too should be holding out hope. Because if you really were an angel that meant that he’d finally succeeded in killing himself.
“Can you stand?” you asked him next. In response, Tomura tried to roll back over onto his side and push himself off the ground. Your hands tried to guide him, to steady his body until he was on his own two feet and had an arm slung over your shoulders while you helped him limp towards the car.
“Hey!” Dabi shouted angrily as the two of you approached. “No! Leave him on the fucking curb! I ain’t chauffeuring another person around!”
“He’s hurt!” you called back in protest, staring up at Dabi with a plea for mercy. “We can’t just leave him!”
“Listen. I said I’d drop you off,” Dabi sneered, glancing at the staggering stranger with revulsion. “Not you and some random guy who was dumb enough to step out into oncoming traffic!”
“Hey, where do you live?” you asked Tomura, who still seemed to be caught in a daze, his weight becoming a little heavier on you as his body began to slump. When he didn’t respond, you just looked back to Dabi and said, “Just drop him off with me. I’ll figure the rest out.”
Dabi stared at you both then, battling with himself on whether you were worth the trouble or not— as if you’d ever been worth the trouble— then gave a begrudging sigh, telling you to hurry up and get back in the car.
You opened the door to the backseat and helped Tomura slide in before running around and reclaiming your seat on the passenger’s side, Dabi taking off before you’d even finished closing your door and speeding recklessly down the darkened night streets once again, clearly not having learned his lesson the first time— or the second, for that matter.
You kept watch on the man in the backseat from the rearview mirror, who just had his head lazily rested against the seat, slouching down and not bothering to put a seatbelt on as he stared out the window with utter defeat. If it weren’t for the steady rise and fall of his chest, there were a few times you would’ve thought him to be dead with how still he was sitting.
“Hey…” you addressed him. He just shifted his crimson gaze to meet yours in the mirror. “What’s your name?”
He averted his eyes again, staring back out the window at the ghost town rushing by outside. “It’s Tomura…” he finally answered after a long, labored breath.
You introduced yourself in return, only getting a simple, barely detectable nod in response.
“And what about you?” you then asked the driver whose jaw was still clenched, back teeth grinding in agitation from the recent events.
“Who gives a shit…” he answered rudely, narrowing his gaze at the road before him, running another red light.
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes. You didn’t particularly care either, you supposed.
“Ah, shit…” Dabi then said as he noticed the gas meter running empty. You were about to ask him what was wrong, but then he continued with, “Who the fuck goes out with their tank this low?” 
While he was throwing a fit over the dwindling fuel, you were starting to recognize the area, only a few more blocks till your apartment complex, but you didn’t say anything as you could feel the driver’s stress filling the atmosphere of the car. And, with this guy, you felt like a simple statement of “hey, my turn is coming up” would be more than enough to set him off right now.
Dabi cut down another side street where he knew a gas station wasn’t far. It was just outside the city, which you’d already been on the outskirts of, but Dabi wouldn’t be able to pawn the thing off if it stopped rolling the moment he parked it in the shady, underground garage of the illegal stolen car salesman he knew, so he had no choice.
And god he needed his pills.
He needed the cash first though, and to get the cash he needed the car.
Fucking million step process just to get some fucking painkillers, he thought bitterly.
But he could complain and grumble all he wanted.
In the end, he’d do whatever it took, just like always.
“Stay in the car,” he’d said in a way that sounded nonchalant, but you knew was an order, slamming the door shut before you could answer and going over to fill the tank.
You looked back at Tomura, who was still gazing out the window in a daze. You couldn’t help but stare at him, tracing the lines of his scars with your eyes, following the way his wavy hair framed his face and the cool light of the street lamps illuminated his pale skin, making his scarlette eyes glow even brighter. A vibrant contrast against all the monochromatic shades that otherwise painted his person.
“Hey…” you began, speaking softer that time, as if trying to soothe him. “Why did you do that?”
He didn’t respond at first, the only indication that he’d heard you being the slight widening of his eyes, the expression reading as if something dire had just occurred to him before dissipating back to exhaustion. 
“Do what?” he asked with a bored, tired drone.
“Try to kill yourself?”
Tomura looked at you now, only his eyes moving as if the rest of his body couldn’t be bothered. But he couldn’t hold your gaze for very long, the intensity of your sincerity killing him in a way he’d never considered.
“Dunno…” he lied, giving an awkward half shrug, wincing in pain halfway through and gripping his shoulder with one hand.
“Well it was a stupid thing to do,” you scolded him lightly, causing him to shoot you another one of those feral, wide-eyed glares, head turning a little more this time.
“Yeah, and what would you know about it?” he challenged with a scowl, raspy voice a little more sharp now. A little more dangerous.
“I know that if it were me, I wouldn’t try to drag someone else into it. Especially not complete strangers,” you answered, now wearing a scowl of your own.
But you weren’t actually mad at him, per se.
The way you saw it, even though you hadn’t been the one driving, you still would’ve felt responsible if you’d just left him there alone in the street. 
Besides, you’d already taken a life that night and one was more than enough for you.
So you weren’t mad at him. Just concerned.
Because, maybe, at one point or another you’d been just like Tomura. And, possibly sometime in the very near future, you’d be more than willing to throw yourself into oncoming traffic or off a building or bridge or, in the very least, swallow a bunch of pills just to make it all stop.
Because the sight of all that blood— the smell of it, acidic copper mixed with the chemical burning of the bleach stinging your nose— and the sheer fact that, despite the circumstances, you were indeed a murderer as of a few hours ago, well…
The full weight of that was sure to settle over you eventually and, when it did, it just might be too much to bear.
“Whatever…” Tomura puffed out through an exhale of annoyance, looking away from you and back out the window.
Only, Tomura actually did want to answer you. He just didn’t have the right words at the moment to explain it all— that sinking, empty emotion that comes with feeling like you’re completely alone in the world, of having nothing and no one. 
Though, a few seconds later, he perked up in the backseat, noticing something amiss as his skittish crimson gaze scanned the scene outside the window.
“Hey…” he said, causing you to glance over your shoulder. “Where’d that guy go?”
Dabi walked into the gas station’s convenience store with his hood up, his head down, and his hands shoved into his pockets.
First, he pretended to browse the chip aisle, strolling slowly as he read over all the brand names. Out of the corner of his gaze, he noticed a security camera. He wondered if it was actually on.
The cashier leaned over the counter and scrolled mindlessly on his phone, used to only a few sporadic customers coming in during the graveyard shift. He hadn’t even glanced towards Dabi when he’d entered, probably wouldn’t have cared even if he’d seen all the tattoos that covered his pale skin, that ran down his arms and up his chest and neck and face.
Maybe he wouldn’t care if Dabi tried to rob the place, if he took all the cash in the register and ran off either.
Because Dabi was even more shit out of luck than he had been at the start of the night.
He’d lost that bundle of cash he’d stolen when those guys had caught and beaten him in the alley and the gas station console wouldn’t let him fill his car until he had proof of payment first.
Well, here goes nothing, Dabi thought as he sighed and marched up to the register.
The kid was still scrolling through his phone and it was only when Dabi aggressively cleared his throat did he glance up, face going white when he registered the man standing before him.
“Uh… Can I—” the kid began, but was cut off as Dabi began one of his most ambitious bluffs in a long time.
“Open the register,” he ordered with a growl, voice quiet but stern, pushing one of the fists that were shoved in his pocket closer to the kid, pretending to conceal a gun. “And hurry it up.”
The cashier didn’t hesitate. He fumbled with the drawer and laid its entire contents out on the counter for Dabi to take, backing up and knocking down some of the cigarettes from where they were placed behind the counter while the tattooed thief stuffed the cash into his pockets.
When Dabi was done, he just nodded at the kid and said, “Oh, and gimme one a those,” eying one of the packs of marlboros that now lay scattered behind the counter. The cashier tossed him a pack with a shaky hand and then Dabi left, rushing towards the gas console, feeding in the bills, filling the tank, and then yanking the pump out the moment he heard it click, not bothering to place it back in its holder before jumping in the car and speeding away with a screech, both you and Tomura staring at him with wide-eyes, hands gripping the safety bars above the window as your bodies were jostled around with every veering turn.
“Uh… What ha—” you tried to ask.
“Don’t…” Dabi snapped, making both you and Tomura flinch. “Ask.”
So you didn’t. You remained silent for the rest of the drive aside from directing Dabi where to turn once you reentered the part of town you recognized. When you told him here was fine, he pulled over to the curb. “Um… Thank y—”
“Get out.” Dabi cut you off. He wouldn’t even look at you. You hesitated for a moment, once again wishing that you at least knew this mysterious man’s name despite how he’d treated you, then opened the door to exit. “And you,” Dabi glared at Tomura from the backseat, the silver-haired suicidal a little more alert now. “I ain’t drivin’ you around anymore either. Get out.”
Once Tomura was standing beside you on the sidewalk, Dabi just turned the music back up until it was so loud you could hear “Johnny Wants To Fight” by Badflower in a muffled blast from inside of the car and sped off again, feeling more on edge by the minute and needing to get the stolen car to his contact before the police had a chance to find him first.
And then it was just you and Tomura left in a perplexed daze in the middle of the night a few blocks from your apartment, everything that had happened up until this point feeling like some strange fever dream that you still hadn’t fully woken up from.
“So… uh…” you began, awkwardly eyeing Tomura who was staring at you like an inquisitive animal. “Do you live around here too or…?”
“I don’t live anywhere,” Tomura replied. “Not anymore, at least.”
It had to be three, maybe even close to four AM by now. Tomura looked tired. You were exhausted. You’d both had the same strange experience and just letting him walk away felt wrong, like you really would wake up tomorrow and forget everything, all the blood and black ink and silver-hair mixing together before fading away entirely.
“Do you… want to come in?” you hesitantly invited.
Tomura then seemed to snap out of his dead stare, blinking a few times before answering, “Sure.”
“This is it…” you said as you flipped up the switch by the door, the lights flickering a few times before illuminating the cramped studio. Tomura just stood in the doorway for a moment, eyes scanning what little there was to look at before stepping inside. Neither of you really knew what to say now. What to do. When an awkward silence began to fill the space, you asked, “So, um… Can I get you a glass of water or…?”
Tomura then seemed to snap out of whatever daze he was currently in, flinching as he registered that someone was speaking to him and responding with, “Oh, yeah, sure.”
As you took a hastily washed glass out of the sink where you’d left it this morning and filled it from the lukewarm tap, you kept an eye on your guest out of the corner of your vision and rinsed the dried blood from your hands.
He was standing in the middle of the room, honing in on specific details like what books you had scattered across the tiny, uneven coffee table you’d picked up for free from the curbside when you’d first moved here. He studied the dying houseplants that drooped by the fingerprint smudged windows, their leaves and vines having given up on reaching towards the sun long ago. But, one thing he noticed above all else was the single photo you kept on your scuffed up bedside table.
“Who are they?” he asked when you came over to hand him his drink. He took the glass carefully in his hands, as if he feared he might break it.
You took a seat on the end of your bed with your own glass of water, sipping at it as you glanced at the photo. “My family,” you admitted, though wore a sad expression where he would’ve expected one that was a little more, well…
Actually, he didn’t exactly have the fondest memories of his family either.
You thought he might ask you what happened to them, if they lived nearby or if you guys were close, but he didn’t. Instead, he just nodded like he understood and then sipped at his drink while standing a few feet across from you, both of you looking at each other and waiting for the other person to say something else.
You wondered just how long he’d been alone. How long he’d had to endure silence before almost getting killed— then saved, if you could call it that— by you and that tattooed guy in the middle of the street tonight. You almost asked. Would’ve, if not for him speaking first.
“Why did you let me in?” he asked, intentions unreadable in both his face and tone.
“Should I not have?” you inquired. Instinctively you reminded yourself where you’d hidden weapons throughout your apartment— a letter opener in the nightstand drawer, pocket knife underneath one of the couch cushions, multi-tool behind the vase near the front door— just in case things took a turn. Tomura just continued to stare at you, his gaze curious, as if he found you just as odd yet enticing as you found him. “I mean…” you then recovered, “You said you had nowhere to go, right?”
He nodded, bringing the glass to his lips but pausing before taking the next sip, saying, “Did you know the guy in the car?”
“Not until just before we ran into you,” you admitted.
Then Tomura asked “Did he do that to you?” nodding at all the blood on your clothes. You realized that maybe it wasn’t necessarily you he kept staring at with wild eyes, but all the evidence instead.
You’d already nearly forgotten about it.
“Oh…” you exhaled, plucking at your button up shirt and noticing that the bright red had gone rusty now. There was no way those stains were coming out. You’d have to throw your clothes away or, probably a better idea, burn them. “No, he didn’t. That was…”
But you couldn’t finish the sentence. Not even with an insult at your former boss. You just wanted to forget any of it had ever happened.
Tomura then sat on the end of your bed next to you, staring at where the beat up old sofa was pushed up against the wall and gulping down the rest of his water. It was then your turn to study him, decode his appearance as if that would answer all your unasked questions. But, unlike you, his situation was a lot harder to read. He kept it carefully concealed under long black sleeves and faded black jeans, shaggy tufts of hair falling in front of his eyes and hiding parts of his face from you.
Though, there was one thing you hadn’t noticed before, when the only light you’d had to view him by was the dim glow of passing streetlamps or traffic lights. His skin wasn’t just scarred, it was scratched, dry and patchy around his eyes and forehead, eyebrows sparse and chunks of his eyelashes missing as if he’d rubbed them off.
Instinctively, you raised a hand to touch him, wanting to care for whatever condition he had— wanting to understand it better so you could help— but when he saw it coming towards him in his peripheral vision he flinched back, grabbing your wrist to stop you.
You both stared at each other with gaping expressions, scared for different reasons.
“I’m sorry—” you went to say, the words caught in a gasp. But Tomura didn’t look angry. He didn’t look like he was going to hurt you. Instead, he looked at you as if he thought he’d just narrowly protected you from something horrible, like touching him was some kind of curse you might catch. “I didn’t mean—”
But then he let you go, giving you back your wrist, which you cradled in your other hand, and looked away from you. “Sorry…” he mumbled, vermillion stare stuck to the multicolored shag rug hiding the partially rotting hardwood floors. “It’s just… I’m not used to being touched and I…”
Similar to you, Tomura also had a hard time speaking the things he’d much rather forget.
Then, without thinking you blurted out, as if you had just suddenly decided it needed to be freed from the cage of your body, “I killed someone tonight.” Tomura didn’t flinch at that. Just looked back at you with a gaze that either said, “I’m sorry” or “I understand”. Maybe both.
And suddenly you had this fear of rejection, like you expected him to lash out and call you crazy, deride you for committing such a heinous act. But instead he just asked you, “Did they deserve it?”
You cracked a nervous smirk, the fever dream you felt like you were floating in becoming all that more unbelievable. “Yeah…” you said, a stifled, choking sound that was perhaps the dying embers of a sob catching in your throat. “Yeah, he did.”
“What are you gonna do?” he asked next. You felt like the scenery around you was beginning to blur, the walls closing in tighter and tighter until they’d press flat against you and trap you in a cube of claustrophobia. 
Your eyes began to tear up. “I don’t know…” The heat that was building in the room was beginning to feel suffocating. You buried your face in one of your hands, the other one holding the half empty glass of water starting to tremble. “I don’t know…” The air conditioner had never worked and even your cheap convenience store fan had broken recently. “I really don’t know…”
Tomura was unsure what to say to you, but he was trying to find the words. Any words. Any words at all to convey to you that you’d figure it out. That you’d be alright but—
But why did he care?
Why did Tomura— someone who’d tried time and time again to end his own life because he was so convinced that nothing was ever going to be alright for him ever again— care whether you sorted out your problems or dug your own grave?
Because she doesn’t deserve that, he figured. She has far more to live for than someone like me.
You were just crying now, your glass of water sitting abandoned on the floor by your feet as you hid your sorrows in both of your palms, body shaking even more as another wave of tremors wracked through your bones, sharp inhales peppered throughout your otherwise silent sadness.
Tomura wished he hadn’t stopped you from touching him earlier. He wished he’d allowed you to reach over and run your careful fingertips over his skin, the scars and the dry patches that cracked and split in thin slashes across his face.
Though, maybe, perhaps, if he could reach out and touch you, you’d allow him to try and care for you the way you’d wanted to care for him. As much as one hollow stranger could care for another, that is.
“They’re gonna find me,” you muttered, words garbled by the thick coating of saliva clogging the back of your throat. “They’re gonna find me and then they’re gonna—”
You froze when you felt a hand— Tomura’s hand— resting on the small of your back, peeking out from your palms as if to confirm that it was actually him that was touching you and you weren’t just imagining it. And he was tense at first. Not gentle and comforting like he had a feeling you could be.
But he was trying.
You were making him want to try.
“What…?” you eventually asked, Tomura’s startled stare becoming too intense for you to hold.
He then mumbled something, his voice so quiet you didn’t catch it at first. So again, you asked him, “What?” and when he repeated himself you realized he’d said, “I want to kiss you.”
You blinked a few times, trying to clear the thin film of tears that still glossed over your eyes, lashes spiked and cheeks streaked with drying salt. Your ears were ringing, and suddenly all you could hear was the buzzing in your head. But you felt your mouth moving, felt the gentle vibration of your vocal chords when you said, “So kiss me then.”
Tomura leaned in halfway, the hand on your back clutching your shirt in his fist, trying to conceal just how terrified he was of his own desire— for you and this newfound realization that maybe he did actually want to live, even if only just a little bit. It was overwhelming.
And it was kind of nice, the fact that he wasn’t trying to feel you up right from the get go and pin you underneath him like most of your previous one night stands tended to do. So you kissed him, and he kissed you back, but it wasn’t romantic or sweet. It was rough and desperate, both of you trying to leave proof on each other that the other person existed, that you’d met, that you’d both almost died that night yet had somehow ended up alive at the end of it all, even if one of you hadn’t wanted to.
Tomura had shaky hands. And they were cold, like they had no blood in them, like he really had died back there on the street and was just a walking corpse. They sent a shiver through your body as his fingers brushed against your ribs under your shirt, pushing up until they found the clasp of your bra, fumbling with it absentmindedly as if he wasn’t aware of what his fingers were tangled up in.
You reached behind you and undid it for him, both of you breaking the kiss and pausing for a moment, lips still almost touching as you panted into each other’s mouths and wondered if this was really happening. If you wanted it to happen.
I killed someone, you remembered again. And then I almost watched him get killed.
It was fucked up.
All of it.
Your life.
And definitely the guy who’d driven you two and then sped off without a word.
All of it was just so fucked up.
Has been for a long time, you thought, going back to kiss Tomura again, this time trying to be a little softer, letting him know that you needed things to slow down a bit. But when your tongues met this time, you realized something odd.
Tomura tasted like nothing.
Now that you thought about it, he didn’t smell like anything either.
Maybe he really is a ghost, you thought to yourself with much less concern than you probably should’ve. Either way, you wanted to feel his lips on yours again, kissing him over and over until you felt like some of his rigidness had melted away.
“Wait… Do you really wanna do this?” Tomura asked then, seeming to be second guessing himself now that his thoughts had actually caught up to his actions.
“Do you?” was all you answered in return. You think you wanted to, though, you weren’t exactly sure why.
Does there need to be a reason, you asked yourself. Does there need to be a reason when nothing makes any fucking sense anyway?
When Tomura’s hands started trailing up your body again, you took that as a maybe. When he kissed you again, also being a little softer this time, you took that as a yes.
So you let him have you, taking no issue when he squeezed at your ass or pulled your panties down. Because you could see it in his eyes— this void, empty space where maybe, at one point, his true self had been.
You had also lost your true self.
You couldn’t remember exactly when or how, but you often felt like you were nothing more than an empty vessel, just a body wandering aimlessly without a soul to occupy it.
And at one point, you too had wished for it all to end, having run out of options for escape, tired of scraping at the bottom of the barrel just to earn another day in the pathetic game of survival you supposed you called your life.
But here, now, with this silver-haired stranger who’s name you’d barely learned, you felt like the embers of your dwindling soul were being reignited in its hearth, the flames that maybe would grow into a steady fire coursing warm through your blood.
Tomura didn’t bother with much foreplay. Didn’t need to. You were wet enough already just from some simple touching and kissing. Maybe it was because you hadn’t been like this in a long time— lying underneath someone who you actually wanted to give yourself to, not just shutting out the sensations as you went through the motions when you were late on paying your rent. But Tomura still prepped you the best he could, slipping two of his slender fingers into your fluttering hole and pumping them in and out a few times, scissoring them inside to stretch you.
When you told him you were ready— that you wanted him now— Tomura sunk into you slowly, feeling you clench around him right away and letting out a groan as his crimson eyes rolled back in his head. As he rocked his hips rhythmically, your neck craned and your back arched, breathy little moans escaping your lips.
“Tomura…” you whined as he brought his chapped lips down to suck at your neck, leaving behind his own personal constellation of bruises, biting in sometimes and pulling a gasp or another moan from you.
His hips picked up the pace soon, thrusting into you and making your whimpers come out louder, sounds of pain and pleasure filling the formerly silent, small space of the apartment. You didn’t care if your neighbours heard you. It’s not like you knew your neighbours anyway. Besides, you were still planning on skipping town soon anyway.
“T-Tomura!” you were begging, but for what?
For more?
For him to slow down? To speed up?
Even you weren’t sure anymore.
You just let yourself get lost in the touch of the man you’d only known for a couple of hours yet felt you understood better than some people you’d known your entire life.
It was almost like you needed to prove to yourself that this was still ok after what had happened with your boss. You needed to know that you weren’t broken, that any scars you’d gained from that incident would heal and fade away. Maybe he could be the bandaid on the bullet hole that was the amalgamation of every horrible thing that had ever happened to you. With how good he felt inside you, it sure seemed that way.
And Tomura, well, he’d almost forgotten the last time he’d felt anything, let alone this much of a will to live.
Because every time his hips snapped against the inside of your thighs and your silky, pulsing walls clenched around his cock, or he pulled another one of those sweet little sounds from you, whenever your lips met his or his lips nipped at your neck, the strangest thought occurred to him.
Maybe I don’t want to die.
He wouldn’t trust that statement in the long run but for now, even if just one very strange, very ominous night, he’d allow himself to believe it.
And as the two of you curled up under the covers, soaking in each other’s body heat, Tomura’s long, thin arms wrapped around you like you were the only thing he’d ever had worth holding onto, he thought to himself…
Maybe with someone like her, life is worth living.
“Why do you want to die so bad?” you’d asked Tomura after you’d both woken up that morning, both your hair tousled with sex and sleep.
The two of you stayed in bed until nearly noon, the summer sunlight that poured in through the spotted windows giving you both a warm glow, sun dust visibly floating through the beams.
“I don’t know,” Tomura had answered, though that time he hadn’t just used the excuse as a filler for a question he didn’t feel like explaining. “I just… It’s been like that for a long time.”
You’d kissed him— a tender, soft kiss that made Tomura feel loved for the first time in, well, in forever— and he’d tried to kiss you back in the same way, hoping that you could understand through the gesture that you’d saved him— were still saving him— from the black abyss of his death wish one touch at a time.
“I was like you once,” you admitted then, wearing a sadness that Tomura was used to seeing in his own reflection, one that lived deep in someone’s eyes. And then it was his turn to ask you why. “Because,” you gave a short shrug. “I’m never getting out of here— out of this…” You then looked around your apartment as if that summed up the entire history of your life’s problems. You didn’t necessarily believe in heaven, though, if there really was an afterlife of some sort, you just hoped it really was a better place like people always said. Even if it were merely a plane of existence where you wouldn’t have to feel any more pain.
Tomura wanted to tell you that you were wrong, that someone as beautiful and kind and caring as you deserved so much more than this, deserved to live more than most people. Definitely more than someone like him and definitely more than someone like that guy who’d driven you both around so recklessly last night.
“I’m sorry,” was all Tomura could think to say as he held you closer to him, afraid to let you go, like if he did you’d turn to sun dust and disappear on the breeze that was seeping through the cracked window overhead.
“Don’t be,” you replied evenly, sounding tired. “Besides, I’m still alive.” You looked up at him, admiring the way the light hit his scarlet gaze. “That’s gotta count for something, right?”
Before either of you could say anything else, your phone began to buzz from the nightstand. You wriggled from Tomura’s grasp to see who it was, your blood freezing in your veins when you read one of your co-workers name’s pop up on the caller ID.
“What is it?” Tomura asked when he felt you tense.
A million different possibilities rushed through your brain at once.
Did they find the body?
Of course they did.
Do they know I did it?
Are the police already on their way?
No, they would’ve already gotten here.
Shit, where did I leave my shirt? It’s still got blood on it.
“Uh…” Your voice shook and you cleared your throat. “One second.”
You threw your legs over the side of the bed, reached down to pick up the nearest article of clothing, which just so happened to be Tomura’s black crewneck, and slipped it over your head, the oversized garment covering enough of you to feel decent as you picked up the phone and retreated to the bathroom, closing the door behind you, as if the walls were thick enough to keep even your low muttering from being overheard.
Just play dumb, you reminded yourself before accepting the call. You went home last, but not too late. Only a little bit after the hairdresser who finished up before you. You didn’t see your boss. Just went home.
“Oh my god!” your co-worker boomed from the other side of the call, making you wince and pull the phone back from your ear for a moment. “Are you ok?! Did you hear?! I can’t believe this—!”
Yep. They’d definitely found the body. But, luckily for you, it didn’t sound like you were a suspect yet.
You tried to swallow down any evidence of your so-called “crime”, attempting to sound surprised and confused, but not so much so as to expose that it was all an act.
“Someone stabbed him and left him in the alley behind the shop!” your co-worked continued in disbelief after you asked what happened. “Thank god you got home before running into whoever it was. I can’t imagine!”
There would be a more thorough investigation soon enough, you knew. The police would search the shop and find traces of his blood and probably the straight razor with your fingerprints on it. You could just argue that you’d had a customer earlier that day who’d booked a shave, or better yet, someone else at the salon would use it and mark it with their touch too.
But you would become a suspect. It wasn’t a matter of if, only of when.
“Are you on the schedule for today?” she then asked, and you could hear the flipping of pages in the background, your co-worker already working on answering her own question.
You knew you were, but there was no way in hell you were planning on going in. Cops were probably crawling all over the alley. If they stopped you for questioning, you weren’t sure how well you could hide the dread that was sure to show on your face and shake in your voice.
“I’m not feeling well today,” you lied. “Can you do me a huge favor? Take me off the schedule, cancel my appointments. I didn’t have many…”
Your co-worker said she would. She was a good friend, if you’d considered her as such before. She was always willing to check in on you, help you out when you needed it, but you knew she definitely wouldn’t be willing to sink with you on the whole killing your horrible, misogynistic, rapist of a boss situation, even if she hated him too.
“I wonder if this means our next paychecks will be late…” she sighed after agreeing to help you, wishing for you to feel better.
You both told each other to stay safe, keep in touch, and as soon as you hung up you let out a quivering exhale, a weight of getting through that conversation free of suspicion lifting from your shoulders momentarily.
You’d almost forgotten about Tomura until you exited the bathroom and saw him sitting on the edge of your bed, half dressed— aside from his shirt that you were wearing, of course— and beginning to lace up one of his beat up red converse.
“Hey…” You blinked at him as you stopped in the doorway of the tiny bathroom. “Feel like breakfast?”
“That’s why I was covered in blood last night…” You recounted drearily as you picked at a stack of pancakes, twirling your fork and watching the spongy food tear apart easily. Then one of your thoughts from the previous night returned to you.
Like a hot knife through butter.
You were losing your appetite.
“Well, sounds like the fucker deserved it,” Tomura commented with a lazy shrug, taking a bite of his own stack of pancakes, his loaded with blueberries and chocolate chips. For a guy who’d tried to kill himself so often, he sure seemed to enjoy the simple things in life.
You glared down at your plate, silverware clenched in your fists. “Yeah, well, it won’t matter what he deserved once the cops find out…”
“Hey…” Tomura’s hand cautiously found yours, fingertips barely brushing against you and causing your gaze to snap back to him. “They won’t find out.” But you assured him that they would, sooner or later, if you stayed here. “Then let’s leave. Run away from here.”
Let’s leave?
Run away?
As in together?
You didn’t think strangers who were this easily willing to skip town with someone they’d just met existed outside of fables and fairy tales. And you were still working on figuring out if last night was fact or fiction.
“I don’t know…” You sighed. “I just—” But as you looked back to the front windows of the diner, you caught a face you recognized slinking by, the tall, lanky, tattooed figure pulling the door open and entering the establishment.
Dabi stopped as he looked up and saw you and Tomura sitting in the furthest corner, huddled close together in the otherwise empty restaurant.
He pulled the hood of the sweatshirt he wore under his black denim jacket down to expose his spiky black hair. “No shit,” he scoffed, heading straight towards you then, sitting in one of the empty chairs and laying both elbows on the table comfortably like he’d been invited and was simply running late.
“What are you two doing here?” he questioned in a bored drone, then glanced at your torn up, soggy pancakes with that cerulean half-lidded stare and asked, “You gonna eat that?” You slid your plate towards him without a word and he began to dig in, ravenous, silverware trembling slightly in his hands.
Neither you nor Tomura really knew what to say. After everything that had happened last night between the three of you, what more was there to say?
“Why the fuck did you put so much syrup on this?” Dabi complained through his next bite, though he didn’t seem to mind too much with the rate he was shoveling the food into his mouth. His bright, azure gaze hopped back and forth between you and Tomura, waiting for one of you to answer his first question.
“What?” Dabi then snapped, a scowl forming on his brow.
“Nothing,” Tomura answered then, trying to act natural as he took another bite of his own breakfast.
“What are you doing here?” you inquired next, a bad mood beginning to creep over you.
“Uh-uh,” Dabi shook his head as he pointed his fork— your fork— towards you accusingly. “I asked you first. And what are you still doing with him?” He shot a quick glare at Tomura, seeming to harbor some ill will towards the man who’d thrown himself in front of a speeding car.
Or perhaps it was more the jealousy that the scrawny, silver-haired, scarlet-eyed stranger had gotten to go home with you and, even more, that he’d made a good enough impression to be invited out for breakfast the next morning.
“Well we were having breakfast before you showed up,” you replied with disdain, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair.
“Oh, were you now?” Dabi said with another sarcastic chuckle and a roll of his eyes. “Tell me, do you always prefer to dissect your food into a million pieces before you consume it, or is that just for special occasions?”
“What’s your problem, man?” Tomura then jumped in with a sneer, causing both you and Dabi to look at him with varying degrees of surprise. Dabi almost looked intrigued, like there was a challenge he knew he could win somewhere in Tomura’s question. And you, well…
You just weren’t used to people sticking up for you.
“Was I talking to you?” Dabi shot back through a low growl, his hand tightening into a white knuckled fist around the fork to try and hide his growing withdrawal symptoms, feeling his body temperature rise even higher, and not just from rage.
“Stop it!” you scolded, not wanting a scene to unfold. Now it was your turn to be on the receiving end of Dabi’s glare. “Just stop. What do you want anyway? If I’m remembering correctly, you told us to get out and then sped off. If you want money I’m not giving it to you.”
“Cute,” Dabi flashed his teeth at you in a mocking smile, shoving the plate, now nearly devoid of all its previous contents, into the center of the table. “But I don’t want your money.” He pushed his chair back and stood aggressively, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets. “But it’s your loss,” he baited with calculated indifference. “I was actually about to invite you both to make some with me.”
Dabi began to stalk off then, but just before he could exit the diner, he spotted some faces that he recognized through the building’s front windows.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit…” he swore under his breath, whipping back around and pulling his hood up, returning to his seat at your table hastily, back facing the window. You and Tomura both just continued to watch him with an uncomfortable perplexity. “Tell me when they’re gone,” Dabi ordered in a hushed voice, but neither you nor Tomura knew what he was talking about.
That was, until two cops entered the diner, eyes scanning the empty room, sticking on the trio of you three for a moment and causing a dagger of panic to spike in your chest, before they moved on to take a seat at the main counter, calling to the waitress who was just coming out from the back and ordering two coffees.
“Of fucking course…” Dabi sighed, raising his eyebrows in lazy defeat as if to say, “this might as well happen to me today.”
“What did you do now?” you accused with a scowl, eyes darting from the cops back to the tattooed stranger. Though, again, after last night, it was sort of odd to think of him in those terms.
“Shut up!” Dabi ordered with a hiss, lowering his head a little more and trying to angle his face away from the cops. “Just shut up.”
“Whatever,” you murmured with irritation, now taking your fork back up and going to pick at what little remained of Tomura’s pancakes, your annoyance making some of your appetite return to you.
But the cops didn’t stay long. Just ordered their coffees, drank them while talking about bullshit, paid, and left. You and Dabi both let out a breath of relief once you found yourself alone in the diner again. Tomura had just watched the whole thing unfold with wide eyes and wavering interest.
“What did you do?” you pressed harder once it was just the three of again.
“Look, I’m in some trouble with the cops and some of the local gangs, alright!” Dabi shot back with simmering fury, though still kept his voice hushed to a hissed whisper. “And I need money fast or else, the next time they see me, I’m dead!”
“The next time who sees you?” Tomura asked, not sounding the least bit worried as he sipped at the orange juice you’d ordered and barely touched.
“Either of ‘em, dumbass,” Dabi retorted with a roll of his eyes, causing you to kick him in the shin from under the table which earned you the most feral look he’d flashed either of you yet. His hand was curling into a fist again and, for a moment, you really thought he was going to swing at you, but he just heaved out another exasperated sigh and said, “Y’know what, forget it,” before standing from the table, the metal legs of the chair scraping harshly against the splotchy floors. He grumbled to himself as he shoved his hands back in his pockets and prepared to turn and leave, “Should’a never stopped for you anyway…”
“Why don’t you just sell that stupid car?” you called to him when he was halfway to the door. He stopped and glanced at you over his shoulder, staring at you as if he was giving you a chance to continue. “If you need money that bad,” you clarified, nervously taking Tomura’s hand under the table. “Just sell your car.”
Dabi marched right back up to you, perching himself to lean forward with both hands lying flat on the tabletop. “You think I haven’t thought of that already?”
“Well?” you raised, squeezing Tomura’s hand a little harder and making him give you a slightly anxious side glance. “Why don’t you then?”
You and Dabi just stared at each other, searching each other’s eyes with matching scowls as if hoping to fish out some kind of weakness, see who would break first.
Finally, Dabi slumped back down in his seat again and sighed, tapping his foot relentlessly on the floor. “Because…” he admitted, partially with defeat. “I stole it. And my normal guy skipped town so now I’m shit outta luck with finding someone I can sell it to without alerting the cops.”
You were just about to say something like, “Well that sounds like a you problem then,” when all of a sudden Tomura cut in with, “I know someone who will buy it.”
Both you and Dabi gave him incredulous looks.
“It’s kinda far away…” he elaborated, leaning in a little closer to the huddle, “But I’ve done deals with the guy before and…” his words drifted off as if he was forgetting his sentence at the same time he was speaking it.
“And?” Dabi snapped.
“And he’s good with that kind of stuff,” Tomura continued. “Like, buying and selling illegal shit.”
You blinked twice, your hand still clutched in Tomura’s, who was holding onto you now more than you were to him.
Just who was this guy?
“If you’re bullshitting me,” Dabi warned, pointing a long, bony finger at Tomura, who’s crimson gaze widened even more, “then you’re gonna be the one who’s dead at the end of all this? Got it?”
Dabi should’ve known better. Should’ve known that, at least before coming home with you last night, Tomura would’ve wanted nothing more than for the tattooed criminal to follow through with that threat.
But Tomura was telling the truth.
Sure, he’d never bought or sold a stolen car to his contact, but he had obtained all kinds of drugs in the past, experimenting with what would bring him the closest to death without actually killing him before he’d made his mind up about actually wanting to die.
So Dabi agreed, all three of you leaving the diner— without paying, mind you— and piling back into the white and silver Mercedes-Maybach S Class, Dabi speeding outside of town towards the direction Tomura pointed him in, windows rolled down and music blasting all the way on account of him not wanting to have to hear either of you talk.
“Over there,” Tomura pointed out once a graffitied billboard of a crying woman warning against the dangers of drug addiction came into view. “Turn left at the next intersection.”
Dabi grumbled something under his breath before veering left and causing both you and Tomura to lean in the same direction with the sudden force. He then drove down a long, abandoned stretch of empty road for what felt like a long time. His agitation was growing, fingers tapping relentlessly on the wheel until finally he demanded, “Where the hell is this place?”
“Right up ahead,” Tomura kept promising. Your hand had inched closer to his in the backseat every time Dabi voiced one of his annoyances, feeling safer than before when you’d been in the passenger seat beside Dabi but still nervous since you were never sure what was gonna set the guy off. Finally, your hand found Tomura’s, his fingers intertwining with yours as he came to seek safety in your touch just the same. You gave his hand a little squeeze, the gesture becoming your unspoken sign for rising anxiety. To try and ease the tension that was building in the car, as he lightly stroked his thumb over the top of your hand, Tomura added, “Next turn that comes up. You can’t miss it.”
The next turn wasn’t for twenty more minutes, so you rested your head against Tomura’s shoulder in the meantime, his rigidness melting away after a little while, even allowing himself to rest his head against yours, his fluffy silvery hair tickling your cheek.
But finally, once the turn came up, you were able to calm down a little bit. Mostly because Dabi started to calm down a little bit. Though, as he pulled up to the place, it looked more like an old gas station than a place where someone would trade a stolen car.
“This really the place?” Dabi asked, glancing at you nuzzling up to Tomura in the backseat with…
He forced himself to glare back out the windshield as his grip on the wheel tightened.
“Yeah, pull in here. There’s a warehouse in the back,” Tomura instructed, lifting his head from yours and becoming more alert. “I’ll go and see if he’s here.”
“Right… you’ll see if he’s here…” Dabi rolled his eyes, veering off to the side and putting the car in park. “For how far we just fuckin’ drove, he better be here.”
“I’m coming with you,” you announced as you exited the car after Tomura, not wanting to be left alone with Dabi any longer than you had to. Tomura tried to tell you that it would be better if he went alone, that his contact could be a little skittish when it came to meeting unfamiliar faces, but you promised you’d be good. That you’d stay quiet and close to his side. You took his hand in yours again and then he agreed, informing you that it would be best if you didn’t touch anything, no matter how tempting.
“I mean, what does this guy deal?” you asked with a playful raise of your eyebrows and lilt in your tone. “Like, rare gems or something?”
Tomura hesitated, his eyes widening a fraction as he stared down at you. Then he looked away, giving a lazy half shrug and lightly scratching at his neck as he replied, “Sometimes. Depends…”
Before you could even think of a response, you were being pulled along by Tomura, who stepped up to the entrance of the warehouse and knocked on the metal door. “Hey! It’s me!” he called, waiting a moment before going to knock again, shouting louder that time, “Spinner! It’s Tomura! Got somethin’ for ya! Open up!”
Seconds later, a shady looking man answered the door with a disgruntled, “Jesus, Shigaraki, keep it down! You’ll upset the new arrivals… Already bad enough that all the semi-trucks come down these roads all the time.” The man, who you assumed was Spinner, looked you up and down and then back to Tomura with a slightly skeptical, “Uh… This isn’t what you brought me… is it?”
Tomura pulled you closer to him protectively before replying, “The car,” pointing a thumb behind him at where Dabi still sat behind the wheel.
Spinner glanced at you— well, the two of you, really— a little surprised to see Tomura so protective over anything, let alone a person, and one that he was touching so easily at that. Then he stared out at the Mercedes and nodded once, saying, “Tell ‘im to drive it ‘round back. I’ll open the garage and he can park it there. In the meantime…” He hesitated, then sighed to himself, the faintest smile detectable as he told his old friend, “I guess you guys can come in.”
“Thanks…” Tomura nodded, guiding you further into the warehouse which was…
The place was like a rat maze, each turn beholding another narrow hallway with an exhibit of luxury furs or designer handbags or power tools, all kinds of multi-colored pills stored in old gumball machines or clear plastic storage containers. There was one wall covered in vintage gameboys, playstations, old arcade units, some electronics that you couldn’t even place. But the part of the warehouse that you found the most strange yet intriguing was the room that Spinner led you to.
It was lit mostly in red on account of the many heat lamps placed in each of the several glass tanks which contained different exotic reptiles— snakes and geckos, poisonous frogs and iguanas. You were even pretty sure one of the animals was a baby crocodile.
“Still selling exotic animals, huh?” Tomura teased with an odd kind of fondness as he scanned the room, noting to himself the newest additions to Spinner’s collection from the last time he’d paid him a visit. “What? Tigers and Lions take up too much space?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Spinner shot back, as if offended. “I wouldn’t trade these no matter what the price. They were all lab animals. Test subjects for this and that. But recently another friend of mine caught wind that they were gonna be confiscated by some kind of animal control, so I took ‘em instead.” Spinner reached in and grabbed up one of the lizards, which rested calmly along his wrist as he gently stroked the top of its head. “Poor little guys have been through a lot…”
“Right, so, the car?” Tomura redirected. “Will you buy it?”
The dealer’s affection for his reptiles faded back into an attitude of business as he placed his hand back into the tank, allowing the lizard to crawl down and scurry back into its little cave as he said, “Gotta check a few things and then I’ll let you know. Your friend should be around back by now. Guess I should go meet ‘im.”
“He’s not my friend,” Tomura finally admitted, pulling you a little closer to his side as you continued to gaze around the reptile room in awe.
“Who is ‘e then? Someone we can trust at least, right?”
Tomura bit his tongue to try and suppress a nervous smirk, one of his hands clenching into a fist as it threatened to dig into his skin as he lied, “Somethin’ like that…”
“It’s complicated,” you chimed in, both Tomura and Spinner’s gazes snapping towards you. Neither of them said anything so you went on a little more nervously with, “W-well… The three of us sort of just… ran into each other the other night and—”
“Ah, c’mon, Shigaraki…” Spinner sighed with irritation. “How many times have I told you to only bring people you know here. Need I remind you what happened that one time with that guy who ended up being an undercover cop?”
“Trust me, this guy’s definitely not a cop,” Tomura assured his friend, removing his touch from you and migrating closer to Spinner, pleading his case. “If anything, he’s a first rate asshole, but other than that…” Tomura shrugged. “Guy has his own reasons for needing the cash.”
“So you’re splitting it?” Spinner asked, seeming to warn Tomura with the raise of his eyebrows that that was a bad idea. Tomura gave a hand gesture that said something along the lines of sort of, not really, who knows and a wincing expression. “Does he know that?”
The two of them began to leave the room, and you were staring at Tomura as if he’d look back and tell you to sit tight until he returned, that everything was ok, but he just kept on walking, chatting away with his friend while you sought refuge on the tiny sofa in the center of the room and basked in the red glow and many slithering silhouettes of the snakes in the tanks.
It felt like a long time until you finally heard footsteps approaching down the way that Tomura and Spinner had gone off in. Though, instead of silvery tufts and crimson eyes rounding the corner, you were met with inky black and smoldering sapphire.
Dabi was smoking a cigarette. Must’ve just lit it with how he was fidgeting with the silver lighter, a soft metallic clang tapping out irregularly. “Well, it’s just one fuckin’ surprise after another in this place, ain’t it?” he remarked with a sarcastic scoff, plopping down on the couch next to you, stretching his arms out over the back and looking around at all the scaled creatures with carefully concealed awe. He blew out a cloud of thick smoke, the smell making your nose wrinkle as you scooted away a few inches. You wanted to tell him he probably shouldn’t smoke in here on account of all the animals but, who were you kidding, it’s not like he would’ve cared.
“Where’s Tomura?” you asked, a slight twinge of worry laced into your voice.
“Your Romeo’s out with that other guy inspecting the car,” he replied dismissively through a yawn. “They better hurry it up. I want my money…”
“I think you mean our money.” You’d meant it to come out sounding much stronger than it really had— more of a declaration than a timid reminder— and your confidence dwindled even more when Dabi shot you a narrowing glare.
“What are you talking about? I’m the one who stole it. Hell, I drove you two around in it all night. You guys owe me.” He scoffed to himself again, wearing a cold smirk and slightly adjusting his position on the couch. Under his breath he muttered, “Our money… Please.”
Perhaps it was the fact that you’d killed someone or just that you were getting really fed up with this guy, but something had suddenly possessed you to argue back, “Yeah, and without Tomura you never would’ve had somewhere to sell the car. Remember that?”
Dabi shifted his position to face you better now, rage lighting up being his eyes while his tone remained low and even, a volcano always on the verge of erupting. “And tell me, how do you come into all this? ‘Cause as far as I’m concerned, you’re just some bitch I found covered in blood wandering the streets in the middle of the night. What’d you do? Slash some guy who got a little too rough with you? Or, wait, maybe your story is that he tried to attack you first and somehow you got the upper hand.”
You felt an unpleasant burning in the back of your nose. The tightening of your throat. Tears prickling at the edges of your vision. But you weren’t about to cry because you were offended. You were about to cry because you were furious.
Because this guy didn’t know a goddamn thing.
And, even if he did— even if you told him the truth— he still wouldn’t care.
As long as he got his drugs at the end of all of this, why should he?
“You don’t know anything,” you growled, rage cutting through your trembling fear that yes, you were a indeed a murderer. And one soon to be at large once the cops did a little more investigating.
Dabi leaned in, pupils mere pinpricks as all that bright cerulean threatened to swallow you whole. “Then just fuckin’ tell me already.”
But you were leaning in too, you now realized, your shared trait of living hard, unfortunate lives pulling you together like two mistreated magnets, however resistant you tried to be.
And as Dabi stared you down that time, you realized that something had changed— or rather, was changing— behind that piercing cobalt stare of his. It made you reconsider that maybe, if you just filled in the gaps, he would understand. He would care.
Or maybe he’d just turn you over to the authorities for ransom and call it a day.
“My boss…” you swallowed, mouth coated in thick, sticky spit. “He tried to— He almost…” You let out a frustrated sigh, a shiver skittering through your bones as you replayed the events of less than twenty-four hours ago in your head. If you focused hard enough, you could still smell that pungent metallic tang of all the blood, feel his thick fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs. “I didn’t have a choice. If I didn’t kill him, he would’ve killed me, sooner or later.”
Dabi was slowly nodding his head. And, for a moment, you thought maybe he did understand. But when he opened his mouth and asked, “So, you are a whore or…?” you rolled your eyes and let out a frustrated groan.
“I’m a hairdresser!” You snapped, wiping more tears away as you sniffled, scowl deepening. “Or at least…” your gaze became far off, staring into the tank of a komodo dragon in a daze as you concluded, “I used to be.”
And then Dabi actually laughed.
He was trying to stifle a series of cruel, amused chuckles as you shot him a look of fiery resentment, about to say something horrible to him before he piped up with a teasing, “And to think, you had the worst crime out of all of us the entire time!”
“It’s not funny!” you scolded, both your raised voice and Dabi’s incessant cackling stirring the reptiles. “I was just defending myself! But now I’m probably going to jail! How do you think that feels, huh? How do you think it feels to not have anywhere to go or anyone to rely on right now?”
Dabi’s laughter suddenly ceased, as fast as a flame blown out by a quick, strong breath. His face became blanker than you’d ever seen it, completely serious as he replied, “Probably pretty fuckin’ shitty. But y’know what. That’s life, ain’t it? No one’s ever really there to save you.” He leaned in closer, looming over you, his shadow casting across your form and making you disappear into the darkness that filled the red room. “All you ever really have is yourself,” he went on, his simmering anger boiling hotter and hotter with each new sentence. “And that’s what happens to the weak ones. They can’t protect themselves when worse comes to worst. Because there’s never gonna be any grand hero to swoop in to your rescue. And the sooner we all realize that, the better. So quit your fuckin’ crying—” He was pointing a finger at you now, tears having started streaming down your face again without you even realizing it. “Grow the fuck up, and figure out what you’re gonna do about it. ‘Cause you’re all you got. Understand?”
Your entire body was shaking and, staring up at him in the eerie red light, a dangerous glint shining in his eyes, Dabi really looked like a monster. But you’d slayed one of those before. If you had a straight razor, you could do it again. Though, you didn’t really want to be a killer. Or rather, you didn’t want to get used to killing. Because you still believed that you were a good person, that you maybe even deserved good things.
You’d crossed a line, sure. One that, in the eyes of society, would spell irreversible damage.
But wasn’t that always the way these kinds of things played out? By showing you one atrocity only to prepare you for another, much more traumatizing one? Constantly reminding you, it could all be much worse?
“But don’t worry…” Dabi side eyed you as he said, “I won’t rat you out. People like you and me, we gotta do what we need to in order to survive.” He leaned forward to place his silver lighter on the coffee table, taking another long drag to calm his nerves.
“Thanks…” but there is no you and me, you wanted to say. Instead, you just scooted a few inches away from him, hoping Tomura would come back soon.
Until he and Spinner returned, however, you and Dabi opted for awkward silence. You were just trying not to think about the blood on your hands, even if the bastard had deserved it. Dabi though…
Dabi’s mind was in a much different place.
Because as he’d peered down at you in the redlight, the dim patch of fluorescent illumination directly above the couch that the room allowed shimmering in your big, terrified eyes…
He’d realized that what he’d felt spike in his chest when he’d glanced at you and Tomura cuddling in the backseat was indeed jealousy, the emotion slowly seething into his skin only to inevitably radiate from him if he didn’t find a way to cure it soon.
And the other night when he’d kicked you and Tomura out of the car and sped off. That had been a mistake, hadn’t it? What he should’ve done was dumped that silver-haired suicidal off on the curb and insisted on driving you home. Maybe then it could’ve been him sharing pancakes with you at the diner instead. Maybe then it would’ve just been the two of you splitting the money and not this useless third party who was going to spend it on who knows what useless shit.
Dabi clenched his jaw, trying to keep himself from sneaking another glance at you but, just like when it came to his addiction, he didn’t have much self control.
Whatever, he tried to convince himself. Once this deal is done, we’ll all go our separate ways and never have to see each other again.
Only, what if that wasn’t true. What if that was only true for him, and you and Tomura went back to your apartment or some motel or, fuck it, you’d have money, you could get a room somewhere nice, and fucked again.
Just the thought of that grungy loser’s hands all over you was making Dabi start to lose his cool. And you’d let Tomura kiss you too? Let him run his tongue all over the inside of your mouth and down your neck and inside your tight little pussy? Disgusting.
Bet I could make you feel better than he did, Dabi thought to himself as his leg began to bounce anxiously. Bet I could fuck you so good you’d forget you’d ever met him.
But then, before Dabi could start to really spin out of control from the jealousy and withdrawal, Spinner and Tomura reenerted the reptile room, both you and Dabi looking over and awaiting that fateful number.
“So, I took a look and…” Spinner began, pretending to hold you and Dabi in suspense while the smirk on Tomura’s face said he already knew the price you’d be splitting three ways. “It’s in pretty good condition. Whoever you stole it from must’ve just bought it and, based on the paper plates, it had to have been within the last thirty days. I’ll give you twenty thousand. Three ways that’s—”
“Over six thousand each…” you breathed out in sheer disbelief. That was more cash than you’d ever had in your bank account, let alone all at once.
You couldn’t fathom it. The thought of what you could do with that much money. The thought of getting out of that shitty apartment and moving to a better part of the city, one where you could get hired at a salon that was much more high end than the back alley one you’d been previously employed at…
If you hadn’t killed someone, that is.
If you weren’t soon to be a wanted criminal.
“That’s right,” Spinner confirmed, taking out a thick envelope and handing it off to Tomura who looked pretty proud of himself.
Dabi, however, was not as pleased…
“Twenty thousand?” he asked, standing and tossing his half finished cigarette down onto the concrete floor of the warehouse, stomping it out with his first stride towards the dealer. “Nah. No way. Things worth at least one hundred thousand new. Maybe even more than that.”
“Sorry,” Spinner shrugged. “That’s as high as I can go.”
Dabi’s hands clenched into fists by his sides and you were sure he was finally going to throw that punch he’d been holding back all this time. So you intervened again, saying, “That’s more than enough to get your drugs.” Dabi looked over his shoulder lightning fast, that vengeful and violent shine back in his eyes and honed in right on you. Meanwhile, Tomura was ready to jump between you two if Dabi really did lose his temper.
“Cute,” Dabi spit, whirling back towards Tomura and his friend before eying the envelope containing the cash. He could just steal it. Yeah. Once the three of you were out of here, Dabi could take it and run. “And you,” he nodded aggressively at Tomura. “What the hell do you need it for, huh?”
Tomura’s eyes widened a bit, his jaw clenched as he gripped the envelope tighter, Dabi taking a step towards him. He then opened his mouth to throw a hostile reply right back, but no words came.
In truth, he didn’t know.
Before meeting you, Tomura probably would’ve blown it all on one hell of a self-destructive night before finally pulling the trigger and ending it all. But now…
Well, he’d have to figure that out once he discovered what you were planning to do.
“What?” Dabi smirked, cruelty seeping back into his voice. “You gonna pay someone off to perform a hit on you or somethin’?”
Tomura warned with a growl, “Don’t test me…” his eyes going wide, though this time in a much more feral, dangerous way than before. Then, ever so slowly, he placed the cash in his back pocket. He could take it and run too, if he wanted. He just had to get past Dabi to grab you first.
“Guys…?” you spoke, sensing the growing tension and hoping to calm things before they really spiraled out of control. “C’mon. We got the money. Now let’s just go…”
Dabi ignored you, clearly occupied on setting Tomura off before calling it quits with the little ragtag trio the team of you had formed. And part of him, whether he realized it or not, wanted you to see that, just because Tomura had remained relatively calm during all the recent chaos, that didn’t mean that he wasn’t capable of flying off the hinges too.
Because what was that saying again?
Always watch out for the quiet ones?
“Y’know, I’m not really convinced that someone like you even deserves that kind of money,” Dabi went on. Spinner was getting fed up with this quarrel too, though his concern was more for the fact that all this bad energy swirling in the room was bound to upset his replies than if one of the boys left here with a black eye. “So why don’t you just do the right thing and give it to me and the girl so we can get on with our lives while you keep trying to end yours.”
“Just stop it!” you’d tried to shout out, but it was too late.
Tomura moved fast.
Too fast.
Just a blur of black and silver and crimson, a snarl echoing off the concrete and eyes flashing with ill intent as he lunged at Dabi, the force sending both of them falling to the ground.
It was clear to everyone in the room that Tomura had never been in a real fight before, the way he wildly and clumsily threw punches that Dabi blocked with mocking ease. It wasn’t long until Dabi gained the upper hand and flipped the scrawny, scraggly boy on his back, jumping on top of him and showing him what a real punch looked and felt like.
Spinner was shouting. You were crying, screaming at the two of them to “Please stop! Knock it off already!” and Tomura and Dabi were rolling and clawing and cursing at each other while fighting for possession of that damn envelope.
The three of you were once again plunged into connected chaos, though this time none of you seemed to know how to rescue each other.
Eventually, the envelope slid from both their gasps and landed right in front of you. In a moment of panic and impulse, you grabbed it up and then snatched the lighter Dabi had left on the coffee table, flicking it open and producing a flame, holding it dangerously close to the cash and bellowing out, “BOTH OF YOU STOP OR I— I’M BURNING IT!”
All of the oxygen in the room felt like it had been sucked out at once.
Even Spinner was holding his breath, as if he had something to lose.
“Are you fucking crazy?!” Dabi shouted, voice cracking with a shriek upturning at the end.
“Get off him or I swear I’ll do it!” And you weren’t bluffing, the flame kissing the edge of the envelope and beginning to toast the crinkled paper, causing Dabi to obey instantly, holding his hands up in surrender and stepping off Tomura, who was coughing from when Dabi had closed his hands around his throat.
And Dabi only hated Tomura more now.
He’d hated him from the very first moment his stolen car had nearly run the suicidal maniac over in the street. He’d hated him when he’d dropped you two off near your apartment and sped off with the music blaring, just knowing that the two of you were going to fuck. He’d hated him when he’d seen you sharing pancakes at the diner just earlier that morning. And he’d hated him when he’d seen him rest his head on top of yours in the rear view mirror like two lovesick puppies leeching warmth off each other.
He hated that you were willing to throw away life changing amounts of cash just to save Tomura from a black eye and some broken ribs. Hated that you cared more about the silver-haired freak than the bigger picture here— the picture that he was soon to be painted out of.
Because time after time, Dabi had lost in life. He’d lost, most times, because he fell in with bad company or couldn’t run fast enough when a job went south. He’d lost because he’d become a slave to his addiction and couldn’t give two shits about correcting it. And he’d had the perfect opportunity to be the one you’d invited back to your apartment, the one you’d shared shitty diner food with, and the one you’d curl up in the car with, but he’d blown it because he just couldn’t let himself have anything good without thinking there was going to be a catch.
“Just give me the lighter…” Dabi spoke softly to you now, as if talking you off a ledge, one hand extending for you to toss the zippo into, or, in another world, take hold of.
You hesitated, slowly but surely lowering the flame, dropping the lighter to the floor as you drew in frantic, uneven breaths. With one hand clutching his ribs, which were likely bruised after that altercation, Tomura pushed himself to his feet and came over to stand before you, saying something to you quiet enough that Dabi couldn’t hear. But you handed Tomura back the envelope and that’s all that really mattered in the end, right?
“Let’s just get out of here,” Tomura spoke louder now, turning to address Dabi as well. “It’s a long walk back into the city.”
And with that, the three of you left the odd maze of Spinner’s contraband castle and headed back down the long stretch of abandoned highway that you’d come, the sun already beginning to sink towards the horizon before you were halfway home.
All three of you were exhausted, mentally and physically, and exchanged minimal conversation throughout your trek back towards civilization before Dabi just couldn’t take it anymore.
“Does he know?” he asked, nodding his head from you to Tomura.
“Know what?” you asked, though you already had a pretty good idea about what he was alluding to.
“Oh, so he doesn’t know…”
“He does know,” you sighed, exasperated. Meanwhile, Tomura just made sure the envelope of cash was kept out of Dabi’s reach.
“Doesn’t it bother you?” Dabi then asked Tomura directly, nudging him a little and causing him to flinch away. 
“Cut it out, man,” Tomura rasped, a slight grimace flashing across his features before fatigue reclaimed them.
“Whatever…” Dabi rolled his eyes, a certain mischievous lilt to his tone, edging Tomura on and grasping at straws to find any reason to cause a rift between you two. “I just know that if I was gonna fuck some random girl, I’d wanna know whether I was stickin’ my dick in a murderer or n—”
Again, Tomura moved unexpectedly fast, a cloud of dust kicked up from under his beat up red converse as he whirled on Dabi, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, spit flecked through gritted teeth as he puffed out a vicious breath.
Dabi raised his hands as if surrendering, yet still had the gall to say, “Hey, I’m just lookin’ out for ya. Your funeral, buddy. Though, maybe you’d like that.”
“Tomura, he’s not worth it…” you nearly whispered, too tired to burst out in fury like you had before. You placed a hand on Tomura’s back and pulled him from his blinding rage, slowly retracting to melt back into your gentle, understanding touch. “Please… Let’s just go home.”
You and Tomura each had an arm wrapped around one other, walking with slightly staggering steps as you guided him away and further down the road. 
“Yeah…” Dabi scoffed to himself, clenching his fists at the sight of you two huddled together again. “Let’s go home.”
It took another two hours until the skyline of the city that had damned all three of you came into sight, another sixty painful minutes ticking by before you actually set foot back in the territory. And you should’ve known by now, especially in Dabi’s company, that you were never really home free.
Because the moment you thought you could breathe easy and part ways, enjoy the remainder of the stroll back to your apartment with Tomura to count your cash and make a plan, Dabi ran into an old friend.
Or rather, an old friend ran into Dabi.
“Pretty fuckin’ brave of you to show your face around here again!” a rough voice called from behind, causing all three of you to turn in unison, six eyes gone wide and bearing different breeds of fear.
“Shit,” Dabi hissed under his breath, pushing you two along and tacking on an urgent, “We gotta go. Now.”
“Not so fast, hot shot,” another big, burly, tattoo-covered man chuckled as he stepped out of the nearest alley, blocking your path with a crowbar in hand. “It’s time to pay up, Dabi.”
You and Tomura braced yourselves, scanning the group of men that were circling around you for any gaps big enough to slip through and make an escape. But the pack only tightened, more and more criminals emerging from the shadows armed with flashes of sharp silver or rusted iron.
“Hey, boys…” Dabi replied, trying to hide the quiver in his tone with an uncharacteristically friendly lilt. “Been a while, huh?” He was backing up towards you and Tomura, possibly trying to make a run for it himself, but there was no escape now. Not for any of you. Especially not for you, what with the hungry way the pack of men stared you down, nearly salivating at all their own disgusting thoughts.
“I sure hope you have our money,” the one who was presumably the leader of the gang went on, a smug grin plastered across his scarred face, tapping the weight of the crowbar in his palm with a steady beat. “‘Cause if ya don’t…” He swung the crowbar forward, causing all three of you to jolt as it pointed directly at Dabi. “Well, then we’re gonna have a biiiiiig problem, ain’t we?”
And he knew that Dabi didn’t have the money.
Or, at least, he normally wouldn’t have, if not for the cash he’d collected from selling the stolen car.
But still, even that wasn’t enough to pay off the entire debt and Dabi was too hell bent on securing more of his drugs before he’d even consider handing this man a single dollar.
And you and Tomura, well…
You still needed your cut.
None of you were too keen on going down without some kind of fight.
Not when you’d come this far through hell to finally catch a glimpse of the twisted heaven on the horizon.
“Yeah, well, about that…” Dabi chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head and trying to stay calm. Meanwhile, you and Tomura noticed some of the rough and tumble facade melt away, leaving only a guy who had been way in over his head from the start.
And it happened so fast. The flash of metal. A silver streak appearing and disappearing before anyone could really see what it was. But left in its wake was a slash of red and a guttural howling, the scene growing smaller and smaller behind you until you realized that someone was dragging you along by your wrist, you nearly tripping over your own feet as you glanced over your shoulder with horror, blood turning to ice.
Maybe Dabi had shouted, “Run!”
Maybe he hadn’t.
But now all three of you were high tailing it down a series of narrow alleys, Tomura’s grip on you like a vice, desperate and unrelenting. At some point, you think you were telling him he was hurting you, trying to pull away when you felt the pressure growing over your bones, thorny pangs of pain peppered over your skin. But he didn’t hear you over the surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. And even if he did, he didn’t care. He wasn’t going to let you go. Not until you were somewhere safe and warm with him and no one else.
“Fuck! Fuck!” Dabi shouted when he rounded the next corner and halted, you and Tomura nearly barreling into him as you skid to a stop and were faced with a dead end. “Uh… New plan!” He backed up, peering down the remaining stretch of straight path and seeing the silhouettes of even more enemies pop up to cage you in, a big dumpster wedged in the middle of the narrow alley slowing them down, but not for long.
Panicked, he started back down the dead end, spotting a fire escape ladder just out of reach, rushing over to jump up to try and grab hold and pull it down, but every attempt was met with no more than his fingers barely brushing against the first bar.
“What are we doing, guys?!” you shouted, your panic catching up with you as you stared down the alley and watched as your pursuers became dangerously closer by the second. Your heart was pounding, pulse beating so fast and hard that it hurt. Though, meanwhile, unbeknownst to you amongst the dread, Tomura had gone over to assist, Dabi lifting him to pull down the ladder.
You froze. Paralyzed with terror as a group of silhouettes were mere yards away. So close you could see the whites of their eyes. You’d meant to yell, to scream, anything to inform the boys that they were coming. But then that rough, scarred hand grabbed yours again and pulled you towards the ladder, practically pushing you up it even as you scrambled as fast as you could to climb.
Dabi was already at the top, extending a hand to you to pull you up to the landing.
And the only reason Tomura dared let go of you was because he thought that Dabi would just pull you up and then keep running on his own. So when the inky haired bastard locked his fist around your wrist and took off with you. Well…
Tomura saw red.
“Wait! Ow— Stop!” You tried to protest, fighting harder against his grip than you had on Tomura’s, digging your heels into the ground only to be yanked forward to nearly stumble over the next flight of stairs. You looked behind you for Tomura, not even having time to make sure he’d made it up the ladder before you’d been taken hostage again. You called his name, hoping— praying— that he’d call back. Let you know he was ok. That he’d made it—
But there was only silence.
“STOP!” you shrieked, reaching forward with your free hand to dig your nails into Dabi’s arm, clawing viciously at his inked skin until he had no choice but to let go, a few thin rivulets of blood welling up from the pale surface.
“Jesus— What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He scolded, sapphire eyes smoldering with white hot fury beneath a deep scowl.
“Who fucking cares?!” Dabi shouted over your cries, which were quickly turning to sobs— fat, glistening tears welling in your eyes and streaking shimmering lines down your cheeks in pairs. Your chest was heaving with shallow breaths, suffocating yourself every time you tried to draw in more air, feeling like you were going to throw up. Like you were going to pass out. Like you were going to die.
“But he—!”
“Better him than us!” Dabi cut in with a snarl, approaching you with fists clenched. You winced when he came close enough that his shadow cast over you, shielding your face with your arms as if you expected a strike. “Now, unless you want those guys to rip you apart, then I suggest you stop your fucking crying and fucking run.”
His voice was icy hot. Searing into your heart like millions of barbed fish hooks, each one connected to a line that pulled in a different direction, intending to unravel you. To massacre you.
You felt your world sway and caught yourself on the railing of the staircase, peering down over the edge at the vast drop below.
And the thought did cross your mind. To jump. To end it all. But then from the landing below came, “Keep going!”
Both you and Dabi looked at each other with varying degrees of relief and confusion before you turned to see Tomura sprinting up the staircase, out of breath but still refusing to slow down. Immediately all your dread was replaced with a vibrant joy, a beaming, yet crooked smile lighting up your face and contrasting eerily with the tears that still spilled from your eyes.
“Tomura! You—”
“The ladder!” He huffed, coming to a stop and nearly doubling over once he joined you and Dabi on the next landing. An awful wheezing sound rattled in his chest with every inhale he took, bracing his hands on his knees for a moment before finding the will to stand and finishing his sentence with, “Tried to pull it up but it got stuck halfway… They’re probably… On their way…”
“Like I said—!” Dabi snapped, getting ready to run again. “We gotta go. Now.”
So the three of you took off— together this time— the top of the building but a landing away now, though you could hear the frantic clattering of heavy footsteps not far below.
“What happens once we get to the roof?” You called to Dabi, who was already on the final ladder.
“Just trust me!” he shouted back, extending a hand once again to pull you up, though you were careful not to hold on too tightly after what had just happened moments ago.
As Tomura climbed the ladder, he muttered to himself, “I don’t like those odds…”
But once you were on the roof, Dabi seemed to know the terrain better than he did on the ground. Because, up here, you could see the entire city laid out before you. All the narrow, intertwining streets appeared like an elaborate maze with the heart of the district shimmering like a mirage in the summer heat far, far in the distance.
“We’ll head towards the shopping district and lose ‘em there,” Dabi explained as you and Tomura followed behind him in a line, treading much more carefully than your surefooted, tattooed friend so as to avoid a deadly fall. “My place isn’t far. We’ll hide out there for a while till we can make sure the streets are clear.”
“Won’t they know where to find you?” you asked, nearly rolling your eyes as such an obvious flaw in his plan. “I mean, you can’t be telling me that these guys don’t know where you live.”
Dabi smirked to himself, eyes trained on where his next step would land upon the roof to avoid any loose shingles as he replied with an overconfident, “Well, that’s just one of the perks of this lifestyle, sweetheart. Anywhere can be your home when you don’t really have one of your own.”
You scoffed at his arrogance, not exactly finding it very funny to be making jokes at a time like this, but ultimately you let it go. It was a bridge you’d cross when you came to it, so long as you could get to the other end of the slanted path you were currently on.
But Dabi wasn’t joking.
He had a place. Several, in fact. A hideout in every corner of the outskirts. And every time one of them was discovered or raided, he’d just count his losses, retrieve what little he could, and forge a new hole to call home until the process inevitably repeated.
It was how he’d survived this long. How he’d evaded his enemies just long enough to extend his deadline or wrack up an even bigger debt.
Lucky for you, though, he was taking you back to his favorite hideout. It could almost pass for an actual place someone might be able to call home. Almost.
“Hey, I think we lost ‘em…” Tomura eventually remarked as you’d changed to your third rooftop, standing still and staring over the scenery behind you. Lo and behold, your pursuers were nowhere to be seen.
Dabi stopped to listen in, the whistling from a strong gust of wind the only sound to be heard up here other than the muffled traffic drifting over from a few streets down. “Yeah…” Dabi muttered, then clearing his throat to speak loud enough for you both to hear, “Yeah, I think we lost ‘em. C’mon. Let’s go.”
A few more unstable rooftops and several flights of rusted fire escape staircases later and the three of you were back on solid ground. And it was sort of strange, unexpectedly, being back among the maze of buildings and alleys after experiencing the view of the city from so high up. You felt so much smaller than you had before, gazing up through the gaps in the architecture at the sliver of sky which had just expanded all around you, painting over the muted greys and browns of your world with a serene shade of blue.
“Hey, c’mon…” Tomura urged quietly, taking your hand in his once more, though much more gently this time, and guiding you to follow after him, careful not to press into the bruises that were already beginning to blossom on your wrist from the abuse between him and Dabi forcing you along. “We gotta go.”
But you just wanted to stay and stare up at the sky, unable to shake the feeling that perhaps that was the first time you’d ever truly seen it— a sprawling revelation expanding around you after you’d just been fearing for your life, the city never that quiet, never that still, the heat of summer not so stifling when there was so much fresh air swirling around you.
But your feet carried you after Tomura, drifting closer to where Dabi was checking to make sure the coast was clear from the opening in the alley that would merge back onto the main streets, waving you two forward in a wordless announcement that it was safe.
“Just a few more blocks,” Dabi sighed, careful cerulean gaze scanning the narrow horizon like prey expecting to find a predator lurking among the telephone poles and parked cars. But then he looked at you, noticed the tranquil daze that had overtaken your features, and asked with a skeptical squint, “You holdin’ up ok?”
It took a second for you to realize he was talking to you, snapping out of your daydream and becoming more alert as you looked up at him and replied with a shaky, “Y-yeah… I’m fine,” as you melted back into Tomura’s side.
And Dabi wished that Tomura wouldn’t have made it past the first ladder. That he’d been caught by those thugs and pulled down, beaten to death and left to suffer on the grimey concrete. Because then maybe he could be the one whose hand you were holding. Whose chest you were starting to lean against. He could take you the rest of the way to his little hole in the wall apartment and get you something to drink, sling an arm around you and pull you close until you stopped trembling and he’d convinced you that no one— not the cops or any backstreet criminals— was going to take you from him.
But the bastard who’d tried to kill himself by stepping in front of the car was the one who currently protected your heart, the one who was allowed to touch you and whisper how it isn’t much further, we’ll be there soon.
Dabi cursed himself for the man he’d been twenty-four hours ago. The man who was so hardened from this life that he’d fallen into that he was no longer able to recognize something that was good before he scorned it, scorched it, ruined it with harsh words and biting remarks.
Deep down, though…
Deep down he stoked the embers of hope in the hearth of his heart. Hope that maybe, if you could just get through this, he could convince you to be his.
“It’s right this way,” Dabi informed the two of you as you rounded the next corner, this street wider than most of the others you’d traveled down yet entirely abandoned. Only some littered newspaper scraps or empty cardboard boxes blown astray from overflowing dumpsters scuttling along the street when a breeze blew by.
“Where even are we?” you asked as you continued to survey the place, surprised not to find even a single parked car, taxi, moped, anything in sight.
“It’s better if you don’t know, actually,” Dabi mumbled, fishing a set of keys out of one of his pockets and flipping through them until he found the correct one. 
It was only then, just as he swung open a heavy metal door and held it as if wanting you to enter first that it occurred to you. Such a chilling, stomach turning realization.
You stopped short halfway through your next step, giving Tomura’s hand a slight squeeze in warning like you had in the car on the way to Spinner’s.
What if this was a trap?
What if Dabi was planning on killing the two of you and claiming your shares of the cash for himself?
It wouldn’t be hard to do. Not once he shut that door behind you— one that might only open one way, for all you knew— and guided you further into an unfamiliar building. He’d been so quick with that switchblade before. Only, this time, instead of slashing an eye it would be you and Tomura’s throats.
“What’s the matter?” Tomura inquired with a concerned mutter, leaning down a little to keep the conversation private.
But then Dabi called over with an impatient, “Hurry it up! Can’t be out in the open for too long!”
You just shook your head, shuffling back a half step while your eyes remained stuck on Dabi holding open the door.
“C’mon, it’s ok. We’re fine now,” Tomura tried to urge you, gently tugging you along until you caved and your feet stumbled forward, heartbeat hammering as you squeezed Tomura’s hand even tighter. He could feel your entire body shaking, but he figured that was more from the trauma of the recent events than the possible fear of being murdered by the third member of your unlikely trio.
Once you were inside, the door shutting behind you with a high pitched creak whining from its rusted hinges, you were engulfed in complete darkness for longer than you were comfortable with, paranoia lacing through your veins with a jittery shiver until Dabi flicked on a light switch and the place was set ablaze with vivid blue— graffied flames painted along the floors and walls that glowed under the blacklight. 
“It’s not much but…” Dabi shrugged. “They won’t find us here.”
And just like that, your mood flipped. You were in awe for the second time that day, unable to believe the sight before you was one that belonged to your usually bleak reality. 
“Did you…” you breathed out with a sigh, a fresh wave of calm overtaking you as you and Tomura followed Dabi down the long hallway. “Did you do all this?”
Dabi hummed out a short chuckle. “Yeah, well, sometimes I find myself having to hide out for a little longer than usual, so…”
Beyond the tunnel of blue flames, behind the only door located in the expansive corridor, was a single floor, several makeshift walls and barriers constructed from cardboard boxes or mismatched, patchwork pieces of plastic creating little rooms among the warehouse-like expanse. The walls of this place were also decorated with the glowing blue flames, the inferno that ignited along the hall growing into a raging wildfire with some red accents for contrast.
Dabi flipped on the main lights and the art disappeared, plain concrete walls swallowing the fiery blaze and bathing the hideout in bright fluorescence, some of the lamps flickering every once in a while to remind you that this place was not a magical fantasyland, but a dilapidated, definitely not up to safety code concrete box that you could very well be calling home for the foreseeable future.
“You can take your shoes off,” Dabi began, already heading towards one of the little sectioned off rooms, “Or don’t. I don’t care. Sit wherever. Whatever.” Then, from the room that was most likely his makeshift kitchen, he called out, “Hey, either of you want a drink?!”
For a moment, you’d forgotten Tomura was even there, his hand locked with yours just feeling like second nature at this point. So when he called back, “Some water might be nice!” you nearly jolted at the sudden voice. He then guided you over to the tiny, scuffed up couch and sat beside you, searching your face— your eyes— for something.
“Hey…” he muttered, brushing some of your disheveled hair away from your sweat streaked face, eyes still a little puffy from crying on the fire escape. “You ok…?”
You started crying again, slowly at first, then sobbing uncontrollably as you buried your face into his shoulder, your wailing muffled by the flimsy fabric of his shirt. He pulled you in closer, protectively, as Dabi re-entered the main area carrying two bottles of water and one can of beer, stride only stuttering a fraction when he witnessed your current state, the way you were clinging to Tomura for dear life again, as if he was the only thing in this world holding you together.
His grip around the beer can tightened, pressing a few small dents into the aluminum. 
“What’s wrong with ‘er now?” he asked, words coated in thick— yet forced— derision, rolling his eyes and tossing Tomura one of the water bottles before jumping over the back of the couch and landing on the thin cushions next to you, keeping a bit of a distance even if that wasn’t necessarily what he wanted to do right now.
Tomura unscrewed the cap of the water bottle, trying to coax you to catch your breath and take a sip as he rubbed a hand up and down your back. But you wouldn’t lift your head from his shoulder, only nuzzling into his body deeper.
Both Tomura and Dabi exchanged unsure glances, neither exactly sure what to do right now, that is, until they heard your sobs turn into laughter— a cold, cruel chuckle that hiccuped in your chest every time a lingering sob pried its way past your lungs.
When you finally pulled your face from its hiding place among Tomura’s person, your head flopped back and you slumped into the couch. You looked sort of terrifying— teeth bared in a too wide smile as your body shook from soundless amusement, tears continuing to stream down your face and collect under your chin before dripping down onto your shirt.
“Bitch is fuckin’ crazy…” Dabi mumbled under his breath as he raised the beer can to his lips, though he jumped when a particularly loud burst of laughter tore through your throat. Then he couldn’t take his eyes off you, usually half-lidded and unbothered stare going wide enough to rival Tomura’s as he sat there frozen and unblinking, beer can still lifted to his lips yet he didn’t dare take a single sip.
And Tomura, well…
Tomura knew the feeling.
“I just can’t believe…” you barely were able to get the words out, battling between the incessant urge to cry and laugh at the same time, chest beginning to burn from the lack of oxygen in your delirious and hysterical state. “I just can’t believe that we’re alive… We’re alive…”
Tomura swallowed hard, gulped down the past few hours and hoped the monster drowned in his stomach acid before it gained enough strength to crawl back up his throat. He uttered your name— a nervous, unsure set of syllables that felt wrong in his mouth, sounded wrong to your ears. But then Dabi started laughing, his sounding low and rough and downright sinful at the realization that, yes, you’d all made it back alive.
And there was still twenty thousand dollars to split between you. Six thousand each.
“Y’know what,” Dabi said, leaning forward and setting his beer down on the busted and scratched coffee table in front of the couch. “I think the three of us make a pretty alright team.” Both you and Tomura’s gazes snapped his way, your laughter slowly fading until even the smile was wiped from your face.
Finally, Tomura said, “We almost died back there.”
“Well then maybe you should be thanking me,” Dabi responded with a hint of cruelty mixed into his tone, still holding on tight to the grudge against the silver-haired boy for stepping in front of his stolen car. Though, at this point, it really wasn’t even about that anymore, was it?
“What do you mean team?” you then cut in, feeling the tension between the two of them growing and hoping to defuse the situation before it erupted again. Even so, some sarcasm couldn’t help but shine through your words, one of your eyebrows quirked up in some kind of dramatic confusion. “The way I remember it, you wanted to leave us for dead on more than one occasion.”
“Look, I’m not used to workin’ with other people, alright?” Dabi shot back, clearly feeling cornered now, both you and Tomura setting distrusting stares upon his inked skin and sapphire eyes. “So, sorry if things didn’t always go off without a hitch—” He leaned forward, tightening the huddle between you three. “But what I’m tryna say is…”
Dabi took a moment to search your eyes, studying them, memorizing their color and the way they looked in the light versus the dark. Then he shifted his gaze to Tomura, who’s bright scarlet was far less alluring. Dabi didn’t know what you saw in him— saw in his dry, cracked, scarred skin and all that shaggy silver hair that fell into his eyes. Because all Dabi saw was someone not worth the trouble. Someone who would bury him— bury the both of you— along with himself if he got the right chance.
Perhaps Tomura was a risk in all of this.
Perhaps Dabi would live to regret trusting him.
But Dabi knew that if he wanted you— and he most certainly did want you— then Tomura was going to have to be the stray that tagged along. At least, until he could think of a better way to get rid of him…
“What I’m tryna say is that I think the three of us could pull off some pretty decent jobs,” Dabi finally concluded.
You narrowed your eyes at him, thinking if you traced over the lines of his tattoos or dared to submerge yourself into the blue of his stare for long enough you’d figure out what angle he was working, what catch would be tacked on to the end of such an offer. Though, in your hesitation, Tomura seemed to have put some of the scattered pieces to this puzzle he could gather together in his own head. He held his stare with Dabi and asked, that raspy, dangerous darkness overtaking his tone as he lowered his voice and asked, “Like what?”
And that was it.
From that moment on, you were in, all three of you leaning in closer and closer to each other as Dabi detailed some robberies he’d been trying to plan— robberies that required more than one person who knew the streets like he did and would have each other’s backs if things took a turn— elaborating on the fact that they were mostly on his enemies, guys who’d either wronged him in the past or would in the very near future if someone didn’t remind them they weren’t untouchable.
“But that’s just the warm up,” Dabi smirked, wearing that arrogant grin as he gave a half shrug, rolling his eyes a bit as if to say, child’s play. “I say we test out just how well we work together on these guys, then move onto something a little less pedestrian and more, say… Corporate.”
You thought of your view standing upon those rooftops, the heart of the city that you’d been cast out of so long ago shimmering in the distant summer heat. Close enough to dream of but still too far away to touch.
Dabi chuckled to himself then, posing the question, “I mean, what do we really have to lose?”
You’d wondered that for a while now.
Maybe it was about time you found out.
For the remainder of the night, the three of you tunneled deeper and deeper into Dabi’s plans, exploring every nook and cranny of the scheme until you felt like enough of the holes had been filled and openings in the fences patched up. By the time the hands on the clock were beginning to run into the early hours of the next morning, your eyelids were growing too heavy for you to fight against anymore. 
You were exhausted and both the boys saw it.
So Tomura took the envelope out of his pocket, counted out each of your shares, Dabi counting his twice just to make sure, and thus the alliance was set. After that, you guys called it quits for the day, got some rest and allowed yourselves to recharge before the first act of your ambitious new activities would commence. And as you fell asleep curled up close to Tomura on that narrow couch, half of your body draped over him and finding comfort in the slow rise and fall of his chest, Dabi’s words kept repeating in your head over and over, an endless, overlapping echo of, “What do we really have to lose?”
You found the answer just before slipping unconscious, you think, though by the time you’d wake up tomorrow you’d forget it.
What do we have to lose? Well, the only thing that’s really ever been ours to begin with.
Our lives.
(Hello and thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please do check out the MV this fic is based on if you get the chance, it’s one I’ve loved since it came out all the way back in 2017, though perhaps you ought to wait until the fic is finished since it’s likely you’ll be able to predict some spoilers haha.
Anyway, future chapters will feature more of the Dabi x Reader side of things so for those of you who prefer Dabi please be patient with me! There’s actually a scene that’s been in my head for a while that I’m really looking forward to writing when the time comes.
I originally planned to write this fic in three parts but given how much more involved it became the more I developed it, now it's likely going to end up being somewhere between five and ten depending. I'll probably end up breaking up the original "three parts" into slightly shorter (though still lengthy) chapters so I'm able to post updates more consistently throughout this year rather than only be able to put out one huge chapter every few years.
Anyway, I really appreciate everyone’s patience and hope that you look forward to the next chapter. With that being said, I’ll see you soon!
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idk-im-just-here-now · 2 months
Mirror Maze - The Discovery
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Oh hey, that's a big revelation, hopefully, that won't twist the plot line in any way
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rookie-valkyrie16 · 1 year
MORE “PIZZA TOWER - MIRROR MAZE AU” DOODLES!!! (And a whole bunch of them too 0w0)
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This funny drawing is a redraw from a funny meme my friend @abbythegamerbackup showed me! XD (shoutout to her btw!)
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Some of the ideas of the doodles were inspired by the fun conversation me and my friend @abbythegamerbackup had, taking about various ideas on for the AU and what songs that are so fitting as well, making the AU have an Musical Angst Horror theme to it. >;3
Like for example, the Mirror Reflections of Peppino, Pizzard, Noisette, Mr. Orange, Pepperman and Vigilante are “Mirror Creatures” who live in the mirrors (that Noise Broke before), and the embodiment representations of their anger towards Noise for all the bad things he did that made them mad.
Soooo Noise has to survive from The Mirror Reflections, otherwise they’ll pretty much shatter him to death TwT
(I don’t own anything else except my Mirror Maze AU and my art. Do NOT steal it!)
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bittersweetresilience · 3 months
sentitwins fic recs
running in the shadow by @wackus-bonkus-maximus (3,062 words)
Félix doesn’t miss the soul bond between him and Adrien until it’s gone.
La nuit, tous les chats sont gris by @ninadove (3,847 words)
In which the Cat Miraculous grants Adrien much needed freedom — even if he's not the one wielding it.
Everything I did (I did for you) by @ninadove (3,667 words)
He would have stayed there forever, if he could. This was how it was always supposed to be: the two of them together, united by something stronger than blood — stronger than magic. Adrien knew he was stalling, crushed by the enormity of the truth. He just needed a few seconds more. “I think your father has the Peacock Miraculous,” he finally whispered. “And I’m going to take it back.”
lose it in the morning by @bittersweetresilience (2,173 words)
Adrien feels it when Félix’s ring cracks. He doesn’t remember it afterward.
no one listens to the dead by @bittersweetresilience (857 words)
When Félix and Adrien switch places, they also switch homes.
mirror image by @wackus-bonkus-maximus (3,573 words, ongoing)
The voice in Adrien’s head is strangely familiar. It also tells him the truth (when no one else will).
Brave, Truthful, and Unselfish by @ninadove, @bittersweetresilience, @paracosmicat, @luckychatons, @trishacollins, @redundant-lava (4,436 words)
Someday, you will be a real boy... but monsters are always so much more interesting. Five times Félix lied to Adrien and one time he didn't.
Kitten-sitting by @kekepuaa (10,444 words)
Babysitter Marinette!AU. If there's anything in this world that Felix Agreste despises, it's liars and big brothers who never keep their promises. // It seemed unlikely that Felix would ever feel happy again, but his big brother said it’d be okay. And if Adrien promised that everything would be okay, then Felix had no doubts that they’d make it through this.
Found by @trishacollins (40,237 words)
Chat Noir and Ladybug need to tie up some loose ends. Unfortunately, one of those ends is Felix.
dichotomy by @cutie-patoo-t (10,223 words, ongoing)
Adrien was just getting used to the new normal in his home, until his extended family shows up to visit, and bring with them more change than he is ready to handle. Meanwhile, Felix is less than thrilled about the impromptu vacation, and wants to pass the time living as quietly as possible to avoid getting involved with any more heroes or villains alike. He learns the hard way that it's not up to him.
I know there's been pain this year (But it's time to let it go) by @ninadove (7,003 words)
“What? Nooo! Adrien doesn’t hate Christmas.” “Are you absolutely certain? What was he like last year?” “Well, he —” Marinette furrowed her brow, scanning her own memories. Of course she was absolutely certain. At least, she thought she was.
Guarden by @clawsoutspotsoff (1,709 words)
There's a sound behind him, and Felix grabs his arm, wrenching him around. "Adrien, we have to go," he says, urgently. The color is starting to come back to his face, but he still looks panicked. "He can't find us down here." Felix puts his hand on the base of the coffin, and the metal cover slides shut again, returning it to the way they found it.
Blueberry passion fruit by @ninadove, @paracosmicat (2,511 words, ongoing)
He walked up to the counter, because he could not think of anything else to do. For all those times he had rehearsed their reunion, he had failed to consider the most obvious scenario: Adrien might want to run away once more.
fruit filled garden maze by @moonieratty (1,093 words)
A look into Félix' home-life in childhood.
nothing ever stops you leaving by @bittersweetresilience (2,591 words)
Adrien initiates a réunion.
metempsychosis by @bittersweetresilience (4,935 words)
Félix is always watching Adrien die.
Shadow Strike by @ninadove, @paracosmicat (39,334 words, ongoing)
“We have to get the brooch back,” Adrien said, his voice cracking. “So he can’t do this to anyone else.” His lack of hesitation took Felix by surprise. When he finally looked back at him, there was something new in his eyes - something that vaguely resembled hope. Or what if the kids actually shared basic plot info with each other for once?
Matter of Luck by @wackus-bonkus-maximus (14,833 words, ongoing)
When Chat Noir activates the curse of the Black Cat Miraculous, he must get a kiss from Ladybug to break the spell. If only they weren't sworn enemies, he might have better luck. An “enemies” AU, but fun :) featuring the PV kiss plot
a mannequin lamenting to a statue by orphan_account (716 words)
you’re a sentimonster and you’re a sentimonster and you’re a sentimonster are there anymore senitmonsters i should know about? (chat noir meow)
(feligami fic recs) (félix fic recs)
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{5} - To Tempt Fate - Yandere!Trickster Deities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Trickster AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Suspense
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Mingi)
Words: 3,496
Warnings: Depictions of anxiety (not the reader). This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I have an appointment soon, so I just wanted to post this before I had to leave! Anyways, I'm very excited for the threads to begin unravelling now as more time progresses!! I really hope you all look forward to everything I have in store! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
Also, gentle reminder that I do not do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
You don’t know how many times you had circled the maze yesterday. For hours, you traversed your way through specific paths, familiarizing yourself with its twists and turns. The last thing you need is to be running away from either another contestant, or one of the eight tricksters, only to reach a dead end. Your only hope is that the maze hasn’t shifted.
Surprisingly, you have no issues sleeping a few hours afterwards. The exhaustion settling into your bones had you passing out almost instantly, that small knife clutched securely in your hand.
The bed is more comfortable than you thought it would be. Given the way that trickster, of whom you’ve nicknamed ‘Ghost’ due to the colour of his eyes, was acting, you’re starting to believe more in the fact that they view you as ‘special’.
A chill runs down your spine.
Turning onto your back once more, you stare up at the ceiling. Based off of the way you’ve been keeping track of time ever since the other male, of whom you’ve nicknamed ‘Drakon’ due to the deep purple of his eyes, you reckon you have about one hour before the games are meant to truly begin. You still haven’t found a small bag to carry supplies in, but you can always make one out of your pillowcase if necessary.
Sitting up in bed, you rest the knife beside you on the mattress. Lifting your head, you glance at your reflection in the full length mirror.
Giving yourself a once over, you let out a sigh. You have some decisions to make.
One: you could barricade yourself inside of your room for the next twenty-four hours and see if someone happens to stumble across your little shack here. There seems to have been a box of food dropped off at the foot of your bed while you had gone out exploring, so you’re not worried about going hungry. Everything is nonperishable, and still in it’s original container, so you shouldn’t have to worry about someone having tampered with it. Still, you are dealing with tricksters, so it could be poisoned.
At least you have water.
Two: you could go out and explore the maze again to see if there have been any changes to the layout. This would allow you to get a better sense of the games going forward, but you’d have to be on the constant lookout for other contestants. Some might be too eager to start the bloodbath they have been enticed to partake in, while others might start screaming and drawing those types of competitors to your area. Both of which you’d rather avoid for as long as you can.
Three: you could go out and purposely look for other competitors. Not everyone is going to immediately go hunting for their trophy out of the gate, and you’re sure there are probably a few reasonable people around. Besides, if someone got dropped in, and they don’t immediately understand what the hell is going on, they’ll be completely scared out of their wits. Best to make yourself seem trustworthy to gain as many allies as you can.
If you can stop them from killing each other, the tricksters won’t have a game this year, and the blood will not be on your own hands. Besides, you can check out the maze this way for any changes; two birds with one stone.
Pushing yourself onto your feet, you steel your resolve. Looks like you have your answer. If you can align yourself with potential allies, then great! However, if you woke up in an unfamiliar place, were scared out of your wits and deathly confused, you would want at least one person to extend that same kindness to you.
Nothing is worse than being kicked when you’re down.
Twirling the knife in your hand, you move toward the bathroom to freshen up slightly. Like hell you’ll change into any of the clothes they got for you. After the encounter yesterday with Ghost, you know that that’s exactly what they’re hoping for, too.
Washing them might become an issue, but you’ve survived in the wilderness by yourself with only a knife to help you before. If you can do it once, you can do it again. You father didn’t teach you everything he knew about hunting for nothing.
The water feels cool against your skin as you wash up as much as you can. You’re a little hesitant about showering, or even stripping yourself completely naked for the moment. If you really have to, you’ll bathe in your underwear. Who knows what could be watching.
Adjusting your clothes, you manage to tuck the little notebook with your newly drawn map into the back of the waistband of your jeans. A pencil gets slid into your front pocket, along with a few pins, careful not to break the lead tip all the while. The small knife is held securely in your dominant hand, that string with your two keys and paperclip around your neck once more.
Turning towards the front, you take a deep breath once more.
Slowly, you move to unlock the door. It’s about time for the games to start, and from the way you hear a breeze rustling the leaves of the maze, you know it’s begun.
Swallowing the sudden dryness in your throat, you step outside.
The first difference you notice is how the area is now suddenly alive with sounds. The leaves rustle continuously, a soft breeze brushing through. There even appears to be bugs and small animals now in the area, of which were never there before.
Still, it remains as dark as night.
Taking a deep breath, you allow the smell of earth and nature to fill your lungs. The scents are stronger than yesterday, but that won’t be a hindrance to you at all.
Lifting your gaze, your brow furrows. 
There, in the distance, appears almost a small protrusion above the one edge of the maze. An object that hadn’t been apparent before, even in your search of the area yesterday. Almost as if a building has appeared out of thin air.
The only things you did manage to come across yesterday were more of those little clearings with shacks in them. There are eight to be exact, four on opposite ends of the maze, designating where each survivor must first appear in the games. 
Perhaps the first challenge is being able to escape these huts.
Yours seems to be the second closest to the one edge. The one in which you ran into Ghost yesterday is the furthest to the left, yours directly beside it with two more following in succession after that. If you get lucky, and move quick enough, you might be able to slip passed the hut before the person inside manages to escape.
You grit your teeth.
Sick bastards probably intend to let some of them starve, or suffocate to death inside those shacks.
You shake your head, you need to worry about yourself right now. If they can’t get out on their own, then they’re no use to you in fighting off anything or anyone.
A grimace crosses your features. The whole reason you stepped foot outside your own place once the games began was to help others if they needed it. Now, you’re thinking about just letting them die?
You’re not that much like that bitch. You’re not that heartless. At least, not yet.
Too many conflicting emotions begin flitting through your mind. Enough so, that you manage to shake your head again in hopes to clear them. Only, it’s in vain, your thoughts beginning to consume you.
Taking a step forward, you begin to enter the maze. Hopefully, focussing down on the task at hand will help to clear your mind.
Again, just like yesterday, you turn left to start. The familiar path of the maze greets you, and you find yourself almost breathing a sigh of relief the longer you traverse the grounds. At least the maze hasn’t seemed to have shifted in the slightest. Yet.
Reaching that first opening where that other shack rests, you spare a glance into the clearing. Of course, just like yesterday, you’re cautious. The last thing you need is a surprise attack by another contestant, or another trickster.
However, what you do not expect, is for a loud bang to sound from the inside of the shack as you begin to creep closer.
“Please,” the voice is desperate, strained from yelling, “is there anyone out there?”
You freeze right in your tracks.
“Please,” a broken plea as you hear a sniffle coming from behind the closed door. “Someone, help me…”
You blink, unsure if what you’re hearing is correct. Yet, at the sound of the sobs becoming louder the closer you get, you know that whoever is inside of that shack must be desperate. Faintly, you swear you can even make out the sound of scratching coming from within, as if whoever is trapped inside is attempting to claw their way out in vain.
Pausing right in front of the door, you take a low breath in.
“Are you alright?” Your voice comes out softer than normal, but still loud enough for the other person to hear through their sobs.
Immediately, it’s like they go still. “Is someone there?”
“Yes, I’m here,” you gently reassure them. “I’m not going to leave you.”
“Oh, thank you,” a shuddering inhale. “Please, let me out of here. I- I- I swear I’ll be good and do whatever you want. Just please,” he sniffles once more, “let me out.”
“Do you know where you are?” You ask, crouching down in front of the door to examine the lock.
“No! It’s dark, and all I was told was that the games have begun.” He replies, a wail to his words. “What the fuck does that mean? Are you hear to kill me? Am I going to die? I don’t want to be a victim to someone pretending to play Jigsaw.”
You snort a bit at that. Yeah, that’s certainly one way to put it.
“I’m not going to hurt you, as long as you don’t hurt me. Okay?” You say, pulling out some of those pins from your pocket. “I know it might be hard to trust the words of a stranger right now, given the circumstances, but we’re going to have to believe in each other right now. I’ll tell you everything I can once I know I can trust you. Do you understand?”
A small pause where you can just tell that the male stuck inside of the shack is wiping at his eyes. “Yes.”
“Good,” you nod. “Now, I have a few questions for you before hand. They are meant to help you, and I know they might be frustrating at first, but we both need to understand your situation fully. Tell me everything you can see inside the room with you.”
A moment passes by in silence. Then another, and another.
“I can’t make out anything, it’s too dark.” Comes his reply, voice small as if scared that’s not the answer you want to hear from him. “It’s cramped, and I can’t move my legs.”
You blink. “Are you hurt?”
“No!” Immediately, he responds before clearing his throat slightly. “No, I’m not. I promise. It’s just really cramped in here.”
“Alright. Do you have anything of value on your person?” You ask. “Like a phone, or a watch?”
“I have my watch, but no phone.” He tells you, and from the sounds of things, is calming down the more you talk with him.
“Is it analog or digital?” You ask, beginning to pick the lock holding him hostage in the shack.
You smile faintly. “Describe it to me.”
“Well, my one brother got it for me for my birthday last year, and it has a brown strap,” he starts prattling off. “The face is white, and the numbers are gold…” he trails off. “Hey, why are you so interested in my watch?”
The lock clicks, and you stand back to your feet.
“I’m not.” Comes your blunt reply. “But you’ve stopped crying, haven’t you?”
The male goes silent, contemplating your words.
“It’s unlocked.” You say, turning the handle to crack the door open just an inch.
However, what you don’t expect is for the door to fling itself open almost instantly. Reflexively, you jump back, now eyeing the man that lays on his back on the ground as the door rests wide open.
He groans, eyes closed in pain. “Ow.”
“My bad, I forgot you were probably sitting against it.” You chuckle, dusting off your knees casually.
His eyes open, and you notice how sharp his features are. Though, that’s not what stands out to you the most.
The bright pink hair cropped short to his head draws your immediate gaze, and you can only quirk a brow in response. From the length of his torso, he also appears quite tall, too.
“Thank you,” he shifts his face towards you, eyes still shining with unshed tears.
“Don’t mention it.” You shrug him off. “Can you stand?”
Slowly, the male nods, pushing himself to his feet in the next second.
You’re right, he is tall. Nothing you can’t handle, though.
“What’s you name?” Your eyes trail over his figure from top to bottom, and he has to suppress the pleasant shiver than wants to caress his spine as you do so.
“Mingi.” He breathes, heart pounding inside of his chest.
“Nice to meet you, Mingi,” you nod once. “Though, I wish it were under better circumstances.”
You move around him, inspecting what little you can see inside the now unlocked shack. Looks like there really is nothing of importance inside. All that greets you is a tiny enclosed space with four wooden walls. Not even enough room to lay down on the ground comfortably.
Turning back to him, you see him standing a little ways to the side, wiping at the dried tears on his face.
“Hey, it’ll be okay.” You smile assuringly at him before introducing yourself. “I know it’s terrifying, but we’ll get through this. Okay?”
He nods, almost vigorously. “Okay.”
“Leaving you by yourself is more dangerous right now than exploring with me, but I won’t force you to come with me if you don’t want to.” You begin to explain. “I-“
“I’ll come with you.” His response is immediate, almost eager, as he cuts you off before you can even continue.
“I won’t lie, you could die either way. These games are not meant to be easy.” You meet his gaze.
“What even are these games?” He asks, swallowing a bit thickly as he watches you pull out that small knife of yours.
“Death games. Insanity games. Whatever you want to call them.” You say, taking one final look around the clearing you’re in. “They’re a type of survival game, if you will. Either you hunt or be hunted while you attempt to find a way out. Only one is allowed to survive in the end, but not this time.” You meet his gaze once more from over your shoulder, smiling reassuringly at him. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”
“Who, in their right mind, would do this to somebody? Why hasn’t anyone caught the people behind this?” He asks, frown tugging at his features.
You let out a sigh, motioning for him to lead on with your head as you reenter the maze. He’s a bit hesitant at first, but with a small quirk of your brow, he doesn’t argue.
“I’ll guide you, don’t worry. This is more of a precaution for me, than you,” you tell him.
“You’re the one with a knife.” He mutters.
“Exactly,” you hum. “So just follow my lead.” He shoots you a pointed look from in front of you. “You know what I mean.”
“Well, you freed me from my chains,” he turns back to face front, turning right on your command. “Least I can do is listen to you.”
You find his wording a bit odd, but relevant nonetheless. Either way, you’re just glad he’s being compliant for now.
“To answer your question, Mingi,” the male nearly shudders when you say his name, though it’s not in the context he would prefer. “The people behind these games are not regular people. In fact, they’re not even human at all. They haven’t been caught because they don’t want to be caught.”
“What do you mean?” There’s a certain tone of wariness to his voice which you have no problem picking up on.
“When is a door not a door?” You quirk a brow knowingly.
“When it’s ajar.” Comes his immediate answer.
“Exactly.” You respond.
“I don’t get it.” He shakes his head, pausing mid-step and causing you to almost run into his back due to how closely you had been following him. “What’s a riddle have to do with anything?”
“Sorry, long shot for me to think you would have understood that reference.” You chuckle. “No, just that there was a show I used to watch that had a particular season which dealt with the sort of inhuman creature these eight devils are.”
“There’s eight of them?” The surprise can only mask the fear so much.
“Yes.” You blink. “There are eight of them.”
“But what are they?” He presses.
You take a deep breath, exhaling slowly as your spine straightens. “They’re tricksters. Powerful ones at that, too. Demons who love causing misery, and tormenting those that are unfortunate enough to get caught up in their games.”
“Tricksters? You mean like Loki?” His brow furrows.
“Worse than that.” You shake your head. “From what I understand, the only way to tell them apart from other contestants is their eyes. Each of them has a specific eye colour unique to their powers and personalities. The colours designate age order, too.”
“Do you know what each of them are?” He asks, beginning to continue through the maze at the sudden jerk of your chin forward.
“If you’re asking me if I know what they look like, I do not. Except for two.” You reply honestly. “I only know a few of their names, too.”
“They have names?” His inquiry is so genuinely curious, the corner of your lips twitch upwards slightly.
It’s been a long time since you’ve remembered what that has felt like.
“Yes.” You confirm. “Everything in this world does, even those forgotten by time.”
“Then how does anyone remember them if they are forgotten?” His brow furrows once more in thought.
“You just need to know where to look.” You share a look with him, something sparking behind your eyes that he and his brothers have not seen in a long time.
“How do you know so much about them, anyways?” He asks, casually glancing at you out of the corner of his eyes.
“There was a time where I was curious about the myths surrounding these games of theirs, and why the supposed victor always came back changed in some way.” You reply, shrugging him off. “It didn’t lead me anywhere.”
The way you curl in on yourself, even the slightest bit, has him backing off for now.
Little do you know of the anger bubbling just beneath the surface of his skin for you. He knows what happened. He knows what that bitch did to you to make you stop researching so excitedly about them. Research which you have never bothered to touch again.
“Well, whatever knowledge you still possess, I’m certainly glad to be on your team with it.” He grins, eyes crinkling at the sides.
His response catches you by surprise. So much so, that you end up freezing in your tracks, blinking at him in shock. No one has ever reacted positively to knowing you’ve spent time dedicated to learning about these tricksters. No one.
“You are?” Your voice is so much more tender, the uncertainty bleeding through in the way you suddenly feel so small standing next to him.
Mingi takes a moment to look you over, a sort of softness shining within his eyes that you don’t quite understand.
“Of course I am!” His grin widens. “Any knowledge is good knowledge, especially when I don’t have the slightest clue of what’s going on. I’m counting on you.”
You smile faintly, the radiance of his own expression managing to lift your spirits the slightest bit, even given the situation you currently find yourselves in.
“Knowledge is it’s own weapon, too.” He continues. “I think a lot of people forget that sometimes. That, or they fear what someone with knowledge can become.”
Your lips twitch slightly, shoulders relaxing even just the faintest bit. “You’re right.”
“Now, come on,” he shoots you a reassuring smile before he begins trudging forwards through the maze once more. “I think I see an opening up ahead.”
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dark-mnjiro · 7 months
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week one :: kurosaki ichigo
[i want you to] give in - dom/sub dynamics, light bondage, blindfold, breathe play, blowjobs, and breeding,
week two :: michael kaiser & alexis ness
[run] for your life - primal play, predator/prey, dom/sub, dubcon, threesome, voyeurism, bondage, cnc, brat taming, and rough sex
week three :: sano shinichiro
[the devil is] in the mirror - noncon/dubcon, yandere, mirror maze/mirror sex, semi/public sex, choking, psychological cat & mouse, heavily based on the infamous mirror maze scene in haunting adeline
week four :: ryomen sukuna
[all that] bloodshed - halloween special, dead city/apocalypse/zombie au, enemies to lovers, dubcon, brat taming, knife play, blood, degradation, humiliation, power struggle, threats, and psychological torture
disclaimer: I do not plan to have specific dates for releases for my kinktober fics - just weeks, just to put me at ease a bit more mentally. Week 4 may or may not fall on Halloween instead of “week 4” as it will be the longest of my kinktober fics. I hope you all enjoy my first ever kinktober. I’m trying really hard.
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pavementlloss · 2 months
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Same background with the Harpae I drew before
Head maid Lisette in this AU will be more crazy,and this state is closer to her psychological state when she chased goldia first time(That horrible mirror maze I hate it)in the game,or when they met on the table(the scene that full of lisette)
And Maid Lisette is more like to show as the state she was just created,from tearing papers to hurting herself
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