#menal health blogs
julyafternoonthoughts · 3 months
t-30 minutes until your appointment with your psychiatrist at 2pm on a thursday afternoon
I have 30 minutes until my appointment with my psychiatrist. I like her she's really nice and she listens.
I just watched an episode of degrassi, season 12, episode 303 to be specific. I look at the time, it's 1:20something pm.
My heart starts pounding and I feel the anxiety start to set in. but why? im at home. im going to attend my appointment virtually, so I dont even need to get ready. what is it then? I dont know. I never know. why my heart has been sinking and pounding on and off for the last 3 years. i will tell her this in todays appointment.
so I go downstairs. I make myself some tea. I use the pretty mug with the little yellow flowers on it. I make the tea, steep it, add sugar. we are out of milk, so I use oat milk instead. I rewarm so it can stay piping hot for when I bring it up to my room.
I bring my tea upstairs t my room. I try to admire my valentines nails resting on the handle of the mug with the pretty yellow flowers on it. I cant.
I get to my room, my heart still pounding and sinking for some reason unknown to me. I sit on my bed. I open up spotify. Cue nice for what by drake. then headlines by drake. any drake song at a time like this. a time like what? a time when I can feel my heart ponding and sinking at the same time for no reason. yes, a time like that. so I play nice for what by drake and I start sipping on my tea. it is still hot. then headlines by drake, my favourite. the song that makes me feel okay for approximately 3mins while my heart is still pounding.
I open up my notes app and open up the note I started earlier today titled, 'feb 22 appointment'. the first point I have written down form this morning is 'Plain old feeling of truly wanting to die'.
I add a few more points onto the note, so I remember the critical points I need to bring up today. bc im already 27 years old, and I already feel like im dying. bc im only 27 years old and I already feel like im dying.
maybe she can help. I mean, ive been seeing her since May of 2023, and I feel sicker than ever. maybe she can tell me what is wrong with me, bc I dont know anymore.
-signed, a 27 year old girl not so sure if she wants to keep trying. trying for what anyway?
feb 22 2024
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littlebabiebear · 2 years
𝒸𝓇𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒹𝑒𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃
❥ Labradorite
❥ Rose quartz
❥ Citrine
❥ Lapis Lazuli
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writerdiviner · 2 years
I can already tell this is going to be a year full of setting boundaries and I'm equal parts scared and excited about it. I just don't feel like carrying some shit with me anymore and people gotta respect it.
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Am i a joke to you 8/12/20
hey sorry tumblr i forgot about you ahah but here is another blog after mouths of waiting sorry
Okay so hello I'm back sorry it's been so long thanks to university work drowning me in computers and paper and a waterfall of assignments but I'm back now this one isn’t a walk in the park so there is a trigger warning for the following Self-harm, suicide, Depression, Anxiety, Eating disorders, abuse so do you hear that choo choo TRAUMA TRAIN TIME  enjoy (can I say enjoy?)Rant
When you can’t go out because you feel like a danger to yourself, you feel like if you are on your own you will do damage. Why is it so hard to find counselling in the year  2020? Why is depression and anxiety still you can go to hospital and get help for a broken leg but a fucked up mind with scars everywhere and a raging mind. I believe I’m lonely I believe I will never get over the sexual abuse no one cares no therapist takes me seriously.
Each night it’s like a tightrope walking across it the thoughts and suicide is the rope each night thousands of people fall I’ve lost count of the times I’ve fallen and tried to kill myself suicide is not a joke NO mental illness is a joke life sucks it really does.
My life is a mess my brain is a mess no one will help me every time I try to get help shit goes down. The thing that I think I relate to the most is this spoken poetry ‘to this day’ I’ll link it in the bottom. I never belonged in school I lost my friend at the age of 13 I was bullied and abused my whole life I was sexually abused numerous times by mums friends son I was abused in college and then again in uni my brain is a mess of suicide self harm eating disorders and everyone refuses to help the broken kid who never opened up because of trust issues and the one time I decide hey it’s time to open up I wait 4 months to be told I can’t have therapy even though the assessment was done and all said to be good.
I am told and I do say I tell others ‘it gets better’ or ‘its worth living for’ but I usually shrug it off and don’t believe it all I want is the sweet relief of death and a blade that sooths the pain I feel within.
Just because it’s mental doesn’t mean it’s not real mental health is as real as a broken leg or a cut wrist mental illness most likely turns out to have physical consequences. You know why because you get so fed up of your own brain being locked up with it and the demons screaming in your ears that there is only one way to get away from the pain and that’s to inflict it on yourself
I go out when I can drag myself out of my bed which is the hardest thing at times putting the smile on and pretending everything is fine when inside my head is like a war people win the little battles of depression and not the war the war is so much bigger than people say it is the war against your own head your own voices and just admitting you are not okay is embarrassing at times it doesn’t help I hate my whole body I’m a trans man and seeing my body makes my depression a lot worse at the moment I am not ok I was turned down from therapy after 4 months of waiting so no I’m not okay I’m far from it.
With university work trauma self harm eating disorders trust issues galore I hate every day I wake up and realise I’m alive is horrible each night I go to sleep hoping I die in my sleep I am just not happy with my life and the way the mental health system works it IS FUCKED in the age of 2020 you’d think there would be flying cars but nope we are currently in lockdown stuck inside because of a virus this year has been a shit show but take this year times it by 10,000 and then you have what having depression is that’s what it is like each waking moment of having depression. Sleeping is easy but sometimes I don’t feel safe because dreams and sleep paralysis gets me and then the moment where I’m meant to be safe isn’t I don’t feel safe in my dreams my trauma doesn’t leave me alone every moment is hell.
Feeling so anxious you can't go out feeling as though you're going to go through rape all over again I think our system needs to change. People like me who have been through hell should be a priority people who feel as though the only way out of their problems is the sweet relief of the knife slicing their arm up the sweet relief of the noose as it takes your life as the chair falls on the floor you pull that trigger on the gun BANG your dead.
Depression anxiety and other mental disorders may be invisible to others BUT not to the people who are in constant agony of life the constant burden that life puts on you the constant shots that are fired as you are called the names ‘ugly’ ‘fat’ and people wonder why we are all depressed I wonder why
Anyway sorry its been a while but I love you all
Stay strong
Love Dino xx
As per usual some helplines and also the video I referenced ..
Nhs depression-  https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/mental-health-helplines/
Mind-  https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/useful-contacts/
To this day = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltun92DfnPY
i am aware its dated as the 8th but ti was uploaded on the 9th its nealy 3am and i worte it on the 8 th lol messed sleeping patten .... fun anyways hope you enjoyed 
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does anyone have a lot of experience with dbt? in my outpatient ed group we spend one day a week doing dbt, but i’m not sure how helpful it is to my recovery. are there any success stories out there that used this method of therapy? 
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onlywitchythings · 6 years
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May you survive your depression in 2018 ✨ The red part is the alchemical symbol for life. The rest is done by intuition and in black, since black stands for protection. Much light to all of you and you can always message me if you need someone to talk to 🖤✨
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The intention of this blog is to raise awareness surrounding Harm reduction and why it is the best approach to addiction therapy and rehabilitation. This blog will address harm reduction through many perspectives, ultimately opening up discusses surrounding harm reduction. Firstly, harm reduction will be discussed in relation to decreasing HIV rates and reallocating funs with the analysis of Drucker’s journal on harm reduction. Secondly, drug addition will be compared to other menal illnesses such as schizophrenia and questions surrounding the different levels of stigmatization around mental health illnesses will be analyzed. Thirdly, harm reduction will be discussed in the form of crack pipe sharing in youth, data collected from Chein’s study will be used to support the claim that harm reduction methods need to be employed for youth across Canada. Fourthly, I will be dissecting Johann Hari’s Everything you know about addiction is Wrong Ted talk in relation to the "rat cocaine" experiment and the effect that environment has on addiction. Fifthly, I will discuss the effects of naloxone and the harm that the illegalization of drugs has caused in regards to users accessing naloxone that could potentially save a life. Sixthly, I will discuss the “housing first” model and the “treatment first” models that take two very different approaches to reducing homelessness. I will then argue our moral obligation to help others will be discussed using the work of Klein and his perspective on moral obligation. Lastly, I will discuss possible ways to implement harm reduction strategies with hospital and healthcare systems. Overall the aim of this blog is to recognize that there are many discourses surrounding harm reduction that need to be addressed in order to successfully implement harm reduction strategies in Canada. 
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Fear 06/06/20
So I've talked about many things in my recent bogs bit have not spoken about the limitations that come with having anxiety. This, as per usual had a trigger warning for self-harm anxiety, sexual assault and also suicide mentions, oh and stalking if that's a trigger (funnnn yayyyy).
In the past, I have let my anxiety take over my life in certain parts as a child I was timid. I hated talking to others and struggled to ask for help in class. I was mostly alone and hated most the attention on me so, therefore, I didn't like my birthday because this was always all on me.
My anxiety started to get really bad in year 7 when I started the shithole school I was at, it tore my mental health apart and threw the bits in the air as they celebrated the victory of taking my life over. I thought being shy was just me being nervous. I enjoyed drama a lot I used to do productions outside of school. As soon as it hit GCSE, I did take drama I never regretted it my teacher was very helpful when it came to anxiety and stuff so she would let me do my performances in front of her. One of my friends would do the lighting and encourage me. It helped to have that connection with her that she'd look out for me.
Once college started, I gave up participating in performances. My Anxiety and panic attacks took over me. It was like a wave had suddenly hit me. I was stuck under a stream of anxiety, panic attacks and other mental illnesses. I could barely breathe its what anxiety felt like my panic attacks were very regular id have at least 5 a day just thinking about going outside because people will look at me and judge me it didn't help alongside this I had a lot of stuff to deal with my home life, My self harm my depression and other lovely wonderful traumas.
So after school, I gave up the thing I loved the most drama I used to love being able to be someone else for that hour and forget the problems I used to love the feeling of thinking of a drama piece and being able to script it and performed I loved it.
As soon as college, my anxiety as I have said already got very bad unbearable it began to be bad at the end of school. Still, I continued in drama my panic attacks were bad though before any drama lesson id go into the bathroom have a panic attack self-harm and go in with a smile like nothing had just happed my friend at the time also got anxious about performing wed help each other out with it.
Throughout college, I lost this interest in drama the thought of performing made me feel sick even going to college was enough to trigger a panic attack and Id have multiple in the daytime college first year wasn't a pleasant experience in college was the 2nd time id been sexually assaulted by the same person the college never helped it was traumatising it was on one of the days I had math tutoring my tutor was lovely. She was worried about me this whole experience knocked my anxiety far back and took the person I used to be I was a shadow of myself I still am working on getting that light again,And getting who I used to be back. I'm not going into the assault, but I will do in another blog.
 I will say as much as I hated the job sometimes it helped me a bit with my anxiety as I serve people ice cream, so I have to socialise this did help me massively.
Second-year came around the first day I went to induction was hard as by my previous college I was told id never get far. I wouldn't be able to achieve, so they offered me to do my GCSEs again. I had passed English, and the way that college treated me made me feel was awful. So I moved the morning of induction day I felt sick as frick. It wasn't pleasant. I   had few panic attacks in the quiet corner of the bus and went in it turned to out to be a good day.
I had applied for a course in level 2., but the guy I talked to said I had enough grades to get into level 3 so it was good.
I  got into level three, My anxiety was still terrible. I barely spoke to anyone in the first week or so.
I would wait until the tutor let us go and id practically run out the classroom to either the library or home depending on whether it was hometime or not I was too anxious to socialise with anyone I was like this all the time.
I never asked for help when I needed it having my learning difficulties really affected this as well, I struggled with my written work and maths but was too anxious to ask for help, and I was dyspraxic as fuck.
The third year in college was very hard as all of my friends had moved on and moved off of college or different courses. I struggled with my anxiety massively. After all of my issues, I was back in therapy and finally diagnosed with  Major depression, social anxiety disorder and generalised anxiety disorder which I was given medication for. Still, they ended up triggering a lot of panic attacks at the start but began to help after a while.
 I hid away a lot when I wasn't at college, in fact, my anxiety got so bad that in march of 2019 I gave college up didn't go to college whatsoever my anxiety had got me into a vicious circle of not going in and then getting too anxious to go back into college. So I gave up luckily, my college was still able to give me a qualification they took into account my awful mental state.
My mum has never been the nicest to me, so she didn't know when I was at college I was actually at my mate's house I couldn't face telling them I had a bad panic attack every time I thought about it so they would meet me every morning and id go to their house for the day then come back home after and act like it was college.
Around this time was the time I had an issue with a stalker he was on the bus one day and asked where a particular stop was so I being a good bean I told him, it happened to be the same one as me. That was that reasonable right? Yes, but it wasn't after some time he'd wait for me at the bus stop and 'walk with me' aka stalk me home I was clever though and went to a completely different area and said that was my house and waited till he fucked off. Then id go back I would get into shit for being late home my parents were assholes about it I didn't tell them about all of this.
This went on for about a month, and then I told my friend he encouraged me to call the police. So I did he was there for it he helped me through it. They gave me a lot of support throughout all of this, which set my anxiety off very severely, but they understood my situation.
One evening I was in my room heard a knock at the door my dad got it and called me I came down the stairs and my heart sunk it was the police, I felt so sick in my throat. And I sheepishly walked down the stairs and into the front room. They came to have a chat about all of this, and they were lovely police officers and was very understanding. I think they could see how anxious I was.
After this, I went back upstairs after trying to fight off a panic attack for the whole meeting thingy if you can call it that in the living room. I got upstairs, and my mum shouted for me. I got yelled at for having a stalker, yes I got punished because some dude decided 'hey imma stalk you now give you lifelong trauma' it's not like I was like 'HEY STALK ME' It was rough I went back into my room cut and had a panic attack and cried myself to sleep. You know that feeling when you're in your room trying not to cry too loud holding your hand on your mouth trying not to let anyone hear you well that was what it was like that night. I fell asleep with a blade in my hand crying wishing i wasn't born.
Ever since that I haven't gotten off at the stop in the centre, I always get off early I'm too scared to do otherwise and get off in the usual place.
Summer was hard for my anxiety especially with university coming closer and closer, and I didn't know what was going on with it this was making me more and more anxious my home situation wasn't too great either.
 I wanted to get out of my home. Still, I didn't know what was happening with it once I found out where I was going I didn't have time to think about it as that week I had to apply for accommodation then that weekend I was moving in the next day freshers week began. I was anxious and too scared to trust people being in a flat was hard. Still, I met some pretty amazing people in this I would not change this for anything if the other university asked me  I would turn it down anyway because I'm happy with where I am.
I feel like university has changed me yes I was very very anxious at the start and have had ups and downs with it with my mental health the trauma train making a lot of stops in my head. With the downs, I have met many amazing people. I have even gotten back into drama with doing musical theatre yes I did stop it for a bit, but that was when shit hit the fan again. My medication started up again. I loved musical theatre it helped me with my anxiety a lot. I met lots and lots of lovely human beings there. They are like a family even though I wasn't noticed much I was always quiet and to myself so I don't think I really made an impact on anyone there. Still, oh well they helped me a lot.
 But there you go another blog of Dino chats shit gets distracted goes off-topic went back onto topic and written over one thousand words. Fun.
But thank you all for reading my shitty blogs more about me complaining about how rough life can be and how shit things are. Still, they do get better I promise you this is probably the shittest blog I've done as I've kinda slightly rushed it I wanted to get it up for yall as I've been saying for ages ill upload (Not that anyone actually follows my blogs oof)But I did it anyway 
But as i usually do anxiety affects, everyone, even if you're not professionally diagnosed with it everyone gets anxiety and its okay to feel anxious don't beat yourself up for it or even hate yourself for being anxious it's alright I'm here if anyone needs me you can message me anytime love ya.
As I usually do  Here are some helplines if you are struggling with anxiety and panic or/and anxiety attacks thank you all again stay strong my human beans thanks for reading another shitty blog that is longer than it should be as I said I'm always here. If you need me inbox me (on Tumblr) or message me on anything I'm here still will be I care about you, YES YOU the person who read all of my blogs or skipped to the end if so I don't blame you, but I care, love, ya.
Here you go :
NHS Anxiety:https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/understanding-panic/
NHS mental health support: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/mental-health-helplines/
Young minds on anxiety: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/conditions/anxiety/
Dino the dyslexic blogger xx
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