#meaning of lily
scriptflorist · 2 years
If a character to mine were to make/get a bouquet of Heliotrope, Amaranth, Dogwood, Laurestine, Jonquil, Milk vetch and yellow lilies, what would it mean?
That’s quite specific, let’s see what they mean and what message your character might get from this.
amaranth – immortality
amaranth (globe) – immortality, hope in misery, unfading love
dogwood – love diminished by adversity, durability
heliotrope – devoted attachment, I love you, intoxicated with pleasure, devotion, devoted affection, infatuation, faithfulness
jonquil – desire, affection returned, I desire a return of affection, love me, sympathy
laurestine – I die if neglected, delicate attentions, a token, cheerful in adversity
lily (yellow) – coquetry, falsehood, gaiety, I am walking on air, false, gay, gratitude
milk vetch – your presence softens my pain(s)
What exactly that translates to now is rather subjective, but certainly a message of strong emotions strongly related to love.
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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disastaro · 28 days
happy atsushi day to those who celebrate
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stxrslut · 2 months
pleasee mean!rafe x virgin!reader where it’s reader’s first time and rafe eventually becomes nice and caring after he sees that it’s hurting her?
I kind of twisted this around a bit… not really though..
In your defence you hadn’t meant to get this far without telling Rafe you’re a virgin, it just all happened so fast you couldn’t even process it.
you’d only been dating for a few weeks, and so you hadn’t really had the chance. you’re regretting not telling him now that it’s too late, and he’s got you face down ass up with your hands pinned together.
this does not feel right in the slightest. you’re close to crying, letting out small whimpers that are unfortunately not being interpreted right on rafe’s part.
it’s only when you feel the head of his cock pushing into your entrance, the stretch from just that hurting you immensely, that you blurt it out. “Rafe stop!” you pull yourself forward to get out of his way.
he sits up, pulling his hands off of you and holding them up in an act of defence. he looks confused, trying to figure out what he did wrong. you flip over to look up at him, “I’m a virgin.” you state, grimacing at the abruptness of your own sentence.
his eyebrows shoot up instantly “oh- oh omg god!” he stands up, picking up his boxers and putting them on so as to give himself some modesty. “you were just gonna let me have sex with you like that? shit baby I would’ve done you in.”
you look down when he comes to sit next to you, demeanour softening when he sees you need it, and arm wrapping round your shoulders to pull you close. “I didn’t know it was gonna hurt s’much…”
he sighs, “I’m sorry baby. didn’t mean to hurt you.” he rubs your back, giving you a bit of a cuddle that he can tell you need. he makes sure you’re okay before speaking.
“okay not to be vain or anything but have you seen my dick? you expected that to fit in you with no preparation?” he speaks, making sure to look at you attentively. you giggle slightly, but nod “I mean… I didn’t know what to expect…”
“right,” he sighs. “I’m not mad at you.” he emphasises “but you need to communicate with me when we’re having sex, m’gonna let you off now cause you didn’t know. but promise you got that?”
“yeah… got it…” you snuggle into his side “do we have to just stop now or can we do somethin’?” you can feel the smirk without even looking.
“course we can do somethin’…”
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 2 months
Did y’all see brennan’s face when Mike, Lily, and Rekha walked in??? Fucking phenomenal and then every single one of his reactions as Mike read out his card
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dovrt · 2 years
Remus used to call Regulus “Baby Black” at first but eventually the nickname turned into just “Baby”
Regulus usually wouldn’t like it but it drives James and Sirius mad
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that-bitch-kat3 · 1 year
reasons why you can’t gaslight marauders era characters:
remus: he doesn’t care what happened
sirius: he is already gaslighting you
james: does it could as gaslighting if he believes you unquestioningly?
lily: she has a perfect memory and never questions it
marlene: she already doesn’t remember it but refuses to admit she’s wrong
peter: he can talk his way in and out of any situation so you just leave feeling confused
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girlbloggen · 10 months
log in loser we're going girlblogging ౨ৎ
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hannaxjo · 5 months
Alan Rickman, David Thewlis, Gary Oldman and all those are iconic in their roles in Harry Potter, but I’ll always be a bit sad about that casting, because having that ‘Marauders era’ cast be age appropriate would’ve just been so much better for the story.
Sirius wasn’t this old man who spent 12 years in Azkaban, no he got locked up at 21. He spent almost third of his life in a cell. He wasn’t this wise father figure to Harry, he was a reckless thirty-something who never really got the chance to mature past 21.
Remus was an exhausted, bone deep tired man carrying both physical and mental scars from the suffering he went through. Because he’s a werewolf, because of the war, because he lost all of his friends. And he’s only 33 when first introduced.
And Snape. Snape wasn’t an old bitter man who just hated everyone and enjoyed being antagonistic. He was 31 in Harry’s first year. He began to work for Voldemort as a teen, and as a double agent at 20. He’s a thirty-something bitter man, who never got to really live or make real connections. From Harry’s perspective he’s scary and intimidating, but really he’s just kinda…sad and pathetic. And then especially that scene where Snape is begging Dumbledore to help save Lily, and promising anything in return. (Because apparently Dumbledore needs something in return…for saving people.) He’s twenty. Barely out of his teens. Rickman was good in that scene, but having someone who actually looks twenty, would better show how scared, young, guilty and just desperate he was. That might not put Dumbledore in such a good light, though.
And then, the characters I think would’ve been the most important to cast age appropriately. And most people probably already agree and know who I’m talking about. James and Lily. They were 21 when they died. When Harry sees them in the mirror of Erised, they’re 10 years older than him. That’s the age difference Ron has with Bill. In that scene I might understand somewhat them being in their thirties, because that’s what Harry wants. He wants his life with his parents, he wants to have been raised by them. Though, I don’t know if the mirror could know what they might’ve looked like in their thirties, since they didn’t live that long. But then, in the cemetery when Voldemort’s wand spits the last spells cast, we see Lily and James as they were. 21. They’re telling their son to hold on just a moment longer. And they are 7 years older than him. In Deathly Hallows, Harry sees Voldemort kill them. They’re not this happy couple who’s got to love each other for a long time, only to have that happiness torn from them, no they started at Hogwarts ten years ago. They’re 21, and they’ve barely tasted that happiness. At the end of the book Harry talks to his parents. They comfort him and promise to stay with him, as he goes to die. Harry’s seventeen. James and Lily are four years older than him.
It wouldn’t have felt as nice. Harry being comforted by someone who looks almost his age. But it wasn’t nice. It was pretty tragic. Casting people who look 21, would’ve really made it land on the audience. It was a tragedy. They were barely adults.
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moonymiel · 2 months
the thing about jily is that yes james is absolutely besotted and a lover boy but lily is the original lover girl. james is extremely charming and funny not to mention INCREDIBLY intelligent and you’re telling me lily wouldn’t like him for the first few years??? pls if anything she would be so annoyed at herself because everyone is falling over stupid over james and co. because they’re all grossly attractive in their own ways and she wants to be better than that. but then james makes his interest so clear it’s almost ridiculous and it’s just too good to be true isn’t it?
lily would have to hide her smiles until she was safely hiding behind her curtains when james made a silly go at a love confession in the common room. she would wear her hair down every transfiguration class to hide her blush because james would make the best jokes with minerva teaching while still getting every exercise perfectly because that was His subject. every time he asked her to hogsmade her heart would beat so loud she could barely hear her own voice as she rejected him. because of course she would have a sense of injustice over her childhood best friend that she is trying to cling to so hard as she watches him drift away in front of her eyes. but she has seen so many times how truly good and gentle james is with the people he deems worthy. so of course she is going to appreciate his affection. and of course she has loved him back the entire time. but she is the brightest witch of her age and she has to have some pride, doesn’t she? james needs to sweat for it a little, but it has never been a matter of lily loving him back, just a matter of letting herself love him and be loved by him openly.
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7cfc00 · 5 months
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home is where the heart is (and yours is gone)
#happy holidays#dndads#dndads fanart#dungeons and daddies#dndaddies#dndads s1#glenn close dndads#dndads season 2#dndads odyssey#dndads glenn close#im so sick and fever rn so forgive me for any mistakes in this drawing or in my following explanation#background is covered in crosses for the bad day book. the chains represent his time in meth bay prison#the three swords are a reference to the three of swords tarot card which means like heartbreak or smth#also can be taken literally because his heart exploded#the swords themselves are modelled after the sword of justice to bring in themes of justice and punishment as well as referencing the trial#i also drew the same sword in the blackjack thing.#bottom left is his funeral pyre (referencing his death) and nick jr (representing his son's “death”)#the door is the door to his apartment its number 48 because ep 48 is carry on my wayward son#christmas decor cus of course hed had them up all year round#the plant is a peace lily representing death and funeral s again#headstone is morgan's the crysanthemum represents her death. this is because its also featured in the “remember death” thing i drew once#also i just associate flowers w the close family because it very easily represents both mortality and love#anyway. fuckin. his heart (loved ones + literal heart) are gone and its like. can he ever return home#idk smth about not being able to go back to the way things were smth about having the comfort of a home anymore. leaving all that shit behi#d. i feel so tired#sorry for the long explanation i think i may have went a little too hard on the symbolism but i didn t know how else to#express the feelings of glenn's conversation w darryl in that one episode
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mary, lily and narcissa as the iconic blondes from the early 00’s who didn’t get the wlw ending they deserved
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i tried to make this as slay-girlie-serving-cunt as possible LMAO (i’ve now grown an attachment to hot pink)
(this is not marls erasure i promise i love her but i *had* to include cissa as regina)
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scriptflorist · 2 years
Um hi there, I hope ya don't mind me popping in the ask box, but I have at least 3 question regarding flowers and I hope that you can answer them please. My questions are as follows, # 1:what are the meanings behind Black and White Roses? #2: what is the meaning behind sunflowers and Lillies (and the possible colors that lillies can come in?) And finally, what are the types of flowers that can be found within the French countryside or near the water in France? Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this! (And apologies if this is crazy long and misspelled.)
hOf course not! We’re happy to see you more than once! Let’s see what we can do for you. One thing we can already say however is that there is no meaning for black roses, but that just means that one could be made up for your story. There are no meanings because black roses don’t exist. We’ve gotten very close with dark reds, but those are much more recent developments, so they wouldn’t appear in Victorian Flow Language, or any traditional flower language that’s not contemporary.
Rose Meanings
Victorian Flower Language
rose (white) – I am worthy of you, silence, too young to love, I would be single, a heart unacquainted to love, innocence, purity, humility, secrecy
rose (white and red together) – unity
rose (white, withered) – transient impressions, death is preferably to loss of virtue
rosebud (white) – (a) heart that is ignorant of love, heart unacquainted with love, the heart that knows not love, girlhood
rose (white) – innocence, I deserve you, deep respect
rose (white buds) – too young to fall in love, girlhood
Sunflower Meanings
Victorian flower language
sunflower (dwarf) – your devout adorer, adoration
sunflower (tall) – pride, haughtiness, false riches, lofty and pure thoughts, smile on me still
sunflower – I look only at you, love, worship
Lily Meanings
Victorian flower language
daylily (yellow) – coquetry
lily – majesty, pride and modesty, majesty & honour, purity of heart
lily of the valley – return of happiness, the heart withering in secret, modesty, sweetness, tears of the virgin mary, happiness, humility
lily (calla) – feminine modesty, beauty, magnificent beauty
lily (day) – coquetry
lily (eucharis) – maiden charms
lily (imperial) – majesty
lily (japanese) – you cannot deceive me
lily (orange) – hatred, dislike
lily (superb) – splendour
lily (tiger) – wealth, pride, prosperity
lily (white) – purity and sweetness, purity, sweetness, virginity, majesty, it’s heavenly to be with you, youth
lily (yellow) – falsehood, coquetry, gaiety, I’m walking on air, false, gay, gratitude
water lily – eloquence, purity of heart
water lily (peltated) – wisdom
water lily (white) – eloquence, purity of heart, purity
carma lily – pureness, multi-talented person
easter lily – pureness, sweetness, dignity
himeyuri – pride
kanoko lily – mercy, beauty
lily of the valley – happiness will come again, pure, chastity, humility
lily turf – hidden heart, patience
sasayuri – elegant
tiger lily – sage, wealth and pride
yamayuri – majestic
yuri/lily – pure, innocent, dignity
yuri/lily (white) – innocence, dignity
yuri/lily (red/pink) – void
yuri/lily (yellow) – false, cheerful
yuri/lily (orange) – brilliant, fun
yuri/lily (Casablanca) – dignity, pureness, nobility
waterlily – innocent heart, trust, faith
zephyrlily – tainted love, letters, expectation
French Countryside Flowers (by the water)
fleur de lis – flame, I burn
iris – I have a message for you, message, faith, wisdom, promise in love, hope, valour
iris (flaming) – flame
iris (german) – flame, ardour
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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craske · 4 days
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a continuation of this idea
being stripped of the power of something like the soul jam might mess with you, both physically and mentally. idk if id call it like some sort of withdrawal but it might be similar
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feelingtheaster99 · 3 months
What I find so funny is that in receiving small glimpses of episodes I haven’t seen, I fully assumed that Kipperlilly Copperkettle was some type of dog-based humanoid? But no, that was Kristen just roasting her to FLITH upon meeting her
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that-bitch-kat3 · 1 year
sirius (talking about his childhood): it could have been worse
james: …how?
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jagalart · 21 days
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The other portrait of Stede I've done at the beginning of this year 🙏 love that dumbass.
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