#meaing of heliotrope
scriptflorist · 2 years
If a character to mine were to make/get a bouquet of Heliotrope, Amaranth, Dogwood, Laurestine, Jonquil, Milk vetch and yellow lilies, what would it mean?
That’s quite specific, let’s see what they mean and what message your character might get from this.
amaranth – immortality
amaranth (globe) – immortality, hope in misery, unfading love
dogwood – love diminished by adversity, durability
heliotrope – devoted attachment, I love you, intoxicated with pleasure, devotion, devoted affection, infatuation, faithfulness
jonquil – desire, affection returned, I desire a return of affection, love me, sympathy
laurestine – I die if neglected, delicate attentions, a token, cheerful in adversity
lily (yellow) – coquetry, falsehood, gaiety, I am walking on air, false, gay, gratitude
milk vetch – your presence softens my pain(s)
What exactly that translates to now is rather subjective, but certainly a message of strong emotions strongly related to love.
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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moonlite-stars116 · 3 years
Pink Camellia, Red Rose, Yellow & Purple Hyacinth, Heliotrope, and Daffodil’s...
Pink Camellia, Red Roses, Yellow and Purple Hyacinth, Heliotrope, and Doffodil’s, I cough these up.
⚠️warnings: Death(Pt.2), Unrequited love(possibly), Crying, Blood, Gay, Hanahaki, and Cussing. ⚠️
Do people still post things on here? IDK....But read the warnings and all of the flowers in this have Victorian meanings. This is between the second and third movie, then the third Movie, which I need to watch again so, consistency issues are to be expected. Also, in any other language that isn’t English, I’ll either use Google translate, If not I’ll use my Know-how of the languages but no one in here is German so- Google translate!
Hope you Enjoy reading this! 🙂
When Jedediah first felt the itching in the back of his throat was soon after the Smithsonian, and the museum was now being open during the night. He and the Leader of Rome were Usually joking around sometimes, or talk to tour groups.
Octavius was the leader, he was the same height as Jedediah but that was the only common thing they have together. While Jedediah was Blond, he was Black-haired, While Jed had blue eyes, he had brown, while Jed preferred Leather vests, red handkerchiefs, blue cotton shirts, jeans, boots, and his usual Stenson, Octavius preferred Armor, A gladiator-like helmet, a tunic, and sandals. So, when he started to hack his lungs up away from prying eyes and given a petal from a red rose he was confused.
This had never happened to him before, even with his memories combined with the real Jedediah Smith. The only thing that he could think of was that he started feeling something for the Roman. He dropped it to the ground and kicked dirt over it. Walking away he couldn't help but taste blood faintly, probably something that wouldn’t affect him. Much.
He was completely wrong...
Every month the petals would get worst of change up colors, it turned into pink petals when he was with the roman, red when he was alone when he felt jealous when the Roman talked about someone in the company having hypnotic blue eyes, he coughed up yellow petals, then purple when he calmed down and a wash of sadness would come over him. He didn't know why. He wanted to know why.
He was with Octavius walking through some of the other exhibits when he felt a larger itch. As if something was coming up, and it wasn't a petal. He doubled over hacking and coughing. He faintly felt someone hitting his back, finally, a bloodied rosebud came up out of his throat, it felt like it was torn out of his lung... He could feel the tears dripping down his cheeks as the Roman held him up. The coughing took a lot of his energy out of him, More then what the petals did. “I’m taking you to see a doctor!” Octavious exclaimed before dragging Jed to where the dioramas are. Jed really hadn't the energy to fight the roman sadly and he wanted to head home and sleep.
The Roman had dragged him to the western diorama and now the doctor was looking over the rose. “And how long had this been happenin’” Jed thought for a moment, “A few months, it started with petals...” He said looking around. He ignored Octavious’ worried look. The doctor hummed. “I think you two should talk with Ahkmenra, He would know all of this magic and whatnot that came with the tablet.” the Doctor handed Jed the Rose. The two left and saw the start of the sunrise coming up. They quickly got into their positions and Jedidiah felt something scratch the back of his throat as the rays of sunlight shone in the room.
The moment Jed could feel his joints de-stiffen he was dragged to Ahkmenra’s exhibit by Octavius. He explained what was wrong to Ahk who just looked at him. “I believe it was called Hannahaki, they mentioned it once ore twice at Cambridge University.” “It makes ya hack your lungs up for flowers?!” Jed said angrily. “It’s cause by Unrequited love or believing that the person doesn’t love you back my friend.”
Well fuck-
The two left the Egyptian exhibit with no other problems. Jeremiah is feeling sicker than before. Before feeling his lung jerk and him doubling over coughing harshly. Blood spurting from his mouth. Octavius rushed over to his friend’s aid and rubbed his back as a daffodil fell to the ground with blood on it and around it.
The two made it back Jed having hidden the flower in his vest pocket. “Who do you love friend?” Octavius asked once they were alone. Jedediah was caught off by the question. H looked up, “I don’t wanna talk about it.” Jed said looking away. Thinking of what Ahkmenra said.
“It’s cause by Unrequited love or believing that the person doesn’t love you back my friend.”
Octavius gave him a worried look. “Are they in the museum?” Octavius asked. Jed looked at him skeptical. “Are we playin’ that 20 question game Gigantor explained to us?” “If it’s to keep you from dying my friend then we shall! Now are the person of interest in the museum?” Jed sighed, but nodded. If he just beats around the bush then he could avoid being rejected, and having the disease get worst, and not having someone to help him through it.
The questions were simple. We're they human? We're they a well-known exhibit? Till they got to a few bumps.
“Are they male or female?” the two now we're in some other excluded part of the Museum. A place no one visits. Jed thought for a moment. “What do you think?” He asked slightly smiling a Jed. He felt a couple petals in is mouth coming up. He looked away and coughed watching as a few purple petals dropped on the ground. Octavius gave him a sad look. “Female?” he asked. When he didn’t get a response he tilted his head at Jed curiously. “Male?” Jed looked away but nodded. “So, your Homosexual?” Octavius asked. Jedediah looked at him curiously. “Is that a bad thing?” Octavius shook his head. “It is not my friend, some of the people in Rome are,” Octavius said. “But I thought-” “I like ‘em both, just the person causin’ this is male,” Jedediah said.
The two returned to there Exhibits before the sub rose and made them wax again. “I promise to find the person for you Caseus mollis mea!” Jedediah chuckled. “Ok partner, see you tonight.” He said as he walked to the Diorama.
After that the game between the two turned from 20 questions to 40 questions.
“Is he a military leader?”
Jedediah nearly wrecked when the roman asked that while the two were driving around. “Yes?” he said. The Roman was silent after that more than likely thinking of another question. “Is it Atilla?” Octavius asked, Jedediah thankfully was expecting that question, but it still was unexpected. “No, ” he coughed and a few flower petals dropped from his mouth. They were pink. The roman nodded and looked out the window. He couldn’t think of any other question for the rest of the night. The westerner was happy about this. Then a thought came to his mind.
“Since we’re talking about my love life what about you?” Jedediah asked. The Roman gave him a shocked look before sighing. “I don’t have one, well, not in the museum. Before now, I had 3 wives and two children of my own. They're not here now sadly, But a of now I have no spouse.” Jedediah hummed and nodded. He swallowed feeling petals in the back of his throat. “Suddenly he nearly wrecked feeling his hands stiffen all of a sudden. Octavius had enough for sight to reach over and grab the wheel as Jed tried to regain control on his hands. “My friend what was that about?!” the two stopped. “M-My hands froze up on me.” “Is it from your disease?” He looked at Octavious.
“I-I don’t know.”
Sorry, that's it for now. I’ll have the next part up tomorrow. I wasn’t expecting it to be so long so for now, Pt 1. Hopefully part 2 in a few days. Also,
I’m planning on making a Blog for night at the museum.
It will have Incorect quotes, Hc, Oneshots, and other things like that.
Also, On Aug.18th, I will be going back to school, sophomore year. And I'll be trying to get my permit so...
Busy busy busy. (imagine that in Professor Hinkle's voice from the original Frosty the Snowman movie from 1969.)
Hoped you enjoyed
Thanks for Reading,
Stay bright,
(Part 2.)
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