#maybe he just doesn’t care much
megandzane · 1 year
Not that it’s any of my business, but I do wonder how much money Harry actually recived every year as a working royal. It really looks like he just got whatever spare crumbs Charles was willing to hand over
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clambuoyance · 1 year
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Roxy’s goodbye (clambuoyance’s version)
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babygirlgiles · 1 year
I think my fic where Xander accidentally becomes a successful novelist (largely without realizing it) is the funniest idea I’ve ever had. This guy started writing little stories to remember their adventures in Sunnydale (his last line in Chosen about “how will anyone even know about this unless we tell them” burrowed itself into my little archivist brain and won’t let go) and posts them online. He unintentionally goes viral. He thinks someone named Simon N. Schuster is leaving him voicemails. He ends up on the New York Times bestseller list.
He doesn’t even realize that everyone else thinks the stories are fiction. Xander is out here writing autobiographical non-fiction but everyone else thinks he’s a weirdly dedicated author that’s really committed to maintaining a Lemony Snicket style pseudonym/persona for the narrator of his novel. There are “Who Is Xander Harris?” articles. No one can dig up much of anything on him because he lived his whole life in a town that got wiped off the map. He keeps rejecting requests for interviews because of his stage fright. At first this drives his publicist absolutely ballistic but it just adds the the air of mystery that’s drumming up book sales so she lets it go.
He only responds to questions over email and only ever responds “in character” as his “novel’s narrator” and this baffles everyone, only adding to the supposed mystery. It’s literally not even Xander actually writing the emails 95% of the time. It’s Dawn. She has appointed herself as “Xander’s representation” even though she doesn’t really know what being someone’s representation means. She printed business cards.
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zeb-z · 7 months
sorry to keep foolish posting but I’m literally sick dude he’s been working himself to the bone to avoid thinking about leo because there’s nothing he can do about it and it eats him alive, and maybe if the federation does have anything to do with her disappearance he’ll find out by rising in the ranks. and everyone just thinks he’s happy go lucky and just doesn’t care but he’s just allergic to being straightforward and emotions and if he shows that he actually cares so so much then they’ll know - and that in and of itself is terrible, even without the threat that it’ll be used against him. and roier, his son, is also going through this great loss, but he’ll always call him his second favorite even though vegetta has been gone for months, and foolish has been on his own raising leo and looking out for roier, and he wonders how much better it would be if vegetta truly was around because surely he’s better than he is at this. at parenting, at looking out for family - at the very least he wouldn’t be alone anymore. and he’s trying to cover for cellbit because he’s family too, doing everything in his power to make sure he isn’t caught and trying to check up on his mental state, reassuring him that he’s there for him even if the world is against him.
and then he’s stuck in this death game and makes more emotional ties, as much as he will never say it. and their kids are at stake, and vegetta is on the team but he doesn’t show up (of course he doesn’t show up), and the first thing he does is apologize to leo because it’s always been just him and her against the world, always juntos, and his team is at such a disadvantage and who else will save her if he doesn’t win? and when green loses, he does everything in his power to save them to save roier, thinking that his life is on the line, and is just a few seconds to late. and when he finally sees leo again, he’s pushed to the point of using totems, something he’s so against, something he’s alluded to being able to feel when they pop, because they’re his brethren - he tries so hard to get a totem to her through the barrier. he screams himself hoarse until he can’t see her anymore, entirely at a loss for what to do, because he can usually push down panic and emotions and think and problem solve, but leo is right there and the ceiling is falling in and there’s nothing he can do. and he stays behind to make sure tina and mouse can make it, gives them his resources, he waits until cellbit is caught up and keeps his eye on him the entire time, and it means he runs out of time before making it to safety.
and he just cares so much for his family, he cares for the others too, he watches out for them and he tries to keep their best interests in mind when acting on his own. he’d kill before ratting out cellbit he’d break mountains to help roier he’d get the entire world for leo if she so much as asked. and he’ll hold in his feelings and his loss until he dies because he’s good at compartmentalizing and bad at healthy coping mechanisms, so everyone just thinks he doesn’t give a shit, but he does. he gives his everything for who he loves and right now he has nothing for it, but still he cares. and nobody will ever believe this about him
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lomltrentarnold · 10 months
thinking about situationship with trent based on you’re losing me by taylor swift :( especially where you guys were friends before. he says that he doesn’t want any ‘label’ on you guys considering the spotlight that he is currently under. so you guys aren’t dating, but you guys do things that a normal couple would do, but no commitment.
at first you were fine with it, his job does mean that one slip up can mean your personal life being on blast, paparazzi, articles & such.
but lately all you wanted was to shout from the rooftops at how you wish he was yours.
you guys talk, laugh, sleep, joke, act, like a couple, so why are you not?
the situation went downhill when you have taken notice at how loosely trent used the term ‘situationship.’ at clubs or parties or just getting coffee in general, he would always get hit on by gorgeous women.
you weren’t insecure, because why would you be? you guys aren’t together.
so why does it hurt like hell every single time he would entertain these women and flirt back?
one day you finally had enough and decided to call it quits on whatever terms the hell you both are on.
trent didn’t understand, it was going fine. but then when he sees your teary eyes, the way that your lip wobbles and your scratchy voice when you said “you’re losing me, trent.” his stomach dropped. he royally screw up.
his heart ached, all he wanted was to be yours, and you wanted the same. guess the timing didn’t work out very well.
he tried to argue, at the same time invalidating your feelings and how much it was affecting you. so when you repeated, “stop. you’re losing me.”
his hands started to shake because he knows deep down that he already lost you. so when he left your house, you knew it was the last time you’ll see him. until your paths cross again.
he lost you and you lost him.
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flareboi · 2 months
what if purple never calls him dad
#what if the word ‘dad’ is something purple doesn’t like.#what if it carries a bad connotation for them and a bitter reminder for mango.#family doesnt always have to look like one thing yknow? i dont think those two would have a traditional dynamic in that way#maybe purple does consider him their parent. they just dont call him ‘dad’ unless its in third person#and theyre fine with that and so is he#king is his father figure yes but he’s also a mom. a big brother. a sister. their dynamic just isnt captured in purple calling him ‘dad’#maybe his name is the best way they can say it. the best way they can appreciate him#because for purple a father is someone who hurts you. someone who leaves you#i think ‘purple calls him dad on accident’ is a cute idea#but honestly it would make more sense if they called him mom on accident instead. or if it happened when they were afraid. not comfortable#(this is presuming orchid is his mother and navy his father based on the pronouns used in the react vids iirc)#because why would purple refer to someone he sees as a parent with the title of the one that presumably did not raise them?#and on mangos end#i think u can kinda tell who in this fandom has never lost a loved one in how they characterize him#guys. grief doesnt leave. it never leaves.#you just learn to live with it!!!#mango is not okay just because he has a new kid to take care of. i would know this my bio mom passed and i have a stepmother!!!#she does not fill that void and i do not expect her to because it cannot be filled. but she brings a lot new to ease the pain and is a#wonderful part of my life#the same thing here#mango will never ever just .. go back to how he was#he will never be the same since gold died. and thats okay#purple will not change that. they will merely add something new#their dynamic can be beautiful and nontraditional and a showing of how grief can change you#it doesnt have to be ‘replacement dad and replacement son’#its so much more#oke. tag rant over#fett rambles#ava#uhh should i tag the chars
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honorthysalad · 3 months
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“Matsuura-san’s parent died… Hikaru’s parent also died… having your parent die… is bad.”
Thank god we’ve got Yoshiki here, modern philosopher of our time, to drop this wisdom upon us. Surely this grand conclusion, which required a whole flashback to come to, will have an impact on how Yoshiki views death going forward- oh wait, lol what am I saying? Of course it’s not!
#It took so much to come to the coldest take I’ve ever seen#Like Yoshiki pulled this straight out of the fridge ‘hikaru’ put Matsuura in#And he somehow got less empathetic after this point#At the point that /‘Hikaru’/ is the one going ‘should we care about this person dying?’#And Yoshiki is going ‘nah. We’ve got a research project to do’#Smth has definitely changed#I hope this obsession with the research project is like- an actual thing#Maybe like Yoshiki is experiencing that same emptiness ‘hikaru’ feels on a daily basis but he doesn’t know what would fill it#So he’s just seeking out and taking in as much information as he can because learning has always been an escape for Yoshiki#Like being smart is Yoshiki’s way out of the village. Every time Tokyo is brought up it’s almost always in reference to his intelligence#So learning more has always been Yoshiki’s solution to things. ALSO Yoshiki is actually obsessed w/ this research project#He thinks about it while he’s in class- while he’s studying outside of class- while his friends are all talking-#You can probably count on two hands the amount of times Yoshiki talks about smth other than the research project post volume 3#It’s actually concerning#hikaru ga shinda natsu#the summer hikaru died#hgsn#hgsn spoilers#my hgsn shit#It doesn’t have to be because he’s becoming more like ‘hikaru’#I’d just like for that plot point to come up again and be like a driving force for why Yoshiki acts the way he does#The actual reason will be nothing at all#And instead Yoshiki will revert back to normal when Maki eventually dies#Because Yoshiki is only capable of caring about people he knows the name of
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I think fans want Jason to be a good person or be becoming one. To have a character that is well meaning and compassionate but decided murder is ok and to stand against main heroes who’s beliefs and actions go against the people he cares about and wants in his life. It’s confusing for people. People want their fav characters to be happy. But Jason can’t have his family’s support and follow his moral code. He’s cares about people and Gotham, and he’s an asshole who kills. It’s messy. It’s not black and white. I don’t even think Jason cares about being a good person or in the right anymore. I think he cares about what will save the most people instead.
Oh my goodness gracious I’ve been bamboozled
Batman’s definition of Good is not synonymous with absolute good/right no matter how much dc insists it is. Torture, battery/assault, surveillance, those are all condemnable actions too. I won’t get into the exhausting and frankly dumb debate of comic book morality wrt killing because I’ve already reblogged plenty of posts from other people who explained my thoughts on the matter far better than I ever have the patience to sit down and articulate. I also just think the notion that there’s something to be done about fictional characters who kill nazis and senseless murderers is stupid. Jason’s point is that the “main” heroes’ sanitized definition of right has its unaddressed holes and flaws which ultimately result in more preventable fatalities, and that he’ll work to correct those missing spots.
He doesn’t not care about doing what’s right. What he doesn’t care about (at least during his Winick characterization) is whether Batman thinks he’s right or wrong, because he sees the flaws in Batman’s methodology (and since he has a mind of his own). Batman’s methods alone cannot address Arkham’s revolving door and the rogues that come and go through those doors who have no intention (or capability from the doylist pov) of ever changing or undergoing redemption. Jason knows that he’s minimizing the number of preventable deaths by killing his targets, typically Characters Who Simply Do Fucked Up Shit Just Because, Why The Fuck Not?
Secondly, Jason is compassionate … to a fault. That was his fatal flaw. If he wasn’t so hell-bent on saving his potential birth mother he just met from that bomb despite everything she did to him prior, he could have protected himself instead, however slim his odds of survival were. What about his relationship with his other parents? He was a caregiver during his early childhood years for Catherine, until her death. Even mature adults who are financially stable find being a caregiver to a dying parent to be extremely burdensome on their bodies and minds, but he never complained about it or resented Catherine for being unable to care for him. Despite how none of his parents have really been what he needed them to be, he doesn’t blame them for their failings, and even continues to think highly of them (Bruce included).
And post-death? Enter Lost Days. Despite being dead set on plotting his revenge on Bruce, he constantly sidelines this in order to save other victims who are helpless like he once was. His own anger, trauma, and mission don’t remain his priority. (Sound familiar? Something something my own trauma above my son’s, mission above all else, etc.). Why would he waste precious time and risk his own life to do this if he wasn’t empathetic towards these victims or didn’t care about doing the right thing. He is simultaneously horribly traumatized and full of rage, and also incapable of ignoring what’s happening to victims around him (even as he claims that it’s indeed not his priority). And in that same vein, the entire premise of his rebirth outlaws run was that he doesn’t care if the public views him as a villain, an outlaw, so long as he can protect Gotham. And anyway where is this portrayal of him not caring about being in the right anymore. Almost every modern Jason story is about him grappling with where he stands with Bruce/Batman. During the early 2000s was probably the last time he did not care (hello, tentatodd??).
Jason has very evidently been portrayed as a kind and compassionate character. He is also simultaneously a calculated killer who doesn’t hesitate to kill when he deems necessary, and does so without remorse. It’s called being a Complex Character With An Edge™ that as you said, people so often claim to love. However when he fulfills that latter part, that seems to upset people because “killing bad”, and they then try to shave off and round out all his edges and claim he shouldn’t be that angry. In that case I guess you should just stick to liking traditional one-dimensional characters instead of claiming to like Jason but then encouraging his character assassination attempt by dc. Lol.
Lastly, who said anything about the batfam making Jason happy? Just because he’s written nowadays to want acceptance from Bruce (a shoddy attempt at forcing a non-existent nuclear batfamily), doesn’t mean that it’s a sound decision or that it does his character justice. I certainly don’t empathize with the idea that Jason needs the family’s approval or acceptance to be happy. (And anyway he has enough outlets for angst and pain aside from the batfam hello explore his other sources of trauma and do more deep dives into how he thinks when he’s alone). I don’t want them to magically make up and become one big happy family. This is not disney Lol. Besides, there are plenty of stories from dc that have that type of “wholesome” (hate that word utilization) characterization for Jason (Li’l Gotham, Tiny Titans, wfa, and even new stuff like the brave and the bold mini) and that is sufficient imo. Jason fans who are invested in the character deserve accurate, nuanced characterization and well-written stories, whether they be from his robin days (e.g., Batman: The Cult) or as red hood.
#fellas. ya know what else is wholesome? avenging your own death#you can have moments of ‘reconciliation’ or peace but still maintain a strained relationship which is far more realistic#‘he’s an asshole that kills’ and Bruce is an asshole who doesn’t kill. lol.#you can’t claim Jason’s conflicted and disturbed but go on to say Bruce is perfectly sane those two are mutually exclusive#also please realize that a character acting out of anger does not mean they lack compassion.#implying that he doesn’t care about doing the right thing is saying the same thing that person said;#that he doesn’t actually know what he’s doing. that he hasn’t thought through his moral stance.#‘Jason didn’t put any thought into anything he did in utrh he’s just a poor mentally ill lost soul who needs the batfam’s love to heal 💔’#🤝#‘jokers just a poor victim of society 😔 he just needs someone to understand him and maybe one day he’ll heal and realize he’s wrong’#what they both have in common is that they’re misunderstood in opposite directions#the joker doesn’t have a point to prove. there’s no deeper meaning behind what he does. everything is a joke to him.#he isn’t unaware of right vs wrong lmfao#jason todd#dc#asks#my post#and I think you’re implying that he’s utilitarian based on that last part but I don’t think he is#user mintacle posted a few metas regarding that and again they explain it much better than I prob could#anyway it isn’t difficult to understand his character if you know why you like him and you actually read his stories#that post specifically was from someone who clearly said they did not read the comic so. technically they’re on their own wavelength#edit: grammar
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quinn-pop · 8 months
mtdd week day 6 - flustered
just a post romk scene
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in all these years you’ve never…
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kierancaz · 2 years
“It is a gift. A token of our friendship.” No bitch that was a proposal.
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5hrignold · 23 days
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awful. beyond redemption. i will stare at it for days
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rip wolfwood’s actual cross pendant, deemed not sexy enough, replaced with catholic regalia for the. hotness points i guess.
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deadsecurity · 10 days
Cannot believe no one’s talking about this ED like it didn’t tear my heart out ;’)
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tariah23 · 11 days
Noooo…… first it’s Yuuta and Shoko, now they’re yo-yoing back around to Megumi.
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#no they’re bashing megumi even more than ever now…. sometimes some characters aren’t built for all of THIS AND ITS OKAY#he’s forever traumatized bro he just lost his sister in front of his eyes and his body was the one that killed her#same situation with Gojo who took care of his sister and he from when they was toddlers and up#megumi doesn’t want to live anymore and yuuji has already tried getting through to him he’s completely broken and even if he’s saved megumi#might not ever be the same#I feel like fans keep on forgetting that these are kids going through all of this stuff that even some of the hardest adults wouldn’t be#able to handle#they bash him but a lot of these same ppl forget what happened to getou and love him unconditionally#they’d say “’well other characters have lost a lot as well and they’re still trying!’ and I just have to#restate that again; simply not every character is built like some hard boiled shounen badass jjk is not the usual shounen that a lot of#fans still refuse to see tbh like it’s kind of built different 🗿#it’s core genres are literally horror/psychological horror like no one if gonna be bouncing back like Naruto bro#and in Naruto’s case he never got to see anyone precious to him die in front of him#who knows what Naruto would’ve went through if sasuke was killed in front of him#but then again#Naruto was already a crazy ass#he vowed to kill sasuke and die with him so nvm#but megumi ISNT crazy like that that’s the difference ajsjsjsj#he’s always been one of the more rational characters amongst his peers#he’s so normal!!! everyone else is fucked up or got larger personalities than he does#maybe ppl are pissed off at the fact that megumi simply isn’t fighting back… it’s frustrating but he’s in pain bro#I don’t see him making it out alive at all either if I’m being real#Yuuji might be one of the only characters to survive at this rate I doubt Yuuta is even going to pull through after the techniques 5 min#are up either…#rambling#the point it…… as sad as it may sound all of the characters fighting so hard now are doing so because they simply have to#Sukuna is literally a calamity and these are the only characters left who will even stand any chance against such a great entity#they don’t have much of a choice man#Gojo tried to prepare his students for the future so that they’ll be strong enough to fight back anything together. not alone#Everyone is doing what they can now
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starlooove · 2 months
No bc fuck tim but it really really bothers me how people ignore his growth like he used to be an asshole and I’ll give tim Stans one thing: now he’s so so so stale but what I disagree with is that this staleness is bc nobody likes him like it’s in fact the exact opposite where everyone likes him so much they dont want to do anything. Even when it’s him surface level challenging Bruce it’s when everyone else is doing it too; but he’s still the backbone of the fam! Etc. and it’s so irritating bc him gaining more compassion and empathy even for people he doesn’t fw is so fun to watch and that’s why the captain boomerang thing was so out of character! (Not in a from the author way but in a tim wouldn’t do that and he and Bruce both knew it which is why it went down like it did. Same way dick killing joker was ooc; not in fanon sense but in a he would hate himself forever for this sense) and speaking of that it’s such an interesting mirror to Bruce who genuinely believes that everyone can grow vs Tim’s it doesn’t matter if they grow it’s not my decision to make like it’s the same but it’s not AND WITH CASS’ IT DOESNT MATTER IF THEY CHOOSE NOT TO GROW I WONT DO IT! like ugh. And anyways even when people acknowledge it they boil it down to “Janet and Jack taught him that the capitalist pigs that they are” like no. This is who tim was. Tim was the kind of guy who’d blame a dead kid for dying. That’s ok. Also Janet and Jack? Please reread anything involving them that’s not a fic like Jack had anger issues and they were both aloof at worst like relax.
#the Jack and Janet thing is both an understatement and an exaggeration but I don’t think anyone reads enough to care#some tim stan might get all pissy and be like ‘no look this is everytime jack yelled at him and boarding schools are abusive’ to which#and its like narratively that means nothing bc the tim you made up to justify the Drake parents you made up by blowing shit out of#proportion is also made up and if all of that was abusive there’d be smth to show for it besides ur homophobic Jack#too girlboss to care but still terrible Janet bc god forbid a woman have a personality from ur fics#anyways that’s also the reason I’m ignoring the council of spiders#well two reasons#first is that was just a moment to make tim look cool and did absolutely nothing for him or his character moving on#like at all#I’d say it fucked with his previous established dislike of killing for his own reasons#and while that COULD be interesting it’s not bc they didn’t do shit with it#and fanon doesn’t do fun shit with it either#nothing about how tim in his most manic state did shit he doesn’t want to remember shit he’d HATE other ppl for#just “’remember what I did to ur base Ra’s? mess with me again and see what I do next 😼’#like ok can you be real and genuine?#anyways I think#AND NOT IN A HATER WAY#Tim would benefit from being humbled#like genuinely I detest the world can’t move without tim running it but the idea that tim thinks that way is so good to me#and#I think next step being him realizing that’s not true would be a BIG push for his character#bc like I said tim Stans are right in the fact that he’s stale as hell rn#but that’s bc there’s nothing to say bc there’s nowhere to go! y’all want a tim action story where he shows off how badass he is reread#the Bruce quest and maybe it’ll remind you he’s not ceo lmao but anyways there’s nothing internal to say about him atp bc nobody wants to#say anything that’s not propping him up. same with Bruce! Gotham war was such a copout but it’s like ppl are saying he’s stale and it’s bc#god forbid he makes a lasting fumble. and I’m not under the illusion this is new I’m just saying it’s weird that fandoms not clocking it#anywayyys I really do like thinking about the No killing rule and how different it manifests for each perosn#like the way each distinct difference tells u so much about them#UGH ONLY SLIGHTLY RELATED BUT DUUUUUKE BEING LIKE IDGAF ABOUT GUNS LIKE UR SO REAAAL#anyways enough tim positivity for today FUCK THAT NIGGA!
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 year
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Begging you all to watch the show without the m•rthur lens, because all sense of who these characters even are has been lost here.
#bbc merlin#merlin meta#tag meta#my meta#fandom critical#arthur critical#woobify much?#you will all just see whatever you wanna see huh. even if it is this disturbing. even if it is this dehumanizing. and all of it romanticized#also arthur doesn’t trust too much. or else maybe he’d legalize magic 🤪 his trust clearly doesn’t extend to the people he’s oppressing#arthur’s problem is nepotism! his problem is that he always trusts what is most comfortable for him to believe!#and most of the time he only looks as far as he is affected on a personal level!#he cares if someone /shows/ him the effects but it’s as gwen says… he shouldn’t need someone to hold his hand through being a decent person.#he’s not a child. and as prince he is supposed to have an even greater responsibility in this area.#anyways arthur has absolutely disagreed with people he trusts and stood his ground when he thinks it’s right. he has a mind of his own.#if he believed that his actions were truly wrong then he simply wouldn’t do them. we have seen this in action.#and this isn’t even touching on the merlin side of things. merlin did not cause arthur’s death.#you can scream it all you want but arthur’s bigotry is his alone. he chooses to lean into it again and again. arthur always has a choice.#it’s not that merlin didn’t ‘do enough’ to ‘fix’ him. wiping clean any accountability for arthur and putting it all on merlin’s shoulders#simply because merlin is one of those oppressed people and so ‘knows better’ (arthur already knows that magic isn’t inherently harmful-#-he chooses to believe that it corrupts people because it’s an easier guilt-free explanation)#…blaming merlin for arthur’s preference towards anti-magic sentiment is sick. arthur and merlin are their own individual people.#merlin is loyal to arthur because he sees his potential for the goodness that will unite albion and give his people a future.#arthur is his only hope. he’s battling tooth and nail with all these prophecies. ffs.#you cannot understand this series or these characters or their relationship dynamics in any way that matters#without first recognizing them as individuals and as people. people with different values motives approaches etc.#also the fact merlin is arthur’s servant and ‘happy’ to deal with his classism is inextricable from this#tw eye sore#tw hypnosis#tw unreality#tw delusion bait
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