#may the force be with yoh
christinered · 1 month
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Welcome To New York City
The Hosting The Dark Side For Far To Long.
May The Fourth Be With You All.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Lilia: Oh, what's this? You're only with Jade Leech.
Azul: For some quite obvious reasons, we couldn't let Floyd accompany us here.
Lilia: Okay. May I know why you're here then?
Azul: The baby was missing.
Lilia: *nods* I see. Good luck on your search!
Azul and Jade: *who could clearly see Malleus playing with Baby MC not too far from them*
Jade: Yes. Now can we have the baby, please?
Lilia: Oh. I think we have a little problem here.
Lilia: How can you prove to us that's the baby you're looking for?
Jade and Azul: ...
Lilia: Do you have an I.D.?
Azul: No. But they're the baby who appeared here in Night Raven College—
Lilia: *shaking his head* That's not enough. As you can see, if Malleus is playing with a baby, the baby might be a fae.
Jade: You said "might" so you're not sure if they are.
Lilia: *laughs* But that baby isn't scared of Malleus. Just look at them being all so adorable~.
Malleus: Malleus, my name is Malleus.
Baby MC: *giggles* Papa!
Jade and Azul: ...
Jade: Oh how we are thankful Floyd isn't here.
Azul and Jade: *trying to convince Baby MC to go back with them*
Azul: You like the sea more and octopuses. None of those are here.
Jade: And Floyd misses his Baby Seal.
Baby MC: *pouting at them* Yayayoyi yoh!
Azul and Jade: ...
Silver: *the baby translator* "No. Floyd is annoying."
Malleus: Pft—
Azul: Okay. If Floyd annoys you, how about me? Don't you miss being with us and Jade?
Baby MC: Yayi! Baweeh! Uuh!
Silver: "You've lost your parental rights a long time ago."
Jade: Are you sure the baby is even saying that?
Silver: Yes. That's much I'm sure of.
Azul: *sigh* Well then, I won't force you.
Azul: But this onesie would still be your favorite, right? *showing them the octopus onesie*
Baby MC: *nods*
Azul: *smiles* Great.
Jade: ...
Jade: Azul, let me remind you. I won't be responsible for Floyd's tantrums.
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Ray didn't do anything wrong. I know that might be a controversial take right now with Sand's heart break being so fresh, and Boston has been overdue for some black Air Force 1 energy for a minute, but before you wanna tussle, hear me out. Don't touch the mic, and hear me out. They had some open communication that they were friends. Friends who obviously have a deep attraction to each other who either occasionally hook up, or at the very least are playing a very intense game of chicken, but friends nonetheless.
Sand has said this on multiple occasions. He has said that he would never take someone like Ray as his boyfriend. That Ray is not his special person. In Yoh's kitchen Ray asked Sand if he was okay with what they were doing, and Sand said yes and that they wouldn't develop it. He can differentiate between love and sex. In Ray's car after Mew called for help, Sand said he didn't have a right to be mad at Ray. Despite how Sand feels, he is communicating that he does not take Ray seriously and that he doesn't see him in that way.
To those around them it is obvious that there is something there. Yoh, Boston, Nick, Mew, and even Sand's momma have all made comments about them. Ol' girl Summer sensed there was something between them and she knew Ray all of two seconds, and made her exit like a lady. To us as viewers there is that same clarity that there is something there. We see how they look and react to one another.
So why is it not clear to Ray? Ray sees Sand's reactions, what is he not getting? Well...because Ray can't read minds. I think at this point it is fair to say that Ray will take what you're saying at face value. He's usually not going to argue with you. Even if you take his feelings for Mew out of the equation, Sand and him both agreed that this wouldn't be anything more than what they mutually agreed on. He knows he hurt Sand by leaving him for Mew, but is that because he has a clear understanding on how Sand feels, or is it because he felt bad for leaving him? He knows Sand is upset after the fight with Boston, but is that because he knows Sand is falling/has fallen for him, or because he felt he ruined Sand's birthday with his own drama? It is very possible that they are not looking at these situations through the same lens.
I personally had to learn that even though how I know how I feel and my emotions are clear TO ME, that does not mean they are clear to everyone else. Even if they sense something is off, if I don't communicate my feelings they won't know. Everyone occupies the center of their own universe. No one can know how you feel better than you do unless you speak. We know how Sand feels because we were able to get his commentary. We have an idea of what Ray feels because what he may not convey in words, he does with how he looks at Sand. They are not getting the same insight into each other like we are with them. I wrote earlier that they had open communication between them in Yoh's kitchen. "Open" but not "honest". Sand is not being honest with Ray to avoid heartbreak, I'd say that's a wash, and Ray isn't being honest with himself because of what he thinks he feels for Mew still lingers. Their actions are honest. The time they spend together, their banter, their touches. Their words are not. It will be interesting to see the breakdown in communication the more their feelings for one another mature.
Edit: I wanted to add, Ray does not owe Sand an explanation when it comes to his feelings for Mew. Another controversial take right now, I know. They may act like a couple, but they are not one, and Sand already clocked that Ray was using him as a distraction last episode. Now that Sand knows, he needs to think about what he wants to do moving forward.
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merci-bitch · 1 year
please a melissa a nsfw alphabet !!
I’m assuming that you meant Melissa from Abbott Elementary and I would love to! Haha. Gotta love a fiery redhead. Now reading @multimilfs ‘s Melissa fics got me cooking. They write wonderfully and if you haven’t checked their stories out, you definitely should. It’s worth it! Slay bestie 👌🏻
Melissa Schemmenti x Fem!Reader
NSFW Alphabet
warning(s): smut obviously, it’s Melissa in her dangerous habitat
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Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Well, to be fair. She might look firey and tough on the outside but Melissa is 100% passion and 100% heart. She cares so much for you, and for the kids at school. And after Joe, she’s always scared it’s going to end up the same way.
But Mel would be good with it, always. She’d force you to drink water, perhaps even have a small bite to eat. If you’ve done something particularly rough, she’d massage your legs and thighs if they cramp.
You of course would do the same for her. Specially the massages. Lay her on her stomach and just do her whole back, legs, everything. She works hard everyday with the kids, and just needs a moment to relax. You get her.
- Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Spicy Mama.
Melissa knows you have an eyesight for her hips. I mean, who wouldn’t ??
She knows she’s an attractive woman and she uses that against you sometimes. Her large chest and her arse in leather pants? You’re done for it.
As I said, she’s 100% heart and passion, but that doesn’t stop her from liking the little things about you. Your freckles if you have them, your hands. She specifically likes your hands…👀 
- Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
Loves filthy kisses after she’d sat on your face. Or the other way around.  
- Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
If you’re another teacher at Abbott, and you ride in together, but if you’ve had a rather good morning. She can’t help but send you knowing glares and lingering touches. Who knows what would happen after the children have gone home?…
- Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Melissa knows what she’s doing. She’s been with men and women.
And if you haven’t been with a woman before, Melissa is of course a bit shocked, but she will gladly help you along the way. Sex shouldn’t be embarrassing to talk about. She will be there for you, and will take it in your pace. Whenever you’re ready.  
- Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Melissa likes to be between your legs. The clawing at her hair sometimes drives her crazy. And you just taste divine.
That said, she wouldn’t complain if you went down on her. She’s taught you well. If you ya know what I mean…👀
- Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Since Melissa wants it to be as comfortable as possible I think she will let in a laugh or two. Perhaps stop in between to just lay with you. Stroke your cheek, make you all blushy before continuing.
- Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I don’t think she really cares that much, but she keeps it trimmed.
- Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Melissa is a 100% heart and passion and a south Philly/Sicilian. She knows her way around the kitchen and knows how dance. Of course she’s gonna set something romantic up. Perhaps an anniversary dinner, your favourite meal. Some wine. Candlelit perhaps. And moving to the living room for slow dancing, oml. Yes please.
She loves you, and wants you to know that. She may not say those three words that often but she wants you to know that she loves you either way. She says it in her actions. By making you lunch, or helping yoh grade papers.
- Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Of course girl does it. It’s normal. And when you ain’t around? It’s a nice stress relief.
- Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Wouldn’t say she’s that kinky, but that doesn’t stop her,
Orgasm denial, praise kink, edging, roleplay?, spanking(more playfully) hair pulling
- Location (Favourite places to do the do)
She prefers her own house. Her own place where she can have you where ever she wants without interruptions. It’s her house, she can do whatever the fuck she wants, and that’s you.
The bed is always most comfortable. Shower in the mornings before work. She’d always said kitchen is off limits. But one time, girl just couldn’t help herself.
- Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
I think, you would quite worked up just seeing that glint in her eyes. That mischievous glint she sometimes has. When you know she’s up to no good. She often sends it your way. Knows the effect it has on you. Whenever she wears her famous black leather pants. You’re done for it. It patches her curves so well. You’re sure she was made by the gods themselves.
Now, I wouldn’t say Melissa is a possessive type but she does get quite protective. Perhaps a little jealous at times. You could be at her cousin Annette’s for dinner. Perhaps someone makes a comment on how good you look, and she just tightens her grip on you. It depends on her mood. If she’s had a good day or a bad day.
- NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Doing something around the kids. Or heavy PDA around the kids. Nothing like that at all. Don’t think she’d like anal either. She wouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t like.  
- Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
She loves the look in your eyes when she goes down on you. When you’re completely helpless to her touch. It’s one of her favourite things.
- Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on her mood, but it’s usally in between both rough and gentle. But sometimes, mama spicy becomes a little too teasing for your taste.
- Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Mhm, not sure. It wouldn’t happen in school with the kids around. Or Janine in the position to catch you. And it wouldn’t be quickies if you ask for it at home. She would deny you teasingly and make you wait for the real thing.
Although if you’re out at a bar with the teachers, and drinks are flying even though some might not look like drinkers. Barbra being the Christian woman she is, just watches on by with a smile. Who knows if you and Melissa might disappear into the bathrooms 🤷🏼‍♀️
Of course Barbra knows. She sees the look in Melissa’s eyes afterwards. A teasing smile on her lips.
- Risks (game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
I mean she does take risks, but at a certain level. It depends on what it is.  
- Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Girl can last a long time. She loves the look in your face. Completely covered in sweat, perhaps happy tears. The smell of sex in the air. What a way to end the day.
- Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Course she got them. Her bottom drawer in her nightstand has a few to pick from. She’s got a few vibrators as well. As she said herself, technology is good for when you haven’t been with a man in a while. Or you, in this case.
- Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She’s a teasing woman. But mostly it happens behind her own doors. But again, wouldn’t stop her from sending that mischievous glare your way. That smirk of hers? Boy.  
- Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Melissa is loud, but I wouldn’t say she’s a screamer. She knows what feels good and makes you know you treat her well.
She will make you scream though. If you’re a quiet type. She loves trying to get more and more sounds out of you. Praising you for being such a good girl.
- Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Melissa is a wild one in general. She knows a guy who knows a guy. And in her younger days she might have had sex a little all over the place, now she mostly prefers her own home.
However you make her feel young again in a way. Not just because you’re younger than her, but because of your energy. Your aura just brings her happiness and if you suddenly suggest something wild. Who’s to say she wouldn’t try it?
- X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Just normal underwear, perhaps black lace. Unless she’s feeling frisky one evening. She’s got a silk robe. Maybe she has something under it and maybe she doesn’t…
- Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s fairly normal. Although, if we say you’d never been with a woman before and slowly works you up. You get quite obsessed with this new feeling. Barbra noticing the change in Melissa. How she suddenly seems more relaxed than usual. Melissa just giving her a smirk before turning back to her own lunch.
- ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
You sometimes both lay awake and just talk. Sharing small laughs here and there. She’d kiss your forehead and your nose, before giving you a final goodnight kiss. Giving you a smile before you snuggle up to her. Wrapping her arms around you, making sure you’re alright before going to sleep herself.
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Hi!! If its possible can you write fluff head canons for patrick bateman, the grabber and mark hoffman where they are sick and the reader (gn if its possible) takes care of them and shower them in love? Thank you!
im loving the requests ive been getting, ill add a bonus slasher at the end as well :) but of course i can do gn, i hope this is up to what yoh expected!!
requests r open, masterlist is up!
Sick Slashers x Caring Gn Reader!!
Warnings: fluff!
Patrick Bateman
hes the typa guy to deny it completely that hes sick, it takes him to be bed ridden in pain and you forcing him to stay home
even then he complains that 'hes fine' and that 'youre being dramatic'
although he presents himself this way, inside hes grateful & confused to have somebody caring for him, staying with him even when hes being rude
he does appreciate it, but just im his own ways
a very picky eater when hes sick,
"Is my pallet so bad that you think I'd eat that?"
just give him soup, shut him up for a bit
nonstop talking, even if you arent present
"Unbelievable. That bastard in HR gave this to me."
doesnt like feeling 'helpless' and 'weak' as he calls it, he thinks of himself as better than that
this mindset only makes the sickness worse
will not shut up about the work hes missing
since you will have to initiate the physical affection, he will be adamant about it, swatting you away with a hand, or sighing, but he will rub your back or admire/play with your hair while having a hard face on, claiming he feels bad for you
hug him and feel his heart beat slightly faster when you do
"Patrick, you are not going into the office today, lay down!"
"Come on, I don't 'get sick', now move."
The Grabber
will not give you even the slightest of hints that hes sick
until he realizes it may gain him pity points so that youll hold him
it works
he accepts & encourages all forms of affection, and complains when you arent there
feels a little vulnerable, which makes him uncomfortable, so even while hes sick, he tries to be in control
tells you what to do alot, backrubs, food, etc.
leave him alone for a while and he will grow frustrated without you
if he still was wearing masks previously to getting sick, he'll most likely wear those stupid sun glasses that cover his face, not wanting to infect the masks
he wants you right by his side, under his arm, just so he can hold you, feel that even in sickness you are his
attempts to stay up late to watch you, but his ill body ruins it
run your hands through his hair or hold his neck/arm and hes thrilled
your love and trust means the world
"Please, stay with me for the night."
"My pleasure,"
Mark Hoffman
we have another sickness denier here
not as major as patrick however
if hes really sick, he accepts defeat and will succumb to his resting place easily
this man sleeps most of the day hes sick
but seeing you by his side even when he was asleep makes him offer you a small tired smile, and a lingering gaze
he likes quality time sm when hes sick, almost as much as he likes having you care for him
he enjoys having some 'time off', days where its just you and him peacefully together
he rambles on about nonsense alot
will have nightmares, needs you by him to squeeze your hand, may even bring you to his chest to hold you
is more than happy to accept the food you make, compliments throughout his eating
really likes the attention you serve him, guilty pleasure
will make snarky comments however, complains about him being sick & why did it have to happen to him
"This is nothing short of a delicious meal, thank you love,"
"Nothing but the best for you, Mark."
Michael Myers
big man does not know if he is sick or not, he just knows he feels weird and brushes it off
you dont notice until his breathing is awkward and hes burning up
at first he doesnt understand why youre rushing him to lay down and grabbing you a thermometer, but truth be told he is sick
tries to ignore you at first, doesnt know shy youre so concerned, but eventually starts to get hit with a worse wave and takes your advice
he doesnt resist any care you give him, he lets you work your magic
does not care if you touch or hold him, he wont discourage it, maybe he will reciprocate if you ask
on a rare occasion he will hold you ( arm around the shoulder, doesnt really know how physical affection should be done )
nods to you when you give him food, its his little way of saying 'thank you'
50/50 on his sleep schedule, either stays up late as hell or sleeps like a fucking boulder
you kiss his forehead & hand alot, he lets you
10/10 patient overall, would have again
i hope this is good!! grabber fic coming out tn🫶 and so should another set of hcs i got!
requests r open! masterlist is up :)
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nahoney22 · 2 years
May I request female reader getting a surprise visit from Crosshair after so long of him being gone on missions with the rest of the Batch? Maybe the two have a nice, calm, romantic evening together? NSFW is optional. Writer's choice 🙃
In His Arms***
Crosshair X F!Reader
word count: 3.2k
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Crosshair gives you a surprise appearance at work and wants to give you everything you missed.
warnings: NSFW. 18+ only. Soft smut, creampie, blow jobs, cunnilingus, established relationship, brief mentions of alcohol flirting, swearing, praise, dirty(?) talk. Sex at work. Pre Imperial Crosshair. Not proof read.
Masterlist 🤍
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Another day, another long shift at the bakery you worked at.
Despite loving your job, the hours were long and being on your feet behind a counter all day was certainly paying the price. You couldn’t complain fully, however. You were paid well, your boss was lovely and you could take home any leftover baked goods instead of throwing them in the trash for free! Also, it is how you met the love of your life.
When Crosshair made his first appearance at the shop, you were sweeping the floor by the door from a customer who decided to spill most of it onto the floor rather than their mouth.
Then, the door slammed open with an almighty force and completely knocked you onto your bum. Luckily, you didn’t hit your head and fall unconscious because then you wouldn’t have laid eyes on the most handsome being you had ever seen.
Tall, slim yet somewhat muscular, silver hair and piercing eyes, he made your heart jump out to your chest and into your mouth the moment he laid eyes on you.
His hand extends and before you know it, he’s hoisting you up onto your feet and grunts an apology on behalf of his brother who was too eager to get inside. He let you go and moved on but when you were behind the counter, serving him and his brothers, his gaze not once left you. It wasn’t until they were left when you spotted he left something on the counter under his empty plate: his comm number. It took you two days of courage building to reach out and ever since, you had been his girlfriend.
The downside however was that you never really saw him. Maybe once every month or two. The last time you spoke, which was last night, he told you that he would be home in a week.
So, why did you almost faint the moment you saw him walk through that very same door ten seconds ago?
Luckily, the bakery is a little quieter today and so you waste no time in practically leaping over the counter to wrap your arms around the Sniper.
“Crosshair? What’re you doing here?” You enthuse in excitement, not even shying away from giving you a sweet and well needed kiss to his lips surrounded by some of your regulars.
He chuckles, using one arm to wrap around yoh and lift you off your feet for a second for better access. “Wanted to surprise you, sweetness.” He utters quietly but with a hint of a smirk.
“Can’t believe you’re here.” You sigh happily, the sudden wave of relief knowing he was home, safe and alive.
He places a kiss on your temple and escorts you to an empty table, both of you not really caring that you were in the middle of work and currently had some delicious smelling bakes in the oven at the back.
Sitting across from him, he holds out his hands to you, a sweet and often not seen gesture from him but once you place your hands in his, his thumbs enclose around your fingers and gently stroked them. “What time do you get off?”
“I’m on a close tonight.” You pout sadly. You’d think a bakery would close late afternoon but no, not this one. But then again, who wouldn’t want some delicious cakes and pastries late at night?
You see him in deep contemplation. “I was going to suggest we go out for dinner after work. My treat.” He tells you, eye brows a little furrowed as he attempts to come up with a better solution.
“Well I’m only on a morning shift tomorrow so we could do something then?”
Unfortunately, he shakes his head. “Not possible. We need to prepare to go to Kaller tomorrow.”
The fact he was going so soon made your heart ache and the sadness was evident on your face. “Oh.”
Crosshair sighs, tapping his feet agaisnt the floor and his hold on your hands get a little firmer.
He hated seeing you sad and he knows that it was because he couldn’t spend as much time with you like you both desired.
Desire. Soemthing he always had for you and being away made it a grim mission for him to stay focused. But how can he focus when at night he receives maybe a kinky picture or risky text from you to remind you of how much you ‘missed’ him.
He was determined to have a nice night with you and your work certainly wasn’t going to stop him. “I’ll stay here then. Until you close.”
Your lips part and you let out a snicker in disbelief. Looking to the clock and then back at him, you smirk. “I don’t close for another six hours… I doubt you want to stay.”
“If it means watching you walk around in that cute little apron, I do.” When Crosshair flirts with you, you act how you do the first time he did. With you cheeks growing hot and stomach twirling, you had to avert your eyes from his intoxicating stare.
“Are you sure?” You finally ask him after he gives you a playful nudge under the table, pushing you for an answer. One thing you loved about Crosshair, he was devoted to you. Completely.
At first, he was reserved and his brothers would say to you that he never seemed like the relationship type but how wrong they were. Was he as affectionate than others? Probably not but that never bothered you. He gave you the perfect amount of affection and you never wanted to smother him.
“Best go make me some Caf for the wait, sweet cheeks.”
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The sun had set and the illuminating OPEN sign on the window by the door was switched off. Finally, that shift was over.
After your mad dash of cleaning, wrapping up food for the next day, sweeping and mopping the floor, you completely jump out of your skin when you turn to see Crosshair standing across the floor, arms folded. How could you even forget he was still here?
“I didn’t think those oldies would ever leave.” He grumbles, crossing the room until he’s in front of you and his hands are on your hips.
“Oh leave Zebrka and Gurt alone. They’ve been my regulars for well over five months now.” You roll
your eyes with a smile, hands reaching up and resting against his dark cuirass. “Anyway, you have me all to myself now.”
Your gleaming features made him grin. He picks you up and places you on one of the few tables you had for the patrons to sit and eat at. “Finally. I’ve… I’ve missed you a lot, cyare.” His voice quietens and you always embrace his vulnerability whenever he dared showed it. Rarely.
“I’ve missed you too.” A hand moves from his chest and up to his left cheek, thumb ever so gently stroking over his 5 o’clock shadow. “But you’re here and I’m here.”
“Soon I won’t be though.” He grumbles and for a moment you see the hatred of War in his eyes. He shouldn’t even be here with you, shouldn’t be with you at all. But he had love deep within to give and you were the fire that set a bonfire off in his heart.
With a sad smile, you watch as his eyes close and his head ever so gently leans into your touch on his cheek. “Then let’s make the most of it, hm? I’m sure I could maybe find a nice wine in the back.”
He chuckles, a wonderful sound to hear but always knew you were partial to a glass of wine or three.
“Now why would my little Baker have wine hiding about?” He criticised playfully to which you can only roll your eyes at his silly nickname for you.
“Not me di’kut,” you jump off the table, brushing past him but giggling as he tries to hold you back until he finally let you slip away and watches you walk behind the counter, “my boss keeps it incase we make some, let’s say exotic and alcoholic cakes.”
Crosshair smirks, accepting your answer and watches you leave only to return a minute or two later after hearing you rummaging around, you emerge with a bottle of red and two glasses. They weren’t wine glasses but it held the same job, regardless.
He allows you to take your seat on the table again, sandwiching yourself between his legs and pour him a glass and then yourself. “So, what should we cheers to?”
He raises a brow. “Is there an occasion I should know about?” He’s rummaging in his mind. Was it your birthday? No, surely not. He would remember. The date you two got together? Doubtful.
Trying to show he wasn’t at all worried, he takes his glass from you and holds it up a little. “Then how about how I am going to absolutely worship you tonight?”
Eyes widening and mouth opening in shock, you glowed beautifully in front of him. “I wasn’t aware we’d be going back to mine tonight?” You sounded slightly eager, already feeling yourself get aroused at the thought of having some special alone time with him.
Crosshair chuckles, almost seductively and sucks on his teeth. “Who said we had to go back to yours, nau be ner oyay?” He cooes, craning his head lower to yours before taking a swig of his wine.
You had no idea what he just said but the cord that had been holding you back from lunging at him finally snapped. You take your drink and swig it all down your throat, carelessly dropping it onto the table before you attack his lips with you own.
He welcomes you, devours you in an instant. He doesn’t care about the glasses either, dropping it carelessly to the floor. You heard it shatter but that was a problem for later. For now, you just wanted him.
Despite the cold and hardened exterior, his kisses with you were always long and meaningful. Hands bite at your waist and he swallows the moan you let out.
He’s perfect in every sense of the word and an absolute expert when it comes to undressing you with his eyes closed.
The scenario itself was dirty, kissing and probably more at your work after hours but it was also beautiful. He waited for you, he came back to just see you and spend as much time as he could. He could have gone elsewhere and came back but no.
When you’re suddenly naked, a chill runs down your spine as your breasts press against his cold armour. “I think it’s your turn to be undressed Mr.” You grin against his lips and in return you take pleasure in him grabbing your hands and guiding them towards his codpiece.
“Help me out then, babe.”
You pull away from his lips and make easy work at his codpiece along with the rest of his armour until he’s in his body glove. Like the first time you saw his cock, you lick your lips and feel a pulse in your core as you admire his obvious hard on that was straining against his blacks.
“See something you like?“
“As always.” Your reply is laced with enticement, watching in awe as he begins to slide out of his blacks.
When his cock springs free, tip already leaking with pearly white cum you had to hold back a moan. Instead, you allow your hand to drift towards him and you hear him hiss a little as you swipe a thumb over his tip.
He murmured soft words of encouragement and watched in amazement as you get on all fours on the table and got into a position so your face was inches away from his cock. You tried to ignore the fact that many customers ate on these tables but it’s not like you don’t clean them ten times a day or more.
Crosshair is responsive to your touch. He writhes and jaw becomes slack as his hands nestle in your hair. It was the hottest thing you ever saw, Crosshair being open and wanting everything you could give him. He’s clutching onto your hair tighter the more he feels you go deeper and deeper until his tip stabs at the back of your throat. He tastes like salt. But it’s beautiful. As soon as you gag, he pulls away a little.
Time is passing and he is calling out your name like it was the only word he knew. You’re gentle with him, just like he tries to be with you.
Whispering your name some more, his chanting gets louder until that sensation hits him. He had to pull away, he didn’t want to finish like this. Crosshair was a lot of things but a selfish lover was not one.
The second he pulls out of your mouth, a trail of saliva follows and you look up at him with lust-filled eyes. “Come.” He gestures to you to sit up and when you do, he wastes no time in positioning you right where he wanted you which was splayed perfectly on the table with your pussy in his face.
Trailing kisses up your thighs, nipping, biting and licking but it’s all gentle, so gentle. He’s teasing you, watching you from between your legs to see what gets your blood going and as soon as he sees what you like, his tongue trails agonisingly slowly against your folds.
Under such a euphoric feeling, your mind melts and your body succumbs to him as your body dissolves into a puddle of pure lust.
“So beautiful,” he utters your name against your pussy, repeatedly telling you how beautiful you taste, look and even smell, “I can’t be without you.”
If he weren’t absolutely ravishing your pussy right now, you were bound to have cried at his words. Instead, you can only cry in pleasure as your head rolls back as he sucks on that perfect spot that has your toes curling and heart racing.
A knot ties in your stomach. “Crosshair… I’m….” You groan, fingers gripping the edge of the table as if you would slip away into a void of ecstasy and never to return.
“Please cum, babe.” He commands softly, gently prying your legs to open wider. Usually he was quite a dominant lover but tonight he was showing his softer side.
As he ordered, you came. Waves of pleasure shoot through you and stars blur your vision as you descend from your high.
Your eyes are closed as you feel his stand to his feet, taking a hold of your waist to assist you with sitting up. He chuckles as you’re a little floppy to begin with, legs still spasming but he holds you to his chest and rubs your back. “Good girl. Did you like that, hm?” Crosshair purrs.
Only being able to nod, you sigh as you feel him give you the most loving aftercare he could. He wasn’t perfect at it, a little timid at showing his vulnerability but he wanted to be the best for you.
After a while, you pull your face out of his chest and place a lazy kiss on his neck. “Crosshair.” You whisper softly and he already knew what was coming next.
“Spread your legs again for me.”
So you did, waiting impatiently for him to line himself up with your already soaked and tender pussy. You cry out as he slid into you, slowly stretching you open.
It had been a while clearly, and even he hissed as he felt you adjust to his size. “So tight, cyare. You okay?” He doesn’t look at you, just focusing on how sexy it looked seeing his length lush into you and fill you out.
“Perfect,” you moan gently, a hand coming up to rest on his shoulder as if it’d give you any signs of support, “you’re perfect.”
He looks up at this and a small smile graces his lips. Leaning forward, he kisses your lips tenderly before slowly starting to rock his hips. He takes his time with you tonight, wanting to savour every moment he can.
He feels that same wetness that was on his lips that he exploded just minutes ago, feeling you close around his throbbing cock.
You feel his hand grope at your tits, tweaking over your stiffened nipples and even taking one in his mouth. The way he worked his hips were expertly, a gentle rhythm but you could feel every inch of him. He’s hitting you deep, his teeth gritting together as he does his best to not cum in you so soon. He wanted this to last as did you but even you were finding it difficult.
“F-faster, please.” You stutter in pleasure, laying down flat on the hard table. When he picks up the pace, his hands grasp a little harshly at your hips but not enough to hurt you.
“You like this, huh? You like this princess?” He’s panting heavily, stamina wearing thinner the longer he goes on but hearing your little whimpers of pleasure was giving him the urge to carry on.
The table beneath you is rocking, slamming up against the wall with every rock of his hips. It’s creaking and beginning to wobble, you try to focus on Crosshair but as you hear something hit the floor that was similar to a nail, you grow a little anxious.
“Crosshair, t-the table.” You bite through the pleasure but he didn’t address it. Well, you didn’t think he did anyway.
Another few rocks and another few nails coming loose and clattering to the ground, your heart races as the wobbling becomes a little wary.
Then, there’s a loud crack and in a second the table collapsed. You squealed out loud, ready to collapse onto the floor but it never came. Crosshair had scooped you up into his arms, flushed to his chest and did not stop fucking you. Not once.
“Think I’d let you fall? Never.” He grunts, hips snapping up into you and it’s not long until he gives you a warning before he paints the insides of your walls with his seed.
When it’s all over and your cleaned and dressed, you place your hands on your hips as you look at the broken table. “My boss is going to kill me.” You grumble, kneeling down and collecting all the parts with Crosshair leaning against the counter, toothpick between his lips.
“You don’t have to tell him you broke it by us fucking hard on it.” He smirks and your cheeks grow warm.
“Not a fan of how you said ‘you’ when it was ‘us’ who broke it.” You roll your eyes, glancing over your shoulder at him to which he only shrugs.
He helps you back to your feet once you’ve put all the screws back on a table and he pulls you to his chest. “I have to leave soon.”
It was always bittersweet when he tells you he had to leave but by the way his arms wrap around you, hugging you close it will always feel like he’s still there after he lets go.
“I’ll help you fix the table but first,” he lifts you onto your work counter, brushing a strand of messy hair out of your face, “let me kiss you again.”
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More Crosshair Work
tags: @teletraan-meets-jarvis @jennamelinda12 @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex x @cwarssimp p @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @adriiibell l @theroguesully @equalityforcats @rexandechosandwich @mustluvecho o @inagalaxywickedfahaway y @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @sadspring @chxpsi @alexandrisonfire @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle @tech-aficionado @in-the-crosshairs @therealnekomari @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @mylifeinthetardisforever @brynhildrmimi i @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings s @agenteliix @fiveshelmet @photogirl894 @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater @rintheemolion
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jinisnuggets · 8 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕫 𝕥𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝔻𝕠𝕞'𝕤/𝕊𝕦𝕓'𝕤
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ℍ𝕪𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕃𝕚𝕟𝕖 + 𝕂𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕟
ᵖᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵒʸᶻ ʰʸᵘⁿᵍ ˡⁱⁿᵉ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ (ᵍᵉⁿᵈᵉʳ ⁿᵉᵘᵗʳᵃˡ)
ʷᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: 0.8ᵏ
ʷᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ʷᵒʳᵈˢ, ᵐᵘˡᵗⁱᵖˡᵉ ᵈᵒᵐ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵘᵇ ᵗʸᵖᵉˢ, ᵐᵉᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵒᶠ ᵒʳᵍᵃˢⁱᵐˢ, ᵗᵇᶻ ᵇᵉᵈʳᵒᵒᵐ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿⁿᵒⁿˢ
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Sangyeon, The Master Dom
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Sangyeon may be a kind and gentle guy, but boy this man loves to have all the control he can possibly have in his hands, so the bed is absolutely no exception.
He's the type of guy who enjoys to make you yell his name out and force you to get into positions/clothing that you may find uncomfortable. He will punish you if you refuse to do what he asks, and and he has lots of things he could do to you. Whether it's spanking, light choking, or to push his entire length inside of you and fuck you until you cum.
However after your session ends he will be the sweetest angel ever and will take care of you as much as possible, he really enjoys aftercare because you visibly are weak and exhausted. He lays a bunch of blankets on you, gets you your favorite foods and snacks as you sit together and watch a movie.
Jacob, a Gentle Switch
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Jacob can have his both bottom and top moments, he doesn't really prefer one over the other.
Okay, Jacob is sensitive to touch, like.. REALLY sensitive, so it doesn't take him long to let out his first orgasm. However, when Jacob is on the top, he is superior to anyone and anything. There is nothing that can stop this man from going his hardest just to show you how much he loves you.
Although yes, he does have his rough moments, Jacob tends to be very soft and gentle when it comes to sex and is often more worried about you then himself, aftercare is filled with hugs, cuddles and a warm shower together.
Younghoon, Daddy Dom
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Younghoon is not "Younghoon" during a session, he will force you to call him "daddy" or "master" during funtime and will refuse to accept anything else other than that.
Younghoon typically isn't a very aggressive time when it comes to sex and he is normally very calm and collective with it, however, like Sangyeon, if you disobey him or call him something other then what he prefers, then well... good luck.
Younghoon is very calm when it comes to aftercare as well, he will make sure you get everything you need or want and will order from your absolute favorite restaurant. He will get your favorite meal, drink and snack and will make sure you are as relaxed as possible .
Hyunjae, Bratty Sub
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I am very convinced that Hyunjae is that type of bratty sub, he enjoys to tease and disobey as much as possible just to push your buttons. He'll do anything to make you try to shut him up as he knows it'll make you take things faster.
However after he pushed all your possible buttons, he will regret ever teasing you in the first place. I also see Hyunjae being sensitive and will get angry if you stop or slow down on pleasuring him. He enjoys getting all your attention and wants you to cherish his body. Technically becoming a "Prince sub"
Aftercare will be you taking care of him, he will be want yoh to cuddle him until he falls asleep and afterwards help him wash off, he sleeps like a baby everytime you and him do the dirty, and he will always be clingy afterwards, not wanted to be away from you for a second.
Juyeon, Soft Switch
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During fun time, nothing is impossible for Juyeon. Typically, Juyeon prefers and starts every session being the top, but once the tables turn oh boy.
Juyeon is the type of primal dom who enjoys being rough with you for the time he's dom, he makes you do things like suck him out, make him cum, call him "master", but when you decide to switch the roles... Juyeon becomes the biggest sub of all time, he will be begging you to slow down or stop even though he obviously doesn't mean it.
Even so, Juyeon will still insist of taking care of you afterwards but you obviously don't allow him to do all the work, he will also get his own treatment and even though he won't show it.. he loves when you show obvious care and concern for him.
Kevin, Submissive Switch
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Kevin loves when you top him, although that doesn't mean he himself doesn't enjoy being top.
Kevin ain't rough when it comes to sex either, he typically knows your boundaries and is very respectful towards them. He will ask permission before taking on anything and will always check up on you, however he can also have his moments where he completes forgets that you might be in pain and his brain completely takes over.
When Kevin becomes the bottom though, it's very simple for Kevin to easily loose control and cum, he has very soft moans and often will try to avoid being loud, which he is normally good at doing, he does enjoy giving you aftercare and enjoys talking about his favorite parts of your entire session.
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
play fights
why not have some inosuke fluff for your troubles? he’s such an icon like no one does it like him- he wakes up everyday and is true to himself.
inosuke x gn. reader
worlds strangest couple wrestles in the woods
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☆just inosuke and reader being absolutely insane
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You both break into laughter as Inosuke tackles you to the dusty ground behind the shrine. He attempts to lock you in a choke hold but in an effort to escape you bite his hand.
"Ahh that was such a cheap shot Y/n". he cried out,pulling his hand away from your mouth. “Gah, your teeth are sharp- like a wild animal”.
"Choking your partner out is kinda a cheap shot too isn't it"!? you shoot back with a sly grin. “and you are a wild animal so shut up”.
As you jump back up and regain your balance Inosuke takes no time to start charging towards yoh. The aggression in his “battle cry” would be terrifying if you were not familiar with his antics.
Moving out of the range of danger at the last minute he runs into a big oak tree head first. If he didn’t have the boars head covering his cranium he’d suffer some serious damage.
For a moment all was quiet causing you to become concerned. You’d hate for him to get hurt because of you effectively.
But as always Inosuke got back up and began to speak in fast jibberish about something or other. He may be your boyfriend but he seems to speak his own language sometimes.
You burst into uncontrollable laughter for the second time,gripping your stomach. "Oh my god Inosuke", you choked out in between shallow breaths. “you’re such an idiot”.
At first he looked angry at your reaction but his mood quickly lightened as he ran over to you and picked you up.
"Put me down Inosuke". you squealed,punching his back with full force.
"NEVERRRR" he screamed running around in circles with you flung over his shoulder. It was moments like these you were glad not everyone outfit you owned was a pretty kimono.
This of course lead to another wrestling match resulting in a draw since you rolled in a pile of some kind of ivy. You were quick to assure him that he did not win.
Leaning against his shoulder you sighed happily.
"I love you Inosuke". you said happily.
He gave you his signature grin. "I bet I love you more".
"Wanna bet ? I’ll race you”. you grinned,getting back off the ground.
"Oh you're so on”.
The two of you lined up against a tree as Tanjiro and Zenitsu watched from their tents totally confused.
"They're a danger to society Tanjiro...should we help orrr"?
Tanjiro just shrugged "I'm just as confused as you are".
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mashiee · 7 months
what's your rei au?
(tw, dark/angst, death, kidnapping, human labor trafficking, extreme mental instability, mental and moral decline, developed delusions, etc)
basically, i took rei and put him in the most horrible situations ever °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
the idea is basically a very dark 'what-if' of if rei had survived
im a whore for plots that have a character survive, but everyone still thinks theyre dead, so thats the route here. rei does survive, but at a great cost, and to the knowledge of no one.
and by great cost i mean, he would have been better off if he had just died. which is why the au had previously been named 'better off dead.' i have since changed the name bc i hated it.
the new au name is pontibus incensis (burned bridges in latin). this is both bc rei's bridges were forcibly burned by volcan and byron (both figuratively and literally in relation to the fire claws) and bc i think being able to say its my pi/π au is really funny.
the whole thought process behind the au stems from the thought that the government wouldnt use their money on ember. they would use something else as a source for its funds. so i basically combined that with wanting rei to be alive and go thru angst.
the story is give or take as goes:
the au starts as soon as rei "dies." ember finds a way to fake his body, etc. rei wakes up in a cell chained to the wall, he doesnt know where he is. eventually he pulled out to some kind of "arena" people are calling "the colosseum"
(i am aware colosseum is the term for the specific famous building, and coliseum is the proper term for any large stadium. the place rei's in being called colosseum as opposed to coliseum is important to later on in the story)
theres a little girl about 8-10 there too. hes given a brief set of rules basically saying he needs to fight to the death within a certain time period. obviously rei is not going to kill a little girl and shes scared shitless so neither of them do anything. theres a warning bell signaling the time is up and the little girl, who has long light pink hair and a blue ribbon in it, is shot and killed. rei attacks the person shooting out of rage and survival and accidentally kills them. rei's allowed to pass bc hes found interesting by the colosseum head(?) and its the first and last time any match in the colosseum ends in a draw. as reis leaving he turns around and sees the girls lifeless body and for a brief moment she looks like remi.
so reis dilemma there is that he just killed someone and the little girl who looks like remi dying. his thoughts spiral from here but theyre cut off. hes later brought out again and fights a guy who comes at him instantly. reis forced to kill him. when rei gets back to his cell he finds the barcode branded on the back of his neck reading 1010 (XX in roman numerals, allude to the X in X-Static). he has the horrifying realization this place has already had at least 1000 prisoners.
this pattern of killing to survive continues. due to the constant stress, reis ability steadily climbs as well as his survival instincts. he develops a literal skill to survive. meanwhile, his mental health and morals are rapidly dropping and becoming tangled and confusing--even incomprehensible. eventually he'll develop the delusion that the little girl actually was remi, and that hes the one who killed her. as its a delusion, the knowledge of remi being 4 yrs younger than him and what she looks like now doesnt matter.
im thinking of giving him psychotic depression in order to explain the delusion, but im unsure. i will need to do more research. i could possibly also give him more delusions, such as hallucinations of his body rotting and the delusion he deserves it, or maybe the hallucination of remis decaying corpse, etc. another symptom of psychotic depression is psychomotor impairment which causes issues with speech and muscle activity, which i may be able to use as well?
(all of that is very surface level research btw, if i got anything wrong or am using the disorder in an inappropriate or disrespectful way please tell me. im very open to criticism and correction)
anyway, rei figures out that hes being used as entertainment for higher ups in the authorities to have monetary gain for ember funding. hes also become the fav of the place bc he just wont die, hes seen as some kind of impossible to kill entity. he gives ember massive monetary gain. he manages to survive for a long time (i think i want the colosseum arc to be maybe 4 months long?) which is unheard of. at most people have only survived for a month.
at the end of the colosseum arc, rei obviously escapes. hes very briefly helped by an oc of mine, who ends up being important later on.
i wont go into detail abt the rest of it unless u want bc this arc is the main point of the au.
something i should mention though that rei only finds out in the next arc is that ember doesnt ever actually kill the vigilantes. theyre always taken to a coliseum. and they end up dying in there. reis the only one whos survived so far.
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sunflowergl · 6 months
Kazuha and Ran's meta
Before starting, I need to say a few disclaimers. This post will have spoilers for the most recent Herensuge’s Main Story and for Hitotsuyanagi’s Stage Plays (League of Garden, The Fateful Gift and Lost Memorias). I won’t try to not reveal major events in the story. So, if you didn’t play until 覚醒のスキャルドメール and don’t want to recieve major spoilers, I advise to not read this meta.
Second disclaimer: I still didn’t read some of Hervarar's events because they didn’t have Ran as an important character (so it didn’t interest me when I don’t have time to dedicate myself to read in Japanese, which takes so much time), I didn’t buy any of official supply materials because they don’t ship to my country and i’m not considering any Fumi’s tweets to this meta. So a lot of things may diverge from what was showed in 慟哭のクリューサーオール, 悪蝕のナイトメア, 灼炎のエニグマ, 竜楯のコンフリクト, in official suplementar material and Fumi’s tweets (which all of them contradicts each other, so at the end it doesn’t matter that much). I’m just trying to have fun, then don’t take everything I say as absolute truth and, specially, don’t be mad at me because I interpreted something different.
Third: I won’t be using prints from Stage Plays, but I’ll talk about them.
And the last: this meta will be a mix between Kazuha and Ran’s personalities analyzed as their own characters (consequently, a bit about why I love them as individual characters) and why KazuRan is my OTP. So if you feel uncomfortable with the ship, this post may not be for you.
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Official art of Kazuha and Ran from one of the real life’s music presentations
When I started the game, I didn’t know any of the “new characters” (Hervarar and Gran Eple’s members, because at this point I only had watched the anime), so I didn’t expect anything from them. So it was a surprise how much I liked Kazuha in the tutorial’s story. She sounded as a rigid and serious girl at the start (which ended up being true later in the game), so I got really interested in her. Then, when Hervarar appeared in the Main Story that early, I got really happy and fell in love with all the other 4 immediately because they were Kazuha’s friends. But among the 4 of them, Ran didn’t let anyone else get my attention.
And it wasn’t just because she is a chaotic autistic little girl that talk just like me (when I don’t want to force myself to talk), but there was another reason and that was because she was exactly the opposite of Kazuha in personality and appearance, and still, they had lovely interactions between them.
After reading a lot of Hervarar’s stories and interactions, it was clear to me that Kazuha and Ran were opposite from each other, but at the same time, were similar characters.
Kazuha is a really interesting character. She is a really serious girl, who takes her responsibility as Hervarar’s leader (and the other girls' leader at the same time) to the extreme. She even got for herself the responsibility from the Hervarar’s leader during Hinode’s Tragedy, something that wasn’t her fault nor something she should bear. And still, Kazuha took it to her heart and made everything to endure this responsibility, to the point of almost getting herself killed. Not only this, but she even almost sacrificed herself trying to change Herensuge (or in other words, following her ideals). And because of this stubborn personality, she almost didn’t get along with Renka and Yoh at the start, and almost got herself, Chikaru, Yoh and Renka killed during 竜のシャナと楯の乙女 and other events where they fight Cuelebre. The reason for this is only because she “was there” in Hinode’s Tragedy and “was saved” by a Madec (I’ll get to this point again after in the post). She is what we can call a “responsible girl” because of what I talked about, but also because she takes all her tasks with extreme priority. 
She is really strict too, with herself and with other people (just in a way less intense than she is with herself), at the point in always training and forcing herself to the limits. Her charismatic personality as a leader also made me love her so much, specially because she is dumb; she get joked a lot by Hervarar’s girls (specially by Renka and Ran), she is a simple minded girl and is so passionate about things she cares about and likes a lot. 
I really love how she have a “savior complex” at the start too. It was so fun and cute how Kazuha said to Ran to get behind Kazuha when they first met each other. But not only this. She really shows much care for everyone in Hervarar and likes to protect others (just like in League of Gardens, when she stops Kotohi to beat Kanaho, or when she got really mad talking that Ran is a Boosted Lily in The Fateful Gift). When you try to understand Kazuha outside of what is explicitly shown, she is a really complex character and develops too much after interacting a lot with all the Hervarar’s members.
On other hand, Ran shows herself as a “simple character” at the start. She has a child-ish personality that tries to simplify everything she can. She loves simple things (sleeping, fighting Huges and eating). She doesn’t understand a lot of things at the start, even things that are “common sense” (just like she doesn’t know why dying is a bad thing), nor know how to take care of herself. And not only this, she don’t care about her own safety nor about the cities safety at the start, getting at the point of destroying the harbor in 罪なき少女達のスティグマ and active Lunatic Trancer and going at the front without help from her friends. I really love how she only hears and obeys Kazuha in this subject, to the point of stopping destroying buildings in the city later in the game and being more careful in the fights with Huges. I still get soft every time I watch The Fateful Gift, where Ran only stops trying to beat Kotohi when Kazuha calls her name; nor Yoh and Renka could stop her, but it was enough Kazuha just calling her name. And there is something like this in the game too. When Kazuha goes with Riri, Yuyu and Kanaho, Renka says that Kazuha is the one that stops Ran from going wild or before them.
But Ran is way more complex than any of this. Even if she looks simple and even not important, Ran is the most emotional mature in Hervarar. She is the only one that doesn’t get desperate when everything goes wrong in 竜のシャナと楯の乙女. And the funniest is that she can manipulate all the girls just like her idle line in summer, where she says that she can get water from the girls just saying that it is hot. I even dare to say that Ran is the character with the most character development in Last Bullet, because when you watch her in Hervarar’s story and after in 覚醒のスキャルドメール, it is difficult to say that she is the same character.
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Print of the Main Story when Renka says that stopping Ran is Kazuha’s duty Translation from the print: Renka: Eh? A, wait, Ran! Shit, it is always Kazuha’s duty.
Having said all of this about the two of them, I think it is clear how they are so different from each other. Kazuha is the responsible, serious and rigid character’s archetype, while Ran is the chaotic childish character’s archetype. But they are way more similar than it appears. I even call them mirror reflections from each other or that they are different sides of the same coin.
Both are Boosted Lilies created differently from others; Ran was boosted before she was born, and Kazuha only exists because she is boosted. And they’re boosted in different labs from Herensuge that probably don’t get along with each other. Both “died” in Hinode (the person that owns Kazuha’s body and the madec she got her personality from, and Ran got her vital signals stopped in a period of time). Kazuha is so strictly and rigid, while Ran is a free chaotic spirit that “no one can control” (outside Kazuha), but they learn from each other how to be different; Kazuha learns how to not be that rigid (she lets Ran eats Taiyaki with everyone in Hervarar everyday after 覚醒のスキャルドメール)  and Ran starts getting everything Kazuha says as absolute truth (just like she calls Cuelebre as bad kids) and stops going wild by her own. Even the way they talk is so opposite, with Kazuha being too formal and Ran being too informal.
And it is fun how Ran is the emotional mature in Hervarar, while Kazuha loses her mind every time she gets in an argument with Fuuka and Cuelebre (and have a mind break just from Fuuka saying that she isn’t the real Kazuha), the exactly opposite their archetypes do.
But it isn’t just it that made me fell in love with the ship. I really love their interactions, how they care too much for each other, how Ran makes fun of Kazuha for everything, how Kazuha worries too much about Ran (at the point at finding her in one of the Summer’s short stories), how Ran is always so much empathic towards Kazuha at the point to ask if Kazuha is mad or something like that, both wanting to protect each other, how Ran gets sad whenever Kazuha gets sad, Kazuha being the one that takes care of Ran (in bath, in class, when she tries to go wild, to taught her common sense, when Ran gets lost and a lot of other things) and all their other interactions. But above everything I love the extreme care, love and trust Ran shows to Kazuha all the time. Ran can’t stop being happy at Kazuha’s side and worrying about her (Kazuha does the same, but not with the same frequency).
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The scene in Main Story where I fell in love with KazuRan Translation from the print: Ran: Kazuha, what is it? Want to rampage?
So it made me really happy that Kazuha couldn’t hit Ran in the last Herensuge’s Main Story (while she hurt Yoh and Chikaru), and how she tried her best to not hurt Ran, even when she was being controlled by the teacher. And how Ran trusted Kazuha above everything; Ran just stood there, smiling to Kazuha pointing her Charm to Ran — just to Kazuha miss and try to get out of the mind control because Ran talked to her, and her being able to recognize Ran.
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Kazuha missing Ran
But not only that. How Kazuha first remembers Ran in her flashbacks during the same Main Story (I can’t put a print here because Tumblr will ban me, so), or how Ran’s words are the final thing Kazuha needs to break the control in this scene and how Ran was the first person that showed when Kazuha was thinking after she break the mind control, still in her mind. I always loved the love, care and absolute trust Ran showed to Kazuha, so I was really happy to get confirmation that Kazuha felt the same way.
In the final, Kazuha being the only one that most recognized that Ran saved them all made me way more happy. Because Ran had finally got the thanks she deserved since 2 stories before (and it was Kazuha that did it, not any other of the girls).
Hervarar is my favorite Legion so far, but not only because of the friendship relationship between them all. It is also because there is Kazuha and Ran there. I love Hervarar that much exactly because the group is a found family and there is KazuRan (and YohRen, but it is for another post, maybe). Because even if they almost don’t interact that much in comparison with the start of the game, their interactions always make me really happy and soft. And I would love the game way more if they had a great amount of interactions (and I wouldn’t be that lazy to read stories. Yes, I hate how they treat my girl in the story, always putting her at the side. Ran deserves better).
I love them so much, but I couldn’t express all the feelings in this post. So I’m happy for anyone who read this mess rumbling meta until here. I hope that, even if I’m scared of expressing myself (and having difficulties in expressing myself, especially in english) was enough to show how much I love them and why.
To end this post, thank you for reading! And here is my favorite KazuRan’s official art! It is the one that most expresses what I love about their relationship.
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dryades-angeli · 1 year
HaoAnna is not my cup of tea
HaoAnna or Hao x Anna is a very popular ship with Hao. It comes right after Hao x Yoh and Hao x Lyserg. HaoAnna is often shipped as a triangle ship with Yoh. More than the ship itselves. Hao is also shipped with Opacho, Horohoro, Jeanne, Tamao, Marion, Hana and many more. I'm hearing about some shippings for the first time. The most popular shipping with Anna is Yoh x Anna.
The decisive factor for this couple is probably the scene in which Anna hits Hao. Anna: Look, if you keep talking nonsense... *tries to slap Hao* Hao: *stops her hand and scowls* Hao: *put his other hand next to Anna's face against the stone* Now I like you even more. You're the perfect wife for the Shaman King. Hao: *tries to get nearer to her* Anna: *sweats* Anna: *pulls herself together* Anna: Not so fast. I still have my left! *slaps Hao is his face* The scenes in which Anna wants to make Yoh strong so that she "doesn't get stolen by someone" and in which Hao happily tells Opacho that Anna hits like his mother, further encourage this shipping. Also, it was Anna who destroyed Haos Shikigami's and thus piqued his interest. Anna is so tough that she takes on Hao with his own shinigami and even kicks him when he tries to grab her again. Yoh's friends also see a resemblance between Anna and Hao's mother, Asanoha.
So this shipping is based on two arguments: 1. Anna is not afraid of Hao, which impresses him quite a bit. It is shown again and again how people are afraid of Hao because he is so powerful. The only people who aren't afraid of him are Anna and Yo. 2. Anna and Asanoha don't look alike. In addition, both are prone to hitting with the flat of their hands. Asanoha is important to Hao. Her death was the trigger of his misanthropy. So HaoAnna has valid points why it could work as Shipping. I'll explain now why I don't like it. While Anna and Asanoha may be similar, there is a definite difference between them: While Anna and Asanoha may be similar, there is a definite difference between them. Although Asanoha is also tough and tends to raise her hand against her loved ones, she is a very loving and wise person. Anna, on the other hand, is aggressive and cold. That doesn't mean she doesn't care about the people around her. It just means she shows her feelings differently. And that's the catch for me. Hao and Anna are both very cold personalities. Both are not good at showing their feelings to the other. That's why Anna works so well with Yoh. Yoh understands her feelings and can handle her coldness. He is the gentle one. loving part of the relationship and the one who approaches Anna. The same with Ren and Jeanne. While Ren tends to be cold and doesn't show his feelings that much, Jeanne tends to be gentle and the driving force behind their relationship. I think that a rather cool person needs an emotional person in order not to let the relationship grow cold. Does Hao have really feelings for Anna: Anna has often shown that she is a serious opponent. Hao was definitely impressed by her strength and fearlessness. But how seriously does he really mean his offer? I can well imagine that Hao just wanted to tease her. That would suit him well. Because I don't think he had any serious intentions of robbing Yoh of his fiancée. Most importantly, he seems to respect his twin. In my opinion, Hao needs a woman who is not afraid of him and who can gain respect from him. But he also needs a woman who is gentle and loving to him. That's why HaoAnna is not my favorite ship. ATTENTION: Ship what you want as long as you respect each other's shipping. Anyone who likes HaoAnna should enjoy it. I was just giving my opinion why I don't like this shipping.
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siberat · 1 year
Drabble for the day:
 It's been a bit since Dead/lock arrived at Cry/stal City and has been under the supervision of Wi/ng.
While not quite the vile mech he once was when running with the Decep/ticons, he was still a bit rough around the edges.
Wi/ng tutored him to channel all his hatred and anger in more positive ways. And these suggestions worked, provided the unruly mech listened. And gave it a serious try.
As frustrating as this was, with patience and persistence, Wi/ng made some progress. Bartering with the ex-co/n worked well. His demands to leave Crys/tal City would be allowed if Wi/ng was defeated in a sword match.
Dead/lock, being the somewhat cocky mech he was, felt this would be easy! Wi/ng was too much of a pushover, goody-2-shoes to be able to be much of a challenge.
At least, that’s what Dead/lock assumed.
So, Wi/ng was still babysitting the other mech. Deadl/ock was still stuck in this city.
And he was still grumpy about that.
But it was better than the anger! At least, that is What Wi/ng told himself.
But today was a special day: there was a celebration for some reason, and everyone gathered at huge tables to celebrate whatever they were celebrating. And yes, food goes good with parties. After all, that is what bribed Dead/lock to agree to come.
Wi/ng and the ex-co/n sat at the end of a table. The dinner service dwindled, most mechs just hen pecking or tasting desserts. Dead/lock, however, still feasted upon several overflowing plates of whatever foods he could fit on his dishes.
At least while he was eating and stuffing his belly, the ex-co/n was bearable, Wi/ng told himself. But he watched in slight disgust. True, nothing was wrong with overindulging once in a while, but Dead/lock took this to a new level: he would gorge himself to death if given a chance.
Or at least til there was no food left.
So, Wi/ng sat by, watching plate after plate be demolished. The annoyance at the greed behind how much ener/gon food he took was soon replaced by how this mech ate. Food was shoveled in, and sometimes hands would assist if silverware proved too slow. His belly swelled in front of him, forcing the big eater to sit further from the table. The issue this caused was now any food that dripped making its way from place to mouth, now splattered over the stretched belly or slathered over chest plating.
And for the umpteenth time, Wi/ng watched Dead/lock wipe his nasty, greasy fingers on the intricately detailed white tablecloth. This was embarrassing. Surrounding the supervised mech’s plate, aside from stacks of empty dishes, was a sea of crumbs, splattered food, and greasy finger smears. Several other mechs of Cryst/al City grimaced upon this view and hastily went elsewhere.
Wi/ng didn’t blame them.
So, Dead/lock slid his hands over the tablecloth, leaving another gross-looking skidmark of food in its wake.
“You know,” Wi/ng held a cloth napkin out for the other. “They provided napkins for a reason.”
Dead/lock stopped mid-chew but finished wiping his food-coated servos on the wrong cloth.
Wi/ng gave him the look.
Dead/lock rolled his optics. “Yoh gnoa iz bowf maied owf cwowf.”
“Deadl/ock, it’s not polite to talk with your mouth full,” Wi/ng said with the patience of the world.
Dead/lock quickly chewed his mouthful of food, then swallowed, banging on his chassis as if the food got caught on the way down. “You know, they’re both made of cloth. What’s the difference?”
“What’s the difference?” Wi/ng chuckled in disbelief. “It’s proper etiquette.”
Dead/lock snarled his upper lip at that.
“What, you have something to say about proper etiquette?”
“I do. Wanna hear?”
“I feel you will speak up about it whether I want your opinions or not. So, let me hear it.”
Dead/lock swallowed and made a hint of a weird face as he sat up straight. He sat up properly, crossed his legs politely (well, as best as his gut would allow), and put on a good smile.
Wi/ng eagerly awaited, seeing as for once, the ex-con looked to be taking him seriously!
And with a turn of his head, Dead/lock opened his mouth to speak.
Wi/ng sat utterly still, wide opticed at the audacity of the other to let out the grosses, loudest and longest burp ever known to Cyber/tronian. Several other mechs of this city gasped and made disgusted looks (Di/a Atl/as through his napkin down, looking about ready to curse up a storm). This was most likely why the pair often sat alone.
Once done, Dead/lock snatched the cloth napkin from Wi/ng's still-offering hand and made a scene to politely dab at his lips. He then tossed it on the table in a dramatic fashion.
“…” It took a bit for Wi/ng to muster the strength to speak. And the only thing he managed to say once words came to him was this. “Those sulfer-stuffed geodes smell worse now than they did on your plate.” His servo waved in front of his nose, hoping to disperse the raunchy gas-like stench.
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pof203 · 2 years
Binge (Pao-Lin & Lara)
Lara had finally managed to invite Pao-Lin over to her house. Lara's mother was staying the night at a friend's house leaving her alone.
Lara had invited Pao-Lin over to binge watch the reboot of one of Pao-Lin's favorite animes, Shaman King.
"I hope it's not too much trouble," said Lara as she and her partner took off their coats to hang.
"Not at all," said Pao-Lin with a smile. "Natasha needed the night off."
"Glad to hear it. For a moment, I felt like a kidnapper."
"Don't be silly. It looked like you needed a friend while we were working out."
Lara went to the kitchen to fix some popcorn and sandwiches while Pao-Lin was getting the television ready and finding the show.
A little later, Lara came out with the snacks and some juice.
"They're ready!" she called.
But she saw that Pao-Lin already found the show and was now looking at the torn picture of Lara's mother, Zamira, and her tennis partner, Pamela.
"Is this your mom when she was younger?" asked Pao-Lin.
"Yes, that's here," answered Lara.
"She's very pretty. She really is a tennis champion. And I guess the torn half was her partner."
Yes it is. After all these years, my mother never got over what happened to her. Because of that betrayal, she thought that partners can never trust each other. She tried to convince me the same about you."
"You don't think that, do you? I know my sponsors keep telling me to show myself more, but I'm not about to stab my partner in the back just to do it. You are amazing in your own way."
"I know... I just wish my mother could think the same way. She and Pamela were very close. But after their falling out, my mother was hurt to the core."
"I don't pretend to understand all of this, but it's rather sad to see how things ended up with you and your mother. I can't imagine my own parents trying to force me to do things, except maybe telling me to be more feminine. They're actually quite supportive."
Lara sighs at the thought of the kind of people her partner's parent are.
"You're so lucky, Pao-Lin," said Lara. "I wish I had your kind of parents. Your parents only sweat the smaller stuff and then just let it slide. But me, my mother might as well by some evil stepmother from a fairy tale."
"Yeah," said Pao-Lin. "The only thing missing is either a couple of wicked stepsisters and a cat or a magic mirror to tell her who's the fairest one of all."
The two girls could help but laugh.
"Don't get the wrong idea, though," said Pao-Lin. "My parents can be pretty stick, too. The other day, my mother sent me a really pink dress to wear to a birthday party for my boss. But I hated it much, I used my powers to destroy it. But when my parents found out, they were really mad. They were yelling at me over video chat until it was nearly sunrise."
"I guess when they said you can't chose your parents, they really meant it."
"It just to show you that no one's perfect. We're all unique."
The two girls laugh at how similar their live were. They were happy to know that they are kindred spirits.
"Still we love our families, come what may," said Pao-Lin.
"Without a doubt," said Lara.
They then sat on the couch ready to binge.
"By the way," said Lara. "What's the original Shaman King anime like? I've never seen it."
"Well, I know the reboot is more true to the manga," said Pao-Lin. "But it'll never take the original's place. It's so diverse. Plus, Ryu is really funny."
"He's funny in this one, too. I wonder, if he were real and saw how they remade him, what would he think?"
"I'm guessing he'd be stoked about being on TV."
Meanwhile, in another universe...
"Is something wrong, Ryu?" asked Yoh. "I hope you're not sick."
"I'm fine," assured Ryu. "Probably someone talking about me."
The end.
5 Day Left!
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jumpscaregoose · 2 years
good to see another fellow SK fan (and hororen fan <3) on tumblr! :D i hope you dont mind me asking but who are your favorite characters and ships?
there may be like six of us SK fans on this planet but we are most certainly dedicated. thank you for giving me an opportunity to geek out your efforts have not been in vain.
(answers to your questions under read more because I'll probably go on for 3 years and several tangents down there)
my all time favourite character is definitely Yoh but he's too favourite for it to really count. (it's unfair to every other character with how much I love him basically)
after Yoh my favourite is probably Horohoro. I basically forgot he existed until they started teasing his backstory and then I realized how great he is and now I draw him too much (I have a tier list of all the 2021 anime episodes and you can definitely tell by what I put in the top tier)
other than those two I like Hao for being the antagonist of all time (still lowkey mad at the anime for cutting the random baguette he brought to a match), Ren because haha edgy emo guy, and Jeanne because I want to study her in a petri dish
my favourite ships are hororen (because it's me), yohna (because I think it's well written and makes me mad at how renmei was written in the sequels because oh my god renmei shippers y'all are in the trenches with the nonwriting of that I am so sorry. o7). I also like tamajeanne because I think they're neat
I just really like shaman king ok. and to my non-SK mutuals I am only mildly sorry, you should watch it. my SK mutuals I appreciate you because it means I get to stop forcing my friends to watch some rando show they don't care about just so I can explain why lyserg diethel should have been named after an opioid
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yohmorishita · 6 months
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Chrysalis (premiere will be in March 2024)
What you think is there, might not be there anymore. It could be already replaced by something new. But you may not even realize it — under your skin. “Chrysalis” is an incarnation of absurdness by merging the animate and inanimate. It's an exposure of the body infested with materialities; shell, horn, tentacle, synapse, tuber, claw, and rhizome.  It keeps mutating, never converges. This body resists the forces that intend to eliminate the heteromorphy. It eludes the suppression by altering its shape or by slipping off, only leaving the outer skin.
“The essential quality of life is living; the essential quality of living is change; change is evolution: and we are part of it.” — John Wyndham, The Chrysalids, 1955
In “Chrysalis”, Yoh Morishita ponders about change in organisms and humanity. She embodies a process of metamorphosis that perceives life as a dynamic equilibrium. Various qualities of movements emerge on the different body parts simultaneously and create the illusory coherence of animate and inanimate. Order is continuously disassembled and remade. Where does this gradually morphing sequence of images lead? If change is the essence of life, how far do we allow ourselves to change? How do we confront alien beings and things? And further, who are WE? 
“Chrysalis” enfolds various questions around change and processes them. The electronic soundscape by Marija Jociūtė stimulates communication among all parts. An eerie world looms in front of us!
Concept and performance Yoh Morishita Live sound and music Marija Jociūtė Lighting design Leo Kuraitė Styling Lisa Knoll Outside eye and ear Camilla Schielin, Julia Müllner, Magdalena Forster, Dominik Morishita-Leitner
A co-production of Yoh Morishita, brut Wien and Im_flieger. With the kind support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, and ImPulsTanz Atlas program.
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pwrestlingxpress · 1 year
Updated Best of Super Junior Standings Heading into the Block Finals
May 21, 2023 counts as the last day both A Block and B Block will be competing side-by-side. Today is an off-day before we head to the block finals. Before we do, let's take a look at the standings heading into these block finals, starting off with A Block:
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With one match to go, Mike Bailey and Lio Rush lead the block with 12 points. Hiromu Takahashi also has 12 points but due to the losses to both Bailey and Rush, he sits at third. In fourth place is Taiji Ishimori with 10 points. In Fifth is Titan, also with 10 points. In sixth is TJP with 8 points. Tied for seventh are SHO and DOUKI with 6 points. Both of them will battle to see who'll finish seventh overall. And at the bottom are KUSHIDA with 4 points and Ryusuke Taguchi with 0 points.
Despite leading Titan over the tiebreaker, the loss to Hiromu has eliminated Taiji Ishimori from most likely advancing past the block stage. Also eliminated are TJP, SHO, DOUKI, KUSHIDA, and Ryusuke Taguchi.
Before I type in the scenarios on which top 2 could advance from those that are still alive, there is a chance that a forfeit could be applied. During the match between Hiromu Takahashi and Taiji Ishimori, an injury happened right before the 10 minute mark that forced a stoppage and awarded Takahashi the two points over Ishimori. Right now, there is no word on the severity of Ishimori's injury but in the case he cannot compete, than both him and TJP's campaign will be finished with a 5-4 record. So with that said, the scenarios on which top 2 can advance from A Block on May 23, 2023:
Mike Bailey (currently 6-2 at 12 points): advances to the Final 4 with a win over Lio Rush and/or a TJP win over Taiji Ishimori
Lio Rush (currently 6-2 at 12 points): advances to the final 4 with a win over Mike Bailey or a Hiromu Takahashi win over Titan
Hiromu Takahashi (currently 6-2 at 12 points): advances to the final 4 with a win over Titan and a time-limit draw between Mike Baily and Lio Rush
Titan (currently at 5-3 at 10 points): advances to the final 4 with a win over Hiromu Takahashi and a Mike Bailey victory over Lio Rush
A Block finishes up in Osaka on May 23rd. Remains to be seen though if there will be four block matches or five block matches due to Ishimori's injury.
Now...let's look at the standings for B Block in which...this block is in for a wild ride:
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Leading B Block is YOH at 12 points followed by El Desperado and Master Wato, also at 12 points. Robbie Eagles is fourth at 10 points. These four are the only one left still alive in B Block. Here are the scenarios on which of these 2 could advance to their final 4 on May 24, 2023 in Osaka:
YOH (currently 6-2 at 12 points): Advances to the final 4 with a win over Yoshinobu Kanemaru
El Desperado (currently 6-2 at 12 points): Advances to the final 4 with a win over Robbie Eagles and an Yoshinobu Kanemaru win over YOH
Master Wato (currently 6-2 at 12 points): Advances to the final 4 with a win over Kevin Knight, an Yoshinobu Kanemaru win over YOH, and a Robbie Eagles win over El Desperado
Robbie Eagles (currently 5-3 at 12 points): Advances to the final 4 with a win over El Desperado, an Yoshinobu Kanemaru win over YOH, and a Kevin Knight win over Master Wato
B Block finishes up on May 24, 2023; also in Osaka. Please stay tuned for match cards to these two events that should be announced within the next couple of minutes and/or hours.
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