sunflowergl · 2 months
Let's everyone vote for Araya! Our disaster lesbian (canon) deserves this and all the love in the world. Look at this pretty and cool girl.
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Pink Hair Swag Tourney: Niche Edition , Round One , Part Four
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sunflowergl · 4 months
Being a Brazilian in fandom is "fun" sometimes. I'm sure that gringos wouldn't be able to live here (I'm not even considering our financial issues, where we usually can't buy what we want). I saw some people calling the new Assault Lily's memorias "obscenes" and I went to look, but it was... something normal. No butts in the screen (almost in "your face") and they are with "vulgar" places covered.
Well, cutural shock happens. But I find it fun sometimes.
For context, these are the new year's memorias. I found they really funny, because Renka was calling Chikaru and Yoh for this (for what the PV makes look like), and the two of them accepted. Chikaru and Yoh really accepts wearing clothes that makes them be with "shame" if it is asked by the people they love (Yoh for Ran & Renka and Chikaru for Ran & Renka & Ena).
I'm just sad that there isn't any memoria of the 3 of them together (and being "lesbians"). For context, yes, I accept "almost any fanservice" as long as they are about my ships.
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sunflowergl · 4 months
Okay, I need to talk about Towatsugai now. Bellow in this post will have spoilers for the recent story launched "today", 29/12/2023, (it is still the day of the realese in my country, sooo), so I recommend to not read further if you don't want to be spoiled.
It will look like a complaint (and it may be). But I really hate how the story always simplify or rushes scenes of emotional impact. They always look bland and boring, when they could be so good.
This happened when Tsuru sacrificed herself to destroy the Witch barrier. I didn't feel anything outside "really, just this?". They could do a really good hurtfull scene. But no. Tsuru just sacrificed herself in a way we couln't understand anything for how rushed it was.
But they did something amazing just after this blunt mistake.
I really loved Hachidori reaction to her death. She was totally "unaffected" and fought as if nothing happened. But little things in her body language showed how she felt. She got angry at the other girls not fighting, even wasting Tsuru sacrifice, and the look at her face... It was simply perfect.
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And at the end, when she needs to take Tsuru body, she showed as if nothing happened, talking as usual with disinterest. She took the body with a naturally that shocked the other girls. But she insisted to carry Tsuru body even when Tsubame propused to herself (Tsubame's) to do it, saying that Tsuru was *her* pair.
In the last part, after Karasu says that they need to found an exit, Hachidori sounds too hurtfull in the sound she does and in her voice, by comparing to her usual way of speaking. She usually talks disinterested and without any emotion. But in this part she talked so low, something that she nevers do, and the last word she sounded as if she was forcing to go out, as if she would start crying. The words she says just increase her feelings and let us know how hurt she is. And the last phrase, when she sounds exactly as if she was forcing to not cry... My heart.
The scenery and background just made the scene way better. We couldn't see her face, but sands droplets that looked like water drops were falling in all the screen when Hachidori started talking. And the game never showed us her face, even prefering to end with just her back at the screen, making everything better. They wanted to make us feel her pain just by her voice, and not by her usual emotionless expression.
She looked as her usual self and didn't look as much sad as someone would feel with the death of their dear one, but the sorrow and sadness was something that Hachidori would never do. Hachidori emotional, and even got angry at Tsuru for being emotional before. So seeing she so sad made me so impressed.
I really love characters that aren't "commom" people. They react different to things and never act with "commom sense". This chapter really amazed me with Hachidori, because she never acted as a "normal" person, even in an emotional impact. She acted in her own "distorted" way, that is the normal for her. The sorrow and sadness where so different from others, but it was her own.
I always saw Hachidori as an autistic girl (and it was the reason I loved her), but now I'm sure she can't be anything else.
Maybe I'm not making sense, but I can't express myself in English. But I really wanted to talk about how much I loved Hachidori in this part of the story. I hope they do this things more with her, showing how much she changed by losing Tsuru, but with little and almost imperceptible hints in her way of acting and talking.
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sunflowergl · 4 months
Okay, I couldn't not talk about this memoria. I'm still soft at looking at it, even if it was realesed a day (or two?) ago.
The first thing that got me was the soft look at Kazuha's face. I don't think we had ever see something like that in Kazuha's face. She looks so happy and at ease at the same time. I can't describe well, but I can only see it as an expression of love. And she is looking at Ran, and not someone else. Kazuha is holding a big present too, so I think she wanted to give it to Ran.
But Ran is sleeping so happy and comfortable in the big bed, with her bear pajama (problably it was Renka and Yoh's thing). But the best is that she is hugging the big Christmas sock.
Like, I don't think that Ran has ever had a Christmass day before meeting Hervarar. And it is so soft because of this fact. Ran had never experienced something like that before, but she got a chance now. And Kazuha is the one that is more happy to see Ran getting what she always deserved; a happy place full of warm love from people she love. And Kazuha wanted to make it even better for Ran, but she sleep before — and Kazuha is happy to see Ran happy and satisfied.
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And I can't not think about their other memoria, where Ran is the only one happy and soft while she is seeing Kazuha sleep so happy and comfortable. I get so happy to see how much they love each other and just the happy face when they're sleeping safe are enough to make them happy.
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sunflowergl · 4 months
Appreciate Cuelebre with cat ears and tails. Yes, they totally look as real ears and tails. The good point in begin a Boosted Lily /j
I hope they do it with other characters too. I would love to see the furry girls (Renka, Ran, Yoh, Tazusa and Yujia) with animal ears. Yujia already have one, but it would never be enough. Ran have a bear's pajama, but I want her with ears that look real.
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sunflowergl · 5 months
Trecho Não-Terminado
Fandom: Assault Lily: Last Bullet
Ship: Aizawa Kazuha/Sasaki Ran
Por não chegar a ter 100 palavras, estarei postando apenas apenas no tumblr !!
— Ran?! — A voz da Kazuha soou um tico mais alta que o normal, estridente. O corar que desabrochou em tom vermelho nas suas bochechas só não era mais bonito que a ponta de suas orelhas, que estava da mesma cor. Vendo a reação da outra, a Sasaki soltou uma risadinha feliz.
— Kazuha~ — Ela respondeu, alongando a última sílaba do nome alheio.
Era maravilhoso ver que a líder perdia toda a compostura só porque recebeu um beijinho seu; precisava fazer isso mais vezes.
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sunflowergl · 5 months
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The two most important Assault Lily Wiki updates of all time
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sunflowergl · 5 months
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i envy a married couple
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sunflowergl · 5 months
After this many years, finally we got their marriage. Congratulations to MaiTazu for being the third/forth married couple in Yurigaoka!
Yes, I'm not well. The end of the event really got me and I won't be able to stop thinking about it for a long time, problably.
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sunflowergl · 5 months
Kazuha and Ran's meta
Before starting, I need to say a few disclaimers. This post will have spoilers for the most recent Herensuge’s Main Story and for Hitotsuyanagi’s Stage Plays (League of Garden, The Fateful Gift and Lost Memorias). I won’t try to not reveal major events in the story. So, if you didn’t play until 覚醒のスキャルドメール and don’t want to recieve major spoilers, I advise to not read this meta.
Second disclaimer: I still didn’t read some of Hervarar's events because they didn’t have Ran as an important character (so it didn’t interest me when I don’t have time to dedicate myself to read in Japanese, which takes so much time), I didn’t buy any of official supply materials because they don’t ship to my country and i’m not considering any Fumi’s tweets to this meta. So a lot of things may diverge from what was showed in 慟哭のクリューサーオール, 悪蝕のナイトメア, 灼炎のエニグマ, 竜楯のコンフリクト, in official suplementar material and Fumi’s tweets (which all of them contradicts each other, so at the end it doesn’t matter that much). I’m just trying to have fun, then don’t take everything I say as absolute truth and, specially, don’t be mad at me because I interpreted something different.
Third: I won’t be using prints from Stage Plays, but I’ll talk about them.
And the last: this meta will be a mix between Kazuha and Ran’s personalities analyzed as their own characters (consequently, a bit about why I love them as individual characters) and why KazuRan is my OTP. So if you feel uncomfortable with the ship, this post may not be for you.
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Official art of Kazuha and Ran from one of the real life’s music presentations
When I started the game, I didn’t know any of the “new characters” (Hervarar and Gran Eple’s members, because at this point I only had watched the anime), so I didn’t expect anything from them. So it was a surprise how much I liked Kazuha in the tutorial’s story. She sounded as a rigid and serious girl at the start (which ended up being true later in the game), so I got really interested in her. Then, when Hervarar appeared in the Main Story that early, I got really happy and fell in love with all the other 4 immediately because they were Kazuha’s friends. But among the 4 of them, Ran didn’t let anyone else get my attention.
And it wasn’t just because she is a chaotic autistic little girl that talk just like me (when I don’t want to force myself to talk), but there was another reason and that was because she was exactly the opposite of Kazuha in personality and appearance, and still, they had lovely interactions between them.
After reading a lot of Hervarar’s stories and interactions, it was clear to me that Kazuha and Ran were opposite from each other, but at the same time, were similar characters.
Kazuha is a really interesting character. She is a really serious girl, who takes her responsibility as Hervarar’s leader (and the other girls' leader at the same time) to the extreme. She even got for herself the responsibility from the Hervarar’s leader during Hinode’s Tragedy, something that wasn’t her fault nor something she should bear. And still, Kazuha took it to her heart and made everything to endure this responsibility, to the point of almost getting herself killed. Not only this, but she even almost sacrificed herself trying to change Herensuge (or in other words, following her ideals). And because of this stubborn personality, she almost didn’t get along with Renka and Yoh at the start, and almost got herself, Chikaru, Yoh and Renka killed during 竜のシャナと楯の乙女 and other events where they fight Cuelebre. The reason for this is only because she “was there” in Hinode’s Tragedy and “was saved” by a Madec (I’ll get to this point again after in the post). She is what we can call a “responsible girl” because of what I talked about, but also because she takes all her tasks with extreme priority. 
She is really strict too, with herself and with other people (just in a way less intense than she is with herself), at the point in always training and forcing herself to the limits. Her charismatic personality as a leader also made me love her so much, specially because she is dumb; she get joked a lot by Hervarar’s girls (specially by Renka and Ran), she is a simple minded girl and is so passionate about things she cares about and likes a lot. 
I really love how she have a “savior complex” at the start too. It was so fun and cute how Kazuha said to Ran to get behind Kazuha when they first met each other. But not only this. She really shows much care for everyone in Hervarar and likes to protect others (just like in League of Gardens, when she stops Kotohi to beat Kanaho, or when she got really mad talking that Ran is a Boosted Lily in The Fateful Gift). When you try to understand Kazuha outside of what is explicitly shown, she is a really complex character and develops too much after interacting a lot with all the Hervarar’s members.
On other hand, Ran shows herself as a “simple character” at the start. She has a child-ish personality that tries to simplify everything she can. She loves simple things (sleeping, fighting Huges and eating). She doesn’t understand a lot of things at the start, even things that are “common sense” (just like she doesn’t know why dying is a bad thing), nor know how to take care of herself. And not only this, she don’t care about her own safety nor about the cities safety at the start, getting at the point of destroying the harbor in 罪なき少女達のスティグマ and active Lunatic Trancer and going at the front without help from her friends. I really love how she only hears and obeys Kazuha in this subject, to the point of stopping destroying buildings in the city later in the game and being more careful in the fights with Huges. I still get soft every time I watch The Fateful Gift, where Ran only stops trying to beat Kotohi when Kazuha calls her name; nor Yoh and Renka could stop her, but it was enough Kazuha just calling her name. And there is something like this in the game too. When Kazuha goes with Riri, Yuyu and Kanaho, Renka says that Kazuha is the one that stops Ran from going wild or before them.
But Ran is way more complex than any of this. Even if she looks simple and even not important, Ran is the most emotional mature in Hervarar. She is the only one that doesn’t get desperate when everything goes wrong in 竜のシャナと楯の乙女. And the funniest is that she can manipulate all the girls just like her idle line in summer, where she says that she can get water from the girls just saying that it is hot. I even dare to say that Ran is the character with the most character development in Last Bullet, because when you watch her in Hervarar’s story and after in 覚醒のスキャルドメール, it is difficult to say that she is the same character.
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Print of the Main Story when Renka says that stopping Ran is Kazuha’s duty Translation from the print: Renka: Eh? A, wait, Ran! Shit, it is always Kazuha’s duty.
Having said all of this about the two of them, I think it is clear how they are so different from each other. Kazuha is the responsible, serious and rigid character’s archetype, while Ran is the chaotic childish character’s archetype. But they are way more similar than it appears. I even call them mirror reflections from each other or that they are different sides of the same coin.
Both are Boosted Lilies created differently from others; Ran was boosted before she was born, and Kazuha only exists because she is boosted. And they’re boosted in different labs from Herensuge that probably don’t get along with each other. Both “died” in Hinode (the person that owns Kazuha’s body and the madec she got her personality from, and Ran got her vital signals stopped in a period of time). Kazuha is so strictly and rigid, while Ran is a free chaotic spirit that “no one can control” (outside Kazuha), but they learn from each other how to be different; Kazuha learns how to not be that rigid (she lets Ran eats Taiyaki with everyone in Hervarar everyday after 覚醒のスキャルドメール)  and Ran starts getting everything Kazuha says as absolute truth (just like she calls Cuelebre as bad kids) and stops going wild by her own. Even the way they talk is so opposite, with Kazuha being too formal and Ran being too informal.
And it is fun how Ran is the emotional mature in Hervarar, while Kazuha loses her mind every time she gets in an argument with Fuuka and Cuelebre (and have a mind break just from Fuuka saying that she isn’t the real Kazuha), the exactly opposite their archetypes do.
But it isn’t just it that made me fell in love with the ship. I really love their interactions, how they care too much for each other, how Ran makes fun of Kazuha for everything, how Kazuha worries too much about Ran (at the point at finding her in one of the Summer’s short stories), how Ran is always so much empathic towards Kazuha at the point to ask if Kazuha is mad or something like that, both wanting to protect each other, how Ran gets sad whenever Kazuha gets sad, Kazuha being the one that takes care of Ran (in bath, in class, when she tries to go wild, to taught her common sense, when Ran gets lost and a lot of other things) and all their other interactions. But above everything I love the extreme care, love and trust Ran shows to Kazuha all the time. Ran can’t stop being happy at Kazuha’s side and worrying about her (Kazuha does the same, but not with the same frequency).
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The scene in Main Story where I fell in love with KazuRan Translation from the print: Ran: Kazuha, what is it? Want to rampage?
So it made me really happy that Kazuha couldn’t hit Ran in the last Herensuge’s Main Story (while she hurt Yoh and Chikaru), and how she tried her best to not hurt Ran, even when she was being controlled by the teacher. And how Ran trusted Kazuha above everything; Ran just stood there, smiling to Kazuha pointing her Charm to Ran — just to Kazuha miss and try to get out of the mind control because Ran talked to her, and her being able to recognize Ran.
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Kazuha missing Ran
But not only that. How Kazuha first remembers Ran in her flashbacks during the same Main Story (I can’t put a print here because Tumblr will ban me, so), or how Ran’s words are the final thing Kazuha needs to break the control in this scene and how Ran was the first person that showed when Kazuha was thinking after she break the mind control, still in her mind. I always loved the love, care and absolute trust Ran showed to Kazuha, so I was really happy to get confirmation that Kazuha felt the same way.
In the final, Kazuha being the only one that most recognized that Ran saved them all made me way more happy. Because Ran had finally got the thanks she deserved since 2 stories before (and it was Kazuha that did it, not any other of the girls).
Hervarar is my favorite Legion so far, but not only because of the friendship relationship between them all. It is also because there is Kazuha and Ran there. I love Hervarar that much exactly because the group is a found family and there is KazuRan (and YohRen, but it is for another post, maybe). Because even if they almost don’t interact that much in comparison with the start of the game, their interactions always make me really happy and soft. And I would love the game way more if they had a great amount of interactions (and I wouldn’t be that lazy to read stories. Yes, I hate how they treat my girl in the story, always putting her at the side. Ran deserves better).
I love them so much, but I couldn’t express all the feelings in this post. So I’m happy for anyone who read this mess rumbling meta until here. I hope that, even if I’m scared of expressing myself (and having difficulties in expressing myself, especially in english) was enough to show how much I love them and why.
To end this post, thank you for reading! And here is my favorite KazuRan’s official art! It is the one that most expresses what I love about their relationship.
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sunflowergl · 6 months
Reblog if you’re over 20 and still read/write fan fiction.
I’m curious!
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sunflowergl · 8 months
Well, I didn't expect to come here about this, however, here I come.
A little context: me and my friend decided to make a fandom event focusing on female characters only, and at the start we were going to make a week... but of course it spiralled and now we want to make a whole month (it would be in march, since we do have a holiday there, march 8th, for women).
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sunflowergl · 8 months
I think I never thought about the reason why I liked Assault Lily that much. I’m neutral about the story and I like the worldbuilding, but I know it wasn’t the reason why I got in. So I was thinking about it and it was the characters that enchanted me.
In 2020, when the anime first aired, I tried to watch, but I stopped right after episode 1, because none of the presented characters were good enough for me. Riri got me angry, Yuyu didn’t interest me, Kaede was only for a gag, Fumi wasn't interesting for me and all the other girls didn’t have enough screen time for me to have an opinion about them. So I stopped and I planned never to go back once again. But in 2022 I got back and I don't regret it.
I don’t know why, but I got recommended in Youtube a compilation video about Tazusa’s scenes in anime, and I know even less why I decided to give it a chance even though I recognized that it was "that anime" (maybe because her appearance looked like the type of character I like). I was enchanted by Tazusa's personality and wanted to see more about her (unfortunately there was no more in the anime), so I went to watch.
The only reason why I stayed was because of Tazusa, Yujia and the relationship of these two with other characters and between them. I still don’t like Riri, but all other characters got more palatable with the episodes and other Assault Lily’s medias. When I got into other medias about Assault Lily, all that attracted me were the characters and their relationships with each other and I want to talk a bit about it.
For me, the good point in Assault Lily is nothing more than its characters. At first, they look nothing more than archetypes that do not deviate from the established. As exemple, we got the annoying, innocent and know-nothing main character, we got the edgy lead, we got the only-for-gag lesbian and we got the mc’s friend that isn’t good just to make it look like mc is not special (while the script does everything to make the mc special). But after you go a bit deep, the majority of characters aren't just their archetype. Instead, they have remarkable characteristics that destroy their archetype. And their relationships with other characters feels natural and organic rather than something distant and cold.
An example is Tazusa. She is always with an angry-looking expression and appears to be an edgy character at first, just like when she first interacts with Fumi and Riri in the anime. But right after this, she shows a cute and (maybe) innocent side of her, imitating a cat and acting so happy. When we know better about her in other medias (specially in Last Bullet), she is presented as a complex character through small words, situations and actions that don't feel forced because of succinct and little hints they showed about Tazusa in anime, Last Bullet and Stage Plays. Although she looks distant from the other girls, she shows so much care about (almost) everyone in Hitotsuyanagi even if it sounds rough, and she would throw her life away for a cat. The expressions she makes, although succinct, reveal a lot about her personality.
The script, instead of telling about Tazusa, they show who she is through small tips in her behavior and her way of speaking. We need to pay attention to the character herself to understand her. And this happens with several other characters.
Yujia is another example. In anime she had much more development than Tazusa, so it isn’t as implicit as Tazusa, but we know her through her small gestures, mannerisms and way of speaking. Yujia is an anxious girl who doesn’t have confidence in herself, but she is one of the most reliable girls in Hitotsuyanagi, both in fights and outside them. I consider Yujia's biggest point to be the relationship she has with other characters, especially Shenlin, Tazusa and Miriam. Some people might consider Yujia's dependency on Shenlin to be a downside, but I think it is a really good point of her. In more traditional media, one would expect Yujia's development to be her becoming a more independent person and becoming able to overcome her anxiety without help.
But in Assault Lily, the opposite happens. Yujia turns into a more dependent person and her development is pushed by Shenlin and the other girls from Hitotsuyanagi. And I think it fits Yujia's character so much. She is an imperfect person who refused to accept other people's words of support, and instead isolated herself because she considered herself useless (even though she has sisters who love her very much and one of them admire her a lot), so I would hate if her development was about her alone. I really like how she becomes happier and more accepting of herself because she has people supporting her. Yujia really breaks what is expected of a character like hers in other works and gives a much better result.
Still about Yujia, I want to talk about one scene in anime that really got me. It is the first time she appears in anime without being a background character, in episode 4. Even if it is too short, we can see that Shenlin’s room is empty, no decor or anything that makes it look like Shenlin is living there. It's like a place where nobody lives, without personality. But later in the episode, we can see the same room weeks later and it looks lively, and it only changed because Yujia is there now. This shows how Yujia had a big impact on Shenlin's life and made her own empty life a lively one (and it is explicitly shown in one of Last Bullet’s events). And I really love how interpersonal relationships are so important and (usually) well developed (with some exceptions).
Even if I really dislike Riri’s relationship with Yuyu for how forceful it is, Assault Lily almost always uses relationships between characters to deal with traumas and problems of them. And that's lovely and fascinating. This makes Assault Lily different from other works, where usually there is no such codependency of characters for their development.
In other media, with other Legions, this becomes even more obvious. I already talked about Hervarar in another post, but all the characters break the stereotype they are built upon and their relationship is perfect. Kazuha is a prodigy who got Herensuge 1st rank, but she is so dense and slightly chaotic. Ran is a childish character who doesn’t know a lot of things, but she is the most emotionally mature character among the 5 girls. Renka is a gyaru who loves futsal, candy and even if she looks mature, she is a childish character with her liking for cute things and for liking to implicate with Ran. Yoh is a mature-like character, but she has childish likes and is chaotic when she wants. Chikaru is a mature-like and mama-like character, but she is the most emotionally unstable character of Hervarar. And the development of the 5 of them only happens because they are together and get even closer to each other, as if they are codependent.
In The Gleam of Dawn, Waku is the best character by far. And that's not just because of the acting or the character itself, but because we could see who she is with little Stage Play’s time. With so many characters, it was impossible to present all of them for the audience, and the ones that were presented felt out of place and forced, but not Waku. They didn’t stop the story to talk about Waku to us, and they showed her instead of telling about her. This was only possible because of her relationship with Himari and Komachi. All the scenes where she was the majority featured were not about her, but about her interacting or caring about other characters. Waku is a childish character, but she was the one who acted most maturely throughout the stage play supporting Himari and showing concern for Komachi. The way she sounded happy for Himari in the end of Stage Play with Himari, but when the call ended, she started crying hard was so beautiful for me. Like, it isn't expected for a childish character to present a high maturity like that, and I really loved it.
Kiito isn’t a type of character I like, but she is a really good character. I got a soft spot for her because even if she is rough and rude, she really cares about her “family” and shows her love by her "weird" way to them. Even Fuuka, who I don’t like too much, is a really good character which gives little hints about who she really is (which is everything but what she showed to Hervarar’s girls in the story, and it made me have a soft spot for Fuuka).
I really love complex characters that are based on archetypes only to break it and be a really interesting character even if it appears to be clichê at first. And Assault Lily feeds me too much with this type of character. I think if someone ask for a reason to start in Assault Lily, I wouldn’t say about the story/script, the worldbuilding or the gayness, but I would say about how much a lot of their characters are interesting, intriguing and makes us to feel things when we are reading or watching about them, because they feel organic (even though the script is bad several times, this beauty about the characters is not destroyed).
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sunflowergl · 8 months
The music presentation of Lily Project 2023... What was that? /pos (I know it was some time ago, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk about it here).
The characters were the ones dancing, singing and standing there, and not the actress. I loved it so much! It was so satisfatory that we got to see more about some Odaiba's characters, their personalities and their interactions with each other. Ludojo presence was good too and I loved to see some interactions. I'd really love of the next music presentations would be like this — it adds much more to the characters than it first appears. And more than this: a moment of peace, without Huges, possibilite to characters to act as themselves, which adds so much for us to interprete who they are.
In Odaiba's stage plays, we couldn't see much about some characters, like Katsura, Yuki and Amane, because there weren't any time for they to be showed to us, but in this presentation they had their own time and spot to shine without being forced or out of place. 
I had already noticed that Katsura had trouble understanding other people's feelings (consequently, what they meant in nuances) and had even more trouble expressing herself. But this presentation made that clear at the beginning, when Katsura asks Azusa if she also did well and how she reacted to being praised by Nakaba, Sunao and Azusa. It was so perfect how she interacted with the three of them, showing a part of Katsura that people aren't used to seeing (since she usually stays in her own comfort zone as much as she can). Also, since she was one of the girls who took the flag in support of Odaiba it was so cute. How excited she was and doing her best to wave the flag was so wonderful. And she shouted "Go, Odaiba", in support of her school, in a somewhat inexpressive way, but you could tell she was doing her best... How can I not love this girl?
About Amane, it was so satisfying to see how chaotic she is and won't pass up the chance to make her juniors trust themselves (like she did with Nakaba). I can't deny that I loved her acting in a more chaotic (but adult) way than Yuzu. This made me think that maybe Yuzu has a thing for the Heorot Saints’ leaders, since she gets along so well with Amane and Momiji.
Yuki was a special case that fascinated me — and I couldn't help but think about her for a long time. Even though we already knew about her relationship with Mirai, Kiito and Ui, the way it was shown in the presentation was awesome and made me want to see more. First the hint of jealousy she had of Mirai being her "battle comrades" (I can’t translate better than this, sorry) and Ludojo's girls. Also, Yuki's actress performance was so wonderful that it was impossible to distract myself in the middle — the way she demonstrated the character's raw feelings was so delicious and human. Furthermore, it is always very satisfying to know that the twins consider her as a real sister (and not a sister in the sense of Sisterhood).
Something I also wanted to say is that I love the small gestures that the characters make. In the presentation I watched, when Karen was taking a photo of the Odaiba girls, Asagao immediately put her hand in front of Yuki's face (while Yuki herself turned her face away) as if to stop her from appearing in the photo. This is something small and almost unnoticeable, but it has such a big and deep meaning. Firstly, we know that Yuki has a problem with appearing in a photo (for whatever reason) and that Asagao cares so much that she takes care to hide Yuki's face. Someone who didn't care much about Yuki and, at least, knew about her difficulties and problems wouldn't take this action, which makes it clear that Asagao cares a lot about Yuki and considers her even more. And I love these small meaningful intentions between the characters — it always makes me soft, especially when this happens with characters whose I headcanon as autistic (in this case with Yuki).
Even though I talked about these three, other characters that have already been presented in a significant way in other stage plays had many scenes that increased their personalities and interactions with other characters. And I won't be able to talk about them all in this post (or else it would be too long and very personal).
Azusa was wonderful at all the moments she had. She trying not to make Chinami and Nazuna "trouble" Haru was so cute, like she was taking care of the 3 of them. How she tried to reassure Katsura in two different situations (that she had done well and that Momiji hadn't criticized her). How she tried to calm Yuzu down by telling her to stop fighting with Kiito. How Azusa went to cry and hug Yuzu when Yuzu started crying because of Sachie... Azusa has wonderful interactions with all the girls at Heorot Saints, and how she constantly has to take care of the first years (especially the ones who I have autistic headcanon) and her queerplatonic autistic friends (my headcanon, not canon) always makes me very happy. But what I liked most was her making fun of Haru because Iishida had received a "confession" from Nazuna. It was wonderful. I wish there had been more interactions between these two in particular, but I was already very soft just from this small interaction. I also can't forget how confused she was by Kurena calling her the "most beautiful woman after herself" or something like that. It was so funny KAKAKAKAK. Azusa really has a lot of trouble dealing with the members of the Heorot Saints (and her still being in the Legion and showing affection for the girls just makes me love her even more).
Yuzu... do I need to talk about her? My favorite character in Odaiba and in this presentation she became even more perfect for me. She finally got revenge on Kiito and Momiji at the same time by pushing Momiji on top of Kiito right at the beginning (I laughed a lot). Plus, her being the one organizing the Legion girls' presentation was so cute. Even though Yuzu is super childish, this little fact made it clear that she can be responsible and mature when she wants to. Her expelling Kurena because Sunao was supposed to introduce her was wonderful and I thought it was wonderful how Yuzu (the super childish one) was responsible for stopping Kurena and putting a minimum amount of order. But what broke me the most was Yuzu wanting to hit Azusa when Azusa said that she starts fights with Kiito — it's incredible how sincere they can be with each other, both because of Azusa shouting at Yuzu to put order and because of Yuzu be close enough to try to hit Azusa. Also, I thought it was amazing when Yuzu started patting Haru's cape when Haru called her childish during the presentation (there was no better way than that to show that she is childish instead of just saying, like, the way she was patting was so childish and how she reacted after being praised was so cute and wonderful... I love her so much).
I can't help but notice the difference Yuzu has when dealing with Azusa, Haru and Momiji. I think it's really cute how she doesn't mind going to violence against Azusa, she does little punches at Haru’s cape and doesn't dare say a single word to Momiji. This little detail fascinated me so much.
Nazuna was also very good. She punching Katsura because Katsura didn't say anything else about her in the presentation. Someone is learning to be violent with Yuzu (I think that the other second years should to take care of that) — and I loved it.
The last one I want to talk about in this post is about Yuria. In this presentation, it became clearer that she has serious problems expressing herself and understanding other people. When she arrived at Haru asking if she would dance or not, completely expressionless, she fascinated me so much that I am unable to explain. The character showed no emotion and, right after Haru answered her, Yuria demonstrated the happiness and anticipation she was feeling through her words and small gestures — but she remained expressionless. Even when they said she wouldn't dance Ballet, her voice and face remained expressionless, but the way she tilted her face in confusion made everything even more perfect. When she said that Sachie had said they were going to dance Ballet in Odaiba, her voice was expressionless and she was pointing, innocently, I couldn't feel anything more than being soft. The way she reacted to being shocked was the best part of the scene for me. This all allowed me to understand Yuria better — even if I already knew she was like this, confirming this as explicit as it was is always welcome. 
I also can't forget to mention that I thought it was cute how Mirai talked about Seren to Yuria — I can't stop thinking that the reason Yuria made the sister pact with Seren was partially because she remembered what Mirai said (since she showed an unequal interest between Seren and Raimu in Mirai's speech) and this only made me even more attached to their relationship. I also wanted to say that I love Ichika, Yuria and Sachie's relationship (and everything is better in my mind if I consider them as queerplatonic friends). It was also funny that Ichika and Sachie imitated Yuria's thumbs up — I thought it was so cute. Also, Yuria's little interaction with Haru after Gimme Love surprised me so positively that I would love to see them interacting again (and it just made me think about what it would be like for Queerplatonic friends groups to meet and cause chaos with the 7 of them together. I don't think I could handle so much chaos).
I think the autistic women in Assault Lily should be held back (not even Asagao could pretend to be mature, making fun of Kiito with Hotaru) — a joke, because, in truth, I hope they are even more chaotic, because I love them and the moments when they make it clear who they are and how they act, especially with other characters.
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sunflowergl · 8 months
Moepi in Assault Lily… But we won't have Voice Acting… I don't know if I get so happy because Moepi got a character in Assault Lily, or if I be really sad because we almost won't see her acting as the character…
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sunflowergl · 8 months
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Just look at Yuni. Her angry face is so cute. I can't take it. She is so cute when she is angwy.
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sunflowergl · 8 months
This was a really good meta, actually! I never thought about Yuyu this way, but now I think I understand a bit why I like her a bit. So, thank you very much for sharing your interpretation with me! I too think that Yuyu hurting too much for her Onee-sama is so beautiful — they dealt with ugly emotions so well in the anime that it almost feels unfair how they did with the script! Seeing characters being presented as ugly, wrong and imperfect always makes me fall in love with them, because they feel human. Yuyu’s grief was handled so well that I’m way more sad now thinking about what they did to her in Last Bullet (I really wanted her to care about everyone in Hitotsuyanagi-tai and show how much she developed to the point in being able to be at the side of a lot of people again without without being afraid of hurting them and, instead, caring for them and not only Riri). Yuyu was a character that had so much potential… (Yes, I really wanted her to interact in a lovely and kind way with Tazusa, Yujia and Fumi).
About Mai, I agree with everything! I don’t have anything to add, because you worded it so well. I only wanted to see an event about Mai, because sometimes her way of acting confuses me about her true self — and I really need more focus on other characters of Hitotsuyanagi that aren’t Riri, Yuyu, Fumi and Kaede (specially Mai, Miriam and Tazusa).
If I could, I’d talk about every character that I love and, at the same time, think that is a good character, but I think it’d be boring. They have a great amount of awesome characters!
Yeah, Gran Eple is a bit… (assuming that you are talking about them XD) Like, I can acknowledge that Kanaho and Kureha had so much potential, but I can’t like them in any way. How the script handles these two just makes me dislike them even more, and I really wanted to love them. Kanaho and Kureha having trust issues in their own ability could have been a really good point of development — but the writers didn’t want to do it and made everything in just only one story. I really can’t understand the reason why Gran Eple was reduced as a joke Legion. Takane has a really good potential too, but they throwed everything in the trash with the story telling for the sake of Kanaho — I think their relationship could have been way better if they tried to develop instead of infodumping us. But I like Takane a lot, so I can’t say so much about this subject anymore (Akari is one of my favorite characters too, even if I know she is a really bad character). 
Fortunately (for me, at least), the addition of the 4 other girls in Gran Eple made the Legion better — Suzume is just perfect (and I really want an event just about her in Herensuge with Akehi), Akehi is great, Haruna is awesome and Fujino is a really good character. Hopely, these 4 will make the 5 OG Gran Eple’s girls to be developed further and better (unfortunately we didn’t get anything until now outside a really good relationship between Takane & Akehi and Takane & first years).
Yes! And I really wanted to read or watch more stories about all the girls that got my interest and made me love them! And I want way more girls like that too!
I think I never thought about the reason why I liked Assault Lily that much. I’m neutral about the story and I like the worldbuilding, but I know it wasn’t the reason why I got in. So I was thinking about it and it was the characters that enchanted me.
In 2020, when the anime first aired, I tried to watch, but I stopped right after episode 1, because none of the presented characters were good enough for me. Riri got me angry, Yuyu didn’t interest me, Kaede was only for a gag, Fumi wasn't interesting for me and all the other girls didn’t have enough screen time for me to have an opinion about them. So I stopped and I planned never to go back once again. But in 2022 I got back and I don't regret it.
I don’t know why, but I got recommended in Youtube a compilation video about Tazusa’s scenes in anime, and I know even less why I decided to give it a chance even though I recognized that it was "that anime" (maybe because her appearance looked like the type of character I like). I was enchanted by Tazusa's personality and wanted to see more about her (unfortunately there was no more in the anime), so I went to watch.
The only reason why I stayed was because of Tazusa, Yujia and the relationship of these two with other characters and between them. I still don’t like Riri, but all other characters got more palatable with the episodes and other Assault Lily’s medias. When I got into other medias about Assault Lily, all that attracted me were the characters and their relationships with each other and I want to talk a bit about it.
For me, the good point in Assault Lily is nothing more than its characters. At first, they look nothing more than archetypes that do not deviate from the established. As exemple, we got the annoying, innocent and know-nothing main character, we got the edgy lead, we got the only-for-gag lesbian and we got the mc’s friend that isn’t good just to make it look like mc is not special (while the script does everything to make the mc special). But after you go a bit deep, the majority of characters aren't just their archetype. Instead, they have remarkable characteristics that destroy their archetype. And their relationships with other characters feels natural and organic rather than something distant and cold.
An example is Tazusa. She is always with an angry-looking expression and appears to be an edgy character at first, just like when she first interacts with Fumi and Riri in the anime. But right after this, she shows a cute and (maybe) innocent side of her, imitating a cat and acting so happy. When we know better about her in other medias (specially in Last Bullet), she is presented as a complex character through small words, situations and actions that don't feel forced because of succinct and little hints they showed about Tazusa in anime, Last Bullet and Stage Plays. Although she looks distant from the other girls, she shows so much care about (almost) everyone in Hitotsuyanagi even if it sounds rough, and she would throw her life away for a cat. The expressions she makes, although succinct, reveal a lot about her personality.
The script, instead of telling about Tazusa, they show who she is through small tips in her behavior and her way of speaking. We need to pay attention to the character herself to understand her. And this happens with several other characters.
Yujia is another example. In anime she had much more development than Tazusa, so it isn’t as implicit as Tazusa, but we know her through her small gestures, mannerisms and way of speaking. Yujia is an anxious girl who doesn’t have confidence in herself, but she is one of the most reliable girls in Hitotsuyanagi, both in fights and outside them. I consider Yujia's biggest point to be the relationship she has with other characters, especially Shenlin, Tazusa and Miriam. Some people might consider Yujia's dependency on Shenlin to be a downside, but I think it is a really good point of her. In more traditional media, one would expect Yujia's development to be her becoming a more independent person and becoming able to overcome her anxiety without help.
But in Assault Lily, the opposite happens. Yujia turns into a more dependent person and her development is pushed by Shenlin and the other girls from Hitotsuyanagi. And I think it fits Yujia's character so much. She is an imperfect person who refused to accept other people's words of support, and instead isolated herself because she considered herself useless (even though she has sisters who love her very much and one of them admire her a lot), so I would hate if her development was about her alone. I really like how she becomes happier and more accepting of herself because she has people supporting her. Yujia really breaks what is expected of a character like hers in other works and gives a much better result.
Still about Yujia, I want to talk about one scene in anime that really got me. It is the first time she appears in anime without being a background character, in episode 4. Even if it is too short, we can see that Shenlin’s room is empty, no decor or anything that makes it look like Shenlin is living there. It's like a place where nobody lives, without personality. But later in the episode, we can see the same room weeks later and it looks lively, and it only changed because Yujia is there now. This shows how Yujia had a big impact on Shenlin's life and made her own empty life a lively one (and it is explicitly shown in one of Last Bullet’s events). And I really love how interpersonal relationships are so important and (usually) well developed (with some exceptions).
Even if I really dislike Riri’s relationship with Yuyu for how forceful it is, Assault Lily almost always uses relationships between characters to deal with traumas and problems of them. And that's lovely and fascinating. This makes Assault Lily different from other works, where usually there is no such codependency of characters for their development.
In other media, with other Legions, this becomes even more obvious. I already talked about Hervarar in another post, but all the characters break the stereotype they are built upon and their relationship is perfect. Kazuha is a prodigy who got Herensuge 1st rank, but she is so dense and slightly chaotic. Ran is a childish character who doesn’t know a lot of things, but she is the most emotionally mature character among the 5 girls. Renka is a gyaru who loves futsal, candy and even if she looks mature, she is a childish character with her liking for cute things and for liking to implicate with Ran. Yoh is a mature-like character, but she has childish likes and is chaotic when she wants. Chikaru is a mature-like and mama-like character, but she is the most emotionally unstable character of Hervarar. And the development of the 5 of them only happens because they are together and get even closer to each other, as if they are codependent.
In The Gleam of Dawn, Waku is the best character by far. And that's not just because of the acting or the character itself, but because we could see who she is with little Stage Play’s time. With so many characters, it was impossible to present all of them for the audience, and the ones that were presented felt out of place and forced, but not Waku. They didn’t stop the story to talk about Waku to us, and they showed her instead of telling about her. This was only possible because of her relationship with Himari and Komachi. All the scenes where she was the majority featured were not about her, but about her interacting or caring about other characters. Waku is a childish character, but she was the one who acted most maturely throughout the stage play supporting Himari and showing concern for Komachi. The way she sounded happy for Himari in the end of Stage Play with Himari, but when the call ended, she started crying hard was so beautiful for me. Like, it isn't expected for a childish character to present a high maturity like that, and I really loved it.
Kiito isn’t a type of character I like, but she is a really good character. I got a soft spot for her because even if she is rough and rude, she really cares about her “family” and shows her love by her "weird" way to them. Even Fuuka, who I don’t like too much, is a really good character which gives little hints about who she really is (which is everything but what she showed to Hervarar’s girls in the story, and it made me have a soft spot for Fuuka).
I really love complex characters that are based on archetypes only to break it and be a really interesting character even if it appears to be clichê at first. And Assault Lily feeds me too much with this type of character. I think if someone ask for a reason to start in Assault Lily, I wouldn’t say about the story/script, the worldbuilding or the gayness, but I would say about how much a lot of their characters are interesting, intriguing and makes us to feel things when we are reading or watching about them, because they feel organic (even though the script is bad several times, this beauty about the characters is not destroyed).
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