amethvysts · 15 days
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𖥻 sumário: pensamentos aleatórios sobre enzo!mafioso. 𖥻 avisos: curtinho, mas só tem sacanagem. meio dark, machista etc, sei lá. então, só divas +18 pls. meus rasos conhecimentos sobre tudo relacionado a máfia (sou formada em o poderoso chefão). fim meio abrupto.
💭 nota da autora: tive esse pensamento muito específico no meio do almoço de domingo e desde então não paro de pensar #nele. eu juro pra vocês que não era pra ter virado isso aqui, mas eu tava escutando bethânia e uma coisa leva a outra, então... also, tô abrindo pedidos pra moodboards, caso alguém se interesse em mandar algum dos meninos + trope ou au específica. espero que gostem! ♡
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✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que é aquele clássico caso de dualidade: um monstro para todo mundo que não é você. Enquanto o olhar dele é capaz de petrificar até mesmo o inimigo mais intimidador, ele não é fisicamente capaz de te encarar sem pura admiração nos olhos – os cantinhos parecem até cair, revelando a delicadeza que ele guarda só para você. 
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que, desde o início do namoro, te proibiu de até mesmo chegar perto do escritório dele. Não que ele não goste da sua companhia, mas tem receio de que você descubra mais do que deveria ou que se envolva com os negócios. Chega a um ponto em que você nem conhece os associados e outros membros, então sempre que vão a eventos onde os comparsas se reúnem, ele precisa dar uma volta no salão enquanto te apresenta a todos. 
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que te carrega nos braços com orgulho, te exibindo como uma bonequinha. Não só porque realmente te ama, mas porque é vaidoso. Sabe que nenhuma outra mulher vai chegar aos teus pés e que nenhum outro homem seria capaz de te tocar na vida. É por meio da exibição que marca o território, deixando claro que você é dele.
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que gosta quando você usa as iniciais ou até mesmo o nome dele em alguma joia. Do tipo que, com certeza, te presentearia com um colar, ou uma coleirinha mesmo, para você usar enquanto ele te fode. Esse Enzo aqui é pura Vênus em Áries, passional e dominador ao extremo. 
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que me leva a pensar que, por mais que ele te trate como uma deusa, endossando cada passo que você dá e te venerando, também não é contra degradação, mas só quando vocês estão sozinhos. Nunca vai muito longe, porque chega a doer o coração quando te vê com os olhinhos cheios d'água, mesmo que de prazer – o que o leva a parar com as estocadas imediatamente, mais por pura provocação, só para olhar para o seu rostinho e dizer que não vai continuar até você engolir o choro. 
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que, depois de uma reunião particularmente frustrante, vai querer te comer até você não conseguir sentir suas pernas. Não pelo seu prazer, já a quantidade de orgasmos que ele tira de você é só um bônus, mas porque ele precisa extravasar toda a ira que vem crescendo dentro do peito. Te deixa magoada, com as coxas doendo, o pescoço irritado de tanto esfregar o rosto ali e o corpo ardente. 
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que é obcecado pela ideia de te engravidar. Não considera possível gozar em qualquer outro lugar a não ser dentro de você. Nem é porque sonha em ter uma família, ou porque precisa de herdeiros, mas ele só gosta da ideia de colocar um filho dentro de você; uma maneira de ligar vocês pelo resto da vida, de se misturar até o último fio de cabelo. 
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que, por isso, não suporta a ideia de se masturbar. Acha coisa de adolescente virgem. Se você existe, e é o brinquedinho favorito dele, por que iria querer se desfazer na própria mão? Ele tem o lugar dele, dentro de você, acomodado e delirante.
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo faz do teu corpo a casa dele. Te conhece tanto que chega a ser absurdo a maneira em que um beijo no pé do teu ouvido é capaz de te derreter nas mãos dele. Aproveita cada cantinho, reverencia todas as falhas com beijos e lambidas, usa suas coxas como abrigo. As mãos acariciam a barriga, pressionando o ventre, toda vez que os lábios provocam o pescoço, descendo até os teus seios.  
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que se apaixonou por você logo na juventude e desde então, não foi capaz de pensar em mais ninguém. Vocês se conhecem de maneira tão íntima e tão profunda que chega até a ser uma conexão de almas, mesmo – pelo menos, é isso que ele acha… e o que ele tá guardando para falar na troca de votos do casamento de vocês. 
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que, te tendo como bonequinha, vai te entregar um cartão sem limite toda vez que você estiver procurando algo para fazer. "Usa com sabedoria," é o que ele te avisa, mas você sabe que se quiser trazer o shopping inteiro, ele não vai se atrever a reclamar. A única condição que ele impõe é que você faça um desfile para ele ver as roupas que você comprou. Sempre acaba escolhendo uma favorita, seja uma saia com babadinhos que você já sabia que iria atrair a atenção, ou uma camisolinha de seda que custou um absurdo. 
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que odeia quando você usa essas roupas bonitinhas em qualquer lugar que não seja em casa, só com ele. Não adianta espernear, dizer que "mas comprei para ficar no armário?", porque a opinião dele não vai mudar. 
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que vai segurar a barra do seu vestido ou da saia contra as suas pernas a todo momento, não querendo que apareça mais do que ele quer – mesmo que você esteja usando um short por baixo. Vai ficar atrás de você, agindo como um escudo aos olhos de todos. Isso quando ele não te puxa contra o corpo dele, só para dar espaço suficiente para outro homem passar perto de você sem te tocar.
✮ㆍMáfia!Enzo que não é, e nunca foi, muito de gestos românticos. Expressa o amor através de atos de serviço ou entrega de presentes. O toque é reservado para momentos privados, porque ele só inicia o que pode terminar; até o mais casto contato com a sua cintura guarda terceiras intenções. E por mais que ele ame te foder, prefere os intensos pernoites de paixão; aqueles em que ele pode passar a noite inteira provando do teu gosto, até as gotas de suor misturadas com teu mel, beijar os machucadinhos que ele mesmo causa na tua pele, deixar sua buceta tão magoadinha que você vai sentir ele durante o dia seguinte ♡.
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suugarbabe · 5 months
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[Chapter 7]
Word count: 5.4k
Warnings: SMUT, dom!reader, sub!mattheo, male!masterbation, 18+ content below the cut, MDNI!!
Warmth. That’s what you felt pressed against your back and across your middle as you slowly started to blink your eyes awake. You were confused at first, thinking maybe you were dreaming the sensations that you felt, but looking down at your waist and seeing the tattooed hand that was splayed across your stomach confirmed: Mattheo had stayed through the night. You stretched your arms out in front of you, stretching out your muscles from sleep and the other previous nights activity.
Mattheo must have thought you were trying to get up from the action, his arm that was wrapped around you instinctively pulling you closer to his chest. His face burrowed into your neck, breath fanning against your skin as his breathing stayed even. You allowed him to embrace you a little longer, getting lost in your thoughts, thinking about what everything in the last 12 hours meant. Were you and Mattheo together now, like officially together? Would he tell the others? Were you even allowed to talk about it? You tried your best to fall back asleep, if only until Mattheo woke up, but your mind wasn’t slowing down.
Reluctantly peeling his arm from you slowly, you slipped from the bed, putting on your slippers and heading down to the kitchen. You knew Gimball would make your morning tea for you if you asked, he often makes it for you before you even wake up, but he must have known not to do that this morning. You also didn’t have a house elf at your old place, and you liked the routine of doing some things for yourself still.
As if he expected the change in routine, you walked into the kitchen to see Gimball working on breakfast, but your favorite mug and tea bag sitting on the counter while a kettle was on the stove. “How did you know I’d be down here, Gimball?” You questioned the small elf playfully. Without ceasing his movements he replied to your question, “Gimball knows many things Miss Birdie, especially that Master Mattheo does not like to be disturbed in the mornings.” You smiled at this, cheeks tinting the slight pink at the realization that Gimball knew Mattheo was in your room. Ripping open the teabag and placing it in your mug, you tied the string to the handle before walking over to the whistling kettle.
“You’ve known Mattheo a long time, hmm?” You asked it as if you hadn’t seen into Mattheo’s memories, wanting to see what the elf might say. With a snap of his fingers an array of plates and kitchenware appeared on the large center island, “Gimball has been with the Riddle family for three generations, he remembers Master Mattheo’s birth, taught him his schooling. Master Mattheo is a good man, good man Miss Birdie.” You hummed in acknowledgement, smiling as you poured the hot water into your mug, “Was he good in school?”
You were just fishing for any knowledge about him now, anything you knew he probably wouldn’t tell you, at least not right now. Gimball nodded as he set up all the breakfast food and teas for everyone, “Oh yes, Master Mattheo is very smart, very smart indeed. Very observant, but I’m sure Miss Birdie has already come to knowledge of that.” You huffed out a laugh, nodding your head, “Oh yeah, almost too observant for his own good if you ask me.” Gimball let himself smile at your statement, something you didn’t see him do often. With another snap of his fingers, the food arrangement disappeared from the center island. You knew it was now on the large dinning room table, awaiting everyone in the house as they individually made their way down.
Gimball looked at you again, “Master cares very deeply about Miss Birdie.” You nodded your head, “I know Gimball, he really looks at us like a family. It’s a nice feeling.” Gimball shook his head, waving his small finger in the air, “No, Miss Birdie misunderstands Gimball. His care for her is different than the others. Master Mattheo is not always good with his words. Sometimes he cannot express how he feels properly. Master was not allowed to say his feelings when he was little.”
You opened your mouth to ask him to explain further, to tell you what he meant by his last few statements but the opening of the kitchen door caught your attention. You turned at the intrusion, only to see Mattheo standing in the doorway, now completely clothed for the day in a pair of black slacks and a white button up rolled to the elbows, displaying the veins and tattoos that decorated his forearms. You were clearly gawking and if Mattheo noticed (which he probably did) he was polite this morning and chose not to acknowledge the fact.
“What’re you doing in here?” was his question instead. You turned back around, only to see Gimball had apparated away. Turning back to Mattheo you held your mug up to your lips, taking a small sip, “Tea.” He quirked an eyebrow, “You know Gimball would’ve made that for you.” You nodded, “I know, but I like to do it myself sometimes.” Mattheo held the door open for you to exit, following close behind you as you did so. “You left me this morning, woke up to an empty bed and pillows that smelled like you,” he whispered in your ear, giving your hip a light squeeze. You smirked at this, not being able to help your quip back, “Mmm, what a bummer of a feeling. Thankfully I was still in the house and you didn’t wake up like that only to find me gone for days on end.”
Mattheo’s eyebrows shot up, his tongue running along the inside of his cheek as he suppressed a smirk. “We’ve got an attitude this morning I see,” he spoke as he sat down next to you at the table. You shook your head, “I would never get an attitude with you, Mattheo.” He huffed out a small laugh then, pilling food onto his plate and choosing not to respond. Soon the others started to trail in, thankfully most of them still in their sleepwear making you not feel like the only one.
Once finished with breakfast Mattheo placed a small kiss on your temple, stating he needed to go to the club early to take care of a few things before the night started. He took Pansy and Draco with him, leaving you at the table with Blaise, Theo and Enzo. The three wore devious smirks, Enzo’s eyes down at his plate avoiding yours. Theo, however, had no shame, pointing his fork at you while he talked, “So, sorella, have a good night?” You glared at him, “Fine, thanks.” Theo gave you a knowing look, “Enjoy it with anyone else?”
This question caused Enzo to choke slightly on his sip of orange juice, the other two men not holding back their laughter. “Serves your right, Enzo,” you stated harshly. The lanky man held up his arms, “Hey, I never said anything!” You rolled your eyes, “But you were smirking like you thought you knew something and obviously agree with Teddy.” Blaise tapped his fork on his glass, grabbing everyone’s attention, “Alright alright, lets stop teasing the poor girl. If anything did happen, which were not saying it did,-”
“or didn’t!” Theo pointed out. Blaise nodded, “Or didn’t,” you rolled your eyes, “can we all just agree that tonight is going to be interesting as hell. Well for us,” he gestured between himself and Theo and Enzo, “maybe not for you, Birdie.” You furrowed your brows in confusion, not understanding the implications of his statement. “Why is tonight going to be interesting for everyone but me, Blaise? What’s happening?” Theo couldn’t stop himself from laughing, clutching his stomach and rearing back in his seat. Enzo gave you a sad smile, “Because there’s a new dancer coming tonight. The one you covered for quit and Pansy said the new one is coming for her first shift this evening.”
You shrugged your shoulders, stuffing another piece of fruit in your mouth, “Okay, so? I don’t care about that. I only danced that one time because Mattheo said I couldn’t. I like bartending with you Enzo. Why would a new dancer make me upset?” Theo leaned both elbows on the table, clasping his hands in front of him as his tilted his head to the side, “Because this girl is proper fit, like, thank you fucking Salazar fit.” You rolled your eyes, “Again…so? All the dancers are fit, Teddy. You’re just a horndog.” Blaise jumped in, “Mattheo used to have a reputation…with dancers.” You stiffened slightly, but waved your hand telling him to continue, “It’s stopped since you came around, for some reason,” he raised his eyebrows slightly, “Everyone’s just curious to see how it will go.”
You placed your fork on your place, dabbing your lips with the napkin from your lap before standing, “Mattheo’s a big boy. I don’t control him, he can do what he wants. Like I said, there’s nothing going on between us, I’m just like the rest of you guys to him.” Theo snorted at this, while Enzo groaned. Blaise just shrugged his shoulders, “Whatever you say, Birdie. Just know if you feel like fighting, I’m on your side.” You couldn’t help but laugh at everyone’s dramatic reactions, “Thank you, Blaise, but I’m sure that wont be necessary. Everything’s going to be fine.”
And it appeared so for the first few hours you were at the club. You and Enzo worked together restocking the bar while Blaise and Theo sat on the stools, going over plans for different ‘business trips’ and other ordeals. You didn’t push it, but did try to sneak a glance or two at what they were working on. You had grown apparently too close to Theo those few days because he immediately caught you. Giving you a playful scolding for even trying.
Nothing seemed a bother until you went to put up two new bottles of rum and nearly slammed into the side of Enzo. “What are you-” you went to question but Enzo’s large hand palmed the top of your head like a basketball and turned it until your line of vision was the same as his. Immediately you felt like your body was on fire with rage.
Across the club Pansy was standing with Mattheo and a brunette woman. She was wearing what you would barely consider clothing in a skirt so short it was practically knickers and a top that was so small you figured there had to be a spell put on it for her breasts not to be spilling out. But that wasn’t even the bother as most of the dancers dressed in similar attire. What was bothering you was the way Mattheo was interacting with her.
It wasn’t like he was coming on to her, but it wasn’t like he was being her boss either. Though it was very apparent that she was coming on to him. Touching his arm, twirling her hair between her fingers, biting her lip. And Mattheo wasn’t helping, leaning slightly in to her touch, giving her a devilish grin. “What a fucking slag,” the words slipped from your mouth before you could stop them and Blaise nearly choked on his drink.
“Mattheo or Trixie?” Theo asked, knowing that using the girls name would probably instill more rage in you. Your eyebrows shot up, a scoff leaving your lips. Enzo groaned, “Cmon, Nott. Don’t rile her up more.” You opened your mouth to respond but it only dropped further in shock when you saw Mattheo tuck a stray hair behind Trixie’s ear. The three boys followed your gaze, all beginning to mumble amongst themselves about how everything was going to play out.
Jealousy is a sexy look on you, Princess, Mattheo’s voice rang between your ears as your eyes snapped to meet his. The fucker had the audacity to smirk at you before giving his attention back to the girl. You slammed a glass down on the counter, not breaking it but definitely causing a sound loud enough for all eyes to turn to you. “Oi, watch it, Birdie. Do you have any idea how much those glasses cost?” You hadn’t noticed Draco walk up to the bar before your actions, too focused on the growing grin Mattheo wore at your increased rage.
Then an idea popped into your head, a definitive way to get back at Mattheo being a right prick. You walked from behind the bar, coming now to stand in front of Draco who only eyed you suspiciously. “Hi Dray,” your voice sickly sweet, “Have any dinner plans?” Draco looked to the other three boys, obviously asking for an explanation of your question. Theo rolled his eyes but Blaise only chucked, “She’s plotting something to get back at Riddle. Seems like your her pawn, Malfoy.”
Draco raised his eyebrows as he looked down at you, “This true, Darling? You trying to use me to get back at cousin? What’d he do- ohh, I see now.” Draco glanced over top of you at Mattheo still talking with Trixie, his focus slightly less strict now that he noticed you grab hold of Draco’s bicep. Meeting your eyes again Draco shrugged, “You know what, fuck it. Matt’s been a dick to me lately, serves him right.”
You sealed happily, clasping your hands together, “Seriously? Oh, Merlin, thank you so much!” You wrapped your arms around Draco’s middle, smushing your face into his upper abdomen. “Easy, there. Don’t want him to kill me before we get to the main event,” Draco joked. You pulled back, smile still evident. Enzo just shook his head, “You sure bout this, Angel?”
Nodding, you walked back round the bar, “Oh I’m sure. Wanna go around 9, Dray? There’s no way he’d leave in the middle of busy hours. You can handle the bar yourself tonight, right Enzie?” You turned to your friend with pleading eyes. Enzo nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll make Pansy help if needed.” You hugged Enzo now, who let out a low chuckle and patted your back.
“I’ll leave a dress for you in the dancers changing room, you’ll get dressed here and I’ll make sure he sees you before we leave,” Draco was looking down at his phone as he spoke. You nodded, “Okay, sounds good.” He sent you a wink before walking back towards the office. You looked at the clock, noting you had four hours to get through before you could implement your plan.
Those hours seemed to drag, Enzo constantly reminding you to not watch the clock and just work. When you saw it was 8:30 you gave Enzo’s arm a light squeeze to let him know you were going to get ready. In the changing rooms you saw a garment bag with your name etched on it. Always showing off money, huh, you thought in your head. Unzipping the bag your face was graced with a smirk. Inside hung a velvet ruched bodycon minidress in a deep emerald green. The chest a sweetheart neckline with a slightly deeper plunge.
Slipping it on you were delighted with the outcome. The dress contouring every curve of your body, hiding the insecure bits and accentuating your assets. Doing your hair in loose waves and applying some light makeup, you slipped on the black heels Draco had included and walked out of the changing room, nearly running into the one person you’d hoped would see you.
Grabbing hold of your waist, Mattheo eyed you questioningly, “Where do you think you’re going?” You rolled your eyes, which only irritated him further, “Don’t worry boss, I’m not dancing. I’m just going to dinner.” This didn’t make Mattheo stop worrying, if anything he worried further. “Dinner? With fucking who?”
“With me, cousin,” Draco walked into the hall, clad in a pair of sleek black trousers and a black button up, “My, my, you look ravishing, darling.” You peeled Mattheo’s hands from your hips, turning to the blonde boy now, “Thank you, Dray. You ready?” Draco nodded, holding out his arm for you to take. You looped your arm in his, glancing over to Mattheo once more to see his face in a deep scowl, jaw clenched. You smirked, flashing him a wink. Jealousy looks sexy on you, Teo, you thought to him just as Draco apparated to the restaurant.
As expected, dinner was wonderfully expensive and posh. Draco surprisingly keeping conversation with you quite well. You even complimented him on it, “I didn’t think I’d every see this side of you Draco. It’s…nice.” Draco snorted slightly, “Figured I’d give an effort since you’re going to be my family one day.” You smiled, “Awh, aren’t we already family Dray? All playing house in that big manor?” Draco shook his head, smirking now, “I meant with what’s going on between you and cousin.”
You rolled your eyes, “Why does everyone keep saying shit like that? I’m sure he doesn’t treat me any differently than any of the other girls he’s shagged.” Draco’s grin grew two sizes, “So you guys have fucked? More than once or…?” You glared at him, “You’re insufferable.” The blonde just smiled more, “You know I’ve known him my whole life, seen him with a lot of girls, and I mean a lot of girls-” You cut him off quickly, “Thank you Draco, move on please.” He snickered lightly, “I’m just saying, I’ve never seen him act like he does with any other girl he’s been around except you. He’s kind of always seen women as a means to an end, like they’re just there for him when he wants them to be, then he can throw them away when he doesn’t.”
A frown painted your face, not wanting to see Mattheo in that kind of light, but knowing Draco was likely telling the truth. Draco continued, “He’s protective over you, not like he is with the rest of us. It’s like…possessive. Obsessed. He used to be really off the wall wild with every trip we made with the business, but now he’s doing more strategic planning, like he doesn’t want anyone to get in to much danger, like he has something to look forward to when he gets back.”
Your chest warmed with this new information, “You’re really close with him.” Draco nodded, “We were best mates growing up. Mum’s are sisters, but his was always off with his dad, you know him,” you nodded with a grimace, “so he would stay with my family a lot. Even had his own room at mine. I know we call each other cousin but he was practically a brother to me growing up, until I went away to school. His dad didn’t let him go to Hogwarts, wanting to train him like some sort of secret weapon for the war.” You nodded your head, remembering the memories you intruded on with Mattheo.
“He used to beg me to teach him everything I learned during summer Holiday. He caught on so fast too. Used to keep my old textbooks and practice with Gimball while I was away. When the war came he was really conflicted. Hell, we all were. I’m surprised you even came to the club after everything that happened. Didn’t you know…about us?” His question caught you a little off guard. Sure, you had known of Draco in school, he made it practically hard for someone not to know him. And you knew slightly of the others, just that they were similar to Draco, purebloods with family members that were devoted Dark Lord followers, but it had been a few years, everyone kind of grew up, looked a little different. Everyone but Draco, sticking still to his signature looks.
You shrugged, “I knew of the club, knew it was wizard ran, but I didn’t know by who. I definitely didn’t know you guys worked there. Had no real clue about Mattheo at all until Pansy told me. Voldemort definitely kept that secret well.” Draco nodded. You looked up from your plate now, meeting his eyes, “If Mattheo really saw me in the way you imply he does, why was he flirting with a dancer earlier today.” Draco’s lip twitched like he was holding back a smile, “Sometimes old habits die hard. Sometimes we get scared of the feelings we have because they happen so deeply, like nothing we’ve ever had before. And sometimes, when we’re especially stubborn, we just need someone to put us in our place. Take charge, so to speak, to prove to us that they reciprocate what we’re feeling, even to the deepest of depths.”
You quirked an eyebrow at his words, questioning if you were really understanding what he was saying. Draco sighed slightly, “I know Mattheo. I’ve seen him in many stages of life, many emotions, good and bad. He’s never allowed himself to feel as deeply about a person as he does for you because he knows once he starts falling, he’s never going to stop. If you feel the same, you have to show him. If you want what he wants, prove it to him. But you have to play his game. Don’t be a pawn, be a gamekeeper. Show him who’s boss, I’m sure he’s tired of the title.”
Draco paid the bill before taking you both back to the manor. Like a gentleman he walked you to the steps leading up to the rooms. “Thank you for tonight, Draco. It was lovely.” Draco smiled down at you, placing a friendly hand on your shoulder. He leaned in close, giving you a peck on your cheek and whispering in your ear, “Anytime darling.” He gave you a curt wink before walking toward his office on the main floor. You turned round, heading up the steps and walking into your room.
He had probably hoped to startle you, but you had almost expected him to be there waiting for you. “Have fun tonight, Princess? Fuck my cousin? Was he good?” You huffed a laugh, taking off your jewelry and setting it atop your dresser before turning to face him. “Don’t be brash, Teo,” you looked him over, sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. His hair was disshelved like he’d been running his hands through it. Which he had been while waiting for you and Draco to come home. The thoughts in his mind spinning wildly about what could have happened.
You walked towards him across the room, him standing to meet you when you push him back down, crawling into his lap. “Draco and I just had dinner,” your fingers started to delicately undo the buttons of his shirt, all the way down before pushing it off his shoulders, “just like I said before we left.” He grunted, unconvinced, his hands going to your waist but you pushed them off, “I didn’t say you could touch me.” He tilted his head slightly, looking at you with a sly grin. You reached between your bodies, unbuttoning his trousers and sliding down the zipper.
You stood up then, Mattheo going to follow once more but you tsked at him, “Sit and take off your pants, briefs too,” you leaned down and whispered in his ear, “I want to see all of you, handsome.” Mattheo felt his cock twitch at your words, at your directions. He wasn’t sure what was happening but he knew he wanted to find out. You walked back towards the bed, just a few feet away, slipping your dress off your shoulders to reveal your bare breasts and black thong to the man across from you.
Mattheo couldn’t help but groan at the site, his cock standing at attention as you slid your panties down your legs before you climbed onto the foot of the bed before turning to face him, legs spread open wide so he got a full view of your glistening cunt. Mattheo groaned at the sight. “You can touch yourself, Teo. Go on,” you encouraged and he followed directions, instantly grabbing hold of his thick cock and pumping himself, “Show me what you wish you were doing to me,” you let your hands cup your breasts, squeezing them lightly causing Mattheo to groan at the view, his eyes rolling, “because tonight you don’t get to touch me at all.”
His eyes shot open then, hand stilling on his length. You pouted at him, mocking his frown, “Don’t stop now, baby. I was enjoying the view.” You lightly slid your hand up the insides of your thighs, giving yourself goosebumps. Mattheo watched with hungry eyes as you took two fingers and glided them through your folds, coating your fingers in your slick before rubbing your clit lightly. “Keep touching yourself, baby, let me see you,” you started applying more pressure on your bundle of nerves, slight whimpers leaving your mouth as Mattheo started slowly guiding his hand up and down his length once more.
When you slid two fingers inside of yourself, eliciting a gasp from your lips you didn’t miss Mattheo’s low, “Fucking hell”, glancing a look at his desperate eyes. Pumping your fingers you couldn’t help but tease him more, “You’re being such a good boy for me, Teo. Oh, fuck, my fingers stretch me so good, but not as good as when I’m stretched around you, Oh, god, Teo.” Hearing his name fall from your lips while he watched you pleasure yourself was his idea of torture. Your hips bucked against your hand, your clit hitting your palm with every grind and building the familiar heat in the pit of your stomach, “Fuck, Teo, I wish I was about to come on your cock, but you just had to misbehave this afternoon, didn’t you?”
His nostrils flared at your words, speech stuttering as his thumb swiped over his slit, eyes glued to your fingers pumping in and out of your cunt, “I-I’m sorry, Princess. I didn’t-”
“Shut up,” you moaned out, looking up to see himself pumping his cock faster. You could tell he was close by the amount of precum leaking from his tip. “Stop touching yourself,” you commanded. Mattheo groaned, but listened to instructions. When you saw he had stopped your bucked your hips faster, chasing your high until you were tumbling over the edge into your orgasm, “Fuck, oh fuck, yes.” Mattheo’s dick twitched at the sight of you coming undone, your thighs quaking, clamping shut on your hand as you rode out your high, still pumping your fingers in and out of yourself before you slowed down, catching your breath and making eye contact with him.
You slid your fingers from your cunt, your juices glistening to where Mattheo could see if across the room. “Come taste, baby,” you held your fingers out of him. Mattheo clambered over quickly, immediately latching his lips to your fingers, tongue swirling around your digits to get every last drop. His lips left your fingers with a pop, hands going to grab your thighs to spread them back open for himself. You slapped his hands away, scooting yourself backwards until you reached the head of the bed, leaning against the pillows.
You spread your legs wide, patting the space between them. “C’mere, Teo. Come sit right here, back to me.” Mattheo crawled over to you, lips quickly attaching to yours in a feverish kiss. His palm against your cheek and fingers splayed on the back of your neck holding you steady as his tongue explored your mouth, groaning at the taste of you still on his tongue. With all the mental strength you could muster you push him away, slapping his face lightly.
Immediately Mattheo started apologizing, “I’m so sorry, Princess, I couldn’t, fuck, I just couldn’t help myself.” You shook your head at his ramblings, making a spinning motion with your finger indicating him to turn around and get in the position you instructed him to be in before. Mattheo turned around, lying against your chest. You delicately ran your nails along his thighs, his cock twitching at the action. “I was going to let you cum, maybe even help you, but you broke a rule.”
You grabbed Mattheo’s hand, guiding it back toward his aching cock. As he stroked himself again you ran your nails lightly up his sides, his muscles twitching in your wake. You continued to talk to him, tease him and get him further to the edge, “Last night you were so good to me, making me feel so full.” Mattheo let out a low groan as you trailed kisses along the side of his neck, his strokes becoming quicker, “Love it when you grip my thighs, spreading them open as you sink your big cock into my tight little cunt.”
Mattheo let out a shuddered breath as his thumb swiped over his tip. You grab his wrist then, stopping his movements. He let slip a pathetic whimper, begging you for release, “Fuck, please, Princess, I need to cum so bad.” His chest was heaving, head resting back against your shoulder. You ran your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp, “Do you deserve that, Teo? Do you deserve to cum after blatantly flirting with that fucking slag right in front of me, hmm?” Mattheo groaned, “Fucks sake, I said I was sorry, you went out with c-cousin I should be p-punishing you.”
He stuttered over his words as you raked your nails up his thighs again, massaging just near where he wanted your touch but not giving in. “We just had dinner, just talked. If you thought it was anything more you would’ve hurt him by now.” You released his wrist, allowing him to pleasure himself once more. “Go on, baby,” you wrapped one arm around his shoulders, the other grabbing hold of his hair, pulling his head back with force. “Tell me who you’re thinking about when you touch yourself, is it her or is it me?”
Mattheo let out a guttural moan, “Fuck, Princess, it’s you. O-only you.” You started kissing up his neck again, biting the taught skin before licking to soothe it, making sure to leave a few marks. “Every time I think of you, fuck, and now I have the image of your tight little cunt stretching around my cock so perfectly. I never want anything else, oh gods.” You could tell he was close now, hips bucking into his hand. You brought your lips close to his ear, breath ghosting over his skin, “Cum for me, baby. Be a good boy.”
At your command a deep grunt left his throat, hot ropes of white shooting from his tip and on to the duvet in front of him. Coming down from his high he relaxed into you further, chest heaving as his breathing slowly evened out. You ran your fingers through his hair, kissing his temple. “Fucking Salazar’s sake, Princess, you trying to kill me now, hmm?” You smiled into his skin, “You did this to yourself, sir.”
He smiled lightly, “I said I’m sorry, Princess. Merlin, if I'd known this is what would happen from some simple flirting I would’ve never started.” He turned round, resting his head on your chest now. You hummed lightly, “I think you more than liked what just happened.” Mattheo pinched the side of your bum lightly, causing you to squeal. He turned his head, resting his chin atop your chest before leaning up slightly and catching your lips in a chaste kiss one, two, three times before laying his head back down.
You stayed like that for a moment before he broke the silence, “The boys say I’m growing attached to you.” You smiled slightly, hands running through his messy curls, “Do you agree with them?” He nodded, “Scares me how much I care about you, Birdie.” You frowned slightly, though he couldn’t see it, “Why does it scare you?” His eyes fluttered shut, you playing with his hair soothing him. He slid his hands beneath the underside of your shoulders, holding you as close as possible, “Means I’ve got something to lose.”
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s1ater · 8 months
lorenzo’s luck.
pairings. mobster!slytherin boys x fem!reader
about. in which it’s been a rough couple of weeks and lorenzo is facing the heat of it all.
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warnings. swearing, a beating,
ricky rocks. okay, new idea sense i’ve been watching the sopranos lately and writing generic slytherin boys is getting boring for me rn… also i’ve been seeing some stuff abt lorenzo on tiktok and even something on here and i think i characterized him totally wrong? but also not because i read the book (but not really) he originally came from and he didn’t seem as sweet and innocent as people play him as. idk, i’ll stick to what i have now but lmk what y’all think ig
everything and everyone was on edge.
for the past two weeks the feds had been down your neck, jeopardizing your whole lifestyle and way of work.
everyone was in a pissy mood because of it—because when the feds were on your ass, that meant having to be careful, and your job was hard thing to be careful about when every move you made was highly incriminating. so when being careful, you barely got to work, and no work meant no profit.
it was hard to specify exactly what you did.
you were a mobster.
there it is, in the simplest form.
there was a lot of pressure in being one, especially when law enforcement was there to make things ten times harder.
and it wasn’t only affecting you, but entirety of your group;
“you’re a fuckin’ idiot, lorenzo, you realize that? take a fuckin’ look at yourself in the mirror and stare at something that isn’t just your face and realize you’re a fool,” mattheo’s voice erupts so suddenly through the air, startling all of you. “get your shit together.”
it was already starting. you, theodore, blaise, lorenzo, and mattheo had just barely taken a step into one of the many backrooms of the businesses mattheo’s father owned when the composure came fumbling down.
lorenzo had just barely sat his ass in one of the leather seats when the attention was pinned to him, “jesus, what’s up you’re ass m?” he laughs, but you can tell it’s a nervous one. “jesus.”
you glance to theodore who winces at the response like it was his own. that was the worst possible thing to say, especially to mattheo, especially right now where his anger and frustration was at an all time high.
you can see that anger pulse through his skin in a spike as he finally seems to processes lorenzo’s antagonizing words.
oh boy.
“fuckin’ saved your ass, enzo. you know what my fathers saying? that you’re a loose fucking cannon and i need to let you go,” he has his hand raised, shaking it in his face. “and you know what? we don’t let people go. there’s no such thing as letting someone go in our business. that’s a rare ever occurrence.”
letting someone go is disposing them. taking them out to the back and putting them down like a dog.
“get your head on straight and don’t you forget that you wouldn’t be here without me, because you’d be dead.”
“you act like you’re so fucking clear minded,” he huffs, leaning his head against the palm of hand.
that was enough.
mattheo swings himself around, throwing his fist into the face of enzo as hard as he can. you flinch at the sound of enzo’s nose cracking beneath the contact of mattheo's knuckles. you feel yourself tense up at the noise not letting up, but rather playing over and over, filling the room with ugly sounds of punches fill the room.
your call out is cut off as theodore takes your shoulder, pulling you back, “don’t.”
“he’s going to kill him.”
“he won’t,” he pulls you even closer and further away from the violent scene unfolding before you all, tightening his grip. “lorenzo’s too viable.”
he was right. even as enzo was a loose canon, he brought in a lot of profit and kept his end clean… for the most part.
lo was too salient for mattheo to kill, but his loud mouth was enough to tip mattheo over the edge.
it was a perfect way for him to blow off steam; beating in the face of his friend.
“don’t you look like a dime.”
it’s been a week since mattheo went on his little rampage, and you were now just seeing lorenzo in his healing state.
you’re smiling up at him, pinching his cheek as he rolls his eyes to your attention, “yeah, yeah, get off my back.”
he looked far from a dime; his nose was broken causing both his eyes to sport dark rings of bruising around them while the lining of his jaw was turning a dark purple and yellow.
“you and mattheo civil now?”
“define your idea of civil.”
“well, you’re not dead, so I assume you two are as civil as civil gets in mattheo’s terms.”
he scoffs, “yeah, well, let’s hope mattheo and his father are on the same page and I don’t end up dead in the next week.”
over a month ago, some of lorenzo’s boys hijacked a truck everyone was told specifically not to mess with despite the fair amount of profit that could come from it. and unfortunately, they dug themselves an already deep hole, deeper by obtaining the truck through a casualty.
lorenzo had received the blame, despite it having nothing to do with him other than the men being under his supervision and responsibility. he had to pay for it, and he did…
“you’re on the higher end of things, he won’t kill you.”
“that’d be the exact reason for him to kill me,” lorenzo corrects you. “I’m on the higher end for a reason, i can’t fuck up.”
you press your lips into a thin line at the thought of his words. mattheo’s beating must’ve really enlightened lorenzo because there was rarely ever a moment you caught him in such a grave mood where he was so in touch with reality.
his attitude on life was light and so unserious; you were unsure on how mattheo even recruited him when that was the exact opposite that this job sought out for. but then again, the boy recruited all of you.
“then don’t fuck up,” he laughs lightly, but it’s caught in the back of his throat. “again.”
“great advice, y/l/n,” he glances at you, “really got that one on the nose.”
“don’t be a douche,” you slap him lightly. “I don’t know what you want me to say, lo. you’re alive, you’ll stay that way too as long as you don’t press your luck.”
“hard to press my luck when I don’t have any in the first place.”
you gaze at the side of his face, attempting to gage the general emotion or even thought process going through his head, but there was nothing. not even his usual perma-smile could be found.
“someone approached me awhile ago-“
“doesn’t matter who—a clients girlfriend,” lorenzo is anxious, pacing back and forth before all of you in the backyard of mattheo’s home. “i was offered a deal.”
you wince immediately.
lorenzo had collected the whole lot of you; everyone except mattheo. you all sat on his back deck, fixating between the full beautiful greenery backyard of the riddle home and lorenzo, who hadn't spoken till now.
a deal.
he should’ve stopped there.
“a deal?” blaise arched a brow, now leaning on his forearms that rest on his knees. “what kind of deal?”
you all knew exactly what type of deal it was.
enzo’s eyes don’t reach any yours, but he’s stopped pacing, wondering whether he should really speak it now.
don’t say it.
“immunity,” he says it flat out, bringing truth to all of your thoughts. but he doesn’t seem ashamed to this with the way he looks at each and every one of you in the eye finally. “she said once we all get impounded, there’s a way out for me.”
once. not if.
“i tell them everything. i rat every single one of you out and i’m given immunity.”
you all look up at him like he’s crazy. and he is; to be speaking like this to a bunch of mobsters—threatening the entirety of their life and business is crazy.
“we get thirty years plus. there’s no doubt. they get us and we’re already laid in our graves before trial because what we’ve done is absurd-“
“are you saying you’re a rat, berkshire?”
“no,” he shakes his head fast. “no, not at all.”
“that’s not what i’m hearing,” draco shakes his head. “i’m hearing you’re getting nervous with all this recent snooping of the feds and you’re fuckin’ rat.”
“fuck off, malfoy. i’m just telling you what i was told. i’m not a goddamn rat. i’d have to be mental to give up all we’ve done-“ his hand finds his forehead and he’s pacing again. “fuck if i even remember half of it.”
you’re all back to silence, thinking about this. rat or not, this did not look good for him.
your eyes suddenly settle on the light and distant bruising under enzo’s eyes; finally healing. you think about mattheo beating in his face over and over, and then you think about what he’d do if he ever found out about lorenzo’s offer.
“they have a lot of shit on mattheo.”
you all look back up to lorenzo now, a certain interest now crossing each of you again.
“what type of shit exactly?”
“type of shit you don’t get parole with… or out of jail for that matter,” he looks even more stressed than before. “she said the rest of you could have chances of a life after serving. not him.”
this wasn’t a surprise. mattheo always had a quality that none of you did when it came to getting things done; something sociopathic. he always took risk without question of consequence. he moved in silence, he didn’t hesitate, didn’t think, he always got things done faster than all of you combined.
so if mattheo did something beyond all of your usual tasks, you wouldn’t be surprised.
“i mean that makes sense, matty’s been at this longer than the rest of us,” you reasoned it out, only to be stopped immediately.
“no, you don’t understand,” enzo shook his head.
“what exactly are we not understanding here, enzo? you seem to know something, so why don’t you just spit it out,” theodore sits up, speaking for once. there’s obvious annoyance and distaste in his mouth as he stares at the boy before you with a narrowed look.
lorenzo pauses, looking back at him with the same look. you can tell there’s a thought process behind his eyes, and his anxiousness is slowly melting away.
“you know, where do you guys think this is all going? genuinely. you think we’re going to spend the next couple of months running clubs, collecting money, and beating up the occasional person that’s late on their payments for fun?” lorenzo has turned sour, looking at each of you almost as if he hates you all for your ignorance. “this is for life, and we’re only at the beginning point.”
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merrick-of-violet · 2 months
"Mommy, please..."
He's been on his knees for hours, head resting on Merrick's thigh as he gazes up at her like she put each individual star in the sky while also managing to look like a man begging for a long-awaited meal.
@paperbackpieces-makemewhole, mafia!Enzo <3
Merrick didn't really have any pressing matters to attend to at the moment. Well, not counting her sweet sparrow being pleasantly seated at her feet. One hand scribbles something down as the other cards through his hair, nails scratching along his scalp every few passes.
When he speaks up, she smiles and looks down at him. Such devotion in his gaze. It somehow makes her heart flutter and eyes glint mischievously at the same time.
"Yes, pet?" She asks, her voice soft and sweet as she gives his hair a tug. "What is it? Does someone want to play?"
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the-graves-family · 8 months
[care] + “Is that…. somebody’s hand?” + “Will you tell me how it happened?” with Mafia!Aaron
It's not just his neck.
Aaron has bruises everywhere. His lip's split and bleeding, the skin over his nose broken. His shirt's off and he'd been in the middle of cleaning up. Handprints on his throat and waist.
Shame on him for keeping his door unlocked.
He glares up at Enzo, a sneer twisting his lips. It hurts. "Why do you care?"
Some play with a few ill-advised people had turned sour when he'd been recognized. It had turned some fun into a brawl. Ruined his night out.
"I don't pay you to care about shit like this."
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
One reason why I think Mila Finelli's mafia books do work for me better than most other (Italian--I did really love Kresley's series) mafia romance novels I've read is that the characters do feel DISTINCT and so do the relationship dynamics.
In a lot of these somewhat darker, more erotic reads, you do get the sense that any of the characters could be switched out for one another. The heroes are always the same types of alphas, the heroines are always the same types of a) virgins or b) defiant rebels who may also still be virgins, and what really sets the books apart are a few bananas scenes here and there, and some distinct sex scenes.
And while I definitely think there are distinct sexual dynamics and kinks at play with each couple (Fausto/Frankie are obviously daddy kink-central, Enzo and Gia are.... generalized freaks with some heavier BDSM by way of CNC vibes, Giulio and Alessio also have some D/s vibes but with a more competitive edge and are very into each other's violence, and Giacomo/Emma are obviously a breeding kink/softer touch vibe) they're also just super different people.
I guess the closest couples would be Fausto and Frankie and Enzo and Gia, but even then... Fausto is a dick, but he's more rational, more doting (see: daddy), and though Frankie is absolutely defiant and strong, I actually think that though she and Fausto have more of a traditional partnership in terms of gender than Enzo and Gia (which also could be because Frankie wants a billion kids and yes she has her MBA but she's very much a wife and mom first, whereas Gia is more about her career, which keeps them from being too similar). Enzo and Gia are more into the defined D/s shit sexually, but you get the sense that she has more control in the relationship and that, at the end of the day, he is very much... her bitch. Enzo and Gia have a very similar age gap to Fausto and Frankie, but Fausto and Frankie have more of a care-focused DD/lg relationship, whereas Enzo and Gia thrive on the friction of her giving as good as she gets.
And Alessio and Giulio, aside from the obvious of being the only queer relationship in the series, are very much coded as D/s as well... But not as inflexibly as the previous two couples. Aside from them switching it up in the bedroom a little, there's also a lot of space for Alessio to take care of Giulio. Like, Giulio kinda doesn't know shit about what he's doing lol, whereas Alessio is hypercompetent (which also makes sense, as Fausto for sure spoiled Giulio and Alessio has been in essentially a different class his entire life). So while Giulio is more sexually dominant, Alessio is really the stronger, steadier, and more threatening partner otherwise. And again, they both really get off on watching each other do what they do best, which is: crime.
I do think Giacomo and Emma have the softest relationship in the series--but it's not so much because she's this kind of babe in the woods virgin (and I will say, I did love that Frankie and Gia were NOT lol) but because Giacomo is just a much more tender guy. Like, yes, Fausto and Enzo both also had loved ones, but I think that because they'd both been running their shit longer than Giacomo had before he met Emma, they had these very set roles. Fausto and Enzo come off as more brutal, and honestly more crazy (like, Enzo is THE CRAZIEST for sure, but Fausto is a fucking nutball). Giacomo seems like a dude who's good at killing people and doing mafia stuff, but it's really like? His day job. It's not his life and it doesn't feel like his culture, even, which makes sense because he was on the fringes of the types of levels Fausto and Enzo have always been in, because his father and brother kept him separate from it. Even Giulio is more connected to that space than Giacomo, because he was groomed to take over for years.
I think it would be very easy to rely on these great sex scenes and wacky plots she writes, but the thing that does make it clear that Mila has the chops (.... and it also makes it clear that she's very experienced, lol, and someone who has had to write series with very individualized characters for professional editors in the past........) is that the characters are very DIFFERENT. Like, Frankie and Gia may both have their partners' balls in their pockets, but you see Frankie do a wheedling kind of little girl pouting thing to get her way with Fausto because she knows he looooves it, whereas Gia is like LISTEN UP ASSHOLE with Enzo (and it makes the relationship the best because nobody else can do that with him, Enzo and Gia are the greatest, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk). Giacomo is willing to let Emma go in a way that Fausto, Enzo, and honestly I would say Giulio too after working out some things, really aren't okay with. He's probably the best guy out of the series, on a moral level, while also being a scary murder man.
(Except for maybe Alessio? Because Alessio is also a scary murder man, but he literally just does it for the cash or to protect Giulio. It's PURE BUSINESS.)
I find the distinctiveness of the characters really cool, especially when I reread the books, and that is probably why I've had a hard time finding a series that really clicks for me in the same way within the sort of Italian mafia genre.
(That, and: so much of the other books center on Italian-American mafia stuff and that shit DOES NOT HAVE THE SAUCE the way Mila's Italy-set books do. Like, be real here, the Italian-American mafia has not been raking in this kind of cash for DECADES.)
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drunkoncyberpunk · 7 months
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Having fun on my phone.
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myfictionaldreams · 4 months
Safety Measures // Mafia!Stucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: It was the anniversary of Steve and Bucky saving you from your sadistic brother. Usually, it was a time of celebration for you, but this year, you couldn't help but feel paranoid and unsafe.
Extra reading: Last Hope for background context
A/N: Happy New Year, beautiful readers! I hope everyone is well and safe.
Requested by: @theatrelove3000 thank you so so much for the request and all your support with my writing. As always, you're the best!
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, polyamory, ptsd, anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, discussion of past abuse, domestic fluff, dom/sub undertones, cock warming, subspace (kinda), hurt/comfort, new member of the family (yay!), puppy
Words: 4.8k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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Insomnia was an issue you’d never had to deal with before. Not when you have two of the most powerful men of all of the East Coast tiring you out and wrapped around your body to make you feel safe and content.
However, as the seconds ticked by on the clock position on the nightstand next to the bed, you’d found that your body was willing to do anything but sleep. As midnight struck, any hope that had been inkling in your thoughts was diminished. There you were, half sprawled over Steve’s naked chest, his warmth burning through your skin, with Bucky spooning around your back, sandwiching you thoroughly between the two of them, legs crisscrossed between one another.
Even in the safe embrace, your heart continued to palpate painfully in your chest with such powerful thumps you were worried it would wake one of your lovers.
It was always this day. This date. Every year, that sprung fear through your soul, with the memories of your past returning to haunt you. Before Bucky. Before Steve or either of their safety and love, you’d been involved with your family business, reigned by your sadistic brother, Enzo, who was both hateful and abusive, causing you to live a life that was not worth living at all.
For countless years, you’d simply been floating through life, doing anything your brother demanded to benefit his gang. There was no hope, love, or light in your life until the men whose arms you were wrapped tightly in found you, saved you, and showed you what life was about. It hadn’t been an easy adjustment, especially with the violent and bloody end to your brother, but then readjusting to the newfound freedom had taken its toll. The anxiety from your past still haunts you to this very day.
In truth, in the first few years surrounding your brother's death anniversary, you’d celebrated the beginning of your new happiness and life. However, as you grew older and had to live through the dangers of being in the most infamous mafia gang in Brooklyn, your optimistic perspective became somewhat fragile with the realities of becoming close to losing everyone and everything you loved on multiple occasions.
So now, when this dark day loomed over your head once more, your anxiety rose along with the reminder of the horrors that you’d experience throughout your lifetime. Paranoia blossomed into something that was logically not plausible, frightened that somehow, Enzo would return and take you back to the hell hole he once kept you contained within.
These fears had been discussed with both Steve and Bucky on multiple occasions, as well as your friends, who promptly reminded you that nowhere was safer on earth than with all of them. There was 24/7 surveillance within the office and your home, guards patrolling, all armed and trained, as well as having the enhanced bodies of your boyfriends always at your side.
You were safe.
And yet, still, there you lay. Wide awake, breaths shallow, trying to remain as quiet as possible so that you may listen to any sounds of intruders walking through your home. It is an impossible feat to do either way due to the pounding of your heartbeat without your ears, the repetitive thump and drum that increased in speed over the minutes. Your palms were becoming clammy where they were resting on Steve’s chest, a faint tremble beginning to throb through your limbs as well. You closed your fingers into a tight fist, attempting to cease the shaking whilst blowing out a long breath as the clock ticked to 00:01 am.
It was no use. You couldn’t do it anymore. Couldn’t just simply lay there and wait to be attacked or taken.
Carefully as you could, you attempted to climb out of your fierce hold, but due to your fragile state and the firm grip of Steve and Bucky, the movements stirred them both awake.
“Baby? Everything ok? Where are you going?” Steve asked, still half asleep but attempting to rouse himself more by rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Sorry”, you whisper into the darkness, “I just needed to use the bathroom”. The lie trembled from your lips as you clumsily searched the bedroom floor for some clothing to cover your naked body. From the smell of the shirt that you were now tugging over your head, you’d found Bucky’s t-shirt in the dark. As your eyes adjusted to remain in the darkness, you could see Bucky moving closer to Steve on the bed, his face resting on the blonde's chest, replacing where you’d been.
The sight had you smiling for a split second before a rustle of the wind against the windows drew your frightened attention back to reality. Stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you, there was a stalling moment where the walls seemed to close around you. Strangling. Suffocation. The fears of your past squeezing closer.
“No”, you chastise yourself in a whisper barely audible as you take a single sweeping step towards the sink, running the cold water to splash it on your face. “Enzo is dead. Stop freaking out, you’re being ridiculous!”. Yes, you were having a conversation with yourself, but only because it was a coping mechanism before you completely lost your mind and had a panic attack.
“Get a hold of yourself!”, you continue the monologue whilst staring at your distressed reflection in the mirror. “You’re safe here in your home”. For some reason, your bottom lip began quivering with the rising emotions and the overwhelming urge to cry. Giving your body a thorough head-to-body shake and angrily wiping away the traitorous tears dripping down your cheeks, you also gave yourself stern talking.
“Either you get yourself together, or you embarrass yourself and wake up Steve and Bucky”. You wouldn’t, not when it was something as irrational as being frightened that your definitely deceased deranged brother would somehow return from the dead to steal you to a life of misery. You couldn’t stomach waking them from their slumber to see the sad puppy eyes they would give you as they told you all the things you already knew. You were safe with them; they’d never let anything bad happen.
Filling your lungs with air, you blew out a long, slow breath until your lungs were completely empty. “Right. One search of the house and back to bed”, you decided, needing to check the surroundings with the hopes it would ease your battle with anxiety and insomnia.
Upon leaving the ensuite bathroom, you were thankfully greeted by the sound of two distinctively soft snores from both men still lying together in bed. Tip-toeing past them and into the hallway, you made sure to keep the lights off with your eyes having adjusted to the darkness as you approached Steve’s office.
There were a few things that you needed from this room. Firstly, to check the security camera feeds from his laptop, showing every angle possible surrounding the house and inside the many rooms of the luxury property. The baseball bat was also hiding beneath the desk. It was one of many weapons stashed throughout your home, carefully placed by both Bucky and his bodyguard Natasha and even though a gun would be a swifter finale for any intruder, there were still more consequences if you were to shoot the firearm accidentally and hit the wrong target whereas, with a bat, you could still keep someone at arm's length and also not fatally wound a friend if they came knocking at the door.
Clutching the smooth bat in both of your trembling hands, you watched the screen, flicking between rooms and areas of the exterior of your home, not spotting a single leaf out of place. In fact, the only emotion that seemed to bloom through your chest was adoration as you stared at the bedroom video feed, noticing that Bucky was now the bigger spoon, wrapped thoroughly around Steve, whose hands were stretched out to your side of the bed, like in his unconscious state, he was still searching for you.
Guilt settled heavily in your stomach at the sight, and closed the laptop with a sigh. You knew this paranoia would fade by the time tomorrow came around. Still, it was completely illogical for you to react rationally today, so with a sigh that echoed around the office, you stood and began to search the property physically.
Holding the bat at arm's length, you peeked around corners first then swung before stepping out. You'd been trained to use all the weapons scattered throughout the house with Steve, Bucky, and Natasha, even with how to strike with a baseball bat effectively.
Every shift of shadows out of the corner of your eyes and every creak of the house naturally settling or knocking with the raging winds outside had your heart racing and senses going into full alert.
One check of the house turned into four full sweeps to ensure no one was there. It was also a slow and thorough check, so by the time you were stepping carefully through the kitchen, glancing out of the back window and into the dark abyss that was your back garden. The creak of footsteps echoed from upstairs; you’d become lost and disorientated on the search, and you had neglected to check the time.
05:03 am.
A sniffle and quiet cough followed the footsteps of the man who had decided to wake earlier than most. In a rush of adrenaline and the need to not be found with a baseball bat in hand like a crazy lady in the dark, you decided to hide the weapon in one of the kitchen cupboards and quickly pretended to be preparing coffee as the sleepy steps wandered down the carpeted stairs.
Placing two cups onto the kitchen counter, you almost held your breath in anticipation for the morning grumbly welcome by whoever had woken first. Steve and Bucky both like to be awake early, much to your usual pleas for them to stay in bed.
However, as the man walked into the kitchen, not a single word was shared as he stepped up close behind you, enveloping your body in a warm and metal arm, wrapping tightly around your waist and pulling you backwards until flush against a naked chest. Stubbled cheeks nuzzled into your neck as lips gently kissed the sensitive skin as you sighed, eyes closing and all tension diminishing into the floor at the feeling of finally being safe.
The two of you swayed on the spot, wrapped in the tight embrace, listening to the water in the coffee pot. One of your hand gripped onto the metal fingers, feeling the smooth material beginning to warm and match the temperature of your skin. The other hand lifted to rest on the back of his head, scratching his buzzed hair, earning a comforting moan from Bucky as he kissed your jaw.
“It’s a rare day when you’re awake before me”, Bucky whispers into the shell of your ear before kissing it. Goosebumps lined your body with the gruff tone of his early morning voice. He didn’t pester you any more about why you were awake at this time, but he did pinch the hem of your shirt. “Is it your plan to always wear my shirts so I must be topless?”
His words pulled a giggle from your lips, shaking your head as you poured the coffee into each cup. “I don’t know what you’re talking about”.
The two of you sat at the dining room table, coffee in one hand and in the other you held onto one another, admiring the night turn into the day with dawn breaking over the fences that lined the back garden. It was blissful and a welcomed distraction from the terrors beneath your surface.
Steve eventually joined, groaning about waking up alone as he kissed you, then Bucky on the back of the head. “Who knew the big grown mafia boss could be so needy?” Bucky quipped with a teasing smirk over the rip of his cup before taking another glug of the coffee.
“That’s a lot of sass for someone who will be going without any breakfast if he keeps it up”, Steve grumbles as he looks through the refrigerator to start preparing the three of you breakfast like he did on most mornings. Before Bucky could respond, Steve asked curiously, “Why is there a baseball bat in with the plates?”
Your eyes downcast to stare into your empty cup, shrugging your shoulders at the burning stares of your boyfriends. “I don’t know. Anyway, who wants a fresh coffee?”
Thankfully, nothing more was mentioned regarding the random appearance of the baseball bat as the three of you ate and prepared to head into the office. You were thankful for the distraction working in the gang gave you, especially on a stressful day like today. Although the paranoia and anxiety that had kept you awake still bubbled away beneath the surface.
On the car journey to work, even squished between Steve and Bucky in the back seats, their hands eagerly resting on the naked skin of your thighs, having pushed the dress up to have the contact. Even your bodyguard and best friend Sam, who was driving the vehicle, couldn’t ease the panic that came from every car horn that blared, the dangerously speeding vehicles that passed or just the erratic driving that was expected with other idiots on the road.
Every single disruption had you anticipating that the car you were in would be hit or stopped, and your brother would then arrive and drag you away. Of course, this didn’t happen, and as you came to work, another heavy sigh released from your body as you walked through the extensive security to get to the office.
New shipments of discreetly stolen goods had arrived, which was a welcome distraction for you, checking the quality and organising where and to whom it would be sold. This only lasted for an hour before the coldness began to creep in, and you made excuses to return to Steve and Bucky back in the office.
“You know you can talk to us, right?” Bucky reminds you carefully whilst pulling your chair closer to his. You couldn’t meet his intense stare as you shifted your body under his awaiting arm so you were cuddled close to his side.
“Yep”, you respond casually, leaning into his warmth.
Bucky’s face lowered to your ear as he stroked his fingers down your arm. “And you also know you’re safe with me. With Steve. In this building or home. I’d do anything to keep you safe, Doll”.
You smile politely at him, trying to ignore the guilt that, for some reason, passed over you as you reached to take his hand that was draped over your shoulders. “I know”.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Bbcky checking his phone for the 15th time in an hour. Not that you’d been counting.
Finally, he seemed to receive the notification he’d been waiting for as he suddenly sprung up from his seat, pulling his leather jacket swiftly.
A frown settled over your features as you sat forward, “where are you going?”
Bucky glanced towards Steve first before addressing your question. “I’ve just got some errands to run, nothing special. I won’t be long, Sweetheart”.
He was leaving you. On a day when you needed him most so that you felt safe, he for some reason had to go.
You stood abruptly, pushing back your chair and taking urgent steps towards him whilst nervously playing with your fingers. “You’re going to leave me on my own!”
“Who am I? The milkman?” Sam joked from where he was standing near the door, and you instantly regretted the words, having not meant them that way. What’s worse is that Steve muttered something under his breath from his desk and now you were riddled with more guilt as Bucky’s sad eyes turned to you, his hands resting heavily on your shoulders.
“I won’t be long, and maybe you’ll get a surprise later.” He tried to bring a smile to your lips, but it was worthless as you were caught between staring at Sam and Steve, trying to find the words to apologise. Bucky breathed heavily through his nose at seeing you distraught, but then his phone pinged again, so with one last kiss to your temple, he made his way to the exit.
Turning to Sam whilst awkwardly rubbing your cheek to ease the burning of embarrassment under your skin, you attempted to apologise, but Steve cut off your sentence. “I’m sorr-”.
“Baby, come here”.
Turning towards the comforting voice, you saw that Steve’s full attention was now on you. He’d moved his seat away from his desk and opened his arm, a clear sign for you to approach, which you did with rushed steps before climbing into his warm, sturdy lap. Your knees rested on either side of his thighs as your fingers caded through the curling blonde hair at the nape of his neck which you were quick to bury your face into, breathing in his calming cologne.
“I’m sorry about the comment; I didn’t mean it like that. I know I’m not alone. My head is just all over the place and-”.
“Shh, I know, baby, you don’t need to explain yourself. I know you’d rather us both be around for you today”. There it was. The one small mention and reference made by someone else that this was a day that you hated. It’s not that it needed to be spoken about as it had been clear that both of your boyfriends had been trying their hardest to be there for you today by being at your side as much as possible, constantly checking in with your emotions and making sure you ate and drank enough.
But Steve saying it out loud seemed to make it all the more real, so as you clung to him with more desperation, his arms did just the same until it felt as if there wasn’t a single part of you that wasn’t currently being touched by his giant frame.
“I love you, Steve, so much”, you plead to him in a tired daze, finally feeling somewhat safe now that you were crowded into his body.
“I’d do anything for you, baby girl, you know that. I love you too. Try and get some sleep; it’ll make the day go faster”.
You wanted to and knew you could if you’d let your eyes drop close, but something still wasn’t sitting right like an itch that needed to be scratched.
“Could I please make one request… sir?” you say, nerves beginning to flicker through your chest at the intimacy of the request, already starting to switch into the role of the submissive mind, especially after the fragile state you’d been in all day.
Steve seemed to straighten his posture at using the name, and his lips kissed the top of your head a few times before he responded, “Anything”.
Lifting your head away from his neck and gazing into the endlessly intense blue eyes that always looked so kindly down at you, you asked, “Please can we touch everywhere? I just want to sit and be close”.
Steve tried not to smile at the innocence and the way you couldn’t even say the words, ‘Please can I cock warm you?’ which he knew was what you were asking. Reaching between your bodies, he began to undo his belt and zipper, “You know you don’t need to ask, Sweetheart. I want you to feel comfortable”.
You could never explain to someone why you loved the thought of cock warming so much. It seemed to settle both your nerves and put you into a relaxing state. Not at all times, though. Half the time, it would just turn you into a horny, wet mess that ended with you riding the cock until at least three orgasms. But other times, such as now, you just needed to be stretched and feel as close to Steve as possible.
Lifting higher onto your knees, you moved aside your underwear and lifted the front of your dress as you manoeuvred yourself to accommodate the toe-curling length that was Steve Rogers. Through your groaning sigh, you couldn’t hear Steve’s matching noise as he made sure you were comfortable with a steading arm around your hips before shuffling his seat closer to the desk and continuing with his work and talking to Sam about an email he’d just received.
You were asleep before hearing the end of the email being read out. Your head is resting on his shoulder, hands loosely holding onto the material of his crisp navy blue shirt. You were warm, full and safe.
Hours later, as the sun began to set and the day passed, you were still drowsy, much more relaxed than you had been in the morning. You’d wake up to Steve packing his belongings and Sam saying he’d warm the car for you and Steve.
As you gathered your disorientated thoughts and tried to sit up, you noticed that Steve was very much still thoroughly hard inside of your soaked cunt. Silently, you thanked whatever super serum had been injected into him during his time in the army. You clenched at the realisation, and Steve hummed in contentment at realising you were waking up.
“Let’s get you home. Bucky’s waiting there for us”,  Steve informed quietly whilst cupping your cheek tenderly.
With the position you’d been sitting in, your legs were sore and tense, but Steve was more than happy to carry you down, even with his cock still inside. However, with the movements of his steps, it caused his length to ease in and out of your already sensitive cunt that by the time you’d made it to the car, you were clinging desperately to his shoulders as an orgasm rushed through you, pulsing between your legs.
Steve’s knees nearly buckled as he rested your frame against the side of the car, his face dropping to your neck as he breathed you in deeply. Your cunt continued to clench around his cock until he, too, joined you in euphoria with a deep grunt and a snap of his hips; warmth flooded your hole and began dripping out and onto the floor. Neither of you or his employees batted an eyelid as both of you came. 
Once in the car, you were so distracted with cleaning each other up that the idiots in other vehicles that had panicked you on the way in, didn’t remotely phase you.
Wishing Sam a good night, you and Steve walked up to your front door, hand in hand. Steve opened the front door for you, letting you walk into the living room first, where you abruptly stopped, causing the blonde to nearly knock into you.
“I promise I tried to stop him, but he’s a feral little beast!” Bucky exclaimed from where he sat on the floor, surrounded by something that could only be described as chaos.
It seemed all of the decorative pillows had been utterly destroyed as the contents of the fluff covered all of the surfaces. Not only this, but there were half-eaten shoes, and the corners of the couches and coffee table seemed to have tiny bite marks gnawed into them.
“Bucky?! What did you do?” You couldn’t even comprehend where the mess began and ended as you looked at your dishevelled boyfriend sitting on the floor. Well, he was more lying down, reaching beneath one of the couches as he began to sit up and plastered a wide, toothy grin towards you.
“Surprise!” Bucky shouts with exhausted joy as Steve sighs with a shaky laugh from behind you.
“Surprise? What kind of a surprise is my home being destroyed?” you say, gobsmacked, staring longingly at your favourite cushions ripped to shreds.
As Bucky opened his mouth to explain, a tiny yap sounded from beneath the furniture where he’d just been reaching, and suddenly, a bundle of black fur was pounding for your ankles. It took you a second to drop to your knees and gasp, reaching for the puppy.
“Careful! His teeth are viscous”, Bucky warns, trying to reach forward to grab the animal, but you beat him to it and pull the pup into your lap.
“Oh my god, look at you! Aren’t you just the most beautiful little thing! Was it you that destroyed my lovely cushions? It was, wasn’t it? That’s okay. I forgive you. I’ll forgive you for everything. You're just so damn cute!” you couldn’t help but talk in a childishly high voice as you spoke to the adorable little puppy.
Thankfully, he didn’t bite you with his tiny sharp teeth and instead rolled onto his back on your legs, his paws resting in the air as he waited for a belly rub you happily gave him with carefully placed head kisses.
“You didn’t tell me you were getting a new guard dog! And what happened to the rule of not letting them into the house?” you asked Bucky as you continued to pet the pup.
Steve squatted down next to you, reaching to stroke the puppy behind his ears but then quickly retreating as the tiny sharp teeth nearly nipped his fingers. “He’s not going to be a guard dog; he’s going to be your dog”.
Your head spun with how fast you looked between your boyfriends as you screamed, “What?!”
“Yep! He’s all yours. He’s a Rottweiler and is eight weeks old. They’re known to be a protective breed and great guard dogs, so we will have him properly trained a couple of times a week for this, but we also want him to be yours”. As Bucky explained he knelt closer which earned the attention of your new puppy who watched him closely but continued to lick your fingers in between as you scratched the top of his head.
Steve rested a firm hand on your lower back as he continued, “We know how difficult today is, even with our reassurance that you are safe from Enzo”. Even just hearing his name, your whole body tightens and locks, almost forgetting to breathe until a certain puppy begins to wiggle and try and jump up your body to attempt to lick your face, having noticed the change in demeanour. “We wanted there to be someone around for you all the time, just with the chance that you could still feel safe if Bucky or I weren’t by your side. So, we are hoping this little rascal will be able to do this”, Steve says playfully, stroking along the puppy's back but quickly withdrawing when he nearly nipped again.
“Thank you. Both of you. I don’t even know where to begin with telling you how amazing this gift is”, you say brightly, glancing between the two men you loved most in the world.
“Don’t thank us; it’s the least we could do”, Steve mutters whilst leaning in to kiss your cheek and then standing up, beginning to grab handfuls of fluff from all the surfaces with an attempt at cleaning up the mess.
“I just want you to be happy”, Bucky whispers whilst kissing your other cheek, but then his gaze moves to the puppy, and a line forms between his brows as he frowns. “There will be some ground rules, though. No dog on the couch or in bed. We need boundaries”.
You nod your head in understanding but lean closer to whisper to the pup loud enough that Steve and Bucky could still hear. “Don’t listen to the grumpy old man. You can stay wherever you’d like!”
Bucky sighs whilst rolling his eyes and begins to help Steve with cleaning.
The three of you were sat in front of the TV watching a late-night film. The four of you were sitting on the couch as the puppy was resting in your lap, exhausted from all the playing you’d been doing and now resting as you tried to think of a name for the little guy.
“What about Winchester? That’s a good dog name, right?” you ask the boys, but mostly the dog, hoping he would react to one of the suggestions, but he hasn’t succeeded so far. You pondered some more whilst petting his little black ears. “Oh, what about Sargeant?! No… what about Rogers? No…”. You gave up trying to think of a name off the top of your head and began to scroll for suggestions online.
“Max? Brutus? Thor? Um, nope, these aren’t good. Chase? Ari? Bullet? Dodger? Bli-” Your suggestions stop as the puppy’s head tilts to look at you, seeming more awake. “What is it? Is it one of the names? Ari?” No response, “Bullet?” still no response. “Dodger?” his precious little tail began to wag as he yapped.
“Dodger? You like that name?” he barked again, attempting to climb higher up your body to lick your face as you laughed fondly.
“Dodger it is”, Steve announced from your side with a smile.
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Elena Ferrante. Un fenomeno tutto italiano
Elena Ferrante. Un fenomeno tutto italiano
Correva l’anno #1992 con un articolo sul #Corrieredellasera datato 28 giugno, #EnzoSiciliano salutava l’uscita de #L’amoremolesto di #ElenaFerrante come «un debutto sul difficile terreno della ricerca interiore» Elena Ferrante ha pubblicato nel 1992 in Italia il suo primo romanzo, L’amore molesto. Per convenzione diremo che è questo è il suo anno di nascita come autrice, perciò utilizzeremo il…
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olee · 3 months
Fina | Enzo Vogrincic
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*3000 words (me inspiré) & mini s*x scene
Corrías con desesperación por el bullicioso aeropuerto, el eco de tus pasos resonando en los pasillos abarrotados. El tiempo apremiaba, y tu corazón latía al ritmo frenético de la prisa. El billete se aferraba en tu mano, como un talismán que te conectaba con tu destino. "¡Espera! ¡Ya voy!" gritabas, entre jadeos, mientras sorteabas a la multitud con determinación.
El reloj avanzaba implacablemente mientras te abrías paso entre la maraña de viajeros. Las luces parpadeaban sobre las pantallas indicadoras de vuelos, recordándote cada segundo que se escapaba. Al llegar al gate, una sensación de alivio temporal te invadió, pero rápidamente se desvaneció al notar que el área estaba desierta, como un escenario abandonado después de la función.
Te dirigiste apresuradamente hacia el empleado de la aerolínea, tu aliento agitado y la esperanza titilando en tus ojos. "Tengo un vuelo a Madrid ahora, por favor, dime que he llegado a tiempo", imploraste, con la voz entrecortada. El empleado, con un gesto comprensivo, te miró con seriedad y dijo: "Señorita, el vuelo se fue hace diez minutos".
Un nudo se formó en tu estómago, pero no te diste por vencida. Con determinación, preguntaste sobre cualquier opción disponible. "¿Hay algún otro vuelo a Madrid pronto?" El empleado, consultando la pantalla con un semblante compasivo, respondió que el próximo vuelo no sería hasta dentro de 15 horas. Asentiste con resignación, consciente de que el tiempo ya no estaba de tu lado.
Entonces, con la mente fija en tu compromiso ineludible, mencionaste la reunión crucial con la agencia de producción. "Tengo una reunión muy importante en Madrid. Aceptarán mi guión para una obra de teatro, y no puedo perder esta oportunidad", le expresaste al empleado, esperando encontrar alguna solución. El hombre tras el mostrador comprendió la urgencia en tu voz y te informó sobre la posibilidad de esperar.
Te refugiaste en un acogedor café ubicado en algún rincón del aeropuerto de Londres. El aroma del café recién hecho flotaba en el aire, pero tus sentidos estaban inmersos en la música melancólica de Guitarricadelafuente que fluía a través de tus audífonos. Con gestos automáticos, conectaste tu celular para cargarlo, buscando consuelo en las notas de tu artista favorito.
Sin previo aviso, una lágrima solitaria escapó de tus ojos, una expresión palpable de la desesperación que te embargaba por haber perdido el vuelo. La música parecía resonar en sintonía con tus emociones, como si Guitarricadelafuente compartiera tu dolor a través de sus cuerdas y melodías. Mientras las lágrimas seguían su curso, te sumergiste en un mar de pensamientos, contemplando el giro imprevisto que había tomado tu día.
Con resignación, extrajiste el guión de tu bolsa, sosteniéndolo entre tus manos temblorosas. El papel, ahora manchado por las lágrimas, representaba más que un simple texto; era la culminación de tus esfuerzos y sueños. Te encontrabas en una ciudad ajena, lejos de casa, y la realidad de estar varada por 15 horas en Londres se apoderaba de ti.
Las palabras del guionero, antes tan llenas de promesas, se volvían borrosas a través de tus lágrimas. De repente, te sentías como una niña de cinco años que había perdido su globo de cumpleaños, la tristeza reflejada en tus ojos y en cada línea de tu rostro. La ironía de la situación no pasaba desapercibida, y una mezcla de frustración y vulnerabilidad te envolvía mientras te aferrabas al guión como a un salvavidas en medio de la tormenta.
Sumida en la tristeza de tus pensamientos, te diste cuenta de repente de una mano amable que se acercaba a tu rostro con una servilleta. Entre la neblina de lágrimas, apenas pudiste vislumbrar la acción generosa de un desconocido que, con empatía, te ofrecía un medio para secar tus ojos. Agradecida por el gesto, aceptaste la servilleta sin poder identificar a la persona detrás de ella.
La bondadosa presencia a tu lado pasó desapercibida hasta que lograste controlar las lágrimas lo suficiente como para ver a quien te había brindado consuelo. Descubriste que había estado sentado junto a ti durante un buen rato, observando silenciosamente tu situación con comprensión. Sorprendida por su amabilidad, solo lograste articular un simple "thanks", incapaz de distinguir completamente sus rasgos.
En un giro inesperado, el hombre respondió en español. "De nada, yo espero que todo se recupere", dijo con una sonrisa tranquilizadora. Al levantar la mirada para agradecerle debidamente, te encontraste con la visión de un hombre extraordinariamente atractivo. Su piel canela destacaba bajo la luz del café, su cabello despeinado le daba un aire casual y sus ojos, de un caramelo puro, irradiaban calidez y comprensión.
Aunque te sentías vulnerable y con el corazón aún apretado por la situación, la presencia reconfortante de este hombre te hizo sentir un atisbo de consuelo. No sabías exactamente cómo reaccionar ante su belleza, pero la curiosidad y la necesidad de conexión humana te impulsaron a romper el silencio. "¿Hablas español?" preguntaste, con la esperanza de que la respuesta fuera afirmativa. El hombre sonrió y respondió con una risa contagiosa, "Creo que sí".
A pesar de la tormenta de pensamientos que te asaltaba, la visión de este joven que parecía salido de tus sueños generó un apretón en tu corazón. Sin embargo, la realidad chocó contra la fantasía cuando notaste que llevaba una sudadera y tenis Nike, una imagen más casual y terrenal que la que habías imaginado.
El chico, notando tu evidente perturbación, rompió el hielo al expresar su intriga ante la combinación de un guión en tus manos y lágrimas en tus ojos, “No te conozco, pero al ver que tienes un guión en mano y estás llorando, ahora estoy muy intrigado por lo que te ha pasado," dijo el chico guapo con una mezcla de curiosidad y empatía en su voz. Te sumiste en un silencio momentáneo, tratando de procesar la situación y, al mismo tiempo, preguntándote si este encuentro era producto de tu imaginación o si realmente estabas frente a alguien especial.
Finalmente, el chico reveló ser actor y confesó su amor por el teatro, aunque actualmente se encontraba inmerso en proyectos cinematográficos. La conexión con el mundo del teatro hizo que tus ojos se iluminaran con un atisbo de reconocimiento, y una sospecha empezó a formarse en tu mente.
Con un tono casual, le preguntaste: "¿Espera! ¿Tú eres Enzo, Enzo Vogrincic? ¿De 'La Sociedad de la Nieve'?" La confirmación en su expresión te dejó boquiabierta. "Ese mismo", respondió con una sonrisa, añadiendo con humor, "desde hace tiempo no veía a alguien tardarse tanto en reconocerme". Tu corazón latía con emoción mientras intentabas procesar la realidad de tener a un actor reconocido a tu lado.
Con entusiasmo, le confesaste: "Es que... ya he conocido a tantos actores que me da igual, pero... yo amé tu actuación y las otras obras que has hecho en Montevideo, es que amé".
Enzo, aún intrigado, te agradeció con sinceridad. "Gracias, escuchar esto me da más ánimo en hacer lo que hago," expresó con una sonrisa genuina. Sin embargo, no dejó que el agradecimiento se interpusiera en su deseo de conocer más sobre tu historia.
"Pero… no cambiemos el tema, ¿por qué estabas llorando? ¿Eres actriz o…?" preguntó con un gesto de interés. Tomaste un momento para recobrar la compostura y compartir parte de tu vida con este actor que, de alguna manera, se había convertido en un confidente inesperado.
"Soy prácticamente guionista, y me gusta escribir tragedias, dramas y todo lo Lorca," comenzaste a explicar, revelando tu pasión por la escritura teatral. "Pero últimamente no he tenido la suerte, y ahora que tengo una gran oportunidad en Madrid, el vuelo acaba de irse, y pues…" La frustración y la tristeza se reflejaban en tus ojos mientras compartías la historia de tu día caótico, sintiendo que Enzo podría entender el peso de tus aspiraciones y desafíos creativos.
"Qué horrible, pues no estás sola, porque yo también perdí el vuelo para Madrid," compartió Enzo, revelando un inesperado giro en su propia situación. Tus ojos se abrieron con sorpresa ante la revelación. "No jodas?" respondiste, dejando escapar tu incredulidad. Enzo rió ante tu reacción y, con un tono resignado, comentó: "Así es la vida". La ironía de la situación resonó en la conversación, creando un lazo instantáneo basado en las coincidencias y desafíos compartidos.
Después de pasar varias horas inmersos en el café, tú y Enzo continuaban deleitándose en una charla apasionada sobre el teatro y todo lo relacionado con sus amores creativos. El tiempo parecía volar mientras compartían anécdotas, descubrían similitudes en sus carreras y exploraban sus visiones artísticas.
A medida que la conversación fluía, el reloj recordó que era casi la hora del almuerzo. Enzo, con una sonrisa, sugirió: "¿Qué te parece si nos damos un respiro y vamos por unas hamburguesas?" La idea resonó contigo, y juntos se dirigieron a un lugar cercano para disfrutar de un almuerzo casual y reconfortante.
Después de saciar el apetito, la tarde avanzaba y la diversión no se detenía. Enzo, con su sentido del humor intacto, los condujo a un bar cercano. Cómicamente, se dirigió al bartender diciendo: "Denos dos cognac, que nos hace bastante falta". La ocurrencia sacó una risa de tu parte mientras observabas la escena con complicidad.
Mirándolo con una sonrisa, bromeaste: "Sabes, se supone que no esté borracha, pero si es así, no me importa".
Entre risas y la atmósfera relajada del bar, tú y Enzo continuaban disfrutando de la compañía mutua. El ambiente festivo se intensificaba a medida que ambos tomaban innecesariamente, sumiéndose en conversaciones que abordaban cualquier tema que se les ocurriera.
En un momento de confianza, decidiste compartir un secreto que habías guardado durante mucho tiempo. "Enzo, te tengo que confesar algo," dijiste, con un tono cómplice. Él, intrigado, respondió con un "Dale, dime".
Toda roja y riéndote, soltaste la confesión: "Yo te re amaba, like cuando saliste en 'La Sociedad de la Nieve', no pude aguantar mi fanatismo y pues, ahora que lo pienso, creo que hasta escribí un fanfiction de ti". La expresión de Enzo era un cóctel de sorpresa y diversión mientras esperaba a escuchar más detalles.
Con una risa nerviosa, Enzo te pregunta: "Y... de qué era ese fanfiction?" Entre risas y complicidad, respondiste, "Eso mejor no lo hablemos pero... ya tú sabe". Enzo, con una sonrisa pícara, te desafió: "Yo no sé, dime tú".
Entre risas y anécdotas compartidas, el tiempo parecía desvanecerse mientras ambos continuaban disfrutando de la velada. Sin embargo, la realidad del horario de su vuelo a Madrid interrumpió la burbuja temporal en la que se encontraban. El intercom anunció que era hora de abordar, generando una pausa en su divertida conversación.
Enzo, con una mirada juguetona, sugirió: "Quédate conmigo, así te sientas al lado mío y charlamos más". Tú, recordando la asignación de asientos, expresaste tu preocupación: "Pero, el asiento está designado". Sin embargo, Enzo, con confianza, respondió: "Eso me lo dejas a mí". Ante su propuesta, no pudiste evitar sonreír y ceder: "Pues, ¡vale!"
Al entrar al avión, Enzo abordó con confianza y se dirigió a una de las azafatas. "Perdona, pero hubo un error con los asientos, ella se supone que esté al lado mío, además que es my fiancé," dijo con una sonrisa juguetona, dejándote boquiabierta y bastante ruborizada. La declaración tomó por sorpresa a la azafata, quien, a pesar de la confusión, asintió amablemente y te acompañó hasta el asiento asignado al lado de Enzo.
Mientras te acomodabas, una mezcla de asombro y nerviosismo se reflejaba en tu rostro. Enzo, con su actitud desenfadada y una chispa de complicidad, te guiñó un ojo antes de sentarse a tu lado.
Al sentarte, no pudiste evitar comentarle a Enzo: "Estás demente, ¿cómo que fiancé?" Él te miró con una sonrisa pícara y respondió: "Ay mira, estos son cosas que pasan, y además esto, ehh..." Tratando de mantener la compostura, le interrumpiste: "Mira, ya, que estás re tomado, que ni sé de qué estamos hablando."
Él, con un tono cómico y sarcástico, te dijo: "De que eres mi fiancé y punto." En respuesta, le diste un pequeño puño juguetón en el brazo, y Enzo, dramáticamente, exclamó: "Ay, eso dolió." Tú, riendo, le reprochaste: "Ay no seas bobolón."
Ya cómodos en sus asientos, Enzo te mira con la expresión de quien necesita más alcohol, mientras tú le devuelves la mirada con gesto de ya no más. Sin embargo, al pasar una azafata, Enzo, con su característico sentido del humor, le dice: "Perdona, ¿nos podrás traer dos champán? Es que como nos vamos a casar pronto." Tu rostro se torna más rojo de lo que ya estaba ante la inesperada declaración de Enzo.
La azafata, acostumbrada a situaciones peculiares, asiente con una sonrisa y se apresura a cumplir la solicitud. Mientras tanto, Enzo se relaja en su asiento con una expresión de triunfo, mientras tú intentas ocultar tu sorpresa y diversión ante la ocurrencia.
Se tomaron el champán con un "¡Salud!" y el ambiente se llenó de risas y un toque festivo. Sin embargo, a medida que disfrutaban de la bebida, comenzaron a notar que el efecto del alcohol se estaba haciendo más evidente, sumergiéndolos en un estado de relajación profunda. Enzo te mira con complicidad, y con una sonrisa pícara, comenta: "Y de qué era el fanfiction? Es decir, me imagino que era bueno."
Tu rostro refleja una mezcla de pensamiento y vergüenza, y le respondes: "Ay Enzo, por favor, no hablemos de eso, ya te dije que no te voy a contar." Sin embargo, Enzo persiste con curiosidad: "Pero me imagino que fue creativo." Lo miras con incredulidad, como si sus palabras fueran más serias de lo que aparentaban, y le contestas: "Cómo que creativo, I mean, era normal, como una chica empezando sus veintes y todo eso."
La conversación da un giro inesperado cuando Enzo, con sorpresa, pregunta: "Espera, no jodás que… ¿cuántos años tienes?" Lo miras directamente y le respondes con humor: "Bastante mayor, ¿por? ¿Me veo vieja?" Enzo, tratando de explicarse, menciona: "No... es que yo pues, ya sabes que estoy en mis mediados de treinta." Tú, con una sonrisa traviesa, le dices: "Estás bien, ¿o mejor te digo que estás viejo?" Las risas se mezclan con la complicidad, creando un ambiente ligero y divertido mientras continúan su viaje a Madrid.
Después de la conversación sobre el fanfiction, Enzo ya estaba medio dormido, o mejor dicho, parecía cansado o sumido en sus pensamientos. Mientras tanto, sentías la necesidad apremiante de ir al baño. Decidiste levantarte del asiento y dirigirte al baño del avión. Sin embargo, al llegar, te encontraste con una fila larga para el baño de mujeres, y la urgencia no esperaba.
La azafata, al notar tu situación, te tranquilizó diciéndote que podías usar el baño de hombres, ya que estaba vacío en ese momento. Agradecida, aceptaste la oferta y te aventuraste en una larga caminata a través del amplio avión. Al final, encontraste el pequeño baño del avión, donde pudiste aliviarte y refrescarte las manos.
Justo cuando estabas a punto de salir, te diste cuenta de que Enzo estaba a punto de abrir la puerta del baño. Ambos se miraron con asombro, creando un momento de sorpresa compartida. Sin embargo, lo que más te ponía nerviosa era el silencio incómodo que se instaló entre ustedes. Aunque no era incómodo en sí, había una tensión que no podías ignorar.
Tus ojos se encontraron con los de Enzo, sus labios y sus ojos endormecidos brillando en la penumbra del avión. Era como si el tiempo se hubiera detenido por un momento, y la conexión entre ustedes se manifestaba en el silencio compartido. Ambos parecían estar atrapados en la atmósfera íntima del instante, sin palabras pero con una comunicación palpable entre las miradas.
Ligeramente afectada por los efectos del alcohol, observabas cómo el brazo de Enzo estaba recostado en la puerta del baño, como si te invitara a pasar. Sin embargo, te quedaste mirándolo, notando que sus venas sobresalian, un detalle que capturó tu atención de manera inusual.
De repente, Enzo miró a ambos lados y se introdujo al baño contigo, a lo cual respondiste incrédula, diciendo: "Mijo, pero—" Antes de que pudieras terminar la frase, Enzo te agarró de los muslos y te hizo sentar en el mini lavamanos. Te sentías un poco incómoda, sin estar segura de cómo reaccionar, pero permitiste que Enzo guiara la situación.
Él te agarró suavemente del cuello y empezó a besarte apasionadamente, como si ambos tuvieran una sed desesperada de conexión. Respondiste a sus besos de manera igualmente intensa, sumergiéndote en el momento. La pequeña cabina del baño se convirtió en un espacio íntimo donde las emociones y los deseos se expresaban libremente entre ambos, desafiando la lógica del apretado espacio.
Después de tantos besos, Enzo te tocaba apasionadamente por todos lados, más — soltás un suspiro largo y él hace lo mismo, como medio agitado. "Me parece que ya es hora de pegar una cabeceada," te dice. Tú, con cierta preocupación, le tirás, "Pero capaz hay gente esperando afuera, ¿cómo hacemos para salir del baño?" Él te responde con un "Solo tenés que seguirme," agarrándote de la mano. Enzo abre la mini puerta del baño del avión, echa un vistazo a los lados y, medio incómodos pero satisfechos, se encaminan hacia sus asientos.
Al sentarse, tú y Enzo quedan en un largo silencio, procesando todo lo que había pasado en esos largos minutos en el baño del avión. Mientras tanto, Enzo te agarra de la mano y te da un besito en la misma. "(Y/N), me tendrías que pasar tu número de celu, quiero volver a verte," te dice, y tú, ya un poco cansada y recostada en el hombro de Enzo, le respondés, "Cuando aterricemos, te paso mi número," y él asiente con un "Dale."
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amethvysts · 13 days
acho que o enzo ia sentir muito tesão em uma lobinha literaomente chorando com as lágrimas escorrendo pelo rosto implorando por pau....o que você acha liv?
ele sentiria mesmo 🤧 e ainda penso que o ego dele deve inflar de uma forma... principalmente se ele já tiver te feito gozar nos dedos dele e você ainda pede por mais. penso que ele também vai provocar horrores até te ter no ponto que ele quer, se contorcendo e gemendo só por sentir a cabecinha do pau dele roçando de leve contra a sua entradinha tão necessitada. te manda implorar, bem bonitinha, porque só assim ele vai te dar o que você quer – com ele, tudo tem que ser com jeitinho. te deixa praticamente agonizando enquanto pede por ele, e fica bem quietinho até ver os seus olhinhos cheios d'água.
"você não consegue, né, amor?" ele caçoa quando os lábios tocam as suas bochechas, alternando, enquanto beija as lágrimas que escorrem. "não consegue ficar um dia sem pedir pra eu te comer".
e só quando você tá chorando o suficiente pra fazer biquinho, fungando e olhando pra ele com os olhos brilhando de lágrimas é que ele vai meter bem fundo. sente que é um ato de piedade da parte dele acabar com sua agonia assim... até você começar a chorar de prazer ♡ aí eu acho que até ele tem que se controlar pra não gozar de tanto tesão
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suugarbabe · 5 months
Protego Series Masterlist
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This is an ongoing series, I am doing updates frequently
Chapters marked with a (*) are smut or smut adjacent/violence/etc. 18+ MDNI with mature content
summary: mafia!au; Mattheo is the leader of a feared and dangerous mafia family. You enter his club looking for an escape as well as protection, but what you get may be more than what you bargained for.
[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
[Chapter 5]*
[Chapter 6]**
[Chapter 7]**
[Chapter 8]**
[Chapter 9]**
[Chapter 10]**
[Chapter 11] coming soon...
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borninbloodx · 1 day
⠀ ⠀𝐼'𝑚 𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑓𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑢𝑛𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 𝗕𝗨𝗧 𝗜'𝗠 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗦𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗔𝗡𝗧.
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𝗟𝗢𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗭𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗗𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗔𝗟 ⸺ He had never imagined his death any differently, riddled with bullets from the Mafia and dying in the arms of his best friend and first love. A death couldn't have been more beautiful, could it? After months of torment in hell, Enzo finally returns to earth with the plan to take revenge on those who ended his life and at the same time to do the work that was forced upon him by God himself as a demon to create a certain order and collect the souls of the unworthy. ( forever 24 | 📍 Cáceres, Spain | Demon | heartless and cruel )
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( ooc: BLOG IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION! ⸺ highly selective and independent Roleplay Account. Of course, I'm not available 24/7 and I don't expect anyone to be available. Answers will come when possible and may take a while. Otherwise, I'm open to all kinds of plays and plotting. Trigger content is definitely to be expected. )
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merrick-of-violet · 1 month
🖤 A song for our muses’ ship - Be Your Love by Bishop Briggs
🎆 A song my muse would sing or dance to - Raise Hell by Dorothy
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the-graves-family · 1 month
[massage]* [mirror] [cleaning]* with Mafia!Aaron
[ mirror ] our muses have sex in front of a mirror [ massage ]* my muse is giving your muse a sensual massage [ cleaning ]* my muse licks your muse after giving them a creampie
Aaron's bedroom has mirror panels on the ceiling.
Because of course it does.
The walls are dark, the furniture is sleek and modern, the view of the cityscape at night is amazing. Money, luxury, independence. He rarely brings anyone over. Especially not employees or family.
"Yeah, that's it, keep looking up," Aaron hisses as he pulls Enzo's head back by his hair.
He meets his own gaze in the mirror above, sees his own flushed face and shoulders, eyes dark with arousal, and he sees where his cock sinks into Enzo. His subordinate hasn't said a word since Aaron's started fucking him. He doesn't mind. The little noises are enough.
Aaron doesn't really care, either way. At the end of the day, he does this for himself, not for Enzo.
Letting go of the man's hair, Aaron shoves his head down into the mattress as his thrusts become harder and faster, heart beating rapidly in his ears. He makes his own quiet sounds, little needy things that get more frantic the closer to orgasm he gets.
"Fuck," he whines as he throws his head back, pleasure reaching his peak and coming with a groan. "Fuck, you feel good."
Pulling out of Enzo with a sigh, Aaron sits back, panting. His cock feels sensitive in the cold air and he stretches so he doesn't collapse on the bed. He'd needed that. The business is going through some stressful changes, and Aaron hasn't had any time to go to his usual clubs and do things.
A little noise draws his ever-shifting attention and he watches as Enzo shifts, still in the position he's left him in. "You're needy," Aaron complains sullenly, and yet he's still moving, still leaning forward, grabbing Enzo's ass and spreading it. Watching as his cum leaks out a little.
Humming, he kneads his lover's ass for a little while before he's leaning even further in and licking at his hole. The sounds it gets him please him, so he goes further, pushing his tongue in while one of his hands comes up to stroke Enzo's still hard cock.
He wants the man to come apart, because it'll be amusing enough to be worth the effort.
His free hand grips Enzo's hip, digs his fingers in, runs down to his leg. Always moving, always touching, always having to do something.
Aaron will stop when he's satisfied, or bored. Whichever comes first.
Enzo just has to take it.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
While I would still say that Joanna Shupe/Mila Finelli’s main writing kink is “my dad and my boyfriend have mad beef^”, you can absolutely add in a secondary “scary mean man meets headstrong young woman who’s like ‘yeah so I’m not impressed with… all this’ and spends the rest of the novel trying to perform some semblance of wearing the pants in the relationship; at some point they’ll probably have extremely emotional sex and he’ll stumble away in a literal bid to escape his feelings”
*this doesn’t apply to The Duke Gets Even, where not only did Nellie’s dad cheerfully endorse her fucking Lockwood under his own roof and in his own pool, he was all but poking holes in the condoms in order to push them together. And why wouldn’t he Lockwood is THEEEEE catch
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