#lower PMS symptoms
It is high in antioxidants and binds to free radicals, which promote premature aging of the skin. It also inhibits oxidation, so reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and darkening around the lips. Its antioxidant content allows it to bond with free radicals that cause skin damage, darkness, and pigmentation. It also soothes skin and provides it with a beautiful, silky appearance. It can soothe sensitive skin while also reducing blemishes and marks. Pure Vanilla Absolute Oil contains a high concentration of antioxidants that inhibit the action of free radicals in the scalp. Free radicals can cause hair to dry out, become brittle, and harm the scalp. It also contains anti-inflammatory and healing benefits for the scalp.
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misskamelie · 2 months
I know it's the devil talking, but I don't really want to brush my teeth tonight :(((
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reverie-starlight · 1 month
sakusa is the number one guy to have an eye on you. If you so much as sniffle, he's pulling out he emergency scarf...
So he absolutely knows when you go on your period, but he tries to phrase it in a way that makes it kess obvious that he knows.
"is it that time already?"
how fitting is it that when I started writing this, my period did too? 🥲 sorry this took so long dira, I’ve been busier with school than I thought I’d be 😭 your other requests are in the works!!
gn!reader that menstruates, no physical descriptions. fluff fluff fluff. FLUFF. cuddly reader that's somewhat shy about affection. attentive kiyoomi. making this part of my MSBY!manager!reader mini-series as a little add-on :3
sakusa swears he can pinpoint the exact moment the switch flips in your brain and you succumb to the PMS feels.
you’re cuddling with him on the couch as a movie plays in the background when you shift a little. he glances down at his chest to see you resting your chin on his sternum, eyes wide as saucers and showcasing the familiar look of affection.
he sighs fondly and rests his hand on the back of your head. "someone feeling a bit needy?"
of course you are. he's been keeping track of your cycle since the beginning of your relationship, he has everything down to a T by now. he knows your symptoms, your usual cravings, how many days in advance he'll need to stock up on supplies... and it's never brought up, because you know he'd get a bit embarrassed if he were to be called out on it, but there's an unspoken understanding that he's tuned in to you and your body.
so obviously he knows that you're PMSing. even if he hadn't been tracking things, he'd know just by the way you had to keep yourself from clinging to him at practice earlier.
for whatever reason, you seem to become almost touch-starved just before your period, despite the constant stream of physical affection he gives you everyday.
so when you nod, he just smiles down at you softly and traces a heart on the apple of your cheek. “you did so well at practice today, manager.”
he thinks back to how you made it through the day despite waking up with a bad back and some sore thighs. another clue that tipped him off about your oncoming period.
you look up at him curiously, making his heart thump a little faster at how cute you look with your cheek smushed in his palm. “shouldn’t I be the one praising you for your performance today, actual athlete?”
he snorts, something he only ever finds himself doing around you. “I hear it enough everyday. How often do you get to?”
you nuzzle into his chest and he pretends that he doesn’t notice the shy smile you’re sporting. normally he would tease you, but he finds himself feeling much, much softer for you when you’re like this.
he rubs your lower back a bit and you whine at the relief it provides. “can I get you anything, my love?”
“kiyo, if you even think of getting up right now there will be hell to pay.”
he grins and scratches your scalp with his free hand. “of course, I wouldn’t dream of it.”
you lean up for a kiss and he happily obliges.
and so you stay like that for another ten minutes, the serene silence only broken by your stomach growling. “I’m not letting you go hungry. Let’s get you something to eat, come on.”
he picks you up and helps you wrap your legs around his waist before making way to the kitchen so he can fix you a snack. he works one handed, the occupied one settled under your thighs to support you, and listens to whatever you have to say.
needy as you may be, he wouldn’t trade getting to care for you for the world.
hope you enjoyed!
some tags: @emmyrosee @luvring @aayo-whatt
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
Can you do best friend reader staying at landos but she gets her period in the night?
Anon 2: a blurb where the reader is cramping really bad and lando is just trying to make her feel better
A/N: I got both of these back to back so I'mma just combine them
You had felt sick during the dinner, trying to ignore the pain in your joints and back. It's odd, it had been happening all day. Swallowing down some pain killers and wanting to eat nothing but salty carbs.
It couldn't possibly be your period as you weren't supposed to start for another 2 weeks, maybe your PMS. Which is how you talk yourself down when you get the nervous sweats.
Lando was aware of your internal thoughts, you kept getting this far away look and moving around every so often. He keeps quiet not wanting to embarrass you, even after years of being friends.
"Let's head to bed yeah? You can take a shower, use all the hot water if you want." Jumping up, he kisses the top of your head and walking around his place locking up.
You move to the shower, turning it on, you add the steam setting. Lando hears the door open and then close, as he walks into the bedroom. Digging through his closest he finds your favorite shirt of his and some of his boxers, loose clothing to help whatever is going on.
He'd never tell you, but he synced your calendar with his. You travel with him a lot to races, always wanting you to have everything and be comfortable. So checking his phone, he's left confused as your getting symptoms way to earlier.
Sneaking into the bathroom, he doesn't look at you as he lays the clothes on the counter and backs out quickly. Laying on bed, he starts some crappy cheesy romance movie knowing it'll help you feel better.
Creeping out of the bathroom, you and Lando look at one another. Without a question he pulls the covers back and opens his arms. It's such a small thing but with how you're feeling it means the world.
"Come here." His voice soft, as you crawl into the bed and snuggle into his side. It doesn't take you long for you to fall asleep, but he stays awake, making sure you're comfortable.
Thirsty, Lando slides out of the bed to get something to drink. At the loss of contact you whimper, but pain explodes in your lower abdomen. As quickly as it came, it leaves.
Tiptoeing back into the room he moves the covers, but stops seeing a large spot on his bed. "Fuck, oh love." He whispers. "Y/n...wake up." Whining you wake, Lando telling you to go to the bathroom and look under his sink.
Confused and tired, you do as he says. He quickly swipes everything off the bed, throwing it in the laundry. Rushing around he lays down new sheets, and grabs a new pair of boxers for you.
In the bathroom you freeze, feeling that all to familiar feeling. "No, no, oh please no." Embarrassment gripping your throat, sliding the boxers off you see why Lando woke you.
"Shit." You curse, looking under the sink you see your favorite products, Lando having taken pictures when you once went together to get some. "Y/n, these are for you." Lando cracks the door open and lays the fresh pair on the sink for you.
"Thank you." You choke, trying hard not to cry. Cleaning yourself up, Lando stops, just finished in putting the new sheets on the bed something you notice. "Did I bleed on the bed?" Lando shakes his head fast, denying it quickly.
"Nope, I figured new sheets will help you feel better. Are you okay?" Worry fills his eyes, when he sees you wince. "Cramps." Is all you can say, sighing he helps you into bed. "I'll be back." He rushes down the hallway, coming back with a large heating pad.
You try to help, but he doesn't let you getting you comfortable placing it on your waist, tucking you in. He joins you in the bed, pulling you close his fingers dip under your/his shirt. "What are you-" "Something that my sister taught me, says it helps." His fingers gently push and prod right above your area.
Instantly your cramps settle, as he gets comfortable fingers just moving around. "Thanks." He smiles, laying his head on your shoulder. "We're friends, Y/n. I'm always here." He whispers.
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wavehala · 10 months
pairing : jjk characters x female reader
characters : gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, kamo choso
warnings : mentions of explicit content
as you can tell i'm on my period (yes of course i am craving physical touch as well but that is not your business). also english isn't my first language so please keep that in mind while reading this piece of garbage
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GOJO : HE WOULD BE SO DRAMATIC FOR NO REASON JUST TO IRRITATE YOU. but for real he would take your period as an excuse to be clingier than ever. he would be spooning you the exact moment he arrives back home despite your protests. ao basically, he's not leaving your side with the excuse that "you need to rest" but we all know that satoru just wants to cuddle you for the rest of the evening and take care of you of course. according to him, your skin feels softer whenever you get your period and he wants to cuddle you the entire day. however, don't get it twisted. even though he's a menace to society, he will buy you anything you want to eat and spoil the hell out of you because, in the end, he's totally aware of how painful your period can be most of the time. you mentioned pancakes a few days ago? he's making them in this precise moment. deep inside he cares, a lot, and he will make sure to show that he does. and trust, he is not ashamed AT ALL of going shopping for pads. no he's not going to ask the size of your pussy. but do not worry, gojo satoru will make sure you lay down on your stomach and will massage your back if it is necessary. the bitch will also raise your t-shirt and leave a trail of kisses on your back to raise tension between you. everything while his hand is caressing your waist carefully, as if you were about to break. "i will make sure you massage my back as well don't worry". "not now satoru". oh, also there will be times when this man won't care about your period when he wants to have sex with you so be prepared for that 🤠
GETO : i am about to combust thanks to this man. geto would be overprotective BUT in his own personal way which makes it ten times better. first of all, he could instantly tell in a second when you’re feeling down or unwell. with that being said, he would assume every single task that you were supposed to do that day. he is cleaning the house, doing the dishes, organizing your bookshelf by alphabetical order, and many more. you then refused, obviously, because even you thought you could manage all your responsibilities despite the bothering headache that you had and the point that you felt like you were bleeding yourself to death with every step that you took. you could be in the kitchen doing the dishes out of guilt and geto would go like "BABE NO LET ME TAKE CARE OF IT". he would also carry you in a bridal style to your room when you don't listen to him. this time, he didn't drop you on the mattress, compared to the other times when you guys would have a makeout session. instead, he treated you delicately and then proceeded to kiss your forehead before saying "i got you babe, i'll clean things up and then come back to you. ok?". and all you could do is smile and thank him. and oh my god he is such a gentleman. while watching movies, he would make sure that you were resting your head on his chest while his hand was grazing your lower back. every now and then he would kiss your forehead and tell you how much he loved you. "are you feeling better?" he spoke in a deep, yet soft voice. "yeah, i cannot thank you enough". "don't, it's my duty as your boyfriend". he said while kissing your lips, and then proceeding to kiss your neck.
NANAMI : this man oh my fucking god. your period cycle was irregular as fuck., which was a bummer already. but nanami, despite the circumstances, always paid absolute attention to you in case you needed extra support from him. he even noticed your PMS symptoms before you did. this time, you had gotten your period last night, knowing perfectly that the next day would be the harshest for you according to your cycle. day twos were very chaotic and your personality was always messy. you know: cramps, headaches, mood swings, cravings, all of them at once. what was even worse is that you didn't want to make your boyfriend concerned about you. but your plan was ruined the moment he asked if everything was okay when he called you from work. you responded with a faint "good, why do you ask?", and that was enough for him to hang up after saying "don't worry sweetie, i'll be home in ten minutes". and now here you are, curled up in bed with a hot pack in your abdomen and scrolling through your phone in order to ease the aggravating cramps that just kept getting worse and worse. suddenly you heard the distant sound of the keys in your front door and the rustling of plastic bags at your doorstep. what's funny is that you didn't even move at all to check if it was him, because you already could tell it was. quick footsteps approached the doorframe of your shared room and he would pop up. "yuji is training with gojo, so i had the day off don't worry", he said while removing his tie and laying next to you in bed. "there was no need to do that, kento" you scolded, trying to hide your blushed cheeks. "it is a big deal, you sounded half dead on the phone". he scolded you back while hugging your waist.
CHOSO : MANS WOULD BE SO WORRIED. the first time you told him he would raid a supermarket because he has zero clue of what you need but that doesn't mean that he's gonna leave you unattended because #loyalty. trust the fact that he is going to order everything that you're craving, money is not a concern! choso would be asking you every twenty minutes if you need anything because he's very protective. and you feel bad for him as well. but boy oh boy, when you get those sharp cramps (the ones that feel like they're stinging your ass all of a sudden) and you try to hide your aching expression; he would definitely notice. he will straight up sit close to you and rub your back because he doesn't want to be too invasive. "are you ok?" is the only set of words you hear immediately after. "i just had cramps, nothing to worry about" you said while holding a smile, which you weren't faking because you were genuinely happy that choso was so cautious. "nonsense, come here" he immediately said while embracing you in his arms and cuddling you (carefully) in the couch. his hands were stroking your back while you were on top of his chest, when you finally felt like you could relax and take a breath of fresh air. "thank you choso". "it's okay, i enjoy doing this".
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Hii love bug!! I’m backkkkk😝 I was wondering if you could do how farah and valeria would comfort you on your period since I’m currently pmsing I’m not sure if you do these type of requests because I know you write for specifically gender neutral but I’m not sure so feel free to decline!
Hey there! Welcome back! Don't worry too much about periods, they're gender neutral as well! Some men get them, some women get them, some non-binary people get them! Besides, I do write gendered reader if I can see any point in reader having a gender! Usually a request works perfectly fine without reader having a gender, though, so I default to gender-neutral readers, so anyone can read my writing!
Valeria and Farah Comforting Their S/O on Their Period
Valeria: She knows the feeling of getting PMS. Hers are, by no means as bad as they could be, she rarely ever gets any cramps that are bad enough for her to feel the need to vomit. In fact, she rarely ever gets cramps at all, she really lucked out on that one. Even all her other symptoms are mild in comparison. However, she’s more than willing to help you out if you need it. While Valeria may not be the warmest person out there, she’ll put her hand on your lower stomach to warm it up a bit if you get mild to medium cramps. If it’s any worse than that, then she’ll either get a bottle and fill it with hot water, or, if she can find it, she’ll get the hot water bottle, fill that one up with hot water and hand it to you. However, if you need anything else, she’ll also grab it for you, be it something sweet to get your mind off things or some meds to help you manage your symptoms. However, she will lightly snicker and poke fun at you for looking like you’re about to die. She’s well aware she can’t talk since the worst she gets are breast pains, but that won’t stop her from doing so anyway. Although she may hate the idea of being someone’s servant, she’ll be your “maid” for the duration of which you’re not doing too well. Makes you tea, cleans your home, gets the groceries for you. Valeria may not show it openly, but she would be concerned for you when you’re shaking in pain, she won’t even mock you ever so gently while it looks like you’re about to die. Will gently rub your back and hope it helps you somehow. She can get you any amount of pain meds, though, just give her the word. 
Farah: Her PMS aren’t as bad either. While she does get cramps, they’re not nearly as bad as they are for most other people. In an hour, two at most, they’re gone. Plus she can still move around as if nothing is happening while she does have cramps. Farah had to learn to live with the discomfort on the battlefield so that it doesn’t get in the way of her victory. A lot of lives are on the line, after all. She probably knows you’re about to get your period soon enough before you do, though. She doesn’t track it, she’s just very observant and makes the right preparations that are needed for you to be as comfortable as you could possibly be under such circumstances. Makes you your favorite food, puts on your favorite music, hell, if you want her to, she’ll even give you a massage so you can relax a bit into her touch and feel a bit better. It’s a painful time for you, but she’ll make sure you’re thoroughly comforted throughout it all. If she has the time, then she’ll cuddle you from behind and put her hand on your lower abdomen so she can warm you right up and possibly help you. If you want her to talk, that’s great, because she will. However, if hearing her voice annoys you, then she’ll just go quiet for a few moments. If she needs to go out to grab some groceries, then she’ll leave you with a heating pad so you’re sufficiently warm, even when you’re shaking as if you’re freezing. While she doesn’t have easy access to them, she, too will get you something for your PMS, some meds. However, if you wanna make the symptoms a bit better so that you don’t throw up as easily, she might get you birth control pills as well. As long as they’re compatible with your meds, if you take any. Will be more gentle with you than usual and make sure to get all the chores done that need doing so that you can rest up for the time being.
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zoeykallus · 9 months
Hi there! I love your headcanons and I was wondering if I could make a personal request. Let me know if this is a no-go.
I have PMDD, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, basically PMS [premenstrual syndrome] but 20x worse. It usually resolves upon the onset of the crimson wave. But not all the time.
I have been struggling really badly with the deep depression, insomnia, and self-image issues brought on by my disorder.
Do you think we can see how the Batch handles their fem reader S/O struggling with this disorder specifically? And maybe, if it's not too much, a part 2 with some of our favorite regs?
Thank you so much!
Aloha my dear!
Oh, this is a heavy hitter, I know where you are coming from. So many people out there have no idea how freaking much this can affect someone's life. PMS is already a hard thing to deal with, but PMDD brings it to yet another really shitty level. Don't worry, I got you 😊
The Bad Batch x Afab!Reader HCs - Struggling With PMDD
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Warnings: Mention of PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) and its symptoms /Hurt/Comfort/Fluff
AC: I'm using Techs Part first to introduce PMDD and its symptoms to those who might not know what it is. So don't be surprised about Tech's Part being longer than the others, there is a lot of information in there. So please read Tech's part, to understand what this is all about 😊
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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The first experiences he has with you in this context are frightening for him. Apart from the fact that you suddenly seem like a completely different person to him, he is really worried about you. But Tech wouldn't be Tech if he didn't get to the bottom of this.
It takes him a little while to find the right material.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a much more severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It may affect women of childbearing age. It’s a severe and chronic medical condition that needs attention and treatment. Lifestyle changes and sometimes medicines can help manage symptoms.
The exact cause of PMDD is not known. It may be an abnormal reaction to normal hormone changes that happen with each menstrual cycle. The hormone changes can cause a serotonin deficiency. Serotonin is a substance found naturally in the brain and intestines that narrows blood vessels and can affect mood and cause physical symptoms.
What are the risk factors for PMDD?
While any woman can develop PMDD, the following may be at increased risk:
Women with a family history of PMS or PMDD  
Women with a personal or family history of depression, postpartum depression, or other mood disorders
Other possible risk factors include lower education and cigarette smoking
Talk with your healthcare provider for more information.
"Healthcare provider?" he mumbles softly between reading, "As if any of us have such a thing"
Symptoms of PMDD appear during the week before menstruation and end within a few days after your period starts. These symptoms disrupt daily living tasks. Symptoms of PMDD are so severe that women have trouble functioning at home, at work, and in relationships during this time. This is markedly different than other times during the month.
There is a chart with symptoms and he worriedly starts to read it.
The following are the most common symptoms of PMDD:
Psychological symptoms
Lack of control
Difficulty in concentrating
Severe fatigue
Poor self-image
Emotional sensitivity
Crying spells
Trouble sleeping
Fluid retention
Swelling of the ankles, hands, and feet
Periodic weight gain
Diminished urine output
Breast fullness and pain
Respiratory problems
Eye complaints
Vision changes
Eye infection
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Abdominal cramps
Pelvic heaviness or pressure
Skin problems
Skin inflammation with itching
Aggravation of other skin disorders, including cold sores
Neurologic and vascular symptoms
Numbness, prickling, tingling, or heightened sensitivity of arms and/or legs
Easy bruising
Heart palpitations
Muscle spasms
Decreased coordination
Painful menstruation
Diminished sex drive
Appetite changes
Food cravings
Hot flashes
His brows are drawn together critically. With a heavy sigh, he says quietly to himself, "Oh boy…"
Tech makes it his business to see that you are examined by a proper doctor, given appropriate medication, and change your diet. He sometimes seems stern and matter-of-fact, but only when he notices you neglecting yourself. Tech also pampers you to counteract the psychological symptoms, with picnics, massages and the like.
Don't worry too much, Tech's got your back. He won't give up on you.
His senses already tell him what connections exist with your condition. But of course he is not a doctor and therefore informs himself accordingly without your knowledge, Tech helps him. What he learns frightens him, Hunter is really worried, and he makes it his mission to make this time, these symptoms, easier for you. Apart from making sure you always have the medication you need at hand, he is also much more attentive and caring than usual during this time.
You can let yourself go and not have to worry about anything, Hunter takes everything in hand and has it under control. He is especially gentle and forgiving with you during this time. You mean a lot to him, and he does his absolute best to help you.
He doesn't argue with you when you get your moods, if you want to be alone he respects that, but keeps an eye on you from a safe distance, just in case.
This sweet man really throws himself into the task of helping you. Whether it's getting your medications, preparing food, massages, and running relaxing baths, Echo has it all covered.
With him by your side, you will want for nothing during this difficult time. He is also not easily scared away, he is as patient as he is stubborn. You don't have to go to the doctor alone, Echo will accompany you.
He organizes your medication, your diet and everything else you need, if you want. If you don't, you must tell him clearly, because Echo will automatically see his task in taking care of everything.
He is warm, and lively. Contrary to the expectations of most, he is also very sensitive and attentive. Of course, he does not miss the fact that something is wrong with you. Of course, he is worried and wants to help.
Talk to him honestly, try not to withdraw, and you will have a steadfast supporter and caretaker in Wrecker. He likes to spoil you, make sure you are taken care of and have your medication.
Wrecker is happy to adapt to you, you just need to communicate with him and let him know what you need. Taking care of you is very easy for him, he likes to do that. Knowing that he can make things easier for you is also good for him in this situation. So confide in him, there is absolutely no reason to pretend in front of him.
He is a bit more complicated at first. Of course, you are incredibly important to him, and he also has a certain empathy, but he often stands in his own way when it comes to emotional, interpersonal things.
At first, he can't really deal with it at all and is looking for some distance at this time. But in a small conversation between brothers, in which Hunter makes it clear to him that his behavior sooner or later can seriously damage your relationship, Crosshair first informs himself more precisely about the existing problem. Finally, he approaches you with the knowledge he has gathered and tries to discuss with you what you can do together as a couple, what he can do as your partner to make the whole thing easier for you.
You talk about medications, doctor visits, relaxation techniques, and home remedies to combat some symptoms. It doesn't take long for the two of you to work out a certain routine that you can both manage and that he can use to help you get through this time okay.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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Here For You
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pairing: frankie morales x f!reader
rating: M (period talk!, reader has PCOS, painful menstruation, talks of bodily fluids [blood, vomit], brief mentions of alcohol consumption, nonsexual nudity, one mention of a future blowjob, frankie carrying the redemption of the entire male species on his back)
word count: 1.7k
a/n: another self-indulgent piece because i am currently dying from my PCOS cramps. just a disclaimer: this is based on my personal level of pain and symptoms. everyone menstruates differently. this one is for my fellow PCOS girlies—hang in there babes!
frankie masterlist | frankie playlist
It was a typical Friday night, Frankie off at one of Benny’s fights per usual while you were supposed to have been going out with your friends for drinks, but thanks to a particularly rough second day of your period, that was cancelled. Instead, you laid in your bed writhing in pain, your PCOS deciding to make itself extra known this month by bringing on the most unbearable cramps you’d experienced in months.
Clutching your heating pad to your lower stomach, you reached for your phone on your nightstand at it buzzed. With a wince and a tear slipping from the corner of your eye, you breathed through the contraction-like cramp until you could focus on the message displayed on your screen.
[9:04 PM] Lover: Hey, sugar. Just got to the fight.
[9:05 PM] Lover: Santi’s being particularly determined tonight. You can blame him if I’m drunk when I come home.
You wanted to smile at the thought of a drunk Frankie, his sweetness only amplified whenever he got liquored up, but between the pain that seemingly radiated from your uterus to every single nerve in your body and your extra-sensitive emotional state thanks to your hormones, you found yourself crying.
Without messaging him back—you were too irritable and sensitive to hold a conversation at the moment—you locked your phone and set it back down before forcing yourself to your feet. You nearly fainted from the change in position as you waddled your way to the bathroom, hoping that a hot bath would help ease some of the pain.
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“Here,” Santi sat down beside Frankie in the front row of the packed gym, handing him a beer while his free hand held his own. Frankie accepted the drink but immediately set it down on the floor between his feet, his eyes fixed on your message thread, concern filling his stomach with each passing minute and no response. “You gonna stare at your phone all night?”
“Sorry,” Frankie sighed and locked his phone before stuffing it in his pocket. “She’s just not responding right now.”
“You guys in a fight?” Santi asked, keeping his eyes on the two lower-level boxers in the ring that were opening the fight night.
“No,” Frankie lifted his beer to his lips and took a swig before elaborating. “She’s supposed to be out with her friends, but she never checked in.”
“Why don’t you go call her before Benny comes out? Just make sure she’s good,” he suggested and Frankie immediately nodded, knowing that until he heard your voice assure him you were good, he’d spend all night distracted with worry.
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The bath had helped a bit, but as soon as you left the comfort of the hot water, the pain hit you like a tonne of bricks. You hardly made it to the toilet before you threw up what little you’d managed to keep down today, the convulsing of your stomach furthering the exhaustion and pain rooted deep in your bones by now.
As you laid there in your towel recovering, you heard your phone buzzing against your nightstand, a sigh leaving your lips at the thought of standing up again. Instead of even trying, knowing full well that you’d likely faint if you tried to overextend yourself—you’d done it before—you found yourself naked, free bleeding, and crawling into your bedroom to reach your phone, sliding the green arrow to accept the call from your boyfriend.
“H-hey,” you croaked into the line, bile still burning your throat.
“Thank god,” he exhaled in relief. “Was worried something happened to you. You guys alright?”
“Didn’t go out,” you managed through a sigh, laying on your back on top of the rug covering your bedroom floor as you felt another cramp begin to dawn. Unable to hold in your whimper, you winced at the pain that began to flood your every nerve again.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Frankie worried. When you couldn’t form a response, you swore you could hear his heart begin to pound in his chest over the phone. “Baby? Talk to me.”
“Can’t—cramps,” you whimpered through heavy pants, trying to breathe through the contracting in your uterus but it only triggered another vomit-spell. “Gonna puke.”
You reached for the trash can you placed at your bedside earlier just in case, but didn’t have time to mute your throwing up before it came out, forcing Frankie to hear the whole thing.
“Oh, baby,” he fretted. “I’m coming home.”
“No,” you croaked in between wretches. “M’good.”
“No, you aren’t,” he snapped. “I’ll be home in fifteen.”
“Frankie,” you sighed, hating the thought of ruining his one night a week he got to spend with his friends. “Stay, I’ll be fine.”
“There’s literally no way in hell that’s happening. I’ll be home in a second baby, okay?” You hummed in response, finally giving in to his persistence.
Frankie arrived exactly when he said he would, not bothering to take off his jacket, hat, or boots as he stomped his way down the hall to your shared bedroom, cooing at the sight of you still on the floor.
“I’m disgusting right now,” you cried, hating the fact that he was seeing you at your lowest—blood between your thighs, throw up in the trash can beside you, a cold sweat covering your skin.
“Baby, no,” he shook his head and stroked his warm palm over your forehead to wipe some of the sweat away. “C’mon, lemme help you up.”
He hoisted you into your feet and carried most of your weight as he walked you into the bathroom. Turning on the hot water, he helped you settle back into the bathtub, letting the hot shower head rain over you to wash the blood away before he switched it to the faucet so that the tub could fill up.
“Gonna go clean up a bit,” he mumbled as he placed a kiss to your forehead. “Have you eaten?”
“Mm-mm,” you shook your head, your eyes closed at you relished in the warmth of the slowly filling tub.
“Okay, I’ll order a pizza.”
“Can’t do pizza—can you just make me some plain oatmeal?” Frankie frowned at how sick you must be to turn down one of your favorite foods in exchange for plain oatmeal.
“Sure thing,” he nodded. “Have you taken meds?”
“Ran out.”
“Pobrecita,” he cooed, sitting down on the closed toilet seat, unable to leave you quite yet. “I’ll go to the drugstore.”
“I feel so bad,” you whined, opening your eyes to look over at him. “Ruined your night.”
“No you didn’t,” he was quick to correct. “I’d rather be here for you than out getting drunk. Do that every Friday anyways.”
You chuckled weakly and leant your hand out for him to take, Frankie quickly intertwining his fingers with yours. “Soon as I feel better, I’m gonna suck your dick for hours.”
It was Frankie’s turn to laugh, lifting the back of your hand up to his lips. “Holding you to that.”
Standing up, he let go of your hand and placed a kiss onto your cheek.
“Be right back, bonita.”
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Somehow, Frankie’s momentary presence had given you enough strength to climb out of the bathtub, change in to a clean set of pajamas, throw away the trash bag filled with vomit beside your nightstand, and make yourself cozy in bed all on your own by the time he got back from the drugstore.
Frankie looked pleasantly surprised to see you beneath the comforter as he walked into the bedroom with a plastic bag filled with much more than just a bottle of Midol.
“Look at you,” he commended with a dimpled grin, setting the bag down at the foot of the bed before peeling off his outside clothes until he was was stripped down to just a pair of black boxer briefs. He tossed the comforter back on his side of the bed and crawled in beside you, his warm hands quick to replace the warmth of your heating pad as he pulled you close to his body.
“Even managed to brush my teeth,” you mumbled, exhausted from the pain of menstruating. He chuckled and kissed your shoulder.
“Wanna see what I got you?” You nodded and watched as he sat up, allowing you to place the heating pad over your stomach once more as he opened the bag up and began to take things out one at a time. “First, Midol.” He opened the packaging and handed you two pills which you quickly downed as he reached into the bag again. “Next, snacks.” He placed a bag of your favorite gummy candy on your lap before repeating the action with a chocolate bar and a bag of your favorite chips. “Lastly and most importantly,” he grinned as he reached into the bag and pulled out the book that you’d been dropping hints about wanting for the last month, your eyes tearing up at the thoughtful gesture. “Since I’m forcing you into bed rest, thought you’d want some reading material.”
“I am so in love with you,” you breathed out and tugged him down for a kiss, Frankie’s warm body half on top of yours as he moved his lips soft and slow against yours, his thumb stroking over your cheekbone as he cradled your jaw. “Thank you for doing this—for being here for me.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he reminded but you were quick to shake your head.
“I want to. You could have easily just stayed out and left me to deal with this alone, but you didn’t.”
Frankie gave you an adoring frown, wondering what shithead you’d been with before set the bar so low that you were this blown away by what Frankie considered to be just a basic show of love, but he didn’t dwell on the thought too long, suddenly remembering you still had yet to eat.
“Gonna go make you that bland ass oatmeal you requested,” he mumbled as he pecked your lips. “Don’t get up.”
“Yes, sir.” You saluted him and delighted in the chuckle you caused, his chest vibrating against yours. Before he could get too far, you reached out your hand and gently gripped his bicep to stop him, his eyes quickly turning to yours. “I love you.”
Frankie cooed and crawled back into bed for one more kiss, letting his nose nuzzle against yours.
“I love you more.”
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izurou · 2 years
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synopsis: eren has an annoying habit of going back on his word. this time however, you’re more than glad that he does.
contains: female reader. modern au. established relationship. penetrative sex. period sex. fingering. praise + pet names. one mention of blood and one mention of pregnancy. 2k words.
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you know better than to believe a single word that comes out of eren’s mouth.
not that he’s a liar per se—there’s no malintent behind his actions, especially when it comes to you. it’s just that, he can often be found saying, and doing the opposite of what he really wants.
like yesterday, for instance. he made himself nice and comfortable on your side of the bed—tossing pillows and destroying neatly tucked sheets as he swore up and down that he was simply keeping it warm while you did your skincare. fifteen minutes of pampering later, and there’s a small dark spot forming right beneath the mouth of your now fast asleep and immovable boyfriend.
add that to his already lengthy resume—filled to the brim with reassuring promises of nah i’m not hungry, i’m not sleeping, i don’t care where we eat, and your personal favourite, i don’t even get cold—and there you have it, a bad habit. you know better, though. he is hungry, he’s about to fall asleep, he’s not in the mood for burgers, and he can’t even feel his ears and fingers anymore.
you’re well acquainted with this habit. you know better than anyone how annoying it is. even so, eren can make it seem like a blessing in disguise.
“i said no,” you huff, firmly pressing a wet hand against his chest as you peer out from behind the dark grey shower curtain.
you watch as a few water droplets run down his chest—mocking you as they inch lazily along the ridges of his abs, ultimately disappearing as they absorb into the waistband of his sweats. in that brief moment, you second guess your answer.
“come on, there’re benefits y’know,” he hums, wrapping a hand around your wrist and pulling—a smug attempt at coaxing you out from behind the pesky fabric. he semi succeeds, forcing your free arm to cup your breasts as you stumble forwards a bit.
benefits, huh? you make a mental note not to be alarmed if you see can i still have sex with my girl when she’s on her period in his browser history at some point.
“eren,” you wince, feeling that infamous throb in your lower abdomen. his gaze softens ever so subtly upon noticing, and he’s quick to loosen his grip—non verbally telling you to shuffle back into the hot water. “we are not having sex while i’m on my period,” you mumble, “dream on.”
you’re not against the idea—hell, you’re famous for pouncing on any and all opportunities that involve him fucking you. however, your worry stems from the inevitable mess you’d make on him. the last thing you want is to gross him out.
“fine, just lemme in,” he pouts, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning his head against the wall right outside the shower. “i’ll behave.”
“yeah, right,” you smile to yourself and roll your eyes as you reach for your body wash—vanilla coconut, eren’s favourite. surely he won’t mind. “behaving isn’t really one of your strengths.”
“but making you feel good is,” he hums. you don’t need to look to know he’s sporting that infamous grin, but something possesses you to turn around anyways—and there it is, ear to ear as he leans his head past the curtain and eyes you up and down.
you don’t feel your best, and you’re certain you’re not looking it either with all those lingering pms symptoms—it’s day one after all. eren however, is staring at you like you’re the most gorgeous being to grace this planet. you’re not sure whether to attribute it to his hormones or yours—but that insatiable glint in his eyes is indisputable, and hot.
a long, drawn out sigh falls from your lips as you turn your back on him again, continuing to lather yourself up. he watches silently, waiting for what he knows is coming. you’re going to kick him out of the bathroom in five. four. three. two.
“are you coming or not?”
one point eren. he rids himself of his clothes in a matter of seconds—not that he was wearing all that much to begin with, but it probably broke a record for something, somewhere. he’s standing behind you now, tugging at your hips until your back is flush with his chest. his chin digs into your shoulder as he wraps his hands around you, rubbing them dangerously low on your tummy. you smell so good, and your skin is so soft and warm—every ounce of self control he has is working overtime.
“eren,” you warn, feeling his lips start to leave open mouthed kisses along your neck. you have to lie to yourself—filling your brain with the worst possible outcomes. if you don’t, you’ll be the one to lose control, and then you’d really be fucked—in more ways than one.
“just relax,” he hums, dropping his hands lower and pressing a palm against the plush skin right between your hip bones—simultaneously grazing his fingers against your folds. “i’ve got you.”
whether or not that was intentional is up for debate—but it was you squirming nonetheless. you tug your bottom lip between your teeth as a precautionary measure, letting yourself lean back against him. that dull ache from earlier—you’re sure it’s still there, you just can’t feel it anymore because you’re too focused on him.
“tell me if you want me to stop, ‘kay?” he whispers, warm breath fanning over the shell of your ear as he gives your hips a light squeeze. he settles a hand back between your legs, pressing the pad of his middle finger against your clit and circling it slowly.
“e-eren,” you choke out, craning your neck to the side in hopes of seeing his face.
“mm, yeah baby? feel good?” he shifts his gaze to you, charming smile glued to his lips as he runs a finger along your slit a few times—focusing back on your clit with a faster pace. he’s pretty, baby hairs clinging to his forehead and cheeks tinted a light pink—either the heat of the room is finally getting to him, or you are. his movements are rather simple, but they have you nearing orgasm already. you chalk it up to his sweet talking, or maybe it’s those damn hormones—oh, yeah.
curious, you tilt your head downwards. will eren have blood on his fingers? will he stop if he does? and what if he—
“hey,” before your eyes can even make it between your legs, he’s placing a hand on your throat—forcing you to lean back against his shoulder and look at him as he peers down. “don’t worry about it,” he mumbles, rubbing his thumb on your skin, “gonna fuck you either way, y’know that, right?”
“please,” you whimper, squirming until you’re free from his grasp, “i need you.” you turn to face him for the first time, snaking your arms around his neck and kissing him. you can feel him smirking against your lips, and if you had to guess—you’d say he’s amused by how eager you’ve suddenly become.
“i must be dreaming,” he throws your comment from earlier back at you, words muffling into your mouth. you’re not immune to his smugness, even in your desperate state—you wrap a hand around his cock, running your thumb across the tip.
his breath hitches, and the movement of his lips against yours falters briefly as he groans into your mouth. your power trip ends almost as quickly as it starts though, because now you’re being pressed against the cool ceramic as eren slips his tongue into your mouth.
“fuck,” he hisses, wiping at the little string of spit that hangs from your bottom lip as he pulls away. he hooks an arm underneath one of your legs and lines himself up at your entrance, peering up at you with hungry eyes. “hold on to me.”
you gasp in unison as he pushes the head of his cock into you, absentmindedly digging your nails into each other’s skin. he rests his forearm just above your head, more or less letting his hips do the work—though his pace is slow, presumably from him not wanting to go too hard.
you on the other hand, have to bite your tongue to prevent yourself from begging him to go harder. instead, you do it yourself—or at least you try. the position he has you in makes it rather impossible for you to gain any type of control, but you buck and twist your hips nonetheless, searching greedily for more.
again, eren is amused by this, flashing a devilish grin at your meager attempt to get yourself off on his cock—how adorable. he’s not an idiot, though. if this is what you want, it’s what you’ll get.
he thrusts into you, harder, faster—brows pulling together in concentration as he stares down at the spot where you connect. shit. on instinct, you tilt your head forward.
“don’t,” he growls, wrapping a hand around your throat again, a little rougher this time. “eyes on me, baby. only me.”
he holds your gaze, savouring the way your face contorts with each drag of his cock, the way your strangled moans echo off the walls—he’s on fire, and not from the blazing atmosphere of the room.
“fuckk,” he drawls, throwing his head back and squeezing his eyes shut. he’s close, but he needs to make you cum first—because his research also informed him that while low, there was still a risk of getting you pregnant. so, he’s going to pull out.
“eren, i’m gonna—hah,” you whimper, like music to his ears. the knot in your stomach tightens, but —you hold back, denying yourself the pleasure of cumming. all you can think of, is the crime scene that would appear below you.
“let it out, baby,” he chimes in, fully aware of how close you are. you’re clamping down on his cock, making it incredibly difficult for him to keep up that heavenly pace—but you know that ultimately his determination beats yours by a landslide. he rests his forehead against yours, tunnelling your vision even more. “cum for me,” he pants, “you deserve it, s-such a good girl.”
you can’t help it. you tilt your head back as your walls flutter around his cock, and he sees that as an opportunity to kiss and nip at your throat. he’s babbling strings of praise into your skin—feeling nothing but pride as you cum on him.
he barely pulls out in time, instantly shooting his load onto your torso as he fists his cock. his smile is lazy as he gathers a bit of his cum on his middle and index fingers, bringing them to your lips and almost cumming a second time as you stick your tongue out.
“fuck i love you,” he grunts, feeling the vibrations of your moans as you suck his fingers clean. he pulls you under the steady stream of water and kisses you—meticulously twisting and angling your bodies so that any remnants of mess, both his and yours, will never be seen by you.
“feel any better?” he asks, biting his black hair tie between his teeth as he tugs his wet hair into a much neater, but still somehow dishevelled bun.
“yeah,” you mumble, clinging to him for balance. you’re not sure when all the feeling disappeared from your legs, but it did—in the same way that your cramps have ceased to exist, for the time being at least. “so much for behaving.”
“c’mon,” he pauses as he reaches for the handle, making sure to keep an arm wrapped around you. “you just said you feel better.”
you stare at him blankly, hoping that if you do this long enough, he’ll be able to read your mind.
“what?” he tilts his head, searching your face for clues. only when you guide one of his hands onto your tits does he realize. “you need more, baby?” he grins, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek. “want me to make you feel the best you ever have?”
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mittysins · 1 year
Newt at Home
Includes: Trans mpreg, graphic labor and orgasmic birth
I'm so glad I was able to get this finished! First Mayternity, in the bag. Of course I needed to use Newt for this. I'm so proud that I've actually managed to complete a seasonal art piece. I hope you guys enjoy it!!
Okay, I'm not going to lie and say I'm not kind of freaked out. I'm standing in the kitchen wearing a loose shirt and a pair of sweatpants, quickly scribbling down the time in my notebook.
10:56 PM. I've been in labor for 10 hours, at least. I couldn't really tell at first, thinking the twinge in my lower abdomen was just Braxton Hicks. I ate my lunch and had a nap without a second thought.
Eventually I realized the pain wasn't going away, in fact it was introducing a new pressure in my hips that I was frankly not a fan of. Okay. So that’s how it is.
I started by emailing my professor. Just a vague mention of a family emergency, and that I was going to need an extension on an upcoming essay.
Continuing on, I sent a quick “baby’s on her way!” to the group chat where my friends were dicking around as they usually did. I laughed at their excited responses as I tapped my pen on the paper. Newest contraction started 43 seconds ago. I was doing just fine.
Then to get down to business. I blessed my past self for having half a mind to have everything ready a month beforehand. Everything I needed was in the bottom drawer of the baby’s dresser. A few old towels, a package of training pads, and settled neatly on top was a pair of sterile clamps and scissors within blue plastic packaging. I felt my heart skip a beat when I opened the drawer to set everything up. This was actually happening.
It was a waiting game from then on. Which is how I ended up here. My contractions are now 4 minutes apart and it's really starting to set in. My chest burns in a weird way, most likely a result of binding for years. I accepted the lung damage a long time ago, and it seems to be making itself well known as my breathing grows increasingly ragged. I can't quite keep my legs together anymore with that ever-present weight on my pelvis. It feels like something is about to give at any second. I assume it’s my water, honestly I figured it would have broken by now. I let out a long sigh as the contraction ends and set down the pen. I sway my hips as I flip through the notebook on the counter in front of me. Written on the first page is the date my pregnancy test was positive as well as a few phone numbers. I can still see a few splotches of faded numbers where my tears had mixed with the ink of my favorite pen. The next few pages were symptoms, weight, my medications including my testosterone gel. Everything medical. I was so scared all those months ago, it almost makes me anxious to look back on those pages. I prefer to look at the middle of the notebook, where I noted when I had gone a week without morning sickness, my first weird craving, the bizarre and vivid dreams I was having. My favorite was the page dedicated to name suggestions. All my friends took turns scribbling down names they liked, laughing and teasing each other as we crossed some out and circled others. It isn't too long before I flip to my current page and glance at my phone.
11:00 on the dot.
I bite my lip and continue my swaying with a firm grip on the counter. It hurts now. That's not to say it didn't hurt before, but now it's getting intense. Each clawing contraction feels like a band being tightened around my entire lower abdomen. It's enough to keep me tensed up with my head bowed for its entirety, until finally, finally, there's that give.
I let out a soft groan as my water breaks. It's not a huge gush like in the movies, more of like a gentle pop followed by a steady stream of fluid that lasts a few seconds. I take a moment to assess my situation. Pants need to come off, obviously, but after that? I couldn't quite decide. I weigh my options as I wattle back to my room and remove my sweatpants, tossing them into a laundry pile I'd designated to this whole ordeal. I could lay in bed with a pillow between my knees and just… wait. I quickly toss that option when I realize how little I've sat still since I even realized I was in labor. A shower sounds nice, the wetness between my legs is less than pleasant and the water on my back would be helpful. I could set up a spot on the couch, just throw down some waterproof pads and a towel or two and labor there, maybe get some last minute work done.
I tense up. Oh, now this is different. I subconsciously bend my knees a little as the contraction reaches its peak. The release of pressure when my water broke was heavenly, but the respite didn't last long. Instead the pressure returned, now bringing with it an intense fullness resting just at the base of my pelvis. I grimace as I feel more fluid trickle between my thighs. Shower it is.
I watch the clock switch to 11:04 as the contraction lets up.
It's a short walk across the hall to get to my bathroom. I realize how sensitive my nipples are when I peel off my shirt. I flush at the sound I make when the fabric drags, sending a jolt down my spine. I'm getting worked up and my heart rate quickens for a moment. I turn the faucet tab and slowly drag myself into the tub, letting the warm water run down my back and legs. For a few moments it feels like routine again. Just me and my baby. No college, no work, no bills, no angry parents. Just me, lowering myself to my knees in the shower, my baby burrowing dangerously low in my pelvis with the next contraction.
It's hard to keep track of time from then on. I'm sort of just zoning out a lot, concentrating closely with each new wave of pain and letting my mind wander in the steeply decreasing downtime. Eventually I’m talking aloud to her, telling her how loved she already is, that she can come on out when she’s ready, that I'm so excited to finally meet her. That I'm ready. My mindless blabbering stops when I feel a very sudden shift.
Before I realize it I'm openly groaning into the air with the gripping contraction. It all just got very real, and I can feel myself becoming frantic. The increase in pressure was maddening, and no amount of shifting and rolling my hips would relieve it. My last contraction was at most a minute ago. I don't have long at all. I decide to push, just the tiniest bit, at the end of the contraction. It's just a little shove, I don't even hold my breath. Just enough to try it out and get a feel for the sensation. If she’s coming, she's coming. If she’s not, what happens? I wait a little longer and try again?
Another timid nudge.
Yeah, she’s definitely coming.
As soon as the contraction lets up I turn off the shower and heave myself out to towel off. I almost want to jump out of my skin I'm so excited. A quick collection of my shirt, phone and towel and I’m waddling back into my room, haphazardly tossing them on my bed. I decide to wait until after the next contraction to climb up onto my bed and really get this show on the road. When I get a look at myself in the full length mirror near my dresser I have a chance to catch my breath. My taught belly has noticeably dropped, basically screaming to the world what was about to happen. I'm flushed and sweaty and my wet hair is still sticking to my forehead. I’m all out of sorts, but I couldn't care one bit what I look like right now. Baby couldn't care less either. That telltale tightening grips me again, and when it begs for me to push along with it, I deepen my stance into a half-squat and bare down.
It almost feels… good? It's a very odd sensation but it feels like such a release to finally get to work with the pressure instead of against it. Two firm pushes in front of the mirror and I decided my bed was there if I needed it. Instead, I swipe a training pad from the package and lay it down on the floor in front of the mirror before stepping onto it. And I wait. At this point I'm so eager to push it’s hard to focus on anything else. I slowly lower myself down to be half kneeling, one foot propped up to let my hips open. I suck in a deep breath, and just like that I'm stuck in a contraction and pushing so hard I see my face go red. Exhale, inhale, push like hell. So it goes.
It only takes a few good pushes to feel something hard and very noticeably large lodged in my birth canal. Between pushes one of my hands dips down and curiously prods at my lips. I don't know what I was expecting to feel, she’s definitely not there yet, but nevertheless I’m a lot more sensitive than usual. I feel perpetually slick now considering I've been leaking little by little for the last hour and a half. But that's not just it. The past twelve hours have been the most in-tune I've ever felt with my body, like we’re finally working towards the same goal of giving birth to my daughter safely and calmly. The excitement and the love mixed with the fullness of her head moving downward almost became ecstasy. One accidental brush to my sensitive clit and I'm shivering. The sudden rush of pleasure triggers a contraction and I weakly push through it. Once the contraction ends my fingers slip into my birth canal. I was disappointed for a moment when I didn't feel anything.
Until I did. About two and a half knuckles deep, there was the hard, slimy ball I had been working down for the past twelve hours.
Oh my fucking god, that’s my baby.
I was awestruck. Just allowing the pads of my middle and ring fingers to press against her head was enough to have me grinning like an idiot.
Returning my hand to its place on my knee, I bore down again with the upcoming contraction. This time a low groan escapes my throat and I find myself leaning forward just the slightest bit. Looking in the mirror, I become fixated on the bulge forming behind my lips. I'm leaking fluid considerably now, and I'm grunting out little pushes when I swear I see a dark sliver start to part my folds. I only saw it for a split second. My hand dips between my legs once more and I press a finger into my lips. Sure enough, just out of sight rests my baby’s head. The quick progress I made surprises me, and I let out a breathy laugh as I trace my fingers back up to my dick. The warm tingling in my belly when I rub a few experimental circles into the swollen nub quickly melts my grunts into soft moans. My breath quickens. I was expecting this to be horribly painful, yet here I am moaning with the next contraction. All I can focus on in the mirror is the sight of my lips parting for my baby’s head. I moan through the stretch of my perineum, letting my pleasure bring me higher as I watch my lips pull out into a teardrop shape.
My rubbing has found a steady pace, and my hips buck a bit. I'm close, I can tell, and I feel the head continue to push my lips open. That burn is starting to set in. Another firm push.
I almost yelp when the head stretches me to a full crown, but I find myself so awestruck by the sight that I fail to make any noise at all. My rubbing continues as there the head stays. The burn is searing. Until finally, the release of my orgasm carries me blissfully as the head surges forward with a gush.
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I kneel there for a moment, legs shaking and eyes fluttering, as I process what just happened. The aftershocks distract me through the next contraction, giving me time to gather myself. I can see it in the mirror, my baby’s head hanging out of me as it's supported in my hands. A sob rips from my throat as my fingers wander, feeling her tiny ears and nose.
“Oooh-kaaaaay.” I breathe, shaking off the numb tingly feeling that accompanied my orgasm. My fingers fumble around the baby’s neck, quickly untangling the umbilical cord and pulling over her head.
After lifting myself up to standing, the short few steps that should have been my journey to my bed became a quest. I knew I had no chance of closing my legs at this point, so it's a slow shuffle making my way over with shaky legs and a hand between them to support my baby. Climbing up onto the mattress isn't much easier, but I eventually manage to sit up against my pillows, legs butterflied out. From there I wait.
“Come on, kiddo.” I encourage. “I’m ready, you can come out now.” I wiggle my hips and give a tiny push, trying to get her to turn.
Once she does, I'm all in. My hands find purchase behind my knees and I pull back, red in the face as I push as hard as I can for the shoulders. The way I'm sitting, I don’t even need the mirror to see. I watch as my swollen lips spread around the first shoulder, then the other with a small spurt of fluid, and then-
I barely have time to catch her as with the last push, the rest of the baby spills out with a gush.
“Oh my god-” I sputter out as I lift the infant to my chest. As soon as she touches my skin, she begins wailing. It's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I check her over with wide, misty eyes.
“You are just absolutely perfect, aren't you?”
I giggle at her squirming attempt to get comfortable. So that’s what’s been keeping me up at night.
The ache sets in quickly, and I make quick (quick enough) work of delivering the afterbirth, cutting the cord and making sure we were both cleaned up and warm. Once I'm in a pair of sweatpants and back with her on my bed, I lay her back down on my bare chest, opting for a light blanket to wear cape-style and cover us both. I'm absolutely awestruck.
“Alright, we’ve given your aunts and uncles enough emotional prep time, don't you think?” I say decidedly to the already-sleeping infant as I unlock my phone, quickly finding the “video call” button in the group chat.
I'm grinning like an idiot as three of my friends join the call at lightspeed, the other two following quickly behind.
“Guys, someone wants to meet you!”
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soon-th1n-king · 1 year
hydration during fasts
I was reading this on my fasting app (zero), I'll recap it here
fasting and hydration
20% of our water-intake (normally) comes from food.
we store carbohydrates (as glycogen) attached to water, therefore when you fast or do a keto diet (or otherwise reduce carbs) you will temporarily have a lower bodyweight (specifically waterweight) and it will make it easier to become dehydrated
it's recommended to drink 30-35 mL (AKA 0,3 -0,35 dL or 0,03-0,035 L or 1-1,2 fl oz ) water per kg (ca 2,2 lbs) bodyweight during a fast. (for healthy adults)
you should get them through whole foods, preferably not supplements (unless you're doing prolonged fasts or are prescriped them)
electrolytes include: sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and calcium. you should look up recommend amounts, especially if you have other health concerns
symptoms of a deficiency include: headaches, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, muscle cramps, and fatigue. but there are more.
description of the electrolytes:
too little sodium causes headaches and muscle spasms. with prolonged fasts (3+ days) you should increase intake of sodium
potassium regulates fluid in muscles. it's important for nerves and too little can lead to leg spasms.
magnesium is also important for muscles and nerves. with prolonged fasts (3+ days) you should increase your intake of it.
zinc is important for nerves and testosterone production. (not from this article, but I've read it can regulate progesterone, reducing PMS and PMDD symptoms for anyone struggling with that). upper intake limit is 40 mg for adults, you get bad symptoms if you exceed it
calcium is important for muscles and bones. it helps blood function (heart, clotting). you'll probably be fine with getting it from food.
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amalia-uwu · 3 months
I DONT OWN -> Undertale, Horrortale, Farmtale, the rights go to the respective owners. I only own my original characters and this fic.
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale by GuinongTale_AU
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 ( you are here) | Chapter 5
Warnings ⚠️: Angst, unrealistic medical stuff, inaccurate medical stuff, bone injuries. Mention of blood, blisters, gore, body horror (please let me know if you need me to add something else)
(Next day morning)
Lilian put the sample, stinger under the microscope. He pressed some buttons and the computer started analyzing it..
He watched in anticipation. The computer showed.
He sighed frustrated, slapping the table.
Agatha entered the lab holding coffees "Any luck?" she leaned above his shoulder. 
"No, no matter what I do, I just can't understand what is going on! I analyzed it like 10 times! The computer doesn't find something to match it. What am I doing wrong? I ran one more test and it will be ready tomorrow or in two days" Lilian replied still frustrated while rubbing his eyes and nose.
Agatha smiled sympathetically "Hey, now don't beat yourself. We are doing what we can.. " she gently patted his shoulder.
He only smiled sadly and gave her his notes, "Of course!... Here, take this. Ophelia gave me her notes, I organized them with mine"
She took the papers.
"Thanks! See ya later!" she exited the room.
She walked around and asked a Daniella who was passing by "Have you see Dr Ophelia?"
"in her office, I think" she replied pointing to a direction. Agatha smiled and thanked her.
Agatha knocked on the door "Dr Ophelia?"
"It's open, come in" she heard her saying.
Ophelia looked over her shoulder "Are the results ready?"
"Not yet. He did some tests but with no results. He tried another trick and he will know tomorrow or in two days. Here are what we know so far organized".
Ophelia nodded "Thank you!"
Agatha looked at the floor and beat her lower lip. While Ophelia read some of Lilian's notes. (the notes were a mix of his own and some Ophelia gave him. Just organized)
Patient's File
Name: Sans
Specie: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Age: 29 years old
Medical history: History of Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Low HP.
Left eye stronger than the right eye. (See File 9 for more info)
Time patient arrived at the clinic: Between 18.25 - 18.35 pm.
Time patient experienced symptoms: symptoms began a few days ago but escalated yesterday X/X/202X. Minutes before arrival.
Tests indicate that the patient experienced this for the first time. Whatever stang him caused a strong reaction, far worse than allergy.
Some information we know:
Stinger bigger than that of any known insect.
Swelling of the face
Low energy, lower HP, lower statistics
Blisters and extreme reaction Mostly on the sternum where the soul is, the neck and the face.
Magic oozing/bleeding
Blisters (blood, fluids, magic)
Too much fluid, blood and magic, some of it clotted.
Light, faint scratches on body.
Some cracks on his bones
Low appetite - No appetite
Nystagmus/ Dancing eyes
Ophelia had read the message Papyrus sent her. She added the word
"Dr Ophelia..? I have some questions" Agatha's voice was low and small.
Ophelia stopped what she was doing. She looked at her, focused "Tell me honey, what's wrong?"
"I know it's propably too early but his statistics are still too low.. no matter the medicines we injected in him, I don't know... I'm worried".
Ophelia walked closer to her. One of the things she loved in her team was empathy. She gently held her arms and spoke in a soothing voice.
"About his statistics.. Don't worry, I don't want to give him way too strong medicines, cause I don't want to cause more damage than good. He is a little fragile, but he is stronger than that, fear not. I've been knowing him for a couple of years".
Ophelia looked at Agatha  and continued holding her arms softly,
"without the results... we can't do much... I can't risk giving him wrong medication, but it will be okay!" she patted her shoulder.
Agatha nodded. "You all make me proud! Never forget that!" she added.
Agatha smiled and thanked her.
Hermione knocked on the Ophelia's office door. Urgently. Once she heard Ophelia's voice "It's open". Hermione entered.
"He is awake, shall I give him a sedative? He seems distressed and in pain". Hermione spoke.
Ophelia walked fast, but stopped at the door. Her attention at Agatha "Please stay here, I'll call you to send me some bandages, gauzes, medicines etc".
Agatha nodded and Ophelia gave her a sympathetic smile.
She reached the room.
"Farmy?" she called softly.
At the sound of her voice he rolled his head towards her.
His body trembled. He was distressed, confused and in pain. It was shown in his movements.
His soul beat was higher than normal. His breathing was frantic. He was moving quiet vividly. He tried to speak but all that came out was wheezing, choked whining - groaning sounds.
Ophelia touched his forehead softly. She began caressing tenderly his wrapped face. The gauze around the eyes began watering.
"Hey, Sansie... it's okay, I know waking up wrapped up in bandages is..scary. But, don't try to speak, save your strength. I am here, your brother and Axe are going to come later. They are fine! Now, I will give you a sedative, so you will sleep okay?"
He twitched his fingers a little. He nodded very softly.
She kept caressing his face. She motioned for Hermione to come closer.
She was holding the sedative already. Ophelia checked the dose and she nodded.
Ophelia kept caressing his face while Hermione injected the liquid in the IV.
Slowly his breathing and movement came to a halt. He passed out. His skull rolled under her touch.
She pressed a bottom "Agatha could you please bring me the equipment on room 5, 1st floor, thank you".
Agatha heard the message, checked the patient's info and took what she needed  "coming right away Dr. Ophelia!"..
She walked towards the room, rolling a table with the equipment.
(Back to Papyrus and Axe)
Papyrus and Axe walked in. "Excuse me sir, may I help you?" the secretary asked.
"Good morning! Is Ophelia here? I would like to ask about my brother" Papyrus spoke playing with the corner of his scarf. Axe was silently standing next to him.
"May I have your brother's name please ?" she asked checking her notes and flipping the pages. 
"Sans" he replied.
She checked. After a while she nodded. The secretary called Daniella. She looked at them and smiled "Follow me".
They nodded.
She lead them to the room.
They took a deep breath and Papyrus prepared to knock on the door.
Before he could do so, Hermione opened the door slowly and quietly.
They stared at each other. Papyrus hand still raised. They chuckled and saluted each other.
She exited the room while Papyrus and Axe walked in.
"Good morning Ophelia! Is he awake?" he asked keeping his voice low.
"He woke up but I gave him a sedative. I didn't want him to be in discomfort so.. He will wake up later or tomorrow" she stepped aside.
Papyrus's and Axe's soul clenched.
"I know, it's a lot to take in, he will be fine" she assured.
Papyrus gently touched the part on Sans's right humerus that wasn't covered in gauzes.
Ophelia looked at Papyrus and Axe.
"Would you like to help me guys?". They looked at her.
"Nothing difficult! I promise, I can sense you Harvey!" she nudged his ribs with her elbow.
He gave her a guilty smile but they nodded.
"It's not contagious! However, I'll ask you to put on some robes"
They nodded. Ophelia gave them two robes to put on. They put gloves and waited instructions.
"Okay Papyrus you will held him up, and Axe, you will be my  assistant. Sounds good?"
Papyrus gently lifted him. He was like a rag doll. Papyrus feared he might break and turn to dust on the spot.
"Don't worry paps, he can't feel pain. He won't turn to dust! Not on my watch" she assured him.
Papyrus seemed to relax at that, he smiled.
"Alright, Paps please keep him steady".
Papyrus adjusted his body. She gently began unraveling the bandages. Some injuries hadn't healed fully yet.
Papyrus and Axe were quiet. Axe sighed with relief; the swelling had dissappeared.
His neck seemed fine apart from the spot she removed the stinger. It was still red and irritated.
Papyrus noticed it.
He looked at Axe, who had his eyes at the table in front of him.
Ophelia carefully  stretched her hand "Gauze and antiseptic please".
Axe gave her clean gauze and some antiseptic lotion /gel.
She gently applied it on his face and cleaned it.
After that she applied the ointment and finally fresh bandages.
She moved on to the rest of the body. She carefully inspected the neck.
Axe kept giving her what she needed. Papyrus kept holding Sans and following directions.
The rest of his body was mostly fine, he had some areas that needed a little more ointment to heal.
When she finished, she took a look at his cracked 'forearm' "Let's take a look" she gently held it in her soft hands.
Papyrus held his other hand softly.
Axe just sat there looking, at the way Ophelia's soft healing magic worked. It took 15 minutes for the hand to heal.
Then they gently laid him down.
"Ophelia?" Papyrus began.
She looked at him "I still don't understand what happened could you explain us a little?"
"If I am not mistaken, I have seen a similar case before but I can't remember. I found a stinger on his neck, that dark reddish spot you saw. So far we have  these symptoms" she handed hers and Lilian's notes.
Papyrus read it carefully.
"The stinger looked too big for a bee or any other insect".
Papyrus thought for a while and eventually asked "What about a  Skolix..?"
Ophelia blinked "a what?"
He focused trying to remember "a Skolix. It's a  dangerous worm to monsters but mostly to  us skeletons, my brother had warned me that they are extremely rare but they exist.
He's been taking my non-existent ears about it so, could you please take a look? I'll see if he has any books about it".
Ophelia looked at him impressed "Sure! Thanks!" she smiled surprised.
He smiled back.
Ophelia said "It's a beautiful day outside, I recommend you go out in the park below and take some fresh air. I'll inform you if something happens"
A part of them didn't want to leave him but Ophelia was right.
They gave Sans's hands a little squeeze and left.
Ophelia walked towards Lilian "Hey any luck?"
"No" he said looking through files. It's taking forever. It's a rare stinger. I haven't seen something like this before from what I can remember".
"Hey, Lilian? Can you check something for me?"
"Of course! What is it?" he looked at her with anticipation.
"See if you can gather information about a worm named Skolix"
He looked at her confused.
Was that even a worm?
Yet, he nodded anyway.
His job might be easier now that he has a clue.
"Thank you Lilian!" Ophelia patted his shoulder and she left.
Chapter 3 Chapter 5
Comments, Constructive Criticism, Feedback, fanarts, fanfics are welcomed! 💙
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
i saw your post about trans women getting periods, and as a transmasc guy that is super interesting to me. but where do you get cramps? like are they in the same area of where a uterus would be? or is it like back cramps? sorry if this is a dumb or insensitive question<3
that's not a dumb question at all. I'd be happy to answer. for those who don't know, trans women can go through PMS from taking estrogen. it doesn't happen to everyone though. I don't experience period cramps (it's mainly just headaches for me), but my trans friend who did get cramps described them in a very similar way to my cis friend who has periods. my trans friend describes the cramps on her sides and lower abdomen. but I would assume it's a little different for everyone.
also, as a follow up to the reblog I made from earlier. no, trans women do not literally get periods and bleed out their unterine wall. but they will experience all the symptoms and side effects and hormonal changes that causes periods. these symptoms are called PMS, or premenstrual syndrome (and yes, cis women can have PMS too). they can occur as changes in mood, anxiety, loss of sleep, and cramps. (I don't have cramps, but I do have some of the other symptoms)
calling these symptoms a "period" (while not technically the 100% accurate term) is still okay and understood by pretty much everyone familiar with trans women. I use "PMS" and "period" interchangeably
yeah, I hope that makes sense. if you would like, here's an article that goes into more detail than I could.
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Info for Faith In The Future World Tour MORRISON, CO - JUN 21 2023
With special guests THE SNUTS & ANDREW CUSHIN!
Important Times:
4:00 PM – Parking Opens 
6:00 PM - Doors Open
7:00 PM - Andrew Cushin
8:00 PM - The Snuts
9:00 PM - Louis Tomlinson
Times are all approximate and subject to change.
General admission (pit tickets):
Lines can begin to form at 4pm
GA in the back of the venue
The whole venue is OUTDOORS ONLY
Thunderstorms expected during the evening! Prepare accordingly.
Check the venue’s socials and website for updates!
Red Rocks is located at an elevation of 6,450 ft. We encourage you to drink plenty of water and take your time when walking / climbing the many stairs located throughout the venue.
Altitude sickness is common, especially for those traveling to Denver/Red Rocks from lower altitudes.
Symptoms include: shortness of breath, headaches, nausea and/or vomiting, dizziness, tiredness, loss of appetite and more.
Treatment: take ibuprofen. Take nausea medication if necessary. Drink way more water than you think is a lot. Drink something with electrolytes such as Gatorade or LiquidIV.
Do not smoke, drink alcohol, or exercise.
Use an oxygen bottle, available at most grocery stores, pharmacies or convenience stores ($9-25).
Hydrate before the show, while waiting in line and during the show
For optimal hydration drink something with electrolytes such as Gatorade or LiquidIV
Eat well!
Here are important things to know:
ATTENTION: YOU WILL HAVE TO HIKE to get to the venue (200-900ft). Red Rocks is in a park. Walking on non-paved areas is necessary. Wear appropriate shoes.
Thunderstorms expected during the evening! Prepare accordingly.
Temperatures expected to be in the 50s at night, dress appropriately!
Download the Red Rocks app for maps, ticketing and more
For assistance during the show text 720-466-1323
Parking: Parking is FREE and available at the Red Rocks Park. Event staff will direct you once you enter the park. We recommend arriving early to avoid traffic and ensure you have plenty of time to get to the venue. We encourage carpooling or taking a shuttle. For info about drop off, how to get there, etc click here.
ADA info here 
Cameras: Personal point and shoot cameras without removable lenses ALLOWED.
Please note: Due to ongoing construction on the Top Plaza, the availability of food and drink is limited
Tailgating must be confined to the rear of your vehicle and not interfere with the parking of other vehicles.
Restrooms are located downstairs at the north and south ends of the Visitor Center, and even more on the South Ramp. Two accessible family restrooms are located on the plaza at the north and south ends plus one in the North Concession Stand. Additional restrooms are located to the left and right of the stage on the South Ramp and at the North Stairs.
There is no smoking of any kind in the seating area. Cigarette and e-Cigarette smoking is permitted in designated areas along the outside rail of the outside North and South stairs. All marijuana products are prohibited at Red Rocks.
Water: Non-alcoholic beverages in factory sealed plastic containers (32 oz. or less) allowed, unless prohibited by the show; some shows may require the removal of lids upon entering the amphitheater. Empty, reusable water bottles (32 oz. or less) or Empty Hydration packs (Camelbaks, etc.) are allowed but limited to 2L in size, with no more than one pocket in addition to the one holding the water reservoir
Soft-sided coolers, six-pack size (10″ x 7″ x 7″ or smaller) ALLOWED
Food for personal consumption only; food must be in a clear plastic bag (one gallon or less), fruit and vegetables must be sliced, plastic utensils only
Binoculars ALLOWED
Blankets: Can be no larger than 40″ x 60.” They must not extend beyond ticketed seating area and are not permitted on any walkways
Stadium seats and seat cushions (must be under 18″ wide, cannot have legs)
NO climbing the rocks. Violators are subject to arrest and prosecution.
NO alcohol
NO Glass bottles/objects or aluminum cans
NO Animals (except service animals)
NO Marijuana or any cannabis products
NO drugs
NO Umbrellas
NO Aerosols (e.g. hairspray and sunscreen)
NO knives, firearms, Brass knuckles, Tasers & mace/pepper spray or weapons of any kind
NO Hard-sided coolers or soft-sided coolers larger than 10″x7″x 7″
NO strollers
NO Confetti, glitter and other items that can be thrown
NO Hula hoops
NO Gum
NO Selfie sticks
NO Laser Pointers/flashlights
There is NO RE-ENTRY!
*This list is not exhaustive. Items not appearing on the list may still be prohibited at the discretion of Security
For more details click here 
Bag Policy:
SINGLE POCKET bags no larger than 13” wide, 15” tall and 8” deep can be brought into the amphitheater.
Small purses and fanny packs that are 6″ x 9″ or smaller,
as well as hydration packs 2L or smaller, are also allowed.
Multi-pocket bags are not permitted.
Have your bags open and available for inspection upon arrival at the gates
For more details click here 
Banners, signs and flag policy:
Small signs and flags are ok but cannot interfere with other guest's experience of the show
No poles or sticks allowed
For additional questions please call the venue at 720-865-2494. You can also access their website. Message them here. Check their twitter here and IG here for updates. Address: 18300 WEST ALAMEDA PARKWAY MORRISON, CO 80465. Venue: RED ROCKS PARK & AMPHITHEATRE
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madamlaydebug · 10 months
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🚇#Chiaseeds are high in #Omega3’s which enhance overall moods, reduce irritability #hormone balance, all of which helps to put you in the right mood
🛫#Avocados are just sexy all together now! Rich in essential fatty acids and B6 both increase male hormone production. They contain potassium, which helps regulate the thyroid gland in women, a gland directly tied to #energy and reaction to hormones.
🎳Black raspberries are rich in phytochemicals that boost #libido and your ability to feel aroused. The ancient Chinese used them as medicine to boost libido.Experts say consuming 10 blackberries before hitting the bedroom.
🌰#Walnuts are high in the amino acid arginine, which boosts circulation to the genital area
🍉#Watermelon contains lycopene which relaxes blood vessels to improve blood flow.
🎃#PumpkinSeeds are high in #Zinc. Zinc is #vitalfor #testosterone production which affects sexual desire and stamina in both men and women. Zinc deficiencies in men can cause #sexualperformanceproblems. Zinc helps to prevent PMS symptoms in women.
🇮🇳In India cloves have been used to treat male sexual dysfunction for centuries, Cloves are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, and vitamin K increasing blood flow to the genitals
🌵#Ginger is rich in copper, #magnesium and potassium. It is a remarkable anti-nausea food with#antiinflammatory proper tie. lower blood pressure and increase blood flow and it is high in magnesium, copper and potassium
🍆#Maca is a good source of vitamin C, iron, potassium, and copper, and it has a decent amount of B vitamins. A study showed that 3g of maca daily significantly increased the libido in men and women on antidepressants.
🎂Maca restore hormonal imbalance and related sexual desire and fertility in both men and women.
⬇️⬇️Comment below if you know any other foods that turn you on?
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teddyrb · 2 years
Hot water bottles and tea
Eddie Munson x Gn!Reader
Genre - Fluff
Warnings - Periods.
Summary - Eddie helps his partner through the pain of menstruation.
A/N - I only used They/Them pronouns, I chose not to reference the reader bleeding because I read that whilst transgender women don’t get periods explicitly, hormone therapy can cause PMS symptoms and I wanted to be inclusive of that. I hope that this is okay.
Word count - 2,004
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Eddie's Uncle Wayne had let you into the trailer on his way out for work. You didn't look the most presentable but you were in too much agony to care. Eddie's messy bed made you opt to lie down on the sofa instead. Eddie was at practice for Corroded Coffins but they would finish up soon and Eddie would get back to the trailer.
Your head was pounding and the cramps were unbearable but you lacked the motivation to move around the trailer to look for some Advil which left you simmering in the pain. Since Wayne had been sleeping during the day the curtains had been closed, which helped your head massively.
The television remote was arms length away from you, it was playing reruns of a show you had never seen. You could stand it for five minutes before the laugh track agitated your migraine and you turned the television off before you could find yourself throwing the remote at it.
You dropped the remote by your side and waited, getting your hopes up that Eddie was back every time you heard a car enter the trailer park. The pain became especially harsh when the trailer door opened and the light from outside spewed in. You were quick to cover your eyes with the crook of your elbow and your exhaled groan alerted Eddie to your pain. Eddie closed the door as quietly as he could and made his way over to where you lay. The doe eyed boy crouched in front of you and moved your arm away from your face. "It's okay, I've closed the door." He spoke softly towards you and smiled at you empathetically when you looked towards him. "Hi, baby."
"Hi." You pouted at the boy, which only made his smile widen in adoration. To Eddie you were the most precious person in the world and he would do anything you asked of him if it meant you would be happy. "Is it okay if we could be quiet, for today? my head hurts really badly but I've wanted to see you all week."
He looked at you concerned. "Are you sick or something?" He moved his hand over your forehead but couldn't feel a fever.
You shook your head lightly, wincing at the pain it caused. "Or something. I really don't want to get into this with you, no offence. I just don't feel comfortable telling people." Eddie nodded his head at your answer, you didn't have to tell Eddie what was going on, your desire to not answer was enough.
Eddie made his way over to the stove and began boiling some water, he looked around quietly getting a cup out and continuing his venture until he found a hot water bottle in a cupboard. He moved himself back over to the stove before pouring the water into the cup and using the rest to fill the hot water bottle. Wayne liked you - he thought you were good for Eddie and he thought you gave him the motivation to graduate - Eddie took that to mean his uncle wouldn't mind letting you use his favourite mug or brand of tea if it made you feel better. Eddie waited a couple of minutes for the hot water bottle to cool a bit, as to not but your skin, before he manoeuvred himself back over to you. "I've got you some tea, I put it in the biggest cup we've got and I found this to help you with your cramps." He whispered, holding up the hot water bottle before placing it down on your stomach. You adjusted the bottle moving it lower down and sighing in relief when you could feel it ease your pain.
"Thank you Eddie, but how did you know I had cramps?" You looked at him, embarrassed that he knew what was happening to you.
"We'll baby, you don't go through senior year three times and not learn about period symptoms." You winced at the clarification that he did indeed know that you were on your period. "Also, Wayne sat me down when he realised how serious we were and gave me a talking to about making sure I was treating you properly." It warmed your heart to hear that Wayne wanted to make sure you we're being treated properly.
"Your uncle does know that you're head over heels in love with me, right? I mean you once cancelled your D&D meeting because I was sick and wanted to watch some movie I didn't have at home, so you got Steve and Robin to wait around after Family Videos had closed for the night so that you could bring it to me." You smiled at the memory before leaning yourself towards him and kissing him softly. The angle of your body made the hot water bottle fall off your stomach and onto the floor, Eddie pecked your lips again before he moved the bottle back to were you had left it.
"He knows that, it was more about other things that he wanted to cover." The undertone wasn't subtle and it made you go red again with embarrassment, Eddie giggled adorably at your reaction. "How would you feel about moving to my bed and then I can cuddle with you, hmm?
"No, your bed's a mess, I already went in there. Maybe if you cleaned it up and opened your window so your room didn't smell like cigarettes all the time." You didn't intend to but your voice sounded full of judgement. The tea was certainly helping your migraine but it would take a lot more for your mood swings to pass. "Sorry baby, I'm just in a lot of pain. I didn't mean it." He understood, not literally but he'd experienced pain before in his life and he knew that it all you really cared about right now was trying to make the pain disappear.
"It's okay, I know it's a bit of a mess. I'll clean it up a bit and open my window for you, yeah? And then we can cuddle, okay?" He spoke quieter, realising that his volume had slowly crept up, which was only adding to your discomfort. You nodded at him and he smiled his most cheesy smile. "Okay then, lets do that. Did you take anything, I don't have any Advil or anything like that but I can call Gareth to pick up some stuff if you need anything, he owes me one anyway."
"No, I didn't have anything at home, the pharmacy was closed when I went by before school and Max said I could get a lift off Nancy with her if I wanted to see you after school, I didn't want to ask in front of all the kids. Would Gareth not mind, if you asked him to pick up some Advil?" You didn't want to inconvenience him but you mainly just didn't want him to work out why you needed it.
"I got Gareth some drum sticks when he broke his, he said he'd owe me a favour. All I'm doing is collecting it, I won't tell him who there for and honestly the kid wouldn't be able to work out even if I did, okay? I'll call him and get him to pick it up, yeah?" You nodded in agreement.  "Is there anything else you need, do you want him to get you something else?" You shook your head this time. "Okay, I'll go call him and get my bed cleaned up. You just lie there and rest, baby."
You could hear Eddie talking on the phone, his voice got serious at one point but you soon heard him crack up laughing so it wasn't a serious problem. Before long they were saying their goodbyes and Eddie made his way to the back of the trailer. You heard his moving around in the back for five or so minutes before he returned back to your side.
"Uh, is your hot water bottle still hot?" He asked placing his hand on the bottle to find out for himself. "Yeah, it's okay. Do you think you can walk over there or, um, do you want me to carry you?" He was genuinely concerned and it made you laugh.
"God, Eddie how bad do you think it is. I'm perfectly capable of walking thanks, but if your offering to carry me I won't object." He smiled at you mischievously before he picked you up bridal style, making sure you didn't drop the hot water bottle and letting you grab your tea from on the window sill before hecarried you back towards his bedroom. He placed you on the bed lightly and allowed you to adjust yourself before he got into the bed, smiling down as you readjusted yourself to lie on top of him. "Wow, Munson, you cleaned up for me. You must really like me, huh?"
He smirked, leaning down to kiss your hair. "You know what, maybe I do. Maybe, I even love you." He started humming, it was one of his songs. He hadn't finished writing it so it was odd in places - it didn't have the best syncopation because he didn't have everything in order. He usually enjoyed singing the songs to you, sometimes you'd help him with the word choice, other times you'd sit and read the words - laughing at the notes he'd made in the margin - before handing the notebook back and telling him you loved it, it was always perfect in your eyes. He hummed this time, he didn't want to hurt your head and he though it would be the best way to not have you yell at him because of your mood swings, there was a consistency for the most part and you found yourself humming along with him until he'd hum something unexpected and you'd stop to listen.
Gareth finally knocked on the door after half a dozen of the bands songs, you we're sleepy but Eddie's movement under you had you sitting up and rubbing your eyes. Eddie stood up, he lent down to kiss you and the two of you were content until Gareth knocked on the door louder, drawing the two of you apart. Eddie was muttering under his breathe about Gareth's impatience, you giggled at the irony, knowing that Eddie was the most impatient person in Hawkins if not the entirety of Indiana. He walked to the door and opened it, he and Gareth had some small talk before you heard the door close and Eddie was back with you in the doorway.
Eddie was holding more than just Advil, you could smell your favourite fast food from the paper bag that Eddie had with him. "Did you seriously send Gareth to get me fast food. I don't know whether I should feel bad for him or tell you how much I love you."
"Well, I prefer the second one." Eddie smiled widely at you. "Have you drank your tea or has it gone cold by now?" He asked.
"It's cold, but I can still drink it, don't worry. Just give me the Advil and then we can eat, I'm starving, I haven't eaten anything since lunch time." You brought your arms out for Eddie to hand you the food and medicine, which he gave to you before he sat back down. You opened the Advil and took one before delegating the food between the pair of you.
Soon enough your migraine was unnoticeable and your cramps had subsided meaning you and Eddie were able to hang out like you usually did - you, sprawled out on top of him as he breathed in the smell of your shampoo. "I'm really happy you still came here even though you're on your period." He spoke into your hair.
You shifted yourself to look up at the boy. "It's because I feel like I can face anything when I'm with you, Eds." You spoke.
Eddie lent down and kissed you. "I'm glad."
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