#love my manly men being scared of little birds
chiosblog · 6 months
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The A-Team 4x19 'Beneath the surface'
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Hunt (JJK x Reader) 🐾🔞💜☁️
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🌸 Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🌸 Genre: ABO Au!, werewolf AU!, Hybrid/Shifter Au!, Angst, smut, romance
🌸 Warnings: fighting scene, usage of guns, graphic descriptions of violence, grief and guilt, subspace, omegaspace (is that a thing it’s a thing now), Dom!Jungkook, Sub!Reader, Alpha!Jungkook!, Omega!Reader, oral (M Rec.), thigh riding, mutual masturbation in a way, non penetrative sex, praise kink, prima smut, biting, scratching, choking in a way, chokehold, manhandling, brat!Reader, handjob (m. Rec)
🌸 Summary: he was your alpha, and he’d always look after you. Even if that meant he had to hurt you.
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Jungkook loves you dearly.
That much is clear to everyone who has eyes inside their sockets, with how much he fusses over you daily, always concerned about your well-being. His presence is never far away from you, and if so, he makes sure to call and text as much as possible to make sure that you're alright. It's natural really, not only as your alpha, but your mate as well.
You're just so delicate, he can't help but want to hide you from the world around him. He knows you're capable of being by yourself- he doesn't doubt that at all. It's just that he's naturally a very caring person already, and all of that had just been amplified by your bond that you now shared. He was yours, and you were his; there was no better way to describe it.
"Jungkook?" You ask, turning around as he suddenly snaps his head up from where his butt is resting against the kitchen table, deep in thought as he snaps out of them to reply with a hum. "Did you stare at my butt again?" You question accusingly, putting your hands on your hips as he can't help but smile. You try to look mad, intimidating maybe, but you're just so cute that he can't help it.
"And even if I was, what's so offending about that?" He throws back, smirk on his lips as you simply huff out a breath, turning back around as you continue to watch the cooking ramen in the pot, smell already invading his living space as his stomach groans a bit. "When can we eat?" He whines out, and you shrug your shoulders.
Jungkook likes to appear manly and strong to everyone, like he can do anything and everything, yet he sometimes acts more like an overgrown man-child. He also hates strong smells, doesn't really wear cologne but rather likes the smell of when you do his laundry (It has to be you he once stated, not because he wants to come off as sexist or anything but it always smells different when he does it, even if he measures everything the same way you do, he can't explain it either), or when he uses your bodylotion. He doesn't care much about his hair or his clothes, but he prefers oversized and soft fabrics, even though you can spot him in a button up sometimes. Jungkook can be a little difficult sometimes too- He sometimes sends out mixed signals just to get frustrated when you don't understand what he wants. He loves everything in order, but tends to leave his things all over the place too.
Long story short, living with Jungkook is never boring.
You're not so simple either, however. Its a well known fact in the pack that no one should get on your bad side when Jungkook isn't around- the alpha seemingly having tamed you whenever he was close. Because whenever he wasn't, you weren't all bark no bite- you didn't bark at all, you just went straight for the throat. Now, you weren't a bad person at all. You just were a bit more straight forward. Confidence was something you had in a healthy amount; you knew who you were, and that you were, at the end of the day, no ones slave. You didn't back down, even if it seemed pointless- and no one wanted to mess with you in all honesty. The pack loved to pick on you, when Jungkook was around, because there was nothing you could do about it. They did shit their pants though once he'd leave.
Just like now.
Jimin came up behind you, intentionally scaring you since he knew you had bad hearing on your left side, making you yelp and hit his ribs with your elbow out of reflex. "Jimin you fu-" But Jungkook cleared his throat before you could finish your sentence, teeth gritted together in a silent growl as your eyes glowed at the older pack beta, who simply grinned.
"Jimin, cut the shit. That was unnecessary, apologize." He grumbled out, as the beta simply sighed, mumbling a sorry you took with a smirk that earned you a smack on your behind. "Stop looking so smug Omega." He throws your way, sounding upset, but you knew that he didn't mean it.
"I'm feeding you all and this is how you thank me." You dramatically sigh out as you turn off the stove as soon as the food was finished, when Jungkook snaked his arms around you from behind, dipping his head down to kiss your bonding mark.
He humms. "Hm, but I thank you enough in other ways?" He says, and Jimin makes a gagging noise as he closes the fridge.
"Not in the kitchen!"
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'Catch me loosers!' You send out, as your paws hit the ground underneath you, Jimin and Taehyung hot on your heels as they take on the challenge you proposed. Taehyungs form hit your back hard, sending your rolling over the grassy grounds as you snap playfully after his fur. You get a bit of the fluffy hairs into your mouth as you sneeze, making Jimin join in on teasing you as he pulls on your tail with no intention to hurt you. Jungkook however, sees that different as he rams the beta off of you, growling loudly to warn him.
'Killjoy!' Jimin snarls out at the alpha as the wolf in question runs after him after he took off running, knowing all too well how to get on the younger once's nerves. Taehyung meanwhile got thrown over by your smaller form, jaws snapping at him as he keeps his head low, squeezing his lanky form out from underneath you, running straight into Hoseok, who'd joined in on the fun. Namjoon was on his way, lazily jogging towards you with Yoongis short white form behind him, as a shot rang through the air, scaring and scattering birds out of the trees as all motion holds instantly.
Taehyung stands up as you shake your fur, instantly searching for your alpha which wasn't far away and nudged you with his large head, providing comfort as if to tell you that he was there now, there was nothing that could hurt you. Namjoon and Yoongi were still, everyone's ears on high alert as you look out for any sort of motion or giveaway from where the shot came from. This was peacefull ground; established after the great war between Humans and werewolfes, back in 1993. Hunting was illegal here, and an absolute taboo.
Yet it seems like that didn't stop anyone today.
And just as Namjoon is ready to tell them to go home, a loud yelp rings through the air, as your head throws itself back to inspect the dart in your leg, instinctively trying to pull it out without much luck. Jungkook instantly tries to help you, Jimin and Taehyung making their way towards you as well as another shot rings through the air, successfully scaring everyone as a group of black clothed and masked men dart towards them with weapons ready. You run off, Jungkooks voice clear and demanding in your head, but you can't make out the words as a second dart hits your leg, throwing you off balance as you violently fall to the ground, rolling over the branches and dead leaves as Jungkooks almost falls as well trying to stop. Theres a shot just barely missing his leg, and the only instinct your omega seems to have left is;
Get away from him. Don't let them get to him. They want us.
So you run off to the side, leading them down the tight woods as you hear them follow you. There's the sound of yelping, angry barks and violent teeth as they seem to fight off whoever was behind you. But you can't stop.
You almost fall into the pond next to you, before actually stumbling and wetting the side of your face and body, hardly making it out as you stumble and fail to gain good footing.
'Omega, stop-' Jungkooks voice rings, but you simply move around, ears close to your head as you snarl at him. He's never seen you like this; at least not directed at him, or his pack. You'r eyes are wide open, glowing with a cold yellow color yet your pupils barely leave space for the color to show through properly. Mouth wide open, as you growl at him, the hair on your back is raised in defense. You look like you want to attack, but not out of pure aggression- the way your tails was tucked underneath you, and your lowered body posture showed him what was really going on.
You were terrified.
'Omega, it's me, they're gone.' He tries again, takes a step, but you only snap at him, at Taehyung who tries to get close as well. You're not letting anyone close in this moment, and he watches with worry as the darts color your fur red with the way you'd pulled and scraped them around on your skin. He's surprised you haven't managed to break the needles off yet. The soft and sweet omega he calls his mate is absolutely out of her mind, and he knows that. His alpha inside of him begs him to discipline you, to bring you down, to help you get back and out of this mindset, but his human brain can't make the decision- because it would mean he'd have to fight you. And he knew who you where, how you'd react. You wouldn't just throw yourself down like some puppy because this was his omega; his omega, which would never back down. Not even to him. 'Please-' he tries, but Yoongi cuts him off.
'Jungkook, if you're not bringing her down I will.' He starts, and the alpha instantly turns around at that, snarling at the beta standing next to his leader, who looks determined as well. 'We can't leave her like this, you know this-' He starts again, but he's cut off as Jimin chimes into the argument.
'You can't ask that of him Yoongi! That's his mate!' He yells out, defensive posture unwavering as you cower back, ready to book it as Jungkook has to make a decision. Fast.
So he does.
He wants to cry the moment he feels his teeth break the skin of your scruff, as he desperately tries to get you down, tries to force you to submit, to calm down, but you wiggle and squirm, and twist around in his hold that he looses it for a moment. He snaps after your leg as you try again to run off, a painful shriek escaping you that cuts his own soul like paper his skin, but he has to keep you. He can't let you go, he can't loose you, he can't leave you like that. So even when you claw at his face, scratching his throat as you get your leg out from between his jaws, he doesn't let up. All his packmates can do is watch, as he bites again and again, breaking skin and exhausting you to the point where you finally let him. He's got his jaw around your throat now, barely grasping, but holding firmly as you huff out harshly, eyes still unfocused. You're absolutely out of it at this point, eyes hazy and glazed over as you finally come to a still stand.
He slowly lets off, careful and ready to go in again at any sign of more defense, but you're still.
Eerily so.
For a moment, everyone is quiet as Jungkook can't do anything but stare. The way your chest still moves proves to him that you're still alive, but at what cost? Only now does he notice the iron taste on his tongue, and he wants to throw up so badly that he starts to swallow hard. Would you be okay? Would you forgive him? Would you understand? He had to do it. He knew it, but the view in front of him made his stomach fill with guilt. Yoongi slowly comes closer, helping Namjoon to put your small body onto his back as everyone slowly makes it back. He starts to walk as well, but can't help looking back.
The grass stained with your blood, seeping into the pond close by.
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He's fussing over you like a newly crowned mother of a hundred pups.
Constantly making sure your blankets are properly tucked in, moving your joints every day so that you wouldn't become stiff, and listening to the doctors advice with maximum focus. The men responsible for the attack are facing trial, and he'll have to join everyone in court today, but it doesn't matter to him as he still spends his last minutes before they drive off at your side, fully dressed in a suit, determined to get justice for what happened.
You don't move, but they have told him you'd come around soon enough- a friend, Jin, will take care of you for him while he's gone. He can't do anything but look at you breathe, as he still sees you as the most precious and most beautiful thing in the world. A knock on the door snaps him out of it, as Jin stands, a small smile on his lips. "They're waiting." He simply says, and Jungkook nods, slowly standing up after kissing your forehead. "I'll keep an eye on her." Jin says as Jungkook walks past him, ready to go downstairs.
The rest of them are waiting downstairs already, as they slowly get into the cars, driving to the next fight.
But this time, they'll fight without teeth.
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Two days later, Jungkook is sitting at your bedside again- or more like, sitting at your feet, spooning rice from his bowl into his mouth without much interest as his eyes stay unfocused. It's been like that the day before as well- He'd eat with you, take a nap, shower, take another nap, eat dinner, and fall asleep for the night. He's barely truly sleeping though, every small crack outside waking him immediately, the past still haunting him whenever he tried to rest. He can't imagine what would happen to him if you were to stay like this- or maybe even worse. He'd thought about it, several times, but he always chokes up, always immediately tears up at the mere possibility of you not spending your life with him. This was so unfair.
He sighs as he gets up, feet hitting the cold laminated flooring as he doesn't bat an eyelash at the temperature biting into his soles. He simply shuffles towards the bathroom like a puppet, simply tending to his bodies need to relief itself, as he doesn't notice the way your eyes move behind your lids.
And as you open them, its dark.
Not quite, as the opened window lets the moonlight in quite nicely, drowning the room in a silver light, your eyes adjusting comfortably. The air was fresh, crisp and cold, while your body was cozy underneath the covers. It was just perfect, just how you and Jungkook always liked it- the fresh and cool temperature of the room giving you a reason to cuddle closer, hold each other tighter. You stretched your legs, hissing as a cramp bites at your legs, but it soon settles, after a few seconds. Sitting up, you feel like a headache is close- the pain present but bearable, as if you'd taken a nap for too long. Your eyes burn a little, and you can feel some bandages underneath your clothes, making you wonder what had happened.
And then it hit you.
From the moment of the shot, to the way Jungkooks cries echoed in your head, his pleas and apologies over and over, as you try to process everything. At least you haven't hurt him, you thought to yourself.
You notice him as he stops at the door with a gasp, eyes wide open and lips apart, as they slowly come to terms that you're actually awake. He tilts his head downwards, before he slowly closes the door, walking towards you as he lets himself fall to his knees, a sob escaping him as he throws his head onto your lap. He's vulnerable, but oh so happy at the same time to know that you're gonna be fine. You're up, you're conscious, you're back- and he's too overwhelmed with that reality to keep his composure.
So he cries, violent sobs shaking his shoulders as he holds onto the blankets for dear life, state only worsening as you run your delicate fingers through his locks. He slowly looks up at the touch, searching for any hint of fear, any form of anger or betrayal sent towards him for hurting you like that, but he only finds your warm smile, comforting eyes filled with love, and his tears roll down his cheeks as you take his head into your hands. You don't say anything because there's nothing needed to; and he simply leans into your touch like it's the first time he's ever received such a kind gesture. There's no alpha in him in that moment, no strong Jungkook who's confident and overachieving. No, in fact he looks so young that your motherly instincts shout at you to comfort him, to soothe his cries and dry his tears. Whatever pain he's feeling, you're craving to take it away.
But when the door opens again, after Jimin and Taehyung push too much against the wood, he snaps his head back around to look at them. "Never seen the kid cry that much." Yoongi scoffs with a playful but genuinely happy smile, as the rest snickers- you along. And even though he loves the sound that leaves your lips, he suddenly begins to pout, before shifting. His large wolf form curls up at the end of your feet, and you whine, getting no reaction from you but a tilt of his ear that signals he's still having your attention.
"No, kookie, come here." You whine pitifully, and it takes a moment, before he shuffles closer to you, laying his large body next to you as he somehow still lets only his back face you. "Are you mad?" You ask, and he simply huffs in embarrassment, and you laugh, as the pack leaves you alone, glad to know you were back again. "That's okay." You humm, cuddling his large body as you fall back asleep.
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It's late when you both return from your dinner with his pack, the now shared apartment you both got yourselves feeling cozy to you, since it held both of your scents perfectly aligned. It was your safe haven, a place you could both be yourselves as much as you wanted to, without any interference of the world. Surely, it was a bit weird and it needed time to get used to, but you both eventually made it work.
"Do you think we should lay carpet in the living room?" You casually ask as you take off your jacket, while Jungkook slips out of his shoes.
"Hm." He hums, before he takes a look at the living room area. "Maybe? Would that be better?" He asks, and you lean your head to the side, now out of your shoes as well as you walk towards the open kitchen.
"Maybe. I mean I like soft carpets, and because the sun shines in through the windows I thought it would be nice to have a soft floor to lay on for a nap or something." You casually explain. Jungkooks heart swells as he walks after you, holding your body from behind as he walks like a penguin to your destination, making you giggle. "What now?" You ask, and he simply nuzzles into your neck.
"Nothing." He replies with a grin. "It's just nice hearing you talk about things like that." He explains, running his pointy canines over your shoulder where he'd exposed the skin by pulling on your sweater sleeve. "My omega want's to make our home cozy. I like that." He humms against your pulse point. "Always so caring. So thoughtful, so sweet, my sweet baby." He almost dreamily cooes, as you suddenly try to wriggle out of his grasp. He catches on quickly, holding you tighter so you can't escape as he chuckles at your struggle. "Where you going baby?" He asks with amusement, as you huff.
"Nowhere because you're- ngh- you're yah!" You bark out, and his eyes grow more daring as he notices your behavior. You don't truly want to get away from him, as your body language tells him an entirely different story of what you're trying to bring across. Its a facade- even as you nip at his arm, biting the skin without hurting him as you kick your legs now, and he growls lowly.
"My baby's being a brat now?" He rumbles out, and you scoff again, trying to catch him off guard by hitting your head backwards, trying to push him away, but he only chuckles, one hand holding your body against him while the other moves higher to your throat now, holding your head tilted backwards against his shoulder. "Hm.. I actually wanted to watch a movie, but I think I'll have a different form of entertainment tonight." He says, as his hand tightens, not to choke, but to restrain, as he slowly sits down with you, forcing you with him on the floor as his hand lets your upper body loose, immediately grasping your wrists in his hand, while still holding your neck. You struggle for a good while, and he waits, until your eyes meet.
He can see the golden color of them, warm and hazy as they swim with pure emotions. You're finally submitting, your headspace blurring your thoughts as you become limp, making him smile at you. Once you're free, you turn around immediately, ready to go for his pants as he stands up, holding your neck as you obediently follow him to the bedroom, imaginary tail wagging in excitement on what's to come. "Look at you my baby." He sings out, voice low and soft as he addresses your kneeling form in front of him, hands on his thigh as your chin lays atop of it, closing your eyes when he runs his palm over your head. "Such a sweet little darling I have there." He opens his fly, shedding his pants as he throws the button up over his head, letting his erection free after his underwear is discarded as well. You quickly follow him, shedding your own layers of clothing as you sit in front of him, waiting, as he holds his hands out. You instantly shuffle forwards, nosing at his cock as he hisses at the contact, carefully guiding his length into your mouth as you close your eyes, tongue gliding over the salty skin in sinful patterns that make him groan out in pleasure. He lets his head fall back as his hand stays in your hair, muscles tightening and relaxing at the way you stimulate his nerves and senses, the room filling with your scent as he thinks he's on could nine.
He pulls your head away from him, making you gasp out as his eyes focus on the obscene strand of saliva still connecting your lips to his tip. He guides you upwards to sit on his muscular thigh, your hands holding onto his shoulders as he helps your hips move, gaze never leaving your form as you breathe heavily in pleasure. "Such a good girl." He praises, and you mewl in fondness at the praise, making him grin at you, his length throbbing from the view he has. "So good, look at you, getting yourself off on me." He continues, pushing you down harder and forcing you to faster as your breasts start to sway enticingly in front of him. "Hm? Use me darling, I'm all yours." He cooes, eyes hooded as he watches you fall apart, furrowing your brows as you concentrate on the pleasure. He suddenly hisses out when your hand moves away from his shoulder, suddenly finding his leaking cock as your soft hand wraps itself around it, desperate to give him pleasure back as well. He groans, and you let your forehead fall onto your hand on his shoulder as he growls deeply, the entire situation too much for him as his fingernails scratch down your back, making you arch it as he leaves hot marks on his way down, gripping a handful of your butt in his palm, as you bite down on his neck. It's the sound of wet skin running over skin, your hand jacking him off, groans and whimpers from you and him, and it's stuffy as the air around you takes on more and more of your smell, but its so perfect.
You whine and gasp as you finally come undone, desperately running your fingers over the skin of his length as you make sure to give it attention as well, smiling as you feel his hips trust into the air, muscles contracting as he spurts his cum onto your hand, groaning out a long sound as he lets himself fall backwards onto the bed. He breathes heavily as he holds you close to him, you bodies sweaty and spent, but happy and content none the less.
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Jungkook loves you dearly.
That much is evident to anyone who has eyes inside their sockets.
It could be just how well you fit into his life, how perfectly you align with his pack, or how you care for him in a way only you could. With you, he feels safe, comforted, home- he doesn't need walls and a roof to feel like he's in his own safe haven.
"Jungkooks coming!" Jimin shouts in victory, making you turn around with wide eyes as you spot him walk into the living room. You sneeze as he walks past you, sitting down next to you as he slaps Jimins hands reaching for your snacks with a challenging gaze. The older beta pouts, but doesn't argue as he leans back, watching with amusement as you cuddle up to Jungkooks side, almost crawling onto his lap as he puts an arm around your middle "Heh, big bad omega is all cuddly" Jimin challenges as you get ready to throw the pillow closest at him, but Jungkooks palm takes it out of your hand, diffusing the situation as the beta across from you snickers in triumph. Jungkook however smirks, yawning innocently as he suddenly gets up.
"Oh, I think I've forgotten something in the kitchen." He casually says, getting up to leave you two be as you grin dangerously, while Jimin begins to sweat nervously at the mere prospect of being alone with you.
"A-actually It's late, I should probably leave!"
  And both, Jungkook and you, laugh.
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Pas De Deux - Chapter 3 (End)
Title: Pas De Deux
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Destiel 
Rating: not really needed for this fluff lol
Tags: fluff, pretty much just a whole lot of fluff XD
Summary: Dean is a closeted ballet dancer, and Cas is playing the Nutcracker Prince in the Kansas State Ballet. When the ballet loses their Clara and Cas confronts Dean about taking the part along side him, will he be able to put aside his fears and let everyone know who he really is? All to help the man of his dreams?
*** My works are not to be posted on any sites without my permission! But comments and reblogs are love! <3 Please and thanks!!
Chapter Three
     He woke up to the sun blasting through a crack in his curtains, hitting him perfectly across the eyes. He rubbed his face as he slowly sat up in bed, feeling a bit better then he had when he first came home, and wondered how long he had slept. Looking at the clock and seeing it was now after nine, and he had managed to get a decent few hours sleep, he decided to head down to the kitchen and see who was up. Sam was usually an early bird and most times already had breakfast ready by the time Dean decided to roll down stairs. 
     When he got there Sam was in the kitchen, showered, dressed, and stirring a pot of spaghetti sauce he was making for dinner. And just as Dean had expected, there was a fresh pot of coffee made and a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast waiting for him on the counter. 
     He walked over and sat down on one of the stools at the island, watching Sam as he ate, "Where's Mom?"
     "Around somewhere," he answered, as he turned and placed a cup of coffee in front of Dean, "she was up before I was today."
     He nodded and focused on finishing his food, then thanked Sam before heading through the house to go find their mom. He walked down the hall and heard the slam of the dryer door in the laundry room, so he took a hard right and found her inside. Though his smile instantly dropped when he saw her, his entire body froze, and every limb hummed with anxiety while all he could do was stare at his mom, holding two things in her hands staring at them in confusion.
     The first was the tickets Dean had been given by the directors of the ballet, the ones that were meant for her and Sam. The second… was Dean's tights. 
     "Mom…" He finally managed to breathe out, and she turned to look at him. 
     "Dean, what… what is this? Are they yours?"
     "Why do you have those? Why were you in my bag?"
     "You were sleeping, and I saw your bag on the washing machine," she tried to speak calmly, not wanting Dean to freak out, seeing he was clearly on the brink of a meltdown, "I figured since you seemed so tired lately I would do your laundry for you. But what is this? Are you… are you in this show?"
     He was pretty much in tears now, he was so scared. He wanted to do this differently, he wanted to tell them on his own terms, when he felt ready, not have his mom find out on her own because he forgot he left his bag on the washing machine. "I forgot I left my bag here. I… I…"
     Mary just calmly reached out and took Dean by the shoulders, gently guiding him to the kitchen and sitting him at the table. She sat across from him, staring helplessly at him as he just placed his head on his hands, fingers wringing tightly in his hair, knuckles white.
     "Woah," Sam dropped the wooden spoon on the counter with a clatter and practically ran around the counter to sit beside Dean at the table, "what's going on?!"
     "Dean, talk to us, Honey," Mary tried to get him to look up but he wouldn't budge, "Were those tights yours?"
     "Tights?!" Sam looked between them. 
     "I… I couldn't tell you." He shook his head, hands still over his eyes, "I was afraid."
     "Tell us what, Dean,?" Sam tried this time, placing a hand on Dean's shaking shoulder. 
     "Why not, Honey?"
     "Dad…" He finally lifted his head slightly out of his hands, wiping the tears that had smudged all over his face now, though still not making eye contact with anyone. "Dad would never want me to be the person I am, he would be disappointed."
     "Disappointed about what, Dean?!" Sam moved to get into Dean's eye line but he quickly darted his eyes away. "You're a great person, why would anyone be disappointed in you? What could you have done that's so wrong?"
     Dean just shook his head and closed his eyes, the sobs coming back a little harder now. Mary reached over the table and managed to get ahold of one of his to squeeze it comfortingly. "Tell Sam, it's okay."
     "I…" He tried to look at Sam but he couldn't. He was afraid that just because his dad was gone and he couldn't see the look of disappointment on his face, he still might see it on Sam's. But he forced it out anyways, since there was no going back now, "I… dance."
     "Okay," Sam shrugged his bottom lip and shook his head, seemingly unfazed, "I still don't understand why you're crying though. Lots of people dance, many of them are amazingly talented, so why are you so upset?"
     "But I'm a ballet dancer, Sam! Not some crazy cool hip hop dancer that you're probably thinking of, no, I dance around the stage in girly tights!" He slammed a fist down on the table, making Sam jump a little. "And the tickets Mom found in my bag, along with my tights, were for the performance I am going to be in. I am part of the Kansas State Ballet's rendition of The Nutcracker."
     "You… you dance ballet?" Sam smiled a bit at the thought, "Dean Winchester, the manliest man of all men to ever man, dances ballet?"
     "This is exactly why I didn't say anything," Dean just shook his head and wiped away more stray tears, "Dad would have killed me if he ever found out that I loved ballet, let alone taught myself the skill. He wanted me to be the manly man that everyone knows and thinks I am, not some pansy dancing around the stage in tights."
     "But, Dean, that's awesome!" Dean turned to Sam, a little startled. "Ballet’s actually one of the most intense dance forms out there! It's so powerful, and moving. And the fact that you taught yourself the art, and are a part of a state ballet group, is something that a lot of classically trained dancers could never even come close to be able to do!"
     "But… Dad-"
     ��Your father is gone now, Honey, has been for four years," she gave his hand a squeeze again, and this time she managed to catch his eye, "you have to stop looking over your shoulder and expecting him to be there. It's only holding you back. He would have been proud of you no matter what, he loved you."
     "Would he still be proud if he knew I wore tights and danced in pointe shoes?"
     Mary shrugged, "He might have been a little sad that you didn't want to follow in his footsteps and fall into sports, but he would have supported you regardless. I know he seemed like a hardened man, but he loved you boys. And now it's time for you to just let go of that past and be yourself, Dean.” 
     Dean shook his head vigorously, gasping out, "I can't,"
     “You can.” She assured him in her most firm mom voice she could muster.
     "You don't understand!" Dean nearly screamed, "It is hardwired into my brain that I shouldn't be this way! I should be covered in dirt sliding across a baseball diamond, or sweating through my gear on the ice, not dancing in skin tight outfits and sparkles. He would hate me, he would hate everything I am!"
     "No he wouldn't," she said softly and shook her head, "but that doesn't matter anymore, Dean, this is your time to be you, and I wish you would have told me sooner rather than suppressing this obvious passion. I want you to be happy, Dean, and if ballet is it for you then that is perfectly fine! Just be you, please, Honey.” 
     He didn't say anymore after that. Just sat at the table for most of the day, contemplating everything that his mom and brother had said, and what he was going to do about it. 
     It was their last rehearsal before they would open to the public. Opening night was right around the corner. Everyone was a cluster of excitement and nerves, buzzing around the theater, the knowledge that their tickets had sold out seconds after being released was making the atmosphere even more intense. The entire cast was reeling, well, everyone except Dean. He still hadn't shown up at the theater yet, he was almost an hour late for the rehearsal, and Cas was starting to get worried. Along with others. 
     "Have you heard from him, Castiel?" Cas just shook his head at a worried Chuck from center stage, "Has anyone heard from Dean?!"
     He ran through the theater, asking everyone about Dean as the rest of the cast waited patiently on stage. Cas just stood there alone, worried, waiting along with everyone else, his body tingling with fear that maybe Dean wasn't coming back. Maybe this was it, maybe he had decided he didn't want this anymore, or his family didn't want it. 
     He listened to the hushed conversations around him, trying to focus on that for a moment, but that didn't help. For the very first thing he heard was one of the female dancers saying to another, “I overheard him saying yesterday that he was going home to tell his family about the show, he was worried it wouldn’t go over well. I hope everything’s okay.”
     And if Castiel's heart wasn't already in his feet. But then suddenly pounding footsteps came from Castiel's right and he turned to see Dean bouncing across the stage to stand next to him. "I'm here, sorry I'm so late!"
     Both Chuck and Metatron breathed hard sighs of relief and said, “Oh thank heavens!”
     "I just had some things to clear up back home, I'm really sorry!" The directors both waved him off, just thankful their other star was still here. Then he turned his attention to Cas at his side and smiled, a little twinkle in his eye as he said only to him, "I'm ready for this, I'm ready to just be me."
     "Shall we get this final rehearsal on the road then?!" Metarton waved his hands in the air and everyone started running around them. "Places people, places!"
     Cas walked over with a matching smile to Dean’s and took both his hands in his own. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to, neither of them did. So instead he just lifted Dean's hands to his mouth, placed a gentle kiss on the knuckles of each hand, and then moved back to get in his place. The whole time the two of them never took their eyes off one another, even as the orchestra started playing their final dance.
     It was finally opening night and Dean had never been so god damn nervous in his entire life. He was currently standing backstage in full costume, peeking out the curtain at the completely full seats, people packing into the theater, and his heart was pounding out of his chest. Then he looked to the front row and saw his mom and Sam, sitting in the seats given to them by the directors, and then both Chuck and Metatron waltzed through the orchestra to introduce themselves to them. That made his nerves even worse, he was sure his heart was going to pop out of his chest and explode, and he had the sudden urge to whip off his pointe shoes and get the hell outta dodge. But then there were hands on his shoulders, rubbing up and down his arms, steadying and grounding. "Cas," he breathed and leaned back.
     "You're nervous," he whispered into Dean's ear as he leaned impossibly closer to Cas. 
     He nodded, "Sammy's here, and my mom, talking to Chuck and Metatron," he let out a long shuddering sigh, "what if they hate it? What if I mess up because they're watching?! What if everyone laughs at me?! Cas!"
     He turned Dean towards him and pulled him into a tight hug, Dean wrapping his arms around his neck and digging his face in, "You're spiraling, Dean," he rubbed his hands soothingly up and down his back, "you have nothing to worry about. I promise that not just your family, but everyone in the audience will love your performance. You will not fall, because I will always catch you. And no one will laugh at you, because if they do they will have to answer to me."
     Dean chuckled against Cas's neck as Cas continued, "You will be fine. You know the dances inside and out, you know every single move, every line." Cas kept going as he felt Dean relaxing, and started moving his hands up Dean's sides to his arms, then his hands, twisting him around and resting his head on his shoulder, wrapping their clasped hands around Dean and holding him tightly to his chest. "And you know me, and I know you. When we dance together our bodies are one and it is just you and I on the stage together, just us. That's all you need to remember, and if you feel like you are starting to slip, just reach out your hand and I will be there, I promise."
     Dean just nodded and inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself, and it definitely helped when Cas gently pressed his lips to Dean's neck. Not so much a kiss but it was oh so comforting. 
     They stayed like that for a while, as long as they could, Cas's lips still pressed to Dean's neck and rocking them softly back and forth. Until the lights started to flicker, the signal for everyone to take their seats and for the cast and crew to take their positions. 
     Cas gave Dean one last hug before pulling back and taking Dean's hands in his, lifting them to his mouth to do his new favourite thing, and placed a kiss on the knuckles of each hand. Then moved across the stage to stand on the other side facing Dean. 
     His nerves came back a bit now that Cas was gone, he could still see him but not having his hands on him was unsettling him again, and even more so when he heard Chuck and Metatron on the other side of the curtain, addressing the audience before the show would start. 
     "Welcome everyone to the Kansas State Ballet's rendition of The Nutcracker!" Metatron announced and claps and cheers filled the air. 
     "Though," Chuck stepped in, "we got off to a pretty rocky start, didn't we."
     Metatron chuckled, "That we did, but maybe for the better!"
     "Very true," Chuck nodded, then turned to the audience, "early on in rehearsals we had a small bump, that being that our original lead of Clara had to… unexpectedly leave us. But, in place of her, we were gifted an angel, your very own, champion of dance, hometown boy, Dean Winchester!"
     From backstage Dean could hear everyone cheering, clapping louder than before, and the undeniable Sam Winchester whistle and hollar combo, which he had to admit eased his nerves just a bit. And Chuck and Metatron went on. 
      "Well, look at us, gushing over our stars," Metatron laughed, "we should just let you see for yourselves the pure, raw chemistry and talent that we have discovered here. Allow us to let Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak steal your hearts as they have ours."
     "So, without further ado," Chuck said just before they backed away to duck backstage, "we give you, The Nutcracker!"
     They both backed away, tucked themselves backstage to watch their masterpiece unfold, as the curtain opened and the lights shone hot and bright on the stage. 
     Dean took a deep breath, the worst part of this ballet was that he had to do the first act without Cas, before the Nutcracker Prince came in to play. But he looked over at Cas, still standing directly across from him, and he gave him a reassuring smile and gestured to himself and Dean. Just you and I together, Dean thought, I'm dancing for Cas. And with a smile and a new found burst of energy he bounded across the stage to give the best performance he could.
     As the show went on and Dean was finally able to get to dance with Cas, his very own Nutcracker Prince, that chemistry that Chuck and Metatron had spoken of came in full force. 
     Sam watched in complete awe from the front row as his brother moved on stage before him. He had never seen Dean so happy, so powerful, so amazing! And the way he danced with the other lead, it was such an intense form of intimacy, of pure completeness, that Sam was sure the entire audience could feel it. The atmosphere around him was on fire, and everyone in the audience was on the edge of their seats through the entire performance. 
     The ballet had everything, Sam thought as his eyes opened impossibly wider with each passing act. Crazy fights, ups, downs, emotions, romance, devastation, and love. And all too soon for him, and everyone else watching, it was too quickly coming to an end. 
     He watched as the Nutcracker Prince and Charles came together for their final dance, and he had to admit that he was slightly jealous at the way Dean and the Nutcracker were looking at each other. But he was oh so happy for his brother, he was finally truly happy. 
     Sparks were clearly flying between them, and as the orchestra played the final notes of the song, Charles and his Nutcracker Prince held their ending poses and the entire audience rose to their feet. Not a single person wasn't standing, not a single eye was dry, and that included both Chuck and Metatron who walked slightly out on the stage, both cheering as loud as everyone else was. 
     And just before the other dancers joined them on stage for a bow, Cas couldn't resist doing what he had been wanting to do for so long. Both of them panting, gazing deeply at each other, Dean's pure blissful smile that he knew was only there for him, and Cas knew what would make the perfect ending to this night. So he pulled lightly on Dean's hand in his and he bounced forwards into Castiel's arms. And right there, in front of everyone in the audience, Cas dipped Dean backwards and finally, finally kissed Dean. 
     The audience erupted impossibly louder, but Dean and Cas didn't even hear it. It was just the two of them. Dean clutched tighter to Cas as he dipped him a little further back, and Dean ran his hands up to clutch Cas's face as the cast around them bowed, and the curtain closed in front of them. 
     Castiel's lips were on his for what felt like a blissful eternity, lips and tongue moving with Dean's as if they were built perfectly for each other. And Dean never wanted it to end, but eventually it had to. 
     One of their celebrating cast members bumped into them as they bounced by, excited over a perfect performance, and Cas gave Dean one last long kiss before they pulled apart and Cas stood them back up. 
     Dean was even more breathless now then he had been after the dance had ended. Kissing Cas was something he had wanted to do since the very first moment he saw him dancing in that studio, and all he could do was smile and even blush a little as he pulled Cas's forehead to rest on his, "It's about time."
     Cas chuckled, his chest vibrating against Dean's as he did, and pulled Dean in even closer, "Wanted to do that for a very long time now."
     "Me too, Cas."
     They stood together for a moment before Cas said, "You were amazing, Dean."
     "So were you," he nuzzled his nose against Cas's, leaning in a little closer for another kiss, "I wouldn't have been able to do all of this if it wasn't for you."
     Before they could kiss again, a screech was heard from off to the side, startling them both as well as silencing the entire cast and crew still backstage. Cas clutched a little tighter to Dean, but Dean just laughed and hid his face in Cas's shoulder before he turned slightly, still holding Cas.
     "Mom," he laughed as she came running through the parting crowd towards them, nearly crashing into them, "stop freaking out, it's embarrassing."
     She pulled him away from Cas and into the tightest bear hug he had ever been in, "You were amazing, Honey, so absolutely amazing!"
     "Mom's right, Dean," Sam came up behind them, taking his turn to hug Dean, "that was the best performance I have ever seen! It had everything! I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire time!"
     "Thanks, Sammy! And I’m glad you're here cuz there’s someone I want you to meet," Dean said as he backed up, rubbing the back of his neck. Then he turned back and took Castiel's hand, bringing him forwards a bit, "this is Cas, the other lead and… and…"
     Dean stuttered, not exactly sure what to say, especially while his mom and brother were staring at him so intensely. Not to mention the all too knowing matching Winchester smirks they were sending his way. So Cas stepped forward, hand outstretched towards them, "I'm Dean's boyfriend."
     Boyfriend, Dean thought, and his stomach had butterflies again, though this time the good kind. And he couldn't help but laugh as his boyfriend's hand was swatted away by Sam, and he was taken in a Winchester group hug, while Sam patted his back and said, "Welcome to the family, man!" Then backed away and held out two bouquets of flowers to the both of them, "And these are for you guys, congrats on an amazing first performance, and many more to come!"
     "Thanks, Sammy," Dean said as he took it, then settled himself against Cas's side again, "it means a lot that you guys liked the show."
     "We really did, Honey, and we’re so proud of you, both of you." She stood between them for one more hug and a kiss on each boy's cheek before backing away and saying, "alright, you two change and then I'm taking you both to dinner, on me. Sammy and I will wait for you by the car."
     Dean watched them go with a smile as Cas pulled him a little closer so he could kiss his cheek. "Your family is great, I am glad to be a part of it."
     "They're a little crazy but I love them," he said and turned a bit, smiling at Cas, "almost as much as I love you."
     "And I love you, Dean," he said as he leaned in, pressing his lips to Dean's in an almost kiss, "I am so very glad that you snuck into that dance studio and watched me dancing like a creeper."
     Dean couldn't help but laugh against Cas's lips and said, "Me too, Cas, me too," and closed the gap between them. Dean was pleased that everything had turned out better than he had ever thought it would, and that the ballet had been a winning performance, but of all of that the only thing that he really cared about was that the man in his arms, currently kissing him absolutely senseless, was finally all his. His very own Nutcracker Prince.
The end. 
A/N: So that’s the end friends! My one shot turned three chapter fic lol 
I hope you guys enjoyed it, and as always I have plenty more fics on the horizon, so look forward to those! Love you guys! <3
I also wanted to send a huge shout out to my lovely friend @thebridgekid for always putting up with me, reading all my crazy ideas, and just being super awesome <3<3<3
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Intentions pt 2
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Bjorn Ironside x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1744 words
Warnings: none
Summary: reader calms down daddy!Bjorn and Signe had to deal with her Uncle Ubbe———————————————————————————————————
Bjorn was about as happy to find out that his daughter was getting married as any other father would be.
He didn't know the boy that she was marrying, or why she thought it was a good idea to get married in the first place but you were painfully aware of his opinion. No one got to hear more about how unhappy he was about the whole situation than you.
"I just don't understand why our beautiful Signe would be interested in such a child" he shrugged, stuffing another piece of bread into his mouth as he ranted to you.
You had sent Signe and Birger out of the house earlier, thinking it was better to remove them both from the situation before Ubbe showed up. That just meant that you had that much more time for your darling husband to express his distaste for her choice of partner.
"He's a man Bjorn, not a child" you reminded, filling his ale horn with mead before taking a seat beside him. You had only been awake for a few hours, but he was insistent on having this conversation already.
You weren't exactly thrilled with the idea of your daughter leaving your family home and starting a family of her own but this was just what happened. The two of you couldn't stand in the way of her life just as your parent's hadn't been able to stop you.
This was just how things happened.
You knew that one day she would have to leave, you just never thought that it would be so soon.
"I've known plenty of men, and that boy isn't one of them" he spit, earning an eye roll from you. You had asked him plenty of times to stop talking with his mouth full at meals but it was hard to teach a man who didn't want to be taught.
Right now, he was so focused on what he was losing.
You two weren't losing a daughter, you were just gaining a son, in some respects.
Bjorn hadn't liked when you told him that, even going so far as to laugh in your face. He had made his opinion on Birger very clear, whether you wanted it or not.
"What if we simply tell her no? That she isn't allowed to get married" he suggested, getting truly desperate now. He didn't like the idea of his little girl out in the world all alone and you could see that this was really affecting him.
He didn't want to have to let her go.
"Bjorn, we can't keep her from getting married. She's a grown woman now, it's her choice to make" you sighed, scooting a little closer to him to rub his back. You just let your hand move in comforting circles, hoping that you would calm his nerves...but nothing worked.
Instead, Bjorn remained stiff, wracking his brain to try to think of anything that would keep her from going off and getting married.
As a father, this was his worst nightmare.
"Do you remember when we told my parents that we were going to get married?" you asked, taking his cup to take a sip of his ale as he thought over your question.
Of course he remembered it.
At the time, he had been so nervous, he'd almost refused to tell them in the first place. His plan was to just get married on a boat, then come back to Kattegat in a few years, probably with a baby or two.
You had made fun of him then too.
The idea of facing your mother and father made him nervous. In those days though, it was common to ask the father's permission before taking a woman's hand in marriage.
It would seem that young Birger had never learned that.
"You were so scared of father, I thought you would be sick" you teased, recalling the extremely pale hue of his skin when he approached your parent's front door. Your father was a powerful earl, and quite intimidating.
It was only natural for a young man like Bjorn to be nervous, even though he is a son of Ragnar. Your father never had much care for his title, he just wanted to get to know Bjorn as a person.
The few evenings that they spent talking were the most frightening of his life, but sooner or later, your father warmed up to the man you'd given your heart to.
There was no doubt in your mind that if Bjorn gave Birger a chance, the same thing would happen between them.
"Your father was as tall as the door frame, with bird skulls braided into his beard, of course I was scared" he countered, not liking you challenging his manliness. He would have been stupid to not be intimidated by your father.
You smiled at that, realizing your point was coming together perfectly.
"And do you not think you intimidate that young man? You're so broad shouldered and handsome" you purred, poking into his cheek as he stared at you, his eyes studying your eyes move.
He knew that you were teasing him, but it would be a lie to say that he wasn't flattered by your words, even if they were just a means to make a point.
"You're Bjorn Ironside. What boy wouldn't be intimidated by you?" you added, just for good measure. if nothing else worked, you knew that flattering Bjorn always got you what you wanted.
You were his weakness and all it took were a few well placed kisses and compliments and he would melt into the palm of your hand.
"I suppose I could talk to him" he allowed finally, not liking how easily you had gotten him to comply. Nevertheless, he shrugged it off, leaning over to give you a kiss before getting more mead.
He was going to have to have a bit of wine in him before he could face that kid again. After all, the first time they had met, he'd been naked. It was going to take a lot to get that image out of his head.
Luckily, before he could think much more about it, Ubbe came barging in the door. He hadn't seen the three of you in quite some time and every once and a while, you all had dinner together.
You thought that out of all his brothers, Ubbe was Bjorn's favorite. After all, they were the closest in age of all Ragnar's sons, so it was only natural that they bonded more than the others.
"Good morning brother" he greeted, clapping a hand down on the man's back before making his way over to the kitchen area to say hello to you. "It's been too long Y/N" he grinned, pressing a light kiss to the side of your cheek.
You couldn't help but grin, thankful to Odin for Ubbe's interruption. The house had been quite tense and you needed someone else to help you diverge Bjorn's attention.
Any help was better than none.
Besides, you had no idea when Signe would be back with her new suitor, so you could use all the distraction as possible.
"Good morning Ubbe, how are you this morning?" you wondered, pouring him some ale and passing it off via Bjorn, who was now closer to him than you were.
Both men settled in by the fire, and you knew it was only a matter of time before the news came out.
However, the news never came. Bjorn had no outburst, or rant toward his brother. Instead, he sat quietly, talking to him about sailing and hunting in the mountains.
There was no sign of him even mentioning it, and you couldn't figure out why.
Eventually, you joined both of them by the fire, eyeing your husband suspiciously. There was definitely something going on, but he was so calm all of a sudden. It made your stomach turn in the most unpleasant way, like watching moments before a storm crashed on the shore.
You knew that something bad was going to happen, but you couldn't do anything to stop it. All you could do was wait it out and hope for the best.
Little did you know, that Bjorn was just planning on waiting for the arrival of your daughter, who would have to explain herself to her uncle Ubbe. If anyone was going to try to stop the wedding, it was his brother.
Bjorn was sure of it.
Luckily for her though, when Signe arrived, she was alone. She knew better that to bring Birger back under such circumstances...not that she was out of the woods yet.
As soon as she came through the door, all eyes were on her. Both men had been waiting on her arrival all day and you were so worried about what would go down. If you thought Bjorn was angry, you had no idea how badly Ubbe would react.
As far as you knew, he would throw an even bigger fit than your husband. All of her uncles had always been protective over her, Ubbe most of all.
"Hello bearcub" you greeted, breaking the silence before Bjorn started in. Not even a moment after you spoke, he opened his mouth. "Signe, tell your Uncle Ubbe about your recent news" he prompted, quite proud of himself.
He assumed that his brother was going to be upset, and likely would reprimand the girl for her poor choice.
Unfortunately for him though, as soon as she informed Ubbe of her engagement, the man laughed. Instead of being angry like Bjorn hoped he'd be...he was happy about it.
In his eyes, the fact that his niece had found someone to love was nothing but a good thing. Though, Ubbe wasn't her father. He understood how upsetting it must be for his brother, who was going to lose a daughter.
...Not that anyone else saw it that way but Bjorn.
"I think it's wonderful Signe, congratulations...when is the wedding?" he wondered, grinning at your daughter with a shine in his eyes. Ubbe, unlike Bjorn, was a sucker for love and quite liked the idea of another wedding in the family.
However, his question startled you.
In all this time, you had been so focused on calming Bjorn that you'd forgotten that a wedding was actually happening. You didn't have much of a choice though, after all your daughter was getting married-whether you or your husband liked it or not.
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Fright Night - 2011 - 2/5
we start , very, very high. its ominous to begin, the dreamworks opening dark and spooky and slow. scrawled font glides across dark stormy clouds and we're over a small square, isolated suburb. a house is on sale. that's the Charmed font.
oh my god what is that david tennant what the fuck was not expecting that.okay so this is a modern Fright Night.  and david tennant sis peter vincent. okay what a jump scare just happened the dog is scared, and this girl is dead and he's covered in blood and holy shit its the senator. wow the bed was bloody where his dad was scrambling for the gun hidden beneath the mattress that the boy finds. oh his dads body is sliding away and what the fuck is that im scared what the hell holy shit. ohh cool title card. nice symmetry in the birds eye. just a happy, normal small neighbourhood, everyone is diverse and happy and the kids are playing outside. holy shit its that dead guy poor ol mate.oh its hereditary mum.  they got a chill equal relationship just chatting like friends more than parent adn child. and the mum's intelligent and assertive and smart and a real estate agent. this is very very different from the original fright night. is it really the same movie? is it oh its the girl from 28 weeks later nice she's hot and eyy pumped up kicks is playing damn. I'm pretty sure they're both like 25 and playing as  oh holy shit its like zac efron's brother. trumping all over stereotype. what the hell its the weird super bad creepy guy comedian dude 'Brewster' it's the weird cackling kid. they've got relationship issues they're both geeks but brewster got hot and with the hot girl and rose through the 'social ranks' and they had to stop being friends. weird kid is threatening to show all his new friends embarrassing stuff from the past. oh my fucking god oh my god colin farrell. holy shit. oh my god. and damn she is Amy I'm forgetting everything cause its so different. he's charming and fucking hot and buff with like a paled face.being all charming and neighbourly. wife beater and silver necklace and damn the way he bit that apple. what are they doing here crawling through the doggy door who's adam. outta nowhere weird kid tells him jerry's a vampire, like a 'by the way' situation where are they going why does he have a cross and stake? they just added a stock door opening noise. they're telling the realisations of hm being a vampire without actually showing any of it and the weirdo kid is the one interested and telling brewster that jerrys a vampire like what first he's not even met him he hasn't been involved or around him at all and now he's adamantly trying to argue that he is a vampire?? in the original brewster was obsessed and found out quick to the start all by himself and half the trouble was trying to convince everyone else too. now one of his friends is trying to convince him?? what?? and they're mentioning Twilight and weird kid is saying how he's not broody or whatever like show us what his personality is like why are you saying this it's like this long ass dialogue chunk in the middle of a completely irrelevant situation, all about Jerry. fucking weird man what the fuck. we've seen the guy once. he's got evidence? why are they in this house? why is this happening? this was the Charley show - his journey from fear to sorting Jerry out and his tension with the guy the weird kid was basically comedic effect now he's premature exposition guy? and he's the one who thought of peter vincent cause it showed him watching him all the time but now its the weird kid convincing him and now they're having relationship problems and brewster fkn pushed him damn son use your words wow he's a fucking asshole like die dude the fuck. oh damn what the fuck the bully just grabbed him off his bike fr riding down his street like its his turf what the hell there's like four streets in this suburb and now they're fighting who wrote this why bother calling it fright night its a whole nother (fkn messy shit) story he's literally chasing him over the fence like he wants to kill him damn this isn't bullying  fuck. what is this movie? oooooh jerry is hottttt i love me a murdererous manly man. weird kid is in big trouble. oh my god. oh my god did they get him to play fake grindelwald because of his role in this. damn he's turning weird kid and the cross falls dramatically from his hand. ohh he's a fuckin dick to his friend and now he's feelin all guilty and worried and reminiscing about the time he wasn't an asshole to his friend. wow we're not even half an hour in and half the original movie is gone and replaced by whatever high school drama movie this is.he walked into weird kid's room and didn't turn the light on? yeah alright. what the fuck. why is peter vincent fkn that 'sexy' emo magician man who was popular -Chris Angel Mindfreak. he found a laptop with evidence that jerry's a vampire videos on it. and here's Jerry and what's happening ahaha he's not gonna invite him in and its physically uncomfortable standing at the door he's literally stuck at the door and it's really really obvious.  damn that was cool though passing the beer through the doorway and the communication in their eyes and now he's perving on his mum is this acting intentional? like he looked really unsure what to do with himself was that in character or?? he's looking around all paranoid he's perving on all the girls he's threatening him really obviously i can't tell if i like it more than the smooth suave chilling conversation that was driving charley mad at the start of the other one. jerry telling him to 'manage' the women in his life cause its his job to keep them safe. now they're doing the distracted disinterested in Amy play and she's the one coming onto him strong  and what are we gonna see this. this is literally worse acting than the screaming kid in the first one it's like halfhearted. now the movie's settling in for like a spookier, much darker version of the  nah nevermind its like a padded retelling. there's no billy in this one, just Jerry - who's gonna cover him during the day? original was a squad effort movie - bunch of kids and an old man going up against a vampire. not anymore its just this obviously mid 20s guy sneaking around in a dark house to quiet, eerie music. wait he's in Jerry's house? oh cause Jerry drove off. ooh Jerry's got awesome creepy office with spooky drawings on the walls why is this place so dark goddamn turn on the lightswitch. he's got costumes for hunting damn that's cool. and here he returns uh oh run charley run. try escape the vampire now that you're in his lair. a secret door to like a jail block in the wall? what he's letting himself be close in? what is he doing how did Jerry whip this up?jumpscare lol lame it's Doris. you telling me he's gonna lockpick the lock okay he's never done it before but okay. god he's hot. the swooning blond in the arms of a vampire. it's like hella horrific oh my god she just shushed Charley where he hid in the other room. drinks from her all orgasmic and tosses her back in the room. damn he looks good with a bloodstained mouth lickinn his lips and shit. good luck picking with a bobby pin you're hilarious holy fuck she's tiny, like a limp ragdoll. ew why is he watching skanky girls on TV. tryna tell me he's watching the TV so loud that he can't hear they panting and crying. yeah he can he's outta the chair - there's no reflection and he's like crying damn this is tense. such a nice house. strutting around, drinking beer, vaguely amused at everything. he just caught an apple. it's like he knows something amusing no one else does.  but does he actually kno-- oh my god yeah he does that's awesome. oh holy fucking shit holy shit holy fucking shit she was a vampire she fucking exploded in the sunlight. his jumper s covered in her ash that's messed, Jerry stood inside listening and laughing to himself as he bit into the apple. now he's out here being the one looking up peter vincent - that entire start was completely pointless they should've cut out all of the weird kid stuff. now he's snubbing his girlfriend too this is how it should have all begun here comes david tennant. what the hell he's pulling a secret swipe identity thing to try get in to see vincent and vincent is a gross slimeball of a david tennant why are all these men slimy he's pretending to be a reporter she's walking around in a bra, vincent is an expert on vampires and the lot - not just using what he learned from doing his show and now she's using 'little girl' as a derogatory term for vincent. okay not the most attractive bod and i hate tattoos tbh at this point its true. god this whole thing is so edgy and wow okay here we go his hair is so much betterokay damn holy shit. it was the hair the hair was fucking me up okay holy damn all his facial hair is fake. and thank god his eyebrow piercing - wait nevermind all that 'expert' stuff was bulll? or is he mucking around? okay no its bull he isn't an expert. i can't believe how much hair affects someone. oh and his tattoo are right as well. damn he sounds schizo and vincent is fkn cold and that is some bad cgi and trying to be so dramatic its just a filter over the shot. oh and here's  zac efrons brother and eternal grunge guy.  ohh he's got creepy long nails and oh damn eating them and there's the blood oh fuck why is that hot im so disturbed. he's shaving stakes and its mum who confronts him and he's awwkard about it and now they've referenced 'Dark Shadows' as well as Twilight. these highschoolers are so serious and mature tryna talk to each other and here's Jerry at the door.this is a game to him but she's sticking up for her son and Jerry thinks its awesome or is it just oh damn he's coming back with a shovel and a power saw?? what's he doing??? where's he going oh my god what's he doing the girls are slowly realising that he might be right what is he digging up.flinging huge chunks of earth around. oh uh oh oh FUCK  THAT:s  GAS HOLY SHIT are you serious Jerry no holy daaaaaaamn he's blowing up their house I love it ahahaha 'dont need an invitation if there's no house' that is hilarious oh my god as if they're going to get out with what really he's gonna  oh wait he''s gonna take the dirt bike what the fuck he just threw the bike at them what is happening is this Michael bay. and now he's ramming them fuck he really wants them dead damn oh ahahah they have a tank of a car driving getting hit by a bike, smashing through a vampire and his big ass car. is he-- he's under the car that's amazing yeah okay like they survived that too oh he just lifted up the car oh what the fuck he looks like that shark guy from batman oh no why does he look like that who made him look like a shark he's eating that guy blood squirting, he's very animalistic like twitchy and shit too  black eyes eats a guy, morphs into something evil blood stained mouth cars all fucked up and he turns around 'hey' he greeted jovially, the girls run away - the mum just leaves her son to face off a vampire? yeah, okay. - and he calls 'catch you later!' damn some of this is gold and other bits are trash but so far they're evening each other out. he's oh damn he grabbed the cross and it lit on fire and he's got charley and was gonna stake him but mum popped up and shanked him through the shoulder with one of her real estate signs that's so lame, but he's screeching and flinging himself around making growling noises and now mum's fainted and hit her head and jerry's twitching out with a oh okay he hit him with his car again. jerry's all kinds of fucked but he heals up fine soon enough. vincent isn't charming; there's too much sex and money and cynical and assholey and its grotesque compared to the teenageriness of the original. and now mum's out for the count at the hospital lol  what's happening. he's shitting on the idea to call the police that's hilarious he wouldn't stop calling them in the first. i dunno i keep comparing them because these are the bits i 100% liked better in the other one. now he's talking about weird kid who disappeared ages ago. he's a loser - she likes him cause he's different; she's the popular girl who didn't want an ass bully to date. vincent's a drunk on top of everything. but he does know his stuff about vampires. there's different species different breeds - Jerry's a tribal snacker who keeps his victims alive for days and oh damn its weird kid he's a black eyed vampire and he's mad Jerry got him Vincents in his panic room the bra girl is dead weird kids arms off and now Jerry's coming and weird kid's twitching out and he looks like a wolf shark and they're being vulgar again he's hunting them down this is a serious relationship drama issue. if they're strong enough to like bend metal how did grabbing him hard around the neck not immediately crush it. they're fighting - like what; charley just took a deep clawing across the chest they're blocking and slashing and every ones smashing stuff and he just got weird kid at the neck and uh oh she's in trouble but she's got a gun but he's barely flinching oh what. how did she know that was holy water the cup was up too high for her to see there was even any water in it. dude they're strong when its plot convenient - how do these guys know how to fight with weapons he's just so chill with that slash across the chest. ahaha what the fuck she's like urging him to kill him aha he stabbed him all drama and she's in survivor mode like fuck outta the way everyone oh good he's pretty again. i'm disappointed no jerry/amy stuff though tbh she's spicy, he thinks this is a great time. he's just hunting them and its nightclub time are they gonna do the jerry amy thing no he grabbed her by the throat oh damn oh okay no that was pretty hot he's got a slash on his chest and the bouncers just grabbing it and he doesn't react fuck sake 0 that was pretty cool if not exactly what i wanted - he properly vampired her: blood on his lips he kissed her and it drugged her enough to take her neck in the middle of the club. and now a vampire killed vincent's parents and that's why he's a drunk but how'd he become a magician what's that got to do with anything. damn highschooler dropping moral truthbombs that immediately make adults change their mind immediately and wanna help him. how does that car still drive. this is so gay like he is overreacting he's dressed to go to war - i forgot he burned their house down he's got a fucking crossbow and he's dressed in like military shit and he's swinging the crossbow around like he's in the military, did they tell him to take this serious or like he shoulda been an awkward stumbling kid oh what the damn they'res a secret like basement damn he just broke a hip how is all of this under his house didn't just move in???he switched on the first light in the whole movie and it barely lit anything up so lame. so extra oh damn that tiddy damn nice just dodged an arrow oh fo real really is he the vampire who killed vincent's parents are you serious that's so lame. and now Amy's  what the fuck why is there like an entire institution beneath this house what is this. oh its the tribe?? they live in the dirt whoop her eyes are black but vincent's got a dramatic black leather jacket and a stake gun that just fucked up and he's just gonna stake her straight up they barely gave her time for her scary wide face he just stabbed her and ran and now she's eating her own blood and whoop vincent's being eatenoh really how did he know there was sunlight up there aren't we in the base meant isn't this place made of cement. damn he's hot with his shirt open. he just hissed at the beam of sunlight. even his fingernail burns oh that's cool he's in teh shadow and charleys in the sun beams as he taunts him about Amy and vincent's turning ahaha  and they're gonna wait til the sun goes down and in the meantime he's gonna like fuck amy in front of charley ahaha nice drinking bloods like sex. oh yeah okay what he's gonna what he's expecting to go up in flames what the fuck he'd oh no okay what the fuck as if. as the fuck if. first of all, charley is human and a crazed vampire is not and are you joking me that charley could survive being thrown around plus he's fucking on fire that should have destroyed him by now fucking burned to a crisp oh im so disappointed and okay yea being a vampire was just dark spirits? and now everyones free to die of their wounds aha jesus. his clothes would have seared into his skin, his goggles would have melted but no, completely unscathed. so lame. oh that was such a slow awkward dialogue. weird like one liner jokes throughout are we in vegas? oh nice they're fucking i really don't care i don't wanna see these 25 year olds why do we care what happens now Jerry's dead. jesus that was bad. please im so upset. oh well sometimes 1980s camp horror is better than cheap rushed or at least badly edited modern ones. disappointing man.
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chrysolina · 6 years
The hunt
Summary - New York’s most feared, respected and famous Mafia boss Steven Grant Rogers is on the hunt for a very special woman he can call his ‘Queen’ by will she be as cooperative as the many ladies he’s wooed in the past.
Word count - 1.7k
Pairing - Steve Rogers x Reader, Mafia!AU
Warnings - mentions of sex, swearing, fluff
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The sound of the thick autumnal raindrops that fell onto the streets of Manhattan accompanied by the rush of people off to work early this morning made your eyes stop and stared off into the wet distance. Although the pavements weren’t congested with people as per usual, the café-diner you were currently in hummed with the sound of chatter, clinking of plates, cutlery and cups and waiters and waitresses receiving orders.
“Hey Y/N! Order 27 comin’ up!” Bob, our head chef, called out from the service hole in the wall and broke your trance from the window. The burly dark skinned Brooklyn-born chef didn’t waste no time and whipped out a plate of pancakes and a plate of egg on toast onto the counter - in which you took graciously.
As you can most probably tell, this is where you worked - Tina’s café/diner. It’s a cosy little place, decked out similar to a Frankie and Benny’s restaurant but was a bit more familiar. And as you could probably tell, it was early morning rush hour here in the diner.
“Maple syrup pancakes and an egg on toast?” You politely asked one of the couples who sat in the window booths.
“The eggs would be for me darlin’ and the pancakes for my husband” One of the two men spoke in a particularly gruff tone and motioned to his husband sitting opposite.
“Thank you darlin’, here,” the other man thanked me and slid you a five dollar note which you graciously took with a warm smile plastered on my lips.
Order and order, table after table, the morning rush hour didn’t cease to slow down until around 9am where only a few easygoing stragglers were happily chatting, drinking and eating away.
With a tired sigh, you perched yourself behind the main bar on a stool and rubbed your temple wearily. “Hey Y/N, why the long face?” Your bestest work friend Wanda - a waitress here at the diner - was quick to pick up on your slightly sour mood and quickly came over to you.
“Hm? Oh, I’m just feeling a little under par right now Wandz’” You hummed in slight irritation, continuing to rub your slightly feverish head.
“Oh my!” She squealed and leant over the bar to you “what’s up?” You hated being like this, making everyone worry about something as silly as a headache.
“Nothin’ really, just a stupid fever that’s all,” You waved off your illness quickly and helped yourself to a cup of coffee.
Wanda onto hummed in pity over my fever, somehow she had sensed your uneasiness and was quick to change the topic of conversation to something else.
“Hey Y/N/N, have you heard? Apparently the Steven Grant Rogers and his commandos are on the hunt for someone!” Wanda squealed at the typical dramatic antics of the home-grown mafia group that plagued and saved the streets of New York.
“I’m sure with the vast amount of muscle men he’s got workin’ for him, they’ll find their wanted man in no time Wandz,” You only sniggered at the young russian’s antics and watch her pour herself a cup of coffee as well.
“Ahaha but you’re wrong there Y/N!” She chided jokingly and pulled out the latest newspaper to come in ths morning and pointed to the tabloid’s title.
‘MAFIA KING OF BROOKLYN BEGINS THE SEARCH OF A LIFETIME’ - wow, way to milk a goddamn story hm - “they’re not looking for some regular sm’egular brute! He’s looking for a woman!” She jumped up and down on her barstool giddily and shook the paper is she did so, her excitiedness only fuelling your plummeting heart.
“Well she must be one lucky girl to have that much money following her” Wanda just laughed off your ever-so slightly bitter remark and tucked into the rest of the paper, whilst you helped yourself to some Advil to quench the headache and resurfacing memories that ran rampant in your mind.
=== 3 weeks ago ===
The unpleasant smell of cheap cooking oil and the usual autumnal breeze wafted lazily throughly the alleyway you stood in, attempting to cool yourself down after a busy shift in the diner. “Man is it warm in there..” you yawned under your breath and flapped the collar of your shirt rapidly.
“I’ve got something that could cool you down, gorgeous” out of the nowhere, a stumbling - assumably drunken - man hobbled out from a doorway just a few metres away and began to stalk towards you, empty glass bottle in hand.
“Look I don’t need nothin’ alright? Now leave me alone” You snapped shakily, fear began to crawl its way up your throat and caught your voice like a bird catching its prey.
Judging by the bright pale moonlight, the drunken bastard looked like he was ready to swing his bottle at your head at any given moment - considering how you declined his offer. “No no darlin’, I know somethin’ that’ll calm you right now and shut that pretty mouth, too.”
Shit, he wasn’t stopping! And he was getting closer!
Before you could actually shout and create a scene, a sudden clattering of tin trash cans scared the shit out of you both and made your body freeze up entirely, your hands fisted close to your chest.
“Look pal, the lady said no so leave her alone” A deep, smooth yet gruff voice rang out from the other end of the alleyway and a tall dark and muscular figure came into focus from the shadows of the night.
Somehow or another, the drunken bastard must’ve recognised him and fled in the opposite direction as soon as his scrawny legs could allow him.
A deep shuddering breath escaped your dry lips in relief over the ordeal - but you weren’t sure if it was over yet or not.
“Now, what’s a gorgeous dame like you doin’ out here so late at night?” That voice, that Brooklyn-manly voice seemed so, so familiar yet foreign to you all at the same time.
Finally, the anonymous figure finally stepped into the pale moonlight right before you and startled the shit out of me.
Grant? Tell me that’s not the same scrawny boy from elementary school, is it?
Deciding to test the waters, you smoothed out your waist apron and spoke to the well drsssed man before you. “Nothin’ that’ll concern you, Grant,” You watched with intent as his big blue shiny eyes grew wide with astoundment? Or maybe shock? Surprise? Who knew..
“Hey look, I was just wondered what such a respected woman like you was doing in one of the most dingiest alleys in Brooklyn, Y/N” Ooh damn, he is definitely NOT the same little guy who’d try to fight your brother every day in the schoolyard. Heaven knew that that little boy way back then would never purr out your name in such an erotic and leg-weakening way - however, you were sure he had some lovely little wife somewhere back home, wherever that’d be.
“If you must know Grant, I was just havin’ a break from work for five minutes. Nothin’ unrespectable here.” You chided with a small smile on your face and swung back and forth on the soles of your feet.
“Except that douchebag who tried to drug you, that is.” You giggled quietly at his comment and scanned the man from head to toe. With one hand in his suit trousers and another holding a cigarette close to his lips, he looked all the part of a 60’s Mafia group - with that deep black pressed suit, gelled back hair and gorgeously groomed stubble.
You just couldn’t take your eyes off him.
“Yeah well, you do get a few of those around here from time to time.” You sighed, clawing your eyes away from the sex on legs before you and to the spot the ‘douchbag’ had come from.
“You deal with many like that?” You shook your head at his questioned and smiled warmly back to him.
“I know who to call if I do though,” Grant only smiled a pained smile back at you in response.
“Say,” he threw his cigarette to the floor and crushed it with his probably new polished shoe. “how about I take you for a cup of coffee somewhere,hm? A token of apologies for dealin’ with that idiot,” You smiled warmly at his bizarre yet endearing request.
“Aren’t I the one who’s supposed to be thanking you though?” Grant only shook his head and rolled his eyes at your chivalry.
“Not necessarily darlin’, have you finished for the night?”
You glanced down at your lit up phone and watched the digits turn from 21:59 to 22:00. Finally you were off the hook! Smiling back at him, you shut your phone off and went to grab your handbag and coat from the back door. “I have now,”
=== Present day ===
The rest of that fateful night was spent talking, laughing and remeniscing over your fleeting time together in 3rd grade until his parents moved him and his best friend James to an all-boys boarding school.
In all fairness you never really knew Grant on a personal level back then, all you knew of him was from the stories your older brother would recite about how a little blonde kid would always want to fight him - who knew it’d be him?
Well, that was how you spent half of the night - the rest of those dark silent hours were spent in his soft king sized bed, doing the most unmentionable things - all night long.
Grant later revealed to you that he had always had a crush on you since elementary and it hadn’t left him since so in that moment, you chose between you options not-so wisely and decided to see how far this ‘thing’ between you could go.
And that’s where you were now, still miffed, sore and recovering from heartbreak after he refused to talk to you about that night.
That wasn’t the worst of it though, the worst parts of this whole ‘thing’ were when he was seen days later leaving a casino with one beautiful chick slung on his arm like a new designer handbag; the tabloids title?
He had straight up lied to you about being such a dangerous man and thought you’d be A-okay with it. The paparazzi did their job alright and so did he, by the looks of the tabloids that day.
After hours of hard work bustling around tables, your shift was finally over. You wished everyone your goodbyes for the day, slipped on your coat, gloves and handbag and began the slow walk back to your small apartment building through the rainy streets of Manhattan, your hands clutching on to your umbrella as hard as you could.
Heaving yourself up the cold narrow stairway of your old apartment complex, your mind began to dreamily wonder over the prospect of having a nice warm, vanilla scented bath and binge-watching that show you’d been meaning to catch up on. You only hummed to yourself and allowed your legs to walk you freely along the landing and straight to your front door. Wait, when did doors have such strong yet soft pecs....
“Do you always walk around like this?” Fuck that shittily deep smooth voice, fuck fuck fuck! Why was he just standing there against your door waiting for you? What does he want now? A second chance? Well he can go fuck himself up the ass if that’s the case, so you thought.
“And do you always wait suspiciously in-front of people’s front doors until they come home?” You snapped pretty ferociously at him, a glare as cold as ice setting itself on your face.
“Only for you Y/N,” his voice sounded so soft and so sad? But why? What did he have to be sad about? He didn’t have his heart broken in two? The nerve on this guy?
“Well yay me, now move asshole.” You took one confident step forward and watched his eye glower into your own. “Like hell I would Y/N,” You merely just looked at him incredulously and folded your arms over your chest.
“Why not?” Your snapped again, he was really testing your patience now - the damned bitch.
“B’cause I know as soon as you go through that door you’ll never let me apologise for what I’ve done!” You fell silent at his slight shout and could feel the hot tears of pain build up in your eyes, blurring the figure out before you.
Evidently he must’ve seen your quivering lip and tearey eyes since he began to inch forward towards you slowly. “Look, I know I couldn’t ‘ve any more of a dick as I was back then but darlin’, you scared the living shit out of me..”
Your eyes flew up from the floor to meet Grant’s own sullen eyes, the pounding in your head only grew as you tried to think about what he meant. “Wha-what?..” all you could do was breath out a whimper of a reply.
Was he really scared of you? What did you do?
“Y/N, I have never had someone as genuine and as perfect as you come into my life before. You’re just..remarkable..” Watching those rosy pink lips move, your barely paid any attention to the hands that were winding slowly up your arms.
“Look, I just wanted what was best for you. You deserve everything that comes your way, but not me. Let’s be honest, I am a very fucked up man and have done some fucked up things too. You don’t deserve to be stuck with someone like me, you deserve to be with a man who doesn’t have to kill certain people for a living..”
“Grant as much as I-“
“My real name is Steve, doll. Grant is my maiden name”
After all this time, after all that time you thought what a weird name Grant is - his real name is Steve?
“Yes Steve, you’re right, I do deserve all of that,” uh oh! Bad choicing Y/N! You watched his face drop entirely and saw his eyebrows scrunch together in almost furious anger. “But,” you quickly went back on your words and reached out to grab his arms as he is did to you not long ago.
“I deserve love, Steve. But mostly, I deserve to the love the man I want, and you’re that man. Please don’t take that away from me. Please,” Your grip on his arms grew tighter and looked into his eyes as the tears spilt down your cold cheeks.
Like that, you were pulled into Steve’s chest and embraced so tightly your breath became laboured and tight within seconds.
“Are you sure about this Y/N? Are you sure you’d want to love someone like me?”
“I‘ve never been so sure in my life Steve. And for the record, I don’t want to love someone like you - I wanna love you baby.” You smiled softly up at him and allowed the odd tear or two drip down onto your face from his.
Without hesitation, you lifted myself on your toes and crashed your lips against his warm salty lips, moving and moulding together as one. It was as if time had stopped altogether, the only movement within your little time bubble was between yours and his lips. For what felt like a chore to be done, the two of you broke apart for some well needed air but found yourself buried in Steve’s chest once again.
“Come my queen, lets go home.”
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bellascag · 4 years
My personal body hair story...
I began shaving my armpits when I was 13. I can’t remember why. I think I was just brought up to know to start shaving my armpits when the hair was obvious so it was simply an act of automation. I don’t remember feeling uncomfortable or self conscious about my armpit hair, it just felt like something you eventually start doing. 
However, when I began to grow pubic hair, it was a different story. At such a young age my friends and I were easily influenced by other students and each-other and we all eventually became trained by the nasty school gossip to shave it all off. It was manly, smelly, unhygienic and ugly. It was simply embarrassing to have it, despite the fact that NO ONE could even see it! It’s as if we were all terrified that someone would suddenly develop some kind of x-ray vision and humiliate us in front of the whole school. 
Eventually I had my first sexual relationship and of course terrified little me always had everything shaven. My armpits, legs and pubic hair. I was so scared of not being attractive to him or for him to make a sly comment, or even worse, for him to whisper to his friends because news travelled like wild fire in school! I never asked what his preference was. At that point it was just an assumption that boys didn’t want a girl with body hair, and that a girl should always be thoroughly shaven...
My second relationship was very different. It was with a boy outside of school and he was very into natural beauty which was shocking to me at the time. He used to ask me why I’d bother shaving because I would always get a rash the next day. In the end he actually didn’t like me shaving because to him ‘bare’ looked young, and the next days stubble would cause friction during sex so we would both end up with rashes! At first it was weird to me to let it grow out, but I ended up absolutely loving it and realised it was a beautiful, natural, womanly thing to have. This was the start of my ‘respecting my body’ journey, doing what I want with my body hair, NOT what I think someone else would like. 
My relationships since, have only been with men who respect body hair and see it as natural and beautiful. I can do what I want with it when it suits ME, not him. If I fancy shaving it all off, then I will do, for ME not him. If I want to trim around the edges or make it into a heart shape, then I will do, for ME not him. And if I want to let it grow out naturally, then I will do, FOR ME NOT HIM! Armpit hair and leg hair too!
Despite this developed respect for myself, it actually wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I found out that pubic hair had a purpose. I came across an article online stating that pubic hair protects against bacteria and pathogens that cause infection, and I was absolutely fascinated! I wondered if it was just me who didn’t know of its wonders so I began discussing it with friends. Everyone was as surprised as I was!  
None of us were taught this in school and none of us were ever taught about emotion or relationships either. We were taught about our bodies as science projects or experiments. No one ever mentioned feeling or emotions. So it became clear to me why back then, we all felt so confused. We simply didn’t know any better. 
I have become eager to educate everyone, of all ages, of the truth behind pubic hair. I’m not in any way stating that women should grow their pubic hair. We are all entitled to do whatever we want with it. I simply want the ‘unhygienic’ misconception of pubic hair to be replaced by fact, and this cannot be done unless people are informed and educated on the subject. 
If humanity does not know the facts about something then they will make a personal judgement. That’s the way we evolved. We were born to react quickly for survival purposes. For example, if you’re walking in the dark and you hear a strange noise in the hedge, your brain instantly calculates the possibilities of what it could be that is making that noise. It could be a bird, it could be a tiger! If your brain didn’t do that, then it could, say, be the tiger and you could, therefore, die. A little bit of an extreme example, I know, but hopefully you get the gist. It’s the same with anything else. If we see a young man without a face mask during this pandemic, one of your quick judgements may be that he can’t be bothered to wear one, when actually he might have a medical condition. This it not a case of survival, but we are programmed to react this way when we don’t have the facts. So, if we are uneducated of the important properties behind having body hair, then we quickly judge that it is a useless thing and make up assumptions that it is ‘unhygienic’. 
SO let’s start educating!!! 
0 notes
marcoacesabo · 7 years
Mass Bingo:  8. How-To Article
How to get a man: A three easy step plan to make him yours.
Ace stared at the article with sweat dripping down his face. He hastily pushed his fake mustache back onto his face as the liquid slowly made it slip, eyes flickering behind his swirly glasses.
Around him, customers causally looked through the many books and magazines the shop had to offer, no one paying mind to his hunching form in the corner. Still, it felt as if though someone was watching him, judging him. 
He pulled the collar of his brown trench coat hoping it covered more of his face. His disguise was perfect but one can never be too careful. Especially with Thatch running around somewhere.
If that man ever saw him with this his life would be over.
So he caved and went to the “Dating magazine” section looking for a way to get Sabo’s and Marco’s attention. It didn’t mean anyone needed to know about this. 
“Is that man a pervert Mommy?”  A little girls voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He glanced up, dreading how close she sounded and promptly froze as a chubby finger pointed right at him.
The woman that was with the little one quickly pulled her away, ushing her to the back of the store with  a “Don’t  go near that person Lola!”
Ace’s face burned as he rushed to the register paying for the magazine as quickly as possible. 
Why hadn’t he notice his little hiding hole was right in front of the porn mags!?
Step one: Standing out!
It’s important to make him see you. You can try starting up a conversation with his interest, making friends with his friends, showing off any of your skills in front of him or even just dressing up and showing a little more skin for a quick result. The point of this step is to peak his interest. 
Remember confidence is key in being notice: Strut your stuff!
Ace took a big breath before strutting onto the beach. He made sure to pretend he didn’t notice anyone giving him looks. He forgoes his usual black shorts today for bright neon green ones decorated with blue neo turtles. 
They were the brightest thing he could find. This should get him noticed and it just happened to have Sabo’s favorite animal on them.  Two birds one stone!
The best part where they were shorter than his usual shorts ending mid-thigh. Show more skin is a success! 
Ace walked up to his beach towel that he had set up before changing. It was little ways away from everyone meaning he had to pass by the whole crew wearing this bright shorts. As he was sitting down on it, he decided to follow on of the tips he overheard a girl give her friend once. 
“It’s called the drop and snap. Pretend you drop something to show off your goods then snap up in a pose” 
Ace quickly kicked his own towel before dropping to the ground to readjust it. He planted his butt on it while posting with one hand behind his head and one leg sticking into the air. 
At the corner of his eye, he notices Marco press a hand over his mouth looking like he was fighting a cough. 
Step Two: Now that you have his attention, make sure to keep it. This stage is where you build your bond. Try to make it clear that you are not looking to be friends and are interested in a relationship. Don’t come across too strong however as you don’t want to scare him off. The best way to do this is going out as groups that slowly decrease to just you two.
“Are you dating anyone?”  Ace says as casually as he can, cutting off Haruta’s story. Sabo blinks over his cup of sake, turning confuse blue eyes at him. The rest of the group all fall silent, turning to stare at them. 
Ace takes a large gulp of his whiskey as Haruta answers “um..no?”
Not you!  Ace wants to scream  I wasn’t asking you!
“Too bad you can make someone very happy,” He says instead though a nervous breath, face burning as the others stare turns heavy. The group smirk while Haruta blushes. Ace quickly points at Atmos. 
“You. What’s your relationship status?” 
“I’m married. You’ve met my wife before Ace, you were talking to Bella this morning.” the other deadpan as if though he was speaking to an idiot. Crud this wasn’t making him look good in front of Sabo! 
“And she is very lovely. You are a lucky man. Much marriage going on.” Ace babbles. 
“Much marriage?” Sabo snorts in amusement. Ace wants to die.
“Since you're asking, what about you Ace?” Vista intervenes as the raven hair youth drowns his cup. The second commander looks at him in confusion until it clicks in his head of what he’s asking.
Silver eyes flicker to a blond before Ace answers. Now is his chance. “I’m single. I really would like a boyfriend. Maybe go on dates like walks on beaches or to a cafe or maybe we could go clothes shopping or maybe even stare gazing-”
“Say no more.” Sabo hums throwing an arm over his shoulder. Ace feels his heart stop. Then it drops as the other continues “I’ll be your wingman. What’s your type?” 
“You.” The word leaves his mouth without his consent. Thank the heavens he wasn’t looking at him when he said it.
“Me?” Haruta jerks face as red as Ace’s necklace. Fuck the heavens for making him look at the brown hair one instead  “Oh I’m flattered really I am but I don’t like men I’m sorry Ace.” 
He finishes his pitcher in one swing.
Step three: Confessing! By now you have allowed your relationship to move in a way that-
“What are you reading yoi?” 
The scream that Ace released was the furthest thing away from manly. He spun on his heel, horror on his face as both Sabo and Marco climb the side of the crow’s nest.
“Nothing!” he squeals hiding the magazine behind his back. He stumbles back until he is pressing into the wood. Heart pounding he tries his best to smile innocently at them. 
The steps were simple enough but each one had a long list of examples showing the best ways to do them and he hadn’t gotten a to see the last step with all his new duties. 
He had hope signing up for watch would have given him the privacy to do so. Why were these two still up?
“Is that a porn-” Sabo started with a teasing smirk
“Then what is it?” The blond question, raising an eyebrow, lips quivering with humor. He had no right to look that amused. “You’re reading it alone, in the dark, face read, with a tight grip and there is a woman surrounded by hearts on the cover. Sounds like a porn magazine to me.” 
Marco covers his mouth again as his shoulders shake. 
“It’s not!”
“Is it a nude one then-”
“It’s dating advice can you please shut up now!” Ace blurted embarrassed beyond words not thinking of his words until they are echoing through the night air. Marco and Sabo both freeze, one with a hand just barely in front of his face and the other with a finger in the air. 
“You...you’re dating someone yoi?” Marco sounds like the words are a strain to say. 
“I...I” Ace crumbles the papers in his hands. The sound is surprisingly loud as the blonds wait for his answer.  His heart starts pounding, as he realizes there is no way of getting away from this. 
Confessing was the next step, wasn’t it? This would be a perfect time. 
So why couldn’t he say anything?
“I..That is..I” The words get stuck in his throat. His shaking he can feel it but-
“Ace are you still single?” Sabo steps forward eyes hard as steel. “If you are will you go out with me?”
His world stops. 
“And me yoi.” Marco adds on.
Ace feels like someone threw him into the sea. “What?”
“We want to date you. You can see us both separate or untied. We prefer together but it’s up to you. We’ve been in love with you for months now, ever since you started opening up,  and we want to see if we can make a relationship between us work” Sabo carries on.
By the end of the night, Ace writes the magazine a thank you letter. Thier How-To Author is a genius and they need to give that person a raise. 
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vulpesvulpex-blog · 7 years
extremely detailed character sheet beneath cut
Official name (current): Vixen Carlos
Past official names: Vixen, Vixen Österberg, Todd Österberg, Ravona (verse specific)
Vixen, Todd, Ravona- literally all mean Fox ; Österberg- eastern hill ; Carlos- manly... ironic, names herself after the transgender composer Wendy Carlos, also on my side in reference to Bun E Carlos from Cheap Trick
NICKNAME: Vix, Bunny
MEANING: diminutive; Bunny is in reference to her appearance mostly, and playboy bunnies 
AGE APPEARANCE: threads work anywhere from 18-68, older than age when she’s younger, younger when she’s older
BIRTHDAY: Summer solstice, unspecific, year varies per thread
SPECIES: Human in most verses; Modified homo Sapiens; homo Sapiens mutant
GENDER: female
ALLERGIES: nothing major, dust
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: bisexual, predominantly with a preference for women, more so over time. identifies as lesbian. somewhat kinky, but repressed, conflicted
THEME SONG(S): have a gander in the tag- ‘midnight radio’ (music) 
HAIR COLOR: naturally- dark brown, typically- dyed multiple colors 
HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: shoulder length or longer, never short. worn loose usually, periodically in a ponytail, wavy, fine. relatively unstyled or untreated beyond dying
EYES COLOR: Steely blue, pale, pretty uniform EYESIGHT: Average but weakens with age, more farsighted than nearsighted
WEIGHT: 120-160 pounds, muscular but struggles with anorexia
OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: ranging from high femme to business butch, follower of glam, always in heels, tight usually form fitting clothes, rarely wears skirts
ABNORMALITIES(TAIL): depends on what you’d call abnormal, transgender
DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): Scars verse-dependent, mostly accidents, fights, self harm, nothing major, a few surgical scars from breast implants (verse dependent) has not had bottom surgery and is reluctant to despite distractingly prominent features 
SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Rarely seen without makeup, eyeliner, some mascara, lipgloss or lipstick, foundation blush etc, tries to minimize that forehead and chin
FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Flirty, guarded, indecisive, attempting confidence
SKIN COLOR: Very fair, freckled, thick veins show up easily
BODY TYPE/BUILD: Tall, slim build, feminine but athletic: small toned waist, muscular ass, lean legs, flat/prominent chest (verse dependent), somewhat of an narrow hourglass
DEFAULT EXPRESSION: bored, not quite resting bitchface, but almost sad
POSTURE: Will correct frequently, pushing chest out and standing straighter. Tends to try and make herself smaller subconsciously, slouching.
PIERCINGS: verse dependent, nothing more risque than the ears
DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: singsongy, relatively deep, soft
SIBLINGS: doesn’t mention them, verse dependent 
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: distant, detached 
OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: closest with grandmother, but no longer. rarely speaks with parents. 
PAST LOVER(S): verse dependent, likely no one notable
CURRENT LOVER: verse dependent, a bit repressed
REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: Somewhat standoffish but usually polite, to the point, concerned with appearances
ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: Can do fine but rather work alone and do everything or someone else do all the work
HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Superficially social, most of the time rather introverted but turns up the charm to 11 when feeling like it/wants something
FRIENDS: Doesn’t make friends easily, verse dependent, largely coworkers but not closely
PETS: Not usually financially/socially stable enough for pets. likes cats, rats, birds, rodents, nothing too big or noisy
PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Anxious, unwilling. Careful but somewhat neglectful, not someone who intended to be a parent. Somewhat strict.
FAVORITE PEOPLE: Smart people who might be smart asses but aren’t know it alls, someone with a sense of humor who doesn’t think they’re the funniest person in the world
LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: remove the buts and replace them with ands. people with no respect or sense of boundaries 
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: Kind of blunt and weird, quiet, awkward. Very... tall. Girlish, not too tactful. 
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Nicer, quite intelligent, an eager learner, open minded but stubborn, playful and energetic, loves jokes and clever references, generous. 
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Vixen, if you’re lucky, pays you no mind, will not talk to you, and generally ignores and avoids you, too busy to be bothered by anything you do. If you’re a real asshole then you get the ruder more aggressive side who will let people know she doesn’t like you and why. Rather self centered and impatient. 
FAVORITE COLOR: pink, orange, warm colors
FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: organ, analog synths
LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: not big on seafood 
HOBBIES: music, continued education, gardening (usually indoors), bodybuilding, fashion, museums, misc
USUAL MOOD: observational, snippy/sarcastic 
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: debatable, verse dependent. in moderation in most verses, avoids hard drugs but may abuse prescription medication. not big on cigarettes. 
HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: serious in her work, but a little more lighthearted on a friendly basis. 
CLASS IN AN RPG: Sorcerer 
BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: No, adamantly 
(IN)DEPENDENT: Pretty independent but privately needy
SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: Being seen as ugly, unwomanly, inferior, fake, a poser, a pervert, undesirable
OPINION ON SWEARING: Swears to the point of issue 
DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: thinks she’s/wants to be a daredevil, probably more cautious 
MUSIC TYPE: Art rock, electronic music, music concrete, disco, would probably listen to vaporwave 
MOVIE TYPE: Artfilms, yes, seriously. Very 80s young adult crap. Documentaries that are just left on all day. Hates most action films, romance, and family films. 
BOOK TYPE: Nonfiction and pop culture/fashion magazines 
GAME TYPE: Strategy, rpg adventure
SLEEPING PATTERN: Poor. Stays up too late, sleeps too little, will take mid day naps
CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Vixen is kinda a slob
DESIRED PET: a leopard or something ridiculous like that
HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: More work, needs to be occupied at all times, that or junk, work out, window shop, sleep, want to do things and not do them
BIGGEST SECRET: That she’s trans but thinks everyone already knows. or Verse dependent nastiness, not always a ‘good’ person
HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: verse dependent, famous scientists/humanitarians 
FEARS: Rejection, being alone, failure, men
COMFORTS: reading, coding, listening to music, exercise, animals, gardening, garbage tv, shopping, swimming
SAD: distant, quiet, disinterested, tired
HAPPY: Excitable, playful, easygoing, diligent 
ANGRY: aggressive, impatient, mouthy
AFRAID: Watchful, anxious, guarded, hesitant
IN LOVE: Silly, nervous, touchy, affectionate, talkative 
HATE SOMEONE: blunt, dismissive, avoidant 
WANT SOMETHING: manipulative, cheeky, flirtatious
CONFUSED: doubtfulness, anxiety, frustration
DANGER: Overstimulation 
PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Bewilderment, disbelief, hesitation 
DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Quietude, depression, neglect
DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: A challenge to be beaten
INJURY: Surprise
SOMETHING IRRESISTIBLY CUTE: Loss of composure, squealing and repetition
LANGUAGES: English and or Swedish, verse dependent (eg. Japanese, German)
SCHOOLING LEVEL: College educated
INTERESTED CAREERS: Mechanical/Acoustic engineer, biologist, bioengineer, geneticist, musician, artist, model, programmer, trophy wife, nothing that involves too much talking or dealing with people
EXPERTISE: technical skills such as working with machines, languages- especially code and mathematics, music, verse dependent sciences
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ted-hyung · 7 years
nielwink hitman au (I enjoy your writing a lot!! honestly it doesnt have to be hitman au but nielwink is all I need)
anon-sshi i, forthe love of god, am too mild for hitman!au. here, have a 2.5k fluffy bodyguard!auinstead.
feat. another thug!daehwi, lame bodyguards, jihoon being a teenager, a girl group member, glorified age AND size-difference, all the good stuffs for sunday. plz comment, likes, and reblogs, tell your friends about my fics etc ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ
also tagging le queen @6ungjin tell me whachu think imma on a roll.
one of the newbodyguards looks like a big dog. no. an overgrownpuppy. oh my god, jihoon thinks, ashe hides a grin behind his hands and steals another glance at the man who isso, so big and wide. his glaring ash blonde hair further convinces jihoon thathe’s a… samoyed puppy? or maybe a golden retriever? ugh, especially when hesmiles and his eyes disappear like he just demonstrated over somethingjisung-hyung says. the apples of his chubby cheeks aren’t helping his cute appearance at all! he doesn’t looklike a bodyguard no matter how much black attires he’s wearing from head totoe! jihoon is weak for cute things!
“bro, controlyourself,” daehwi hisses from his left. he’s speaking without moving his lips,a talent that he’s mastered for variety show appearances but actually comes inhandy at situations like these. everyone’s been picking up his talent andchecking out girl group members are easier nowadays god bless lee daehwi andthe entire k-pop industry.
“what the fuck?”jihoon hisses back, coughing a little to cover up his never-ending grin andmostly his portrayed image as this aegyo machine who’s just oh so pure and innocent—not the foul-mouthed prettyboy he really is.
“you’repractically vibrating,” daehwi says while pretending to look down to his phone.“he’s cute, i know. i want to hug him too. but seriously control yourself.don’t scare him away on his first day.”
“shut up itagged him first.”
“no, you’renot.”
on his right,jinyoung hisses at them as he opens a bag of potato chips loudly, “guys,please. just share him, we still have dongho-hyung, remember?”
daehwi hums,acknowledging his slip. dongho-hyung is their favorite bodyguard who’scurrently on leave due to sickness—lies,they know he got knocked over by a horde of fangirls with folding chairs andexpensive cameras when they were at incheon airport last week—thus the reasonwhy management is hiring two new bodyguards in the name of kang daniel(jihoon’s, thank you very much), and im youngmin, a smiley but tall and just aswide, if not wider, man with red hairand huge hands.
now, don’t getthem teenage boys wrong. living the lush life of being an idol can be lonely;they stutter when they try to talk to any girl groups and they can’t reallymake friends with another boy group since they’re still new, the still need toestablish a solid fanbase before worrying about befriending their literal‘rivals’. they—jihoon, daehwi, jinyoung, samuel, and euiwoong aka boy’sgeneration, the nation’s hottest idol to date—are all lucky to have a superhilarious manager-hyung slash talkative uncle who takes a good care of him.jisung-hyung was once a trainee who got denied his chance to debut thrice, andvowed to be a good manager to every groups he’s managed and he did. boy’sgeneration saw with their own eyes how red velvet girl group members, yes, the red velvet from sm entertainment,always flock around jisung-hyung like he’s their mama bird every time theyhappen to run into each other in music shows recording because he was theirmanager for a long, long time before he got transferred to manage boy’sgeneration.
anyway, besidesjisung-hyung, they also have kind-hearted stylist noonas and hairstylist noonasto talk to in between hectic schedules. choreographer-hyungs and don’t forgetcafeteria staffs.
and then there’sdongho-hyung and his team.
real men in suits with muscles, notjisung-hyung and his bb cream compact but don’t tell jisung-hyung that or elsethey will be denied late night sneaky snacks.
okay, so! realmen! because dongho-hyung is menacingwith the sides of his head shaved and cool tattoos, lots of them! he doesn’tshave and doesn’t moisturize at night! euiwoong once looked him up on naversearch and found that he had black belt in taekwondo and got an honorable medalfrom the navy because he helped rescuing a north korean refugee from drowningat the yellow sea. wow, right? daehwieven talks about him a lot on interviews, saying that he aspires to be as manly as one of boy’s generationbodyguards so please wait for me blooming as a real man a little bit longer,guys, saranghae~
daehwimonopolizes dongho-hyung all by himself whenever they have a vacation, sittingnext to him in the plane and clinging to dongho-hyung’s thick arms as they tryto swim across beastly fangirls waiting for them at the airport. dongho-hyunghas three people with him, all looking like they can kill with their gaze butis actually a sap. there’s wonshik-hyung who talks too fast, gets confused bywhat he says, and teasing him is boy’s generation favorite pastime. next, theyhave taekwoon-hyung; the quietest, the scariest, but also the sweetest when itcomes to tending any of boy’s generation needs. he’s got a soft spot forjinyoung who blurts out random nonsense at times that never fails to crack himup, and jinyoung even introduced taekwoon-hyung to his cousin-noona. the lastone in the bodyguard team is shinwoo-hyung, an actual bear personified. he’ssquishy and wide, sleeps a lot, and lets samuel and euiwoong braid his longhair.
jihoon is closeto all of them, but he wants one just for himself. kang daniel seems like agood candidate because im youngmin looks like he’ll be strict despite hisoverall soft-looking appearance.
ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ
nothing majorhappens.
daniel-hyung, asit turns out, is a dork. he’s a big fan of harry potter the series and he anddaehwi are bonding over their favorite book; harry potter and the goblet offire. he speaks english too, and if jihoon is a lesser man—boy—he would havehidden all of daehwi’s shoe lifts because daehwi’s been looking so smug afterhe talks to daniel-hyung about finding nemo or other american stuffs jihoondoesn’t really care. youngmin-hyung, true to his prediction, is the gentlestand smartest and prefers to tutor them instead of fully doing their mathhomework (shinwoo-hyung did it before but their grades didn’t actuallyskyrocketed ha ha ha).
jihoon is bored.
he’s recording apopular eating show alone today as a special guest alongside a girl groupmember who made jihoon’s heart skipped a beat the first time he got a good lookof her smooth, long legs clad only in a pair of pastel pink colored tennisskirt. she’s super nice, not overly friendly or even touchy with boyish cutblack hair and orange tinted lips, but jihoon can’t afford to be comfortablewith an opposite gender now. probably not ever until they’re years into keepingboy’s generation relevant.
jisung-hyungcan’t go with him because the rest of the members are filming an openingsegment for their newest variety show, boy’sgeneration 101, that jihoon had filmed prior this schedule. daniel-hyunggot assigned to accompany him instead and he’s being chummy with the girl’smanager-noona, both standing underneath the shade of the years old oak treejust across the road, looking like a movie star with a simple black polo shirtand black bermuda pants. jihoon notices that daniel-hyung’s calves are just assmooth as the girl’s and he chokes on a quiet laughter.
jihoon yelps,and the girl apologizes for startling him.
“no no, it’sokay,” jihoon splutters, standing up from the plastic chair he’s sitting. he’sjust barely a couple of inches taller than her and it’s making him sad. “hi.hello.”
the girl,ahreum, smiles and it’s not a flirty kind of smile. jihoon hopes he doesn’thave a chili stuck in between his teeth or something when smiles back at her.
ahreum says,“the PD-nim told me we’ll be back filming in ten minutes.”
“right, whew. ican’t wait to have the dessert to be honest,” jihoon nods, thanking the godsthat his stutter isn’t as severe as samuel that foolish maknae. “um. what wasyour favorite dish?”
“i loveeverything,” ahreum giggles, “i just love seafood so much. you’re allergic toshrimps, right?”
they’re filming,you guess it right, in busan. it’s dongho, daniel, and youngmin-hyung’shometown. jihoon is not even a big fan of seafood but at least he could enjoyeverything else that wasn’t shrimp. the dessert is some unique flavor, homemadeice cream. jihoon loves sweets and he’s going to eat a lot because jisung-hyungis not here with him to watch his sugar intake. the agency told him to lose acouple of weights because he looks bloated lately. it’s the goddamn chocolatebars jihoon bought on impulse the last time he got his paycheck. tch.
“are youthirsty?” ahreum asks, “let’s go to 7-11 just down the road. i’ll treat youcola.”
as much asjihoon loves cola, he can’t have it due to his sugar diet. “can i have pocarisweat instead?”
ahreum nods,smiling. she’s pretty. “anything you want.”
jihoon tellshimself not to blush like a pre-pubescent boy. “um, wait here. i have to telldaniel-hyung,” he says, putting his hands in the pockets of his sponsored denimshorts.
ahreum looksover to where her manager and daniel-hyung are still talking, and comments,“your bodyguard, right? he’s really handsome.”
jihoon, in lieuof snorting in annoyance, blurts out, “he’s a dork tho.”
yeah, well.
daniel-hyung iscrossing his arms on his chest; they’re bulging heavily unlike jihoon’stwig-like ones. he doesn’t wear any makeup but his skin is flawless and jihoonenvies him for sweating freely, while he has to be careful not to smear his bbcream away whenever he dabs his sweat with tissues. daniel-hyung smiles whenjihoon approaches near, and the manager-noona greets him politely.
���ahreum and iare going to the 7-11,” jihoon says, “do you want something, hyung?”
daniel-hyung’sanswer is immediate, “i’ll go with you.”
jihoon frowns.“it’s just down the road,” he waves a hand to the general direction of theroad, even though truthfully he hasn’t seen a 7-11 near the dessert house.
daniel-hyungtilts his head, a very cute habit that makes him look more and more like anovergrown puppy. if only he’s not being annoying right now, jihoon would havebeen squealing. in his head.
but he’s beingannoying right now.
“right,whatever.” jihoon mumbles and makes a u-turn, and he hears a loud horn ananosecond before he realizes he’s being held back by daniel-hyung’s strong andheavy arms. someone curses out loud but jihoon’s ears are ringing with howdeafening his heartbeats are. he wasn’t looking and he almost got hit by aspeeding motorcycle, all because he thought daniel-hyung, who saved his life,was being annoying for wanting to go to 7-11 with him and ahreum.
daniel-hyungsmells like baby powder.
“jihoon! are youokay?!” that’s ahreum, eyes as big as saucers as she runs towards him but notbefore looking both ways for any vehicles. jihoon gets a glance of the eatingshow crew in a various state of shock, and daniel-hyung is still holding him upwith gentle hands because jihoon doesn’t think he can stand upright without ahelp anyway.
“ahjusshi, is heokay?” ahreum asks, addressing daniel-hyung formally. weirdly. daniel-hyung is only twenty seven years old, exactly tenyears older than jihoon but his birthday is on december. he’s an oppa, really,not ahjusshi.
did jihoon tellyou already that daniel-hyung smells like baby powder? because he really does.
“he’s alright,he’s fine,” daniel-hyung sighs, softly, like he doesn’t want to spook jihoonmore if he speaks in a normal tone. “jihoon-ah? can you hear me?” he asks,carefully maneuvering jihoon in his arms, cupping jihoon’s face with his gentlehands that smells like milk. probably his hand cream.
jihoon blinks atthe question, and a tear falls.
ahreum makes adistressed sound as daniel-hyung envelopes him in a hug. he’s so warm, sogenerous with how he strokes jihoon’s hair to reassure him that he’s stillhere, safe and sound. jihoon wraps his arms around daniel-hyung’s torso, nailsdigging onto the fabric and the thickness of daniel-hyung’s skin, vaguelyrecalling whispers from ahreum and her manager-unnie and soon enough the PD-nim’sconsolation that they will hold the filming until jihoon recovers from hisshock. jihoon wants to go home. he wants to curl up on his bed with hisfavorite polar bear plushy and a bar of dark chocolate cadbury. he wants toerase his makeup and sleep with a clay mask he got from his fans. but mostimportantly, he doesn’t want daniel-hyung to let him go.
ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ
nothing majorhappens after that.
it takes jihoonapproximately a week and a half to get back to his old self, to get over thehumiliation of his own childish view of life that almost cost him his life or aleg or worse; his face. daniel-hyungnever brings up the issue and he seems to pay more attention to jihoon eversince. he volunteers to accompany jihoon on his next personal schedule and he’salways the first to reply to jihoon’s question on their group chat, actuallycoming over with a bag of cheetos when jihoon jokingly asked for it, summerthunderstorm be damned.
he looks like awet, overgrown puppy as he shows up on the front door and jihoon pouts, whiningand pulling him inside where it’s warm and jisung-hyung just cooked spaghettiand kimchi soup.
“i’m sorry!”jihoon squeals as he runs to his room to get towels. euiwoong is eyeing himfrom the top bunk, one earphone dangling as he monitors their latest music bankperformance like a good leader he is.
“are you talkingto me?” euiwoong asks.
“no,daniel-hyung is here. he brought cheetos!”
“what the…”euiwoong sits up. “cheetos that you asked on group chat? and what are youdoing?”
“towels! can iborrow yours? i’ll laundry it tomorrow.”
“bottom shelf.”
jihoon grabs twowhite towels embroidered in his and euiwoong’s initials—the perks of livingwith four other boys and one adult in one apartment, they can’t risk sharinggerms thus the territorial towels—and runs back to the front door wheredaniel-hyung is laughing at something jisung-hyung says.
“yah, thisbrat!” jisung-hyung scolds jihoon, but he’s helping daniel-hyung pattinghimself dry. “and you! you didn’t think to use any umbrella or what?”
“i was alreadyout,” daniel-hyung sniffs, concentrating on his hair. “thanks, jihoon-ah.”
jihoon nods,tongue-tied mostly because he was just joking about craving cheetos yet herethey are.
jisung-hyungclaps his hands. “oh, right! how was the date?”
daniel-hyunglaughs and tells them that she ditched him. jisung-hyung gasps, scandalized,and proceeds to rant about how dare she to passover someone as hot as kang daniel! and daniel-hyung laughs again, hiswhole body shaking with the mirth.
what was that?
why did jihoon’sheart skip a beat at the sight? is he for real?he’s seen daniel-hyung laughs multiple times before! why now, park jihoon, why?!
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lufancy · 7 years
Tumblr media
Resistance!AU (?) - angst
a/n: This is written for someone very dear to me who passed away yesterday. She experienced WOII and told me her heartbreaking love story I will never forget. So because of that, I have written this. 
Every day people were taken away, ever since the enemy occupied the country. It could be your friendly neighbour, your family, maybe even the one you loved.
The current queen of my country has fled to England for safety, that’s were they couldn’t get them. That’s where she was able to reassure the people of her land to have hope through the radio.
However, people living in my country were living in fear.
Like a dark cloud that has come to shadow their lives, they are scared. Scared because they don’t know if today would their last day. People were hiding, holding their breaths, acting like they were fine when actually they were not. They are afraid to die but they try to have gope.
‘If you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide and we will not harm you.’
Those were the words of the enemy. Yet they attack innocent lives as if it’s all a game.
All that, only for power.
Everyone lived in poverty ever since the enemy entered. Not only had they bombed their way in, they also started to make the rules. Rules that would only benefit them.
Who was going to save all of these people?
Only a small group of people called the resistance tried to take action against the unwanted suppressor. One of those people was my boyfriend; Kim Junmyeon.
He was brave, loving and fought for what he felt was right. It made him sick to the stomach to see soldiers brutally ripping families apart and killing people for ridiculous reasons.
He was one of the leaders, and he led a small group of 8 other brave men who joined the resistance.
I remember him coming back home one day. A beaming smile on his handsome face as he opened his arms to embrace me, then spun me around. Just before he kissed my lips he gazed into my eyes. “You won’t believe what I’ve just been told.”
“What?” I laughed.
“I have been assigned to do a huge mission. One that could take the third biggest concentration camp down.” However instead of being excited I started to become worried… sad even, “There was an attack on a camp a few days ago which they won, but the ambushers – probably the Allies - were smart enough to bomb the place where the enemy keeps their weapons. Apparently they ordered a truck to fill the lack of weapons - and here comes the good part - Doyoung’s group hijacked the truck! Which means the camp is extremely vulnerable right now!”
He never had to do anything that dangerous before. The missions he usually got were sneaking targeted people across the friendly border to put them further away from the enemy but this… this could get him killed instantly. “Why isn’t Doyoung leading the mission then?”
The happy face on his face fades away and his volume lowers, “He died during the whole ordeal.”
He died.
A leader stronger than Junmyeon died.
How am I supposed to let him do this mission then? It’s way more dangerous.
“I don’t know, Jun. It sounds risky.” I try to convince him with my worried eyes but I can see there was no convincing possible.
He held me by the shoulders as to make it clear and said my name in a serious tone, “This could save a lot of lives. Thousands.”
“I find no amount of lives enough to risk yours.” His face softened. This could be a one-way ticket to misery and he knew, but he was going to contribute to the end of this country’s suppression. Yet he could understand my worry, because in the end I was as important to him as he was to me. “What am I going to do if this doesn’t work out?”
“Don’t make that face, you know my heart won’t be able to take it.” His hand was on my cheek, caressing in comfort. “I love you, and I’m sorry for putting you in worry but… I feel like this is the right thing to do.” His expression became pained. Yes, he had his doubts but he couldn’t back down now. “Look, I will be getting a lot more men. Do you remember Yoo? He will be going too as a leader; you know he is strong.”
“Yoo? All I know about him is that he’s hot tempered and very jealous of my smart boyfriend.” I smiled.
I remember Yoo as the man angry because Junmyeon got to become leader before him. “But he has never lost a fight and neither will I. Besides, I will pray. God will hear me.”
The day Junmyeon left for his mission was dreary. I cried in his arms and he tried to comfort me as much as possible. He had a lump in his throat too from leaving me like this, crying. He promised me to come back and there was a fire in his eyes that couldn’t be stopped easily.
“Please return to me safely.” I cried into his chest.
He was trembling a little so I knew this was hard for him too. “I’m going to miss you, babe.” He kissed me tenderly before letting go.
“Come on love birds, get off each other. We’re going.” Yoo interrupted us and Junmyeon sent daggers his way.
I wiped away my hot tears and tried to fix myself by putting on a brave face. “Do y-you have everything?”
He laughed, surprised to hear such a question instead of telling him to not go again. He raised his hand and spread his fingers to show me the rosary hanging on his fingers. This is what he prayed to every day. God would hear him and keep him safe. Definitely.
Sixty years later have gone by since then and I have become much older. I have kids, and those kids even have children. Although I’m old, wrinkly and a lot slower than before there is still much life in me.
“Grandmother, what’s this?” I saw my grandchild Eun on his toes trying to see what was lying on the big cupboard table. His finger was digging into the small glass saucer where he held up the item on it with his finger. “A necklace?”
“Don’t touch it so carelessly, Eunnie.” I picked him up. He was a lot heavier than a few years ago. “This is a rosary.”
His eyes widened in curiosity, “Special necklace?”
“It’s what people use to pray with.” He cocked his head in confusion. The rosary had a beautiful silver cross at the end and it’s still as shiny as I first received it.
“Where did you get this from, grammy?” He giggles and started playing with it.
I put Eun down and sat him on the sofa then put the rosary back. “I’ll tell you a story, Eun. Back when there was a war, the one you learned about in school, I had a boyfriend, Kim Junmyeon. He was with the resistance, and was a very manly and brave man. One day he went on a big mission to save people, but was betrayed. When he tried to save people, the enemy was already waiting for him. Because of that he was captured and thrown into a camp. Someone there managed to get out and gave me this saying; ‘He begged me to please give this to his girlfriend.’ And that’s the last I’ve ever from him…”
“Do you miss him, grammy?” By now Eun had a runny nose and was in tears because of the story. He was quite emotional so I hugged him as he cried while in my hug.
“Tremendously, this was the rosary he prayed with every day, and now I use it every day to pray, for him.”
a/n: In case you are wondering what part of this had actually happened and what not: first of all Kim Junmyeon was not her boyfriend hahahah. I just used him because he seems like a good soldier. Also I added many extra elements.
The story I was told:
‘Back during World War II, I had a boyfriend and we were both in the resistance. He got betrayed and was put into a concentration camp. There was someone who escaped and my boyfriend gave him this rosary, asking if he could ‘Please give it to my girlfriend’ It was the rosary he used every day to pray with, and now every day I use it to pray for him.’ And she did, she protected it really well and always kept it on her cupboard table… I’m basically Eun (and I chose Eun because I watched Scarlet Heart hahaha)
I miss her..
May she rest in peace..
NOTE: I refrained from using any countries in this scenario…..
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