#when hannibal take the cage later in the episode i thought for a second that he was about to launch the poor bird out the van for good
chiosblog · 6 months
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The A-Team 4x19 'Beneath the surface'
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, mental health problems, jail, dead bodies
Author’s Note: Not sure how I feel about this one but I figured I’d throw a wrench in and see where it takes us 
Official Episode Summary : The body of one of Hannibal's victims turns up, carrying valuable evidence for the team; Will works to prove his innocence; Jack submits to mandated therapy; Will has an unexpected visitor.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List: @llperfectsymmetryll
(not my gif) 
(Bottom two gifs @/whatthekatzdraggedin)
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Alana and Hannibal walked on either side of you into the hospital. You don’t think you had ever been in a room with both of them at the same time. It was cold. The air nipped at your hands as you were outside and it wasn't that much better inside. 
“Chiltons establishment is colder than the weather,” you muttered. Alana scoffed and nodded, looking around.
“It’s as cold as he is,” Alana muttered.
“There are likely cameras around,” Hannibal said, glancing around the room. “But I agree.” You smiled softly and nodded. The three of you walked into the large room, many small cages that resembled a carnival sized tank around the room. Will was inside one. 
“Hello,” Hannibal spoke first. Alana and Hannibal stopped a few feet away. You walked a step further and Will gave you a sympathy look. He at least knew that you weren’t scared of him. 
“I’ve lost the plot,” Will said after a moment. “I’m the unreliable narrator of my own story.” His words stung right where it hurt. “I’m trying to place myself somewhere in the frame of my mind and I have no bearings. No landmarks to tell me who I am.” 
“You have an incomplete self. We are who we are in the now and we are the sum of our memories. There are pieces of you...you can’t see,” Alana explained. Her voice gave her away. She cared about Will quite a lot. 
“I’m afraid to see. I don’t know who I am anymore and I’m afraid,” Will muttered. 
“Without remembering, you’re seized by something imagined. It has the brilliant immediacy of a childhood fantasy and if just as real,” Hannibal whispered. Will finally looked at Hannibal and his eyes brimmed with tears.
“I don't know what’s worse. Believing I did it or believing you did it...and did this to me.” 
Something about that sentence sat wrong with you immediately. Will would never give up all of his cards this early but you didn’t say that out loud. 
“Hannibal’s not responsible, Will. And neither are you. We have to get the truth of what happened. It’s the only way you can move forward,” Alana said. 
“What do you think?” Will asked. His voice shook. 
“I don’t think you did it,” you said honestly. Behind you, Hannibal’s eyes met the back of your head. 
“That isn’t helping,” Alana told you. 
“I stand my ground Alana,” you said, voice breathy and far away as you and Will stared at each other. He was trying to tell you something. 
“Let us help you, Will. Let me help you,” Hannibal said. Will clenched and he was trying to hold something back.
“I need your help.” Will started to sob and you took an instinct step forward. Hannibal grabbed your arm and held you back so that a guard didn’t yell at you. Still, your other hand was held up a bit, wanting to comfort him
When Alana and Hannibal left you stayed back, walking with the guards to WIll’s cell. As the guards went away Will’s eyes went up to yours and they were even, much more even than they had been crying a few minutes before.
You scoffed.
“I knew something was wrong.”
“I figured you had.”
“But you can’t tell me the angle,” you said. He nodded.
“I don’t exactly trust your relationship with Hannibal right now,” he admitted. You raised an eyebrow.
“I can’t trust what he wants with you.”
“But my feelings toward him?” Will looked at you as you stood at the white line. 
“I know you believe me. I also know that you have your own emotions about Hannibal Lecter. It is now a cat and mouse game and I don’t know whose involved and whose who.” 
“But the three of us-”
“Yeah. It’s the three of us.”
You stood in the waiting room of Hannibal’s office. You were back at work although it was more support from Hannibal than work. You just made sure everything was in line. The front door opened, much to your surprise. Your mind almost thought it was Will because you hadn't been there since Will had been arrested really. Working at least.
A pretty woman walked up with you. You gave her a smile and she gave one back.
“Do you have an appointment?” you asked. She looked at you for a moment and didn’t answer you. You waited patiently. 
“No,” she said quietly. “Is he free?” You nodded.
“You can just knock, I don’t think he’s doing anything.” She continued to stare at you and you were getting self conscious.
“Are you Y/N Graham?” 
“Will and I aren’t married. But yeah, I’m Y/N,” you said. You suddenly recognized her from perhaps a picture you had seen before. “You’re Bedelia.” She nodded.
“Pleased to finally put a face to the name.”
“Hannibal talks about me?” She laughed and nodded.
“You and Will are often a topic that comes up. I’m glad I got to see you before I go.” YOu raised an eyebrow.
“I should probably go see Hannibal,” she said and you nodded, agreeing.
“It was nice to meet you Bedelia.” She gave you a curt nod and disappeared inside. 
A few minutes later Bedelia left and Hannibal walked outside.
“Were you dumped?” you asked. 
“It seems so. Would you like to go to a morgue with me?” You laughed and shrugged. You weren’t quite prepared for that question but nothing surprised you anymore.
“Will Jack be there?”
“Let’s go.” You got up and walked over with Hannibal out of the door together. You walked to Hannibal’s car and got into the passenger seat.
“You know the FBI is looking over him, yes?” he asked. You nodded. 
“Alana showed me her papers she was keeping in. A saving grace, that woman,” you whispered. He nodded.
“And hopefully Jack will see the error of his ways,” Hannibal said.
“More importantly, hopefully the law will see the error of his ways.” Hannibal nodded and pulled out of the parking lot.
You sat at the white line.
“I don't trust therapy,” you said. “With Hannibal at least.” Will laughed bitterly.
“Are you or are you not going with him to crime scenes?”
“I haven’t been to one yet,” you admitted. 
“Yet being the key word here.” You messed with your hands. Will was also sitting on the ground. There was a chair in the back but you preferred being at the same eye level. 
“I won’t if you don't want me to.” 
“No,” he said and clenched, shaking his head. “Go. I wanna know how it’ll turn out from an unbiased source.” 
“Bev has come to see you,” you muttered. He sighed.
“I was hoping you weren’t going to know that.” 
“Hannibal told me actually.” You glanced at the ground then back at him. “Are you sure-”
“It’s all that feels right or sane right now,” he told you. 
“Then I may as well see the murders,” you said. He nodded. 
“You know normal couples would talk about what’s for dinner? How work was?” he said. You laughed.
“It’s your fault you had to get yourself arrested.” 
“It was Hannibal.”
“I heard you the first time Graham.” 
“The three of you make a good team,” Bev said as you walked through a corn field with a silo. You nodded, shrugging. You and Hannibal were with the BAU, looking into the murders. The bodies had finally been found, with help of Will, Hannibal and you. You had little input but your brain was trained enough by Hannibal and Will to know more than the average person.
“We’ve been told that a few times,” you said as you walked up to the silo.
“We do make a good team,” Hannibal said. Jack walked up to you three and let out a sigh at the sight of you.
“You don’t work for me. And we’re being investigated, how would it look with the ex girlfriend of a man being convicted of murders under my supervision?” Jack asked Hannibal.
“I’m still his girlfriend. And he hasn't’ been convicted of anything.”
“She works for me. I like to have her around.” You nodded.
“He likes to have me around,” you echoed. 
“Well then follow me. Might want to prepare yourself. You haven’t seen anything like this before.” 
“I’m sure I haven’t,” Hannibal said. 
You walked into the plethora of bodies. Hannibal expected you to wince, cringe, at least at the smell. But you stepped inside and there was no reaction. He watched your face turn from nothing to facinsition as you kneeled over the bodies.
“How can being human go so bad?” Jack asked.
“When it comes to nature versus nurture, I choose neither. We are built from a DNA blueprint and born into a world of scenario and circumstance we don’t control,” Hannibal said. 
“Praise the mutilated world,” you whispered. 
A while later you walked out to the car. Hannibal was driving ini silence before he finally spoke up.
“Was that your first dead body? Or a group I would say.”
“No. I’ve seen a few when I came to visit Will in the morgue,” you asid.
“But never in a crime scene.” You nodded. “You took it very well.” You looked confused. 
“I suppose I did. Should I have?” Hannibal put his hand on yours and shook his head. He turned to you and pulled the car to the side of the road which surprised you but you didn’t protest.
“You have the same mind as Will,” he said. You raised an eyebrow.
“No I don’t. I can’t do what he does.”
“But you have an attraction to it. Likely the reason that you were attracted to Will in the first place,” he told you.
“I’m not your patient Hannibal.”
“You’re my friend.” You stared at each other and the car seemed to fill to the brim with used air as it became stuffy. 
Hannibal kissed you. 
You let him.
You pushed away after only a second but you stayed still. You didn’t speak, you only processed.
“I can’t,” you whispered. “I love Will. With my entire being,” you said honestly.
“Who says you can’t love us both?”
“Dammit Hannibal.” 
You stared at your hands. You hadn’t thought about that before. You shook your head and let out a small breath. 
“You’re framing my boyfriend for murder Hannibal.”
“You believe him I see.” He stared at you. “But you still let me kiss you.” He was right. You were so sure that Hannibal had killed people, that he had killed Abigail. And if that wasn’t true Will had. 
“Either way, my taste isn’t exactly the brightest,” you whispered. “I’ve kissed a killer either way.” You refused to meet his eyes. “Take me home please.”
He nodded, not needing to push it. You were in silence until you got to your home and then you waved goodbye but no other words were spoken. Your mind was plagued with enough thoughts you didn’t need words.
You walked down the hallway to Will’s cell. He was surprised to see you again so soon.
“Chilton let you back in?” 
“He likes our talks.” Your voice was monotone which put him off. He wasn’t sure exactly what to say to your tone.
“Something wrong?” 
You thought about it and then sat down on the white line. He did the same, reluctantly. You looked at your hands. 
“Hannibal kissed me,” you told him. You finally met his eyes and was surprised to find that he didn’t look angry. He just looked...amused.
“Took him long enough.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I’ve figured he’d had it out for one of us since day one. It just happened to be you.” You shook your head.
“He suggested I just have both of you. Like all three of us. Then i reminded him he was framing you for murder and he seemed a little discouraged.” Will nodded stiffly.
“The FBI wants me to plead guilty. They said I’ll get the electric chair if I don’t.”
“I’m amazed how quickly you got over the polyamory plot point of this conversation. I mean what about the cat and mouse game?” He gave you a look.
“Don’t kiss him again. Is that what you want me to say?”
“I guess? I figured you’d be mad.” 
“I think it’s a problem for after proving me innocent. The cat and mouse game will continue and we have to play the right cards” he said. He was right. Your head was in the wrong headspace.
“You’re right. Screw the FBI. We’ll prove your innocence. Maybe we can even get Hannibal to kill someone for you.” He laughed darkly.
“I like where your heads at.” 
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Late Night - Malcolm Whitly x Harlan Engelmann (OC) - Prodigal Son - Part 1
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Fandom: Prodigal Son (2019-)
Pairing: Malcolm Whitly/Bright x Harlan Engelmann (OC)
Word Count: 3844
Warnings: NSFW, Also Soft, A Lil’ Bit Of Spoilers But Not Of A Certain Episode,
Notes:  Hey Guys! Guess Who Recently Started Prodigal Son? Guess Who Made A Prodigal Son OC To Ship With Malcolm? But, Not In The Way You’d Expect (Read This To Find Out). Prodigal Son Is A Great Show, I Love It So Far, But...It Eerily Has A Lot- And I Mean A LOT- Of Similarities With My Dearest Hannibal (2013-2015), A TV Show I Pay Tribute To, Later On In This Oneshot. It’s Really Late As I’m Posting This, So I’ll Post My Full-Blown Thoughts And Opinions On Prodigal Son Tomorrow, Or Maybe When I Finish The Show. I’m Starting Episode 9 Tomorrow, Guys. Enjoy!
Harlan sat at his couch in home, flipping through a book absentmindedly and drinking coffee. He glanced out his window, into the moonlight, bored out of his mind.  And there it was, that sweet, late-night sound of a knock at his front door. Harlan closed his book and put it on the coffee table, putting his now-empty coffee cup on a coaster. He groaned as he stretched his arms, getting up and stretching his back and legs, too. Harlan closed his eyes, a smile gracing his lips when he heard another row of rapping."Just a second!" He called, picking the coffee cup back up to move it to the kitchen sink, that was slowly starting to pile up with dishes and cups. Another set of rapping at the door. Harlan walked over to his front door, checking through the peephole just in case it was who he thought it was. He slowly unlocked the door, then opened it.  And there he stood- Malcolm Bright (born Whitly) at his doorstep, hands in the pockets of his long, dark coat."Harlan Engelmann" he greeted, nodding slightly. "Malcolm Bright" Harlan returned, stepping aside. He knows Malcolm's birth-surname, and Malcolm knows that, but Harlan still uses the alias Malcolm uses. As Malcolm likes."I wasn't expecting you, come on in". "Actually..." Malcolm sucked his teeth as he walked in, taking off his shoes as Harlan locked the front door behind him."You did. I can smell it on you, a rather strong and attracting cologne. What is it?". "Hugo Boss" Harlan admitted, grinning."Quite a nose, Malcolm" he complimented, hanging Malcolm's coat on his coat rack. Harlan lightly grabbed Malcolm's waist, pulling him in and softly kissing him."How was profiling today, hmm?". Malcolm arched a brow, looking up at Harlan."Same as it has been, lately- stressing me out, and has me thinking of my dad". He sighed, glancing down at the dark, wooden floors, only feeling peaceful when he looked back up at Harlan. Harlan moved his arms around Malcolm's torso, keeping him in a hug."I have root beer in the kitchen-". "Again, you were expecting me". "Shut up" Harlan giggled, slowly pulling away, cupping Malcolm's cheek."Listen, do you want one, or not, smart guy?" He asked, other hand holding Malcolm's. Malcolm smirked, nodding."Sure". He followed Harlan into the kitchen, getting a can of root beer in his hand quickly. Malcolm leaned against the counter, both hands on the can after he opened it."How's life?". Harlan puffed up his cheeks after closing the fridge, a can in his own hands."My role as your peacekeeper remains evermore, Malcolm. My bar's in great shape, I have a new buddy at the gym, she's amazing, and...yea. Same shit as usual". "You bring me much more than peace, Harlan. You and I both know that" Malcolm winked, eyebrows jumping as he took a sip of his root beer."I'm only guessing that you know why I'm here, why you were expecting me". Malcolm shrugged, taking a few more chugs of the cold drink."Ainsley told me to say hi to you the next time I saw you, so...she says hello". Harlan smiled at his can."'You and I both know that'. So I'm assuming she doesn't know?" He saw Malcolm shake his head. Harlan walked over to the counter, quickly emptying his can and putting it on the counter. He caged Malcolm to the counter, hungrily looking down at him."How much does your mother and Ainsley not know, exactly?". Malcolm hummed, slowly licking his lips."They both don't know the same amount- liking girls is the default, they believe I'm on default mode. Even if they did know that I’m not on default, then I'm still doing what we're both doing- hiding this from everyone" he used a finger to gesture between the two of them. Harlan let out a low, excited groan."See? I told you, hiding us is exciting, it's fun. I can see the smile on your face, Malcolm. You like this too, this bad idea, but also a good idea. This secret is clearly safe, so there's never gonna be a reason to throw it away". Malcolm finished his can soon after, turning to set it beside Harlan's, with his mind running. He felt his heart start racing when he looked back at Harlan, with those pretty blue eyes of his. Harlan's eyes were a deeper, more visible blue. Harlan knew that Malcolm's eyes were blue, too, but- "Your eyes always look like a ghostly-blue, y'know? How many questions do you get on 'em, eh? By weekly, at least". Harlan always said how Malcolm's eyes are a 'ghostly-blue', a steel blue to most people. Grey, if you looked at it in a certain light. Harlan's eyes are a more straight-up blue, no questioning needed. "People always question me on my childhood with my dad, rather than the simpleness of my eye colour, Harlan". The corner of Harlan's lip momentarily twitched up. He held Malcolm tight, thinking the answer through. Harlan swept a loose lock of Malcolm's hair out from the side of his forehead, despite the fact that it framed his forehead so perfectly. He leaned in, placing a sweet kiss to Malcolm's forehead."You learn JT's name, yet?". "If I did, I'd tell you, don't you think? You're like a, uh, my human diary" Malcolm compared, offering a charming- every smile of Malcolm's is charming, to Harlan- smile. When Harlan cupped Malcolm's cheek, he leaned into the touch, allowing his heart to keep racing. This secret they have is safe, like Harlan said, the one man who truly makes sense to Malcolm. The one guy who makes good of what has been so bad, aka, Malcolm's life, past and present. So, if it may be a bad idea, Harlan and Malcolm, then it's definitely a pretty good bad idea.  "A human diary who you relieve stress in. I gotta say, I've never met someone who has ever wanted to...y'know...their diaries" Harlan teased, winking at him playfully. He cupped both of Malcolm's cheeks, sighing softly."A human diary who spent copious amounts of his own allowance to buy you candy, ice cream, and snow cones following the time after...that day, back when we were kids. The human diary who, if asked by literally anyone, doesn't regret it all. I'd like to believe that I'd do it again, and again, and again". Malcolm took a deep breath."Best friends since schoolyard and playground. Ever loyal, and look at us now". "Having sex behind everyone's backs?". Malcolm squeezed his eyes shut, an embarrassed smile on his face."Okay, listen-". "Am I wrong?". Malcolm slowly opened his eyes, Harlan looking at him with a 'really?' expression on his face. He shook his head, "No, but...y'know what?". Malcolm leaned in, greedily kissing him. He pulled away just as fast, teasing him."Shut up, Harlan". "Oh, oof, ouch-" Harlan placed a hand over his heart, the taste of root beer sweet on his lips."Hurt even more than when Brock Calpert uninvited me from his birthday party in elementary school because I was friends with you, being that your dad's...y'know" he reminded, eyebrows furrowing."Because that didn't really hurt at all. A bit, but not too much for me to break you off like a bitch just to go to his party". "Mmh, were the years of being known as 'Freak number three' worth it, Harlan?" Malcolm asked jokingly, chuckling when Harlan nodded. "Love, no matter what kind, is that when you love someone, you'll do anything for them, that's love. Even if it hurts you. Like being uninvited to so many birthday parties, and being called a 'freak', Malcolm" Harlan replied. Malcolm and his relationship isn't romantic- it never has been. Back when they were growing up, the two were best friends. Nothing, not even the phase Malcolm's mother had where she tried setting up Ainsley and Harlan, got in the way of that. Right now, their relationship is -secretly- sexual. Malcolm comes crawling to Harlan's doorstep any night he can, the two have sex, and Harlan's able to drive Malcolm back to his loft, where he's safe with his mouth guard and his restraints for when the night terrors kick in.  Harlan can't secretly deny that he's recently wanted more than just a sexual relationship. Openly, he wouldn't tell a soul, especially not Malcolm himself. Malcolm may have been Harlan's gay awakening when they were 13 (Harlan bought them popsicles, he payed a little too much attention to how Malcolm licked his), so this is just as thrilling as it gets. But, Harlan never had an actual, romantic crush on Malcolm. And now, he does. Just 19 years later. "How's...Dani?" Harlan tried fighting back a jealous scowl when he uttered the name. "Dani's cool, JT still is uneasy about me, a-a-and Gil's still the closest thing I have to a father figure" Malcolm answered, dragging out the 'a' in 'and'. He noticed Harlan's distaste toward Dani, and also possibly knew why. But for once, Malcolm didn't say anything. "Get me JT's first name in the near future, and you'll get off at my bar with as many free drinks as you want, Malcolm" Harlan muttered, slowly untying Malcolm's blue tie. He had his eyes trailing up dangerously from the tiny, white dots on it up to Malcolm's striking eyes. Harlan raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner, as if asking if Malcolm wishes to partake in their usual, late-night activities tonight. Malcolm leaned in, kissing him and leaving the fresh taste of root beer on Harlan's lips. Harlan let go of Malcolm's tie to cup his cheeks, kissing him again to keep that taste on him. He kept Malcolm against the counter, towering over him (by only a few inches) and drinking the taste off of Malcolm’s lips. Harlan kissed Malcolm in a needy, unchaste manner, one hand moving away from Malcolm's prickly-with-stubble cheek to rid of that tie, tossing it onto the kitchen table. He grabbed onto Malcolm as they kissed, blindly leading the way to his stairs, rushing up them and into his bedroom. Harlan closed the door behind them, getting to work on unbuttoning the coat suit Malcolm had on him, the brunet wasting no time on unbuttoning Harlan's shirt, his taste in button-ups falling in line with bus seat patterns and arcade carpets.  Malcolm pulled away for a moment."Your shirt just reminded me- you're pretty dumb for taking the bus to work everyday instead of the metro. Buses take longer, Harlan, you know this" he noted. Harlan rolled his eyes, throwing it away. He pulled Malcolm closer and felt up his chest."I take the slow buses for a reason, stupid- so I can get a chance at calling you before work every day. I don't get signal on the metro". Malcolm realized that it was indeed him, who was dumb. A grateful smile came onto his lips, as he glanced at Harlan's lips, then back to his eyes. Malcolm leaned back in, meaningfully kissing Harlan, working on untying the bartender's belt and dropping it. Harlan chuckled against Malcolm's lips, untying Malcolm's belt, dropping it, and using his foot to push it aside. He lightly nudged Malcolm a few times, before finally pushing him onto the bed."You're so small, y'know" Harlan teased, crawling onto the bed. "By a few inches, Harlan. By a few inches" Malcolm shook his head, propping himself up by his elbows. His eyes darted around the room, sighing when Harlan answered "still"."Did you paint recently? Something's changed". "New bed, actually- softer. Bedspread's new, too, obviously" Harlan corrected, using his pointer finger to tilt Malcolm's head higher up."Dark blue, anyone's favourite colour" he added, getting onto his knees to straddle Malcolm, unbuttoning his shirt. Harlan helped Malcolm take it off, and tossed it aside. He slowly felt up Malcolm's body, practically drooling each time he had Malcolm like this."God, you're amazing" Harlan praised, leaning down to kiss Malcolm's cheek, leaving a trail down his jawline, then neck."And beautiful," he continued, continuing the slow kisses down Malcolm's chest.  Malcolm raked his hand into Harlan's jet black hair, tilting his head up."Keep 'em coming" he scoffed, eyes slowly falling closed. Harlan complimenting him always made him feel special, but, the good type of special. Harlan chuckled lowly, lips against Malcolm's stomach, feet dangling off the end of the bed."You're smart, and talented" he added, hands firmly on Malcolm's hips."You absolutely light up my life, without even knowing it. You- You have the prettiest eyes, and no matter how much I make fun of you on the colour, I really wish mine looked like them. You're sassy, and really know how to clean yourself up, and it just-" Harlan sucked his teeth, a soft moan following."Just revs me up, honestly. You look so damn good when you're under me, but nothing's stopping you from being on top this time" he purred, tugging Malcolm's pants down."I may work at a bar, but when we do what we do, you make me feel more exhilarated than any drink there could. You're strong, Malcolm. A critical thinker, and it's so, so damn attractive". Harlan crawled back up to eye-level with Malcolm, kissing him before he let slip any praises that were deemed romantic, and therefore unworthy of Malcolm's attention. For now, at least.
Harlan pulled his car out of his driveway, starting down the road to get Malcolm home."Satisfied?" He asked, eyebrows raising. Malcolm leaned back in his seat, breathing out a relaxed sigh."As always- it's hard to keep you a secret, y'know. You're so..interesting, you always have been. It's hard not to talk of the things we do, and how they make me feel". Harlan hummed, turning the volume up, a The Tragically Hip song playing."Y'dig the Hip?". "I 'dig' whatever you dig, Harlan. That's just how it's been". "You dig whatever your radio forces you to listen to every morning when you read those white cards and spit out your black mouth guard. So I'm only gonna assume that's a yes, you dig the Hip" Harlan shot back, running a hand through his hair."Cold? I could turn up the heater" he suggested, humming when Malcolm shook his head. The two delved into silence afterwards, The Tragically Hip being a main source of noise. Harlan turned toward Malcolm, who practically had his nose glued to the window, observing the passing buildings, trees, and cars. Harlan thought Malcolm always looked so pretty on these rides back to his place, with the traffic lights and lamp post, especially when it hit those puppy-dog eyes just right, that made him feel things. Harlan stopped at a red light, leaning back in his seat and keeping his eyes on Malcolm as cars and people passed, each with their own stories, their own hookups, and their own loves. "What're you staring at me for, Engelmann?" Malcolm asked, not turning to look at Harlan."Something in my hair? Are you gonna offer to stay the night?" He inquired. Harlan placed a hand on Malcolm's head, scratching softly."I would offer, but I'm scared of your mother using her key to come inside and then seeing her son's closest friend since childhood sleeping on his couch with ultra-bedhead hair, a little sweat, and the stench of sex. Not a great way to set this secret free". Malcolm scrunched his face up, "oh, yea, definitely". He laughed softly, gaze fixing on Harlan with a certain softness."You're scared of my mother using her key to the building she owns, and seeing her son's best friend, since childhood sleeping on his couch with...all that" Malcolm corrected, earning a surprised look from Harlan. "Malcolm, please. You've been diagnosed with complex PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, and night terrors because of a certain someone. Do you know what happens to a human body when it withstands that much stress for a long amount of time? Mal, you you were fired from the only job you thought you were ever good at, when there's so much more in you. You haven't been in a stable relationship in years. I didn't want the weight that the words 'best friend' has also weighing on your tonne of ten-thousand-pound bricks, dude" Harlan explained, looking at his fuck-buddy sympathetically. He put his hand over Malcolm's, giving it the quickest, yet most comforting squeeze. Harlan pulled his hand away quickly, both of them back on the steering wheel as he continued driving."Best friend carries more meaning, the older you grow. Back then, I was your only friend. You were my best friend because you didn't call me a Nazi because I'm German like some of the other kids. Nowadays, I analyze the circumstances I have with people I know, to know where we fall under- acquaintances, friends, co-workers, and best friend...or, in this case, best-friend-slash-fuck-buddy" he joked, laughing quietly as he teared his eyes back towards the road. It was now Malcolm's turn to keep his eyes on the other."Well, I'm glad we got your position as my best friend cleared out. Even if you weren't my only friend growing up, your position as best friend wouldn't have altered in the slightest, Harlan. You're- You're the one thing that's grounding me, you're the one thing that's kept me grounded, all these years. My father may have ruined my childhood, but your consistency kept it from being absolutely demolished". "Nah. Your father may have ruined your childhood, but you are made of some tougher stuff than anyone I know. You kept yourself from it being absolute shit. I was just there to be your best friend who knows how you like your pasta and how you like your hair pulled-". "Harlan!". "What? It's true" Harlan cackled, patting Malcolm's shoulder."I'd say that I was your rock, Malcolm, but you're tough as rock, yourself. Dwayne-Johnson-level" he told.  "A rock with chunks of time thrown out the window," Malcolm held up a finger."Any bits and pieces of my childhood that I can remember, you're in a lot of them. You're constant. You're a rock keeping me afloat". He smiled warmly at Harlan, who smiled back at him with the beauty of a thousand stars. Harlan's knuckles grazed Malcolm's cheeks."Same unfortunate aftershave, Mally. I really must introduce you to a finer one, that smells like something with a ship on the bottle". Malcolm chuckled, "I keep getting it for Christmas. Ainsley isn't the best at gift stuff nowadays". Harlan pursed his lips."You guys are busy. She's a news reporter, you're a profiler. A lowly bartender of a best friend like me can only have so many hours with you nowadays to talk to you, see what you like, y'know? Maybe the 'CLUE' board game? The box-set of a certain season of Law And Order, Criminal Minds...Hannibal, maybe?". "Hannibal!" Malcolm clapped, then balling his fists."God, Hannibal, I knew you were referencing something so smoothly, but I couldn't place it..." Harlan laughed victoriously."Season one episode five, Coquilles. Will and Hannibal discussed Will's breaking state of mind, and connections to the Angel-Maker. Then 'same unfortunate aftershave' is from season two episode seven, Yakimono. Will is released from Chilton's Asylum, and he sees Hannibal for the first time after being a released, and points a gun at him. I'm so jealous of Will's hair, but I could never pull it off" he recollected flawlessly, finally pulling up in front of Malcolm's building. Malcolm looked out his window, then up at the window of his loft, right by his bed."Well, uh...this is me". "This is you. Any chances of seeing you tomorrow, Malcolm?" Harlan asked hopefully, unlocking his car doors. Would this be the perfect time to confess to Malcolm about how he feels, but Malcolm isn't in the right state of mind, lately. Not like he has been, since the day his dad got arrested. But, Harlan likes to believe that there is a day where Malcolm will be ready for a stable relationship. It partially keeps him going. If the most Harlan can get is being Malcolm's best friend for life, whom he fucks behind everybody's backs, then that's alright with him. Malcolm looked at Harlan, and leaned in quickly, kissing him. He cupped Harlan's cheek, who pulled him closer by his tie. Malcolm smiled into the kiss, slowly but hesitantly pulling away."I'll try, okay? Maybe I'll visit your bar, too, Harley". Harlan dived in for another kiss, following one on Malcolm's cheek, jaw, neck, and a last one on both his hands."Call me once you reach your bed, okay?" He asked, watching Malcolm get out the car."And never doubt the idea of leaving a toothbrush at my place, Malcolm-" Harlan put his hands up in defense when Malcolm turned to shoot him a look."Just so that, by the off chance of you still being at my place in the morning, tangled in sheets, you don't have to refresh your breath after a car ride home". Every past off-chance that Malcolm did end up staying the night, he had Harlan hypnotized. The bedhead, the ever-striking steel-blue eyes, and his morning voice hit deep. Harlan always plays those moments on repeat, when Malcolm stands in his kitchen in just his underwear, and one of Harlan's t-shirts, with his messed up hair and his bare feet, it's no wonder Harlan's falling for him. "A toothbrush would stop my rush from leaving your place, you mean. Desperate much?" Malcolm snorted, hands gripping onto the open window sill. Harlan shrugged, guilty."Only for you, Malcolm. Less of a need to question your whereabouts after we do the deed, y'know? Coming home with me, I don't mind the few punches in the face, or keeping you from falling off my bed in your sleep" Harlan doesn't want their nightly meetings to end, is the case. It feels good, whenever Malcolm turns up to his door, and it doesn't even make things awkward when they meet up during the day. He leaned his arm on his steering wheel, facing Malcolm."Think about it, dude. G'bye, Malcolm. I love you" Harlan winked playfully, a bright smile on his face. "Goodnight and goodbye, Harlan. I love you, too". Malcolm smiled, then turning around completely and quickly entering his building. Harlan closed his mouth, a soft smile still plastered onto his lips. His eyes went from where Malcolm once stood, to the graffiti'd door, and down to the sidewalk."I love you more" he told, to no one in particular. And with that, Harlan drove off, back to his own home.
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hellyeahomeland · 4 years
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“Fucker Shot Me” | Directed by Lesli Linka Glatter, Cinematography by David Klein
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Sara: I truly stan G’ulom and his collection of capes. He is the villain in the shadows we need! 
Gail: G’ulom’s character arc has really come a long way since Carrie blackmailed him back in episode two. Feels like a year ago.
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Sara: Mike is highly annoying. He is so annoying I’m starting to feel sorry that he keeps asking Jenna to do things. Why did he have Jenna tell Saul what happened? Why did they wait until the next day? Why couldn’t he have done all this himself or at least delegated? What I’m saying is Mike is a drama queen. 
Gail: It’s interesting that you see Mike as an antagonist to Carrie when he is literally doing the right thing by reporting her. Carrie’s lucky he only went to Saul at first. It gave her the opportunity to get a head start on her mission to find Max. This small meeting of the minds in the middle of a bustling CIA station says a lot too: all of her secrets are about to be laid bare.
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Gail: This surveillance shot was when I realized that Yevgeny is intentionally feeding into the suspicions around her. His government must know and approve of what he is up to. He might have some affinity for her, but he is definitely on his own mission here.
Sara: Couple’s first photo together.
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Sara: Truly the road trip of my dreams! On a more analytical note, almost all the camerawork in these scenes is done outside the car, looking in, with the barrier of the windows between us. This is continuing a motif from earlier episodes that saw Carrie often shot from behind the car window, trapped on the inside. And now she’s “trapped” with Yevgeny. 
Gail: I love how the camera shots in this scene give us a feeling of eavesdropping on them. Makes me wonder who else is listening?
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Sara: I really loved this shot, with the reflection of the countryside visible. The scenery and remoteness of it all (uh… not to mention them literally being on the run together) really reminded me of Carrie and Brody in “The Star.” 
Gail: Yes--and she’s not the one driving this time. Yevgeny is literally and figuratively in the driver’s seat.
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Gail: I love that we are getting Carrie’s perspective here. We can’t see or hear what Yevgeny is saying. We are as in the dark as Carrie is when it comes to his true motivations.
Sara: Yevgeny shot from behind again. This continues another motif of Carrie watching him walk away (repeated in the first three episodes of the season), his back turned to her. 
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Sara: Before I caught on to what was happening, I saw the light blue burqa and thought something was super fishy. This is the same color burqa that Samira Noori had. There was also a woman wearing a blue burqa walking by Haqqani at the end of last week’s episode when Carrie spots him outside the embassy. I feel like this is super ominous and must be intentional…. Right?
Gail: I noticed that too! I love how colorful the market is here too, it reminded me of the donkeys heading up the mountain in the last episode.
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Gail: IJLTP.
Sara: Gotta have that parallel! This must be intentional. The positioning of the camera and choreography here is identical to the pilot.
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Sara: IJLTP.
Gail: Even in a crowd of people, Carrie is always alone.
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Gail: Such a contrast to the colorful market and busy streets nearby.
Sara: This is a really stunning shot and you can feel the emotional weight of these rows and rows of tombstones--all of which Carrie is responsible for.
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Sara: I noted this in TCWTW, but they’ve dressed Carrie and Yevgeny similarly here. Notably they’re both in jackets with pockets on both breasts. Also notably, Carrie’s ensemble is in shades of grey, while Yevgeny’s is darker. Also also notably: height difference.
Gail: His constant and consistent nonchalance is such a vibe.
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Gail: We are on the outside looking in at their relationship again. So much we don’t know about it, and by “we,” I mean the audience and Carrie.
Sara: This is a cute bookend shot to the final scene of last week’s episode where Yevgeny is staring at Carrie, who stares straight ahead.
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Sara: The Jesus light shines on Max! 
Gail: Max’s living conditions keep going from bad to worse.
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Sara: What the actual hell was this? The speed with which Yevgeny prevented a total and full-blown Carrie freakout was certainly admirable and positively weird as hell. 
Gail: Yevgeny sure knew how to calm her down quickly: bends down to eye level, holds her forcefully in place, and even does the sympathetic head tilt. He knows way more about her than “we” can imagine.
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Sara: I just picked this shot because was anyone else surprised that Linus is still the Chief of Staff? I thought for sure he would have been transferred to an ~advisory~ role when Keane left but both Beau and now Hayes are keeping him? Let’s all admit that Linus is really the cockroach that creepy doctor in Caracas said Brody was. 
Gail: I loved the scale of the empty airplane hanger against the optics Hayes is trying to convey. Empty attempt with an even emptier coffin.
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Sara: Don’t sleep on Tasneem! She’s always lurking around every corner and that is why we continue to stan. Also shout out to blog member Angela who remarked on the way they dressed Tasneem in virginal white a few episodes ago, and now this Madonna-esque blue. What does it mean?
Gail: Now Tasneem is looking over her shoulder too.
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Gail: The distance between Saul and Bunny/Tasneem speaks volumes.
Sara: The choreography in this scene is really something. I mean… LOL. Could they hate Saul anymore?
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Gail: Even though Mike has reported Carrie to the FBI, he still takes her call in private. Interesting.
Sara: Why does Mike have encyclopedias in his sad office?
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Sara: This is such a great shot. G’ulom looming in the background, out of focus but still totally in control. Everyone gets an over-the-shoulder shot this year. 
Gail: G’ulom in a tie < G’ulom in a cape.
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Sara: Yevgeny took the night shift and let Carrie sleep in the back of his car. I repeat: CARRIE SLEPT IN THE BACK OF HIS CAR. I can’t with them. 
Gail: I didn’t think she was sleeping, Carrie doesn’t sleep! I thought she was laying low since she’s a fugitive now and was hiding from the drone(s) that she was hoping the CIA would send to check for Max. Ugh, poor Max!
Sara: Dammit, Gail! You’re probably right.... but a full night has passed so she had to have slept, for at least 15 minutes, in his car. Let me have 15 minutes!
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Sara: First, I think this shot is totally gorgeous (Jesus light shines on Max again!). Second, I’m not getting too freaked out because remember how totally dumb Jalal is? We don’t have much to worry about, folks. 
Gail: Such a gorgeous shot, I agree. Another empty space that illustrates just how alone Max is.
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 Gail: Another parallel to the end of season three: Carrie calling for an extraction team that isn’t coming.
Sara: And this shot, too. Damn… this episode was visually quite gorgeous, if substance-wise quite dull.
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Sara: Total Brody vibes with the cage and also Haqqani’s general air of acceptance here. They wanted us to feel bad for Brody at the end too! Later, again like Brody, Haqqani is surrounded by a crowd of raucous people who want him dead when he’s sentenced to his fate. Although this specific shot with the cell in the center of the courtroom reminded me a lot of those scenes with Hugh Dancy in Hannibal (can’t find a pic, you’re just gonna have to trust me!).
Gail: I agree and really loved this scene.
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Sara: I love shot because of how small Saul looks. I don’t mean this in a shady way! It really puts into perspective (literally) how futile his attempts are to save Haqqani and secure the peace deal (again). Saul states at the beginning of the episode that Haqqani and the Taliban control half the country… that necessarily means that half the country would also probably like to see him dead. He’s just one man, one small man, and the sun is setting on him. 
Gail: Great insight. The loss of control and chaos surrounding Saul is only growing in scale through this episode, culminating in this fantastic shot.
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Sara: I have to laugh. Best facial expression of the century goes to Mr. Linus Roache. 
Gail: Wellington is literally biting his lip! Love it and love the villainous John Zabel, menacing beard and all!
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Gail: Carrie is very much “in the weeds.”
Sara: Carrie sure is trying hard to be stealthy given she’s tracing the perimeter of a fence that’s more or less see-through. I LOVE YOU, CARRIE.
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Gail: Everything happening to Max feels extremely ominous to me.
Sara: It’s official, this show has an eyeglasses complex. Saul and Max are both glasses-wearing people, and I tend to think the scenes where they’re without them (whether in captivity or otherwise), and the scenes where they get them back, suggest a loss of humanity. They’re being stripped down to the barest and most vulnerable forms of themselves.
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Sara: This reveal is really very clever and would have been a lot more so if it hadn’t been spoiled in 46 promos.
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Gail: I love how Carrie and Yevgeny are off center in this shot, just like Carrie.
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Sara: And again with this eyes wide, hands on shoulders, controlled and direct response. I would be creeped out if I didn’t think he was doing it out of ~*~LOVE~*~. But seriously, what do you think this is and why is it so effective? 
Gail: I think he had a lot of practice. (Ugh)
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Gotham 4x05: A Liveblog
Phew... long, long day, super delayed liveblog, but here it is, in all its glory. And frankly, after last time, I am not hoping for much : |
TL;DR - So there was a footrub and- HEY LET’S TALK ABOUT SOLOMON GRUNDY!
You know I’m disappointed in Gotham when I have not been chomping at the bit to see the next episode. If they get ANYTHING right today, I'll be pleased
Buuuutch :c my baby, my angel :cccc
...there’s literally location called “Slaughter Swamp” there’s literally... *throws book on floor* *walks out*
And yeah, I'm sure dumping a mostly dead body in... this swamp is Very Safe and will not lead to Anything Weird Ever. After all, it’s not like the waters in this town have literally resurrected people...
HARVEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. HARVEYYYYY *sobs* Oh god and you look so good and your boyfriend has been AN ALL TIME LOW recently and... HARVEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY *cries into 50 pillows*
This season was supposed to be about you two getting married. And instead what do I get? The divorce. I fucking hate how this show writes Jim. HATE.
Is lil Bruce contemplating murder??? Daaaamn boy. Is this show finally actually going to become ABOUT Batman??? Am I actually going to start giving a fuck about Bruce? Jesus, how the turn tables.
Side note: David was younger here, they shot this episode earlier, not later
MMMM, all them good funeral feels for Bruce, MMMMMM. This is fine. I’m sure he’s... fine.
Jim what the fuck, fuck off. None of your shit now.
Why this show is choosing to make me hate Jim is beyond me. Holy fuck.
Bruce, I know you’re not Batman yet but... Batman is No Killing for a reason buddy. *pets* You gotta learn that lesson.
Babs hair this season continues to be... I don’t even know what her style is this season
How Hannibal is this show going to get??? HOly SHIT.
Don’t tell me they gave Babs the fucking “soft paper, no clips, no staples, do not accept anything he hands you” rules (that BY THE BY we used on Frank too and that will NEVER stop being hysterical, although most of you are probably not in that fandom) too??/ HOLY FUCK WHAT THE SHIT
I want to be paid a dollar every time Gotham borrows from Hannibal because... WOW. wow.
Jesus Fucking Christ What Even Just Happened
Oh thank GOD we’re back in Slaughter Swamp, I’m so sorry for what I said about you earlier, NEVER MIND, you are MUCH better than that, VERY welcoming, bless you Slaughter Swamp
...is that Oswald’s murder trailer? Welp, for the purposes of amusing myself, I’m just going to say that it is. Just come full circle on it. That trailer stays in the family.
Apparently none of you have seen Frankenstein or you would know not to wave fire at the recently returned from the dead : ||||
That... I guess that’s as good a way to get a name as any
*groaning about Sofia’s existence*
Is it an f or a ph? does anyone know? Meh
Mmmm... Oswald’s twitchy, he makes bad decisions when he’s twitchy. Of course, why Oswald should be twitchy now is a mystery. I can only hope the decision to abandon Ed isn’t sitting well with him. BUT that might make Too Much Sense because Fuck This Show
Hi Ed. I see your pill addiction is... still a thing. I’m not sure how i feel about the fact that you turn to drugs when you can’t handle shit.
...okay, I kinda love that Ed is now bad at everything in a new and entirely understandable way, as opposed to when he was bad at everything but we were SUPPOSED to think he was oh so smart (personally I think there are WAY better writing angles in that in regards to hubris and you know... actual fucking development but, WHATEVER writers, you do you). I have no idea where this will eventually lead, probably nowhere, because this show sucks and is determined not to make any progress of any kind but rather run us round and round in the same circles for all eternity, but this gets props for being entertaining if nothing else
“Butch, I have never had an issue with you” ...Ed. Edddddd. I’m. I’m just going to sit here silently.
Butch, I love you to death, you are everything, please drag Ed, both figuratively and literally, back to your cave and fix him. I love you so so much, please take care of him and then the two of you can be bros for life
Niiiiice, Alfred in his casual Night on the Town clothes, mmhmmmmmm
...you’re kidding me, I’m supposed to believe Bruce has memorized the changing of the guard at Blackgate? *siiiiiigh*
...yes, I also keep my ceremonial murder weapons stuffed down my shirt. It’s almost like you need a utility belt or something
I hope to god Sean flubbed that line and everyone just went with it
“Under crackers” is now the only way I am going to refer to my under garments and/or genitals
Holy shit, ONE good scene, ONE good fucking scene in A MILLION years, oh... sweet jesus THANK YOU, I’ve waited SO LONG for literally ANYTHING to be good again and HERE IT IS
Uhhh... is Sofia gonna murder Oswald over lunch? Because if so: No.
Oh boy, back to overplot
...okay, I have no idea what to make of Ra’s al Ghul, if he’s lying or not, not a clue
Ed... Ed you REALLY need friends right now, would you please just TRY to human being for a second. Jesus. You’re stupid and you’re still SO BAD at EVERYTHING.
Awww, see, there you go! There you go sweetie, you can be friends!You can do it, good job not letting your only friend burn to death, that’s a good step forward!
Uhhhhhh oh, Oswald’s having mom feels. Oh boy.
Alfred, confirmed 300% more useful than Jim ever was
Poor Oswald... damn, without an Ed as a clutch for balance, Oswald��s spinning his wheels. This is 100% what I expected when the season started, but I”m a little upset at the pacing. This should have been obvious and building from day 1 and AGAIN, LAST episode should have had a VERY different emotional tenor. His limp is also atrocious right now, he’s very stressed and jumpy and there are obvious reasons why, but they haven’t PLAYED any of them, which is annoying.
. . .
The List Of Things I Could Say Right Now. I’m Just.
do you know who fucking else has seen Oswald’s fe-EDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
So uh... are you a mummified corpse in all reflective surfaces and you’ve just been avoiding mirrors, or does this trick only work in puddles?
...really milking that death there Alexander. Which is fair, this is a comic book show after all.
GREAT acting on David’s part tho, mad props
Yes, yes, cute jaw drop, very hammy, good job
Jim, I’m pretty sure this is the first time you two have spoken in like... 2 seasons. Just saying. you don’t know each other that well... or at all really.
Also, I‘m not positive killing someone who was immortal and who wanted to die is really murder either. Especially considering he was The Worst. Like... you shouldn’t feel bad, at all, that he’s dead, you’ve actively saved lives by killing him. Even if this is murder, I”m just saying... probably the best murder you could have done. Good job Bruce? Meh, I really don’t have any investment in this storyline, I'll be real.
Ed, why must you lie to your own and only friend? Why Ed? *siiiigh* Baby steps of friendship I guess, baby steps
...annnnnnnnnnnd there it is.
Knew it was too good to be true, couldn’t have ANYTHING nice this season could we. No, no of course not. Ooof course not.
May the all-consuming void swallow me up whole so I don’t have to deal with This.
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