#love like the galaxy ep6
movielosophy · 2 years
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Love Like The Galaxy ~ Don’t worry, Niao Niao, you have us
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01432853 · 2 years
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I want to go to the Lantern Festival. Mother didn't allow me to go. I shall let you go. Really?
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photogirl894 · 1 month
Sorry for not specifying, lol. Those were from the angst prompt list! (this is the person who requested the Rex one-shot)
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I can most certainly do that for you, anon, and thank you for specifying the list!! 😊
**Slight spoilers for TBB s3 ep6**
4. "Do you know what it would do to me if I lost you?"
16. "It's my job to protect you."
Pairing: Rex x fem reader
Rex had assigned you to be a bodyguard for Senator Riyo Chuchi after her own guards had been lost in an assassination attempt, especially now that she was neck-deep in her support of the Clones. She was going to need someone to watch her and she didn't want to risk anymore of her own security detail, so Rex entrusted you with that task, which you were glad to undertake. You and Riyo were similar in the fact that you both weren't Clones, but supported them in everything, fighting for their right to have a place in the galaxy. Though, after the Emperor declared the Clones were dangerous and would be replaced by his own order of stormtroopers, you knew that you and Chuchi had a lot ahead of you to help protect the Clones.
Soon after, Rex really began working hard on improving his underground network of Clones to fight back against the Empire while you helped Senator Chuchi from the inside. Neither side had it easy by any means. You and Rex kept each other informed of everything going on. He was always checking in on you, making sure you were safe. You were important to him, just as he was important to you. There was always something unspoken between the two of you that you honestly were a bit surprised hadn't been brought to light yet, given the constant danger you both were in. It didn't matter, though. You both had work to do and lives were at stake, so any feelings would have to wait.
A few months later, Chuchi was going to meet with Senator Avi Singh, the former Separatist Senator, and both you and Rex were going to be at that meeting for extra security. It wasn't long into the meeting that Rex got word something was wrong and then suddenly, there was a beeping noise in the room. A thermal detonator was thrown through the window of the room and Rex jumped into action. He caught the detonator and threw back out the window, nearly seconds before it exploded.
He had saved both Senators' lives, but seeing him throw himself into danger with such a close call made your heartrate spike with fear. He could've been killed just then had he only waited a few seconds more. Before you could say anything, he ran off to pursue the assassin while you got Senator Chuchi and Senator Singh to safety.
Some time later, he met back up with you, reporting that the assassin got away. Once you saw he was all right, you suddenly couldn't hold back.
"What were you thinking, jumping in front of the grenade like that?" you questioned him.
"I was protecting the Senators. It's my job to protect them," he stated. Then he looked intently into your eyes. "It's my job to protect you, as well."
You stepped closer to him. "I don't need you to protect me...and even so, I wouldn't want you to protect me by risking your life like that."
"I'm a soldier. It's what I do," he said.
"I don't accept that," you replied, laying your hands on his cheeks. "Do you know what it would do to me if I lost you?"
Rex's lips parted in surprise at the question, his eyes searching yours, but then he turned his gaze away, guilt etched in his features on his face as he whispered your name.
With a gentle nudge, you made him turn his head back to look at you and you stated, "Yes, we're soldiers, but we're also both human. That doesn't mean our lives are nothing to just throw away for someone else's sake. We both deserve to live...and to love."
Then, with those words having been spoken, you brought your lips to his and kissed the Captain softly and lovingly, enough to get your point across and hopefully not scare him away. After seeing him nearly have a brush with death, you were willing to take a chance at admitting your feelings. The time for waiting was over.
The sensation of your joined lips sparked a fire within the Captain that only been just an ember for so long. His arms were around you so quickly and tightly, nearly crushing you against him, and he deepened the kiss almost right away, seemingly wanting to lose himself with you.
After a passionate moment, he broke away, his breath heavy. "I know I said I was protecting the Senators," he said, "but all I could think about was you. I...I didn't want to see you hurt."
"I don't ever want to see you hurt either, Rex," you said back. "Please don't ever do something so risky like that again. We need to get through all this together."
He took your hands in his and gently kissed your fingers. "Together."
Photogirl894's Angst prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
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vibratingskull · 8 months
First time making a request, so if I do something wrong, I’m sorry!
This idea is inspired by another request about Thrawn and his s/o reuniting in ep6 of Ahsoka, which I loved btw. So, s/o (reader) realised she/they were pregnant shortly after Thrawn disappeared and so when they reunite, Thrawn is meeting his child (that he didn’t know existed) for the first time and his s/o is so happy because she/they never thought they’d meet. I really want to see how Thrawn would react to finding out he has a child and that he missed the first 9(ish) years of their life, I feel like he’d be so soft towards his s/o and child but also so enraged (even if he doesn’t show it) that he missed so much of his child’s life. Either fem!reader or gn!reader is okay, whichever works for you!
Anyway, I hope this made sense. Have a great day!
You did good anon, don't worry! ❤️
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Thrawnxf!reader but no pronouns used
You place yourself between your daughter and the Great Mothers by instinct. You keep them at bay, holding her tiny hand in yours, she looks at them curious but they look at her like a predator would a prey. Casually, you reveal your blaster attached to your hips. You already got troubles to get Morgan to accept your daughter for the trip, you’re not gonna let some witches take her. 
They avert their gazes, slowly turning away.
Suddenly you hear a long loud hollow sound resonate in the sky. Your daughter presses herself against your leg, digging her nails in the fabric of your tunic.
“It is okay, Thooken.” you comfort her, caressing her head “It’s your father coming.”
She raises her gaze to you, you can see fear and apprehension but also a hint of hope.
“We’ll see dad today?” she asks with a little voice.
“He is the Grand Admiral, show some respect!” Morgan shouts over the noise.
You give her black look, she’s really getting on your nerves lately. The only reason you’re all here is thanks to you manipulating Ahsoka Tano to retrieve the map and recommending Baylan and Shin for the mission and she got the dirty habits to place herself as the leader of the expedition. One day you’ll end it all up with a bullet at the back of her skull.
“Cut her some slack, she can call him dad and however she pleases” you bite back “Contrary to you.”
She gives you a dirty look and you smirk at her in response. The exact same word resonates in both of your mind
You feel air movement in your back and spin to discover the Chimaera in all her glory. Your smile broaden. Thooker opens her eyes round like saucers.
“What’s that?” she mumbles.
“This is an ISD, sweety.” you take her in your arms, she grew a lot lately, soon you won’t be able to carry her anymore “This is the ship of your father.”
“Dad commands a ship this big?!” she goes into raptures.
“He used to command a whole fleet of ISDs.” you explain, kissing her cheek.
Her expression darkens.
“What if he doesn’t want to meet me?” she asks full of doubt “what if he doesn’t want me.”
“Oh, my sweet. Of course he wants to meet you. I am sure it is most dear wish.” You lie to her.
Unfortunately you didn’t have time to announce Thrawn the great news of your pregnancy back then, he never knew that was about to become a father. You wish you had the time, it would have been another reason for him to hold on for ten years, as of now you don’t even know in which shape you’ll meet him. Maybe he has been mutilated or became disabled, knowing he had a child somewhere in the galaxy would have given him comfort during dark times…
The Chimaera positions herself over the stone structure and slowly goes down, revealing to you an army of Stormtroopers in ranks, their armors seem patched up and hold on with red ribbons. You bite your cheek, life is not easy around here.
Suddenly they all start chanting the name of your lost husband.
That’s new…
Thrawn used to hate those displays of blind obedience. They had to adapt, it seems like.
A figure starts to descend the ally of stormtroopers, taking it’s time. 
You recognize him instantly.
Your husband.
Your loved one.
Your heart sing and flutters at his sight.
You designate him to Thooken with a smile but she recoils over herself in your arms.
Morgan Elsebeth walks to place herself in the front and you can’t help but shake your head at her behavior. Baylan and Shin remain in the back, more respectful and humble.
“What was first just a dream has become a frightening reality for those who may oppose us.” he says with a smirk. “Great Mothers, I salute you.”
You smile blissfully.
You are reunited!
What a blessing.
“Soon we should all escape this exile thanks to the help of Morgan Elsbeth.” 
Morgan bows with a smile.
“I am ever your servant, Grand Admiral.” she says with a fawning voice.
You remain in the back, managing your effect.
“They brought a prisoner.” one of the Mothers speaks.
“You never spoke of this.” he seems puzzled but not necessarily surprised.
They continue talking about Sabine Wren, Baylan reveals it’s thanks to him she’s there. Thrawn's attention is fully focused on them, giving you time to investigate Thooken’s behavior peacefully.
“What’s wrong, sweety?” you murmur.
“I am scared.” she pleas “What if he doesn’t love me?”
“Oh, my love.” you squeeze her tight “What father doesn’t love his daughter to death?”
She looks at you dead in the eyes.
Ouch. Touché.
“He’s not Tarkin, sweety. He will love you like you’ve never been loved before, I promise.”
She circles her arms around your neck, hiding her face from everyone else.
“You are quite right… She will be of great use to us.” Thrawn nods with a light grin to Baylan before turning back to Morgan “What other great news do you bring to me on this day?”
Morgan seems taken aback, what great news? All news are bad lately, except yours.
“I have got one.” You announce clearly, revealing yourself to him.
His pupils widen at your sight, his light grin broadens.
“(Y/n), I was starting to wonder where you could be.” he says, amused and, you think, relief.
You come closer with love in your eyes, holding your daughter firmly.
“Who that might be in your arms?” he asks, tilting his head legitimately curious.
You turn your head to Thooken but she grips you tighter, refusing to budge.
“Little one?” he calls gently, he pushes a strand of hair behind her ears, revealing her blue skin to him.
You see him freeze. It lasted less than a second but you didn’t miss it.
“Thooken.” you encourage her.
Her grip loosen a tad and she deigns turning her head to meet her father. They cross their gaze and he stares at her, his knuckle grazing her cheek, with a shocked and puzzled expression. She immediately hides in the crook of your neck.
“She’s a bit shy.” you explain, caressing her back.
“It is quite okay…” he says lowly, still shocked. “She must be tired by this trip, as are all of you.” He exclaims for everyone to hear, recovering his serious demeanor. “You should use the remainder of the day to recover some energy. Captain Enoch, please escort them to their quarters.”
“He doesn't like me!” You sweetheart laments, seated on the bed while you freshen up in the bathroom. You’re surprised the room got one.
“Of course he does. He’s just a little shocked.” you come back into the chamber “He never was really demonstrative, give him some time.”
She keeps her gaze low, she’s really sad. You come hug her on the bed.
“He loves you very much already, his whole world just got shaken up.”
She buries her head in the fabric of your shirt and you remain like that for a minute when you hear knocks on the door.
It’s Enoch.
“The Grand Admiral wants to see you both.”
you walk in the cold stone corridors of the citadel, following the curious trooper without a word. You finally reach a large door where Enoch leaves you.
“Ready?” You ask Thooken.
She just gulps.
You knock and open the door. Thrawn immediately stands up from his desk with an holographic map.
“(Y/n)...” He exclaims like he doesn’t believe it himself.
You throw yourself at him with a satisfied sigh, you hug him tight, revelling in his presence and scent. It’s been so long…
He seizes your face and kisses you languorously. You moan of pleasure against his soft lips, squeezing him.
“Ten years…” he whispers, eyes in yours.
“We are here now, love.” you caress his cheek “We can all go home now.”
He smiles at you before his gaze ends up on Thooken. He takes a step towards her, unsure like she would run away at any movement. She doesn’t move back but doesn’t move towards him either.
He kneels, placing himself at her level. He extends his hand to her, palm open.
“Let me see your face.” he gently asks.
She closes the gap after an hesitation. He holds her face between his two hands, all words seem to escape him.
“What is your name, young lady?”
“Thooken.” she reveals.
“Thooken.” he repeats “And how old are you?”
“9 years old.”
His thumbs caress her cheeks almost mind-absently.
“Maker.” He whispers “I had planned all the possibilities for today, but you managed to surprise me, Thooken.”
“It’s… a good thing?” she asks with a bit of fear in the tone.
“It is a very good thing. A marvelous thing.” He pulls her gently into a hug, manipulating her small body like the most fragile thing in the galaxy.
You smile when you see her hugging him back.
“Dad…” she mumbles with cracks in the voice.
“I am here my dear.” he comforts her, “I am with you now.”
“We are all together.” you say, putting a hand on his shoulder “And we will remain together.”
“Indeed.” he says with a hard tone “I will need to settle the score with Bridger. He robbed me of so much.” he spites.
He parts with Thooken and kisses her cheek before standing up to look at you.
“A chance we got his friend in a cell, she can be of some use to me.”
“I thought you would honor Baylan's engagement?” you frown.
“It was before I realized he deprived me of my child. I can not let that go unpunished.” 
You look into his red eyes to realize that his decision is taken and there is no changing his mind now.
You would almost pity Bidger.
But it is all his fault, after all.
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@Bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose
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spacelizzbian · 9 months
Ahsoka s1 ep6
Love how they reminded us of the fact that there are "former imperials working at every level in the new republic" ain't no way they're getting back to the normal galaxy this episode? like bro, dw I didn't forget the New Republic kinda sucks 😂
Deadass thought Ahsoka was gonna spill on her world between worlds experience 💀
Hm, Ahsoka seeing Sabine giving the enemy the map as a fault of her own shortcomings as a teacher when it shows that she really was Anakin's padawan.
Urging Sabine to do what's right and putting feelings aside, while being unable to do that herself and fearing what could happen because of it..... this coming after the episode where Anakin's legacy and Ahsoka's unease with it was explored is 😭😭
Though it is throwing me off that she's still saying the same stuff as before her epithany last episode?
I understand it would be too easy if those fears caused by Anakin's betrayal would be healed after one episode and they probably wanna save that moment for a more exciting scene than her and Huyang sitting in the mouth of a space whale. But it'd have been better if Ahsoka showed that she has progressed in this regard?
I cannot believe they did the cheesiest thing and actually had Huyang say the thing.
This show so corny I love it
Pour one out for the Wolfren people, there was a prison on board lmao
God I hope he keeps his promise, he's a more interesting dark sider if he does
Something about them being so far from civilisation is actually creeping me out....
They were in hyperspace for all of the events of last episode, probably longer, that distance between galaxies is incomprehensible.
If anyone gets stranded or hurt they'd be so far away from help, the typical "fleet arrives to the rescue" at the last second can't happen now.
I don't think it's ever sunk in for me how hopeless Ezra must've felt being stranded here
A signal?!? Really??? That was fast lol
You know, for a literal different galaxy, I'd have expected this planet to look funkier.
Even Dathomir looked more mythical than this
I guess I take back all that dreadful pondering about being stranded far from home in a deserted galaxy cause apparantly there are fucking people living here
ok sure
Poor Sabine, not Jedi enough for Huyang, too Jedi for them witches 😔
I swear to god if they show us another iteration of order 66
I don't think I've ever commented on Shin and Baylan's designs but I love how they almost have a game of thrones fantasy knight vibe about them. Makes sense as this convo suggests they seek glory from the past.
Props to Kevin Kiner, the music is stealing Thrawn's intro scene
Wild guess Im throwing out there, Enoch is Ezra but like ... brainwashed as Savage was
Either that or he is deep undercover as one of those stormtroopers, that def sounds like something he'd do
Bro why there so much familiar kind of typical star wars life on this DIFFERENT galaxy?? 💀
Damn, last episode really felt like clone wars in style and this one really feels like rebels lmao
Shin self identifying as a trained Jedi? Interesting.
Her doubting what Baylan is saying?
I cannot wait for Baylan "destroy the past" Skoll to face off against Ahsoka "recently started healing from the wounds of the past" Tano again. I can practically feel the emotional culmination of this show and Ahsoka's character concluding
Oh these creatures are gonna get fridged so bad aren't they?
Ah shucks my wild angsty guess disproven so quickly
Tho Ezra just chilling with a bunch of lil creatures is also very him
They can sense Ahsoka approaching in the whale?¿?¿? That sure is convenient for them
Lmaoooooo Morgan is so angry she's like "sOMEONE FUCKIN KILL THIS DAMN WOMAN ALREADY IVE HAD IT
👏 UP 👏 TO 👏 HERE 👏
Thrawn upon learning Ahsoka's master was Anakin: "oh, psssht, I know what buttons to push, easy"
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The coffee theory doesn't make sense. It would completely rewrite Aziraphale as a character, and the theory itself has a few holes. One of Aziraphales many many character traits is that he is extremely selfless. And we see that in s2... multiple times. I'm going to touch back on this, but I have to back track a second.
We have established that the Coffee theory (TCT) makes no sense when diving deep into the show (I said I will hit on Aziraphale being the way he is again, but like I have to explain first WHY the coffee theory isn't plausible). We see Aziraphale and Crowley through the past more this season, and in every single flashback, one thing stands. Aziraphale is always looking lovingly at Crowley. Creation of space? "Oh, look at you, you're gorgeous." *Aziraphale turns his head, Crowley isn't speaking about him but rather the nebulae and galaxies, Aziraphale looks dejected*
I'm not gonna continue to list it fully, but Az and Crowley during the Job scene (the faces Az makes at Crowley. Michael Sheen is blessed with the ability to tell a story with his facial features. This gives us the blessing of knowing what Aziraphale is feeling/thinking a good 85% of the time). Scotland, anyone?? Did you see Aziraphales face after Crowley drank the poison? 1941 west end scene. HE LITERALLY STUTTERS OVER FRIEND??? We, as a Fandom, have established that at the latest, that's when Aziraphale fell in love. So, seeing the multitude of reasons Aziraphale has to not leave Crowley...why did he?
This is where people will plug in TCT because people hate to see Aziraphale turn his back on Crowley. But is he really turning his back on Crowley...or is he saving him?Multiple times through this season, we are told about "extreme sanctions" and how that means literally being erased from the book of life. Crowley even believed it was a joke! In ep6, as The Roach shows up (idc how formal I'm making this seem/sound, it's Metatron. He deserves nothing in life) and essentially shuts down Michael's and the other archangels' attempts at removing Az from TBOL. The Roach then offers Gabriels old title blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda big kiss scene big angst and boom, Aziraphale left for Heaven.
Within the time that Aziraphale is speaking to The Roach, he has to realize that this is literally the only option. What do I mean by "the only option" you may ask? Well, my dear little good omens obsessed friend, it means that it was either take the job in Heaven, or be written out of TBOL. Crowley being there was just a bonus. Aziraphale saw the job as his only way to protect Crowley. His Crowley, who had risked their life so much, that it now made the demon happy to save the angel. Aziraphale was being truthful when he was speaking about how he(they) could change things in Heaven. He genuinely saw it as an opportunity to fix what he saw, but he also saw it as a way to protect his demon.
Now we've tapped back into why Aziraphale is so selfless. If this is true, of any semblance, Aziraphale gave up everything, his books/bookstore, his life on earth, and his dearest friend/the love of his life. He gave up the joyous experience at life with Crowley at his side. (but if my theory is true...Aziraphale and Crowley would have never had that. They'd both be erased) Not to mention, Aziraphale can also keep an eye on Crowley even while in Heaven using the globe thingy and Muriel.
But Adi! How does this work! How does TCT branch of into this (monstrosity)???
Great question.
The Roach goes into GMCOGMD to buy a coffee and speaks to Nina about choices. This obviously means something. (Cmon, the coffee represents life, death is well...death) Rat  then proceeds to enter the bookshop at just the right time to keep Aziraphale from being erased. He gives Aziraphale the coffee and yadda yadda yadda. You know what happens. TCT theorizes that the Coffee was miracled to make Aziraphale come.
I disagree.
I believe that the Coffee was simply used to warm Aziraphale up to the idea of The Rat showing up. Think of the coffee as like one glass of wine, it takes the edge off. The rest was allllll Aziraphale. He, like I said, realizes that this is really the only option, and knows he can save Crowley like this. Remember how I said that Michael Sheen was blessed with the ability to control his face extremely well? Yeah, take a look at the worry that's masked by joy when telling Crowley about the job. (That time it's his eyebrows) Take a look at how when he and Crowley kiss, he is fighting 94 different emotions. Take a look at how hurt he is when saying the words "I forgive you." And finally,
What does Aziraphale's smile look like? Exactly, he smiles using everything in/on his face. Includes his eyes. Aziraphale smiles with his eyes when he is truly happy. During the end credits, Aziraphale is fake smiling. Now TCT would have that smile as him under the influence of the coffee.
I again, disagree.
I think that's more so a "let's get this done with" smile. He's not excited about this. He's leaving his whole life behind him, and he has broke his dearest friends heart. If he ever is to return...what would he get from the demon???  Anywho I think it's more so a "get this done to save him" smile.
I understood none of that because I have no context but I agree with whatever you day
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oh-three · 9 months
Ahsoka Ep6:
Omg, this opening is beautiful. The purrgil are so majestic.
Oooh, Ahsoka's actually telling Huyang what Sabine did.
"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…" YO, THIS IS NEAT. I AM TOTALLY FINE.
Baylan walking up to that face-level window genuinely scared me a bit.
Sabine over here being surprised the enemy didn't honor a deal they made with her 🙄
The shockwaveeeee
Gotta say, I'm surprised that the Dathomiri aren't originally from Dathomir.
Okay. How did they know where to land??
Shin is not amused.
"It???" Ma'am, that is Sabine.
vanishes down a dark staircase Well, at least she gets a bigger window this time.
Shin finally having voice lines unrelated to the conflict at hand>>>>>
The music is so solemn 😭
"What I seek is the beginning, so that I may finally bring this cycle to an end." (I can't believe it took this long to finally get a Baylan & Shin bonding moment)
Right when I thought Sabine was actually doing something 😂
Thrawn's back, baby!
Thrawn literally hasn't changed at all, I love it.
Lmao I got scared and thought the droid was Ezra for a second.
Thrawn over here letting Sabine go and casually threatening to leave her behind 😂
Oh, thank god, they gave her armor back.
Die well." ?????? Go away.
Not Thrawn's fortress being set up like Aslan's How.
Okay, maybe Thrawn did have good motive of letting Sabine go. Have her lead them to Ezra, kill them both (as if they could), go back to the GFFA.
There's your nomads
You get 'em, Sabine.
"Nomads." Boy, these are just alternate galaxy Tuskens.
"During our exile, our numbers have dwindled." I bet.
Oh, so Thrawn doesn't care what happens to Sabine & Ezra so long as he gets out of that galaxy.
Sabineeeeeee, don't send him away. He's adorable. 🥺
The fake out with the howler going after water Lmaooo
Okay, the rock jumpscare actually got me ngl.
Well, Baylan & Shin are officially not Jedi.
Oh boy, Shin's having doubts.
Why does this remind me of the Lemur (?) village.
The music 😭
Not the guy on the roof reminding me of the colonization of America. (I'm confused, too, but yeah these are the vibes I'm getting).
He lost the orange 😭
Omg, he speaks their language.
"I can't wait to go home." 😭
I like how Thrawn called Ahsoka "recently deceased" and wrote Baylan off. Also. He's totally scared of her.
NOOOOOO (the sadness of such a great episode ending)
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purranormal-catvity · 2 years
I'm currently watching love like the galaxy and only on ep6 but so far I hate the mom, like she making me so mad and I also hope they dont turn their cousin into a villian cause she seems so nice and I like her
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worfianism · 9 months
Ahsoka ep6
Spoilers ahead
- Ahh they finally look like the dathomiri nightsisters
- jedi-turned empire inforcers wanting to destroy everything because they went through some of the most unimaginable trauma will always always be sad to me. Baylon Skoll, Reva they're all the same and they're all as compelling
- Stormtroopers???
- Thrawn really got a cult going huh
- How did he manage all this, I dont remember him having this many resources when he got space whaled
- I was never a big thrawn girl so I'm not going crazy over him but still he's a dangerous creature
- General Skoll??? I thought he was young when the order was killed
- old enemies, I keep forgetting that Sabine and Thrawn were in direct conflict with each other
- The fact that Skoll and Thrawn are aware that Sabine's single-mindedness will help bring darkness back to the galaxy but also she's so single-minded that she's willing to die for it and to undo the work her and her friends suffered and died for
- Sabine is getting some sort of rat-wolf thing to ride and they're even giving her her weapons back
- Ah but they're still planning a betrayal and is that a hint of shock I hear in Shin's voice
- I love seeing Sabine fight, it's very Mandalorian
- Her sabre wielding is getting better too
- She's gonna have to try and use the force isn't she? To find him?
- betrayal on betrayal, thrawn being okay with leaving skoll and shin here
- Sabine has some serious abandonment issues huh? She's very angry at the rat-wolf thing
- still her bonding with animals is such an ezra thing
- also I like her outfit
- Rock turtle thing????
- star wars really loves their odd tiny creatures and I agree with them
- omg the rebellion symbol a symbol of connection and hope
- Bokken jedi? Is that the name for the survivors?
- Skoll obviously being so loving of the Jedi to the point that he needs to hate it a little to survive after its death its very sad
- how cute are the noti
- Ezra wanting to know if the rebellion survived and it did!!!!!!!!! They won my boy they WON!!! I AM IN TEARS!!! THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD AS WELL
- Of course sabine isn't going to tell him she just might have handed the galaxy back to the empire to find him, of course she wouldn't say that to Ezra, one of the most jedi people ever that his sacrifice may have been in vain
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movielosophy · 2 years
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Love Like The Galaxy ~ his back
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not-too-many-eyes · 2 years
Kid Cosmic S3 Ep6 and also general final thoughts now that the show has ended (Spoilers for the show and also a a lot of sappy “man I love this show)
If you haven't watched Kid Cosmic do it, its really good, it seems a bit simple and generic at the start but I promise you this show has depths while not sacrificing its happiness, its good.
My god do I love this show.
I was initially skeptical of the DOUBLE FAKE OUT DEATH but it’s fitting, I think if he actually died the finale would change a lot so it works for what they were planning, I don’t think I could enjoy the finale as much if he actually did die, it just doesn’t gel with the rest of the series themes as well as the finale did, it feel quite out of place compared to S1 and 2.
God I love what they did with Kid here, his problem isn’t with the fact that he’s not a superhero anymore but with how alone he feels, Earth is currently so distant from everyone else in the galaxy and the government is telling them to keep it all a secret and Kid hates that cause he’s knowingly keeping the secret that there is more life in the universe and they all have their own feelings of happiness and sorrow and anger and deep loneliness. It’s great and it makes sense with Kid as a character and also just shows some substantial character growth.
Interesting thing is the progression of aliens in this show.
S1: Evil Aliens are played mostly straight, Chuck and Queen Xena and the rest were exceptions.
S2: Played with a lot more, even the more aggressive/antagonistic ones got some time to be played as friends or allies (for example the Space Mafia is friends with Flo)
S3: Half of it is spent in fantasy earth so aliens don’t really appear, the fantasy earth purposefully distracts the team from thinking about it too hard, Once Queen Xena gets them back The Little Ailens (forgot their species name sorry) and Queen Xena are there and Eroedus is even revealed to be very sympathetic, a lost soul trying fill itself up after being destroyed, I love how Kid even recognizes that something is off when Fantos gets killed by Erodeus. Also a surprising amount of this season revolves around Kid feeling lonely and losing things (loved ones, powers, hope) so it works really well when you look at it like that.
I would say it has the same problem as Centaurworld S2 but most of the episodes were very plot and character relevant, it fits a remarkable amount of content in six episodes so it’s quite a feat.
And just, I wouldn’t say this is the best season the show, S1 had great Character Development and S2 and an Amazing Plot but S3 is a good ending, a great one even, it ties together the plot and characters together really well and gives a good send off to the show.
And on more general series thoughts, Kid Cosmic is this strange mix of subversion of sci-if and superhero tropes that also plays those tropes really straight at times, It’s funny and sad and really well animated my god how did these animators survive drawing all those fight scenes with…more than 7 characters? With such fluidity and energy, its really impressive.
And most of all in my opinion, it’s a story about, well this will sounds cheesy but, people, the people close to you, the people you need to protect and the people who go to your middle-of-the-road diner in the desert. And that’s great.
God I can say with, a lot of certainty that this is my favorite cartoon, it’s just so good. Probably not the best objectively, but my favorite.
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unsaid-stardust · 3 years
The Blowing Kisses Motif
Disclaimer: this is inspired by my friend’s post here (which you should read to gain more depth about this theory and also just bc lev is my friend and I love her). And @reggiepetersbass helped with some of this as well! go support them!! 💜
For starters, let’s layout all the times it happens. 
ep1: At dinner after Julie getting kicked out of the music program is brought up, Tía blows a kiss to Carlos before she leaves. 
ep6: during “all eyes on me” one of the moves is Carrie blowing a questionable kiss (I say questionable bc it’s not the same as the others, but is worth talking about)
ep9-there’s two separate times in this episode as a whole:
when Caleb shows up on the grand piano, he whisks the boys away by blowing a kiss
after the “stand tall” performance and the boys poof out, Julie’s dad blows her a kiss
Now that we know what the motif is and when it happens, we can get in to the importance of each kiss, which can be attributed by how the characters react to the blown kiss as well as how it is executed. I grouped them one by one so do with that what you will cough work smarter not harder cough.
Tía’s Kiss 
(wow you’re still here? ok.) Tia’s kiss is very playful and familial. When you first watch the scene, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. it’s something you see in a typical-loving home. What’s noticeable about this kiss is that it’s also very over the top and dramatic, but with warm tones. Tía uses both hands while making the usual “mwah” sound that is paired with a kiss. Carlos excitedly stands up in his chair, an “oh yeah!” sounding as he does, and he playfully pretends he is knocking it out of the park. 
It’s clearly a positive response; a dramatic one too. The show is practically screaming “here! Look at this! Look at this kiss! It’s loving! Julie lives in a very loving and caring household!” which is important to lay out considering that some of the others are not like this at all. it’s also why it’s in the first episode as well as the first interaction Julie has with Tía in the season, but we’ll get to more of that later (buckle in or open the car door and roll out to make your getaway now idc it’s your life)
Carrie’s Half-Kiss
ah yes, the half kiss. i totally did not just find carrie blowing a kiss to prove my point nope Idk what you’re talking about. 
As pointed out, one of the moves that Carrie performs during “All Eyes on Me” involves the act of blowing somewhat of a kiss. This kiss is nothing like Tía’s. It’s not at all familial or loving. No, it’s confident yet a little-bit self-absorbent. It’s dramatic, but in a true pop-queen way. It’s very carrie (I”m sorry you had to read that sentence sadkfhj). 
Carrie is a bit superficial, just like her kiss. She doesn’t come from the same loving home that Julie does. Sure, her dad loves her, as stated in ep 9. But, one can assume that she’s felt a lot of loneliness. Her mom ran out on her at a young age and her dad is never there as he’s busy with his music. That’s all she’s known so it’s all she does. (This is totally not a self plug, but if you want more on carrie pls read here ). It’s practically inevitable that Carrie is the way she is currently. And it’s why her half-kiss is done for attention and receives applause instead of affection. 
Caleb’s Kiss
oooo now this one! This kiss is the most interesting one imo. For those who didn’t read the first post I linked (seriously you should tho bc lev is smart don’t tell her I said that tho), here’s the quick run down. Essentially, galaxy-brain @reggiesjams explained that Caleb manipulates the way each character loves and blackmails them by holding their loved ones and hobbies by a thread. This is where each and every blown kiss throughout the season comes together; Caleb’s kiss. 
Unlike Tía’s kiss, it’s not loving, but the exact opposite. It’s jealousy. It’s poison. Because it’s used to whisk the boys away from the studio, from crossing over, from Julie, the person all three boys love with their whole hearts (especially one Luke Patterson). And it’s right after that, that Caleb’s “last pitch” takes place. 
The one in which he essentially tells all three boys “hey! this thing you love? if you go towards the light that is Julie Molina, the pourer of love that is Julie Molina, you won't have those things, but you’ll have them if you stay.”
This is where it all connects. (but I'll leave you in suspense because we still have probably the most important blown kiss throughout the season but honestly can’t believe you read this far! gold star for you good noodle)
Ray’s Kiss
yay!! back to love!!!! 
ok so we established earlier that ray’s kiss happens after the boys poof out as the crowd cheers when “stand tall” ends. This is completely in contrast to Caleb’s kiss that happened before the performance. This kiss is so much like Tía’s and yet it’s not Tía giving the kiss (more on that soon almost there!). It’s full of love and affection and awe.  It’s not used to accumulate applause or manipulate how someone shows their affection. No. It’s pure and good and wholesome. It’s everything that his daughter, julie, is.
Remember when I said I'd hold off about the connection that Caleb’s Kiss creates as well as why it’s not Tía blowing the kiss? Well, here it is. 
The trilogy (or tetralogy if we count Carrie) of the blown kisses, and the chapter of Caleb’s manipulative kiss, is a nod towards the show’s theme which is quite literally “the power of love is the strongest power”. 
In the first episode, we see a mourning Julie who has lost not only her mom, but her love of music. She’s dreary and dark. But, in the last episode, we see a Julie who is so full of light; literal fireworks exploding behind her as she performs. How does this happen?
Love. Love from her dad. From Carlos and Tía. From Flynn. From the boys. But, most importantly, her mom. She may not visibly be there, but oh is she there  alright.
She’s there in the first episode with the sun that shines through the window as Julie sings for the first time in a year. She’s there any time a Dahlia is present. She’s there any time the boys are there because she’s the one that sent them. And she’s there after the performance of “Stand Tall” as her husband Ray blows a kiss to their daughter’s way. 
She’s what brought the boys back to the studio in the end. She’s the one who guided them towards the light that is Julie; towards love. 
It’s proven that Julie’s mom is who sent the boys back to her when Ray says after the kiss “I still don’t know how she does it” referring the the holograms. He  could’ve said anything else. “Wow! My daughter is so amazing!” or “incredible!” but is that what he says? No. He questions the boys’ existence. This is pretty much the equivalent of a big flashing arrow that points to the show’s theme
And well, even though Carlos answers “it’s all one big mystery to me”. It’s really not because their mom’s love is the answer.
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oloreaa · 3 years
I knew it! Yet I love it. I’m such a SIMP FOR YOUR WORK!!
I love A&P why couldn’t then just live together happily ever after in a farm somewhere 😭😭😭😭😭
You're way too nice oh my gosh I cannot deal with this😭😭💕
Like I know why Anakin had to fall and everything but I'm just saying, I would absolutely not be mad if Padmé and him raise Luke and Leia on Naboo together and those children grow up in the beautiful flower fields and the galaxy is at peace🥰 Yoda had stabbed old wrinkly Palpatine and everything is fine🥰🥰 the clones are freed and Ahsoka has the chance to return to the Jedi Order again🥰🥰🥰
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cryosuits-archive · 7 years
keiths biggest fear being feelings makes me want to bawl my eyes out lmao
oh boy, you and me both anon.
i understand where he’s coming from though, seeing as though he lived a pretty tough life to begin with and feelings will just be an inconvenience for him. he’s too busy focused on surviving and depending on himself to get him through the toughest obstacles…
(this gets a bit long so i put the rest under a readmore)
i mean from what i can gather, keith hopped around on the foster care system; from house to house which means family to family. he’s never had the time to actually sit down and get to know anyone, let alone feel anything. im pretty sure the families he was with didn’t care enough to show him any love either, maybe because he was being too difficult or they didn’t put the time into it, whichever the case is.
and that honestly breaks and hardens a person. he had to grow up at an early age, and with that comes some pretty nasty traumatizing experiences. i mean, he’s closing off a lot and putting up walls in front of more walls just so no one would get too close, because everyone he’s ever known/loved/cared about left him or disappeared on him in the end. and that’s his defense mechanism. that’s how he copes. he’s tough as nails on the outside, but he’s a scared and vulnerable kid on the inside, and he hides that well.
him crossing his arms all the time isn’t so he can show people how emo or edgy he is, it’s literally him telling people that he’s emotionally unavailable, that he doesn’t want to get to know anybody on a deep level because he’s afraid. he literally closes off himself just so he can avoid another potential loss. whether or not he does this consciously we’ll never know (maybe subconsciously too??) but he doesn’t want to get hurt anymore.
im hoping that maybe they’ll touch up on this part of keith in the show, since you know, THIS is what character development circles around. i mean, they’re going to have to mention it, since keith is going to go through some angsty moments and we have to know WHY the boy is like this. they haven’t even explained anything about his parents, which i think is the source of his pain, and they have to do that soon. we’re nearing towards the end of the show almost and we need that addressed so we can get through other characters arcs.
it’s worth mentioning though, how he seems to be comfortable around 2 people: shiro and lance.
shiro because he’s shiro; his ‘brother’ and the only one there for him in any crisis, which is why keith clings onto him so desperately and doesn’t want to lose him. he literally will travel galaxies just to find him; he absolutely needs him because he’s so close to him and provides him that fatherly/brotherly figure he never had in his life (also that whole ‘you changed my life’ bit is worth mentioning). i honestly think shiro is actually the first person keith has ever been close to, and that’s why there’s this strong attachment. keith is painfully loyal to those who have helped him out during his hardships.
lance, though, is another story. he isn’t exactly close to him as much as he is with shiro (at least not yet, but more on that later*), but keith speaks to and stands next to lance the most out of all the other paladins. he looks to him for explanations on things he doesn’t get and help on social cues. in a way, he sorta lets lance in, but BARELY. yeah there’s a crack in those walls of his, but only for lance to peer through just a bit, not really revealing a whole lot but still a notable crack nonetheless.
from what i can remember, he’s expressive with lance. painfully so, and that’s progress in his character that we don’t really see with the others. in s3 ep3, he broke down and expressed his insecurities for that moment right in front of lance, and idk about you, but for someone that’s as emotionally repressed as me, i would NEVER break down in front of anyone that i didn’t trust. so, cool, there’s that trust between them, mutual and respectful and beautiful.
moving on to ep6 of s3 with, yes you guessed it, that darn klance ~bedroom scene~. why do i bring it up? because we see keiths walls cracking a second time this season. although he still had his arms crossed, he didn’t do that until lance brought up their positions: a leader, and a paladin who’s questioning his place on the team, and that honestly disappointed keith. he thought he could finally have a one to one with someone else other than shiro for a change, hell one could even say that he was EXCITED to have someone come to him, but lance quickly reminded him of the situation they’re in, and he’s back to closing up. he uses sarcasm and nonchalance as a defense mechanism along with his body language to portray an air of indifference; he wants to seem like he doesn’t care, but inside he’s hurting.
keith is definitely hiding his emotions, because he tries to joke around with lance, repressing his hurt and trying to comfort him (albeit not in the best way, but keith is trying). i think maybe he wants to get close to someone, but he’s convincing himself that that will end badly just like all his other failed attempts so he sticks to his stubborn ways.
*in my opinion, keith and lance are going to get closer in the coming seasons. this is a given, it’ll probably surpass keith and shiros bond, but who knows? only time will tell. they’ll work together and im 100% sure they’ll co-lead, seeing how keith listens to lance and values his opinion over the rest. though in order to work together cohesively, some boundaries might be crossed, some feelings might get out, and an intimate emotional one to one conversation MUST happen in order for things to run smoothly.
whether they’re platonic or romantic, keith and lance will definitely get closer to each other, and i think keith will break down his walls to lance and lance only.
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rawinternets · 6 years
Star Wars Episode 8: a rediscovery
The latest Star Wars installation is all of 3 months old, so it’s hard to call it “a rediscovery,” but here we are. I watched Episode 8 again, and again I was disappointed, maybe even moreso the second time around. 
This movie has lots of good, even great, in it - although for everything it does well, it completely botches at least one other thing. To use the “cooking” analogy that went so well in my Ep1 review: it’s like there are half amazing ingredients, half just straight Crisco, and the instructions, steps, and timing are all off. Instead of a cake (or an Ep1 Jar Jar Shit Cake), you end up with a nasty soup with delicious chunks of gourmet chocolate swimming around in there. 
It’s sloppy, is what I’m trying to say. Not inspiring. It felt like a fairly hollow installation. The magic was gone.
One reason? Cut scenes. Every scene felt *too* fast-paced. Cut, cut, cut. I could barely keep up with my note-taking, and had to pause many times. I reviewed 68 scenes or set pieces in Ep8, far more than the rest: 
R1: 25 Ep4: 29 Ep5: 31 Ep1: 39 Ep2: 42 Ep3: 41 Ep6: 41 Ep7: 46 Ep8: 68
(Yes, there was an upward trend - maybe I just took more discrete notes as I went on - but still, Ep8 is a clear outlier).
This cut-scening gives a frantic pace and no time to emotionally settle into the storyline. It’s almost too much to process. The movie finally settles in when Rey is trying to learn from Luke, but for the majority of the film, we’re brutally bashed between scenes and set pieces such that we become numb. 
The other structural problem with this film is one which you can’t necessarily see in the histogram or the “journey” chart. This is my belief: the glittering veins of the film are the Jedi-Sith struggle, the blurring between the two... the genuine, moving, and perplexing connection between Kylo Ren and Rey. An orthogonalization (is that a word?) of the Jedi-Sith struggle into a young-old struggle (sounds kind of similar......... #trump). 
This is truly some inspired stuff. Some great scenes. many 9′s, a 10. But these veins of value are set in a truly worthless plot substrate. We have a horrifyingly re-treaded and cheesy and just generally infuriating attack on some ship called a “dreadnought,” and then we have a Battlestar Galactica simulacrum for the remainder of the film, a wretched and unnecessary and heavy-handed side-excursion to a cantina v3 (this time rich and black-tie, not a grungy bar!), we have Hux over-acting, and we have a god-awful Snoke, whose cancerous presence from Ep7 metastasized and was mercifully destroyed in Ep8 but not before causing lasting damage to the story arc.  We have so many moments of “this will never happen now... oh wait, it happened!” both on the good swing, and the bad. It’s as if in trying so hard to subvert the old tropes, the movie itself was simply an inverse image of the same old tropes. 
The other problem this movie has is that everyone... I mean pretty much everyone, except Kylo, Luke, and Rey, are mediocre at best. They’re caricatures of themselves, or someone/thing else. They have no depth and nuance. It’s extremely off-putting.
You can see I have a lot to say about this movie, which maybe is not surprising since it prompted me to undertake this entire exercise. Without further ado... 
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Average score: 6.31 Standard deviation: 1.89
SCROLL. 6. Really lacking nuance. Everything is "heroic" vs "tyranny". And then... "But the Resistance is exposed!” How did they get exposed? I just don't get any of this. Why do they hope Luke will save them? This scroll is a total shit show. And it sets up another desperate escape from another rebel base... You know what? It seems like a bot got trained on all the other scrolls, and this is the output.
Rebel base discovered. 6.  Umm, intense walking and stilted dialogue and "oh no..." as the First Order arrives... mmm ok? This is at least a cool shot, where you can see the Star Destroyers from Earth.
Hux. 5. Dialogue is so bad. "I have orders from Supreme Leader Snoke himself... this is where we snuff out the Resistance once and for all." Incinerate Obliterate blah blah blah. Dreadnought.... meh. Burned out on superweapons.
Dreadnought and Poe’s Joke. 5.  Are we supposed to be afraid of another Mega-Star Destroyer after seeing so many destroyed by single ships in the past? And this is like a Death Star Lite with ground assault capabilities. I mean this just feels kind of uncreative and bland. Maybe a bit like Star Trek sorta showed up in Star Wars... REALLY bad cheesy joking with Poe. "Can you hear me now” joke? Your mother joke? Come on. Meh.
Attack the Dreadnought. 4.  Like I said... another single ship beats a huge ship... another “droid fixes shit in the middle of battle” shot... another hot shit pilot disobeys orders... and the worst part of all, Fuckin' gravity in space! If the bombers’ bombs are so dangerous, why do multiple bombers fly in such tight formation? Why not put them on oh, I dunno, missiles? Anyway, it's all down to one bomber... one person has to save everyone, of course. Of course the trigger falls below the deck but OH WAIT! she catches it with a backhand grab. Of course the bomb doors are open and she's not sucked out into space... Of course one bomber can take down the whole ship but they had like 10 at the beginning all tightly clumped. This is pure spectacle with no thinking at all. This is Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3. This is Michael Bay level shit, and not The Rock Michael Bay.
Snoke angry. 5. Snoke sucks. He can do Force shit that nobody else can to the extent that it’s diminishing, kind of like back to Eps 1-2 treatment of the Force. Slaps Hux from across the galaxy. OK. 
Finn wakes up. 5. Why was he in a coma again? Because he got back-sabered by Kylo on the Death Star 3? I guess. And he wakes up: “I’m sure you have a ton of questions...” “Where’s Rey?” Laying it on preeeeeettty thick here with the whole “hey, guys, this guy really cares about Rey!” unrequited love thing. (By the way, this unidimensional Finn shit will continue). 
Rey meets Luke. 8. ... and Luke throws the lightsaber over his shoulder. Some have criticized this for being a “try too hard to be different” moment but the first time I watched, I laughed genuinely and appreciatively, and the second time, I still liked it. What’s with this Rey hair of three-loop-ponytail? It’s trying too hard. Leia’s earbuns were truly singular. 
Porgs+Lightsaber. 8. I liked this near-Porg-death joke. And Rey sees the X-wing. OK. 
Chewy and Luke. 7. Luke starts putting it all together... but if he abandoned his family, the Jedi, and everyone else so many years ago, why does he care “Where’s Han?” Shouldn’t he be totally resigned to the inevitable decay and death of the universe and everything? 
Throne Room Snoke. 6. Meh. “We have them tied on a string.” Meh. Snoke is being a dick to Kylo. I am distinctly aware of Serkis overacting. Maybe Serkis Saturation is a thing... March of the Empire music is hokey here, rather than good. Snoke says "HOPE lives in the galaxy" Meh. The former evil empire wasn’t so like, blatantly and caricature-evil. “You're just a child in a mask.” Fine. Snoke sucks.
Kylo kills his mask. 8. Another “Reject Ep7″ moment, but I still liked it. Fits well with the character also. 
Rey and Luke. 7. "Within weeks, the First Order will control all the systems." "You think i'm going to walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order?" Three thoughts here: 1) yeah good point Luke, actually. 2) Wait, how does Luke even know what the First Order is? 3) Wait... this is the first of many “I’ll/we’ll never X” and then (spoiler) X happens later. Anyway, the island is beautiful. I don't know how I feel about the milking the weird animal. OK I guess? It's different at least. Flying across a pole to a cliff to stab a fish? It's OK. I guess this is a decent sequence.
The Jedi Tree. 8. Rey is called to the tree, Luke figures out she has force sensitivity (why didn't he sense it before? wasn't listening for it?) and she explains she feels the Force after he confronts her. I liked this scene fine. “It's time for the Jedi to end, i came to this island to die.” All good.
Leia on the ship. 6.  Cloaked binary beacon connecting Leia to Rey... mehhhhhh. Poe demoted - good, what an idiot. The Dreadnought thing was a disaster. Finn sucks here. Just not greatly acted. Probably not his fault - script problem. So overly focused on Rey. Now they need a new base for asking for help from outer rim.... wonder where we’ve heard this kind of thing before...
Snoke’s ship shows up. 5.  Snoke's ship is like 1,000x the volume of regular enormous Star Destroyers? Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. And Poe “permission to get into an X-wing and blow something up,” with Leia’s “permission granted”... meehhhhhh. and then Kylo Ren fucks up the entire hangar bay anyway. Just doesn’t feel right. And this is where the “poor man’s Battlestar Galactica” really starts to set in. 
Kylo attacks the cruiser. 6.  Another "one ship destroys the fuck out of an enormous ship"... but I liked the conflict in Kylo, can’t fire on his mother.
Keeping out of range of shields. 3.  It was at this point I realized there were a lot of cutscenes in this movie. Like we had been been cutting and cutting and cutting for the first 30 minutes. I wrote: “I can barely keep up. and what the fuck? a smaller, lighter ship in space can keep out of range? what kind of bullshit physics is this? SPACE! FRICTIONLESS!”
Leia survives. 3. I wrote: “ OH dear god. that was atrocious.”
Chewy and Porgs, Luke. 6.  "Nothing can make me change my mind." OH REALLY? I BET SOMETHING WILL! R2D2 Plays Leia’s old message to Obi Wan. Mind Changed! Luke: "Tomorrow at dawn. 3 lessons."
Battlestar Galactica Laura Linney. 5.  Back to trying to escape the Cylons. Akbar dies offscreen, all Resistance leaders are dead. Bridge dead. Laura Linney comes in as the so-blatantly-queer leader of all. "The downtrodden and oppressed"... Hollywood laying it on a little thick, here. They are the spark that will light the fire, fine I guess. But even as a pretty left-leaning person, this scene broke my fourth wall. 
Holdo slaps Poe silly. 8. Very good scene. Finally, someone puts Poe in his place. This was the kind of feminist “resist toxic masculinity” thing that regardless of whether you like the message or not, had some subtlety to it rather than being ham-handed. 
Finn escapes, meets Rose. 4. Finn the idiot trying to find Rey for really no good reason. No depth of character - really obvious. He’s just the "GOTTA FIND REY!" guy this movie. Rose overacts. Finn running away again... Good, this makes sense! Finn and Rose are smart enough to talk jibberish at each other and solve the whole situation! Yeah, let's shut down the Destroyer! Yea let's sneak on board the Destroyer and disable the tracker! Also... how did Rose not already know they could be tracked through lightspeed? that obviously already happened literally hours ago, and there’s no way she didn’t know about the attack...
Poe and Finn stupid mission. 3.  Poe: "It’s a need to know plan and she doesn't." Ughhhhhhh booooooooo. Worst fucking plan. This is truly painful... another ragtag small group mission against the odds and against the wishes of leadership. Sure, this movie (spoiler) subverts the trope eventually, but in such a clear and blatant way that it still feels like the trope. 
Maz Kanata in union negotiations. 3. You can just imagine the writer’s room... “well, Kathleen Kennedy / JJ Abrams says we need to have Maz in Ep8 so she can return in Ep9. So how are we gonna get her in there? Hmm... well, let’s make it a hologram cameo so we don’t have to change script or design set. And maybe, hey, here’s an idea, a fun cameo! Something funny and unexpected! Like let’s have her be in the middle of a gunbattle! With who though? Nothing too serious... Oh! What about like Union negotiations? haha, that’s great! But let’s make sure it has some plot relevance... I got it, she can be the one who tips them off to the master codebreaker! Let’s make sure she says ‘find the master codebreaker’ twice so everyone is clear what’s happening.” fin
Rey-Kylo mind bridge. 8.  Pretty interesting scene. Kylo is good again, here as in most scenes. "You can't be here... the effort would kill you." Foreshaadowwwwwwingggg. Rey fires her blaster at the wall and the Nuns are pissed. Why didn't Rey tell Luke? Caretakers of the island. nice.
Luke trains Rey. 9.  It's a bit too fast how Rey just "gets it" ... like can't we warm up into that please? Kind of OK with the joking around with her when she reaches out, literally... OK and then the balance point is pretty cool, and Luke's lesson is pretty good. Although I don't love the seaweed anus (you know what I’m talking about), I do think that was a pretty cool scene. Luke is scared of Rey.
Back to Battlestar Galactica. 4. Getting frustrated, I wrote: “fuck i mean why are they so dead set on dumb ass missions?”
Chewy and Porgs. 7. Still too many scenes! I’m fine with porgs, I guess. I dunno. Not loving them, but also don't hate them like I hate the plot.
Rey and Kylo bridge 2. 9. Pretty great bridge scenes. Kylo more nuanced and mature than Rey. Kylo has water on him from the rain... should have been a foreshadowing to transportation in the galaxy or something awesome like that.
Canto Bight intro. 6. “Worst people in the galaxy.” Of course this would also be Hollywood ham-handed... The worst people are fancy richers. Stupid Western accent on big monster. It’s basically Monte Carlo. And it’s a New Cantina... but with bowties and cocktails this time! meh.
Canto Bight reveal. 4.  It's bad people! Heavy-handed. BB8 full of coins, ha, ha.... ha. Codebreaker plot gamut is over, good (sort of). 
Rey training. 7. Rey knocks over some rocks with her lightsaber. Funny. Decent. Although I wasn’t really impressed with her lightsaber wielding, to be honest. It seemed like they were trying to make it impressive. 
Luke and Rey lesson 2. 7. “The Jedi legacy is failure, hypocrisy, hubris.” I NOW KNOW THIS IS TRUE! Kylo takes a couple students and kills the rest... fine. Leia blamed Snoke... boooooO!!! Snoke is so dumb.
More BSG - fleet dying. 4. Current fuel at 6 hours. How does this square with the Luke/Rey pacing? Are we on two different timescales, like the great movie Dunkirk? Hux is lame.
Back on Canto Bight Benicio. 3.  Benicio del Toro is fine. The stutter tick is a bit overwrought. I wrote: “BB8 shoots coins like a fuckin’ bullshit idiot” so you know I was enjoying myself. I continue: “They escaped and left the fuckin' grate open?! now they're with the big dumb animals. show kids they're with the resistance. yay rebel logo. now they're riding the big dumb animals. on a track. now they're bulldozing a casino. now they're destroying cars. now the ship is destroyed. now they run up cliffs. and of course there's a cliff they almost fall down. ‘It was worth it to tear up that town and make'em hurt’ BOOOOOOO. Free the animal! ‘Now it's worth it...’ booooooo.”
Benicio saves the day. 4.  ddddddddd need a lift? what kind of stutter is this, anyway? 
Kylo-Rey and Luke-Leia bridge. 9. “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. it's the only way to become who we're meant to be.” In addition to being a fantastic @EmoKyloRen tweet, this line and scene was pretty great. 
Rey goes to the dark hole (seaweed anus). 9. She opens up to Kylo. so cool. Really like this complexity. They fall in love halfway between light and dark, kinda? Luke blows up the cabin and Rey confronts him.
Rey and Luke fight! 8. “ This is not going to go the way you think!” “I saw Kylo's future as solid as I'm seeing you. Ben Solo will turn.” Seen this before! It's cool but it's also a bit of a rehash. Luke won't take the saber. she leaves.
Luke and Yoda. 9. Yoda, laughing, burns the tree. “Skywalker. teach the failure. always looking to the horizon, not here, the need in front of your nose.” “Failure the greatest teacher is.” “We are what they grow beyond, that is the true burden of all masters.” I guess Yoda is just an amazing character because the lines writers write for him are almost universally great. 
Finn, Rose, and Benicio. 7.  Selling weapons to the bad and good... military industrial complex. "It's all a machine. Live free, don't join." OK... I like the different take, at least. 
BSG Again. 7. Poe confronts Holdo. Meh.
Rey goes to Snoke’s ship, Poe mutinies, Finn and Rey slip through shields. 6.  Who cares.
Robots ironing joke. 8. I liked this!
More sneaking around. 6. Is the hacker a good guy!? they get caught trying to shut down the tracker. I wrote: “Now stupid chrome Captain Phasma is dumb.”
Rey and Kylo in throne room. 9. “My good and faithful apprentice, my faith in you is restored.” Snoke still sucks but this scene is good. 
Poe and Leia. 6. Poe stunned by Leia. He's a dumbass.
Leia and holdo bye. 7.  Didn't feel that much emotion here either. Rebels "escape" sneaking out the back. 
Throne room again. 7. Snoke is super all powerful mehhh. "I bridged your minds, I baited you all." Emperor 2. Just like Luke, Emperor, and Vader. Tired. 
Crait rebel base. 6. Send a signal to allies in Outer Rim. Holdo knew to get transports out. Hide until First Order passes. Poe: "that could work" mehhhhh.
Benicio Betrayal. 3. How did he know that the transports were happening? nobody else did. Ridiculous. Why are the bombs arcing!?!!?! TOO MUCH GRAVITY. THIS IS SPACE. 
Throne room again. 7. Snoke super all amazingly powerful evil amazing omg. so dumb. Andy Serkis overacting is not good. Kylo "turns" against Snoke. Snoke really ruins this scene.
Transports getting domo’d. 5.  Still meh!
Post-Snoke throne room battle. 10. It's fine. So much action. Not sure why Red Guards are scary really. Rey and Kylo kill all the red guards. TWIST! Kylo didn't actually turn! Old v New, not Light v Dark! Great stuff here. "Your parents sold you off for drinking money. They’re dead in a pauper's grave in the Jakku desert. You don't have a place in this story. You're nothing. But not to me. Join me. Please." I mean this is really interesting!!! This like light-dark love mixing here! The Rey-Kylo interactions in both movies have been great. 
Holdo’s sacrifice. 9. I mean OK holy shit, but why had nobody ever done it before? Beautifully shot, total quiet was very impactful as well. Good job on this, although potentially problematic for the greater Star Wars universe.
Finn vs. Phasma. 6. BB8 in an ATST? meh. Finn: "Let's go, chromedome." Phasma: "you're a bug in the system." Matrix callback! Bleh. another villain falls down a large chasm. Good riddance, Phasma. 
The New Supreme Leader. 6. The supreme leader is dead, long live the supreme leader, mehhhhhhhh.
The New Hoth. 5.  Rey and Rose sneak under the door, of course :( Miniaturized Death Star Tech. Battering ram cannon. Siiiiiiiiiigh. Ice foxes are cool I guess. We have now had a Death Star or a Death Star-like superweapon in all films except Episode 1.
Battle of Salt Hoth. 6.  Trench warfare. It’s salt, so it's OK that it looks just like Hoth! Everyone drive in straight lines right at the enemy, Yeah that's the ticket. Monoski, yea that's the ticket. It's pretty, at least. Remember at the beginning of the movie when they said it was “A dreadnought,” not the last one? Why not just bring a dreadnought to this situation and destroy the whole planet? Falcon + Chewie + Porg + Rey having fun again. The falcon goes into a mine that looks exactly like the Death Star 2 scaffolding and tie fighters follow...... sigh.
Finn tries to sacrifice. 3. Rose saves him from himself.... booooooo. And in the process basically kills herself... to save each other from .... the evil? By love? We're gonna win by not fighting what we hate but saving what we love! As the Death Star tech punches thru the door and she passes out. dumb dumb dumb. Could have given Finn a non-unidimensional redemption!
Luke and Leia. 6. “The galaxy has lost all its hope. The spark is out." I BET IT’S NOT! mehhhh. How many times do we have to do this in this movie? "nothing can change my mind." "it's over." the spark is out." Just kidding! Something Can/It's Not/No it isn’t! Here's Luke! zomg!
Luke faces down the First Order. 9. Very pretty. intense. Hux "do you think you got him?" is funny. Kylo's anger is good. Very pretty shots. Luke brushing dirt off his shoulder is good. Hux getting crushed to the wall is a good and funny joke.
Luke vs. Kylo. 9.  Luke no footprints on second viewing, hey, nice job guys! “Every word of what you just said, is wrong.” Good Luke line. Second time in the movie he’s said it to good effect. I like that. 
Escape! 7. Why wouldn't Luke have just told them, "Hey, I'm stalling, you escape?" Why make Poe figure it out? Rey lifts the rocks. Hooray Force. 
Luke was projecting!! He dies. 9. That was an emotional end. Well done. Sun setting. Good callback.
Resistance escapes. 7. Luke is gone, Rey and Leia talk, Finn and Rose, how do rebuild Rebellion from this, we have everything we need right here. Meh. Aaaaaand we're back where we started 9 movies ago.
Little kid has Force. 6. ...and Rose’s rebellion ring. Hooooookey. "The masses will rise up.” Once again... It's been 70 years and we're back where we started.
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Given the score distribution, I was surprised to see that the stdev was not the highest of all the films - but I suppose Ep1 had both Jar-Jar and Darth Maul. With the sheer scene count, our histogram starts to approximate a normal distribution around 6. Which is sad. The outlier 9′s come to us because of the good Force-centric scenes with Kylo, Luke, and Rey (but not Snoke). The outlier 3′s come to us because of Dreadnoughts, Canto Bight, Poe, and Finn (bad storylines). 
Which brings us back to what I said before about this movie being great in its Force thread and bad everywhere else. When you calculate the scores for all scenes with any of Luke, Rey, and Kylo Ren, but nobody else, the average score is an 8.42. All other scenes average a 5.52. This movie had a very good story vein, set into a very bad plot structure. 
Perhaps the most damning verdict of all, however, is that I just don’t really care what happens next. I read one review which made the point that by this movie, the struggle between the Empire and the Rebellion has been going on openly for 70 years, and so little has changed. I noticed that, too. Death Stars have been built and destroyed and built again, destroying planets, narrowly missing the chance to destroy planets, and so on. Rebel forces have been against the wall and overwhelmed all odds to defeat an evil menace, only to find themselves under the menace’s thumb once again with historically instantaneous speed. Why is Leia still fighting? Maybe beyond the botox, this weariness is what kept me from connecting with her character or struggle at all. And no wonder nobody answered the call for help at the end of the film. 
Yes, Ep9 will have some inspiring uprising by a bunch of nobody’s, just like the climax of V for Vendetta, but how predictable, how uninspiring. Episode 9 - take it or leave it. And that’s the saddest realization of them all. 
Introduction: Star Wars, a rediscovery.
Rogue One: 6.92 / 10.00 (stdev 2.06).
Episode 4: A New Hope. 8.00 / 10.00 (stdev 1.34).
Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back. 8.00 / 10.00 (stdev 1.29).
Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. 5.00 / 10.00 (stdev 2.08). But probably worse than that, actually.
Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. 5.48 / 10.00 (stdev 2.07).
Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. 7.00 / 10.00 (stdev 1.77).
Episode 6: Return of the Jedi. 7.90 / 10.00 (stdev 1.91).
Episode 7: The Force Awakens. 6.57 / 10.00 (stdev 2.01).
Episode 8: The Last Jedi. 6.31 / 10.00 (stdev 1.89).
Verdict: Star Wars, A rediscovery.
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