#look i know henry is singing queen
repmet · 22 days
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Alex's cowboy hat appreciation
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meraki-yao · 9 months
RWRB Movie Analysis: Who I am and Who you want me to be
“For Christ Sake, Alex! For once! I wish you could see me for who I am and not who you want me to be!”
“Starting today, the world will know me for who I am, and not who you want me to be.”
Okay so let’s take a look at these two lines, shall we?
Henry views his own self as two facets: Prince Henry, and Henry Fox.
Prince Henry belongs to Britain. He is a servant of the crown. He has to prioritize the crown’s image, what the crown wants. The mindless ribbon cuttings, the convention and appearances, the hiding in the closet, it's what's demanded of Prince Henry. Prince Henry cannot pursue a relationship with a man because he has to maintain a “traditional royal image”. Prince Henry cannot be seen walking through Austin holding hands with Alex because “the nation will simply not accept a prince who is homosexual".
Henry Fox, is a romantic and a dreamer. He wants to be a writer and live in Paris. He called his first time with Alex "making love". He wore a white suit to a vacation, wowed at his boyfriend's family lake house even if he lives in a palace and jokes with his boyfriend's father. He plays volleyball and reads while lying in a hammock. He rants about literature, poetries and books. He watches Bake-off with his dog while eating Jaffa Cakes when he can't sleep. He does tequila shots and sings Queen in karaoke. He laughs when Alex splashes water all over him and kisses his shoulder.
The public, see Prince Henry.
Alex, sees both, but knows Henry Fox intimately. When you ask him to talk about Henry, he will think of Henry Fox.
So here's the thing.
Henry, is ultimately, both. He is the Prince of England's Hearts. He is also the boy who has been in love with Alex for years.
But Henry feels like one is more important than the other.
So in the Kensington confrontation, when Henry says “I wish you Could see me for who I am and not who you want me to be!"
"Who I am" refers to Prince Henry.
"Who you want me to be "refers to Henry Fox.
From Henry's perspective, in this scene, he's prioritizing Prince Henry. He thinks that he has to be Prince Henry first and foremost. That's why he's labelling that facet as "who he is", even though he has mentioned before that he doesn't want to be this image of the "perfect prince", that being Prince Henry requires him to hide pieces of himself and it hurts.
What he's saying here, is essentially Alex is not taking "Prince Henry" into considerations regarding their relationship, that he's being idealistic on the degree of freedom Henry has. He's saying that all Alex sees is Henry Fox, his private, true, personal side, that Henry, at that moment, thinks is less important than Prince Henry, which bless him, but is sort of true on Alex's part. Alex is so used to being with Henry Fox that he forgets about Prince Henry, which is why he talked about their future so casually with not much regards on Henry's part.
So this sentence can be rephrased as "I wish you could see all the burden I carry and how impossible it is for me to escape it, rather than just our happy moments together that are not meant to last.”
Now let's look at the Buckingham Confrontation, where the words are flipped: "Starting today, the world will know me for who I am, and not who you want me to be."
This time "Who I am" is Henry Fox, and "Who you want me to be" is Prince Henry, which I would say is the objective allocation of the two names.
This is Henry reclaiming his own identity and image. This is Henry pushing away the traditional, perfect, heterosexual “Prince Henry”, saying “That’s not who I am”, taking that title and merging it with bits of “Henry Fox”: the gay prince in love with FSOTUS, the romantic who writes poetry about his man’s body, the lover who encourages Alex when he loses his confidence.
There are parts of Henry Fox that they don’t show the public, that should be kept between him and his loved ones: the boy whose heart broke when his father died, the boy who struggles with self-worth and depression, the boy who likes grabbing his boyfriend’s hair. Honestly as a public figure, or anyone who interacts with a group of strangers, it’s completely normal to create a public persona that only shows parts of him.
The difference now is that he gets to decide what to show the public. Prince Henry is no longer a straight-up lie, rather than an incomplete version of Henry Fox. This is his identity to claim, and his image to build.
Now, Prince Henry and Henry Fox both belong to him.
Now, Henry George Edward James Hanover-Stuart Fox can write his own history.
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drewharrisonwriter · 9 months
No Ties
Henry Cavill x Actress OFC
Summary: You don't do commitments, and it looks like Henry may be down for it.
AO3 | Masterlist
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You had just wrapped up a movie with your Hollywood crush, Henry Cavill, not more than a week ago, and now you were sailing in a catamaran across Italy with him and your closest friends, Pedro, Oscar, and Sarah before the press tours.
Your admiration for Henry had been a long-standing affair, something you'd made clear long before you began working together. You'd even cracked jokes during the previous year's Oscars where you won Best Supporting Actress, cheekily thanking him in your speech, despite not having worked together at that point.
With the movie-making behind you, you were finally able to relax with the people who made you feel most at ease, including Henry.
"I'm not a virgin, if that's what you're asking," you told him candidly, causing him to snort and nearly spill his drink. The warmth of the whisky tingled the roof of his mouth and the back of his nose.
"That's not what—"
"May I remind you that I'm nearing my 30s," you continued, adding a playful twist to the conversation.
"I–I am just curious because, you know..." He stammered, clearly wrestling with his words. You understood what he meant; to Henry, you seemed young, and he had no confirmation of any public relationships. You nodded, encouraging him to continue.
"I'm sorry," he began as you settled beside him, tucking your feet up on the cushioned booth of the catamaran's dining area.
"I, uh... am just curious, you know, and I am not here to judge—"
"Are you attracted to me?" you blurted out with an almost deadpan expression, catching him off guard. His cerulean eyes widened in surprise, and he held his breath.
He remained still in mild shock at your words, and you continued, "Because why else would you be so interested in what I've done in the sack?"
"Can't a person be curious?" Henry tried to play it cool, taking a sip from his glass as you pouted and shook your head lightly.
"I'll have sex with you, if that's what you want. Gladly," you stated bluntly, leaving him with his mouth hanging open in complete shock.
Despite the public knowledge that you were a huge fan of him, likely mentally dating him for years, you made it clear that committed relationships were not your thing. It's just the way you lived, you told people.
You had been a professional singer for over a decade, and your rise to stardom had been meteoric. Each album, each single, each tour was a resounding success. In the past three years, you had ventured into the world of movies and achieved success there as well. 
Sarah once told you that everything you touch turns to gold, and Pedro humorously referred to you as Queen Midas. 
Given the way you were living your life, the last thing you needed was a relationship that could potentially hold you back.
"Did you finally break him?" Oscar chuckled as he descended into the kitchen, shaking his head with a smug look on his face. Pedro and Sarah followed him, removing their sunglasses as they took a seat opposite you and Henry.
Henry took another sip from his glass, suspiciously longer than necessary.
"Did she give you the 'I don't do relationships' spiel?" Pedro laughed, and Sarah rolled her eyes, but a huge smile was plastered on her face.
Henry gently set the glass down on the table, his eyes locked onto it as he seemed to contemplate his response.
"I'm—surprised. Your songs are so... romantic. That's why I asked, I mean... you must have experienced strong feelings for people for you to pen and sing those songs," he finally spoke, his gaze still fixed on the glass.
"Do you want to know her secret?" Sarah asked excitedly, biting her lower lip. Henry looked up and nodded his head with a shy smile. "She writes about our experiences. Not hers..." She giggled.
"That makes sense."
Later that evening, as your friends dozed off in the living area of the catamaran, you found Henry on the deck, gazing at the distant view of Amalfi, a drink and cigar in hand. You announced your presence by lightly knocking on a nearby pole. He turned around and warmly smiled at you as you walked toward him, slipping under his free arm.
Surprised and uncertain of what to do, you guided his free arm to wrap around your waist, and he relaxed in response.
"So what..." He began, "Are we a thing now?" You both exchanged glances and laughed as you wrapped your arms around him, leaning against his chest.
"You could say that. Just let me know if you want to stop, and everything stops," you assured him.
"Is that how this works? What do you do when you catch feelings?" Henry asked with a hint of curiosity. You giggled in response.
"Well, that's the thing. No feelings. Just... fun and company." you stated matter-of-factly.
"I don't know how I feel about that."
"Well, you can start by not telling me how you feel about that." You chuckled and he was smiling, amused as he shook his head in disbelief. 
You looked up at him, and he was already looking down at you, slowly leaning in. You closed your eyes as the tip of his nose brushed against yours, his breath warm and carrying the scent of whisky and cigar—intoxicating. You inhaled it slowly, and his lips finally met yours. You leaned back and loosened your arms around him, tiptoeing to meet his lips where they were.
It was your first real kiss, not something rehearsed for a music video or a movie, where dozens of people scrutinized your every move for the audience.
This was... real life.
"So..." He breathed, "No feelings, huh?" A smile curled up on your face as you shook your head, leaning back in to kiss him some more.
"Yeah. No feelings. That's the only rule." You whispered. 
"Wanna take this inside?" He nodded, and you both made your way back to your room.
"This is not how I pictured our first time would be," you mumbled as you slowly unbuttoned his shirt while he untied your robes. He sucked in a breath as the fabric fell on the floor, revealing everything for him to see.
"Commando, huh?" He looked up at you, a sudden intensity in his usually soft blue eyes. You cocked your head back in a slight laugh.
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matthias-the-tulip · 11 months
my updated list of parts i hope they keep in the red, white & royal blue movie
(updated after i reread it in a day) (a lot of these are just funny lines that add absolutely nothing to the plot but they make me laugh)
• the MAGAZINE 😭
• “he has the personality of a cabbage.”
• “i want to hear you gush like he's your fucking prom date.”
• alex makes a long loud fart noise

• “i'm going to throw up on you” at the stables (doesn't look like they're at a stables in the trailer 😒)
• “i'd rather be waterboarded” also at the stables (again, doesn't look like they're at a stables)
• “i bet he has a secret lovechild,” nora says. “or he's gay. or he has a secret gay lovechild.”
“it's probably in case i see his equerry putting his batteries back in,” alex says.
• midnight ice cream on instagram
• “i didn't know you wore glasses.” (henry's wearing a suit not pyjamas and alex is not wearing glasses what's that all about!)
• awkward fist bump on “this morning” (does not look like it’s a chat show in the trailer but also would a royal even go on this morning)
• star wars stan henry 🥹
• “not impressed, just surprised.”
“at what?”
“that you actually have, you know, feelings.”
• henry is beginning to smile…
• “do you MIND?” in the cupboard at the hospital
• “you're not the prince of me” 😭
• “i'd rather not be the little spoon.”
• henry's feet in a mop bucket
• “locked in a cupboard with your elbow inside my rib cage.”
• “i cannot believe even mortal peril will not prevent you from being the way you are.”
• “are you psychoanalysing me? i don't think royal guests are allowed to do that.”
• “is that the time you threatened to push me into the thames?”
• “no booty calls.”
• “it was like you were trying to set him on fire with your mind.”
• june's (nora now i guess 😟) plot to murder woody allen
• “don't let the papers print lies about me after i've garroted myself with my tie.”
• “you are the thistle in the tender and sensitive arse crack of my life.”
• “yes, famously the most sinister of all animal sounds, the gobble.”
• “cornbread knows my sins.”
• the whole turkey situation really
• “buy a summer home in majorca with the turkey”
• “jabba” cakes.
• henry watching bake off
• “you're jeff goldblum”
• “yo there's a bond marathon on and did you know your dad was a total babe”.
• “it sounds like you did your best.” 🥹
• the new year’s party being referred to as “the legendary balls-out bananas white house trio new year's eve party” (white house duo now 😭)
• “please do not attempt to steal my shine. you will fail and i will be embarrassed for you.”
• “says prince fucking charming.”
• get low playing at the new year’s eve party
• alex’s reaction to get low playing at the new year’s eve party
• “christ, you are as thick as it gets.”
• alex falling while running with june (nora now i guess 😟) cause he was thinking about henry
• “he's gay and you're hot, so.”
• “still waters, deep dicking.”
• “prince henry is a biscuit,” nora says,
“let him sop you up.”
• they know each other's sleep schedule and alex gets in a bad mood when he doesn't talk to him 🥹
• “you're not going to kill him, are you?” she says.
“probably not,” alex tells her
• “shut up, shut all the way up, oh my
• alex pushing henry up against a wall!
• “i mean, er, should we, i dunno, slow down?”henry says, cringing so hard at himself that one eye closes. “go for dinner first, or-“
• hooking one knee around the back of alex's thigh 😉
• ”i'm going to die,” henry says helplessly.
“i'm going to kill you,” alex tells him.
“yes, you are,” henry agrees.
• alex fixing his hair for him 😢😢😢
• henry singing god save the queen (king i guess) to make his 🍆 go away
• “i am going to do very bad things to you, and if you fucking ghost me again, i’m going to get you put on a fucking no-fly list. got it?”
• “you were jealous,” alex says. “you want me.”
• henry calling alex bossy 😂
• alex literally just insulting henry while he’s going to town on him
• “do you ever stop talking?” henry says. “such a mouth on you.”
• “hi,” he says, when he reaches henry’s eye level.
“hello,” henry says back.
“i’m gonna take your pants off now,” alex tells him.
“yes, good, carry on.”
• fucking eyelashes
• when he's done, he presses a sticky kiss in the crease of alex's leg where he'd slung it over his shoulder
• the mattress shifts, and henry moves up to the pillows, nuzzling his face into the hollow of alex's throat. alex makes a vague noise of approval, and his arms fumble around henry's waist, but he's helpless to do much else.
• the tip of henry’s nose catching on alex’s
• “for fuck’s sake, man, you just had my dick in your mouth, you can kiss me goodnight.”
• monocles for babies 😂
• “i don’t like that look,” amy says. “you look…sweaty.”
• “what in the rich-white-people-sex-dungeon hell?”
• the whole polo kit situation. henry slowly putting his boot back on the floor
• “i’ve thrown men in the dungeons for less.”
“hey, don’t threaten me with a good time.”
• paris!!! leaving directions to the cheese
• “you're a mad, spiteful, unmitigated demon, and I'm going to kiss you until you forget how to talk.”
• birthday floggings et al and the buttercream!
• alex’s heart going weird at henry on the boat and having to put his head in his hands
• “i don't give a damn what joanne has to say, remus john lupin is gay as the day is long, and i won't hear a word against it.”
• “i will staple your dick to the inside of your leg”
• “i did get both of the gay kings.”
• “deflowering the darling of the republic.”
• “i'm not ... historically great at talking about things,” henry says.
“well, i wasn't historically great at blowjobs, but we all gotta learn and grow, sweetheart.”
“hey,” alex huffs. “are you trying to say i'm still not good at them?”
“no, no, i wouldn't dream of it,” henry says, and alex can hear the small smile in his voice. “it was just the first one that was.. well. it was enthusiastic, at least.”
“i don't remember you complaining…”
“yes, well, i'd only been fantasizing about it for ages.”
• baby. (!!!)
• “i miss you,” alex says before he can stop himself. he instantly regrets it, but henry says, “i miss you too.”
• “i want to ... put my fingers in his mouth...” she moans, sounding horrified.
• just the whole karaoke bar situation. plz. toilet stall hookup!
• “bisexuality is truly a rich and complex tapestry.”
• o captain, my captain
• “if only you had known the mighty work of thine loins would be undone by a gay heir who likes it when american boys with chin dimples are mean to him.”
• the fruity truth: my favourite english author is jane austen.
• “when at wimbledon”
• “i want to see a cage match between your grandmother (grandfather i guess) and this fucking ghoul running against my mom”
• “and you are good. most things are awful most of the time, but you're good.”
• “he is truly a picture, wearing an expression of bewildered panic and absolutely nothing else.”
• “jesus tits”
• henry falling out of the wardrobe and just. sitting on the floor. (zahra finds him in the wardrobe instead :()
• “i thought you were getting into international relations or something.”
“i mean, technically-“
• “you're literally putting your dick in the leader of a foreign state, who is a man, at the biggest political event before the election, in a hotel full of reporters, in a city full of cameras, in a race close enough to fucking hinge on some bullshit like this, like a manifestation of my fucking stress dreams, and you're asking me not to tell the president about it?”
• all of zahra's quips tbh - “every time i see you, it takes another year off my life.” - “ask me if i'm afraid of the crown.”
• history, huh? bet we could make some. (the emails plz like i need at least some of them read aloud over a montage or something)
• “some saucy tart once tried to impugn my virtue against an oil painting of him, and in the halls of memory, some things demand context.”
• “i thought you might need to, like, have a catholic moment about this or something?” 😭
• “santa maria is watching!”
• skinny dipping!!!
• “philip is the heir and i'm the spare, and if that nervy bastard has a heart attack at thirty-five and i've got malaria, whither the spare?”
• alex's meltdown outside kensington. very important. - “how 'bout i just keep yelling and we see which of the papers show up first!” he turns back to the window and starts flailing his arms too. “henry! your royal fucking highness!”
• “jesus, could you stop being an obtuse fucking asshole for, like, twenty seconds?”
• “i fucking love you, okay?” alex half yells, finally, irreversibly.
• “what do you want?”
“i want you-”
“then fucking have me.”
“-but i don’t want this.”
• “a whole lifetime of fine. that’s not good enough for me.”
• henry nuzzling his nose behind alex's ear.
• alex laughs and grabs his head and aggressively kisses his cheek, smashing his face into the pillow.
• “next time we shall visit some of the george Ill pieces and see if they burst into flame.”
• “i completely fucking love you” and the ring and the chain
• “once shaan managed to dislodge him from the chandelier”
• henry’s email about memories and grief and the first time he saw alex
• “jesus, be a gay beard”
• henry and alex in the car after the fake date
• “i will physically fight your grandmother (grandfather i guess) myself if i have to, okay? and, like, she's (he’s) old. i know i can take her (him).”
“i wouldn't be so cocky,” henry says with a small laugh. “she's (he’s)full of dark surprises.”
• “your spine's a ridge i'd die climbing”
• “check the fucking news, you horny little miscreant”
• “it’s about to be gay DEFCON five in this administration.”
• “then fuck it.”
• the big group hug
• oscar saying “give ‘em hell.”
• “you're my mean friend.”
• “jumping off cliffs is kinda my thing”
• I 😭 LOVE 😭 HIM 😭 ON 😭PURPOSE 😭 they can't leave that out if they do i'll kill someone
• “what are we even defending here, philip? what kind of legacy? what kind of family, that says, we'll take the murder, we'll take the raping and pillaging and the colonizing, we'll scrub it up nice and neat in a museum, but oh no, you're a bloody poof? that's beyond our sense of decorum! i've bloody well had it. i've sat about long enough letting you and gran and the weight of the damned world keep me pinned, and i'm finished. i don't care. you can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse, philip. i'm done.”
• “for what it's worth,” he says to philip, “that is the bravest son of a bitch i’ve ever met.”
• “we banged it out last night” + high five
• “i've been gay as a maypole since the day i came out of mum, philip.”
• all the support for them 🥹
• bea pouring the tea on philip's lap
• “you know, i think all that cocaine i did must’ve really done a job on my reflexes!”
• henry pulls alex close and kisses him, whispers, "i love you i love you i love you."
• never 😭 tell 😭 me 😭 the 😭 odds 😭
• “my life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person”
• “you are the absolute worst idea i’ve ever had”
• “listen, you've had your first big sex scandal. no more sitting at the kids' table.”
• how to love each other in plain sight
• “holding henry’s hand atop his own knee” in the portrait
• “all this fundraising for sobriety is going to drive me to drink”
• “i'm the prince of...here” 😭
• “you spent a month of your gap year talking to yaks in mongolia, h.”
• “i know it's a lot, but you give people hope. so, get back out there and be alex.”
• the super six 😭 (fantastic five now i guess)
• the picture of them on the cover of the magazine
• henry fixing june's hair 🥹 (NORA NOW I GUESS 😟)
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WIP Wednesday!
So many lovelies tagged me today so I'm thanking them first: @onthewaytosomewhere @tailsbeth-writes @suseagull04 @kiwiana-writes @getmehighonmagic
@blueeyedgrlwrites @thesleepyskipper @henryspearl @softboynick @taste-thewaste really enoyed all your words!!
I'm sharing with you a bit that I just finished writing and Morgan is being the best and going over it for me rn. It's neighbours!au and it comes after this bit I shared a while ago. After Bea teases Henry in front of Alex about his music taste, she bullies him into taking out his keyboards and they play a few songs for Alex. And then this happens:
“So Alex, do you have any requests?” Bea asks.  “Do y’all know The Killers’ ‘Read My Mind’?” “Oh, excellent choice!”  Bea immediately grabs her phone from where she propped it in front of Henry’s keyboard and quickly brings up the sheet music for the song for Henry. Henry gives it a read over before he tries out a few chords and sets out to play.  “On the corner of Main Street…” Bea starts to sing.  Henry tries his best to focus on what he’s playing, but he can’t help but look up at Alex and how he’s singing along quietly. There’s something in the way Alex can’t stop mouthing the lyrics. Apparently Bea notices as well, because halfway through it, she goes over to Alex, getting him up from his chair and encouraging him to sing along.  They both make a fist and bring their hands to their mouth to feign a microphone and shoulder to shoulder, they belt out:  “The teenage queen, the loaded gun.  The drop dead dream, the Chosen One.  A southern drawl, a world unseen.  A city wall and a trampoline.  Oh well, I don't mind if you don't mind.  'Cause I don't shine if you don't shine.  Before you jump, tell me what you find.  Can you read my mind?” After that, they push apart only to dance, headbang and continue singing their hearts out like they are going through the growing pains of their teenage years and this song just gets them. 
tags under the cut!
I'm tagging @mulderscully because we were talking about Alex and The Killers earlier this week!
and also the usual suspects who I want to see what they’re up to and hoping will see this snip: @read-and-write- @theprinceandagcd @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @cricketnationrise @pridepages
@clottedcreamfudge @anincompletelist @myheartalivewrites @three-drink-amy @lizzie-bennetdarcy
@zwiazdziarka @priincebutt @firenati0n @bigassbowlingballhead @onward--upward
@ninzied @nocoastposts @wordsofhoneydew @14carrotghoul @eusuntgratie
@brokenpartsmightfit @cha-melodius @itsmaybitheway @i-am-freyja as usual, sorry if you posted and I missed it and if you don't want to be tagged, let me know! And of course, open tag! If you choose to take it, tag me so I can see!
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sserpente · 1 year
The Demobat Queen
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A/N: Okay, hear me out. I got this idea from the app that shall not be named and then it suddenly turned into 10k words. Classic.
Synopsis: After the Demobats attack Eddie, you find him dead in the dirt. At least that is what you think he is. But when he coughs, you see a chance. A chance to be less lonely in this dark and gloomy dimension. You feed him your blood to heal him and, after some initial suspicion, he warms up to you. For the first time ever, you get to experience what it’s like to have a friend. But before you can explore your growing feelings for Eddie, the desire to be close to him, to kiss him even, he makes it his mission to return back to Hawkins, to leave you behind for good. You don’t really blame him. He doesn’t belong here. And after all, a bat’s love can never be reciprocated… right?
Words: 10669 Warnings: fluff, angst, blood and feeding, near-death experiences, violence, burns/fire, vampire/bat!Reader
“I made this world mine. I own it. I own you.”
“You don’t control me, Henry. You never did. We struck a bargain and we agreed to live in peace after that. Remember that.” Your eyes flashed red as you spoke, the veins under your eyes protruding and giving you a downright eerie look, you could see it through the dirty mirror in the house you resided in.
Henry—or what was left of him—remained unfazed. Growling, he turned away from you.
“I’ve kept my word so far. You let them come too close,” you stressed.
His flesh was singed, soot covering his half-rotten limbs from the burning petrol. Tilting your head, you narrowed your red eyes at him and dug your nails into your fists until they stung.
“Your thirst for revenge will kill you eventually and you know that.”
“You dare threaten me?”
“I have no desire to kill you, you know that. So why would I threaten you with it? The girl you’re after… she can’t be worth all of this trouble. I want a way out. I want to be up there, I want a real life.”
“You don’t belong there,” he growled.
“You are the reason they would hunt me down like a rabid animal now.” This time, his growl practically tore through the cool darkness around you. Turning on your heel, you marched away from him, feeling his burning gaze on your back as you conjured your bat-like wings, spread them, and took off without looking back.
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You counted a dozen or so bats dead on the cold and uneven ground of the trailer park. Stabbed, beaten to death, or sliced open by a sharp object. Your heart bled upon seeing their lifeless bodies, yet more victims of Henry’s thirst for vengeance.
He might not have controlled you… yet even though the bats listened to you and did your bidding based on trust and likeliness, it was Henry who controlled what happened in this dimension. You took a deep breath, the metallic smell of blood filling your nostrils and igniting your hunger.
You landed, scanning the ground for the source when you spotted a young man, bloody and torn open by the bats, with three of them still feasting on his flesh. He was alone—collateral damage after a failed assassination attempt. If anyone had been with him when he died, they’d had to leave his body behind. A sigh escaped your lips as your feet touched the ground and you tucked your wings away, your head whipping in his direction when he coughed with a start, blood presumably pooling in his lungs and choking him from the inside out. Your lips parted. He’s still alive.
“Shoo! That’s enough!” The bats didn’t listen. Not until you flung them out of the way with your bare hands. “I said that’s enough! Off with you now!”
His eyes were closed, his white and ripped shirt drenched in blood and revealing the countless bite marks all over his chest. More blood was dribbling from the corners of his mouth as he coughed again. You knelt next to him, indecisiveness creeping up your spine.
You could heal him with your blood. But if you were too late, if he was too close to death already… Henry would kill you if you turned him, made him part of this world. You cursed under your breath when your fangs forced their way past your lips, causing you to hiss. Only another heartbeat passed before you brought your wrist to your lips and sunk your canines into it, drawing blood to feed him.
His eyes remained shut even when he felt your cool skin against his mouth. He gagged soon after your blood poured down his throat.
“Drink… drink it,” you whispered. Henry could not hear you—he had long stopped keeping tabs on you. There was nothing you could do, after all. But you could tell the boy was scared. He was young, on the verge of proper manhood, twenty-two at most. As you drew away, you wondered just how he had winded up in this fruitless conquest to kill a monster who controlled an entire dimension.
“Help me carry him home,” was all you said when he lost consciousness again. The bats hissed before obeying you, digging their claws into his clothes to carry him off. You followed suit.
Your so-called home must have been a lively house up in the light dimension, as you liked to call it. Inhabited by a happy family, perhaps. Here, it was but a depressing and empty place to retreat to, a mere illusion of civilisation. This dimension was a lonely one, after all.
You flinched when the young man who now recovered on your bed finally gasped for air a few hours later and sat up straight as if awoken by a nightmare. You hurried over to his side, gently forcing him back on the mattress. It had taken him long enough.
“Easy… easy! Take it slow.”
“W-wha…” He coughed, eyes widening when he noticed you properly. Your smile was hesitant, timid.
“Welcome back. I was worried you wouldn’t make it. You lost a lot of blood.”
“W-hat the hell… happened?”
“Well, you almost died. And you took down quite a few of my bats with you.” In an instant, his expression grew harder. Coldly, he scanned your form, hostility radiating from him. Granted, you probably looked quite intimidating, dressed all in leather and a long coat made of the same material. He sat up again.
“You need to rest.” When he simply stared at you, you pushed him back into a lying position. “I said rest. I healed you with my blood,” you continued. “I don’t just do that lightly, it’s incredibly risky. You need to rest for it to circulate through your body properly. It will take a while. Be patient.”
“You… fed me your blood,” he stated then. To be honest, it sounded more like a question. You nodded matter-of-factly.
“Who are you?”
“I haven’t used my name in so long that I think I can’t remember it anymore. Why don’t you give me one?” It was true. Your real name was buried along with those you had taken to the grave. Creatures, humanoids with a thirst for blood like you before they’d cast you out of what little of a society this dimension possessed. Your name was there, of course. You hadn’t literally forgotten it. But it sounded so foreign and strange to you that it felt wrong to still use it. Especially after making a deal with who could only be compared to the devil.
“Then what are you?” he asked instead. He swallowed thickly, noticing only now that you had cleared his face of all the blood. You had taken his bandana off to clean him up while he was still unconscious. It was currently in a pile with the rest of the bloody shreds of fabric you had used.
“I believe you can answer that question for yourself. But I don’t have powers like Henry does.”
“Henry? You mean Vecna? You’re with him?” he bellowed.
“Vecna? Is that what you call him up there? I’m not with him. I struck a deal with him out of necessity. I wanted to survive when he showed up, much like you now,” you snapped.
“What the hell does that mean then, am I turning into a vampire?”
“More like a humanoid bat but… no… it’s more complicated than that. You would have to die with my blood still in your system. You didn’t. Give it a few days and you’ll be fine, Eddie.”
The young man blinked at you. “How do you know my name?”
“What, Eddie? Is that really your name? I was making a joke. It’s a reference. Eddie Van Halen, you know? You look a little like him.”
Eddie stared at you for a moment, unable to return the smile you offered him. “Was there… was there anyone else there? When you found me?”
You shook your head. “No. You were alone.”
Eddie nodded, realising it was probably for the best that whoever had left him behind had done so for their own good.
“You must be famished. We need to find you some food. Can I trust you’ll stay here and won’t wander off? I can’t guarantee my bats will leave you alone when I’m not near.”
“You gotta get those fuckers under control then…” he mumbled, sitting up for the third time. You raised your eyebrows.
“If you are referring to the lake, you intruded on their territory. They were just defending it. Besides, I don’t control them. They just… choose to do as I say.”
“They almost killed Steve!”
“Whoever Steve is, I’m sure he won’t make the same mistake again then. Nor will you. Stay put until I’m back. If I had wanted to hurt you, I would have already. Besides, I can’t risk Henry finding you here.”
It sounded absurd but the restaurants in the light dimension… threw perfectly consumable food out, more than you could count. Eventually, it would appear here as well and if you were fast enough, you would be able to take it with you for Eddie to eat and regain his strength before it went rotten. You flew off outside your house, praying that the metalhead would listen to reason and do as he was told.
About twenty minutes or so later—time was relative down here, after all—you returned with two pizza boxes containing leftovers that were still warm when they appeared in between some black plastic bags.
The air had cooled it all down only a moment after but it would do. For just a brief moment, as you dug your hands into the bins behind the restaurant, you wondered why you bothered helping him in the first place. But the answer was obvious, was it not? You were lonely down here. Henry was not one for company and he was not one for chit-chat. Decades in solitude were gruesome, besides… you were not him. You might have been what Eddie referred to as a vampire but that did not make you a ruthless killer. You were a survivor.
“Still here…”
Relieved, you walked up the stairs and back into the room you had chosen for your bedroom, pizza boxes in hand.
“You are indeed.”
“There’s not exactly… lots of places for me to go, so…”
You smirked. “Fair point. And a wise choice. It’s not safe out there if you don’t know your way around.” You placed the cardboard boxes in front of him. “It’s not much but… it’ll do.” Eddie stared at them for a second. Next thing you knew, he opened them both, brown eyes widening. He dug in as if he hadn’t eaten in ages. Well, he probably hadn’t. You didn’t stop him. He needed all the sustenance he could get until your blood was out of his system.
“So, uh… you’re Vecna’s right hand then?” he said almost casually with his mouth full.
“I happen to exist in the same dimension. He doesn’t control me, we came to a more or less peaceful agreement. I mean you no harm, Eddie. I have no desire in destroying Hawkins, not like him.”
He swallowed. “Do you… consume blood?”
“I do. Occasionally. I need it to survive but I can go without it for a long time. It gives me… strength. And if I don’t feed for a while, I do get fatigued and burned out but other than that… I’m just like you. Well… minus the wings. I’m sure you don’t have those,” you added, winking at him.
“Who… or what… do you feed on?” he asked suspiciously in return.
“Creatures from this dimension… until, um…”
“What, like Demogorgons and shit?”
“Those huge things with fangs for a face that looks like a flower? I’ve never seen one myself luckily but I’ve been told they’re quite terrifying.”
“I… if that’s what you want to call them. But I… I did try human blood when a few poor unfortunate souls ended up here against their will. I have no desire to make that a habit though just in case you’re still worried I am fattening you for slaughter.”
Eddie gave you a silent look before he continued eating. You watched him quietly with your arms crossed after sitting down at the small vanity in the room. The bats outside your house screeched, making you sigh.
“I’ll be right back…”
They knew he was in there, hungry for his blood and eager to feast, assuming he was as good as dead and that his body shouldn’t go to waste.
“Shut it! He’s off limits, do you hear me?” The bats flew around you in circles, following your every movement. One of them landed on your shoulder, screeching loudly as if to complain.
“No. He’s alive and well. Besides, he has my blood in his system at the moment. Stay away from him.” The bats flew a few more circles around you, following your hand as you pointed at the dark and gloomy sky.
“Kas…” Eddie suddenly said. You spun around, not having realised that he had followed you outside, hiding behind a garden rock. No wonder the bats were almost going insane.
You frowned. “Kas?”
Eddie slowly emerged once the last bat was out of sight. “You said you don’t have a name. That’s what I’m gonna call you. I figured… that fits?”
“Kas…” you repeated the name as if tasting a piece of candy. “Okay… I like it.”
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“Is this because we are in a darker version of where you come from or is your room really this chaotic?” Grinning, you followed after him. Eddie’s room was plastered with metal band posters and a huge hand-drawn flag reading “Corroded Coffin”. Clothes and other bits and bobs lay scattered all over the place, along with the odd guitar pick, questionable décor, and… condoms on the nightstand. You blushed.
“Come on, it’s not that chaotic.”
Eddie had insisted on returning here and, after having him practically beg you for two days straight, you had agreed to accompany him. Even though the bats had kept their promise and did not lurk around for him anymore, it was still way too dangerous to let him roam freely around here. You liked the goofy metalhead, truly. Eddie was a deeply misunderstand young man with a knack for theatrics and for making people laugh. You shook your head, clearly disagreeing with him here. The room was an utter mess.
“So… you’re saying they blamed you for the murders in Hawkins? Because of a game you play?”
“Yepp… they needed a villain to hunt down and I guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time,” he mused, kicking a stool out of the way to reach for a guitar. It wasn’t the one he’d used on top of his trailer—you had heard him play, provoke the bats and their sensitive ears to distract Henry.
“They’re gullible…”
“Yeah, they think I’m a satanic cult leader and worship the devil.” He strummed the guitar once. It sounded horribly off, so he sat down to tune it.
“And do you?” you joked.
“Only on Sundays,” he replied, making you laugh while exploring the room some more.
“Do you live here alone?”
“Oh no, with my uncle. He works nights so I’m alone a lot.”
“Your uncle… and you’re still at school?” The schoolbooks on one of the shelves gave it away.
“I was supposed to graduate almost three years ago but…”—he drew the word out—“I guess we can’t all be Albert Einsteins.”
“How old are you?”
“Twenty-one. Even though this room is three years younger than that. That’s a pity. The new Metallica record would have made this place a lot better,” he added looking around.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you asked, tilting your head with your arms crossed.
“Oh, Metallica is only one of the best metal bands in existence.”
“No, not that part, I know who Metallica is, believe it or not.” In fact, you knew a lot of bands. That restaurant you got your pizza from for Eddie had an old jukebox with dozens of records on it. It didn’t work down here but at least, it gave you some sort of idea of pop culture and music trends. “What do you mean by ‘this room is three years younger than you’?”
“You didn’t know that?” Eddie looked up from his guitar. It didn’t sound like a question. You still shook your head.
“No, I didn’t…”
“This place is quite literally three years behind. I mean, it’s a parallel world, right? Everything that happens up there in the real world, happens here as well. Only three years later.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Right. So then that means the food you ate earlier was three years old. Sorry about that.”
Eddie chuckled. “I’ve eaten worse stuff. Wayne and I are horrible cooks.”
“Your uncle?”
“What about your parents? Where are they?”
“Well…” Avoiding your gaze as if he was ashamed all of a sudden, his fingers played around with the tuning pegs. “My mum left when I was just a kid… I don’t really remember her and my old man… is currently in prison.”
“Oh.” You weren’t going to ask why. By the looks of it and Eddie’s darkening expression, it couldn’t be too good.
Eddie strummed the guitar again, satisfied with the sound this time. The chords he played to follow up sounded beautiful—so melodic and calming compared to the screeching of your bat friends and the hungry growls of the other creatures residing around here. Not to mention the sounds Henry made every now and then, thinking he was scary. Well, not to you. To those kids, to Eddie… definitely. You shuddered.
“How… how long have you been here?” he suddenly asked.
“It’s hard to say… now that I know that I’ve been living in the past but… I’ve… just… always been here. My whole life. It’s always been… I’ve always been… like this.” You gave him a dramatic half-bow, pushing away the thought of the few like you that remained and that would kill you on sight.
“Shit, how old are you?”
You shrugged. “Judging by the calendars you humans started to make… I would say a couple of hundred years.”
Eddie nodded, processing your words all but flabbergasted. “And you never thought of leaving?”
“I didn’t know I could. Not until the veil between our dimensions cracked and opened up gates for the first time. But not all of them are the same, not since Henry started killing.”
“I need to get out of here,” he said. Another strum, as if to emphasise his statement. Your heart almost skipped a beat. He wanted to leave. But of course he did. There was nothing here for him. In fact, as a human, the atmosphere would sooner or later kill him. He didn’t even know you that well, he had no reason to stay, and even if he did… some depraved and delusional part of you had imagined that for the first time in over a decade, you’d have a friend by your side. You swallowed. Perhaps even more. The way his fingers played that guitar, a stark contrast against the black colour of the instrument and the handmade writing on it… That simple action hit you square in the face like a blow. Eddie was bloody handsome.
“You… want to go back,” you finally choked out just to say anything at all.
“No, of course you do. You couldn’t possibly stay here.”
He nodded, slowly. “They all think I’m dead, that should give me an advantage for a while. I’m still… wanted for murder, after all.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
Another thoughtful nod. This young man was carrying a burden far too heavy for his age. He paused when you said nothing else. “You said there were cracks… now… between the dimensions?”
“There are. But they would literally tear you in half if you attempted to walk through them. Even… what did you call them the other day? Demogorgons? Even they couldn’t make it through. Henry can. He is the only one who can. You need a smaller gate. I know where to find one.”
Eddie looked up. “There used to be one here. And at the lake and… and the forest. There’s different ones now? More?”
You nodded.
“Can you take me there?”
“I can but not yet.”
“Not yet?”
“Eddie, we need to wait for my blood to be out of your system entirely. If something happens to you when you’re back… if you die… you’ll turn into a vampire just like me.”
“Right… How long do we need to wait then?” The suspicion in his voice was clearly audible, eliciting a defeated sigh from you.
“Just a couple more days to be sure, please. Then I will take you to a gate, I promise.”
Eddie nodded once more, strumming another chord.
“We should head back soon. The bats get hungry around this time. I don’t want to draw any attention to you.”
“Why can’t we just stay here?” he asked. The innocence in his voice nearly had you melt… and the canines hidden away in your gums pressing to the surface eagerly.
“Here? Are you sure?”
“Yeah… unless you, uh… sleep in a coffin?”
“Oh, ouch, wow, that is an awful stereotype.” You grinned. “I don’t sleep in a coffin. I do sleep upside down sometimes though.”
“Wait, really?” Eddie’s eyes widened, eliciting a chuckle from you.
“No! Don’t you have sarcasm up there?”
Eddie put his guitar away and made himself comfortable on his unmade bed. “You’re uh… welcome to join me then. Bed’s big enough.”
Tilting your head, you took a hesitant step forward. “Aren’t you afraid I’m gonna bite you in your sleep?”
“I’d be as good as dead down here without your help, so uh… you might as well.” His bitter smile broke your heart but then again, what did you expect? That he’d fall to his knees before you in gratitude? You might have saved him but he had no reason to believe you had not done so for your own selfish gain, to keep him as a living blood bag. While a dark and malicious part of you buried deep in your heart rejoiced at the thought of that, the butterflies in your stomach stopped the dangerous thoughts from crawling to the surface.
“Alright then… only for a few hours. Then you grab what you need and we head back. It’s not too safe in this area.”
“Neither here nor in the real world…” he muttered. Eddie closed his eyes, his body relaxing almost fast enough for you to be taken aback by it. He’s still exhausted. Of course he was still exhausted. He almost fucking died and was now regenerating with your blood. You’d truly taken a risk with him—and you could only hope that Eddie wasn’t going to take any damage from your emergency medicine.
By the time you finally laid down next to him, the cute metalhead was sound asleep.
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You knew you were in trouble when the butterflies in your belly fed on Eddie’s presence as if he was a drug, sweeter than any blood you had ever tasted. Over the next few days, long talks, and more three-year-old pizza, Eddie quickly became the closest to what you would call a partner in crime. You’d never had one—you wouldn’t know what it was truly like but if there was one thing you were certain about it was the fact that you were not supposed to desire a friend the way you did. To want to be close to him, listen to his heartbeat, feel that lively vein pulse beneath the sensitive skin of his neck, and find out if his lips were as soft as they looked…
“… so each class has different attributes and skills and weaknesses.” For the past hour, Eddie had been attempting to explain Dungeons and Dragons to you. You only understood half of what he was rambling but his passion for the fantasy game was reflected in every single word he spoke. He was sprawled out on the bed with an old D&D handbook he had found under his bed, one he had lost around two years ago, so he’d told you.
Very soon now, you’d venture out to the gate you had promised to bring him to. You’d wanted to wait until the equivalent of daytime just in case your bats decided to disobey you after all.
You’d miss him. As if he’d been in your life for years, you could already feel your heart tearing, leaving a void that would never heal. Were you being dramatic? Yes. But that changed nothing about the fact you were slowly realising that you, in the shortest time possible, had fallen in love with him.
“Eddie? Why don’t you tell me about those warlocks on the way to the gate?” you interrupted him gently. If you ripped him out of your life like a plaster, quick and easy, perhaps it’d hurt less. The sooner he was gone, the sooner you could learn to forget him.
Keep him with you. Feed him more of your blood. Make him stay. Your primal instincts mixed with your growing feelings, making your canines press against your gums almost painfully. Stop. It’s time to say goodbye.
Eddie paused, glancing out of the window. Daylight was barely distinguishable from the night down here but the look of relief and excitement that washed over his face felt like a dagger lodging itself deep into your gut.
“Okay. Let me, uh… grab my things.” You did, watching each and every single one of his movements with curiosity and fascination. If you asked if you could come with him, what would he say? Would he laugh at you? Look at you incredulously? Both?
“You think I could just take that D&D book with me?”
You chuckled. “I don’t see why not. No one will miss it here.”
“Then, um… I’m all set.”
“Good.” You smiled sadly. “Then let’s go.”
Perhaps you’d just stay in Eddie’s room, make it your new home. No one else was going to claim it once he was gone and that way… that way you could keep him in your memory. Your link to the outside world, the one friend you’d ever had down here in this lonely hellhole. You were like a lovesick puppy, detached from reality and what could and could not be, weren’t you? You were pathetic.
You shook your head to chase away the thoughts as Eddie followed you through the gloomy dimension you’d learned they called the Upside Down towards one of the more hidden gates in the forest you had discovered on the same day you had found him after hunting.
And by the time you reached it… he might as well take your heart with him too.
“Here. You’ll have to crawl through. I… I’m not sure what you should expect on the other side but… good luck. You’re innocent, Eddie, I refuse to believe you won’t be able to clear things up.”
“Yeah… maybe. I hope. Uh…” He stared at the hole in the tree stump as if it’d disappear if he took his brown eyes off of it.
“Thanks. For uh… everything. You saved my life.”
“My pleasure. Oh… you might want this back before you leave.”
Your hands were shaking as you pulled his bandana out of your back pocket. You’d tried to clean the blood off of it but you assumed that up in the real world, they’d have functioning washing machines.
Eddie reached for it with a smile. “Thought I lost it.”
“Well, you didn’t.” You stood on your tiptoes then, gently placing your palms on his chest to press a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Ask me to come with you. Ask me to stay with you. Please… tell me you don’t want me to stay here all on my own…
“Are you gonna be okay?” he asked, tilting his head when I pulled away again, reluctantly removing my hands from him.
“I’ll… be fine. I’ve always been here, remember? Good luck, Eddie.”
“B-bye,” he said, waving awkwardly before getting to the gooey ground.
And with every inch he crawled forward, your heart broke a little more until eventually… he was gone.
Fuck, were those tears? Your eyes were burning, your vision was all blurry. You blinked, frantically, to scare them away. It was for the best. Eddie didn’t belong here. Sooner or later, he would have faced the consequences of staying down here. The atmosphere was toxic to humans, you reminded yourself, the lack of sunlight and vitamin D a constant threat to his well-being, not to mention his poor nutrition if he had kept eating leftovers from literal trash cans.
And yet… yet a part of you had hoped that, even after such a short time, Eddie would want to stay with you. He was an outcast in Hawkins, feared and hated by the majority of its people but here… here, he had someone who cared. Was that selfish? Probably. If only… if only you had bothered to find out if his lips were as soft as they looked. If only you had been able to capture the moment of sleeping in his arms forever. But the memory would fade, just like your real name. Kas. You smiled to yourself. That was who you were now. You would use his name for you with pride.
When you shoved your hands into the pockets of your leather coat, something hard and cold brushed against your knuckles. Frowning, you blinked once more, pulling out a tiny silver object. Your lips parted when you realised that it was one of Eddie’s rings. A silver cross surrounded by four skulls. Don’t forget me. He must have slipped it in your pocket when you’d kissed him goodbye. A sad smile tugged on the corners of your mouth before you slid it on.
Then your heart sank. You felt his presence before you glanced behind you. You didn’t turn around to face him.
“What do you want, Henry?”
“You hid a boy here. Nursed him back to health. What for?”
“Leave him out of it. He was just collateral damage to you anyway. And it doesn’t matter anymore. He’s gone now. He’s back in Hawkins.”
“Then he will die regardless. They will all die. Remember what you promised me.”
“I did my part, Henry. The bats did what you asked them to, they protected your precious home and they will wreak havoc once the cracks are safe enough to… travel through. There’s nothing more I can do to help you.”
Henry growled and you spun around, fuming. “Thanks to you, I’ll never be able to have a life up there. That was the one thing you promised me. That I would be able to leave this place.”
“You will, bat. No need to remind me.” Bat. Not Kas. Not what Eddie had named you.
“Yes. I will return to a pile of ashes and decay.” To a place where, even if Hawkins’ people mysteriously survived, you could never be with Eddie simply because of what you were. “They’ll start another attempt, you know,” you insisted when he turned to leave. “They will not stop until you’re dead. If I have learned anything about Hawkins, it’s that they will fight back until their very last breath.”
“Then their very last breath it shall be,” Henry responded. You flinched when he made the gate disappear with but a flick of his wrist—long, gooey vines annihilating the only way up that you knew currently existed. Your only way up should you ever decide to take the risk and leave, hoping the humans would not hunt you down simply because you came from the Upside Down. Not if, you realised. When.
You hissed at Henry, baring your fangs before he vanished, and twisting the silver ring on your finger. You had to warn Eddie. You owed him that.
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Before the goofy metalhead came into your life, you hadn’t known your heart to be capable of so many emotions at once. You longed for him, missed him with every fibre of your being, and yet, with every step you ventured out further away from his trailer in search of another gate to reunite with him, the more your heart bled for your bats.
Leaving them behind and to their fate after what you had asked them to do… it felt wrong to leave them in the lurch but what other choice did you have? Hundreds, if not thousands of people would have to let their life up in the real world where, according to Eddie’s stories, there were oceans and actual sunlight. You had needed a push, something to finally pick up the courage and get away from this bleak existence. But you’d never considered paying a price this high.
The fire hit you out of nowhere. Hot and scourging, it singed your skin, blinding you and throwing you to the ground. You covered your face with a shriek, the burning and unbearable sensation having you thrash on the dirty ground in pain.
Your lungs filled with hot hair, the crackling and windy sounds drowning out even your own screaming. But then you suddenly heard his voice.
“Harrington! Stop! Stop it! Steve, please, stop!”
Were you hallucinating? Perhaps you were dying. Perhaps you were already dead. Perhaps Henry had killed you and your mind attempted, frantically, to make the traumatic experience more endurable.
Eventually, the fire ceased in a way it almost appeared like your attacker was being shoved away, with only the sizzling of your burned skin remaining. Angry red marks and blisters formed wherever the flames had tasted you and licked across you, including your cheeks and palms.
Trembling, you curled up on the ground, still too blinded to make out the person who knelt down beside you and cradled you in their arms. Those hands, however, adorned with cool silver rings… Eddie.
“Shit, shit, shit… Kas, are you okay? Look at me. Hey… hey! Are you okay? Open your eyes, Kas, please open your eyes!” His panicked voice made you want to calm him down, providing you with just enough energy to do as he asked.
“Oh, thank god… are you okay? I’m so sorry, I’m sorry…”
“Y-you’re back,” you choked out, taken hostage by a coughing fit only a fraction of a second later.
“Yeah… yeah, I’m back.” You felt his palm against the side of your cheek that was not burned, calloused fingers stroking over your cheekbone.
“W-what can I do? Are you gonna be okay?”
“…n-need… -ood…” Talking was exhausting. Keeping your eyes open was exhausting. Fighting against the pain was so tiring it would have been so easy to give in to cool darkness and slip into blissful unconsciousness.
“What? What do you need? Speak up, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. You didn’t care you probably had an audience. You could sense them. More humans besides your attacker, at least two.
“Bl-…ood… I need blood.”
Eddie’s eyes widened. “Could you… I mean, could you drink from me? Would… would that work?”
You nodded—barely visible to the naked eye, your chin moved up and down once. Eddie caught it nonetheless. Without any hesitation whatsoever, he leaned down to you until your warm and shaking lips brushed against the sensitive skin of his neck, his long hair acting like a curtain and shielding you from the eyes of his friends.
This time, as soon as your instincts took over, you let them. Your fangs appeared within a second, your eyes turning blood-red. Your mouth watered in joyful anticipation when you opened it, sinking your pair of sharp teeth straight into his neck, breaking the skin, and… fuck, he tasted divine. So good and sweet and rich and…
Eddie flinched when you bit him but, albeit carefully, held you even tighter, mutely urging you on.
“Shit, what the fuck is happening here? Eddie? Eddie!”
“No, Steve, stop! It’s fine.” The metalhead did not elaborate, not for now and not until you had enough of your strength back to dig your fingers into his shoulders, feeling the cool leather of his jacket under your fingertips.
You promised to yourself that you would take five more sips—one, two, three, four… five… Reluctantly, you pulled away and licked your lips. You’d left a bite mark on him—one he quickly covered with his hair.
“A-are you good? Do you need more?” You shook your head in response, feeling your fangs retreat and your eyes, hopefully, returning to their usual colour.
The one with the fire—Steve Harrington—glared at you suspiciously, holding a lighter in one, and a can of hairspray in the other hand. The other two were young women—strong, intimidating almost. One more so than the other.
“Everyone… this is Kas.”
“Kas?” one of the girls repeated. “She’s the one who saved your life?”
Eddie nodded. “This is Robin,” he said, nodding towards the girl who’d spoken up. “And this is Nancy, and this… is Steve.”
“Sorry about that. I thought you were…”
“It’s fine… Eddie told me you guys are generally suspicious of everything down here.”
“Can’t blame us. Last time we were everything tried to kill us.”
You blinked at him before turning your attention back to Eddie. “Why did you come back?”
“That’s a long story but…”
“One we don’t have time for right now,” Nancy interrupted. You felt the urge to snap at her and you probably would have if you didn’t still feel weak. Your wounds were regenerating but it would take your body some time to fully recover from the attack.
Fire… the one lethal thing that could kill you instantly. If Eddie hadn’t stopped him…
“Henry closed the gate you escaped through. He’s gonna make his move. Soon. I tried to come and warn you, find another one.”
“We need to get you out of here then, sweetheart.” There it was again—that adorable nickname that you liked even better than Kas. You nodded once more, too weak for your mind to toss around all those thoughts you’d surely have if you hadn’t just escaped death by a smidge.
“I’ll uh… I’ll take her back.”
“Back? You want to bring her to Hawkins? What if she—“
“She won’t, Steve,” Eddie snapped at him. But when he turned to you again, scooping you up like a bride, his voice instantly became softer again. “Can you walk?”
“… don’t know…”
“It’s okay… I’ll carry you.”
His kind offer was the last thing you heard before you finally succumbed to the welcoming darkness.
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“Kas? Like the vampire Kas? She’s Kas? Dude, I thought you were talking about some eerie humanoid bat person, not… not a girl!”
“Yeah no. No, that’s who I meant. I know how fucked up this is, man…” Eddie’s voice became muffled for a moment, almost as if he was hiding his face in his hands.
“So… she’s not… is she linked to Vecna? Because if she is and we kill him, wouldn’t that mean that she dies too?”
“No,” you croaked out before Eddie could respond to the other person. Two heads whipped in your direction instantly, one of which you did not recognise. You shifted uncomfortably. You were lying softly, covered with a blanket that smelled like Eddie and cigarette smoke. Someone had removed your leather coat too.
“W-where am I?”
“You’re in my bed… again.” Eddie’s cheeky grin warmed you from the inside out, even more so because he blushed. “Welcome to Hawkins, sweetheart. You’re in the real world. The Up… if you will.”
“You said… you said you wouldn’t die if we kill Vecna?” the boy with the curly hair and a hat that read Thinking Cap asked.
“That’s Dustin,” Eddie explained. “He’s a friend.”
You nodded. “No. I’ve been in the Upside Down for much longer than Henry. He’s… made this world his master but not me. I just happened to be in it when he arrived.”
“You were… born there?”
“So there are others? Like you?”
You shot Eddie a hesitant glance. You hadn’t told him about that—you hadn’t wanted to freak him out even more. “There are. But not in the upside-down version of Hawkins. I was the only one there.”
“So… so you don’t have to go back eventually to not… drop dead if the gates close?” Dustin probed.
“No.” At least, that’s what you hoped. You had no solid proof that you wouldn’t turn to dust once the first ever sunbeams you had ever seen with your own eyes hit your skin either. You already had a feeling you would have to remain in the shadows as best as you could but unlike Eddie in the Upside Down… you were pretty certain you could survive in this dimension. You were not human, after all. It was in your very nature to adapt. The question was… would the humans tolerate you after all the evil that Henry had brought upon Hawkins through the gates?
“The others,” you started then, “Nancy, Robin, and Steve… are they still down there?”
“Yeah. They should be back anytime now. We uh, found another gate—by chance, really. They went back to the Creel house. Vecna’s house, trying to find… something. Anything that could help us stop him. We don’t have a lot of options left at the moment.”
You nodded once more. “What happened here in the meantime? Were you able to clear your name?”
“Not… really. Yet. I’m still in hiding, technically but uh… Hopper’s working on it.”
“He’s the Sheriff of Hawkins. Or he used to be,” Dustin intervened.
A third nod. Quite frankly, you were overwhelmed with being in a different dimension altogether—you finally understood how Eddie must have felt, especially after almost dying. You almost laughed out loud. The exact same thing had happened to you now. The irony was truly hilarious.
The noise that came from outside the trailer was audible to you first. With your enhanced hearing, you instantly made out the voices of Steve, Nancy and Robin. Moments later, the front door opened. Dustin sped out of the room, closing the door to Eddie’s room in the process.
“How are you feeling now?” Eddie asked.
“Better but… still weak.”
“Do you need more blood?”
Guilt washed over your entire body as you bit your lower lip. You were hesitant to nod for a fourth time. Eddie caught the hint nonetheless. But just when you were about to ask him to bring you an animal or a blood bag from the hospitals in this dimension, he spoke up again.
“Drink from me again.”
“Just do it, sweetheart. I’ll be fine. You need your strength back.”
Finally, the metalhead sat down on the bed with you. Your heart sped up when he pulled you onto his lap and your legs hugged his hips, his calloused fingers exploring your back.
Biting back a moan, you brushed his lovely hair out of the way—and as soon as his scent hit you, it was game over, and sunk your fangs into him and drank.
Eddie’s grip around you tightened, almost as if he was unwilling to let go of you anytime soon. Almost as if… almost as if he was enjoying it. But that was impossible, right? You were hurting him. You were sucking the very essence that kept him alive out of his body…
In your hungry haze, you noticed the door opening again only a few seconds too late. Dustin walked back in, followed by Robin, Nancy and Steve. You looked up with your teeth still lodged deep inside Eddie’s neck, noticing their horrified expressions.
I must look like a monster to them. Red eyes, dark purple veins under them, sharp fangs, and a murderous, famished expression…
You forced yourself to pull away, bloody fangs and lips surely glistening in the artificial light in Eddie’s room. You covered your mouth quickly and licked yourself clean, turning away so you wouldn’t have to face them again for a brief moment.
You could tell that Eddie was about to ask if you’d had enough or if you needed more when he too realised that you had an audience.
“Did you find anything?” Eddie asked.
“Nothing.” Steve didn’t take his eyes off of you. You leaned back again, covering yourself with Eddie’s blanket so you’d have something to do with your hands, making it clear you didn’t want any attention, especially after what they’d just witnessed.
Steve nodded towards you nonetheless. “Are you sure we can trust her, Munson? I don’t care if she’s like one of your D&D characters.”
“Wait… what? You named me after a D&D character?”
Eddie blushed. “Uh… yeah… a vampire who works for Vecna but eventually betrays and kills him.”
“Oh. Well, that sounds about right.”
“So you’re on our side.”
“Of course I’m on your side. Steve, is it, right?”
“You said you wanted to come to warn me. Us. Vecna’s gonna make his play soon?”
“I… yes. The bats will be first. Henry’s planning on opening more gates to let them all through. To let them loose in Hawkins.”
“But I thought he doesn’t control them. You do?”
“That’s… I… I wanted to tell you but…”
“You told them to attack Hawkins,” he concluded.
“No! I mean, I… I told them to invade the town once he opens the gates.”
“What! Are you crazy?” Steve bellowed. You flinched, the loud noise hurting your ears a little.
“That’s what your deal was about? You didn’t tell me that. You said the bats were harmless if they’re not provoked.”
“Eddie, I’m sorry… I couldn’t… that’s why I was about to come here. I wanted to give you a headstart, all of you. I wanted to make things right because…” Because I’m falling in love with you. You stopped yourself before you could end the sentence and embarrass yourself even further.
“So when they make it through… can you stop them?” Robin intervened. In the meantime, Nancy and Dustin only glared at you all but speechless.
“I can try.”
Eddie reached for your hand. “You said they listen to you.”
“They do but… they are simple-minded creatures. Once they’re up there, there will be more prey for them than they’ve ever known to exist. They might not aim to kill but they will attack when they get hungry. Not out of malice—simply because it’s in their nature. They want to survive. And the more food they have available to them, the more strength they can build.”
“Well that’s just great,” Steve remarked with sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“Okay, you know what… let’s call it a night. Nothing good will still come out of us arguing with her. Let’s meet again tomorrow and plan our next steps then,” Nancy said.
“Yeah… it’s a little awkward all of you standing around in my room like that.” You chuckled to yourself when Eddie grinned at them. Seeing him smile was not only a relief, it was a revelation.
“Okay, I don’t mean to freak anyone out but do we still have until tomorrow?” Robin argued.
“I can sense the bats. I’ll know. We’re safe, for now.”
“Good to know. You’re right. Not you, Munson, Nancy. We’ll catch up tomorrow. Are you sure you’re gonna be fine here… all alone… with… with Kas?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll behave,” you added, daring a little smirk.
Steve and Robin blinked at you as if you’d just admitted to killing a puppy.
“Okay… good night, Eddie. We’ll call tomorrow.” Dustin was the only one who waved before they all staggered out of the room one by one and Eddie shifted on the bed so he could lie down next to you. You still waited until the door fell shut to scoot closer and place your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Even after only such a short time… you had missed the sound of it.
“I’m… I’m really happy to see you.”
Eddie smirked. “I’m really happy to see you too. You kept my ring,” he remarked, nodding at your hand which was tracing the print on the band shirt he was wearing.
“I found it in my pocket after you’d left.”
“Nah, yeah I thought I’d leave you a little something so you wouldn’t forget me.”
“I don’t think it’s physically possible to forget someone like you, Eddie. At first… at first, I thought I’d never see you again. That’s stupid, right? We met only a couple of weeks ago.” Just say it. I like you. Three little words, so easy. Fuck… you were no silly teenager with a fear of rejection. You were a goddamn vampire, for Heaven’s sake! You could deal with a human boy not reciprocating your feelings. Feelings that seemed to consume every fibre of your being and…
Your heart stopped when his lips landed on yours. Suddenly. Out of nowhere. The kiss was almost too brief, with no tongues attempting a battle for dominance.
When he pulled away, he instantly panicked. “Sorry… was that too much? Or too soon? I… fuck, I thought I lost you there when Steve didn’t put that fucking hairspray away.”
“I guess we’re even now then. I want you… no, I need you to kiss me again.” That made him grin, mischievously so. “I wanted to stay with you. But I also wanted to go back home, you know?”
“Eddie… staying would have killed you.”
“I wanted to ask you to come with me.” Slash. Like a dagger twisting in your heart.
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because… I don’t know, isn’t it like… a big thing to ask someone to leave their dimension to live in another?” His breath was warm against your lips. You let your fingertips trail over the two bite marks you had given him.
“I had been hoping to get out. Ever since that first gate opened a few years ago. I just… didn’t have the guts to do it yet. Because of Henry… Vecna… what do you think will happen when they find out what I am, Eddie? Your friends clearly don’t trust me, in fact, I’m absolutely sure they hate me.”
“They don’t hate you. They’re… suspicious? I mean, so was I… you can be pretty mean and scary.”
You gave him a weak smile. “What about the other humans? They’ll hunt me down and shoot me dead, or lock me up in a lab to experiment on once they realise where I came from.”
“I won’t let that happen to you.”
“Promise?” you breathed out.
“Promise…” And with that, his lips were back on yours, more eager this time to drink you in like you were his last meal. Eddie’s left hand came around the back of your neck, pulling you even closer to him all the while you hooked one of your legs over his lower body, your right hand grabbing a fistful of his t-shirt.
His mouth tasted almost as divine as his blood. You could make out cigarettes, a faint hint of weed and… some sort of honeyed cornflakes and pizza. Fuck, you wanted to devour him whole.
Getting a little braver, you crawled on top of him so you could straddle him, your hands exploring his clothed chest all the while your tongue teased his soft lips, asking for entrance. Eddie’s mouth opened wider and you sought out his tongue, starting a passionate fight.
By the time he pulled away out of breath, his hands still stroking your back, you were almost too far gone to remember the threat that was lurking in the Upside Down.
“You still hungry?” he murmured.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m starting to think you like me drinking from you.”
“Yeah, well, uh… it’s pretty hot… to be honest. Very metal. I… kinda enjoy it.”
Hearing those words from his mouth… fuck, you wanted to pounce on him, feed on him and fuck him all at the same time. Tilting your head with your eyes turning red, you trailed your fingertips over the side of his face, making him shiver. His brown orbs widened as soon as he noticed the colour change in yours.
“I need you to rest. I can’t take so much at once. Let your body recover first. I… could be persuaded to have another sip tomorrow.���
“But are you gonna be alright?”
You nodded. “The wounds have healed well. Perks of not being human. I’ll be back to normal by tomorrow.”
“You sure, sweetheart?” There it was again. Sweetheart. You suppressed a sigh.
“I’m sure. Let’s… let’s get some sleep.”
Eddie stole another kiss from you before he obeyed, draping the blanket over the both of you. You fell asleep in his arms, listening to his breath slowly evening out as he too wandered off to dreamland.
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Steve kept his promise. The next morning, it had barely struck eight am before Eddie’s phone rang, ripping you both from your slumber. The metalhead almost fell out of bed when he went to answer it, quickly barking a few words into the little construction before leaning his forehead against the wall, still half-asleep.
By the time he finally brought himself to crawl back into bed, you too managed to open your eyes, wrapping your arms around him to stay warm. You never thought you’d enjoy body heat so much. You were used to the cold, used to sleeping alone—and even though you knew that there was only so much heat that you could take, cuddling with Eddie made your heart pound and put your mind at ease. You felt safe, protected…
“You hungry?” You giggled like a little girl, burying your face in his neck. His excitement was tangible—in fact, you were certain you would be able to taste it if you bit him right now.
“How about you have some breakfast first? I don’t want you to faint on me.”
“Yeah, coffee and a cigarette actually do sound like a great idea.”
“A cigarette? For breakfast? I mean real food, Eddie. No wonder humans have such short lives.”
He grinned and you followed him into the kitchen. The fridge didn’t have much to offer. There was some open yoghurt in there that, according to the smell, had expired already, a half-empty egg carton, some milk, and some leftover pizza on a plate with some cling foil on top of it. Unceremoniously, Eddie took it out and chucked it in the microwave. You scrunched up your nose. In the meantime, he made sure to make himself some coffee and finally, lit himself a cigarette.
“I’m pretty sure the food I got you in the Upside Down tasted better than what you’re consuming right now.”
The metalhead shrugged. “Wayne’s gonna bring some groceries home when he gets back from his shift. Since I still can’t just… you know… stroll into a supermarket and stuff.”
“How… how did he react when he learned you’re still alive?”
“He was… relieved. Hugged me. Even cried. The old man treats me better than my own father. He’s more of a dad to me than he’ll ever be.”
“I’m glad you were in good hands then when you left.” Me. The last word you almost choked on. The microwave started beeping just when he finished his cigarette and extinguished its butt in the ashtray on the kitchen table.
Growing a little more confident about your surroundings now, you hoisted yourself up on the counter all the while Eddie dug into his left-over pizza.
By the time he only had one piece left on his plate, there was a barely visible film of fat around his lips which he quickly wiped away with the back of his hand. You smirked. So he always ate like he was starving.
Raising an eyebrow, you slid off the counter, walked over to him, and sat down on the table next to his plate. His eyes widened and his smirk… downright mischievous, even more so when you reached for his wrist and held it with both your hands. You bared your fangs and sank them into his flesh.
You certainly did not imagine the moan that escaped his lips when you broke the skin, his own food and coffee quickly forgotten. When you released him, the look on his gorgeous face was so aroused, you could have pounced on him. Maybe you could. Maybe you should.
Licking the last droplets of his blood from your lips, you pushed yourself forward so you came to sit on Eddie’s lap. Your mouth was on his before he realised what was happening, your hands grabbing fistfuls of his long hair that was still completely dishevelled from sleeping.
And once again, you became so caught up in each other that you did not hear the knock soon enough—nor the door opening and Eddie’s friends spreading inside the kitchen and living room area as if they’d seen a ghost. The only one who was missing was the kid with the hat. Dustin. You liked him.
Eddie held you tightly when you attempted to move off of him. When none of them dared say the first word, you took the initiative, braver than yesterday now that you were feeling better again too.
“You all look surprised Eddie is still alive after spending the night with me.”
“Yeah… you can’t… really… blame us,” Steve choked out. Robin nodded with an apologetic expression on her face. Nancy was the only one whose poker face was so impenetrable you were starting to wonder whether she had slept at all last night.
“This is Jonathan,” she finally said, introducing you to the stranger they had brought with them. You tilted your head. Jonathan looked like social awkwardness personified. He nodded at you with half a smile.
They’re still scared of me, you thought, biting your lower lip.
Eddie cleared his throat so they would stop staring at you. “So? Any news?”
“Uh, yeah. Joyce is on her way with El and Will.”
“What about Hopper?”
“Says he’s currently busy with filing that police report on Jason Carver to prove you didn’t kill him.”
“In the meantime, we need to get back to the War Zone. We need more weapons. Like, now. Are you coming with us, Munson?”
“I want to stay with Eddie,” you instantly blurted out.
The metalhead reached for your hand and squeezed it.
“No offence… but I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to roam freely around Hawkins… yet,” Steve said. He almost sounded a little like he was sorry. Perhaps he didn’t loathe you after all—even if he’d almost killed you last night.
“None taken. I don’t exactly feel ready to either. But I’m not staying here alone.”
“I’ll stay,” Eddie reassured you. “I’ll stay with you.”
“Um, Kas… we need you to tell us how we can get rid of your bats. I mean… I’m assuming you don’t want us to kill them,” Steve offered.
“Absolutely not.”
“That’s what we thought, so… is there a way to weaken them?”
You took a deep breath, contemplating whether you could trust them. If the bats got hurt, that would be on you—your fault.
“They don’t like warmth. They’ll steer away from it, just like me. If you found a way to keep Hawkins hot enough, they would retreat and hide in the woods. That’s the best advice I can offer you. I don’t want you to harm them.”
“Are they like… your children?” Jonathan asked carefully.
“No, they’re… we’re just very alike.” You didn’t elaborate and you were sure you didn’t have to, not really.
“So that’s nothing new then. Our next step should be to get in touch with Hopper, there’s gotta be a way to heat the city up so the bats will stay clear from everyone.” Nancy sounded determined, earning her an obedient nod from Jonathan.
“Just don’t… don’t make any loud noises, not like you did in the Upside Down. You’d want to get rid of what’s causing you pain too,” you added when they both turned to leave. They acknowledged it with a quick wave, leaving only Steve and Robin behind.
“That means Robin and I will head to the War Zone until El and Will get here. Take this.” Steve handed Eddie what looked like a portable phone. You realised quickly it must have been a walkie-talkie. And then, with a brief goodbye, they too were out of the door again.
For a few heartbeats, it remained silent. It was a comfortable and yet tense silence both at the same time. Eventually, you leaned your forehead against Eddie’s. You noticed only now that his wrist was still bleeding a little and he’d grabbed an old and probably used napkin on the table to cover it up.
“Who are they? El and Will?”
“El has superpowers, literally. Like… like Vecna.”
You gasped. “She must be the girl he’s coming after Hawkins for then.”
Eddie nodded, his hands caressing your waist. “And Will is the boy who went missing a few years back. Got possessed by the Mind Flayer and I think he can still… feel Vecna? I don’t know, it’s all so fucked up.”
“I’ve heard of him. I never saw him but there was this red-haired girl…” Guilt washed over you as you bit your lower lip. That girl had been one of those victims you had fed on—she’d been too far gone to stay alive for much longer and still…
“A… a red-haired girl? Was she… was she wearing a cheerleading uniform… by any chance?”
“I… no, she wore glasses and high-waisted trousers.”
“Who is… was the other girl?”
“Chrissy. She… uh… she died right here in our… in our living room.” Eddie’s brown eyes trailed over to where Vecna must have taken her life, creating a gate and spreading fear and horror. Your lips parted the more distant Eddie became and you quickly realised why.
“You have survivor’s guilt…”
“That girl… an innocent girl died and there was nothing you could have done to save her. Eddie, it’s not your fault. This is Vecna.”
“Yeah… yeah…” Clearing his throat, he tore his gaze away from the invisible spot in the living room. “I just wish I didn’t run away, you know.”
“Eddie… I saw you in the Upside Down. You’re brave. And… you’ve got a vampire sitting on your lap right now.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I guess… that’s true.”
“When does your uncle get home again?”
“Should be another hour or so.”
“Good. Then how about we continue where we left off?”
Eddie swallowed. As if you’d flipped a switch on him, his brown eyes glistened with unfulfilled desire yet again. “Are you sure?”
You let your eyes turn red. Eddie grinned when you bared your fangs at him and winked. “I’m sure. Are you?”
He nodded and you watched him frown when you gently pushed the wrist he offered you away to focus on his neck instead. His scent was intoxicating when your nose brushed against his sensitive skin.
Perhaps it would take a while longer for Eddie’s friends to accept you the way he had. Perhaps you too, much like Eddie, would have to live in hiding for a few months. But once Vecna was gone… once your bats were back in the Upside Down safely and all threats to his life, to all of their lives, were eliminated… then maybe you’d both get your happy end. You both deserved it.
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A/N: I am more than inclined to write more vampire!Reader x Eddie. Perhaps one where RC turns Eddie after all? Or a Part 2 to this one? Hot vampire sex? Ohhh, the possibilities are endless! 😈
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jefferson-starkid · 10 months
An incomplete list of things I loved about the RWRB movie
First and foremost he total of TWO (2) lil bicep kisses Henry gives Alex (my hearttt I will never shut up about this)
Their faces when Alex gets cake on Henry’s coat
That whole scene actually. Comedy gold
Zahra straight up attacking Alex with a pillow for being an idiot
Alex looking and acting like a 10 year old petulant child during the whole hospital closet scene lol
Heny’s little voice crack when he says “I didn’t say ‘get me out of here’ I said ‘I need to get out of here’ there is a difference” BABY
on that note you don't wanna know the amount of times I said 'oh baby' to Henry during this movie :(
The eyelashes thing making it in there even though it’s not henry who says it in the movie but idc because Taylor Zakhar Perez your eyelashes sir
Alex actually grabbing Henry’s hips at the party to show him how to dance WE LOVE A BOOK ACCURATE MOMENT
On that note GET LOW
And Henry saying ‘Did he say ‘sweat drops down my balls?’ I hollered I love that moment in the book
Henry’s lost puppy look when Alex kisses the girls
Nick Galitzine managing to perfectly portray Henry’s mannerisms in the first kiss scene ‘Henry’s whole face grimaces in frustration, his eyes casting skyward like they’re searching for help from an uncaring universe.’ Like he did that perfectly
Zahra being the iconic queen she is
“You’ve been wanting him to dick you down forever”
the Alexander Hamilton portrait good job movie
Alex being nervous and not knowing how to stand when waiting for Henry (ik in the book this detail was after the state dinner in his room, but idc I love that they at least kept it in this way)
Henry’s horrified little moment of realization when he sees Alex isn’t actually gonna yell at him for kissing him but he’s actually into this like Nick Galitzine your face sir!!! It’s so soft and sad and adorable arrgghhh
The detail of Alex hitching Henry’s tigh up around him like in the book
Amy’s ‘oh god!’ when she walks in on them
Henry immediately pretending to inspect the book case and Alex randomly playing with the flowers all ‘ACT NATURAL’ lol that made me cackle
Henry’s face as he leaves Alex’s room and lingers in the doorway a bit to just…stare at him UGH
The rich white people sex dungeon scene with the polo and alex just shamelessly thirsting after Henry lol
“Who says ‘make love’ anymore? Are we like gonna listen to Lana Del Rey while we do it?” PLEASE
That sex scene was handled with so much care. It was so soft and sensual and they worked their asses off to show their connection and it paid off lemme tell u everyone say ‘thank you intimacy coordinator’
Like I could talk for 45 minutes about that hand shot alone
How small Henry looks lying on his side next to Alex afterwards
FIRST BICEP KISS everyone say thank you whoever wrote that in the script
Henry’s disorientated ‘sgoingon?’ when Zahra wakes them up lol just like the book
EVERYTHING ZAHRA SAYS after she finds Henry in the literal closet
You could feel the ‘Zahra does not appreciate being told to chill’ radiating off of her Sarah Shahi you absolute genius
Their faces when ‘oh and I told my sister!’ :D ‘Oh I didn’t know that!’ :D ‘Yeah she was really happy for us’ ‘I can’t wait to see her again she’s real-‘ “OKAY SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU” lol Zahra is going THROUGH it
‘Would it make any difference if I told you not to see him again?’ ‘No.’ he said that so fast I’m gonna cry
Zahra calling Henry Little Lord Fuckleroy
Ellen at least mentioning the powerpoint even though they didn’t show it
Ellen giving alex the Queer Talk™
On that note ‘the B isn’t silent’ making it in there is so important to me as a bi person
Alex reading One Last Stop
I am NOT singing karao-
Cut to henry singing karaoke
HE DID IT HE SANG DON’T STOP ME NOW and he’s all smiley and real and open and Alex noticing it and falling more in love by the second
On that note Taylor Zakhar Perez your face sir
On the deck when Henry is slowly realizing what Alex is trying to say (aka ‘I love you) and nick’s face just goes so desperately soft as he starts to understand that this means he’ll have to leave Alex and then his face just slowly closes off like NICK GALITZINEs FACE ACTING don’t talk to meee
That little moment afterwards that Henry spends underwater with his hand on his heart just…ACHING. Ugh someone kill me
Henry is my absolute baby can you tell
David first appearing. A real ‘and everyone cheered’ moment even though the scene is heartbreaking
‘Do you love him?’ ‘What difference would it make if I did?’ and then that sad barely there smile *insert captain Holt ‘PAAAIIINNNNN’ gif here*
“I stormed a fucking castle to look you in the eye and tell you that I love you, knowing that you wouldn’t say it back. So no, Henry, in fact, this is costing me everything.” LORD
”I can love you and want you and still not want that life. I’m allowed, all right? And it doesn’t make me a liar. It makes me a man with some infinitesimal shred of self-preservation, and you don’t get to come here and call me a coward for it” is one of my favourite passages in the book and I am so fucking happy they kept it. Nick slayed that scene
In fact their acting in that whole sequence was amazing
“tell me to go” NOOOO I love that they kept it but it’s so sadddd
The fact that they actually filmed in the V&A
Henry mentioning dreaming of dancing there with a person he loved and Alex wasting zero time putting on a song (cry emoji)
Henry giving Alex his signet ring like in the book, but then them adding that Alex gives Henry his key in return I AM UNWELL
That little montage of cute intimate moments between A&H during Alex’ speech
YAYYYY they kept the Zahra and Shaan subplot
“Yeah I thought you might see it our way, I’ll hold” QUEEN ZAHRA
And then Henry’s little breathless ‘Alex?’ STOPPPP
I’m serious baby making it into the film had me WEAK I had to pause for a full 30 seconds to scream into my pillow
Running towards each other on the stairs :’)
“I’m white and upper class so my affection comes with strings” lol at least he's self aware
The hand holding during the meeting with he king
“I love you”  “I love you more “  “I think that’s up for debate”
Henry wearing the tie with the yellow roses of Texas :’)
In conclusion was the movie perfect? No! did I still love it? Yes!
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suseagull04 · 7 days
happy friday morgan!! 💚
a ficlet friday prompt for ya: barbecue firstprince (and if someone beat me to that one i'll take chocolate lolz)
Happy Friday Mel!
I told myself these would be 100 words... Instead, you get almost 300, because getting in Henry's head is just too easy for me 🙈 I'm only just now realizing this takes place in the movie verse- hope that's okay!
Henry has never quite gotten what the fuss is all about, if he's being perfectly honest. 
What can he say, though? When Alex begs him to try barbecue while they're at his father's lake house, he can't possibly say no- not when Alex is looking at him like that, batting those long eyelashes of his, the master of the puppy pout. (According to June, he's been skilled in that particular art form since he came out of the womb). 
So Henry loads up his plate with ribs and pulled pork, cornbread and macaroni and cheese. As he pours sweet barbeque sauce over the pork, Alex laughs at him, but Henry just shrugs. It's just Alex being a menace, after all- nothing new by any means. 
There's something about being here, the wide open spaces, eating food from Alex's home state, that makes Henry feel more free than he has since… well, since his dad passed, if he's being honest. 
It's that and a little liquid courage that have him jumping up on the stage, belting out Queen lyrics he's known by heart for years, nodding his head to the beat as he sings, the crowd going wild, likely because just enough of them have finally realized who he is. For once, the loss of his anonymity doesn't bother him in the slightest. He's not sure if it's the alcohol or Alex's gorgeous face cheering him on in the crowd, his eyes saying things Henry knows he feels too. 
They're in way over their heads, and Henry has no idea how to stop it- and, to be frank, doesn't know if he wants to. 
Only time, he supposes, will tell.
Send me a ficlet Friday prompt and I'll see what I can come up with!
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ouatsqincorrect · 8 months
Hi, I really love reading your different hcs about the charming-swan-mills-stiltskin fam! So I'm not sure if you've been asked this previously but I'm wondering what headcanons you have about Regina's childhood. I feel like Cora definitely did a number on her a kid, no doubt.
oh absolutely—whether or not it was because she didn’t have her heart or because she was just genuinely a bad person, cora hurt regina big time during those formative years
there were a few moments where regina saw bits and pieces of a cora who could have loved her, but the older she got, the more cora harped on her and the harder things became
because cora wanted her to be queen and would stop at nothing to get there (i mean, she literally forced her daughter to marry a man three times her age just so she could be higher up in the royal chain and live vicariously through regina)
regina was subjected to a lot of royal training as a kid and anything cora considered “childish” was strictly forbidden
she did attend balls sometimes—after all, her family was royalty—and cora would tell her that at these events, she was to be seen and not heard
which is why she doesn’t know how to dance until david teaches her in camelot. cora thought she looked “too ridiculous” dancing and forbade it
she'd gaslight regina quite a bit too. when regina would complain about something (whether it was "my head hurts" or "i'm cold"), cora would tell her she was just being dramatic
which is partly why it takes so long for regina to truly accept that her brain is the way it is because of everything she's been through
a lot of that self hate regina carries with her comes from cora too. many of the things she hates most about herself came from cora’s consistent belittling
also have to mention her father because even though henry sr. was a bit of coward, he was still regina's biggest supporter throughout this time in her life
although he never put a stop to cora's abuse, he would try to comfort regina when he could (he'd sing her a lullaby or sneak in sweet treats cora wouldn't let her have)
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beware-of-you-98 · 1 year
✨Criminal Minds Writing Masterlist✨
I’m not really consistent with how, what and when I post but I’m mostly writing on ao3 and for criminal minds these days. Organized my lists a bit better so people can enjoy my works (old and new)! Feel free to comment or ask questions about certain works on tumblr.
Fics with smut will be labeled with a ** and discontinued fics will be labeled as such.
Criminal Minds
Jennifer Jareau x Emily Prentiss (jemily)
one shots
i wanna get better : a power outage triggers jj's ptsd and forces emily to take a deeper look into her relationship with the other woman [rating: T]
jj’s birthday** : emily, henry and michael work together to give jj the best birthday she's ever had [rating: E]
nothing is ever guaranteed : long buried feelings finally return during the aftermath of linda barnes' impact on the bau team [rating: T]
arms : emily is very surprised by the amount of arm strength jj has [rating: T]
i should be over all the butterflies : baby jjxemily first date [rating: GA]
i get off** : She wanted to be able to desperately feel like she could manage some part of her life, any part of it without fear. [rating: E]
you and i : lazy jemily morning [rating: GA]
it was so worth it** : pure sin [rating: E]
i love you, will you marry me : "Marry me," JJ murmurs out thickly against Emily's lips, the words even surprising herself when they escape her mouth [rating: GA]
you’ve got nothing to fear, i’m here : their odd day off doesn't quite go according to plan [rating: T]
fire escape : paris based off the songs “fire escape” by love, robot and “eyelids” by pvris [rating: T]
make you mine this season : emily’s first christmas with the jareau crew [rating: GA]
everything i do is all for you : emily wants to ask jj to marry her [rating: GA]
revenge and its thrills** : what do you do when the mom from the suite life of zack and cody shows up to your fbi bureau and decides she wants to do anything and everything in her power to take you and your team down? you and your girlfriend fuck in her office, of course! (aka bathe in holy water sin) [rating: E]
i know what you are : emily has a secret and jj confronts her about it [rating: T]
i wish i was just as strong as i make myself out to be : a completely original concept in which emily "died" during ian doyle's attack and jj had no idea about emily actually being alive <3 [rating: T]
we won’t be alone we’ve got love on our side : ficlet based on 5x21 “exit wounds” [rating: GA]
henry’s dragon : henry gets a pet [rating GA]
wish i could be part of that world : emily exposes jemily by singing jj’s favorite song in the shower [rating: T]
multi chapter
what if i can’t protect him** : it's another case involving children but it hits a bit too close for jj [rating: E]
a secret unraveled : emily and jj are dating in secret featuring how each member of the team finds out/how they react to finding out [rating: GA]
blackbird** : Emily is having a difficult time dealing with the trauma resulting from Ian Doyle and the BAU team (*ahem* mostly JJ and Garcia) help her get through it [rating: E]
i’ll never apologize for loving you : the three times JJ's family ruins the holidays (because homophobia) and the three times Emily is there to fix it [rating: T]
but why would you care : Emily quits the team like in the season 3 episode "In Name and Blood" but instead of Hotch coming to get her before the case, JJ confronts her after she hasn't shown up to work [rating: GA]
a night on the queen mary : emily and jj spend a night aboard one of the world's most haunted ships: the rms queen mary [rating: T]
here come the dreams of you and me : emily outs them to the team (accidentally) [rating: GA]
the truth is hiding in your eyes and it’s hanging on your tongue** : emily is a vampire that needs blood and jj has just that [rating: E]
200 { a reworking of 14x15 “truth or dare”}
one shot
200 : Emily would do absolutely anything for JJ... [rating: M]
multi chapter
living in the mess we made : if 14x15 has to exist, then it's going to exist on my terms god dammit [rating: M]
only love {series of stories set from the time emily is rescued from ian doyle until that final night in paris [based off the song only love by Pvris]}
i’m hoping you weren’t heaven sent : a look into jj's thoughts and struggles as she waits for the outcome of emily's condition after being attacked by ian doyle [rating: T]
cause only hell knows where you’ve been : emily notices jj struggling on the jet ride home from the tobias hankel case [rating: M]
your built composure’s wearing thin : emily's "funeral" and how jj barely manages to keep up appearances [rating: T]
and all your walls are caving in : jj finally tells emily why she’s been acting so weird lately [rating: T]
i saw you, yeah you, you’re breaking down : honestly it's just the plane scene from 200 except they're both super gay and super sad [rating: T]
i hope you, yeah you, you come around : girl's night ft mutual pinning and garcia being completely over their oblivious bullshit [rating: T]
now don’t you shut this down : what the hell is she doing to emily, to herself? emily had come through for her time and time again and jj's only repaid her with cold impassiveness [rating: T]
don’t you give this up : emily has a hard time accepting jj’s state department transfer [rating: T]
i took all this love i found** : one thing that emily does do, and what comes as a huge surprise to jj, is sing [rating: E]
and i hope that it’s enough : the day that neither one of them were looking forward to finally dawns upon them [rating: T]
before you came around : JJ finally comes home to Henry [rating: T]
i was lost and out of place : blackbird84 started a new game [rating: T]
you’re the only love that i found : emily comes back and it's as if jj's world starts turning again [rating: T]
and i’m hoping that you’ll stay : jj and emily finally have a talk with morgan and reid [rating: T]
please stay : the end [rating: T]
{scrapped idea} [rating: T]
Jennifer Jareau x Elle Greenaway (jelle)
now you’re just a memory to let go of : elle leaves [rating: M]
there’s a time and a place to die and this ain’t it : fix it fic of the fisher king arc because why did anyone think it was ok to send elle home when the unsub knew about where the team lived [rating: T]
BAU as a Family
girl’s night : Girls night was a tradition that goes back to some of the very early days of the BAU team..... [rating: GA]
ice cream : BAU fam getting ice cream on a road trip [rating: GA]
bau jet shenanigans : what the core seven™️ get up to on a jet ride home [rating: T]
No Pairing
one shots
i trust you : JJ has a very important question to ask Emily after Michael is born [rating: GA]
multi chapter
cynophobia (the fear of dogs) : an analysis of jj’s fear of dogs over the years [rating: M]
what happened at the football game : reid takes jj on a “date” and it doesn’t go how either one of them expected it to [rating: GA]
Criminal Minds Evolution
Jennifer Jareau x Emily Prentiss (jemily)
one shots
true conviction but fuck it i did it myself : true conviction but better because a criminal minds fan wrote it instead [rating: T]
i couldn’t fake it even if i tried : emily feels a lot of guilt after the death of deputy director bailey [rating: T]
with all the weapons you fight with, your silence is the most violent (collab with @jemily-in-paris ) : penelope plans a girl’s night to fix the broken family dynamic [rating: T]
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aplaceinme · 10 months
My favourite scenes of the movie:
Royal Wedding and Cakegate: Alex’s behaviour and expressions are excellent! The part when he grabs Henry with the hand full of cake, and then he puts the dirty glass on Henry’s hand… hilarious, that entire sequence is just too damn funny!!!
The first meeting after the cakegate: their banter is great, and the tension already!!!! Henry’s “Sweetheart”. The interviews!!!
Supply closet scene: funny. But also, “I need to get out of here” conversation.
Alex in the strawberry costume. (Are the stuffed toys that become friends supposed to represent them?!?) Henry laughing and talking with the little girl.
Outside the hospital: the banter and the flirting! Alex’s “I need to get out of here” and Henry’s ‘he’s an idiot, but I love him’ face.
The entire montage of them texting. Alex laughing in class at the ‘but we were ever so careful, dear’. I loved how they did that sequence, with them appearing on screen. Cornbread and them lying in bed (but not really). Again… the banter/flirting. “I’m hanging up now”
New Year's Eve party: Their looks at each other, their banter (yes, again). Alex, unable to get his eyes off of Henry. Henry, unable to get his eyes off of Alex. The jealousy. The yearning. Henry’s dancing.
Their talk outside, and their first kiss!! Alex’s face after the kiss (the realization)
Alex’s talk with Nora. “He grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football” (whatever that means). The denial and Nora’s frustration (same girl!)
Gala event/dinner: Alex eagerly waiting for Henry’s arrival, the way that everything ceased to exist the moment Henry appeared, including the journalist (which, same!!!).
Red room scene: Alex being really nervous. “Shut up, stop talking.” The kiss(es). The desperation. Acting like fools when interrupted!!
Stonehenge/Big Ben… “Henry and I are much happier against walls” lmfao!! And, obviously, “the night is young, ma.” The test of that scene and Henry’s face after hearing Alex said that he was going to make bad things to him (understandable)
Alex’s bedroom scene: their chemistry. Their conversation. “Just to put it out there.” Alex already showing his need to touch Henry, and holding Henry’s hand. Henry already showing his efforts to keep things casual by letting go of Alex’s hand. Alex’s disappointment, but pretending that everything is alright. Henry inviting Alex to the polo game because he can’t help himself, and playing with his ring because he was nervous. Their smiles and looks as Henry leaves (Henry’s sigh of 'can’t believe this happened', and Alex’s chuckle of 'that actually happened').
Polo scene: Just all of it. “You hungry? Yeah, I could eat”
Their date: their looks, smiles, the tension. “He is.”
“Prince Henry belongs to Britain. Henry Fox has to belong to himself or else he will banish.” “Can he ever belong to someone else?” “Only momentarily.” Their sad looks….. Alex wanting to hold his hand, Henry wanting that but knowing that he can’t, “not here.” (Alex’s love language is definitely physical touch)
Their first time: Alex’s nervousness, Henry’s reassurance. The intimacy, the slight awkwardness, the yearning, their hands… “I can’t believe how wrong I was about you” “Most people are.”
Their conversation in bed. Henry’s “I’m learning” and the kiss on Alex’s shoulder and Alex’s answering smile.
Alex smiling in the plane (he’s in love)
The montage with their emails…
New York hotel room scene: the eagerness and desperation, their laughs and happiness at being together.
Their entire conversation while on the bathrobes.
Zahra in the room scene: hilarious!!! “Technically, I’m the spare” and “would it make any difference if I told you to never see him again?” Alex's answering “No” straight away, without thinking.
Alex tells his mom scene. Love that mother and son duo.
Montage during the lake house.
Henry singing Queen… Alex completely in love (which, understandable)
Alex’s talk with his dad. Alex deciding to jump.
Scene in the platform on the lake. I love love that scene!! Alex not being able to not touch Henry tenderly. Declaring his love for Henry. Henry panicking, knowing that he wants all that but can’t have it. His expression of sadness and horror. Henry underwater. Henry sad because he knows he will break Alex’s heart, and his own.
Henry’s and Bea’s talk. “I wonder if what we do has any meaningful impact on people’s lives” callback to the conversation with Alex after their first time. Montage of sad Henry😢😢… Bea wanting to comfort Henry during the reunion.
Alex’s talk with Nora. “Get your man.”
Confrontation in Kensington Palace. “The man I love” Honestly, just the entire dialogue…. But also, “Henry, nothing will ever happen to you.”
Museum scene. Just the entire scene. Perfection! Sweet, lovely, tender, them!! History, uh? (Sobs!!!)
Henry waking up and smiling because he is with Alex, in bed, cuddling
The exchange of ring and key… my heart!!!! That hug, though…was everything!
Henry freaking out because he can’t talk with Alex.
Alex’s speech, and the montage of Henry struggling with everything. “I fell in love with a person, who happens to be a man, and that man happens to be a prince. He has captures my heart and makes my life immeasurably better. I love his Royal Highness Prince Henry George Edward James Hanover-Stewart Fox.” And the montage of their time together being happy!!! (sobs again!!)
Zahra and Alex’s scene while he talks about missing Henry… she’s just too hilarious!
“Baby” 😭😭😭
Hugging on the stairs, “I will break the sound barrier for you.” Henry playing the piano to Alex and then them playing together. “Proud to be your boyfriend.”
While waiting for the king, Henry wanting to play with his ring, but Alex is wearing it… The look they share.
Stephen Fry as the King
Alex and Henry holding hands, declaring and defending their love, sharing little smiles and small touches.
Henry noticing the people outside. “The world will know me for who I am.” “I love you” “I love you more.”
Holding hands during the Madam president speech
“We won.” “We won.” (you sure did!!) ❤️🤍💙
End credit scene…hilarious
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Science Fiction & Fantasy: Sapphic Picks
Our Hideous Progeny by C.E. McGill
It's 1853 London. Ex-medical student Victor Frankenstein has been missing for years now. Frankenstein's great niece Mary Saville and her husband, Henry, are trying to follow in his scientific footsteps and become renowned paleontologists. They have the brains and the ambition; the only thing they lack is the reputation. Mary is a woman with a sharp mind but a fierce tongue and Henry is an unemployed gambling addict: none of this earning appeal with their peers. But after finding clues to her great uncle's disappearance, Mary's luck may just change. She constructs a plan that will force the scientific community to take her and her husband seriously; no one will be able to ignore them after they learn to create life. Once they have successfully constructed their Creature, Henry's ambition soars, but Mary finds herself asking deeper, more important questions than she's ever confronted before. As Henry's desire for fame grows, Mary must decide how far she is willing to go to protect the Creature she has grown to love.
Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson
If you look hard enough at old photographs, we're there in the background: healers in the trenches; Suffragettes; Bletchley Park oracles; land girls and resistance fighters. Why is it we help in times of crisis? We have a gift. We are stronger than Mundanes, plain and simple. At the dawn of their adolescence, on the eve of the summer solstice, four young girls--Helena, Leonie, Niamh and Elle--took the oath to join Her Majesty's Royal Coven, established by Queen Elizabeth I as a covert government department. Now, decades later, the witch community is still reeling from a civil war and Helena is now the reigning High Priestess of the organization. Yet Helena is the only one of her friend group still enmeshed in the stale bureaucracy of HMRC. Elle is trying to pretend she's a normal housewife, and Niamh has become a country vet, using her powers to heal sick animals. In what Helena perceives as the deepest betrayal, Leonie has defected to start her own more inclusive and intersectional coven, Diaspora. And now Helena has a bigger problem. A young warlock of extraordinary capabilities has been captured by authorities and seems to threaten the very existence of HMRC. With conflicting beliefs over the best course of action, the four friends must decide where their loyalties lie: with preserving tradition, or doing what is right. Juno Dawson explores gender and the corrupting nature of power in a delightful and provocative story of magic and matriarchy, friendship and feminism. Dealing with all the aspects of contemporary womanhood, as well as being phenomenally powerful witches, Niamh, Helena, Leonie and Elle may have grown apart but they will always be bound by the sisterhood of the coven.
When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill
Alex Green is a young girl in a world much like ours, except for its most seminal event: the Mass Dragoning of 1955, when hundreds of thousands of ordinary wives and mothers sprouted wings, scales, and talons; left a trail of fiery destruction in their path; and took to the skies. Was it their choice? What will become of those left behind? Why did Alex’s beloved aunt Marla transform but her mother did not? Alex doesn’t know. It’s taboo to speak of. Forced into silence, Alex nevertheless must face the consequences of this astonishing event: a mother more protective than ever; an absentee father; the upsetting insistence that her aunt never even existed; and watching her beloved cousin Bea become dangerously obsessed with the forbidden. In this timely and timeless speculative novel, award-winning author Kelly Barnhill boldly explores rage, memory, and the tyranny of forced limitations.
Lies We Sing to the Sea by Sarah Underwood
Each spring, Ithaca condemns twelve maidens to the noose. This is the price vengeful Poseidon demands for the lives of Queen Penelope’s twelve maids, hanged and cast into the depths centuries ago. But when that fate comes for Leto, death is not what she thought it would be. Instead, she wakes on a mysterious island and meets a girl with green eyes and the power to command the sea. A girl named Melantho, who says one more death can stop a thousand. The prince of Ithaca must die—or the tides of fate will drown them all. Sarah Underwood weaves an epic tapestry of lies, love, and tragedy, perfect for fans of Madeline Miller, Alexandra Bracken, and Renée Ahdieh.
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“Hammer to fall” theory
“Hammer to fall” is a song by Queen which is about accepting that death is something you can’t fight or escape. “Waiting for the hammer to fall” basically translates to “Waiting for death to get us” because it will. And that’s not a bad thing but it’s simply a part of life.
This song is actually used in a scene in Stranger Things. In Season 2 episode 6 “The spy” Dustin needs help from Steve because of d’art and on the drive to Dustin’s house “Hammer to fall” plays on the car’s stereo:
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[i can only screenshot the subtitles so I had to edit the picture in]
It seems very insignificant. We only hear a couple of words and then the music descends pretty quickly as Steve asks Dustin if he’s sure that d’art isn’t just a lizard.
But there’s one line that kinda threw me off and so I’ve been lookin into the lyrics a little more and I feel like “hammer to fall” might’ve actually been supposed to be foreshadowing for specifically the last scene in s4 and possibly for things that will happen in s5
[although we don’t know that ofc but I’m just theorizing]
Let me elaborate
First off: the fact that the song revolves around waiting for death to get us kinda correlates with Henry’s speech about how people live their lives with no purpose other than to die in the end.
And now let’s look at some of the lyrics:
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“Here we stand or here we fall / history don’t care at all”
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->Hawkins is where it all started and Hawkins will be where it all ends. Some will survive and some will die there. And when the final battle will ensue their history of fighting the Upside Down won’t really matter. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve fought it before because the final battle will be ten times worse.
“Lady Mercy won’t be home tonight”
-> the battle is going to be merciless! They won’t get an easy way out! They probably won’t all survive! Vecna is going to be cruel to them like he’s not been before!
“We’re just waiting for the hammer to fall”
-> the end of season 4 marks the moment the characters know that it’s time to await death again!
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“In the shadow of a mushroom cloud”
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-> According to the official script of s4’s final scene, they’re awaiting death in the shadow of a mushroom cloud.
“What the hell are we fighting for? / just surrender and it won’t hurt at all”
-> This is a nod to how Vecna is mercy killing his victims. They shouldn’t fight it because Vecna is putting an end to their suffering. It won’t hurt if they just surrender! And I feel like this could also be foreshadowing to how Vecna might try to get specifically Will to surrender to him next season.
-> We also have this:
the song “Never surrender” is actually a song about never giving up but the specific lyrics they chose for this scene are kinda depressing. Mike is also singing along so the meaning applies to him. We also get another making out scene later in the same episode with the song “Can’t fight this feeling” and since both songs are used in the same context it’s safe to say that there’s a connection. Mike has a hard time fighting his feelings for Will / fighting the fact that he’s gay but he can never surrender to his feelings because he’ll get abandoned by everyone if he does. He will get hurt if he does. Therefore “Just surrender and it won’t hurt at all” might be foreshadowing the fact that when Mike stops fighting his feelings and just surrenders to them instead in s5, things will actually change for the better. It won’t hurt at all because he’ll realize that he’s so loved, that there’s so much love in his life!
-> The connection to Mike could also foreshadow that Mike will be targeted by Vecna because of the fact that he can never surrender to his feelings. He’s lost and on his own with his problems which makes him an easy target. Now the question is if it’s also foreshadowing the fact that Mike will surrender to Vecna cause it won’t hurt at all.
“Lock the door […] / baby now your struggle’s all in vain”
-> this line also reminded me of Mike. It reminded me specifically of how Mike locked the closet door by giving his monologue to El which therefore made his struggling throughout the season end in vain!
-> and for s5 Mike’s struggle with his sexuality and also his struggle with his mental health are all in vain, his arc doesn’t lead anywhere, there’s no payoff IF he does surrender to Vecna. And I feel like this might be foreshadowing that we get a fake death for Mike next season. We’ll think his arc is all in vain but we’ll actually get the payoff in the end because Mike didn’t actually die.
“It’s gonna fall”
-> people are going to die and Hawkins is going to fall!
-> Mike is going to have a fake death
-> we also have this:
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Argyle is talking about how Surfer boy pizza will overthrow Domino’s but Mike is also in the shot so a lot of people have already created the theory that it’s connected to Mike and probably means that Mike and El’s relationship will break apart. That’s it. The dominoes are not gonna fall like in a chain reaction, the domino on the Domino’s logo is gonna fall apart!
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The Domino’s logo used to look like the one on the left when stranger things takes place but all throughout the writing of stranger things [so obviously also during the writing of s4] the Domino’s logo looks like the one on the right. See how there’s one blue and one red domino now? And the blue [Mike’s color] has two dots in it while the red one [El’s color] has only one dot. The domino resembles the love triangle! The two in the blue one are Mike and Will and the one in the red is El! It shows that Mike and Will have already emotionally chosen each other but when the domino is finally gonna fall apart, meaning Mike and El will break up and the red part of the domino will separate from the blue part, Mike and Will will have officially and openly chosen each other while El has chosen independence!
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And it’s gonna happen! [“it’s gonna fall”]
“[…] waiting for the hammer to fall / […] one more time ”
-> one last season, one last battle, one more time waiting for death to get them!
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warrior-cats-rewritten · 11 months
Multi Animatior Projects (because I'm not typing that acronym on this website) in associate with WCR if it was The Real Canon (which it should be) (I will add to this)
Jesus He Knows Me (Ghost) - Ashfur possessed Bramblestar reveling in his new power, promising to Thunderclan that everything will be fine, they'll all go to Starclan if they just believe in him hard enough :) also showing him getting more dangerous, like throwing around Squirrelflight, snapping at Hollyleaf, and murdering Ferncloud.
Labour (Paris Paloma) - Sky Petal looking back on how much Clear Sky has saddled her with as he loses his mind, the work she has had to do for him, the abuse she has had to deal with and how much she genuinely fears the cat she once loved so much, culminating in her throwing him out of his own camp.
Introduction to the Snow (Miracle Musical) - Mapleshade, as she dies, seeing an image of her children in Starclan, grown into the cats they would have become, practically crying with pride over who they could have been. When the music changes (after "You'll live forever tonight.") The scene very suddenly changes to the Dark Forest, Mapleshade panicking and realizing she has well and truly Fucked It.
The Nowhere King (Centaurworld) - The trapped and brainwashed spirits singing to Shadowsight, Rootspring, and Bristlefrost, both a boast, and a desperate warning.
I Love You So (The Walters) - Yes Sky Petal again. Her relationship with Clear Sky is not the happiest, but he always promises to be better and tells her "I love you so". It cuts to Sky Petal realizing that he will never change, and putting her foot down. She remembers his promises and internally begs for him to let her go and leave. His "I love you" is met with an angry "so?" Before he finally leaves the camp to the new Skystar.
Little Girls (Cameron Diaz) - Mapleshade in the Dark Forest VERY unhappy with the many young apprentices running around that she is forced to deal with as part of their "Don't break their Innocence yet" phase (like Hawkfrost meeting Ivypaw in the field in canon) and wanting to be more than "the Dark Forest Queen".
What If I Forget Your Face (Cover by Jacob Sutherland) - Waspwhisker terrified that he is going to forget the little details of his beloved Fallowfern (and children but she is the focus) as he makes his very long journey back home to her with the other captured Skyclan cats and a few kittypets, not knowing what is happening to his beloved clan.
LosT (Bring Me The Horizon) - Hollypaw and Maple Cloud navigating the Dark Forest trying to get home after her soul is wrongfully imprisoned, accidentally causing an uproar in the DF as she accidentally helps some of its inhabitants find each other. Ends with her waking up back in the Tunnels, having made it back to her body, relieved.
weapon (Against The Current) - Cloudsnap wrestling with her dark thoughts as she trains in the Dark Forest, not wanting to be a bad cat but it's the only way to get out her frustration and anger towards others. She gets stronger and more powerful, but Darkwater (daughter of Tangleburr and Waterfern (Leopardstar's sister) helps soothe her rages, and she turns on the Dark Forest, who only saw her as a weapon.
The Wanderer (Dion) - Jake being a wandering slut, featuring Nutmeg, Tallstar, Henry, Quince, Pixie, Bess, Pinestar, and MANY other toms and mollies. Ending would hilariously feature his many... many offspring. But Tallstar by his side, his truest love.
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b1ueoff1ine · 1 year
Pomegranate Lips
more otto content from me yay
Otto Octavius FanFiction
Otto x Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend ditches you, so you go to the club to get away from him. But you dont know that the song you sing happens to be sung in the presence of his adoptive father.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Age Gap.
A/N: I love this song so much XD and decided to make it into a revenge fanfic. and yes, im bringing henry back for another otto fic.
Your heels clacked furiously along the sidewalk, rain dripping off your hair and down your dress.
Fucking asshole. You thought, heading to your nearest club.
Your boyfriend, Henry, had just ditched you to run to the aid of another woman. So you decided to go to the club to sing your heart out; to show your feelings to the world.
You banged the door open and advanced towards the stage.
You stopped to ask if you could perform, and the man you asked said you would have to sign up for it. So you did. You sat on one of the bar stools, watching the band play until it was your turn.
Once it was over, your name was called over the microphone.
"Next up we have Y/N L/N singing Pomegranate Lips by Derivakat."
The room was silent as you stepped on stage.
Multiple gasps were heard as people saw the condition you were in. Other than that, all that filled the air was the clacking of your heels.
You could tell the band knew the song, for they nodded and prepared to play the music.
You gave them a count down, and when you reached zero, the music started and you began to sing.
"You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns. You say that I'm too frigid, didnt know what you were in for. The second that you leave, I'm tearing down your tapestries.
"Its funny that you think your still the king." Then the bass dropped and the whole club was cheering.
"Damn, I look good in these pomegranate lips, baby I don't owe you shit. Karma is a bitch. Bite the seed, lean in for a kiss of death from these pomegranate lips. Pomegranate lips." You were just vibing to the music now, dancing like no one could see.
"Pomegranate- Pome- Pomegranate lips. Karma is a- Karma- Karma- Its Persephone. Pomegranate- Pome- Pomegranate lips. Karma is a- Karma- Karma is a bitch.
"Been through nine circles of hell, even dragged some people down. I can cut right through a soul with a snap, don't need a spell. So what gave you the right? I'm the queen of death and life.
"Whether you like it or not." The bass dropped again and the club went wild.
"Damn, I look good in these pomegranate lips, baby I don't owe you shit. Karma is a bitch. Bite the seed, lean in for a kiss of death from these pomegranate lips. Pomegranate lips.
"Pomegranate- Pome- pomegranate lips. Karma is a- Karma- Karma- its Persephone. Pomegranate- Pome- Pome- Pomegranate lips. Karma is a- Karma- Karma- Karma is a bitch.
"You really dont know what you're doing with a god, a queen, divine, no myths. So bite your toungue and watch your back. Show some respect or you'll get a taste of these pomegranate lips- a taste of these pomegranate lips- just a taste of these- Damn, I look good with these pomegranate lips." The bass dropped once more.
"Damn, I look good with these pomegranate lips, baby I dont owe you shit. Karma is a bitch. Bite the seed, lean in for a kiss of death from these pomegranate lips. Pomegranate lips.
"Damn, I look good with these pomegranate lips, baby I dont owe you shit. Karma is a bitch. Bite the seed, lean in for a kiss of death from these pomegranate lips. Pomegranate lips."
Then the song was over, the stage going dark and you walking off to a booth.
You sunk into one of the booths, relieved to have gotten that anger off your chest but still dripping wet. Your thigh was showing, and your lipstick was smeared on your face.
Out of nowhere, your boyfriend's adoptive father appeared next to you.
"You have a beautiful voice." He complimented you. "No wonder Henry likes you so much."
"Well, I wouldn't say that. He decided to ditch me to run to the aid of Little Miss Popular." You rolled your eyes.
"That doesn't sound like Henry... Are you sure that's what happened?" He leaned over to clean the smeared lipstick from your face.
"Yup. Fairly certain the two of us are over now." You smiled darkly. "If not, the next time I see that loser I'm breaking his pathetic heart."
"Sounds fair." Otto commented.
"So your not going to object to me breaking his fucking weak pathetic-ass heart?"
You made a face of realization. "Would this perchance happen to do with that phone call I over heard you on? The one about liking someone way younger than you?"
Otto smiled. "Maybe."
You appeared to be giving it some thought, nodding. "Care to show me who you like then, if it's not me?"
Otto stood and beckoned you to follow him. You exited the building only to find Otto had turned to you. His eyes held a longing, a longing you had felt before you started dating Henry.
A longing for who you yearned for to yearn for you back.
You blinked your response to the longing in his eyes, and his lips crashed against yours.
You had to break the kiss to move somewhere more... private. Like his car, or his house.
More specifically, his bed.
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ha1taniwh0re · 1 year
The 8th Princess of Sea
Information about story here
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I thought that being a princess is hard, well it is but not for me. Everyone knew that King Triton had 7 daughters and he loved them truly. The thing people didn't remember was that there was 8 of us. Of course they knew about me but because of my shy personality they forgot about me really quick when I left the town. I decided to live with our aunt Ursula who wasn't like our father. Ursula was a sea witch, evil but she has her soft side too.
I always loved to hear about people who lives on land. My aunt knew more about evil people than good, well I can understand that. She would tell me about The Evil Queen, Cinderella's stepmother and stepsister, Maleficent and other evil people but one villain caught my attention. Rumpelstiltskin.
I just got to a new town where I will have concert. We will stay here for 4 days. It wasn't big but had people who will see my performance.
"Hey Lisa you have time for yourself you can go eat or something and come to Granny's inn at 6 to start preparing for concert alright?" My manager said.
I just nodded and went to look around. I didn't knew where is a restaurant or something so I went to a Mr. Gold's pawnbroker to ask if he can show me where I can eat. When I went inside of the shop I saw that this shop had everything. I was looking around and saw a necklace, purple necklace that had a shell with purple pearl inside. It looked beautiful.
"You have a good eye" a Voice said.
I looked to the direction where the voice came from and saw a older man with brown-gray hair and brown eyes. Surly opposite of me. I smiled at the man.
"What can you say about that necklace?" I asked
"Well I know nothing about it as if you meant if it has a story. People would say that it belonged to mermaid, a really powerful mermaid that had pink pearl but darkness in her heart made it purple" a man said.
"A mermaid? What an interesting story" I said and chuckled.
"How much do you want for it?" I asked
"Really?? But why?"
"You look like a mermaid who would sing to sailors and than eat them after dragging them in deep ocean" a man said.
I smiled at him again.
"Than I will wear it tonight, be careful maybe I will drag you somewhere tonight Mr. Gold" I said and left a man in his shop.
When I left I released I didn't ask where is a restaurant but it doesn't matter because after just 10 minutes I found dinner. Granny's dinner. I went inside and ordered a salad.
"A salad?? And I have to believe you will drag me somewhere tonight my mermaid??" A familiar voice said.
I looked up from my phone and saw Mr Gold laying on his cane and watching me with his brown eyes.
"Im not allowed to eat anything else before concert, but don't worry I will have a strength to do whatever I want" I smirked.
Mr Gold smirked at me too and just sat opposite of me.
"You know it's surly not well mannered to left someone without giving them your name"
"Lisa, Lisa Yamanaka"
"Not very mermaid name" a man said and we both laughed.
He was quite handsome man but also much older than me. Also Im here only for 4 days but also who said I can't have some fun before I leave. I looked at the man with a passion in my eyes, I got my salad ready to go but I didn't want to. I paid a salad. I saw that Mr Gold's tie wasn't good so I came closer to him our lips were only a few centimeters away. He looked at my lips and I looked at his. I fixed his tie and just went out of dinner leaving him alone. I came back to Granny's inn and started preparing for my concert. When concert started I saw a special part in crowd for mayor, her son and Mr Gold??? Why is he next to her? Are they married?? My concert went well and my manager called me to meet someone. Mayor, her child and Mr Gold were standing there waiting for me.
"Ah Lisa pleasure to meet you, Im Regina the mayor, this is my son Henry and this is Mr Gold he owns half of the town so he is big part of our town as we can say. I smiled at them and we were talking a little amd than they left when I dressed myself into something more comfy I put my headphones and went out of concert building. I took a cigarette and when I tried to light my lighter it didn't work but when someone gave me his lighter. I looked and saw Mr Gold.
"It's not very healthy to smoke, mermaid" he said
I chuckled and looked at him
"You don't like woman who smokes?" I asked and came closer to him.
"I have never said that", he pulled me closer by my waist so our lips are only a few centimeters away again. I took a cigarette and blow a smoke into his face. He only smirked and I started walking my way.
"What happened to dragging me somewhere, dear?"
"Let's save it for another day grandpaaa" I chuckled and so did he leaving that spot.
A/N:New story, comments appreciate
Tag: @bellarkeselection <3
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