#literally this has been sitting in my inbox since late may of last year
calenhads · 1 year
collpase + catalina!!
21. collapse + catalina hawke
words: 1,251 warnings: canon-typical blood, violence, and presence of corpses
Though the dust was settling thickly over the ever-damp streets of Darktown, Catalina found that her heart could not — would not — do the same. It rattled like a wild thing inside her chest, desperately tearing at the bars of her ribs as if it might break free. Around the edges of her vision, the walls blurred with a thick fog. Likely the chokedamp that writhed and gathered in the darkest corners of this fucking maze. She scoffed, and tasted blood with it. Faintly, she remembered how it had sprayed from a fatal wound, her sword cleaved several inches deep into the meat of that Carta dwarf’s shoulder. Her mouth must have been hanging open, gasping for a breath or crying out in fury. Nose wrinkling, she spat copper-tinged and thick into the dirt at her feet. It wasn’t as if it wouldn’t blend right into the already-bloodied earth. "Oh, Bethy,” she began under her breath, kicking at a corpse petulantly, “this was easier when you could just burn them for me. Now I have to own a flint.” Catalina drew the aforementioned flint and steel from the pouch at her hip, ignoring how her whole body twinged at the motion. A hot bath later would sort that right out, if she could convince Bodahn to help her dredge up the water for it. It was easy enough to light up the pile, crouching low to the ground until the spark grew into a polite blaze, held at bay by the damp walls and the chokedamp that clung to them. Better to burn the bodies than to let them fester in this place.
She might have done so, once upon a time, before Anders and his steady insistence. Rot wrought disease in all places, even more so among the lowest of the low, trapped here away from the sun. It was assuredly selfish, but if Catalina could limit the visitors to Anders’ clinic, she would. Maybe then he would come home more nights than not.  A few long moments later, when she planted her hands steadily on her knees and pushed herself upright, a groan gusted past her lips. It slipped through her gritted teeth, unexpected and bright in the recesses of the Undercity. Her body ached. Dulled edges of pain grew sharp, whetted by the drain of adrenaline from her bones. Distantly, Catalina realized her side was too warm under her armor, that the fog clinging to the edge of her vision was not only gathered in the dark corners of the street. When she pressed a tentative hand to her ribs, it came back wet and warm — fresh then. “That’s not good,” she breathed through a weak chuckle, a sardonic curl to her lips. Anders would have her head this time, for sure.  Anders. Andersandersandersandersandersanders.  He would be able to help. He would give her an earful first for being so damn reckless, for going out alone, for being a fool with a god-complex. But he would help even as he grumbled, and he would press his lips to her forehead as his hand rested gentle and warm and glowing with magic across the span of her wound.  Catalina pressed her own hand to the steadily-bleeding wound at her side, and imagined it was his. Thinner, but with longer fingers, and steadier than her own. And she walked onward, disguising the pained limp of her gait, the easy target she would make so far away from home. It helped, too, that her hair remained matted with blood not her own, smeared where she had tried and failed to wipe her face clean. That her armor clanked forebodingly with every labored step.  As she walked, her mind wandered. Easier to think of bowls of milk left out for the strays and a lantern set out in the creeping darkness than to let her mind get caught on the jagged edges of torn skin. She was almost like a stray herself, she thought. Always showing up on his doorstep with a sad look about her. A dry laugh rumbled in her chest like a prayer, turning into a wet cough and a wince as she gripped more tightly at her side.  Blood bubbled up between her fingers, welling up and over and dripping into the dirt. It was stupid of her to leave such an obvious trail, but her mind was full of golden hair and golden eyes. Long, thin fingers with bony knuckles that poked and prodded and fit between her own. And it was growing darker around the edges, until all she had was a slipping hold on her side and the faint awareness of heavy steps plodding on. A lantern glowed faintly above, wavering like a mirage. Real? Catalina couldn’t tell, not with how her ears were ringing and her eyes refused to focus. They slid from brown-tinged wall to brown-tinged wall until she was dizzy with it, feet shuffling through the dust and dirt and waste without lifting up. She feared she might lose it entirely.
There was a door in front of her.  That hadn’t been there before, had it? Catalina didn’t remember seeing it. She would have remembered seeing it. She liked this door.  It was easy enough to sag against the doorframe, her pauldron connecting heavily with the wood. Later, there would be a dent left behind, a reminder that they had lived and loved and survived in this place. But now there was only the dull metallic edge digging into an old, dry plank.  After a pause — only a moment, but feeling so much longer for the way her vision blurred and her head swam — the door creaked open. A beam of golden light from the lantern above her head slipped through the crack, illuminating a man peering out. For a brief, kismet moment her vision focused and all that mattered was him. Anders.  “Hawke?” he asked, brows pinched in worry and eyes narrowed in strain against the blue lines that threatened to overtake them.  Unable to help herself, Catalina grinned at him, baring bloodied teeth as she leaned more heavily against the doorway. “Miss me?” she teased, voice slurring, before she collapsed forward and into him.  Anders grunted under the sudden weight, the breath knocked from his lungs even as his arms reflexively wrapped around her middle to support her.  “I missed you,” she admitted quietly, morose now as she tucked her nose into the space between his feathered cape and his neck, sighing heavily. He was so warm like this, comfortable even through the clinical scent of antiseptic and the heavier shroud of putrefaction that lay over him. She knew she smelled the same. Life and Death always had a funny way of taking after one another. “I know, dear. I missed you too.” The blue light had faded now into nothingness. Catalina sighed into the crook of his neck in answer, some of the lingering tension draining out her body. His hand, slender and clever, swept soothingly over her side and in its wake was the warm tingle of magic knitting her skin back together.  “Come, let’s get you to bed,” he murmured, walking her towards one of the empty cots with all the professionalism any man could muster with a grown woman clinging to him like a burr. Catalina only nodded, stepping weakly in time with him as if they were dancing a waltz. They were certainly close enough to have been. “We’ll talk in the morning. Now sleep, Lina.”
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A Discovery of Ghosts // Luke Patterson
Summary: Avoiding the house, the eldest Molina sibling has been unaware of the new chapter in Julie’s life until one fateful night.
Warning: Swearing, angst, fluff and overprotective!reader
Words: 2.1k
Oh look! Another JATP fic. Weird how it appeared? Enjoy! I may have a part two for Lost Time. If you want it, let me know!
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The dirty bag dropped on the ground as you cracked your neck heading straight for the kitchen, for the last year you would find Julie in there. Before the loss of your mother Julie spent all her time in the studio whether it be doing homework or playing the piano. Now, with the grief still striking hot within the Molina family even a year later.
“Jules?” You called out pouring a large glass of water. Dropping the empty water bottle in the sink.
In all honesty you hadn’t been home longer than to grab a bite and sleep before heading straight back to the field. It was a way of keeping away from the sadness permeating the house and the absence of your mom. Along with avoiding the awkward conversations of selling the house when it was really only Julie that okay with it.
“Dad?” You called next grabbing the sticky note off the fridge
Carlos had a last-minute practice. Money left in the jar for supper.
- Dad
You hummed heading for the stairs to take a shower taking a guess that Julie was either in her room or at Flynn’s place. Bag in hand along with the softball bat you started up the stairs leading to your room. The faint conversation from her room was odd to say the least, the door was closed, and it sounded like more than one person.
The door opened easily under your hand scaring Julie who was sitting on her bed with a disgruntled expression. Her look of terror and nerves was the most concerning. Dropping the bag, you gripped the softball bat tight as you pushed the door open the rest of the way.
“Jules?” You spoke scanning the room, “Why do you have three boys in your room?”
The room went stock still, each boy scanning your form and the bat in hand. Standing in uniform coated in red soil from the infield you were on the more intimidating side.
“You can see them?”
“Jules, are you okay?” You questioned ignoring her odd question with a look of concern, the bat dropped low.
The last year had been extremely more difficult on Julie than Carlos and you given that Julie was closer with Mom with music. Carlos and you hadn’t inherited the gift that Julie had been born with; yet she hadn’t found interest in sports.
“She looks like she could break us?”
You sent a confused look at the trio giving your attention back to your little sister, “I’m sorry I haven’t been around lately, but you shouldn’t be acting out like this.” Julie’s jaw dropped at your words, “I’m not acting out! Dad can’t see-“
“He can’t see this because it shouldn’t be happening Julie.” You sternly told the younger Molina, “Just let me shower and we’ll hang out. You can pick the movie and the snacks, but they have to go. If you want, we can even dig out the projector.”
You pointedly looked at the three boys before turning your heel to head out of her room to yours down the hall. The door was closed tight as it always was, it was your space so when the door was shut no one went in. Trust was important in your family and with Julie uncharacteristically sneaking boys in that could mean all trust on closed doors would break.
“They’re ghosts.” Julie called out from her open door. The concern for the girl growing at her words, “I know that sounds bad and makes it seem like I need to see Dr. Turner but I’m not lying.”
You sighed at the girl completely in disbelief at the length she would go to lie, “Maybe you should see Dr. Turner Jules. Seeing the doctor doesn’t make you weak.”
Julie was silent as you began to open your door before the blonde boy literally appeared out of thin air in front of you.
“Oh my god!” You screamed stumbling back from the tall male, “Oh God. Scratch that! WE both need Dr. Turner.”
Two more bursts of light happened as the other two boys appeared in front of you with sheepish expressions. You took in a deep breath finally taking into consideration of Julie’s admittance.
“I-“ You choked out, “Does this mean Benny was a ghost?”
Julie blushed at the mention of her childhood imaginary friend that she had had for a number of years. It was also a time that Tía Victoria was not welcome in your home when she went behind your parents to schedule an appointment with Dr. Turner.
“Benny? No, I’m Reggie.” The boy with slicked back black hair spoke shaking his head, “This is Alex and Luke.”
You mutely nodded clenching your fists together, “Good thing you’re a ghost or I would have punched you.”
Luke’s eyes widened at the threat, “Whoa.”
“Now move. I just got home from practice, I’m sweaty and dirty.” You announced side stepping the ghostly trio. You grimaced at the blush appearing on Reggie and Luke, “Dead but still think inappropriately.”
“We’re teenage ghosts.” Alex announced glancing at his best friends. His hands shoved deep in his pockets as you took in his words.
You glanced over your shoulder at your little sister, “Just stay out of Julie’s room. And don’t look under Carlos’ bed.”
With that you opened the bedroom door and slammed in in their dead faces. The room had drastically changed from the previous year mainly the pale pink was painted over by a new colour. It was no longer the little girl’s room your mother had decorated while preparing for your birth. It was a young woman’s room decorated to fit your personality.
Located on a wall was the rack of softball bats with a number of softballs settled in divots on the connected shelf. Your room also had the only other connected bathroom, being the oldest sibling had benefits.
“Ghosts.” You muttered jumping when a thud happened. Turning your heel, you saw that Alex had opened the door and tossed your ball bag in.
“You left this. Sorry for interrupting.” Alex apologized as he left the room again.
“Boundaries!” You called out heading into your bathroom. Alex smiled at how similar he thought you and Julie were to each other.
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Half of you had anticipated Julie getting the living room ready instead of using the projector in the garage; it was a part of growing up. The first time you can remember seeing the projector was when you first got your period and it became a thing with your mom. For the length of time for you period you had movie nights in the garage and when Julie got her first period it came a ritual. It helped that as sisters your periods synched together.
“Julie.” You breathed finding that she had surprised you. She had waited in the living room for you, “You didn’t.”
Shyly the younger Molina girl nodded her head and led you to the studio outside where it decorated as if the past year hadn’t happened. The projected was brought out along with countless snacks, fuzzy blankets and soda. It was also barren of anyone else.
“I’m guessing from the amount of time you’re in here that the ghosts live here?” You deduced at the musical instruments placed in an area they wouldn’t get in the way.
“Yeah.” Julie nodded, “I’m not sure where they are.”
“Reggie!” Alex hissed from the loft with an apologetic expression, “We’re finding something to do while you use the studio. We’re be gone in a moment.”
Reggie and Luke nodded in response while digging through the things that had collected up there since 1995. Your smile turned into a frown at the discontentment they each displayed.
“Jules. Do they have anywhere else to go?” You whispered feeling sad when Julie indicated that this was their only place, “Why don’t we change this?”
“Change what?”
“I know that this feels odd without Mom but maybe we can make this better. Alex, would you guys like to stay?”
The question was barely spoke before the three ghosts flashed down to the ground floor with beaming grins. Each boy nodded happily eyeing up places to sit, Luke having fallen on the couch beside you. Julie shuffled making more room on the couch draping a blanket over her lap.
“So, Julie…comedy, horror, or romance?” You questioned raising one eyebrow up waiting for the reply, “Or we can subject the boys to Twilight. Then again Alex might enjoy Mean Girls.”
After reading the short description of the film Mean Girls was vetoed out along with Horror but the issue came with the move genre. Luke wanted a film with music while Reggie was asking for romance and Alex was just wanting to watch something.
“Pitch Perfect.” Julie and you spoke together nodding frantically, it had a moderately nice balance between music and romance.
“Pitch Perfect.” Alex stated unamused at the title, “How is that romance?”
“You’ll find out.” You smirked at the male dead teenager who would more than likely adore watching films to catch up on everything he missed during his twenty-five years in a dark room.
Every once in a while, Luke would gaze longingly at the food gathered around the only two living people. It was sad given the love he had had with food when he was still alive, he would anything in sight to be honest.
“Oh my god! The Breakfast Club! That came out ten years ago! It’s popular now?” Reggie exclaimed twisting to look to Julie.
“Gentle reminder. It came out thirty-five years ago. It’s a classic John Hughes! Of course, it’s popular.” You chuckled shaking your head by leaning back. You felt the caress of Luke’s gaze on your cheek but when you glanced over, he was staring hard at the screen.
“You good?”
“Yeah.” Luke nodded with a smile painted on his lips getting further into the comedy he found somewhat interesting. It was the song choices that got to him.
The music from your Spotify playlist muted the outside world as you focused on the computer screen open to a document. Eyes shifting between the paper of notes on your desk to the half-written History essay due in a few days. The last week had been mostly adapting to being one of two people able to see the band.
“Y/N.” Luke spoke from the doorway he had poofed into. A frown pulling the corner of his lips down at the lack of attention. In an action of desperation he chucked a pencil on your back; you flinched turning to see him in your room.
“Luke?” You asked removing an earbud from your ear. The joys of 2020 came with Bluetooth earbuds.
“Oh. You were listening to music.” Luke nodded moving to grab the earbud from the desk curiously, “Where are the wires? So small! How do they work?”
Launching into a short history on the change of music technology Luke was enthralled by the passion you carried. What he didn’t know was you were researching the changes between 1995 and 2020 for his benefit. Going as far as to compile a playlist for all three boys to introduce them to modern music.
“This is insane.” Luke mumbled handing the earbud back, “Cell phones are what get me!”
“Hey, doesn’t matter if your seventeen or forty-something…you still don’t understand it.” You smirked flinching when Luke tossed a decorative pillow at you with practiced ease. The squeal fell from your lips as it happened.
“If I was forty-something this would be very wrong.” Luke cheekily retorted tapping a finger on his knee thinking back on everything that happened, “Had everything gone to plan you would have known me only by music.”
“I’m sorry you died but I’m really happy we met.” The nerves evident in your tone, something that you didn’t often show. Softball was important and possibly the only ticket to college if everything went right.
“Me too.” Luke smile at the girl across him eyes so soft he could see what Alex and Reggie were trying to tell him.
Luke had a crush. Luke had feelings for a girl living and unable to feel his touch.
“Hey! I made a playlist for you guys. Let me know when you want to hear them, and I’ll get it playing for you. I have to get back to my essay. Feel free to stay.”
Luke graciously took the earbud from your hand leaning back on the bed as you played the rock he had unfortunately missed out on. Both unaware that his fingers had grazed your hand during the handoff. Luke has a crush and he can touch her too.
@safehavenmuse​ @siennanoelle01​ @whiterose291​ @mell-bell​ @blackhood5sos​ @ficrecsideblog​ @ifilwtmfc​ @deadpoolgirl23​ @crappy-unicorn​ @sunsetcurve-h​
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
Any chance you could give us some Arabic speaking Remus headcanons? Loved your latest fic ❤️ 📚
OMFG gorgeous sugarplum! I legit only just was reminded of this while scrolling through my inbox right now! But my heart is finna burst!!! Thank you SO SO much and yes I would love to give some Headcanons about this! Especially since the next long story I’m working on includes this dynamic, and I’m so excited about it!! However, common disclaimer that while I am Arab and culturally Muslim even if I don’t practice like the rest of my family lol, I am Palestinian and not Syrian. So with every identity there are different experiences and customs no matter how closely intertwined. So I apologize for any inconsistency   that a Syrian may read and disagree with, and please feel free to correct me<3 <3
The FIC this HC is from 
So first off some background on his mum in the story 
I chose the name Vivian based off a friend of a friend who’s uncle married a woman by that name back in Palestine,  so it’s definitely extremely uncommon, but a fully Arab lady was named it, so like it’s my defense bahaha. But it also means lively, and coupled with Hussein as her maiden name which means beautiful, it just fit her personality to a t!! 
She was born into a pretty secular family in Syria in the late 1920s, so there was a lot going on in that time period. But her dad was pretty influential, working in the government and such. Vivian was also the youngest of four girls and three boys so she was pretty spoiled tbh
She attended a boarding school in France through out her adolescence and decided to go to university there too, so she’s fluent in both Arabic and French, with pretty great English as well. Though she wasn’t exactly white passing, even though like a bunch of Syrians/Palestinians/Lebanese folk she was somewhat fair, she had distinctly Arabian features, like the large almond shaped eyes and thick lashes and thicker brows, and a long, largeish nose, accented by full lips. So she experienced a good amount of jeers and discrimination, especially when folks found out her surname. So I think she’s able to relate to Remus in that sense of being a wolf at least, and later on  when he comes out as gay.
It was 1950  when she and a few of her girlfriends went to Wales for holiday after completing university. The second Lyall first spotted her in the woods while she was trying to make it back to the cabin near the Irish Sea with her mates, it was something like love, because duh. She was a fucking knock out!! A babe and a baddy! Literally so far out of his league its ridiculous! But on Vivian’s side,  she was mostly just amused and a bit enamored by this cocksure Welshman who had the most endearing of crooked smiles that their son would inherit a decade later. So obviously she didn’t make it easy on him, but eventually she let him take her out on the last night of her trip, and was pleased to find out that they had the same sort of humor and the same passion for their careers and even the same love for the outdoors too.
 They had a long distance relationship for two years while she went to grad school so she could teach about classics while Lyall himself was rising the ranks in the Ministry for regulation and control of magical creatures— Unbeknownst to her, the Floo network  was very helpful with the distance. Just thank God Lyall himself is a Muggle born because he really had to fake the hell out of it lol.
So just to speed things up they got married on a lovely June evening in  1955,  subsequent to  Vivian excepting a professorial job in Cardiff after Lyall told her about the Wizarding world. At first Vivian thought e was tripping on some subpar edibles until he proved it by transfiguring her snuff box into a lovely broach that she kept for the rest of her life, So after Vivian was convinced, she became  absolutely enthralled by all of the magic so completely. 
They were trying for a few years when she finally became pregnant with Remus in 1959, and they were both so over the moon (pun unintended).
So like I said above, Vivian’s family are pretty secular, so I see her mostly practicing the cultural aspects of Islam. For example, every Friday— which is the equivalent to Sundays being the holy day  for Christians— she lights up the instance that she always keeps herself stocked up on after her annual trip to Syria, instead of the typical candles she ordinarily prefers.  And Remus swears that for the rest of his life whenever he smells it, he’s back to being a baby, puttering around the house and watching her dusting the shelves while humming quietly an Arabic song that’ played out the gramophone  by a man who’s music would soon become regarded as the song of the people. Or Remus would recall being snuggled into her lap while she read him a novel on the windowsill. Or he’d simply remember listening to his parents laughter fluttering in the air while he fell asleep by the fire, subconsciously making the flower buds closest to him bloom with his untapped magic.
Remus’s first clear memory— thanks to the endless pictures— is when he was around four years old, before the attack, and they were staying in Vivian’s home town in Damascus. While the men congregated out doors for cigars and cards and the women in the living room chatting while snacking on watermelon seeds, his older cousins— who were all girls— dragged him off to one of the bedrooms and doted on him because he was the baby of that side of the family. And he remembers walking out in a set of one of their heels and a headscarf wrapped around his head which made his Mama and Tata and Aumties laugh out loud and croon over him, and all his uncles and Sido call him Aumty Remus.
The attack by Greyback happened soon after they returned to Wales, and I’m not gonna touch on it becs I’ not finna depress myself. But it was a January morning after his first transformation and he remembers that when he woke up, he saw the cookies stuffed with dates resting on his bedside with a glass of milk that Lyall had put a cooling charm on. And they’re indulgent treats that Vivian makes for both Eids every year even though they don’t celebrate them in any other way lol. But the cookies always reminds him of family and of feeling safe in his mother’s arms, and they still work to make him feel better even after the worst thing he has ever experienced in his short life.
Remus’s love of poetry came from both sides of his parents, but it was listening to his mother recite the story of Majnun Layla in it’s original Arabic that really made him glow for the art form, and brought him to discovering his favorites like Auden and Neruda. 
There’s a ornate, wooden prayer box that has been past down on the Hussein side of the family for five generations, it was originally  meant to hold a Qran but for the past three it’s simply just been a beautiful piece of decoration. So when Vivian gave it to Remus when he was headed off to Hogwarts, little Remus asked McGonagall to help him with locking  charms so it could become a safe place for him to keep his most cherished of nicknacks ant momentos, so obviously,  she silently added a charm to keep the wood nearly unbreakable and the extension charm atop of that, like Hermione with her bag, so that he could keep as many happy memories as possible inside of it, and she prayed that there would be so many that it threatened to burst. 
The last time Remus opened the box was in 1996, when he was putting away the ring Sirius gifted him as a match to his own in some feeble promise of forever only weeks before James and Lily’s own engagement. 
Once during first year, he and the lads were staying up late, trading stories about how they got their most ridiculous scars— after seeing the one that scraped across Remus’s left shoulder blade— But it got to a point where they were all feeling a bit nippish, so they went down to the kitchens for some of the chocolate pudding that was served during dinner that night. And Remus idly asked the house elves if they could make him a batch of Kinafa because he was getting home sick and missed when he and his Mama would dash over to the city whenever they were feeling antsy, and she’d take him to their favorite hooka bar after buying a round of the dessert— which is basically sweetbread stuffed with cheese— from down the block. And they’d stay sitting beneath the starlight, and talking about her job and his lessons from school while she’d let him try a discrete puff or two and they’d laugh about everything and nothing at all.
The next time they stopped by the kitchens one of the younger house elves presented him with the snack gleefully, and it tasted fine, just not like how they do back home. So Remus smiled warmly at Tipsy, the house elf, and thanked her with real sincerity.
But his face must’ve betrayed him because after easter break, Sirius plops down a fresh batch of them on Remus’s bed before leaping into his own, casually mentioning that he saw how grossed out Remus looked when trying the one the house elves made, and it was from a restaurant close to Grimmauld so it’s not that big of a deal, and then he rushed to cursing at James for stealing his favorite pen and swearing that  if he broke it he’s gonna have hell to pay. Remus had only blushed and chuckled  with a small smile on his face when he cut himself a small piece and finished the half sheet off with the rest of their house later that night during an impromptu party that the Marauders would become infamous for in later years.
It was the summer after second year when all the marauders visited Remus back home in Wales and when they heard Vivian call him Qamar practically every other sentence, which of course lead to endless ribbing and eventually  to his nickname of Moony— even though it’s so fucking obvious and Remus loves and hates it in equal parts. God his friends are so fucking stress inducing!
Remus teaches the other marauders funny Arabic curse words and they use them in class so that they can talk shit about particularly disgusting Slytherins without them being any of the wiser. (Yes I did do this with my friends, and I’d do it again! POW! POW! POW!)
It’s from Vivian that Remus has an affinity for coffee as strong as shit, but also prefers his tea weak— specifically two sugars and a dash of milk. But seriously, if you’ve ever tried Arabian coffee you’d understand, that shit is so fucking strong it’s literally a hate crime LMFAO. But yeah, this habit is definitely a point of contention between him and Sirius— who’s actually so fucking posh no matter how much he wants to be punk, and he stands by only drinking black tea— like Merlin intended— and saying bugger off to any and all coffees. “Leave that shite to the French and Americans.” And Remus would try to keep himself from making eyes at him from across the table, because God Sirius is hot when he’s all fiery  and impassioned, even when it’s about the dumbest, most inconsequential shit.
Something that’s sort of funny is that Remus was the first among them to become a fucking pot head and could drink them all  under the table even though Sirius himself has got two stone and three inches on him. But Remus still refuses to eat ham, purely because he never grew up eating it and doesn’t care too now. Sirius had to specifically ask Euphemia and Monty to make turkey for Christmas dinner their sixth year just because he knew that Remus’s head would probably implode with the decision between being rude and not eating it or forcing himself to gag down the unfamiliar meat.
When Remus is really, really fucking drunk he definitely spends the night only speaking in Arabic! (Don’t look at me I’m trash just because I stole this from my own life lmfao) But yeah, it’s really fucking hilarious and Sirius swears to God he’s so fucking in love with him while listening to Remus ranting in the unfamiliar language. And he’s like positive that half the time he’s actually just cursing Sirius out but he doesn’t even care because it’s SO! DAMN! CUTE!  And sometimes Sirius decides to speak French at a drunk off his arse Moony, who occasionally replies back in a stiff staccato before returning back to the easy Arabic. And it’s just a mess.
Ok so sadness warning
In my head, Vivian loses her fight against breast cancer the July after the Marauders graduate from Hogwarts, and afterwords Remus gets a tattoo of her name in Arabic on his chest, and the word for soul on the nape of his neck. He locks away that battered copy of Magnun Layla in the wooden box she gave him years ago, along with a woolen  scarf that smelt like her perfume.
 It’s Sirius who buys a set of prayer beads to hang off her photo above the mantel in the flat he and Remus share, and when Remus sees it he literally feels like  he might crack open with tears, but opts to kiss Sirius thank you instead, and they stay tangled on the sofa for the rest of the day in quiet contemplation.
One night, in late 1979, while  the war was only getting worse and worse—  Sirius was hit by a cutting curse to the ribs. And it was really fucking bad, but thankfully James got him to his house in time for Lily to help and heal. He slept for the most part for nearly an entire day, but remembers snippets. Like when Remus had sprinted into the room with fear painted all over his soft features, and when James put a cooling cloth to his head. But most distinctly, Sirius recalls Remus gingerly lying besides him and Sirius talking gibberish at his boyfriend while Remus plunged his entire face against his back, eyes wet with tears and body shuttering as he squeezed him softly, saying something quietly in Arabic. Sirius obviously didn’t understand like 99.9% of it, but he did catch the word “Habibi,” which he instantly remembers as an old pet name Vivian use to call Remus with so much love it made her entire countenance sparkle. It’s an endearment  that means beloved, or darling, and it feels like Remus is begging Sirius to stay with him and Sirius’s throat is still raw from the screaming, so he can only  reply by dragging Remus’s hand up to his mouth and kissing his knuckles tenderly. And he knows that whatever he does for the rest of his days, he loves Remus Lupin with every cell in his body.
Oof this got mad depressing…. Chow anyways, I can add a picture of the container you’re suppose to use for the instance if anyone wants that?
Thank you again dear Nonny!!!
Ask Me For Headcanons About A Story I’ve Written Or For One You Want To See Written
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reidingandwriting · 4 years
Two of Us, Part Two
Word count: ~1500 words
Ship: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, IronFam, Morgan x Y/N Stark (sisters!) Pepper x Y/N Stark (the cutest mother and daughter 🥺)
Warnings: One little swear word, angst!! (with a happy ending)
Summary: This is a part two to Two of Us, requested by @daughter-of-stark :) Also, each (x amount of time later) stands for time passed since part 1! There are of course calls in between each time period, but these are for the milestones in Y/N’s life ❤️
Link to Part One here ✨
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Six months later...
“Hi, Dad. It’s kind of late, but I had to give you a call. I just got back from my graduation ceremony, I was valedictorian.” You smiled, your fingers playing with the charm on your necklace. “Mom helped me write my speech, you totally would have cried. Mom would say she didn’t cry, but Morgan and I both saw her.”
“Mom, are you crying?” Your mom rolled your eyes at the teasing tone in your voice, and she wiped at her eyes.
“Of course not. I just had something in my eyes.” Morgan scoffed, holding a bouquet of flowers for you.
“Yeah, tears.” You high-fived your sister, kneeling down to her level to hug her. “Me, Mom, and Happy picked these flowers out for you.”
“I love them, bug. Thank you so much.” You kissed the top of her head and your mom smiled.
“Let me get a picture of my two favorite girls.” Your mom pulled out her phone as you and Morgan posed, giving the camera serious looks and holding your hands out in the signature Iron Man style.
“I wish you could’ve been there, Dad. I know you would’ve been cheering the loudest. I hope I keep making you proud.”
Three years later...
“Hi, Dad. Me again. You won’t believe what happened. (Partner’s name here) proposed to me tonight! Of course I said yes, so now I’m engaged.” You smiled as you looked down at the ring on your finger, the sun hitting the diamond perfectly, making it sparkle.
“You’d act like you hated them, but I know you’d love them. They treat me really well, Morgan and Mom both love them. I think Morgan has a little crush on them, I’ll have to keep an eye out for her.” You laughed softly.
“We want to get married sometime after graduation. Morgan is insisting we get married in the summer, so she can go swimming during the ‘gross, kissing stuff.’ Mom thinks a winter wedding would be more romantic. I know you’d say no wedding because you wouldn’t want to accept me being over the whole ‘love being gross’ thing. Don’t worry, Dad. You’re still the first person who loved me, and you’ll always be the first person I loved.”
Five years later...
“Hi, Dad. So much has happened since our last call.” You sat on the familiar pier, your phone sitting beside you, on speakerphone. “You know I graduated from MIT a few months ago, top of my class. (Partner’s name) and I took some time off, we went on a road trip across the country, like me and you planned to do once I graduated. It would’ve been three thousand times more fun with your horrible singing as we drove together.”
“I decided to come back to my roots, and I took a job at Stark Industries. You’re talking to the latest software engineer.” You smiled as your hand rested on your stomach, your shirt stretching against the growing bump. “(Partner’s name) and I are expecting, Dad. We’re having the gender reveal tomorrow. Don’t tell anyone, but we’re having a baby boy. We’re naming him Anthony Benjamin.” Your voice cracked at the end of your sentence.
“I love and miss you so much. But I know you’re looking down on us, I hope you’re proud. Come visit me in my dreams sometime.”
Seven years later...
You grabbed your phone, dialing the familiar number before pressing call. It was your wedding day, and your nerves were getting the best of you. You froze when you heard an automated message.
“I’m sorry, this voicemail inbox is full. Please try again later.”
“No, no, no, no, no, no.” You dialed the number again, the automated voice speaking again.
“I’m sorry-“ You quickly hung up, tears forming in your eyes.
“Y/N? Are you okay, darling?” Your mom walks in, frowning deeply when she saw you. “What happened?”
“I-I can’t call Dad. I-I can’t leave a voicemail, can’t hear his voice. I-I can’t do this, I can’t.” You broke down into sobs and Pepper wrapped her arms around you, holding you close. “I-I n-need...”
“Shhh, shhh. Focus on your breathing. We can’t do anything if you’re not breathing properly.” Pepper talked you down until your breathing was under control. “There we go, kid. Now, can you try explaining what happened again?”
“I, I tried to call Dad. I always call him whenever big things happen, it calms me down to hear his voice. It’s.. It’s all I have left of him. And now I have nothing.” Your voice trailed off to a whisper. “Will it ever get easier?”
“It’ll never be perfect.” Pepper pulled back enough to grab a tissue off your vanity and gently wiped under your eyes. Then she helped you sit and grabbed your makeup bag, fixing your makeup as she spoke. “But I believe it will get easier. Every time I see you and Morgan, I see him. Especially with Morgan being a pre-teen, she definitely got his sass.” You giggled softly, humming in agreement. “Even in your son, I see him. I don’t have him anymore, but I have all of you. You don’t have him either, but you still have me, Morgan, and now you have your own spouse and child.” Pepper powdered your face, smiling fondly. “Your father may not be here physically, but I can guarantee he’s right beside you in spirit. He’s never left- and he won’t, not as long as you remember him.”
“I’ll never forget him.” Your hand subconsciously moved to your necklace, twirling the charm delicately. “Hey, Mom? Thank you. You’ve done so much for us since Dad passed, even while suffering yourself. Morgan and I really got lucky, we really have the best parents in the universe.” Pepper hugged you tight, and you returned the hug, smiling wide. There was a knock on the door, followed by Morgan peeking her head in.
“It’s time, Y/N!” You smiled at Morgan before looking at your mom.
“Let’s do this.” And you had the most beautiful wedding. While your mom may have physically walked you down the aisle, your dad was definitely walking right beside you in spirit.
That night...
“Where am I?” You looked around in confusion. The last thing you remembered was getting on the flight with (Partner’s name) to go on your honeymoon. You remember trying to sleep, but nothing else.
“Hey, kid.” Your father’s familiar voice filled your ears, and you turned around in the direction of his voice. There he was, standing in front of you. He looked how he did when you had been reunited after the snap, before taking the effects of all the Infinity Stones. His arm was fine, his face wasn’t scarred. He looked how you remembered him.
“Dad..? Dad!” You ran over to him, hugging Tony tight as he met you halfway. You buried your face in his neck, the comforting scent of his cologne making you tear up.
“Oh my god, you’re so grown up.” Tony petted your hair with one hand, his other hand holding you close to him. “I’ve missed you so much, Y/N.”
“I miss you too, Dad. Oh my god, I miss you so much.” You pulled back a minute later, staying at arm’s length from each other. “Morgan’s turning thirteen in a few months. Mom’s going to have her hands full with her.” Tony smiled, eyes red from his tears.
“I knew the second I held her in my arms for the first time, she’d be just like me. Your poor mother.” You let out a wet laugh, wiping your eyes.
“I’ve got my own little Morgan now. He just turned two, my little Anthony.” Tony felt his heart swell at the name. “I just got married, too. Met (Partner’s name) my first day at MIT. We literally ran into each other, and I twisted my ankle when I fell.” It was your dad’s turn to laugh, knowing how clumsy you could be. “They took me to the hospital and once my ankle was better, we went out for dinner and I knew they were the one for me. I didn’t think I’d ever find a love like you and Mom have, but I got it.”
“You deserve it so much, Y/N. You better take care of each other, or I’ll haunt both of you. I’ll knock shit over, all that fun ghost stuff.” You shook your head, a fond smile on your lips.
“I wouldn’t mind you haunting me if I got to see you more.” Your eyes watered and Tony wrapped you in his arms once again.
“I know, kid. I know.” You cling to your dad, tears staining his shirt. “You may not always see me, but I promise I am always with you. I’ll be with you, Morgan, and Pepper for the rest of your lives.” Tony combs his fingers through your hair, gently twirling the ends, something that relaxed you since you were a toddler. “Y/N? Can you do something for me?”
“Of course, Dad. Anything.” You looked up at your dad, his warm brown eyes meeting yours.
“Remember that I’m the proudest dad in the world. You and Morgan are my greatest creations, and the world is at your fingertips. I know you’ll change the world.” Tony paused, letting his words sink in. “Give your mom and sister the biggest hugs from me. And, princess? I love you three thousand.” Tony pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead as your eyes closed.
“I love you even more.”
You woke up with a start, (Partner’s name) shaking your shoulder.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty. We landed.” (Partner’s name) spoke, taking in the look on your face. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You smiled, looking up towards the sky and you swear you felt the charm on your necklace move. “I’m okay. I’ve got the best person watching over me.”
Taglist: @daughter-of-stark @agent-barnes40 @spideygirl2003 @ditttiii ❤️ Taglist is open! Let me know if you’d like to be added. This GIF inspired me to do some little bonuses, those will be up as soon as I’ve written them. I’m planning on doing three to five of them, so we’ll see how they go! I hope they turn out as well written out as they are in my head. I tried to keep the love interest as neutral as I could, please let me know if there’s any mistakes ✨
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever been cheated on?  Nope.
Whose car were you last in?  Other than my own? Hans’s, but that was over two months ago. 
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?  How timely is this, Andi literally randomly asked me how I feel about septum piercings this afternoon haha. Anyway, I have no problem with it on other people but I personally wouldn’t pick my nose as a spot for piercings.
Have your parents ever smoked pot?  I don’t know, they may have but there’s a big chance they haven’t. They don’t really share much about their youth so I would never know.
Do you tend to make relationships complicated?  That’s definitely not me.
Are you good at giving directions?  Not at all; if anyone asks me directly I usually immediately refer them to whoever I’m with at the time. Or I tell them to check Waze.
Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room?  She would and she’d definitely be pissed about it. Not that I have to worry about this ever happening, though.
Did you speak to your father today?  Yessssssss, I literally just caught a glimpse of him like two minutes ago.
Did you kiss someone before you were sixteen?  No, I was 16 turning 17 when I had my first.
Could you go a day without eating?  Yeah, but I wouldn’t feel well by the end of it. I’ve formed a habit of skipping breakfast and lunch on weekdays now, and I always feel like complete shit once I clock out. Considering I only eat dinner these days, I guess I can say I do regularly go entire days without eating.
Are your nails always painted? I never paint them/have them painted.
Have you ever met any bands/band members before?  Just local ones.
What color is your hair?  Black.
Your best friend needed somewhere to stay, could they live with you? Yes.
Have you danced in the rain?  Maybe? I don’t know. Doesn’t sound like something I would do, though.
When you said something naughty when you were little, did your parents wash out your tongue with soap?  Nope. I never liked getting in trouble, even as a kid, so I stayed out of it.
What do you think of spanking little children when they do something wrong? Okay or not?  That’s a common practice where I live, at least it was during my time. My mom didn’t believe in spanking her kids, which I’ll always be thankful for; but the cousins I lived with didn’t have the same fate so I regularly had to watch them get spanked - with sticks, slippers, belts, etc basically anything that was within reach. I think today’s generation of parents are different; I hope they are.
Who was the last male you hung out with?  Gab, Kyelle, Al, and Hans.
Who is your favorite person to text?  I don’t text anymore, but I do chat with Angela on Messenger everyday.
Who did you last take a picture with?  Does an online photo count? We had an event held through Zoom last Wednesday and we had a photo op by the end of it.
What’s your favorite brand of jeans? I don’t have any. I just wear whichever pair I’d feel good and confident wearing.
Which show is better: Spongebob or The Fairly Odd Parents?  Nooooooooo you’re making me pick between my two absolute favorites. I might have to go with Spongebob, but it barely barely barely won. Fairly OddParents is great too, at least until they added the baby fairy.
Has anyone ever told you that you looked like someone else?  Many times. Idk if I’m happy about it because something tells me it just means I have quite the common face. Idk. I don’t think too much about it and as long as I’m compared to someone I personally find pretty, it’s fine lol.
Do you enjoy the sound of crickets at night and birds in the morning?  Not so much. I find them too loud, especially the crickets.
Who is the most overrated singer?  Taylor Swift.
What is your favourite planet?  I don’t have one, but let’s go with Saturn.
Do you have any pets that you had since you were born?  Wow no. 23 years is a very long time.
Do you own anything that you had when you were a baby?  Yep, my mom kept all our umbilical cord stumps. It’s in our baby albums.
Do you enjoy Mario games?  Very much so. It’s the only franchise I can play HAHAHA
What’s your favorite online game?  I don’t play online games.
Have you ever been hit with a ball in gym class?  I probably have been.
Do you ever turn your cell phone off?  I used to sometimes shut it off whenever I’d fight with my ex and I didn’t want to deal with the world for a while. Now with the toxicity out of my life I never turn it off lol.
Who was last to cook for you?  My mom made pasta for dinner tonight. Then after that I asked her to make me coffee mixed with Milo.
Do you check your texts right away when you receive them?  Depends on who texts. I get anxious when it’s media texting, so I tend to ignore those for a few hours unless they ask something urgent. If it’s someone from my inner circle, like a friend or one of my parents, I would check and reply immediately, or at least as soon as I see the text.
Who is your most trusted person?  Mmm, probably Angela. I literally reached out last night to ask her to log on to my Facebook so she can unfriend Gab and her family on my behalf. I don’t think I would’ve asked that from anyone else.
How late did you stay up last night?  A little earlier than my usual, around midnight or so. I knew my load was going to be packed today since my manager had filed a leave which meant I had to cover for her tasks as well, so I wanted to get enough rest so that I didn’t wake up sleepy and cranky.
When/where are you most likely to sing?  As long as I’m alone, I’ll sing. I like to do it, just not in front of other people.
Would you ever wish to explore a cave?  That would be soooooooo nice. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a cave. :(
You see the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?  I imagine giving her an awkward smile and probably being the first to approach. Then I would ask how she’s been. I’m in a place in my life where I’m sure I’ll be able to do that.
Have you been/are you depressed?  I’ve been there many times.
Are your pop-ups blocked on your computer? Yes.
Have you ever ridden in a car with someone who was high?  No. I would hate to be in that situation.
Who is the best hugger you know?  Laurice.
Have you ever had to be put to sleep for an operation?  Nopes.
Does anybody have any proof of stupid things you have done?  I know Angela has a few. Gabie took a few as well; whether she still has them or not I’m not updated on anymore, nor do I care.
Why did you text the last person in your inbox?  I was just reminding Angela there was a BTS video coming out tonight.
Have you ever been able to do a split?  No but I’ve attemped to do it many times.
Did you ever date the last person you kissed?  Yes.
Are you intimidated by the last person you know talked badly about you?  I never keep track of things like that. I know it would bring nothing but unnecessary stress, so I never snoop or ask around to check if anyone’s been talking not-so-nicely about me behind my back.
Have you ever cried in school?  Maybe only about once or twice in the 18 years I was in school. I absolutely hate crying in front of people, and I mainly do it when I’m alone. I don’t think I’ve even ever cried in front of Angela; that’s how much I hate it.
Last person of the opposite sex you screamed at?  I don’t remember ever screaming at a guy.
Do you have any weird sleep habits?  I...wouldn’t know, since I’m asleep when I do them. I always sleep alone too, so no one would be able to tell me how I sleep. All I know is I’m not much of a mover and I usually wake up in the same position (or almost the same position) I fell asleep in.
Do you consider yourself an emotional person?  Yes, I’m sensitive in every sense of the word.
When was the last time you had a headache?  Last Wednesday when not eating for the entire day finally hit me like a truck by the end of my shift. :/
When was the last time you encountered a puppy? Cooper circa September.
Is there anything that happened a long time ago that you still laugh about?  Yes, many instances.
Do you ever try to interpret your dreams?  No, I don’t think anything of them beyond “just weird scenarios of people I know doing weird things.”
What was the last thing you bought impulsively?  Three orders of sushi, 24 pieces in total.
How do you feel about singing songs out loud in front of other people? No amount of money would make me do it.
When was the last time you were feeling really, really nervous?  This afternoon when a supplier we’re currently working with asked to call. Normally my manager would be the one mainly in touch with people like them, but since she was out today I was next in line.
If you’re no longer in school, what is something you miss about it? If you’re still in school, what’s something you think you’re going to miss about it? I miss seeing my friends everyday and being able to hang out after our classes, even if it just means sitting at a table doing nothing together.
Do you use your turn signals when you’re driving?  Excessively. I use it even in the subdivision lmao, or on one-way roads.
How exactly are you feeling right now?  Content. It’s a little hot and mosquitoes keep flying around me, but I’m not letting these affect my mood. Just focusing on the fact that it’s a Friday night and I can let go of work for a couple of days.
Have you ever had to board up your windows because of a hurricane?  Never happened before. I just close up my windows completely so that they don’t slam if ever the wind gets too strong.
Do you tell anyone to chew with their mouths closed?  I don’t recall ever feeling the need to do this. The sound doesn’t bother me much anyway; definitely not as much as it annoys most people.
Have you ever ordered pizza and sent it to someone else’s house?  Yup I did that for Angela and Kata recently, for my birthday, along with truffle mac and cheese. Basically my favorite orders from Mama Lou’s, haha.
What was the first thing you drank when you woke up this morning? I believe it was water.
Do you think stretch marks from having a baby are ugly or badges of honor?  Ugh this question is so outdated I don’t even want to take the time to answer it.
Ever done a keg stand?  No.
Who is the last person you lent money to?  I don’t lend my money.
Do you share clothing with anyone?  Mmm, sometimes. It’s usually me borrowing clothes from my sister, though.
Have you ever visited anyone in a rehab?  Nope.
Was the last thing you drank a Coke or Pepsi product?  No, it was just water. I’d never be caught craving for soda.
Honestly, do you think that you’re going to be an overprotective parent? No. I experienced having strict parents, so I know it’s not something I would want to pass on to my kids. I want my kids to be able to go out with friends and attend parties and get tattoos (when they’re older) and express their identity without being scared of me.
What was the last kind of chips you ate?  Piattos cheddar chips.
What is one thing that you really wish you could understand, but don’t?  Investing and stocks.
What is the last thing you charged?  My laptop.
Have you ever held a snake?  Yes. I’m always the only one in the family willing to do things like this when we go on vacations haha.
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botls · 5 years
seeing hadestown 9/29/19 - part one
under the cut is my take on act one of hadestown after seeing it. i didnt really do a play by play of what’s happening in every scene so this is kind of assuming that you have some previous knowledge of the show and focuses on on the cast and the little things they were doing. part 2 here. meeting the cast. meeting tlt cast. if you have more questions or are curious about anything else PLEASE come and ask me in my inbox or messages i could talk about this show for the rest of my life
road to hell:
andre came out and it was AMAZING he held the last note of road to hell for what felt like eight years and it was incredible and for the entire time eurydice and orpheus were STARING at each other with the most perfect awestruck looks on their faces and it was such an incredible shot i was like 🤧 already
during the music part eurydice and the fates all mimicked drumming against the drum box thing at the same time it was Cute
any way the wind blows:
when eurydice lit her candle and the third fate blew it out she whipped her head around to look at the fate who just kind of shook her head innocently like “it wasn’t me” and when eurydice turned back around to light it again she just smiled and shook her head at the crowd like “don’t blame me”
this happens a few times but for the first time at the beginning of this song the fates walk towards orpheus aggressively and he gets so scared and runs back and ouch the metaphor for him being afraid of his fate......no thank you
come home with me:
come home with me was so fucking cute reeve was ADORABLE
this entire song was Fantastic for like half of it orpheus and eurydice are sitting together on the table and orpheus’ little paper flower is so genuinely awful it’s kind of sad ajhsgsvska but it was cute they showed him working very hard on it over on the side of the stage
when eurydice says “oooh he’s crazy” it leaned MUCH more heavily on the side of “i get it now this man is legally insane why are we letting him walk around amongst us” with a much longer pause that included an intense stare between eurydice and hermes that made it even funnier than the obcr
the oh a liar and a player too line genuinely caused me to ascend its better in person than you could ever imagine genuinely out of this world and orpheus sounded SO nervous when he rushed out “ohnoimnotlikethat”
wedding song:
every time reeve or eva sang the word “trees” they like thrusted their hands up violently and so did the ensemble and it was so cute and funny and the part where the table comes up behind eva was so funny and different from london it was just kind of pushed up behind her and it seemed to startle eurydice and as she leaned back she just kind of had this “whatever i’ll go with it” face on but she was Alarmed lmao
eurydice was pushed by so many tables in this song omfg
i wanted to voice record it so bad but i kept forgetting bc i didn’t want to miss A Single Thing but this was the first song where i was really really like “i wish i had recorded this” eva’s voice was chefs kiss mwah and at one part where she sang table her voice was like. palpable and she was like rubbing her hands all over a table it was heavenly
after orpheus gives her the flower in this song she legitimately doesn’t let go of it for almost the entire first act like id always assumed that she put it in her hair or her pocket but she seriously clutches it like a lifeline for a significant part of the first act it was 🥺
epic 1:
it was so stunning nobody ever warned me that wedding song ended with orpheus on his knees and hermes was like interrogating orpheus about his song while orpheus was like holding on to eurydice to not fall bc he was awkwardly balanced and i honestly think that was just reeve and eva being reeve and eva and not being orphydice and it was so cute
the whole company follows orpheus with this song like wherever he walks or turns the whole company is turned towards him paying Attention
livin it up on top:
when persephone comes down with her bouquet of flowers she tosses them over her shoulder and timothy caught them and he looked so happy he spun around in one foot and smiled so wide at the audience before setting them down on the side it was precious
at the beginning of livin it up on top persephone gives eurydice her flask and eurydice smiles really wide and nods at persephone but when persephone turns around she just looks stressed like “wtf should i do with this now”
eurydice gets up and goes right to the side of persephone while persephone is singing and she looks like she’s waiting for something and you kind of assume that it’s to give back persephone’s flask but when persephone finally turns to her at the end of the verse eurydice rushes forward with the biggest smile and presents persephone with orpheus’ flower and persephone smiles so wide and takes it from her and puts it in her hair and it’s the first time eurydice doesn’t have the flower in her hand since she first got it and it’s such a tender and precious moment
right after putting the flower in her hair persephone put her arm around eurydice and when persephone said “some may say the weather ain’t the way it used to be” she turned to face eurydice and gave her a Pointed Look and eurydice literally turned to the audience and made this 😬 exact face i was peeing
when persephone was leaving the balcony she hugged hades from behind and kissed him on his cheek and then as she was leaving he sort of lifted his hand in a mini wave and she gave him the MOST disgusted look ever and waved her hand in what i can only describe as a “fuck off and go to hell” gesture
during orpheus’ toast everyone is pretty much on the platform aside from eurydice who is right in the middle of the stage beaming at him
at one part timothy picks up eva and literally like. throws her i was like eva is flying high rn omfg he literally made it look like she weighed nothing she probably doesn’t but like.
i was wow she does this in real life at one part and i felt so blessed to witness it
all i’ve ever known:
during the intro they are staring at each other and persephone walks to each of them and puts a comforting hand on them like a mom it was Soft
the all i��ve ever known choreo was softer in person than you would ever imagine
the part where eurydice is leaning back and it looks like orpheus is holding her? that we’ve all been talking about lately? this part? they actually start on opposite sides of the stage and eurydice starts to do The Lean and orpheus halls ass and RUNS to catch her before she falls it’s so cute
the whole time for eurydice’s verse orpheus keeps trying to hold her but she keeps him at arms distance and steps back every time she says “alone” or “lonely” but when she moves into the “but now i wanna told you part” she holds him SO tight she was like first grabbing his nonexistent boobs so hard that he was backing up then his suspenders then clutching his arms and finally his hands
during eurydice’s parts the background stage lighting is a soft purpley/pink and for orpheus’ it’s a vibrant blue and then when they sing together it’s a beautiful mix of both
the just music choreo part was magical eva did the lift kick and it was majestic in person she is a Wonder
after when they’re laying down you see them holding hands and the way she sits up literally?? looks like they’re laying in bed having the conversation it’s ?? captivating strangely
after eurydice sits up orpheus comes up to hug her from behind and there is this lovely gif set from it and she holds him so tight and it really is one of the softest parts of the whole show my heart was beating triple speed because eurydice really seems on the verge of tears and orpheus just HOLDS her
way down hadestown:
they are The Most Couple couple ever first of all. after all i’ve ever known they make out for like eight years i was like????? reeva needs to calm down
persephone’s dance was just as amazing in person as you’d imagine
her dress is SO vibrant in person like. the coloring in this show is so fantastic with eurydice and hades wearing the same color and persephone standing out with her green and orpheus’ clothes are more white than the ensemble’s so it stands out wonderfully
eurydice and orpheus got interrupted while making out by being scared to death by persephone yelling at them about hadestown it was so funny
eurydice goes to dance on the platform and she tries to get orpheus to come with her but he’s reluctant so she just pats his stool instead so he sits and she dances in front of him/talks to him/touches his arms and hair it’s adorable
during the pregnant pause when orpheus did his little move in front of eurydice thing he LEPT like a gazelle and landed on one foot that made such a SOUND everyone laughed
orphydice are standing at the front at the end when everyone is saying “way doooooown” and eurydice is staring at hades and persephone descending and orpheus has his arms around her from behind and when he sees her staring he looks at the audience with a scared look on his face
a gathering storm:
when she says “did you hear me” it’s really upbeat but when she turns around and he’s already gone to work she says “orpheus...?” really sad and dejectedly
after she says “okay finish it” she climbs up to the platform and wraps her arm around him and fucking KISSES HIS SHOULDER before leaving stage i was ??🥺?!🤧?💗?!?!????🥺
epic 2:
it’s really cool - a good set up to chant with orpheus’ song finally coming together and the workers in the background really Make the scene
chant 1:
i was not ready for this
you think you understand how good the lighting in the show is but you don’t until you see chant live don’t even get me started
during hades/persephone’s opening part the entire back wall is a orange/yellow and then for orpheus’ next part they turn their backs to the audience and the back lights turn blue and for all eurydice’s parts they’re the purple/pick like from all i’ve ever known again
when eurydice asks “is it finished” her and hermes are walking behind orpheus in that order and then she turns around to ask “is he always like this” and hermes just lifts up his arms to gesture and nod towards orpheus who has already made his way back to his stool and is writing and then it’s eurydice’s verse and she disappears off to the side again after
when hermes says “orpheus? orpheus?” i had always imagined him trying to get orpheus’ attention but in actuality he’s trying to find him - for the first “orpheus?” he’s looking in the opposite direction off stage and then for the second one he’s looking up and then orpheus catches his eye and he turns to him and starts walking while shaking his head to say “poor boy working on a song” and it seems like he’s going to try and warn/help orpheus but then he seems to cave in after saying “look up” and he decides to just walk away like he’s giving up on stopping orpheus
which - if you go by the “hermes remembers the loop” theory can be read as he knows there isn’t any point to trying to stop him but he has to give it at least a shot
eurydice fights HARD for her bag and jacket it takes like three tries for the fates to take it out of her grip and it’s just as heartbreaking as you think to watch her fall i cried
for the rest of the song eurydice tries so hard to keep walking but she’s clearly freezing and keeps falling and she looks like she’s one of the workers at some parts
hey little songbird:
during this song eurydice is SO SAD the second that hades starts shitting on orpheus and saying he’s a penniless poet she turns to the audience with pouty lips and eyes and they don’t leave for the rest of the song it was Sad
for the beginning of the song she’s just more wary but curious but after that she genuinely just looks heartbroken it was soooooo heart wrenching
i think eva actually was crying too during this song and it was hard to tell at first but she was def crying by gone
at the beginning the three fates seem to be talking amongst themselves but at the first three isolated notes they turn to watch eurydice
when she says “weren’t we birds of a feather” she holds the flower out in front of her and looks at her really sadly
hades nods to the fates during “vipers and vultures” and at the piano group of three notes at the end in the higher key right after he says “they’ll pick you clean“ they smile and wave all innocently it’s so funny
when the chips are down:
the fates choreo was FANTASTICCC i cant even explain they were on fireeeee
when they’re trying to convince eurydice she has her hands squeezed against her ears and falls to the ground at one point
i forget exactly what song it was (i think this one but like i said it’s kind of unclear) but at one point eva dropped the flower and i have no clue if it was purposeful or accidental (i was leaning towards accidental) but she snatched it up so quick and gave a dirty look to the fates like warning them to stay away from it
when eurydice says “oh my aching heart” she looks forward at the audience but clutches the flower to her heart
gone i’m gone:
everyone jumped at the train whistles lmao they were LOUD tho
right after eurydice gives her tickets she puts her hands over her mouth like she can’t believe it and they stay there as she goes down
at this point i forget when exactly it happened but the flower had been out of her hair and she was back to holding it
when eurydice was disappearing after she left and the stage was dark hermes fucking picks up the candle he took from her in the beginnning and BLOWS IT OUT ????? FUCKING NOOO
wait for me:
the intro was sooooo sad the flower stood out so well against the ground
after hermes asks if orpheus has a ticket instead of sounding dejected like in the soundtrack orpheus sounds more affronted like “wha-no?!”
hermes picks up the flower and holds it over orpheus’ heart while he says “if you got the heart” and orpheus takes it and holds it for the rest of the time - mimicking eurydice clutching it for the entire beginning
i was seriously concerned about the lamps hitting his head. i don’t know how it doesn’t happen more often and honestly i totally understand that time it did bc i was like ??? how is he avoiding all these giant swinging lamps rn like he was ducking under them diving out of the way lmao well done reeve
during wait for me at one part the stage isn’t rotating so reeve is just running furiously in place and it’s so fucking funny like. he literally looks like a stressed cartoon character or something
the stage was splitting into three to represent his descent into hadestown during it and the fates were each on a part with their lanterns and looking around alarmed at each other like “wtf is happening. how is he doing this. mom come pick me up i’m scared”
why we build the wall:
even more powerful live. it was my favorite song for a long time and it didn’t disappoint
at the beginning when hades and persephone enter the stage from opposite sides persephone is walking a lot faster like “let’s get this over with” vibes and hades is walking more slow and purposefully
eurydice doesn’t join in until the very end when she turns to the front and puts her hand up like everyone else and sings the last line of the song
hermes and persephone look like they would rather be doing anything else in the world than singing this song rip
when eurydice is about to go up to sign the papers she makes eye contact with persephone who gives her a Look and eurydice just slightly raises her arms in like a “calm down” gesture lmao it was kind of funny but then persephone sadly turns away and shakes her head so it got real sad real quick
during intermission i was the very last row of the orchestra so there was a lot of commotion behind me and i heard someone ask “where’s the women’s room” and a random guy points to the line and says “follow the road to hell” i was cackling
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searchforthescars · 4 years
My Unfilled Fic Requests (+ other explanations)
Hey, y’all.
I was going to film a YouTube video about this (and I will) but figured that it would also be good to throw it up here in text form. This is the quintessential Where Have I Been post since I’ve been letting fic requests and other asks languish in my askbox since, like, December.
Before I get into this, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone that has interacted with my posts and sent me messages or asks. I’ve only gotten a handful of messages that were anything less than positive and encouraging re: my fic-writing hiatus and prompts/requests. So thank you!!
So where tf have you been, bro?
The short answer: Here, but busy
The long answer: There have been various other things that have sapped my creative energy OR have necessitated so much creative energy that I felt like I needed to direct all my attention at them.
Like what?
In mid-October, I took on a ghostwriting freelance project that was initially going to be short and easy but then, thanks to the client of my client, turned into a difficult pseudo-fiasco. My client was super gracious and apologetic and I didn’t mind at all bc a) that’s how these things go sometimes and b) I can deal with difficult assignments bc Journalist, but that took a lot of my spare time and creative energy.
At the end of October, I finished my novel manuscript and then I started editing it. After completing the aforementioned ghostwriting job shortly before Christmas, I took the holidays off and then buckled down and started revising TCM. My goal was to get it ready to submit to pitch contests in March and, before that, have one of my most trusted friends and champions get her hands and eyes on it.
Editing a novel that you’ve spent 9 years writing is HARD. I literally became that “I didn’t think I’d get this far” meme; I’d never done developmental or line editing on a 50,000-word project before and it took all my blood, guts and tears to get it done to a level at which I was sort of satisfied (ask my mom and sister - they were there lol). I put all my creative thrust behind TCM because I had the end-game deadline of participating in a Twitter pitch competition on March 5, meaning I wanted to have the manuscript to my friend by the beginning of February. 
I finished edits to TCM on Feb. 7 but I wanted to sit on it for a couple days just so I could give it one last once-over before yeeting it into my friend’s inbox (also bc I’m a Perfectionist and Anxious). I had, in the meantime, made some new friends and, since one of them was moving away, wanted to hang out and nurture the growing relationships.
The day before Valentine’s Day, in a series of events that could’ve only been orchestrated by God (or whatever higher power you believe in), I learned about and decided to submit to the Author/Mentor Match program, in which authors with a finished manuscript apply for a shot to have a published author work with them on their manuscript, queries and anything else they think it would take to get published.
That was a feat of epic proportions. I sent in my sample, query and synopsis and didn’t expect to get a request for a full manuscript. However, I did within less than 24 hours and then had to manually format a 248-page manuscript to send back. As of now, I’m waiting to hear whether or not I’m accepted, which I could learn any time between tomorrow and March 3rd.
So that’s why you haven’t written any fic?
Pretty much, yeah, that’s one of two reasons. The other reason is that I’ve been feeling uninspired lately, probably due to all my other creative pursuits, especially this novel. You may have seen my post about a Gideon the Ninth AU; I do plan on writing it, but it’s hard when you’re out of creative spoons from marathon-line-editing an entire 71,000 word monster lol
Will you ever answer your fic requests?
Absolutely. Most of them are T100-related which is AWESOME, but I don’t ever want to fill a request without doing it justice. That’s disrespectful to y’all and I’m not gonna do you like that.
You’ve been answering ask memes, though??
Yup. Those take significantly less energy and are a fun little thing to make me smile. 
Any more questions? I’m an ask away :) Thank you for reading and hanging in there with me!!!
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elsaclack · 5 years
2019 writing meme
bc why not
i was tagged by @startofamoment and @disruptedvice!!! thanks guys i appreciate it lmao
things i’m for sure going to write:
the remaining six chapters of the royalty au i started in november of last year!! all of which have been outlined!!! and i’ll post a snippet of what i have written of chapter 5 below the cut!!
the remaining peraltiago kiss prompts in my inbox
the remaining starmora kiss prompt in my inbox
rewriting the enemies to friends to lovers in one night at a wedding oneshot that i stupidly forgot to cross-post before i deleted the original elsaclack
a groundhog day soulmate au wherein two soulmates relive the same day over and over and over again until they fall in love
things i’m very likely going to write:
a soulmate au in which a person’s soulmate appears to them 5 times throughout their life before they meet and helps them make 5 major life decisions that leads them both to their first irl meeting
an organized crime au wherein jake and amy are both independent con artists whose paths consistently cross, giving way to an extremely competitive (and flirty) kind of co-existence. at least that’s how jake sees it, up until he screws amy out of a $100,000 score - that’s when he finds out amy isn’t an independent con artist, but rather a worker bee for an extremely pissed-off mob boss who now wants them both dead. featuring a tech-savvy (and weapons-savvy) rosa and hitman charles
a set it up au wherein jake is on desk duty working as holt’s assistant for the foreseeable future and amy is kevin’s TA
a sound of music au that includes SEVEN of the peraltiago babies flying around fanon lmao
things i’d like to write at some point:
the proposal au that has literally been like 2-3 years in the making
a blatant and full-fledged hunger games au
ANYWAYS i also have like 342983649278 half-written and abandoned one-off wips in my docs that i might borrow from or finish at some point or another but i’m trying to not set myself up for failure by adding them to this list lmao. i’ll grab a few snippets from some of those just to throw them out there in the universe as an apology for being so inactive lately!!
i’m not sure who all has been tagged yet so forgive me if you’ve been tagged: @philtstone @johnny-and-dora @taxicabsandcupcakes @the-pontiac-bandit @johnnydora @snlsamberg @bklyn-ninenine and @proofthatihaveaheart!!!
no pressure tho obviously like please feel free to ignore!!!
you’re a king and i’m a lionheart ch. 5 preview:
It’s been precisely three weeks and five days since that secret, blessed afternoon in the library with Amy, and each day that has passed has been another stone tied around his ankles. He looks up for the first time since sitting down some twenty minutes earlier - she’s grimacing at him through the mirror, a deep valley of concern creasing the space between her brows, and as he shoots her a grimace of his own she catches her lower lip between her teeth and sets about nibbling. “It sucks,” she finally says.
“Well, yeah,” he leans back in his seat, until his shoulders brush against the warm, soft plane of her stomach, hidden beneath her uniform. “Most of this shit does.”
She grimaces again and reaches up, hands sliding over his shoulders to gently squeeze. “I wish I could say it’ll be over soon, but…”
“We both know it’d be a lie.”
“I may have a silver lining,” she kneads the pads of her thumbs into the knotted sinews of muscle lining his shoulder and his head drops forward automatically. “I’ll be there through the whole thing and I can probably get you out early.”
He groans appreciatively - both at her reminder and at the perfect warmth and pressure she’s applying to his shoulders and neck. “You’re an angel, you know?”
She huffs out a quiet laugh above him - and it’s the first time he’s heard it here, between the two of them, in a long time.
Three weeks and five days, to be exact.
a random neighbors au:
“So,” he says as he wriggles his key into the lock on his mailbox. From the corner of his eye he sees her head turned toward him, frozen in the act of rifling through her mail. “Are you a magician?”
He turns toward her to find her staring at him like he’s just beamed down from outer space, and for half a second he almost bails. Her brow is furrowed and the corners of her mouth are pulled down. “What?” she asks.
“Are you a magician?” he repeats. He waits until she’s blinked twice, before adding “‘cause when I look at you, everyone else disappears.”
The silence that follows rings just long enough for him to regret approximately eighty-seven percent of his collective life choices. She arches a brow and turns a little more fully toward him, but otherwise remains motionless until he forces himself to swallow thickly.
“That’s what you’re gonna go with?” she finally asks, and even though the vast majority of her demeanor is now overflowing with derision, he’s certain there’s a spark of amusement in her eyes. “Of all the cheesy pickup lines in the world, you’re going with...magician. You can’t honestly tell me you thought that would work.”
He can feel his face flooding with heat, embarrassment like static prickling up his spine to the back of his neck. She’s still staring at him expectantly, her mail now apparently forgotten as she lowers her hands to her hips, and when he tries to swallow it’s like the Sahara in his throat. “Uh,” he coughs a bit awkwardly, letting his keys hang from the lock so he can properly rub the back of his neck. “I just thought - since we’re the only ones in here -”
“No, I got that part,” she interrupts, a smile beginning to form in the curves of her face. “That was the only slightly redeemable part of...whatever that was supposed to be. But tacking it on to calling me a magician is definitely not achieving what you’re trying to achieve here.”
A brief, nervous laugh escapes his chest on an exhale, and this woman is still staring at him - though her amusement is far more pronounced now. In fact, he’d go so far as to say she looks mirthful in the way she appraises him from head to toe. “That definitely wasn’t my best,” he admits, reaching up for his keys, pleased to find his hands steadier than he expected them to be. “Can I get a do-over? And...maybe your number, while I’m at it?”
Her answering laugh is bright and loud and it simmers in his veins; it seems to catch her off-guard as it does him. She shakes her head and lifts her mail to her chest again, almost like she’s trying to put a barrier between them. “That was a little better,” she admits through a smile, “but still not great. Do any of those ever work for you?”
“Sometimes,” he nods, finally getting his mailbox door open just to find two overdue bills and a copy of Busty Ladies magazine inside. He stares for a beat, and then closes the door. “No mail for the falcon today.” he says cheerfully.
“The falcon?” she repeats - and all the derision from before is back.
“Oh, yeah, my - my gym buddies call me ‘the falcon,’ y’know, ‘cause - ‘cause I’m so badass.”
She stares, mouth just slightly agape, and he regrets ninety-three percent of his collective life-choices. “Wow,” she finally manages, backing a pace toward the door, and then another. “Well, uh, it was...interesting meeting you, Mr. The Falcon.”
He laughs, and she grins, and then she’s backing away earnestly and he’s left with the feeling of grasping at straws. “Ja- uh, it’s actually Jacob.”
“Jacob.” she repeats.
And he panics. “I don’t know why I said that, no one actually calls me Jacob. I mean, it’s my real name, it’s my - my full name, or proper name, or whatever. But my mom is the only one who calls me that and she only does it when I’m in trouble.” She’s almost to the doorway now, looking at him the way he suspects she looks at people who try to corner her in bodegas to passionately warn her of a looming apocalypse, and she’s about to disappear. “It’s Jake.”
She pauses just beside the doorway, head cocked just slightly to the left, and unreadable expression on her face. “Hi, Jake. You’re really weird.”
the hunger games au:
“What do you mean?” Jake asks. Santiago shifts, eyes darting to the right toward the end of the table, suddenly looking like a cornered animal. “Your game ended four years ago -”
She makes a noise, a loud “tch” sound between her teeth, and he falls silent. “I left the arena four years ago,” she says slowly. She’s still gripping her empty glass tightly, like it’s the only solid thing in the room. “But I’m still playing the games. The games are never over. They drag you back every year so you have a front row seat, they make you...talk to people,” she seems to have a hard time forcing the words out of her throat, which strikes Jake as a very Diaz-like thing to do. “It’s just...it’s never over. Never.”
The train passes into a tunnel, and suddenly the entire dining cart is thrown into an eerie, rapidly flashing orange light. The shadows cross Santiago’s face quickly, and she suddenly seems much older than she did before. She leans forward across the table toward him, and when her mouth opens, he catches the slightest smell of whiskey on her breath.
“Trust me, Peralta,” she whispers. “There’s only one loser in the games. And that’s the last one standing. The games only end when you do.”
“I don’t want to die.” he says, in a voice that is not his own, too dark and tense and quiet. “I don’t want to, I don’t want to...how, how do I...please, Santiago,” he finishes in a whisper, “help me.”
The tunnel ends, and the cart is once again bathed in the soft yellow light from the lamp on the side table behind her. He sees her swallow thickly, her fingers bone white for how hard they’re curled around her glass. She chews the inside of her cheek and casts a glance out the window toward that cluster of glittering lights in the distance growing steadily closer, before she returns to his face. “I-I can’t -” she rasps, pauses, clears her throat, and starts again. “I can’t...guarantee anything. You know that, don’t you? There’s nothing guaranteed about any of this, okay?”
His fingers and toes are numb and his heart feels like the flutter of a hummingbird’s wings against his breast as he nods. He grips the edges of the nearest plate and pulls it closer, until the edge digs into his chest.
“Okay,” she whispers, “I’ll help you.” Her right hand drifts to the deep divot in the tabletop from where Rosa’s knife had landed hours earlier, fingertips tracing and catching on the scar.
His chest quakes with a shaky exhale. Relief floods through his veins, hot and strong, and his whole body sags in heedy relief. “Thank you, God, thank you Santiago -”
She taps the bottom of her glass against the table loudly, cutting him off, and then turns her head up toward the ceiling. “Amy.” She says after a moment.
She drops her chin again, and when her eyes find his he’s suddenly violently transported back in time to that moment in the Market four years previously, hours before her reaping, the last time he saw her eyes so clear and bright and present. “It’s Amy,” she says, “you can call me Amy.”
a sound of music au:
Mrs. Simms and Maria both start toward the staircase, a tense silence lingering behind them. Neither Jake nor Captain Santiago move until they hear a door click shut upstairs; the moment the silence descends again, Captain Santiago releases a breath and drops her head.
Somehow, her posture is still ramrod straight.
“I apologize, Mr. Peralta,” she says as she turns toward him, and suddenly Jake is aware of the deep crescents carved into the skin beneath her eyes and the weary way her shoulders curve inward beneath the padding in her suit jacket. “My priorities have just changed. I’m afraid I can’t focus on whatever it is you’re here to do -”
“Assist in the process of recovering from your injury,” he recites quietly.
She blinks, and then shakes her head slightly. “Right. Yes. That. I’m afraid I can’t do that until I find a replacement for my children’s nanny. I think it would be best if you just returned to the hospital for now.”
She starts toward the door, clearly expecting him to follow, but his feet remain planted on the floor. Her gait is uneven - he can see the slight limp on her left side, perhaps a tender knee or hip - and that same strange feeling from the day before is overwhelming in the cavern of his chest once again. “What if I stepped in as a nanny?” he hears himself ask.
Captain Santiago freezes in place, and then slowly turns back to face him, trepidation written as clear as day across her face. “You’re aware of the fact that there are seven of them, correct?”
He nods.
Her brow furrows. “You would be able to properly carry out your duties as a nurse in addition to nannying my children?”
He shrugs. “I don’t imagine the recovery process would be too extensive, since it seems like it’s only your left knee?” He raises his brows and glances at the knee in question.
A look of surprise flashes across her face. “Very observant,” she says, and he gets the feeling that it’s mostly to herself. He doesn’t respond; for a long moment they merely stand staring at each other. “Alright,” she finally says, “I’m willing to give this a try. But the moment the nursing process interferes with my children and their schedule, it’s over, and you will return to the hospital at once. Am I understood?”
He has to resist the urge to salute. “Absolutely, ma’am.” he says instead.
a the good place au (where jake and amy knew each other through competing precincts in the nypd and “hated” each other in life and therefore immediately recognize each other in the after-life):
The Architect takes him to his new home - something tailored specifically for this Other Jake’s tastes, something straight out of his personal nightmares - and he’s really starting to think that he’s going to get away with this. The Architect is showing him the television system and he’s watching point-of-view clips of advocacy works in Uganda and there are fifteen framed paintings of clowns in the corner and someone is knocking on his new front door.
And when the front door opens to reveal the person on the other side, all his hopes of staying are dashed.
Of all the people in the entire universe who could have been assigned to this afterlife neighborhood with him, of all the people in history who could have knocked on his front door, it just had to be Amy freaking Santiago.
She does, for whatever reason, wait to question him until after The Architect is gone.
Jake stalls as long as he can closing that front door, taking care to examine the knob - this big round thing that looks to be artificially rusted, how lame - and when he finally, slowly turns on the spot, she’s standing several paces ahead of him with her arms crossed tight over her chest and her foot tapping impatiently.
And suddenly he realizes that she’s wearing a pantsuit in the afterlife.
“So -”
“Don’t.” she snaps, and he drops his gaze to his feet with a nod. “I don’t know what’s going on or why you’re here, but there’s clearly been a mistake.”
“I could be in The Good Place -” he says indignantly.
“Did you even know you while you were alive? You were the most arrogant, pompous, self-centered and conceited human being I’ve ever met in my life!”
“Oh, please, Santiago. Just because I had a little bit of confidence -”
“I wasn’t finished.” she interrupts sharply, and he rocks backwards to his heels, feeling the door’s cool surface brushing against his shoulders. “All you ever cared about was looking cool and being the best. That’s not confidence, it’s arrogance.”
The all-too-familiar urge to argue with her bubbles up like bitter bile in his throat, but after a moment he feels himself deflating, the fight leaving him all at once. “You’re right,” he shrugs, and if he’s not mistaken there’s surprise cracking through that steely expression on her face. “I mean, the guy - The Architect? - he got my name right, but...that’s it. Those -” he gestures to the television, where the memories are still soundlessly playing on the screen “- are definitely not my memories. He mentioned that I was some kind of death-row lawyer and human rights advocate?”
Amy snorts - clearly in disbelief - but Jake smiles tentatively all the same. “Yeah, that’s obviously incorrect.”
“Here’s the real kicker, though - he said I was also a volunteer firefighter. Can you imagine?”
She pulls a face, laughs a more genuine laugh - and the defensiveness in her eyes diminishes half a degree. And later (much later) he’ll pinpoint this as the moment that hope sparked back to life inside his chest.
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yiqiie · 5 years
every week, i’ll sit down and watch the newest episode of Idol Producer Season 2 《青春有你》and write down all my thoughts. nothing get’s left out so get ready for a bunch of memes, shit posts and rants as we get through another season of our fave survival show 
feel free to send me any questions to my inbox and i’ll answer them asap!
a/n: I AM READY i’ve been so hyped after the previews i’m finally feeling a bit of the excitement i got from last season again 
start time: 7:32 am
my wifi has been pretty good lately so i’m praying i won’t have to take all day to watch this ep again 
wait omfg yaochi’s mum 
zyx you’re a little shit ahahahahaha 
also i love your dimple uwu 
no one in A class ;;;;
wait i got too caught up i forgot to write something
but like what he said is true 
you’ve got people who are already such all-rounded people compared to people who are maybe only good at singing so it’s gonna be harder for some people than it will be for others 
i love jolin so much guys she’s teaching them move by move 
i think the mentoring is so much better than last season though 
i think they focused way too much on like being strict last time but this time they’re actually doing move by move teaching 
it might have something to do with experience tbh 
but once again jolin is the cutest human and she’s my number 1 pick lmao 
hu chunyang uwu he’s so shy 
i love li ronghao teaching though 
the poor thing but look at how hardworking 
they’re so nervous though poor babes 
so baby pick-a me! 
i remember when he was teaching mask and all of the boys were doing zyx neck exercises and it WAS THE FUNNIEST THING 
i’m sorry i’m supposed to be focussed on the trainees but i’m mesmerised by zyx lmfao 
dude that is some pretty crazy workout 
they’re asking pd hard questions ahahahhahahaha
li wenhan teaching uwu what an aesthetic 
yaochi’s smile is so adorable 
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yao mingming is so cute honestly 
oh no baby ;;; 
he forgot some of his lines 
please tell me they’re going to A 
i will cry 
pls pls pls i’m begging 
i really have to get better at names 
wait someone got to A 
since when 
what who is it???
only 7 people went up from F ;;; 
please tell me someone went up to A 
no baby don’t cry no no no 
oh shit i’m crying 
okay i’m sobbing i can’t even see my keyboard 
[break while i get a tissue box] 
lol the subtitles aren’t matching the sound 
now there aren’t subtitles 
wait no they’re back 
wang jiayi you’re so hardworking i believe in you gorgeous 
well we already know wenhan is in A 
guan yue my number one pick baby 
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istg if zyx makes another trainee cry
oof his vocal power though 
‘hold me i’m going to faint’ 
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jia yi is holding the fcking yoghurt milk drink and practising 
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honestly my heart hurts so much for these boys they work so hard 
sorry lin mo crying for his teammates is making cry 
wtf jia yi those vocals holy shit 
lian huawei is such a meme i can’t believe this boy 
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sorry this is turning into a guan yue fangirl rant 
back to the topic 
damn that’s a lot of people in A 
sorry HE’S SO CUTE 
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also did jia yi change his hair colour?????
zyx has his proud face on 
casper’s ‘YOU GOIN A MAN’ 
xu fangzhou’s visuals though omg 
honestly the improvement over three days is so much obvious this season then last year 
you can really see how much they put in and how much they’ve improved 
no babes don’t cry no no 
‘my killing part is really weak’ 
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lmfao no one wanting to perform first ahahaha 
guan yue’s smile IS HONESTLY 
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he forgot the moves because he kept smiling AHAHAHA
i’m saying it again 
i’m finally loving the new song 
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jia yi don’t smile at me like that 
you know i can’t handle it 
[brb getting my tissue box] 
okay no one crying so far 
we good 
wait someone’s mum is brushing their teeth AHAHA
okay this is just really cute 
this is hilarious omfg 
‘it doesn’t matter if i can see you on weibo or not’ 
oh guan yue ;;; 
i’ve seen people on weibo saying that they don’t want them to show this bit and that people shouldn’t make a big deal out of it so i won’t talk much 
oh fuck where are my tissues 
no baby don’t cry you’re making them so proud 
lin mo pretending that there’s a bad signal so his mum doesn’t hear him cry 
perhaps my heart is breaking 
so is it gonna be this way producer team 
you’re gonna make me laugh and now you’re giving me all of this emotional stuff 
no li wenhan nope no no no 
i can’t even see my screen 
[break while i get water] 
ooooo group performances!! 
what are the songs this time 
pls don’t tell me there’s gonna be a PPAP level song 
wait like ‘dream’ as in the season one dream???
that was god-tier 
no one’s gonna beat zyx though just saying
ooooo we have a ballad!
it isn’t idol producer without some good old voting 
who’s number one pick 
li wenhan?
i bet it is 
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pls pick a good song though 
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he thought he was gonna be able to chose his song 
but he’s become li wenhan team’s competitor 
no one wants to be chosen anymore because li wenhan AHAHAHHAHAA
wait my wifi cut off how did we get here again 
oh wait three As in the other team 
now we’re onto the next song 
oh the poor baby’s face ;;;; 
before everyone wanted to be the next on picked 
but now no one wants to be picked anymore 
one team per song can’t perform on stage at all 
what the hell 
what’s the point of live voting then?????
5 vocals and there are 4 rap parts AHAHHAHAH 
i love how there isn’t even competing in their team they just kinda force chunyang to be leader lmfao 
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‘whoever has muscles, let them be centre’ AHAHAHHAHA 
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this is so funny i can’t believe this omg 
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wait they’re just kinda spoiling who’s gonna be able to go on stage 
not gonna lie though isn’t that kind of unfair?
oooo these groups look really fcking good 
wait li wenhan group’s outfits are low-key ugly lmao 
they literally just revealed who’s performing ahahaha 
honestly this is really unfair to the people who don’t get to perform 
finish time: 11:03am 
that’s all folks; tune in next week for another episode of mai’s shitposting whilst we suffer through another survival show together!
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canyouhearthelight · 6 years
The Miys, Ch. 14
Author’s Note:  I know it has been a little bit since I posted last.  There is a lot of stuff going on in my life right now, so it has been difficult to focus and give this story the attention it deserves.  The lovely Tyche has sent me her next chapter, however, so I have edited that and am posting it tonight.  This chapter is from Tyche’s perspective and is relaying her story.  Any editing errors are solely my own, and please don’t hesitate to inbox me if you notice something.
If you want to, you can skip down to the story below the cut.  I just want to give everyone an idea of what is going on with my life right now.  
For those of you who don’t follow @ritualistic-raven, my mother has quit two jobs this year with no savings, no safety net, nothing to keep her going long term.  The first job was one she had been in for eleven years, and she quit it as soon as her tax return came in (I think it was February? It was the beginning of the year). She lived off her tax return, without even trying to find a new job, until early June.  She found a new job in mid-July, and quit that one in September.  My sister a full time college student, and had not been working while going to school, so this was the only income they had.  There is also my nephew living with them.
My mother still has not found a job, and we are coming up on December. Toward the end of October, they (my mother, my sister, and my nephew) moved into my spare bedroom...  That’s right.  Me, my spouse, my sister, mother, and nephew all living in a just-a-hair-under 1100 sq ft house.  It is making everyone involved more than a lot bit stressed out.
My sister started a good job last week, but it is currently just seasonal (although there is a chance to go permanent after the seasonal gig is over).  I’m not even sure if my mother is still looking for jobs, TBH.  I work 42 hours a week, my spouse works 40-45, and we both have 45 minute commutes one way.  If she doesn’t, I have no idea when they will be able to get their own place - I feel terrible that my sister is sleeping on my couch or an air mattress in my office, and that my nephew has literally nothing to do at my house because my house is not very kid-friendly.  Fairly kid-proof, but not kid friendly.
I spend an inordinate amount of my time angry, depressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted.  I have difficulty sleeping, difficulty focusing on work, and resent my mother so much right now I could scream at her every time she crosses my path.  Add to all of that the fact that she has apparently forgotten how to cook (which she has done, and done well, for a living, on several occaisions?), we just made it through Thanksgiving here in the States, and Christmas holidays are right around the corner.  I’m also preparing for a business trip, trying to train a new person to help do my job, etc.
All that said, I am trying very hard to still write. I know it doesn’t always show on here, but that’s because sometimes I work on a fanfiction I have not even started posting yet, sometimes I am working on my novel-in-progress (which at this point has become something Brian Griffin would be proud of), and sometimes I am working on Destiel and Sabriel Secret Santa stuff.
TL;DR: Thank you for being patient with me, I have A Lot going on right now, and I promise The Miys is not on hiatus.
I stood on a platform in front of a large number of my fellow humans. The lights were dimmed, for the sake of my nerves, but I could still see several of the front rows thanks to the light from the video screens behind me. I felt like a mega-millionaire with a groundbreaking statement.
There was no form of microphone, no podium, not even a glass of water for my comfort. Everyone would still hear me, however, thanks to the Miys linking the translators.
I don’t know how long I stood in silence, trying to shake the nerves I expertly concealed. My feet were planted, my fingers woven in front my hips, shoulders back, and chin up. I appeared to be taking in the crowd. I was used to preparing any presentations. I was used to having a visual to gesture to or explain factually.
Here, I had nothing but my own history.
“Okay, Tyche. Deep breath. You know how to tell an engaging story. You can do this.” I thought to myself.
I rolled my shoulders in preparation and finally spoke.
“Thank you all for joining me. This hall has been reserved for those brave enough to share their stories of what they experienced after the End began. This is why we are here now. Many of you have met already, but for those of you who haven’t, please allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Tyche. I like dark clothes, fluffy cats, coffee, and swearing.”
A few in the audience chuckled.
“I am a very serious person when needed. When I don’t have to be so serious, I am aloof to those who don’t know me and social to those who do. A bit like a cat, I suppose.
“You may be able to hear an odd French accent when I speak. On Earth, I was born in the United States of America but worked very hard to move to Paris. I spent years learning the language before I ever boarded a plane, and my accent shifted a bit towards French from that alone. I spent several years in France, honing my pronunciation in order to better communicate with those whom I worked with. I worked in executive administration for a very large financial institution after bustin’ my ass to get a middle-level administration job working with my sister.
“A few years after I moved to Paris and began buying my flat, I was approached by a smaller company. The pay wasn’t as good and they weren’t globally known, but I had apparently chatted with a family member of the owner one day and my occupation came up. I had been recommended to help keep this company from going under after a fiasco left them with no one to run the accounts.
“I was reluctant to leave my comfortable job until I could at least straighten out this smaller company’s bookkeeping. I’ll be honest, it was a mess.
“I had drafted my letter of resignation a few nights before the Launch. I was preparing to hand it in; I just had to convince myself I would be happier this way. Everyone was buzzing about who would be leaving Earth and if we would ever see them again, so on and so forth. I knew the CEO of my financial institution was leaving, but I didn’t feel bad about it. It was a corporation, after all, run by a board of directors.  Still, I kept my poor sister up late one night as she talked me into doing what would make me happiest, even if it meant leaving the company we both worked for.
“The night came and everyone was watching the synchronized streaming of the Launch. Twelve ships. Twelve launch sites around the globe. Faster than light travel! And, of course, only the rich could afford to go.
“We saw it. We all saw it. Well, most of us. It was declared an international holiday, wasn’t it? So many of us sat around on our devices, streaming this brand-new technology being launched with paying customers, civilians, on board. It was momentous! It was historical!
“But then when the ships launched… Well, they blew up. There just isn’t any other way to describe it. The ships had been sabotaged to explode in the atmosphere at the same moment. The feeds cut right after we saw the start of the explosions and if you were outside or near a window? You probably saw the light race across the sky, rippling the air as it went. Then everything went dark.”
I paused for a moment. I could hear murmurs which I assumed were people telling their neighbors where they were when it happened.
Struggling to continue, I cleared my throat again. My vision was being overwhelmed by the past. My brain had thrown me into a visual flashback. I forced myself to narrate what I was seeing, telling my story as my brain recalled it.
I had taken my wine glass and tablet out to the balcony of my small Parisian flat. I was four levels from the ground and could see the lights of the city from where I lived. Even the Eiffel Tower could be seen here, as it twinkled in the distance. The view was everything I had worked so hard to achieve.
I was overwhelmed at that moment with the feeling I was finally, truly home. Drinking wine on my Parisian balcony at 4am was what I truly wanted. Having a fantastic job on top of that, allowing me to be relatively stress free? Absolute freedom, aside from the sound of my mother snoring in the other bedroom.  Headphones on, I listened with minor interest until the countdown began. I could hear several of my neighbors counting down as if it was the New Year, making me laugh in delight.
« Dix ! Neuf ! Huit ! Sept ! Six ! Cinq ! Quatre ! Trois ! Deux ! Un ! »
The buildings and streets erupted with cheering as the ships set off from their launchpads, ready to embark on a journey like no other. I had mixed feelings about it. Fantastic new technology is amazing, but the richest of the rich being the only civilians? I was thrilled about this new age of space travel and tried to focus on that, pressing the negative feelings to the back of my mind.
I was pondering what discoveries would be made along their journey and how long we would have to wait to find out when suddenly the crowds fell silent. The screen of my tablet was shaky for a moment before the livestream simply ended.
Something was wrong. What was that color? It only last for half a moment before the stream ended, but it looked like…. I had seen this before. It was a fireball. But there was an odd color to it. Orange and red and white, but there was something else.
Before I could put any more thought into it, a light rippled across the sky, warping any clouds in its path. It was like a shockwave of light. It was unreal and worse than that, unknown. I gazed out in the direction it went and saw everything flicker, then go black.
The City of Lights was dark.
It all happened so quickly. I’m placing my glass on my balcony table with my tablet, sitting down a few minutes before launch, and then watching everything go dark. Less than ten minutes.
A few fearful screams could be heard, but we knew sunrise was soon. There was already panic, however, as more and more people shouted to their neighbors and even strangers that their phones and flashlights weren’t working. Cars wouldn’t start, the metro rail wouldn’t move, and we saw no airplanes flash overhead. We waited for emergency vehicles. Police and firefighters. “Where are they?” we kept asking each other. No sirens, no lights, no sign of help.
As the day went on, we realized more and more things wouldn’t work. It didn’t take long for us to reach the conclusion that anything that had been powered by electricity, even batteries, was useless. Looting began around midday, taking advantage of the lack of police vehicles and security systems. It didn’t matter what the store was, it was at risk. Electronics were especially popular, as people assumed the power would be restored at some point.
We marched on the government buildings. We demanded answers! What the hell happened? When will it be fixed? Tell us!
Our officials were as baffled as we were. No one had answers, because the people who would have the answers couldn’t communicate or travel with ease to let the officials know.
“You have to wait. We have to go to our scientists. We have to go to them to find out why,”
Tension rose higher and higher. Insulin pumps had failed in the flash. Pacemakers failed as well, and families were outraged that there was no help. At any moment, people would die.
The horror struck many who had not considered how much we rely on technology to keep us alive.
“What about hospitals!” Many started shouting to no one in particular.
I remember leaving the scene, in a state of shock from the realizations, and returning to my flat. “France riots at the drop of a hat. I’m not French. I don’t want to get caught in the crossfire.” I told my cat as I stuffed a few clothes and some bread and water in a bag. I knew how cliché it was, but I also knew I wanted to pack light. I grabbed my duffel bag to shove more supplies into. Candles, matches, a book, a few knives… “Maybe more food.” A few more bottles of water and a wrapped cut of cheese really weighed it down, but I couldn’t skip nourishment. I was leaving Paris, on foot, not sure how long it would take me to get anywhere in this country. My mother refused to leave. “I’m sixty-four,” she declared like it was some great revelation. “I refuse to let some idiots run me out of my home.”
Technically, the flat was mine, in my name only, but I knew that tone and wasn’t about to try to argue.  She wanted to stay, she could stay.  I was taking Mac and getting the hell out of there. I wrapped in a thick coat and two scarves, put on my good boots, and then clipped the walking harness around the cat before remembering my passport. Just in case.
The click of the door behind me was heartbreaking. Was I ever going to come back? Would life restore itself in a few days? My feeling in my gut said no. It said the flash was catastrophic. It said to not get my hopes up.
“At least there’s still enough Arkansas in me to be able to navigate with the sun and stars,” I told my upset feline companion. He just squawked at me plaintively.
I headed south, toward the country. I’d go south for as long as I could.
I lost count of how many days it had been by the time I reached a small village in smelling-distance of the salty ocean. There had been no power anywhere. I had been able to stop here and there, begging people for a bit of food, just enough to make it another day. Everyone was scared of strangers. That wasn’t the French way, but this new reality made everyone paranoid. We’ve all seen those films.
The last town name I could remember is Millau. I ended up somewhere past that. A kind woman named Sandrine said she saw the flash and had been worried criminals would come.
“I’m too exhausted to hurt anyone who isn’t trying to hurt me,” I told her. I had seen very few people along my trek, but none of them seemed to think the lady with the leashed cat was worth bothering.
Sandrine offered me shelter and food from the gardens that were popular there. Aside from the candles and oil lanterns everywhere, it was hard to imagine that life here ever had electricity. It was peaceful and still very organized. The adults would speak in hushed voices. Theorizing what had happened, but no one could agree on one answer.
I stayed there for several months, never finding out what the source of the seemingly-permanent blackout was. Things were going well. This small village was rustic enough to function with little issue the entire time I was there.
Suddenly, it all came to an end. We had seen smoke off in the distance for a few days, but when we woke one morning, it was to the sound of screaming and panicking. The fire had spread overnight thanks to rough winds. It was engulfing the village.
I never want to see that again. So many people couldn’t escape. Many had been asleep when the fire took them. The sight of it was too horrific. Sandrine told me to take one of her horses and go. She would be close behind. Since I never unpacked all of my things, I grabbed my bags and rushed toward the horse pen. I was shaking as I dressed one of the horses, but managed to get everything cinched up. I ran for another saddle and bit when her house collapsed. A tree nearby, weakened by drought, had caught fire and fallen. Sandrine was inside.
I hate feeling helpless. I fought so much in my lifetime to that point so that I would be stronger, more capable, but in that moment, I knew I was helpless against a burning home. And I was terrified beyond screaming. In panicked silence, I mounted the horse and took off to the east.
This repeated for years. Find some people to huddle down with, something would destroy our home, we’d all take off in different directions for safety. Lather, rinse, repeat. The longer it went on, the more hopeless we felt. Many gave up. Many stopped caring. Many begged “why,” even though we had no way of truly knowing what caused all of this.
Sure, we saw the ships explode, very briefly, before everything went down. Around many fires we would discuss what this meant on the global scale. Nuclear reactors, medical necessities, agriculture… How long could we keep going, when everything we knew before was so tech-heavy?
After a handful of years, I quit trying to make allies. I was tired of seeing them die. I went off on my own to try to live like a hermit. I wanted isolation. I knew I could find it if I went back to one of the destroyed villages in the mountains. I knew I could stay there for a while, since I had learned how to scavenge for food and make minimal supplies last.
What I didn’t know is that I would get too comfortable in my solitude. I didn’t know that when approached by some fool stronger than myself, I would panic. He was bigger than I am, and the look in his eyes was one of true insanity. He rushed at me. All I could do was try to lose him in the woods I spent years casually learning, leaping over fallen trees and ducking under low-hung branches. This man…this man somehow kept up with me. He cornered me at a cliff, one that looked as if it overhung a flooded quarry.
I’m small. I’m perceived to be female. And I was alone with this terrifying man who’s lost his mind. I was not going to risk finding out what he wanted. Maybe to kill and eat me. Maybe worse. I wasn’t going to find out.
So, I flung myself, arms spread like wings, over the edge of the cliff, expecting death.
Instead, I woke up on this ship. I woke up with a few injuries from the chase, severe malnutrition, and a ringing in my ears.
Simon was there, and though we got off to a very rough start, he helped me by explaining the Ark and the Miys. He did have to sedate me a couple times, as violent as I was trying to be. He helped me get settled onto the ship and understand what the Miys were here. Simon was the first human I met here. And while he is, erm, awkward, I will say it was nice to see someone who hadn’t been through what we had.
A few people clapped, sensing that I had wrapped up my story. I snapped back into reality and wondered how long I had monologued, a bit embarrassed. I took another deep breath. Time to truly wrap myself up.
“Thank you for being here and being patient enough to listen to me go on. I hadn’t put much thought into how much I would share, to be honest. We all went through a lot. That’s why we share. Through our experiences, we can feel more comfortable with those around us. Hopefully, sharing my story will help show that I am an entire person, not just someone who tells you where to go and what to do. Again, thank you.” I found my way off the stage area as I tried not to cry. There were reasons I put this off for so long, and my caretaker was about to find out first hand what I am like when I break down. I needed to find him.
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poor-baby-bangtan · 5 years
i literally love you all
okay so i meant to make this post earlier but this is the only time since yesterday that i’ve actually had time to sit down and write this post. my schedule has been literally insane and probably will continue to be for i don’t even know how long.
but anyways!
i made a post last night asking for requests and i put in the tags that i needed a distraction from some stuff. i’m not going to go in-depth with this or anything related to the subject, but a bit over a week ago i made a post about being one year clean from self-harm. it’s hard to stay that way sometimes and a lot has been going on lately (but i have been doing really well recently, bad days are rare!! don’t worry!!). last night i was in desperate need of something to keep myself busy with. so i made a post asking for requests 
i’ve only ever gotten one request before, but after i had asked, i had a total of four in my inbox within an hour. that’s incredible to me. along with giving me something to occupy my mind with, i felt like i had been included. like someone/some people had appreciated me or my writing enough to send a simple ask. in the moment, i needed that
(i have seen them and are working on each of them!) 
thank you to those people who sent any of the four requests. you gave me much more than that without realizing it. you seriously helped me out, so thank you. love you <3
and this doesn’t just apply to those who sent asks. this goes to everyone who has ever liked my posts, commented, reblogged, anything. what may be simple for you means so, so much to me. checking my notifs to see even one notification gives me something that i can’t explain. 
and no, i’m not saying this so i get more likes/reblogs/attention/whatever. i could care less about those things. and if you feel obliged to give my account more attention because of this, i urge you not to. i want my content to be something that people enjoy, not something people feel like they have to view because some random blogger is mentioning their occasional problems with mental health. you don’t have to like, you don’t have to reblog. all i want is for people to enjoy what i put out there - i don’t need anything in return
i just wanted to say thank you. you all have really helped me through some stuff, even if you haven’t been aware of it 
thank you and i love you! <3
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Heyyy moon ! I’m sorry I’m late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! I hope your dreams and wishes come true !
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(lemme continue right under the keep reading aksdjaklgjadkgj)
Oh my god. Oh my GAWD, Memoxcrom, I’m just so happy I don’t know how to put it into words… :’(
Please don’t worry about being late. I literally didn’t say anything to anyone, so it’s no one’s fault not knowing it was my birthday, and naturally people would be late when they found out. It was on friday. But don’t worry. You coulld have been another year late, I’d be hyped and heads over heels about it, I’m HYSTERICALLY HYPED about this omg, you really have no idea of how excited and ecstatic I’m feeling :’)
Buddy, thank you so so so so, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freaking much for all of this, gawds bless, thank you so much. I’m mentally squeezing you in a hug because you’ve made me so happy and I can’t stop my feelings ljkasdkljadgjadglkadj
Thank you so much for the good wishes. Wishing for someone’s dreams and wishes to come true is one of the biggest an purest gifts you could give to anyone. So I’m very grateful that you’ve gifted this to me. Thank you so very much. Daily I work hard to get those dreams and wishes, and I feel confident, but there’s those days where a little magic from someone else is much needed....and a million times more appreciated
So thanks a lot to you. :’)
Also, as you can see, no worries, your ask was sent just fine! I do thank that you did it twice, though. That you worried enough on whether or not it was sent and making sure, instead of just going “meh, if it made it in fine, and if not whatever”, I’m truly, really, immensely grateful that you took the time and the intention and everything. You truly are so kind and so amazingly nice to me, I don’t know what to say. Thank you wholeheartedly, buddy, I’m still speechless and sort of in awe.
Just seeing your name was such a gift to me. I didn’t know if you were still around or not, and seeing and hearing from you again really sent me flying past the moon, I’M SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOO HYPED TO GET TO BE TALKING WITH YOU AGAIN, BUDD!!!!!
I hope you’ve been alright. I hope and wish that you’ve been okay and healthy and doing good, and that life’s been gentle and kind. If you can tell me more, I’d love to hear how you’ve been, friend. I’ve missed you lots :’3
Thank you once more for everything, so much. You really have no idea how happy your ask made me. I lack the words to tell you how much :’)
I hope you’ve been alright. And I hope you’re having a MOST BEAUTIFUL day or night, my dear friend! May the stars give you twice as you’ve given and wished to me.  (ɔˆ⌣(ˆ⌣ˆc)
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yunasightx · 6 years
Names and Puzzle Pieces( aka , give me the Mcmercy fam fluff!))
(Behold this monster that has literally been sitting on my flash drive for a over a year and a half. I have no excuse for this fic besides the fact that I’m a sucker for wholesome expecting family fluff— and that goes double for this pair. Literally.)
As I stated before, this fic has been sitting around for a while .. so I really did not go through it with an ultra fine tooth comb (( and is also the reason why there are some characters, like Moria, who are not mentioned even though they have a strong relation to members of the original Overwatch---  especially in regards to Mercy and Mccree’s past. They simply were not around at the time when I wrote the bulk of this. I added Brigitte in last minute though , because it was a bit easier to mention her....and i may also ship her with a certain rocket-jump gal ))I did try my best, but I really just wanted to get it over with. So, apologies for Iand grammar issues. I may go back to edit later if I see anything insanely obvious.
In the meantime, happy reading and enjoy! ))
I just looked over the schematics you sent me. So far, the upgrade looks promising – but I’m a little concerned about stress the additional weight and momentum might put on the joints in Fig 4.  Reinhart is not  as young as he use to be  ( despite what he might boast about) , and while an extra booster might help the Crusader Suit have a little bit more of the “OOMPH” the two of you are looking for …. Osteoporosis is not just something that is exclusive to women.   Which reminds me…. I believe you are overdue for your yearly physical as well, Bärchen  <3.
Ps. I highlighted the issues I think need a second glance.  Maybe we can get lunch next Tuesday to look them over?  I have been craving grilled fish and sriracha something terrible lately.
Angela read over the email one last time, checking for the usual typos and general grammatical errors, before hitting the send button.  The email blipped out of existence from her computer screen leaving only the  default Overwatch logo quietly staring back at her.
The doctor leaned back in her chair with a content sigh, “Well, one thing down…. Several more to go.” She had spent the whole morning cleaning out her (what always appeared to be) constantly full inbox; replying to and sending out correspondences to anyone and everyone who had questions and concerns for the Head Doctor of the reinstated global peacekeeping organization. Angela supposed she could have been fielding most of them off to an intern, or even asked Athena for assistance, but she liked being proactive in things ---- and truth was… she needed SOMETHING to do for the next couple of months.
Angela glanced over to her Valkyrie Suit which stood like marble statue between the two pristine white and glass shelves behind her desk  while her hand came up to rest on her still- rounding  stomach.   The lighting of the room gave the enameled white coating a soft iridescent glow and illuminated  rest of the black, orange and gold details.  The sight of it rising over the back of her chair, even with the wings powered off, as someone walked into her pristine office was something  that she knew bordered on spiritual
She’d be lying if she said she didn’t miss the adrenaline, the rush, and energy of being on the field ,or being actively involved in something ; but while the she would always be incredibly proud of her first child ---- at the moment she now had other lives she had to care for first.
And she knew the others were in good hands; Lucio and Zenyatta were newer to the life style of being a Overwatch Field medic , but so far they had shown enough promise that most of Mercy’s fears had been eased.  And dear darling Brigitte had taken the helm of that group in stride after dealing with patching up Reinhardt for years. They often came to her for advice, and she was very happy with how far all of them had come since joining Overwatch.
Angela actually had the sneaking suppression that donning the Valkyrie suit for so long was the reason why her pregnancy had been going so smoothly —for the most part— in the first place . The results weren’t completely definitive, but it seems wearing and handling experimental bio- nanotechnology over a long period of time had had some unforeseen side effects.  One of which  being what basically boiled down to slowing down the aging of Angela’s cells. It wasn’t much, just a under a decade in difference to her chronological age—-she would still age, she just wouldn’t have to worry about things like grey hair , wrinkles , mammograms, and arthritis as soon as everyone else.
Ana had joked the she should retire and just sell her product to  a home-shopping network  as the newest “anti-aging skin care line” --- then buy a nice little vacation home in Hawaii for her , McCree and the little ones ( with an extra guest house  for their favorite “Nana”, of course).
But, Mercy knew that at nearly Thirty-Nine years of age she should have expected a myriad of complications with getting pregnant, at least naturally ---- especially with both her and McCree starting to push forty. So, when it had happened after their first try… it had come as a bit of shock.  She and Jesse had talked about the possibility of children, the idea of growing their family just a little, but they had still had gone into the whole thing with a mindset of “if it happens, it happens”.
And when they discovered it they would be having twins….
Well, Mercy made a note to add gynecology and fertility research to her ever growing list.  After she had to pick McCree off the floor that is.
But, aside from three and a half months of nightmarish morning sickness and the never ending whiplash of weird cravings, everything had been progressing surprisingly well.
Well… almost everything.  
Angela’s thoughts broke off when she felt what was quickly becoming familiar fluttering of movement pushing against the palm of her hand.  She laughed and lightly rubbed her fingers over the spot, “I guess nap time is over , hmm?” She hummed. She felt another little persistent nudge and sighed, “Right..... back to work!”  
Angela braced her hands against the armrests and pushed away from her desk, before awkwardly hauling herself back to her feet; grunting as her center of gravity and new constantly-changing weight shifted back to her pelvis as her very round stomach curved out in front of her and her lower back arched in.
Angela knew she was surprising large, even with twins.  She looked more like she was nearing the tail end of her third trimester with one child, rather than twenty weeks with two.
She had given up trying to button her lab coat and pants weeks ago, and forgot the last time she had been actually able to see her feet (were her toes still painted sky blue?  Or was it lilac? Rustic orange ? The world will never know. )  Now, she just opted for breathable tunic dresses and a nice pair of stretchy leggings with her favorite pair of flats  ——and when she was home, she all put lived in Jesse’s flannel shirts ( but, she had the feeling even they wouldn’t fit for much longer either at this rate..)    
She thought about the closet of cute, but sensible new maternity wear Ana , Lena, Brigitte and Pharah had eagerly  helped her shop for  just a few weeks ago (with the former captain letting Mercy know she should be very thankful she didn’t have to be stuck with horrible fashion styles that were around when she was having Pharah… or the lack there of).  She felt a bit guilty that she was growing out of them so quickly.
Then again….. technically the twins were farther along than twenty weeks.  At least, from a gestational stand point.
That was other thing . The other unforeseen side effect of donning her Valkyrie suite for so long and so often.  Besides slowing down her ownaging, somehow the twins were growing at a slightly accelerated rate.  Not insanely or supernaturally fast, but every test her and Winston had run had proven they were consistently three weeks ahead of any  normal development.
Mercy had gone back and doubled, even tripled checked her math, but it was hard to mistake the night that led to all of this.  It was enough of an oddity that even though there had been no other complications, both of them agreed to err on the side of caution and treat her as a usual High-risk case and closely monitor her and the babies’ progress.  
Angela huffed and braced one hand against her lower back as the other started rubbing circles along her upper right side, hoping to dislodge whoever decided to jam themselves between her spleen and ribcage. She waddled over to her stainless steel work station by the large glass wall that ran the length of the room and looked out into the hallway between her and the panoramic windows that viewed  the deep shimmering blue waters of the Alboran Sea.  She picked up the tablet she had left there and pulled up her own medical file, along with half- a- screen’s worth of notifications of upcoming appointments and tests.  The lab results from her latest round of blood tests had just come in; most of her levels were fine, except her iron levels which were a tad little low (Angela rolled her eyes at that. Of course, Jesse’s spawn would be as obsessed with red meat as their father.)
She quickly scrolled through the rest of the results, then sent them and the reminded of her next ultrasound away with a flick of her fingers before pulling up several medical files and the list of Overwatch agents who she still had to hound down for the yearly physical.  Thankfully, a majority of the list was already highlighted in bright blue, but there were still a handful of names in red ---and most of those she didn’t even need to look at to know who was dragging their feet to the medical wing.
Let’s see…..Genji came in for his exam Monday, so he’s done. Hanzo was on time, as always.  Lena is tomorrow—I’ll need to remind Winston about that.   Mercy tapped Tracer’s name and informed Athena to let her fellow scientist know about his needed assistance.
“Shall I also remind Winston that it is time for his exam as well, Dr. Ziegler?” The AI suggested helpfully.
Mercy laughed, “No, I don’t think that will be necessary.  I’ll just recruit Lena to help me hold him down, you know how he can be.”
The AI let out a slightly computerized sigh, “Unfortunately, all too well I’m afraid.”
I will  probably have to drag Torbjorn here myself after lunch next week …And I will probably have to ask Ana , Pharah, and Brigette to help with Reinhart, The doctor sighed as she turned back to her list, her fingers  briefly hovering over the names that were blocked out in black---- the white lettering spelling out the identities as sharp and finite as a row of marble headstones on a dark lawn.  The files had been pulled over with the rest when Athena had backed up the old medical records from the original Overwatch.
Gerard Lacroix --- Deceased
Jack Morrison --- Deceased
Gabriel Reyes --- Deceased
Ana’s name had also recently been shrouded in the mournful color, but she had given her blessing to correct the outdated file. Her active status was now in the same bright cobalt blue as her daughter’s name near the top --- although, she had objected to also having her “Captain” title receiving the same treatment.
“I’m retired now, malak. These old bones aren’t fit to keep babysitting you brats all the time. Just leave me in the back with the rest of the old timers, and we’ll bail you kids out when you’ve finished having your fun.”
“76” on the other hand refused to go by any other name---- no matter how hard Angela or the others tried to convince him to reconsider, the old solider stubbornly refused to budge.
“The commander of Overwatch died at the Swiss base.  If you want him, you can find him six feet under his tombstone in Arlington.”
As for the last two names….. well… despite their best advancements and research even science couldn’t truly bring back the dead.
And even then……….. Angela was not sure she would ever cross that line.  She had toed it with Genji, even the very reasoning behind her own nanotechnology research flirted with that perilous edge …
But sometimes, the line between Man and God was drawn for a reason, and the price that asked was just too much to handle. You could make life, mend it, repair it if need be ----but you could not return light to a candle that no longer had a wick to burn.
Enough of that, Ziegler. Angela shook her head to clear her thoughts, and leave the past where it was supposed to be.  She scrolled through the rest of the names until she came to one very familiar name that she wasn’t surprised was still in red.  
“What am I going to do with him?” Angela sighed and tapped opened the file, so focused that she missed the metallic jingle of spurs and confident clomp cowboy boots sneaking up behind her.
Angela jumped in surprise when two arms grabbed her from behind and that mischievous, honey-whiskey -warm voice smirked against the back of  her ear.  She shot a pointed look over her shoulder ( which lacked any real bite), but Jesse just greeted her with one of his charming smiles---- completely unapologetic as he leaned down and placed a kiss on the back of her shoulder as both of his hands drifted down to the sides of her stomach.  
“How’re y’all doin’?”  
Angela could feel his warm chuckle and smile against her skin when he felt one of the twins jab at the underside of his human palm,  “Well, that one definitely takes after me. Not even out yet, and already tryin’ to start a fight.”
Angela rolled her eyes, but there was smile on her face as she turned her head and kissed his cheek. He had trimmed his beard a little bit from the wild bush he had during his vigilante days, and his hair was back to the style he had it during the prime of his days in Blackwatch .  It was still unkempt and disheveled as ever, but Angela has always liked that length on him. And Jesse said he finally got sick having it stick to the back of his neck in the blistering heat and finding beard hairs in his whiskey.
“Did you just get back?” She could still smell the salt, sea spray, and limestone of Ilios on him, along with a bit of gunpowder and a little bit of nicotine.   Jesse had reluctantly agreed to cut back on the smoking when they decided to try to start a family (only because she had  threatened that he would have to bunk with Genji , Hanzo and Zenyatta  for the next  eighteen  years  if he so much as thought about lighting up around her or the children) , but when he was out on assignment he still smoked at a cigar or two. Mercy was at least grateful he wasn’t smoking a pack a day anymore.
He had cut back on drinking too. Genji had mostly been the one to thank for that----he and Zenyatta had been helping Jesse slowly deal with his demons over the last year and a half.  For the youngest Shamada, it was the least he could do for his former Blackwatch brother and very dear friend, and the two now had a bond that went deeper than just former coworkers.
It was nice to see both of them smile so easily again.
Eventually, the two of them ganged up on her;  and while she originally dug in her heels and refused to acknowledge the parts of  her that she shoved and locked away in deep  into the shadows, far away from anyone else (her failures, her regrets , guilt and blame and what ifs)  ……it didn’t take a neuro scientist to know that something besides her work or adjustments to her suit was keeping her awake all night. And her heart was so much lighter for it.
“Just docked”,Jesse pressed another kiss against her shoulder before lifting his head a bit and resting his chin there with a deep content hum, “Figured I’d hide out here for a bit before having to face the paperwork.” He wrapped his arms under her stomach to pull her into his warmth, “Don’t think I’ll be able to keep doing this for much longer. What are ya feedin’ these kids ,Angie?”
Angela smacked his arm ,”Burgers and sriracha. And I wonder who I can thank for that.”
“Hey, don’t pick on me. I remember those paper bags you tried hiding under your desk,’ Miss McDonalds’.”
“It was Wendy’s.” Angela said automatically, not even phased about Jesse calling her out on her old guilty pleasure.
“Yeaaaaaaaahh,” Jesse drawled out with a lazy smirk that she could feel curl against her neck , “ but you’re gonna be stuck with a bunch ol McCrees so I figured it was more fitting.”
“Who said they were going to be “McCrees”?”
Angela had to bite down on her tongue from laughing as the charming “I’m winning this round” smirk slipped right off the gunslinger’s face.
“That ain’t very nice, Angel. Don’t be mean.”
“I am not being mean,” Angela had to try very to keep her voice clinical and matter-of-fact , instead of breaking out into the giggles that tickled in her throat. She knew it wasn’t nice to tease him like this, but it was cute when he pouted. “Technically, we are not married so—“
“And you told me you didn’t want that right now,” Jesse pulled away, and Angela knew instantly that she went too far.   Frustration mixed with the jet lag and three sleepless nights of clearing out stubborn Talon agents from Greek ruins that lined the cowboy’s shoulders, giving him a wounded look that was worse than any bullet to her heart.
She knew without asking what his plan had been the moment he stepped on to the helipad---- a nice cold drink, kick off those dumb boots, and to spend the rest of a quite afternoon with the woman and mother of his children who had basically stolen his heart almost twenty-two years ago.  
“ I offered it to you, but you said it wasn’t necessary. That is just a dumb piece of pa----“
Angela swallowed the rest of his argument by reaching out and pulling his head down to kiss him sweetly, putting a cooling balm on his temper.  He seemed to have gotten the message because his shoulders instantly relaxed under her hands as his went to her widened hips and he shook his head with a gravely sigh, “I really don’t like how easily you can get under my skin like that sometimes, woman.”
She shook her head and gave him another kiss before pulling back and reaching up to apologetically smooth back his hair, pushing back a laugh when he tried to puller closer but her stomach got in the way, “ No, that was a terrible attempt of a joke. I shouldn’t have said it.”
Jesse had always been the more emotional one between them; the sentimental, passionate, and sweet parts of their relationship --- a simmering slow southern day outside of Sante Fe. Even after all these years, she still had trouble accepting that when Jesse McCree loved you  he did it absolutely, openly,  and without holding anything back----it was all or nothing for him.
When she thought back on it, Angela realized she never stood a chance.
For Jesse, a ring and wedding was more than just a tradition.  It wasn’t a claim on her, or a way “to keep her an honorable woman” and their children from being born under questionable circumstances or the hundreds of other reasons people have married for over the thousands and thousands of years of human history.
It was a promise. One of the most important ones he could ever give, besides his oath to Reyes and Amari when they offered him a rank in Overwatch ----a chance to do something worthwhile and good.
Angela just didn’t know if she was worthy of that promise just yet.  
She still had moments where she worried if she could do this.  If they could really could do this. That whisp of doubt that had spread and thrived in the shadow of the ruins and rubble of the old Overwatch.  In the shadow of her every regret and helplessness and weakness when everything she held dear crumbled right through her fingers. The one thing she could never heal and fix.  
Those names flickered in her mind again.
....The names of those she failed to support.
But, she was more than willing to try.
As silly, confounding, confusing, reckless, and dramatic as her cowboy was ----she never really thought the idea of spending the rest of her life question her sanity around him sounded bad. Even back before the old Swiss base had been nothing but a pile of bitter-sweet memories, secrets, and rubble. Before they had answered Winston’s recall……and then decided to try to pick up the pieces each of them had been carefully tucking away during the years in between.
They weren’t puzzle pieces that fit together, but------
“ I think McCree is a lovely name,” Angela hummed as she pressed her lips to his cheek, just along the curve of the dark circles under his right eye, “ I also think you should have gotten more sleep. No offense, Jesse, but you look dead on your feet. And I am the doctor who is pregnant with twins.”
The cowboy gave a resigned sigh and sank down into a nearby chair, pulling her with him and across his lap since his arms had tried to find their way around her waist again. She placed her tablet down on the counter and shifted to make herself more comfortable, placing her hands over his as they followed the faint movements of the twins hands, knees, elbows, and etc  pressing against her sides.  “Just give this old cowboy a few minutes, Ange.  I missed you somethin’ fierce out there,” He muttered against her skin as he rested his forehead against her shoulder again.
“You really should be taking better care of yourself.”
The gunslinger gave a soft chuckle at the old scolding that had lost its intentional bite years ago, “Acknowledged”.
Angela knew Jesse had a terrible time sleeping when he was away on assignment these days;  which was more than unusual because she couldn’t think of a place at the Swiss base where someone had not seen him napping with his hat over his face and his boots probed up on a random surface. It would not have  be long before said hat was slapped off, and he was dragged off by his ear  for laps by a very grumbly Gabriel Reyes to burn off all that extra energy he had obviously been storing up.
“And just what are you smiling about?”
Mercy came out of the past, and shook her head at Jesse who was watching her with an amused smile before she settled against his him with her head on his shoulder, “ Nothing, just some silly memories. I can prescribe  you some minor sleep aids if you think that would help.”
The main reason for Jesse restlessness out on the field was because when his mind didn’t have to be focused on a gunfight, it was right back here with her and the twins.  It wasn’t so bad in the beginning, but as her pregnancy progressed the little fear of something happening when he might be several time zones away kept knawing itself a nice little home at the back of his mind---- like a mouse chewing its way through a baseboard.
Nightly phone calls and face -time sessions helped reassure him that Talon had not attacked the base,  Hana had not accidentally shut down the entire power grid by rigging up a super computer for gaming, and Winston did not turn her or the children into a tubs of peanut butter ( “………have you been drinking with Winhelm and Torbjorn again?”  “……No, but I did have some kind of weird Japanese fish dish Genji made.” )
Even then ,Hanzo had taken up  Mercy’s position of McCree’s common sense out on the field --- taking away the gunslinger’s phone so the bright LED screen didn’t give away their position when he kept checking in every five minutes as bullets whizzed by their heads.
Jesse gave a tired sigh as he raised his head and rest his chin on the crown of her head as he drew in closer, “I’ll be fine. I just need you and our bed , and maybe a hot toddy to dull the edge. I’m home now, that’s all that matters.”
Home.  After how many years that word did hurt to think about anymore.  
The two of them stayed like that for a while. Forgetting about emails and exams and desks full of paperwork, and just trying to enjoy this moment of absolute suspended moment of peace like a sip of Angela’s homemade hot chocolate or Jesses favorite aged whiskey.
If she closed her eyes she could almost smell the air of the Swiss alpines again, feel concrete lightly bite the backs of her thighs and the warm weight of a young gunslinger’s arm and serape around her shoulders as her knees dangled over the side of roof while  she and Jesse watched the sun rise over the base.  Watching as the light and sky started out deep and rich and slowly turned golden, blinding and bright.
Almost….. if it weren’t the constant movement jostling her insides.
“They don’t like keeping still, do they?”, Jesse grinned, his hands were tracking them across her stomach again,  eagerly moving from her sides and resting just below her navel now. He looked down at her, eyes lined with jet lagged and some residual signs of his drinking and smoking lifestyle--- but still the same soft and lively molten brown she first seen at seventeen.  
“Sounds like someone else I know,” Angela tilted her head up and teasingly nipped the tip of his nose.  
“ Hmmm….. How long are you goin’ to be cooped up in here? I was thinking you, me, some nice seared steak and pasta, and ---“
“If you even think about mentioning another one of your western movies again, Jesse, I am just going stay here and sleep in one of the med bay beds tonight.”
“…….Well, now who’s jumping the gun? I was goin’ to suggest that one old timey pirate movie Ana use to play all the time during break nights.”
“…….I’m sure you were, cowboy.”
Jesse held his hands up in surrender, “Alright, alright. You get to pick the movie tonight. Just don’t make it one of those boring educational flicks again. I’d like to be able stay awake with you tonight.”
“You liked the last few I’ve selected,” Angela pointed out, rubbing at her side to calm down whichever twin was unhappy bout suddenly being ignored.
“Yeah, well one of those was about those murders in Victorian London.  Of course that’s going to keep my interest.  But seriously Angie, as much as I want to know about what’s going on with you  and the kids, “ The Gestational Process and Bonding  of the Human Species  ; From Conception to Birth And Beyond”  isn’t exactly what I would call a “date night movie”.”
“……That is a fair point,” Angela relented, “ I just thought you would like it since you have pretty much checked out every single book we have about pregnancy in the library, and have  hounded Ana,Torbjorn, Winston and I with questions.  You even had Hanzo buy them for you in town.”
She watched as her cowboy turned a nice shade of pink under his beard, “ ….You weren’t supposed to know about that.”
“Jesse….” Angela chucked endearingly as she brushed his hair out of his eyes, “ Libeling, it’s been kind of hard not to.  But, it is sweet ----- a bit annoying sometimes, but it’s been a pleasant surprise.”
Jesse looked down at his hands, which had gone back to her middle, gently circling his thumb over the back of her hands. His voice was soft, almost unsure, like he was slowly trying to figure out an new language and did not want to mince up the words “ …..I’m just a fish out of water with all of this. I never thought I would ever have a shot at something like this. That it wasn’t in the cards for me with the shit show our lives became after everything.   But, God, did I want …… I don’t deserve an inch of you ,Ange. I  sure didn’t back then and I’m not sure I do----“
Angela kissed him before the raw emotion leaking into his voice broke both of them in two.  It was safe to say this was uncharted territory for both of them; two orphans who only had faded fragments of their own parents and a mismatch patchwork quilt they called family that had been made, ripped and repaired over the years as a reference.
There were a thousand things she wanted to tell him right then, but she would save that for when they were not surrounded by the cold, sterile, and professional environment of the med bay and her office.  She wanted to be wrapped up in one of his flannel shirts and his arms first.
“I do have something for you,”  She reached for her tablet and pulled up the file she had been saving for when he got back.
Jesse groaned the second end moved her arm, “ Angel…look, I know I’m due for that blasted checkup, but do you really—“
“You can relax, it’s not your physical. ..Yet.  I will be getting you for that later,” Angela handed him the tablet and watched as one of his eye brows raised at the sight of her name and date of birth at the top of the page. She offered him a sheepish smile, “ I know you wanted to be there, but I’m afraid Winston got the dates mixed up.  No one else knows about it yet…..but I thought it would be a nice surprise for you when you got back.”
She could barely hide her excitement  as his eyes flitted down past all the medical information and jargon the he did not understand, and landed on the one part of the report that was impossible to mistake.  She had to bite down on the corner of her lip to keep from beaming at him when his brown eyes went wide and looked between her, the tablet and back again. It was one of the few time she had seen the bombastic cowboy struck speechless,  “ …Both?”
Angela nodded, finally letting herself smile,“ Both. One of each. I guess that means we’re done after this.”
But,Jesse seemed to have missed her joke as he quickly set the tablet back down and demanded to know which twin was where. Angela laughed as she guided the one hand to where their son was trying to cozy up to her ribs again, and the other to where their daughter has kicked his hand earlier.  “ They do move , but I think that’s where they are for the most part, “ Angela titled her head as she took in the suddenly  serious look crossing on Jesse’s face that he only got when he was trying to whip a strategy during a mission , “Is something the matter, Libeling?”
“….. Figuring out how much I’m gonna have to stock up on ammo for when they get older. Maybe finally talk Torb into installing that finger gu-”
“Jesse Leon McCree!” Angela’s glare cut through his thought faster than one of her laser- guided scalpels, “For the last time, I am not installing finger guns into your prosthetic!”
“I didn’t say you, now did I?”
“ Torbjorn won’t do it either. I already warned him I would revoke his honorary grandfather card if I ever caught him with schematics.”
“ Awwwww, come on! That ain’t fair, Angel!” Jesse whined. “ How else am I supposed to scare idots away from little Annie when she gets older?”
“Are you thrity-nine or nine…? And I am sure you will come up with something. Also, we are not naming out children after wild- west outlaws.”
“…Dam.. I was sittin’ on that one for a while,” Jesse looked at her again, “ What about-“
Jesse jutted out his lower lip and looked at her with those big puppy gold-brown eyes that had been bane of her existence for the last twenty- something years.  ….But, she would be lying to herself if said she wasn’t at least a little bit happy that genetics promised that there was a very good chance at their children would have his eyes as well.
“Fineeeeeeeee,” Jesse sighed when he realized he wasn’t going to win their  little stalemate, although there is more than a hint of a whine to it, “What about “Fenrir” for the boy then?  That’s something you’ve always liked.”
“Oh mein got!” Angela rolled her eyes, “Out of all the Norse myths I have told you, of course that’s the one you remember.”
“What? We could call him “Fen”,” Jesse pointed out innocently.  
“You do remember that Loki is the one who gave birth to him, don’t you?”, Angela pointed out with a sigh, “ Only you would want to name your son after the eater of the world and killer of Odin? How about “Tyr”?” She tapped  her finger nail against the scared- up skull engraved into the metal plating of his bionic arm. “The god of Justice. That seems a bit more fitting. “
Jesse watched her hand with a little smirk as he leaned his head against her shoulder again. They might have been playfully arguing about names, but she had never seen him look so content.  The look in his expression said it all… ….he held his entire world in his arms.  “Eh, it’s not as cool. Any kid of ours is going to be hell –in- a- hand basket and an angel all-in-one, they need a name goes with it.”
“I think it’s just in your nature to -- how do you Americans say it----“  Go Big or Go Home”?” Angela laughed as Jesse gently, but playfully pulled her closer against his chest, his hands resting on her hip as his lips grinned against her forehead and his beard tickling between her eyes
“Yep ,sounds like me. I’ve always dreamed big---- how else could I have gotten as lucky to end up with someone like you? You don’t get chosen by an angel just by waiting around and twiddling your thumbs.”
Angela rolled her eyes as she shifted in the cowboy’s lap as their daughter let her know she didn’t like being squished between them by trying to kick elbow her pancreas. Jesse’s hands instantly went to the spot and circled his fingers to apologize.
They were going to be fine.
“Well…..I do have one name in mind… ,”Angela hesitated.  She wasn’t quite sure how Jesse would react to her suggestion. She still didn’t know how she completely felt about it.  
It had started as a little idea that had just popped up in the back of her mind the moment the blood tests had confirmed everything, like one of the single little cells their children had started out as.  At first, she just shook it off as an impossible notion, just the increasing hormones her body being annoying ; but like Jesse, it just hunkered down and refused to budged until she begrudgingly paid attention to it.
It was name that had weight to it, memories and heartbreak. But, she knew it was a name that meant a lot to Jesse… and even herself and many others in their little rag tag family.  And the more she had thought about it, each week the name just sounded a little more right.  Her mind went back to the list of names of those she had failed to save.  
You could not return life to can candle that no longer had a wick , but the scent of the wax would always linger.
She carefully watched his face as her stomach squirmed in a way that had nothing to do with her tumbling twins or morning sickness.  It only took a few moments, but it felt life time as she watched the confusion on his face melt into surprise then something so soft and speechless that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to smile or cry herself.
For now she would blame it on the hormones.
“I like it, Darlin’,” His voice was soft, like a warm camp-fire on a cool night as he reached up and tucked her side swept bang behind her ear. “ … Thank you.”  
She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand as his callused and tanned finger s trailed over her cheek, still the same as they had always been despite all the years.  They still felt like home.
“There is nothing to thank me for, Liebling. “
“…. I still want Fen as a first name though.”
Angela gave a heavy sigh, Andddddddd there went the moment,“ Do not make me kick you out of my office .“
Jesse just gave her another smug and charming smirk that made his right eye twinkle, “Gotta come up with a better bluff than that, Sugarbee. I’m your favorite pillow.”
“Well, since you are here ,Darlin..” She drawled a little too innocently , “ I do have a long list of overdue shots with your name on it.”
The cowboy blanched and Angela just gave him his smirk right back before breaking down into a smile and leaning forward to kiss him as he huffed against her mouth and pulled her as close as her stomach would allow. “ Woman, I swear there is devil in those angel eyes sometimes.”
No, they were not puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together ---  there were too many broken edges that had been worn and dented over the years.  They were more like pieces of a shattered glass that had been put together into a mosaic.  Something that was a little old and new at the same time , fractured and whole…  and made something  wonderful and beautiful when the light shone through.
11 notes · View notes
kimmysfandomblog · 6 years
Plushie blog musings
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It wasn't easy and they together cost me way more money than I should have spent, but I finally have Komaplushie and Hinaplushie from both the DR3 and DR2 lottery prizes ♡♡♡ these two were my main inspiration (aside from, of course, Meshinui, but like HELL will I ever be able to afford the smiling little devil.
My main drive for the plushie blog, however, has always been not being able to have them myself, so now that they are here, with me, I have been not feeling like drawing much (unless it is TPG-related, in which case I will literally throw myself into it no matter how tough it goes XD). With the start of school and a new job and trying to write for the zine (pleaseinsertcoinzine), this isn't getting any easier to feel any motivation to draw, and the more time I don't draw, the harder it gets to be able to do so (lack of practice really wrecks me). I still have an interest, but I just lack that motivation (again... unless it relates to TPG. I will break my own rules to not draw more V3 characters for the sake of TPG- hence we have Rantaroplush XD).
Also, I am considering making my plushie sideblog into a separate "main" blog, but there is no real way to do this without completely remaking the account. It isn't that I have given up on the blog at all or don't care for my followers there, but I simply don't want it as a side blog anymore... at the very least, I want my V3 and KH blogs to be more easily accessible instead of buried in side blogs that I don't reblog to (well, only V3 was but still)
I think my only solution for now is moving it away to my main blog (haha... main... haven't touched it in weeks) I mean, I guess the downside is not seeing the notes as quickly, and a lack of motivation from it, as well as not being able to track polls and other events I may hold there. But it is the only thing I can think of (until Tumblr let's us order our sideblogs in the order we want them to be in, of course). If this honestly doesn't help me, then I might actually make a new primary account and slide the plushie side blog over (using my old url)
Also, just to prove that I do have things planned, here is my To-Do list:
Talentswap requests: Ultimate Princess Maizono for serahne (this is over a year late lol)
Possibly another KH exchange thing, it all depends on the prompts I get, but Kimmy's participating for her third round ✌
For myself: A side image of festival KomaHina in the same style as in a cafe event earlier this year (Akibahara Cross)
Rarepair requests: Kom/aZumi (ochakuro),Hinat/sumi (serahne),Naeku/saba and Amama/tsu for despairandhcpe (I am adding in the second one since I drew Amami for the sake of my OT3 XD)
And something that has been on my mind lately, a Food Fantasy crossover poll event (maybe I will take more talentswaps now that I have a few more plushies to offer)
And unrelated to the plushie blog, but I had so much fun with Hinaegifestival that I want to run another event for another important rare pair, HiNatsumi! I think that unless I get another mod, it will only last one day, or maybe two, though. If I do end up deciding on making it, I think the best course of action would be to set it in April on a weekend (interest check likely in... December?)
And I also know there are a few asks that have been just sitting in my inboxes. One is on the V3 blog, two are on here, and another... two? are in hinaegifestival. My motivation to answer have been really fluctuating lately, and I am sorry to those I am keeping waiting (if any of you have even gotten this far lol). I don't have an excuse, like I went halfway through most of these asks, and then suddenly lost motivation entirely. That has been happening quite a bit to be honest. I'll get my act together eventually.
The plushie blog has been set to pretty much lowest priority in favor of the events that actually have deadlines, and real life, of course, but it's better this way, I think. I want the plushie things to be a passion project, not an IOU thing. It's the reason I try so hard on designs and backgrounds, and to try and do them without any drive is just... unfulfilling in the end. I know I will pick it back up eventually, but now is just not the right time, even if I truly wish it was.
Well, that is all that I have been sitting on for quite a while now. To who ever actually reads this, thanks for bearing with me XD I appreciate it ♡
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kimmycup · 6 years
*flops down face-first in your inbox* Hi. I live here now. Don't mind me. *groans* I am 2 pages into my paper and I already don't want to anymooore. I hate this. If this were a fic, I'd already be five pages in. Which would mean I'd be DONE. I want Jagnus, with Magnus visiting Jace in the belltower for the first time and totally being into the dramatic aesthetics. And then they kiss. I dunno. My brain is broken... *hides under pillow*
LIKE. Jace moved out of the loft BECAUSE he fell in love with Magnus. And that is Not Good. And now he's living in his angsty dramatic bell tower, dramatically angsting around. And Magnus comes visit because he too has fallen for Jace, right? And then they kiss in the bell tower and get together. But there be angst before that. yes? *nods*
This fic operates under the assumption Max never said shit he said in 2x08.
“Knock knock?”
Alec was clearly surprised seeing him in the doorway, eyeing the duffel bag on his shoulder. Jace smiled sheepishly.
“Think I can come back home or will the new Head of the Institute uphold my banishment?”
Alec frowned, standing up and ushering Jace inside, closing the door. Jace dropped his bag onto the floor, collapsing on the couch and looking at Alec with pleading eyes.
“Did Magnus do something? Because if he kicked you out and you don’t feel comfortable coming back yet...”
“No, Alec, stop.” He groaned, blushing. “Magnus didn’t do anything. I just didn’t have a reason not to come home, right? And I... I had my reasons. Leave it be. Can I move back to my room?”
Alec shifted uncomfortably, avoiding his gaze and Jace felt his heart skip a beat.
“About that... Your room is a bit occupied.”
“Well, Max moved in now that he completed his training, so... You can imagine what his reaction was when he realized your room is standing empty at the moment. You may be able to salvage what things you left there, but I think he adopted a lot of your stuff, old leather jacket included.”
Jace stared at Alec, unable to believe he got his own room kidnapped by his little brother. Still, he could help but smile, shaking his head and feeling warmth spread through him seeing yet another sign of Max’s ridiculous hero-worship of him.
“He probably drowns in it, doesn’t he?”
“He does. He insists he’ll grow into it.”
Alec smiled back and Jace gave up.
“Let him keep it. The room too. Didnt we have a spare bedroom in the bell tower?”
Alec frowned.
“Yeah, we do but it’s a bit drafty? I could ask Magnus to isolate--”
“No, there’s no need. Don’t bother him, it’s still warm and I think the room has a fireplace, doesn’t it? I can live there. It’s bigger than my old room was, almost like an upgrade.”
He smiled, and hoped Alec wouldn’t see through his deflection, focusing on keeping the bond unreadable.
“Well, fine. If that’s what you want.”
There really wasn’t any reason for him to stay living with Magnus and it has become absolutely unbearable. Jace needed to escape. The realization that he had fallen in love with the warlock was absolutely terryfying. Staying near him had become a whole new brand of torture.
Jace couldn’t look him in the eyes and stay so close after it sunk in. He needed to stay away, he needed to separate them before it was too late, before he couldn’t get over it, before he ruined their relationship with Magnus, before Magnus found out.
Coming back home was the right choice, Jace thought, snuggling deeper under the covers and looking at the fire crackling, spreading nice warmth through the room. It was unused for a long time but in his fluffy blue pyjamas and with a few blankets it was enough until the fire spread through the room.
It felt nice. The room was big enough Jace could fit the piano here and it came with a pretty, stained glass, tall, very climb-able bell tower. He was looking forward to that for sure. And being back home was great, wasn’t it? Being back with Alec, with Izzy, with Max, finally, after years of separation.
So why, despite the fire warming the room, Jace felt the cold emtiness spreaing through his heart?
There was absolutely no reason ever for Magnus to suspect that his new living arrengment had been anything but temporary. And with Aldertree gone and Alec in charge, there was no reason for Jace not to come home.
Especially after the war ended, victory that cost Jace his life. It was natural that after literally dying Jace would want to go back to the comfort of home, to his family, where he would feel safe and could process everything easier.
So Magnus had no idea why Jace announcing that he was moving out surprised him. And he had even less of an idea why he found himself disapproving of this idea. He didn’t voice that thought, of course, but it kept nagging him, constantly at the back of his mind.
He missed living with Jace.
Jace Wayland Lightwood Herondale, whatever he was, to Magnus he had at some point become just Jace, a roommate and a friend. He was no longer just another pretty, overly confident Shadwhunters.
Magnus got to know him, got to see the vulnerabilities hdden under as many masks as he had himself, got to taste the amazing cooking Jace did to relax or when he had a free day, got to watch Jace fall asleep on the couch because he got too immersed in a book.
And now that Jace was no longer there, the flat suddenly seemed so... empty.
Oh no.
That was it, wasn’t it? Magnus had gone and done it again. He fell in love.
Magnus knew it was a bad idea. He knew it was an idea he should immediately abandon and forget. But since he was already at the Institute, helping Alec with setting up some stronger wards after bad experiences during the war, he couldn’t help himself.
That was how he found himself at the door to Jace’s bedroom, surprised when the voice that answered his knocking was not Jace’s, and neither was the figure on the bed his familiar blonde.
“Magnus! Hey! Can you do some magic for me? Maybe magic my homework done?”
The sassy kid turned to Magnus with a wicked smirk and the warlock shook his head fondly. 
“I’d love to but I’m afraid I’m all out of homework magic already. I was actually looking for your brother. Didn’t he live here once?”
“He did!” Max practically lit up at the mention of Jace. “Isn’t taht awesome that I got his room? He lives in the bell tower now, last doors on the left.”
Magnus nodded, sending Max a wink and closing the door behind himself with an overly flashy sweep of magic. The awed gasp behind him made him smile. Their world’s future looked a lot brighter with kids like Max, young Nephilim who were fascinated by magic and not afraid of it.
Arriving at the the door Max pointed out, Magnus knocked. This time the voice the answered was familiar. When Magnus gently pushed the door open, he was not prepared for the sight that met him.
Jace’s new room was amazing, lit up by candles, with a paino to the side, embers crackling in the fireplace, heavy mahogany furniture and big, stunning windows. And then...
And then there was Jace.
He was in the middle of the bed, curled together so he looked incredibly small on the huge bed, dressed in blue flannel pyjamas and his hair falling softly onto his face as he was lost in a book.
Magnus couldn’t help a small whimper that left him at the sight.
Jace looked so soft and pure and vulnerable like that, a far cry from the confident, proud warrior, all barriers down and completely exposed. Magnus just wanted to go over an hug him and wrap im in a blanket and take him home.
He wanted to keep him.
He was fucked. As Jace looked up at the pathetic sound Magnus made, blue-brown eyes that fit the PJs so nicely wide, with long eyelashes, Magnus fell just a little bit more in love with him.
“Mags.” The nickname didn’t help Magnus’ poor heart. “What did you need?”
Jace looked hesitant, almost anxious as he slowly closed the book and sat up, looking at Magnus who kind of forgot how to breathe, let alone the reason he came here.
Did he have a reason he came here?
Was stealing Jace to take care of him forever and pamper and cherish him an feed him belgian chocolate and italian wine a valid reason for coming here?
He wasn’t sure what to say and Jace kept being distracting, brushing his hair out of his face which only fluffied them up some more and turned Magnus attention to the pillow lines on Jace’s cheek.
Another small whimper escaped him.
“Are you okay, Magnus? Is there something you wanted or are you just going to stare at me and making noises like a dying kitten?”
There was a hint of amusement colouring Jace’s tone by now and damn but that smile only added to the picture.
“I am pretty sure I must have had a reason to come here but you went and had to...” He made a vague gesture at Jace, trying to imply his point. “Can you please stop looking so adorable? It’s distracting.”
Jace chuckled but his cheeks floded with red.
“What? I’m not adorable, Mags. So erm... do you want to... You sure you can’t remember why you came here?”
The atmosphere was becoming slightly awkward, so Magnus decided to come over and sit on teh edge of the bed next to Jace.
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll remember in time. Or maybe I didn’t have a reason and just wanted to be graced by your heavenly presence. What are you reading here?”
“I, what, no, it’s nothing, leave that-- Ugh.”
Magnus happily let his magic keep Jace away as carefully took the book, making sure not to loose the mark of the page Jace left off his reading on. 
Jace groaned, burying his face in his hands and collapsing onto the bed. What the hell did Magnus want from him, sauntering into his room looking like a million dollars, staring at Jace and calling him cute of all things?
Max was cute. 
People like Izzy and Alec and Clary were cute.
Jace was not cute. Jace was broken and crude and too much and no one besides Alec, Izzy and Max ever stuck around to see past all the shitty  vibes he couldn’t help but give off when people where around him.
“Sweet Filthy Boy? My, my , didn’t take you for the BDSM erotica kind of guy...”
Magnus was talking off handedly about the book, an sue him, Jace loved it, he enjoyed it in a way he didn’t enjoy a book in a while, getting lost in it and never wanting to finish, but somehow, Jace couldn’t focus on the warlock’s words.
Magnus’ voice was suddenly irritating, just because of being there when Jace didn’t want it there because what the hell was this whole thing supposed to mean? Coming in with no reason and taking Jace’s time at this hour when Jace was already in bed, in his PJs and drifting off?
“What the hell did you want, Magnus? Because it’s kinda late so if your only plan was to bother me I’d rather reschedule.”
Magnus at least had the decency to look scolded at that.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to imply anything, I mean, it’s perfectly okay to be into BDSM and--”
“--oh I don’t need your permission to be into BDSM, kindly fuck off that. Why did you come, here, Magnus?”
His last words came out as a soft sigh, his calm anger rune glowing softly as he activated it with his magic, letting the tiredness take over instead.
“Holy shit, that’s so pretty. Did you know your eyes glow gold when you ativate runes?”
Jace sighed. The warlock truly had the attention span of a kitten.
“Why are you here, Mags?”
“I missed you.” 
Jace was surprised by the words, not sure what happened as Magnus’ whole demanor changed and the warlock laid down next to Jace, looking at him with beautiful eyes, golden and slitted, his glamour down as he seemed vulnerable.
“I haven’t lived with anyone in ages and it was nice suddenly having a roommate but I didn’t realize I didn’t like just company, I liked your company, I didn’t realize that until you were done.”
Jace looked at Magnus with wide eyes and open mouth, unsure what was happening.
“I have fallen in love with your, Jace Herondale.”
Jace’s brain rebooted.
“You’re not serious.” But before Magnus could reject him, looking rather put out by the comment, Jace quickly explained. “I literally moved out because living with my crush got weird, Mags.”
He blushed, watching as Magnus tried to compute what he just found out an a wicked grin, grabbing Jace by the waist and bringing him close into his embrace.
“Does that mean I can keep you? And take you home to my bed?”
Jace just shook his head fondly and leaned in to kiss him.
“Sure. But maybe tomorrow? I’m kinda comfy here right now.”
And as they drifted off together in the bed under the bell tower, Jace realized he was home here too. Some people had more than one home. His was with the Lightwoods but it was also with Magnus.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT PHOE, i dont even know how long it is and its totally not what the prompt said but fuck it, i wrote it all in literally one sitting and chose it over sleep. fucking hell, i havent had a flow like that in ages, is that was being high feels like?
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thedefinitionofbts · 7 years
Red and Gold (M)
Pairings: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Iron Man!Jungkook, Fluff, Scifi, Comedy, Smut
Words: 11K
Description: It’s no secret that genius, billionaire, international playboy, and philanthropist- Jeon Jungkook, better known as the CEO of Jeon Industries-and even better known as Iron Man, is one of the most intelligent, wealthy, and powerful men in the world. There’s nothing that can get to him or his ego, that is, until you happen to show up and give him a run for his money. 
A/N: It was only a matter of time before I put in an attempt to make Jungkook’s dream a reality...kind of....but not really lol.... Enjoy!  
Warnings: Mentions of Violence, Explicit Sexual Content 
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 Even before Jeon Jungkook inherited Jeon Industries from his late father, he was notorious for being the spoiled heir of the world’s largest weapons manufacturing conglomerate. People had constantly given him crap for being fed with a silver spoon since the day he was born, that is, until he became Iron Man and shut those fuckers up by saving the world on more occasions than one. Apparently just being a genius inventor-and part time philanthropist-just doesn’t make the cut anymore. And ever since he revealed his identity as the guy in the red and gold metallic suit, things have gotten more interesting so to say.
He had originally thought taking over his dad’s business was going to be a lot of pressure-the sort of responsibility he put off by getting drunk every other night and sleeping around with the beautiful women who would melt in the hands of his wealth and reputation. In retrospect, it probably wasn’t the greatest of ideas, but let’s just say he wasn’t quite ready for adulting at the free-spirited age of 18 and wanted to have a little fun while he still had it in him. But now that protecting the world was one of his liabilities, that sort of recklessness had to be put on the backburner. To be honest, it was getting a bit dull for Jungkook anyways, and he can’t say he didn’t like the extra attention he got for being one of the coolest superheroes in the history of superheroes.
Of course life has not been any easier-not that Jungkook ever found life to be difficult, per se-he’s a genius, remember? But there were a lot of people out there who wanted him dead or would go extremes to get their hands on his unrivaled suit of armor, so constant renewing of his self developed technology was a must. And he’s always been able to get what he desired and accomplish what he wanted, whether it was by his own efforts or what he’s been conveniently gifted by the circumstances in which he was brought into this world, for the most part at least.
“Mr. Jeon, your new-“
“Namjoon, how many times have I told you?” Jungkook cards a hand through his tousled hair and proceeds to twirl a pen in his hand. “Ditch the formalities, just call me Jungkook.”
“Right, Jungkook” Namjoon clears his throat, looking back down at his ipad.  “As I was saying, you’re new assistant is due to come in this afternoon.”
Jungkook cocks a brow. “New Assistant?”
“I notified you of the selection process a month in advance, and emailed you the results just last week, surely you didn’t delete that email before reading it again, did you?”
Jungkook has a momentary flashback of the message titled “New Assistant” that was sitting unassumingly in his inbox, the contents of which he was too hungover to actually read at the time. He vaguely recalls requesting for a new helper to provide assistance in designing his next generation of Iron Man suits. This must be that request coming to fruition. 
“No, no. How could I possible forget about my new assistant?” Jungkook says, making a that’s-completely-absurd face, and proceeds to cross his legs and lean back against his leather chair. “What was his name again?”
“Her, Jungkook, she’s a woman.” Namjoon corrects, shaking his head in defeat.
“Ah right, a fan of Iron Man I assume?“ Jungkook’s eyes light up, interest clearly sparked by the thought of a female work assistant. Having been stuck with JARVIS-his artificially intelligent system, for the past few years was getting a bit too lackluster for his taste, not that he didn’t appreciate the irreplaceable assistance of his personally designed AI.  
“She’s not merely a fan, Jungkook. She was the most qualified candidate.” Namjoon declares confidently, feeling rather annoyed at the younger male’s arrogance. Despite being a genius superhero, Jungkook was far from mature. It was always times like these when his 21 year old self would show through the lavish lifestyle and heroic suit.
“Even more so than you?” Jungkook cocks another eyebrow, turning to look at his long time secretary that he had met during his universities days and handpicked from the crowd of similarly qualified classmates. He had first and foremost offered the position the older male, in hopes that the visibly capable man would be thrilled to take his offer, but Namjoon had declined saying that there were more skilled people than he to fill the spot.
“I myself would not be so confident in putting my own credentials up against hers.”
“Oh, she’s that good?”
Namjoon nods. “Even for you.”
Jungkook lets out a laugh as if it were a joke. “In case you’ve forgotten, I graduated from KAIST-the most prestigious engineering university in South Korea, with two master’s degrees in computer and electrical engineering when I was 18.”
Namjoon nods again, fully aware that the boy was a genius, but he also knew that Jungkook was someone who tended to let his ego get to his head. “You’ll see.” He says with a grin.
As cliché as it may sound, Kim Namjoon was the type of person who had the money, the looks, and the brains to start his own company and become just as successful as Jungkook’s father but decided to work at Jeon Industries for the good of human kind. In other words, he is essentially the core reason Jeon Jungkook became Iron Man in the first place, sticking with him through thick and thin and guiding the boy through countless trials. Long story short, he had saw potential in the boy when they had met on the first day of freshman physics, had a flashing thought that with a little help, the lost soul who didn’t have a meaningful purpose in life at the time could actually become a hero, literally.
And since then, Namjoon has considered himself to be the kind of person who had a good eye for people, places, things-you name it-that would help Jungkook grow as a person, and why he had decided to hire you as Jungkook’s new assistant was no exception.  
  After receiving the acceptance email informing that you had been selected to work for Jeon Industries as the CEO’s personal assistant, you had done a little bit of research on the location of your new work place and future home. Jeon Jungkook lives on the outskirts of Seoul, on a mountainside overlooking the bustling metropolis from an elevated reference point. It’s a place you had imagined Beverly Hills or Malibu would look like, but with no other rich houses around. 
His secretary had come to pick you up at 2pm sharp and driven you through the heart of Seoul to the surrounding mountain range that snaked around South Korea’s capital. He was the same man that had interviewed you and explained everything on the job description down to the last detail.
“Do you remember what I told you?” Namjoon queries, eyes still focused on the winding road.
“That I shouldn’t let him feel superior to me?”
“Yes.” He confirms. “I know he’s technically your boss, but the only way to get a man like Jungkook to take you seriously is to treat him as your equal.”
“You sure he won’t end up hating me to the point where he’ll fire me for being disrespectful?”
Namjoon chuckles. “Jungkook won’t hate a woman who has the guts to stand up to him. If anything, he won’t be able to let go of you.”
You wonder what Namjoon means by that last part, but you aren’t given the chance to ask as he pulls into the driveway of a gigantic mansion, minimalistic and modern, with multiple space-craft like layers jutting out from the cliff and glass windows to contrast its smooth white walls.
Momentarily gawking at the impossibly high-tech design and silently estimating the cost of such a large property, you have to remind yourself that Jeon Jungkook is one of the richest men in the world and all of this is probably just the bare minimum for him. It’s going to be something you’ll have to get used to, now that you’ll be staying here permanently. Exciting as it maybe, you’re still a bit nervous about meeting this Jungkook, after all if genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist wasn’t daunting enough, he also held the title of being the world’s most popular superhero- Iron Man. It’s definitely going to take some adjusting, transitioning from your humble graduate student life to having the weight of world peace resting on your shoulders, and you’re not even sure if you’ll ever get used to waking up as a personal assistant to such a powerful man, but you were here now and ready to get things started.
You quietly follow behind Namjoon as you roll your suitcase of clothes and personal items down the cement sidewalk leading up to the front doors. You manage to sneak in a deep, sedative breath before the doors open automatically and a rush of cool, air-conditioned breeze greets you. You were expecting an expensive tailored suit and freshly combed hair, but what you actually come face to face with is a doe-eyed, baby-faced 20 something-year old dressed in a pair of grey sweat pants and an oversized white t-shirt, looking like he just crawled out of bed even though it was almost 4 o’clock in the afternoon.
And it’s not that you’ve never seen him before, like on TV or in the newspaper, but he definitely looked a lot younger- verging on adolescent- in real life, and maybe it was that saying about how make-up does wonders, but the man at this point was looking no different from your average college undergraduate.
But that endearing description of his outer appearance went down the toilet the moment he approaches you and opens his mouth. And it’s safe to say that there are very few things that manage to annoy you upon first impression, but the cocky look plastered on Jungkook’s face when he shakes your hand just so happens to be one of them.
“A pleasure, Miss...” Jungkook snaps his fingers and winces as if he were trying to recall your name, which he probably didn’t even bother to remember in the first place. 
“Y/L/N” You reply.
“Ah, yes, and is that what you prefer to go by or…”
“Y/N, just Y/N”
“Y/N” Jungkook repeats, getting a feel of how the syllables slip off his tongue.
“And it’s Jungkook, I assume?”
“Actually you can just call me Mr. J-” Jungkook stops before realizing you had just called him by his preferred title without him needing to correct you. He clears his throat, catching his near slip-up. “Yes, call me Jungkook.”
Jungkook gives you a brief tour of his huge villa, mainly to get you semi-acquainted with the kitchen-where food will always be available in the event that you get hungry, the multiple bathrooms-self explanatory, and his own master bedroom, probably to show off his overly luxurious sleeping quarters-a spacious room noticeably bigger than your entire apartment back in Seoul- as indicated by his smirking when he sees your wide-eyed reaction. At the end of the tour, he leaves you in the guest room, the place you will actually be staying from now on, and allows you time to get settled in before taking you down to his lab.  
“So this place isn’t even password protected?” You question, mildly shocked that you literally just had to take the elevator down to his “secret” lab.  
“That would be too much of a hassle, wouldn’t you think?” Jungkook smirks, staring at his reflection on the mirror doors of the elevator and fixing his ruffled bangs indifferently.
“You do understand that if this kind of technology gets into the wrong hands we’re all doomed right?” You put your hands on your hips as you watch the elevator doors slide open, growing more and more aware of why Namjoon had specifically warned you to not take his shit.  
“Look sweetie, does it look like that hasn’t happened before?”
You scoff, shaking your head. “Namjoon did say you were a sassy one.” You comment with a sigh.
Jungkook makes a pretend offended face. “Is that what he says about me behind my back?”
“Like you’re actually surprised.” You roll your eyes.
“You’re right. I’m not.”
You had to admit that Jeon Jungkook’s lab is the sort of high-tech haven that puts sci-fi movies to shame. The walls are smooth, metallic, and undoubtedly bulletproof. His waist-high table that projects 3D holographic images of his latest designs is located at the center of the large, relatively empty space, but you know that with just a few simple commands or the press of some random buttons, things will just start popping out from the walls or surface from below the flooring.
There were also prototypes of his old suits that have been battle worn, the same red and gold coating that you’ve seen on the news when he was flying through the air at sonic speed, fighting off nefarious villains with the rest of the Avengers, or captured on video by onlookers and posted online to garner views.
“I know everything looks super cool, but don’t touch anything unless I tell you to.” Jungkook informs, not so subtly treating you like some untrained child.
“Oh don’t worry about me, I would never want to mess up your precious batcave.”
Jungkook whips his head around and narrows his eyes. “Who do you think I am? Batman? This is my personal laboratory where I perfect the newest technology for Iron Man.”
You shrug. “Same thing.”
Jungkook opens his mouth to retort, but decides against it last minute. You can practically feel him trying to contain his annoyance, but Namjoon had told you not to let his ego get too big, so sorry not sorry.  
He presses a few buttons on the main control and an entire display of different Iron Man suits opens from the far wall. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the varying designs, some looking more intimidating than others either because of their dark color scheme or the machine gun-like contraptions attached to the backside. You unquestionably still preferred the original red and gold one, the piece located at the center of the display for obvious reasons.
Jungkook follows as you slowly approach the glass barrier separating you from actually coming into direct contact with the suits on display. He was watching you closely, expecting you to be in complete awe of the famous metal armor that is currently regarded as the most powerful weapon in the world.  
“Impressive right?” You hear Jungkook voice nonchalantly, making you realize you’ve been silent for too long.
“It’s essentially a gold-titanium alloy exoskeleton powered from the electricity generated by that pacer-sized nuclear reactor.” You state, examining the efficiently designed-but far from flawless (in your opinion), chunk of metal encased in the display. “There are a lot of things that can be improved about it.”
Jungkook clears his throat at your blunt and composed response. “I’m not going to deny the accuracy of that description,” Pause. “but I prefer to call it a suit of armor.”
“It’s sleek and aesthetically pleasing, I’ll give you that one.” You add.
“You do realize that it would take 20 engineers several years to build one of these, when I just happened to whip one up in a matter of days, right?” Jungkook smirks, leaning back against his desk with his arms crossed, eyes still trained on you.
You nod, as if you were agreeing with his boastful statement. “Yes, you and your 3-4 AI-enabled robots who process information hundreds of times faster than the human brain. In other words, you and 3-400 other people made a metal suit that flies and shoots lasers in the time it takes for the rest of us to learn the Korean alphabet. Very impressive indeed.”
Jungkook is not one to get angry over people who aren’t blown away by his unparalleled work, but you were definitely a first. Like who isn’t impressed with the suit?! It’s red and gold for crying out loud! And what was that about flying and shooting lasers? How on earth is that not just beyond amazing?
And if he is annoyed or incredulous at this point, Jungkook doesn’t let any of the signs leak out, because 1.) He’s Jeon Jungkook and 2.) He’s Iron Man.
“So as for improvements for the suit, I have some ideas that might be worth considering.” You announce, as you played around with the holographic images projected in mid-air.
“Yeah, me too. I was contemplating putting my initials on my chest, you know, like that star Captain America has.” Jungkook retorts, grabbing his wristband and suiting up. “I’m kind of tired of the whole glowy circle ordeal.”
You ignore his blunt joke. “I’m thinking of adding a feature like instantaneous suit ups or something” You suggest, watching as the pieces of metal fly towards him and begin unraveling in synchronized order to conform to the shape of his body with the press of a button on his wristband. “Sometimes you’re suit ups look like they take too much time, what if-”
“I’m also thinking we can try out black and silver paint to see how it compares to red and gold or adding some… glitter.” Jungkook interrupts before you can finish. You watch in frustration as he stretches out his arms to admire his handiwork and looks down at his feet like he’s just bought a new pair of shoes or something.
“Can you stop joking for one hot second?” You snap, irritated by his childish attitude towards you.  
“What? I’m just getting the priorities straight.” Jungkook says, voice muffled by the suit helmet. Even through the metallic mask you can picture the smug look on his face.
You weren’t planning on being any harsher on him than you already were, but this guy clearly isn’t planning on giving you a break any time soon, is he?
“Are you afraid I’m going to steal your secrets or are you afraid I’m going to see past your genius if you show me all your cards?” You declare outright, finally done with his games.  
Jungkook swallows, glad for once that the metal helmet was hiding the shocked expression broadcasted on his face. He wasn’t expecting you to hit a target so close to the reason he was being so immature. Yes, he was maybe worried that you’ll see past his immodest façade and challenge his intelligence if he didn’t beat around the bush, but Jungkook was confident enough in his own abilities that it wouldn’t be the main reason he was avoiding getting to the real meat of the problem. He’s never had an actual human as a personal assistant, let alone a woman, and he feels like he was thrown a curve ball because he has most certainly never met someone this hard to impress.
“Fine.” Jungkook huffs. “You want to cut to chase? We’ll cut to the chase then.”
You’re relieved to have won the first battle, having made it clear to him that your not just here to gape at his self-proclaimed “awesomeness”. True as it may be, he still needs to come down from his high horse once in a while, and that’s exactly what Namjoon expects you to do as his assistant.
 You spend the next few days analyzing and tweaking virtual mock-ups of upgraded suit parts or in Jungkook’s own words: “Iron Man 2.0”.  
He hasn’t necessarily gotten better about the cocky attitude and obvious air of superiority, but he had at least started taking you quasi-seriously. He had been kind enough to give you some actual work to do, granted it was mostly “innovative brainstorming” of ideas he may or may not use, but baby steps, right? You also figure he’s not going to be too keen on giving you the low down on key information, stuff that would risk putting Iron Man’s clandestine technology at stake in the event that you quite or get captured.
At the moment Jungkook himself was playing around with more suit parts, going through virtual simulations of how he could improve shooting accuracy and motion dynamics. Stationed at the new desk next to his work table, you’re permitted to watch him work his magic from the best angle available, and although it was probably all part of Jungkook’s plan to show off, you still had to admit he looked pretty attractive when he was hard at work, expertly manipulating mechanical parts and designing intricate electrical circuitry. The way he furrows his brows as he scrutinizes the virtual projection hovering mid air and elegantly twirls his fingers as he manipulates the images at light speed, was, simply stated- mesmerizing.  
“Where are we going?” You query as you rush after Jungkook who suddenly asked you to go with him on a “test flight”. You had never been asked to participate in an activity outside of your work with him in his laboratory, so you didn’t really know what to expect, especially not when it involved flying.
“Outside.” Jungkook leads you out to his perfectly groomed lawn, a leveled patch of green surrounding his cliff-side mansion, analogous to a backyard of sorts.
It was midday, and the sun was hanging high in the cerulean sky, warm rays shinning blindingly down on the grassy estate. You take in a breath of fresh air as a gentle breeze blows by, lifting strands of your hair and carrying over the scent of nature and wildlife. The weather was mildly warm, perfect for outdoor activities, although most people didn’t have the luxury of doing what you were about to embark on now.
“You’re going to perform a test outside?”
“Do you need me to state everything explicitly?”
You roll your eyes. “I’m just worried that someone might be…I dunno, watching? Waiting to steal your technology?”
“I own this entire area. There’s literally no one around.” Jungkook says showing maybe just that tiny hint of mild exasperation because he wrongly assumed once again that you’d at least be excited because he’s totally given up on impressing you at this point.
He presses a few buttons on his wristband and waits as the metal pieces of his Iron Man suit immediately fly over.  
“But even governments of entire countries are careful about the leakage of classified technology when doing weapons testing, and your Iron Man suit is the most powerful weapon on the face of the planet. Would it kill you to be more discreet about it?” 
“Just grab on.”
“So much for getting a chance to say goodbye to my family and friends.” You mutter as you climb onto his back.  
Jungkook has time to let out one more long sigh before the mask plate latches on to the helmet and covers his face.
As much as you’ve been too put off by his ego to be amazed so far, you can’t hide how exhilarating it is to fly with Iron Man. It was like living your childhood dream of being a dragon rider but a million times better because it was actually real, and you’d think that being suspended thousands of feet in the air would be terrifying to say the least, but something about knowing Jungkook’s reliability and industrial precision in combination with his heroic duty as Iron Man was enough to provide the utmost assurance that he would not let you fall.  
You momentarily forget to take note that this “flight test” isn’t actually a flight test but rather Jungkook’s personal break from work, because 1.) It was quite obvious that he would never fly this slowly in any serious situation and 2.) He wouldn’t have you on his back if he was actually trying to fine-tune advanced flight dynamics. So instead, you choose to focus on the way the rush of wind feels brushing past your flushed cheeks and how wispy the fluffy white clouds look close up, resembling a dream-like space illuminated by blinding sunlight and cast with chromatic strips of misty veils. As Jungkook adjusted the flight elevation to glide below the clouds, the beauty of the vast landscape below, extending endlessly for miles in each direction gradually comes into view. It was better than any picturesque scene you could witness from mountain tops on a clear day or the observation deck of some of the tallest skyscrapers in world, because everything was in motion and soaring past your senses like a live-action movie.
“I know, I know, the aerodynamics of the joint areas need fixing, the stability needs a bit of adjusting, and the rocket propellers could theoretically be more environmental friendly.” He sighs, waiting for you to nitpick at the flight functions as the suit peels off his body and folds back into inconspicuous metals chunks when he lands back down at the mansion.
“That… was incredible.” You murmur, still calming down from the adrenaline rush.  
“Really?” A surprised look appears on Jungkook’s face just before it vanishes instantly. “I mean, yeah of course, not everyone can say they’ve flown with Iron Man, except weapons of mass destruction from other worlds that have been tossed through dimensional portals and whatnot.”
  “So how has the upgrade been going?” Namjoon asks as he sits across from Jungkook at the dining table, waiting for the food to be served by the humanoid robot maid.
The dining room was a part of the house that was cantilevered into the surrounding environment; an open space connected the area to the living room where his grand piano was situated on a stage-area in the rounded corner. The contemporary color scheme for the walls and flooring was both simplistic and sophisticated, with the entire back wall made of glass, granting a bird’s eye view of the nocturnal skyline of Seoul not too far in the distance.
The sun had already set by the time the two of you finished up in lab after the impromptu flight break, and you had gone back upstairs to freshen up before dinner.  
“It’s going.” He responds, playing around with the fork while his hand rested against the table.
Jungkook is not one to admit he’s been challenged by another person, let alone, impressed by someone else’s idea, especially not when it came to the suit, but you had him questioning a lot of his past designs and suggested some very good improvements that he may or may not be deliberately choosing to ignore for the sake of his ego.
“Care to go in depth?”
“Flight adjustments.”
“You took her on a flight?” The older male raises his eyebrow, a half grin stretching on his lips. 
Jungkook opens his mouth to answer, but sees you walk into the room and silently seat yourself next to Namjoon. You hadn’t heard what they were discussing, but you did think it was strange that they stopped talking upon your entrance.
“I’ll just give you two some privacy.” Namjoon says before standing up and walking out.
“He’s not eating?” You twist your head towards the direction Namjoon had exited.
“Mr. Kim is going to have dinner with his family in Seoul.”
“Mr. Kim? Don’t you just mean Namjoon?” You raise an eyebrow, wondering why he’s acting so weird all of a sudden.
“Yes.” Jungkook quickly blurts, clearly looking mildly uncomfortable, nervous even, if you had to pinpoint the exact way he avoids direct eye contact and purses his lips.
 Dinner, as usual, is a relatively silent one. You don’t know if this is the right time to strike up a conversation and you’re not sure if you even have the right to get more personal with Jungkook, but it seemed rude to not even engage in small talk. The entire place was silent except the occasional sound of metal cutlery against porcelain, and you can’t help but imagine what it’s like to live here alone, to be the hero of the world and yet have no one to share your burdens with.
“So are you and the rest of the Avengers like super close?” The question lingers in the room for an unnaturally long period of time as Jungkook finishes chewing his mouthful of steak.
“You act like we’re some super secret boy band or something.”
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“We work together, and that’s about as close as it gets.”  
You mull over his standoffish response, reasoning that there probably isn’t that much to say about the group of superheroes he’s a part of other than the fact that they aggregate when the need arises and whatnot. They don’t really have much in common, especially since one of their members is demi-god and another was born back during WWII. You suspect that there must exist some belief disputes and value discrepancies akin to cultural barriers or generation gaps, but of course, that doesn’t take away from just looking super cool when they all jump into action.  
“Do you ever get scared?”
“With every villain out there trying to wipe me off the face of this planet?” Jungkook continues cutting his steak, running through all the answers he’s given to the media, his fans, other acquaintances, and trying to come up with a textbook Iron Man response. “Not really.”
“I mean, of failure and letting those who rely on you down.”
There you go again, hitting targets like some female version of Hawkeye.
Jungkook doesn’t know how to respond. His preliminary reaction is to repeat what he just said-“not really, no”; shrugging it off like the answer to that question didn’t matter. And truthfully, he wishes it were true, that he isn’t afraid of anything because he’s freaking Iron Man, and he’s supposed to be practically invincible. He should be used to the expectations, and he’s more than familiar with performance goals and guaranteed success. Ever since he was young and his father didn’t allow for screw-ups or showing signs of weakness. But Jungkook doesn’t know why he can’t get himself to lie to you, not when your eyes are so round and glassy under the chandelier, and you seem to be the first person to care more about his flaws than his accomplishments.  
Maybe he just thought you were beautiful the moment he laid his eyes on you and maybe your mind was the type of logical eccentric-ness that he could get used to having around because it was somehow a complementary match for his own. As unexpected as it was initially, Jungkook thinks he can learn to appreciate how you don’t just drool over every little thing he does or sit back and take his shit for that matter. And maybe, just maybe, all of this makes him feel like he doesn’t have to put on a mask of perfection all the time, and that you could conceivably accept his vulnerable side too.
“Yeah, I worry about that sometimes.” He murmurs.
 Jeon Jungkook’s greatest invention to date-besides the suit of course, is that glowing ring of regenerating atoms that powers said 900 Newtons of armor. You had learned from Namjoon that the first prototype of the famous device was developed in a cave (with a box of scraps), back when he and Jungkook were captured by a band of terrorists in the Middle East. It was essentially a multi-isotope radioactive decay cell that mashed two isotopes of hydrogen together, aka a ring of charged particles moving within a magnetic field fast enough to allow for high-energy collisions. The impossibly compact device supposedly releases enough energy to power large cities for millennia but was destroyed in some epic battle last year.
Since then Jungkook has invented a new means of powering his suits, one that entailed the creation of a new element, which you couldn’t even begin to fathom how but decide against questioning the legitimacy of such a feat after he shows you the nth permutation of the substance in a vial. You vaguely remember reading about it in an article online at the time he announced it to the world, a new discovery that erupted as breaking news in the scientific community and sparked countless debates between chemists and physicists around the globe, but the details of such an invention were understandably not released to the public, leaving nothing but assumption-based speculation about its exact molecular make up.
“The ultimate goal is size reduction.” Jungkook’s voice echoes through the lab as you trail not too far behind the tall man.
“It’s already hamburger-sized, wouldn’t it be dangerous, if not impossible, to condense that sort of fusion reaction any more than it already is?”
Jungkook chuckles as if your concern was completely ungrounded. “What’s the worse that could happen?”
“It might, I dunno… blow up.”
“It won’t blow up.” He looks at you with a bored expression before proceeding to turn the machine on.
He’s still trying to figure out how to get you to have some faith in him, and as hard as it is to admit, it honestly isn’t even about his ego anymore. He just wants you to know that he knows what he’s doing and that there are some things out there, or more accurately quite a few, that you can rely on him to handle. Like saving the world, protecting you from harm, and not blowing up his own house.
Even with his nonchalant attitude, your skepticism persisted, or maybe it was precisely because he was acting so blasé about the whole thing that fueled your concern evermore and elicited such a perpetual chariness for everything he did. Although you haven’t actually seen him mess up big time in the period you’ve been working with him, you’re not too keen on the way he runs risks like they’re unworthy of precaution or the way he lets his confidence dictate the statistical probability that something could go wrong. You also haven’t personally witnessed any of the heroic deeds he’s done in the past first hand, but from the looks of what’s usually broadcasted in the news, he’s run into his fair share of mishaps.
It was only a couple hours into the day when the unthinkable-or perhaps it’s rather predictable-happens, and you can’t say that you haven’t weighed out the risks of working alongside Iron Man before taking the job, but you also thought you’d at least be given a heads up when trouble decides to pay you a surprise visit. But no, that’s definitely not how things work around here. Just as you were about to examine the old prototypes to make a list of all the upgrades that have yet to be implemented, you feel the room begin to rumble, the metal pieces on the table commence vibrating like you were in a airplane flying through a rough patch of turbulence.
“What the hell is that?” Jungkook mutters, looking around the room in confusion.
Your eyes immediately dart towards the reactor, its beams still glowing brightly in the glass casing connected to the machine.
“So much for it won’t blow up,” You grumble as Jungkook tsks in annoyance.
“Stay here” He shouts as he rushes over to turn the machine off, looking around frantically to identify the cause of the quaking floor but to no avail.  
“Shit” You curse as you hear an explosion from above, eyes widening as panic ensues.  
“Oh boy” Jungkook voices as he dashes to grab his wristband control for his Iron Man suit.
“It’s not coming from the reactor.” You shout, eyes popping and jaw dropping as you stared at fragments of the ceiling cracking and falling in chunks of rock and dirt.  
“What a surprise” Jungkook retorts back as the roof begins collapsing.
“What’s happening?” You scream, coughing violently as your lungs begin to close off due to the plume of debris from the falling building thickening the air. There was another loud boom, shaking the entire room and making you fall to your knees as the ground started to tilt like a seesaw.
“Jungkook!” You shriek again in mid-cough after he doesn’t respond and bits of rubble continued to rain down from the demolished ceiling. You lift your arms to cover your head, curling up into a fetal position as if that would protect you from the dropping hunks of metal and concrete.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got this.” His voice assures, cutting through the static flittering of torn electrical wires from his damaged machines. “Though, I’m still offended that you actually thought I would make such a novice mistake with the reactor.” He shakes his head, disappointed at your lack of trust in him. This was unmistakably an enemy attack, as indicated by the bombs being dropped from some aircraft carrier in the sky.
“Jungkook!” You scream again as another explosion detonates from the left.
“Here catch!” You hear his voice layer over the loud blast and a familiar item slide towards your feet. His wristband suit control. You quickly reach over to grab it, squeezing your eyes shut as the suit begins to cover your body, shielding you from the rapidly disintegrating walls and unrelenting eruptions.
You couldn’t see anything, and your eyes dart around the smoke, mind racing to find where Jungkook is, praying that he’s also protected by another one of his Iron Man suits and unharmed. But to your dismay, he’s not. You spot his unconscious body lying beneath a collapse slab of concrete, blood running from his temple. Fuck. Why didn’t he use the armor himself? Why did he toss it to you before he could shield himself? Is he insane? Just as you make a move towards him, you feel a force sucking you up. It was like you were unable to move, having no control over whatever was dragging you up in the air. The ground was getting further and further away as you ascended in the suit by some outside force not within your control. The upward motion stops at the loud clanking of metal against metal, leaving you suspended above the collapsing mansion. You watch in horror as the entire building begins to breakdown, crumbling down the mountain like an avalanche.
“Jungkook!!!!” Your scream, but none of it can be heard.
This was bad. Very, very bad.
 There is no way this is actually happening.
You continue to chant the words under your breath, pinching your eyes shut and attempting to wake up from this nightmare.
Lucid dream. It’s just a lucid dream.
It’s the thought that’s stubbornly plastered to the front of your mind, like that white lie you tell yourself in order to stall having to face the impending doom head on, to stall having to watch the disintegration of the last bit of dwindling optimism with open eyes, and to ignore having to acknowledge the wreckage that has already manifested. It’s the only thing that keeps you from sinking into a panic-driven attack, providing a delusional façade to conceal the reality that there’s a possibility that Jungkook might’ve just died and you might just be reaching the cusp of the end of the world. His death is the one thing you don’t want to think about because that would just leave this entire situation void of any hope, any silver lining, but that image of the mansion folding in on itself and tumbling down the mountain is tattooed to the back of your eyes and it won’t go away.
No, this can’t be real. He couldn’t have just died so easily. He was Iron Man.
Repeating the words don’t help at all, not when you’re currently stuck to some massive lump of metal alloy, unable to move, unable to escape. From the looks of it, you were being flown to the North Korean border. You should’ve known some secret organization from there was behind this sneak attack. They had been trying to steel military technology for years now; it was only a matter of time before Iron Man became their next target.
And now, you find yourself in some empty warehouse, stuck on what you suspect to be a giant magnet-the very one that they captured you with and had brought over on their aircraft carrier. It was dark, and the only light source was the subdued daylight filtering through the dusty windows lined on the longitudinal walls. There was a group of men with machine guns surrounding you, and a leader in the center staring intently at you as if he were waiting for you to take the metal helmet off. Well, that wasn’t happening anytime soon. You barely knew how to walk in the suit, let alone work its controls.
“You can go if you hand over the suit.” The leader of the masked men declares, scrutinizing your movements carefully, not that you could even move at this point.
“Hell no.” You spit back, letting them know there was no way they were getting the suit, especially not when the safety of the world was on the line. “Over my dead body.”
You notice the widening of his eyes at the sound of your voice. “Iron Man is a woman?” His is undoubtedly surprised by the unexpected higher pitch.
“I’m not Iron Man.” You snap back, mind racing with thoughts on what to do. There’s no way you can get out of this place without taking the suit off, but would they actually let you go if you surrendered? They’re probably lying, tricking you to give up the suit. You’ve heard of people who have been captured by the North, being tortured to death with the most brutal of techniques, and it was safe to say, you’ve never heard of anyone making it out alive.
“Well if you’re not coming out, we’ll just wait until you die in there then.” He chortles. He turns and signals for the rest of his men to leave with him when a voice from the entrance interrupts.
“Yoo-hoo! I don’t mean to intrude, but Iron Man is over here.” You hear a familiar voice reverberate throughout the warehouse.
“You might want to work on your front line of defense. You know, for future reference.” The relief that washes over you that instant you see him in the classic red and gold suit of armor is like none you’ve ever experienced before, because it just confirmed that Jungkook was alive and he’s come to save you as Iron Man.  
“You?” The leader sneers.
“Yeah, so let her go.” Jungkook’s voice is stern and demanding, but without responding to his request, the masked leader orders his henchmen to begin shooting at Jungkook immediately.
The sound of bullets hitting metal echoes through the warehouse, ricocheting off the walls and ringing in everyone’s ears, a vibration so cacophonous that the men stop shooting to cover their ears. After the gunpowder clears, it’s obvious that his suit remained unscathed, red and gold paint still smooth and glossy, shining like a newly waxed car under the sunlight.  
“What part of bulletproof is hard to understand?” Jungkook comments, still standing tall and un-phased after the series of gunshots that were cast as him.
“You can take the girl in exchange for the suit.” The masked leader growls, acting like he was still in full control of the situation. Could this guy be any denser?
Jungkook only chuckles to that sorry ass of a threat. “In any other scenario I might’ve taken you up of that offer, but you’re not really in the position to bribe me right now are you?”
“Have you lost your ability to attract women? Why is this one so special to you?” The man inquires-a feeble attempt at trying to get into Jungkook’s head-as the rest of his men keep their guns pointed towards him.
“Wow, you guys watch our news too?” Jungkook cocks his head to the left, helmet making a metallic squeak. He was practically in the news everyday back during his playboy days. 
“We monitor our enemies.”
“I don’t want to toot my own horn-aw who am I kidding? I’ll have you know, I’ve never once had trouble pleasuring myself, thank you very much.”
“Enough of the chit-chat, so what’s it going to be Jeon? The woman or your precious suit?” He was getting irritated now, as evident through his brash mandate and raised voice. 
Jungkook sighs, loud enough to hear through the helmet. “And to think I actually thought this would turn out to be more interesting.”
Shaking his head, he fires a series of miniature missile from his shoulder pads straight into the barrels of their guns, making them all explode in their faces, knocking the group of men out without even breaking a sweat.
“Come on, let’s get out of here,” He says, running over to you and waiting for you to come down from where you were levitated. “Well? What are you waiting for?”  
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of stuck to the magnet.”
“Use electromagnetic interference.” He instructs.
“Again, the disappointment.” Jungkook sighs again. “Y/N, do you seriously think I haven’t already solved the magnet problem? The suit is equipped with multiple electromagnet generators that allows for the manipulation of the surrounding electromagnet field. It’s strong enough to redirect ferrous projectiles in flight. No? Doesn’t even sound remotely like something I would’ve thought of?” He shakes his head; the damaged pride from you looking down upon his genius is practically seeping out of the suit at this point.
You on the other hand, sense your face heating up, almost feeling the need to apologize for your own incompetence. Of course this whole “stuck on the giant magnet” issue was a matter of you not actually knowing how to use the suit and not Jungkook’s elementary mistake or his overlooking of an essential function.
“It’s this button near the chest.” He reaches over and presses it, and the minute it’s activated you fall off the metal wall and land back on the ground.
“No problem. All in the days work of Iron Man.” He shrugs, trying to make you feel better about everything that’s happened. You smile even though you're fully aware he can’t see it anyways.
 The two of you begin walking out of the warehouse in hopes of finding a spot where you could fly back to Seoul unnoticed. You walk beside him, almost forgetting about the tragic events that occurred prior to him coming to the rescue and asking about how he managed to escape because you were so caught up in replaying that moment he showed up just in the nick of time to rescue you. You were still pretty unaccustomed to moving in the suit, and it wasn’t too surprising when you accidentally swing your arm and punch Jungkook in the side whilst lost in your dreamy thoughts like some teenage girl who just got asked out by her crush. Such an act normally wouldn’t cause a reaction from him at all, but he suddenly hunches over and grunts in agony.
“Oh my god, you’re still hurt aren’t you?” You gasp, snapping awake and remembering he was still trapped in the collapsing building the last time you saw him.
“Eh, I’ve been through worse.” His metal masks opens up and you can see he’s sweating profusely, whether it was due to the pain or if his wounds have become infected, you don’t know.”
“Jungkook, you’re hurt!”
“Hey, at least I managed to save you. I’d call that a win.”
You feel your eyes swelling with tears triggered by a chaotic mixture of panic, concern, and gratitude.
“Stay with me, Jungkook, you can’t lose consciousness.”
“I think I need a short nap.” 
“No! You’re Jeon Jungkook” You look at him in desperation. “Genius, billionaire, philanthropist, playboy-
“International playboy” Jungkook corrects, before letting out another groan of pain as he tries to lift an arm to caress your helmet covered face.
“Whatever, the point is, you’re Iron Man, one of the coolest superheroes in existence. You can’t give up. The world needs you. I need you.”  
A weak smile forms on Jungkook’s face before his eyelids begin to droop.  
“I’ll take that as a yes to the date I’m about to ask you on.”
It was obviously not the place to be talking about such things, but Jeon Jungkook wouldn’t be Jeon Jungkook if he weren’t being sassy in even the most traumatizing of situations. You smile and let out a sniffle-laced laugh as more tears run down your cheeks.  
 “He’ll be fine in no time.” Namjoon says as he brings you a cup of water. “He’s recovered from injuries ten times worse than this.” He reassures, patting your shoulder as you remained seated next to an unconscious Jungkook lying on his bed.
With the destruction of his luxurious mansion, you had to temporarily stay at the penthouse of Jeon Tower, the tallest high-rise building in Seoul owned by none other than Jeon Jungkook. Luckily he had stayed conscious long enough to fly the both of you back to the city because you had no idea what the plan was after taking down that band of North Korean infiltrators. Namjoon had been waiting at the top of the building, making sure he had a doctor on call to tend to Jungkook’s wounds. They weren’t severe as stated by his personal doctor, Dr. Park, a young medical practitioner who specializes in cardiac surgery, just some cuts and minor internal bleeding.
You had stayed around to take care of Jungkook while he was bedridden for a couple of days. His vegetative state was concerning, but you trusted Dr. Park and Namjoon’s instincts, after all they were used to this stuff happening more often than not. You’ve been keeping yourself awake for the most part, sleeping only when your eyes could not stay open, but never leaving the Jungkook’s side. You technically owe him your life, so it was the least you could do. You allow your eyes to gloss over his features, never having seen him so calm and at peace. His lips were slightly parted as he remained in a deep, unadulterated slumber, feathery bangs resting gently on his forehead. You don’t restrain yourself from tentatively reaching over and cupping his cheek, admiring how such a youthful person can carry the burden of being the unstoppable hero that is Iron Man.  
Jungkook’s eyes flutter slightly as your hand comes into contact with his face, slowly opening and adjusting to the diaphanous light cascading through the open window. His pupils dart around lazily, trying to analyze the situation as his mind gradually returned to reality.
“Hey” He whispers when he sees you by his bedside.
“Oh you’re awake, thank god.” You let out a breath of relief.
“Sounds like I was out for a while.”
“To the point where I thought you wouldn’t wake up.”
He smiles at the way you gaze at him endearingly, sluggish eyes slowly gaining that usual spark you were so used to seeing.
“And miss seeing your beautiful face? No way.”
You roll your eyes. “Your net worth is $12 Billion USD, why did you choose to save me over yourself? Doesn’t seem like a smart move on Iron Man’s part.”
“Half of me wants to say it was just my superhero side kicking in.” He admits, grunting as he tries to move into a sitting position.
“Superheroes don’t spring into action without their suits.” You state, standing up right away and supporting him up.
“Call it instinct, but I-I guess I just didn’t know what I would do if something were to happen to you.” His voice comes out as a whisper, but his statement hits you directly in the heart.
 With you tending to his wounds for the next few days, Jungkook’s recovery happens a lot quicker than either Dr. Park or Namjoon had predicted. You had disinfected all of his cuts on a regular basis, prepared his medication as instructed, and aided him in his daily activities for well over a week now, but it was on one particular night when you thought he had fully recovered that you allowed yourself to let your guard down, which you were soon led to believe might’ve been a mistake.
You hear a groan of pain emanate from the next room over, and without a second thought, you rush over to the bedroom to find a naked Jungkook. Upon seeing his bare back, you immediately turn around, face nearly exploding from the heat rush.
“I-I thought it was your injury.” You stutter, heart beating a mile a minute.
“Nah, I just stubbed my toe as I was trying to take off my pants.” He responds, acting like you didn’t just bust in on him when he was literally butt naked, like no underwear or anything, not that you actually took note.
There’s a moment of silence, one in which your nerves continue to grow because Jungkook had stopped talking and you don’t know why you feel like you’re physically rooted to the spot because you should’ve exited the room by now and Jungkook was probably just waiting for you to leave.
“O-Oh, ok I’ll just go then!” You declare quickly before taking a step forward. But just as you were about to sprint out of the room, you feel an arm grab onto you and flip you around to face him.
He was still naked.
Your eyes immediately squeeze shut and if your heart was beating a mile a minute before, it feels like it’s traveling faster than the speed of light now. What the fuck is he doing? You think, still holding your breath as if you were submerged underwater.
You hear him chuckle lightly.
“Am I finally making you nervous?” His voice is low and seductive, albeit not without that playful hint that it’s always laced with. 
“N-no” You lie, eyes still shut as tightly as you can manage.
“Then are you going to open your eyes anytime soon?”
You mentally scold yourself for acting so childish at seeing a naked man. It’s not like you’ve never seen one before. Doctors and medical students do it all the time, why are you acting like the human body is some forbidden fruit that you’re not allowed to eat?
You take one last long breath and slowly open your eyes. His face is only half a foot away from yours and all you can seem to do is get lost in his huge doe-eyes- dark speckled orbs more ethereal than the view of the cosmic scenery from atop the clouds-making you momentarily forget the actual situation you were in.
“Like what you see?” He whispers, warm breath sweeping against your bare neck as you swallow. 
You feel a rush of tingling need crawl up your spine, heat swelling toward your extremities from your pulsating center.
“Is this how Mr. International Playboy seduces women?”
He huffs a shortened laugh and looks down at the floor before raising his head and peering at you with a mischievous expression. “Only you.” 
He waits for that discernable hint of opposition to taint your eyes, to perhaps be laced in your features, but receives none because all the signs you were showing now-the subtle lip biting, the lustful glint in your irises, the slightly trembling legs-are conveying that you want him-badly, and before you know it, his hands are cupping your face and his luscious lips are crashing against yours.
You feel his hands meander down your body, groping and massaging your flesh as he continues to deepen the kiss, inhaling every bit of you like he’s been waiting for this for an eternity. The instant his hands come to rest at your waist, you wrap your arms around his neck, closing the distance between your clothed chest and his bare body. He lifts you off the ground and you straddle him as he carries you over to his perfectly made king-sized bed. With only the thin, lightweight fabric of your cotton shorts separating your center from his gradually hardening cock, you can’t help but embrace the growing need flooding your core while Jungkook’s lips remain connected to yours, moving in slow but sensual motions.
He breaks away momentarily as he lays you down on your back, the coolness of his silken bed sheets shocking your heated nerves in waves of rushing tides.
“I need to confirm that this is something you want.” Jungkook says, voice reverting back to his businessman tone. “Verbal consent.”
You soak in the anticipation encasing his visage as he awaits your response with a kind of patience and formality that only Jeon Jungkook and Iron Man can whip out at a moment like this.
“And if I don’t give it?” You quirk an eyebrow, teasing him to see how he would react.
“Then it stops here.”
“Jungkook, wait” You snatch onto his arm before he can leave. “I want you to fuck me.”
A smirk stretches across his lips. “You take joy in driving me insane don’t you?” He exhales, before diving back into kissing you, hungrily suckling onto your lips as he slowly slips his arm under your shorts.
“I can say the same about you.” You gasp, between his twirling tongue and dancing fingers.
“Oh, but correction. I’m not going to fuck you.” He says in his composed, explaining-a-scientific-theory voice, pausing yet again and making you groan at the lack of stimulation. “I’m going to make love to you.”
You roll your eyes, but you’d be lying if you his statement wasn’t endearing in its own quirky way.
“Please” You beg, hoping he stops randomly pausing just to prove that his logic is superior.  
You barely catch that mysterious twinkle in his eyes before he’s down on his knees, positioning his head between your legs as he tugs your shorts down, exposing the soft flesh that is already moistened by your juices.
“And so marks the end of you not being impressed by Iron Man” He says, gradually working his way to your opening, leaving a trail of pecks leading up to the fleshy folds. He tentatively teases the flabs, tongue gliding over the entrance making you jolt from the sudden stimulus. He alternates between sucking on your clitoris and eating you out with care, like a man on a mission because you are unlike any other woman he’s tasted before and he wants nothing more than to pleasure you and only you.
You spread your legs wider for him, feeling a flame being lit in the pit of your stomach as he continues to suckle at your already throbbing core. The sound of your emitted moans are driving his senses crazy and prompting him to delve deeper into your opening with his tongue. You know you won’t be able to hold on much longer, and Jungkook senses it too as you arch your back and squirm under his steady grip on both of your thighs.
“C-Come up, I want to ride you.” You manage to voice, sitting up as Jungkook rises from off the ground upon your command.
“Someone’s feisty,” He comments with a smirk before laying flat on the bed, his arousal evident by the precum already dripping down his shaft.  
You cautiously position yourself on top of Jungkook, straddling his waist as you tug your shirt off, unclasping your bra and throwing it off to the side. You closely observe the way his eyes trace down your neck and widen as they land on your exposed breasts. He swallows, chest rising and falling but otherwise remaining motionless as he watches unblinkingly at your every move. You see his Adam’s apple bobble up and down as you lift your body to angle yourself against him, aligning your opening with his cock, and using your fingers to separate your already drenched folds before slowly sinking down on his erection centimeter by centimeter, pausing now and then to adjust to his girth. You let out a series of whimpers as you feel your walls being stretched to their limit, expanding to make room for him as you lowered yourself hilt deep.  
Jungkook lets out a guttural moan once he is completely inside of you. He’s never been in such a compromising position, always preferring to be the one in control, whether he was facing an enemy or fucking some slut to oblivion back in his reckless playboy days, but with you it was different. He took pleasure in the way you rode him, the look on your face as you bit down on your bottom lip, eyes pinched shut as you tried to stall coming entirely undone just to make the moment last.
“That’s it baby-mm, keep going.” He asserts, throwing his head back as you rocked your hips against him.
You keep your hands pressed against his bare chest, stabilizing yourself as you moved your lower half. It wasn’t long before you felt yourself nearing the brink.
“Fuck, J-JungkookI- I-” With your movements staggering as you feel the approach of your oncoming orgasm, Jungkook decides to take matters into his own hands just before your release. He sits up and flips you on your back; your legs still wrapped around his lower half.
“Allow me” He hums, leaning down and pulling you back into a kiss as he begins to thrust in and out of your opening, one arm reaching down and rubbing circles against your clit.
He pumps in and out, smooth and practiced, an art form perfected from past experience and yet something tells you he’s never made love to a woman quite like this before. Maybe it was the way he maintained a stable line of eye contact as he caressed your cheek with his free hand, like he was searching for some answer within your soul that confirmed you were the one and he’s finally found the only person who has the ability to keep him grounded, even when he soaring above the clouds. That person he’s been waiting for whose concern for him is not tied to his duty to protect the planet or dependent upon his continual success in everything he’s expected to excel in. The sincerity in your faint smile and the tender speckles of solace reflected in your irises are more than enough to convey to him that you are, indeed, that person.
You make it an undertaking to memorize every last aspect of this long awaited moment, tracing down his beautiful features as he stared longingly and lovingly into your eyes. You take notice of how he’s trying to calm his breathing and the way he’s keeping his upper body stable just so he can direct his attention towards you, an unspoken validation that you were the only thing that mattered right then and there. The look of concentration and pure focus molding every inch of his face is comparable to the way he looks when he’s designing world changing technology, and it makes you feel extraordinarily special, just like his unmatched suit of armor. The moonlight continues to spill through the large glass walls casting shadows across the room and delivering reminders of the lively city a hundreds floors below. With the pressure growing at an exponential pace, you know you’re close to brink and the falter in Jungkook’s steady breathing gives an indication that he is too.
“F-ffuck” Jungkook moans as he feels your walls clench around him, making him wince and sink his own teeth down on his lower lip as he’s dragged to the edge.
“J-Jungkook, I-I’m-”
You both release at the same time, highs reaching their end in a hot euphoric drowning out of all senses, making the room spin, and leaving both parties desperately gasping for air. All you can feel is the pleasure coursing through every nook and cranny of your being, and the weight of Jungkook’s body falling on top of yours as he continues to whisper your name in between his ragged panting.
“God, I am so in love with you.” He says as he rolls off of you and onto his back, but not without turning back and cradling you in his strong embrace.
“I love you too, Jungkook, or Iron Man, or whatever you want to be referred to as.” You giggle, nuzzling your face into the curve of his neck, placing gentle kisses on his sweat glistening skin.
“Does that mean you’ll stop doubting my abilities?”
“Depends on what abilities we’re talking.” You tease.
“Damn you’re hard to impress.”
You only giggle at that. It’s not your fault he’s shown you so many of his cards.
He closes his eyes, blissfully saturated in the scent of your hair and the warmth of your intertwined bodies, wishing he could stay like this forever. “So what do you say about trying out black and silver for the suit?”
You take a moment to consider his proposal, imaging the suit sporting a new combination of colors. It’ll probably look really cool either way, but you ultimately decide that nothing can compare to his signature look, the one that screams nothing but Iron Man and the awesomeness of one of the coolest superheroes in the history of superheroes.
“Actually, I prefer red and gold.”  
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