#like leave me the hell alone. I'm too goddamn tired to deal with this shit all the fucking time.
kittlyns · 1 year
Clients love texting a depressed bitch on her "the promise of this weekend is the only thing that kept me alive" planned time off ✌🏻🥲
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tumbleweedtech · 3 months
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Oh get fucked you dipshit. No one bothered with you or cared about your ship until you started attacking people for the "crime" of liking a different ship than you. I'd forgotten you existed and was all the better for it. Sure, fine. Vernilla forever, it's vanilla and boring and stupid, just like you. I shall stop enjoying the fandom I'm in, that has nothign to do with you, and come back just to write you some stupid blonde bimbo who lays back to get fucked in boring, uninteresting, and unpleasant ways by some smelly fucking war criminal who barely gets it up because he's too goddamn old and tired. He's just huffing and puffing away on top of her like some pathetic lump. How's that for pillow princess, you dumb fuck? At least check if 1) people are even still in your fandom, or 2) taking prompts, you utter fucking shit stain. You are the worst part of fandom. I wish your computer would melt. You do not deserve the internet. I hope your phone battery never holds a charge, every plug in your home fries the motherboard of every computer you have forever, and every ship you ever love is never, ever more than a rarepair that only you and the nice people you trick with prompts bother to write for. You lost any chance at kindness and/or respect from me when you attacked people who had nothing to do with you, when you sent inappropriate gifs to minors and you harassed people WHO HAD NEVER EVEN WRITTEN ROCHE BEFORE. Now go away, @whereisvernilla . Go the fuck away and don't ever come back. Because all you're doing is making me hate Ciri as a character since you can't fucking comprehend that people not writing your ship doesn't mean they dislike it, or dislike the characters. IT JUST MEANS THEY LIKE OTHER THINGS. Fucking moron. I swear to god if you had two braincells it'd be because one was solely dedicated to keeping you breathing, you goddamn idiot. I swear to every god you don't understand the concept of fantasy, of preferences, or consent. You keep telling us to go to hell. WELL BITCH ILL MEET YOU THERE. this is the fucking stupidest motherfucker I have ever met both in person and online and i've met some really, really fucking stupid people.
And for everyone who has no fucking idea what's going on, sorry. This dipshit has evaded blocks, sent emails, dms, asks, both anon and not, full of bigoted slurs, she's stolen fics and art that she's edited and reposted, she's sent sexual things to minors, she's sent sexual things unasked for to people, she has been asked, told, demanded, and reported. She comes around every now and then and Drums up drama crying about how no one likes her ship when all we were doing was cheerfully enjoying doing our own things and ignoring her. Note: Been dealing with her bullshit for years now. Yelling at her makes her leave me alone for a few months.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM THE BOURNE TRILOGY *  assorted dialogue from identity, supremacy, and ultimatum
who has a safety deposit box full of money and six passports and a gun?
nobody does the right thing.
you haven't slept for a long time.
why don't you sit down.
perhaps we can arrange a meet.
we've been through this.
you really don't remember, do you?
that sounds ominous. let me check my schedule.
what were my words? what did i say?
you move, you die.
thanks for the ride.
welcome to the program.
nothing in those files makes their sacrifice worthwhile.
i don't want to do this anymore.
they found a body.
i'm sitting in my office.
my argument is not with you.
we got a bump coming up.
what happened?
look, what's going on? why are these people after me?
i hear you're still looking for me.
everything i found out, i wanna forget.
i told you to come alone.
someone started all this, and i'm going to find them.
why would you doubt that?
who's your source?
tell me who i am.
i want to know what's going on.
i was hoping you had some time for me.
if there's something you're not telling me, i want it now.
i don't think that's a decision you can make.
you're u.s. government property.
i said leave me alone.
do you have any idea who you're dealing with?
what basis are you continuing this operation on?
i told them i believed you.
why are you helping me?
have you locked down the area?
you don't know the circumstances.
i wanted to thank you.
we got what we needed.
please don't hurt me.
we clear on that?
you start down this path, where does it end?
i can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking.
i see the exit sign, too.
i remember. i remember everything.
backup will be arriving in approximately one hour.
did something go wrong?
what is this, a joke? some kind of scam?
you're the only person i know.
do you have ID?
if we stay here, we die.
i know how you're feeling.
off the record. you know how it is.
no more red tape.
i don't suppose it would do me much good to cry for help?
i send you because you don't exist.
you know i can't tell you that.
we're professionals. when an operation goes bad, we tie it off.
where are you gonna go?
you just asked for it?
this is where it started for me. this is where it ends.
everything you need is in there.
actually, i don't think they give a shit.
get some rest. you look tired.
these people will kill you if they have to.
good thinking.
so now you're going to kill me?
do you copy?
all right, we have to move.
you would probably just forget about me if i stayed here.
you can come up.
why don't you come in with me?
do you even know why you're supposed to kill me?
now why would i know that?
i'm sorry to hear that.
why didn't you take the shot?
it was a kill squad.
you know how real the danger is.
we can do that any time we want.
i come in here, and the first thing i'm doing is i'm catching the sightlines and looking for an exit.
how did that happen?
do something about it.
i send you to be invisible.
you're in a big puddle of shit, and you don't have the shoes for it.
i'm not worried.
who am i?
you couldn't make this stuff up.
you're a total goddamned catastrophe.
i can go check it out.
i'm not sorry.
i mean, you were shot.
i don't send you to kill.
how could i forget about you?
this isn't what i signed up for.
you talk about this stuff like you read it in a book.
i'm on my own side now.
i have the files.
it's not a mistake.
i'm just trying to do the right thing.
what are you after?
why did you pick me?
they knew you were there.
what the hell are you talking about?
we don't have a choice.
it gets easier.
it'll be better if we do this together.
they'll kill you for giving me this.
by god, if it kills me, you're going to tell me how this happened.
look at this. look at what they make you give.
people do all kinds of weird and amazing stuff when they're scared.
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lihikainanea · 3 years
so it's summer and it's great but the heat is absolutely unforgiving. what if Tiger gets like, a reaction from the excessive sweat that this season brings and there's like a rash-like discoloration on the sides of her body, her back? I get these every summer and, it's hard to look at myself in the mirror when I put the cream on so they go away. I'm thinking Bill would help, but after Tiger lets him since she's a lil embarrassed and shy about them.
Ohhh bubs, I feel you. I have SUCH sensitive skin that I swear, I cry and then I have to spend like a week treating the eczema outbreak on my face that my own goddamn tears cause.
The heat and all that comes along with it can have some icky side effects and my girl tiger ain't spared. Heat rash? yep. Mild sun allergy that causes a rash? Yep. Hives because she's basically allergic to everything outside? Yep. Eczema outbreak because all the rashes are stressing her out? Yep.
Are we even going to talk about underboob and thigh chafe? Shit, yes we are because this is some real life BULLSHIT that most of us have to deal with.
And what if it's exactly that. Hear me out. She's been purposely avoiding getting nekkid with Bill for a few days--She's got this weird heat rash that's going down one side, itchy as all hell and red and bumpy. She manages to camouflage most of it with a loose fitting sundress, something of breathable material, but she just happens to need a strapless bra with it--and strapless bras are an Enemy of the Goddamn State, man. Maybe it's a nice cocktail hour at a schmancy new bar that opened so she's dressed cute, except one of her completely heat-resistant friends got them all a table outside because clearly this friend was born and raise din the fires of Hades, so a heatwave doesn't bother them. It's outside, and tiger is fucking dying. The sweat running down her side is making her itch even more and burning the sensitive, already-irritated skin there. She feels like she's fucking melting into a puddle under the blaze of the hot sun, which she's pretty sure is searing her make up off. She feels like a swamp monster.
And if that's not bad enough--the group decides to walk for ice cream after. They decide to walk QUITE a long ways for ice cream. And all that sweat that she has going underneath her dress is just making her bra dig into the fragile skin under her breasts, and the more her thighs rub together as she walks the more she can feel the chafe like, peeling off a layer of her fucking skin and she wants to die.
And Bill for his part is kind of walking a bit ahead with his boys, maybe it's been awhile since he's seen them so he's not keenly aware of the absolute hell that tiger is currently in. Until she snaps when, after ice cream, it's time to walk alllllllll the way back to the car.
"Fuck this," she mutters, "I'm out." And then a little louder. "Bill, I'm out."
He gives her a worried look, taking a few long strides until he's back with her.
"Okay kid," he says, "We can leave as soon as we get back to the car."
"Yep." She smiles, wide and scary--but doesn't move.
"It's...It's this way," he gestures somewhat helplessly to the direction everyone else continues walking in.
"Sure is."
She still doesn't move.
He jumps a mile when she lets out the loudest whistle he's ever heard, nearly giving him an uppercut as her hand shot up quickly. A cab came to a screeching halt, and she opened the door.
Confused but knowing better than to argue, Bill folded himself in half in the back seat as the cab drove them the 3 minute distance to the car.
"Are you....okay?" he asks cautiously as she buckles up her seatbelt in his car, and tiger just...man, tiger wants to go home. She's so uncomfortable, she's so itchy, everything burns, she's still overheated and she's just so over this night.
"I'm tired and too hot," she says instead, "Just take me home."
And like, look. Once they're home? Bill goes to unzip her dress because she always needs help with it, but tiger kind of smacks his hands away and huffs. He doesn't think much of it, she's just fussy and in a bad mood and she doesn't always want to be touched when she's feeling that way. And tiger, in the meantime, is just trying to locate either some calamine lotion or some cortisone cream or hell just a million ice packs that she can place on her side, between her thighs, under her breasts--everywhere that just seems on fire at the moment.
She heads to the bathroom, closing the door so she can rummage the cupboards in peace. She finally takes the dress off and flings her bra across the room and she winces at what she sees in the mirror. Her entire side is red and bumpy, an angry, itchy rash scaling up her torso. Tenderly, she rubs the skin under her breasts and bites her lip in pain--the skin there is raised, bright red, irritated and stinging. A quick check on her inner thighs reveals the same thing. She sighs, running the tap so that Bill won't hear her.
But listen, Bill? Bill just thinks she's washing her face, and he wanders in with a little whisky digestif and to see if he can entice her into taking a bubble bath with him. He opens the door and tiger shrieks, grabbing at a towel to cover herself--but not before he got a good view of what seems like half her body, bright red and irritated.
"Tiger," he gasps softly, "Kid what happened?"
"Bill get out," she squeaks, wrapping the towel around herself.
"No," he says. He yanks at her towel but she smacks his hand away.
"Bill," she says, a tad more angry now, "Leave me alone."
"No," he says again, "Tiger, show me."
"Tiger," it's his turn to be stern now, "We have rules. And so help me, if you don't drop that fucking towel then there will be another part of you that is bright fucking red. Now show me."
"It's okay," she sighs defeatedly, "It's just... a bit irritated."
She opens the towel a tad, showing him her side. Bill puts the whiskey glasses down and hold the towel open, leaning to get a closer look.
"What happened?" he asks softly, "Are you allergic to something?"
"No," she mumbles--god this is embarassing--"It's just...the heat. It gave me a bit of a rash that won't go away."
He nods, his eyebrows knitting together, and he tugs gently to undo the knot on her towel. When she protests he gives her a stern look and she sighs, letting him undo her covering. Gently, he runs his fingers along the side of her breasts and trail them down her rib cage.
"And here?"
"Strapless bra, sweat, and rubbing," she winces when he hits a sensitive spot and he apologizes, "Recipe for disaster."
He nods, his eyes sweeping over her looking for more markings.
"Anywhere else?" he asks after a beat. Tiger bites her lip, and he gently tugs it free with his thumb. She sighs, giving up, and rests her foot on the toilet so he can see her inner thigh.
"Dump truck thigh chafe," she says, "It's a killer."
He leans, kissing the marking softly.
"Oatmeal," he says as he stands and turns for the door, "A lukewarm oatmeal bath, and some calamine lotion."
"Bill, I'm handling it. It's not--"
But he spins back around.
"We. Have. Rules." every word is short, curt, and accentuated with a step as he backs her up to the tub and looms tall over her, "Don't we sweet girl?"
"And do you think that hiding this from me--spending the evening in discomfort and pain and not telling me anything--is that following the rules?" he asks. God he's authoritative when he's like this.
"Probably not?" she tries. A quick, challenging quirk of his brow and suddenly she's not so brave. "No, it's not following the rules."
"And trying to stop me from taking care of it when I do find out, is that following the rules?"
"No," she says meekly, "It's not."
"That's right, it's not," he says and he kisses her softly, "So you're going to let me take care of these markings, and then you're going to get some brand new ones."
And listen, Bill is more just pissed that tiger was in pain, clearly for at least a few days, and she didn't tell him. He's even more pissed that she sat there so uncomfortable that night, and also didn't tell him. But he puts his anger aside to care for her first--and an oatmeal bath it is, he gets in there with her and soaks while they sip their whiskey. And when they get out, he carefully dabs calamine lotion all over her--giving it a second to dry before pulling his big shirt over her head.
"Bedroom," he says, "Now."
Tiger slinks away--but also, man, what if our girl just ain't feeling it tonight? Yes, she was bad. Yes, she broke the rules. She's a little small about it but she's dealing okay, and truth be told she just...ugh, the thought of another patch of her skin being red and irritated and sore from a spanking is just kind of too much for her. It's a discomfort and a pain that she just doesn't feel up to dealing with tonight, after already spending so much time uncomfortable. SO maybe she's kneeling on his side of the bed when he comes in to find her, and as he approaches she just kind of thunks her head on his thigh, fiddles with the waistband of his boxers.
"Bill," she says softly, "Can I...can you punish me tomorrow for this? I've had enough discomfort for today. I don't want it."
Bill's heart could explode. He smiles at her--big and wide and totally dopey, hooks his hand around her arms and sets her on her feet gently.
"Good girl," he purrs, kissing her deeply, "My good girl."
She coos a little at that, and he tucks her into his chest for a tight hug.
"You tell me when you're ready to be punished kid, and we'll do it then," he tells her. She nods, and when he lays out in bed tiger just lies flat on his chest, sticks his thumb in her mouth, and starts snoring a few seconds later. Bill just lovingly tends to her for the next day or two--lukewarm baths, lots of calamine, lots of unscented soothing lotions--and then eventually after a few days when he's sitting on the couch playing a video game, tiger just walks in, shimmies out of her panties and lies across his lap.
"Let's have it bud," she tells him, "Make it hurt."
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*strokes the amazing Yiga Scribe's ego and offers the best bananas* May I submit a request? I'm neutral on mpreg but I'm HUGE on big belly kink. I got to thinking, what about a scene that takes place in your mpreg AU, where Kohga is 9 months pregnant with the triplets and just... HUGE and Sooga just can't handle how sexy he thinks that is? Love and bananes! 🍌🍌🍌❤️❤️❤️
*sighs in pregnancy kink* let's get Sooga horny as SHIT.
Sooga was a lucky man. He was in a relationship with a man who was as beautiful as bananas were delicious. Nice, beautiful hands, the most incredible looking face, and, most sexy of all; he was baring his children. Boys, and THREE of them.
"Aaand we're done! Wonderful job, Master Kohga!"
"I. Hate. Everything."
Kohga had agreed to do some light work outs, mainly in the form of yoga, and even though he complained every time, his Master hadn't skipped a day. Even if it was a struggle. Sooga saw it as Kohga laid against his front, absolutely exhausted. Sooga kissed his head, absolutely in love with his flushed husband.
"But you did SO well today. I'm so proud of you!"
"Uh huh. Can we fucking EAT now?"
Kohga was ALWAYS hungry, and Sooga couldn’t blame him; growing three, strapping boys was a full time job, no wonder he was so cranky.
"Absolutely you may. What would you like?"
"I want ice cream. Definitely. With nuts. And carmel."
"I think I remember the kitchen making brownies earlier, would you like some?"
"YES. In the ice cream. And banana slices-"
"At the very end, or they'll get soggy. I'm aware, my Master. Do you need to be carried to the room?"
"You ain't gonna let me walk soon as I squeeze these bastards out, might as well get some steps in. I uh, could use some help standing up."
Sooga nodded. His poor husband, so heavy and dependent on him. He reached out his arm, allowing Kohga to hold onto him. He helped walk him to the room, carefully, before he felt Kohga smack at his shoulder.
"What'd I do?"
"You're GROWLING at people, Sooga."
"I am? I didn't even notice. Well, their fault regardless, everyone keeps looking as if they want to touch your stomach."
"YOU touch it?"
"I'm their father. Everyone but me and you have no right to touch them. But, I will try to remain civil."
Sooga opened the door for Kohga, allowing him to walk inside. Sooga made eye contact with Cil, before flipping him the bird. Damn vulture. He shut the door behind him, helping Kohga to the bed, fluffing the pillows as he liked it.
"Ugh...my goddamn feet. I swear this shit hurts."
"Would you like me to rub your feet?"
"I'd like you to get the goddamn ice cream I asked for."
"You're adorable ~"
Such an attitude. He kissed his forehead, before excusing himself to the kitchen. And as usual, EVERYONE working there were excited to get ANY news to spread around the clan (the cooks were such gossips queens)
"Sooga! How's Kohga?"
"Anything new to report?"
"He's doing well. He's hungry. I need ice cream, you know, the sundaes he likes."
They nodded, working together to make quite the pretty sundae. Stuffed to the brim with ice cream, carmel sauce, nuts, thick brownies, whipped cream, and sliced bananas, on the side of course. They handed him the tray, and Sooga was about to leave, when they added something else to the tray; crispy salmon skin. Kohga, much to his anger, had grown to like fish since his pregnancy. Salmon skin was the new banana chip. They gave him a little wave, before he excused himself.
He stepped back into the room, and set the ice cream down before adding the bananas, and presenting it to Kohga.
"FINALLY. These fuckheads are STARVED."
Kohga tucked into his dessert happily, and it warmed Sooga’s heart. He looked so happy.
"Is that all? I'd uhm...like to rest, my feet h-"
"No, they fucking don't, just SAY you wanna cuddle, you fuckshit."
It was true. Sooga never really felt body pains (at least not enough to complain), he just didn't know how to ask for cuddles, especially with grumpy Kohga, but Kohga just. Knew him well enough to know what he wanted, always. Sooga crawled into bed, super careful as he rested his chin on his belly (he would prefer his chest, but Kohga smacked him with a spoon last time, so). He watched lovingly as Kohga helped himself to his cold treat. Cheeks rosey and stuffed, just like his bare belly. The yiga attire was meant to stretch for any size, but Kohga needed a change ever since his six month mark.
A see through robe, thin enough to breathe and move around in. It screamed 'pregnant mom', given the style, but to Sooga, it was INCREDIBLY sexy.
"Are you three liking the ice cream too? Is it too cold? Are you getting brain freeze? Can babies get a brain freeze?"
Kohga swallowed his last bite, before putting his empty cup on the night stand next to them. He sighed, damn near annoyed.
"Dunno. But I know they give ME a headache. AND you. God what if they're like your dumbass?"
"I agree. I sincerely hope they're going be like you. Strong, wonderful, kind, TERRIBLY handsome-"
He stopped once Kohga lightly winced. He panicked for a moment, before settling down.
"Sorry. Little shits are hyper as fuck."
"You DID just give them ice cream, and lots of it. It's adorable. All of it is. Gods you're perfect."
He leaned down to kiss his bare belly (he accidentally pulled up his shirt, believe him), humming in content.
"Your boner is literally pressing against my leg right now."
Sooga looked down at himself. He was right. He cleared his throat, feeling embarrassed.
"I...sorry. You're just. So big, and voluptuous and beautiful and SO full with my pups-"
"Fucks sake, Sooga, just. Jerk off already."
Suffice to say, this wasn't the first time Sooga had been aroused by the situation, so Kohga was used to his man's bullshit. Sooga would have insisted he didn't need it but his erection proved otherwise. He swung his legs over Kohga, and made his body hold itself up. Wouldn’t want to hurt the little ones, afterall. He pulled himself out of his clothes, slowly starting to pump his cock. And Kohga just. Stared. Stared in a sort of 'I'm above you' mentality that he seemed to gain upon his pregnancy.
And Sooga LOVED it. He was merely tolerating him, gracing him in his grandeur.
"You always take so fucking long with this. You got a nice looking cock, and you do jack shit with it."
Sooga chuckled, pushing the tip of his cock and forcing precum to leak onto his hand. He was careful as he loomed over him, wanting to see every bit of him. His face, his chest, his big, wonderful, incredible, gorgeous stomach. Everything.
"The better to savor you with, my Master. The better to appreciate you with. The better to see the absolute beauty that your womb-"
He was silenced when Kohga leaned up a bit, and pulled his hair tie out of his hair, letting it fall. Sooga wished he could take a picture of this moment. Of Kohga laying there, tired of him, holding his hair tie in his hand as if he were trash. Yet, the smirk at his lips let him subtly know he was loved. The great faeries wished they looked as big and beautiful as he did.
"Sooga. You're a sweetheart, really. But GOD shut the fuck up and just cum on me, I need a nap like, yesterday."
"Of course my Master, sincere apologies on my part. I'll finish, without much grandeur. Provided...I have a little assistance?"
He asked, hopeful. Either he'd get a hand, or a hand to the back of the head. Kohga scoffed in disbelief.
"Fucking hell, stomach kink son of a-FINE."
He offered his hand to him. Just his open hand. That was enough. He took his hand in his own, using his hand to help him stroke his cock. Oh the way it made a shiver run down his spine. It was all he needed. He took no more than a minute or so (too long for Kohga’s taste), before he finally got what he wanted. A hot, creamy load on his belly in plentful ribbons. Oh sweat never felt so good.
"Shit...thank you, Master Kohga. Truly. I needed that."
"Yeah yeah yeah. You done fawning over me?"
"Never. You look like a big, lovely cinnamon roll~"
Kohga wiped his hand on Sooga’s stomach, clicking his tongue.
"You're awful. Lay down with me already, you need a nap too."
Sooga let himself fall on his side, before clinging tightly onto Kohga. Sooga didn't clean up his mess, and it was something they were both okay with.
"...Master Kohga?"
"Do you...think they'll like me?"
"They should. I know I do."
"Even when I just can't leave you alone?"
"Yeah, even then. SOMEONE has to fuss over me."
Sooga pressed his lips against his messy, hairy tummy.
"I'll fuss over them as well. Till the end of time. My...family. All mine, to safeguard, and protect with my life."
Kohga rolled his eyes, running his fingers through his hair. It always did help him fall asleep.
"And I'll teach them how to deal with adoring idiots like you."
Sooga lovingly stroked and loved at his plumpness. Beautiful.
"Have we thought of names?"
"They're yours, so Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbfuck."
He was about to interject, when they both felt one of them kick. Kohga laughed, his legs flailing wildly.
"Master Kohga please-"
"Listen, I spent nine months with these fucks mooching off of me, the LEAST I can do is give them the funniest fucking names."
"I...love you, Master Kohga."
He didn't know what family life entailed. He just knew he was ready.
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*Ignore if you've already read this I just wanted to tag
Part 20: Recovery
My shit busted, Erik frowned frustrated as he sat looking through the rearview mirror in the Wawa parking lot. He hated this part of the job. Though he could take a hit and it wasn't his first, second, or third time getting shot, he didn't like the feeling of being dependent on someone else for help, even with a wound. Getting severely injured was always a risk but he preferred dealing with things on his own. Aside from that, he didn't trust hospitals. He probably needed surgery again but definitely not in Texas. Sighing, he decided to swallow his pride for the umpteenth time to go ahead and call the man he always went to when he got shot, stabbed, or had something bad happen to him that he couldn't completely fix in his own with a needle, some Tylenol, and time.
Dr. Charles. He had the equipment and resources and made private trips. He also knew Erik personally from his military days. On top of that, he was a proud Nigerian and didn't ask for specifics of Erik's dealings, deciding that it was best for him not to know so that he stayed out of it. Erik trusted him more because of it.
"Yellow," Charles answered on the first ring. Erik's eyes rolled. The man was in his sixties and it showed.
"Sup Chief. My leg's busted again. I'm a fly to you-"
"No no," he spoke forcefully. "If you're bleeding you must contain it. You will stay down and rest! Keep your leg elevated. Have you wrap-"
"Yea yea... it's in a tourniquet," Erik sighed. He felt like a child being fussed at by an elder.
"Where are you?! Drive to the nearest hospital and give them my information! I'll take care of it. We will bring you in and I will take a look."
"Or I could just-"
"No!" It was absolute. Erik's mouth set in a straight line. Charles reminded him a lot of his father. No one else could talk to him like that. "You pay me too much to be abandoned! Eh? Let us help," he insists kissing his teeth. Erik had no retort. He stared through the mirrors silently biting his thumbnail.
"Alřiiight," you sing listening to Erik's 'Necessary' playlist in the background. Moving around has warmed you up despite the fact that his A/C is pumping. Shake the Room with Pop Smoke and Quavo plays, the vocalizations in the background sounding like a lowkey creepy chant a secretly possessed Tebetian monk would do. You switch to some song called Kalifornia and climb the stairs to toss the cleaning rag into laundry taking your phone from its charger. "Downstairs is officially spotless... and sanitizzzed," you gasp to the walls as you stretch backwards feeling that sweet pull and release of tension in your back and shoulders. When you head back down, the entire bottom level smells like coconut mango, lysol, and tea tree oil mixed. "Mmm," you sigh having inhaled deep to smell the goodness. It was fresh. "That good shit," you chuckle.
Again, it feels so, so good to be in this house in the clear brightness of daytime. It's calm, spacious, and beautiful like a retreat or vacation home. You can go completely nude and feel at ease, alone with no one peeping at you in a private space. You can look outside and not feel as nervous in stepping out to the driveway. So you do just that.. proudly in the nude to feel the heat on your skin. It's still hot and muggy with the sun beating down so you head back into the A/C deciding to hit the hot tub instead.
"Oh my God," you nearly cry with a homemade smoothie in hand as you chill in heated water, the bottom of your fro soaked and hanging on your shoulders as you sit butt naked and slumped. "I'm never leaving this house... this is officially MY house now..."
It's an entire hour later when you dry off, as relaxed as Katt Williams' hair on a good day. You head through the lower level again before going back upstairs. You can't help but to be nosey looking again through his rooms and belongings. Where is the kink? This is ridiculous! It's all too simplistic... minimalistic. It's just weird... For someone who lives as boldly as Erik does to have no evidence of it anywhere. It seems sneaky and bizarre. You wonder why he hasn't accumulated a house of unique knickknacks. Maybe a toy drawer? Even you have a toy drawer. Alas, the craziest things you find are six different bongs, an ugly tie dyed pair of shorts that are way too short, a keyboard piano, and boxers printed with Obama's face. He's really good at hiding his deviance. "I bet it's all in that lil room," you mutter heading to the locked door. You try the knob again thinking of using a credit card to get in. Whether it actually works you're not sure.. and you don't want to mess up your card. You'd bet good money that everything you wonder about is behind that door.
"Fuck this shit," Erik gritted through his teeth as he hunched over the outdoor freezer of the Wawa. Goddamn kid, cracker ass bitch, shooting don't know what the fuck.. He definitely needed fixing on his leg before he bleed out slowly in the Wawa parking lot. He was convinced he looked absolutely insane with a busted leg held tightly by his handmade tourniquet. It hurt like hell and he knew he had to do something. He hid the injury. No one could see it unless they really paid attention, he'd overlapped it with bandana and draped a jacket around his waist. He pulled the ice bag out of the freezer and sat it on the ground, not needing to look up to spot the camera above. In fact, he wouldn't look up because of it. Erik looked to a hefty ginger kid in a camo cap, beige shorts, and sandals. He couldn't be more than thirteen and he was hanging onto the glass door with a plastic bag of snacks dangling from his wrist as two rednecks entered through the door he held.
"Hey kid," Erik nodded watching the boy's eyes drift to his injury in question. He was observant causing Erik to shift the leg. "...Faulty machinery. Hence the ice.. but could you do me a big favor and save me some walking?" He held out a twenty and the boy took it. "And a strawberry milkshake," Erik called behind the boy who went back inside to pay for the ice as Erik limped back to the stolen vehicle. The kid was back and at his window quickly.
"Here's your change." The kid held it out, ready to drop it regardless of Erik's hand not being out to receive it.
"Keep it," Erik muttered.
"Nah, you look like you need it a lot more than me," the kid muttered scooting off. Erik stared after him. Little bastards. He scoffed starting the engine.
He pulled up to the hospital as instructed sending the info to Dr. Charles and as promised, Dr. Charles came through, calling on Erik's behalf. Erik initially refused the treatment learning that they intended on treating him right there in that hospital. "Treat me yourself," he'd fussed on the line with the trusted doctor. In the end he was swayed. He ended up in a hospital bed in Texas getting x-rayed despite his protests. Turned out they did need to operate to repair the fractured bone and tend to his vascular injury. The operation took three hours. When he woke, he was in recovery aka lockdown. His head was a little cloudy from their drugs. He decided to call the one person who he could count on to be truly excited to hear from him. He thought about how he'd start the conversation to keep her from asking too much. He just wanted to feel that warm glow she always gave him.. feel that she was with him without giving too much away.  
Thinking bout you.. Just wanted to hear your voice..
What you doing.. how'd you sleep?
Y/N. Can you talk to me for a bit while I listen? I'm tired...
Hey forehead...
That's your pocket buzzing. Pulling out your phone you do a double take at the screen and a streak of irritation surfaces, plucking your nerve. Perfect time to ask about that so called colleague he's probably hitting and he'd better fess up to whatever it is he's hiding.
Erik: You alive?
Instead of texting nonsense back, you dial his number and he picks up on the first ring.
"Angel... I miss you already girl."
"Well then you know where to find me," you snap hearing his soft chuckle. "And what the hell is so funny?"
"You... with all this bass. You hungry?"
"Don't ask me nothing dumb like that."
"Yeaah.... you need your tummy full. When's the last time you ate?"
"Erik?.. Shut up. You know what I wanna talk about," your voice lowers. "Tell me why that girl felt comfortable waltzing into your house last night and getting into my face like she belonged there.. Last I checked you don't have any friends."
"Well last I checked...," he kisses his teeth. "Nah, I ain't call you for all that..," his voice calms. "Just know we ain't close like you thinking. She happened to pop up. Ain't like I invited her."
"But if she's close enough to you to perform pop-ups then I feel like you should've mentioned her to me like you mentioned your other three."
"It's like I said, wasn't nothing to mention." Silence stretches as you wait for him to explain. "We work together. Work is all I have. Work is all she has. We just understand that about each other, that's all it is."
"Are you telling me the truth?"
"You starting to piss me off. Yes."
"Don't get smart.. I'm choosing to believe you."
"Uh huh. Eat something."
"I am," you squint fixing your face when the waitress brings your drink and smiles. "I'm at PF Changs now."
"Oh? What you order?"
"Potstickers... lettuce wraps.... Thinking of getting some spring rolls... but also kinda wanna wait to see how I feel first. I don't wanna order it and have all these plates on the table at the same time and I'm the only one sitting here... you know?"
He chuckles and it's a light breath of amusement. "You know what?... I'm proud of you, kid. You survived the night alone in that big scary house. Such a big girl."
"Erik, don't patronize me," you flush, glad he's not there to see it. Your tone gives nothing away. "I live alone. You forget that."
"But that's different.. were you scared?"
"Not at all!" You sip your ginger beer. "What are you doing now?"
"Mm. Resting before I head out. I'll see you soon though.. before you know it."
"No rush actually. I'm enjoying the house, you can stay where you at."
"Here are your potstickers.. lettuce wraps..," the waitress hums setting the white plates on the wooden square table. "Anything else for you?"
"Not yet, I'll have to see how this goes." The food looks delicious so you talk to it instead of her.
"Understood," she smiles warmly dashing off to the kitchen as you pray silently to yourself. You almost forget Erik's on the phone as you eat until he speaks up a minute later.
"Y/N.. Do you miss me?"
"Nope." You take another few sips of ginger beer as he's silent. "..I'm kidding."
"Are you though?"
"Shut up. I told you come home."
"Shame we couldn't finish that little exercise when we were out together. I wonder how you'd have fared if we had."
"You were gonna have me do something ridiculous, I already know it." Sauce drips down your finger from the lettuce wrap and you catch it with the paper napkin from under your glass.
"Mm.. It's only ridiculous if you're easily embarrassed.. which means you care too much how you're viewed by others. It's holding you back."
"We all care about how we're presenting ourselves in society." With another sip of ginger beer you pick up a potsticker and dip it. "It's called self-awareness it's how we maneuver.. and as much as we don't like it, image is important especially when you're black working against people's pre-judgements."
"Yes and awareness is crucial but avoidance is a fear-based response that you specifically utilize as a self-imposed barrier. You could go.. so much further.. if you wouldn't avoid the situations that could cause others to view you in a way you don't particularly like.. also keeping in mind you're not a psychic to know what others are thinking."
"It doesn't take a psychic to read the room."
"You know.. I'd love to see you be yourself.."
"I'm already myself."
"With others and not just with me. Although I love having part of you to myself," he pauses. "If I'm ever.. not with you for some reason, I want you to take that with you. Keep that same energy wherever you go. 'Cause you don't and your interactions suffer for it."
"I'm out at P.F. Chang's eating lunch.. Why? Why do we always go to therapy when I'm eating?"
"Watchu mean? That's the best time to talk to you, when your mouth is full. As a matter of fact, ballpark. How many people in the restaurant?"
"NO." You bite another potsticker.
"YES. What we just talk about? Tell me how many."
"Too many."
He chuckles again, breathily. "More than 10?"
"Yes! More than 10!"
"So here's the thing. You do it and I'll do something you want when I get back, don't matter what it is."
"And if I don't?"
"Then your punkass don't get shit. Easily put. This what I want you to do.."
"No, wait," you frown and chew on your straw. "Let's wait until you get back. It'll give you incentive to come back quicker." The waitress brings your refill. "I'll take those spring rolls," you tell her.
"You think you slick," Erik laughs. He sounds dead tired. "Okay. When I get back."
"You okay? You don't sound too good." Listening more closely, you hope he's not coming down with anything.
"Yeah I'm good. Did a lil workout, you know.. nigga a lil.. tired," he exhales.
"Oh. Intense exercise. Can't relate.. Okay, hurry back. Bye!"
"Don't hang up, I like hearing you talk!"
"Negro this food ain't gonna eat itself."
"Aight," he chuckles. "Enjoy."
Hanging up, you grin having skipped out on embarrassing yourself. The lettuce wraps are calling your name and now you're thinking of getting shrimp dumplings.
For $5!
@soufcakmistress @itsiesha @ju5tp34chy @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @blackpantherimagines @blackpinup22
@muse-of-mbaku @goddessofthundathighs @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone @misspooh @marvelmaree @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku @purplehairgawdess @indigoxsummers @cccccx1   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @they-call-me-le @theblulife @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent
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Trash Man
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Nndjdjfjfj BakuBoomBoomMan KatsuMcSparkRageGremlin is my fav djdjfhfh
You two were just relaxing attempting to nap together on the couch. His arms were wrapped around your back and you were laying on top of him, resting your head on his chest listening to the gentle rhythm of his heart. The rising of his chest was rocking you into a sleepy daze as his warmth acted like a blanket.
Only there was one problem.
He was too warm, and you were wearing jeans. Sticky with sweat and grime from the busy day you two had.
You fidgeted your legs attempting to seek some form of coolness from the couch to no avail. Your movement made your boyfriend stir in his sleep making you freeze until he yawned and squeezed you deeper into him.
Normally you would've loved this but the heat was beginning to be over bearing. You huffed softly and glanced at his sleeping beauty face. He looked so peaceful and sweet, how dare you be the monster to wake him up from this picture perfect scene. You shifted again trying to find that magically reliving cool spot if heaven.
"Stop. Fucking. Moving." He groaned out, his eyes were still closed but he tensed his hands driving the message home.
"I'm hot Katsuki."
"Tell me something I don't know."
"Katsu, you know what I meant"
He groaned and opened his eyes, you could still see the sleep in his beautiful ruby irises. He loosened his arms around you reluctantly
"Fine, go change. You better come right back, I'm too tired to deal with your dumb ass right now." He smiled slightly and you wanted to take a picture at your unknowingly cute boyfriend.
"I'll make it quick, princess" he groaned at the name and you kissed the bridge of his nose before leaving the couch to go upstairs.
You made it to your dorm before stopping dead in your tracks. Your door was slightly open. You always shut it so you knew something was off. Not to mention the muffled sounds coming from inside weren't comforting.
Your quirk instinctively started going off due to your uneasiness as you opened the door and slipped inside.
"Wow... y/n.. so scandalous..."
Low and behold a gremlin was rummaging through your underwear drawer. His pant pockets were stuffed with a few of your panties already and he was eyeing one of your most intimate pieces.
"Crotchless lace.." his shakey voice and smirk made your stomach do backflips.
Your boyfriend groaned at the emptiness of the couch. You just left and he was already craving you. He tried going back to sleep but his hands instinctively searched for your intoxicating touch.
"goddammit" he huffed and sat up. He was sleeping so soundly before too.
He flinched at your booming voice and growled
"Goddamit what fucking now?!" He cracked his neck and stretched before making his way up the stairs and making a B line to your dorm.
Your screaming and scuffling seemed to fill the noise of his footsteps. He knew you could handle your own but goddamn if this didn't piss him off.
Someone was in your room uninvited, let alone Mineta. He was fuming at the scenarios he was imagining. By the time he came to the door it was practically flung back and he saw the purple cockroach in all of it's disgusting glory. He nearly ran right into Bakugou out of sheer fear of your wrath.
You were chasing him for a bit, your room a disaster and both you and Mineta out of breath, from anger and panic.
Mineta had managed to snag more underwear and even a bra into his pockets.
"S-SHIT" Mineta tried to scurry past him but Bakugou just grabbed him by his collar and slammed him into the door frame.
"Give. Them. To me." He growled as his free hand started firing off pops and crackles only proving his rage.
Once he forfeited the fabrics your boyfriend looked to you as you gave him a shake of your head. Within an instant the clothing burst into ashen embers onto the floor.
"Come on, we're leaving."
Katsuki growled and started dragging Mineta through the hall, parading the sinner.
"Bakugou, w-where are we going?!"
"We're going on a walk you perv bastard."
"Would you like to do the honors Y/n?" Katuski handed you a heavy duty padlock as he held the lids of the dumpster closed.
Without even hesitating you locked the lids in place, sealing the grape bastard's fate. You chucked the keys into nearby bushes and brushed your hands together. Ignoring Mineta's cries for help you two started walking back inside.
"I'll buy you new panties."
"No Katsu it's fine, I've been meaning to get new ones anyway."
He stopped to wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck. He nuzzled his face into the nape of your neck and sighed as he felt his nerves winding down.
"Go get changed, dumbass."
"Can you be my guard dog then Katsu~"
He smirked against your skin before pulling away and heading inside.
"You always did look better in shorts, Babe."
Unfortunately the trash would be emptied tomorrow.
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
Close As Strangers (Vince Neil x Reader)
Vince calls you one night completely wasted. He ends up cheating on you and you hear it through the phone. Vince does everything in his power to make it up to you.
Fluff, language, angst
Song the title is based off of:
Close As Strangers
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You throw your bag down on the floor once you get into the house that Vince bought not but four months earlier. He'd only gotten to spend a month in it and then he got sent back onto the road. You miss him a lot. Late night phone calls just aren't working for you anymore. You need him with you now. Holding you. Kissing you. Doing other things to you.
You miss his smile, his laugh, the way he knows how to treat you like a princess even when you're yelling and screaming. Things just aren't the same without him here.
Here recently, every time he calls he's wasted out of his mind or the boys are yelling "hi" at you as you try to talk. Man, you love those idiots, but they're so goddamn annoying. Mick would get them to shut up. Vince just seems distant, and you hate it.
You feel like you did something wrong. Maybe you're being too clingy? Maybe he found someone else? Maybe you weren't doing enough before he left?
So many questions with so little answers.
The phone starts ringing as soon as you sit your ass down on the couch.
"Goddamn it," You mumble.
Nevertheless, your heart beat picks up. You hope it's Vince. You've been missing his voice all day. You get up once again and head to the phone.
"Hey baby!" Vince slurs. You can see a goofy grin on his face.
"Vince, how wasted are you?" You ask, tired of this.
"None! I'm perfectly fine."
"Vince," You groan.
"Calm down, babe. I'll be home in two weeks," He says.
You feel your mood shoot up. "Really?!" You nearly squeak.
"Yep! I'm coming home baby!" He laughs.
"That's awesome. Vinny, I mi-." You're cut off by the faint sound of a woman's voice. "Vincent who is that?"
It's like he doesn't even hear your question. "Not right now," He says to whoever's in the room.
"I'm on the phone with my girlfriend," He says, sounding further away from the phone.
"Vince," You say louder.
His voice is muffled. You can't hear a word he's speaking.
Tears spring to your eyes as his soft moans drift through the phone. You hear the woman's voice again. Tears start rolling down your cheeks. You hang up the phone, standing there in shock. You knew something was wrong. Who knows how many times he's cheated on you now?
You feel numb and like you can't move. There's one thing you know for sure. . .you need to get out of this house.
You go upstairs to what used to be you and Vince's room. You pull down you suitcase and start putting your stuff in it as quickly as you can. There's no rush because he won't be home for two weeks, but you just want to get out of here.
An hour later you finish up. You look at the nightstand which has your favorite picture of you and Vince for your two year anniversary.
It has Vince holding you from behind, a huge smile on his lips and his face nuzzled in your neck. Your hands cover his. Your head is turned to look at him and a huge smile is on your lips as well. You both look in love. He's obviously not in love with you if he can cheat on you.
You glare at it. The anger starts coursing through your veins instead of overwhelming sadness. You grab the picture and throw it against the wall with an angry scream escaping your throat. The glass shatters on impact, making it glitter all over the floor.
Your eyes widen. You're not an angry person. You're very calm and don't let anything get to you. This has just sent you over the edge.
You go to start picking it up, but you realize something. He can pick it up his goddamn own. He caused you to feel like this. He can deal with the aftermath.
You pull your suitcase to the front door with bags hanging off your shoulders. You set them down and go back to the phone.you dial your best friend's number.
"Hello?" She answers.
"Hey, Chrissy," You say, trying to keep your voice level. "Would it be alright if I stayed with you for a while?"
"Of course!" She pauses. "Don't you live with Vince?"
"I'll explain later," You say lowly.
"Okay. The front door will be open," She says, not pushing you any further.
"Okay." You hang up the phone.
You go to the front door, picking up the bags you set down and the bag you threw down when you got home. You take one last glance around the house. You look at the pictures of you and Vince. You were so naive. You knew he was a ladies man the moment you laid eyes on him. You were just dumb enough to fall for it.
You walk out of the house, not looking back.
Two weeks later and you've finally gotten all your things from Vince's house. Just in time too 'cause you saw Nikki's car with all the boys in it not too far from the house. You really hope none of them recognized you.
You have to go into work today, so that's what you did. You manage a tattoo and piercing shop not too far from Chrissy's house.
You walk in. The smell of rubbing alcohol nearly burns your nose. You make everyone keep the supplies clean. You wouldn't want to get a tattoo that's infected because of the stupidity of the workers. You have no tattoos, which is odd since you work at a tattoo parlor.
You smile at Sebastian and Colin who are sitting at their chairs, ready to work. Sebastian doesn't have any tattoos either, but Colin on the other hand has sleeves.
You go into your office. A shit ton of paperwork is calling your name. You start on it, but you soon hear yelling from outside.
"You can't go in there, dude!" Colin says.
You furrow your eyebrows, but you soon realize who Colin was trying to keep out.
With a head full of teased blonde hair, Vince sits down in the chair in front of your desk.
"`What the fuck are you doing here?" You ask, wanting him to leave immediately.
You hate yourself for this, but you still love him.
"Why's your stuff gone? Is that why you haven't been answering my calls?" He asks. He sounds like he's genuinely confused, but you know that's not the truth.
"I'm supposed to just stay with the guy that cheated on me?" Tears spring to your eyes. If you're not careful, you will have a breakdown.
"I didn't cheat on you," Vince says, laughing as if it's a joke.
"Yes you fucking did. You fucked her while I was still on the phone!"
His eyes widen as if his memory was finally coming back. "I was wasted, (Y/N). I had no clue what I was doing."
"How could you forget me when I was on the goddamn phone?" You ask.
"I'm sorry. It was an accident."
"How can you accidentally put your dick inside of someone?" You laugh bitterly.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I lo-."
"Don't you fucking say those three words. If you really did love me you wouldn't have been unfaithful," You say, tears rolling down your cheeks. "Get the fuck out of here. I don't want to see you again."
He doesn't say anything. He looks at you with sad eyes. He gets up and leaves without another word. Once the door shuts, you allow yourself to breakdown.
You let out all the tears you'd been holding in. Fucking hell.
Two weeks pass. Everywhere you go, Vince seems to be there. He'd beg you to go back to him. You wish that he'd just leave you alone. You want to forget him. At one point he even sent you a hundred roses to Chrissy's house. She told you to go back to you. She said it's obvious that he's still in love with you. You almost gave in. Almost.
You get back to Chrissy's place absolutely exhausted. You'd given so many piercings today along with a mountain of paperwork. You just wanted to sleep.
However, Chrissy left you a note on the coffee table.
Meet me down at the beach. We're going to have dinner on the sand tonight. -xx Chrissy
You sighed. Maybe that will help you de-stress. One can only hope. And with that, you go back out the house and to the beach.
Fifteen minutes later, and you arrive there. You get out, looking for Chrissy. Her black hair is hard to see, but you instantly spot the nearly neon shirt she's wearing.
She walks over to you, linking her arm through yours. She starts pulling you down the beach.
"So, what are we eating? I'm starving," You say, forcing a smile.
"You'll see it's a surprise," She grins.
You groan. "I don't like surprises."
"You'll like this one."
She stops at a path that's covered with roses.
"You finally proposing to me?" You laugh, confused.
She laughs, pushing you to go down the path. You do so, looking around at the gorgeous layout.
You finally arrive at a canopy tent thing. You aren't sure what they're called. Standing i front of it is none other than Vince Neil. You cover your mouth with your hand. This is amazing.
"Vince," You breathe out.
He walks over and grabs both of your hands. "D'you like it?"
You nod, completely speechless. No one has ever done something like this for you before.
"I'm sorry. I really am. I was being an idiot. As soon as I realized you weren't going to come back, I felt like there was a piece of me missing. You're my other half. You're my girl. I love you so much. Seeing the way I hurt you, it killed me. I'm so, so sorry. Can you forgive me?"
You look into his eyes you can tell he means it. "Yes. I love you too."
He kisses you deeply. His hands rest on your hips as he pulls you closer. You wrap your arms around his neck. He smiles into the kiss, which makes you smile.
He pulls away. "Now that that's settled, let's eat. I'm starving!"
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise
Vince: @moon-beame
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jiwonsssi · 5 years
— worth it.
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It's always difficult to stay sane in relationships. Especially if it's about Eun Jiwon.
warnings: unprotected sex, oral sex (like a tiny attempt), swearing.
characters: Eun Jiwon, 'you'.
The thing is, Jiwon was never an easy task. To talk with, to work with, to live with, to date in general; he had always been able to find a topic to bicker about just as a part of his hobby. You were wondering everytime that happened; like, how one person can make so much noise? It's funny and cute most of the times; he didn't ever crossed a line. Never complaint about your cooking skills, or your clothes, style; appearance. Your way of life was also never a topic for his antics even when you were one hundred percent sure he had some troubles with accepting this or that.
He never meant to hurt you in any way; although he did. And it hurts like hell now. Because his 'I didn't say anything wrong' is the problem, not his words about something you don't even remember for now. Seeing you barely able to control tears and still continuing to step on what got you crying. He might be right a hundred times, but it didn't matter. It still doesn't and would never be. At least for you.
And when you leaved him, advising him to think about what he says, Jiwon was still sure that he did the right thing. He's really unpredictable sometimes, because heaven knows, it's the first time you realised just how stupid, stubborn and insensitive he could actually be.
So you didn't talk for, somehow, four days. And it broke your heart even more. He texted you once, but lowering your expectations and being okay with this treatment? Thank you, no. He's not busy now and you know it. And he knows where you are. It's not like he's not able to come to talk, to sort things out. At this point it's not about crying and complaining how he mistreated you and so on and so forth; it's about fighting him for greater good. Good old rage. At the first day, you cried like a bitch; fighting with him was never that harsh on you while you were never that sensitive. Just the whole situation, and stress, and him not paying attention to that. So if he would have been here then, it would be alright. You didn't even need his apologies, you just wanted to cry not in a pillow all alone, but in his shoulder. At the second day, you were a lot calmer. That's when the text happened and that 'you alright? im sorry' even made you uncertain in some way; but.. not so much. At the third day came alcohol and best friend, and they made everything so much easier. Maybe it helped because the whole evening you two were just playing games, without discussing anything. It surely cleared your head so now, at the forth day, you were certain in the fact that you want to show him just how angry you are.
- 'Im sorry', pff, you sure should be, - muttering it under your breath while trying to open the door in apartments when he lives, you tried to keep your mind clear. You really tried. But the thing is, you love him so much, that you totally not going to lose him over some fight when you two were just stressed out. And you love yourself enough to make him understand that that's not going to happen again.
- Why did you ignore me? - and here he stands, clearly just out of bed. It's not even a mid day, it's evening and he was sleeping. Not surprised. He looks like an angry bird with that messy hair and messed up shirt and pants. Yet you are here not to admire his sleepy cuteness.
- Hello, dear, - does your voice sound as pissed as you are? Kicking your shoes to the corner, you made your way past him. And he just continued staying in a doorway with his hands crossed on his chest and eyes scanning your every movement then following you into bedroom.
- Why? - he particulary screams this part, more like makes it long, loud and annoyed. He should be annoyed. Must be.
- That's all you have to say? - you continue almost throwing your papers in a document folder, trying your best to not to lose patience. And, somehow, cry. Out of anger and sadness, because now he's doing the same thing again and that shit hurts.
- Not really, - he comes closer, taking all of the documents from your hands and shaking it in front of your face, - But I don't think you are here to listen. Those fucking pieces of paper are the only things you care about!
- No, I-
- Shut up, please, I'm talking, - his tone is solid, serious and angry, and you barely saw him this worked up. But you still want to say what you have to say. Even tho he has rights to speak, - You know what I see most of the times when I come home? You, sleeping around the table or you, sleeping on a coach because you are so tired you barely able to walk to the bed. Am I right?
- Yeah, but..
- Still not finished, - he throws documents he holds to the floor, making it flowing in different directions and you want to kill him for that. You organized them for so long and he just threw it away like it was nothing. You don't realize how your face is changing because of it but he gets even more pissed, - See? You care more about work than about my speech. I told you one hundred, one million and billion times to stop overworking yourself. I believe in that you want to be the best, you want you career to be perfect, but I want you, only, fuck, only you, to be healthy.
You start to slowly realise what he is talking about. He's worrying about you. But yet still, there is a bubbling feeling in your chest you can't just forget about.
- And when you were hurt by my words, God, I wanted to comfort you more than anything, but you wouldn't understand any fucking thing because your brain only works when you are this angry, - he pokes your forehead with his finger and exhales slowly, closing his eyes, - I don't care about any of your achievements if you would continue killing yourself. I would never support that. And that's why I don't care about what you want to say, what excuse you want to make up. That's bullshit, I don't buy it, - Jiwon looks you directly in the eyes and the last time you saw him this serious.. you never had, to be honest, - And you can be angry with me for as long as you want to if that means you would understand what I mean.
Your anger has, well, just slightly calmed down. It's difficult to be angry when he is like that. You were lectured like a child and that's one of the very few times you felt his age authority. And he maybe even right. Pursuing your lips a little, you avoid his gaze for a few moments in order to put your thoughts together. You don't like being lectured and he's so calm now. And that is the most confusing about the whole fight. Does he really mean it? But!
- Aren't you trying to find more reasons to stay angry? It's all written on your face now, - Jiwon steps aside a little, stepping on one of the papers on the floor to test your limits. On his face. It's all written on his goddamned face.
- Stop it, - you move in his direction and he moves further back, making sure to stop on every fucking piece of every fucking document he finds on his way, - Stop!
- Then you stop taking extra work hours and bringing it home, - he puts special treatment to one of the contracts you were working on for the longest time and you know that you already ready to beg.
- But I can't! I need to, - you try to get on your knees to save maybe something, but give up on it when you see basically everything is damaged, - Oh fuck. I'm jobless now. God..
- I offered you a good deal without that shittyass boss who uses you like a conveyer, - paper cracks under him and you push oxygen out of your lungs with such a power that your head slightly spinning so you support your forehead with a palm. Jobless, for real.
Actually you don't know why are you not upset about it.
- I can't take it.
- Because it's a good deal? How thoughtful and logical, I love a smart girl!
- Shut up, you! - you throw a paper at him. Now he just annoys you. No anger. Pure hate.
- Get ready to a cheesy line, - he smirks and you roll your eyes fully aware of what he's going to say, - Make me.
And you do. You crash your lips on his, feeling his hands on your waist momentary. He pulls your incredibly close, enough for your sides to ache slightly in places he touches you.
- I missed you, - he murmurs into your lips, pushing you slightly to the bed until your legs touch it's border, without breaking constant contact between your bodiesand lips. You can tell that he smoked by the strong smell of cigarettes and bitter taste on the tip of your tongue. God, you love it.
- Me too, - biting his lower lip, you fully realise that is not going to be gentle. You can clearly see it in his eyes; he needs that stress to be gone. And you totally can relate.
You feel his lips moving down your neck, leaving small hickeys; the only thing he has patience to actually do. He's impatient and turned on; his hands are barely able to unzip your jeans but Jiwon does it with such a determination, you giggle.
And then he rips off the button, sucking on your skin so hard you jerk aside a little. No giggling. Understood.
- That was new and I'm jobless now. So, would you be my sugar daddy? That's what you wanted all along? - somehow you find a strenght to tease while feeling your head spinning when he pushes you to the bed. His face is priceless tho.
- You need to earn it, babygirl, - he smirks, looking at you from the top and slapping your tight roughly. You are not into that daddy thing and he never ever called you like that, but Jesus fucking Christ, that was hot as hell.
Jiwon takes off a shirt, when you particularly jump out of your pants and hoody. Now it's his time to smile because the determination on your face is precious.
Sex always starts with the hot, rough vibe and in the end you find him smiling like that and there is no way you can keep that mood.
- Jiwon, please, - you move closer to him, pushing your thighs into him, feeling his erection against your hip. Jiwon lets his hands roam your body, stopping near every damn piece of underwear you have on yourself and that's just rude.
- I thought it 'daddy' now, - he pushes his pelvis harder between your legs, making you squeak in front of him at the sudden friction. It's obvious that he's kidding, it's all in his shit-eating grin. Unbearable.
- You wish, old man, - you get on your elbows, before he's able to do anything, to grab him by the neck for a kiss. Sometimes he really needs to keep his mouth shut and that's the best way to do it. The kiss sends you on fire, he's crashing you against his body with full force, one of hands snake your waist firmly and other squeezes your ass to give it another light slap. You squirm, digging your nails into his shoulders and moan into the kiss, feeling him smirking.
- So you have a thing for old men then? - you basically roar with anger, tugging on his hair so hard, he hisses and slaps you harder this time. Almost a year of relationships with him taught you that it's better to just shup up now so you won't end up bickering for an hour.
He puts you on the bed again, after striping you out of your bra, howering on top and places short wet kisses everywhere he can manage to reach. You try your best to not to squirm like crazy, but fail obviously. With him grinding against you core, you're not sure how much longer you can wait. The feeling of him against your body is like addiction; addicting euphoria of which you would never be able to get rid of.
You've been angry with him for so long, yet now it's impossible to fight with him. You are gone for; surrendered without a battle. Cause you love him like that. Jiwon looks incredibly hot when he's serious and concentrated. You would never confess it to him; but his dominant side might have you on your knees, pleading for him, in seconds. He didn't even need to do anything.
He takes off your panties and you grasp on bed sheets with a loud moan when he's pushing one finger inside, adding the second right after, making you lose your breath for a while. He moves his hand fast, gently pinching one of your nipples with another, kissing that place right after. There is not a single thought in your head; just him. His lips, when he kisses you, swallowing small noises you make and the way he's circling your clit with his thumb. He builds sexual frustration in you methodical, knowing for sure what to do to make you cum. And he's extremely generous today.
Jiwon is quick to make his way down your body to settle between your legs. You don't fully realise what happened when you feel his tongue instead of his thumb, sucking you harshly, just the way you liked it. He brings you just what you need, just the way you like it. Tangling fingers in his hair, you push him closer, not caring to control your actions. As well as moans and everything else. Because, damn, he's tongue can send you on edge; in every way possible.
He curls his fingers, continuously pumping the same spot and you are done for in a moment. Feeling every nerve and muscle in your nody being tensed with anticipation, relief comes upon like a blessing and even tho Jiwon guiding you through your orgasm, you so fucking lost, you don't understand where you are for a second.
You feel him pulling away, mewling something at the loss of him and touches on extra sensitive skin. And he buries his head in a crook of your neck, placing small kisses over and over again while you try to calm your erratic breathing.
- Another one for me. Please, - his voice is so tensed, low, he particularly grunts it to your ear, kissing it gently, while lowering his pants and boxers, - Okay?
It's not like you are able to answer him when your head is still spinning anyway. He receives a shaky nod from you, kissing your lips shortly and furrows his brows, lining himself between your folds. You let a long, high-pitched sound escape on top of your lungs when you feel it; and you hear him sucking on his breath, pressing your foreheads together.
- Look at me, - you mess his hair even more and look him in the eyes; he is so beautiful. Just like that. Messy hair, sticking to his skin because of sweat and how he's worked up; how his lips parting slightly and brows furrows when he slides himself into you. And that pure bliss on his face when he starts moving inside. He feels amazing; God, the best you have ever felt.
And he thinks the absolute same about you.
Jiwon's heavy hot breathes stuck on your lips, you digging your nails in his shoulders lightly, when you feel the coiling in your stomach starts to boil exponentially all over again. Especially when he pulls you into erratic kiss, chasing your small moans with his lips. He's so hot, his skin radiates the warmth you are so used to, but now you feel like burning, when trapped beneath him. Jiwon still smells like cigarettes, slight aroma of his perfume that is imprinted on his skin now and something that you can't describe. Something, that makes him Jiwon you love; and being drowning in his scent, while he steadily pounds into you, murmuring something that you can't even understand - you wouldn't change it for anything.
You place a kiss under his jaw, right below his ear, fully aware of what it does to him. You feel chills running down your spine when he fastens the pace, squeezing your hip harder. You can't last forever, every brush against your extra sensitive now skin makes you squirm and he continues to brush that particular spot with his tip.
But never uncomfortable. He gave it to you nicely the first time, now he tortures you again. That's just how he likes you - when you are on the edge, but not able to do anything. He craves for your moans, for seeing you going crazy beneath him, for how you bite your lip or scratch his spine with your nails. He loves you like that. Like nothing in the world.
But he loves you better when you lose it. When your toes curl and you shut your eyes tightly, holding your breath for seconds while he thrusts into you harder, faster and you hold on him for dear life, releasing that one loud moan of relief in the end.
And he mixes it with his pleasure, when you kiss right below his lower lip; so gently, delicate while you pulse around him and squeeze him so tight it hurts and when releases deep inside, thrusting in you forcefully, losing his control.
That's how he likes it the best.
Hell, he could fuck you for hours. If he wasn't so exhausted after.
Because even containing himself and pushing himself off you, it's hella amount of work for which he has no strength.
- I love you, - you murmur it quietly in his temple, turning your head a little, because he just burrowed his face in your neck to calm down.
- Me too, - his voice sharp and raspy, he lifts his head up a little, kissing the tip of your nose and his smile is incredible. It's amazing how he changes after sex. Everytime. He just smiles fully yet so tender, looking at you with full adoration; you could forgive him everything. His kisses are so light you barely feel it, Jiwon leaves a kiss everywhere he sees a hickey and hugs you so delicate like you are made of glass.
- I missed you, - you giggle, when he blows on your neck and looks up at you, rolling to the side to pull himself out, - How are you able to be so sweet? That's impossible.
- You are always free to check that. Just saying, - he laughs, seeing your firstly confused than hella 'not disappointed and not surprised' face and pulls you into a bear hug, showering you with kisses so he could make you smile again.
Every nerve you lost on him is worth it.
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irepookie · 5 years
Summary: QUEEN AU where Roger Taylor (aka Rowan Queen) is a young single dad struggling to make it into music industry.
Warnings: not really. Just fluff, sappiness and swear words here and there
Disclaimer: I don't own the pictures. The boys are based on Queen, but Piper, Gina and Callie are mine.
Chapter 5: Basically Row's and Piper's first day on their own, narrative shifting from normal to Row's inner train of thought.
Throughout his life, Row would regularly look back with infinite fondness and amusement at the first day he spent on his own with his daughter.
But today, as both him and his week old infant cried in each other's ears, he didn't think either of them would make it through another 24 hours, let alone long enough to look back and laugh at it.
He thought he wouldn't get to the end of the parenting book he was with at the moment with his sanity intact.
He had read many books that contradicted each other. And this one was no exception.
Some said to follow a feeding schedule.
Others to do so whenever she'd demanded it.
Some said that bathing was bad for the umbilical cord.
Some others recommend to rub it with alcohol to help it fall early.
And others said not to touch it. To simply leave it alone.
Then there was Callie and her usual phrase echoing on his head "The best thing is to follow your instincts".
But that didn't help a damn either cause his instinct was messed up.
He had also read somewhere that sharing bed was good at the beginning. That it helped preventing SIDS.
Then on the next book, that sharing room was fine at first, but that bed was a risk factor in SIDS.
But hold on.
What the hell was SIDS?
They mentioned it everywhere. He went through all the pages until he found it, only to be left breathless when finding out what what it stood for:
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Whose exact cause was still unknown , and although there were some preventive stuff to do -on which, by the way, all the bloody books differed- there was nothing 100% safe.
So, they meant his little Piper could just fucking die for no goddamn reason, and he wouldn't be able to do nothing about it? What the fuck! It wasn't fair!
So he found himself on the phone, dialing the number he always recurred to in times of trouble.
"I think I broke her, mom" he said as soon as he heard her pick up.
"You can't break a person, Row"
"Well, there's a first time for everything."
"Don't be overdramatic. You didn't expect it to be easy, did ya? Or you thought she was gonna be like a doll, huh? Like those that have a switch for when you get tired of playing house?"
"No but I didn't think... I mean she was much quieter in the hospital."
"Well, darling, she must have sensed the move or something."
"You mean she doesn't like my place?"
"No, you silly. Although there's room for improvement in the style... But that's not the point. She just needs time to get used to it. Also I bet she can sense your unease."
"Babies have this sixth sense when it comes to the emotions of those around them. Specially mother's... Or well, in this case, you. So if she senses you're frustrated, she'll get more distressed."
"Oh." was all he could say.
"Where is she now?"
"She's right..." He looked down at the bundle he had been holding and rocking only to realize it was a bunch of dirty clothes.
Where was she? Had he lost his daughter after 5 hours? Fuck! Fucking idiot
For a moment, he forgot where he had put her and a million terrifying thoughts flashed on his head.
She wasn't crying at the moment.
And that was good.
Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was the worst thing.
Maybe one of the pillows on the sofa had fallen over her and suffocated her.
Or maybe he had mistaken her for a dirty bundle of clothes and put her in the laundry and...
"She's asleep on the bed." He suddenly remembered, peering at his bedroom to check he was right. He was. She was asleep, right in the middle of the mattress, exactly where he had placed her 10 minutes earlier.
"Then take this chance and sleep. You're good at sleeping."
It was definitely a good idea. So he hung up and tiptoed to the bedroom. He reached the bed and froze, trying to think of a way of climbing in without startling her awake.
Maybe the matress sinking at his weight woke her up. And if he got past that, perhaps if he dared to move or rolled in his sleep, he'd wake her up... Or worst; he had heard about the hundreds of kids that died overnight suffocated by their parents.
No. He decided he couldn't sleep with her.
So he got the bunch of dirty clothes and laid on the floor besides the bed, using the bundle as a pillow. He fell right off to sleep.
He woke up four hours later, and the room was still silent.
Shouldn't she need something? Shouldn't she have woken me up?
Once again, a feeling of fear invaded him as he jumped to his feet, and put a small mirror in front of her nose to make sure she was still breathing.
She was.
He sighed with relief and pecked her forehead before tiptoeing out.
He decided to make a sandwich or something, cause his stomach was roaring. Halfway through eating it, he ran his eyes through the parenting book he had left opened on the counter:
<<If your baby sleeps 4 straight hours or more wake them up for a feed; otherwise they could become dihydrated...>>
Fuck. She had been dozing for 4 hours and 20 minutes.
So he hurried into the bedroom, and leaned over the tiny bundle, a smile escaping his lips. She did know how to sleep after all. And she looked like an angel. So peaceful. Calm. It almost hurt him to disturb her. But he had to.
"Hey lil'raisin. C'mon, it's snack time" he said, gently lifting her up. "Hey, lovie. Wake up" he knew one thing he shouldn't do under any circumstances: shake her. Or make harsh movements. As that would lead to Major Danger #2:
Shaken Baby Syndrome. And that was under his control.
So he blew on her cheek instead and got her to open her eyes "Hey, Sleeping Gorgeous" he greeted, holding her up so they were face to face.
She looked up at him, directly into his eyes and something inside him melted.  
Perhaps she had finally settled. Maybe now they were both fresh and rested she'd go easy on him. He could do this.
But then her face scrunched up and she whined.
"Oh no, no, no, baby, what is it? Don't cry. Don't cry. C'mon." Then he felt a warm liquid on his hand. "Okay, okay, message received. Let's do this"
He got a towel and unswaddled her, hoping he'd be able to remember how it was done afterwards and praying for it only being number one. It was, but he hadn't folded the nappy correctly and it had leaked all over the onesie, the blanket and... His duvet.  Goddamn it.
He sighed. If he kept calm, she'd sense it. "Okay, me darl. Shh. Hold on a second.  Where... Where've I left the nappies? Where?" He looked around the room but no sight of the pack. Shit. Last time he had changed her in the living room? So it had to be there. "Okay, hang on a minute sweets. I'll be right back" he ran out to get the pack, as the wailing got louder.
"Alright. Alright. I've got it, I've got it. I'm here. Hush" he managed to do it surprisingly fast and without new incidents. "Alright, alright. Almost done. C'mere." He lifted her up, checking the nappy was properly sealed, and went to the kitchen area where he had left the last clean onesie.
On his way, he found the pinky he had been looking for earlier as well "Hey look at this. Here it was." he washed it with water and put it in her open mouth. She began to suck instinctively, calming down.
Thank. Fucking. Goodness.
He sighed in relief.
He could do this.
He laid her down in the kitchen counter, so he could wash his hands, throw his wee stained t-shirt to the washer and unfold the onesie. She squirmed a little, but kept quiet.
"Alright, let's put this on you. Please don't squirm too much, darling. I don't want to hurt you." he pleaded.
"Okay, it's all done" he announced 10 minutes later, when he finally managed to button up all the miniscule buttons on the onesie. Bloody miniscule buttons made for small mothers' hands.
"What's next? Oh yes, bottle. Alright. Coming right up"
Just when he had put the bottle to warm up, she spit the pinky, and began fussing. "Hey, love , here" he put it back, but she spit again. "You ain't buying it, are you? You're hungry, and the pinky isn't fooling you." He chuckled "Clever girl. Alright, it's almost done so don't worry, okay? It's almost there" he took her back into his arms, and paced around until the microwave beeped.
He made a mental note to never again waking her up before the bottle was done.
Never again.
"Okay Princess. Here's your cocktail, made with love." he announced, as he carried her to the couch and sat down, propping her up and watching as she immediately sucked into the nipple, face relaxing instantly.
"Yea, you were hungry right? That's what happens when you sleep through lunch time. I hope you've learned your lesson, and that next time, you let me know alright?" He grinned, as a hand closed around his hair.
But she suddenly pulled away from the nipple and began to  fuss again, halfway through the bottle "What? That's all? You're done? So much impatience for half a bottle? No, you've gotta keep going. C'mon" he offered the nipple, and she rejected it, hand pulling his hair
"Ow! Ow! Pips, no honey. Let go. C'mon. C'mon dear, let go." he set the bottle aside and used his free hand to untangle hers from his hair. She cried louder. "Hey, okay, okay, you can pull my hair off if you keep quiet. Uh? Deal?" He got more cries in response. His face fell.
"But you never did this in hospital. You didn't give Daddy hell like this. Why now? Why do you do this when I'm all alone? Am I such a bad dad? I mean I'm following every step. I'm doing my best. Please give me a break" he pleaded, changing her to an upright position.
He was doing nothing wrong, was he? He was doing everything just like he had been taught in hospital.
Well except maybe...
He had an idea and laid her on the couch "Alright, shhh. Let's try this one" he said, unbuttoning her onesie again, -making a mental note to ask Len if he could get him some bigger ones that wouldn't take forever to deal with- and bringing her back to his chest. She instinctively snuggled up, and quieted within seconds at the contact of both their skins.
And he didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry. "So you just wanted this? Well you should've said so earlier." He did both, out of amusement and relief.
Fuck he had cried more these past 7 hours than in the entire last decade. It was ridiculous, really. That someone so little could have such a big effect on him.
"So, where were we hon?" He offered the bottle and this time she did latch, body glued to his, and grey piercing eyes looking right through him, as if she was staring at his soul, as if she was reminding him why he was doing all this. And all the  worries that had crowed him until that moment, just disappeared.
I can do this.
He didn't detach her from his chest for the rest of the day, as that seemed to keep her at peace and he didn't mind it. Rather enjoyed it.
So he changed his peed sheets and threw the nappy away, made himself some coffee and broke the mug in the process, as he struggled to do the whole thing with one hand. Then he had to pick it up and cut himself off with one of the shattered pieces.  However, he didn't mind: it was worth it as long as she remained undisturbed.
"Are you two better?" Mom asked when she called in the evening.
"Yes, yes. We're... We're alright. Got the ultimate trick. I think we came to an understanding."
"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Where is she, by the way?"
"Right here." he pressed his lips on the top of her head, rested on his shoulder.
"Has she eaten properly?'
"Aye. Then spat some of it on me and... Yea. I think she's good." she had finished both bottles fairly quickly.
"And you? How are you eating?"
"Managed to eat half a sandwich. So not too bad."
"Finish it."
"I'm fine, mother."
"Row by neglecting yourself you're putting her in danger too. So eat properly and stay sane for the sake of you both, okay?"
He sighed. "Alright. I'll finish the stupid sandwich."
"And eat some food or whatever. Vitamins."
"Shit, this is like being 10 again."
They hung up and Row did as told, in spite of himself. Mom had a point.
So he finished the sandwich and grabbed an apple, eating it in bites, chewing it slowly and as silently as possible so he wouldn't disturb his daughter.
Damn it was cold. He'd have to turn the heat on, which he never did cause the bill afterwards was terrifying. But hell, both of them were half naked in February. And he had already spent a fortune on that prune sized person, might as well keep her alive and warm.
Then he laid down with her cuddled on his bare chest as she breathed in uneven, scary patterns, which Callie had told him were normal.
And soon, he found they were breathing in sync, every breath he took was three of hers. Or 5. Or none.
But it was normal, he reminded himself. Her breathing system has to develop still. She's fine.
He was exhausted, but completely wakeful at the same time, cause he was hypnotized by the sight of his little sleeping prune.
Like he would be countless nights in the future.
Because there was no better remedy for panic, no better way to put his thoughts in order and make him feel the strongest, happiest man on Earth than the sight of his daughter sleeping.
As always, a big Heya to my only reader friend, @definitely-darcy. As you know I'm nervous about this chapter, but I enjoyed writing it a lot. So I hope you like It.
Xx ~Pookie
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jamesbuckfastbarnes · 6 years
Sober pt.2
It's finally here my dudes! After months of neglect, several sleepless nights of trying to come up with an idea and eventually bringing in @penny4yourthot in to assist, we happily bring you Sober pt.2! - Red_w00dy xoxo
P.s if you haven't read the first part of Sober, the link for it is below :)
“You. Stupid. Junkie. Piece. Of. Shit. Get the fuck out of here before I put a fucking bullet in your skull. And if I hear that you, or any of your little friends, ever sell junk to my baby sister again, I will personally hunt you down and murder you using nothing but a pair of tweezers and a razorblade. You understand me, Charlie?”
I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to focus properly, only to see Happy kicking the living shit out of Charlie as Herman kneeled over the drug dealer, their faces just a few inches apart from each other. A weak groan escaped my lips and I rolled over on the floor of Charlie's apartment, causing Happy and Herman to stop what they were doing to rush over to me. I knew I was in trouble with them, no amount of heroin could make me forget that, but in that moment they appeared to feel nothing but worry and concern for my well-being. I gave them a weak smile, stretching my arm out from where it had been tucked into my side. Happy seemed to think I was trying to hold his hand, and grasped my own in his large one until I pulled it away, only to reach past him once more to try and grab the needle resting on the coffee table behind him. Herman shook his head and moved the needle further away, tears pricking at my eyes and threatening to spill over as I desperately tried to move in order to retrieve it. My body was aching from the come down I was experiencing from my previous high, and I was in no fit state to move from my spot on the floor. Herman sighed and carded his fingers through my tangled blonde locks, crouching down so that his dark blue eyes met mine and he flashed me one of his megawatt smiles. I had no idea what he was so happy about, he was the sole reason I couldn't be happy myself right now.
“You're lucky Juice could trace Charlie's phone and find his address, Ana. You ever do that to me again and I will personally kick your ass up and down the street, just like Mom always threatened to do when she caught me smoking as a kid,” Herman whispered, still smiling despite the fact he was threatening me. I blinked at him in response, having no clue how to reply.
“I just needed one more hit. Just a little one to help me sleep. I figured you would understand, you had the whole insomnia thing when you were coming off crystal,” I slurred, my stomach churning violently as I leaned forwards and Hap managed to put a bucket under my chin before I proceeded to throw up the contents of my stomach.
“One more hit, just one more fucking hit! That's what you've been saying for the past two years, Anastazja, and it never is. You always need another one, and it always ends up with me and Hap finding you smacked out of your head on the floor of some drug dealers house, begging us not to yell at you. It's not fucking good enough. I'm sick and tired of constantly worrying about you, girl! I've got my own shit to deal with without having to constantly chase around after you as well!”
“Then don't bother,” I mumbled quietly, both Happy and Herman struggling to hear me due to the fact my voice was slurred and barely audible. I gathered all my strength to push myself into a sitting position, looking up at the older men through hooded eyes. “I never asked you to do any of this shit. If you're gonna complain, don't fucking bother, just leave me to get on with my own life.”
“And have to bury you next to Mom years before I'm supposed to? Fat chance of that, Ana. You're gonna come with me and Hap, sort yourself out and get off this shit once and for all. And if that means having someone watch you constantly, no connection to the outside world and not even a nickel to your name then so be it. We're going to make you go cold turkey whether you like it or not,” Herman glared, pulling me roughly to my feet before dragging me out of the small, messy apartment with Hap close behind us, glaring at Charlie as we left.
The car ride back to Charming was spent with Herman lecturing me. I toned it out as I was nodding in and out of sleep, still coming down from my previous high. When I heard the car stop I opened my eyes and looked around, not recognizing where we were. “Where the hell are we?” I questioned with a tired voice.
“This is Chibs place, he volunteered the first shift of watching you because he felt bad that you got away under his watch. He has a spare bedroom that’s empty and this way we can keep you away from all the partying at the clubhouse” Herman stated.
Happy opened the door and helped me out of the tow truck. He kept his arm around me as he guided me to the front door of Chibs house. Chibs opened the door and Happy guided me in. Once I felt the cold air in the house, I instantly starting shaking. They must have noticed because they walked me to the couch, putting a thick blanket around me once I sat down and got myself comfortable. ”Thanks,” I muttered.
“Chibs, are you all good here? Clay needs me and Hap back at the clubhouse!” Herman called out to the older Scot.
“Aye, we’ll be fine here, lad,” Chibs responded as he walked out of the room. “Your sister’s no going anywhere fer noo. The door is staying locked and,” Chibs came back to where I sat, a stern expression on his weathered face and his hand outstretched in front of him. “Give me your phone as well while I think aboot it.”
“I’m a grown ass women, you're not taking my damn phone.”
“Last time I left ye wi’ yer phone ye called yer drug dealer and these two found ye almost dead, passed out in his goddamn house. No more fighting, I’m no in the mood for it, just give me the damn phone” he argued. His eyebrows were knitted together in frustration and the more I looked at him, the more I realised. Chibs wasn't mad, he was just tired of having people argue with him constantly. So I gave in.
“Fine, but what if need something?” I asked as I disgruntledly handed over my cell phone.
“Chibs will be with you all day” Happy ruffled my hair affectionately, throwing his arm around my small shoulders to give me a light hug before ambling off in the direction of the front door.
“And we'll be here to check on you tonight, as well, Ana Banana,” Herman finished as he kissed the top of my head, clapped Chibs on the shoulder in what I assumed was a thankful gesture and swaggered out of the small, two bedroomed house in pursuit of his best friend.
Chibs disappeared once again, only to come back with a bottle of Gatorade, some Tylenol and a bucket. He handed me the pills along with the open bottle and I took them with one sip.
“Ye need to drink more lass,” he sighed as he handed the Gatorade back to me. “Dehydration isn't going to help you when yer coming off smack of all things.”
“I don’t want to get sick” I said through chattering teeth as the shakes got worse. He looked at me and lifted up the bucket with a smile, causing a weak chuckle to escape from deep inside my chest.
“That’s what this is fer,” he grinned. I took a small sip of the blue liquid, watching as Chibs got up from the couch and made his way to the front door to lock it. It might have been the drugs left over in the system, or the fact the withdrawals were kicking in big time, but for whatever reason, I couldn't stop staring as he shifted both deadbolts and the generic lock that came with the door.
“You have three locks on your front door?” I smirked as he sat back down, the older man nodding in response with a small shrug of his shoulders as I giggled quietly. “So do you have a stalker or what? I think I should know what I'm getting into here.”
“I wish a stalker were my only worries, hen. Nah, just some people from my past life showed up here in Charming a while back. They’re gone fer noo tho,” He muttered as he reached for the tv remote and turned the large television screen on, instantly turning the volume down to barely audible as if he could sense the small pounding in the back of head that was steadily getting worse with every passing minute.
We sat in silence for a while, the shaking turned into sweating which caused me to become even more cold. Chibs got me another blanket and wrapped me up and then held his arms around me in attempt to warm me up and stabilize my body from all the shakes. I have to admit is was nice to have someone here to help me through this. There had been too many times that, on the rare chance I decided to come off heroin, that I was alone and cold. There was more than one occasion that Herman and Hap had founded me curled behind a dumpster somewhere in Tacoma, using a cardboard box and newspaper to keep myself warm, because I had spent all my rent money on junk again.
“Th-thanks for d-doing this” I shivered, nestling further into Chibs’ side in an attempt to soak up some of the Glaswegian’s warmth. “I-I really a-appreciate it.”
“Aye, lass, dinnae worry about it. We're all family in the club, we look oot fer our own” he said softly as he brushed some hair out of my face, his eyes flitting to a picture of a considerably younger version of himself, along with a tiny bundle of blankets and a beautiful, dark haired woman, before looking back at me with a smile. “We'll always keep an eye oot for ye, Anastazja. Even if ye do steal people's favourite Celtics shirts.”
We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, neither of us feeling the need to say anything, until I felt my stomach start to lurch and I started to gag. Chibs was quick with the bucket he had brought into the room earlier, placing it in my lap just in time for me to throw up what little contents left inside my stomach. He held my hair out of my face in a makeshift ponytail as I continued to vomit, a worried smile taking up residence on his lips as he used his free hand to keep the bucket steady.
“God, I feel much better now,” I croaked quietly once I was sure I was done, leaving Chibs to take the bucket away and pass me the Gatorade so I could rid the taste of vomit out of my mouth. “If you ever meet anyone that doesn't hate throwing up, they are freaks of nature and deserve to be thrown into an asylum.”
After a deep laugh that echoed around the living room, Chibs took the bucket away, only to return a couple minutes later with it all cleaned out.
“You didn’t have to do that I could have taken care of it” I mumbled softly, burying myself further into the mass of blankets that surrounded my thin body.
“Believe me when I say it's absolutely no problem at all, wee hen,” he smiled back as he dropped down next to me, returning his arm to where it had previously been resting around my shoulders.
I managed to muster up a weak smile as I rested against his chest once more, listening to his heartbeat thumb periodically and feel his fingers move to play with the ends of my dirty blonde hair. The shakes had started to subside at this point and, with the soothing sound of his heart pumping away next to my ear and the way he combed the tips of his fingers through my hair, I slowly drifted off to sleep, unable to think of anything but how sweet Chibs was, and how grateful I felt that he was so willing to take care of me after what I did. Clearly some people were just better than others - Chibs and I were the perfect example of that.
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miraimisu · 7 years
This is your humble follower boku-no-family admin ☺️ I feel tempted now, so I'm going to sneak 98 with Kacchako in your inbox 😘 you are just awesome, lovely ✨ keep it up!
You are not humble at all and feel all tempted you wanna, this prompt was a bitch to deal with because, like, I had so many angst options to go with this? But I decided against it and when I was already too deep in, I had regrets. I just hope it lives up to your expectatives, hon ♥ and thanks for dropping by!
The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand. It started with Deku being a bit too touchy for his own good-hearted kindness.
When he invited Uraraka for dinner at a local restaurant, it being conviniently located near a train station, she couldn’t find it in her heart to say no. Their most recent exam wave had hit all student pretty hard, leaving some of them to limp for the remaining week and others sulking over what they did wrong, right, or other emotional shenanigans.
Of course Uraraka was just plain tired and hadn’t really had the time to have as much of a decent meal in a while. She wasn’t the best at making schedules, and her habit of skipping meals during her time living alone had rubbed off badly on her. So one day, Midoriya approached her at the common room while she was talking animatedly with Tsuyu.
“Hey, Uraraka.” spoke he from under the sofa, interrupting their animated chatter. His cheeks were dusted in light pink, a tight smile on as he felt the ghost of a glare on his neck. He ignored it. “I noticed that you are eating fairly bad, lately…”
Wow Deku, way to start a conversation – thought Kirishima from a corner of the room, ignoring the mass of anger by him – so smooth.
Uraraka frowned a bit, slightly taken aback by this observation. “Well, I haven’t been able to come down as much to eat due to, you know… exams and all of that.”
Also hiding some unnecessary-inflicted injuries that Bakugou had given her during some of their spars, but that information wasn’t askes, thus remained hidden. Deku still looked at her, eyes wide in concern. Tsuyu spoke up before Midoriya could even say a word. “I tried too many times to take her out of her dorm to have lunch, but she’s…”
Uraraka flushed pink. “There was no need to expose me like that!”
The green haired boy decided to speak before a row on alimentation started. “Well, there is this little restaurant downtown where they serve cheap, good meals, so I had thought you would be interested?”
The prospect of having an unexpensive, good dinner sounded so great to her that her eyes glittered more than the sun, smile widening and already tasting the sweetness of roasted meat invading her weak tastes– so she nodded adamantly. However, two seconds later. she felt a burning stare digging in her neck, so she turned around ever so slowly to meet a fuming figure by Kirishima.
The endlessly complaining mass of rage called Bakugou, also known to her as her secret, casual date.
And when she said casual, she meant it in its most literal aspects. Their outings were mostly unplanned, some ended rather badly and they would usually do them for the sake of fun. They were also secret, done when everyone was gathered for some social commitments or when everyone was fast asleep during night. Bakugou had some tricks up his sleeve when it came to sneaking out of the building, and their dates then would be about lying under the starry sky while talking about nothing and everything.
PDA was also something Bakugou was incredibly uncomfortable with. The furthest thing they had done regarding physical contact was hold hands, and he did it only to assure her that the street they were crossing was safe to pass by. There were no kisses, no hugs, just company and a feeling they couldn’t quite name, yet their current status was fine for them.
However, it seems like having her in the arms of another man for a night didn’t convince him at all, even if they were friends and her and Bakugou were just really close friends under a weird social relationship title.
One night, he had taken her arm and whispered that she was his, and she had said that she would be his as long as he was hers. That was it. There was no further commitment other than possesivity that had more than once made her rethink her choices.
Of course Bakugou knew she wouldn’t be completely fine with their arrangement, so the thought of her slipping away to the hands of no other than Deku kind of scared. Alas, since he couldn’t do anything about it because he was goddamn scared of messing up, he ended up growling in a frustrated rage.
Before Bakugou could order the poor boy to stay away from his girl – who really wasn’t his it seems and the thought made him blush uncomfortably – Kirishima seized his arms. “Don’t go and screw up, man.”
“Let me fucking go, Kirishima.” snarled Bakugou, his hair disarrayed in distress.
“Are you sure that murdering your unofficial girlfriend’s best friend is the way to go about this?” asked the redhead, chuckling when Bakugou went completely still. “I don’t think she’ll be too happy about it.”
After giving it some thought, little explosions rippled from his hands and he calmed down… slightly. “Then fucking hold me back before I blow that damn bastard up.”
Kirishima started dragging him to the elevators so his poor jealous friend would see the scene with Uraraka unfold. “Sure thing, buddy.”
Bakugou sulked about it the whole afternoon, thinking about how stupid Uraraka was and how blind Deku must have been not to see the little lovesick glances he dedicated to her, or how Bakugou stopped and stared before talking to her. It was so obvious that Bakugou had a little bit of a crush on her! How dare he invade what was his, all confirmed by their passionate, verbal contract?
How dare he!
“Dude, stop blowing my books up or my mom will have your head.”
He stopped his rampage then, sinking to the floor and pouting the image of them together, holding hands, laughing, and her falling in love with the quirkless bastard. In the spur of the moment, hestarted scheming a little plan to keep an eye on her, which was… keeping an eye on her by mostly stalking. 
“You and I are gonna keep track of them.”
Kirishima blinked at his friend, thinking that he had completely lost his mind if he thought he was going to comply to such stupid plan. Then, he started sketching again on his notebook. “She’s gonna get real mad if she finds out, you know.”
“We are not gonna interrupt their shitty outing.” he carefully dodged the d word, grimacing. A sadistic spark illuminated his fire eyes. “I’m just gonna be her bodyguard.”
“By being her bodyguard you are not only judging her strength, but also being Midoriya’s guard at the same time since, you know, they will be together.”
Bakugou blatantly ignored him and slammed the closest and thickest book available on his friend, who fell to the ground almost knocked out. 
Later that evening, they accordingly waited in the shadows for the fated pairing to exit the building and trailed behind them with hoodies on and the most suspicious of clothes on. Once they were behind a tree, Kirishima sighed and tugged at his hoodie.
“I still don’t know what I’m doing here, dude.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes at him and, right before giving him a discourse on relationship shenanigans, the pair moved again and the other pair had to play the tag game again, black and red hoodies blending with the shadows in the night.
Worst of it all was that she was wearing his favourite dress and he was hellbent on thinking that she had done it on purpose. Right before they entered the restaurant, the inner light of the place shed purity and beauty on her, making not only Bakugou be mesmerized with her red beauty, but also Midoriya, who leaned in and pecked her cheek.
This abuptly popped his bubble and Bakugou had his hands ready for a beating. “Hold me back before that fucker pays for what he’s doing.”
And Kirishima seized his arms again, a grim smile pending his face. “I still don’t know what the hell I’m doing here.”
Deku and Uraraka made their way into the restaurant, the boy leading her in by pushing her lower back and Bakugou was seriously losing it at how content she was with this physical contact when he himself hadn’t done shit with her and he was regretting it so hard now. He sighed deeply and gripped the crust of the tree with fervor.
Kirishima nudged him forward. “Yo, they are in. Wanna check if they hold hands or something?”
Bakugou scrambled to the window pane and watched them sit in front of the other, content smiles in their faces. Now that he thought about it, he had never seen that expression in her face when she was with him, and if he did ever notice something akin, it was by far less noticeable than now. Her eyes twinkled against the flame of a candle, chocolate melting in front of the blushing teen, who was everything but still.
“Dude, Midoriya is gonna have a seizure if he keeps fidgeting like that.” murmured Kirishima to Bakugou, who was slammed against the pane under him. “Perhaps you’ll get rid of her date without intervening.”
The other remained silent, observing her and only her from outside. Her skin was also milky, he noticed, and soft to the touch– Midoriya wouldn’t stop reaching for her hand and he swore that thank goodness that Kirishima was gripping his arm hard, because if he wasn’t being held than he would barge into the restaurant and give him an earful.
There was also something funny about the way she ate. When she was taking bites, she would never speak or give worded responses, just nods or hums of approval or denial. Uraraka also ate with enthusiasm, and that was when Bakugou noticed that her issue with skipping meals was more serious than he had considered it to be. Bathed in sunlight, her skin seemed as smooth and muscular as normal, but now, in such dim light, she seemed weak, frail.
Bakugou frowned deeply, prompting an arched brow from his friend. Why hadn’t he seen this before? Had she been so reckless as to spar with him when she was clearly not eating well enough? That was bullshit. He had not only not noticed, but also Deku had been the one to and seriously, Bakugou couldn’t imagine how let down Uraraka must have felt seeing that he didn’t notice, ergo didn’t care.
But he did care. Now he was worried to death.
“I can’t believe Midoriya is being a better boyfriend than you, and he isn’t even her boyfriend.” commented Kirishima when the green haired boy cleaned her sauce-stained cheek. “He’s collecting some good points.”
Bakugou forced himself to look away. “He is being a damn attention whore.”
Kirishima, once again, held him back– a second later they saw Midoriya get up, and they realized that the pair had already finished their dinner. “That was lighting fast– hold on.”
Bakugou looked pointedly at his frriend, who shook his shoulder. “He has seen us.”
Kirishima was right. Indeed, Midoriya was looking at them with a frown as he exited the restaurant, making Bakugou remember that he was supposed to keep his cool in front of Uraraka– but hey, the aforementioned was picking up her stuff from their table, and he could pay his frustrations on the boy now.
“Kacchan, to what do I owe the pleasure?” sighed Midoriya as he exited the restaurant and closed the door behind him.
The other circled around him until the restaurant was behind him, Kirishima on his tail, and towered over poor Midoriya.They still stood in front of the building though, and people were staring to whisper about him. “No, to what do I owe the fucking pleasure of seeing you here with her.”
Deku looked at his childhood friend, who had his arms crossed in that menacing manner that used to scare him, but now it only made him wonder… Then, he jumped a bit, tudging with the collar of his shirt. “Oh, I didn’t know you and Uraraka were together, I’m so sorry!”
This direct attack to his pride made Bakugou jump, Kirishima trying to hold him back to no avail. “Oi, what the fuck, she ain’t my girlfriend!”
“Then what are you doing here?”
Bakugou landed down on Earth, and Kirishima crossed his arms with a smirk, letting him go to see how he would escape this. “That’s a good question.”
The ashen blonde blushed madly and glowered at his friend, plunging all kinds of daggers on his back. Then, he clenched his teeth at the other boy. “That’s none of your fucking business!”
“I am afraid it is.”
A hand touched his shoulder and, suddenly, he was weightless. In mid air, hoodie flipping from the sudden gravitational pull, he looked down to see Uraraka shaking her head at him. Her hands were on her waist, squinting in such a bitchy manner that Bakugou wanted to laugh. However, the dread of being found out muted him, and something big coated his vocal chords.
In other words, he was fucked.
While floating in front of her, Uraraka rolled up her dress’ sleeves, and frowned– she was livid beyond recognition, an aura only Bakugou was allowed to let out permeating her in tenfold, and her eyes glowed intensely at the perplexed blonde, who was cursing at his annoying situation.
“I’m going to– I’m going to…” she attempted to step to closer to the unnerving blonde, but halted halfway. “Deku, hold me back before I shred him to pieces!”
In the midst of her agitation, the trembling boy held onto her with the help of Kirishima, who was finding this angry species to be festier than Bakugou ever was, as she struggled and wiggled under their hold. 
The boy was dropped down mistakengly, and he was on his feet again. “Oi, what the fuck was that about, Uraraka!?”
Before none of them could even act, Uraraka made her way out of their restraining grip and wordlessly stomped her way to Bakugou, took his arm and led him to a dark alleyway, away from the prying eyes of Deku and Kirishima, blinking at the gruesome pair. 
A second later, a loud groan was heard nearby. Uraraka was much probably making Bakugou her bitch.
Unbeknownst to them, all she had done was slam him to the nearest wall. Bakugou, still thinking about some of the stuff he had came to realize back at the restaurant. When he looked at her, his heart started racing again, all confusing feelings coming back to him in a sudden wave of guilt and shame. Her eyes twinkled in fury, but there was something else to them that he couldn’t quite figure out.
Her finger jabbed his chest, accusating him of too many atrocities that maybe even she herself couldn’t name. “What are you doing here?”
“You are on a date.”
“Hardly called a date, but whatever.”
“You are on a date.” them both froze, a bit awkward with how things were coming through for both of them. “With him.”
Ah, so that was it. She looked to her feet, slightly ashamed whilst knowing that she had no reason to be like that, because damn him, Bakugou wasn’t anything more than a little distraction, something she had found along the way, something that well, she wanted, desired, but seeing his preference for personal space, something that was a bit out of reach.
How could he still playing possesive when he blushed and screamed at the mention of their relationship? Was he ashamed of her?
“You have no right to tell me who I can or can’t be with.” retorted Uraraka. He glared at her as if she was yelling blasphemies, when deep inside he knew this was true. “After all, all we have that bond us is our friendship and you constantly lurking for anybody who tries to be with me. Why can you demand things from me when I can’t even demand as much of a hug from you?”
And Bakugou sighed, because that was true, too. If this silly trip had helped with anything, it was realize how much of a jerk he had been to her. He had been demanding her to be hers— his heart had beaten so hard when he looked at her so hard and passionately, void words falling on deaf ears that were a bit too closed to the truth and, at the same time, desperate to know the truth of what he felt for her.
And somehow, it was so hard to tell her because he didn’t even know himself. Did he only feel desire for her company? Was it maybe her body, only? Or were al those sleepless nights related to something that had more to do with her heart and shining eyes than just superficial matters?
His eyes travelled from her braided hair to that loose red dress he loved on her. Bakugou had only seen her in it twice, but it was already his favorite piece of clothing and sometimes, all he could think was about it would look much better lost between a mountain of his own clothes.
A bright blush made its way to his cheeks, and he gripped her forearm tightly, fearing she would leave with any blunt statement he did– which happened too often and he seriously feared he’d scare away in such a critical moment like this.
“I’m not the best at these things, you fucking know.” he started messing with his hair, an habit he had unconsciously gotten from her. Her brown pools shone with curiosity and wonder. “So I have no damn clue as to what you want from me.”
“I want some kind of compromise, Bakugou.” retorted she. “I wanna know where I can dig to get stuff out of you. I want to know if it’s alright for me to hug you, to hold your hand, to kiss you, if you are alright with us being in that phase because–”
“When the fuck did I say that you couldn’t do all of that?”
Her head shot up to meet his vexed glare, fixated on comprehending what that little bitch was even thinking. She couldn’t remember a time when his hellfire crosses had burnt so brightly, making her feel both aroused and afraid of his next words. “I hate people touching me– but you touching me is another subject.”
“But you never–”
“I am not in for being all kissey and lovely in public. I am not such a loser. And well… I am afraid that I may move too fast for you in private.” and she giggled, because it was true that he was too cool to do something as cheesy as kisses or hand holding. She sighed, smiling at him in slight relief. “But I don’t mind you touching me. And I still don’t know if that counts as fucking compromise and I’m such a bastard for not noticing–”
Her hands came clasping his cheeks, and he had the urge to jump back. However, a part of him made him stay, and that little corner of his heart that was always jumping around when anyone touched his skin– it remained silent the whole time he glanced into her beautiful eyes and understood that she understood his struggle. After all, who else would? Shit, maybe they wouldn’t be sorting out all their problems, but they had gotten rid of one big ass boulder.
The thought was somewhat hilariating and enlightening. He could dive deep into her eyes and see it all: the recognition, the fact that she was fine with taking things slow, and at the same time telling him to stop fetting over shit– stop fretting over her, and just hold her hand and enjoy the ride.
His hands held her wrists and pulled her hands away from his face, the message loud and clear. She stepped a bit closer. “I’m not completely over the fact that you almost murdered my best friend, and I’m not going to forgive you soon for following us here–” he growled, a hand sneaking around her waist, and the little rope that tied him to reality snapped cut when her rose perfume trailed up his nose and hazed his brain. “–but I can understand that you were just… afraid?”
“A little.” mumbled he to her shoulder, arms wrapped stronger than ever. he little judgement he had was tiptoeing its way out of there in the darkness, their bodies encased by the throwing shades of the building. He stroked the fabric of her dress to land on Earth, but it didn’t work. He would always be quick to pull away if things got too close, or if she behaved extra cocky, but now…
Holy fuck. There was no turning back now.
“Uraraka,” she pushed his shoulders back to look at him, and found his breathing dangerously labored. “I can’t– I know I usually stand proud and stale but you– goddammit, that fucking dress.” she blinked innocently, making him struggle even more against the sight of her glossy lips. “Please, tell me to stop if I go too far, fucking tell me to hold back because I know you are prone to being a damn–”
After that, there was silence around the area, but after a while, when Kirishima picked the sound of a little moan– he prayed it was Uraraka’s, because living thinking that Bakugou could moan so sensually would affect his sexuality real hard– he blushed and took his leave, flinging his arm around Midoriya’s shoulder.
“He stole my date!”
The redhead disheveled Midoriya’s already tousled locks. “Tough luck, buddy. He snapped back into reality too soon for you.”
“Snap? Too soon?” Kirishima nodded by him, walking away steadily. “I don’t understand. Aren’t they going out?”
He gave Deku a little squeeze on the shoulders. “It’s a long story. But remember lil’ buddy:  the heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.” and yeah, considering how much of a dumbass Bakugou was, the quote fit him pretty well.
As they walked quickly as far from the pair as possible, Deku shivered.
“Where are you taking me?”
“To a bar.” answered Kirishima matter-o’-factly, looking at his buddy with a bright smile. “Can’t let that fancy clothing go to waste!”
The day after, a neatly packed bento was left at Uraraka's doorstep, no questions asked– but a part of her knew who it was from.
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