#like it’s been a year and now I finally blocked julia
polithicc · 8 months
loser behavior in the tags
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goldsbitch · 4 months
I gave so many signs
summary: First unrequited love is not the one to ever leave your mind. Y/N looks back at her missed connection with Charles Leclerc from the time they were just teenagers and regrets having him slip away.
song fic (disclaimer: rights belong to the respectable owners)
exile - Taylor Swift Lie to me - 5 Seconds of Summer (feat. Julia Michaels) Worst of you - Maisie Peters
warning: Present time, the past
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Coming back home to Monaco always brought a sour smile to her face. She loved growing up in this strange small town where everyone knew each other and celebrities came to show off and then went back to wherever, to tell stories of Monte Carlo.
They say that you get to experience three very different real loves in your lifetime - and only if you're lucky, it would be with the same person. Her first love was Charles Leclerc.
I saw you lookin' brand new overnight I caught you lookin' too, but you didn't look twice
Visiting family was the reason why she always came back, but going out with the few girls from high school who stayed there was a treat she dared not to miss. There is just something about hanging out with those people who helped one buy the first eyeshadow and with whom she pregamed at one of their step dad's dermatology office before going on trying to get into any club that would allow minors in. So there she was once again, at the old time spot, having a harder time to hold her alcohol since she'd passed the magic non hangover years. And to her luck, he walked in only a bare half an hour later than her.
Whenever she saw him, even after those years, it was like everyone else had dissapeared from the room. He seemed to age like wine.
It's 3 AM and the moonlight's testing me I know that you've been holding on to someone else And now I can't sleep
"Come here to me," she teased, moving closer to him. He tried to stop her and playfully pushed himself the furthest away possible the couch would allow. "Charlie, let me see!" she insisted and sat on top of him. She had to act quickly, there would be no way for her to keep the upper hand. He was just turning eighteen soon and the time in gym was starting to bring back results. "I do not have any hairline, Y/N," he gasped, annoyed. His tone changed. Back then she interpreted it as just him being done with her shit. Looking at it now, there probably was a different reason why he became more stiff. She sat on him, going through his hair and taking few photos, blissfully unaware. "I'll show this to you in a few years and we'll see! Ha!" Charles eyes were shooting arrows in her direction. She looked back at him, curious and not grasping the moment in the same way as he did. "What?" she asked simply. "Nothing..."
I can see you standing, honey With his arms around your body Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all
She laughed a bit at that memory as she sipped her drink and tried her best to avoid keeping looking back at him as he sat with his current friends and an absolute gorgeous girl laughing at his joke. She knew who she was. Sometimes she peaked at his socials and then blocked him again right away. She certainly knew he had her blocked.
They went to different schools and Charles had his racing activities anyway. So they'd spent a lot of time texting. A lot.
It was just one of the horrifically long school days where she doubted the point of her existence. Life had to be more than sitting in a pointless computer science class. She wanted to be a big lawyer girl boss one day, so why would she ever care about programming. There she was, staring at the assignment from the teacher who was stuck in 20th century anyway, having little to no clue what to do. As she'd usually do, she texted Charles. Bombed him with twenty texts demanding attention, before he finally responded. "OMG i thought someone had died" "i am dying charles" "no your not" "*you're" "i can go back to my race simulator if you keep being a little shit" "nooo, please dont go. you're my only hope. sorry, your. i get it, you got out of the school too early." "that's it, i'm gone" "noo, please stay, I'll be nice and say nice things about you" "i'm staying, go on" "you are absolutely gorgeous" "yes, agree. more" "you are soo funny, amazing, future heart breaker and your passion for racing is so inspiring" "i like this. more"
Second, third, and hundredth chances Balancin' on breaking branches Those eyes add insult to injury
They were inseparable, yet nobody knew. Always meeting alone, because they did not need anyone and their social circles didn't really meet together. Whenever he was back in town, the two of them would hit up their favorite café or hang out at his house and then go for a walk. The two of them walked around Monte Carlo as if they were suppose to be the cartographers creating the first map of that area ever. Those were the good old days that came to end very unexpectedly.
We always walked a very thin line You didn't even hear me out (Didn't even hear me out) You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)
His hands were shaking when he sent the email. But he just could not take it anymore. He was over the moon in love with her and didn't know how to contain it.
"there is no easy way to say this. i love you. sorry. i'm stupid and i know we're just friends. but i basically live only for racing and seeing you. i'm terrified of seeing you with someone else. if there is at least a cell in your body that feels the same, please let's meet up and talk about it. if not, do not reply and i will never mention this again and deal with it. i love you."
She was seventeen when she got his message out of the blue. A scared little girl who was petrified of feelings and anything relationship related. So she never replied to his email.
All this time I never learned to read your mind I couldn't turn things around (I couldn't turn things around) 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (You never gave a warning sign)
Charles had a very little hope that she'd feel the same - why would she, such an amazing person, kind, fun and totally glorified in his eyes, so he could not even imagine him being worthy of her. But what if? What if he was enough? With every day when she did not respond to his email, his heart sank lower. Still, the pain of the first rejection is a hard one to take, because it's usually from a scared unexperienced heart to another and the clumsiness causes great deal of accidental collateral damage one remembers until the end of their life.
You're not my homeland anymore So what am I defending now? You were my town, now I'm in exile, seein' you out
She texted him from school few days after that - a normal text, as if nothing happened. Both of them were too chicken to address the situation openly. So he opted for buring his feeling and she for playing like she had no idea. Deep down, she always knew, even before he emailed her. They texted, continued to meet up. But it was never the same again.
Flashing back to New York City I was done, but you undid me Classic me to run when it feels right
It was hard to get closure for her. After all that had happened and the mess the two made for each other was a hard lesson she remembered vividly. She glanced at your first love again - and finally she met his look, after almost two years of managing to missing each other while they were both back in Monaco. She'd daydreamed about bumping into him, the two chatting and smiling again. The world stopped again for few moments. He shot her an unsure quick half smile that said it all. She knew him too well for that.
And now I wish we never met 'Cause you're too hard to forget While I'm cleaning up your mess I know he's taking off your dress
It was her prom night and she could not be more excited. All her friends were here, family, even Charles managed to get in town to watch her dance and drink all night. She had the night of her life, perfect end to end this chapter of life. The excitement her eyes held was contagious. She spent the first half of her evening with the family and Charles, sharing few dances and laughs. If felt like the good old days. But one shot of tequila led to another and there she was, drunk as pirate and unhinged like a teenage girl. Charles did his best to keep her parents at bay, keep them occupied while he got one of his friends to take care of her. He was worried she might do something stupid, like walk up to the stage and fall down breaking all of her bones. Finally, her parents decided to leave without having to saying goodbye to her after Charles spent a good half an hour convincing them she was just in the back stage and that he'd get her home safe. When they were gone, he began to search for her, only to finally find her sitting on the stairs, making out with the friend he assigned to keep an eye on her.
So take me to every party and just talk to your friends Why don't you let me down, I'll let you do it again Go on and walk all over me, just don't walk away Give me the worst of you 'Cause I want you anyway
It was like being cut open alive and having people watch. There was nothing even remotely graceful about her actions, she was literally sitting on the floor having a battle of tongues with another drunk teenager while people had to walk pass her. It was embarrassing. Charles didn't know what to do. He wanted to run away and never come back, but he couldn't leave her there alone. He couldn't bring himself to stop the two of his friends, because he was just too sad and heartbroken to do so. He just stayed nearby and kept an eye on them. It was one of the longest nights in his life.
She couldn't remember the second half of her prom night and Charles would never speak of it, even though she begged him many times. He always became stiff and started to leave the room. She only kept asking, because it marked one of the biggest shifts in their friendships. He became cold, unresponsive and after few weeks, he stopped communicating completely.
You were my town, now I'm in exile, seein' you out I think I've seen this film before
Funny how people's faces change with years, but the eyes stay the same. The eyes and the look. Charles looked at her the second time this evening. It was like staring back at the eighteen year old boy who was drowning in his feeling.
It was one of her last nights in Monaco before leaving for university. Finally, her dreams were coming true. She was more than ready to get our to show the world she was a force to be reckoned with. She sent Charles countless messages before her final departure, at that moment, she was sure she'll never ever get back to Monaco and wanted to at least understand why he became distant. One evening, he finally agreed to meet up and talk. She was over the moon. Knowing that she could always turn Charles over, she left feeling confident - he was one the very few people she was sure shared the same soul as her. It was as if they'd never stopped talking. Jokes flying everywhere, the two of them strolling around, having no idea this would be the last time (and maybe, that was better for her at the time). There was so much to share, the two kept talking over each other for hours. Charles was happy when she finally stopped to take a breath for a moment. She looked him in the eye and saw a look she'd seen countless of times on his face. There was a shift in her mind and out of nowhere, she was kissing the boy she'd been unknowingly in love for years. She'd realize that she loved him only once she started dating a random guy from her college, expecting the same feeling Charles gave her. But it never came. Had she known, she'd have stayed with him. He tried to convince her to start dating him. Almost begged her to try it with him long distance. But there was a whole world for you to discover, places to be and versions of her that needed discovering. She had kissed only once. But it was a kiss of a lifetime. He blocked her on all socials after she rejected him again.
I never learned to read your mind (Never learned to read my mind) I couldn't turn things around (You never turned things around) 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs) So many signs, so many signs You didn't even see the signs
The girls were laughing at some joke she missed while digging in her memory for traces of her first love. Charles Leclerc. He was sitting few tables away from her. This time, her heart sank as he kissed his girlfriend on the cheek as they walked away from the bar. She wanted to run to him, to talk to him again after all those years. To tell him the same thing he once emailed her. To explain that she was just too young to notice she had the love of her life right next to you. But she knew all too well what his answer would be. And just like he had back then, she never wanted to hear it out loud.
And I know that you don't, but if I ask you if you love me I hope you lie, lie, lie, lie, lie to me
part 2
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aqours · 7 months
anyways if i'm going this deep in lemme share this teen mom Ashley fic idea i had i'd love feedback on the idea
this is completely unrelated to my other idea regarding this this is an entirely different can of worms i'm putting this under a readmore just bc it's a bit long and also filled with dead doves so only open and eat it at your own discretion
so basically the idea goes like this- when they were teenagers (her 14 and him 16) Andrew and Ashley got into some kind of big fight (still working on it) most likely due to him having a girlfriend in hs at the time. during this period, in an effort to make a point and piss him off, Ashley gets a boyfriend of her own (who just so happens to have messy black hair and green eyes wow what a coincidence) who was in a class with Andrew. some incident happens where Ashley "accidentally" leaves her phone with explicit texts on view (but also tis like the 90s so maybe i'll redo that) and Andrew talked with his classmate and then uh there was another second missing person, and after an intense argument Ashley and Andrew "slept in the same bed" and anyways a month later Ashley announces she's pregnant casually at the dinner table putting the pregnancy test she put right on it.
"Huh. Not the reaction I was hoping for."
"Forgive me for not being particularly fucking thrilled at the idea of being a grandmother at 32, Ashley."
"You know, if my kid has a kid at 15 and their kid ALSO has a kid at 15 you could be a great-great-grandma at only 75."
"Please shut the fuck up, Ashley."
and Andrew is in complete denial it is. it's been 6 years and every single person except Julia refuses to believe it isn't. at one point when Alexis "Alex" Graves is a baby she makes a comment she has her father's (green) eyes with a wink and grin at Andrew. during the Burial Route when Mrs. Graves is trying to plead with Andrew she finally says "... If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your ------------------" and it's like his brain physically blocks out any insinuation with he's the father with white noise. so he's been living as the kid's uncle officially and has no idea how to act around this kid most of the time.
Ashley is not a good mom by any means and has had CPS called on her more than once but incompetence won't remove the child entirely and she does like. actually love this kid but her obsession with Andrew is clearly more important to her, the fact this kid keeps him tethered to her even if he won't admit, and also because she spoils the kid however she can to try to prove she's a better mother just because her daughter is happier than she was, when learning Alex hit another kid to get their candy she was outright like fuck YEAH if you want something take it!!! girlboss gatekeep gaslight to this four year old and Andrew at least tried to teach the kid right from wrong in response. during her first birthday Mrs. Graves asked Ashley if she was gonna do anything and Ashley didn't see a point the kid is 1 they won't remember the birthday there's nothing they'd want and she doesn't seem to process the point of a birthday for a baby isn't about toys and fun but to celebrate their life. when Ashley suggests they can get by on mugging people Alex says she can pose as a homeless sad kid and for the first time in a while at her Ashley lights up and says THAT'S why you're mama's favorite <3333
babies don't make everything better the co-dependent toxic satanic demonic summoning cannibal incest game's plot now also includes a 6 year old that has also eaten people now with two of the most awful parents imaginable around her and if anything Ashley might get colder once her mom is dead because now there's no way
thoughts? i really want to write this but i'd love feedback
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theharddeck · 2 years
california coast in your green eyes || chapter 5/5
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Pairing: Jake Seresin x Julie Floyd (OC)
Synopsis: the grand finale! first dates are complicated things, and Jake and Julie try to figure out what this thing between them looks like.
Warnings: none
Length: 4.6k
tagging: @wildbornsiren @winterrebel04 @blue-aconite @double-j @javihoney @daggerspare-standingby @glccmreid @gigisimsonmars @ssprayberrythings @anotherr-fine-mess and an enormous thank you to @laracrofted who gave me a major boost of inspiration to finish this one!
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5
Julie: Okay, admittedly, I didn’t think past what would happen beyond getting your number.
Julie: Oh this is Julie btw
Julie: Julie Floyd
Julie: Bob’s sister
Jake: Julia it’s 5am
Julie: And you’re awake, so what’s your point
Jake: Well my excuse is that Rooster’s a lunatic who only goes to the gym when it first opens
Jake: Why are you up?
Julie: Oh I just got off my shift
Julie: Getting a breakfast burrito before I go home
Julie: normally I try to do a smoothie from the hospital lobby or something, but today I needed grease
Julie: not that you asked
Jake: Rudy’s?
Julie: Oooooo so he’s a local now
Julie: but yes, almost done, then I’m sleep-driving home and collapsing into bed for a year
Jake: ha
Jake: Text me when you get home safely
Jake: please
“Order 47!” the cashier yelled, and Julie went up to the counter to grab her breakfast burrito. She pocketed her phone and smiled at the cashier, taking the brown paper bag he held out, a grease stain already forming at the bottom. Instead of going back to her car, she walked the block or two down to the beach. 
She could be chill about texting Jake.
She totally could be. 
The sun was rising behind her as she walked onto the beach. It wouldn’t warm the sand or light the ocean for a while yet, so Julie kept her shoes on as she unceremoniously sat on the sand and opened her burrito. 
It was a great burrito.
She pulled out her phone, reading over Jake’s texts, trying not to read into them.
When she’d picked Robbie up from the carrier, she could’ve cried in relief. He’d held her tight enough for her to know how close it’d been this time, and that had scared her, so, so much. But he was back, he was with her, and she knew she had a couple pilots to thank for that. 
When Robbie had pointed out the white buses and his team in the windows, she hadn’t realized she was holding space for all of them. 
And obviously they weren’t Robbie, and she barely knew them, but she was still relieved to see Natasha and Reuben and Bradley and Jake, all well.
Relief really was the best word. 
Arm around her brother, seeing his friends safe, she felt like she could take the first breath she’d taken in six weeks. They’d gone to dinner, some sushi place in Seaport Village, and talked about the Padres, what Mom and Dad wanted to do for Christmas—anything but the last few weeks.
She couldn’t say why she’d asked for Jake’s number.
Maybe it was intrigue, the way she’d turned his hypothetical kiss over and over in her mind for weeks. 
Maybe it was gratitude, that he’d stopped her from pressuring Phoenix.
Maybe it was curiosity, over what had made him so protective in the first place.
Likely, it was his expression, even all the way across the parking lot, from the small window of a white bus. He’d looked pleased to see her, she liked to think, but he looked shocked that she might be pleased to see him. It had curled in her chest, protectiveness of her own, and wanting to offer assurances she had no business making.
Still, it was enough to ask Robbie for his number.
And now she had it. 
Text me when you get safely home.
Julie finished her burrito, crumpling up the wax paper that’d wrapped it and pushing herself to her feet. She wiped the sand off her scrubs as she walked back to the car, the carbs settling in her stomach. The drive home went quickly, and she tossed her keys into the bowl by the door, Julie felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. She pulled it out as she toed off her shoes.
Jake: so did you make it home okay or should Floyd Jr and I break off formation and fly over to Mission Beach
Julie: don’t you rope my brother into this
Julie: you live your life, Seresin, but  no demerits on Robbie’s record
An ellipses popped up and disappeared and Julie figured she should answer the question directly, rather than egging him on.
Julie: but yeah i’m home, just got in
Jake: cool
There was a long pause that Julie wasn’t sure how to interpret. She dropped her phone on the kitchen table and peeled off her scrubs as she walked through the apartment, tossing them into her stacked washer and dryer, in the closet by the kitchen. As Julie was pouring detergent in to join her scrubs, her phone buzzed again, echoing on the table. She started the machine, grabbing her phone as she walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth before she drew her blackout drapes and slept through the rest of the morning. 
Jake: okay i really didn’t want to ask over text
Jake: but we’re about to be briefed on the training exercise for today, so I can’t call—can I take you to dinner tonight?
Julie leaned against the door of her bathroom, rereading the text. 
So he hadn’t been joking about the kiss, or the dress, or wanting to be sure she was home safe. She was sure he wasn’t THAT serious—if he’d been called in for whatever mission had brought Robbie to San Diego, he was probably heading back out to wherever he’d been stationed first anyways.
But he didn’t have to ask for dinner, did he?
Before she could overthink it, Julie texted him back quickly. 
Julie: I would like that
The ellipses appeared and vanished again and Julie busied herself with her toothbrush while she waited for his response.
Jake: 10-4
Julie: seriously?
Jake: I don’t know, it felt cooler than ‘thank God’
Jake: What time should I pick you up?
Julie: so my shift actually starts at 9pm
Julie: I’ll probably go from dinner to the hospital
Julie: is it okay if we do something casual?
Jake: for sure. Have you been to Quattro? It’s a family-owned place in Little Italy; I can meet you there at 6?
Julie: 10-4
Jake: brutal
Julie: I’m falling asleep standing, Dallas; see you at 6pm
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Julie crammed the Camry into a spot on India street, as the clock on her dash clicked to 6:04. She hated being late, but she’d had to circle Little Italy a couple of times before she’d found a parking spot. She locked her car over her shoulder as she jogged across the street, pushing the door open and waiting for her eyes to adjust to the dark interior of the restaurant, stomach dropping as she looked around.
There was nothing ‘casual’ about this place.
It was a classically charming, Italian American place—red checkered tablecloths, chianti bottles hanging from the ceiling by their fiascos, others on tables with wax candles dripping down their sides. Breadsticks, crushed red peppers, and red carnations sat in the center of every table and 1940s Italian music played softly over the speakers. Julie lifted a hand apologetically as a table near the door startled at her sudden entrance, and over her bedraggled appearance, as she scanned for Jake. 
He was sitting at a table in the back, a small bouquet of flowers wrapped in brown paper lying on the table. When he saw her, his face lit up in a way that made Julie’s chest tighten, even as she tried to push down the panic at this situation being the opposite of what she’d expected. 
He stood up, buttoning his blazer in a subconscious movement, his mouth twitching as he tried not to smile too widely at seeing her.
“Table, miss?” the maître d' asked from beside Julie, his eyes flitting over her scrubs. 
“Against all appearances,” she joked lightly, pointing at Jake, “I’m with him.”
The man’s eyes widened, but he dipped his head at her, turning back to the door and leaving Julie to weave through the tables.
It’s just dinner, two, three, four. With a cartoonishly handsome man in a restaurant that looks like a Hallmark movie while you’re dressed for an overnight shift at a hospital, two, three, four.
She apologized to the couples she walked around, older women in velvet dresses and delicate wraps over their shoulders, and men in blazers like Jake. Her lilac scrubs felt garish, but she tried to push away the feelings of discomfort, even as Jake came around to get her chair.
“Thanks,” she mumbled as she sat, and Jake scooted her chair in. “I thought we’d said casual?” 
She tried to keep her voice joking, but she winced internally when her tone fell slightly shortly.
If Jake noticed, he didn’t show it, shrugging easily and coming around the table to seat himself quickly. He buttoned the blazer as he sat, over a white polo and khakis, and Julie hadn’t looked, but she’d bet he was wearing boots. 
“It just felt like an occasion to try a little harder,” he said, but his forehead wrinkled slightly as he noticed her hands tightly clenched together in her lap. “Is that okay?”
Julie bit the inside of her cheek wondering if she should say something. 
It was wildly endearing that he’d gone all out like this— romantic Italian restaurant, business casual dress, pulling out her chair—but she felt unprepared, like she was the piece that didn’t fit in this puzzle. But when she looked at Jake’s careful green eyes, she knew he deserved her honesty, and she pressed her shoulders back.
“This is lovely,” she said slowly. “I just…was expecting something more casual.”
Jake blinked, looking around. “The menus are plastic.”
Julie looked down at the leather bound menus, with laminated pages, and told herself to get over it. 
“You’re right,” she said, lightly. “Sorry. Um, I’m still waking up.”
Jake smiled, looking relieved, and Julie felt worse for tamping down her discomfort when his intentions were clearly so generous. 
“I brought you flowers,” he said excitedly, and Julie looked at the pink petals against brown paper. 
“They’re gorgeous,” she said honestly, trying not to think of how quickly they’d wilt in her locker at the hospital. But another look at Jake showed his hopeful eyes on her again, and Julie was rescued from needing to respond by the appearance of a waiter.
“Hello, sir, madam,” he said, bowing to them. “Can I interest you in a bottle of our house red, to start off the evening?”
Jake looked at Julie, shrugging in a why not? It fits the vibe expression, then turned back to the waiter. “Sure, the chianti would be great.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Julie said apologetically, after the man nodded. “Just water for me, is actually fine.”
The waiter looked uncertainly between them. “Maybe just a glass, then? For the gentleman?”
Jake was looking at her, confusion on his face, and Julie wasn’t sure how she could convey I can’t drink; I have work in 3 hours with a look. 
“Oh, come on, let’s do a bottle,” Jake said, something like desperation in his voice, cluing Julie into the fact that he was indeed aware of how poorly this was going, and was doubling down to try to salvage it. “You don’t have to have a full glass, but when in Rome, right?”
Julie pressed her lips together, and fixed her smile, looking back at the waiter. She pushed the upside-down wine glass that was at her place setting towards the waiter. 
“Sounds like you can bring a bottle,” she said, her tone gracious, but her gesture pointed, “for the gentleman. Water’s good for me.”
The man looked nervously between the two of them, but then took her glass, tipped his head at Jake and rushed away. 
The table was quiet as he walked away, the background music seeming cacophonous. Julie looked down at her hands, folded in her lap again.
“This is my breakfast,” she said quietly, by way of explanation. “And even if it wasn’t, I’m not having wine before a shift.”
When she looked back at Jake, his lips were pursed, like he was processing what she said. He ran a hand through his hair, and he nodded, slightly, almost to himself.
“Sorry,” he said, genuine. “I didn’t mean to pressure you. I…I really wanted this to be perfect, you know, make a good first impression. It feels like everything I’ve done so far has been a miss.”
Julie fiddled with the cloth napkin at her place setting. “Oddly, that makes me feel worse, because I feel like I’m messing up your vision.”
Jake shook his head, his shoulders tight.
“No, it’s my fault,” he said, something brittle on his voice. “You said casual; I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Julie pressed her lips together, unsure what to do with the change in tone. “No, it’s all amazing, it just…not right now. Maybe we’ll try it again when I’m running on more  sleep and don’t have a shift in a few hours.”
Jake’s eyes widened slightly, and he looked away quickly, clearing his throat. “You…you’d do this again?”
Julie was glad he wasn’t looking at her, to see her face fall. That was what had changed for him? He thought this was more than mutual frustration, and warranted stopping before they’d begun? 
She didn’t know what else to do, other than reach across the table, to put her hand over one of his. Jake’s jaw clenched when her thumb ran over the back of his hand, and his fingers tightened over hers, holding tightly, even as he kept his eyes averted. 
“Look at me,” Julie said quietly, and waited for him to comply. Jake’s expression was guarded, like he was waiting for her to tell him that one messy date, and this was done, that whatever this might be wasn’t worth the one miscommunication. 
Julie wasn’t sure what she was going to tell him, but she knew she had to try, when her phone rang. They both looked down to the pocket in her scrubs, and Julie knew the only number who would ring through right now was the hospital.
“I’m so sorry; it’s work,” she told Jake, and he shook his head.
“If anyone knows work calling at inopportune times, it’s probably me,” he said, and Julie appreciated that, but she felt him pull away when she took her hand back. 
“Thanks,” she said, lifting her phone to listen to the automated message, hoping it wouldn’t be what she expected.
It was.
One of the other nurses had had a family emergency and needed to leave. They were short staffed until the evening shift, and if she could come in early, that would really help them out.
“You have to go,” Jake guessed, as she hung up.
“I do,” Julie said, regretful. “Sorry.”
Jake shook his head. “No, are you kidding, I’m sorry. I—damn, this is not how I wanted this to go. I can do better—”
“Hey,” Julie cut him off, not liking how quickly the words were spilling out of him. “It’s okay. I think I like you enough to want to try again another time, okay?”
Jake blinked at her, then looked away, wetting his lips. “Sorry, I’m stalling on the ‘I like you’ part.”
Julie rolled her eyes, smiling as she stood up. “Don’t get in your head about it, Dallas. Text me in the morning, okay? We’ll figure something out.”
Jake stood too, automatically a gentleman, and Julie tilted her head, looking at him in the dim candlelight. His eyes were intense, like always, green and glittering.  
“I’d like that,” he said, finally. 
“Okay,” Julie said, breathless for the first time in the evening. “Okay, I’m gonna go. Um…”
She wasn’t sure what possessed her to do it, but she leaned towards Jake quickly, to press a kiss to his cheek. His skin was prickly under her lips, like he was growing out of his morning shave, and she smiled at him when she pulled back. 
“I really do appreciate the effort of tonight. I’m sorry…” she pursed her lips as she trailed off. She was sorry about a lot of things, none of them her fault. Rather than list them, she turned to make her way back through the restaurant, through the glittering, pretty couples, and tried not to think about the flowers she’d left on the table, or the pilot standing beside them.
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Jake nodded politely as he made eye contact with the receptionist at the nurse’s station for the fifth time in ten minutes, pacing the lobby of Rady Children’s Hospital. His starched khaki uniform felt tight across his chest, or maybe he just hadn’t breathed easily since Julia had left the restaurant last night.
God, what a mess that’d been. 
He hardly went on dates these days, and hadn’t realized how out of practice he’d been. It’d seemed like a good idea—going all out, classic wine and dine, dressing to impress—but he’d watched her face fall when she walked into Quattro. It’d felt like someone kicked him in the chest, that he’d been the one to put that uncertainty on her face. And then everything he’d done had been more of a mistake, and he felt like he couldn’t fix it…Jake wasn’t in the practice of apologizing, but he hoped he could figure it out this morning.
When he heard her voice, Jake spun on the linoleum, his dress shoes squeaking.
Julia was standing mid-step in the lobby, upper body frozen as she’d been rifling through an enormous tote bag on her shoulder when she saw him. Her hair was pulled back in a yellow scrunchie, a couple curls falling loose around her face; there were dark circles under her brown eyes, but in her purple scrubs, she looked like the first bluebonnets of March. 
“Hi,” Jake said intelligently, and Julia took that as a prompt to move, letting the tote fall against her side as she crossed the lobby towards him.  
“What are you doing here?” she asked, and Jake held out the cardboard drink carrier toward her, four partially-melted smoothies balancing in it.
“That one’s strawberry mango,” Jake said, pointing. “That one’s berry, that’s banana and pineapple, I think, and that one’s a celery, apple, lime situation.”
Julia looked back up at him. 
“You’re in my lobby at the end of my shift,” she said, like she was catching up with what was happening. “And you brought me four smoothies?”
Jake was pretty sure she was saying that, again, it was too much. 
Damn it, last night had been too formal and now he’d crossed into straight-up creepy. He’d been looking over their texts from yesterday morning, and she’d mentioned that normally she went for a smoothie but hadn’t said which, so he’d panicked and gotten all of them. 
“Sorry,” he said, already pulling it back, but Julia stopped him, a hand on the cardboard. 
“This is really sweet,” she said, looking at him intently until he nodded, accepting it, and then she smiled. 
God, her smile.
Jake felt light-headed from it, like it wasn’t pre-dawn outside anymore, like someone was playing the Hallelujah Chorus over the loudspeakers. 
Julia looked down at the smoothies, pleased, and pointed at them, mumbling the flavors to herself. She took the pink smoothie out, handing it to him, and took the drink carrier while he was distracted. 
She crossed back to the receptionist deck, and Jake watched as small dixie cups were produced, and the remaining smoothies were divvied up between the nurses hovering around the station. 
Julia walked back over to him, taking the strawberry smoothie back from him and tipping her head towards the door. She slipped her hand through his arm as they walked towards it and Jake tried not to puff up his chest. It felt natural, their arms linked together, her leaning slightly against him as they walked alongside each other. They were hit with a blast of cool morning air as the automatic doors whooshed open and Julia pressed a little closer to Jake automatically, as she took a sip of the smoothie.
“Thanks for remembering,” she said quietly, around the straw, and Jake guessed she meant both about smoothies, and that he’d listened to her this time. 
“For sure,” he said, and she squeezed his arm a little tighter, then pulled slightly, guiding him towards the employee lot, where he guessed she was parked.
“So,” she said, pressing the call button to the elevator in the parking garage, “is Rooster gonna be okay without a gym buddy this morning?”
“If he isn’t, I’ll never hear the end of it,” Jake said, though he was sure Rooster would be just fine. The two of them always did their best opposite each other, so it made sense for them to align calendars, but they’d be okay missing a day. Julia laughed politely, and they got into the elevator.
They were quiet as they rode to the top floor, and when they emerged, Jake recognized a Connecticut plate holder at the end of the row. He hoped it wasn’t too obvious when he slowed his steps. The sun was coming through the clouds now, tinging the sky orange and pink and Jake wanted to pause the moment. Julia on his arm, the sky pretty above them, before the morning got away from them, or he did something to mess it up. 
They got to her car, as he knew they would. 
She unlocked it, a quiet beep, and untangled herself from his arm. Jake didn’t want to, but he let her go, relieved to see some similar hesitance in her expression. She leaned into the car to toss her tote bag into the passenger seat, and set the smoothie in the cup holder, then straightened. The door was between them, and Julia folded her arms across it, looking up at him. 
“So,” she asked quietly, “what happens now?”
Jake squinted at the sun where it peaked over the edge of the parking garage. “Talk to Bob recently?” he prefaced.
Julia shook her head, frowning slightly, expression asking Jake to continue.
“Act surprised when he tells you?” Jake hedged and Julia nodded. “There’s talks to keep our unit on as a special detachment. We’d stay in San Diego. Be around a little more.”
He was watching her closely, so he saw the flurry of emotions that flashed across her face. She swallowed, looking away for a moment. 
“Obviously they’re not asking me,” Julia said softly, “but it would mean the world to have him close by.”
The sun was casting shadows on the roof, orange and golden light caught on her long lashes as she looked down, and Jake tried not to be distracted when Julia looked towards the sun as well.
“Be kinda nice to have you around, too,” she said, calmly. 
Julia’s eyes were warm when she looked back at him, and Jake felt it spread through him, brighter than the sunlight, and he took the fist deep breath he’d taken since before she walked into Quattro last night. 
“Yeah?” he asked, knowing he shouldn’t push it, but wanting to make sure he’d heard her right.
“Yeah,” Julia said, almost like she was laughing. That was how she should always sound, he decided, delighted by him. 
“Well, now I know your smoothie order, so I can get that right,” he said, encouraged when she didn’t shoot down the idea. “Or you could suggest a place for dinner, so I don’t get the energy totally wrong this time, or maybe not dinner, you know, it doesn’t have to be formal at all, if that’s not what you–”
“I shouldn’t kiss you right now,” Julia interrupted him, her voice holding that same light tone, “right?”
Jake was pretty sure he short circuited hearing ‘kiss’ and ‘you’ come out of Julia Floyd’s mouth, but even he could remember his words from before the uranium plant mission. And he probably could’ve played it suave, thought of a line or two, but the sun was dancing across her skin, her brown eyes showing flecks of gold in the morning light, and all Jake could manage was, “Can I?”
Julia nodded, her lips pressed together in a sweet smile, and Jake needed zero additional encouragement. With one of his hands, he caught a curl that’d escaped her scrunchie, tucking it carefully behind her ear and leaving his hand there, tilting her head up. Her hair was so soft, her cheek too, and that was Jake’s thought when he leaned down to brush his lips against hers—soft. 
She sighed, a quiet, sweet thing, and Jake couldn’t help himself, his hand tightening in her hair and deepening the kiss because that sound was maybe the best thing he’d ever heard. A moment later he felt Julia’s hands unfolding off the door, one of them curling around the side of his neck, her fingers cold from the smoothie. She tasted like mango and strawberry, but somehow sweeter, somehow better, and Jake made himself pull back, because if there was one thing he was going to do, it was make sure he didn’t mess this up again.  
She was so beautiful.
He’d thought so the moment he met her, but a breath away from him, he almost couldn’t stand it. Her eyes were closed, her face blocked from the sun by his upper body and it shouldn’t have affected Jake as much as it did, to know that she was in his shadow. He felt protective in a way he knew he hadn’t earned, but damn, he wanted to. 
“I’m gonna let you get home now,” he said, not even bothering to try to hide how rough his voice sounded. Julia’s eyelashes fluttered, and her eyes darted down to his lips as he spoke, like she liked the sound of it. 
“I should get home now,” she repeated, and she sounded almost dazed, which did something fierce for his ego. She took a deep breath and a step back, her cheeks flushing slightly when she realized her fingers were still on the side of his neck. She pulled her hand back, and Jake thought the morning felt genuinely cooler without her touch.
“Um,” she said, clearing her throat. “Thanks for the smoothie. And for coming by. I’m excited to try it again.”
Jake raised an eyebrow and Julia’s blush deepend. 
“The date!” she rushed to clarify. “Try the date again. Same dress code, all that.”
Jake nodded good-humoredly; he was excited, too. For all of it, any of it that he could. 
“Me too,” he said simply, and Julia smiled up at him. 
“I’m gonna go home,” she said. 
“Sleep’s important,” he said.
“Okay,” she said, and she hesitated, chewing on her bottom lip. Then she rose on her tiptoes, pressed her lips against his, kissing him soundly for a second or two, and then pulling back sharply, looking awfully pleased with herself. 
“Okay,” she said again, breathless this time, and smiled broadly at him before folding herself into the car. 
Jake closed the car door carefully, knocking on the roof as a sendoff. Julia smiled at him through the window, tipped her head at him so he’d step back before she pulled away, and turned on the car. She didn’t look over her shoulder as she drove away, and Jake was glad for it; it was the end of a long night for her, and parking lots are hard in a stick shift. And he liked that the image he had of her was silhouetted in his shadow, just-kissed and leaning towards him, a smile dancing across her face, along with a reflection of the hope he felt stirring in his chest.
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and-claudia · 1 year
If the World Was Ending (Crosshair x fem! reader)
I got this idea forever ago and wrote it forever ago but wasn't ever sure if I was going to post it, but I decided why not. It's based off the song If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels
word count: 1252
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Crosshair PoV
Even late at night, the skylanes over Coruscant were busy. Currently, it was at a dead standstill. Hunter had finally convinced Tech to turn in for the night so Echo and I were flying the ship now. I really wasn’t paying too much attention though… we were on Coruscant… she was on Coruscant. Of course, my mind was on her. “You good, man?” Echo brought me out of my thoughts. I just glanced at him before focusing my attention ahead. “How long has it been since you talked to her?” He asked. I hesitated before answering. “Almost 2 months.” “Hey, that’s progress.” He said, trying to be encouraging. I only nodded. I zoned out until I heard an alarm coming from my datapad. Glancing at it I saw in bold letters: seismic quake warning! Shit. Yn. I glanced at the time… it wasn’t even midnight yet. Was she out drinking with friends? It was the weekend after all. Or maybe she was having a night in, watching a holofilm. Staring at my datapad I debated messaging her. Just to make sure she was okay. How would she react? We split a year ago, and I just finally figured out how to let communication between us die out. But that didn’t mean I stopped loving her. I would always love her. Fuck it. I grabbed it forcefully and began typing out a message to her.
Hey, I just made it to Coruscant and saw the warning. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. That you were safe. If you need anything let me know.
Reader PoV I was sitting at home, reading when it happened. I saw the warning on my datapad: seismic quake warning!I wasn’t scared. In fact, I didn’t think too much about it at first. They had been making more and more lower levels of the city and it was causing more seismic activity. But I should’ve listened to it. It started out subtly, I could see the water in my glass begin swaying. Then quickly the whole building began to shake violently. I stood quickly and dashed into the kitchen to get under the table there. Once it was over I slowly got out from under it and began to assess the damage. Luckily it didn’t look like there was too much. Until I saw it. The last picture of me and the boys. It had fallen off the wall and shattered. That of course made me think of him. I thought back to the night we all went drinking and Crosshair and I came back to my place. We were both a stumbling mess and couldn’t even make it past the kitchen. I tripped and he tried to help me up only to fall beside me and we both fell into a fit of laughs. Then we stayed there the whole night. Just laughing, talking, and enjoying being with one another. Usually thinking of him like this would bring back all the feelings of the night we split. It would feel like my heart was being ripped from my chest. It’s gotten easier now though.
But that didn’t stop me from thinking of him right now. Was there any possibility he was in Coruscant right now? I doubt it. But if he was, how would he have reacted? 
We haven’t talked in two months. That didn’t stop me from finding my way over to my datapad though and typing up a message to him: 
Hey, I know we haven’t spoken in a while. Just wanted to check up, and see how you were doing. Maybe next time you’re on Coruscant we can meet up for caf or something. 
I was going to regret it but I hit send. 
Crosshair PoV: 
Just as I sent it I received a message. I was so sure that it was going to say that she had blocked me that I almost didn’t look at it. 
Hey, I know we haven’t spoken in a while. Just wanted to check up, and see how you were doing. Maybe next time you’re on Coruscant we can meet up for caf or something. 
Of course, I wanted to see her again. But we broke up for a reason. Would seeing her bring back old feelings that hadn’t quite gone away yet? How do I respond? 
Yn PoV 
Right as I sent it a message came back. Maybe he was out of range to revive my message. 
Hey, I just made it to Coruscant and saw the warning. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. That you were safe. If you need anything let me know. 
Fuck. He was here. What do I say back? I wanted to see him. But I knew if I did, the love I still had for him would demand to be felt. 
Before I could register what was happening, I was calling him. He answered immediately. 
“Are you okay?” He asked immediately. 
“Yeah.. you?” 
“Yeah, we’re stuck in traffic so we didn’t actually feel it.” 
“Oh… it wasn’t too bad. They’ve been happening a lot lately. My main concern is the aftershocks.” I explained. 
He hummed in response. 
“Look what if I came over.” 
“Would you come over?”  
We spoke at the same time. Our tones were rushed, desperate almost. 
We both stayed quiet, neither of us wanting to make the first move. I decided to bite the bullet. 
“Look, I know we agreed that we weren’t meant to last forever. And I know the consequences, but just this one night, please come over. Stay the night. Please.” My voice was soft as I spoke. 
The reason why we split was because we both knew we wouldn’t get long together. He was a clone. I knew that. I knew what came along with that as well. He wasn’t willing to do that to me. He loved me too much to do that to me. And I was grateful for that, might as well have a comparatively small heartbreak of a breakup rather than a huge one from losing him completely. 
“Of course. I’ll be there soon.” 
Crosshair PoV 
“Can you take me to her place?” I asked Echo. 
Little did I know he was already pulling out of the lane of traffic we were in. 
“Already ahead of you.” He said with a sigh. 
He dropped me at her building and I walked into the main lobby. As we flew down, I noticed none of the buildings were as illuminated as they normally were. The grid must have been knocked out. 
I got out after thanking Echo and made my way into the lobby. The emergency lights gave just enough glow for me to see her waiting by the door to the stairs. 
I stayed silent as I approached her. Once I was close enough, she threw her arms around me despite the fact I was still in my armor save for my helmet that I left on the ship. Without any hesitation, I melted into the hug. 
“Hi, sweetheart.” I whispered. 
She pulled back just enough to look up at me. Her smile brought one of my own to my face. 
“Thank you… the power went out shortly after I called. I knew I wouldn’t make it through the night.” She confessed. 
She had confided in me when we were together that even though she was a grown adult, she was still scared of the dark. 
“Well don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”
Crosshair Taglist:
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veryrealimagination · 8 months
“It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.”
Day No: 23
Prompt: Stalking
Fandom: Murdoch Mysteries
Medium: fic
Trigger Warnings: none not related to prompt
Llewellyn hated that he felt eyes on him as he walked home from school. Without Jack, he was alone every day for his final year of high school. His friends didn’t live close and with the new, old, memories jumbling around in his head, he didn’t have the energy to deal with nonsensical things that teeners worried about these days.
The loneliness hurt. It was something he dealt with last time, and he would be able to do it again. He didn’t have to, there were those he could talk with. His, his… Doctor Ogden, Murdoch. A couple of people online, although not with the past life issues. There were likely others that he could approach, but, it was not something that he could really talk about with many people.
Whomever was watching him had been doing it for two school weeks now. He didn’t go out on weekends anymore, no reason to do so. He was getting sick of it. He just wanted his life to settle into something that didn’t pain him or make him misterable. It would be a delight to become ignorant again. Llewellyn Ogden had a comfortable life and now he had Llewellyn Watts’s memories again. And his issues. And his depression.
Stopping a few blocks before getting to the apartments, the sidewalk went eerily devoid of life. Not even a homeless person begging for scraps. He knew this situation well. There had to be a store or cafe that he could quickly walk into and disappear from the person that was watching him from afar.
He ran quickly across and walked into a little coffee shop that he only managed to get into twice before. It was always busy when he went to school and he didn’t drink coffee in the afternoon. Right now, there was one other person typing on their computer with a slightly bored worker behind the counter.
“Oh, what are you going to get?” The voice startled him, and he almost turned around until he felt something pressed into his lower back. *James Gillies? Gun?!* “You a little popular, Llewellyn,” he whispered directly into his ear to keep anyone else from picking up his words, “Someone else was watching you mope home from school today. I think they were going to try something. I saw duct tape.”
That terrified him. M- Julia said there wasn’t a dangerous case going right now, and he didn’t have any great ideas as to who would be targeting him out of the blue. Except for the man with a gun pressed in his back.
“Boring old silver duct tape. I didn’t recognize him.” Llewellyn didn’t talk. He wasn’t sure if anything could come out of his mouth at the moment. An interesting change from the man that pissed off his captors numerous times. “But, honestly, I’m not the only man giving you a Rockwell right now? I feel crushed. I thought I was special.” His other hand had been tapping along his arm, going up and down to make sure he didn’t run or try to fight back. “I think I need to escort you home today. Make sure you’re safe.”
*One stalker protecting me from another stalker. Oh, God.* A part of him wanted to collapse on the ground and panic until his Mother showed up in front of his face to lead him through a breathing exercise and he could just break the fog starting to cloud his brain-
*I called her Mother.*
“I think you should go with one of the herbal teas,” he commented, “Your heartbeat feels a little erratic.” James made him walk forward so he could also see the pastries that were still available. “Nothing with chocolate. Shame.”
Oh, God, Goddess, or Flying Spaghetti Monster, what did he do to deserve to have James Gillies stalking him and ‘protecting’ him from another stalker? *I didn’t think there were more eyes than just those I felt. Who is the other person?*
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literarygoon · 8 months
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I'm going to have to cry onstage.
Since we've wrapped our performances of All's Well That Ends Well, I've been hard at work preparing for my role as Laertes in the upcoming Shawnigan Players production of Hamlet going up at the Duncan Showroom in late October. And now that I've given my best shot at comedic acting, this play will give me a chance to try tragedy.
I thought I remembered Hamlet pretty well from high school English, but immersing yourself in a particular character's headspace and spending months marinating in the text gives you a much more profound sense of the story. Laertes only has six appearances in our show, but has some of the most impactful lines and devastating scenes. He is briefly introduced in the beginning, then disappears for the majority of the play before reappearing in a boiling rage, intent on revenge.
Today we went over the blocking for one of the final scenes of the show, dissecting the text with my director Laura Faulkner and pondering the emotional trajectory Laertes is going through. Generally he's a principled and well-liked dude, respectful of tradition and hierarchy, but he's been driven to the edge of madness by his grief and fury — much like the titular character.
One thing that was identified for me while I was studying acting at Studio 58 is that anger is situated squarely within my comfort zone, something that was further confirmed while I was playing Bertram this summer. I should have no problem with Laertes' vengeful boasts — "I dare damnation", he proclaims at one point — but a much bigger challenge is portraying realistic sadness on stage.
It's a much more vulnerable spot to be.
In this scene, while plotting murder with King Claudius (played by Brian Dennison), I'm faced with the devastating — SPOILER ALERT — news that my sister Ophelia (played by Cecilia Dennison) has drowned. The news hits Laertes like a gut-punch, further compounding his already overwhelming grief, and he begins to cry against his will.
"Too much of water hast thou, poor Ophelia, and therefore I forbid my tears," he declares futilely.
This is what I love so much about this character. Despite all his swaggering braggadocio and blasphemous threats, he is animated by a deep and abiding dedication to his family. The final four scenes of the show, in which he engages in a graveside grapple with Hamlet, participates in an assassination scheme and generally proves himself to be someone not fo be fucked with, are all driven by his overwhelming love for his deceased family members. Deep down he's a big softie.
When I was studying my copy of the Collected Works of Shakespeare, which I bought for Kristina earlier this year, I learned that Laertes is far more significant to the plot than I realized. The moment that his father Polonius (played by Rien Vesseur) is killed, he becomes the mirror image of Hamlet — a son seeking vengeance for his patriarch's murder. While Hamlet spends nearly the whole play procrastinating and second-guessing himself, Laertes flies at his revenge with a single-minded madness that serves as an example to our moody Danish prince. If it weren't for Laertes, perhaps Hamlet would've never gotten around to actually going after his murderous uncle.
In preparation for this show, I've been watching the movie adaptations of the play — I've seen most of the Kenneth Branagh version, and fast-forwarded to Laertes' scenes in the contemporary Ethan Hawke one. The things that stand out the most to me all revolve around his relationship to his sister (played by Kate Winslet and Julia Stiles) as she's the one who truly breaks his heart.
You get the sense, studying the text, that his quest to avenge Polonius stems more from pride and filial duty. It's something that he believes is expected of him. With Ophelia, it's different. When he leaps into her grave and ululates wildly about her perfection, the audience sees that he is wholly sincere in his devotion to her, that she's taken a piece of his soul with her. This guy is broken in a way that can't be fixed.
"A minist'ring angel shall my sister be when thou liest howling," he snaps at the presiding priest.
Shakespeare was writing from experience here, because he lost his only son Hamnet in 1596, which was approximately four years before Hamlet was published. I wondered at first how the Bard could write something so hauntingly dark and grief-filled, but when I learned of his own personal family tragedy suddenly everything made sense.
Was this play how he processed his own raging emotions?
Which brings me to my own sister Kathryn, who passed away by equally tragic circumstances to Ophelia, three years ago. Right away when I started learning my lines, I knew that this emotional reality would be dredged up by this acting experience. I may not have sought revenge when she died, but I certainly wanted to — I threw a Christmas tree across a lobby, kicked down a hotel room door and ended up in the psych ward three times in a month. I remember clearly being curled up in the fetal position in a snowy parking lot, chainsmoking cigarettes and convinced that I would never be able to experience happiness again.
I wanted to die.
So when Laura smirked at me today and said "you're going to have to cry" for this scene, I knew that Kathryn would be the emotional nuke that I could deploy to accomplish this somewhat terrifying feat. Most actors know how to cheat-cry, how to make their voice break or how to produce real-sounding sobs. But what I'm going to aim for is full out method-style tears, with real liquid running down my cheeks, each tear a tribute to the perfect sister I lost way too fucking soon.
If Laertes can do it, so can I.
The Literary Goon
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bereft-of-frogs · 9 months
dark ocean duology | summary, schedule, and chapter titles
after a full summer of....sort of losing my mind over the ocean, we've reached the final week. I've read it three times in the last two days and excepting grammar and style edits that will happen weekly (and one section I'm still sort of not happy with) I think I'm pretty much done. going to hype myself up a little bit this week. I've settled on a series title of 'dark ocean duology' so if you'd prefer to not see any more about this series go ahead and block that tag, no hard feelings!
summary: A post-Fallen Order AU in two parts: After narrowly escaping the Inquisition’s clutches on Nur, Cere and Cal are not whisked from the water by Merrin’s intervention. Instead, they must embark on a winding, perilous journey that will take each of them through their pasts, and to the edge of death.
chapter titles + posting schedule
part 1: the deep sea is a haunted house
“The deep sea is a haunted house: a place in which things that ought not to exist move about in darkness.” - Julia Armfield, Our Wives Under the Sea
9.1 -- chapter 1: caverns, haunts, and dusky mazes “There, at a depth to which divers would find it difficult to descend, are caverns, haunts, and dusky mazes, where monstrous creatures multiply and destroy each other. Huge crabs devour fish and are devoured in their turn. Hideous shapes of living things, not created to be seen by human eyes wander in this twilight.” - Victor Hugo, The Toilers of the Sea (trans. W. Moy Thomas) 9.8 -- chapter 2: only awake and dreaming “When you’re underwater for months at a time, you lose all sense of day and night. And there’s only awake and dreaming. Not that those things are easy to tell apart.” - Underwater (2020)
part 2: to stand at the edge of the sea
“To stand at the edge of the sea, to sense the ebb and flow of the tides, to feel the breath of a mist, is to have knowledge of things that are nearly as eternal as any earthly life can be.” - Rachel Carson, Under the Sea-Wind
9.15 -- chapter 1: drowning in sight of land “Is there anything more heartbreaking than drowning in sight of land? Is there a single one of us who hasn’t at least once felt haunted by the fear of slipping away within sight of a safe haven?” - Carsten Jensen, We, the Drowned 9.22 -- chapter 2: under the great unfathomable deep, he sank “Then overwhelmed by the sense of that unknown infinity, like one bewildered by a strange persecution, confronting the shadows of night, in the presence of that i impenetrable darkness, in the midst of the murmur of the waves, the swell, the foam, the breeze, under the clouds, under that vast diffusion of force, under that mysterious firmament of wings, of stars, of gulfs, having around him and beneath him the ocean above him the constellations, under the great unfathomable deep, he sank, gave up the struggle, lay down upon the rock, his face towards the stars, humble, and uplifting his joined hands towards the terrible depths, he cried aloud, ‘Have mercy.’” - Victor Hugo, The Toilers of the Sea (trans. W. Moy Thomas) 9.29 -- chapter 3: and the great shroud of the sea rolled on “…then all collapsed, and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago.” - Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
Ok, I have to go get back to all the formatting work I maybe should have been working on before now 😵‍💫
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msclaritea · 4 months
Shelving Movies for Fun and Profit
Destroying Movies for Fun and Profit
If you ask any director, screenwriter, actor, stunt performer, gaffer, editor, cameraperson or other Hollywood worker, they’ll likely tell you a variation on the same story: “My dream, ever since I was a little kid making home movies, was to one day grant Warner Bros. a deduction for a loss sustained upon the abandonment of property (reported on Form 4797).” Yes, little is more exciting for an aspiring filmmaker than the idea that—with a lot of dedication and a pinch of luck—their years of driving Lyfts and waiting tables could pay off, resulting in a star-studded line item that will be shelved forever so that a major studio can claim a tax write-off. Ah, the magic of the movies!
This practice is back in the news because the powers that be at WB have gone back to their original decision regarding the hybrid live-action/animated Looney Tunes movie Coyote vs. Acme. Despite the film testing well and generating plenty of buyer interest, a team of execs who haven’t seen the finished movie look like they’re going to “unceremoniously delete it” for tax purposes. Sorry, filmmakers, but apparently it actually looks better to stockholders if WB doesn’t actually put movies out. “Hollywood accounting” has its reputation for a reason, but it’s never been so obviously broken.
It might seem like Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav is a true innovator of idiocy, but the man behind the permanent shelving of movies like Batgirl and Scoob! Holiday Haunt is just ramping up a long tradition of burning art to save a quick buck.
After buying up DreamWorks, Universal decided to bury the musical-comedy Larrikins instead of selling it to Netflix. Universal president Jimmy Horowitz told Tim Minchin that “It’s schmuck insurance – if someone made a lot of money out of it, we’ll look like schmucks.” That mindset certainly applies here: Coyote vs. Acme is a creation from an earlier group of WB leaders, and would naturally be on the chopping block from a spiteful new C-suite who also happens to hate movies.
Even more relevant is a case from almost 100 years ago: Charlie Chaplin literally torched the film negatives of A Woman of the Sea back in 1933, in front of multiple witnesses, so that he could claim the movie as a loss for tax purposes.
The tax code may have changed since then, but the logic remains the same: Get rid of the movie so you can avoid all the final complications and lingering expenses associated with its “useful life.” If you cut that life short, pulling off an accounting assassination, you save a little immediate cash at the low, low cost of…art. It’s always been a crass practice, more often performed by resentful new regimes or moneygrubbers who’ve found themselves attracting the gaze of Sauron’s IRS. But now shelving movies, completed films that other companies want, is picking up steam as standard practice. Actually making things is such an outdated, small-time business model. It’s far more lucrative to remove things other people made.
For example, if Disney keeps all of its movies and TV shows on Disney+, it has to pay residuals to the people who made them. They’ve also spread out the costs of a movie like Crater (which was available to watch for a mere seven weeks during the summer of 2023) over the years that the movie will ostensibly be available to the public and, therefore, creating value for Disney. Remove these movies and shows from the streamer, or better yet, remove them permanently (like Disney did with Crater), and their value can be added to an impairment charge—basically, a claim to the tax man that something a company owns has become, suddenly, worthless.
Disney recorded a $1.5 billion impairment charge last year. As Julia Rock points out, this means that Disney is claiming something pretty odd: Both “that the assets were producing so little value that it’s cheaper to destroy them than to keep them and that the assets were worth $1.5 billion.” Huh. There’s no push for anyone to justify this contradiction. The IRS isn’t asking questions. It doesn’t matter if a movie is good, or bad, or somewhere in between. It doesn’t matter if it had the potential to one day be rediscovered as a cult classic. It certainly doesn’t matter that even the worst pieces of Z-grade trash are still worth preserving as cultural artifacts. As an aside, the HBO Original Fahrenheit 451 is still streaming on Max.
And sure, you can say that you didn’t want to watch those movies anyways. Kid movies! Superheroes! Cartoons, yuck. I get it, you’re tough and cool. But one day, this will happen to something that you were looking forward to. It will happen to something that would have moved you. Something you’d have remembered fondly, something that would’ve turned your day around. But even if you’re the most jaded, anti-art, movie-hating curmudgeon, you should remember that, released or not, you’re helping pay for this scheme anyways.
“When intertwined with public funding through state and federal tax incentives, the practice of movie and television write-downs represents a troubling exploitation of taxpayer funds,” writes tax attorney Andrew Leahey. “Coupled with rapidly expanding state tax incentives, it represents a multibillion-dollar Rube Goldberg machine that culminates in a nickel being pulled from your pocket, strapped to an Acme rocket, and fired directly into the bank accounts of movie studios.”
Every loophole taken by these studios doesn’t just rob us of art. It burns the work of countless artists. It steals from our quality of life by monkeying around with our broken tax system, allowing our most powerful corporations to skip out on their bills. It picks the remaining shreds of flesh off the bones of our culture, all to further fatten a few vultures at the top.
Politicians like Texas Representative Joaquin Castro are calling for the government to “review this conduct,” but the only people who seem to have the power here are those actually creating the movies. They can boycott the guilty studios, and we can support them, but there are so few left that aren’t exploiting this practice to its most predatory extremes. Cooking the books has always been a Hollywood practice. Burning them is new.
Jacob Oller is Movies Editor at Paste Magazine. You can follow him on Twitter at @jacoboller.
For all the latest movie news, reviews, lists and features, follow @PasteMovies.
It's too bad that this Paste article was written by a Leftist, who let their biases show, ie pushing Castro, and the 'Sauron's IRS'. But otherwise, it is spot on. What the studios are doing to Intellectual Properties is a SIN. It's cruel, it's greedy and so fucking unnecessary. Just how much money do these studios and their shareholders, NEED? I better not find out that the Supernatural Planet Series was destroyed.
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polithicc · 7 months
therapy talk
but what if i stopped going to therapy?🤔
This is something I’ve been thinking about for the last few months. I had some big goals when I started going to therapy and I’ve accomplished a few of them and in general I am in a much much better place. I mean the fact that I started taking medication again is a big sign of my improvement.
The big breakup last year was definitely a set back but I pushed through and now that I blocked julia i feel at peace and finally over everything that happened.
Work has been hell lately, but I know my reaction to it was only a fraction of what it would’ve been maybe 2 years ago.
I’m not drowning in a glass of water anymore.
The two other things I’m still working on are the coming out to family and the driving anxiety, but those im seeing as ongoing projects.
I just feel generally happier. I have hobbies again, I’ve made new friends, im dedicating time to things I care about, I’ve been putting myself out there when it comes to networking and volunteering.
Maybe I should just move to a monthly thing. It’s biweekly now. Or maybe every 3 weeks. I have therapy tomorrow and I think I’m going to talk about this.
The last time I stopped therapy was when I had just finished college and started at my job and honestly I was thriving then. Those first like 8-10 months post college i was living the life.
This is annoyingly sincere. Im grateful to be in a position where I can afford to see a therapist and when she stopped taking my insurance, that didn’t change. However, I think we’ve gotten too comfortable with each other so she’s not pushing me in the way I need. I love therapy and I think if someone has the chance and the means to, they should go to therapy, but i question if this is still the right thing for me.
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linorachas · 1 year
One more poly STAY here, the one with Bin and "Marry me" ask.☺ I'm Yulia (or Julia, if you prefer it Western) or Gro.☺
Well, I also have huge brainrot about polyamorous fic with ot8 for three months right now, and it's kind of magic reality AU, where fem!reader is STAY and have unusual powers, so to say. Not like she is Wonder Woman or Hermione, but more on urban witch and urban fairytales side.
The story begins at New Year Night (because I'm a sucker for winter holidays miracles). Reader is in relationships with another urban wizard, who shares with her with his abilities as a gift, but a new appearance and powers are her choice and hers only and unlimited money, because it's self insert Mary Sue, basically, and who I am to deny it and also it's always been her lifetime desire, dirty secret and guilty pleasure.
She sleeps and has a dream...like in "Inception", with changing reality and such. It's her favourite place in the city, winter night, a beautiful snowfall, she finally gets what she has dreamt about and finally in peace with herself, and suddenly hears Chan's voice cautiously but curiously asking who she is. She turns around and here are our kids, all of them, looking at her with huge shock and surprise. And here it is, the second holiday miracle.🎄🎆
"I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship". (c)😊
I'm sorry for such a long message but I just need to share these thoughts with somebody who understands and shares the same kinks preferences.😅
I don't want to be a burden to you and others with this story and possible quantity of my requests, so if it's not OK, just say and I'll try to hold on this delulu mode.😅🥺
(Also, a moment: I'd like to send a gratitude but Kofi, Paypal, Patreon, Carrd and others are blocked in my country, because...reasons. So...may be a Boosty account? It has English language, and I've seen Sims 4 modders using it. But it's just an idea, you're completely free to refuse, of course).
hello yulia!! that's such a cool elegant and unique name :o
and waaaaah, i think that's a beautiful premise!!!! very curious as to why it's a dirty secret omg.... what are the kids doing at her favorite place... will they go on adventures... what about the bf MSKZKCJDS
but yes alas i am so stumped with requests m i haven't even made a dent i think so i cannot take this in ;-; but also.... i feel like i wouldn't do it justice though? like you've been thinking about it for three months already... is it ok to ask why u haven't started writing it yourself? :o i just really feel like you'd do a great job of bringing this premise to life!!!!
and AAAAA thank u so much 🥹 unfortunately i tried making a Boosty acc but couldn't link my bank acc 😞 thank you so much though i really appreciate the thought 😞😞❤️❤️❤️
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chlodavids · 2 years
Hi can I request a hardin Scott x reader where reader was Hardin's best friend but liked him since they were kids as their parents were friends? So when Reader finally built up the courage to ask him out, they found out he is with tessa? And reader never heard of them afterwards? So when tessa and hardin take a break, Hardin meets reader who had now completely changed? They were now the ceo of their parent's company and were a strict person, reader slowly falls in love with Hardin again? So in the end it was actually reader about whom he wrote the book about?
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If the world was ending
Inspired by the song if the world was ending by JP SAXE FT JULIA MICHAELS
Never in my life have I ever felt so embarrassed and ashamed in my life to admit that I,Y/N L /N was in love with Hardin Scott. I had finally built up the courage after being his best friend since childhood to tell him that I am in love with him. But I guess that doesn't really matter as much anymore since I found out he, Hardin Scott was dating Tessa Young. Embarrassing because he could've told me that he was dating someone so that I could move on. But he didn't so here I am completely erasing him out of my life. Deleted his number, photos of him even blocked him on social media. But enough about that I'm going to be leading my dad's company as the new CEO of L/N Enterprise.
Time skip
Tessa and I broke up. We were toxic because I could never forget the girl I actually loved. Never knew where she went. Now here I am in traffic.
I was distracted
And in traffic
Thinking about the one that got away. Where is she now.
But it really got me thinkin'
Were you out drinkin'
Were you in the living room
Chillin' watchin' television
(He gets out of the car and walks to the cafe and bumps into someone)
I'm so sorry she said. I recognise that voice anywhere. Y/N", I said
Hardin she said cold and bitter. Not my y/n. My y/n was sweet and kind not a mean bone in her body. You've changed
Of course I have Hardin it's been years.
Let me get you a new coffee
Hardin I need to go.
Just a quick coffee
Time skip
It's been years since I last talked or heard from tessa because she's not important anymore I found love in my childhood best friend. Her name is Y/N L/N - Scott. Yes we got married yes she hyphenated her last name but I couldn't be happier because in the end. I love her.
Because I've read hundreds of novels in my life, most of them claiming that love was the center of the universe. That it could heal any damage inside of us. That it was what we need to survive. From Darcy to Heathcliff I tought they were fools. That love was something fictional, only found in worn pages of a book. But all that has changed since I met my Elizabeth Bennet. I never thought I would find myself completely and utterly consumed by another until her. She took my hand and lead me out of the darkness and showed me that, whatever our souls are made for hers and mine are the same. You once asked me who I loved most in this world, it's you.
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moominnyu · 3 years
oblivious [kevin moon]
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🧸🎀 — pairings: kevin moon (the boyz) x gender neutral reader
🧸🎀 — tw: none.
🧸🎀 — wc: 3751
anyone who knows kevin to a personal level would be sorry for the guy, frustrated in his behalf even.
now, don't get me wrong, he's a handsome young man with a sweet personality, a nice car and good friends. he's a member of one of the hottest, on the rise k-pop boy groups, with a honeyed voice and great dance skills. he could probably bag anyone he wanted with minimal effort on his part, whether they work or not for the same industry as him. but the problem for kevin moon starts around someone who has little to nothing to do with the idol world.
you're kevin's friend, his little childhood friend from back when he was in america, and current best friend even here in korea. kevin's childhood friend who's only an university student, and knows as much about idols as you know about calculus— that is, nothing—, kevin's childhood friend who works part time in café, and still gets allowance from your parents, kevin's childhood friend who lives just three blocks from his dorm, who is so used to be by his side that you practically live at his dorm alongside his members. kevin's childhood friend who is... just his childhood friend and nothing more.
he's been on the unrequited love side of the spectrum for too long that his problem no longer relies on the fact that you guys are friends probably since you were both fetuses inside your mothers' wombs. he already felt this way about you when you lost your first tooth when you were six, even when you smiled at him with an incisor missing. he already felt this way about you when he taught you how to ride a bike at the park when you both were nine, even when you fell on your face and had a big bruise on your left cheek that remained on your skin for two weeks after that. he already felt this way about you when you turned fourteen and you stopped being a tiny shrimp and started looking more like what would later become his ideal type. he already felt this way about you when you guys were seventeen and he was starting his little youtube channel with one of his friends, and you would watch his videos with a genuine excitement that matched his. he already felt this way about you when you moved to korea together, not even knowing what was ahead of you but knowing that you had each other whatever happened.
he's been in love with you for way too long, so long that he already had every single inner monologue, argument, discussion and debate he could possibly have with himself about how absolutely wrong and criminal it is to have a crush, or rather, be in love with your best friend.  
he won in absolutely zero of these arguments against himself, as he always came to the conclusion that it was wrong, you two were friends and that's it, that you probably saw him only as a brother, if anything. but he had received his very needed push in the back by his members, now close friends of both of you, that insisted that it was normal: you were attractive, funny, sweet and a perfectly viable choice for him due to your closeness, anyone in his situation would probably be the same, and he would be a fool if he let go of the opportunity. with your looks and personality, you could get a partner anytime you wanted, and time was ticking for kevin, which, in turn, prompted him to act with you in mind, courtesy of sunwoo who mentioned he'd be the one making the moves if kevin didn't do it first.
and, so, it started, the tortuous process of courting.  
he didn't outright tell you he liked you, as he wanted to test the waters first, so he started with simple and minimal things, things that would go completely unnoticed by you unless you saw him as something more than a simple friend, unless you saw him in the same light as he saw you.  
hugging you a tad bit tighter and longer when he greeted you, getting leaves out of your hair or clothes for you, tentatively holding your hand when he wanted to guide you somewhere, placing his hands on your waist on hips when he walked past you; all little things that made his pale cheeks burn up a crimson color and his stupid, traitor heart beat uncontrollably against his ribcage... all little things that you remained completely apathetic to.  
“don't be afraid to up your game, hyung,” haknyeon had offered some advice, and as if it served as comfort to kevin, he had friendly palmed his back to show empathy for him, who sat with his head down, face hidden in his hands, “i think y/n is great! they definitely haven't noticed yet, and that's why they haven't said anything!”
it was another one of those nights where he was overcome with feelings, when the tug on his chest became too heavy and when the feeling of urgency became desperation. none of what he did was working out the way he wanted it to, and everytime he was left with more questions that answers: did you really blush when you brushed hands while reaching for the salt, or was it his mind playing tricks on him? were you really staring at him with such dreamy eyes when he was sketching or were you just spaced out? he could never tell.  
“well, that's obvious,” sunwoo retorted, plump lips on a straight line. he scratched his head and nudged kevin on the ribs, “you're the one who knows them best, you should that y/n had never had a partner before, it's likely they're just oblivious to your advances,”
an imaginary lightbulb flicked on on top of kevin's head at that moment when he realized sunwoo was right.
in all the years he's known you, you've never showed any kind of romantic interest in any person. it wasn't that you were short of suitors or admirers, quite the contrary, actually, you've had that sweet tendency to smile at everyone that happened to make eye contact with you since little, offer your help whenever needed and an ability to make friends with anyone in a matter of seconds. kevin was sure, during all his high school years, that the reason why he was liked was because of the halo effect, produced by the fact that he was always by your side.  
but, you, even with many suitors and secret admirers, never once brought up the topic of dating and crushes in front of kevin. he thought it was better that way, honestly, he's a bit more mature now but back when he was still a teenager, he was sure he wouldn't be able to take it if he heard you talking about another guy, all starry eyed and blushing. but that didn't mean he didn't feel curious about it.  
one time, against his own mental advices to just mind his business in case he ended up with a broken heart, kevin asked you about a guy in your class who he overheard your classmates teasing you about.
“oh, yeah, you mean james, right?” you sat on the floor of his bedroom, copying the answers from his textbook onto yours. you had bit your pencil and narrowed your eyes, thoughtfully, “i tutor him on sundays. nice guy.”
“i know who he is,” kevin answered, matter of factly, as he reclined back on his desk chair. he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as some form of idle distraction from the unsteadiness of his heart, “i'm asking you why were your friends making kissy faces at you when he was talking to you.”
he had sounded more stern than he intended, but, then again, that moment was the very first time he ever saw you blush and fix your hair in front of a dude, the first time he saw you act shy around someone.  
“he invited me to prom last week,” you answered, continuing to write down on your notebook with your cute, pink gel pen, “and my friends think he likes me because of that.”
“how are you so sure that he doesn't like you?,” it's obvious he does, kevin thought, otherwise he wouldn't look like such a fool, stuttering and scratching his nape like an idiot everytime you two interacted. not that he's one to talk, though.  
“because he's just being nice to me,” you frowned, “he always is. he walks me home when you can't, invites me to get coffee after tutoring, he saves me a spot next to him when i'm late for class,” you didn't lift your head from your notes or ever stopped writing, that's how trivial james's acts of ‘kindness’ were for you, “he even gifted me chocolates last valentine's.”
that's crush behavior, kevin wanted to say, but he didn't. he didn't want to implant the idea in your mind, making you overly conscious about it and forcing you to end up confused about your own feelings. if you liked him back or not, he decided, was for you to find out on your own, unprovoked.  
“do you like him?,” but there he was, having to open his big mouth out of morbid, masochistic curiosity.  
you lifted your head, finally looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, “no?”
“then why were you blushing when he was talking to you?”
“because julia was making a big deal out of it,” you said, frowning with certain annoyance and embarrassment, “and because noah kept telling him we look so cute together.”
“no, you don't.” kevin chimed in, perhaps too fast for his liking.  
“that's what i'm saying! we're just friends!” you sounded a bit exasperated, probably tired from all the teasing, “just like you and me.”
thanks to sunwoo, remembering that useful, albeit painful, conversation served kevin to switch his approach around you. thinking about it, back then, it should have been his first clue about your lack of awareness. he discarded as simple, intentional obliviousness— he thought that james was so obvious about his crush, you might as well were just trying to ignore it and not acknowledge it to avoid having to awkwardly reject him; but this obliviousness of yours lasted even much, much after that, when you guys moved to korea together and the people you met there were equally interested in you but ended up receiving the same treatment of complete lack of interest. even eric had, at some point of your early friendship, when he had a pitiful crush on you that lasted a couple of months.  
with a new, more direct approach in mind, kevin moon hadn't given up yet.  
he began to make his hints a bit more obvious so that the wouldn't fly over your pretty, little head like the ones before did, and he was pleasantly surprised to find out that it worked with great efficiency.  
complimenting you every chance he could, both looks and personality wise, often mentioning how you're the only person to make him this happy, how his day gets better when he sees you.  
and alongside the not so subtle flirting, your reactions began to grow in intensity as well. instead of the usual, coy nudge you'd give him when he complimented your appearance, you'd purse your lips and look down when he'd say that he thinks you're absolutely stunning. you'd bite a smile, cheeks heating up, when he'd, purposely on accident, casually sit close to you while watching movies, both of your sides pressed against each other. when he'd press an unassuming kiss to your temple after dropping you back at your place, you'd lean into his touch for a bit longer than usual, and you'd look a blushy mess of shaky eyes and pursed lips once he did pull away. even when he wasn't trying, even when his focus was on something else entirely, the amount of times he'd catch you staring at him and then move your eyes away as soon as he noticed were too many for them to be a simple coincidence.  
all of these interactions made him hopeful, made him think that he did the right thing by slowly approaching you in a way that you felt comfortable with. by the time he decided to finally confess to you, he was so sure you were, at least, confused about it, that you were seeing him in a new light now and that you weren't sure how to act around it, and that was enough for kevin, he just needed to go past that friendship relationship and then he'd work the rest, with you.  
and with this realization came yet multiple other inner debates about how to go around the confession. should he prepare for it? invite you to a picnic at the beach and confess to you when you both are enjoying the sunset? or should he just be spontaneous? you've never liked anything too flashy, after all, and you valued honesty over anything else.  
he chose to just do it one day, chose a time when you two are alone and tell you normally like he would do with any other thing. after all, you two were best friends who could tell absolutely anything to each other with no shame, and his feelings for you didn't change this.
but, whenever he thought about finally doing it, whenever he practiced his exact words in his mind over and over again until he was confident enough he wouldn't stutter, the moment would get interrupted by outside forces. like younghoon deciding to watch a movie in the living room where you guys were at, just in time when kevin had said he had something to tell you, like sunwoo coming uninvited into his room when you two were finally alone, saying that he was bored and asking if you wanted to play mario kart together. or that one time when kevin had managed to build momentum in his favor, mentioning how much he appreciates you and how lucky he is to have you by his side unconditionally, and just as he was about to utter the three important words, your mom had the inopportune need to call you, at three a.m. in the morning, because she had a nightmare about you being swallowed by the kraken.  
being stuck in this predicament didn't dishearten kevin, though. he's wanted to tell you how he feels since forever, he wasn't gonna give up over a few unfortunate interruptions.  
the perfect time to do it comes spontaneously, unprepared, just like most of those peaks of inspiration he feels out of the blue somedays.  
tonight, you're staying the night at his. you had went grocery shopping earlier in the afternoon, and kevin bought the ingredients to bake you some brownies after your insistence and pleads, clinging to his arm and pointing at the deliciously looking pictures of them in the premade mixture boxes, so now you're sitting on the counter of his kitchen while looks for the ingredients in the frige, reading the recipe out loud for him from your phone while swinging your legs up and down.  
“a double boiler?”, kevin leaves the fridge door open when he walks up to you and leans in so that he can get a look at your screen, “what the heck's that?”
“it says here that it's a fancy term for a... small saucepan filled with an inch of two of water set over low heat,” you read out loud, then lifting your head with a confused grimace, “huh?”
“i don't know,” kevin kicks the door closed after retrieving the butter, shrugging and trying to pretend he didn't notice how you stared at his lips just a second ago, “i'm just gonna make that one old recipe, the one we know and adore.”
“yeah, i don't know why you felt the need to change it,” you set your phone down and hop down the counter to give him more space, “you know i just eat whatever you make.”
“you like your brownies a bit more fudgy, don't you?” he takes a bowl out of the cabinet, and places it right beside where you're standing. he offers you a smile, a bit shy but genuine, “and i like to spoil you.”
at that moment, sunwoo walks into the kitchen. he makes a small gesture of acknowledgement to you and walks past kevin to get to the fridge. you follow him with your eyes.  
“hyung, i'm heading out,” sunwoo grabs a water bottle and closes the fridge again. he stands by kevin and points at the bowl where he's wisking the eggs, taking a short sip of his water, “can you save me some brownies?”
“i'm not making these for you, you know,” kevin sighs.  
“just one, then,” sunwoo insists, eyebrows up and pout on his lips, “you know i love brownies.”
“i'll save you some,” you smile at the younger guy lightly, “where are you heading?”
sunwoo shrugs and scratches his nape, “had the sudden urge to go to the movies.”
“alone?” you inquire, trying to supress a laugh.  
“don't judge a man for his hobbies, y/n,” sunwoo flicks your forehead with little force, and kevin hates that ugly feeling in his gut when you giggle and poke your tongue at him, “gotta go now, i've already purchased my ticket.”
and with sunwoo leaving, everyone else out on individual schedules and chanhee dead asleep on his room, you both are, technically, left alone in the dorm for once and for all.  
kevin pretends to be too preoccupied with spreading the thick batter in the baking pan to notice that the perfect opportunity to do it is just unfolding in front of him. he knows that the reason why he keeps getting interrupted is because he likes to take his sweet time with it, dragging it out as much as he can so he can prepare his heart for it. he decides he's not gonna do that tonight.  
just as he opens his mouth, your phone dings on the counter. kevin busies himself with putting the baking pan in the oven while you reach for your phone with the spatula he used in your mouth.  
“who are you texting?” he asks once he notices your wide smile and soft giggles.  
“yurina, one of my uni classmates,” you lick your lips after you're done licking the batter off, tossing the spatula into the sink, “she's happy because she asked her crush to be her girlfriend,”
“and did she say yes?”
“well, she wouldn't be happy otherwise, don't you think?”
there's an one-sided awkward silence when kevin rests against the counter while staring at you intently texting back and forth with this girl from uni.  
a moment of doubt crosses his mind. should he really do it? something tells him he shouldn't, that he should just keep quiet, but he's been walking through this desert for so long ago that stopping now feels wrong when he can practically see water in front of him.
love gives him a push in the back.  
“what about you?” he asks, and he internally cringes at the way his voice cracks a little at the end. he clears his throat, “i mean, are you interested in anyone?”
your thumbs stop typing suddenly, and you remain frozen for a moment, staring at your screen. you're blushing a little when you slowly lift your eyes towards him, and he mirrors such expression when his hopeful heart does a little flip.  
“why—why are you asking all of a sudden?”, your voice sounds tiny and you look a bit doubtful of him.  
“well, you never tell me about stuff like this,” he scratches his eyelid as he looks down at his shoes. the awkwardness is almost painful, and he's sure he isn't the only one feeling it right now, “is it someone you can't tell me?,” he makes a small pause in which he lifts his eyes from the ground and looks at you, “a close friend, maybe?”
silence fills the kitchen. the hen shaped cooking timer clicks as it counts down the minutes for the brownies to be ready, hour phone pings with new upcoming messages, the tv in chanhee's room makes deaf noise in the backround, yet, none of you talk.
when you refuse to meet his eyes that come looking for you, biting the inside of your cheek and looking down, kevin realizes he's going to be the one who breaks it, unfortunately.
“did i hit the jackpot?,” perhaps he sounds hopeful, or perhaps the silence was too loud that his voice now seems to over-volume it.  
you finally look up from the floor, “why am i the only one being interrogated?,” you sound a little more like yourself when you block your phone and cross your arms on your chest, lips pouty and the tip of your ears a little bit red, “you also never tell me anything about stuff like that!”
“i'll tell you if you want,” he murmurs, trying to analize your reaction, “if you tell me first.”
in the heart fluttering moment, odds are in his favor, he knows. it's on the way you look at him through your eyelashes, shy and maybe even a bit flustered, the sugar rush on his veins at the sight of your blush, ever telling of your feelings. because he knows you so well he knows that his hunch is right, it's because of your connection that he can feel that it's no longer one-sided, that, as much as he feels for you, you feel for him.  
“why don't you,” you make a small pause to press the back of your hands to your hot cheeks, “why don't you say it first, then?”
“how about we say it at the same time?,” even in his certainty there's still cautiousness, as if he needs confirmation even if he can read your heart, “at the count of three.”
“okay,” you smile at him with warmth, gentle, still laced with a shyness that makes your eyes a bit glossy, and it's the prettiest thing kevin has ever seen, “one.”
“two.” he says, his heart on a frenzy, mind a bit hazy with quiet excitement for what's about to come.  
“three!” you both say, and there's a small pause before any of you continue:
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coexiising · 3 years
Good Neighbors - Chapter Two
SUMMARY ✦ Your parents host a dinner party for the new neighbors. 
WARNING(S) ✦ Nothing
It had been three days since your last encounter with Anakin Skywalker. Three days since you could’ve sworn he winked at you. Not that you were counting . . . No, you were most definitely not doing that.
Since then you had been doing, well, essentially nothing but thinking back to that moment of the two of you talking. And it was probably stupid, since it was just two neighbors talking to each other. He was just being nice to you and that was all, there was nothing to think more of. There were way better things to keep your mind on, like going to your part time job and focusing on finishing up your classes to get your degree. You were busy, but that didn’t stop you from stopping whatever you were doing and glancing through your window to see if you could catch a glimpse at your new neighbor.
You blamed it on stupid infatuation. He was incredibly attractive and you were bored, and you weren’t the only one to think so, since your mother the other day said something about inviting your new ‘attractive neighbors’ to dinner one night. You hated how quick you were to say it was a good idea.
One thing that you learned was that your window was right across from your neighbor's master bedroom, which meant that when the curtains were drawn back, you could see right into their room. Which really wasn’t often, since it was only a side window and they had a much bigger window in the front of the house that was open way more often. But sometimes, if you looked at the right time, you could see Anakin or his wife walking around or talking with one another.
You wondered what she was like. She was very beautiful, with coffee brown hair that stayed in natural curls. She also had a good sense of style, always looking classy and elegant that made you feel out of place every time you and her were outside at the same time for whatever reason. It was wrong to be comparing yourself to her, you shouldn’t, and again blamed it on some stupid fantasy you had made up in your head. It was childish, sure, but it wasn’t like anything was ever going to happen.
You could hear him now, downstairs in the open hallway leading to your kitchen and dining room, talking to your mother about something you couldn’t quite make out. It was later in the evening, almost seven, and your family decided to give the courtesy of inviting the Skywalkers to dinner tonight, something you had been looking forward to since your mother informed you a day prior. Splaying your hands on the front of your black dress, you made sure that there were no creases, looking in the mirror to do one final once over of your appearance. You looked nice, maybe nicer than your family were going for, but no one would comment on it anyways. There was a golden necklace around your neck that had been given to you for your birthday a few years ago, which accented right off of your chest. Once you were satisfied, you opened the door to your room and walked down the steps, getting closer to the voices of your parents and your guests.
The second you got to the ground level of your home and saw the backs of both Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, you made a beeline for the other direction, deciding to make a detour to the kitchen, stumbling over your feet. You didn’t see all of him, but you could see that Anakin was wearing a dark navy blue dress shirt and those black pants that he was always in, the ones that you always ended up looking at for more than the normal amount of time. Pressing your palms into the countertop, you took deep breaths, trying to compose yourself. This shouldn’t be so hard, you were making a big deal out of this . . . Right? You once again had to repeat to yourself that he was married and there was no way that anything could happen, even though deep down you wished that something would.
“There you are, why didn’t you come down earlier?” Your mother asked, walking into the room and heading for the oven, the smell of something cooking taking over your senses and taking you away from your thoughts. “Anakin was asking about you.”
You almost choked on the air you breathed in. “He was asking about me?” Your tone was a little too questionable and she turned to look at you behind her shoulder, her eyebrow raised and a tiny smile on her face. “I mean, why was he asking about me?” You asked, attempting to save yourself.
“I don’t know, something about a ball and his kids, did they almost hit you or something?”
Oh, right. The incident at the barbeque. Of course that’s why he was asking, that’s probably the only time he had thought about you.
“So, anyways, go out there and be a charmer. Your brother is terrible at it and you know your father is probably boring them with business stuff,” She said, going back to the meal she was preparing. You nodded, deciding it was finally time to face them and get your own awkwardness out of the way.  The walk to the dining room was brisk and you saw that your father was, in fact, talking about something business related. Padmé seemed somewhat interested, but Anakin was definitely not listening by the way he stared down at the table. You almost laughed, before realizing that your father was talking to you now and you had no idea what he was saying. You were too busy looking at Anakin, seeing his blue eyes dart to your own the moment you walked in the room.
You faltered for a moment. “What’d you say?” You glanced at your dad.
“I was just saying that you finally joined us!” He said, giving you one of his kind dad smiles. You flashed one back, meekly sitting in the only seat that was open at the table, conveniently right next to the person you were trying to keep your distance from. As you pulled your seat out and sat down next to Anakin, your father started talking to Padmé again. You were glad that the attention had seemingly been taken off of you and you could try to keep yourself together for the rest of this dinner.
Though that didn’t seem to be in your favor.
“Luke wanted me to tell you that he was sorry about kicking that ball again, he seems to be really broken up about it, not sure why,” Anakin said to you, turning his head to look right at you again.
You laughed, looking down at your hands in your lap and shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know, you may be hearing from my lawyers soon,” You joked, facing him and seeing a grin on his face. “But you’re one, right? So you should be good.”
“I’m not sure, you have a good case,” He joked, taking a sip of his wine. “I haven’t seen you around in a while, still picking up shifts for your friend?” He remembered.
You nodded. “Yeah, but I’m all done now. We get off for the Fourth tomorrow anyways.” The summer holiday had come quickly this year, but it was still something to look forward to. You loved all the fireworks and the food that came with the celebration. In addition to that, it was your family’s favorite holiday as well, meaning that everyone would go out to celebrate like you always did with the traditional block party that the Skywalker’s would now be invited to. It was as if Anakin would never get out of your life no matter how much you wished to avoid him.
Perhaps it was silly, this whole idea that you could have some type of romance with him. He was married, and it seemed like they were happy together. They had two beautiful children together, nothing could ever change that fact.
“That’s good, your mother was telling us all a while ago about the party. You guys sure love to throw them,” Anakin teased, taking a sip of his glass of wine. You watched his lips meet the glass, noting how pink they looked in the correct light. It took you a moment to compose yourself, looking down at the table and taking the biggest breath you could take without him noticing.
You gave a nod, opening your mouth to say something but being greeted by your mother walking in the room with different pots in hand. Finally, a good distraction that could get your mind off of the hunk of the man beside you. Padmé said something about the food that you couldn’t quite make out, reaching to grab one of the serving spoons while you grabbed for the other. Right as your hand hit the wood handle, Anakin’s own hand came down on yours, him not knowing that you were going to reach for the same one.
“Sorry,” You said, hoping that he would mistake your blush from the contact for embarrassment. Luckily, he only gave you a glance and pulled his hand away.
“You first.”
You took some of the food onto your plate, looking down at it until you were sure that the blush had diminished. The room was so hot at this point that you thought that it was possibly on fire. But it wasn’t, it was all because of how close you were to your neighbor, so close that you could feel his presence right next to you and you could smell the cologne that you had smelled the first day that you met him, bringing you back to the moment you looked into his eyes for the first time. You were sure that if you thought about him any more that you would combust right then and there. So you focused on eating, staying silent while the others made small talk.
Minutes passed by and you felt somewhat comfortable again, reaching beside you to grab your phone to check it under the table. Messages blinked up at you, almost illuminating your face as you read: Y/N! Please pick up. I left my computer at work and my brother has my car. I need it tomorrow so that I can work on my thesis, please, please, please can you get it? It was your best friend. Your heart practically thumped out of your chest at the opportunity to get out of this whole ordeal, where you could take your time to get the computer as long as the Skywalker’s would stay over. And then you would have an excuse for your mom instead of just sneaking off to your room.
“Mom, it’s Julia,” You said, holding up your phone so that she could read the text. “I’m sorry, I really need to stop by work and get her computer. It’s important.” You knew that she wouldn’t be happy about you leaving, but nonetheless she said you could go and you were already halfway out the door when you heard your father shouting your name.
Turning around, you saw that he was standing up with Anakin, a firm hand on your neighbor’s shoulder. “Anakin has offered to drive you. It’s late, you know how bad those roads get at night and I would feel more comfortable if you went with him,” Your dad said. You didn’t really have much room to object, since Anakin was already walking into the entrance area and putting on his coat, a black one that matched the same ‘put together’ style that he always seemed to have.
“Okay,” You said, feeling your nerves turn you almost inside out.
“We’ll be back as soon as we can,” Anakin said to everyone, walking behind you out the door and closing it.
You walked to the car alone with Anakin, basically jumping out of your seat in joy the moment you sat down.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 3 years
42 w/ Kravitz and Taako if you would like?
42. Writing them a poem.
(101 ways to say I love you with actions) - still accepting!!
Taako really needed to stop taking advice from his family. Even more so, he needed to stop talking romantic advice from them, because they were a bunch of freaks. It was perfectly reasonable to stress about giving your partner a gift for your sixtieth anniversary (not that Taako was stressed, nuh-uh, not him). However, his family was a bunch of fucking weirdos who couldn't romance themselves properly, why what had he really been expecting?
He had to completely block out the conversation he had with Merle from his mind. And Barry's suggestion of "maybe he'd like some flowers?" was stupid. Lup's idea was full of fireworks, and actual fires, and also raising hell a little bit, and as much fun as it sounded, Taako did not want to make Kravitz go into work mode over a zombie serving him dinner.
Lucretia and Magnus, unruly and restless in the Astral Plane, were pieces of shit. Magnus had never had a good idea in his life. Julia tried but couldn't get a word in edge-wise as Magnus talked about their first date. Lucretia had suggested something frankly too sappy for Taako to even want to think about ("how about you propose finally? Sixty years is a long time to date-" "Ohhhh, look at the time, I can't stay to hear your brilliant ideas, so sad-")
Davenport had been his last hope. Which was why Taako was now, as to accordance Davenport's suggestion, attempting to write a poem.
Taako was not a poetry guy. He had already spent an hour erasing and rewriting shit and the best line he's got is "your eyes remind me of death and that's hot as shit".
(Were you allowed to swear in poetry????)
He was starting to regret not taking up Lup on the idea of the fiery explosions.
"Babe, you've been up here for ages," Kravitz said from the doorway and Taako jumped, slamming his hands down on the desk to cover up the paper. "I thought we were gonna watch Fantasy Bake Off tonight."
"Aw fuck," Taako groaned. "I forgot."
"It's alright," Kravitz said, closing the door behind him as he stepped closer. Taako put his whole upper body on the desk to block the paper now, trying to play it off as, uh.
"What're you doing?" Kravitz asked, poking at his shoulder. "What's- what's up with your body?"
"This is my guilt stretch," Taako said. "Cus' I feel so guilty I forgot. Ohnoo, you better go put it on, I'll be down in a minute. Just gonna, uhhh-" He patted the desk awkwardly, "finish some paperwork."
"Uh-huh," Kravitz said. "Paperwork."
"It's work on paper, yep," Taako said. "Go on now!"
"...Alright," Kravitz said slowly, backing away. "I'll go pull it up. And you'll...?"
"Be down in a second," Taako said.
"Once you're done with your paperwork?"
"Once I'm done with my paperwork."
"Right," Kravitz said. The door creaked open again. Taako began to sit back up when the door paused and Kravitz said, "Taako, darling?"
"I don't really care for poetry too much," Kravitz said gently. "Maybe the fireworks would be better?"
"Goddamn it," Taako said, pulling himself up and crumbling the paper. "Who fucking told you?"
"Barry," Kravitz said, laughing slightly. "You know he can't keep a secret."
"That fucking snitch," Taako said, tossing the paper in the bin. "I'll be down in a second. Shit. I'm gonna have a word with that man."
"Good luck, love," Kravitz said and closed the door.
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 209 spoilers below
I'm so late today but here it is
I love EJ, he's finally learning to be happy. I'm so proud.
Ms Jenn = every boomer during zoom calls, like jeez yes we can hear you stop shouting at me.
LOVE THE SUBTLE JOKE ABOUT QUARANTINE "these dark times" "you mean spring break?"
ah yes, remember when we thought covid was just gonna give us a longer spring break? good times
damn the passive aggressiveness from Carlos and the absolutely over it tone from seb✋
we needed more if this kind of goofiness for the first part of season 2 that only such an iconic duo can provide.
old old movies-
is it even that old, or is Nini being a gen alpha rn-
i choose to imagine EJ being scared of the movie and hiding in Ashlyn's shoulder while she keeps a straight face and then EJ pretending to be tough afterwards
aww redlyn are soulmates.... yknow, if gingers had souls
(please ignore me)
y'all saw how EJ's face *lit up* when Gina logged on? how dare you tell me he doesn't like her
ofc she's no damsel in distress, she's Gina porter, she's amazing.
so do we think she'd be the type to just glare at suspicious people? or bark at them
do they not know that Rini broke up? or is Ms Jenn just wanting Nini to suffer through her heartbreak to make her a better actress....
speaking of, why is Nini in the call? she's not in the show anymore. Unless she is, even after the rose and the song got cut, which would be so unfair to all those that auditioned properly before she even came back but whatever, she's the main character I get it 🙄
big red is a hero honestly, Nini better thank him for changing the subject like that
I can't-
i won't work you over the break-
this woman would 100% work her kids 24/7 if it was legal and idk how to feel about it.
smh the airport lady, eavesdropping on Gina's call.
The way she was so happy to answer EJ's call, "eej"
I love them your honour.
great now we need to see Gina, Ashlyn and EJ having a complete spa day and EJ getting really into it and Gina and Ashlyn take pictures of him when he's laying down in a robe with a mask and cucumbers on his eyes.
finally we get to see Gina's side of portwell
the way she considered it as flirting, this is the sign she asked for in episode 6 come onnnnn
no is Asher/jack really doing tiktok dances in an airport-
Ricky is me. I am burrito.
oh Lynne, sweetie, I'm sorry but the blonde hair is not it
is that even the same lady or-
jetlag is my go to excuse for anything... I haven't travelled in 2 years.
"welcome to the Lynne and Mike gossip show. where we talk about our depressed son that we both neglect in certain ways! And now a word from our sponsor, Nord VPN..."
is Nina becoming social media obsessed EJ from season 1? AND SHE LIED ABOUT HAVING SONGS TOO PLEASE WHY ARW THEY RECYCLING THE SAME PLOT-
Gina smiling at the picture of her family on Instagram makes me so happy, idek why.
EJ's nails are so pretty, we needed to see it more (unless he had it on for the rest of the episode and I just.... didn't notice🧍🏽‍♀️)
oh not the tiktok kid✋
yes ma'am end this strange mans whole tiktok career
sir take a hint and leave
Ricky, walking in style✨
weird kid, ok then Lynne, can't you see he's this close to the edge?
not all your fault baby Ricky, Nini sucks a bit more
ok but the deleting comment thing was very bad
still don't know if I like Jack honestly
hmmm so Nini's calling herself Nini instead of Nina in her little egg seat, while trying to write a song without inspiration.... Nini, honey, Ricky was your muse, he inspired you to write all those songs, even if it wasn't good for the relationship.
that doesn't mean you gotta get back with him, or that you can't write a song that not about him butttt it'll take some time
the rainbow sticker in her box and her rainbow shirt-
anyways wbk she's not totally straight
Jack are you a criminal?
quick, Gina, check his ankle for a tracker
the way Gina wasn't into it in episode 6 but she's used the technique twice now
stole her grandma's Pomeranian-
Jack where the hell did you pull that out from-
the fake crying killed me, that looks like so much fun though
anyone wanna raid a first class lounge with me?
wait so is jack not gonna go in with her?
wouldn't he go in too? help look for the credit card? SO CONFUSED
the first class lounge guy was so into the drama though, watch his face when they start arguing 😭
sorry to break this to you Kourtney, but you haven't even blocked the second act yet soooo...
take that as you will
I love how all of them are totally dissing the dance off
that's the most realistic part of this show tbh
shouldn't Nini have asked how she knew....since the start? why is the fact that her best friend has knowledge of a North high secret now dawning on her...
Howie is sweet honestly, at least he's trying to help. but I stand with Kourtney, don't take him back just because he sang an amazing song, and is giving you a heads up on what's gonna happen...
I hate school
ooo Nini's writing a song about bad internet connection 🤩🤩🤩
I never lie, except when I do-
son that is the creepiest thing you could say to a stranger that you've been "helping"
2 truths and a lie👀
he's an Ariana fan 100%
called it.
free spirit? damn so brother porter was in that horse movie
so has she been kissed or not?????????
I feel like she's moved more than 15 times though so possibly
but then if she's moved so much, and before east high she never opened up to anyone, she's never been kissed then?? damn
same though Gina so let's be besties please
heartbreak president is a great song title idea, give Nini a call rn
but wait
is the no strings attached feeling thing about her telling Ricky she liked him? she thought she was moving away so she thought it'd be no strings attached???
guys I think I figured it out insert the "I've connected two dots" meme
ma'am did you just kill me
yes you did
Lynne and Ricky have such a weird relationship
yeah I get that you wanted Ricky to like Todd BUT THAT WASN'T THE TIME
right so we already know that Ricky was so desperate to keep Nini cuz he didn't want to be like his parents, and now Lynne's talking about this-
Richard needs a long hug
yes Lynne, it is your fault. thank you for finally admitting it.
"sometimes the best, last thing you can do for someone you love, is let them go."
gotta admit I teared up at that point
not me thinking big red was calling ms Jenn cupcake for a hot second-
Carlos please omg, you're at the "beach" and they're leaving for the pool?
also, why not just do the call from the hotel room please omg
"don't ask me"
big red wants the tea
I'm surprised ms Jenn knew how to give Nini permission to screenshare tbh
So lily's been stalking the East high kids and spending time editing this video while she's supposedly in an immersion trip.... right
EJ and Ashlyn's picture is so chaotic, what even is happening there
"slacking off" bestie its spring break, obviously they're confident enough that they'll get it done in time so why not focus on your own musical.
jealous seb = sassy seb
please what if those guys Carlos is posing with are his cousins or something and that's why he's so confused about Seb
Nini saying she's obsessed with her ex, that's not weird at all 👍
I can just tell Matt had a blast harassing Julia with those puppets.
Jack please dont be like that, "yet"
chances are you'll never see eachother again 🥰
(honestly sometimes I really miss those friends I made on trips and stuff when we'd spend the day or week together, only to never see them again....those were the good days though)
Ashlyn and Nini should write more songs..... something better than this one at least
Nini: "im good"
cue the Tia Mowry (please I can't spell) crying gif
oh I forgot Ricky was in the show for a hot second
1. where did Gina get to film this without people being around
2. did she just... randomly change her clothes???
ok but the transition between Carlos and EJ
*chefs kiss*
now everyone shut up, EJ's singing
oh i think I'm pregnant
I love how big red and Kourtney went from being "the best friends™" to the couple in season 1, to kinda close themselves and having their own plots
sebby makes me so happy
props to biggies editing skills honestly
big red lives for the drama
"wow" so true Ricky
no he is not cute, stop it
"holding" ok that's kinda cute
yeah EJ's a lucky guy😌
jokes aside, it's not that hard to exchange numbers-
keep in touch if you want
ok I really like Jack now
if he comes back in season 3, maybe have him be LGBTQ+ ?
like the only out characters they have rn are Seb and Carlos and they're like the sterotypes, yk?
I'd love to see jack kinda break the mold
Ricky's breaking my heart
that song just hurts
the only thing
now I don't hate Lynne????????
I mean I don't live her now but she's good
but honestly
"mom can I show you something"
I'm sobbing please help
Gina saying she's just waiting for the right guy and then EJ coming to the airport to pick her up late at night without her asking, offering to bring her back in the morning so she won't have to Uber, bringing her a granola bar (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE FORGOT TO PACK) and without expecting anything in return???
ms ma'am you've got a keeper right there
her smile at the end was so heartwarming I really can't.
this episode was great.
it felt really short but I liked it, great character development for Ricky, Lynne and Gina.
Cant wait for next episode to see more of EJ being the ideal boyfriend /hj
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