#like he doesn't mind company as long as he can work in peace
dandylovesturtles · 19 days
I lied
this fic is going to have at least four parts. oops.
Sorry this took longer than I intended! I started working on it literally the next day after the first part went up and banged out 3K words, then wrote another 1.5K over the next couple days, ended up hating it, deleted the whole thing and started over. I'm much happier with this version.
I had intended for this part to go deeper into the immediate aftermath buuuut this part ended up so long I decided to make that the next part!
And I got enabled on discord to be mean with the cliffhanger, so... sorry <3
CW: minor violence, angst, nobody having a good time, Bishop being Bishop
btw this is Part 2 of the Room Fic that doesn't have a title yet. If you're confused, start here!
They're somewhere in Nebraska, and Raph's never seen so many stars before.
He thought he had seen stars, when they went camping in the woods that time with Todd. Now, sitting on the side of the road by the Turtle Tank, he's realizing that he didn't really see them.
He wishes he could enjoy it, but he can't. Not really. Because nine days ago, Leo stormed out of the lair and never came home.
(Raph knows the thing he'll always blame himself for is picking the fight in the first place.)
It took them several days to learn what had happened to him. Even more days to learn where he was taken. And now they're stuck on the side of the road in Nebraska while Donnie fixes a flat.
Mikey's dozing against his shoulder. He hasn't been getting enough sleep, not that any of them have. April's handing Donnie tools and keeping him company while he changes the tire. Draxum and Splinter are inside the tank, on the lookout for cops with the help of Donnie's police scanners.
It's cool since the sun went down. Quiet. Crickets are out and playing their songs. Raph's seen a few deer, and an owl. The stars are twinkling overhead, and it's calm, peaceful.
The weight on his shoulder is suddenly gone; Raph looks down to find Mikey sitting up straight, wide awake and head cocked to the side like a bloodhound who just caught a scent.
He opens his mouth to ask - and then he feels it too.
It's a cacophony of emotions, strong and hot and mixing together until they're overwhelming. Fear, pain, exhaustion, loneliness, and a blinding fury like even Raph has never felt before. Hatred and bile and the desire to attack, to harm, to destroy.
And underneath it all, a presence as familiar to him as his own, one that's been by his side since almost the day he was hatched. One that is fragile and desperate and screaming out for help.
Raph stands up - next to him, Mikey is already on his feet. Raph reaches out his hand, his ninpo flaring to life, straining out into the open air like if he just stretches far enough, he can pluck Leo out of the hell he's trapped in and bring him home.
But he can't reach far enough, because the EPF took him all the way to Colorado. And they're still on the side of the road in Nebraska.
As quickly as it came, the presence is dying away again. It shrinks smaller and smaller and then fizzles out. Raph releases his breath, letting his ninpo fall away, his fingers still grasping open air.
A sniffle. Raph looks down and finds Mikey sobbing. He scoops his little brother into his arms, and Mikey throws himself into Raph's chest, heaving breaths shaking his tiny frame.
"Leo," he whimpers. All Raph can do is pat his shell.
He turns to take stock of Donnie next, carrying Mikey over. His other little brother has tears trickling down his face, too, more subdued but still visible. He's holding his wrench in a vice grip, and for once he doesn't utter a single protest when Raph reaches out and tucks him in under his free arm.
"...What just happened?" asks April, hesitant. Raph wishes he knew how to explain.
"It was Leo!" Mikey does it for him. "He... he's reaching for us."
"What!? Like, mind meld or something!?"
"No," answers Raph. "I don't really know what that was... but it was definitely Leo."
"So..." April pauses, eyes searching each of their faces. "Is he... okay?"
None of them know what to say, but she gets it anyway.
"...I'm going to destroy the EPF," says Donnie, voice dark and cold. "I'm going to raze it to the ground. There will be nothing left."
Raph squeezes his shoulders, pulling him closer.
He doesn't know what to do other than agree.
"This is a good thing," says Draxum. "That means he's still alive."
"But they're hurting him!" Mikey argues. He's halfway in Draxum's lap, arms wrapped around Draxum's middle. Donnie sits on one of the bench seats, curled tight around his own legs, while Splinter strokes his head. Raph sits on the bench seat across from them, April leaning against his side.
"I told you what the EPF is capable of," Draxum reminds them. "This is not a surprise."
"Read the room, Barry," says April.
Splinter's look is increasingly far away, his touch on Donnie's head automatic and absentminded. He's able to stay in the room with them when there's something to do, but now the fear and depression are threatening to take him away again. For the hundredth time since this nightmare began, Raph feels the hopelessness set in.
Draxum sucks, but he's right, echoes the voice in his head that sounds too much like Leo. The plan hasn't changed. Now get moving before you tire out.
"Drax is right that Leo's alive," Raph echoes. "So we need to get a move on. Donnie, how's the tank?"
Donnie uncurls, coaxed by the request to talk about his baby. "The spare's on, and I did some checks on the engine and interior systems. We're ready to go."
"Alright." Raph stands up, rolling his shoulders. "It's Raph's turn to drive. Everyone buckle up."
The mood in the tank shifts after that; they have a direction, and a plan. Leo is hurt, but he's still alive, and nothing has changed.
Donnie and April sit together in the front seats. Mikey passes around snacks and drinks from their cooler, then snuggles in between their dad and Draxum. Draxum says something negative about the snack food, which pulls Splinter out of his trance and starts up some heated bickering between them. Even more of the tension leaks out of the cab.
Raph puts the tank in drive and pulls back onto the quiet highway, driving west again. At their back, the sun starts to rise.
It's late in the day when they reach Colorado Springs.
Donnie was able to pin the EPF base's location down to the mountains surrounding the town, but he couldn't find its exact location. Whatever equipment they have, it's completely scrambled the subcutaneous tracker Donnie put on Leo (and boy, was that a stir when Donnie revealed he'd put trackers on all of them). It had taken a combination of Donnie's hacking and April's investigative skills to get this far.
"It makes sense," says April as they pull the tank into a campsite outside the city limits. "There's, what, three bases here? Where better to hide a secret branch of the military than with the military?"
There's snow on the ground outside, even though it's early May. Even so, the temperature was pretty mild while the sun was up. "It's the proximity to the mountains," Donnie explains when Raph mentions it, but the rest of the explanation blurs together. He's too tired to keep up with Donnie's science facts, but infodumping calms his brother down, so he lets him do it and nods along.
They eat a proper meal that Mikey cooks for them on one of the campsite grills, then settle in to nap until the sun goes down. Raph isn't sleeping, and he can tell from all the shifting around that Mikey and Donnie aren't, either. They're too close to Leo now to rest.
But you gotta catch some Zs before you go storming into enemy territory, the Leo in his head reminds him.
Raph hates every second you're in there, he thinks. But it won't be long now. Big bro's comin'.
He wishes the Leo in his head would say that he believes that. But all Raph can remember are the words they said during the fight, and he never quite goes to sleep.
They break into pairs for their search. Raph goes with April, Mikey with Splinter, and Donnie stays with Draxum at the tank. Donnie uses his tech to try and narrow down the location of the base, while the other two teams go in opposite directions and start scouting the area on foot.
It takes a long time for them to learn anything, and as the sun comes up again, Raph starts to worry that they're going to have to leave Leo trapped for another full day.
But then he and April finally get a lead. They send the info to Donnie, and it helps narrow down his search.
Just after dawn, they reconvene at the tank, gathered around satellite images and drone shots of a nondescript military compound several miles outside the city.
"There it is," says Donnie with finality. "That's where they're keeping Leo."
"Then what are waiting for?" asks Mikey.
Wait for dark, says the Leo in Raph's head.
And that advice makes sense. There will be fewer employees at night. The dark provides natural cover. It's sane. It's smart.
Raph ignores it entirely.
He's not leaving his little brother with those people for one second longer. Not after what he felt, sitting on the side of the road in Nebraska.
"We're not waiting for anything," he says. "Let's move out."
From the looks on their faces, they all agree.
The site looks as generic as possible. There's a high electric fence circling the whole thing, with a basic "No Trespassing - Government Property" sign. A simple guard stand sits at the drive-in gate. The buildings visible beyond are drab and featureless.
The government stopped publicly funding the EPF in the nineties, Draxum had told them. But the organization had never truly gone away; it was just funded through underground means now. Miscellaneous defense funding. Anonymous donations. Private benefactors.
Originally it had been founded to defend Earth against aliens. But when no alien threat appeared, they moved on to a new mission: defending the United States against yokai.
"Even though we were here first," Draxum had said testily. "Typical Americans."
Raph hadn't liked anything Draxum had to tell them about the EPF. That they weren't bound by any of the laws the rest of the military was. That the yokai they had managed to capture were never seen again. That Draxum had had a very brief run-in with them once, decades ago, and he doubted they had ever forgotten it.
Really, though, all he'd needed to know was that they had his brother.
It's the middle of the morning, so their stealth options are limited. Still, they aren't ninja for nothing; they use the forest and the snowy terrain to their advantage and sneak their way into the compound. Raph has to admit, he was a little worried about Draxum on the trip over, but the old goat does a pretty good job keeping up.
It takes them a bit of time to work out which building to enter. They rule out a mess hall, a medical ward, the barracks, and some kind of training center first. Then, toward the furthest reaches of the compound, they find a building that looks particularly suspicious, with a guard gate on the path leading to it and more armed guards on the roof.
"That has to be it," says Raph. No one disagrees.
They use a passing supply truck to slip past the guard gate, then sneak around the back and use a fire ladder to get to the roof. They dispatch the guards on top quickly and easily, then find a ventilation shaft leading inside. Mikey, Donnie, April, and Splinter fit easily enough, but Raph and Draxum are too big to wiggle through.
"Find out where we're going. Radio us as soon as you find something," Raph says. Then he gives Mikey, April, and Donnie's shoulders each a squeeze in turn. "And be careful."
"Take care of Red," their dad says to Draxum just before he follows the others inside.
"He's safe with me," Draxum promises.
"You're safe with Raph," Raph feels the need to say. Splinter chuckles before disappearing into the shaft after his siblings.
Waiting outside becomes nerve-wracking quickly. Raph starts to pace the length of the roof, back and forth, glancing at the unconscious guards from time to time to make sure they're still unconscious.
"You're going to wear a rut on the roof," Draxum admonishes him. Raph keeps going anyway.
Finally, after what feels like ages but is only about ten minutes, his radio crackles. Raph freezes, pulling his wrist close, where Donnie's tech is hidden under his wraps.
"Hey." It's April's voice. She sounds out of breath, but not distressed. "Come to the back of the building. Should be a door."
"On our way," says Raph, waving at Draxum to follow before dropping off the roof.
The door is easy enough to find, the snow around it trampled down. He gives the metal a rap with his knuckles when he gets there, and the door swings open, April grinning, her bat perched against her shoulder. Behind her is another unconscious guard.
"Nice, April," says Raph, hustling inside. He kicks the last of the snow off his feet once he's on the cold linoleum floor, Draxum following suit. April lets the door swing shut again. "Where's everyone else?"
"We found some kinda security room. Leo's gear was in there." She pushes by and starts to lead them down the hall, voice low, eyes watching for anyone rounding the corner. "Donnie's poking through the camera footage. Didn't look like anyone much was in this hall, so I came to get you."
"And Leonardo?" asks Draxum.
April gives a shake of her head. "Haven't found him yet, but he's gotta be here. There's not much more of the building to search, so we're close."
Raph peeks in open doors and through windows as they walk, taking in the space. It looks like an ordinary office building inside; nothing nefarious, except for the fact that the people working here are kidnapping scum who have done something so terrible to his little brother it made him scream out in anguish and fury. But if he hadn't known that coming in, he wouldn't have expected anything. It all looks very...
Raph comes to a sudden stop. Through the sliver of window in a door, he sees the first occupied room since he's entered the building. Only one person is inside, wearing a white lab coat and tapping away at a computer.
But what's more interesting is the door on the other side of the room: solid metal with no window, and a sign that reads "Inmate Observation - Authorized Access Only".
Raph grabs April by the shoulder before she can get too far ahead, pointing at the window. "Do you know what's in there?"
She turns back and takes a peek. "...No. I don't think we went through there yet."
So they haven't ruled this part of the building out yet. And it's the only one so far with anyone inside.
Inmate Observation.
"Raph, wait, I think we should-" April starts, but Raph doesn't listen. Raph can't stop himself.
His little brother is in here. He knows he is. The one who was taken from them. The one who cried out to them in fear, begging to be saved.
He's not making Leo wait a moment longer.
Raph throws open the door and marches inside.
"...Okay," April says behind him. "I guess we're doing it this way.
The scientist or whoever they are tries to radio for help. Raph picks the radio up and crushes it in his hand. They turn and run, and that takes care of that.
April calls the others on her radio. Raph doesn't listen to the conversation. His eyes are locked on the door.
Inmate Observation.
He reaches out and throws the door back with a bang.
He's ready for the gunshots before they come, and his ninpo is already active, forming a protective bubble around himself and shielding Draxum and April. He's expecting bullets, but instead it's darts; they embed themselves harmlessly in the arms of his projection. Raph waits until the volley stops, then drops the projection, and the darts fall harmlessly to the floor.
He steps into the room and clocks one of the guards on the head before they can reload, watching as they fall to the ground. April wallops the other one, then kicks their fallen gun under a desk. She brandishes her bat at the other occupants of the room: two more scientists in lab coats, and one steely faced man in a suit.
The scientists seem intimidated. The suited man does not.
"Ah," he says. "So you've finally made it here, Draxum."
"Bishop." Draxum sounds equally unimpressed. "I thought you died in the nineties."
"So does most of the world. It's convenient for my work."
"You guys know each other?" April asks, looking between them.
"We know of each other." Draxum sneers. "If my plans had gone as I intended, he would truly be dead by now."
Raph narrows his eyes at the man. "Are you the one who's been keeping my brother here?"
To his credit, Bishop still looks unphased, even though Raph is tall enough to hulk over him. "I am the director of this facility."
It's enough of a yes.
Raph rushes Bishop, slamming him into the wall behind his back. Raph keeps him pinned, one hand on his neck, the other arm pressed against his chest, and Raph presses until he feels something start to crack.
Bishop hisses but does not cry out.
"Where are you keeping him?" Raph demands.
"He's in there," says Bishop, wheezing only slightly from the constriction on his lungs, his voice firm otherwise.
Raph tosses a look where Bishop indicates, seeing a large window. It's looking into a seemingly empty room; white walls and no furniture other than a toilet in the corner.
"Raph don't see him," he growls.
"He hides under the window." Bishop's eyes flicker to one of the scientists. "Pointless, really," he says, giving the man in the lab coat a nod. "Show them."
The scientist looks uneasy, but he turns and clicks a few buttons on a desktop. A screen pops up, but it doesn't show anything other than static.
"...Something is wrong with our camera signals, sir," the scientist reports.
"Ah." Bishop's eyes glint, and then flick back to Raph's face. "So there are more of you."
Raph doesn't answer that. He gives Bishop a rough shake. "What have you done to him?"
"Your brother?" Bishop clarifies. "Nothing."
Another shake. "Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying." Bishop's eyes are steely, even as his wheezing picks up the more Raph leans into his chest. "Other than as was necessary to move him, we have not touched him."
Raph doesn't move an inch. "I don't believe that."
"Then see for yourself." Bishop looks at the other scientist now, giving a small nod of his head. "Dr. Keller, open the door for this brute so he'll stop assaulting me."
Raph scowls, staying exactly where he is while the other scientist scurries to the metal door by the window and inputs a code into a keypad. There's a beep, and a clipped, artificial voice says, "Inmates clear the door. Security personnel entering. Stay still and you will not be harmed."
Finally, Raph lets Bishop go, and approaches the door.
When Raph imagined one of them getting kidnapped by a shady, quasi-governmental agency intent on imprisoning mutants, he always pictured something... different.
He thought they would be in cages, not tall enough to stand in. That they would be fed from dog bowls or water drippers. That handlers would patrol the room with cattle prods, ready to shock anyone who stepped out of line.
But there is no cage, and no cattle prods. Leo is just in a room.
The first thing Raph notices about the room is the cold. The rest of the building is hardly stifling, but even then, the blast of air that comes through the open door feels like Raph is stepping into a freezer.
As he saw from outside, there's no furniture. Or he doesn't think there is, until he looks down, under the window, and finds a cot.
And what's on the cot makes his heart stop.
Raph can barely remember the last time he saw Leo pull himself fully into his shell for anything other than shell bowling. He complained that it was too small, that the hot and cramped space made him feel claustrophobic.
Now he's completely pulled inside, still and silent in a way Leo should never be.
For an eternity, Raph thinks he's too late. They came all the way here only to save Leo's corpse.
He kneels by the cot, reaching out and putting a hand on Leo's shell. He's cold to the touch, and it unsettles Raph even further. He shouldn't be this cold.
Raph keeps his hand where it is and stays very still and very quiet. And he waits.
And then he hears it, so faint he almost misses it: a terrified, whimpering chirp.
Leo is alive.
Raph feels tears spring to his eyes. He puts his other hand on Leo's shell, rubbing in big, soothing motions.
"Leo! Leo, it's me! We're here, we're getting you out! It's all going to be okay, just trust Big Raphie, alright?"
So saying, Raph straightens back up, and grabs Leo's shell in his hands to carry him out, to take his little brother home.
A hand shoots out of the shell, stick thin. Though it's clearly weak, it grabs on to Raph's arm with a desperate ferocity, clawing at the skin there.
Raph freezes, not putting Leo down but not lifting him any further, either. He peers into the gap in Leo's shell, and sees eyes peering back at him, glassy and wide and full of terror. A cornered animal fighting for his life.
Raph takes a deep breath. He summons all the love he has for Leo, all the relief he feels at finding him alive, all the happiness he has from having his little brother in his arms again, and he pours it into a genuine smile, no matter the danger outside.
"Hey, Leo," he says, voice soft. "It's just me. Raph came to get ya. Everything's okay now."
A second passes, then five, then twenty. April starts to come in, but Raph waves a finger at her to tell her to go back before she startles Leo. He keeps the smile on his face, his eyes locked on Leo's, his hold secure but non-threatening.
And then, slowly, Leo pokes his head out.
"Raph?" he asks, in a voice that is exhausted and hoarse and warbling and absolutely beautiful.
"Yeah," says Raph, blinking tears back. "Hey, buddy."
Steadily, Leo unfurls the rest of himself, one limb emerging at a time. He looks terrible. His cheeks are sunken and gaunt, his skin is an unhealthy color, his eyes are ringed by dark black circles showing off how little he's slept.
Raph is so happy to see him. He so wishes this wasn't the state he was finding Leo in. If he could turn back time and make it so Leo never suffered, he would in a heartbeat. But he's so happy to have Leo back that the tears keep flowing.
The grip Leo has on his arm shifts. No longer trying to claw himself free, but grabbing on, holding still, with all the same desperation as before. His eyes search Raph's face, over and over until it seems he's finally satisfied.
"Raph," he repeats, and it's not a question this time.
"Yeah," Raph says anyway. "I'm here."
He lifts Leo the rest of the way, cradling Leo against his chest. Leo's so much lighter than he should be, and Raph feels a sharp pain in his heart over it.
It's okay. They'll leave. They'll take care of him. And then Leo will be all better again.
Leo shifts himself, reaching one arm up and hooking it around Raph's neck. Just that much movement seems to sap a lot of energy, and he slumps his head against Raph, giving up on holding it upright. It reminds Raph of when they were little and he would carry Leo to bed, before Leo started insisting he's too old for that.
"Am I dreaming?" Leo whispers.
Raph's heart breaks, but he doesn't lose his smile. "Nope. You're wide awake."
"Then..." Leo nuzzles closer. "Can we go home?"
"Yeah." Raph sniffles, shifting his grip so he can get a hand free without disturbing Leo. "We can go home."
Leo doesn't say anything more, just hums quietly against Raph's neck. Raph wipes his tears away, then turns and carries Leo out of the room.
Bishop is still against the wall; it's Draxum's vines holding him there now.
When Leo sees him, he shrinks into himself, crossing the arm not hooked around Raph over his chest. Raph turns his body so Leo is shielded from view, glaring hard at Bishop as he does.
"Didn't do anything to him, huh?" he asks, voice icy.
"He is unharmed," says Bishop, equally cold. Raph wants to kill him.
"That's enough out of you," says Draxum, and a new vine wraps around Bishop's mouth. That shuts him up.
April's eyes are wide, her hand over her mouth as she looks at Leo, but she quickly pulls herself together, her expression turning to one of hard steel. She comes closer, only softening when Leo's eyes lock on her.
"Hey, Leo," she says, reaching up and giving his arm a pat. "How're you feelin'?"
"Happy to see you," Leo rasps, and it's so sincere that Raph feels tears spring to his eyes again. April has to blink hard behind her glasses.
"We're really happy to see you, too."
"Yes, everyone is happy now," says Draxum, though his eyes are worried as they look Leo over. "But we still need to get out of here."
"Right." April opens the door back into the offices, letting Raph through, before she pulls up her wrist to talk into her Donnie tech. "Guys, you there?"
"We're here, April," comes Donnie's voice. "We've extracted the information and we're on our way to meet you."
"Great." She smiles up at Raph. "We got Leo."
"Leo!" Mikey's voice comes booming through the radio, loud enough that April cringes and leans back. Raph can hear Donnie make a noise of protest in the background. "Is he okay!? Can I talk to him!? Did he miss me!?"
April raises her wrist so the tech is in front of Leo's mouth. He tilts his head towards it, saying, "Course I missed you."
"LEO!" screams Mikey even louder, and Raph thinks he hears the shout from somewhere in the building, too.
"-key, give me back my arm-" comes Donnie's voice, then there's an exaggerated throat clearing before he's saying, "We'll be there in one minute. Be ready to move."
"We're ready," Raph assures him. They move to the door and watch for the others to appear.
Days of stress seem to fall off his brothers and Splinter when they see Leo.
Raph wishes they could have all the hugs and reassurances he knows they all need, but there's just no time; they're still in enemy territory, and the man who hurt his brother the most is just behind two doors, only being held by Draxum's vines. There's time only for brief shoulder touches and for Splinter to jump up on Raph's shoulder and give Leo's forehead a quick, relieved kiss.
Raph gives the rest of his family a quick glance over. Mikey is carrying Leo's gear, the katana sheathed across his shell and the rest of it slung over his shoulder. They haven't gotten any injuries, as far as he can tell. Everyone looks good to go.
"How do we get out of here?" asks Raph. Donnie pulls up his wrist tech.
"It may be inevitable that we'll face resistance on our way out... But the closest door is this way." He points down the hall, back the way Raph, Draxum, and April came from.
There's a weak thump against Raph's shoulder. "Gunners on the roof," Leo rasps once he has Raph's attention.
Raph wonders how he knows that, but there's no time to ask.
"We took care of 'em," he says instead. "You just relax, okay? We're getting out of here."
Leo lets his head fall against Raph's shoulder again, and Raph takes that as the okay to move.
It takes less time to get out than it did to get in. No need for stealth now that the director knows they're here, after all.
They run down the hallways, through doors, past the still unconscious guard April took care of earlier. Draxum takes the lead through the door, and they all crash as a group outside.
Where a ring of soldiers are waiting for them, guns trained their direction. And Raph isn't sure they're loaded with darts this time.
Leo shudders in his arms, and Raph curls protectively around him, already summoning his ninpo to shield them. His family forms their own protective barrier around the two of them, readying their weapons and squaring off against the soldiers.
Behind them, the door opens.
"This doesn't have to end in anyone getting hurt," says Bishop as he walks out.
Raph doesn't turn towards him, keeping the shivering Leo out of his sight. "What, like you didn't hurt my brother?"
"I've already told you, I didn't touch him." Bishop sounds only mildly put out. "He can attest to that himself."
"It's cute that you think any of us care what you have to say," snaps April, rounding on him and pointing her bat his direction.
"You should care what I have to say." Bishop nods at Raph. "Your comrade needs medical attention. Care that I can provide, if you lower your weapons and surrender."
"Care he only needs 'cause you jerks kidnapped him!" yells Mikey.
"Mikey," whispers Leo. Raph glances down at him, but Leo isn't looking his way.
"I gave Inmate 24365 plenty of chances to cooperate in exchange for more comfortable living conditions. That he declined was his choice. But I have no wish to see him dead. We were going to transfer him to the medical unit just as you arrived and interrupted us; surrender, and we'll take him there now."
"No," snaps Splinter, stepping toward Bishop. "You will come nowhere near my sons ever again."
"Mikey," Leo hisses with more urgency.
"These turtles are your sons? Really?" Bishop sounds disbelieving. Raph still doesn't turn his direction. "What am I supposed to believe next? That humans can give birth to birds?"
"They are my sons!" Splinter asserts. "Come near them again, and you are dead!"
"Perhaps we should kill him now, Lou Jitsu, and be done with it," Draxum suggests.
"Mikey," says Leo, kicking one emaciated foot. Mikey finally looks their way, confused. "Gimme... swords."
He doesn't have to explain. But Raph feels uneasy. He exchanges a glance with Donnie, who seems similarly concerned. "Nardo, I don't think-"
"Hey," says Leo, and even though his vocal chords sound tired and out of use, they can all hear him, their confident face-man of a brother, with a big ego and a cocky tone, shining through. "Trust me, I got this."
Mikey gives him the katana.
"The American government have allowed the yokai to live peacefully within our borders up until now," says Bishop. "If you kill me, that peace will be ruined."
"This war was started when you kidnapped my child!" cries Splinter, snapping his tail.
"You threaten the Hidden Cities as though you know anything about them," says Draxum. "They do not fear you."
"We know more about them than you think."
"You expect me to listen to this blathering?"
"Is it a chance you're willing to take, Draxum?"
Draxum falls silent. The lack of answer makes Raph feel even more on edge. But Leo is holding his katana now.
"You'll threaten the yokai no matter what we do today," says Splinter, voice dark. "No. We will not hand Leonardo over to you. You will not lay a single finger on him."
"So you're saying you won't surrender." Bishop pauses. Leo takes a deep breath. "You agree, Draxum?"
"...Leonardo is my creation. My son." Draxum sounds resolute. "No. I will not surrender."
Bishop scoffs. "Your son... this animal."
It's only the fact that he's holding Leo, fragile and shaking in his arms, that keeps Raph from turning around and killing Bishop right then.
But he doesn't, and Bishop raises his voice.
"Baron Draxum is a known yokai terrorist, who has threatened mass murder on the civilian human population of the United States and the rest of the earth. These five yokai are co-conspirators, and this woman with them a sympathizer and accomplice. They are attacking this base with the intent to harm those inside, and so anything we do now is self defense."
There's a smile in his tone as he says it.
"Fire at will."
Around them, triggers are pulled, and gunshots sound off.
But the flash of blue under their feet is faster.
For the first time since coming outside, Raph chances a look over his shoulder at Bishop, just as he's falling through the portal. Bullets whiz overhead, and one hits home.
The last thing Raph sees as he disappears into the blue light is blood blooming across Bishop's suit.
They fall out of the portal somewhere outside the fence. Raph's not sure exactly where. He's not even sure Leo was aiming, beyond getting them away.
He lets out a relieved laugh, looking around at everyone, in one piece and notably not shot. They still have to get back to the tank, but they made it. They're safe.
"Leo! You did it!" He whoops, looking down at his little brother. "I can't believe you really- ...Leo?"
That's when he realizes that Leo isn't moving.
He's slumped over in Raph's hold, no longer holding himself up. His katana slip out of his lax grip and fall into the snow with a soft whump.
"L-leo!? LEO!"
Part 1 | Part 2 (here) | Part 3
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obeymematches · 23 days
Hello~! Can I request a headcanon for an Mc that can’t sleep alone? Like they feel much safer sleeping next to someone. Thank you so much and take as much time as you need~! ☺️
ohhh i know how you feel, i also prefer sleeping with someone 💓 thank you for sending in a request & inspiring me, i had fun writing this💫
💤Sleeping together💤
He is awake when you go over to his room. He didn't have intentions to sleep yet but he wants what is best for you. It is your secret mission to get him to do what is best for him. He gets addicted to sleeping with you also. Even if he has evening plans with Diavolo / he seriously has to work late he insists you stay in his room & he joins when he can.
Nothing could make me more at ease than feeling you sleep by my side.
Guess what MC he can't sleep without you either!! Whew good thing you two are on the same page!! He must hold you with his arms AND his legs to fall asleep. After that he'll toss and turn though. Gets super sad if you tell him no sleeping together tonight. He would never do this to you!! 😩
Are ya comfy MC? Wanna stroke my hair? Just a little?
Quickly becomes addicted to your warmth surrounding him through the night. Never let go pls. You are a very good influence on his sleep schedule! Doesn't get as clingy as Mammon but damn he is very close to that level. Must get a bigger blanket so you stop stealing it so easily!
There there MC! My only duty now is to keep you warm!
Oh you won't get him to sleep when he doesn't want to so easily. He lets you sleep on his bed but he isn't in a rush to join you in dreamland; yes he does lay next to you but he is still busy reading! Loves to cuddle even though you might not remember much of it the next day. I think he doesn't complain if you sleep together often as long as you are not demanding it.
Nights with you are the most peaceful. Thank you  for being with me MC.
Gotcha! He suggests sleeping together before you do! Never ever complains if you want to spend the night! Free to cuddle any time of the day if you want to nap!
My dove, resting with you calms me down every night. You look cute when you are sound asleep, did you know?
Blushes at the suggestion of helping you sleep solely by being next to you. Very careful not to be too heavy for you! Would never dare to suggest it but gladly sleeps with you every night if that's what you wish!
MC.... I love you so much, being your pillow is my pleasure!
Honestly he doesn't mind if you randomly visit him through the night to sleep with him. If he likes you he is going to make sure you have the best sleep of your life and you become addicted to him quickly.
That's it MC, now close your eyes and take a rest. I'll be guarding your dreams.
Ah his lonely ass is craving your company 0-24 so honestly he would never refuse sleeping together. Has to make sure he has the most comfortable beddings on! Please cuddle him like his life depends on it, he is going to devote himself pretty soon if you keep it going!
I can't believe I was missing out on this feeling... somehow your presence makes me feel safe. I don't understand how either.
Hmmm I think he likes his independence but how could he refuse you? You can rarely sleep together though so he isn't going to be the best candidate for this request unfortunately :( If you do though it's going to make you view him in a very different light; he rarely lets anyone see hin so vulnerable!
On one condition, we can sleep together. No taking pictures, you can only close your eyes and sleep!
Ohhh a feeling he was longing for for so long... and now it happens every night. He probably doesn't go to sleep early though so he just joins when he is ready to sleep. It is his pleasure to cuddle you through the night!
I could really get used to this, MC. Shall we do this tomorrow as well?
Okay one step at a time! First just cuddling on the couch, then on the bed, only after that you might sleep together! Doesn't complain though and feels bad for making you wait so long. Loves to caress your back as you're cuddled up to his chest!
This feeling.... do you feel it too, MC? I never want this moment to end.
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adoregojo · 3 months
mikage's 5 steps guide! - nagi.s
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i missed writing for nagi... my loverboy.. also this writing style is so fun??? wth??? i need to write like this again. i can barely keep one eye open so if there's any typo, ignore pls pls.
warnings: some cussing ig?
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nagi was never that charming.
'charming' couldn't even stand being a word in his dictionary to be honest, nagi truly had zero sense of romance within him. he was an actual brick-walled person when it came to these things, or anything of strong-emotions in particular, there was no thoughts behind those void eyes of his but a circle of: sleep, eat, go to work, eat again, play games, sleep, and repeat.
even back to his high school years, not once he recalls talking to a girl, let alone getting a girlfriend, that was something beyond out of his character. maybe there was a girl that confessed to him, he remembered on valentines day he got a letter saying that he should go to the school's roof. and he ended up leaving the poor girl hanging on the air till the sky was clean orange because he genuinely 'forgot', nagi then earned the title 'heartbreaker' for a year straight, he let it be since it was much of a hassle to keep on correcting them. not like his reputation was any better before.
so you could say that nagi wasn't that much of a company to have around, on the other hand was his friend, reo who was basically the opposite of nagi, if anything he was prince charming himself. those social skills were enough to befriend anyone on sight, he got the looks, money and attention was surrounding him 24/7.
and even if reo gather the earth power to try and motivate nagi would go down hill, every time he tried setting him on a date it's either gonna end up horrible or nagi using the excuse to go to the bathroom and vanish to the nowhere. what an asshole.
at some point, reo accept the fact that maybe he's friend will in fact die alone.
and things switched around when you came to the picture.
first it wasn't that hard to notice you, your desk was glued to him after all. it was weird when you would greet him every morning and wish him a good night when you left, no one ever did that to him before, he tends to ignore and ends up being ignored. it was nice, a little reminder that somone was seeing him, acknowledging him.
slowly, the walls between you two was falling apart with each introduction. when you would pat him from his little naps for lunch time, or when it was leaving time, then he would stare at your back until your figure disappeared with a last wave, staring at the door for a little too long, perhaps wishing for you to walk back in.. who said that?
it was getting worse, or better, not the best at analysing his feelings. but nagi found himself looking out for a glimpse of you around the office, he has no shame to admit that the world suddenly felt gloomy without your presence beside him.
maybe he raised his head a little too fast when you walked in, maybe not. but he mostly did.
then you would ramble about how your shitty neighbour refused to clean after his pets filth and you two had a screaming match for a while before realising you were late. the was the worst way to start a monday morning, so you closed your eyes shut, rubbed your forehead for a peace of mind. then you opened your eyes, a piece of your favourite snaked would magically appear on your table.
for some reason your eyes traveled to the white painted head, he was looking at the other side, avoiding your questionable gaze hoovering over him.
Mondays aren't so bad after all, you thought.
perhaps he did place it there, who knows. —but nagi just really didn't like seeing you glum.
possibly, did he grew fond of you? he doesn't know. all he knew that lunch box you handed him the next day is a blessed gift within his palms. too good for him, you were too good for him.
you were the prove that the sky itself favoured him above anyone.
and when nagi wanted to ask you out, he only had one person to guide him to your heart.
so the very mysterious person behind the scene (reo) had a astounding idea that if someone like nagi; mister, game-addiction-freak. that on every step he'll get points! 100-90 if he did well, 80-70 not bad, 60-40 could've been worse.. 40-20 definitely could've been better... 20-0 yikes....
so with that, nagi was sent on a personal mission to win you over and soothe you with his nonexistent charm.
STEP ONE: be straightforward! it's not good to keep on dancing on someone's mindset with hints, it may cause a lot of confusion feelings and misunderstandings! only ask under a certain circumstances, a suitable place where were you two sit alone so they could have they're attention on you only. SIDE NOTE: try to make a good welcoming conversation to ease up the tension first then ask!
so nagi did just that, maybe a little too well.
he couldn't even eat his own lunch and just kept on rubbing his sweaty hands against each other's, staring back forth —he just noticed how many unfamiliar faces were there? did he really only seeyou?一 he was extra quiet which made you ask him multiple times if he was okay, he would just hum in response. what a smooth talker.
"nagi, you haven't even touched your food. are you actually okay?" you questioned, concerned. after taking a brief sip of your juice, but nagi just shook his head in conform, you raised a brow, a little in disbelief that he would think an obvious lie would go through you just like that. there was something off. the tension upon you two was twisting.
the words were on the tip of his tongue, yet they felt un-removed. all this stressing over four words were a pain, and a heavy burden he needed to reales before he lose his breathing track.
and the moment you took a bite and chewing on it, he just had to drop the bomb carelessly.
"go out with me."
so nagi didn't try and sooth the air, nor start a decent conversation. and when he gathered the earth courage to speak up, it wasn't even a question, that was a whole ass demand.
although, it worked. but it definitely could've gone better than you choking on your own food that you swore you witnessed death himself laughing his ass off at you.
what a great timing.
after you saw the heavens gates open for you and life flashing through your eyes, weirdly enough, you accepted.
huh, maybe he didn't mess up everything like he thought (he in fact did).
20 points!
STEP TWO: dress nice and compliment their outfit! dressing well means that you take the date seriously, complimenting them to foster a better sense of comfort and confidence, and they'll compliment you back! extra points if you made them all blushy and giddy!
nagi really wasn't the best at this.
instead of dressing 'nicely', all he wore was a big white hoodie and pants. didn't put much effort to his hair and just went off. it wasn't his problem that picking an estimated outfit was such a hassle. it's good at least it is something that covers him, right?
it all went downhill when you showed up, listen. he always thought you looked fit and nice in your suit work, and now he definitely wasn't ready to see you in regular, uniform out of work place. you just looked... so good, even great, stunning and beautiful, you name it.
nagi barely breath out a greeting, his eyes too busy scanning you from head to toe over and over, he couldn't take his gaze out of your sight even when you were on your way to the table. and he almost stumbled over twice for that, the first was nearly his face planting on the floor, and the second time he almost knocked out a whole plate of drinks. you just somehow managed to muddle over half of senses with your looks alone, maybe he should've considered writing his last letter.
"nagi.. you're staring too much."
the of yours dragged him out of his thoughts line. he saw as you held a sheepish— extra points?—expression, it was either from his heart-eyes eating you alive, or the date itself was bringing you to the nervous state, or both?
nagi cleared his throat, slightly cringing at himself for staring a little too hard. he was absolutely not doing reo's steps justice.
"sorry. you just, look really pretty." if not the prettiest of all, but again, nagi has eyes for you only to pay a mind to others around him.
your breath halts at that, you don't know what to say for a second, nagi himself was complementing you? and the fact that he said as it was a matter of a fact was such an out character thing. but at the same time a an amiable change. and it was for you only.
"thank you, I appreciate that." you say as you kept on twirling your fingers over your hair, you felt like a lovesick teenager. "I think you look very nice as well." you add, almost like a whisper, he still managed to catch it.
nagi let out a scoff, not even a smile forming on his features for that. "it's just hoodie, really."
"i still like it, it's very like you. I'm happy seeing that you can be yourself around me."
he flinch a bit at that, he really wasn't ready for this- it takes a strong-soulful soldier to handle this. and he really, really wanted to be gods strongest warrior just for you. so he gets a grip on himself and mumble a thanks.
you smile sweetly at that, and nagi may really be not the strongest soldier under your spell.
50 points!
STEP THREE: make a conversation! show interest in their personal life and listen to every ramble they have, try to also throw side comments there and here to support them and blow away any negative feelings of the talk being one-sided. also try and talk about your own life to make it easier for them to talk all night. SIDE NOTE: try and joke around to bloom a friendly tune. extra points if you made them laugh!
third time's a charm, right?
however, since nagi was uncommonly unfond of others babbling. in fact he found it annoying and it was hard keeping his eyes evenly open. but then when it comes to you, he found your feathery tune to be airy, he grew ease to it pitch.
so he handed over all his senses of hearing to you on one knee, and let you speak freely. switching between different topics form nowhere, and like the world- his world- itself was turning for you only, his eyes and soul was for you to talk and he'll rot into a shallow void to your lovely enunciate to play on a broken radio repeating.
maybe he should tell you to stop, because your non-touched food was getting cold, and maybe he should tell that to himself that too because he didn't even realize his plate was even there.
it felt like he had drifted from the original plan, instead the tables were turned and he was the one being swoon by you..
not that he minded honestly. but ending the night with you being the one who filled the space was enough to create a makeshift reo berating him, nevertheless, nagi really, really wanted you to like him back. to consider the idea of another date with him.
plus, he also liked your laugh, he really did. didn't the guide say something about making you laugh? even tried telling a joke that you actually chuckled at, something that was unneeded to say that his book was empty, he had to search on google "funny jokes" for gods sakes, how hopeless can he possibly get?
"why couldn't the sunflower ride it bike?" nagi utter flatly, "why" you slope your head to the side. "because it lost it petals." the joke was old, dusty, forsaken. and the urge to recoil the second it left his mouth was understandable. but somehow you still pushed out a laugh at it, you don't know if it was an amusingly one, or because that nonchalant face was clearly begging you to laugh. with that monochromatic tone and all made it even funnier.
that bloomed the smallest amount of exhilaration within his rib cage. it was lovely, and what was made the giddiness to flourish inside his belly was the fact that he was the reason for it. it felt priceless. a sight to a crave in his midst. completely bizarrely about all of this, nagi let's you take over him. to consume him, his heart, his breath and soul were yours to claim.
at least he did something good that night?
70 points!
STEP FOUR: walk them back home! it's quite a simple act but very affected and gentlemanly, make sure to make them feel save and guarded! hidden notes: try to hold their hand!
after paying the price, you and nagi take your leave. with also nagi's off attitude with him opening the doors for you and let you walk first. although, who were to complain about such a treatment? you'll take it
but weirdly enough, nagi was a bit on the edge. like he had a n amount of ants in his pants, couldn't look at your direction, barely spoke out a response, or anything in general. and 一was he holding his breath???一
wait, was nagi actually.... nervous?
you glanced at him, shoulders stiffened, hands moving too much and fast, mouth was dry and agape, half dizzy 一when he isn't?一
now that you did not expect.
it was even ten times worse than him in the cafeteria earlier, it felt like nagi was about to confess to you his cruelest crime. the tenseness was mixed with the deep-seated tenderness, nevertheless, it was a bittersweet taste. and it kept on going until you two stood together by your home.
"i had fun tonight, nagi." you spoke first.
he finally flinched out of his own world, he sees you rubbing your arm, the gesture was sketchy, almost as if you were waiting for him to say something, anything.
but nagi's mind was blank, blow out an air in his ear and it will run out of the other, empty head. yet his mind was roaming, that need to say something clung up to him again. too many thoughts he cannot process.
but all nagi did know was he wanted you to stay a little longer.
"that's.. good?" he should have stayed quiet, what kind of answer is that.
you nodded awkwardly in agreement, breathing out an 'yeah..' he felt a bit guilty at making you feel uncomfortable, the fact of him being unfaithful may have crossed your mind, and nagi didn't like it. but you always managed to make feel weird, he always felt too warm when you would get close to him, words were lost when he would look at your eyes, and now this..
but despite everything, he felt like himself when he was with you the most..
every game had it secret move, and his was that he need to let himself be.
"can we do this again? i also had a good night." a part of nagi wanted to add that it was one of the best nights he ever had, yet it was too cheesy, cringe.
"yes!" you replied, too fast. you sounded so desperate! you palmed your mouth, embarrassment remains on your face as you cleared your throat. "i mean.. yes, we can do this again."
nagi had to physically bent down his head, he was gonna set you on fire alive with his eyes, if he may say, you looked cute when flustered. and his heart wouldn't stop beating so infuriated, almost bursting out raw of chest.
nagi for some reason, stretched out his arms. it was bold and he knew it, he just did it and hoped for you to handle it. "um.. can i?" he sees you halting at your place. eyes ogling around but his own.
you walk up all jittery to him until there's barely any inches left between the two of you, you kept your eyes glued to your feet as if it was the most interesting thing in this moment, but it's also like you were asking him if it was okay, unsureness. so he pushes your head gently forward to rest on his stiffen chest. an arm runs around your back to force you as close as possible to him.
you shrivel when nagi's nose would be buried deep unto your hair locks. your scent would draw him at slacken, his whole body bending against yours that you felt like he wanted to crawl under your skin desperately, searching for the seeds of endless love you endowed to him.
you didn't know if you were somehow intoxicated, but you swore that you felt a pair of soft lips pressing against your skull, god, you felt like melting and soon to become a paste sliding down between his fingers. you gently pushed yourself back, and perhaps you imagined nagi's whining for you to not let go. it's like you were gonna fly away once he unwrapped you free. the second you meet his face, a pout expression on his lips, and you couldn't help yourself from cupping his cheeks, squeezing them slightly. a smile made it way to your face as his eyebrows grew frowned.
nagi's hands were on yours, pulling them down from his face, but not too far. unabashedly keeping his eyes locked with yours, he was holding you tight and close, basically hostage. the bug-stomach is back at again but more fiercely than ever.
80 points!
the dull hue travels down on your lips. boldly, he doesn't look away for what felt like eternity, if anything it seems like they grew heavy the second you parted them slightly to say something that sticked on your tongue.
"can i kiss you?"
was he trying to kill you?
you don't respond, instead you made a move to give him a quick peck on his cheek. backing off faster than ever. nagi stood still, rooting in his place, completely bamboozled. his mind stopped working and his eyes were drifting off in different directions.一is it normal that he felt like melting to the ground?一
"im so sorry, nagi- i just got really nervous and-"
"seishiro, call me seishiro." he finally found a piece of mind to say. he didn't know if it came out as a command, but he sincerely wanted you to call him by his name. he'd die a happy man then.
"well.. goodnight, seishiro. can't wait for our next date," you said, weaving before your door. nagi barely being able to wave back, his mind was still half empty. you just made him see the light of the stars and left with with the sweetest, loveliest smile for him to think about for the next couple of weeks.
maybe he stood there for a little longer than he should have, his face was on fire, his heart on race track. antithesis of the nonchalant face he had, he made a move to rub the spot you pressed your soft lips against. and the first thing that came to his mind that it was definitely worth it.
and by now, he absolutely forgot about the points and the game itself. oh well, at least half of it worked. he just did it in his own version, which apparently was charming to you. nagi thinks if being charm to you, than he can come over anything.
limitless points! you have made your own path to the heart!
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ceilidho · 6 months
coworker soap who frames the fleshlight thing as a joke but with a creepy undercurrent that you cant understand why you know it isnt a joke but you also dont wanna rock the boat so you dont tell hr bc johnny the ex-military man is a model employee otherwise and you cant help but feel hot shame run down ur spine when he says it that you are, at least a little, flattered by it bc shit dude hes HOT. coworker soap who just. doesnt bring it up again. its just boiling rhe frog. he says weird, borderline creepy shit that could be passed off as "guy talk" in any other situation (regardless of readers gender). He follows you around like a puppy and where it used to be normal for you, you feel a little creeped out now but. everyone. already refers to you as a duo. itd be weird if you stopped for no reason? right?
i don't know what broke in my mind long ago that this is like, the weirdly hottest thing in the world to me but im genuinely twitching over it right now.
model employee Johnny, knows the handbook inside and out, walks elderly customers to their cars with their bags, shows up to work early for every shift, always with a smile and a positive attitude. management loves him because his sales are also record high (i mean, it makes sense - i wouldn't be able to say no if he was helping me with a purchase and tried to upsell me). he's also a spokesperson for the company in all of their internal training videos because he was hired through some "jobs for vets" program that they just rolled out (idk i'm making this up). and the guy can stack things on a shelf like no one's business lmao like MILITARY precision/organization.
all your coworkers love him and genuinely like fist pump whenever they get put on the schedule with him because he's a blast to work with, and some of your coworkers are actually incredibly jealous that he just seems to follow you around everywhere. hangs off your every word. always seems to just pop out from around the corner whenever you're having trouble reaching something on a shelf.
but he says weird, uncomfortable shit to you sometimes. way over the line. you don't even know what to say at first when Johnny jokingly tells you that he has a fleshlight at home that he's named after you, just laughs and then stares at you for a second. and you like, give a little awkward laugh, growing more uncomfortable by the second the longer he stares at you without blinking. until something passes over his eyes and suddenly he's back to normal, clapping you on the arm and wandering off back to the men's apparel section.
he does a lot of strange shit actually. maybe insists on walking you to your car when the two of you are on the closing shift and it's well into the evening. laughs a little too hard and with too much vigour when someone calls him your shadow, his eyes just a little too bright and fervent. asks if you want to sit on his lap while he shows you how to use the forklift in the backroom. begs management to let him take his breaks with you and doesn't let you have a moment of peace, just sits with you in the breakroom or follows you to your car when you say that you're going out for lunch.
and you can't complain to any of your coworkers because the second you so much as criticize his work, they bark at you to be nice to him. he's just re-acclimating to civilian life, of course he's not perfect at his job yet. they defend him viciously. and the real jealous ones even tell on you in front of him, leaving you standing there embarrassed and on the spot until Johnny just smiles and says that it's alright. you'll just have to teach him better.
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 3 months
Can i request like la squadra and their s/o but they are the complete opposite of them?
Like Risotto is stoic and his s/o is emotional or Ghiaccio who is short tempered and his s/o is calm and very nice
ooh this is actually a very cool prompt to write - personality descriptions in prompts make writing feel way less daunting but I understand if readers may not like a less applicable reader. Oh well, gonna write anyways.
You're finicky, on-edge, and I suppose a bit of a perfectionist(?)...maybe "control freak" is a better way to word it? Either way, you need things to go right, perfectly as you plan.
Not to say Formaggio is careless, but he does things on-the-go (you telling me he planned to jump into the sewers?) and doesn't mind if things get messy.
You two are each other's reasonable thoughts. If you think one of his ideas is too risky and need him to weigh the consequences he'll listen to you completely, and in return he opens you up to just...letting some things happen.
He eases your anxieties when they're excessive, but is beyond attracted to your work ethic and smarts. He'll hold your hands and listen to your every idea if you'll listen to his.
Soft-spoken and definitely not a confident one, it's difficult for most people to look at you two and understand how you could've ever gotten together in the first place. Maybe you even have these doubts yourself.
But he never lets you feel those doubts for long. At first he honestly probably wasn't the nicest! But when you managed to capture his heart and hints of a connection began to show, he allowed himself to slow down a bit and really understand you. Care about you.
And when you feel anxious about the relationship, he always reminds you how much he loves you (take it sexually if you want, but I don't mean it like that). Just...only in the mirror world. Trust me, he's not embarrassed about loving you, it's just more comfortable for both of you. His image and your nerves.
In the privacy of his own safe world, he doesn't need to worry about how vulnerable he is, and he can praise and encourage you as much as you need. A moment for him to feel softer and you to feel stronger.
You must be Pesci's twin or something - difference is he isn't as harsh with you. Sensitive and a follower, not a leader, maybe you feel security in Prosciutto's straightforward, no-nonsense demeanor.
Prosciutto is good at seeing the strengths in someone and raising their confidence as we see in canon, and he surely does it with you. He can see how gentle and well-meaning you are in everything you do and he reminds you of your greatness whenever you fear being "too soft"
In turn you offer the quiet he needs sometimes. He is relatively fine with spending a life alone, but a balance of peace and your company is better than he could've imagined. And don't worry about not being good at comforting others with words, he was never one to enjoy that kind of comfort anyways.
I don't know how else to end this section so....imagine him holding your hand :) DO IT NOW
If someone were to describe you, they sure would call you brave, headstrong, and....maybe not the brightest? You aren't stupid! You just...aren't the smartest, and it's very clear. However, your open nature makes it easy for Pesci to talk to you.
You see the sides of Pesci that a lot of people take way too long to notice, like how observant and clever he can be. You don't see him as too soft, you know that he takes his job as seriously as he can.
While his meeker nature doesn't do much to dilute your chaos, he never feels bad about it! You're the light of his life, and honestly he really looks up to you!
If you want to stand up for him when his teammates pick on him, go ahead! I mean, the only thing you'll achieve is becoming their second target, but uh....maybe it's a bonding opportunity?? Even if nothing comes from it, he will love you forever.
What a fucking prude you are. A prude based on NOTHING. My goodness. Were you a sheltered child perhaps? Jokes aside it's a miracle you two can stand each other. Melone isn't picky with partners but someone like you? You're so incompatible at first that the gang assumed he had other plans for chasing you.
Emphasis on at first. Maybe you were a challenge to him, a "passion project" to see how much he could open you up one way or another. I can't say which ways it worked or not, that's for your own interpretation, but in time you became the most annoying couple the team had ever seen.
If you weren't teasing each other, you were bickering in a tease-y way. And if you weren't bickering, Melone was teaching you some sciencey shit in a voice so syrupy sweet that Ghiaccio's practically retching.
Maybe you try to flip the script, try to pick his brain and open him up like he tries to do to you; oh you're lucky he loves you so much, you're the one person he will do anything for.
Growing up the way he did, he learned that everything about him is wrong, and everyone is a threat at worst, liability at best. Even you, with your patient smile and kind words and....how you actually...listened to him rant.
He's scared of you, then pissed at you, then so confused by you he doesn't know what to do. If you didn't make the first move then a relationship just isn't happening. While he's the more assertive of you two, you'll have to do the heavy lifting just that once.
Falling for a person so different is easier, but maintaining the relationship is harder on his end, I'm not even going to lie. Sometimes he's frustrated by your unconditional love, sometimes there's a savior-like feeling he has about you, sometimes he fears these ever-changing feelings, and tried to distance himself from you. But you...always help him through it.
And don't think it's only you changing him, he also encourages you to stand up for yourself, to speak your mind, to put your own mask on first sometimes. (insert italian screaming)
He's not emotionless, at least...he doesn't like to think so. But in this line of work he needs to keep a tight lip and blank stare. Something he's perfected. So when he watches you openly sob at a movie, curled against his body as you sniffle and choke, he doesn't get moved to the same extent.
Do you get to see Risotto's true emotions? Yes...in time. You've both got targets tattooed to your back, so if he ever thinks it's safe enough to get close to you to the point of being openly emotional, it's because you've spent several YEARS together.
But he understands you, he feels the same as you as you shout or grin or cry. Not only does he understand your emotions, but you may be secretly amplifying his own. There's no tears, but a tearing, clawing feeling in his heart. No smile, but a fuzz in his face that he can't clear out.
You are the ocean and he is a rock, standing strong through every storm and watching both the rage and the calm with equal admiration.
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spacebarbarianweird · 6 months
Hey! This is a little silly but I have a request. One of my mutuals had her birthday a few days ago, but I had no time to prepare anything for her (the little shit literally told me just YESTERDAY, yeah, still mad at that one). Since your work is amazing, may I request a oneshot/headcanons (whichever you want) based on her post? (https://www.tumblr.com/lumar014ad/736193443690430464/imagine-that-youre-a-druidwizardwarlock-with-a)
Sorry if it's too personal, I just want to do something nice for her and this is the only thing I can think of. Thanks for hearing me out anyways :)
Hi! Thank you for your request! I usually do requests in the order I get them but since it's a special occasion I be like (quote) "How could I say no?"
Astarion x Tav!Cat Owner
As long as you can remember, you've loved cats.
Some may say, they are lazy assholes no one would want to have, but you disagree.
Cats are independent. They require unconditional love. If a cat loves you, it means a lot.
Unfortunately, the life of an adventurer isn't good for cat. A dog? Maybe, but cats need a stable home.
But cats choose their owners, not the other way around.
A tiny kitten, only three weeks old, yells desperately in the sewers. The second the findling is put on the ground, he climbs you and purrs.
"Well, I suppose, now you are mine."
Black and fluffy, but fierce. You call the little guy "Wyvern". Wyv, for short.
But the moment you put Wyv inside your travel jacket, you are kidnapped by the Mindflayers.
Shocked and scared, you make sure they don't notice the kitten, hiding him under your shirt.
You search your way to freedom. The kitten stays quiet all the time.
But hissing violently when he senses the danger ahead.
He somehow survives the fall with you but he looks at you with this face "wtf, I just wanted to be safe."
But Wyv, surprisingly, likes living on the road with you. He sits in your jacket or on your shoulder causing loud "awwwws" from strangers.
"This is Wyvern! I found him in the sewers!"
"Did you toss a coin to choose this name for a cat?" Astarion isn't impressed but even he admits the cat has a temper of a dragon.
As for Astarion, he loves cats. But animals fear the Undead. Especially cats since they can smell the reek of death.
But to his own surprise, Wyvern doesn't mind Astarion's company.
More than that, he constantly tries to sit on the vampire's shoulder or just yells until Astarion takes him in his cold hands.
"Please, Tav, take your animal back. He screams like a drunk goblin"
"Because he is hungry", you shrug. "Oh come on! Do me a favor - I feed you every night, you can manage to feed my cat!"
For some unknown reason, Wyv wants Astarion's attention - and even sleeps in his tent.
One evening, you notice Astarion meditating while the cat is purring loudly on his chest. Astarion's face is peaceful and you know this night won't bring him nightmares.
You see it as a sign. You were hesitant to suggest sharing the tent together but since Wyvern has already moved there why not follow his example?
And you can't stop thinking about that Astarion and Wyvern have very much in common.
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roronoacherries · 5 months
𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐞 𝐲 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐞 | roronoa zoro
913 words
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content: fem. latina reader, fluff, post time-skip, zoro watches reader dance and sing while she cleans the sunny.
notes: i miss rbd... yo digo r, tu dices bd, rbd, rbd!
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zoro loves to watch you clean. he likes to stay back with you while the others explore a new island, knowing that you like to take advantage of the time alone. he’ll make himself scarce to let you work in peace but he's always there, keeping you company.
sometimes he closes his eyes to rest, enjoying the comfortable silence of the empty ship, hearing only the sound of you humming or singing softly; although most often, all he does is watch. it doesn't really matter to him; so long as he's near you, he's content.
there’s something endearing to him about the way you zone out, moving from one thing to another as if all the chore work came naturally to you.
she’d make a perfect housewife, he thinks to himself, knowing full well that if he ever uttered those words aloud, you and your tiny frame would make sure he hurt (and that thought is only further proof to him that you would be).
he likes it most when you play your loud latin music and sing along to it, almost always sounding terribly though he's convinced if you bothered to try you'd sound like an angel.
you hold the broom like a mic, singing each syllable like you feel it in the depths of your soul and zoro wonders what the hell you could be singing about; he rarely asks anymore, knowing well enough that it'll likely be a feeling you've never actually felt before.
you're dramatic and loud and he's certain that you wouldn't act this foolishly around anyone else. something he couldn't be more thankful for.
"y aquí estoy rendida a tus pies." you drop to your knees in front of him and the swordsman raises a brow, silently wondering how long it'll take you to sweep the room this time.
"y sé que no hay nada que perder..." you stand, stepping closer to him and your hand rests on his cheek and he thinks it might take at least another ten minutes for you to be done.
"pensando en ti," you lean in close, your hand falling into his and all that's left on his mind is that he could kiss you for those next ten minutes instead.
but you pull away before your lips can touch, fingers slipping from his as you sing the next line. "hasta que no me dejes ir."
you sing the chorus as you twirl around the room, picking things up from the floor, your eyes meeting zoro's enough for him to know that this time the song is about a feeling you know.
"no quiero vivir sin tu amor jamás..." you take a seat on his lap, your legs on either side of him and zoro's hands find their place on your waist, deciding not to let you stand up again.
"what're you singing about this time?" he grunts, his thumbs drawing circles into your skin.
"nothing special. just loving you and needing you and never wanting to let you go..." you say, pressing kisses to his face between every few words.
"what was that last line?" zoro questions, somehow knowing that whatever it was, you'd left it out. a part of him thinks he deserves a nice little treat for the spanish he's inadvertently learned from you.
you think about the line for a moment before translating it, "i don't want to live without your love, not ever."
and there's something left hanging in the air when you've said it. a twinkle of uncertainty in your eyes. something left unspoken.
"you won't."
it's the kind of oath that is rooted in regret. the kind that feels certain — set in stone, despite the impossibility of it. like he's promising you the stars and there's nothing you can do but believe him. it's not up to him whether you get to be at his side forever or not, but you believe it when he says you will. 
"i missed you a lot." you can't help but say it and it feels pointless to mention, but you can’t put it out of your mind either. those two years taught you what eternity can feel like. 
"i know," zoro’s lips brush yours without kissing you. instead, you feel his breath, the warmth coming from his body, and you wish you could get to know a different kind of eternity with him. closing the gap between you and him, you think this is the next best thing — the little taste of eternity on his lips. 
"‘m going to love you for a long, long time…"
zoro doesn’t mean for the words to come off as romantic, doesn’t intend for them to make your heartbeat stutter, and you know that as well as you know him but they do regardless. the swordsman doesn’t even realize the sweetness of his blunt sincerity and you couldn’t love him more for it. 
“i love you,” you utter the words in a faint whisper, pressing another gentle kiss to his lips before resting your head on his chest and listening to the music still playing. you could sit there in his arms forever, you think, until a familiar rapid beat meets your ears. 
"da-ddy yan-keh..."
and zoro doesn’t fight it when you leave the warmth of his arms to dance again. he still has an eternity to hold you and to love you, anyway. 
taglist: @zorobraun @maaarshieee @lyriczhou @tinkywinky27 @dimimyth @gaby-chwan @tk6uro @zoros-4th-sword @idiotlittleme @zoronnoa
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eeunoia · 24 days
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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ENHYPEN as Taylor Swifts Song
synopsis: they said in our life, there will be that one love that is so intense and passionate. the type of love that has good and bad days on it, but still feel home for you. the type of love that makes you crazy. so many emotions but for only one person. that’s park sunghoon for you.
pairings: park sunghoon x reader
word count: 12k.
warnings: toxic relationship, angst, sunghoon being a redflag. (let me know if i missed some)
note: i got totally carried away with this one and honestly i’m totally satisfied on how i wrote this. i’m currently on my psh phase so i’m totally crazy for him lol anyway, i hope you enjoy this fic and please please please leave your thoughts on replies or send me some ask. it helps so much to keep me writing more. ily & stay safe!
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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“Where are you going?” you asked while pulling the sheet up to your chest, watching your boyfriend scurrying to gather his things as he put his clothes on.
He threw you a short glance, hair still disheveled from the heated session you two just shared and went back on to what he was doing.
“Band practice.” he shortly replied.
You gulped, spacing out after his response. Its not that this is the first time he did this. Having sex with you and leave once his bandmates calls him out for practice. You always think that it was his priority over his relationship with you.
His steps are quick when he approach and kissed the top of your head like as if it will do any better.
“I'll see you later, okay?” and then turned his back to go on his way without sending you another look.
After hearing the sound of the door closing and locks clicking, you laid back on your shared bed and stared right at the ceiling. Mind occupied by a lot of thoughts and slowly feeling the energy finally draining out of you.
You have been dating Park Sunghoon for exactly three years now. He's the hot drummer of the band called PARADOX. Handsome, talented and very passionate man. He sure love what he does the most, music.
People who knows the two of you may say that your relationship with him is pretty sturdy. Despite the scruffles and misunderstanding along the side, the memories and bond you built together was not easy to break.
They'll also probably mention how the two of you are an odd combination. You, being someone who finished college to have a righteous degree and works as a fine finance manager in a big company and Sunghoon, being the drummer of a said band.
Its not that being in a band and making music is a bad occupation, its just compared to yours, his is just more unstable. Yes, he is good. His band is really good and somehow makes it to places to share their music, but at some point it just doesn't fit.
Sometimes, they still wonder how the two of you works it out. How you can handle the mess and the outgoing side of Park Sunghoon, notwithstanding the fact of being someone who loves peace and have a priggish personality.
“Are you still playing in that band?” this are the common question your Father loves to throw during dinners whenever you take Sunghoon home with you.
You've always know how things ends up so you are expeditious on getting in between.
“Dad.” you looked at him with a pleading eyes, hoping he'll cooperate tonight and let you guys have a peaceful dinner just for once.
Sunghoon tensed beside you as his hold over his utensils tighten, as well as his jaw. It was already hard to swallow food now that he's inside your home having dinner with your parents and now your Dad is again belittling him.
“Yes, sir.” he answered.
The usual disappointing and downgrading look on his face makes Sunghoon feels awful. During this time is when he'll surely never get used to. It makes him realize that no matter how good he do, no matter how great his band became, he will never be someone so worthy in the eyes of your Father.
“And for how long will you plan to do this nonsense?” he was not holding back at all. His wife, your Mom, beside him gently reaches for his arm, trying to stop him from saying more.
Sunghoon clenched his jaw, “Making music is not nonsense. We are doing well right now, sir.”
The way he says those words just makes your Father even more pissed at him. He always hates how he was so confident and prideful. The way he stands whenever he greets him after arriving at your home is giving off as someone imperious.
He scoffed humorless, “And for how long? I've already told you that there's no future in that dream of yours.”
“Dad!” your voice raised because you couldn't handle what he's saying right now.
Sunghoon stands abruptly, making a dragging sound from the chair he was occupying. He balled his fist and just stormed outside of your house. You stood and stared at your Dad with a look of dispair in your eyes. He didn't back down and just gave you this knowing look.
“I asked you to stop doing that.”
“And I already told you to leave that boy countless times, y/n. Stop wasting your time with him!” he strictly said.
“Never.” and with that you turned your feet to start coming after your boyfriend.
You saw him a few blocks away walking towards where he parked his motorcycle. With quick steps, you try to catch up on him.
“Sunghoon!” you screamed, but he didn't even looked back on you.
With gritted teeth, you hurried your steps even more and right on time that he ride his motorcycle, you grabbed him by his arm.
“Why are you not stopping!” you yelled, tears brimming your eyes.
He glanced at you and that's when you saw his bloodshot eyes. Your boyfriend never cries. His playful demeanor never showed his weak side, even with you. Maybe your father was right. He is someone full of pride and sometimes arrogant, but you love him. And he loves you.
“I told you already that I don't want to come! But you forced me anyway!” he yelled, making you flinch a little.
It was really your fault because you are so persistent on making the things between your Dad and him to work despite knowing the outcome of this visit to your parent's house.
“He will never see me worthy of you. You are always so hard to reach for me...” his tone low that made your heart crack. You've never seen him like this before.
His eyes darken as he teared his gaze away, shoving your hold off from his arm. You started to panic and watch how he grabs the handle of his vehicle then started the engine.
“W-What are you doing? Are you leaving m-me?” you asked in a broken tone that made him falter a bit, but the pain from the scene of how your father belittled him was stronger.
Rain starts pouring, but you stood your ground. Didn't even bothered that you are starting to get soaked by the now pouring rain.
“P-Please, don't do this.” you begged and Sunghoon stared at you and maybe it was the rain? Or the cold breeze surrounding you two, but he seems so cold and distant. It breaks you slowly.
“I l-love you so much.” you gulped getting rid of the lump on your throat. “P-Please.”
But he starts droving off. Your heart sank and quickly tries to run after him. Its stupid because there's no way to catch up just by running, but your mind was too clouded to even think straight.
The rain poured even harder and your knees felt weak from running too much. You stopped and cries even harder, heart feeling so broken. You don't feel bothered by the cold at all and all you can think of is how your chest is hurting so bad. You felt slightly suffocated from crying so hard, giving you a hard time to breath.
A roaring sound of an engine makes you lift your head and a string of hope ignites when you saw lights emitting from a vehicle that is driving near you.
Your lips shakes when you saw the familiar motorcycle stopping beside you, Sunghoon's all drenched like you when he turned his head at your side.
“Your father,” he starts and you shake your head sideways trying to stop him, but he continued. “he may hate me to his bones. He may resent me and never want me for you.” one of his hand lets go from the handle and reach over your hand.
“But I love you.” he said firmly that made you tear up even more. “I love you so fucking much that it hurts.” he pursed his lips hardly, jaw clenching hard as he tries to hide his emotions.
You cried and lets go from his hand to cup his face. Both feeling so cold from the nonstop rain but the warmth you two are giving each were enough for you. You leaned in connecting your lips before pulling away to stare at his eyes.
“I don't care about what he thinks. I only want you and no one else.”
He smirks then starts handing you a helmet.
“Then hop on, pretty. We're going to get sick if we stay here longer.”
And without a hint of hesitation, you wore the helmet and hopped on his motorbike. Sunghoon pulls your arm so you can hug him from behind.
“Hold on tight and don't let go.”
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“Sunghoon, I told you already I'm still at the office. I can't be out until before 9pm.” your elbow rests over your desk as you try and massage your temple to ease your aching head.
“But our gig will start at eight pm, y/n. You said you'll watch.” he sounded so upset.
Normally, you will hurry yourself to go attend his gig but today was a rough day for you as well. Too many office works are lined up for you, workload piled up that you don't even know where to start. You know how much it means for Sunghoon having you to be there for him. But today's just so draining. And sometimes you kind of feel like you were always there for him but when will he be there for you?
“Sunghoon,” you draw in a heavy breath, calming yourself down to prevent saying anything that can spoil his mood. That’s the last thing you want to do if he have a gig.
“It’s just unexpctedly a very busy day. I need to finish all these works on time—” he cuts you even before you can finish your sentence.
“Just say it if you want to spend time with that co-worker and stop making lame excuses, y/n.” the sarcasm that lurks over his tone caught you dumbfounded.
Your mouth hanged open, unable to even utter your response to this nonsense he’s trying to imply. He’s very unbelievable. You are very tired already, the workload’s too heavy and here he is doubting you. He still have the audacity of accusing you over things when all you want is for this day to be over so you can see him and rest.
Sunghoon’s naturally a jealous boyfriend. He’s very possessive of you to the point that sometimes it can be out of hand. His bad temper and jealous demeanor is not a good combo because he always ends up fucking up things and telling you things he didn’t mean at all.
“Baby, no. Of course not! I really want to watch your gig, you know that right? It’s just—”
“You will really choose that over me, aren’t you? Like as if people doesn’t think I was unworthy of you already. You just really need to prove more...” his monotonous tone are like knives straight to your heart.
“Don’t even go there. You know its not that.” your lips tremble along with your hands as the conversations starts to get more intense.
“Yeah, right. Have fun with your co-worker.” he mumbled with a bitter tone and ended the call right away.
You shut your eyes as you drop your phone to your desk wrecklessly before running your hand through your hair, messing it a bit. The silence occupying the almost empty building floor didn’t help from the aching of your head. He’s really just unbelievable.
And it’s even more unbelievable that you are still so in love with him despite the red flags he’s obviously showing you. It was too late for you to even realize that you are already packing your things to go and see your boyfriend’s gig. The mountain-like paperworks that were on your table caught your eyes and made you halt for a bit, but in the end you chose to turn the lights off and head out of your office. Off to see your sulking boyfriend.
When you arrived, it was their last song for the night. The traffic on the way made the suppose to be 20 minute travel an hour long drive. A relieved sigh made it to your lips while you walk towards their manager, your feet starts to stings from your high-heel.
“Y/n! I thought you couldn’t make it tonight? Sunghoon said.” he smiled warmly before giving you a friendly hug.
You tried your best to return his smile as your eyes roamed and trailed over to the stage. The spotlight that pointed over your boyfriend gave you the chance to have the perfect view of him playing passionately. A small string tugs inside your heart while watching him, eyes closed and letting himself be drawn by music.
When people ask you why you fell so hard for him, they probably won’t understand you unless they’ll be in your shoes themselves. These are the moment he shines the most. The moment you can clearly see the real him. His love for his passion and his smiles melts you from the inside and out. It was unexplainable. You love Sunghoon. You love him so dearly to the point your heart aches.
When he opens his eyes like as if he felt an intense eyes are watching him, he met yours. Those pretty eyes that looks at him with so much affection. The eyes that pretty much made him feel things no one else can. The eyes that can comfort him. His safe place, his solace and his other half. For Sunghoon, if music is his passion then you are the life that pushes him to chase it. His inspiration.
His eyes fixated over you and lips pursed into a pout, still sulking. That made you chuckle and mouthed, ‘I love you.’
Sunghoon’s lips lifts up before responding, ‘I love you too.’ that made your stomach churns and heart thumping like crazy. Somehow it made you feel at ease. Despite all the worries and trials, as long as you have him, you will manage.
Only you and him will understand the type of love you share with each other.
“Thank you so much for tonight everyone! And we are...” Heeseung, their lead vocalists stalls his words and glanced at his band-mates and in unison they leaned over the mics near them and said, “PARADOX.”
The crowd cheers and you can see how they truly enjoyed the whole show. A small, but proud smile made its way towards your lips. The boys did a short fan service while you stay at the side with their manager. Girls swarms around them, but you didn’t mind it. This isn’t new for you anymore and if you want a partner in this line of job, you should prepare yourself for crazy fangirls.
“I’m really glad you made it, y/n” your head snaps over to the side when their manager spoke. He gave you this sincere look on his face and some other kind of gaze you couldn’t identify.
He sports this plain white shirt and some jeans. Hair styled in a pretty basic style any boy could pull and then he stood there a little stiff. You gave him a smile and a clap over his shoulder.
“Of course, I want my boyfriend to know I’m always here for him.” you stated that made his smile falter for a bit. He was quick to pull it back up, nodding his head slowly like as if he was reminded of something.
“Right... Sunghoon.” he mumbled.
Your gaze remained at him, a little confused of his reaction. It bothered you a bit so you’re about to ask him what’s wrong when a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist.
“Hi hotstuff.” Sunghoon’s voice sounded so seductive as he quickly leans for a heated kiss.
You squeals lightly and tries to pull off from him, but ends up giving in and showing everyone how you two devours each other’s faces. One of Sunghoon’s hand moved down to slightly grope your butt that made you moan a little over his lips. He smirks, mission accomplished for him.
He was greeted by your blushing cheeks once he pulled away, one hand still possessively resting over your waist to keep you close to him.
“H-Hello,” the impact of your latest stunt dawning you, making you feel so shy.
He smirks, fangs showing and good Lord, does he look even hotter.
“You came.” his tone indicates the joy to see you here and that just makes you feel so much better. He may not vocally thank you or tell you he appreciates it so much, but the way his eyes twinkle and shines was enough for you to know how he feels.
“Of course. My boyfriend is being sulky so I have no other choice.” the corner of your lips lifts up, taunting him.
He stares at your eyes before grinning even wider, “I’m not sulky.” he leans in again, couldn’t resist your lips after glancing at it for a second. After he placed a loving kiss, he leans away and went back on facing his friends.
You watch how he threw a short glance at their manager as well and it remained for a while before he direct his attention to some acquaintances that are greeting his band.
The night was long, as usual. This is pretty much what happens whenever he have gigs. You feel so tired, feet feels so painful that you are sure you grew blisters over it. Your eyelids felt so heavy as well, the long day finally kicking in. The boys are still loud and celebrating, but finally one called it a night.
All of you starts heading outside the bar they performed in. Sunghoon’s walking a few steps ahead of you, talking and goofing with his friends. You are silent, too tired to even listen or join on their conversation.
You were almost hit by the door when Sunghoon didn’t even remember to hold it for you. He was too busy talking to his band-mates and didn’t even noticed that the door almost slapped you on the face. Thankfully, an arm held it for you.
“Thank you, Riki.” you gave him a small smile.
You’ve been together with Sunghoon for a while now so that only means you’ve hanged out with his band countless times causing you to grew closer towards them. But for some reasons, Riki is the only one who is somehow felt awkward to be with. You cannot explain why, but there’s just something about him that leaves you nothing to say.
He didn’t smile or anything, just stared down to you using his intimidating eyes.
“No problem.” shivers ran to your spines because of his low voice. His eyes then moved from looking at your eyes towards your things you’re trying to juggle with your arms.
“Let me help you.” it was not a question and even before you can say something to politely reject his offer, his hands reaches over to help you carry your things.
“U-Uhm, thanks.” and your eyes drifted over him as he didn't spoke any words after that.
Riki walks you up to where your boyfriend’s car was parked. Sunghoon’s eyes finally caught you and you don’t even know what to tell him while you approach closer.
His strict eyes caught to your things being carried by Riki. When you are steps away from him, he approaches trying to keep a cool smile.
“Baby, you disappeared from behind me.” and he said that while eyes fixed at his bandmate.
“Well if you keep a close eye to your girlfriend, you might’ve noticed how she’s struggling carrying her stuff, hyung.” Riki didn’t even hesitate to say those words at him.
Sunghoon wasn’t happy about it and you can clearly see anger slowly rising through his face. He clicked his tongue at the side of his cheeks and was about to advance towards Riki, but you stopped him.
“Can we just go? It’s already late and I have work tomorrow.” you stared straight at his eyes.
They were arrogantly looking at you, but eventually softening in surrender. He sighs and grabbed your hand to intertwin your fingers before he nods silently. His head snapped over to his friend and he gave him this knowing look before opening the car’s door for you.
He retrieved your things from Riki and placed it neatly behind your car. Thankfully, he didn’t say anything anymore and just went inside his car afterwards. Riki went on his way as well, riding his motorbike that was parked not too far away.
Sunghoon starts his engine and both of you are silent. It was like that for the first few minutes of the drive, until he decides to break it.
“When did you even got close to Riki?” his tone sounds confused and at the same time implicating something.
You furrowed your brows and glanced at him, “He just helped me to carry my things—”
“Exactly! He doesn’t do that at all, y/n.” the way he said your name was with emphasis. Like telling you that its a serious matter for him. A big deal. But again, when did it never became a big deal when other boys gets involve with you?
“And? I’m his bandmate’s girlfriend. Isn’t it okay for him to help me?!” now, you can’t help but to feel upset about this because you are tired already and he’s making an argument just because Riki helped you.
“You’re just really clueless with your surroundings. You will never understand.” the way his grip tightens at the steering wheel and his jaw clenches caught your attention.
You wanted to just yell at him and point out how he’s being unreasonable and plain childish about this, but you are too drained. Its late already, you’re tired from the office, your feet hurts with this dumb heels and you feel sticky from all the travel you did just to get to their gig. Having an argument with him was the last thing you expected to have.
“Its not my fault that my boyfriend forgot about me and walks off.” you sighed and he was silent after hearing that from you.
“Can’t you just be thankful that he helped me and I didn’t broke an arm from carrying all those stuff?” this time, you tried to soften your tone as a sign of time-out from this nonsense argument he was trying to put up with.
You saw his grip softens and he released a heavy sigh. “Fine.” he glanced at you and his brows are not hardly furrowed anymore. His eyes softens as well. “I’m sorry, baby. Its not my intention to make you feel like I forgot you, I was just really excited.”
With pursed lips, you nodded your head and leaned in for a quick peck over his lips.
“I know. That’s why I didn’t spoil the mood. You were really great from a while ago.” you complimented him, finishing it with your warm smile.
Something warm caress his heart. This is one of the reasons why he can never let you go. Most people would’ve walked out on him or hate at him, but not you. Never.
You will always find a way to find the goodness in him. Even if 99 problematic things about him are presented in front of you, you’ll still find that 1 good thing about him.
You always know the perfect words to calm him down or make him feel better.
He reached over your hand that was resting over your thighs and took it over his lips for a soft kiss. His gaze never left your eyes.
“Thank you for today, really.” he sighs, trying to supply himself more oxygen as he feels like you’re taking his breaths away once again.
“I love you.”
A smile spreads across your face and your free hand stretched out towards him to cup his face. “I love you, Hoon.”
These are the moments you wanted to keep no matter what. Reasons why despite the hardships you go through with Sunghoon, you always manages to find a reason to stay.
But of course, there’s not always good times in your relationship. What else gives it spice other than petty arguments and very random fights with each other?
Months after, the band had another big gig and of course you went to support him like usual. To your surprise, they had a guest singer. Female singer to be exact. And the way she interacts with your boyfriend just can’t leave your mind. It’s bothering you.
“You two seems close.” the comment was short and your eyes watch how your boyfriend load his things inside his car while you rest your back beside it.
Sunghoon threw you a short glance and narrowed his brows.
“What do you mean?”
“You and that girl.” the way you pronounced the word ‘girl’ with so much emphasis gave off hints towards him that you’re implying something.
His shoulder fell as he stared at you for a while, like unconsciously asking if you’re being serious with the choice of tone you decided to use at him. He sighs, when he realized you aren’t budging, but instead crossed your arms at him.
He’s already too tired to even explain things that you won’t listen to. So he struts closer you, held you over your hips and planted a sweet kiss on the lips.
“Let’s just go home, hot stuff. I’m tired.” and he walks over to the driver’s seat not even bothering to open the door for you.
But it seems like you are in the mood to be petty. So even after you made it to the passenger seat and he started driving on your way home, you bring up that topic once again.
“I saw the way she looks at you. I bet she’s undressing you in her mind.”
It made him sigh and roll his eyes. “Seriously? Are you going to talk about that until we makes it to the apartment?”
“Why? You irritated already?” you tilt your head and he glanced at you with piercing gaze. It didn’t bother you at all. If he’s pissed, then you are too.
“You didn’t even introduce me to her.”
His fingers taps his steering wheel more frequently and bit his lips. He sighs, calming himself.
“I did. I even told her your name.”
“But you didn’t told her that I’m your girlfriend!” it was so petty. Even you, you also think that this is such a nonsense thing to argue off. It’s just seeing her look at your boyfriend that way while you’re there doesn’t sit right for you.
Sunghoon scoffed loudly and even if he have a smirk on his face, there was no humor on it. He’s slowly losing his patience.
The wiper of his car moves when it suddenly started raining. It’s the last thing you care about. Your focus is on the hot drummer that’s currently driving you home in your shared apartment. The hot drummer that’s clenching his jaw hardly while trying his best not to argue with you. The hot drummer whose lips so red after you kissed him multiple times to make that bitch know her place. The hot drummer that is clenching his jaw hardly because you keep pushing his buttons at the moment.
“Are you fucking serious right now?” he couldn’t help, but curse.
“Be honest with me. Are you two close? Because with the way she linked her arms, it seems like so.”
He rolled his eyes as he teared his gaze off of you and back to the road. The rain are still pouring hard that its a little difficult to drive.
“You really aren’t going to stop unless I answer your questions, are you?” he surrenders. You didn’t answer and just crossed your arms while looking at him. Waiting for what he’s about to say.
He gave you another short glance as he shook his head. Like he couldn’t believe what situation you just put him into.
Honestly, you don’t know what exactly it is that you wanted to hear from him. If he answers that he doesn’t know her that long, you will still feel pissed because why the hell does she acts like they’ve been best friends ever since they were born? And if he answers, yes they know each other for a long time, you will feel really bad because you will feel jealous.
“We’ve known each other since highschool. Even before the band started playing in other places.” he says.
Your shoulder fell and he saw it from his peripheral view. He knew you won’t feel so good about it, but he also know that lying about it will only make the situation worse. The car fell silent right after he said it.
“Is she your ex-girlfriend?” that question doesn’t sound like you are asking him. Its more like you already know and just expecting an answer from him.
“No, okay? So calm your dumbass.” he’s starting to lose his patience for you.
You’ll be honest, you kind of thought he would say yes. That actually made you feel better. But not enough to let her slip away from your mind. Those eyes. The way she looks at you just boils something inside you.
“Did you two kissed before?” you fired him that question with more suspicion.
When you saw the look on his face, you felt something in your heart cracks. It definitely stab something in you when his expression confirmed that.
With slightly teary eyed, you raised your chin up to ask him your last question.
“Did you have sex with her?” bitterness latched through your voice and you bit your lower lip when he stayed silent again. Confirmed.
“Pull over.” you command and harshly wiped the tears that escaped.
He sighs, “Baby, come on...” he pursed his lips and even tried to reach over you.
“I said pull over!”
He clenched his jaw tighter then obliged, knowing well you will just fall into a much worse mood if he don’t do as you say. He’s expecting you to hit him by his arm or shout at him again, but he surely didn’t expect you storming out from his car. He didn’t see that one coming.
Between you two, he’s the jealous one. There are rare times that you get jealous and when it happens, its so hard to calm you down. Sunghoon’s heart is thumping hard, slightly thrilled to watch you acting like this. The oh so perfect, y/n. Shouting and acting crazy out of jealousy. He bet he’s the only one who made you feel like this.
“Y/n!” he shouts and went after you.
The rain starts to pour harder, but it didn’t bothered you at all. You marched away from his car, towards the nearest bus stop. With just a few steps, he managed to catch up on you and grabbed your arm then yanked you towards him.
“Let me go!” you screamed at him.
Sunghoon’s clenching his jaw as he stares at your face carefully. It was hard to tell if you’re crying or not due to the rain that’s slowly soaking you both. Despite your attempts to free yourself, Sunghoon just tightens his grip and kept his stares over you.
“Stop being a brat and let’s go back inside the car! We’re both drenched because of you!”
You clenched your jaw and hands into fists. People who passes by will probably think that you’re both losing your minds. Going out in the middle of the rain and fighting at 2 am. Thankfully, there are fewer cars driving through.
“I cannot believe you fuck that bitch!” it was rare enough to see you shouting, but much more rare to hear you cursing like this.
“It was a long time ago!” he renew his hold and this time reached for the other arm. The wetness of your skin kind of makes it slippery, but he knew he won’t let go of you.
“That happened before you, y/n! And it means nothing for me.”
“Clearly isn’t the same for her?!” you stopped resisting and just stay still, glaring at him.
“The way she links her arms and flirts with you drives me insane! Like I want to pull you away and kiss you in front of her type of insane!”
Sunghoon’s dumbfounded. He knows he should not feel so happy about what he heard, but he is. Just by thinking of you going crazy to the point you’ll insist public affection is making his heart race. To think you are crazy for him as he is to you, is driving him even more crazier. He just couldn’t get enough of you.
“Then why didn’t you?” this time he seems more calmer that made your narrowed brows falter. He was just screaming at you too, now he’s a lot calmer.
“I’m yours, y/n. I belong to you so claiming me in front of anybody is no problem at all.” he says and took another step closer. Your bodies pressed together and when he noticed that you aren’t trying to escape his hold anymore, he raised his hand to cup your face.
“I don’t fucking care if she tries to flirt with me. I don’t care about her. All I care about is you.” his eyes slowly roams his eyes to your pretty face.
“Yes, we did kissed and fucked before,” he sighs and your lips pursed into a pout but let him finish what he wants to say.
“But she never made me feel like this.” he held one of your hand then rest it above his chest, enough for you to feel his racing heartbeat.
“She doesn’t make me nervous whenever she stares at my eyes. She doesn’t give me butterflies whenever she smiles at me or melt my heart whenever she hold me.” your eyes water from his sincere words as he licked his lower lip, gaze not leaving you.
Both of you are soaked, but it didn’t bother you at all. Sunghoon’s bangs covers his forehead, some beads of rains falling from it over to your face as he stare down at you.
“That’s all you, love. Only you can make me feel madly in love. Like I will go crazy because I love you too much.” a tear fell from his eyes along with the raindrops from his hair. He looked ethereal staring at you lovingly, with so much emotions that makes your heart burst because of exceptional happiness.
“That’s the way I love you.” he murmured near your lips before you leaned to press a hot kiss for him.
“I love you so much, Hoon.” and this time, it was his turn to lean and kiss you passionately.
Disregarding the fact that you are under the hard pouring rain, sharing probably one of the most memorable kisses of your relationship, you’re mind is clouded by how intense your feelings are for the man that holding you right now. It’s funny how moments ago you’re just screaming at each other and now, your lips feels so hot connected together.
But it seems like, love is not enough to keep the relationship steady. And just like what older people used to say, everything is bad when its too much.
Being with Sunghoon felt like a dream with nightmares, clear blue oceans with big dangerous waves and a freaking roller coaster ride. Sometimes you’re so happy that you feel like your heart will burst with so much emotions and sometimes you feel like everything’s too much. That its tiring and draining you.
It somehow toxicating. And this toxic relationship with Sunghoon is honestly tiring you.
“And now you are giving me the silent treatment? Wow!” his sarcasm rubs on you, making your heart feel more heavy.
“I have nothing to say to you after what you just did, Sunghoon.”
“What? You’re mad because I embarrassed him? He’s clearly hitting on you!” your head snaps at him with glaring eyes.
“He’s just being nice and he’s my head supervisor!” your tone raised and he didn’t liked it in one bit.
Sunghoon’s always the jealous boyfriend. You actually couldn’t understand why he’s being like this when you already made it so clear that he’s the only one for you. That there’s no man that can ever steal you away from him.
“Oh, okay. I see...” he clenched his jaw before laughing with no humor. He faced the road and tried hard to focus on driving.
“If you want to impress your supervisor so much, why bring me with you?!” his statement made you roll your eyes in annoyance.
“Because you’re my boyfriend and I want you to be there for me! Will it hurt so much to be supportive or know something about what your girlfriend loves to do?! It’s not always going to be about you, Sunghoon! I need you to be there for me too!”
Your words may had come out wrongly, but all you wanted is for him to be for you. It was a thrilling day since employees should make good impressions to the supervisors to show how fit and reliable they are for the company, but your bofriend just made a scene and now you have no idea how you will show up to work on Monday.
“I told you already that these type of events are not for me! People are clearly looking down on me for having such a wonderful girl like you! They will always rub it on my face how perfect you are and that you deserve so much better!” his tone raised and it made you jolt a bit.
“And it seems like you just don’t get it! You kept on forcing me to go and I hated it! You are just determined to prove me that they’re so right!”
Your heart cracks and his words are like knives straight to your heart. You know him. Whenever he’s mad, he ought to say words he doesn’t mean. That’s his way of avoiding to show what he truly feels. You can tell by his blood-shot eyes and clenching jaw. But you are tired. You are tired of understanding him.
“Is that how you really see me? Do you really think that that’s what I’m doing?”
He clenches his jaw, being stubborn. “Maybe you are really ambitious and I’m just the stupid boyfriend who knows nothing but to enjoy music.” he says emotionless.
A tear left your eye. You can’t take this anymore. You had enough.
“Stop the car.” it was almost audible, but thanks to the deafening silence after what he said made it clear and loud. He furrowed his brows and looked at you, checking if you’re being serious.
You two have been arguing about you and this job for a week. And the event is today and Sunghoon just ruined it for you. Honestly you’re getting enough of it. With all the stress from your work and family, he suppose to be your resting place. But that’s not the case anymore.
He did stop the car and even before you open it, he said something. “The moment you leave, we’re done.” he said coldly.
You halted from stepping outside and felt your heart crack, but you knew you needed it and so you did. You left him.
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“Jake’s so sweet, y/n! I truly envy you for having him as your boyfriend!” one of your friends exclaimed right after Jake left your table to go order some food.
You gave them a small smile. They’re right. Jake is really the best boyfriend. He treats you very well. He’s everything you’ve asked for before. A caring and loving boyfriend. He’s working in the corporate world, which matches yours. He’s very gentle towards you, always got the doors for you, he never makes you wait, he cares for what you want and a man of his words. He felt like so warm to be with, someone you can be comfortable with easily.
“Yeah,” you replied short with a small smile on your lips. They giggle, truly happy for you.
“Thank God you snapped out of it and finally got the man you deserve.” one of them says that made your smile falter.
She didn’t mention anything or any name, but you knew who she’s referring to and what she means by that sentence.
An awkward laugh from another friend broke the silence and just diverted the topic. You tried to pull up your smile once again, especially after seeing from a distance that Jake’s already on his way back to your table.
He sets himself at the chair beside you and smoothly made a conversation with your friends. He’s very friendly too. He gets along with people with no sweat. Such a pure man.
You’re about to put a straw to your drink, but he beats you out of it. He reached for it and carefully slid it towards you while still talking to your friends. It made you smile. Being treated like this sure feels right, feels okay. But why does your heart feel a little heavy?
Jake threw his arm and placed it behind your chair, hand caressing your arm gently. You pushed whatever that feeling is behind your mind and tries to join their conversation as well.
The day went smoothly and now Jake dropped you at your place. As you unclasped your seatbelt, he went out of the car then walked around so he can open your door for you. He even offered a hand with that warm smile of his.
A chuckle slips off from you before you accepted it and went out. His other hand rests over your hip as he slightly pins you to his car to place a kiss over your lips. He smiles after a couple of pecks then leans away to stare at your eyes.
“You’re so beautiful.” he says sincerely that made you smile widely. Jake and his words.
“You’ve been saying that all day, Jake.”
He chuckles, biting his lips feeling a little shy. “Just so you wouldn’t forget.”
“Thank you.” you said while looking straight to his eyes.
He might take it as a thank you for today, but there’s more to it. Jake’s the next serious relationship after Sunghoon and it can’t be helped to compare the two of them. Even if you know its not good to do that, you just can’t stop yourself from doing so. They’re very different from each other.
“No problem.” he leans again to give you another peck.
“See you tomorrow, baby.” Jake said with a soft smile. You nodded and waved before going inside your apartment and called it a day.
It’s been almost a year ever since that night and yet its still fresh from your memory like it was just yesterday. You resigned from your previous job. You wanted so bad to convince everybody that it was because you’re embarrassed by what happened prior to it, but no. It was mainly because you kind of blamed it for losing your relationship. Kind of dumb, but maybe you are really insane when it comes to him.
Sunghoon never contacted you after that. You didn’t hear from him ever since and honestly it pissed and got you butt hurt. Well, you did change your number and blocked him from all your social media but you kind of hoped he will try to reach out for you.
Seems like it was meant to end that way.
Some people from your life kept telling you that you did the right thing, that it was the best decision you’ve ever made. You got a new job, got a new boyfriend that your parents approved. They adore Jake so much. He’s so close to your Mother and to your Dad as they’re both into business.
You should be happy about it. You are happy. But a part of you aches for someone. A bitter feeling lingers inside you because they never tried to open their heart for Sunghoon before. It makes you think that if they did, maybe things went a little more okay.
You threw your head back and stared at the ceiling. A slight guilt crept inside your heart. You got the perfect boyfriend you’ve been praying for and he’s treating you right. He barely even fight with you as he was always understanding.
But as stupid as it sounds, you missed screaming and fighting with Sunghoon. Those instense moments that just brings out much more emotions within you that makes you act insane.
These thoughts are making you crazy so you decided to take a quick shower and just call it a day. You went to bed with eyes brimmed with tears, aching and missing him so bad. It frustrates you because you feel helpless, unable to do anything about it. You’re scared to think that you are still thinking of him right now while he’s happy with someone else.
The next thing you know, it was morning already. Your eyes hurts a bit for crying to sleep last night so you’re slightly out of it when you went to your office.
“Do you want some coffee? Looks like you need one.” one of your officemates offered that you returned with a small pout.
“Please.” and she nods before going to the pantry for a while to get you your coffee.
“Here you go.” and she gently placed it on your working table. You mumbled a small ‘thanks’ as she settles at her chair beside yours.
“Oh!” your head craned to glance at her. “We will be meeting the new potential investors to our company later. I heard one of them is really good looking.” she giggles that made you smirk.
“You know its not always just by the looks, right?”
She rolled her eyes, “Easy for you to say because you have a gorgeous boyfriend!”
You laughed, “That is right.”
You joked around for a while before you’re asked to prepare for the arrival of the vip guests. Soon after, your head supervisor walks in and behind her are men wearing suits and tie. Looking like some young bachelors. Tall and handsome men.
As your eyes shifted to the last one who walks inside, your heart dropped. His familiar fair skin, charcoal black hair, noise pointy with a pretty mole at the side of it, eyes blank surrounded with thick and pretty eyelashes, topping it with his thick eyebrows that makes his skin color glow even more. His lips naturally red and luscious. Your knees weakened at the sight and heart started to race.
“Oh my god, Y/n!” she whispered beside you and even wiggled a little like as if she was got electicuted.
“He's so handsome!”
Oh hell yes he is. And your eyes watered at the sight of him. The familiar feeling of longing occupies your whole system. Park Sunghoon stood there looking so breathtaking. You missed everything in him and you hate how he looked so okay.
He unconsciously roamed his eyes around and accidentally met yours. It grew slightly, clearly not expecting seeing you. His lips parted a bit and didn’t glanced away.
“Y/n?” she snapped you out of your thoughts and you quickly teared your gaze away, feeling ashamed for staring too long. He probably saw you looking like a loser for being affected too much.
Sooner, they guided you inside to start the meeting and you kept on shifting from your seat. Having meeting like this is normal for you already, but now that you have your ex boyfriend sat at the other end of the table makes you really conscious.
“You okay?” your office mate might’ve noticed your weird demeanor so she looked concern.
You flashed her a shy smile and nodded then tried to focus on the person talking. But a minute after, your mind is drifting somewhere else once again. Even before you know it, your eyes shifts to where he was sat and to your surprise, he’s looking at you already.
You glanced away and cleared your throat. Embarrased that he caught you stealing glances at him.
When you couldn’t take it anymore, you turned over your supervisor and tried excusing yourself. Making up a lie that you’re not feeling well. She seemed to buy it and asked you to take a rest. Without wasting anytime, you stood up and politely excused yourself from the meeting.
A few steps out from the conference room and you heard it opened again. You ignored it and tried calming yourself, but the memory of Sunghoon’s eyes flashed before your eyes. Your eyes got teary. Seeing him just awoke your sleeping feelings for him that you tried to bury deep inside your heart.
“Y/n.” and a hand halted you from making another step.
You glanced at the person who stopped you and your heart thumped even faster. His brows narrowed and eyes looked concern.
“Are you okay? Why did you leave the meeting?” his tone sounded so soft and it makes you want to cry on the spot.
Now that you’re face to face and this close to each other, you can see how much he grown. He slightly changed. Good change, mostly. He looked even more mature and manly. His familiar manly scent invaded your nose that draws in so many memories of you two.
“Y-Yes,” and you flashed him a fake smile. “How are you, Sunghoon? It’s b-been a while.”
His shoulder relaxed after hearing that you’re okay. His eyes dropped to his hand holding your arm and slowly, he lets go of it.
“I’m good.” he responded briefly before roaming his eyes on your face. His heart aches.
“It looks like you’ve been doing well.” there's a hint of sadness looming over his tone, but you tried to ignore it thinking that you’re just mishearing it.
“Good to know.” it sounded a little sarcastic.
“Why are you here? Did you stop playing with your band?” the question you wanted to ask so bad. It was odd enough to see him here and much weirder because you know how much he hates wearing suit and ties. Tho you must admit that he looks so good on it.
He smirks, bitterness over his eyes.
“I still do, but not as often as before.”
“Ohh,” you sounded sad because you are. You know how much he loves doing that.
You’re about to say something else when your phone rang. You fished it from your pocket and when you saw your boyfriend’s caller id, you felt like someone slapped you back to reality. You want to hurt yourself for starting to act crazy once again just after seeing your ex boyfriend.
When you glance back at him, you saw his eyes darted at your phone with a cold expression on his face. You gulped, feeling nervous before you answered it.
“Baby!” the cheerfulness over Jake’s voice spreads guilt on your chest pretty fast. A tsunami on the shore, coming unexpected.
“H-hey, babe.” you murmured and steal a glance over at Sunghoon.
His expression fell cold as he straighten his back, not leaning anymore so he can slightly match your height. His hands slid inside his pocket as he stared at you intensely. His eyes are piercing right at you, like a cop catching you red-handed. To why he is still standing there and not leaving is slightly a mystery for you.
“Hi sweetheart. I called just to remind you about later tonight.” he says, accent coming a little strong.
Now you’re attention had been snatched away from the beautiful man standing right in front of you. With a confused face, you wondered what he is talking about. Trying to remember if you missed any plans he had made for the two of you tonight.
“T-Tonight? What’s up tonight?” and you slightly turned away from Sunghoon for some privacy. But you can still feel his heated gaze, burning holes at the back of your head.
“Don’t tell me you forgot?” he asks, slightly taunting. You didn’t respond and just wait for him to reveal about it.
“We’re having dinner at your parents tonight, baby.”
You draws in a sigh and hand raised to massage your temple.
“Oh, that was today.”
He chuckles, “Yes. Don’t worry, I got your Mom’s favorite flower and your Dad’s wine.”
You bit your lower lip for another perfect boyfriend scenario he just pulled.
“Thank you, babe. I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Hmm, i love you.”
You stood cold on your feet. The words are at your tongue, you just have to say it but for some reasons, something’s stopping you.
“Babe?” Jake’s voice snapped you back to reality and you cleared your throat then chuckles.
“S-Sorry, spaced out a little. I l-love you too, Jake. See you later.”
He chuckles, “Okay, cutie. Have a nice day.” and then he ended the call.
The silence and heavy atmosphere enveloping you and Sunghoon are undescribable. You’ve never had something like this with him. Even during your biggest fights, its never been like this.
Slowly, you glanced at him and his eyes looked cold. For a brief moment, it seemed like you saw sadness on it but when he saw you looking he switched it right in. His jaw clenches as he stares right at you, like waiting for you to say something to him.
“U-Uhm, nice seeing you again. See y-you around, Sunghoon.” and you turn your heels, ready to leave him when he said something.
“So it was that easy for you to find someone else, huh? Glad to finally know it.” his words are filled with nothing but slight anger and bitterness.
“Excuse me?” you whipped your head to look at him with furrowed brows.
“You left me and find someone new. It was easy for you.”
“You. Made. Me. Leave. You.” each words was emphasize so you can make your point.
“And what do you know about what I feel? It was not easy for me!” your tone raised because of how he just made you upset with what he said.
“Doesn’t seem like it for me.”
You thought he changed, but clearly he didn’t. You are dumb enough to be shaken by him.
“I’m not having this conversation with you right now.” and you turned around, having the firm decision of leaving and getting him out of your sight.
Two steps and he managed to grab your wrist once again. He sighs, heavy sighs.
“O-Okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.” he licked his lips and gently made you face his way.
When he saw through your eyes how he hurt you again with his words, he almost want to hit himself. He already knew what went wrong before. How he fucking messed everything up. How selfish he is. And he doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes once again.
He was always someone whose hard to read. Yes, you are one of the very few people who can understand him right away, who can read through him from time to time and definitely one of the top people who can deal with his shits. Sunghoon’s not really good at showing how he cares to people. He have his own ways of showing them, and he thought that was enough. But he was wrong.
Sunghoon loves you. He loves you so much that he changed a lot ever since you left. He changes his way of thinking and even exerted effort to become someone better for you. It's such a shame that it took him to lose you to realize things.
The thing is no matter how confident he is to a lot of things back then, a part of him was secretly insecure. Insecurities that built up through the journey of having you as his partner. You’re a wonderful person and he always think that he was very lucky to have you. And so the insecurity and fear of losing you gets the best of him.
Being someone whose not expressive and overthinks a lot isn’t a very good combo. Makes him do a lot of stupid things that hurts you so much. He was so regretful of those times and if he can do anything just to go back to fix everything, he will. But he can’t go back. There’s no such thing as time machine.
What he can do is try. Try to make you feel how sorry he was. Try to make you see a different him, a better version of him. The better version that he strive to be just for you. And try to make you feel how much he loves you.
“I’m really sorry for what I did back then.” he started and licked his lips. He kept sighing heavily to ease his nervous feelings, calming his racing heart.
He had rehearsed the words he wants to tell you once he saw you again, but they all became pointless as his mind went blank just by having you standing in front of him.
“Not just the last night we are together,” he felt his heart break by the mention of it. One of the nights he regretted the most. “but I’m sorry for everything. I was so dumb to realize things much faster. I was an idiot for not treating you better.” he licked his lips and stared right to your eyes.
“I love you, y/n. I still do.” the tears pooling your eyes starts to stream down your face.
“The same type of love I feel for you back then. I love you so much that it hurts. It didn’t change at all. It was always you for me.”
Right now, you felt like your heart is being squeezed so hard. These words you wanted to hear from him back then are finally happening. But things are a lot more complicated as it is. Jake’s face flashes through your mind and you can’t take hurting him.
And also because you still feel so hurt he didn’t do anything just to make you stay. Why now? Why now when you’re a little okay already?
Your lips trembles as you open them to speak.
“You know if you only went after me that night, I would’ve stayed. I would not leave you.” you says in your low voice.
His eyes softens and tighten his grip on you. Your eyes dropped at his hand and it took everything in you to unclasp his hold.
“I’m sorry, Sunghoon. A lot of things changed already, but,” your words halted. ‘But I still love you.’ were the words you wanted to say.
You shut your eyes and opens them, trying to hide your real feelings for him.
“I do kind of wish you tried to fix it after we ended. I waited for you.”
You saw him broke and it was so much harder for you. To see him like this is your weakness. You’ve always had a soft spot for him and it will always remain like that.
“Y/n I—” he was cut off when the conference room’s door bursts open.
You quickly wiped off your tears. Thankfully, Sunghoon’s built was enough to cover you from whoever that is.
“I have to go. Good bye.” and without sparing him another glance, you stormed out of the scene. Leaving the place. Leaving Sunghoon and leaving your heart with him.
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The encounter with your ex boyfriend just made you disoriented. You spaced out most of the day and you’re thankful that the people in your workplace just thought you are not feeling well. They didn’t asked much about it and just gives you space.
When Jake came to pick you up, you felt so much worse. His sweet smiles makes you so guilty. It felt so bad. You feel horrible for still having feelings for your ex when he was there with you. Treating you good like how you wanted.
“Jake! My boy!” your Dad’s cheerful voice errupted the whole room as he went to give him a hug.
You watch how he connected with your parents and it made you think about the times with Sunghoon. They’ve never been like that towards him. Your mother’s a little nicer than your Dad, but she never really tries to know Sunghoon as he is a little intimidating for her. That’s what she said.
Your Dad on the other hand just flat out shut his doors for him. After knowing what he does, he straight up dislikes him without even trying to get to know him more.
It made you feel bad for Sunghoon. Just by thinking of how would he react if he saw this scene of your parents warmly welcoming Jake to your home will hurt him like hell. And that’s what you did to him before. You kept on forcing him into this when you knew it was a low case already. You kept rubbing salt to the open wounds your parents had created to him.
“Honey, you all right?” your Mom took notice of your silence. The two guys looked at your way with concerns in their eyes.
You quickly pulled a small smile for them.
“I just don’t feel so well today, Mom.” she coos and cupped your face.
“Oh my cupcake. Let’s go eat already, I’m sure it will be gone once you have your favorite soup.” and she even gave you a hug.
Your Dad caress your arms and asked you two to follow them so you can start eating dinner already. Jake’s hands settles on the small of your back, eyes looking at you with so much concern.
“You okay, baby?”
You nodded with a small smile before he guided you towards the dining area. The dinner started and the three of them were the ones talking most of the time. You tries to join and forcedly laugh from time to time while eating so little. Just to avoid suspicion from them.
“I’m really glad you found Jake, y/n! He’s such a great match for you. Unlike that boy...” the scowl on his face appears for the first time tonight.
Your smile falters and you quickly fell on a foul mood. Your father always hated him. He never saw his efforts.
You lowered your head, doesn’t really want to hear more about it.
“He has a thick face for showing up here in our home multiple times months ago to look for y/n!” he added, sounding so upset about it.
Your hand halted from playing with your food after his words slowly sink into your system. You lift your head and stared at your Dad with furrowed brows.
“Sunghoon went here? When?” you asked in a speed of light. Doesn’t want them to bury this topic.
Your Mom and Jake was surprised to how you reacted.
“A week after you left his sorry ass. You know I was so pissed at him for coming back over and over again even after I told him you don’t want him anymore and that he should just leave you alone. You are better off without him. Maybe he is really just that stupid—”
“Why didn’t you told me this before?” your tone sounded so accusing. The look of betrayal on your eyes burns towards your Father.
“I don’t see the need of mentioning that to you. He’s already out of the picture. I really hate that boy. He’s bad for you. I never understand why you loved someone like him?”
“You never really tried to get to know him so how would you understand?”
“Pardon?” your Father’s expression looked offended by how you said the last sentence.
You stood up abruptly, making a dragging sound from your chair. They all looked at you with confusion on their faces.
“I should’ve known you can do something like that, Dad. I should’ve known Sunghoon will come here to look for me despite knowing that he will get nothing but mistreatment. I should’ve known.” you started marching out from the room and you can hear Jake calling out for you, but you couldn’t care more.
All you can think of was how hard must it been for Sunghoon. Now all his words from a while ago hits you differently. The way his eyes flashes sadness and how he looked so broken just made your heart crack into a million pieces.
He maybe a mess, but he is your mess. He is your person, your other half.
“Y/n hold on,” your steps halted right when you are at the front porch of your house.
Jake went after you and when you saw how scared his eyes and how he looked so broken, it hurts you. But you knew it will just break him more if you continue being with him when your heart clearly belongs to someone else.
“Where are you going?” he asks, even if he knew the answer already.
“I’m really sorry Jake. I love you, really.” you licked your lips and tears pooled the corner of your eyes.
“But I still love him. It’s still him.”
You’ve never seen Jake like this before. You are so used at seeing him smile that seeing him this broken, hurts you so much.
“Are you serious? No...” he chuckles with no humor, blinking rapidly to push those tears back inside his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Jake. You deserve someone who will love you with all their heart and that person is not me.” and you removed his hand from your arm.
A tear left his eyes, but you turned away. You are being selfish again and choosing what will make you truly happy.
After calling a cab, you told the driver the address of your old apartment you shared with Sunghoon. Hoping that he’s still staying in that place, otherwise you will have to go ask his friends.
On the way to him, you realized a lot of things. You realized his little efforts that kept you going through the relationship. You started seeing how he’s imperfectly perfect for you. That despite his flaws, he’s always been the only one who loves you genuinely. The person who will love you even if you fail. The person who you can show your vulnerable side and still think you’re the most wonderful person.
You went out of the cab and just right in time, the rain poured. It reminded you that same night where you ended things with Sunghoon. Starting to get drenched, you walked towards the apartment building that you used to stay in with him. The same apartment that holds so much memories.
On the other hand, inside the apartment, Sunghoon’s brows were hardly furrowed while he head over his door after hearing a doorbell. He's a little confuse as he expects nobody for tonight.
He opens it and quickly, the annoyed expression over his face was replaced with a surprised one.
“Y/n?” he uttered seeing you standing in front of his unit, all drenched.
Your eyes softens at the sight of him. Seeing him in his white plain shirt and black shorts that he always use to wear whenever you two stays inside. You felt so happy seeing him. Your mouth opens to say something but eyes shifted at the back of him.
The relief you felt washes away at the sight of a girl coming out from the comfort room.
“Who is it, oppa?” she asked and you felt so dumb.
You are stoned at your position for a while before starting to step away. You probably looked like a freaking loser being all drenched and crashing to his apartment. Your heart broke again if its possible as it was already broken, then you cleared your throat. Tears streaming nonstop.
“I-I’m sorry. I should’ve not come here...” and you stormed off.
You heard him calling out for you, but you didn’t stop. Trying to save some dignity left in you. The rain is still pouring hard when you arrived outside but you didn’t care. You walked like a lifeless being with no direction to go to. People stared, but you just ignored them. You are hurting so bad and you wished that the rain will wash it away.
“Y/n!” a scream halt your step.
His familiar voice echoes inside your mind and you heard rummaging steps approaching you. You wanted to run and save a face, but you didn’t. Your heart felt so heavy.
Two shoes came into your view and slowly you lift your head up. Sunghoon’s starting to get drenched by the rain too, but like you he seems to not care. His chest rises up and down, trying to catch his breath after running after you. He’s wearing a jacket now on top of his white t-shirt which is useless as its slowly getting wet as well.
You looked at him with broken stares.
“Why are you here?” he asks, hoping that you came here to tell him that you want him back. That you want him as much as he wants you.
Your lips tremble and hot tears brimmed your eyes. It made it a little harder to see his face clearly because of the rain, but you tried hard. Sunghoon notices and stepped closer, head slightly covering your face from the pouring rain as he stares down on you.
“I c-came to tell you that a lot of things already changed,” you started and tried to push away your pride. This time, you wanted to do it right.
“but my feelings for you remained the same. I love you, Sunghoon. I love you so much that my heart felt like it stopped beating when I left you. I love you so much that I knew I will never be the same again after we broke up. I love you so much that I ended things with Jake just so I can be happy again. It’s making me lose my mind, making me act insane. And that’s the way I love you.”
Sunghoon licked his lower lip and the rain was cold, but his heart was warm. God, how he missed feeling this way.
“And I know I hurt you before. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry for leaving that night and for thinking you didn’t try to fix it. I’m really sorry—” your words were cut off when he smashed his lips on yous.
Your hand reached over his clothes, holding it tightly for support system. His kisses started aggressive, like he wanted to do that for so long. Like he’s been deprived of it. The kiss lasted for a while until he leans away to catch his breath, you followed his lips for a few more pecks then his forehead rests on yours.
He cupped your face, warming it using his warm hands. While staring at his eyes, your loving gaze suddenly changed with a glaring eyes.
“Who’s that girl at your apartment?” your question are like an interogation.
He smirks and chuckles. He even tries to kiss you, but you leaned away making him whine a little.
“She’s my cousin. She stayed overnight at our apartment after going out with her friends. She’s about to leave now.” you quickly melt when he addressed the apartment as yours and his.
You pout and calmed down. He chuckles and made your noses touch, staring at your eyes loving.
“I love you.” he says, placing another hot kiss on your lips. Your heart aches, but this time in a good way. You felt like you are finally where you should be. Inside his arms.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Can i request Black butler with a very quiet darling and how would they approach them
Sure thing. You didn’t specify which characters so I just chose a few.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess, stalking, manipulation
Very quiet s/o
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕️Considering that most of the people in Ciel's closer surroundings are a mixture of energetic, loud and chaotic except his butler he would most likely appreciate his darling for being on the silent side. Being in their company is far more peaceful as he can actually do something productive without being interrupted although he does wonder where your thoughts are in such moments. Ciel isn't the most talkative person himself and sort of expects you to not be someone who feels comfortable holding long conversations. So if he does strike up conversations with you, they're always on the short side so he does not make you uncomfortable and doesn't risk losing his face if you would decide to just ghost him. He might show some patience but that doesn't change the fact that Ciel is still awfully possessive so expect any potential suitor to disappear or to tragically die.
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛Ever the proud and arrogant demon, Sebastian can't help but see your quiet personality as a little challenge, one he is very willing to take. With the end goal of winning of course. Working for his master automatically means that he's also surrounded by very bubbly and talkative people so he finds the clear difference in personality in you very adorable. Sebastian is quite convinced that he can charm you with his looks and his flawless courtesy. He stalks you in your daily life, figures out your little quirks and uses that knowledge to start conversations with you, hearing your voice makes his dead heart flatter. Don't forget that the man in front of you is a highly possessive demon though, one who appreciates your quietness for the additional reason that it keeps you from interacting with others. Why not only talk with him and let him be the only one to bask in the pleasure of hearing your lovely voice calling his name?
Ronald Knox
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😃Ronald blends in really well with others and is quite the chatty person himself which makes for a great contrast between him and his darling. Something that doesn't intimidates Ronald in the slightest though, instead he can't help but dote on you a bit more thanks to your quiet personality. He tries to talk with you quite often although he often ends up being the one who fills the silence most of the time. As long as he knows that he has your attention, he's fine with it though although it is a great achievement if you do reply to him without him having to ask you to do so. If he realizes that his attempts kind of put you off though, he pulls back for a bit, reluctantly that is. After all he prefers spending time with you instead of stalking you. Given your quietness though, Ronald can't help but grow just that tiny bit more protective and possessive over you.
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🤡 Joker pays especially much attention to you, a new member of the circus of his. Initially some just assume it's due to your very silent nature as you rarely speak up or talk to anybody. As time passes by though others, especially his friends, realize that Joker has turned quite obsessed. He's highly protective over his darling and just as possessive as he keeps you around him nearly all of the time and acts hostile as soon as someone asks him about you. You find yourself isolated thanks to Joker who is for the most part the only person you can interact with as he uses his influence as the leader of the circus. Technically speaking he knows that he's doing something wrong but he just can't help it. He loves you so much and your silent nature only worsens his protective tendencies, he wants to hide you from the world. He doesn't mind your lack of words around others but by all means, please talk to him and let only him hear your lovely voice.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Probably one of the worst people to handle someone who is as quiet as his darling is as Alois is a demanding and equally bratty person although he highly adores and even worships his s/o to a certain extent. The only thing that is certain is that Alois is bound to be highly possessive over you and very unwilling to let others near you. Talking with you is very tricky as you're a silent person but it gives him the impression that you don't like him which does nothing except triggering his paranoia and if you do have someone you open up to and talk with, you can bet your kidneys that Alois will see it through, after a great fit of jealous rage, that they will be gone. It should be him with whom you share your secrets and worries! He's the one made for you! Count on an abduction sooner than later and after that absolutely no break from the young noble as he's up your arse every minute of the day, all whilst begging you to talk with him.
Hannah Annafellows
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🟣 Hannah is cunning and manipulative, especially once she realizes that you are her mate. Considering how silent of a person you are, it's a rather convenient situation for her. There most likely isn't a huge group of people in your life which means less work for her as there is no one she feels the great need to remove instantly from your life. Hannah enters your life very quick though although she makes sure to adjust herself for now to your own personality. She acts docile and careful around you, doesn't want to overwhelm you with her real side for now. If she could arrange it already, she would like to become your personal pillar as soon as possible so that there will be less troubles later on. She makes sure to be the only person you can really interact with as she scares everyone else away, creates an environment where only her and you exist. As it should be.
Ran Mao
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🌺 I think it's a well-known fact that Ran Mao herself is a woman known to not be someone whose voice you will be likely to hear all too often too. Maybe that's what sort of sparks her interest in you to begin with, both of you are rarely heard speaking up at all. The lack of hearing your voice leads to excessive stalking as she desperately wants to hear what you sound like and the first time you actually do talk, she seems to become only more obsessed with you. She tries to respect your silence though since she herself isn't talking that much for herself either but if you do talk, expect her to hang onto every tone leaving your lips. Her lack of words is definitely made up with the amount of touching she does though as she's essentially like a cuddly and clingy kitten. Ran Mao is a professional assassin though and that spells danger for others as she grows quite protective over you.
Charles Grey
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 🤺 Charles Grey just happens to experience a streak of boredom which is why he decides to entertain himself a bit with you, a simple game to crack your silent shell and charm you as you don't swoon over him nor pay him much mind. The only thing is that you're quite a hard shell to crack as you don't give in much despite the man's attempts to provoke you slightly and tease you. Unfortunately that only earns you his obsessive interest in you as Charles suddenly pops up around you on a daily base to try to chat with you and attempt to get under your skin by teasing you and annoying you. If he gets any reaction out of you, especially a verbal one, he sees it as a win. He'd like to clarify that he doesn't hate you though. He can confidently say that he wants you and for that your silence around others fits rather well since it quenches some of his possessive tendencies. Now how to teach you to only ever speak around him~?
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murdrdocs · 1 year
i need cute domestic fluff w finnick and like him and reader like living a cute little life after the rebellion and like them just living together and being happy
this is like the only life i can associate with finnick.
slow days where you both take it easy. sometimes, there's this mental fog that takes place over your minds, especially finnick's, but you've gotten used to living in harmony together, especially in these moments.
these are the mornings when the bed is extra comfortable and inviting. there's nothing urging either of you to get out, so even when you wake up the first time, there's a second and third awakening before you're truly awake. you know finnick can't sleep like that, but he refuses to shower without you, and he doesn't want to take you awake from comfort, so each time you wake up he's sitting with his back against the headboard, a worn book in his hands and a concentrated look on his face.
the showers during these days are long, drawn out, filled with the excessive use of water and products that scent your skin and hair with aromas adored by both parties.
the breakfast is eaten late, bordering on lunch, and it's kept simple, too. sometimes pancakes, waffles, maybe a sandwich. it's usually eaten outside with the sound of waves crashing against the shore as a background. you tell him of your dreams, he silently envies how innocent and pure they are.
"we had a kid, named him mikey."
an excited nod from you as you sip your juice. "mhm! short for michel."
finnick's lips turn up as he lets your dream take the place of his nightmares. before, the thought of them would make a chill run down his body, but with the image of what mikey would look like in his head, he feels warm, even with the sea breeze blowing across his tanned skin.
afternoons are spent in each other's company. there's a walk sometimes, maybe a bike ride. sometimes you do garden work, planting flowers, taking up ones that've already grown to make a bouquet for the counter. usually, you're both on the beach, finnick fishing while you peacefully lounge on a large navy blue and white striped towel.
then you're back home, the TV softly playing an old sitcom that's bearable by your standards while you paint your nails and finnick cooks dinner, the new bouquet a perfect center peace on the island. the smell of your favorite dish is comforting, and you have the urge to go join him in the kitchen. the nail polish bottle is left half open on the coffee table and you're standing behind finnick with your arms wrapped around his torso, letting the heat of his body and the stove dry your probably-already-ruined nail art.
the nights are quiet. another shower shared, two bodies standing close in the large space. you're usually wrapped in one of finnick's shirts. he typically dons a pair of loose pants. you settle into bed, finnick with the same book from earlier, you finishing the episode from earlier, and you're curled into his side. you fall asleep before the episode ends, leaving it for another day, finnick finishes his chapter.
the lamp is flicked off, your breathing is soft, the window is cracked to let in a breeze and the same sound of the ocean. the mix of finnick's two favorite things –– you and the sea –– is what lulls him to sleep.
his arms around your body, your head against his chest, and a general stillness in your shared home.
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002yb · 9 months
jason revival au where he comes back but he’s amnesiac and talia still helps him and all that but somehow through all of this he ends up applying to be bruce wayne’s new secretary under a different last name and bruce is like “jason?!” while jason is like “uh…do i know you?”
Bruce only goes to the interview because HR badgers him about it relentlessly. While all the candidates are qualified (and all have been vetted to control for further liability with baseless scandal), they insist they want someone Bruce has some natural rapport with - some base level chemistry that will ensure a good fit and reduce potential turnover.
And Bruce could care less, honestly. He runs his own calendar and delegates to a team of trusted individuals to handle the day-to-day tasks that would bog his day down otherwise. The company wants to give him a babysitter is what's happening. Someone to keep an eye on him and ensure he does the unavoidable work he often puts off in favor of other nightly ventures.
Bruce isn't sure what he expects when he takes that last meeting. He's seen all manner of people in the past weeks as he's met with final candidates, refusing them one after another because they lacked the backbone or malleability he needed.
The final candidate of the current batch knocks on the door and Bruce waves them in without raising his gaze from his phone. It's rude of him, but he has more pressing matters to worry about. Some case. Or some family drama.
All it takes is the sound of their voice and Bruce's heart stutters in his chest. Because he knows it - not so much the sound (because gone is the high lilt of childhood and the squeak that came with his voice breaking), but the cadence, the way each word falls from that tongue:
'Evening, boss.'
Bruce looks up and sees a ghost. He sees the son whose body he held - lifeless. He sees the child he buried. A fallen soldier, a lost friend, someone so impossibly dear whom Bruce mourned.
And he can't find his own voice. He can't trust his eyes. Bruce can't move a muscle; his breath catches and he knows something is wrong. Fear toxin or something meta. Help him.
From Jason's perspective, he sees Wayne Enterprises CEO go worryingly pale. It's like he's haunted, only Jason doesn't know why. Trouble in WE paradise? A too long work day without having taken care of himself?
It would be part of his responsibilities to look after Mr. Wayne, but job responsibilities are the furthest thing from Jason's mind when he pushes forward to look after Bruce. Tentatively approaching and offering him water, making sure he's okay and 'should I call someone for you, boss? we can do the interview another time if you're not well?'
And Bruce shakes himself, because no. No, please stay.
The interview continues. It's strangely personal. Nothing very professional about it no matter how Jason tries to steer things that direction. He figures maybe Mr. Wayne is just grounding himself after whatever episode he had. Jason humors it as best he can.
Bruce really does look sick though. Let Jason call him a ride or something - Bruce clearly needs rest.
And Bruce panics because no, no. It's just -- he hasn't eaten yet. Low blood sugar. Come with him? They can continue the interview over a meal.
Just Bruce vying for anything to stay with Jason longer. So that he doesn't have to be apart from him as he tries to figure out how.
If it's a hallucination or some mind trick -- let him have it. Please, please.
And yeah. They actually order in and eat at Bruce's desk. They're all Jason's forgotten favorites and Jason is none the wiser. His smile is as brilliant as Bruce remembers though and he finds peace in it.
Because it would be strange to hire this boy after such an informal interview though, Bruce lobs a few relevant questions Jason's way. One of which is one that presses on him: why WE? He's curious if some part of Jason's subconscious remembered him in this way? It's clear his boy has amnesia, but there must be something that drew him here of all places.
Maybe there is, but Jason can't up and say that (yet). It's not any less true that Jason is drawn to the charitable side of Wayne Enterprises - the Martha Wayne Foundation. Bruce does a lot for Gotham. He's helped out a lot of communities that really need it and Jason openly admits he has the ulterior motive of wanting to see Bruce well and able to continue that good work in charitable giving. And yeah, maybe it's all a tax write off, but Bruce makes the active decision to remain headquartered in Gotham. It provides work and stimulates their economy. Those funds go into all those projects in the hurting communities of Gotham. More jobs for them that are good and honest and give them an opportunity to break a vicious cycle and --
Jason rambling in a way about all the nuances to WE and the impact of all the choices Bruce makes with the Foundation and any excess giving he does that he hadn't before, but it's still so Jason. So kind and compassionate and beautiful.
Bruce extends the job offer on the condition that Jason start the next day. Were Jason to call that bluff, Bruce would have folded. He would have given Jason anything he wanted. A different start time, a sign on bonus regardless of if it's not customary for the position or not; extra vacation, a pay bump, anything everything Bruce will give him the world if only to keep Jason save and in his sights always.
Jason only makes one request: he's looking after a kid for now. A temporary arrangement, but... he'll need to check on him throughout the day and --
Bring him, Bruce tells him. Because he's serious. He'll open a daycare. The child can have their own office, for all he cares. Bruce will have Alfred pick them up from school and provide meals; whatever is needed.
And Jason laughs, a titter of sound that could bring Bruce to his knees were he not already sitting. It makes his stomach swoop and his eyes burn. It's been so damn long.
They talk for a while longer, until Jason really has to return to look after said kid. The son of the woman who helped him get on his feet. Jason played nanny and the kid got attached. Jason promises he has a lot of experience; he'll make sure Bruce eats and rests properly.
Bruce falling in love with Jason again (platonic romantic, it doesn't matter).
And when Bruce eventually sends him off for the night, of course he follows. He stays looking on from the apartment complex over, watching Jason through a dingy, lit up window with sheer drapes as Jason lives a humble, domestic life free of heartache and suffering.
It's selfish of him. Bruce knows he brought this boy so much pain, but he can't let him go. He'll ruin him again. He won't be apart from Jason any more.
Extra: the boy, Damian, looks suspiciously like Bruce and he's bemused by it. There's something else about him that's strikingly familiar, too (Talia), but Bruce is at an honest lost. Too endeared by how the boy seems to have inherited many of Jason's habits.
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jenny-from-the-bau · 10 months
Emily loves to nap in JJ's office. When a day runs long, she's bored of paperwork, she needs some quiet, or she just feels overwhelmed, she goes to JJ and asks if she can work with the other woman. JJ never says no.
Sometimes, Emily actually works. She'll sit on the other side of JJ's desk or spread her papers on the floor and do her best to focus. JJ usually works in silence, but sometimes she'll play music quietly. The sound fills the office and relaxes Emily.
There's an unspoken rule, however, that if Emily doesn't bring paperwork when she comes to see JJ, she's going to take a nap. At some point, JJ had found a couch for her office and crammed it into a corner. It's a little small and a little narrow, but Emily doesn't mind. She just curls up and sleeps.
For JJ's part, she loves Emily's company. She thinks she may get more work done when the other woman is there, even if Emily can be distracting. JJ finds her eyes straying from her paperwork to check on Emily as she sleeps. It's nice to feel trusted.
One day, Emily finds a stuffed black cat on the couch when she enters. It's the softest thing she's ever felt, and it's the perfect middle ground between firm and soft. She looks at JJ, wondering if it's a gift, but the other woman is on the phone, double checking a file, and not paying her any attention.
Emily falls asleep holding the bear. When her phone call ends, JJ snaps a picture on her cellphone, glad the other woman licked the present. JJ bought it at the airport the day before, taken by how much it looked like Sergio.
After that, JJ slowly adds more items to the couch. She leaves a pillow, a blanket knit by Penelope, and bottles of water. Emily always thanks her, but JJ just shrugs. She says it's for her own naps, but both women know she never sleeps.
Hotch learns about Emily's secret naps when he visits JJ's office unexpectedly to say they have a case. JJ is sitting on the couch with her feet propped up a desk chair. She's slowly making her way through case files and slowly combing Emily's hair. The black-haired woman is sleeping with her head in JJ's lap, feet hanging over the edge of the too-small couch. Penelope's blanket covers her haphazardly, she's cradling Sergio 2, and she looks more peaceful than he's ever seen her.
Regretfully, he disturbs them, but the next time they return to JJ's office, there's a new couch. It has an ottoman for JJ's feet, a small table for her files, and plenty of room for Emily's long legs. They take it as permission to continue what they're doing.
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urlovebrini · 10 months
when i lay on you, it's only me and you on my mind
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⋆❀ — includes: ayato, alhaitham, zhongli x gn!reader
⋆❀ — summary: just you surprising them by laying your head in their lap and resting
⋆❀ — content: gn!reader, fluff, suggestive themes, suggestive talk, they are so in love, pet names ("puppy" in ayatos, alhaitam calls you cat), talk about collars and discipline in ayatos, talks about adoration with zhongli, mentions of worship, toughts about marriage with zhongli, nothing explicit just suggestive. you are ayatos fiance, use of the word master in a playful way, alhaitam may be a little occ but i imagine this is how he acts when he is in love.
⋆❀ — a/n: hello everyone, this is my first time writing in a long time, but i will be continue with this type of little stories here. sorry for any mistake english is not my first lengauje
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⋆❀˖°·🍰࿐ ࿔˚ ayato:
the dim light of the early morning fills the room, as ayato is absorbed in his work, cheeking documents, writing letters, and tending to the affairs of the clan and inazuma. you knew that your fiance had so much on his plate, always busy with so much work to do, but at the same time, you yearned with moments of closeness with him.
entering his office in the most quiet manner you can, you see him immersed in his work, a smile grows in your face, he hasn't noticed you yet. so following the wims of your heart, you make your way to him,bsettle on the floor, and rest your head in ayatos' lap. He startles a little with your presence, was so immersed in his work that doesn't notice you until you were almost to close, but when he notices he knows it's you, is easy for him your smell, your presence, so he looks down with a small smile, and when his eyes meet yours, he can help it and the one of his face only grows wider. You smile to him as his fingers gently glide through your hair, caressing you with tendernes, he goes back to his work and continue to caress you, and you just enjoy the moment not needing to say words in that moment.
while he continues with his work for a while, you almost falling asleep again, ayato can't help himself "aren't you like a loyal and obedient puppy? demanding and expecting the caresses and affections of his master?" he comments while he continues writing in his endless pappers and stroking your hair with his other hand, "umm a puppy?" is what you say in a sleepy voice, a mischievous smiles shines in his face and he says "yes, my very loyal and needy puppy".
"well if that case, you are not being a very good owner" you say and give him a slap in the thigh, so he can stop with his nonsense but his smile only grows wider, as he let's out a laugh you give him another slap and he looks down to you, his expression full of amusement "oh i think im a very good master, but perhaps i should be a bit stricter with you, don't you think?" your gaze meets his, and you return his banter, "so you want to try to be a stric master? well, i will be waiting to see if you can keep with that facade" you tease, he smiles more with exitememt and happines and stroke your hair just a little more stronger. "so bratty, you will see"
but even if you see, you don't care you love him and want more time with him, and even though he's busy and focused on his affairs, he always finds room to you, so you smile and let him be, enjoying his company and affections.
⋆❀˖°·🍰࿐ ࿔˚ alhaitham:
the room was quiet and peaceful as alhaitham was engrosed in his reading, he's well aware that you have enter the living room and are walking towards him and the sofa but decides not to interrumpt, thinking you simply will join his side for a tranquil moment together. However you pick his interest when you move up the book he has in his hands. As he looks at you, you offer him a sweet smile while you settle in the couch, and use his lap as an impromptu pillow. As you clutch your plushie and you snuggle in his lap, he continues with his lecture, as the fingers of his free hand delicate glide trought your hair, the only sound is the shift of the pages, the breath of you two, and your hums of satisfaction.
alhaitham's eyes shift from the pages of his book to you, studying your face for a moment "you know, if you want to sleep, the normal thing would be to go to bed" he breaks the silence in the room, his face is serius but his tone is light and teasing, he takes the scene studying like he studies his books, you surruended by a blanket and holding a plushie as you rest in his lap. After the sugestión of going to bed you can only can comment "well actually, your lap is more comfortable" he returns his gaze to his book and continues with his administrations on your hair and comments "you have quite sense of comfort, if this is what you find cozy" his eyes serious as he reads, but you can sense his enjoyment in the situation.
your response is a nibble on his tight "so elocuent as always" he muses with a smirk, and takes your chin to meet your eyes with his piercing eyes "always with interesting ways to make your point" he hums and continues "yea interesting is the right word, always making me wonder what goes in that pretty head of yours" you can quit your your look in his eyes "maybe thats better, that you don't know everything that its in my mind, so you dont get bored of me so easily". He looks at you with an egnimatic smile but doesn't answer anything, returning to his book and the caresses in your hair.
the two of you continue like that for a while, his administrations in your hair make you hum of pleasure almost sounding like a purr, you have him chuckle "you are a spoiled cat" he comments with a touch of amusement "that air on you and the way you seek my attention" you look at him with indignation "i'm not a cat" you retort. his fingers mid caress "so i should stop" he remarks with a teasing tone, raising an eyebrow at you "no, a little pampering doesn't hurt every now and then". alhaitham chuckles softly and his fingers continue with his brushes on your hair "don't take it as an insult, i am just observing what i see kitty cat" you respond away that you are not a cat, but he continues as he doenst had heard you "maybe i should consider buying you a collar and a bell, it would be an interesting addition to your ouftis" you cant belive him "a collar and a bell? seriously?".
alhaitham chuckles softly "it would be hard to ignore you if you walked around with a bell" his hand continues gently stroking your hair, smiling lightly and his eyes shining as he is pondering something while he examines you "hmm, a green collar, right?" he comments thoughtfully, as if considering the idea more seriously than it seems. "i suppose you'd look good with one." Your gaze is a mix of incredulity and amusement. "you're joking, aren't you?" he doesnt reply so you continue "i can't believe your having such a serious conversation about collars and bells" he laughts and you think that maybe you will let him do anything "don't worry i don't see you as a cat" he touches the point of you nose softly and gets back to his lecture, and as you start to close your eyes you heard him say "although turquoise would look nice too"
⋆❀˖°·🍰࿐ ࿔˚zhongli:
the house is imbuid with a tranquil serenity as Zhongli enjoys his tea in the early morning. the sounds of the wind and leaves and the nice smell of tea fills the room as his thoughts seem to wandering to memories of past years and his ancient life. He ponders on how his life has envolved, growing for being rex lapis to his new identity as Zhongli. the dim lights and shadows stretch across the room, his gaze fixed on the tea cup and his absorbed in his reflections, as you enter the living room quietly missing your lover in the bed in such early hours.
his eyes move towards you figure, as you enter the room "darling did something happen? did i wake up you up?" you ignore his question as you approach him with soft steps "you want some tea darling?" he ask but the only answer he gets is you setting your body on the floor and resting your head tenderly in his lap. His haze lands on your face with a mixture of surprise and warmth. in the soft glow of the romm, his eyes meet your, and a gentle smile takes place in his lips. his fingers travel to your hair delicately stroking it, and his other hand caress your check, as if his exploring every corner of your being.
in the stillness of the early morning he studies you and gets back to his early toughts about the development in his life is reminder of his present, now you his new anchor a steady rock in his life, he so keen to contracts and agreements, but he knows that in this moment and in his life you are his most treasure one, you and him dont have a writing contract per se, but he knows that the most important ones don't need one, and maybe sometime in the future he will fill one with you, putting your lifes together by law, and you be in all accords al his but in this moment that is all insignificant because he has you here.
and as you wait for him to finish his thoughts, just enjoying his tender caress and his company, zhongli cant help but notice the difference or approach of his former life. People getting on the floor to make formal bows and displays of respect were the norm when he was known as rex lapis, but now here you are, yes on the floor, but resting and laying in his lap, and your eyes shines with so much adoration to him.
"it's interesting how things have changed," he murmurs softly, sharing his thoughts aloud to you "in my ancient life, people used to bow before me with reverence and distance. Now you're here, in my lap, in a gesture much closer and human." his voice is gentle, and his eyes shine with something maybe is a mixture of nostalgia and awe as he observes you.
you hum acknowledging him while you tought what to answer to him, commonly he is the most elocuent between the you two "but i can help but revere you too" you answer almost shyly with a soft voice, and it's true the adoration in your eyes as you look at him tells him all "and i want to worship you with al myself" and you do but your worship to him is different it represents a new phase in his life – a phace in witch he allows himself to experience all the warmth and closeness that you offer oh so fully to him, but in the end he worships you too and even more, and he takes all you give to him so freely because he can never get enough of you.
his hand takes your cheek, and he looks directly at your eyes "oh my sweet darling, if you insist on that you want to worship me maybe i could teach the correct ways to adore me my love" his eyes shines with something strange as he continues "so my little love you are so desperate to revere me?" and he will take everything you give to him, so he can love you fully and give more to you.
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⋆❀ — a/n: i hope you enjoy it, and if you want that i write more you can ask for more characters, at second part, or another situation, and I accept constructive criticism and feedback but with respect. is the first time that I have written in a long time and my first time writing for genshin characters. so xoxo to everyone, i hope to be updating more things soon.
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dangowon · 1 year
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title » boyfriend hcs !
pairing » yang jungwon x gn!reader
requested? » yes
genre » fluff
word count » 1.2k (kind of got carried away)
a/n » i'm really sorry for not having posted for so long, i've been busy with school. i lost the request for this since the person deactivated, so i can't link it to the post :( but either way, i hope you enjoy this <3
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✧ jungwon is the sweetest person ever, and he'd be even sweeter as your boyfriend
✧ as a leader, jungwon is expected to be on his best behaviour and he's expected to show maturity. with you though, he feels comfortable enough to show more of his child-like side, and it's apparent in the way he whines when you don't give him attention or how he swings your intertwined hands forward and back while you walk.
✧ when you're offering him some of your food, he'll expect you to be handfeeding him and if you're not, he'll pout until you do. at the beginning of your relationship, he found these things 'embarrassing', but as time went by, he was able to be his true self around you.
✧ fancy dates aren't really his thing (although he wouldn't mind it for a special occasion like your anniversary), so most of your dates are spontaneous and unplanned. sometimes when you can't sleep, you two will go on walks in the nearby park and enjoy the peace and quiet.
✧ he also loves picnic dates so much, he'll make sure it's perfect for you; he'll bring bowls of cut-up fruit that are shaped into hearts, your favourite sandwiches (jay helped him make them, but you don't have to know that) and pastries from a cafe that you both visit often.
✧ he didn't think he would love stargazing with you as much as he does, but it feels so natural for you two to lie down and talk while admiring the night sky. though secretly, he'll stare you while you're busy counting the stars present that night despite there being too many. because to him, no star will ever be more beautiful than you are.
✧ due to his busy schedule, it's common that you can't see him that much during the day. to compensate for that, he'll spam you with selfies of him doing random things like drinking water or he'll bring his face really close to the camera, open his eyes wide and lowkey jumpscare you.
✧ he will also update you with whatever happens during his day — you'll get texts talking about him seeing a new restaurant that opened up and saying that you two should try going there, or him saying how he saw a cute cat on the street and pet it despite his allergies.
✧ he can't shut up around you. like, at all. during comeback season, he will do exactly what the company told him not to do and literally tell you every detail. he shows you the whole choreography and sings the song to you because he's just so excited.
✧ he does well with balancing his work as an idol and taking care of himself, but when the pressure, fatigue and stress hit him all at once, he can't help but feel under the weather. he'll try to act like he's fine, but you can tell in the way his movements are more sluggish and by the dark circles underneath his droopy eyes.
✧ sometimes people forget that he's young, and shouldering so many responsibilities every single day is hard on him. he feels safe when he's with you, he feels safe when you open your arms for him to lay between and lend him your shoulder to cry on when he needs it.
✧ the way you rub his back gently while whispering sweet words into his ear is everything he needs to feel whole. he doesn't like showing vulnerability, but he's beyond glad that he has you by his side, constantly reassuring him that things will be fine.
✧ of course he'll be there for you as well when you need it, he always is. if you're feeling sad, he'll drop whatever he's doing to comfort you, kissing your forehead and asking you what's wrong. even if you don't want to talk about it, he'll do whatever it takes to see your pretty smile.
✧ his cuddles are the comfiest, you two spend hours just laying together in bed with your limbs tangled and your head resting on his chest. sometimes he prefers for you to hold him, especially if he's tired. he'll trap you with his arms around your waist, he's stronger than he looks and he will not let go of you.
✧ as sweet as he is, he can also be quite the mischievous person sometimes. if you're too busy on your phone (a.k.a, not paying attention to him for 5 seconds) he'll take it and hold it above your head if you're shorter than him, telling you to give him at least ten kisses if you want it back.
✧ if you're taller, he'll grab it and run around the house while you chase him — he runs really fast, it's actually kind of scary. he'll pucker his lips at you and once again, tell you to kiss him if you want your phone back.
✧ he loves kissing you so so much, and he'll do it anywhere, anytime. when he wakes up and sees you beside him, he can't help but break out into a smile and press his lips onto yours shortly before nudging you awake. he gets all blushy if he finds out you were awake while he kissed you.
✧ he doesn't go shopping that much, but if you've been wanting something for a while, he'll buy it for you and pretend like it wasn't him. oh, that one phone you were thinking about buying suddenly ended up on your desk? he has no idea how it got there.
✧ matching rings are a must. you two got matching rings 6 months into your relationship, and he never takes his off. even if he's live, he'll keep it on because he likes the reminder that you're his and he's yours.
✧ he doesn't let it show often, but he gets jealous quite easily. whether it be somebody staring at you or a person being bold (and stupid) enough to come ask you for your number, he'll wrap his arm protectively around you, making it clear that you are in fact taken.
✧ and if that's not enough? he can't physically fight them, mostly because he's a public figure, but his words are sharp and he'll find a way to humiliate that person so that they'd go away. afterwards, he'd press a kiss to your cheek and smile cutely at you as if he didn't just decimate someone's ego.
✧ he can't stand not being around you for long amounts of time, so when he's on tour and you can't come with him, he's miserable — and dramatic, at that. he'll constantly text you that he misses you with frowning emojis and says that he wishes you were with him.
✧ when he gets back, you can bet that he'll be all over you; peppering kisses on every inch of your face, clinging to you for hours on end and he even makes you sleep over so that he can cuddle with you the entire night.
✧ he doesn't feel complete without you around him, you're one of the most vital things in his life and he doesn't think that he could ever fathom a life that doesn't have you in it. the thought of you alone is enough for him to get through the day and he hopes that he'll be able to be with you for as long as you'll allow him.
✧ your relationship is just the cutest thing ever honestly <3
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observeowl · 5 months
Unwanted Marriage | Chapter 6 - Tumultuous Times
Series Masterlist
Your Dad called you while you were at work and even though you thought of not answering his calls, he was still your father in the end.
D: Y/N, can you come home for a visit? I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you.
You: Dad, I have been busy lately.
D: I've got nothing, just miss you. If you can come back, then please come over to visit me.
You thought about how Marcus and Stephanie have broken up and Stephanie would undoubtedly hate you even more.
D: What I said before was a little harsh, you should not take it to heart.
You: Dad, I'll go back after work.
D: Good, then I'll let the maid make some of your favourite dishes.
Without you knowing, there was an ulterior motive for calling you. It may not be for Stephanie this time but for himself. The company has not been doing well lately, stocks have been going down in the red with no prospect of going up.
"Young miss, during the time you were not here, the house has been lifeless. Even the flowers in the backyard don't look as pretty as when you were around." The house assistant admitted.
"Dad!" You greeted him when you saw him.
"Y/N Y/L/N! You have the nerves to come back!" The devil broke the peace around the house once again. "If it weren't for you, Marcus wouldn't have swayed and broke up with me!" She yelled from the second floor. "What is going on?" Your father asked. "What else could it be? Marcus doesn't want me anymore, he broke up with me! It's all her fault! She's shameless! She keeps wandering in front of Marcus every day. She even booked the same hotel as him during his business trip!" It's always the culprit that has the most to say.
"Y/N, you... you really let me down..."
"Dad, you must get justice for me, anyway, I will never forgive her anymore!"
"Y/N, you shall not go anywhere for the time being, stay obediently at home to reflect on your behaviour!" What were you? 12? Why do you have to be forced to stay at home? "Dad! What are you doing?!"
"Don't blame me, I can't believe that our family has such a heartless member like you."
"During your reflection, I will negotiate a divorce with the Romanoff family. Her wife should be Stephanie in the first place, and we could not let the wrong go on any longer.
"Dad! What are you planning?" You started to panic and tried opening the door! "Dad! Open the door!"
"Save it! Dad has already contacted the Romanoff family. You should just obediently wait to sign the divorce papers!"
You lay on your bed hoping that she won't agree to the divorce, you want to be 100% certain, but with how fickle-minded she is, you aren't sure. You started to sweat as the pain in your stomach grew.
"You were not supposed to marry into the Romanoff family in the first place. It was a misunderstanding from the start!" Stephanie shouted through the door. She found it odd that it was so quiet and walked away when there was no satisfaction in bickering with you. She called Marcus to inform him that she was going to marry Natasha. "My father wants Y/N to divorce Natasha Romanoff and ask me to marry him."
"Prepare the car, we are going to the Y/L/N family immediately." Marcus told his assistant as he took his coat and rushed out of the office.
"Stephanie! Stephanie! I was wrong, will you come back to my side? I've missed you these few days." He rushed to find her once he stepped into the house. "I don't want you to get married to Natasha Romanoff, she's not good..."
"Stephanie, didn't you tell me that you've broken up with Marcus?" Your father asked. "Mr Y/L/N, will you allow me to get married with Stephanie?" She felt that her hopes were anew now that Marcus was looking at her again.
Before your father could reply, the head assistant announced that Natasha arrived at the house. "Stephanie, all these were caused by you, you're going to solve it!"
"Where is Y/N?" Natasha asked, cutting to the chase. "She is resting upstairs. Natasha, these days Y/L/N have met with some trouble, I heard it's the Romanoff-"
"Where is Y/N?" Natasha asked again, this time much louder and angrier. "She's on the second floor. I'll ask someone to go and call her up now."
"Oh dear, Ms Y/L/N has fainted!" Someone shouted from the second floor. "Clint!" Natasha immediately threw him into action. "Nat, Y/N can't come to her senses now. She needs to be sent to the hospital as soon as possible." He came back down carrying you bridal-style. Panic ensued and Natasha barked orders at him and everyone. Clint went ahead to bring you to the hospital while Natasha stayed behind to give everyone a piece of her mind. "If anything happens to Y/N, I won't let any of you off."
"Natasha, she's been quiet in the room, I didn't know that..." Your father tried explaining. "Natasha!" Kate, her other assistant, came to replace Clint while he was away. "Natasha, shall I go with you? Natasha?" She continued to ignore him as Kate wheeled her away from them.
Even if you are rich, you can only ask your assistant to help when your wife is sick!
In the hospital, you have a private suite thanks to Natasha. It wasn't long before you came around and the first thing you saw was Natasha. "Thank you." You said when he passed you a glass of water to drink.
"Natasha... I-"
"I know the divorce was not your idea." Hearing her say that made your chest lighter. "Yeah, I have confidence in myself." But she was so narcissistic. She placed the glass on the side table before pulling you onto her. "I'm warning you, no matter what happens, I will never allow you to agree to a divorce. Do you hear me?" You felt that this signifies the change between you and her. You were no longer hiding yourself from her and started to understand her more.
Stephanie has been texting you regarding her wedding. Informing you what she has been doing as if wanting to make you feel jealous. Dad even hired a wedding planner for her who usually helps idols only. Sure, you didn't have the best wedding because you weren't in the best planning mood when it happened, but now, you are happier than ever with Natasha. She even asked you to join her in choosing her wedding gown. You declined saying you had something else going on when your dad personally asked you, you have no choice but to head down too.
You texted Natasha that you were going to accompany Stephanie to try her wedding gown so there was no need to wait for you for dinner. But you should have expected that Natasha would go wherever you were. And she was already there waiting as you arrived at the store. "What are you doing here?"
"Worry about you." You smiled slightly before replying, "It's just trying out gowns, it'll be fast."
"Marcus! Look at me! Is it nice?" Stephanie had already tried on some gowns and appeared to find something she liked. "Y/N, here you are."
"Doesn't your bridesmaid want to try on her gown today too?" Marcus asked. "She should be here soon, according to her personality, she'll always be slightly late."
"Y/N, you probably don't have a dress for that day, why don't you go and pick one?" Stephanie asked. Natasha also urged you to pick one but you told them you have gowns at home that can be worn to weddings.
"Stephanie! I found you! You look pretty today." Her friend finally came and Stephanie went to welcome her. "Can't believe you're still with Marcus, and he's still handsome."
"Let's go and pick our gowns." They went to the back and you were left with your wife and ex-boyfriend.
"Y/N, no matter what you think of me, I hope you are happy. If Natasha Romanoff is the future you choose, then I will pave the way for you." You're disgusted by the confidence he has. "Y/N, I can sacrifice everything for you!"
"Mr Lancaster, you actually put in so much effort for a past love."
"As long as she can remember me, I am willing to do whatever I can!"
"Marcus, what are you guys talking about?" Her friend came to intrude. "Nothing, we were just talking about wedding dress."
"How can you leave your bride alone?" She teased. "Wendy!" Stephanie whispered and she laughed it off before dragging Marcus to help pick a dress for her.
"Miss Romanoff, here is the gown you requested." It seemed like Natasha had ordered something in advance. "I want this dress for the bridesmaid." Wendy saw what the store assistant was holding and wanted it as her own. Birds of the same feather flock together. However, Natasha ignored her and told the store assistant to get that in a small size with other colours. "Then you'll have to wait for me, I'll be out soon!" You went into the changing room and gave a small wave to Natahsa.
"Steph..." Wendy whined. "Alright, don't mind it, just please Natasha for a while."
You came out wearing the turquoise knee-length dress and have never felt so beautiful. You radiate brightness in the room that stunned everyone.
"Steph, you will also look pretty in this. You know, beautiful like a fairy. Right, Marcus?"
"O-ok, we'll take that. I'll make an appointment to take wedding photos and make sure you look good."
You were clearly wrong when you thought it was going to be a quick trip. It was dark by the time you exited the store."Clint, put those clothes in the car."
"Clothes? What clothes?"
"The ones you wore."
"Really? You don't have to buy all of them."
"I like it."
Finally, it was the day of their wedding and your father had invited almost everyone he knew to celebrate her daughter's wedding. After the ceremony, Stephanie linked arms with Marcus as they went around doing pleasantries and drinking with everyone.
At the end of the day, Marcus was so drunk that his friends had to carry him to his room. "Every minute of the wedding night is precious, Stephanie will blame us if you drink anymore."
"I'm not drunk! I can keep going!" He insisted as his friends dropped him on the bed. "Sorry to trouble you." Stephanie thanked them as they went out. "We'll go first. You two have a great rest."
She sighed when they were finally left alone in the hotel room, drunk Marcus is tough to control. "Marcus, get up and take a shower, you stink!" She tried pulling him up and taking off his jacket until he pushed her onto the bed. "Marcus?"
He leaned forward to kiss her and mumbled, "Y/N..."
"What did you just say?" She pushed him away after hearing the unimaginable words from her lips. "Y/N, don't leave, I can't bear to see you leave..."
"Why..." She realised that she has fallen into a marriage with deception, with someone who no longer loves her.
(I had a tough time decision if I wanted to add Melina and Yelena into this at first, I thought at least I was going to put Yelena into this, but she has to have a close relationship with her mother who isn't very kind, so I decided to scrap both and include new characters instead.)
"You're finally back Y/N, Natasha's stepmom is here." Brooke told you once you entered the house. Somehow you get the feeling that she used this as an excuse to get away from them. "Why is she here? What about Natasha?"
"Natasha has something to do at the company and I didn't expect them to come. The young lady next to her is Natasha's sister, Samantha." Brooke informed you. "How come I have not seen her before?"
"During your wedding, she had to attend a fashion show abroad, and was unable to hurry back."
"Then why didn't you entertain them? We can't just stand here and do nothing." You quickly dropped your bags when towards them. "Mrs Romanoff, why didn't you tell me in advance you were going to come? Do you want any drinks? Coffee? Tea? Water?" You offered.
"Really not ladylike, you get nervous easily."
Surely anyone would be nervous meeting their partner's parents.
"Do I have to inform you deliberately just because I want to see my daughter? Or, you dare not see me?" She differs from Alexei a lot. Alexei looks like he can kill you, is a cinnamon roll. Whereas she looks like she is going to kill you and will kill you.
"Mrs Romanoff, I had no such intention."
"Mum, is this the woman my sister married? Not as good as Anna." A foreign name caught your attention and you were curious as to who she is.
"Gabby, don't talk about the past." She scolded her daughter and the young lady stuck out her tongue in defiance. "I came here today just to see if you've made any progress since you married my daughter. Unexpectedly, you still let me down." You had no idea what progress she wanted you to make.
"Mum, this woman doesn't deserve her!"
"Miss, Y/N is very nice." Brooke tried defending you but only brought herself into the fight. "Who are you? How dare a servant talk to me!?" You can't argue with people like her who would never be able to see another person's point of view. Thankfully, Natasha came back from work, saving you from the awkward silence.
Gabrielle went towards Natasha and took over Clint's job of pushing Natasha. "You don't know, just now my sister-in-law wanted to throw me out with my mother!"
"What is going on?"
"I just came back and mum wanted to bring me here to visit Y/N, but not long after we started talking, she flared up."
"I mean Y/N, are you okay?" You gave her a small nod. "What are you doing here?" It's been more than 10 years and she still refuses to call her mother. "Natasha, I haven't seen you for a long time, can't you let me accompany you?"
"Come on, what is it about?"
"Alright..." She sighed. "Your grandpa gave all his assets to you and at the same time you have to manage Romanoff Corporation. I'm sure you feel so overwhelmed. Gabby has nothing to do at home, she can go over to your grandpa's place to help out, what do you think? I've spoken to him and he has no comments, what do you think?"
"Who does he think he is? At grandpa's place, it's still not up to him to make comments, it is now under my name. If he wants to give things to Gabrielle, he has to go through me."
"Sister! Just let me accompany you, anyway, I have nothing to do at home." Gabby whined.
"If you were a boy, your grandpa would have let you work in Romanoff Corporation! It's all my fault." Mrs Romanoff sighed. "Since your sister is unwilling, let's go back."
In the car she chided Gabby for only knowing how to act spoiled in front of her sister. Even though the asset is not much, it's still a big company, it wouldn't have killed her to fight a little.
"Next time just let them go, no need to talk much with them."
"But they are you-"
"They are not! I've brought you to see my mother, this woman is just an outsider." Natasha stated clearly.
"I know now. But why do you never go over to your grandpa's place?" You asked. If your grandpa gave you his assets, you'd be sure to visit him more often. "Mother broke the relations with grandpa to be with my father at that time. Grandpa didn't even know that she had passed away. When he found out, it was already an old man sending off his daughter in a funeral." You nodded and closed the topic.
You had a few days of peace, going off to work and coming home until today. You saw your father waiting for you outside the door and with no means of avoiding him, you reached out first. "Dad, when did you come?"
"I've been waiting here for a while. You are busy, so all I can do is to wait for you."
"Go in first, it's windy today."
Inside the house, Natasha was working from home today. Realising you were about to reach home, she ended the meeting with his deputies and wheeled out, preparing to meet you. "Micheal?"
"Natasha? You're at home? I met Y/N coincidentally while I was doing some stuff nearby, so she asked me to come in and have a seat."
"I heard that your company recently encountered some difficulties?" Natasha cut to the chase, knowing his motive. There was no way he was outside doing some stuff.
"Since you know it, I won't beat around the bush. My company recently needs some money to turn around..." After all, the basis of this marriage was to support the company. It's unfortunate that he chose the wrong person who would not bend to his demands and give everything he says and ends up sending his daughter away to someone else.
"How much?" Natasha asked as she took out a cheque. "About 5 million." She passed him the blank cheque and said. "Fill in the amount yourself. My assistant will sign the IOU with you later."
"I-IOU?" He stuttered. "Financial matters should be settled clearly even between brothers. Even though you are Y/N's father. 5 million is also not a small amount, so it is better to record it down. Don't want to borrow it anymore? Then forget it."
Micheal was facing financial issues with his company and if he doesn't accept, the company will face big problems. Natasha also didn't specify when to return the money, so he was just going to borrow it first. "I want, I want. When your assistant is here, we will sign it."
A tiger never changes its stripes. Once he got the money, he left without even saying anything to you. When you came out holding snacks and drinks, he was nowhere to be found. "You keep this." Natasha handed you a piece of paper and you had a close look at it. "An IOU? Why are you still lending money to him?"
"I'll have to lend it to him sooner or later. It's better to catch him first."
"You can't just lend him so casually! It's 5 million! You know what kind of situation he is in, don't you? When there is a first, there will always be a second. If this goes on there will be no ending to this!"
"Are you caring about me?"
"Ahem, don't talk nonsense. I'm going to help Brooke in the kitchen."
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@natsxwife @franfineashell @dvrkhcld @reginassweetheart @marvelogic
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synthetickitsune · 8 months
heyy so im the anon who requested the fluff prompt 20 and is it okay if you can write it for lee soo hyuk, i apologize for not putting the name it totally slipped my mind (i don't even know how-) thank you<3
it's alright, that happens!! i hope this is fine ♡
Lee Soohyuk | Touch starved fluff | 0.9k | gn!reader
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He passes by you as you take out the groceries. You’re used to his hands lingering on your waist for a second as he does, but not to him leaning his body over yours just to kiss your cheek. And his hands still linger for that extra second even after he pulls away.
You’re used to Soohyuk keeping you company as you prepare dinner, but not to him hugging you from behind as he tells you about his latest work trip. He stands to the side as you, in turn, tell him about how you’ve been since you last saw each other, just so he could watch you and your wild gestures as you explain a messy incident that you’ve witnessed at the shop.
And you’re also used to him helping you set the table - but not to him getting in the way. He’s reaching for the same utensils as you, he’s standing right behind you and handing you the plates although they’re easily accessible to you. His hand bumps into yours when you want to move the fruit bowl out of the way. 
Only when you glare at him, half-irritated at this point, does he move out of the way. You thought he was hungry or tired too, now you’re getting suspicious about the sudden change in his behavior. Still, you’re hungry and so you’re happy he leaves you alone to work efficiently. At least for a minute or two, until you’re getting the glasses and there he is - his body warm against yours, as his hand grabs yours and your fingers intertwine on instinct. He presses a kiss to your neck, leaning against you. You’d accuse him of being mischievous if only he wasn’t shyly hiding his face in the crook of your neck. 
“I missed you,” he breathes against your skin, his other arm now around your waist, squeezing you to him. You sigh and relax into his embrace. Now it’s all beginning to make sense. Even if you’d be more open to his affection after the dinner. But you understand the situation has to be dire if he’s clingy like this.
“I missed you too,” you smile, “It’s good to have you back.”
“I’m never leaving for so long again,” he murmurs, almost too quiet to hear. You chuckle, squeezing his hand so he knows you’re not laughing at him. It’s an impossible wish, but you won’t spoil the moment. “I missed you.”
"I'm here now" you reassure, "And you're not going anywhere any time soon." He nods behind you, his lips kissing your shoulder. Still he doesn't let go of you. “Did something happen?"
He shakes his head with a sigh. “Just missed you"
There's no reason to tell you how most of his interactions for work seemed different at best and embarrassingly fake at worst compared to your warmth. His friends and colleagues might be happy to see him, they'll exchange pleasantries and half-hearted hugs as a greeting but after a month of missing you, all he could think about were your arms around him. The comfort your hugs filled him with.
It was different - naturally. Of course it was different, you are his partner, after all. But he'd never believe just how much of a difference it would be. He missed his friends occasionally, all similarly busy as him. Yet never has it been as sharp a pain as when he's separated from you. It was a constant pressure on his chest and longing at his fingertips. No amount of calls, facetimes or photos exchanged was enough to soothe the ache.
You turn your head to kiss the side of his head. He hugs you tighter, swaying with you a little. It hits you again how nice it is to have him back, warm and solid against you. He hums when you lean closer to him and squeeze his hand. This is what love should feel like, you’re sure of it. It’s so peaceful and it makes you forget everything else.
Except for your stomach that rumbles loudly.
He chuckles, stealing a quick kiss before he steps away rather reluctantly. His smile is shy when he apologizes. 
“It’s fine,” you reassure him, quickly getting the almost-forgotten glasses and setting them on the table, “I missed you too.” 
“You’re starving because of me,” he mumbles and when you look at him, there's a small pout on his lips. You keep looking at him, watching him squirm until you give into his unspoken request and kiss him again. He pulls you close for just a second before he pulls away. “Let’s eat now, hm?”
Honestly it seems he’s more embarrassed than hungry, but you’re really looking forward to finally filling your stomach. And besides, nothing beats sleepy cuddles right after a meal. You serve dinner and finally sit down, but it only takes a minute before he’s gently pulling on your chair. He avoids your eyes, and it’s honestly touching how much he wants you close, so you move your plate and scoot your chair closer to him, bumping your knee against his.
The rest of the evening goes by in a similar way, with Soohyuk always lingering closeby, pulling you close to him any chance he gets. And after all the missing him you’ve done, you can only be grateful.
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