#like adding wings or a tail or making it straight up a dragon
mochateadri · 10 months
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look at this absolute creachur
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digitalagepulao · 11 months
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Sun Wukong, the Monkey King: my design notes [!! click here for the full line-up !!] [click here for just the goodies on tumblr]
also titled, "I underestimated my file sizes" TAT Separate images and info below the read more, beware this is LONG <3
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Stone Monkey: himbs baby, that is all <3 he's mostly based off the François Langur, but some of his anatomy and proportions lean more on the Gray Langur and Macaque side of things. His facial fur sort of forms a pentagon shape for the five elements, and I gave him ginger fur cus it's a common depiction for him but also baby langurs are very bright orange, and him not growing dark feels like an apt display of his more childish side, both good and bad. His nails are golden for a bit of a "hidden gem" from a stone egg. Also keeping the tail either in a spiral of C-curve when "engaged", and when droopy it has a feel of a heavy rope. Old World monkeys don't have prehensile tails, he can use it for balance and basic mobility but it's not a third hand for the sake of keeping his monkey-ness.
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Handsome Monkey King: in one of the poems the monkeys are said to weave grass for mattresses, so I can see them coming up with a crown of woven grass and never-fading leaves and flowers for their king at the very least. His face skin is darker as an adult, but not much else changes overall. The fuzzy upper lips and sideburns are a feature of the species I'm basing him on and it felt like a good fit to add. I also love the forest langurs are so long-furred, makes for a good way to give him dimension but also, the linework style reminds me of old woodcut shorthands for fur. Added a jade coin for the symbolism, and it feels fitting that the king of such a miraculous mountain would have a treasure like that on him. Placcid chill eyes are imperative, dude's not had an existential crisis yet, he's straight up vibing.
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Sun Wukong: during his odd-ten years away from home, he learned human manners so he can stand but, I can see him still needing to lean on his tail to keep up his balance here and there. As he reaches the Western Continent (India) and learns the Way under Patriarch Subodhi, he adopts proper clothes for an apprentice and eventually becomes a Rishi. He dons his facial paint from then on, and after he masters the Way, there's a brightness in his pupils to show his cultivated immortality. The beads are purple solely to stand out over the deluge of oranges that is his design.
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Great Sage Equal to Heaven: really went all out on this one orz this is Wukong at his most egotistical and ambitious, and I wanted his fit to truly embody that. Took bits from Peking Opera costumes and common depiction elements of him, with some bit of extra for appropriate levels of flair, like the phoenix feather design. I wanted to go for a mountain pattern mail but I couldn't figure out how to draw it, so I winged a pattern. I,,, doubt I'll ever draw this armor as detailed as here, but I wanted it to feel a bit overwhelming to look at, while also seeming like it doesn't quite fit him perfectly like it's swallowing him. Bit of a "baby wearing their parent's shoes" kind of vibe; he's stupidly powerful but he doesn't have what it takes to sit on the throne of Heaven. Also I leaned his expression to how he might appear during the Havoc in Heaven and then his bet with the Buddha. Full unbrindled rage murder monkey <3
-- Ruyi Jingu Bang: can't quite move on without my notes on the golden-hooped cudgel, now can I? The secondary hoops are there for further design appeal and for my own visualization of how the staff changes size (the hoops move over the staff's length as if to push it outward or inward). The metal is dark damascus alloy, though the pattern can be omitted for ease of drawing. One hoop end depicts a dragon, the other a phoenix, and in the middle of the staff is the canon inscription as described in the books, in seal script. Glow is optional and mostly for aesthetics.
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Sun Pilgrim: out of his stolen armor, Wukong seems to swim in his robes but in a less overwhelming way. Went for the simple fillet headband cus his face is busy enough as it is. I know he's skilled enough to skin a tiger into pretty decent squares, but after one too many battles, anything would get tattered. He wears red, teal, black and yellow, four of the five cardinal colors, while white (the West) is still missing. His red and black half-robe doesn't fully cover the yellow underneath, a call back to his golden armor; he tries to use his wisdom and teachings to fight back the impulses of his past, but they still shine through at times. I kept only the leg bangs for dynamic elements to better show movement, but also one could say he's got.... golden hoops (haha get it, like his cudgel?? :oD)
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Victorious Fighting Buddha: leaned hard on the actual portrayals of the Buddha. Seeing that he's depicted with dark/blue skin, it felt appropriate to let the guy grow out of his baby ginger fur and into adult black, but a patch remains where the golden headband used to be. I didn't want to give him long hair so no bun, but instead, his fur has a sorta lotus-petals shape now rather than his single point. His face paint changes into a more domino-mask style, and his brow white line resembles a teardrop urna. I made the mail piece he holds longer to keep the flowy bits of his previous outfits, and I turned Ruyi Jingu Bang into the sword he wields.
Hello hi, this robbed me of three days of my life and I'd like to receive compensation x.x Anyway hope you enjoy this lad, I know I do! Also if you wanna send me asks about him pls feel welcome to, I'd love to chat about this bastard monkey (affectionate) (loving) (i`d die for him)
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delightfuldevin · 1 year
Hellooooooo!! Can I bother you for some headcanons on the Koopalings? I've been thinking about them a lot recently gkjhkgsf. Personality, Likes/Dislikes, Orientation, Ages, Koopa Breed, where they came from; anything you got think thonks about them on pretty please!!
Hello hello!! Ask and yee shall receive! I’ve written out a lot of stuff about them for my lore fic, but I haven’t polished it yet so that’s why it hasn’t been published with the rest of the fic! Under a cut this time since there’s seven of them and thus, this is gonna be looong
I’ll start with orientations since it’s pride month and I can’t bring myself to draw yet ;^; (also ages cause I should probably figure those out eventually lol).
(Added some headers to separate this so it’s a bit easier to navigate!)
Genders, Orientations, and Ages
Larry (he) - binary trans boy; straight (at least 12, maybe 13?)
Morton (he) - cis; aro-spec polyamorous (14-ish?)
Wendy (she/fae) - trans demigirl/genderfae/Idk some kind of girl-but-not-girl gender hdchjsxbjchjsx; lesbian polyamorous (15 or 16)
Iggy (he/they/ze) - genderqueer; gay (16 perhaps?)
Roy (he/they) - agender; bisexual polyamorous (17 or 18)
Lemmy (any pronouns) - genderfluid; panromantic asexual (18-ish)
Ludwig (he) - cis; aroace (18-20 Idk hdbcdcsjab)
In terms of species, they’re the same as Bowser, which I call Dragon-Koopas! They are typically larger and physically stronger than most other types of Koopas, and they’re capable of breathing fire and using magic, though the latter depends on how much magical potential they have. All the past rulers of the Koopa Kingdom have been Dragon-Koopas. There are Dragon-Koopa families who aren’t royalty, though many are nobility in some way. Biological features include:
spiked shells, which come in many colors, that are unable to be separated from the body (unlike regular Koopas, who can remove their shells)
the flame pipe, an internal organ that produces fire and keeps the fire from burning other organs
very large and sharp teeth (Dragon-Koopas’ diet is primarily meat)
longer tails (for balance)
hair (only a few other types of Koopas are capable of growing hair)
“giant form”, a defense mechanism developed during puberty which causes Dragon-Koopas to grow many times their size when they have been mortally wounded (can also be affected by mental state)
Sorry to go on a biology rant hdbcjjds. Moving on!
Larry, Wendy, and Ludwig are the only ones related by blood. All the Koopalings arrived at Bowser’s Castle at different times (though all during childhood, perhaps within a year or so?), and eventually came to see each other as siblings.
Ludwig’s parents worked in Bowser’s Castle. When Larry was around 3 years old, their parents (died? Disappeared? Not sure yet dhbcjxcb). Bowser took them under his wing (he didn’t officially adopt them yet) and named Ludwig his heir (Idk how royalty works irl so I’m not sure if he can technically do that, but oh well, this is the Koopa Kingdom and Bowser makes the rules lol).
Next to arrive were Roy and Morton. They were both orphans and met each other on the streets and became like brothers. Roy, being the hot-headed and impulsive child that he was, decided it would be a good idea to break into the king’s castle. When they were caught and Bowser was asked what to do with them, he put them on cleaning duty under the guide of the castle’s cleaning crew. Roy protested at first, but Morton convinced him to suck it up since he thought the king would do worse if they didn’t. Morton was always scared of Bowser and only started to warm up to him after Bowser Jr was born.
Next was Lemmy! He was part of a traveling circus and was left behind when the circus came to the capital. Wendy found him and brought him back to the castle to play with and convinced Bowser to let him stay.
Now, Iggy was the last to show up and it happened randomly without anyone even noticing until he was already settled in. Lemmy was the first to notice Iggy was in the castle, and they just played in his room most of the time. Most of the castle attendants had gotten used to seeing Dragon-Koopa kids running through the castle, so none of them thought it unusual when they would see Iggy around.
It was around this time that Bowser started referring to them collectively as the Koopalings cause he got tired of calling them individually whenever he needed more than a couple at a time. Back then, he didn’t keep track of them so he didn’t know how many there were in total. When he finally called them in to get a final count, there were seven of them and he didn’t question it. No one knows where Iggy came from, and he deflects the question whenever it’s brought up to him.
The Koopalings were officially adopted not that long before the, uh, “current” time for lack of a better term. Bowser Jr was actually very surprised, not because they were being adopted, but because they weren’t already. Like, they’ve been living with Bowser for longer than Jr’s even been alive, so he (understandably) thought they were already his siblings to begin with hbscjsbcjd. Thing is, everyone thought they were Bowser’s kids all this time and they practically were in principle; he just never made it official until very recently.
I have sooooo many headcanons on these guys, but for the sake of not making this post a mile long, I put 4 points for each. The rest will be added to my lore fic, so look out for that!!
Very shy and afraid as a toddler so he stuck to Ludwig like glue since he’s his older brother; very outgoing and sociable now, and doesn’t even remember being shy lol
Loves to play games; video games, sports games, card games, board games. Anything so long as it’s a game
Hates losing so he cheats in almost everything; Morton is the only one who plays with him cause Mort’s the only one who doesn’t mind his cheating and won’t call him out on it
Despite his cheery demeanor, he has a rather short fuse and is easily angered
Terrible at telling lies, but good at keeping secrets
Likes to bake; enjoys making cakes and cookies the most
He talks a lot. Like a lot. He’s shy around strangers, so one might think he’s the quiet type, but once he’s comfortable he will never stop talking
He is magically strong and physically strong too, making him the perfect balance amongst his siblings. However, he is known to take things overboard when it comes to his strengths, which makes him very unpredictable and dangerous in battle
Likes typically “girly” things like bows, make up, jewelry, and high heels, but not above violence to get what she wants
Known as “the scary one” amongst her siblings and many of the minions; the other Koopalings may not listen to Ludwig sometimes, but they all know to listen to Wendy
Her necklace can be used as a weapon like her rings; it’s a chain/whip
Gets into petty arguments with Roy a lot, usually over small things like which shade of pink is the best
Has a deep fascination with nature and all kinds of plants and animals
His Chain Chomp is named Horace
Does all of his experiments and inventing in his room and he’s accidentally destroyed it multiple times; stays in Lemmy’s room whenever his has to be rebuilt or fumigated
The weakest Koopaling in terms of magic, and the strongest physically (though he and Morton are almost evenly matched); relies on brute force most of the time and doesn’t care about improving his magic
Has heterochromatic eyes (his right eye is dark purple and his left is bright blue)
Wears sunglasses because his eyes are extremely sensitive to light and it can be very painful; his sunglasses were magically created by Bowser
Has an exceptional sense of smell and hearing since he relied on those senses mainly before he got his glasses
Used to have a very overactive flame pipe when he was younger (sometimes he would just be trying to talk and then all of a sudden a bunch of fire would come out); has better control over his flame pipe now and his is the strongest of his siblings (meaning he can breathe the most fire at once)
Enjoys dancing and abstract painting
Always on his rubber ball; he’s even been known to sleep on it (how he manages to stay balanced on it seems like magic in and of itself)
Naturally blonde; dyes the rest of his hair
The strongest Koopaling in terms of magic; according to Kamek, with enough training, he could be the strongest Dragon-Koopa in modern history
He curses a lot, which is unexpected due to his somewhat princely personality
Considers himself the leader of the Koopalings; the others usually follow him, but sometimes they don’t cause they think he’s too bossy (he kinda is lol); trusts Wendy the most and puts her in charge when he can’t be
With Bowser Jr’s birth, he is no longer Bowser’s heir, but he has no animosity about it; rather, he’s decided that it’s his responsibility to make sure Jr grows into a proper king (kinda like he’s living vicariously through Jr lol)
Sorry if this isn’t coherent I really gotta put this stuff together properly for the lore fic dhbcjsnbdcsjs
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spookiifi · 2 years
Wings of Fire and Stardust (2)
It's your first day out with Sun and Moon. Just be careful where you wander and you'll be fine
Especially the hellish bog. Definitely stay away from the bog
ao3 link!
Yall I’m having so much fun writing this
Two guest appearances. No, one and a half? I don’t know you’ll find out
You awoke to the warm feeling of several blankets over you, though you were still exhausted from last night’s nightmare.
The smell of roasting salmon filled the room, making your mouth water. Eating a warm meal sounded amazing right now.
Thank god it was all a dream. You smiled to yourself while pulling the cover close to you, nuzzling into the pillow.
Why was your pillow breathing? You don’t remember owning a leather blanket either.
And purring?
Your eyes shot open, and you were met with a massive golden dragon resting it’s face on your stomach and chest.
“Hellooo!! Good morning!!”
You screamed and tried to scramble away, only to fall into his wings.
“Oh god, it wasn’t a dream. This is real, entirely real!”
“That’s quite a rude awakening,” Sun huffed. “I hope you like fish filet. Moon was kind enough to whip up some breakfast for you.”
No wonder it was so hot in the cave. Moon had scorched the entire fish to a crisp.
Jerky for breakfast it is then.
“Sure. Now eat up. We’re teaching you how to hunt since you royals get an entire kitchen of cooked food.”
“I don’t need to be taught how to hunt.” You mumbled through a mouthful of fish. “I know exactly how to spear fish.”
“Meet you at the silver pond!” Sun leapt off of the rocky floor, extending his wings. He disappeared into the morning clouds high above.
Moon lowered himself to the floor, extending one wing.
“What are you waiting for? Get on.”
“Is that safe?”
“Would I be asking you if it wasn’t safe?”
“…Good point.”
You crawled up the side of his wing and pulled your leg over his back, similar to a horse. The only problem was that there was no saddle; Your only option was to hold on to his tough back scales for dear life.
Moon grinned. “I hope you’re ready.”
He dove off the side of the cliff and dipped upward. You didn’t even realize that you had been screaming until he breached the through the clouds.
“Can you please try not to deafen me? Your squeezing my neck.”
“Sorry!” You loosened your grip, then took in the scenery around you.
Oh, it was gorgeous. Pinks, purples and amber tones blurred the morning sky like a painting.  A blanket of clouds shrouded your view from below. You could’ve sworn you went to heaven, or even traveled to another dimension.
You felt so free as you held your arms out. You grinned as the wind rushed past your sleeves.
You couldn’t see it, but Moon smiled at your excitement.
‘Humans and their silly emotions.’
You were tempted to run your hands through the clouds before Moon dove straight down towards the ground.
Several hours passed by at the silver ponds, and the net was half full of different colored and sized fish
The whole time you struggled to catch even a minnow.
Sun giggled at your attempt to catch the fish.
“I swear I know what I’m doing.” You snatched a large fish with both arms, hugging it against your chest. The slippery creature flopped in your grip, taking it with you as you fell back into the shallow pond.
“You were saying?” Sun jabbed the exact fish with his tail effortlessly, adding it to the pile.
“Okay, that is not fair!”
You launched yourself into the water again, retrieving a trout. “Ha! There!”
“That one was already dead.” Moon smirked.
You cursed out loud and chucked it into the pile with the others.
The sound of a chicken clucking caught your attention.
“Roasted chicken…”
You snuck away while the dragons were distracted, your bow and leftover arrows in hand from yesterday. You were fully aware of where you were headed, right on the brim of the gator’s bog.
Aiming at the hen, you had your target right where you wanted it.
And the stick below your feet snapped in two.
The chicken’s head shot up. Its eyes turned fiery red, and demonic wings sprouted from the sides of its body. It screeched at the top of its lungs and nearly spit acid at you.
“Cockatrice!!” You scrambled back while trying not to look it in the eyes.
You let out a cry as you tumbled into a shallow pond.
“Great. There goes dinner.” You grumbled and got to your feet and kicked the log next to you. “Fucking cockatrice…”
What you didn’t notice was the log grunting in annoyance. The ‘ground’ slipped from underneath you, and you scrambled back against a tree. Out from the pool rose a monstrous creature coated in muck and green moss.
“Looks like I caught the prettiest crawfish in the swamp!” The monster gator bellowed and grabbed your wrist. His nails dug into your skin, and droplets of blood began to form.
“Let me go! Please!”
“I don’t think so little miss. You’re only hurtin’ yourself by moving more.”
“You’re hurting me!! SOMEONE HELP!”
“This bog is so deep, little darling. No one’s gonna hear-“
The ground rumbled between the monster’s feet. Whatever it was, you were most likely going to die by that than the gator.
The tree next to you was torn in two, showing a furious Moon Dragon.
“Montgomery Gator.” Moon’s voice was full of malice.
The creature known as Monty dropped you on the floor. “M-Moon! What are you doing here in these parts? I was just-“
Moon slashed through Monty’s face with his claws, knocking him back into the murky water.
“What are you doing with my prey?!” The solar dragon stood over you, wings fanned out and blocking your view. Obviously, you weren’t actually his meal, but you played along with it.
He laughed nervously as he stood up. Bright red scratches decorated Monty’s face “That’s yours? Gee I had no idea! Hey, maybe we can-“
“Shut your trap before I pull off your scales, one by one.” Moon snarled. “Now get out of my sight.”
“Yessir.” He said rather quickly before diving back into the depths of the swamp.
“Come. We’ve kept Sun waiting long enough…you’re injured.” You allowed the solar dragon to inspect your wrist. He growled. “I’m going to kill that gator one day.”
You pulled your arm away when you saw him start to lick your wound.
“What the hell are you doing?! I thought I wasn’t your prey!”
“Do you trust me?”
You looked down to find part of the wound healing where droplets of his saliva left off.
“That’s crazy…”
“You’re talking to a dragon that just saved your life, and you call healing spit crazy?” Moon stared at you. “Can I continue?”
You nodded and held out your arm again. Even though the sting went away within seconds, you weren’t too fond of the method.
Moon released your arm. The claw punctures were gone, as if nothing ever happened. He smiled at your shocked expression.
“Let’s go, then.”
“There you two are! I was starting to pluck my own scales from worrying! What took you so long?” Sun smiled as he put down the book he’d been reading. He bounded over and tackled you into a hug.
“Sorry about the wait. Got into a skirmish with Monty.”
Sun stopped nuzzling you for a moment, and his frills bristled. “Where. IS. HE?”
“I took care of it, Sun. He won’t be bothering us for a while.” Moon said. “You can drop your guard now.”
“Oh! Alrighty then!” And with that, Sun went straight back to cuddling.
Neither of them seemed mad by your short disappearance. If anything, Moon showed concern for your well-being. You found that he was terrible at hiding it.
From your position against Sun’s chest, you spotted a corner in the darkest part of the cave. There was a dusty outline as if a pile used to be there. Spiderwebs connected across the ceiling to the corners of the floor.
“Hey, Sun? Did someone else live here?”
Sun and Moon both stiffened, and an uncomfortable silence filled the room. The solar dragon dropped the fish he’d been nibbling on.
“…Our brother did.”
You could sense the tension in the room, and remained quiet.
Moon finally spoke up.
“Your father murdered him.”
Yeah...I’m sorry I have to leave you with that cliffhanger.
If Sun came to save you instead of Moon, Monty would be resting in pieces...literally
Basically Moon in the swamp scene
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bvlgae · 2 years
War raged ever onwards between the Empire and the Union, but what befell the Faerie Village was decidedly not. This wasn’t carefully planned tactics at work, nor had honor been involved. Only brutality- Dogs tearing at each other to slake some frenzied hunger for blood. 
As a steward of the forest, it was his duty to protect those who dwelled beneath it’s boughs, but one mortal alone is nothing against the might of hundreds. As he cradled the cold body of his murdered sister to his breast, it was like something inside of him had cracked through the shell of his psyche. Not broken, but freed. Chains drawn taut, bolts to the wall loosening until they SNAPPED.
Perhaps it was the feral cry that left his lips, stained crimson from where he’d torn out the throat of an imperial, that attracted Hati. Whatever the reason, the Great Mother of Wolves had roused and sought out Fleuret like she was following the plaintive mewls of her offspring.
Pact partner, mother, goddess...
It was difficult to pin down the exact way that Ravus saw Hati, but the nature in which the direwolf nuzzled him and reacted to perceived threats was certainly that of a violently protective parent.
Slashes and sprays of red had stained the pure white of his vestments, fine and sumptuous fabrics now heavy with vitae from their slaughter. Ravus himself was on one knee, leaning heavily against the sabre he’d pierced the earthy loam beneath his feet with. Breathing heavily from the exertion of the killing frenzy he’d taken part in, it’s only the beating of massive wings that makes him pause ad raise his visage skyward.
Hati’s hackles bristled as stiff as that of a broom, baring oversized fangs as she leapt in front of her ‘child’. Her tail wasn’t straight or flared up like wind-whipped banner, but curled halfway between her hind legs.
Despite her aggressive display, Hati was scared. And if Hati was scared, then there had to be good reason for that.
“A red dragon,” he mused aloud as Angelus landed nearby, Ravus’ icy blue eyes then shifting to the other human dismounting the massive creature. 
“Leave now. There is no more sport to be had here. Unless you’ve come to avenge your fellow soldiers?” he questions, raising the curved blade of his sword.
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connor35lim · 3 months
New Step by Step Map For best squishmallows
Olaf, with his buck tooth, melts our frozen hearts. We love that his arms stick straight out for hugs. In https://image.google.by/url?q=https://squishmallowsmart.com or another person you already know is really a Frozen The game is age-graded for ages eight and up, needs two to four gamers, as well as a round may be performed in as rapid as 10 minutes. It truly is best for those who usually are not sore losers if they do not get Benny quick ample! No require to bother with prickly thorns using this cactus. Sporting a Santa hat, this winking buddy is one hundred pc tender towards the contact. The Landi the Lemur Squishmallow ($sixteen) is an adorable choice for people who wish to be a superhero. Landi desires of remaining one particular herself, plus enjoys amusement parks and Driving the roller coasters. It is a 14-inch white lemur Along with the cutest furry tail and sharp ears. She's colorfully cute with a refined tie-dye design. https://toolbarqueries.google.com.et/url?q=https://squishmallowsmart.com can be considered one of our favorite Squishmallows because of its suitable dimensions. She's an ideal all-ages white elephant gift concept to continue hand. https://image.google.rw/url?q=https://squishmallowsmart.com like her sparkly silver antlers, sly wink and spots that demonstrate she's however a younger 'un. Insert some Squishmallows design and style to the wardrobe with new clothing out there completely on Squishmallows.com. Plush toys are normally common present options for Children of all ages. When acquiring Squishmallows for youthful children, be aware of the advisable age vary. Wellness developments appear and go, but the importance of rejuvenating rest has transcended fads and evolved into a strong motion. Drew the mint-green dragon comes with sparkling wings, horns and tummy and also has an adorable tail with the again. He is sure to make the right companion for all your son or daughter's fantasy adventures. The purple hue on Alexie's human body emphasizes its distinctive structure, which makes it one of several sought-right after Squishmallows figures. Squishmallows are gendered, which pineapple is she/her. Maui Pineapple can be a generous twenty-inch measurement that makes her ideal for squeezing when you require the love of the psychological help tropical fruit. Microsoft and DuckDuckGo have partnered to deliver a lookup Answer that provides applicable advertisements for you even though guarding your privateness. If you click a Microsoft-delivered ad, you will end up redirected to the advertiser’s landing web site by Microsoft Marketing’s platform. Benny’s Tale: Benny has become the smartest woodland creatures. This bigfoot enjoys managing and fidgeting with his pals during the forest. If he’s not running all-around, you’ll come across him having pictures with all of his woodland mates.
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tiger-ink · 6 months
Chapter 1; After a long time
He woke up to sunlight. With half-opened eyes, he saw a beige-brown creature. It was Ra, Charles's cat. Ra started to smell his face and licked Charles's nose. He lay on his face and purred.
Charles gently pushed Ra aside and looked at the bedside table next to him, a bundle of nettles. He remembered these nettles. Medicine for epilepsy, nettle. Then he looked at Ra, washing his face. The cat looked at his master and spoke.
- Master. You must take the treatment now. It's past nine o'clock in the morning.
-And must these nettles sting my mouth again? Charles said.
Ra began to laugh and said:
- Master, we all have to put up with something we don't like.
- I know this, Ra... But I have been taking this treatment for ten years. Both in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed, I have to take my nettle. And, please, can you bring me a wet cloth, the white one hanging next to the bucket outside?
Ra nodded and went after the wet cloth.
Charles got out of bed. He looked along at the sun through the window.
Something is not right. Everything around him becomes white except for the floating objects. He floats. He opens his wings and flies to see what is happening. Is it somehow his past or a state of fainting?
A blue-green figure appeared in front of him. It was his enemy, the Dragon Star. He whirled around Charles, uttering the following words.
-You are a bastard! You deserve nothing in life. No one will accept you! You are a problem!
Charles had become small. But these words being of no use to him, he spoke back:
-Not true! I'm not a bastard! I have to deal with life! I deserve it for everything I have! I have friends! You were a coward! You lied to me everywhere! You don't deserve life! You will be dead one day!
The dragon looked at him, grinning. He added the last words.
- We'll see each other until then, dear friend.
Charles was shocked until the objects fell to the ground.
Everything around him was colorful. He heard a meow.
- Master... I think you had a conversation with the enemy again, didn't you?
Charles, sitting down on the bed, sighed and said:
- Yes... He said that we will see each other until then...
-Until then what?
-Until I kill him... It's hard to kill this bastard! Dridall has been damned with this epilepsy disease! Only I am the only doctor who has to deal with these cases! Nobody nothing. This era is dead... no one knows anything except driving nails into people's heads, lobotomy...
-But master, you are a wizard... You can travel in time. Naturally, you are the only doctor he deals with more than the rest of the world.
-Oh... You're right, Ra,... Now give me the cloth so I can take my treatment.
Ra gives him the wet cloth. Charles took the nettle, which had already stung his hand, put it in his mouth and chewed. His whole mouth stung. After that he took the cloth and pressed it hard through the stung areas.
Everything returned to normal.
Charles went to his dresser to get his day clothes.
Ra shouted and laughed:
- Make sure you don't get your white-white clothes dirty!
Charles frowned and shouted:
-Damn! And did you start? Every day I have to hear this! At least one day I can't have peace with your poor joke?
The cat stood straight and proud and said:
- It's done, Master!
They had served breakfast. after that they went to the library room, where the barn owl, Biscuts, was. The owl shook its tail, as if in a sign of joy.
He took the bird from the cage and put it on his shoulder.
-How are you, friend? Good?
The owl stood proudly and played with Charles's fire-colored hair.
Charles laughed and added:
- Now I have to go back to the cage because I have to go to Dirdall's palace.
He put the owl back in its cage, took his jacket and left the house with Ra.
- It's beautiful today... without the storm like it was yesterday, but the ground is still wet...
-Honestly... the weather will be beautiful today, but tonight, when we are on our way home, there will be another storm, Ra...
The Siamese climbed up to his master's shoulder.
They walked until they came across a huge tree fallen to the ground.
Ra looked carefully at the tree and said:
- You see that there are some scratches on the tree!!
- I see them, Ra... you don't have to scream because my head hurts from the sun too much.
The cat, looking at him, lays its ears back and lowers its tail, said in a slow, sad tone.
-Oops. I'm sorry, sir.
Charles felt sorry for him immediately after making an observation to Ra. He looked at the cat huddled in frustration, took him in his arms, stroked him gently and said:
-Ra... I'm sorry that I behaved like that with you...I'm very dizzy because of the weather today and the con... conver...
-The conversation you wanted to tell? Ra interrupted his master.
At that moment, Charles remained thoughtful at the word "conversation", referring to the recent conversation between himself and the Dragon Star.
-Master...? Master! Are you OK? I see you have another epileptic seizure!
Everything goes white again. It's not the Star Dragon, it's an epileptic fit.
Will it be because of the heat and the sun...? or something else...?
-Master!! There must be someone in the area to help you! Ra shouted in fright.
Charles could no longer resist standing, he knelt down with his hands on the ground, a huge headache made him lie down on the floor. He began to tremble so that Ra's back began to arch and the hair on his skin rose from fear and he began to run and look for help.
But it was too late... He couldn't do anything without help...
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milf-harrington · 2 years
Hi hi!! Pls tell my abt ur modern sk8/atla crossover i rlly wanna know the gaang's S personas it all sounds so interesting ^_^ <33
okay so i dont have much of a plot for it yet other than like, the gaang are kind of friendly rivals to the sk8 characters, especially the younger ones - they kind of stick to their own beefs and stuff but after the whole Ad*m (censoring for the mutuals) they're like "actually it'd be kinda fun to see what these guys are made of" so they start challenging reki and langa and miya to beefs (and then eventually shadow and cherry and joe) and then like slowly they all become friends at S and reki and sokka both start being nerds over skateboards and designs and stuff and the adults start adopting the gaang like they adopted Their Skater Kids
and now! the S Persona's!
Katara/Painted Lady: she keeps her hair braided on both sides w blue string and has her face painted like the painted lady but this time with dark blue. her board is shaped a little like a surfboard (she's a surfer outside of S) and has waves painted along the bottom, she also specialises in skating in the rain and takes inspiration from surfing for her skating tricks Keeps a water pistol strapped to her thigh that she sprays in peoples faces to get them to stack it (the first time she skates against Shadow she takes great joy in spraying him in the face before he gets a chance to sabotage her, and she gets the added bonus of making his makeup run so he couldnt see - safe to say he was devastated about being taken down by a 14 year old)
Aang/Avatar: wears a beanie w an arrow on it and a big mustard-yellow hoodie + orange cargo shorts, his board has a cartoon of a sky bison on it (kinda like langa's yeti??) and he’s named it appa; he keeps a light blue scarf wrapped around his lower face to cover it; he specialises in air time and showy tricks but he’s also really good at adapting too and copying his opponents skating styles
Toph/Blind Bandit: wears a blindfold and skates barefoot bc she fears nothing, she never uses jumps or rail slides but she somehow always knows where every dip and turn is and she’s never distracted by how scary something looks bc she goes entirely by feel; she does have an interesting habit of scraping her board just right to send dirt flying under the other persons wheels to make it wobbly
Suki/Warrior: wears a gladiator styled skirt and shin/arm guards + dark tights, wears her kyoshi face paint and keeps her hair tied back w tassels & uses her fans like moths use their wings, to confuse and alarm her opponents. she has a similar skating style to joe but with a purposefully feminine air to it + her board has a painting of the unagi on it w green wheels. she’s also really good at skating backwards. she also has white tape wrapped around the front of her board, and when people lose to her she gives them bright red lipstick to put on and they have to kiss the front of her board - it started off as just a joke between the gaang when they first started at S and she couldn't think of any stakes but now it’s just commonplace (and a way to fight back against toxic masculinity)
Sokka/Wolf: wears a bandana around his lower face and dark eye makeup + a backwards cap (or maybe a beanie, i also dunno if he has his hair down or up) also wears a cropped hoodie bc i said so. kinda like cherry, he calculates the angles and speed and shit while he’s skating, he doesn’t rely on tricks or sabotage but he’s creative like langa. His board is also bright blue like langa’s lmao but it's got a boomerang spray painted on the grip tape on the tail
Zuko/Blue Spirit: nasty as fuck skater, will straight up kick you off your board if he feels like it, he’s mostly at S for the adrenaline so he likes taking risks and just being unnecessarily dramatic about things - he THRIVES in the factory part of the tracks. Keeps his hair tied back and wears a face mask w the blue spirit face on it + a cap. His board has dragons dancing on it and the wheels are blue and orange.
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oakskull · 2 years
genshin as wof dragons designs I drew by @wings-of-impact ! plus all my brain thoughts about it under the cut
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Links to Mod Anemone's posts: Childe Albedo Ganyu Zhongli Klee
Let's start with Childe! Its the most resent design released by mod Anenome which I Did alter a tiny bit for my brain thoughts. I based the colors off of their drawing but obv it wasn't perfect. I tried to make the tail get lighter in color but I'm not sure if you can really see it all that well lmao. But!! headcannon time!! for Childe as a hybrid I think he's got cold scales like ice wings but like only barely, but it fucks up with his fire, so instead of being able to make flames the closest he can get is like smoke. So mostly it's an intimidation thing, but even if the smoke is Pretty Hot it doesn't do nearly as much damage as fire. Also! about his gauntlet; it was supposed to be black but I forgot to paint part of it and I had already cleaned my desk and put all my stuff away so I just used a silver colored pencil. It is shiny tho!
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Next up! Albedo! He was actually the one i drew last, and it was kind of hard to figure out what little bobble from his og clothes to add. (like how childe has the shoulder cauldron and earring) His main visual characteristics (not lore) to me are his hair, his big boots, and his big Ole coat. None of which dragons really Wear. In the end I gave him his little drawing clipboard and the throat diamond. Also, I think we was probably made with animus magic, and studies it. What happened to his tail? I have no idea, but it probably has something to do with never wanting to hide his imperfections. For the bracelet from Klee, I couldn't decide whether it would be a peice of scrap metal she shaped for him, or a some fireproof fabric, but in the end I never had to decide because you can't see it LMAO. pick your favorite ;)
Now Ganyu! Her little blurb is going to be a bit short, mostly bc she was pretty straight forward to draw and I don't know her well enough to have any headcannons haha. Because I didn't color my sketch of her I couldn't do any horn details to make it look more like Ganyu. I had a similar problem to albedos design, because her notable design thing is just her horns. The bell and the rope on her vision were easy to add as accessories but I'm not sure if they really scream Ganyu.
Zhongli is next! I wanted to give him a nightwing scale pattern but a mudwing body shape to look majestic while giving him little glowing bits thst glow amber. I gave him the shiny scale by the eye to imitate his eyeshadow, and I think he has the power of mind reading but is like, sick of it. So the black part of his earing is the rock that blocks nightwing powers (I can't remember if it has an official name lol) I'm unsure about Anenome's world building for their designs but my thoughts on Archons are either that they are animus for each kingdom and they get their powers how Qibli did from enchanted artifacts (the nosis, the spell would be "whoever holds this gets animus powers" or something) or archons are just leaders, where its no longer a queen only world (or zhongli and venti are just queens, i think they can do it) If the archons are just leaders than animus dragons could be in Khaenri'ah, where they're are killed or cursed by the other dragons for their hubris. OR Celestia is the animus dragons. and how do the Pantala dragons fit in? I have no idea. I'm rambling. this au lives in my head rent free.
Okay last but not least Klee! I added her hat first because she needs it. then I wanted to do her backpack but I hit my first dilemma: dragons don't really wear things on their backs. It inhibits their ability to fly properly. But Klee's comically large backpack is a huge part of her charm for me, so I wanted to add it. I decided on big ole saddle bag type things on her haunches. Okay so, elephant in the room, if you've seen the wings-of-impact post about Kler then you know, she has fire scales! So how can she wear clothes? Well I actually just forgot, but I've decided that Tevat! Pyrrhia is actually cooler and sexier and has fireproof stuff for our resident arsonist. For headcannons, I think she has an unhealthy obsession with those cactus bombs and has to constantly be reminded that she Cannot touch them. She's been trying to make her own bombs with limited success, on account of melting the ingredients and not being allowed near gunpowder.
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mackjlee9 · 3 years
Bunny!Midoriya Izuku x Dragon!Male!Reader [Smut]
Human-Animal Hybrid AU (No quirks)
Warning; overstimulation, rimming, fingering, blowjob.  Deku and Reader are both 19.
Boku no Hero Academia
Requested by The_Wolf_Senpai on Wattpad.
A green-haired male was walking around the backyard of his house, looking around and playing by himself. His name was Midoriya Izuku, and he was a human hybrid.
Izuku was half bunny, making him have long green ears on top of his head and a cute, little, and pompous tail. Because of that, he was also kinda short, or at least shorter than most people living in the village.
He walked around for a while, playing with a fellow rabbit that was nearby, but then he heard a rustle behind him. Izuku's ears perked up and he looked over his shoulder, he sniffed the air and recognized the tiny creature by its scent.
"Hey, little squirrel~," he said in a cute, soft voice, trying to not scare the poor animal. The brown squirrel looked over at him and tilted its head to the side, staring at him with curiosity. Izuku slowly walked towards it, but during one moment, when the boy thought the squirrel trusted him enough to get closer, it flinched and ran away, going into the woods. "No~, come back."
Izuku whined as he followed behind the rodent, walking further into the woods, more than he ever intended to.
His mother's words, of never going too far away from home, went completely over his mind until his body began to feel hot and he felt kinda dizzy. He halted into a stop, leaning against a tree, panting heavily. His green eyes looked around for a bit, expecting to see his home from where he came, but he was only met with trees.
The panic of being lost added to his current state. Izuku thought his body felt hot because of chasing after that squirrel, but then he felt something else.
Very slowly, his eyes traveled down, observing himself as he attempted to find what was off with him. Instantly, he found the problem.
The so-called "problem" was rising quickly, pressing against his clothes and making him whimper in pain, as his clothing grew tighter by the second. When the sudden urge to reach his hand down to touch his lower regions kicked in, Izuku knew what was happening with his body.
He got his first heat.
His mother explained to him about the 'heat' or 'rut' of every hybrid experience, and the school went over the subject too, but out of all the moments, his heat had to come when he was alone and lost, in the woods.
In his panicked state, Izuku ran back the way he came from, but it didn't matter how much he would run in a straight line, his home just wouldn't show up. During one stop, his panting was heavy, his breathing uneven and he felt like he was suffocating. He slid down the tree, sitting on the roots growing from under the dirt, and rested his back on the trunk, his eyes closed as the dizzy feeling came back stronger.
And without even realizing it, he passed out.
Fifteen minutes after, a dragon hybrid was walking around, heading towards his home, a wooden cabin. He had been hunting for a while now and he figured he had enough food for the week. His rut would be coming soon, and he needed to be prepared.
The dragon hybrid male was a tall, muscular and handsome male. He had sharp fangs, wings, and a pair of horns on both sides of his head. His name was (M/n).
(M/n) never had a family, so he never actually knew his name, but a kind man had taken him to his home when he was found wandering the village, asking for some food at the age of six. The man had allowed him to stay with his wife and son, who he grew fond of, even if the spiky blond treated him like his pet. That family was one of the few mostly human families, so they were quite eye-catching, to say the least.
When (M/n) turned nineteen, he found an old cabin in the woods, so he repaired it and made it his home, where his adoptive family would come visit him every once in a while.
The dragon male was humming a song, remembering the beautiful sounds the birds would do along the day, and he kinda created a decent melody by adding in a couple of whistles. He was happy, a slight bounce on his step, without a care in the world, when a sweet scent came out of nowhere. (M/n)'s body heated up almost instantly, his animalistic instincts kicking in, but he gulped down his saliva and approached the scent that got stronger the closer he was.
When he reached the source of the scent, his reptilian eyes saw a green-haired bunny male laying against a tree.
The unknown hybrid was panting and sweating profusely, squirming around and causing the sweet scent to come off of his body in aggressive wafts.
(M/n) held his breathing and gripped the rope he used to hold his meat to tie it around the leather belt he had on his waist. He approached the unconscious male and knelt beside him. His (e/c) eyes inspected him for a bit, having to take a deep breath as he ran out of air. And good thing he did, because a bunch of other scents were getting closer to them.
He assumed the smell coming from the bunny was attracting other predators, so he quickly picked up the male and ran towards his cabin, which thankfully was close by.
He closed the door behind him and went to lay the bunny down on his bed. As (M/n) kept thinking of what to do, he walked to the kitchen section of the small place and untied his food from his belt, instantly deciding to go out and hunt for more, staying close to the cabin.
Not even ten minutes after he left, Izuku woke up. For a moment he thought he was home and that everything had been just a nightmare, but the ceiling was made of a darker wood than his own house. He sat up in a panic, immediately getting dizzy.
After holding his head and groaning as he closed his eyes for a few seconds, he calmed down enough to look around, observing the place he woke up in. But he couldn't analyze for long, because the owner of the cabin walked through the door.
(M/n) wasn't expecting to find the bunny to be awake when they walked in. The bright, glossy and big green eyes that looked at him made his body shiver and nervously swallow. His body was starting to react to the scent, which seemed to have gotten even stronger now that the male had woken up.
He squirmed around for a moment, deciding to leave the extra two dead animals he brought with him back with the rest.
Izuku notices the behavior of the tall and hot dragon hybrid, wondering what made him behave so tense.
And that was when the tight pressure in his pants seemed to make him realize why.
His freckled cheeks turned red as he bent his knees up, holding his legs close to his chest. The unknown male was obviously reacting to his heat!
Izuku tried to think of a plan to leave the male alone, but with every single move of his body, his hard and sensitive dick would rub in between his thighs and stomach, making him whimper at the sensation.
The taller male could hear the noises the shorter boy was letting out, making him growl and bite his lower lip, containing his instinct for the time being. At least until the bunny male would leave.
But glancing over his shoulder at the cute boy, he realized he might not be going anywhere anytime soon. Only because the boy seemed to be quite a in pain as he held his legs tightly close to him. Then, (M/n) decided to help the boy out.
"The name's (M/n), what's yours?" He said in a laid-back voice, trying to appear unbothered by the smell plaguing every single corner. The boy looked up slightly, making eye contact with the dragon male. He flinched and held his legs tighter, muffling a moan on his knees.
"I-I'm Mido-Midoriya I-Izuku..." he whispered low enough for the other to hear him.
(M/n) perked at the mention of his full name. His adoptive mother used to hang out a lot with a woman called Midoriya Inko. He knows where she lives too, so he could easily take the boy to his house with his mother.
So, with a plan in mind, he took a few slow steps toward Izuku. Even if the tempting smell clouded his reasoning.
"I can take you home, Izuku." The boy looked at him with hope in his eyes, but as soon as he tried to stand up, a moan got past his lips, making him blush in embarrassment as he covered his face. (M/n) felt his face heat up too, but cleared his throat for an instant, "I-is uh... your first heat...?" He trailed on, unsure of his own words.
Izuku jumped and groaned, "Is i-it t-too obvious...?" He mumbled still hiding in his arms. The taller male felt his blood boil just by hearing the answer, a problem of his own rising.
Then, (M/n) said something he might regret later.
"Do you... want me to help you with it?" He doubted his words for an instant, especially after the green-haired boy didn't reply.
And after some long, dreadful seconds of silence, Izuku finally talked. "Wi-will it hurt...?" (M/n)'s throat felt suddenly dry as the possible chance of having sex with a bunny in heat.
If he knew something about bunnies, was that they were quite... horny and can do it many times. So that kinda turned him on even more.
But then, Izuku called out his name in a soft, cute whisper, "(M/n)?" And he remembered the question asked at him.
He doubted his words for an instant, until he decided to be half honest, "With the proper preparation... then no, it shouldn't hurt."
After he said that, Izuku stared at him, probably debating whether he should do it or not, but the tight feeling inside his underwear was getting unbearable and was hurting really badly. He kept his legs bent, but unwrapped his arms from around them and slowly, spread them apart.
"You c-can help me th-then..." he mumbled looking down, avoiding eye contact with the (e/c) eyed male.
(M/n) felt nervous but also greedy, he couldn't help but lick his lips as he walked closer to the shivering bunny boy. Izuku felt anxious, even though his body was reacting to the scent coming from (M/n), he basically felt very confused, a mix of feelings altogether.
The taller male reached the bed and placed a knee on the edge of it, leaning down to hold himself with his hands, crawling towards Izuku. The boy kept looking down, embarrassed by the very obvious erection he had, but also expectant as to what was going to happen.
The large hands of the dragon hybrid reached to hold the waistband of his pants, which startled him slightly, but he didn't say anything about it. (M/n) pulled down his pants, along with his underwear, agonizingly slowly, something made him whimper as he felt the tight clothes being taken off his body, releasing his erection.
His tip was a dark red and it was oozing pre-cum in a big amount, all of it dripping down to his testicles and reaching to his pink, twitching entrance. Izuku felt how wet he was, and looked up, only to see the hungry stare the other male had on his face. (M/n) appeared to be struggling to hold in his instincts, which was something that Izuku was doing too.
But then, (M/n) looked away for a moment, sighing deeply through his nose, "Do you w-want to stay like this or... turn around?" Izuku thought for a moment, wondering why his facing position would make a change, but then realized he could hide his face better if he was laying face-down.
So that's what he did, "Turn..." was all he said, and (M/n) nodded once, helping him turn around. Izuku sighed as he held the pillow close to his face, when two hands held his hips up, making him hold himself with his knees. The exposing position made him feel flustered and ashamed once again, "Wha-what..."
He couldn't finish talking, because the big and warm hands of the other male rested on his lower back, tracing patterns with his fingertips just above his tail.
"It's okay, this would make it less painful, just... relax." (M/n) said in a deep, soothing voice, somehow calming his trembling body.
The (h/c) haired male swallowed and took a deep breath, he moved his hands so they were now on Izuku's cheeks, and he slowly spread them apart.
"Ungh, (M/n)... what are you doing?" Izuku's question was never answered, because the male only leaned down and slowly licked his entrance up, making him moan as he fisted the pillow.
(M/n) kept licking up, short licks and then long licks, slow or a bit quicker, but he was just getting Izuku used to the sensation of his tongue. The bunny was squirming around, moans being muffled by the pillow, and his hips were thrusting back towards his face, something that made (M/n) feel like he was doing something right.
He pulled back for a moment, staring at the puckered entrance, clenching and relaxing around nothing, greedily wanting more.
"(M/n-n), do it m-more~." Izuku whined in between moans, rocking his hips back, trying to get the male to keep doing what he just did. (M/n) blew some air into it, making Izuku's back arch and his body trembled. He whimpered as his hips started to sway slightly.
(M/n) smirked at the sight, getting enough confidence to go further.
His tongue licked the pink hole again, receiving a gasp in approval, but the tip of his tongue pressed on it, starting to softly push it inside of the smaller male. Izuku let out a loud, high-pitched moan as he felt the wet and hot tongue licking his insides, stretching him and making him cry for more.
His hips were going back, getting (M/n)'s tongue further inside of him, making his thighs shake as he felt a warm feeling pooling in his lower abdomen.
"W-wait... some-Ah! Something's weeeiird, som... coming o-out..." Izuku tried to say in between whimpers, (M/n) understood him but didn't stop eating him out.
Instead, he pressed around the muscle walls, trying to get Izuku to cum quicker, when he felt a slight bump and experimentally pressed on it, hard.
All Izuku could do was scream the dragon's name, as his body shook aggressively and his legs gave out under his weight. (M/n) stared at him as the bunny tried to regain his breath while panting quite heavily.
The taller male made him turn around, and he saw that the smaller male was still erect, so he leaned down again.
This time, his lips wrapped around the tip, sucking on it and getting the small dick in his mouth, bobbing his head up and down at an even pace.
Izuku whimpered when his overly sensitive member was inside the hot and wet mouth of the taller male, his body trashed around, his legs trembling and tears falling down his face as he felt the same hot feeling on his lower abdomen.
His tiny hands reached (M/n)'s (h/c) locks of hair trying to pull him away, but the male other held his wrists with one hand and sucked him faster.
"AaaAh! GheUnH~," Izuku's eyes rolled to the back of his head as his back arched, his hot semen shooting down (M/n)'s throat. But the dragon hybrid wasn't done yet.
His free hand reached between the bunny's legs, pressing the fingertips of his index and middle finger against his wet and stretched entrance.
Izuku felt that, but he just screamed (M/n)'s name in pleasure as the fingers stretched him more than his tongue did. The small male closed his eyes tightly, struggling to free his hands from the strong grip of the dragon male. (M/n) felt around for that bump again, which he found easier than with his tongue
He pressed on it and rubbed it in circles. His (e/c) eyes saw how Izuku's body squirmed on the bed as his back arched, a loud and girly moan of his name coming out of his mouth. The green-haired male's hips thrust up, as once again, his cum was shot inside (M/n)'s mouth, going down his throat.
The taller male pulled away as he swallowed everything in his mouth, gently taking out his fingers. He stared at Izuku, who was ready to pass out from exhaustion, which he did.
The poor bunny hybrid was tired and worn out, the heat of his body had finally died down and he was feeling refreshed. But also, extremely sleepy.
While he slept, (M/n) cleaned him up and got him dressed, waking him up a few hours later to take him back to his house, where his mother was almost crying from the worry she felt.
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adobe-outdesign · 3 years
Thoughts on Zacian, Zamazenta and Eternatus? (If you haven't been asked before.)
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To start off, I'm not big on the fact that these two are both wolves. Not only do we get two similar designs based off the same animal instead of two completely different creatures (I know they're possibly siblings, but they could've not been related and nothing would change), but using wolves in particular when England has such a rich mythological history is honestly kind of boring. Couldn't we have gotten a griffin and a manticore or something instead?
But anyway, Zacian's default is nice enough. In a way I like the default forms more than the crowned ones; they feel less cluttered, for one, but there's also kind of a world-weariness to them that I dig, with the battle scars and the shaggy appearance. The colors are also nice. With that said, there's too many markings on the face, that red swatch above the shoulder isn't needed, and I wish the braid actually connected to something on the leg instead of just stopping there.
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I haaaaate that the Pokemon based around a sword carries it in its mouth, thus making it look completely ridiculous and raising the question of how it uses it. You couldn't have at least made the tail the sword, or have it coming off the crown or something?
The rest of the design is fine, though I preferred the original darker blue as it added contrast. The wings also feel like a bit too much; I feel like you could've dropped them and not really lost anything.
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Zamazenta's basic form feels like it could've used some clean-up; I don't think the blue on the front legs was needed, and neither were all the spikes on the back. I also feel like more white was needed, either around the middle or on the head. I do like the ponytail however and the way it compliments the actual tail, and how the shield is subtly incorporated (as opposed to Zacian, who has no indication of a sword on the default form).
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I'm really not big on the nose piece here, as it gives a very weird shape to the entire face. I also feel like the shield could've just been one or two layers instead of three. I can at least appreciate that the shield is organically incorporated instead of something it's just holding in its mouth however.
Overall, they're fine if not a bit cluttered, but I feel like the concepts could've been more unique.
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I really dislike Eternatus' design if I'm being honest. It's just WAY too cluttered, to the point where it's like, visual white noise. I look at this and I take away "dragon skeleton" and that's all I can remember, and I was only able to figure out that much after staring at it for a while.
I think part of the issue is that it's very Angles; as in, there's like no organic shapes or cartoon forms here. It's just polygons stacked on top of polygons, which makes it look very un-Pokemon like in a way that's really jarring.
Honestly, why didn't they make this a UB? It would've fit the non-Pokemon like design much better, it would've explained why it's so strong, and it would've explained the dyna/g-maxing effect it has on Pokemon more if it was just straight-up from a different universe. Its dex mentions it came from space, but so did Deoxy's, and that one actually had a nice looking design that still read as a Pokemon.
Finally, I don't like that this is dragon/poison, yet nothing indicates it would be poison other than the color. Heck, you could argue it's poisoning the local Pokemon in a sense with the dynamaxing, except nothing in its design even ties back into dynamaxing really, aside from it being very large. Speaking of which...
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The Eternamax form (why does it have a separate name) suffers from the exact same issues with it just being visual white noise, but it gets a few more points for being a swirling vortex of death with a giant extended hand. I mean, that's at least a little more original.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Hey does nie huisang's mother ever come back? I really liked the part where she doted and bonded with mingjue. I think even though she's not human she'd be even more delighted with him and more or less adopt him all over again after seeing how he cared so fiercely for huisang (also I don't think she'd care that guangyao has given up. Try to touch either of her kids and your a dead man... or maybe just mingjue? Since he's human and a LOT younger than her maybe she just goes around killing the people that have the capacity and wish to kill him)
spontaneous sequel to this morning’s fic (ao3 link here)
Huli jing were pretty rare, as spiritual beasts went, and that was generally considered to be a good thing - when they were bad, they were very very bad - but Nie Mingjue faithfully followed up on every possible lead regardless, putting it out among the other cultivation sects that he had a special interest and would appreciate - with monetary remuneration, even - a heads up should one ever show itself.
Mostly this meant following up on a lot of false leads, including, in one somewhat embarrassing case, an actual fox that had stolen the local farmer’s prize goose.
Still: family was family, and so he kept it up.
He had to stop during the war, naturally, and in the period immediately following it when his health had gotten very bad for a while, although luckily the dragon managed to fix it back up, and he’d been doing very well ever since. Lan Xichen had wondered if it was Clarity and Jin Guangyao had refused to talk to him for a month for some reason, but that wasn’t that important.
He was feeling better now, so he started following up on leads again. Nie Huaisang was coming up on his first quarter-century very soon, and that was supposed to be a big event - his first tail! - and books were all well and good but someone, anyone, with experience was better.
Ironically enough, he found what he was looking for on a scheduled hunt that wasn’t anything anyone had identified as a huli jing, but rather what appeared to be rather a great deal of nu gui appearing all at once near Lanling, enough to make a notorious womanizer like Jin Guangshan start to sweat. They’d all been making the rounds, all the various Great Sects together - even Jiang Cheng had joined in, as well as Lan Wangji, recently emerged from seclusion with a scowl firmly on his face.
“Why do you think they’re aiming at the Jin sect?” Lan Xichen wondered aloud as they walked around the edges of an abandoned village very close to Lanling - one of the trouble spots. “It’d be one thing if it were one of them, but so many...?”
“My theory is that someone is murdering all of Sect Leader Jin’s outside women so that they’ll go after him,” Jiang Cheng said, then glanced at Jin Guangyao. “No offense meant, of course.”
Jin Guangyao waved a hand dismissively. He’d started loosening up in the time since he met the dragon, revealing a bit more of his sharper and nastier side in a way that made Nie Mingjue respect him more than all of his fake softness had, and for some reason that had made Jiang Cheng warm right up to him. All for the good, in Nie Mingjue’s opinion, since they were all but co-raising that nephew of theirs...
“Who would do that, though?” he asked. “It’s as if they bear him a grudge, but it seems like a roundabout way of going about -”
Nie Mingjue stopped moving.
There was a woman standing in the door to one of the village houses. Like a nu gui she was dressed all in red, but her flesh was ruddy and her complexion vibrant; her luxurious hair looped in a widow’s braids but her figure just as gorgeous as it had ever been.
She held out her hands towards Nie Mingjue, smiling. “Oh, cabbage bun, meat pie, my darling! How have you been?”
“...did she just...”
“Right to Chifeng-zun‘s face?”
Nie Mingjue put Baxia away.
“Mingjue-xiong?” Lan Xichen asked, frowning. “You should be careful; we had heard that this village was abandoned of all human life.”
“No one who calls Chifeng-zun a cabbage bun could be human,” Jiang Cheng mumbled under his breath. 
“Second mother?” Nie Mingjue called tentatively as he approached, and ignored how the cultivators around him all abruptly went silent and slack-jawed. “Is that you?”
“Naturally,” she said. “You don’t think I’d miss my baby’s birthday, do you? After you did such a good job taking care of him, too! Oh, my little carp, I’m sorry it took so long. I had to cut one off to escape, you understand, and once you do that you’re really rather stuck until you gather enough power to get back to full strength...would’ve been a touch awkward, wouldn’t you say?”
She certainly talked about as much as Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue reflected.
“He’ll be happy to see you,” he said. If this was the wrong huli jing - and he wouldn’t be shocked if it was, what with the way they changed faces - and a trick was being played, it wouldn’t work on Nie Huaisang. “Were you planning on staying long? Just the birthday, or...?”
He wasn’t giving up Nie Huaisang to anyone at all, not even his birth mother.
“I hadn’t quite decided,” she said, nodding in a way that meant that she understood his meaning and didn’t intend to dispute it; he relaxed at the sight of her agreement. “I got a little distracted, actually. Don’t think I didn’t hear about what that nasty man tried to do to you!”
“Nasty man?” Nie Mingjue asked, puzzled. “Do you mean Wen Ruohan? That was ages ago.”
“Not him, my gooey little egg! That nasty Jin sect leader, all sly and underhanded tricks - not that I mind sly and underhanded tricks, of course, least of all murderous ones - but I mean, really. The gall of that man, thinking he could snap up my little morsel before I could!”
“...does she like Chifeng-zun or want to eat him?” Jiang Cheng whispered.
“Unknown,” Lan Wangji murmured back.
“Shhh,” Lan Xichen said. “A-Yao, are you all right? You’ve gone terribly pale...”
“Anyway, chicken wing, I decided to bring back all of his nightmares to haunt him,” she chattered on cheerfully, throwing her head haughtily, the eyes of all the men and women irresistibly followed the graceful lines of her neck and shoulders, though most of them were able to pull their eyes away a moment later. That was her mercy, rather than their strength; she was a strong enough huli jing to entrap a sect leader, and Nie Mingjue’s father had been no slouch, even if he had bad taste in bed partners. “It’s been ever so much fun.”
Nie Mingjue sighed. “Second mother,” he said. “I thought I asked you not to kill people? As a special birthday favor to me?”
“Oh, pork chop, I know! I haven’t forgotten - no killing people around you, I remember, I remember. I haven’t killed anyone...well, in connection with this, anyway. I just had a little chat with some of my underworld friends and brought the ones who’d already died back.”
Nie Mingjue’s eyes shot straight to a - by now - even more pale Jin Guangyao. “Uh,” he said. “By chance, second mother, did you happen to pass by Yunping...?”
“Such a sweet little tanghulu you are! I could pop you right into my mouth and never frown.” He was only a few steps away from her now, and she danced forward to pat him on the cheek. “Don’t worry! I know how much you care for your friends. I made sure not to send A-Shi anywhere those mean old cultivators could get her.”
“A-Yao! Oh, someone help me, I think he’s stopped breathing - come, sit down -”
“You really need to stop bringing back nu gui,” Nie Mingjue decided to say instead of dealing with...that. “They’re not getting past Jinlin Tower’s defenses anyway, and we’re worried about collateral damage.”
His second mother heaved a sigh. “I know, I know,” she said. “I had the same thought as you, meatball, about the defenses. You caught me just as I finished upgrading.”
Nie Mingjue didn’t like the sound of that.
“Of course, it isn’t working out right,” she added, pouting. “You’d think someone who got accused of being a demon so often wouldn’t be so picky about who he’s being asked to murder.”
“I already told you that I’m not a vicious ghost!” a surprisingly familiar voice retorted from inside the house. “I refuse to go around killing people!”
“Oh no - now Jiang Cheng’s fallen down, too! Wangji, could you - Wangji? Wangji!”
Nie Mingjue covered his face with his hand. “You brought back Wei Wuxian.”
“I brought back Wei Wuxian,” his second mother agreed. “I thought it’d be poetic justice - the wronged man come back for revenge. But he’s being persnickety about it, so I have half a mind to just let him go.”
“Good idea,” Nie Mingjue said, deciding to just - let it go. Someone else could deal with it. Possibly Lan Xichen, since it sounded like everyone else had fainted. “Anyway, you’re far too busy to pursue vengeance right now.”
“I am?”
“I know how much you like to throw parties. Don’t you want to help me plan Huaisang’s twenty fifth?”
“Oh!” She clapped her hands. “Absolutely! We can invite positively everyone that tried to get in your way and show off how good a job raising him you did!”
Nie Mingjue thought back over all the creatures he’d ever encountered.
“We’re going to need a bigger venue.”
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fleshdyke · 3 years
fuck it, i was gonna wait until i finished the ref sheets to post my headcanons, but since my pencil is broken and i can’t draw right now, i’m just gonna make a text post
(please reblog i worked really hard on this)
wings of fire tribe headcanons!
large, curved horns. males have larger ones
very big ears
big ol nose. kinda like a dog’s
large, durable teeth that stick out their mouth (top and bottom)
short wings, not great for long flights
two rows of back spines, right next to each other. they split partway down the back and the middle area widens until they’re almost at the sides of the tail
wide, strong tail, sometimes used as a shovel
tail can make a loud drum-like noise when slapped against the ground, and this is often used as a display of aggression and dominance
saliva contains a very mild venom that can paralyze prey if it enters an open wound. can only affect a dragon in very high doses
sleep pretty much anywhere, but often nap buried in mud
bury their eggs in mud and build mounds around them for extra protection + warmth
egg/hatchling mortality rate is very low
eat a diet of mostly meat and swamp birds, but some fish. plants are consumed almost exclusively for medicinal purposes
known for being exceptional chefs
mudwings are particularly fond of spicy food
farms aren’t super common, but many mudwings are ranchers
large ears and eyes
very sharp hearing, smell, and sight
small faces, good for digging in sand
very wide wingspan, can fly very long distances without stopping/sustenance
second-best fliers of all tribes, next to skywings
very long, flexible tails
tail barbs make a rattling noise, and can be vibrated in a way that other tribes can’t to make that loud rattle
venom is never used for hunting, because the toxins can transfer to whoever consumes it via the meat and blood
each back talon has a large, sharp sickle claw
sleep most often indoors or buried in sand (they also do this to cool off)
eat mostly meat, but also enjoy plants such as coconut, cactus, and aloe
no “middle class”, most sandwings are either very rich or very poor
trade skills are extremely valuable to most dragons
smallest pyrrhian tribe
dull teeth, use bony protrusions from upper jaw to catch fish
no external ears
cannot hear anything while underwater, because a fin covers the ear to prevent water from getting in
bodies covered in feelers that can release venom on command
small and narrow wings
short but powerful tail
claws are virtually useless in battle, as they use their pseudoteeth to catch fish, but can deliver venom
fat and blubbery
very smooth and small scales, almost skin-like
sleep either in small coral caves or drifting in the open ocean with half their brains awake
eat a diet of mostly fish and marine animals, but some tropical and aquatic plants
venom is mostly used for hunting, but high doses can seriously injure and kill a dragon
high beauty standards
coral is beloved to seawings, and to harm it is one of the highest offences
hard, sharp “beak” on the end of their snout (both upper and lower jaw)
branched horns, grow more points with age
pointy ears
long, narrow bodies
very wide wingspan
feathered wings
feathers on the end of the tail, act as a rudder
the more fire, the darker the skywing’s scales
firescales are black and have phoenix-like feathers
sleep like birds, with their head between their wings, but sometimes catch high air currents and sleep while flying
can go for weeks without touching land
eat a diet of fresh meat and occasionally bone shards and marrow. birds of prey are *never* hunted
one of the only farming and ranching tribes
birds of prey are common pets and hunting companions, raptors can form strong bonds with their skywing owners
hold a yearly olympics-style athletic competition, mostly sports, but sometimes gladiator activities are a part of the ceremony
very fond of sparkly things, especially gold
small snouts
large eyes, have impressive night vision to help them see in the darkness of the rainforest
small, flexible wings, not good for long-distance flight
long limbs
large claws
long barbed tongue, to reach hard-to-get food
always brightly coloured, often with hypnotic patterns, to ward away bugs
skin is slightly toxic
long midsections
underscales are hard, mostly to protect their tails and stomachs as they swing from rough tree branches
sleep either in treehouses or in the branches
eat lots of fruit, flower nectar, and tree sap. they also eat lots of bugs, and occasionally a fish
talented gardeners, high-class rainwings and royalty often hire florists to decorate their homes with colourful plants
many rainwings care for a wide variety of pets, including parrots, tropical fish, toxic frogs, snakes, lizards, and ocelots
impressive sense of smell and sight
pointed ears, furry flaps over the ear canal to keep too much cold air from entering
large tusks that jut out from the upper lip
large, furry talons to keep the snow and ice from freezing their sensitive palms
long, sharp claws
large wings with spiky scales on the “hand”, often are used to aid in walking
wings have fur down the edges of the outermost “finger”, and have thick membranes, meaning they are very good insulators
furred mane down the back, which the sharp spines stick out of
breathing in makes the neck spikes clatter together, making a light, tinking, xylophone-like sound
tail has a large tuft of fur to help keep warm while curled up
sleep indoors when possible, but their large talons and claws are good for digging burrows in the snow when needed
eat a diet of entirely meat and fish, as no plants survive in the tundra
icewings are one of the most progressive tribes, despite them being so isolated from the rest of the continent
generally have good relations with skywings and seawings
royals are considered “stars”, and icewing celebrities are often very glamorous and are constantly followed by paparazzi and tabloids
many icewings dye their manes different colours
are much more aquatic than in canon, can hold their breath longer than a mudwing and there is a part of their palace that is underwater
icewings get furballs from cleaning their fur, like cats. it’s kinda gross
biggest of all tribes
large ears, which are pointed upwards in a resting position
have a fleshy nose thing, like most bats
have a very sharp sense of smell
small, straight horns
pointy wings
wing membrane connects to legs, which then connects to the tail
long, flexible back legs
sleep upside-down, hanging from rocky ceilings
nightwings are scavengers, and will eat almost anything
very academically-focused
most nightwings are strong believers in the paranormal, and enjoy ghost stories
one of the most scientifically advanced tribes, and despite popular belief, will happily teach other tribes how to build some of their machines, had they ever asked
all tribes
amount of fire/frostbreath varies from dragon to dragon, and it’s just something a dragon is born with. it can’t be changed and dragons have seriously injured themselves while trying to
order of average flight skill, best to worst: skywings, sandwings, icewings, nightwings, mudwings, seawings, rainwings
order of average size, largest to smallest: icewings, mudwings, skywings, seawings, nightwings, rainwings, sandwings
chairs are small platforms or branch-like perches. how common the type of chair is depends on the tribe, as perches are more common in the sky kingdom, and platforms are more common in the sand kingdom. the graphic novel chairs can eat ass
all dragons shed their scales once a year, like how birds molt their feathers. this is an uncomfortable and hormonal time and tempers run high during molting
all dragonets have one large molt around the time they turn five, similar to how children lose their baby teeth. i think either this or regular molting was eluded to in dragonslayer, but yeah
females are slightly larger than males
and we’re done! i don’t have quite enough on the pantala tribes yet to make a full list, but i will update this when i do.
if anyone has any of their own headcanons they’d like to share, please do! and tell me if you’d like me to/you’re okay with me adding them to my list, because i’d love to grow this a little more!
i will post the reference sheets for these as soon as i finish them :>
feel free to use these!! i would absolutely LOVE if anyone did 😭
(mudwing, icewing, and sandwing sounds belong to @skleetheirken, tysm for letting me add em!)
pantala addition
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official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol, curse words, angst
“How’s your wing today, little buddy?” Aami took a step towards me and started blowing smoke out of his nostrils. “Okay. You’re not little anymore.” I giggled to myself. “You’ll always be a baby to me, Aami.”
I did a motion with my wand which made the dragon’s meal levitate from the ground and towards him.
“Do you think we can try and jump in the air?”
This was my technique to help him fly. Everybody lost hope already. I didn’t and I won’t. His wing might not be as it’s supposed to be but I believe he can do it anyway.
I levitated the steak a few meters above his head. From left to right. He was moving his tail behind him, curiously eyeing his meal.
“That’s it. You just have to want it enough.” I lifted the piece of meat higher. “I promise I won’t call you little anymore if you try and catch it!”
I know he couldn’t understand me but I didn’t care. I talked to all dragons. My teammates were making fun out of me all the time and they imitated me. The last time Theo did it, he almost got scorched by Ogto. We told him that his voice is simply too rough and that he should try a gentler approach. There was nothing more fun than to tease Theodore during work.
“You want it, Aami. I can see it in your emerald eyes, now try and jump. Don’t be afraid.” Sometimes I didn’t even recognize my own voice, how gentle it was when I was talking to him.
I was a sucker for him since he hatched.
“How’s parenthood treating you?” I jumped in the air, hearing the voice behind me.
I lost my concentration and the steak fell straight into the Fireball’s mouth.
“Peter. Now look what you did!” I frowned at him.
“Sorry, Charlie. I thought you heard me coming.” Peter couldn’t suppress his laugh.
“I was too busy concentrating.” I sighed, watching Aami chew on the big piece of meat.
“Still no luck?” Peter came closer.
“No.” I bowed my head. “I’ll keep trying.”
“I admire your determination, Fireball Mother.” He put a hand on my back. “I am certain that one day you two will succeed.”
“Thanks, Peter.” I smiled appreciatively.
They might’ve lost hope but at least they were still supportive.
“Your team needs your help, Charlie. Are you almost done here?” Peter suddenly remembered why he came to see me.
“I think he’s going to be just fine until dinner.” I glanced at the dragon. The steak already gone. “What’s up?”
“Rhylee has reasons to believe that Ren caught a cold.” Peter started to explain. “Theo, of course, went to check it out at once.”
“And let me guess, he got hurt?” I raised my eyebrows.
“Of course, he got hurt! He didn’t listen to Rhylee and Evan that we should wait for you and Ren sneezed right at him.” Peter pinched the bridge of his nose.
I pressed my lips together not to laugh. I couldn’t get the image out of my mind. I could see how Ren sneezes and blows Theodore backward.
“Did he forget that he’s a wizard and that he should use a stunning charm before doing something so risky?” I chuckled.
“What else!” Peter said and I followed him to Ren’s enclosure.
“I brought someone with brains!” Peter shouted when we approached the group.
“Andrew helped Theo to the Recovery Center.” John explained.
“Peter, you’ll have to help us.” I turned to him and he nodded.
“Alright!” I clapped my hands together. “Rhylee you distract Ren with a piece of meat. John, make sure he is following your every move. Peter, you help me immobilize him.” They all took their positions.
Rhylee went to Ren’s left side. John was standing right in front of him, while Peter and I slowly sneaked to the right side.
“Ready?” I whispered to Peter and he gave me a thumbs up.
Suddenly, the dragon took a few steps backward and started shaking his head frantically.
“He’s going to blow!” I shouted. “Shit!” John stepped back.
“Protego!” Shouted Rhylee and jumped in front of John right in time for Ren’s sneeze.
Green goo flew everywhere and I crossed my arms in front of my face to not get it in my eyes. We all started laughing when we saw the dragon’s confused face.
“Thanks, Rhylee.” John smiled at her.
“Don’t mention it.” She started getting the green substance off her clothes.
We finally managed to stun Ren and bring the Healers to check on him. They confirmed that he had a cold and gave us some medicine which we should mix into his water for a few days.
This has pretty much been the last few months. Rhylee has been working with us for 5 months now and to say that she was doing great was an understatement. Peter even joked that if I wasn’t so good at my job she would take over my position.
And I couldn’t even argue with him. She was amazing with dragons. I knew she loved them as much as I did but to see her working with them, taking care of them was something else. She was so gentle and careful with them as if they couldn’t swallow her whole. She was agile and always aware of her surroundings. She was basically the perfect Dragonologist.
Which, of course, was hell for me. I appreciated Peter hiring her because we needed someone like her on the team. Not that others weren’t doing a great job but when someone cares as much as she does, it just shows. However, it was torture getting to know her so well.
While we were working we didn’t have a chance to talk much, which was great. But just looking at her, observing her every move, and telling her what to do, has been hard enough. She did everything I told her without thinking twice about it and she did it flawlessly. She grew on me even more which was something I hate to admit because I knew it was wrong.
During the weekends she kept mostly by herself or she helped Tina in the Nursery. She, just like me, didn’t know how to take a day off. She asked for a free day once every 14 days and went back to England.
If all of her amazing work wasn’t enough for my poor heart and me already losing my mind, it was even worse when she joined us for a pint. I found out so many things about her that I wish I didn’t know.
She was a Bellefeuille at Beauxbatons and she was both a Prefect and a Head Girl. We all agreed that she was sorted in the right house as she really was brave and loved nature and she cares strongly for her friends. She proved that to us on several occasions during her time here and the boys loved her.
She has a pet Kneazle named Beau which is currently living with her roommate Lyla, back in England. Her parents insisted that she goes to Beauxbatons even though they lived in Britain. She applied to work in the Peruvian Dragon Sanctuary but her application was denied so she accepted the job at Gringotts.
If I thought she was amazing when I first met her, then I don’t know what the word for her is now. I was falling for her and I was falling hard. I tried not to think about her and to hide my feelings as much as I could. The guys teasing me about it every time she wasn’t around didn’t help my cause.
The only good thing about the whole situation was that we were never alone and if we were, we never talked about anything else than work. I also noticed that we got more relaxed around each other and that awkwardness we had between us the first couple of weeks finally went away. I hate to admit it but we were becoming really good friends and I don’t know how I feel about that.
“I just don’t understand why they have to be such pushovers.” John rolled his eyes. “If I wanted to be bossed around I would’ve invited my mother for a visit.” Theo added.
“They’re researchers. They’ll never change.” I calmed them down.
It was the time of the year again. May. The mating season and each year we were losing our minds. Besides the teams that took care of dragons, we also had researchers. Those observed our work and wrote papers about it that were later published in magazines. They always intervened in our business but the mating season was the worst. They were worst to deal with than mother dragons.
“Every year’s the same!” John didn’t stop complaining. “Why don’t you put them in this habitat? Can you put them together! Why did you do it like this?” He imitated them.
“Why don’t they go up the hill and stick something up their arses!” Andrew took a sip of his beer.
“Then who would write reports about that?” They all laughed at my question.
“Charlie?” We all looked up, Rhylee standing in front of us.
“Can I talk to you?” She said, biting her lip.
“Sure.” I took a sip of my Fire Whiskey, ready to listen to what she has to say.
“In private.” I almost bit in my glass at her words.
She looked embarrassed and nervous at the same time.
I could feel the eyes on me, the guys waiting for what I was going to say back to her. I decided to ignore them and just stood up. She grabbed my hand, something I neither expected nor was okay with because my heart went crazy at her touch. She dragged me away, behind a nearby hut and made sure nobody was around.
“I have something to tell you.” She whispered.
“Obviously.” I tried lightening the mood.
Why was she so nervous?
“I…” She pursed her lips together and looked like she was about to cry.
“Hey, hey.” I put my hands on her shoulders. “Rhy, what is it, you’re scaring me.”
“I got a letter today from one of my ex co-workers, Lizzie.” She started to explain. “She told me that Kyan, the Ukranian Ironbelly, failed to protect one of the vaults a few days ago and went berserk. He hurt 3 Bank workers in the process and the people trying to get past him succeeded in breaking inside the vault.” Her lip started trembling.
I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to hug her and stroke her hair and calm her down but I would cross too many boundaries doing so, so I just tightened the grip on her shoulders.
“They are going to execute him, Charlie.” She burst into tears and buried her head in my shoulder. “The Ministry said that they can’t tolerate such a disobedient dragon and they want to get rid of him.”
My heart sank. I knew how much she loved those dragons. They meant everything to her. They were her family and now one of them is going to be murdered. I hugged her awkwardly. My mind completely blank. What am I supposed to say in this situation? This was terrible. They can’t just execute a dragon without any proof!
“Is there anything we can do?” I asked softly.
“The team I worked with will appeal for a trial. If they succeed they will be able to provide evidence that it wasn’t the dragon's fault.” She sobbed.
“Isn’t that obvious without proof?” She pulled her head back and looked at me.
We were too close for my liking. I could feel her breath on my cheek.
“That’s what I said to myself when I read her letter.” She said, astonished that I thought the same. “You know the Goblins don’t care for the dragons and if this one gets executed they can just get a new one.” Tears started running down her cheeks again.
“What am I supposed to do, Charlie?”
Rhylee, please stop looking at me like that!
Her eyes were big and puffy and hopeful.
“I…” I swallowed hard. I hope she couldn’t feel my heartbeat through my shirt. “We’ll ask around the Sanctuary. Perhaps somebody might be able to help us. Maybe someone here knows the law and can help us build a case.” I tried smiling as much as my muscles allowed me while being as stiff as I was because we were still embraced.
“You would help me build a case?” She finally pulled away.
“Of course. I know how much those dragons mean to you even if you don’t work with them anymore.” I reassured her. “Every creature’s life matters.”
“You’re the best, Charlie!” She jumped in my arms again.
Since when were we hugging so much?
“There’s something else.” She whispered after a few moments of silence.
I only hummed.
I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t think straight. The sweet smell of her shampoo filled my nose and I was thinking of any way how I could take a deep breath without her noticing. I felt like suffocating.
We went for a run a few times together over the last month and last week we actually talked about something else than work. It was nice. I was always having a nice time with her even if we were just sitting in silence. I felt us becoming good friends and I’m glad she came to me with this but the hugging was definitely new and I was too deep to handle it properly.
“I did something terrible and probably illegal.” Her words were my chance to pull away from her.
“What?” I chuckled.
I couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. What could she possibly have done that it was illegal?
“Come with me.” She grabbed my hand again, making my heart skip a beat and dragged me to her hut.
She unlocked the door and invited me inside.
I was never at her place before. It was definitely neater than mine. I did clean but my stuff was everywhere and I never made my bed. She had flowers everywhere and even though it was dark outside, her place looked way brighter than mine.
My eyes stopped on the big box in the middle of her living room. Is this was she was talking about? She slowly approached the box and kneeled next to it. She gestured for me to come and join her.
“Rhy, what…” She stopped me by putting a finger over my lips.
I froze.
I will lose it if she keeps touching me like this.
“He’s probably sleeping.” She said, her voice barely audible.
“He?” I whispered.
“Do you remember the albino dragon I worked with?” She asked.
“How could I forget.” I replied.
“Lizzie wrote to me a few months back that they got another Swedish Short-Snout.” She started to explain. “They thought that the one already at Gringotts was a boy so they got another boy. It turned out that they were wrong.”
“Dash is a girl?” I put a hand over my mouth as I said that a tad too loudly.
She nodded. I narrowed my eyes at her and looked at the box and back to her.
“Rhy, what’s in the box?” I said slowly.
“Look for yourself.” She squinted.
I turned to the box and slowly opened it. It was a baby albino Swedish Short-Snout. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. It finally happened! My wish to see an albino dragon came true. This was amazing. Merlin’s beard was he a beaute! I was in love!
I shook my head snapping out of it. This was a serious situation.
“What is he doing in the middle of your living room?” I pursed my lips at her.
“Sleeping?” She said with the most innocent grin on her face.
“Rhy. Tell me what you did.”
“They don’t tolerate baby dragons in Gringotts, Charlie.” She bowed her head. “They don’t have a nursery down there like we have here. Lizzie was the one who spotted the eggs and managed to steal one before the Goblins noticed. She wanted to save more of them but there was simply not enough time.” I could see tears gathering in her eyes again.
“I snuck out a few days ago and went to get him. I thought that once he’s here, we could give him a proper home.”
Boy did she know how to melt my heart. Her big eyes, pleading me to do something. To say something encouraging.
“We’ll find Peter first thing in the morning and tell him.” I said.
“What? No! I told you this in confidence!” She stood up and started pacing around the living room.
She was adorable.
“Relax.” I giggled. “Do you really think this is the first time someone smuggled an illegal dragon to the Sanctuary?”
“It’s not?” She stopped.
“When my brother Ron was in his First year my friend Hagrid who works at Hogwarts got himself a dragon egg and Ron wrote to me if we could take him in. We brought him here and Peter dealt with the paperwork. I swear that guy can make anything look legal.” I laughed and stood up.
I walked to her and placed my hands on her shoulders. This was allowed now, right?
“We’ll tell Peter and he’ll deal with the administrative work. We’ll settle the little guy in and that’s it.” I lifted her chin so that her eyes met mine.
That was a bloody mistake. I need to make a mental note to never do that again. Her eyes were so full of emotions. She was on the verge of tears but I think this time, they were happy tears. She looked so thankful, so appreciative. I couldn’t handle it.
“That’s it?” She said in a whisper.
She was blown away at how easy the whole thing was. I nodded and gently pulled away.
I would panic if I wasn’t in a similar situation a few years ago. I went straight to Peter then and I was a nervous wreck when I explained everything. He calmed me down and told me that he’ll take care of everything as long as the dragon gets transported here without anyone seeing it.
“Is the dragon here?” Her curiosity got the better of her.
“He is.” I smiled. “I was sad when he was assigned to another team last year but I go and see him at least once or twice per week. His name is Norbert but the researchers think he might be a girl so we will have to rename him.” I chuckled and looked back at the now opened box.
“You did the right thing, Rhy.” I gazed at her and walked to the box. Her eyes told me that she wanted to meet Norbert. She has been here since September but she didn’t have the pleasure to meet all the dragons yet even though I knew she wanted to. “He’ll do just fine here.” I reassured her.
I didn’t need to stand next to her to feel her body relax. She was so worried about what I would say upon seeing what’s in the box. Perhaps she even thought I would be angry or that she would be fired but we don’t do that here.
You bring a dragon, we give it a home. It’s that simple.
I was happy I was the one who she decided to tell her secret to but at the same time, I started liking her even more because of it. She went through all this trouble to save this baby dragon. She could get fired or even imprisoned by the Ministry if they found out.
But she took the risk. She didn’t care. She just wanted to save one egg and make sure that he gets a home. She didn’t worry about herself. She put dragons first and I admired her for that more than anything. I would’ve done the same. Heck, I would probably fly there on a broom in the middle of the night just to get at least one egg to safety.
I know she felt bad that she couldn’t save more of them. I know if it was up to her, she would’ve saved them all. And I know that deep down, she blamed herself for leaving because perhaps if she was there, things might’ve gone differently. It was insane how similar we were when it came to that and I didn’t need her to tell me these things, I just knew they were in her head.
She waited for me in front of my hut the next morning. We went to find Peter at once and informed him of the situation. He gave Rhylee a similar speech I did and told her that everything was going to be okay. He ordered me to get my team so we could safely transport the little guy to the habitat with other younglings.
John, Theo, and Evan helped Rhylee and me to get him through the door, while Andrew went to get the Healing team and Tina to do a check-up. After we were done, I sent my team to do our usual feeding routine, while I stayed with the little guy. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. If Aami saw me he would’ve scorched me out of jealousy.
I couldn’t believe we had an albino in the Sanctuary and Rhylee and I have been debating names all morning during breakfast. So far we came up with DJ which stands for Dash Junior, Ally, Bean, and Zyon. Of course, I would let her name him because she was the one who brought him here and was going to train with him like I was doing with Aami.
I am not going to lie, I was a bit jealous she would be able to spend all this extra time with him. But I knew it’s better that she does it because I knew I would spend half of the time just staring at him. He looked just as I imagined Dash when Rhylee described him when we first met. White scales with reddish ones on the tip of his tail. He had red eyes and we couldn't wait for him to get older so we could see if his eyes are going to change color as Dash’s did.
Rhylee got a letter a few days after she told me about Kyan that they will hold a trial for him. With enough evidence, we could send them an application and apply as custodians meaning Kyan would become a part of the Romanian Sanctuary family of dragons.
We spent the next week asking around if anyone knows anything about creature trials and how to appeal a case to the Ministry. Nobody really knew how to help us and a lot of people recommended a library.
She corresponded with Lizzie regularly, to give her any information that she could about how we can approach this and what papers we would need to fill out to be allowed to do this. The biggest problem was, that there was no evidence that the dragon was attacked or why he didn’t protect the vault but hurt the Bank workers instead and let the attackers escape.
Lizzie told Rhylee that they did a check-up on him and didn’t detect any kind of unusual or recent magic on him that would indicate that the group he let pass enchanted him in any way. All odds were against us but Rhylee didn’t lose hope. I admired her for that.
She reminded me of myself when everyone told me that Aami wasn’t going to make it. That he was too small to survive without a mother. I didn’t give up on him and I believed that he would survive. He still might not be able to fly but he is doing just fine. He is healthy and cheerful and he loves to play even though he’s nearing adulthood now.
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skyfire85 · 3 years
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-An XA3J-1 at North American's factory during roll-out. Photo: North American Aviation
Designed as a carrier-based supersonic bomber in the 1950s, the Vigilante saw service over Vietnam as a recon plane before being retired in 1979.
Development of what became the A-5 began in 1954 when North American Aviation started a internal program. Seeking to turn around the company's fortunes after the failed XA2J Super Savage, NAA began designing a Mach 2 capable bomber which would give the Navy a nuclear strike option. The initial design, known as the North American General Purpose Attack Weapon (NAGPAW) was evaluated by the US Navy, which replied with a series of needed changes and in July 1955 an initial design contract was awarded, which included a single mockup of the plane. NAA's engineers were able to successfully address the USN's concerns about the design, and in September 1956 a contract for two flying prototypes was signed.
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-Orthograph of the A-5 Vigilante. | Illustration: aviastar
The plane, designated XA3J-1, was one of the largest and by far the most complex aircraft to be proposed to operate from a USN aircraft carrier. It had a high-mounted swept wing with a boundary-layer control system (blown flaps) to improve low-speed lift. There were no ailerons, roll control was provided by spoilers in conjunction with differential deflection of the all-moving tail surfaces. Power was provided by two widely spaced General Electric J79 turbojet engines (also used on the Convair B-58 and McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II), fed by variable intake ramps. A single large all-moving vertical stabilizer was paired with the all-moving horizontal stabilizers. In order to save space, the wings, tail and radome were all folding. The XA3J had a crew of two seated in tandem, a pilot and a bombardier-navigator (BN) (reconnaissance/attack navigator (RAN) on later reconnaissance versions), who had some of the most advanced equipment of the time, including an early fly-by-wire system (with electromechanical backup), a primitive HUD system, a multi-mode, radar-equipped inertial navigation system, a TV camera in the nose, and a digital computer to run it all.
In order to make the bomber as streamlined as was possible, it was designed to carry additional fuel tanks and a single B27, B28 or B43 freefall nuclear bomb in internal weapons bay, which would be jettisoned over the target as a single "stores train". Provisions were also made to carry two B43 nukes or Mark 83 or Mark 84 conventional bombs on two external hardpoints, or drop tanks to increase range. Operationally however, these hardpoints were rarely used.
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-Internal bomb bay and stores train of the North American A3J-1/A-5A Vigilante. | Illustration: Cobatfor
First flight of the XA3J was on 31 August 1958 from the same Columbus, OH plant that produced the F-86 and F-100s. Despite one of the prototypes crashing in 1959, the flight tests moved quickly, and by June 1961 the first A3J-1s entered service with Heavy Attack Squadron Three (VAH-3) at NAS Stanford, FL, replacing the Douglas A3D Skywarrior. The following year the plane was redesignated the A-5A under the new tri-service plan. The service life of the A-5A was fraught with issues, with numerous teething problems plaguing its advanced systems. These issues were tamed as maintenance crews became experienced with the Vig's high-tech gadgets, but the plane remained maintenance-intensive (a so-called "hangar-queen") throughout its life. A chronic issue was the stores train bomb release, which had a nasty habit of releasing during catapult shots, resulting in at least one crash. During tests, the train also tended to draft along in the aircraft's slipstream, making accurate bombing (for 1950s/60s definitions of "accurate") difficult.
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-Five A3J-1 Vigilantes of VAH-7 ("Peacemakers of the Fleet") on CVAN-65 USS Enterprise in 1962. | Photo: USN
Fifty-eight A-5A were completed (out of an order of 64 aircraft) when NAA switched to the upgraded A-5B model. The B model incorporated changes made in light of the Navy's requirement that the Vigilante be able to take off at max weight with zero wind over the carrier being rescinded. This change allowed North American to increase the bomber's weight, adding a dorsal hump to carry more fuel. Only 18 of the A-5B were completed before the US Navy, undergoing a shift in policy away from manned nuclear bombers, canceled the order.
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-North American A3J-2 Vigilante (BuNo 146699), circa 1960. This aircraft was the third production A3J-1 which was then modified to an A3J-2 (after 1962 A-5B and YA-5C) and finally to the A3J-3P (RA-5C). | Photo: US Navy
Developed from the A3J-2, the A3J-3P (later RA-5C) was a strike/reconnaissance variant of the Vigilante, incorporating the CCTV in the nose with a "canoe" fairing holding a full suite of gear including:
KA-51A/B forward-looking oblique angle film camera.
KA-50A, KA-51A, or KA-62A vertical film camera.
Passive electronics countermeasures (PECM) antenna for the AN/ALQ-61 Electronic Reconnaissance System. The AN/ALQ-61 was an "electronic intelligence (ELINT)" system that would pick up radar emissions and pin down their coordinates, frequency, and pulse pattern. The ELINT data was recorded on magnetic tape, with storage capacity for 112 minutes of continuous ELINT observations.
Various combinations of panoramic, vertical, or oblique film cameras. Camera fit included KA-58A panoramic camera for medium- to high-altitude work, or a KA-57A panoramic camera for low-altitude work. The cameras shot through prisms in the canoe that could be pivoted to permit shots straight down or from side to side.
AN/AAS-21 infrared sensor, which could provide a continuous film strip of thermal targets, such as hidden trucks, over a field of view 140 degrees wide.
Antenna for the Westinghouse AN/APD-7 "side looking airborne radar (SLAR)" system, which shot radar pulses out to the side of the aircraft and stored the return echo on a long film strip, permitting all-weather, day-night imaging.
Another PECM antenna for the AN/ALQ-21 system.
Additionally, a flash pod, powered by a ram-air turbine in its tail, could be carried under one wing to provide illumination for nighttime recon. The sensors were operated by the back-seater (also known as a "GIB": guy-in-back), formally called a "reconnaissance-attack navigator (RAN)". The bomb bay was filled with semi-permanent fuel tanks (though the plane apparently retained the ability to carry offensive weapons, this was never tested or confirmed). The remaining A-5A and A-5B aircraft were all converted to RA-5C standards, along with 33 new-build aircraft. Squadrons that had formerly flown the A-5 were transitioned to the RA-5 beginning with VAH-3 in July 1963, becoming Reconnaissance Attack Squadrons (RVAH) as they did so. Eventually ten squadrons of RA-5s were established, with the NAS Stanford RVAH-3 being joined by carrier-based RVAH-1, RVAH-5, RVAH-6, RVAH-7, RVAH-9, RVAH-11, RVAH-12, RVAH-13 and RVAH-14.
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-RA-5C Vigilante of Reconnaissance Heavy Attack Squadron 3 (RVAH-3) "Sea Dragons" is parked on the flight line at Naval Air Station Sanford, Florida, on 27 March 1968. - | Photo: US Navy
Starting in July 1964, the RA-5Cs saw extensive service over Vietnam, carrying out dangerous post-strike damage assessment missions. Although fast and nimble, the Vig proved vulnerable to ground fire, with 14 RA-5s lost to AAA, 3 to SAMs and one shot down by a NVA MiG-21. Nine more were lost to accidents, and as a result three dozen additional aircraft were built between 1968 and 1970. Despite providing invaluable reconnaissance data, the RA-5 began to be phased out starting in 1968, with NAS Stanford being closed and the Vigilante's parent wing, Reconnaissance Attack Wing One, being transferred to Turner AFB in Georgia, which was turned over to the Navy and renamed NAS Albany. Barely six years later, NAS Albany was closed as a result of post-Vietnam drawdowns, and the remaining RA-5s were transferred again to NAS Key West. As newer and larger aircraft like the F-14 and S-3 were introduced in the mid-70s, the Navy began disestablishment of the RA-5 squadrons, with the last leaving Key West on 20 November 1979.
At least one A3J-1 was bailed to NASA for a time while the Dryden FRC was participating in research for the US SST program. In 1962 Vigilante BuNo 147858 was given NASA tail number 858 and was flown by NASA pilot Bill Dana on 21 flights along airways around LAX to determine approach conditions for an SST landing patterns. After the conclusion of the program, the plane was returned to the Navy.
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-NASA's A3J-1, wearing a day-glo orange tail flash, on 19 December 1962. | Photo: NASA DFRC
The RAAF was interested in the A-5 as a possible replacement for their aging Canberra bombers, considering the Vig alongside the F-4, Dassault Mirage IVA, BAC TSR-2 and F-111. Despite the A-5 being available without the delay anticipated for the F-111, the order for three dozen Vigilantes was not issued.
At some point in the Vigilante's development, North American advanced a proposal to the Air Force for the 'Retaliator', an A-5 with a liquid rocket added to the bomb bay, as an interceptor, but the USAF showed no interest. In 1972 NAA again proposed a modified A-5, known internally as the NR-349, to the USAF as an Improved Manned Interceptor. The internal bomb bay was modified to house a third jet, and six AIM-54 Phoenix missiles would be carried under the fuselage. Again the USAF was uninterested.
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-Scale model of the Improved Manned Interceptor concept, in USAF markings. | Model: NAA/Rockwell
By 2004, all of the surviving RA-5s that had been retired to AMARG had been either scrapped or preserved as museum aircraft. A limited number of aircraft were still in storage at NAWS China Lake for eventual use in weapons tests. Around a dozen aircraft have been retained in museums around the US, with only one A-5A on display at NAS Pax River in Maryland, the balance being RA-5s.
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-BuNo 146697, the sole remaining A-5A, on display at Pax River. | Photo: Richard Lane
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-RA-5C Vigilante (BuNo 151629) on display at the Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum. It wears the markings of the fleet replacement squadron RVAH-3 Sea Dragons. | Photo: Kristian Jones
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Afterstory (Diavolo)
Arc 3: The Cursed Witch Seduces the Wild Prince
@karmaaf @mac-the-oregonian @imagine-my-hero-and-vills @lady-naho @viptrash @cinnamon-bisquit xxnio-chanxx @pen-observing I wanna be friends with you, too <3 
“Princess … ”
Diavolo cradled your body closer to him. Your warmth seeped out with each second. Stale blood dripped from your wounds.
Diavolo chuckled drily.
Those gentle hands that would pat his head, the calloused but lovely fingers that drove him crazy with each touch--he will never feel them again.
Chuckling became laughing.
His flames blazed brighter and pitch-black smoke rose from earth. Rising higher into the sky, Diavolo’s wings grew and stretched so far they covered the sun and engulfed the city in darkness. From his flames swung out a tail with scarlet scales. It swept across the buildings, killing hundreds and destroying everything.
“Beast!” The humans screamed. “The witch summoned a beast!”
“Witch?” Diavolo repeated.
His maniacal laugh thundered throughout the city.
“You killed her for that?” The woman he loved was a soul who would never use her magic selfishly. You never turned away a patient even when they disrespected you.
The red dragon tenderly gazed at the lifeless body in his hand.
The skin had lost its vigor, scratches covered your face, and the arms …
How long did you suffer? How much did you suffer?
If only … if only he stayed with her.
“Unholy beast!”
Diavolo’s thoughts were interrupted when the human soldiers started shooting arrows at him. One arrow flew past his claws and almost hit your corpse.
The red dragon roared into the sky.
The large city that once bustled with life was reduced to ashes in less than half a day.
Diavolo flew back to your home. When he found the squatters wearing your clothes and the kids trampling the flowers you adored, he almost sent them to the next life. But he sensed the mana that radiated from them. It was your mana.
“Take off the clothes that aren’t yours and leave behind what belongs in this house,” he ordered with glowing eyes.
There were a foolish few who disobeyed by pocketing a ruby Diavolo gifted. They were two kids, the ones who threw rocks at you--
Half their faces were melted off.
“A saint touched your souls so I won’t kill you,” Diavolo said. “But don’t test my patience.”
The refugees ran for the mountains and Diavolo was left alone.
“I’m here,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head. “I’m right here, princess, so come back soon … ”
Gabriel and Lilith arrived a few weeks later. They’ve only now just heard the news.
Shock didn’t begin to describe what they felt at the scene that welcomed them.
Your humble mud house was transformed into a wooden cottage. The tiny patch of soil you proudly called a garden was bigger, lining the side of the river with herbs and flowers and other plants.
Life seemed to overflow
Gabriel barged inside the cottage.
The crown prince of hell sat on the edge of a bed. He was wiping the feet of a corpse, his eyes full of mad love while telling a story about how big the pomegranates were.
“I promise I didn’t use any magic. When you wake up, let’s make some dessert with them--”
A fist flew and Diavolo landed on the ground.
“You crazy … ” Gabriel’s chest heaved. He didn’t even know where to begin.
Luckily, Lilith was there. She patted his shoulder before approaching the prince. “Cousin, this is wrong.”
Diavolo lifted his head, eyes empty before focusing on Lilith. He grinned mechanically. “Oh, I didn’t notice you coming in.”
The angels exchanged glances.
“Do you like the house? I built it myself.”
“I was giving princess a bath, she’s so spoiled--”
“Diavolo,” Lilith cut him off. “Diavolo, MC is dead.”
“She’s sleeping, Lilith. She can’t be dead, she’s going to be the queen of hell. We promised we’d be together so there’s no way she’s dead.”
“Oy,” Gabriel stepped forward, glaring at the prince. “Stop running away from this, bastard. MC is dead. She’s gone.”
“Gone,” Diavolo repeated with a whisper.
Your soul was gone.
Your soul was gone.
Your soul was gone.
But that’s not possible. When you became one, he reinforced his seal so you would be bound to him forever. But your soul was gone. You weren’t just dead, your soul was gone. He couldn’t feel it anymore. Your soul vanished like a whisper in the wind.
You were gone.
Diavolo clawed at his chest, cutting skin and drawing blood. His insides twisted. He buckled down and threw up.
“Right--” He croaked as angry fat, angry tears blurred his vision. He pulled on his hair. “She’s gone. She’s gone … Even Barbatos said her soul … she’s gone.”
“Do you think that’s true?” Lilith knelt down and looked straight into his eyes. “Diavolo, think again.”
“A soul is immortal. She may be lost,” Gabriel said. “But she’s not irretrievable. And when she comes back is this how you want to greet her?” He gestured at the ice-cold body.
Diavolo chuckled wearily. “What do you know?”
“I know that you didn’t deserve her--”
“Gabriel--” Lilith tried to calm him down again but he shrugged her off.
“--I know that she deserves more than a pathetic, sobbing mess who avoids responsibility.”
The demon prince couldn’t bring himself to retort. Gabriel was right, he was pathetic.
“I know this doesn’t sound much from an uncultured girl like me but … but I want to work together with you. I want to be a partner who can help you with your problems.”
Your words echoed in the back of his mind and Diavolo laughed again. With a tearful smile, he looked out the window and into the clear morning sky.
“You win, princess. You always win.”
Meanwhile, in a roofless room surrounded by stars and with walls that stretched so far you could not see the end, two men played a game of chess.
The one who held an ebony pawn sighed. It was King Drakul of Devildom.
His opponent, a man with greying hair crudely dyed purple at the tips, quirked an eyebrow. “Something wrong, old friend?”
“I was just thinking--it’s very hard being a father.”
“Oh.” His opponent nodded in agreement. “I feel ya. Lately, Lili has taken an interest in the human realm and Levi…the one with the bowl haircut keeps messing with the time warps. He’s already reading literature that shouldn’t be in existence yet.”
“First of all, their names are Lilith and Leviathan. Secondly, my case is different from yours. Diavolo--”
“It’s about time Diavolo fixes his behavior.”
“I suppose … ”
“Cheer up, Drakul. Our plan worked, or rather, it’s going to work. Ain’t that right, Barbatos?”
Barbatos appeared with a burst of green smoke. He refilled their teacups. “You are correct, Lord God.”
Drakul sighed again.
“Hey now, you can’t start regretting it now,” said Lord God. “I went AWOL for an extra five thousand years just for this moment.”
He disappeared for millenia, causing conflict among the angels, and then arrived in time to stop a full-scale war. Not to mention, he had to create a random body and puppeteer it from the sidelines while waiting for a Host.
“You can’t soften up now. Otherwise all that effort to educate Diavolo would have gone to waste. Think of those poor souls who failed and got sent to punishment worlds because of him, think of those humans he killed when he went feral the other day--think of how many loops Barbatos has gone through--and the beating Diavolo almost gave him!” Lord God dropped a sugar cube into his cup.
“I know, I know … But those 2430 souls are on you. You could easily have asked Barbatos who would be the successful Host.”
“You know I don’t roll like that. It’s boring to know everything—why do ya think I sealed away my powers?” Lord God added another sugar cube. “Ah, speaking of, what do you think of my newest recruit? The second genius I’ve encountered since I started this gig.”
“Hm, let’s see.” Drakul grabbed a flower-shaped cookie. “Sharp-witted, competent and ruthless. I say, they’d be an excellent queen.”
Lord God spat out his tea. “You can’t--cough--you can’t be serious.”
“You can't deny that there is a possibility." He turned to his butler. "Right, Barbatos?”
A mysterious look ghosted over Barbato's eyes, then he grinned subserviently. “It is as you say, sire.”
Author’s note:
If you know me from Tumblr then you already know that I have this headcanon: In the past Diavolo was a wild, rebellious blood knight but now he is desperate to maintain peace in the three realms because he fell in love with a human in the past and patiently waits for her reincarnation so he can welcome her as his queen. Also, he's only the crown prince in the Obey Me! storyline because he refuses to become king without his beloved.
Man, I know I poke fun at him for being a reckless idiot in the story, but damn.
And imagine all the crap he deals with for uniting the three realms--all that effort for a soul who didn’t even look back when she left. 🤧
(To have that kind of power on a man... Ate MC, paturo naman po. Charot lang. We must aspire to be good people haha)
Oh, and by the way--
I would like to clarify something since you guys keep making so many conspiracy theories.
Regarding the characters from the fictional worlds and the real world:
The Obey Me! Characters that manifest in the fictional worlds are treated as separate entities from those in the Real World. E.g. Lucifer from the CEO’s arc is different from the Lucifer in Diavolo’s arc/Real World, so if the same character appears twice, our MC will not compare their names, appearances, etc. Think of it as a perception filter. However, you can say that they are still connected because they are alternative selves of each other. So residual affections felt by CEO!Lucifer will be felt by Real World!Lucifer.
What was the third party interference at the end?
Unless the above story wasn't clear enough, the interference was Diavolo. 
Will MC have a harem?
Who knows.
Hope that makes things clear :D
(And please keep up with the praise, this madam would sell her firstborn for more praises from you guys.)
Until the next arc, my dear readers!
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