#just them living their lives after not dying from a nuke
rozugold · 1 year
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wendynerdwrites · 2 months
A Measured Response: A Measured Response
Above please find the video I'm responding to, "A Measured Response" by James Somerton. If he deletes later (and I suspect he may), I will reblog with an embed of a copy of the video.
Also note: Much of this is taken from comments I made on his video. But I believe he may be deleting them. Or I got caught up in the spam filter because I commented more than once out of sheer frustration with what I was hearing.
Okay, I am going to start off with a couple things I will give you credit for:
1) Acknowledging the shitty effect nuking your channel had on Nick's career and prospects. That's actually something that hasn't been discussed much and it is genuinely good of you to volunteer that to your audience. As someone who once had her own portfolio nuked by former partners, that's a good thing to bring up. No notes there. That was a good move.
2) You actually used the word 'plagiarism' this time.
I would also like to say that I am glad that you are safe and I am glad you are still alive.
I'm hearing lots about insurance, and your mental health struggles, and the move YOU chose to make "disrupting everything" and your mom's death, "not citing things correctly", how ADHD apparently made you plagiarize, and how hard things are for you. And how people harassed and doxxed you. How you totally want to prove yourself!
Here's what I'm not hearing about:
1) The harassment campaign you launched against your accusers that literally caused them to go into hiding. Sorry, but you don't get sympathy points about death threats and doxing without at least expressing remorse when you did that to others. You haven't mentioned it once. you also falsely accused OTHERS of sending harassment your way and have not acknowledged it.
2) The multiple transphobic and misogynistic lies you told.
3) The tangible impact of queer erasure YOU ENGAGED IN. You barely mention any of the people you stole from. Believe it or not, James, but those people? They also had lives, and jobs, and obligations. Some of them also had dead parents. Then there are the queer people you erased the identities of, slandered, and insulted. Becky Abertelli had to deal with YEARS of the same sort of harassment you're complaining about because of people calling her straight. And even after she was FORCED OUT OF THE CLOSET, you perpetuated that lie again. And yes, YOU DID, JAMES. PUTTING HER IN THE 'STRAIGHT AUTHORS' CATEGORY IS CALLING HER STRAIGHT, JAMES. THAT'S HOW CATEGORIES WORK. Then when she briefly corrected you, you lied about her repeatedly and inserted nasty little vague comments about her so that you could bait your audience into asking about it and claim she harassed you on twitter for not liking her show (which never happened once. She didnt even bring up you straight-washing her on twitter. It was in your comments section.). So not only did you lie, you went out of your way to create opportunities to lie about her more.
4) The outright dangerous rhetoric you engaged in. Such as:
a) You lied about the AIDS epidemic and generations of actual queer activists who you claimed didn't care about employment discrimination and just wanted to have "big gay weddings" because they were "boring. This is a false and dangerous retelling of queer history, not only isolating new generations of queer people, but also erasing the tangible benefits of the legal benefits you enjoy now, James. THEY WANTED MARRIAGE SO THEY COULD HOLD THEIR DYING LOVERS' HANDS AS THEY PASSED AND ATTEND THEIR FUNERALS, JAMES. THEY WANTED MARRIAGE SO THEY WEREN'T KICKED OUT OF THEIR HOMES AND STRIPPED OF BENEFITS DURING A HEALTH PANDEMIC, JAMES. THEY DID FIGHT FOR EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS, JAMES. THAT'S HOW SEXUALITY BECAME A PROTECTED CLASS. Lying about and downplaying the legal rights these valiant "boring" people fought for misleads current generations of queer people into caring less about their history, the people who have done the most for them, and protecting the legal rights so desperately won.
b) All the gay Nazi shit. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain why inventing facts about all the Nazi secret police and youth counselors being gay and extorting people for sex under the Reich is so insanely dangerous and disgusting, but here's a hint: it casts your own community as being the vile, perverted criminals that THE ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO WANT YOU DEAD (you know, homophobes? Not people on the internet who noticed you plagiarized the Celluloid Closet) perpetuate in order to sell their draconian policies to the masses.
c) all the misogyny. I get it, you want to erase the discrimination against women (and people you claim are women) have faced, especially as queer women. You wanted to pretend Radcliffe Hall was allowed to "carry on with her happy little life." You wanted your audience to believe that. You wanted your audience to shit on women for moral panics you made up. You wanted to erase the queer identity of a woman who had already been through Hell and then pass it off as justified. With the rising tied of renewed misogyny,, incel attacks, and reproductive rights being stripped from us, you really, really wanted to sell the message of women being whiny, jealous bitches who get handed everything, never deal with consequences, and hate people for not liking their work. (TBH, it feels a bit like projection on your part) thank you for spreading so much incel rhetoric and transphobia and making your audience ignorant of the great contributions women have made to LGBTQIA history.
I'd respect you more if you would just own up to the obvious biases you clearly have.
That's not all, but my hands are getting tired.
5) That you were caught lying about the contents of Hbomb's video in your initial patreon response.
6) The worth of the people you stole from.
7) Using Nick's asexuality as an excuse for your acephobic AF bullshit about how ace people apparently never dealt with institutional oppression when they're the most likely to be sent to conversion camp and have had corrective rape used as a "treatment" throughout history. Like, holy shit, James.
8) How you tried to lay blame for your shitty, stolen work on your own audience because "you didn't wanrt to make them and they were patreon requests." You didn't have to keep video requests as a perk. Those people paid over $300 to you for those wids only for you to throw them under the bus.
9) Your complete refusal to update your Telos backers on anything besides announcing new projects that you were using to replace the projects you promised them. You could have gone on Patreon, Indiegogo, Twitter, or your channel, and explained things. Things like this happen. But instead you ghosted and gaslighted.
10) The shit you pulled about Nebula.
11) The shitsquillion dollars you spent on cameras you didn't need when you were also claiming to your patrons about being on the verge of homelessness.
"It's a documentary, no opinion just cited facts." James, you've cited "facts" like "15% of the Hitler Youth counselors were gay", "Radcliffe Hall didn't get punished for writing a book about lesbians", and "there was no fight against employment discrimination" as "facts."
Then there's the part where you're still insisting that the people who told you that you can't make a short film on 3K were wrong. You insist it's possible because you intended to use non-union labor. then two minutes later you admit a movie you put together ended up going way over-budget because you didn't realize how much things would cost.
So the Telos nay-sayers had a point, James. Why are you still acting like they were wrong. Do you just not want anyone to find Dan Olsen's tweets about your finances?
The fact that you think you have any business coming back when all you've ever managed are lies and theft is so hilariously conceited. I get it. You want to be able to "carry on with your happy little life" (the way Radcliffe Hall DIDN'T). You want to go back to being a big youtuber and for everyone to admire you once you manage to go a whole video without stealing from anyone. That's not how this works. You have no credibility. You have caused a huge amount of damage not just to your immediate audience, but also the queer community overall.
You hurt a lot more people than Jessie Gender, James.
You also lie in your video saying "in the beginning, I thought it was enough to put people's names in the opening credits." No you didn't. You started using those opening credits well after the accusations came rolling in. You even admitted on twitter that in the beginning you weren't "citing my sources yet."
Do I believe much of your bullshit was pure laziness? Certainly. But there can be more than one reason for it. There's no way you knew who Radcliffe Hall was and actually thought she face no repercussions. No one who has ever heard of The Well of Loneliness DOESN'T know all the prints were destroyed. It being a lesbian book that was destroyed by the courts is THE STORY.
You lied when you said you didn't call Becky Albertalli straight. EVEN THOUGH YOU ADMIT TO PUTTING HER IN THE STRAIGHT CATEGORY.
You lied about your "adaptation" of Evil Queens and tinker Bells and the citation and schedule of when you got approval. You got approval after the fact and claiming you got it from the beginning. your own email screenshot proves it.
You lied saying the Evil Queens video was "a direct adaptation of the books" despite half the video being plagiarized from completely different works. You lied about your plagiarism accusations and HBomb's video rehashing old "debunked" accusations on Patreon. You lied about Alexander Avila. You lied about reading/watching a bunch of the media you were "critiquing." you lied about when you started with your opening credits.
You don't "research", "write", shoot, edit, and post a video with shit like that in it and say it wasn't malicious or intentional. You put these videos out there with scores of lies, many of which were directed at various marginalized groups, and CHOSE to never check if anything you said was true. You don't invent entire fake moral panics "by accident." You don't plagiarize by accident.
Please don't spend forty minutes reciting excuses and then claim "these are not excuses." You're not fooling us.
Also - Leave your poor mother out of this. She already had to die of cancer. Let the poor woman rest.
But thank you for linking your new patreon and telling us all about your upcoming videos! I am glad you have your priorities straight. (that was sarcasm)
Just leave the internet, James. Not LIFE, OBVIOUSLY. Stay alive. But your time as a content creator is done. You have no viability in that area. The fact that you think you can just do this is equal parts entitled and delusional. That you think you can come back so soon makes it even worse. Tell you what: you can try again after it's verified that the people you stole from have been compensated and you properly apologize for everything else.
I will not believe you're truly sorry until you can actually apologize without caveats, excuses, and, yes, lies. Saying you're sorry for "not citing things correctly" is not apologizing for what you did. It's cushioning the actual facts and downplaying your transgression. You have not apologized for the misogyny, acephobia, or transphobia, which, yes, YOU DID. I don't care if you want to claim it wasn't intentional YOU STILL DID IT. You haven't apologized for harassing and slandering your critics.
So no, James, I don't really believe you're sorry. I think you're sorry this blew up and that you have to make a new patreon. I don't trust that you won't continue being misogynistic. I don't trust that if you ever see this comment, that you will actually read it instead of crying homophobia and cancel culture and "wanting you dead."
Admit that you harassed people and that it was awful. Admit the extent. Admit you lied about Becky Albertalli and apologize to her. Admit that, yes, YOU HAVE SOME REAL ISSUES WITH WOMEN and that you are ready to confront them.
I don't trust you to do the right thing here. But maybe this comment will be read by someone who might have otherwise fallen for this and it'll be easier for them to see through manipulation like this in the future.
Just log off, Bro.
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 2 months
Let's Talk About That Chapter 4
Warnings: talks of mental health (PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks), mentions of death/dying, anger issues, angst and fluff
Word count: 1,969
A/N: listen I love rewatching Marvel movies but having to watch civil war and pause every 5 seconds for the accords scenes killed me, but it would have bothered me if the lines weren't accurate so here you go.
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May 19th 2016
You were in your office when Natasha came round telling you that you had to go to the meeting room. The secretary of state was here to talk with the Avengers. You knew this couldn't be good, but you got up with your laptop in hand just in case you needed it. 
All of you sat around the meeting room while Secretary Ross spoke, "The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives, but while a great many people see you as heroes there are some who would prefer the word 'Vigilantes'." Your grip on Wanda's thigh tightens and her hand goes over yours. Trying not to cause a scene, but you must have squeezed a little too tightly. You release it completely, balling and unballing your fist.
"And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?" Natasha asks.
"How about dangerous?" He replies. "What would you call a group of U.S. based enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who frankly seem unconcerned with what they leave behind." Ross speaks freely, but you interject.
"Excuse me Sir, but if you'd have gone over my notes thoroughly about everyone's after mission session when things go good and when things go not great there is in fact a difference in their psyches. This team though we are enhanced individuals still have emotions and feelings. We still care about others and it's the exact reason we do what we do. Just because the world doesn't see them break down. I do." You stand up. "Tony has severe anxiety and suffers from panic attacks when things go wrong. Steve and Natasha have PTSD. Wanda," you look at her and she nods, " thinks every goddamn day about how she could have done better in Lagos. If she had been able to hold on a second longer than no one would have gotten hurt that day. Those lives every one of them rests on her mind." You tell him though he doesn't seem to care much as he shows a video, you sit back down, moving closer to Wanda and she holds your hand, your fingers intertwining. 
"New York, Washington D.C." He's showing the group's past failures as you look over at Steve and Natasha, watching their faces pale as both try to stay in the moment. "Sokovia." The battle for Sokovia from Ultron, the one you missed. You feel her hand squeeze yours as you move your other hand to her thigh to try and soothe her, "Lagos." The footage starts playing of the building that got caught in the blast Wanda had tried to contain. The close up of a dead girl in the ruble is shown and you can feel her shift as you pull her against your chest and whisper, 
"Don't look. I've got you."
"Alright that's enough." Steve calls out. I mouth a thank you to him as I let Wanda go once the footage stops. 
"Good to know we'll need a group therapy session after this." You say flatly. As you turn back to the front of the room.
"For the past four years you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate, but I think we have a solution." He hands over a binder to you. 
"The Sokovia Accords?" You ask, thumbing through it with Wanda.
"Approved by 117 Countries. It states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead you'll operate under the supervision of the United Nations panel. Only when and if that panel deems it necessary." Ross informs you all. 
"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we've done that." Steve interjects.
"Tell me Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now? If I misplaced a couple of mega 30 ton nukes you can bet there would be consequences. Compromise, reassurance, that's how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground." Ross states. 
"So," Rhodey starts. "There are contingencies?" 
"Three days from now the U.N. meets in Vienna to ratify the accords." Ross tells us and you see Steve finally acknowledge Tony sitting in the corner away from the rest of us. "Talk it over."
"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Natasha asks. Ross stops his exit from the room. 
"Then you retire." Ross answers.
"Sir. I'm 19." You remind him
"Good thing you went to college already. Whole life ahead of you unlike the rest of your team." He says and you've never wanted to break someone's neck more and once he and his men leave the room, you hand your laptop to Wanda and have everyone back up from the table as you slam my fist into it, reducing it to rubble. 
"You're paying for that." Tony mentions.
"You pay me. So you're paying for that." You remind him and you're lucky it wasn't his face." You say taking your laptop back from Wanda. "Thank you sweet girl."
As the tension in the room simmered and Secretary Ross exited, leaving the group to grapple with the weight of his ultimatum, a heavy silence settled over you. You could feel the collective unease radiating from your teammates, each grappling with their own thoughts and emotions in the wake of his proposition. The mix of all the feelings makes you nauseous.
Turning to face your fellow Avengers, you could see the turmoil etched on their faces, the weight of Ross's words bearing down upon us like a crushing weight. But amidst the uncertainty and fear, there was also a glimmer of determination in their eyes, a silent vow to stand together in the face of adversity.
"We need to talk," Steve's voice cut through the silence, his gaze sweeping across the room as he addressed each of you in turn. "This isn't a decision to be made lightly. We need to weigh the consequences, consider our options, and come to a consensus as a team."
You nodded in agreement, your mind already racing with the implications of Ross's proposal. The Sokovia Accords represented a fundamental shift in the way the Avengers would operate, a relinquishing of your autonomy in exchange for the illusion of oversight. But at what cost? Would you be forced to compromise your principles, to bend to the will of bureaucrats and politicians who viewed you as nothing more than tools to be wielded at their whim?
As the group dispersed from the meeting room, each lost in your own thoughts, you felt Wanda's hand slip into yours, her touch a comforting anchor amidst the storm of uncertainty that raged within you currently. With her by your side, you knew that whatever decision we ultimately made, you would face it together, united in your commitment to stand up for what you believed in, no matter the consequences. And as you retreated to the solace of our shared quarters, you knew that your journey was far from over, that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and trials, but that so long as you faced them together, you would emerge stronger, more resilient, than ever before.
As the team goes back and forth arguing sides of right and wrong and if things are better in your hands or in the U.N. Wanda speaks up, "You're saying they'll come for me." Before you can speak, Vision does beside you after you had nudged your way in when he tried to sit next to Wanda, "We would protect you." 
"They'll come for me too. Wanda was given powers by the mind stone." You flick it on Vision's forehead, he flinches a bit, but you know it doesn't hurt, not like your own, "But this stone in my chest is a ticking time bomb. Something I've never told you guys is I have never once used 100% of my power. I had talked with Thor who knew about the stones." You gently touch your purple stone, reacting to your touch with a soft glow. "This stone in the past was held and wielded by Celestials, Gods in their own rights, used to decimate worlds." You look around the room. Faces of various degrees of worried or scared or nervous. "If I were to lose control...there's a possibility there won't be an Earth anymore. I know how dangerous I am with this stone, but much like Tony's arc reactor, If we extract this from me. I'm going to die. Last time Bruce did a check up for me...the stone...the stone is wrapped around my heart and lungs. Bruce and I did some tests of moving the stone around and we came to the conclusion it's more than likely to make my lungs collapse and my heart stop if it's pulled out." You look down, unable to look at any of them. "If they take me it might be for the better, but no matter what. I want to keep fighting and keep helping. If I sign that...I'm signing over to my own arrest basically." 
"Well it sounds like that might be a good thing." Tony states. 
"Fuck you Tony! I've only ever wanted to help people! I never want to hurt or kill people! I'd rather just go live my life as a psychiatrist! Work a normal day and come home to a nice home cooked meal, but I can't just do that! You brought me into this world. Now if you want me to stand down, I guess you'll have to take me out." You state before leaving. You hear Wanda follow behind you, catching up as she holds your hand and arm. 
"That is probably the scariest couple with the powers they possess." You hear Tony say just before the two of you get out of hearing range.
As you two left the heated discussion behind, Wanda's hand in yours providing a grounding reassurance, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges you faced together. The weight of the impending decision pressed down on your shoulders, each step echoing the tumultuous thoughts swirling in your mind.
The two of you found solace in a quiet corner of the compound, away from the prying eyes and the cacophony of conflicting opinions. The moon cast a gentle glow over you as you turned to face Wanda, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and determination.
"I can't believe they'd even suggest something like this," Wanda murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "To turn against our own, to put us in a position where we have to choose between our principles and our freedom."
"They're scared," you replied, gently squeezing her hand. "Scared of what we can do, scared of the power we wield. But we can't let fear dictate our choices. We need to stand up for what we believe is right, even if it means going against those we once called allies."
Wanda nodded, a quiet resolve settling over her features. "I won't let them take you, Y/N. No matter what they decide. We'll find a way to navigate through this mess together."
A mixture of gratitude and warmth enveloped you as you leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "And I won't let them take you either. We'll face whatever comes our way, side by side."
As the night stretched before you, uncertainty lingering in the air, the two of you stood united against the challenges that awaited you. The Avengers, once a symbol of unity, found themselves at a crossroads, and the choices we made in the days to come would shape the course of our future, both as individuals and as a team.
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internetmisfitsworld · 6 months
So far from what I've seen, the reboot doesn't showed or mentioned any implications that Makarov and Yuri were former friends or served together in the army. Hell by the looks of it, Yuri looks much older than Mak.
So I'm guessing in this new timeline, Activision probably won't go with that route anymore.
I noticed that not many people saw how much Yuri truly meant to Makarov. I'll go as far to say that Yuri was the LAST and ONLY shreds of humanity that's left in Makarov. Just a tiny piece.
Now why would I say that Yuri was his last shreds of humanity? I mean surely it's not possible right? After all, this is the same man who shot at him, almost blew him to pieces and literally KILLED him at the end.
Well, here's a few hints that I noticed.
(Long essay here. Because why not.)
(I'm feeling a bit emo over the fact that I'm gonna miss these two bastards dynamics.)
1. 1996 and 2011 flashback
He seemed so happy and content with Yuri during the flashback scene. His little smile when talking about the future of Ultranationalist to him. It seemed so genuine I almost forgot this man is a terrorist lol.
Also, it's kinda wholesome to know that these two were always joined at the hip. First, Pripyat then the whole nuking the US army. Must've been one hell of a duo back then to be picked as second in commands of Zakhaev. Well, either that or Zakhaev didn't have the heart to separate them 🤣 (they both shared one braincell).
Zakhaev: No. Yuri cannot go with you for this mission, Vladimir. He must stay here.
Makarov: ☹️
Yuri: ☹️
Zakhaev: 😑
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2. No Russian
I wonder why didn't Mak killed Yuri sooner when he found out that Yuri was snitching on him to the FSB. Unless he found out about it on his way to the airport, then there was no reason to kill him at the airport.
I mean, why? Why did it just moments away from committing "the most world changing" act? He could've just killed him at the safehouse? There must've been someone guarding the safehouse, so if he wanted to pull the whole "let him suffer till his last moment" to Yuri, the safest way to do that was at the safehouse. At least his guards will shoot him if he so much as stand on his feet.
It makes me wonder if he was having hesitation? It's this complex feelings of the fact that he doesn't necessarily wants Yuri dead but he also doesn't really care if he lives either. He can't have him in his circle anymore due to his betrayal but it will set a bad example to his men if he lets Yuri live.
But he have to kill him in front of his men, so that they know he's not to be fucked with and he's not going soft. He can't afford any flaws. Especially now that he's the leader.
So the plan was to shoot Yuri in the abdomen area, under the pretense of "let him enjoy his last moment", and then count on him having the strength to crawl his way out of there.
Mind you, there's even an unused voiceline of Mak stopping the other from finishing Yuri off.
"No. Let him enjoy these last moments."
Which is bullshit, not to mention how uncharacteristically careless of him to pull this lol.
Because first of all, he and Yuri had fought side by side before, so he must've known just how far and how much Yuri is willing to push his strength and haul ass. He must've known Yuri's stubborn ass will NOT just lay there dying. He KNOWS Yuri would drag his ass up that elevator, hell even the fucking stairs if he have to, just to survive.
Like Mak, my dude, I know the chance of him catching up with you and shooting your ass was low due to him suffering from blood loss and everything, but still, my man, the risk is THERE.
That is dangerously stupid Mak agagaggaa you damn softie idiot.
But yeah I guess shooting up the airport was not the only successful mission that day. I'm certain he must've, unintentionally and discreetly, let out sigh of relief when he heard Yuri survived.
But also another incoming headache. Because he damn sure knows Yuri's gonna go after him using all the information that he knows about him.
3. Blood Brothers
Prior to this mission, we seen plenty times where Yuri gave intels about Makarov to Price and Soap. Some of those intels even sound... too personal. The kind of intels where you need to know him personally to be able to know that much. And sure enough Soap caught on to that during the Blood Brothers briefing;
Soap: Which vehicle will he be in?
Yuri: They constantly rotate for security. We won't know until he steps out.
Soap: You seem to know a lot about Makarov.
And the silence that followed after that lmao. I'm was dying to know the look on Soap and Yuri's face. I'm guessing Soap was hella suspicious and Yuri was pretending not to exist.
Also, I can imagined Yuri's guilt for not revealing the whole truth of who he was and his relations with Makarov.
Makarov had many "friends", no doubt due to his cold, no-nonsense yet charismatic charm. However, Yuri proved to be one of the only people who can adapt to his ways and doesn't cowered, like other people, from his steely mismatched eyes.
An equal. He was his closest friend. His only, truest friend, to be exact. Blood brothers. Brothers whom once bled together, not cause each other to bleed. Brothers whom once fought side by side, not against each other. Brothers whom once saved each other's lives countless times. Brothers whom suffer together, laugh together. Aight I'm getting emo here I'll stop.
Alright back on the topic. So, he must've known that Price, Yuri, and Soap were gonna assassinate him. He probably had the tower opposite the hotel planted with bombs as security measure but when he looked right at them (as Soap mentioned), his suspicion was confirmed.
It amazed me he chose this method instead of having his men snipe them. Not to mentioned he spoiled the surprise too. The tower that Soap and Yuri was in had huge ass open walls, which easily allows them to jump in time. Yeah they could still die from the high jumps but the survival chance was still there. The only reason Soap died was because of his previous unheal stab wound reopening again.
This man seems to really have a problem to kill his former friend didn't he? Like, how did you failed to kill him TWICE 😭✋️ ??
I'm sure his men at that point was sick of it.
Inner Circle dude: Sir, I think we should just snipe them from a distance. They won't see it coming.
Makarov: No, we're gonna use the bomb. But detonate it after I dramatically announce myself.
Inner Circle dude: But sir, that means they will have the time to jump off and survives?
Makarov: JUST DO AS I SAY.
Inner Circle dude:
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He really kept on giving Yuri the chance to live. Even more funny, he still referred Yuri as "my friend" (albeit mockingly so but still).
4. Dust to Dust
Oh this mission breaks my heart in so many ways and reasons. Yuri dying, Price being alone.
But most of all, this moment right here.
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This and Pripyat, was one of the two moments where he looks most human. It is a rather... oddly unique sight, seeing the big bad Vladimir Makarov, the monster, the terrorist who coldly slaughtered an airport filled with people,
.....staring so painfully disoriented and conflicted at his dead former friend that he just killed.
No doubt, even before he shot that gun, he's AWARE it was Yuri shooting at him. Because, who else. It's only him and Price. But of course, out of instinct, he reacts anyway.
And after all that adrenaline fades away, only then he truly let it sink in that the person he just shot three times, was Yuri. And fuck does it hurts him alot more than that pain in his stomach.
Mind you, at this point Price has already risen up, on his knees, ready to tackle him, and he STILL didn't turn around. Seconds must've felt like eternity for him. Man was lost in his head.
That's how long this man stares at Yuri's dead body. That's how much Yuri's death affects him to the point he loses his focus on his surrounding. It's like in those few seconds, he was having a hard time taking in the fact that;
a) he just killed his only friend.
b) he really is alone now. he just killed the only person who knows him truly, well before he turn into the monster that he is now.
He snapped out of it at the last minute, and even then he seems hesitant. Not because he was hesitated to kill Price but he was hesitated to live.
He knows he's screwed the moment he turns around. He realized just how much he fucked up for losing his focus. It's like at that point he just gave up on fighting. Yeah I know he still fights back if we were not quick enough to continously strangle him but still he doesn't seem to try hard enough.
For the first time in a long time, he was exhausted. Yuri's death drained him of all the fight he had left in him.
Yuri shooting at Makarov is not the only thing that saves Price. Yeah, it helps distract + weakening Makarov.
But I promise you, if Yuri didn't have any meaningful friendship with Mak and was just another random soldier defected from the Ultranationalist, Price would've been dead. Yeah change my mind.
Look at how fast Makarov's reaction time when Yuri shot at him. Mind you, this man just seconds ago was barely able to STAND UP, holding his stomach in pain, clearly suffered from major injuries in the abdominal areas.
The second that bullet hits his right shoulder, he slumped down for like 1 second, lift that gun up, take his aim, and fired that shit up. So pretty much he won't have a problem to immediately turn around and shoot Price as well.
But since said problem was Yuri, and so, Price got lucky.
And now it seems in the reboot, chances are, we will never get to this again.
(Also, I'm aware that there are people who ships them romantically. Which is perfectly fine. I personally sees them as close friends, like brothers. But hey, even I enjoyed Makayuri contents sometimes. So just letting you know that and I hope people can respect that.)
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meteor752 · 1 year
Don’t think about Punz standing by the side as Dream slowly starts to crumble
Don’t think about Punz defending his title as friend, offended that after everything he would be doubted
Don’t think about Punz hearing that alarm, knowing damn well that the nukes exists, and possibly realizing what’s going on
Don’t think about Punz grabbing ahold of Dream and scrambling to get out of there, as that annoying pest tells them it’s too late
Don’t think about Punz throwing himself at Dream in their last seconds, attempting to cover him from the blast
Don’t think about the two dying in each other’s arms, after finally finding the reason to live within each other
Just don’t think about it
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lionheartedmusings · 5 months
thinking thoughts about q!bad's last stream and input from other q!bad theorists would be very much appreciated bc... well, i need help figuring out the timeline of this whole thing.
facts we know are:
dapper is (most likely) safe and sleeping in quesadilla island
they got hit by the nuke
q!bad died and came back to life in quesadilla island
we can also piece together that he managed to carry dapper onto "a boat" before he (q!bad) died, where he fell off a different boat (presumably charon's as it would make sense as an allegory for him nearly dying but turning back).
so, are we saying he managed to get dapper onto the boat to quesadilla but died after and just woke up on shore? did he fall off of both boats? how did he managed to get dapper on the boat without no one seeing them, then die, then go back and get dapper and hide him somewhere safe?
is he implying that that's somehow what happened, or is this a "i carried my son through death into the world of the living" situation? but if so, why did he have to turn back (i.e. reject death and embrace life)?
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kr1osz · 1 month
I've recently finished TLOK & there for joined the fandom and... Did we even watch the same show???
(Very long & passionate rant under cut)
Like mf wdym Korra is the worst/weakest Avatar? It's physically not possible for her to be the weakest as the cycle goes on the Avatar spirt gets stronger so technically the weakest Avatar is Wan!! But I still want to point out the many reasons why Korra isn't the weakest or worst Avatar.
Firstly, I want to acknowledge vaid criticisms of Korra. Yes she constantly underestimated her opponents but in her defense she was severely inexperienced. She'd spent most of her life in that training facility in the south Pole and then once she got to republic city was almost immediately thrown into dealing with the equalits so she underestimated Amon due to lack of experience. She was then manipulated by her uncle so can you really blame her for not realizing he was evil till it was too late? THAT WAS HER FAMILY!!
Anyways, Korra has faults like every Avatar but she also has feats that you all seem to forget/over look!
My main example and my favorite to bring up in this argument is; Korra on harmonic convergence after having Raava RIPPED from her (need to emphasize the fact that Korra did not give Raava up willing like some of y'all like to think, she fought to keep Raava with her and was devastated when she lost her and the past lives. She didn't give it up willingly) meaning she didn't have the Avatar state and this fight was just her pure strength against UnaVaatu.
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But I have more examples of how strong she truly is (there is no order to them lol).
Korra broke out of Blood bending without the Avatar state (something Aang couldn't do).
She had control over 3/4 of the elements at like five, and the only reason it took so long to master Air bending (which still only took like a few months) was because she didn't get a teacher until she was 17!
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Korra fought one of the strongest air benders WHILE DYING, like ppl forget she was slowly dying during that fight. She was weakened and still won.
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Now let's talk about another one of my favorite feats of hers, REDIRECTING THE AVATAR UNIVERSE VERSION OF A FUCKING NUKE. Like it was so powerful it ripped open a whole in space & time, creating a new spirit portal and she redirected it and wasn't even fazed. Like I'm 90% sure she didn't even break a sweat!
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She's the first Avatar to metal bend, ik it's likely because she's the first Avatar to exist when metal bending was more common but she was metal bending in like a week! That's not something anyone can do!!
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Another reason I have is technically not about her strength but more about the strength of Korra's version of Raava. When Korra re-fused with Raava, the Raava spirit was bigger than it was when it was ripped from her and alot bigger than the version Wan fused with meaning Korra has a stronger version of Raava than previous Avatars making her inherently stronger than them. When Korra re-fused with Raava, she was big enough for Korra to ride on her but when Wan fused with her Raava fit in a tea pot.
Now time to defend Korra's loses!
・Korra lost against Amon because she was inexperienced, she'd spent most of her life away from the world and wasn't prepared to fight a master water bender.
・Korra lost Raava because it was supposed to happen. Ever Harmonic convergence Raava and Vaatu fight so it's likely that ever 10,000 year's the avatar cycle will restart, also did we not watch Korra be absolutely DEVASTATED that she lost her connect with the last Avatars? Like she spends most of the time during the 4th season wishing she could talk to Aang!
・Honestly I don't even know if Korra won or lost against Zaheer but I do know she was slowly dying during the fight. She was no where near her full strength! Also, the red lotus was actively surprised at how well Korra fought against going into the Avatar state just showing her control over it.
・Korra got her ass beat in that ring in the earth kingdom because she was rusty and GOING THROUGH IT! Like she hadn't fought in 3 year's and she was still working through her turama, it's the samething when she lost to old Toph, she was rusty, still being affected by the poison, and traumatized. There was on way she was going to win in that state
・ Korra lost in her 1v1 with Kuvira because she was rusty, she hadn't fought in 3 year's and you expect her to be as good as she was before her hiatus? Bitch please! Korra quite literally goes on to go toe to toe with Kuvira at the end of the season when she'd worked through her rust.
In conclusion, Korra isn't the wort or weakest Avatar your just over looking her feats and dumbing her down because you can't except your fav isn't as strong as you think. She was ment to restart the Avatar cycle, and she also isn't even in her prime! She's 17 in the first season, 18 in season 2 & 3, and 21 in the last season, Korra is still at the beginning of her career as an Avatar. She's only going to get stronger.
Also no, I'm not a Korra glazer. She's not even my favorite Avatar, it's Kiyoshi.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Why Ironwood’s actions made him a villain, and Team RWBY’s actions made them heroes.
Let’s go into some perspective about why Ironwood + his regime, and not Team RWBY, was the actual “worse than salem” group. And why Team RWBY are the heroes, and Ironwood and his regime the antagonists.
Let’s turn back the clock to before James threatened to nuke Mantle or blackmail Penny into helping him, and shot down planes that would carry people to safety.
“He genuinely offered all his resources to Team RWBY and co to maximize all the chances of them getting better and winning.” While squeezing Mantle dry.
Pre-V8 he still was authoritarian militarist, who locked down Atlas and Mantle, crippling its trade and defense capabilities of other regions, which led to a lot of people left to starve or die to Grimm, and he was also squeezing Mantle dry on top of it with a blatant disregard to its safety, and only giving it token "support", while his Huntsmen were more concerned with arresting people protecting Mantle, than helping them fight back Grimm.
Mantle was dying in volume 7, and it was all James’ fault, and critics were demanding that after Ironwood squeezed and bled Mantle dry, that Atlas abandon Mantle.
The writing is on the wall, but people are so focused on how he treated RWBY and co that they completely miss (ironically, unlike RWBY and co themselves, as it was their major concern) how he treats literally everyone else.
Of course he would treat them well, they are a very useful asset! Unlike people of Mantle, who could die in a ditch for all he cares.
That's not to say that he wants them dead, of course... he just doesn't care about them. He doesn't care about the people he's sworn to protect.
“ For Mantle, the entire point of the Huntsmen down there was to secure it and cover for the lack of resources. “
Lack of resources he himself created, funneling every drop of dust to his pet project.
James was always a borderline dictator. And he could pretty much brow-beat the Council to do what he needs, seeing how he held two seats out of five, and one was vacant.
“But James isn’t authoritarian!”
Authoritarian: Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
“But Ironwood was trying to prevent invasion of Salem’s agents”
They infiltrated Atlas through Mantle, by means of using outdated security. With Watts even explicitly pointing out that Atlas got the shiny upgrades, but no one cared to get them to Mantle. And Cinder and Neo still got in. Ironwood failed spectacularly. As he always does.
People were losing their jobs and their living because of lockdown, and those who kept theirs, were working in harsh conditions. Grimm regularly invaded Mantle. People couldn't even get their children to schools without Huntsmen protecting them.
“Its for the greater good”
I just don't see any merit in humoring ideas that treat people as expendable pieces on the path to some lofty goal. "Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" logic is the logic of villains.
“Ironwood employed Penny and the robots, that shows he cares!”
The robots were shown to be like Star Wars Movie stormtroopers in terms of effectiveness, and Star Trek Redshirts in terms of survivability.
Also, not caring for someone implies not giving any thought to their problems, and in this particular case those problems were directly or indirectly created by Ironwood's actions or negligence. Sending Penny down there is a band-aid, an illusion of action. Also he was running her 24/7, having girl do the job of an entire military and her sole energy source and repairs comes from her dying father, who’s also being run ragged on Jimmy’s project.
“But Team RWBY used the satellite?”
Should we just discard the progress, if it was made by amoral means? Or should we rather use it, to at least in some way honor those who suffered for it?
“But Ironwood didn’t commit murder till he shot Oscar”
Murder is not the only weapon in dictatorship's arsenal. There’s media control and forbidding public functions and mass gatherings, which Ironwood did in the first episode of V7. There’s also banning weapons unless you’re in the dictator’s private army, which Clover literally confirmed in the 2nd episode, even ignoring Qrow’s license.
“Influential people aren't simply council members. People with money and connection need to receive privileges in exchange for services they may provide. That's how politics work. “
And yet, he literally SINGLEHANDEDLY LOCKED DOWN ATLAS. And neither other council members, nor other "influential people", represented in a show by Jacques, could stop him, despite it hurting their bottom lines. Whoops.
“ Y'all keep forgetting what being a soldier/military man entails. You obey your superior without question. That's not authoritarian, that's how any self-respecting army functions. “
Huntsmen aren’t supposed to be soldiers, they’re warriors who act with a code and serve society, not a general who treats everything like a contest of measuring “GLYNDA!”
Ironwood privatized the Huntsmen System, thus preventing Atlas Huntsmen from serving society, with the exception of the Happy Huntresses, who Clover called “Worse than Grimm” to Qrow. Imagine that defying Ironwood makes you worse than Grimm? Apparently that’s all it took for Robyn Haters.
Speaking of Clover...obeying orders without question? You mean like how Clover decided to defend Ironwood’s decision to abandon Mantle, try to arrest Qrow, and completely disregard the mission to capture Tyrian because “Good soldiers follow orders?” Then the Qrow vs Tyrian vs Clover fight makes sense. Tyrian wanted to cause chaos, Qrow wanted to stop Ironwood and Tyrian, and Clover wanted to obey Ironwood’s orders without question. Qrow made the mistake of thinking that Tyrian, who had never lied before, had meant that “putting the kid to bed” simply meant incapacitating Clover, not killing Clover. Meanwhile Clover had no problem arresting anyone who wasn’t licensed by Ironwood or carrying weapons that weren’t part of Ironwood’s army. I guess Clover did die as he lived...not a huntsmen, but a soldier.
“ Unless they showed someone's corpse or Team RWBY looking at beggars, there wasn't any sign of famine or death as you mention. The most there was is extra security and frequent robot patrols. “
Just because there are no corpses lying around on the streets, doesn't mean that people aren't suffering. A lot of the times their suffering goes unseen. You can't deny that Mantle looks like a mix of cyberpunk slum and depressive post-USSR Eastern Europe city. That's enough to make an educated guess about the state of the city and its inhabitants.
Just because Ironwood sacrifices some things, doesn't give him the right to sacrifice something he doesn't own - namely, other people.
Watts of all people called Jimmy out on neglecting Mantle's security. Aside from that, how did he help Mantle aside from sending a few Huntsmen there, which is, again, a band-aid, and an illusion of action?
“Ironwood trusted them like he trusted Ozpin” Remember what he did to Ozpin in V2. You know, the whole going behind his “Friend’s” back to get Ozpin, Salem’s chief nemesis and founder of the schools, fired? And also putting Penny in the Vytal Tournament despite nobody allowing it if they knew she was an android? This is the same guy who talked about trust? Ironwood is a hypocrite because he loves to talk about trust while betraying everyone else’s.
Remember the episode “Sparks?”
Unrest doesn't happen like *snap* and everything blows up. Tension grows gradually and usually goes unnoticed, until it's at the point when a slightest spark is enough to ignite the situation. What Jacques and Watts did was that spark, but the groundwork was laid by Ironwood's actions raising the tension between Mantle and Atlas. And that growing unrest could be seen as far back as e1 of that volume - specifically, in the drunk racist and Forest.
“Ironwood didn’t expect Watts to be alive!”
Someone broke through a military grade cyber security and caused all Atlesian robots and mechs to go "Execute Order 66″  on people. Whether or not it was Watts is irrelevant, because it's a known (to Ironwood) fact that there's someone capable of doing it*.* You don't need a hindsight to account for it, just a regular sight and basic common sense. Which Ironwood has none. That Ironwood, knowing this, only went as far as updating the infrastructure in Atlas, but not in Mantle, is not just negligence, it's a sabotage of his own goals.
The fact is that Ironwood's methods revealed his disregard for people with whom his goals don't align.
“Ironwood was to take drastic actions! There needed to be sacrifices"
The sacrifices began when he locked down Atlas and Mantle. They were just incidental, a product of ignorance and negligence.
“Atlas was the mightiest military” Name one battle they won that didn’t involve Team RWBY’s help?
Their ships could barely fire upon some giant worms, and had not been updated since the great war, causing them only to be able to effectively fire single laser shots against other ships.
An elite huntsmen can take out tons of weaker grimm. And Ironwood’s ships were useless against grimm as well. The paladins could work...yes.But they had a nasty habit of being stolen or hacked...which was again, ironwood’s fault.
“Qrow was willing to trust Ironwood!”
Even though Qrow told them in V6 that they should ask Ironwood for help, by the time the team actually met Ironwood, Qrow had changed his position to not talking to him. Sound familiar? Something Lionhart?
Ironwood didn't take defensive measures against Salem's forces. We see in the very first episode that whatever Ironwood is doing to keep Salem's forces out of Mantle isn't working.
We learned in episode 2 that he was not only aware of his actions having literally the exact opposite effect of what he was promising the people of Mantle, but he also accepted that.
Even before the main cast met Ironwood, they knew he either had no idea what he was doing, or he wasn't on their side any more. They didn't know which it was, but they already knew they couldn't count on him.
The grand sum of Ironwood’s character is:
“I can tolerate leaving thousands of innocents to die for some vague concept of the great good, but I draw the line at insubordination and lying.”
“But Ruby and Yang were being hypocritical in going behind Ozpin’s back!” A huge part of volume 7 was that Ruby realized that Ozpin was ultimately morally grey, and morally grey I mean his actions he took while thinking of other people. Selfishness is the complete opposite of morally grey, which instantly disqualifies Raven Branwen (mass murderer and thief), Adam Branwen (Mass murderer and terrorist), and Roman Torchwick. (Thief, murderer, and racist) from ever being qualified as morally ambiguous. As a result, Ruby ends up acknowledging Ozpin’s points, and even starts working with him again in V8. Yang on the other hand was agreeing with Blake’s points during the cargo truck ride and decided to go: “Hey Robyn, I know jimmy is oppressing your people and your actions against him are valid, but he’s trying to restore global communications for the greater good and his ‘protector of mantle’ didn’t actually kill your constituents, so if you could please stop taking back what’s yours, James will eventually repair mantle.”
And Robyn went: Okay.
Yang and Blake got Robyn to be willing to compromise with Ironwood, something Ironwood cannot do himself, and something he is incapable of getting people to do unless he abuses his military and political power, which he does on a regular basis.
“But Robyn was a terrorist who sabotaged the project!”
She was taking back the supplies that were meant for Mantle, that Ironwood was stealing from Mantle, for his personal project that was done without the council’s authority. She was giving those supplies back to the people of Mantle. Which emboldened the suppliers of Mantle in giving them hope that they could pressure Ironwood to repair Mantle’s defenses. Ironwood’s response? Call the entire city of Mantle “A few cityblocks”
“Robyn’s outfit and equipment was ridiculous compared to Ironwood’s military”
Yeah, when you’re in a city that’s poorer than Vacuo and oppressed by a small-minded man with a giant ego, you don’t tend to have access to the best equipment, clothes, etc. Not to mention that unlike Vacuo, Huntsmen aren’t allowed to protect people in Atlas unless they’re part of Ironwood’s private army.
“Team RWBY were selfish, Ruby is acting just like Roman!”
Lying to save lives and prevent human extinction is not the same as lying for your own self interest. When the gang steal and airship to get into Atlas, it isn’t an evil thing. They are doing it so they can save lives and protect innocent people. The good guys make sacrifices when they have to, where there is absolutely no other choice. Ironwood would sacrifice anything he could to protect his people, you can debate whether or not he’s a true villain, but he goes to far. Sacrifice isn’t a last resort for him, he believes it is. But most villains believe they’re on the right side. This is why most “Rewrites” that try to “Fix” Roman, Adam , or Ironwood go out of their way to rewrite the plot and characters to try to claim that the Villains are in the right, and to shame any female characters who stand in their way. The both the White fang and the good side use violence. But the white fang use violence and seek division and persecution as vengeance for their own struggles. Ultimately, through salem’s manipulation, they divide the intelligent creatures of Remnant. They attack hurt innocent people to further their own goals. The good guys use violence so that violence can be ended. Remind you of anyone? Cough cough, Batman! The sin of the cynic is acting purely in self-interest. Torchwick's line of "lie, cheat, steal and survive" refers to putting his needs first and foremost. It's not the same as resorting to desperate methods to save lives. Like, Jaune cheating his way into Beacon is motivated by self-interest, but his idea to steal an airship in V6 was motivated by keeping others safe. He isn't proving Torchwick's ideals are right in the latter instance, it's quite the opposite. Same with Ruby.
I'm not sure how people can say that Ironwood was proven right when we are shown that there were ways to save the people of Mantle. It's not even a one-time thing either, he thought that he had to keep forcing Mantle to make sacrifices but it turns out it was completely possible to make a compromise with them.
And if we're going to be completely honest it's Ironwood's refusal to compromise that's the biggest factor regarding Atlas's fate. For example, Neo was able to steal the lamp because his soldiers unintentionally gave her the opportunity and a way to escape. It's what led to Robyn acting the way she did on the plane and everything involving Penny was because of him.
Frankly, the only point I can give critics is the white Fang and it's only because the series so horrifically failed to demonstrate the difference between Sienna and Adam.
“But Ironwood was prepared to compromise with Robyn”
He wanted to have her taken into custody 1st and only then was he going to "negotiate," with her... I don't think I need to explain how this is not under any circumstances an actual compromise.
The actual compromise between Ironwood and Mantle took place in the Schnee Manor and that was entirely thanks to Blake, Yang, and sadly Jacques. And that was a compromise that he broke mere hours later when he decided to completely unnecessarily abandon them all to die... A decision he made without seeking any advice and then straight up threatened the people who dared question him on it.
“Sleet: The fact of the matter is, you've operated with a fair amount of autonomy for the past few years, James. But we need now is for you to work with us “
So Ironwood disrespected his peers and did whatever he wanted, and when called out on it, refused to listen to his colleagues, his equals.
A person arrested and completely at James’ mercy ISNT really a negotiating.
“I can either throw you in jail for the rest of your life OR you can agree to work under me, under my terms and conditions.”
What a “””negotiation.“”” Much fair.
“But Ruby is the villain in the trolley scenario!” If the Trolley is the floating city of Atlas, then the people of Mantle are the ones lashed to the tracks, and Ironwood put them there. Salem is coming up behind the Trolley, and Ironwood wants to bulldoze over the Mantle people. Ruby and the Gang want to get the people on board, but Ironwood refuses to let them on. To the point where he will do anything to prove he’s right and somebody is wrong. Ironwood is literally the man who cuts off his nose to spite his face. So Ruby and Crew use Ambrosius to get everyone to a new destination.
“Ruby and crew destroyed Atlas!” According to Cinder, RWBY saved thousands. And if  you think an infrastructure is what makes a kingdom, then you forget that a kingdom is nothing without living breathing people, who live in Atlas, who have made it to Vacuo, and while Vacuo is about as xenophobic as Atlas, they put power in the people, and everyone there works together for the common society. Aka, the greater good. The people of Atlas can do good for each other, when Ironwood isn’t sabotaging everything.
“Ruby sabotaged Ironwood’s broadcast!” Ironwood’s broadcast was “Hey world, I want you to ignore every bad thing I’ve done and every red flag I’ve given off because there’s a greater evil in the world, and I want you to let me use my army that failed to protect everyone into your borders just like I forcibly brought my army into the Vytal Peace festival. I promise I won’t do anything behind your backs like use your events for weapon testing of the human soul like I did back then?
What was Ruby’s Speech? “Hi Everyone, I’m a Huntress, my job is to help you all. Listen, Atlas is under attack by the same bad person that brought down Beacon. We’re all in the same mess. Yeah, she can’t be killed, but everyone working together has been able to stop her the past 80 years, and if we all work together again, we can do it again. Here’s some people you can trust to validate the info, but Ironwood can’t be trusted because of all his actions in the past and his red flags. I believe in you all, because you all can do incredible things, and together everyone can stop Salem”
So Ruby was trying to unite humanity, give EVERYONE the hope and strength to work together and fight Salem, and stop Ironwood from getting too big for his britches.
Ruby was not being a savior, Ironwood was trying to act like he was. Ruby was trying to make humans and faunus alike the saviors. Power of the People.
“Ironwood is a battle-hardened experienced general!” Remnant had been at peace for 80 years, the only conflict was Grimm and the White Fang. And Adam represented the main bad people out there...in Vale. So Ironwood basically used a display of military bravado for everything (Glynda’s words) and people think that’s battle experience? If that’s the case, then Team RWBY and JNPR have loads of experience both on Ironwood in terms of tactics, and on the Ace Ops in terms of combat. Oh wait! THEY DO! That explains why Ironwood fails so spectacularly against Salem and her agents tactics till Team RWBY comes along to help, and why Team RWBY can defeat the Ace Ops.
”He was completely different back in volumes 2-3!″
Why did people look at Adam Taurus, a wannabe edgelord who tried to murder innocent passengers on a train....and then people decided to defend his every action? Claiming Adam was “misunderstood?” What, like Vergil from Devil May Cry, who murdered innocent people for power and had no problem unleashing monsters onto civilians, just like Adam did in Volume 3?
Why did people look at Ironwood, who brought a war fleet to a international peace conference, got screamed at for his warmongering by the Assistant Headmaster who kept her voice relatively level even against team rwby’s food fight, got the headmaster fired for not obeying Jimmy, and used the conference to conduct weaponization of the human soul projects....and claim he was a savior?
So yeah...Ironwood was cool, had drip, had charisma, had good intentions. But his actions spoke louder than his words. Sadly people only listened to his words. Must be his Messiah Complex.
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pinepickled · 2 years
Back at it again to talk about just how much I hate the very concept of Jason 'giving up' on the Joker to return to the batfam.
Like, I see so many people who write meta and fics that claim that the one true solution to the current conflict between Bruce and Jason is for Jason to have a come to Jesus moment about why killing is wrong and to just accept that the Joker will continue to live, doing so for the sole reason of reconciling with Bruce. To me, it just reeks.
I cannot say this enough, but their conflict is not about whether killing is moral or not!!! That is not why Jason just cannot make up with Bruce as things are! Jason was considered one of the only comic book characters to be permanently dead for a reason, his death continues to mean something even after his resurrection for a reason!! The conflict starts in that the man who was supposed to protect him failed to and Jason DIED! The conflict continues because Jason was not avenged at all! His death was meaningless! Completely, utterly, meaningless!
The whole reason Jason goes on his murderquest in Gotham is because he saw newspaper clippings of the Joker, still alive and well, escaping Arkham! He must have thought of all the times Joker escaped while he was just a little kid, how they were constantly rounding the guy up and putting him back, watching the body count that this man has personally caused go up and up and up while they were functionally powerless to stop it. Jason himself says so, directly asking Bruce why he's let the Joker fill entire graveyards with innocent lives!
Under the Red Hood is a well thought out story. It never meant to make the case for whether murder is morally justifiable or not, that was Batman's trauma filled excuse. The reality, as outlined in samiralula01's post, is that Jason's death killed Bruce. He lost his ability to be compassionate, loving, merciful, and more. His little boy was dead. Clinging onto his belief that murder is wrong was just a means to justify to himself why Jason's death would have to go unavenged, and as a direct consequence of this delusion and trauma, which is explicitly said in UTRH, most of Batman's sidekicks have left him! Oracle, Tim, Steph, Cass, everyone except Dick! He's pushed them all away because of this crippling fear of losing them like how he lost Jason, this fear that has made him a colder, less loving man. The fear that turned him from a bringer of justice and hope into a dark shadow.
Jason is right, at the end of the day. He knows the Joker cannot be rehabilitated nor contained, he knows that Bats is just making excuses for himself, and his point of view is further justified by two events: 1, the fact that Barbara was brutalized by the Joker even after Jason died, and 2, that Bludhaven and supposedly Dick was literally NUKED right before Jason went to kill the Joker and instead of running to see if his son was okay, Batman went after Jason.
Batman chose the Joker over his kids not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times.
Jason dying and the Joker living on was the first.
Barbara being tortured to the point of disability was the second.
Dick being nuked and Bats not running to save him was the third.
and Jason having his throat slit by a batarang so Bats could save Joker was the fourth.
UTRH is the story of how Batman does not actually have a solid moral ground to stand on anymore. It displays not only what a broken and defeated man Bruce is, but also implies several times, most notably through the coffin maker's story, that even Bruce believes that Jason is right. He believes that his precious second son deserved to be avenged, not even through bureaucratic or judicial means, but through death. UTRH is a story about Batman, all alone, making huge mistake after huge mistake.
Jason asks Batman to choose: him or me. The Joker or Jason. Your kids or a villain.
Batman chooses.
The Joker puts it the best, after Batman upholds his no-killing rule for the Joker by killing Jason.
"You managed to find a way to win... and everybody still loses!"
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microraptorreactor · 4 months
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No shade at Devsis (for this, specifically) but seriously there are a lot of characters in this game who are a) female, b) have a relationship with another woman that is VERY easy to interpret as queer, and c) are deeply traumatized. Don't get me wrong I love 5/6 of these character's episodes (I only dislike Ice Queen's because Icicle Yetti's voice got really grating on me very quickly) but is everything good at Devsis?
(explanations for my non-cookie run moots under the cut. Cookie Run lore is wild, y'all.)
from top to bottom, left to right.
Frost Queen is a god of frost who froze to death in the arms of her 'best friend' in a past life. She goes on to use blizzards to balance out life and death. (I think. I watched a breakdown and some cutscenes. in order to get this information you have to play an hour with the most annoying cookie available)(I do not like Icicle Yeti)
Moonlight Cookie was created to observe the dreams of mortals/watch over the city of wizards. She has a close relationship with the god of the ocean but can't leave the city to kiss her girl. Eventually, all the wizards leave the city and Moonlight is left to watch over it on her own.
Black Pearl Cookie was a gem mermaid who had a close relationship with a 'maid', Frilled Jellyfish Cookie (second from the right on the bottom row). She is bisexual however, and falls for the worst possible man after running away from home because she didn't get magic powers during the sea magic ceremony thing. The dude steals her kingdom's magic pearl (or maybe he gives it to her? I don't remember the specifics) which starts a war and kinda just fucks everything up. Black Pearl goes to Sea Fairy for help, but Sea Fairy starts a space program instead of helping so Black Pearl turns emo. Also, Frilled Jellyfish dies due to the war. (I said Cookie Run lore was wild)
Sea Fairy Cookie is really down bad for Moonlight Cookie and (unintentionally) makes it everyone's problem. She ignores the sea cookies while they are actively fucking dying and sorta just sits around for the entire plot. She is one of my favorite characters. Like go off girl make your lesbian pining an actual threat to everyone's safety.
Frilled Jellyfish Cookie has been mentioned already but she's just the sweetest little thing. She just wants to see BP happy, man. She does everything in her power to try to console BP and it just gets her killed in the end. Her dying words are her telling BP to leave her and get to safety, and that she will be fine. BP should have just kissed the jellyfish girl why'd she have to fuck around with Oyster :(
Golden Cheese Cookie. She's my favorite character. So for the sapphic part, she's weirdly flirty with Black Rasine Cookie (another desert-themed cookie with bird motifs) and I'm team 'the ancient heroes were poly' so if you ask me she was smooching White Lily and Hollyberry at some point in the past. For the tragic part, here's one of the wildest backstories this game has! Basically, GCC founded and ruled the Golden Cheese Kingdom, which I'm gonna call Cheeseypt because that's what it is. Cheeseypt is a relatively secluded kingdom, mostly interacting with the wider world through trading. At one point, Golden Cheese leaves her kingdom to fight in the Dark Flour War alongside the other Ancient Heros. What happens while she's out? Dark ENchantress (who happens to be GC's ex-close-friend) FUCKING NUKES ALL OF CHEESEYPT. Not even a 'oh they had to flee and they are still rebuilding :(' no ALL OF GOLDEN CHEESE'S FRIENDS ARE DEAD. Consumed by grief, because you know, everyone she loves is dead, GC buries them all under the kingdom and connects their souls to a digital city before entombing herself with them. She tunes the digital city so that everyone's wishes are granted, and all her citizens live lives of comfort and wealth because, for as much as she values her gold, her real treasure is her friends.
I would stop it here but the way the game ends GC's ark is also just fucking insane? so one of her close friends betrays her (for good reason tbh) and destabilizes the entire city. Faced with leaving everyone she loves behind, GC breaks down because there's nothing for her in the real world. Black Raisen cookie comforts her but explains that this eternal dream is going to end someday anyway. So what does GC do? She explains to her citizens that it'll feel like falling asleep, and shuts down digital Cheeseypt. The characters we met in Cheeseypt don't come back, by the way. There's no loophole. They are just possibly dead for real. (or definitely dead in Burnt and Cheesenburg's cases.)
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a familiar face
Anyway, some infodumping about this AU under the cut
what is going on what is this au even based on?
This AU is heavily based on Fallout New Vegas, though it technically takes place in the SMP proper. c!Dream is taking the role of Mr. House, one of the joinable factions of the game (yes he’s his own faction), while c!Tommy is taking the role of the Courier, the protagonist of the game.
why does it take place in the smp proper? is it not in the fallout universe?
The idea of this AU is that it takes place hundreds of years after the nuclear bombing of the Dream SMP. So it’s technically not in the fallout universe, no! However, the remains of the SMP have developed a similar society to that of the Mojave in Fallout New Vegas, though it isn’t exact.
so shouldn’t c!tommy be dead?
He is! Everyone died except c!Dream, and even that’s technical (he’s a withered husk in a pod connected to his computer). The idea is that, like Mr. House, c!Dream basically hooked himself up to a computer to live forever after learning about the nukes much earlier, and in diverting them from the Prison he ended up ensuring basically the entire server was caught in the crossfire, turning it into a post nuclear nightmare. This c!Tommy just so coincidentally happened to be born near-identical to the deceased c!Tommy, as did every returning character, because while the time loop broke its underlying effects are still kinda fucking with shit. c!Dream, of course, is ecstatic.
is c!dream and or c!tommy evil in this?
c!Dream, as a whole, is morally ambiguous, because all the factions have to be its based off fallout new vegas they’re all shitty but trying except the fucking legion. He wants to lead humanity into a new era, and help repair, but he’s an egomaniac dictator who’s sanity hasn’t been done any good over the past couple hundred years. c!Tommy's just a sixteen year old mailman who gets caught up in too much shit alas. He's probably got decent karma, in game terms, he tries. But he’s also like, way less qualified than the actual Courier.
who does c!tommy join?
He wants to join the NLR (New L'Manberg Republic). Turns out playing a version of Fallout New Vegas where Mr House is like infinitely more Interested in you (and he fucking saves you from dying immediately lmao he Very Badly wants you on his side) makes that VERY HARD. absolutely not interested in eggpire legion tho.
why is c!tommy shocked when he’s not even looking at c!dream?
Because there's a wall of lava behind him that just sprung up and he’s hot as Shit in that ranger outfit man.
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shallowseeker · 8 months
eileen or rowena
This is the cruelest ask I've ever gotten.💔 How dare.
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It should be clear by now that I'm partial to the MacLeods, especially their class struggles. Their lives were so bleak when they lived them. Rowena was left in a puddle of her own blood after giving birth. Crowley was tricked in an alleyway for his sexual insecurities and then tortured in Hell.
Like rats, they both kept fighting until they were temporary, tenuous Kings and/or Queens of the vermin. But even once they'd secured their respective thrones, everyone was dying to pledge allegiance to the "True Royalty" instead (Heaven, angels, princes of Hell, etc). We saw that even Rowena was struggling with insurrection in season 15!
And the tragedy is that when they choose ambition at the expense of everything else, they're doomed to lose, and that rocks my socks! It's a losing battle that burned Crowley out, and it's going to burn Rowena out, too. It's that old threat of nihilism that looms on the horizon, isn't it? The thing is, they're both deeply insecure and flitting from one strong protector to the next, barking loudly and pathetically posturing to cover up their own weakness. It's awesome. More than anyone else, they're both shown to want attack dogs, and their great mutual irony is that they consistently go after dangerous protectors that they cannot actually mold or subdue, no matter how much barbed innuendo or strongman-words they fling at them.
I think of Metatron's taunting to Hannah, that she wants someone, "Large and in charge." I think of Crowley going after Lucifer in season 12 in order to have, "A nuke in his pocket." You can't have something that powerful and also expect it to be an obedient automaton. You just can't. No matter how much you manipulate it.
Anyway, they consistently pick battles that they cannot win and bite off more than they can chew. When it comes to relationships, they'll sometimes posture, but also sometimes woobify themselves to try to cozy up to anyone who will tolerate them. Anyone.
I like Eileen. Eileen has the bones in her to be just as interesting as other mainstay SPN characters, and Shosannah is a superior actor of the highest quality, and she's one of the most athletic-looking hunters onscreen. (That lady is fast!)
That said, even her Hell arc is slept on, and how can a Hell arc be boring? It's boring because she didn't get to make enough mistakes. Eileen became interesting in season 12 when she accidentally shot a human and despaired over that mistake. She became interesting when she admitted to having major trust issues and a toxic mentor.
But the most interesting thing Eileen ever did was walk out of the bunker after her Chuck-induced existential crisis.
ON the whole, I need her to break Sam's heart a few more times in the sequel-I'm-going-to-sell-my-soul-for in order to place her in the Hall of Fame where she belongs. I need the scrumptious disillusionment and the complicated business of coming together as an imperfect partnership, that thing beyond the initial mooney phase of Charming-Acres-coded Margaritas.
To me, the fascinating thing about Eileen is that Eileen's bodily communication style stifles Sam's tendency to verbal vomit/overanalyze, and as a result, he opens up to her like a starved flower. It's a consistent opening, not just in regards to hunting and trauma, on a scale he does not do for other characters. They're dorky together. They cook together. That's so interesting to me! (Which is why I desperately need them to Break Each Other's Hearts and Disappoint Each Other and Disagree on Things.)
I want Sam to finally understand how uniquely difficult it can be when a spousal lover lets you down (he knows how it feels when family does it). I also want sequel!Sam to see how tough it is to strike that whole parental balance of safety versus independence with Dean Jr. It keeps me awake. I Think About It.
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rgbstatic · 1 year
“oh everyone died from the nuke on the dsmp”
uh. no? and. that’s not even me just being “actually no they live happily every after”
the nuke plan went according to plan, with the only small flaw of jack manifold setting one of 8 of the explosives to tommy’s house.
could there have been additional casualties, yes. if i were to guess it would’ve probably included sam and bad and a few others if they were even in the area.
tubbo accounted for the explosion size of the nuke, it would’ve blown up the prison and the area stretching towards bad’s house and tommy’s house anyway.
the explosive jack would’ve sent off would’ve been 8 times smaller than the full nuclear explosion, it wouldn’t have even reached punz’s house from tommy’s place.
all the angst of people from las nevadas or eret or whomever watching the light and being confused and dying that is just, literally incorrect.
there would’ve been a massive explosion yes, there are potentially a few extra casualties but that is provided those people are in that area, we know the central area of the smp is almost entirely deserted.
sam had even gone back to his home just before everything happened. almost no one other than tommy, punz, dream, jack, and tubbo were even close.
and yes people would’ve been highly confused at the explosion, concerned. some of the outer blast may have caused earthquake like issues, and there would be fallout in the immediate area just like tubbo’s original test explosion.
but… michael_beloved was far far away in a home with a ghost and an old man and probably wouldn’t have even seen the explosion, and would be okay. there was no “michael saw this bright light and asked what it is and ghostboo/phil shielded him away and held him close as the light touched them” like that did not happen those nukes literally were not that powerful.
we see the blast! it’s roughly double the size of doomsday which yes was big, but people in las nevadas, living far away, out in the snow, etc, would not have been affected at all by any sort of explosion.
we know this is the case because tubbo and tommy only went with the nuke option because that was the saving everyone option. tubbo knew the radius of the explosion and even with the small mishap of 1/8 of the explosives going to tommy’s house, it would never have reached where the majority of people were, which was no where close to the central smp.
which is ironic because the smp falling apart literally and on a meta standpoint and everyone being so divided and choosing to live so far from everyone else means a very vast majority of the smp characters live
anyway can we stop with the angst of killing a toddler alone with no one there for him when that didn’t even happen
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good-bye-bear · 11 months
Okay, after a nights sleep I'm less mad about tumblr nuking my post before I could ever hit the post button.
The Ravening War
I think that Raphaniel and Karna dying to the Disposal, being the two that were more closely tied to the bulb and the hungry one, made their deaths at the hand of this third unimaginable force very poetic.
Karna and her extremely close ties to death via the rot and the hungry one; and Raphaniel being close to death via his visions and his vacant ramblings of calls to the singularity that was in his visions. To end up where they did, it was a story of futility. That no matter how well you did or how well you prepared, sometimes it's just not enough and never would have been.
Then there's Deli, hoo boy. I loved the theme of helplessness with him. Such a huge force to be reckoned with on a physical scale but finding himself in a place where things are so much more complicated. To spend most of his life just doing what he thought he needed and to find out that none of it has ever really worked for him. It's a return to the theme of futility, and when he finally comes to terms with that he decides to not be a part of it. I think in the end, while under the guise of trying to save his only 2 other friends, Deli wanted to die. So when it was time to go back to this life that he finally was able to see through, he couldn't do it. So he walked into the north and became an outlander.
Without Lou's input we can never know. but to me it felt like Deli was upset that he lived when 2 of his friends did not and that, alongside his realization of his willingness and enthusiasm to be a pawn, made him wish he died in that tunnel. That his friends would have lived.
Amangeaux seemed like she just wanted to be vindicated in any and everything to me, and she would mimic those around her to do it. She attempted to become a political authority, to become queen, because that's who was around her and it was the life she knew. When she found that she was maybe not as battle hardened as the others, she sought to become like them. Training to become stronger. Even at the very end, she seemed to only follow and mimic those around her. Where in she kept trying to reach out, to the mycelium, for answers instead of just making decisions.
I feel like it shows her lack of control and influence. She started this game as probably the most powerful person in the world of Calorum (As Queen) and to see that she never really knew how to wield it or use it. She lost in her identity from the very beginning and it shows in her epilogue where she choses to become spymaster to Uvano because she doesn't know what else to do. So she latches onto someone else to keep herself going.
Maybe there's a metaphor for co-dependency there too but I feel the helplessness and loss or lack of identity is the big play.
Then there is Provolone. The man who seemed to just be along for the ride. He did not come from nobility or power, he did not seek fame or fortune, he never wished to deal in fate and prophecy. Yet he was found to be right in the middle of it all and to be the one that struck down the avatar was beautiful.
All he ever wanted to do was just get by. He was happy just selling his sword and doing whatever he felt was right in the moment. He never played games with the powers that be because he did not want to tempt anything bad. He always seemed to let the things around him bend and shape him but never change him.
But in those final moments, because he did not try to play at some grand design or try to tempt fate or forge his name into the history books, it seems that fate had chosen him to be the one to end the Disposal.
This is all speculation based on my interpretations of the characters and what I watched. I can be wrong, and in fact maybe am completely wrong, but this is what I took away.
It was an amazing game and it was a beautiful love note to the world of Calorum. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Mercer's DM style, I think he did great here. Maybe he didn't go into as much depth with things as Brennan might but he still did well.
I can't wait to see more crossovers and hopefully more guests dancing through the dome.
Another aside, or P.S.S. or whatever.
Raphaniel was my clear favorite, if only because Brennan with his wide knowledge of the word was able to create just the most unhinged holy many ever. And to be honest I love that.
But Karna get's an extremely close 2nd place. She was just a girl trying to make it in a world that was maybe just a little too big for grand plans she had in mind. But that never stopped her from trying. Also Aabria just makes amazing characters all the time.
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scarriestmarlowe · 3 months
ive been thinking a lot about scarri lately
trigger warnings (bcz tumblr fucking nukes this if i put them in the tags): descriptions of eating disorders (weight loss is only briefly touched upon, and the eating disorder that this story is focused on is not focused on wl,) descriptions of toxic parenting, emetophobia, misogyny, and internalized transphobia (towards the self)
there is something rotting inside of her. rotten? something that's long since rotted. she's not sure when it died, but one early morning, she sat up with the sudden understanding that something inside of her was dying, dead, done, and she had had no say in the matter.
(her dad said marlowe boys died young. she knows she's not boy enough to die, so maybe, this was her body's compromise.)
there's a man in her kitchen, making her food. he puts a plate of eggs, fruit, homemade bread, in front of her. he kisses her mother on her way out the door, handing her her coat. when she's gone, and she sticks the first bite her mouth, it's wrong. it's wrong, because she knows, she shouldn't accept this.
(her dad didn't usually make breakfast. even when she asked. the man in her kitchen doesn't have to be asked, and when she takes a bite, he smiles. it's nothing like her fathers, and when she wants to smile back, she knows it's the beginning of the end. because nobody is really dead, not until they're not loved, and if she doesn't love her father, who will?)
(scarri marlowe isn't a murderer yet. she doesn't want to kill her father.)
she takes sips of water in between thoroughly chewed bites, doesn't finish the bread, and doesn't bother to excuse herself when she goes upstairs to run the shower. she can feel the rotten thing feed, as the food digests, but she still waits. just a little longer, as she pulls her hair back. just a little longer, after the first time is a fluke.
(her dad had made jokes about this. pointing at a pretty girl terri had been watching on the street, and making a two finger gesture to his mouth. he'd told terri that it was the lazy way out.)
there's a knock on the door, a gentle calling to her. when she shouts back some cruel response, she's not sure if her voice is rough from the bile, or the tears gathering in her eyes.
he knocks again.
will you please let me in, honey?
she hates him. she hates him so much. the man on the other side of the door lives in her house, loves her mother, loves her, didn't give her an option in making her love him. she wishes she didn't. wishes she didn't so deeply. she hates that she likes him.
(she stopped liking her father at some point. it was hard to, when every moment with him felt like a delicate performance of being his favorite girl.)
she doesn't know what to do. there is wasted food in the toilet, there is something dead inside of her, and the fear rolling over her has made her cold all over.
i'll wait outside. you can open the door when you're ready. or tell me to leave.
she doesn't tell him to leave. she cries, and pulls her hair at the root, and she feels ill enough to throw up without having to put work into it.
it takes a while for her to open the door. when she does, she knows she looks sick, knows she looks like hell warmed over, knows he sees the snot and tears.
and he pulls her in for a hug. and she's crying again, when she'd just been so sure she'd used up the last of the water in her body. coughing, and shaking, and doing these little half gasps for air, like her lungs can't get enough.
i hate you. she manages to weep.
i know. he says, and he doesn't. he doesn't hate her.
i hate you so much. she says, beating her fists weakly against his back.
it's okay. he says, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, like he'd done once when he thought she was asleep. she thought of it all the time. tried to consider some monstrous motivation she could twist it into, but there wasn't one. you don't have to like me.
why can't you hate me? because he doesn't. no matter what she does, he just takes it.
you're 15. he says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. i can't hate you. you're just a kid.
(she'd been a woman since she was 11, and her mother had lent her her first pad. every part of womanhood had been a gift she didn't want, and she had not been given a receipt)
(she wasn't a girl anymore. she had spent her whole childhood seeing how her father treated every woman in his life, she wasn't sure why she'd thought she'd be different.)
i'm not a kid.
for just a little longer, you are. he says, tracing soft circles into her back, just like her mother used to do with her nice, acrylic nails. let yourself be young.
scarri marlowe is not dead, and she is not alive, but right now, she can pretend that there is breath in her lungs. she'll pretend that the man that lives in her home is a necromancer, raising her up from the dead for as long as the delicate spell will last.
(scarri marlowe is not yet a murderer, but she wants her father to die.)
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
When I first started reading SitO I had no idea who Jackson was and when I looked him up and saw he was the guy you play in the nuke mission in the original MW I was so glad to see you use him because the part where he dies was one of the only two scenes I remembered from that game. Recently I learned there were scrapped mission objectives that were going to have him survive the nuke. Now all I can picture is Jackson's survival being a well known thing in military circles and him making cracks about it to other people because whose gonna tell the guy that got nuked he can't joke about it? "Gaz please, this mild fever is nothing compared to the heat of the nuclear bla-" followed by Gaz trying to suffocate him with a pillow. He and Ghost start trying to out dark humor each other about their trauma while everyone around them is horrified.
"Jackson don't do that, its dangerous."
"Can't be worse than a nuke lmao"
Gaz: *doing anything*
Jackson: damn, you make me hotter than that nuke did baby holy shit
Gaz absolutely hates it. Ghost is actually getting along with Jackson for the first time since knowing him. Soap is horrified every time. Price is silently resigned. Roach has been dealing with this for years (Roach has Jackson in his contacts as "🍄☁️" and Roach is in Jackson's phone as "🔥🪳" no one but them and Ghost think that its funny)
I also know Jackson would drop a "Where's another nuke when you need one" when he's in any situation that he doesn't want to be in lmao
Also I've lowkey been very surprised at how many people have told me that they didn't know Jackson before reading my fic. I really shouldn't be surprised since he only has like 4 missions though andjfnnfnf
It lowkey makes me wonder if there are people who think/thought that Jackson was an OC when I first introduced him. ALSO I WISH THAT JACKSON LIVED OMG
Fun facts about when I played Jackson's missions:
When I got to his first mission it took me like 30 minutes to do because I didn't realize I wasn't playing as Soap anymore (I talk a lot while playing games and was not paying attention bdbfjfnf)
So they're calling for Jackson to go do things and of course I don't realize I'm Jackson, so in my head I just have to wait for this npc to do something before I can continue. So for like 30 minutes I'm sitting there listening to them scream for Jackson to do something and I'm like "Damn this Jackson guy needs to get his shit together this is taking forever"
Then eventually I just went and did it and they were like "good job Jackson" and I was hit with the sudden realization of "oh shit I'M JACKSON"
Also after the Nuke cutscene happened, I was still like chilling and legit said outlook to myself "wow, I wonder how his next mission is going to handle this" like two seconds before they flashed the KIA on the screen sjdnfnnfnf
I am also deeply chaotic while playing Jackson for some reason like I full on do the dumbest shit while playing his missions snfjfbbf it took me forever to get through them on veteran cause I kept getting run over by the tank lmao
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