#just spent like an hour in a cafe writing this
piichuu · 11 months
ft. toge inumaki, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, yuta okkotsu, gojo satoru, geto suguru, itadori yuji
WARNINGS: it’s my first time writing yuta so might be ooc, gn!reader, fluff
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the two of your are staring at each other. toge is sitting on the floor, right by the couch as you’re on your side, head on a pillow and a blanket wrapped around you. the reason for this is a fight you two had via text, all about the fact that he’s never home these days because he’s been too busy with work.
it had taken a toll on you that you weren’t able to see him and it eventually snapped, but it wasn’t exactly his fault. he wasn’t the one who chose to to spend his entire days at work instead of home together with you, it was his boss who decided that and he had nothing to say about it. he’s been dying to see you, but he didn’t expect you two to not spend time with one another when he finally came back home and actually had the time.
but you soon realized that sleeping on the couch wasn’t the most mature choice, so when he entered the living room and sat by the couch, you whispered a small “i’m sorry,” before getting down on the floor and wrapping your arms around him, allowing toge to pull you into his lap so the two of you could hug each other close. “i know it’s not your fault, i shouldn’t have spent the only time this week we had together, not being with you because i was mad because of something stupid.”
he shakes his head and kisses your cheek while eventually standing up to then take your hand and lead you into the bedroom so the two of you can sleep together. he can’t communicate with spoken words, but as he puts his arms around your waist when you lay down under the covers, you know that it will all be okay, you’ll get to spend more time together again.
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“darling, you don’t have to sleep out here. come to bed and we’ll talk about it there, okay? let’s not be mad at each other,” your boyfriend says while leaning against the doorframe leading into the living room. he’s wearing a pair of sweatpants as he’s just about to go to sleep, but he won’t if you aren’t there with him.
you’ve just made a bed for yourself on the couch as he talks to you. his voice is soft and comforting, like it always is, no matter the amounts of fights you’ve had. maybe that’s what’s most frustrating, how he can forgive you so easily after you’ve been yelling at him and the fact that you’re the one who’s trying to avoid him when he’s been nice to you all day.
you allow a sigh to escape your lips. nanami is still standing further away from you, not wanting to do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable in case you’re still angry with him. you were jealous, you had seen him with someone else when you walked past a cafe on your daily walk home from work, but it had only been a coworker of his that he had a meeting with since they were new and needed guidance. but you couldn’t help the fear that took over your entire body, the fear of losing him forever.
“i’m sorry, kento,” “it’s okay, i know you were just scared. but you never have to worry, because there is no one else for me, no one else. okay?” he steps closer to you, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck to hug him close. nanami can’t help but smile to himself, putting his own arms around your waist so he can pull you as close as possible. “we’re okay, darling. let’s just go to sleep now, hm?”
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he sighs from where he’s standing right beside the couch. you’re already asleep, but no matter for how many hours he tried, nothing seemed to work. he regrets how he raised his voice at you when he got home. everything in his life seemed to have brought him to frustration and just seeing that you hadn’t picked up some clothes you left on the floor caused him to break. if it was a usual day, that wouldn’t have bothered him. he would simply just pick them up and put them on a chair or in the washing machine, but today was different.
you had gone to sleep on the couch in case he would still be mad at you, but he had calmed down as soon as night fell and regret had washed over him, causing his sleep to be disturbed by his own thoughts, which is why he’s here, by the couch, not knowing what he’s supposed to do with himself.
he bites the inside of his cheek as he carefully lies down beside you. he would never want to admit that he can’t fall asleep without you in his arms, but it’s the truth. he needs to know that you’re there, that you won’t leave him, that he can make it all up to you no matter how long it takes. megumi would allow you to beat him into a pulp if that’s what it took for you to forgive him, he never wants to look at the dried tears on your cheeks ever again.
“i’m sorry,” he whispers as he wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. you’re still asleep, but even in that unconscious state of yours, an arm slowly makes its way to grab his t-shirt, making sure he’s there. he places a soft kiss to your neck as he holds you tightly in his arms. “i love you, i’m sorry for being an idiot. i won’t ever do something like that again, i promise.”
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he bites his lip anxiously as he’s holding your hand, trying to hold you back from leaving the bedroom. he’s aware that you’re trying to get away from him so you can sleep on the couch on your own, but he won’t allow you to go to sleep without hearing his apologies first. he needs you to hear his apologies, even if they’re in vain.
yuta had been ignoring you today, not intentionally of course. he’d been stressed from the amounts of curses he had to fight today. it had all become so overwhelming that everything else just became a blur. he forgot about everything else and his only focus had been to fight curses and to then come home and stress even more about the fact that he could get another call that would tell him that he had to fight yet another one.
he was tired, overworked. the constant stress of not knowing whether he would get out of the fights alive or not. he knew you were worried about him and just wanted him to rest, but he couldn’t. he had to work, no matter how much it affected him mentally, but he couldn’t take it anymore and he understood that as soon as you had to yell at him to get his attention.
“i- i’m sorry, baby. i never meant to ignore you, it’s just overwhelming. it’s all so overwhelming and i wish i could spend every single minute of every day with you, but i can’t and i’m sorry about that too. just, please don’t sleep out on the couch, it’s uncomfortable. it’ll hurt your back,” he says while holding onto your hand tightly. there are tears forming in his eyes while speaking and when you turn to look at him, he’s instantly forgiven.
you cup his cheeks and stroke them comfortingly. “it’s okay. it just-it wasn’t nice being ignored but i know you never intended to, it was just frustrating. i worry about you and i really hope you’ll get a break sometime soon. you need it and you deserve it,” you smile at him softly and he nods, sniffling while burying his face in your shoulder. “let’s go to sleep together.” “yeah, let’s go to sleep together.
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“don’t be mad, baby. i know it was stupid to scare you like that, i’m sorry,” he’s sitting on the edge of the couch, leaning down so his cheek is pressed against yours while he’s speaking. every once in a while, he presses a few kisses to your skin, wanting you to know that he’s truly sorry.
earlier this evening, he hadn’t replied to any of your text messages when he was out with friends. he had seen the texts but wanted to see how you would react if he didn’t answer. this was an idea he would soon regret, he realized it almost as soon as you began calling him at least ten times per minute.
when he came home you had been crying and he’s never felt as bad as he did when seeing you like that because of something he did. after that, you refused to talk to him. he understood why, but he didn’t want you to sleep on the couch, he wanted to hold you in bed and kiss you while apologizing as much as possible.
“i’ll never ever do that again. i’m always gonna text you and call you so you know i’m safe. i don’t ever want to hurt you, i’m so sorry,” he strokes your hair and eventually, you turn to look at him, tiredness clouding your eyes as you look at him through the dark. “it was really stupid satoru.” “yes” “and you’re dumb” “yes” “and i will personally kill you if this ever happens again” “you won’t” “yeah, i won’t.”
you sigh and lean into his touch as he cups your cheek and rubs it comfortingly. “i can cook you breakfast tomorrow,” he mumbles, causing a smile to appear over your lips. “you better, and give me lots of hugs and kisses too or you’re not forgiven,” you giggle and he kisses the tip of your nose with a bright smile on his face. “i could never say no to that.”
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“stop staring at me, suguru.” “i’m not staring.” “liar” “shut up”
you don’t even know what the fight was about anymore, but you still allowed it to go on for long, so long that it’s now lead you to sleeping on the couch, but geto suguru will certainly not allow you to sleep out here. if he has to drag you into the bedroom and then lock the door so you can’t leave the room and is forced to stay in bed with him, he will do just that.
“get up from the couch and come to bed with me,” he says but you stare at him blankly while slowly sitting up. “ask nicely and i might consider it,” suguru rolls his eyes, but eventually gives in, taking a deep breath as if it’s one of the most difficult things he’s been asked to do. “please y/n, come back to bed, i don’t wanna fight with you anymore.”
you don’t even think about it and he knows you aren’t either, you both already knew you’d be ready to come back to bed with him as soon as he asked the first time, but there’s no fun in that. unfortunately you’re both tired, so asking him to call you all these pet names to make you listen to him doesn’t even cross your mind. you just get up from the couch and let him put an arm over your shoulder as he leads you into the bedroom, kissing your cheeks. “you’re not mad right?” “no, it’s all forgotten.”
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his hand is warm as it brushes over your cheek. he’s been placing kisses to your face for minutes now, wanting you to know that he’s truly sorry for getting mad at you earlier today. he wants to see that pretty smile of yours back on your face, he wants to hold you close when he falls asleep, hearing your soft breathing against his neck as you go to sleep in the warmth of his embrace.
you eventually have to put one hand on his arm as he begins to pepper your entire face with kisses, not even stopping to catch his breath. giggles soon begin to escape your lips which only causes yuji to continue. he can’t help but chuckle lightly when hearing you giggle and he looks at you fondly when pulling away, brushing a hand through your tangled hair. “i’m sorry, baby. i really am,” he whispers before leaning down to rest his head on the edge of the couch.
you turn to your side to look at him, now wearing a light smile on your face while staring into the warmth of his eyes. “did you have a bad day?” he sighs when hearing you ask that question, but he nods his head and rubs your cheek. “yeah, there was a lot to do today. i’m sorry for lashing out on you, it’s not like me at all, i’m so sorry for making you feel sad. i’m sorry for acting like that.”
yuji closes his eyes when you lean in to kiss his lips. it’s a short but sweet kiss, only filled with love. “it’s okay. maybe it’s a sign for you to take a break from work tomorrow so you can rest, one day wouldn’t hurt,” you mumble and he nods, reflecting your smile with one of his own. “yeah, a day wouldn’t hurt as long as i get to spend it with you.”
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atskiruma · 1 year
his attempts at courting you
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expl: he finds himself thinking about you more often, wanting to seek you out consistently, and giving you numerous gifts every day to see you smile
a/n: it has come to my attention that the last ff i wrote, (snow day) was not very well depicted for all readers to enjoy, i want to apologize for that and promise that i will get better at trying to make sure everyone is able to read it and enjoy it, my writings are targeted for all | unfortunately, i can not edit it right now seeing as there's a poll going on, but once that poll is finished i will change my wording in the ff
ask me anything masterlist
second person writing no pronouns used
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Zhongli often felt himself thinking about you more often while he was working around the parlor. Even seeking out your name in conversations and listening more attentively when someone was speaking about you. It didn't confuse him though, he was aware of his interest in you.
You opened up the warmth in his heart and welcomed him kindly every time you two saw each other. It made him happy to see you happy, and this was evident when flowers were delivered directly to your door one sunny afternoon.
"These are for you," The mail lady said before turning around and walking away to do more deliveries. You didn't even get to ask who they were from before she was gone. Staring down at the bouquet of tiger lilies in front of you, you could only assume that the bright orange and black colors could depict a certain someone's hair color.
It was a nice piece on your kitchen counter and went well with the other decorations spiraling around your house. That was, until the next morning, you were greeted again with another gift. A bright orange vase to compliment the tiger lilies you received the other day. It was funny, why was he going out of his way to send you such nice gifts?
You finally managed to confront him when you saw Childe and Zhongli sitting together on the seats of an outside cafe. Walking over and waving to the both of them. They greeted you back, and small talk was given for only a couple minutes.
"I actually came over here to thank Zhongli," This caught his attention, and he turned to look up at you, "I really loved the flowers you sent and the vase goes really well with them too!" You said while smiling.
He nodded back at you, seemingly collecting himself extremely quickly at the fact you figured out so quick who it was. "I'm glad you liked them," He said.
"I came to give you this in return," You said," "I know it's probably not as extravagant as the ones you gave me, but I like it." Handing over the small gift box, he opened it and smiled softly at the item. It was a small keychain, nothing special, and it was decorated with a lovely orange seem.
That same keychain would be hung up right next to his bedframe, along with variant letters you sent him on the table accompanying it.
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Diluc was someone who took courting another person seriously. He found it tradition since his father had spoken so much of it when Diluc was younger. He always wanted to treat the one he loved with respect and be as much of a gentleman as possible.
This was why you were taking a stroll with him through his grapevines on a sunny afternoon. He offered for you to come down to the Winery a couple days ago and you had just gotten around to accepting his offer. His hand rested on your back as he took you through multiple different paths and explained everything. As you strolled, he talked about things concerning the vine, his profits, the seasons they needed to be planted, etc.
You smiled at him, knowing it was something he took dear to his heart, and listened very attentively to what he was saying. In reality, Diluc was really hoping that all he was talking about didn't bore you in any way.
Then, the next couple of hours were spent sitting in his large dining room, eating food made by the cooks in his home. It was nice, and you were very happy that he wanted to spend this much time with you. Diluc even found himself watching you eat here and there, asking you if the food was good or if you needed anything else in the time being.
After everything was over, and the night sky shined over the two of you as you stood outside his doors, he leaned down and pressed a small kiss to your hand. Telling you how much of a pleasure it was to have you here, and how he wished you could stay longer.
Diluc even offered to walk you home, tediously not taking no for an answer, he reached down to take your hand and hold it the whole walk home.
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Alhaitham was very closed off when he first met you, he was closed off with anyone in general. He found it strange that you always seemed to be there when he was thinking about you, and when his eyes would try and search a room in the akademiya for you.
He realized that something had to be done about this, so, he did what any other raging nerd would do, and researched about it.
You also found it odd when you'd see him looking at you from across the library, or holding the door open for you whenever you'd walking behind him. Alhaitham always seemed like the guy who only cared about his own, yet he was so evident in helping you out here and there.
Helping you when you'd be confused about a book, rewording your essays to make them better. Alhaitham seemed to want to assist you with almost everything. This was no different than today.
You found yourself back at the library looking down at a long-written parchment on the forest rangers' activities. Trying to figure out how you could make this work in the essay you were conducting on Sumeru's forest.
This was when you heard the chair scrap right next to you, and looked up from where you had originally been focused. Alhaitham took his seat next to you, slightly taking up more space than necessary with his manspreading.
"Do you need help with that? It looks like a longer report than usual for you."
"Longer than usual?" You shot back, "Are you saying that I'm not capable of reading this?" His eyes widened a bit and he instantly tried to retort his original statement. "No, no, I thought- Well- You know you usually read shorter reports in order to get more details. I didn't think you'd take something this large to account."
His confession made you smile, and you leaned in closer, "How'd you know how I like my reports?" At the response with your cheeky grin, a blush formed on his cheeks before he looked away.
"Scholars are supposed to be attentive, it's natural to know a few things you prefer in order to work best with you."
The response he sent back your way caused you to roll your eyes and turn back to what you were originally doing. "To answer your question, no, I do not need help, but thank you for offering."
That didn't seem to make him budge, because he kept sitting there watching you copy down and write words from the book.
"You misspelled climate."
The sound of a book colliding with his head echoed throughout the library.
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Ayato enjoyed your company, a lot, so much that he seeks you out anytime he and his sister go down to festivals or strolls through the city. He always wanted to start up a conversation with you, and if anyone else walked by anytime he'd be down there, Ayato would be right next to you listening with a smile at whatever you said.
Ayaka loved you too and found it amusing that her brother was so interested in you. She often found herself trying to spark up conversations with you, asking if her older brother proposed yet in a joking manner.
You laughed it off, Ayato was nice but you were sure he had other rich and important people to concern his love life with. He was just a very nice man to talk with here and there, and you didn't seem to notice that you were one of the few he'd actually seek out.
That was, until, every time he saw you, he came with some form of jewelry or expensive item to give you. Asking you how your day was, what you were doing, and if you wanted to come to spend some time up at the estate with him.
"What about Ayaka?" You said with a tilt of your head in confusion. He smiled back and said, "I'm sure she'd rather stay down here and explore more of the shops.
Ayaka would have loved to come along, but before she could even turn around, the two of you were already heading back up to the estate.
He catered to you, made sure you were comfortable, and even asked if you'd like anything from his personal chefs. It was a bit much to handle, seeing as you weren't used to living so luxurious, but he was very nice about it all and understood.
The catering didn't stop after that day either, more and more people began to wonder why the Kamisato siblings were spending so much more time outside their palace. Ayaka once mentioned that you loved a certain color, and the next day Ayato was handing you a box with that color, and a necklace with the pearl containing that color too.
He even found himself marching over to you when he saw someone speaking to you in a more flirtatious matter. Moving next to you and asking if everything was alright while his hand wrapped around your own.
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scalingsvt8thusiast · 2 months
Wait for your love 2 (angst)
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summary: you wait in silence, waiting for wonwoo to finally love you
inspired by Ariana Grande's We Can't be Friends (AKA Wait for your love)
a/n: I feel like this is much better quality than part 1 tbh, this is why i normally write in the daytime. I feel fresher yk :D
Know that you made me
Wonwoo was never much of a social boy. So when you initiated a conversation back in high school, he found himself devoid of any communication skills whatsoever. It took him a hot minute to realise he was a blubbering, stuttering mess. 
For the rest of the day, he couldn’t get your bright smile out of his head. He couldn’t stop thinking how about your pigtails would swing so cutely when you moved your head and that little lisp you had because of your braces. 
He went home that day thinking it was a one-off conversation, thinking that you’d realise how much of a loser he was and request to move seats. To his surprise you join him at the cafeteria the next day.  You slid into the seat opposite him while he was mid bite into his sandwich. He looked around thinking you were talking to someone else. When you realised what he was doing, you threw your head back, letting out a melodious laughter. Wonwoo would compare your laughter to wind chimes on a windy day, it had a calming effect. He would try his best to have you reproduce that sound, succeeding almost instantly on his lame attempt at a joke. 
He found himself looking forward to school on the daily, wanting to be close to you so much so that he would walk you all the way home, even though his house was the complete opposite direction. He’d go to sleep every night, replaying all your conversations in his head, replaying that beautiful smile of yours in his memory. 
He didn’t think life could get any better than this until you had invited him to hangout after school. It was just a simple movie get-together. Wonwoo panicked for hours on what he would wear, changing between two of his favourite t-shirts at least 10 times. He finally chose the shirt with your favourite character on the front, hoping you'd compliment him (You did, luckily he had a face mask on because you would have thought he was sick from how red his cheeks were).
During the movie, no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on what was happening on screen, he found his attention straying to you. The way your facial expressions would change rapidly depending on the plot had him hooked. Fortunately you never asked him any questions about the movie because God knows he wouldn’t be able to answer you. 
Wonwoo felt like he was on cloud nine. He had you both in school and after school. 
In his final year of high school, it dawned on him that the two of you may not have long to go. He had spent sleepless nights contemplating on what he should do. Wonwoo knew that he had to tell you some day that he was so irrevocably, undeniably in love with you. 
The day finally came when Wonwoo had manned himself up enough to tell you. He had lured you out to your favourite cafe under the guise of having some important news. He put his lucky socks on while hoping and praying that even if you were to reject him, he would be able to take it well (he wouldn’t). 
When he got to the cafe, Wonwoo felt as if all the air was sucked out of his lungs. There you were in your usual seat, your hair up in a messy bun and wearing the prettiest sun dress. When you turned to greet him with that warm smile, he felt like he was staring at the sun. 
“There you are!” You teased, “For once, I’ve arrived earlier.”
“Hey!” Wonwoo tried to sound as casual as possible. 
“Okay, so I have some exciting news!” You started, turning your phone towards him. “I got in!” 
Wonwoo squinted at your phone, it was an acceptance letter from the same university he was due to attend. He remembered you not wanting to apply to that university because your course was incredibly competitive. Considering the university was quite high ranking, you had reasoned that you would be rejected so you didn't bother trying.
“Oh!” Wonwoo eyes widened after reading the letter. “Congratulations!” 
You beamed at him, your happiness warming Wonwoo’s chest. “We’ll be seeing each-other next year then!” 
At this, Wonwoo relaxed. He didn’t have to tell you today. He had the next few years to plan a proper confession. 
“So what was it you wanted to tell me?” You put your phone down and laced your hands together, giving Wonwoo your full attention.
“Oh, er,” Shit, he hadn’t planned for this. “I- I saw the cinema was rerunning Star Wars. We should go?”
Me and my truth we sit in silence (not really)
After graduation, Wonwoo’s brother had invited him to Seoul. Initially Wonwoo was reluctant, he wanted to spend his holidays with you at the beach, rolling around in the park, at the library, anywhere really. He just wanted to be with you. 
Wonwoo eventually decided to go, not because he actually wanted too, but because you were going to spend some time with your relatives in Paris. He wouldn’t be with you even if he didn’t go. So after some encouragement from you, he booked the ticket. 
Seoul was fun. It would have been more fun if you were there. 
Wonwoo spent his days either in bed or on his brother’s fully built gaming PC, always thinking about you. His brother, noting that Wonwoo only had one friend (you), decided to make him join the local boys in some casual basketball. While Wonwoo was unwilling at first, his brother bribed him with a new gaming laptop. It was embarrassing how fast he ran to the court. 
There Wonwoo met a few new friends, one of them being Kim Mingyu. 
Wonwoo had planned on keeping to himself throughout the games but Mingyu decided to destroy that plan of his by greeting him as soon as Wonwoo stepped onto the court.
“Hello! My name is Mingyu!” Mingyu said, approaching Wonwoo with an outstretched arm. “I’ve never seen you before, you new?” 
“Yeah, Wonwoo.” Wonwoo shook Mingyu’s hand hesitantly. 
“Wonwoo? No, I’m Mingyu.” Mingyu replied quizzically.
“No!” Wonwoo stammered, “I’m Wonwoo.” 
Mingyu mouth curved into a grin, his canines on full view. “Come on, I’ll intro you to everybody else!” 
It didn’t take long for Mingyu to grow on Wonwoo, especially when they found out they were bound for the same university after holidays. Especially when Mingyu reminded Wonwoo so much of you. 
After that first match, the rest of Wonwoo’s holiday was spent with Mingyu and his group of friends. They went skiing, footballing, swimming, anything under the sun. Everywhere he went, he would think about bringing you and how much more fun it would be if you were with him. 
Mingyu was the rascal that taught Wonwoo the wonders of alcohol. Of course, Wonwoo didn’t know when too much was too much, thus he ended up confessing to his friends about you.
“Okay, big guy, let’s get you home.” Joshua wheezed as Wonwoo’s full weight was pressed onto his shoulder. 
“Mingyu, you better apologise to his brother.” Seungcheol scolded the younger man as he helped Joshua pile Wonwoo into the taxi. 
Mingyu waved Seungcheol off as he got into the passenger seat of the same taxi. 
“Where are we going?” Wonwoo slurred, his body slumped onto the backseats. 
“We’re going to send you home, bro.” Mingyu said, chuckling along with the taxi driver. 
“Will we see y/n?” Wonwoo sounded hopeful. 
Mingyu turned to look at his friend. Wonwoo had his eyes closed with a serene look on his face. Mingyu recognised that look whenever Wonwoo brought you up. 
“We won’t see her today.” Mingyu replied with a smile, he liked watching his friend talk about you. Anything that involved you always made Wonwoo the happiest man alive. 
“But why?” Wonwoo whined, he didn’t like the thought of not seeing you.
“Because she’s not here, but you’ll see her soon.” Mingyu emphasised as the taxi man arrived at Wonwoo’s house. 
Mingyu pulled the drunk boy out of the backseat and bid the taxi man good night. Mingyu decided to crash on Wonwoo’s couch tonight. 
“Have I ever told you about how pretty y/n is?” Wonwoo sighed dreamily as he remembered your beautiful face. 
“Yes, yes you have.” Mingyu muttered as he tried his best to balance his friend on one arm while opening the front door. 
“Well, she’s so pretty! Like the sun!” Wonwoo recounted, swinging his free arm wildly over his head. “She looks like she stepped right out of story book.” 
“Of course, bro.” Mingyu responded, as he guided Wonwoo towards the bed. 
“I can’t wait to see her.” Wonwoo groaned as he buried his face into his pillow. 
Mingyu smiled and closed the room door.
It’s just me and you
If Wonwoo earned a dollar for every time his breath was stolen by you, he would be a millionaire. 
There you were at the front door of your shared apartment. You no longer wore your hair up, instead letting it run down your shoulders. You ditched your jeans and sweatshirt for a satin skirt and a frilly top which hugged your figure so well. It had Wonwoo reeling. 
He was literally speechless at how gorgeous you had become over the holidays. You were already undeniably beautiful before, but this was another level. He swore he could have fainted right there and then. 
“Wonwoo?” You called for him, snapping him out of his daze. 
“Y/n!” Wonwoo tried to sound as normal as possible, he could feel his pits getting sweatier by the second. He quickly wrenched the box you were carrying from your hands, beautiful people shouldn’t have to do work like this. 
He tried his best to hold a full conversation with you, trying to reproduce all the advice he had gotten from the boys over the holidays. All while moving your boxes for you, ignoring your pleas to help. 
God, how was he going to live with you when you looked so good. 
The next few days, Wonwoo tried his best to talk to you. He would join you for meals and listened to you marvel about Paris, he would answer all your questions about Seoul and he would try to elicit if you had met anyone of interest while on holiday. It went a little something like this:
“So,” Wonwoo cleared his throat, “meet anyone in Paris?”
“Oh, I told you Woo,” you smiled as you flipped the pancake on the pan. “I met Minnie! She’s from Thailand.”
“Yes, Minnie.” Wonwoo trailed off. “Anyone else?”
“Erm, I guess I met her friend Yuqi, she’s sweet.” You said, laying the cooked pancakes on plates before joining your friend at the dining table.
“What about boys?” Wonwoo said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Boys?” You tilted your head. “What about them?”
“Did you meet any boys?” Wonwoo quizzed, eyes not meeting yours as he cut up the pancakes and placed it on your plate. 
“Not really? I mostly went around with Minnie and her group of friends.” You said in between mouthfuls of dough and maple syrup. 
“Oh.” Wonwoo couldn’t stop the feeling of relief blooming in his chest. 
“Besides, you’re the only boy I need, Woo.”
You gave him another one of your pretty smiles and Wonwoo tried his best not to melt right there and then. 
You got me misunderstood. 
Mingyu had dragged him out to a party every other night. After Seoul, Wonwoo had learnt to actually enjoy some outings that didn’t involve you. That and he didn’t want to seem like a loser who stayed at home 24/7 in front of you. 
It backfired on him majorly, partying every night with Mingyu’s never-ending stamina meant that he would be sleeping throughout the day and not seeing you as much as he would like. 
He was extremely embarrassed by the amount of times he had called you to bail him out of a party. Mingyu would always disappear with some girl, not that Wonwoo minded, but that left him stranded a party alone and drunk. He couldn’t even remember how he got home one day if not for the note you left for him by his bedside with a bottle of Paracetamol.
I have an early class today, text me if you need anything ;-)  
Wonwoo ignore the pounding in his head. Gently, he lifted the note and Paracetamol bottle, as if it was the most precious thing in the world. He pulled out a box he kept under his bed, it was full of small trinkets he had stored from the outings with you over the years and a scarf you had knitted for him back in high school. He placed the two new treasures carefully in the box before going out to buy himself another bottle of Paracetamol.
One night, he was tipsy, not drunk. Or so he thought he wasn’t. 
Maybe it was how Seokmin hyped him up at pre-drinks. Or maybe it was because Soonyoung had thought him the way of the Horanghae. He wasn’t sure but Wonwoo found himself filled to the brim with courage. 
He leaned on your car in quiet contemplation as you fumbled with your car keys. 
He looked down at you. 
Gosh, you were so cute with your messy hair and glasses. He hadn’t seen you in specs for the longest time and it made him crazy. 
He wasn’t sure what came over him, he grabbed your hand and flipped you against the car. Caging you with his arms. 
His eyes traced every feature of yours, appreciating the way your eyes were wide from shock, the way you looked slightly confused with your raised eyebrows. The way your lips were glossy from your nightly vaseline routine. 
“Y/n,” Wonwoo paused, searching for the right words. “You’re so pretty.” 
He watched as your cheeks turned a light shade of pink. You were so cute. 
Before he knew it, his lips were on yours. It was only right that you were his first kiss. 
The next morning he shot up from his bed. He couldn’t remember anything after the kiss. He traced his own lips lightly with his fingers. Smiling like a maniac. 
Suddenly a wave of insecurity crashed over him, his smile fell.
What if you didn’t like it? It was his first kiss, what if he was a bad kisser? What if you didn’t like him? What if you thought he was a weirdo? Oh my god, did he accidentally sexually assault you? 
The blood drained from his face, how was he going to face you now?
We can’t be friends, but I’d just like to pretend
Wonwoo spent weeks avoiding you. 
He imagined the look of disgust on your face and he couldn’t bear to even look at you.
He spent his nights partying, trying to push the fears of you rejecting him out of his head.
Mingyu and the rest of the boys became increasingly concerned. The more responsible boys would drag Wonwoo home every night. That’s how some of them had met you. 
You opened the door after a few knocks, even if it was 4AM in the morning. You’d apologise profusely on Wonwoo’s behalf as you helped them drag him to his bedroom. Once Wonwoo was comfortable in bed, you’d offer them a drink and the couch to sleep on. Worry filling your eyes at how tired each of them were. 
Each and every single one of the boys liked you immediately. They found that everything Wonwoo said about you was true. You truly were a pure and gentle soul. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Seungcheol hissed at Wonwoo. 
Soonyoung eyed his friends wearily. The three of them had just found a seat at the library and were busy unpacking their things.
“What do you mean?” Wonwoo was taken aback, Seungcheol rarely got mad at him. 
“That was y/n, wasn’t it?” Seungcheol said in between gritted teeth.
As the three of them walked into the library, you were just on your way out. Wonwoo had spotted you first, quickly hiding behind Seungcheol and Soonyoung, albeit failing due to his height. Your lips stretched into a grin as you waved enthusiastically at him. Wonwoo quickly looked away, not wanting you to see him like this. 
The two other boys watched the entire exchange, they saw the way your face fell when Wonwoo pretended not to see you. Seungcheol and Soonyoung exchanged glances before waving back at you. You beamed at the both of them and disappeared out of the library. 
“Why are you ignoring her?” Soonyoung asked quietly. 
“I’m not ignoring her,” Wonwoo whispered, “I just didn’t see her.” 
“Bullshit.” Seungcheol said, receiving glares from other library-goers. 
“She’s very nice.” Soonyoung muttered, looking at his friend. He wondered if somewhere along the line Wonwoo had gotten possessed by some demon. 
“Look,” Seungcheol whispered angrily, “If I had a housemate like you, I would have moved out ages ago.”
Soongyoung nodded in complete agreement. Wonwoo shrunk in his seat as the older man berated him. 
Seungcheol sighed and gave Wonwoo a stern look, “I’m not sure why I have to tell you this, but you are lucky to have her.”
That night Wonwoo found himself lying on his bed. He could see the light streaming through the gaps of his door from the dining room. You were probably sitting out there, studying. 
He slowly got up from his bed and looked around his room, he needed an excuse to talk to you. His eyes landed on his pile of worksheets from his most recent tutorial. That was worth a shot. 
He pulled his door open slightly and peeked out. You sat at the dining table with your head resting on your textbook, apart from the sound of your diffuser running at the coffee table, it was complete silence. 
Wonwoo bit his lip, were you sleeping? 
He decided to try his luck. 
“Y/n?” Wonwoo croaked out as he emerged from his room. 
Your head shot up from the book and your eyes met his.
“Could you help me with this?” Wonwoo said lamely as he held out the worksheet for you to see. 
Wonwoo was inwardly sweating. What if you rejected to help? What would he do then?
He watched as you gaze drifted from him to the pieces of paper in his hands. He watched as your lips curled into a smile.
He was lucky. So fucking lucky
Not how you made me 
Wonwoo was drunk. Again. 
Tonight, Mingyu had invited him to a house party. Someone’s birthday or something. He hadn’t planned on drinking but of course the drinking games got to him. It was Seokmin’s genius idea to play drunk foot volleyball and Wonwoo seriously sucked at that game. 
By the end of the match he was stumbling all over the place. Then he saw you. Or thought he saw you. 
The other boys had all disappeared somewhere into the house and this girl who looked a whole lot like you was currently chatting him up. Granted Wonwoo’s glasses had been destroyed in drunk foot volleyball and all he could see was a blurry mess. He ended up making out with you(?) at some corner.
Next thing he knew, he was lying bed. 
His head was pounding as he turned to his bedside table and pulled out his spare pair of glasses. He was finally able to see clearly with them on. He turned to his side and there was a girl sleeping next to him. 
Wonwoo froze. 
What happened? Who was this girl? Were you home? Did you see him last night? 
“Fuck” He cursed, he quickly got up and pulled on a pair of pants. 
“Wony? Get back into bed.” The girl muttered as she turned to look at him. 
“I’m sorry if this makes me sound like an asshole.” Wonwoo said, hesitantly. “Could you please get ready to leave?” 
“What?” The girl said sitting up from the bed. 
“I’ve got an early class.” Wonwoo had to come up with some sort of excuse. 
“So?” She rolled her eyes before lying back down. “I’ll just let myself out later.”
“No, no.” Wonwoo’s eyebrows furrowed as he ran a hand through his hair. “My girlfriend is in the next room. Please Leave.” 
At this the girl begrudgingly got out of his bed, Wonwoo quickly turned around to give her some privacy. When she finished changing, she headed for the door. 
“You have a girlfriend and you’re going around fucking other girls?” She said on her way out. “Fucking asshole.” 
Right after she left, Wonwoo went to knock on your door. He knocked a few times, calling your name timidly. There was no answer. He reasoned that you must have left for class. 
He would talk to you after class. He had to.
So for now it’s only me
Wonwoo came home from class, ready to speak with you.
He entered the apartment and realised how empty it was. He looked around. All your things were gone. 
He made his way to your room and pushed the door open. There was nothing but an empty bed and a study table. 
No, please. 
He turned to the closet and pulled it open. He was met with nothing but hangers and empty drawers. 
He pulled out his phone to send you a quick text. It was probably a prank. 
He realised he had an unread message. From you. 
Hey! Sorry, for such a last minute notice. Due to personal issues, I don’t think I can live with you for the rest of the term. Don’t worry, I’ll still send you my half of the rent until you find someone new. Good luck :)
He had fucked up. 
a/n2: again, always open to criticism. there will be a part 3. I promise. depends on when I want to write it :D
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tzuberry · 10 months
(cute) things zerobaseone maknae line do as your boyfriend ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა
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pairing shen quanrui (ricky), kim gyuvin, park gunwook, han yujin + gn reader⠀⠀⠀details fluff, established relationship, bulletpoint
cw none ⠀⠀⠀wc 410, 418, 505, 462 (1,795 overall)⠀⠀⠀reading time 12 minutes
note HELLOOOO i havent posted a fic since july 15th and that was my first fic ever on this account omg... thank u for all the notes on my other post LIKE i didnt expect so much + thank you for 90 followers!! also i might start writing for tiot and evnne if i have time 🫡 likes are reblogs are appreciated if u can 💟
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ricky 리키
lets you play with his hair
i think ricky is honestly extremely particular with his hair, and especially who gets to touch it
his hair isn’t very visibly damaged despite getting it dyed frequently / basically not having black hair since he was probably fifteen years old (and he’s nineteen now, so that says something) so he has to take good care of it not to have it fried off
there were stories about him during bopeul where they said they always saw him fully ready with perfectly styled hair whenever he left his room, too
like i’m not even kidding he has to care for his hair a whole lot or by now he could’ve been bald i’m sorry
when his friends—mainly gyuvin—try to play with his hair or comb their fingers through it, ricky allows it but is not that pleased because he put effort into styling his hair and doesn’t want it to get messed up
gyuvin jokingly whines a little, but is over it after a few seconds
when ricky started dating you, although he thoroughly knew you and almost all of your habits and mannerisms, he didn’t think you would be into playing with his hair
you’re hanging out, watching a movie at your apartment while your head is rested on his shoulder when he feels your fingers suddenly brush through the strands of his hair
he turns to look at you, partly shocked but also just wondering what you’re planning on doing to his hair
you shrug your shoulders, keeping your eyes on the tv and not minding him one bit
“what are you doing?” he asks, a little amused
he expects you to reply playfully, to exchange banter or something like that
but instead, you say, “your hair is really soft, you know,” as you proceed to curl a portion with your finger acting as the curling iron
ricky quite literally folded that day... now he lets you do whatever you want with his hair
you can braid it, curl it, whatever
he doesn’t mind as long as it’s you, even if he spent nearly an hour fixing it this morning
you’re in a cafe talking to gyuvin and gunwook, sitting at the other side of the table when you lift your arm to twirl ricky’s hair, him not remotely flinching at the contact
gyuvin is pleasantly surprised to witness this sight
“you don’t let me do that,” he sulks, aimed at ricky
your boyfriend scoffs. “you’re not [name].”
gyuvin 규빈
always texts you + makes sure you’ve eaten
okay i think i’ve seen a lot of people say this already idk but i think it’s soooo true
gyuvin texts you excessively
like. about anything
there was one instance when his little brother had a crush on a girl, and gyuvin literally went to you for help and his brother didn’t even have an inkling of what was happening
gyuvin (DO NOT REPLY): [NAME] MY LITTLE BROTHER... is... growing up :(
gyuvin (DO NOT REPLY): he used to be so small i could put him in my pocket and now
yn: what happened???
gyuvin (DO NOT REPLY): he LIKES A GIRL. who told him it was okay to get a girlfriend? at his toddler age??
yn: gyuvin i love you but we started dating when We were his age
and then he continued to ask you for advice on how to help his brother get the girl he liked
there’s more instances of him oversharing his brother’s life with you, but that ends there
he also buys you snacks all the time
even if you don’t want it. even if you verbally, very clearly, straightforwardly tell him you’re not the tiniest bit hungry
he’s basically your mother oml
he makes those little snack baggies for you to take
before you both graduated, gyuvin would bring you lunch. it didn’t just stop at snacks
he would ask his mom to help him cook for you
and he’d make it all cute and stuff like shaping the rice to be your favorite character
he’d pack it to school and give it to you in the morning. omg
mixing those two things together, you get “have you eaten yet” texts all the time
it’s two pm, and you were so stuck while helping a friend that you regrettably forgot to eat lunch. ‘it’s okay,’ you assure yourself, ‘i had a late breakfast’
gyuvin texts you, asking the usual “have you eaten lunch????” and you lie and say yes
and then your phone rings and you know you can’t avoid it anymore because he can see through your voice when you lie
from the speaker of your phone, gyuvin’s voice is unbelievably attractive—but you choose to ignore that fact for now
“[name],” he deadpans. “be honest. have you eaten?”
choosing to accept defeat, you exhale deeply. “no.”
gyuvin suddenly hangs up and only a text is left on your screen
gyuvin (DO NOT REPLY): i’m coming over in. like 30 minutes i have to ask my mom to help me cook
gunwook 건욱
teaches you how to dance
gunwook is SO good at dancing it’s so crazy
i love watching him on stage because he’s the best performer ever. like he seems to genuinely enjoy it and i hope he never loses that love for dancing / singing / rapping
you on the other hand..... you could be good at dancing too, just definitely not as good as gunwook
so whenever your scheduled dates are interrupted by his extracurriculars at school, you decide to tag along with him, if the members of his clubs don’t mind (which they usually don’t)
one of his extracurriculars is the dance team
and most of the time, when your preplanned dates are cancelled because of an extracurricular he has lined up for him, it is almost always dance
so you end up following him to the practice room, silently watching him in the corner so as to not obstruct their view of the mirror by sitting directly in front of them
his eyes light up with the flame of passion you adore so much, and you’re so content that even if your date is cancelled because of this, you’re not annoyed and you still get to indirectly spend some time with him by spectating him as he does what he likes
in the short breaks that he gets, he takes the opportunity to sit beside you on the floor and ask about your day
when the practice session ends, he asks if it’s okay with you if he stays to polish up the routine, to which you say yes and offer to stay with him because everyone else has started to leave
after a while, he grows tired and plops down next to you
gunwook chuckles. “i’m sorry for cancelling our date and making you stay with me.”
“it’s alright, i like watching you dance.” you smile
he abruptly stiffens up, irises reflecting the light, making his eyes glow excitedly. “do i dance well? what do you think?”
you giggle. “you dance very well. a lot better than i can, for sure.”
“mhm, yeah?” he grins widely, and you know what he’s going to do
gunwook jumps up on his feet, extending his hand out to you to help you get up
“you just need a little help.” he nods proudly. “you’re lucky i’m your boyfriend.”
you take his hand, and he leads you to the center of the room and he starts to dance with you ballroom style (???) like the waltz and stuff
he guides your arms over his shoulder to circle his neck, and his hands rest on your waist and then he starts counting, “4... 3... 2... 1... like this,” as he takes a singular step in different directions, encouraging you to mirror his movements
you almost trip, but you tightly cling on to his shoulders before you can fall
gunwook laughs. “enough dancing for today?”
“yes, please,” you agree, letting your body fall forwards into a hug with him
“alright. if you’re not that tired, are you still up for that date?”
yujin 유진
(tries to) initiate / enjoys physical touch
yujin doesn’t seem like his love language is physical touch.... i know gyuvin does it a lot to him and he kinda pretends to not like it but it’s so endearing and i sooo believe he deep down loves it
it’s the same with you, but he’s the one intiating it
he never thought he liked skinship all that much, because he would even jokingly say it pestered him a little at times when gyuvin would dote on him
but when it came to you, and when you first started dating, he was itching to hold your hand
it was so new to him because he never craved for anyone’s physical affection before
all his older friends like gyuvin and gunwook would always just.... initiate skinship for him and he thought he didn’t like it but
suddenly you come along, and you don’t even try to hold his hand
he thought couples were supposed to hold hands?? and hug??
but you’re not budging and it’s so frustrating
while walking you home from school like usual, as you tell him about your day, he tries to gather the courage to intertwine your hands
it doesn’t work, and he’s left with cold hands as he stares at you enter your front door
“next time,” he whispers to no one but the wind
next time comes and still... he’s too nervous to hold your hand
the distance between your palms is less than four inches, and all he has to do is take the leap—besides, nothing could go that wrong. you like him and he likes you
he purposely bumps the back of his hand with yours, but doesn’t actually take your hand in his
he awkwardly rubs his nape, unsure of what to do now
your brows knit together, as you’re now aware of yujin’s weird behavior
“yujin?” you tug on his uniform sleeve. “is something wrong?”
“no! nothing’s wrong,” he quickly denies, “don’t worry about it.”
“okay... can i see your hand, though?” you request, and it successfully confuses him because why do you want to see his hand?
he obliges, giving it to you palm up when you lace your fingers with his
“i’ve noticed you trying to hold my hand since last week,” you say, giggling. “i was waiting for you to do it, but i guess you’re too shy.”
“i’m not that shy,” yujin defends, looking down at your interlocked hands... ‘this is a good feeling,’ he thinks
you nod passively. “it’s fine. it’s one of the reasons why i like you.” you swing both your hands back and forth in the space between you
yujin doesn’t try to retort, only relishing the feeling of your hand in his
skinship isn’t so bad... maybe he could get used to this.
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enhastolemyheart · 4 months
enha + boyfriend moments ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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pairing non idol!enha x fem!reader warnings none genre fluff est. relationship nets @k-films @kflixnet
a/n I wanted to try something different this time. sorry i went mia for so long :(( i decided to do something for all of enha boys and i hope u enjoy!! also i totally forgot abt jungwon's allergies while writing his part so less jus pretend he is not allergic to cats :((
banners by @cafekitsune
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i feel like heeseung would always and i mean ALWAYS trap you between himself and whatever other object is there near you. I honestly feel he loves to see you flustered and ears all burning red just from a mere touch as he very smoothly traps you between his arms, nowhere to escape. like, the look on your face is such a ego booster and this little "moment" has to happen at least once a day. It is just a heeseung coded move and it gets you worked up every single time.
"hee, I just had to go get groceries real quick, can you let me go?" You try to excuse yourself from his hold as you were trapped between the counter and his arms. "no baby," he bends to meet your eye level, "you left without giving me a kiss." he moves in so close you think you'll combust. "cmon baby, make it up to me."
more under the cut!
we all know Jay's love language is acts of service and maybe even gift giving. cmon, its obvious that jay is the kind of person to always buckle your seatbelt for you, open any kind of door for you, cook meals that remind you of your culture and hometown, likee he is literally the sweetest boyfriend ever. he's perfect. he is also the type to always have a belonging of your in his bag whenever you both are outside. like that is so jay coded.
your day started with a quick breakfast at a cafe, and then your extravaganza at the amusement park. You and jay went through it all, the amazing food, the thrilling rides. he even held your hand the whole through the roller coaster to help you conquer your fear. he was there every step of the way and you both had so much fun. the sun had started setting and so you both get seated at a highly reviewed restaurant in the park for dinner. Just as the food came, you wanted to tie your hair up, feeling scorching due the humid air and all that walking you did. noticing you were having trouble finding your tie, Jay casually puts his wrist closer to you where a hair tie was sitting. "here, i kept an extra."
jake is definitely the type of boyfriend to take you out on night drives. windows rolled down, music blasting in the air, one hand on the wheel and the other intertwined with yours. you couldn't have spent your night with jake in any other way. he loves you with all his heart and i feel like one way of showing it is through songs, so what's better than listening to playlist he made for when he thought of you, while riding around the city at its most quiet hour?
"baby, i just added some new songs to the playlist." he confesses, giving your knuckles a sweet kiss before bringing it back onto your lap. "yeah? lemme hear it jakey." he giggles as he presses play "i love you, my girl." he looks at you the whole time you were listening, together on a blanket as you indulge the beautiful night sky.
one thing that sunghoon loves but doesn't want to admit is waking up in your arms. quite literally, he loves falling asleep on your chest with your hand massaging his back and hair. ugh, he'd just melt to sleep then and there itself. don't get him wrong, he absolutely loves seeing you under his arms first thing in the morning. but, something about being in your embrace where he can be vulnerable and himself is just far much better. he absolutely love your sweet and hoarse voice as you greet him a good morning and then proceed to pepper his precious face with kisses to start of the day right. he feel so much better with you and your presence.
the little kisses being left on the top of sunghoon's hair wakes him up. he looks up at you from his place, hair all strewn, arms wrapped around your midriff while head tucked inside the crook of your neck. you giggle softly at his sleepy smile before running a hand through his hair, "good morning, sleeping beauty." he huff as you see the evident pink on his cheeks. "good morning" comes out muffles due to how close his mouth is to your skin, placing gentle kisses and squeezing your waist. he looks up at you through his eyelashes, giving you a full, sweet good morning kiss and murmuring that he wants to stay five more minutes in bed.
this is such a sunoo coded thing. but, he absolutely LOVES doing masks and manicures with you. like, imagine just sitting on your bed, face masks on and gossiping about anything and everything while painting each others' nails. sunoo is the type of boyfriend in whom you'll find a best friend. like, he is always the first you would go to share news and stuff and vice versa.
"and so because of niki, we got the rest of the day off!" sunoo exclaimed finishing the mini story of a recently occurred event. you couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the story. minutes pass, and now he is painting your nails this time, both of you rocking a baby pink color. you both end up binging 2000s rom-coms before dozing off sleeping soundly in each others' arms.
ugh. jungwon is such a soft boyfie. he is always by your side helping/accompanying you to anything and everything. jungwon is very kind and caring and takes care with so much love, he loves you more than himself. he is the type to always greet you with warm hugs and cheek kisses. hand holding when going on a stroll outside no matter the time of day. he is also very BIG on words of affirmation. he is always telling he loves you and he makes sure you know.
"omg! won, look!" you point at the stray cat that was situated under a tree near the trail of the pretty park you both are at. he looks at it with wide eyes before slowly moving towards the cat, wanting to greet it. once the ginger cat understands that you both mean no harm, it starts to get close with jungwon rubbing up against his leg. "it is so cute won, it looks just like you!" you exclaim resulting in a chuckle from your boyfriend. he slowly picks up the cat, bringing its face close to his before turning to you. "see baby, you can't tell the difference between me and the cat, can you?" you chuckle softly kissing his cheek. you both decide to take the cat to a vet and then give it some food and shelter for the night.
this kid. as much as playful he is, he is as equal in being sincere and true to himself and your relationship. he loves to tease you. i think quality time is one of his ways of loving you, so i can def see you both out on adventurous dates together. whether it be basketball dates, going to an amusement park together, spending time with each other at 4 am having ice cream, anything and everything you do, it's always filled with love and laughter that make up wonderful memories.
"come on baby, try and take it from me." niki exclaimes as yet again steals the basketball from your hold dribbling slowly towards the basket. "ugh, you and your damn long legs." you mumur. he laugh at your comment before stopping in front of you. he is so close that you know you are going to turn red soon if he doesn't back up. "here." he puts the ball in front of you, and you have to declare yourself stupid because inches before you can get the ball, he raises his arms, putting the ball way out of your hold. "riki! not fair." you out as you try and jump to get the ball. Niki simply laughs at your silly attempts. "you are so cute, you know that?" he bends to meet your eye level, placing a chaste kiss on your lips. "i love you" knowing the effect you had on him, you managed to snatch the ball before running away and yelling, "i love you too dork!" niki smirks at your escape before chasing after you.
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a/n. tysm for reading!! i hope u liked it! this was not proofread!!
perm taglist: @jak-ey ; @snoowhore ; @hsgwrld ; @seungiesluv ; @1-800shutthefuckup ; @heeseungshim (send an ask to be added)
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guttednights · 4 months
your bar.
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You've worked in the same bar for the past 3 years. It's fairly common for military men to come in and get drinks together. It's always soap, gaz, price, and the one in a mask.
One night you finally speak to the guy in the skull mask. "your name is?" as he looks at you, his cold eyes lighten.
"ghost," he said gruffly when soap elbowed him, he shot soap a glare and sighed making eye contact with you. "Simon. simon Riley." he gruffs.
you can't help but smile. "well then Simon Riley. want your usual?"
"Please," he says coldly
you and your friend spent the rest of the night talking about simon. "god i dont know what it is about him but." "jeez.."
"oh ew! shut up" your friend replies walking to the other side of the bar
you giggle "ah cmon, its not as nasty as you and your thing for that old one.
she giggles. "price is hot because hes a gentle man. simon just looks like he could hurt anyone."
"thats what i like" "feels like hed go to jail for me"
She rolls her eyes "okay mrs delusional."
the next few days some tension between you and simon grew. he cant keep his eyes off you. your literal eyecandy to him. and you notice.
"sarah he keeps staring" you say entering the back to "refill something"
she squeals. "girl hes so into you!"
you roll your eyes, "oh whatever."
Later that night soap walks up to the bar,
"hey y/n, you know my big friend Simon? ya he wants ye number"
your heart practically stops beating. "uh.. yeah sure here" You quickly write it on a napkin and hand it to him. you watch as soap runs away like a schoolgirl giggling to Simon as he hands it to him.
the whole rest of the night you were shocked. The big huffy man you think is hot wanted your number?
around 2 am you jolt awake as your phone buzzes. you grab your phone, its him.
"hey gorgeous its simon, or "big masked man"
"Hi simon" god you cant believe this is happening is this real?
"you should be asleep. what you doing up?"
ur heart flutters, (GOING FERAL LIKE YES PLS BOSS ME AROUND) "couldnt sleep"
"any reason why?"
(yes Simon ur the reason why) "nope no praticular reason why, just one of those nights."
"alright. want to get coffee tomorrow?"
"coffee?!" you think to yourself "Omg it's happening.."
"id love to get coffee"
"great. ill see you at happy cafs tomorrow at 9 am."
"see you there"
your freaking out literally, the man of your literal dreams is asking to go out on a coffee date?! Is it a date..?
"is this considered a date?" you text him a few minutes later
"yes, sweetheart. it's considered a date lol"
you throw your phone across the room screaming and kicking your feet. you can't sleep the rest of the night. too busy thinking about what to wear. finally at 6 am you give up and hit the shower, then walk to your closet. "god do I wear a dress? jeans hoodie?" finally you decide on a long-sleeved black dress, perfect for winter. you straighten your hair, do your makeup, and hype yourself up.
8:55 and you're a minute away from the cafe when u see him pull up. your heart drops. you're so excited yet so nervous, u practically black out until you bump into him.
"op, watch out there" he chuckles, "looking at your feet while you walk sweetheart or?"
you chuckle, "Sorry lost in my thoughts." sweetheart?! You can't help but blush as he puts his hand on the lower part of your back and directs you inside. you both sit down at a booth and a waitress comes over. you both order and wait.
you can't help but stare at him, even tho you haven't seen his face his eyes just capture you.
"I'm not gonna lie, sweetheart,. I can't keep my eyes off you at the bar,"
"might as well claim ye before you are no longer available" he smirks as you blush and look away
you spend the next 3 hours just talking getting to know him. And before you know it, (in a few weeks of course) you are dating, officially his. the man of your dreams is officially yours.
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side notes: i dont know if i like this tbh. it feels really long and i almost lost what else to say. if u want a part 2 (MAYBE SMUTTY VERS. i can do it lmk!!!)
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natsaffection · 1 year
can u write an smutty hate sex story with nat as the mean boss and reader a her assistant 🤭
Distraction. | N. Romanoff
G!P CEO!Natasha x Assistent!Reader
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MINORS DNI!!! (18*!)
warnings: Office sex, nat has a penis, Mommy kink, rough sex, spanking, choking, begging, dirty talk
Word count: 1,6K
A/n: I was carried away and hope that’s the task you asked for..Because I totally forget the hate in it :,)
It was a relaxed day, as usual. You got up early today, got ready and showed up at work quite early. Before that, of course, you stopped by Mrs. Romanoff's Cafe to get her usual latte. You paid with the company card and are now sitting ready in your chair, behind your desk. 
You had already started sorting your work and when you saw the plan for today, you had to pause for a moment. You see a name on the list, and you knew what it meant. You try not to wrap your head around it until you notice your colleagues tense around you. You look at the time and realize that there is one minute before Mrs. Romanoff enters. You take another deep breath and stand up and a few seconds later, you hear the elevator door open from far away and get ready as you do every day. She entered without taking her eyes off her phone. Everywhere you could hear a 'good morning' until she arrived in your hallway. She walks past your desk, and before she could open her own office door, you stop her, "Mrs. Romanoff? Your latte." She stopped and looked up at you. 
You hold the latte out to her and she takes it. She smelled it for a moment and then looked directly at you, "What's on the agenda today?" You knew the question was coming. Like every time, and you were prepared, "Nothing big for the first three hours and at noon you have a meeting with..Mr Stark.." You knew what Natasha thought of him. Nothing at all. However, he is one of the biggest sponsors of the whole company, and so Natasha has to put up with him. 
You see how one of her eyebrows twitched, and then she went to her office and the door closed.
You had spent the first few hours planning Natasha's future plans and meetings and notifying the people to be there. You wrote a few emails and made a few phone calls. You were so engrossed in your work that you didn't even notice Tony Stark marching into Natasha's office. 
You know what that entails, and you were lucky that her office is a good distance away from the other colleagues....
You could barely concentrate because you kept trying to catch sounds from the room, but it was no use. The walls were just too thick. After about 20 minutes, the door opened again and Tony came out. He had a different face on, like he did a few minutes ago, so you knew it was business as usual. He looks at you, sighs, and walks out. You try to find connections until you saw the message on your laptop to come to Natasha's office. So you take another deep breath, stand up and walk in.
You like her office. It was definitely bigger than your apartment and was all glass on the left. It also had a huge rooftop terrace that was great for summer. There you had also held the introductory conversation with her and..signed the other contract, for moments like this one. 
She sits at her table, massaging her forehead, "I'm afraid that conversation didn't go well?" If you didn't have such a..relationship with her, you would never have asked that question. But you're here for that very reason. To take away the stress she has. 
She sees you and leans back in her chair, "As usual. This guy is just too cocky! Thinks he has the right to boss me, ME, around! Just because he..Urgh!" She loosened her shirt and undid the first two buttons that were on it, "Come here..." She looks at you and you immediately obey. You walk towards her and bypass the table. She turns in your direction, and indicates that you should sit on her lap. You sit down and her hands immediately settled on your thighs and she looks up at you, "Mommy needs a distraction, do you think you can help me with that?" Her tone was gentle. You just nod, and suddenly you notice a pull in your right thigh. She knees you as it wasn't enough, "Y-yes, I can help here..." She looks deeply at you and smirks, "Good girl..." She turns you both back to her table and leans you on the front so your upper body is flat on it, "Always so good for me..." 
You slowly get ready, but again you had to shamefully admit that just the way she talked to you for the last two minutes was enough to make you so fucking horny. She fucks well..So well that so far no few people had ever made you climax again.
You hear her undo her belt and a little later you notice her pushing your panties to the side and grunting out, "As always..Do I make you so wet, baby?" Fuuck, if she keeps talking like that it will be over in a few seconds, "Always for you, mommy..." That's what she liked about you. You were so fucking obedient, you have manners and of course a good pussy. 
She smirked at herself and pushed right into you. You slid your body forward, and she held you by the shoulders to keep you still. "Fuck..No matter how many times I take you here, you're still so fucking tight, fuck!" She pushed in further and further until you could feel her completely. You try to hold on somewhere to somehow accommodate the feeling, "Stark really thinks he'd do a better job than me..What do you think, Baby, huh? Could he replace me?" You had to pull yourself together not to forget the question right away, "n-No..No one, AH! No one can replace you..!" Your statement seemed to trigger something in her as she suddenly pushed into you faster, "That's right. I'm the only one who can run this place!"
She got rougher. She grabbed your cheeks and pushed into you with more force. You couldn't take it anymore and let out a loud moan. But it was interrupted when Natasha put a hand around your mouth, "How many times do I have to tell you that while I enjoy hearing your sounds, it's more than inappropriate here? Do you want everyone to know what a slut you are for me?" You shake your head, "Thought so." 
"hmph!!!" She pushed in as deep as she could, feeling her orgasm getting closer and closer. "That's right. Show me how good I make you feel!" She didn't care. If someone could hear you, it is your fault and not hers. She took her hand away and sped up her movements. All you could hear was the moaning and skin contact in the room.
"Nata-mommy, please..." you plead. You completely lost your self-control and just wanted your releases. "Please what?" She is annoyed. Do you want something from her now too? Why can't anyone here work independently?
"Do you need more? Do I have to do all the work again? What are you getting paid for anyway?" She moans and snaps her hips at you. "Fuck, Tony really wanted me to know you'd be better off with him..." she snorts. She holds your ass and spreads you open so her eyes have the perfect view of her cock ruining your pussy, "What do you say, would you rather go to him? Do you want him to take you like this?" She began to move even faster, her hand sliding down to your clit, "No! Only you can- fuck! Can- so well...”
She slows down and smiles as she sees your body start to shake more and more. She pulled her hand from your clit and wiped it on your ass, and you were afraid she was done with you, "Please! D-Don’t stop! Please mommy, let me cum, please..." Your face was already so wet and red that anyone would know what happened if you left this room in the next few minutes. So at least it should be worth it....
She leans over you, her chest pressing against your back, "Relax baby..I can feel your fucking fear in your pussy..." You close your eyes, ashamed of being so easy to read. "It's okay..." Her hands slowly slide to your back and push you further down onto the table, "Just stay like that for me, and you'll get filled, is that what you want? Do you want mommy to fill you?" 
"Yes please!!!" you whine. She slaps you hard on your ass and grabs your neck. She pulls you back to her. She fucks you harder and faster as her hand slides down to your clit again and starts rubbing it.
"Fuck!!!" You cry out, and Natasha just had to laugh. "Come on, come on my cock Y/n, cum...!" She moans out as well, and your voice breaks off as you release on her cock, and you squirm in all directions. Natasha clenches your neck with strength to keep her from moaning all over the room as well. Your eyes rolled back and you sobbed. When you came down completely from your height, you collapse like a lifeless body in Natasha's arms. She wraps her arms around you and rests her head on your shoulder, "You did great again, thank you..."
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princesssmars · 7 months
hazel falling in love with her childhood family friend is rotting my brain actually.
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wc : 1383
sfw and slight nsfw? fem reader. thanking emma and rachel for making hazel rich because i love writing rich people stuff. i’d say maybe a good mix of cocky!hazel and loser!hazel because i love both so bad.
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so for the first six years of her life she spends her winter holidays at a beautiful chalet in aspen with her parents, spending the days having snowball fights with her dad and falling asleep by the fireplace with her mom.
just like. she's rich, and her mom seems like one of thos wealthy women who loves to go on vacation to show off her perfect life and her perfect friends, so she or her husband definitely had a vacation house they'd visit every year.
when she turns seven they finally let her start skiing on the bunny slope, figuring it’s better than the little evil genius thing she does with the pots and the tiny snowmen. for a little kid she's pretty good at the sport already, if not taking the pizza and french fry tip a little too seriously.
about an hour in though, she's taking her umpteenth trip down the hill when a four foot mass slams into her right side, going at way above whatever speed limit was allowed in this area. she's lying flat on the ground, her right arm aching and her hound pounding and she's about ten seconds from crying when she looks over to see you, face planted in the snow and your shoulders shaking as you laugh like you're insane.
both sets of your parents rush over to make sure that the both of you are ok, and after you manage to calm down a bit and give hazel a very formal sounding apology that your mom whispered in your ear, you ask hazel if she can help you learn to control your speed on the slopes.
so after an hour of driving her crazy as she tries to teach you how to control your speed, your moms sit at a table watching over the both of you while sipping on their drinks and becoming fast friends.
ever since then, each winter was spent together. whether it was spending time in the snow, (hazel continued to excel at skiing, eventually giving up on trying to teach you), sharing stories of your normal lives over cups of cocoa at the cafe in the ski lodge, and helping each other decorate your christmas trees that you both had to beg your parents to buy.
whenever she went back home the days following new years, she’d count the days until she could see you again. to compensate for the time apart your parents let you send a horde of letters and e-mails to each other, letting the two of you share long phone calls on their phones when you were still to young to have your own.
hazels secret favorite hobby became photography. you couldn’t go twenty minutes without her shoving her polaroid camera in your face. she’ll tell you it’s because she’s using the vacation time to explore and try new things, and not that she constantly looks back over the photos of you with a big smile and a flush to her face.
(she also won’t mention that she’s addicted to the feeling she gets when pj and josie come over to her house and pj goes ona ten minute rant about how impossible it is that a girl that pretty could spend time with hazel without being insane. she ignores the insult because she’s hung up on the fact oh called you pretty.)
now i think hazel was pretty much always aware of the fact that she liked girls, if not because she realized that being obsessed with a certain scene from cruel intentions and always volunteering to play the husband when one of her friends wanted to play house on the playground was, in fact, not straight.
but at this point she’s maybe fifteen, she’s starting to grow into her looks and she’s definitely not ready to admit she might has a crush on you. at this point you both have had your own phones for a while, and she couldn’t even count the amount of times she had fallen asleep with you over facetime.
over the course of that year she often found herself wondering what your sexuality was. dumb ass stereotypes had her believing there was no way you, pretty and popular and preppy you could possibly be gay. and if you were a lesbian there was no chance that you'd like her back.
it was just made all the more confusing when once she had complained about how she hadn't had a girlfriend, let alone a first kiss yet and she was nearly halfway through high school with no experience for the hundredth time that you told her you had a solution for her on your next shared trip.
so you can imagine her shock when three days after landing in aspen you pull her into your room in your lodge and sit her on your bed before telling her you knew the perfect way to get more experience was to experiment with you.
"your first few times kissing and stuff can be pretty awkward, so why not just do it with me? i can show you the ropes and stuff.”
now on the outside she seemed normal, agreeing with an easy smile on her face, but on the inside her brain was playing the loudest tornado siren known to man.
it starts tame, the first few days consisting of you just telling her about your past experiences with girls and how to take it slow and everything. she knows its important but it honestly feels like torture. every time you talk to her she's wondering about what you'll do to start the physical lesson, if you'll set her down on her plush bed and softly touch her, or if you'll finally get fed up with the waiting like she is and press her and take her against a wall.
if you had known you would have prepared, but hazel was a freak in disguise and had decided that she was ready to take things into her own hands. you had invited her to sleep over at yours and drink hot cocoa while watching christmas movies and she had accepted in a heartbeat. what she didn't expect was for you to be wearing really cute pajamas, your legs covered in little hello kitty's and christmas trees with a plain red top and geez she could see you weren't wearing a bra.
hazel was a ticking time bomb, and when the two of you were sitting on the couch and she watched the reds and whites and golds dance across your face and you looked ovver at her with a 'what's wrong, hazie?' she exploded, smushing her lips onto yours in a mess of limbs and teeth.
she can feel your giggles in her mouth as she presses you down into the plush of the couch, her excited hands gripping your cheeks before brushing over your chest and gripping your waist, grinding her hips into yours and groaning when your giggle turned into high pitched moans.
it feels like she kisses you for hours before you reluctantly stop, your hands going to press into her shoulders when her head follows yours to resume making out. "hazel, as much as i'm enjoying this we were supposed to be taking this slowly. since when did you know how to...do that?"
"i dont know i just," she sighs as she tries to catch her breath, starting to get embarrassed about what a virginal mess she must look and be acting like. but you seem to like it, so she starts to not care all that much. "i just really want you. i wanna do everything with you."
you smile and hold her cheek in your hand, her eyes fluttering shut at your touch. you look at the gentle expression on her face, the slowing of her breath, and how her hips still occasionally stutter downward looking for yours, and you cant find it in your heart to deny her. you never really could.
"ok, hazie. we can do whatever you want-"
you're cut off before you can finish, the girl quickly rejoining your lips together and groping at your body once again.
when she gets back from vacation, hazel is less single, less unexperienced, and more than ready to throw this in pj's face.
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i kinda lost inspo for this can you tell :,(((( but i thought the idea was cute so take this thing. bye.
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del-thetiredwriter · 1 year
Mafia au/ Good Luck while running away from the mafia part 1
Intro , part 0.5 , part 2 , part 3
Notes: Guess what I’m back . To be honest I didn’t quite like it but anyway I’m posting it and I can’t write fight scenes ( ̄▽ ̄;). It’s so exhausting.
Tags: @loivre , @randomlyappearingartist , @serenity-loves-red , @hasty-desert , @moonlight-nightwing , @hrhqueenfox , @oceanside-pixie
Warning: cursing, fighting, blood, shooting, Yandere stuff…
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“Riddle-san, what are you doing, sir?”
At the question, Riddle briefly lifted his eyes from the documents and looked at you.
“I was just wondering about a thing.” He replied.
You looked around at the files arranged in order. All of them had one thing in common: betrayal, crime, wrong, etc. against the organizations punishments .
“I was really curious about what caught Riddle-san's attention. What could possibly make you go through even the files from the old manager Trein-sensei's time?"
Riddle smiled.
"Don't worry, you'll find out soon." said Riddle.
You were suddenly startled by the sound of footsteps. Apparently you fell asleep. You're not normally someone who sleeps a lot, but for the past two weeks you haven't been able to sleep properly.
After leaving the organization or rather escaping, you temporarily settled in a remote coastal city where you hoped they'd find you a little late. With a little help, you changed your identity, your phone line, everything. You've removed everything that indicates Y/n L/n.
Life here was calmer compared to your old life. You wished you could stay here forever. But you knew they would find you eventually. You lived ,one night in your sleep afraid that they would find you at your most vulnerable moment.
You were currently working in a cafe. Although it may seem a little illogical, working at the cafe, which was open until midnight, was actually a little better for you. The more people around you, the easier it is to avoid them.
"Yo!" You turned the way you came. Your colleague Alex was glaring at you with his arms folded.
“Yuu, what are you doing in the camera room again, are you skipping work again?”
'Yuu' is your new identity that you created to make it harder for them to find you while running away. You still had a hard time getting used to the name.
“No, Alex. I just- "
"Anyway, I'm going downstairs. You have the upstairs okay?"
You nodded and Alex left the room. You looked at the clock, it was 10:00 pm. You stretched yourself and yawned. Two more hours until the end of the shift.
As you were about to get up, your eyes were caught by the cameras. Your eyes widened in panic at what you saw. You watched three people enter the cafe. You'll recognize those red hair, those grins, those faces wherever you see them. Heartslabyul found you. No, they all found you. You clenched your teeth, your time was limited.
The reason you spent most of your time in the camera room was because you could see everything from here. You quickly grabbed your gun from the locked drawer and loaded it. Deuce and Cater took a table downstairs near the front exit. Ace was walking up the stairs.
You took a deep breath. You should have thought fast. You should have gotten out of here . But for that you had to go down the stairs first.
You went behind the door and waited. You waited for Ace to find you.
Look at the cameras. It was approaching. You gripped your gun tightly. And the door opened. You punched the poor boy in the face as the door opened.
“Agh-“ A bitter moan broke out from Ace.
Before he could draw his gun, you kicked him in the stomach and dropped it to the ground.
“Agh- it's been a long time and the first thing you do when you see me is attack me? Really Y/n.” Ace grinned . Clutching his nose, which was bleeding from your punch.
You muttered, "Bastard."
“Come on Y/n didn't you miss me? I missed you so much." He tried to punch you, but you avoided him. You both started to struggle. Ace might have been strong, but you were more experienced and stronger than him. You grabbed him by the head and knocked him to the ground. Before he could regain his balance, you took his tie and tied him with it.
“What am I going to miss about you, you sadistic bastard!”
You picked up the gun on the ground.
“What? Are you going to shoot me ?” Ace said in a tone you didn't like.
“You have to stop asking questions you know the answer to.”
At 11:00 pm, screams broke out in a cafe with the sound of 'bang' gunfire. Everyone in the cafe began to flee desperately, except for two people. The two men, one with red hair and the other with black hair, started to make their way to the upper floor of the cafe.
“Do you think who shot whom, hmm~” Cater asked the younger one.
As the two of them went upstairs, the power went out suddenly and the whole cafe was plunged into darkness.
“Looks like Y/n-chan won.” said Cater to himself.
“Let's separate . You stay here, Y/n has to use the stairs before they can get out of the cafe.” Cater instructed.
“Okay, sir.” said Deuce.
You held your breath under the table. You waited for Cater's footsteps to go away. You were the one who cut the electricity. Five minutes later the generator would start working . You should have gotten out of here by then. Finally, making sure that Cater was far enough away, you slowly came out from under the table. No matter how hard you tried not to make a sound, Deuce heard you.
“Y/n? Is this you ?"
Now that his eyes were accustomed to the dark, he could barely make out your silhouette. Everything happened so abruptly. You took a chair and hit Deuce with it. While he was stunned by the blow, you ran downstairs with your names and the electricity came back. Your five minutes were up.
When the lights were turned on, an unexpected sight was in front of you.
Riddle was sitting at a table eating strawberry pie as if nothing had happened.
“Ah, Y/n you finally came down. I was getting really bored waiting for you.” He said while taking a slice of the pie.
You pointed your gun at him. "Get out of my way if you don't-"
"It's been a long time since we've seen each other, Y/n, but will you put that gun down?" A familiar voice said as you turned around and saw Trey pointing his gun at you. As always, even in this state, he was smiling gently at you.
“Tch. What do you want ? Why are you here?" You asked questions that you know very well the answer to.
Riddle smiled.
“Y/n L/n you are posing a great danger to the organization right now. You also have cases of injuring my men. You understand what I'm trying to say, right?"
"Get out of my way or I'll shoot you."
Riddle laughed.
“You won’t t kill me, you can't. Just like we can't do to you. Now if you drop that gun, I'll do my best to mitigate your sentence."
This was clearly a lie. You grit your teeth. You smiled calmly and did as he said. You slowly put your gun down and raised your hands in the air.
“Well done, here it is. I wish you would always listen to my words like this. Now let's go back." said Riddle.
“Sorry Riddle but I won't be back!” You said and detonated the smoke bomb you were hiding. The area was suddenly covered with fog. You quickly walked out the front door through that mess and got into your car.
“Get them quick!” Riddle shouted.
You quickly drove away. There was no turning back anymore. The Game has started.
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sugar-coat-it · 1 month
Body piercer! Matty part three 
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Part 1, Part 2
I missed writing for this man so much my god he is my everything. If you haven’t read the other parts, go ahead and do that first for context perhaps! 
Fem! Reader
Contains: Mutual pining, cutie newly established relationship, mention of marijuana, proud concert bf Matty, him being protective of girlie at the show, exhibitionism (light petting in the crowd), rough quickie (unprotected), public sex (bathroom), fingering and fucking on the counter, Matty puts his hand over her mouth, mirror sex, choking (with jewelry)
WC: ~6.3k
PART THREE- Your new boyfriend takes you to a punk show, ending with a quickie in the venue bathroom
Both you and Matty knew in your hearts that this wasn’t just a fling. Flings didn’t stay up for endless hours on the phone, knowing damn well that you both had work the next morning. Flings also didn’t think about each other for every waking minute, always sending each other sentimental messages when things reminded them of each other. And, they certainly don’t touch you the way Matty touches you: like he’s like he’s been starved of you his entire life. He’d frankly been losing his mind, constantly daydreaming at work as he stared at the Polaroid of the two of you he kept at the front desk, knowing he couldn’t stand not calling you his girlfriend much longer. Not after the past couple of weeks you’d been seeing each other had been some of the best of his life. He was so antsy over the fact that he couldn’t actually call you his that it was eating him alive, where else would he ever find someone as perfect for him as you? His work friends teased him endlessly for being so head over his platform boot heels, telling him how he needed to lock you down as soon as possible. He endearingly calls you his “favorite client”, but you’ve quickly become his favorite everything (“No. You don’t even get it, mate,” he’d said, rambling on to some poor guy whose ears he was piercing, “she's like… the light of my life, really”). But, considering that you couldn’t close your eyes without picturing his pretty brown irises staring back at you, his eyes crinkling at the edges with all his twinkling, wild mirth, you weren’t faring much better.
 Just as you’d hoped from that first night together, his sleepy eyes were in fact now a constant in your life. He asked you to be his girlfriend after taking you back to the same cafe where you’d had your blind date. Needless to say, it was an enthusiastic yes on your part, and everything has been so much brighter since, you can hardly imagine your life without all of his ruckus. Your days with him are long and lazy, and the nights are even longer, often spent wrapped up in his sheets or giggling while curled up on his couch after a smoke session.
You’ve learned a lot about Matty in the time you’ve been together. Like his tendency to leave things in your flat, his ungodly marijuana tolerance levels, and his love for his puppy Mayhem. You’ve also found that he takes his music very seriously. Listening to music is like a ritual to him, one that he refuses to partake in with “trashy” music. You call it snobbery, he calls it having good taste, and lately, he’s been trying to share that taste with you. He’s almost been subtly brainwashing you into getting into his bands, playing their songs in his car, burning some of their tracks on his CD mixtapes for you (always scrawled with cute Sharpie doodles and bad handwriting), humming the melodies of his favorite songs to you while cuddling. Honestly, you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t working, you’ve found yourself adding his music to your playlists, combining your styles much like how the mohawked man has slowly rooted his way into every corner of your life. 
So of course, words couldn’t describe how thrilled he was when you agreed to see one of his favorite bands play at a punk rock show. He’d approached you with the idea tentatively, explaining that it was fine if you didn’t want to go, he’d just take one of his mates from work if so. The way his face lit up when you said yes, your heart could have burst as you watched his eyes sparkle with pure unbridled joy. Then, he leaned in and kissed every inch of your face, ignoring your giggles and protests of him tickling you while he declared how much you were going to love it. 
 When the day of the show arrived, you kept your outfit simple: baggy, ripped jeans, a white tank top, a band hoodie, and a studded belt you recovered from the depths of your closet, figuring you’d at least blend in with the grungier crowd that way. You put on one last thing to complete the look, hooking Matty’s chunky, silver chain (that of course, he’d left on your dresser) around your neck. You smile to yourself as you tuck it under your clothes, liking the feel of having him close to your heart like this. When did you become such a sap?
Meanwhile, Matty was pacing around your flat, making sure he had everything he needed and that you’d get there in time for doors. His reasoning for being punctual was much less about him than it was for you. He wanted you to fully experience being close to the stage because he knows how much you like to take pictures at shows, your constantly full phone storage being a telltale sign of that. He was going full-on concert boyfriend mode, also keeping your lipstick and your wallet in his little hip pouch so you wouldn’t have to worry about carrying anything but your phone. He’d clearly thought this through quite a lot, he’d been looking forward to it for weeks. 
A sudden kiss to his cheek quiets the hum of his overactive mind when you approach him, his furrowed brows sloping to a soft look of adoration as he insists on you standing still so he can take a good look at your outfit. He holds his fingers up in front of him in the shape of a square, squinting one eye closed like he’s framing you for a memory. Sure, the relationship was shiny and new, but something about the way he looked at you told you this wasn’t going to dull with time’s cruel hands, not any time soon at least. 
“Ohh, yeah. Very punk rock, baby,” he smiles slyly, chuckling as you roll your eyes. 
“Hardly! I don’t exactly have the wardrobe for this.”
“Shh, nonsense. You’re like a regular Joan Jett, babe. But hotter.”
“But hotter? Wow,” you laugh, now glancing down at the jewelry adorning his hands and wrists, “I like your bracelet.”
Matty cringes, sucking a breath through his teeth while looking up towards the ceiling. He recalls just how he’d obtained said bracelet as a teenager with something to prove. He was never a bad kid, just a highly restless one who got bored too easily. Besides, he never got in any real trouble since his parents would have strung him up by his toes otherwise. 
“Erm, thanks. I think I nicked it when I was a teen.”
“You were a delinquent!?” you exclaim, causing Matty’s loud laughter to ring through the apartment.
“That’s a strong term, innit? Let’s call it… misguided… and stupid. Now c’mon, out the door, miss.” 
You shake your head playfully as he shoos you out of the flat, imagining a younger version of your boyfriend getting into all sorts of mischief. You can almost perfectly picture his toothy, boyish grin as he runs around the streets of his hometown with his mates by his side, freckle-faced and carefree, his curls in an unruly mop on his head. You wonder if you would have gotten along with him in his younger, wilder days. An odd part of you hopes he still would have liked you. 
“Why do you still have it?” you ask as you start your walk to the train together. “What can I say? I’m unbelievably sentimental.”
The train ride is quiet, you share his wireless earbuds and listen to music side by side. The deal was that the queue of songs switched back and forth, you got to play one song, then him. He leans his head against your shoulder, the muss of hair atop the shaved sides of his head grazing your neck. He almost falls asleep as you start to scratch the top of his head. But, inevitably, all of his energy comes rushing back to him when the train comes to a halt. Immediately, he’s grabbing your hand to bound down the street to the venue, shouting about how good of a spot you’re going to get. 
Once inside, at a glance, you don’t exactly fit in here. A sort of insecurity festers in you as you eye some of the girls dressed in spikes and leather, they looked like they belonged here, and so did your boyfriend. But, you try to shake it off nonetheless, even if you didn’t feel nearly as cool as you wanted to. This place was like the high council of people who exclusively wear clothes with tears in them.
Matty stands close behind you as you pack in with the rest of the grungy-looking crowd. His hands are on your hips as he glances around, making sure that you have enough space to stand comfortably. He knows how these shows can get, and he’s made it his personal mission to make sure no one ruins the experience for you. He shoots a look at any guy who tries to stand too close to you, the coldness of his stare sending them inching away from your personal space with cowardice. In an instant, the mean look is wiped off his face as he glances down at you, seeing how happy you seem to be there with him. He leans down, the cool metal of his chain grazing your neck as he speaks near your ear, just loud enough so you can hear him over the buzz of chatter throughout the venue. 
“Can you see alright?” he asks, giving your hips a little squeeze. 
You nod with a smile, having a fairly clear view of the stage. You’re only about three rows back thanks to Matty’s punctuality. You turn your head, grasping the necklace around his neck gently before pulling him down further so you can kiss his cheek. A grin breaks out on your boyfriend’s face, he can’t help but chuckle at your little move, he loves it when you get bold with him. His lips brush against your ear as he murmurs “little minx” before standing back up to his full height.
Matty talks over the pre-show music as he tells you a bit of background about the bands playing tonight, prattling on about who plays what and what makes them so cool. You listen to him with an enamored look plastered on your face, nodding along even when you have no clue what he’s talking about, but what else is new? It only makes you adore him more with every detail rattled off from the depths of his mind.
“... and this one here I don’t know shit about, to be honest. I reckon they’re probably fine though,” he shrugs, showing you the lineup on his phone. 
You squint at the screen, tapping your nail against one of the names you recognize because of him. You blink up at him prettily, knowing he’s going to get a kick out of what you say next.
“This is the one with the guy who plays the drums with two pedals, right?” you recall, tilting your head at him, knowing damn well that you’re laying it on thick. 
“Yes!! Yes, exactly,” he beams, his eyes instantly lighting up before he presses an enthusiastic kiss to your temple, “That’s my fuckin’ girl. The coolest girlfriend.”
Soon, the show begins, and Matty lets out an excited whoop as the first band makes their entrance, the one he’d bought the tickets for in the first place. He lets go of your hips, taking a small step back to give you the room to dance if you want to. He’s so considerate of you, it makes a glowing sort of warmth swell in your chest. You glance back at him and he gives you two thumbs up, his face scrunching up with a grin that’s so earnestly Matty, you have to resist the urge to just grab him and kiss him till your lips are raw right in the middle of the crowd. Not to mention how fucking good he looks tonight, his tank top allowing his tattooed arms to be on full display, and it should be illegal how tightly those black leather pants cling to his legs.
Your attention turns back to the stage as the first notes ring through the small venue, grungy guitar chords echoing off of the walls. Nothing gives you the same feeling as live music does, the pure thrill it makes rush through you is unmatched (sorry, Matty). The music is harsh, it grates on your ears, but in the best way possible. It’s invigorating, fucking electrifying, it’s thrumming in the hollow of your chest. You feel alive. Matty leans over to see it all happen from just a step away, watching the stage lights reflect in your eyes. He hadn’t looked at the band once, this was far more mesmerizing than anything that could be happening up there. You’ve completely captured his attention, and when you start bobbing your head to the beat and singing along to the chorus, Matty almost drops to one knee right then and there. He’s already mentally noted that this song will in fact be played at your wedding reception.
As the set goes on, his eyes stay on you for the majority of the time, he’s just so taken by watching you have this much fun hearing his music, which is now your music too. He’s simply beaming with pride. Every time you look back at him with that thrilled look on your face while you’re moving to the rhythm only solidifies to him that you’re his absolute dream girl. And of course, he’s having the time of his life too. Matty mouthes along to all of the words, nodding his head in a way that makes his quaffed mohawk bounce with his movements. And, shit, it’s hot in the crowd, you can feel the heat radiating off of the bodies moving around you. The hoodie you brought may have been an oversight, you can practically feel your mascara melting off of your lashes. 
The show goes on, and when the moshing in the middle of the crowd gets increasingly rowdy, one man gets shoved and sent hurtling past the bodies between you and the mosh pit. You quickly hold your hands out to brace for the impact, knowing this can’t end well as you prepare to meet your leather-jacketed doom. The man is visibly very intoxicated and he would have stumbled straight into your body from the momentum if Matty’s hands hadn’t shot out to block him, catching him by his shoulders.
“Oi! Watch where you’re fuckin’ going, fuck’s sake!” Matty spits, sending him back toward the pit with a light push. 
Now, had Matty done his fair share of moshing and getting absolutely catapulted into other people at breakneck velocity? Yes. It’s not even entirely the guy’s fault that he almost crashed into you, he was pretty drunk and didn’t have his wits or his balance about him, but in Matty’s mind, he might as well have tried to tackle you to the ground WWE style. 
“I could have caught him!” you argue over the music, laughing at the bitter look on your boyfriend's face.
Matty raises an eyebrow at you and shakes his head with an amused smile, but doesn’t argue. Maybe you could have, but he wasn’t about to let some sloshed idiot break his girlfriend's back because that’s his job, dammit. 
The band’s set is finished with a bang, the final chords echoing in your ears as you try to catch your breath from moving almost nonstop, your heart thundering against your ribs. You turn around to face Matty with a giant grin plastered on your face, letting out a breathless, excited laugh. He just chuckles, eyeing the strands of hair sticking to your face from the sheen of sweat, your smudged makeup rimming your wide eyes. He’s not in much better shape, his tank top is clinging to his body like a second skin. By this point, your hoodie feels like it has its own climate, and you’re dying to peel it off. 
“Fun?” he asks, as you start to lift the fabric over your head.
“Oh my god, yeah,” you breathe, your voice muffled by the hoodie. 
His next words die in his throat as his eyes immediately snap to your chest, his breath catching as he spots the clear outline of your nipple piercings through your drenched, white tank top and- was that one of his chains around your neck? He feels a stir in his tight leather pants as his mouth slightly drops, he can’t remember ever being so instantly and completely turned on. Heat ripples through his body, climbing up to his face as he shamelessly stares at your tits. Not only were you showing off his skillful work, but your pretty neck was adorned with the chain he’d forgotten all about at your place. It might even look better on you than it does on him.
 You’re tying your hoodie around your waist when you catch the look on his face, your brows knitting together with confusion till you follow his gaze and find your piercings proudly displayed through your shirt. As the realization dawns on you, you look up at your boyfriend with a coy smile. Matty shudders, lust crowding his mind as he struggles to come up with a coherent thought, one that isn’t wildly pornographic. He can actually feel his hands tense with the urge to grasp, to lay claim to you with his fingertips. You simply look up at him through your lashes, watching him short-circuit right before your eyes. 
Before he has the chance to say or do anything, the next band comes onto the stage, the crowd roaring to life a second time. You give him a knowing look before turning back around to face the direction of the music. Matty swallows hard, raking a hand through his mohawk like he’s grappling with demons… and losing.
The music is nothing more than a pulsing beat in his skull, his attention is fully on the back of your head. He begins to inch forward to you, his hands finding a home on your hips while you vibe to the beat. He brings your hips back against him, feeling your movements stutter as the protrusion in his trousers presses into your ass as if to say “Feel what you did to me?”. You get the message loud and clear, draping your weight against him, your head lolling back against his shoulder as you both rock to the beat of the drums, sweaty skin to sweaty skin. Matty’s hands begin to wander, mapping over the damp fabric of your tank top, up your stomach, over your ribs till- oh. You gasp, the stage lights strobing under your closed eyes as he squeezes your tits through your top. Matty can distinctly feel the barbells through the thin fabric, it drives him fucking wild. Your lips part as you melt into him like honey, your skin feels like it’s on fire as the music blares through the venue. Your stomach swoops when he dares to flick the piercings with his fingertips, danger humming in your veins as he gets bolder, as if you’re not surrounded by a sea of people. Your eyes snap open, you quickly glance around to find that everyone’s far too enthralled with the show to notice, not that Matty would give a shit if they did. No one can hear the way you whimper when he pinches your nipples. You stare down at the large hands that possessively grope your breasts, feeling a throb resound between your thighs. 
“Matty, you said this was the band you don’t know, right?” you call to him, your voice uneven and unnaturally high-pitched. 
His heavily lidded eyes look almost black with the way they darken as he reads between the lines. Even if it was one of the bands he liked, he’s pretty sure absolutely nothing could stop him from doing what comes next, not when his dick is this hard, and you’ve teased him this salaciously. Wordlessly, Matty lets go of your chest and grabs your hand, leading you through the crowd towards the exit. He moves fast, the urgency in his strides and on his face likely making people move out of the way quicker. You’d feel concerned about losing your spot up front if your mind wasn’t so scrambled with need, your legs rushing to keep up with your lanky boyfriend. 
Your head is spinning as he swiftly leads you into the nearest gender-neutral bathroom. Matty’s hands are on you the moment he closes and locks the door, he’s all over you in every sense of the term. You breathe in the musk of his sweat between the melding of your lips. The kiss is messy, it’s searingly hot as he desperately licks into your mouth, his fingertips digging into your hip bones. He backs you up blindly until your hips meet the bathroom counter, his hands reaching to undo the hoodie tied around your waist and toss it aside without breaking the kiss once. You didn’t think you could get much hotter than you were in the crowd, but now you’re burning up from the inside with white-hot desire.
Matty hastily turns you around to face the bathroom mirror, tagged with graffiti and littered with lipstick prints at the border. It was clear that the space was well-loved, but clean. A culmination of every aspiring artist and sticker enthusiast in the area, almost no spot on the wall was left untouched. Your eyes are drawn away from the decor as Matty grasps your jaw from behind you, turning your head to make you meet the almost feral look in his eyes through the mirror. He holds you that way as he leans down to press dire, open-mouthed kisses to your neck, his other hand snaking down your front to unbutton your pants. The feeling of his tongue stud soothing over faded love bites only makes you weaker in the knees. Matty fumbles with the zipper of your jeans for a moment before he shoves the clothing down your legs, the fabric pooling around your ankles. It’s clear that he’s not wasting time with his usual delicate, worshiping caresses of your thighs while he undresses you, this is an electrified frenzy. 
“No bra, baby? Is that how you want to play?” he mutters, his lips grazing the column of your neck teasingly. 
“I-I didn’t-” you begin to protest, only to be cut off by your own moan as he gives a rough pinch to your nipple through your top.
Matty follows the curve of your midsection with his hand, intense honey-colored eyes locked on you through your reflection, the image swirled at the edges with colorful spray paint. A shudder reverberates through your body as his fingers venture lower, dipping below the waistband of your soaked panties. Your body instinctually arches backward against his, mewling when his calloused fingertips brush against your swollen clit. It’s like he can light up every one of your senses with just a graze, your breath getting shallower by the second. You feel his stiff cock twitch in his trousers as you press yourself impossibly closer to him, every inch of his glowing skin flush against your back. Matty continues his loving assault on your neck as his thick digits gather the arousal pooling between your thighs. Your dazed vision trails downward as you stare at his hand shoved inside your panties from behind you, watching the fabric shift with every movement of his skilled hand. You whine as he circles your slit before beginning to sink his slicked fingers into you, your eyes squeezing shut as the dizzying pleasure thrums in your veins. 
“Shhh. You know how much I love your pretty noises, baby, but be good, okay? Can you do that? Don’t want anyone to know what we’re up to, do you?” he murmurs, dragging his plush bottom lip against your ear lobe. 
You nod wordlessly, afraid that if you open your mouth, noise will overflow from you uncontrollably, his fingers being knuckle-deep in you is just too damn good. If you don’t control yourself, anyone outside could hear you, could know how good your boyfriend is filling you with his fingers, satisfying you to your very core. The thought of it alone makes your heart hammer in your chest harder. You don’t want them to know… because that would be wrong, it would be undignified… it’d be… kind of hot.
 His digits stretch you open as he begins to diligently pump them in and out of you, curling them towards the spot that he knows will make you see stars. He works quickly, his pace is almost feverish from his determination to make you fall to pieces as efficiently as he can. Matty’s other hand is groping your breast, squeezing the fullness of it, his rings pressing into your flesh through your thin tank top. You bite down on your lip hard enough that you think you might tear the flesh open, desperately trying to keep your whimpers quiet. Matty’s gaze on you is cautionary, his eyebrows slightly raised like he’s testing you, seeing just how much you can take. 
The last of your defenses come crumbling down as the pad of his thumb presses against your clit, the flood of sensations making a moan burst from your throat as he begins to draw tight circles on the bundle of nerves. In an instant, Matty’s hand is off of your chest and is clasped over your mouth, muffling any noise. Fuck.
“I mean it. Pipe down, or I’ll stop,” he says sternly, smirking at you as he feels your walls flutter around his fingers. 
“No- no, please don’t stop,” you babble against his palm like the idea of it was simply unbearable.
Matty’s hand stays firmly over your mouth as he withdraws his fingers from inside you, ignoring the way you squirm in protest, whining uselessly. He tugs your ruined panties down your legs, letting them join your pants in a heap around your ankles. It’s almost embarrassing how you can hardly contain your desire, but he likes it that way, knowing how needy you are.
“Matty, please, fuck, need it,” you mumble, and he can see the way your desire is clawing at you from the inside just from a glance.
“Be patient for me, my love,” he smiles, hurriedly pulling himself out of his uncomfortably skin-tight pants with his free hand, “You’ll get what you want. Being stuffed full with my cock, hm?”
You whimper as Matty nudges your legs further apart with his foot, leaning you forward over the counter onto your elbows. He whistles lowly at the sight of you, his eyes following down your spine, over the curve of your ass, and to your dripping pussy. You tremble slightly as he reaches between your legs, collecting your honey on his fingers before spreading it over his shaft, slicking himself with your arousal. A whine vibrates against the palm Matty holds over your mouth as you swing your hips in a desperate attempt to entice him. He just chuckles darkly, keeping his hand securely in place as starts to guide his cock through your folds, the head kissing your aching clit as he rubs it back and forth. 
Matty doesn’t waste a second longer, you can hardly process it before he’s pushing inside of you, gasping as he fills you inch by inch. His fingertips press into the side of your face as he tightens his hold on your mouth to muffle your mewls, watching as your lashes flutter, your face contorting with pleasure. He can feel your hot, heavy breaths fanning into his palm, your chest heaving as he bottoms out inside of you. Matty groans loudly, tossing his head back as he’s fully surrounded by your velvety warmth, forgetting his own volume rules that he’d set for you. Hypocrite.
“Oh, fuck, you feel so good,” he sighs, reaching to pull your tank top over your breasts, “Stay like that for me, yeah? Wanna see your perfect tits.”
He barely allows you a moment to breathe before he’s snapping his hips against you roughly, letting out a strained grunt with every thrust. Sensations trickle up your spine like flickering flames as a muffled cry spills out of you. Matty angles his hips just right, hitting so deep inside you that you feel as though you’re being split open by each drive of his cock, it’s mind-numbing. Your whole body jolts against the counter with his purposeful movements, the edge of the porcelain biting into your hip bones. He can hardly focus on just one thing, his gaze darting from where he’s disappearing inside of you, to your gorgeous face, to your breasts. Matty’s raspy voice makes your eyes refocus on him, you watch in the mirror as he licks his teeth like he wants to devour you whole.
“You see how pretty you look? No, no, sweetheart, don’t look at me, look at yourself. God, isn’t she pretty?” he drawls, “You look so sexy, wearing my chain like that while you’re taking my cock.”
At his instruction, you meet your own eyes through the reflection, your eyebrows sloping as you realize that he’s right, you do look pretty when he’s fucking you. Your rosied cheeks, your blown pupils, your glowing skin… and your boyfriend’s hand over your mouth. Your chain bounces against your collarbones in tandem with your pierced tits, it’s no wonder he’s loving this position so much, he gets to watch everything at once. While you’re gazing at yourself, Matty reaches around and begins to rub two fingers on your clit, swirling them in intoxicatingly quick figure eights. You watch your own eyes go wide as the pleasure ricochets through your bones, making you light-headed. This must be the expression Matty lives for when he’s got you like this, the face to his sweetest wet dreams. You’re almost mesmerized by seeing yourself get railed to high heaven, it’s sort of an odd feeling.
In one swift motion, Matty lets go of your face and grasps the chain around your neck, pulling it taut against your throat from behind, ripping a shocked cry from your lips. 
“Ohh, she liked that one,” he grins lazily, tilting his head back with a groan as he feels your walls clamp down on him like a vice, “Shit, not gonna last if you keep doin’ that, god damn.”
It feels like he’s stolen the air directly from your lungs as he lightly chokes you with the silver links you’d so slickly “borrowed” from him. Even just the slight restriction of oxygen has you reeling, your eyes rolling back as your hands claw at the counter, your whole body buzzing with mortifying heights of exhilaration. It’s a dizzying combination of thrill and precarious risk as Matty keeps a tight hold on the chain while fucking you with such vigor that you don’t feel attached to your body, the counter being your only loose grasp on reality. It only makes every drive of his cock feel that much more visceral, the tension coiling tighter in your belly. Heat prickles at your cheeks and the bridge of your nose at the purely obscene sounds of him thrusting into your sopping cunt, skin on skin echoing through the small space while his fingers abuse your clit.
It’s all building up so fast, quicker than usual due to Matty’s frenzied rhythm, his hips meeting yours again and again, unrelentingly. You bite back a wail as the tension so deep inside you reverberates in crackling pangs, threatening to break you to pieces as you arch backward. Your hips writhe against his hand both like you’re chasing the friction and trying to thrash away from its intensity. He can tell you’re on the edge of euphoria, teetering with every swipe of his fingers, every slam of his hips. He gives the chain a harsh tug, knowing it’ll send you spiraling into the depths of pleasure just beyond your fingertips.
“Fuck!” you gasp, one of your hands flying to grip his wrist as your mind goes impossibly blank, your nails digging into his skin, “I’m gonna- I-I can’t!”
“Shit, me too, angel. So close. Oh, fuck, cum for me, sweet girl. Cum for me while I fill you up,” he grunts, a burst of energy coming over him as he manages to piston into you even more brutally. 
It crashes over you like a thunderous wave, spiraling through you from your dizzied head to the tips of your curled toes. He lets go of the chain, putting his hand over your mouth again to stifle your cry, the disorienting rush of oxygen almost making your knees give out from underneath you, and they just might have if Matty hadn’t kept you supported against the counter. It feels like pure white light is fizzling under your eyelids as Matty makes you reach the stars with your climax, dousing you in pulsating bliss as you clench around him tightly. He lets out a deep, animalistic sound as he spills inside of you, warmth flooding your insides as he fucks you through your orgasm, his rhythm beginning to falter from the effort. 
“Fuuuck!” he hisses through gritted teeth, along with other breathy strings of profanities. 
Slowly, his body stutters to a stop, giving one last roll of his hips before he collapses over you as delicately as he can, enveloping you with his chest to your back. He lovingly presses kisses to the back of your neck as your head hangs forward slightly, both of you gasping to catch your breath. 
“H-holy shit, babe. You’re so good…you’re fucking incredible,” he mutters, seeming just as dazed as you are. 
He can’t seem to stop complimenting you and loving on you as he keeps you held up with his hands on your hips, rubbing little circles into your skin as you both come down from the highest of highs. The afterglow clouds your head in a way that makes you feel like you’re floating with Matty being your only anchor to the ground. 
“Matty…” you mumble, reaching back blindly for his face.
“I’m right here. Right here, love,” he whispers, guiding your palm to his cheek. 
You smile warmly as you feel the scruffy sides of his head at your fingertips, Matty keeping his hand over yours sweetly. At the same time you both glance upwards at the mirror, letting out simultaneous giggles as you appreciate the state you’re in. He leans to kiss your cheek, peering into your eyes adoringly through the reflection, pulling your top back down over your breasts. 
“Oh my god… we’re a mess,” you snort, rubbing aimlessly at your runny mascara with your free hand.
“You mean you’re a mess, I look damn good,” he jokes, starting to slowly ease you both back up into a standing position. 
You both let out a breathy sound as he pulls out of you slowly, his cum beginning to streak down your thighs. Of course, Matty stares, swallowing thickly like he’ll never quite get used to the sight while he shimmies back into his pants. Diligently, he reaches for a handful of paper towels, keeping a gentle hold on your hip. You reach to try and smack his arm when he laughs at the way your legs are trembling, your knees wobbling due to how hard he’d railed you. He dodges the blow, grinning at you triumphantly.
Matty gently wipes away the residue of his pearly release, whispering a hushed “I know, I know” when you squirm at the sensitivity. Once he discards the paper towels, he kneels down to pull your underwear and your jeans back up, kissing his way up the outside of your leg as he does so, looking into your eyes with a playful glint. He kisses you deeply while he buttons your pants with nimble hands, not even letting you lift a finger as he takes care of his girl. You throw your arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss as he teases his tongue piercing along your bottom lip just to make you shiver. 
“My perfect girl,” he mumbles against your mouth.
You stay in the bathroom for just a little longer, kissing and whispering sweet things to each other while your bodies fully come down, Matty shouting at whoever keeps intermittently knocking on the door to fuck off. You can’t help but feel a little tinge of guilt in your stomach for “christening” the restroom the way you did, but you highly doubt you were the first. 
After he reassures you that the makeup streaked down your cheeks is “hardcore” and that you should leave it the way it is, you finally leave to re-enter the show (not before one final, drawn-out kiss, of course). Your boyfriend keeps you close by his side, his fingers interlocked with yours as you find yourselves at the very back of the pit, scattered with only a few other people. Matty guides your arms around his neck, grinning at you like a fool as you start to rock back and forth to the rhythm of the drums. His smile is infectious as he leans in to rest his forehead against yours, singing to you when the song reaches its chorus. He looks incredibly dorky as mimics the wail of the guitar solo, swinging his hips while his hands rest comfortably on your waist, almost like you’re about to slow dance. You tell him as such and Matty just tosses his head back with a laugh like a little kid. His eyes are sparkling, but not just from the iridescent stage lighting, it’s the look he gets only when he’s with you. You feel your heart swell in your chest as you continue to dance like you’re the only two in the venue, and he looks at you like you’re the only woman in the whole world. 
SO I was a liar and I did write another part. I intended this to be a blurb but I had so many more thoughts about them and their relationship eeeeee
The ending was soooo “do you wanna dance, dance at the back of the hall”
I love them. I need them to be happy forever actually. 
This one is dedicated to my lovely lovely friend B (@haveyouseenherlately) thank you so much for the ideas, you get body piercer like no one else, queen. Love you!!!
Go check out her stuff if you haven’t it SLAYS <3
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httpdollie · 9 months
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content warning: she/her pronouns, unprotected sex, creampie, daddy kink, breeding kink, established relationship, jealous! geto, insecure reader, geto is obsessed with his gf and wants to prove it to her, Geto is business man. this is my first time writing smut T^T
never thought my first post on a new account would be smut, this is so bad i’m sorry ToT
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Geto knew you were mad at him, he was late two times in the past week to your dates due to being held back by his friends. Not just the typical 20 minute lateness, but the kind of late that had you questioning if he was even coming cause you’ve waited an hour already. The first time you forgave him and he promised to make it up to you, but the second time, you barely said anything which made it very obvious that you were hurt. You were the talker in your relationship and he couldn’t handle the silence from you.
He knew how you hated it when Gojo would suck him into hanging out for another hour, he already has an insane schedule with work and the fact he worked with Gojo made you even more bitter. There’s also the fact that Gojo loves drinking with women who love men like him and your boyfriend. Of course it irritated the hell out of Geto, but it didn’t help that his best friend also happened to be his boss. He spent most of his time thinking about rotting in bed all day with you in his arms (or his face on your tits).
Geto was desperate for you. When he met you two years ago, he was and still is completely enchanted by you. He was 3 years older than you, you had met at your job, at a cafe across the street from his job. He’d come everyday and became your regular who was unable to say anything outside of his order. It was you who made the first move.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” You asked quietly while handing his coffee to him. At this point he had been coming to this cafe for three months and had never brought anyone with him. He smiled before telling you he was single. That day he thanked the universe for divine intervention cause he had foot in mouth syndrome because of how cute your smile was every time you told him to ‘have a good day’. Once you started dating he felt like he was walking on a cloud, your presence drowning him in a bliss he never knew he could feel before.
Then he got swamped with work over summer, and now you were mad at him.
Now he was on his way to pick you up from a girl night with your friends. He walked into the club with keys in hand to see you sitting near the bar with your friends on one side of you and some random guy on the other, talking up a storm with you, before he put his arm on your shoulder.
Geto felt his heartbeat pick up in an unsettling way. He watched as you push his hand off your shoulder and give him a disgusted look and flipping your attention back to your friends. He grinned to himself with pride. As he looked at you he bit his lip nervously before walking up behind you, wrapping his arms around you. He felt you jump up at first before sighing with relief upon realizing who it was.
“You ready to go baby?” He said, kissing your cheek softly, staring intensely at the guy next to you with dead eyes, watching him shift uncomfortably in his seat. You nod giving him a weak smile, grabbing your purse off your chair and standing up. “Do any of them need a ride?” He asks softly, letting go of you. Now noticing your friend are watching him, some glaring.
“Uh no, their cab is on the way, they live together.” Making him nod and allowing you to say your goodbyes before you head out to his car and head your way home. In silence.
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As Geto drives he feels guilt eating away at him. Staring at you every red light he hits. Minutes upon minutes of tension filled air and his gawking.
“Stop staring at me and pay attention to the road.” You spoke suddenly, making lips curl into a grin
“I can’t help it when you look so pretty.” He replies back, watching to turn away from him, making him chuckle at your flustered self. He takes a deep breath and rests his hand on your thigh, softly rubbing your inner thigh with his thumb.
“Look Y/n, i’ve been an ass recently and i’m sorry, you’re my priority and I haven’t been treating you as well as I should’ve and I wanna make it up to you.” He said, his eyes focused on the road as the light was green but his hand remained gently rubbing you, assuring you that you have his attention. “I’m going cut my hours back at the office, hire some new people so i have more time with you princess.” He continued, giving your thigh a gentle squeeze
“I forgive you Geto… it’s just that I really liked you for a long time before we started dating and I just… I get scared sometimes that i’m not enough.” You said quietly, making Geto’s heart twist in his chest. He turns the corner into your neighbourhood, pulling into the driveway and immediately unbuckling once he’s parked.
“Y/n, I promise you are all I want, all that I need, baby I think about you basically every second so please don’t think you’re not enough for me.”
He rests his hand on your cheek before pulling you into a hug. “Y/n… I’m so in love with you, it drives me crazy, ’m so sorry I made you feel like that.” He pulls away and kisses your face, feeling the tears on your face, he gently wipes them away. “I love you so much.” He kisses your lips, this time moving his hand from your check to the back of your neck. He starts off kissing you slowly, feeding into the tenderness of the moment.
As you kiss, he entices a moan out of you, making him eager to kiss you with more passion. Feeling your hands gently tug at his hair tie, letting his soft locs loose, gently running your hands through it, he sighs softly into your mouth as you play with his hair. He bites gently on your lip, using the moment you gasp as a moment to deepen the already intense makeout. He slides his tongue in your mouth, tilting your head back, kissing you with fevour.
“Wanna go inside?” You smile, finally pulling apart.
The second you’re in the house, Geto pushes you against the door, his hands roam from your face, down your body, caressing, groping and toying with you as he kisses you. He slaps your ass, grabbing the fat of it, to make you gasp and giggle before he follows you into your bedroom. Immediately moaning excitedly as you kiss him feverishly. He smiles into the kiss, pulling away, chuckling as your lips try to follow his.
“Can I touch you princess?” Your dark hair lover asks as he hand with the bottom of your dress.
“Please.” He swears your voice alone could makes him hard.
“Please what baby?” He grins, watching your needy expression
He teased you pulling up the front of your dress, his hand quickly cupping your pussy, making you whimper. While one hands on your pussy, the other is on your neck, tilting it to give him access to your neck, biting and nipping at the soft skin. His hand slowly teases your clit through your panties. rubbing your clothed pussy slowly making a wet spot form as he toyed with you.
“You need to use your words princess.” He said into the kiss, smiling at your pouting reaction. “I’ll give you what you want baby, you just need to tell me what it is.”
“Please touch me daddy.” You beg, face down avoiding his gaze. He takes his hand off your pussy, smiling when he wears you whimper. He uses both hands for make you look at him.
“Good girl.” He praises you, kissing you before you can look away.
Geto unzipped the back of your dress, slipping the flimsy straps off your shoulders, letting it fall of you and pool onto the floor. He breaks the kiss, letting you step your dress and sadly your panties. Watching him frown before commenting on how he found them “cute,” watching you roll you eyes at him sarcastically before he pulled you by the waist before leveling himself to your body. His hands made their way to your boobs, leaning his head down to kiss your neck, moving down your soft skin, bringing his face to your tits before he gently pinched your nipple, making you squeak
“Geto, be nice,” you pouted, hands tugging at his hair in retaliation, causing him to smirk.
“Of course I‘ll be nice baby, gonna show you how much I love you.” He replied, continuing kissing your chest. Looking up at you seductively as he sucked on you nipple watching you start to breath heavier, his has travel to you ass, grabbing it roughly.
You feel his long fingers slide down your body, making you shiver as he backed you up onto the bed, making you sit on the edge. He settles between your legs, dragging his finger slowly up your thighs, making you bit your lip in anticipation. He places soft kisses on your thighs, using his hands to feel you up.
“Such a pretty pussy you have for me.” He cooed, finally kissing your pussy softly. Using his hands to pull your hips closer to his mouth. He gave light kisses before they turned into slowly licking up your pussy.
He pulled his shirt off, watching you practically drool over his body making him chuckle. He quickly laid back.
He smirked as he felt you roll your hips into his face, chasing your own high. He laid his tongue flat on your pussy, hands on your ass as he encourages you to ride his face. His nose rubbing your clit as you move your hips pathetically against him. He quickly holds your hips as you whimper loudly, moaning his name out louder and louder telling him how badly you want to cum. He latched his tongue around your clit, sucking intensely as you cum on his face, cover his mouth before he quickly laps it up.
“Oh my god! Ahh— fuck!” You squirmed in his face, hands gripping his hair as you try to pull his mouth off. He continues his assault on your clit, sucking and swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud, feeling your legs lightly tremble around his head, . His grip on you tightens as he moves your hips, making you ride his mouth and nose again. He feels you nails scratch at his scalp, making him groan; the noise vibrating against your pussy as he toys with your wet little cunt.
Geto loved the look on your face as he held your thighs down, securing your spot on his face, viciously devouring you. Your whimpers and moans stir his cock as he detaches his mouth from you, making you cry out.
“Aww, you’re so sensitive princess,” he smiled as he mocked you taking two of his fingers, slowly rubbing ur on your puffy slit. “I’ve only been eating your cute little pussy and you’re all fucked out, how cute.” He purred, using his thumb to rub small but fast circles on your clit, watching you try fighting your upcoming orgasm. He slowly slips is tongue in and out of your hole, before switching with his fingers. He slips his thick middle finger slowly into your tight cunt, while he starts sucking on your clit, feeling you jerk your hips unwillingly every now and then while crying and moaning. He slides in a second finger, picking up the pace as he pumps his fingers in, curving them inside you, hitting your spongy spot. You feel you toes curl as repeatedly thrusts into you. Feeling a cool in your stomach slowly tighten.
One of your hands hit the wall, holding yourself up as your boyfriend continues to lick and suck on you til you cum undone on his face once again. Your legs trembling again, panting as you lean against the wall. “It’s too much daddy,” you breath out, legs shaking around him. He looks at your fucked out face and smiles at you. He taps your thigh, letting you move off his face before he repositions you, spreading your legs. He shifts in the bed, slipping out of his pants and boxers, joining his shirt in the floor before resting between your legs again. He doesn’t even bother opening the nightstand to get a condom. He lifts your legs over his shoulder and leans down, rubbing his long, thick cock along your sensitive hole.
“You wanna cum for me again princess?” He looks at you with his eyes half lidded eyes, his long dark hair framing his face, making him look all the more sexy. You give him a nod and he shakes his head, slowly moves his cock along your pussy, watching your face as you become needy for him to touch you again.
“I wanna hear you use your words baby, tell me what you want.” He teases as he picks up the pace, rubbing himself faster along your folds.
“Please daddy… I want your cock so bad.” You bite your lip trying to suppressing a moan, but failing miserably when your boyfriends hands trails up your body, caressing your boob as he teases your pussy. “Geto please fuck me! I want your cum in me so bad!” You whine, moving your hips trying to get more pressure.
He couldn’t handle his own teasing at this point, with the way your whine for his cock, makes him want to cum on the spot. His perfect little girl was begging for him, who was he to deny her?
He presses his lips into a her neck, kissing and sucking on her soft skin as he slowly presses his length into her. His eyes roll back at the feeling of her tight, wet, cunt making him bite his lip trying to stifle a moan.
“Fuck—you feel so perfect baby.” He breathes deeply, slowly rolling his hips into yours. “This pussy is all fucking mine.” He said as he peppered your neck with kisses, picking up the pace as he pleased you. “Say it princess.” He demanded, as his thrusts into you.
“I’m yours daddy! It feels ‘so good,” you pant out as he continues his assault on your pussy. “I love you so much! Fuck daddy please make me cum!” Geto pulls way from your neck, watching you close your eyes as he rolls in and out of you. He smiles before kissing your lips, increasing his speed as he plows into you. Your legs roll off his shoulders and you quickly wrap them around his hips, making pull away and grab your hips, lifting your lower back off the bed as he thrusts into you at this newfound angle, making your walls clench around him as the presses his head into your cunt.
“Feels so fucking good.” He groans, moving your hips along his thick cock. He thrusts into your hips, making you met as he uses you like a fucktoy. You unintentionally clench around him, making his grip on you tighten as you watch him groan loudly. Swearing and praising you as he plows into you roughly.
“I fucking love this pussy. Oh! Fuck— baby tell me you love me pretty girl.”
“I love you so much daddy! You feel so good inside me!” You scream out, feeling him pick up the pace while he tell you how good you make him feel.
He quickly pulls out, and sits beside you before helping you into his lap, holding the small of your back against himself. He rubs his cock along your clit, rubbing it with this pink head before looking up at you with a doped out smile.
“Lemme take care of you baby— oh fuck…” He sighs heavily, grabbing your ass as he slowly helps you ride his cock. Each thrust pulling almost all the way out before quickly thrusting in deep, pressing his hips hard into you, making you gasp and groan sharply as he abuses your puffy pussy. He snakes one hand in front, putting his thumb against your swollen bud. He smirks to himself as he feels your legs shake as he starts rubbing your clit again. “You look so pretty like this princess. Nice and pretty getting fucked stupid on daddy’s cock.” His mocking stirs something inside you, causing the tightened in you stomach to bundle up as he played with your pussy relentlessly.
“Daddy- ah fuck! I’m gonna cum!” You cry out, his pace with his thumb and hips quicken as you try to hold on from cumming so quickly; your boyfriend clearly thinking otherwise. “Oh god- ‘its too much!” You squeak out as you feel yourself losing breath coming up on your high. Geto thirsting deep inside you, holding you in place as you squirm on his dick, taking in your reaction as you cum all over him. Feeling your body slump against him as you try to catch your breath.
“You did so good pretty girl” He coos at you, gently placing both hands on your ass, gliding your over sensitive pussy on his cock, making you whine out.
“Too much daddy, ‘m so tired.”
“Thought you wanted daddy’s cum in you, princess?” He teases, slowly helping up and down on his cock. “I think I deserve to knock you up after all.” Feeling your pussy twitch at your words. he smiles up at you, his dark lust filled eyes staring into yours. “What do you think princess? You want daddy’s cum in you?”
“Yes daddy!”
“Good fucking girl, ‘gonna breed this tight little pussy! Oh- ffuck, gonna get this pussy pregnant!” He smiles lazily at you, practically limp on his body as his shoving his cock into you, getting faster and faster with each thrust. Sweat dripping down his face as he slams into your pussy like his life depends on it
“Please cum in me daddy! Need it so bad” You say into his ear, arms wrapped around his neck, hands tangling into his hair as he uses your pussy like a flashlight to get him off. Slapping your ass every and then to make you gasp and cry out. You feel his cocky twitch as his thrust get harder and harder, pushing deeper into your gummy walls. Room filled with nothing but your moans and the sound of slapping skin.
“This pussy is fucking— mine.” He groan out, kissing and biting your neck, as he bottomed out before thirsting harshly, making his cock press deeper than ever, make your vision go blurry and your toes to curl as you forcefully came on his cock as he pumped your pussy full of his cum.
“It all leaked out baby…” He said with a grin. “If we’re knocking you up we need to make sure it sticks.” He clicks his toungue on his teeth, showing fake disappointment. “I guess we’ll need to go again right princess?” He asks feign innocence with a dark look in his eye.
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© httpdollie 2023
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wileys-russo · 10 months
Currently thinking about what a face time with alessia would be like whilst she’s in Australia and the readers at home because of work. Full of fluff and them just happy they get to talk to each other after a hard day, saying how much they miss each other
last bit of writing from me for a few days while i'm off on holiday! might post a couple blurbs if i have time maybe
time zones II a.russo
it was a warm evening on the east coast of australia and alessia was almost in disbelief it was winter in the foreign country. nearly all of the girls had been happily wearing shorts and tops each day at training, some of them even daring for a late afternoon swim.
alessia though was not that brave and had instead settled herself on the beach, bare legs spread out on a towel and top half kit out in one of your hoodies as she glanced up to watch her friends all race off toward the water, the early evening sun just beginning to dip beneath the horizon.
tucking an airpod into her ear alessia clicked dial on the facetime icon by your contact. the time in australia nearing 5:30pm would make it almost 8:30 in the morning for you back in England, as you'd sadly been unable to accompany alessias family to the tournament due to work.
you were a primary school teacher and alessia more than understood the commitment that meant, your passion and drive for teaching the next generation one of the many reasons she'd fallen so in love with you in the first place.
she had always loved kids, and seeing you speak so dearly about your students and how you interacted with them had meant she'd spent many an hour dreaming about what you would be like if the two of you one day had your own children, something that had never really crossed her mind before meeting you.
it was now saturday which meant you were finally able to speak with alessia freely, not needing to cut anything short to rush off to work. your routine so far while she was away had been the two of you speaking while you got up and ready and then during your drive to school before you'd have to then hang up.
due to time zones it was hard for alessia to stay up to call you once you'd finished which you assured you'd rather she not do anyway, wanting her to be as well rested and ready for the matches as she could be.
so mornings for you and afternoons for her were the perfect time for the two of you to call and catch one another up on what had been missed.
"good evening my love." you accepted the call and sung out happily, alessias smile widening seeing you were in one of her hoodies, and you were quick to make a joke that the two of you had the same thought considering she was currently wearing yours.
"good morning gorgeous, you look lovely." alessia complimented, tucking her knees up to her chest and moving her phone to rest against her water bottle, angling the camera upwards toward herself.
"mm yes with my bed hair, pyjama shorts and puffy eyes i clearly missed my calling as a model." you teased, moving your own phone to lean against the wall as you began to prep yourself breakfast.
"well you're glowing. australia looks good on you baby and so does happiness." you commented back with a soft smile, alessias heart melting at your words and wishing for nothing more than to just wrap you up in her arms and never have to let go.
"did you have a nice day? you had it off from training right?" you questioned, a slight sizzle heard as you tossed some diced bacon and peppers into a pan, intending to make yourself an omelette.
"we did! we went into town and to some local markets, then got some breakfast at a really cute cafe and just explored a little, it's so beautiful here. the coffee is something else! i think i'll need to smuggle some back with me." alessia grinned, indeed having somehow even fallen more in love with the caffeinated beverage since landing.
"some of the girls went whale watching but tooney made me stay back because she gets sea sick." alessia rolled her eyes, having felt immense fomo seeing all of the photos and videos from the outing.
"captain tooney gets sea sick?" you laughed, alessia forever ripping into her best friend for the horrendous time they'd all had when ella decided to drive them all round in a boat last summer on one of their days off.
"apparently so, and then instead she dragged me round shopping with roebuck and g for hours!" alessia moaned, her arms still sore from an afternoon spent helping them haul around their bags.
"that girls gonna need a second house just to store all her trainers!" you joked with a shake of your head, a comfortable silence falling between the two of you as alessia watched you cook.
the familiar domestic scene just made the heart ache that she wasn't with you right now worsen.
the two of you would always cook together and it was often the highlight of your days after grueling training on her end, or wrangling restless nine year olds for you.
since the two of you had started seeing one another this was the longest you would be separated and though it caused the two of you to be given endless grief from your friends you really were normally attached at the hip.
as a pair you were well known for forever making a one person job into a two person task. whether it be something as simple as alessia sitting on top of the washing machine keeping you company as you folded laundry or the numerous occasions you'd sit in the bathroom whilst alessia showered after training, the two of you chatting one anothers ears off about your days.
when you'd have to lesson plan for the week the blonde would always ensure at least one part of her body was touching yours at all times, if that was her head resting on your thigh, your back tucked securely into her front, or your legs draped in her lap as she traced absent minded shapes along the warm skin.
one time ella even swears she saw the two of you holding hands under the stall door while using the restroom, though both you and alessia knew she'd only spread that rumor to wind less up.
but thats not to say the two of you hadn't done other things in bathroom stalls together, never unable to keep your hands off one another for very long, especially when alcohol was involved on nights out.
"i miss you." alessia sighed, resting her chin on her fist as you looked up to meet the sad smile flashed your way, returning one of your own. "i miss you too." you agreed quietly, though as much as it was killing the two of you to be apart you would never ever do anything to hold her back from her career, nor would alessia with you, so sometimes sacrifices like this had to be made.
"i miss you more." alessia challenged perking up a little, playful glint returning to her eyes as you flipped the omelette, taking a bow at your girlfriends cheers. "i miss you most." you cheekily stuck your tongue out and disappeared out of frame to grab something from the fridge.
"i miss you more than the most." alessia countered before calling out for you to hurry up and return on screen. "you're so needy." you teased as the blonde rolled her eyes playfully, both of you well aware you were just as needy as each another.
"also you can't miss something more than the most, so therefore i win." you shrugged, returning to alessias sight as you turned the heat off the stove, moving the omelette over to a plate.
"says who!" alessia challenged, picking her phone back up as her legs began to cramp, standing to her feet and wandering off toward the water. "says the english language, and me." you sat down at the dining table, moving the phone so you were still in frame.
"well you're both wrong." alessia argued with a smile, eyes glancing off with a chuckle as she watched lucy absolutely body ella down and into the water after she splashed her.
"baby i literally teach english for a living, i can't be wrong!" you laughed after swallowing your mouthful of food. "look!" alessia flipped the camera around, showing the dazzling sunset as you squealed happily, alessia well aware how much you adored this time of day.
"take a photo of that for me please." you instructed as alessia promised she would. "it's almost as beautiful as you are." alessia quipped smoothly, grinning lovingly at the blush that spread across your face at the words. "charmer." you shook your head, smile tugging at your lips.
"oh god even on the other side of the world i can't escape youse two and your disgusting lovesick pining!" ella gagged as she appeared beside alessia, you glancing up and bursting out in laughter at the hot pink goggles on your friends face.
"what!" ella frowned, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance as you simply continued to laugh, clearly at her expense. "nice goggles you idiot." you managed to choke out, as the girl basically spent more time at yours and alessias flat than her own the two of you had formed quite the close bond.
"gotta protect the lashes, obviously!" the brunettes frown quickly disappeared as she wiggled her eyebrows goofily. "oh! did less tell you what happened last night?" tooney grinned as your girlfriends eyes widened and she tried to move away but ella snatched her phone, sprinting off away from her.
"we decided to go for a swim in the dark after we went in the spa-" ella started, pausing as she dodged alessia who caught up to her and ran off now in the other direction as the blonde yelled threats after her.
"-cause theres like lights on the beach and stuff and we only just dunked our bodies in and bolted-" a yell was heard and the screen went black for a moment before ellas head popped into frame again, you spotting your girlfriend over her shoulder still avidly chasing after her.
"-and we were running across the road to get back to the hotel and less of course tripped over and her slider went all the way up her leg-" ella continued with a loud laugh before a body hurtled into her, a flash of blonde tackling her to the ground.
"-and she couldn't get her slider off her leg and we had to cut it off!" alessias face now back on the screen you could hear ella dying from laughter on the ground beneath her, your girlfriend hitting her with a loud smack as ella cried out.
"less don't hit her!" you chastised, alessia ignoring you as she grappled with ella with her free hand, the two of them pushing and smacking one another around, their childish behavior nothing new to you.
"girls!" you called out again, firmer this time as alessia glanced to you, ella pushing her off and sitting up beside her inside. "ooo teacher voice!" the younger of the two called out teasingly, alessia joining in with a grin as you rolled your eyes at their sudden change of antics.
"it is not!" you protested with a pout before you heard the rest of the girls call out for the two as they were headed back to the hotel, ella wishing you goodbye before running off to join them.
"i'll call you back after dinner and we can watch a movie?" alessia asked hopefully as she gathered her things into her bag and began to walk off the beach. "it's a date. i love you!" you smiled softly.
"i love you, the most."
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scarletwinterxx · 4 months
stupid in love with you - jaehyun scenario
when i heard this song i had one person in my mind and a bunch of cute moments I wanted to write about. so now we're here😅 jeong jaehyun the man that you are🥺🥺
song inspo: stupid in love - max
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"What are you doing here?"
"You said you hated driving when it's snowing, and I remembered you had work today so I came to pick you up"
Yuno Jeong was the last but probably the only person you'd expect to see right now. The snowfall was a bit stronger today, only those who had work or important errands to run dared to brave the cold weather outside and here he was standing outside the cafe you worked at.
"It's late and it's freezing, you should've waited inside" you chided him, he just smiles at you. Happy that you weren't shooing him away.
It's been a while since he started courting you, and even though you told him you weren't really looking for a serious relationship at the moment he still offered to be a friend. A companion. For you he'd be anything you'd want him to be.
You admit at first you were hesitant and for a few valid reason: like for one, why would Jaehyun like you YOU out of all the girls falling on their knees for him and two, in your mind he's just way too out of your league. It's not that you're selling yourself short, it's just he's the Jaehyun Jeong.
His presence is now a constant in your everyday life, you won't tell him now but it feels incomplete when you don't see him or talk to him. Jaehyun successfully won you over, and he's not aware of it yet.
"It's okay, can I drive you home?" he asks, watching you walk towards him. To him, this is the highlight of his day. He spent the past hours of his day waiting until he can see you again. He didn't want to burden you or annoy you, if he's being honest it took all of his willpower not to drive earlier and just stay all day at the cafe just so he could see you because what if some dude decides to ask you out or asks for your number. All these scenarios playing in his head.
You roll your eyes at him, ever the gentleman that he is. He still asks you even though he practically drives you home every chance he could.
When you got to where he was, standing right in front of him you take his hand to give him a small bag. "I made extra cookies today, and tried making this new cake for the menu. Tell me if you like it"
Jaehyun looks inside the bag then back at you, a smile already on his lips. "You got me these? How'd you know I was coming?" he teasingly asks you
You playfully push him aside to get in his car, he laughs then holds the door open for you. After you get in, he jogs over the driver's side. Waiting until he settles inside before you answer him
"I just know" you say
He just looks at you, taking note of your reddened cheeks probably from the cold. He knows you get cold easily so he turns the heater on. You put your hands in front the vents to warm them up, feeling his gaze on you
"What?" you ask, looking over at him
Like always, he has this stupidly cute smile on his face. One you only see when he's with you. Something you internally boast about.
"Nothing, just missed you today"
You scrunch your nose at him, shaking your head.
"If you're free tomorrow would you like to go out with me?"
"In this weather? Why don't you just go over my place, we can watch a movie, dinner, bake cookies" you suggested, when he didn't say anything you look at him again
Thinking you might have upset him, you add "Sorry, I mean if you already planned something sure I'd go with you"
"No uhm your suggestion sounds better actually, are you okay though? If I come over?"
"Why won't I be? Bring some snacks over though, and if you want you can go there by lunch, you shouldn't be driving this late in this weather" you absentmindedly nag, the guy sitting beside you can feel his ears go red but he didn't care.
You put your seatbelt on, waiting for him to start the car but again Jaehyun made no move beside you prompting you to look at him again. You giggle when you see his red ears, "What did I do this time?" you tease him, leaning over to touch his ears with your semi-cold fingers
He just watches you adoringly, wishing this moment won't end. Wishing for the seconds to last longer so he can be this close to you. You're so close he can smell your favorite vanilla perfume, can see the faint red on your lips from your liptint you wear everyday making him wonder just what it tastes like.
Then he snaps out of his head, taking your cold hands in his before taking them against his lips. You just watch him with wide eyes, "I drove this late so I can see you because I missed you, don't worry your pretty little mind I promise I drove carefully. And I also promise tomorrow I'd drive earlier" he whispers against your hands.
Sometimes you ask yourself just why can't you accept it and fall completely in love with him. It's not difficult, in fact it's the easiest thing especially when he's this caring and sweet and attentive towards you.
Come the next day, Jaehyun already texted you early this morning asking if you needed anything else. He's already on his way to your place, a bag of your favorite snacks in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other.
When you hear the doorbell ring, you hurry over. The moment you open the door you see the flowers
"Hi" Jaehyun says, you let him in before closing the door behind him
"I got these for you, just because. And I know you don't like flowers that much but these are pretty flowers, I wanted to give them to the prettiest girl"
You take the flowers from him, jokingly scowling at him. He laughs, walking right behind you. He puts the grocery bag on the counter before taking his coat off.
"Okay so, what are we doing?" he asks you,
"I already cooked pasta and I baked bread the other day so I'll just need to heat those. I was planning to start on the brownies, you can help me with that"
You get the other apron, throwing it on Jaehyun before walking behind him to tie it for him. Meanwhile he feels like his heart is about to burst out of his chest, how can this night end without him kissing you he's not so sure.
With every little thing you do, it's like a brick being broken down one by one. And soon enough nothing will stop him, but for you he'll control it. He can wait, he'll wait. You're worth the wait, he reminds himself.
"Okay, so in this bowl you put eggs, butter and milk a bit of vanilla" you tell him. The two of you work side by side, he listens to your instructions while you put the ingredients in the bowl. He mixes, you pour. He can't help but think the two of you make the perfect team.
You put the baking dish in the over, setting the timer before turning to face him again. "And now we wait, should we eat lunch now?"
"You got something on your cheek" Jaehyun says, before he can stop himself he's already stepping towards you. It's like his body was on auto-pilot, grasping your chin gently to tilt it towards him while his other hand wipes the flour away.
"There" he mumbles, looking down at you. Now he fully realizes just how close he is. Your wide eyes looking at him, waiting for his next move. A bit disappointed when you feel his warm hands let go of you, "So uh lunch? I can set up the table"
Neither of you said anything about it after that. He sets up the table while you prepare the food, after lunch the two of you clean the dishes side by side while waiting for the brownies to be done.
When you hear the timer go off, you get the mittens before opening the oven. Just when the baking dish reaches the cooling rack, it touches a part of your hand
"Ouch ouch ouch oh my gosh"
"What? What happened?" Jaehyun immediately takes the mittens off, checking your hand and he sees the red line. He pulls you over the sink, turning the tap on letting the water run over your hand
"Where's the first aid?" he asks "In the bathroom, last door down the hall. It's under the sink"
He quickly walks to the other room, coming back with the first aid kit. He knows you keep a burn medicine in there because he got the kit for you, it's not the first time this happened so he got you a first aid kit just in case.
He turns the tap off, drying your hand gently with a towel before dabbing the medicine on. "Does that still hurt?"
"A bit" you answer
"You want ice? Aloe? I can go to the store and grab some"
"Jae it's okay, it's just a little burn. I get them all the time when I bake" you tell him, he finally looks you. Making sure you're actually okay.
You chuckle, pulling your injured hand to your side while you use your other hand to pull him down. You don't know what possessed you but you just suddenly had the urge to do it.
You pull him down by the collar of his hoodie until he's eye to eye with you. You kissed the corner of his lips, it was so quick Jaehyun didn't even have enough time to react. "I'm good, how about we watch a movie while the brownies cool down" you ask him with a smile
He bites his lips, nodding at you. You smile at him then you walk towards the living room, leaving him there in the kitchen like you didn't just give him a mini heart attack.
It took some time before you finally choose a movie, it was an odd one to watch on a movie date night but he watches it. It's your favorite movie after all.
"Is it weird that this is my favorite movie?" you ask all of a sudden
He looks down at you, your head resting on the pillow between the two of you.
"No, why? It's a good movie" he answers
"Well it's about a woman who frames her own husband, but I like the twist. Is that weird?" you turn so your head is now towards him, only to see him already looking at you
"I won't frame you for anything, I swear" you jokingly add, making Jaehyun let out a hearty laugh.
This time he's the one doing something unexpected, he leans down you close your eyes involuntary then you feel his lips kiss the tip of your nose. The most gentle kiss ever, but you swear you could feel it to the ends of your fingertips.
"I'd take the blame, don't worry" then he goes back to watching the movie.
You try the hardest to focus on the movie again but your mind won't let you. Jaehyun notices your restlessness but don't comment on it. Finally you sit up, throwing the pillow that was between the two of you on the floor before sitting cross legged facing him
"Yes?" he asks
"Don't play stupid with me, Yuno. What was that?"
"That little kiss, what was that?"
The end of lips curl upwards but he fights it, wanting to enjoy a few more seconds of teasing you
"Weren't you the one who kissed me first in the kitchen?"
"That was... I was... That was a thank you" you try to reason out
"Okay, then that was a 'you're welcome' kiss" he replies back
He watches you have an internal debate, waiting for you to say anything but you don't.
"I won't do it again if you don't like it. I'm sorry" he tells you
"It's not that, I just don't know what to do when you do it. I don't know what to do half the time when you're being like that okay" you grumbled, crossing your arms.
That feeling in Jaehyun's chest comes back, like the last of the bricks just fell and now he's face to face with you. Thinking if he should hold back or say fuck it and kiss you for real this time.
"Being like what exactly?" he prods
"You're really making me say it?" you ask back
"Well I'm not sure what you're taking about so enlighten me, baby"
You instantly blush when you hear the nickname, he never used it on you. Directly atleast. So hearing him call you feels like all the butterflies in your tummy were rioting.
"That!" you point at him, the guy blinks back at you with a small smile "You do something like hold the door open for me, buckle my seatbelt for me, put your hand behind my seat when you reverse the car, or behind my chair when we're seating together, you zip my jacket for me, you always put food on my plate first, you get me my favorite coffee every morning and put cute little notes on it. What am I suppose to do when you do all of that for me?"
He looks down at your hands, letting out a chuckle before he takes your hand in his.
"I do all of those because I want to, not because I'm expecting something back. I do it because I like you. Just let me do it, that's all you can do for me" he smiles
"Aren't you tired of it?"
"No, never" he shakes his head, "You asked me if I could wait, I'll wait. Being with you is enough for me. When I see you, my day is complete. Whenever you save me a slice of cake from the cafe or bake cookies for me, it's the sweetest treat ever"
You're still frowning, but not for the wrong reasons.
How can you not fall even more for this guy when he's like this with you. What's actually stopping you from finally saying yes to him.
"A penny for your thoughts?" he whispers
"How long have you been courting me?" you ask him
"A year and a few months, maybe more. Almost 2 years, if you want me to stop I can't promise you I can because I really really like you and I-"
Then you're kissing him. For real this time. Your lips are on his. It takes a few seconds before he realizes this is happening for real and you're really kissing him.
He put his arms around you, pulling you on top of him until you're settled on his lap. Your lips tasted sweet, a faint lemon taste probably from your favorite liptint.
You feel him smile against your lips, one hand on the back of your neck so he can kiss you fully and deeply. Letting him take the lead and get lost in each other's lips. Right now nothing else mattered, all you can think about is him.
When the two of you broke apart, he has this goofy smile on his face
"Do you know how stupidly in love I am with you?" he breathes out, rubbing your noses together and kissing your lips between each word like he emphasizing each of them.
"I think I have a clue" you joke, chasing after his lips to kiss him again which he returned gladly. The two of you broke into a fit of giggles, breaking the kiss again
"Does this mean I'm your boyfriend now?"
"Let me think about it" you tease him
He skims his hands on your waist, knowing you're ticklish there. "Okay okay fine, you're my boyfriend now" you tell him, stopping his hand from doing anything.
Then he hugs you, pulling you on his chest. Kissing the side of your head, your ear, your shoulder before tucking his face on the side of your neck like it's his home.
He's so stupid in love with you, he's already thinking about his future with you. It's like he wants to fast-forward and see your future lives together but also he wants to pause time and stay in this moment forever.
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vixensbrainrotts · 5 months
Could u write one for baji where he has sort of a black cat gf? Like they're dynamic is: "staring into someone's soul" gf and "stares too just bc his gf is staring" bf
Opia - Keisuke Baji
Content: FLUFF
Warnings: a fight (relationship, external) mentioned, not proof read
Tropes: Black cat! reader, (kind of golden retriever! Baji), established relationship
Summary: You observe everyone maybe just a bit too closely for most people's liking, but Kei really doesn't mind.
Vixens two cents: I don’t really write for Baji but I’ll take the challenge, sorry if he feels a little out of character! Thank you for requesting and let me know how this is! If you find yourself enjoying this, please please please feel free to request something cause ASKS ARE OPEN!!! yeah, alright, now enjoy some fluff!
"OPIA" - verb, emotive
" The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can be simultaneously invasive and vulnerable. " --
Baji knew you had a staring problem, he knew before he started dating you. Alone your dead-looking eyes was one factor in the equation, but since you had a distinctively bad case of „resting Bitch-face“, all scores were multiplied by ten. He was used for your glossy eyes to be staring dead at people, things, sometimes nothing even, just sorta dissociating out into space. At first he was a little confused, concerned even that maybe you weren’t getting enough sleep, or eating right, but upon asking you he found out that it really just was the way you were.
He thinks back to how he confessed to you: spilling some ill-rehearsed, grammatically poor lines of poetry he had smushed together over the past week after he found out you liked literature. You looked him dead in the eye the whole time, watching him fumble with his big hands and stumble over his words over and over again, because fuck the way your eyes were piercing his soul made him nervous, but your deadpan face didn’t move a bit until he finished with an embarrassing account of „Yeah so basically i was hoping you and I could maybe go out some time?“.
Then, your lips curled up into a small, sweet smile and you looked down at your desk and the letter and the little charm he presented you with. „Ok.“ was all you said, hands reaching up to the charm and securing it around your key-chain and looking back at him inquisitively. „Wanna ditch and go now?“ You actually isn’t give a damn, and he thinks that its one of the most attractive things about you.
And just like that, your first date was spent in a little cafe you suggested because „it has a great view onto the main-street“. So, over a creme-cake and a macchiatos you spent hours just people watching, which Keisuke came to find out was one of your favorite activities. When you first told him, he almost slumped together in his seat because who the fuck watches people for fun? But after you started pointing out little things to him; like the way that man was wearing two different shoes, or the way that that couple over there is passing for the third time already, he starts to see why you find it so interesting.
Soon enough after figuring out that you really didn’t mean any harm to the people you were staring at, Baji often caught himself turning to look at what caught your attention too. To his surprise, it often payed off, you had an eye for interesting, pretty, kooky things, so he made it a habit to look at whatever fell into your line of sight for too long.
This time, it was whilst the two of you were supposed to be studying at your place. Both of you were sort of failing the current Math topic, and with an upcoming test, you had decided to invite him over to yours to tackle the topic together. However, after around 45 minutes of hardcore struggling, you had lost a good bit of will and now chose to spend your time looking out of your window. Baji had noticed that the hypnotic rhythm of your pen scratching the square paper had stopped, so he turned to at you, half-expecting you to have fallen asleep.
When however he found your gaze fixed on something outside, his interest was piqued almost instantly. He found himself tracing your line of sight to see what you were seeing. Scanning the area outside your building, his eyes immediately found the hook.
There was a couple standing just outside your window, in the shelter of the bus stop that stood across the street. There was lots of articulation and hand motion going on, the man swinging his arms wildly as the woman tousled her hair and stomped her feet in retribution.
"They're arguing." Keisuke states into the comfortable silence between you two, but the words don't disrupt the atmosphere. A few moments pass in which you both watch them shout at one another, the woman now furiously pointing her finger all over the place, the man slapping a hand across his face almost comically.
"They have been for a while." you say back, head still resting on your folded arms, eyes trained on the scene.
"I wonder what it's about." Keisuke pondered, listening to the rhythmic in and out of your breathing, accompanied by the occasional crackling of a scented candle that sat on your windowsill.
A few more paces passed before you answered him. "I think its about a missed date." Kei hums in response, eyebrows furrowing as he glances to you. "How are you so sure?"
"Hmpf." You huff and shrug, the movement making your shoulders pop. "Just got a feeling about it... And look at the way she's moving her hands, pointing to something on her phone- looks like a serious thing, but not serious enough for something extreme like cheating."
He listened intently to your voice, but he didn't turn back to the scene, choosing instead to scan your body closely. The way your hair fell, the stretch of the shirt's fabric over the expanse of your back, the way your jewellery glimmered lowly.
Keisuke folded his arms akin to yours and lowered his head to rest right next to yours, finally getting a good look at your face. "That wouldn't happen to us, no?" he whispered to you.
Finally, you looked at him with those piercing eyes, and despite all the times he's looked into them, a shiver still ran down his spine and he felt his cheeks tinge with warmth. Your face was as blank as your eyes, but still you shook your head.
"Never." you whisper back to him, turning your head to lay on your arms like Baji's did. Kei felt a smile tug at his lips at how serious you sounded. "Good." he replied, voice still hushed as he came in closer to you, nuzzling both your noses together before giving you a tiny, soft peck on the corner of your lips.
When he pulled away and lay on his arms again, he saw your eyelids flutter to a content close and watched as your straight lips curled into a small, happy smile as you breathed deeply and allowed yourself to relax next to him.
Keisuke watched your breathing even out for a while longer, the gentle rise and fall of your ribcage, the occasional sleepy sigh and the sometimes rapid fluttering of your lashes as you seemingly drifted into sleep.
Kei allowed himself a bit of peace too, satisfied with how you've adapted a regular breathing pattern, and closed his eyes, intently listening to match the pace of his breath to yours. Right then and there Baji decided that perhaps people watching really is something wonderful when you're watching someone you love.
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violetszone · 1 year
The Way They Look At Each Other
Charles x fem!reader
From this request
Summary: Charles was very sad after the first race, so this time you wanted to go up to him and cheer him up before the race.
WARNINGS: not edited writing,sad Charles,fluff
A/n: I'm so sorry for writing such a beautiful request so badly.
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After what happened in the first race, you decided to join the Jeddah race next to Charles, you said it was a possibility, so he wasn't very hopeful.You already knew that he was not in a good mood, so as soon as you arrived at the hotel on Friday night, you let him know that you were coming, but you didn't have time to see each other.
On Saturday, you came an hour after the racers entered the paddock, you didn't think the cameras would still be there, but you thanked them and smiled while they were filming you.You started walking quickly towards the Ferrari motorhome. Charles was just out the door, when he saw you a smile of relief formed on his face and he opened his arms and hugged you.
"Oh YN" kissed your head you kept hugging he took you under his arm you put your hand on his chest "i know Charles i am here" You didn't realize that someone was taking your picture, though if you did, it wouldn't change much.he took your hand and you went to the out of paddock to a cafe for a drink.
You were trying to talk and make him laugh,even if your jokes are bad he still laughed, you were looking at each other with love you were holding hands and talking. Even though the fans didn't want to disturb you, they were calling out to you and taking a picture of you or waving.
You started walking joking with each other, you were greeting people you know on the way , stopping and talking to them.Charles was a little better at one point while he was talking to other people, you focused on his face and couldn't take your eyes off him.you were thinking while watching his face, you were proud of him, you were proud of everything he did
He turned to you by asking something while talking, you didn't hear what he said, he laughed at you when you came out of the trance, pulled you to him and hugged you.You kept walking with a smile "Thank you for coming YN you are really good to me ." you stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek "I'd do anything to make you better, Charles, you know." He nodded.You continued walking towards Paddock together
You spent time together until qualifying he hugged you and kissed you on the temple before getting in the car you put both your hands on his cheeks and kissed him on the lips "I love you and I trust you, I know you will do well no matter what, Charles." He thanked you quickly and got in the car.
After Qualifying, you were hanging out on Instagram at the hotel in the evening. In the discover section, your photos and videos of you and Charles from today were standing in front of you, you were a little shy while watching them, every time you looked at him with love, every time he looked at you, it was in your hands.
The fans were so happy that you were there to cheer him up you were happy too, everyone was talking about how beautiful your relationship was and your bond with each other, you didn't even realize that Charles had come to you while you were looking at your phone with a smile. When he suddenly start kissing you on the lips, you close your eyes and smile while kissing.
"What are you looking at so happy?" you bit your lower lip "To us, they took a lot of photos of us today" he smiled and looked at your phone screen "hmm so you were looking at us, you like the attention of the fans to both of us, I know I love the way they love us too" he went next to you on the bed and put one arm on your shoulder you rested your head on his shoulder
"I really thank you for coming today darling, I couldn't have done it without you" You looked at his face and smiled "You could have done it without me, you just needed some strength so I thought I'd help" kissed the top of your head "you really helped me a lot thank you so much i love you my dear" you mumbled as you closed your eyes in peace "I love you too"
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dstryvampres · 12 days
Lab Assistant
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Pairing: Jonathan Crane x Reader
Warnings: smut LOL, dub con, pnv, unprotected sex, use of fear toxin on some dude, he smacks your ass like once
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: this is my first time writing just pure smut, sorry if the set up is super long.
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For the past week your heater had been broken, and despite multiple calls to your landlord which always ended up with the promise that he would come over to fix it eventually, you were still freezing. Though you could escape the biting cold throughout the day by taking up a second home at your university, you always had to eventually come back to your shitty studio apartment and suffer through the night. You’re excess time spent on campus was well spent, studying in the library, napping under stairwells or in-between shelves in the library, stirring around coffee you didn’t even like but knew you have to drink to stay in the cafe, or staring longingly at your psychology professor Dr. Crane. The lack of any privacy throughout your day had started to get annoying after the first three days, not helped by the fact that because you saw Dr Crane more than you usually do, leading to you feeling more high strung. Gotham was not treating you kindly.
“Excuse me,” a voice called out quite loudly above you, forcing you out of your final exam induced coma. You gritted your teeth, knowing that you were likely overstaying your visit to the campus library, especially since you had just finished your last exam of the season, who knows how many hours ago.
Looking up you were met with the face of your favourite professor, Dr Crane. Another horrible coincidence, it was embarrassing for someone so put together and professional to find you so vulnerable, especially someone who you had in mind when your hand was shoved down your pants most nights. 
“The library is closing soon, I would recommend getting your stuff and heading out,” Dr Crane says, his voice oddly empathetic. A jarring contrast to the usual mix of hostility and boredom his voice held during lectures. He sighs and takes off his glasses, pinching his eyebrows together, seeming conflicted over what he wants to say next, so instead you fill the space with your own voice.
“Of course, I’m so sorry sir. I seemed to lose track of time, and was too exhausted to walk home. Again, I am so sorry. I should have set a timer or just maybe not sleep in the library, that was so-“
“You have been spending a weird amount of time on campus for the past week,” Dr Crane interjects, giving you a once over. “Is everything okay at home?”
The question was so genuine it made your brain short circuit. Why would he even care about you?
“Not really,” you laughed, the two words coming out of your mouth before you had time to think. A habit only recently picked up due to sleepless nights.
A smile crept over your professor's face, one that didn’t seem to reach the rest of his face. You couldn’t tell if it was from the shock of your honesty or something more sinister. He sat down in front of you, scratching his nose, letting a silence stretch out. Just long enough for pricks of discomfort to stir.
“Well, I’m running a program here at the university over the winter break. Just need an assistant to help me over at Arkham for an experiment I’m conducting. The job would include housing closer to Arkham, since it’s a little out of the city, and it pays about a dollar over the minimum wage. If you’re interested,” he slides a business card over the table, smile now dropped, “just email me in the next 48 hours.”
Taking the card eagerly between your fingers, mumbling a small ‘thank you’ under your breath before pocketing it. When you look up he’s already halfway gone. Packing up your things as fast as you can, you leave the library and hop on the train back to your shitty apartment. An email is sent to Dr Crane that night, and the following day you are confirmed as his assistant for this experiment the next day.
The space provided for your three week stay was slightly better than your studio apartment, mostly because it had heating, but also because you shared a wall with Dr Crane. Besides the housing, the internship also came with an average pay, some work experience, and enough credits to compensate for one class. Your first week there had mostly been mundane tasks, taking notes outside of interrogation rooms while Dr Crane interviewed patients, making coffee for the two of you, making patient profiles, and making sure no one took any of Dr Crane’s “special medicine” for the experiment. Despite the easy work and the decent benefits, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something more sinister that Dr Crane wasn’t telling you about the experiment. With a thesis based around the concept of fears, you had yet to notice any great dive into the topic beside a few one-off questions.
“Before we start this week,” Dr Crane starts, sitting down in the chair opposite to you, “I want to just warn you that this is when the experiment starts to become a little more intense.”
He holds a coffee mug in his hand, as he talks the liquid sloshes around the cup. It's all information you already know, you signed an NDA, he trusts you, do what he says, and that he needs you to stay out of the room no matter what. Last week you learned just how Dr Crane enjoys his coffee, no milk and one sugar, you can’t understand how he can drink it. One sugar can’t mask the bitter taste. He drinks it quickly though, remembering the taste makes you gag.
“Before we begin today, can you prepare the variable today in syringes? I will be introducing it into the experimental group today.”
He sets down the now empty mug, a loud thump echoes through the room, startling you. Dr Crane smiles at your reaction, it’s the same one he always gives you, the one that doesn’t reach the rest of his face. You ignore the stone that has formed inside your stomach, picking up your clipboard and pen.
“I’ll meet you in room 283B,” your professor puts a hand on the small of your back, leading you both out of his office. A shock is sent through your body at the contact, once out of the room you turn to look at him, but his hand is gone and he’s headed in the opposite direction as you.
Something else that you have noticed throughout this week is just how close Dr Crane is now. He’s more touchy than you would pinpoint him as. Which isn’t saying much, but the small lingering touches he lays on you, a hand on your shoulder, maybe on the small of your back, doesn’t seem to be too professional. One… two… three millilitres of solution per syringe. The questions he asks also seem to be a little weird, especially due to the matter of the study. A common thread being his prying into your fears, and a look of hunger when he asks the questions. Soft thud of the storage container hitting the ‘chemical waste’ bin. Though you can’t really complain, this past week has given you enough content for your late nights to satisfy you for your whole university career, Masters program included. Laying out each of the syringes in a row on the tray, and counting them out. Three syringes on the top tray, six needles on the lower tray. Rolling the tray out of the room and over to the elevator to head up to the second floor.
You softly knock on the door, waiting for Dr Crane to open up the door to the observer section. The door opens in a matter of seconds, only a crack for a couple more seconds, before it is completely opened. 
“Thank you,” Dr Crane says, looking down at the tray of syringes. He takes one in his gloved hand, holds it up to the light and nods, a stamp of approval given to your handiwork. “Remember: that if anything goes wrong, do not enter the room, just call security, and take as detailed notes as possible on the patient’s behaviour and the levels on the monitor.”
You nod, taking a look at the monitor set up beside the one-way glass, all vitals seem to be steady at the moment. The door to the room holding the patient opens up and shuts quickly, Dr Crane slipping in and greeting the patient, thanking him for his time. The patient seems to be a middle aged man, scars run across his arms, roughed up from whatever he did before his time in Arkham, he’s bald and seems to be displeased with his situation. Still, when Dr Crane comes to insert the syringe into his arm he stays still and takes it. The opaque liquid disappears as Dr Crane pushes down on the syringe, removing it once all the liquid has entered into the man’s system. A ‘thank you’ is expressed by Dr Crane before he exits the room, syringe in hand. Once the door is locked, Crane disposes of the syringe in the toxic waste bin in the observer’s room.
“The solution will take about five minutes to kick in,” he says, looking at you and it’s now that you realise just how excited he seems to be. 
The heart rate on the monitor starts to speed up, taking your attention away from Crane, and noting it down.
“Are you sure you estimated the time correctly?” You ask hesitantly, not wanting to offend your professor.
“I did. No worries. Injections can do this to people.”
The next five minutes pass by slowly, Dr Crane behind your chair, his breath tickling your ear. It’s almost impossible to focus like this, you just want to do something about the growing wet spot in your pants. Screaming immediately breaks through the tension you were feeling, you look at the patient. His eyes are wide, his pupils expanded, and his heart rate reaches around 140 bpm. Alarm sets into your own heart, you didn’t expect this big of a reaction from the patient. Dr Crane nudges your shoulder, reminding you to start writing your observations.
11:06: patient’s heart rate reaches 140 bpm
11:07: patient starts uncontrollably screaming at seemingly nothing
Your continued scribbling of notes doesn’t seem to discourage Dr Crane from talking.
“I didn’t know it would be this effective. I’ve been waiting years for this to be approved and this is better than I could’ve ever expected.”
Nausea settled from the mix of pleading for mercy and screaming from the patient, and Dr Crane’s glee from his reactions. Unsure how you could continue on with doing this almost every single day for the two weeks. Writing soon became sloppy due to your own lightheadedness and nausea, every moment you begged someone to make this stop. It was too much. It stretched on for over fifteen minutes before the patient finally came back from whatever drug induced hallucination he was forced into, yet he was still crying. Wanting to distance yourself so far from this experiment, you place the clipboard down.
“Wonderful isn’t it?” Dr Crane asked you, placing a hand on your shoulder. Whatever response you thought you could muster was stuck in your throat, so instead you nodded. “I call it my ‘fear toxin.’”
Once his hand left your shoulder, you immediately stood up, head spinning so much that you stumbled right into Dr Crane.
“Are you okay? Did the ‘fear toxin’ effects startle you?” He asks, putting his hands on your shoulder to stabilise you, his voice bridges between mocking and actually concerned.
“I just need to go to the bathroom,” You squeeze out, stumbling into the hallway and waving goodbye.
Stumbling around, unable to find the bathroom, you slide down the wall of an empty hallway. Sitting on the floor and curling up into the fetal position. Nausea slipping out of you slowly, eyes closed, just wanting to forget about the whole experience. What substance could even make a man react so horribly? Why would anyone make that in the first place? What purpose could a substance like that even serve? How will this even help-
“There you are,” a voice comes from above you, Dr Crane. You open one eye up, becoming flustered at your unprofessionalism, and enraged at the sight of your cruel professor.
He kneels to your height, offering you his soulless smile. “I’m sorry if that startled you, but I thought you would be better than them. I thought you could fully see my vision, look past the gruesome bits and understand what I’m trying to do here.”
His words both enrage you even further and make you feel even more embarrassed. He created a horrible substance, tested out on a man that, from what you know, didn’t deserve it, and essentially tortured him. On the other hand, this is a man who you have dreamed about and only want to please. For the past three years, you have sat in his class and dreamed about only him. For him to think that only you could understand his plans and dreams, is a flattery you could only dream of.
“Maybe I just didn’t prepare you well enough for this. Can I make it up to you?” Dr Crane asks, offering his hand to you. It takes a couple seconds, but you take it and he leads you upwards. 
His hand is oddly cold, his grip on your own hand is firm, but not harsh. His skin is smooth. It’s embarrassing that he has to lead you out of this room, has to coax you to continue.
“Let’s go to my office, hm?” Quirking an eyebrow, but not waiting for a response he led you down the hallway.
Everything seemed to blur together for you, the trip to the elevator, down the elevator, and into his office. He clicks the door shut, locking it, then turns to you. Stepping forward until he’s cornered you onto his desk.
“You think I don’t hear you at night. Calling my name. The walls in that place are very thin,” Dr Crane whispers into your ear, his hand slithering up your thigh.
A gasp escapes your lips, both at the hand now dangerously close to the warmth growing in your pants, and also because you didn’t think he would be able to hear your late night pleasure sessions. Soon he’s cupping your sex and you moan into his ear softly, earning a hum from him. Finger wander up from your sex to cup your chin, he brings you into a kiss. It’s bruising and hungry, he’s biting at your lower lip and you swear you can taste your own blood. His fingers make quick work unbuttoning your pants, sliding them down your legs until they drop to pool around your ankle.
“You're so wet already, how interesting,” He teases, tracing a finger over your clothed slit. Moaning in response you chase after his lips, but he pulls away. 
Your underwear is pushed over to the side, and his middle and ring finger breach your entrance. A loud ‘oh’ comes from your mouth, crane presses his lips to yours again to silence you. His fingers move slowly in and out of you, he catches each moan you let out with his mouth. His lips are soft, but the kiss is rough, his fingers speed up. They stretch you out so nicely it stings a little bit. It’s been so long since someone else has pleasured you, at all.
His fingers pulled out of your sex slowly, deliberately. A painstaking motion that left you close to pleasureless as he pulled out of your kiss. Quickly flipping you around and pressing you into his desk, the shock between his warm body behind you and the cold desk pressed against your front sent you spiralling. There was shuffling behind you, before you felt him lineup his cock with your cunt.
“Beg for it.” 
Your mouth opens and you spew out a string of ‘please’s and ‘need it’ that seem to satisfy him enough for him to push inside of you. He’s girthier than you expected, but not as long as you expected, which is fine for you. The stretch makes you ache and he won’t be bruising your cervix. Without giving you a moment to adjust he starts to move in and out of you.
“You have to be quiet, okay?” He says, before picking up his speed.
He sets up a consistent speed, hitting a spot inside of you that makes you grip the edge of the desk so intensely that your knuckles are turning white. The desk creaks as he moves in and out of your cunt, his breathing speeds up, one hand twists into your hair pulling your head back and you can’t tell if it’s to ground himself or as a reminder for you not to be too loud. Another hand comes to smack your ass, it's a swift hit, but it makes your knees buckle. 
“You're so much better than I thought you would be,” Dr Crane strains out between grunts.
He presses his front to your back, the hand in your hair softening its grip but not leaving. His breath tickles the back of your ear, the grunting coming from him makes you bite your lip to suppress your moans so hard there will be an indent left there tomorrow.
“Dr Crane, can I cum? Please, I’ve been so good, please let me cum,” you babble, the side of your face pressed into his desk making your words slur a little bit.
“Cum for me,” he says, moving the hand not tangled in your hair to your clit. Pressing small circles into your clit, he starts to speed up. 
Soon the pressure in your stomach releases and it goes black for a couple seconds. You feel Dr Crane’s hand press into your mouth to silence you as your legs buckle. Once you’re conscious again, he has already pulled out of you and you can hear him zip up his pants. You stand on your shaking legs and follow suit, trying to press your hair down into a more professional shape.
“I would recommend you get cleaned up,” Dr Crane says, giving you a smile, “Was that enough motivation to continue aiding me in my experiment?” “Uh- Yes,” you answer, not fully aware of what you were even saying, too embarrassed and lightheaded to even compute anything he was saying besides ‘getting cleaned up.’
“Perfect. After you get cleaned up, please meet me in room 256B. We can meet again here tomorrow during our lunch break if you continue to need the motivation provided,” He pats you on the shoulder, and leaves you in the room alone.
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