#just sliding that here don’t mind me…
tootiecakes234 · 2 days
Aged up Characters
MDNI: smutty
Katsuki had been gone for a month on an assignment and not only had he been away from you all that time, but it’d also been one of the most exhausting assignments he’d been on. Which is why he had EVERY intention of getting home and passing out in your shared bed for the next 3-4 business days.
He had a plan. Get home, take a shower and get directly into bed. Fuck food, fuck putting his things away.
But that entire plan went up in smoke when he got home.
He walks in with all his stuff and just drops everything close to the entrance. He trudges his way through the house and into your bedroom, when he hears the shower cut off.
He knew you were home because your car was in the driveway, but expected you to greet in the front room but he now sees you were otherwise occupied. What he didn’t expect was for you to come scampering out of the damn bathroom completely naked and dripping wet.
You of course screamed bloody murder because you hadn’t heard him come in.
“Katsuki what the hell?!! You scared the shit out of me! I could’ve killed you.”
He snorts, “with what? Your tits? Death by smothering??”
“Maybe dammit. My hearts almost came out of my throat.”
“So this is what you do when I’m gone huh?” He asks as he starts walking over to you. “Walk around naked and wet and what?? Do you air dry?” At this point his voice had dropped an octave or two and you could feel his eyes roaming over your body.
“No i d-don’t air dry…. Well that wasn’t my intention this time. I just left my towel out here.”
“Mmmm…” and he snakes his arms around your waist pulling you to him focusing his eyes on yours. “ I get home after a month and you dont even seem excited to see me.”
“Well maybe if you hadn’t tried to give me a heart attack…ouch asshole. Why the hell did you pinch my ass?”
“Be nice to me. I’m tired and jetlagged…. And now, because of you I’m hard” he of course takes this moment the press his groin up against you so you can feel how hard he actually is.
Your hands are resting on his biceps before the slide up and your hands sift into his hair.
“Well let me just dry off and I’ll help you with that” and you have the nerve to try and pull away from him.
“Why would you go dry off when I like you just like this hmm? Wet. And Naked.” And then he presses his firm lips against yours before sliding his hands down to cup both of your ass cheeks.
“Tell me you missed me brat. I’ve been here 5minutes and you haven’t said it.” He says with his lips pressed up against you ear and then he moves down and start placing sloppy kisses on your neck.
“Of, fuck, of course I missed you Katsuki. I sent you voice messages e-everyday telling you how much I missed you.” You whine.
“I don’t believe you.” And you jump before letting out a moan when this asshole slaps the hell out of one of your asscheeks. Then he slides his hand down and in between your puffy pussy lips.
When he pulls back to look at you there is a smirk playing on his lips. “Maybe you did miss me.”
“I told you.” You say as a pout forms on your lips.
“I can’t be sure though. I need you to prove it.”
“Prove it how Kat? I’m wet for you already. Is that not enough??”
Then his smirk turns into the most devilish smile you’ve ever see. “ i told you im exhausted from fighting villains, and you know making the world a safer place.”
“Get to the point you terrible man”
He chuckles at that. “Well that means I need you to be a big girl and do all the work this time. Need you to get my cock all wet with that filthy mouth of yours and then need you to ride me til I fill up my pretty little cunt ok?? Can you do that for me?”
All you can do is nod your head and drop to your knees.
This definitely not how he pictured his arrival home. It was so much better.
Katsuki Bakugo Masterlist
*id just like to say that this fic started with a whole different idea in mind and evolved into this and i never even got around to the original because it was getting too long😭
*also this isn’t proofread in the slightest so sorry🤭
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm @tippy-toes @superlegend216 @kxtsxkii @liliththeunqualifiedsimp @burgvndy @fluffismystaplefood @yoyolovesdaiki @zaiban2989 @zanarkandskylines
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chimielie · 1 day
“I really like this place,” Yachi says brightly, “the owner is really nice, and he doesn’t mind when I take ten minutes to decide what I want. Once I took twenty minutes and he actually just brought me food, like, decided for me, and at first I thought that was so nice! Then I got worried that maybe I should be upset that he didn’t let me choose, but then I remembered that I could just come here again so I wasn’t missing out on anything. The food was really good, anyway.”
You hover between the cool interior of the restaurant and the summer daylight as she speaks, unwilling to walk away even though she’s holding the door open and probably letting all the cold air out. With a short yelp, she realizes how long the two of you have been standing there and crosses inside. You stand behind her in the line behind the counter, shuffling forward as you read the posted menu.
“I think I’m gonna get the salmon,” you decide. “Hey, so how are things with that girl you’ve been seeing?”
“They’ve been good!” You’re about three people away from the counter, but the first one is line is like, a really huge guy with a booming voice who has been talking forever. Maybe he knows the cashier? “She’s really pretty, and she doesn’t mind or get impatient when I’m anxious. She also gets anxious!”
“That’s great?” You pat her on the shoulder. “I’m really happy for you, Yachi.”
“Me too,” she beams at you. “What about you? Have you met anyone?”
“No,” you snort. “I’m on the apps. So dating is basically a cesspool.” The giant guy who was ordering seems to be done now, but he’s still talking, being slowly dragged away by the elbow by a guy in a cardigan and glasses. You slide your phone out of your pocket and open your dating profile. “See?”
At that moment, your phone pings with a new notification.
Atsumu liked you!
He’s not… bad looking. If you saw him in real life, you’d probably hide behind a bench or something and stalk him with your eyes just so you could look at him as long as you wanted, actually.
He’s your age, a pro volleyball player, his hair dark where it’s been shaved short on the sides but dyed blond up top. He has a kind of sardonic, dead-eyed expression in all of his photos that you think is really funny.
My love language is… arguing in missionary.
You smother a laugh.
“He’s kind of cute!” Yachi peers at your phone. “Kind of scary…”
“Please, I could beat him up,” you laugh. “I don’t know, he’s fine, I guess.”
You swipe left. He’s hot, but definitely a fuckboy. You’ve reached the counter, anyway, and a pro athlete on the apps is like, so many red flags.
You look up at the cashier.
You look down at your phone and click undo. The profile reappears.
You look up at the cashier.
“Fine, you guess?” Scowls Atsumu, 23, (volley)baller. Or maybe not, considering his Onigiri Miya apron. “Welcome to Onigiri Miya, what can I get for ya. Geez.”
He talks in Kansai dialect, you note, which you’ve always thought is melodic. Pretty.
In real life, Atsumu is very pretty. His eyes have midtones of honey and amber that don’t show up on photo and give him a sparkling dimension that sort of detracts from his aura of evil. Even though he’s scowling at you, you want to ruffle his hair and bite his cheek.
“Um, I’ll have the salmon ball,” you say. “And, yeah. I guess.”
He scribbles so hard he breaks the tip of his pencil. With a grunt of disgust, he tosses both notepad and pencil over his shoulder.
“What, pro athlete not good enough for ya?” He points at Yachi, who squeaks. “And for ya?”
“What?” She says, looking terrified. You put a bracing hand on her shoulder.
“Your order,” he drawls.
“Oh! I don’t know.”
“Two salmon balls!” He yells to the back. “‘S on the house.”
“What?” Yachi gasps. “We couldn’t possibly—”
“You’re clearly not a professional athlete,” you say. “You’re a cashier.”
“This is charity work!” He snaps. “My teammate is right over there if ya need proof. I’m Miya Atsumu—this is my brother’s shop. I help him out on my off days.” He emphasizes his family name, underlining it on his apron with a finger.
That’s really sweet. You swoon a little inside, then shake yourself.
“You’re off every time this time this week?”
“Yeah, about,” he turns and bends over to grab his hastily discarded notepad. You do not make a secret of checking out his ass and quirk your lips into a smile when he turns back around, one he matches with reckless abandon. He has nice teeth, not perfectly straight, that imply that maybe he didn’t need braces growing up.
“Let me repay you for the meal,” you put a hand on the counter and lean across it, biting your lip, stomach singing with nerves. “Eight, next week?”
“Nah,” he shrugs you off, gestures for you to move along so he can get to the next customer in line. Your stomach drops, and so must your face. “Too far away. I’ll see ya this Friday for dinner.”
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luveline · 2 days
i’m addicted to ur hop stuff omg!! no one writes hop fluff like u do 🥺🥺 could u do smth like a slow morning w hop!! ft el if u feel like it xx
“Why are you still in bed?” 
You stir at the question, but are quickly settled by a hand on your back so much bigger than your own. “I don’t want to wake her up.” 
“You say sleeping the morning away is a waste of time.” 
“I let you sleep in all the time.” The big hand rubs a circle into your back. It takes you a few moments to orientate yourself without moving. Your face is in someone’s lap, your arm hugging strong thighs. “She’s still not used to staying up that late to watch Miami Vice.” 
“Twenty three hours isn’t late.” 
“Eleven o’clock is late for people who work all day, El. Can you keep the noise down until she wakes up by herself?” 
“You’re with her.” 
“I mean when she wakes herself up. No intervention.” 
“Okay. Do you want me to make breakfast?” 
Hopper’s smile is audible. “Yeah, kid, okay. You can make breakfast. Don’t burn yourself on the toaster, okay? You remember? It gets hot all over.” 
“Hot all over,” El repeats. 
Quiet is restored for a while. You sleep some more, dozing on a loving lap, likely dribbling a patch into pants. The big hand never stops moving, not once to what you can tell, scrubbing circles into your skin until you feel numb to his touch, almost ticklish. It makes you squirm.
“About time.” 
“What’s about time?” you mumble, forcing your face further into his leg. 
“You’ve been sleeping for hours.” 
Your head tips back, intent on meeting his eyes and proving you’re not the slovenly creature he seems to think you are, but your eyelids are heavy and he’s warm in your arms. “Good morning,” you say affectionately. 
Hopper can pretend to be as much of a hard ass as he likes, he hears your scratchy morning voice in tandem with your saccharine greeting and obviously melts. Even half-asleep, you can sense it, and as his arms slide under your arms and he leans back against his pillows, you force yourself to open your eyes and see his chuffed smile. 
He’s grinning like he won something, hugging you to his chest. 
“Good morning,” he says quietly. 
You press your face to his front. 
“I heard El,” you say. 
“She’s making breakfast.” 
You’d been worried about staying the night because El’s still young, and Hopper’s bedroom is just a section of the cabin’s living room; if she needs to pee at night or if she wakes up before you, she is forcefully presented with an adult relationship. Which isn’t to say you’d risk being inappropriate with Hopper somewhere she could see, it just means that intimacy comes in all shapes and sizes, and El is unfamiliar with so much of it, and, more importantly, Hopper’s her dad. She hasn’t had to share him before. 
But El’s loving, and she hasn’t minded you being here. She doesn’t falter when she comes upon you and Hop tangled together in the morning, she just asks for toast or tells Hop he needs to come and open a window for her. 
She brings breakfast for you all on a tray and sits on the end of Hopper’s bed. It’s a frankly audacious amount of undercooked waffles and toast, a maple syrup bottle sticky from abuse laying side down with the knives and forks. 
“Thanks, baby,” Hopper says quietly. “This is perfect.” 
“Why do you guys hug so much?” she asks, spearing a waffle with her fork. 
You, having pulled yourself from Hopper’s lap just long enough to come around, don’t have the wits to answer. Hopper clearly hopes you will, and deliberates for a long time before he says, “It’s comforting.”
“Like you’re upset?” she asks. 
“Nope. Just, it makes me feel better to– to make sure she feels happy.” 
You yawn. “It’s like making breakfast, honey. You made everyone breakfast and now we’re all looked after. You feel good because we appreciate you for doing it, and we feel good because somebody did something nice for us.” You yawn again, your jaw clicking formidably.
El likes this answer, eating the majority of her portion before she talks again. “Thanks for staying up to watch Miami Vice,” she says. “Mike says it’s a waste of time.” 
“Mike’s a waste of time,” Hopper says, not quite without heat. 
“I like Miami Vice,” you say, trying to bat crumbs off of the sheets before Hopper notices them. 
Hopper grabs your hand. He’s laughing already, tugging you toward him, muttering, “God, you’re so messy,” as you lean in to be kissed on the cheek. 
“Not that messy,” you say, making eye contact with El hopefully. 
“Super messy,” she says. 
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ninyard · 2 days
Hey, so you said to send you prompts... Could you talk about some things Neil starts to remember and how he copes with remembering?
Here’s the time where Neil remembers being waterboarded, because I haven’t stopped thinking about that. Like not even once. cw; torture, vomitting
It’s not long after the Foxes big championship win that Andrew and Neil find themselves in a too-big, too-fancy hotel room for the first time. Kevin is staying with them, but he’s busy doing something with Wymack for a couple hours.
They have no responsibilities, nothing to do other than enjoy a hotel room to themselves. They do what any other couple would reasonably do; they order a bottle of champagne, a couple of desserts, and they run a hot bath. Not for them both, in the beginning, but Neil’s muscles are sore after a tough practice with Kevin the night beforehand, so he decided to run it for himself. The water is perfect to touch, almost a perfect amount in the tub, and Andrew is sitting up on the bathroom counter with his own glass of champagne in his hands.
“This feels weird,” Neil comments, twisting the knob until the water ceases to spill from the gold coloured faucet of the bath. “Like it’s something couples do.”
“Normal couples,” Andrew corrects him, putting the glass to his lips as Neil removes his clothes one article at a time. “You’re cleaning yourself and I’m here for moral support.”
“From all the way over there?” Neil steps into the hot water. The steam from it has fogged up the mirrors already, and he slides down into the white porcelain, relaxing back until the hair at the back of his neck is darkened by the water that wets it.
“I’m comfortable.” Andrew says around the rim of the flute. “But if you’re not used to it I can show you how it’s done.”
“Why would I not be used to having a bath?” Neil scoffs, running his wet hands over his hair to slick it back off of his face.
“I can’t picture it,” he shrugs, but he doesn’t really mean it. “I don’t imagine you had many while on the run.”
Neil’s sweet laugh reverberates around the room. “You’re right, but it’s not like it’s hard. I lie here and relax until I get so warm that it feels like I’m going to pass out. Right?”
Neil shuts his eyes and sinks back until the water surrounds his face, his hearing muffled by its calming rumble. He holds his breath to dip his face under before coming back up to the surface. When he opens his eyes after wiping the water from them, he looks over as Andrew crouched next to him with a washcloth in one hand and Neil’s glass in the other. Neil takes the glass in a dripping hand, and looks at Andrew as he sips from the cold, bubbly liquid.
“Are you going to show me how it’s done?” He says, and Andrew waves him off. He slips out of his robe with ease, and gestures for Neil to move forward in the tub. There’s plenty of room for the both of them, and Andrew steps in to sit behind him, his legs on either side of Neil. Neil waits until he is comfortable before reaching out to place his glass on the floor, moving to rest his back on Andrew’s chest.
They don’t speak as Andrew dips the small square cloth into the water to brush it over the top of Neil’s back. Neil shuts his eyes. The only sound in the room is the movement of the water between them, and the relaxed breathing that leaves the both of their noses. Andrew’s free arm rests on the edge of the tub, and Neil reaches out to interlace their fingers together. It’s so calming, the warmth that surrounds them, the peace that comes with the two of them alone together like this, so normal and comfortable.
Andrew’s squeezes out the liquid from the cloth onto the top of Neil’s head, then, startling him from his thoughts.
“I was just about to say how nice this was,” he tilts his head to let the water run off of it. “Thank you for changing my mind.”
Andrew’s response is to mumble a sound that could’ve been misconstrued as an apology, until he dips the cloth back under the water, and does it again. Neil tried to take the cloth from him, and the tub squeaks as he moves around, but Andrew keeps pulling it out of his reach.
Andrew gives up when Neil gets a hold of it, accepting as the gesture is returned. Neil loves how his blonde hair darkens under water, and smiles as Andrew’s bangs flatten over his eyes. He’s not quite turned around to face Andrew, but he twists his back to push his hair back off of his face.
“Yes or no?” He asks, and Andrew opens his eyes. His cheeks are pink from the heat of the bath.
“Yes.” He answers, and Neil stretches out to kiss him softly on the lips, before plopping the sopping wet square of fabric on the top of his head. Neil is laughing as Andrew takes the cloth from his hair and throws it at him, flat against his face, but that beautiful and melodic sound does not last long. It does not last long, as Neil’s laugh leads him to inhale beneath the fabric, and his flinch is almost strong enough to send a tidal wave of water cascading out onto the tiled floor.
For a second, Neil is back in the nest.
For a second, the memory is hazy, something unfamiliar. It’s not a memory he’s had before, more like a dream than a conscious reminder of Evermore.
There’s Jean’s hands on his shoulders, or somewhere else, as they tended to be, holding him down with as more force as required to keep him still. Riko’s maniacal laughter scores the scene, as he takes a break from whatever words he’d been spewing to admire his work.
“What is it?” Riko says. No, it’s Andrew, in their hotel bathroom, with this look across his face.
The washcloth is in Neil’s hand, and he looks down to it, but he sees nothing as he lifts his head back up. He can feel it, though, the water-heavy fabric spread over his face, over his head, draped without a chance of falling off. He doesn’t scream, but he hears it, the gargle of a plea to stop, incoherent as he feels himself drowning.
He can see Andrew as he wraps his fingers around Neil’s wrists, to pull them away from the mouth that they’d found themselves clamped over. There’s too much water. Too much water that feels like it’s filling his lungs, and it’s around him, and it’s in his hair, it’s in his eyes. Even the hands that protect him are damp with liquid. With lungs unwilling to fill at all, he tries to kick the water away from him, but with every movement, it just comes back to him stronger.
“You’ll drown him,” A cry of English words dipped in a French accent passes in front of him. He can’t hear it properly at all. It’s too loud; the slapping of water on a surface, the sputtering as he desperately struggles out of the path of pouring. Jean’s strained words mean nothing to Riko, a worthless request that would only lead to a desire for Riko to fulfil such a thing. “The master will not be pleased if you do.”
Riko snaps back at him then, a bark in Japanese as the spilling water subsides. He lifts the towel, or the bedsheets, or the heavy item of clothing that covered his lips. One hand in auburn hair he holds Neil back. He remembers how he pulls his own hair from its root while trying to lean forward to get the water out of his lungs.
He is standing now, and Andrew has wrapped him in a dry bathrobe before dressing himself, and he is rubbing a towel over Neil’s skin to dry it. Neil catches a glimpse of himself in the foggy glass of the shower door beside them, his lips almost blue, and face as pale as the porcelain tub that had started to drain.
Andrew snaps his fingers to pull Neil’s attention back to him, and does it again when it is unsuccessful at evoking any reaction. Neil looks at him finally, and Andrew places one hand on his chest and the other wrapped around the back of his neck.
“Breathe,” he says, one word, like it’s an easy thing to do.
“I can’t,” Neil gasps, but his lungs fill with water with every fill he takes in.
“You can.” Andrew says, sternly. “Breathe, Neil.”
Neil breathes in deep, but with it, another unexpected splash from an emptying basin pours down his throat without reprieve. He doesn’t remember falling to the floor, but suddenly his hands are flat on cold tile, as he heaves in oxygen that refuses to fill his chest at all.
Andrew lets him fall to his knees, and he doesn’t touch him. Instead he kneels down in front of him, his presence noticeable as Neil struggles through flashes of darkness and water and water and water and water.
“Stop,” he doesn’t mean to say it. His words are clear now, not a foolishly daring gargle, but still he feels the stream that travels from the sides of his lips down his cheeks.
“You’re killing him,” Jean’s panic doesn’t help. It doesn’t help, as the idea of torturing Neil to the point of extinction is nothing more than a turn on to Riko. It doesn’t stop him from holding each side of the towel over his face and pulling it backwards, crushing his nose, the water held in its fibres forced to escape. Riko does not fear the threat of a life taken by his hand. He is nothing less than excited by it.
Neil knows fear like an old friend. Neil knows this slow-dance with death like a movie on replay - it is as familiar as it is terrifying. Something about this though, this twisted assault born from sick fascination with torture, it’s different. He wouldn’t say that it was too far, even for someone like his father, but truth be told, he’s never known fear like this. The scars on his chest from the pointed touch of his father’s knife, or the smell of burning skin beneath a hot iron, or the puckering hole left by a gunshot wound had nothing on the sadistic things that Riko even thought of doing. He didn’t know how long he sits, or stands, or lies in that room for, hands holding him down, darkness of black walls parallel to the wet fabric over his eyes - and mouth, and nose, tight around the edges with rogue breaths finding their way beneath water and the penetrable thing that it pours onto.
“It will be much more satisfying if you just hand me over to my father,” Neil’s coughs are wet after he vomits out the water that had made its way to his stomach. It’s not until he looks up, and Riko’s eyes are on Jean instead of him, that he realises he’s spoken in French. He switched to English while spitting out water through gargling burps and coughs. “The master will kill you if I don’t come out of here alive.”
“I will be happy at least,” Riko shoves two fingers down Neil’s throat while pulling on his hair. He wipes the watery puke that coats his fingers onto Neil’s face after he vomits again from the force of Riko’s touch at the back of his throat. The noise that leaves his lips is guttural and unintentional. “Perhaps a long and painful death will be enough of a lesson learned for you. Oh, aren’t you having fun?”
Andrew’s voice pulls him back, again, but this time he grips Neil’s face so tightly it will leave a mark. “Come back,” he says, or maybe it’s, “fucking breathe.”
Neil battles against the flood that fills his mouth with no escape. There’s no room for air. There’s no room to breathe.
“Ten minutes,” Jean says, and the water stops. “We cannot be late.”
Then a rogue breath slips through, and another, and another, and the bathroom comes back into focus. Andrew is sitting in front of him, his face still as he waits for Neil to come back.
It’s a while before Neil’s heart starts to slow, and the bath is long emptied.
A long time since Neil had had such a visceral reaction to the next, perhaps the worst part about it all is the reminder of how much Neil had forgotten about the treatment he’d endured at the nest. If he’d forgotten about something as serious as torture banned by the Geneva Convention, what else had happened? What else had his mind stored away, too traumatising to be kept in view? Riko’s proclivity to going so far as committing an act that is considered a war crime is as unsurprising as it is fitting. It angers Neil, much angrier than he’s felt about Riko since his death. He remembers it in terrible and vivid snippets; the things Jean said to him afterwards, the smile on Riko’s face as he watched Neil come back from the brink over and over and over again. He remembers drying himself off afterwards to pull gear on over his head to start their evening practices with water in his lungs and a blur over his eyes. All he had wanted to do was sleep. Jean had helped him shower afterwards as he fought through laboured breath while avoiding the spray of water.
“Where were you?” Andrew asks, quietly, as neither of them dare to move.
It frustrated Neil to be unable to find the exact location of the incident in his head. Were they in the locker room? Or had a door locked behind them, keeping the Ravens out, who pretended to ignore the muffled screams as they walked past?
“Evermore,” Neil answers, and it doesn’t seem to be the answer Andrew is expecting. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Andrew doesn’t need the clarification, but still he nods.
“Riko,” Neil looks at his hands, and they’re shaking as he flexes his fingers. “He fucking waterboarded me. And I forgot.”
A flash of unmedicated rage crosses in front of Andrew’s vision. He doesn’t seem to have the right words to say, no response appropriate enough to explain what he wished he could do to the king.
“I’d kill him if I could,” Neil rests his fists on the floor. “I wish I pulled that trigger myself.”
“And still it wouldn’t be enough,” Andrew agrees. It’s hard to talk about the nest, even with him, especially with him. They both are too aware of what happened over those few weeks, in Evermore, in Easthaven. Neil knows too well how Andrew hates how he was unable to protect him. “Talk to me.”
“He would’ve killed me,” Neil says. “He would’ve kept going if we didn’t have to practice.”
Andrew can’t hide his grimace. It’s the part about Exy that he fears Kevin or Neil will find themselves toxically invested in - he occasionally worries their investment is born from necessity instead of true purpose. He sees their passion, clear as day, but that part that fears a life without it sometimes felt like it swallowed their passion whole.
“What do you need?” He asks.
“To know he’s burning in hell for the rest of eternity,” Neil pushes himself up to a standing position, and Andrew follows. Andrew doesn’t exactly hold out his arms, but something about his body language invites him close. As Neil steps into his space, he reaches out to hold his neck, as he hovers a hand over Andrew’s chest until he nods in permission for him to place it. Neil rests him head on Andrew’s shoulder as the goalkeepers fingers hold the damp hair at the back of his neck. “I have to talk to Kevin.”
Andrew doesn’t respond.
He simply holds Neil for as long as it takes for him to ground himself back on earth.
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andriiorrr · 2 days
𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙥𝙨.
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✦ warnings ; threesome (if it wasn’t obvious),makeout session,fingering,oral (m & f receiving),tashi just focusing on your pleasure instead of hers but you don’t let that slide,readers belly is pierced!, mentions of drinking, reader,tashi & art have a drink or two maybe even more. fluff.
☆ Summary ; you were really close with art and tashi, you were good friends with them, but what happens when they invite to you spend the night & y’all play never have I ever.
It was nighttime , you were just chillin’ on your couch watching a show your phone next to you. It suddenly rang, you groaned picking your up wondering who would be calling you while you were oh so relaxed in your comfort zone.
That was until you saw who was calling you, It was Tashi. You smiled answering the phone. “Hey, what’s up?” you giggled. “Hey uh well, you sound awfully happy, but me & art were just wondering if you wanted to come over and spend the night, lily’s with her babysitter right now. we just wanted to see if you wanna hang out like we all used to?” Tashi says, looking at Art, she fiddles with her skirt. Art looks at her from the drivers seat and leans his head on the steering wheel putting his hand on tashi’s thigh watching as tashi talks to you on the phone.
“Yeah, I’ll be over in 20. See you then?” you say smiling “no actually we’re gonna pick you up, if that’s okay with you?” Tashi murmurs softly. you were honestly taken aback but you were glad you didn’t have to use any gas in your car. “Yeah no that’ll be fine, let me just pack a change of clothes” you get up grabbing your silk pj shorts & a button up silk pj shirt.
“Alright be there in 10.” Tashi says & hangs up. You were honestly kinda happy to be spending time with Art & Tashi, you did miss them a lot. You were all busy people and you never had a problem with it. Tashi or Art sometimes both of them would call you to check up on you. It was never a problem you actually didn’t mind it and if you were honestly speaking, it did make you feel special. You snap out of thoughts, grabbing a bag to put your clothes in it. You heard your text notification from your phone. “we’re outside.” Tashi texted you.
You liked her message, throwing your bag over your shoulder you grab your keys walking out the door. You turn around locking the door then putting it in your bag, you look around to see Tashi & Art standing infront of their car kissing. You smile softly at the lovebirds and walk up to them.
“Okay you two, y’all came to pick me up not swap spits infront of my house and in my face” you giggle tucking your hair behind your ears. Tashi and Art pull apart, Art grins and lets out a breathy laugh while Tashi simply rolls her eyes playfully. They walk to the front while you open the back door and hop in.
Suddenly, Art pulls in. You look up out the window to see y’all are already here. “We’re here” Tashi chimes. You open the door getting out as well as Art & Tashi, Art takes your bag smiling softly at you and walks to the door unlocking it. You trail behind Art & Tashi, “make yourself comfortable” Tashi motions. You smile at her softly, you take off your shoes and go walk up to Tashi’s and Art’s Bedroom. You sit on the edge of their bed. Fiddling with yours fingers, to be honest your were kinda, actually scratch that you were fucking nervous as hell. It’s been a while since you,art and tashi hung out. Your thoughts were interrupted by tashi and art walking in, art holding a bottle of wine and some cups while tashi brought snacks. You get more comfortable on the bed sitting criss cross.
The bed dips on both sides of you, Tashi on your Left, Art on your right. Tashi hands you the snacks and you smile taking them, Art pours the wine in three cups, handing you one, then tashi and he takes one for himself.
You were all 3 drinks in, Playing never have I ever when tashi suddenly said “Never have I ever had a threesome.” Tashi & Art drank the rest of their drink, while you stared at the rest of your drink in your lap tracing the top of your cup the silence taking over. Art and Tashi look at you then they look at each other exchanging looks. Suddenly tashi cups your face catching you off guard, you look up at her your lips part as you look at her in awe. She gives you a soft smile and presses her plush lips against yours. Art watches as you and Tashi lock lips, with a smirk on the corner of his lips. You kiss her back, enjoying the sweet taste of her lips. Tashi's hand traces down from your waist to your thigh.
Tashi pulls you onto her lap without breaking the kiss, you gasp as she presses her toned lean body against yours. Tashi deepens the kiss, her tongue slipping past your parted lips to taste more of yours. She moans into your mouth as she places her hand on your lower back pressing you even closer to her.
Tashi pulls back from the kiss, a thin string of saliva connecting the two from her lips to yours. She chuckles and strokes your hair as you breathlessly look into her eyes.
You look down at tashi then art, your face felt hot.
Art’s gaze burns into you and tashi, his expression darkens as he watches the two of you. He bites his lips at you when Tashi kisses your shoulder, and whispers a soft “Art would want a taste too.”
Tashi then grips your hips and pushes you off her lap and onto the bed. She then proceeds to climb on-top of you. A gasp leaves your lips as her hands grab onto your wrists pinning them above your head. Her body presses against yours, as she kiss down your neck to your chest. “Can I?” Tashi looks up at you, heavy breathes were the only sound in the room, you nod softly in a daze. “Wanna hear you say it baby” tashi says making you bite your lip at the fact she called you baby.
“Please, I want you and art” you softly murmur and whine, and thats all it takes for her to put her hand up your shirt, she stops suddenly when she feels your belly piercing. “Take your shirt off” She says her tone wasn’t like she was asking you, she was commanding you to.
You comply and take off your shirt, you have the perfect toned midriff, it’s not surprising since you work out regularly. Tashi softly smiles at you as she caresses your smooth skin, her thumb traced your belly piercing as she sat on top of you. “Gosh you’re perfect.” Tashi says as Art comes to you tucking your hair behind your hair. “Our pretty girl” he softly murmurs.
Heat runs through your body as you feel tashis hands roam your chest admiring every curve of your body. Art’s touch makes you shiver, his voice so deep in your ear as he praised you.
Tashi then leans up to kiss your lips, her lips were sweet and soft. You kiss her back, wrapping you arms around her neck pulling slightly on her hair making her moan and shiver against your lips. Tashi moans into your mouth before leaning away to catch her breath, her cheeks flushed with arousal. Art watched you making you feel even more embarrassed and aroused at the same time. 
“Come here” you say breathlessly to art. Art kneels on the bed next to you and Tashi and immediately connects his lips with yours. He kisses you hungrily his hands running down your body, he moaned against your lips once his hand felt your piercing as his thumb traced it. Art deepens the kiss, his tongue slips into your mouth tasting your hot breaths as you tried your best to kiss him back. Tashi started to place kisses on the exposed skin at the nape of your neck while Art dominated your mouth. Both of their hands roamed your body, and their moans of appreciation vibrated against your skin. Art then bit down on your bottom lip making you gasp.
Art used your gasp of surprise to slip his tongue into your mouth. Tashi started to kiss even lower, going from your nape down to your chest. Her hands roamed your body as she worshipped you. Art then pulled away from your lips, and kissed Tashi’s head as he moved away from the two of you. Your eyes followed him, wondering what he was doing as Tashi continued to kiss your chest making her way to your waist. Tashi kissed and licked your belly getting close to the waistband of your shorts. You bite your bottom of your lip, your imagination running wild. Art then grabbed your chin, tilting your head up at him. His eyes were clouded with lust, and his expression told you that you were in for quite the night.
Your breath hitched as Art’s eyes raked over your half-naked figure on the bed with a sultry gaze. He then leaned down to press a hot kiss onto your lips, his tongue swirling around your own, savoring the flavor of you. Tashi slides her hands into your shorts Tashi slides her hands into your shorts making you gasp into Art’s mouth. Her hands explore your skin, her touches set aflame your skin. You moan into Art’s mouth biting onto his plush bottom lip.
Art then broke the kiss and moved his lips to your neck, his hot breath against your skin made you whine and shiver. You close your eyes enjoying Art’s kisses, his teeth nibbling on your sensitive skin. His hands slowly move from your hips all the way to your navel. You gasp when his hand softly brushes your bellybutton piercing.
Tashi finger slips into your cunt, you let out a loud gasp at the pleasure, you let out a moan and whimper. “It’s okay baby” she murmurs softly. Tashi slides her finger in and out of your wet cunt slowly, teasing you. You let out soft whimpers and grip onto her shirt as art kisses you swallowing your whimpers and moans.
Your moans vibrate in his mouth in a melody, he sucks on your bottom lip. Slowly teasing your sensitive buds with his tongue, drinking in the sweet sounds leaving your mouth. Your breathing was shaky your body felt like it was on fire, but before you could get a release Tashi slowed down her pace making you moan against Art’s mouth in disappointment. “Tashi don’t stop please.” You beg.
“You’re so needy, already begging” Tashi says with amusement, yet she obliges you and picks up her pace. Your moans become wanton and needy as she moves her finger in and out of you faster and faster, as your toes curl from pleasure. Art then reaches to caress your breast, making you shiver under his touch. “I’m gonna—“ you gasp out, your head feels fuzzy from Tashi’s quick pacing leaving you in a state of bliss. Art then captures your lips with his own, swallowing your moans. Tashi rubs your clit while picking up her pace going faster.
Your moans grow louder as her pace gets faster, your eyes fluttering slightly as the heat in your stomach builds and grows like a fire. Art breaks the kiss, his voice breathless against your neck “We want to hear you sweetheart.” He says, his voice low and husky.
“Come on, we wanna hear those gorgeous moans leave your lips.” Tashi adds, as she curls her fingers inside you. You moan, letting out a loud whine. You moan once more gripping onto the sheets, your toes curled, and your body squirming, the pressure in your core builds at the edge. You can’t speak other than to let out incoherent sounds. Suddenly, as you approach your high, you were so fucking close.
“Come on baby, let Art and I take care of you” Tashi whispers in your ear. Art reaches down to cup your cheek as you look into his dark eyes, his thumb softly stroking your cheek. You see the sincerity in his gaze, that all he wants is for you to feel good. Tashi quickens her fingers, your moans grow louder and her eyes never leave your face.
It finally happens when you look into Tashi’s eyes while she watches you cum on her fingers.
You cum undone with a cry, your body shaking and trembling from the release. Tashi pulls out her fingers letting you ride out your orgasm. You lay on the bed taking in shaky labored breaths, your chest heaving up and down as you recover. Art brushes back the strands of hair from your face, his hands caressing your damp skin. He smiles at you with affection.
You take a moment then get up going between Tashi’s legs sinking on the floor “wanna taste you” you say as you look up at her your head resting on her thigh. Tashi's breath hitches in her neck, her eyes fluttering at your touch. Her body shivers when she feels your breath on her sensitive skin. She bites her bottom lip as she watches you between her thighs. "Please"  she whispered. You pull Tashi’s panties down open her legs as you lick her clit your tongue flicking her clit then you move to her entrance licking and sucking all the right places. Tashi moans and shivers under your touch, her head falling back against the headboard. Her hands run through your hair, her nails scraping against your scalp making Tashi shiver. “Just like that baby” she moans out her voice breathy. You lick Tashi’s cunt, lapping and licking up all her juices.
Tashi’s moans grow in volume as she squirms under your touch, your moans vibrated against her sensitive cunt leaving her in a state of bliss. Tashi grips your hair “So close Baby, so fucking close.” She whines. “C’mon baby, don’t stop” she moans, her nails dig into your scalp making you moan out and in return making her squirm and shiver with pleasure. The room was filled with sounds of pleasure, whines, moans.
Art watches, groaning at the sight of you between his wife’s legs. Art watches you with lust filled eyes, the fire of passion burning in his gaze. You could see just how much he enjoyed watching you worship his wife, and that made your face feel hotter as it already was.
Your head was swimming, the passion and adoration for Tashi burned through your veins. You look up at her through your eyelashes drinking in the sight of her flushed expression as she moans out your name. “Baby, im close, so close” Tashi moans out her chest rising and falling rapidly. You moan into tashi’s cunt. Tashi cries out your name louder, her hips arching up as her body shakes as she cums. Her eyes flutter before rolling back and closing shut from the feeling, her chest rises and falls rapidly as her shaky panting fills the room.
Art can’t help but watch in awe as his future wife comes undone from your touch. Seeing her flushed red face, hearing her breathless moans and heavy panting made his loins burn. Seeing you between her legs had him entranced, your name fell so naturally and beautiful from her red bitten lips.
You lean up to kiss Art, it was slow and languid as your tongue ran against his own. He moans against your mouth, cupping your cheek against his warm palm as he kissed you back. He pours into the kiss his desire and the adoration he held for you. You palm his hardened cock, running your hand over it. Art lets out a groan at this feeling, his mouth leaving yours as his breath hit your neck. “Your touch feels so good sweetheart” he whispers against your skin. You pull arts pants down then his boxers. You stroke his cock teasingly. Pre-cum leaking at the tip of his cock. He lets out a groan at the feeling, his breath fanning over your neck, as your touch makes him shiver. “You’re teasing me” he murmurs against your neck, his head hung. “You like the way my hand feels?” You say breathlessly as tashi kisses your neck.
“God yes.. please..” he whispers his voice low and husky against your ear. His breath hitches as you run your thumb over his head. “Please,” he says again, his voice desperate as he shivers from your touch. Tashi lets out a giggle, biting the junction of your neck and shoulder. You sink to your knees licking the tip of arts cock while stroking him your pace going a bit faster. “Fuck” art whines out. You wrapped your lips around arts cock. He pulsed against your tongue as you took him deeper, his thighs tensing where your hands rested against him. He bucked slightly, brushing the back of your throat. When you gagged around him you bobbed your head up and down faster. His breath hitches at the feeling, his head falling back slightly, fuck— your mouth felt so fucking good around his cock. His body shook and trembled under your touch, his face flushed red. Gosh— if you kept doing that he’s gonna cum right on the spot.
“So close” art whimpers out as he grips your head fucking your mouth as tashi moves your hair from falling into your face. As Art fucks yours mouth you can feel the oxygen leave you, but you couldn’t care less you let Art use your mouth up to his pleasure as long as you get to hear those oh so pretty moans. “Gonna— mm fuck” art whines out “cumming!” Art whines out as he cums in your mouth, and you swallow every last fucking bit. You pull away gasping softly for air. Tashi grabs your chin softly making you look at her “you did so good baby.” She kissed you and pulls up making you lay between her and art, “you’re so pretty when you cum, I hope you know that” art murmurs into your neck holding you close. “That she is” tashi softly murmurs smiling, she tucks your hair behind your ear as Art rubs you soothingly “goodnight our pretty girl.” They both whisper into your ear as you all drift of to sleep and just like that.
The world finally stopped.
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hysteria-things · 6 hours
Can you make a song image with the song older by Isabel LaRosa or even kiss me more with doja and sza?
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NEEDY, ARE WE? (part two)
read part one here
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dom!chris x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the night started with only kisses, but you’ve never craved something so bad in your life. that something is your best friend chris sturniolo.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUTTY ASF, swearing, begging kink, teasing, making out, oral (male & female receiving), fingering, p in v, unprotected sex (SON’T EVEN TRY IT), marking, finger sucking, choking, slight spanking, praising, degradation, stomach bulge, overstimulation, dumbification, cream pie
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,713
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: sorry for the 3 AM post… but hello🥰
y/n is a whiny bitch in this LMAO
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“what did i say?” chris whispers sternly, smacking your hand away when it reaches down to his pajama pants string for the third time.
another fifteen minutes went by, and your panties are soaked from the orgasm that washed over you not long ago. chris’ dick fucking hurts, but he enjoys seeing this side of you: needy and desperate. “i’m begging you.” you pout. “i need you inside me. please.”
you seriously don’t know what’s gotten into you. you’d never thought of your best friend this way, but tonight feels different. you’re so dick-deprived that you’ve turned into a whiny mess.
he sighs in defeat, untying his pants and pulling them down. your eyes lock in on the boner in his boxers, beaming once his aching cock slaps against his stomach.
licking your lips, you go to hover over his tip, but he beats you to it and instead pushes your head down. you look up at him with sad eyes.
“what?” he questions, even though he knows the problem. he knows you meant inside you the other way, but what’s the fun in not teasing first? “you said you needed me inside you.”
“that’s not what i—” he cuts you off by pushing your head down, gagging when he forces himself down your throat. you hum, bobbing your head while his grip stays in your hair.
he chuckles, using his free hand to move the pieces of hair out of your face so he can see you looking up at him through hooded eyes. “you’re talking too much. if one of them wakes up you’re going to be in big trouble.” he points to his brothers who are still peacefully sleeping on the couch in front of you.
it doesn’t take long for your throat to morph into the shape of his dick. he licks his lips and smiles menacingly, seeing how you suck his cock so casually. your cheeks hollow, causing chris to exhale to not make a loud noise.
your tongue kitty licks his red tip, pre-cum threatening to spill out. starting to suck, your hand pumps up and down his shaft. his eyebrows furrow, mouth hanging open as he watches your every move. the grasp on your head loosens, and before you know it, chris is pulling you up to where you’re hovering over his lap.
taking his thumbs, he spreads your folds to see the glistening silk in the dim light. your arousal coats the inside of your thighs, some of it dripping down your leg. he takes his pointer finger and slowly moves it up your slit. you flinch at the feeling. “what a needy pussy.” he mumbles, his finger easily sliding into your cunt from the wetness.
you barely give him time to add another when you rut your hips repeatedly, fucking yourself on his fingers. you’ve never felt so pathetic in your life, but you also never felt so turned on. it’s like he read your mind. “pathetic slut; becoming stupid on just my fingers.”
the degrading nickname has you whining, only to start humping his hand faster. he looks as you sink perfectly on his digits… in and out, in and out, your pussy stretching the more you move until—
he removes the two fingers, now soaked with your juices. chris grabs your thighs, sliding his body down so now that his mouth is directly under your cunt. his dick twitches as he groans, seeing it at this angle.
immediately, he sits you down on his face and starts to eat you out like he’s on a time limit, which he technically is. the way his tongue moves so deliciously has you seeing stars, gasping and tugging at the brown strands that lay on his head.
“no, please.” you cry quietly. yes, you love the pleasure your body is going through, but this isn’t what you want. he’s teasing you to tears, and it’s making you sexually frustrated. nonetheless, it only makes you want him more. “th-this isn’t what i want.”
chris hums, making a tiny moan slip from the vibration. his hand gently smacks the outside of your thigh to remind you to keep quiet. “i’m sorry.” you mumble, shutting your eyes tight and biting down hard on your bottom lip that you won’t be surprised if it draws blood.
again a moan falls from your mouth, but this time it’s louder than before. his palm hits you harder this time, and you take your hand to cover your mouth instead. each time you twitch or try to move away from being so overstimulated, his nose still manages to nudge at just the right spot on your clit.
not only are your shoulders shaking from your sobs, but your legs quiver when you feel the heat in your lower belly. mumbling out a few words, chris lets out a questionable hum while speeding up his movements. he wants you to be loud and clear.
“i’m gonna cum, chris.” you cry, thanking every god out there that his brothers are the heaviest sleepers on earth.
he flattens his tongue, smiling in the process while your legs squeeze around his head, cum dripping down onto his tastebuds. a grunt leaves his throat, your pussy tasting exactly the way it’s supposed to. it’s by far the best meal he’s ever eaten.
sitting up again, you guys are back at the position you were at when this all started. chris enjoys the teasing, but he doesn’t know how much longer he can take. dick hard to the point where it hurts; pre-cum starting to leak from the tip. it’s unbearable.
eyes scanning his face, you bite your lip seductively. some strands stick to his forehead from the sweat, mouth is puffy and wet from your cum. how can you possibly be more horny? you have no idea.
leaning in, he pulls away when you’re centimeters apart. you pout, repeating the action when this time he turns his head with a chuckle. “stop teasing me.” you punch his chest lightly out of brattiness. “i need to get fucked by your cock. please, chris.”
raising his eyebrows, he smirks before grabbing your thighs that are still shaking from your high. “see? that wasn’t hard, now, was it?”
he helps you lift yourself to hover over his tip, his grip releasing from your flesh but still grazing it while you slowly start to sink onto his dick. your back arches, eyelids fluttering as you feel every crevice stretch from his size. it’s like your entire body was made for chris and chris only.
“—fucking birds stealing my shit.” the end of the sentence is a grumble, rustling coming from across the room. chris jumps into action and covers where you two are conjoined with your nightgown, being that you still have it on.
still, you decide to roll your hips, feeling his cock rubbing at your walls and insides just right. to keep a moan from coming, you nuzzle your head into his neck and bite at it.
nick sits up, eyes still closed but looking over nonetheless. “fucking birds.” he repeats.
“tell those birds, nick.” chris says, the hickey forming on his neck while you nibble down on another empty spot.
nick nods. “i’ll tell them. yeah, i’ll tell them. i’ll tell them…” then, he lays back down, the soft snores continuing as if he didn’t wake up at all.
you lift your head, chris now face to face with your tear-stained one. “wanna kiss you.” you whisper, starting to plop up and down on him. he doesn’t say anything, only grabs your throat gently to pull you in. from the way your tongues intertwine, you can taste yourself.
at this point, your bouncing so fast that whenever the couch starts to creak he has to grip on your ass for you to slow down. you whimper softly. “feels so good!”
“shit.” he exhales, mouth agape as he watches the bulge in your lower abdomen peek out whenever you sit, your pussy swallowing his fat cock whole. you were, without a doubt, fucking made for him.
accidentally letting out a scream when your g-spot gets hit, it’s cut off by the hand squeezing tighter around your throat. he glances at his brothers to make sure there are no signs of movement before speaking. “don’t have them wake up or we’re going to be in deep shit, and i won’t be able to fuck you again. is that what you want?”
“no!” you choke out, his thumb grazing your bottom lip while he looks at it.
“then you have to be quiet.”
without thinking, you nod and open your mouth, inviting his thumb inside for you to suck on. he smirks with a whisper. “that’s my good girl.”
he removes his thumb from your mouth, now holding your jaw in place. hickeys decorate one side of his neck.
you don’t know how long you’ve been going at it, but you can’t take it anymore. your breathing is becoming heavier the more his dick hits that angle inside you, eyes rolling back having your vision almost fade to black.
clenching so tight to the point where you could barely move up on him, your nth orgasm of the night washes over you, dripping down his thighs and onto the sofa. alas, you don’t make a peep, because you're chris’s good girl. you will always listen to him.
to ride out your high, you still move when you talk into his ear. “cum in me, please.” you gasp, your brain officially shutting off. your face portrays different waves of pleasure all at once, drool dribbling from your chin. you didn’t even notice releasing a-fucking-gain.
ropes of cum shoot up into you with a thrust of his hips, grunting each time he does so. he throws his head back with his eyes slammed shut, waiting ten seconds until he’s done planting his seed into your womb.
“thank you… thank you…” you repeat. he grabs your hips to lift you, but you whimper and nuzzle yourself closer.
exhausted is an understatement, hence why you fell asleep in mere seconds with his cock deep within your cunt. all chris can doze off to is think about how he has to clean this up before morning.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @raysmayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @sturnolio-luvs @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @tylerthecreatorsbf @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hertvgirl @whoreforchrissturniolo @hearrtsturns @stars4matt @freshsturns @loverrsposts @sturnlcvr @elliesturniolo1 @tpvmz @user283926392 @lalalands86 @sukiipjs @sturniologirl813 @leahrab @chrissturniolosslut @h3arts4harry @sturnioloblogs @creamoncreamoncream2 @luv4kozume @ivyyyyyysposts @mirxcle1 @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @catalina-island @mbsbaby @mattsdollie @pinkfarts @slut4mattsturn @thesturniolos @vickeyzloserz @nononopenono1 @bitchydragonparadise @gdsvhtwa @hrt-attack @bellasfavbisexual @dwntwn-strnlo @venusbabysblog @meerkatzthings @crazychrisl0v3r @maggieflms @strtuniolo @mutualsafe @riasturns @sturniolowhore @antpile00 @ashley9282828 @stingerayyy2 @sturnsjtop @luverboychris @yapperchris @imaslutforoldermen @madisonlovesyouu @poetatorturadaa @chr1sgirl4life @hiimolivia @jo-777 @sturnskiss @st4rgrlll @mattyblover07 @sm-ec @mattluvsmarni @knowingnothingnoel @mattsgirlfrieeend @bambi-slxt @selenascorner @sturnstvr @sturnclouds
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sitkowski · 2 days
show me where the delicate stops - jolly x ofc
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pairing: jolly karlsson x reece (ofc)
cw: ⚠️ 18+MDNI. warnings for kinda douchebag!Jolly, hate sex, some violence, derogatory language, choking, protected vaginal sex, dacryphilia, no happy ending
word count: 5.7k
author's note: second bad omens fic in the bag! this time around, here's some jolly smut. title from "jaws" by sleep token. 🫶🏻 dividers by @saradika-graphics
⇉ masterlist | taglist form
If anyone asked her, Reece would say it would take an act of God to willingly put herself in a room under normal circumstances with someone she actively dislikes. But as it stands, she’s apparently a saint, and when her sister asks if her house could be the location of her boyfriend’s surprise birthday party, she caves. She even offers to cook, she likes Nick that much. The majority of his friends are okay in Reece’s eyes, she’s happy to host a party for him. 
But being in a room with her sister, Nick and his friends, means putting herself in a room with the bane of her existence. 
To say that she and Jolly are mortal enemies might be a stretch, but it doesn’t seem as if they’ve ever had a positive interaction. He’s not even a bad person, despite Reece’s brain telling her that he’s the fucking devil. But each encounter leaves the two of them either yelling at each other or glaring at one another across the room. Eventually, she stopped participating in group things if she knew he was going to be there.
So her sister sending Jolly of all people to help set up for the party makes Reece question whether or not she suddenly wants to be an only child again.
She opens her front door a few hours before the party is set to behind to find him hauling two folding tables from the back of his SUV. Leaning out of the doorway with her hands on her hips, she waits impatiently for him to reach her porch, one under each arm.
“No, it’s fine, I didn’t need help or anything.” he mutters, climbing the stairs.
“I have food on the stove. Just take them through the sliding door,” she instructs, pointing. “Or you should have just gone through the side gate.”
He looks five seconds away from a temper tantrum, standing there with the tables at his feet. His sunglasses have slid down his nose, and she knows he’s glaring at her as she turns and walks back through the kitchen without another word. She doesn’t care. If he wants to be the one to show up and set things up, she’s not going to make it easier on him. Reece doesn’t know what her sister was thinking, and she sends her an angry text while she’s stirring the noodles for the pasta salad on the stove. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Jolly carrying the tables outside.
There's not even that much left to be done beyond finishing the food, adding in the tables for the food, and rearranging a bit of the furniture to make room for the guests. From what her sister tells her, Jolly’s supposed to have the stuff for the firepit and the grill with him too. She leaves him to it, turns off the burner to drain and rinse the pasta. And for a little while, she forgets that he’s even there, beyond the muted clatter of things out on the back porch.
But she’s in the middle of slicing cucumbers when a hand appears in her line of vision and plucks a piece from her cutting board. It startles her, and knife in hand, she whirls around angrily. Jolly only has seconds to grab her wrist before the knife makes contact. 
The curse that he unleashes on her isn’t even in the English language, but then his eyes widen further when he realizes how close the blade was to his face. “Are you out of your fucking mind?!”
“Don’t fucking creep up on me!” She yanks her wrist out of his grasp and tosses the knife on the counter. “What manners were you raised with that you touch stuff you shouldn’t?”
He rolls his eyes at her. “It’s a cucumber, Reece. You want it back?”
Her face twists in disgust and she turns her attention to the counter. She expects him to say something, not just stand there and stare at her. Finally, she cracks, looking back at him with exasperation. “What?”
“Lighter. Fluid.” he mutters through gritted teeth.
Reece skirts around him, going over to the cabinet by the back door. She opens it and pulls out the bottle, before turning around and holding it out to him. “Was this all you needed or are you gonna try and take more food before it’s time?”
“Depends if you’re gonna continue to be an irrational bitch and try to stab me,” he mutters, snatching the bottle. “What the fuck is your problem today? You didn’t have to agree to host this if you didn’t want to—”
“I have no problem doing this party for my sister, I adore Nick. I like all of their friends. Well…almost all of them.”
She sees his jaw clench and he looks as if he wants to either throttle her or start cussing at her again. Her eyes briefly flick to the knife on the counter again even though she knows she won’t need it. Because he’s already turning around and slamming his way out the sliding glass door again. Reece blows out a breath and rakes her hands through her hair before turning back to the counter.
His arrogance of believing that today was her only problem with him bugged the hell out of her, but she worked very hard to ignore it because she didn’t want to mess things up for Nick’s party. She’s willing to let it go. Soon, the food is just about done with the exception of the stuff for the grill. She knows that means taking the meat out to Jolly, where he’s brooding on her back porch. Thankfully, she’s saved by Davis and Stephen showing up with the booze and bags of ice. Reece lets them deal with him while she sorts out the coolers that need to be brought outside.
Even with the door closed, she can hear the muffled remnants of Jolly complaining to his friends about her, but she puts on her best hostess smile and raps on the glass, pointing down to the coolers at her feet, before opening the door.
“What’s up, Stabby?” Davis greets her teasingly.
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask the drama queen over there? Anything more you wanna gossip about?”
“Okay!” Gently pushing her back into the house before she can say anything else that might ruin the day, Davis passes the coolers outside and then pushes the door partially shut. Apparently, he wants to chat. “What the fuck, Reece?”
“Me? I’m not the one who—”
“Time out, seriously, you guys need to stow the overaggressive sexual tension for today. It’s about Folio and not―”
Reece’s eyes nearly bug out of her head and she actually feels her face go hot, like a buzzing beneath her skin. “The overaggressive what?”
Davis winces with how high pitched her voice goes, and if she weren’t so baffled, she might have been embarrassed. His expression tells her he’s trying not to laugh at her, and he puts his hands up in self defense.
“Nevermind. Just…white flag on the play, or whatever. You two need to shake on it. Put on your get along shirt—”
“If you continue, I might actually start stabbing people,” her eyes drift past him to outside, where Jolly and Stephen are pretending as if they can’t hear what’s being said. The door isn’t closed all the way, and it’s obvious what’s being said. Jolly looks less than thrilled. “I think Nicholas and Noah are gonna be here in like…twenty minutes? I’m going to go shower so I don’t commit a violent homicide. Can you handle things?”
Reece doesn’t wait for an answer, choosing to make her escape upstairs as fast as she can without actually running.
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The how and the why isn’t even important for Reece anymore, she just doesn’t like him. The two of them can barely be in the same room without one of them saying something nasty. The only reason she’s even putting up with this tonight is for her sister, and for Nick. That’s what she tells herself while she’s pulling clothes from her closet after her shower. She goes through all of her mundane tasks of getting ready, wandering between her bathroom and bedroom. The dress she plans to wear is draped over the end of her bed, so when her bedroom door opens and closes, she lets out a surprised yelp at the fact that Jolly is in her bedroom and she’s just standing there in her underwear.
“What the fuck?” she grabs her robe, pulling it on quickly and holding it closed. “Get out!”
“No, we need to come to some kind of truce before this thing even starts or else one of us is going to ruin this for Folio.”
She stares at him as if he’s grown a second head on his shoulders, and for a minute she wonders if she started screaming if that would be what ruins the night. “One of us? You mean me, right? Because I’m an irrational bitch with a knife?”
“Would it make you feel better if I said I was sorry?” he asks, not sounding sorry in the least.
“Yeah, because when have you ever apologized for anything you’ve ever done to me before? Can you get out please? I’ll happily avoid you all night and we don’t have to speak about any of this again.”
Jolly starts to leave but stops and turns around. “What the hell does that mean? Did I sleep with one of your friends or something?”
Reece narrows her eyes at him, because the how and why isn’t important but if he wants to get into this now, then she will. The fact that he seemingly knows what he did just pisses her off a little more, but she tries to stay calm.
“Three of them, Joakim. You slept with three of my friends. You also drunkenly told me I was not your type. So for my sanity, and your safety, get the fuck out of my room.”
“You don’t control my dick, Reece!”
“Somebody should!”
It’s the wrong thing to say, and she realizes it too late. Jolly smirks at her. “Is this that overaggressive sexual tension that Davis was talking about ? Is that what this is, you’re jealous?”
She wants to tell him that he’s not god’s gift to guitars or women, something scathing that might bruise that overinflated ego of his. Because she isn’t jealous. If anything, she pities her friends who expected that morning after call and never got it. Nothing more than one night stands. Reece tells herself that she refuses to be another notch in his belt or bedpost or wherever annoying Swedish men keep track of their conquests. 
“I don’t know how many times someone has to tell you no before you get the hint.” Her fists clench at her sides. “Go. Or I’ll make you.”
His eyes rove over her body, and she realizes belatedly that she’s let go of the front of her robe. She grits her teeth and meets his gaze head on, because he’s the one invading her space right now and she’s had enough of it.
Jolly steps closer to her, and Reece doesn’t move. It’s not that she’s afraid of him, it’s that he infuriates her. And he knows it, judging by the way his head tilts down and his smile widens. “You wanna hit me? Come on, I’ll let you.”
“You heard me. I piss you off so much, hit me. I’ll give you one.”
She doesn’t think he’s serious at first, but he keeps standing there, watching her expectantly. She realizes that he really wants her to hit him. It’s a terrible idea, they’re supposed to be pretending to get along. Everyone is going to arrive soon, and she still has things to do. But he’s still waiting and the longer he stands there, the more she actually wants to hit him. It won’t solve anything, but it’ll make her feel better.
“C’mon, I said hit me, woman—”
Her hand connecting with his cheek is loud in her room, and a little satisfying if she’s being honest with herself. The slap isn’t hard enough to do any damage at all, he doesn’t move, doesn’t blink. For some reason, Reece hits him again, harder this time. His head rocks to the side, and this time, his reaction is instantaneous; he grabs her by her jaw and pushes her up against the nearest wall. Her hip connects with the edge of her desk painfully.
“I said once,” he says. “Don’t be greedy.”
She knows that she should bat his hand away, shove him out of her space. Maybe even yell at him some more. But she just stands there, back pressed to the drywall. He’s close enough to her now that she can feel his chest pressed to hers. Her mind goes deceptively fuzzy and she feels a twinge low in her stomach that makes her a little angry at herself. His eyes meet hers as his fingers dig into her cheeks at the same time he presses a thigh between hers.
“You’re weak, Reece,” he murmurs, and she feels the burn of tears in the back of her throat. “Aren’t you?”
Her hand wraps around his wrist and she yanks, trying to make him let her go. He doesn’t, not until her bedroom door opens and then he steps back, removing himself from her space and allowing her to breathe. She tries not to choke on a sob when she looks over his shoulder and sees Nicholas standing there.
“Matt needs you on the grill.” he says. His eyes bouncing back and forth between the two of them. Reece holds her robe closed guiltily, as if she were caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to.
Jolly doesn’t spare her another glance as he turns and leaves her bedroom, slipping past Nicholas with a little salute. 
Reece finally moves, shrugging out of her robe and pulling her dress over her head. She can feel Nicholas’ eyes on her the entire time, but she knows it’s more out of concern than whatever the hell Jolly was doing. When she looks back, he’s still leaning in the doorway, a suspicious look on his face.
“Don’t ask.”
But it looks like you were—”
“I would sooner die than sleep with him, Nick.”
“Your mouth says no, but your tits in that dress says you’re thinking one time couldn’t hurt.”
Her face still hurts from where Jolly grabbed her, and not in an entirely unpleasant way. She touches the tender areas as she sits down to put on her boots. “I picked out the dress before he came in.”
Nicholas doesn’t seem convinced, and she guesses that would make sense for anyone who walked in on what he did. If anything, it looked more like they were flirting than fighting. But she doesn’t try to explain herself. Instead, she stands up and smooths down her skirt, before shooing him out of her doorway. When they make their way back into the kitchen, more people have gathered. Out on the back porch, she sees Jolly and Matt messing with the grill.
He’s not looking directly at her, but from where he’s standing, it’s impossible to miss the red marks on his cheek. If she were to look close enough, her handprint might even be there. The amount of satisfaction she felt had already passed. Instead, she feels frustrated and more than a little angry. Somehow, what he said to her has gotten under her skin more than she cares to admit. He called her weak. And right now, she can’t help but feel like he might be right. 
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The party goes off without any issues, and it’s the best distraction that Reece could have asked for. Nick has the best time, and that was more important than whatever mind games Jolly seemed to be playing with her. He ignored her practically the entire night, which was fine with her. It’s well after midnight by the time everyone leaves. Everyone pitched in to help clean up, all she had to do was load her dishwasher and find a place in her refrigerator for the leftovers that the guys didn’t take with them. Leaving the music on, she goes out onto the back porch to collect abandoned Solo cups that had been missed.
Just as she’s turning to go back through the sliding glass doors with the trash bag in hand, it opens. It doesn’t startle her as much as it could have to see Jolly standing there. She blinks at him in confusion and annoyance, and he points over her shoulder.
“Forgot the tables.” He explains.
Reece looks over at the two tables still in the corner of the porch where they’d put out the food and the drinks earlier in the night. Scoffing, she steps aside and lets him go past her. She thinks about going into the house and locking the sliding glass door behind her, making him go out through the side yard so she doesn’t have to see him. But she has to take the trash out, and she takes the bag off the porch outside. She’s kind of hoping that he’ll be gone by the time she comes back.
She’s not that lucky. He hasn’t even bothered taking down the tables, instead he’s sitting atop one. His legs swing back and forth idly as he sips a beer Reece is pretty sure just came from her refrigerator. Immediately, her brain goes on red alert because there’s no reason for him to still be here.
Her eyebrows raise. “Aren’t you supposed to leave with those?”
“I’m fucking tired, Jolly, I don’t have time for this bullshit.”
He takes another swallow from the bottle, casual as if he doesn’t have anywhere else he should be. Reece grits her teeth and starts to head for the sliding glass door. She fully intends to lock him out now, he can sleep on the porch for all she cares. But he speaks again before she can even step over the threshold.
“Like I said, weak.”
Reece whirls around to face him again, stomping over to him and yanking the bottle out of his hand, throwing it aside where it hits the floor with a less than satisfying smash. It doesn’t even matter that the scent of beer is going to linger out there for months. She’s tired of his bullshit.
“What makes me weak? The fact that I have a spine and I don’t fall at your fucking feet like everyone else? Didn’t you tell me I wasn’t your type? Clearly that was a lie, so why don’t you quit being a pussy and stop pulling my pigtails like we’re in middle school. Say what you mean.”
Jolly slides off the table, standing up straight and Reece tries to take a step backward. But his hand comes up to fist in the hair at the nape of her neck, and he pulls her against his chest. A startled protest falls from her mouth, cut off only when he pulls her head back until their eyes meet. Her neck twinges uncomfortably and she tries to pull away, but he won’t let her move.
“I think I’ll pull whatever part of you I want to.” He leans down until his nose brushes against her cheek. “And you’re gonna let me, aren’t you?”
“No.” The word falls from her mouth almost automatically and he leans back to blink at her. She feels a brief sense of relief when his grip on her hair starts to loosen minutely. “I’m not going to let you do anything, Joakim. Why don’t you ask me for it?”
His eyes narrow, and at first she thinks that he isn’t just going to let her go. She doesn’t think he’ll hurt her, but it’s become his sole mission to fight her every chance he can get. He releases her after a few more moments of staring at her, and his mouth curves upward.
“Okay, Reece. Show me that spine of yours.”
Planting both of her hands in the middle of his chest, Reece gives him a hard shove backwards. He collides with the table, which screeches across the floor noisily for a few inches before smacking against the wall. He doesn’t seem bothered by this at all, just catching himself against the table and laughing. She knows he doesn’t really find her intimidating at all, and for some reason that turns her on more than it should. She thinks about the look on his face when she smacked him in her room, how quickly he took control of her without even trying. She wonders if he’ll do it again. Her curiosity gets the best of her, and she swings on him.
Just as quickly as before, Jolly grabs onto her wrist, this time yanking her closer until she’s between his legs. He twists her arm behind her, and before she can do anything else he grasps her other wrist. He pins her wrists with one hand easily, and holds them against her lower back. The instinct to struggle is automatic, but he just tightens his grip on her, keeping her against his chest as his other hand grazes her thigh, beneath the hem of her skirt.
“You’re not even going to kiss me first?” she asks, trying not to let any disappointment show.
His hand continues its trek, nails scraping over her skin. “No. I’m not sure I wanna put anything near your mouth. You look like you bite.”
Her attempts to struggle only make the bones in her wrists grind together and she’s embarrassed of the noise that escapes her. His hand curves around her hip beneath her dress, pressing into possible bruises forming there from when she hit the desk earlier and she hisses out a whine, tears forming in her eyes.
“Are you crying already? I haven’t even done anything to you yet.” His words mean nothing to her as his hand dips just beneath the waistband of her underwear, his thumb running over the fabric between her legs that is growing more and more damp with each pass of the digit.  
She doesn’t need him to say anything for her to know how wet she is. She tries to rise up on her tiptoes in her boots, get him to move his fingers farther down but he’s just touching the skin of her lower stomach, and staring at her. Waiting for her to break. She wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted her to beg him for this, but she doesn’t want to give that to him.
 He’s right though, he hasn’t even done anything to her yet. But it’s coming, and he gives her a cruel smile. “Might wanna hold onto those tears, though.”
Reece can’t find her voice to ask what he means by that, and she doesn’t get the chance. He lets go of her wrists abruptly, and she stumbles back a step, nearly tripping over her own boots. Before she can open her mouth, he’s finally kissing her. For someone who said he wasn’t going to, he’s really good at it. Even that’s a fight, one that she desperately tries to win. The second she gets the chance, she sinks her teeth into his bottom lip. It doesn’t deter him at all, if anything it just gives him more power over her. His hands grab onto her hips, her ass, anywhere he can. She feels the cool night air against the back of her thighs when her dress rides up as he wraps his hands around them and lifts her off of her feet.
She thinks that he’s going to take her into the house, and she’s all for that, but instead he turns and all but drops her on top of the table where he’d just been. His mouth trails down over her shoulder, and the feel of his facial hair against her skin makes her gasp and arch into him. Jolly’s hands start pulling the straps of her dress down off her shoulders, leaving it bunched around her waist as his fingers go to the strap of her bra next while he worries a hickey into her neck that she’ll be pissed about in the morning.
“Wait!” she protests a little, pushing on his chest to get his attention.
He lets out an aggravated sigh but lifts his head to look at her. “Do you want me to stop?”
It’s oddly thoughtful of him to ask, and him stopping is the furthest thing from her mind right now. She shakes her head, letting him kiss her again. It’s gentler than before, unexpected, but after a few moments it grows more heated. Yet something still nags in the back of her head and she pushes at him again.
“What, woman, what?” his voice rises a little, and Reece is glad that she doesn’t have neighbors that close by. “If I’m doing something you don’t like, or whatever, you need to use your words with me. I’m not here to hurt you, as much of a pain in the ass you are.”
Swinging her feet back and forth the same way he had been earlier, she tilts her head and gives him a deceptively innocent look. “I was only going to ask if you have a condom, Joakim. I’m not doing this without one.”
“You are the most insufferable human I have ever met in my life.” he says, even as he manages to get the condom from his wallet
The words come out a lot softer than they should have, almost fond, and Reece feels the burn of tears in the back of her throat again. She doesn’t want him to be nice to her, she isn’t in this for anything other than sex. Sitting forward, she starts to pull impatiently at his belt. She doesn’t look at him, not until his hands ball in her hair and he tilts her head back, and he makes her. She’s almost relieved to see nothing in his eyes but darkness and need, a little bit of a challenge.
“Go on,” Jolly encourages, and his smile turns condescending because he knows that she’s trying not to waver, trying not to make this more than what it is. “Finish what you started.”
Reece rolls her eyes at him, and makes quick work of the button and zipper on his jeans. He shoves them down out of the way just enough and she makes an appreciative noise as she wraps her hand around his cock as best she can, feeling a small amount of victory as a strangled groan escapes him as she rubs her thumb over the tip. Maybe if she didn’t hate him, she’d be interested in seeing how he’d feel in her mouth. She snatches the condom package from his hand, tearing it open and rolling the latex down over the length of him.
Planting a hand in the middle of her chest, Jolly pushes her back on the table, and she decides to only be partially helpful, pulling her skirt up her thighs. She thinks that he’s going to take her underwear off but he doesn’t, instead hooking his fingers beneath the soaked fabric and pulling it to the side. Reece starts to reach down and push them off herself, but he bats her hand away.
“No, I want you like this.” he mutters.
She feels her skin going hot, more because of the way he’s staring down at her than his actual words. She squirms a little as he slides his cock between her folds, teasing her slowly to the point where her face feels as if it’s on fire and she can hear her heart pounding loudly. Reece isn’t going to beg. She tells herself that over and over, and with every pass he makes over her clit without sinking inside of her, her resolve starts to crumble. The word is on the tip of her tongue, but then he finally slides in.
Her back bows off the table as her body tries to accommodate him. He doesn’t stop until their bodies are flush and then she’s slapping his shoulder, trying to relax into the overwhelming fullness she feels. “Stay! Don’t fucking move, give me a minute.”
Jolly grits his teeth but he doesn’t move, not yet. Instead he leans over her, sinking his teeth into the curve of her breast right above the edge of her bra. She cries out hoarsely, fisting his hair in her hand and pulling hard. She can feel his teeth in her skin and the initial sting of the bite brings tears back to her eyes. He pulls back enough to pull down one of the cups of her bra just enough to get his mouth on her nipple. His teeth are much gentler this time, but he still bites. Her fingers in his hair tug again, just to keep him closer.
“Okay,” she breathes out, nodding her head and pulling his mouth up to hers, “I’m good.”
He takes her at her word, leaning back and pulling almost all the way out before snapping his hips forward sharply. Her hands slap against the table as she tries to keep stability. He moves in long deep strokes, causing Reece's eyes to roll back in her head. It goes on and on until she thinks she'd lose her mind. She wants him to go harder, faster, but she ground her teeth together, refusing to beg.
“You know, you say you hate me, but your pussy seems to like me just fine.”
“Oh my God,” she moans, head knocking back against the table. “Do not say shit like that.”
The edge of her underwear digs into the crease of her leg uncomfortably, making her wince despite the electricity coursing beneath her skin. Not only is Jolly an asshole, but he's also apparently a mind reader. He pulls out of her, yanking them down and leaving them tangled around one of her boots, before he's pulling her from the table and spinning her around. His hand presses into her shoulder, bending her over. She chokes on a whine as he thrusts back into her, and the groan he lets out reverberates through her entire body.
“Better?” he asks in her ear, hips snapping forward roughly. 
This angle lets him go deeper and Reece can't do anything but nod gratefully. One of his hands grabs onto the curve of her hip, biting into her skin and the other curls loosely around her throat. His fingers flex, just a little, and she pushes into his hold.
“You can, Joakim, please—” she loses her resolve and she doesn't need to see his face to know that he knows he's won. She feels it “Please—fuck—”
His fingers tighten just enough that her next pull of air is a struggle, and her mind goes blissfully blank. She’s aware of the table tilting at an alarming angle each time it rocks towards the wall, and her own hoarse cries that manage to escape around his hold on her. When his fingers loosen enough to allow her more oxygen, her breath comes in harsh, desperate pants. Tears run freely down her face and one of Reece’s hands fly back to grab onto the fabric of his shirt. Trying to get him closer as if that were physically possible.
Reece squeezes her eyes shut, overwhelmed and already teetering on the edge of orgasm. She’s not quite there yet, and to make it worse, Jolly slows down, hips rolling into hers in a maddening languid pace. She tries to rock back into him, but his hold on her is tight, she isn’t going anywhere unless he wants her to.
“I hate you,” she chokes out, even as she clenches around him. “I hate you so much.”
“ I know you do, precious,” he digs his fingers into her flesh again, forcing another gurgled moan from her throat. He curls himself over her, nose brushing against her cheek. Her eyes roll up to meet his desperately, and she sees that same look on his face that she’d been seeing all night. He still thinks she’s weak. “I hate you just as much.”
She knows the moment that Jolly’s resolve has finally reached its limit, when his thrusts become harder and erratic, the strangled gasps of some mixture of cursing and praising hot against her ear. Reece clenches around him, reveling in the way it undoes him. A soft, broken sound is wrung from her chest as she comes, head knocked back into his shoulder. His fingers are once again gentle on her throat, rubbing over the skin as if to sooth his touch away.
 He doesn't stop when she comes, he even moves faster as the orgasm rocks through her. He brings his hand down to her clit, and his touch is rough enough to send her over the edge again, leaving her shaking beneath him. 
"Fuck, woman," he mutters through gritted teeth. 
He jerks his hips into her and his control snaps. He braces himself against her with one hand and rides out his own orgasm with slow, easy thrusts and sharp, desperate gasps. Finally, he goes still and Reece yanks his hand from between her legs before she collapses against the table.
The next few minutes feel like a blur as they clean up, refusing to make eye contact with one another. The tension in the air is thick, awkward in a way that seems worse than before. But Reece doesn’t ask him to stay. There will be no spooning throughout the night, no sharing coffee in the morning. She lets him take his tables and he leaves without much more than a wave as he puts them in the back of his truck. She watches from the front porch, and once he’s gone, she goes inside and locks the doors.
It’s not until she’s falling into her bed after her shower that she realizes her underwear are still out on the back porch.
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⇉ taglist:
@malice-ov-mercy @ladyveronikawrites @circle-with-me @baddestomens @dominuslunae
@deathblacksmoke @collapsedglasshouses
69 notes · View notes
paranoiastudio · 2 days
Good company
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pairing: Art Donaldson x f!reader x Patrick Zweig
summary: An active evening in pleasant company, what could be better?
warnings: +18 smut, threesome, p in v, orel (f for m and m for f), cumshot
English is not my first language, sorry about mistakes
- She won’t come... - Art looks at the ceiling.
- Why do you think so? - Patrick smiled, but seemed no less nervous. - Are you afraid that she didn’t like you?
A quiet knock on the door. Then another one, a little more confident. Both athletes rush out of their seats and quickly get dressed. When they finally opened the door for you, they were both breathing heavily.
- Did I distract you two from something? - You straighten Art’s blond curls and walk into the room.
- We just... We were waiting for you.
- I get it. - You sit down on the edge of the bed, noticing that they pushed them together. - Very nice room.
Patrick called you, you met at a party. You, ambitious and active, barely out of junior age, attracted everyone’s attention with your white dress.
Art treated you to a cigarette, Patrick brought you beer and you didn’t notice how you gave these two all your attention. And this is exactly what you planned to do today.
- Will you have a drink? - A cold bottle of cider, foggy and wet, ends up in your hands and you immediately take two large sips.
- What are your plans? - Art sits down next to you and you hand him the bottle. -Have you decided how you will entertain me, boys?
- There are a couple of options. - Patrick sits on the floor in front of you. - But...
- But?
- I don’t think all of us are ready. - You catch his gaze, it slides over Art’s figure and you yourself fix your gaze on Donaldson.
- What are you talking about? - You frown, seeing how Art is slightly nervous under your gaze.
- Our babyboy wasn’t... Well, you know... - Patrick smiles, seeing his friend’s embarrassment.
- So what? - You take the bottle from Art’s hands and hold the touch, playing with his fingers. - I don’t see a problem with that, especially when he’s such a cutie.
Art’s ears turn red and you want to spoil this innocent baby even more, who, as intuition tells you, is full of passion and desire.
- We can show him how to do it. - Patrick is already stroking your bare knee, you know why you are here and Zweig clearly did not intend to waste time.
- I think it’s easier to learn in practice. - Art finally looks into your eyes and you can’t help but smile at him, you liked him much more than Patrick and you wouldn’t mind being alone with him at all.
The guys are silent and you take the first step, taking everything into your own hands. Handing the bottle to Patrick, you quickly sit on top of Art and giggle when he grabs your hips, holding you close to him.
- You hold me so tightly. - You kiss the man on the nose and move your hips, watching his pupils dilate. - Tell me the truth, Art...
You could haven't asked, he could never lie to you. Especially when you sit on him, hug him by the neck and are not at all embarrassed by the fact that his dick is already resting against your clothed pussy.
- I want you so much. Is it true. - Art strokes your back. - But I really wasn’t with someone... There are three of us.
- Don't worry. - You kiss him on the corner of his lips. - I will be near.
He really hopes so, Art wants to be as close to you as possible. Now he regrets wearing the T-shirt; he wants you to feel him.
- You won’t be offended by me, will you? - You bat your eyes and look sweetly at Patrick. - You can sit here for now, you will see everything very well.
Patrick doesn’t object and sits down next to you, not taking his eyes off you. You kiss Art, moan into his mouth from the taste of the gum that was just recently in his mouth and raise your hips again, catching his boner hidden by his underpants.
Art answers you, pulls you closer and moves his hips towards you, thrusting into you with a precise rhythm and with that amount of despair that only spurred you on more.
You hear Patrick quietly grumbling and puffing next to you, opening your eyes, you see that he has already grabbed himself and is not at all embarrassed to touch himself in front of you.
- We won't need this. - You pull off your top and grab Art’s T-shirt. - So what about you?
You wink at Patrick and he, without wasting any time, undresses completely, brazenly sitting on the bed. He is big and looks better without clothes: not too pumped up, flexible and strong, he looks at you with greed, wanting to be in the place of his friend.
Art places kisses on your neck, squeezing your breasts, glad you weren’t wearing a bra. You whimper, your nipples already hard and Art’s movements as he slowly licks your breasts cause a tingling sensation between your legs.
You stand up and pull down Donaldson’s underwear, freeing his dick. The head turned red, you smeared the droplets that appeared at the tip and earned a pitiful moan.
- My poor baby. - You coo, moving the fabric of your underwear under your skirt. - You really need a release, right?
- Please. - Art himself doesn’t know what exactly he’s asking for, but he doesn’t intend to let you go.
You spit on your palm and pump the tennis player’s penis a couple of times. There's a wet spot on your underwear, but no one notices because the next moment you rise up and impale yourself on Art in one motion.
The stretch burns your muscles and you hiss with pain and pleasure. The sight of Art gasping with pleasure flatters you and you pull him into another kiss.
- Shit... - Patrick attracts your attention and you reach out your hand, wanting to touch him too.
He crawls closer and now you are already holding him by the balls. Your pussy quivers around Art's cock, and Patrick's tongue rules your mouth. You move your hand more actively and the guy moves his hips towards your gentle palm.
You raise your ass and fall back onto that perfect cock, clutching the other one in your hand. You hear squelching sounds when you touch Art, you spit on your palm again and jerk Patrick off with renewed energy.
-You look so hot, baby. - Patrick squeezes your tits, twists one of your nipples and reaches hand down, spreading your folds and touching your clitoris.
You squeak and speed up, Art moaning loudly from how hard you’re squeezing him.
- I wanna cum... - You look into Patrick’s eyes as you say this and he lets out an obscenely loud moan. - Please.
Your long, neatly manicured fingers play with his balls, with your other hand you touch yourself and rub your clitoris, chasing an orgasm.
Art enters you harder and harder, he caught the right pace and each thrust ended with a precise blow to your spongy spot. Everything swims before your eyes and you open your mouth, you feel saliva running down your chin and dripping onto your bare tits.
You stick out your tongue and guide Patrick’s pulsating length into your mouth. He groans again and grabs your hair, holding you down, carefully and gently.
Art, watching this, feels his balls tightening, he needs to cum, he desperately wants it. But your pleasure is much more important and the man only squeezes your hips harder.
You move your head, taking all of Patrick, your throat taking him in so perfectly that it’s even strange. The member twitches and you suck it in harder, and after a moment you feel hot sperm flowing down your throat.
Patrick moans, tugs at your hair, and mutters something in post-orgasmic ecstasy. You move your head a couple more times and release the dick from your mouth with a loud, wet pop.
Your pussy tightens more and more and you fall apart on Art’s dick, mewling and rolling your eyes. Art wanted to cum inside you, he was almost ready when Patrick pulled you off of him and threw you onto your back.
You, flushed and out of breath, don’t even try to close your legs when Patrick falls to your wet folds with his mouth. His beard is slightly scratchy, but the strong grip on your hips does not allow you to dodge these caresses.
-Are you going to sit like this or what? - He throws it over his shoulder and Art is immediately next to him, you extend your hand to him and open your mouth again, ready to accept everything he gives you.
Patrick rubs his nose against your sensitive clitoris, his hot tongue penetrates inside and you squirm, rising on your elbows and swallowing Art’s still wildly hard cock.
- You are so beautiful, so kind to me... - Art strokes your head, whispers sweet nothings. His eyes are closed, his lips are red, and his hair is flying in different directions. He looks beautiful and you almost cum just looking at him while Patrick fucks you with two fingers.
You lick the underside of Art’s cock, squeezing his in you're small hand. The sensations are so pleasant that it seems as if it was all a dream.
-Will you cum for me, baby? - Patrick lifts his tongue from your clitoris and moves his fingers more actively, your pussy squishes with excitement, you feel yourself dripping onto his hand like the last whore.
- Yes, yes, yes, please! - You fall on the bed, releasing Art from your mouth and he immediately hugs himself, caressing your body with his eyes.
Patrick doesn't stop and you come again, squinting from the force of the stimulation. Art watches his friend eat you out and can’t look away.
- Can I?... - You nod and squeeze your chest, bringing it closer. Art whimpers and spills onto your chest, white droplets now decorating your neck and tits.
And only when Art lets go of his dick does Patrick stop, only caressing your quivering pussy a couple of times.
- Everything is fine? - Art sounds hoarse, he is still standing next to you.
- It couldn't have been better. - You pick up a couple of drops and lick them off your fingers. - I need a shower. Who will carry me?
Patrick, who was still holding your hips, pulls you closer and rises to his feet. You wrap your arms around his waist, feeling that he seems intent on continuing the party.
- Let's go to. - You manage to put your hand on Art’s shoulder. - Rub my back.
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xsleepinggoodx · 1 day
morning sex <3
WARNINGS: somnophilia, horny Mikey, Mikey being lovedrunk on you, foreplay, oral (fem receiving) fingering. (Fem receiving) sub! Reader, service dom Mikey, softdom Mikey, tender love💕
Mikey with long black hair is extremely underrated.
This song has literally nothing to do with the story the instrumentals just give me black long hair Mikey vibes I don’t know how to explain it😭
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Waking up hard wasn’t foreign to Mikey. But it was difficult to take care of. Especially when his lovely wife is sleeping so soundly next to him.
The soft early morning sunlight on your body on just the right places made him admire you for minutes. Almost drooling on how the golden lights cascaded on your body like a professional painting. You were sleeping so soundly though, a happy and relaxed expression on your face. Fabric marks on your arms. You were probably having a fun dream.
He felt guilty for even considering to bother you, but a memory flashed in his mind to where you and him were discussing your secret kinks.
You’re blushing face, hiding away from Mikey’s shocked eyes.
“Since when were you that kinda freaky,baby? That came outta nowhere!” Mikey’s jaw dropped.
“Stop acting like your don’t have worse ideas…I’m just saying it’d probably feel good and I wouldn’t be opposed to you d..d-doing it to me..” you cursed yourself for stuttering. His laughing echoing loud.
He chuckled from the memory and how you were too bashful to even make eye contact with him. Poor, sweet baby. He thought.
He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ears. A love-sick smile on his face from how delicious you look right now. He carefully got on top of you, kissing you cheek, moving to your jawline. Leaving hickies here and there, softly moving to your neck. Enjoying how even in your sleep, your whimpering subtly.
Sucking on your sensitive skin, You smelled of vanilla and flowers. Warm from the long bath you and him had from last night. His hand in yours, squeezing it softy and oh so tender. He seemed to be wrapped around your finger.
His kisses moved down to your collarbone, sucking more. Hickies appeared more and more as he moved down. He lifted you blouse up to reveal your stomach, kissing it softly. His hands clasping around your pants, pulling it down with ease.
Once you were finally only in your panties. He had to stop himself to devour you whole. Your thighs squeezed together, making them look plushier than they already are. His calloused hands gently smoothing them apart. He kisses on your inner thighs, a soft sigh leaves you as he kisses so softly on your thighs. You repositioned yourself, your lower half getting closer to his head. He smirks at this as he’s midway to your center.
He licks your center, right on your panties making you softly moan. Your thighs lightly twitch and he chuckles. Vibrations right in your core. You whine in your sleep, your dream slowly combining with reality.
Painfully slow, he slides down your panties, revealing your wet pussy. He groans. His cock hardening more at the sight. You’re asleep and you’re still wet. So naughty.
He kisses your inner thighs moving closer to your center. Black onyx eyes on your face like a hawk. He licks a long lick from your entrance to your clit. A jolt on your body as you whimper. He smiles as he kisses your sensitive clit, circling figure 8s on it. Your other hand, unoccupied by Mikey’s hand, unconsciously gripping the sheets below you. Soft, needy moans escaping your mouth.
“A-ah! m-Mikey…mmmh” you moan loudly as you throw your head back.
He hums as he speeds up his tongue on your clit, from side to side to up and down slowly, enough to have you awake. Your eyebrows furrowed, a bratty whine escaping your lips as you wrap your legs around Mikey’s head, chasing your orgasm. Your hips arched as he sucked on your clit, your wetness dripping down and he happily licks it all up.
“M-Mikey! I’m- oh!.. I’m g-gonna cum.—“
Speeding his tongue once more as you orgasm with a breathy moan. He has never heard anything more beautiful. You whimper when he continues to suck your clit, coming down from your high. You get up on your elbows as he finishes cleaning you off with his tongue. Getting up and immediately attaching his lips on yours. Tongue in your mouth, tasting yourself as your moan in kiss. He pulls back, saliva connecting your lips.
“You taste so good, love~” he says, a teasing smile on his lips. You only look away bashfully.
Your positions changed to you on your side with Mikey making out with you. His hand wandered as he groped your breasts, deepening the kiss. His hand slides down to rub tight circles on your clit. Going faster and faster as you moan, too tired to keeping making out with him as you catch your breath in his neck.
“M-Mikey!” You try to grip his arm but he only sighs, his mouth in an ‘o’ shape. Groaning on your cunt pulsing.
he kisses your earlobe, increasing your stimulation. A loud gasp escapes you as he stuffs two fingers in you, not hesitating to thrust them in and out. Curling his fingers on your g-spot, earning whines and whimpers from you. He speeds up as you squirt on his fingers. Earning a loud groan from him as you twitch under him, moaning loudly. As you come down from your high. He kissed your cheek and kissed your lips again. Mikey loved kissing.
Moments passed and he already had you cleaned up, in your soft pjs again.
“Was that a good morning?🥰” he said as he teasingly looked at you, you only flushed deep red.
“I could do better~” you finally said back.
“Oh really?~” he said, grabbing ng your face to kiss you again.
You got too lucky with him.
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knavesflames · 2 days
demon arle corrupting angel reader?
🌸 anon
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Hi 🌸 anon!! This makes me shdlfbdj I hope I can do it justice!! By the way, I do love when you guys post in my box and I’m totally open to anons!! (I love seeing other people get anons i think it’s sweet) I appreciate every interaction I get <3
Word count: 786
Content: religious motifs, corruption, cunnilingus (reader receiving)
[scheduled post]
Nsft utc!
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“Your wings are so pretty.”
She muses as she circles you, eyeing you like a predator waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And there you are, standing there in fear as she holds the weapon that can so easily clip your wings and render you useless, stuck in the limbo between heaven and hell forever while she gets claim another soul. Of course, she takes great pride in her little trophies from the souls of all the angels she has played with. Or rather, ruined. Different feathers stolen from wings, pieces of clothing, even stolen a halo from an angel. They all sit on what can only be described as a shrine.
Her dark, blood red wings brush your own and her breath catches. It seems her wings are sensitive, her eyes piercing into yours as she regains her composure. She’s the perfect image of a demon, large horns that look like they could slice you with how sharp they are, claws that could rip out your guts if she tried. Skin as black as the soot that remains after she burns a soul with a thousand flames. Intricate markings that you can’t quite tell are birthmarks or have been branded on her. You’re not sure you want to know.
Said claws poke your halo and you wince, your hand coming up to hold it, and your eyes stare her down. Glowing white, just like your wings and the yellow glow of the halo that rests atop your head.
“Don’t touch me, please.”
“I have the power here, little angel. If you were meant to have the power, God wouldn’t have left you here.”
You shake your head in protest, your wings fluttering as they rest on your back, away and out of her clawed grasp.
“I am an angel.”
“An angel, you say. No, I think you’re more like me than you realise.”
“You are a sinner.”
“And you are not?”
She chuckles, a chuckle that sends a shiver through your body. The dim light makes her look positively evil, her hands moving in the air as she plays with the flames she creates. You struggle to understand what the burning sensation in your stomach is when her fingers trail over your skin, sliding against your waist.
“You have a desire for me. Lust. It is a sin, no? Have you not thought about my fingers moving elsewhere, or perhaps, my mouth?”
“I am a pure being.”
“On the outside, yes. On the inside, you’re just as cursed and evil as I am. Shall I prove it?”
You don’t respond, but you start to tremble, the burning in your stomach growing as your mind begins conjuring images of what she describes. You pray that He will save you before you succumb to what you can only think of is lust.
Your prayers are unheard as she sinks to her knees, her claws digging into the plush of your thighs as she pulls them apart. Her warm breath moves up your inner thigh, her glowing eyes staring up at you.
“Say you want it, little angel.”
There is silence as you fight the words. You fight, and fight some more before you whisper hoarsely.
“I want it.”
With your head screaming no, but the place between your legs screaming yes, you finally succumb, letting her move your legs apart and gasping when her tongue licks a stripe and her voice vibrates against you as she hums.
“Tasty angel, you are, aren’t you? I see why He wanted you to stay pure.”
Her tongue meets your core again as she really begins to pleasure you. Forbidden pleasure shoots through you as she licks and sucks and swirls her tongue around your clit. Your hands find their way to her head, taking purchase around the horns, moans and gasps creating a symphony of divinity. No longer can you call yourself pure, you think, but your thoughts are quickly clouded as you reach the height of sin. Her tongue, long and rough, licks up every last drop of what remains of your purity before looking up at you.
And when you open your eyes, she lets out a small cackle, crushing a piece of glass she’s found long ago and passing it to you.
“Look at you.”
Reluctantly, you glance at yourself, immediately shrieking and dropping the glass, your hand covering your mouth. No longer are your eyes glowing white, but instead glow the same shade of hers. No longer are your wings the colour of snow, but the colour of ash. Corrupted, she wanted you, she said that from the very beginning when she found you, and corrupted, she has made you. Somehow, you are not angry.
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brutalizers · 2 days
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— patrick zweig x reader smut
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You were a Standford women’s tennis player and we’re in the middle of your freshman year. You are watching Tashi play an intense match. She was your teammate but the two of you were never really close. You look through the stands and notice her boyfriend, Patrick, was not there. Although confused you brushed it off. You had hoped he was there. You’ve had the biggest crush on him since he visited Tashi and Art at the beginning of the year.
Moments later, you hear something crack and Tashi is on the ground. Everyone was worried about her . The crowd went silent and all you could hear was her screaming on the ground while holding her knee. You watch as Art runs down to help her. You knew Art had feeling for Tashi, even if she was with Patrick. You and Art were close with one another because you were in love with different sides of an existing couple.
After the match you found Art in the trainers office. You walk over to him to ask about Tashi.
“Art, is she going to be okay? Do you think she can finish the season?”
“It’s not looking good. This is going to be a tough recovery for her but I’ll be with her the whole way.”
“You? What about Patrick?”
He laughs. “Yeah they’re done. Got into a big fight before the match today.”
You were shocked, but so relieved. Maybe you had a chance.
Patrick heard about Tashi’s injury and immediately went to find her. He shows up to the trainers office to find Tashi laying down with a towel set under her knee and Art siting next to her.
Patrick walks in out of breath, “I’m sorry-“
Tashi cuts him off by sending him out of the room. “Out.”
Patrick keeps trying to get her to listen to him but all she is saying is “out.” Their arguing is interrupted by Art yelling at Patrick in Tashi’s defense.
“Patrick get the fuck out!”
The room goes quiet and Patrick leaves after staring at both Art and Tashi waiting for someone to apologize. He can’t believe his best friend yelled at him infront of his girlfriend and soon to be ex.
Patrick’s mind is racing and he doesn’t know what to do. But he knows exactly where to go.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You were in your dorm room cleaning because you left it an absolute mess before leaving for Tashi’s game. While cleaning you hear a knock on the door.
You walk over and swing the door open to see no one other than Patrick standing there out of breath. He didn’t say anything he just looked at you, panting from running up so many stairs. The elevator would have taken too long to get to you. Clearly something was wrong.
“Patrick, what’s wron-“
You are cut off by Patrick kissing you. You couldn’t help but kiss back. Although this was everything you dreamed of, you had so many questions. You pull away from him confused and see tears in his eyes.
“Patrick what is going on?”
“You,” is all he can manage to say.
“It’s always been you. I have seen you around campus and at Tashi’s games and wow. I knew I couldn’t do anything because I was with Tashi but she treated me like shit. Not only that, but I’ve seen you play and you’re fucking incredible. Y/n, I don’t know what I’m doing here or even if you want me here but-“
“Zweig, shut up kiss me again.”
You grab his face and pull it into yours. A smile forms on Patrick’s lips as he guides you to your bed, laying you on your back. He slowly takes off your shirt, trying not to break your kisses. He moves his hands up and down your body feeling your thighs, your ass, and your hips.
“God, you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this,” you say in between kisses.
“Wasn’t soon enough, huh?”
His mouth makes its way to your neck where he begins to leave hickeys wherever he can. You can feel his hands making their way to the heam of your pants followed by, “can I?” He looks down and back up at you. You nod. He smirks.
He slides off your pants and is in absolute awe of you and your body.
“Fuck, what have I been doing?”
He puts kisses all along your stomach making his way down. He makes complete eye contact with you until he reaches your entrance. You nod in excitement to let him know you’re ready.
Immediately chills are sent up your spine when you feel his lips practically making out with your pussy. You can feel him taking in every moment while he puts your thighs over his shoulders. You throw your head back and he notices, laughing against you. You feel a vibration which makes you go crazy. You grab his hair pushing him harder into you which you can tell he enjoys.
Your moans get higher as your about to cum, screaming his name; before you can, he lifts his head up from under you and starts unbuttoning his pants and taking his shirt off as quickly as possible. He throws his shirt on the floor next to him and he fumbles with the buckle on his belt a couple of times. You hear him curse under his breath in frustration. Soon enough, you feel him slowly slide into you.
It’s uncomfortable at first, and Patrick noticed the look on your face.
“We can stop if your not comfortable,” he says quietly, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“No Patrick please. I want this.”
With hesitation, Patrick begins thrusting into you. He moans at the feeling which turns you on even more.
“Faster,” you beg which he happily complies with. He goes faster and deeper into you, needing to use your bed frame for support.
“You look so pretty like this” he moans, pressing kisses on your neck and chest.
You are scratching his head with one hand and holding his back with the other leaving nail marks.
“I’m close,” you whisper into his ear, your moans getting louder.
“Please cum for me baby,” he says looking you in the eyes, “please.”
Before you can respond, you reach your climax. Patrick can feel you clenching around his dick. He falls into your chest, his dick still inside you. You can feel his sweat on your skin. Both of you are breathing heavy against one another.
“Um, we should definitely do this again,” Patrick says trying to make a joke.
“Just as long as I get to spend time with you,” you say whipping hair from his face that was sticking because of the sweat.
Patrick places a kiss on your forehead leaving his lips there for a moment. He didn’t want to forget this because after all, it has always been you.
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Could you do "How are you?" "I have been better" for those Jily prompts?? Im absolutely obsessed with your writing!
from this prompt list
James hasn’t been here in a week. 
That probably makes him a lousy Head Boy, but wasn’t he already anyway? Besides, he’s been so busy (kept himself so busy), there hasn’t been time to hole up in here in the way he’d grown accustomed to since Halloween. 
She hasn’t been avoiding the Head Office like he has, something he’s spent a ridiculous amount of hours turning over in his head. Is it because she knows he has the Map and won’t impede on her space? Is it because she wants him to find her there? Is it because she doesn’t care at all and isn’t as pathetically miserable as he is?
He pushes into the office, with the intent of getting some homework done in his break before lunch. He didn’t check the Map, but Lily has Potions anyway.
Or—he thought she did?
“Oh.” James freezes at the door. “I thought you—I can just…come back when—”
Lily shakes her head, a quick, anxious movement. “No, it’s fine. I was just leaving. Slughorn cancelled class so we can revise before—never mind. I finished the patrol schedule if you wanna glance over it before I send it out.” She slides the parchment across the desk toward him, but as soon as he starts moving toward her, the chair screeches loudly against the floor and she hurriedly rises. “You can just…” She takes a backwards step and gestures limply toward the parchment. “Leave any notes you have and I’ll…adjust it this evening.”
"Okay," James responds, his own unease palpable in the silence that follows.
“I’ll be back around eight,” she tells him, and he knows why.
“I have Quidditch anyway.”
“Right.” He hates the way her shoulders sag in relief. She grabs her bag from the floor and takes a step toward the door. “So I’ll just…”
“Well then, er…” Lily falters, her gaze flickering uncertainly toward the door. “Bye.”
“Wait!” James blurts out, the word escaping before he can stop it, and he immediately regrets his impulsiveness. He wants to kick himself or slam his head down on the desk or something because he's supposed to be done with this. This impulse, to act like an idiot every time she's in his general vicinity. The Lily Evans Effect, as Sirius calls it.
Lily stops, her hand hovering over the door, her expression curious yet guarded.
James swallows. “If you can hang on a second, I can…I can look over this and then you can get it sent out by…dinner.”
“Oh.” She reshoulders her bag, but gives a small nod. “Yeah, okay.”
He takes a seat at the spot she's just vacated and deliberately focuses on the parchment in front of him, determined to ignore, ignore, ignore the lingering scent of vanilla and oranges that she always carries with her. He hasn't been close enough to her to smell it for days, but it's like flying a broom, the way it comes back to him unbidden.
His eyes skim across the parchment, noting the familiar quirks of her handwriting. She always forgets to dot her 'i's, a detail he's found amusing since it's her own name. The cursive loops of the 'h's are large and exaggerated, evidence of her habit of going back over them. But she still doesn’t bother to dot the ‘i’s. It’s infuriating. He loves her so much.
“This looks good,” he says. “Is Parkinson still in the Hospital Wing?”
“Yeah, that’s why I—”
He nods, understanding. “Right, yeah, I see that.”
“Do you think—”
“No, I think this is better because—”
“Okay, that’s what I thought, but what if—”
“No, he’ll be fine. And if not he can just—”
“Fuck right off,” they both say simultaneously, locking eyes. He wants to laugh—or cry, maybe. It’s a fine line these days.
She looks like she’s on the verge of crying herself.
He rakes his hand through his hair and sinks back into the chair, a heavy sigh escaping him. “This is stupid. I don’t…” He looks back at her, his voice trailing off. “At least tell me…I—how are you?” His words emerge with careful deliberation, a sharp contrast to the frantic thudding of his heart.
“I’ve…been better,” she says softly, and maybe it makes him terrible, maybe it makes him a right prick, but somehow the misery in her admission gives him hope.
Straightening up, he leans toward her. “Lily—”
She cuts him off with a shake of her head, her eyes squeezing shut. Her fingers find the doorknob, a silent plea evident in her trembling form.
“Just—hang on a second, okay?” he presses. “Can we…I don’t know—”
“Please don’t, James.”
He groans, rising from the chair and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Aren’t you miserable?”
“You know I am,” she sighs.
“Then let’s—” He stops as her hand twists on the doorknob. “Please.”
“Leave it, James.”
He lets his head drop between his hands. This is worse than before, worse than fifth year, and he just—he wants to hold her. Instead, he keeps his eyes on the floor, unable to watch as she leaves, again.
“Sunday,” she says suddenly.
He looks up, surprised to still see her standing there. “What?”
“I just need—the Potions practical is Thursday and you have a match Saturday, so we—let’s just get through the week and talk on…Sunday.” She looks at him expectantly. “Okay?”
“What kind of talk?”
“I don’t know, James,” she says, with a bit of exasperation. It’s halfway between genuine irritation and fondness, but James has never minded those odds before. “Let’s just see how we’re feeling after the weekend.”
“You know how I feel. You know I—”
“Will you still…are you going to the match?”
She fixes him with a frown then, and this time—he’s positive he sees fondness. “Just because things with us are…” She sighs. “I’m still a Gryffindor, aren’t I?”
And he just can’t help himself. The Lily Evans Effect. “Will you cheer for me?”
She laughs, in spite of herself, as she opens the door and James feels like he’s already won the match. “Sunday, Potter.”
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fredtheemoplant · 1 day
June 6: stay – @jegulus-microfic – word count: 697
Footsteps echo in the dark corridor, as James and Regulus walk towards the come-and-go room. Regulus has his wand raised, a small ball of light bobbing ahead. As they pass, portraits chastise them, telling them to turn out that god-awful light.
James has his cloak, but they aren’t using it. James has been covertly checking the map, keeping a tab on Filch making sure they don’t wander into him. The only issue, however, is that the map doesn’t show animals, so they have to listen for Mrs Norris. James’ll have to bring that up to the rest of the Marauders. Lucky for James, though, she wears a small bell around her neck. An oversight on Filch’s part.
Regulus’ light turns a corner first, then Regulus, and, just before James could follow to do the same, Regulus flings himself back around the corner, and ridding the light, bathing them in black.
“Regulus, wha– hmph.” Before James could finish the question, a slender hand claps over his mouth and a cold wall meets his back.
“ Shut up, ” Regulus hisses out, barely above a whisper.
James wraps a hand around Regulus’ thin wrist, prying it away. “What is it, Reg?” James murmurs.
“Mcgonagall,” Regulus mutters back, wide-eyed.
“If it’s Minnie, we can’t stay here,” James stresses. Mcgonagall will see them if they don’t go elsewhere where.
“We can’t walk away. She’ll hear us!” Regulus grumbles.
“Fuck, okay.” James could use his invisibility cloak, but he doubts he’ll have enough time, and she will hear it. “I have an idea and I don’t think you’ll like it, but you have to trust me, okay?”
“ James, ” Regulus warns, as James grabs his waist and pulls. James knows Mcgonagall isn’t homophobic, and if she sees them she won’t mind, if anything, she will just be surprised. That’s James’ defense mechanism. “What are you- she’s going to see us!”
“That’s the plan,” James grins, and then he leans in, capturing Regulus’ mouth in a deep kiss, just before Mcgonagall comes flying around the corner, her own light following her. The footsteps stop, and for a beat it’s silent.
Regulus seems to catch on quickly, and he really plays it up, making himself look focused and without a single ulterior motive.
“Mr Potter,” Mcgonagall chastises. “I will be entirely honest with you when I tell you this, Mr Potter, I am not even a fraction of what is the appropriate shock of seeing you out of bed, at this hour.” Her eyes slide over to Regulus, who is breathing heavy, and is resting his head against James’ chest. “You, however, Mr Black, have surprised me. Tell me, boys, what are you doing out of your dormitories?”
“Well, Professor,” James says, grinning. “I thought it is rather obvious.”
“Yes, very good, Mr Potter.” Poor Minnie sounds completely knackered. “Mr Black, anything to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry, Professor,” Regulus mumbles miserably.
“Thank you, Mr Black, 5 points from Slytherin for being out of bed after hours. Mr Potter, 30 points from Gryffindor for the same reason. Go to bed, boys. Separately.” And with that, she sweeps away, bringing her light with her, leaving a spluttering James and a chuckling Regulus behind.
James wants to check the map to make sure Professor Mcgonagall has left, and isn’t just waiting around the corner – something she’s done before – but if James uses the map now, it would be too dark to see the words, but if he casts a light, Regulus will see it. Not that James doesn’t want to tell him, but it’s not his secrecy to share. So, James will just have to hope she’s gone.
A small kiss to Regulus’ forehead spurs him to start moving again, grabbing James’ hand and charming another light before he begins the trek to the come-and-go room.
Just as they turn the corner a little jingle sounds directly behind the pair, making them freeze. They try to hide from Mrs Norris, but, just as they turn to do so, a rough, croaky voice speaks ahead of them.
“Where are you two off to, then?”
Regulus sighs, dropping James’ hand, flickering his wand, banishing their light. James just groans.
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Huskerdust first time request!
And when I say that they would flirt and be fluffy at the exact same time and spontaneously be nervous as SHIT and NERVOUS they’re so stupid 😭🙏🏾🙏🏾
I love your writing style, I can’t wait to see how you write this! Thank you! <33
Note: Thank you so much for requesting something!!! It really means a lot to me, so thank you endlessly 🫶🫶🫶
Here’s 1500 words of fluffy/smutty Huskerdust! This prompt was honestly perfect, because I just know their first time would be so nerve-wracking for both of them until they realize that they can just lose themselves in each other 🥺 they make me sick /pos
Enjoy!!! (Oneshot under the cut)
    It’s only been a few minutes, but Angel already knows two things— one, Husk is so good at kissing it should be illegal, and two, things are about to escalate much further than just that if Husk keeps on doing what he’s doing.
    He’s so gentle with the way he kisses him, almost as if he’s testing the waters, and Angel feels the energy between them go straight down to his core. He pulls the other man as close as he can, sighing into the kiss, his face on fire and a soft smile tugging at his lips.
    It could be minutes or hours that they’ve been making out, but Angel doesn’t know— and, quite frankly, he doesn’t care. He’s perfectly content to stay like this forever, basking in the success of his confession (and, hey, kissing Husk isn’t too bad of an outcome, either).
    They pull apart momentarily, and Angel smiles wider as Husk plants one more quick kiss on his jaw.
    “You know, you aren’t too bad at this, Whiskers,” the spider teases, and Husk chuckles as he moves in for the second time.
    This time, the kiss is softer than ever, quiet breaths and hands tangled softly in hair, the two of them wrapped up in each other even closer. Angel blushes further; god, how invincible Husk makes him feel. He’s just about to pull back again, perhaps make a cheeky comment or two, when he notices something that makes his eyes widen and his face go a tomato-like red.
    Oh, shit. Husk is hard. It’s really no wonder, with the way the two of them are pressed against each other, but his cheeks still burn with surprise and a tad bit of shame. Way to ruin things real fast, Anthony.
    Husk seems to notice thjs predicament at the same time he does, and his eyes widen slightly, his face flushing as well. “Huh,” he remarks, somehow summoning the audacity to shoot Angel an amused look. “That’s…”
    “Oh- I, uh-“ Angel stammers. “Sorry about that. I can, uh, go for a sec, if you want some time alone—“ he blinks once, finding an opportunity and seizing it. “Or…”
    Husk doesn’t meet his eye, still blushing red. Angel finds it strangely adorable, and he presses a kiss to his forehead. “I don’t mind, if you want to do this.”
    The air around them goes from sweet to charged with energy, though Angel can’t quite tell what kind. Husk brushes a hand across his cheek, and it’s then that Husk seems to make a decision, and nods.
    “Only if you’re fine with it.” Husk’s hand comes to rest on Angel’s waist, holding him close. Angel nods and swallows, smiling warmly at Husk.
    “Are ya crazy? I ain’t never turnin’ down this.” He leans down and presses his mouth to Husk’s again, opening it slightly so he can push his tongue inside.
    He tastes like brandy and sugar, warm and inviting, and his embrace is just as sweet. Angel shivers as Husk’s mouth moves down to his jaw, his eyes half-lidded and sharp.
    “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” Angel laughs, and Husk just holds him closer in response.
    “Me too, Angel,” he murmurs, and Angel feels the wind nearly get knocked out of his lungs at how sincere the older man sounds— he’s never heard that tone of voice in his entire existence, not from any number of partners he’s been with, for business or simply on the side.
    Husk’s hand slides up his shirt almost cautiously, and Angel gives a small groan of approval. The other’s hands run across his bare skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
    He’s absolutely breathless, dizzy with anticipation, his heart threatening to leap out of his chest. Slowly, he grinds down onto Husk’s lap, eliciting a light gasp from the both of them at the pressure. 
    Fuck, am I really about to do this? 
    Of course, ‘this’ is nothing new to him, in the practical sense. He'd been in this position plenty of times before, but right now? He just can’t help but feel that this is different. Is it the fact that Husk is so gentle with him, so calm and trustworthy? Is it how late it is at night now, or his previous confession, or…
    That doesn’t matter now, though, as Husk reaches up to unbutton his shirt, snapping him clean out of his thoughts. Shifting in his lap to give him more access, Angel pulls back to admire the look on his face, one of both concentration and impatience combined. 
    “Excited?” he teases, and Husk rolls his eyes playfully as the shirt finally comes off, throwing the garment to the side and leaning forward to kiss him lightly on the collarbone.
    “Say, Whiskers, Id’a never thought you of all people would be so eager to— fuck!” Angel gasps and sucks in a breath as Husk presses a kiss to the sensitive skin on his jawline, sending a jolt of surprise through his body.
    Husk nibbles once more at his collar, smiling. “That’s the plan, sweetheart,” he retorts, earning a smack on the arm from Angel.
    “Aw, shut your face an’ kiss me.” Angel tilts his head as their lips connect again, sighing as he lets him run his hands through the soft hair on his chest. Husk’s hand dips to his waist, just for a moment, but Angel can sense the question there— may I?
    “Please,” he breathes out, his heartbeat going wild in his chest. He’s this close to losing his regular bravado, but if he’s honest? He doesn’t care. Husk has seen him like this before, seen Anthony instead of Angel Dust, seen him at his worst and at his very best… So why not see him now?
    Husk shrugs out of his own clothing before helping Angel out of the rest of his, letting out a small whistle at the sight of him. Angel blushes and averts his eyes as he lays back on his elbows, feeling shy all of a sudden despite how often he’s been bare like this.
    “You’re beautiful,” Husk whispers against his jaw, his hands roaming across the other’s body. They slip lower, lower, lower, stopping just below his navel. “Can I…”
    Angel feels the entire room melt away around him, leaving just him, Husk, and the question he’s been asked hanging in the air. He nods, letting out a small chuckle and brushing a hand through his hair. “Yeah,” he says, half disbelieving the luck he’s had tonight and half scared out of his mind. “Go ahead.”
    Husk kisses him on the lips as he slides a single finger into his entrance, and Angel gasps and arches his back. It’s odd, since he’s not normally so sensitive, but he’s definitely not complaining— and neither is Husk, from the look on his face. He twists his hand, eliciting another soft cry from the spider. 
    “Oh, shit— Who the hell taught you to do that?” Angel pants, and Husk merely laughs and kisses him again, continuing to pump his fingers inside him, another one of his fingers entering him as he circles his clit.
    Angel’s surprisingly quiet, for having a job that requires him to be so vocal, but each small sound he makes as Husk does his work is more intoxicating than anything else could ever be. Just as he gets close to the edge, an oh-so-familiar twinge twisting in his gut, Husk pulls back and looks him in the eye. 
    “Is it alright if I do more?” Husk asks, making sure Angel keeps eye contact. Angel nods, smiling, and kisses him again.
    “Trust me, if I don’t like it, I’ll stop ya.” Angel’s voice is soft, slightly hoarse, but he makes sure he’s heard. He hears just a slight bit of rustling as Husk positions himself, and then—
    “Fuck”. Angel lets out a shaky moan, clinging onto Husk and closing his eyes. “Oh- oh, god,” he breathes, kissing him again as they both adjust to the new feeling.
    Husk’s lips on his feel so familiar, as if he’s kissed him a million times before, and Angel lets himself sink into the other man’s embrace as he draws him closer, their bodies intertwined. Slowly, Husk moves further inside him, his mouth swallowing the strangled groan that Angel chokes out as he begins to set a slow but even pace.
    It feels like something straight out of one of his shoots— though this time, he doesn’t have to fake his pleasure. It feels as if waves of a feeling suspiciously like fire are rolling over him, and he lets himself succumb, lost in bliss as he nears the edge.
    “You close, Legs?” Husk pants out, tilting Angel’s chin so he’ll look him in the eye.
    “Y-yeah, I am.” The words are shaky.
    “Me too.”
    Husk kisses him, passionate and deep, and with one final thrust, they both topple over the edge. It’s a high like Angel’s never felt, sober or otherwise, like climbing Mount Everest and then jumping right off, knowing there’s someone at the bottom of the summit to catch him all the same. Husk plops down on his chest, pulling out, and they simply stay as their breathing calms and they both come down.
    “Holy fuck.” Angel lets out a laugh, stroking the top of Husk’s head. “That was…”
    “Earth-shattering?” Husk laces their fingers together. “Agreed.” 
    Angel’s eyelids are heavy, and Husk seems to notice— he reaches for the bed’s blanket and pulls it over them, cuddling close to Angel and placing a soft kiss on his lips.
    “We should probably clean up,” Angel whispers, but neither of them move. Eh, we’ll get it tomorrow. 
    As he begins to drift off, Angel can’t help but be grateful for that letter he’d written— and for every single thing in his afterlife that had led to this moment, to the love of his life dozing peacefully with him in his arms, warm and secure. 
    “I love you,” he whispers, planting a kiss on Husk’s forehead.
    “I love you too, Anthony,” Husk murmurs back, and then they both fall into a deep, peaceful sleep, their bodies and hearts intertwined.
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da1e3e · 3 days
˚✿˖°𝑲𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝑳𝒂𝒅𝒚⋆˚✿˖°
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| ⋆ Sypnosis: You were chiling in your humble home, when it comes time for your cat to take her daily stroll through the neighborhood. Not long after, It started raining. After an hour- almost two, you hear your cat mewing at the door. You open the door to not just find your wet kitten, but a wet gentleman as well.
| ⋆ Inspired by the Enha Kitten Video here ⤑ ✧˖°ʚ 🐈 ɞ✧
| ⋆ Pairing: Non!Idol Jungwon x Reader
| ⋆ Genre - Fluff!
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
⋆ Just coming from a relaxing morning shower, you dress in comfy house clothes, putting on your favorite scented lotion. rubbing your work tension away with it, you finish up and head to the living room. Your candles were also lit, a vanilla and coconut essence roaming through your place, lighting up it’s homey aura. You sat on your comfy sofa enjoying the scents, begining to read a book. Finally, You were on vacation leave, so there was no work for you for the next week. No kids, no guy to stress you out- Life was going amazing for you.
Just as you began another chapter, you feel a small body cuddling your feet. Feeling soft, mellow, fur You look down to see Willow, your fur baby mewing, letting you know it was time to let her out. Usually around a certain time in the day, you let her out to explore. You didn’t want to deprive her by making her stay in the house all day, and besides- she only wondered around the neighborhood. You smile, placing soft strokes on her, picking her up and carrying her to the door. You set her down, opening your screen door for her. “Just Don’t be too long okay, Willow?- I heard that it’s going to be raining today.” You speak, hoping your fur baby would understand. She then gave a purr of assurance, rubbing her soft ears on your ankles. With one last circle around you, she was gone, sprinting around the corner. You close your screen door, locking it and going back to finally begin that chapter.
After a bit, you notice it started to rain like the news predicted. And it wasn’t just raining, it was pouring down. You didn’t seem to mind it at first, but then it started thundering causing you to lose your focus on the book every now and then. Eventually, you decided to crack the door close a bit, also taking a break from reading. You sigh, checking your phone to see what time it was. It was currently 4pm, being an hour since Willow left. You walked to the door once again, hoping Willow would be right there when you got there, but to your suprise, she wasn’t. Before you began to worry, you also reminded yourself that this wasn’t the first time she was late. You just had to give her another hour and a half. That cat would survive in a tornado if she got sucked in, she’s a strong girl, you dismissed. You decided to clean, since you had the relaxing sound of rain to keep you motivated.
After cleaning, it was time for you to begin preperations for dinner. You turn some music on to get you into the zone, sliding through the billions of songs you had. You slide your head phones, sinking in the jams you knew and loved. You cut up some cabbage, placing it in a pot along with some enoki mushrooms. You then begin to cut up some meat, when you start to slowly hear quiet mews. “What the hell…” You slide your headphones off, wondering if you were crazy or you actually heard mews. The mews then got louder, as well as a the sound of a person whispering. You slide the lid of the pot back over it, putting your headpones on the counter. Slowly creeping towards the door, you feel your heart start to race. You didn’t know what to put of the sounds you just heard. “Willow?” you call, slowly opening the door. You open the door to see Willow… purring the arms of… a man. “Hello! I’m sorry to show up like this but…I believe this is your cat. She was uh… chilling with me and my friends and refused to leave so I figured I’d just bring her back.” He gives a nervous smile, holding your sopping Willow out to be collected. You look up at the sky, then at the two, seeing water falling off of them as if they were like rocks underneath a waterfall. Not even worried about him being a total stranger, your motherly instincts kick in. It was raining- no pouring down and he was kind enough to bring Willow back. “Come in quickly!” you demand, opening the door for both of them. At first the male hesitated, but he figured it would be harmless. Plus he walked, so if left he was just gonna get even wetter.
“I’ll get some clothes out for you to get changed, just give me one second-” You stress, rushing to your room to find the male some clothes. You knew if he didn’t get out of those clothes, he was going to get sick. “Oh please- you don’t have to—” He starts, but then You cut him off, shouting from the hallway. “Just shush okay! I don’t want you getting sick- you at least need to stay until the rain stops.” The male then shuts his lips, accepting his fate. You dig through your closet, finding the perfect plain white t-shirt, along with some oversized pajama pants that were gifted to you, but were too big. You then make your way back into the living room, handing him the clothes. “Here, you can use these—” You begin, but get interupted by his sudden movements. He grabs your hand, holding it for a brief moment, his eyes fixated on you. “Thank you.” He chimes, looking at you with puppy eyes. For a moment, you get mesmerized, not realizing how charming he was until now. You had been more worried about getting him in the house, then actually paying attention to him. “Y-your welcome, I mean it’s the least I can do for you b-bringing Willow back. But Uh- the bathroom is down the hall on your right!” You almost squeak from being flustered. He then smiles, making his way to the shower.
You go back to making dinner, unfortunetely being unable to get his puppy face out your head. You slap your cheeks, sighing hoping it would help you calm down. “Let it go y/n!” you mumble to yourself, knowing damn well you simply just couldn’t. He was good looking AND adorable. Double kill. You look to a Willow that was now dry- sitting on the counter. “This is all your fault! I told you not to stay out too late!” You point at her, playfully scolding her. She then rubs her face on your finger, giving you sweet mews. You melt into her sweet touch. “mew~” She responded, not a single care about your situation. You sigh, giving her light pets on her chin.
Once everything was done for dinner, you put everything on low that way it would stay warm. As you were feeding Willow, you finally hear the bathroom door open. Looking up, you were met with a tall, semi- muscular male. His hair was dripping onto the tee as he was trying to dry it with the towel, as well as the tee leaving a bit of his abdomen showing from the his arm was flexed up. Was it you, or was he REALLY good looking…You didn’t notice how much you were staring, until he was directly in front you. “I’ll put my wet clothes outside so they don’t mess your floors up, is that okay?” He spoke with a honeyed tone, finally snapping you out of your gaze. “y-yeah! that’s perfectly fine.” You jump up, averting your eyes from him. What were you? like 14- staring at him like a horny teenager. You scolded yourself in your head, hoping he didn’t notice. “When you come back, I have a fresh bowl of home made noodles for you.” You announce, making your way into the kitchen. You begin making his noodles, giving him the best pieces of everything. You even gave him one of your finest bowls. One thing about you was, you were very considerate and charasmatic. You would give somone the clothes off of your back if you had to. You then place the bowl on your island, placing the chopsticks in nicely.
The male then comes back, sitting at the island, looking down into the bowl. He fell into silence, until he finally look up. “I just realized I didn’t properly introduce myself— I’m Yang Jungwon, I live a couple houses down.” he chimed, bowing his head. “That’s right- I apology, nice to meet you Mr. Yang, I’m y/n.” You coo, bowing back with courtesy. You then begin fixing yourself your bowl of noodles, somehow feeling a pair of eyes burning through your back. Sending chills through your body, you turn around to shake the feeling, seeing a flustered Jungwon looking away as soon as your gaze lands on him. You grin, “your not slick, I seen you.” “what?” The male acts confused, slurping up a handful of noodles. You chuckle at first, but then your mom mode activates once again. “Slow down— I don’t need you choking.” You scold, your face now becoming serious. Grabbing your bowl of noodles, you place them on the island, across from the male, begining to eat. You were starving, you and Willow usually ate together, so you’ve been busy waiting for her. Silence then falls upon you both, leaving you with nothing but the sound of pure rain, and slight thunder. “You know, as long as i’ve lived here, in this neighborhood- I have never seen anyone come or go into this house.” The male admited, breaking the silence. “Yeah, probably cause I’m always at work…” You sigh, knowing that was definitely the reason. That left you to think,You never got any days off foreal. You were hard working, and very independent. But i mean you had a house to pay for, as well as a cat to care for. So really, you were doing just as the rest of society was enslaved to do. Realizing this, your smile fades slighty. Jungwon notices, starting to feel a bit bad himself. While he did work too- he still made having time for friends and family a priority. “Ahh, it’s understandable. you rather be hard working kitten lady than to be a hardly working kitten lady.” You look at a humurous winking Jungwon. You chuckle, regaining your soft smile. You could tell he tried to make you feel better. For someone you just met, you couldn’t help but feel so happy to just have him there.
After you both ate, talking the rest of the day away- the rain finally stopped. Something you almost wished would never happen. It was nearly pm, as you both didn’t realize how much time went by. You were both laughing and talking as if you guys had been friends forever. For once in a long time, you actually enjoyed yourself. And you hated to admit, but you began to admire how much of a smooth talker he was. “You should definitely come hear us sometime, yeah?” He insisted, looking at you with his famous puppy eyes. “I definitely will.” You agree, with a promising tone. You both then lock eyes for a brief moment, making your heart begin to race. You quickly look away, feeling your blood rush to your cheeks. You shyly clear your throat, letting a nervous chuckle leave your lips. A smile appears on the males face, him finally getting up. “Well, It’s time for me to be on my way. I really appreciate you taking me in, despite not knowing me.” The male coos, sounding a bit sad to be leaving. He began flatening his once ruffled up shirt, waiting for you to also get up. “Of course, I really appreciate you bringing Willow home.” You replied, also a bit sad that it was time for him to go. You and Willow both walk him to the door, your eyes never leaving his form. “Be safe okay— Oh and wait!” You ran back into the kitchen, grabbing a pen. You grab his hand, begining to write your number on it. “Call me if you ever need anything- and don’t be afraid to stop by okay.” You chime, smiling. You could tell he was surpirsed by your offer, but deep down inside, it was exactly what he wanted. He then he smiled, nodding. He then walked through the door, picking up his moist clothes, begining to amble down your pathway. Your eyes never left him, until he made a quick pause by your mailbox, turning around. “I’ll see you soon, Kitten Lady.” He whispers, giving his final smile and wave.
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atelierlili · 3 days
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
The title is inspired by the song with the same name by Tom Leher.
This is just a silly medieval/fantasy/dnd-kinda inspired Everlark Oneshot AU. It came to me in the daze when my kitten woke me up at 4 am. It's barely edited, but i'm just happy I actually wrote something and finished it. Lmao.
"Could have done us all a favour and put her on stage first," I grunt, glaring at him as he hands me my drink back. "Your wailing could land you a cozy job in the gallows. Heard Snow's been trying to find new ways to torture people. I could even put in a good word for you." 
The bard laughs, "I think so too. But my girl is stage shy so I do what I can to make her comfortable." 
A pair of travellers walks into the tavern. Wouldn’t raise much of a fuss if it weren’t for the wailing of the out of tune lute that the boy was strumming. Did the fella smash someone over the head with that thing or something? Boy must be deaf ‘cause he’s chippier than a squirrel. 
The Lass following behind him who doesn't seem to mind the noise. She’s dressed in all black, like a shadow, and carries a bow that hangs off her arm. Poor thing looks like his bodyguard. She looks good though. Small. Thin. No breasts to comment about, but there’s a hint of a tight ass there. Maybe I can convince her for some time away from this bellend she’s traveling with. I got some coin. 
I take a sip of my ale and let the booze warm my blood. A couple more glasses of these and maybe I can tune out the Lad’s annoying lute plucking. Maybe if I’m lucky someone will punch the daylights out of him. 
“Big crowd tonight! First time in the 12. And you do look like a dreary lot. I think it’s a great time for a song, don’t cha think?” 
I frown and look into the stage. Ah bugger. The bard with the detuned lute is on stage now. Who's bright idea was to give this guy an audience? 
Despite asking the crowd, the idiot begins to sing. And dammnit all, this fucking blows. I’ve heard of strangled cats that sound better than this bloke. He’s more out of tune than the fucking lute. 
All the world seems in tune On a spring afternoon When we're poisoning pigeons in the park Every Sunday you'll see My sweetheart and me As we poison the pigeons in the park
Then, over the strangled tunes of this botched siren comes out a wailing "Oh brother, this guy stinks! Get him outta here!" 
I join in on the booing. I even chortle when someone throws a full mug of ale at the bard. The Lad takes it all in good humour and bursts out into laughter. 
"What an encore!" he laughs, ducking as someone hurts a wooden fork his way. "We got one more song for tonight and - woah, good throw! - but I'll let my good friend take the stage!" 
The bard turns to his female friend, holding out his lute to her. The lass is fighting the grin on her face as she takes the lute from him and kicks him off stage. She's a pretty thing, so once she sits down, the tavern riles down. 
She teases us too. Carefully plucking and tuning the lute until it rings just right when she strums. 
Are you, are you comin' to the tree? Where they strung up a man, they say, who murdered three Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be If we met at midnight in the hanging tree
Oh. She's got a voice on her. Better than anyone I've heard around these parts. I can tell I'm not the only one to think so cause the folks around me stop and stare. And judging by the staring, I got some competition if I want to get some time with that Lass tonight. 
"Quite the songbird, isn't she?" I jump, nearly dropping my cup as the Bard slides into the seat next to me. He takes the opportunity to swipe my drink from me and take a sip. "Doesn't believe me when I tell her that the gods are envious of that pretty voice of hers." 
"Could have done us all a favour and put her on stage first," I grunt, glaring at him as he hands me my drink back. "Your wailing could land you a cozy job in the gallows. Heard Snow's been trying to find new ways to torture people. I could even put in a good word for you." 
The bard laughs, "I think so too. But my girl is stage shy so I do what I can to make her comfortable." 
I grunt and take a big chug of my ale, annoyed but not surprised at the revelation. What the Lass sees in this loser is beyond me. She could use a real man to tell her how things work. 
"Besides, this is only a side thing for us. A cover up." 
I got a brow and wet my tongue. The ale is thick and sweet on my tongue. It gives me a pleasant buzz. "So what do you do?" 
"You'll find out soon enough, Cray." 
I open my mouth to argue, but I find myself suddenly feeling sluggish. Like my arms and legs are made of lead. My tongue feels larger than it should, large enough to me to choke on it. 
My face hits the table with a thud. I can feel the cool liquid of the ale spill onto the table. Before everything goes dark, I can hear the low out of tune humming from beside me. 
Every Sunday you'll see My sweetheart and me As we poison the pigeons in the park…
"I can't believe you left me there in the tavern to fend for myself." 
I laugh at Katniss as she scowls at me, arms crossed, hip jutting out, and a foot taping furiously. 
"But you had such a big encore- a sincere one too!  I couldn't bear to ruin your spotlight to help me carry this guy out." I prove my point by kicking the Peacekeeper's shoe. He grunts and tips over like a log. 
I know I'm forgiven because Katniss reaches out and curls into my side, wrapping her arms around me. On instinct I bend down to press a small kiss against the side of her head. 
"This is the guy, right?" 
I sense Katniss looking over my shoulder and glare. She's told me stories in the quiet of the night, of what her mother did for her and her little sister Prim. What she gave up so her girls could eat. She told me of the man that preyed on her mother until there was nothing left. 
Katniss nods. 
I peel myself off of Katniss, and rummage through the Peacekeeper's pockets. There I find what we're looking for. A gold key. I hand it to Katniss, who takes it without a word. 
"Think we'll be able to find where they took Prim with this?" Katniss asks me in a small voice. 
I don't know, but I have to be strong for her. I need to give her a little hope. I give her hand a squeeze. "It's our best bet so far." 
Katniss sighs. "Well, now what are we going to do with the body?" 
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