#just slide in there whenever for some serotonin
lavenoon · 1 year
HI, Luce! Can I be sappy for a moment? I just wanted to thank you a lot for making the discord server and your AU in general! It was already fun getting into the DA fandom, but getting into the server has been a whole other level of fun! I often wake up and really want to check it immediately in the morning to see what has happened while I was asleep. I almost didn't join at first because I am shy, though I'm glad I decided to do it anyways (training myself to get over social anxiety by interacting more, can't even tell you the amount of times I force myself to hit send XD) because it's always a great time all around! I've met some very nice people through it and even if it hasn't been open that long it really just became a nice kind of familiar very quickly <3 Your AU and all it's variations are so incredibly fun to discuss and provides so much inspiration and blorbo thoughts that accompany me throughout the day! I'm just so very glad we coincided in the same corner of this very vast internet! I'm sending you a giant hug and all the good vibes for your day <3
After trials and tribulations (got distracted) I finally got to this ask!
What makes is funnier is that I had to draft this and go work because obviously I didn't get further. NOW however <3
You may be sappy just know that I keep melting at this ask aaa
And I'm so happy you joined too!! And I'm glad (and proud - because man social anxiety is a bitch) that you're being brave and interact!! I'd miss you if you didn't!!
Now I'm gonna be sappy, be warned
Because, well, yeah! I love the server!! Initially I wasn't too sure about the idea, thought I'm getting ahead of myself, that there isn't actually that kind of interest - but I'm glad I asked friends in dms and also that one post on here and then made it happen, because it's just so so nice!
I'm a very chatty person by nature (when I'm comfortable), and I just. I love that I can just blurt out a thought and then y'all jump on it and make it better, enable me to make more, and make your own!! All while there's not this pressure for it all to be fully fleshed out already. It's more a dialogue, a development, and sparking so so many of the things that do make it on here also!
I'm of course not trying to make the server like, a dlc to tumblr content or anything, I don't mention it on here to tease anyone who isn't in it, I'm just a lot more comfortable chatting on there and I love the server! It feels like a, well, a cozy little cove! Everyone is nice and it's a fun place to show off anything new in life, blorbo related or not, or hanging in vc - I've actually done streams! With me doing art in my mornings there's just not that many people who could join in the first place, but in the server it's a nice little opt in option that allows for chatting on the side! I'm a little self conscious still about my art process but it's just so so neat to have people react immediately to what I'm cooking up? Like with the CS comic yesterday hehehe, telling/ later showing the twist as I'm sketching it? Hearing the reactions out loud? Definitely worth it!
And it's just. A comfortable little corner, doesn't feel too public, and even on the lurkier days it's just really cool to see the chaos and people sniping each other, it's a little community and I love it! I love seeing the little spontaneous doodles and the agentsona thoughts that wouldn't make it on tumblr simply from the way this site is set up, it's just chatting and I love it very very much. It's really really reassuring for me too because of that, it's direct interaction and wanted direct interaction from both sides! Because yeah, social anxiety (and also rejection sensitivity) is a bitch sometimes and tumblr is still a blogging website, not a chat website! (tumblr DMs are my mortal enemy, and not just because of the weird ones I got before)
So tldr; I'm also very very happy that we found ourselves overlapping spaces in the world wide web, because I am so happy to be here with you!
Also, you've been shown as online the entire time, I do hope you slept well despite whatever your phone is doing FHDJS
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munsins · 2 years
Music Boy - Eddie M.
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Summary:After multiple failed dates and relationships you’ve given up dating all together until you bump into a cute metalhead at the music store you frequent who also happens to be the towns outcast.
Warnings: fluff, Eddie and reader being nervous and awkward, Eddie being Eddie
Characters: fem!reader, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson.
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You slide your lunch tray across the wooden table and sit down with your chin in your fist. "Listen, your dating life isn't that awful, you'll meet someone y/n." Robin says her mouth moving at 60 miles per second as she slides in next to you. Your dating life has been the hot subject since second period, but it's not the enchanted Disney movie you'd expected it to be. In fact, it's the entire opposite
You murmur, poking at the mystery meat on your lunch tray, "I don't know Robin, maybe I'm destined to be alone forever." Every date or relationship you've ever been in has been awful; the people were either trying to get in your pants or were just outright douches. You've experienced everything Hawkins has to offer and you don't want to live some depressing life with two kids, a husband you don't even love, and a house on the end of a cul de sac, “Listen that’s a bunch of bull and you know it I mean there’s nothing wrong with not being in a relationship.”
“Easy for you to say you're dating Vicky,” Robin shrugs her shoulders while grinning apprehensively. As she places your fork on the lunch plate, you roll your eyes at her in a huff. “You'll still find someone, so don't worry,” okay, yes. When it came to discussing your love life, Robin was constantly upbeat, and you were appreciative of her positivity since it gave you a lot more confidence in your ability to meet someone.
Before the conversation continued the bell rung signaling everyone to move on to their next class “so what are you doing after school” Robin gets up slinging her bag over her shoulder “just the usual wallowing in my own sadness and self pity” you shrug your shoulders with a sarcastic grin, Robin tilts her head at you and groans in response “fine, fine I’m stopping at the music store to get a few things then heading home” you and Robin begin to exit the cafeteria, the stench of sour milk and cheap imitation meat leaving your noses “sounds like a y/l/n afternoon to me.”
Robin sends you a smile and a wave before heading into class and you into yours, you take your seat at the back of the classroom slouching into your chair and fiddling with your pencil drowning out whatever bullshit the teacher is spewing out.
You enter the small music store in downtown Hawkins, opening the door as the bell above it chimes, and the aroma of the store and the tranquil music fill your senses giving you serotonin, You typically stop by whenever a new album by your favorite band is released or just to browse what they have in stock and pick what you like. The music store was moderately busy, with only a dozen or so people hanging around, mostly customers trying to get their hands on anything by Madonna, Bowie, and The Beatles.
However, you typically find yourself exploring the back of the store where all the vinyl and tapes from metal/rock bands lie mostly untouched. Your fingers skim through each row gently as your mind is entirely focused on finding something you fancy; as a result, you hardly notice anyone approaching you until the loud sound of squeaking shoes startles you out of your reverie, "Woah, holy shit, didn't mean to scare you." A tall boy with long hair and tattoos all covering his arms appeared in front of you. "No, no, you're okay." You talked softly, taking in more of his little features, like the maroon vest he was wearing with his name sewn into the top corner and pins of metal bands scattered on the fabric also the tag gun tight in his ring clad hand.
You look away from his hand and toward his eyes to see that he is still staring at you in shock. "I'm sorry I just didn't expect to see anyone back here well, there is the usual old head but I've never seen you here," he smirks as he approaches you while pulling vinyls from the stack tagging them. “Can’t say that I’ve seen you here either, usually it’s Otis manning the register.”
He peeks at you and your intent demeanor as you continue to flip through the rows of vinyls, "Yeah I'm new and Otis is out today I'm surprised he trusts me to take care of things by myself," he says with a huff as he tags the scarcely touched records. You pick out a Led Zeppelin album and chuckle to yourself, "That's a nice one, I have it on tape back at my house." You look up to find that he is now paying close attention to you, "Oh yeah? Which Led Zeppelin song is your favorite?”
You grin broadly as you rock the record back and forth, "wow, you're really putting me on the spot right now." Eddie leans against the shelf, deep in thought, "can't say that I have a favorite; I like a lot of their songs, but a favorite very hard." His mouth widens into a toothy grin as you return the smile, his smile lines becoming more obvious as his eyes crinkle slightly, "oh boooo cmon, really you don’t have a favorite?” You mock Eddie while tilting your head back sarcastically.
You both share a genuine laugh it soon dying down as you both get lost in each other’s eyes, You can't recall the last time you actually connected with a guy like this; typically, guys talk about themselves and the girls they want to bone (you, sadly, being one of them), but this brief interaction you had with him was one of the most sincere interactions you've had thus far, despite the fact that you didn't know him all that well.
Eddie soon blinks out of the trance shaking his head in embarrassment “I’m uhh, I’m Eddie by the way” he eagerly extends his hand for a handshake. “yeah I know it’s embroidered into your vest there” you point at the white stitched name on the vest “oh yeah right it is my bad” he bashfully raises his hand to the back of his neck rubbing it while avoiding eye contact with you.
You fumble around with the record in your hand and say, "I'm y/n," as Eddie raises an eyebrow and smiles slightly. "You go to Hawkins high right? Friends with Robin Buckley?” "Yes I do, and uhh yeah I'm friends with Robin she's basically my ride or die," you confess. "I'm not like a creep or anything like that we have a mutual friend group outside of school and one of the guys we're friends with is in my party," Eddie says, a tiny nervous blush forming on his cheeks.
“Your..party?” Your brows furrow at him, "oh! Yeah, I play Dungeons & Dragons with my friends; it's kind of like a fantasy game," Eddie says, rambling on about the foundations of his game and how he serves as their dungeon master.
“I’m surprised you’re even talking to me with me being the town ‘freak’ and all” he air quotes around freak as he rolls his eyes “I’ve heard your name through the halls and your tittle of freak devil worshipper but I’ve never believed it since I didn’t even know you at the time” Eddie gives you a sincere smile; he likes knowing that at least one person outside of his friend group doesn't see him as the terrible things people call him, whether it's to his face or through the halls.
You never agreed with what everyone called Eddie you’ve seen him around school but it was mostly for a split second none the more you always thought he was just misunderstood I mean if Robin knows him then he can’t be a terrible person.
You and Eddie chat some more, talking about music, school, just anything, standing in this music store talking to Eddie has been better than any date that you’ve been on, he was funny, charming, and passionate about the things he love “well I don’t wanna hold you up any longer so how about I ring that up for you and you can be on your way” He gestures to the record in your hands, and you look down surprised you're still holding it because you've been completely distracted by him “oh uhh yeah sure” you and Eddie walk towards the front of the store as he makes his way behind the counter.
You take out your wallet and give him the cash, "Oh, and keep the change," you say with the same grin that he had before. You're not sure what made you so anxious, but something about him made your heart beat quicker and your palms all sweaty. Eddie delivers you the record in a bag, and you shyly wave at him as you head out the door, "Hey, wait up!" You're caught off guard as Eddie leaps over the countertop and approaches you, "I know we just met and you can absolutely shoot me down, but I was umm wondering if you'd want to maybe go on a date?"
In anticipation of your response, Eddie crosses his arms over his body while fidgeting with the hem of his vest. Maybe this was your opportunity to finally have a successful date and possibly even develop a genuine relationship. As you continue to be silent, Eddie becomes anxious, "If you don't want to, that's great. I'm not trying to pressure you into anything; I just thought you were pretty and we like the same music." Eddie begins to ramble fiddling with his rings, his shyness making you smile “yes Eddie I would like to go on a date with you” Eddie stops his rambling as his eyes meet yours.
“Wait, really?” His eyes beam with a big smile on his face “oh shit uhh let me give you my number” He pats himself down in an effort to locate his notepad, then gestures towards the rear room “g’me one second I think I left it in the back” after that he darts towards the back which you assumed was Otis’ office and the break room, his head pops back out as he jogs towards you his loose curls bouncing as he walks.
He takes out a pen from his back pocket and writes down his number before handing you the piece of paper “here, uhh give me a call when you want no pressure of course and we can talk about that date” his excitement warms your heart, It's not often that a guy is this excited to go on a date with you, you admired his excitement so maybe this time will be different. “yeah I’ll definitely call you don’t worry” you pocket the piece of paper as you fiddle with the bag in your hand.
You glance up to find Eddie still grinning at you with his huge silly grin still covering his cute face. He shakes his head once he notices that he’s staring "Oh yeah, uhh, I'll see you later. Maybe at school or here again. Hopefully soon." You look down making eye contact with him through your eyelashes “don’t worry you’ll see me again Eddie” he smiles at that piece of information “Great, bye y/n.”
He gives you an open mouthed smile as he fiddles with the pen in his hand, you walk backwards towards the door with a wave before turning around and walking home. As you were leaving, though, you caught a glimpse of Eddie pumping his fist in the air in celebration , which made you giggle.
You've never made a guy as nervous as Eddie was, and it was cute. As you walk the remaining distance home, all you can think about is Eddie—when you'll talk to him again, whether he'll pick up the phone when you call, and so many other things. But the main thing was his smile—that big idiotic smile he mostly kept on his face the entire time.
You plop down on your bed kicking your feet in the air as you hold the phone up to your ear “Wait so you genuinely like this guy?” Robins muffled voice speaks through the receiver “well I don’t know if I like like him I just think he’s cute and kind and cute..” you trail off as your overly broad smile causes the apples of your cheeks to ache. “you already said cute y/n and you met him in the music store?” Robin shared the same amount of enthusiasm as you did “yeah! And he actually has good taste in music” you shift into your side playing with the hem of your shirt.
Robin ooo’s “so who is this cute, kind guy with good music taste” She pry’s making you smile even harder which you didn’t even know was remotely possible “his name is Eddie, you might know him he said you guys had a mutual friend group” You wind the phone line around your finger, “wait, Eddie as in Eddie Munson!” Robin squeals making you chuckle, you felt like a 14 year old girl talking about her crush to her friends at a sleep over “yeah he’s actually really sweet” you coo making Robin fake gag “well he seems kind of dorky and weird to me plus he always smells like cigarettes” you scoff and smack your lips “yeah whatever Rob” you chuckle.
You and Robin talk for another 20 minutes before she calls it a night and goes to bed. You’re sat on your bed reading a book, your eyes drift from the pages and to the little piece of folded paper, you grab it opening it to see Eddie’s phone number written in a messy and hurriedly manner a skull with heart eyes scribbled next to the digits, you peak at the clock it being 10pm you contemplated calling him afraid he might be asleep and you’ll be on the phone with an angry and sleepy Eddie.
The notion fumbles about in your head for another ten second before you pick up the phone and dial the number, the phone rings as you grow more anxious with each buzz it goes of for a while before you begin to feel defeated and give up until the phone stops ringing “Munson residence, how may I help you.” His voice is deep and raspy when he speaks into the receiver causing you to remain speechless “hello?” You snap out of it stumbling to speak. “Oh, uh hey Eddie it’s me y/n from the music store” your voice was gentle and nervous.
“Oh y/n hey!” You hear shuffling on the other side of the line causing your eyebrow to quirk up. “Wasn’t expecting you to call tonight” you can feel his smile through the phone which causes you to smile aswell “yeah I didn’t wanna seem desperate but I found the courage to call so here I am” you say, and he offers you a laugh in return.
You guys continue to talk throughout the night as it gets later and later. The conversation switched between various topics such as music, random stories from your childhoods, and you even learned that he's in a band, which you think is cool. He plays you a little bit of something he’s been working on before you eventually drift off to sleep with the phone steady on your pillow. Eddie soon notices the light snores and smiles to himself.
Before getting comfy in bed, he stretches his body, the noises of muted movement can be heard from your side of the line
He murmurs softly, "Goodnight sweetheart," before putting the phone on his bed and smiling as he closes his eyes letting the peacefulness of sleep soon consume him.
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catcze · 29 days
oohhh yea bedo would!! tbh i think he'd keep everything klee and i find or make him in a special box so he can always look back at it later hehehe. the locket he never takes off and puts him in a better mood if he had a bad day
also i don't normally i send these kinds of brainrots but i had this little thought that bedo has a playful habit of sliding his hand onto my leg and like squeezes my thigh whenever he's working sjfksnfh. idk i just get shy whenever he teases me to get some kind of reaction because it always works ;u;
he thinks its cute smh
anyway ye!! i think layla would get kind of shy since she's probably not used to wearing dresses hehe. also i can see you and layla maybe wearing matching outfits too? something cute :3 OH AND YK THOSE PURIKURA BOOTHS?? with the aesthetic filters n stuff. imagine you two going to one of those while you're at the mall
!!! OMG that's the cutest thing that he wears that locket when he's in a bad mood 😭♡ like a little pick-me-up or a shot of serotonin to get him through the day until he can see you again 🥺 and !! the thigh squeezing? Oh that's cute, and a little cheeky of him 👀 I feel like he'd do that to catch you off guard, yk? Because he finds it cute seeing how you react kajnsd i feel like he'd delight in denying he did anything, too! Like, if he does it and you get shy n flustered about it he'll tease you that he didn't do anything, just to see you argue about how he very much did do something, just bc he finds it cute when you do that too ajskdn
And fr ! She'd be shy, but I'd do all that I can to hype her up you know? Tell her how pretty she is, how the color of the dress looks so good on her <3 Oh! And we'd have the cutest matching accessories too, I think. I'm indecisive tho bc I can't decide if we should match earrings, necklaces, rings, or what, bc I think layla would look good w all of those kajsnd n those matching outfits would be !! so cute tee hee <3 I'd deffo carry the photos that we get from that booth everywhere, and I'd whip them out whenever I wanna brag abt how cute my gf looks :3
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
MC had a bad day or they’re dealing with a bad loss from a loved one. So they decide to seek comfort from the Brothers! But they don’t do it in a normal way, they just barge in the room where the brothers are all relaxing or hanging out at before MC just busts in getting their attention and they go “I need a hug 🥺”. Let’s see the some fluffy hc’s of the brothers comforting MC 🥰
And how could they not want to hug their cute human that is literally 3 seconds away from breaking down into tears?
The Brothers Comforting MC After A Bad Day:
You’re right, they wouldn’t be able to resist, they love their human too much 😌
*soBS* I want to hug one of them so bad rn
Thank you for the request, I love writing fluffy HCs, it’s my weak spot and it gives me serotonin. I hope you have a nice day/night!! Uh, it’s sort of implied that MC is slightly shorter than them so sorry if that’s a problem-
Notes: Fluff, mentions of loss and dead family members/friends, mostly comfort though, short HCs
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beezlebub and Belphegor.
-He doesn’t say anything and he doesn’t really need to because him just being there, arms wrapped around you and hands lightly running up and down your back, is worth more words than any sort of verbal consolation he could’ve given you and because of this, you feel at ease
-His touch is firm but gentle and you relax almost immediately, burying your head against his chest and feeling him press a kiss on top of your hairline, tightening your hold on him
-He already told his brothers to back off because the last thing he wanted was for you you to get overwhelmed by their insensitivity so you two were left in the living room by yourselves
-In a bit of an awkward position though, because you were both standing and after a while, it was clear a hug wasn’t going to be enough
-That’s his excuse as to why he picked you up bridal style five minutes later and carried you all the way to his bedroom, a place he knows his siblings won’t ever trespass without his permission and somewhere he can shield you from any prying eyes while you’re in this vulnerable state
-At this point, he was basically cradling you like a baby, having you sit on his lap and waiting for you to tire yourself out until you couldn’t cry anymore and watching you slip into that hiccuping stage you get after a breakdown
-Lucifer is obviously going to ask what happened, but whether you answer him or not is up to you because he’s not one to push matters if he sees you’re uncomfortable talking about it
-However, he might insist if he concludes that it’s affecting you and your well being and that’s how you know usually know he’s worried
-His voice is soft though and just listening to it makes you want to tell him everything, whether it’d be something as annoying as a small inconvenience you stumbled across that day or the death of a relative, you feel welcomed enough to spill everything
-Even if you decide not to, he’ll stay with you until you feel better, until you’re no longer crying or shaking or anything of the sort. He speaks occasionally, almost soothingly about how important you are to him and how capable you are of overcoming anything in your way. For the most part, however, he remains quiet and allows you to mull over your thoughts, willing to forget about his paperwork just to let you cling to him for a few hours
-Maybe later, when you’re no longer as distressed, he could get the full story out of you and help you overcome whatever problem you’re having trouble facing but for now, he understands all you need is for him to be there
“MC?” He calls your name out because he was thinking that maybe you had fallen asleep but he realised that was not the case when you looked up at him, streaks of tears still sliding down your cheeks. When you don’t respond, he sighs almost contently “A bit longer?” You don’t answer again but this time, he could feel you nod against him and he smiles despite himself as he leaned his head against yours “All right then, just a bit longer.”
-Truth be told, he’s never been the best at comforting someone and normally, he’s kind of awkward when he wants to show his support because it feels so out of his character
-But it’s not like he was going to refuse you anyway. Not when you specifically came to him and asked him for help and not when you looked like you were on the verge of crying. He’d be a monster to deny you >:(
-It upsets him too, you know. He’s meant to be your protector, guardian even, so the fact that he couldn’t keep you from getting hurt makes him feel like he failed at keeping his human safe. Actually, it takes a lot of convincing on your part just to tell him that you’re not actually physically hurt. Just a shitty day…
-Mammon, despite the walls he puts up ever now and then, is someone that genuinely cares for you. And he’s also the type that does almost everything in excess, especially when it comes to you or spending money. That’s just his personality; he’s loud and boisterous and even though he wants to deny this, completely transparent with his emotions
-You ask for a hug? He gives you plenty of hugs! He lets you lay on top of him while cuddling so he can hold you!!! He brings you snacks and drinks!!! Shit, he basically cradles you the whole night!!! And he’s blushing and acting annoyed the entire time, refusing to accept how much he’s actually enjoying this
-The point is, he tends to coddle you whenever you have a bad day or if you’re really affected by the loss of a dead loved one. This is probably because he, in turn, likes to be babied and cared for when he’s feeling down and he subconsciously does that to you because it’s the only means of comfort he knows how to execute well
-A hug would’ve sufficed, but you’re his human and let him be damned if he’s not gonna give you the world on a silver platter if you keep looking at him with those sad eyes of yours
-By now, if you need anything, you just need to ask because even with a bit of grumbling, he’ll get it for you. More snacks? Say less. Wanna watch TV with him for a while? Immediately reaches for the remote? You just want to cuddle? His body is naturally warm for a reason bby, dig in. You want his heart? Give him a moment to surgically get it out of his chest-
-No matter what, he’s so glad that you trust him enough to talk to him about this sort of stuff and that he’s the first person you think of when you need consolation
-It makes sense after all, right? He’s your first pact so your direct happiness is his responsibility while you’re in DevilDom! It’s his job to make sure you function again by tomorrow morning and that you’re no longer troubled by anything
“Hey! What’s with all the crying huh?” He cups your face in his hands and softly squishes the flesh between his fingers. His thumbs brush over the tears in your eyes and he let’s out a small ‘tsk’ as your foreheads touch and his hands drip to your shoulders to keep you steady “The Great Mammon is hugging ya right now, ya know? There’s no reason for you to be upset, not when I’ve got ya in my arms like this, OK? So you can stop with yer water works now.” As noisy as his voice is, there’s a gentle note behind it when he speaks and embraces you, his cologne spreading everywhere “I love you, ya big idiot. So please, stop cryin’ and lemme hold ya already! Yer making me worried, ya stupid human.”
-You stopping by his room is not unusual. In fact, you do it every day and it’s just part of the routine you have with him. However, he’s wasn’t exactly expecting you to stand there, all shaken up and ask him for a hug!!!
-And he doesn’t process this request for a second but then he freaks out so badly-
-Yells incomprehensibly about how you’re ‘pulling your normie tricks on him again’ and how he’s ‘not going to be fooled by them anymore.’
-You raise your head to meet his eyes while he’s still rambling on though and he sees your teary expression and now he feels guilty because you look really upset. Levi’s kinda scared he made it worse-
-He’s the type to usher you in his room and lock the door as usual but instead of doing what the two of you always do, you literally stay attached to him because you need comfort damn it!
-Levi….is sort of clueless about these emotional outbursts since he himself doesn’t deal with them very well. However, he’s watched enough animes revolving around romance to conclude on the best course of action so-do not fear! (Spoiler, he still doesn’t know what he’s doing)
-He’s really stuck and can either stay as quiet as a nun or start babbling in a language you probably wouldn’t even understand because he’s so nervous
-Or actually, he might start crying with you if I’m being fair; he’s very in sync with his Henry and your emotions
-Once he calms down, he’s actually not all that bad at comforting. Levi is a bit stand offish with his hugs at first but he relaxes into them and by now, you’re both standing by the side of his bed, with you leaning onto him and him holding your hand. He then intertwines your fingers together but subconsciously because he wouldn’t have the gall otherwise
-Later, he tells you to help yourself with the snacks he has hidden in his room. I guarantee you he has a whole ass mini refrigerator hidden somewhere for his all night gaming session, in case he needs any boosts. No one knows how Beel hasn’t found the stash yet and there’s no need to tell him
-Then you watch re runs of old shows together and make fun of the shitty editing and dialogue. He’s still holding your hand though and he’s really flustered and wondering if it’s too sweaty for you but don’t mention it because he’ll get even more embarrassed
-He glances over to you, every once in a while, whilst you’re cuddled up against his arm, eyes glued on the TV, to make sure you’re OK. You almost gave him a seizure or at least that’s how he felt-so he made it his mission to make you feel better by any means necessary. Fuck today’s raids, his team can get them done without him!!
“I-I don’t know why you would want me of all people to hug you but…” he trailed off in a whisper, having to lean down so you could wrap your arms against his neck and bury your head in his shoulder. He pulled you in closer, a streak of protectiveness coursing through him as he shut the door to his room with his foot “Lord of the Shadows would never leave Henry all on his own, so I’m not going to do that either. This is an important character development arc and-just, please don’t cry. I’ll give you more hugs, OK? Seeing you like this is not good for my heart-“ stopped mid sentence after realising what he just said and now he’s the one burying his head in your shoulder, flushed beyond hell “Forget I just said that! Holy Lord Diavolo this is embarrassing, why am I like this????”
-It troubles him greatly to see you like this and he can sort of feel the world shift out of place, seeing you with tears running down your face and hands balled into fists out of frustration almost immediately makes him fly into a fit of rage because who would dare to hurt you-
-Oh, a hug? If that’s all you need, he’s more than happy to oblige but if you’re as distraught as you seem to be, he wonders if just a small embrace from him would be enough
-Satan’s hugs are very intimate and even passionate at times. He has one hand on the back of your head and the other supporting your lower back while you bawl your eyes out into his shoulder and getting his uniform wet
-You can’t really seem to focus on what he’s trying to tell you because he’s so warm and welcoming and even though he’s someone as renowned as the Avatar of Wrath, he’s shockingly patient with you as you let out the overwhelming emotions that have been consuming you all day
-It’s hard to not relax when you’re in Satan’s presence because he’s calm and he smells like musty, old books and mahogany wood and cats, meaning he was most likely cuddling strays he found on the street the entire day. The first visual that comes to mind is fire crackling behind a grate in a chimney and someone reading a book while swinging back and forth on an old, rickety chair when you’re around him
-He will wait until you’re no longer crying and then, before you know it, you find yourself in the library with him, drinking tea and being handed a plate of biscuits he took from the kitchen to help you regain your strength after all that crying. You’re still feeling pretty miserable about the day you’ve had but you quickly lose yourself in a conversation with him over a cup of tea
-Sometimes, you two talk for hours on end about nothing important just to hear each other’s voices and finally have some quality time spent together. Even though he wishes the circumstances were better, he’s glad to have been able to snatch you away from his brothers for a while and he’s even happier you chose him to confide in
-Satan practically doesn’t even mention your outburst and keeps the small talk minimal but he wants you to know that if you do wish to tell him about it, he’s more than happy to listen and he’s not so bad at giving advice either
-The topic of the discussion you were having with him changed abruptly by the end of the night and now you’re reading together from this book he started a while ago, both of you covered with a blanket, your head on his chest and his leaning on yours. He’s holding the book with both of his hands, but still managed to get his left wrapped around you. And because of this feeling of safety and warmth, you don’t feel desperate anymore. Tomorrow, you’ll be able to sort out your feelings but now, you’re content to just listening to Satan read, in his clear, soft voice
“Ah MC, could you turn the page for me?” You do as he asked to and you could feel him smiling as he kissed your hairline, sighing before going back to the book and the story within “Thank you. You truly are amazing, did you know that? I’ve never met someone as caring and as kind as you. Well, I suppose Beel could compete for the title but unlike him, you don’t really leave us in debt whenever we visit the grocery store.” Hearing you laugh makes him smile even more and he lets you hold the other side of the book while he plays with your hair and now you join in reading with him, out loud and trying to act out voices for the characters. As everything unfolds, Satan feels the world click right back into place.
-It’s a known fact by now that Asmo is willing to give you any sort of affection at any point in time, whether it’d be a hug, a kiss, holding your hand-you name it! I mean, whenever he’s feeling down, you being there to encourage him helps a lot so it’s only natural it works the other way around too!
-If he notices that you’re genuinely upset by something, then he would have no problem whatsoever with lavishing you in attention and really, a hug or two from him is the bare minimum in situations like this
-In any case, he always enjoys fussing over you and you having a bad day is the perfect excuse for him to do so! After all, he can’t disappoint you since you came to him with your troubles and he will do anything in his power to make you feel better. Actually, if he could, he would keep hugging you forever but as miraculous as his charm can be, it’s not effective against someone with this low of a morale
-His first suggestion is to take a bath! It’s his way of taking care of you; you’re tired after such a long day and he feels like you’re neglecting yourself a little because of it. So you relax in his bathtub with him for a while, him actively trying to get your mind off any bad, lingering thoughts while you splash around in the bubbles
-And obviously after that, you need to have your mandatory spa sessions with him since you need to unwind and what’s a better way to do that than to let him paint your nails and apply lotion to your skin? Besides, it creates a great opportunity for you to take things off your chest
-He’s in need to hear gossip constantly so if you don’t feel like talking, he’s gonna be a bit bummed out but he still respects your wishes enough to not push you. If your problem is as sensitive as the death of a family member, you’re not obligated to talk to him about it and he will understand, since people grieve in different ways. He too shut down after the death of Lilith for a while after all
-A bad day is nothing Asmo can’t handle. He’s had plenty of those before, mostly because of Mammon and his thievery, they’re usually common factors. It’s only natural you experience those yourself and he’s more than willing to be your support system if you need one. He wants you to know that you can go to him if you need advice or help with anything, or even if you just need to someone to hear you out
-To give a more detailed explanation of his hugs, they are usually really light and you never feel suffocated when you’re in his arms. He never squeezes you too tight and he always smells amazing, so you feel inclined to stay near him for as long as possible. Despite his overtly loud nature, he gets incredibly soft spoken with you and he traces patterns on your back and arms as you stand there together
-It’s important to mention, he never pulls away from you first. He lets you decide when you’ve had enough and when you’re ready to move on or if you require some other means of comfort
-And even if you’re no longer disgruntled, he’s still going to pamper you as much as possible the next day with either a shopping spree or another few spa sessions, this time done at a professional institution rather than the privacy of his bedroom
-Asmo is in touch with your emotions and it’s kinda scary sometimes because of how well he can read you, since he almost always knows what you need
“Oh darling, how could I refuse a hug from you?” You can feel his arms embrace you, even with your eyes closed and for some reason, this makes you cry even harder, sobbing as he tries to comfort you. You’re aware he let go of you at some point and returned with a tissue to dab away at your tears, gently to not hurt your eyes and now he’s hugging you again, a wry smile on his face “You don’t have to worry about a thing, MC. Everything will get sorted out, I promise. In the meantime, come to me if anything troubles you again, OK? No more crying, darling-it’s bad for your eyes.”
-The type to immediately lean in for a hug without even questioning why. As soon as you ask him, you barely have time to finish the question and you already find yourself in his arms. The only exception would be when he’s eating or maybe in the middle of a work out but the point is he doesn’t hesitate much when it comes to you. And I mean, he loves hugs just as much as his siblings do
-Beel is not the most observant and he may not realise you’re in a bad mood unless you tell him outright. It’s not even that he’s emotionally distant, it’s just that if you tell him that you’re fine, then he’s gonna take your word for it and believe you since he’s pretty straightforward with his feelings as well. However, as dense as he may be on occasion, even he’s bound to notice that you’re not being your usual self and this is especially true if you start crying out of nowhere while he’s nearby. Probably assumes the worst and is under the impression that he did something to upset you because shifting the blame onto himself whenever others suffer is his coping mechanism and we’ve seen him to do it before
-If you’ve just had a bad day, he understands that things could’ve been very overwhelming for you and he wishes he had known sooner so he could’ve helped back then, instead of letting it come to this. But he doesn’t hesitate all that much since he looks like he’s built for giving hugs on a daily basis. I’m not even sure this would classify as a hug since you’re not touching the floor. Rather, you are attached to him like a koala and he’s carrying you around as if you were a baby strapped to his chest. And he genuinely doesn’t mind. He’s been doing it with Belphie for centuries now
-Please, after a while he gets seriously concerned because are humans supposed to cry this much? What if you dehydrate or something? So he makes you stay in bed and just gives you plenty of water. You look so pale and sad, he shares his food with you too because his heart is aching just looking at you like this. He feels like besides being there, he can’t provide you with much help and he’s starting to think he’s hopeless at comforting
-If a family member died then…Beel is one of the best people you could’ve gone to. Honestly, having dealt with his sister’s situation, he knows how horrible it is to lose somebody you love dearly (I mean, all the brothers do but I’m making a point saying Beel, Belphie and Lucifer were especially affected). Now he’s sad himself since he’s aware that you’re going through something similar and his twin might walk in on the two of you being emotional on the floor
-For the most part, Beel makes sure you keep yourself healthy even when you’re tired and depressed. Continues to bring you food, even if he eats half of it on his way to your room, and just keeps you company in general in case you get lonely. Seeing you upset makes him even more considerate of your feelings and you don’t have the heart to tell him that he doesn’t need to stay with you all night. He thinks he does because you’ve always offered to stay with him whenever he’s had nightmares before so how he’s gotta return the favour
-Beel gives these bear hugs all the time, since he’s so big and his hand basically covers your entire back. So, more often than not, you end up cuddling while standing because he’s a lot taller than you, with him being a demon and all. Despite that, you feel so unbelievably complete when he holds you like this. It’s hard not to feel protected since his whole body is practically concealing yours so easily all the time and you feel sheltered from the world and it’s….nice
-And Beel enjoys hugging you too, because he knows that as long as he’s nearby, you’ll be safe and that’s really all he needs. He wants to be there for you the same way you were there for him when he needed it most and comforting you when you’re having a shitty day is like his full time job
-You could come to Beel with any problem and he would never judge you, no matter what. He’s just really unproblematic and he just wants you to go back to your normal self because it hurts him to see you cry your eyes out. Now, not only are hugs mandatory but holding your hand is too. It’s like hugging…but your hands are doing the hugging
-Definitely even goes to Belphie after a while if he really doesn’t know what to do and that’s how you know he’s desperate to do something. Since the Seventh Born isn’t exactly someone that yields great advice, more so when it comes to other…people….and his twin knows this-
-Beel’s best strategy at the moment is to just maintain some kind of physical contact because he discovered that makes you feel better and it calms you down more than him trying to verbally console you. He even invited you to sleep in his room if you’re comfortable doing so just so you’re not alone. After that one incident, he’s trying to coax you to tell him whenever something is wrong so he can jump in and help, because that’s all he really wants to do ahakenksms
“MC? Did something happen?” He’s honestly taken aback by how shaky you are and how you’re hands are trembling as they’re reaching to connect with his. Without much of a warning, he feels a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach and now he discovers that he doesn’t like seeing you with tears trailing down your face. And he feels worse the longer you wail in his chest and he doesn’t know what to do. So, he wraps his arms around you so tight you think you might explode, strangely comforted by the feeling as he speaks again “I’m sorry if I’ve done something to upset you. What can I do to help, MC? We can just stay like this for a while if you want” And when he sees you nod, he proceeds to not move an inch almost the entire night. Obviously, hunger overtook him eventually but he shared his stolen goods with you so can you really complain? Doubtful, not when he hasn’t let go of your hand the whole time.
- Hugging him is a gamble. Realistically speaking, you’re not going to catch him standing upright long enough for you to give him a hug. He’s laying on the floor somewhere, asleep so you shouldn’t expect much from him to begin with. Even if you were to get lucky and stumble upon him while he’s wide awake, he might slump over and succumb to sleep the moment you embrace him because you’re so warm
-Cuddling is a different story altogether. He’d rather shoot himself in the foot than not have you cuddle with him so if you need to be babied for once, he’s a pretty good option to consider
-As usual, he’s in the attic and you go to him because it’s really late and you didn’t want to wake up any of the other brothers. Actually, Belphie is normally awake by dusk so to see him sleep like a log past midnight was quite surprising. You didn’t exactly want to interrupt but if you stayed alone for any longer, you would’ve gone insane. So you shook him awake. And he was understandably confused and probably forgot what planet he was on for a minute when you did so
-Technically, he was half awake and from his point of view, everything must’ve been pretty blurry. He did see you; the problem was that because he was still feeling very sleepy, he was basically in a daze and could only squint at you to try and figure out if you were really there or if he was hallucinating. His suspicion was confirmed soon enough because he reached out after a few seconds and poked your cheek just to check. His face the entire time and the action itself was so amusing that, despite tittering on the edge of a breakdown, you burst out laughing
-Once he came to the conclusion that you were, in fact, real and he wasn’t dreaming, he sighed and opened his arms out for you; a direct invitation to cuddle with him. By now, he likely didn’t even noticed you looked sad because, as I said, he was all over the place but this little ritual you two have was common enough that it got engraved in his memory. Now he does it out of impulse whenever you’re around and he wants attention
-So you basically tackled him and threw yourself on top of him so hard, both of you toppled over on the bed and now you were used as a blanket, with his arms wrapped securely around you; preventing you from getting up. Not that you were planning on doing that anytime soon but moving on-
-You thought he had fallen back asleep, because he went really quiet and he stopped squirming to get comfortable. To be exact, the whole room was rather still and the only thing you could really hear was Belphie’s soft breathing and the rustle of the bedsheets every once in a while. And since it was extremely dark as well, you couldn’t see a thing either so it felt like the best place to let go of your stress
-It’s not like you were making much noise but as I said, the seventh born wasn’t sleeping just yet. And he wouldn’t be able to because it was obvious to him now that something was wrong. He believed that he was bearing witness to something that should’ve been a lot more private than this so he didn’t say anything. You should have your moment, let you have a chance to recollect your thoughts and the next day, he might ask you
-It was too much to handle. It’s not like he was gonna get any sleep unless he knew your problem was solved otherwise he might get nightmares all night. Besides, if you’re crying this much, then something terrible must’ve happened. You realised he was awake when he gave your entire body a small squeeze, as if to reassure you and you froze because did you just wake him up???? Or worse, did he hear all that sobbing you were doing????
-Hugging him is similar to hugging a pillow. He’s soft and squishy and warm and it’s impossible to resist him when rest at a time like this is so tempting. His fingers running over your pact mark once or twice, as if to remind you that he’s right there and low whispers describing the best dream he ever had about you, hoping to distract you for long enough to help you fall asleep
-To him, it doesn’t make a difference if a family member died or if you’re just having a bad day. All he knows is that you’re having a lot of emotional problems because of either one and as a result, you need a shoulder to lean on. He’s glad that you trust him enough to let him assist and if it was up to him, he would keep cuddling you forever. You’ve already suffered enough so let him take care of you this time around, OK?
“Dumbass, why are you crying?” The gentleness of his words was a clear contrast to that quick insult he shoved at the beginning of his statement, though you couldn’t hear any malice behind it and the fact that he really cared about what happened to cause you to struggle with your emotions so badly, would’ve made you wail even harder. However, he managed to silence you pretty well because he kept speaking and you wanted to listen; you wanted to hear what he had to say so you reduced your sobs and you sat quietly enough to do just that. Belphie flipped you over, now with him on top and you underneath and he laid there, cheek sloshed against yours as he sleepily mumbled out more praise for you, “MC, are you tired? You should go to bed, you need to get some sleep. Tomorrow, you can tell me what the problem is and I’ll help. I promise-I’ll even get up early for you. Just…please calm down. I don’t want to see you crying yourself to sleep ever again. I’ll stay here the entire time, alright? And I’ll make sure you have nice dreams tonight MC…just let me hold you…”
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blueprint-han · 3 years
soothing — lee felix.
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pairing — felix x (gn) reader
genre — fluff.
word count — 1.9 K
warnings — the reader has hair long enough to braid, other than that, 
note — husband felix brain go bzz bzz <3
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“Whoa—” Felix immediately lifts his coffee cup into his hands when you plop down headfirst on the sofa right next to him, groaning in relief as the soft couch fabric surrounds and engulfs you. You throw your bag onto the floor, squirming your way out of your coat before doing the same with it. Felix giggles, the motions you’re adopting to try and not move from the couch but still get yourself a bit more free looking way too funny to the other person.
Your hair is out of it’s ponytail that Felix had surely seen you leave in, and completely disheveled, as though to prove how tired you truly are. Placing his coffee cup on the center table, he scoots closer to your sprawled out figure on the couch, biting his lip to hold back his laugh, but failing to do so.
“Hello to you too, welcome back!” He says all happy and smiley, which you can clearly hear in his tone. His voice instantly brings you some calm, and you sigh, pulling yourself out of your comfortable position to give Felix what seemed like the most adorable expression your husband had ever seen. Your shoulders are slouched yet they seem stiff, as though you’ve been housing tension in them all day. There’s a pout on your face, directed towards Felix for indirectly making fun of your actions, but he knows it’s not serious.
“Hey, I’ve had a terrible day today. Cut me some slack.”
“I can see that,” Felix points out, reaching out to push away the hair that falls over your face and restricts your eyesight. Your eyes immediately flutter shut, and you lean into his touch, almost landing headfirst in front of Felix’s lap if he hadn’t started giggling again in that awfully serotonin-inducing tone and propped his hand against your forehead.
“There, there. Why don’t you go to our room and sleep for a while, hm? We’ll order takeout today, if that makes you feel better.”
Mm, yes. Pizza. Comfort Food.
“That sounds good…” You smile dizzily, still resting the weight of your head against Felix’s hand. Then, you open your eyes, meeting his soft ones and let yourself admire the beauty of your husband for two seconds. He’s been growing his hair long nowadays, and that long hair is tied into a neat ponytail behind him. His smile is as bright as ever. It’s the kind of smile that makes you want to cry and tear up, but also makes your heart flutter whenever it’s directed at you, or literally anything.
His eyes twinkle when they meet yours, and you let your eyes trail over the freckles littering his skin and nose. He’d still be in his makeup most of the times when you’d get home, so this sight is definitely an invited one. You had to admit — to you, there was nothing more beautiful than Felix’s beauty without any makeup, or filter, or editing. He was best when he was himself, his smiley, cute, adorable self. The only one who could make you feel calm without even doing anything, the only person who could make everything seem better with just the smallest gesture.
The only person who made your heart flutter the way it did right now.
You breath in before leaning closer to him, giving him an expression he knew very well. Even after two years of marriage, he could still never not melt whenever you gave him puppy eyes, or whenever you tried to act cute for him to give you something.
“Okay, I know that look-” Felix shakes his head and laughs heartily, leaning toward you too and squishing your cheeks. 
“Pleaseeeeee~” You drag, scrunching up your face in the way you knew your husband would give in to your advances. “I’m tired and plus you petting my hair whenever I fall asleep on your lap is very soothing.”
“Okay, but only on one condition — you go change and freshen up before that.” Felix points to your formal clothing, and you huff in disapproval. “Not going to lie, you smell- kinda.” He makes that cute scrunchy face that you can’t help but malfunction over, even though he’d just teased you.
“Alright, fine.” You roll your eyes playfully, getting off the couch and slouching your way to your shared room, letting yourself change and wash your face. It does make you feel a lot less tense and relieved, but all in all, more excited to fall asleep on your husband’s lap. His touch is always gentle, like a violin bow sliding off it’s strings to produce gentle, calming music.
When you come back, Felix has already cleaned up the couch, the blanket that was sprawled on it now neatly spread for you to tuck yourself into. Obviously, this wasn’t your first time falling asleep with Felix on the couch — it happened more often than one would think it would, to the point where Felix insisted there always be a pillow and a blanket on the couch. The pillow is placed against his lap, and he’s already finished his coffee up and scrolling through his phone.
When he feels your head softly land against his lap, he smiles to himself, placing his phone away and immediately tangling his fingers into your hair as you pull the blanket on top of you, tucking it under your chin and snuggling yourself all warm and cozy against him.
“There, doesn’t that feel a lot better than slithering around in your work clothes?” Felix asks, placing another hand on your thigh to rub small circles into it. 
“Yeah, it really does.”
When Felix starts running his hands through your hair and drawing soothing patterns on it, your whole body immediately feels like it’s melting into the couch. The warmth from the blanket combined with the magic his hands possessed was enough to push you into a deep slumber, until a question pops up in your brain, and halts your train to slumberland.
“When was the last time you braided my hair?” you ask, any signs of your sleep vanished all of a sudden.
“Huh- that’s sudden.”
“Just something that I remembered.”
“Hmm, I guess it was in the early time of our marriage? I don’t remember doing your hair after that, to be honest.”
“Ooh!” You perk up, turning to meet Felix’s gaze. “Why don’t you do it now? I’ll get the comb! One second-” 
“Wait, wait, wait.” Felix pushes you back onto his lap, smiling brightly at your eagerness. “What happened to hey I’ve had a terrible day and I'm tired?”
“Like I said, your hands in my hair is always soothing, plus, my hair's a mess and braiding it would be better.” You push his hand away, running over to your room to fetch the comb before scurrying back to him. You sit down at the couch in front of Felix, pushing the comb into his hand and facing forward.
Felix smiles fondly at you, his heart pounding at your excitement for something so small. He’s lucky to have such a wife, really. A person who knows him truly, a person who loves him for who he truly is on the inside, and a person who can always find happiness with him in the smallest things.
As for you? You’ve lucky to have such a husband. Such a bright, outgoing, empathetic person. You’ve been really blessed to have someone as pure hearted, kind and lovely as him. You’ve been blessed to be the woman he finds his happiness with.
“Okay…” He runs the comb through your hair, and owing to its effect, instantly, your eyes flutter close when he places his hand on top of your head. There was something so exquisite about his touch, it was so soothing. It was like a soft feather running against your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake but always led you to feel relaxed. 
Once Felix has smoothed down your hair, he begins braiding it, and you're already half asleep at this point. It’s like a warm cocoon of love and pure adoration for each other is surrounding the both of you, lulling you into the blissful intimacy of just being with each other and sharing this comfortable silence.
You can hear Felix’s laugh and it pulls you out of your trance. You then realise that you’re almost close to falling asleep on Felix’s knee — clearly, you were still sleepy regardless of your excitement.
“Y/N, you’re leaning to the side.”
“Didn’t I say your hands were soothing?”
Felix blushes. He still can’t help but feel shy of your reaction to his touch even after so long, especially when you’re so direct and open about it. He ignores the heat rising up to his cheeks, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your hair and forehead before combing through it again and gathering your hair into a ponytail.
“Okay, just stay straight until the first two plaits, and then you can sleep.”
“Mmmm, I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep myself up for so long though. This feels nice…”
“Y/N, come on!” Felix slaps your shoulder slightly, feeling himself blush even more. Of course, you can’t see him because you’re facing forward, but you can sense the overly chirpy, bright tone he’s speaking in. You’d be the first to know about your husband that he gets very shy when he’s praised for anything.
“Okay, okay fine. But do it quickly.”
Felix hums in reply before running his hands through your hair one more time, gently crossing the sections of hair over each other over and over again. The room is filled with a soft, quiet comfortable silence — one that Felix loves a lot. He wants nothing more than such soft and pretty moments, such lovin moments with his wife.
As he braids, your body leans more and more to his knee, and by the time he’s done, your cheek is pressed cutely against his thigh, your eyes closed shut in slumber. He quickly ties the end with a hair tie, and silently stares at your calm figure snoozing on his knee.
“So cute…” He thinks, not being able to hold back his smile as he lets himself admire your sleeping figure for a quick moment, before mischievously poking your cheek.
You whine at the intrusion, squirming around and you’re almost about to fall asleep again if it isn’t for your husband being a little shit, poking at your cheek again.
“What is it?” You whine louder this time.
“You’re gonna sprain your neck.” Felix says as a matter-of-fact.
“Ugh, okay fine… you’re gonna have to give me more of your ramen for disturbing me.” You pout, lifting yourself up before crawling into the blankets and lying down on Felix’s lap again.
“Hey! Who’s the one who ignored their sleep and got their poor husband to braid their hair?”
“You say that like you weren’t just blushing two minutes ago, sunshine.”
Felix has no words for that, and ends up stuttering. You giggle in victory, tucking yourself into the blanket once again before fluttering your eyes close. You bask in the calmness of the surroundings, letting yourself revel in the feeling of warmth that seeps through you.
Except, one thing’s missing.
“Hey!” You call, snapping your husband out of his admiring gaze. He doesn’t know when he got so engrossed into admiring your beauty, but nonetheless, he can’t stop himself from feeling warm internally when you pout once again. 
“Your hands.” You rub your head against where it’s rested against his thigh, a frown on your face due to the lack of, to quote you, soothingness.
So cute, Felix thinks again in awe, tangling his fingers into your hair before finally, finally watching you drift off to sleep peacefully.
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networks: @inkidz​ @kpopscape​ @kdiarynet​ @fluffyskzclub​ @destinyverse​ @skzwritersclub​ @kwritersworld​ @lovesick-net​
taglist: @cafejjunie​ @sleepylixie​ ​ @coco-riki​ ​ @stayndays​ ​ @yutassecretheaven​ ​ @lost-midnight-flower​ ​ @p2q3r4​ @anskiie​ ​ @happiestgirlontheeastcoast @cuddlychrisbang @orphic-chan​
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434 notes · View notes
Hopes and Dreams II
First of all: HOW AMAZING ARE YOU PEOPLE?! You gave me so much serotonin. All the reblogs with added tags, all the comments and favs and all the new followers, you are amazing. I will add a taglist for future chapters, so if you wanna get tagged, hit me up, and you will be added to that list. Seriously, I love you guys. ***
“Will you be able to walk?” Alcina asked and you just shrugged and motioned for her to lead the way. You walked in companionable silence for a while, which gave her the chance to take a longer look at you. You were pretty tall, even though you were still rather small compared to Alcina. She was pretty sure that you were taller than Heisenberg though, and that made her feel odd. You held yourself with a confidence she wouldn’t have expected after everything that happened in the last few minutes, reminding her again that you were not unfamiliar with the supernatural. It unnerved her to no end, and she found herself wanting to solve the mystery that surrounded you. Where did you come from? Exactly what is it what you were doing here? Would you turn into a threat or into an ally? Alcina wasn’t stupid, far from it. She knew that Mother Miranda’s hold on the Lords was slipping, Heisenberg’s silent plotting was proof enough. Did Mother Miranda know that you were here? Alcina sure didn’t, and the other Lords didn’t mention a stranger roaming the village and the surrounding woods. Although Heisenberg mentioned that an unusual amount of Lycans had disappeared. 
Her eyes roamed your figure again. Your hair was kept in a neat undercut, colored in a hideous blue that still looked good on you. You were clad in a black Hoodie and equally black Cargo pants, as if the cold didn’t bother you at all. It was the middle of the winter and yet you strolled through the cold as if it was springtime. Which made her wonder if you were really just a mere human. Everything she experienced with you implied that you weren’t ordinary and that intrigued Alcina greatly.
“You could just ask me about myself, you know?” you said and smiled up at her knowingly. Alcina flustered and wiped some non-existent lint from her long dress. So, you were aware that she was watching you.
“We usually don’t see strangers in these parts, especially ones who seem to know more than they should. Which raises the question why exactly you are here?”
“Considering that we just met, my lady, it wouldn’t be wise to reveal my whole tragic backstory. And further considering that I don’t know if I’ll see the light of day ever again if I were to enter your castle, forgive me if I won’t trust you with my motives yet. All you need to know for know is, that I am a traveler and have been for my whole life. I search for artifacts, among other things, that my benefactor can sell for good money. He took me in when I was just a child and took great care in training me. He is the closest thing I have to a father figure, although most people think me insane for the trust, I have in him. And as for why I am in Romania, I don’t really know to be honest, or wasn’t when I first got here. It was a gut feeling telling me to come here, and I find that I can trust those feelings, whenever they arise.” You said and stretched.
“I won’t keep you locked in the castle if you don’t give me a reason to mistrust you. There is a reason why no one come to these parts, so I am very wary of strangers. I have daughters to protect after all.” Alcina said, musing about what you said. If you were a traveler looking for artifacts, it would explain why you look at the supernatural as if it was a normal occurrence.
“You will have to see for yourself then, but I can assure you, that I am not here to hurt you or your daughters. My last mission… Didn’t go well and I originally came here recharge a bit, if you know what I mean. Again, forgive me if I am being too careful, but I have more enemies than I have friends, and I really like living.” You said carefully and Alcina kept staring at you. You didn’t seem dangerous to her, how could you, looking like you did, but she was still wary. She felt the sudden urge to protect you from whatever enemies you were talking about, but you were strangers. That realization hurt her more than it should, but with your past lives, it was so different. She always knew who was in front of her, whenever she met you, but this time around was just so complicated.
She felt drawn to you, even with your boyish looks you were still immensely attractive to her, and the way your blood sang to her made you all the more alluring. More than ever before if she was honest. But that is the problem, you were still familiar to her, but not as much as before and it scared her. You still had the potential to destroy her, even if you didn’t know about that.
You could practically smell the curiosity rolling of Lady Dimitrescu. She was wary of you and yet there was something in her eyes that you couldn’t quite place, even though it made your heart soar to new heights. She was as much a mystery to you as you were to her, and you felt so drawn to her. Like a moth to the flame. You briefly wondered if it had something to do with her nature. She seemed like a careful person, but considering from what you heard in the village, you totally got that. Which is why her next question caught you quite a bit off-guard: “Do you actually have a place to stay or are you just roaming around the forest, picking fights with Lycans?”
“Are you offering, my lady?” you said, wearing a Cheshire grin and wiggling your eyebrows. The blush that colored the Lady’s cheeks was worth every punishment you could possibly get from that comment. You still valued your life though, so you said: “I don’t mean you any harm. I just enjoy some friendly banter and it has been ages since I felt comfortable enough to do so. To answer your question, no, I don’t really have a place to stay. I’m helping someone with their housework every now and then though, so as a thanks they let me sleep on their couch whenever possible.”
“What kind of housework?”
“Nothing much, some cooking and general repairs.” You shrug and the smile she gave you was positively sinful when she asked, “What else are you able to do with your hands?”
It was your turn to blush and blushing you did; you even felt the tips of your ears go warm and it didn’t help at all that Lady Dimitrescu started chuckling. Still, you weren’t one to miss an opportunity so you said “Well that’s for you to find out, my lady” with a smaller voice you would have liked. How had one woman such a power over you?
“Hmmm, maybe I will, my dear,” she said and winked, making your brain short circuit. You stumbled in your steps and her hand steadying you didn`t help one bit. Sparks shot through your arm when she touched you and you felt something niggling at the back of your mind. No one ever had such an effect on you, no matter how stunningly beautiful they were. Suddenly, shivers ran down your spine, and not the good ones, so you took a protective stand in front of Lady Dimitrescu and said “Careful. Someone is watching.”
And just as you spoke the words, a shadow descended upon you and your instinct started to kick in. Your knife was out in seconds, a voice in your head urging you to protect your Lady. So, when the shadow descended upon you, you had it pinned down, snarling furiously. You felt your fangs elongating and your sense grew ever sharper. Well, seems like the cat was out of the bag now.
“Let go of me!” the girl you had pinned to the ground snarled, but her attempts to flee were futile. 
“Give me one good reason to not kill you on the spot. How long have you been stalking us?” You snarl, feeling your blood start to boil.
“Let go of her, dear. She had no ill intentions.” Lady Dimitrescu said, and against all odds, you calmed. Huh. That had never happened before.
“Is this a new plaything, mother?” the girl asked, and you started snarling again, but a hand at the back of your neck made you freeze.
“Don’t be rude, Daniela. She is our guest, and she needs some medical attention. So be nice.” Lady Dimitrescu said and the girl, Daniela started pouting and muttering something under her breath. You were still on edge, bare containing the snarl that wanted to leave your throat. The hand around your neck tightened in warning and another shiver ran down your spine. One of the good ones.
“So, I was right about you. You are not entirely human.” Lady Dimitrescu purred, and you had the sudden urge to bolt and hide away. You noticed how much she must have hold back until now, the danger rolling of on her in waves was something you never once encountered.
“I told you that something happened to me. If you promise not to harm me, I will tell you what happened. But I can promise you that I am no danger to you or anyone else, if not properly provoked.” You said and dusted of your knees. She let go of you and turned to Daniela, conversing with her in Romanian. Daniela looked at you with sudden intrigue and a nasty smile. She practically screamed trouble, and you weren’t sure if you could handle it.
“Come now, it isn’t far anymore. Daniela will alert the castle of our arrival, to avoid any nasty surprises.” Lady Dimitrescu said and led you away. And sure enough, a few minutes later you reached the castle gate, three figures awaiting you. One you recognized as Daniela, so the other two must be her sisters. One of them looked at you with mild interest, while the other one looked at you with a spark of recognition in her eyes. Had you met before on one of your travels? You were pretty sure that wasn’t the case, but let it slide anyway, since you had bigger problems right now.
“Bela, would you please prepare the sitting room in the west wing? I will need some antiseptic and bandages, warm water would be wonderful too. When you are finished with that, prepare the guest room next to mine. We will talk later.”
The one who seemed to recognize you from somewhere left in a flurry of… bugs? What the fuck? 
“Cassandra, Daniela, please prepare a light super. I will talk to you two later two. Just bring the food into the sitting room when you are finished, yes?” The order was given gently and in another flurry of bugs, you were alone again.
“You can explain yourself when I am cleaning and dressing your wounds. Come now.” She said and led you into the castle. You were still processing the abilities of her daughter, so you followed her silently into the dimly lit entryway. *** Taglist: @imdreamingblo
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bukojuiice · 3 years
What happens when the bakusquad babysits Katsuki’s daughter? (Dad! Katsuki Bakugo x Mom! Reader) Headcanons + One-shot
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ೃ pairing: (dad! katsuki bakugo x mom! reader)
ೃ  warnings: none
ೃ genre: fluff overload, parent fic/hcs
ೃ word count: 5,141 words
ೃ 1/4 of @bukojuiice’s 800 followers special!
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ   A  sequel in the form of headcanons + one-shot to my dad! Bakugo fic “like the soul of honey” I recommend reading that first before going through this! Don’t worry if you don’t want to though! Both are standalone and not really connected with each other. 
ೃ   This was originally just going to be headcanons, but I didn’t want to keep writing it in hcs style halfway through so be treated to both headcanons + a one-shot instead! as you can tell already, this was so so much fun to write and i felt so soft after writing this uwu
ೃ  shoutout to two of my loves @sparkykatsuki for coming up with this idea!  I just knew i had to do it bc i love bakusquad sm!! they give me such a serotonin boost and I find it really fun writing about them!! Thank you for having such big brain energy and for conspiring this concept franz!  And to @chibishae34​ bc i know she loves baby fics as much as I do HSHSHSH
ೃ   your daughter’s name is hikari which means light. bakugo thought of that name because light is essentially a part of his quirk and hikari is a part of him.
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!) ♡
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—  Hikari is blessed with the best uncles and aunts she could ever ask for!!
—  Both Bakusquad and Dekusquad take turns in helping you and Katsuki get your well deserved rest and relaxation at least once a month ever since Hikari turned 6 as... she became quite the feisty girl. Too feisty to handle actually.
—  She was energetic and playful 24/7. And so, it was hard to keep up with her energy most of the time.
—  She still remained kind and obedient yet she was also an absolute bundle of joy who would just run around the house, play with her toys, and go on roleplaying adventures with you and Katsuki. She had absolutely no idea how much she would tire you and Katsuki, however, and sometimes she would go on for hours and hours just running around the house and interacting with everything she sees.
—  She had an inquisitive mind, and although you always encourage her to be smart and be intrigued with everything, she tends to question almost everything she lays her eyes on and you end up having to come up with a witty and a very childlike answer for her to understand.
—  A good example of this is when she asked you ever so innocently about where babies come from and your husband was ABOUT TO TAKE HER QUESTION LITERALLY and give her the science talk about sexual reproduction. When the two of you agreed to only give her that talk when she turns 8 as she might not even entirely understand it in the first place.
—  “Mommy, Daddy, where do babies come from?”
—  “I guess it’s time for the talk.” Bakugo shrugs, remarking sternly. He takes his daughter’s little hand in his and bringing her to the living room. “You see, Hikari, babies come from the wo-”
—  “Storks!” You cut Bakugo off before he could say another word, nudging him on the elbow. “Hikari-chan, the babies are brought down to this world by the white and strong birds in the sky!” You whisper the last bits of information to her ear. “The storks told me that once you get older, they’ll tell you the secret of where they actually pick up the babies.”
—  “Really!?” She says in disbelief, her eyes gleaming in excitement. “YAY! YAY! YAY! I can’t wait!” She goes back to running around the house looking for even more things to ask about and you breathe a sigh of relief as soon as she leaves.
—  Although it was nice that you are able to bond as a family, it does get pretty tiring sometimes. Of course your weariness is worth the risk if it’s just to see Hikari smile.
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— Especially since you and Bakugo were both pro-heroes (although you mostly do stand by pro hero work meaning you work from home almost all the time.) You found it much more enriching if both you and bakugo are guiding her and working together to create a loving and supportive family for Hikari.
— Both of your respective friend groups, whomst you remained close to ever since high school, noticed how the both of you looked tremendously exhausted and looked like you were in dire need to have 9 cups of coffee every time you would meet up with each other in between your pro hero duties.
—  And so both squads came into an agreement, that they would help the two of you out by giving you a 48 hour day off every month to do whatever the heck married couples do as they would babysit Hikari and have fun.
—  This was also a great way to get closer with their niece even if they dote on her so much already.  As you and Bakugo are the first persons in your friend groups who got married and have a child together.
—  This month, the Bakusquad is in charge of taking care of Hikari and just from the fact that Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Sero are going to babysit your daughter alone, you know it’s going to be chaotic.
—  Things didn’t go swimmingly last time (literally), as only Kirisihima and Kaminari were the only ones available the last time they came to babysit. They took Hikari to a community pool, and she came back with a missing tooth and some scratches on her legs from playing too much. Katsuki was NOT pleased and you had to restrain your husband from trying to obliterate his best friends even if Hikari had little to no injuries and it was normal for kids her age to have these things happens to them at least once in their childhood.
—  With your assurance and the look that was on Hikari’s face and how she would not shut up about how she loved spending time with Uncle Eijiro and Uncle Denki, Katsuki eventually let it slide and just gave his friends the usual “Katsuki Bakugo treatment” where he acts cold and angry at them, paired with his easily irritated and idgaf attitude.
—  This month however, was going to be different because Mina and Sero are finally joining along and making sure that Hikari has the best weekend since they weren’t able to babysit last time.
—  Hikari loved her Aunt Mina because she would braid her hair and style her with different cute outfits that only Mina, with her love for fashion and all things girly and pink could attempt to do and end up doing perfectly. She also taught Hikari all the dances to disney songs and nursery rhymes she knows how to do so far. Hikari affectionately refers to her Aunt Pinkie whenever Mina isn’t around.
—  Kirishima, who was the most frequent to visit the 3 of you, out of all of the Bakusquad, considers Hikari as his new #1 best friend. Dethroning and kicking her very own father from that spot. Hikari is a much more gentle and sweet version of her explosive father, and so Eijiro is able to interact and play with Hikari because he already knows Bakugo and his mannerisms very well. Hikari calls him Uncle Sharkie and she always asks her dad about how he and Kirishima became such good friends. To which Katsuki would reply with, “It’s a long story princess.”
—  Kaminari was the fun uncle. He always gave off those vibes ever since high school anyway. Giving Hikari candy behind Katsuki’s back (although you made sure Kaminari didn’t give her any that were tooth rotting sweet ones) Buying her ice cream whenever he came to drop by, and bringing her to the nearby playground amongst many other things. He spoils her a lot (in a good way) and Hikari calls her the fun “sparkie” uncle.
— Then, there was Sero. He retained his love for Spiderman since he was a kid, and he was able to pass that on to Hikari. His way of playing with her was cute since Sero is super tall, he would let Hikari ride on his shoulders, trying to imitate airplane noises as they would “fly” around the house. He gifted Hikari some child-friendly comic books for you and Katsuki to read to her before. bed. Although she never fails to say that the best heroes are her mommy and daddy. She calls Sero her Uncle Spidey.  
—  Uncle Sharkie, Uncle Sparkie, Aunt Pinkie, and Uncle Spidey. The Holy Quaternity.
(One-shot starts below this!)
“AUNT MINA! UNCLE EIJIRO! UNCLE DENKI! UNCLE SEROOO!” Hikari rushes to the door as soon as she hears the doorbell ring, she jumps into Eijiro’s arms and the red-haired pro hero twirls her around. The rest of the Bakusquad forms a circle around her, and can’t help but look at her adoringly.
“How’s my little ball of sunshine!?” Mina squeezes Hikari’s cheekies, earning giggles from the little girl. “I’m fine Aunt Mina! I mished chu!” She begins to talk in a cute accent as she just can’t contain her excitement.
“Hikari-chan! Do you still remember our little handshake?” Sero kneels down to the little girl’s height, offering her his hand. The little girl nods, shakes it and their thumbs twiddle together, as if they were thumb wrestling. They do a few more quirky hand shakes and then end it with a bang by saying “BOOM!” Sparks suddenly fly out from Hikari’s hands, her aunt and uncles coo since noticing how much her quirk has developed ever since they started babysitting.
“Okay you two!” Mina turns to you and Katsuki, as she had noticed you had some distinct luggage packed for a quick hot spring getaway, she practically pushes the two of you out of the door when Katsuki stops in his tracks, turning to his friends.
He glares at them and points his fingers to his eyes in a “I’m watching you” type of gesture. “Not one single scratch on her or all of you are dead to me.”
Kaminari laughs, patting his friend on the back, “We gotchu buddy. Your little ball of sunshine is safe in our hands. She’ll have the best time with us!”
Hikari quickly runs to you and Katsuki, giving you both a tight hug. “We love you Hikari. We’ll just be gone for two days oki? Your uncles and your aunt here will keep you safe this weekend alright? We love you!” You peck her lightly on the cheek, a pout forming on your daughter’s face.
“I’ll miss you Mommy. Daddy.” She doesn’t let go, hugging the two of you even tighter. “I loaf you! See you soon!”
“Be a good girl okay Hikari?” Katsuki kneels down to meet his daughter’s eyes, orbs that were as passionate as his, planting a kiss on her forehead. “We’ll miss you kiddo.”
You could hear Kaminari and Sero silently snicker in the background since they still can’t wrap their head around the fact that their friend could become so soft when in front of his child as opposed to his usual rough demeanor he shows to everyone else.
Katsuki wraps his arm around your waist, holding you tightly, with you dragging along the luggage that the two of you were going to bring on this trip. You bid your final goodbyes with ease and relief, knowing that your daughter will be in “safe hands” the entire weekend.
“We’re going to have so much fun!” Mina squeezes Hikari and the rest of the  Bakusquad into a hug. “What do you want to do first Hikari-chan?”
“Oh! Um! I don’t know if I should ask this b-but..” The blonde little girl hides her hands in her pockets, her feet tapping the floor. “I actually want to know how Mommy and Daddy met! Not the marry or the lovey thing! Just how they met and fell in love!”
“Hikari-chan!! You’re so cuteeeeeeee!” Kaminari begins to weep crocodile tears, pulling Hikari into another hug. “If that’s what you want to do for today, then we’ll gladly tell the story of how your mom and dad met!”
The Bakusquad formed and sat in a circle on the floor. Hikari was sitting on Mina’s lap as the latter braided her hair into what was called a Fishtail braid. Kirishima, with the help of Sato, baked some chocolate chip cookies a few days ago for all of them to snack on while they babysit Hikari.
Sero clears his voice and begins the story. “Your mom and your dad met each other in High School. Along with all of us and your Uncle Izuku, Uncle Tenya, Uncle Shoto, Aunt Ochaco, Aunt Tsuyu-” He continues to recall the names of all the other people Hikari know and love. “They were total opposites actually.”
“O-opposithes?” Hikari tilts her head, a puzzled look on her face as she tries to process what her Uncle Sero had just said. “D-does that mean that Daddy didn’t like Mommy?”
“It’s not like that Hikari-chan. Don’t worry.” Kirishima saves Sero from making the little girl misinterpret what he had just said, nudging his raven-haired friend in the arm. “It’s just that your dad was hot-headed and angry all the time, but he fell in love with your mom because she was sweet, patient and understanding!” Kirishima reiterates, a soft look on his face, looking back on the sweet sentimental memories of high school. “They were perfect for each other!”
“Oh! So daddy was angy all the time? Since mommy is really nice she told Daddy to be nice and they fell in love!?”
Mina giggles, continuing to style Hikari’s hair. “Yes Hikari-chan. That’s exactly what happened! You’re so good!”
“I am!?” Yay!” She claps her hands together, a wide smile present on her face, she was becoming more and more intrigued. “Tell me more please!”
“Well...” Kaminari continued where Kirishima had left off, “Your mom and dad got closer because they got teamed up to fight our pro hero teacher for our exam! They fought and they had a hard time talking to each other but they passed the exam in the end! It was hard at first. Your dad kept on telling us that he didn’t like your mom in a lovey way but we kept on pushing him until he accidentally said that he liked her! Your mommy heard what he said and then she told him that she liked him too!”
“F-fight? I thought Daddy only fights bad guys...” Her voice begins to crack as if she was about to cry. The Bakusquad were about to speak up and explain but failed to because as soon as Mina was done braiding her hair, Hikari immediately stands up and bows politely to the four adults. “I’m going to play with Mr. Rilakkuma for a while. See you later!” She grabs a cookie from the plate and rushes into her room, locking the door behind her.
“See you later Hikari-chan!” Kaminari waves cluelessly, not realizing what he had just said that prompted Hikari to leave the room in the first place. Mina stands up on her knees, shooting him a glare and flicking his forehead, “Did you not realize what you just did!?”
“Ahh what did I do!?” He rubs the spot on his forehead that Mina had just hit, and looks at his two other friends for a clue as to why they were ganging up with him.
“I guess Chargedolt will always be Chargedolt.” Sero shrugs, shaking his head in disappointment.. “Hikari misinterpreted what you said. She thinks that Bakubro used to fight (Y/N) like she’s a villain or something back when we were in High School.”
“Guys. Guys. There’s nothing we can do about it. Both of you slipped, so let’s give Hikari-chan some space first then talk to her later.” Kirishima cuts Kaminari off before he and Sero would start an argument,  which would prompt Hikari to further think more negative thoughts.
“(Y/N) said that Hikari-chan’s been liking Tonkotsu Ramen recently, so I think it’s best if all of us help out in cooking her favorite comfort food to cheer her up.” Mina sighs deeply, crossing her arms. She heads straight to the kitchen without uttering another word, the three other guys follow suit.
After several hours, it was finally night time and time for dinner! At the orders of Mina, Sero and Kaminari came to pick up Hikari from her room.
Sero knocked softly. “Hikari-chan? It’s time for dinner!”
“We cooked your favoriteee Tonkatsu Ramen!” Kaminari added in a playful voice.
No reply.
“Hikari-chan?” Sero knocks again, a bit louder this time. He then turns to Denki and whispers, “Maybe she’s asleep?”
Before the two men were to retreat and go back to the living room, the door to the little girl’s room was unlocked with a long click, as if there was hesitance..
Denki quickly turns the knob to be surprised at the sight of Hikari... packing her clothes into a cute backpack?
“Hikari-chan! W-what are you doing?” Kaminari runs to her, trying to stop her from folding her clothes.
“I’m going to go see Mommy and Daddy! I’ll go take a bus and find them!” She wipes the tears streaking down her cheeks, sniffing her nose while attempting to stuff her teddy bear inside her backpack. “Daddy took Mommy so that they’re going to fight aren’t they!? I don’t want that!”
“No no no no no Hikari. It’s not like that!” Kaminari wipes the little girl’s tears with a handkerchief, he gestures Sero to call Kirishima and Mina whilst he tries to comfort the girl. “Your dad took your mom out because today is their lovey anniversary! It wasn’t because they were going to fight!”
“Ah! Owkay!” Hikari suddenly raises her head, taking the handkerchief from Denki and wiping her tears.  “Can I visit Daddy and Mommy then!?”
“O-oh well...”
“Of course we can go Hikari-chan!” Kirishima barges in, Sero and Mina close behind him. “Let’s surprise them!”
“Yay! Surprising them! I love surprises!” The little girl jumps up and down in her place. “What time do we go!? What time do we goooo!?”
“After dinner you little cutie.” Mina smiles at the younger Bakugo’s sudden shift in mood. “We cooked your favorite Tonkotsu Ramen!”
“AH! TONKOTSU RAMEN TONKOTSU RAMEN!” Hikari wiggles her arms, slightly pushing the adults out of the way and runs out of her room, Sero catches up to her, only to find her sitting properly on the dining table. “I’m ready to eat now! Just waiting for all of you!” She shouts from outside.
“She’s absolutely fricking adorable.” Kaminari remarks. “But Kiri.. are you serious? We’re actually going all the way to a prefecture and bring her to her parents? Isn’t our job supposed to be keeping her here while they rest and relax in the onsen?”
“W-well... It’s not like we can do anything about it right?” Eijiro shrugs off Denki’s concern, holding on to a stress ball that Hikari had in her room. “She’ll be moping around and going back to overthinking about what her parents are doing right now. We’ll take her there and besides, once we do get there, (Y/N) and Bakugo already had a day’s worth of rest. And I think it’s time for us to take Hikari on a road trip and have fun with her!”
“Uncle Eijiro.. Aunt Mina... Uncle Denki... what’s taking you so long?” Hikari yawns and rubs her eyes, still holding on to her chopsticks. “The ramen is going to get cold...”
“Oh no! It is!?” Mina reacts quickly, taking Hikari’s hand and leading her to the table. “Let’s get there before Elsa makes it even colder!”
“NOOOOOO!! Elsa’s going to do that!? Whyyyyyy!?”
“Let’s just hope that this isn’t a repeat of what happened when we took her to the community pool.” Kaminari shakes his head, recalling the past event. “Bakugo almost killed us if it weren’t for (Y/N).”
“I don’t think it will. Besides, Sero and Mina will be with us, so the more the merrier!”
Oh and the merrier it was.
“HAKUNA MATATA! WHAT A WONDERFUL PHRASE!” Bakusquad along with Hikari, sing in unison. Bopping along to the iconic song from Lion King.
“IT MEANS NO WORRIES! FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!” Hikari belts out, the others clapping along to her singing, doing their best to hype her up
Kirishima was singing Timone’s lines, Kaminari was singing Pumba’s, Sero and Mina were the background vocals and and Hikari was singing Simba’s lines.
It was 6 am in the morning and they were finally on the road and on the way to a Hot Springs Resort in Chiba Prefecture, where you and Bakugo were staying in for the weekend.
Kirishima was driving the SUV that he immediately bought when he got his first Pro Hero paycheck, Denki was riding shotgun, and Hikari was seated at the middle squeezed in by both Mina and Sero.
Disney Songs were set to be played for the entire morning to tire out Hikari and so that she can sleep peacefully and rid Bakusquad of the slight annoyance they will receive when she asks “Are we there yet?” every 2 minutes.
Denki had unfortunately messed up the spotify playlist that Jiro had given him, and the piano opening of A Thousand Miles begins to play.
“OMG IT’S OUR SQUAD SONG!” Mina’s eyes lit up as soon as the well-known piano keys blared out from the speakers. “MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN, WALKING FAST, FACES PASS AND I’M HOMEBOUND!”
The iconic part before the chorus begins to play and the boys sing along, “AND I NEED YOU! AND I MISS YOUUU!” They shake their shoulders to the beat, and Hikari giggles along.
“CAUSE YOU KNOW I’D WALK A THOUSAND MILES IF I CAN JUST SEE YOU TONIGHTTTTT.” Bakusquad sings dramatically in unison, raising their hands up high and just vibing to the beat.
“Hikari-chan! You should totally hear your dad sing this! He loves this song!” Mina turns to the little girl who continued to laugh at how chaotic her aunt and uncles were being. “Really!? I want to learn it then so that Mommy and Daddy would know that I can be a singer too!”
The song ends and yet everyone else was still vibing. After the current song, the hype and the energy has died down and Hikari is fast asleep on Mina’s lap and her feet were lying on a pillow that was placed on Sero’s lap.
“She really is a spitting image of both (Y/N) and Bakugo. They’re really great parents.” said Sero, who wanted to break the silence and keep the atmosphere lively.
“My mind is still shook over the fact that Bakubro would turn so soft every time he’s in the same room as his daughter. It’s a complete 180 on his personality, and I really wanna tease him about it when we finally get the chance.” Kaminari interjects. “Do you think Bakugo would get mad when we arrive there?”
“Trust me on this guys.” Kirishima says casually, stepping on the gas pedal, as they go up the highway. “Bakugo won’t. In fact, I think both he and (Y/N) would be delighted to see their daughter travel for 180 miles just because of a misunderstanding.”
“Suki-kun... do you think I should call up Mina to ask how Hikari’s doing?” You reach for your phone on the bedside table. “It’s 6 AM maybe Hikari forgot to drink her gummmy vitamins-”
“She’s going to be fine.” Katsuki murmurs in his bedhead voice, turning to your side of the bed to spoon you and nestle his head on your neck. “I trust Kirishima and the others.”
“This is surprising. You’re very casual about this now. What happened to your skepticism? Weren’t you too worried about how they were going to babysit Hikari after the pool incident?”
“To hell with that. If Hikari loves them, and they love her back just as much, might as well just roll with it. They’re my friends anyway and it’s better than Ilda scolding her for eating 4 M&Ms at 9 in the evening.”
You chuckle, holding his hands that were wrapped around your waist. “That’s harsh but you got a point. Although Hikari loves my friends and yours equally, they do think of Hikari as a little Bakugo so, they’re able to connect with her more.”
“What time do the private mixed gender hot springs open up again?” He grumbles suggestively and you giggle. “They open at 9 am. Should I reserve that time slot?”
“You should.” He growls but before you could even reply, he falls back to sleep.
“WE’RE HERE!” Kirishima announces, waking Kaminari, Mina and Sero up from their sleep.
“W-what if this isn’t the right onsen?” Denki yawns, looking around to take in the view.
“I asked (Y/N) last night where they were staying. This is the place! She even gave me their room number for some reason.” Mina stretches her arms then pats Hikari on the forehead lightly. “Hikari we’re here...”
The little girl slowly opens her eyes, sitting up, then looks out the window.
“HOT SPRINGS! ONSEN!” She hastily tidies up her backpack and gets down the car as soon as Sero opens the door.
“Hikari-chan! Wait for us first!” Sero runs after her, making sure she doesn’t get too far.
“It’s 9 AM... I wonder if those two lovebirds are awake already.” Kaminari looks at the watch on his wrist, as he brings down their stuff from the trunk of the car.
“I looked this place up last night. It’s a family friendly hot springs resort, but it’s famed for it’s private mixed gender onsen. I wonder why though...” Mina mused, helping Denki out with bringing their stuff down.
Kirishima gets out of the car and bobs his head up as soon as he heard what Mina had said. He looks at Kaminari trying to tell him something through his stare. The mustard-haired man’s eyes widened when he realized why Kirishima was looking at him, then he turns to Mina who finally realizes what the mixed gender onsen meant.
They enter the beautiful and lush resort, spotting Sero and Hikari who were sitting near the reception area, waiting for their reservation and for the rooms to be confirmed.
“Can’t believe we had to pay double the price for a standard room.” Kaminari pouts, whispering to Kirishima as the red-haired man hands him over the credit cards of each of his friends and then he hands it over to the concierge. He notices how excited Hikari looked and couldn’t help but smile.
As soon as the reservation was confirmed, Bakusquad and Hikari were able to check in immediately. Mina takes Hikari to her room while the three other boys were sharing their room with each other.
“Hikari before you can surprise your parents, you have to wear this Yukata first okay?” Mina helps fasten the bath robe on Hikari, but the little girl can’t help but be energetic and start dancing in her place. “Have you memorized the A Thousand Miles chorus already to sing to your mommy and daddy?”
“I have!”
Mina takes Hikari outside, the other boys were already out too and were wearing their bath robes.
“I saw (Y/N) enter this onsen. Maybe that’s where she and Bakugo are in? Should we take Hikari there?” Kaminari asks his three other friends, sipping on a fruit-flavored ramune, and handing one to Hikari.
“Yes please! I want to see Mommy and Daddy as soon as possible and then surprise them!” She sips on her ramune, looking at her aunt and uncles pleadingly, begging them to bring her there.
“I could have sworn I heard Kaminari-kun’s voice outside.” You tell Katsuki, closing the screen door to the open air bath. You were holding a plate full of sliced Watermelon. Your robe was still on and you wanted to eat something first before getting in.
“Tch. Probably just your imagination.” Bakugo breathes a sigh of relief, slipping in further in the hot water. “I could get used to something like this every month.”
“Oh really?” You raise your eyebrow, and lick your lips. “Could you get used to-”
“If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass us ByYYY?”
You jolt up at the sweet and all too familiar voice that was echoing from the outside. Before you could even react properly, someone knocks on the door to reveal...
“Mommy! Daddy!”
She jumps to you and pulls you into a tight hug. “I missed you so much! I thought you and Daddy were fighting that’s why you left!”
“Fighting!?” You look back and forth to Bakusquad then to your daughter. “Of course not! Why would we-”
“Uncle Sewo and Uncle Denki told me that you guys would always fight when you were in school! That’s why I thought that-”
“They did... what?” Bakugo’s tone becomes slightly irritated at the mention of Kaminari and Hanta’s name. The Bakusquad were about to face death and the consequences until...
“Oh! But! They also taught me a song today! It’s called A Thousand Miles! They said it was Daddy’s favorite!” She then turns to her father with such admiration in her eyes as she begins to sing the chorus. “Cause you know I’d walk a thousand miles just to see youuu~”
“Nice one sunshine. Did you learn that for me?” He gestures Hikari to approach him, ruffling her hair as she kneels down to peck him on the cheek. “I did!”
“It’s your favorite song! So, I also traveled a thousand miles to see you and Mommy!”
“Not necessarily a thousand miles, dear. But you’re close enough! You still traveled to see us! Yay!” You clap at the genius remark your daughter had made. You turn to the Bakusquad, nodding your head at them and smile. “Thank you for taking care of Hikari and bringing her here just because she wanted to. We’ll see you later at lunch?”
“Of course! Of course!” Mina waves goodbye, a tired but loving smile formed on her face. “We had a fun time with Hikari and we just couldn’t help but bring her here. But, you have Kiri to thank for all of this though!”
“No, I shouldn’t get all of the credit. This is a Bakusquad group effort, if Kaminari and Sero didn’t slip and if Hikari didn’t misunderstand their words, then we wouldn’t be here in the first place.” Kirishima cuts Mina off in a respectful way. He claps his hands together and pulls your other friends out of the room. “See ya guys later!”
“Thanks guys.” Bakugo nods generously to his friends. It was something he didn’t always do, but when he does, well, it’s worth seeing.
“Bye Uncle Sharkie, Aunt Pinkie, Uncle Sparkie and Uncle Spidey!” Hikari waves goodbye jovially, not realizing that she just called them the affectionate nicknames that she’s too embarrassed to say in front of them.
The four laugh at the little girl’s slip-up and they leave the hot springs in good spirits.
After that wonderful weekend, you explained to Hikari about why you’re taking a rest every month in the first place. She didn’t quite get the concept at first but after a little bit more of explaining, she came up with the idea that the two of you get four rest days in a month. One weekend just for you and Katsuki then the other weekend is for the three of you and if any of the Bakusquad or Dekusquad would want to come along.
It was the perfect agreement and if Hikari was going to grow up in an environment where she had the best aunts and uncles in the universe, then she’s going to grow up to be a great kid. Just like the adults in her life once were.
The End.
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arrowflier · 3 years
serotonin boost prompt whenever you find the time: gallavich date with secret smiles, sweet kisses and the handholding we all deserve ❤️❤️
"We're gonna miss it, Mickey," Ian says for at least the third time, eyes on the ever-ticking clock over their fireplace.  Mickey, kneeling on the floor in front of the worn sofa they had grabbed off a curb when they found out they had to get their own, just shrugs.  He picks out a bright red crayon to pass to Franny, who's laying on her stomach next to him scribbling on the back of an ad for the local co-op.
"Calm down, man," he tells Ian.  "She'll be here soon, can't do anything about a late train."
Ian sighs, leaning forward and rubbing his eyes.  "Since when do you stand up for Debbie?"
Mickey eyes him warily from the floor.  "Since it's not her fault," he answers, then asks, "Why you so worked up about it, anyway?  It's not a big deal."
He sounds honestly confused, and it only makes Ian more upset.  This was supposed to be their night.  Their one night, all week, to just do something nice together.  And Debbie had to come to them for last-minute babysitting while she went to an interview, then had to be late enough getting back to send all Ian's plans circling the drain.
He doesn't say any of that to Mickey.  "It's nothing," he mumbles instead, knowing it sounds unconvincing but not really caring at the moment.
Sure enough, Mickey's eyes narrow and he opens his mouth to reply, but gets interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Mommy!" Franny cries, jumping off the floor to race to the apartment door.  Mickey is slower to rise, grumbling about getting too old for sitting on the floor; if Ian we're in a better mood, he'd tease him for being perfectly fine with lying on it the other night.  Ian stays put, leaving Mickey to follow their niece with a concerned glance back at him.
Ian listens to Mickey opening the door, reminding Franny to let him do it, and greeting Debbie.  He knows if he followed, he'd say something about her tardiness, so he lets Mickey make his excuses and wave the two of them off.
He braces himself when he hears the door click closed again, and Mickey's footsteps come back around into the living room.
Mickey doesn't say anything about his sour mood.
"Kay, you ready?" he asks instead, grabbing his wallet from the crate temporarily serving as a coffee table.
Ian laughs humorlessly.
"I was ready an hour ago," he points out dryly.  "But we missed our reservation already, Mick, we're not going anywhere now."
Mickey frowns at him.  "Nah, fuck that, man," he says.  "This is our night, right?" he asks, and Ian would be lying if he said that didn't warm him up a little, hearing Mickey call it that.
"Yeah," he agrees, and Mickey nods decisively.
"Let's go then," he orders, gesturing to the door.  "I ain't givin' up on tonight that easy."
Ian can't help but grin, even as he asks, "go where?"
Mickey smirks, and slaps Ian on the ass when he gets up and walks past him.  Ian starts, twisting to look at him with wide eyes, and Mickey waggled his eyebrows just to make Ian laugh.
"You let me worry about that, tough guy."
They end up outside the restaurant they had picked out together, some weird new mexican fusion place that advertised world-class margaritas.  Mickey had gotten fond of the drink back in Mexico, and Ian figured it was something they could enjoy together.
"Mickey," he says as they get closer, " it took us two weeks to get in here, there's no way they held our table."
Mickey shakes his head.  "Gallagher, I'm disappointed in you," he says as he leads Ian to the door.  "Ain't conning you way into places your family's shtick?"
Ian just looks at him, brow furrowed, and Mickey rolls his eyes.
"Just hang back a sec, til I wave you over, alright?" he demands.  "Watch and fuckin' learn."
And he's off, through the crowd at the entrance and straight up to the podium at the front.  Ian can't hear what he says, but there are some wild gestures and hushed but tense words exchanged.  At one point, Mickey gets out his phone and taps at it impatiently, pretending to wait for a response before waving it in the host's face.
That bit seems to do the trick, and Ian is waved over, picking his way through the other waiting groups without looking any if them in the face.
When he gets to the front, Mickey is saying, " and you're lucky he didn't have to hear any of that 'overbooked' bullshit, he'd have your fuckin' job for that," before taking off into the restaurant with Ian trailing behind.
He stops at a booth toward the back, and gestures Ian in first, sliding into the bench on the other side.
"What did you do?" Ian hisses lowly, leaning across the table toward him.
Mickey grins, and taps their feet together, catching one of Ian's and drawing it back to his side. 
"Told 'em you were Ed Sheeran," he jokes.  He reaches under the table to grab Ian's leg, pulling his foot up to rest on Mickey's lap.  Ian has to lean back to make it comfortable, but the stroke of Mickey's thumb against the bone of his ankle is worth it.
"You did not," Ian pokes, but Mickey shrugs.
"Does it matter?" he asks quietly as a waiter approaches.  Ian pulls his leg back, aware of how they must look, but takes Mickey's hand over the table instead.
"Guess not," he accepts, squeezing Mickey's fingers and feeling the metal of his ring.  "Thanks," he adds, and Mickey's smile turns soft.
"Anytime," he murmurs, then grabs the menu to give his order.
"That was amazing," Ian groans an hour later, a stack of empty plates between them.  Mickey hums his agreement, taking a final bite of fried ice cream dessert before tossing his spoon down with a clatter.
"Fuck yeah it was," he says with a burp that has the couple at the nearest table eying them with distaste.  "Except the margaritas," he adds with a scowl, taking a long drag from the bottled beer they had quickly switched to.  "Too fuckin' sweet."
"Thought you liked 'em sweet," Ian teases, leaning closer, and Mickey licks his lips.
"Nah," he says slowly, "that's just how I like my men."  He winks, and Ian flushes immediately.
"Oh my God," he manages to squeak out, hands flat on the table.  "You did not just say that." 
Mickey laughs, open and free, and grabs Ian's hand again without prompting.
"The drinks were shit, though," he muses.  "Now that I think of it, maybe I was just drinkin' straight tequila down south."
It's Ian's turn to laugh--"only you, Mick"--and they're both grinning like fools when he stops.
"Ready to get outta here, Red?" Mickey murmurs, tilting his head toward the end of the booth.
"Sure, Mick," Ian agrees easily, then let's go if his husband's hand to fumble for his wallet.  "Let me just..."
"Hey, no," Mickey interrupts.  "They gave away our reservation, man, we ain't payin' for shit."
"What--Mickey!" Ian whispers, but Mickey is already up and moving quickly toward the back, where he catches the door to the kitchen before it closes behind a surprised waiter and slips inside.
With a muffled groan, Ian takes off after him.
He almost makes it, but before the door shuts behind him, he hears the host yelling, "Hey, you can't go in there!"
"Shit, shit, shit," Ian mutters, faced with at least one sous-chef staring at him across the bustling kitchen.  Before he has time to panic, though, Mickey is back at his side, grabbing his arm and pulling.
"This way, dipshit!" he hisses as they wind through counters and racks and boxes toward the door to the back alley.  "Should've known you'd get caught," he pants, out of breath, "it's the fuckin' hair, man, too bright."
"You like my hair," Ian offers stupidly.  Mickey stops long enough to make sure Ian sees him roll his eyes, and grabs a folded tablecloth and a bottle of something fancy from next to the door before he shoves it open with a hip and pulls Ian out into the cool night air.
Ian looks back for pursuit, but the kitchen workers couldn't care less.  One of them even salutes him with a bread knife, lips twitching, until the door closes and breaks their line of sight.
They run for a few blocks anyway, until Mickey tugs him into a different alley to catch their breaths.
"That was some date night," Ian pants, hands on knees and a wide grin on his face.
"Night ain't over yet," Mickey disagrees.  He pushes off the brick wall he had leaned against, motions back to the street with the arm not holding what he pilfered from the restaurant kitchen.  "C'mon, man, we got somewhere to be."
Then he's off again, albeit at a more sedate pace, and Ian laughs again as he follows.  He catches up with a few long strides and grabs Mickey's hand, letting his husband lead him once again.
This time, they wander farther, only stopping when they come to a park with overly green grass and a neatly manicured baseball diamond.
It isn't their field, the one with the dugout they used to frequent; that field is back Southside, and they haven't walked that far.  But it's close, and Ian's heart pounds as Mickey leads him around the open fencing and toward the outfield.
They stop at the greenest point, and Mickey releases Ian's hand to throw down his stolen tablecloth, kicking the edges until it's more or less flat and open.  He plops down immediately, just off center, and motions for Ian to do the same as he uses his pocket knife to uncork the stolen bottle of booze.
Ian sits as Mickey takes a swig of the mystery liqour, then accepts the bottle when he passes it over.
"This is nice," he says after a long sip of what turned out to be a moderately pleasant red.  "How did you know it was here?"
Mickey reaches for the bottle again, taking another swallow before he answered.  "Was helping Debs look at schools," he admits.  "For Franny, when she's older."
Ian doesn't press.  He loves how much Mickey dotes on their niece, but he knows talking about it makes him uncomfortable still, their own future hanging over them.
He lays down instead, and looks up. The stars are out, glittering above them in patterns he doesn't understand, but thinks must mean something good.
"Thanks for tonight," he says softly to the sky.
The tablecloth rustles as Mickey leans on his elbows next to him.
"Anytime," he replies. He looks down at Ian, and turns on his side so he can brush red hair back from his face.
"Gonna tell me why you were so upset, earlier?" he questions, voice light but serious. "Not like you to freak out like that."
Ian nuzzles into the hand on his face, and closes his eyes. "Just wanted to do something for you," he admits. "You were so excited about finding that place. And you're always doing stuff like that for me."
His eyes flutter open again, fixing on Mickey's face. "Figures the first time I try, everything goes wrong and you have to take over again."
Mickey doesn't respond right away. He watches him, thumb stroking his cheekbone, hand curling around behind his ear.
When he does speak, it's quiet. "I like doin' that shit for you, Ian," he says. "Makes me...happy. To see you smilin'."
Ian's lips stretch into a gentle curve, and Mickey returns it. "Yeah," he whispers, leaning down until their noses brush. "Like that," he finishes, the words lost against Ian's lips as they kiss.
Ian doesn't know how long they stay there, laying on that thin piece of fabric over the grass, making out under the stars. He doesn't care. Because it's Mickey. And despite everything that went wrong tonight, being there with Mickey was perfect.
They're eventually interuppted by what feels like rain, but turns out a second later to be the timed sprinkler system switching on. Mickey yelps into his mouth at the cold water as they break apart, scrambling to dash across the field and to the relative safety of the sidewalk. They leave the tablecloth where it is, a sad heap if fabric wet with water and remainder of their overturned bottle of red wine, and fall against each other as they turn to head toward home.
"Still wanna thank me?" Mickey jokes on the way, teeth chattering as his skin dries.
"Yeah, I do," Ian says, nudging him with a hip before pulling him back, wrapping a long warm arm around his shoulders.
"Tonight was perfect."
And if they stop again to kiss against under the L on their way, Mickey's back pressed to the support and legs hugging Ian's waist, well. It is still their night, after all.
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jiminrings · 3 years
umm maybe this is me projecting bc i am messaging you during my break but for a drabble request, yoongi in a retail setting???? 😐😐😐😐 oc could either be a co-worker or a regular customer who asks too many questions 😔😌
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retail-type beat
drabble week: day three
drabble week masterlist
pairing: customer!yoongi x retail worker!reader
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: "hi! almost thought you were hiding from me for a second. anyways, is this sweater wool or cotton?"
feedback + support mean the world to me!!
the last time you checked, work doesn’t start until nine
you kNEW it doesn’t start until 9 in the morning, so clearly that’s why you’re just wearing slides instead of your sneakers
the company uniform is either black or purple (it has to be from what the store is selling though so you can get to choose) with of course!!!! a lanyard!!!!
and you know this, because you’re still wearing your slides from home because it isn’t opening time yet
“goddamn it, i forgot to bring my slippers,” jin moans the moment he walks to see you, looking down on your feet that only reminds him he’d be stuck in his cool yet painfully uncomfy sneakers
he’s probably the only co-worker that you’re truly close with, not feeling the urge to sell him just to get a free day
“i told you to get the sneakers that nurses use!!”
hands-down one of the best purchases you’ve ever made
retail’s hard and it’s not exactly the best-paying job!!! thankfully the franchise owner is a bit more generous so that’s why you get slightly-higher hourly pay
“i would if they looked a little more seasoned,” jin snorts and stubbornly crosses his arms, “i might sacrifice my pride and buy some compression socks.”
makes you feel like ur walking on air
but lol no seokjin isn’t ready to buy those just yet
he’ll settle on some blisters and putting salonpas patches because they look cooler that way, thank u very much <3
jin yawns, talking about finding a steam iron somewhere to replace a blowdryer so he could break in his shoes
“you wipe the glass this time.”
oh right he absolutely hates wiping down the glass — even before opening!!! even when there aren’t any grubby kids that would soil it instantly with their equally as grubby hands
you don’t mind it honestly
you might honestly like it
you prefer wiping the glass a hundred times over than steaming clothes
there is nOT a single thought in your head when you spray on the solution to the glass, rag and squeegee tucked between your fingers when-
maybe you should’ve hOLY FUCKING SHIT
it’s not opening!!!! it is nOT nine o’clock in the morning!!!!
you know that the shop you’re working in is pretty fucking famous and it’s located on one of the most populated streets ever BUT THERE’S ALREADY SOMEONE
although the bucket hat seems familiar from a distance and-
oh it’s just yoongi
yoongi’s already here????
yoongi, the guy in question, is an always customer!!
no, not a regular customer — an always customer
he comes every week and maybe even twice within that period
he’s a nice talkative customer who likes asking questions and even occasionally guides the other customers on what to buy and where to find it
he’s yoongi!!! of course that’s expected of him
he’s been going here long since you ever started working here, and jin keeps iNSISTING that he’s been here more frequently since you started like a year ago
but doesn’t he come at eleven in the morning?
“woah, yoongi’s already here? — doesn’t he come at eleven in the morning?”
“i was just thinking the exact same thing.”
jin bangs the glass with his fist and you automatically wince and frown
you dO like cleaning the glass panes!! you didn’t say you liked cleaning them a second time :(
you push jin’s fist away to wipe at the smudge his hand left
“I KNOW!!”
wow they’re uh
they’re really loud
sometimes you forget how seokjin could be since it’s been awhile since you heard him yell
lol no one’s been shoplifting recently so you haven’t been hearing him
a mind-blowing idea is for jin to come outside and talk to him in a normal talking voice, so your ears would stop ringing
namjoon, who technically should be called mr. kim because no one really thinks to call the franchise owner with their government first name, is actually pretty cool
but he's too busy these days and haven't been visiting because he's too busy tending to his newly-opened coffee shop
as if the money he earns from opening his franchise in a day alone isn’t enough :0
you’re the one who hikes up the roll-up door in the slightest, enough for only yoongi to enter and not encourage anyone else to nOT enter when it’s still not opening time!!!!
he only has to crouch a little but he still has to dust his thousand-dollar pants as if he crawled through mud
his cream-colored slacks with a large black hoodie that has a giant bear embroidered on the middle of it and mules
... you don't hate his outfits
pretty cute, actually
it's yoongi!!
you'd never catch him lacking!!!
you don't even have to envision him rocking the shit out a paper bag
one time, he came in the store wearing the WRINKLIEST brown linen jumpsuit that no iron could possibly fix and he still pulled it off
oh god that’s the sound of the intercom
and the sound of the intercom equates to jungkook
... as in jeon jungkook who’s the floor manager and his constant top one goal for every month is to endearingly annoy seokjin
he’s young and mischievous!! but if you were to ask him, only you and jungkook are the people in this floor he’d actually get drinks with outside the shop
“seokjin come to the lingerie department right now, please.”
you see the thing is :D
“now this is just funny
there’s walkie-talkies for everyone here!! jungkook likes intercoms, and seokjin like yelling!!
“there’s a literal rat and i need yOU to catch it!! you know that i hate rodents!!”
him and jungkook are forever gonna be on this eldest-youngest brother dynamic and while jungkook pouts and shared the extras that he gets, jin is the one who kills the bugs :D
10/10 totally fair
fine then!! he’ll catch that goddamn rat
that leaves you and yoongi. alone.
“why did you come so early this time?”
you ask out of courtesy, genuinely baffled too because you know that yoongi’s a creature of habit
yoongi’s eyes pop out, head fervently shaking no
“i’m typically not the type to do that, no.”
is he-
are you-
are you both talking about the same thing
yoongi’s face flushes in embarrassment, his mind just then registering what you were actually saying
“o-oh! it’s because last night, i dreamt of the sweater i saw here last week!!"
oh right
typical :D
"need me to find it for you or do you already know the aisle?"
you align the folded shirts by the corners as you pass, looking at yoongi briefly while he trails behind yoh
“not unless you pulled it out already."
he's hoping that dear god you haven't
the black sweater with the moon aND buildings on it and when you turn on the flash, the windows of said building reflect it right back???
he SHUDDERS just by thinking about it
it’s gonna go with everything!!! an instant boost of serotonin every time he sees it
"for you, yoongi?" you shake your head, a small smile on your face that he only sees every once in a while, "i'd comb through the entire stock room."
that’s sweet :((
“i’ll hold you to that.”
you know what??? you're less cranky when it's only him, and a couple of hundred people less
your smiles aren't for customer-service and you don't have misplaced clothes hanging from your shoulders and your walkie-talkie isn't talking in latin
or when no one’s asking you to reach something from the top shelf
or when you’re on the way to the intercom because a kid got separated from their mother
or when someone’s approaching for a refund for a shirt who has a stain that’s 100% no doubt customer error
his feet immediately move on its own because he’s memorized the outline of this too many times
there it is!!!
the sweater he’s dreamt about is already on his hands, only a handful few left
the piece is considerably more expensive than majority of the items here, so that’s why they’re all spaced-out instead of being clustered altogether
yoongi rarely goes to the dressing room, regardless if it's a full-house or not!!
he could just look at an item and immediately tell that it’s made for him ta know
he's beyond sure that this sweater fits him perfectly, but he may want to be here a little longer
yoongi may have say inside one of the fitting rooms and spent a little time in it just to sit on the chair inside, not fitting the sweater at all
he's gotten his item SO quick and he wished he could've just walked slower or pretended to not know where it was!!!
he wants to spend a little more time here
you don't hate yoongi!!! but sometimes he could just be... yoongi
he's quite talkative and strikes it whenever, making you unguarded
he could be overbearing but like an overbearing kind of nice
yoongi’s nice!! he’s the type to ask a lot of questions sure, but he’s also the type that would point the other customers what to buy and where to find it
he’s the type to find an obvious faulty stitch on a shirt, but he’d just quietly exchange it instead of asking for the manager
he’s the type you wouldn’t want to stand behind in line because it would take a long time for him to finish, but he’s also the same one who buys giftcards with generous amounts for family and friends
yoongi’s kind of cool and that’s cemented on your mind
"what do you got for me?"
he materializes out of nowhere, spooked because you thought he already ringed up and was out of the store already
it just happens to be ten minutes before opening and you’re doing last-minute arrangements on a new spread
well, yoongi most certainly is still here and his attention’s piqued
“we have... a new collection."
you clear your theory, awkwardly gesturing because you’re more than aware that yoongi hasn’t seen this either
“yeah, i know that. but like, what's going on??" he gestures to the displays and racks, squinting his eyes, "what's the theme? what's the material?"
uhm you haven't read the brief about this
you aren't even sURE if there is one!!
doesn't everyone make up something on the spot in retail
or atleast that’s what seokjin tells you
“the theme," you clear your throat, scratching your temple before gesturing towards the full rack, "is everything."
yoongi’s eyebrow is raised, not expecting that answer at all
you look back to the new feature, and nOW that you think about it,, there's no cohesion at all
“y-yes. the shop was going for the theme of uhm, everything... all at once — yeah, that's it. everything all at once."
it’s a nice way to put it when not one bit of the new collection goes together
“hmmmm. i like it,” yoongi nods solemnly and tilts his head, “and the material?"
"the material?"
you repeat, eyesight not the best so you can’t really tell anything off the bat or uh aNYTHING really
"t-the material is shirt."
they're all shirts!!! that’s it
yoongi grimaces in disgust, the first time you’ve seen of it
“what?? you can't say that.”
he outsretches his hand to the nearest article, holding it up by the hanger
"this, right here, is satin. see how it shines like silk, but doesn't feel like silk?"
uhm yes
you have a gist of what he’s saying but yes
yoongi picks up a pink button shirt this time, flipping it inside out
"this, is silk charmeuse. look at the inside, is it smooth?"
okay where is he going with this
he urges you to put your hand on the fabric and uhhh you didn't sign up for this???
it looks smooth, sure!! end of discussion
“it's not. it's rough. it is smooth, but it's dull. silk charmeuse is still silk, but the backing it has is different from the lustrous part."
okay yoongi
you’re starting to feel uncomfortable and it has to do something with the tone he’s using on you
“can't believe you didn't know that!! how about this," he plucks out a shirt with a tiny print at the middle of it, "cotton or polyester and rayon?"
"i don't-"
there’s an itch in your neck that you want to scratch, a tell-tale sign that you just wANT to remove yourself from this situation
“come on!! it's a dead giveaway!!"
why is he being like this?
“y/n, panty section please. jin almost got bit by a mouse and he needs comforting. two minutes until opening, people!!"
jungkook speaks at the right moment, and jin’s little incident is enough of a reason for you to bolt
yoongi's still looking at you but you can't afford to embarrass yourself further
“bye. happy shopping."
yoongi’s face falls when you leave as cold as that!! typically when you were going to show him out (when it’s regular shop hours), there’d be a smile :((
there's not even a customer service smile :(((
yoongi goes to the only cashier that's open so far and it happens to be far away from you and a teary seokjin
seokjin's fine he didn't even get bit!! that much he could say
but are you okay? uhhh you kinda went cold on him by the end and he thought he started on a good note
yoongi doesn't visit for another week and you don't find yourself counting the days until you meet him again
you did not have a devil wears prada moment where anne hathaway has an epiphany for fashion knowledge
you just felt belittled at a job that isn’t exactly what you wanted anyways
needed, yes. but wanted? not exactly
you know that basic knowledge about clothes is required in a retail job like this and you have it!! you do!!!!
you’d know more if only there were actual available resources for employees to know!!! nobody besides yoongi asks anyways
you’d know if you have time to yourself and aren’t working two jobs trying to make ends meet and tHEN you could pull up a book or something!!!
you’d know if your life is as lax as yoongi’s and could have the budget to buy new things for yourself every single week
“jin, i need to ask you something.”
he hums as called, looking at you briefly until you get on with it
“do you know the difference between silk and silk charmeuse?"
he shrugs casually while you're sitting inside one of the closed-off fitting rooms to catch a break, sharing a burger because the store’s packed-packed
why did you ask him? it’s too easy
“one's made by worms, and the other's a pokémon."
that,.,., could not possibly be righti* it brings you a laugh and you honestly don’t even try to correct him
it’s 11:15 and you kNOW it’s time to resume your shift, straightening your shirt because atleast one (1) person would hound you when they see a familiar red lanyard
oh you’re hounded alright
“hi! almost thought you were hiding from me for a second.”
you haven’t seen him for a week and you don’t know what to feel in all honesty
"anyways, is this sweater wool or cotton?"
you're quite speechless as he holds up the item
this thing all over again???
why are you even surprised
the only thing that yoongi gets your customer service smile, fishing your hand from inside the sweater to show him
“70% wool."
that's it???
you're mad at him, aren't you?
he knew it :((
he knew something was wrong but he just didn’t know what
he’s gonna fix this!! he will
which is why the very next day, he takes the day off from his work and comes to the store at a time he knows you’d surely be there
you're on cashier duty and you like it actually :D
you have an option to sit and the way you’re just gonna scan pricetags (and occasionally enter the code if it doesn’t work) is really appealing
“good morning!"
you’re about to grab the items from the basket laid on the counter and your eyes could only see the very familiar hand
the same one you’ve seen go through racks and racks
he sets his items one by one, buying himself more time
the first one is the same exact sweater he came to wait for before opening
“you already bought this."
you tell him even before you could hold it back, looking back at him briefly before you scan the tag
“i know. i just wanted to see you."
yoongi threw a bunch of other items (individually) so it would be a longer talk, but you scan each item quickly that he’s grabbing things from the counter
hand sanitizer!!! hair ties!!! keychains!!!! yeah he needs them
“i'm sorry that i tend to spring shit on you most of the time. you don't need to know the difference between silk and silk charmeuse."
you only chuckle then, a meek smile on your face
"it's okay, yoongi.”
“it's not."
... it’s not?
yoongi fidgets, opening and closing his mouth like he’s nervous!!! he’s never had his credit card cancelled but he could only feel that this type of jitterness is more than the former
“can i make it up to you? no lanyards, no baskets, no customer service?? i don't wanna fuck things up with you."
“don't feel obligated-"
“i know i could be a condescending ass who expects people to automatically know fabric and whatnot, but i wanna make it up to you."
alright yoongi’s a really good apology-maker
you mIGHT be even flustered a little
“you're holding the line, yoongi.”
“i cleared my schedule."
“i haven’t!!!!!” - guy in the back
“dinner at my place at 8. i-i promise to make your hard-earned break after your shift worthwhile!!!"
maybe that wouldn’t hurt
“okay. just because you're holding the line."
“fine by me."
yoongi transfers all the items he bought, all but one, to his tote bag
he hands back the paper bag to you, scribbling his address on the back of the receipt before he does
he lingers a little while at the counter, the people behind him ALREADY switching lanes to the one seokjin’s just opened beside you
it's the sweater that he has too
yoongi scratches the back of his head, this time being the meek one
“what? m-matching sweaters for our first date. s'cute."
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
omg stop i’m so glad you appreciate my hcs :,) i love writing them and sharing them w you makes my heart so happy!! thank you for taking the time to read them <3
more kuroo hcs for you 💌 :
whenever people ask when the two of you are gonna get married, he puts his hand in his pocket and turns to you saying “well this is awkward... i wasn’t planning on doing this now bu-“ and you know he’s joking just to make a scene but you both start laughing at his antics as he gets down on one knee and pulls out a breath mint PLEALSKE
he’d get incredibly happy and blushy if you tell him that he was in your dream bc even when you’re asleep, you’re thinking of him :,( he just feels so loved!!!
if you’re out and you’re feeling drained or tired, he’d place his hand on your head, smoothing your hair back as reassurance that once you get home, you’ll nap together
if you wear rings, he’ll gently take your hand in his and open your hand out so he can admire all the rings on your fingers. he’d lightly play with all of them and imagine sliding a huge diamond ring on your finger one day :(
if you guys are hanging out w his friends or coworkers and he starts to feel his social battery run out, he’ll lightly tap your hip or lower back twice as a silent “let’s go?” and he’d make up a random excuse to leave (although he’s an extrovert, i feel like being surrounded by a lot of people all the time is overwhelming to him). he truly appreciates how understanding you are bc of this :(
when you visit him at work, he’d let you sit in his nice comfy rolly chair and he’d sit in another chair and do his work bc he likes seeing you make yourself at home in his office! he’d do anything for you to be comfortable and happy (he’d even offer to bring you coffee just the way you like, not even bothering the interns to make coffee bc only he knows how you like it) omg would kuroo roll you around his office in the rolly chair when he gets bored? definitely.
he does so much for you so you feel happy, but what do you do for him that makes him feel like he’s on cloud 9? when you fix his tie for him, when you offer to do the dishes/chores even when it’s his turn, when you hug him first thing in the morning, when you text him randomly throughout the day or send him pictures of what you’re doing
when he first asked you to move in w him, he set up a separate bedroom for you in his apartment bc his parents used to sleep in different rooms sometimes when he was younger. they used to tell him that even married couples need space. although you two weren’t married (yet), he wanted to be considerate of your space. his heart beats incredibly fast when he hears you come into his room and slide under the warm blankets w him every night :) (sorry this is kinda sad omg i might have projected a teeny tiny bit 😩)
i feel like he makes really stupid purchases. like one summer, he bought a snow cone machine :// tetsu bub you can make that at home w the ice in your fridge :// but you let the man have fun w his gadgets bc of the shine in his eyes when he hands you a red snow cone (his favorite color looks extra pretty on your lips)
when you guys are watching a show together, he likes to share his thoughts and also hear yours. he’d pause once in a while to make up theories about what’s gonna happen and you guys get super excited when either of you are right, flailing your arms at eachother in excitement (pls it takes y’all 1 hour to watch a 25 min episode lmAODJDK)
it’s missing kuroo hours w lia and 🧸 anon :,)
- 🧸 anon
no, THANK YOU for taking the time to write these :' they give me an overwhelming amount of serotonin every time i read these 😫
AHHA THE PROPOSAL PLS him pulling out a breath mint lmaoo i'd love him for that, but also elbow him for making a scene :'
awww i need to dream of hi more :'( imagine it was a really weird dream though where he was floating in the air in purple pajamas
:((( he's so sweet and caring. the soft gestures are really making my heart melt here
RINGS well, looks like it's time for me to buy some 👀 (and yes, we would love a huge diamond ring on our left fourth finger :')
yes yes yes :((( his silent way of communicating with you is <33 kuroo would be so understanding of social batteries running out :'
YES BIG COMFY ROLLY CHAIRS !! the way he'll laugh when you get dizzy from spinning too much. him bring you special coffee :'(( OMG HIM PUSHING YOU AROUND <3
(and he'll plop himself on your lap and look around the room like "where'd y/n go??" :)
aww we'll make sure he stays on cloud 9 forever :'
OMG YES THE MOVE-IN PART he's too considerate >:(( and the way you'll take turns sleeping in each other's beds together!
not married....yet 👀
AHAHAHA a snow cone machine is not a dumb purchase! he knows investment when he sees it >:)) man, i haven't had a snow cone in so long :'
omg the red color!! pls, he'll kiss the flavor off of your lips <33
YESS making theories and hearing each other's thoughts!! and when something stupid happens, he'll wince and complain about it to you ahhaha
missing kuroo hours is somehow open 24/7 :' again, thank you sm for sharing these with me 🧸 anon D: i hope you have loveliest day ever!! <33
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afrival · 3 years
Levi being the Scouts’ mother Headcanons
It’s hard being a single mother of seven, especially when you’re a 40 year old man 🥰
no warnings
spoilers for season 4
- GOOD OL’ SCOLDING. You know how like you’ll be arguing with a sibling in the store and your mom just looks at you like and you immediately stop? Yeah that happens A LOT
- The kids, being the teens that they are, are constantly doing shit in their free time that gets them the 🤨 or 😐 looks from Levi
- They do in fact call this the “mom look”, coined by non other than problem child Eren
- “Quit goofing off! You’re gonna get the mom look from Capt-“
- “The what look?”
- “No look, sir!”
- He will barge into their rooms, look around silently, and then just leave for no reason. He doesn’t close the door either
- It’s to see if they’ve kept their rooms nice so if he doesn’t tell them to get up and clean and just leaves then they have passed inspection. This rarely ever happens though
- Whenever the scouts are out in public they obviously draw attention, and for some reason kids will ALWAYS come up to Levi with the most adoring look on their faces
- “I want to join the scouts when I’m older! Just like you!!”
- “If you don’t die first, kid.”
- He says he hates it but he really doesn’t
- LMAO the squad had definitely accidentally called him dad a few times, it’s happened so much that at this point he probably doesn’t even process it
- They always freak out whenever they do it tho
- “Hey Dad, what is- SHIT SORRY I-“
- “What is it this time, brat?”
- Hange jokingly calls him Dad all the time, just to tease him. She’s also like the sqaud’s mother figure so it’ll just be like “Go ask Dad 😊” or something whenever they ask her a question she can’t answer
- Kind of obvious but he absolutely helps them with training, especially when they started using the new gear and weapons
- He would praise them if they did well with shoulder pats or ruffled their hair. This only worked for so long though because now everybody is taller than him
- This panel SCREAMS “You’re growing up too fast,” mom energy
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- It kind of makes him a little tiny bit emotional whenever he thinks about how they used to be these small ass 15 year olds but now they’re whole ass adults
- This is what happens when you reluctantly adopt a bunch of orphans. You grow emotionally attached to them :,)
- Before like shit went down and Eren left for Marley it was kind of a thing for Eren to just go to Levi and talk to him. A lot of the kids do honestly
- Like if they’re upset he’ll just listen and maybe offer advice if he has any, but really he just wants them to be able to come to him if they need Emotional Support
- He was so suspicious of the volunteers and for GOOD REASON. Like he just wants to protect his squad and Paradis in general
- If like there’s a threat and one of the kids are near him he’ll put an arm in front of them or push them back, he doesn’t even realize he does it it’s just an automatic response
- Hugs RARELY happen. In fact you could probably count on one hand just how many times he’s given since he’s known them. However, whenever he has hugged them or they’ve hugged him it was smth really bad
- SPOILER WARNING FOR SEASON FOUR: when Sasha died he did in fact let Connie and Jean just hug him and cry. He probably just let any of them cry on his shoulder because they were all just heartbroken
- He was just as crushed about Sasha’s death as the rest of them, so of course he wanted to be there for everyone
- He didn’t SAY this out loud however, he just like let it be a thing
- MOVING ON FROM SADNESS, he will give the kids part of his field rations or meals if they didn’t get enough or want more
- “I dropped my food. What the fuck am I-“
- Cue Levi silently sliding over his plate or handing whoever it is his rations
- They always accept it :))
- The first time he did this with Sasha she cried, and this was the first time that one of the kids hugged him
- Everybody just froze and waited for him to lose his shit on her, but he didn’t. He just pat her head and then pushed her off
- This is now one of his fondest memories and he told it at her funeral. Didn’t cry until he and Hange were alone and just let the fact that they just lost one of their children sink in
- Eren leaving KINDA STUNG. Like imagine losing so many of your soldiers and spending years protecting this kid because he was your only hope, and then he just ups and abandons everything
- Like Levi genuinely cared about Eren like a son or younger brother and didn’t like that he would leave the squad like it was nothing
- HEJRJRJR okay now moving on from sad. One of the nicest things he did for the squad was make new scout jackets for everyone. It was basically like the old one but looked nicer, and he stitched everybodys last name on each of their jackets :,)
- Even though they probably don’t fit anymore everybody keeps them because it was just too nice to get rid of. Levi gave Sasha’s to Niccolo :(
- TLDR he loves these motherfuckers sm and has been their mother for like 6 years or something
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Stuck Together
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Your coworker Seungcheol likes to sing at work, and every day it makes you fall for him more and more.
1.2K words
Most people thought it was a bit of a hassle to work with Choi Seungcheol.
Not because he wasn’t kind.
No, Choi Seungcheol was one of the kindest people that you worked with.
He was always so gentle with everyone. Greeting every employee and guest with an infectiously kind smile that spread wide from ear to ear. You didn’t think there had ever been a time when you hadn’t come in and had Sengcheol greet you loudly from across the restaurant with a hearty laugh and a wave.
You knew it was dangerous working with him quite honestly.
Hearing him laugh near you at the stupidest thing that Kwon Soonyoung just said andinding it so funny that he had to lean on Lee Jihoon just for support was always such a heartwarming event to watch. You adored how unashamed he was to tease Kim Mingyu when he messed up something. Most people were wary of him and Jeon Wonwoo- but Seungcheol had never been afraid to poke the bears.
And you couldn’t help the way that your heart leaped that time you accidentally walked in on Seungcheol comforting Chan after a particularly hard shift. The customers were all so cruel and hard to work with- and Chan had barely been able to keep up on his position.
So, when you walked in on Seungcheol’s hand on Chan’s shoulder, and his other hand on his own leg, peering up at Chan with kind eyes, you had almost fallen in love right there.
But ultimately, what had been the tipping point of your huge crush on Seungcheol had been the fact that he sang so often at work.
You thought he picked it up from Boo Seungkwan. It wasn’t necessarily common prior to Sengkwan’s hire for Seungcheol to outwardly sing in front of everyone. But one day Seungkwan heard him and joined in and the day ended in a karaoke session on shift.
It was cute- but most people thought it was annoying fast.
You enjoyed however hearing what was playing on the Sengcheol radio that day.
He had a beautiful voice that you could listen to for days and days on end without stopping.
“Don’t even know your heart,” he sang softly as he looked up at the screen before him, beginning to busy himself with work. You looked over at Seungcheol, wondering momentarily if he had somehow managed to hear your thoughts but you could tell by the fact he wasn’t looking at you that wasn’t actually so.
You sighed and looked back down at your own work.
“Baby please have mercy on me-”
“Seungcheol please,” Jeonghan interrupted. SEungcheol shot him a look.
“What don’t like the song?”
“You’re always singing,” Jeonghan replied back. “Geez, can you not sing for like... Two seconds?”
Seungcheol snickered, but your heart just sank knowing that meant Seungcheol wouldn’t sing again for at least an hour- probably the entire rest of the time Jeonghan was there.
Seungcheol was the kind of person that always thought about other people. Which meant when someone asked him not to do something or to do something, he almost always listened. He was close to pretty much all of the customers because of that.
How could anyone not love someone as kind as Sengcheol after all? He was your secret charm at work. Whenever things got hard and customers got angry- slide Seungcheol into the situation and they pretty much always left with smiles on their faces.
So sometimes, because you loved the mood boost being around Seungcheol got you, you joined in on his singing. Never loud enough for him to hear. Just quiet enough that you got that serotonin boost and could making it easily through the day.
“There’s nowehere we need to be, I’ma get to know you better,” Seungcheol sang softly. “Kinda hope we’re here forever.”
“There’s nobody on these streets,” You sang with him. He didn’t seem to notice as he sang the next line, so you decided to continue: Ain’t no other way that I can spend it.”
Still Seungcheol didn’t notice as he sang Jsutin Beiber’s part of the song, so you contined singing the song with him under your breath as you worked. Eventally you weren’t even listening to yourself as you two sang together.
“I lock the do-,” you sang.
“You are!”
You jumped at Seungcheol’s suddenly loud outburst- throwing your hands in the air.
“You’re singing Ariana’s part with me aren’t you?” He accused a large smile on his face. “I never took you as a singer! I can’t believe this is the first time you have ever sang with me before!”
You stared at Seungcheol, your face turning red the longer he spoke. You weren’t nearlly as outspoken and... Performative as Seungcheol was. You couldn’t stand the attention.
“No I wasn’t,” you laughed nervously, brushing your hair out of your face. “You must be hearing things.”
Seungcheol gave you a skeptical look and the way his nose and eyebrows scrunched made your heart leap. How could a guy like him be single?
“I know I wasn’t hearing things,” Seungcheol replied. He tried to catch your gaze but you quickly looked away, so he came up on the other side of you, his face suddenly in yours.
You jumped back but didn’t risk looking away from him this time.
“What?”  You whined. He smiled at you, a borderline crazy expression on his face as he stared at you. He reached forward- suddenly and without warning and took your face in his hands. Your eyes instantly widened at the contact.
“O-Oh,” you said in surprise. Seungcheol’s eyes narrowed at you, making himself appear much more suspicious of you then he had before. You didn’t think he had ever been this close to you before.
“Sing with me, songbird,” he mumbled. You couldn’t really find it in yourself to lie to him again.
“He knows,” you started, watching as Seungcheol’s lips spread into a bright smile. “Dirty secrets that I keep, does he know it’s kiillin me?”
You turned away from Seungcheol to return to work
“He knows, he knows.”
Falling into the harmonies with Seungcheol was easier than your actual job, and actually singing with him made your job more fun. You two spun around each other as you bagged food, and sang the song, going through one another’s parts like it was something you two did on the daily.
You had always thought that Seungcheol’s voice and your own complimented one another, but today was like a whole new revelation none the less.
“I know what you did last summer-” You two sang spinning out into the center of the room. This caught the attention of the lady who was in the window, with her phone out and a large smile on her lips.
“You two are adorable. The cutest little couple I’ve seen in a while.”
Your face flamed red once again and you frantically gestured towards the customer.
“Oh no I think-” “I always wonder what I did,” Seungcheol interrupted, pulling you into his side before you could keep going. “To get a person as wonderful as the one in my arms right now.”
The drop in his tone told you something that you hadn’t been expecting... He was speaking sincerely. Did he actually like you? It hadn’t initially seemed possible but looking at him now...
“I think that too... All the time. He’s just too good for me.”
Seungcheol laughed softly.
“Then I guess we have some talking to do after work today, because suddenly I can’t seem to let you go.”
“Just hold me close.”
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waveypedia · 3 years
The Real Deal
Lena comes to the Nine-Tailed Diner just often enough for the waiters to know her face, but not often enough for them to know her name. She prefers it that way. The anonymity is comforting, but she knows in her gut it’s just an illusion when the waiters give her familiar smiles as she slides into her usual spot in the corner.
There was a time, before she met Webby, when Lena would scowl and duck her head away from the waiters’ friendly greetings. Where the mere notion of being noticed would make her gut churn and blood boil.
Not anymore.
Lena taps her carefully manicured nails against the smooth table as she waits, watching the cozily bustling diner. She’s not usually one for nail polish, but Dewey was just so excited when he saw the color that perfectly matched her magic, and despite her snarky exterior she couldn’t say no to Dewey’s infectious excitement when he bounced up to her with the bottles of nail polish. She smiles at the memory.
If Lena from a year and a half ago could see her now, she’d be unrecognizable. That’s not such a bad thing, Lena muses.
She pulls out her phone and quickly scrolls through social media, smiling when a picture of Webby pops up on her feed. Webby doesn’t post much, but when she does, just seeing her face never fails to make Lena smile.
The noise of the city and the harbor outside eventually fades into a calming white noise in the back of Lena’s mind. She’s used to the city. It was her home for fifteen years. But the sound of a particular car pulling up to the curb jerks Lena out of her thoughts, and she presses her face to the window, filled with an almost childlike glee.
A familiar car, light green and blocky and just as eccentric as its owner, putters at the curb. Lena can only see into the drivers’ side, but she snorts as she spots a familiar stupid-looking hat and chuckles to herself. Soon enough, a familiar face pops out from the other side of the car, looks to the corner window expectantly, and waves enthusiastically. Lena grins and waves back.
The bell on the diner door jingles, right on schedule, and Lena’s friend nearly sprints over to her booth.
“Hi, Lena!” Boyd chirps, and Lena grins.
“Hi,” she responds, significantly less energetic but with the same sentiment behind it.
Every month, Lena and Boyd meet at the Nine-Tailed Diner, just the two of them. It started one day when it was supposed to be all of the kids, but the McDuck kiddos were called away on an adventure, Violet had a school project, and Gosalyn was busy in St. Canard. It doesn’t take a genius to recognize how similar Lena and Boyd’s unique situations and backstories are.
Lena didn’t realize how lonely she was until she had someone who shared her experiences.
Boyd rubs at his elbow. It’s a nervous stim, and Lena’s attention is piqued. If Gyro said something insensitive to him again, well, he may be tall, but he’s a skinny twink, I can take him—
Lena bites back a swell of nervousness and feigns casualness. “Hm?”
“How… do you feel about Webby?”
Lena blinks. “Well, I like her. You know that, dummy.”
“Yeah, but… how does that feel? You know… liking someone?” Boyd won’t meet her eyes.
Lena frowns. “What do you mean? Doesn’t everyone feel that way?”
Boyd stares at the table, lip trembling, and Lena ponders.
She doesn’t entirely know how to describe how she feels about Webby. Before Webby, it was just her and Aunt Magica. The two of us against the world, Lena always told herself, but it was always the world against Aunt Magica, with Lena sandwiched in the middle. And then she grew to hate Magica as well, like she always should have. For so long, Lena only knew hatred and apathy, whoever it may be directed to.
And then she met Webby.
And then she met Webby, and everything changed.
Webby was—is—a literal ray of sunshine. When Webby’s smiling face pops up in Lena’s view, when her bubbling laugh or high voice makes Lena’s heart sing. It’s stereotypical and cliché beyond belief, much to Lena’s chagrin, but that’s how she feels . If Huey offered her a thesaurus he must have stored in his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook somewhere (that thing has everything — it’s kind of ridiculous, honestly) she wouldn’t change it. There’s no other way to describe it.
“I… don’t know,” Lena hums. “Just… whenever I see her, I instantly feel better. It’s free serotonin, y’know?”
Boyd hums in acknowledgement, and after a moment of semi-awkward silence Lena continues.
She’s never been all that good about putting her feelings into words. She’s not particularly wordy like Huey, and she doesn’t have Violet’s extensive vocabulary (although she’s picked up quite a few words and phrases from the Sabrewing family). Not that she cares about it. It makes these kind of conversations difficult, though. But for Boyd, she will try.
“She was the first person to ever care about me,” Lena muses, fidgeting with the hem of her oversized sweater under the table. She’s had it forever. It feels like home, in the same way Webby does. “She has a special place in my heart. She was my first friend, but it’s different than my relationship with the boys, or Vi, or you.”
Boyd nods and avoids her gaze. He’s unhappy with that conclusion, although Lena can’t fathom why.
“So… by that logic,” Boyd begins, “I should be in love with Huey, right?”
Lena shrugs. It is true that Huey directly parallels Webby in their respective situations. “However you want to define it, dude.”
Boyd flexes his fingers. He’s still unhappy.
“Look, I’m not gonna judge you,” Lena says, snorting slightly and raising her hands placatingly in front of her. “I know homophobia is A Thing, but I literally just talked extensively about how I’m head over heels for another girl, so…”
“Homophobia is terrible,” Boyd responds finally. “I genuinely do not understand how people could think such a thing! How does one act so cruelly to another just because of something so trivial as sexual orientation?”
Lena presses her lips together. “Beats me, dude.”
After a moment, she adds, “So what’s your problem, then?”
Boyd’s head jerks up. “Huh?”
“You’re clearly disappointed about something ,” Lena says, gesturing with her arms and raising her eyebrows. “I know you well enough, ‘cause of these dumb meetings. I’m just gonna point out they were your idea.”
Boyd smirks, ever so slightly. “You love them, though.”
Lena looks away and crosses her arms pointedly, but allows the smallest of smiles to slip through her mask. Boyd cackles at that.
“But seriously. What’s botherin’ you?”
“By all accounts… I should feel that way about Huey. I don’t care about genders, and I feel differently about him than I feel about you and the other kids. But saying I love him, it just doesn’t feel right.” Boyd rubs at his arm.
“Hey, that’s fine!” Lena replies. “That’s kinda how I feel about labels, y’know? Webby likes ‘em, but I don’t.” She narrows her eyes and leans forward with her elbows on the table. “Is Huey pressuring you? ‘Cause if he is I’ll—”
“No! Nononono, Lena, it’s fine,” Boyd chuckles nervously, raising his hands placatingly in front of him. “If anything, I guess I’m pressuring myself. Logically, based on all accounts I have consulted, I should be in love. But…”
Lena gives an exaggeratedly frustrated sigh, making Boyd chuckle despite himself.
“Look, Pink tells me aaaaalll the time that my magic isn’t logical. Especially friendship magic. It follows its own rules, and it’s about looove and the power of friendship or whatever. So cheesy. But I guess your love might be the same thing.”
Lena takes a deep breath and leans back in the diner booth. “Stop pushing your feelings into dumb little boxes they don’t belong in. They won’t fit.”
Boyd smiles at her, small but not muted. “Thanks, Lena.”
Lena glances away, staring pointedly out the window. “Whatever. Don’t expect it to happen again.”
Boyd just giggles at that. His laughter is frustratingly infectious, and after a moment Lena finds herself chuckling alongside him.
The rest of the afternoon flits by, and for the life of her Lena cannot recall what they talked about. But their first topic of conversation, and Boyd’s worry, sits heavy on her mind for a while to come.
When Doctor (unofficially, shh, if the news got out that he had never finished his doctorate because of those ridiculous geese Gyro would be ruined ) Gyro Gearloose secured a job with McDuck Industries, he did not expect his precious lab would be run afoot by small children. Not even by Fenton, who acts more like a small child than some of these literal small children sometimes.
It’s almost closing time, but that has never mattered to McDuck Industries’ research branch. Even if Fenton and Manny go home eventually, Gyro has spent weeks on end in the lab. He will outlast them all.
Well, he used to. Before his team and his boss dragged him out to see the sunlight. And before Boyd.
For the record, Gyro did not forget about closing time. Not this time. He was working with that infernal little rodent, who, along with the blue nephew, had somehow wormed Mr. McDuck into allowing her to take some freelance work in the research department. Gyro’s department.
...He did have to admit that Gadget Hackwrench was frustratingly proficient at mechanics and machinery. Especially since she was so small. She was a great help to Gyro’s newest project, which required a lot of rough mechanical know-how.
Gadget, unlike the rest of them, was not incredibly self-sacrificial and actually liked clocking out when she was supposed to. She had to go home to her Rescue Avengers, or whatever they were called. Gyro couldn’t wrap his head around her way of thinking.
So they were tinkering away at the panel of the machine when Gadget glanced at the clock and reminded him of her obligations. She was packing up when Boyd came in.
“Dr. Gearloose!” Boyd, chipper as ever, entered the lab and bounced up to Gyro’s workstation. He was a bundle of energy, reminiscent of the blue and pink children. His hands darted around him like a hummingbird, never quite staying in one place long enough for Gyro’s tired brain to process. After a minute of unconsciously trying to watch and comprehend it, Gyro glanced away and rubbed at his forehead under his glasses while Boyd greeted Gadget with the same enthusiasm.
Wait. Was it really enthusiasm?
Pushing his glasses up his nose, Gyro watched carefully as Boyd flitted around Gadget, mentally comparing his movements and stims with what he knew of happy Boyd. And yes. It was off.
Gadget packed up, and Gyro slowly but carefully placed his wrench down and turned to face Boyd, leaning against his desk in a facade of casualness.
“Can you fix me?”
Gyro pinches the bridge of his nose. “What did you do?”
Boyd clasps his hands nervously in front of him. “No. No. Nothing! I just… I know how I’m supposed to feel, but I don’t feel like that! So I must be broken!”
Gyro stares at Boyd like he’s grown a second head —- which, with Gyro’s robotics, is actually plausible. “Pft, you’re not broken. You think you could be broken?! I made you, kid. I fixed you up after Akita tampered with you. The great Gyro Gearloose does not make mistakes.”
Manny taps something unsupportive, and Fenton and Gadget both —- purposefully badly —- hide their laughter. Gyro screeches something incomprehensible at them. It doesn’t matter what he says; the point gets across.
Boyd is still staring up at Gyro, with that hero-worship puppy-dog look in his eyes that he wears so well, and he looks so scared that Gyro’s heart twists. His body sags, and he sighs and rolls his eyes and gestures for Boyd to follow. He perks up, and is immediately at Gyro’s heels with a characteristic grin, but his hands are trembling. Did he teach himself to do that?
Gyro kneels in front of Boyd, behind his desk, and stares into his eyes. Not in a symbolic way —- if he focuses just right, he can see the circuitry in his head.
Gyro purses his lips. “Everything looks fine. I told you I don’t make mistakes.”
“But—- But Lena’s in love with Webby and Dewey’s had three crushes in the past month and I don’t feel anything like that, ever! Lena says it’s fine but she’s had one girlfriend and that worked out for her perfectly and I’m happy for her and Webby, I really am, but I don’t know how to make it work for me and it must be some sort of error in the programming and I—-I just want to be a real boy!”
“Whoa, whoa!” Gyro shoves his hands in front of him reflexively. He pulls them back, out of Boyd’s face, when he processes and realizes how overwhelming that gesture could be. Boyd buries his face in his hands. “You are a real boy.”
Boyd gives him a tiny nod and doesn’t respond. Gyro’s throat feels tight and constricting, bile building up inside. He wants to say something and break the tension and silence, but he doesn’t know what or how.
“Love isn’t everything,” he says lamely after a minute. “I didn’t fall in love until Fenton, honestly. Not for real. Della said something about ‘demiromanticism,’ whatever the hell that is, and she says Mr. McDuck is the same way, but honestly I don’t really care. I don’t need to compartmentalize and hyper-analyze every aspect of myself that way. But if you want to, you could talk to her. Or the red nephew. He’d know.”
It’s weird, being this open and honest about his thoughts and feelings that aren’t inventions and blueprints. A part of Gyro is screaming at himself to close, shutter the windows and pull the walls back up and raise the prickly spikes to defend against anyone who dares get close. But he doesn’t. He doesn’t know why he’s doing this, really.
Strike that. He knows why. It’s Boyd . He’ll do anything to bring that kid’s sunny disposition back. And he knows why he’ll do that, too.
“Demiromanticism?” Boyd places a finger on his chin and tilts his head ever so carefully to the side, testing out the feel of the word. “What’s that?”
Gyro shrugs lazily. “I dunno. Some fancy way of saying I only want a relationship with people who get close to me. Which is a very exclusive circle.”
Boyd pauses. Blinks. Gyro can nearly see the wheels turning in his head. “If there’s a term for that, do you think… there’s a term for going all the way? A term for never wanting a relationship?”
Gyro raises his eyebrows. “Probably.” He reaches for his phone. Boyd could search for it in his internal search engine (proudly programmed by Gyro two months ago, since search engines didn’t exist twenty years ago, but for the record if he had thought of it Akita hadn’t had him on such a tight schedule he could have done it. For the record.)
“Aromanticism,” Gyro muses, reading out loud. “The lack of romantic attraction. Does that sound about right?”
“Hmm,” Boyd puts his finger to his chin again. “It fits! I like it!”
Gyro smiles, that soft and gentle smile reserved exclusively for Boyd (and Fenton, sometimes). “Perfect. Now get out of my lab. It’s past closing time.”
Boyd sticks out his tongue, playful. “Like you care. Don’t stay up too late!”
Gyro just smiles in response and resolves himself to not make any promises he won’t keep.
Boyd gives him a quick, tight hug goodbye. He always gives hugs, to say hello and goodbye and everything inbetween, and Gyro is never quite prepared for them, although he certainly doesn’t mind them. Gyro isn’t very comfortable with touch or affection in general when it doesn’t come from a select few people, but he never protests. Boyd is one of those “select few people”.
If today’s hug is a bit tighter and longer than usual (but still brief, since Boyd knows well how Gyro clams up with physical affection, even if it’s from him, and he respects that), neither Boyd nor Gyro say a word.
Boyd says his goodbyes to the rest of Team Science (Gadget is long gone by now) and skips out of the room. “I can’t wait to tell Huey about this! He probably knows all about aromanticism! It’s probably in his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook!”
Gyro leans against his desk, the cuffs of his shirt catching on the corners. “You do that, kid.”
“And Lena! She’ll be happy to know I figured it out, even if she won’t say so!” Boyd chirps. “Thanks, Dr. Gearloose!”
Gyro’s wry smile turns into something monumentally more sincere and real. “No problem, kid.”
The elevator dings and Boyd is gone. Gyro used to revel in the lab’s silence, but even with the background noise of Fenton, Manny, and Lil’ Bulb tinkering away at their respective projects (and decidedly not saying anything), it feels uncomfortably quiet without Boyd’s incessant chatter.
He hums softly to himself and picks up his phone to call Della before she hears about this from Huey and berates him for not telling her right away. He puts on a new pot of coffee for when he comes back, and lets Fenton know he’s going on his break.
“You know the workday technically ended half an hour ago, right? You don’t need me to clock you out,” Fenton replies, grinning. He can read Gyro like a book.
Gyro rolls his eyes and grumbles under his breath, but waves his former intern off.
As he walks out, he pictures Boyd. He would be sitting in the limo, brimming with excitement, tapping his fingers eagerly on his legs with barely contained enthusiasm. Launchpad picked him up for a sleepover at Mr. McDuck’s, so by this point he should be almost home. He’ll burst into the mansion and spill his discovery to Huey before he catches his breath, and he, Huey, Webby, and Violet will make a board and a list of thoughts and information on aromanticism while Dewey tries to catch popcorn in his mouth and Lena and Louie add snarky comments. They’ll all chime in with their own experiences and eat lots of sugary snacks until they eventually fall asleep in a pile of pillows and blankets and each other on the living room couch. Boyd will come into the lab on Monday and tell him all about it, and maybe Huey will as well.
Gyro smiles fondly to himself as he steps into the hallway outside of the lab and leans against the wall, pulling up Della’s contact on his phone. The tab on aromanticism is still open on his phone, and he scrolls through it idly, taking note of all the information and how it could relate to Boyd.
He’s not fit for this role in Boyd’s life. But he loves Boyd, so he’ll do his best. And Dr. Gyro Gearloose’s best is a feat they tell tales of.
Across town, in the mansion, sitting on her sleeping bag in her pajamas and sneaking handfuls of gummy bears behind Violet’s watchful eye, Lena shares a similar sentiment. Boyd explains what he’s learned, bursting with excited energy in the form of overenthusiastic gestures, and Lena wonders why this little, enthusiastic kid decided to choose her as a sister figure.
But she’s not complaining.
Lena sneaks another handful of gummies and wraps her arm around Webby, who makes a bright, contented sound and snuggles into her side. No, she’s definitely not complaining.
i wrote this almost a year ago actually, for the Because We're Family LGBTQuaranzine! (@ducktaleslgbtquaranzine) This is a nonprofit pay-what-you-want zine, with all of the money going to DirectRelief, a charity dedicated to Covid relief in countries that have been hit hard by it. I had a lot of fun working on this zine and this particular piece, and I worked with a lot of great people. The zine is chock-full of amazing pieces and really talented, skilled people, and all the proceeds go to a reputable cause. I cannot recommend it enough!
this piece is pretty close to my heart because it encompasses a lot of my favorite things - weblena, lena & boyd friendship (they have SO many parallels i think they would get along so well!), and gyro being a father to boyd! in all honesty, this was my very first zine and i was really nervous, but i had so much fun writing this and i'm grateful it was such a good experience!
a lot of boyd's confusion about aromanticism is taken straight from my self-realization process. that's some good ole projection, baybee! i didn't have anyone like huey, but it's certainly difficult to figure out what romantic love really is and how that affects you and your relationships. it's like a puzzle. it's not explicitly mentioned in the fic, but i'm autistic, and boyd is pretty heavily autistic-coded (and god i could go on for hours about that, and i have before, but i'll spare you all the tangent, although i'll happily talk about it if you want me to), which adds this whole other obstacle when figuring out aromanticism, because we struggle with social relationships and fitting them in boxes. sometimes labels feel really comforting and satisfactory, but sometimes it's a real puzzle to fit into these boxes that weren't always made for us. sometimes they fit, and sometimes they don't. it was pretty fun exploring that from a slightly different perspective, as well as putting some of my own thoughts and experiences into words.
if you ever wanna talk ducktales, writing, these amazing characters, or really anything hmu here or on my twitter! thank you for reading, and please leave a like/reblog/comment (i read tags) if you enjoyed it!
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ifearmetoo · 3 years
Future fic to look for:
The shape/xreader/the pig
It's back to the fire after the match. You aren't excited to face your teammates this round, shoulders launching forward to make yourself smaller and thus impose on the group's attention. No doubt there will be some half bitten off sentences and acidic comments about you.
You deserve such.
Unlike Meg, your speed isn't the refined muscle of months of labor but reliant on the candle wick of fear that burns hot and fast when a match begins. You've always been an easy scare. Saying this. You are known to be not so quick to help your teammates. It's pure cowardice that you freely admit you're at fault for. Offering your position up for others to escape is admirable in a moral world. However the entity's realm isn't that.
One of the Legion bagged you this match. However, before that you'd kept quiet while Kate screamed in familiar agony. You had all the chances to help her.
A grudge is there, a physical wall to you making friends. They teeter on feeling pity for your obvious inadequacy and vitriol.
Nea asks you a question. " What do you think about the new guy? Terrifying right?" Nea bless her heart, tries to bring you into the fold. 
The man, if you could call him that, is a unit of solid muscle and steel. "He's big." You say. Best to keep it short. 
She snorts and lays her chin down.
This is the fullest the circle has ever been. Laurie, poor thing, is spaced off looking tired as usual. She's one of the only people kind to you. That's on part because your selfishness has limits when it comes to the younger group members.
They really are just kids. It burns the back of your throat that they are here, the entity is a merciless God. When it comes to the teens, whatever distraction they need to get away from a killer you provide.
She absently gives you a smile.
You open your arms and she timidly sinks into them taking the comfort you offer silently.
Feeling the eyes of other survivors on you, the woods look more tempting by the second. You haven't dared explore them yet but now's as good a chance as any. 
"I'll be back."
A chorus of acknowledgements and you march off.
Stepping in the branches reach for you. The crackle of the fire grows distant. The woods are overall silent. Eerie but what here isn't so? 
Snapp walks these woods and so does Ash. Usually joking and wishing for a beer.
You miss home. Wherever home is. Memories are foggy. Some part if you isn't sure that you had a life outside. 
Whenever they talk about the outside world they do so with yearning, recalling putting up feet on the dashboard of a cherry red car, drinking smoothies, studying, sneaking into a movie theater, skateboarding down a hill with the sun on their back and breeze cradling their smiles.
You don't have that.
So alone. No one to hold.
People at camp fuck. A common secret that everyone keeps low. They savor the serotonin a quick orgasm gives them and chase the feeling of being in a better place, less blood, more sunshine. A grown woman like you should be taking these escapades too.
You haven't had the chance nor the urge to seek a partner of your own.
A familiar pant of breath grazes your ear. Myers. You turn to the camp and make a mad dash for safety. Crying out for Ash or-
Your throat is seized by an ironclad grip. Knocking your temple hard against a thick trunk of wood. Skin scraped off as easily as butter.
Already you're sobbing and tossing your head about, the pain. You're not ready for the pain.
The sticky blood trickles down to his hand in what you imagine is a common feeling. You pant.
"Please don't…" but he sticks his knife to your side with little fanfare. The answering scream is brutal, belts your throat. No matter how many times it happens the stab comes with all the same shock and pain as the very first one. A hot slide as it glides deep into meat, grazing bone, you can barely muster the strength to beg over the pain.
But it's a chore to him. No burst of interest or pleasure when he thrusts it in deeper.
You cradle the back of his shoulder. Fist grabbing the jumpsuit. Futile.
You go limp, without will or fight. The pain doesn't cease
Your shirt is a caked rag. Your skirt is a hiked belt over your stomach. Covering nothing. You would have noticed except the piercing hurt overcomes all other sensation.
He doesn't miss this.
It's an alianting feeling that sticks out like an awful squishy bruise against emotions such as anger, annoyance, disdain
It's calling his name, tugging at his pinky. This way. Come here. The voices are murmuring, hissing in response, grudging recognition.
What is this sudden shift?
He twists.
Blood bubbles out.
A female voice. Cold. Unaffected, branches through. "What are you doing?"
But like fog his form turns insolid. Gone.
You lie there with the pain as a bedfellow, shake it off your still in danger your mind screams. You manage a jolt upwards. 
Looking for the voice among the branches proves futile as does cupping waterver blood seeps out the wound. A figure is formed in the fog, shockingly crimson.
"We can't kill you outside the match." The Pig. Her voice barely registers in the aftermath. Coppery stream slides down your throat in a warm spill, the only thing warm in your body.
"Thank you." It's strange to say that to someone that has killed you before. You smooth down your skirt over chilled thighs and thumb the edges.
 The pig mask is a gruesome sight but strangely less so than the man you were faced with earlier.
She lunges close. Snarling. "But we can hurt you as much as we want."
You stumble blind into the light of the campfire. A sound, soft chuckling follows.
Exclamations of concern meet you. Ash guides you down onto a mat to look over the damage.
Your mind replays the chuckle and feel of light brown hair when entering sleep. Your dreams, usually blank and too exhausted to come up with a scene,  now have a personal mind real with a front row seat.
The two killers you met in the woods are there. Not hinting you, but watching, always watching 
Lucky you.
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bootyyy-shaker9000 · 3 years
Mud Dog make-out hcs
Enjoy :))
Loathsome Leoanard
His kisses get so intense without warning. He can't help it, once you get his emotions going he just goes wild and his body takes over for him.
Uses a LOT of tongue okay I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT. He likes to literally leave you breathless. Sometimes he’ll tangle his hands in your hair and he’ll pull on it whenever you let out a cute sound.
Needs to feel your chest flush against his so you're most likely either straddling his lap or vice versa.
Man, you're getting hickeys one way or another. By accident or on purpose, on your neck or below the collar - you're getting some dark ass love bites.
You sure as hell know this guy's going to be putting his teeth to work; he's totally the type to bite your lip and look deep into your eyes and not know what he's doing to your heart.
He literally gets so heated from making out its insane. He lets out a lot of grunts and breathy moans, especially if you say his name. God does that do things for him. He doesn't even try to hide his noises at this point since he knows you like it that much.
He loves it when you let out little pleasurable sighs or mewls or just tell him that you like the way he’s kissing you, it drives him fuckin CRAZY
Speaking of noises, you know he's going to fucking growl while he's at it with your neck, gets up close to your ear and makes sure it rumbles against your skin. He knows you eat that shit up.
Please run your hands through his hair, it'll get him to relax so much.
Sometimes he'll wrap his hand around your neck, but he won't squeeze, it's just kind of there. If you're into that let him know! He won't hesitate to choke you as long as it's not to the point where it hurts. Likes receiving it too js.
Dastardly Danny
Okay this man is so skilled, you can't tell me otherwise. He usually has his one hand rested on your hip while the other pulls you closer by your cheek. He occasionally pulls your hair though so he can leave hickeys on your neck.
Doesn't make too much of a mess, usually leaves little speckles just to remind him and others that he had his mouth there.
Again, makes a good use out of his front teeth.
It always starts really slow and gentle, building up the tension with him hoping to make you beg for more. No matter how much love he'll give you on the regular, he's also a massive tease and he loves seeing you get all flustered and needy for him.
Aterwards he starts getting rougher. He starts biting your lip to the point that it turns a pretty red shade. He'll also suck your tongue, like he really has no shame when it comes to this and it's amazing.
Rub your hands up and down his arms, he'll be putty in your hands baby. Ask him to take off his shirt and he will combUst, I swear.
Will continuously tell you how much he loves you in between kisses while he's hovering over you.
I see him letting out a lot of hums of satisfaction, but mostly I think he pants because he gets hot and you're hot and making out with you is pure bliss.
Will graze his nails lightly across your exposed skin whether it's your neck or below your high-riding shirt, just to feel you shiver. Massive serotonin booster.
Malicious Mickey
Oh boy, his hands are constantly roaming your body. He's really touchy as we already know, the guy won't even realise he's doing it, it's just natural to him. They'll slide up and down your sides and on the small of your back so he can tug you closer.
He's kind of a messy kisser because he gets really excited and he can be really impatient. It's okay though since afterwards his lips will be glistening and his cheeks will be flushed while his eyes will be lidded. So basically it's hot as hell.
Always goes for your neck at some point, but his kisses are so feverish he doesn't usually tend to leave much of a mark.
Bites your ears and just bites you in general, he has these really nice and big eyes and just imagine them looking up at you whenever he bites you and they’re all smug and wrieirgeorigjeriog
Just clench his shirt and bring his lips up to yours and he'll feel so wanted I can't-
Despite him being as lazy as he is most of the time, he's got a lot of stamina so he's not going to stop kissing you until you want to stop.
He's totally bitten your tongue before by accident - he's the type to clash his mouth into you because he's so excited that his teeth collides with yours.
He'll praise you a lot without zero thought, letting out mumbles like "shit, you're so amazing".
Will whine a lot and he's so vocal, he doesn't hold back. He doesn't care if you hear him pleading because it's his way of letting you know he's enjoying himself.
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Third chapter of ‘Text’, a serie with Obispo ‘Bishop’ Losa.
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Word count: about 950.
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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📲: what are you doing
📱: nothing just watching tv
📱: bout to go to bed
📱: you
📲: nothing trying to sleep
📲: but i cant
📲: got a lot of shit in my head
📱: come to sleep with me
Three minutes after sending that message and leaving you on read, you sigh getting up from the sofa. Maybe you could have asked him what was going on, or maybe you could have asked him if he would like you to go to his house. Probably the last thing he wants to do at two am it's continue driving. Turning off the lights and the TV, you walk towards your room, undoing the bed to tuck in. Curling your knees against your chest and placing your chin over them, you unlock the screen of your phone about to write him another text, when your doorbell rings. Wrinkling your nose surprised and grabbing your baseball bat, you guide your steps to the main door to look through the peephole. An inevitable smile appears on your lips, leaving away your mortal weapon to open the door.
“Hey, you”. Whispering, you can notice the tiredness on his face.
“Hey, you”. He replies back.
You hug him before he can say another single word, sinking his face into your neck, clinging his arms around your middle-back. Kissing the top of his head, you walk backwards before closing the door. In your room, you help Bishop to get undressed until his boxers are the only piece of clothing left. It isn't the first time he stays at your house, but it's the first time he needs so bad to sleep with you, to feel your fingers caressing his head rested on your chest, to feel your soft and lovely kisses everywhere, to feel your warmth wrapping him. You don't need words. Not even a look from his dark tired eyes. You know exactly what he wants.
“I'm gonna be the big spoon”. You say palming his shoulder to urge him to turn around.
“You can't be the big spoon”. He laughs low, shaking his head and lying on his back.
“Because I'm the big spoon, mi reina”.
“Who said so, ah?”
“The laws of physics”. Bishop chuckles again, watching you puckering your lips in a childish gesture.
“Laws of physics say that I'm gonna kick your old-ass to the floor, if I'm not the big spoon tonight”. You reply, palming his abdomen using some strength.
Stirring and laughing, the man lies on his side. You win. You always win. Sliding an arm under his neck and putting the other above his waist, your fingers find his to get tangled. Tightening the grip, you glue your chest to his back, leaving some kisses on the back of his head and on his neck. You can hear him purring when you find his weak spot under his ear. Almost sitting up, you look at him breaking into laughs. Bishop has his eyes closed, his laughs draw some furrows on his temples, borning on his eyes. And that's the sweetest thing you have ever seen.
You can't help but lie down over his side. Your laughs get louder, just as his, catching his lips with yours before spreading kisses all around his face. His bare arms wrap you against his body, receiving every gentle gesture delighted. Until placing the last one on the tip of his nose.
“If I tell you something… can you promise you will not run away?”
He can notice the fear trying to be hidden in the tone of your voice, breathing so close that he's getting your same air. Opening his eyes, the man sees the doubt in your orbs.
“You can break my legs, if you want”.
Chuckling and palming his chest, you shake your head.
“C'mon! I'm trying to be serious…” You sob funnily.
Bishop simply nods then, expecting for your next words.
“I just… think… I'm falling for you”.
“Do you think so? Don't you know it?”
Pouting at him to let him know that you already have fallen for him, he just closes his eyes resting his head on your pillow. Not saying a single word makes you feel underwhelmed. You two have never talked about feelings since you met eight months ago, but you couldn't avoid it. He's so different from the men you have known. Just looking at him, you're waiting for an answer. You don't get it.
“I'm the old one, but you're the one who is gonna have a heart attack, querida”.
Frowning at him, Bishop opens one eye, closing it a second before. One of his hands urges your leg to raise up to his waist, getting somewhat comfy under the weight of it. His fingertips caresses your thigh, almost reaching your ass.
“You don't have to say that you love me… I just… wanted you to know it”.
“I do”.
That's the heart attack he was talking about.
“I would leave my life, if you ask me to”. Whispering, he caresses your nose with his.
Grabbing your cheeks with a hand, using the other to push your head somewhat close, he pecks your lips once and once until making you laugh again. You're happy. You can feel the serotonin running through your veins, as you feel the huge smile drawn on the corner of his mouth.
“Now I know that I haven't met the love of my life before, because you hadn't been born yet”.
The sync laughs from the two of you echo inside your room, stirring under his grip.
“Pendeja”. He replies with a funny high-pitched tone of voice.
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