ifearmetoo · 2 years
A plague doctor and his plaguelings/ nurselings
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ifearmetoo · 2 years
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SCP-5075 by snuggly face, VoidLady (未翻訳) https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5075
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ifearmetoo · 2 years
Fun fact:
There’s at least 40 stories/SCPs all related to Alagadda. They go as listed:
About the Serpent
An Alchemist Goes To War
And so the Crows Laughed
A Wandsman in the Court of the Hanged King
Book Club
Can You Show Me The Way To Alagadda?
Competitive Teleology
CotBG Archive ██/██/20██-███: Of Dragons and Serpents
Crossing the Frame
Document SCP-701-1640-B-1
Found in a dusty corner of the Library
Goodnight, Miss Moon
I Care Because You Do
Incident Report SCP-701-19██-1
Intermission: Audience of Crowns
In the Shadow of the Anguished Lord
i was a teenage shoggoth (Ween cover)
Lessons for Old Dogs
Louise's Photograph
Masks, Monsters, & Merchants
Midnight Parade
Of Doctors and Alagadda
On Mount Golgotha - Hub
Our Mutual Guide
Pattern Breaker
Pestilence in the Court of the Hanged King
Pt. 1 - Gagliarda Dell'Ambasciatore
Restoring Harmony
Sweeter Dreams Inc.
The Black Vaults of Alagadda
The Clock Shall Strike Again
The Hanged King's Comedy
The Hanged King's Tragedy
Theology of a Snake
There Are No Children In Alagadda
I haven’t read all of them yet, but give them a read if you want ideas!
I’m definitely will because I’m planning on making an Alagadda story🤫
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ifearmetoo · 2 years
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New fic I'm working on
This is going to be worse than the bake sale
"Since when does the foundation do charity?" The pink fliers were posted everywhere over the site this morning. A splash of blaring pink among grey walls. Begging for attention it got from the crowd of wary employees. She is smack dab in the middle of the gawkers. Gazing at the paper pinned on the news board with mounting amusement. Grabbing a flier she did a mad dash to her boss's office to confirm.
 "Since we needed a tax break." Doctor Davis is standing in front of a full length mirror. Said news is probably bringing a new wave of self-consciousness. Poor man. He always embodied the nerdy hermit stereotype. The handlebar mustache is peppered with gray and his usually brown skin has lost its luster. 
 On to her next point. "What bachelors? No offence but you're all kinda… old. 'Eligible' is pushing it." She wrinkles her nose, it's true, most men on this bachelor list are middle aged or older. There isn't opportunity to grow into your fifties with the foundation in fact she suspects that the majority don't 
 Disgruntled, he fixes his tie. Finding some invisible flaw in his reflection's stern appearance. "47 is not old." 
 "My dad begs to differ." She quips, swinging her legs. " I'm just saying we'd probably get more money if it was a bachelorette auction."
 He sighed, rubbing the wrinkles on the corner of his eyes. She loves working under him, not only is he calm and collected but he tolerates her unnecessary comments better then previous bosses. "This is worse than the bake sale."
 "Yeah, right." Nothing could be worse than the bake sale
 Onto his plush office chair he sits with bone tired movements."I don't think I'll be participating." He says while idly steering his tea.
 She flips through some papers and pins him with a look. "Of course you are." Her boss is one of the only bleeding hearts left. A fact she's proud of.
 On paper he's the best boss she's had in her stint here (Not that there's a lot of competition) but he is…prideful. He remains painfully aware of things that might cause him the slightest hint of embarrassment and avoids it like the plague.
 That being said, She once saw him cry over not being able to donate extra money at Panda Express.
He thinks on it for ten minutes. Though she knows his answer and readies an acceptance email. "Fine, but you're going."
"As if I'd miss this mess." Her weekend slot is free in a rare coincidence. Usually she has a girl's weekend or family visit to fill Saturday and Sunday however with the major holidays done she's gotten more time to herself. 
 "And you're attending to make sure I don't embarrass myself."
 She stills and slowly pronounces. "....How?"
"If it looks like no lady will bet on me then you'll lay down a good four hundred."
"No! What the hell?!" With her shit salary?! She nearly trips in her hurry to his side. 
 He gives her a patronizing look. "Relax, I'll give you the money to give to them. Deal?"
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ifearmetoo · 2 years
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ifearmetoo · 2 years
Forgive the dog that bites (William Afton x reader)
(Excerpt. Will be entirely posted soon)
"You're a shy thing." He comments after fifteen minutes of silent driving.
Her hands fidget on her lap. "Not really, you bring that out of me."
He glances away from the road a moment. "Oh? What about me makes you nervous?"
She's been working with him for three months now but it feels more like a year. Looking to the floor when he enters a room, responding to his commands with simple yes and no's. She learned next to nothing about him but remembers their first meeting. The surprise at how tall and gangly he was. The paleness of his skin makes his blue-green veins visible spider webs that disappear into his collared shirt. Her lizard brain says he's hiding. Walking on a stage and acting the part of a kind employer 
He hums. "I'm waiting…"
"Your eyes." There's a dead stillness to them that unerves her. "It's very gray."
Heavily shadowed by bags and empty of human emotion except a gleam of far off ecstasy. Anticipating a future she isn't privy to.
Much like they stare at her now without breaking contact to look at the road. 
She freezes, not daring to breathe or make a sound. Mouth suddenly becomes dry. The good sense her mother instilled in her gives an agonized wail.
A closed lip smile plays on that pallid face.
He pulls to the side and stops the car under a canopy of trees. It occurs to her like a distant pin drop that she has no idea where they are. The headlights are still on, lighting the forest patch of bushes and trunks but nothing else. 
Her heart jumps when he undoes his seat belt.
"Sir?" Her breathing is laboured
She backs up a fraction, back hitting the car door, before he pulls her forward to a slanted kiss by the back of her neck. 
It ends her spiraling thoughts.
Finished! Enjoy and read the tags😩
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ifearmetoo · 2 years
Feeling blessed 😍
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ifearmetoo · 2 years
Do y'all think since Bonnie ate that cat it's ghost is trapped in there too? And every now and then random meows are heard inside?
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ifearmetoo · 3 years
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*guitar rift*
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ifearmetoo · 3 years
Im writing a fanfic set in Algadda and I'm having trouble describing what I headcanon the city of Algadda would be mix of
Piranesi's dreams
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and MC Escher
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ifearmetoo · 3 years
Finishing these little projects
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ifearmetoo · 3 years
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ifearmetoo · 3 years
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personal collection of tiny guys
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ifearmetoo · 3 years
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These are my last ones i swear
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ifearmetoo · 3 years
Future fic to look for:
The shape/xreader/the pig
It's back to the fire after the match. You aren't excited to face your teammates this round, shoulders launching forward to make yourself smaller and thus impose on the group's attention. No doubt there will be some half bitten off sentences and acidic comments about you.
You deserve such.
Unlike Meg, your speed isn't the refined muscle of months of labor but reliant on the candle wick of fear that burns hot and fast when a match begins. You've always been an easy scare. Saying this. You are known to be not so quick to help your teammates. It's pure cowardice that you freely admit you're at fault for. Offering your position up for others to escape is admirable in a moral world. However the entity's realm isn't that.
One of the Legion bagged you this match. However, before that you'd kept quiet while Kate screamed in familiar agony. You had all the chances to help her.
A grudge is there, a physical wall to you making friends. They teeter on feeling pity for your obvious inadequacy and vitriol.
Nea asks you a question. " What do you think about the new guy? Terrifying right?" Nea bless her heart, tries to bring you into the fold. 
The man, if you could call him that, is a unit of solid muscle and steel. "He's big." You say. Best to keep it short. 
She snorts and lays her chin down.
This is the fullest the circle has ever been. Laurie, poor thing, is spaced off looking tired as usual. She's one of the only people kind to you. That's on part because your selfishness has limits when it comes to the younger group members.
They really are just kids. It burns the back of your throat that they are here, the entity is a merciless God. When it comes to the teens, whatever distraction they need to get away from a killer you provide.
She absently gives you a smile.
You open your arms and she timidly sinks into them taking the comfort you offer silently.
Feeling the eyes of other survivors on you, the woods look more tempting by the second. You haven't dared explore them yet but now's as good a chance as any. 
"I'll be back."
A chorus of acknowledgements and you march off.
Stepping in the branches reach for you. The crackle of the fire grows distant. The woods are overall silent. Eerie but what here isn't so? 
Snapp walks these woods and so does Ash. Usually joking and wishing for a beer.
You miss home. Wherever home is. Memories are foggy. Some part if you isn't sure that you had a life outside. 
Whenever they talk about the outside world they do so with yearning, recalling putting up feet on the dashboard of a cherry red car, drinking smoothies, studying, sneaking into a movie theater, skateboarding down a hill with the sun on their back and breeze cradling their smiles.
You don't have that.
So alone. No one to hold.
People at camp fuck. A common secret that everyone keeps low. They savor the serotonin a quick orgasm gives them and chase the feeling of being in a better place, less blood, more sunshine. A grown woman like you should be taking these escapades too.
You haven't had the chance nor the urge to seek a partner of your own.
A familiar pant of breath grazes your ear. Myers. You turn to the camp and make a mad dash for safety. Crying out for Ash or-
Your throat is seized by an ironclad grip. Knocking your temple hard against a thick trunk of wood. Skin scraped off as easily as butter.
Already you're sobbing and tossing your head about, the pain. You're not ready for the pain.
The sticky blood trickles down to his hand in what you imagine is a common feeling. You pant.
"Please don't…" but he sticks his knife to your side with little fanfare. The answering scream is brutal, belts your throat. No matter how many times it happens the stab comes with all the same shock and pain as the very first one. A hot slide as it glides deep into meat, grazing bone, you can barely muster the strength to beg over the pain.
But it's a chore to him. No burst of interest or pleasure when he thrusts it in deeper.
You cradle the back of his shoulder. Fist grabbing the jumpsuit. Futile.
You go limp, without will or fight. The pain doesn't cease
Your shirt is a caked rag. Your skirt is a hiked belt over your stomach. Covering nothing. You would have noticed except the piercing hurt overcomes all other sensation.
He doesn't miss this.
It's an alianting feeling that sticks out like an awful squishy bruise against emotions such as anger, annoyance, disdain
It's calling his name, tugging at his pinky. This way. Come here. The voices are murmuring, hissing in response, grudging recognition.
What is this sudden shift?
He twists.
Blood bubbles out.
A female voice. Cold. Unaffected, branches through. "What are you doing?"
But like fog his form turns insolid. Gone.
You lie there with the pain as a bedfellow, shake it off your still in danger your mind screams. You manage a jolt upwards. 
Looking for the voice among the branches proves futile as does cupping waterver blood seeps out the wound. A figure is formed in the fog, shockingly crimson.
"We can't kill you outside the match." The Pig. Her voice barely registers in the aftermath. Coppery stream slides down your throat in a warm spill, the only thing warm in your body.
"Thank you." It's strange to say that to someone that has killed you before. You smooth down your skirt over chilled thighs and thumb the edges.
 The pig mask is a gruesome sight but strangely less so than the man you were faced with earlier.
She lunges close. Snarling. "But we can hurt you as much as we want."
You stumble blind into the light of the campfire. A sound, soft chuckling follows.
Exclamations of concern meet you. Ash guides you down onto a mat to look over the damage.
Your mind replays the chuckle and feel of light brown hair when entering sleep. Your dreams, usually blank and too exhausted to come up with a scene,  now have a personal mind real with a front row seat.
The two killers you met in the woods are there. Not hinting you, but watching, always watching 
Lucky you.
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ifearmetoo · 3 years
Little gif of everyone's fave
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ifearmetoo · 3 years
Upcoming fic: Decaying world.
Bobby x reader. (When day breaks au.)
Your trip to Europe is a nightmare.
The air BnB somehow mixed up your room and now you have to find somewhere to stay after arguing with the guide for a hot minute. Not your proudest moment and if your luck continues you'll hit rock bottom before the week ends.
When you smiled at the cashier from the small convenient store in front of the hotel she muttered something under her breath. Scanning your things faster to get you out. 
You are put off a bit but remind yourself that it's only natural that local people hate tourists. People you walk alongside seem standoffish.
You wish you could lay on the park bench and enjoy the day, dogs are chasing frisbees and working horses winnie. The sun is so pretty and bright in the sky promising fun, it's entrancing how lovely a day today is. The website said that London is usually gray and cloudy, so it's best to find somewhere to stay before afternoon. That doesn't mean you can't do some exploring before that.
The plane had three whining babies and little sleep to be found.
You open your phone. "Hey mama. I arrived. There was a mix up with my room but everything is fine now. So don't worry. I'll call you when I'm settled in. Love you. Bye." You put on a smiling face for the picture and hit send. No sense in worrying her with the details left out.
 You haven't seen a rat like in a certain other place that must not be named
Your suitcase is awfully loud on the sidewalk. 
You could have visited your grandparents back in the old country but no. You insisted on trying something new. 
You were walking with your irritated thoughts until you noticed the lack of lightbulbs. Where is the office? 
There were these awful screams. Then silence. It scares the shit out of you. Too high on the vocal cords to be a prank, several wounded animals dying in pain. Horror movie screams are dull in comparison to the pain filled wail.
The eerie silence that follows has your belly twisting in knots
You hear the voice of your Mom calling you. Faintly, down the tunnel to the sunlight.
"Mamá?" The word is a whimper that dies and chokes your throat 
That's not right, she's halfway around the world. Watching her seven o'clock shows with her aching feet put up on a cushion, telling your sister to bring her a glass of lemonade.
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