#just feels like most of my top ten isn't actually MINE
queen-scribbles · 5 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 482 notes - Feb 16 2023
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2. 167 notes - Jul 13 2023
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3. 143 notes - Jun 29 2023
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4. 130 notes - Nov 7 2023
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5. 124 notes - Nov 20 2023
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6. 123 notes - Jan 6 2023
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7. 108 notes - Mar 13 2023
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8. 100 notes - Aug 4 2023
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9. 90 notes - Apr 3 2023
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10. 85 notes - May 5 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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vukovich · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you @orange-peony @schmem14 and @teledild0nix for tagging me in this game! Sorry it took me eons.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
47. 46 under "Vukovich" and one that's anonymous.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Harry Potter.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Crane Lord of Gringotts Beauxtiful Boy "I'll Figure It Out" It'll Come Back Fearful Trill
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
No, as a general rule, I don't. I just feel like it's awkward to treat an AO3 comment as a conversation starter, I guess. Like, if someone wants to talk to me, my email address and Tumblr are in my AO3 bio. I do reply to AO3 comments if there's a question about the fic. Especially if the reader says their first language isn't English. I also will reply for the purpose of harassing friends.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Return to Sender and "I love you, (too/also)" are way up there in the angst department. For "I love you, (too/also)" I actually recorded a podfic of it, and I couldn't read the ending out loud without crying so I scrapped it. NO WAIT!!! I forgot about The Seven Weasley Horcruxes. Oh, Jeebus. Apologies in advance for that one.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Eagles in Truro, just for the sake of everyone getting to have their polyamorous cake and eat it too.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. Just... yes. Big yes.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, most of my fics are explicit. I'm not really sure what kind of smut I write. I feel like my smut is probably more graphic than some. More jizz dripping on the floor and errant pubes in teeth than what's fandom typical.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I can barely hold the HP universe in my head.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, several of them. I think it's cool as hell. If it's a language I'm familiar with, I help with phrasings and subtext and stuff.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah. I have a WIP collection that people can leave unfinished fics in, and then I finish them. And I'd say when I collaborate with an artist, there's enough back and forth that it counts as co-writing. Oh! And there's a WIP with @oknowkiss and @mintawasalreadytaken I'll eventually get back to writing, I swear, you guys, for real, I will finish that shower piss scene.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Joker/Harley Quinn, actually.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
OMG just one?! I have (briefly leaves to check Google Docs) about 100k in unfinished fics, plus outlines for about ten more. I think those are all going to get dumped as-is on AO3 in an anonymous collection, and I'm only going to finish the ones I'm actively posting (Seahorse, Glitch, 24k9).
16. What are your writing strengths?
Weird turns of phrase, I guess. Or at least that's what people tell me. I feel like I'm pretty good at not bogging down the pace with descriptions, but some people like to know the threadcount when they read smut. Honestly, I have way more strengths as an editor than as a writer.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Complete disregard for the em dash. If I were meant to use it, it would have a key on the standard QWERTY keyboard. I even bought an expensive-ass keyboard, programmed an em dash key for it, and still didn't use it. It wasn't meant to be. Who would like to buy a very fancy keyboard? I will also die on my double-spacing at the end of sentences hill. Going down with this typewriter skills ship. Maybe YOUR language evolves over time, but mine's stuck in 1987.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
That's one of my favorite puzzles. How comprehensible can I make the foreign language excerpt solely through the use of cognates and cues? Love it. 10/10.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
My most masterful works of fiction are letters of recommendation. But this sonnet is fun.
Tagging everybody already tagged, as well as @peachpety @@epitomereally @tontonguetonks @diligent-thunder @wheezykat @lou-ifyouwant @corvuscrowned
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shivunin · 11 months
🌟OC Tag Game🌟
Thank you for the tag @brother-genitivi! This tag game is cool, but also a curse because I hate deciding between things lol
(Looking at this now that I am finished...I think a lot of these might be surprising, but there it is)
Favorite OC: Agggh :c It genuinely rotates and is largely determined by who I'm having the most fun writing at any given moment. If I really had to pick, it would have to be Araceli, one of my original work babies. She brings an "I'm off shift in ten minutes, do it yourself" vibe to the supernatural that I really dig.
Newest OC: Jesse, my Shepard. Technically she's older than all the others (I've been playing Mass Effect longer) but I've only very recently started to develop her into an actual character for writing. She's a cowgirl c:
Oldest OC: Not counting original stuff, it's Elowen Lavellan. I originally intended her to be my canon Inquisitor (and she's the impetus for me writing fic to post, actually!) and her playthrough is why I wrote Your Fate for Mine.
Meanest OC: Oooh so this is a really interesting question, bc Arianwen is definitely the most blunt (and she really doesn't care about people's feelings much), but Maria is actually more capable of saying really hurtful things because she understands people so much better. Wen will ignore someone crying over a dead loved one, but if pressed Maria will find the secret hurt you've been nursing for the last decade and jam her fingernails right into it.
Softest OC: Oooh hm. I think they all have a soft side, in their way, but I think Salshira craves softness the most. She doesn't really know how to articulate that until she knows she's wanted, though. She is an extremely caring friend, she just struggles with being open and vulnerable in return.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Arianwen Tabris. Would rather sit in a tree than socialize. Would rather do most things that aren't socializing. Don't talk to her, she's busy (trying to train a squirrel to pick pockets)
Dumbest (affectionate) OC: Hmmm Wen isn't at all book-smart (can't imagine the alienage education system is worth much), but she's canny. Elowen is the most oblivious/least people-smart/most socially awkward. I wouldn't describe any of them as dumb (certainly not to their faces), but they all have the capacity to be idiots in love (a crucial characteristic to me).
Smartest OC: Oooh I think Emmaera. She's the most able to retain information and she likes understanding how/why things work. When she gets into a research hyperfixation, she stops noticing that time passes. Her infodumps are truly a sight to behold. (but I think Maria is a close second c: )
OC I'd Probably Be Friends With: Emma or Maria. Maria could befriend most people given the right circumstances (she's also hilarious) and Emma and I share an interest in understanding culture (and treasure hunts/hiding things for a joke). (I think I would get along with all of them okay, but those are my top two)
Tagging: @greypetrel @dungeons-and-dragon-age @gaysebastianvael and anyone else who wants in---I tried to pick people with several OCs (who hadn't been tagged yet), but reply with a 👀 or shoot me an ask and I will gladly tag you c:
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tay0la · 25 days
My top 10 / ESC 2024
There isn't a specific ranking of these ten because my favourites really depended on my mood. (Also Moldova, sweetie, I am so sorry you were robbed)
Ukraine 🇺🇦
It came to my attention that people don't like the song and I'm like???? Have you seen the staging??? Also they did really well on the final besides starting second. Ukraine is just really good at serving in this contest.
Armenia 🇦🇲
In my humble opinion one of the best ethnic pop representation this year. I enjoyed every moment of it and I got really scared in the semifinal that they wouldn't make it but they did and slayed.
Netherlands 🇳🇱
Well, sadly, we didn't get the opportunity to enjoy this song in the Grand Final. But it was the first Eurovision song that I listened to this year and I really enjoyed it. It would have come far in the final.
Croatia 🇭🇷
This one was the winner of the Televote, unsurprisingly. It isn't my favourite genre but I like songs I can scream to and just like Europapa, this was an early listening of mine and yeah.
Switzerland 🇨🇭
My beloved. Truly an artwork and, in my opinion, a deserved winner of this contest. Is it the best song? Juries voted so. (And I voted so) A very sympathetic artist and very talented.
Ireland 🇮🇪
HONESTLY HOW POETIC WOULD IT HAVE BEEN OF IRELAND TO WIN IN SWEDEN AND CLAIM THE THRON AGAIN? Also I had no idea what happened on stage but I liked the vibe so I voted for it. :)
France 🇫🇷
Where was the French flag? NO but honestly, this was a really great song and I thought that he would do better in the Jury voting. Maybe even take the trophy home. Would have been as deserved as Switzerland.
Norway 🇳🇴
Norway's result is really sad. The problem is that the Eurovision audience is highly unpredictable and that this wouldn't to well in the Juries wasn't a surprise. I LIKE THE SONG. (Otherwise it wouldn't have been in the top ten) But I just realised we could've had KEIINO and now I feel a really tiny bit robbed.
Germany 🇩🇪
I AM SO HAPPY that this didn't end up last and that he got recognised by the Juries because his voice really didn't deserved the last place AT ALL. Also the more you listen to it, the better it gets (which is actually the case for most German entries). And he got criticised because of his appearance and that wasn't really cool, so I am happy he shut their mouths.
Austria 🇦🇹
Well. I've seen the result coming because her vocals didn't quite turned out well in the semifinal and it got better in the final but she had to perform after France, who delivered.
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grassyhorizon45 · 3 months
Saw you looking for microfic requests… feel free to ignore, but what about a first-date style microfic in Hogsmeade or something? Thinking like year 6 or 7? Not sure if you’ve done one of those before and sorry if this is too broad. Any character(s) would be cool!
aaaa this took me a while to brain but I hope it's what you were looking for 👀
oh and my friend gave me three words to try and incorporate in this too 😅👍
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the way he immediately switched to bomb and death :sob:
word count: 1113
The bell above the door chimed, announcing my entry. 
“Welcome to Honeydukes,” the owner, Mr. Flume greeted me. I responded with a subtle nod, not wanting to say anything but not wanting to be rude at the same time.
I scanned the nearby shelves; toffees, chocolates, some Fizzing Whizzbees……
There it was, carved neatly into the wooden sign board were the words ‘Special Effects’.
My gaze was followed by none other than the owner himself.
“Ah, the special effects section. Might I recommend you the–” I stopped him, smiling. 
“I've already made up my mind, thanks Mr. Flume.”
Not at all offended, the lovely Ambrosius Flume nodded and left me be.
I grabbed a blue box off the top shelf and brought it to the cashier.
“The finest sugar quills,” he said, taking one look at the box of sweets. “You my dear, must have an eye for confectionery, no?” 
I blushed, not taking compliments well. 
“It's for a friend,” I explained. To which he replied with a knowing, “I see.” 
I never did like giving people chocolates, they were too common. But sugar quills? They're my signature go-to when it comes to gifts, my own little flair you could say.
I left Honeydukes with the box of sweets neatly bagged, roaming the streets of Hogsmeade a while before finally settling down in the Three Broomsticks Inn, giving my watch a quick glance……
Ten more minutes.
“Someone's early.”
His silky voice took me by surprise. I looked up and smirking gray eyes met mine. I smirked back, rolling my eyes. 
“Sit down, Malfoy.”
Never in my life would I have expected this. Draco Malfoy, the very guy that tormented me for years, was now on a freaking date with me. 
Though it was true that Draco was the one who initiated the date, deep down I knew I too had developed feelings for the boy.
Draco was an absolute player, every soul in Hogwarts knew that; and as the silence between us dragged on, I started to wonder why the heck I was here in the first place. 
“Y/n– You okay?” His voice drew me back to reality. “Madam Rosmerta just asked if you'd like to order anything.”
“Oh, huh– I'll just have butterbeer, th-thanks.” Draco only continued staring at me intently, like I was a mystery yet to be solved. I avoided his gaze, mumbling a quick, “Sorry, I zoned out.”
It felt so out of place when he just grinned back. He wasn't making small talk, we weren't talking at all. Was it because of our history with each other? Was this whole thing just a joke to him?
“Hey,” Draco spoke in the most casual way possible, gaining eye contact with me.
“Hi?” Was the only thing I could think to blurt.
He smiled at this.
“First time, love?”
How did he know—
“And I bet you've been on tons,” I slipped, echoing the negative thoughts in my head.
Draco tilted his head. “And why would you say that?”
I looked away, “No reason.”
He grabbed my chin and forced me to face him. Draco's touch was gentle but unfamiliar, sending shivers down my spine.
“I know you think im some asshole that loves messing around,” his voice was stern, the very kind he used when he was actually being serious. “But I really want you to trust me on this. You and I, this isn't a little fling I'm playing at.”
The man in front of me knew me more than I knew myself. At times I saw it through his insults and bullying, but at times I saw it through the way he secretly cared for me…… Maybe that was the reason I'm here.
I nodded, “Okay.”
His stern face melted away and was replaced with an indifferent one. “So tell me about yourself,” he tried.
“Seriously? I've known you since year two…” I mumbled.
“Well, tell me something I don't know then, y/n.” There was a tinge of harshness to his voice but that somehow only turned me on even more. 
“I don't think I could live a day without you.”
Shocked, Draco was completely speachless. And I only realised the weight of my words after I'd blurted it. 
“I-It's true… I don't know what I'd do without your daily snarky remarks and insults… Th-They give me a sense of hope that somewhere under all that,” I gulped. “Y-You cared.”
It was a strange feeling, wanting his attention. It was even weirder that I was admitting all of this to him but that's just how I am, an absolute pushover.
Our drinks arrived just then and I dived into my mug of butterbeer without a thought, wanting to wave off the bomb of awkwardness I had just dropped.
“Look, y/n… I do care,” he stated. “I care about you way more than you know. It's just something I don't find easy to show, I've never felt this way for someone before.”
I smiled at him, he smiled back, and I felt blush creep all the way up to my ears.
“Oh! I almost forgot–” I pulled out the lapis blue box I had bought from earlier. “I got you something…”
“Hm?” Draco took the box from me, “You didn't have to...”
I caught him take a quick peek at the sugar quills inside.
“Just something small, I didn't want to show up empty handed.”
He chuckled, putting the gift aside. “Thanks.”
Secretly, I was relieved; I didn't want to see his reaction anyways.
Draco and I chatted as we slowly drank our butterbeers, touching topics like school and family, basically filling the empty silence we would otherwise have between us. 
But as our drinks neared their end so did our conversation burn out, leaving us to sit there silently in each other's presence. 
The silence this time round was oddly soothing, knowing there wouldn't be any judgment from either party. We were already close before this, taking this ‘date’ as a progression in our relationship from enemies to lovers.
Draco got up to pay short after, leaving me alone at the table. The box of sugar quills was open in front of his seat and it looked like he'd already gone through one over the course of our conversation. I smiled, I think this relationship is gonna work out just fine.
Two gentle hands found themselves on my shoulder from behind. I tilted my head upwards and was once again met with his loving gray eyes. 
“So, what do you say? You, me, we make this official.”
I smiled back at him. “Deal.”
He grinned. “Alright then……
Till death do us part.”
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greatsylveon2007 · 8 months
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
Thank you @thegreatmaddu for tagging me and allowing me to ramble about music <3
Tried my best to explain my thoughts on each song but my thoughts are not comprehensible to anyone including myself so I apologize in advance
My thoughts are also.. kind of long, oops
1 - Sharks - Imagine Dragons
"You're hot, then you're cold, you're a light in the dark, just you wait and you'll see that you're swimming with sharks"
I didn't realize I listened to Sharks so often.. oops. If I had to guess I would say it's definitely because of the instrumental, especially towards the end, don't get me wrong I like the lyrics and the vocals, but the instrumental right before the last chorus sounds awesome imo
Surprised that out of all imagine dragons songs I know, this is the one I listen to the most apparently,, that was unexpected tbh
2 - Doubt Comes In - Hadestown
"i used to see the way the world could be, but now the way it is is all I see and- (Where is she? Where is she now?)
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This was the song that introduced me to Hadestown I am so normal about it
Idk the vocals are so perfect and I think that the instrumental going on for a lot longer than it does in the rest of the Hadestown songs really shows how oddly silent the journey is for Orpheus. I adore how, despite the fact that Eurydice is literally singing right behind him, he can't help but feel like it's all a trick by Hades, The Fates voices are also so haunting in this one?? Even in like Wait For Me they don't sound like that for me, I love it, they sound amazing 100% of the time but this time they killed it
Orpheus and Eurydice's parts have such a contrasting vibe too, I can listen the colours of their verses what the fuck
Great song super recommend
3 - If It's True - Hadestown
"I believe that we are many, I believe that they are few (we're standing, we're standing, we're standing) And it isn't for the few to tell the many what is true (we understand him)"
Hadestown again,, I have so many feelings about this song aaaa I actually first heard a parody of it in a Shrek 3 video, so hearing the exact same melody and part of the same lyrics on stage was definitely a shock and it took a while for me to process LMAO
I REALLY like this song, it helped me write a character of mine and I just adore the build up as Orpheus starts a riot, the way the workers start singing louder and louder, the lyrics in general and Reeve Carney's voice are phenomenal, I adore this song fr fr
4- Who is She? (Reprise) - Centaurworld
"Who is she? She's the ghost of the girl I used to know. Who is she? She's the echo I'm chasing"
ONE OF THE BEST CENTAURWORLD SONGS MY OPINION IS THE ONLY RIGHT ONE - If I had to rank it it would be like, around the top five..
I listen to this song a lot while I'm having my Hope brainrots because this song represents her so well, I can't talk about it because it's spoiler territory though, I really should start Storm of Shadows 😔
Anyway uhh I love the way they incorporate lyrics from Who is She, What if I Forget Your Face and Rainbow Road into this, and Glenn's voice is so good I love everything she sings in, the instrumental also sounds like really odd but in a good way? I can't tell if it's a darker version of the instrumental of a previous song or not but it definitely gives off those vibes
5 - True North - Vocal Line
"We never learned to use a compass, we never learned to read these maps, we always yearned for far off countries, we never found a straight way back"
OO I listen to this one solely because of a Paranormal Order OSNI campaign PMV idea I have.
The song itself rocks though, the singing voices are so good, the way they're just so calm is kind of haunting in a way? Like the male and female singers always switching between each other and there being (I believe at least) always at least two singers singing the exact same thing at once just gives off a feeling, a good one probably, but definitely a feeling
6 - That Me Is Not Me - Tryhardninja
"Doppelgänger demon in disguise, eyes appear in shadows in the night, evil never dies, it multiplies, multiplies, lies"
"Oh so you're a Mandela Catalog fan-" no, ok so, you know how I just said True North is because of a campaign of Paranormal Order... This song is because of the Quarentena campaign KAMKDKSOS
Anyway I've been blasting this song since the first episode on the 25th and it's a certified banger
Oh right the song, tryhardninja's songs just have a very specific vibe that I really like and I cannot explain, I really like his voice and the way he sings stuff idk,, I don't have an explanation for this one I just vibe really hard with it :)
7 - Epic III - Hadestown
"King of shadows; king of shades; Hades was king of the Underworld. But he fell in love with a beautiful lady; who walked up above; in her mother's green field; he fell in love with Persephone"
This is my uhhh third Hadestown song.. I promise I am normal about Hadestown (I'm a liar)
If I had to rank every Hadestown song ever this would be a strong competitor for first place ngl ngl..
I love how the song is cheerful and magic while recounting the first meeting between Persephone and Hades, but turns slow and melancholic as it leaves that memory and goes back to the present.
The way Orpheus uses his feelings for Eurydice to relate to how Hades felt about Persephone, even going as far as using lyrics from his duets with her makes me feel, and the ending where he says things about Hades that drove Persephone away that COINCIDENTALLY are also things about himself that drove Eurydice away it's just so AA
The show really hyped up this song and it absolutely delivered, makes my brain feel many things
(This is my way of begging you to listen to the Hadestown soundtrack)
8 - I'm glad you're evil too - Rachie, PalmMute
"We laught while staring down the void, and cry while listening to vocaloid, two lonely and broken souls messing around with their lives"
This song is just really sweet I like it :) Vocaloid and vocaloid covers just have this very specific vibe
This song is extremely Spook and Chaos core I love it so much I want to draw them being happy forever
To me Rachie's voice just sounds really good with the lyrics and the song is just sweet, it has an energy I cannot put into words and I'm just very normal about it. One of the few songs able to out "memes" into the lyrics and not sound funny
9 - The Goose & the Wren - Hop Along
"While the outcry of 20 men, run from the nearby batallion; as if we avoid their light, then we might make it home tonight"
Another song I keep replaying while thinking of an Paranormal Order PMV (specifically the OSNF campaign hehe)
I don't know I really like the more simple vibe of it? I especially like the singing voices not being your typically smooth crazy beautiful voices you normally hear in music, it gives it a very unique energy that I really like! It sounds like a group of friends singing with each other, I like that :)
10 - Not Evil - The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part
"I'm Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi, the most least evil person you'll ever meet; and if you make eye contact with me, I totally won't have you executed immediately"
While I was flying to the USA the plane I was in had The Lego Movie 2 and I had only watched I think the second half of it by that point so I decided to check it out, tragically this song got stuck in my head 😔
There is no deep super analysis/personal project reason I like this song, Tiffany Haddish is simply killing it and I like how it sounds (the animation definitely helped too)
I uhhh definitely do not know 10 music nerds on this site and the ones I don't know I have no idea if they have Spotify or not..... Don't feel obligated to do this 😔
@rosia4309 @cristallun @crysolis @i dont know anyone else lmaoo
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kimium · 1 year
Look! It's another self-indulgent list to end 2022!
I kept meaning to make this list earlier this month, but I forgot. However, I had a long conversation with @m34gs earlier this week I was inspired to sit down and write this list.
Here is my list of "My Top Ten Favourite Bankai in Bleach". Please note this is a list of favourites and not actually one detailing power or "which one is the best". Also note that I'm not going to include Squad Zero. Spoilers are ahead for the entire series so I'll put the rest under a cut, just to be safe.
10. Nanao Ise (Shinken Hakkyoken)
I cannot remember if this is a "proper" bankai, but it is on this list for one reason: I love stories where weapons are passed down in the family. The addition of her captain (and uncle) Kyouraku being the one keeping it sealed due to a promise from her mother really adds more to their dynamic. Finally, I am also a big fan of ritualistic weapons.
9. Yamamoto Genryusei (Ryujin Jakka)
I like Yamamoto's bankai because it embodies many religious perceptions of "hell" or "purgatory". It's destructive, it's unbearably hot, and it can reanimate the skeletons of any foe it has killed. That's not just powerful, it's also emotionally devastating. The animation in TYBW arc truly captured the bankai and bumped it up my list of favourites.
8. Hirako Shinji (Sakanade)
Out of all the bankai on this list I think Shinji's is the most tame in terms of power. That doesn't mean it isn't interesting. Sometimes, less is more and the ability to flip perception of space/direction is simple but fun. It also perfectly highlights Shinji's personality!
7. Abarai Renji (Zabimaru)
Another bankai that's simple, the reason why Zabimaru is on the list is because I love the aesthetic. Swords that extend as well as becoming bone? Fantastic! Also, having two animals that talk as his bankai also gives it a fable vibe which is a 10/10.
6. Hitsugaya Toshiro (Hyorinmaru)
Hitsugaya is one of my favourite characters in Bleach and so his bankai had to show up on my list. I really enjoy how his bankai becomes a part of him, giving him mobility and a bit of extra offense that doesn't just come from his sword. Also, in that filler arc where the zanpakuto become human and rebel against their respective shinigami showed that Hyorinmaru is... really attractive 👀
5. Urahara Kisuke (Benihime)
Okay, first Urahara and Benimaru being one of the few pairs that are not the same gender is a major bonus in my eyes. Next, Benihime looks so regal and proper. Finally, her entire ability centered around reanimating and slicing things up brutally? That 100% fits Urahara "I was once the head of the science division". I also feel that Urahara and Benihime have an actual relationship/dynamic that displays centuries of understanding one another.
4. Kuchiki Rukia (Shirayuki)
The main reason why I love Rukia's bankai is because it took the same element as Hitsugaya, and used a different take on the power. One pet peeve of mine in shonen series is when people share an ability but it's virtually the same. Rukia's bankai couldn't be further from Hitsugaya's. With the focus on freezing, it also resonates very strongly with me as a Canadian. Definitely a terrifying power and I also love that Kubo thought about the drawbacks of such an ability (having to warm up slowly so she doesn't damage or send her body into shock).
3. Kyouraku Shunsui (Katen Kyokotsu)
Another pair where the two are not the same gender! The reason why I love Kyouraku's bankai is because it is so unique! Children's games is not what someone would first think as a power, but it works so well! I also love that his bankai has a lot of drawbacks/rules that need to be in place in order for it to work. It just adds another layer to the theme of his bankai. Finally, his bankai is a duo-wielding sword and I am always a sucker for that.
2. Kurosaki Ichigo (Zangetsu)
Yeah, I know, it's the main character's bankai. Yeah, I know Ichigo's bankai isn't as "flashy" as some of the others on this list. However, the big reason why I love Ichigo's bankai is because of the character growth. Ichigo's first bankai, the one he received in the Soul Society arc, really was a speed run bankai. That resulting in him truly not understanding Zangetsu and having that lack of knowledge biting him in the butt in TYBW arc is some delightful payoff I never expected.
So many times in shonen series a main character gains a new power on top of their old one, but for Ichigo he literally had to go back to basics. There was no new power up but rather a better understanding of the power he has. That is why I rate his bankai so high.
Kuchiki Byakuya (Senbonzakura)
Without a doubt, my favourite bankai of the entire series is Byakuya's. For me, it is the most memorable bankai. It was the first bankai we encountered in the series. Byakuya was the person who posed not just one of the biggest threats in the Soul Society arc for Ichigo, but he also posed as a goal to overcome. The moment they re-met in Soul Society was the story's moment to demonstrate how far Ichigo had come as a character.
Thematic reasons aside, Byakuya's aesthetic is beautiful. Visually, Senbonzakura is stunning. Anytime I see it animated I am always taken away by how beautiful it looks. Yet, with minimal exposition we as the audience can understand how deadly it is. That right there is how you do an ability: there is no need for long winded explanations. Visually, the manga and anime can show the danger Byakuya's bankai poses.
Honourable Mentions:
Kurotsuchi Mayuri (Ashisogi Jizo)
Look, his entire bankai is pure nightmare fuel. That alone deserves at least an honourable mention. I also love that he repeatedly refines and modifies his own bankai. That's super cool!
Unohana Retsu (Minazuki)
Honestly, I just like her bankai for aesthetic purposes. It is also creepy as heck with the pool of blood and I couldn't be happier. I love when female characters are allowed to have dark/creepy imagery.
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what-if-nct · 1 year
hiiii today's reminder is happy Kun day!!! my husband the loml my absolute favourite boy. I'm so surprised (and very touched!!) you remembered my birthday but also you're right because I've spent a fair amount of my time daydreaming about Kun and i watching new years/fourth of july fireworks together and just being disgustingly in love and also his birthday is the start of the year and mine is almost exactly the midpoint, so we'd also use it to be all sentimental and… ok there's a slight chance I've been using these romantic fantasies as a coping mechanism for things i should properly deal with but whatever. my dream Kun can never let me down.
alsoooo i watched the sm concert in bits and pieces half asleep because it started at 9 am here but a few things about that: one, wtf is Sungtaro's role at SM, are they tour guides at this point? i feel like they do everything but actual idol stuff now. two, they really performed take off for the first time in about three centuries, i almost screamed when i saw that (hyperbole, i was curled up in bed with the volume just high enough for me to hear it but i did audibly gasp). three, i was expecting a shinee's back 2023 thing like they did for don't call me considering it's their 15th anniversary next year but superm??? they're still a thing?? also i saw someone say that they added tvxq's colour to the logo thingy so changmin might be joining which??? i will Cry can you imagine the power but also the awkwardness bc I'm pretty sure he can't tell most of the nct boys apart. also reminded me that you said that's what you wanted superm to be, more of a rotational lineup. four, I'm pretty sure i have a massive crush on Boa after that
also happy new year one last time before i have to go back to the real world tomorrow morning :(
Hiii! Happy Kun day! It's your husband and wayvs father of 5, Ten isn't his child and Kun will never claim him birthday . I hope his 27th birthday was wonderful he looks so happy to be back out on that stage. And of course I remembered I remember all of the important birthdays. Do not ask me from memory to list all of NCTs birthdays there's like 50 of them. And that's literally the cutest relationship like you kiss on midnight and right as you pull away you say happy birthday and he kisses you again. And on your birthday it's a warm July night and he flies you off to Disney World and as the fireworks sparkle in the sky he pulls you close and says "it's all for you, happy birthday" and he kisses the top of your head. Like stop you two would be so cute.
And romantic fantasies are sometimes the only thing that can make you feel better. In my world. I ran into Chan, Felix and Hyunjin in the mall and they're lost and they come up to me and ask for help. I ask about the Aussies accent knowing full well but you can't let them know that you know cause you'll be fanzoned immediately. And as we're talking Hyunjin is just silently staring at me and when they walk away Hyunjin gives a small wave and we bump into each other later and instead of saying sorry he says "you're pretty" and asks if I want to have coffee with him and its quiet but we talk with glances and smiles and "accidental' grazes of fingertips. If you don't have your delusions and fantasies your just rawdogging life and that is not the way to live.
I've only seen clips here and there and to watch them perform Baby Don't Stop and 7th sense live in 2023 is honestly the only way to start the year. And they gifted us Hendery nipple. I have to watch all the other performances. I stayed up texting my crush he just got back to town anyway I fell asleep at some point. And I can just see Changbin asking Kai which one was just talking to him. And yes maybe we get Johnny? Chanyeol? Together? Please. Happy New Year again 💕 I hope you're new years was wonderful and I hope regular life is nice to you and takes care of you till Kun can come to take care of you. I leave you with a picture of Felix holding a hamster.
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It's Felix's turn to babysit Jisung. Our Jisung ,not their Jisung. The almond on the hamster belly and Felix's itty bitty hands. Thats a dwarf hamster look how perfect it fits in Felix's baby hands. A Syrian would be so big in his hands.
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imaginarylungfish · 5 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "imaginarylungfish "?
yes, you most definitely can! alright, here we go!
The Distance of Differences: this is my all-time favorite fic. it actually got me into todobakudeku for good. before reading this, i really only into tododeku and never bakudeku or todobaku. but damn, the storyline was really interesting, and the characterizations were great. i loved the dynamic between shouto, katsuki, and izuku. plus, i liked seeing how they all interacted with their classmates years later. i go back to this fic when i'm having a bad day cause i know it'll cheer me up!
Don't Say Goodbye: this one sticks out as a favorite of mine for similar reasons to the last one: an interesting storyline and great characterizations. i really liked how respectful and thoughtful sasaki and miyano were of each other (nothing new, but great to see it lasted into adulthood). plus, it was just cool to see them be able be a little family.
Ten Years, One Torch: this is my favorite tododeku fic. probably because i think the characterizations are pretty on point and because if shouto and izuku are together, then i need katsuki and eijirou to be together too lol. i just think the background ships are really spot on which helped me fall in love with this fic.
Look at Me, I Hear You: i normally am not one to find alternate universe fics enjoyable, but this was an exception (probably because the characterizations were still spot on). i really liked how katsuki and eijirou find a way to communicate with each other even with their challenges. i used to be pretty sick/disabled, so i think i have a soft spot for fics that show disabilities in a way that is just a normal part of living.
Your Hand in Mine (In Every Universe): so i'm not a huge bakudeku fan (i'm really only into bakudeku if it's todobakudeku) but this fic was really creative and i really enjoyed it. i think the characterization of katsuki was really spot on, even with the different versions of him.
Falling in Love at the Photo Shop: i think i'm a sucker for some oblivious-in-love fics like this. it's just really cute when two characters already act like a couple, then they realize they love each other. this is the story i wish was canon lol
Love, or Something Like That: kinda similar to the last fic's reasoning. oblivious-in-love and acting like a couple. it was nice to have a fic about kazurei after the christmas party/pre-time skip. this is what i wish happened lol
Bakugo Katsuki's Guide to Ignoring PTSD: ok so i know i said i don't really like alternate universe fics, but i like this one okayyy? probably because i also have ptsd and it was just really relatable. i also love how katsuki's friends are just there for him. plus, todobakudeku!
Of Duckies, Justice, and Life's Other Mysteries: ok so i haven't posted this anywhere before because it's not a finished fic (and i do hope the writer finishes it!!). but i really like this fic--it takes up my brain space lol. it feels like a cross between link click and buddy daddies, so it's up my alley. i love the premise and just wish there was more!
Crash Course on Intoxication: i realize i don't have many satosugu fic favs because there story is just usually depressing. but hey look, here's an alternative universe fic (lol maybe i'm okay with alt uni fics idk). this one also isn't finished but i really like it so far. it i think how gojo acts in this fic is relatable for me (as i was a closeted queer in college) and idk the characterizations are believable to me.
wow, that was fun!
now, imaginarylungfish? well, my favorite animal is a lungfish. why? lungfish live in drought-ridden environments. so, when there is water, they breathe through their gills. but when the water dries up, they secrete mucous that forms a protective cocoon around themselves. they go into torpor (like hibernation) while breathing with their lungs until the water returns. i think that is amazing! they are super resilient and idk i find that cool.
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the imaginary part is just cause idk i feel like i have a big imagination sometimes and also, what is real anyway? what if we're all just imagining life... spoopy
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
scenario: you start seeing Jon which leads to the two of you having to hide it from your family and especially Damian.
pairing: jon kent ( superboy ) x fem! reader
note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / can you tell my kent family hyperfixation hasn't left yet? i swear it's becoming an issue lmaooo but this might actually be the longest fic i've written for this blog.
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you talked with your friends who you had snuck into the gala with. Rachel had begrudgingly agreed to come to meanwhile Cass and Steph were the only other ones who agreed to come on their own accord.
"Damian, your only friend is here," Dick said, earning a kick from his younger brother before getting up and leaving you and Raven alone. you knew it was a rare occasion that she even decided to show up so you didn't want to leave her alone. "we probably won't see my brother for the rest of the night. whenever his friend comes, it's like everyone becomes a background character. for him being my adopted 'twin' brother, I have yet to meet this friend."
Raven laughed as you saw the wine that the couple on the dance left on your table drunkenly. the bottle was little more than half-filled and you gave one quick look to Raven before pouring the wine into both of your glasses and discarding it right away.
"to not having fun for the rest of the night," you giggled as the two of you chugged the wine down in a mere few seconds, "drier than I thought it would be but it beats having to pay for it," Raven muttered as you agreed to sneak another bottle from the bartender so you wouldn't have to pay for it. even with your dad paying for all your necessities, the drinks at his galas were far too expensive for you to even willingly pay for them yourself. the only reason why he even paid for all your expenses was because you agreed to skip out on college to help run some parts of Wayne Enterprises with your brother.
another reason why you couldn't exactly go and pay for it yourself was because Bruce was not one to exactly be chippy at the idea of you getting plastered drunk at one of his public galas. "I got one of two ideas. one: I'll go flirt with the bartender and you can sneak behind him and get the other bottle or two: I can flirt with the bartender for enough time to see if he'll just willingly give it to us," you told Raven as she nodded with option two.
the bartender happened to be in his younger 50s. you recognized him from previous WE events and although he was familiar with your family, you doubted that he would say anything to your dad about you flirting him with. all you had to do was push the top of the dress down a bit and hike up the bottom to get his attention.
"hey Martin," you said, leaning up against the bar table and smiling, "enjoying the night?" you asked as you saw him flinch back in surprise. he nodded, trying to divert his eyes from looking at you in anyway you could have felt to be disrespectful.
"I was thinking, how much does the bottle of Lafite Rothschild go for?" you asked, giving him a pouty face. he gulped nervously, "almost ten grand ma'am," he replied, grabbing it from the wine stand, "even for me? I mean, my dad must've paid for it so does it even go for that much considering I am his child?" he asked.
you could tell that you had caught him in a predicament, "I would assume not, I assume you're twenty one, right?" he murmured, handing you the precious bottle. you smiled (a fake one that anyone could see through) and nodded before giving the old man a light kiss on the cheek, "thanks Martin, I appreciate it," you said, giving him a wave before leaving.
Raven perked up seeing the bottle in your hand, "snagged a ten thousand dollar bottle," you said excitedly as you waved it in your hand. Raven stared at you in shock, "you got a ten thousand dollar bottle in less than five minutes?" she exclaimed.
you giggled before whispering in her ear, "the benefits of being a child of Bruce Wayne is that you can practically get away with anything. especially when you're the daughter." you popped open the bottle as you handed her the wine glass and poured the drink with care. you gave her a slight cheers before taking a small sip and being pleasantly surprised that it wasn't as dry for a wine with a huge amount of alcohol percentage.
as the night progressed, you and Raven got actively more drunk. you hadn't realized how hard the wine had hit you until Raven was drunkenly getting pulled home by Gar as you sat at the table with a little less than the bottle still full. you hadn't seen your dad or brother all night and you figured they must've been pulled into doing Batfamily work at some point and left you alone with Steph or Cass. hell, maybe even Dick if he was still around.
you weren't actively apart of the vigilante work all of your siblings did but you did help them out with the technical parts of it when Tim wasn't available. you didn't really like fighting or risking your life so after you graduated, you interned at Wayne Enterprises under Tim's orders while Damian worked under your dad.
at the age of twenty-one, you still hadn't met most of the league for the exception of Wonder Woman and The Flash. the rest were strangers in your head and much to Damian's luck, he wanted to keep it that way. at least in his case with Jon.
"ow, I am so sorry," you slurred as you managed to hit someone on the shoulder. he chuckled seeing as how you were not attempting to get up, "you okay there ma'am?" the man with a southern accent asked. you giggled as you attempted to get up, "I'm ( your name ) and you are?" you asked.
"Jon Kent, pleasure to meet you," he said, kissing your hand. you blushed as you heard one of your favorite songs come through the speakers, "would you like to dance?" you asked, not even caring that you had met this just a few mere seconds ago. he nodded, figuring that since Damian left him stranded at the gala, he had nothing to lose.
the song 'telepatia' by Kali Uchis played throughout the ballroom. Jon immediately took the reigns as the lead as the lights got dimmer and you danced against Jon sensually. "what got you dragged here?" you asked Jon. "my best friend invited me as his plus one. you?" he whispered in your ear, "I work for the company so I kind of had to attend," you managed to say before turning around and facing him.
you looked at Jon with drunken yet loving eyes, "you're handsome, you know that?" you said with no hesitation in your face. Jon laughed, placing his hand on your cheek, "right back at ya, darlin'," he replied as the song switched to another one of your favorite songs.
side to side by ariana grande started.
you shrugged, feeling as though you had nothing to lose and got up on your toes gave Jon a kiss on his lips. he was slightly taken back but played it off by returning it. the two of you remained kissing through the entirety of the song until Jon felt a familiar tap on his shoulder.
"I gotta go but if you're up for it, I'd love for ya to give me your number," you nodded excitedly as you practically snatched his phone from his hand and typed it in as quickly as possible with your name having a hundred emoji's next to it, "text me in the morning!" you screamed.
Jon laughed before following Damian from behind, "you suck, you know that!" Jon exclaimed, "I meet one girl I actually like and you drag me away!" Damian rolled his eyes, "please, you act like there isn't more girls out there to hit on." this time, it was Jon's turn to roll his eyes, "I got her number so I guess that's a plus."
you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache but to a few messages on your phone. you smiled realizing that it was the boy you had met the night before.
"good morning...or actually good afternoon!"
Jon laughed from his side of the phone.
"good afternoon darlin'. I hope you had a good sleep."
you were texting your way down the stairs, greeting Alfred and Bruce before grabbing a plate of lunch and sitting down on the bar top. "what time you'd make it home?" Bruce asked, sensing the hangover you had. "a bit past midnight. drank a bottle of Lafite with Raven before dancing with a boy you invited," you said honestly.
Bruce felt himself go stiff at the admittance of you drinking the Lafite bottle but remained silent as Alfred placed Advil and one of your Gatorades next to you. "yeah, whoever must've danced with you last night must've been drunk too because you'd want to dance with you?" Damian said coming down the stairs.
you threw him a fork, Damian dodging it with ease, "I'd shut up if I were you. I'm actually getting coffee with the guy in like an hour," you replied, chugging down the rest of the food before getting up and going to your room, "yeah and I pray for the man who now has to deal with you," Damian screamed loud enough for you to hear.
you pulled on a skirt and tights before slipping on a sweater and fixing your hair and quickly doing your makeup. you grabbed the keys from your bag and took the back entrance to get to your car. one of the benefits of getting paid so much was that you were able to afford cars that were out of price range for a lot of people your age.
the coffee shop you decided to meet Jon at was a few blocks into the heart of central Gotham. you got a table farthest from the crowd as you didn't want any attention on you and your potential boyfriend. you saw Jon approaching at the front of the coffee shop and pulled on your sunglasses so no one outside could see who you were.
"nice to meet you, this time with me not being drunk," you told Jon, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek, "pleasure is all mine sweetheart," he replied, putting his arm around your shoulder. you got up to the front of cashier and scanned the menu.
"I'd like a venti mocha with oatmilk, what about you?" you asked Jon as he scanned the menu nervously before muttering that he hardly orders coffee. you smiled, "and an order of a grande peppermint hot chocolate," you added on as you took your card out, Jon's eyes widening at the black American Express card.
"wow, Wayne Enterprises must pay you really well," he exasperated, "yeah, I guess you could say that," you said as hesitantly as possible. after the two of you got the coffees, you got back to the table as you took off your sunglasses in a sigh of relief.
"do you really wear sunglasses everywhere you go?" Jon asked. you debated on telling him the actual reason but decided on a vague answer, "eh, it's more for secrecy. I guess if I get another date, I might tell you the real reason," you winked, making Jon blush.
through the weeks, you decided to keep the biggest part of your life a semi secret to Jon still. he knew vaguely of a few things but one mistake on your end managed to throw all of that away in more ways than one.
you were walking downtown with Jon, his hand grasping yours as the two of you roamed an area of town that you knew didn't have major significance to WE. you were holding a coffee in one hand as you walked about a few things that happened to you that week to Jon. it wasn't until you walked towards a busy street that your heart fell to your stomach.
a huge billboard, like signs you would see on highways, of you and Damian representing Wayne Enterprises stood in the middle of an intersection. you stared at the ground, your one secret given away as Jon stared down at you, a look of shock in his eyes.
"wait, you work with Damian Wayne?" he asked as he could tell that you did not want to look at him. you sighed, a bit scared, "work partners might be a little too far from what we are," you gulped, finally realizing that you had to admit to your family ties.
Jon looked at you, now more confused than shocked.
what you didn't know was that at the same time that you were about to confess everything to Jon, a paparazzi had taken dozens of photos of you and Jon that were immediately uploaded to various Twitter accounts and gossip magazines.
"Damian Wayne is my adopted brother. Bruce Wayne is my adopted dad. that's why I have a lot more money than any regular Wayne Enterprise worker."
Jon immediately stumbled to the ground, not expecting that answer coming from you. you immediately felt tears hitting your eyes as you figured that maybe Jon didn't want to be with someone so rich and famous. someone's whose family was always in the spotlight.
"DAMIAN WAYNE IS YOUR BROTHER?" Jon screamed, catching you off guard as this was the first time Jon had ever screamed at you. you nodded, trying not to look at him in the eyes, "he's going to kill me. your entire family is going to plot my murder. I'm a dead man. Clark is going to find me in a ditch," Jon started talking to himself.
it was now your turn to look at Jon confused, "wait, what?" you asked, wiping your tears. "YOUR BROTHER IS MY BEST FRIEND. Damian Wayne is Robin and I'm Superboy!" he whispered the last part, "I've been dating my best friends sister this entire time without realizing it!" he screamed.
you finally connected the dots. every time Damian said he was going on patrol with Superboy meant that he was going to hang out with Jon and every time Damian said that Jon turned down a patrol session usually meant that you were going on a date with him. both of you stared at each other, not knowing what to say.
"small world, eh?" you asked, trying to defuse the tension, "guess we better figure out a way to tell them, huh?" Jon replied as you both heard your phone going off with texts and calls. you opened it to see that Dick, Bruce, Tim, and even Jason and Alfred were frantically calling you.
"hello, what happened?" you asked, picking up Dick's call. "GET HOME NOW!" he yelled through the phone as you heard Damian's screeching voice from the other side, "why? what happened?" you asked, staring at Jon now in fear.
"SHE'S DATING JON? I'M GOING TO KILL HIM BEFORE I KILL HER!" you heard Damian scream before something broke, "pictures of you kissing Jon came to the public on Twitter and he saw them," Jason said, half annoyed.
both of your hearts fell to your stomach as you realized it was now or never. everyone knew of your relationship and it wasn't even something both of you tried to do intentionally. you grabbed Jon's hand, yours shaking in fear as you got into the passenger side of his beat up red truck. he could tell you were beyond scared to go home and he now knew it was time. he had to man up before it got worse and you attempted to break up with him.
once you arrived to Wayne Manor, you sat still, not moving an inch. "it'll be okay darlin', I promise it won't be too bad," he murmured as he opened your door. you nodded as you hopped off and started walking towards the door.
you could hear Damian's yells still going on from the other side door as you opened it. you grasped Jon's hand and walked into the living space, Damian's eyes immediately looking at you before charging to Jon with every ounce of strength he had. Jason quickly grabbed you as Jon dodged him and Damian went straight to attack him again. you couldn't bare to look at the sight and felt tears spring to your eyes as you hid your face into Jason's side.
"hey, you okay?" Jason asked. he could see the tears in your eyes which instantly made him a bit upset. "enough," Jason screamed, catching everyone's attention. Jon and Damian saw the hurt look on your face and as soon as Jon realized you were upset at the fight he was having, he kicked Damian off of him and walked towards you.
he grabbed your hand and whispered an apology into your ear as he stroked your cheek lovingly, "I'm sorry dear but I wasn't expecting Damian to do this," Jon said as Damian watched the way Jon was treating you. a part of him knew that Jon would treat you right. Jon wasn't like your typical average boy but the fact that neither of you told him is what set him off and seeing you being so lovingly with Jon set him off again.
Damian ran towards Jon again but this time, you shielded him which made him stop immediately, "Damian, stop, please," you croaked. Bruce saw you trying to neutralize the situation and stood next to Damian, hinting at him to quit it, "I'm sorry we never told you but the reason why we never did was because we had no idea who the other was. I didn't know Jon was your best friend and clearly didn't know that he was Superboy and he had no idea I was even related to you nevertheless your sister. please, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine," you explained.
Dick, Jason, and Tim stared at Jon who grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side, "and I would have never made the move if I knew she was your sister but we fell in love and it was like a soulmate connection. we were meant for each other and I want her to be in my life. she's it for me," Dick sighed mesmerized as Tim and Jason gagged at the cheesy confession.
Damian growled, "if you even think of hurting her, Clark will be down one son and I mean it. that's my sister and no man will ever be good enough for her. you are my best friend and she might be a pain in my ass, she means the world to me. I will not hesitate to dig your grave and bury you alive if I see one tear of sadness coming down her face," Damian stated before hitting Jon on the shoulder purposely before walking away.
you smiled, your heart swelling at Damian's speech. he never once said anything like that about you and in his Damian way of being, you knew this was his way of accepting your relationship with Jon. you smiled at Jon before giving him a huge kiss on the lips, making your dad and all of your brothers gag at the sight.
"okay, save that shit for privacy, no one needs to see that," Jason said as he walked away. Bruce gave you one look before turning to Jon, "your father knows in case you were wondering but feel free to stay for dinner if you'd like," Bruce said before walking away with Tim and Dick walking away with him.
"I love you," you whispered to Jon as he let out a laugh against your lips, "I love you too and I'm all of this was cleared out." you nodded in agreement as you grasped his hand, "wanna come up to my room? I figured we should catch some sleep before Alfred calls everyone for dinner and Damian starts another fight," Jon agreed, giving you a kiss on your head as the two of you walked up the stairs.
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mjlovescm · 3 years
12 - You kissed who?
Completed, 26 chapters, “So, you’re the babysitter, huh ?” Rodrick Heffley x black fem reader
Forcing himself out of bed, Rodrick walks downstairs and sits at the table across from Greg and Manny. He puts his head on the table, exhausted.
“Zombie.” Manny says, pointing to Rodrick.
“You look worse than usual.” Greg says.
“What's wrong?” Susan ask, putting her hand on his head to check his temperature.
She notices he does feel warmer than usual. Normally if Rodrick wanted to fake sick, he would do something over the top, but this didn't seem fake. She pours some medicine in the small measuring and give it to Rodrick.
“You can stay home if you're not feeling good, it's only the second day.”
Staying home would keep him away from y/n and the fact that practically half of the school had seen him kissing Heather. What if y/n already saw the post, no one at school would talk about it to her face. But they definitely do it behind her back.
“No!” He yells, then quickly swallows the medicine.
*I've swallowed worse* He shakes off the disgust of the medicine.
“Mom, I need some advice.”
She's taken by surprise for a moment, Rodrick rarely asked for advice. He always thought he knew best. But when he did ask for advice, it was always in hypotheticals, so he could see how much trouble he'd been in if he actually did it.
“Of course.” Susan says, curious, almost enthusiastic.
“Let's say, hypothetically, …” He started to rambling talking about the situation, carefully, not mention the party, drinking, and most importantly y/n. “Hypothetically, of course, and after all that if you felt really sick, what would that feeling be ?”
They all look at him with concerned and confused faces. Susan blinks a few times, taking everything in. She knew Rodrick wasn't the best kid, and she hated to be a nosy mom, but maybe some investigation was needed.
“Well, uh, that feeling is guilt and regret. What I would do is apologize to my friend and explain that it's all a big misunderstanding.”
*guilt, ew* He thinks. Rodrick rarely felt guilty, if ever.
Driving to school, Rodrick can't help but feel anxious, he never felt nervous around y/n until now. She ignored his bad attempts to start a conversation and didn't even look over at him the entire ride. When he pulls up to the school, y/n gets out before he can park, hurrying to class.
“Do you think she knows?” Rodrick ask standing against the locker.
“Probably.” Ben nudges Chris, giving him a face.
“Not that many people have seen it.”
“It has two thousand likes. That, basically the entire school.” Ben nudges Chris again.
“I don't think she knows, I mean If I were her I wouldn't just ignore you. I'd definitely do something. So you're safe. For now.”
“Just tell her, girls like honesty.”
He rolled his eyes, walking away from the two of them. Chris and Ben had more experience with girls than Rodrick, but seeing their relationship first hand, he knew taking advice might not be the best idea. By the time he gets to his class most of the seats were filled, he walks up to y/n before someone quickly take the seat next to her. Forcing Rodrick to the front of the class.
Time ticks by slower that it ever had, but rodrick managed to survive. He tried to talk to y/n all day, he really did, but she seemed to be swarmed with people. Guys especially. Maybe it was a good thing, he doubted anyone told her about the picture, considering that she hadn't said anything to him. Plus, this isn't exactly the conversation you have in the middle of the hallway.
Standing at his locker, Rodrick struggles to open it. His hands are sweaty and he can't focus. Its guilt. He can still feel everyone's eyes on him, hearing their not so quiet whispers as they walk past him. He thought, well, hoped it wouldn't faze him.
*so what if people stare, they do it all the time*
But now it had been going on all day.
“Damn it.” y/n says down the hall, struggling with her locker.
*I have to tell her. Her days probably been ten times worse than mine.*
He takes a deep breath and starts to walk towards her. His mind ran through the possibilities, what's the worse that could happen ? Looking up from her combination lock y/n, she sees Rodrick, but  looks past him. She gives an annoyed faced then goes back to the locker.
He recognizes the annoying voice immediately, it's Heather. She'd been bugging him over the picture all day. The last thing he needs is to be seen with her.
“Jesus, Heather, for someone who's trying not to cause rumors, you're doing a really bad job.”
She tries to speak, but he cuts he off.
“Whatever you have to say, I really don't care.”
He quickly turns around and walks to y/n. She doesn't look annoyed or angry, but more tired. By the time he stands in front of her, he realizes he doesn't have a plan. How exactly do you tell someone you kissed another girl ?
“Hey, y/n” He attempts to sound nonchalant, but his voice cracks from nervousness.
“Am I crazy, or is everyone acting weird today? Yesterday no one talked to me and all of a sudden everyone's buddy, buddy. They've  been staring like crazy and whispering right in front of me.” She gets straight to the point.
“Sounds like normal teenage behavior to me.”
She scoffs and turns around. He quickly moves in front of her.
“Can we just talk for a second?”
“Fine, but I'm not standing here and doing it.” She walks fast, Rodrick struggles to match her pace and speak.
“Well, I know you've been really mad at me, and that's completely understandable.” He tries to be subtle, but starts to ramble.
They both continuing walking, standing in the parking lot. Her eyes were like laser into his skull, he'd been rambling on for minutes. But still hadn't apologized.
“Will you just get to the point.” She complained.
“I'm trying to.” He defended.
“No, you're not, it shouldn't be this hard for you to apologize.”
She'd been waiting for him to apologize and refused to take some half assed one.
“I'm trying to apologize, if you'd let me, you're not the only one being affected by this y/n. I'm the one who ha to deal with that picture and-“
“What fucking picture?” She said louder than intended.
“That's why you've been ignoring me, right ?”
“I've been ignoring you because you forced me to go to that stupid party knowing I had a headache, and then you got me drunk. After that I throw up and when I wanted to go home, you got an attitude with me and then just let me leave.”
“That's why you're mad at me ?” Confusion lingered in his words.
The picture had consumed his mind to the point where he forgot about how he acted at the party. Forgot how he stayed and y/n left with Chris and Ben.
“Of course that's why. Why else ?” Her voice mimicked his, as she got closer to him. They're backs pressed against the cars. Rodrick against his van and you against a stranger's car.
“I thought you were mad at me because-“
“Because what?” She whispered aggressively, now aware of the passing students.
“Because I kissed heather.” He snapped.
The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop himself. They both went silent for a moment, processing. y/n's face was completely shocked. She almost didn't believe what he said.
“When ?” She asked almost instantly.
“When what?”
“When did you kiss her, idiot.”
“At the party.” Again the words slipped out.
Her eyes winded, in disbelief.
“So while I was throwing up from that stupid drink, you were kissing her. That's why you wanted to stay, isn't it.”
“No, of course not, I found out last night, see.”
She started to walk away, ignoring Rodrick. Not seeing the picture on his phone.
“Where are you going ?”
“Leave me alone. I'm walking home.”
He stood in place, letting her walk away. There was no point in stopping her or chasing after her. He looked around and realized, Faith and Greg were standing at the car. They looked at him with shocked, almost laughing faces.
“What are you looking at, get in the car.”
“So how was the school ?” Susan asked, putting Manny in his high chair.
Greg and Rodrick looked up from their plates, staying silent.
“It's only the second day, nothing interesting happened.”
“Well, I heard some high schoolers got in trouble, something abut a party. Holly's sister said she heard her sister talking about it.”
“Heather, isn't she in your grade.”
“I guess.”
“Don't you have a huge crush on her, I saw you guys talking today. It was either her or y/n.”
“That's my boy.”
“There's nothing wrong with have crushes. Y/n's a great girl and Heather. She's defiantly … something.”
“Heather's pretty boring. y/n's cools though.”
Susan and Frank smile at each other. They liked y/n, she was nice, better than Rodrick other friends. Hopefully she'd be a good influence and rub off on him.
The rest of the dinner was quick, Rodrick not saying much and Greg being a little asshole. He considered it pay back for Rodrick years of cruelty. He finally had some dirt on him and intended on using it.
Next chapter ;)
All chapters :)
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punderfulowl · 3 years
Top 10 Anime (That I've Seen) in 2020
Well now, it has certainly been awhile. I'm currently sitting at eight months too late for posting this, but, y'know, something something life happens. More accurately, I already made this list, but wanted to try out what response I'd get from Reddit. Turns out, they're not as cool as you guys!
Anyways, as the title states, this is not a list of my favorite anime that came out during 2020, but instead my favorite anime that I just so happen to see during that year. While it's fun to have an end of the year retrospective, I find that having a list in this format not only adds variety, but also helps bring attention to anime that might have been lost in the shuffle in previous years (I also don't have enough time to stay caught up in seasonal releases).
Honorable mentions:
Aggretsuko S3, My Hero Academia S4, Today's Menu For the Emiya Family, Interspecies Reviewers (yes, really), and I Couldn't Become a Hero So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job
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10. Maid-Sama (2010)
In hindsight, I find it a bit funny that I wanted to watch something wholesome to kick off 2020. Anyway, Maid-Sama is about a high school girl that is also a no nonsense Class President and she kind of has to be at a school where, until recently, was an all boys school. While she kills it in academics and is good at shutting down any shenanigans from the male student body, her financial situation isn't the greatest and has to balance a job at a maid cafe along with her school-related responsibilities. She does her best to hide her employment there to keep up appearances, but is one day found out by one of the boys who happens to be a big flirt and, yeah, hijinks ensue. While this anime doesn't have too many surprises, our main leads bounce off each other well enough to keep me entertained. Nothing I haven't seen already in other anime Rom-Coms, but I think it has more than earned its place at the start of this list.
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9. Haganai NEXT (2013)
It's a personal rule of mine when making these lists that I don't include sequels of shows that were in previous lists. While I DID see the first season of Haganai a couple of years ago, it didn't quite make it into the top ten at that time. Because of that, it meets the criteria for this year's list. While I found the characters were just as charming here as I did during the first season, the development of their relationships really took off. It's a shame that it will most likely not get a third season, but I'm happy with what ride this show gave me. But hey! At least I can read the light novels/manga to continue the story! Wait, nevermind, the Haganai fans on Reddit are saying that's a bad idea.
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8. Engaged to the Unidentified (2014)
Based off of a Four Panel joke manga, Engaged to the Unidentified tells the story of a girl in high school suddenly getting some life changing news. As it turns out, her grandfather made an arranged engagement with her and the son of a family he knew. Next thing she knows, the boy in question, as well as his little sister, moves into her family's house! While the boy is unassuming at first, there may be more to him and his family than he lets on. Plain and simple, this anime has charmed me. There's a decent amount of drama and mystery despite the source material and I applaud it! Even though this also doesn't have much new to offer, even to the point where I would compare this to Maid-Sama, what made me pick this at the 8th spot were the color choices and animation quality. Give this a shot if you can!
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7. Grimoire of Zero (2017)
It's a fantasy/adventure story starring a loli sorcerer and a huge, anthropomorphic white tiger man. I honestly can't say anything else. I won't be able to do it justice. That first sentence should intrigue you a lease a little bit. Read it, again. Please check it out. It's an underrated gem that no one is talking about.
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6. ID: Invaded (2020)
Hey, here's something recent! Unfortunately, this is also not something I can say much about. There may not be too many deep characters and the secret bad guy isn't hard to figure out, but BOY is this anime cool! The best way to describe this series is that it's like the movie Inception, but instead of brain heists, it's brain murder mysteries.
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5. Carole and Tuesday (2019)
A runaway rich girl has a fated meeting with an orphan and they decide to make music together...oh, this also takes place Mars. Joking aside, this show was something special with its music (a new song almost every episode no less), interesting setting (freaking Mars, dude), and endearing main cast. Shoot, the music itself would be top 3, maybe number 1, but what bogs it down is the show's second half. I can easily see myself watching this again someday, and maybe my opinion will lighten up, but for now, 5 is a dang good spot.
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4. Fate/Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front - Babylonia (2019)
Part of me hesitates placing this high up on list due to this show being animated, fan service spectacle for Fate fans. However, that hesitation is overshadowed by the fact that I am a Fate fan myself and I can do whatever I want with this list. Even if you're not a Fate fan or play FGO, if you enjoy some solid fight animation, this is worth a look.
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3. K-On S1 (2009)
I'll admit it, I might regret not watching the second season then putting the series on the list as a whole, but this how I've been doing these lists and I'm such a creature of habit. There's not much I can say about K-On that hasn't already been said. By itself it's an anime classic and one of Kyo-ani's biggest properties. It's a sweet and wholesome watch, but be sure to have some insulin within reach.
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2. Princess Principal (2017)
Imagine you're working with a team of programmers trying to make a mobile game then all of a sudden someone asks to make a show out of it. You know, a show with different character motivations, plot, twist and turns and all that? Most might say that's just a shameless, shallow cash grab, but it turns out okay for Princess Principal. Sure, most might summarize this anime as, "cute girls doing espionage things," but with its cast, visuals, and interesting alternative timeline, it works! Apparently there's a new season or movie in the works and I am all for it!
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1. Beastars (2019)
I was not expecting this to be number one, but with much deliberation (with myself obviously) this feels right. It tells a pretty unique story while showing itself to be the exception to the rule when it comes to 3D anime.....it being that it's actually good. While I acknowledge that shows like K-On are classics and deserves to be number one on many different lists, it didn't line up with my personal criteria like Beastars did. My biggest deciding factor is: Now that I've watched this, do I want more? It's true that while I'm excited to start K-On S2, Beastars intrigues me more and ever since season two was announced, I'm looking forward to that more.
Sorry again for this list being so late, but at least the silver lining is that the next end of the year list is about four months away (in theory)!
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daintyduck99 · 2 years
One more bc I'm on a roll, lol: "was that your first kiss?" Peterpatterlina
Luke was wrong. If anyone’s a wrecking ball, it’s him. 
She’s so stupid! That fantasy she’d had? Luke’s nothing like that, with the fluffy hair and the button-up shirt and the gentle smile, floating with her all over the floor, lifting her to the heavens like he was made to hold her. Luke is a live wire, an electric guitar. He was made to hold music. 
He’s a wrecking ball only because she let him shatter her idea of him, of their interesting little relationship. That’s on her, and yet—
Julie furiously wipes at her eyes. She hugs her comfiest pillow to her chest, muffling her sobs. 
A gentle knock interrupts her pity party. “Julie? Can I come in?” 
Her stomach flips, a strange revival of the butterflies that were effectively squashed roughly ten minutes ago. That’s not entirely true, though, she supposes. She tells Reggie to come in.
He barely has his shoes off when she reaches for him. In a small voice, she asks, “Hold me?” 
Reggie gently moves her pillow, gathering her into his arms. She buries her face in his chest, somewhat soothed by the marvel of his heartbeat. His clothes carry the scent of cologne and some breezy detergent, now, and his hands are cool in her hair. He’s so real, and so kind, and she has no idea how she set herself up for heartbreak so hard when Reggie is right here. 
He rests his chin on top of her head, humming as he strokes her hair. He waits until her breathing evens out and she stops soaking his shirt quite so much. 
“Julie—you don’t have to answer. We don’t have to talk about it, but—was that your first kiss?” 
She cringes, bunching the back of his shirt between her fingers. “Was it that obvious?” 
"Not necessarily. I think most people would be upset, getting kissed out of the blue like that." He hesitates. "It was—I guessed." 
Julie bites her lip. There's more he hasn't said, but she might as well start. She exhales through her nose. 
"It's not even that I don't want to kiss him, you know? It's the way he kissed me. Even if it hadn't been my first—it was our first! Isn't it supposed to be—I'd hoped it’d be—more intimate, or—" 
"Yes!" She flushes. She hadn't meant for the admission to burst out of her, even smothered into his shirt. "I guess he's not a romantic guy, and I feel silly for thinking he might be. Am I crazy? For daydreaming about that stuff?” 
“You’re not crazy.” Reggie squeezes her tight, and she has the bizarre urge to climb through his ribs as she squeezes back. Anything to be closer. “A first kiss can be a big deal. Like—sure, Luke’s passionate, but he’s not the most romantic person. Even then—you wanted it to be special. I totally get it.” He swallows. “So did I.” 
She squirms in his hold, shifting until their faces are level. “Your first kiss was disappointing?” 
“Yeah, um.” His blush deepens. “It was also Luke, actually. He was just excited about some idea I’d had. A chord progression, or something. So he vaulted over the table and—well, he kissed me, but it was more like he punched me in the lips with his lips. It made my teeth hurt. And he probably doesn’t even remember. I never told him that it bothered me.” 
Oh, Luke. It makes sense, in hindsight. Luke is very passionate, especially about music, and she’d been flirting with him via potential song lyrics when he cut her off in a similar fashion. She can absolutely see Reggie swallowing his hurt feelings over such a thing, too, but she couldn’t. She’d snapped and stormed out of the studio. 
Julie touches Reggie’s cheek. “I’m sorry, Reggie. You deserved a better first kiss, too. I just hope he doesn’t write a song about mine.” 
Reggie’s forehead creases. A tiny frown plays on his mouth. “What?” 
“Crooked Teeth? Didn’t Alex say that song is about you?” 
He gasps, eyes wild and sufficiently rosy-cheeked with the realization. “Oh my god! Why can’t he just communicate like a normal person?” 
Julie snorts. “Says the guy who never told him how said kiss made him feel.” 
He lets out a nervous little laugh. “Point taken.” 
She sweeps her thumb over his cheek, swallowing as she searches his eyes. They’re so pretty, always brimming with vivid emotions, somewhere between green and blue. “Reggie?” 
He tucks her hair behind her ear. She shivers as his calloused fingers trace her skin. “Yeah?” 
“I like you too, and I really want you to kiss me. Is that okay?” 
“That depends.” He grins at her, and his eyes shine, which brings the butterflies back in full force. “Promise you won’t write a song about it?” 
“I won’t,” she murmurs. Her stomach flutters as he rubs their noses together. “This is ours.” 
Reggie kisses her softly, threading his hand into her hair, and it loosens something in her chest. Every brush of their lips is cautious and slow and sweet, and he holds her like he can’t believe she’s real. It’s the sort of kiss she’d dreamed about, and she melts into it with a small sigh. 
He looks as dazed as she feels when they finally part, rubbing his lips. “Wow.”
Julie giggles. “Come on. We should go talk to him. Maybe see if he’s willing to try that again.”
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kerie-prince · 3 years
change of pace
Fred Weasley x Slytherin!reader
requested: (@pinkdevile) hey bae, can i request a one shot or headcanon about fred being whipped by one of ron classmates that is a non-pureblood slytherin and kind of prodigy in magic and how would he react to her being a typical dry slytherin and being a prodigy and good at everything?
summary: What happens when a red lion who lives in the moment falls for a green snake with plans for her future? Romance, of course.
a/n: stereotypical, yes but i had fun writing this :) also, i know my posting schedule keeps changing, so sorry about that 🥺 i got lots of requests (thank you guys SO much!) and i'm trying to not make them all sound the same. i'm looking up synonyms and all that stuff lol
(gif cred)
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You were the least Slytherin person in your house. But maybe that's made you even more of a Slytherin. Your traits were that of a typical member of the house of snakes. No, you weren't a rude bitch; you had ambition that rivaled that of a Gryffindor and it wasn't even one of their traits. You aimed for the stars and your pride proved that you could do that and more. You are the best witch of your class, and maybe even your school.
And it was this reputation that caught the attention of someone who is quite the polar opposite. You were calm and collected. He was a wild card and unpredictable. Fred Weasley had his eyes on you and was going crazy for you. It all started when one day, he was with his friends and brothers in the Great Hall during lunch when you had walked up to Ron and Harry, “Hey Ron, were my notes able to help you?”
“Yeah, loads. Thank you, Y/N.” Lee was in the middle of a conversation with his best friends when he noticed Fred wasn't responding to anything he was saying. “Mate, you okay?” When you walked to your table, Fred scooted closer to his younger brother, “Dearest brother, how are you?”
“What do you want?” Ron saw right through him. He knew when Fred wanted something from him, just like now.
“Well I’m offended that you would assume something,” Fred held a hand over his chest with a fake offended look on his face, “can’t a person ask about the well being of his baby brother?” Ron had a deadpan expression and Harry was laughing at Fred’s exaggeration. “Fair enough. Who was that?”
“Who? Y/N? She’s in mine and Harry’s class, why?” Ron had taken a large bite from his turkey leg.
“What’s she like?” Fred inquired. Ron thought about it for a minute, “Dunno, she’s pretty quiet.”
“If I didn't know any better, I’d say that Freddie here fancies someone,” George teased. The surrounding friends laugh and point towards Fred. “I don’t fancy anyone. I’m just asking a simple question.”
Hermione and Ginny later joined the group. “What’s all this fuss about?” Hermione questioned.
“Fred’s asking about Y/L/N,” Harry caught Hermione up to speed. “Why? You’re not thinking of doing anything to her, are you?” Hermione started to scold the older boy.
“Why is it that you lot always think I’m up to no good,” Fred sighed.
“Because you’ve never been up to any good,” Ginny teased her older brother. Fred rolled his eyes and turned back to try and find you at your table. You had a couple of friends with you and a small book in your hand as you ate. Fred was determined to get your attention somehow.
You sat in the library by yourself. You had spent the majority of the afternoon grading first years’ papers for Snape’s class and working with Hermione and Katie on a project for Ancient Runes. Giving up your weekends to study wasn't all that bad. The feeling of being on top was rewarding.
It was funny; your parents had stopped caring about your grades all together because they already knew what they were going to read. Not that they weren't supportive or proud of you. At family gatherings on your father’s side, he loved seeing the looks on his relatives’ faces when he boasted that you were the best student at Hogwarts.
But they have told you on many occasions that it wouldn't kill you to have at least one E. They wanted you to be able to have a normal teen life and have fun. Go to parties, get in trouble every now and then. You assured them that you were fine and all and even believed it yourself. You never had interest in breaking the pattern you had set.
The library was nearing its closing time and you packed your things. When you walked out the grand doors, a tall figure came in front of you and nearly knocked down all the books you carried. His hands caught whatever you couldn't hold before it hit the floor.
“Sorry about that,” you looked up at the towering boy. Your breath slightly hitched at the sight of his attractive face. His cheekbones were defined and his skin looked soft. You didn’t realize that you were staring, nor that he was also staring at you as well. Finally, he spoke up and handed you the book he was holding for you. “I believe this is for you.”
His mouth moved, but you were so distracted that it didn't occur to you he had actually said anything until you saw him looking at you expectedly. “Oh, thank you.” You started heading towards the dungeons when he jogged towards and stopped in front of you. “Aren’t you in the same class as Ron?”
“Yes, how did you know that?”
“I saw you talk to him the other day,” he told you. “I’m Fred.” He reached to shake your hands but then pulled it back when he remembered that your hands were full at the moment.
Ah, so this is Fred you thought. You've heard of him, who hasn't? Years of being at Hogwarts, tales of him and his equally devilish brother creating havoc around campus have traveled from one student to another. How you two had never seen one another until this point was surprising. It’s not like Hogwarts was a large school, but it wasn't small either.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.” You nodded your head towards him to replace a handshake. Ten seconds of silence caused you to walk past him and return to the path to the dungeons. “W-wait!” Fred called out.
He stood in front of you once again, one of his hands positioned in front of you to block you from walking past him again. “Would you like to get a butterbeer tomorrow?”
If there was anything you didn't like, it was being put on the spot. And another thing? Your routine being disturbed. Your Sunday was all planned out. Helping Sprout with her greenhouse to earn extra house points, tutoring some younger years, and getting a head start on your homework that wasn't even due for another week.
“I’m sorry, but no.” You gave him an apologetic smile as you walked away. Once again, he ran in front of you but this time merged with you and actually caused all of your books to fall.
“Merlin, I’m so sorry,” he bent down to help you pick them up. Fred usually isn't this clumsy or nervous. He usually charms his way through anything, but he was becoming like putty out of nowhere. “Okay, well what about Honeydukes next Saturday?”
“Sorry, but no again.” You started walking away for the nth time and turned around to look at him for the last time, “Please don’t follow me again.” And you were gone. But did this mean that Fred gave up on any chance he had? No. Far from it. If anything, it gave him reason to want to try harder.
He walked all the way to the Gryffindor house and luckily found Hermione studying in the common room with Pavarti and Lavender. There was a spot open next to her and when Ginny was about to take the spot, Fred grabbed her arm and pulled her away to steal the seat.
“Um, excuse you, I was going to sit–”
“Tell me everything you can about Y/N,” Fred interrupted his sister.
He had tried to learn as much as he could about you. Fred learned that you had the top grades. Much like Harry did, you had learned the Patronus Charm before not only before your own class, but even Fred’s charms class. Your dad's a wizard, and your mum's a muggle. But most importantly, you were a picture perfect student, and although you didn't have any apparent hobbies, you picked up just about everything with ease.
A couple of weeks had passed and every other day, Fred had made any type of excuse to come see you.
‘Oh, my next class is in this direction’ It wasn't.
‘I like that book, too!’ You were, in fact, not holding a book but your personal journal.
‘Funny running into you here!’ It was in the Great Hall during breakfast.
Now, you didn't hate these interactions. They didn't do anything to your routine, and they were actually cute attempts to get your attention. But you didn't think you had any time for anything else. Or anyone else.
“You should give him a chance, Y/N/N. Live a little. I think the top student can take a bit of time for herself at least once,” your friend Millicent advised. Astoria agreed with her, “He’s cute~.” You slightly blushed in your book and pushed their arms away.
“I’ve never been on a date before,” you whispered. The two girls looked at each other confused before turning back to look at you. “Huh?”
“I’ve never been on a date before!” You flinched when you realized your voice was louder than intended. Your friends laughed when you looked towards the Gryffindor table to make sure Fred didn't hear you. He was talking to his friends, so that meant he didn't. Only he did, but felt your eyes on him so he pretended he didn't.
“So this is the perfect reason to go out with him! Go ask him out,” Millie pushed. She was persistently tapping on your arm until you eventually stood up. You took a deep breath to gather confidence and walked towards the table of red and gold.
When Fred's eyes met yours, you turned around and walked out of the Hall. He stood up from his seat and chased after you. He kept bumping into people, including Filch in the hallways. Filch yelled for him to stop, but of course Fred ignored him and kept going.
Momentarily, he lost you in the crowd of mixed color robes until he saw you sitting by yourself on a bench under a tree. He walked towards your direction and asked you with his eyes if he could take the seat next to you. You scooted down more to let the tall boy sit down.
Neither of you said anything for a few moments. You fiddled with your fingers on your lap and he stared up at the sky. “Nice day, innit?” Fred started the conversation. “Yes, it is.”
“Good weather to go walking around Hogsmeade” Fred tried one last attempt in asking you out.
“It would be,” you accepted.
He let out a sigh in defeat, “I know I ask a lot, but maybe just this once– wait, what did you say?” You looked up at him and smiled for the first time. His heart skipped a beat and the butterflies fluttered about inside.
“I’ll go with you.” He was so excited that he jumped up and did an air punch of victory. You laughed to yourself and when he looked at you, you had an eyebrow raised. He blushed in embarrassment and scratched the back of his neck. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Promptly at 2 in the afternoon in front of the Slytherin dorms. Don’t be late,” you stood up with confidence. You walked back to the Hall to tell your friends, cheeks warmed and ears blushing. “So?” Astoria asked.
“It’s just a date, that's it,” you sounded nonchalant about it, but the smile on your face said differently. You were excited for your day with Fred and for all, unpredictable adventures to come.
A much needed change of pace.
requests open!
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karahalloway · 3 years
(Un)Common Attraction: Chapter 24 - Cheap Tricks
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Series: TRR (following the events of Book 1, with some changes)
Pairing: Drake Walker x OC (Harper Gale)
Rights belong to Pixelberry, most characters and some dialogue belong to them.
Book Synopsis: Harper Gale is a small-town girl working as a waitress at a seedy New York dive bar. After a chance encounter with nobility sees her jetting halfway around the world to compete for the hand of the Prince of Cordonia, her dream of seeing the world starts to come true sooner than she expected. But as the completion heats up, Harper quickly learns that life at court is a lot more than just pretty dresses and fancy balls, and that the polished aristocratic smiles often hide deceit. Does she have what it takes to rise above the gossip and intrigue of the social season, and beat the nobles at their own games? And, more importantly, does she actually want to become the queen of a small European country? Or will her heart have other ideas?
Masterlist: (Un)Common Attraction
Chapter Summary: Harper organises a surprise birthday party for Drake at a surprise location, involving a few additional surprises...
Word Count: 6,000
Rating/Warnings: M (swearing)
Chapter theme song:
Please read: Author’s Note
Also available on Wattpad.
Chapter 24 - Cheap Tricks
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"Okay, everyone," I say a few hours later, fixing Maxwell with a pointed look. "Do we all remember what we agreed?"
Christian, Maxwell, Hana and I are gathered in the corridor outside Drake's door, ready to put our plan for his surprise birthday party into action.
I had changed out of the clothes I had worn earlier for the Apple Blossom Festival and into the shimmery cocktail dress I had brought with me from New York, as this was likely to be the only chance that I would actually have to wear it. The others had also donned more suitable going out attire, Maxwell opting for a hot pink shirt that suited him surprisingly well, while Hana had picked a black silk dress with a floaty knee-length skirt. Christian, being the snappy dresser that he was, had managed to get away with simply discarding his Ascot tie and undoing the top button of his shirt.
"No loud noises, no hugs, and definitely no confetti," mumbles Maxwell dejectedly.
"That's right," I confirm. "We don't want to blow up this entire night before it even has a chance to get off the ground. Are we all ready?"
"What if he's not in?" asks Hana.
"Then Christian will call him up to find out where he is," I reply. "He's expecting you, isn't he?"
"Yes," confirms Christian.
"Alright," I nod. "Here we go."
Raising my hand, I rap on the door. After a few moments, I hear shuffling on the other side and Drake opens the door.
"What the—?" he breathes, his eyes running over us warily.
His eyes widen in sudden realisation. "Oh, hell no!" he declares, slamming the door in our faces with a bang.
We all stand blinking like goldfish for a moment, caught off guard by Drake's vehement reaction.
I blow a frustrated raspberry. "Well, that went well..."
"And I didn't even throw confetti!" adds Maxwell, his face sullen.
"I did say that your plan was probably a bit too ambitious," mutters Christian.
"What do we do now?" asks Hana.
"Let me go talk to him," I say, squaring my shoulders.
"Are you sure you don't want me to go instead?" asks Christian, his eyes searching mine.
"This was my idea, so I should be the one to sell it to him."
Plus, I had a pretty good idea what's been making Drake miserable, as it was probably the same thing that had been giving me sleepless nights the past week as well.
"If you're sure..." he murmurs.
I smile. "Relax... It's just Drake. It's not like he's a big bad wolf who's going to try and eat me."
"He may bite your head off, though," warns Maxwell, "for trying to throw him a party against his will."
"I've got this," I assure them, pushing the door handle down. "If I'm not back out in ten minutes, feel free to wait in my room."
I fish the key out of my clutch and hand it to Christian.
"Good luck," he says with an encouraging smile as I open the door.
Stepping into the room, I close the door quietly behind me.
There is no sign of Drake, but I can hear running water from the direction of the bathroom, and spot what look like gym clothes strewn across the floor.
With a roll of my eyes, I bend to pick up the discarded garments, and my senses are suddenly overwhelmed by the spicy scent of bergamot and cedar that make up the predominant notes of Drake's distinctive aftershave, mixed with the musky odour of his sweat.
My mind is immediately drawn back to our steamy kiss in the cave, and I feel a tightening in my core as I recall how he had felt under my bare skin... my visceral reaction being made all the more intense by the fact that I hadn't actually seen Drake since then.
With a ragged inhale, I quickly shake my head to dispel the erotic memory. Entering the walk-in closet, I dump the clothes in the hamper like they were radioactive.
"Gale!" exclaims Drake as I emerge from the wardrobe.
"Oh!" I gasp.
Drake was stood in front of me, wearing nothing more than a towel around his waist, his skin still dewy from the shower. The memories of the kiss that I had tried so hard to dispel mere moments ago come crashing down on me – hard – and I temporarily lose all semblance of thought and speech.
Maybe it had been a good thing that he hadn't been in his room when I dropped off the golden sailing boat... because if he had been, I probably would've jumped him then and there, his words to me back in the cave be damned...
"What the hell are you doing in here?"
His words jar me back to the present.
Lifting my gaze from his chest with concerted effort, I can see that he is scowling at me.
"Christian told me it's your birthday."
"Chris needs to learn to keep his mouth shut," he grumbles, pushing past me into the closet to grab some clothes.
"Why?" I demand, keeping my back to him to give him some privacy while he got dressed, while fixing my eyes on the tassels of the curtains at the other end of the room to occupy my mind with anything other than the thought of how his skin would taste underneath my tongue. "Is it another one of those closely-guarded state secrets that people need to beat out of you?
I hear him snort behind me. "You know you can't beat anything out of me, girl."
His words cause a shiver to run down my spine and I draw a sharp breath.
Jesus Christ! Even though he was clearly annoyed, every word out of his mouth seemed to just turn me on even more!
Clearing my throat – and my mind – I say, "Anyway, Christian also told me about your sad birthday tradition of locking yourself in your room to commiserate alone with a bottle of whiskey."
"It's my birthday," he replies gruffly, emerging from the closet dressed — mercifully! — in a t-shirt and sweatpants. "I can celebrate... or commiserate how I want."
"Not this year, bud," I reply, crossing my arms over my chest. "We've all made an effort for you, and you should too."
"What part of 'hell' and 'no' did you not get?" he snaps. "Or was the door being slammed shut the part that got you confused?"
"Look, I know that previous attempts to throw you a party had backfired, and that everything is a mess right now..."
"No shit."
"...so the last thing you probably feel like doing is going out and celebrating. But, I also recall you telling me that the next time I feel like going for a walkabout, I should let you know, because you're always up for an adventure. And God knows I need a break after being stuck with Bertrand for the past week!"
"And what makes you think that I'd be in the mood for an adventure, tonight of all nights?"
"Because, based on your foul mood, you need it as much as I do," I reply pointedly. "Plus, when have you passed up an opportunity to sneak away from court?"
He fixes me with a piercing glare.
I stare back at him uncompromisingly, the air between us sizzling in a silent contest of wills.
I had him on the hook, but Drake — being the stubborn ass that he was —was not going to just roll over, so I knew I had to hold my corner, or risk losing the fight.
"If... if I was to agree to this," he says eventually, "where would we be going?"
My lips curve into a sly smile. "You'll see... It's a surprise."
"I hate surprises."
"You'll like this one."
"What makes you so sure, Gale?"
I have no idea how it had happened, but we were suddenly inches apart, his mocha and cinnamon-laced eyes boring intently into mine.
"You're just going to have to trust me, Walker," I whisper, tilting my mouth up to his seductively while trailing a finger down the middle of his chest.
A groan hitches in the back of his throat. "You know I don't trust anyone."
"But if you did, you'd start with me, remember?"
"And right now, I'm seriously regretting having said that..."
"Oh, come on, Drake," I purr. "Have a little faith. Trust goes two ways, after all."
A low exhale escapes his lips. "You're going to be the death of me, girl..."
"It's just a party," I reply softly. "It's not like I'm asking you to jump off a cliff... Which I did for you, by the way, if you care to remember."
His eyes search mine for a moment, before he pulls away. "I assume there's a dress code for this thing?" he asks, flicking his gaze over my dress.
"A shirt would not go amiss." Seeing his sceptical expression, I add, "You may get a drink or two for your troubles. I owe you a couple of rounds, after all."
"I'm going to hold you to that..."
I let out an explosive breath as he disappears into his closet again, my heart hammering from our highly charged conversation.
I knew that Drake had said back at the beach that we had to keep our distance from each other, but I had no idea how we were going to do that, given that our bodies seemed to seek each other out like magnets when we were together. And it's not like we could just avoid each other either, as we had to attend the same events and we tended to congregate with the same group of people.
With a shaky hand, I pull my phone out of my clutch and send off a quick text to Christian letting him know that we'd be out shortly, the four of us having exchanged numbers earlier in case we ended up getting separated during the course of the evening. Christian responds almost instantly with a thumbs up. While I wait for Drake, I also quickly set up a group chat for any future eventualities.
"Will this do?"
Looking up, I can see that Drake has emerged from the closet again, dressed in the same silvery suit that he had worn to the Snowball, though this time combined with a navy shirt, the top two buttons of which he had left undone, as per usual. Together with his perpetually messy hair and permanent five-o'clock shadow, he gave the impression of just having stepped off a photoshoot for a cologne advert. In short, he looked sexy as hell.
"It will," I nod, swallowing with some difficulty. "Come on, cowboy. It's time to rodeo!"
Drake rolls his eyes, but I can see a small smile playing at his lips as he follows me out the door.
"There you two are!" greets Christian with a relieved smile. "I wasn't sure whether you'd make it."
"Gale can be very persuasive when she wants to be," mutters Drake, looking at me in askance.
"And she even convinced you to dress up!" exclaims Maxwell. "Lookin' sharp, bro!" he adds, shooting finger guns at Drake.
"I can always change my mind..." he warns.
"We should get going," I say, quickly grabbing Drake by the arm and hauling him down the corridor before all my hard work implodes on itself. "We have a bit of a drive ahead of us."
"Can someone just tell me where we're going?" asks Drake exasperatedly.
"No!" the rest of us chorus with mischievous grins as we begin making our way down the corridor.
"Why do I put up with you people...?"
"Because underneath that prickly exterior, you love us, really," I reply, bumping him with my shoulder.
Christian laughs. "Don't let him know that, Harper. His circuits might fry."
"I can't believe she talked you into this," grumbles Drake.
"Like you said, mate," replies Christian, clapping Drake on the shoulder affectionately, "Harper can be very persuasive when she wants to be."
"Don't I know it..."
* * *
"Can I take this fucking thing off my face now?" asks Drake for the dozenth time.
"In a minute! Geez!" I exclaim, also for the dozenth time. "Talk about being impatient..."
After we had piled into the waiting limo that Maxwell had arranged for us, Hana had tied a scarf around Drake's eyes to keep our destination a secret, much to his annoyance, causing him to spend the entire duration of the forty-five-minute journey slumped in a grump in his seat, arms crossed over his chest. His sullen silence was only broken occasionally to ask if we were there yet.
"I am never letting you rope me into anything again, Gale."
"Never say never, Walker," I purr silkily, reminding him of his words to me when he had taken me down to the city on his motorbike.
Even though he's wearing a blindfold, I can feel him roll his eyes at me.
"We're here!" exclaims Maxwell, who had been navigating us through the streets since we had gotten out of the car five minutes ago.
"Thank-fucking-finally!" growls Drake, ripping the scarf off his face.
"Welcome...to Monte-Carlo!" declares Christian with a wide grin.
Drake's jaw drops in surprise. "You brought me to Monaco?"
"Yup!" I grin. "I told you it was going to be an adventure!"
We were stood in front of the iconic Hotel de Paris, which was bathed in the delicate pink and golden glow of the setting sun, while the soft waves of the Mediterranean lapped against the hulls of the mega yachts docked in the harbour behind us.
"We're not going gambling, are we?" asks Drake warily. "Because no one told me to bring my golden chequebook..."
"Maybe another time," I reply. "Out of the five of us, only Christian and Hana have enough disposable income to even be allowed to set foot in a casino here."
"Then where are we—?"
"You'll see!" I chirp. "Maxwell, lead the way!"
"Aye-aye, Capt'n!"
"For fuck's sake..."
After a short walk along the main promenade, we arrive at our destination.
"Ta-da!" I announce, spreading my arms dramatically.
"Seriously?" queries Drake with a sceptically raised brow, taking in the unassuming exterior of the building.
"Trust me," I grin, grabbing his hand and hauling him towards the door. "You're going to love it."
"I wouldn't get your hopes—" But as we step through the revolving door, his eyes widen. "Holy shi—!"
"Told ya!"
I had good reason to feel proud as punch at Drake's reaction, because when I had found this place online, I knew it was going to be perfect. This sports bar put every single TGI Friday's and Hard Rock Café to shame with the sheer amount of memorabilia that lined the walls, ranging from western belt buckles through road signs to the pièce de la resistance, which was a vintage American roadster driving upside down across the ceiling.
"How did you find this place?"
"The internet," I reply smugly. "Come on... I owe you a drink."
I drag him over to the bar, while the others settle themselves at our reserved table,.
"So, Walker," I say, plopping him onto a bar stool. "What will it be? Something... tried-and-tested? Or something adventurous?"
"Dealer's choice."
I quirk a brow at him. "That's a risky proposition... How do you know that I'm not going to order you something like a Strawberry Daiquri? Or a virgin Piña Colada?"
He fixes me with a level look. "Would you really do something like that to me on my birthday?"
"Guess you'll just have to wait and see, bud."
I wave the bartender over and whisper conspiratorially in his ear. He glances over at Drake, then back at me, before giving me a wink and getting to work.
"Okay, now I'm actually starting to get worried..." mutters Drake.
"Oh, ye of little faith..." I say with a grin as the bartender deposits two shots of top-shelf whiskey on the counter...
"Then what was with all the whisp—?"
...and sets them both on fire.
Drake's eyes widen. "Why would you do that to the whiskey!"
"You said I could choose the drink. So I decided to go for something that was tried-and-tested and adventurous. You have to admit that it's the perfect birthday drink for you. It's even got a candle for you to blow out!"
Drake shakes his head wryly as he stares at the dancing blue flame. "The things I do for you, Gale..."
"Oh, come on! It's whiskey! Just drink it!"
He picks up the shot glass sceptically. "See you on the other side..."
"Don't forget to make a wish..." I remind him with a wink as I grab the other serving.
He rolls his eyes before blowing the flame out and tipping the shot back.
"So?" I query, after downing my portion as well. "Did I pick well?"
"Is that your roundabout way of saying you kinda liked it?" I quip, sliding off the bar stool.
"It was... different," he admits thoughtfully.
"Now, that would be telling..."
I shake my head as I turn back towards the tables. Stubborner than a jackass...
"Erm... Gale?"
"Aren't you... forgetting something?"
"Like what?"
"Like paying for the drinks? Or am I going to have to foot the bill?"
"Oh, they were on the house," I tell him with a sly smirk over my shoulder.
"That doesn't count as buying me a drink then, does it?" he murmurs as he follows me back to the others.
"I'm sure there'll be plenty more chances before the end of the night..."
I hear him scoff from behind me as I lead him over to the corner booth that Hana had reserved for us. Shoving him onto the plush, overstuffed seat, I squeeze in next to him.
"Where did you two disappear to?" asks Maxwell.
"Had to make a pit stop at the bar to indulge in a time-honoured birthday tradition," I reply.
"Well, looks like you're just in time for round two," observes Christian as a server appears to deposit a bottle of Maker's Mark on the table, together with five tumblers.
Grabbing the bottle, Christian unscrews the top and pours each of us a healthy shot. "To Drake! Happy birthday, mate!"
"To Drake!" we all chorus, lifting our glasses.
"If you burst into song..." he warns.
"Don't worry," I reply. "There's a strict no singing policy in force this evening."
"And Harper made us promise not to sneak in any cakes, balloons or party hats," adds Hana.
"Thank Christ for small miracles..." Drake mutters, swirling the whiskey around in his glass. "The blindfold was bad enough. I should have y’all reported to Interpol for kidnapping..."
"And was it worth it?" I grin. "Or was it worth it?"
"I am reserving judgment until the end of the night..." he mutters, lifting the tumbler to his lips.
"You're impossible..."
"When's the food coming?" asks Maxwell. "All this planning and secrecy has made me really hungry!"
"We haven't even looked at the menu yet," objects Drake.
"Don't worry," replies Christian. "We took the liberty of ordering for you."
"This should be interesting..." sighs Drake, taking another fortifying sip of his drink.
"This place doesn't serve ninety-nine cent burgers," I say, "but we're confident that the grub will meet your exacting tastes."
As if on cue, three waiters appear with oversized serving platters and begin depositing the food on the table.
"Mmm...!" sighs Hana. "It smells delicious."
"We weren't sure what you'd be in the mood for," says Christian, "so we thought we'd order a bit of everything."
"No kidding..." breathes Drake, taking in the assortment of sliders, surf 'n' turf barbecue, chicken wings, and pizza on offer, not to mention the various dishes of coleslaw, salad and potatoes done three different ways.
"Well, dig in!" I instruct. "All this food isn't going to eat itself!"
We all pile our plates and are silent for the next few minutes as we luxuriate in taste of the honest to goodness food.
"Soo good...!" groans Maxwell, reaching for another helping of ribs.
"Hate to say it, buddy," declares Drake, "but this may put even your barbecue to shame."
"Glad to hear that we hit the mark," Christian says with a smile. "But it's Harper who you should be thanking — she was the mastermind behind this operation."
"I can't take all the credit," I demure. "All of you contributed, after all."
"But it was you who convinced us... and Drake to take a leap of faith and try something a bit different tonight," Christian replies.
"To Harper!" cries Maxwell, raising his glass.
"To Harper!" agree Christian and Hana.
"To Harper," murmurs Drake.
He is looking at me with that impenetrable gaze that makes my heart beat faster in my chest, and I find that I cannot do anything but stare back.
"Room for one more?" asks a softly accented voice from behind me.
Tearing my eyes off Drake, I turn my head and my mouth drops. Standing next to our table is a guy with the body of a Jockey model, the blond hair of an angel and the rakish grin of Casanova.
"Leo!" cries Christian, springing up from his seat to wrap his brother in a bear hug. "You made it!"
"Sorry I'm late," says Leo, thumping Christian on the back. "It was all a bit short notice and then the plane got delayed..."
"At least you're here," smiles Christian, clapping his older brother on the shoulder affectionately.
"... but, I did manage to pick up something for birthday boy here," adds Leo, pulling a limited edition bottle of Buffalo Trace out from behind his back and presenting it to Drake.
"Thanks, man," smiles Drake, getting up and leaning over me to clasp hands with Leo before taking the bottle. "I take it that this is also your doing, Gale?"
"I may have asked Christian to give him a call..." I admit. "I know you boys used to be thick as thieves growing up, and thought it would be a nice surprise to invite the notorious fourth member of your posse."
"Notorious, am I?" asks Leo with a devilish grin, sliding into the booth next to Christian. "Just what have you been telling them, Chris?"
"Only the truth, brother," smirks Christian. "Only the truth."
"Leo," greets Maxwell, extended his arm across the table. "Long time no see."
"Max," nods Leo, shaking Maxwell's hand. "Bertie not with you tonight?"
Bertrand didn't seem like the type to tolerate a nickname... But Christian had said that he and Leo had been close.
"He's been quite busy recently, tending to the estate."
"Shame. Hopefully next time then. And the lovely lady to your right is...?"
Hana blushes involuntarily as Leo fixes her with the full intensity of his aquamarine gaze. "I-I'm Hana."
"You're one of the suitors in this year's competition, aren't you?"
"Well, best of luck," says Leo sincerely. "I know from experience that the whole thing can be a bit contrived... But, I'm sure Chris, being the unabashed gentleman that he is, will give all the ladies their fair due."
"That's kind of you to say," smiles Hana coyly.
"So, that means that you must be the famous Harper that I've heard so much about."
"Guilty as charged," I reply, raising my hand in mock contrition.
I liked Leo already. He had all of Christian's charm and poise, combined with a healthy dose of roguish mischief.
"So, what's the plan for tonight?" asks Leo, grabbing a slider from the table.
"Well, I was thinking we could play a game of pool to give our stomachs a chance to work all this food down before heading out for a bar crawl," I suggest. "Both of those things should be right up Drake's alley."
"There's a swimming pool here?" gasps Hana. "You...you don't tell me to bring a bathing suit!"
"She means billiards," corrects Drake, finishing off his whiskey.
"Oh... What's that?"
"You use a big ass stick to shoot little balls into holes on a raised table."
"Don't worry, Hana," smiles Maxwell. "I've never been that great at pool. Foosball, on the other hand... now that's a different story. I can show you how to play if you want."
"I can't say I know what that is either, but I'd be happy to learn."
"Are you two sure you don't want to join us?" I ask as we all get up from the table.
"We'll be fine," replies Maxwell, scooting out. "Plus, this way, it will be a bit easier for the rest of you to form teams."
"In that case," I declare, casting a mischievous look at Christian and Drake. "I call dibs on Leo. We have many things to talk about."
Leo laughs good-naturedly. "I see what you mean, Chris. She's definitely not like the other ladies who frequent your circle."
"The two of you talk about me, huh?" I ask, looping my arm around Leo's to lead him to the pool table.
"He may have mentioned you once or twice," replies Leo with a smile. "You seem to have made quite an impression on my little brother... and the rest of the country."
"You've been following the events of the social season, then?" I inquire, moving over to the wall to select a cue.
"Of course," he nods, picking a cue as well while Drake and Christian set up the table. "It's a big year for Chris, after all. Not only does he have to choose a wife, but he will become king in a matter of weeks."
"He told me you abdicated last year," I say, picking up the chalk to rub on the end of my cue. "Do you...ever regret it?"
"No," he replies without hesitation. "It was the best decision I ever made. It not only allowed me to live the life that I had always dreamed of away from all the stuffy protocols and expectations of court, but to become a better man. With the weight of responsibility lifted from my shoulders, I was free to pursue the things that mattered to me, including the woman of my dreams."
"Do you miss Cordonia? Christian told me you don't visit very often."
"I've never been particularly attached to it... not in the way my brother is. Chris lives and breathes Cordonia, like our father."
"We're ready when you are," calls Christian from the other side of the table. He and Drake have shrugged out of their jackets in preparation for the game.
"Flip to break?" asks Leo, pulling a coin out of his pocket.
"Sure," nods Drake. "We'll go with heads."
"Which means tails for us," confirms Leo. "Care to do the honours, Harper?"
"Why not?" I reply, taking the coin and flipping it into the air. Catching it, I slap it onto the back of my hand. "It's heads."
Drake lines up his shot and with a resounding smack, scatters the balls, pocketing one in the process. "Guess we're solids, Chris."
"Do you know how to play?" whispers Leo in my ear as Drake deftly sinks another ball, putting him and Christian squarely in the lead.
"Don't you worry about me," I reply. "I have three older brothers and a dad who love spending their hard-earned money at the local bar. I grew up on pool and darts."
"Good, because those two are competitive as hell, so we're going to have our work cut out for us."
"I may have a few tricks up my sleeve," I reply with a sly smirk.
"Dammit!" curses Drake as his next shot goes wide.
"Ladies first," offers Leo, extending his hand towards the table.
Stepping up, I survey the spread. I spot two striped balls clustered close together next to one of the pockets. It was a bit of a tricky angle, but I was determined to catch us up.
Lifting my leg up, I plant my butt on the edge of the table, hooking the cue between the fingers of my left hand using a behind-the-back hold.
Glancing up, I can see Drake and Christian staring at me with slack-jawed expressions, as they take in the sight of my upper thigh that had been revealed by the bottom of my dress having ridden up.
With a knowing grin, I take aim and smack the white ball. It hurtles towards the two striped balls that I had eyed up, sinking them both.
"Shit..." breathes Drake.
"This game isn't over yet, gentlemen," I purr as I strut around to the other side of the table.
Leaning over the edge, I sight up my next shot, knowing that the form-fitting cocktail dress was leaving very little to the imagination when it came to my legs and backside. With a purposeful jab, I send the white ball sailing down the felt, and I am rewarded with another sunken ball.
"Talk about making an impression," grins Leo as I pass him on my way around the table again. "I doubt those two know quite what hit them."
"My dad always told me to use every tool in my arsenal," I reply with a wink, lining up another shot.
"Smart man."
I pull my cue back, but as I start shoving it forward, I catch sight of Drake from the other side of the table.
He is rolling up the sleeves of his shirt to expose the taunt muscles of his forearms with all the deliberate slowness of a striptease, his mocha eyes fixing me with such a scalding look that it makes my heart skip a beat.
My shot goes wide, and Drake flashes me a lupine grin.
"Bastard..." I mutter under my breath.
Christian steps up to the table, pocketing two solids in quick succession, edging him and Drake back into the lead.
"You got any more of those tricks up your sleeve?" asks Leo conspiratorially.
"I just might," I reply cheekily.
Planting my hands on the edge of the table, I lean forward slightly, offering Christian a tantalising view of my cleavage just as he moves his hand forward to strike the white.
He catches sight of me out of the corner of his eyes and his hand slips a fraction of an inch, enough to make him miss the ball he had been aiming for completely.
"Damn...!" he grumbles under his breath.
"All yours, bud," I smirk, clapping Leo on the shoulder. "And I got you an extra shot, so you better make the most of it."
"Will do," he replies with a wink as he picks up his cue.
He makes quick work of two striped balls, putting us back in the lead and is lining up for a third shot when I catch a tell-tale whiff of bergamot and cedar next to me.
Glancing up, I see Drake looking down at me with an accusatory glare.
"So, you like playing dirty, huh, Gale?"
"I don't know what you mean, Walker," I reply innocently, flicking my hair seductively to the side.
"Oh, but I think you do," he murmurs, furtively trailing his fingers down the back of my spine while he watches Leo sinks a third ball.
I grip my cue in an attempt to stop myself arching my back into his caress. "You just can't stand to lose, can you?"
"Says the person who resorts to cheap tricks to distract the other team," he counters, tracing little circles around the top of my tailbone.
"Then… what do you call what you're doing?" I ask with some difficulty, biting my bottom lip in an effort to keep a moan from escaping my mouth.
"You're up, mate!" calls Christian from the other side of the table.
With a knowing look, Drake steps away from me and I sink back against the wall in relief. Maybe it hadn't been such a smart move to tease him...
Because I can see that as much as I had tried to distract him, he was back to concentrating on the task at hand with that same single-minded focus that he had shown back at the shooting range. With a few quick moves, he pockets first one ball, then another, leaving just the black 8 ball on the table.
"Well, it was fun while it lasted," I remark to Leo.
The 8 ball was lined up almost perfectly in front of one of the corner pockets – it was a shot that Drake could make with his eyes closed.
"We definitely made them work for it," he agrees as we watch Drake line up his final shot.
I see him pull his cue back, but at the last second, his eyes flick up to mine and his shot goes wide.
"No way..." I gasp.
"Damn it!" groans Christian.
"I don't know what you said to him just now," murmurs Leo, "but it seems to have worked..."
"Your guess is as good as mine..." I mutter.
I quickly line up my shot and sink the 8 ball, but the victory feels hollow.
Why had Drake deliberately missed?
"Well played, brother," says Christian, clapping Leo on the shoulder. "Seems like you got the luck of the draw with Harper."
"Yeah," grins the elder Rys, giving me a wink. "She definitely helped swing things in our favour."
"I see you finished your game as well," observes Maxwell, appearing with Hana at his side. "Are we ready to head out then?"
"Definitely," nods Leo. "And I know just the place to go."
"What the hell was that, Walker?" I hiss, cornering Drake as he grabs his jacket and bottle of whiskey while the rest of our group start making their way outside.
"What was what?" His face betrays nothing.
"You missed your last shot deliberately."
"I don't know what you mean, Gale," he demures, slinging his jacket over his shoulder nonchalantly and pushing past me.
"Bullshit," I retort, having to step to it, as usual, to keep pace with him. "That was the easiest shot in the world! You could've made it without even trying. But at the last second, you changed your mind. Why?"
"You and your psychoanalysing..." he huffs, rolling his eyes. "Why is this so important to you, Gale?"
"Because it's not like you."
"And you know me so well, huh?"
"I know you want to finish what we started back in that cave," I reply provocatively.
Drake's nostrils flare. "Gale..."
"Am I wrong?"
"I told you," he grits. "It doesn't matter what I want... because it can't happen."
"What happened to 'never say never'?"
"This is not one of those things, and you know it."
"What if we told Christian?"
His tone, and his use of my given name, draw me up short.
"Don't. You can't do that... I can't do that to him. Let's... let's just enjoy what's left of the night and pretend we didn't have this conversation."
With a tight set to his mouth, he pushes past me and out the door.
"We're not done taking about this, Walker..." I mutter as I stomp after him.
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The story continues in Chapter 25 - When You Move
A/N: As you can see, I have decided to rewrite Drake's birthday party (this chapter and next chapter) because Western-themed bars (like in the original game) are quite a niche thing in Europe, and are only really to be found in major cities. Since Cordonia is a small country, it is very unlikely that they would have one. But, due to where I located Cordonia on the map, I wanted to take advantage of what Monaco has to offer in terms of nightlife, so the two locations that I write about in this chapter and the next are actually based on real venues in Monte-Carlo. Plus, I wanted to bring Leo into the story :)
Permatags (let me know if you want to be added!)
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @petiteboheme @aussiegurl1234 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @choicesficwriterscreations @fictionloveevie @angelasscribbles
Photo by Geoff Brooks on Unsplash.
43 notes · View notes
aizawabby · 4 years
LILY (m)
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Pairing: Yakuza!Tamaki Amajiki x florist! Reader
Plot: your flowers were the one thing you loved the most in your life... well it’s in the top ten so you bet your ass that you would scream at anyone who would dare to ruin and it didn’t matter if the person was the biggest mobster around.
Genre: mafia au, florist au , NSFW 18+
word count: 6k
Warnings: slight sub/dom play, soft dom Tamaki, explicit smut, oral(f), vaginal penetration, creampies, mirror sex, choking, no protection (wrap it before you tap it), light spanking, mentions of sucking dick, multiple orgasms, praising ish, fat cock Tamaki, dirty talk, slight mention of blood (I was listening to auralescent while writing the smut)
Disclaimer: this is my first time writing explicit smut so pls if I didn’t any mistakes or need to improve any where pls let me know! Also the art work above is not mine nor do I own any of the bnha/mha characters.
A/n: hello~ this is my first fic in this blog, I really hope you guys like!! I’ve been planning it since a month and got way to lazy to complete it :(
The hot rays of sun burn your skin as you walk out of your flower shop for the 10th time today to display your flowers letting them get sunlight. Regretting not putting on sunscreen before leaving home, you whipped the sweat off your face and smiled at the aesthetic you created in front of your flower shop.
It truly was beautiful.
Satisfied with your work you were ready to go back into the air conditioned store. As you neared the glass door, a loud thud noise that came from the background making you flinch. Praying as you turned around you hoped that whatever caused that thud had nothing to do with your flowers and it was just the neighbors cat, Ginger, who had once again jumped over the garbage bin and toppled it over.
You sighed in relief when you saw that your flowers were still intact. Just when you were about to go back a man with a white cloak tripped over your vases not paying attention while running ruining all your hard work.
The man laying on the ground looked at your angry face and seemed like he was about to cry, but you didn’t care right now. You were furious, all your hard work has gone to waste just because one person didn’t pay attention to where he was going.
Getting off the ground he noticed how you were about to start to scream at him, quickly got up and started apologizing.
“Look here sir, apologizing isn't going to do shit for my flowers nor is it going to clean up this mess so I suggest you t-” just as you were about to finish your sentence you felt him grip your wrist and pull you into your store.
‘What the hell’ you thought as you looked up at your captive, he pushed you on to a corner wall where no one could see you, his one hand on your mouth keeping you from making any noise while the other was near your head trapping you from the outside world.
If you weren’t being kidnapped in your own store you would’ve been very much aroused by the situation.
Having let your only staff member go on their lunch break, leaing you alone with your captor was not helping your situation either. Even if you scream for help no one would come to your rescue.
Your captor must have felt your gaze as he looked your way and then looked away once again a blush creeping on his cheeks.
What the hell? Why is he blushing
You continued to study his features so that you will be able to memories them in case he decides to do something, only if you were left alive.
damn he’s cute
You watched him as he kept shifting his gaze from you and the window, curious to what he was eyeing, you peered your eyes out the window to see some pro-hero, whose name you couldn't remember, along with some police officers gathered together holding a piece of paper which seemed like a sketch, showing it to civilians that walked past them.
Since your hearing quirk wasn't going to help you get free you thought it might be useful to hear what the heroes were saying.
“Have you seen this man?” one of them asked “please if you do call the police station right away”. The hero held out a picture. It was your capture.
Holy shit
You let out a quiet gasp at the information discovered, your capture hearing the sudden noise turned towards you once again, his gaze unreadable.
He masked his emotions so you wouldn't be able to tell how nervous he was staying within such close proximity with you. Something he learned pretty early, since in his line of work showing any type of emotions was a weakness.
The sweet smell of your perfume that was helping calm his nerves, was making him lose focus on the tasks at hand. Finding an opening to escape without the pros seeing him.
God how did he want to bury his head is the crook of your neck a- his train of thoughts broke as he felt you try to wiggle out of his grasp.
He glared at you, eyes dark and menacing seeding chills to your spine, he was about to lean closer when the pro-hero left their post and started walking towards their new location.
‘That was close’, he thought
He freed your mouth and placed it on the hand on the other side of your head trapping you. “W-who are you?” you managed to say, he looked you in the eye “Suneater,”.
Thank god for the wall that was supporting you because you were sure that you would've fell on the floor because how much your knees had been wobbling out of fear and being so close with this very handsome man who happens to be the biggest mafia leader of Tokyo.
You blankly stared at him as the headlines from several news articles popped in your head about the man holding you captive, opening your mouth to say-no to beg for your life, this is definitely not the way you imagined yourself dying.
“I” you breathe out watching as the man leaves from his spot, freeing you.
‘is he getting some torture weapon? Is this because i screamed at him omg me and my stupid big mouth’ as your mind filled with gruesome thoughts when all of a  sudden cough broke your trans, you whipped your head to the noise almost getting whiplash from the sudden movement.
It was him.
He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, his head hung low looking at his shoes as if they were much more interesting than you. He rubbed his palms together and was saying something under his breath. It almost seemed like he was...shy
What the hell is up with this guy?
“I… um… i am sorry for that” wide eyed and mouth agape you watched the man who once looked so frightening you nearly passed out from fear was now stumbling on his words as he apologized to you.
‘God i need to talk to my therapist after this, if i get out of this’
He lifted his head, his eyes barely noticeable as they stayed hidden due to the length of his hair. “I… I am s-s-sorry for putting you through this mess. I-it's just because, you see I didn't mean to, it's just that” he paused, he looked as if he were about to cry. What does one do in this situation? Do you go and console him for kidnapping you in your own store?
Confused, you stayed still, scanning him to look for some weapons he can use on you, eyes stopped at his trembling hands.
He’s bleeding
Once again mumbling something under his breath he continued “ you see, some people are looking for me, a-and because of some… things, that's why i ended up bumping into you, i-i didn't mean to knock down your flowers, you see i was just in such a hurry and needed a place to hide that i brought you here” he explained his situation.
He looked back at you waiting for you to respond,
“Are you gonna kill me?” he looked at you even more panicked than before almost like he was disgusted at the sheer thought “oh no no no no” he frantically moved his arms telling you no.
“Good, because i know how to fight” you lied, but seeing how scared he is you began to question whether this man actually was the notorious yakuza you heard about on the news.
Maybe he was the weak twin no one knew about
Your legs finally regained their strength and you leaned off the wall, and walked past Suneater as you disappeared in one of the rooms in the back of your shop.
“Are you coming?” your head peered from the room as you waved your hand at him to come.
‘What are you doing?!? Inviting a yakuza in your safe place’ you thought, while one part of your mind told you to run, the other told you to stay you were conflicted.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard Suneater enter the room, without turning around, you pointed at the chair, “sit” said a little more sternly than you wanted to. Confused at the sudden change in your demeanor, he raised an eyebrow at you, why did you want him here with you when you knew his truth. Anyone with the slightest of common sense would call the police right now, yet you stayed calm.
“Look” you turned around, tiered “ if your not gonna kill me then let me help you with your injury”
‘injury? What injury?’
He looked down at his hand feeling a sting. There was a deep cut, most likely from when he knocked over your flowers ‘oh’ his palm was covered in blood.
He sat down at the designated seat waiting for you, closing his eyes letting the sweet and earthy smell of the flowers fill his nostrils, calming his senses.
                                *     *      *
“Hey did you even listen to a word I said?” Tamaki lifted his head from his palm, “hmm?”. The spiky red head grunted, rubbing his hands on his face tired of his boss being so distracted.
“What’s gotten into you, man?” he questioned, Tamaki innocently looked at him as if he did nothing.
Truth was he was bored, he knew the plan they had went over it a millions of times heck he was the one who made it in the first place.
“Nothing Kirishima, I heard you, ” he said, moving his gaze to where he was looking before, Kirishima followed the direction in which he was looking and spotted you.
You were out in the scorching sun, moving huge pots of flowers around the front of your store.
Grinning he looked back at his superior “why are you looking at me like that” Tamaki said, not liking the way Kirishima smiled at him, he knew something.
“You got a crush don’t ya boss?” Kirishima proceeded to repeatedly poke his bosses arm, annoying him.
“fuck of” Tamaki flustered, turned around avoiding Krishima’s graze, maybe he did have a small crush.
“hey boss” Kirishima scooted his chair closer to Tamaki “after our mission why don’t ya go get her number hmm? Who knows you might even get a date” he said grabbing his bosses shoulder and shaking it as he told him to man up.
                                 *     *      *
He broke out of thoughts feeling the pads of your fingers linger over his palm.
“Is this okay?” you kneeled in front of him, placing the safety kit on your lap concentrating on the task at hand.
“Y-yeah” you looked up, worrying that you might have hurt him accidentally, instead of seeing him wince in pain you were faced with a blushing yakuza.
Not knowing how to react you quickly lower your gaze and continue working on the task at hand.
“You're good at this,” he was the first to speak, breaking the silence.
“Huh, oh yeah i guess,” you let out a nervous laugh, “I used to volunteer as a nurse in hospitals back when I was in college, at one point in my life i wanted to become a doctor or nurse, to help people like pro-heroes did but then i lost interest in the subject and started to like other things so i opened up a flower shop,” you bit your lip realizing you might have over shared, “sorry that was to much wasn't it?” he smiled.
Shaking his head no, he looked at you warmly making you feel weird inside. As the two of you continued to talk, you learned more about him, nothing too personal but enough to make you feel like maybe just maybe you were starting to become friends.
“Alright all done, Tamaki” giving him a bright smile as you got up. He looked at his bandaged hand, smiling “Thank you, Y/n”. He got up from his seat, bidding you goodbye after apologizing for the inconvenience he caused, and walked towards the front door.
“Wait Tamaki!!!” you ran towards the front door hoping he hadn't left already, opening the door you called out for him once again, he stops and turns to look at you, confused as to why you called him.
“Y/n? What happened, are you okay?” he waited for you to catch your breath “yeah i'm fine i just,, i wanted to give you something” the tips of your ear started to burn as you felt a blush creep in, you handed him a purple lily.
Dumbstruck at the present he stayed quiet, smiling shyly as he reached for the purple flower, his fingers grazing you for a second, blushing he thanked you for the gift “ but why?” he asked, finally gaining the confidence to look at you.
You were smiling softly, a light blush spread on your cheeks “it reminded me of you,” you looked at him “and it's pretty like you” you said mentally cursing at yourself for voicing your inner thoughts, and for blushing harder.
Before the tomato looking man could say anything else, you ran back into your shop waving him goodbye.
                                  *     *      *  
Six months ago today, you were ‘kidnapped’ by the notorious Suneater. Your life hasn’t changed much since, you still wake up everyday at 8 am, you still drink the same type of coffee, and you still come back home at 8 pm.
But there was one thing that was significantly different, everyday at noon Tamaki would present himself in front of your store.
At first, it started with him coming to your shop, waiting outside debating whether he was coming in or not.
You would stay in the back of your cash register, listening to him mumbling to himself “common just go say hi that’s all you can do! Common just like you did with kirishima” you giggled.
But without a word he would leave. Disappointed you waited for the next day, maybe then he’ll talk to you.
The next week, he finally came in the store, (with the push of a spiky redhead) he wandered around before picking up a single rose, and came to the cash.
Ever since that day, he started to come more often and stayed longer talking to you about everything and nothing.
Slowly, his visits at the store became more constant just like his presence in your life.
“Are you here to buy something or to see me?” you winked at him going in the store, leaving a flustered indigo haired man behind.
He followed you inside, taking a deep breath calming his racing heart.
“Do you like me?” you asked casually as you picked up boxes from the front desk. Eyes wide Tamaki looked at you and gulps nervously before speaking “I-um I...w-well actually”
‘Fuck was I that obvious?’ He mentally screams at himself.
You laugh at his panicked expression “I’m just kiddin Tama, you don’t need to worry, come on help me with these boxes” you say grabbing his hand drawing circles trying to calm him, but it didn’t. It made him even more red and made his heart beat so fast he thought it was going to come out of his chest.
And sometime along the way, you had begun to fall for him too.
                                 *     *      *
Breaking you out of your day dream you felt a strong grip on your shoulder, you grabbed the intruders hand and twisting your body as fast you could ready to attack.
You lowered your hard after seeing your crush.
“Not bad, Y/n” he showed you the bag of food he was holding “you’ve improved I’m impressed” Tamaki said pressing his hand on your lower back pushing you towards the front door of your apartment complex.
Oh yeah you had also started to take self defense lessons from Tamaki once he found out about your bluff about knowing how to fight. From that day he took it upon himself to teach you how to defend yourself in case you were abducted by another Yakuza.
“Didn’t you have a meeting today with the Kyoto group?” you opened the door to your small apartment where you guys would often hang out “how did it go” you asked taking off your shoes.
“It was alright i guess, they wanted to make a deal” he spoke calmly and went to set the table for the two of you. You hummed at his answer without further questioning him because nothing good ever comes with dealing with the Mafia.
The two of you silently enjoyed the Takoyaki brought by Tamaki.
“Can you pass me a napkin?” you observed as he manifested a tentacle thanks to his quirk and handed you a napkin.
“Hey Tama” you rested your chopstsicks on your place, resting your head on your palm looking at him as he was midway of putting an octopus ball into his mouth, he hummed in response telling you to continue.
“With your quirk you can manifest everything you eat right?” nodding he put another ball into his mouth “so can you…” you wiggled in your seat regretting what you were about to ask, but you needed an answer it was a question that kept you up during many sleepless nights.
Confused at your sudden shyness he lifted an eyebrow at you, this was very out of character for you since you were usually pretty blunt “c-can you make your semen taste like chocolate?”
Tamaki choked on his food, spitting it out looking at you with a horrified face, you scoot closer to him waiting for his answer. Unable to look at you in the eyes he raised his head looking at the ceiling rubbing his hands on his face trying to calm the rush of heat he was feeling. “Taaaammmakii” you whined, tugging on his arm like a child begging him to answer you, he looked at you opening his mouth but then closing it going beet red.
“Ohhh did you do it” you giggled as he blushed even harder and hid his face in his hands and you laughed harder.
                                 *     *      *
“what are we watching tonight?” Tamaki walked into your living dressed in gray sweatpants and a black shirt sitting on your sofa, poking you with his left foot.
It wasn’t often that you got to see Tamaki dress so casually due to his job most of the time he would wear expensive suits (which made him look very hot) but there was something about him dressing down that made your heart flutter.
It was nights like these you loved the most, nights when you do nothing but stay up all night watching movies still you passed out cuddling against Tamaki.
“hmm I don’t know” pouting as you looked through your nail polish wondering which color you should paint them next. Tamaki smiled and pointed towards the purple bottle.
“Then how about” he scanned through the list of shows and movies “this” he said finally stopping at Avatar the last air bender.
While one would expect Tamaki’s attention to be at the screen in front of him watching the show he picked out it wasn’t. He was much more interested watching you paint your nails. He watched as you stuck your tongue out while concentrating on not to make a mess.
She’s so cute
“didn’t you go for lunch with your friends today?” He asked his eyes glued to the tv, mouth slightly agape.
“oh yeah I did, it was fun” he hummed and laughed at something Soka said. “My friends kept asking me if we’re together yet” you laughed at the memory of your friends teasing to finally confess your feelings for the man.
“then why don’t we” not paying attention to what he was saying he continued to watch tv.
Wide eyed he looked at you when it finally hit him you looked back at him in shock from the sudden confession“i ..i mean if you want you haha” he panicked.
Grinning as you got up from your spot on the floor you climbed onto his lap. Tamaki’s face burned a deep shade of red as he tried his hardest to sink his head into the couch wanting it to swallow him whole.
“Hey tama look at me” you brought a hand to his cheeks caressing it softly, making him look at you as you leaned onto him giving him a kiss.
“I like you” he breathes out as you pull away from the kiss smiling at each other “will you go out with me?”.
You rest your forehead on his, catching your breath you nod “yes I will” he holds you tighter holding your body next to his never wanting to let you go.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispers, his lips brushing up against yours, you nod “i'll be mad if you didn't”
He captured your lips in a delicate kiss. The kiss slowly escalated, becoming more rough as he pushed his tongue in your mouth. His wet muscle exploring every nook of your mouth as you submit to him, soft moans erupt from your throat as he grabs your boob giving it a squeeze.
“Oh fuck” he moans grabbing your hips pressing it harder on his crotch as you continued to grind against him.
“Someone’s excited” you smirk against his neck making it, as you grab his clothed dick gasping at size. He was big.
Stopping your movements, he stared into your eyes softly, his hand coming to caresses your face “ are you okay with this if not we don’t need to go further” he reassured. Smiling, you took his hand and kissed it, “I want it Tamaki, I want you.”
He pulled your shirt over your head throwing somewhere in the room, eyes lingering on the lace white bra. His hand was quick to go back on your breast, squeezing it with such an eagerness that just made you wetter by seconds. Taking off the bra, he grabbed your left tit. Soon, your nipple was engulfed by his mouth, he eagerly sucked it letting the tip of his tongue roll around, making you release another moan as you grab his hair pulling him up attaching his lips with yours.
Tamaki’s tongue was back in you, eyes closed as he enjoyed the warm and sweetness of your mouth. He held your hips, lifting you up heading towards your bedroom.
Amajiki hovered over you, smiling softly, he leaned in sealing lips with yours; peppering your skin with his soft kisses and marking you all the way to your breast. His hand finally finding the soft flesh, he gave it a squeeze as his lips came in contact with your areola, you let a breathy moan as his tongue worked on teasing your erect nipples while his other hand massaged the other in pleasurable manner.
He lifted his head from your chest, leaving a trail of kisses all the way to your aching core. Spreading your thighs open, kissing the soft flesh slowly, he teasingly nips at your inner thigh marking you, ignoring the place you wanted him the most.
You grind your hips in the air, hoping it will get his attention, you whimper as he rubs circles on your clit over your underwear finally feeling some relief, you feel the cold air hit your wet core as he slides it off your legs.
“You’re so wet, bunny” he hummed in approval as he twirled his finger in your wetness, content that he was able to make you feel this good. “I bet you taste good too ” he murmures, his eyes darkening with lust, he props your legs into his wide shoulder.
Unable to wait any longer to taste you, he lowered his face to your folds, the feeling of his mouth on your lips, moaning as you pulled his hair telling him to continue. He moaned into you sending vibration to your core, he squeezed your thighs to signal that he understood, he ran his tongue along your dripping slit and plunged his tongue past you lips and shallowly thrusting it inside until he was lapping up your juices with fervor while you arched your back as you moaned his name “you taste so fucking good, bunny” he moaned as he grinned his hips on the mattrest revealing his arousal.
Addicted to the slight bitter but sweet taste that he continued to eat you with more force.
“Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck” your legs trembled.
He knew you were close, slowly he slipped the first finger in, your walls warm and welcoming clenched his finger as he pumped it in, adding another right after. His mouth finding your clit, sucking the sensitive bud, sending pleasure coursing through your body.
“A-amajiki don’t stop” your toes curl at the sensation of his fingers curling inside you, you breathlessly moan your mind going blank as pleasure takes over. Pulling on his hair as his mouth works on your clit while his fingers work their magic, overwhelmed by the pleasure you felt from your lower stomach tightening, “Amajiki… i'm gonna-” before you can finish your sentence you feel the third finger slid in, you roll your eyes back feeling your walls stretch “Oh god, Tamaki”
Tamaki grinds his hips harder at the sounds coming out of your lips, his rock hard cock twitch in sweatpants “fuck” he groaned into your heat fingers slicked with your juices as he worked them in and out of you and lapped your sweet juices with his tongue “I love when you say my name,”.
“T-tama” you moaned bucking your hips on his face in search of release. Only a few moments later you came hard, with his face between your thighs and into his mouth. Your vision blurred as felt Tamaki continue to eat out even after cuming so hard. “Amajiki” you tried to get out of his grasp telling him that you’re too sensitive, he didn't move. He stayed there till you felt another wave of pleaser hit and you came into his mouth.
You were panting hard, your chest rising and falling as you felt euphoria, you watched Amajiki get up from his position between your thighs, get up to kiss you, you tasted yourself on his lips moaning as you felt his boner poking your inner thigh.
He pulls away from the kiss, whining at the loss of contact eyes following him as he gets off the bed. You watch him as he takes off his sweatpants revealing his black boxers which had a wet patch at the tip of his dick, drooling at the outline of his fat cock you imagined having it in your mouth fucking your troat till you became sore.
You get on your knees and start to crawl to where Tamaki was standing, pulling his briefs down until you were met with his painfully erect cock. Licking your lips you looked at him “can i suck your dick” he grabs your chin giving you a peck on the lips “sure, but not now” he says as he backs you up on the bed, laying you down as he starts to nip at your jaw “i wanna be inside you first” he whispers in your ear.
Tamaki separates your legs with his knee, placing himself between your thighs, stroking his dick as he brushes the head of his cock your wet centre. “Amaji-ah” you feel his tip rub against your entrance, but then backing away with flushed cheeks “baby… do you have any condoms” he rubs the back of his neck. It was moments like these where you would question how this man was a mafia leader.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you pull him on top of you kissing him, “its okay im on the pill” you say kissing his face. He aligned himself with your dripping core, his length sliding against your folds and getting coated by your arousal. You shudder, hearing him grunt as he inserts his tip in, stretching you out. He then thrust his length in you, grunting as he felt your wall squeeze around him, once completely in he stayed still letting you adjust to his size, since he was on the bigger side.
You moaned, biting his shoulder as you felt him stretch out your walls, you felt full. “ oh no baby are you okay?” Tamaki cooed still inside of you as he whipped tears from your face “should we stop? Does it hurt?” It wasn't the first time that he had to pull out because he was too big during sex, as he got ready to pull out, you wrapped your legs around his waist kepping him in place “Tama i-its okay, it doesnt hurt, you’re just big” you kiss his cheeks giving him a okay to move as you grip his shoulders” as he slowly began to move.
“Fuck youre so tight baby, you feel so f-fucking good” he let out a groan thrusting even deeper in you.
“Holy shit, your pussy feels so good” he moans in your mouth, picking up the pace. Your mouth drops open and you watch his brow furrow as he slips deeper into you, and fills you up. He continues to push until he finally bottoms out, he pants out a heavy breath that he's been holding out. Your eyes flutter but you fight to keep them open, and your arms wrap around his torso to grip his back.
“oh god Amajik” you moan, hips moving to match his thrust “feels so good”
“Yeah?” he pants out, moving at a steady pace, and you nod in response.
Admiring how he looks on top you, lips pink and swollen from your kisses parted as soft moans and grunts pass them. His eyes dark, looking at you with insatiable hunger that told you that he was holding back.
“Amajiki harder” you whimper, “fuck me harder.”
He pauses for a second, studying your face to make sure he was hearing this well. His breath stuttered before he let out a shaky breath.Then his hands gripped your hips in a bruising hold and he started snapping his hips as hard as he could into yours.
Your eyes roll back at the force of his hips slapping against yours. His nails dug into your supple skin and it stung but you didn’t bother to care because the feeling of him stroking along your sensitive walls was too overwhelming.
“Fuck baby” he gruffly let’s put “you’re making me feel so good”
Clenching around his words, you feel more of your juices coating him as he fucks you harder into the mattress.
“You like it?” he pants “ is my cock making you feel good, baby”
You nod. You couldn’t speak properly, not with the way his hips seemed to increase their speed and hit you deeper with each thrust.
“Use your words, bunny” he grunts into your ear. He releases your hips in favor of gripping your thighs, pausing to shift onto his knees and have a better handle of you and angle his hips just right. “You love it don’t you? You love it when I fuck you with my cock?”
“Yes” you moan “i love it, i love your cock”
“Your close aren’t you? I can feel the way you keep clenching around my cock,”
“Oh god I’m close tama, don’t stop” you say when the thrust abruptly stops when he pulls out of you, and you whimper in shock and desperation. But he doesn’t allow you a second to question him before he’s gripping your hips and flipping you onto your stomach lifting your ass up. He spanks your ass and you squeal in surprise but it morphs into a moan when he shifts your hips to position himself behind you properly. He’s slipping inside you with ease, and you’re back where you left off.
Trailing a hand from your back, all the way to your head he gripped your hair, pulling your head back to capture lips with his.
His mouth on your neck kissing his way to your ear, nibbling on it before he continued spewing filthy phrases in your ear that had you whining in blinding pleasure.
“You're taking it so well, baby. Now be a good girl and cum on my cock” he pants in your ear.
His hand finds your engorged clit, rubbing vigorously as he snapped his hips faster. Your mouth dropped open but no sounds came out, your voice was gone as you felt the pleasure rapidly increasing and the heat in your tummy growing larger and larger until it finally exploded.
“oh tamaki” you moaned “ fuck, I’m cumming.” You called out his name breathlessly as if it was a mantra as you felt yourself come undone all over him.
Amajiki groaned, fucking you through your orgasm, chasing after his own. After a few deep thrusts he stops and gripping your hips as he feels himself shooting his release in you.
He stays inside for a while and you feel him kiss on your along your spine, whispering soft nothings. He pulls out leaving you feeling empty.
Unable to move your body, you let yourself fall into the mattress resting your head on your pillow.
“Tired” you hear tamaki leaning against the headboard of your bed. He pulls your limp body making you hover over his lap, your back against his chest “but i'm not done with you baby” he bites your shoulder, rubbing the head of his cock on your entrance lubricating it with both of your juices.
“Yeah that’s right watch yourself as I fuck you” he says starring right at you through the mirror. You watched him as he slipped himself inside you with ease.
He held your hips keeping you in place as you watched his length disappear in you with each hard thrust.
“Oh my god” your moan feeling the tip of his cock hitting your g-spot. “Are you gonna cum baby?” Amajiki grunts going faster, you nod grabbing his thighs to help you steady as you start to move your hips to match his pace as you feel your 4th orgasm approach.
“Look at you bouncing on my dick like a good little slut” he growled in your ear, his hands wrapped around your throat choking you “come for me slut” with a couple more thrust both of you came undone.
Breathing heavily as you calmed from your high, you got off his lap and sat beside him leaning on the headboard.
You looked ahead seeing both of your reflections in the mirror; cheeks flushed and swollen lips.
Tamaki turned towards you smiling as he caressed your face leaning for a kiss.
“You're amazing, you know that?” you smiled at him, finding him adorable in his fucked out state.
“So are you,” you said, returning the kiss.
Tamaki gets off the bed and goes to the bathroom to get something to clean both of you up. You manage to keep your eyes open, smiling as you see Tamaki’s naked butt as he leaves the room. Reaching out your hand imagining to squish it.
You close your eyes letting the sleep take you over when you something cold on your inner thighs opening your eyes only to see Tamaki cleaning you off.
You feel the bed dip from Tamaki’s weight, you turn around laying on your back facing your lover. Smiling at him you wrap your arms around him and bury your head in the crook of his neck inhaling his sent mixed with sweat and sex.
“You're gonna be sore tomorrow” he places a kiss on the crown of your head “don't blame me for it though it was you who wanted it” he tries to mimic your moans from earlier. “Shut up” you say playfully slapping his chest he let out a low chuckles holding you tighter ready to let sleep take over.
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