#junior year college is kicking my ass truly
fishycrys · 1 year
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*Slides in with alluka doodles and leaves*
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m00nlight-ramblings · 4 months
Like Real People Do: Chapter 1
You are the new girl at Hawkins High for your junior year. As a stereotypical "goody goody", you've been focused on friends, studies, and getting into college...so when you become friends with Eddie Munson, it completely throws a wrench in your system. But, sometimes, that can be a very, very good thing. (slow burn strangers to friends to lovers)
This is "Like Real People Do: Chapter 1"
Pairings: Eddie x AFAB reader (for continuity sake, you will have a name because I truly hate writing "y/n" it gives me hives, but it won't be prevalent enough to be distracting)
Warnings: swearing. every chapter will have their own warnings - eventually, their will be fluff, angst, smut. THIS ENTIRE SERIES IS 18+ MINORS DNI
Word Count: 2.64k
A/N: My Eddie obsession will never leave me, apparently lol. Some of the plot will be out of order from the show - I'm not quite sure if I want to incorporate the Upside Down stuff just yet. Graphic made by me, I do not give permission for it (or this series) to be shared without my knowledge.
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The end-of-summer breeze was light, running through the open window of your car. You had your arm extended out the driver window, lightly tapping the outside of the door as you drove slowly down the road where Hawkins High School was located. The closer you got, the more the butterflies fluttered in your stomach, bouncing off of the walls and causing you to breathe out shaky breaths every 10 seconds (approximately).
Bananarama’s “Venus” was playing through the speaker of the sound system in your car – normally, you’d be singing along, your toes tapping along to the beat. But instead, you felt like you were driving into something awful – a battle, or a funeral, perhaps.
Which, if you think about it, is probably the exact opposite place that you should be listening to Bananarama’s “Venus”.
As you turned the corner, you saw kids from both the high school and close by middle school mingling outside, in the parking lot. It seemed that everyone – except for you – had First Day of School™ smiles plastered on their faces, which only added to your growing pit of nerves. Slowly, you maneuvered into your assigned parking spot – lucky 31 – and parked the car, rolling up the window and turning down the music. You let out a shaky breath and gripped the steering wheel so hard, your knuckles turned white.
“It is your first day of school,” You reminded yourself, trying hard not to look at the people walking around your car abstinent-mindedly, chatting to their friends about what they did over summer vacation. You felt a pang of sadness as you yearned for your best friends back home – this past summer was the first summer in high school you three didn’t work together at the local Dairy Queen, and even though you hated that job, you missed them so much sometimes your heart hurt.
Shaking the sadness out of your quickly, you looked ahead and started again, “It’s your first day of school. It is your first day of school – you are not about to enter a Roman Coliseum to fight a caged tiger.” Accidentally, you made eye contact with a boy walking past the car, who squinted his eyes at you in confusion.
Although you feel like you’re surrounded by caged tigers… You thought, expelling another shaky breath. Were you sure that boy wasn’t a caged tiger? Because he sure was making you feel like it.
“It’s your first day of school,” You whispered again, checking your watch. 10 minutes until you had to meet the principal in their office to get the grand tour and your class schedule. “It’s your first day of school, and you’re going to kick ass. It’s nothing to be scared of.” You watched another person make a face at you while they walked by.
Okay, time to stop talking to yourself in the car.
You grabbed your backpack and opened the door, your knees feeling slightly like Jello. Locking the door behind you, you made your way through the front door of the building. According to the packet that came in the mail a few week’s prior, the principal’s office was almost directly next to the entrance, to the right.
Turning to the right, you saw the front office, with the sign “Hawkins High Front Office” plastered at the top of the doorway.
Okay. That wasn’t so hard.
You stepped in, stepping into the small line that had already formed at the receptionist’s desk. Taking in your surroundings, you heard multiple phones ringing, and multiple conversations happening at once.
School wasn’t hard for you – in fact, you actually loved school. Known as a Goody-Goody at your last school, you were interested in homework, and getting good grades. In your junior year and on the fast track to a big university, possibly on the East Coast, you wanted to study psychology to become a therapist.
So, school definitely wasn’t hard for you. What was hard was moving to a new state due to your dad’s new job, and having to start school smack dab in the middle of your high school career. Being 550 miles away from everything you had ever known was tough – doing it at 17-years-old was even worse.
“Miss?” The receptionist said, pulling you back to reality. You snapped your head forward and saw that she was smiling politely, but definitely impatiently. You blushed as you stepped forward, being next in line. “How can I help you?” She asked as you stepped up. She had thick glasses and lipstick had already stained her teeth, even though it was only 7:00 in the morning. She tapped her pencil against the desk as she waited for your response.
“Oh, hi,” You said, subconsciously running your tongue over your teeth, “Um, today is my first day…I transferred in. And I was told to be here now to meet with the principal –”
“Brooke Henway?” The receptionist interrupted. You nodded. Quickly, she waved her hand as if to say come on, “This way. Principal Higgins is in his office and will be waiting for you. Have a great first day.” She knocked on a door marked “Principal Higgins” on a gold plaque, the entire sentence a monotone run-on. Offering a strained smile to you, she scooted back to her desk, shouting, “WHO’S NEXT?!”
You sighed heavily and re-adjusted your backpack, shoving your hands in your jeans pockets. Rocking on your heels, you reminded yourself that no matter how large and scary it felt, this was just a high school, and not a Roman Coliseum.
This was going to be a long year.
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Shutting the door to your locker, you felt exhausted. The first day of school wasn’t bad – people here were actually pretty nice, and it seemed like you would be able to keep up in your classes fairly easy. But a first day of school would be tiring anyway…adding on that it was a first day at a new school, and you were downright asleep with your eyes open.
You were just about to make your way to your car – home at last! – when all of the sudden, what sounded like a heard of buffalo made its way down the seemingly empty hallway. You turned to face the noise at the end of the hallway, and a group of rowdy boys turned the corner, laughing and shouting about something that made them so excited, they seemed to be breaking the sound barrier. Something told you hang back a second, so you decided to wait until they passed to head out to the parking lot.
The group consisted of what seemed like various grades – definitely a few freshmen, but some seemed older. A few were wearing shirts that boasted “HELLFIRE CLUB” on them, and they seemed like a rag-tag group. One boy with longer, curly, brown hair and a leather jacket, made eye contact with you while he was smiling at one of the younger looking boys. For a split second, you both maintained eye contact as the group passed by you, and you felt a little jolt in your tummy.
Okay…he’s kinda hot. You thought, a smiling threatening to break through on your lips. Even though he wasn’t technically smiling at you, he seemed nice.
Or, at least funny since he was making the rest of the boys around him howl with laughter.
As soon as they passed, Long Curly Hair Boy shoved his hand in his back pocket, causing whatever was in there to tip out, scattering on the ground. They sounded plastic by the sound of the pink pink! noise they made as they fell on the linoleum, but they group didn’t hear over their conversation. You stepped to them, snatching them in your hand.
Looking down at them, they seemed like dice, except there was way too many sides. Inquisitively, you investigated them, turning them over with your finger. The dice themselves were a cool, swirly black and maroon color, while the numbers on them were a metallic gold.
Suddenly, you remembered these cool, weird dice were not, in fact, yours.
“Hey! Excuse me?” You shouted, jogging to catch up with the group. At first, they didn’t hear you, so you shouted again. “Heyyyyy! Hey!”
Almost as one organism, they all turned at the same time (and weirdly, in the same direction). Long Curly Hair Boy had his arm around two of the younger guys – Smaller Long Curly Hair Boy, and Tall And Lanky Looking Boy – affectionately. You locked eyes again and he widened his smile.
“Yesssss? Can I help you?” He asked in a playful tone. You extended your hand, flattening your palm to show off the dice.
“You dropped these.”
He looked at the dice and one of the boys whistled. Quickly looking back up to you with appreciation, he quickly took the dice and put them in his back pocket, “Geeze, thanks. Can’t believe I would’ve left those. They were custom made…” He looked back at you and tiled his head, “…I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.”
You smiled, “Because you haven’t. I’m new…moved here this summer. Today was my first day,” You offered, but then remembered that today was everyone’s first day, “Well I mean, like here. In Hawkins.”
Long Curly Hair Boy chuckled and nodded, “No, I got what you meant. Well, welcome to the exotic and exciting Hawkins, Indiana! I’m Eddie,” He introduced the rest of the gang (Smaller Long Curly Hair Boy was actually named Dustin, and Tall and Lanky Looking Boy was actually named Mike).
“I’m Brooke,” You said after they were done. There was a moment of silence after pleasantries were exchanged and you raised your eyebrows, “Welp…I better get home. Even though it’s only the first day, I have like, 100 pages of reading for English, so…” You jabbed your thumb in the direction of the parking lot, your voice trailing off.
“Right, right. Well, we better go too…” Eddie started, crossing and uncrossing his arms, “Thanks again for saving my butt with my dice back there…and see you around.” He smiled again and the group said their goodbyes, walking away collectively as one organism again. You chuckled watching them leave.
Teenage boys are so fucking weird.
You headed out to the parking lot and got into your car. As you turned the radio up and rolled down your window, you found yourself smiling.
Yeah…maybe the first day wasn’t so bad.
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Something about the new girl had thrown Eddie’s head for a minor tailspin.
Sure, he had only talked to her for like, 30 seconds. And sure, it wasn’t flirty by any means. But there was something about her…was it her smile? Or the way her hair was shining in the afternoon sunlight? Or maybe it was, even with such little conversation, Eddie could tell she was really nice – a “kind soul” was what he had heard it described as.
Jesus Christ, he knew this girl for all of two minutes and he was already waxing poetic.
Thankfully, he was able to shake the thoughts of her off as he focused back on the main thing he should be focusing on after the first day of school.
His new Dungeons and Dragons campaign.
Quickly scribbling ideas down, he worked through some new thoughts he had conjured up in third period. Smiling as he did so – he had a feeling Henderson would love the new direction he was taking it – he bobbed his head to the Iron Maiden tape playing in his stereo next to him. Thankful for the new, freshmen recruits he had met earlier in the summer, he hadn’t been so excited for a campaign in a long time – and this Friday, they were going to have their first, official Hellfire meeting of the school year.
“EDDIE,” Wayne screamed over his music, knocking on his door, “PHONE FOR YOU.”
“THANKS.” Eddie replied, not looking up as he shut the music off. He snagged the phone in his room out of its cradle, “Y-ello?”
“So she was really hot, right?” Dustin’s voice rang through the phone and Eddie heard Wayne’s chuckle as he hung up the other phone in the kitchen. Embarrassed, Eddie rolled his eyes, even though Dustin couldn’t see him.
“I said, ‘she was really hot, right’?”
“No, Dustin, I heard you, but what the hell are you talking about?”
“The new girl!” Dustin groaned, “The new girl is pretty cute! You know exactly who I’m talking about!”
“Dustin…” Eddie sighed, rubbing his forehead in between his eyebrows, “I don’t even remember her name -”
“Yes, you do.”
Yes, I do.
“Whatever. Point is, who cares?”
“Who cares?! Us…we should care!” Dustin sounded exhausted already, “She’s a new girl – a new, hot, girl – and she was nice to us! On the first day! Do you know what that means?!”
“It means, genius, that we could get our high school credibility up! She doesn’t know that we’re the freaks of the school – yet – and she was nice to us! That combo means that we could have a pretty girl as a friend, thus making us cool!”
“Dustin…” Eddie winced internally at the word “freak”, “I don’t care about my credibility in this dumb town.”
“Well, it’ll make our lives easier! My whole life, I was thrown into lockers because I’m a nerd with new teeth basically every other year…if we have pretty, nice girl as a friend, that could change! We’ll still be nerds -”
“But with a pretty, nice friend?” Eddie finished, basically checking out of the conversation.
“Exactly!” Dustin shouted excited.
“Okay, Henderson, I’m going to hang up the phone now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Ugh, okay fine. But just think about it, okay?!”
“Yeah, sure, bye.” Eddie rushed to hang up the phone, the idea of talking any more about Brooke making him sweat a little bit. He sighed, releasing some of the tension in his shoulders, before he turned his stereo on again.
But even with the pen in his hand, and music playing in his room, Eddie still couldn’t concentrate on his campaign, and tried shake the thought of you. He didn’t need to have a “nice, pretty friend” because he truly didn’t care, but it would be nice to have you as a friend.
Or at least, he thought.
Maybe “this will be my year” would take on a whole new meaning now.
A/N: thanks so much for reading, y’all! I have Eddie Munson brainrot right now, so even though I have oneshots AND another multi-chapter fic I’m working on, I guess my brain also decided I needed to write this one too lol. As always, your likes, reblogs, and comments mean the world to me, so they’re greatly appreciated! Let me know what you think!
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I know it's been months since you posted about it but. I want to hear about the Bad Moms.
No worries! I'm always happy to chat, no matter the time! This one's gonna be a long one though, so strap in!
First things first, all of the Bad Moms are at least 15th-level adventurers, if not higher. All of them, excluding Sklonda, have canonically either adventured or did something like it. And Sklonda is high-level because she's just that badass.
In order of first appearance, we'll start off with the imposing Hallariel Seacaster, who, side note, I truly believe is almost seven feet tall. Just a tower of a bored housewife who used to be the best swordswoman in Spyre (Think Morticia Addams but slightly less goth). This leads me to believe that she'd be a straight Fighter (all of the Seacasters are) with the Samurai subclass. A heavy hitter who just won't drop yet still smoothly transitions into being an elegant courtier when need be. Oh, and I'd love for them to bring back the sober trigger mechanic from Unsleeping City S2 for her! It'd also be a treat to watch her deal with other Elves who make pointed backhanded comments about her finally settling down with another Elf and how it's good to see that she's done playing house with that human husband and half-human son of hers.
Next up is Wilma Thistlespring! My most precious Artificer Bard! With the subclasses Battle Smith and College of Creation, respectively. Battle Smith because in "Family in Flames", while Digby had a Tesla-coil laser canon (a hallmark of an Artilerist), Wilma had a fleet of spinning gyros instead. It'd probably take a little reflavouring but I think she could have her Steel Defender be this swarm of bird-like constructs that fuck a bitch up. And for the College of Creation part, I mean... It's the Bard subclass all about having a Song in your heart and that Song being one of the most ancient and powerful magic of all. If that's not Wilma Thistlespring to a T then I don't know what is. Also, btw, I'd love for her to be played by Elaine Lee because, if I remember correctly, Brennan took inspiration for the Thistlesprings from his parents!
Next is Mom of the Year, Sklonda Gukgak, who is obviously a straight-up Inquisitive Rogue, just like her son! This one is one of the more obvious picks for her and one of the only ones really. None of the other Rogue subclasses fit quite right while still making sense for her character. Like, maaaybe she could be a Mastermind Rogue, but I think it's a stretch. And it's the only subclass that she could conceivably get to a high enough level without her being a straight-up adventurer. I honestly think it'd be so funny to watch her get pulled into an adventure. Because I think she's a lot like Carameldina and Steel in the way of absolutely hating that they live in a DnD world, but instead of being utterly baffled by why her son is acting like an adventurer, she knows. She knows she lives in a world where adventures happen and the Call to Adventurer is a real phenomenon that wraps people up with Quest Fever. She's been trying to keep Riz from it ever since Pok died. So getting to watch her finally get the Call herself would be fantastic.
Sandra Lynn Faeth, the messiest bench ever, is next up and she's pretty straightforward, just like Sklonda. She's a Beast Master Ranger and that's all she wrote! Obviously, most of the fun of watching Sandra Lynn take center stage would be in witnessing her past come back to haunt her and seeing how she deals with it. The most glaring plot hook for a Bad Moms season (as long as they don't do it in Junior Year) would be her serving justice to the older adventurer creep who got her blacklisted from adventuring! I want her to kick ass, take names, and call Jawbone whenever she wants to make out with someone because she's still too anxious to do it impromptu even though they've talked about it!
Second to last, we've got Cathilda Ceili!!! Fight me if you think she doesn't count as a Bad Mom!!! She does!! She and Roz are picking up the slack that fucking Arianwen and Donna are dropping, okay? Okay. Now, while her being a Swashbuckler Rogue is a given. What else was she going to be? I'm also kinda leaning towards her multiclassing into Banneret Fighter, is that crazy? It's just that it feels that she'd also have some support mechanics in her roster (like Rallying Cry) and having Action Surge and Second Wind could tie why her work ethic is so tireless. Plus, as a Fighter, she'd fit in with the rest of the Seacasters! Listen, i want to see Cathilda let loose for once. And I feel like the other Bad Moms could get her there.
Finally! Roslyn "Roz" Fukumoto! She's such a wild card because we literally know nothing about her, but I think it'd be fun to include her in a Bad Moms season. Getting to know another Aguefort Alumni like Sandra Lynn and learning about what life is like outside of Elmville in another small town in Solace. I don't know if there'd be any tension between her and Wilma, (mostly because Wilma's such a sweetie) but getting to see their dynamic would be a treat. Now, for what class she could be. Another spellcaster would round out the party nicely, leaning more toward like a Warlock or even a half-caster, like a Paladin. But if she'd had to be a martial, a Fantasy High hasn't had a Monk PC yet and they are always a joy to watch.
Whew! That's about it for the Bad Moms class wise. It's such a pipe dream but it'd be such a joy to watch a group of older women play DnD as this badass team of Moms. I hope this satisfies your curiosity, @deconstructthesoup!!
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captainmullin · 21 days
May 2024 Update
hey all - I know I've been in and out a LOT recently, and I apologize! My junior year of college has genuinely kicked my ass and there's a lot of changes that I've been going through!
First of all, if you've placed a request and I haven't gotten to it, I'm extremely sorry!! I am a very busy bee off the internet! A small breakdown of my responsibilities:
15 credit hours every semester
Club president (×2)
Vice president of a fraternity
plus being a theater major!
I'm trying to be nicer to myself and pace my responsibilities out more, but I also know that you all deserve an update as well :> I truly appreciate everyone's support, patience, and kindness as I clear out my schedule for the summer!
That being said, I'm starting a part-time job next week, but I do hope to get more writing out to everyone soon!!!
Inbox is always open for anything!
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theficplug · 4 years
l Next Lifetime l Erik Killmonger l
warnings: none, but the usual 18+ for the eventual smut and a possible tw for grief but i promise it gets better and its a romcom
synopsis: reader grieves Erik until she doesn’t (i’m trying not give too much away). I really want to make it a series that i actually keep up with (sorry Girls Trip readers) because I have up to part 4 written. alright thats all i hope yall vibe with it. 
erik killmonger x black reader 
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Every night since Erik crossed over into the ancestral plane he has visited you in your dreams. You went through every single stage of grief before you began to accept the facts. 
At first you sat and festered in your anger for him and refused to talk to him. The audacity of him,  after you begged him not to follow through with the idiotic plan of trying to take on all of Wakanda. 
You told him that his ideas and his heart would’ve been in the right place had they not have been clouded by rage and carrying years of hurt and anguish. You understood where he was coming from but you knew and he knew that the way he was going about it was only going to leave him with one ending. 
He loved you more than anything but once his mind was made up about something there was nothing in Heaven or Earth that could change it. 
You knew that he would have to see it through even if that meant to his own demise . 
On the first night you would be lying if you said that you didn’t cuss him out for leaving you like that and going off and getting himself killed. You told him that he had done the same thing to you that “King” Azzuri had done to his father. Left you feeling alone and to deal with the loss of not having your heart with you. 
It was as if his Earthside worries didn’t bother him as much his face seemed much more relaxed and his scars had healed over. 
You would run your fingers over his chest as the tears well in your eyes and you take in the sigh of him for a moment. 
“I know… It wouldn’t have been enough. I couldn’t contain it. It felt like something had come over me . Possessed by the idea of revenge. I needed it. I felt like my father’s memory was worth avenging until I sat down with him here. He and moms sounded a lot like you at first. They were pissed off, but they understood. The ancestors told me that “a child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth”. I wanted their warmth at first. To know what it would feel like to have what T’Challa and Shuri got to experience their whole lives. But it was something about the heat of fury that felt different. But I realized somethin’.  On this side, don’t none of that matters. None of it. The only thing I see and think of is you and how I wished I would have focused on growing old with you instead.” he explains and you fall into his arms to let out the sob that you had been holding in for a while.
You wake up in the dark room in cold sweats and gasping for air. You realized that you had been crying in your sleep and wiped your eyes before trying to shake it off and smack at your phone to get the alarm to stop. 
For weeks it would go on like this every night. You would settle into bed and fade into hues of reds and purples as you wander around finding him sitting in different sections of the flowers and creeks. He was holding a little bouquet of random tulips and wildflowers in his hand for you. 
You settle on the grass next to him and rest your head on his shoulder as he turns to kiss your head. 
“You ever wonder what life would be like if it wasn’t like this? If we could truly do anything, be anything and not have to worry about everything else.” you ask him and he takes your hand in his. 
He looks at you pondering your question for a moment before tucking a lilac into your hair.
“Nah, I can’t let myself think like that because I'll get stuck in wishing I were there. Instead of getting to enjoy these moments and building my own lil slice of heaven with you.” he says quietly thinking things over before leaning into kissing you softly. 
You wipe at the tear falling down his cheek before replacing your thumb with a kiss. 
“Take me back to being 6 years old in the cool murky ass Toll Plaza waters,feeling weightless, not caring about a damn thing.”
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 “We’re reaching out for each other with our popsicle stained hands and laughing at shit that doesn't even make sense but it made sense to us. My gramps yelling at us to not go too far out so that he can get to us. We called him crab pawpaw for the rest of the day...What I wouldn't give to be sitting on my grandmother’s porch swing, trading cards with you. Our birthday is coming up soon. I’m going to miss getting charms from you.” you say to him softly as you run your fingers through his thicker beard and take in every second that you get with him. 
“I’ve been promised that I can give you something more special than a charm. You gotta just trust that everything gon’ be alright.” he reassures you and pulls you closer into his arms 
“GIRL IF YOU DON’T GET UP RIGHT NOW. YOU LEFT THE ROAST IN THE OVEN-” your best friend Tika yelled from the kitchen as she flailed around with the extinguisher and you wake up puzzled for a moment before letting out an “oh shit”. You remember that you laid down on the couch  to scroll while your roast baked and the next thing you know, you were sleeping and that that old ass oven is smoking. 
You spring up from the couch grabbing a towel and fanning the fire alarms trying to get them to stop blaring before the Super comes pounding at your door. 
“Alright. Alright, stop hollering. I was trying to surprise you with a nice dinner to thank you for being there for me over the last 9 months. I know it ain't been easy having me mope around and not be myself. I swear I sat down for 10 minutes tops and I was just flat out asleep. Them doubles at work has been kicking my ass and grad school-.” you explain and Tika shakes her head.
She puts the extinguisher down and holds up her hands. “When my dad passed junior year of college, you and your entire family were there for me and my mom. You guys made sure that we had food for weeks and were able to make rent on time and everything in between. I know what grief looks like. I couldn’t imagine losing the love of my life like that. I know that we didn’t know Erik like you knew him but the way you talk about him. You’ve convinced me that he hung the moon itself in the sky.” she reassures you and you nod while looking over at the blackened roast that's sitting in the pan, burnt to a crisp. 
“It’s only 6:30. Wong’s is still open. I'll just go get something real quick. Do you want vegetable noodles and the teriyaki chicken again?” you ask as you pull on your shoes and grab your umbrella. 
“Surprise meeee and you owe me flan for cleaning up this messss.” She sing songs as she grabs the mop.
“Leave it up to a theatre major to turn nearly burning down our apartment into a song. I got you.” you reply, laughing on your way out the door. 
You couldn’t shake what Erik had told you in your dream this time though. He had been promised that he could give you something better than a charm. What the hell did that mean though? You were sure you were probably just overly stressed and exhausted from working and classes. You were going to enjoy your birthday beach trip this weekend with your friends and try to put everything else behind you. 
Somehow as lost in your thoughts as you were you managed to make it to Wong’s and back home just in time to greet an overly dramatic Iridia at the door. 
“What the hell happened here?” she asks, sitting down her bags and surveying the burnt roast and little residues of foam still left to clean. 
“She fell asleep and almost turned our overpriced condo into dust.” Tika answers for you and you give her a small nod.
“I got you spicy egg rolls?” you offer and she hesitantly takes her order from you with a small smile.
“Got something to lift your spirits. It’s new dresses to wear this weekend cause girl I get it. I do, but grey is just not your colour sweets. You’ve got yellow undertones, you need scarlet reds, ochre. Something, not, this…” she trails off pointing at your baggy sweats and oversized sweatshirt. 
You laugh softly at her bluntness finding it kind of nice that some things have remained normal. 
“Whaaat? I thought this was hermit chic?” you retort sarcastically. 
“Thank you. That’s almost sweet of you.” you reply by taking the bags from her. You look at the red mesh dress and admit that if there’s one thing about Iridia is that her bougie self got style and you missed getting dressed up. 
 You thank the girls one final time before retiring to your room to finish some of your assignments up. You look over at the clock and notice that it’s 2 am. You crack open the fortune cookie on your nightstand and eye the quote etched across the small piece of paper 
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“Pfft. If only that damn 10$ that i lost last week could circle back around to me. That’d be nice.” you thought to yourself before closing your laptop and trying to get some rest to have enough energy for this weekend. 
As you settle in the usual hues of lavender, violet, and scarlet come into view and you are taken into the field of flowers and you giggle as the butterflies land on your shoulder and one on the tip of your finger. 
Your plan worked. You only thought about E’s favourite double chocolate cake and hoped that you’d be able to bring it into your dreams with you.
You carried it proudly as you scan the field of flowers and beautiful willow trees for him. 
“E? E ! Happy Birthday to us! E. Where you at?” you call for him and look around but he’s nowhere to be found. You sat on a large boulder by the water hoping that he was just exploring and would find you eventually. 
You didn’t get much sleep that night after waking up shivering and in tears thinking about how the only connection you two still had left was broken. 
You do eventually fall back to sleep only to dream about running across campus and being late to a final even though you were nearly done entirely with university. 
A few restless hours later and you were already dressed and enjoying your fresh brew while watching the world awaken from the kitchen window. 
“Good morning.” you startle Iridia and Tika who were trying to sneak into the kitchen with breakfast and set everything up for you. 
“Damn we can’t get anything past your insomniatic self. Buon compleanno bambina!” Tika says sliding on her little party hat. 
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“You’re wearing the dress! You look so pretty and is that eyeshadow I see on you? Okay lemme find out our girl is slowly coming back to herself.” Iridia says smiling at you. 
“Thank you, do I smell pancakes?” you question and they laugh as they hand over the box to you. 
After you have all gone over plans for the little weekend trip you grab your bags and are ready to hit the road. 
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It was only an hour to The Smith’s beach house for the weekend but all 3 of you were well stocked with snacks and playlists. 
“We are heerrrreeeeee” Tika announces while parking the car.  
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You get settled into the lavish and snazzy beach home, courtesy of Iridia’s parents. You hadn’t been since junior year of college and was just glad to be in a different setting.
“They said that the wine bar is open to us and we can have the party here as long as it looks the same as when we found it.” Iridia says already getting ready to change into her neon bikini to compliment her rich complexion and hit the beach. 
“What, it’s summer? You never know who the winds of adventure are going to blow in-”
 “FUCK MEEEE” you both hear Tika call from the bathroom down the hall. 
“HUN?” you call back and you both laugh at the long sigh followed by “guess who Mother Nature decided to surprise 2 weeks early? I didn’t even think about it and didn’t pack any tampons.” she explains
“On it. I’ll be back in like .2 seconds in the meantime toilet paper pad it and figure out which boutiques we’re going to damage our savings with first.” you say before hearing Tika’s protests. 
“It’s your birthday. I’ll go.” Iri suggests and you shake your head. “I love y’all but it’s our first birthday that we don’t get to spend together apart from when he joined the military and I know he wasn’t perfect and he had his flaws but I really wish that I could get to hug him once more. To make him feel special even if just for a second… So please, I'll get the tampons. I could use the fresh air.” you say quickly dabbing at the tears prickling the corners of your eyes. Iri pulls you in for a hug before nodding and starting the conversation with Tika through the door about if she would prefer to go for the street festival first or the carnival games.
- - - -
You pull at the top of the sundress getting it to hit just right and not fall down as you make your way down the aisle of the market and pick up a few things that y’all might need for the weekend like the small cups for shots, fresh fruits for your ‘cure to a hangover’ smoothies, and food. 
You pick up a small double chocolate cake with ‘happy birthday’ written in cerulean letters.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry ma. I don’t mean to bother you right now but  I got a head splitting migraine right now and can’t find the Advil for nothing and was hoping maybe you’d know which aisle? That’s what I get for listening to my friends talking bout,  drink “the beast”. Niggas had me dreaming in colours and flowers. I felt like I was traveling through space or something... It’s my birthday too. Happy Birthday “ you hear the man ranting away behind you and his voice reminds you of E’s. You chuckle softly to yourself before turning away from the cakes to see the man's face. 
You let out a loud scream and drop the cake on the ground . It crumbles instantly across your sandals and everything fades to black before you faint. 
When you came to you were sitting in the break room of the market with Erik and the store managers who were opening a ginger ale for you and asking if you were okay. 
You nod slowly, coming to, and closing your eyes again to count to 5 as they leave the room. 
“This can not be happening. I know that this is not happening right now.” you say to yourself and you look up at him again to see that he’s still standing there. 
“It’s hot as fuck outside. You probably just got a lil overheated. This ginger ale is cold so you should be alright.” Erik says to you and you shakily take the ginger ale from him. 
“Who are you? I don’t know what kind of joke this is or who put you up to this, or if my girls thought that this, whatever this is would be funny but it’s not. It’s really insensitive.” you say as tears fill your eyes again. 
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“I’m N’Jadaka Stevens? My parents, I’m adopted, but those are my parents regardless, own Aloha Oakland so you ain’t gotta worry about paying for this” he gives you the bags of items you collected before you fainted.
“ I just wanted to make sure you’re alright. I never come down here so I don’t really know where shit is in this place. I'm actually here with my own friends, celebrating my birthday. So, I don’t really know what’s going on. You good?” he asks again before asking you to follow his finger. 
You wrap your arms around him and break down sobbing. “Happy Birthday.” you whisper to him and he looks at you puzzled for a moment. 
“Ma, you lowkey weird but everybody needs a hug and I can’t have my birthday twin crying on her special day so come here.” he says squeezing you a little tighter. 
“If you’re here through the weekend. I’ll catch you around. Try to stay out of the heat but if you go out try to keep something cold with you to drink so you don’t pass out again.” he advises and you take him all in. 
 You slowly give him a once-over noticing that his hair was now faded and it was neatly lined up on the sides connecting with his beard. He slid off his hoodie and left the black tank top underneath, you quickly noticed that there were no scars or keloids. His jaw was unclenched and there was no vein popping from his forehead. There was a serene and relaxed look etched across his face despite him stating that he had a migraine earlier.
“But shiiit if you don’t mind. Can I get your number? Cause for some reason. I don’t know why I feel like I know you? To be honest I don’t remember much from before being adopted.” he admits 
You nod your head before putting your number into his phone and you grab your bags and quickly make your way to your car. 
You breathe in deeply through your nose before looking around. “I’m losing my fucking mind.” you say to yourself quietly. “I gotta be. This can’t- This can’t be happening right now.” you say resting your head on your steering wheel.
- - - -
“What happened to you? It’s been like an hour almost. Are you okay?” Iri questions as she eyes you and the bags. 
“I just. I fainted that’s all and they wanted to make sure I was okay before going home.” you explain and Tika thanks you for the tampons as Iridia overly dramatic self sighs and presses her hand to your forehead. 
“Poor thing, I knew I should’ve gone with you. Sit down, I’ll get you a cold glass of Stella Rose.” she says laughing at the wine part and walking to the kitchen. 
Group Text from DakaStevens84: Party @ Royal Rochelle’s Roller Rink. Yes, the roller rink cause who says you’re too old for a roller rink? Come skate fast and shake ya ass.
You laugh softly at the message knowing that this is something that he would’ve totally wanted to do but never took his eye off his plan or gave himself time to just breathe and be. 
“My fault.  It’s Daka from Aloha Oakland btw. My friend Orleans really tryna go through with this. Man a whole ass party planner and this the best he could come up with. Y’all can still come through though if you want. I wouldn’t complain if I got to see you again, and them pretty ass coffee eyes.” he texts to you and you smile softly at the butterflies fluttering in your stomach while looking at the text
“Do you believe in reincarnation?” you ask Iri as Tika joins you at the bar.
[tag list @doublesidedscoobysnacks @chaneajoyyy @mirandkimy​ @doitforthevine67 @dasia21 @depressionandfandomsinc @sinfully-dope @ambitionwood @heybriheyyy @wholelotta-melanin @theesotericqueen @mbakuwife @spookys-girl @teardropzih @bigchoose @ceo-of-baby @sweetpeachjones @lost-ssoull @love17us @beautifullmelodyxx​ @ghostfacekill-monger​ @shyblackgurl​ ]
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carynsilver · 4 years
Favorite Fics: Drarry Edition
Like I mentioned last time, reading has been a big comfort to me with all this craziness and sheltering at home, so I want to pay it forward and send love to some of the writers whose work has been brightening my quarantine. Thanks, guys!
For this list, we’re leaving the MCU for a while and heading over to the Wizarding World. I liked Harry Potter when it came out, but I never really read much fanfic until I realized a couple of years ago how much a redeemed Draco fit into the redemption trope that I loved in Harringrove, LoVe, SnowBaz, and other fandoms and ships. Once I started perusing the fics out there, I realized that one of the strengths of this fandom is the length and quality of the stories. I love stories that are a meal, and Drarry provides so many!
As I’ve gotten into the ship (so many years late, lol), these are my top 10 favorites.
dirtynumbangelboy by @magpiefngrl
This is probably the Drarry fic that I most enjoy. I come back to it fairly often when I need just a good read in the HP world. Fake dating is one of my absolute favorite tropes, which made this one an automatic win for me, but it’s written with such heart. I really, really love Draco in this fic. His uni studies and his flat being so different from the diffident image he projects. This is also probably the best Astoria I’ve ever read. Also--Jam Today! Read it now!
Do It All Over Again by DracoWillHearAboutThis
I only discovered this series earlier this year, and I’ve already read it at least three times from beginning to end. It’s a re-telling of the original series starting from Book 1. Draco sends himself a letter from the future basically saying that his dad is wrong, and he needs to give up his pure blood ideals and befriend Harry, then--boom--the Golden Trio’s adventures all happen with Draco in tow (and eventual romance, of course). The plot is fairly similar to the actual series, but I am there for the angst and the character growth. Narcissa kicks ass in this ‘verse, and Draco/Hermionie as besties is a treat! Book 4 and Book 6 are both amazing. And her titles are hilarious. This is the only series on my list that is still a WIP, but there’s plenty to read. Books 1 - 6 are complete, and a new chapter for 7 comes out every two weeks. It’s a safe bet so far, and it’s so good--why wait?
A Secondary Education by Thunderbird587
In this fic, Draco takes a job as Potions Professor at Hogwarts after getting divorced under horrible circumstances and renews his acquaintance with Harry, who is the DADA Professor. It’s got a bisexual awakening, and manages to combine friends with benefits with some supreme pining. Like a whole pine forest. Thunderbird587′s Draco POV is so fleshed out, and yet it also lets us see how Harry is pining, even when Draco himself doesn’t. Plus, at over 200K, it is long enough to get lost in for ages, which is perfect right about now. And when you finish the main fic, there are three other ancillary fics, two in Harry’s POV that take place during the main one. The cufflinks one is my favorite, but the writing is so good that I even thoroughly enjoyed the third sub-fic that fleshed out an OC. So, so worth the read--all of it!
The Foundations!verse by Saras_Girl
All of the fics by Saras_Girl are great. You can’t go wrong with any of them. But Reparations, Foundations, and all the little one-shots after are my favorite. It honestly surprised me at first, because alcoholism is a trigger for me, but this fic actually helped me realize that it’s the addiction part, the fall to rock bottom that triggers me. Recovery stories are different. And, I guess, this one is a bit different in that, though it has plenty of characters recovering, Draco himself is actually in a healthy place and facilitating recovery without relapsing. Harry is a Healer in this one, which is not the usual, and I quite enjoy his other relationships in this ‘verse, as well. He, Ron, and Hermione’s friendship is great in this one (their pub nights crack me up), but I also really like Harry’s friends at St. Mungo’s. My second favorite Terry Boot ever, and two awesome OC chicks. And the process of Drarry going from can’t stand each other to in love is slow and prickly and yet really believable. Oh, and Harry and Narcissa’s relationship in this one is just fabulous.
Golden Age by zeitgeistic (faire_weather)
The Hufflepuff in me was bound to fall in love with this fic. I really enjoy Eighth Year fics, especially the ones that embrace inter-house unity (shouldn’t have taken them a war to see the need for that!). This one takes it to a new level when everyone in... I think it was 6th - 8th years were resorted at the welcome feast, and the whole 8th year dynamic is shaken up. Harry, Draco and Neville become Hufflepuffs; Hermione and Pansy become Ravenclaws; Ginny becomes a Slytherin; and somehow Ron and Blaise are the ones who stay in their houses because the hat thinks they are basically the uber Gryffindor and Slytherin. But with the rest of them, we get to see them embrace other facets of their personalities, which is super interesting. And then, after the resorting, we find out that Hufflepuffs have a whole different world going on that basically no one outside their house knows about, and that world is brilliant. Even Hufflepuff food in the Great Hall is different! Everyone would enjoy this story, I think, but if you are a ‘Puff, you really, truly should not miss it. And if you like this one, check out some of zeitgeistic’s other works. Her world building is fabulous.
Life skills outside the curriculum by Endrina
In this fic, Harry gets fed up with the Dursleys before his 11th birthday and runs away before he gets his Hogwarts letter. He ends up on the streets and somehow embraces this kind of instinctual magic that is really fascinating. A few years later, Draco runs away rather than get involved more closely with the Dark Lord, and of course they meet up. This whole fic is super compelling. Harry’s world view and the way people gravitate toward him even without chosen one status. Also, this fic has one of my favorite versions of Remus and Sirius ever. I really wish there was a part two that went in depth on everything that happened after the end of this one, but even on its own it is so worth the read. And everything is wrapped up. I’m just greedy and would’ve loved more. :-)
A Convenient Impracticality by @firethesound
This fic combines friends with benefits and fake dating into a really enjoyable story. Harry is so oblivious, but it all works out in the end. And Draco is a secret mastermind, but in a good way. So is Hermione. Unlike some of the other, angstier stories on my list, this one is so fun, and I love it. And if you like it, check out more of firethesound’s work, as well. It’s worth it!
you’ve got the antidote for me by kandakicksass
And then, back on the angst train, lol. Soulmates, red string of fate, rejected bond = terminal disease. Whew! There’s a lot to unpack in this one, but after I read it, I never forgot it. I read a lot of fic in a lot of fandoms, and I always know a story is going to become a favorite if it stands out so much that I remember it later and think about it. That surely happened here.
(We’ll Call This Fixer-Upper) Home by phdmama
This is one of the first fics I read on my first Drarry binge, and I’ve always remembered it. Just like I love Eighth Year and Hogwarts professor fics, I also love fics where they have really unexpected jobs--pretty much anything other than Aurors. In this one, Harry is an artist/photographer and Draco is an up-and-coming rock star. The music and art, the creativity is important in this fic, but it also really looks at Draco’s recovery after the war in ways I haven’t read since, and I’m also a sucker for our favorite characters actually addressing and recovering from their trauma. 
Boom Clap (The Sound of My Heart) by @femmequixotic and noeon (noe)
This fic takes the Eighth Year trope to the next level. Draco, Harry, Hermione, and some other faves are teaching fellows at Hogwarts. Junior professors, kind of. It read like if the HP crew went to college. And, of course, Draco and Harry fall in love along the way, but not without much angst and obliviousness. I really enjoy the Draco POV in this. His worries and anxieties feel so real for that stage in his life, but amped up because of the past. This was one I read, never forgot, and then had to go back and find so i could read it again.
So, those are my top 10, but there is lots of other good Drarry out there--both from these authors and all the others in the ship and the fandom. Thanks for all the writing you guys do.
Oh, and tagging @virtual-insomnia, but only because she said she might want to make some quarantine fic lists of her own. :-)
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parvuls · 4 years
19/54 :)
19 - summer camp / 54 - secret relationship
now. the first thing that came to mind is camp sweetgum. so i’m gonna leave this here in case it strikes your fancy and also because it’s great.
but i’m a sucker for extensive worldbuilding, so let’s settle in for the long haul, kay? this is 1.7k of plot outlining. you can see why it takes me four months to write fics.
eric bittle. age 15. moved to madison for high school, quit figure skating, joined a no contact hockey team. coach is happier but not happy, so he suggests an idea: hockey summer camp. yes contact. it’s in minnesota (coach’s not thrilled about the yankees, but there are no hockey camps anywhere south; he checked), and it’ll give junior an opportunity to meet some kids with similar interests. athletic interests, that is. and there’s still a lake and extracurricular activities, “so it’s just like the camp up by lake oconee, y’know? where the kids braid friendship bracelets and whatnot. except with sports.”
eric is... less enthused. but it’s not actually a suggestion so much as a decision and coach just moved across the state for him because he managed to get himself stuck in a closet overnight (eric’s mindset, at this age, is perhaps not the most healthy), so he says yes.
jack zimmermann. age 20. assistant coached a peewee team for the year and is not ready to spend a third summer in his parents’ house in montréal when all his former teammates from the q are returning home during off-season. his boss tells him about this summer camp in minnesota that’s looking for experienced counselors -- “it’s not a prospect camp, mostly for fun, so the boys there aren’t headed for the league. you should go. talk to some kids above the age of ten.”
jack’s pretty okay with never talking to anyone over ten again, but he’s got no other options and bob starts mentioning going to bonding fishing trips just the two of them, so he send an application.
um. he’s jack zimmermann. he was supposed to go first in the draft. the guy in charge of hiring for the summer probably rubbed his eyes in shock when he saw the email and headed straight to bed because he thought he was delusional from lack of sleep. jack gets the job.
so, like. listen. samwell men’s hockey team? they’re not your usual hockey playing dude bros. eric gets to camp that july and he’s still all long dancer’s muscles from regionals and even lighter weight from usual because he was on a strict diet and he’s got a southern accent and narrow shoulders and he doesn’t like when you slap him on the back. he’s not a hit with the local boys. but you know who does like him immediately? adam birkholtz, who’s off the ushl for the summer and wanted to play some fun hockey and get paid doing it. is it legal? who fucking cares, man.
does eric like adam? uhh. adam is 6′4 and touchy feely and eric’s got undiagnosed ptsd, so. no. but it works out after a while, because adam is relentless and also cannot stand most of the other counselors, and this tiny kid is great.
you can see how it goes: jack does not. get. bittle. it should be mentioned that jack also does not get adam, and adam does not especially like jack, so they stay out of each other’s way, but bittle is in jack’s morning slot. he skates like he was born doing it but every time one of the other players so much as looks in his direction he freezes like a deer. now, this isn’t the ncaa, jack’s got nothing to lose if this kid sucks in hockey, but he also doesn’t make friends and he’s got nothing to do with his day except read (he reads. a lot). and he likes challenges. so he starts paying attention.
the first time he asks eric to stay after morning slot’s over, eric looks so terrified jack’s usual awkward conversation skills reduce him to single-word grunting. but he gets the point across: they’re gonna practice yes-contact. for reasons. eric’s all like, “oh -- oh, no, it’s okay! i’m in a no contact co-ed team, it’s fine, this is a summer thing, really, sir, no need --” and jack’s like, did this kid just call me sir, i am twenty, but is also too awkward to take it back. he’s invested now. they’re gonna practice.
and practice they do. it goes badly before it even remotely starts getting better. eric looks like he’s gonna start crying every time and jack does. not. get him (!!!) but eventually adam finds out and talks to eric about it and encourages him (very, very gently, god, this kid is the shit but he’s definitely got some issues 19-years-old-adam is not equipped to handle) to give it a shot.
and then it does get better. jack likes having a purpose, guiding someone through an improvement process (jack’s therapist, wisely, does not tell him that this is the best thing he could’ve done for himself, because jack is... not there yet). eric (very, very slowly, god, he also should start seeing a therapist) stops fearing every jock who gets near him with the combined effort of adam’s incessant friendly advances and jack’s daily practices, and can even take some checks. gentle ones. but it’s something.
and then summer’s over. eric and adam trade numbers. eric and jack… do not, but jack probably says something like, “eat more protein, bittle,” and eric’s not even that offended, so it’s fine.
guess what? he goes back the next summer. coach is over the moon (he expresses this in a twist of the mustache and a firm shoulder clap). adam is also back, talks a lot about quitting the ushl after his next season and maybe going to college somewhere. jack is back because… uh, well, no one’s really sure why jack is back. he’s going to samwell in early august, right after camp ends. jack tells himself he’s easing himself back into hockey in a low-pressure environment and totally isn’t looking forward to seeing what a year has done to eric bittle.
which is, physically speaking, not a lot, honestly. eric’s firmer now, a lot more thigh and bicep muscles, but still narrow. it’s not collegiate hockey, it’s a high school team, alright? gosh. but he’s less jumpy and smiles at jack when their eyes meet and he’s babbling with adam a lot more than he did last year (they texted all year long, and it was nice having a friend, even if it was long distance), so it’s cool. jack makes him do morning practices again and he flinches less and less. they’re like. friends. maybe. jack hasn’t had any friends in three years and the last one was parse, so he’s a little rusty. it’s not a very traditional friendship.
they part ways again in august, and eric wishes jack good luck in school. jack sticks his hands in his pockets to avoid fiddling with his hat and has no idea how one says goodbye, and like, he’s not gonna keep in touch with this sixteen year old kid in his freshman year of college, okay? so. so. but he’s gonna like -- uh -- miss him. maybe. sorta. don’t tell anyone.
eric hugs him goodbye. jack doesn’t even take both hands out of his pockets to hug back, he’s so shocked.
the year after that, none of them come back. jack’s in college, he just got the c. adam’s getting ready for his freshman year. eric’s over the age limit for camp. it just doesn’t happen.
but the year after that, he gets a hockey scholarship for samwell. and it’s yes contact. and he hasn’t been checked in two years, and last time it was in a controlled environment near a minnesota lake, and he’s scared. and the guy from camp (the one who woke up that morning two years before and realized jack zimmermann indeed wanted to work at their camp) offers him a summer job, counseling skating lessons. and he says yes. for money, and to be ready for a season of real hockey.
also that year, jack’s had a bad season. parse won the cup, and smh didn’t even make it to the frozen four, and he feels shitty about everything. and coaching always made him feel better. so he goes back to camp, for one summer.
let’s set the scene: eric. age 18. taller, stronger, determined. in need of a haircut, but in possession of very short shorts. is headed to a liberal school and finally knows he’s gay and refuses to care about what the other boys think (camp has done wonders for his early mindset development; canon bitty, probably, was not as confident at this point). he’s a counselor now, fellas!
jack. age 23. not taller, yes stronger, has been friends with shitty knight for a year and knows a little more about human interaction (truly a little, but still). is looking to relax for the summer before kicking ass next season (and attracting scouts and joining the nhl and winning three cups before 30 and proving everyone wrong, but. first, relaxing and playing some hockey. jack zimmermann’s version of relaxing is different than other people’s).
they’re sharing a cabin in the counselors area. there are two beds, obviously, this is not that trope, and it’s not even bunk beds, but: they were cabinmates. oh my god, they were cabinmates.
the plot, obviously, follows as one would expect. eric is definitely not a kid anymore, is all tanned skin and strong calves and short shorts, and jack is only human. jack is all firm chest and pale eyes and hideous yellow shoes, and eric is disgusted, but is also only human. and jack is on summer break, and eric is not out yet, and so when they drink some beers one night and make bad attempts at actually braiding some friendship bracelets and jack’s tongue pokes out in concentration and eric bursts out laughing, jack has to kiss him. right? right. It’s not like eric would tell anyone. see closeted reasoning above.
what’s the catch? oh, no, they don’t get caught. they share a cabin! everything’s going swell. it’s just -- jack came there to avoid thinking about his bad season. eric came there to avoid thinking about his upcoming year of collegiate hockey. so… neither of them mentions… captaining the samwell hockey team. or. heading for the samwell hockey team. they talk about literally everything else (country music; undeveloped political opinions; daddy issues; the tv show arthur; american vs. canadian thanksgiving; one very late night conversation about homophobia in pro sports), but not about college. so neither of them knows.
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animeniacss · 4 years
6 Years - Hoseok x Reader - Chapter 34 - 6 Years Til Forever (FINALE)
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Synopsis: 6 years. That’s all it can take to take another look at someone and see that they have completely changed. You were once an eager 20-year-old, with your dreams all in view, and Jung Hoseok at your side to view them with you. However, after a break up the end of your junior year of college, everything seemed different. Now, you’re a recently divorced single mother of two, and your life is nowhere near what you thought it would be. However, after reuniting with Jung Hoseok, you may just be able to capture a little bit of that exciting youth you once knew so long ago.
Feat. BTS Members, Nayeon (TWICE), and Yuna (itzy) 
Genre: Romance, SingleMother!AU, Past Relationship, Drama, Some Depictions of Violence/Domestic Abuse
Length: approx. 4.5k words 
Chapter 34 - 6 Years Til Forever (FINALE) 
Friday morning you found yourself sitting in the living room, awake before even the sun had poked its head out to say hello. You were excited about the picnic, and knowing the girls would be there put you at ease, as they also were unaware of the baby. It was wild, just thinking that yet again, there was a baby growing inside of you, one you created with someone you truly loved. Min Ja and Hyo Bin were the only two things you positively took away from your time with Weong-Bin, but this child? This child was just the beginning of many happy memories that were just waiting to be shared. Despite knowing deep down this would work well, you were still ungodly nervous.
           As you sat in the living room, you heard footsteps approaching from down the steps. Looking over, you saw Taehyung, rubbing his eyes and ruffling his curly hair. You didn’t expect him to be awake at this hour, but here he was despite the slight annoyance etched on his face.
           “Hm? Morning.” He mumbled, walking over to you. “Why are you awake this early?”
           “Couldn’t go back to sleep. What about you?”
           “I promised Hobi-Hyung I would help him get your picnic set up Apparently he had a whole bunch of stuff he wants to make.” You chuckled a bit. “So, you need to go inside. It’s a huge surprise.”
           “Well when Hoseok gets up and comes out here, then I’ll get ready to go inside.” You said. Taehyung sat beside you, and you ruffled his hair. “How does your hair look good even when you first wake up?” you asked curiously as Taehyung let out a yawn.
           “Mmm, I’m perfect, of course.” He said, making a dramatic pose with his hand in front of his face. You rolled your eyes as your brother let out a playful giggle. “So, are you ready to tell Hyung?” he asked. You let out a shaky breath. “You can’t hide it much longer.”
           “I know. I think I’m ready. I just can’t help but think the worst.”
           “You know he’ll be thrilled, right? You just need to tell him.”
           “But what if he just wants it to be us and the girls? I want to be with Hobi forever, which means the kids will be with him too. Maybe two is all he wants.”
           “There’s a difference between kids you help raise and kids that are yours, no matter how much he loves the girls. Besides, Hyung has enough energy for fifty kids.”
           “Jesus, Tae.” You sighed, and once again, Taehyung laughed a bit. “Fifty?” He could only shrug in amusement. “…I didn’t think I would have any more kids after Hyo Bin. I’m a bit nervous too.”
           “You’ll do just fine.” He assured, ruffling your hair. You smiled. “I’m always here too, you know. So are Mom and Dad, who I’m sure stopped at a baby store on their way home.” You laughed.
           “I know they did, they sent me pictures of cribs.” Taehyung laughed a bit. “Once he knows we’ll really need to start saving for an apartment. I wouldn’t want to burden you with-.”
           “Shut up.” He said quickly. “You’re not a burden, don’t rush. There are more important things you need to worry about than a place to live, you’re always welcome here.” You smiled.
           “You’re trying to make up for all those times that you were an absolute pain in the ass as a kid, aren’t you?”
           “I don’t think I’ll ever in my life make up for all of them.” He grinned. You laughed a bit as Taehyung chuckled shyly. “You should get some more rest before you have to get the girls up. Hyung should be up at any moment and we’re getting right to work.” You nodded, getting up off the couch.
           “Oh, alright.” You hummed, waving him off before heading back into the bedroom. When you walked in, Hoseok was already sitting up in bed, a grin on his face.
           “Why are you up?” he asked curiously. You crawled back into bed just as he was slipping out. “Get some rest, we have a long day today.”
           “Does a picnic really count as a long day?” you asked curiously, cuddling up under the covers. Hoseok grinned sheepishly, scratching his cheek.
           “This one will. I can promise you that.” He assured. You raised an eyebrow. “Aaaah, go back to sleep. I need to go get everything ready.” Without another word, he hurried out of the room. You smiled, laying back and closing your eyes.
Hoseok also realized as he headed down the hall that he wasn’t too sure how he felt when Friday finally rolled around. It was a day he had been planning since he was bored and alone in his hospital room. He made sure he had everything down: he knew exactly what he wanted to say, how he wanted to say it, where he wanted to say it, and even practiced the reactions he would have based on different responses from you. He practiced his happy cry, his sad cry, he practiced not crying at all just in case. He felt that he was absolutely prepared for everything that could happen when it came to proposing to you. He was ready!
           The family was still residing in Taehyung’s apartment until they could find another place to live. Your parents had spent another few day’s there as well before they had to pack up and head back home themselves, leaving the five of you in Taehyung’s nice house. Taehyung had no problem with you guys staying, in fact, he was trying to make your stay as long as you possibly could because he loved having you around. Not only that, but it meant when friends like Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Seokjin came by, they would have to come to his house. The trial allowed all 7 boys to finally meet all together and get acquainted with those they had never met before, leading to a tight friendship beginning to form. However, the company was not the focus of today. As Friday afternoon crept its way into Seoul, Hoseok was standing at the counter of the kitchen, with the help of an eager Taehyung. Both of them were chopping up some vegetables, putting side dishes in Tupperware, and setting everything into a nice picnic basket.
           “I’m so excited.” Taehyung beamed, looking at Hoseok.
           “I know, me too. I thought I would be nervous, but I don’t think I am.”
           “Well Noona won’t say no.” Taehyung assured. Hoseok looked at him.
           “How are you so sure?” he asked.
           “She’s my big sister, I just know. She’ll definitely say yes, trust me.” Hoseok hummed.
           “Alright, I trust you then, Taehyung.” He said simply. As he set the final ingredient into the basket and closed it all up, he hummed. “Okay, ready.”
           “Where’s the ring?” Taehyung asked softly, although you were dressing the girls in another room and there’d be no way to hear him. Hoseok simply patted the little pouch that sat comfortably on his waist.
           “In plain sight and yet totally hidden, aren’t I brilliant?” he grinned. Taehyung grinned. “Okay, everything is ready to go. Let’s go see if the girls are ready.” As the boys hurried to the girl’s shared bedroom, Hoseok knocked on the door. “You girls ready to go yet?” He asked. It only took a second before Min Ja opened the door. She was wearing a pair of overalls with a rainbow-striped shirt and matching sunhat. Across her chest laid a tiny flower handbag that Taehyung had bought her to put all her important items, you know, like rocks she found on the floor or pieces of sparkles and glitter she planned to save. Important things. “Wow, how cute you look, Min Ja.” he grinned.
           “I know. Hyo Bin wants to dress like me, but she doesn’t have the same bag. The one Uncle Tae got her was of a heart.” As if on cue, a loud scream ripped from the room, and the boys stuck their heads inside. They saw you wrestling your three-year-old’s socks on, but she was kicking and screaming.
           “Hyo Bin your bag is just as cute as Min Ja’s.”
           “I HATE THE HEART BAG, MAMA! I DON’T WANT IT!” She shouted, sobbing hysterically. You sighed, grabbing hold of a flying leg before it clocked you in the forehead. “MAMAAAA!”
           “You liked it when Uncle Tae took you to the store and bought it, didn’t you?” you asked softly. Hyo Bin continued to wail and scream. “…You’re ten seconds from staying home and not going anywhere if you keep acting like a baby, Hyo Bin. How are you supposed to go to school like Min Ja if you throw tantrums? You’ll get in trouble all the time.”
           “She’s right. A boy in my class throws lots of tantrums.” Min Ja said, still standing by the door. “He also throws lots of chairs.” Taehyung glanced down at the little girl, a confused look on his face, though she didn’t seem bothered. As you managed to get both of Hyo Bin’s socks on, your effort was thwarted, as Hyo Bin yanked the sock off and tossed them angrily away from her. Having enough, you released your daughter and lied on your back.
           “Okay, Hyo Bin. You’ve made up your mind.” You said simply. Hyo Bin, confused as to why she was no longer being held down, turned to look at you, though she was still hysterical crying. You slowly got up from the floor. “Mommy needs to go get dressed so we can go on our picnic. Min Ja was a good girl and got ready, so she can come. You can stay with Uncle Tae until we come back.”
           “N-no Mama…” she begged, sniffling. She watched you leave the room. “M-mama!” She tried to run after you, but you gently excused yourself between Hobi and Taehyung before heading into your own room. She saw Hobi, Taehyung, and Min Ja looking at her, snotty and runny-nosed and red in the face. “I wanna come, Mr. Hobi…I’m a good girl too.” Hobi smiled a bit, kneeling down and pointing to the crumpled-up socks that Hyo Bin had flung away.
           “How about we go get those socks on okay?” He said. Min Ja sniffled. “They match your heart bag really nice.”
           “I want a bag like Unnie…” Hyo Bin said softly, whimpering.
           “But didn’t you pick the heart bag?” Hoseok asked, picking it up. He gently laid it on Hyo Bin’s shoulder and across her chest. “Look how cute. What can we put in there?” Hyo Bin sniffled, opening it up to pull out a small plastic lipstick and blush container, as well as a few coins Taehyung had put in her bag, along with Min Ja’s when he bought them. “Oooo, wow. So cool. Don’t you like that your bag holds tons of stuff?” Hyo Bin wiggled her way into Hoseok’s arms, nuzzling her head into his neck.
           “Mhm…” she finally said softly. “I wanna come too, Mr. Hobi.”
           “Then we should stop crying, right? You won’t have fun if you’re crying.” Hoseok said gently, patting her head. Hyo Bin sniffled. Though the crying didn’t immediately stop, the girl silently went to her socks and picked them up, walking over towards Hoseok. He guided her onto the floor and simply helped her put the socks on. “There. Lovely. Ready to go?” Hyo Bin nodded as Hoseok scooped her up into his arms. The group exited the playroom, Hyo Bin still all sniffly. You stepped out of the room, fixing the ponytail you had put your hair into. “We’re ready~.”
           “Aaah look how pretty you look.” You said to Hyo Bin, who was still sniffling in Hoseok’s arms. She wiped her eyes, albeit messily, and you smiled.
           “I like your bag, Hyo Bin.” Min Ja said, looking up at her sister. “It looks really pretty with your hat.” The little girl, now with her sister’s approval, finally began to stop the sniffling and calm herself down. With that detour out of the way, the afternoon picnic could commence. Taehyung waved you all off, giving Hoseok a secret thumbs-up. He saw you turn to him as well, and he offered you a supportive thumbs up as well as he watched you guys go. He chuckled to himself, the door closing behind you as Min Ja chatted excessively about how excited she was.
           “Hope this works.” He mumbled to himself, before plopping himself onto his living room couch and turning on the TV to play some video games.
           “I hope you're excited about this.” Hoseok hummed, tightly holding your hands as he led you down one of the park roads. “I am.”
           “Of course, I’m excited.” You assured. “It was just sudden when you asked me on a date in the middle of the courtroom.”
           “Hehe, yeah I know, sorry, I hope it didn’t catch you off guard or anything. I had been thinking about when I was going to ask and when I saw you it just…eh, blurted out.” You both laughed.
           “No, it didn’t.” You assured. When Hoseok led you to the spot, which was right by a small park for children to run and play on while their parents relaxed, you smiled. “Girls, do you want to go and play on the playground while we set up the food?”
           “Yeah!” The girls shouted in unison. You smiled, watching as they hurried to the park, which was populated with a few other children as well. It looked generally safe that you could divert your attention back and forth from time to time. Hoseok pulled out the picnic blanket, spreading it on the grass before setting different items down to keep it from blowing away.
           “You and Taehyung made quite a spread.” You said.
           “I made it. Taehyung put it in Tupperware and into the basket.” Hoseok assured, making both of you laugh a bit. “But he helped a lot, so it’ll be a good meal.”
           “I’m sure it will be.” You smiled, sitting down on the blanket. Hoseok plopped himself down next to you, before laying back fully and stretching out his limb. “The weather turned out so nice too.” You hummed.
           “Oh, I know. The weather called for rain and I was so nervous I’d have to reschedule everything.” Hoseok pouted a bit, glancing up at you as you looked towards the playground. His hand rested against his pouch, feeling the box that was sitting patiently inside, waiting for its time to shine. Like he did before, all the different possible paths of the day were running through his mind and he was wondering which one he would be walking down. He had to be careful if he wanted to walk down the right path. “I’m just glad we get to spend the day together.” You glanced down at him, smiling.
           “Me too.” You said happily. Like Hoseok, you were also worried about the path you would be walking down. You thought about the talk you had with Taehyung early that morning before anyone else had woken up, and it made you feel a lot better knowing that not only did you have his support, but your parents as well. It comforted you, and already, you knew that the path you were heading down now was leagues different from the path that you found yourself on in college. You needed to just wait for the right moment.
           You allowed the girls some more time to run around, getting themselves hungry enough that they would sit down and eat without much distraction. This allowed you and Hoseok time to relax together, just enjoying each other’s company under a nice, refreshing breeze. Everything felt serene and peaceful, a feeling you had finally been waiting for among all of the trails, secrets, and violence. Everything was falling into place. Hoseok glanced over to you as you reached into the basket and picked up a strawberry, popping it into your mouth. His eyes trailed the finger that would soon hopefully be decorated by the beautiful ring, and he knew he had to do this now before he chickened out for real.
           “I need to talk to you.” He said. You glanced over, curious as to what he meant. “It’s…important.”
           “Is…everything okay?” you asked curiously.
           “Everything is fine, there’s just something I’ve been meaning to ask you. But I wanted to wait until the trial and all the stressful stuff was over so that I wouldn’t be adding more pressure onto you.” You blinked, turning to face him.
           “Well…that’s a coincidence…” you said. “Because I feel the same way.” Hoseok looked at you with slightly wide eyes. “I have to tell you something important too, but I wanted to wait until the trial ended.”
           “I see.” He said. “How about we….” He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fuck, I wasn’t expecting that.”
           “Sorry. Do you want to go first?” you asked. Hoseok gulped a bit. “No?” You were kind of hoping he would say that because you wanted to just get this off your chest. However, Hoseok did not immediately respond. Hoseok took a shaky breath, before sticking his fist out in your direction. “Huh?”
           “Rock paper scissors.” He said. “The winner out of three rounds go first.” You nodded, sticking your hand out with a small grin on your face. Hoseok followed behind you. “Okay, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Go!” He shouted. You threw out rock, he threw out paper. Hoseok grinned. You blinked, feeling your heart race. You wanted to win, you wanted to get it off your chest. Every second that passed by felt like a knife being pushed deeper and deeper into your chest. Nodding your head, round two began. “Rock, Paper, Scissor, Go!” He said. You threw out scissors, and Hoseok, this time, threw out paper. “Aaaaah.” He groaned, pouting.
           This was the most intense game of Rock Paper Scissors that you have ever played. Never did you think that this would feel like an Olympic sport, where a massive win was on the line, a massive advantage, a massive victory. The third and final round would be the defining factor. It was currently tied.
           “Last round…” you said softly. Hoseok nodded, smiling gently at you. You hummed, before starting the round.
           “Rock.” Hoseok said. You bit your lip. “Paper-.” You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.
           “I’m pregnant.” You said quickly.
           “Sci-.” Hoseok stopped almost immediately, his eyes going wide. You looked directly at him as soon as those words left your mouth. He was silent for a moment, looking down at his closed fist that was stopped dead in its tracks. “That’s not the next word- WHAT?!” He shouted. You flinched a bit. “You’re pre…you’re pregnant?!” He asked. You could only nod, unable to get his shocked expression out of his face.
           “I wanted to wait until the trial was over to tell you. Then you brought up the idea of the picnic and I figured that would be the best time.” You explained.
           “When did you know?!”
           “When I was in the hospital right after the fires.” You said simply.
           “Does anyone know?”
           “Nayeon was with me when I found out. And I told my parents and Taehyung after…after the first day of the trial.” Hoseok blinked.
           “How did this happen?” he asked. When he saw you open your mouth, he lifted a hand up. “Don’t answer that one. I know how it happened.” Hoseok saw the worry etched on your face, and he felt his chest bubble up with emotions. You could see his eyes watering. “Really?” You nodded, smiling a bit. “Oh my God.” He quickly closed the gap between the both of you, hugging you tightly as he tried not to burst into tears in a public space. “Wow. I was not expecting this to happen at all.”
           “Are you mad?” you asked curiously. Hoseok shook his head, quickly pulling back to look at you.
           “No not at all! After I found out about the other baby, all I could think about was having another one…” he looked down at your stomach with eyes full of wonder and amazement. You gently took one of his hands, placing it on your stomach. You were still relatively early in the pregnancy, so you were just barely showing anything. However, the minute Hoseok lied his hand on your stomach, all the strength he was trying to muster so he wouldn’t cry was gone. You watched as tears began flowing from his eyes. “Aw, man.” He quickly wiped them, and you smiled.
           “Don’t cry!” You begged. “Please don’t cry, you can’t cry!”
           “I’m so happy. Jeez, this isn’t what I planned to happen.” He said, sniffling.
           “Oh. What did you want to tell me?” You asked, looking at him. He held your hand tightly in his, the other sitting firmly on your still flat belly. You smiled. “I totally cheated; you probably would’ve won. What did you want to say?”
           “How am I supposed to propose to you in tears? Isn’t this supposed to be the other way around?” he asked. You blinked, dropping his hand from yours. He looked at you. “What?”
           “Really?” you asked, smiling. Hoseok wiped his eyes, nodding. You felt like you wanted to cry as well, however, explaining why both of you were in tears would be difficult when the girls came back. You swallowed your tears, and a grin sat plastered on your face. “You were going to-.”
           “Yeah, propose. I have a ring and…I had a speech and everything was planned.” He chuckled, opening up his little pouch and pulling out his little black box. Your eyes widened as he opened it, revealing the gorgeously expensive ring that sparkled almost as soon as it hit the light. “It was a whole big thing and I was absolutely terrified you would say no. But…man, after your news, I don’t even think I could top it if I tried.” You giggled a bit.
           “You thought I would say no, you big idiot.” You were quick to take the ring. “Even if I wasn’t carrying your baby, I could never say no…” Hoseok held your wrist, gently taking the ring from your grasp. He laid your hand into his, quickly slipping the ring onto your finger. A smile formed on your lips as you held the ring up to the light, admiring the sparkle that it radiated. “Wow…I can’t believe this is happening.”
           “Tell me about it.” Hoseok said, letting out a shaky sigh. You looked at him and smiled.
           “I think these may go down in history as the oddest proposal and baby announcement ever.” You giggled, and Hoseok followed suit. You smiled, biting your lip. “I love you.” You said softly. Hoseok looked at you, a smile once again forming on his lips.
           “I love you too…” he said simply. You looked down at the ring, Hoseok scooting close to you so that he could once again place his hand on your stomach. “Do you like the ring? Hyo Bin helped me pick it.”
           “It’s so pretty. Not too gaudy. You know my first wedding ring was like that. Very flashy.” Hoseok chuckled. “Sold that thing for a nice sum after the divorce though.” Hoseok couldn’t help but laugh. “But I don’t think I’ll ever sell this one.”
           “Good.” He said. Just as the two of you were finding comfort in each other’s embraces, you heard the sound of two young girls shouting your names. Looking up, Min Ja and Hyo Bin were hurrying over to the picnic table. Min Ja gasped.
           “Mr. Hobi, did you ask Mommy if you could marry her yet?!” She asked. You looked at Hoseok.
           “They knew?” You asked curiously. Hoseok laughed a bit.
           “Min Ja heard me talking to Taehyung when you were putting Hyo Bin to sleep last night.” He admitted. You looked at Min Ja, who saw the ring on your finger. “Did you tell her about the baby?”
           “What baby?” Min Ja asked curiously. You smiled.
           “Well, Mr. Hobi and Mommy are getting married now, and we’re having another baby.”
           “ANOTHER BABY!?” The girls shouted, eyes just as wide as Hoseok’s were, only on their little faces, they looked even wider. You smiled a bit as Min Ja and Hyo Bin crawled into your lap. “Where’s the baby?” Min Ja asked. “I wanna see her.”
           “It’s in her stomach.” Hoseok explained. Gently, he took the girl's hands and placed them alongside his. “It’s really small right now, but when the baby gets bigger, so will your Mom’s stomach.”
           “Great.” You groaned in playful sarcasm. “Just what I want, to be a basketball again.” Hoseok smiled a bit as the girls looked at your stomach.
           “Is it a girl? Can it be a girl, Mommy?” Min Ja asked curiously. You smiled.
           “It can be, but I won’t know until the baby gets bigger.”
           “It can’t be a boy, it just can’t. Boys are gross and icky.” Min Ja pouted. You smiled a bit, ruffling her hair. Hyo Bin didn’t look as excited as Min Ja did at the idea of a little sibling. She just looked at your stomach.
           “Are you excited?” Hoseok asked curiously.
           “No.” she pouted up at him. “I don’t want a new baby.” You smiled, running a hand through her hair.
           “Hyo Bin, you’re going to be a big sister, just like Min Ja is your big sister.” Hyo Bin looked at Min Ja, who was beaming just as much as Hoseok was. She still seemed unconvinced, but she kept the pout on her face and simply held your stomach tightly. You smiled. “How about we all eat, I’m starving.” You suggested, motioning to the opened picnic basket with food just waiting to be eaten. Hoseok pulled the basket over to you and began to pull out food, setting it out for everyone to enjoy. You watched as the girls tried their best to help him by setting out some food as well. He smiled happily, encouraging their helpfulness, which only wanted them to do more to help him. A smile formed on your lips as Hoseok passed you a small wrapped up sandwich, making sure to quickly kiss your cheek before he finished emptying the basket. A hum escaped your lips as you watched the scene unfold.
           Just over 6 years ago, you never would have thought this would be how your life would’ve turned out. So many different paths had been found, doors had closed and others had opened, while other doors were completely destroyed. Despite this, the path that you were on and had been on since you were 20 years-old was one you would never change for anything, despite the hardships that were bestowed upon you. You were hoping that the next 6 years, and even longer, would only allow those paths to open wider and present you with even more wonderful and breathtaking memories.
Author’s Note: I wanted to thank you all for your support throughout this story. With work restarting for me next week, I’ll be going on a mini-hiatus so I can work on the new story ideas I have planned. Thank you all for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you in my next work !!! <3 - Jeni 
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#34)
And we continue with 5x11, the stage is set for quite a playoff episode, and i am HERE FOR IT.
my reactions / recap / flailing under the cut
Omg there are “welcome home Tim” signs up?? Poor Luke is jealous of Becky and Tim talking.
Damn, Tim definitely seems fucked up from prison from just that convo with Becky about the Landing Strip alone. Tortured boy.
Aw, we love to see excited Eric with a bunch of excited East Dillon Lions in the locker room after a winning playoff game!
Anddddd here come the budget cuts to burst the bubble. “Anyone need a donut? Some of you won’t have a job next semester.” Damn worst he’s seen it in 27 years? “Anyway, uh...pray.” Damn.
“Where’s the union in all of this, you know?” damn, they have a union at this Texas school? That’s good, but it seems like a weak one, which i’m not surprised about because, again...Texas.
OOOOH Tami’s getting recruited to a Philly college and they’ll fly her out to interview her?
LOL the dudes are yelling “state, state, state!” jumping up and down in their front yard? “Get out of my front yard, you’re making me look bad!” this is so wholesome.
Oh jesus poor Vince, his dad is trying to bring alcohol home when his mom is a recovering addict? What a selfish fuck! “I just don’t know.” OK BYE.
Ahhh Smash Williams is on the TV, playing football in a professional game while Tim Riggins works at Buddy’s bar...this show is just *chef’s kiss*
Oh he sounds so sad and “meh” as Buddy tries to make small talk about Smash’s success. Oh my poor Tim.
OH Jess noooo you taped another team in the division? The fear and drive in her eyes as she nervously tells a very stressed Eric she wants to be a coach herself...I love that.
REALLY? One of the coaches had to do the laughing and “you’ll never be a football coach.” “What, because I’m a girl?” “I didn’t say that.” “Yeah, you did.”
OMG I’m dying, the subtitles while Luke and Becky make out on the coach say SMOOCHING. Adorable!
“Don’t stop for me.” Wow, growth for Becky that Tim is the one walking in on her relationship now. “Use protection this time.” MUST YOU TIM?
Oh shit, football is “revenue neutral.” Truly wild that Tami, Eric, and Levi are having a convo about the whole program possibly being cut while the team loudly celebrates making it to the quarter finals all around them! The visuals in this show are superb.
The sound of “all the way to state, all the way to state, all the way to state!” in the background as the camera focuses on Tami and Eric, watching over everything with sighs on their faces. They carry so much for this town and this team.
Oh shit it’s Bryn Mawr she wants to interview at? And omg they want to interview on the Friday of the semi-final. It’s all happening!
Oh yes some high-stress practice in the pouring rain while Eric has budget cuts and Tami’s interview on his mind!
Okay i get you’re stressed Eric, but calling Jess a “pest” for showing you an article of a female football coach is not it! Although it is WILD Jess took a physical newspaper clipping out to show Eric in the pouring rain. I love her.
Yes, Billy, you are def on the chopping block with these budget cuts. But LOL at him making fun of that dude who repeats everything everyone else said
Tim is so much quieter and more stoic. It tracks. Billy, are you really surprised he doesn’t want to relive his former glory days rn? (Although i have a lil feeling Tim will show up at this game at the last minute!)
Oh shit they’re on Billy’s front lawn now? This is so cute, the parallel moments of “wait a minute, I hear something” and coming outside to find this team with so much heart!
Oh wow they are getting BOOED at this away game. You know they’re good now!
“You never saw so many people so quiet.” I love Vince and his mom’s relationship so much, my heart.
Oh god is daddy all drunk kissing up on his wife who is SOBER? Sir, what do you not understand about sobriety?
Oop and he’s got “gifts.” What shit is he back into?
Wow, hands on the mom and he’s clearly dropped the drugs he’s flipping. There it is.
Yes to the BBQ people asking if the MOM is alright and kicking the dad’s sorry ass out. That’s how we do it.
I really love the way they’re transitioning through this period of playoffs—the locker room updates to their progress with the radio in the background, the chants after each win — then making way for Eric dropping Tami off at the airport. Semifinals are here.
“The time when I need you the most?” “You really gonna bring this up now, on the way to the airport?” Tami’s right, she’s been nothing but straightforward all along! Tami supports you, Eric, let her have her fucking moment.
“Well, you’re kicking my ass.” “Yes, that’s right. Your ass needs some kicking.” “Who’s going to cook dinner for me?” “Oh, poor baby. Gracie.” LMAOOOO yes Tami! Get him! I’m dying.
Okay, Eric, you are forgiven—he looked up the female football coach to talk to Jess about but got the last name wrong!
“14,000 high school football coaches in the country, and that’s one. One out of 14,000. You like those odds?” “No, I think they kind of stink.” “So do I.” Awwww.
“I’m not asking to play.” YES JESS! I love the growth she’s shown over her two seasons. Now she knows what she wants! And her persistence is paying off—Eric’s gonna let her shadow him?! My heart!
Damn Tim is VERY bothered by Becky working at the family business (The Landing Strip.)
Oh God what i feel like Tim sees in “one of Becky’s regular customers” is someone he has an excuse to let out his aggression on. He’s clearly just so fucked up by his life not being what he wanted it to be—and by even the life of those he loved and left behind on the outside not being what he wants for them.
“She’s 17 years old!!!! A high school junior!” I mean, FAIR. Fair fucking point.
Oh fuck this emotional scene between Tim and Billy in the parking lot...DAMN that was a hard punch in the face Tim just gave Billy.
WOW Tim is gonna hold onto taking the fall for Billy for a long time. Fuck. “For the rest of my life, if that’s how I feel it needs to be.”
Billy looks so fucking sad on his knees in the parking lot.
Regina changed the locks! Yes gurl, do not let that man back into your home!
He’s trying to break down the door...oh honey, no. “You’re blowing it, Pop!” I’m so proud of Regina for standing up for herself and Vince.
The visual of Luke riding up next to Tim’s car, and then driving past Becky and Tim fighting, as they pause to watch him go...ART. Also, why is Tim so resolutely like “I got to go. I got to go.” Intrigued.
“There’s only gonna be one football team in Dillon next year.” “Well, which program are they cutting?” “That’s next week’s fight.” DAMN. So much is happening in one night!
Yep, Eric just summed it up to that reporter: “One of those teams is going to state. And i don’t think you’re gonna eliminate a team that goes to state.” They’re fighting for the very existence of their team AND the state championship in one! This show!
Oh wow Luke does NOT want to hear Becky’s apology. Oh nooo!
Aw Regina and Vince communicating about how she needs to “take a meeting” so she can’t come to the game and him saying that’s more important...again, the growth! My heart!
OH they made up Braemore? Really sounded like Bryn Mawr LOL. Go Tami!!!
(These white dudes do not want to hear a woman saying they should rethink their approach. STOP YELLING AT HER, SHE’S RIGHT.)
Oh Mindy, crying at Tim not to go, about how much Billy cries at night, how much they both love Tim. IM EMOTIONAL
“You’re different, you know that?” “Yeah. I am.” ABOLISH PRISONS.
DAMN this semi final game is a NAILBITER
They did it at the last minute, YES!!! Nothing beats the excitement on the team’s faces as they embrace!
Damn Tim returning to his old trailer? Drinking beers alone and doing very not well as he listens to the radio static. Sigh, poor angsty boy.
Aw the woman who interviewed Tami is so kind. Telling her she did well at dinner.
I literally gasped then went AHHH! when the college dude came to dinner and Tami’s all politely like “thanks for the opportunity!” And the guy’s like, “yeah yeah i have two kids to put to bed, anyway we’re offering you that old asshole’s job.” “Dean of Admissions???” YES QUEEN
Damn Eric and Tami are BOTH killing the game, what a fucking power couple.
Eric has the whiteboard on the bus to accompany this “we’re going to state” chant. Amazing.
“We missed the field house.” “We’re not going to the field house.” OMG all their fans are waiting outside to cheer for them as they return?? How beautiful!
Oh my poor babe Vince, all he wants is to know his mom is safe.
YES he found his mom! My heart dropped when Vince’s face betrayed some fear he couldn’t find her. I’m so glad they can celebrate together, oh my heart.
And then you see Eric looking around for Tami, lost because she’s across the country contemplating a life-changing job offer...WOW. Two episodes left and the deck is truly STACKED. This show is art.
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captainmarvels · 5 years
gliding light | one
Summary: Steve’s a little more preoccupied than usual, and gets (literally) knocked back into his senses.
Steve Appreciation Week Day 3 Prompt: Steve, Bruised and Battered
Pairing: (eventually) Steve Harrington x fem!Reader
Warnings: hockey fight, steve dislocates his shoulder, the usual messiness
Word Count: 3011 (sorry!!!)
A/N: first chapter for my college/hockey player steve au series! yay! I incorporated the steve appreciation week prompt into this chapter because what better way for steve to end up bruised and battered than during a fight in the ice rink? anyways, enjoy and lmk what you think! x
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As a kid, you don’t have much say in the trajectory of your life as the years go by. Your parents will have expectations; ideals, really. They aspire to see you grow up as they did; be what they once were; do what they once did. They really just want you to be like them. 
And why is that?
Your teachers will emphasize every year that your dreams are what you make them; that you are the captain of the ship named “My Life”, and that you are the sole determiner of the course that ship will take. 
But what happens when others have come aboard your ship, taken control of the steer, and claimed it as their own?
What happens when you can no longer have a stake in where your life takes you?
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Steve can always be found leaning against the wall of the gym, staring at the ground, with his hair tied up in a messy bun, and his basketball shorts hanging loosely off his hips.
As you make your way over to him, your backpack strap slipping off your shoulder again and again, you wonder what’s happened with his dad this time.
Because it’s always his dad.
“Hey there, Harrington,” 
“Hey there yourself, missy. Debate team run long?” He glances up at you, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Sort of - Nancy was getting a little too into it again,” 
“When’s she gonna let you be captain?” You shrug in response, struggling to keep a steady hold on the mountain of books you were carrying. 
“Here, let me-” Steve catches the few books that manage to slip of the top with ease, chuckling loudly as you lean against the wall opposite him. 
“I swear, I’m gonna need three backpacks just to carry all these,”
“You can have mine if you want - it’s empty anyways,”
“We still on for homework and dinner tonight?” Steve nods, grinning as he opens up his bag and drops the books inside.
“Whose cooking will I be enjoying later this evening?” He asks as leans towards you.
“Lasagna, made by yours truly! My mom said pizza is on her this weekend, so...”
“Sleepover?” You nod, zipping up the bag and slinging it over your shoulder. 
“Can you drive me to practice Saturday morning then?” The two of you start walking towards the student parking lot as Steve continues. “John and the boys want to run a few extra drills before the first home game next week,”
“I can’t believe I’m gonna lose you to basketball practice so soon, it feels like just yesterday was the end of the season,” You say, kicking the car door wide open with your foot before dropping your backpacks in the backseat.
“Well, technically it was last month. But it’s state finals, baby! We gotta get in A-game shape!”
“I hate when you talk like that, it scares me like nothing else ever has before,” You both burst out laughing as you get into the car, Steve’s hand reaching over to take the car keys from you.
“It’s our junior year, sweetheart. You of all people should know we have to finish off strong. If I don’t get us the state championship, I might as well kiss college goodbye,”
You roll your eyes at him, snatching the keys out of his grasp before he can protest.
“Yes, I know. Regardless, you should still apply and try to get in with other scholarships and achievements besides basketball, Steve. Okay?” 
He nods, eyes closing slowly as he turns to face the window.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.”
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On an early Saturday morning, the last thing you expect to see is your childhood best friend barging into your bedroom, telling you to wake up before he’s late.
“Wha- What time is practice at? It’s a Saturday, for crying out loud!” You throw a pillow at Steve’s face, groaning as you cover your own with the duvet.
“I’m telling you, it’s the finals! C’mon, I can’t be late for this and you promised you’d drive me!”
The whole car ride to Hawkins High, Steve was tapping his fingers on his knees, his eyes focused on the road.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this anxious to get to practice, Harrington. Something up?” You ask as you pull into the driveway, parking just outside of the gym doors. He says nothing, and instead gets out of the car, and moves to open the backseat doors to grab his bags. You lock them.
“Hey, c’mon now!” 
“Tell me what the heck is going on with you first!” 
You look at him sternly, pointing at the passenger seat. Steve sighs, and plops back down, not even bothering to meet your gaze.
“Steve, you know I’m not gonna let this go. What’s up?” He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning his head back against the headrest of the seat.
“My dad… he’s been giving me a bunch of shit lately for coming home with shit grades, no job… he keeps saying I won’t get anywhere if I don’t make the basketball thing work, and he’s always on my ass about my plays and shit after every game, even though Coach says I’m the best Hawkins’ has had in years, and I’m the fuckin’ team captain. I’m just sick and tired of hearing that ‘I’m not good enough’ from him when I’m doing everything I can, you know?” 
Steve’s eyes are shut tight, and you know it’s because he’s fighting back tears. You rest your hand on his arm, saying nothing as you start to count his breaths.
1… 2…. 3…. 4…. 5
“I know you’ll prove him wrong, Steve. You always do. You’re better than he’ll ever be.”
Steve only nods, swallowing thickly as he mulls over your words.
You always know how to make him feel better - especially when it comes to his dad. Ever since you were kids, you always stuck by his side, comforting him and reminding him that he was everything his father was not, and it reminded him that at least he had one person on his team. He was always glad that it was you.
“T-Thanks. And sorry I didn’t say anything before now-”
“No worries. You know I’ll never push. Now get out of my car and show your dad you can take his ass in basketball any day, okay?”
He opens his eyes, smiling as he locked eyes with you. He takes your hand in his and squeezes gently before letting go and stepping out of the car to grab his bags.
As he shuts the door, you roll down the passenger window.
“Need me to swing by later or you good?” He shrugs, looking over the car at something in the distance.
Patting the car roof, he says, “I’ll let you know, yeah?” before heading off into the gym. 
As soon as he loses sight of your taillights, Steve books it.
Running across the street without a second glance, Steve can barely pick up the pace as he tries to keep his bags from slipping off his shoulders. 
Almost there.
He’s almost out of breath, but he finally makes it.
As he drops a bag to the ground, the bus pulls up to the stop where Steve is standing, the tires coming to a sputtering stop as the doors open.
Picking up his duffel, Steve boards the bus, and flashes the driver his round-trip ticket.
Once settled in a seat, he sets down his bags in the one next to him and finally looks out the window as the bus pulls away. 
The sign reading “Now Leaving Hawkins” flashes by, bringing a smile to Steve’s face as he leans back in his seat, eyelids fluttering shut.
Logansport, here I come.
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Skates strapped on, helmet secured, and hockey stick in hand, Steve is ready for anything.
Well, almost anything.
He’s already on the ice, squatting in front of the net as he watches the team inch closer and closer with the puck coming right for him.
He hears it before he sees it.
Dodging right, Steve manages to knock the puck off course and straight into the rink wall, some of his teammates cheering loudly behind him as he picked himself up off the ice.
“Nice one, Harrington!”
“What a save, newbie!” 
Steve turns around, and is greeted with congratulatory waves and pats on the back as they make their way back to the box.
Well, almost.
Before Steve can step foot off the ice, he’s being pulled back into the rink by one of the older guys, who’s conveniently surrounded by some of his friends.
“Nick, was it?” Steve asked with a muffled voice, his mouth guard still in place.
“How many times you gonna make me look bad in front of Coach, huh?”
The grip on Steve’s shoulder tightened with every passing second, their eyes locked on one another.
“That’s not what I’m tryin’ to do, man,”
“Sure it’s not. Learn to stop kissing ass man, it doesn’t look too good on you,” He spit on Steve’s jersey before pulling off his helmet.
“I will when you learn to make a hard pass, and stop making it so easy for me to block your shots.” Steve pulled off his helmet and dropped it on the ice, the contact making a lasting sound across the empty arena.
“You’re really in it huh, Harrington? Let’s see what you got,” Without warning, Nick moves head on towards Steve, shoving him hard against the tempered glass boards surrounding the rink. Steve feels the back of his head collide with the glass, and thinks for a moment that he’s about to pass out on the spot. He feels blood trickling down the side of his face, and tries his best to wipe it off with the backside of his glove.
Before he can re-orient himself, Nick pulls Steve to him and punches him right in the jaw, his gloved hand scraping the underside of his jaw just before he hits him again.
Steve lifts up his knee and tries to hit Nick straight in the balls, but misses as Nick moves backwards, pushing Steve onto the ice. Before he hits the ground, Steve grabs Nick by the ankle and yanks it towards him, forcing him down with him, and they both hit the ice with a loud thud.
Before he can get up, Steve gets kicked on both sides by Nick’s friends; he can’t make out their faces as the right side of his face is already starting to swell up from the punch.
Hands suddenly appear on his arms, pulling him upright. Steve can barely make out Nick as he comes towards him, pummeling straight onto the ice again with two swift punches - one to the face, and another to the gut.
Steve lands on his side and winces as he hears the unmistakable sound of his shoulder popping out of his socket.
“Fuck,” is all he manages to get out before losing consciousness.
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Flashes of bright white bring Steve back to the land of the living, and he finds himself sitting upright on a hospital bed. He glances down, wincing at the sharp pain shooting down his neck, and finds his arm in a sling, a band of ice packs wrapped neatly around his shoulder. 
Way to go, Harrington.
Before he makes any sudden movements, a doctor appears outside his door, tapping his clipboard with a pen.
“Well, Mr. Harrington, you’re lucky that shoulder injury isn’t more severe.”
Steve laughs awkwardly, barely nodding as the doctor moves closer to his bed.
“A harder push, or a different surface of impact, and we’d be looking at a separated shoulder in need of surgery. You’ll need to stay off the ice for the next four weeks though, I’m afraid.”
“No way for a quicker healing turnaround, Doc?” Steve smiled, wincing immediately from the flare of pain in his jaw.
“No can do, mister. If you want to regain full use of that thing, I suggest you keep your sport activities to a minimum, and stay off the ice. I have a painkiller prescription for you here,” The doctor flashes a piece of paper, “in case the pain lingers. If you dislocate it again, you’ll need to come in so I can re-examine it, alright?”
Steve nods in response, grimacing at the random flashes of pain he was getting from his shoulder and neck.
“Your friend is waiting for you outside; I’ll let her know you’re awake,”
Before he could ask any questions, the doctor stepped out, and was replaced by you. 
“Glad to know you’re not dead.” 
“Can this… can we wait until we get home? I promise I’ll explain,” Steve says hoarsely, a weak smile appearing as he tries to appease the anger he knows is boiling over inside of you.
“Explain everything, or I’ll make sure that shoulder pops out again.”
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The whole ride back to Hawkins was nerve wracking for Steve; a dead silence filling the car, your eyes focused on the road, your mind focused on the different ways you could kill Steve and get away with it. He was terrified of how upset you were, and he knew you were devising some sort of plan for revenge and honestly? He couldn’t blame you.
You were his best friend, after all. And he, yours.
Of course it pissed you off that he ran off to God knows where without telling you and almost died after a stupid, unfair fight.
This was the first secret he’d kept from you in years, and he just hoped you’d forgive him.
Growing up, he put you through a lot of shit, but you always forgave him, no matter what. Whether he’d just broken your brand new bike, or the time he accidentally elbowed you in the nose and broke it, or the five times you had to call firefighters to your house because Steve accidentally set something on fire.
No matter what, you forgave him. 
But he’s painfully aware that this time around is different, because he lied.
And that’s one of your sacred rules.
No lies.
The day you agreed to be friends, you made a pact that you both swore you’d honor to the grave - dramatic for a pair of five year olds, but nonetheless. You shook on it, and ever since then, it was the one rule left untouched - until now.
Once you pull into the driveway of your house, you help carry his bags into the house.
“Go wait upstairs,” was all you said after slamming the front door shut, and Steve followed directions. 
You tossed his things into the empty coat closet by the bathroom before heading to your bathroom, where you grabbed some rubbing alcohol, cotton balls and some gauze. Then you head off to your room, where you find Steve sitting on the edge of your bed, looking mopey as ever.
After shutting the door, you turn to look at him.
“Well, you better start talking, Harrington.”
You lean back against the door, crossing your arms over your chest as you waited for him to speak.
“This wasn’t how I wanted you to find out but,” He sighed, using his good hand to brush back some hair that was falling across his face. “I- I’ve been training and playing with this, this club hockey team over in Logansport for the last few months and,”
“Months?” You interrupt, scoffing at the fact that he had been lying for months now.
“I swear, I was gonna tell you-”
“When? Before or after you got a life threatening concussion?” Steve laughs sarcastically, shaking his head as he drops his gaze from you.
“Before, I promise. I just- I wanted to make sure I was making the right decision - that hockey was really what I wanted to do before telling you. ‘Cuz once I tell you, there’s no going back, and you know that.”
You want to protest his comment, but bite back your tongue instead. Maybe he has a point.
Supporting Steve’s dreams and ambitions meant making sure he followed through on them. Ever since you were both six years old, if Steve told you he wanted to do, be, or have something, you were right there by his side, championing him until he succeeded. But sometimes he’d want to quit, and you wouldn’t let him.
“Anyways, there’s no point in holding out anymore. I joined the club hockey team because I wanna quit the basketball team this summer, after the finals. That’s why it's been a secret for so long - I had to make sure I could do it, and that I wasn’t setting myself up for failure by joining a team for a sport I wasn’t too sure I’d be good at, or even liked. I know I should’ve told you sooner but I wanted to do this for myself, and-”
“For being one of the brightest people I know, you sure know how to pull some idiot moves, ya goof,” He brightens up at your back handed compliment, and flashes you a smile as you look at one another.
“You forgiving me then?”
“Only if you promise to stop hiding stuff from me,”
“I swear, this was it. You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you, honest,” He raises his hand up, chuckling when you roll your eyes. 
“So what’s your big plan then?” You sit down next to him, and cup his face gently, turning his head just enough so he was facing you, and start applying the alcohol on the cuts littering his face.
“Get us the state championship, quit before summer session starts, and start practicing with the club hockey team to get ready for the fall season. Easy, right?” He laughs softly and drops his gaze down to his slinged arm as he winces from the sting of the alcohol.
“You’re forgetting something,”
“What?” He glances up, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“How are you gonna break the news to your dad?”
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tags: @thorsxodinson @jurassicbarnes @ahoyfandoms @messybitchjuice @bittergoldilocks @marvelismylifffe @cxddlyash @l4life @spidey-pal @000bananaclip000 @iydianight @harringtonsbaseballbat @1-800-gotjunk @cant-decide-at-this-moment  @novaddictx @fragcc @conors-my-boy
@mercedesbarnes @sadhwstudent @myhearthurtsss @madeinthemidnightmemories @nancethebadass @okaybutsteveharrington @coffee-and-stories @multifan-smc @stebehairrington @cassandras-musings 
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Music To My Ears (Jin x Siren!Reader)
Genre: Supernatural Au, College Au, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Explicit language (just a bit), whole lotta angst, brief mentions of suicide, story also goes back and forth from Jin’s to Y/N’s POV, Fluuuufffff
Word Count: 9K, lets goooo
“What about Jiwoo?”
“No way.”
“There’s that girl from my psych class, Dae?” Jin scoffed and shook his head furiously.
“Anyone that shares a class with you Joon is a no-go. I want simple and easy, not a therapy session on why I’m ‘afraid’ of commitment.”
Joon shakes his head with a light chuckle, “Maybe you should be asking yourself that question.”
Jin laughs at his friend like he’s the funniest thing in the world, when Joon knows very well he’s not.
“Easy, I’m not afraid, I just don’t need a girlfriend right now. Monogamy is boring.”
Yoongi pulls his headphones off completely this time and turns to the two idiots taking up all the space on his bed, “Then why even bother with girls at all. Try flying solo for a while.”
That earns him a long, exaggerated eye roll.
“Because Yoongles, a man has needs.” If there was one quality Jin didn’t have, it was subtlety.
Being the most popular, handsome, and eligible guy on campus (self-coined, in case you couldn’t tell) was both a blessing and a curse. The pressure to pursue and please was insurmountable, and while Jin enjoyed a good challenge, he just wanted to relax and have some harmless fun while he could.
College wouldn’t last forever, and the endless pool of easy, available, no-strings-attached hook-ups died along with it, so Jin made it his mission to make the best of his last year here.
Only rule: girls in his dorm? OFF LIMITS. He made that mistake first year, and he still gets the stink eye from Yeri every time he goes to wash his clothes, and don’t even get him started on the various times the lights just “happened” to go out while he was taking a shower.
Everyone else is fair game and no repeats allowed. Some would call him a player, but he prefers opportunistic. I mean, campus is just serving him all of these gorgeous women on a silver platter, so what’s he supposed to do?
A painful groan breaks Jin from his thoughts, his attention flicking to the dark haired man now leaning so far back in his chair, it might just snap in half.
“Look, all I’m saying is that nothing good can come from your little ‘quest,’ ok?”
A snort from the eldest causes Yoongi to spin around and chuck his notebook at him, exasperation clear on his face.
“Except everything about it. No feelings, no mess, just fun.”
“Just because you don’t acknowledge the mess, doesn’t mean it’s not still there,” Yoongi counters, earning silence from his friends.
Jin ponders for a moment. Sure, sometimes he picked the wrong target and things got a little weird, but it couldn’t be that bad, right? It’s not like they didn’t know what they were getting into with him, he’s a pretty open book, ask anyone.
Then again, it’s not like he stuck around long enough to really gauge the outcomes, and to be honest, he doesn’t think he will be for a while. It may seem selfish, but come on, it’s not like any of these girls aren’t getting anything out of it, and he sees how some of them walk around all high and mighty afterwards. If anything, they’re using him just as much as he’s using them. Why not play the game if it’s a win-win?
The conversation on that dies out as quickly as it came, and after laughing about Joon’s mishap with his zipper in Physics for a solid 30 minutes, Yoongi gets fed up and kicks them out so he can finally study.
The walk back to his room is uneventful. His dorm is rather quiet at night, all the partying and adult shenanigans happens in Seo Hall or down the street at Phi Beta Nu. Jin loved a good kegger as much as the next guy, but the betas are just too stuck up their own asses you have to be fully inebriated to have any fun.
As he rounds the hall, he sees a slight steam sweep through the doorway to the communal bathrooms. If he were up to it, he totally would’ve messed with whoever was in their so late at night, but after the conversation with Yoongi and Joon, he couldn’t bother.
Usually his friends would be excited or at least fake being into his dumb conquests, but he could tell they were starting to worry about him. Jin wasn’t always like this, looking for easy and replaceable love, but after his girlfriend of almost 2 years broke up with him before they both started junior year, he just didn’t see the point in the long-term when it would all just fall apart in the end.
Jin was tired of putting in so much time and effort only to get slapped in the face and his heart ripped in two. No, the easiest way to protect your heart from breaking was to pretend you didn’t really have one, or at least use a fake while the real one is hidden away.
‘Love’ everyone but truly love no one.
Suddenly, he’s stopped just beyond the bathroom doorway, a sweet and soft voice dripping from the warm and damp air like fresh honey for only him to savor. It wasn’t uncommon for people to belt it out when they were alone in the shower, but this was something so uniquely and incredibly different, it pulled him in without any resistance.
Jin was not a pervert by any means, he’s always respectful and gentlemanly when it counted, and he knows it certainly doesn’t look that way as he carefully tiptoes through the doorway to find the source of the melody turning his insides to jelly and making his heart beat a little faster than normal.
Jin knew, he KNEW, this was a bad idea, but something inside him just told him to keep going. He could pinpoint the exact stall it was coming from, could almost see her outline through the curtain, when the singing stopped.
So lost in his haze, Jin didn’t even realize he knocked over an empty caddy by one of the stalls, causing a light bang, and indicating to the mystery girl that she was no longer alone.
Before he could process what was happening, Jin was out of the bathroom as fast as lightning, the sound of her curtain ripping open spurring his feet to move faster. He was out of there and hiding behind the corner like a crazy person, praying to God he wasn’t found out.
Jin had never ever done something like this before, and he was hoping the first time he messed up would not be the time he got caught.
The water now off, he could hear her footsteps as she slowly peeked out from the doorway, searching for the suspect. Jin’s heart beat so loud he was scared she’d find him by that alone.
It was quiet for a moment, and Jin let himself sneak a peek past the edge of the hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of this mystery girl. To his surprise, all he got was a flash of hair, the red color tinting her cheeks, and the fluffy pink of her robe as she quickly made her way down the hall towards her room.
He didn’t want to keep watching, anxious she’d feel his eyes and turn back and see him, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. Her stature, the curve of her body, the sway of her hair against her shoulders and back, it was so mesmerizing, and he could not for the life of him get her voice out of his head.
After she was locked away in her room, Jin began his retreat to his, only looking back once in the direction of her door.
‘No dorm mates, remember that,’ he repeated in his mind, over and over and over again. But no matter how hard he tried to hear that like a mantra in his mind, her voice was louder than any thought he could provide.
You were still a bit paranoid after last night. You lived in a dorm for heavens sake, and a coed one at that, of course other people would be in the bathroom. Usually, you waited late enough for everyone to be either gone partying, studying, or on the rare occasion, sleeping.
After all, you didn’t see anyone, it was probably just your brain making things up thanks to too many late nights binging horror flicks.
Still, you couldn’t help feeling wary. You rarely break your ‘no voice’ rule, but you just couldn’t help yourself sometimes. You missed letting the notes and melodies fall from your lips, no matter how dangerous it could be.
Late night showers with the water masking the sound became the only way you were able to take a break from playing mute. You didn’t like lying to people, but you just couldn’t risk it.
Not after what happened last time.
With your backpack strapped safely to your back and arms cradling your notebook, you cautiously made your way to class. You made it a habit of trying to avoid eye contact with everyone all together. Sometimes even a look could draw them in, so pushing everyone away was best.
Of course, this was nearly impossible to do as a student, but you learned ways to keep it at bay. Hide yourself in as many layers as you could, don’t wear anything eye-catching, keep your head down, and never stay too long.
You even requested a room to yourself, in fear a roommate would stir up unnecessary trouble, and you wanted to get through college as incident-free as possible after first year.
Of course, all of these precautions didn’t stop the trouble all together. When you first came to school, people, especially guys, were all over you. They’d cast the shy card, the innocent card, and when you wouldn’t fall into their traps, they’d casted you out all together.
The shy girl everyone wanted became the prude people avoided.
Albeit it was a bit lonely at times, you remembered that you weren’t here to make friends, you were here to get an education. On you couldn’t get where you were from, and one you had fought fiercely to obtain.
You weren’t going to let that be ripped away from you by a little bout of loneliness.
You made it to class with a few minutes to spare, your notebooks and pencils taking their places sprawled across your desk as you awaited instruction.
Class went by slower than usual, and you couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching you. You weren’t a stranger to wandering eyes, but they usually lost interest rather quickly. This time, however, you could tell every time they’d wander back to you, and you knew better than to indulge and find the culprit.
Instead you ignored it, trying hard to focus on the lesson, and then suddenly, class is over and you realized you missed the assignment.
After waiting a few minutes for people to clear out, you made your way down to the professor, one you’d met plenty of times before, and began to sign.
Learning sign language was a skill that helped tremendously. Suddenly, you went from racing to write your thoughts out on paper, to being able to have sort-of easy flowing conversations when needed. Most were more than happy to accommodate you, bringing in an interpreter and some even knew a few basic signs to talk with you. For the the less forgiving ones, you still carried around your pad and pen.
You asked him if he would repeat the assignment due for next week, hands a bit shaky. You weren’t the best, but it was understandable. He happily obliged, and you took down the information on your planner.
After thanking him, you turn to head out, when a pair of eyes meet yours.
Jin couldn’t even escape this girl in his dreams. Suddenly, her voice echoed through every cavity of his brain, the image of her hair flowing as she walked down the hall distracting him from his daily tasks.
Now he was on the verge of being late for class and he couldn’t help but blame the girl a bit. He knew he was just being petty, but how could someone like her have evaded him for so long? How had he not noticed her before?
He was a charmer, a magnet for girls like her, so how had she slipped right through his fingers? Jin admittedly was more interested in the mystery right now than the girl herself, but he seemed that they are one in the same. After all, he couldn’t really be interested in someone he had never met before. And he didn’t even know why he was so taken in the first place.
Jin now made it his new mission to find out who this girl was, whether she wanted to be  found or not. He needed answers; why was she up so late? Why did her voice effect him so? Why had he never seen her before now?
When he finally stumbled into Psych, he never expected he’d find his suspect so soon. Yet, there she was, a few rows ahead of him, hair pushed behind her ears, supplies all laid out before her, and he didn’t mean to, but all he can do is stare.
How fate had lined this up so perfectly for him and what he did to deserve it, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that now that he could see her properly, in the daylight and not hiding behind a corner, the beating of his heart sped up so fast he was sure he might have a heart attack right there.
After intensely staring at her for a few seconds, he could sense the change in her demeanor, knew she could tell he was staring. He tried multiple times to pay attention to the lecture, but he just couldn’t seem to hold his focus on anything accept her.
He desperately did not want to make her feel uncomfortable, yet he could tell that’s exactly what he was doing. He could slap himself for it, now she’d never give him the time of day.
Jin spent so much time going back and forth with himself over what to do, he didn’t realize class had already come to a stop and people were filing out. As he snapped himself out of it, stuffing his things back into his bag, he saw that girl get out of her seat.
The bounce of her hair when she walked towards the professor made his stomach do flips, but he pushed the feeling aside to be reasonable. Was she pretty? Yes. Was he attracted to her? As much as you can be to a stranger, he guesses.
He watched as she rose her hands, moving them quickly albeit shakily, and the professor responded to her, giving her the notes for the assignment, which she quickly jotted down.
Now, that was interesting. Why was she using her hands to communicate when she could’ve just spoken to the professor? Jin was even more intrigued than he was before.
Just as he was about to leave them to it, she turned around, instantly locking eyes with him. Jin wasn’t sure what to do. Does he say hi? Pretend it never happened and flee? But before he could choose an option, you were already on your way towards him.
You weren’t planning on confronting him, but he was conveniently still there, standing, staring.
You’d never seen this boy before, but then again, you never made it your mission to remember names and faces. After all, they would never be permanent.
This time, however, something stirred inside you. A feeling like fate, maybe, wanted you to take initiative just this once.
You couldn’t pinpoint what exactly in him drew you forward, to believe that this was all okay and that you weren’t making a big mistake again.
Maybe it was the way his warm brown eyes seemed to grow when you caught his gaze.
Perhaps it was his lopsided smile as he internally decided what to do.
Good looks were something that obviously came naturally to him, but it wasn’t that.
No, you could feel something different emanating from him.  
A hidden warmth so purely good you couldn’t help but let it pull you in, no matter how scarily quick it was causing all your protective walls to crumble to the ground.
Stopping just in front of him, you tilt your head a bit to the side, questioning.
He just stares for a moment, realizes what he’s doing, and quickly plays it off cool, his hand coming to scratch the back of his neck.
“Hi, um, my name’s Jin. Nice to meet you.” His hand shoots forward to grasp yours, fingers sliding against one another’s and then falls back to his side.
You take a minute to think. He probably doesn’t know sign language. Maybe I should get my pad out.
You reach in your bag for your paper, when he clears his throat.
“You can talk, right?” He asks, but his tone is edging more towards statement, like he already knows the answer.
You freeze. Lying to him felt wrong, more wrong than it did with everyone else, which was incredibly strange due to him being a complete stranger.
You retract your hands, and look back up at him, shaking your head no.
His expression turns to confusion, which you quickly mirror. It’s when he notices your face that he scrambles to explain.
“It’s just...” he takes a deep sigh, “I heard you. The other night.” He stops, looking into your eyes for understanding. You don’t get the hint, so he continues.
“I was walking back to my room last night, and I heard someone singing in the shower. Their voice was so beautiful. So I waited around a bit, and I saw you leave.”
You can feel the flush rise up through your cheeks, staining every inch of your face in utter embarrassment and fear.
How could you have been so stupid?
Shaking your head no so vigorously it might fall off, you quickly rush past him. You needed to get out of there. Create some distance; a LOT of distance. No way were you going to make the same mistake again.
Expecting him to just drop it, you’re surprised when his footsteps echo behind you.
“Wait, I didn’t mean to make you upset... I just-“ but before he could finish, you whip around, throwing your arms up, signaling him to stop.
You rip your pad and pen from your bag, and scribble out your frustration.
His eyes drop from yours to the pad in front of him.
“Just leave me alone. Please.”
You turn to leave, but he steps in front of you.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? Why can’t you just talk to me. I know you can.” He seemed almost upset with you. How could he be upset with you?!?
“None of your business. Goodbye.” You shove it in his face and once he’s flustered, you make your escape.
Making your way back to your dorm, fuming at the absolute audacity of this guy, you make a mental note to never trust yourself again when it comes to stupid feelings. I mean, how the hell you had felt any warmth in him was beyond you. How dare he act like he knows you. He doesn’t know a damn thing!
You were so caught up in mentally beating the shit out of this ‘Jin’ guy, you didn’t even notice him walk past you and go into his room just down the hallway.
“And then she just shoves her notebook in my face and walks off! What the hell?”
To say Jin is thoroughly aggravated would be an understatement.
He could deal with a girl just not being interested in him, whatever, but for a girl to make him feel stupid like that?
He wasn’t sure about a lot of things, but he was 100% sure that that girl was the one he heard singing in the bathroom the other night. He feels it in his bones.
“Well, you did basically accuse her of faking being mute or whatever.” Yoongi was only half painting attention to the conversation, once again mind clouded with all of the work he had to do. Jin could tell, but he was too frazzled to care.
Sure, he definitely could’ve handled the situation better, but everything about her made him nervous, and then she shuts him down, without so much as a second thought? She didn’t even know him for heavens sake, how could she treat him like he was just some douche?
“I didn’t mean to, I was trying to be nice, but she is just so frustrating. I didn’t demand she tell me her life story, I just know she can talk and I wanted to hear her voice again.” Yoongi ignored him, so Jin sighed as loud as he could and left the room.
As he was walking back to his room, he passed your door. He took a quick glance at the name sprawled across the little cut-out butterfly that the floor advisor made for all the tenants. Y/N.
Her negativity towards him should’ve deterred him, even stopped him all together. Oh, but that’s not how Jin works. Now he had even more of a reason to figure this Y/N out. He was going to get her to talk to him if it was the last thing he did.
In his room, he grabs his laptop and starts researching sign language. If she wants to play hard ball, I’ll learn the game.
Despite his love of simple and easy, Jin couldn’t resist this challenge, and he couldn’t help but feel like this was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up.
Forget one night stands, he wanted to, scarily enough, put in the work for this one. Something in his heart was telling him you’d be worth the effort.
He’d find a way to get to you, no matter how long or hard it’d be.
Jin understands having secrets and your right to keep them, but what could be so bad about a voice?
After as peaceful of a night’s sleep as you could get in a dorm, you had almost completely forgotten about the encounter with Jin yesterday. Keyword: almost.
It could’ve just been completely forgotten all together if he hadn’t been standing outside your door as soon as you walked out for class, an annoying smirk plastered to his smug little face.
You were startled, which only seemed to make his smile grow, as if annoying you made his entire day. The dynamic you two had developed over less than a full day of knowing each other was nothing short of absolutely insane. How could two complete strangers suddenly be so ‘comfortable’ around each other?
Obviously Jin was more comfortable with you than vice versa, considering he went from listening to you in the shower, to confronting you in class, to now waiting for you outside your room. Either this guy is incredibly bold or incredibly stupid.
One glance might see a friend waiting outside your dorm to walk you to class. Another might see a stalker waiting for their prey. You knew Jin was just curious, it wasn’t something you hadn’t encountered before, so you entertained the thought that he just might lie somewhere in between those two extremes just to humor yourself.
He approached you, carefully, his demeanor shifting, softening, like he didn’t want to press you. Maybe he just has one of those faces that always looks annoying for some reason.
You prepared yourself to walk away, to shake your head, give him the finger, stomp on his foot, you don’t know, just something, anything to get him off your back.
He would probably say something incredibly ignorant without meaning too and you’d have to take it in one ear and out the other without taking it to heart. After all, you didn’t want to fight with him. You didn’t really want anything to do with him considering your history and his revelation about a few nights before.
But as you lifted your hand to back him off, he started moving his hands in a fashion you had become familiar with. You watched the motion of his hands, the shapes he creates, the orientation of his palms, and realizes he’s trying to sign to me.
This kid. This fucking kid, who you just met yesterday, one you had definitely gotten off on the wrong foot with, spent his night, which could’ve been used to party, study, whatever. He spent it on learning some sign language. He spent all night practicing signs so he could talk to you.
Not sure whether you should be flattered or frustrated that he now could technically talk to you in a way you couldn’t just blatantly ignore, you stood, mouth gaped as he continued to move his hands over and over again.
It was sloppy, obviously, but the idea was there. He never took his eyes from you, waiting for you to understand and respond.
“I’m sorry,” he signs, “can we start over?” The look on his face closely resembles regret. He was actually apologizing. A college guy apologizing for acting like a jerk? Well, this was a first.
You wanted to forgive him right away. Honestly, he was just being normal. It’s not his fault you had a secret. You knew you overreacted, but you honestly wanted to throw him for a loop first. See if he could keep up with you, if it would be worthwhile to indulge in conversing and learning about one another, even though it broke all of your rules.
This was the first real contact you’d had in a long time, and you kind of missed it now that you’d had a taste.
You desperately want to break into a stupid grin, but remain stoic, which sends a rigid chill through Jin. He’s nervous you won’t accept his apology. That you’d hate him forever and he’d never get to know you, the real you.
“Why should I?” It takes him a minute and you repeating it once more for him to finally understand what you’re saying. He’s not surprised, after all, you don’t know him, he doesn’t know you, there is no basis of trust established, and all you had was his bad impression from yesterday to go on.
He thinks, mulling over in his head not only a proper response, but how to sign it well enough you’ll understand.
“I don’t know,” he thinks again, “just a feeling we could be friends.” He chuckles a bit at his awful signing, which he can tell is as bad as he thinks just by the confused way your eyes move following his hands and face.
It was honest. No bullshit. No lines. He was telling the truth, a truth you knew and felt on your own. Something drew you to him, you could feel it from the moment you locked eyes with him. After what happened the last time you let yourself get too close to someone, you were eager to push this feeling away to avoid repeating old mistakes.
Something about this one, though, felt different. It’s like he wasn’t seeing the side of you that lured people in. He was seeing the side of you that just wanted to be normal. The you that could put up a cool, collected front but easily break it down with your stubborn, childish, annoying side.
The you that was usually so well hidden from the outside world. Jin brought out the real you, the human in you.
It was too much to ask of a stranger, yet here he was, putting in the work and then some, just for the minuscule chance you might accept him, let him into your world.
He wasn’t looking for much, he just wanted to know you. You seemed like this perfect, put together girl that could have the world wrapped around your finger if you wanted. Yet you blockaded yourself from the joys and wonders of life, and he wanted desperately to understand why. Not for selfish purposes, but because he could see that you were forcing yourself to stand alone.
After all, he is the complete opposite. He has the world wrapped his finger and he knew it, exploiting it and taking all it offered him. Compliments, opportunities, lovers, they were his for the taking and he happily indulged. He couldn’t see how you could have the same opportunity and blatantly ignore it.
He could tell you weren’t happy just by looking in your eyes. The way you avoided him and others, how you went straight from class to your unshared room. How long had you cut yourself off from the rest of the world?
Jin wanted to understand the why so he could figure out if there was a way to change your mind. To show you that life had so much to offer, so many wonderful things, that you’d want to open up, experience life in a way that would leave every day feeling better than the last.
The last thing he thought you needed was a ‘knight in shining armor.’ No, you didn’t need help, he could tell you were strong, but he did think you could use a sidekick of sorts along the way. A friend, someone who indulges sometimes too much in the joys of life. Who better to show you just how fun life can be? Now all he needed was for you to be willing to let him.
Again, it was a lot for him to ask of you, a stranger, but he figured it was worth a shot. Worst case scenario, you’d tell him to bug off and never talk to him again, but you didn’t exactly talk to him much as it is, so there was nothing really to lose.
You, on the other hand, had a lot to lose.
Your first year, you had ignored the warnings of your family against going to university. You’d been homeschooled all your life to protect you, they had said. Turns out, they were actually protecting others from you.
You’d been starved of non familial human interaction, so when this kind-hearted guy paid attention to you, it made you feel special. Of course, it wasn’t as simple as you thought.
Back then you’d known little about controlling your abilities. When you spoke, it naturally affected some people more than others. This guy had been so far under your spell, it quickly edged on dangerous.
You’d tried to break things off as carefully as possible, spare him the hurt as best you could, but he wouldn’t, no, couldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
It got worse, and suddenly you found yourself sitting in a police station being questioned about his suicide and you vowed never again.
Never again would you hurt someone like that; would not only put someone else through that, but yourself as well.
Pushing people away kept them safe. You were dangerous.
And all of a sudden, this goofy, broad-shouldered idiot with a dopey smile comes crashing into your life and you can’t help but feel like you won’t be able to shake him even if you tried.
As long as you kept quiet, you figured, what was the harm in letting him hang around?
You let out an exasperated sigh, one that catches Jin’s attention as he eagerly awaits for you to sign something, anything.
“Fine. Forgiven.” Light glimmers in his eyes as he flashes you a big grin, happy with the verdict.
“Friends?” He adds, extending a hand for you to shake. You stare at his fingers, hesitant and nervous that a touch could even be a trigger. You slowly take his hand, and after finding no problem, shake.
“Do I have a choice?” You sign, and take his loud laugh and head shake as a big fat no, not that you were surprised.
He follows just behind you as you walk to class in silence, but he starts to move his hands again, and as you look over, you see, “Cool, can I copy your Psych homework?”
Instant regret.
Did you see that right? No way, maybe you missed something. You signal him to sign again.
“Are you Friday homework busy?” He doesn’t seem to catch on that what he said made no freaking sense whatsoever, so you sign ‘again.’
Jin rolls his eyes, repeating his hand motions for the third time, and you still can’t figure out what the hell he’s on about.
It’s been a few months since you’d started ‘hanging out,’ though 99% of the time it was Jin just following you around, watching you do homework or other mundane things, and asking you to let him copy your assignments when he couldn’t be bothered to do them himself.
It was something hard to get used to at first, but soon you found yourself falling into a rhythm with him. Suddenly he was a natural part of your every day, something you quickly looked forward too even though you you would never tell him that.
So after being around him for so long, you knew he could sign better than that. Usually he’d catch himself, laugh off the embarrassment, and let you help him get it right.
This, needless to say, was highly unusual.
Jin, on the other hand, found your confusion hilarious. He didn’t give it away that he thought as much, because he was doing it on purpose after all.
After spending a few months with you, he’d noticed how quickly you placed him into your routine. As much as he enjoyed that, he wanted to change it up. He learned a lot about you, from the way you twirl your pencil when your bored, to the way you tuck your hair behind your ears when you’re embarrassed. Even your cute ugly laugh when he does something stupid.
He loved all those things, loved that you share them with him, but you were still hiding a part of yourself, and Jin was determined to find it and uncover it. He just wants you to be completely, wholly, and unapologetically you, because to him, nothing could be better.
To say he became quite infatuated with you with every new discovery would be an understatement. He felt like a lovesick puppy sometimes, and all he wanted was to hold you in his arms and tell you dumb jokes to make you smile.
Of course, you probably only thought of him as a friend, and Jin was totally fine with that. He was just happy that you’d accepted him at all, and he wasn’t about to ruin that over what was probably just a silly crush.
So, Jin had come up with this ‘clever’ plan to get you to actually talk to him. With everything he’s learned about you, he knew how impatient you could be, especially when frustrated.
If he signs so bad you can’t understand him, you’ll quickly get fed up and open your mouth, considering you’d caught yourself almost doing so numerous times before. While Jin was also very anxious about stirring up your wrath, he thought it would most likely be worth it in the long run if he could get you to speak.
And you were quickly falling into his trap.
How in the hell was he not seeing that his structure was making zero sense? You try to sign to him, tell him to knock it off, but he just looks at you confused. He knows these signs so why is he acting like he doesn’t understand you?
You could feel a few wandering eyes, knowing fully well that they were getting a laugh out of your charades session with Jin. You could feel the heat creep up your neck, and you wanted so badly to tell him to piss off, stop messing with you, to cuss him out.
You bit your tongue for as long as you could, but the dam finally collapsed, your fist flying into his shoulder.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Quite being an asshole!” You whisper shout at him, and the cheering erupts in Jin’s mind, confetti cannons bursting, a song of victory playing on loop.
He couldn’t help the smile that quickly took over his face, no matter how intense your death glare was. He wanted to lunge forward and hug you, for you to say something again.
He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he was dying to hear his name drip from your lips, no matter the context.
“Sorry, what was that?” He prodded, softly punching your shoulder back.
Rolling your eyes, you tense at the realization you just spoke out loud. What the hell were you thinking? That was just it, you weren’t.
Your hand flies to cover your mouth, not wanting to make eye contact with Jin. You didn’t know what to expect except the absolute worse, and when he rests his hand on your knee, you look up.
His expression is sympathetic, “You know, you don’t have to be scared to talk to me.” His voice is low as to not scare you.
You search his eyes for a telltale sign that he’s affected. Usually, their eyes turn a bit hazy, but his were clear as day.
Considering you’d just cut yourself off from people as best you could, you weren’t sure if there was a possibility there were people out there that couldn’t be affected. Obviously others like you weren’t, but you could tell when you were near another sea-born, almost like a telepathic bond you had with your kind.
Jin was an enigma to say the least.
The fear that coursed through your veins subsided a bit, and it was slowly replaced with a building excitement. You might have found someone, a human none the less, that you could finally speak to. Your time of solitude might have finally been over.
Jin was scared to say anything else. He thought maybe he’d pushed you to far, been unfair, and built a new barrier between the two of you. It was when he saw the smile crawl onto your face that he realized he might have just cracked you right open.
Seeing that smile, one full of potential and excitement he didn’t quite understand, was like caffeine to the butterflies in his stomach. His heart raced a mile a minute, a warmth coursing through his veins filling him with an energy he’d never known before.
Now this was something he could get used to.
What he wasn’t expecting was for you to lunge forward and wrap your arms tightly around his neck, taking him a second to pull himself from the shock to return the hug.
“You wanna go somewhere and talk?” He asks, and your eyes light up.
You pull him up from his seat in the library, heading towards the dorms nodding your head.
“By the way,” you start, Jin following close behind you. You turn your head to look over your shoulder at him, a smirk on your face, “I know you did that on purpose, Jin.”
He knows he should’ve been worried by the tone behind your words, but once his name left your lips, that was all he could focus on the whole walk to your room.
“Never? Like, never ever?” Jin’s face contorts in amused surprise. He’d been questioning you for the past hour about everything under the sun, from childhood pet trauma to inappropriate crushes.
You roll your eyes, though a giggle escapes your lips, “No, I’ve never ever thought of a teacher that way.” You hold his pillow tighter to your chest as he falls over the end of his bed, clearly exasperated and not believing you for a second.
“There’s no way. There are at least, like, 3 of your professors that are, objectively, sexy as hell and you’re telling me you’ve never thought about?”
You shake your head, “Nope, not once.” The laughter easily flows from your lips as he gets frustrated.
“Yeah, sure, whatever you say.” He smirks at you, and you pretend to get defensive.
“What, and you have?” That sends him over the edge in giggles, rolling around the bed, causing the whole thing to shake, including you.
He lifts himself up and stares at you, “Of course! I’m a normal, healthy man aren’t I?” You’re not sure how to respond without laughing and making him question himself, so you just playfully smack his arm and agree.
“Fine, fine. I guess I’m just a weirdo then.”
“Amen to that!” He bounces, smirking at you, earning himself another slap. He fakes hurt and snatches the pillow from your arms, pouting.
“I may be a weirdo, but you’re just a big baby.” Your hand caresses through his brown locks, his eyes peeking from the edge of the pillow, the smile in them giving himself away.
Being able to talk to each other out loud opened many new doors for the two of you in the weeks that followed. It was exciting to get to know someone on an intimate level like this, without fear of it going south the way it had before.
It was, surprisingly, normal. The most normal you had felt in a long, long time.
Suddenly you had someone to share your thoughts and feelings with, even the most mundane of them. Friendship unlocked this whole new side of yourself you’d never experienced before.
Jin felt the same way. He didn’t realize how he was just blowing through life like it was nothing until he met you. Every minute was spent finding something new he cherished about you, instead of wasting it away with childish things like he had in the past.
He found new meaning in every day, spending more time living and having fun with you, rather than complaining about his trials and tribulations to Namjoon and Yoongi (which they were utterly grateful to you for).
You both had something to look forward to every day; each other.
In the beginning you thought you were total opposites bound for failure. Jin was this upbeat, extrovert with a wild side. You were the quiet, introvert scared of human interaction.
Turns out you both just needed a nudge to find there was more in common there than you thought.
You both could be loud, stubborn, silly, and an absolute mess.
Could be quiet, modest, and hide yourselves away.
Both could be intense and emotional, but there for the other no matter what.
Jin was the yin to your yang. You could be whatever the other needed at any specific moment in time.
You both didn’t want to admit it to each other quite yet, but he was your best friend, the only person you wanted and needed, and vice versa.
You’d never experienced love before, didn’t know what it felt like or what to expect, but you believed in your heart it had to be something like this.
As you get up off the bed to put your shoes on and head back to your room, his hand wraps gently around your wrist. It’s late, the light of the moon seeping through his blinds, and he can’t help but admire the way it lights up your face as you turn to look at him.
“Stay?” He asks, and you don’t even have to answer.
Cuddling up to each other under the multitude of blankets covering his bed, you can’t help but truly feel at peace for the first time in your life, with your head laying on his chest, the steady thrum of his heartbeat echoing through your ears as you both fall asleep.
You stayed in bed all day. Didn’t answer your phone when it went off, didn’t answer the door when he knocked, just stayed wrapped in your blanket, eyes focused on the clouds beyond your window.
It was the third anniversary of the incident. You didn’t know what else to call it. Black clouds hung over you, and the feeling like everything you had built with Jin would crumble the same way cast them harsher overhead.
You hadn’t even told him about it yet, amazed he had never once pushed you to do so either. Jin was curious by nature, but he knew some things about your past were off limits, and he respected that.
That didn’t stop him from worrying about the distance lately. You are his best friend, and you spent a majority of your time together. So when that came to an abrupt halt the day before, he desperately wanted to find out why so he could help pull you out it.
He missed you, and he hated knowing something was wrong that he couldn’t fix.
You were just about to pull yourself up to make a cup of tea when a loud series of knocks came from your door. You figured it was probably Jin again, but when they got harsher and faster, you decide to check just in case.
The mug you cradled in your hands fell to the floor, a light crash sounding out as it cracked into pieces.
You picked them up as quickly as possible, tossing them to the trash and returning to the door.
A cold rush bled through your veins, a violent churn brewing in your stomach as you opened the door.
You didn’t even have time to prepare yourself before she was in your face, visibly distressed.
Her brown hair the same as it had been that day she locked eyes with you as you were escorted from the station, watching an officer hold her as back as she tried to go after you.
You thought she’d given up on crucifying you, or at least tried to. You never expected after three years for her to show up in person, eyes blazing in search of vengeance.
“I heard you’ve lured some new victim into your trap, where is he? Or have you already strung him up like you did Jay?” She spit, venom lacing every syllable.
You didn’t have much of a choice, so you moved away from her assault, giving her full access to search your room.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Look, Lia, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that I’m sorry.” You keep your voice soft as not to stir the pot, but it doesn’t help. She’s visibly enraged and nothing was going to change that.
She pauses her search to rush you, get in your face, causing you to retreat, but she holds you in place like a rag doll.
“I won’t ever accept your apology. You killed my brother you bitch,” her grip on your arms tighten, causing you to wince.
“If you think, even for a second, that his death wasn’t all because of you, then you’re fucking thick. If it wasn’t for you, he’d still be here!” She choked, tears streaming down her face.
Paralyzed. You felt nothing, not the warm tears on your cheeks, the grip of her hand on your arm, the sharp sting as the other made contact with your face. Even as she left and a new figure entered your line of vision, you stood there; empty.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Jin wants to reach out for you, but is scared it might make things worse. It’s when you collapse in his arms he lets the breath he’d been holding in out, wrapping his arms around you, cradling you tight as you cry.
He’d never seen another person talk to you, let alone assault you like that girl just had. He was still processing everything that happened, and couldn’t help but wonder how far it would’ve gone if he hadn’t shown up.
A few minutes later, he’s holding you cuddled up in a blanket on your bed as the crying subsides.
Jin wants to ask what the hell happened, who that girl was, and why you just stood there and let her hurt you? There was no way in hell you could’ve done anything to deserve that outburst.
He peeks down at your tear stained face, red and wet snuggled into his chest. His heart felt like it was being crushed inside of him. Seeing you in such a state physically hurt him.
He hears you sniffle and looks down to see you peering up at him through wet lashes.
“I have to tell you something.”
Out of every possible thing you could’ve told him, this was not even in the realm of things he could’ve expected.
He was still trying to grasp the whole ‘siren’ thing, which should’ve sent him running for the hills, but the way you explained what happened with the guy first year, then the incident with his sister a few hours earlier, he didn’t think he could just walk away.
His mind and heart were in a battle, one choosing sanity and the other choosing you. The way you refused to look him in the eyes as you spilled your darkest secrets cast a heavy sadness onto him. He not only felt the pain from your words, but the pain you were feeling.
He knew he should’ve ran to comfort you, hold you, tell you it’d be alright and that it wasn’t your fault.
But a dark thought kept him rooted to his seat across the room from you.
What if it was?
He didn’t want to think this way, to believe that you could be behind something so horrible, but with the revelation of your ‘affliction’ his mind couldn’t help but wonder there.
You said it left people feeling like there was no other way. Like they were forced to pine for you, to long for you, until they couldn’t take it any more.
He’d heard stories of creatures from the sea that lured men to their deaths. Now he was face to face with one, and he was torn between the you he knew and the you he read about.
The horrid thought that everything he felt for you was all a trick made him sick to his stomach, and he couldn’t bring himself to look at you.
The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you, but once that thought took hold, he couldn’t break free from it.
He needed air, space, time to think.
All of this meant walking away from you.
A part of you knew it from the way his face dropped as you snuck a peek from the corner of your eye. It didn't stop the sinking feeling that you once again ruined everything.
You didn’t even bother looking at him as he left, missing the horrible attempt at a fake smile as he went, slightly shaking.
As Jin closed the door behind him, you both let a few tears free fall, crying for everything you had built together as it all came crashing down.
You didn’t care about Lia, the incident, anything. You just wished you’d never come here, met Jin, and hurt him. He deserved better than a monster.
And a monster is all you’d be.
“I’m just happy you’re finally coming home sweetheart. Your dad and I miss you.” A pathetic little smile formed on your lips, holding the phone with your shoulder as you finished packing the last things into your suitcase.
“I miss you guys too. See you in a few hours.” You set your phone down and cross the room to grab the book you’d been reading and shove it in your bag.
Christmas break finally arrived to relieve you of the dragging of classes and stuffy dorm. It’d been a while since you’d found time to go home, but you realized this was something you needed.
To get away.
It’d been over a month, and you quickly fell back into your old habits. Class, room, nothing in between. You dropped Psych, avoiding Jin at all costs, although he’d figured he’d done his best to avoid you as well.
The warmth that had taken up space in your previously empty life had fled as quickly as it came. You didn’t talk to anyone, you didn’t sign to anyone, you took on extra classes to finish early. You wanted to be done. You wanted to go home.
Luckily, you had the opportunity to take all online classes your last semester, so you would not be returning to the dorms in the spring. That chapter of your life was over, and even though you were sad to see it go, you knew there was nothing holding you here anymore.
The hassle of it all just wasn’t worth it.
Grabbing the few things you had left, the rest of which you had sold since you wouldn’t need it anymore, you made your way out of the room, locking it for the last time. Before you turned to head down the hallway, you took one last look down the hall to a familiar door.
You figured he’d probably already left for the holiday, since most of the dorms had. Not that it mattered, you wouldn’t speak to him and he wouldn’t speak to you.
Strangers once again.
The once resentment you harbored towards him for cutting you off without explanation was filled with sympathy. You couldn’t expect him to understand and accept you after everything that had happened. You wanted him to live a normal happy life, fall in love with a normal girl that would be good for him.
You couldn’t give him that and you had to accept that. In the end, you were happy with the time you did have together. He’d always be your best friend, no matter how much time and distance separated you.
You both harbored no ill feelings towards each other, it was just something that had to be done, something that was inevitable in your opinion. People like you and people like him just weren’t meant to be.
Grabbing the handle of your suitcase, you make your way down to the lobby to return your key and head to the train station before your train left.
Stepping out of the elevator, you see a familiar figure standing at the front desk, back towards you.
You could tell that brown hair from anywhere though, and you slowed your pace to give him enough time to leave.
Instead, he turns in your direction, a bag in one hand, an envelope in the other.
Your eyes meet, and you have half a mind to just keep walking, you could mail them the key once you were home.
He quickly blocks your path, however, eyes not leaving yours.
It’s awkward and intense and neither of you know what to say, or whether you should say anything at all. After a minute, Jin clears his throat, extending the envelope out to you.
You stare at it, and look back up at him as he shakes it, inviting you to take it.
“I wanted to leave you this before I went home, but since we’re here...” You take it from him, but as you are about to open it, he steps closer and lays his hand over yours.
He stares down at you, his expression soft, like it had been months before when he held you in his arms at night. You had missed that, so, so much.
“I-I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry,” he starts, a red tinge finding solace at the tips of his ears.
“I shouldn’t have left you like I did. I was just, scared. I didn’t know what to think about everything and I thought maybe I was being affected,” he cringes at that, voicing his thoughts of you possibly ‘controlling’ him made him feel like a dumbass, “I know, it was stupid and not fair at all. I just...” he pauses his rant, waiting for any hint of a reaction from you, but you stay silent, waiting for him to finish saying whatever was on his mind.
He takes in a deep breath, “I thought that everything I felt for you might not have been real. I got scared it was all in my head and I didn’t know what to do. But, I realized that everything about me and you was the only sure and real thing in my life. I missed the way you roll your eyes at me when I make dumb jokes, the way your noise crinkles up when your trying to understand something, the way you laugh obnoxiously when I do something stupid,” His hand moves forward to grasp yours as he continues his rant.
“I miss listening to you try to convince me that Spider-Man is the most earnest Avenger even though we both know he’s not,” that earns a crack of a grin despite the tears forming in your eyes. “I miss holding you close at night and hearing our heartbeats mix together in the open air as we fall asleep.”
Jin cups your cheek in his other hand, thumb sliding to wipe away a fallen tear. You lean into his hand, reminiscing in the feeling of his skin on yours.
“I miss you.” He says, his face inching closer to yours, your breaths mixing together between the two of you. You don’t know what to say, but luckily he takes initiative and slowly closes the gap between you.
A warmth envelopes both of you, spreading from your lips and seeping into every fiber of your bodies. The feeling of his lips against yours steals the air from your lungs and heightens every one of your senses. His hands find purchase on the small of your back, your arms curling around his neck to dispel any space between you.
The tension that releases from you is replaced with what you can only describe as pure love.
As you pull apart, Jin rests his forehead against yours, placing another kiss to your lips as you giggle.
“I’m sorry it took so long for me to figure out. I love you.” His smile spreads to yours and you rub the tips of your noses together.
“I love you too,” he leans in for another kiss, but you stop him, a smirk on your lips, “even though you most definitely are a dumb-ass.” He laughs, breathily and pulls you tighter to him.
“I deserve that. I’m your dumb-ass, though.”
You part ways to head home for break with the promise of seeing each other in a few days to spend Christmas together.
When you settled onto the train, you pulled the forgotten envelope from your coat pocket, taking the letter out that resided inside.
As the train began its journey, you read every word of the letter with warmth in your heart.
In detail, was every single thing about you he had fallen in love with.
He’d fallen in love with you; all of you.
And he’d never walk away again.
You’d never be alone again.
The End.
Hey Guys,
   First story is officially out! Hope I did you all and Mr. Worldwide Handsome justice. This ended up being longer than I originally anticipated, but I think it needed it to really set everything up. Also, if there are any typos or grammatical errors, feel free to let me know, I’m human, I make mistakes. Kicking off 7 Days of Halloween with a cute little Jin-ie love story, what could be better? I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Stay Spooky! More to come!
P.S. Sorry it’s a bit late, Tumblr is on the fritz and wouldn’t let me post it.
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cakesunflower · 5 years
War of Hearts [Gang!Calum AU] Part 1
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A/N: so this is like a mix of brother’s best friend and gang!Calum combined. very very lowkey my take on a kind of modernized version of Peaky Blinders but with my own stuff thrown in, ya know?
and as a kind of warning, seeing as this is a gang fic, there’s probably gonna be some kind of violence involved, just so you’re aware!
our babe Calum is introduced in this, but you won’t see him until part 2 ((kind of like how i started Sugar Coated Pain).
Part 1
As soon as the door opened, Ruby couldn’t even bring herself to flash a smile to her soon-to-be sister-in-law as she stormed into the house, demanding an aggravated, “Where is he?”
Crystal sighed, shutting the door behind Ruby as she ran her fingers through her blonde hair and said, “Backyard.”
Ruby walked through the house towards the back of it, hearing the dogs let out a bark in greeting as the heels of her boots clicked against the sleek wooden floorboards. Her muscles were tense with frustration and worry, knowing that while her brother was alive and breathing, he still put her through intense worry because of his stupid actions. It’s been years but Ruby would never not worry about him. Even going to school in a different state had her always wondering over Michael, checking in on her older brother and while her life was a lot more subtle than his, he’d do the same. And after the passing of their mom when Ruby was a junior in college, her dad already gone years prior, their sibling bond grew all the more.
Still, Ruby wished Michael would stop voluntarily putting himself in life or death situations.
Stepping out to the backyard, Ruby squinted her green eyes against the sunlight, immediately catching sight of Michael peacefully resting on the hammock hung between two trees off on the side. With her lips pressed together and exhaling sharply, Ruby made her way over in purposeful strides, the soft grass silencing the sounds of her heels as she approached him. Michael lay with his tattooed arm over his eyes, letting the sunrays soak into his pale skin, headphones in and completely unaware of his sister looming over him.
Irritatingly pouting her lips, Ruby stepped took a step away before gripping the hammock with both of her hands, Michael still oblivious, and mustering up all of her strength with a sharp inhale, gave it a violent turn. She jumped back, watching in satisfaction as her big brother let out a startled yell before flinging off the hammock and landing on the grass with a painful groan.
She stood over him with her arms crossed over her chest, making her feet tall in her 5’5” stature as her six foot tall brother looked up at her from where he lay on his stomach, glaring against the sun. While the scowl on his face would send practically every person in town running away, Ruby merely scowled right back. “What the fuck did you do that for?” Michael demanded, the anger and annoyance clear in his grunt as he pushed himself up, movements ever so slightly sluggish as he stood to his full height, towering over her. “You do know I’m injured, right?”
Ruby scoffed, unfazed. “You’ve been worse,” she pointed out matter of factly, knowing he couldn’t argue with her. She tilted her head to the side, frowning. “Let me ask you, Michael—you are living to see your wedding day, right?”
Michael’s lips curled in annoyance. “Of cou—”
“Then why would you put yourself in the literal line of fire just days before it?” Ruby burst out, staring at him in incredulity, giving a shake of her head as if she didn’t understand his thought process. Most days, she didn’t.
Michael let out a sigh, rolling his green eyes that matched Ruby’s. “Trust me, Rubes, Crystal’s given me an earful already—”
“As she should,” Ruby cut in, the glare returning to her face.
“—But no one else was available to make the drop and it was supposed to be a milk run,” Michael continued through her interruption, brushing the grass off his thighs. “How was I supposed to know it’d be an ambush?”
Ruby’s expression fell flat save for the dubious raise of her eyebrow. “Do I really need to answer that? You know what you do, right?”
Michael smirked, though Ruby failed to see how the circumstances called for that. “Why do you think the Sabers are down ten men?”
“Because Crystal told me Luke showed up to help you out.”
Her brother glared at the house over Ruby’s shoulder where his fiance was. “Traitor,” he grumbled.
Letting out a sigh, Ruby brought her hands up to cover her eyes before rubbing them down her face, the tension in her muscles not leaving all the way despite seeing her brother alive and well in front of her. Not many of the Saber’s members were bright, often opting to bring knives to a gun fight and never really learning from their mistakes, and from what Crystal had told her, Michael had received a few cuts on his stomach, back and arms. Ruby could see the scars on his arms, which would soon heal and mark his skin like the tattoos he wore, though Ruby much preferred the ink marring his skin rather than cuts and bruises.
Concern over his well being, his health, had been taken to a new level for Ruby when she was seventeen and Michael was nineteen, kicked out of the house after his family found out just what kind of people he was always around. He’d already dropped out of high school, a troubled kid in his own right, but to find out he’d become a full fledged member of The Riders had his loved ones reeling. And while his parents didn’t want anything to do with him, Michael and Ruby still managed to maintain a good relationship, becoming closer when she turned eighteen and her parents couldn’t actually force her to not see her brother.
Eight years later and Ruby was still worried about what Michael was getting himself into, despite knowing almost exactly what he was involved in. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe her big brother who used to have an affinity for dying his hair crazy colors was in a gang.
But he was the only family she had left, and losing him was a fear that’d make the top of every list.
Dropping her hands from her face, Ruby rested them on her hips as her green eyes met Michael’s. Then she stated matter-of-factly, “I’m going to kick Calum’s ass.”
Michael snorted, ring clad fingers brushing against the front of his shirt, not even looking at Ruby as he said, “I’d pay good money to see that. You can barely look him in the eye and you’re saying you’re gonna beat him up?” Michael grinned, teasing and amused as his gaze met the indignant one of his sister. “Good luck with that, Red.”
Ruby narrowed her eyes, lips an angry pout as she instantly snapped, “Don’t call me that.”
“Aw, is that just Cal’s name for you?” Michael cooed, snickering at the irritation radiating off of Ruby as he settled back into the hammock. “So sweet.”
She really was tempted to throw him off that hammock again. Calum Hood, her brother’s best friend and the notorious head of the damn Riders, was probably the scariest men she’s ever met. Granted, the first time they had met was when he was nineteen, yet even back then he had seemed to master the art of intimidation—made it seem like he created it. Back then, Ruby had just figured it was because he was a handsome boy she’d see whenever she was with her brother, his truly God-like looks of a chiseled jaw and dark eyes and full lips making her feel like a shy teenager.
But the more she saw him over the years, Ruby was quick to understand that she wasn’t just shy around Calum—she was, to an extent, scared of him. She had been assured by Michael, several times, that Calum would never hurt her, that she was family. And, sure, maybe she believed that, but that didn’t change the fact that Calum was more than capable of doing so. One that that had been so difficult to swallow, to accept, that the Riders were killers. That Michael’s friendship with them, with Calum, had turned him into one of them.
God, Ruby hadn’t spoken to Michael for nearly a month when she first found out he’d put a bullet in someone’s head, back when she was just turning nineteen. She’d definitely thrown up at the news, at the fact that her brother had taken a life. Michael had attempted to make it better, to reassure her that the guy was another gangbanger who would’ve killed him if he hadn’t pulled the trigger first. But it was him saying another gangbanger that had Ruby reeling. Because that’s what he was now.
Almost eight years later and she’d accepted the truth. Kind of.
Calum Hood though—fuck. As beautiful and dangerous as he may be, Ruby held some resentment towards him. For making this her brother’s life. For making it her life. And while Michael was as much to blame, Ruby could take it out on him. Calum was a different story.
She wasn’t a redhead by any means, inheriting the same familial dirty blonde hair that Michael did, those hers sometimes treaded the line of being light brown. But Calum called her Red from the moment he first met her because of her name, and because of her lips. Red lipstick almost always adorned Ruby’s full lips, one of the first things anyone ever noticed about her.
Definitely the first thing Calum had noticed.
Everyone was wasted.
Realistically, Ruby should be as well, but she had drowned many of drinks in Coke and didn’t get nearly as drunk on light liquor as she did dark, and since none of the girls she was with preferred Hennessy over vodka, all Ruby had to show for was quite a pleasant buzz. Still, she was enjoying herself, the smile on her face hurting her cheeks and her head feeling light on her shoulders from the alcohol running through her veins.
She was in the city with Crystal and all of her friends, the bachelorette party underway in some exclusive club Ruby couldn’t be bothered to remember the name of. They were in the V.I.P. section, of course, a bachelorette sash around Crystal’s body and a tiara atop her blonde head, a wide grin on her face that would be beat by the upcoming event tomorrow.
The lights were flashing, music was deafening, the DJ had given a shout out to the pretty bachelorette in the building, and the drinks kept on coming from the bar. Ruby was enjoying herself, reveling in the night off from work as she celebrated her brother’s wedding tomorrow, spending the night having fun with her future sister-in-law and her friends. Drinks were consumed, pictures were taken, and they all had enjoyed themselves on the dance floor before Ruby found herself back on the couch, sitting next to Crystal.
With her friends talking amongst themselves, Crystal leaned back on the couch, head tilting back as she mused to Ruby, “God, I hope no one decides to shoot up the wedding tomorrow.”
Ruby’s eyebrows shot up as she looked at Crystal, surprised by her words though, inappropriately enough, she felt amusement tickling the back of her throat. Truthfully, that concern of Crystal’s was a reasonable one, given the lifestyle Michael lived. Almost every single member of the Riders was going to be in attendance, and while that provided for ample protection, it was also a good target for enemy gangs that were looking for an easy way to take them out.
“Don’t worry,” Ruby assured, picking up her drink that was purposely seventy percent Coke and thirty percent Hennessy. “You and Mike will definitely be married this time tomorrow. The Riders will make sure of it.” She doubted Calum would let anything ruin his best friend’s wedding day.
A blissed, or maybe drunk, smile took over Crystal’s lips as she kept her gaze up at the ceiling, most likely thinking about the fact that tomorrow was her wedding day to the love of her life. And Ruby was so happy for them. She adored Crystal and was so happy that she was understanding of Michael’s lifestyle. She knew the risks of being involved with someone like him, but Crystal was by his side anyway. She’d earned the Riders’, and Calum’s, trust and had become part of a family that had accepted Michael when his own parents hadn’t. Ruby was so glad her brother found someone like him.
Crystal’s sigh pulled Ruby out of her thoughts, watching as the older woman sat up, leaning towards Ruby as she took a sip of her martini. With her friends still distracted, Crystal murmured to Ruby, “You’ve no idea what it’s like to love someone who’s constantly putting himself in danger.”
Ruby raised her eyebrows. Was Crystal that drunk? “Um—”
“No! I mean,” the bachelorette cut in with a quick giggle, one hand gripping Ruby’s arm. “Like, obviously, you have Michael, duh, and you love him. But he’s your brother, you know?” Crystal clarified over the loud music. “Not that the relationship you guys have is less in any way—because it isn’t. It’s greater, to be honest. But, like, someone you’re in love with and feel like is your other half?” she continued, eyebrows drawing together in distress as whatever thoughts fluttered through her mind. “Someone you wanna spend the rest of your life with and can’t—just can’t function without if they’re taken from you? The fear of losing someone like that is paralyzing.”
Ruby gulped, Crystal’s words hitting her harder than she expected. She didn’t have anyone like that in her life, just her older brother both she and the drunken blonde next to her wanted to keep in their lives forever. Ruby genuinely had no idea what she’d do if someone she was in love with was in the same life as Michael, was surrounded by the same kinds of dangers she feared would one day take her brother.
She felt Crystal rest her head against her shoulder as she mumbled, “I hope you never have to live like that, Ruby.”
Looking up at the ceiling, Ruby blinked back the burn she suddenly felt in her eyes. God, she hoped so, too.  
tags: @crownedbyluke @irwinkitten @glitterprincelu @softforcal @valentinelrh @hotmessmichael @meetashthere @astroashtonio @calumh-excess @hearts-to-the-sky @old-zeppelin-shirt @angelbbycal @captain-what-is-going-on @calumthoodsyonce @cathartichaoss @misskarynie @softboycal @soulmatecashton @babygirlcashton @cxddlyash @calumhoodless @roselukes @wrappedaroundcal @slimthicccal @kinglycalum @calumculture @ohhmuke @fucking5sos @heavenlyhemminqs @cosmixcalum @invisiblexcth @gettingjillywithit @calistheloml @cliffordcntrl @asht0ns-world @hereforlukescruff @ghostofch @ghostofhood @dxmncalum @bitchinbabylon @walkedhomealone @poppedpins @5secondssofssummer @calumsmermaid @booklove-2 @empathycth @checkeredcalum @lovelettercalum @kaxseychill @rosecoloredash @theagenderwhocriedwolf @cal-pal-cuddles @xhaileyreneex @paqueretteash @calteahood @biwriting @2k17muke @sublimehood @tupeloohoneyy @egyptiangoldhood @romanticalumhood @akacalciumhood @thebodaciouscth @5sos-stan4lyfe @lipstickstainfading 
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dirtyahs · 5 years
Summer Break. (Tate Langdon x Reader.)
hi friends! sorry i’ve been so absent lately, school and life are kind of kicking my ass right now, but im trying to get back into the schedule of writing - i miss it a lot. i hope you guys enjoy this, you can expect to see me much more often now :^)
Thank you for the request @sydddboiiii
Prompt: “I’m going to show you exactly who you belong to.”
Word Count: 2,745
Warnings: not much, reunion sex, slightly rough, slight choking kink
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It was summer break going into your Junior year of college You'd moved out of California to go to Arizona State University; it was close enough you could drive home, but still far enough that your mom and dad wouldn't be knocking on your door whenever they wanted to. And you absolutely loved college. You were having a wonderful experience and had met so many amazing people you now called your best friends. But coming home for the summer just sounded like fun this year. So here you sat, looking through your old high school year books, chuckling to yourself at all of the little notes from old friends and acquaintances. 
"Love you forever bitch!! xoxo"
"Don't ever forget the time you threw up in my moms backyard - future (Y/N), does the smell of fireball still make you sick?"
"See ya in twenty years at the reunion."
Flipping the page, one was taken up entirely by a black felt tip pen and shaky handwriting you immediately recognized. Tate Langdon. You two had dated for two and a half out of your four years of high school, you were sure you wanted to be with him forever. But then you made the decision to move to Arizona, and Tate wanted to stay in California for awhile. So you two broke things off after graduation, and you hadn't heard from him or seen him since then. He did cross your mind from time to time, wondering if he was working, or had gotten into another relationship.
Maybe you'd try to get in touch with him while you were home - the idea made your heart flutter in your chest though. You hoped he didn't cut his hair. It always looked best long. You took a deep breath - you knew Tate followed you on Instagram and had probably seen you post photos of a guy you had briefly dated at the beginning of this semester. It'd been years since your relationship with Tate, but he'd always been the jealous type.
You closed the yearbook and put it back on your bookshelf, taking up the final spot at the end of the others. The day had gone on as normal, other than the fact you couldn't get Tate out of your mind. Reliving those memories from high school made your heart race.
The time he was throwing rocks at your window, and the time you two snuck out together to get high by the beach.
You'd stolen the keys to your moms car and somehow managed to get out of the house without her noticing. You picked Tate up, he was wearing black jeans and a blue and black flannel with his old beat up Doc Martens. You two sat at the shore, wrapped in a blanket, passing what felt like an endless amount of joints until the sun started to rise. You talked about his father, and about all of your insecurities. He said he'd adore you even with your stretch marks and slightly uneven eyebrows.
Tate was romantic. He was in touch with his emotions, and it was such a rarity among most men. Every other (not that there were that many) guy you had been involved with was chivalrous and kind at the start, but quickly lost that motivation when you agreed to have sex.
Tate was never like that.
He opened every door for you, let you wear his flannel if you were cold, and always let you have some of his food even when you said you weren't hungry. About seven months in, you two lost your virginity together. You expected it to be awkward and unenjoyable; everyone said your first time always is. But to you, it didn't feel real. It felt like something out of some cheesy teen movie, but it was amazing. He was so loving and gentle. You'd never forget the way he kissed your neck and told you he loved you for the first time. 
The sun was setting now and you couldn't imagine going any more time without trying to see Tate. You looked at yourself in the mirror, wearing a black cropped tank top and denim mini skirt, you touched up your hair and grabbed your car keys. Hopefully he still lived in the same house. You got in the car and rolled all the windows down, letting the warm air blow through your hair - you had this drive memorized and could probably do it with your eyes closed if you had to. 
Everything looked the same.
The large houses were all still intact and beautiful as ever, front yards lined with rose bushes, the sound of kids playing in the street was clear. You remembered watching Tate and Addie jumping on the trampoline they used to have in their backyard. It damn near gave Constance a heart attack every time they used it, but she couldn't manage to tell them no, especially when she saw all of her little ones playing together.
Beau's laugh was infectious, and Tate's love for them was so heartwarming. You pulled up to the house, looking at the large brick structure. You could see Tate's old bedroom window. It used to be covered from the inside with a big Sound Garden poster, making it as dark as he liked it. With a shaky breath you pulled the key from the ignition and made your way up to the front door, shoes clicking quietly on the cobblestone walkway.You knocked on the door, four times. You stood, feeling your knees shaking beneath you, the heat from the sun warming your back. You felt your heart jump when you heard the door open, looking up to see none other than your high school sweetheart. You meant to say something like "Hello," but your jaw hung open, the sun illuminating his golden locks, long and shaggy as ever. 
"Hi Tate." You smiled up at him, his face was hard to read. 
"(Y/N)..." He started, looking you up and down slowly before looking back up into your eyes. "I thought you moved to Arizona."
"I did, but I'm home for summer. No way in hell was I going to stay there for 130 degrees." His smile made you smile in response.
"Come in." He reached his hand out and you took it, shuddering when he instinctively brushed his thumb over yours.
"So hows college going?" He asked, you two sat at his kitchen table, he made you a cup of coffee, putting it over ice like he knew you liked."I mean, pretty bullshit honestly," You chuckled, "But necessary. I'm almost done now, might as well suck it up and keep going."
You two made small talk, everything feeling so easy and laid back. You two picked up right where you'd left off, you felt like old friends - sort of. An old friend you were wildly attracted to. He hadn't changed much, except he was wearing gray sweatpants and a black tank top. He never wore anything but long sleeves when you two were younger, but his arms looked strong and his shoulders were broad so he could pull it off pretty damn well now.
"So hows that guy you're with?" He looked up through his blond curls and you almost choked on your drink at his boldness. You couldn't be too surprised honestly.
"Oh," You shrugged, desperately trying to make it clear that you were over him. "We sort of had a thing for a couple months. It never really went anywhere, and he wasn't exactly my type." You flashed a playful smile, and you saw that devilish smirk of Tate's crawl over his lips.
"And what is your type, exactly?" He said, leaning back, giving you a clear look at his torso, legs spread, only aiding in your mind wandering further than you cared to admit.
"I don't know, I like tall blondes." You teased, heart racing nervously for how confident you were acting. "Maybe had an emo phase in high school."He raised an eyebrow, still looking as devious as ever.
"Sounds like someone I know." He leaned forward, taking your hand in his. "So what I'm hearing is that you're completely single?" He questioned, making you stand up with him, his chest close to yours.
"I couldn't be more single if I tried." You giggled, feeling your face get hot when you feel his hands slip around your waist.
"I miss you, (Y/N)." His voice was quiet, lips ghosting over yours, immediately sending shivers down your spine.
"I miss you too, Tate." Your knees felt weak, "More than I even know how to explain." 
With those words Tate finally pressed his lips against your own, large hands firmly holding your hips - he still made you feel safe. Within minutes the kiss had deepened into something fiery and passionate. Your hands were tangled in his hair, you two had made your way up the stairs, a trail of your clothing leading to his bedroom door, which he now had you pressed up against in nothing but your black panties. His lips worked furiously against yours, your hands were pinned on either side of your head. His lips moved to kiss down your neck, stopping where your shoulder connected, biting at it teasingly.
"Tate...I need you, please..." You whimpered, hands searching for something to grasp. You felt him smirk against your skin, lips moving back up your neck to your ear.
"I'm going to show you exactly who you belong to." He breathed against your ear, your knees immediately felt weak beneath him. He pulled back, and you were met with a familiar expression. His eyes were dark and he looked so possessive and dominant. He exuded power and control and something about him controlling you once again only aided the desperate wetness forming between your thighs. He finally released your wrists and they immediately tried to touch him, whimpering when he stepped out of your arms reach.
"You know better than to touch me without permission, angel." He said quietly, raising an eyebrow at you.Angel.That was his favorite pet name for you. He always said it fit you perfectly - that you were radiant and truly made him want to live life happy.
"Please, I need you. You're all I've been thinking about," You begged, clenching your thighs together, "please Sir." If he wanted to pull nicknames out of the past then you could too. 
His cheeks were dusted red when you brought out the name, but it only excited him more.
"Go lay on the bed." He demanded, pulling you by your wrist over to his bed covered in a black duvet.
"Don't even think about touching me yet." He pushed you so you were flat on your back, his hands on the inside of your knees to spread your legs. His lips peppered your inner thighs with kisses, moving closer and closer to your core. You writhed under his hands that were wrapped around your thighs. You needed him more than you even knew how to explain. Finally, you let out a relaxed gasp when he kissed through your panties, almost immediately having your back arched.
”My angel needs me, hm?" He whispered teasingly, one finger moving the thin fabric to the side, slowly flicking his tongue against your clit, making you moan loudly.
"More...." You gasped breathlessly, "P-please..."
Your eyes were closed but you could almost feel his satisfied glare burning into your skin. He leaned in, gently swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud. His finger tips dug into your skin, your hands grasping at the thick duvet cover. He smirked against your hot skin before he buried his face between your thighs. He made shapes on your clit with his tongue, alternating between fast and slow. His right hand snaked over your thigh, his middle finger pressed against the wetness around your entrance before ever so slowly pushing it in, not stopping until he absolutely had to.
"Good girl," He praised quietly, adding in his ring finger. "So wet for me." He pumped his fingers in and out of you at a steady pace - your hands were desperate to tangle in his hair, but you wanted to follow his orders.
You loved being obedient for him.He leaned up from his spot between your thighs, lips glistening. He kept up the pace with his fingers though.
“Tell me princess, did you miss me all these years?" His voice was low and gravelly.
"Y-oh!" Suddenly he hit something inside you that made your legs shake.
"Yes sir, I missed you so much!" Your back was arched against the sheets and you. He knew what you liked, so he kept going, hitting that same spot over and over again.
"I-I'm gonna' cum, please can I?" You begged, feeling that coil tighten in your tummy that you haven't felt in so long.
"I think you deserve it, angel. Cum for me, all over my fingers like you used to."
His words sent you over the edge, damn near screaming as the coil snapped, your body was trembling beneath his touch, eyes screwed shut in ecstasy. He helped you ride your orgasm out until the very end, only quickening his pace as you screamed for him, blond curls stuck to his forehead as he watched your body shake. Ever so slowly, he pulled his fingers out of you, making you whine at the empty feeling.
It wouldn't last long though. You watched as he slipped out of his boxers, tossing them to the side. You looked him up and down, although your vision was fuzzy from the earth-shattering orgasm he just gave you, seeing Tate like this made your heart race. He looked perfect, defined muscles, beautiful dark brown eyes - he really was as close to perfect as one could get. He leaned over you, pushing your legs up so they were over his shoulders, pressing against your chest. His nose was close to yours.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered, lining his hard cock up with your entrance. Slowly, he pushed himself into you, your body tensing at the familiar feeling. You both moaned in unison, your hands holding onto Tate's arms. Taking his time to do so, Tate began quickening his pace, thrusting into you, making you only want him harder and faster.
"I know you can fuck me harder than this." You teased, cocking an eyebrow at him. With your words, urging Tate to do what you said.
"I wasn't sure you'd be able to handle me anymore." He retorted - cocky as per usual. But he quickened his pace, hips snapping against yours roughly. His hand that previously rested next to your head moved to wrap around your throat, squeezing the sides the way he knew you loved. 
"Fuck-" You gasped when his hand met your throat.
"Is this hard enough for you, princess?" He taunted, smacking your cheek lightly just to play with you.
"Yes sir..." You whimpered, looking up into his eyes. He was getting close and you could tell. He was breathing heavy and as dominant as he wanted to sound, his voice was shaking. His pace was fast, slamming deeply into you.
"I-I'm gonna cum again Tate!" You squealed, earning a tighter grip around  your throat. He smirked, somehow going even faster than before.
"Greedy little girl," He hissed, "You want to cum again?"
You nodded desperately in response, knees beginning to tremble beneath him, your whole body starting to feel hot.
"Cum for m-oh fuck!" He hissed, suddenly overtaken with his own orgasm, covering your inner walls with his hot cum. At the same time, you felt your body convulsing under him, walls clenching around his length, only aiding in each of your orgasms. He collapsed on top of you, slowly pulling himself from inside you. Gently, he pressed a few kisses into your neck.
"Tate.." You whispered, fingers playing slowly with his curls. "I missed you so much." You kissed the side of his head, feeling him smile against your skin.
"I missed you too, (Y/N), I don't even know where to begin..." His voice was gravelly and quiet. 
"Maybe Arizona isn't the place for me." You said quietly, not really meaning to say it aloud. He looked up at you, cheeks dusted pink.
"Or maybe Arizona is the place for me." He grinned, pressing his lips into yours firmly. You couldn't imagine going any more years without him.
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Dusk til Dawn
Pairing: Harry x Reader
FRAT! HARRY HERE TO GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU EVER NEEDED AND MORE. I’ve been really excited about starting this and I’m going to try to have chapter 2 up by Sunday if this is well received!!! Also I added a teensy weensy bit of smut! Enjooooy <3 I would love feedback
Chapter 1
You knew you were that bitch. There wasn’t a more simple way to put it. You were confident in your inner as well as physical beauty, and you knew that’s what people found most intriguing about you. The way you could command attention whenever you pleased but you managed to obtain humility in the process. There was a lot of guys and girls willing to challenge that.
As your junior year of college was in full swing, parties became a daily occurrence. With the fraternities and sororities at the forefront of those events.
So when you walked into your 9am that morning, you weren’t surprised to hear that’s what the entire class was discussing. You tiptoed through the crowded rows of seats, normally you would arrive a tad bit early to avoid maneuvering through people but that extra ten minutes of sleep did something to amazing to your soul. Your best friend was gnawing on the base of her mechanical pencil the moment you sat down. You weren’t the type to necessarily have a friend that was closer to you than every one else but Denver was different. She was really easy to speak to and always always had your best interest. You two had been put in the same dorm freshman year and when you found out she had the exact same major as you, it only further sealed the deal.
“So, are you going to the party tonight?” Denver wasn’t making eye contact. Instead she was facing straight forward as if she was listening to the instructor to avoid being called out for talking. You took the moment to actually evaluate your best friend.
Denver was adopted. For a long time she struggled with her physical self due to attempting to conform to european beauty standards, but you took pride in helping her truly love herself and her culture. How could she hate something so unique and original?
She had extremely thick and long black hair that she kept tied into a high ponytail. Only a few stray pieces were kept out to adorn her face. Her skin reminded you of cocoa with just a few tablespoons of milk mixed in to create a dewy brown. She was beautiful. And you may or may not have had a intimate experience sophomore year when a thunderstorm cut off all of electricity on campus, but that was a different story for a different day.
“I don’t think so D! I feel like I’ve grown out of them. Aren’t they all the same at this point?” You were speaking while simultaneously jotting down notes. Unbeknownst to you, a certain curly haired frat boy was behind you eaves dropping.
“Oh no lovie. This one is going to be different.” You and Denver turn around to meet a pair of emerald eyes under arched brows.
“Lovie? Harry you’ve been throwing the same lame ass parties year after year.” Denver muffles her chuckle at your comeback.
“Then why do you make an appearance year after year?” You rolled your eyes and adjusted yourself to where you were facing forward again.
He was right. You did make an appearance frequently but what else were you supposed to do when everyone who was worth spending time with was at these said events? And where else would you find people to hook up with? And what if you were looking for a certain somebody to hook up with?
The rest of the class period was spent in silence, and you were kind of grateful for it. You actually enjoyed your major and everything about it only further intrigued her.
“All right. We’ve got an exam coming up at the end of next week so please stay on top of your notes and online assignments. You all are dismissed.” It didn’t even take a second for the sound of backpacks zipping to overwhelm the room.
Denver is right behind you as you make a beeline for the door.
“Ms. Y/L/N? May I speak to you for a moment?” Your professor hasn’t looked up from his desk as he speaks to you. Denver gives you a sympathetic look.
“I’ll wait for you in the hallway girl.” You nod.
Harry brushes past you intentionally nudging your shoulder.
“Oooh! Someone’s in trouble!” He throws his head back to laugh.
You didn’t know if you wanted to suck his dick or kick his ass in that moment.
Your standing in front of your professor awaiting his response.
“I’m so pleased with your work this semester young lady! You’re on track to make the highest overall grade I’ve ever given. If you’re able to keep that up, I’d love to get you into a summer internship program that could possibly guarantee you a job after graduation. How does that sound?”
You can feel each beat your heart makes.
thump thump. thump thump.
Fuck! Was this actually happening? Was all of your hard work paying off?
“Oh my god! YES! You have no idea how much this means to me professor peterson.” You’re so eager to relay the news to Denver that you take off before saying goodbye, only to make a quick ball change and jog back in to bid farewell.
As you catch back up to Denver, your brain is moving far quicker and your mouth can’t quite keep up.
“ohmygoddenverhesaidimbasicallyageniusandhesgonnagetmeajobandohmygoodnessthisiseverythingiveeverwantedandmore!” Your chest is rising and falling at a quick pace. Denver is uncontrollably giggling.
“That’s great babe! I’m so excited for you.” She pulls you into a tight hug. Denver then wraps her left arm around your shoulder while utilizing her right hand to create a nonexistent rainbow.
“Everything is up from here Y/N. I feel it in my hooha.”
You both break out in an uncontrollable laughter and you take her arm in yours hooking at the elbow.
“How I’d love to see the two of you like that. With no clothes. In my room.”
The speed at which the both of your heads whip around must’ve surpassed a world record.
Your met with harry and his best friend Benji.
“Ew. Did your cis gendered ass just sexualize a relationship that, by the way, is completely platonic between two women to fit whatever sick fucking fantasy is in your head!?” Denver growls in disgust.
Freshman year of college introduced you and Denver to a new way of woman’s empowerment and you haven’t been the same since.
“Don’t mind Benji, he thinks with his dick too much. Will we be seeing you two tonight?” You both exchange looks before simultaneously giving a stern no.
You both whip back around and continue walking.
Harry puts on a quick jog to catch up.
“Seriously!? I would love to see you both there, we all know you’re the life of the party.” Harry’s grin makes a slight curve revealing both of his dimples along with his adorable bunny teeth. His eyes are gleaming today and his eyelashes delicately flutter everytime he blinks.
Oh god. Were you daydreaming about Harry?
“Okay fine, we’ll go.” You huff a bit before shifting your attention to Denver who looks nothing short of annoyed.
“Great! I’ll see you both there, and cheer up Denver. You never know what can happen on a night of fun!” He gives you both a quick wink before he confidently strolls away.
“Y/N! Did you seriously just fall victim to the patriarchy? We’re better than this. Did you see the way Benji undressed us with his eyes?” Denver’s shaking her head.
“It’ll be fun girl. We can get dressed really sexy and do eachother’s makeup!”
Well. Denver would be doing majority of the work, you weren’t particularly skilled in the beauty department besides a basic everyday look.
“Quit blinking Y/N!” Denver’s got her hands wrapped around your head at this point.
“You want me to stop blinking yet you’re about to poke my eye out?” Denver finished applying a touch of white eyeliner to your bottom lash line to give you a more awake and vibrant look. Your anxiety is causing your knees to bounce up and down. Were you really this nervous for a guy?
“Girl what are you so jittery for?” Denver cackles. You hadn’t been completely honest with your best friend but how could you be when you weren’t completely honest to yourself? Maybe. Just maybe you were excited to see harry tonight.
“Oh, nothing. It’s a habit. Should we get dressed now?” Your weak attempt at changing the subject doesn’t go unnoticed to Denver.
You quickly shoot up from her vanity and head to her closet. You two always shared clothes especially when it was time to make an appearance. Denver was usually the type to spend the extra dime on her apparel as well so you knew she was stocked with goodies. You settle on a navy and floral slip dress that leaves little to the imagination.
Accentuating your chest with a single pearl pendant.
You decide to dress it down with a pair of white trainers.
Your gazing at yourself in the floor length mirror before shifting your attention Denver. Who decided to take a different route with a utility style skirt that just brushed past her bum as well as a sheer white button up blouse with a bralette peaking through.
You did say you knew you were that bitch, it’s only right your best friend is as well.
Fluffing your hair one last time until it settles in it’s natural state, you grab your wristlet and head out with Denver.
The bass of the music is vibrating the floors, so much that you almost mistook it for an earthquake. There’s so many things happening at once that you’re not quite sure where to focus your energy.
A group of guys on one half of the large frat house are playing a serious game of beer pong with profanities strung left and right. A group of what you presume are freshman girls are huddled watching those same boys secretly hoping to be chosen.
You take a mental sigh. Your thoughts are interrupted by Denver rapidly back handing your upper arm.
You look at her face and follow her eyesight. Your eyes meet Harry who’s sat next to a gentleman you’ve never seen before. His hair is perfect styled with one single strand dropped to dangle just in front of his eye.
“Y/N, who the fuck is that!” Your giggling at Denver’s forwardness. Before you know it, she’s grabbed your arm and drags you over to Harry and his new friend.
“Hey Harry. Who’s your friend?” She was straight the point, wasn’t she?
“I admire your confidence.”
Okay. So new guy was a bit more confident than we anticipated.
“I have a few other things you could admire.” She takes a slow wet lick across her bottom lip before tucking her it into her mouth.
“Okaaay.. Let’s not do this right here.” You could cut their sexual tension with a knife.
New guy stands up before properly adjusting his clothing. He extends his hand towards Denver.
Denver was bold.
They’re staring intently.
“Did you want to grab a drink?” Zayn then tops Denver’s boldness by tucking a loose strand behind her ear to get a better view of her beauty.
“I’d like that.” You just know she’s losing her shit inside.
Denver gives you a wink which makes Zayn take a breathy laugh before escorting her to the kitchen.
You shift your weight to the opposite leg and adjusts your posture.
“I knew she’d like him.” Harry takes a sip out of his red solo cup.
“So you planned this?” Your left eyebrow is raised, slightly amused by his effort.
“How else was I going to get you alone tonight?” He takes a step closer to you, his cologne of choice invades your senses. Making you feel a million things at once.
“Harry....” before you can continue, the entire house erupts in cheers. Harry puts his hand on the small of your back to guide you towards the ruckus.
“Harry, mate! You’ve gotta join us.” Benji takes Harry into a headlock and guides him further in leaving you to stand amongst the crowd. You cross your arms across your chest, annoyed that your private moment was interrupted.
“Give me a second lovie.” There goes that stupid pet name, the pet name that makes your heart skip a beat every single time he calls you it.
The beer pong game that you once observed beforehand had escalated. With everyone in the house focusing their attention on the table. Benji and Harry were on one side with another two of their frat brothers on the other.
“You can’t randomly add Harry in! That’s cheating!” The two boys are making a fuss.
“I almost single handedly kicked both of your asses. I do what I please!” Benji counters.
There’s one last cup on the opposite side of the table, Harry must come in clutch during situations like these.
He raises his wrist and adjusts it just right with one eye closed to evenly line himself up. With one slight flick of the wrist, a small drop is heard signaling his success. The crowd erupts into an even louder cheer causing Harry to smile as wide as possible. He was in his element.
“I never knew you had so much finesse.” You say as Harry sways towards you.
Your both settled into the corner you initially started in, with a round of shots accompanying you.
You throw one back and make a face of sheer disgust. Harry can’t help but lose himself over your reaction.
“Not funny. That was disgusting!”
“Well lovie, we’ve got a couple more to go so you betta get used to it.”
He splits the shots between you two equally and you decide the best decision would be to quickly throw yours back and get it over with. Or so you thought.
“So how do you know Zayn?” You break the silence between you two and you’re pretty sure you can feel your shots catching up to you.
“We were best mates before college, but we drifted a bit after attending separate institutions. I found out he was transferring and I was excited as hell. We could start hanging out again like we used to. It was just hunch that told me Denver would go crazy over him.” He’s sipping his wine cooler while laughing and shaking his head at his own success.
You knew what he was saying but you weren’t exactly processing it. You’re lost in his emerald irises. The tequila was getting the absolute best of you that not even Harry was expecting what you were planning to do next.
He looks at you awaiting some sort of rebuttal.
You take both of your hands and cup his cheeks pulling him in for a sweet yet tender kiss.
Harry doesn’t budge, instead he begins to work his lips against yours giving your ass a gentle squeeze.
You pull back and take a deep breath.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.”
Harry takes his lips between his fingers as if he was savoring the moment. He takes your hand in his and guides you up the long staircase into an even longer hallway with multiple bedrooms. The first one on the left is his.
He pulls you in and shuts the door with your body against it. His lips are moving at a different pace, almost like a sense of urgency. Like he’s been dying for this moment to come. He hikes your dress up and wraps one of your legs around his waist.
Somewhere in the timeline of you knowing him, he must’ve picked up that you were on the aggressive side in bed, enjoying every dominant move he made.
“Fuuck Y/N.” His voice is hoarse as he works his way from your lobe down to your collarbone with sloppy and wet kisses. His member is growing rapidly.
His actions are only leaving you craving more. Harry moves your panties to the side to garner access. He pulls down his jeans and boxers. He then uses his tip to tease at your entrance. A hiss leaving his lips.
“H-Harry.. I want you.”
That was all he needed.
He slips into you with ease, picking a pace that’s quick and has your back slamming against the door. All you can do is scream at the pure euphoria not caring who in this house heard you.
“HARRY!” You’re screaming his name repeatedly, he adjusts his hips to hit your sweet spot. He grabs your face and forces you to look into his eyes. His brows furrowed, beads of sweat dripping down his temple. A side of him you’ve never seen, but a side that you want more of.
It doesn’t take much for you to both reach your highs, riding them out simultaneously.
He properly sets you down adjusting your dress for you.
“Please don’t tell Denver.” That’s all Harry hears from you before you scurry out of the door.
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brodyweston · 5 years
All You Need Is Love || Self-Para
Characters: Brody Weston, with mentions of Violet, Marisa and Hope Weston
Location: Ginsburg Campus
Timeframe: Saturday afternoon, October 19th
General Notes: On the way home from learning new routines with Professor July, Brody gets a phone call from his parents - all the while thinking about homecoming and what it means to belong.
Task #2
After spending a couple of hours with Professor July, going over the various steps she was going to teach the students next week - something that he wanted to learn so he could be better at helping the other students with their footwork - he said goodbye and gripped his duffle-bag before he began to make his way out of the building. As he did, he heard hoots and hollers and one man, face covered in dual-colors to show off his support for the Griffins' in the game against the Jellyfish, ran past him with a loud 'woo' and all Brody could do was shake his head.
Ah, homecoming.
It was always a surreal time for Brody, because while everyone else was gung-ho about putting on their college apparel and painting their faces and showing off their school pride, Brody always felt... out of it. It probably stemmed from the fact that he hadn't really felt like he belonged anywhere when he was growing up - always on the move whenever his ma, Marisa, would get a new job and not staying in one place for longer than a couple of years. It made finding a home, a community to call his own, hard.
Yet at Ginsburg, he could find that. There were plenty of people there that understood him, plenty of people that actually shared his ambitions and desires and interests, and he felt like he had a place to belong. But even then, he also knew that this... this was temporary. This was just a stepping stone to where he truly belonged - Broadway - so maybe he shouldn't get too invested? He was a junior, after all, and in less than two years he'd hopefully be on his way to New York to chase his dreams of making it on the Great White Way. So did it really make sense to find a home of sorts in Ginsburg?
Lost in his thoughts, Brody had just almost made it home when his pocket began vibrating. Switching the bag from one shoulder to another, as his bag had been hanging over the pocket that his phone was in and thus obstructing his arm from getting to, he reached for his phone and answered it, a soft smile teasing his lips when he heard the 'Whats up, loser' at the other end before his mom, Violet, chastized his sister for speaking that way to him.
"Hey mom," Brody said with a chuckle as he dug into his bag for the key to his dorm, giving a nod to the desk clerk - who recognized him enough to not need to see his ID to know that he lived there - before he began to walk up the stairs. "No, I'm not doing much... Just got done going over some moves with my dance professor and now I'm heading to the dorm... I'm probably going to grab a couple of books and try and study. Maybe I'll even do it outside. It's pretty nice today, and most everyone isn't on campus but at the game, so it shold be nice."
As he reached his dorm and let the key unlock the door, he had to stop from chuckling at the next question. "No, I don't think I'll stay the night tonight. Mid-terms are coming up and if I don't want junior year to kick my ass, I've got to stay focused. Maybe I'll come over next week. Just, you know, make sure Hope hasn't taken over my room by then." Setting his bag on his bed, as his roommate was nowhere to be seen, Brody let his eyes glance over at his guitar for a brief moment before he cleared his throat. "Yeah, yeah... I'll be sure to come over soon. I miss you all, too. Love you, Mom. Send my love to Ma, yeah?" Hanging up the phone, Brody walked over to his guitar and grabbed it by the neck before he sat on his bed with a small smile teasing his lips.
It wasn't a place. It was the people you surrounded yourself with that made it feel like home.
And with his guitar in hand, he slowly began to strum the opening chords to The Beatles' All You Need Is Love.
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mancavecloset · 5 years
The Waterpark - pt. 1
It was a cloudless, mid-August day in the northeast United States. The year was 2012. I had two straight days off from work, which was rare for me, as I’d been juggling three jobs all summer to build up some savings for my first year of college. And for once, all three of my best friends from high school - Sam, Josh, and Kyle - were in town. I was eager to reunite with them and have one last hurrah before we all headed our separate ways for college.
A few weeks back when we’d realized we would all be free for the same 2-day span, we decided to go on a small road trip together. We settled on a mountainside waterpark ‘resort’ a few hours north from where we lived. Though, ‘resort’ was probably a bit too generous a term. I’d been up there for a day trip with my family a few years back, and while the waterpark was neatly built-out alongside the slope of a mountain, with tons of cool rides, pools, and places to eat, the “resort” part pretty much began and ended with a fairly ritzy lodge-style hotel (the place doubled as a ski resort in the winter). On the far south end of the forested property, some campsites and small, rentable cabins dotted the area, with a small rec hall, café, and communal bathhouse in the center.
We decided against splurging on a room in the hotel, since for one, we all were trying to save money for the fall semester. More importantly, we planned to get shit-faced drunk that night, and didn’t want to deal with noise complaints from wealthy hotel guests. Nobody was trying to get an underage drinking citation right before college began. Instead, we went with the thriftier option of renting one of the small cabins, which from the website was said to have two full size beds and a refrigerator. It also had its own grill and fire pit off of the patio so that we could bring our own food and cook. Most alluringly, the cabins seemed to be spaced far enough apart in the woods that we could do a fair amount of loud, annoying, 18-year-old things without causing too much of a disturbance.
I, being the planner of the bunch, booked the cabin and elected myself the driver. I woke up that morning and texted the boys to make sure they were getting up and around. Sam was supposed to be dropped off at my house around 8am, and then I was to pick up Kyle and Josh once we headed out, since their places were on the way.
Sam was the only one of my friends I had really seen at all that summer, but he was busy with band friends, his summertime golf course job, and his newfound passion for yoga, so I really had only seen him a few times since graduation in mid-May. Sam and I did occasionally meet up late at night to drive around, smoking weed and shooting the breeze, but other than that we never really got to see much of each other. I was glad that he was in town and that we had the chance to bond one-on one, since he was the newest of the group of friends. He had only moved to our school about three years ago, and we didn’t really become close until junior year. 
Sam was charming and easy to like. He was a bit of a music nerd, and this past year was the drum major for our school’s marching band, but he got along well with everyone. From cheerleaders to football players to artsy wallflowers, everyone seemed to know and like Sam. He was very non-threatening, but carried himself with more confidence than you would expect for having just a 5′6″, 145 lb frame. He narrowly missed being crowned homecoming king, losing by single-digit votes to our school’s admittedly endearing quarterback. Especially impressive, given that he had only been going to our school for just over two years. Sam was naturally handsome, with thick, long-ish brown hair that waved down around to his ears and framed his boyish face nicely. His eyes were big and expressive, and his nose small, upturned and cherubic. He had a wide, almost feminine mouth with curvy full lips, which were contradicted by a masculine, pointed jawline. His smile was infectious, and he always knew how to charm people with jovial banter.
Sam and I shared a few classes together my sophomore year, and though we were friendly with eachother, we never really hung out outside of school. At the start of junior year, we were assigned as lab partners for AP Chemistry. That semester, we became workout buddies. My previous workout partner, Josh, and I had stopped going together, Josh instead opting to go with his jockier friends to his volleyball team’s lifting sessions. As I began to get to know my new workout buddy and chemistry partner more closely, we became fast friends. I started inviting him to hang out with Josh and Kyle, forming the aforementioned core group of four that would be heading up to the mountains together in a few hours. Josh and Kyle quickly took to him and his one-of-the-guys attitude, though when one-on-one with me, he always flashed a bit more of a contemplative and sensitive side. We could talk about deep things that I never really could with Josh and Kyle, which was very refreshing, and allowed me to be more authentic and vulnerable around Sam.
I had begun realizing I was gay right around the time my freshman year started, but I had always been terrified to tell anyone how I was feeling. I knew if I ever told anyone, it’d be Sam. He was just such a safe and understanding guy. He had a few gay friends and it was not something he seemed to be phased by, so I figured he would be the most understanding person I could tell without fear of judgment, or making it awkward.
But my inkling to confide in him faded fast a few months into senior year, when I realized I had started developing sexual feelings for him. This caught me off guard, as up until that point the only guys that struck my fancy were tall, muscular studs and pudgy beefy types who had big appetites and growing paunches. Sam was neither of those, as his short and relatively lean frame would suggest, but he did have one asset (pun intended) that really got me going: his perfectly round bubble butt. No matter what type of pants he wore, the two perky globes protruded proudly from his backside and bounced firmly as he walked. His newfound passion for yoga brought him to wear more athletic pants that often let little to the imagination. The circular slope of his cheeks jutted out below the small of his back at an almost 90 degree angle, rounding perfectly down his rump like meaty tear drops above his hamstrings. The ass truly defied gravity. Plenty of times I’d steal glimpses of it as he changed before our workouts after school, testing the back seams of his Calvin Klein boxers as he’d change from school clothes to gym clothes. But annoyingly, he was hesitant to shower at the school after our workouts and instead opted to go home in his gym clothes. I’d never seen him or his juicy ass fully unclothed. Sam’s body was boyishly smooth- just the tiniest amount of fuzz between his pecs and the faintest little happy trail underneath his cute belly button. No chest hair, no back hair. I could only image how soft and smooth his bubble ass would look in its full bare glory. 
While up and showering, the thought of Sam’s gravity-defying butt started to chub up my fairly average cock. I know “fairly average” is not descriptive, but it literally is the most standard cock. If I must describe it (you horny bastards): cut, hangs just slightly to the left, no big veins, a little over 6″ on a good day, and average girth. Though, I do have a nicely pronounced ridge where the head meets the shaft that does give it a bit of character, and at the end of the day I really can’t complain about it. I’d been in swim team locker rooms for four years… there were some pretty ugly dicks out there. For a long time, it had been much smaller, and I worried it would never grow, thus I was elated to have reached the 6” threshold when the later stages of puberty finally kicked in. So, yeah. Average was good.
As the water from the showerhead cascaded over my body, I mindlessly rubbed soap suds up and down my shaft and lazily imagined that Sam was standing in front of me: facing the wall, ass jiggling towards my swelling package. Eventually, I just decided to leave it at half-mast as I cut the water, stepped out, and toweled off, inspecting my body in the mirror as I did. 
I was pretty proud at how I’d managed to stay in decent shape despite my hectic schedule this summer. My primary job was as a lifeguard at the local country club. On rainy days when nobody showed up to the pool, I’d do crunches, push ups, dips, and body squats under the roof of the pavilion, since I wasn’t getting regular workouts in like I did during school. Being a swimmer had its perks, like being able to eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight, but it always made my body a little more slender than I’d prefer. My 6′ 175 lb frame was probably no more well-muscled than it had been 4 months ago, despite my rainy day efforts. My limbs were especially lanky, something Josh liked to tease me about since he had upped his workout intensity a few years back. Over the past two years he bulked up considerably, after swapping our tame thrice-weekly gym regimen with daily, 2+ hour training sessions with his volleyball friends. I styled my short, brown hair in a tight coif, and brushed my naturally straight, white teeth. I was good looking enough, but never considered myself much of a heartthrob. I inspected my lean, hairy chest in the mirror. Gotta start benching again, I thought to myself, as I tried to make my baby pecs dance.
I heard a slam of a car door and out of the bathroom window saw Sam exiting his mom’s SUV at the bottom of my driveway. He was wearing annoyingly baggy athletic shorts that went about mid-thigh, and a white t-shirt that he seemed to fill out more than I’d have expected him to. I quickly threw on my Saxx boxer briefs, some cutoff khaki pants, and a RVCA tank top, and hurried out into the living room where my mom was busy greeting him at the door. 
“Micah!” Sam exclaimed as I pulled him into a hug. A real hug, not the bro kind that alot of guys half-assed. I guess most people wanted to stave off the slightest hint of anything other than pure masculinity, but Sam didn’t give a shit what people thought about his hugs. It was one of the things I both admired and envied about him. I gave him a friendly squeeze as he smiled, “I missed you buddy.” 
Shit, I thought, how long has it been? “Almost a month,” I answered myself, realizing that statement was not really cohesive to what he had just said. I quickly added an “I missed you too Sam,” and smiled warmly back.
“You ready for an epic weekend?” He asked, eyebrows moving upwards as he spoke. I chuckled.
“Today is Wednesday.”
“Oh shit,” he jokingly pondered. So like him to not know what day it was. “Well whatever, it’s a weekend for us! Road trip! Did Kyle give you his most recent pretentious music playlist for you to blare in the car?”
I chuckled, “Oh yeah man, Thom York’s greatest hits only. With a brief intermission for an inspiring TED talk on how to get ‘jacked’ in no time,” I sarcastically air-quoted. Sam laughed.
“Oh Josh, bless his meathead soul,” Sam shook his head in feigned sympathy, the corners of his mouth turned up as his eyes shone playfully.
Josh always meant well, but he had a big ego, and we never let him live down last summer when he came back from a six-week volleyball camp and tried to explain to us how we too could get jacked in two months. 
My mom, back from filling my car with what I assumed was her liberal interpretation of “the essentials,” fluttered around us making sure we both had everything packed. “Swimsuits?” Check. “Cash?” Check. “Socks, underwear, towels?” Check, check, and check. 
“I put the coolers of food in the trunk!” She called as we carried our bags down to my trusty old Mazda. 
“You mean the amount of food that could feed the Packers’ offensive line for three months? Yes, mom.” I chuckled back. She really overdid it. There were six packs of hotdogs, three lbs of ground beef, a small mountain of hot dog and hamburger buns, several bags of chips and other salty snacks, two 24-packs of chocolate chip cookies, 12 PB&J sandwiches ‘for the road’ (it was a 2-hour drive), along with a family size jar of peanut butter, a giant bag of granola, a king size carton of candy bars, a family pack of Oreos, three bags of marshmallows, two boxes of graham crackers, a Costco-sized thing of Gatorades, and eight two-liters of soda. 
“Well, I don’t know! You eat alot! And your friends eat alot. Not you, Sam, but Kyle and Josh do!” I rolled my eyes. I really hadn’t been eating a lot since swim season ended, because when I wasn’t training but still eating like my leg was hollow, I’d pudge up a few lbs pretty quickly. I liked my abs, and wanted them for college, so no – I wasn’t planning on eating that much food. She had a point though. Josh and Kyle did eat alot.
Sam chirped in, “Thanks Mrs. K! Plus, it will be good to have extra in case we run into any laaaaadies.” He drew out the ladies part as he shimmied his shoulders at me. I rolled my eyes even harder. 
“Okay Sam, what kind of girl would even put a dent in that much food?” I motioned to the cornucopia of coolers and grocery bags basically spilling out of my car.
“Who said it’d only be one,” he winked. I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Sam was little, but he could ham it up bigger than anyone I knew. 
“Drive safe! Don’t speed,” My mom said as she kissed me on the forehead.
It was Sam’s turn to roll his eyes. “Mrs. K, do you know how aggravatingly slow your son drives?” I punched his arm and he let out a fake whimper.
My mom moved to kiss Sam on the forehead, which he happily accepted, clutching his heart dramatically. “Hush you. Have fun boys!”
And with that, we climbed in the car and drove off, heading for Kyle’s house. 
Kyle had been away for the summer at his dad’s house in Kansas City, and his annoyingly scarce use of social media made it impossible for me to keep in touch with him. A sporadic text between work shifts or a call here or there was really all we’d done this summer, and even then it was mostly to discuss the newest music we’d been listening to. Kyle and I loved curating music playlists, and our evolving tastes in music were often a bonding point for us. Kyle was my first friend in middle school, as I was new to the school district and he was in all of my seventh grade classes. We quickly bonded over our shared interest in talking shit about our teachers and rolling our eyes the “popular” girls behind their backs, and soon became close friends outside of school as well. 
Kyle was really easygoing, and was always quick with a one liner or funny observation. I liked hanging out with him, because when we were doing something he was into, he took the lead. That was a welcome change for me sometimes, as usually I feel the need to plan everything out and make sure everyone is happy at all times. Kyle didn’t play sports but was always fairly active, so we would often go on bike rides around town or kayak at the nearby state park. He went to the gym a decent bit, but compared to even most serious athletes, he could mindlessly put away ridiculous swaths of food with little effect. Anytime him, Josh, and I had a sleepover in middle school and into high school, he’d almost singlehandedly clean out whoevers house’s pantry before we were even halfway through an all-nighter of video games and movies. His metabolism had to have been the hardest working one on earth, because the kid just ate non-stop. Though he was never what you would call skinny, he never was really big enough to make fun of, or even notice when he had a shirt on. He always had a small layer of chub, especially around his bellybutton and lovehandles, but he certainly wasn’t fat. And the way he ate, he should have been.
Kyle wore artsy t-shirts and hats alot, and his wayfarer glasses framed his face well. He had light, dusty brown hair that wisped down his forehead and framed a very midwestern, salt-of-the-earth set of cheekbones and jawline. His thin lips and broad chin sat below a symmetrical, average-sized nose and intelligent blue eyes. He was understatedly handsome, in the way you would associate with the lead character in an indie move. At the end of high school, his 5′11, 200 lb frame was stockier than it’d ever been for sure, but sturdy and strong too as he started to take the gym more seriously. Growing up, I always relished in seeing his few chub rolls and slight love handles when he would remove his shirt, but those were rare times. He was really only shirtless at the pool, or when we gamed late at night at Josh’s house in his cramped and stuffy basement. It was enough flab to pique my fancy, but never enough to make me see him in too much of a sexual light. He was always, in my mind, squarely my friend. Admittedly, I did sometimes wonder how he’d look if his metabolism ever called it quits and the pounds poured onto that sturdy, rugby-player frame.
I didn’t have to wonder long. As Sam and I pulled into Kyle’s townhome complex, I saw him bound down his front steps in some tight forest green khaki shorts and an even tighter Obey tee. Kyle didn’t wear tight clothes normally, so it took me a few seconds to even comprehend that it was him.
“Man, I’ve always heard Kansas City barbecue is good, but I guess there’s the proof,” Sam said in awe, chuckling dryly as I pulled my car into the parking spot at the front of Kyle’s place. 
“Hush,” I almost whispered, not being able to say much else. I was dumbfounded at the change heading down the steps in front of me. Kyle was big. Yes, it seemed like he had put on a bit more upper body muscle, but that was the least noticeable part of his transformation. His thick, fleshy thighs filled out his shorts completely, sending them in slow swaying jiggles as they moved, his meaty ass pushing the waistband of his shorts down to reveal his plaid boxers. Thick arms filled out the sleeves of his tee, his sizable muscles covered in a generous layer of soft flesh as he carried the duffel with his left arm. Where his arms met his torso, the beginnings of moobs strained against the fabric of his shirt, bridled but still visible as they bounced in cadence. The most impressive of all was his stomach, which billowed out and down from well beyond his moobs. The lower you looked, the bigger the belly swelled, and the bottom of the jiggly gut flashed from under his shirt with each step down the stairs. Kyle nodded his head upwards with a smile to acknowledge us, his face relatively unchanged except for a slight patch of extra padding under his chin. It was abundantly clear that Kyle had finally eaten himself past his metabolism’s breaking point this summer. At first glance I estimated that he had gained at least 35 lbs in the three months he’d been gone, maybe more. 
“Hey big guy!” Sam was out of the car quickly and collided with Kyle in his trademark embrace, causing Kyle to drop his duffel on the ground with an oof. Sam looked more dwarfed than usual in the shadow of the pudgier new Kyle, his torso nearly disappearing as Kyle’s large arms wrapped back hesitantly. Sam was on his tiptoes, so despite the baggy shorts, his ass cheeks pressed out proudly from the fabric like two wrestling cantaloupes. They wiggled ever so slightly as he continually adjusted the weight on his feet to his toes. Finally released from Kyle’s meaty arms, he playfully poked a finger into the side of Kyle’s gut that had just nearly swallowed him. I silently cringed, not wanting him to draw too much attention to the fact that Kyle had packed on some serious weight. 
“Ha, yeah, I’ve been hitting the gym with my dad this summer - in the middle of a bulk,” he smiled, a hint of pride in his voice. He was never one to care about his body much, so it seemed like such a foreign concept for Kyle to be “bulking” for a specific purpose.
"You look like you could lift a house!” Sam said, punching Kyle on the arm. Kyle smiled sheepishly and let out a light chuckle. I was glad glad he left it at that, as the last thing my slowly engorging dick wanted was for Kyle to be self-conscious about his body this weekend.
“Good to see you man,” I ambled up to him and opted for a more reserved bro hug. Even still, just a lightly pressing against him made his stomach give way much more considerably than I’d have thought. Up close, his body seemed even flabbier than it did from the car. My cock stirred ever so slightly at the sight of his now unmistakable gut.
I zoned out a bit as I climbed into the driver seat while Kyle and Sam chatted, catching up as they stood near the car. I became entranced by Kyle’s shirt riding further up his round, flabby belly, until eventually I could make out the bottom edge of a cavernous belly button. I realized that while I had zoned out, Sam had pulled a thing of Gatorades out from my hatchback, as well as one of the grocery bags that contained the PB&Js, along with a carton of the cookies and two bags of chips. He and Kyle were both chugging a Gatorade and fishing sandwiches from the grocery bag.
I noted a considerable dip in my shock absorbers as Kyle finally plopped into the front seat, drink in one hand and sandwich in the other. His belly rested heavily on the upper part of his quads as his fat rolls strained the fabric of his shirt. I shifted in my seat to hide my growing boner as I backed out of the parking space,
“Enjoy the front seat for 3 minutes,” Sam said to Kyle. “As if Josh is going to let our short asses up there to DJ.” 
He wasn’t wrong. Josh was notorious for playing the “I’m tall” card and claiming the front seat, but Kyle relished the opportunity to play his newest playlist through the aux cord on the way to Josh’s house as we talked about what he was doing up in Kansas City.
“Mostly I just went to the gym in the morning with my dad and then explored the city. I tried all the barbecue I could,” Kyle said. “It was awesome.” I could feel Sam’s knowing smirk from the seat behind me. “So glad my dad moved there, it is way nicer hanging out there than starving out in California with his fitness-freak ex. But damn if it isn’t hot as hell in the summer. Thank God for air conditioning and Call of Duty...” 
I immediately imagined the daily ritual Kyle employed during his time in Kansas City. Wake up, eat his typical four or five bowls of cereal and a muffin or two, go to the gym, venture out for barbecue, get home, peel off shirt (maybe even his pants, I thought, penis hardening even more at the mental visual) and snack non-stop while playing video games and downing sugary drinks. I thought about what I’d give to be a fly on the wall, watching day by day as Kyle grew stronger and fatter, smooth moobs and belly jiggling away as he mashed controller buttons and shoved processed food in his mouth.
I felt my cock start to stiffen impossibly more hard as I drove, as I stole glances at his smooth, jiggling stomach, which was now peeking out from below his t-shirt. He guzzled his Gatorade and munched away on his PB&J, and they were both gone before I had even gotten to the end of his street. I was kind of freaking out - I’d never been this aroused by Kyle, but weight gain was a huge turn-on for me, and it looked great on him. I could hear him conversing with Sam in the background of my lustful thoughts, and I started to feel guilty for tuning him out again as we were trying to catch up. I shifted in my seat again to try and covertly hide my now-raging boner as I snapped out of it just in time. 
“Yo Micah, have you heard of ‘Young the Giant?’” 
“Actually I have! But I haven’t gotten around to listening to them yet!” I enthused, shaking the lust off for the second time today. Kyle cranked up the volume as the sounds of alt-rock filled the car, and we turned on to Josh’s street.
There was weird history between Josh and I. He and Kyle were elementary school best friends, and I was quickly a welcome addition to slumber parties and hangouts once I’d made friends with Kyle in seventh grade. Soon, Josh and I had bonded over our love for sports, our tv-show preferences, and our shared interest in talking about sex. He was always taller than most of our classmates, with dark buzzed hair, a killer jawline, and plush, masculine lips. He had a ruggedly handsome face, yet his features were mostly soft. His eyes were intense and full of emotion; He could make you feel on top of the world or totally disarmed with just a glance. As puberty did wonders for him and stalled for me freshman year, a mix of jealousy and attraction for him washed over and confused me.
Thus, he was a large part of my sexual awakening that year. He dated my childhood best friend, Paisley, from the beginning of freshman year through a decent chunk of sophomore year. Because I was close friends with both of them, I got to hear details from both sides: when they’d had their first kiss, first make-out, second base, and so on. What really piqued my interest was when they started messing around together. I got to hear Josh talk about how great a hand-job felt, and Paisley talk about how long and thick Josh’s dick was.
From then on, I was obsessed with his dick and finding out just how big it really was, even convincing her to measure it the next time she serviced him. I pretended that I didn’t believe that it was really ‘all that big’. So one day, she actually measured. Over 7″ she said, and she couldn’t fit it in her mouth without scraping her teeth on it. Unfathomable to freshman year me, as at that point I was only packing 4″ and I knew that anyone could fit mine in their mouth with ease. I became more and more enamored with the thought of it, as a side effect really, because I eventually realized that I was head over heels in love with Josh. 
I constantly tried to see it in person freshman year. At the gym when we’d work out, I’d say things like “we smell, lets shower before we go home.” When I slept over, he would shower and I’d pretend to be asleep so that he would change in the room without worrying about me seeing him, and I could steal a few quick glances at it. Eventually he started to pick up on the attention I gave him, and began reciprocating. When it was just the two of us at sleepovers, he would have me lay on his lap while we played video games. In front of Paisley, he would tease her by having me sit on his lap or big spooning me on the couch. Eventually, it just became a ritual to sleep in the same bed, cuddling and sharing warmth. I loved being held by someone taller and stronger than me. I loved his smell. I loved feeling the rise and fall of his breath. And I wanted more.
Paisley and I had kissed in the school play in eighth grade, and one day late freshman year, she teased Josh that I was the better kisser. This drove him mad enough to kinda-joke, kinda-argue with me about who really was the best kisser, which culminated one night at a sleepover. We thought Kyle was asleep by then, so I felt a little ballsy and said “well I guess there’s only one way to find out.” We leaned closer together, and Josh’s hand grabbed the back of my head and started to bring our faces nearer. I felt the warm air of his breath as our lips began to close the distance and our faces got mere inches apart. I remember his eyes looked at me in a way that caught me by surprise. He looked at me as if he wanted me, and I was sure he knew as I locked eyes with him, that I wanted him too.
A groggy Kyle, without even looking up, mumbled “If you guys kiss I’m leaving.” That was enough to break the tension of the moment. We all laughed it off, but deep down it felt like a blown opportunity, and I then longed for that kiss that never came. 
Sophomore year I did get my other wish. He and Paisley broke up, and word spread around the school that he had an especially large member. He made the varsity volleyball team, impressive for a sophomore, and started going to the gym with his volleyball friends more often. We still worked out together when I went, but he was going twice as much as I was due to my 2-a-day swim practices prohibiting when I actually had the time. The rumors, his varsity status, and his swiftly muscling physique swelled his head quite a bit, and at large sleepovers which we now referred to as “parties”, he always made things a bit rowdy. He would joke in front of the group by randomly threading his flaccid dick through the hole in his flannel pajama pants, waiting for someone to notice it. When it finally got noticed, the room would explode in laughter. I remember the first time I saw it. He popped it out while standing up after winning a match of Fifa, and swung it like an elephant trunk by shaking his hips. This caused an eruption of laughter from the mix of volleyball guys and other friends at the party. I quietly left for the bathroom to rub one out. His dick was as big soft as mine was hard.
Soon Josh and I had left the cuddling sessions behind, and our friendship went back to a more “normal” one. We still had fun together, talked sports and girls and movies. I even got to see his dick a few more times when we would swim together at the high school pool. I was teaching him the more advanced strokes that he wanted to learn for his rotc training. But it was always soft, and he never kept it out longer than he had to. 
All this to say, I was pretty much past my puppy dog love for Josh by the time we graduated. He was still undeniably attractive, and he seemed to perpetually put on muscle, so he still occasionally entered my lustful thoughts as I’d lay in my bed at night jacking off. By graduation he was probably 6′3″, and about 215 lbs. His handsome face had become more chiseled and strapping as he got older. He had left straight from graduation to vacation with his family at the shore, and then headed off to a two-month volleyball camp at his future alma mater upstate. So like Kyle, I hadn’t seen him since May.
Let’s just say that Kyle wasn’t the only one who transformed over the summer. 
“Oh what the fuck, that’s not even fair,” Sam complained from the back seat as we pulled into Josh’s driveway and saw him waving at my Mazda from his front porch. 
As I put the car in park, Josh locked his parent’s front door and swung his hefty duffel over his shoulder with ease. He looked like he was an inch or two taller, but more notably was the sheer amount of muscle that he’d impossibly packed on in the past 3 months. His shoulders were the size of melons, his biceps looked like they were seconds away from popping, and his pecs almost needed a bra as they bounced in his flattering grey tank top. He’d cut the undersides of the tank’s armholes to let his riplping lats breathe out from the sides. His narrow waist connected to a well-muscled ass, which was hugged attractively by a tight pair of athletic shorts. A ridiculously big crotch bulge bounced between his thighs as the tight athletic shorts hugged the upper part of his quadriceps, revealing tree trunk legs and bulging calves. Sam’s jealousy wasn’t misplaced – Josh looked cut out of a magazine.
Josh’s size 14 sandals clapped against the ground as he bellowed, “who’s ready to get wehhh-ehhht!” He was in a chipper mood. I liked him most when he was like this, jovial and positive. His eyes were beaming; it was a dorky type of joy he rarely let people see anymore. I couldn’t help but smile as I climbed out of the Mazda. He pulled me tightly into a crushing hug, muscles rippling, lifting me off the ground as I mashed against his boulders-for-pecs. It was a genuine hug, but I almost felt he did it to force me to take notice of just how strong he had gotten. 
“How are you, Lank?” Fuck, I hated his favorite pet-name for me, but it felt kind of good to feel like he was kidding around with me in such a happy way. There was sometimes an intangible distance to our friendship now, as if we both feel guilty about what transpired when we were younger. I was glad to avoid those eggshells for the time being. 
“I’d be alot better if I could breathe, you giant ape,” I shot back, punishing him for using the lank word. A stupid grin plastered itself on my face. He smiled back, setting me back down to earth as our eyes locked, and I could see the happy glow falter in his irises for a millisecond. “I missed you man,” I said, surprising myself with how much I meant it.
“I missed you too, M,” he spoke quietly, in a gentle, blissful voice that he really only used to use in early high school when it was just the two of us together. It caught me off guard for a half-second before I was able to smile and clasp my hand on his shoulder. Maybe this weekend will be a fresh start for us, I thought to myself.
Sam waited patiently for his turn to maul Josh in his trademark little-guy-bear-hug, and looked his muscular body up and down as I stepped back from the encounter. 
“Hulk hug?” He joked, trying his best to wrap his arms around Josh’s broad, solid thorax.
Josh lifted him up and slung him over his shoulder with a single motion, which put Sam’s shorts-straining ass on full display. Josh swung him from side to side, his ass cheeks swaying in the air like two bouncy orbs. Sam’s shirt rode up during the antics, and I took notice for the first time a small but definite pudginess to the south of Sam’s belly button. I put two and two together, realizing Sam had probably put on a few lbs since the beginning of the summer, and I filed it away as something to watch for later that day. Josh finally released Sam from his shoulder by placing his hand directly onto the jostling globes of Sam’s bubble butt, and guided him off of his body and back to the ground.
Sam slapped his back. “You look great man,” he said in a more serious tone, giving Josh the genuine compliment I’m sure he wanted to hear. 
“Thanks man,” Josh said, much more humbly than I’d have thought he would respond. “They really put me through hell up there.”
Just then, I realized Kyle had still not exited the car, and I spun around to see what the hold up has been. I noticed him polishing off a second PB&J, as he reached for a third, tearing it from its Ziploc. Finally, he shoved the door open with his free hand. He took a bite of sandwich as he hoisted himself out of the car, and the shock absorbers breathed a sigh of relief as he stood. His shirt, earlier able to fully cover his gut when standing, now gave way to expose two inches of soft belly flesh on the verge of overhang. The shirt must’ve stopped doing its job somewhere between Kyle’s house, and the two gatorades + two and a half PB&Js that he had inhaled on the way here. 
I noticed Josh notice Kyle from across the driveway, and saw the slightest evil smile flash across his face before a much tamer expression replaced it. Teasingly, he called out across the driveway, “Perma-bulk!”
I got the vibe that Josh was already aware that Kyle had been trying his hand at putting on muscle this summer. Though I’m sure when he had explained to Kyle that bulking takes a concerted effort to eat more food, he underestimated the willpower to eat that Kyle was capable of.
Kyle was slightly indignant but smiled back. “This is nothing! My dad puts on at least 30 lbs before he cuts!”
I cocked an eyebrow and glanced over at Sam. In a look we both silently share our questioning of Kyle’s weight logic. He’s had to have gained 30 lbs at least during the summer, I telepathically communicated to Sam with a look. He seemed to have correctly translated my facial expression as he mirrors it back my way.
Again, though, instead of taking it further or piling on, Josh retreated as Sam did earlier. “You look solid, man. I bet you could take me in an arm wrestle.” 
Kyle took the last bite of his second sandwich and pulled Josh into a tight bro-hug. With a mouthful of PB&J, he responded, “Bet.”
I felt my cock dance in my pants as I watched my two fantasies hugging in the driveway- a tall, hung, muscular stud and a soft, fattening hunk. Kyle’s soft, doughy moobs pressed into Josh’s hard, boulder-like pecs. His big jiggly stomach smashed into the side of Josh’s solid, washboard set of abs. Kyle’s belly rested so low and poked out so far that as they hugged, it noticeably shifted Josh’s bulge. I could make out the outline of Josh’s egg-sized balls, displaced by Kyle’s nearly-overhanging gut. I adjusted my cock in my pants to hide my growing erection, and noticed Sam turning towards the car. “Lets go get wet, bitches.”
I scurried back to the drivers seat, mainly to watch both Josh and Kyle jiggling as they walked towards the car. Josh’s pecs and bulge bounced as he walked towards the passenger side, while Kyle’s gut and widening love handles jiggled as he looped around the car. He grabbed another Gatorade and a bag of chips from the backseat. Josh had nestled his firm muscled ass into shotgun, and his thick, tree-trunk thighs pushed his oversized bulge into view. He looked up towards my face, and I quickly diverted my gaze to the back, catching Kyle’s belly shake as he tore open the chip bag, sending the scent of barbecue flavor emanating through the car. 
“You guys have everything you need back there?” I asked as an excuse to watch Kyle shoveling a fistful of chips into his mouth. 
“Myupf,” he says back through a mouthful of chips.
I turned my head back toward the dash and nearly bump my face into Josh’s, who was careening his head around to look at Kyle. “Give me some, I’m staving!” He demanded.
“It is 8:30 in the morning,” Sam observed from next to Kyle, incredulously. Again I shot him a quick glance as Kyle handed over the chip bag to Josh and reached into the grocery bag for a fourth PB&J.
“There’s PB&Js?!” Josh asked excitedly.
“Courtesy of Momma K,” I reply. “She packed 12 for the road, so dig in.” I noticed in the rearview Kyle’s face register that his current sandwich was one over the fair limit for each of us, so I quickly add, “I ate breakfast so I’ll probably only have one, if that.” This seemed to placate Kyle as he happily munched down on the last of sandwich number four.
“Same,” Sam echoed. “Well, actually, I’ll probably have a second.” I heard him reach down into the bag to fish out another PB&J. This surprised me, because it was before 9am and Sam had eaten breakfast and a PB&J already, and was reaching for a second one. My cock basically whimpered as it throbbed hard in my pants for the fifth time in a few hours. I imagined the extra calories going straight to Sam’s bubble butt, causing it to grow bigger and plumper. I fantasized about how much rounder, bouncier and fatter his ass would begin to look if he gained even just 10 lbs.
I smiled then, remembering what else was below the sandwiches in the grocery bag. “I think there are some Wegman’s chocolate chip cookies too.”
Josh’s hips twisted toward me as his head turned towards the back, immediately rummaging through the bag to find the carton of cookies. This gave me a wonderful side view of his athletic shorts pulled taut by powerful legs, a meaty ass, and a tremendous dick bulge. He pulled the cookies out victoriously, took three for himself, and passed them around to Kyle and Sam. By the time they got back to Josh, more than half of the 24 pack of cookies was gone. He offered the package to me as I drove, and I pulled one from the carton. One can’t hurt, I thought, glancing in my rearview to see Sam double fisting two cookies in each hand, and Kyle balancing a stack of eight cookies on his meaty thigh.
The sounds of munching and alternative music filled the car as I drove. I was stealing glances at Josh, now on his third PB&J and midway through the bag of chips, his bulging muscly body filling out the passenger seat, and his hefty bulge – could it have gotten bigger? – bouncing in between his thighs with each bump in the road. I glanced again at Kyle through my rearview, his belly looking even more tremendous and starting to grow rounder. He polished off the final cookie in his stack and reached into the carton for more, obviously forgetting that the eight he already had were more than his fair share. I noticed he had unbuttoned his shorts, and the exposed sag of belly below his belly button now escaped his shirt even when sitting down.
I caught sight of Sam, hand absentmindedly playing with the crotch of his athletic shorts, go for the final PB&J in the bag. On top of all of these wonderful visuals, the thought of his bubble butt growing in size and tearing through the seat of his underwear got me even hornier. My cock pulsed through my pants even more, the sexiness of each of my best friends becoming more apparent as we drove. I felt the beginnings of precum ooze into my boxer briefs. This was going to be a better trip than I bargained for.
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