#japanese mythology au
melody-chan333 · 9 months
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So, I saw an AU by @r3dz33 where Peppino and Gustavo are now Yokai (No, I meant the ones from the Japanese Mythology), and I thought I might make my sona, Melody, into a Yokai, and here's the result
Her name is Koneko-Chan, and she is Tora's niece that he raised with Goro, since she is Half-Human Half-Raijin, she lives a happy, normal, human life, until this kind of puberty hits her, and now she has her very own Raijin-Tiger Form.
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melancholitas · 4 months
That Tengu Rocinante brainrot is slowly turning into an AU at this point. And I maybe broke my heart in the process because this took a dark turn QUICKLY-- mythology mostly does, though...
Because what if Doflamingo wasn't a pink fuck that puts the BOY✨ in flamboyant from the start?
What if he was a white winged Tengu originally, contrasting his brother?
Being the smug shit he is, he would probably grin and leer at beautiful women. So he'd be an easy target for a Harionago, a type of hair wielding yokai. Usually passive, these women only attack when men smile directly at them.
So what if he got possessed, the yokai feeding on his narcissistic energy, and turning him slowly but surely into a string (hair) using lunatic?
Painting his once pristine wings a reddish tint in his wake, that won't fully come off anymore? Adding color to himself until he completely turns pink, like visualizing the build up of the heinous acts he committed and burdened his soul with?
He gets turned into the puppet of his own twisted desires, steered by a foreign entity slowly melting together with his. Twisting the stringent path of separate souls, until both are doomed together if noone dares to intervene....
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hunterxmilo · 16 days
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The nearby temple's trickster kitsune, Miles Edgeworth, and mountain oni, Phoenix Wright, secretly meet up by the river away from unseeing eyes every once in a while to spend some quality time together. Phoenix enjoys being able to see Miles' soft side compared to what he overhears villagers say about the "evil" shapeshifter whereas Miles is surprised a brutish looking being also holds a gentle side towards him.
(Normally blue oni are more calm and introverted and red oni are more brash and determined which would be more fitting for the passionate defense attorney but blue is just his color!)
I wanted to try another style of drawing and I got the great idea from a friend of mine to draw Wright and Edgeworth as Japanese mythology creatures! This gave me the inspiration to try making a piece that resembled old Japanese woodblock prints! I've done actual woodblock print art back when I was in college but with all the colors I want for this piece, going digital will make this process so much faster!
(If you've ever been interested in actual woodblock art making you should give it a try or watch the process online to see how much work gets put into this beautiful art technique!)
You can join my Patreon where I'll be posting WIP for future pieces!
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cryptidbait · 22 days
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Bi Han and Kuai -Nine sons of the dragon
Bi Han (yàzí or Ya Zi)
Kuai Liang (Bi An)
Hanzo (shinigami)
Kenshi (Hakutaku/ Bai Ze)
Johnny (the descendants of Mediterranean cult —Demi god es que)
I was genuinely so excited to do this!! I don’t really draw creatures, dragons, etc often so this was was a serious art exercise
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #16
[masterlist] [part one] [part three] [part four]
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Bruce sat in the bat cave, long after he'd sent his kids to bed. In his hands were the batarangs Phantom had gifted him. They were unnaturally cold in his hands, but the chill never became painful. In fact, it was strangely almost comforting.
Thinking back on Phantom, Bruce wasn't sure what to make of their meeting. The kid seemed to be a few years younger than Tim, and had all but told them he was being hunted. Phantom had come to them seeking protection from someone, or multiple someones, for himself and four others, most of which were kids. On one hand, it made his heart ache, knowing these kids had to run from their previous homes, their "haunt". On the other hand, Phantom's genuine belief that they were something beyond human was obvious and more than a bit unsettling (he ignored the part of him that reveled in that belief, the part that had him on edge before an Arkham breakout, the part that saw Phantom and whispered "other, different, like me".)
His kids had held similar reservations, though they'd all agreed Phantom wasn't a threat. His gifts, though obviously magical and not human in nature, had felt benign and were reasonably well thought out, and though the level of research each gift had symbolized was slightly worrying, Babs had assured them she'd closed all the holes in their internet security those gifts had exposed. In the end, they'd all agreed to honor Phantom's request for refuge. The kid's relief was profound and practically soul deep, which reassured Bruce they'd made the right choice.
As Bruce fiddled with his new batarangs, which held a very faint green sheen at the edges, he remembered the moment his "feeling" had reached its peak. Something had changed, something big, when he'd accepted Phantom's gifts. He still didn't know what, exactly, had happened, but he'd felt some sort of shift in the energy Gotham exuded, in his children, in him. He had felt the sense of connection between him and his children grow ever so slightly stronger, and he knew they'd felt it, too.
Bruce flipped the batarang in his dominant hand and caught it with ease, returning it to the holster with a sigh. Whatever Phantom was, whoever he was running from, whatever his presence meant for his family, and Gotham as a whole, Bruce had a feeling they'd be crossing paths with him again soon.
Danny phased invisibly into his and Jazz's apartment, turning human as he sat at the table with a thoughtful frown on his face. Jazz looked over at him from the stove, a questioning look on her face, though she didn't pry, which he was thankful for. He needed to gather his thoughts before he explained what had happened tonight.
When Jazz placed a bowl of spaghetti in front of him, Danny took a deep breath. "You owe Sam ten bucks," he started, smiling at Jazz's soft curse. "Condor is definitely connected to death, but they're equally connected to life, and the only being or creature we know of that is perfectly balanced between life and death, that isn't a halfa, is a phoenix. They also don't have that slimy, necromantic feel liches are supposed to."
Jazz hummed as she swallowed her mouthful. "What about the others? How close were we on our guesses of them?"
"Well, Batman is definitely a guardian deity, and Gotham is definitely his territory. Ibis, who I actually interacted with, was also spot on, definitely a kitsune. You should have seen them move, Jazz, it was almost ethereal how gracefully they moved. Oh, and Starling? Definitely at least related to banshees. I don't think they're a true banshee, because that connection to death wasn't there, but they're at least related to banshees." Danny paused to take a few bites before continuing. "I think Signal is a Will-o'-the-wisp, actually. You know how I thought they'd be a vengeful spirit? Having been in their presence, I gotta say, not very vengeful. Very mischievous, somewhat malicious, but mostly protective, strangely enough. Same with Raven, they practically ooze protective vibes, along with some very pointed trickster energy. I think Raven might be some sort of protection based deity, under Batman's authority, with strong trickster leanings, which is an interesting mix in my opinion. Oh, and Robin is definitely fae, they've got a very ethereal look to them, paired with their grace and general mischievousness, there's no doubt. BlackBat is more difficult to say. I think they're either a shape changing shadow wolf or otherwise just living shadows. Even when they were illuminated by my glowy self, I could barely see them. It was trippy, I'll tell you that much right now."
They continued eating in silence for a bit before Jazz asked, "So am I signing the full lease tomorrow, or are we moving on?"
Danny grinned. "Oh no, we're good. Batman actually told me to get the others here as soon as possible." His grin mellowed to a small, warm smile. "I think he's worried about them, Jazz. When I mentioned only two of us were currently in Gotham because the others weren't able to come with us when we left, he asked if we needed help getting them here. He seemed to relax when I told him we had a plan and that they were just waiting for the go-ahead from our end."
"Are you going to call them after we finish dinner, then?" Jazz asked, taking another bite.
Danny nodded. "Yeah, Ellie will grab them in the middle of the night. They'll wait until morning with Frostbite before portaling in so we can get the lease signed." He paused, stirring his spaghetti absentmindedly as he thought. "I think," he started haltingly. "I think the bat clan aren't actually aware they're not human."
Jazz paused, spaghetti falling off her fork and back into her bowl as she stared at him in shock. "What do you mean, how could they not know their own natures? You guys pegged them as eldritch beings as soon as you discovered them, they have to know!"
"I don't know, they just. They didn't seem to understand why I was giving them gifts or behaving the way I was. They also looked very confused at a few of my gifts, like they weren't sure why I'd chosen that specific thing for them, even though it makes sense for what kind of being they are!" Danny huffed. Then he sighed. "If they don't actually know what they are, then someone needs to explain it to them. They deserve to know what they are, especially because some of their species have very specific instincts that could be very confusing, even terrifying, for someone who thinks they're human. I... Should I offer to teach them more about themselves next time I see them?"
Jazz looked at him with a small smile. "If you think they'd be receptive to it, I think that'd be for the best, especially if you're right about them thinking they're human. I highly doubt we'll be the only Fright to seek asylum here, after all."
Danny nodded. "Then tomorrow night, I'll make the offer. If we get kicked out because I offend them, then at least we'll all be together."
This would have been longer, or at least done sooner, if I hadn't had an ocular migraine come out of nowhere earlier today (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) but after a two hour nap, I could actually see again, so I was finally able to get to work on this ficlet! ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧ I had a lot of fun coming up with what the members of the Batfam had managed to become due to the entire city believing them to not be human (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) Jason was fun, cuz I hadn't really thought about what exactly liches were before, so when I realized that Voldemort from Harry Potter was basically a textbook lich, I knew I had to change my initial plan for Jason (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ but hey, now he gets super strength and the ability to heal himself from anything, including death! Much better than being able to create essentially undead thralls lol (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)
I'm seriously hoping to continue this into at least one more part, with the Bats coming to terms with and learning more about their new supernatural status, possibly even the Justice League initiating contact with the distinctly not human protectors of Gotham, but we'll have to see what prompts I find (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
OH! ALSO! I'm so close to reaching 200 followers! When I do, I'm thinking of celebrating somehow, but I'm not sure what to do. If any of you have any ideas, please, let me know! I might take your suggestion to heart (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆ also, if I get to 260 by the 26th of this month, I'll do another celebration lol
Y'all are awesome, thank you so much! I've got some more people who asked to be tagged in this continuation, so here's hoping I get them all again! @airis-hunter, @little-pondhead, @stealingyourbones, @crystallicedart, @summerfox1988, @minnesota-fats, @edgemcjee, @fire-glass, @f4nd0m-fun, I think you all asked to be tagged (or at least heavily implied it) if I continued my fake cryptids real ghosts au, so here ya go!
Have a good morning/day/night!
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thecuriousquest · 6 months
*Slides on in* Got any Naga Shiggy or Dabi headcanons to share? Can be romantic or platonic, give me them sneks.
Yan!Naga Shiggy HCs
Note: I do write for Yandere!Monsters, Yandere!Angels, Yandere!Demons, etc. really any supernatural being as long as it has yandere behavior.
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, SFW, kidnapping, Yan!Naga Shiggy, talk of snake biology (including venom), threats of eating Reader
P.S: Hey, Pales! I love nagas so much! Thank you for this request!!! I’m going to do two separate ones and tag you in the Dabi one because I don’t want to make this post too long, but I still really want to do the Dabi one. 🖤🤘
Master List
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He would have killed anyone else who stumbled into his cave, who trespassed on his turf. However, there’s just something about the innocence behind those wide eyes that has him second guessing whether he should off you or not.
The way you fumble to step back, yet still keeping your orbs fixed on him, it honestly amuses him. He doesn’t even remember the last time he laughed so genuinely.
He decides that he will not kill you. He can’t just let you go either. No, he decides he will keep you and make you his mate.
He’s good at playing the long game. You know how he loves his games. He knows it’s necessary when it comes to you. He’s quite the passionate snake, taking the mantra “she will learn to love me” to heart.
It’s understandable, really. He has kept you from your village, what you’ve known for all of your life. Now, he has thrust upon you a new way of living.
Based on what we see of him in MHA, he is very caring and looks out for his people, for those who work for him, for those who put their lives on the line for his cause. I can’t help but think he’d do the same for you.
He loves you so much and sees you as the woman of his dreams. He now knows why he’s been so bitter in the past. It’s because he hasn’t had you in his life until now.
Shiggy is BIG on cuddles. He wraps the end of his tail around your ankle, pulling you closer and closer to him until you’re plush against the softness of his underbelly. He coils himself around you, wrapping you up until you’re safely in his arms.
Another thing he is big on is providing for you. When he hunts, he puts a large boulder in front of the cave’s entrance. That way, he doesn’t have to worry about you leaving. Hunting is something he absolutely loves to do. He loves to see the full bellied, satisfied look in your eyes. He views feeding you as a special gift. He wouldn’t do it for just anyone. He only does it for you.
The Shigster is prone to fits of rage when things don’t exactly go his way. He threatens to eat you a lot. It always works because he’s so unpredictable that you don’t really know if he’ll do it or not. Either way, you just don’t want to make him angry and face whatever kind of punishment he has brewing in his mind.
Shiggy Shigs LOVES to play games with you, especially Find My Love. It’s a game where he lets you run far from the cave, giving you a pretty good amount of time as he closes his eyes, crosses his arms, and lets you run off. He always ends up finding you, using his tongue to sniff you out as well as his acute nose. This way, you get to release some steam and touch grass while he gets to show you how much he loves you by tracking you down and tackling you. 🫠
I imagine Yan!Naga Shigaraki resembles a blue coral snake (or blue Malayan coral snake) with his bottom half from hips to tail.
The blue coral snake has blue scales mixed into the outer characteristics as well as sporting a red head, red tip, and red underside. The red reminds me of Shigaraki’s eyes. Though he wouldn’t have a red head, because his hair would still be blue and his face would still be the same color as in the show, I think the tip of his tail and underside would match the same red hue as his eyes. This particular snake also has what is known as “a unique kind of venom that most snakes don’t have” (Bouchard, Blue Coral Snakes Have Venom Unlike Any Other Snake). Because of Shigaraki’s unique and deadly quirk, I feel this is the most befitting characteristic for him. Not only is the venom lethal, it’s fast acting just like his quirk.
Pictures here so you can get a better image of what the blue coral snake looks like:
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I’m so sorry I’m such a biology nerd. I didn’t mean to turn this into a fucking essay on snakes.
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prepelinpng · 11 months
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Live laugh love kitsune Nene x Emu
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thezoothatneverwas · 8 months
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Art from 2018! (OMg that's 5 years ago already :/)
Here's a Kingdom Hearts AU where Roxas is a lonely, shy, nature-loving quiet kid who goes on long adventures into an enchanted forest. On one of these escapades, he meets a couple of kirins, Xion and Axel, and they get up to all sorts of danger and shenanigans.
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 12 days
The Katarite (Storyteller)
Raymond De Merville as Shin Minamoto (warrior) x OC Mizuki Heiki
Lyn's Writing Event - Week 3 - Day 19 (late submission)
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May 19th: Week 3: Shinto (Japan)
Characters: Raymond De Merville (as Shin Minamoto, a warrior) x OC (female courtier turned samurai) Mizuki Heiki
Fandom: Richard Armitage – Pilgrimage (history jump)
Word Count:
Location: Near Kyoto, Japan, rural valley – circa September 1184   “Heiki Rebellion”
Warnings: graphic violence, samurai, ritual disembowelment, suicide, interrogation, dominance, death, character death, some angst, fluff possibly. (in full fic- part 1 is tame)
Biwa – bard (minstrel)
Heishi   - Soldier (belonging to an allegiance or faction)
Samarai – warrior (belonging to a master or family)
Isogaba maware – make haste slowly
            The wind rushed over Mizuki’s face, fall was setting in, leaves playing around her in swirls. She tucked her clothes tighter against her form, her hair in a tight braid down her back, blowing along with the wind. She didn’t want to shiver, as it wasn’t that cold, but she had been on the roads for hours and still was not any closer to the soldier’s she had seen pass her village a day ago. They must be resting further into the forest. Mizuki scanned the landscape, looking for smoke or sound. The sunset was falling behind the peak and a warm glow flowed through the valley towards her, reaching for her as she stepped towards the forest line.
Mizuki kept walking, trudging with her gear on her back, a small rattle of her cup kicked against her hip with each step. She was going to have to be quieter in the night if she was going to make it to their camps. The further she got into the forest, the darker it got around her, and she prayed against the medallion on her neck for good spirits to protect her. Mizuki stopped short when she heard some commotion, men were talking, and a fire’s glow was starting to take shape among the shadows of the trees. Mizuki smirked and set her gear down, slowly. She removed her cup, and shoved it into the sack, as she took out a piece of rope. She looked up and saw a branch from the flicker of the fire as it whooshed bigger suddenly. She was only about 10 yards away. She wrapped the rope around the trunk of the tree and scurried up it, resting on the first sustainable branch, tucking the rope into her sleeve. The branch leaned over towards the fire ring, she could see the men now, smell the smoke.
A twig snapped below her, and she stiffened, looking down from her perch, to see two darkened but bright eyes looking up at her. Mizuki held her breath, not noticing that the larger fire was illuminating her branch for that second.
The eyes dropped to the ground, and it spoke, a deep voice billowed against the crackle of the fire, “Do you know of any rabbits that climb trees?” Shin spoke to his men. The men looked towards him and laughed, in riotous response. “Not I? they usually keep to the ground, Captain” one said. Shin looked to Mizuki’s perch again, sneering, “Yeah, that’s what I thought too,” Shin threw a dagger at Mizuki’s branch and she flinched, falling off the branch and crashing into his arms. Shin caught her, then set her down roughly and pinned her against the trunk of the same tree, “What are you doing here?” Shin gritted teeth shone, his breath on her cheek, his hand on her neck.
Mizuki’s eyes were wide, and she looked around her, the men starting to take attention at the Captain’s words. Mizuki found her breath and her voice, “I am coming to find the bards.”
Shin dropped his hand, “The biwa? Dressed like that? and climbing trees, you are far from the biwa” he shook his head, “Why are you really here?”
Mizuki stood still, Shin was still close, but he wasn’t holding her to the tree anymore. A light minstrel song started through the trees then, and Mizuki watched as Shin turned his head towards the sound. Shin’s eyes darted back to her, “I see. So climbing trees is just a hobby then, fair one,”
Mizuki looked down, “No sir, just a way of staying safe at night, so no one can,” She looked back up at him, and the pause made him understand. Shin smiled softly, “clever,” he praised. Mizuki allowed herself to smile shyly.
“What is your name?” Shin asked. Mizuki started to respond and a minstrel came up to them brightly.
“Good evening, I see you have found our muse, she has been wanting to find the brigade again, and travel with more, suitable company”, the minstrel jeered, elbowing towards Shin who was expressionless in the dim light.  The minstrel’s smile dropped, and he came closer to Mizuki, “My dear, we were worried you were taken, but I see you have found the soldiers you wanted”, Mizuki looked at him her eyes bright, as if to say ‘don’t give all my info away’.
The minstrel retreated and stepped away from them, attending to the jovial soldiers around the fire.
Mizuki shifted herself and stepped away from Shin, “I wasn’t. I am able to make it my own way, thanks Biwa”. Then as if ceremoniously she turned back to Captain Shin and said, “I am Mizuki.”
Shin placed his hand on his chest, “I am Shin, Captain of the guard of the Minamoto clan.”
Mizuki gulped quietly, knowing that she was now in the middle of the encampment of the rebelling soldiers of the Minamoto clan. She bowed slightly, “It is a honor to meet you, may I join your company for the rest of my journey,”
Shin looked at her again, inquisitively, “And what skill do you bring?”
Mizuki looked back at him, eyes sure, “I am trained in weapons, tactics, I can scribe”,
Shin looked thoughtful, “Can you cook? Or heal?”  Mizuki narrowed her eyes, trying not to be offended by the high skills she offered already. Shin, saw her reaction and tried a new tact.
“We don’t have much use for scribe, but we may, can you hunt?” Shin asked, rubbing his chin.
Mizuki grinned, “Oh yes, I can catch many things smaller than I.”
Shin returned the smile, “Good, well, then, welcome to the company.”  
Mizuki thanked him with her nod solemnly, “I will not let you down Captain.”
“See that you don’t. I don’t have much use for you if you cant fight, or pose as look out”, he smirked, looking back up to her branch, “Maybe you should work on that.”
Mizuki’s heart sunk a bit but was agreed that if he didn’t want her for any womanly things, she would be safe from harm, on the ground. The minstrels tended to drink too much at night and get rather handsy. Mizuki took to sleeping in the trees for safety, while the minstrels more or less fell asleep around the trunk of the tree she was inhabiting.
Shin watched her retrieve her sack from the tree, and was impressed with her climbing skills, her nimble little form scurried quickly and was down again within a moment. Much more graceful than when he had spooked her into his arms. She would have to cover her hair, and stop smelling like flowers too, that drew him a core sensation. He pulled the belt tighter on his tunic and took a deep breath. Mizuki did not notice Shin’s demeanor change, she simply walked past him wrapping her rope and sat down by the fire.
Shin walked to the fire to address the men, “Listen, I am introducing you to Mizuki, she, will be joining us for the rebellion, she is skilled, and will only take orders from me, is that clear.”
Some men were listening, and others were not, but most of them grunted or acknowledged Shin’s words. The ones that did, eyed her with devilish intent, and Mizuki tried to ignore it. Mizuki sat down, grabbing a bowl from the firepit ring, and scooping some stew out of the pot hanging. It was sour, and smelled foul, but she was starving, and she ate it even as it burnt her taste buds from the temperature. Shin again, watched her with curiosity.
Mizuki watched Shin now, realizing how tall he was against the other men, and how attractive he was. Mizuki squirmed in her seat, she had been offered plenty of manly options in her life, as a former courtier it was all duty and pretense, but she had laid with a man before. She had been betrothed, until he died from an illness. Mizuki still had not felt love, not known the stir of fancy. Looking at Shin now, something stirred within her, it felt dangerous, and different. Mizuki dropped her gaze back to her bowl and kept eating. When she finished, she set her bedroll down and curled up on it like a small animal.
The other men had fallen asleep, and the embers of the fire died down. Shin entered his tent, pausing towards Mizuki’s form, and retreating for the night on his cot.
The next morning, the sun broke through the trees early, and Mizuki heard the birds quell before she felt the sun. She gathered herself and went to find some food and water. A stream cut through the dense forest and Mizuki gathered water in her satchel. She drank from her hand, crouching at the stream, this time alert she felt a presence and drew her own kinife from her boot.
She stood quickly spinning around, “Better little sprite” Shin smiled down at her. Mizuki’s knife was poking into his tunic and armor, “Now, what are you doing out here?” he asked.
Mizuki looked at him puzzled, “finding water and breakfast.”
Shin looked along the banks of the stream, “I see, and what is it, you are going to find for us?”
Mizuki looked at him, confused, “Captain, you said I wasn’t the cook, but I can gather berries from over there,” she explained pointing towards a bush across the stream.
An arrow shot through the trees as she spoke, and Shin pushed her down to the ground swiftly, crouching himself against the embankment, “So much for breakfast,” he grunted, letting go of her, and running back towards the encampment. He shouted in Japanese, “Isogaba maware.”
(PART 2 tomorrow)
@sweetestgbye @legolasbadass @scariusaquarius @evenstaredits @middleearthpixie @lathalea @enchantzz @riepu10 @amylupotter
Lyn's Writing Event 2024 - Day 19
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nathantheauthor · 18 days
I'm excited to get into the post I'm going to drop as I finish it, take a while, but the next major information post isn't a character exploration... But, design concepts! The four main designs for the characters throughout the Revver era of the Ripper Inc story. But as I put that on the back burner, this post is about mythology and the international branches. It's not going to be that detailed. Just kind of a teaser for some of the stuff going on with them and some of the conceptual ideas, and some of the crossover elements of the universe.
For those who are just seeing this, the main concept of Ripper Inc in this giant crossover fanfic sandbox is a company that reforms monsters and serial killers, or even just gives people a job. Austin time they hunt down other serial killers and monsters, but sometimes they're hired security, birthday party attractions, etc. They're technically morally good, they'll do anything they're paid to do, but a lot of them do have very questionable backgrounds and needed the mental help program offers. Of course, most of the following examples don't fit that criteria, as they were approached due to already being morally all right, most of them at least. The main idea of the organization is to rehabilitate killers and monsters by turning their violent tendencies on to other killers and monsters all while giving them psychological help they need.
But, before we get into the lot of their members, I think we should introduce....
Because this whole postal focus on just the briefest summary of the directors.
Starting with Japan's very Phone Call From Mary. This is one that's very much done for both the colony of it and because of the terrifying practicality. For those unfamiliar with the urban legend, Mary-San, or Phone Call From Mary is a Japanese ghost story about a haunted doll and phone challenge rolled into one. As per the legend, if you call her first you will get a series of phone calls from Mary-San, each one her announcing herself in a location you had recently been to until finally It All leads up to "Hi, this is Mary-San, I'm calling from behind you." Her height may make her a comedic choice for a largely yokai branch, but she is the perfect tracker, equipped with only a phone call she is a master strategist and can locate anyone.
I am also very much playing with the backstory of her mythology, with the very reason she originally joined Ripper Inc being the promise of finding her original owner, who by the point she enters the story is already a very old woman. By the time the promise is fulfilled, it's a visit to the grave of the woman, with the rest of her branch and her own boss there to comfort and support her.
Sun Wukong!
Also hailing from Asia comes the Chinese branch director, The Monkey King himself. I'm not going to get into how I'm handling gods and all that in this post, but I will say that I'm leaving him very much the trickster gremlin that he is. In fact, inspired by a friend's Fate portrayal, I've elected not to give him a set design outside his origins. Wukong instead will shift and use the designs of adaptations and depictions of him, or characters inspired from him. Meaning he could look anything like Lego Wukong to Son Goku.
The Victorious Fighting Buddha's reason for joining repairing is a mixture of responsibility calling to him and the simple fact that he finds the concept and idea to be absolutely fun, the idea of HIM being the leader of a company branch is hilarious. How could he say no? It is an evolution of some of his themes, he may still be a trickster, but knowing their ultimate mission he takes the job rather seriously, often he can't help but recall The Journey To The West when working with his crew.
Annora Petrova!
For the Russian Branch director, I know a lot of you old school Creepypasta fans might recognize this name, she is an underrated classic. I say Russian branch, however they do more cover the collection of countries around that area (minus China). I do have an explanation for why she's around, given I actually haven't rewritten anything about her story!
In this reinterpretation she has become the Slavic spirit of folklore... A Rusulka, this is due to a character I won't spoil editing her wiki and once more altering the course of her story. She's now come to be the director for this large branch of Ripper ink and works closely with / shares resources with Wukong. Everyday she has the temptation to check her wiki, to see what it has to say about her. To see what isn't about her newfound fame.
Brianna Grianne!
Hopping on over to Ireland, we meet the first OC director! Brianna is a fey, one that outright goes against the will of her people and instead uses her fae powers to aid and give people what they need. It's very notable in her wording, never does directly ask for something, avoiding fae deals.
She much rather live and be part of the human world than amongst her less benevolent kin, finding the world of mankind to be much more intriguing and hospitable.
Nero Claudius!
Who better to lead the Roma- Italian branch than this resurrected Roman Emperor? They were all seriousness, it is very much they're fully resurrected Nero's way of still serving and protecting her country, finding herself having to figure her life out after the events of Point Breaker's closing act.
She's very much the same Red Saber we all know and love, however, she is a composite variant, and very much a living Nero, so she's got quite the legs up on her Fate canon counterpart.
Cameron Bryce!
I haven't tagged this SCP for nothing! Turning our attention over to Scotland, I introduced the next OC director, Cameron Bryce, a former Global Occult Legion squad leader.
After a cold winter night in his youth his life was forever changed, finding himself scooped up by the GOC to hunt down anomalies with deadly precision... But ultimately he hated the job and jumped at the offer for the directoral position. Working with and meeting people who will actually see tomorrow, with more competency, and power, than his GOC squad. He's generally really chill, one of the most laid-back people you'll ever meet.
Camille Noemie!
The French director, and Dame Blanche (White Lady), she's very much a spectral figure trying to do her best for her community, alongside other legends from france, and their few serial killers capable of joining, they're one of the smaller branches, but they make do!
Camille is a very friendly woman, merely using her afterlife to help her community and work through her regrets from life. She's merely trying her best, and she'll do everything in her power to help.
Now, stay tuned for part two tomorrow, featuring the directors for the branches in Canada, Germany, Britain, Korea, Australia, and more!
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newtdoods · 1 year
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[click for the whole list] another random idea lmao - I didn‘t look for the relationships between them (except for Grant and Marco but shh)
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avenger-hawk · 2 years
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ナルサス by あす on pixiv Posted with the artist’s permission. Don’t remove the source. Reblog, don’t repost.
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cincincinnanom · 1 year
If dazai where to per-say be a kitsune which type would he be?
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Asking for educational purposes only...... clearly
Anyway why is dazai so kitsune coded, kitsune hate dogs too
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mira0000000-blog · 5 months
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wanted to try to draw shadow in a hakama and now havin au idea
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paintsplash1712 · 9 months
Jojo x Percy Jackson and the Olympians AU
(Inspired by this post I made. This AU idea has taken over my mind)
Dio Brando - Vessel of Kronos (Greek Titan of Time). Kronos, after many centuries of being trapped in Tartus, needed a new form to gain back the power he lost, so Dio was born. He only comes into the full power of Kronos after his time underwater, loosing what was left of his humanity and fully becoming Kronos' vessel DIO.
Jotaro Kujo - Son of Poseidon (Greek God of the Sea and Earthquakes). Until a week ago Jotaro was a regular high school student, if a bit mean due to his reputation as a delinquent, but things change when he finds out he can manipulate water into an unstoppable humanoid warrior as his godly abilities are more then originally thought to be.
During his fight with DIO, Kronos saw potential in the teen, deciding to make him his new vessel. Thanks to Jotaro's kind and stubborn soul however, Kronos won't be doing any evil schemes anytime soon. Jotaro rarely uses his time abilities after what it did to his friends but it comes in handy in dangerous situations.
Joseph Joestar - He doesn't have a godly parent but is one of the gods' favourite heroes so he's able to survive a lot more then average. Also having some of his grandfather's abilities is a perk.
Noriaki Kakyoin - Son of Plutus (Greek God of Wealth). Kakyoin has the ability to create jewels (his favourite are Emeralds) thanks to his godly parent but also due to that he always felt isolated as he had no one to talk to about his demigod side (not even his mother) so when Dio finds the boys he's tricked into believing he's found a home, that's until Jotaro finds him and shows him true friendship.
Mohammed Avdol - Son of Ra (Egyptian God of the Sun). Unlike the others on the team Avdol's godly parent is Egyptian, the Leader of the Gods, and protector the people. Due to that he has a great connection to the spiritual world, which helps for a fortune teller, he is also able to summon a fire spirit similar in appearances to his birth father's true form.
Jean Pierre Polnareff - Son of Aphrodite (Greek God of Beauty, Passion & Love). You'd know Polnareff was the son of Aphrodite from a mile away, he's quite the charming man who's not the most intelligent on the team, caring more for his hair and appearance then battle strategy but that doesn't mean he isn't a capable fighter as he is quite handy with a rapier and a hero at heart.
Iggy - No one knows of his origins, if he is a monster who thanks to the Mist looks like a strange Boston Terrier or if his abilities to morph sand came from a divine blessing, either way Iggy definitely won't spill the beans.
Jonathan Joestar - Son of Themis (Greek Goddess of Justice). Did the gods create Jonathan as a way to destroy Dio before Kronos could fully form in the mortal world? Maybe or maybe it was it an unfortunate accident that the two young boys would end up in each other's lives. Either way his existence would shake the world forever.
Enemy stand users - A mixture between demigods who were drawn to Dio's ways and monsters released from the depth of Tartus to stop the Joestars before they got the chance.
The 9 Egyptian Gods - Avatars of 9 Egyptian Gods that believed in Dio's ways.
Harmon - though it's origins are mysterious it is said to have been created by Apollo himself to his many followers. Anyone who uses it, demi-god of his or not, are given his blessing and gain a tiny percent of his abilities: healing (though it can't bring people back from the dead), foresight and the ability to manipulate energy and oxygen.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
KORKA ! My suggestions for Youkai AU are Hiiro and Rinne being Inugamis (Dog spirits born from a ritual done on dogs) and Niki being a Gashadokuro (Massive skeleton made of victims of starvation) <×< that last one is pure angst that I HAD to suggest
Look, I hear dogboy Amagi brothers, I'm jumping on that (and trying to ignore the details... you could make angst out of that, too-)
And. Yeah. You know how in canon Niki is said to have a really fast metabolism, which means that he's almost always hungry? Makes ya think, huh. The poor thing came to be as a result of starvation, and so he has to live always on the brink of it himself, huh?
For me, I don't have many ideas asides from Shu as a tengu (as they are associated with arrogance, I hear), and mayhaps Izumi as a kuchisake-onna (er, otoko?)
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