#its been a craving for almost 3 weeks now
ramblingeekette · 6 months
Made coconut curry with shrimp from scratch for the first time.
Been having a craving but the place I always ordered it from changed the menu and no longer has it.
Mine turned out so good. Pretty damn close to what theirs tasted like and I am so jazzed
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baekuras · 1 year
Me: oki doki time to sleep and be up bright and early my brain for the well over past hour: okay so Kiyan brainrot right? think of all the art you could draw and the fanfics you haven’t read yet and-
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sturn-wrld · 3 months
🪼little things
pairing: matt x reader
summary: where reader notices matt remembering the little things
genre: fluff and nothing but
warnings: none
a/n: this request is so good but i don't think i did it justice 😃
I had been in relationships before but none were ever like this.
my old relationship were more like contracts for kissing and sex. my exes made me feel small and useless outside of sex. but matt just makes me feel loved and makes my problems his.
that being said i've noticed a little trait of his recently. he remembers every little thing i mention. at first i didn't notice due to it being the smallest of things.
*3 weeks ago*
"i'm so tired" i say as a yawn is pulled from my mouth. i'm mid way through brushing my hair but i have to stop from the minimal soreness in my arms from the days duties. matt looks over at my face through the vanity mirror. he slowly strides from my bed over to me. he silently takes the brush from my hair slowly combing the bristles through it. "that feels nice" i mention closing my eyes and melting into his touch "yeah?" he stays almost as a question for me to continue talking on. "yeah. i like it when people play with my hair" he hums in response and continues to brush until my hair is free from knots. "let's go to bed now" he says helping from my chair. as i flop down onto my bed, matt pulls me into him so i'm facing his chest as i make myself comfortable against him putting my hands around his neck. he slowly starts to play with strands of my hair and eventually massaging my scalp, hushing me to sleep.
since that moment matt has made it his mission to brush my hair every night to then hush me to sleep by playing with my hair or massaging my scalp.
this wasn't the last time he did something because i mentioned it.
two weeks ago i mentioned that i was craving these strawberries that my dad always brought but i haven't been able to find them. the next day i had three punnets of strawberries on my counter with a note saying:
i think these are the ones your talking about.
i asked you dad and he said this brand. i hope you like them :)
and now he is always stocking my fridge with them.
last week i mentioned that i really enjoyed this little indie band, Hockey Dad, and that is all he has been playing in the car.
it's safe to say it's definitely more than just kissing and sex with matt.
@ermdontmindthisaccount @its-jennarose @ilovemattsturn @frozenvegitableoil @meme2003 @thetriplets3 @nickmillersn1gf
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awniie · 5 months
summary: choso finds out what a period is and takes care of you ୨ৎ
content: fem!reader , reader has bad cramps , fluff , reader has mood swing , not proof read 𓏲 ࣪₊♡
notes: this was a little self indulgent…⊢ ✶ ˖ ࣪ ☁️
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“so your bleeding?” asked choso , looking you up and down with pinched eyebrows as he laid next to you. You nodded, pressing the pillow to your stomach trying to take your mind off the pain that was racking through your abdomen. You’d recently started dating choso kamo, who didn’t have much experience with well, anything. Especially not menstrual cycles. So when he found you the bed, rolling over and letting out pained groans and going through what seemed like 3 different emotions at once, he’d almost called 911. You’d notice his panic and quickly that what you were going through was, normal, which took him some convincing. “And this is normal, like you’re completely fine?” Your boyfriend queried, still having an incredulous look painted across his handsome features. You could see how this could be conflicting to him, it was like that for you too when you were younger, but after however many years of going through this every month it became less and less of a phenomenon for you.
“More or less, but you don’t need to freak out. This happens once a month for about a week. You get used to it after a while, but sometimes, take that back, most of the time it’s an inconvenience.” You reassured him before wincing at another spasm in your lower stomach. He frowned, obviously not thrilled with this revolution. “Is there anything I can do to help it, subside? He offered, moving the pillow on your stomach and replacing it with his big, warm hands. It was a kind gesture, and helped you calm down as you felt your stomach contract. “Uhh..no-not much. Maybe a snack?” You suggested, your eyes searching his.
Since that moment, choso made it his personal mission to treat you like a princess for the rest of the week. ( he already spoiled you all the time, but you get what I’m saying ) He brought you all your favorite treats. Sweet pastries with tiny rocks of sugar that coated the top. Your favorite iced coffee drinks, and anything else that you craved. He made sure to postpone all other activities that week, just to cuddle and spend time with you. Once on your really heavy day, he stayed with you until you fell asleep, just to run out to the store and buy you something. You woke up a bit before he returned and you cried the entire time. Some reasonable, mature part of you knew that he’d be back, but that part of you had buried herself deep inside of you for the week. You cried and cried, and he did come back, he was utterly confused. He had a white bag in his hand, but dropped on the floor and came rushing over to you.
“Why are you crying, I only left for a bit?” He asked you, rubbing his back and comforting you. You hiccuped and buried your face into his chest. He was throughly bemused at your sudden outburst of tears. You guessed you didn’t give him much closure on mood swings. He didn’t ridicule you though, just making sure your stomach felt okay and that he was here now with you and everything was going to be all right. “Look babe, I bought you this.” He grabbed the plastic bag and opened it to reveal a stuffed animal, your favorite in fact, that had a little opening on its back.
“You can put it in the microwave, and it’ll heat up and you can use it for your cramps.” He informs you, taking it out of the cardboard container it was in. “Here I’ll warm it up now for you.” You couldn’t help but feel tearing up in your eyes again. No other boy has ever taken care of you as diligently as him. He’s been by your side for the past couple of days, murmuring praises in your ears and helping you sleep. You sniff and all those feelings take form.
When he comes back, he sees you with yours eye glassy and tear-stained cheeks. He takes a long look at you, but says nothing before positioning himself next to you. “So you gonna tell me what’s wrong?” He asks, nothing making eye contact while he places the heating pad stuffie on your abdomen. You feel your lip wobble slightly and the words come rushing out at the same rate of your tears. “You’re just so sweet. Taking care of me like this Cho’. ” You confess, once again burying your face is his chest.
Choso felt his heart melt. He didn’t realize it had meant so much to you, it seemed like the bare minimum to him, but he grateful accepts your words. “shhh..don’t cry please. I’m doing this ‘cus I love you.” he presses a kiss to your warm, salty lips. “I love you so, so much.” You kiss him back, just a little softer. “I love you too Cho’.
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frankie is a long time friend of a friend/runs in the same circles as you, and you both have a hate boner for one another. it all comes to a head bc he's the only one in the group chat who answers your call for aid when your [insert some busted appliance/plumbing fixture] and you're going to either fight, fuck or fumble this night.
You ask, ye shall recieve. Thank you "nonnie" ;)
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This blog is a 18+ space, Minors, do not engage. If you are under the age of 18 you are not welcome here. Your reading and consumption of my work is your responsibility but I will endeavour to mitigate any discomfort for you, the reader, as possible. Once again, this is a 18+ space and minors should not interact. Specific warnings: Enemies to Lovers, Angst, alcohol consumption, drug addiction, coke addiction, Frankie being mean/an asshole, Whiny Frankie Supremacy, weed smoking (medicinal), Ken Burns?, Country Music?, pining, angst, M!Masturbation, sub!Frankie.
Thank you @angelofsmalldeath-codeine for beta-ing this real quick. Word count: 2.3k  
Frankie Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Part 2 | Part 3
Frankie pops his first beer of the night as he starts the next episode of the Ken Burns ‘Country Music’ documentary. He started it out of sheer lack of something better to do a few nights back, but now he’s hooked. He’s ready to settle in for the night, rolling a joint as a new message in the group chat comes in.
He checks it, only to see its you.
He locks his phone and turns it over; no way is he entertaining your bullshit tonight.
You sit there for what seems like forever, not a soul answering your cry for help in the group chat. You know it’s Friday night, you know everyone is likely to have plans, but the way water has flooded your kitchen is no joke.
So much for the joys of home ownership.
You lament as you wish there was a super contractually obliged to fix this mess. But it’s a week away from your next paycheque and you cannot afford to call in an emergency plumber. You’re about to give in and get your credit card out when a message comes through.
The credits roll at the end of the documentary and Frankie hums in approval, he realises he’s barely touched his beer, and his joint is similarly untouched, long gone out. He’s ready to put the next episode on and re-light as his modest buzz settles him into the recliner. Since quitting coke he’s found weed to be a welcome mellow fix that never tempts him too far but lets him mute the cravings otherwise. It has meant he’s gained a few pounds from all the munchies, but he takes that as a win. He was getting too skinny and working out is near impossible when so under-fuelled.
Absently he checks his phone again and his stomach drops.
No-one has answered your call for help, it’s been almost two hours. He shouldn’t care, the two of you butt heads on everything, you’re the Lex Luthor to his Superman. He hates you, at least, that’s what he tells himself. You challenge him in a way the other guys don’t. You don’t take his bullshit.
He swipes the message across to reveal the “Seen” tab, and his stomach drops. Everyone in the group chat has seen it, Alyssa, Barry, Benny, Santi, Will… the list goes on. There’s a pang of guilt in his gut as he realises just how desperate you must be right now.
He grumbles as he turns off the TV and snaps his lighter shut, putting his ashtray and joint aside. He’ll be damned if he leaves you hanging like this, no matter how much he claims to hate you.
You pace your hallway, waiting for the bane of your existence to arrive. You’re trying to put on a brave face, trying to ignore the coil in your gut. You play it off as anxiety, but you know it’s more than that.
You’re nervous because as much as you try and hate Frankie, he always gets under your skin. You’re always left wondering what his scruff would feel like on your skin, grazing your jaw, your neck. You hate Francisco Morales, but only as much as you secretly find him hotter than the sun.
He’s not a bad guy, you know he’s struggled with addiction, you know he and the guys saw some shit in the military. But there’s a rudeness reserved only for you when it came to social gatherings and interactions in the group chat.
You’d initially put it down to you being a new addition to the group – by way of Santi – after you two hit it off at a quiz night last year. But in that year, he has only seemed to close you off more and more. You’re almost at the point of looking for a new group of friends, if you’re completely honest with yourself. And you resent him for it.
You’re jolted from your thoughts as a fist pounding on your front door signals his arrival.
I have a doorbell asshole.
You grumble inwardly, but you tell yourself to play nice, Frankie’s doing you a favour here.
You pause at the door, not wanting to seem too eager as you feel a nervous flutter in your stomach. You take a deep breath and swing it open to reveal Frankie in all his glory. Your chest constricts as you feel the inevitable bloom of desire in your core.
He’s wearing a floral pink and white Hawaiian shirt with a dark tank underneath that stretches across his soft belly. His sinful calves are on display under his tan cargo shorts and you try not to ogle him further as you welcome him into your home.
“Hey, thanks for doing this,” you start as he steps over the threshold, eyeing up your house with a methodical gaze, “Look, I know we’re not-,”
“Don’t worry about it, just show me where the sink is.”
He cuts you off, not looking at you as he speaks, and you bristle at his tone. It’s like he’s speaking down to a child, scolding you no less.
“This way,” you snap as you lead him into the kitchen and gesture at the sink, the cabinets below open ready for him. You feel his gaze on you. It makes you squirm, but you do your best to ignore the pooling of arousal in your panties.  
“You turn the water off?” Frankie asks as he notices the multiple bath towels on the floor, sodden in your failed attempt to try and dry the place out. You’re just glad the kitchen is tiled.
“Good,” he says almost to himself as he strips off his shirt, throwing it onto a countertop before getting on his knees. You prop yourself against the counter and wait, trying very hard not to stare as he gets on his back. He bends his knees to brace himself as he grabs the adjustable wrench that you’d been battling the U-bend with for the last hour. You try not to imagine how he’d look similarly stretched out on your sheets upstairs.
“Ok so good news, it’s not the U-bend,” Frankie says with a huff as he pops the entire faucet unit up and out of the basin, he rolls up onto his feet. You’re a little annoyed that he was able to determine the issue in minutes after you had spent over an hour googling and trying to fix it yourself.
You are genuinely curious, so you push off from the counter to see what Frankie’s doing. He holds up the underside of the faucet, showing you a broken rubber ring sat at the neck of the mechanism. His shoulder brushes yours and you feel the fizzle of heat under your skin. Your heart flutters and you think he’s going to move away at the contact, but he seems only to lean in further.
He smells good. A faint hint of weed, which you know he has a prescription for, and his cologne, earthy and rich. It blends together into a smell you know by heart, something so uniquely Frankie, it makes you salivate. You hate how much you want a man who seemingly thinks so little of you.
“This happened to me last month,” he explains as he brings the offending washer into your eyeline, “Damn contractors used cheap fittings so they’re all going, Santi’s went last week.”
“So, I need a new tap? It’s that simple?” You groan in frustration, you’d been ready to spend hundreds of dollars to get this fixed, and here’s Frankie swooping in to save the day.
“Yup, but you’re not likely to get anything now,” Frankie looks at his phone, it’s way too late to be getting something decent. His eyes flick up to meet yours and you see his pupils dilate. There’s something in his deep, sinfully dark eyes that makes you wonder if you’ve been wrong about his feelings towards you all this time. But you avert your gaze, you’re probably just reading into things too heavily.
“Yeah, shit,” you sigh, “At least I’ve got bottled water, so I won’t die of thirst.”
“I can come by tomorrow to pick up and fit a new one if you want?”
The offer is out of Frankie’s mouth before he can stop it, his good nature tumbling out in an unusual display of kindness towards you. You furrow your brow, shocked by the sudden good will from him. It makes you nervous.
“Why’re you being nice to me all of a sudden?” You scoff, something about Frankie being so cold to you for the last year, only to play nice when you’re in distress makes your stomach turn. Like he’s trying to take advantage – or worse – pitying you.
“You needed help and no-one else was responding so I thought it was the right thing to do.”
He grumbles bitterly as he turns his back to you grabbing his shirt from the counter and hastily pulling it on as he turns to leave.
“You could have just left me hanging,” you snap, “What’s different today? Is it so you can lord this over me? Saving the poor little damsel in distress, another tool with which you can ridicule me with?”
“Ridicule you?” Frankie snaps, turning to face you, his face pained as if you’d struck him with a physical blow.
“Don’t play dumb,” you growl as you square up to him, “I hear the snide comments you make about me when we’re out with the others. Desperate this, lonely that.”
Frankie winces, he remembers exactly what you’re talking about now. That night months ago at a club in Orlando. You were dancing with someone you’d met at the bar, and he’d gotten jealous. He brushed it off to Will and Alyssa, going on the offensive instead of letting slip that he’d have done anything for it to be him you were grinding against. He just didn’t know you’d heard him as you went to get another drink.
“That was one time,” he growls but it’s a weak rebuttal and he knows it, “I was in a bad place.”
You know that; you know he was only a few months sober. He wasn’t in a good place when he first met you. But that’s no excuse to continue to treat you like he has ever since.
“Sure, but ever since you’ve looked at me like I don’t belong,” you hold his gaze, even as your eyes start to fill with tears, “Always dismissing my comments, rolling your eyes if I dare speak up in your presence, it gets tiring Frank- Francisco. You don’t have to like me, but they’re my friends too, don’t make me lose them just because you can’t stand me.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel that way I swear.”  
“Yeah well, save it,” you say, pointing to the door, “I don’t need you to save me Francisco, and I sure as hell don’t need your pity. Get out of my house.”
“That’s not how it is, I promise,” he pleads but you’re not looking at him now, your cheeks are hot with embarrassment and you’re trying not to say something you’ll regret.
“Please, just leave,” you snap as you feel tears welling in your eyes.
“Yeah, ok.”
Frankie sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair, he brushes past you, and you hear a soft “I’m sorry.” As the door clicks shut behind him.
You feel your body tremble with rage as you find yourself unable to process the whole interaction. You pull out your phone and message the group chat.
You: Crisis averted.
You think you should add that it was Frankie who helped, but you’re feeling petty. All he did was show you the problem, he didn’t actually fix anything.
If anything he made things so much worse.
Frankie slumps back down in his recliner but he doesn’t turn the TV back on. Instead, he sits in silence and broods. He re-reads your message to the group chat and scowls. He has no right to be mad, not really, he knows that. But he really wishes he’d dealt with the situation better.
He looks down to his tented shorts and curses himself, the moment he showed you the faucet you were so close to him. The moment your arms touched he felt the rush of desire he suppresses every time he sees you. Now he’s worried he’s fucked it up completely. He can still smell you, the scent your bodywash he’s committed to memory now clings to his skin.  
He forces himself upstairs and into the shower, running it ice cold, just to try and make his erection go away. But it doesn’t help. He’s painfully hard as he tries to think of anything else.
All he can think of is the way your skin felt against his, the way you called him Francisco. It was meant to spurn him, but he loved it. The way his name rolled off your tongue with derision. It’s all he can think of as he turns on the hot water and grips his cock. He pumps himself slowly as he feels the hot burn in his gut, he’s already so fucking close.
“Fuck,” he groans under the hot stream, “I’m sorry.”
He growls as he fucks himself harder to the thought of you putting him in his place. He’s never considered himself a sub, but it’s all he can think of now. He’s whimpering as he fucks his fist faster and faster at the memory of you chewing him out. He deserved it, and that makes it all the sweeter.
He wants you to make him suffer. Atone.
He comes with a whine as his spend splatters against the tiles and slowly washes away down the drain. He pants desperately for some time before washing himself off. He heads back downstairs to re-light his joint and watch another episode of his documentary. On a need-fuelled whim he texts you.
Frankie: If you want me to fix your sink, let me know, I’m free all day.
Frankie Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Part 2 | Part 3
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
32 behind the lens — sad quotes bot !
scaramouche x g!n reader
__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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Almost a week has passed and you haven’t spoken a single word to Kuni in that time. You’ve been rather busy doing streams with your camera on but pretending to be okay with millions of your fans watching was beginning to look difficult. You received a few confused texts from Jean when she saw your reveal, but she didn’t question you further than that.
Class became burdensome as you could only stare longingly at the back of Kuni’s head. He arrived right on time and left without bidding your farewell. He never even turned his head in your direction. He wasn’t being outwardly mean but you’d rather have him yell at you then pretend you didn’t exist.
Childe had texted you that morning updating you on Kuni. He was in the same boat as you, ignoring his meals and plunging all his energy into work.
You follow him out of class that day.
It took you a while to find him, his monotone outfit blending in with every other student. But you eventually caught up and grabbed ahold of his backpack, causing him to stumble before turning back. He flinches at the sight of you.
“Hey,” you greet, “Can we talk?”
He reaches out to remove your hand from his backpack and shakes his head, about to turn around before you speak up once more. Desperate.
Kuni stares past you for a few seconds, an unreadable expression adorning his face.
“Didn’t I ask you to leave me alone?” he eventually says, his voice lacking any warmth it once held before. How could the same lips uttering such cruel words be the same ones that were on you skin mere days ago? Your stomach was sinking.
“Yes,” you lamely answer. It felt like you were being scolded like a child, “I just thought I’d check on you.” Screw Childe for giving you false hope.
“I don’t need you to check on me,” he spits, “I don’t need you.”
Now you were the one who flinched.
“You don’t mean that,” you eventually say as students mill past.
Scara opens his mouth to say something else but quickly closes his lips shut.
“I said give me time so I don’t say something I regret,” he sighs, “Bye,” he mutters and shoves past you.
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behind the lens !
masterlist — prev | next
typo in slide 1: toasting a poptart*
childe changed scaras wallpaper to nayeon to cheer him up :3
author’s notes — if you rmbr when i accidentally posted this no u don’t (gaslighting)
synopsis — you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
taglist — @captainzep @elysiumarchieve @plinkuro @sakkakuu-squared @eliqusgenma @vuvulia @kunikuzushiit @ins4nebish @stxrgxzxr @lilneps @uma-umie @kcbenis @mitsukifilms @caesars-bubbles @wheneverthesunrise @its-like-twilight @kazuhalvrr @erosdevil @thenightsflower @p1utto @noodleshark420 @lxry-chxn @court-jester-stuff @lauragalliart @veyu002 @kaeyas-eyepatch-69 @leathernourishingshoepolish @satowaluverr @lexlapis @drunkwithfever @exhaustedcommunist @vincanzu @ainlaw @ovaliz @kitsuvil @whatamidoing89 @celestair @kunihaver @kazioli @xiaosoneandonly @cridtiins @cherrybeomgyu @asukahiriko @moon-320 @orionicchaos [1/3]
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dilfscvm · 1 year
Fitzgerald Grant x Female! Reader
Hi! This is my own work, I wrote it and I much don't like to have it posted in other social media flatforms without my permission.
WARNINGS : This contains smut, if you don't like such content please skip it and don't read it. Vulgar words has been used also. Do excuse my grammatical errors and typos, correct me nicely or else I'll block block you. English is not my first language:)) Enjoy reading!<33
Special thanks to the owner of this gif<3
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“I told you to stay away from him!” Fitz yells at you, he's in the pit of rage and you know you just crossed the line.
Making him jealous because you wanted to make him pay at what he did to you a week ago. He thought you got over it, but looks like his naughty wife has a better plan. And that is to make him angry. What's on his mind right now?
I'll get you bend over this dining table, fuck you and breed you.
That's what his brain tells him to do. You're his property, you're his and he doesn't like to share. And you absolutely knew it. That's why you make everything on planned.
"I'm sorry, but you really need to stop working." Fitz firmly stated, you're shocked at his sudden statement.
"W-what?" you scoffed.
"I said... I want you to stop working." he repeats as he slowly strode over you, like a lion ready to attack its prey. His eyes tells he craves. You stumped in front of him, face to face, nose almost touched. Eyes raged.
"I. Won't. Stop. Working." you said what is to be said, "I love my work, Fitz, I love working as a professor and you know how much I love my work and you can't just barge here in my office to tell me to resign and stay with you at the white house and fulfill my duty as a first lady. How did you get in here anyways?"
"You don't need to know how I get here, what you need to do is to get all your things and sign these resignation papers and let's go at the white House." his frown deepen, but you can see his eyes averting from your eyes to your lips, his breathing getting heavy as you argue with him.
"I won't resign just because you're jealous of my colleague who haven't done anything but to do his job." you continued. He scoff, he backs away a little shaking his head.
"Believe me, you will." and that's the last thing he said before he walks out your office. You stared at the door where he just walked out of, jaw drop, can't believe that your husband can do such things.
Well he's the president of the United States after all.
You're at his birthday party, talking with some guests. Not paying attention at your husband who's been such a attention seeker for you.
Since he made you sign those resignation letter you give him silent treatment that he deserves. He can't just manipulate you just because he's jealous.
“Dance with me?” you heard a voice from your back making you turn around. It's your colleague, the man Fitz don't ever want to see.
“Well why not.” you giggle and took his hand that been waiting for you to take.
You wanted him here. His name is Race, and he's a colleague, a married man but it's a private marriage. Fitz were a fool, he doesn't even let you explain it, and now, you will take advantage of it.
Race lead you to the dance floor where there's already some people who's dancing, including your husband who's with a old lady which you can recognise as the 40th president's wife.
Well watch me turn the tables around, darling.
“So, I bet he still doesn't know.” he smiled at you which you returned with a naughty smirk.
“This is a lesson, he has been fooling himself. You know that I would never cheat on him, I love him too much to break his heart.” you factly stated. He sighs as he slowly sway you, syncing with the music.
“I know that you cheeky minx.” he whisper that makes you both laugh together.
Both of you continued to dance and talk about random things up until Fitz finally notice, well actually you've seen him, he got his eyes on you. Watching you dance with the man he despise right now, and all he wanted to do were to yank you off him and take you right in front of everybody, specially him. You're playing with fire.
“Ma'am if you'll excuse me.” he politely smiles at the woman who nods with a smile. As soon as he turns around, his face contorts into a deep frown, raging eyes glued at you.
He walks with power, greeting every person he walk pass with a smile then immediately turns back into a frown as soon as he looks at you.
“I think that would be great, I like it and I know-”
“Mind if I steal my wife for a while?” firm, and low husky voice. Fitz says as he folds his arms across his chest. His face shows it all. Anger, rage, jealousy... Lust.
Well you were about to say that you like race's idea to surprise his wife for her birthday.
“Why sure, Mr. President.” race politely agrees as he smiled at the man, not paying attention to fitz's face, looking like he's ready to punch him.
Fitz did not waste anymore time as he possessively pull you away from him by your waist. He then pressed his lips on yours, taking you by surprise. Race sealed his lips containing his evil grin. Success.
You on the other hand, didn't give what Fitz wants. You did not kiss him back making him pull inches away from your lips.
“You like him don't you?” Fitz slowly said. You stared at him, slowly, a smile formed in your lips, mocking him. You know it makes him more hungry for you, and you like every bit of it.
Knowing your husband, he loves you so much, he's a very territorial, possessive, and obsessive at you. Well because you're his wife, and he needs you to know it.
“I love you.” you smiled at him. He'll say it back. No matter how he's mad at you. You know he will.
“I...love you too.” he whisper, as he look down on your lips, almost looks ashamed. I know you too well.
“Dining room.” you whisper at him before pulling away to walk out of the room.
“What?” he asks confusedly. His brows knitted, his signature look. You smiled evily, seductively bit your lower lip as you said;
“I know you like it anywhere, baby.”
Fitz is a kinky man, you must declare.
A knowing smirk were now plastered on his face making you giggle.
“Meet you there, baby!” you turned around and walk off.
Did he waste more time? Of course he didn't. He quickly walk off the room full of guest and walk towards dining room, where you waited there. Wearing nothing but a pair of black lingerie and a black stocking.
“Y/N-” his breath caught above his lungs as the view in front of him completely astonished him. “What's all of these?” he asks, as his eyes continue to hungrily Starr at your body up and down.
You hop ontop of the table and crossed your legs. He slowly walk towards you.
“A lesson.” you simply said when he's already standing right in front of you and tries to open your legs.
“A lesson for what?” he looks confused. You smirk and parted your legs, you hooked him with your legs on his hips and forcely pull him using it.
You put a finger on his lips and it just parted for you, “You know what you've done, Fitz, and now I'll teach you.. A.. Lesson.” you lean closer to him, he thought you will kiss him, so he lean forward to reach your lips but you pull back. “Ah, ah, darling... You need to be taught and punished—”
“Screw you.” that's all he got to say before he slam his lips on you, you tried to pull away but you're too intoxicated at his taste and scent. He kissed you hungrily, both hands on either side of your cheeks. Both with heavy breathings, both were panting, and moaning in each others mouths, as their tounge collide, exploring the insides of it adding more heat down your womanhood.
Fitz grab ahold of your stockings and rip it apart making you gasp into his mouth. But keep on kissing him still anyways. He pushed your legs more apart and start to kiss your neck. His hands were now roaming you body, specially down your area.
“F-fuck, Fitz.” you moaned as his kiss went down your cleavage, to your stomach up until he reached where you wanted him to be. He place a kiss on your lingerie, as his eyes stilled on yours.
“You can't punish me. I will punish you... For being such a brat, for ignoring me, for teasing me, you think you'll get away with it? Think again...” he snarled. You scoff at him. He just smirked. That devil smirk he always does when you both on bed. It turns you on.
“Fuck you.” you smile and press your lips on his kissing him ever so roughly as your hand went to his belt and undo it. He slapped your hand away and grab a hold of your ass and yank you off the table and put you on your feet as he turn you around, panting as he retrieve his breath, as well as you. He continue to kiss on your neck as he unbuckle his belt and push his pants down.
“Fuck you, you mean.” he chuckles, he ripped your panties and thrown it on the floor leaving you gasping. There's nothing can make you more turned on than you are now.
He latched his lips again on your neck as you grab ahold of his head pushing him more to it, moaning as you did. Fitz let his mouth open while he teased your hole with the tip of his enormous cock. Confusedly you is when he put his hand tightly on your mouth, but it didn't take long when he rams his cock inside of you with a guttural groan, trying to contain his own sounds.
You swear if he hadn't covered your mouth, you would scream. You never got used to his cock, up until now.
“I will never get tired fucking this sweet, tight pussy of yours, Y/N.” he whisper erotically in your ear, while you left there moaning in his palm, grinding your hips with his as he thrust slow but you can feel the roughness.
“Now tell me, my sweet, does teasing me satisfy you?” he asks as he slowly fastening his thrust, breathing were getting more heavier. You shook your head. “Liar.” he grunts, he let's go of your lips and push you down the table, making you lay your front to it as he grab onto your hips and continue his bruising pace. He pause a little when you began to moan, as much as he wanted to hear it, you must minimise your moans so no guest will get traumatised, “Please do be quiet for me, sweetheart, there's people outside. I don't want them knowing I'm screwing my bratty wife while I have party to be at. Wouldn't want to look disrespectful yeah?” he whispers at your ears. You only nodded, panting. “Good.” he smirk before he bit your ear gently. He then suddenly pushed in roughly making you squeal and him shushing you.
Fitz won't let you dominate him, we'll at least not now. He doesn't have much time for you to tease and edge him. But he will let you do that later, when no one's in the house.
He spread your ass to watch his harden cock penetrate your wet cunt, he couldn't help but whimper looking at the beautiful view. He sure is won't ever get enough of you.
No one can ever make his cock this alive, only you, his wife. You always turn him on even in small things you do. Like the way you walk, you talk, your smell, he gets turned on easily, if it's you who'll make him.
“Fuck, Fitz, I'm close.” you quietly moan, Fitz was too lost in pleasure. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pull you against his chest as he thrust up to help you cum for him. He's nearing, as much as he doesn't want this to end, he has visitors to entertain.
“Darling, I'm gonna cum.” he whisper against your skin. His eyes closed, mouth open, eyebrows were knitted, pleasure takes over him. “I know you want to cum too. Cum hof me.” he place a kiss on your neck.
“Fitz..” you moan, almost out of breath. His hand went to your breast and squeeze it tightly as he left his other arm wrapped around your waist. “Ah! Fuck!” your walls clamped around his cock that enough to edge him, and leave him moaning as you cum.
“Oh God, you feel so good.” he groans through gritted teeth. He continues to thrust in you as he breed you, filling you with his cum—wait he breeds you?!
“Fitz!” you yell at him. He frowned at you.
“W-what?” he says panting.
“You finished in me!”
Not to be rude but you both talked about having another baby and he said it's not the right time yet to have another one, and you agreed with it.
“So?” he asks confusedly. He's still inside of you, still thrusting very slowly as he just reached his climax. “You're my wife, I have the rights to do so.” he said, he slowly pulls away making you bite your lip. You turn around to face him.
“Yeah, but I thought you don't want another baby yet?” you ask, he sighs and pull you closer to him as he wrap his arms around your hips.
“Jerry's not a baby anymore, he's four—well he'll still remain our baby but I miss having a small human in my arms,” he chuckles. He place a hand on your cheek, a finger in your lips and continues; “I want to have another baby, I know that you also want another but I choosed to deny you. I'm sorry.” he whisper, your eyes were glistening as he rub your cheeks.
“Thank you, and I love you.” you smiled at him, which he returns.
“I love you too.” he says back with a chuckle. You giggle and tiptoed his lips. Kissing him deeply and passionately.
It didn't last long when he lift you up again and sat you on the table before he push you on your back. He pulls away with a smirk dancing on his lips.
“Fitz!” you giggle when he pulls a chair and sat on it before he pulls you by your tighs to the edge of the table. He smirk at you making you part your lips.
“What? I'm hungry.” he teasingly said before burying his head between your tighs leaving you breathless as you throw your head at the back, moaning as you did.
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pure-oddity · 9 months
Fast foodies know the deal
Ghost x reader
(not proof read, this is just fluff straight from the source
Warnings: none, ovulation mention maybe? Its brought up a single time.)
The craving hits around 3 in the morning, it's ovulation week so the idea of not getting chicken nuggets from the drive through makes you want to cry.
You turn towards the sleeping lug beside you. He's on his back, breaths deep and even. Still as a grave but at your movement he takes the arm you had been using as a pillow to drag you further into his side.
Your Simon, took you forever just to get the man to admit he did more than tolerate you. even longer to admit he cared for you. It took you almost using his toothbrush to realize that the man might actually (gasp) like you. That one you didn't push, figured he'd come to terms with it on his own.
As you look at how peaceful he seems you try to fight the urge, you really do, but as you prop yourself up on your elbows and move closer to Simon's ear you resign to begging his forgiveness later.
"Simon, my baby? You sleeping?"
You wouldn't have known he was a awake had it not been for the lone eye opening to check on you
"Was, love. I was. Whats wrong, bad dream? Y' Can turn on the telly to that duck cartoon or the robots - won't bother me none." He rubs a comforting hand up and down your back, he's being so sweet you really do start to feel bad.
"I want chicken nuggets."
Both eyes are open now.
The silence continues.
You smile sheepishly.
Wordlessly simon extracts his arm and turns so his back is to you.
"Nnooooooo! Simon pleeeaase. Pretty please? I want chicken nuggets so bad!"
"Go ahead. keys are on the rack, tanks full."
"Nooo you have to take me! come on baby please, for me?"
"My love. Sunshine. Light of my life. If you're hungry i made a perfecly good roast last night. Heat that up and let a man rest."
"I dont want a perfectly good roast! I want chicken nuggets. And a burger. And fries - oh maybe a shake?" You lean over him, hair purposely hung over into his face. He turns quickly and you're nose to nose
"So youre gonna have me get up at 3 fucking a.m. to get you a greasey, artey clogging, cholesterol raising gastrointestinal disaster of a meal - when we have a perfectly good home made dinner in the fridge."
A deep suffering sigh.
An ecstatic squee
"Just get your fuckin shoes on"
You lean back over into the passenger seat, simon grumpy faced as you insisted that you should be the one to order.
You pat your thighs in glee as he pulls up to the window, gives you a dirty look , and hands the cashier his card.
The second window delivers your meal and drink quickly, you dig in like a starved animal. You're mid chew when he gives a grunt. A snooty sounding eh hem.
You grin and giggle, slowly airplaning him a nugget.
"Give me the chicken or i'll take the whole box"
You squeak and shove it to his lips quickly. His jaws snap around the nugget and it's gone within a single bite - you retract your fingers, still intact but wet with spit.
You give an 'eeeech' and look for somewhere to wipe your hand.
"Any of this ends up in or on my interior and it'll be your arse."
You roll your eyes and reach in the bag for a napkin, knocking the fries over in the process.
The car drifts slowly to the left and is parked along the side of the road.
Not a word spoken.
You try to shove as many back into the carton as possible.
He stares at you.
You smile sweetly at him before leaning over the center console and kissing him. You meet his lips, they're stretched into a dangerous grin.
"Love" kiss "did you" kiss "spill salt" kiss "in my truck?"
You might not know a lot, but you know that voice means you're in trouble, which means it's distraction time.
You continue your sweet onslaught of kisses.
"Thank you for taking me baby, I love you so much. ", another smooch
is delivered.
"Youre my person, my favorite guy, love of my life."
He bites at your lip and you barely manage to slip it from his teeth
"Wanna spend the rest of my life with you, grow old with you"
He grips the back of your head and maneuvers your ear to his mouth, in a deep rumble he asks
"Are there fries on my floor, love?"
The dangerous smile still present.
"No of course not baby! i cleaned those up."
"So my truck is fry free?"
"Well - no didn't say that. there's a, a few under the seat"
He's grappling you into his lap now, the man looks a hint deranged.
"And why, my love, are you telling me about them instead getting them?"
he presses.
"'Cause I - hehe - I can't reach!" You giggle out as his hands slink towards your sides.
He pokes and prods at you, growling not unlike a bear while you squeal and squeak out little laughs.
"Gets a man up at ass o'clock-"
"Oh please, you get up early anyway!"
"makes him drive to get congealed grease-"
"you had a nugget too!"
"Then trashes his truck."
"Oh please it's like a handful of fries, I'll get them, i'll get them!"
He frees you with a huff and you dive back over to your side of the car. You pop open your door and hop outside to get a better angle at the underside of the seat. He gets impatient as you fish around for the last few fries, giving a little hurrah as the last one is snatched.
Clambering back into the truck you grin at him, happy as can be. He hums a short laugh, and you're off to home again.
He makes a beeline for the bedroom and you trot over to the counter to finish your meal, most of it having been shared and eaten in the truck. You sit back a moment to enjoy the feeling of fullness when you see Simon emerge again.
"Bed. Now. Kept me up long enough" he's already on you before you can think of a reply, slung over his shoulder. He makes quick work of getting you both situated in your proper spots.
You're snuggled into his side for the night, full and content. He breathes in deep and exhales slowly. you draw nonsensical patterns on his bare chest, playing with the hair there. As sleep overtakes you, your palm flattens over the spot where his heart resides; and you feel him relax just a smidgen more.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Hey! Can I get the new episode of Baby Haitani? I love your series and look forward to its new episodes!!
I was already writing it when I was asked this and I finished it as fast as I could. So here you go.
Haitani Baby Brother
Part 3
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It's been many weeks since (Name) found out he was pregnant. He was extremely scared at first. But now he's excited. He's gonna have a pup! (Name) rubbed his slightly bigger stomach with a soft smile. His brothers on the other hand were gettingout of control if he wasbeing honest. They wee becoming more protective then usual. Which (Name) thought they couldn't do honestly.
He thought back to a few days ago. So far (Name)'s biggest craving has been Cheesecake for some reason. But Ran had gone with (Name) on his cheesecake adventure. When he ran into his ex. His ex took one look at Ran and how (Name)'s tight shirt showed his slightly pregnant stomach. Let's just say the Alpha wasn't happy about "his" omega getting pregnant. Ran nearly killed the guy if it wasn't for (Name).
But when the Alpha demanded that (Name) get rid of the pup he was carrying so he could carry his....well (Name) let Ran finish him off. Ran had gotten (Name) and his craving before quickly getting him away from the Bakery. Now that (Name) thought about it. His brothers have been very touchy on where he goes. They won't even let him go back to their work place anymore! Like they're trying to avoid him meeting someone....
(Name) sighed and ate another peanut butter covered pickle. Okay so he's started his weird craving phase and he's pretty sure he made his current body guard sick from it considering nobody even wants to be in the same room with him while he eats. He had an appointment today and he was just waiting for one of his brothers to come get him. There was always one of them with him.
Except when important meetings were held. Like now. (Name) changed the channel. He was tired of the news honestly. They talk about how bad Bonten was. What about how bad the government was? He shook his head and pouted when he realized he was out of pickles. "Oh! Maybe we have some honey! I can definitely go for some honey toast." (Name) walked past the long mirror in the hallway and froze. He looked like he was getting so big...
(Name) turned to the side and rubbed his stomach. Okay it was quite a bit bigger then last week. What the fuck? (Name) paled slightly. Why was he getting so big so quickly? The front door behind him opened revealing his brothers smiling happily before they noticed the nearly crying and pale (Name). The brother stood still. Not moving. Rindou slowly opened his mouth to ask what was wrong when (Name) started crying.
"Why am I getting so big so quickly?!" The brothers traded looks. Shoving one another to calm down their crying brother. Ran lost when Rindou kicked the back of his knee and sent him into the floor. He turned glaring at Rindou who was too "busy" checking the calendar. Ran stood and tried (hint word: tried) to calm (Name) down but the Omega kept crying.
"I'm too big for one baby! What if there's more then one?! No Alpha will want me!" The brothers froze and thought about his statement. (Name) indeed was bigger then usual for being almost 3 ½ months pregnant. But they haven't been able to go to many appointments due to Bonten. Ran shared a look with Rindou before carefully pulling (Name) close.
"Well maybe you have twins (Name). That's okay we'll love all of you and them the same. You don't need an Alpha when you have your Anikis!" That just made (Name) crying more. Ran started freaking out trying to get Rindou to help him out. Rindou rolled his eyes at his older brother but frowned in thought. Ran had done a few tests with the pup or pups their baby brother is carrying and they are Sanzu's.
The brothers have been doing everything they can to make sure they don't meet. They don't want (Name) getting heart broken and they know what'll happen if he's rejected. (Name) could actually die and the brothers just couldn't let that happen. He was everything to them. Rindou took a deep breath looking as serious as he could. "(Name) listen while your at the appointment with Aniki. I'm gonna look for that Alpha okay?"
Ran looked over at him with absolute panic. (Name) calmed down briefly looking at Rindou with tears still going down his face. "R-Really?" Rindou nodded his face so soft. Ran didn't understand. He thought they decided to keep them apart. Yeah Sanzu gives them money for (Name) and his cravings. But they could lose their baby brother and his their future nieces and nephews. Rindou gave Ran a look and nodded. Ran sighed in defeat and lead (Name) away to get ready.
Rindou didn't know what came over him when he got to Bonen head quarters and saw an upset Sanzu in his older brothers office. One second he was texting Ran about the appointment and entering the office next he had Sanzu against the desk. A hand wrapped around Sanzu's neck. The test results between Sazu and the pups. Along with a shirt (Name) had left in the panic room. "What are you doing in here?!" Rindou growled.
He didn't expect a whimper in return. He expected Sanzu to growl back at him. When Rindou's phone rang he didn't hesitate to answer still holding Sanzu down. It was Ran and by the sound of his excitement their earlier thoughts were correct. "Rin! (Name) is gonna have twins! Turns out one had been hiding behind the other!" He cold hear his baby brother sobbing in the background which made the hold on Sanzu tighten.
Ran hung up after talking for a few more minutes. Making plans on what to do with the pups. Rindou started down his co-worker. "Hear that druggie? Twins. You got my brother pregnant. With. TWINS!" Before Rindou could actually do any damage he was ripped off Sanzu. "Hey! I can smell the anger from Mikey's office! What's going on?" That's when the other members saw the test results and the pale Sanzu.
Takeomi slowly grabbed them holding them up for him and the others to see. "Are you serious? Were you still trying to get out of that!?" They looked at him in disappointment. Rindou glared down at him. "We just found out (Name)'s got twins." The air froze as everyone let the information set. Twins? Kokonoi was the first to break the silence. "Twins?? Are you serious?!" Rindou nodded not taking his eyes off Bontens second. Waiting for his reaction.
Sanzu slowly made eye contact with him. "He's having two of my pups?" Takeomi looked overjoyed while Kakucho and Mochi didn't look too pleased. "You were gonna leave that poor male omega with twins?" Mochi scoffed. "You call yourself a man?" "All I see is a little bitch." Kakcho growled. They've gotten to know the Omega over the last few weeks. He was too sweet to be left like that. He didn't deserve it.
Mikey made his presence known. "If you leave that Omega. Say goodbye to Bonten. You'll also never meet your pups since (Name) is under our protection. We'll protect him even from you." Everyone stared at him. He'd kick Sanzu from Bonten over this? Mikey then marched and stood in front and Sanzu. "I'm surprised you don't remember him." Remember him?
"(Name) was one of the students at my grandfather's dojo." Rindou stiffened. That's right but after an incident with an Alpha kid the brothers took him out. "I didn't remember until I saw an old photo of us at the dojo. You, me, Baji, and little (Name)." Mikey crouched down and gripped the front of Sanzu's suit. "(Name) was the Omega you swore you'd marry remember? The one you swore to look after and protect!"
Mikey swung hitting him right across the face. "The one who got attack by a Alpha just a year older then us! Now look at him Haruchiyo....pregnant with twins. You're twins I may add." Sanzu slowly lifted himself off the floor and stared at the ground. "So what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your Omega? The one who you swore you were gonna marry and look after?" It was like something clicked in his mind and then Sanzu was out the office door making his way to the Elevators.
His Omega needed him. His pups needed him.....He needed them. When he hit the lobby he ran as fast as he could. He ran passed multiple employees. He ran outside and directly to his car. He had seen on Ran's calendar that (Name) had an appointment at 3pm but now it was almost 5. So he knew (Name) had to be at home at the Haitani brothers penthouse. So he'd go there.
When Ran got the call from Rindou that Sanzu was on his way. He didn't know how to feel. He was told how their co-worker had "claimed" their baby brother as kids and apparently had completely forgot about it. Not until Mikey reminded him of the promise from so long ago. He remembers (Name) excitedly barging into his room one day after his lessons at the Dojo.
(Name) began explaining how he met the most handsome Alpha and how the Alpha swore and promised to look after him and marry him. Not even 2 weeks after that (Name) had been attacked by an older Alpha kid. He remembers how scared him and Rindou was that they'd lost (Name). He'd barley survived the attack. Thats when they decided to hide him from the world. They homeschooled him and kept him safe and away from any danger.
Until Sanzu Haruchiyo stepped into (Name)'s life again. Getting the male omega pregnant with not one pup but two. Which was extremely rare for omegas much less male omegas. Considering male Omega's could actually push the pups out. He knew this pregnancy was gonna be rough. For all the Haitani's. He turned to (Name) seeing him watching a cooking show and eating....a cheesecake? Where'd he get that?
"(Name) where did you get that cheesecake?" (Name) turned to his oldest brother and shrugged. "It was in front of the door when we got here." Ran immediately smacked the cheesecake out of his hands. "(Name)! Why would you eat it then?! What if there's something in it. Oh my god (Name) puke up what you ate right now!" Ran stuck his fingers into (Name)'s mouth and a little down his throat making (Name) puke what food he'd been eating.
(Name) looked at the ruined cheesecake with a heart broken expression before glaring at Ran. Ran was just realized what he did paled. Ah shit. Now (Name) was locked up in his room. Yelling at Ran to get him more cheesecake since he ruined the one he had. "But (Name) there could've been poison in it! Think about what it would've done to the pups!" Silence. "Thank you. Now can you get me a new cheesecake? I want a cheesecake with strawberries and chocolate..."
Ran sweatdropped. Man pregnant Omega's were really weird. Ran pulled out his phone and texted Rindou about how (Name) wanted a cheesecake with strawberries and chocolate. Ran didn't realize how much they were gonna spend on the cheesecakes (Name) would be craving. Like who likes that much cheesecake?! While Ran was ranting about his baby brothers craving the door bell had gone off.
Ran stood stiff since he knew that wasn't Rindou. Rindou hadn't even gotten to the Bakery where (Name) Likes his cheesecakes. It had to be that specific Bakery or dear god. Ran slowly crept to the front door. Gun drawn and ready. When he looked through the peak hole he saw a shifting Sanzu. Wait....how did he get here so fast? Ran cracked the door and stared through it. "Sanzu. What can I do for you?"
Sanzu looked up determined. "I'm here to see (Name)." Ran stared at him. "If. That's IF! I let you in, what are you going to do?" "I'm going to do what I need to do. Be there for him and our pups." Ran looked surprised and then stared not believing him. "Well I hope you know we expect you to actually stay with him...Sanzu. Not pretend to care for I'm and the pups. Do you plan kn making him your mate?"
Sanzu didn't hesitate to nod. "Yes. I do. I want to be with him and be there there for him and the pups." Ran stared before slowly unlocking and opening the door completely. "Well just to warn you. He's in a bad mood. A mysterious cheesecake showed up and when I found out he was eating it I flipped. Threw it to the ground and made him puke the rest up. So if he doesn't get a new cheesecake he won't be happy."
Sanzu walked through the door and threw Ran a playful look. "His biggest craving had been cheesecake?" Ran nodded chuckling. "Oh yeah. He always has to have it." Sanzu laughed. "Cheesecake is my favorite sweet. Although it has to be from a specific bakery." Ran looked confused before looking at him. "Same with (Name)'s cheesecake craving." Sanzu grinned. Those were definitely his pups. No doubt.
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If you want to read others. Click HERE
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Summary: Summer in Colorado is humid, sticky and uncomfortably hot. There's barely any comfortable time of day to give your boyfriend what he's been craving so much.
Pairing: Jack Thurlow × fem!Reader
Content Warnings: Explicit Smut (18+!), Absolutely No Plot Just Porn, Heavy Mommy Kink, Hand Job, Fingering, Jack Being A Moaning and Whimpering Mess, Finger Sucking, Cum Eating, Pet Names, Praise Kink, Begging
Word Count: ~1k
A/N: I don't know either, okay? I've been having Jack Thurlow brain rot for weeks now and this here somehow just came out of my fingertips in an hour.
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"P-please..." The word fell from his shaky lips in a high-pitched plea.
Jack's forehead was pressed to your temple and his hot breath hitting your slightly sweaty cheek with every raggedy breath of his.
Above the two of you, the whirring of a ceiling fan, trying to move the thick air around at least a bit.
"Please, what?" You asked in a saccharine-sweet whisper, the palm of your hand carefully wrapped around the nearly purple tip of his twitching cock.
You moved your hand in circling motions around it, not just yet allowing him the sensation of up and down strokes.
"Please, mommy, I...", It rolled over Jack's tongue in a raspy moan, "Wanna be a good boy for mommy, please.."
You noticed one of his hands, with its slender fingers reaching out and gliding over the curve of your thigh towards your lacey slip.
"C-can I touch you? Pretty please, mommy."
"Oh, you're so eager to be a good boy, huh?" For a brief moment you increased the pace of you toying with his rock-hard cock and Jack's breathing hitched.
"You may..." By the second you had uttered the words, Jack's fingers went straight for your thoroughly soaked slip, pushing the thin lace to the side to dip his fingertips between your slik-coated folds.
Although he acted quickly, his touches were gentle and considerate because he knew you liked it that way, sensual and attentive. You felt his nimble fingertips playing around your aching clit, setting your body on fire within seconds.
"Does..does that feel good?" He asked, his voice rendered into a needy mewl right as you started stroking him up and down, your lubed-up hand filling the humid air with squelching sounds, skin slapping against skin.
"You're such a good boy for me, Jack." It fell from your mouth in a choked back moan.
"Am I, mommy?" You could hear how much he was blushing, this kind of praise always did something to him, turned his mind all empty.
"Such a good little fucktoy for mommy, yeah.." You reciprocated, subconsciously jutting your hips against his fingers, riding them towards a rapidly building climax.
"You're going to make mommy come soon, Jack. Fuck..." You bit your bottom lip to hold back a flood of breathless moans.
Motivated by that, he let his fingers draw tight circles around your sensitive clit, caressing it with their touch and sending jolts of rising pleasure throughout your body.
It really didn't took much more than that for you to trip over the edge, arousal and desire almost becoming too much for a split second before the tight coil of lust in your lower body snapped and delicious waves of orgasmic pleasure crashed through you. Your body convulsed next to his in nearly 3 weeks of heat-induced abstinence for the both of you.
"Good god....fuck...Jack..", You cussed out in heavy pants, the sensation only slowly calming down, "Such a good fucking boy..."
You inhaled sharply. Your release had been overdue for so long now that you could try and imagine just how hard Jack's cock must've been throbbing at times.
" 'M gonna reward my best boy for that, yeah." While one hand of yours stroke him from tip to shaft, the other one wandered between your thighs, wetting your fingers with the slick of your release, coating them with a warm, sticky layer before raising them back up towards Jack's lips.
"Open up..." You demanded in a soft voice and so he did.
He parted his plush, pink lips ever so slightly, granting entrance for your fingers. Carefully, as to not gag him, you shoved your fingertips into his mouth over his tongue, spreading your cum as his very personal treat from you.
As soon as the taste washed around in his mouth, Jack started sucking on your fingers gently, drinking it all up.
"Look at you...", You chuckled looking at him through half-lidded eyes, not stopping to jerk him off, "Such a perfect boy for mommy, no?"
He simply nodded, a low moan vibrating around your fingers as you felt him getting harder in your touch.
"Do you want me to let you cum, too, huh?"
"Please...please..." Jack whimpered in return.
"Beg me. I wanna hear you beg for it, baby."
A desperate mewl fell from his lips and it was obvious to you just how much he needed to hold himself back to not just cum right there and then already.
"Please, mommy, I beg you...please, I wanna cum too. Need it so much, mommy!"
For a few seconds you didn't answer, letting him dangle there in the unknowing, administering a few more languid strokes before you leaned in a little closer and said: "Then cum for me, baby. It's okay."
With that Jack practically erupted in your grasp, his cock twitching inside of your palm and white-hot spurts of his seed painting your belly and thighs. A surprisingly guttural growl ripped itself out of the depths of his lungs as he came, his body twitching and his fingers clawing on to you for support.
"Such a perfect boy..." You panted in his hairline, smiling to yourself as you withdrew your fingers from his mouth.
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theloveinc · 28 days
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sukuna ryomen x reader - part of this!au , the king of curses watches you get ready for a lunch date with friends.
(warning: this is a piece about body image, which mentions reader having insecurities about trying on clothing and gaining weight. that being said, this isn't so much an angst fic as it about a relationship dynamic. fem reader who is called a woman/girl, adult themes, etc. 1.3k words!)
thank u to @notvil + @saetyrn9 for sukuna pet names! <3
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Most of the time, the King of Curses, Sukuna Ryomen, looks like a man. Thick set yet lean, baby-soft skin tattooed in deep, chocolate browns, and pink hair the color of April’s most delicate of cherry blossom petals, he fits into an entirely new category of handsome; one that would make your mother cry to see you standing against, but one that’d have anyone leaving another man at the altar for.
Some of the time, however, he looks like a monster.
Large and autocratic, he takes up space in your home the way a centerpiece of freshly slain taxidermy would, almost wooden, looming, like that of a thousand-year-old tree with roots more ancient than a Japanese cedar tree and a trunk just as strong.
Though normally, this form disturbs you enough to keep you from straying too far from his usual behests (most often, pulling out your bare breasts to present to him or finger feeding him food off of your plate, despite how many times he’s told you he needs no sustenance of the kind), not even all four of his arms or all four of his eyes can tear yours away from the mirror in front of you and the sides of your hips it presents as rather… surprisingly…voluptuous.
Really, you can only hope it’s the water damage behind the old silver that’s causing your belly to appear slightly more distended than the last time you last remember inspecting yourself to such an intense degree, and not the fact it’s been a few years since you stopped consistently working on your feet.
(You still sometimes pick up night shifts at the diner, during weeks when money is tight after paying rent and you’re craving something nice after weeks of rice with an occasional egg on top, but they’ve started stationing you at the register, where the only things you’re moving are credit cards through the slider and the thumb on your right hand as you play sudoku on your phone.)
The dress you’re wearing is old, and if the out-of-style pattern of its skirt didn’t make that obvious enough, the way the elastic is permanently stretched and no longer cinches around your waist makes it perfectly clear. You don’t feel… unattractive in it, not exactly… but it makes you look like some sort of old maid, you think, your ass resting just a little too full for your comfort and the frills around your bust too tacky for your liking, and not like someone who should be hanging out with a bunch of 20-something year-olds now years out of undergraduate.
Most of your friends dress in stylish ensembles they’ve collected and created over the many years you’ve known them… and while you wish you could emulate the causality they display in their effortlessly chic everyday wear, you’re still stuck living halfway out of your mother’s closet because clothing shopping is a luxury you have obviously not prioritized affording.
It’s partially why you’ve managed to push it too close to the wire to change outfits (really, you tried on two other things and felt strangely the same in them, one blouse an ugly, stained mustard and the other even more motherly looking, flaring widely over the lower bit of your belly as if that part of you needed hiding), as by now, you’ve learned there’s not enough time in the world to make you feel as confident as you do in your favorite pajamas, in your own home, entertaining only yourself.
And sometimes, Ryomen, when he feels like playing nice.
Because really, it’s hard to care about who the outside of you pleases when most of the time, your outfits (ugly or motherly or not) have no bearing on said, six-foot, seven-foot, something curse who fucks you upside down and backwards near daily every spare moment you’re able to offer yourself to him naked, and who currently stares at you like the piece of meat you really are as you stare at yourself.
Clearly, he is bored watching you, as when he’d tried picking at the clasped band of your bra, as much interest in the old lace as taking it off you accounts for, you’d succeeded in swatting at him enough times to have him slinking off to drape himself dramatically over your bed sheets again.
“Foolish woman,” he complains. “Never have you bothered wearing fancy clothing around me.”  
“It’s not about the clothing. It’s about how it’s literally been 35 pounds since I’ve last seen these friends.”
Sukuna rolls half of his four eyes, the two that don’t sit vertically or flatly on his face where they would if he looked human.
“Pounds of flesh?” he says dryly, which you ignore in favor of pulling off the frilly shirt you're currently wearing and replacing it with something much more simple you initially thought might come off as too casual, but now seems like the best option in terms of comfort.
“Of…fat,” you twist in the mirror to briefly glance back at where he sprawls, pinching the dips on your hips as though it’s obvious what you’re talking about, “that I can’t exactly hide.”
“Hide?” he repeats incredulously, his big face morphing into something much more pointed and annoyed as his words darken into a chuckle that seems to echo and vibrate between the walls. “Good women walk bare, you know.”
What you know is that Sukuna is taunting you, and that his kind of woman, the traditional, acquiescent kind, hasn’t existed for thousands upon thousands of years. It’s something he must have been forced to come to terms with since having woken up in a decade that is entirely not his, where most women (you included, as well as all the other ones you’re sure he’s encountered here) dress in business casual suits and spend their time working for the man (rather than serving one) because it’s the only way outside of finding a husband they’ll be set up to survive.
Still, Sukuna has made a few attempts at pushing the expectation of that ancient naturality on you, despite knowing you don’t have the kind of time or patience or even employment that level of… maintenance (or lack thereof, given that what he likes is when you’re completely unshaven and greased up for his pleasure) …requires to indulge him, the literal cost of it all notwithstanding.
“Good women don’t binge themselves on the latte machine at work and order lunch takeout just because someone else is picking it up.” 
The man, the king, as he sometimes demands to be called, seems to ponder for a moment, eyes not on you but on the pale, stained bed sheets he pinches between two of his long nails as he considers your response. You’re not yet sure if he really cares, but no sooner is he shooting you a nasty pair of eyes you try to ignore as you stick a hand down the back of your ass to rearrange the seamless panties beneath your leggings.
“Who, sweet girl,” he says, voice wet with a surprisingly bitter edge, “is picking it up?”
You stare at him from out of the corner of the mirror, at the way his eyebrows have narrowed, his mouth has puckered downward, and his eyes haven’t stray from your body since you mentioned it’s shape. Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes.
“Nobody, actually. Starting tomorrow, I’m officially bringing in lunch from home for the rest of the month.” Letting your pants slap back down once your hand emerges from the waistband, you decide it’s finally time to suck it up and take your leave. Your friends have never been judgmental people no matter how much you’d like to impress them regardless, and you doubt one bad outfit is going to ruin the rest of your week, much less however long the friendships may last. “I’ll be good, and then you can stop nagging.”
“I am not nagging, poppet.” Sukuna scoffs, clearly offended as he shifts to roll over and face away from where, in a few minutes, you’ll no longer be, having already started preparing to grab your purse. “I’m saying good women need only care about pleasing their own men.”
“Their own, huh?” you ask, to which Sukuna humphs, though still lets you lean over your bed to give him one brief kiss on the shoulder before you leave. “I’ll have to remember that.”
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luvrxbunny · 4 months
pairing: post-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
summary: You're confronted with the town's opinions.
warnings: 18+ MDNI, smoking (weed), lots of feelings, (lmk if i forgot anything)
wc: 2.6k
a/n: if you've read my fic 'soft' then you've read this already
|| pt.1 || pt.2 || pt.3 || pt.4 ||
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You just want to fuck him already. It’s been months now, of this back and forth. To be clear, you do still want him romantically, how could you not? This man, when his hair is fluffy and soft just like him. When you see his expression now light up when you walk into the room. When he builds you little trinkets in the shop, instead of doing the job he was assigned to. When he makes your favorite for dinner after finding out that you’re having a bad day. When he plans movie nights featuring your favorites that he could find on DVD. 
How could you not love him?
It scares you. The “situation-ship” you both were currently in started a few months ago. Actually… It started exactly four months and three weeks ago. There’s no point in pretending you haven’t kept track. Joel told you that he needed time. You would have never expected it to be this much time but you’ve grown to love and crave him over the months.
He listened to what you said at the bar that night. He’s been giving you so much affection it’s actually making the other women in the community quite jealous of you. He hasn’t kissed you yet but he kisses your cheek, your forehead, and- when he’s drunk or high enough- your neck. You don’t kiss him anymore. You’ve kissed his cheek a few times over the months, his head once when he was sick but other than that you try to keep to yourself. You’re still a bit traumatized from his first rejection, the way it played out, and everything. You’d rather just not risk it.  
You’re in the garden and he’s in the field. You’re planting flowers, pulling and re-planting vegetables while Joel is harvesting the wheat he planted four months ago and tilling the land for the new seeds. You keep looking over at him, you really can’t help it at this point. 
The sun is shining through his hair, making it a dark golden color with streaks of white running through it. His arms are smudged from handling the dirt all day and his biceps flex repeatedly as he picks the kernels off of the wheat and throws them into his basket. His eyebrows are creased and his eyes squinted to avoid the burning light of the sun and he keeps looking over at you. He really can’t help it at this point. 
You look so beautiful, sitting on your knees with your adorably mismatched gardening gloves. Your hair falls so angelically every time you lean forward to lead a new plant to its home. Every time you sit back up you use the back of your wrist to shove the hair from your face, sputtering out, trying to get your hair out of your mouth and it's so endearing. Your arms are dirty and he feels the incredibly odd urge to bathe you. He’s ready to love you. He’s so fucking ready but he has no clue- not even the slightest- as to how he should tell you. 
The current supervisor calls it a day and you almost fall face-first into the plants in your scramble to get to Joel. He’s taking off his gloves, flexing and stretching his fingers when he sees you rushing toward him with a huge smile he can’t help but mirror. “Hey, darlin’. You look so beautiful today.”
You freeze where you stand which luckily isn’t too far from Joel. He makes his way over to you, watching your expression. He loves it so much, he doesn’t understand how he never noticed it before. The way you always take a deep, shaking breath, your eyebrows go inward and you give him this look. He doesn’t understand it yet but it always makes him ache for you, makes him burn somewhere in the depths of his being to just be with you. He doesn’t know how long he can resist it. He doesn't want to. He doesn’t.
“I’m- I think I really- I just really wanna kiss you.” You snap out of your daze and your eyes focus on him, hopeful for a moment then a little dull. You turn your head, give him your cheek, close your eyes, and wait for the gentle kiss but nothing happens. You slowly open your eyes and look at him, he looks scared. “I wanna kiss you.”
You can hear your heart speed up, your breaths getting shorter and your thoughts more jumbled. He wants to kiss me? You’re confused for a moment, not understanding what brought this on. You’re eyes slip from his contact as you lose yourself in your thoughts, not realizing the silence you’re creating or the anxiety you’re causing. But Joel realizes, he’s sweating more than he has all day as he waits for you to say something, do something. He shifts his weight from foot to foot before giving up. “We don’t have to… I just- I wanted to…” He tries and fails to keep the sadness out of his voice.
His words strike fear in you and you reach out to grip his arm, hoping it’s enough to stop him from walking away. “Y-You wanna kiss me? On the… on the lips?” He’s surprised by your voice, it sounds far away, loose, and airy.
“I do.” It comes out with no hesitation, no stutters, no pause. You take a step closer to him and his expression twitches, his chest beginning to heave with anticipation. 
“I would really love that, Joel.” You’re staring up at him now, as best you can in the sun. You’re looking into his eyes, an excited, mischievous glint in your eyes, challenging him, daring him to do something. And he loses his nerve. 
“Oh! Okay. Thats… Thats good. I- I want you to come over later, alright? I’ll get us some weed and alc. You don’t need to bring snacks or nothin’ either jus- jus bring yourself, alright? Okay, see you then.” And with that, he walked off. His cheeks were absolutely burning. He couldn’t believe himself 
‘That's good’? What the fuck is wrong with you, Miller? Leaving that darlin’ girl standing in the sun like that? It just ain’t right, she’s so sweet on you and you fuckin’ know it. Why am I doin’ this to her… 
You’re watching Joel walk away. A bit stunned by the whole interaction, confusion, and questions swarm your head the whole walk home. They stick with you in the shower and as you get ready to head over to Joel’s. They accompany you on the whole walkover as well.
Maybe he wants me to do something… I know people like it rough, so maybe he wants me to take charge? He doesn’t really seem the type. Does this mean he wants me now? Will he kiss me tonight? Is that why he invited me over? Are we gonna have sex? Oh god, I hope so. I’d treat him so well- or maybe I wouldn’t… everyone likes it rough. 
You’ve reached his block when you’re stopped by Susan; Joel’s biggest admirer. She places herself in front of you, blocking your path and forcing you to talk to her.  “Oh, he’s not in, hun.”
You take a calming breath and try not to roll your eyes at her. “Okay… Well, I’m gonna check, just in case.” You turn your steps and try to make your way around her only for her to place herself right back in your way. 
“I’m gonna be honest I- I don’ really get this whole thing with you an’ him. I just- I guess I don’ really see it… Do ya’ know what I mean?” You glare at her, ignoring her statement and waiting for her to just get out of your way. “I mean…” She steps closer to you. “I remember when you first got here…” 
You can feel shame and embarrassment curl in your stomach at the mention of your arrival. You weren’t in the best place, mentally, and you did a lot- a lot- of things that you wished you hadn’t, lots of men you wished you hadn’t. “Don’t be an ass, Susan.” She backs away from you, a sinister smile on her face and her hands in the air. 
“Hey! I’m” She laughs. “I’m jus sayin’... You were interested in a lot of different men.” You start walking, refusing to listen to what she has to say. But the psycho bitch follows you. “I mean are you even sure that it’s him that you want? Weren’t you with Jared just a few months ago? I mean…” 
You’re speed-walking to Joel’s now. You’re only a house away when she hops in front of you again. “Hun! I told you he ain’t home! I’m just-” She sighs and lowers her head as you crane your neck, hoping and praying Joel had made his way to the porch by now. But he hasn’t. “If you just want a man I can set you up with some of my friends! Some people who are… Gosh! How do I say this without bein’ rude? Some people who are more in your… lane… league?” Your head whips back at her, fury raging in your eyes at her audacity. 
“Excuse me?” You question, low and threatening. “Well. Hun, c’mon now, don’t get all bent outta shape, I mean well! You and I both know Joel is too… hmm, well. He’s too good for you I guess.” You’re not staring at her, you’ve turned your head to the patch of sky you can see through the trees beside you, choosing to count the stars instead of listening to this shit. 
“I’d strongly disagree.” You can hear her gasp and spin around as a smile spreads over your face. Joel. 
“Oh! I- I thought you weren’t home, sugar.” She tries to lean into him but he walks around her and grabs your arm, pulling you past her with a mumble of ‘Yeah. I know.’, ending the conversation. 
Joel doesn’t speak until he’s gotten you inside. “I dunno why you listen to that woman. She spews nothin’ but garbage.” You watch him dart from cupboard to cupboard to retrieve his lighter and a little joint you can tell he rolled because it’s dented in the middle. “She’s always saying some dumb shit. I fuckin’ hate it.” 
His eyebrows are furrowed and his face is hard as he lights it up. You can’t remember the last time you’ve seen him so angry. You watch the tension fall from his shoulders, his face relaxing as he inhales. You take your shoes off, still watching him as a small smile spreads over his face and he exhales. “Are you gonna share Joel?” You ask as he goes in for another hit. 
“Hey-  Be nice darlin’ it’s mine after all.” He teases while handing it to you. You push yourself up onto the counter, sitting next to where he’s leaning as you take a drag. 
“Yours schmours, you’ll be fine.” He giggles- giggles- at your statement, his hand coming up to cover his smile as he laughs. All you can see are his pretty brown eyes, the creases around them, and the way they almost shut while he laughs. You feel your heart race, bringing along that urge that has gotten you in trouble many times over. Your eyes flicker to his lips and you immediately avert your gaze, taking another hit to try and calm yourself. 
You wait for him to come back up from his designated, folded, laughing position and hold the joint out for him. You snort at the misshapen stick, causing you to choke on the smoke you were holding. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s what you get for laughing. Mhm.” You’re coughing up a lung as he says this, making the situation worse because you cannot stop laughing at him. He continues his remarks after taking a hit, you’re still choking and laughing, and you hold an arm out to him. 
“Joel-” You cough. “Joel-” You laugh. “Joel, stop it. I’m- oh fuck.” You start coughing again in a way that has Joel turning to face you, amusement and a bit of concern on his face. “Oh my god, stop. I’m gonna die, don’t make me laugh- oh my god.” 
He’s beaming at you, proud that you find him so funny and the high really hitting him. You can tell, his eyes are a bit hazy and his eyebrows are raised for some reason. He walks towards you when your fit dies down, pushing himself between your legs with a dazed look on his face. He’s just staring at your thighs for a moment, his head turning from left to right so he can look at both of them before looking up at you. Your heart is thrumming out of your chest as you try to keep your expression neutral, maybe a bit inquisitive. He stares at your lips for a bit before you see his hand raising with the joint. He brings it to your lips and looks back up at your eyes, his eyebrows jump, prompting you to inhale. 
You take a long hit, trying to get as much smoke as you can, hoping it will calm you down. His eyes stay on yours, darkening as his breathing becomes a bit shallow. He pulls the joint away from your lips and puts it out right onto the counter before bringing his hand up to your cheek. 
You haven’t exhaled yet, savoring the hit while he slowly brings your face to his. You’re watching his eyes, still on yours as he pulls you in. You begin to exhale, not wanting to hold the smoke in if he’s going to kiss you. That’s when he pushes your lips together. You try not to choke as he sucks the smoke out of your mouth and pulls away. You’re in a stupor as he grins at you and breathes your smoke out, re-lighting the fire in the pit of your stomach, the one that always seems to flare whenever he’s around.
“What’d ya think of that, huh? Good kiss or?” He’s wearing a smirk but his eyes are uncertain at your silence. You keep it up, not saying anything, just pulling him back in and smashing your lips into his. He accepts your kiss with a grunt from the force of it as his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you in. 
You’re gripping his hair like it's your lifeline, gripping his face like it’ll fall apart otherwise, it hurts a little but he’s fond of your eagerness. Your hands slide onto his shoulders and you dig your fingers into his skin brutally, pulling a wince from him. He separates your lips and strokes over your cheek with his thumb, admiring you. It's a soft, tender moment until you yank him by his belt loops, crashing him against the counter painfully to whisper in his ear. “I want you, Joel”
He smiles at this and kisses you again as you undo his belt. You remove it from the loops and let it drop to the ground so you can get to work on his button and zipper. You feel his lips stutter against yours and he pulls away, confused. “Not- not here, darlin’. ‘M not gonna do this in the kitchen.” He sounds a bit confused as he grips your hips and lifts you off of the counter and back onto the floor. They come back up to cradle your face again as he places a quick, soft kiss on your lips. “ ‘M gonna make love to you in my room, on my bed, baby.”
Make love...?
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thank you so much for reading!! please please please give any feedback you may have! I want it all! also if you liked it please take a look at my masterlist! or send me some motivation here!
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🏷️ : @hiroikegawa
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jealousjersey · 4 months
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𐙚☆⋆。𖦹° ‧ “oh shit” 𐙚☆⋆。𖦹°‧
mike schmidt x afab!fem!reader blurb
𐙚- description: mike gets reader pregnant after he goes crazy with his breeding kink.
☆- warnings: cream pie, pregnancy, breeding kink, unprotected p in v
𐙚-a/n: ugh i’m eating this color combo up!!!!
⋆。゚。⋆。 ☁️゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁️。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
mike had today off, abby was with vanessa and you had mike all to yourself. it’s not often it’s just the two of you but today you wanted to take advantage of that.
you made sure to put on your sexy red matching lingerie set he got for you 2 years ago, he loves the way it hugs on your body. you walked out the bathroom wearing nothing but the two lacy cloths covering your bits, just teasing him at this point. “baby, what’s this?” he laughs, confused. “am i forgetting a anniversary?” he thinks to himself. “just wanna look good for you. it’s been a while since we’ve had sex” that part was true. its been 3 weeks and you’re craving him more than you’ve ever before
“you do look good, really good.” he practically drools at the sight of you. he leans in and pulls you toward him, hugging you tightly. he starts taking his shirt off after getting the “go ahead” nod from you he always listened to. he looked more delicious now than ever. you were biting your lip at the sight of him in front of you, knowing what’s next.
mike slides his dick out of his boxers, precum already soaking the tip from the sight of you. “lay down on the bed and let me fuck you princess” he says as he stands up, you agree and lay down, moving your lacy panties down your legs.
mike knew you weren’t on birth control which was fine, he always wore a condom and when you were out, he always pulled out before painting your insides. but tonight, no condoms were found. he just had to pull out, like always, right?
mike inserts two fingers inside you, getting you wet and needy for him. he stops at the right time, just when you’re about to cum. hust to get you soaked for his cock inside you.
mike teases you by sliding just the tip in, as he stimulates your clit making circular motions, the sensation almost makes you arrive all over him. but you don’t want that and god, neither does he.
“fuck baby please put it in, need you inside me” you whimper. he grins and shoves his leaking cock deep inside you, hitting your g spot first try. you groan “fuck mike need you s’bad” he makes eye contact with you, his brown eyes swallowed by black, his face red and sweating.
you’ve never seen him like this before. he pushes back deeper, his balls slapping against your ass, surely to leave red marks by the pace he’s going.
you’re so lost in the pleasure he’s giving you, you completely forget that he’s not wearing a condom. “fuck mike cum inside, please fill me up! i need you to breed me” you whimper. he’s so pussy drunk he can’t think straight. his dick twitches inside you as he empties himself inside you, his body caves in on you, holding himself with just enough strength to not crush you.
after what seems like hours he pulls out of you, quickly realizing he doesn’t have a condom on. “oh shit.” he blurts out, quickly covering his mouth with his hand. you’re too tired to notice what he’s talking about.
“what’s wrong mikey?” you ask him, as you sit up and look around at the scenery. “i’m gonna be a dad.” he looks at you, you swear you say a glimmer in his eyes.
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whaledenwtf · 7 months
Vegeta x Reader -
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Hihi!! The last fanfiction I wrote was the Kratos x Reader. I love Vegeta, so I'm writing a fanfiction. This has also been cross-posted on AO3 here: Link Enjoy this Smut-fest.
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Warnings: afab!reader and Male Smut, Breeding Kink, Creampie, Choking, Dom/Sub dynamic, Use of Pet names/Nicknames, Praise and Degradation, Oral (Male and Female Receiving), Fighting, Blood, etc. Porn with Plot, basically 
Vegeta is also a little OOC, especially after seggs, so warning for that too!
WORD COUNT: 6197 Words (Jesus Christ)
Hope you enjoy this story ~
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It had been probably, the WORST week of your life. You got evicted because your landlord ended your lease - can landlords even do that? what a dick, you thought to yourself. That, plus the massive training block you've been experiencing AND the fact you had just ended the worst date have really made you crave a night of forgetting everything. You're so grateful for alcohol and Bulma. Both were incredible distractions and can help you forget everything.
"Thanks again for letting my stay here until I could get back up on my feet." You tell her after taking a sip of your rum and coke. She waves you off, lifting her feet up onto the couch, tucking them under herself and getting comfortable.
"(Y/N), I'm serious when I say you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. You don't understand how much I need a friend in this house." You giggle.
"What do you mean?" Bulma groans, and takes a massive gulp of her vodka sprite.
"My parents... are my parents-" That, you could understand. They are a handful. "And Vegeta's always been a pain in my ass. Especially since I got back with Yamcha-" You almost spit out your drink.
"WHAT?!?!" You gasp out loud, before whispering, as if you were conspiring. "Since when? What happened to 'working things out' with Vegeta?" You were curious, as she went on and on... and on and on about fixing things with Vegeta for the sake of Trunks.
"I mean, there's definitely love for him as the father of my son. But that love can only get me so far. We understand that we aren't meant to last. Plus Yamcha has gotten better at communicating his feelings and his wants. He's definitely not the same person who cheated on me years ago." Bulma stated matter-of-factly. You furrow your brows.
"So why's Vegeta still live here?" Bulma takes a sip of her drink and ponders her response.
"Well... At the beginning it was because I would miss him too hard, and I couldn't imagine a world without him in it. Now, its partially because of Trunks, and partially because-" She leans in close, and whispers in your ear. "I feel bad for him. He really only has Trunks now..." She bites her lip as she moves back to her spot.
"He'll find someone. He's... very attractive and sets his mind to things and sticks to it. I mean, sure, his pride is his greatest weakness, but he definitely has more pros than cons, especially now." You always found Vegeta attractive, but that was a given. Both Saiyans (and Broly, when you think about it) are very attractive beings. You wonder if its Saiyan genetics that make such handsome men, or if it really is just pure luck.
"Ou~" Bulma purrs. "Want me to set you two up? I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He can already tolerate you and has complimented your strength-" Your eyes widen.
"What has he said?" You lean in, excited. Bulma smirks knowingly.
"Maybe this planet isn't doomed after all." She puts on her best Vegeta impression, which makes you giggle.
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You spend the rest of the night chatting and getting drunk with Bulma, by the time you both head to bed, its almost 3 am. You stumble through the halls, bumping into different doors. You open your bedroom door, and walk to your bed. When you collapse, your eyes are closed and notice that your bed is warm... and hard?
"Woman! Is there a reason you're in my bedroom? It's 3 AM, some of us train around here." You snuggle deeper into the mass.
"S-ry 'Geta. M'drunk." You slur out, with zero environmental awareness.
"GO IN YOUR OWN ROOM!" He whisper yells, trying to push you off. You whine, cuddling your face into his neck and inhaling. He instantly freezes up, and you feel heat pool up his neck towards his face. Eyes still closed, you smile softly.
"Mmm... smell good." You lay your face directly on his pulse point, blissfully unaware of the speedy pitter-patter of the Saiyan's heart.
"Woman-" He whisper-yells. "Please get out of my room." His voice is pleading, and your mind seems to begin feeling guilt.
"Can't. Can't walk. 'M too drnk." You whisper into his neck sadly, sniffling as tears spring to your eyes. Your body was vulnerable, especially so under the effects of alcohol, and Vegeta feels concerned. On the one hand, he is uncomfortable with physical touch, but on the other, the way your breath hits his pulse point has brought his Saiyan instincts out, and he does not want to take advantage of one of the only women in his life who finds him tolerable- semi tolerable? he thinks to himself. He sighs.
"Lemme carry you then." You hum.
"Thank you, Princey." You leave a small peck on his neck. Insignificant to you, probably, but meant too much to Vegeta. From his limited understanding of Earthlings and their tolerance to alcohol, it lowered inhibitions, but also could bring out instincts. Do you trust him? That question unloads a can of worms in Vegeta's head, as he lifts you in a bridal carry and walks towards your room, which is a short walk from his door. Despite this, it feels like centuries. He watches your face as you slowly fall asleep to the rocking of his movement as he carries you. What if you DID trust him? Vegeta knows he is not a good man, perfectly shown through his relationship with Bulma, or lack of. He couldn't keep a woman, who, he would never admit, helped him through a lot and even gave him a son. A son he hasn't even taken care of much! Vegeta's brow furrows and he stops walking in the middle of the hallway, which stirs you from your light slumber.
"'Geta?" You ask him confused, still drunk. He looks into your eyes, and can't help but admire their colour.
"Almost there-" He whispers softly. You gaze at his face, before reaching a hand to his forehead. The soft touch to his face makes his eyes widen.
"You should smile more. You're handsome when you do." You whisper, before your hand falls from his forehead, and lingers on his cheek, holding him softly. Vegeta's brow unfurrows, as he watches you. He then walks you to your room, and prepares to leave you at the door.
"Tha-nk y-ouuu 'Geta." He helps you out of his arms so you could land on your legs, though you did so a little unstable. You kiss his cheek quickly, and giggle before opening and closing the door behind you. Vegeta is stunned in place, holding the cheek you kissed as a raging blush flushes his entire body.
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"Ugh, my head." You groan as you walk into the kitchen, where Vegeta and Bulma are bickering.
"Yeah I'm in pain too. Wish I could use a Senzu bean-" Bulma jokes, but Vegeta cuts her off.
"What a stupid use of a Senzu bean. You'd be wasting it to get through something ridiculous." He bites at her, and she rolls her eyes.
"Normally, I'd fight you, but I'm in too much pain and care too little about your opinion." You wince, and can tell those words hurt Vegeta a little, no matter how much he hides it.
"Woah Bulma, 'ts a little much. Let's all just have coffee, breakfast, and then we'll all feel better." You speak up as you walk past Vegeta, brushing his shoulder with your hand as a sign of respect, and defense. Vegeta looks at you with an eyebrow raised, and you raise one side of your lip slightly, smirking at him. You loved Bulma, but sometimes she says things she regrets, especially when hungover. She groans.
"Coffee sounds great." You giggle, as you make coffee for you three. You pass everyone a mug, and take a sip and sigh into the warm mug.
"I'll make us breakfast. What do you want, Vegeta?" You ask, looking at him over the rim of the mug. Bulma raises a brow.
"Why are you asking him?" You hum looking at her.
"Cause he's gonna be eating the most portions. I'm already making eggs and bacon, but he'll probably want something else, right 'Geta?" Your eyes switch from Bulma to Vegeta, and you can see the tips of his ears blushing, before he crosses his arms and turns to look away from you.
"Tch. Make me three steaks on the side, woman!" You roll your eyes at Bulma, who chuckles.
"All right, your highness. I'll make them rare and also feed them to you?" He smirks at that.
"Finally, someone who can understand the worth of a Prince-" Bulma rolls her eyes.
"Being the prince of 3 people is like calling me the queen of nothing." Vegeta's head snaps to her, and he growls.
"What a fitting title for someone who brings nothing to my life-" Bulma's eyebrows raise, and so do yours.
"Okay Vegeta, let's calm down~" You hold his shoulder, and rub it, eyes widening as you can see his hair flicker between blonde and brunette quickly.
"Tch. She's insufferable!" He cries out, effectively calming himself down.
"You're BOTH insufferable, actually. Both of you need to fucking relax." You tried not to swear often, but they were annoying you. Both of them shut up, eyes wide.
"I'm gonna finish cooking, we are going to eat calmly and quietly, and then I can go train for a bit before I-" You're taking the bacon out of the oven when your phone rings, and Vegeta grabs it for you.
"Who's calling?" You ask him as you grab the device from his thick hand.
"Tinder James? What kind of a first name is Tinder?" Vegeta raises a brow and you cough, eyes wide.
"He's calling you back?! PUT HIM ON SPEAKER." Bulma shouts, excited. You roll your eyes, but answer and put him on speaker while you cook.
"(Y/N) here." You respond.
"Hey sweetheart. Sorry I had to cut our date short yesterday, you know how it is haha-" You roll your eyes as Bulma mimics the movement of vomiting. Vegeta stays silent, watching your face. You had a date yesterday? He's upset at this information, but would never tell you that.
"Its fine-" You start to respond. "I mean, if you wanna continue the date tonight I'm game." He cuts you off.
"Continue... our date?" You ask confused.
"Yeah? I didn't hit so I thought you'd want me to hit it-" Both you and Bulma actually guffaw at that.
"Something funny?" He asks confused.
"Listen here, sweetheart-" You start sarcastically "You weren't gonna hit. You spent the whole date checking your phone and texting. I'm not stupid and I'm not someone who you can push around. We aren't gonna fuck, so stick your dick elsewhere. Oh! And delete my number." You hang up before blocking the number, turning to grin at Bulma. She laughs and high-fives you after you turn off the stove-top, eggs ready. You pile the eggs and bacon onto plates and get going on the steaks while handing the plates of food to Bulma and Vegeta. They start eating, and by the time you finish the steaks, Vegeta has finished his portions.
"Here you go." You hand the pile of steaks to him, and eat your meal. He doesn't touch his food, and looks at you expectantly. He harrumphs to get your attention.
"Yes?" He raises a brow.
"Why aren't you feeding me?" You laugh in his face. You pick up a piece of bacon from your plate before shoving it in his mouth. He choke on it, eyes wide looking at you.
"Eat your damn steaks." You tell him as you shovel eggs into your mouth and wink at him. Bulma laughs at him, as she picks up the empty plates and puts them in the dishwasher. Vegeta stays quiet and starts to eat his steaks, but you can see that his hairline is flickering blonde, but he wears a small smirk on his face.
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The next couple days you don't see Vegeta at all. Normally, it wouldn't affect you, but you felt... saddened by the lack of his presence.
You are walking past the Gravity Chamber when you hear a massive explosion, and shouting. You sprint towards the Chamber, worried.
"Stupid Earthlings and their stupid creations!" You smirk at the angry Saiyan, who is hugging a robot, his hair a dark blue.
"Cute look, Vegeta. Is she your new girlfriend?" You tease, smirking at him. He turns to looks at you, and the tips of his ears turn pink.
"Woman! How dare you joke about the Saiyan Prince and his taste in women?" He grumbles loudly, walking closer to you. His hair goes back to brunette, and you can't help but admire his handsome looks.
"It's okay Vegeta. I won't tell Bulma~" You say in a sing-song voice, winking at him. He drops the robot before crushing it with his feet. You raise an eyebrow and smirk at him.
"These ridiculous jokes must end! Where is the respect for royalty? An understanding of- of greatness?" He asks you, getting closer. You look up at him, and bite your lip.
"I apologize for my humour, my prince-" You tell him, as you curtesy. "I'll make sure to only sing my praises of your existence, your majesty." The tips of his ears are deepening into a dark blush, and his cheeks are also discolouring.
"That's more like it, woman! Though, Saiyans always greeted me on one knee-" you cut him off, grinning.
"You want to see me on my knees? Dirty prince." His whole face turns red, and you can feel his Ki rise significantly.
"Y-you vile woman! Such tactless behaviour- such a dishonourable sneak attack!" He stutters angrily, his eyes becoming a beautiful teal and his hair a vibrant blonde, once again. You giggle before rubbing his chest to calm him down.
"I'm only kidding 'Geets-" he grumbles looking away from you, face still flushed. He snaps out of Super Saiyan, and his blush lowers significantly. "Hey, wait a minute! Why don't we train together?" His head snaps back at you, intrigued.
"Why should I train with you?" He asks unkindly. You roll your eyes at his attitude.
"Well, for starters, your little playroom is broken-" his eyebrows furrow and he is reminded of his loss. "Secondly, I've had the worst training block in my life. I can't do anything right and having someone like you train with me will surely help!" He ponders this for a moment.
"Fine. But only because, as you put it, "my playroom is broken"." You smile at him, and grab his wrist to drag him to an open field far away from Bulma's ire.
"Tch. We could've flown here." He crosses his arms, raising a brow.
"Yeah, but sometimes walking through nature helps clear the mind, and prepares me for a battle." You say, as you roll your shoulder and stretch your body.
"C'mon Vegeta, I know you've said that I am a competent fighter-" Vegeta cuts you off angrily.
"Does that putrid woman share all my secrets?!" He goes back into Super Saiyan, getting into fighting position. You giggle as you also stance up.
"She's being harmless, 'Geta." He comes towards you first, fist almost breaking through your block.
"Jesus Vegeta. You need to slow down so the rest of us can catch up!" You huff out, faces close together. You blush as your eyes wander to his lips.
"I will never "slow down" so that a mere Earthling can catch up to the Prince of all Saiyans-" You punch his gut as he speaks, and he barely reacts to it, eyes widening. You aim a kick to his ribs, but he quickly grabs your calf, and spins you. You use your other foot to kick his sternum, and fly up in the air. You dodge and hit eachother, nothing that would really need a Senzu. Then you decide to up the stakes.
"I've been practicing this technique- CATASTROPHIC CANON-" [note: idk man im trying] A massive ball of red-hued Ki shoots towards Vegeta. In his mind, the move sounded idiotic, so surely he could handle its power. The ball then splits into three and hits him from all angles. He's never seen a move that did that! He was impressed, but it could be stronger.
"That was cute, woman! Let me show you a real show stopper- GALICK GUN!" You tried to dodge, but it was too late. Like a meteor, you crash into the ground under you, creating a crater around your body. Vegeta's eyes widen as he flies towards you, worried.
"Woman!" When you don't answer, he walks closer, concerned.
"Woman?-" Your eyes were closed, but your chest was still moving. "Y/N?" He's right next to you now. You grab his ankle, and flip him so you land on top of him. You sit on his lap, and hold his arms up over his head, panting loudly. Blood is dripping down a gash from your forehead, and he can't help but find you to be the most beautiful being he's ever seen.
"I-" You inhale. "Win-" exhale, looking deep into his eyes. He tries to break out of your hold, but you grip his wrists tightly, and he flinches.
"That was dirty!" Vegeta protests, blushing. You get closer to him, your breathes mingling.
"I'll make sure to play nicely next time, Prince Vegeta-" His lips catch yours in ah instant. Your lips mold to his perfectly, and the small moan you let out is not unnoticed by the Saiyan. Your grip on his wrists loosened, and he takes advantage of your vulnerability to flip you under him. Your thighs wrap around his small waist, and you pull him closer to you, grinding up to him.
Your open your mouth and you begin another battle. His tongue and yours lash against eachother, and you further explore his mouth, tracing your tongue over his teeth. Your tongue caresses over his canines, which were sharper because of his Alien heritage. You puncture yourself on them, and he moans out when a drop of your blood lands on his tongue. You pull away to look him, eyes wide.
"Please-p-please Vegeta." You whimper. He looks at you, panting slowly.
"Call me by my real title, sweetheart." You moan, pushing forward to kiss his neck. You lick up and down his pulse point. He moans into your hair, and you feel a rush of slick leave your body. He sniffs the air around you before groaning.
"I can smell you sweetheart-" You whimper into him, before licking up to the shell of his ear.
"Please Prince Vegeta. Please touch me." He pulls you up off the ground, still grinding into you softly.
"As you wish, princess-" He shoots off the ground, flying quickly back to Capsule Corp to continue what you had both started. As he flies through the skies, you continue to lick and kiss his neck, before biting down on junction between his neck and shoulder. He growls in your ear before pulling away to look into your eyes.
"Do that one more time and I'll make sure you can't ever walk again." His focus goes from one eye to the other, and you can't help the surge of need that flows through you from his attentiveness.
"That better be a promise, my prince-" Before you could end your sentence, he's already landed on his balcony, and has slammed the door open with his foot. He kicks the door shut behind him and lays you on the bed. He watches you for a moment, as you wriggle to lean on your elbows and look up at him.
"Why are you staring at me?" You ask curiously, a blush forming on the apples of your cheeks. He bites the fingertip of one of his gloves, pulling it off, before mirroring the action for his other hand.
"You remind me of the women from my planet-" You roll your eyes at him.
"Usually during sex, you don't tell the person you're about to sleep with they remind you of someone else." He barks a laugh at that, trailing his hands near your ankles, pulling off your shoes and working his way up your legs, caressing the muscles there.
"You're strong- physically and mentally. You're talented in many trades, multi-faceted. Powerful-" he begins to kiss his way up your torso, his warmth bleeding through your clothing. "Intelligent. Beautiful. Alluring. You have an air around you-" He cuts himself off then, having kissed his way up to your face and stopping.
"You possess much more than any of the women of this planet. You call to me in ways the people of my planet never did. You're much more than the sum of all these things together. I've always thought this." He murmurs as he looks into your eyes. He sees your eyes shine before you speak up.
"I've always admired your strength-" You begin to say as you caress his arms, before pulling his calloused hands towards your lips and kissing each fingertip, each scratch and mark that makes him, Vegeta. "You're much more than your physical prowess Vegeta. You're mental fortitude, after everything you've been through- continue to go through-" You exhale loudly. You hold his face in your hands.
"You are the ultimate warrior. You always compare yourself to Goku but in my eyes you will always be more than he is." You thought you saw his eyes water, but he burrows his face into your neck before taking a deep breathe.
"Princess, I need you. I've wanted to conquer this body like the thousands of planets I've conquered in the name of the Saiyan Army. I want to watch you quiver underneath me as I take everything you have to offer- and much more." He growls out, showing his teeth. You whimper, once again getting wet at his words. He plays you like an instrument- and he's the maestro. You quickly pull off your clothing until you are naked under him. He admires your body quietly, before looking into your eyes.
"Fuck me Vegeta. Breed me like I'm yours." He bites his lip looking at you.
"You already are mine. I'll make sure to mold your body to mine, woman-" You bite down on his neck, as a form of chastising him.
"Don't call me woman-" You warn him softly. He groans in your ear and his hands roam your curves. His fingers find the peaks of each breast, twisting and rubbing with the pads of his fingers. Your hands wander across the planes of his body that are still covered by his blue training gear.
"What should I call you, Y/N?" He asks you softly, before taking your right nipple in his mouth.
"F-Fuck Vegeta. Please call me yours, call m-me princess~" He groans at your words, his arousal showing through his clothes. "Show everyone who I belong to-" You never felt so dirty in your life; pleading for a man to call you his, never in your life could you imagine the submissive turn this took. You want to take control back, so you flip yourself back on top. He looks up at you, biting his lip.
"Such a good princess for me. Pleasing your Prince like a good girl~" You growl at that, grinding down hard into the clear outline of his heavy cock. You begin to tug on the collar of his training gear.
"I'm gonna rip this off of you and ride you. I wanna be a good girl for my Prince." He smirks at that, before his eyes widen at the ripping sound his gear makes. You pull the tattered fabric off his body, nails lightly scraping the surface of his skin.
"So handsome, and strong. Perfect for protecting me~" You whisper in a sing sing voice, before kissing down his body. You start from his lips and work your way down. You can tell your bites and hickeys are already mostly healed, so you leave a couple more before kissing his pecs and lavishing his nipples in attention. He covers his mouth to muffle a moan, as he squeezes his eyes shut.
"Don't shy away from me now Vegeta. Let me hear you." You tell him, pulling his arm away. He pants at you, eyes wide.
"T-these damn sneak attacks!" You grin at his words.
"I'll show you a sneak attack-" You begin the sentence, before gripping his cock in your hand. Its girth is unimaginable, your hand barely closing around it. His length is above average, and you could already tell you would spend many days worshiping his cock if you could.
You slowly thrust your fist up and down his length, watching how his cock pulsed under your hand. You could tell there was something peculiar about it, like the small ridges near the head and the particularly thick vein on the underside. Your other hand goes to his balls, which seemed to have already been straining for attention.
He whimpers as you touch him, but swears as soon as your tongue touches his slit.
"Fuck~ just like that princess-" You moan around his cock, taking the head into your mouth and giving it small sucks and kitten licks.
"Such a good little Earth whore for her Saiyan Prince- f-fuck. Can't wait to fill you with my royal seed." You didn't realize Vegeta was so vocal during sex. You pull your mouth off him and sit on your haunches, slowly stroking your up and down his cock.
"W-why'd you stop?" He asks angrily, hair flicking to blonde for a moment. You hover over his body, before grinning.
"Let's put that mouth to good use-" You sit on his face looking down at him. You hear him inhale through his nose deeply, before he looks up at you, lust prominent in his eyes. You bite your lip before tugging on his hair, and in a moment his fingers latch onto your thighs, and his tongue takes a wide lick up your slit. You look into his eyes to see him staring at your face. His tongue continues to take wide licks, before it enters inside your pussy. He licks up the juice that leaks out of you, groaning under you. You moan out his name as he does so, and hear him muttering under you.
"Taste so good for your Prince. Such a good girl-" You moan out loud, before you have to use your left hand to hold yourself up. You stretch your right arm behind you, and grip his cock, before giving him a sloppy handjob. He grunts under you, before unhooking his left hand from your thighs and spreading you open. You caterwaul when his tongue finds your clit, swirling and giving it attention while he lets his thick middle finger stretch you out by entering in and out of you slowly.
"F-Fuck Vegeta." You knew you were being too loud, and were worried about an audience outside the door.
"That's right princess. Tell everyone who this pussy belongs too." The slurping noise he makes is whorish, and your mind instantly clears of all thought.
"Fuck-fuck-FUCK!" You begin to grind on his face, slick leaving you in waves.
"That's right Y/N. Tell me what you want-" He enters a second finger inside of you, the stretch delicious.
"Want to cum- need to cum so badly Vegeta! Please please please-" You beg him, your hand and body moving in tandem with one another.
"Gonna make this pretty pussy cum all over my tongue-" He mutters, grinning. You look down and see the predatory look in his eyes.
"Please Daddy- please let me cum~" You're just blabbing random words, brain short circuiting at the intense pleasure between the apex of your thighs.
"Daddy?" He grunts at that.
"Want me to be your daddy?" You don't answer him right away, but he gets a response out of you when he takes his mouth away from your pussy and bites down on the side of your thigh, canines breaking skin. You groan in pain, the pleasure being elevated by his roughness.
"Answer me princess." He demands, fingers still entering and exiting your body languidly.
"Y-yes Vegeta. Be my Daddy, my Prince. F-fuck. Just let me cum!" You beg him, tears in your eyes at the edging Vegeta put you through.
"What a good girl. Such a good girl for daddy-" His lips latch onto your little pearl, sucking and licking, with his canines bumping into the sensitive bundle of nerves. The attention serves to be too much, and your sight goes white. You cum on his face, but more than that you squirt a little. He continues to suck on your pussy, the twitching and wailing from the body above him not stopping his actions.
He licks up your mess, enjoying that all his senses are surrounded by you. When your body goes lax he releases you, laying you under him to continue his caressing and kissing on your body. He pays particular attention to the junction of your neck, where he leaves a deep bite. The bite snaps you out of your euphoric ride, eyes widened at the sudden pain. You must've made too much noise, because Vegeta covers your mouth with his hand, as he licks up the mark. You can already feel the skin begin to mend itself, as his Saiyan saliva speeds the healing process. His hand releases your mouth when you're no longer whimpering in pain.
"Now everyone will know who you belong to-" He grunts at you, his hands caressing your torso and the undersides of your breasts. You look into his eyes, panting at his attention.
"Fuck me." You tell him, touching him on his forearm. He grins at you, sharp canines stained with your blood.
"Excuse me?" He asks you, acting galled at your words. Without answering him, you push him to sit on his haunches between your thighs. As you do so, his eyes wander your body, his tongue reaching out between the seam of his lips to lick them. Your hand trails down your body, and as you begin to pant with need, you spread your pussy open, and his eyes widen at the sight of your slick leaking out.
"Fuck me, Saiyan." Your voice was authoritative, and without warning, Vegeta growls and pulls your thighs closer to him.
"With pleasure, princess." He pushes your legs all the way down, your knees bumping into your shoulders. You grab your legs by the backs of your knees, and he takes his cock in his hand and strokes your pussy. When his tip would bump into your clit you'd moan loudly and he'd chuckle at you, breathless.
"Look at you; your crumbling resolve left you cock hungry for the Prince of all Saiyans." He begins to push himself into you, the stretch of his cock nothing like the stretch from his fingers. You find yourself flinching at the intrusion, and Vegeta notices. He pushes himself all the way in slowly, before putting you both into a mating press. Your nipples were sensitive dragging against his chest. He looks into your eyes and whispers.
"You're doing great, sweetheart. Such a good princess for daddy-" His hand snakes between your bodies, and begins to rub your clit as he begins to move. The minor pain from the girth of him begins to ebb away, and pleasure begins to take its place.
"F-fuck Vegeta. So b-big." He chuckles, before groaning.
"Princess. You're so fucking tight. Gonna fuck this pussy good. 'N make you squirt again." He mumbles out, words slurred by the feeling of your pussy squeezing him. You whimper at his words, beginning to grind into his cock as he moves.
"H-harder Daddy. Fuck me good. P-Please-" You beg, almost weeping with tears running down your cheeks. . He wipes your tears before using both hands to brace himself onto the bed.
"Anything for you." He says passionately. It struck a cord in you, the sincerity of his words making you gaze at him with love. The intensity of your coupling is one you've never experienced, and your body and soul feel overstimulated by everything Vegeta. His thrusts are strong, and your legs slip out of your hold as you grip the bedsheets under you, needing something to ground yourself.
Your legs wrap around his hips, and the heel of your foot bumps into the patch of fur at the small of his waist where his tail used to be. He moans out, his voice loud. You notice him blushing as he looks into your eyes. His thrusts go harder, and he grabs both your hands to lock his fingers with yours.
"Just like that princess- fuck." He grunts. You reach up to lock your lips together. Your bodies have become one at this point, with a feeling of oneness you had never felt in your life. You begin to purposefully rub the heel of your foot into the patch of fur, as you near your release. After a couple strokes of your foot, he shouts into your mouth, cumming into your pussy.
The twitching of his cock triggers your release, and you cum around his cock. You stay together for a moment, tongues languidly rubbing against eachother. He pulls away softly, panting. He begins to pull himself up, to watch where you are both connected. He groans again.
"Look at you princess. Creamed around my cock. Such a messy girl-" Your pussy twitches and he bites his lip. His eyes flicker teal for a moment.
"Don't tempt me to ravage you again, (Y/N)." You grin at him, acting coy.
"Sorry my Prince." He smiles softly at you, pushing hair away from your face. He then pulls out, and you whimper at the feeling of cum leaking out of you. He pushes his fingers into you, scooping up his seed and filling you back up.
"None of my seed should go to waste. You're the perfect mate." He growls possessively.
"Is that so?" You ask him. He nods. After a couple minutes of silence, he pulls his fingers out slowly, and you moan softly. He chuckles at the sound, before going into his bathroom. He closes the door for two minutes. You sigh, turning yourself so your laying on your side, leaning your head on your hand. You watch the door, eyebrows jumping when you hear a bang and a muffled "shit" through the door. Not a moment later, Vegeta leaves the bathroom with boxers on and a damp hand towel in his grip. He comes towards you, and slowly pulls you into his lap.
"What's all this?" You ask him softly, voice hardly louder than a whisper.
"After a Saiyan mating bite, the male is supposed to take care of the female. I'm going to clean you up and take care of you." His voice has mellowed out, with a softness which you haven't ever heard from Vegeta.
"Mating bite?" You ask curiously. Vegeta slowly wipes your neck, before moving to the apex of your thighs, cleaning your combines releases from you.
"Saiyans don't normally mate for life, but when we do we bite each other. Some scars, like mating bites, don't heal and we use them as markers of possession. Its to make sure female Saiyans don't get taken advantage of. It also helps mix our scents." You hum softly, eyes fluttering closed at his gentle strokes on your weak body.
"So I am yours?" You ask gently. He hums, before his other hand goes to stroke your hair.
"For life." Your eyes widen as you look at him. He looks nervously at your face. You pout and huff angrily. He flinches at your anger, and before he could apologize you cut him off.
"Well that's not fair. How am I supposed to mark you back?" His eyes widen.
"You're.. not upset at me?" You smile up at him, taking his cheek in your hand and rubbing it with your thumb.
"Out of all the people on this planet I'm the only one who can handle you most of the time. If that isn't an admission of love I really can't think of one-" You get pulled into a hug, and you hear him sigh sadly. You rub his back up and down.
"Listen Vegeta, I meant those words I said before. I really do admire you, and I do want to stick by your side. I mean, a warning would have been nice-" You say jokingly. He huffs a laugh. "But I really love being with you." You pull him away from you, and you see a small tear in his eye. You pull him forward and kiss his forehead.
"But never call me woman again!" You tell him warningly. He laughs out loud at that, and smiles widely.
"Alright, princess." You both lay back down, cuddling and spending the rest of your day in bed, ignoring the outside world.
"Vegeta isn't answering his phone-" Goku says worryingly to Bulma, who he bumped into while looking for the missing Saiyan.
"Yeah, he was busy." Bulma answers, before a full body shiver goes through her. Goku looks at her worried.
"Are you sick Bulma? And Vegeta knows we are training today-" Bulma snaps her fingers in his face.
"Goku, he's with (Y/N)." Goku looks at her confused.
"Are they training?" He asks innocently.
"Horizontally." Bulma says chuckling, before walking away. Goku looks down and thinks.
"Is that a better way to train?" He asks himself.
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merlyn-bane · 4 months
For Foelu snippets stuff (if you're still doing) -- I adored how you handled Obi-Wan's dysphoria in the story. Do you have anything about him getting his implant back or his dysphoria settling or, idk. I just kind of crave some resolution to Obi-Wan's lack of agency over his body and the dysphoria situation. I hope that made sense. Thanks!
So another fill got a little out of hand in terms of the length, whoops 😅😅 Thank you so much for this prompt, it was super interesting to work on, and I really really hope it's everything you wanted @bluemaskedkarma 🥰🥰 Also thank you so much for the compliment, because it really was so important to me that the queer themes inherent to the story were handled respectfully.
This fill does get spicy as a heads up<3
“And have you given more thought regarding what you might like to do regarding your implant?”
Obi-Wan, already part of the way through re-shouldering his tabards under the apparently false assumption that his yearly check-in with the chief healer had reached its natural conclusion, pauses to turn and blink at the woman. “I’m already on an implant, Healer Che.”
“I’m talking about your androgen and enzyme blocker, Obi-Wan,” Che says, flipping through his file again as though she doesn’t know it by heart. “You said yourself that you think Kai-Tal will be done weaning soon, right? Have you thought about what you might like to do when that time comes?”
The thing is, if you had asked him at the start of all this, back when he’d first become pregnant, the answer would have been incredibly easy. He’d have done almost anything just to return to his own self-determined baseline. But it’s been nearly five years, now, with his daughter having just turned four—the Jedi typically ascribed to the notion of allowing the child to lead such things wherever possible, and while she’s been quite contentedly enjoying solids for some time now she’s also been loathe to give up milk entirely and he’d simply been glad that his beloved parasite had at least ceded his nipple once she’d grown teeth. 
He’s had five years to get used to the anatomy he has now, to adjust to the small changes it’s brought about in his day-to-day life. Five years with incredibly supportive partners and the extraordinarily satisfying sex that he has with them, often utilizing aforementioned anatomy. Force knows that producing his own lubricant has been incredibly convenient. 
He’s had five years to make a whole lot of headway on really internalizing that having a cunt does not make him any less of a man than when he doesn’t. 
The question becomes, then, he supposes, whether or not returning to that self-imposed baseline is truly that important to him. And he—doesn’t know. Not for sure. Not yet.
“Take some time to think about it,” Vokara suggests, sensing his indecision. “There’s no timetable here except your own, and you can always change your mind later.”
Obi-Wan ticks up one eyebrow, a touch sardonic. “What, no reminder to make sure I’m only making the decision for myself?”
The chief healer raises a brow right back at him. “I’ve met your partners, Obi-Wan. I seriously doubt they’d let you do anything else.”
Obi-Wan thinks about it.
And then he…rather forgets to, in-between rearing his daughter and serving on the Council and spending time with his family and teaching classes. Life goes on as it always does, and later he will realize that the ease with which he puts it out of his mind again likely should have been something of a tip-off, but he doesn’t yet.
It isn’t until he catches sight of himself in the ‘fresher mirror one morning some few weeks after the last time he pumps and realizes that his chest is flat once more that it crosses his mind again. He twists to the side just a little further, smiling completely unconsciously at the total lack of rise beneath his undershirt, and Rex must notice because he pauses in brushing his teeth long enough to spit into the sink and lean over to kiss the side of his head.
“You look gorgeous, sweetheart,” the blond offers, grinning before he swats playfully at Obi-Wan’s rear. “Now get movin’ before you’re late for another Council meeting.”
“Excuse me,” Obi-Wan retorts, raising an eyebrow even as warmth blooms in his gut. It only grows when he folds his arms over his chest and finds fewer obstacles in his way. And when there’s every bit as much heat in Rex’s eyes now as there’d been before his breasts had receded. “And who was it, pray tell, that made me late?”
“And I’ll do it again if you don’t move your cute little shebs—”
Obi-Wan dances out of the way of his partner’s grasping hands, huffing and elated and feigning annoyance. “Alright, I’m going—”
Rex reels him in for one last kiss first. “You look good, sweetheart,” he reiterates sincerely, and then he’s knocking their foreheads together gently and hustling him out of the ‘fresher. “Have a good day, I love you, I’ll eat ya’ later.”
Obi-Wan lets out an inelegant snort but lets himself be prodded anyway, and if he’s smiling like a dolt through the rest of the morning, well—that’s his business.
Being able to fit completely back into his old robes, the way he remembers them fitting is—another sigh of relief.
His body will never be exactly as it was—he is not expecting it to be, nor does he particularly desire it to be, not when he bears the marks he does and perhaps the little bit of extra pudge around his middle through giving life to their daughter—but. He’s really starting to recognize himself in the mirror again, and. It’s…nice.
The last facet of Obi-Wan’s decision making is perhaps not, he thinks, quite what Healer Che had had in mind when she’d sent him off to consider his options. 
To be fair, it isn’t exactly what he’d had in mind himself, either.
Obi-Wan finds his partners congregated in their bedroom one evening after he drops Kai-Tal off for a sleepover in the créche—not particularly unusual, and really, to be expected with a planned night all to themselves. The surprise comes in when he’s presented with an almost alarmingly elegantly wrapped box by a grinning Waxer and immediately bid to sit down and open it.
“Dare I ask?” he teases dryly, even as he takes it and lets Boil guide him down to sitting on the edge of the bed. He’s tempted to shake the box lightly just for some kind of hint but resists the urge; even just the wrapping looks expensive and he’d hate to accidentally break something.
“It’s nothing we haven’t already talked about, mesh’la,” Waxer assures him, grinning wider. 
“Just took some time to save up for it,” Boil murmurs, piquing his interest—and his apprehension—further. The two of them sit down on either side of him as he finally caves and starts carefully peeling open the paper.
“It’s a strap-on,” Waxer tells him somewhat sheepishly as Obi-Wan blinks down at the mostly phallic-shaped object in the box. “But it’s—supposed to be a real nice one. There’s this piece here that goes inside you, and the lady at the store—I didn’t really understand a lot of the technical stuff, but she said there was some sort of nervous feedback system so you’d actually get some sensation from the shaft, too.”
“We thought something like this would be the best compromise, if you wanted to top without having to go through the process of growing the real thing back,” Boil adds, “like we talked about. It’s totally up to you, of course, but we thought this might give you more options.”
Obi-Wan runs his fingers across the—device carefully, touched. “This must have cost you—”
Cody cuts him off before he can even finish getting the words out. “Do you like it, cyare?”
“Well, yes—”
“Then that’s what matters, mesh’la,” Waxer grins again, and leans in to kiss him softly. “I told you, we saved up for it, and it’s not like we don’t all live in the Temple for free. Besides, any amount of credits would be worth it if something that makes you happy or more comfortable in your own body.” A wicked glint enters his eyes, then. “And this in particular really is just as much for us as it is for you, anyway.”
A few years ago, at the start of their relationship, Obi-Wan may have felt the need to continue pressing the issue. Now, well…he’s learned to take them at their word on things like this, even if he personally feels like they’re spoiling him unnecessarily. Force knows that he enjoys spoiling them, when the opportunity presents itself. “Well when you put it like that,” Obi-Wan drawls, fisting a hand in the fabric of his partner’s shirt and tugging him back in close to lay claim to his smiling mouth. 
“Aren’t you going to join us?” 
Cody grins, ducking down to kiss Obi-Wan softly. “This was all Waxer and Boil’s idea, cyare. The rest of us are just here to watch this time.”
“You can bet your pretty ass that I’ve already called dibs on the next time though, sweetheart,” Rex winks as he settles down on the sofa they keep across from the bed with Helix and Cody.  Obi-Wan chuckles a little, even as he feels his face flush slightly. Being watched is something he’s always been a little embarrassed to be quite as into as he is, but of course, his partners had figured that proclivity out rather quickly and had hardly hesitated to take advantage. Though he supposes that it is rather convenient that they enjoy watching as much as they do participating, with there being so many of them and but one of him. 
Waxer grins and settles back on his elbows, spreading his legs a little bit. “If you’ll pass me the lube, mesh’la—”
“I’m quite offended that you seem to be under the impression that I’m just going to sit here while you work yourself open for me, my dear,” Obi-Wan sniffs as he leans over to dig the lube out of their bedside table. “Why don’t you get naked for me, darling, and then I’ll finger you myself.”
Waxer’s breath hitches, and Obi-Wan grins wickedly at the rustle of fabric that follows as the other man eagerly obeys. When he turns back around, lube in hand, Waxer’s laying back against the pillows again blessedly nude and holding his knees back and open with his lower lip pulled between his teeth. Obi-Wan scoots forward on his knees until he’s settled between his partner’s thighs, stripping out of his upper layers as he does so. “Hi,” Waxer breathes, and Obi-Wan’s grin widens further. 
“Hello there,” he croons. “Ready?”
“Very, mesh’la.”
“Good.” Obi-Wan slicks fingers up without looking away from Waxer’s face. “I’m going to take good care of you, darling.”
Obi-Wan takes his time with getting Waxer ready for him, working him open on his fingers until Waxer’s panting and gasping and squirming and pleading for more that Obi-Wan is loathe to give him just yet because he’s just having so much fun doing this. He’d almost forgotten how much he enjoyed taking his partners apart in this way.
“I’m gonna take your pants off now, Ob’ika,” Boil murmurs, plastering himself to Obi-Wan’s back and pressing a kiss to the place where his neck meets his shoulder. “Help you get set up with the strap while you keep playing with Wax, how does that sound?”
Obi-Wan nods, drunk on the rising lust in the Force and each sound he manages to pull from his partner’s lips. Boil kisses his throat one more time and then starts working his pants down his hips.
“Kriff, you’re wet,” Boil groans when his fingers find their way between the Jedi’s thighs, his other hand tightening around Obi-Wan’s hip, and Obi-Wan groans when the tip of one finger dips into his pussy. “That excited to fuck him, are you, Ob’ika?”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan gasps out as one finger becomes two, the sound echoed by a drawn-out keen from Waxer. Boil grins against the Jedi’s skin and then his hands are disappearing from Obi-Wan’s skin while he retrieves the strap-on from its box.
“Good,” the former ARC says, “because we can’t wait to watch you do it.”
Boil is careful to avoid touching the shaft of the toy as much as possible even as he’s fitting it into place, pressing the bulb portion into his cunt until Obi-Wan moans and clenches around it. “There you go,” he murmurs. “We did get you a harness as well, by the way, in case you feel like you’d like the extra support.”
Obi-Wan is touched by the thought, but really, it barely registers. Especially when Boil’s hand does wrap around the shaft of the toy and strokes oh-so-lightly. It sends a shivery sensation up his spine, and Obi-Wan finds himself bucking his hips forward into it and gasping.
“Oh does that feel good, Ob’ika?” Waxer grins, the expression turning sharp with interest when the Jedi nods wordlessly. “Good. Now fuck me with it.”
The strap is, of course, not quite the same. The sensation is a little duller and a little different than it would be with his own cock, something almost phantom about it.
But the first slide in is still—indescribably good, all tight heat and delicious friction. It’s almost too much, with his cunt full at the same time like it is. He and Waxer both moan as he bottoms out, and Obi-Wan shivers and drops his forehead down to rest against his partner’s sternum as he gives them a moment to adjust. 
“Kriff,” Waxer whines above him, bringing strong legs up to wrap them around Obi-Wan’s waist. “Move, please, mesh’la.”
“As you wish, darling.” Obi-Wan presses a kiss to the skin over Waxer’s sternum and then carefully draws his hips back as far as his partner’s hold will allow, rocking back in slowly as he adjusts to the way the strap feels and moves with him. After a few experimental thrusts he props himself up onto his elbows and leans up to capture Waxer’s mouth with his own, picking up speed and confidence as he goes. After only a few moments more he finds a steady pace that feels good for them both, panting and groaning into each other’s mouths with each smooth thrust in and slow drag out.
Obi-Wan’s eyes snap up at the sound of a shivery moan that doesn’t come from either of them, and feels his hips buck forward out of rhythm all on their own when he sees three sets of dark eyes intensely focused on them. Force, they’re—all stroking themselves, just watching him fuck Waxer into the mattress. Waxer lets out a ragged cry at the hitch in the rhythm, and Obi-Wan is helpless to do little other than to fuck him harder. 
“Gonna come,” Waxer gasps out, and Obi-Wan ducks down to kiss him again as he works to drive them both over the edge.
“How was that?” Obi-Wan grins as he collapses over onto his back, still breathing heavily. He turns his head over to look at his partner, who’s still staring up at the ceiling and panting just as hard.
“Holy kriff,” Waxer whistles. “So fucking good. Sweet Force.” He turns his head over to look back at Obi-Wan, smiling just as wide. “Good for you, too?”
Obi-Wan reaches over and runs the tip of an index finger along Waxer’s bottom lip. “Exquisite, my dear. Truly.”
“Good,” Boil growls, wrapping a hand around the strap Obi-Wan hasn’t gotten around to removing yet and tearing a ragged cry from his throat. “My turn.”
In the end, Obi-Wan makes the decision to go back on the enzyme blocker in the interest of avoiding another spontaneous shift, but ultimately decides to skip the androgen—at least for now. He’s comfortable in the body that he’s in, and it serves him well, and he knows that he can always change his mind in the future if that ever stops being the case.
Even though the decision he comes to ultimately is not to take an action, he still finds that he feels more settled for having made it. It feels good, to have made the choice. He wonders if perhaps that isn’t why Che had pushed him to do so, ultimately, rather than letting him dither over it forever even if it would’ve essentially been the same end result physically. Force knows that he probably wouldn’t have appreciated it if Che had pointed it out explicitly how little agency he’s had over his own body in all of this. 
It feels good to take that agency back.
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bloodycherry22 · 2 years
Hello, can I request an Ellie x female reader fanfic? If you could add something about reader being confused because she thought she was only attracted to men, but she realizes that she feels something for Ellie too, it’d be great! You could totally add smut if you want, or do it fluffy, it’s up to you :)
I think? | Ellie Williams
Genre: fluff
Summary: While on patrol, everything starts to fall into place, the way her touch made you melt, the way her smile warmed your heart, it all made sense in that moment.
Warnings: Cussing, gayness? i dunno pure fluff, Ellie and reader are both pretty shy.
Thank you so much for the request lovely anon! Hope this is okay. Its pretty short and i merged another request of a food fight into this. requests still open <3
Not proofread
Kicking your boot lightly against the leather material sat upon your horse, you found yourself unable to focus, the sound of her breathe hitching lightly as the horse sped up in reaction to your touch. Her fingertips grasping on to the material of your thick coat, she wasn't even touching you and it still caused a shiver to run through your body. Winter had hit, and hard at that.
Ellie had been staying with you for a week or so, some houses having been snowed in and with the temperatures so low, and limited equipment, it was a slow process. The domesticated routine with her changed everything, it started to be your new normal, and you were beginning to dread the day her house was warm enough to live in again.
This morning, a new, thicker anxiety was stuck in your chest, having barely slept a wink the night before, deep in thought. About her, always her, she was keeping you up. Not physically, she slept on the couch, but mentally, its like she had taken over your life.
Sitting on a couch together now seemed different, the way her knees had brushed against yours underneath the thick blanket. You craved to be touched by her, loved by her. It was completely new, sending a slight guilt to your mind. You had never liked girls in the past so why now?
The sound of her voice managed to snap you out of your daydream as her finger gently tapped your shoulder. "stop here, last time i saw some supplies through the window" Her voice was shaky, presumably from the cold. Acknowledging her, you came to a halt. She carefully got off the horse and held her hand out for you, when you took it, it was hard to ignore the way she turned away and scrunched her nose ever so slightly, a light tint of pink along her cheeks.
It brought a nervous smile to your face as you hopped off, letting her hand go to tie up the horse to a nearby tree. "you think this winter will calm down any time soon?" you asked, turning to her, both of you walking towards the building, knife in hand, as i it had become muscle memory.
"why? sick of me already?" She snickered, sending you a smirk. With a scoff, you nudged her, quietly entering the building. No spores to be seen, it was quite ope, only appearing to have a few empty tables and a counter, It was most likely a cafe or restaurant of sorts. There was a single runner behind the counter, almost silently, you drive the knife into its neck before turning to her "not at all" you smiled.
She seemed content with your response before she put her blade away, already picking up some objects and examining them. "to answer your question, i think its only gonna get colder, we aren't even near the cold months yet" she sighed.
"months? since when do we keep track of the date?" you asked, examining some of the food dates carefully. She just chuckled "since maria found some old kids calendar" she said
"of fucking course she did" you laughed lightly, picking up a surprising item and holding it in the air "catch!" you shouted, throwing it. she caught the object, eyes flickering over it. It was a nutella jar. magically seeming unopened and safe to eat. She gasped "holy shit" she smiled, walking over to one of the tables and taking a seat. Within seconds you were beside her, with two old spoons.
Both of you quietly giggled as she opened the jar and took a spoon, dipping it into the jar and eating some of it. You did the same and both of you shared a happy reaction. "crazy to think they used to just have this stuff all the time, and all that fast food..so jealous"
You nodded and leaned back into the seat, sighing "jealousy" you whined dramatically and she laughed lightly in response. she suddenly dipped her finger into the chocolate and wiped some over your nose. you gasped and looked at her wide eyed "bitch" you did the same and she just scoffed "oh your on"
The next ting you knew you were both on the floor, laughing messes as she had the messier face, graciously you had her pinned down, straddling her waist, sure your hands were covered in nutella but her face was worse. Both of you panted softly and found yourselves staring into each others eyes. And there that guilty feeling was again, you shouldn't see her that way, but she just looked so pretty.
She seemed to grasp that you were lost in thought, nudging your knee gently to get your attention as she sat up. Now you were basically sat on her lap, thighs either side of hers. Her eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips, licking her own as she did so. "Ellie i-"
"shut up" she mumbled and pressed her lips against yours, the anxiety bubbling away almost instantly as you leaned into the touch, her hands flying to your waist. After a few seconds she pulled back and looked at you, both filthy and giddy. She just laughed, so did you and the situation suddenly felt comfortable, like it was right, you did like her.. and that was okay.
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