#i mean....still gonna go back because their other food is really yummy
ramblingeekette · 6 months
Made coconut curry with shrimp from scratch for the first time.
Been having a craving but the place I always ordered it from changed the menu and no longer has it.
Mine turned out so good. Pretty damn close to what theirs tasted like and I am so jazzed
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luffyvace · 3 months
Her brook Idk if your req are closed so read this at your convenience 🙏
I wanted to ask for a male harpy reader strawhat hc or if not just hc with luffy, more specifically based off a bird with heavy feathers like a snowy owl cause I’d love to imagine that he complains about the heat a lot and wonders why he’s sweating more then usual but it’s just luffy hugging his legs cus he’s so soft
Love your work brook 🙏☺️
nope! Still open lovely anon<3
when I tell you I did NOT know what a harpy was 🤦‍♀️ I had to do research for accuracy 😅😋
but don’t worry it’s all good I’ll be more than happy to do your request!
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I’m telling you right here right now luffy would most definitely be interested in a reader like this!! You know how many unique animals and such he tried to recruit into the crew that weren’t even human?? 😂💗
and thank you!! I’m so happy you enjoy my headcanons :) that makes me very happy!
Okay I’m just saying…….like chopper…if you look more animal than human….his first thought is to eat you
”you think he tastes good?” 😋
moving on…♡
He thinks your wings are really cool
I mean a 6.5 ft wing span…….I do too!!
definitely wanted to measure them to check after he learned that
to which he got himself wrapped up in the measuring tape
Both you and luffy eat “strange” animals
such as sloths, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels, opossums, armadillo’s, anteaters and sometimes parrots…..other birds too 😋🍴
No animal is safe 😭
every island you go to the two of you immediately start scouting for whatever variety of yummy foods you could find
”I’ve got news for you two—normal people don’t eat those animals”
- Nami ♡
it taste absolutely delicious to you!!
honestly you probably got Luffy into eating them
which so funny because he already loves eating all types of weird things
which is probably why he was so easy to convince him to eat it too
like he would normally see a monkey and go oh cool a monkey!
but now….😈😈
not all the time tho
mostly when he’s hungry
……….so I guess I lied, yes all the time 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
he saw you eating a armadillo with some sloth on the side and was like
oooo I gotta try that 🤪🤪
you might dislike for cats seeing as though a harpy’s predator is a jaguar
Least baby harpy’s anyway…
still! 😠
it’s good for you that the sunny is big once y’all upgrade from merry
it has plenty of rooms with shade for you, since a harpy’s natural habitat is rainforests
and they mainly stay in the shade anyway :)
franky probably had a room built that simulates a rainforest for your comfort 💕
like how he simulated the grass
once Luffy found out harpy’s are rare to find and you found the tori tori no mi - model: harpy- it was pretty much settled for you to join the crew :)
like he loves rare stuff!
it’s like treasure!
and you know darn well a pirate will fight for his treasure! 😼
you use your high pitch bird call to reunite the strawhats whenever you guys get separated (which is like- every time you go on an adventure 😀 besides the point-)
it’s loud enough and ranges far enough to the point where it’s more efficient than yelling
very much so comes in handy when your in danger too
also not to mention luffy is 100% gonna wanna fly on your back since you have wings
he probably won’t even ask
he’ll just rocket onto your back while your flying one day and refuse to get off cuz it’s fun
it likely ends with him spotting something cool, telling you to go over to it and getting you two into trouble
just be ready for the
😬😁 ✊😠 💥💥 😖😓
sequence again
flying also comes in handy when saving the strawhat’s BUTT!
You and Robin like 🦅🦅
but no fr you literally just swoop in and save the day 🦸
SUPERRRRRRR M/N!! *super man pose* better yet *franky pose*
Zoro will also appreciate it if you catch him while falling because I swear that man is always getting smacked around-
same with Nami 🧡
another time
Robin was stating facts about harpy’s when the strawhats first met you, and you were confirming
she mentioned that they typically lived 35-45 years (but she was talking about the ANIMAL.)
Luffy—of course—mistook this
*Nami steps in*
“……..and besides..! M/n’s not an animal! He’s still a person you know?! Sheesh…..of course he’s gonna live the lifespan of a human”
Sanji will of course cook any animal of your request into your meal
if it’s more nutritious for you—then certainly he’ll do so!
he always prioritizes nutritional value in his meals, and thats different for everybody!
Luffy however….he will get annoyed with 😂
your like one of the few men in his life Sanji doesn’t hate
okay I know that was more harpy facts related so now I’ll get into the scenario you mentioned 😅💗
Luffy uses you for warmth in the winter (all the strawhats do)
like chopper ;P
especially with your large and soft wings
”M/n…spread your wings out..we need your warmth..”
you’ve been complaining about the heat all day
You felt like you were ON FIRE.
like seriously?! What was gon on today?!
it’s not like birds need to shed……so why are you burning up!??
”mmmm…your so warm M/n!”
”no wonder I felt heavier than usual!! Get off me Luffy!”
”awwhhhh WHYYYYYY?”
”what?! Why?! Because I’m burning up! I already have all these feathers! You’ve got to get off of me Luffy!”
*whines* “but mmmmm/nnnnnn! Your so waaaarrrrm!”
*sighs and face palms* *attempts to pry him off*
“noooooo m/nnnnnn! I don’t waaaaanna get ooofff!!”
Luffy practically had you in a literal choke hold
he was not about to let you go.
and you know he’s got himself wrapped alllllll the way around 😂😂
once again thank you for the compliment my dear!!
Hopefully I did your hcs justice and that you enjoyed them! <3
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digitaldollyzz · 9 months
lee jeonghyeon smut🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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Warning ⚠️ : roommates fucking, oral (both receiving), unprotected sex, M4F, pet names(princess,doll), size difference, filth, make out session, rough sex, strongM, kind of pervert leejeon, lmk if i forgot anything else!!
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Part 2
It’s a regular day. Sitting at home just as usual, scrolling on your phone. You were the only person in the apartment since your roommate was busy on his errands. But you couldn’t complain because he was a serious prick. Always making fun of you and other things you could care less about. But the real problem was when he had friends over. They were noisy and arrogant just as he was. But the rent was really good for such a nice place, so you decided to stay there.
After what felt like ages of scrolling the said man walks through the door with groceries in hand. He walks past you as if your not there and goes straight to the kitchen . “Be a doll and come help me.” You here a voice call. Considering how he was kind enough to buy food you decided to help, stepping into the kitchen and putting things away. You needed to put a cereal box on the top shelf in a cabinet but couldn’t reach. Just as you were about to give up you feel a taller frame press against your smaller one, and a larger hand go over yours to put the cereal away.
In a panic you immediately turn around and look up at him, only to see his classic little smirk he does when he knows he got under your skin. “What the hell Lee..” you say and then avert your gaze. Knowing that he’s being a smug little brat and trying his little Fuck boy advances on you, of course you don’t want to feed into his bullshit. “What? What’s the matter L/N” he said, still taunting you. Gosh, as much as you hate to admit it.. he looks really hot right now.
Dark, messy hair yet sexy. Lightly tanned skin from being in the sun. Gosh, the black t-shirt that showed off his yummy biceps, and along his arms trace those veins all the way to his long slender hands that look perfect for what you were missing. His beautiful eyes that were fixated upon your face, holding emotions that you’d never know. “Gosh, has he always look this good?” You thought to yourself but was quickly caught off guard by his low voice snapping you back into reality. “How long are you gonna stare at what you can’t have?” Is what he said. Who the hell does he think he is? “What?” You respond a little annoyed at his ego. “You heard me cute stuff.” He said turning around to go to the fridge. Man, why was he such a dick. But a good looking one.
Not long after you two put the groceries away, you made the two of you some ramen. You put the bowls and take his to his door, sitting it on the floor and giving the door a good knock to alert him. “Thank you” you here the male call out. “Whatever.” You retort and make your way to your room. Man that ramen was amazing. You take the bowl to the kitchen and make your return to your room. And take a little nap
You wake up to a weird sound. You take a look around you dark room and spot nothing out of the ordinary. That being said you stand up and make your way to the hallway where the sounds are louder. And then coming from… jeonghyeons room?! But it sounds like he’s in pain.. “should I check on him?” You think to yourself. You stand there for a few and decide that you should go check it out. You see a small amount of light coming from his room, meaning the door was cracked. So you gather up your courage and push the door open just to reveal a sweaty jeonghyeon stroking his cock with his head thrown back. “What the hell. What do I do ?!” You screamed in your head as your eyes went large. He lifts his head and stops his movements as it settles down in his head that you just walked in on him “are you gonna stay for the show?” He ask as he continues back to his activities “I-im so sorry!!” You say but are unable to move “that’s fine.. wanna come help me?” He says, smirking at you like always. But how can you turn him down?
It’s impossible right? Well your right. So, you make you way to him while he strokes his cock watching you movements. You stop in front of him and sit on your knees, starting to feel embarrassed. You the look up at him waiting for an response. Sensing that he tells you to open your mouth so you follow. His mushroom shaped tip pushes its way past your plump lips. Soon enough it touches the back of your throat so you pull away and lower you head back down and look up at him to see how he’s responding to your ministrations. His eyes are closed and eyebrows knitted together. You swirl your tongue around the glands the down his shaft, earning a grunt from him . Not long after he grabbed you hair, pushing your head down his cock and the a warm liquid filling your mouth and senses. You pull away and swallow, a small cough coming from you.
The man stands up and lifts you to your feet. You look at him with curiosity. He leads you to his bed, where he throws you in the center of. He go on top of you and looks you in the eye briefly before devouring your lips with his own. He bit your bottom lip gently, requesting access to you so you obliged. Exploring each other with excitement and anticipation for one another. The kiss was sensual and lustful. Hot and steamy. He tugged on your shirt, requesting it off, so you sat up and discarded the clothing including your bra. His large hands leaving your waist to now play with your tits, lowering his head to suck on you left nippy. Not forgetting to show the other some affection he tends to both of them. Lowering his kisses until he reaches your underwear. He lifts his head, looking at you. You give him a nod of confirmation and that’s all it takes for him to pull them off and get to work. The feeling of warmth all over you lower half, sending a shiver down your spine. The feeling of euphoria as his tongue explores your most sensitive spotes, gently sucking and licking your bud. His long slinder middle finger finds its way to you hole, rubbing teasing circles around it and gently dipping into it. “Fuck” you grunt out, hearing a giggle from the man before feeling his finger push its way into your gummy walls, earning a louder whimper. He promptly gives you a few thrust before adding his index finger earning a strained series of a lewd moans before quickening his pace. It doesn’t take home long enough to find a weak spot and curl his fingers there while his tongue is working on your bundle of nerves. The feeling of ecstasy engulfs you but right before the wave hits fully he pulls away, chin glistening with your juices that he wipes away with the back of his hand. He leans in to kiss you to which you quickly respond to. The kiss was much more lustful now, more desire for one another and the burning fame of passion to be one. “You want this as much as me right?” He asked through the kiss. “Mhm” you hum back “words princess” he says pulling away just a little while waiting for your voice. “I wanna do it lee” you say softly. He smiles then aligns his cock with your hole, tip sliding in with ease considering how wet your cunt is. Bottoming out completely earning a loud whimper out of you. Halting his movements to let you adjust to his size. It doesn’t take long for you to get impatient “please..” you say out of eagerness for him to fill you up. Upon hearing that he delivers a series of shallow thrust to make sure you can handle him. Hearing your moans he takes that as a sign to start. Movements becoming faster and harder over time, the room stuffy from the two of you being horny fucks, and the melody of your moans and whimpers mixed with skin slapping and his own grunting and moans.
The feeling of him pounding your cunt is sending you closer to an orgasm, wanting nothing more than for him to fuck you to oblivion. On the other hand he’s getting harder instead of relieving himself. The way you pussy sucks him in and tightens with every move of his cock, or the way your crying and moaning because of how good he’s fucking you. Or maybe because he’s always had little fantasies about you.. his cute little roomie. Interesting.
His cock hitting your gspot sending pleasure waves through your body pushing you to the edge. “gonna cum for me baby?” He breathed out, grip tightening on your thigh. “Mhm. So close.” You respond, orgasm approaching closer. “Cum for me then..” and that’s all it takes. Body shaking while he holds your hands, chasing his high now,His thrust becomes more frantic and strong, overstimulation occupies your senses meanwhile he’s chasing his orgasm, and with a few thrust he cums deep in your cunt, letting out a string of grunts and panting noises.
After you both calm down he pulls out and watches his cum ooze out of your hole. He reaches for tissue on the nightstand to clean you both up. “Are you ok?” He asked with his shit eating smirk on his face. “I’m fine..” you replied rolling your eyes while speaking with a huff. After you both a clean he goes to get you a shirt from his dresser and lays next to you in just his boxers. Drowsiness starts settling in as you lay next to the pretty man and you fall into a slumber. He pulls you close and falls fast asleep while keeping you near.
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Snippet #27 - Mad at You]
“When you make it up to Jungkook after getting him angry.”
Genre: Smut, established relationship!AU
Warnings: sulky!Kook, dom!Jungkook, sub!Reader, he is cocky in a sexy way, and he can be because he knows how to fuck, make up sex, thigh humping, dirty talk, he calls her princess & good girl, she calls herself his cockslut like once, praising, edging (f.receiving), anal play (f.receiving), rimming, anal fingering, oral (f. & m.receiving), deep throating, doggy style, cum play, spitting kink, he spits on her asshole, double penetration with finger+cock, this is the most loving angry sex ever, slight scent kink, major strength & size kink, unprotected sex but they are clean & on birth control, sweet aftercare cuddles
Wordcount: 6.3k
a/n: I don’t know why I have this recent obsession with this specific Jungkook being in a dom mood, but I am loving the journey. I also want to state that I am nothing but a whore, enjoy besties and let’s be whores together 🤪🧡
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Jungkook was sulking tonight. Some may even say that he was thoroughly mad at you. And he had every right to be because you messed up. You cleaned the house today while Jungkook was at Jimin's and Yoongi’s place to help with setting up their internet. And while you cleaned, you decided to clean up his art studio as well. This was something normal to do, but today it was the place of utter chaos. In your cleaning trance, you managed to knock over your bucket, which resulted in water spilling all over a tattoo draft he had been working on for days. It was ruined and beyond saving.
You confessed to Jungkook instantly once he got home. He tried to react calmly, but it was still very obvious that he was terribly mad at you. 
"I worked so hard on it babe", he whined.
"Why do you have to put a freaking water bucket on my table? Of course you'd knock it over", he accused you. 
"It's ruined. I did all of this for nothing", he groaned and then turned his back to you, "I'm going on a run, don’t wait with dinner." 
And then you didn’t see him for two hours while you tried your hardest to fix what was irreparable. 
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It’s been two hours and twenty minutes since you confessed your greatest sin to Jungkook. The front door locked just this moment, which means he was back. You straighten up on the couch, waiting for him to come into the living room while your heart is racing. 
He acknowledges you with a second of eye contact and a nod of his head. 
"Hey baby", you say, standing up, "how was the run?" 
"Good", he mumbles, swerving to the kitchen for a glass of water.
You follow him. 
"I made something for you, Kookie", you tell him, "look." 
Jungkook inspects the food on the stove with a stone cold expression.
"It's your favourite. I, I can warm it up for you. If you want to." 
Jungkook sneaks a glance at you. He is still mad, but tries to show his gratitude. 
"Thank you", he scratches the side of his neck, "I told you not to wait." 
"Well, I", you shimmy from one foot to the other, "I just didn’t want you to be hungry." 
He gives you a small smile.
"Thank you, that’s sweet of you." 
"Yeah", you nod your head, "get comfy, I'll warm it up for you." 
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Jungkook is waiting in the living room, watching television when you bring him the food. 
You hand it to him with burning cheeks, sitting down next to him almost nervously.
"I hope you like it." 
Jungkook takes a big bite.
"It's really good. Thank you", he tells you and turns back to the television without paying you any more mind.
You know that he is still mad. On normal days he would hum and moan excitedly about how yummy your cooking is. Oh this is making you sad. You huff out air and peel yourself up from the couch.
"I'm gonna clean the kitchen now", you tell him, dragging yourself out of the living room in defeated steps.
"Mh-hm", he acknowledges you. 
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You are already under the covers when Jungkook decides to join you. Not that you think he really wanted to join you, but that rather he does so because you and him share a bed. 
"Hey baby", you greet him, "look I warmed up the blanket for you." 
Jungkook watches you shimmy to your side after having used his blanket for warmth. 
"Get in there before it gets cold." 
Jungkook gives in with a huff of air. He gets under his blanket.
"It's really warm", he mumbles with a slight blush, "thank you." 
"I'm glad you like it", you shimmy closer and drape your arm over his torso. 
Jungkook sneaks a glance at you. You are grinning at him, basically glowing once your eyes meet. 
"Nothing, I love you." 
Jungkook scoffs, "I love you too", he mumbles then reaches over to turn the lights off.
It surprises you, giving Jungkook enough time to flip to his side and therefore turn his back to you.
"Night", he grumbles, pulling the blanket over his head. 
You pout, staring into the darkness where you imagine Jungkook to lie. You reach out, meeting his back. You begin scratching it, doing so gently. 
"Googie, I’m sorry", you whisper.
"Are you really still mad at me?" 
Jungkook stays silent. 
"Googie baby" you whine, back hugging him, "please don’t be mad anymore, I’m really sorry", you beg, burying your face in the crook of his neck. 
"Should have thought about that before you destroyed my stuff", he grumbles. 
"Baby", you say and sigh, "I'm really sorry. It was an accident, it really was." 
"I mean", he begins, "who puts a bucket on a desk? Why would you put a bucket on a desk? It's common sense not to do that."
"I know, but I just didn’t wanna bend down all the time. I'd been cleaning for hours by then and I just wanted to make it easier for my back." 
Jungkook huffs out air in defeat. 
"Yeah, whatever", he murmurs. 
"Kookie", you whine, squishing your cheek against his shoulder, "pwease don’t be anggy."
"Are you using your baby voice right now?" 
"Ye, pwease Googie", you whine. 
Jungkook scoffs and shakes you off. He flips to his back and tugs you on top of his chest. 
"I'm doing this just so you’ll stop using that voice." 
You grin, snuggling into him. You even drape your leg around him, lodging it between his legs, just so he can’t escape again. 
"Googie, can we share a blanket?" 
“Pwease Googie, I’m so cwold."
He sighs in defeat, "fine." 
He opens the blanket for you, gasping a second later when he feels your feet against his calves.
"No, what the fuck? Don’t put your icicle toes on me."
You giggle, squeezing yourself closer. 
"But I'm cold and you're warm." 
"Babe, seriously don’t do this", he whines, fleeing your feet but to no avail. 
He gives up with a huff of air.
"Are you comfortable?" he hisses. 
"Yeah, you’re so cuddly." 
"Well, at least one of us is", he says with iciness in his voice.
You lift your head, looking at him even though his face is hidden in darkness. 
“Hey, you’re so mean”, you say with sadness in your voice, “why are you so mean? You know that it was an accident and I’m genuinely sorry." 
Jungkook stays silent. 
"I don't know", he says and sighs, "it just pisses me off because I worked so hard on it and now it’s gone." 
"So it’s really gone? Did you not have a doodle of it somewhere?" 
"I do, but the good one is gone and it pisses me off cause it took me three days to draw."
"Maybe you can fix it again?" 
"I can't ___, that’s what I was trying to do for the last freaking hour. Fixing it just made it worse." 
"Oh I see", you lower your eyes, "I'm sorry", you whisper, having to sniffle.
"I know, baby", he says and hugs you closer, "I know." 
"What do you need to feel better?" you mumble into his chest, "I can’t stand falling asleep when you’re still mad at me." 
"I don't know, just…" he huffs out air, "just keep being cute, I guess." 
"Okay so more bwaby voice?" 
"No", he laughs, "seriously that voice is so weird." 
"Hey, mean", you nudge his chest, "don’t lie, that voice works"
"Yeah, but ‘cause I want it to stop." 
"Wow", you pout, "so mean." 
He cackles, tilting your head up to kiss your forehead. 
"No, it’s cute too", he says, "I just prefer your normal voice." 
He snuggles closer. 
"And the voice you make when I fuck you", he whispers, sending a shiver down your spine.
"Jungkook", you gasp, lifting your head. 
Jungkook does his very distinct I'm trying to make you horny chuckle. 
“Seriously, what are you doing here?" 
"You asked me what I need to forgive you. I decided that I need you cumming for me." 
You feel hot all over. Jungkook gets you so good.
"Koo, oh my god", you whisper. 
“Is that something you want?” he asks. 
“Yeah…” you whisper.
Jungkook is smirking. You can’t see it, but you just know that he is.
"Take your pants off, princess." 
That nickname. It short circuits your brain and turns your limbs into literal jelly. It works way too good on you. He just has to say it and you are a complete goner for him. 
You take your pants off quickly, gasping when Jungkook places his big hand on your ass. He forces your hips to tilt forward, pressing your pussy right against his thigh. He moves your hips for you, eliciting a weak moan from you.
"You're gonna get wet on my thigh for me", he rasps, "so I can fuck your pretty, little pussy." 
"Koo", you whimper, trying to meet his movements. 
"Can you do that for me? Mhm? Can you get wet for me?" 
"Yes..ah", you sigh, pressing yourself closer to get more of him. 
"That's good. You’re such a good girl, princess", he praises.
His thigh feels so good. Muscular and oh so toned. His skin is so soft and his hair just adds the perfect layer of sexiness to it. You love getting them all wet and dirty and being so surprised with a thigh fuck is driving you insane. 
"That feels good doesn’t it princess?"
"Yes", you breathe out, twisting his shirt. 
"Yes? Of course it does", he says, giving your ass a greedy squeeze, "you're so perfect for me." 
"I love your thigh", you moan cutely, "Koo, I love your thigh." 
"Fuck baby", he draws closer, "that’s so hot. Keep talking like this and I’ll fuck you so much better." 
You whimper, having to press your eyes shut. He smells of his shower gel. It is a gentle scent and tonight it is charged with the distinct smell he gets when he's horny. Maybe you are only imagining said smell, but you thoroughly think that Jungkook smells even better when you and him are turning each other on. He smells so manly, so good, so sexy. And warm. He is so warm. It makes you press yourself closer and twist his shirt a second time. 
"Koo, feels so good", you whisper squeakily.
"I know princess, I know", he sounds cocky which turns you on even more. He tenses his thigh, basking in the gasped moan you let out. He can feel you getting wet. It’s the cutest yet sexiest thing to him. Truly, it turns him on so much to feel how much his thigh affects you. To have your pussy go from soft and perfect to totally soaked and wet just does something to him. And tonight this is all he needed. He needed to feel that healthy exchange of power because he was genuinely mad and knowing that he could get you wet within minutes is giving him the kind of power surge he needed to feel better. He doesn’t like punishing you – obviously that is a given – but he is still sulky sometimes and when that happens he loves making you squirm for him. This just does something to him. You are so cute when you squirm that Jungkook just can’t stay mad at you.
"I can feel it, princess. You’re getting wet for me." 
You mewl.
"You're so easy to turn on”, he laughs tauntingly, “is my thigh really that good for you, mhm?" he challenges, feeling you convulse on his thigh. 
You whine, seeking his closeness by hiding your face in his side. He sounds so full of himself, so confident in what he does to you. Normally you can’t stand people like that, but when Jungkook does it, you turn into nothing but weak limbs and a wet pussy.
Jungkook chuckles, "don’t be shy, admit it. Admit that it gets you off." 
"It does", you press out, feeling how your pussy gets wetter. The grind becomes a slip and Jungkook's skin feels even softer against your clit. Oh you're getting so wet for him, soiling his hair and skin with it. 
"Of course it does, princess", he says, twisting his fingers in your hair. With a gentle tug he tilts your head up. 
"You know what to say princess", he speaks in that deep voice he does when he is controlling the scene.
"Then say it", he orders, pressing your hips closer with a strong hand on your ass. He keeps it pressed against you, making sure that one of his fingers is disappearing between your buttocks for the sole reason of riling you up. It rests there heavy and oh so demanding, grinding against your rim each time you have to roll your hips over his thigh. 
And you can barely get the words out, having to gasp before managing to form the letters. 
"Thank….you…Koo", you choke out, resorting to gasping afterwards. 
"That's not good enough", he growls, pressing you closer and in the process giving your rim the gentlest of pressure. 
"Ah", you squeak, scratching his chest from how tightly you hold his shirt.
"Say it properly, princess. Come on", he demands, moving his thigh in a punishing manner all while his finger is threatening to slip in. 
"Thank you for your thigh, Koo", you keen, letting out a soft sob afterwards. 
"There we go, princess. So good", he praises and slows down again. 
You mewl, twisting his shirt a fourth time. He had gotten you so close and now it’s gone again. He just edged you. Your pussy weeps in desperation, soaking his thigh so much that you can feel it run down and then soak your own skin. 
"What's wrong?" he asks innocently. He is not innocent. He knows exactly what he just did.
It’s what you deserve, he thinks and smirks as he feels you get wet from denial. 
“Was so close", you whisper weakly, trembling in his arms. 
"Oh that, yeah I know", he taunts, "but you're gonna be a good girl for me and take it." 
"Right, princess? You’re not gonna be bad and cum without my permission, are you?" 
"No, Koo", you croak, feeling dizzy. 
"Good girl, such a good girl", he praises and as a reward speeds up your hips again. 
"Ah", you gasp, "ah, thank you, ah, thank you, thank you. Ah, ah." 
“That’s it, make those pretty sounds for me”, he encourages you, “I love it when you do.”
“Jungkook”, you croak.
“What’s wrong now? Mhm?”
“You, you’re so h-hot.”
He laughs lazily and you just know that he lowered his eyes in that flirty, way too fatal, way. Fuck, you hate the darkness. You want to see how cocky he looks, how his face is glowing in confidence, how he mocks you with his eye contact and turns you on in the process.
“I know I am and you are dripping”, he rasps, squeezing you closer.
“Oh”, you gasp.
“Feel it”, he rasps, repeating the movement. Your hips meet his thigh harshly, his grip is so strong, “feel how you’re making a mess of my thigh.”
“Fuck, please”, you mewl, clenching around nothing.
“Please what princess?”
You sob and hide in his side. His scent engulfs you, his warmth touches your face. You chase him, chase the electricity of his thigh, losing yourself in the process.
Jungkook lets you, moving his hand further down so it is between your ass and his fingers could touch your soaked entrance. You shudder and speed your hips up desperately.
Jungkook can hear it. He can hear how wet you are. It sounds slick and sticky and oh so sinful. He obviously can feel it too. It smears all over his thigh, cooling down on the parts you don’t touch before your warm pussy grinds over it again and soaks it some more. And it makes him impatient because getting his thigh humped by you turns him on just way too much.
“Please fuck me”, you beg and Jungkook moans.
“Fuck baby, you’re gonna be the death of me”, he babbles then tilts your head up, “say it again. Beg me.”
“Please fuck me.”
“Not good enough.”
“Please Koo please, I’m so h-horny.”
“Yeah? I’m horny too and I can control myself. Why should I give it to you?”
You soak his thigh in new arousal, clenching around nothing so harshly he can feel how you throb. Fuck, your clit is so swollen and hot. He knows he could get you over the edge. He would just have to put his fingers between your ass again and lift his thigh and he could make you cum. But he doesn’t. He lets you chase him with that small pressure, he lets you shake and squirm in your attempt to get more of his thick thigh under your needy pussy. He edges you because he wants to.
“Please Koo”, you mewl and sob cutely, “I, I just wanna be your cockslut.”
“Fuck”, he presses out. He feels your words everywhere. His stomach is tingling, the tips of his fingers are itching to bury themselves between your legs again, his cock is throbbing in his briefs.
“Please, I’ll be so good and, and take you so w-well”, you try and Jungkook just knows that you are giving him the biggest puppy eyes right now.
This is his breaking point. He can’t take it anymore. All he wants to take is you. Hard and good.
“Then get my cock out will you?” he growls.
Your hips falter now that you have to work. Your nimble fingers hook themselves in his briefs, tugging them over his round butt with the help of him lifting his hips. He feels the bed dent as you sit up so you can pull the piece of clothing down his legs.
The fabric landed somewhere on the floor. Then hands on his inner thighs. Warm and desperate for the feeling of his skin. The distinct warmth of your body, it comes closer to his crotch.
Warmth. Wet and soft. Right around his cock. Sinking down slowly.
“Fucking hell baby”, he groans, throwing his head back, “fuck yeah. Ah fuck.”
You mewl and bop your head up and down his length. He tastes so good. He feels so heavy on your tongue, fills out your throat so much, stuffs your mouth so well.
You know that sucking your husband’s cock is not exactly the definition of aching for his cock in your pussy, but something overcame you. Something primal and something which ached so incredibly much that you could only still it with his arousal running down your throat and with his pubes tickling the tip of your nose.
Jungkook groans deeply, twisting his fingers in your hair.
You go further down.
Jungkook rips his mouth open and moans loudly. Now here he is, with your fingers massaging his tight balls and his entire cock down your throat. It’s not often you go so far, but it seems that tonight you are so horny and desperate for him that getting your throat plugged up by his cock is all you needed.
And Jungkook is in heaven, throbbing in your mouth before letting out a drugged-up laugh.
“Fuck princess”, he croaks and laughs, “holy fuck. Yes! Oh god yes!” his laughter turns into loud moans.
You just mewled around his cock, now fucking your own face while letting out the sweetest of gags. Your drool is all over him, spilling out of your perfect mouth and running down his shaft before slathering all over your fingers and his balls. You use it to massage them, slurping not because you want it gone but because you know that it feels incredible for Jungkook.
“Fuck baby, fucking fuck. Holy fuck”, he curses, arching his back, "keep going, don’t stop."
You won’t stop. Jungkook tastes so, so good. You never ever want to stop. You pay special attention to his tip, sucking it between your lips with such vigour your cheeks fall in. Then you begin moving, keeping up sucking him as his cock glides between your lips.
Jungkook groans, “you gon’ make me cum”, he presses out, having fallen back to his native dialect.
You moan, sinking down on him until you feel your throat bulge most perfectly. You want him to shoot his load down your throat. This is the least you can do for him after ruining so much of his hard work. He deserves to cum down your throat like he wants to. Hard and fucking good.
“Fuck!” he barks and shakes.
You squeak as he tugs you off of him, feeling disorientated for a second. The lights turn on, adding to the overall confusion you are feeling. Then you get shaken around and pinned down on the mattress.
Jungkook is above you, holding you captive by your wrists while the weight of his body does the rest. His black hair is messy, hanging into his face. Fuck, it’s gotten so long again. He looks so hot like this.
“You’re such a-“, he stops talking, studying your face with blown-out pupils and madness in his gaze, “-fuck baby”, he growls, squeezing your wrists.
“Please fuck me”, you beg, squirming under his weight. It’s driving you insane just how close his cock is to your pussy and yet it is not close enough that you could make him slip inside. 
“You’re such a needy woman”, he spits, furrowing his brows, “you think you can just deepthroat my cock like that and get me to cum?”
“Please fuck me”, you try again, whining slightly.
"Did you even hear what I just told you?" 
"Fuck me." 
Jungkook stays silent, letting his fiery eyes race over your face and chest.
“Take off your shirt. Now.”
He lets go of your wrists and lets you sit up, using the second you need to undress to undress himself. He keeps himself upright on his knees, towering over you with his cock hard against his toned stomach and his tattooed arms on full display. His pierced nipples are hard, his toned chest heaves up and down quickly.
And you feel tiny. You feel so tiny and fragile, knowing that someone as strong and manly as Jungkook will fuck you stupid. You make yourself smaller on purpose, giving him the neediest puppy eyes ever. This is how you want to feel tonight. You want to feel fragile and as if your strong husband could break you.
“Turn around”, he orders confidently and you follow happily.
He grips your hips and pulls you on all fours. Then he fixes your position, doing so with the right amount of strength so that it would turn you on.
“That’s better.” Jungkook presses you down into the mattress. "Stay like this." 
You shiver, shaking when a second later you feel his mouth on you. He slurps and groans, swirling his tongue over your pussy while his hands are holding your hips still.
"Oh my god", you moan, "holy fuck, Koo." 
“So fucking wet for me”, he growls into your pussy, “you’re making a mess of my face”, he says and laughs cockily, “such a messy girl for me.”
You bury your face in the sheets and let out a desperate sob. He licks you so messily, so sloppily, slurps you up as if you were his favourite flavor. You can’t handle it. First he fucks you with nothing but his thigh, then he gets you literally soaked by stuffing your mouth with his cock and now he is eating your pussy as if it was his last meal.
You wheeze, twisting the sheets between your fingers. You want to flee, but Jungkook presses you back on his tongue. You want to squirm, but Jungkook keeps an iron grip on your hips. You want to cum, but Jungkook pulls back at the right moment.
You mewl his name, dripping your desperation on his chin.
And Jungkook moans, trailing his licks away from your pussy until he has your sensitive rim under his wet tongue. 
You tense up and squeak. A second later you release all of that tension in a shudder of your limbs, bucking your hips into his face. 
Jungkook moves back and breaks away, basking in your whines for more. And he gives it to you gladly, parting your ass with his tattooed hands and using his entire head to grind his tongue over your hole.
You can count his fingers on your ass. All ten of them, each sitting on your body with the demand for attention. Oh just imagining how they must look as they dig into your flesh, how the tattoos on them must look now that his veins and tendons are bulging in exhaustion and how the tips of his fingers must definitely gain a slightly lighter colour to them.
This and with the added sensation of Jungkook's tongue fucking your greedy hole and you swear this moment you cry the hottest tears you have ever cried.
He is going to make you cum. He may not be touching your clit, but she feels the same spark she does when he touches you. It is your brain doing it for you. All those thoughts about how Jungkook looks as he gives you the rimjob of your lifetime are enough to make you clench in your approaching high.
You make one mistake however, you buck your hips back and clench under his tongue while your thighs are shaking. And Jungkook knows. Oh he knows and he uses the opportunity to pull away and leave you aching for more.
“Nooo”, you whine into the mattress, chasing him desperately.
"You're so delicious, baby", he says cockily, licking his lips.
"More please. Please more. Please.”
"Oh, I’m sorry. Did I edge you again?" 
"Yeees", you whine, hitting the mattress with your feet. 
"Cute", Jungkook taunts, connecting his thumb with your rim to rub it skillfully. He loves how you shiver in reaction. 
"Thank you…oooh…" 
"That's it, stick your ass out just like that." 
"Ah Koo, oh god Koo. Ah…"
While his thumb is pleasuring you oh so perfectly, his left hand aligns his cock with your pussy. You barely even notice that he does, being far too gone in the feeling of his fingers. You really want them inside. You want them to fill you up and remind you that only he can get your ass to feel that stuffed. He pushes and slips in, surprising you so much that you actually squeak loudly, kicking the mattress weakly. Now you notice. Now you do. Oh god, now you do. Jungkook is feeding you his cock. Inch by inch he is shaping your pussy until you fit perfectly around him.
"Slipped right in", he bottoms out, "you're so wet, princess. I didn’t even have to take it slow." 
You wheeze for air, tensing around his cock. He's inside. You've finally got his cock. He's back where he should always be. You have to moan, fucking yourself back on him in a needy roll of your hips.
"Yeah I know", he agrees and begins moving, "that’s fucking incredible." 
Sparks course through your entire body. Getting Jungkook's cock after being edged ruthlessly feels like paradise. He is right. He did slip right in, giving you that good stretch. And that thought makes you even wetter. To know that you are dripping so much for your husband that he can fill you right up with his veiny cock. Oh it is a different type of turn on. 
"How's that, princess?" he rasps, caressing your hip while his thumb begins circling your rim again. 
"Thank you", you keen, arching your back. 
"For what? Tell me."
"For your cock." 
"Yeah? You love that cock?" 
"Love it!" you squeak now that Jungkook is angling his cock in a way that would get him deeper, "love it so much", you groaned the last word, tensing around his veiny shaft. 
"Fuck", he moans, "love that pussy too. It’s so wet, creaming my cock so good."
He places his left hand on your upper back and pushes. It forces you into the mattress and for your back to arch. Now he does it. Now he fucks you oh so deep. Jungkook loves how you feel around him when he is deep inside of you. 
"So deep", you mewl, pulling the cutest face of pleasure.
Jungkook loves it. Your cheek is all squished, your lips are all pouty, your nose is scrunched up. He loves getting you there. To have you pull those pretty faces for him as he pounds you, gets him off so fucking good. 
"Yeah I am. Just how you deserve it. Deep and hard", he growls the last word, slamming his hips into you while his thumb is putting pressure on your rim.
"Ah!" you yelp, shaking at the intensity. 
"Deep and hard. Feel it", he growls, "in and out. In and out. Just how you deserve." 
"Please don’t stop, please", you beg him, clenching around him in desperation. 
Jungkook smirks. He feels electric and like the most amazing fucking man on this world. Yes, he is going there. He is going to be cocky for a moment because he wants to.
“Do you love it, princess?” he rasps.
“Yeees”, you mewl, nodding your head vigorously.
“Then say it.”
“Love it! Love how you fuck me”, you wheeze for air, “oh god, Jungkook please seriously don’t stop.”
Jungkook laughs lazily, tilting his head back in a way that would reveal his neck most deliciously. His dark hair is tangling over his eyes, tickling his neck in the position.
“Fuck”, he moans and laughs again, moving his hips like the sexgod he feels like right now. And you reward him with desperate rolls of your hips and a soaked pussy clenching right around his cock.
“Fuck baby, fuck”, he groans, letting his eyes roll back before falling closed, “never wanna stop fucking you.”
“Please stuff me!” you beg, chasing his thumb on your ass, which seems to slip away more and more now that he was busy feeding your pussy.
He falters in that task, letting his head bounce to the front just to stare at you in shocked arousal.
“You want me to do what?” he pants, slowing down his hips. Not because he wants to make it easier for you. No, he is just way too fucking close to blowing his load. You are seriously so hot.
“My ass, please spit on it and use it to fuck me stupid.”
“Okay seriously”, he lets out a breathy laugh, “you are fucking crazy.”
“Jungkook pleaseeee”, you mewl loudly, squirming impatiently, “please for fuck’s sake.”
He stops. He stops just so he can lean forward and press his lips against your ear. It forces you to crane your neck as best as possible for a look at his face.
“I married the most amazing woman”, he rasps, “you drive me fucking insane, sweetheart.”
He listens to you moan and straightens up, gathering his spit so he can give you what you so desperately crave. With his strong, tattooed hands he parts your buttocks, revealing your oh so greedy hole to his equally as greedy eyes.
You aren’t even breathing by now, waiting for the feeling of his wet, hot saliva on your rim. You need it so fucking bad.
Jungkook puckers his lips, letting his spit drip on your hole slowly. The view drives him crazy. To have your pretty hole clench needily while just underneath he can watch his thick cock stretch your pussy. Jungkook loves few views more than this one.
"Yes oh god yes", you groan, feeling a shudder run through your limbs. It is just as hot and wet and good as you imagined it to be. You can feel it. Feel it land on your rim before very slowly running down your ass on its way to your pussy. 
Jungkook stops it before that can happen, gathering it with his thumb. His hips begin moving again. Slow and steady. Then he reaches your rim, speeding up your heartbeat tenfold. 
"Ready?" he asks, massaging your hole. 
"So ready, I’m so ready", you pant, waiting with a dizzy head.
He pushes, watching in delight as you open up for him happily. He groans, you moan. 
"Fuck baby, slipped right in. Again. You’re such a needy woman tonight", he taunts cockily, pumping his thumb in and out slowly. The squeeze you have around him almost steals his sanity. 
You have already lost your sanity. Jungkook is filling you up. He is giving your holes exactly what they need. Him. A part of him. This is what you need. Him.
"Faster please", you beg, reaching between your legs to rub your clit. 
"Yes baby, yes do that. It’s so hot when you touch your clit", he moans, speeding his hips up just as you crave it. 
"Ah Koo! Oh god, Koo", you mewl, chasing him greedily, "yes Koo, yes Koo. Oh my Koo, yes. Yes!" 
"You're so fucking hot. You’re seriously so fucking hot", he growls, fighting his urges to close his eyes. He wants to because the feelings you give him right now are best enjoyed with closed eyes. But he also doesn't want to because you are giving him the sexiest views ever. Wet, stretched out pussy moving around his cock and covering it in your white cream. Pretty, oh so terribly tight hole hugging his thumb and looking so greedy for more each time he pulls his finger out. Your back is arched so perfectly too and your face is glowing in bliss. Jungkook would be a madman to miss out on such views. 
You shudder then, giving his cock a good squeeze. Your right foot kicks the mattress. 
"Oh god Koo", your eyes open but go out of focus, "that’s, that’s, ah that’s the s-spot." 
"Yeah? Right there?" Jungkook repeats what he did before, fucking his cock right against your g-spot. And again. Again. And again. Until he has you clenching around him. 
"There. Yes-", your voice breaks in a desperate moan, "Koo I'm close." 
"Yeah? You’re close? Wanna cum?" 
"Yes please." 
"Then do it. Go on, cum so fucking good", he orders, putting his entire energy into getting you there. 
Your voice pitches. Your veins tingle. Oh you feel electric. You can barely breathe and your head is close to bursting. You tense, twisting the sheets with your unoccupied hand. 
"Let go princess." 
"Ah Koo!" you feel it everywhere. It swallows you whole within seconds, consuming you with such grandiosity you lose your sight for just a moment. It returns in bright sparks and colourful patterns behind your squeezed shut eyelids. 
"Yes baby, fuck you’re so hot. I'm so close, I’m so fucking close baby", Jungkook growls, drilling your holes with vigorous desperation to give you to best high in human history. 
He does. Like he always manages to do. This once again feels like the best high in human history. You convulse one last time, dropping your hand from your clit afterwards.
"Holy fuck", you press out and gasp, "w-wait tight."
Jungkook slows down, "hurts?"
"A little." 
"Sorry", he stops, "can I cum on your asshole?" 
You laugh tiredly, "sure, baby."
"Fuck baby", he pulls out quickly and begins jerking himself off vigorously. His eyes are hyper focused on your ass. It looks so empty now that his thumb is gone, "I'm so close princess, I’m so fucking close." 
"Please cover me in your cum", you beg, clenching and relaxing your hole just to rile him up.
It works. Jungkook cums with a guttural growl, almost falling if his hand hadn’t grabbed your hip for support. He fucks the air as he cum, covering your entire ass with his hot, creamy cum. 
"Fu-uck", he stutters, convulsing one last time. He stops, feeling dizzy but chasing your body by pressing his overstimulated cock against your ass to drag it through his cum. 
"Koo", you moan, chasing him greedily. 
"I made such a mess of you", he lulls his words, sounding just perfectly out of breath, "you look so sexy like this."
"Do you like it?" you say sweetly, wiggling your hips in a sexy manner. 
"Mh-hm yeah, I love it", he rasps, grabbing your buttocks just to massage them. He lets out a deep breath, dropping his head. 
"Fuck ___, thank you for that. I really needed that", he says. 
"Me too. This was so amazing", you say, making him smile. 
He leans down to kiss your spine just once, "I'll clean you up now. So stay." 
He drops into the sheets next to you afterwards, opening his arms for you to find comfort in once you returned from your post sex pee. You do so happily, pulling his blanket over your bodies as well. Your legs are tangled in a way that you would have his thigh between your own and parts of his hip against your inner thigh. You are halfway on his chest, finding your head’s resting spot where his arm meets his shoulder.
"Was I too rough?" he asks, caressing your face.
"No, you were perfect", you tell him, gazing up at him with a smile. 
Jungkook retorts it, tracing the slope of your nose. 
"I love you like crazy, you know?" he says. 
"I love you too. Crazily much", you answer him. 
He kisses your forehead, keeping close afterwards. 
“This was seriously the best make-up sex ever”, he whispers.
“Agreed. Maybe I’ll have to ruin more of your drawings”, you joke.
“I’ll divorce you if you do that”, he jokes, making you giggle. He chuckles, smooching your forehead a second time, "let's fall asleep like this", he suggests. 
"Okay", you sigh, snuggling closer, "Koo can I wake you with a blowjob tomorrow?" 
He chuckles lazily, "you're insatiable", he says and kisses your forehead a third time, "sure. Only if I can eat your pussy afterwards."
"Yes", you say and giggle. You’re so lucky to have him.
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itty-bitty-mess · 7 months
TW: bitty melting alive
”Muh-Mummah? Is ow new home scawwy?” The young little Cherry asked, as he rested on his new Mummah’s palm. He was the youngest of his litter, and hadn’t even reached full bitty adulthood yet. He had just been adopted and was more than excited to get to his new home.
“Of course not, sweatheart. You’re gonna love your new home! I’m actually a baker, you know? And Im sure you’ll love all the yummy little pastries I'll make for you. In fact, I decided to adopt you because I thought I could use a little extra sweetness in my life!” She said with a soothing, gentle voice, as she gently booped the thumb-sized skeleton on his nose cavity with the thumb of her other hand.
Cherry giggled like a little kid and, for the first time on his short life, he felt safe and loved. Little red tears of joy formed on his eyes as he held on to his Mummah’s thumb, wrapping both his arms around it. He closed his eyes, feeling sleepy and content, excited to get home and recieve all that love that Mummah promised. He finally drifted off to sleep, thinking about all the wonderful things his new Mummah had in store for him.
When they arrived home, Mummah gently placed Cherry on the counter and began unpacking the little bag with all bitty necessity items. A tiny portable potty, an extra pair of clothes, a matchbox-sized box of diapers, and a small packet of bitty kibble that would last for a week at least.
“Mummah? Upsie pwease?” Little Cherry asked enthusiatically as he spread out his arms. However, she didn’t respond as she listed off the items she had just unpacked, she seemed to be thinking to herself about something. Cherry could only make out the words "oven" and "quick", unable to figure out what she was talking about specifically.
“Mummah?” Cherry repeated as he extended his arms hoping she would pick him up again, tears formed in his little eyes at her silence. He didn’t like being ignored “Mummah!!! Upsie!!! PWEASE?”
“In a moment sweetie, I'm deciding which things I’ll actually need from here.” After a minute of whining and crying from Cherry, she finally decided she’d throw everything away aside from the diapers. “There we go, I don’t think you’ll need a potty just yet. You seem pretty young after all, not even a full adult just yet, your bones are still soft and squishy. Just the perfect thing I need for my-“ she stopped herself in her tracks. "Oh I mean, so soft and squishy, how adorable!".
Cherry felt a bit offended by that, and a little hurt. His face turned a little red as he stared at Mummah, hoping she’d maybe take it back or at least pick him up again. He wasn’t a baby! He was just young but he was about to turn into an adult in a few months! However, it seemed like Cherry had only payed attention to the last bit, as he panicked and demanded Mummah to stop once he saw her throwing his stuff on the trash.
“Oh sweetie, you wont need those. I’ll get you even better clothes and feed you super yummy food! Much better and yummier than that dry bitty kibble”
“Yes! In fact, how about we get you all nice and clean and then you can feast in as many treats as you want!” Cherry beamed at that, a nice warm bath and yummy treats sounded really nice right now. Compared to the cold showers and dry kibble from the adoption center, this sounded like pure luxury. He jumped up and down as he cheered with joy, hoping Mummah would carry him to the promised warm bath, and she did.
He saw as she filled a plastic bucket with water and grabbed a frog shaped sponge. He giggled when she made a little voice for the frog and he greeted it back, playing along. Once she placed the sponge down, Mummah sweetly instructed him to take his tiny clothes off. Cherry was unsure about that, he had never been “nakey” in front of anyone other than other bitties. It’s not like he had anything to hide, but he was still pretty ashamed. She insisted, promising that the water in the little pot was nice and that he would recieve a yummy treat after this. After a lot of convincing, he finally relented. He carefully slipped out of his tiny red sweater and little pants and carefully placed them on the side of the sink.
Mummah politely thanked him and carefully grabbed him to place him inside the bucket. Cherry was expecting her to gently place him inside the water, after all this was his very first bath at home. He didn’t expect her to drop him so suddenly in the water, neither did he expect the water to be so, so hot…
“AAAAAAAA MUMMAH MUMMAH HURTS HURTS IT HURTS IT HOT PWEASE HEWP PWEASE IT HOT TOO HOT” he screeched in a panic. Everything was great and perfect a second ago, why was it so hot? Why did she drop him like that?? Why did it hurt?
”Oh sorry sweetie, you need this bath. You smell terrible, like straight up dog waste, and I cannot let that putrid smell inside my house. I also don’t want you spreading any more of those germs you brought from the adoption center. But dont worry sweetie this will just hurt a bit, then we can cuddle and you’ll get those sweet yummy treats I promised!” She giggled, she didn’t seemed phased by his screeching and begging.
Cherry seemed close to a panic attack, like was usual for his breed. The water was scalding hot, it burnt his bones and even caused certain bit of his bones to flake off. It burnt like an absolute nightmare. He cried, he screeched, he pissed himself out of panic and fear. It hurt, it burnt, please make it stop. He tried climbing out of the bucket but she simply pushed him back down, it was too tall for him anyways so its not like he could actually escape.
Cherry thought that she would finally take him out of the boiling water once he saw her hand reaching out to him. But instead, she grabbed him in place with one hand, while the other had the frog-shaped sponge on hand. The sponge had two sides, a soft one and a raspy one made of metal. She decided it would be best to use the raspy metal side.
The seemingly innocent sponge began scrubbing all of Cherry’s tiny body. It hurt, it scratched and even caused bits of his bones to flake off even more. It was too much stress and pain for a little bitty of his age and size. Bitties were delicate things, they needed special sponges and scrubbers that were gentle on their bones. This one clearly was made for dishes, yet it seemed like the scrubber side was completely intact, almost as if it was new.
Once that was done, Cherry could only breathe for a bit until she grabbed the soap bottle, shoving the opening on his mouth and squeezing. In seconds, Cherry felt a yucky, sticky substance entering his mouth. He coughed and cried. Then it began filling his eye sockets, his ribcage and his nose cavity. He couldnt breathe. It burnt his insides and irritated his internal magic, all he could do was scream and cry. Begging for this nightmare to end. All he wanted right now was to eat those yummy treats she had promised and take another nap. He could barely breathe and choked as he kept being forced to swallow soap. He felt he was about to dust out of sheer panic.
Finally, she roughly grabbed him again, squeezing his ribcage, and began dunking him in and out of the water bucket nonstop. Cherry couldn’t breathe. He choked on the water and even almost threw up a bit. The constant dunking was too much, and the soap was still inside his skull and mouth. It seemed it wouldnt wash off. The dunking got faster and Cherry could feel like his skull was about to pop off due to the sheer ammount of force being used. He began getting dizzy.
Finally, Mummah decided he was clean enough and took him out of the water. She gently dried him up with an extra fluffy towel and gave him a little kiss on the forehead, calling him a good boy. Cherry was still crying, sobbing out loud like a newborn baby, but it slowly began subsiding into tiny little sobs. This was way too scary for him and he would need some time to get over it.
She gently placed him on the bed, still wrapped in the towel like a burrito, a whispered sweet little words on his ear. She shushed his crying and told him she loved him a lot. This seemed to ease the little bitty. As his crying and sobbing finally stopped and he went back to giggling like a baby once Mummah began tickling his little ecto belly. Cherry could feel his little stomach rumbling, he was beginning to get hungry.
“Um, Mummah? Cam I hav a tweat now pwease?” Cherry asked as he fiddled with his tiny thumbs. His bones were still sore but he felt better now. Everything was better now that Mummah loved him again. She giggled at his nervousness.
“Of course, sweetie. But before I make you a treat, how about we play for a bit and then you take a nap. Im sure that bath shook you a bit, hm?” She suggested, and Cherry couldn’t say no to such a suggestion. He loved to play! And naps! Those were like his second and third favorite things after yummy treats! He excitedly agreed and jumped up and down, still wrapped in the towel.
“UM, Muh-Mummah? Cam I hav mak cloths back pwease?” Cherry asked, feeling a bit self conscious.
“Oh sweetie, it looks like your tiny little clothes fell into the bathroom's garbage can, I'm really sorry about that." "W-WHAT?? MY- MY CWOTES AWE GONE??" Cherry was about to go back to crying like he was a minute ago. His clothes!! His favorite clothes were gone!! "Oh but dont you worry, we’re gonna play a very fun yet messy game! Im sure you wouldn't have want ed your clothes to get dirty, right?”
Cherry sniffled a little, trying to keep it together for Mummah, he didn't want to make her angry and get another awful bath. He tried to be positive about it, and part of him was excited at the prospect of not being limited by his tiny clothes while playing, so he cleaned the few tears that formed on his eyes and nodded, agreeing to whatever game Mummah wanted to play.
Mummah gently picked Cherry up, finally unwrapping him and letting him go free. Cherry was a bit nervous but also excited by being allowed to play without his clothes on, it felt freeing and new! Back in the adoption center, everyone would always yell at him and call him “a disgusting piece of shit” whenever he tried taking his clothes off. He would cry himself to sleep at that.
Once they arrived at the kitchen, Mummah placed him on the counter. She took out a huge plate and a huge container with a funny looking substance.
“Alright, sweetie. This is baking dough, now this isn’t for eating ok? This dough is only for playing. You can make any shapes and figures you want and once we’re done you can take a little nap!” She gleefully showed him how to shape dough and how to play with it. Oh, it was mushy and soft! Cherry had never felt anything like this before!
He spent at least three and a half hours shaping and making little dough figures alongside Mummah. He made tiny snowmen, stars and little cats his size. He made little flowers and gave them to Mummah, who was flattered, and even made a biiig dough heart with the writing “i <3 Mummah” on it. It was so much fun!! So much better than the horrible bath he had just experienced. Cherry was having so much fun, but he also felt a bit hungry and tired.
Mummah seemed to notice and offered to shape him a little comfy bed made of dough. At first, Cherry giggled at the idea, but he was pretty tired and the dough was so soft and squishy! Maybe a nap wasn’t such a bad idea…
Cherry laid down on the little square, and Mummah made sure to tuck him in with a thick sheet of dough on top of his body to keep him warm. He rested in the soft substance and felt comforted as Mummah made sure he was nicely tucked in place. She even offered him an actual cherry as a treat before naptime! Yummy!
Cherry ate the whole thing and finally drifted off to sleep with a full tummy and a soft bed made of dough. He slept, dreaming of wonderful things, of all the amazing adventures he and Mummah could go on together on the future, and he dreamt of getting lots of kissies and cuddles from her whenever he needed it. However, as his wonderful dreams progressed, Cherry began noticing that things began looking weirder and weirder everytime. The birght blue sky on his dream seemed to redden and his Mummah was nowhere to be found. The air felt hotter too, strange...
Suddenly, Cherry awoke in a panic as he realized the air began getting a little too hot in real life too. He realized he was in some sort of tiny room where a bright light was blinding him completely, so he had to squint his eyes. He began to sweat and panicked even more. Cherry tried getting off his doughy little bed but soon realized that he was immobile, it seemed like the dough had began hardening and even some bits had stuck to his bones a little too well. He was basically immobile from the neck down, and his skull has held in place by the once comfortable dough pillow he rested his head in.
"MUMMAH?? MUH-MUMMAH? WERE AWE YOU!!!! MUMMAH!!! MUMMAH HAWP PWEASE???" He couldn't move, all he could do was cry in a panic and try to free himself from the hardening dough. Surely Mummah would hear him and go to his rescue, right? She probably left him in this tiny room so he could rest better without nay disturbances, but now he was awake and needed help getting out of his doughy prison.
"MUMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!" He tried increasing his volume as best as he could but all he did was damage his throat. It hurt, but oh no, the temperature was seemingly getting higher. He was sweating magic now. His ecto body seemed to begin stinging due to how hot things were getting inside.
Cherry began panicking even more and his screaming increased once he felt his skull flaking off again. Oh god, it burns, its too hot in here, please make it stop pelase, it hurts so bad, please. He tried screaming, screeching. Calling out to Mummah, but it seemed like she couldn't hear him. Surely she was near, right? She would NEVER leave little baby Cherry all alone in such a hot room, right????
"MUMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! PWEASE HWEP PWEASE HEWP PWEASE IT BURNS IT BURNS IT HURFS PWEASE MUMMAAAAH" he screeched. His bones began cracking, little red magic leaking out of every single crack. His ecto body seemed to be boiling and the magic flesh began ripping and cracking at the surface, mixing with the burning dough.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MUMMAH HELP MUMMAH MOM HELP ME HELP ME PLEASE IT HURTS OH GOD IM BURNING MOM IM BURNING PLEASE HELP ME PLEEEASEE HELP HELP HELP ME SOMEONE HELP PLEASE" Cherry could feel his bones begin melting under the dough, losing their skeletical shape and becoming one with the soon-to-be bread. He could feel the top of his skull melting and sinking into itself. It seemed like bitty magic wasn't made to withstand high temperatures like those.
His skull kept melting, until his eye sockets were sealed shut by the process itself. His mouth melted shut as well. Anything under his neck was now a simple, shapeless mass that flawlessly seemed to mix with the dough. The dusting process seemed to have been halted by the melting itself, as if the dust began liquefying instead of crumbling down.
Cherry was still conscious, feeling everything. Feeling as his body turned into goo. Unable to scream, breathe or see anymore. His skull's face was now featureless and barely even looked like a skull anymore. He could only think to himself, as his consciousness slipped away and his entire being simply began fading from existence itself. It wasn't even a definitive sudden death like any other bitty would get once dusted. It was slow, so incredibly slow.
He wasn't even completely gone just yet. But he could barely feel anything at all. He could feel himself blending with the dough, becoming one with the pastry. Becoming yet another ingredient on the list. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he was gone. No one would remember him, and he didn't even get to reach full adulthood like the rest of his litter did.
Mummah entered the kitchen and excitedly peeked through the oven window. Giggling as she saw the dough rise and take shape.
"Oh! Looks like my cherry pie is ready!~"
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coro-chan6 · 5 months
Somehow Supernatural
Tags: teen!oc, gn!oc, poc!oc, Dean being Dean, weird dreams, CROWLEY, demon dogs, Dean being scared of said demon dogs
Summary: Casey goes to bed, has weird dreams, and gets to meet the King of Hell.
Chapter Three: Yummy Food and Weird Shit
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I will never deny that I was a foodie. I mean, if you saw me when I devour anything put in front of me, you wouldn’t even have to ask. I love everything about food. Sometimes I mix stuff together that other people think is weird like when I dip my waffles and pancakes in orange juice. I used to be the kid in elementary school who would mix everyone’s leftover lunches together and actually go through with eating it.
One thing I learned from all my years of eating is that post-panic attack meals are the best. After crying half my weight in water and depriving my brain of oxygen, food just hits different. Plus, Dean brought back chicken nuggets.
“Slow down, you’ll choke,” Dean said as he reached his hand to take my nuggies away. I obviously wasn’t gonna just let him do that so, I smacked the shit out of his hand. I didn’t think I put that much power into it but when I heard the smack echo, I knew.
“Mmfh,” I was trying to apologize before he kicked me out on my ass, but my mouth was full of about 4 chicken nuggets. Dean glared at me and went back to eating his double bacon cheeseburger.
Sam had come to sit down across from Dean and me after he had finished preparing his salad. Dean asked if his brother wanted anything from the restaurant, but Sam insisted on eating salad. I love salad as much as anyone, but when someone offers to buy you fast food, you fucking take it. Salad be damned.
Castiel was seated next to Sam opposite of me. He didn’t need to eat, so he was just reading the menu that had come with the fast food. Occasionally, he would look up from his reading to glance at me. It didn’t look threatening, but it did look like he had something to say.
“So,” I had finally swallowed down the colossal amount of chicken I stuffed down my face, “When are we going to go on a hunt?”
“We?” Dean quirked his eyebrow at me.
“Yes, we, Dean. I might as well since I’m here. What else am I supposed to do?”
Dean crumbled up the empty wrapper of his meal, “Nothing.”
“Sam?” I turned to the younger Winchester. He had been really nice to me. He wouldn’t agree with Dean.
“I agree with Dean.”
Well fuck.
So, basically, I was in this new universe and I couldn’t do jack shit but sit underground. That was so unfair! They should at least take me once, but from their faces, it didn’t look like they were gonna change their minds.
What did they even have to do in the bunker? I know they have alcohol. Too much alcohol, in fact, but even if I was of age, I’m not really interested. They also have a library full of hunter books. I know that sounds cool and I shouldn’t be complaining, but who would want to read books about these cool ass monsters if you could see them in person? Not me, that’s for sure.
“They should go on a hunt,” Castiel stated, not taking his eyes off his menu. How was that so interesting to him?
“Did you just say I could go?!” I squealed.
“Did you just say they could go?!” The brothers yelled in unison.
“They can go with me,” Castiel said finally putting his menu down, “They won’t be harmed.”
I ran over to the other side of the table to tackle Castiel in a hug because I was so happy. Fried nerves be damned. He kind of froze for a second before awkwardly patting my back. Sam and Dean were still trying to get the angel to not bring me, but he didn’t budge.
“Who would watch them if we’re all gone? They’re a child, they need protection.”
Dean scoffed at that like it wasn’t kind of true before he stood from the table and stalked off. Presumably to his room. Sam shook his head in disbelief before he retired as well. 
Soon, Castiel and I were the only ones left at the table. I was still eating my fries and Castiel was staring at me. It would have been creepy if it had been anyone besides him, but he had this innocence about him that didn’t make him all that scary. Even though he was the only one here with powers strong enough to do God-knows-what, he didn’t make me feel frightened at all.
“Casey,” I perked up, “you should get some sleep. It’s late.”
I wasn’t sure how late it was because we were underground and I never asked, but now that Castiel brought up the subject of sleep, it made me yawn. I didn’t even register I was tired. It felt like it’d been so long since I last slept. I wasn’t sure if that was because of my eventful day or because it really had been that long.
I got up from the table and waved Castiel goodnight. I was halfway down the hallway before I realized that I didn’t know where I was going to sleep. No one had given me a room or anything. 
I wonder where my body was staying before I got here.
Not wanting to bother anyone, I slinked over to the couch I had sat on earlier and laid down. The couch had a blanket that was thick enough and a couple of pillows that weren’t too uncomfortable.
The thing that made me so uneasy was the fact that it was out in the open. The couch sat against one of the walls of the library. I never did well with new sleeping spaces, but when those sleeping spaces were so big and dark that you weren’t sure what was hiding in there… I did not like it. Plus, I couldn’t watch YouTube before bed. 
I’m not sure how, but I eventually went to sleep. I ended up in another void. This time I couldn’t see all my thoughts as words. This time I could see my mom. She was in the kitchen chopping vegetables. There was nothing on the stove and there was nothing in front of her to put the vegetables in. The only thing on the entire counter was the chopping board and the single carrot she was chopping. I wanted to know what she was doing and I tried to ask, but my mouth wouldn’t move. She looked me right in my eyes before she disappeared.
Next, I saw my dad. He was in the garage sitting on his motorcycle. The engine wasn’t running and the garage wasn’t even open, but my dad had all his gear on like he was gonna take off at any second. He wasn’t wearing his helmet though. I was standing in the doorway that lead from the house to the garage. My dad was facing in the other direction. He looked frozen in time. I couldn’t even see his body shift from breathing. It was like he was paused. I tried to walk up to him to tap him on the shoulder, but - again - I couldn’t move. My dad finally turned his face to me. Blood dripped from his mouth. Then, he disappeared too.
I saw my older brother out on the front porch. He was sitting in the gray chair that was facing me yet, I couldn’t see his face. His neck… his neck somehow had his head on backward. His fingers still typed at the computer on his lap even though he couldn’t see it. I didn’t try to move this time, but my brother did. One of his hands lifted off of the keyboard to point at something behind me. Then, he disappeared.
My little brother was next. He was in the basement playing on his gaming setup. Well, at least he was sitting at his gaming setup. His arms were at his sides and he was staring at a blank screen. I was standing directly behind him. I wanted to run. I didn’t want to see this creepy shit anymore, but I was stuck in place. I had to watch my little brother melt into a pile of flesh in his chair.
I didn’t like this dream. No matter how hard I tried to wake up, I couldn’t. I was stuck. Stuck watching some creepy version of my family from afar. I wished that I could hear Dean’s voice again. I wished he would wake me up by shaking my arms like he did before, but his voice never came. No one ever came. This wasn’t me feeling like a failure that didn’t deserve to be saved. I wanted to be saved. I needed to be saved.
“Save me!” A voice echoed through my head that I’d never heard before. I never heard this voice before, but I felt linked to them somehow. I wanted to reach out and save them like I wanted someone to save me. For the first time since my dream started, my body moved. I reached my hand out for this voice. I swear I felt them reach back.
“Fuck!” I woke up sitting straight up on the couch I fell asleep on. My hand was outstretched like I was reaching for… something? Someone. Who was I reaching for? 
My blanket and pillows had fallen to the floor which wasn’t a surprise to me. Even when I wasn’t having creepy ass weird ass dreams, I was still a wild sleeper. What the fuck was that dream about anyway? I liked to believe that all dreams mean something, but I didn’t understand that one. Or maybe I was too scared to want to understand it. I’d come back to it later.
Right now, I was more concerned with the man sitting in the library. He looked concerningly like the King of Hell.
“Hello… new child,” Crowley said in his british accent. He was casually sipping on some of Sam and Dean’s alcohol stash. I felt underdressed even though I was wearing the same shit since I got here. It wasn’t half bad, but I kinda wanted to meet Crowley looking like myself. Or at least with my own dressing style and not this cringe shit. He was one of my favorite characters after all.
“How long have you been there?” I asked, slowly placing my feet flat on the floor. 
“Not that long,” he shrugged.
I got up and walked toward him. I know he’s the King of Hell and all that jazz, but I really wanted to shake his hand. He didn’t look like he wanted to hurt me. He actually looked kind of curious.
I offered him my hand, “I’m Casey. Nice to meet the King of Hell face to face.”
Crowly smirked and shook my hand, “You know who I am and you think it’s nice to meet me. I’m surprised the Winchesters haven’t told you-”
“Get away from him!” Sam shouted as he practically slid into the room. It seemed like he rushed in here so fast he forgot to put a shirt on. He was only wearing his blue-patterned pajama pants. I looked at him with a ‘what the fuck’ face before turning back to Crowley. I know Sam was trying to look after me and shit, but he was not gonna make me walk away from the motherfucking King of Hell.
“I have so many questions if you don’t mind,” I told Crowley as I sat next to him. Sam let out a sound of protest, “What do the demon dogs look like? I know the whole thing is not seeing them, but I’ve always been curious. Also, what’s your favorite task to do as the King of Hell? Do you enjoy torture or do you only do it because you have to? Are other demons dumb cause how do they get killed by Sam and Dean so easily? Do you have wings-”
“You have to give me time to answer, you know,” I snapped my mouth closed, “For your first question… I could bring the demon dogs here if you’d like.”
“Yes!” I squealed.
“No!” yelled Sam.
Crowley brought out the summoning whistle from his jacket pocket. Sam looked like he was about to pass out, but he somehow managed to stay upright. I sorta forgot that Sam had trauma from the demon dogs. They killed his brother in what? Season 3?
I didn’t think Crowley was actually gonna go through with it, but he blew the whistle. I guess if the dogs don’t have orders to kill anyone, they won’t… hopefully.
“How can you tell when they’re here-”
I was cut off but something warm and wet wiping up my face. I let out a yelp of surprise before I realized it was most likely the dogs. I cautiously reached my arms out to feel for its body. My hands connected with soft fur. The dog or dogs - I felt multiple tongues licking at my face - were pretty big by the feel of it. Maybe the size of a pony? They were muscly as hell though.
“How many did you call?” I asked Crowley.
“Just one. They have multiple heads. You can ask Dean about that.” 
Sam gave the demon a glare for his assholish comment before he spoke up, “Why the hell are you here, Crowley?”
“Well,” Crowley looked back at me. I bet it looked like I was petting air, “I came here to see them.”
Sam was confused. I was confused. Why the hell did the King of Hell have business with me? Even though I had no idea what Crowley wanted with me and whether or not I was in danger, I kept petting the demon dog. I didn’t know when I was gonna have the opportunity to do this again.
“You’re not taking them,” Sam said, pulling an angel knife from his ass.
“I’m not taking them. Calm down, moose,” Crowley finally stood up from his chair, “I just wish to talk with them.”
“I don’t see why not,” I pipped in.
“He’s the fricken King of Hell!” Sam yelled like ruling the underworld was a crime.
“And?” I replied.
“And you're not talking to him!”
“Well, last time I checked, you weren’t the fucking boss of me, dude.” I stood up from petting the demon dog and gave Sam a glare. I was getting fed up with Sam telling me what to do. First, he told me he didn’t want me going on hunts, and now this? I hadn’t even known him for a full 24 hours!
“You’re a child, Casey! No!” 
“I’m not your fucking child, Sam, so buzz the fuck off!”
The demon dog started barking really loud after I said that. The air stilled. Crowley was smirking throughout Sam and I’s whole argument, but now his face was filled with genuine surprise. Sam looked scarily angry.
“You lied,” Sam stated. The angel knife that was once pointed at Crowley was now pointed at me, “You are some kind of monster.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I said, breathless. Fear shot up my spine.
“Your eyes… they turned red.”
AN: Crowley's one of my favorite characters and in later chapters sometimes he just comes back for not reason other than I like him. I know I do shit on Dean, but like, I still like him. He's just not my favorite out of the trio. And yes, superpowered OC. Gotta love it.
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will-solace-aaaaa · 3 months
Chapter 3: Good Mornings
I woke up to the sound one can only identify as Sebastian singing in the shower. It was horrible.
He had to have a shower when I first got here because my blood got everywhere. And, he made me clean it up. He said if I didn't, he was gonna chop off my other leg.
'Dad, if you don't shut up, I swear I'm gonna eat your food!' I hear Ariel yell from the other room. 'Fine! Just don't touch my food, I'll be out in a minute!' I hear him yell back before quietly going back to his shower. Ariel is now God.
'Ugh.' I groaned, opening my eyes and getting blinded from the light coming in from the window. I don't know if you can tell, but I don't want to get up. But I do when I realise Ariel said there was food. Yummy. I throw on some of Sebastian's clothes (damn, we really need to get me my own clothes) and make sure I look good. Who am I kidding, I always do.
I make my way downstairs, bumping into a few walls and tripping a few times because of my leg. 'Sup, Ariel!' I say awesomely.
Turns out that they had a spare room, and Sebastian said I could stay in there and to get comfortable since we have no idea when I'm gonna get back.
I still don't know what that weird object was or how it made that portal thing, or if I just imagined that, but I don't think I'm getting home anytime soon. The longer I stay, the weirder things get; I mean, powers? Magic? It all makes no sense.
Ariel turned to me as I entered the kitchen area. 'Hey, Eric,' She said, waving me over to the table that was now clean of all my blood, 'Hey! What ya got there?' I ask, gesturing to the food, 'breakfast, now eat it.' She says with a smile on her face, handing me my bowl.
Man, I love eating at things that I have recently lost a limb on.
I made Seb make some food for Ruby last night, and he was super startled when he found out she was now half dragon, but this morning she looked to have been given some dog food that I (with Ariel's money)  bought on our way back from the forests. Her paws were all bandaged up and luckily, no dog limbs were lost.
After eating, and once Sebastian had come downstairs, Ariel had said that she needed to go and see a friend. She asked if I wanted to come along, and I was desperate to get out of the house.
'We better do something about your clothes,' she said, gesturing towards Sebastian's pirate clothes that were like a billion sizes too big for me. 'Yeah, not exactly practical for... well, anything.' I agree.
Ariel took me to the nearest busy areas of Emaia where we got food, ate food, and bought me some new clothes.
I got changed into my new outfit, in which I looked fabulous, with my old blue jumper that I fell in with, a pair of jeans, some black coverse because they're amazing, and a cool plain black choker necklace becuase they make me somehow even hotter. My jumper was one of the only things reminding me of my home. I was starting to miss my friends and parents.
My mum must be so worried, I mean, I've been gone for ages. And my sister! They're all going to have no idea what's going on. They might think I've been kidnapped or something!
Before I could dive anymore into my spiralling, Ariel announced that we had arrived.
'Here we are!' She said, bouncing on her heels. What the heck. No way is this where her friend lives. She had brought us to the very middle of the kingdom, and on a piece of land slightly higher than the rest, was one of the hugest freaking castles that I've ever seen (also the only one but this castle was pretty much out of a fairy tale).
The castle wasn't too far from the house, but it was huge. How did I not notice it?
The actual castle was built like the one you see at the start of Disney movies, but there was a path around the side with people who looked really busy.
'Let's go around back,' Ariel said, walking away before I had time to respond. 'Okay.' I say before slowly jogging towards her. She didn't even wait for me!
When we got to the back of the castle, I saw a bunch of people shooting targets with arrows, fighting with each other, or just chatting and watching a girl with yellow-blonde hair failing at hitting the target with her arrows, by a lot.
'So, who's your friend?' I say, not taking my eyes off the girl with the bow. 'He's probably inside right now, I'll go look for him. Stay here. 'Okay- and she's gone again. Wow.' I say before going over to the girl who still hadn't managed to hit the target.
With the way the people were watching her and laughing to their friends, it seemed like this had happened a lot. 'Hey,' I say, startling her from trying to set the arrow into the bow properly. 'You're doing that wrong.' 'I know, dummy.' She says in the most sarcastic voice I had ever heard, and I've been living with Sebastian! That says a lot. I was starting to like her already.
She went back to trying to shoot the arrow and missed so bad it almost hit one of the guys watching from the side, missing his head by an inch. 'Sorry Gabe!' She shouted as both of their faces started to go red. 'It's okay!' He shouted back to her. Ooh, someone has a crush. 'So, what's your name? I asked because I had no idea. I totally ship her and Gabe, though; that was adorable.
She looked back to me, her eyes rolling. Meanie. 'I'm Eleanor. Who are you?' Eleanor said, cocking her head to the side and sassily putting her hand on her hip. 'I'm Eric!' I tell her with a big smile on my face, stretching out my hand for a handshake (and getting completely ignored). Okay... rude.
'So, do you know Ariel?' I ask her, just now realising that this girl with pigtails is taller than me. Jeez. 'Ariel? Do you mean the girl the prince always hangs around?' She says as I tried not to laugh, I mean, Ariel? Friends with a prince? What? 'No, I don't think she could be friends with a prince.' I go as my laughs slip a little bit. 'Yeah, she's the baker's daughter, right? Blonde hair and everything. She's really nice, actually.' Ariel is friends with a prince. Ariel wants to introduce me, yes I, to a prince. Half of my life is literally just illegal stuff.
There is no way she wants me to be introduced to the prince when my dog is pretty much illegal.
1188 words
Published 7 March 2024
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It has been a hot minute since I’ve made one of these. So, I’m here to wish @digthewriter all the best wishes since it’s their birthday today! And thus, we’ve got a custom nameplate and a rec list to celebrate the occasion! Dig has been a longtime fandom friend who I met through our mutual Drarry circles. We also happen to be local, so hanging out (on and off the internet) has worked out really well! When fests were hosted on LJ back in the day, that was how I got to know other Drarry fan artists. It was really cool to see Dig’s name start popping up in some of the fests I participated in because I always love checking out other people’s artwork. It’s no surprise that Dig’s work stands out. I have no idea how many works they’ve made over the years, but it’s super impressive! They have this crazy ability to take a prompt, run with it and turn it into a masterpiece within a blink of the eye. The fun and creative patterns Dig uses is also what makes their art unique. I’m only just learning how to use patterns in my own art, and let me just say...there’s def a strategy behind that. It’s not as easy as it looks, so I’m always in awe when Dig can just make things work. Did you know that Dig is also a writer? Yep! I remember when I received a really awesome fic (which I’ll rec below) for H/D Erised back in 2013. That was how I found out that Dig wrote fics, and I’ve been following their art and fic creations ever since. It’s always nice to know that there are kindred folks who dabble in both, which is not common or an easy thing to do! If Dig wasn’t already working on a gazillion projects, they’re also a fest mod for a variety of fests and communities, like Draco Tops Harry, HP Drizzle, Sirius Black Fest, Rarepair Shorts and Dove Drabbles, just to name a few (I’m sure I’m missing a lot more). Rarepair Shorts was what got me back into writing (in general and for Perciver), and that was how I got more into HP rare pairs these last few years. I think over time, Dig and I have gotten to scream about a bunch of things, whether it’s about Drarry, Merthur, fests, adulting, wishing we had more time to do more things, Perciver and well, it’s totally their fault for getting me hooked on Herbtamer (Charlie/Neville). Honestly, I really just appreciate their enthusiasm for fandom as a whole, and how supportive they are when it comes to many and all the characters and ships that exist. They really know how to spread the love with variety. If you want to see some of that, here are some of my favourite Dig art pieces: 🎨 >>> Gonna make coffee (Linny, G)
Summary: Luna wakes up before Ginny and puts on Ginny's shirt to go and make coffee/breakfast.
I really love the colours and patterns used in the piece. They go so well together (those warm and cool colours are complimentary on the colour wheel yo), and the perspective of looking into the room is so aesthetically pleasing to look at. I love how Ginny’s still snoozing, and Luna’s secretly gazing at her (and ieeeee! She’s got a Ginny shirt on that’s tartan!). :D 🖌️ >>> Morning in the Garden (Herbtamer, G)
Summary: Neville shares his favourite place with Charlie in the morning.
What I love about this piece is not only how soft the colours are, but how papercrafty this looks. It’s like the textures and details are popping out and the scene is moving. SO COOL...I mean, how does one even do that?!! And the endearing looks Charlie and Neville are giving each other? So cute! That’s really the cherry on top. 🖼️ >>> Body By Biryani (Drarry, G)
Summary: Harry co-owns a Biryani Stand at the Wizarding Little India Bazaar. It's Draco's favourite spot. All the aunties love to take care of Draco and want Harry to ask him out already.
Just looking at this piece makes me feel like I’m right there at the Bazaar. There’s such a sense of a welcoming environment, the food looks yummy, and the textures really bring the art to life. There are so many details to appreciate, and I really could look at this for quite some time. And if you’d like some new reading to add to your TBR list, please go ahead and check these Dig fics out: 📘 >>> Only the Lonely (Drarry, E, 20.9k)
Summary: Lonely Draco is lonely. Everyone knows it. The thing is, the only person who doesn't see it, is Draco. Also Potter's looking mighty fit!
OKAYYYY. I know this is an older story, but pleasseee go read it ASAP. I think it’s brilliant (not just because it was gifted to me), but the first time I read it, I was so moved by how much angst and overall feelings this sprung up in Harry and Draco, but me just reacting to them. Harry and Draco come together so beautifully, and there are many little details and metaphors that prove they were meant to be. Every time I reread this fic, yasss...I always remember why I love it so much. Make sure you have tissues with you, and I promise this will be worth the read with a happy ending. 📒 >>> As if you were on fire from within (Herbtamer, T, 9.2k)
Summary: Neville finds comfort in an unlikely friendship after his boyfriend dumps him.
I’m so glad I found this gem! This fic just sums up what I think Neville and Charlies energy would be like. Charlie, being so bold and forward and Neville, being reluctant and awkward. And Gran being gran...she’s definitely a smart lady for sure, even if she might enjoy meddling a bit to make sure Neville is happy. And she’s got a good eye for good blokes (ahem Charlie ahem). I do love how we see how Gryffindor these two idiots are, especially when they fail to use their words or make misguided assumptions. But when they finally do sort their crap out and talk to each other honestly, Neville and Charlie make an excellent pair. Their chemistry is electric. You can find more of Dig’s work on AO3. Make sure to leave kudos and comments to show appreciation for all of their fandom contributions. Dig, thank you for everything you’ve done over the years, and all the stuff you keep doing for us. You’ve been such a rock star celebrating so many different ships (and fandoms). I’m so glad to call you a friend who just gets what fandom and geek life is all about. Have a great day!
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writingstuffandmore · 2 years
Little Things..
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Pairing: Suho x fem reader (mentioned) ft Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and rest members
Genre: Fluff
AU!: Established relationship, idol au
A/N: Hey people... So, I myself don't know what I have written because I was in the mood to write a domestic au which shifted into this which isn't domestic in nature.. Please do give me feedbacks, people it means a lot!! I hope you will like it.
GIF isn't mine.. Credits to the original creator.
Requested: @proudahgase-got7 requested it. I hope you will like it dear! I am so sorry if this wasn't something you wished to read.
Word count: 988
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The bright golden rays were slowly spreading through the narrow spaces of the blinds covering the large window. The once quiet room got disturbed with sound of the alarm indicating it’s time to start the day’s activities but what marked the day’s distinction from others was that both the occupants living had a planned a small surprise for their partners to make up for the lost time and just enjoy the evening and the weekend which followed it. Soon after, the occupants woke up, did their regular routine before heading to their respective offices.
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Y/N’s POV:
“Hey Lia, how are you today?” I said while settling down in my cabin.” Lia smiled before speaking “I am okay, how are you? Also, your mood looks different today, hoping for something good for you.”
I laughed a bit before looking back at her trying to match her bubbly energy, “Well, nothing good has happened except for the regulars but I am in the mood to surprise my boyfriend with something sweet. It's been so long since we have spent time togeth-
“What are you planning to do so” Lia wiggled her eyebrows making both of us laugh. “I am planning to order some food and make his favourite dessert.”
“Damn, just thinking about it makes my mouth water. You really make some great food! Um…yummy!!” Lia said while making some sounds as if she is really eating some. “Okay, its time to work.”
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Suho’s POV:
“Guys, lets get started for the day!! Phew!” I said while gearing up the day’s practice as our choreographer Kasper came in. “Wow, hyung! You look so energetic today. Whats the reason? Humm?” Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows that gathered everyone's attention, making him sigh. "Nah, it's just nothing. I just thought to make some time for my girlfriend you know?"
"Well, at least you acknowledge that you have a partner though. Not gonna be exaggerating the stuff but the way you at times act as if you don't have a family to go to. I know you work so hard for us Hyung but at the same time, don't harm your private life for us okay?" Kyungsoo said before all the members nodded their heads in unison.
"Okay! Guilty pleaded but now let's start working people" Suho said and Kasper then lead the members to do some warm up.
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You came home by 5 in a rushed manner, throwing stuff here and there before changing the work outfit into the home ones and started preparing your dessert. In the middle of the mixing of ingredients, your phone rang which notified that Lia was calling.
Lia: Dude where are you?
Y/N: At home?
Lia: Uh? Is everything okay?
Y/N: Just wanted to give an unusual surprise to my man haha.
Lia: How are you g-
Y/N: See, usually he is here by 8 or something. The same time as me, okay? So, what I will do is that I will leave the house by 7-ish or something because I know that I still have to complete some work which I will do that and then around 8:15 I will come home back. The advantage point is that we both have keys other than the spare ones.
Lia: umm.. okay? But you know what it kinda sounds stupid but whatever makes you and him happy, it all matters. Okay bye!!
She ended the call and now your whole attention is back to the dessert. Just like how she hoped and planned, the dessert was in the freezer by 10 mins past 7 and she changed her clothes again and walked to her car.
Soon after, a black mercedes was parked in the garage and now a man rushed through the doors of the beautiful house.
"I hope she hasn't come till now and judging the looks of it yeah, she didn't!" The male happily chimed before starting his day's chores.
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"How does this light even fit here? Baekhyun told me that I have to uplift this side and push it to the othe- Oh, yes!!! Damn, she could be here any minute. I need to change"
After a few minutes, you returned back to the place but instead of lights being open, the house looked dark."It's strange though.. Suho's car is here but where is he? Maybe, he is busy with a call or something." You shrugged your shoulder before inserting the keys in the key hole, only to be opened by your beloved boyfriend.
"Hey Y/- "Shit, Suho!! You scared me.. who keeps the house like this? My poor heart!!" Suho's sudden voice lead you to have a mini attack.
"Oh, I am so sorry love but you need to see this!!" Suho said as he took your hand in his and ran towards the backyard. "Did the play se-
"Oh my god.. Suho, this is so beautiful!!!" You said while clasping your hands together.
"Did you like it?" He asked while hugging you from behind. "Its really so beautiful bub but you di-
"Shush.. I needed it to because you deserve more than this angel. Trust me when I say that what did I do to deserve you, okay? You have always been there for me, even when at times I acted that I don't have a family, a partner to go at night just because I was busy making sure that everything was perfect a-
"You don't need to explain to me love! Your support and love is that all I need. You supported me in my lows and highs, listened to me, made me food or did anything I said to you even after you had a long day.." you said and reciprocated his hug before sharing a sweet yet passionate kiss.
"Let's enjoy all the time we have before the Monday Blue's arrive.." He said cheekily before kissing your nose. "Aye, aye my darling!!"
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phoneboxfairy · 2 years
Catalyst - Nalu Angst to Fluff fic
Ao3 link -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/39602091
Lucy Heartfilia was a strong wizard. Smart. Kind. Compassionate, with the patience of a saint in most cases.
See, there was one specific topic where her patience was wearing thin. Simply put, Natsu Dragneel was getting on her nerves.
To be fair it wasn’t really his fault. He was clueless about everything except battle, so he probably didn’t realize he was doing anything that could be perceived as wrong.
Hence Lucy’s growing frustration. He had all the romantic proclivity of a rock. By all accounts he didn’t know or care about love. So she had long since resigned herself to the fact that they would never be more than friends.
Not that she would ever admit to interest in any such thing out loud. No, better to just let it go.
Of course it would be easier to just let the matter rest if not for one fact.
Natsu was clueless about boundaries and personal space, especially Lucy’s. What was once simple, almost innocent, was now aggravating.
In Lucy’s mind the jealousy was somehow worse than the groping.
Ah, yes, that was it. She wanted to at least try to strike out on the dating scene. The thing is, that particular endeavor was impossible when there was always a territorial hothead nearby.
Take today as an example. The team was enjoying lunch at a small cafe attached to the hotel they were staying at. A young man approached Lucy and they began talking. He seemed nice enough, charming, and handsome.
“Got any plans for tonight?”
Lucy blushed and smiled. No sooner had she opened her mouth, she felt the air get warmer.
“Yeah. She’s going with us on a job. Got it?”  Fire was in the pink-haired boy’s eyes and fist. He was mad? Well, let him be. Lucy was flat out pissed.
“Y...Yessir. Some other time, then.”
“Sorry. It was nice talking to you.” The young man took off, not daring to so much as look back. Lucy got to her feet, shot Natsu a dark glare, and made her way to her hotel room.
She ignored his shouts and attempts to get her attention, locking the door behind her.
Meanwhile, at the cafe, a very concerned Wendy and Gray moved to investigate the situation further. They made it halfway across the room before Erza stopped them.
“No, let them be. They have to sort this out on their own.”
That was that.
Lucy couldn’t ignore Natsu’s knocking for long. In fact, he was so persistent about it she stormed over and opened the door, still glaring.
“What could you possibly want, Natsu?”
“I just wanted to see how you were doing, that’s all. Ya seemed really mad earlier and…” His smile faded as he saw her expression. “...I guess you’re still mad.”
“How very perceptive of you. Why wouldn’t I be mad? I haven’t had a date in forever and you ruined it!”
“That guy was a creep!” “No. He. Was. Not.” Her attention was momentarily averted to the exceed in the corner. “Happy, could you give us a little privacy?” “I...I’m not sure. You’re not gonna kill Natsu or anything, are you?”
Privately, Lucy wasn’t ruling that out.
“No, we need to talk, that’s all. I’ll buy you some yummy fishies tonight…”
Happy’s tummy rumbled at the mention of his favorite food.
“Deal. See ya later, Natsu, as long as she doesn’t kill ya!” With that Happy flew off, leaving the two wizards alone.
“Privacy, huh? Because of some guy?” “It’s not...No. There’s more to it than that. Something’s been bothering me for a while and I���m tired of letting it slide.”
“Letting what slide? What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about you, Natsu. We’re friends, right?” “Yeah. Have been for years.” He had a confused look on his face. Other than that, he seemed almost uncharacteristically calm about the whole thing.  Like he was assessing the situation.
“Well…” She took a deep breath, exhaled. “Friends have boundaries. And lately you haven’t been respecting mine. Being friends doesn’t give you permission to grope me whenever you want, and it definitely doesn’t mean you can act jealous when someone else expresses interest. We don’t have, uh, that sort of relationship. Not that you have any interest in that sort of thing.”
Dead silence for several long moments. Natsu’s confused look was gone. Now he was gazing intently at Lucy.
“...Aren’t you going to say anything?”
“Yeah. I am.” He stepped closer. Then he took her hand.  His gaze never left her. “You’re kinda dense, you know?”
“What?!” Lucy’s emotions were already swirling around and her heart was racing feeling her hand in his. Now confusion and a bit of rage were added to the mix. She wanted to scream at him...but knew that wouldn’t solve anything. “What do you mean?” “You’re so smart, but you don’t see somethin’ that’s right in front of you.” Quick glance at their hands. Was that the beginnings of a smile…?
Lucy wasn’t sure. She was, however, quite sure that she hadn’t expected him to react quite like this.
“What’s...right in front of me…?”
“Me. Duh. You really couldn’t tell I liked ya, that I’ve liked ya all this time?” Wide eyed, Lucy could only blush in response. Natsu’s expression softened a bit. “Come on, Lucy. I can hear your heart racin’ right now, just like every time I take your hand.” He stroked his thumb over her palm. It felt nice, pleasant, soothing. Natural.
Now his actions made sense. Now she understood why he always acted like a protective dragon around her.
It was a shock, to be sure, but not an unwelcome one. In fact, Lucy realized, this new development solved her problem from earlier.
...although at the same time it created a whole new problem. She sighed, pouted, her gaze shifted to her feet.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He lifted her chin, quirked his head. She sighed again, feeling, irrationally maybe, like she could burst into tears.
“I...um...I l, like you too, Natsu but…What if this ruins what we had? Our friendship. It...it means everything to me. You mean everything to me.”
“Yeah, but what if it makes us stronger? That’s a chance I wanna take.”
“Me t-too…” She stepped closer to him, bit her lip, dared to look up into his eyes. Speaking of chances, there was one she wanted to take. “Natsu?” “Yeah?”
No verbal response. She got up on her tip-toes, close enough to see the light flickering in his eyes. So close, almost dangerous. She leaned closer, going for what she hoped would be a sweet moment.
Instead she lost her balance. Stumbled from her tip-toes, bonked her forehead on his chin.
Luckily Natsu caught her before she could embarrass herself further. She had to admit she rather liked feeling his warm, strong arms wrapped around her.
At least until she heard him snickering.
“It’s not funny…” A dramatic sniffle for effect.
“You’re right. It’s hilarious.” His laugh was infectious. Lucy had to bite her tongue to keep from cracking up right along with him.
“Fine, jerk…” She made a pouty face. “I wanted to try a kiss, but if you’d rather laugh at m--!!!”
Lucy’s protest was effectively silenced by the feeling of Natsu’s mouth on hers. A little clumsy, since neither of them knew what they were doing, but not bad.
Eventually she pulled away to breathe, then rested her head on his shoulder.  
Before either could think of anything to say there was a rather timid knock on the door. Happy peeked in, eyes wide.
“Natsu? Lucy? Erza said to meet in the lobby.”
Right. The job. Somehow in the drama of the afternoon both had forgotten that they had a job to do. Lucy took a step back, exhaled.
“Hey Natsu?” “Yeah, Luce?” “Stay with me tonight? After the job, I mean. I...want some company, that’s all.”
“Sure.” Natsu looked confused but at least he was smiling as he held out his hand. “Let’s go.” His smile was so bright, so contagious, that she didn’t hesitate. She smiled and put her hand in his, then they met up with their teammates and set out on the afternoon’s adventure. Things were different, in a way. They all noticed the way Natsu and Lucy walked hand in hand. It was hard to miss the way Natsu made it a point to protect Lucy at all costs, standing between her and the beast throughout the fight. He was always protective, but never to this level, at least not until today.
And once the beast had been vanquished, Lucy hugged Natsu. He didn’t mind at all.
Happy snickered. Gray rolled his eyes. Wendy giggled. Erza said nothing, only smiled a knowing smile.
That night the pair lay side by side for what seemed like hours, talking, bonding, and sharing the occasional gentle kiss. Happy was snoring on one of the extra pillows. Eventually Lucy yawned, having trouble keeping her eyes open. She snuggled into his arms. He rested his forehead on hers. In moments both were snoring, glad to enjoy a moment of peace after what had been a rather interesting day.
Sure, things were different, but it was a good change…
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aliidarling · 2 months
idk what i’m even doing with these spotify songs but alrighty
the less i know the better ♡
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part 2
nsfw content — please scroll if uncomfortable
summary: you’re a savior taken hostage by rick and daryl and they decide to make u their little slut (i literally dream abt this)
tags: nsfw obvi, mean daryl and rick, age gap, threesome, fingering, degradation, praise, humiliation.. kinda dubcon, no actual p in v
nsfw content below !!
You had been fading in and out of consciousness for the last hour, your head aching from the blunt blow to your skull and your throat burning. You didn’t even know what happened or who did, all you remembered was being out on a patrol for Negan and suddenly getting smacked in the back of your head.
Ever since then, you’ve woken up maybe three times, each time a different place, but the same two people.
A curled haired man with a southern accent that always echoed in your ears, the ringing making you hiss. The other was a dark haired man who’s hair almost covered his face, with a low raspy voice you could barely hear because of the high pitched annoyance.
First time you woke up in the back of a car, hands tied behind you with some song playing on the radio. They were chatting casually, the southern man driving and glancing at the other one in the passenger seat. They both seemed laidback, as if they didn’t have a whole girl in their backseat tied up and gagged.
You managers to make a drowsy little noise from behind your gag before you passed out again, the southern man glancing at you in the rear view the last thing you remember seeing before everything went black.
You woke up again maybe another hour later, your body all sore. You were so confused. Who were these people and what did they want with you?
This time you were being carried, by the quiet one. He stared down at you as you stirred in his arms. He was carrying you bridal style in a town— what in the world? What were you doing in Alexandria? Negan was so gonna kill your ass for this.
The rumbling of your tummy broke the silence as he scoffed lowly, walking in the direction of houses.
“Yer’ hungry? Don’t worry, I’ll get ya sum’ food.” He snorts, before going silent again. You eventually passed out again. Damn, how hard did he hit you?
The final time you awoke was on a worn down mattress in a dark room, your eyes opening slowly. This time you didn’t feel the gag, your shoulders relaxing just slightly.
“H-Hello?” You choked out, looking around the room with a confused expression. Your feet were still tied together at the ankles, so you really couldn’t go anywhere if you wanted to, but the disappearance of the gag and rope around your wrists calmed you. Slightly.
You looked down in front of you and spotted a plate with some sandwich and an apple. Your eyes brightened. Surely they couldn’t be too bad if they fed you! Immediately, you dived down and began nibbling on the apple and gulping down bites of the sandwich. Turkey, you recognized. One of your favorites.
In the middle of your eating session the door creaked open, making you flinch and remember where exactly you were— the yummy sandwich had distracted you. You stiffened and sat up, tucking your knees into your chest and holding the half-eaten apple to your chest, ready to throw it if needed.
One of the men from earlier walked in, making you stiffen even more and try to lean back against the wall. You blinked up at him, scanning him closely. He was tall, older then you by a good decade, with short curly hair and dirty clothes covered in dirt and blood stains. Creepy.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?” You said immediately, tightening your hold on your apple.
He only scoffed, his dark eyes gazing at you with an amused look.
“Gonna throw that apple at me if I do something you don’t like?” He shakes his head and walks up to you, making you flinch at his sudden close proximity. He kneels down to your height, scanning you with his eyes intensely.
“So what if I am?” You say back with attitude, making him snicker and shake his head in amusement. You felt so judged under his gaze. It was dark and intimidating.
“You’re with Negan, am I correct?” He asks.
You press your lips together as you give him a nod. He shamelessly eyes you, his pupils gazing down at you like you were nothing but prey.
“You’re cute for a savior, might keep you.” He says bluntly. Your body stiffens as you squirm in your restraints, your hand tightening your hold around the apple.
“I’m not some slut, you psycho!” You gasp, attempting to throw the apple at him. He growls and grabs the apple from you, his other hand going to your shoulder to push you down onto the floor. He quickly straddles you, holding you down as you attempted every little thing to overpower him.
Poor thing, he thought, trying so hard. You have no way out of this.
“Quit, fuckin, fighting—“ He growls, his hands slamming you back onto the floor as you managed to sit up slightly. Every harsh shove he gave you knocked the air out of you, he was stronger then you thought.
Realization slowly dawned on you that you really couldn’t fight this, and he was destined to win this fight no matter what you did.
Right as you were about to give up— the door slammed open, revealing the other man from earlier. The one with the black hair that covered some of his face, wearing a sleeveless vest with dark cargo pants. He was an archer, you noticed by the weapon on his back. You stiffened as he stood there momentarily in shock at the sight of you and the southern man all tangled up on the floor.
“The hell’s goin’ on?” He drawled, his accent a lazy southern with a raspy tone. His voice sent a shiver down your spine. The man on top of you rolled his eyes and crawled off you, but not before giving you one last shove into the ground and a look that you could tell meant ‘Don’t move’.
“Stupid chick was fighting back.” He grumbles, standing up and walking towards him. They both whisper aggressively in the corner, giving you dirty looks every other sentence. You laid awkwardly on the floor, too scared to move.
“I thought we agreed to break her first?”
“Yeah— but look at her!”
They both slowly turned to look at you before turning back towards each other, continuing their hushed whispers.
“She’s cute, yeah, I understand what you meant now. She’s prettier when she’s conscious, I guess.” The dark haired man grumbles, crossing his arms.
The mean one looks back at you and sighs, scratching his temple. He stares for a moment before walking towards you, making you flinch once again.
“I’m not gonna hurt you. Only if you misbehave, I will.” He says lowly, kneeling down to your height once again.
“I’m Rick, and that guy back there,” He points to the Archer walking towards the both of you, “Is Daryl. He’s a little quiet.”
Rick stares at you with a blank expression, trying to read yours.
You sat there silently for a moment, watching as Rick sat infront of you, kneeling over you, while Daryl walked behind you. You could feel Daryl’s breath on the back of your neck as he kneeled down behind you. If the two of them got any closer you’d be sandwiched, you realized with a small exhale.
You hesitantly told them your name, making Rick smirk. “Cute,” He hums, his finger coming up to gently tuck one of your loose strands behind your ear. His touch made you shiver. Fear? Attraction? You couldn’t tell.
“Fuck off.” You grumble shakily, squirming once again. Daryl behind you places his hands on your forearms, holding you in place with a small chuckle. You shiver, on the verge of trembling as the two large men trap you inbetween their bodies.
“We don’t wanna hurt ya, sweetie. You’re a cute little thing, it’d be a shame to see your cute face all bruised up.” Rick says with a mockingly sweet smile, leaning closer until one of his thighs brushed against yours, his body towering over you even when he was kneeling.
A soft kiss is planted onto your neck from behind, making you flinch in shock and turn to look at Daryl— only for Rick to grab your chin and force you to maintain eye contact.
Your lips quiver as you felt the man behind you pamper your neck in soft little kisses and rubs.
“S-Stop, ah, what are you guys doing?” You hissed lowly, trying not to give into the gentle touch of the large man behind you. You hated them both, but Daryl was probably higher on your list inbetween them two. He was more gentle and quiet, and was also the one currently kissing your neck.
Rick takes ahold of your ankles and straightens your legs infront of you so your back is leaning against Daryl’s chest, and your sitting on your butt on the floor.
“You think we can convince her to stay with us?” Rick smirks to Daryl, who hums an incoherent word into your neck. You shiver as Ricks large hands rub your thighs. He positions himself between your legs and gently parts them, on his knees and lowering his head until his breath brushed against the small midriff your top showed.
“What the hell are you—“
“Shush, and just enjoy.” Daryl interrupts you, shushing you as his hand wrap around you and start to tug your top up, bunching it over your bra. Your face goes red in embarrassment as you squirm, your hands attempting to weakly pull his fingers off your bra.
Rick gives one of your hands a little swat, clicking his tongue like you were a misbehaving child. It felt patronizing, being treated so small and childishly.
“I’ll kill you both..” You grumble, your hands slowly setting themselves on Daryl’s thighs which were seated on each side of you, your fingers rubbing in circles subconsciously.
“Mhm, sure you will. Can’t even pull away from our kisses and touches, how are you gonna get the courage to end us?” Daryl mocks, laughing softly into your ear. His hands start to slip under your bra, making you gasp quietly into the air.
Why weren’t you fighting back? These were two men you’ve barely seen before, their hands touching you everywhere. But it wasn’t your fault it felt so good, and the fact they were both very talented with their mouths and hands.
Oh well.
Rick hums and starts to tug at your pants, pulling them down until they were around your ankles, your boots not letting them slip off completely. He rolls his eyes and sighs.
“Annoying little brat,” He unzips your boots and pulls them off, before pulling your pants off fully. He smiles at the sight of you leaning back against Daryl with your shirt bunched up and your breasts being fondled, your legs spread infront of him.
“You wanna bet wether she’s wet or not?”
“Lil’ girls definitely soaked, and if I’m right yuh have to take over my patrol tomorrow.” Daryl hums.
Rick chuckles and scoops up your thighs and parts them some more, bending them at the knee to prop them up on each side of you.
He places his hand on top of your clothed cunt and starts rubbing, giggling as your panties quickly became soaked under the pressure of being pressed against your wet folds.
“Would you look at that,” He hums, his thumb rubbing over your clit gently, making you gasp. Your body squirms at the feeling, your hips shifting and your lips pressing together in hopes of muffling your noises.
“Looks like I have an extra shift tomorrow.” He pouts, rubbing more intensely now over your clit. Your breath hitched as you try to whimper out little protests, but all you could muster was moans and incoherent whines.
You didn’t have the energy to fight back. Their touch felt too good. Ricks hand on your pussy, Daryl massaging your breasts and pinching your nipples, you’re surprised you haven’t came in your panties yet.
“Rick.. Daryl..” You moan softly, leaning your head back against Daryl’s chest as his rough palms continue gliding over your breasts. A small hum leaves his mouth as he gently nuzzled his head into your neck, kissing and sucking gently. His fingers didn’t let up on his teasing, not stopping for even a second.
You barely had a chance to breathe with the double stimulation. Ricks hands were talented, rubbing eight figure onto your clit and succeeding in making you clench down on air.
“Please, please.” You let you a desperate little whine.
Rick snickers and shifts himself closer to you, more situated between your thighs, his face a couple of inches from yours now. His messy curls tickle your face as he leans down to apply more attention to your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Think she deserves to get her pussy open’d up?” Rick hums as he starts to pull your panties to the side, letting cold air brush against your sensitive cunt. You let out a shaky exhale at the feeling, feeling so wet and desperate for anything inside you.
The sight of Ricks bulge in his pants had you yearning for more, especially with the second bulge pressing against your lower back.
“She’s been a good girl so far, yeh.”
The southern man nods and looks at you with a grin. “How many fingers can you take?”
You blink slowly, not even sure how to answer that. You slowly looked down at his fingers, eyes narrowing. His fingers were thick, making you clench down on air.
“U-Uh, two? Three?” You say hesitantly. The question itself was embarrassing, how were you supposed to answer that?!
He hums in response, bringing his fingers closer and starting to slowly slide them inside you. He didn’t stop until they were fully inside, two of his thick fingers making you feel out of breath already.
”Deep breaths, sweetheart.” Daryl coo’s, giving your nipple a little tug.
“That hurts.” You pout as he gives another pinch and tug, making the two men chuckle.
Your pouting was replaced by a soft moan as Ricks fingers started thrusting in and out, as well as doing a scissoring motion that had your lips forming an ‘O’ shape.
His fingers were thrusting deeply, not giving you as break as they kept moving in and out of your wet pussy, dirty squelching noises filling the air as well as the smell of sex.
“That’s feels really good, please— wanna cum.” You gasped out, curling back into Daryl’s chest, craving both their touches on your body.
“Should we let her?” Rick tilts his head, delivering an extra sharp thrust that had you clenching down and crying out his name in a tone that his both their cocks stirring.
“She’s been’ pretty good, hasn’t she?” Daryl coo’s. His hands start to fondle your breasts more aggressively, one of his hands sliding down to focus on your clit as Rick keeps fingering you open.
You let out a happy sigh as Rick speeds up, his hand tightening it’s hold on your thigh that was holding you open. Daryl’s rubbing on your clit had you seeing starts, eyes rolling back and lips falling apart.
“Oh, please, yes— right there—!” You let out a soft gasp as a third finger joins your pussy, the small stretch sending you over the edge. You tighten down, a loud whine leaving you as you go slump and cum all over his thick fingers, your hands going to shakily grasp onto Daryl behind you.
You would’ve collapsed onto the floor if Daryl wasn’t holding you from behind, his large hand still gently rubbing your clit to let you ride through your high and get as much as a release as possible.
More cum came out, but after a moment you were laying back against him, your shaky legs in Ricks lap now being massaged tenderly. Their touch on you was delicate, almost as if they were afraid to hurt you. But you knew better, they were just waiting for the moment you are vulnerable and needy to use your body.
“Mmmmmh.” Your noises were muffled and incoherent as they both started to help you up, Rick helping you slide your clothes back on while Daryl gently kissed you and patted your messy hair. They were both gentle with their touches even after fingering the shit out of you.
“How you feel, sweetheart?” Rick whispers, straightening up and pulling you in by the waist, stealing your from Daryl. Daryl roll his eyes and huffs, watching from a distance as Rick slides his hands all over your body.
“Like I just got kidnapped and then fingered by two men.” You grumble, hesitantly curling into his chest. They had grown on you in the last ten minutes. Who knew having two large men put their hands inside you and fondle your breasts would have you warming up to their presence.
“..Good, cuz that’s what just happened to ya’.” Daryl retorts from behind you, giving your butt an extra squeeze. You flinch.
Rick interrupts you with a kiss, not wanting a moment away from his pretty sluts body. His hand go back to wandering and find their way back into your breasts.
“Give her a break, moron.” Daryl’s huffs, tugging you back towards him. They were both literally fighting over you.
Rick rolls his eyes and sighs dramatically, his hands on his hips as he leans forward.
“Whatever,” He mutters before tapping your chin, alerting you. He maintains strong eye contact as he gives you a stern look, scowling.
“You’re staying with us, you hear me? You try to escape and we’ll tie you down in some shitty basement, you’re lucky you’re getting princess treatment from us.”
You shrink at his words, not knowing what to say in return. They had pretty much forced you into submission and were now.. kidnapping you?
“I don’t have a choice, do I?” You sigh, curling away from his touch with a pout. He scoffs and pulls you back in, snickering at your defeated time as he ruffles your hair, as if you were a kid.
“Good girl.” With a simple kiss to your forehead, he’s gone and you’re left alone in the dark room with Daryl behind you.
“Let’s get you tucked in.” He hums, turning you around so he can also give you a sweet kiss. The princess and rough treatment they both gave you was confusing. One second they were degrading and being bullies, the next, sweet forehead kisses and snuggles.
“Okay.” You say lamely.
Looks like this was your new home for the time being, being a little toy for these two men. I mean— at least they were considerate.
lmk if u guys want part 2 where they break us in and like ACTUALLY fuck us :P
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luffyvace · 5 months
Ooo if you’re still taking requests pls do black reader with either sanji or ace next (or both!!)🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
YESSS I AMMM AND WILL DO LOVE!! i’m gonna doooo…BOTH<3
(u didn’t specify gender so i’m still going gn♡)
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ok first of if your a bit more thicc/chubby he adores you<3
he wont ever judge his beloved<3
let’s clear that up now okay? He loves you.
he also loves your hairrrrrrrr 😍
loves the texture and praises/compliments it in great detail
he will insist on washing it for you or at least helping you, especially if you have a lot of hair
he LOVESSSSS big Afro’s 😍😍
it just looks so majestic to him
will learn how to braid on and off scalp for you so you don’t have to blister/hurt your own fingers
even if it means he has to deal with the burning himself
will do any style no matter how long it takes
He just loves to be able to condition and style your hair and be like ‘yeah I did that for my s/o! 🦸‘
another thing he loves is LOCSSSSS 💗💗
He finds it so mesmerizing and ethereal like💥💥💥💥
it just DOES something to him
yea man is a simp through and through
doesn’t mind at all when he notices your skin/hair is naturally oily and he tries to ask you in the softest way possible as to why its that way
in case your sensitive about it or if it’s just a you thing
but nope! It’s simply to help keep your skin/hair hydrated
speaking of which everything about your culture is so fascinating to him
he asks all about it and I mean ESPECIALLY on the your traditional dishes
wants you to teach/cook him every recipe so he can make it for you should you ever miss food from home
btw let’s say you can cook for the headcanons, even if you can’t
will let you prepare you own dishes if you want
they smell so good too!! 🤤🤤
luffy WILL bother you to cook for him as well
if it gets on your nerves sanji will be there to shoo him away
sanji finds all your features attractive, from your nose, to your hair, down to your skin and lips
especially those juicy lips 😊😊
oh how he wants to kiss them for eternity<3
he also hypes you uppppp about ur fits!!
he thinks they’re fire and will spend all his money buying you more!!
def shows you off and compliments you like crazyyy
as far as AAVE.. he doesn’t get it for a while..
kinda just hahah..😅 (??)
he does get tho! After some time :)
feels so accomplished once he masters it but doesn’t really use it out of respect
just knows it to know what your talking about and be able to laugh at your jokes and stories 😋
might have to translate a few things to the rest of the crew..
not everything tho it’s not like your speaking a whole new language
but it is a good way to sneak comments about people to each other 😗
bonus! sanji 100% brags to zoro about you being his s/o
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ace is very curious about..everything!
asks you lots of questions without holding back
he just wants to know all about you and your hair, culture, food, everything!
LOVES the fact that you for sure know how to throw a party
and dance too!
again let’s say you can for the headcanons
and don’t get me started on your cooking…
he smackin that food DOWN
yummy yummy 😋
make as much as you can and more because we all know this man has a huge appetite
plays with your hair a lot
he doesn’t like when his finger nails get caught tho 🤦‍♀️
YOU don’t like it even more! Your hair gets yanked from him trying to get it out! HE shouldn’t be the one complaining..😒
doesn’t normally pay much attention to clothes but does admit you can dress and GOOD
will compliment you too if your wearing something more extravagant than normal
but just know he thinks your fits are fire 🔥
he just doesn’t verbalize it all the time
maybe to Marco more than you 🤷‍♀️
he thinks all the stories you tell him from when you were little are HILARIOUS
like the time yo mama said she gon smack you into the next dimension if you do smth like that again
tells whitebeard the stories you’ve told him
Ace’s favorite meal you cook is your barbecue
he hear that grill it’s time to EAT.
as for if reader is chubby
he doesn’t mind in the slightest and loves you in every way
doesn’t affect him much unless it affects your mental health
then he’ll do anything to make you happy
doesn’t know much about psychology and he needs to heal himself in which he likely takes you to Marco
but don’t worry this is different, it’s not some doctor that doesn’t care about you and only wants your money!
it’s Marco! The ship’s doctor! Ace’s friend! your friend!
so you know he genuinely wants to help :)
Ace probably will never end up getting AAVE..
he’s not dumb it’s just…
’wait what?? He’s confused..’
he knows it’s how you talk tho
which is just about all he knows
you could probably teach marco or izo and use it against ace by talking abt him 😂
not in a mean way, in a playful insult way
he feels really lucky to have you
he’s more likely to wash your hair if you ask him btw
don’t get me wrong he loves it
but would prefer to admire from a far
especially while in a Afro
when you have your hair in your ponytail he likes to press it down a bit, let it go and go “boing boing-“
“boy!-“ *smacks hand away*
yeaaa..you stop him
I’m really glad you requested these because I’ve been meaning to write more for ace and I wanted to write for sanji as well!
I actually have another ace draft coming………..sooner or later…BESIDES THE POINT! You can look out for it if you want some more ace content<3 hope you enjoyed your request anon!♥︎
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jericho-williams · 3 months
Chap 3: Good Mornings.
I woke up to the sound one can only identify as Sebastian singing in the shower. It was horrible.
He had to have a shower when I first got here because my blood got everywhere. And, he made me clean it up. He said if I didn't, he was gonna chop off my other leg.
'Dad, if you don't shut up, I swear I'm gonna eat your food!' I hear Ariel yell from the other room. 'Fine! Just don't touch my food, I'll be out in a minute!' I hear him yell back before quietly going back to his shower. Ariel is now God.
'Ugh.' I groaned, opening my eyes and getting blinded from the light coming in from the window. I don't know if you can tell, but I don't want to get up. But I do when I realise Ariel said there was food. Yummy. I throw on some of Sebastian's clothes (damn, we really need to get me my own clothes) and make sure I look good. Who am I kidding, I always do.
I make my way downstairs, bumping into a few walls and tripping a few times because of my leg. 'Sup, Ariel!' I say awesomely.
Turns out that they had a spare room, and Sebastian said I could stay in there and to get comfortable since we have no idea when I'm gonna get back.
I still don't know what that weird object was or how it made that portal thing, or if I just imagined that, but I don't think I'm getting home anytime soon. The longer I stay, the weirder things get; I mean, powers? Magic? It all makes no sense.
Ariel turned to me as I entered the kitchen area. 'Hey, Eric,' She said, waving me over to the table that was now clean of all my blood, 'Hey! What ya got there?' I ask, gesturing to the food, 'breakfast, now eat it.' She says with a smile on her face, handing me my bowl.
Man, I love eating at things that I have recently lost a limb on.
I made Seb make some food for Ruby last night, and he was super startled when he found out she was now half dragon, but this morning she looked to have been given some dog food that I (with Ariel's money) bought on our way back from the forests. Her paws were all bandaged up and luckily, no dog limbs were lost.
After eating, and once Sebastian had come downstairs, Ariel had said that she needed to go and see a friend. She asked if I wanted to come along, and I was desperate to get out of the house.
'We better do something about your clothes,' she said, gesturing towards Sebastian's pirate clothes that were like a billion sizes too big for me. 'Yeah, not exactly practical for... well, anything.' I agree.
Ariel took me to the nearest busy areas of Emaia where we got food, ate food, and bought me some new clothes.
I got changed into my new outfit, in which I looked fabulous, with my old blue jumper that I fell in with, a pair of jeans, some black coverse because they're amazing, and a cool plain black choker necklace becuase they make me somehow even hotter. My jumper was one of the only things reminding me of my home. I was starting to miss my friends and parents.
My mum must be so worried, I mean, I've been gone for ages. And my sister! They're all going to have no idea what's going on. They might think I've been kidnapped or something!
Before I could dive anymore into my spiralling, Ariel announced that we had arrived.
'Here we are!' She said, bouncing on her heels. What the heck. No way is this where her friend lives. She had brought us to the very middle of the kingdom, and on a piece of land slightly higher than the rest, was one of the hugest freaking castles that I've ever seen (also the only one but this castle was pretty much out of a fairy tale).
The castle wasn't too far from the house, but it was huge. How did I not notice it?
The actual castle was built like the one you see at the start of Disney movies, but there was a path around the side with people who looked really busy.
'Let's go around back,' Ariel said, walking away before I had time to respond. 'Okay.' I say before slowly jogging towards her. She didn't even wait for me!
When we got to the back of the castle, I saw a bunch of people shooting targets with arrows, fighting with each other, or just chatting and watching a girl with yellow-blonde hair failing at hitting the target with her arrows, by a lot.
'So, who's your friend?' I say, not taking my eyes off the girl with the bow. 'He's probably inside right now, I'll go look for him. Stay here. 'Okay- and she's gone again. Wow.' I say before going over to the girl who still hadn't managed to hit the target.
With the way the people were watching her and laughing to their friends, it seemed like this had happened a lot. 'Hey,' I say, startling her from trying to set the arrow into the bow properly. 'You're doing that wrong.' 'I know, dummy.' She says in the most sarcastic voice I had ever heard, and I've been living with Sebastian! That says a lot. I was starting to like her already.
She went back to trying to shoot the arrow and missed so bad it almost hit one of the guys watching from the side, missing his head by an inch. 'Sorry Gabe!' She shouted as both of their faces started to go red. 'It's okay!' He shouted back to her. Ooh, someone has a crush. 'So, what's your name? I asked because I had no idea. I totally ship her and Gabe, though; that was adorable.
She looked back to me, her eyes rolling. Meanie. 'I'm Eleanor. Who are you?' Eleanor said, cocking her head to the side and sassily putting her hand on her hip. 'I'm Eric!' I tell her with a big smile on my face, stretching out my hand for a handshake (and getting completely ignored). Okay... rude.
'So, do you know Ariel?' I ask her, just now realising that this girl with pigtails is taller than me. Jeez. 'Ariel? Do you mean the girl the prince always hangs around?' She says as I tried not to laugh, I mean, Ariel? Friends with a prince? What? 'No, I don't think she could be friends with a prince.' I go as my laughs slip a little bit. 'Yeah, she's the baker's daughter, right? Blonde hair and everything. She's really nice, actually.' Ariel is friends with a prince. Ariel wants to introduce me, yes I, to a prince. Half of my life is literally just illegal stuff.
There is no way she wants me to be introduced to the prince when my dog is pretty much illegal.
1187 words
Published March 4th
Updated last March 10th
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ningningsplushie · 3 years
ENHYPEN (maknae line) reaction to...their S/O spontaneously kissing all over their face!
warnings: kissing (that’s a given), mentions of food, extremely light angst on Jungwon’s part (I think???), some cursing, reader asserts (non-sexual) dominance over Ni-ki with kisses
A/N: Haha! I told you guys the maknae line was going to be very soon! I had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you enjoy it!
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Kim Sunoo
Bold of you to assume that you’d get the chance to kiss him first
A relationship with Sunoo is literally a competition of who can be affection the most 
So far, he’s winning
And it’s not cuz you’re cold or anything but because he’s a walking ball of love and light
he doesn’t have an off switch
and that’s the thing you love most about him!
Being such a young idol isn’t very easy, given that he also has to stay on top of his studies while practicing non-stop and being on schedule
Today is Friday so thankfully for Sunoo, he gets a break over the weekend from school
This poor kid really had to start school at the ass crack of dawn and then go to Hybe for practice from noon till 5 
He’s so sleepy sometimes :((
But despite his days being very busy, he still maintain his bright and preppy attitude, something that you can tell is definitely not for show, but genuine 
However, since it’s the end of the week, poor Sunoo is quite tired and all he wants right now is to visit his favourite person, you!
He’s planning on staying over for the night at your house cuz he’s been meaning to have a fun and relaxing night of skin care, yummy food, movies, and cuddles!
Rather than knocking on your door like every other person, he simply barges through the threshold, announcing himself with a “JAGIIIIIIIIIII I”M HOME!”
Home?? You don’t remember him paying rent but alright
But that’s the least of your worries but your beloved boyfriend came for you!
Running, or more like teleporting, down the stair, you land into his arms 
You’re immediately hit with the smell of vanilla and lavender (that’s what he smells like, fight me people)
You kinda melt into his embrace cuz he’s that comfy (he’d give the best hugs ☹️)
“I missed you a lot, sunshine”
“Didn’t we see each other yesterday, flower?”
yeah, you did. yesterday was such a long time tho (sad emoji)
you look down at his hand and see his duffle bag and you immediately know what that means
“SLEEPOVER?” you scream
“SLEEPOVER!” he screams back
way louder
find someone you matches your energy like Sunoo
you take his bag from him and drag him to the couch in the living room, pushing him down onto the cushions
“Alright champ,” you start. “This is how it’s gonna go. You had a long day of running back and forth so imma walk down to the convenience store and get the snacks we need for tonight while you sit here and look pretty, but most importantly, rest for a bit. Got it?”
he gives you a salute and his precious smile where his lips go thin, his eyes disappear, and his cheeks raises up, giving him the appearance of a dumpling
he’s so adorable you wanna eat him up like a dumpling
 you come back 20 minutes later and you expect to find him laying down, a hand behind his head as he browses through Netflix to look for the next movie y’all are gonna watch
you find the exact opposite of that
he’s sprawled out, limbs in different directions while he sleeps
at first you’re kinda annoyed cuz hello??? it’s a sleepover with his truly, Y/N
but then you realize how hard he’s worked himself, what with school, being an idol, keeping up with friends and yourself as well
you don’t know how he does it but he does
he’s your superhero :(
but like every superhero, he has his limits and Sunoo is certainly is at his, even if he doesn’t realize it
but you don’t want him to sleep on this hard couch and you clearly can’t carry him up the stairs yourself
and you wanna gentle wake him up so can lead him upstair to your bed
you put the bags of snacks down and walk ever to quietly to his side and settle on the floor next to his face, peppering soft kisses wherever pink traces his soft features
which is everywhere
he’s basically a walking peach
but yet again also a dumpling
your kisses upon his face are soft and feathery, nothing aggressive or fast because you wanna wake him up like the prince that he is
He begins to stir but doesn’t quite yet open his eyes
this leads to your kisses continuing their exploration of the slope of Sunoo’s nose, the squish of his cheeks, and the expanse of his forehead
“Sunoo, my sunshine. I know you wanna sleep but this couch won’t be any good for your back. How’re you gonna dance properly if your back is all stiff?” 
This cheeky fucker cracks an eye open at this
“C’mon, Sunoo. Let’s go to my bed, it’s much better for you. Just dont open your eyes all the way so you can fall back asleep easier. Here, I’ll guide you up the stairs.”
And true to your word, you do, careful to make sure he doesn’t bump against something or trip
you lay him down and cover his with your blanket, positions yourself right next to his sleeping figure
soon enough you also drift off into dreamland but then...
*peck peck peck*
wtf is happening to your face?
you crack your eyes open and find your dear boyfriend pressing kisses all over your face, just as you did to him but not as gentle
“Sunoo, what the hell are you doing?”
For some fucking reason he’s kissing you all over while his eyes are still closed
Is he sleep-kissing you??
“I have to say goodnight to you too, flower. I didn’t get to kiss you all day”
oh :(((
a few seconds later he finishes and drops back next to you, taking you in his arms with him being the big spoon
“Goodnight, flower. I’m really sorry for ruining our sleepover”
“Don’t worry, you didn’t ruin anything. Let’s meet in our dreams, hmm?”
“I already see you”
and you saw him too :))
Yang Jungwon
This kid just takes any form of affection from you as it is
what I mean by that is that you guys are practically a married couple
so when you kiss him goodbye, he returns it
when you run up to hug him, he already has his arms outstretched before you even reach him
he loves your affection but sometimes you like to tease him cuz you like to hear him whine for you time and kisses
cuz he’s your baby 🥺🥺
like the idiot that you are, you decide to pull a prank on him today
maybe something harmless like toothpaste in an oreo or saran wrap on the toilet?
no you’re gonna hit him where it hurts most
by giving him the silent treatment
wonnie doesn’t like it when your mad at him cuz it makes him feel like a bad boyfriend but your dumb ass wants to see his reaction
plz...leave poor Jungwon alone
it’s a Sunday but Jungwon still has practice :(
you don’t mind though cuz you know that he loves being an idol
he always makes sure to find time for you
so it’s really no problem
but you still miss him 😔
You’re sitting on the couch in the living room, browsing through your phone, waiting for Jungwon to return to the dorms
aaaaaaaand right on cue all 7 of the boys storm their way through the front door
for practicing and working all day they sure do have a lot of energy 
everyone politely greets you before heading to their respective rooms (let’s just all pretend they each have individual rooms, alright?)
upon seeing you, Jungwon lights up and walks towards you, sitting down on the couch
he drapes your legs over his lap and beams at you
“Hey, I missed you. How was your day?”
you just look at him and shrug your shoulders
he right away thinks that something went wrong so he asks what’s wrong
you shrug again
poor wonnie is so confused and concerned 
“You wanna talk about it?”
this time, you look back at your phone without a single word
“Alright..?? I’ll go wash up and then come back.”
like literally nothing
you act like there’s no one in the room with you
15 minutes later Jungwon return, this time with wet hair and the scent of his body wash wafting through the air
“I don’t know what happened but if you wanna talk about it i’m here to listen.”
then he crack you one of his precious smiles
and your heart breaks
you wanna stop the prank but you also wanna see how he’ll react when you don’t show him in love as usual
his big heart thinks that you’re upset about something that’s happened and decides to distract you by telling you about his insane, albeit entertaining day
he starts describing the antics of the 7 boys while they were shooting for the album concept and how Ni-Ki found a frog, gave it to Sunoo, and how loud Sunoo shrieked
(help this acc happened, i just can’t remember if it was Ni-Ki or Jungwon who gave Sunoo the frog)
Jungwon is so good at telling stories, he’s so expressive, he does impressions of the members (much to their dismay), and he never fails to make you laugh
which you’re trying not to do right now
cuz usually you’re always doubling over in laughter from his tales, a few stray tears slipping down 
but you’re literally sitting here like 😐😐😐
and Jungwon notices this really quick and trails off
“yeah and then Sunoo dropped...the frog and...Y/N, are you really alright?”
you do the worst possible thing when Jungwon tries to reach out to you 
you turn your back on him
at this point Jungwon is kinda annoyed
“Have I-have I done something wrong?”
he doesn’t think he did?
but he checks to be sure
you just get up and walk to him room
he follows you like a litte puppy :((
“Y/N, I know you’re upset about something but it would really help if you talked to me. I won’t be able to fix whatever happened if I don’t know what’s going on”
you can hear the desperation in his voice and the sadness creeping in
he doesn’t like to see his baby upset, especially if it’s because of something he did
so you whip around to face him 
he thinks he’s gonna get yelled at so he braces himself for the worst and closes his eyes
you’re a sensitive dummy and guilt is just washing over you as tears well up in your eyes
you walks towards Jungwon and take his hands in yours, your thumbs brushing over his knuckles
you lean up on your tippy toes and pepper soft kisses all over his face
there’s not a spot on his face where you don’t kiss
you leave a few wet spots from you tears
you pull back and he touches the tear that’s transferred onto his chin
he thinks this is you finally opening up to him but also needing comfort
“So are you finally gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
“Oh yeah, my day was great! I just wanted to give you the silent treatment to see how you’d react. I felt so guilty thought so I started to cry.”
you give him a sheepish smile while it’s quiet for a few seconds
“Serves you right! What the hell made you think that was a good idea?”
“I don’t know, Wonnie, I was just bored.”
he’s so done with you 😐😐😐
“Jesus Y/N! If you’re bored then you come to me and ask me to play a game with you or watch a movie together, not subject me to this torture!”
 “I’m sorry, Wonnie *pout*”
you hold your arms out for a proper hug and he shakes his head at you
“I would say no cuddles for you but you know that I can’t live without your warmth...so you’re gonna have to give me extra cuddles 😈”
he tackles you into the bed and true to his word, you cling onto him like a koala, tracing shapes on his shoulder-blade with your finger while leaving little kisses now and then
you guys fight like an old couple but you also love like an old couple
Nishimura Riki (Ni-Ki)
the kid’s young, he’s def carefree so he likes to treat the relationship like that too
that isn’t to say he isn’t mature about things too
he knows when to be serious at the right moments
but since he’s so young and playful, he likes to have fun with the person he loves most
but he’s also an incredible tease 😠
you sometimes have to chase him around the dorm just to hug him
he really loves the chase cuz he knows you won’t give up 
he’s always doing shit like 
“C’mon Y/N, if you want a turn on the switch, you have to give me a kiss!”
sometimes you just want to show him affection without having to fight him
but you 99.9% love it most of the time because once he’s in your arms, he won’t let go 
he’s a big clingy puppy 🥺
it’s a chill night for the two of you
you and Ni-ki are on break from school, as well as a pause in his schedules from promoting and attending music shows
so the two of you are chilling out in his room
but with Ni-ki it’s never chilling 😔✊
he’s always stressing you over the smallest things
tonight was supposed to be a self-care night for all the hard work the two of you have done
but jesus christ, no amount essential oils will prepare you for this giant baby
you’re currently trying to give Ni-ki a manicure (he seems like the type to be cautious about his hands idk)
so you’re here buffering his nails, pushing down his cuticles and trying to paint them with a clear nail polish
you just wanted his hands to looks nice 😔
“Kiki (i love that nickname fight me), I swear to god if you don’t stop moving I’ll strap you down and make you stop.”
he goes from 😄😄😄 to 😐😐😐 real fast
sits still and you become suspicious
cuz like, he’s listening to you???
might as well enjoy it
“sorry babe🥺”
you’re gonna kill him
“Ni-ki, STOP!”
“I can’t! The song’s so good tho.”
“Yeah, I know it is but you can sing it later. Now please sit still.”
and sit still he does
for 30 seconds 😐😐
that’s it
you close the nail polish, toss it to the side and tackle him into the bed
“Kiki I love you to bits but you’re making it difficult for me to make you all pretty and relaxed.”
This shithead starts cackling 
you get up from the bed and wipe down your sweatpants, heading towards the bathroom
“Imma go pee but when I come back we’re gonna do face masks to end the night. Alright?”
he’s still trying to calm down from his outburst of laughter and in between catching his breath, he manages to yell out “Yes, ma’am!”
what a brat 🙄
but he’s your brat
you soon return with two packs of sheet masks
you settle yourself in his lap and he locks his arms around your waist
your heart thumps oh my god
he really knows how to make you go crazy in the best possible way
which is exactly why he grins at you
and you melt even more
but then you get back to business with the masks
you might as well do Ni-ki’s mask first just to get it out of the way
so you rip open the package and hold the gooey sheet up to his nose so he could get a whiff of it
*sniff sniff sniff*
“Is that banana?” he asks
“yeah! I found them at the store yesterday!”
he simply nods and stares into your eyes which you found a bit odd
maybe he’s getting sleepy
you spread open the mask, a bit of a hassle due to how slippery it is but after a few seconds of struggling you manage you get it fully open
you line it over his features which is also becoming a harder tasks CUZ HE’S NOW ROCKING SIDE TO SIDE
“Kiki, please keep still.”
he just hums at you and you’re this close 🤏 to lightly slapping him with the wet mask
his movements just get more sporadic and at this point you’ve had enough
“Alright, that’s it!”
you rip the mask off of his face and throw it to the side
Ni-ki thinks he’s went too far and that you’re gonna start yelling at him
but then you push him onto the bed and attack his face with kisses, left and right, up and down
he starts laughing uncontrollably and his clasp around your waist doesn’t loosen
if anything it’s gotten stronger and you can’t escape from his clutches
you join him in the laughter too cuz let’s be honest, being with Ni-ki is so much fun, no matter the time of day
soon enough you feel residue from the mask on your lips, giving it an unpleasant chemical taste 
so you move down to his mouth and leave a phat kiss on his so that he also has the displeasure of tasting it
this goes on for literally 10 minutes I’m not even kidding you
at the end your both out of breath so he lifts you up from his lap and places you on the cushion in front of him
“Seems like my plan worked!”
“What plan, Kiki?”
“I wanted to annoy you enough that you’d just snap and give me kisses.”
“You could have just asked me,” you roll your eyes at him
He leans down towards you and presses a chaste kiss to your hairline
“Yeah but asking isn’t as fun.”
He’s right, it definitely as fun as this
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Original title: 北風に吹かれて
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 9 Mukami Yuma
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 1: Hit by the Northern Wind
The wind blows harshly in the background.
*Rustle rustle*
[00:29] “Oi, Sow. Are you listening? I thought the situation was hopeless now that you’ve gone to a place far out of my reach, but I was wrong. If ya can no longer be by my side, I just gotta go to yer side instead, right? It’s easy. Whether it’s eternal life, or eternal death, eternal always means ‘forever’. It’s the exact same thing. What really matters is the fact that we are together. If we truly love one another, we have to be by each other’s side at all times.”
[01:27] “Heave-hoh…Heh. You’re so light. For real. ーー Well then, let’s get goin’. In search of our ‘forever’…”
A flashback starts.
[02:23] “Godー The wind’s crazy today. Couldn’t we have done our groceries some other day? …Che, it’s hard to walk with all of these darn bags. You’re carryin’ a few yerself so don’t trip, ‘kay?”
You say it’s because Yuma bought too much food.
“Hehe. Oh shut up! Nothin’ wrong with eatin’ the stuff ya like, is there?”
You question him. 
[02:54] “Ya love to call me out on the weirdest things, huh? Who says that Vampires can’t have a big appetite? Well, this amount should carry me over for quite some time. When it needs to be used up, we can just throw in some veggies from my garden and make a stew or pot-au-feu as well.”
You note that would be yummy. 
“It’s takin’ me blood, sweat and tears to grow those bad boys, ‘course it’s gonna be delicious! Ahー Borscht sounds nice as well. My red beets are outta this world!”
Yuma suddenly comes to a halt.
[03:30] “Oi, gimme those bags after all. I’ll carry them all.”
You shake your head.
“Look. Yer pace has been slowin’ down this whole time. The bags are heavy, aren’t they? I’ll carry them for ya.”
You hesitate.
“That’s what I offered to do from the very start, but ya refused to give in. A few bags extra barely makes a difference for me so don’t hold back.”
You hand him the bags.
*Rustle rustle*
“...There. Let’s go.”
The two of you continue walking again.
[04:12] “...Oh. Hey, something’s off ‘bout ya. Why are ya walkin’ so slow? Are ya tired or somethin’? Maybe I shouldn’t have let ya carry those heavy bags? It’s darn cold today as well.”
You look away.
“Don’t avert yer gaze. If ya wanna try and dodge the question, you’re gonna have to try a lil’ harder. Tell me what’s up. Don’t try lyin’ ‘cause ya don’t wanna bother me either.”
You admit to feeling a little sluggish. 
“Haah…I knew it. Ya gotta tell me that sorta stuff sooner!”
Yuma looks around.
[04:55] “Um…Is there anywhere we could rest up? Actually, there’s a park over there, isn’t there? There should be a few benches then. Follow me.”
You arrive at the park.
[05:39] “Come on. Take a seat here.”
You sit down on the bench.
“Haha! What a loud sigh! Ya must have been really exhausted.”
You nod.
“The cold takes its toll on the body after all. I remember sufferin’ quite a bit during winter back when I was still human as well. …Come on, lean ‘gainst me. It’ll make it a bit easier on ya, no?”
[06:15] “...Hehe. Look at ya rubbin’ yer face ‘gainst me. Are ya a dog or somethin’?”
You chuckle. 
“Oh…There’s a vendin’ machine over there. I’ll go buy ya somethin’ hot to drink, ‘kay?”
Yuma gets up and starts walking away but you stop him.
“Ah…Hah? What? Let go.”
You insist that it’s fine just sharing body warmth. 
“I’m warm? Whatcha goin’ on ‘bout? I’m a Vampire, remember?”
You pout.
[06:55] “Haha…Geez, fine then. God.”
He sits back down.
“Scoot a lil’ closer then. If it makes ya feel at ease, we can cuddle as much as ya want.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Mmh…Yeah. Perfect.”
You snuggle your cheek against him again.
“Hehe…Look at ya cravin’ affection…”
You yawn.
[07:30] “What? Ya gonna doze off like this? Oi, wake up…You’ll catch a cold.”
“Oh…Your eyes are watery. …Are ya temptin’ me, huh?”
You tilt your head to the side and frown. 
“Tsk. …How much an airhead can ya be? Ya don’t have to do anythin’ for yer scent to drive me absolutely crazy. Ahー …Haah…My fangs are achin’…”
“Say…Ya don’t mind, do ya? Lemme have a lil’ sip.”
You protest.
[08:19] “Nobody watchin’, trust me…Besides, even if they were, nobody would even notice. They’d just assume we’re some couple gettin’ it on.”
You pout.
“That’s exactly the kind of expression which gets me goin’…I’m basically dyin’ to pounce ya….
[08:48] “I’m gettin’ my fill of yer blood…”
You eventually give in.
“...’Kay. Good girl. Hah…”
Yuma bites you.
“Ahーー It’s delicious, just as I thought…”
“Hah…Ahー The more I drink, the more I crave it…I can’t get enough…”
[09:51] “...Say? How ‘bout ya? Can ya feel my fangs?”
You nod.
“No longer bothered by the cold, I bet?”
He takes in your scent.
“Let’s get even more heated…Mmh…”
[11:00] “Hah…Nothin’ beats yer blood. It just melts on my tongue. …Oh. Oi. What’s wrong? Are ya alright?”
You admit to feeling faint.
“...Fuck! Did I suck too much? Don’t worry. I’ll make sure ya get home safely.”
He gets up.
[11:36] “Hop onto my back.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“I’m offerin’ to carry ya on my back. Ya can still crawl on there, right?”
*Rustle rustle*
“There we go. Now hang on tight, ‘kay?”
You say sorry. 
[11:56] “Idiot. I’m the one who got lost in the moment and sucked too much of yer blood, so don’t apologize. …Hm? Aren’t ya kinda lighter than usual?”
You frown.
“Oh well. You’ve always been a lightweight, so I guess it’s just my imagination.”
“Come on, let’s go home.”
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cherryatiny · 3 years
𝐃𝐚𝐝! 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳: 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 '𝐝𝐚𝐝'
𝐺𝐼𝐹𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠
⩥ 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠
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„See princess? And this is how you trim audio when working on a song.“ responded Hongjoong excitedly, from how interested his daughter was in the matter of creating and producing music, just like her dad.
The little girl squealed on his lap happily, as she just edited her first song. „Wow, daddy's work is so cool! I'm gonna be like daddy when I grow up!“ He couldn't help but smile at how his cute daughter was an exact copy of him when it came to her looks, interests or even personality.
„Okay princess, can you be a good girl and be quiet for a while? Daddy just has to finish this one song, I promise it'll take just a few minutes.“ his daughter nodded, always obeying the words of her dad.
Sitting there quietly, she looked at the screen of his computer, the small pink headphones Hongjoong bought for her on times like these when they listened and worked on music together, on her head, as she listened to the song that featured her dad and his seven friends.
The girl suddenly jumped up on his lap, his hands swiftly catching her, not wanting to imagine the piercing cry of pain she'd let out if she fell. „What are you doing, princess? You have to be careful baby, or else you'll fall. Why did you even jump?“
„I heard dad singing in the chorus!“ exclaimed his daughter. „But daddy wasn't singing in the chorus, princess.“ frowned Hongjoong confusedly, not knowing what his daughter meant. „I know. I was talking about dad Seonghwa.“ his daughter not being able to distinguish between the voices would be completely okay, after all, she's just a toddler, but his daughter calling his friend Seonghwa dad intentionally, was not that okay for him.
„But Seonghwa isn't your dad. I'm your dad.“ Weird jealousy-like feeling flowed through his veins at that moment. „I know that you're my dad, but mommy said uncle Seonghwa is my dad too!“
„No my little dummy, you missed it, uncle Seonghwa is your godfather, not your dad, him being your godfather doesn't make him your dad, princess.“ explained Hongjoong as he smiled at his little girl, embracing her in a tight but careful hug full of love since she's tiny and fragile.
⩥ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚
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Heating the zucchini sauce, that his friend Hongjoong taught him how to cook, before pouring it on the pasta, Seonghwa served his twin daughters the meal they love so much. „Okay.. enjoy your meal, my loves, what do you say?“ waiting for their answer, the girls thanked him loud, cheerfully. „Thank you, daddy!“
Seonghwa smiled proudly at how well you two raised them. „That's it, smart girls, after your parents! And don't forget to eat everything! You have to eat, so you can be strong and healthy girls!“
No answer was given to him, as the two girls munched on their lunch, stuffing their mouths with pasta. In the meanwhile, Seonghwa washed the dishes he made dirty by cooking, before taking one serving of the pasta to eat as well.
Sitting down on the chair opposite of his daughter, he dug his fork into the meal, watching his daughters. „How is it? Do you like it?“ The younger twin tried to answer, but her words were muffled as her mouth was full.
„Princess, what did I say about talking while you're eating? Finish chewing first so you don't gag on the food and say it to me after that.“
„It was yummy but dad makes it better!“After finishing the last bits of their meals they place the empty plates one on another, the older twin, picking it up and placing it into the sink, she was hardly able to reach. „What are you talking about princess, daddy cooked it.“
„I didn't mean you, daddy, I meant dad Joong.“ Seonghwa felt his eyebrows frowning on their own at his daughter calling his best friend her dad. Yes, it was stupid to be jealous of something like this, but he just couldn't help it. „Why are you calling uncle Hongjoong your dad?“
„He's as old as you daddy, so I thought he could be my dad as well!“
⩥ 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨
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Sitting his three kids into their child seats and fastening their seatbelts, Yunho got into his driver seat, carefully leaving the parking lot. Looking in the rear mirror, his two boys were playing together deep down in a conversation, while their little sister slept.
Nevertheless, he still drove quite slowly, because he knew the kids might throw up from the number of roller coasters they rode with Mingi's daughter today.
Coming home, his daughter was still sleeping and he didn't have the heart to wake her up from her peaceful state. Picking her up on his arms, her head laying on his shoulder, the two boys jumped out of the car, already running to the house to rant about their day to you.
Hearing their shouting from outside, you were already waiting for them in the hallway, the two boys jumping onto you, embracing you in a hug with their tiny arms. Smiling at your husband Yunho that was standing in the hallway.
„I missed you my loves! The house was empty without you. Did you have fun today at the amusement park?“
„Yes! Dad bought us ice cream!“ Yeah. You could see that since a chocolate stain adorned his light green t-shirt, smiling at your sons whose day was lightened up by the chocolate ice cream they loved that much.
„Yuyu, what did I tell you about buying the kids ice cream. It's full of sugar and chemicals, I could've made them one myself when you came home, and it won't stuff chemicals into their bodies.“
„But I didn't buy them ice cream, Y/N, Mingi did... Wait! Did you two just call uncle Mingi your dad? I'm actually hurt.“
Yunho cried and fell to the ground dramatically to show how much his boys calling his best friend their father hurt him. Only resulting in the boys laughter.
„[Mingi's daughter's name] said she's our little sister as well as [Yunho's daughter's name] and that you're one of her dads, so we thought that Mingi's our dad too!“
⩥ 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠
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„Mommy, mommy, can you please braid my hair?“ squeaked your daughter cutely as she ran towards you with a hairband in her small hands. Handing it over to you as you cooked a meal for lunch.
„Mommy is busy, come over here, daddy is so good at braiding hair.“ exalted your husband Yeosang himself as he motioned for his daughter to come to him.
Spreading his legs widely for his daughter to sit in between them in his lap as her back faced him.
Brushing her soft and silky hair into a ponytail, he took the hairband from her hand and started braiding her hair into a (really messy) braid.
The girl stood up, running over to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Stepping out onto her stairs so she can see herself, she saw the terrible creature that was supposed to adorn her head.
Unbraiding the messy hairstyle, she ran back to the room where you and Yeosang were. Ignoring Yeosang who looked at her confusedly as to why she damaged the braid he made, the little girl tugged at your t-shirt to gain your attention.
„Mommy, mommy, why are dads so bad at braiding hair?“ scoffed the girl as she pouted with playful anger at Yeosang.
„Do you have experiences with other dads that you can generalize it?“ asked Yeosang as he watched the two of you with wide eyes, to catch every detail. „Dad Jongho couldn't braid my hair as well.“
His daughter calling his best friend dad seemed to spark jealousy and some kind of anger in him. „And who told you to call uncle Jongho 'dad'?“
„And who told you that you're good at braiding hair as you claimed?“ scoffed the little girl at her dad as she hugged you closer to her, not letting you go as she was acting petty with her dad. „Damn, who is this kid so mean and sarcastic after...“
⩥ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧
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Looking out of the window on the immense garden their house had, San's two sons were playing soccer there. One as a goalkeeper and the second one trying to score a goal against his older brother.
The last night there was a big storm which caused the mud to be all over their garden. However, the boys didn't seem to care that they were covered in dirt head to toes.
Even though it was in the boys' nature to not care if they're dirty, he knew you'd be angry when you came home and saw all the dirty clothing and scraped knees. So he rather called them to come inside, the boys ran inside the spacious house.
„Boys, you know how angry mommy will be, what did we say about playing in the mud?“ Scolding them playfully the boys didn't like the restrictions you two made.
„But daddy Wooyoung lets us play outside even after rain when there's mud." The younger one whined, trying to persuade his father San to let them continues playing, instead getting a reaction out of his older brother.
„He's not your dad, Wooyoung is our uncle you dumbass.“ Not believing his ears, San kneeled down to be on the boys' eye level as he scolds them.
„Hey you, don't call your younger brother dumbass, where did you even learn that word? And you, don't call uncle wooyoung your dad, or I'll have to have a serious conversation with that dumbass.“ scoffed San at the two boys as he stood up, about to look for some clean clothes to clean this mess before you came home and scolded all three of them.
„Daddy? And if you can say dumbass, why can't I?“
⩥ 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢
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Coming home from work, all exhausted and your body sore, you placed your keys and bag on the table in the hallway, shouting some greetings to alert Mingi and your daughter that you're home.
Not getting any response, you stepped into the living room, being met with the image of your husband Mingi pouting and sitting on the ground with arms crossed over his chest as he frowned cutely at the little girl that sat opposite of him.
Your daughter doing exactly the same as if they were imitating each other. „What's wrong with you two, did something happen?“
Looking at them with confusion in your eyes, you sat on the ground with them, waiting for their clarification of whatever happened.
„[Mingi's daughter's name] called Yunho her dad. He's not her dad, I'm her dad! If I called any other kid my daughter she'd start crying too, so why can't I?“
Trying to hold back the laughter at Mingi's childish behaviour, you looked at your daughter, expecting her to say something. „Daddy don't be jealous, even though I have eight dads and you're one of them, you're the best one, and my most favourite one! I love you, daddy, so don't be mad at dad Yunho anymore.“
You could see Mingi's bottom lip quirking at her words and you knew that he wanted to cry from the heartwarming words your daughter said to him, nevertheless he couldn't lose his composure as he was playing offended with her for the past two hours.
„Okay princess, come here, to the best daddy you have, but don't you dare wish any of them on the father's day.“
⩥ 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠
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Sitting on the soft couch in your and Wooyoung's house's living room, you listened to the conversation between him and San as you watched your son of 10 months laying on the mat with clattering toys dangling above him, that was placed on the living room's floor.
His tiny figure trying to reach out for them, but failing. Seeing how his eyebrows started to shrug, the displeased expression on his face, Wooyoung could sense what was about to happen and he was definitely not in the mood to hear his son's piercing hysterical almost scream-like cries.
„Okay, okay, young man, come to daddy before you make us deaf with your crying.“
Picking him up, Wooyoung placed your son on his lap, the tiny boy laying there as he looked up at San's dimples, the man in question couldn't help but smile and giggle at how cute his best friend's son was.
Leaning towards him, he tickled the baby with his fingers, not failing to make your son a giggling mess. The boy in your husband's lap reached out to touch his dad's friend, his tiny fingers gripping on San's t-shirt.
„Da-da. Dada!“ Both your and Wooyoung's eyes widened at hearing your son talk for the first time, „Say that again, bun.“
Encouraged him Wooyoung, trying to make his son say 'dad' again, however, he wasn't the one his son meant.
Reaching towards San, your son somehow turned himself over onto his stomach and tried to get over to San. „Dada!“ screamed your son once again as he was trying to move himself to San's lap somehow.
„W-what? Baby no, that's not your dad! I'm your dad, that's uncle San, he's not your dad.“ Wooyoung tried to turn your son over, so he could look at his real father, but the boy only protested, letting out those cute 'dad' blabbers over and over, resulting in you laughing at how grumpy Wooyoung got because of this situation.
Well, saying that Wooyoung didn't invite San over for about a month was understandable.
⩥ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨
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Sitting on the ground of his room, while playing with cars that belonged to him, you listened to him rambling about everything - his day in the kindergarten, the toy cars, the cute puppy he saw, when suddenly he switched the topic of his chatter,
„Mommy, why doesn't daddy Yeosang have a boy, who'll play soccer with me?“ Not realising the way your son called your friend at first, you thought about a way to answer his question, when you actually discerned one of his words after a while,
„Look, baby, it's- wait, why did you call uncle Yeosang 'daddy'? He's not your daddy, as you've said he has his own child and you have your own daddy.“
„I know mommy, that he's not my real daddy, but he's [Yeosang's daughter's name]'s daddy, and when I'll be grown up, I'll marry her and he'll become my daddy too!“ explained your little son before returning to his previous task of playing with the cars that were all over his room's floor.
Not being aware of your husband Jongho that stood outside his room and eavesdropped your whole conversation, he exposed himself when he suddenly scoldingly whined from the hallway,
„Yah, aren't you way too young to have a wife, definitely not Yeosang's daughter, if that girl is at least as half the way as Yeosang is, she'll be able to kill you with her words alone. And her father is way too buff, it'd be stressful to have him as your father in law, what if he gets angry. Definitely not, he won't be your father in any way, young man.“
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