#it always messes with my mind when characters go through entire lives and then become children again
wishingeel · 9 months
Alright... so for whatever ungodly reason I’ve been putting off finally watching RWBY volume 9 (despite waiting with anticipation for SO long), and... dang. Like DANG. I’m gonna need to stare at a wall for a while.
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
I'm On Your Screens.
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
Vox's POV of "Get Off My Screen!"
A/N: This is the silly TV man's POV on what I had written earlier since it was mainly just how dear reader saw everything. I wanted to do this before working on the Vox x Reader requests so I could do some practice on this dude's character hahaha. Also my goodness Tumblr you are THIRSTY for this man! Aaaaah I love it anyway so keep those ideas coming people!
Vox is a busy man, dealing with the other two Vees' chaos alongside his company kept his hands full daily.
Either always irate out of his mind or even grumpy because of it.
Velvette called him again because of Valentino making a bloody mess.
Oh great, this shit AGAIN-
Upon further inspection, the moth overlord was pretty much throwing another pissy tantrum because something didn't go his way.
Something about one of his whores stepping out of line or whatever?
Vox wasn't exactly listening.
Throughout that entire fit, Vox had half a mind to tell Valentino to just suck it up.
Sometimes shit goes wayside, it is what it is.
He was already exhausted mentally and physically by the time he dragged himself back into his monitor room.
Plopping himself back down on his chair, Vox let out a tired sigh and just stared at the many screens around him.
So imagine his surprise when he saw a random screen just crackle and fizz like an old CRT booting up.
Hell had done away with those darn things years ago-
He even made sure of it!
He swiveled his chair around to look closer at the fuzzy image that had appeared.
The static filter over the picture was definitely reminicent of an older TV screen.
He could barely make out a group of figures hunched over... something?
Vox tried to travel through the screen, as he could with the many many others in the room around him-
Only for it to rebound back.
Vox didn't know whether to be confused or surprised that he managed to zap himself.
Besides that, a random prompt appeared on the screen.
What kind of haunted bullshit was this?
"What's your name?"
Okay, someone had to be pulling a prank on him.
Despite being skeptical, he decided to humor this weird situation.
"Okay-? The keyboard doesn't work. How am I supposed to use this thing? Just write on the screen?"
Despite his sarcastic remark to no one in particular, yes.
That was in fact what he had to do.
Which Vox found out pretty soon, and he felt a little idiotic that it wasn't the first thing he tried.
He had to squint to kind of understand what was happening on the other side of the screen.
He'd written his name on the screen aaaaand-
Great, absolutely nothing happened.
Someone had to be fucking with him.
There wasn't even any audio so he couldn't even use that for hints.
The group he'd been watching just all of a sudden jumped up and pointed towards him.
Or at least that's what it looks like.
Could they see him?
He wasn't even sure what happened next, the group somewhat hastily moved out of his sight.
Oh whatever.
Vox was about to just forget about the weirdness of the situation if something else hadn't popped up on an adjacent screen.
A phone homepage.
What the hell was that doing on his screens?
It wasn't like there was anyone in particular he was interested enough to look through their stuff.
Ohhhh he could interact with it this time.
Dumb fucking hackers could only zap him once, HA!
The screen with the TV filter quickly shut off when he interacted with the phone menu however.
He should really check his mainframe security and firewalls after this-
It took him no time at all to rummage away and scrounge up whatever he could from the phone.
Might as well do away with the tacky wallpaper while he's at it-
"Y/N huh?"
He saw your photos as well, only becoming more and more confused with the situation.
Were you a living human???
The camera app was unresponsive to his attempts at interacting with it.
So was the recording app...
Guess he couldn't use it to spy this time.
Before long, the phone was also being interacted with.
Vox could only guess it was you.
"Oh great- yeah, just go back to using the shitty wallpaper that I switched out on PURPOSE."
It didn't take much longer before Vox noticed other nearby screens popping up with electronic screens similar to this one.
He totally switched back the wallpaper before messing with the other stuff-
It was always the same, the cameras wouldn't work and neither would the microphones.
For a technology overlord, Vox found himself slightly irritated by how limited his actions were.
wtf was he even supposed to do with this?
Once he retired for the night, he wondered if all of this would just go away come morning.
Spoiler alert: It didn't.
Though the tacky wallpaper was back again.
Hm... this could be fun.
This went on for a few days, he and you were switching the wallpapers back and forth.
It was either his face or whatever random shit you'd change it with.
Sometimes Vox would just let you have some peace before switching it back after an hour.
He could only imagine how irritated you were.
Too bad he couldn't hear or see it.
But seeing you constantly battle with him for the wallpaper priority was entertaining enough.
Vox didn't bother with any of your other files or anything else at the moment.
He didn't see the point in doing so yet anyway.
Of course that was until the notepad opened.
"I know you're in there. Stop messing with me."
He chuckled seeing you type out the message, guess the jig was up.
But he wasn't going to stop this game you both were playing just yet.
"Oh I know, you're just fun to mess with doll."
Little did Vox know that his snarky response would've been the start to an... odd companionship to say the least.
Both of you exchanged messages over the months.
Either idle talk or just conversation about anything under the sun.
If something bothered him at work, most likely he'd leave a rant on your notepad for you to find.
Similarly, if you've had a shitty day- he'd quickly know.
"You're obsessed with this Alastor guy huh?"
"No, he's just an old timey prick who keeps fucking up my stuff."
"You're obsessed."
"Fuck you. >:/"
Interacting with you ended up taking more of his free time and the other Vees would be confused why he spent so much more time in his monitor room.
Vox just brushed them off and rolled his eyes.
He wasn't attached.
He didn't actually care for you did he?
Yeah no absolutely not-
There was a point Vox did get bored enough to look into your files though.
He spent a good hour sorting through stuff while you got work done.
"You should really label your files better."
"It's not that bad."
"Really? After I spent a good while organizing and managing your shit because of some randomly named ones? A goddamn 'thank you' would've been nice."
"Random? I don't do random."
"Oh yeah? What's this one? 'Yeetus' or this one- 'Bababooey'?! Hell, this one is just keysmash!"
"Oh shut up, I still find my things."
Vox proceeded to rant and bitch about it for another hour-
Sometimes when he just wanted to fuck with you, he'd steal control of the cursor.
It was purely just to spite you.
Your notepad rants afterwards kept him entertained.
He was slightly proud that he beat your wallpaper war.
Or so you dubbed it.
Now his grin was practically a permanent plaster on your devices.
Even so, when he wasn't busy Vox sometimes found himself looking over at your work.
"How is your grammar this shitty?"
"We have grammarly for that, I don't really care much."
"Grammar- what??"
Inadvertently he ended up being your spellchecker every so often.
He only realized how much help he'd been giving once you mentioned in passing that your English professor bumped up your grade.
Because your writing was just better.
Vox's writing was better.
He wouldn't let you hear the end of it for weeks.
You knew it was a mistake telling him.
He didn't even stop his trolling there.
Once he figured out how to overload your computer's memory, it was lag central.
Then he started messing with the display and aspect ratio, making visual glitches while he pulled up random tabs or applications you needed to fight him to close.
"I'm in class you jackass! We can do this when I get home!"
"Nope, I don't think I will. >:3"
He thought he was doing you a favor giving your devices some custom flair as well.
"Are these emojis of you?"
"Yeah, I thought you'd enjoy them."
"Huh, cool."
He thought he was doing great as your companion, until you downloaded that thing.
What in Lucifer's name was it even?
Another tiny human in your desktop?
"What the fuck is that."
"My new desktop companion, do you like it?"
Vox didn't even bother replying, watching it move around and emote for a hot minute while his eye twitched.
Were you trying to piss him off?
Eventually he took his frustration out on it with the cursor to the best of his ability.
Even if it only irritated him more that it kept getting back up unharmed.
Fucking hell, if you wanted a visual desktop companion you could have just ASKED.
Even if he stayed up a few extra hours to work on it, Vox felt like it was worth it.
He was better than that stupid little companion thing you downloaded.
"Did you upgrade my desktop pet by any chance?"
"Why? Do you not like it?"
"Nah, it's actually pretty cute. Thanks."
Vox couldn't bring himself to reply to that.
He was not fucking CUTE!
It totally flew over his head that you called it a desktop "pet".
Depending on his mood, he would use the small thing to emote or just keep you entertained.
At least you could sort of see him.
Even when he couldn't see you.
However, Vox was still Vox and he couldn't help himself to a little mischief here and there.
You both met by sheer coincidence from a weird situation.
Still, the tech overlord couldn't help but be just slightly glad it happened to him.
If Vox had to actually be honest, you weren't all rainbows and sparkles.
You could be a total bitch if you wanted to.
Heh, maybe there'd be a chance he'll finally meet you down here.
Guess he'll just have to wait and see until then.
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bby-deerling · 1 month
7 of coins + the tower (marco x reader nsfw)
and now for something completely different...
this is one of my tarot prompt drabbles that @kazieai was gracious enough to allow me to share with you all <3 thank you!!, i love ya! these are always super fun because i get the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and write for new characters :)
masterlist || commissions
cw: friends to lovers, afab!fem!reader, cowgirl position
tagging: @fanaticsnail @indydonuts
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Content with your simple life and the sprawling greens of Sphinx, you had never envisioned yourself getting entangled with a pirate; as far as you were concerned, Whitebeard was the only one with some sort of tangible moral fabric seeing as he had turned your village in a hidden paradise with his financial support, a far cry from the lawless wasteland your parents had described growing up in.  The cloistered state of your village meant that meeting outsiders, let alone pirates, with good intentions happened few and far between—that is, until the new doctor rolled into town.
It should be noted that he didn’t technically roll, he flew, with blue and yellow streaking flames across the sky that had you rubbing your eyes, convinced you were either hallucinating or developing a migraine.  Following the trail of colors left nothing but a man in its wake; it was Marco—that much you were certain of when you saw the fluffy mess of hair at the top of his head—but his presence only causes you to swivel your head around, concerned that a gaggle of boisterous pirates were about to follow not far behind.  Whitebeard’s funeral had been a solemn affair, but afterwards, Red-Haired Shanks and his crew had drank the entire village dry and kept every inhabitant up far past their bedtime, and their idea of “fun” was quite frankly too much for you to handle.
But thankfully, Marco had come alone this time, setting up a small doctor’s office within his new home, and quickly ingraining himself in the community; so calm and carefree, you nearly forget he’s a retired pirate at all, until the occasional group of bandits attack the village from behind the waterfall, and the phoenix takes care of the issue in mere minutes before smiling to himself and returning his attention to patching up the minor scrapes and bruises of the village kids.  Though you had long ago resigned yourself to becoming the village spinster, you couldn’t help yourself from letting a bud of blooming affection sprout as you watch him tend to any issues that crop up around town, including things as trivial as helping you weed your garden or cleaning out your gutters.  In fact, you quite enjoyed having someone to talk to who possessed both intelligence and humility in spades, that you end up finding yourself seeking him out for tasks that don’t really require his assistance simply so that you can spend time with him—and that’s all well and good, until one day, he calls you out on it.
“You can just invite me over without the silly pretense, you know.” he says with a smug grin one sunny afternoon after you asked him to come look at a creaky floorboard in your kitchen; to his credit, it was a flimsy excuse, but the wood does let out a squeak as his feet cross through the room on the way to your living room.  Tray of tea in hand, you place the refreshments on your coffee table as you sit nearby in your favorite armchair, close enough for your knee to occasionally brush against his, making idle conversation with him as you sip on the piping hot liquid.  The topics stay centered around the present, the current happenings of the village; though he sometimes told a story or two, you rarely asked him about his past, and perhaps he liked that your friendship centered around this new phase in his life.  Mind wandering as he talks, the laid-back, soothing tone of his voice admittedly going straight to your core, leaving you with a flushed face.  Zoning out, you don’t even realize how flustered you look until he snaps his fingers in front of your face.
“You’re spacing out today, yoi.” he says lowly, carefully worming your teacup out of your hands and placing it onto the table.  He’s beyond amused as he watches the way your face fails to hide the feelings you’ve been trying to hard to swallow down; your little crush has been quite clear for some time, but he was intent on worming a confession out of you himself.  “Any reason why?” he probes, leaning forward with a smug smile spread across his face.
Unsure if he was messing with you or not, you avert your gaze away from him and let out a deep sigh.  “Marco, if you’re gonna reject me, just tell me now and quit teasing me.” you mumble out, cheeks heated as you steal a glimpse of him out of the corner of your eyes.
“Now that’d just be mean.” he says with a small chuckle as he cups your face, gently urging you to look at him before he presses his lips to yours, admittedly with more passion than you were expecting.  The way his hands trail along your torso is steeped in heaps of experience that you lack, with precision and confidence that has you melting under his touch.
“Such a pretty little thing, yoi.” he muses as he pulls you into his lap, keeping a firm grip on your waist as he rolls his hips into yours.  The intoxicating pull in the air makes you lose all dignity and composure, not thinking twice about how things might look to anyone nosy enough to peek thorugh your window when he reaches under your sundress and pulls your panties to the side.  Circling the tip of his cock around your entrance teasingly, you bite on his lip as you sink down onto his length, knees buried into the plush fabric of your couch as you rock your hips against his.  His firm hold on you makes every twitch of your body more intense; you can’t remember the last time you’ve had sex, let alone good sex, but the way Marco turns you into a feverish mess so easily leaves you spellbound, even more under his thumb than you already were.
“Let go for me.” he murmurs in your ear; with your clit grinding against him with each guided snap of your hips, you’re unbearably close.  The vibrations from his words couple with the handful of your thigh that he grips possessively send you over the edge, unraveling you into a spit up, tangled ball of string as your walls flutter around him.  Ears pounding and head light, your eyes are bleary and blurry as you come to your senses; he’s whispering sweet praises to you, but as the look in his eyes comes into focus, another wave of heat floods your core.
He's not done with you—not even close.
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jerrsterrr · 8 months
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hey guyssshahgahgahaaaaaaahhaaaa
obligatory silly posting about my ocs/sonas!!!!!!! and. me
and the amongus crewmates because i made a joke on insta that my followers were little guys and it was a silly "where do u wanna be on the drawing" w my mutuals over there :3
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those characters are like my sort of sonas in my little oc world, the mind, body and heart!! i have this lil goober with headphones to more accurately represent me ^___^
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Theres like a big biiiigg storyline as these three being main characters thats going on here with several different characters that i wish to update more accurately on my Toyhouse and i have several posts on my instagram but i decided to use tumblr as to rant and ykno fanboy about my own ocs aswell!!!!!!!!! lol
okay long infodump that probably makes little sense my bad
The way it goes is themed after infinite realities, death,, living and basically heaven? Which i came up with after having like several years of haunting dreams LOL
For the longest time since i was little ive had dreams of being in some sort of messed up apocalypse so thats what the mind is from!! His name is Xiety and he looks like me when i had those dreams, or like some fucked up bird thing heheh
After all that though i started having dreams where i was,, different people sort of?? Dreams with different povs or dreams where i lived entire different lives. Thats Jerri! the body.
The last little guy is called matthew and isnt based off any dreams but more based off the feeling i get when i realize im dreaming. Ive never lucid dreamed but ive always had like a moment to realize "this isnt my life" and im just like viewing whats happeining o_0
All together i made a story for when they get sort of seperated, Xiety, the mind is seperated from the two in a apocalyptic world they have control over and hides the heart (matthew). The body being basically a carbon copy of itself just wanders around this world. Jerri cant remember how they got there or where they are from, but they die, over and over and over. Until eventually, they find the heart, in some rubble, and they sort of gain concious enough to realize "um im stuck in infinite zombie reality hell and this is NOT my reality" they take the plush and try to survive, but xiety kinda catches on and feels betrayed by this. He cant comprehend why on earth the body would want to live knowing what he knows (news flash only the mind knows what he knows of their og reality) HENCE the breaking out and being stuck in a infinite inbetween of constant realities woooo. Jerri and Matthew try to find to find the og reality, going through different bodies, meeting different minds and dying in ALOT of them. It becomes kinda clear that in most realities NONE of them do they live or are happy LMAO
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that was like a shitty simplification BUT BESIDES ALLAT they litterally stumble into heaven and meet gods and Reapers and souls BUT they cant stay which SUCKS cuz imagine losing it it and one day people see you for yourself and you cant STAY cuz ur technically not dead just abstracted into peices and yaddah yaddah more ocs hehehe
anyways heres a silly video i made with all of em:
ALSO ALSO OBLIGATORY TAG @moenmomentsthemoe-en
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ofduskanddreams · 7 months
What headcanons do you have for Azriel and Eris, like, for one and the other, not as a couple?
What do you not want to see, like, a no-go?
Happy week
Hi Santa!! Always so happy to hear from you :)
I hope you're ready for another long response lol. None of these replies are comprehensive, just the things that first come to mind ( I've barely touched my coffee yet so bear with me.)
Eris headcanons:
-Eris has short hair!! Even when I first read the series and didn't particularly like his character, I never could picture him with long hair the way he's canonically described. Idk why that is but my brain made a choice and I stand by it.
-Eris is protective of his mother and [some of] his brothers but he can't always act on it. (An aside, but I feel like there's at least one or two of his brothers who are fully loyal to Beron.) Canonically Eris's motivations for taking power are layered, many of them veiled; with the context of him subtly shielding his mother at the High Lord's meeting, I believe that one of the reasons he's so eager to become High Lord is because it will ensure his mother's safety.
-Eris was close to Lucien when Lucien was a child. I also headcanon that Eris knows who Lucien's bio father actually is. Lucien is easily one of my favorite characters in the series and he's been through so much shit that I like to imagine there were a few happy brotherly moments in his childhood. Eris obviously cared enough for Lucien that he tried to stand up to Beron to stop him from harming Jesminda, he took a risk by reaching out to Tamlin to meet Lucien on the border too. This ties in with the previous headcanon.
-I headcanon that Eris smells like wood smoke and warm spices (think cinnamon, cardamom, cloves.)
-Cassian was correct in chapter 79 of acosf when he said that Eris 'wasn't a monster,' he 'might even be a good male' but I don't agree with how simply Cassian wrote it off as he's 'too much of a coward to act like it.' I think the situation in Autumn is a lot more complicated than that. Yes fear likely (and understandably) factors into how Eris conducts himself, it's also likely that it's not safe for him or for those he cares about to act any other way.
-ALSO--while I do believe that Eris, at his core, is a far better male than his father I don't think he's like a golden retriever marshmallow either. I like nuanced and flawed characters. I think Eris can still be a "good male" without having to be a Nice Person--the male is no saint and I wouldn't want him to be.
-Last one for Eris, I swear. I headcanon that he's a person who craves control, especially since his entire lived experience has been spent knowing that Beron has the final word on everything and could ruin him whenever he chooses to. One of the ways Eris's desire for control expresses itself is in the bedroom ;)
Azriel headcanons:
-Azriel is a mess, and I say that affectionately. Canonically he has trust issues, authority issues, and self-worth issues; he's emotionally immature at times, and healthy communication is a stranger to him. Azriel is also a dark character: he's angry, he's violent, and there's who knows how much blood on his hands. I realize none of that was a headcanon lol but you also asked what I don't want to see: I don't want Azriel's edges smoothed out, and I don't want that messiness erased--similar to what I mentioned earlier about nuance.
-I headcanon that Azriel's shadows are sentient and that they can be annoying little shits at times sticking their figurative noses where they don't belong.
-Azriel has anxiety. This is a headcanon present in all of my fics. It's never stated outright in canon but given what we do know, especially when combined with these lines from Azriel's acosf bonus chapter (to me, a person with anxiety not in any way qualified to diagnose it,) it rings true: "Too many razor-sharp thoughts sliced him any time he grew still long enough for them to strike. Too many wants and needs left his skin overheated and pulling taut across his bones. So he slept only when his body gave out, and even then only for a few hours."
-Azriel is a momma's boy. Everyone who writes Azriel has different takes on his mother and what her situation looks like now. I like to think that she's happy with whatever form her life has taken on and that Azriel loves her a lot, but he often feels guilty when he spends time with her (that she wouldn't have suffered so much if it weren't for him, that he should have gotten her out sooner, insert deprecating thought here, etc) so he doesn't visit her nearly as often as she would like him to.
-I firmly believe that Azriel is a switch who almost exclusively stays on the dominant side of things because it's what people expect from him and he perceives it as being the less vulnerable option, therefore it's easier for him. However, I don't think he enjoys it that much because, in his daily life, he's constantly in control or at least trying to be. But, because Azriel has many misconceptions about himself and others, it's hard for him to give control over to someone else because he thinks it's a weakness (it's the opposite) so he only allows himself to give up control when he perceives the other party as being equal to or more powerful/better than himself.
my no-go-s:
-The thing I really hate to see (and this goes for many fandoms and pairings, not just Azris) is heteronormativity in queer relationship dynamics. What I mean by this is when heteronormative roles are imposed upon a pairing and it warps one or more of the characterizations. In many cases, this is unconsciously done, but that's all the more reason to discuss it. In the case of Azris, the reason I was drawn to it in the first place was that, personality-wise especially, both Azriel and Eris are portrayed as the traditionally masculine alpha-holes that SJM fills her books with and that meant their dynamic was an interesting detour from the canon pairings in the series so far :)
I know this was likely more than you asked for Santa, but thank you for reading my ramblings <3 I hope you have a good week as well!
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indigoatari · 1 year
please explain to me what the deal is with chonny jash i am fascinated
oh my friend you have olled away the rock the tomb has been unsealed,
Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium is a cover album of Tally Hall songs, in the same way Everything Everywhere All At Once is about a woman trying to do her taxes. the full thing is available on youtube and spotify. even solely superficially, it's super interesting, because it's not like, karaoke over the song's musical track, it's like. Redone. new sounds. same song, same tune, but still completely reupholstered. if you like jhariah or will wood, this is like tally hall if you seasoned it to make it sound like them.
the instrumentals are NOT the only thing that changed-- he also REWRITES THE LYRICS. he's a VERY clever lyricist, even if hes still definitely drawing from the original. but in doing so he's creating an underlying story, and in tying it all together it starts becoming clear.
CCCC is about Chonny Jash, the artist in question, going through such a bad mental health episode that he manages to split his brain in three. be aware, it's not explicitly anything-- it could be about plurality, it could be about depersonalization, or it could just be a metaphor about self conflict. but the bottom line is, where there was once one there is now THREE, and none of them want to be here.
the bulk of the album is the three of them singing and songwriting and arguing with each other. Mind Electric is the left brain, the logical side, and the only one with a distinctive voice-- he has a distinctly robotic, modulated voice. he also talks like a disney villain.
his counterpart is Heart Acoustic! the right brain, the emotional side, and the most visually distinctive of the three-- he's the chap with the blindfold and the wings and he's a bit of a miserable mess. if mind is the voice in your head who berates you for not getting things done, heart is the voice in your head panicking about the long term impact.
that being said: neither of them are inherenty the Good Guy or the Bad Guy. they are equals, and they cannot lives without each other, and they are constantly committing war crimes. the first thiiiird? of the album is the two of them bitching and bitching and bitching and
number three is my favorite and he shows up in like the last half of the album: the Soul Eclectic. you can't really argue if Heart or Mind are id or superego, but Soul is unquestionably the ego in the triad. he moderates and also keeps Heart and Mind from killing each other. and plays guitar. he's skrunkly
that being said. it is about a depressive episode. all three of them kind of want to die. Soul is absolutely not opposed to it. they have explicitly discussed this. i cannot emphasize enough, the entire album is about an absolute mental low, and that's kind of what keeps it interesting. the three of them are one person at his absolute worst, and they are so filled with loathing for the Others that is really just kind of... loathing of the self. take all of that on top of the fact they are in a time loop.
the three of them are trapped in an infinite cycle of dissolution and reconstitution. they will always eventually synthesize and make it out of the misery pit only to fall back apart into the same patterns and arguments and PEOPLE. they cant catch a break man!!!!!!
i have SEVERE autism about it and so does my girlboybestie @julystruck. the full album is here, but if you're just trying to lean into it, i fully recommend the whole twelve minutes of The Mind Electric along with the lyrics analysis to get a grip on the characters, and then Mucka Blucka and The Bidding for basic dynamics. and feel free to ask me about literally anything and giving me an excuse to write an essay when i COULD be writing an essay about the progressive era,
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columbocorners · 9 months
hola! I loved your little nightmares Otto ramble! Like you can tell that the world they live in is already messed up the patients being so separate stuff like that. Giving the adults more sympathy and them also being victims in both tson world and the world of nowhere is just so much nuanced then kids good adults bad! But anyway I’d love to hear your Otto ,noone or any ln hc
you have!
HONESTLY THATS WHY I KEEP GOING ' I just don't see otto as a bad person ' because in spite of every little thing that this man has done it is rooted in the fact he couldn't get over a trauma and he has to live with that daily. to me, there is obviously a lot of characters in the games who've displayed signs that they're not all entirely good, but then moments where none are entirely bad either. mind you I feel like I'm one of the few people who also think about six's betrayal and go ' in her perspective, it was understandable ' because no one ever really thinks about how she saw mono's face, in spite of the fact that her being transformed into a monster was as horrible as it was, she was comfortable and safe for one of the few times in the game beyond the start, it was an imprisonment that she could at least respect, so mono " saving " her from becoming a monster, and then seeing his face and knowing he was ultimately just the thin man all along was really a gut punch of her having her world crashing down, and in general I feel like to some degree a lot of the people who become monsters within the realm of TSON / LN really become DIFFERENT people, they always have, so not only was six vengeful but, she wasn't entirely herself after that. you could chalk up the monsters like the teacher as being potentially at one point normal, because she still engages with a lot of the habits a teacher does but then it's like, is she? because she still is very aggressive, in ways a teacher shouldn't be, she morphs, all of that, and it's just odd. this world not only brings about nightmares but it twists people the longer they stay there and it has always been the adults in some means but it just as much the children, because to put it bluntly : all of them have the capacity to become worse people, within any time of their lives.
it's just those who haven't are likely the most lucky ones, and to me otto is probably the BEST person we could ever get who genuinely is just good who isn't a child, and I feel like people need to understand, he is so shitty, but he is nuanced in what he does. his comfort to noone is as much projecting as it is he genuinely cares for her and he can't help but project in my eyes because he sees' someone experiencing that all and just does not want to go through it again. noone and otto are kind of trauma bonded like that to me. but otto goes so far, he mixes his own desires of wanting things for himself between wanting to help noone and it shows. going, " he is your tormentor " in ways whereas noone is and isn't tormented. she is not afraid of the ferryman / the candleman. otto is, he always has been, and he just merges that idea into one. all of his actions are attempts to try and do better, and honestly like : one of the things I genuinely always thought of as like ' otto just wants to try and do better ' is the fact he did not tell noone about her tumor. yes, she did need to know but after all was said and done, they'd been arguing and he had no real way to bring it up and he still wanted to find out what was going on with the nightmares, with cece, so how could he? and also it's like, that is something that ultimately needed to be looked into because it was a spiral-like eye tumor in her BRAIN, like dude. yeah, I do think that's cause for concern, and he doesn't have this sort of ' oh I win ' attitude when she finds out, he's as cold as he is really upset to me. and it's why after all is said and done, he tried to at least still do an experiment while she was asleep at least to figure out for himself what was going on and honestly idea because I think of it : the flesh eyes from little nightmares 2 which are connected to the thin man, I feel like they're infecting noone's brain because it is so SPECIFIC to have noone getting a tumor as a result of the constant nightmares like the flesh is literally taking over her body from the inside the more she has them and doesn't allow the ferryman to take her. so, it's like, I feel like something will happen to otto but I feel like something WAY WORSE is going to happen to noone. because it kind of adds up especially with the way otto had an interaction with an eye on that monitor and freaking out the way he did and the thin man's soundtrack song lightly playing in the background of that.
part two of this because I wrote a lot
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heywriters · 2 years
What's your thoughts on New Weird fiction? And do you have any advice on how to write in that genre?
(If the second answer is against your ask policy, it's alright if you only answer the first one. Thank you.)
"New Weird"?
Didn't know that term, so I had to look it up. Turns out, that's the genre of one of my favorite book series, The Southern Reach Trilogy!
It's like nightmare fiction. Trippy, angsty, which-way-is-up fiction. I could not put the first book, Annihilation, down. When I did, my brain was messed up, I felt abnormal and unsafe, convinced my reality was actually crawling with strangely hostile energy. It was awesome. However, I would have to prepare for the melancholic anxiety it put me through if I chose to read it all again.
I know it's "new" but tons of old weird stuff is coming to mind now. First, stuff from the '60s my mother would describe as "nightmarish" or "you had to be high to enjoy it." Then the grim nightmare of Metamorphosis by Kaftka, the opium-addled adventures of Alice in Wonderland. Can I throw "Miss Peregrine's Home..." into the new weird pile? It is perhaps more fantasy than new weird, but it's also more horror/freak-show than magical. Plus, I loved the first book and my tastes are apparently quite weird.
There are so many movies I'd label new weird too, like Jupiter Ascending. So much stuff I can classify now!
Advice for Writing New Weird
It's described as a genre that flips science fiction and fantasy tropes on their heads, sometimes satirically. From that, I say be a reader of spec fic first. Know your tropes so you can twist them into terrifying and absurd shapes. Be willing to commit to the most ridiculous, strange ideas that come to mind. Then take them seriously (or ridiculously).
Be comfortable with discomfort. New weird is often dark and disconcerting. Establish an air of eeriness that will have no rational solution. Unlike horror and thriller where we know we will see the monster at the end or that the trauma will be resolved, new weird stays weird and rarely supplies a come-down. If anxiety is something you struggle with, have ways to come down yourself after each writing session.
New weird stories do not need to explain why they are weird. They use logic sparingly to suspend disbelief in places where reality must be hyperreal to contrast the dreaminess that will follow. Places that hold the story and theme together may need a semblance of stability and relatability to the reader, but mostly the point is that there is no logic, at least not a familiar one. Logic in new weird is entirely up to the author, like their own private language. The reader has to accept that there may never be a satisfying resolution, and be satisfied with open endings and unexplained phenomena.
Emotional catharsis is in high demand. At least, that's what I enjoy about new weird. Experiencing intense, galaxy-brain-meme levels of emotion seems to be a thing for new weird characters. Describing those emotions and what causes them may be difficult for some writers, or great inner exploration for others. When logic, reality, and other factors normally used to tether readers to a story/character are missing, emotion becomes the most relatable tool a writer can employ.
There are worse things than death. Characters in new weird typically go through bizarre transformations, horrifying circumstances, and mind-altering states. The question is often asked, "Is it worse to fall asleep in death, or to live forever as a lonely, deformed monster with warped memories of being human?" and the answer is always "Deformed monster of loneliness! With tentacle wings! And a drinking problem! And distant memories of a happier life where they were a human mother! And those aren't even their memories!" (Now I'm thinking of Lily from Fallout: New Vegas and it's making me sad).
TL;DR --- Be prepared for anxiety and chaos and strong emotions. Stick to a storyline, please, but overall go where the weird takes you.
+ Please review my pinned Ask Policy before sending in your ask. Thank you.
+ I'm moving to another state and the process is taking up all my time and money 😥. If you'd be so kind as to Buy Me a Coffee on ko-fi, I'd really, genuinely appreciate it. Trying my best to stay on top of this blog, but might need to take a break for a while...
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
To add to the children's discourse lol.
I've seen people say that the twins are Aemond's but Maelor is Aegon's and that is why she would choose to get killed because Helaena hates Aegon that much. and I hate that, it doesn't matter who the father is, the kids are Helaena's and she will always try to protect them.
I personally would prefer the kids to be Aegon's (not because I'm a helaegon first, then a helaemond lol) because I think the children being his adds a depth that he's seriously lacking in the show. going insane for the kids he ignored most of their lives, it will be really good to watch and explore. I also don't think Aemond needs to be the father for the "son for a son" to make sense, because in my interpretation, the person wanting to become the monarch (Rhaenyra) lost a son, so the King has to lose one as well. In this angle, it doesn't actually matter who killed Luke, Aegon would have to lose a son anyway.
I also think that Aemond has too much spotlight to steal Aegon's arc as well...because if Aegon knows the kids are his, why would he go on full revenge and hate if he never cared for Helaena anyway? They also didn't show Aegon and Aemond having a good relationship for Aegon to care that much about Aemond's kids.
If he doesn't know, his whole arc will be hollow, because he's the dumb one that thinks the kids are his but surprise...your sister-wife and your brother actually went behind your back and had kids and had this whole full-on romance behind your back.
Don't get me wrong, the kids could be Aemond's especially with them being so young in the show (why, just why?) but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. lol
Rant over lol, would love to hear your thoughts. :)
Hello there! So, I would start by saying that no one is denying helaemond isn't a show-introduced thing. There are no hints at that in the book - again, this doesn't preclude or deny or contradict its existence EITHER, just that we have no reason to believe off the text that the children aren't Aegon's. Ergo, Blood & Cheese was most likely specifically designed with that in mind.
So, from that vantage point, I really don't think paternity has any play in this Sophie's choice, especially since it's Helaena making that specific choice and the children are all hers anyway. There's also a desperate (and understandable) logic that informs her motivation - Maelor is deemed young enough to not understand what is happening to him and that could serve as a small mercy in this context, basically the best out of a horrible situation. That's a lot more reasonable for a mother rather than prioritizing her children based on sperm donor.
As an aside, making helaegon a failed marriage and giving Aegon his downright sociopathic hobbies serves to hinder the plot, rather than further it - this has nothing to do with helaemond, it's just the writers not thinking their decisions through. Like, as things stand, I'm supposed to believe that 1. Aegon doesn't care for Helaena anyway 2. he thinks it's funny watching his own bastard children fight to the death in the rat pits, all the while they plan on selling me the fact that 3. Aegon is somehow gonna be devastated when his legitimate son is killed, a son he never interacted with and never showed any feeling towards, because he is too self-absorbed in his own pursuit of pleasure.
Why does that make more sense? It's all a mess anyway, no matter which way you cut it. Obviously, Aegon cared for his children and family in the books, so they're gonna have do some damage control here, otherwise Blood & Cheese is going to logically have absolutely no effect on him, which defeats the point of this entire exercise (also an observation for those against humanizing Aegon).
The children being his and him caring about them is indeed a very easy and immediate way to humanize his character AND not diminish the horrifying aspect of Blood & Cheese. But so is them not being his? Him being able to care for them as if they were of his own body is also a pretty touching element, if you think about it. Show!version will have to be retconned anyway, whichever option you pick.
B&C was specifically designed by Daemon because it fundamentally stabs at the core of the greens - all siblings are affected by the harm visited on these children. Helaena goes mad with grief, Aegon enacts his bloodthirsty revenge on the city's rat catchers, Aemond starts spiraling - even Daeron sacks an entire city in a rage when Maelor is killed. It's not so outrageous or far-fetched for me to believe that these children could have been very loved no matter who fathered them, by their mother, father and both uncles, in whichever permutations.
I also don't think Aemond needs to be the father for the "son for a son" to make sense, because in my interpretation, the person wanting to become the monarch (Rhaenyra) lost a son, so the King has to lose one as well. In this angle, it doesn't actually matter who killed Luke, Aegon would have to lose a son anyway.
That's certainly Daemon's reasoning, but it doesn't mean that he is being even steven about this. Retributive justice in no way involves taking the life of another innocent person who had absolutely nothing to do with the crime in the first place. Even if Aemond had legitimate sons of his own within a lawful marriage, killing his son for Luke would not amount to retributive justice. Daemon utilises false equivalences here and I need people to stop drinking his kool aid. It is not Rhaenyra and Aemond who are peers here, it is Aemond and Luke.
Aegon had nothing to do with this crime, he did not order it or target Luke specifically and involving him in it simply inflicts harm upon innocent parties; targeting Jaehaerys is also disproportionate to the offense committed - as another user mentioned recently on one of my posts, Jaehaerys is a little boy playing with toys, while Luke is actively contributing to his mother's war effort. These two are not peers or counterparts either.
The harming of innocents and proportionality to the crime are two principles of retributive justice that Daemon actively breaks in the pursuit of his sadistic revenge.
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If there is ever any doubt, one can always pick up a copy of the Old Testament.
Exodus 21:12-14. He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death.
Lo and behold, the punishment for murder is the death of the murderer. Nothing whatsoever about killing the murderer's nephew or the murderer's son.
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emmajh97-mumaji · 1 year
What My Tarot Deck Says About My Blorbo?
🤍Silver the Hedgehog🤍
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1st Card: Knight of Swords
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The Knight of Swords, like all the Knights, rides a horse in order to facilitate decisive movement. With the wispy snow in the artwork, it almost appears as this Knight is in the clouds, which is fitting, since the suit of Swords represents the element of Air. Swords are also the suit of the Mind and Thoughts. All of this reflects Silver perfectly- he uses his mental psychokinetic powers to float through the sky and keep up with speedsters like Sonic. Like a knight, Silver is on a mission. He is courageous, chivalrous, and has a strong sense of justice. He will not hesitate to save the ones he loves and defend the future from evil. That being said, look at how fast this Knight is moving, sword at the ready. This shows how Silver's righteous attitude can lead to impetuousness. He's quick to jump to conclusions and accuse others if he thinks they will get in the way of his mission. Many times he has hurt perfectly good people just because he's gotten the facts wrong. Nonetheless, he keeps moving forward and never gives up.
2nd Card: Temperance (Reversed)
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Like the Angels depicted on Temperance, Silver wants to find a way to restore balance. However, like this Reversed angel, his resources are desolate. The sand she pours represents the dark future he grew up in, and the water from the upright angel represents him going back in time to restore the world to how it should be. The swirling patterns on their dress represent the ripple effects of Silver's actions and his is confusion about his purpose. Even with the future saved, Silver keeps coming back to the past because he's become attached to it. He's not comfortable resting on his laurels, and would rather risk messing with the balance of reality itself than try to adapt to a new, unfamiliar life.
Silver needs to be more careful, not just when he's saving the future but also when he's deciding how to live his life. He needs to temper that childish feistiness and vindictive justice of his before he jumps to conclusions on his missions. When things are peaceful, Silver should accept things as they are and stay in his own time, lest he unravel the entire space-time continuum with his shenanigans. He doesn't understand that his incredible power doesn't always need to be directed at something. Silver's more than just a hero without a cause, and he should come to terms with that.
The stone from my collection that makes me think of Silver most is--
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--this shiny green/cyan Resin gem!
Thank you for reading~ Information about my cards can be found in this post! A list of my favorite characters can be found here!
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
hey can you do a character analysis/comparison on zonic and shard to find out what silver likes in his men
Cries. They’re both stupid guys who piss her off idk. Real analysis tho
Ok Ok so Shard and Zonic have completely different origins. One was created purely to cause chaos and the other was created purely for order and stability.
However, they’re both Sonic. Yet how they view that is also entirely different. Ever since Shard was just “Metal Sonic” his entire purpose was not only to live up to him (power wise), but to best him. After he was rebuilt, he wanted nothing more but to live up to Sonic. Sure he could match with him power wise, but he couldn’t just copy and paste his exact personality and friend groups. I think his entire arc was him becoming his own person and realizing he’s more than just Metal or Sonic. With Zonic, he knows he’s just like Sonic, and even believes that he can beat him if he really needed to. Due to his origins, he feels superior to Sonic, while Shard looks down on his origins as it’s the exact cause of his insecurities. I believe, despite these differences, their core values and personalities are very similar. Zonic puts up this serious front for the sake of a mission, but it barely lasts that long. They’re both so. GOOFY. They make terrible puns nobody laughs at besides themselves and can act cheeky if they believe they’re better than whoever they’re being cheeky with. They’re also quick to act. Like a pathetic wet cat. The moment their insecurities are exposed and if there’s a doubt in their mind they fumble. I think it affects Zonic more than Shard, because he’s so used to being so sure of himself that if something goes wrong, it messes him up like crazy. Thissss is what also affects how they interact with Sonic. Despite his superiority complex, Zonic is really dependent on Sonic. This can stem off of his own fears that are now eased when he works along Sonic, or just the fact that Sonic is from the Prime Zone and without Sonic there’s literally no. Purpose for him. No matter what, Sonic is the OG and Zonic is the copy. His entire world is structured after Sonic’s and made to protect and defend Sonic’s. Shard has the exact same dilemma concerning Sonic, but it’s now taken from a more personal level (which I rlly enjoy and makes the comparison more fun) His interactions after he was rebuilt started out tense, but through the development of friendship and his displays of kindness, he was able to become Sonic’s friend. I’m not gonna say Zonic and Sonic didn’t develop a friendship bc they definitely did, but Sonic put trust in Zonic *after* Zonic revealed he was him. It was more like a “I have to trust you bc you are me even tho I can’t always agree with you” then develop a friendship rather than “You have to earn my trust because I never had any for you in the first place” like it was for Shard
BUT WHATEVER WHO CARES AB SONIC LETS TALK AB SILVER !!! Shard and Silver had more of a one sided enemy thing going on. Silver wasn’t there to make friends, but ended up making friends anyway because idk this is sonic the hedgehog. They were very. Brash and rude to each other, but Shard was clearly having fun teasing and messing with Silv while Silv was debating on killing him like half the time (I’m getting lazy just reread the wiki page like the rest of us) Because Zonic fucking DIED and every zone was erased besides the prime zone (which was a fucking LIE bc of the silver age and like several other issues but whatever) Silv and Zonic never interacted howeverrrr it’s easy to predict how they’ll interact. Silv, unless told that he could trust him in the beginning and that they need to work together, would be hostile and probably bite him ngl. Zonic, esp after the Silver Age, would probably arrest Silver. This would cause Silver to be on edge and they would probably fight a lot. Zonic would win but not rlly bc Silver doesn’t stop fighting that’s like his thing. I still think that although their fights would like strain their relationship, they would end up becoming allies due to having a similar goal and a similar way to attain it. Also thank god Silver is finally partnered with someone who wouldn’t blink if told he needs to kill someone in order to maintain order. They both have the same job and morals, so if they ever got over their differences then they would probably make a good team. So um TLDR Silver likes guys that he hates and finds annoying and only get in her way, only to find out it’s a good kind of annoying and they can rlly be her friends. They’re just like me fr
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mossible · 1 year
That. Was so far the angriest I've ever seen these old men in any of the fics I've read featuring them.
The way the entire conversation/argument with pearl and marina started extremely one sided from marinas pov, because Octavio has heard this moral dillema about the octarians' authority over their lives multiple times before, he's become bored and numb of it.
Completely unfazed. He completely believes he understands this problem the most.
But only when Craig arrives did the conversation became so much more angry and petty and relentless. Because they lived through what caused this entire argument, the great turf war.
You describing it as "an old language the audience don't understand" Is EXACTLY what it is.
God I hate it when old people have history /j
Just. The way this entire conversation escalated was . Just. UGH PERFECTION I LOVE THAT ANGST.
I'm so glad that this entire chapter was conversation heavy. It was so especially well written and captivated me the entire time. I couldn't imagine how long the brainstorming sessions for this chapter were!!! You chose all the right words and the characterization for pearl, marina, callie, all of the characters, agent 8!!!!- were so, so, good.
You knocked it out of the park, man!!!!!!
Holy shit!!!!
I find it suitable that callie was the one to let Octavio out.
She is objectively the most genuinely good person in the room. She is also the only one who truly sympathizes with Octavio, without any conditions or ill intent. Being the only one who actually lived along side octarians for a while. To fight for them the most.
She's also the only one in a while to befriend Octavio. And understand him.
Which is why she without falter let him go so willingly, cause she completely trusts despite everything, he loves and prioritizes his people above all else and what the best for them.
Speaking of empathizing with Octavio, I was so happy seeing someone point out the fact that Octavio took it upon himself to take care of and keep hundreds of thousands of people alive, UNDERGROUND. FOR DECADES.
He had to clean up the mess left behind after the great turf war, and then get ready to take control of how little him and his people have.
I'm honestly surprised Octavio hasn't snapped completely under all this pressure. Hardy old man. Fighting for his life every waking hour.
People so often throw away that aspect of him! How much he cares for his people, despite how much trouble that gives him! And this chapter did a really good job at presenting that part of him in his dialog!
I might be rambling a lot, but this chapter is just- so goddamn impressive!!! Oh my god mossible!!!
Keep up the good work!!!! Me and my sister are cheering you on!!!!
P. S... Hint for next chapter? Once again any form of hint will be fine
i am well aware that i am insane dont worry <3 the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma that nobody understands (ok nobody but like my gf and my longtime besties but still. twisted freacking cycle path over here)
thank you so much for the ask again omg!! along with putting this. long ass response under a readmore, i'll also requote everything i address here bc there is a Lot. if i don't address anything, assume that me not commenting either means that you nailed it right on the head, or that i would be spoiling y'all if i did say anything ;)
…because Octavio has heard this moral dillema about the octarians' authority over their lives multiple times before, he's become bored and numb of it. [ ] Completely unfazed. He completely believes he understands this problem the most.
this certainly will neither be the first nor last time i do this, but i am always tapping the silly little tag on ao3 that says 'unreliable narrator.' esp when it comes to how octavio acts in regards to things that he may seem familiar with to the reader! this man has been alive for over 130 (slutty, slutty) years, and has governed his people for only a little less than that. things that very obviously pose problems and challenges for those under his rule may often go entirely overlooked, both from his own prideful nature, as well as simply from an unwillingness to change his formula that has already worked for a century now. after all, if these so-called 'flaws' had been in his system since the beginning, why did nothing as detrimental as the inkantation happen BEFORE now? huh? what does marina know that octavio doesn't? (a lot. she knows a lot, for the record.)
I'm so glad that this entire chapter was conversation heavy. It was so especially well written and captivated me the entire time. I couldn't imagine how long the brainstorming sessions for this chapter were!!!
again!!! tysm for your kind words omg!! i'm glad i was able to get my points across soundly and that the change in structure paid off. was very very worried about that for a while before i ended up biting the bullet and just final-checking and posting it without more agony LOL
would it surprise you if i admitted that… not very much brainstorming was needed? i mean, obviously yes i brainstormed for this chapter a ton! but, i wasn't exactly in very much need of thinking of new ideas when it came to writing everyone interacting. when stuff like that (as in dialogue and interactions and the like,) comes into play, i often find myself getting carried away with both writing it and simply stringing the cohesion of the scene along, without even really realizing it ?? tbf, i'm one of those people who thinks at like a mile a minute, so by the time my body catches up to my brain to express what thoughts i have going on, i usually miss a few crucial words or phrases in my hurry to share said thought as quickly as possible. when i write without a concrete deadline, like i am now with cracked snowglobes, i'm able to elaborate WAYYY more on my process and be much more thorough with it all. …at the cost of chapters topping 10k words on occasion. another thing i will say about the brainstorming bit, less about the process and more about my inspiration for chapter 4, is that uh. ok the origin of it is kinda funny so, dissonant melody, right? i'd assume most people reading this ask answering questions about my cuttletavio fic of all things have probably read it? (if not, go give it a read here and follow the author here!) i adore dissonant melody! it's genuinely what got me back into brainrotting over these two little old awful men and inspired me to write this fic! hell, i've even referenced some bits from it here and there in cracked snowglobes and. sort of followed a lot of what it established! but. i always felt that marina had a lot more she could have dug into when it came to her seeing octavio again. we know that she worked very closely under him while back in the domes, to the point of "earning multiple commendations," assumedly from the man himself! however, i absolutely do not blame DM's author for not digging more into their dynamic, as it was intended to be an octavio and cap'n origins comic, rather than a solely octavio-centric origins comic. that, and around 2018 when the comic was first posted online, the fandom had… a bit of an issue when it came to incorrect details about the nature of octarian society running rampant in our collective knowledge. (a whole lot of us were under the impression that all of the octarians were mind controlled, and that marina had a much less… positive, we'll say, opinion of her former ruler.) so, what better opportunity to write what i'd like to see of that reaction than in my fic? it sure helps what development octavio's gonna have to go through before some of the stuff i have planned can come to fruition, after all ;)
I find it suitable that callie was the one to let Octavio out. [ ] She is objectively the most genuinely good person in the room. She is also the only one who truly sympathizes with Octavio, without any conditions or ill intent. Being the only one who actually lived along side octarians for a while. To fight for them the most. [ ] She's also the only one in a while to befriend Octavio. And understand him. [ ] Which is why she without falter let him go so willingly, cause she completely trusts despite everything, he loves and prioritizes his people above all else and what the best for them.
i won't pick apart this bit too much, because most of it is absolutely spot on! but i will point out a couple things, just to give you some food for thought. while, yes, callie did spend a lot of time with the octarians, by no means does she have as much experience with the conditions of the domes as marina and eight, who were both born and lived most of their lives there. think back to when octavio brought up who was currently in control of the domes in his absence; the council. while callie was present long enough to empathize with the people she met while on tour, by no means could she have fully undertaken the magnitude of troubles that they faced down there, let alone understood octavio's own defiance when it came to all of marina's gripes with how he governed the place. similarly, think back to when freeing octavio even got brought up in the first place! who was the first person to openly admit that she was on the side of letting him out? who was the first one to state her hesitation? callie and octavio are friends, the latter said so himself in his internal dialogue, but they do still have some core differences that put them at odds with one another. as much as callie may trust him, she struggles to fully commit to her stance until she receives support from marie. she's on octavio's side, but only under certain conditions. at least, that's the case for now. who knows what could happen the next time they meet!
ok ive written you like 1k words alone just for these responses, so i'll end this here. but ! thank you again for the ask, and for your next chapter hint; you're going to be seeing some familiar AND new faces next chapter! which ones? i'll leave that up to your imagination :)
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It all started with a spiral, the profound affect of Uzumaki on my current research and practice:
(pieces here are all from Junji Ito’s Uzumaki, the 2013 version)
Fig 1. Page 20 of Uzumaki (Mr Saito’s original fascination with the spiral)
Fig 2. Page 22 of Uzumaki (Mr Saito’s obsession with spirals)
Fig 3. Page 100 of Uzumaki (Azami’s corruption)
Fig 4. Page 288 of Uzumaki (The entity in the lighthouse)
Fig 5. Pages 600 and 601 of Uzumaki (The eternal cyclical city under Kurouzucho) 
This post is all about establishing why Uzumaki haunts me as a story and as a concept that bleeds into my own work as much as it does. When I was reading through this epic Ito story it was easy to see why it was loved so much, from the tedious and overwhelming amount of detail, to the constantly ramping up of stakes from it’s innocuous and assumedly innocent enough beginning. Uzumaki reads like a surrealist collection of poetry as written by Isidore Ducasse, and later collaged into the visual arts by a surrealist like Max Ernst, except, the only consistency and reoccurring motif is the spiral and the inability to challenge it. The story starts with seeing spirals in reeds, in snail shells and mistakenly marked into handmade pottery by the father of one of the protagonists, later we see cremated people’s ashes forming storms in the sky, eyes rolling and pupils contorting into microcosms of spirals and twisted bodies becoming snails and hair becoming sentient curls without human control. Later we see the artificial becoming tools of the spiral, the town’s lighthouse becomes a beacon for the spiral’s power, incinerating all in it’s light as a sentinel to the abhuman power of the spiral, All of Kurouzucho (The city the story is based in) becomes a broken down mess affected by an influx of twisters and natural disasters, the rubble of the homes is eventually transformed into one huge spiral house, filled to the brim with rat king esque fusions of the surviving families of the town. After all the hellish trials and tribulations of the stories characters, even going through a warp in time and space to get to the final scenes, they end up under the town, living their last moments only to see a paradoxical abhuman universe made entirely of spirals, nothing like this ever being explicitly written in the works of Lovecraft, Poe, Machen or Blackwood, a truly original terror founded on representing the complete spiral to madness that horror has the potential for inducing in the minds of sensible mankind. The brilliance of Uzumaki is how it treats the characters of the story as thrown head over heels into a completely unrealistic and unbelievable nightmare of a scenario, something Ito has always been proficient in and continues to perfect with each new published collection of stories. Uzumaki is his most well known work for the simplest reason that it makes iconography with each fresh panel, if you search Junji Ito you’ll immediately see images like Azami’s corruption as seen here, it’s an incredibly popular panel and emblemises Ito’s work very well, as it represents how he can take established themes and conventions within the mundane (say the face of a young and healthy woman, based on the collection of periodicals and magazines that Ito uses for reference when crafting his human characters) and completely warps it beyond the safe and risqué, and into the utterly grotesque and macabre, he’s a body horror legend and uses this warping of the natural through horror media as his own allegory for the potential of the human subconsciousness to dream up such images as these. After all, it takes understanding how to make completely unreasonable and unthinking material to make provocative art, and in turn, reflective art that probes and interrogates the audience with its unflinching dark surrealism. This importance of the spiral in particular as the warping influence, is that the spiral is again akin to the golden ratio, the whirlpools in ponds and the rings in snail shells, to the internal patterns of the human body and how these natural motifs and universal symbols move from the natural into the universal and even beyond our human centric own understanding of why they fascinate us so much and how they can get out of hand without us planning as such. After all, often a criticism of the golden ratio is that it’s so natural that no matter how far you attempting to factor it out of a design, it would still be present in the smallest of curves and asymmetry, it never has a choice in being present and yet will always be so in natural design and life, it pervades too much of nature not too exist, representing thusly that opposing the nature in attempts to avoid futility is well...futile. Ito represents futility best as all consuming, reoccurring, recycling and inescapable, no solutions are needed because no human logic could defy the majesty of the will and the universal without severely misjudging the endless abyss that is the Schopenhauerian understanding of futility through the ever present and entropically will. It represents us as mere insects and existentialist ants in an indifferent cosmos that would never understand nor care for us as the smallest slice of life in our galaxy, let alone the total universe, the spiral is not a terrorist or a monster, it’s a butterflies wings causing a hurricane in a distant land, nature is a determined majesty that will always win and does so without an ounce of sentience. 
What initially caught me interest in this story was the account of Mr Saito, the first worshipper of the spiral in Uzumaki, his remarks on the spiral being a representing of the sublime and perfection as featured in this post, represent our fascinations with the unknown when looking through the outer noumena beyond our exist, it’s a morbid fascination since we can never fully comprehend it’s might and existence given it is indifferent to our logic and incommunicable with our interests in it, like trying to understand other universal subjects like life and death, the world without us and the end of the universe, some things are not meant to be objectively rendered complete, that is the paradox of seeing the abhuman and natural as perfect, though perfectionism is purely a social argument and not conducive of actual natural variables and evolutionary development, something artists will struggle with until the sun pops. If something is, than you can tell that the answer that which objectifies it is an contrived as the authority attempting to answer all the woes around the unknown, most common examples of this are found in religious teachings, not to question god or the leaders on earth who represent him as that would be testing the world of god or challenging his plan for humanity, i.e. doubt and discordia on the semantic is sin to the sensible and conventional denialist. This has always been apart of my own religion, to consider doubt a Socratic tool for good and to discover more about the world neutrally, rather than assuming everything was made for an answer to eventually follow, in the same way that life is not a series of answers, but adaptations and mutations of purposes and aims as one gets older, we all have the same person at birth, to live, then by the end we all have the final purpose, to die with dignity, the beginning shows potential and the end is inevitable but can be made more comfortable through the potential for power and comfort that we had in life etc. 
As you can tell, I could note about this subject all day, yet I didn’t enclose more images to this subject or tie too many cultural references into this post as that too would objectively shorten the argument and give answers to an audience’s inquiries immediately on why the spiral happens to be as exciting as it to me, but I have time to write about it more and so I won’t shorten and be anticlimactic about something as crucial as this subject of will within my work as you can tell by the passion in my notes here. This subject and it’s context speaks to the want in my practice to associate and make work with the unknown to produce my own canon of otherworldliness within the contemporary art space.
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ser-rctslcyer · 2 years
tell me about your love,billy hargrove!!!
hello baby!!! ready to watch me lose my mind?
[here we have an analysis/thoughts and self shippy stuff!!! CW will be placed appropriately for mentions of abuse]
I came into the ST fandom in 2017, right when s2 was about to come out, and I instantly fell in love with Billy.
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To me he was a very interesting character right off the bat, for trying to insert himself into Steve’s position, constantly bugging and poking at him just to get a rise out of him. It’s apparent he’s not doing it for any weird/odd goals to like ruin Steve’s life but rather to gain attention from it; which I found very interesting. He garners a lot of attention and popularity from just being this cool kid-- but its nothing more than really to show off. He doesn’t seem to gain anything from having it, just people who cheer him on and follow him around; to which he doesn’t do anything wit-- he’s not trying to lead any groups or anything. I believe he enjoys the attention, that perhaps it provides him with some self satisfaction he seeks to have for himself but is struggling to find on his own. 
Which is one of the reasons why I think he continually messed with Steve so much. Steve never gave him that attention because he was in his feels over Nancy at the time. Like even at basket ball practice, he straight up gives him advice on how to get better-- I think he expects a negative reaction but again Steve sorta just lets it go. Which is why I think, come their last confrontation in s2, he’s even more agitated because he still refuses to give him that attention or reaction; thusly pissing him off more. 
There’s also his relationship with Max and the mystery about why they moved from California (which I wish we got to know why :(() Their entire dynamic is seen more through Max’s lens and how Billy is different than before-- he’s meaner. I don’t think many people catch this fact, which is why people tend to think he’s just like this normally. The two teens have been uprooted from the lives they know and thrown into a town they really know nothing off and I think that adds a lot of pressure on the both of them. I think mainly why Max finds solace in the arcade is maybe that’s where she always went to in Cali, but Billy however I don’t think has anything to connect him back to Cali which could result in him being more annoyed at it all. He’s an older kid moving into a new school, so it’s not like he could make any lasting relationships (or know how to make a genuine one), it’s not like he can have any truly look at him; he’s all alone and that’s surely terrifying enough. 
(CW Abuse)
It is finally when we see his dad, why there seems to be such a disconnect from the way Max and Billy respond to each other. And that is all Neil. 
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Neil has been his “caretaker” since he was born and has abused him since he was little. In s2 this brief glance on what happens “behind closed doors”, showcasing the dynamic of you relationship. For the first time, we see fear in Billy and he’s in so much pain and he can’t do anything about it. When he tries to make his case, Neil becomes physical which ends up scaring him more and he backs down because he knows it only gets worse from there. He just has to accept it and do as his father says because truthfully nothing he can do. He breaks some glass, frustrated with the fact he can’t doing anything to his abuser and free himself of him.
This also explains why he was so amped up, during the confrontation with  the kids and Steve. He’s brewing with rage, understandably upset and needing to take it out on someone. He wasn’t having it anymore until finally Steve’s lying made him snap and he decided fighting was the only way out. And then even when he gets knocked out, he doesn’t try to fight anymore and passes out.
I like to believe that after Max told him to stay away he did, and I think it’s apparent from the look he gave her before the snowball. I don’t think he tried anymore to mess with the kids or poke at Steve anymore, but is going through the motions of his life. In s3 we see him working at the pool as a lifeguard and just living his life. He’s probably inching to turn 18 and finally getting the fuck out but unfortunately he doesn’t get that option when he’s possessed. 
He suffers a great deal with a being controlling his movements and forcing him to do awful things-- all whilst not knowing what the fuck was happening to him. His mind is corrupted by this thing and only Eleven seems to fully reach him from within his head and we discover more of “Billy”.We see how hard Neil was on him, verbally berating him for not playing baseball well to then even getting physical with him at a young age. He has to deal with seeing his mom get hurt as a young child and also abandoning him--
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which is why it’s so heartbreaking. 
Because yet again he is left all alone-- suffering due to the mindflayer. He wants none of this, he hates the fact he’s hurt people, and its tearing him out from the inside.  It truly only felt like Max and El are the only ones that cared what happened to him, which hurts because he’s just a kid. 
And by the end, he’s left to be forgotten. 
[Self Shippy Stuff]
Now Billy and I are an interesting pair. We met during class for a few in-class activities and not much came of it for a while until we stop small talking. Maybe with him mentioning something about the fact he’s glad I don’t swoon over him like everyone else and I tell it’s just cause he’s chill whenever he’s not trying be just the “King of Hawkins”. For him that’s like the best thing he could hear and that is where our friendship began. 
After the events at the Byers house, he started hanging around me for the rest of the semester, just absolutely tired. We’d hang out more outside of school and at my house-- where one night he just confesses his troubles and fears while I hold him. I assure him I won’t ever leave him and that he can always come to me for anything. It’s there, curled up in my bed, staring at each other in silence that we realize, well maybe this isn’t exactly just a friendship. 
We didn’t start dating immediately, because he was worried about not being good enough to date, that he’s not worth it, and it takes me spilling my entire heart out for him to realize he does have someone who cares deeply about him. He’d cry a bit but we’d end up holding each other, maybe laughing at the fact about how i was utterly losing my mind talking about my feelings. 
He’s a soft lover by heart, and truly tries to not let his “tough guy” persona in the way of trying to be romantic with me. He’s goofy, always cracking jokes and or saying something borderline rude but still funny enough to be a joke. We laugh and smile so much, he truly feels like he can be relaxed around me and he finds it great. He definitely enjoys light PDA (hand-holding, short kisses) but when its just us two, he’s leaning on me and just being the cutest boy he can be.
Of course there are still some rough spots with Neil and sometimes it hurts so bad. I do my best to push those thoughts away and hold him as much as he needs. It’s tough sometimes because everything screams to take  a much more legal battle but it’s obvious he doesn’t want to handle it that way. So instead I take him out (or really he drives us around) and I direct us to fun places where he can relax and calm down. 
I definitely steal all his jean and leather jackets, and some of his button ups because they’re a little oversized but very comfortable. He enjoys when I do so and tends to hug my waist a lot more, just wanting to be close. 
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Yuu can do it!
Part 39
First - Previous - Masterlist - Next
Enma rolled his eyes at Grim. The monster had preferred ways of ‘riding’ each of the Yuus. With Kuroki, he often chose to drape himself around the back of his neck, a living version of a classic fur scarf. When with Ito, the monster often found himself cradled in their arms like a baby, which perhaps wasn’t the most dignified position but was definitely the one that allowed him to drift off to sleep with the most ease.
For Enma – though it wasn’t often that he chose to be held by him, probably because Enma was the least outright lenient – he often perched himself on one of his shoulders like a pirate’s parrot, as the boy was the only one of them that was actually large enough for him to do this.
Right now, though, he was slumped over his shoulder, to show that he was ‘depressed’. About what, Enma really wasn’t sure. But probably about something.
“What is the deal with those guys?!”
Riddle scowled. “I'm not the one to ask. Those two have baffled me since we were freshmen together.”
Cater pulled out his phone. Not to use, though, funnily enough. Perhaps, in these trying times, he simply needed to have his comfort object with him. “Messing with them seems like a reeeal bad idea.”
Ace nodded emphatically. “If I were the culprit, I know I’d steer clear.”
“You are the kind of person that would pick off your competition in an underhanded way, so I’m inclined to take your word for this,” Riddle said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
Cater waved his hands for attention. “It's getting late, so let's make this next person the last one for today, 'kay?”
“And we’re running out of people to sacrifice,” Ace chipped in, always ever-so-helpful.
“ And we’re running out of people to sacrifice, yes. So. Jack Howl: freshman, Savanaclaw Dorm. Rumor has it that he's a great athlete. Scouts from all the major teams are fighting to sign him.”
Deuce snapped his fingers. “Oh, him? He’s on the track team with me. Classes are over, and we don’t meet today, so he should be at his dorm.”
Riddle’s shoulders jumped. “Is it that late already? Rule 346 says that ‘croquet must not be played after 17:00’ I should head back to Heartslabyul and make sure that no one is breaking the rules in my absence.”
Grim groaned. “I thought you'd rounded out some, but nope, you're as square as ever. “
Enma sighed. “Don’t worry, senpai, I’ve got this. Grim.”
“Shit. Kuroki isn’t here anymore. I have to behave,” Grim said, slumping further on Enma’s shoulders. “Sorry for calling you a square, Riddle, even if it’s true.”
“It’s–! It's not true! I assure you that I've become much more lenient about enforcing the rules.”
Cater nodded emphatically, throwing a thumbs up. “He really has. He's way nicer than before. And we all appreciate that Riddle diligence. So go do what you gotta do, Boss!”
To show their support for his character growth – and because they were technically both going to the Hall of Mirrors – they walked him to his dorm.
And then they went right by approximately five and a half steps, until they were standing in front of a different mirror. This one was bigger, as if it was made with someone far larger in mind, shaped to look like they were stepping into the mouth of a ginormous beast. Dragging claw marks decorated the metal, not deep in a way that felt entirely purposeful, but instead as if some of the yagujen had trailed their hands along it idly as they stepped through.
They sent each other mildly wary looks before making their way through the mirror.
A blast of warmth and a soft, earthy fragrance met his nose. Then, colors began to filter into his vision. Bright, tropical plants and vibrant greens. A path cut through the greenery – literally ‘cut through’, it looked as if it had been hacked into the jungle by hand. Though it can’t have been that long since the last people had come through, the plants were already growing back into place.
Enma snickered to himself, hanging back as the magic users in the group were forced to carve themselves a larger path. Even Grim, more out of impatience than anything, had joined in. Ah, the upsides of being seen as incapable due to things you can’t control: getting out of doing things.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets, perfectly happy to look around to the tune of his friends struggling.
There was no shortage of animals peering at them all from the trees. A couple of birds were fighting, though over what Enma wasn’t sure (he considered whether it was possible that even the animals at this school were wannabe thugs). Still more chose to stay where they were, save for a couple of hops on their branches. Quite a few followed them from a distance, curious.
He thought that Kuroki might like it here.
He also thought that Ito might hate it, on account of the birds reminding them of Crowley.
He snickered to himself.
He missed them.
And then his eyes caught on what looked to be a giant pitcher plant.
Suddenly, he did not miss them at all. Because if Ito and Kuroki were here, they would have immediately told him off before he’d even suggested what he was about to do. But they weren’t here, so…
His gaze flicked, briefly, to the others to make sure that they were still distracted, struggling with a particularly thick set of vines.
Slowly, he made his way over to the plant. He clambered up the side, vaguely interested in the cloyingly sweet smell that it emanated.
A hand caught him by the back of his shirt and dragged him down before he could peer inside.
He turned to pout at Cater.
Cater didn’t seem swayed. “When did you lose your self-preservation instincts?”
“Lost the first half of them a little more than an hour ago when my friend got sacrificed, and the other half about twenty minutes ago when my other friend got sacrificed.”
“Ito and Kuroki can not be the entirety of your self-preservation instincts.”
Enma crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow. “I once took apart my phone just to see how it works. I did not regret it one bit. I cannot stress this to you enough, senpai. They are, like, 99%, at the very least.”
Cater looked mildly stressed out by this information. Perhaps Enma should have chosen a non-phone-related example, but would Cater have understood the gravity of any other example?
“Ito and Kuroki haven’t even been gone for a day yet! They’ll be home later!”
“I wanted to see if it was what I thought it was!”
Cater knelt to pick up a stick, and then tossed it into the plants mouth. There was a loud snap! as the flower closed around it.
Enma earned a Look from Cater. The kind of look that suggested the boy thought he was going to say he was right and thank him for saving him.
He did no such thing, only huffing and rushing to catch up with the rest of the group.
Cater followed with a groan. Enma wondered if the reason he had saved him had been less to do with any actual care, and instead more about wanting a break from all of the manual labor they had been doing.
Soon enough, the jungle started to thin, and the air around them became less humid, more outright hot. The rocks on the ground grew more numerous, and then simply grew, until it was no longer out of place to be staring at a large cliff face. A series of buildings had been hung from a rock overhang, dangling in a way that might have been dangerous had magic not existed. As it was, it was instead cool to see how the buildings wove together intricately, thin rope bridges spanning between them for the sake of convenience.
“Huh... so this is Savanaclaw,” said Deuce.
“Couldn't be less like Heartslabyul,” said Ace. Despite the fact that the guy hated his own dorm, Savanaclaw seemed to disgust him even more.
“I kind of like it,” Enma said.
Ace frowned. Likely because he was being disagreed with, which was just… not something he tended to allow.
“That’s… surprising.”
Ace motioned vaguely to the entirety of Enma. Enma did not understand what this was supposed to mean.
He sighed and, apparently, decided that Enma was a lost cause, because he was quick to move on: “So what's this Jack guy look like?”
Deuce shrugged. “He's got wolf ears, silver hair, and a big, bushy tail.”
Oh wait… was this… that guy …?
Hopefully ‘Jack’ had forgotten that time Enma had stared at his… tail. That was, like, on the first day. He had to have forgotten that by now, right?
Maybe he should leave.
Before he could fully commit to that idea, though, Grim gasped and pointed to a guy that was, frankly, just going about his business. He was enjoying an afternoon jog, probably working up an appetite. Sounded pleasant. Unfortunately, this peaceful time was sure to be ruined for him.
“Is that him?”
“Whoa, good eye! There's no way that's not our boy,” said Cater.
Grim puffed out his chest with pride.
“And I thought those twins were big! This guy's huge!” Ace said.
“I can agree with this one,” Enma mumbled absently, glancing back the way he’d come. If he didn’t know that this was a task assigned by the Headmaster, and that it was necessary for at least one of the Yuus to be there for the entire day to properly relay information, he would have bailed. He was still heavily considering it.
“No wonder all the scouts are after him,” Cater said, whistling lowly.
“With that build, he'd be an asset on any team,” said Deuce. His lips curled into a smirk. “Nice to know he’s in my club.”
Jack looked at their little group dead on, and his eyes narrowed at Enma briefly.
Enma cringed and ducked his head. So much for hoping, he supposed.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let the big bad wolf bite you,” Cater said, winking.
Enma was not going to correct his assumption, actually. Watch him hide away in fear of some random, buff guy that may or may not know how to fight. It is definitely fear and not awkwardness over what he had done, however accidentally.
Where were his emotional support housemates?
“Hey, you! Mr. Scowls-a-lot!” Grim yelled.
Not that one! That one doesn’t have as much tact as the other two! Shit!
Jack whirled around, apparently just as shocked as the rest of their group.
“Just wanted to let ya know somebody's probably gonna try and hurt you. But don't worry — I, Grim the Great, will protect you!”
Jack didn’t even seem amused by the monster’s sheer gall. This did not bode well. Grim survived almost entirely thanks to people laughing at him.
“ What? Look, don't bother me when I'm training.”
“Sevens…” Ace murmured.
“ That’s your approach, Grim? I can't even count all the ways that was terrible.”
“I’m revoking your speaking privileges for the next few minutes,” Enma said. He grabbed the monster and tucked him under his arm, his hand firmly clamped over his mouth. Grim did not seem pleased by this arrangement, but he couldn’t speak right now, so he couldn't say anything to protest this mistreatment. He could bite Enma’s hand, though. Which was. Fun.
“Sooo sorry about him, Jack-chan. Listen, king, could we have just a minute of your time?” Cater said, sending him a winning smile.
Indeed he did win… if you count gaining a few minutes of Jack’s attention to be much of a win.
“What's all this about? You said you wanna protect me from something?”
“A lot of Magift tournament hopefuls have been hurt in accidents on ‘campus’ lately,” Deuce said. He had lifted his hands to do finger quotes, but had done it on the wrong word. Thankfully, Jack was in Deuce’s club, and therefore reasonably well-acquainted with him, and was only confused for a couple of seconds.
“And we're trying to figure out who's behind it,” Ace continued.
Briefly, the boy’s eyes widened in recognition. He looked at their ragtag team of problem solvers, his lips pressing into a thin line. And then he nodded. “Okay. Go on.”
“To put it bluntly, our plan is to stake out some of the criminal's prospective targets,” said Cater. “What do you say? Will you give us a hand in catching this guy?”
Jack made a strange face. Almost amused, but not quite, there was also something undeniably bitter there. “No. I can take care of myself. I don't need your protection.”
Enma frowned. “Wait, come on, don’t you want back u – help?”
Jack snickered. “I doubt I'm gonna be a target. Seeya.”
Enma frowned just slightly. That was… an interesting sentence. With the first denial, he had thought that this was just classic Night Raven College stubbornness, but Jack seemed pretty sure he ‘wasn’t going to be a target’. Too confident, enough so that he had laughed. It wasn’t the ‘I would fight them off’ kind of confidence, either. That wasn’t what he had said.
He supposed it could be the kind of ‘oh, well, I would never get into a car wreck’ mentality…
It wasn’t like they had many other leads, though…
“Aaaaand he's gone,” said Cater.
Enma sighed lightly and let go of Grim. The monster sent him a brief, reproachful look that suggested Enma would have to buy him a can of tuna later. He didn’t mind, it was worth it.
“Well, can't say I didn't warn him,” Grim said, irritably, once he noticed that he was not getting the millions of apologies he had clearly been hoping for.
“Yeah, well, you might want to reconsider your approach there, bud,” Ace said.
“Ughhhhhhhh! You’re all starting to sound like Enma!”
“I covered your mouth for, like, a minute. I don’t deserve this kind of slander.”
“You do,” Grim sniffed.
Enma rolled his eyes and decided that it was probably best to ignore Grim until the aforementioned tuna can was given to him. “Well, Howl-san said no, so does that mean we’re done for the day?”
“Totally,” said Cater. “Unless anyone is down for another –.”
“NO!” Deuce yelled.
Cater chuckled. “I was just kidding. Let’s go.”
Unfortunately for them, though, Deuce’s yell had drawn the attention of a pair of Savanaclaw students.
“Heyheyhey! What are you lot doing here?” said the first, a boy with messy orange hair.
“Leaving,” said Ace, flatly. He was probably bitter about the Savanaclaw kid stealing his brand.
“You're a long way from Heartslabyul House,” the second said. He had a set of giant antlers that, frankly, looked a little bit deadly.
(“Why does everyone forget about Ramshackle?” Enma mused quietly.)
“You think you can just barge onto our turf and walk away without paying the price?”
Their little group of students eyed each other warily. This was starting to feel a lot like a brewing fight. Quite possibly because it was one.
“Let's play Predator and Prey! Guess who gets to be the prey?”
Enma cleared his throat awkwardly. “Uh, listen, dude, I know what you’re going for, but you really shouldn’t be calling yourself a ‘predator’...”
It was deathly silent for a few seconds. Their tiny group started inching towards the exit in the moment of awkwardness, in hopes that they might just be let go so they could all pretend that had never happened.
They might have succeeded, too, if it were not for Leona Kingscholar’s untimely arrival.
“What’s going on here?”
“Housewarden Leona! These students are trespassing on our territory!” the boy with antlers reported dutifully.
“Let's teach 'em a little lesson! Heh heh heh.”
Leona looked, unfortunately, interested in this. Damn it. They’d been so close.
Enma groaned internally.
And then groaned externally. Because his eyes landed on one Ruggie Bucchi.
“Enma! Hi!”
“ Please, Ruggie, don’t – wait. I’m not at work. You have no power here!”
Leona’s gaze briefly flitted over to the pair of them, amused, only for his eyes to narrow at Enma. “Hey... I know you. You're the herbivore who stepped on my tail at the botanical gardens.”
Enma was never coming back to Savanaclaw Dorm again. There were simply zero upsides. The dorm itself was cool, but it would be cooler if Enma hadn’t managed to get on the bad side of literally everyone he had had the displeasure of meeting since school had started.
“You... you stepped on the housewarden's tail?” said Antlers-boy, looking somewhat impressed, but also mostly like he was about to try and skewer him.
“Now you're really gonna pay!”
Enma groaned. “I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to step on Kingscholar-senpai’s tail and I didn’t mean to stare at Howl-san’s butt, okay?!”
“‘Sorry’ is not good enough!”
Deuce had different concerns. He gave him a wide-eyed stare. “You stared at that guy’s ass?”
He threw his hands up in exasperation. This was too much for him today. He should not have let his friends get sacrificed. “I was looking at his tail and realized too late that that was not as innocent as I thought it was!”
“Let’s beat them up,” suggested not-Ace, grinning widely.
“Stop yapping like a pack of wild dogs.”
Oh! Thankfully, it looked like Leona was just as annoyed by the situation as Enma was.
“You really wanna risk starting a fight before the tournament?”
He would still take the win!
“What if you get disqualified?”
(Enma’s head tilted to the side. Did that mean that technically he could fight someone and get them disqualified? That would be kind of funny. He made a mental note of that for later, in case Ruggie was extra annoying during his next grocery run.)
Antlers-boy looked incredulous. “What, so you're just gonna let 'em walk away? Not even nibble on 'em a little?!”
“I’m sorry, did he just say that he was going to ‘nibble on’ us?” Enma said.
His question – which, in his opinion, was a very valid one – was ignored.
“No one's ‘letting' anyone walk away. We're gonna resolve this with a ‘friendly’ game of Magift. After all, it doesn't violate any school rules to cast spells during a game of Magift.”
Ruggie leaned towards Enma, grinning. “Ten thaumarks says you guys aren’t going to last even one game.”
Enma debated whether his pride was worth losing money. He decided that losing money over this particular bet would also hurt his pride, and therefore decided against it.
Grim, however, was more prideful than he: “Welp, I'm not taking that one lying down. Now we’ve got no choice but to fight.”
“You say that like we had a choice to begin with,” Deuce muttered.
Unfortunately for Deuce, his surprisingly astute observation was ignored.
“You're on. Cater! Remember this when you pick the official team!”
Cater looked at the ground imploringly, silently begging it to open up and swallow him whole. “Are you kidding me...?”
“Uh, senpai,” Enma began, feeling bad for the boy but figuring he might as well break the news now rather than later. “I know this isn’t a good time, but I have a quick question… how do you play?”
Enma soon received an answer: not like that.
In case you, dear reader, have somehow yet to realize this, Enma does not have magic. Which is unfortunate, because a large percentage of Magift was based on magical ability. Can’t score if you’re encased in a dirt shell, after all.
And, on top of that, his teammates included Ace, Deuce, and Grim.
Poor Cater. Not only had the ground actually heeded his pleas only to mess up its aim and swallow the wrong person, but he had been stuck as the only competent person on the team. Frankly, Enma was surprised he didn’t throw in the towel sooner.
Yeah… they got their asses handed to them. They didn’t score a single point.
Enma groaned in relief as his dirt prison crumbled away into nothing, clambering out and flopping on the ground with a groan. The stupid magical dirt had been even more ‘stupid’ly hard to get out of. He was just grateful he hadn’t suffocated down there.
“Awwww, giving up so soon?” Leona teased. He grinned widely. Enma couldn’t even be that mad about it because the guy was, unfortunately, very attractive. “Don’t want a rematch?”
“No thanks,” said Enma.
“Alright, then, let’s take it from the top!”
Attractiveness be damned. Enma considered the pros and cons of cursing. He deserved it. As a reward.
Before he could commit either way, they were saved:
“What's going on here?”
They turned to see the man, the myth, the legend, the boy who has a very bad name for such grand titles – Jack!
Leona’s expression dropped into a scowl. “We're just having a little fun with some trespassers.”
“What's fun about tormenting amateur players?”
(“ Amateurs?” said Ace. If Enma were any less involved in this, he would almost be impressed by the size of his ego. But he was very much involved, so he kicked him in the shin to get him to shut up.)
Ruggie smirked. “Awwwwwww, Jack! Heroically standing up for the downtrodden! How woefully admirable!”
Jack’s tail went ramrod straight, seemingly out of embarrassment. He crossed his arms over his chest, scowling. “I'm just saying this is a disgusting spectacle and I don't wanna have to see it.”
For a long, terrifying moment, Enma wondered whether they were going to ‘invite’ Jack to another ‘fun’ game of Magift. At least then they would have a whole two members with actual skill, he supposed, but he would rather not be buried alive again...
Leona groaned.
“Fuckingggg greaaaat. Now you've ruined all our fun.”
Enma owed his life to this random guy now.
“Whoa, Jack- kun. You do realize who you're talking to, right?” Antlers-boy said.
Jack scoffed. “If you're gonna play the upperclassman card, you oughta act the part.”
“What did you say to me?! You want a piece of this, too?!”
Life debt revoked until further notice. Random guy has quite possibly made things worse.
Leona snickered at them. “Pretty bold, frosh. I guess I can respect that. I’m bored now, anyway. And it’s not like running up the score against you losers is accomplishing anything.”
With that, the guy… straight up left. The others followed at his heels, too. Their group stared after their receding backs, stunned. There was no way it was that easy. It was never that easy.
And yet.
They were gone.
Enma was going to get down on one knee to reinstate his life debt. How dare he doubt Jack and his all-amazing ability to… guilt people, apparently.
But that would be embarrassing, and he wasn’t sure whether Jack would want a debt from him. Speaking of, he probably already owed the guy from the whole… inciting incident. He didn’t have much to offer, on account of the ‘being poor’ thing. Jack would have to settle for just one debt.
He cleared his throat awkwardly to clear that particular line of thought. “Everyone alright?”
Cater sent him a look that screamed ‘that is a dumb question’. Which was fair.
Still. Enma huffed. “It’s nice to ask.”
“Heh. Guess you’re right. Well, I can't say that was my finest moment on the field.”
Deuce didn’t even bother dignifying him with an answer of his own. Instead, he turned to Jack. “Thanks for the help, man. Don’t know what we would have done without you –.”
“Save it. I ain't in the business of charity work.”
Ace was perfectly fine with an excuse to not have to say the dreaded ‘thank you’. He groaned and slumped against Enma’s side. “I'm drenched in mud over here! Let's just call it a day and go home.”
Enma wasn’t as affected by the mud as Ace had probably hoped. But, if Ace had wanted to annoy someone, he should have probably gone for the many other people who weren’t already covered in earth.
“Ramshackle ‘home’ or your dorm ‘home’?” he asked before Ace could come up with more creative, effective ways to be annoying.
Ace pursed his lips thoughtfully. “Do I have clothes at you guys’ place?”
“Why are you asking me?”
Deuce smirked. “Well, apparently it’s up your alley, since you make a habit of staring at people’s –.”
“Finish that and I will make sure Ito never feeds you again.”
“Finish what?”
Enma nodded curtly. “Thought so.”
Grim who had evidently tuned them out upon the mention of Ito’s food, looked at him with wide, hopeful eyes. “Mmmmm do you think they’ve made dinner yet?”
“Uhhhh…” said Enma, who doubted it, given Ito had been stolen by The French and who knows how long that could take. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Only one way to find out for sure! Let’s go!”
Cater seemed pleased to have a chance to go home and pretend this entire day hadn’t existed. “All right, Jack, we're taking off. Don't get in any ‘accidents’, you hear?”
“You've got a whole lotta nerve to be worrying about me after that Magift attempt. Now get out of here already.”
Their group was pretty quick to do so, but as Enma glanced back to throw the boy a sheepish wave…
He found Jack staring at them with a complicated expression on his face. Like he was considering calling after them.
Quietly, Enma bookmarked the information.
He went back to facing the front and groaned upon seeing the particular kind of smirk Ace was sporting.
“It’s not like that,” he sighed.
“I can’t wait to tell Ito and Kuroki.”
“ Don’t.”
Ito and Kuroki both came home looking as if they had just come back from a war. Ito was carrying several, miscellaneous bottles of skin and hair care products. Kuroki had a book on alternate dimensions hugged close to his chest, so he had clearly not been too pleased about being sacrificed to the Leech twins, even though it was his own idea.
Enma lifted a hand in a wave. They didn’t even seem to see him.
They were probably fine.
Enma went back to figuring out their homework.
The Yuus really didn’t get a lot of downtime.
Sure, world-ending threats were… infrequent enough that they hadn’t yet snapped, but their day-to-day lives were still a lot.
They had school, of course, and homework. They had a lot of catching up to do for these things, as well, seeing as they had been born in an entirely different world and therefore had many years worth of classes to make up for, and that ate into their free time.
They had their jobs. Their bosses were lenient and understanding (to a point, though maybe their perspectives were skewed thanks to the worlds they had come from, and their bosses were actually trying to overwork them, who knows), but they still didn’t have much money, and that meant long hours were a must.
There were their everyday shenanigans. Ito turning into a baby. Ito turning into a worm. That time they finally realized that they should not leave Ito alone during Alchemy anymore, resulting in both Enma and Ito getting trapped in a time loop (they didn’t talk about it).
And they were okay with all of this – they were, really – but it meant there wasn’t much downtime, and when there was it was most likely devoted to dropping straight down onto their shitty mattress and passing out immediately.
Hell, Ito was actively flipping through stacks upon stacks of papers for their job. Calling this ‘downtime’ was probably a bit of a stretch, to be honest.
Enma sat on the ground, listening to Ito mumble to themself as they worked, to Grim and Kuroki debating the tuna budget in hushed tones.
He pulled out his notebook and flipped to the last page, titling it: WHY ARE WE HERE?
He debated, briefly, adding the words ‘just to suffer’ in small print, but decided that was not appropriate for the tone.
And then added it anyway.
He grinned, but it was half-hearted.
It was pretty much certain that they were dimension hoppers, and from different dimensions.
(The other option was that they didn’t yet have a concept for what was going on, but that… Enma wasn’t going to think about that.)
But that suggested that the three of them were actively chosen, didn’t it? There had to be more than four dimensions total, it made no sense for there to be three ‘normal’ dimensions and then just one random magical one, there were likely several in between that allowed for a more gradual transition.
So, why them?
It wasn’t like they had much in common, either in a superficial sense or a deeper one. Enma was taller and broader. Kuroki was more self-conscious. Ito was from an entirely different country, and their name was only ‘Yuu’ on a technicality.
Sure, they all got along, but they weren’t dumb enough to think this was entirely because their personalities happened to mesh well. They were less of a found family and more of a group of people who had pack-bonded through shared trauma. And it was entirely possible that they would have gotten along with other versions of themselves, too.
Why them three?
A dimensional rift? Across only four dimensions? He doubted that.
Enma groaned, running a hand through his hair.
Okay. Their names. It was probably their names. It definitely wasn’t their few common traits (them being gossips, and their occasionally overlapping sense of humor), those weren’t the kinds of things that people would actively search for. It had to be their names, then.
Some kind of mixup.
That begged another question, though:
If it was a mixup based on their names, and they had been dragged through several realities… had they taken the place of some ‘Yuu’ in this world, or was one of them actually supposed to be here?
And, if so, who?
“Hey,” Enma said, and both Ito and Kuroki looked up from what they were doing, identically confused expressions on their faces. “If you had to guess, which one of us do you think is best suited for this reality?”
It was silent for a minute.
Kuroki shrugged awkwardly. “I dunno, I’ve never thought about it. I think it wouldn’t feel right if it was only one of us…”
“Obviously,” Enma said. “I’m not saying that I’m going to kill the two that aren’t chosen or anything, I just want to know what you guys think.”
Kuroki mulled this over for a few moments more. “Probably Ito. They can make friends, they just don’t, because we called dibs on the first day. It’s a good trait to have when you get dragged into a whole new world without warning.”
“I’m not that much more of an extrovert.”
“That’s not what I mean. You’re like… I dunno. Parental? Older sibling-esque? And you know that would be a hit at this school, everyone here has family issues.”
“I don’t,” Ito said.
“ Exactly.”
Ito rolled their eyes before giving Enma an odd look. “Can I ask why you want to know this? I mean, it doesn’t really matter, does it? We’re all stuck, that’s not going to change.”
Enma groaned. “Can I mark you down as yourself as well, then?”
“Oh. No. I’d honestly say you, Enma. I mean, you actually like this world. You’d be happy to stay.”
Enma’s eyebrows knit. “You wouldn’t?”
“No one here… speaks my language,” they said.
Enma and Kuroki looked at each other, confused. Maybe the French thing really had affected them a lot.
They snickered, resting their chin in their hand. “What about you? Who do you think is supposed to be here?”
Enma narrowed his eyes at them briefly, but they didn’t seem intent on explaining any further. So, he sighed and let it go. He shrugged, tipping his head back against the bed frame. “Kuroki, I guess? I mean, he’s got us both beat in our classes, and he gets along best with Grim. If we were always meant to go to school here, he’d be best, right?”
“Great, well, I’m glad we cleared up absolutely nothing for you, then,” Kuroki said.
“Yeah, thanks guys,” he said.
Ito laughed and finally got up, stretching out lazily. “I think we all might be at that point where we’re overthinking things because it’s late at night. Bedtime.”
Enma had never agreed with a statement more. Hell yeah, bedtime.
Despite his wishes, his body was not as happy about the concept of ‘bedtime’ as it should have been. Maybe it was the late night contemplation of his situation, maybe he was just sore from getting buried alive earlier (something he was no longer going to think about, actually), or maybe it was just because Grim had a tendency to sleep talk and sometimes that was hard to ignore.
Whatever the reason, Enma found himself heading out for his morning jog far earlier than usual.
The sun hadn’t even begun to poke out from behind the horizon.
He watched the sky, absently counting the stars.
Usually, when someone was lost, people would tell their loved ones to look at the sky, and find solace in the knowledge that, no matter what, that, at least, would never change. So long as the person wasn’t dead, they would be looking at the same stars, the same moon. So long as they were alive, looking at the same sky, they could still be found.
The stars were different, here – more numerous, clustered in entirely new patterns.
He wondered if this world, too, had constellations, and what their stories were.
He wondered if they, too, had had their stars snuffed out by pollution, or if perhaps there were more stars, if the centuries of light and dark magic had floated up into the heavens and painted the sky with patterns entirely of their own making.
Humans are the only creatures that can overcome nature.
But what would happen when they had finally discovered everything?
What if they never did?
Enma wasn’t sure which thought scared him more.
A dull shiver ran through him. His eyes flicked downwards, away from the sky, only to find himself among the stars, tiny lights dancing around him.
He swallowed thickly.
He still reached for the nearest one.
His fingertip brushed it. It was warm.
It flicked away, the tiny balls of light congealing into one giant mass.
He peered into the strange clump of stars, and they looked back.
Bright – luminescent – green eyes widened in mild surprise when they met his, and in an instant a person was standing in front of him.
Enma shrieked and jolted away.
You’ll have to forgive him for being startled. The person appeared out of nowhere, which would surprise just about anyone, even if they hadn’t been tall and adorned with sharp teeth and claws and horns. Beyond that, there was something about the guy that rattled that little .01% of his brain that could force him to ignore his curiosity because the thing in front of him was just that dangerous. The same kind of intense feeling that had come when he had seen Sam’s shop for the first time. The one that told him to run and not look back. That this thing, whatever it was, was ancient and powerful.
The stranger didn’t even seem shocked by his scream. He must be very self-aware. “Who are you?”
“You can’t just – trespass here! I – I have a gun!”
“That wouldn’t be able to hurt me. And, no you don’t.”
Enma wasn’t sure which part of that concerned him more. But it was then that he noticed the person was wearing a school uniform, which meant shooting him was probably unnecessary (and impossible, considering the stranger was right in that he didn’t have a gun).
“… okay…”
“Are you a child of man?” he asked, circling him slowly, looking him up and down.
He kept his head on a swivel to make sure that the person (not a human, that much was clear, but a person, he thought) never left his sight entirely. “Uh – you mean, like, a human? Yeah, last I checked?”
“Ah, you’re so frail, though. They don’t make children of man like they used to.”
“I don’t know how to respond to that.”
“That is alright. You don’t have to.”
It was silent for a few moments, and Enma became aware of the fact that they hadn’t even done formal introductions yet.
Enma cleared his throat, sticking his hand out for him to shake. “Oh! I’m Enma Yuuken, and you are?”
The person stared at him with wide eyes. As if, despite him just saying he was a human, he had started to grow another head, and he was trying to decide whether this was simply an interesting fact that he had not yet known about the species.
“You… don’t know?”
“I wouldn’t have had to ask if I did!”
“I am... no, never mind. I'd rather you remain unaware.”
Enma frowned just slightly. That was a little weird, but maybe the guy was in the magical version of witness protection or something?
“Oh… okay, well, I can come up with a name for you, then, I guess!”
“Can you, now?”
“For sure! I will call you…” He squinted at him for a minute. The guy had a lot of interesting features for him to focus on, but there was one thing that made him stand out even compared to the other students at the school. “ Tsunotarou! ”
He gave Enma another wide-eyed look.
And then he started to laugh. Hard. The kind of deep, almost maniacal laughter you might expect of a cartoon villain. Except it was genuine, and probably not actually meant to sound that way.
Tsunotarou nodded, smiling as he wiped a tear from his eye.
“You really are fearless, it seems.”
“Am I supposed to fear you?”
“It does not matter.”
Enma did not fail to notice that that was not a ‘no’.
“It was I who told you you could use a name of your choosing. I'll indulge this liberty and permit you to refer to me by your...curious nickname.”
Enma’s face flushed. “It’s funny! You laughed! Finally, someone appreciates my puns.”
Tsunotarou’s head tilted to the side. “Do others not?”
“No. My roommates – Kuroki and Ito – hate them. Half the time Ito doesn’t even know what the pun is! They just recognize my ‘pun voice’ and groan anyway,” he lamented.
“I see… what a pity.”
“I know! I’m hilarious! You get me.”
“You are amusing, yes.”
Enma squinted suspiciously. He didn’t trust the way that sentence sounded.
“You and your roommates, do you live here? I was under the impression that this dorm had been abandoned for quite some time…”
“Yep! My friends and I are staying here until the Headmaster manages to kick us out.”
Tsunotarou’s lips twitched into a wry grin. “Ah, it turns out that you are the trespasser all along, then?”
“No! Well – I guess? Kinda? Technically? It’s complicated.”
“Well, whatever the situation… I used to frequent this place due to its abandoned nature. I thought I would be upset once this building started getting put to use, but it seems that I might have a new reason to visit.”
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
hello amazing talented writer!!!! i believe ur requests are open right now (if they aren't pls ignore this) !! i was wondering if you could do head cannons for the obey me brothers with an mc who really wanted to show them how much they loved them, so they give them the biggest bear hug possible and keep telling them how much they appreciate them? idk if there is a character limit, so of you want to include the dateables that would be marvelous! thank you for having such an amazing blog and working so hard 💖😌
Brothers with a Lovebug GN!MC (Headcanons)
A/N : This was so cute! So cute! I loved writing it! All the brothers deserve love and appreciation. Thank you so much for requesting it and thank you thank you thank you for your kind words, I appreciate them and I appreciate you <3
He wasn’t completely touch starved, well.. Not anymore since he met you, but hugs still kind of threw him off sometimes. He just wasn’t used to it, no matter how many times you hugged him, although he did love the feelings.
When you came up to him and hugged him this time, it was different than most of the other hugs, it was tight and warm, and it was almost as if he could feel all of your love for him pouring out in this one single hug and… well… he loved it. He loved the feeling of it. It made him feel warm, it was… strange but endearing. But then you started telling him how much you appreciate him, and while he already was aware that you did (that’s just him being prideful though), he loved hearing it from your lips. It was enough to actually make him smile, and he was so wrapped up in the warmth that your words and his touch made him feel that he almost forgot to hug you back… almost.
His arms snaked around you, holding you closer against him. He didn’t want to lose the warm feeling that you gave him, he didn’t want to let you go.
“Thank you, dear. Please, don’t hesitate to… do this more often.”
If there was anyone who deserved this, it was him. He’s so under appreciated in the house, he’s always getting picked on, the guy can never seem to catch a break. The only time he actually feels like he’s noticed for the good things that he does is when he’s with you, hence why he’s always following you around and trying to be as close to you as possible. He just really needs it.
The bear hug was, needless to say, very unexpected for him. Sure, he’s used to being hugged by you, and yes, he loves being hugged by you… But this hug was amazing to him. It was tight, and it wasn’t just any regular hug, it was like you were holding onto him, and this may have just become his preferred method of hugs. These kinds of hugs are by far the best hugs to get. He almost couldn’t focus on what you were saying until he realized that you were telling him that you appreciate him… and… wow. That was the only thing he could think when he heard you, and it didn’t seem like you were anywhere close to being done.
He held you tighter, resting his head on top of yours, and yes, he did start crying although he’s going to deny that he is… just don’t bring it up.
“That’s really sweet of ya, babe… And I ain’t cryin’... yer hair jus’ got in my eye… tell me more?”
He is very touch starved, and although people around the house appreciate him, he’s always down on himself anyway. He’s always down on himself, and even when you are there to tell him why you love him, his thoughts are just very pessimistic. He needs this just as much as Mammon does.
The sound he made when you first wrapped your arms around him was a mix between a scream and a squeal. He definitely wasn’t expecting it, but he wasn’t against it either. He didn’t know that he needed it until it was already happening, but he really appreciates the hug. When you started telling him that you appreciate him and how much you appreciate him, his face turned the brightest shade of red. It was strange to him because he didn’t really know that he did that much for you to even appreciate, but he really liked hearing you say it. At least he knows that he’s doing something right and that he’s making you happy.
He’s so happy, it’s off the charts, and he doesn’t want the hug to end, ever. It’s the best feeling in the world to be appreciated.
“I-I’m… Thank you… Y-You’re the best… Really… I-I appreciate you too…”
Being loved and appreciated never seemed important to him before. These were things he could live without, he was thriving off of being hateful and unappreciative towards Lucifer. Deep down though, even if he didn’t ever want to admit it, acknowledge it, or even know about it… He needed these things.
He heard you coming. Let’s be fair, this man memorized the sounds of footsteps of everyone in the house so he can act accordingly based on whoever was even coming close to his room. He was ready for you to come in, the smile already on his face, his book already set down to welcome you with open arms. What he wasn’t ready for was the bear hug that you rushed in to give him. He was not ready at all, but damn if he didn’t love it. He loved hearing your words of appreciation too, and he was going to memorize every single thing that you said, just so he could think about it later.
He really did need this, as someone who mainly only ever feels wrath, hatred, annoyance… You’re the only thing that really brings him pure happiness.
“You’re making me soft, kitten… Not that I mind it. I’ve got all the time in the world to keep doing this.”
The complete opposite of Satan, love and appreciation are so very important to him. But, he receives these things all the time from strangers, and sometimes, well, most times, it never feels genuine. These things have lost almost all of their meanings to him, it almost seemed pointless because of how repetitive it’s become.
There was something different receiving love and appreciation from you though. It was real, there was emotion behind it, something that could never be picked up or trusted over the internet through random comments. Of course he loved the hug, the tighter, the closer the better. He wasn’t actually… used to getting hugs like that. It felt special to him, and when the words of appreciation came, he felt special. Being loved by the entire Devildom will never feel as good as being loved by you. You made him feel like more than just his avatar, and that means so much more to him than looks or likes.
Yes he cried, and no he didn’t try to hide it. He wasn’t ashamed of his emotions, and he wanted you to know that what you said made him feel good enough that he actually cried.
“Oh… You’re… I’m gonna mess up my face but… It’s okay. You’re so sweet, I could just kiss you, darling.”
He knows what love is, because he loves you and he loves all of his brothers. He knows what appreciation is because he appreciates you, and appreciates everything that his brothers do for him. He’s pretty sure that his brothers love and appreciate him back, and he knows without a doubt that you love and appreciate him… especially after the hug.
The hug, which was nice, and really cute to him. He was always the one giving you the bear hugs, so to be on the receiving end felt really nice. It’s not something that he’s used to, but his eyes, his entire face even, it lit up. Being told that he’s appreciated though, it’s way different from just feeling appreciated. Those words meant so much to him, he probably won’t be able to stop smiling about it for weeks. He’ll probably tell all of his brothers about it too, well, not even probably, he’s definitely going to tell all of his brothers about it. This is a really big thing to him.
He’s just so happy, beyond happy, ecstatic even. He loves and appreciates you so much, and feeling that same amount of love and appreciation returned, it’s amazing, it feels like he just won a football game.
“I’m happy you feel the same way, honey… You’re really special to me… I love you.”
He puts on a big front that he doesn’t care if anyone loves him or appreciates him, but he just doesn’t want to be seen as weak, and feelings to him are a sign of vulnerability. Plus, those feelings just make attachments stronger and if something bad were to happen, it’ll be harder for him to move on and get over it.
Hugs were weird enough to him, so bear hugs weren’t any less weird, it caught him off guard. He just stood there for a second before finally relaxing in your arms. He loved you, and while he didn’t say it as much as he probably should, he realized that sometimes words weren’t needed to get that feeling across. He could feel all of your love through that hug, and it made him feel… good. When you started telling him you appreciate him… and just how much you appreciate him… that was shocking. He didn’t know what you could possibly be appreciative of considering everything that’s happened and how he was towards you. He’s always felt like a fuck up, like everything bad that’s ever happened was his fault, so to hear that he’s appreciated was strange, he almost couldn’t wrap his head around it.
He wasn’t going to cry, not in front of you, but he definitely felt like he was about to. He’s gotta make an excuse to get you out of the room long enough to get the sniffles out without you noticing.
“You’re such a dork… Go get your pillows and blankets from your room. I want to cuddle with you.”
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