#is this even poetry
she wears a token to Hades around her neck, solemnly devoted to a deity of pain.
sired by desire to be worshipped like the gods who shaped her understanding of perfection--Him.
a canon of a man, of a father and a friend
eager to please and ready with ease she gives him all she can
but they only love her through the screen, through layers of static and glass and particles traveling through the ether to the ends of the world
she runs her fingers through the grass, imagining it is his hair,
ripping out tufts and pounding her fists against the earth, demanding to be heard, demanding to be seen away from the screen
mud under her nails, and blood within the beds
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answer2jeff · 1 month
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hot girls write bad poetry about their dads in their notes app
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starzzify · 1 month
so tired that
my eyes are heavy but
my brain
is the lightest it has been
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adrianlovesyou · 2 months
she swears she can fix me. she always has, she swears upon some form of breathing a friend told her about, she swears upon an "art of living" course, she swears upon the just right combination of oils and yoga.
she can't fix this, she never has. no form of breathing will fix the fact that i hyperventilate when a stranger touches me.
she cannot cure the fact that her relentless attempts to heal me have created something worse, something rancid with a rotting body from all the times i've tried to destroy what cannot be cured.
she swears i need no doctor, that the right stretching and right yoga will heal the phantom pains in old healed wounds, that the knee that keeps dislocating itself is just fine as long as i eat right.
she swears she can cure my unrelenting lack of appetite, she swears i am "just picky" and a trip to my homeland to see my grandmother will fix everything.
in her futile attempts to fix me, she has destroyed me.
she left something worse in my place.
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achilleanrkive · 2 months
chronicles of a closeted transmasc queer person in an unsafe community
what is pride if opening my doors to my queerness will leave me with loss so heavy of home and family and love and everything and anything i have known forever to something so new to me in a journey im feart to go through alone, yet it is the closest I'll ever be to looking at myself in the mirror and finally seeing me.
there is a dread so deeply etched in my soul; how this is is all i've lived and loved - the familiar streets i pass every day. how do i leave? how can i start anew? I can barely get myself out of bed most days
unfamiliarity terrifies me.
but i want it. i crave it so immensely it creeps through me in my dreams and manifests as a flat chest or a voice so deep i finally hear myself.
leaving everything seems almost worth it, but i am never accustomed to change (to the new).
(will i ever be?)
I want to, i truly do.
i want to recognise the stranger in my reflection and silence the screams that tell me of my lacks within. but oh, i am so deeply terrified
i was never good at goodbyes
so I want to greet the person i see hiding behind binders and testosterone jewellery bought off etsy, see the light ablaze in its eyes as he grazes fingertips over chest scars and sees the body the fight was worth it for.
i was never good at goodbyes
yet i fear if i don't greet him any time soon, i will say my final farewells to them.
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greater-grief · 1 year
"i love you!"
no. you don't.
you love the version of me you've created in your head.
the version that is endlessly devoted to you, and only you.
the version who's only purpose in life is to love and care for you.
that isn't me.
it never was.
we were never meant to be.
we were simply the universe's matchmaking mistake.
so leave.
take your words of love and admiration to someone else.
someone who will appreciate them.
someone who deserves them.
someone who isn't me.
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tearstainedink · 3 months
To thrice fall is to have every spirit leave you
You are now fully humane and in suffering
This is your destiny, so cruelly thrust upon you
And maybe when you smell the fresh timber of the cross you shall die upon,
Maybe you are no longer incarnate
But simply a carpenters son who yearns for the comfort that only death shall bring.
(This stems from the ungodly amount of Christianity revision I’m currently suffering through for my Philosophy exam)
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badp0etry · 6 months
i crawl into bed with sleepiness and cosiness
with soft warm cheeks and soft breaths
with the only smell in the world and the a voice laced with kindness
with the comfort and security a parent’s love is supposed to give
with no more scary thoughts and you forever by my side
with the thought of peeling oranges with you
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iwoll · 1 year
the seven swords that pierced the immaculate heart of mary
the sin worth hurting for. ive let myself fall in love with falling in love. one, two, three, is this the fourth? everything dies in three, clearly this doesnt apply. youre pretty like the lilies in july. and i am in a constant state of existing. the type of existing that only occurs the day before you come down with a cold and the day after youre no longer allowed to use it as an excuse. hail mary, full of grace, the sword has pierced thee.
the sin worth dying for. ive let myself fall in love with the spark. my magdalene, youre pretty like the word metastasized. i pray to a higher power but if i cant be one of the greats, what does it all matter? therefore i self medicate on these unholy thoughts. the seventh one kills. holy mary, mother of god, pray for me until the brink of my demise.
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momoipon · 4 months
I'm in a new year,
a new place,
having a new life
with my new friends,
and yet everything feels the same.
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fluorescent-nights · 8 months
When all we have is ourselves, are we alone? Or are we simply everything?
A. B. - The Story I’ll Never Tell
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poppunkbuddhist · 6 months
The whistling of the kettle
The glow of neon signs
The dew on the grass
The smell of fresh snow
The feeling of deja vu
The pursuit of something new
The craters of the moon
The ticking of the clock
The hum of electricity
The way the morning light hits the lawn
How the light filters through the dying trees
Won’t you close the window?
Supernovas dancing behind closed eyelids
This empty ribcage
When will the flowers bloom again?
Mangled, disarray of atoms
Who am I when I am not me?
The trees are crying, but the stars are laughing
Why are they laughing? Why are they laughing?
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adrianlovesyou · 2 months
i like music. i like books. i like plays. i like watching plays, being in plays, reading plays. i like collecting playbills.
i like the piano, the violin, the harp. i like writing music, listening to music, playing music. i like a little bit of everything.
i like Mary Shelley, Oscar Wilde, Donna Tartt, Christopher Paolini, Rick Riordan. i like horror, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, thrillers. i like Frankenstein and The Last Man and The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Secret History and The Goldfinch.
i like coffee, i like tea. i like pomegranate black tea and matcha and hazelnut syrup.
i love pomegranates. the seeds, the tea, anything with pomegranates.
i hate pineapples. i haven't eaten one in years. i can't stand to be within five feet of one.
i like science and english. i can't quite sit through math. i believe there's a world where i would like math, but it isn't like this.
i like film. i like to edit films, to analyze films, to watch films with a bit of sweet and salty popcorn. i like sweet and salty popcorn. i don't like cheese popcorn, and i don't always like caramel. sometimes it's too sweet and too sticky.
i have a cat. she likes spending time outside, and she's rarely home when i'm home. sometimes at night, she sleeps in my bed.
sometimes at night, i sit outside with my cat and we look at the stars. i like looking for Perseus. i like looking for the Pleiades.
i like going outside. i like riding my bike at night and swimming in lakes. there are no good lakes near where i live, only pools.
i hate swimming in pools. i was on the swim team once. i swam a really fast backstroke. i miss feeling fast, but i can't have that anymore.
my sister swam on the swim team. she did cross country too. she rides her bike too.
i have sisters. i wish i had brothers. i wish i had a twin brother. i wish someone would keep me company. my siblings have their own lives now, and it gets awfully lonely at home.
i get awfully lonely at home. and at school. i have friends, plenty of friends, but nobody i trust, nobody i truly want to tell all of this to.
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elysiiiian · 10 months
mom i need you to listen to me
mom, please
please hear me
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greater-grief · 1 year
i write and i write and i write.
i write till the tips of my fingers reduce to bone and the pages are covered in my blood.
through the dark red, the writing is hard to read. nearly impossible.
but i hold it up to you and shriek asking if it's enough.
asking if now i am enough for you.
if i am now worthy of your love.
i write and i write and i write.
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zurko48 · 10 months
I don’t want to grow old if I don’t have anyone to grow old with. I don’t want to die, if I have to die alone.
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