#instead of a demand for something else I didn't write
judesfavflvr · 2 days
Please can you write an imagine of Jude Bellingham so let’s say Jude and reader have a toddler daughter who is obsessed with her daddy and when she sees Jude playing with other kids of his teammates she gets super jealous and instead goes to her mummy (the reader) which is unusual bc she always follows Jude like a shadow. You are all confused by her new behaviour and then she tells you and Jude the reason that she wants her daddy to herself and his teammates jokes around saying your daughter is just like her mummy. Something like that and please make it long xx (I got inspired by the videos of Jude playing with his teammates kids)
࿐ ˚ . ✦ as the final came to an end, you made your way out onto the pitch where jude and his teammates were already celebrating, your daughter, grace, already running before you, always excited to see her dad. she was always running after him, imitating his shadow with the way she never stopped following him around.
she however faltered halfway across the pitch, her brows pinched into a frown, her lips pouted slightly. you finally caught up with her, extending your arm down for her to take. she was in a trance as she held your hand, making you question her odd behavior. usually she'd be fighting to see her dad, struggling against your grip that held her back until he finished up with his media duty.
"what's gotten into you? come on, daddy's over there" you mumbled, dragging her with you. jude looked up when he spotted you two approaching, one of the many kids running around in his arms.
"there are my two girls" his grin widened, his lips finding yours before placing a soft kiss against grace's temple, his voice even softer when he spoke to her, "how'd you feel watching daddy win?"
you looked down at grace, expecting her run to him, hug his leg, cling onto his arm, but she just muttered a simple "good", remaining still. you nudged her his way slightly, confused when she wouldn't budge.
"she must've hated that" you muttered, shrugging as you looked up at jude who was now frowning down at her before getting distracted by his teammates that had joined you two, greeting you and grace.
the kid in jude's arms failed around when he spotted his own dad, running to him once jude put him down. jude then bent down, his arms open for grace to find her usual spot between them, but she instead clung to you, looking up at you and raising her arms for you to pick her up.
"she doesn't like you" camavinga chimed in from his spot next to jude, a wide grin on his face as he watched the way jude's frown deepened, looking at you two as if offended.
"what's wrong, baby?" jude came closer to where you stood, tilting his head down so he was on grace's level where she sat propped up on your arm. she just looked away, resting her head against your chest.
"grace, are you not happy daddy won?" you asked, a soft smile on your lips, appreciating the unusual affection from your daughter. she finally picked her head up, a solid pout on her lips, representing her father's own.
"daddy's mine" she muttered, crossing her arms as she looked up at him. you two raised your eyebrows, laughter erupting around you at her antics.
"of course daddy's yours, whose else would he be?" jude questioned, his hands coming up to take her away from you, and she let herself be carried away.
"no other kids" she was serious as she spoke, her arms still crossed as she demanded her dad agree. he chuckled, nodding his head as he kissed her cheek.
"no other kids, just grace. got it" he smiled as she finally let her arms drop, her little head resting on his shoulder, finally in her element.
"sounds like she's picking up someone's behavior" you didn't catch who made that comment, but you were quick to catch onto the meaning, and it was in no time that similar jokes were being thrown around.
"she's more like her mom than i thought"
"you ought to watch it bellingham, don't want her ending up too much like her mom" your jaw dropped at the accusations being made, you never deemed yourself that jealous.
"oh come on, i'm nowhere near as jealous as-" jude cut you off with his lips on yours, grace giggling from her spot.
"we both know you're worse" he whispered, his free arm pulling you into his side.
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erideights · 9 months
Little pieces here and there (3)
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Pairing: Buggy x Fem!Reader (One Piece Live Action)
Chapters: one, two, four, five
Word Count: around 2K again.
Warnings: minimum context of the arlong park part of the story (background), MUTUAL FLIRTING, forbiden pinning of them both, Buggy has his body back *wiggling eyebrows*, sexy times
A/N: devil works hard but i'm working harder, every 5 free min i have from work/class/practices i'm writing on my phone, i'ts actually insane and i love it (ROAD TO CHAPTER 4?? If you like this one and want the next one, please let me know!)
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Oh, he was mad. He was really mad.
Maybe "sexually frustrated" was a way more accurate term given the circumstances but the feeling was so strong, so visceral, he was sure he was reaching a point where jumping to the sea to end that agony -even if a bit exaggerated, like him always, everywhere and for everything- was justified.
Somewhere in Arlong Park, Buggy could feel the boner pressing his pants, demanding to be satisfied; dirty talk was one of his true passions and when (Y/N) played that card on him, being capable of picturing himself with her on his lap, that damn woman so -actually- close to his face in that moment he was already tasting her lips, her low, smooth voice driving him insane, he could not help it, but get turned on so easily and so strong is been hours, and he's still mad, incapable of stop thinking about that.
That is, perhaps, the reason he feels relief as soon as the sun rises and Usopp is back on the helm again, asking for directions as Buggy, in fact, demands to go faster. Like instead of slicing and dicing his body, his power could control the wind that propelled the boat or the force of the waves against the hull.
(Y/N) ran away just after such a -even if brief- conversation. She may have broken his balls with that dirty trick, but she was equally a victim of her own game. She knew what to say to push Buggy and leave him so stunned -to speak- that the poor clown didn't have the chance to fight back at that moment, not without his body to help him keep her in that kitchen, lift her up on the counter, force her to back down, regret even thinking she could do that to him, and then, only then, yes, fuck her until she wakes up the rest of her little and - according to him - pathetic crew with her moans.
Or so the girl imagined, leaning against the door of her room, eyes closed, heart slightly racing, fighting the temptation to lie down on the bed and masturbate thinking about what had just happened.
Which included him. Him!! What the hell, was she actually losing her mind? All that damn flirting had really gotten into her, for fucks sake, because regardless of her finding him quite interesting when they met, this attraction was something else.
Lately everything around her was something else. Did she really think through the decision of leaving her mercenary life behind and follow those kids to the Grand Line? Did she really think through the decision of flirting back with a psychopath clown?
Because in the end it's just that, right? Flirting. Was nothing else, is nothing else, and will be nothing else. She doesn’t want it to be something more, that's for sure; there's no need for unnecessary complications and extra headaches. In the meantime, it's fun, a bit of a backfire kind of situation, a bit -sexually- frustrating, but fun.
After a good ol' resting night and already some hours into the new day, (Y/N) notices that it's been a lot, since their encounter in the kitchen to be precise, that Buggy not only doesn't flirt with her, but doesn't talk that much or even look at her as amazed as before. Of course, he is, also, way less annoying, which Zoro subtly points out clearly pleased with how calm, nice and silent this morning is.
At some point she shakes her head, knowing, or at least guessing, the reason for this behavior, so she decides to check no one's around and the rudder is locked in the right direction, and then goes to where the bag with his head is, closed probably by the sniper when he got the last indications he needed from him. She opens it, lowering it until the clown's head is free on top of that barrel.
"How are you doing, Bugs?" she starts with a funny little smile, looking intently at him as she leans her back forward to leave her face level with his. "It's been hours I don't hear your raspy voice, I'm starting to miss it."
Silence. Absolute indifference besides the sidelong glance he gives her because let's face it, Buggy is annoyingly proud, extremely, exaggeratedly, but he loves attention. He likes nothing more than receiving it, no matter where, when, and from who, and she could see it as soon as they met.
"Also your silly nicknames for me" She grants, giving in. She would also be mad as hell if someone leaves her as horny as she knew she left him, so she doesn't have any problem being the one to start the tug-war this time.
"Already tired of the shidiots?" He finally asks, almost drily, after a minute; now he is the one to play difficult, huh? "No wonder, they don't even know where to start being pirates."
"Oh, of course, because no one compares to the famous Buggy The Clown, the colorful nightmare or the East Blue." Playful, she retreats a bit, resting her hip in the barrel, arms crossed over her chest.
"Quit the sarcasm doll, you know I'm right." Well, he was, in fact, right. None of them had real experience in the whole i-wanna-become-a-pirate thing, still, they were doing pretty good to be newbies. She was quite proud of them.
"I cannot wait to have my body back" he then murmurs, adding before she could say anything else about her new friends. "To do what?" She asks, you know, like she didn't know.
"Take a guess"
"Recover your spotlight? Find a new crew and a way to enter the Grand Line to go search the One Piece and be the king of the pirates?" (Y/N) mocks, clearly enjoying being the annoying one this time.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah'' Buggy rolls his eyes, scoffing. ''All that, but not before making you regret what you did last night." To that accusation she gasps, resting her right hand over her chest "What did I do last night?"
The clown falls silent again, but his mood is completely different. Right now he's not pissed off, it's obvious that this time, instead of flirting with her in a casual and natural way, he’s thinking what to say, choosing carefully his words to return a fraction of the effect she had on him hours ago.
His eyes darken, and his voice goes octanes lower and raspier. "Sweetheart, there will be no possible escape from what I plan to do with you. At the slightest opportunity I will make you cum on me so many times you will be the one to find the One Piece without needing to go to the Grand Line, but first…'' He pauses, breathes, and lets it go calmly, like the intimidating, psychopathic calculator she saw at the circus and not that flirty cartoonish version she got to know on the ship. ''you will beg for it."
She knows she shouldn't surrender to this type of tease, but she also can't and doesn't want to avoid it. Getting heavily carried away, without thinking about it twice, one of the girl's hands slides to the back of his neck, slipping under the bandana, and tugs his hair aggressively as she leans in again to speak close to his face. He grunts in pure satisfaction, closing his eyes for a second. Of course (Y/N) is, once again, taking advantage of the fact that he cannot defend himself no being more than a head, and the fact is that he enjoys like a condemned bastard those small but intense gestures the girl has given him since they met at the circus.
He can't wait to break a woman like her. And oh, he will.
"Are you sure about that?" Hearing distant steps, someone from the crew coming out on deck and climbing the stairs, she gets some distance from him, acting naturally, closing the bag again around his head. "My expectations just skyrocketed, I hope you don't disappoint."
By the end of the day, the Konomi Islands begin to appear on the horizon, and as soon as they set foot on them, shits get really serious. The situation of the poor people who live there is heartbreaking, so for two days, no one dares to make a single joke, Luffy's usual energy and bubbly positivity is nowhere to be seen, and of course, the interactions of (Y/N) and Buggy are reduced to = 0. The clown's head is no longer of any real use to them, and it’s poor Sanji, the new recruit, who’s carrying it around just in case.
At least until they reach Arlong Park.
Again, (Y/N) is not exactly the type of mercenary expert in martial arts and although she knows how to defend herself, fighting like Zoro or Sanji is, in few words, impossible. Her only advantage is being very, very fast, and knowing how to use the scenery to her advantage, so it doesn't take long for her to hide here and there among the different tents and attractions in the area to get rid of the most straggler fishmen, with a knife she got long ago during one of her jobs, capable of cutting their tough skin easily.
Everything happens so fast and is so chaotic that apart from some screams and blows in the background and having seen Usopp running towards the forest, (Y/N) is completely unaware of what is happening in the main complex.
A strong pull on her left arm activates her flight or fight response as one last fish falls dead to the ground in front of her. Raising the knife, in a quick movement, she tries to defend herself by aiming at the stranger's neck, although in vain; a pair of lips whose red has already been worn for days impact against hers, stealing her breath, a small moan escaping her. Eyes wide open, she barely registers the blurry color of Buggy's nose when two strong hands squeeze her hips as if the life of the clown depended on it, pushing the girl against the wall of the building behind them, cornering her without any type of delicacy.
She hadn't heard from him since they reached the island. Hell, she didn't even know he had got his full body back and was already so close to it that air was unable to pass between each other.
Of course, the moment the clown's head joined the rest of himself -the feeling much better than he remembered- he fucked off his captors and decided to flee. Not before making a vital stop along the way.
The ideas about how to proceed with her once he was whole were very, very different in his wild fantasies, but when he saw the girl's back, he knew that the only thing that would -partially- calm his yearning would be to kiss her before disappearing as fast as possible. To taste her lips, to feel her warmth.
Still not recovered from the shock of the kiss, Y/N doesn't remove the knife from the clown's neck, but he couldn't care less; quite the opposite. He is so turned on and waited so much -again, exaggerated- for this he doesn't know yet how he will be able to break the kiss, take distance from her, and run away.
Passionately carried away, moved by his most primitive instincts, Buggy sneaks one of his legs between hers, pressing in between them as Y/N inhales through her nose and her free hand flies to his vest, pulling it a little.
It wasn't the time, nor the place, to think about fucking that asshole, but damn, after all the teasing and the tension and the adrenaline of the fight--
And just when she starts fully giving in to him, he retreats just enough, panting a bit, and looks at her now red, stained lips, eyes darkened and full of lust. Just like hers.
"Hate to leave you like this sweetheart but I have things to do and places to go. I don't want people relating me to Arlong, I would hate the bad press on my persona." He whispers, cracking his usual cruel, playful smirk when he finally puts some distance between each other.
‘’It's time to exit stage left.’’ Buggy adds, theatrically raising both hands in the air. ‘’I promise I’ll see you around.’’
And like this, he stars running away again. Where? She doesn't know, or even guess at this moment, too busy registering the kiss in her memory, the way his lips felt on hers, how his nose pressed her cheek the entire time, or his hands grabbed onto her for dear life.
''You better'', she whispers to herself.
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serpentandlily · 9 days
Lost in a Labyrinth Part III Teaser
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Lost in a Labyrinth Part III Teaser
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Lonely and heartbroken after his near kiss with Elain, Azriel finds himself at the door to the most exclusive pleasure house in Hewn City, The Labyrinth, taking Rhysand’s cruel advice. What he expected to find was a pretty girl to warm a bed with him for a single night. But instead he finds something he never thought existed—his mate. A mate that is tangled up in something far more sinister than he could ever imagine.
A/n: guys I thought I’d have a lot more time to write today and I, unfortunately, don’t :(( but here’s another lil sneak peek at what’s to come in the Labyrinth Series!
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Part III Teaser
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…and when he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.
- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
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The First Attempt
Poison was the easiest and cleanest way to kill somebody. It involved very little effort on your part, just a slip of the hand to pour the poison into their drink when they weren't looking. It usually didn't involve blood or puke unless you got one of the nastier poisons, which you never did anyways. Some of the girls were more sadistic though and well, you couldn't blame them for it.
But while it was the simplest method of killing someone, it was probably one of the harder ones to pull off. First, faeries had very good senses, especially when it came to smell. One sniff of their drink could expose the poison in it, unless you were able to get your hands on one of the odorless ones. Those were more expensive though and Lydia and Keir certainly weren't willing to fund you guys besides your nightly rate from your clients.
However, when you had made a trip to the apothecary in the underbelly of Hewn City, you had begrudgingly forked over the money for one of those clear, odorless poisons. There was no way anything else would get past Azriel and his shadows.
Your heart ached in your chest as you stared at the decanter of whiskey sitting on the bar cart in your pleasure room. Azriel had been kind to you. He had offered you some mercy by buying out your nights and not returning until that fateful meeting at the party. And while he clearly liked being more dominant while bedding you, his touch had been gentle, soft. No one had ever shown you such care and here you were, plotting out his murder.
But you simply had to do this. Freedom was only one dead body away for you. One more hit and you could finally wash your hands of this place, disappear to another court—perhaps one that would allow you to bathe in the sunlight for the rest of your days, something the citizens of Hewn City had never really experienced.
Kill Azriel.
Kill the shadowsinger and you'll be free to go.
Those had been Keir's exact words.
You had killed before. There was a time when your finger was covered in black lines, a new one added every time you didn't have enough money to pay the house fee or enough for food and had to borrow from Lydia. One every time you failed to perform for a client, no matter what they asked of you. But now you were down to one last mark.
One for the Shadowsinger.
One for Azriel.
You let out a sigh, sitting down at your vanity to brush your hair. Azriel was due to show up any moment now. Ever since that night at the party, he had been coming by at this time every single night. He would buy out all the nights Lydia would allow him to before showing up.
He never even made it seem like he expected sex on any given night. Sometimes the two of you would just cuddle in bed, whispering stories to each other about your lives. Sometimes he would come all tense and frustrated with whatever the High Lord had demanded of him. On those nights you would offer to give him a massage and listen to him complain about how much he hated his work. It seemed like the two of you had that in common, at the very least.
You hadn't made any attempts yet. You told yourself it was because you were planning out the best way to kill Azriel. Poison, knives, strangling. There were a multitude of ways to do it. But you knew deep down what the true reason was. You had grown fond of the Shadowsinger. You didn't want to kill him.
But your wants and needs had never really ever agreed with each other your whole life.
So here you were. Waiting for Azriel to come so you could poison him and be done with this Gods awful place. You wanted out of the labyrinth and unfortunately, this was the only way.
No matter how much you liked Azriel, he was the one standing in the way of your freedom.
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wileys-russo · 8 months
I just got done reading your fic ‘passenger princess’ and I would a another small fic of Y/n actually buying a car or she’s makes Alessia think bought one.
Instead she rented it out for the week and Alessia hates the fact that she doesn’t have her passenger princess. And instead she becomes one for the week and girl tease her about to.
(Please only write if you want!)
passenger princess ficlet II a.russo x reader
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little follow up ficlet to the original fic here passenger princess ficlet II a.russo x reader
"-and you think this is a good idea given the fact you two spent an entire day at one anothers throats already. about this exact argument which shouldn't have even been an argument in the first place?" leah sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as you nodded enthusastically.
"yes." you confirmed, the blonde sighing deeply. "i don't know how she puts up with you honestly, the poor girl deserves an award." your national captain shook her head, grabbing her empty lunch tray and standing as your jaw dropped. "leah!" you scoffed after her in offence, crossing your arms over your chest with a huff at her lack of support.
"you told her your plan?" lia chuckled, returning from the bathroom and watching the interaction as you nodded. "i thought she would be supportive but she basically told me i'm a terrible girlfriend and alessia deserves an award for putting up with me." you pouted at the older girl as you stood to join her.
"leah!" the swiss woman shoved the blonde who returned, swiftly glaring at the two of you. "what? she's a numpty and i personally am tired of having to pretend that she isn't an enormous pain in my side." leah shrugged as you again scoffed, launching at her and jumping on her back.
you clung on tightly as the three of you walked out of the lunch room and toward the gym for your final session of the day. "get off!" leah demanded trying to shake you but having no luck as you latched onto her.
"less help!" leah whined as your girlfriend entered the gym, laughing at something victoria said. "having to get someone else to fight your battles for you? some captain." you tutted, arm locked around leah's neck as the woman mumbled under her breath about how she wished she could drown you in the recovery pool.
"you either get off me right now or next camp i'll make you do hill sprints and burpees till you throw up." leah warned seriously as you rolled your eyes but dropped off her none the less, hurrying away toward your girlfriend before the older blonde could retaliate.
"partner up with me?" your girlfriend requested, pulling you into a warm hug as you nodded, flipping leah off over her shoulder as the blondes lips tugged into a smile and she turned away trying to hide it.
the older girl had been looking out for you for years and loved you like the younger sister she never had, so you knew she couldn't ever really stay mad at you.
"how was lunch?" you asked, laughing quietly feeling your girlfriend start to sway the two of you, refusing to let go of the tight hug you were sharing. "good, missed you though." she confessed, placing a discreet kiss to your neck and releasing you from her hold.
the two of you had made a pact to try and not spend every waking minute with one another at trainings, given the fact you lived together and were practically together almost every minute of each day you didn't want it to put any strain on anything now you were playing together as well.
"so i've been meaning to talk to you about something." you started, standing above the blonde spotting her as you all focused on upper body for the last twenty minutes of the session. "and now is a good time?" your girlfriend heaved as she racked the bar up and caught her breath for a moment, sweat beading at her forehead.
"it's nothing bad baby i promise." you chuckled as she reached back up for the bar again and nodded for you to add extra weight on. "are you sure?" you questioned, holding your hands up in a silent apology at the firm look she sent you, adding an extra 5kg onto each end at her request.
"go on then." alessia encouraged, reaching up for the bar as you helped her to lift it, watching carefully as she did her reps. "mm?" you hummed, distracted by the way her arms rippled and flexed as she pressed.
"what did you want to speak to me about love?" alessia smiled, knowing exactly what had you so distracted, the exact reason she'd added on weight being to impress you anyway, not that after years of dating she even had to try.
"i bought a car." you announced casually but suddenly, eyes widening as alessia's arms suddenly dropped, the bar landing on her neck with a loud thump as you hurried to help her lift it back up onto the rack.
"lessi are you alright?" you squatted down, hands on her leg and eyes shining with concern as the blonde struggled to catch her breath, waving away a few of the trainers who wandered closer to check on her.
"you did what?" alessia managed to spit out, eyes locked with yours as you bit your bottom lip. "i bought a car?" you smiled innocently, helping your girlfriend to her feet as the timers sounded for everyone to switch. "and exactly why have you gone and done that?" alessia demanded, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring down at you as you took a seat on the bench.
"because i can?" you shrugged, laying down and gesturing for her to remove some of the weight, everyone instructed to start light and add on with more reps completed. "you don't need a car though." alessia continued, doing as you'd asked as you lay down and waited.
"everyone with a license can find a need for a car less." you laughed, knowing you were already getting under her skin and you'd barely put your plan into action. "not girls who have girlfriends who drive them everywhere." alessia reminded as you grabbed onto the bar, lowering it and beginning your first set.
"i cannot believe you'd just go ahead and do this without running it past me." alessia shook her head, scowl set deep into her features. "what like you consulted me before dropping almost four grand on a bag?" you challenged, eyes flickering up toward her as you racked the bar again.
"okay firstly, that bag was for you. secondly thats different to buying a car! where did you get it? what did you get? when does it come?" the striker fired question after question at you, adding on more weight as you commenced your second set.
"i'm a financially independent woman alessia i can spend my money on whatever i want. and technically i told you last week i was going to buy a car!" you reminded with a smile, racking the bar and catching your breath for a moment, arms burning.
"i thought that was a joke! and i told you that you weren't allowed anyway." alessia huffed, bright blue eyes staring down at you filled with irratation as you simply smiled up at her.
"and when have i ever done what you've told me to?"
"you're seriously not going to tell me anything about it?" alessia scoffed, hands tightening their grip on the steering wheel of her own car as she drove the two of you home. "nope." you popped the p with a grin, changing songs.
"hey i liked that one!" alessia complained with a frown, you rolling your eyes and skipping back to it as she smiled. "soak it in though." you added on, tucking your knees up to your chest as the taller girl gave you a confused look.
"soon enough my love you'll be here and i'll be there." you teased, gesturing to her seat and yours causing the blonde to let out a loud sarcastic bark of laughter. "oh baby you must have gotten too much sun today, you're so cute." alessia pouted mockingly as she turned the corner into your street.
"am i?" you smirked as she pulled into your driveway, slamming on the brakes seeing an unfamiliar car already parked in it. "you bought that?" alessia spat out, edging forwards to pull in next to the unfamiliar vehicle as you hummed, unbuckling yourself.
"oh no no no no. no fucking way you're getting behind the wheel in that!" alessia scoffed as the two of you slid out of her car, the blonde popping her trunk and grabbing out your kit bags.
"i already have, had to test drive it first!" you winked, sauntering toward the front door as alessia hovered behind, eyes roaming the sleek black porsche panamera parked in the driveway.
"how did it even get here?" alessia questioned, following you inside and dropping your bags by the door as you sat down to take your trainers off. "well baby when a mummy car and a daddy car love each other very much they-" you started to explain, cut off as alessia threw her own shoe at your head.
"james picked it up for me and dropped it off while we were at training, he works at the dealership so they gave me a sizeable discount too." you grinned, standing and heading toward the kitchen to start dinner hearing alessia follow after you.
for the next half hour she fired question after question your way, and you'd done your research so you were able to answer everything without a moments hesitation, only angering the blonde further.
"i actually cannot believe you. i'm going for a shower!" alessia scoffed, pushing herself up and storming off toward your bedroom, the door slamming after her.
with an amused smile you grabbed your phone and clicked call, settling in in between your shoulder and your ear as you continued to prep dinner, your older brother eventually answering after a few rings.
"it's perfect." you grinned right away, hearing his chuckle on the other end of the line. "i know. but i was serious if there is even the essence of any sort of scratch or mark or dent on it i swear to god you're dead." he warned seriously as you rolled your eyes, moving to toss the peppers into a pan.
"yes i know james i will take extra good care of your baby, i promised didn't i? why does everyone think i'm such a bad driver? the only reason i don't drive is because less actually won't let me!" you huffed, glancing over your shoulder to confirm your bedroom door was still closed, shower running in distance.
"you're an evil evil little woman sometimes." your brother sighed though you could hear his smile through the phone, the two of you always being incredibly close despite your six year age gap.
"she needs to learn her lesson one way or another! she's lucky i didn't actually buy a car." you grinned, switching your phone to the other ear as you began to cook off the vegetables in front of you.
"remind me again why you didn't?" he sighed, having loaned you his car for the next two days after much much begging on your behalf. "i don't really need one. i quite like having her drive me round everywhere, not that i'd ever tell her that." you admitted with a shrug.
"then pray tell why all this drama and winding her up for?" "well because i'd still like to drive the mercedes every now and then, and she won't let me!" "and you think this will make her more inclined to let that happen?" "yes, yes i do." "i hope its nice in this land of grand delusion you live in, i'll come visit at christmas." "ha, ha, ha. hilarious!"
the two of you spent a little more time catching up, organizing that james would collect his car from you on sunday after the match, himself and his fiance coming to watch you play.
you glanced up as you heard the bedroom door open, bidding your brother a quick goodbye and another quiet assurance you would be careful before ending the call.
"dinner's nearly done baby." you called out, your girlfriend ignoring you as she retreated to the living room and you heard the tv click on, shaking your head at her immaturity as you left her be and finished up cooking.
"kiss for the chef?" you held out her plate a few minutes later, the blonde sending you a glare and taking her plate, settling it on her lap and tugging her hood over her head as you smiled and took a seat beside her, the two of you eating in silence bar the sound of the tv in front of you.
having washed everything up and showered yourself you decided you were done with receiving the silent treatment, standing right in front of your stubborn blonde lover with a smile. "move." alessia grumbled, kicking at you half heartedly as you blocked her view of the screen.
"you're not seriously going to be moody all night over this are you?" you laughed, raising an eyebrow as the blonde shuffled across, craning her head to watch the tv past you as you sighed. "get off." alessia ordered as you flopped on top of her, moving to straddle her lap, arms locked around her neck tugging her hood down as she tried to move you off of her.
"lessi baby come on, you're being immature." you warned, playing with the baby hairs on the back of her neck with a coy smile. you could tell she wanted to argue that but chose to remain silent, folding her arms over her chest and leaning back into the lounge trying to put some space in between you.
"you know you can't stay mad at me, you're not even really that mad." you whispered in her ear, knowing exactly how to get her attention back on you as you pressed your face into her neck, tugging on her earlobe teasingly with your teeth.
you heard a quiet huff and a mumble for you to stop but you shook your head, shifting on top of her and softly kissing her neck a few times. "come on baby, talk to me." you whispered, grabbing her hands and forcing them to uncross, settling them on your hips as you pressed your forehead to hers.
"i'm simply just too gorgeous to ignore." you grinned, watching as the striker bit down on her bottom lip, clearly trying to stifle her smile as she tried to remain stoney faced.
"you're really gonna let a pretty girl sit on your lap, kiss your neck and not even smile at her? that's just bad manners baby." you tutted with a smirk, hands grabbing her face and forcing her to look up at you.
"i'm not sorry i bought it but i'm sorry i didn't tell you." you spoke, pecking her lips repeatedly until eventually her hands squeezed your hips, pushing you away slightly. "come on, you know i'm gonna look good driving it." you grinned, wiggling your eyebrows as the blonde finally cracked.
"you are truly truly insufferable to be in love with sometimes you know that?" alessia sighed, her hands sliding up the inside of your top and pulling you in closer again as your head dipped and you latched your lips to the sweet spot of her neck just below her jaw.
the blondes breath hitched and her fingers dug in tighter to your hips as your teeth sank into the warm skin, tongue running over the fast forming hickey to soothe the sting as alessia's right hand flew to the back of your head, pressing your face into her neck with a quiet demand you keep going.
"maybe, but you're still in love with me anyway."
you glanced up from your phone hearing your girlfriend yell your name from the front door, hearing her footsteps thump toward you as you zipped up your kit bag. "where are my keys?" alessia demanded, bright blue eyes menacingly staring you down.
"your keys? baby would i know where your keys are?" you played dumb, knowing exactly where they were given you'd hidden them before going to bed last night.
"i am only going to warn you once. go and get them, and give them to me. now!" alessia warned, scarily calm. "my love i would but i don't know where they are. and if we don't leave now we're going to be late, and i don't really fancy running laps for that today, do you?" you smiled, stealing a kiss as she scoffed and you made a beeline for the door.
"and just exactly how are we getting to training then genius?" alessia questioned, grabbing her bag from the dining room table, sighing heavily as you turned to her, smug smile on your lips as you twirled your own keys around on your finger.
"i'm driving, passenger princess."
"i can't deal with this much longer. i'm driving home!" alessia growled as she flopped down in the chair beside you, ready for video debriefing for their upcoming match against Everton in a couple days time.
"no you are not. i'm not allowed to drive your mercedes? you're not allowed to drive my porsche." you smiled as she sent you daggers, wanting nothing more than to smack the smug look right off your face.
"hey russo do you need your missus to straighten your chair for ya too?" katie teased, harshly kicking the back of the girls chair causing it to swivel round as she settled in behind you both, alessia having been teased all day by your team mates about the fact she'd been demoted to passenger princess, most of them already keyed into our plan.
"fuck off macca." your girlfriend grumbled spinning around again as you sent katie a beaming grin, the irishwoman winking at you and ruffling alessia's hair, yanking her hand back as the girl lunged at her.
"so less, tell us a bit about your first experience being cuffed by your woman? how does it feel to lose your lady balls?" jen turned around from in front of you and asked holding out a fake micrphone in the blondes direction, and if looks could kill the scot would be ten feet under.
"alright alright lay off her would ya!" beth stuck up for her national team mate who sent her an appreciative smile.
"besides girls the world needs passenger princesses, there's no shame in switching sides." the older girl added on with a wicked grin as alessia groaned and buried her face in her hands, jonas and the training staff clapping for everyones attention.
the onslaught of teasing continued throughout the rest of the session, alessia resorting to throwing her headphones on over her ears as she stormed out of the change room.
"you need to put that poor girl out of her misery, this is enough!" lia warned, pinching your leg as you whined and leaned into leah on your other side who wrapped an arm round you.
"yeah you made your point mate, time to give her a break." the older blonde agreed with her work wife, kissing the side of your head affectionately before pushing you away and standing.
"give her a break? need i remind you its normally me being relentlessly teased by everyone? if its not for the passenger princess status its for something else she's dropped me in!" you huffed, tugging your spray jacket on.
"ah to be young and in love." leah sang out, patting your head and again telling you to come clean as lia agreed, causing you to sigh deeply as you followed them out of the change rooms and toward the parking lot.
hugging both older women goodbye you wandered to where your girlfriend stood beside your brothers car, sour look on her face and headphones slung around her neck as her eyes searched for you, finally spotting you walk toward her.
you didn't unlock it at first, making a point to gently nudge her out of the way, allowing you to open her door for her with a charming smile. "only the best passenger princess treatment for you baby." you gestured for her to get in as she sighed but remained silent as she slid into the car and you closed the door after her.
"oh god lessi please no!" you groaned as you pulled out of the lot, country music filling the car as alessia connected to the blue tooth. "passenger princess chooses the music baby girl." alessia smirked, making a point to turn it up louder and start singing along as you rolled your eyes.
after an insufferably western drive home you sighed in relief as you parked up in the driveway besides your girlfriends white merc, smacking her on the leg with a frown as she called out that she missed it today, blowing the car a kiss.
the moment both your feet crossed the thresh hold of your shared home, the door closed and you squealed as alessia roughly pushed you against it. "so where are my keys then?" the taller girl quirked an eyebrow, smile playing on her lips as her body trapped you against the door.
"what if i could tell you something even better than that?" you challenged, tilting your head to the side making her sigh lightly. "or, you just tell me where they are, now." your girlfriend requested again, hands slipping up your top, her palm pushing against your abs holding you even tighter against the wood behind you.
"okay. firstly, they're in the wardobe under the shoe rack." you started as alessia sighed, raising an eyebrow as you continued. "secondly; i didn't buy a car." you grinned, your girlfriend stepping away from you with a frown, following after you as you moved around her.
"what do you mean you didn't buy a car?" alessia questioned, eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "i didn't buy a car." you shrugged and grabbed two protein smoothies out of the fridge, handing one to the blonde and pulling yourself up to sit on the counter.
"baby i'm going to need you to explain more than just those five words please." alessia sighed, moving to stand in between your legs. "that's not my car, it's james. he let me borrow it for a few days to teach you a lesson!" you smiled, taking a sip as alessia's jaw dropped.
"sorry, you what?"
"admit it, you didn't hate being a passenger princess and i look hot behind the wheel." you grinned, swinging your legs to and fro as your girlfriend looked on dumbfounded. "so let me check i'm following. that car, not yours?" alessia questioned as you hummed with a nod.
"alessia!" you laughed as she buried her face in your chest with a loud groan, the vibrating sensation somewhat ticklish. "thank god." the girl sighed, hugging you tightly as she remained bent over, her face pressed into your chest as you fondly carded your hands through her hair.
"you're not mad?" you smiled as she tilted her head up, chin resting on your sternum as she looked up at you. "oh i am furious, but also quite impressed? and a little bit dumbfounded that you managed that so easily." she sighed with a shake of her head, your hands still playing with her hair.
"never underestimate a woman scorned." you teased, your lips meeting hers in a tender kiss as alessia straightened up, arms wrapping around you, hands pressing into the small of your back and pulling your body as close into hers as she could get.
"but do you admit its not terrible to be a passenger princess sometimes?" you pulled away and raised an eyebrow questioningly. "its not terrible." alessia agreed as you grinned happily. "maybe i will give you some driving lessons in my mercedes, maybe." the taller girl agreed as your grin widenened.
"buzzin!" you mocked her thick accent causing her to pout. "i do not say that all the time!" she whined, head falling to your shoulder as your hand gently caressed the back of her neck.
"oh but my love, you really do." "if you only have the car till sunday i guess you can drive us to get breakfast tomorrow."
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roosterforme · 6 months
How You Play the Game Part 8 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley was miserable without you, and the pain just wasn't lessening even though you left him weeks ago. He needed to find a way to move on, because you didn't want him, and you weren't coming back. But he should have known there was no substitute for the best thing he'd ever had.
Warnings: Swears, broken heart, angst, consensual sex, sex with a condom while intoxicated (18+)
Length: 5000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! How You Play the Game masterlist. Banner by @thedroneranger
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Weeks later...
As you flew to Vancouver from Detroit, you thought about that six hour flight to Boston where you hadn't stopped crying for a single minute. You thought about leaving San Diego and how it broke your heart to move on to the next city and the next assignment. At least this time you had a window seat instead of the middle seat in the last row. And this time you weren't continually wiping your tears on Bradley's Padres jersey. 
You had his jersey on again today, but this time you felt calm as you reached into your bag to take out your computer and read over the research you'd outlined about the Vancouver Canucks. Your eyes caught on the blue golf ball, and after a second of hesitation, you reached for that instead. 
You'd taken it everywhere with you. It joined you in every hotel room, on every flight and in every rental car. You had it with you in your tote bag when you were in Boston about a month ago working on the exclusive with the Bruins' coaching staff. You were carrying it when you bumped into Abigail Archer for the first time in person. 
With your article completely forgotten now, you dug your phone out of your pocket. It was in airplane mode, but you took a deep breath and unlocked it. You had to scroll a bit to get to the text thread with Bradley, and then you tapped his name and you almost let the tears rise to the surface. You held them back as you read the series of sporadic messages he'd sent you since early November.
I miss you. 
Did you make it to Boston safely?
Ace, please call me back. I miss you so much. 
I have this whole weekend off, and I can't help but think it would be easy for me to fly to wherever you are. If you would want that. 
I still miss you.
I hope you're doing well.
You hadn't responded to a single one of them. And you never called him back either. But sometimes, when you were in a hotel room in a city that you couldn't even identify without looking at your calendar app, you'd get lonely enough to listen to his voicemail message. See ya, Ace.
It took until you met Bradley Bradshaw for you to really understand just how lonely you were. Going back to your apartment in New York City didn't feel like going home. There was nothing there that made you smile. There were no baseball cards or too small Angels tee shirts. There was no Bradley making sure you were taking a break when you needed one. 
And he was part of the reason why you let yourself start to be convinced that you could have more out of your career. Maybe he was right. Somebody else might have something better to offer than Greg or the New York Times. When you talked to Abigail and started to test the waters, it wasn't as terrifying as you thought it would be. Making some calls to see what else was out there ended up validating one fact for you: Bradley was right, your writing was in high demand.
But you had to complete your contract with Greg before you could do much else. And that included Detroit and Vancouver. But you hoped after this, your work-life balance might improve. If you decided to take this information back to Bradley, you hoped he would listen to you. Maybe he would even see what you wrote about your career change in your Detroit Red Wings article. If he was even still reading your articles. There was a chance he might still miss you now, and maybe he'd understand that you needed to see the bigger picture for yourself first. 
Before you left him alone in his bed, he told you that you knew where to find him. He made you feel like it was still okay to go there.
Bradley walked past his coffee table dressed in his flight suit with his travel mug of coffee in his hand. He paused at the front door and looked back at the mess he still couldn't bring himself to clean up. You left him weeks ago, damn near a month ago, but he just couldn't bring himself to clean up all of the fucking baseball cards. 
He closed his eyes and took a calming breath. He was being ridiculous. He was never ridiculous before he met you, so you must have made him this way. Every time he tried to clean them up and put them back out in his garage, his hands faltered and he left the cards out on the table. It was like some sort of sick reminder that you'd really been here with him. It was a way to convince himself he didn't imagine up the perfect woman in his mind and then have to live through the aftermath of watching her leave. 
He tightened his fingers around his mug and rubbed the heel of his other hand against his eyes. Then he took his phone out. He knew he shouldn't do it since you never answered his other messages before, but he texted you anyway. 
I hope you're doing well.
When he re-read what he'd sent, he started to panic. It sort of sounded like he meant it with an air of finality. The last thing he wanted was for you to think that he didn't want to hear from you, because it was quite the opposite. There were times when he felt so lonely, he'd have done anything for you to write to him or call him back. 
He swore he could still smell you in his house, and right now it felt a little too much like you were there. He wrenched his front door open and slammed it closed behind him, breathing in the crisp December morning air. He had to start making some changes, and he needed to do it this week. You weren't going to respond to him. After four weeks he should accept that as a fact and stop bugging you. 
He'd been skipping Hard Deck nights and leaving the locker room after work without really talking to anyone. Nat knew why he was miserable, but even she seemed surprised it had gone on for this long. 
A few days ago, she said, "You've never behaved like this over a woman before. This has all just been very surprising, and I don't know how to help you."
Bradley had shrugged and laughed sarcastically. "Well, I fell in love with her. First time for everything, right? I'll know better for next time."
And that was the truly fucked up part. He had fallen in love with you over the course of ten days. As he drove to work, he thought about your face and your voice. He knew exactly how many miles he put on his Bronco driving back and forth to see you at the games in Anaheim. He knew exactly how much money he spent on all the tickets. He knew how badly it hurt right now to be without you. And he knew he'd repeat everything all over again if he could see you for five minutes. 
Just like every other day, he had to collect himself before he could head inside to the locker room. There was no getting his time with you back. There was no second chance. There was no communication. He needed to stop. He took off his aviators that you'd liked so much and set them in his cup holder. When he checked the time on his phone, he had a notification that a new article from you had been posted eight minutes ago. It was like this every day. He'd wait to see each morning if you'd written anything, and then after it was posted, he'd read it at least three times. 
Your final World Series article was the worst one. It was released two days after you left. He must have read it a hundred times. He'd even take a screenshot of the short passage he was certain was about him.
This World Series was exciting and dynamic for so many reasons. We witnessed some of the best major league pitching in the last decade, and there were more stolen bases than the past three finals combined. Professionally, I may never witness anything like this again. And I can even tell you that on a personal level, I was profoundly changed for the better by everything I allowed myself to experience and enjoy between San Diego and Anaheim over the course of the series.
Bradley looked at his phone screen now. It had to stop. He desperately wanted to read your article on the Detroit Red Wings, but he needed to make this feeling stop. It was like he was constantly in pain every time he thought about you or even simply read your name on his phone. Your written words were never going to help him move on, so he needed to do something about it right now while he felt like he could. 
He deleted the New York Times app. He thought about deleting your number as well, but he needed to save some of his strength to get through his workday. So he just tucked his phone in his pocket and climbed out of the Bronco.
When Bradley walked into the Hard Deck on Friday night after work, he felt defeated and exhausted. He managed to delete the app you wrote for, but he still couldn't bring himself to delete your phone number. Moving on was a necessity right now. He didn't even know why he bothered to come to the bar, but staying home and looking at baseball cards on his coffee table didn't seem to be helping him. 
"You're here!" Nat called out as soon as he walked inside. The bar was decorated for Christmas. Was it that close to the holidays? He'd completely lost track of the weeks, but at the same time, he knew exactly how many days it had been since he'd seen you. His mind was too aware of that number, and it tacked a new one on each day. 
"Hey," Bradley managed to grunt when his friend came over to him and wrapped him up in a hug. The Christmas tree and the strings of lights blurred, and he had to close his eyes. He was missing the feel of your arms around him and the way you smelled. None of this was Nat's fault or anyone's fault really. Bradley didn't even blame you. He couldn't. You and he were nothing. 
"Let me get you a drink," Nat whispered, and she took him by the hand. He recognized the upbeat Christmas song, and he saw the guys waving from the pool table. But when he turned to face the bar, Shannon was right there with her usual smile and a pint glass in her hand. He didn't know why he wasn't expecting her. The last time he saw her was when he brought you here, and he'd give anything to go back to that night. 
Bradley just shook his head. "Something stronger. Please." Shannon raised one eyebrow at him and set the pint glass down in favor of a whiskey tumbler and a bottle of Johnnie Walker. "Yeah."
"Haven't seen you around in a few weeks," she said, watching the amber liquid slosh neatly up the side of the glass as she poured. "Kinda missed you." She met his eyes as she pushed the glass across the bar. "You look so sad."
He held eye contact with her, trying his best to push the intrusive thoughts away. "Maybe I'll be around more now," he muttered, downing the whole drink in one go and setting the glass down again. 
Shannon was familiar to him. Comfortable. He'd been messing around with women for damn near two decades without any deep feelings. You were really his first foray into something... more. But you were gone. You didn't want to talk to him. You weren't coming back.
She refilled his glass and said, "Take this one a little slower, Bradley." He nodded before downing it just like the first one, and she kind of smirked and shook her head. "You'll pay for this in the morning."
He laughed sardonically. "That's the idea." He left the empty glass on the bar with a little nod indicating that he would be back. He desperately needed to clear his head, but he'd been trying everything for weeks. Taking a walk outside, having a cold shower, going for a drive. Nothing fucking helped. 
He needed to forget the feel of your body and the sound of your voice. So he drank an extravagant amount of Johnnie Walker on Nat's tab, and he started to feel looser. He laughed at her when she asked how many he had so far. 
"Don't worry. I'll pay you back," he rasped with a smile that he knew could charm every woman except for his best friend. 
She just rubbed her hand up and down his arm and said, "I hope you know what you're doing. Let me know when you want me to get you home."
He kissed her cheek. "I'm fine, Nat. Just fine." He finished his tumbler and tried to remember if that was his fifth or his sixth, but it didn't matter. He was warm now, and his lips were a little numb. This was exactly what he needed tonight. After he shot a round of pool and lost, he flipped through the jukebox, but it was all bullshit Christmas music. He wasn't in the mood. He thought about playing the piano, but there was an empty stool at the bar now, so he headed in that direction.
"One more?" Bradley asked Shannon as he sat, and she reached out to touch his cheek.
"You sure you really need one?"
"Yep," he said, swallowing against the lump in his throat as she swam out of focus for a split second. "Just one more. It'll make it easier." 
She turned away from him to get one more clean glass. Then she filled it for him. "Thanks, Shannon," he muttered when she set it down in front of him. He was leaning on his propped up hand, and he knew she was kind of pretty. But he knew you were prettier and funnier and smarter. 
"You can't have what you want," he mumbled to himself after Shannon walked away. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, unlocked it and just looked at the screen. Delete it. He had to. He opened his contacts, and there you were right at the fucking top. 
You'd always be at the top, wouldn't you? 
Instead of deleting your number, he sent you a text before he could reconsider. 
Ace, I fell in love with you.
Fuck. Fuck! You didn't want him. And there was no way to take that message back now. He closed his eyes and shook his head, because he couldn't tell if he was about to cry or laugh. He was fucking miserable. Truly, he'd never experienced this before, and it hurt like hell. His thumb hovered over your name once again, but he couldn't delete it. He drank the whiskey and tried again. But still nothing. 
He watched Shannon move around behind the bar. She wasn't you. She wasn't what he wanted, but when she announced that it was last call, she made her way over to him. 
"But no more for you," she teased, reaching to take his glass away. But he had her wrist in his hand before he registered what he was doing. She looked a little surprised. The tears were in his eyes again, but maybe it wasn't so obvious to her. He couldn't say the words. He needed her to be the one. When he licked his lips, she leaned a little closer. "I'm done in fifteen. Are you interested? Or are you too drunk?"
He took a deep breath as his eyes closed. He needed to try to move on. The pain needed to stop, or else he didn't know what he would do. Right now he was numb enough. It was now or never. "I'm interested."
Bradley was very aware of what he was doing, it just vaguely seemed like someone else was doing it. He gave his keys to Shannon once they were outside. "Remember where I live?" he asked, walking toward the Bronco. 
"Of course I do," she whispered. 
He found himself with his back against the passenger side door with Shannon's lips on his. It felt fine. Would probably feel better the more he got used to it again. He could do this. He kissed her back and told her to drive, because he knew he shouldn't. 
She drove and parked and took him by the hand, leading him inside his house. As soon as he saw the baseball cards, he wanted to upend his coffee table. He wanted to do this and get it over with and go to sleep for a week. And if he didn't feel better after that, then he didn't know what he was going to do. 
When Shannon tried to turn on his bedroom light, he took her hand in his and guided it away from the switch. "Too bright," he mumbled, and she started to get undressed. He stumbled across the hallway to the bathroom and closed the door. When he looked in the mirror, he'd never seen anything quite so pitiful. He splashed a little water on his face, but it just made his flushed cheeks stand out more. He dug around under the sink for some condoms he thought he still had. When his hand closed around the box, he sat back against the wall and cried. 
He had no idea how long he was in the bathroom. He took his shirt off and used it to wipe his face. You didn't want him. He went back to his bedroom where Shannon was naked on his bed, her skin glowing in the light filtering in from the bathroom where he forgot to flip the switch off.
"Fuck," he grunted, running his fingers through his hair. But she must have taken that as a sign that he was ready to go. He wasn't, but he told himself he was. She touched him, and he let her. She kissed him some more, and he let her do that, too. He reciprocated. He knew to do that much. But it didn't feel like anything. He fucked her, but it just wasn't right. And then he fell asleep with a throbbing head and an aching heart and the wrong woman next to him. 
It had been years since Bradley had a hangover. When he opened his eyes, his left arm was hanging off of his bed, and his face was halfway smashed in his pillow. His mouth was completely dry, and he tried to press his lips together and swallow. He had no idea how he got home or what time it was. 
"Oh, shit," he groaned. He texted you last night. When he was sitting at the bar. He was pretty sure he told you he fell in love with you. He knew you wouldn't write back. You must have blocked his number by now. He was probably texting nobody by this point, but it still hurt like hell that you didn't want him the way he wanted you.
Then he remembered what he did after he texted you, and the bile rose in his throat so quickly. Shannon was right there next to him when he turned his head. He let her sleep over. He never let her sleep over before this. She was in your spot. He needed her gone immediately. 
"Hey," he grunted, his throat like sandpaper. "Shannon. You need to leave." 
She rolled over and glared at him. "Still tired," she whispered, completely naked in his bed. 
"Please," he begged. He was so fucking stupid, it was incredible. Now he was miserable and hungover and angry with himself. "I need you to."
She sighed and stretched, and Bradley made a beeline for the bathroom, stepping on a condom wrapper on the way. At least there was that. Then he emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet. He sat back against the wall for a few minutes, afraid there might be more he had to throw up. He knew his head was throbbing due more to the fact that he regretted everything he did last night with Shannon than him drinking most of a bottle of whiskey. 
There was tapping on the door. "If you want me to leave, I need to use the bathroom."
"Give me a minute," he groaned, standing up and looking at himself in the mirror. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked pale. When he brushed his teeth, he felt the tears burning behind his eyes once again. Was this ever going to stop? It had been more than a month. 
Bradley rinsed his mouth and opened the door, barely looking at Shannon as she walked past him, still naked. He went back into his bedroom for a pair of clean underwear and some gym shorts and fought the urge to put all of his bedding in the washing machine. He couldn't even be in here right now, so he left for the kitchen. And he passed the fucking baseball cards again. He would have to throw them away or ask someone to come get them, because he needed them gone as much as he needed Shannon to leave. 
As he turned on his coffee maker, he heard someone knocking on his front door. He already wanted this fucking day to end. He tried not to look at the baseball cards as he passed the table and wrenched his front door open, and then his jaw dropped in surprise.
"Bradley. Hi."
He braced his hand against the door frame as he looked at you standing there on his tiny porch. You were wearing his Padres jersey. He had to be hallucinating. This had to be a dream. You were here.
He watched your face light up at the nickname, and you laughed softly as you examined him like you'd been dying to see him. He gripped the doorframe a little harder as he reached his other hand out to cup your chin and feel your silky skin.
"Holy shit, Baby. What are you doing here?" His heart was pounding, but he felt somehow normal again. Just like he had five weeks ago before you left him in a state of panic. 
"I came to see you." He stroked his thumb along your lip, but you didn't back away. In fact you took a tiny step closer as you added, "I have to be up in Anaheim tomorrow afternoon for some Ducks interviews, but I wanted to see you first. I thought we could talk."
Your eyes were open and earnest, and Bradley felt weak as he looked at his jersey on you. He let his hand drop away from your face, because he had no idea what to say to you right now. He had convinced himself he'd never see you again. "Did you get my texts? Or did you block my number?"
You pressed your lips together and then whispered, "I got your texts. And I've listened to your voicemail a lot. I've missed you." Bradley watched you smile tentatively and give him a little shrug. 
"You missed me," he said in disbelief. "And you got my messages. And you missed me. And you're wearing my jersey."
You looked down at yourself and laughed. "I've been wearing pretty frequently, actually. Turns out I don't have a dress code at my new office, which ironically is in Houston now, but I hardly ever have to be there in person."
When you met his eyes again, he asked. "New office?" He was so confused as he reached out and stroked your cheek with his fingers again just to try to make sure you were still real. 
"Yeah," you said softly, taking another step closer to him. "I have you to thank for that. I have you to thank for a lot of things." You bit your lip before you said, "I left the New York Times. I just finished my last assignment for Greg yesterday. I'm working on a brand new piece now. I actually begged my new employer to let me come back to California for the Anaheim Ducks article even though it's a bit of a fluff piece, because it meant I could come here and tell you that I'm happier now."
"You are?" he asked, unsure what you meant by that. He was having a hard time listening to your voice and looking at your face at the same time, and he wondered how he'd managed ten days in your presence for the World Series. You were just so overwhelmingly perfect. 
"Yes, Bradley. You made me think about my career, and I kind of took the time to change some of my priorities. Because if there's a man as incredible as you who is willing to take a chance on me, then I can take the same kind of chance on myself."
You smiled up at what he was sure was a look of longing on his face. "I'm working for Velocity Report now, and I'm going to have a lot more time off between assignments. Which is important, because you reminded me that I need to take breaks and eat and take care of myself. Even when you're not around."
"I loved doing that for you," he gasped, suddenly dying to kiss you. 
"Yeah, well, you were really good at it," you said as your smile faded a little bit. "But that's why I'm here. To tell you all of this in person. You deserve to hear it in person instead of over the phone, especially since I never responded to you. I wanted to, but I just wasn't ready until now. And I don't know if you read what I said about you in my Detroit Red Wings article... but, I still miss you. And I love you."
His heart was pounding so hard, he thought he was going to pass out. "You love me?" he asked, absolutely needing you to say it again for him as your eyes drifted to where the box of baseball cards was still out on the coffee table. 
Your smile grew as you reached out for his hand and tugged him closer like you were going to kiss him. "Yes, I do. I love-"
Bradley heard a noise behind him, and his heart sank as his eyes went wide. You were looking off to the side, and he heard Shannon's voice. "Oh, sorry." He turned to see her with a puzzled look on her face. He had completely forgotten she was even here. After a few minutes in your presence, you were the only thing that mattered.
"Oh my god," you gasped, wrenching yourself away from Bradley. "Oh, fuck." You looked at him with your hands on your forehead and tears in your eyes. "You know what? Forget I was even here. I'm sorry," you gasped, turning on your heel and walking full speed across his yard to the black car that was parked at his curb. 
It took him a second, but then he was right behind you. "Ace! No, Baby, you don't understand." But it didn't look like you were listening as you dug the keys to your rental car out of your pocket. "Ace! Please!" He ran barefoot out onto the street to try to beat you to the car door, but you were too fast. When he reached for your hand and spun you around to face him, you had tears streaming down your cheeks. 
He was frozen, clinging to your hand as you whispered, "She's the bartender. I should have never come here."
"No," he begged, stepping into your personal space, but you kept dodging him. "It's nothing. I want you here. I need you here."
But you pulled your hand free and reached for the door handle as you sobbed, and it broke Bradley's heart. "I need to go."
He was ready to drop to his knees. "She doesn't mean anything, Ace! Please! I missed you too, Baby! I've been miserable without you, okay? You have no idea." 
You wouldn't even look at him now as you pushed him out of the way so you could climb in the car. He felt all of his dreams slipping through his fingers twice now as you slammed the door closed, started the engine and drove.
"Ace!" he shouted running alongside your door until you hit the accelerator and left him standing in the middle of his street without shoes on. "Ace. I love you," he whispered as you turned left at the end of his block, and then you were out of sight. 
Bradley sank down until he was squatting with his face buried in his palms. "Fuck!" he screamed, the sound only slightly muffled as he jumped up to his feet and made his way back to his house where Shannon was standing on his porch. She looked disgusted as another car pulled up in front of his house. 
"Why are we sleeping together if you're clearly in love with her?" she asked, barely looking at him as she headed toward her Uber. "You should go take care of that."
As Bradley watched her away, he tried to pinpoint exactly how he'd fucked all of this up. He wondered if there was any way to fix it. Once again, he couldn't breathe correctly as that crushing feeling returned to his lungs. This feeling has vanished for those few minutes he was with you again.
"Maybe you don't even deserve her," he told himself as he walked back inside alone, thinking about how for a minute there, you'd loved him back.
Oh, Bradley. Oh, you sweet thing. Should I add one more part? Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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exhaslo · 7 months
Ohhhhhh I gots this! Oh and just to be safe:
Warning: Minors DNI, Minor smut, thigh riding
It started with a simple misunderstanding. You, who had just started college, and Miguel, the newest and hottest Professor in school, had a mix up. Miguel was supposed to meet with a fellow teacher and you were supposed to meet with a tutor. When the two of you were alone in the office, one thing led to another.
Miguel was fascinated with getting you to come out your shell just for him. He loved how quiet you were in class and how you always avoided answering questions. You were just the perfect little shy angel he had always wanted. If only you were not his student. Dating you was difficult since it had to be a secret.
Luckily, you were good at keeping it. You had a very small group of friends and Miguel had an even smaller one. He'd help you tutor while you sat on his lap. Your cute flustered cheeks giving him a thrill each time. Miguel wanted to test your limits. He wanted to hear your shy little voice cry for him.
It was nearing the end of the semester and you were cramming to finish your essay in time. Miguel was watching you, along with the other students. He walked around the classroom by the time there was thirty minutes left, wanting to make sure everyone was focusing on their report.
"Miles, if you have time to doodle, you have time to write." Miguel said sternly as he passed another student.
His red orbs then turned towards you. Like a lit fire, he drew closer, wanting to see what his precious little girlfriend was writing. You were focused. Something that was a rare, yet welcomed sight. As he approached your desk, his eyes widen with surprise. You were not working on your essay, you were working on something else.
"(Y/n), see me after class." Miguel told you.
You couldn't help but squeak before quickly returning to your essay. Once the bell rang, you played with your fingers, waiting for everyone to leave. Once they did, Miguel approached the door and locked it. He closed the curtain and patted his thigh. You shyly walked up to him, taking a seat on his large thigh.
"S-Sorry, I got...distracted." You admitted. Miguel's smirk grew wider,
"I noticed. Writing something so bold in the middle of class. How will people react to finding out the shy girl likes her smut?"
"M-Miguel! Y-You wouldn't!" You squeaked, tears threatening to spill. Miguel chuckled, wiping those tears away with a kiss,
"Of course not, but I want to know where those ideas came from." He said with a hum.
You bit your lower lip, covering your face with your sleeve. You tried to avoid eye contact, but it was hard with Miguel. He was just too handsome for you to avoid.
"Y-You," You whispered. Miguel licked his lips, holding your chin,
"Then do something instead of write it."
His demanding tone was so sexy. You spread your legs over his thigh, slowly grinding your hips against him. You had to be careful. Miguel was your teacher. If anyone caught you two, then you would probably be expelled from the college and Miguel would be fired. You didn't want that, especially with how exciting this was.
Miguel was watching as you dry humped his leg. Your damp panties already staining his pants. Miguel's grin grew wider as he watched his shy princess grow bolder with him. Soft whimpers as moans were escaping your lips, turning him on.
"What a naughty student. Couldn't finish your essay on time and trying to get a better grade?" Miguel played along. You flinched towards his words, "Is that right?"
"Y-Yes. I...I need to pass this class, professor," You whimpered, glancing at him with glossy eyes. Miguel groaned quietly, holding your hips as you grinded faster,
"Well this will guarantee a B. If you want an A...You're going to have to see me after hours, in my private office."
"Y-Yes, sir." You moaned lowly, shaking as you cam. Miguel sat you up on his desk, kissing you deeply,
"Then it's a date."
Right before Miguel dismissed you, he gave you a small smack on the ass. You yelped and blushed furiously before noticing the stain you made on his pants. Turning even redder, you apologized to him before running off. Miguel just chuckled in response, watching you run off.
"She's getting more than just an A."
Hope you enjoyed ;)
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foxcantswim · 7 months
Hi hi hi!! I really liked how you wrote “Like She Does” with Vanny/Vanessa…would there maybe be another one like that for Vanessa/Vanny x F!Reader again sometime soon? 👀
FNAF Movie / / Vanessa x F!Reader x Vanny [Like She Does Part 2] 18+ Smut
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(gif by me)
Vanny starts to become more and more 'touchy' with you. You try your hardest to deny her advances... It doesn't exactly go well. Content: SMUT!(18+), Established Relationship, Fluff, Split Personality, Pet Names(Bunny) W/C: 1,757
(So sorry if you aren't comfy with smut anon! This is where I intended this small story to go! I would be more than happy to write more fluff/angst/anything else for this type of pairing in the future if that's what you wanted instead!)
Part 1
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The blonde currently hovering above you was quickly and hastily planting kisses along your neck and jaw.
Well... You hadn't quite anticipated this happening tonight but a part of you was definitely not against it. But there was also an even bigger part of you that was.
At first, it was Vanessa who had simply come into the office to make sure you were okay. A kiss and hug here and there and that was that. But then her much more darker and crazy side surfaced without warning. Vanny.
She had quickly pinned you to the dirty old couch at the back of the office, which had definitely not been cleaned in years. Thankfully, she had left the rabbit suit in the back of her patrol car. That would've definitely ruined the mood.
"Van-" your breath hitched in your throat as you felt the woman's hand slide underneath your shirt.
"Vanessa would haaate me right now," she giggled, the crazy look in her eyes was clear as she leaned down to claim your lips with hers. Your hand instinctively reached out to grab onto her belt, pulling her as close as you possibly could.
You started to snap back into reality once Vanny started to lift your shirt higher. A hand came out to grab onto her wrist, "W-Wait-!" you managed to pull away from Vanny's bruising kiss.
An annoyed groan left the blonde's lips, "What?" she glared down at you, gritting her teeth - eager to continue.
"I-I don't think this is a good idea," you wanted to move away, but deep down you knew you didn't. Vanessa wouldn't even dare to do something like this with you - not right now anyways. She had explicitly said she wanted to take things slow in the relationship.
"Why?" Vanny frowned, "Is this because of Vanessa?" she muttered, already started to hate her other personality.
"I promised her I would take things slow, Vanny. I don't think this is fair on her-!" you were caught off guard by Vanny pinning you harder down onto the couch, one of her hands grabbed your jaw harshly and pulled you back into a kiss. Her tongue immediately demanded entry and you accepted without really thinking about it.
Vanny was done wasting time, she decided that she needed you now and she was dead set on claiming what was hers.
You shook your head, breaking away from the kiss, "Van-"
"Shup up," she growled, ripping your shirt over your head, "Vanessa won't mind."
Oh, she definitely would.
But... Vanny is the same person as Vanessa. So this is fine. Right?
Vanny had become impatient, her hand unzipped your jeans and immediately buried her hand within. You couldn't help but let out a soft moan as her fingers started to gather your wetness.
"For someone who doesn't want this, you are sure drenched," Vanny teased.
It wasn't that you didn't want her. You couldn't help but feel guilt was over you as your thoughts drifted to Vanessa.
Vanessa and Vanny are the same person, you continued to tell yourself.
You bucked your hips up into her hand as her fingers drew small circles around your clit, way too slowly.
"Van..." you whimpered, throwing your head back against the couch.
Vanny giggled maniacally, "Aw, is my little bunny all pent up? Does Vanessa not fuck you like you want her to? Poor little Y/N..." she pulled your jeans off as quickly as she could, demanding better access. You were surprised when she forced you up off the couch, picking you up and throwing you onto the desk.
Your back hit the monitors as Vanny kneeled in between your legs, she quickly pulled your panties to the side before her tongue found its prize.
She kept her hands on your thighs, keeping them apart as she started to tease your clit. Your soft moans grew louder as her licks turned to harsh sucks.
You panted as your hips started to move on their own, "Shit- Vanny- Please-!"
"Poor Vanessa," Vanny laughed to herself, proud of what she was capable of doing to you. She brought a finger to your entrance, circling the sheer amount of wetness around. Her lips wrapped around your clit as she slowly pushed in her finger. She moaned around your clit purposefully, smirking as she heard you groan in response.
She started to pump her finger in and out, her tongue drawing small circles as she did.
One of your hands gripped the desk, your other wrapped in Vanny's messy blonde hair, keeping her head in place.
Without warning, another finger was added and the pace quickened. She pounded her fingers ruthlessly into you, dragging along a sweet spot deep inside you. She felt your legs shake around her head, "Does my good little bunny need to come?" she teased.
"Van," you whimpered, before a shaky moan escaped you. You flew your head back, hitting the monitors.
Despite your protests, she drew her head away, tutting you, "I don't think you've quite earned your reward, Y/N~" her voice was malicious, her fingers slowed their movements. You felt tears sting your eyes as you tried to grind against her, pleading for any sort of satisfaction.
"Please, Vanny. Please... I deserve it, please..." your brain had turned to mush, the only thing you were seeking was your sweet release.
She placed an agonizing kiss against your clit before she began to move her fingers again, "You're lucky I love you, little bunny. And you're lucky I want to make her jealous," her mouth reattached to your needy clit, giving it the attention it deserved.
You started to feel your body tense as Vanny finally sucked harder than she had before. She purposefully dragged her fingers against your sweet spot, drawing a series of moans and whimpers from your mouth.
"Y-Yes! Vanny, I-" your own words were cut off by another moan, your toes curling as you felt your body tense.
"Come on, little bunny. I'm getting impatient," she groaned in annoyance, "Come for me, Y/N."
The final stroke of her tongue and her deep husky voice was more than enough to send you over the edge, your orgasm coating her fingers, she continued to pump in and out to drag it out for as long as possible, "Good girl. Good bunny," she cooed, looking up at your through hooded eyes. The tears in your eyes finally fell down your cheeks, a final shaky moan left your lips as your legs went limp.
"Hmm, Vanessa will be jealous~" Vanny taunted, finally pulling her fingers out of you, "Very very jealous," another laugh escaped her as she licked her fingers, moaning as she did, "At least she'll know what you taste like when she regains control," she winks up at you before standing.
"V-" she cut you off with a deep kiss, her tongue immediately fighting yours. You couldn't help but groan at the taste of yourself. Vanny's hands gripped your hips harshly, enough to make them bruise. You wished Vanessa would be like this with you.
You were certain that Vanessa was going to hate you. The pain and ache in your heart was evident. But the afterglow of the orgasm Vanny had just given you was a good enough reason to not feel so bad. She would understand... She had to.
Your arms were quick to wrap around Vanny's neck, basking in the kiss.
"I love you," Vanny said as she pulled away. It was rare for Vanny to be soft, so you couldn't help but smile.
"I love you too, Vanny," you assured. She leaned in for yet another kiss.
But suddenly... her eyes snapped shut and she took a quick step back.
Your eyes widened.
"V-Vanny?" you asked, praying that it was still her.
The blonde's eyes opened. She looked you up and down. Her cheeks quickly reddened upon realising the position you were in.
"Y-Y/N?!" she exclaimed, "What-? Why are you-?" she looked away, slightly embarrassed. She used the back of her hand to wipe her chin, and of course it was wet. She started to connect the puzzle pieces together in her head.
"N-Nessy, I can explain-" you jumped off the desk, searching for your clothes. Vanessa had turned away, not quite believing what was going on.
She finally turned to look at you once were you dressed, her glare was sharp, "I thought I told you I wasn't ready for Vanny to be a part of this relationship... And then you do something like this?" you could tell that she was angry, but you could also hear the hurt in her voice.
"Vanessa," you took a step towards her. She looked away as you grabbed her hand, "All I can say is I'm sorry. But it's so difficult to control myself around you. I've wanted to take the next step in our relationship for a while, it was hard to say no to Vanny. You are crazy attractive and Vanny just... I imagined you saying the things she did and doing the things she did... I couldn't control myself. I'm sorry, Nessy," your free hand reached up to rub her cheek, making her look at you.
Vanessa's cheeks were still red, her heartrate had picked up.
She remained silent, searching your eyes.
"I'm sorry, Vanessa. I love you. Please-"
The shock on your face was clear as Vanessa pushed you back against the desk.
"You find her so fucking attractive, hm?" the anger in her voice started to outweigh the hurt.
"N-Nessy?" you said, slightly concerned. Your felt small under her gaze as her hands planted themselves on either side of your thighs, her palms flat against the desk.
"Maybe I have to prove that you're mine. Not hers."
A part of you was confused as to who was exactly talking right now. Vanny or Vanessa.
"Vanny will never have you like I do, I'll make sure of it," her hand roughly cupped your jaw, "I might have to punish you for letting that stupid rabbit have her way with you before me."
Well that confirmed it was in fact Vanessa.
You weren't entirely sure on where this new Vanessa was coming from... But you were definitely not going to complain.
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I haven't wrote smut in years, can you tell? :)
Taglist: @marvelwomen-simp ; @emiliaisdead ; @natashas-whore
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ayabeanworks · 8 months
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Title: Can I meet you again?
Synopsis: AU in which Geto does not defect, but you do instead.
Character: SaShiSu x reader
Series: Let's Meet in the Spring (SaShiSu x reader)
Notes: Literally just heavy angst & sadness. Mentions of death, murder, suicide and reincarnation. Heavy themes. Lots of swearing. Spoilers for JJK season 2 (anime).
Part 2 available here!
Prequel available here!
AU sequel available here!
The songs I had playing while writing this was: - Hero by Alan Walker (Probably played this one the most that it's at the top of my repeated songs Spotify list ☠️) - Apollo (Eurovision ver) by Timebelle - Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Sloan
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Shoko stared at you as you waved at her with a bright smile, brows raising in surprise as she took out a new smoke in the Shinjuku smoking area.
You made your way over to her, finding that she wasn't pushing you away. It was good to see a friend after a while, but you weren't too sure if you had that privilege anymore.
For you, you were testing the waters.
"Hey, Shoko." You took out a lighter from your pocket, one-handedly opening it for her to light her cigarette.
"Fancy seeing you here. You need something from me?" She glanced into your direction, taking a shallow inhale and extending her exhale.
You hummed in reply. "Just testing my luck."
"So, just to be sure, are the claims false?"
"Unfortunately, they're true." You could only bring yourself to shrug lightly, looking ahead. From your peripherals, you could see her taking out her phone to call the others.
"Just to be sure again: why?"
"I want to create a world where jujutsu sorcerers don't have to struggle." You didn't elaborate.
"Wow, that's funny!" Shoko laughed lightly, but there really wasn't anything humourous behind it. It was as if she was contemplating asking more. After all, everyone and everything struggles, so what is this righteous talk from you?
"Do you think I'm wrong?" You asked, hearing the faint ringing of her phone as she waited for one of the others to pick up.
"Right or wrong, it was dumb." Shoko didn't even hold back on her words, making you genuinely laugh at how frank she was, regardless had you been granted a bounty.
"Gojo, Geto, [name]'s here with me in Shinjuku." Gojo seemed to say something on the other side, but Shoko retorted, "No way! I don't wanna die." She hung up after conveying her message.
"So, what will you do now?" She turned to you, exhaling a puff of smoke into a ring above her head.
"I don't know. I might see you around, I guess." You took a step forward, facing her. "See you later, Shoko." You knew Gojo and Geto would be here at any moment, but you didn't know if you wanted to face them.
Shoko didn't say anything in response, just watching as the ashes fell from the cigarette between her fingers.
You didn't see, but it was the first time Shoko has made an expression where she was at a loss of what to do.
And, that was the last time you saw Shoko.
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"WAIT, [NAME]!" Satoru bellowed out to you as you walked away, in front of the KFC you all used to go to until recently.
He caught up pretty fast...where's Sugu? You sensed his curse energy, but you weren't sure where it was. As for Satoru, he was only a few metres away from you down the slope of the street.
You sighed inwardly, ready to face him. "'toru."
The nickname you usually call him by hurt him more this time around as he registered how unaffectionate your voice was, contrary to the usual. It was devoid of any emotion. Like you didn't care about what you left behind. Like you didn't care about him.
"Explain yourself, [name]!" He demanded, sunglasses further down his nose as he watched you with wide eyes full of emotions of all kinds, but you mainly picked out disbelief and anger.
"There's nothing else to say. You've heard from Shoko." You stated, watching the twitch in his face as he evaluated your dismissive answer.
"So you'll kill anybody who makes life hard for Jujutsu sorcerers? Both sorcerers and non-sorcerers?" Satoru's voice rose in anger.
After all, you did kill an elder a week ago. It was the one that'd been annoying you since forever, the one who tried to get you purposely killed each and every time you went on a mission. Killing him was much easier than you had imagined, though.
"Well, if natural selection isn't going to do anything, I might as well do it instead." You crack a light joke, but your words were serious.
"That's not what I'm asking! I thought you were against killing if there was no meaning to it?!"
"There's a meaning behind everything. A purpose, even."
"No there isn't! You want to make a world where Jujutsu sorcerers don't suffer? That's impossible!"
"Satoru's right, [name]." Geto spoke from behind you, his voice wafting through the air as he went to stand closer to Gojo as he faced you. "There's a purpose to everything, but there's a better way of doing things than say, homicide. Especially for us in the Jujutsu world."
You wanted to scoff. But, you couldn't, because you used to be that way, too. But everything ate away at you, and you just weren't the same person anymore with the same aligning morals. You chose to go down the path you've decided to go down, even if it meant deserting everything you knew before.
"Is it really impossible?" Your voice was light, but the lilt in it was undeniably laced with seriousness. "I wouldn't do this if there was a shred of impossible in it."
The alarm on their faces was really something.
"[name]...you'll need to fight us if you keep going down this path." Suguru spoke his words deliberately, slowly, like he was getting a child to listen to him. He was careful.
Satoru clenched his teeth and fists. He wanted to say that it was impossible yet again, that when you fight them, you'll lose. But, you knew that. You knew, so why?
"Wow, I'll get to fight the 2 strongest sorcerers!" You clapped your hands together once, a smile on your lips, one that didn't reach your eyes. "Maybe so, but you're not my targets. There's some smaller fish compared to you I must get rid of first."
"Why?" Geto voiced both Gojo and his thoughts, a quick glance at Satoru knew he wasn't going to be able to hold a proper conversation without shouting.
"Why?" You echoed his question. "Well, for starters, we're treated like shit, in both worlds regardless sorcerers or non-sorcerers. Do you remember? The elder I killed, he was truly one who deserved to die. The number of times he ignored protests, warnings and more...killing off our sorcerers one by one, do you really believe someone like him being alive is worth all that struggle? For him, he deserves to die for that alone."
Geto was about to open his mouth after a thought, but you interrupted him. "Also, he was a paedophile so he deserves everything that's come his way. The world needs none of those disgusting pigs."
You couldn't forgive him. You couldn't forgive such a disgusting creature existed. When you found out the information coincidently, you knew you had to do something about it.
The anger in your eyes was juxtaposed by the small smile on your lips, one that was almost proud of what you did.
Satoru couldn't contain himself any longer, "Yeah, he was a fucking piece of shit, but killing him? That's made you one of the sorcerers we've got to kill! You're to be executed on sight! You're a hypocrite, [name]. Are you trying to get all the sorcerers you want to protect to come kill you?"
You watched him as he heaved a breath, his eyes feeling heavy on your form as he tried to convey his distraught to you about the whole situation.
You barked out a laugh, a hand landing on your hip as you stared at him, no trace of the smile on your features anymore.
"Hypocrite?" The question lay on the tip of your tongue, before you let out a low chuckle, feeling your throat go dry. "Perhaps you're right; I am. I am a hypocrite who wants death as much as those geezers who send us out to kill ourselves."
"Oh, and you forgot one detail. I don't care about sorcerers and non-sorcerers at all. They're equally as bad as each other. The only difference is that sorcerers have the power to wield cursed energy and use it to destroy curses made up from the normie's emotions." You gave him a half lie. It was easier to push him away. Push him away so he won't be able to break the armour you've put up.
"And what of him dying? Are the elders going to retire themselves? Or will they KILL us sorcerers first?" Your voice became an octave higher as you emphasised words that made you emotional.
"After I kill them, you can then reform the society as you wish. You could probably kill them yourself, 'toru, but you won't take that step. That's why I'll take that step instead." You give him a crooked smile, "There's nothing here worth living for."
"Nothing worth living for?" Satoru repeated your words, taking off his sunglasses, watching you with his blue eyes, and you could see the monstrous waves of emotion behind them. "Are you fucking blind?"
Suguru glanced over at Gojo, hoping he didn't have to inject himself in between to stop it from escalating further.
"No, I am not fucking blind, Satoru!" A chip from your facade broke off, revealing a mess of emotions in the split second your voice broke. "Do you understand how suffocating it is living in this world? Where all your friends die in front of you, or there's a chance they'll die on their next mission? Where the strongest wins - and in this world, if the curses aren't the strongest, the sorcerers at their highest standing are!"
"You know I--" He began, but you cut him off.
"I know you hate them as much as I do! But I'll do whatever it takes to get rid of them, even if it means forsaking you all to do it." You almost sound like you're pleading by the end, your eyes starting to tear up.
"And after. When they're gone, you can reform the system, and control it in the way that works best for this generation." You force a smile to your lips, but it doesn't reach your eyes. "Someone has to be the bad guy, and I'm willing to play the role, even if I may die in the process."
"[name], this can be done differently--"
"I'm tired, Satoru. I've tried. I've tried, and I'm tired. Why don't you understand that?" You whisper, shaking your head. "Do you know how many times I've tried talking to the higher ups, or anybody for that matter? No, you don't. You've been on missions this whole time, so you don't know. Even Suguru doesn't know the full extent of it. Shoko knows a bit, but she's not one who can do much about it."
Suguru and Satoru were silent for a moment, their eyes on you as your expression gave away everything you wanted to say.
"I won't be there, but it's a sacrifice worth making if you all aren't in danger. I don't care about anything else." Your words were soft, soft enough for them to hear you, soft enough for you to hope to convince yourself it was the right way and you didn't make the wrong choice.
Satoru and Suguru were the strongest duo. But, before they were, they were your best friends, along with Shoko. But now? Were you still able to call them your best friends? Did you even have that privilege anymore?
But, this is the path you took. Even if it meant abandoning those that you held dear, it was all for them. The real truth to your purpose and change of heart was to make a world easier for them, and for you, and for everybody who came after you. You didn't want anyone else to experience what you have, and you were going to do whatever you can to make that a reality.
You didn't give a flying fuck about anything else other than your best friends, if you were being honest. If it meant that you won't be by their side anymore, it was a sacrifice you were willing to make.
"So, I won't stop. This world is absolutely fucked. Why save something that can't be saved no more? I'd rather go down fighting. Morals be damned."
Your eyes glistening with tears unshed, you press your lips into a genuine smile. The last genuine smile before giving them a wave, "I guess this is goodbye. The next time I see you, 'toru, Sugu, we'll be enemies."
You turned on your heel, ready to leave, but you felt the curse energy expand from behind you, like they were readying to attack.
But, you kept walking, and nothing happened.
Satoru's outstretched hand fell back down to his side as he swore a string of curses, the pain on his face evident as he watched your figure disappear in the crowd of people.
Suguru had half a mind to get one of his curses to follow you, but he knew you well enough that the curse would be killed the minute you felt his cursed energy, so he didn't even bother.
His clenched his hand into a fist, a bitter taste in his mouth. He remembered back to when he was in a similar situation to you, but you and the others managed to get him out of it. He felt saved, but now, seeing it happen to the very person who helped him, made him shatter inside.
Why did you help him, when you couldn't even help yourself with your own words? Why didn't you let them help you? Why didn't you let them know you were having a hard time? That this was what you were contemplating?
He would have listened. They would have listened. They always would.
He felt a cold shiver go down his spine as he watched the endless stream of pedestrians, ones he used to call 'monkeys' in his head, but when letting go of that thought, you were at the forefront of his mind. It was you who grabbed his hand, you who brought him back.
It was you.
But he wasn't able to bring you back. He wasn't able to bring back the one who had nowhere else to go. The one who didn't know what to do with their emotions. The one who got lost.
But would he really call you lost when you knew what you wanted to do, where you wanted to go?
Suguru knew you weren't malicious. At least, not originally. The essence of you, he knew, was someone who cared greatly. One who had their heart on their sleeve when talking about anything and everything, especially with them. He didn't worry about you because you were always ok. But, there were things you didn't tell them and they didn't know, because you never let that part see the light of the day.
The only thing that Suguru felt in his chest, was regret. Regret so raw he felt cold and numb.
Satoru muttered another string of curses, turning on his heel, "Let's go, Suguru." His voice was small, and he didn't want to say any more.
He pondered all the possibilities of you. But he couldn't make himself understand you like you understood him. Which is what made it even more painful.
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"I'm not as strong as you." Were words you once said to Satoru.
A forgotten conversation, one you started when he had come into your room even though the light was off, finding comfort in your presence. He wanted to sleep in the same bed or at least the same room, but you were still awake, sitting up in your bed and watching the stars and sky from your window.
Satoru didn't say anything as he climbed into your double bed, comfort filling his whole being from your calming scent alone. He wouldn't admit it, but it was one of his favourite places to be when he had turmoil in his mind.
"Yeah, you're weak." He mumbled, his face squished against the pillow as he faced you.
He could see the illuminated outline of your features from the moon, finding them captivating as he watched you with half-lidded eyes.
No, you're strong, were the real words he wanted to say. But, he had always called you weak, so he was going to continue. What harm was there?
You turn your head slightly, gazing at him with a soft smile. It was like you knew what he wanted to say, but didn't hold anything against him for saying the opposite of what he truly felt.
"You're right," You whispered. "I'm weak."
You went to close the curtains, slipping back into bed with Satoru as you closed your eyes, ignoring the gaze on you as you drifted off to sleep.
Satoru had a feeling those words were in reference to something else, but he had no idea what. He felt an invisible wall between you and him from the interaction just now, one that shouldn't be there lest he had his infinity on. But he never did unless in certain situations.
"You're plenty strong, [name]." He whispered this, bringing his finger to tap your forehead, before he also went to sleep.
You weren't asleep yet, so you heard his comment. It warmed your heart, the freezing depths of it wanting to thaw. It made you want to spill the inner turmoils of your mind, but you were scared it would taint the bright sun that is Satoru.
Satoru's a lot sweeter than he lets on, you let a small smile grace your lips as you face him to sleep.
Thinking back to that conversation, Satoru leaned back in the chair of your room, wondering where it all went wrong.
Were you trying to reach out to him back then? Or were you asking him for some form of confirmation? Were you trying to let him know you were not alright? What did you want?
He wasn't as good at reading emotions like Suguru was, but he knew something was wrong when something was wrong. He just didn't know how to approach it.
He wondered, if he had indulged you that time, would you have let him in?
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"You had another fight with the elders, huh." Suguru stated, seeing your current state. He sat where the vending machines were, having just taken a seat after taking a shower. The can of green tea he had in his hands was opened and given to you, "Drink up."
You held an angry expression prior to this, but being with Suguru made you calm down. You took the green tea and took a small sip, savouring the bitter flavour. It was refreshing.
You handed it back to Suguru, "Thank you." He took it back and took a large gulp, feeling it cool down his body.
"You wanna tell me what happened?" Suguru prodded. He knew something was up. Normally you'd be more like Satoru when you came out pissed from the elders meetings. But this time, you were quiet, more like you were seething, like a volcano about to erupt.
You stared at the ground, wondering what you should start with. You felt that all the words exchanged between you and the elders wasn't listened to, wasn't taken into account. It was like talking to a massive brick wall, one that you had no way to get through to.
"I..." You started, but your throat clammed up. You stopped, waiting for the words to come naturally. When your throat finally decided it was ready to talk, your voice was a whisper. "If the elders disappeared, would this all end?"
Suguru's gaze landed on you, knowing full well what you were thinking. He gave you the green tea again. You took it, and another sip.
"If the elders disappeared, others would take their place."
Suguru could feel something was wrong. The atmosphere was different with you, just like how it was different for him a year ago after the star plasma vessel mission. He could sense it in his very being, something was wrong.
"If the others took their place, would they act the same as the ones now?" You chuckled to yourself, but your voice dropped an octave, "Jujutsu society is trash."
There was a slight panic that welled up inside Suguru, reminding himself of the emotions he himself went through not too long ago.
He could see himself in you, and he hated it. Not the one who had helped to bring him out of it, the one who reached out their hand to bring him back to the light. Not you.
"[name]. You don't hate all sorcerers, do you?" His voice was calm, probing for information for your current state of mind.
Back then, he was on the verge of deciding whether to continue as someone who protected the weak, or someone who didn't care for the weak. And now, you were going through something similar. He wanted to bring you back to him, to the one you saved.
After a moment, you shook your head. "I don't. I just...hate how the elders are sending out young sorcerers to their deaths. I hate how there are young Jujutsu sorcerers being taken away from their families so they can train to be another one of us disposables. I hate how no matter what, the top dogs in this world are absolute trash, who need to be burned at the stake. And don't get me started on curses. They're the worst. I hate them. I hate them so much for taking away so much from everyone. From sorcerers, from non-sorcerers..."
A pregnant pause.
"I hate this world that has curses." Your voice cracked at the end of it as you leaned down, head in your hands as you stared at the ground, a broken whisper of self-awareness, "I hate how I've begun thinking this way."
Suguru didn't know when he had held his breath. Your confession was so raw. You had every right to be angry and frustrated at the system which Jujutsu was. He had also held the same thoughts.
"Sugu..." There was a heartbreaking whine to your voice, one that sounded as if you were on the verge of crying. "I hate this."
An embrace, so gentle, so tender, so soft, enveloped you as his larger body wrapped around yours. You could smell the soap he used as he pushed your face into the crook of his neck, his larger hand stroking your hair as you finally let the tears fall, a broken sob reverberating through your body as you held onto him like he was your lifeline.
"[name], I'm here." He soothes, head gently resting against yours. He closed his eyes, pulling you in closer when he felt you trembling. This was the exact same thing you did for him before, one that soothed him and his tumultuous heart.
The only difference is, you were smaller than before, too. Were you eating properly? You were skinnier. Did you get enough sleep? There were bags under your eyes. Did you take a break? He didn't see the last time you took a break.
You pulled away after a while, eyes puffy and face covered with snot. Suguru didn't even flinch as he grabbed the towel sitting next to him, wiping off any excess liquid from your face. It was gentle, and it reminded you he was the most gentle out of the three, and he'd been in a similar position to you at this moment in time. When you looked up to meet his eyes, you decided, you didn't want to burden him with your thoughts of hate - one time was enough.
"I'll always be here if you need me. You can come to me anytime." His hand went to your cheek and his thumb wiped at the area of your cheekbone. Just like his tender hugs, this was so, so soft that it made you want to cry again, making you nearly regret the decision in your heart.
You could only lean into his hand and give him a nod, eyes closing as you felt fatigue come down on your body, making it feel heavy. You didn't even know you fell asleep so fast that Suguru had to catch you, hauling you up so he could carry you back to your room.
This was the only time you revealed your true thoughts to Suguru, and the only time he has ever seen you this way.
Maybe this was the start of it? Suguru's thoughts when he woke up were clear in his mind. The dream he had was something that really happened, and it hurt him he wasn't able to help you during your hardest moments like you did for him.
He had slept in your bed for the night, finding that he missed you and the comfort you brought him. Your scent was calming to him, and it will forever be a saviour to his soul.
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A week before killing the elder, Shoko had found you passed out in the infirmary, half of your body on a chair, and half of it off and on the ground.
She raised a brow at your position, wondering if you were tired and just fell asleep. On closer inspection, she could see the dark circles under your eyes, the thinning of your cheeks, and realised you've lost a lot of weight. The bottle on the chair were a bunch of sleeping pills, open and spilled, indicating you had taken some just prior.
If she wasn't worried about you before, she was definitely worried now.
And when you woke up, you were just like normal, which made Shoko question whether you were just overworked. She did know you fought a lot with the elders and were sent on difficult missions because they were out to get you. So with this information in mind, she was sure you were in need of a proper break, away from everything and everyone.
Which was why she advocated for you to get a break, away from Tokyo, to an island resort with lots of sunshine. A proper 4 day break. Of course, she got Satoru to pay for it since he was loaded and actually owed [name] for a previous thing.
But, the aftermath that came from that was the death of the elder 3 days after coming back.
Did that moment of clarity cause everything to happen? When you were on break, was that when everything went out of control? Was that when you decided this was the path you wanted to take?
You had looked completely back to normal after coming back that the worry Shoko and the boys held for you was almost like a false alarm - but they didn't realise that that in itself was the real alarm.
You were happy - or at least, you were smiling like you did before. It was wonderful to see you back to your regular self, something everyone mutually agreed on by the other sorcerers.
Until you murdered the elder, that is.
That was your first step into the world of depravity, away from the world of Jujutsu, and closer to the world called Hell.
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[name]'s heart was soft. It was originally that way, and as you traversed through life, fell and got back up, your heart became stronger. However, it was just an outer layer, like a piece of armour for your fragile heart. You would pretend things were fine until it wasn't, even if you wore your heart on your sleeve, letting the people around you know what you thought, even if they thought you were joking.
It was almost too sudden when you realised all the armour around your soft heart had shattered to pieces.
It was like you lost a part of you that day, and you didn't know what could fix you. You didn't know if you could be fixed. So, you did the only thing you could do.
Pick up the pieces and do your best to put it back together, create a wall for your heart before it gets pierced again.
But before you were able to, a gunshot would shatter your glued armour, shattering in your hands, and your heart was laid bare, bleeding out without any way to stop.
And you wished and wished, for someone to reach out their hands to you and drag you out of your ocean of misery. But, nobody could reach deep enough, and you couldn't reach because you had no strength left to.
You couldn't reach out anymore. No matter how much you wanted, the same fate would await you, and you'd fall into such despair again.
You were tired. You were so, so, so tired.
The ones who made you like this, were ironically the ones who could take you out.
"____." You give them one last smile, a genuine one, as you feel the tears coming down your face, bringing your blade to your neck, before slicing and ending your own life.
You didn't want to die at the hands of your best friends. Not because they're your best friends, but because they would bear the burden of having killed you, and you didn't think they'd be able to take that, especially at the ripe age of 19. So, you'd rather do it for them, making it easier. After all, it would've been close to impossible going up against two of the strongest sorcerers.
You could only hear screams at you from the distance as the pain numbed your mind and body. Geto & Gojo were both screaming your name as they sprinted to you, their panicked shouts becoming background noise as they held onto your body, lifting you up to bring you to Shoko.
Your eyes could only see the terrified blue eyes from Satoru as he carried you on Geto's curse. He seemed to be wanting the curse to go faster, but Geto could only reply in an equally as panicked tone, saying this was his fastest one and that they're going as fast as they could to Shoko.
Your eyes are too beautiful to be panicking, you wanted to say. But, you couldn't. Blood had gotten into your oesophagus, making you struggle to breathe as you coughed and suffocated on your own blood.
"[NAME]! ARE YOU WITH ME?! STAY AWAKE!" Satoru's frantic shouts were barely ringing in your ears, but the creases on his face shouldn't have been there. They were going to give him wrinkles.
With one of the last ounces of your strength, you lifted your hand up to cup his cheek, then gently smooth the line between his brows, giving a weak smile.
Satoru let out a choked sound similar to a sob, understanding exactly what you were doing and what you wanted to say. He held your wrist, supporting you in whatever way he can as he could feel your body heat leaving you. Suguru placed a hand on your cheek, stroking the area under the eye, just like he always did.
It made you feel nostalgic, but you could barely see his expression, since tears had blurred your vision. You wanted to reach for Suguru before you had no more strength, so you gently moved your raised arm in that direction. Satoru, knowing exactly what you were doing, guided your hand to Suguru, who took your hand gently, holding it preciously between his two hands.
"Let's get you home, [name]." Were the last words Geto said to you. By 'home', he meant with them, back to Jujutsu, so they could forget everything that happened and start over. It would just be like those happy days, back when there was nothing to worry about.
In your state, you couldn't make out everything he was saying, but you knew they were kind words by his intonation and the caress he held for your bloodied hand.
You only gave them a smile, one that was apologetic, as you felt your consciousness fading away. The tears that blurred your vision finally fell, and the slight squeeze of your hand in Geto's made him realise that was it.
For you, it was time to sleep. It was a time for you to finally rest your tired mind and body, away from this world, and away from all those that you loved.
Suguru looked over at Satoru, who was biting his lip almost bruisingly as they trembled. With his sunglasses off, he could see everything in detail, including the way your cursed energy stopped, from when your body heat disappeared, and he couldn't feel you anymore. You were a hollow shell of a body now, and the last thing you left them was an apologetic smile on your face.
Away from the battleground, Shoko looked out the window, a pang of sadness hitting her all at once when she realised the screams belonging to Geto & Gojo resonated through the forest. She could barely just hear them, but she knew, the dread that filled her veins was apparent. She knew.
She closed her eyes, taking out the cigarette between her lips as she exstinguished it, her arm covering her eyes as she leaned back in her seat, silent tears falling down her cheeks.
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"Quite sad, really. None of you realised [name] suffered this much." Kenjaku sowed the top of your head back together after revealing some information you kept hidden to Suguru & Satoru, and about your last moments and thoughts.
Seeing the despair and shock on their faces was intoxicating, especially when it came to the body he borrowed. Kenjaku knew the amount of love that had been given to the original owner of his current body, and using that, he could disarm even the strongest of sorcerers in the modern day.
It was a pity you were dead, but if you were alive and not dead, Kenjaku wouldn't have been able to take over your body now, would he?
It was especially sweet because the body hadn't even been cremated and still looked the same as it did 10 years ago. And those two who had been responsible for it were standing in front of him, in Shibuya station during Halloween.
Even better because you had died in their arms, so seeing you alive as Kenjaku was more of a sick joke than anything, but he loved that expression on the ones who had essentially allowed you to be this way.
"If only the people around them were able to reach out a hand before their descent into madness, none of this would have happened." Kenjaku ran a hand through your hair.
Satoru let out a low growl from his throat as he watched whoever was in your body use it, control it, and pretend to be you. No one could be you. You were gone. You were gone 10 years ago. And he knew - he knew you were not in front of him.
You died in his arms.
So there was absolutely no way that could be you. Absolutely not!
But, his six eyes said otherwise. It was you. Everything was you. It was the same you who died in his arms 10 years ago, the same you who gave him one last smile before leaving the earth.
It tore him to pieces inside.
Suguru put out an arm in front of Satoru, eyeing the cursed user in your body. He was pretending to be calm, but the way his hands and jaw clenched at the blatant disrepect Kenjaku had for your body was digusting. How dare he exhume your grave and take your body from it?
He felt a cold, almost murderous feeling bubble up inside him as he readied himself for combat.
That was not you. And it couldn't be, even if Satoru's six eyes recognised you to be alive. You weren't alive. You had been lost long ago, and whoever was in front of them was an imposter.
"[name]! How long are you going to let this little bitch take over your body?" Satoru finally burst, pissed at the prospect of someone disrespecting you.
Your hand, reacting almost instantaneously, went straight for the top of the head, right where Kenjaku's brain was. It stabbed straight through the cranium, a crunch eliciting a scream from Kenjaku himself as the brain was stabbed, wounding his real body. Kenjaku used your other arm to stop your attack on his weak point, feeling the blood pour out.
For a moment, it was silent except the light splatter and pitter patter of blood from your body. Suguru and Satoru stared at what happened in front of them, shocked that what Gojo said had ellicited such a response.
Kenjaku pulled your assaulting hand away, holding it in a death grip with the one he could control. The blood dripped down his face as he used his reverse cursed technique to heal the head wound, cracking the sides of his neck after he healed your head and his brain.
"Wow, I can't believe [name] went straight for the kill." Kenjaku laughed to himself. "But that's all there is to it. The soul and body are one, aren't they? Don't think this will happen again." He chuckled and waited for the hand to calm itself.
"Oh, and did you know [name] wrote a letter to each of you? Including Shoko. They knew they'd die so they hid it away in the school. I think they hid it somewhere important for each of you. Even they don't quite remember." Kenjaku couldn't quite recall what the contents of the letters were as the memory itself was fuzzy. He wanted to see it as their strong friendship strained due to his taking over of [name]'s body.
He wondered why this specific memory was blurred out, and he couldn't recall anything from your memories about this specific thing?
It was like you were deliberately making sure you didn't remember it, and deleted the memory from your head so no one could find the letters.
A letter? The strongest duo's eyes narrowed at the imposter in their dead best friend's body, wondering if it's a part of their tricks. But it was also hard to not believe them, since they look like you. And everything about you, they would believe.
Because you were the type of person who would write letters to them.
"I don't know what they say, but they've been there since before [name] died." Kenjaku tapped his temple, "If you can get out of here, I implore you to find them."
That pissed the two off. Kenjaku was implying they wouldn't get out of this alive, or at least, to see the letters that were supposedly left for them. It pissed them off to no end, and they prepared to battle, not wanting to take part of his nonsense any longer.
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Dear Satoru,
I'm glad to have met you. I love you. I love Suguru. I love Shoko. I love everyone. We had so many fun times, and it was the best time of my life. Everything was so bright, cheery and brought me so much happiness, I can't even tell you the extent of it.
I hope you don't mind this letter. If you've found it after I've defected or after I'm dead, I can't express with words how much doing this pains me. If I can't use my words, I have to use my actions, right? I hope you don't forgive me for what I've done. It's unacceptable and you have every right to hate me. I've killed innocent people for the purpose of my goal. Horrible, right? I really hope you won't forgive me.
But I know you. You will. You're just that kind of person.
I'll miss your bright blue eyes and white hair. I'll miss your loud and boisturous personality. I'll miss how your heart races every time I hug you. I'll miss you nuzzling into my head when we hug. I'll miss the soft 'sweet dreams' you say every time you carry me to bed after I fall asleep studying. I'll miss when you take photos of me everyday. I'll miss your annoyingness. I'll miss your teasing words every day. I'll miss your blushing cheeks when you're embarrassed. I'll miss your comical, over the top reactions. I'll miss you eating a whole bunch of sweets in one setting. I'll miss the crepe shop we'd often go to. I'll miss how you make me feel safe. I'll miss your voice. I'll miss you.
If reincarnation exists, I want to meet you again. I want to see your smile again. I want to call you 'toru again. I want to give you the biggest hug, and feel the thrum of your heart racing. Then, I'll give you a kiss on your head, just like you always do to me before I sleep.
You're strong, 'toru. Make sure to stay safe and be careful. I don't want to meet you on the other side so soon. Grow up to be even stronger, and reform Jujutsu's society. I know you can do it!
By the way, I left your favourite recipe of the sweets you liked that I made. That way, you can enjoy them anytime.
Love, [name].
P.S. Don't eat so many sweet things at once!!! I don't want you getting cavities!!!
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Dear Suguru,
You were the first one to notice anything going on, and for that, I'm grateful. I'm sorry I brushed you off so coldly. I didn't know how to ask for help. I wish I'd have listened to your heartfelt words to rely on you a little more.
If you see this, I've probably already defected or I'm dead. But I just want you to know, I love you. I want to see you again. I miss you. I want to hug you and let you know everything I'm thinking. I want you to give me one of your strong hugs, knocking the air out of me. I also equally want your soft, tender hugs, as you whisper comforting words to me. I want to hear your voice again. I want to run my fingers through your hair again and question why you only use soap on it. I want to cook with you again. Have late night discussions. Cuddle. Piggyback rides. Kisses on the cheek. Allowing me to latch onto you like a koala when I'm cold since you run hot. I miss our times together. I miss you.
If reincarnation is real, we will definitely meet again. I want to see you smile from the bottom of your heart, and enjoy the most delicious food! And, if no curses are in that world, then you'll finally have a food you don't like - I'll be willing to lend an ear so you can whisper it to me! I want to cup your cheeks and tell you you've done well, for enduring during tough times and standing right back up. I want to finally give you a piggyback ride, since I was never able to fulfil that wish here. I want to be able to call you Sugu again.
Stay strong, Sugu. Make sure to stay safe. Since I know you hate the taste of curses, I've left the key to my safe with candies that are really good at cleansing the palette. Don't ever let these get into 'toru's hands or else you'll never see them again. I got these custom made just for you, and I've left a note with instructions on where to get it and what special order it was. I was supposed to give it to you sooner, but I left before then. Hope you enjoy them!
Love, [name].
P.S. Please take care of yourself!!! And don't use soap on your hair!!! Use proper shampoo and conditioner since your hair's so pretty!!!
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Dear Shoko,
I'm sorry you probably had to see my dead body.
If I had spilled my heart out to you about my troubles, I wonder if it would've helped? I kept things bottled up for too long and it's become like this. I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep our promise. We didn't get to go to Disneyland like we promised all those months ago - the tickets are just sitting somewhere rotting away. I really wanted to go with you, Sugu and 'toru. It would've been great fun, and we would've made so many memories.
I miss your voice, Shoko. I miss your laugh. Your insults. Your frankness. Your weirdness. Your chillness. You. Heck, I even miss your scent of smoke. I miss you so much. I want to see you.
Can I meet you again? In a world without curses, where we don't need to risk our lives and watch our loved ones die. If I ever get reincarnated, can you find me? Or I can find you? I want to enjoy our times together again, feel the breeze against our skin, sing joyfully, joke around, play around, and take many photos together. That's the only way I want to spend it - and I want it so much you don't even know. In that kind of world, we can finally be happier. We can finally smile geniunely. I'll be able to finally see you again.
I bought some smokes for you and it's in my safe. Suguru has the key. Take some of the candies too, they might help in cleansing your palette every now and then.
I love you.
Love, [name].
P.S. Too much smoking isn't good for you!!! Please quit or at least do it a little less!!! I worry for your lung health...
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Trembling hands read their letters as they were found around Jujutsu High school. It had your cursed energy as a seal, but the minute it was touched by any of the three, the seal would break. The letter itself was blank, with a couple of pages for each of them. The words appeared once they injected their cursed energy into it.
Words written by you appeared on the page, covering all the pages given for each letter. As the trio read the letters you had kept hidden from them, they couldn't help but let their unshed tears fall.
They were all known as strong sorcerers who don't cry. But, you brought them to their knees with your sincerity, and you were lost too soon. It was the last thing they had from you, and the warmth in every word of those letters struck a chord deep in their hearts, remembering 10 years ago and the day you had died.
"I kept [name]'s room clean," Suguru started, his eyes glossy. He had already cried, but every time he wanted to read the words off the letter, he was ready to cry again. He didn't want to. "Everything's the same."
It was as if they went down memory lane. Nothing had changed in your room. It was just as Geto said, it was exactly the same.
Whenever Geto had some time, he would clean your room, just like how he knew you would like it. It was something he sometimes did if he stayed over to help you study or just to hang out. So, he knew where everything was.
Immediately going to the safe, he put in a random number, guessing your birthday, then he used the key entrusted to him and unlocked it.
"What a bad password..." Geto couldn't help but laugh lightly, but his laughter died in his throat when he opened the safe.
The first thing the three of them saw was a couple of picture frames, each of them with pictures of the four of them that they remember taking when they were younger. The photos where all of them were happy, grinning and had no care in the world, it made their throats dry, clamming up uncomfortably.
Geto picked up the picture frames, taking a closer look at them with Shoko.
"Oh, look, there's more." Gojo peered in, seeing the promised recipe, bag of lollies, Disneyland tickets and smokes from each of their letters. He took them out and handed them what was gifted.
As they examined the items, Gojo read the recipe, a page written neatly by you. It was as if he could imagine you sitting in your room, writing it just for him while you tasted the different variations that you recommended in the recipe.
Geto put the photos face down, falling flat on his back on your bed as his arm covered his eyes.
Shoko stared at him for a moment, deciding to join him by doing the same thing. Your bed was only a double bed (you had requested a bigger bed for your first paycheck) and didn't have that much space for the three of them, much less four.
Seeing the two of them do the exact same thing, Satoru joined them, but instead, he sat up against your headboard, laying his legs in a cross legged position.
He fipped the picture frames back up, a bittersweet smile on his lips as he basked in the silence and warmth of your room he was so familiar with.
He closed his eyes, and like the others, thought of you.
Would it have been different had you told them everything you were feeling? If you talked through exactly what was causing you grief, and what could be done about it? Were they not enough to help you back up? Would you have felt so suffocated that you chose to die? Would you have still died in their arms? Would Kenjaku have still taken over your body? Still left them behind?
They say sorcerers don't die without regrets.
And they knew if they died, their one and only regret would be you.
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At a certain crepe shop, Gojo Satoru waited for his crepe, one he decorated with strawberries, whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate. It was one he used to frequent with his old friend, and he'd come here every week with them to buy a crepe. It wasn't the order he normally went with, but today, he felt nostalgic.
It had been so long since the last time he had visited the crepe shop with you, but it remained fresh in his mind even after reincarnating many times over. What timeline was he in now? He counted 7. That was 7 lifetimes without you. Suguru & Shoko were also counting, and they did whatever they could to find out where you would be. But, each and every one after their first, you were nowhere to be found.
Suguru & Shoko would sometimes come to the crepe shop, but they were also busy making a living in a world without curses. The tragedy from their first life remained fresh in their current ones, holding them so strongly they didn't want to give up.
But unknown to them, you were right under their nose all along, and you frequently went to that same crepe shop at times just before or after they were there, a mysterious force pushing you to the place.
It was at one time, where Satoru thought he saw you, that it reignited the flame that had been dormant for so long, to finally see you, after so many timelines and lifetimes apart.
Your voice, followed by your laughter, and your hand. He had you memorised, and he was so thankful for his good memory that recognised you. It was the closest he got, and when he heard you, saw a part of you, he was sprinting, but you had already disappeared onto the train, and the last thing he saw was the back of your head.
It was brief, but it was enough for his mind to go overdrive and let the others know his findings, that it was possible for them to find you this lifetime, and the crepe shop was the biggest key to it all.
And, when they cracked the code and finally found you, all the memories, feelings and thoughts from their original life came back to them, allowing them to finally see you in a world without curses, even if they had to wait 7 lifetimes.
If they had to put it into years, those 7 lifetimes were equivalent to over 600 years of not seeing you.
But, this lifetime, they finally found you.
Over 600 years in the making, and you also found them.
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A/N: I CRIED WRITING THIS. It hurt me 😭 here's part 2!
There's also somewhat of a prequel as well from Geto's POV if you were interested!
Here's also an AU in an alternate timeline with information that takes place directly after the original timing here.
If y'all want some fluff here's the masterlist for the rest of the series 🕊️
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Unexpected Situations- Twisted Wonderland
Content: pre-established relationships, mutual pining, sexual tension - unresolved. Drinking.
Note: I write aged up characters 18+ also...this turned out longer than I imagined. Not me bias toward my favorites
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Riddle Rosehearts - It happened by chance as you were attending afternoon tea with him. You were both happily chattering away. His slate colored irises, making passing glances at you. How could his eyes betray him and watch as your lips touch the rim of the decorative tea cup. How could he be foolishly envious of an inanimate object. It was absurd. Yet before he knew what he had done, his face was now inches away. You blinked, surprised at how close he suddenly was. You could feel the heat of his breath against your lips.
You were certain he would kiss you. Instead, he took a strand of your hair in his fingers and pressed it to his lips. His slate eyes fixed on you. "Don't let anyone else kiss you..."
His mumbled demand left a bloom of color tinting his cheeks. Did he really just say that?
Cater Diamond - In the corridor after last class. Cater was telling you about the new trend on magicam and asked if you would be interested in helping him out with it. As it was a two person trend. You agreed, and he beamed. Delighted that you accepted.
You were in his room, wondering what exactly you had agreed to. You were pressed up against the wall in his room. Your heart pounding as Cater was very close to your body. When he leaned into your neck, it was just close enough. You swore his lips would touch you if you made the wrong move.
"It's hot, right?"
You shuddered, and he chuckled upon seeing how flustered you were. He pulled away just enough to meet your gaze, lips an inch apart.
"Shall we kiss?"
Trey Clover - He caught you before you stumbled over a box of dry ingredients he had sitting on the floor by the counter. Your chest rose and fell as your heart thundered in your chest. In his grasp, his face close. His glasses had slid down his nose in his efforts to catch you, but it made him all the more attractive.
His surprised gaze softened into something unreadable and he leaned into your face. You were awaiting to see if he was going to kiss you as it felt like it was going to happen. His grip around your waist firm as his other hand held yours.
"You should be more careful...the kitchen can be quite dangerous."
Though something about the way he said that made you believe he was talking more about you being alone with him in said kitchen.
Ace Trappola - You arrived at the gym to see Ace practicing by himself. Making your way toward him, he didn't realize you were there until you were almost near him. He was surprised.
"I didn't expect to see you here." He confessed tucking the ball under his arm.
You hummed. "Yes, which is why I wanted too show up."
Ace grinned, a mischievous look in his eyes. "I might begin to believe you love me."
You stepped closer until the tops of your shoes touched his. "And if I do?"
The ball slipped out from under his arm as he pulled your body against his. You gasped at the sudden reaction the ball bouncing on the floor from the sudden drop echoed throughout the empty court. His hands moved up to the middle of your back and you felt your body respond to his touch. Feeling your face warm, one hand leaving your back as he used his thumb and forefinger to hold your chin. His this thumb resting on your lower lip.
"Then I'd have to make you mine of course."
Deuce Spade - You immediately felt your body warm. You half panicked, how did you end up in this situation. But it was clear He had wanted to lessen the impact of your fall by being the buffer between you and the ground. If only you hadn't tripped.
"I'm so sorry Deuce I didn't mean too."
He sat up on his elbows. "It's fine...but how long do you think you'll stay on me?"
The look in his deep ocean eyes told you he was serious yet his flushed cheeks showed he was embarassed. You felt your cheeks burn and scrambled to stand on your feet. Only for Deuce to grab you before you could stand and kept you on his lap as if he changed his mind.
"Deuce?" You whispered as your eyes widened.
Sitting up he pulled you into his arms. "Just stay like this with me for a moment."
Azul Ashengrotto - You were now breezing through the assignment you had difficulty with. You had asked him if he would be willing to help you understand the topic better. Luckily for you he was already soft for you. His aquamarine eyes observed you as you worked. Admiring you.
He sometimes wished you'd ask him for help more often. Without realizing it, he had reached out and tucked a strand of your hair that had fallen into your face behind your ear.
You flinched when you dropped your pencil and met his startled gaze. "I- apologize...I know I shouldn't have bothered you."
You gave him a small smile before laughing. "Azul...you aren't bothering me."
His brow ticked up, his curiosity peaked. "Then..." He began as he leaned into your ear. "Would it be a bother if I touched you a bit more?"
Floyd Leech -
He approached you in the vacant library.
"Well, well if it isnt little Shrimpy."
You shuddered at how close he was to you. Turning your head slightly to the right his face right there.
"Damnit Floyd why do you have to sneak up on me all the time?"
He chuckled. "Where's the fun in approaching ya normally?"
You turned around and grabbed his cheeks. His eyebrows raised as he blinked a few times. He grabbed your hands and bit down on one of your fingers. You winced.
"Floyd that hurt!"
He smirked. "Didn't anyone ever tell ya I bite? Right now..." his smirk disappeared as he gave you a serious expression. "I'm thinkin' I'm gonna teach you a lesson."
Your eyes blew wide as his devious smirk appeared once more.
Jade Leech - He saw you sitting alone at the lounge. He wondered why you were alone. Even Grim who normally accompanied you was gone. Making his way across the room he stopped beside your table.
" ______, what brings you by?"
"I'm here to see you."
He arched his brows before a smile slowly spread across his face. "I'm delighted. You see, it's been quite some time since you've been unaccompanied by your companions. I would be pleased if you would allow me to join you."
You nodded as Jade took a seat beside you. You wondered why he wasn't sitting across from you as usual. He was rather close, as his thigh was pressed against yours. He held up his hand as he leaned in close to the side of your face.
"Tell me, was your reason because you can't stop thinking about me?"
Your face warmed as you turned and met his determined gaze. He stifled a chuckle your expression told him everything. It turns out you loved being squeezed by him. This only made the situation a bit more difficult seeing as you were both in view of prying eyes.
Leona Kingscholar - The low rumble in his chest warned you he wasn't messing around. You were agitating him. How were you supposed to tell him you just wanted to mess around with his ears and tail? He never said 'no' so you deducted it would be fine. However, right now the moody lion prince had you pinned onto the floor. To be precise as soon as you had rubbed his soft ears and grasped his tail he had tumbled you onto the floor in his room.
His piercing gem colored eyes felt like he was trying to burn you alive. Though despite the situation and his tail flicking you, intentionally smacking you thigh. He was rather close to be that mad. A smirk slowly spread over your lips.
"Leona did I aro- "
His face scrunched up in a scowl as he used a gloved hand to cover your mouth. His hair fell around his face as his lips nearly touch the back of his covered hand.
"Don't you dare say it herbivore." Because he knew if you spoke the feelings he tried so hard to trample he would give into you.
Ruggie Bucchi - He dropped the sweet treat in his hand as he gaped at you. Did you just-? Ruggie's eyes widened. You just beamed at him with a soft giggle.
You began to walk away from him but were pulled back. Your back pressed into his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist. He was so happy. It was the first time since you started dating you initiated an impromptu kiss and all to lick off the powder from his donut.
"Hey...do it again..."
He was shameless, he knew it. But he loved what you did to him.
Jack Howl - His ears twitched, and he tried to keep his tail from wagging. However, it proved impossible. You gave him head pats as Jack appeared like it was annoying but his tail gave away how he truly felt. He helped you rearrange the heavy furniture in your dorm.
"You love when I praise you don't you?"
His tail swished even more and Jack's face twitched in annoyance. Though he should know it was no use fooling you anymore.
"It's not a big deal. I don't love it."
You wrapped your arms around him and held him tight. He gave a weary sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck. His tail swishing happily.
You nipped his ear and he jolted, his golden eyes blew wide at your action. His tail sticking out.
"You really love the affection I give you though."
"You- " He growled, his face was flushed as his arms wrapped around your body. "You're gonna get it now."
Kalim al Asim - You walked with Kalim down the palace corridors in scarabia. Kalim was busy telling you all about his family and the gifts they still kept sending him. He was a ray of golden sunshine, and you wished nothing more than to keep seeing that smile.
"I'm thinking of having a party tonight. Would you like to stay here? We have plenty of rooms and I'd love it if you could, it'll be a blast!"
You considered it, Grim was already with you, but he was far more interested in the tuna Kalim had given him to care what you two were talking about. Well it would be fun and it would give you more time to be around Kamil so you accepted.
However, you hadn't expected it would end like this. Kalim had too much to drink and had pulled you aside from the others. Whispering in your ear as his eyes watched his hands feel along the sides of your body.
"I've always wanted to go further in our relationship... ______ what do you say?"
The alcohol was certainly making him brave.
Jamil Viper - He was helping you study for a make up exam at your dorm. Grim was fast asleep as it was becoming late. The subject was Alchemy and you had missed it thanks to the unfortunate overblotting of Azul. As he was helping you go over the questions and you gave a brief response or you had no idea.
"I'm sorry I just don't know if I can do this." You frowned.
Jamil hummed and decided you needed a better way to recall the information.
What a better way than rewarding you with his affection for your correct responses.
"Okay, then how about this. For every right response I'll give you a kiss." He explained.
You turned to him astonished. "If I get it wrong?"
A smirk crossed his lips as he leaned into the side of your face and whispered. "Then you lose an article of clothing."
Your heart began to pound an excitement and a tendril of fear laced together and coursed through your blood stream. "You're lucky Grim is sleeping."
Vil Schoenheit - You were embarassed. How could Vil have posted that picture of you to his magicam. You had a feeling it would turn out for the worst. A lot of the comments were wondering who you were and the louder commenters -who were obsessed fans- were nit picking everything about you.
You held yourself up in your room and even Grim had tried to convince you to leave the dilapidated dorm. You were too ashamed to show your face so Grim often brought back some food for you and stayed with you.
That's when the door to the dorm swung open after knocking once. You gasped.
His eyes were narrowed as he stood a few inches from you his arms crossed.
"What exactly do you believe you are doing? Holding yourself up in this forsaken place isn't going to do you any good. Do you understand?"
You went to open your mouth and his brows furrowed. You closed your mouth realizing he wasn't going to listen to your poor excuses.
"Come with me." He demanded and grabbed your hand pulling you out the door. While Grim scrambled to follow behind you two.
He took you to Pomefiore dorm and immediately went to work, leaving Grim with Rook. Vil personally pampered you, pulling your hair back with a headband, and began to apply a face mask.
"It's important you realize those comments don't matter..." He began stern, as the soft bristles containing a green clay brushed against your forehead. Inhaling the invigorating scent of mint as well as a hint of earthiness from the clay. "...I choose you, my dear potato. Which should always outweigh the comments of others who don't even know you as I do."
Your gaze that had been fixed to your lap, flit up to meet Vil's sincere and determined stare. Only now did you realize how close his face was to yours.
He gave a soft smile, now that he finally has your attention. His eyes flit to your inviting lips as he leaned in as he captured your mouth. When he pulled away to see your dazed expression, he chuckled.
"Darling, I know my kiss leaves you breathless, but what is with that expression?"
You felt your cheeks warm as your gaze shifted from his. He leaned in close, and his breath caressed you.
"Could it be...you want more?" He smirked.
Rook Hunt - had been observing you for some time now. He found it amusing you hadn't noticed his presence. Then again...Could he successfully be considered a hunter if his prey noticed him right away? He counted it a success.
All day he took notes of your habits, what you enjoyed eating, who you spoke with the most, and he was also aware of how found of Grim you were. Ah if only he could be so lucky to earn that much affection from you! His heart fluttered at each smile and every laugh. Even the sound of your voice captivated him. Truly, he had it bad.
He had waited for you in the courtyard where you encountered him. Even though you believed it by chance. He had planned this meeting. "Mon amor, I simply can't take waiting a moment more. Say you'll partake in an outing with me in the woods."
You arched a brow with a sly smile. "How long have you been waiting to ask me?"
He took your hand and pressed it to your lips, his observant eyes fixed on yours. "Long enough, my little trickster. I do hope you know how much I long for you to be mine."
Malleus Draconia - Obsession. Passion. Desire. Love. These four words kept popping in his thoughts. Each one describing how he felt toward you in a varying degree. He narrowed his eyes in thought as he took his usual walk away from the suffocating watch of Sebek.
Aside from admiring anything with gargoyles and abandoned buildings that appeared to hold signs of previous existence. You occupied his thoughts. At first he believed his initial encounter with you had left him at a loss for words. Had anything at that point peaked his interest this vast since he took up his appeal for gargoyles?
He had questioned it so many times and he had his answer from the moment you spoke to him so casually and without fear. However, winning your heart wasn't so simple. How many nights would it take for him to win you over?
How many nights...and perhaps he could do that one thing he had seen you read about in those love stories. The rather intimate moment in which the protagonist and their love interest finally confirm their feelings with a touch of their lips until it turned into more. He stopped walking as he brought his hand to his chin pondering silently. Until a familiar voice broke freed him from the lure of his ideas.
He turned in your direction, eyes wide in surprised. It was late so why...?
"______?" He spoke and it held a surprising fondness that even he had not expected.
You smiled at the way he spoke your name. As of late it seemed you were becoming closer with Malleus and though it was probably not the best idea, you had allowed yourself to become close to him.
"Malleus, what has you so deep in thought?" You inquired as you approached him.
Malleus' heart throbbed when you spoke his name. He wished you would say it more. He truly was such a greedy dragon. Even more than that it wasn't just something as simple as his name he wished you to speak more of. He wanted to own your heart, your very soul and if he was lucky you would accept that he wanted to have every part of you all to himself. Whether out of a deep yearning or obsession. The two blended in his mind.
"Come closer and I'll tell you."
You noted the glint in his bright absinthe irises. You obliged as you stood before him. His eyes softened as he reached out, his hand bringing a strand of your hair to his face taking in the scent of your shampoo. Releasing your hair the back of his hand caressed your cheek.
"Would you be willing to allow me to show you exactly how I feel about you?"
"As in..."
He bent his neck his cheek against yours, his fingertips caressing along the column of your neck. "Being my mate."
Lilia Vanrouge - Popping in out of nowhere was kind of his thing with you. He would always get a kick out of your startled expressions. What could he say he liked to tease you. Definitely in more way than one.
He had lots of delights that appealed to you. The main one he knew of was the old-world attraction that only he possessed. Though he was well versed in the modern know abouts of the world. Well rounded and he had been around the block a few times to know how to attract you. Which is how you ended up in his trap.
"Hee hee hee. Did you think I wouldn't come for you my dearest? I was quite serious..." His voice husky as he nipped his fangs against your neck as you squirmed beneath him on his bed.
You shuddered as you whimpered. His eyelids lowered a smirk on his face. "How much fun should we have tonight ______? Me thinks it should go further than last time."
Silver - You found Silver asleep, beneath a tree in the courtyard. It wasn't the first time you found him sleeping somewhere conspicuous. You sat down beside him, taking note of how handsome he was. You mindlessly brushed his hair out of his face. The gentle sound of his breathing matching the peaceful area of the courtyard.
Your fingers brushed over the side of his cheek and his eyes shot open. You flinched not expecting him to wake up at that moment.
"_____? What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you of course."
He blinked, then nodded. "I suppose it has been a few days since we last spoke. Is there something you wanted to do?" He asked sitting up.
"Yes, let's have a date night Silver."
Well it wouldn't be impossible but the chances of having zero interruptions was not likely. Still, it was time he could spend with you and that's what mattered the most.
"As long as we can avoid my fa- Lilia then we should be fine." He gave a small smile as he pulled you into his arms. It just hoped he didn't fall asleep on you like last time you both went on a date.
Idia Shroud - You had left your notebook in Idia's room. You knew from last time you shouldnt interrupt him while he is gaming. You decided to take a chance. Knocking on his bedroom door you called out to him.
"Idia, can I come in for a moment?"
Idia who had been on his bed reading his favorite web comic perked up at hearing your voice. He stood up and walked to the door cracking it open.
"What brings you by?"
You tilted your head as you gave a confused expression. Idia internally was freaking out at how adorable you were. He opened the door and stepped back to allow you inside. You stepped in and he closed it behind him.
"I forgot my notebook..." You trailed a faint bloom of color across your cheeks.
Idia nervous laughed as he knew why you had forgotten it. He mentally kicked himself for how he just let you leave like that.
"Oh that, let me grab it." He offered.
Walking over to his desk he grabbed the sticker covered notebook and extended out it out to you. You smiled and took it from him.
"Idia about-"
He cut you off, "I'm sorry it was my fault I got caught up in the moment... i shouldn't have let myself go like that."
You blinked and frowned. "Did you hate it?"
Idia's eyes blew wide and he panicked internally why did you look so upset?
"N-no of course not I would have gone much further than that if I knew you liked it."
You met his gaze and he immediately regretted saying that. Stupid he was so stupid.
"I mean..." He averted your gaze, nervous.
However he was caught off guard by your lips suddenly pressed against his.
"Then, let's continue were we left off." You suggested.
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cordeliawhohung · 7 months
Just wanted to pop in and request a little comfort with ghost? I'm mid-way my midterms right now and I haven't slept properly for nearly 4 days. I need that man to either fuck me to sleep or cuddle me.
Again, love your work. Love everything you write, really. You're an amazing author and thank you for sharing your skill to the world LIKE YOU SHOULD 💅💅💅
hi hun! thank you so much!!! i'm glad that you're enjoying it a;lsdkfj like i've said before soft spot is my babyyyyy and youch! sorry to hear about finals! that's such a pain, and i apologize that this has taken a moment to get back to you. but now that you mention it, i don't think i've ever written anything just... fluffy for Simon. so i think i'll write you a short and sweet fluff bit that will hopefully cheer you up! thank you so much you are such a sweetheart 😭
warnings: none! super fluffy! sleeping issues and Simon thinks cuddles is the best medicine (:
masterlist (:
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Sleep wasn't coming easy for you. A majority of your nights had been spent getting minimal sleep before being startled awake by your own thoughts. It was difficult to pin down the exact reason. You weren't stressed, or at least you liked to pretend that you weren't, and there were no strange dreams or nightmares that ailed you. Just your own thoughts, the constant feeling that you had to be doing something, anything, otherwise you were wasting time.
You stood in the kitchen with a cup in hand as you ran the sink. Everything always seemed louder at night. Your footsteps, the water pouring from the spout, even your own heart beating in your chest. The very atoms buzzing in every object around you even seemed too loud.
"It's late."
Simon's voice was deep and groggy as he spoke from the doorway, and it was piercing enough so that it cut through the noise of everything else in existence. His hair stuck up at odd angles, and you could see a faint indented line across his cheek. He must have been sleeping pretty well, which was the whole reason you left the bed in the first place; to not wake him with your restless tossing and turning.
"Baby, go back to bed," you said softly. You eyed the pale green neon of the microwave clock that read 2:04 in the morning before taking a quick sip of water.
"You've got work in the mornin'," he said simply before stepping further into the kitchen.
You sighed before setting the cup next to the sink, and you leaned against the counter. There was little doubt in your mind that Simon was just as tired of your restlessness as you were. Constantly slipping out of bed, wandering around the flat in an attempt to get the buzzing in your mind to stop long enough to hopefully fall back asleep again.
Simon's hands brushed against your hips where he pulled you closer, and you nearly melted into him. Hands resting against his chest, you let him pull you close. You felt the warm breath from his nose tickle your hairline as he pressed a soft kiss against your forehead.
"Come back to bed," he mumbled into the crown of your head. It wasn't a request, but wasn't a demand, either. It was something that landed somewhere in the middle.
Either way, you listened. Even though you could feel the static of the world rattle your bones and shake your mind, you trotted off after Simon as he led you back into the bedroom. Your side of the bed was cold when you crawled back in, and you wondered just how long you had been standing in the kitchen for.
Simon liked his space when he slept. Something about you being too wiggly, but you didn't mind. You were used to laying your head on your pillow and holding the blankets tight under your chin to lull yourself to sleep. So when you felt Simon's hand on your shoulder, rolling you over to face him, you were a little surprised.
"Come here," he prompted in his sleepy daze.
And so you did. His arm snaked around your torso as he pulled you close, and instead of a pillow underneath your head it was his chest. His other arm rested on his torso so that he could reach and rub gentle circles along your back. One last time, he leaned forward to press a quick kiss to your head before laying down.
He didn't say anything else, and neither did you. The only thing you did was lay there, cheek pressed against his chest while your arm held him around his waist. Each beat of his heart reverberated brilliantly within his chest, and every breath he took sounded long and deliberate.
Instead of focusing on the noise of the universe around you, you found your mind enamored by Simon instead. How the subtle rise and fall of his chest rocked your body with his. How you could hear the blood gushing through his body, feel the fibers of his body creak with the weight. His warmth bled into you, coaxing your muscles to soften. You focused on trying to match your breathing with his, and you wondered if you did it long enough, if your hearts would start to sync; if your blood would pulse at the same speed; if your bodies would begin to meld.
Eventually his hand stilled, and his breathing slowed even more, and you continued to match his pace. Soon, you were nothing more than just two souls occupying the same space; atoms weaved together; lovers intertwined. Slumber settled over you before your mind even had the chance to process it, but even in your sleep your body knew you were right where you belonged.
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sorry if this is too short! i'm trying to practice not writing 6k words for every single thing i put on this site a;lksdjf either way i hope it was enjoyable, and i hope you're able to get some good rest soon, anon <3
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billiedeansbitch · 7 months
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫
(𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
a/n: finally some fluff with our favourite (not dead) mommy <3
warning/s: none.
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“Watch the stars with me.” It wasn’t a request nor was it a question. Larissa shifted her eyes from the correspondence she was writing, her hand pausing midway in completing an exceptionally long word. The tip of her fountain pain was then lifted from the paper to prevent it from bleeding further. She looked at you, her face morphing into something more softer.
“Come on. I haven’t been able to watch the stars for a while.” 
The stars looked magnificent tonight, burning bright and littered all over in the dark sky, outshining the moon itself. Truly, it was a sight to see. Perhaps indulging your demand wouldn’t do much harm and she needed a break. An all too well deserved break.
She pushed her seat and stood up without argument, running her palms down her dress to soothe the wrinkles and adjusting her dress. She took the hand you were offering, intertwining her fingers along with yours and allowing the heat to soothe her sore knuckles. She had either been typing or writing too much.
The smile on her lips, one that was too sweet and too tender, made your heart squeeze in your chest. It reminded you of that one time when she unceremoniously dropped a kiss on your forehead after driving her back home. It had been late, and she was tired, a little tipsy, too. It might have been the wine but it made your heart squeeze all the same.
Trailing from behind, hands still connected, she followed you to the balcony of her office where the cold air of the night breeze through tainting her cheeks pink and making her step closer to you. The night was peaceful making up for the chaos that it had been all day, allowing the older woman to decompress.
“Are you okay? Not freezing your tits or something, boss?” You giggled, the chilled air made her cheeks flushed or was it your hand that was still encased with hers? 
You gave her hand another squeeze before letting go, your hesitation was clear, but Larissa was too engrossed admiring the stars to notice. You watched her wrap her arms around herself, rubbing her palms on the sleeves of her dress.
“I’m all right, dear. Thank you for checking. Are you comfortable, yourself?” She said, drawing her eyes from the stars to look at you. You didn’t say a word, instead you shifted closer to her, pressing to her side and dropping your head to her shoulder, carefully so, as if moving too suddenly would scare her away. You hoped that was enough to show her how comfortable you were despite struggling to match her height. You kept your hand mostly to yourself.
Just then you felt her adjusting, levelling her shoulder down to let you rest your head properly without standing on your toes. She would have loved to tease you about it and she probably would next time but tonight, it all felt romantic to even try. Though she wasn’t at all successful at suppressing the goofy grin on her lips. 
She sighed, letting her head fall to yours. 
“The stars are truly beautiful tonight.” Her gaze wandered, looking for any present constellation.
“Indeed they are, boss.” You had your eyes on her, it was a bit difficult with your head position but you could see the underside of her chin and jaw. She’s beautiful and you didn't care about the damn stars.
“Work ended a few hours ago. I’m no longer your boss.” 
“And what else would you like me to call you? Mommy, perhaps?” There was a playful bite in your tone, something that didn’t go unnoticed by the woman. 
“That’s not—that’s…no!” she was fumbling. Unbelievable! Her cheeks were flushing, too cute and too much for your own little heart.
You rubbed your cheek  to her clothed shoulder, your eyes glittering with mirth, “I’m merely teasing, Larissa. Relax, please. Unless…” You wiggled your brows at her, daunting her further.
Larissa knew it was best to ignore your shenanigans, and that’s what she did, she let her silence speak for herself and by the look on your face you accepted your defeat and settled down. 
She let the hum of the forest and night creatures fill in her ears, taking in the uninterrupted silence. Being in your presence eased her thoughts. Nothing was more important beyond this interaction, the little glances shared in between with your cheeky smile never failing to make her feel warm. She wanted to kiss your lips.
Later, you found your hand twitching closer and closer until your pinkies touched. Larissa looked down. She made the move; grabbing your hand. She went back gazing at the sky.
“You missed what could possibly be a shooting star.” She could see you staring at her from the corners of her eyes. 
Your gaze didn’t waver, “I like what I am looking at. And no, I don’t think I’d be needing that wish tonight but thanks for telling me. Did you make a wish though?”
She looked at you, “Yes.”
“What did you wish for?”
“It won’t happen if I tell you."
“That’s silly.”
When the wind blew and you shivered next to her, the older woman followed her instinct to wrap her arms around you from behind without putting much thought into it. It was severely unlike her. She too, was cold, and it was a mistake that she discarded her jacket early on but the feeling of your bare arms against hers was rewardingly good, better even. 
“All good?”
You nuzzled into her, feeling the press of her breasts against your upper back, her hands on your tummy pulling you into her arms, shielding you from the cold. “Yes, definitely all good. Thanks.”
“I can get used to this.” Larissa absentmindedly blurted out, too absorbed by the whole thing happening to give her mind a chance to contemplate her words.
“The cold weather?” With eyes full of mischief you spun around, her hands landing on your hips.
“No, you fool. This–us. I don’t know what we are but I enjoy this. I enjoy holding your hand. I enjoy having you so close to me, how you ogle at my breasts sometimes even if the act alone is too perverse I find myself enjoying the attention. After all, we're just human beings with needs.” 
You pushed yourself up, hand on her chest, “And I would love to supply those needs if you let me.” 
Larissa had a bittersweet smile, touched by the way you said those words while you were looking into her eyes depicting your genuine intent. You didn’t even stutter. You bravely faced her, giving yourself to her and for that, she reached her hand out, sweetly cradling your cheeks  with her gentle palm, her thumb stroking against the cooled skin.
“You know how to expertly sway a woman, don’t you, darling?” She giggled. When did she ever giggle? What is this that you are doing to her? Giggling and blushing…Gosh, Larissa felt like she was two decades younger.
"If I wasn't so small, I would have swept you off of your feet and kissed you, Larissa Weems. The things you do to me are insane. You are driving me insane."
Larissa put a finger under your chin, coaxing you to look up. Her lips were a hair's breadth away, and you couldn't, for the love of God, tear your gaze away. You were quivering with anticipation, dizzy with the closeness of your faces and her warm touch. Her lips were begging to be kissed. 
You took a deep breath, “Fuck the stars.” You surged forward, hand cupping her neck to pull her down. You felt her gasp on your lips. Larissa could as well be freezing her tits in this ungodly cold night, her muscles stiffening but she couldn't bring herself to care, not when she had you like this, so putty in her hands. She could feel the way your pulse jumped as her hand rested quite perfectly above your jugular area. Your hand fisting her clothes seemingly grounding yourself. You looked so tempted. So hungry. It elicited a spark in her belly, her lips curled into a coy grin.
Your hand soon gave up on clutching her dress and cupped her face instead. You kissed her gently, the languid movement of your lips matching the strokes of your thumb on her face. Her fingers in your hair curling and tugging, still with care. The way she held on to your hip had a slice of possessiveness and you welcomed it. Your body succumbed to her as she backed you up the nearest wall, it was cold and you pulled away to curse but it was then swallowed when her lips dove right back.
The pace of the kiss stayed consistent, and the mere seconds felt so much longer, like you had been kissing her for hours yet you wanted more until being out of breath was the only reason you'd pull away. You didn't want to part but that was what happened, you panted as you tried collecting yourself, head tucked under her chin and she held you steadily.
In retrospect, maybe she should have kissed you sooner, maybe she should have aimed for your lips instead of your forehead that night. She knew she badly wanted to but for some reason, and she knew it was for the best, she kissed your forehead and bid you goodnight. She thought about it in her bed; the smell of your shampoo and sweat and the hairspray mingling together creating a distinct scent that made her brain foggy. She saw the smile that stayed on your lips when she looked back before crossing her threshold. She hoped she could have been braver.
"You're thinking out loud." you murmured,
Her gaze fell down, tucking a piece of stray hair behind your ear, something innocently sweet that made your heart flutter, "I was thinking the night of the gala."
A smile creeped on your lips, "When you had too much to drink and I had to drive you home?"
"You insisted on driving me home if I remember correctly, darling."
"I did. You were beautiful that night. I could hardly look away from you if you noticed." 
She did, yes, and she had quite a hard time trying to act so normal about it that was why she drank wine beyond her limit, thanks to you.
"You are too charming for your own good."
"And you are too tall so lean down and kiss me some more."
You both went for another round of kiss, her lips strayed a couple of times, trailing down your neck until her lips were stopped by the collar of your shirt. She didn't insist on going any further and went back to dip her tongue into your mouth. All of this kissing and caressing made you throb.
She was smiling indulgently as she pulled away, forehead to forehead, “I wished for you.” she breathed.
“I fucking knew it!” With a smile so big, you lunged yourself into her as if you weren’t already pressed. Larissa almost stumbled down, lucky you, she regained her footing and held you.
“You are so cheesy.” 
For the remainder of the night you stayed tangled up together, kissing and all. 
Shooting star or not, you knew you’d be hers. That much was clear.
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sl33paholics · 3 months
Omg Yandere Johan x Black fem reader would be so hottttt!
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My Little Mouse
Johan Liebert x black!fem reader
Warning(s): Gaslighting, isolation, psychological warfare, manipulation, etc.
Mfw I still haven't finished the 2nd Valentine's day writing piece: 😧😧😧😧😨
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You heard the sound of the door knob turning.
Your heart sank. The few hours of freedom you had is now gone, going back to sulking on your mattress like a child whose favorite toy was taken away. You could only hope that the guy who entered wouldn’t mind if you hid under the blankets.
No such luck.
You can hear his steps coming closer, and in just a few seconds, you feel the covers being lifted up, exposing your head to the cold air outside your apartment. Your eyes widened, and you buried your head as deep into the pillow as possible, hoping you were just enough to prevent him from seeing your face. But it wasn’t working. Johan's eyes were already locked on yours. “Ah, there you are,” he said with a smile, and you couldn’t help but notice how charming it looked on this man, despite the fact that he was a psychopath.
“What are you doing here, little mouse?” Johan asked, leaning over the bed until you felt heat of his body radiating on your skin. He leaned down, and you could smell his cologne, which smelled like roses and vanilla, with a hint of cinnamon. His warm lips grazed your forehead before his teeth bit into your earlobe. You flinched at the contact but didn't pull away, knowing he would be more aggressive after hurting you. The pain was nothing compared to the humiliation you're feeling right now.
"...don't do that," you mumbled, wincing at the slight pressure against your flesh. "Please..." You knew that if you said anything else, he'd hurt you more.
So instead, you closed your eyes and prepared for another round of torture by Johan, when suddenly his arms were pulled around your waist, your head resting against his chest. You opened your eyes again, confused, and saw his dark gaze fixed on something behind you. Confused, you glanced behind yourself and saw that he was staring at your sketch book. Your hand unconsciously moved towards it, trying to hide it from him, but he noticed it anyway. "Are you drawing me?" He asked in an amused tone. "How cute." You could almost feel his grin when you turned your head to look at him.
You shifted yourself away from him, trying to get away from him as soon as possible, but he held you tighter. "Let go of me,” you demanded, squirming to try to break free from his grip. “Leave me alone!" Your voice broke at the last sentence, sounding so vulnerable and helpless that you wished you hadn't said anything.
That grin.
That sly grin he had on his face made you want to punch him.
Throughout your stay, you noticed that he'd never put his hands on you, ever.
No matter how much you screamed, berated him, kicked him, and did anything to Johan, he never seemed to get angry at you one bit. You found it very difficult to hate him. You hated his smugness, his cockiness, his coldness, and the way he treats you like a prisoner in this apartment. It was infuriating. "Why do you continue to fight?" Johan asked in a soft tone. "I give you everything. Shelter to stay, food to eat, a shower to clean yourself." He laughed humorlessly. "Why must you struggle so?"
"You know why," you replied harshly, glaring at him. "You don't care about me." You felt guilty saying those words, even though you did mean them. Maybe you didn't. Maybe it was true, and you deserved to feel that way.
Without warning, Johan cupped your face with such force that you felt the pain shooting through your face, his thumb pressing hard onto the side of your jaw. The sting lingered, but you didn't dare to let out a sound, afraid he'd do something to you. Johan made your head turn towards the length mirror, "Look at yourself, Y/N," he told you in a harsh whisper. "Can't you see yourself? You're beautiful." And then he kissed you. This time, it was a gentle kiss, with no tongue involved. The gentleness shocked you because you thought that he would do something more to you than simply kiss you. But he simply placed his finger underneath your chin and gently tilted your head, forcing you to look at yourself.
"I love your eyes, their color. They're the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." Johan spoke softly, his breath hitting the corner of your lips, causing shivers to run down your spine. "Their shape makes my soul feel like it will burst. So bright and alive. Can you imagine? A beautiful soul, hidden underneath all that..." He trailed off, looking at you expectantly. "Beautiful clothes. Perfect hair. A face that could light up a room and a laugh that could fill up a room." Then, he chuckled.
"And a voice as sweet as honey."
You protested weakly, wanting to slap him. No, not a perfect soul, but not bad either. Johan continued talking, ignoring your protest. "A life filled with laughter and smiles, filled with joy. But that won't happen anymore, will it? Because someone has stolen it away from you." "Johan, please stop-" But once again, you couldn't finish the sentence. "You're mine. Nobody else can have you, understand?" Johan grabbed your shoulder, holding you still, so that you didn't escape him. "Nobody." You nodded meekly, trying your best to appear calm despite the fact that you felt like crying.
Silence filled the tension between you two, Johan stared at you for what felt like ages, before letting you go. You immediately scrambled backwards to avoid his touch, putting distance between you, going back to the corner of the bed. All you wanted was to live in peace, and now you were being forced to give that up...because of Johan Liebert?
"Now, litte mouse, we should start our day. It's been a while since I've spent time with you."
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eyesthatroll · 8 months
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pairing: jack hughes x fem!reader
warning(s): cursing, angst(??), not sure what else, not edited
word count: 2.5k
author’s note: not super happy with this, it feels a bit underdeveloped, but i can’t watch it sit in my drafts any longer. i didn’t write this with a part ll in mind, by the way. this was supposed to turn into something else, but that didn’t work out + i lost inspiration so it is what it is. sidenote, if you have any angsty/sad prompts/requests, pls send ‘em in, it’s my favourite thing to write! sending love, —mari
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You couldn't help but feel like a creep, huddled in the corner of the dimly lit booth, your gaze fixated on them from across the bar. In front of you, a nearly forgotten gin and tonic sat, its ice cubes melting as you absentmindedly swirl them around with a small black straw. If anyone were to inquire, you'd insist that your attention was solely on the flat-screen TV mounted on the wall behind them, broadcasting a wrestling match you had zero interest in.
You wondered if He was somehow aware of your unwavering gaze fixed upon him from across the room. It crossed your mind that perhaps he was deliberately flirting with the stunning redhead as a sly ploy to put on a spectacle, fully cognizant of your watchful eyes. Did He hope to incite jealousy within you? You nearly chuckled at the absurdity of the idea. The notion of feeling envious over a girl with her hands lightly grazing his arm seemed laughable. After all, just a few days ago, he had been lying naked between the sheets in your bed. So, no, you weren't jealous, and you certainly weren't about to let jealousy rear its head.
Yet, there was a gnawing irritation within you. He had, after all, extended a personal invitation your way, urging you to join him and his teammates for what he touted as their "one last hurrah" before the start of the new season. It irked you that he was lavishing so much attention on someone else, given this context. The annoyance was unmistakably etched across your features. Your poker face had long deserted you, and you didn't care to conceal your disdain. Several drinks deep, with a pleasant buzz now enveloping you, you found yourself in a carefree state where your demeanor wasn't a primary concern.
You eventually shift your gaze from him, an uneasy feeling retreating in your stomach. You instead direct your attention to Baby Hughes, who is engrossed in a game of darts with John. A small smile graces your lips as the younger boy, with his earnest enthusiasm, throws a dart that sails far wide of the board, disappearing into some unseen corner. John throws his head back in laughter, and it's evident that he's playfully ribbing Luke, who responds with a melodramatic explanation for his errant throw, punctuating with wild hand gestures. You contemplate joining them, when a towering figure looms over you, casting a shadow that demands your immediate notice.
"Is this seat taken?" You find yourself under the scrutiny of a tall, attractive blonde who's looking down at you. A hopeful smile adorns his lips, revealing dimples that only add to his charm. His right hand holds a beer, while the other rests casually at the nape of his neck, lightly tugging the hair. Your eyes travel appreciatively from his warm gaze, down his well-dressed figure. Blondie sported black slacks that complement a maroon long-sleeve dress shirt neatly tucked in, with the top buttons lazily undone, revealing a small, glimmering gold cross. The choice of attire piqued your curiosity; he seemed a bit overdressed for a local, family owned bar.
Your minds flickers back to Him, and you contemplate stealing a quick glance in his direction to see if he's still in conversation that girl. However, you are somewhat physically trapped behind the man standing in front of you, preventing any discreet surveillance without making your intentions obvious. Opting for a polite smile instead, you gesture with a welcoming hand for the handsome stranger to take the seat in front of you.
You observe the visible sigh of relief escaping him, his eyes momentarily betraying his unease. With a sheepish smile, he gently places his drink on the table and eases himself into the booth.
His voice, raspy and honestly deeper than you expected, breaks the silence. "I'm Anthony, by the way." He extends his hand toward you, but halts for a moment, perhaps feeling slightly awkward at the formality.
You respond with a light chuckle, reaching out to meet his hand with yours for a firm handshake. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."
The conversation with Anthony flows effortlessly, each word weaving a tapestry of connection that unravels the initial awkwardness. You discover that he's in town for a friend's wedding, which explains the formal attire, and that he's a native Rhode Islander. He confesses his nervousness about approaching you, and when you jest about whether it's due to your so-called "resting bitch face," he denies it vehemently.
He smiles, his eyes sincere as he offers, "It's always a bit nerve-wracking to approach the most beautiful girl in the room."
You can't help but snort at his compliment, your hand quickly covering your mouth in embarrassment.
Unbeknownst to you, your surprised snort captures His attention, and his head snaps in your direction, drawn by the sound of your voice cutting through the bar's lively atmosphere. His gaze lowers at the sight of a guy in front of you, and the smile on your lips as you laugh again at something he's said. He watches, as the guy's hand moves to rest on yours, and his jaw tightens, his mind racing with questions about what could possibly be so amusing in your conversation.
"Jack, are you listening to me?" A manicured hand slides into his view, weaving through the air in a bid to recapture his attention. Clearing his throat, he absentmindedly runs a hand through his unruly brown locks before reluctantly refocusing his eyes on the redhead before him. She beams at him, her lips quickly resuming what she had been saying before his lost concentration. The truth was, he hadn't been listening to her at all.
He can't focus on her words, not with the image of you and that guy now engraved into his mind. The mere thought consumes his every breath, causing him to bite at his bottom lip out of agitation. He racks his brain for a way to gracefully escape the everlasting conversation with the redhead, and as if on cue, the universe seems to answer his silent plea, when the girl in front of him glances at the clock. Her eyes widen in alarm as she realizes the time.
"Shit, I didn't realize it was this late. I've got to get going," she apologized, her lips forming a slight pout. Jack sends her a reassuring smile, nodding his head in understanding.
"It's cool, it was fun while it lasted," He replies plainly, standing up from his barstool with a nod.
She frowns, mirroring his actions. "Did you want to maybe exchange numbers, or something?" Her voice holds a glimmer of hope.
He pauses, pretending to think for a moment, even though he doesn't really need to as the answer was always going to be the same. "No, sorry. Have a good night, Isla."
You don't even notice Him walking over to you, too consumed in the vibrant conversation that you shared with the man in front of you. It's only when Anthony's gaze travels past your head, his lips pausing mid sentence, that you finally catch sight of him. You follow Anthony's gaze, angling your body around in the small booth.
You open your mouth to speak, but His cold palms cup your cheeks, drawing you into a passionate, yet utterly unexpected and somewhat unwelcome kiss. Your eyes widen, caught off guard, and your lips don't have time to react before he gently pulls away. His fingers tenderly brush aside a stray strand of hair that had fallen across your face, and he looks down at you with an innocent smile. "Hi, my love. Is everything okay?"
You're too dumbfounded to formulate a response, still struggling to register what just transpired as Jack gently nudges you aside and smoothly settles into the booth next to you. As you lock eyes with Anthony, it's evident he feels extremely uncomfortable, his gaze darting uneasily between you and Jack.
"Hey, man. How's it goin'?" Jack asks with a casual grin, his tone laid-back as he eases into the booth. His arm naturally drapes around your shoulders, as if it's a habitual gesture that's been repeated countless times. You go to shrug him off, but his grasp tightens, pulling you even closer against his side.
"Hey... hi," Anthony's gaze leaves Jack, focusing solely on you as he speaks again. "You didn't say you had a..."
Jack interjects, cutting off Anthony before he can finish his sentence. "Boyfriend? Yeah, she does."
Your elbow makes sharp contact with Jack's side, prompting a quick release of his arm from around your shoulder. He winces, but swiftly regains his composure, though not without a slight scoff escaping his lips. "He's not my boyfriend."
"You weren't saying that last night?" Jack didn't come to yours last night, and even if he had, he was the one requesting that whatever was happening between the two of you to remain casual.
I don't have time for a full blown relationship, he said.
All of my focus needs to be on hockey, he said.
Things are fine as they are, let's not ruin it, he said.
And what? He gets to flirt and fuck around with as many puck bunnies as he wants, but the minute you try and do the same, it's suddenly a problem? Not only was he not your boyfriend, but he didn't even want to be, he had no right to get jealous. And he especially had no right to rush over here and kiss you the way he did.
You pivot towards Jack, your fury emanating from every pore. His T-zone area has a faint reddish tint, and his breaths come fast and heavy. "Aren't you busy entertaining Jessica Rabbit?"
He tilts his head back in laughter at your nickname for the redhead he's been conversing with all night. Clearing his throat to regain composure, he gazes at you with a grin, teeth lightly grazing his lower lip as he tries to suppress a smirk that manages to break free regardless. "Jealous?"
You scoff, an incredulous look overtaking your face as you stumble over your words at his accusation. "Me? Jealous? Jealous of what? Listening to you talk about yourself for an hour? God, you're so full of it."
"Wouldn't you like to be?" He mumbles under his breath.
His perverted insinuation prompts a gasp to escape your lips, and your face ignites with embarrassment. Anthony's eyes are locked on the awkward exchange, his expression a mixture of horror and discomfort. You hurriedly bring your hands to your face, rubbing your eyes intensely, yearning for this nightmarish moment to come to an end.
"I don't... I don't know what's happening," he stammers, slipping out of the booth to rise to his feet. Anthony takes a final sip of his beer, his head shaking in disbelief. "But clearly, there's... something between the two of you."
You find yourself at a loss for words because, in a way, he isn't entirely wrong. You and Jack weren't in a defined relationship, but there was undoubtedly something brewing between the two of you, despite both of you attempting to ignore it. It wouldn't be right to involve Anthony in the midst of your complicated situation, no matter how appealing and genuine he seems.
"I'm sorry." You apologize.
He shakes his head. "It's alright. It was nice to meet you, Y/N. Maybe I'll see you around." With those words, he walks away from your table, heading toward the exit.
Jack shifts next to you, a content sigh escaping his lips. "He seemed nice."
"What's your problem?!" You hiss, jabbing your finger into his chest. "You invite me out with you and then completely ignore me the whole night? What the fuck, Jack!"
He meets your intensity head-on, responding in self-defense. "You started it!"
"How, Jack, how? How did I start it?"
"You were flirting with Dawson!"
A scoff escapes your lips, followed by an incredulous laugh. "I was not flirting with Dawson!"
You needed to escape the bar. The conversation had spiraled into a heated exchange, and the air in the crowded space felt increasingly suffocating. You were determined not to create a scene, but it was clear that staying any longer would only escalate tensions.
Without hesitation, you start pushing Jack, who reluctantly lets his body be forced out of the booth. He struggles to regain his footing as you forcefully move past him, heading straight for the exit.
As you pass through the door and step outside, the brisk New Jersey air envelopes you, offering a welcome contrast to the heated atmosphere inside. The chill grazes your exposed skin, providing a refreshing respite from the intense emotions swirling within. Jack hastily follows you, his fingers gripping your arm in an attempt to halt your departure, but you had no intention of walking away this time.
You pivot to confront him, your gaze unwavering and filled with a determination that mirrored the intensity in his own eyes, which held an enigmatic spark you couldn't quite decipher.
"It's not fair," you assert, your hands gently settling on his chest, seeking the warmth of his presence. He remains silent, leaving you to fill the void with your thoughts and emotions, or leave, and say nothing.
You stand there, torn between two choices. The option to say nothing and simply walk away, leaving behind all the headaches, the arguments, and the pettiness, but also bidding farewell to the good days, the shared laughs, and the nights spent wrapped up in each other. It's a choice to say goodbye to Jack Hughes, the one who has become the only constant in your life for the past three months.
Or the second choice, the most daunting path to take. It's the option where you stand in front of him, your heart pounding in your chest, and confess everything you've been holding in. To leave it all on the floor, a vulnerable offering for him to accept or decline. It's the scariest option of all, baring your heart to the boy on the hockey team, even after he's made it clear many times that he isn't looking for anything serious.
"We're not exclusive, Jack." You begin. "You can't keep swooping in and acting like you have some sort of ownership over me when you don't even want to be my boyfriend."
He waits, the stillness between you heavy with unspoken words, expectancy etched across his features. When your silence lingers, he takes the initiative. "Let me take you home," he offers.
"Either you want me, only me, or I'm done."
He pressures. "Let me take you home."
"Give me an answer!"
He sighs, a deep and exasperated sound, his fingers instinctively tangling in the roots of his hair as he grapples with the complexity of the situation. "I can't give you the answer you want."
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cautionworks · 1 year
Baby, Let's Make Another One
A sequel to "Baby, I'm yours".
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Pairing: Na'vi! Miles Quaritch x Human! Female! Reader
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: Fluff and Smut with a dash of Angst, Post- Pregnancy, Age gap, daddy kink, breeding kink, Na'vi/Human sex, alien sex, vaginal fingering, and Linking Na'vi Queue with Human. Yes, you read that correctly because I'm a pervert and I like to find creative ways to write smut.
A/n: I wrote this because one I wanted to write more Na'vi Quaritch x Human Reader stories and two you would not believe the amount of people requesting that I write more or make a sequel.
Dog tags: An army necklace that's worn to be identified in case of death and is similarly shaped like a dog tag.
Nga yawne lu oer: "I love you."
Nga yawne lu oer nìteng: "I love you too."
@marahisthebest @sofysofiasofi @kassada @automaticwizardnerd @fourcefulcupid @anbanananna Enjoy!
Positive. You were positive on your third pregnancy test. You didn't know if it was possible but you were in fact pregnant with Quaritch's child. That could only be the case, he’s the only person you’ve been with for the past year. 
Tears of joy brimmed in your eyes when the realization of a child was growing inside you and the fact it was his. You had to tell him, you wanted to tell him right now, but he was at work right now. So you waited until Miles came home, which was late in the evening. For this special occasion, you decided to make his favorite meal for dinner, Gumbo. A meal that takes him back to his hometown.
By the time you finished making dinner, you heard the door open to hear familiar footsteps.
"I'm home." Hearing his southern drawl of a voice again made you jump in excitement. You set the plates down and came to him with open arms. He immediately crouched down to hug you, his tail swinging back and forth.
Within a few seconds the aroma of spices and fresh meat filled his nose. "Is that Gumbo I'm smelling?"
You nodded your head. "Uh, huh."
He titled his head as his ears moved down. "Aw, thank you, baby." He kissed your forehead. "How ya doin’?"
"Good." You smiled but you couldn't hide the excitement bursting inside you. You smiled in a way that lets him know you're happy about something else but he didn't know what. Whatever it is, he was glad to come home and see you bright and happy.
"What's going on?" He smiled softly. "Did something happen?"
You didn't want to delay it any further so you just blurted out. 
"..I'm pregnant." You looked at him carefully to see his reaction.
His eyes widened and ears perked up the moment you said 'pregnant'. He stood there frozen, his face deep in thought. He thinks back to the last time he saw Spider, after the battle of the sea dragon. He remembers when he was standing by his Irkan, injured, and reaching his hand out to Spider, hoping that he’ll come back with him to base. But instead Spider gave him a vicious hiss as his goodbye and jumped in the water and swam away. Quaritch was too injured to try and get him back and so he flew back to base on his Ikran. 
It was at this moment that Miles knew that he can’t and will never have the father-son relationship he wanted. No matter how hard his memories demanded him to be with Spider, his attempts of reconnecting with his son failed.
And now here he was, at home with you and you telling him you were pregnant with his child. Could this be his chance of having a family again? Could he recreate what was broken? Were you willing to make a life with him?
"..Is this true, baby?" He said in a hoarse tone, like he couldn't believe what he just heard.
You nodded eagerly. "Yes!"
In less of a second, he lifted you up and wrapped his tail around your thigh, careful to not squeeze you. He was the happiest man alive on this planet.
"..Oh, darlin’, thank you." He smiled fondly at you and kissed you as he spoke words of endearment. 
"..Thank you." 
One year has passed since the birth of your son, Jason. He was born healthy and appeared as a full human baby. No tail or blue skin but he did have his father’s eyes, which was the only unusual thing about him but you didn’t care, you loved him all the same. As long as he was healthy and functioning well, that’s all it mattered to you. You couldn’t say the same for Miles in the beginning. 
When Jason was born, Miles was overjoyed but when the baby opened his eyes, his eyes held the same color as his father. Golden orbs with cat-like pupils. They were Na'vi eyes and it did not sit well with Miles. Quaritch being surprised was an understatement. He wasn’t happy, he was displeased. He honestly thought that his human characteristics would be enough to pass his children as fully human. But who was he kidding, he's a 9,5ft blue alien. It’s a miracle (to him) that his child looked mostly human. 
You remembered the look he made when he saw his child open his eyes for the first time. He looked like he saw something that was wrong with your baby and it worried you. "What's wrong?" You asked him.
"He's got..” He hesitated but his memories of his past life got the better of him. “He's got those hostile eyes." He frowned.
You your lips pursed. "...Hostile?!" You whispered yelled to not scare the baby. "How could you say that about our son?" You wish you could get out of the bed and smack him but your body was still too exhausted from the labor. "You better think about your next words carefully, Quaritch."
That name. You rarely ever use that name and when you did it struck through Miles and it made him think.
Was he really upset about it? Could it be his memories of hating the Na’vi transcend onto his own son? He felt disgusted with himself with this notion. From that moment, he had a change of heart, and promised to love the child you've created with him.
He says nothing and you took that silence to heart, making the floodgates open. You started crying and this time it wasn't out of the pain you endured to bring your son into this world or the moment you saw your son for the first time, it was because the love of your life, your partner, your husband, didn't accept the baby you've made. And It hurt you.
Miles saw the hurt in your eyes and immediately regretted what he said. He carefully put Jason down on the hospital crib and approached you slowly.
“..Baby, I’m sorry.” You could hear the guilt in his voice and it made you cry even harder. He wrapped his arms around you without crushing you as best as he could. He felt such a dick at the moment. 
He took your hands gently into his, rubbing the knuckles of your hands with his thumb. “I was being an asshole and I shouldn’t have said all that bullshit.”
You nodded as you wiped off the tears on your face.“..Okay.”
When he was close enough to your face, you took that opportunity to grab his ears and yank them down hard. You could’ve grabbed his queue but you didn’t want him to hurt that badly so you settled with his ears.
“..Shit-” He winced, fighting the urge to pull you off because he knows he deserves it. “Ow, ow, ow! Okay, I get it, damn it!”
“Serves you right.”
It was the beginning of January, the year was 2173. You were at home in your room, holding your son in your arms. He was fast asleep when you put him back on the crib, watching him sleep peacefully. You hear small footsteps come behind you and you turned around to see Quaritch duck his head under the door.
He pouts as he touches the back of his ears. 
 He puts his hand on your shoulder.  "Is he asleep?" He whispered quietly. 
"Yeah," You whispered back. "He sleeps so easily." 
He chuckled. "Just like his old man."
You chuckled as well when the both of you left the room, closing the door quietly.
Unexpectedly, Miles lifted you up and carried you to the living room, you didn't even gasp. He's done this enough times for you to get used to it. He just likes picking you up since you're so small in size.
He sits on the couch with you on top of him, all nice and snuggled. It may be the beginning of the new year, but it was still a bit cold and Miles was a natural furnace as always.
You take the remote control and flip through channels until you settle on channel 13, a random animal documentary displaying on the TV screen. You did not expect to see a pair of lions seemingly horny and about to mate but you were curious enough to not switch the channel immediately.
“Lionesses are receptive to mating for three or four days within their reproductive cycle. During this time a male will mate every 20–30 minutes and can mate up to 50 times a day."  The camera zooms in on a female lion lying down with a male behind her, positioning himself to mate with her. You see Miles' tail moves in excitement as the two of you watch the two animals begin mating with each other.
"It is known that mating sessions last less than a minute so the male can copulate many times a day."
It's only been a minute since you sat down and watched some TV and already you feel him touch your thighs, letting you know exactly what he's thinking about. You can't help but lean back into his chest to hear him whisper into your ear, smiling against you. 
"..Baby, let's make another one," His hands go under your shirt and shorts." I promise I'll last longer than a lion." He grinned at you and you couldn't help but chuckle. “What'd ya say, sweetcakes?" He kisses your ear, biting it gently with his fang. 
The way he said that sends waves of arousal to your already wet pussy. Welp, there goes your cervix again.
"That depends." You whispered back. "Are you sure you want me to have a big belly and bigger tits again?"
You know by now that he would say yes but you want him to say it anyway. 
He wrapped his tail around your thigh to keep you from going anywhere and without hesitation he said. "Anyday."
"Then come give it to me big daddy." You smirked in anticipation.
You didn't have to say it twice. His hands slip under your shorts and panties, his fingers graze against your lips, wetness coating them instantly. You heard him groan in delight behind you.
"Damn, yer so wet, sweetheart.You really want another one, don'cha?" He dips his large digits inside you, making you curl your toes and cry out in pleasure.
"..Fuck." You whimpered. "..Y-yes." 
You hear an amused hum, a low vibration that comes from his throat and spreads to you. He slides his other hand under your shirt. You weren’t wearing a bra so he grabbed your breasts and massaged them with ease as he curled his fingers inside you. It is true that his hands are large to hold your breasts but that doesn't stop him from fondling it.
 He whispered to you as if you two weren’t alone. "Feels good doesn't it, baby?" He said with a mix of love and lust tinting his voice. It didn’t take long for his fingers to reach your G-spot, making your legs tremble in indescribable pleasure. You moan and squirm but Quaritch is strong enough to hold you down without delaying the pleasure you’re feeling. Once he's gathered enough wetness, he starts rubbing your clit in circular motions.
The pleasure was beginning to become too much that you couldn’t control the volume of your voice. "..Yes, please, please don't stop! Don't-"
"Sh-ssh," He hushed you, pausing his movements to slow you down. "You don't wanna wake the baby, do ya?"
Of course not. It was one of your big hurdles that you and Miles learned to fuck more quietly snice you were a vocal woman and the fact Quaritch reached your cervix every time you guys made love.
He returns back to fingering you and this time you tried to moan quietly as best you could. "Here we go," He cooed softly. "That’s my good girl."
“..Fuck, I’m cumming.” You cried as your hips wiggled.
“Yes, yes, that’s right, babygirl. Keep goin’, cum into my hands.”
And as if on command you came on his fingers. Hot spurts of cum drenched into his hands and you're still shaking from the unstoppable fingering he's doing to you. And as you continue cumming, he praises you, switching between 'good girl' and 'that's my good girl', as if you can't get more aroused. He releases his tail around your thigh.
When your high fell down, you sat up and turned around to face him. “..Let me ride you,” You whispered to him breathlessly.
He takes off his tank top but leaves his dog tag on. “M’kay, baby. Whatever you say.”
“With your queue.”
His brows rose in surprise. “What?”
“I want to try putting your queue, erm, inside me or just rubbing it against it.”
“..Sweetheart,” He sighed. “Y’know this is a Na’vi thing,  I dunno if it’ll work the same way with humans, let alone be harmless to ya.”
“..I know but I trust you. I won’t ask again if you say you don’t want to.”
“Fine, we can try it but I’ll be the one who puts it on.”
You smiled at him. “Yes, daddy.” You spread your legs and used your fingers to spread your wet pussy lips, hoping to entice him.
"Who knew you're such a dirty li'l girl." He grabs the end of his braid and holds his queue out, the pink tendrils moving upwards in a continuous motion. You watched him carefully move his queue closer to your wet folds, making you anxious at the sight of it reaching closer to your privates. 
As it gets closer, the tips of it touch your outer lips, it does nothing but keep moving as it did before. He brings it up to your clit and this time your body shudders in pleasure at the contact of it. “A-ah!” You moaned. “..M-miles, fuck.”
His ears perked at the tingle he just felt. “You feelin’ good, baby?”
“Yes,” You breathed. “..Put it deeper into me.”
He gave you a silent nod as he brought the tip down to your wet entrance. Within seconds, the soft tendrils latched into your inner walls, instantly making you feel its pulse. The both of you breathe deeply in unison, the sensation of feeling each other’s body for the first time overwhelms you both. You didn’t think it was possible at all but it was. You didn’t need to be an avatar or recom to experience this intimate moment, the ability to feel someone else’s body.
“Oh, my god, Miles...” You close your eyes as you take in this otherworldly sensation.
“Holy shit,” He chuckled in amazement. “Baby, are you feelin' this?”
You nodded. “..Yes, I can feel you.” You touch his large hands as you smile, a brief look of content painted on your face. “I can feel your breathing, your pulse.” A perverted smile surfaced on your face as you felt something more intense and erotic. “And how incredibly hard you are right now.”
“Me too, cupcake.” He chuckled. “I can literally feel yer pussy throbbin’ right now.” He now senses your body's need to be filled.
“You still wanna ride on my dick, huh?” He lays down on his back as his queue stays attached to you. “God, yes.”  You crawl over to him and lift yourself as you take his length into your hands and align it carefully to your entrance, lowering yourself slowly.
With how slick and horny you are, his cock slipped inside you easily and did not interfere with the connection between you and his queue. 
“..Christ,” He groaned and it was unlike anything you heard of him. “Ho, baby girl.” He can't believe what he was experiencing at the moment. He can feel himself stretching you and how good it feels to you. 
It was a spiritual and intimate experience the two of you were sharing together and all the while you looked so sexy while you’re on top. 
“Fuckin’ gorgeous.” He muttered to himself. 
The tip of it kisses your cervix and you cry out. “Ah, r-right there, Miles.” He grins at the sight of your expression, with the addition of him feeling you stretched to the hilt. "Look at you, desperate to take my cock again. You want to take my cum again, huh, princess?"
You start to bounce, lifting your hips up and down as your tits move in the same motion. "Yes, yes, daddy!" 
"Mnn, and be bred again?"
"F-fuck, yes, please. Cum in me," You cried. "Gimme your cum, please!"
"Mnn, you just always know what to say, babygirl. You take me so well, always so snug around me. It's like you were made to be bred by me."
The praises and dirty words made you shiver in arousal. You bent your body over as you buried your head to his chest, his hands gripped your ass while the other was planted firmly on your small back. Miles groaned as he lifted his hips and thrusted deep inside you, his movements making you cling to him tightly. 
"Mmm, yes, baby, just like that. Keep it comin’, mama. Daddy’s gonna fill you up nice and good. Soon you're gonna be so full of cum and when you get pregnant, I'll just keep cummin’ inside ya every night."
And before you were about to say something, Miles felt through his queue you were about to cum soon.
"..Fuck, I'm gonna cum, daddy." You cried to his chest, holding on to it as best as you could while your pussy was getting wrecked. The TV remained on but the sounds of groaning and whimpers and the lewd sounds of skin against skin were louder.
"Come on, babygirl, cum for me." You hear him growl, that's when you know his instincts are kicking in. "Cum for daddy." He smacked your ass.
"A-ah, AH, Miles, please!"  You chanted his name like he was your savior, switching between ‘daddy’ and ‘Miles’ until you lost the ability to speak. 
“That’s right. Cum.” He pounds below you hard as you whimper. “Cum on daddy’s dick..” 
And before he said anything else, you felt his cock throb through the queue, hinting he was about to explode and the sensation itself made you want to release yourself.
"Shit, baby, I'm cummin’-" He grunts as his thrusts become brutal. "Daddy’s comin’,M fuck-"
For the first time in months, you came at the same time together. The two of you shudder in heavenly bliss, your pussy clamps around him so tightly as hot cum rushed inside you. You’ve never cried so loudly and you’ve never cummed this much, maybe it had to do with the queue. 
He gives out a few last thrusts before he stops and stays inside you. The both of you are out of breath, hugging each other as you let the afterglow of sex take over you too.
When your high faded, you sat up and took his softened dick out of you, a thread of cum spilling out of you. 
..You’re so getting pregnant after this. You thought to yourself.
You looked down to see the queue still attached to you. A grin surfaced on your face as an idea popped into your mind.
"Hey, Miles." You grabbed the tuft of hair on his queue and flatten it onto the front of your vulva. "..Look at my hairy pussy." You smirked as you looked at him funny.
His ear drooped down and his lips curled into a smug smirk and before you know it he bursted into laughter. You know he's always had a dirty sense of humor and it was one of the reasons why you two connected with each other, with queue or not.
"Nga yawne lu oer." He says to you in Na'vi.
You’re not fluent in Na’vi but you know enough to understand what he said to you, so you said, “Nga yawne lu oer nìteng.” with a smile.
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Daily Ficlet 7
I’m challenging myself to write a little ficlet every day, using the prompts from this list. Today’s prompt is recipe book.
Steve finds Wayne in the hallway, pulling what items he can from the closet there.
"Need some help?" Steve asks as Wayne struggles with a bigger box that seems wedged in pretty good.
"Sure. Just get yer hands up here and ready to catch," Wayne answers, shimmying the box to and fro while Steve moves to follow his instructions. The box isn't by any means light when it falls into his hands, but it's not the heaviest thing Steve's had to catch -don't think about it, don't think about Eddie's limp body awkwardly shoved through a gate. Don't-
"Thanks, son," Wayne climbs back down the stepladder he was on and takes the box from Steve' hands, walking down the hall to place it on the counter. The front half of the trailer is missing, the gate took it, but a decent amount of of the trailer remains (Eddie's room remains) and the government has finally allowed Wayne to return to pack up what he can.
It's better than starting over completely.
"What's in the box?" Steve asks, because it's the only item Wayne hasn't just demanded he load into the moving truck outside.
"It was supposed to be Eddie's graduation gift," Wayne says softly. "'Suppose it'll have to be a 'glad you woke up from yer coma' gift instead."
"Yeah," Steve says, even if he doesn't believe it. Eddie's been asleep months now. They saved the world, killed Vecna, closed the gates, Max woke up, and the kids have started Sophomore year; Eddie remains comatose. "Can I get a sneak peak at the present?"
"It's not much, and ain't nothin' new," Wayne says, opening the box and beginning the process of pulling things out. It looks a bit like the contents of a hope chest. Things to start living on your own with. Robin's mom has one for her that Steve's seen, and even contributed to. There's an envelope of $500 tucked along the side of Robin's chest.
"This was his grandpa's. My dad's," Wayne says, pulling out a belt buckle. "And my ma made this, not for anyone in particular, mind you, but just because she liked to keep herself busy." It's a blanket, thick and a little scratchy when Steve touches it. "And this. This is the most important." Wayne pulls out a binder from the bottom of the box, handing it over to Steve for inspection.
He takes it carefully even though it looks sturdy. Holding it in one hand, he flips it open. He was thinking maybe it would be a photo album or something but it's not. It looks like a recipe book. All the recipes are hand written on looseleaf paper, with post it notes sticking out randomly. "What makes this special?"
"That's his mom's handwriting," Wayne smiles but he sounds sad. "Eddie lost her when he was five. She got real sick, y'know, and never got better. But she wrote out all them recipes. I'm amazed Al kept the thing, but I guess I shouldn't be. No real value in a binder of recipes 'cept to the people close to the author."
Steve looks back down at the binder. He still has both his parents, however distant they might be, so he doesn't know if he'll ever fully understand the significance of getting this piece of someone back. "Does he not have anything else with her writing on it?"
"No, not writing. We got plenty of things they used to own. Eddie's caseworker let us go through the whole house, after Al'd been shipped off to the penitentiary, to gather anything Eddie might want or need. Was supposed to just be his stuff, mind you, legally speakin', but I think that lady knew if we didn't take other stuff, Eddie'd never see it again.
"So, Eddie's got things that were hers. But nothing that's uniquely hers. There's jewelry, and a coupla blankets, but all that stuff is replaceable and not... Well, I dunno what I'm tryin' to say, but that's just stuff that was hers. But this. This was her. Y'understand?"
And Steve does. There's a difference between having something that belonged to someone once, and something that really feels like them when you hold it. Steve doesn't have anything like that, personally, but he knows there will come a time when the difference matters. When everyone grows up and scatters into the future. He imagines a hand written letter from Dustin will mean much more for him to find after a long time of no contact than it would to find his old Roast Beef t-shirt in the back of a drawer or something, moth bitten and musty.
"I can't wait to find out if Eddie's an angry emotional, or a sad one."
Wayne laughs. "He can be both."
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Kind of a dumb request but how about team DEFY + any girls you want with an s/o who somehow managed to build a mech straight out of Armored Core? Insanely maneuverable, loads of guns, can fly, etc and s/o built it in a garage with a box of scraps lol
(GFL/Genshin Impact) Task Force DEFY, Amber, Jean, Fischl, and Yoimiya's S/O building an Armored Core Mech
(Video Source: Pongsifu on YT) Luckily for you, I have been binging Armored Core 6 for the past month, and will hop on ANY request to talk/write about anything Mecha related.
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12 stared at the giant 10 meter mechanical behemoth that had suddenly made its home inside Griffin's Hangar.
(AK-12) "...We didn't always have that, right?"
The machine's chest slowly opened and revealed a cockpit containing S/O, waving hello from the seat.
Apparently, they had constructed the mech out of spare parts lying around.
(AK-12) "Impressive...But, why exactly did Griffin have that many parts lying around? And how did you find guns that big?"
On the battlefield, she watches the mech fly around at almost breakneck speed, watching them zip around and eradicate one base after the other.
Kicking tanks and shooting helicopters out of the sky, it was far more effective to watch them fight instead of having to do anything.
(AK-12) "Hm. We'll be out of a job at this rate."
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94 knew this was going to happen.
T-Dolls would only last so long on the battlefield before they were replaced by the next best thing.
However, she sure as hell wasn't expecting S/O of all people to surpass her, with a mech constructed out of junk parts no less.
It was honestly awe-inspiring what humans could engineer for the sole purpose of destruction.
And it was also physically impossible. Something that size should not be quad-wielding miniguns and moving that fast.
(AN-94) "...How has your machine not collapsed from the Earth's gravity?"
94 is more confused than anything.
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15 was impressed more than anything.
She knew S/O was an engineer, but to construct a mech out of the parts they had was nothing short of a miracle and logic-defying technical prowess.
(AK-15) "How does your machine constantly reload the missiles while on the field? It is the only weapon you seem to have, and no one constructed missiles that large, even during World War 3."
She can't help but wonder why DEFY was even needed if Griffin had engineers like S/O around.
Well, at least S/O was on their side.
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(RPK-16) "I wonder if humanity will wipe itself out faster with these new machines."
16 is fascinated by the human desire to make machines to wipe out life faster.
Granted, Griffin usually just fought Sangvis which consisted nothing of machines, but it would only be a matter of time until everyone else had their own version of S/O's mech.
And probably not one constructed out of junk either.
(RPK-16) "I must ask, S/O. How can you be in the cockpit of that thing and not reduce yourself to jelly? Surely the G-Force alone would kill you?"
Well, it's not the first thing that humans have done that confused her.
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(Angelia) "Hmph. Why did they even bother calling us if they had you here? And could you have done that this entire time?"
Angelia is impressed and annoyed.
If S/O could create a hulking machine of death before, why did they only decide to do it now?
She both dreads and admired S/O's tenacity. To make such an effective machine out of junk took a hell of a lot of elbow grease.
Angelia doesn't question it, seeing that it's working alright so far, but she definitely wants to look into upgrading it.
(Angelia) "S/O, with me. We're painting DEFY's logo on it."
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(Amber) "THAT IS SO COOL!"
Amber could create Baron Bunnies with a lot of yarn, but S/O could make a machine that dwarfed Ruin Guards with some random pieces of metal!
(Amber) "You have got to teach me how to do that! And lemme ride it too!"
Amber demands to fly with S/O, even though she can't go nearly as fast as they can.
She watches as S/O wipes out entire nests of monsters before leaping away with its mantis-like legs to the next location.
Honestly, it made her feel jealous.
(Amber) "Heeey, can I ask one of those for my birthday! I bet it'll make flying around Mondstadt a breeze!"
Though as the outrider, she kindly asks S/O not to park the giant machine weighing presumably hundreds of tons in the city.
For obvious reasons.
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The color on Jean's skin fades when she heard Klee helped S/O build a brand new toy.
One that put her bombs to shame.
And seeing it park itself next to the cathedral, waving hello to her as she was standing at the entrance-
She was about ready to faint.
(Jean) "S/O! Get down from there right this instant!"
Jean gives S/O and Klee an earful for making such an absolute monstrosity that could potentially damage the land and city!
But seeing it in action and fast it disposed of a Hilichurl camp, it filled her with pride and dread.
Pride for her S/O's creative ingenuity, but absolute fear for what S/O and Klee could make next.
Especially considering how fast S/O's machine moved, and the weapons it had.
Where did Klee find the gunpowder for quad-cannons mounted on it?!
(Jean) "I pray that it won't blow up the city on accident..."
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(Fischl) "...WHAT?!"
Fischl completely breaks character upon seeing the giant machine staring at her.
(Fischl) "How did...Why...?! Get down from there and tell me how this mechanical monstrosity came to be!"
(Oz) "You just want to ride the machine yourself, Mein-"
(Fischl) "SILENCE!"
...But yes, she constantly nags S/O to let their Prinzessin give the machine a try.
She finds it so friggin' cool, and desperately wants one of her own, in purple!
She watches with some kind of morbid satisfaction watching S/O's machine wipe out their enemies in electrical explosions.
(Fischl) "I hereby dub your steel horse…Raven, of the 621th star!"
(Oz) "…Why 621?"
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Oh, that's where all of Yoimiya's spare fireworks have been going into.
(Yoimiya) "HOLY CRAP! What on earth did you make, S/O?!"
The machine seemed like it leapt from another world!
Especially with how fast it moved, honestly she was amazed S/O wasn't vomiting their guts out as soon as they exited.
While it seemed like it would do massive damage, instead they used it for something even better.
As the machine soared above the skies of Inazuma, the cannons on the arms and shoulders fired toward the moon, the starry night exploding into hundreds of beautiful colors!
They had transformed their machine into a firework powerhouse!
And with how fast it moved, it was able to provide a show from one island to another!
(Yoimiya) "Next festival, you're letting me ride with you! I want to see the work we've done up close!"
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