#in the same way that they are actively saying fuck trans people by blocking this new Scottish law
welshsidekick · 1 year
When discussing how the UK government has chosen to block the new trans rights laws in Scotland, lets not forget that they also essentially overwrote Wales’ rules around not being allowed to replace workers while they strike.
I’m all for outrage against the shitty English government, it’s well deserved. But this is not the first time they’ve decided to go against devolution and the rights of other members of the UK as their own, individual countries, and it will not be the fucking last.
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genderkoolaid · 6 months
(link: post where op says discrimination against transmascs does exist, but is not targeted specifically against transmascs and goes on to give a bunch of examples)
too tired to go on about how wrong op is so im passing it over to you
wow another user i already had blocked [Obligatory Do Not Harass This Person Notice]
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Yes, T is a controlled substance because of bullshit athletics laws. There being another reason that law exists does not mean it cannot and is not used to actively target trans people, ESPECIALLY trans people of color. This article goes over the numerous ways that T being a controlled substance opens the doors for a variety of abuses, & this one goes more in depth into, Stann Fransisco, a transmasc Two Spirit, who was arrested, sexually assaulted, and jailed after police found hez T and needles and hey had to out hemself as trans. It was not made a controlled substance because of transmascs, but they certainly use it to target transmascs & others and there's no reason that a transphobic government would be interesting in letting go on this control.
With trans people and pregnancy, its a similar situation- ATM might not be the reason people on T are taken off it during pregnancy, but it can absolutely be used by people (such as abusive partners) to detransition people. (Also, intersexism plays a huge role in this as well, since a lot of times the major "danger" of people being pregnant on T is the possibility of an intersex child). And the same thing for being left out of vaginal and uterine health care- even if the system wasn't directly set up to target trans people, it is used that way and kept that way regardless.
And as for being kept out of conversations? That can 100% be targeted. There are absolutely openly transphobic people who make the decision to use trans-exclusive language around pregnancy and abortion. And are you fucking kidding me with the idea that trans surgeries aren't less studied because organizations don't want to give money to support their research?
Frankly I'm tired of the idea that in Twenty Fucking Twenty Three, all transphobia transmascs experience is just the result of nobody knowing what a trans man is. Its been fucking decades since FTMs starting getting awareness, and there's a current moral panic that has transmascs as a central figure. Are you fucking kidding me? Do y'all really think nobody is out here targeting us specifically? And, on top of that, the idea that being erased means you can't be targeted is ignorant. Intersex people, from what I have read, experience something similar a lot: people not knowing what you are, you not being given the tools to know what you are, and yet you experience targeted violence for the traits of the thing nobody mentions. Hell, that's like... a ton of queerphobia? Being targeted for having the traits of an unmentionable condition? People not knowing what "gay" or "trans" is but smelling something socially unacceptable on you?
Ironically this whole thing is, imo, another example of the impact of erasure. Because erasure is fundamentally about not just the violence of being silenced, but silencing violence. Erasure puts into place the idea that transmasc invisibility is part of reality; transmasculinity is literally invisible to people. What that means is, erasure promotes the idea that transmasculinity is literally inconceivable: its just something people created one day, or its some deep hidden extremely rare thing that sometimes happens, but either way, there is no precedent for it and no preconceived ideas related to it. Of course there is no anti-transmasc violence, because when cis people see a woman trying to be a man, they have literally no preconceived ideas on this at all! Or, if that doesn't work, erasure will attribute any potential violence to misogyny and lesbophobia, squashing the idea that anything could happen as a result of "women becoming men" and the hatred around that idea.
In 2023, yeah, people do know we exist and, in fact, fearmonger about there being too many of us. Its vital that we are aware of this and realize that new forms of anti-transmasculinity will continue to take shape as we get more awareness. For example: in the past, people weren't aware of chest binding, but now you have transphobes who know to look for binders under people's shirts so they can attack transmascs.
But even without that, even before that, people don't need to know the name of something to hate it. A lot of anti-butch violence is done specifically to punish, in the minds of the attackers, a woman trying to be/act like a man/replace men; that's anti-transmasculinity*. Mothers insisting their tomboy children need to grow up and act like women? That's anti-transmasculinity. People only talk about historical transmascs who more or less lived well, but there are people who were outed and put in prisons and mental asylums and abused, and that's just the records we can find. There are articles written about the horror of a woman realizing her husband "is a woman." Steve Dain transitioned in the 1970s and was called "thing" "it", immediately seen as a sexual predator towards little girls, and had the school system do everything possible to fire him- and it worked. Those people likely had never heard of a trans man before- but they immediately reacted with disgust and targeted attacks. They didn't need to know what he was to hate him for it, because the cultural ideas that create and manage transphobia as a system are still there.
Also bonus aphobia from the tags:
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*and, for the record, "anti-transmasculinity" can be co-existent with misogyny and lesbophobia. they are all interconnected.
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roadhogsbigbelly · 4 months
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can you see where she says “private”? private sexual activities, between consenting adults? like being private in their own homes, like you said?
and the abuse you’re talking about ISNT “part of the package”, there is literally no reason to normalize it in this way, you are implying there is a ~dangerous slippery slide~ between kink and abuse like a republican where there fucking isn’t. i think those kinks ““stop”” there because thats where they go from something between two consenting parties and abuse. risk aware consent matters first and foremost, which isn’t possible in an abusive situation.
and as for why she reblogged it, if you were looking around that time, you would’ve noticed it was in the midst of another trans woman getting pedojacketed and called out for bullshit! kind of crazy, but she reblogged the post for the reasons she described on it, instead of your fanfiction headcanon that casts her as a pedophile apologist.
this is the last ask i'm going to repond to and than i'm going to block you because it's very clear nothing i'm going to do or say is going to change your mind and my mutuals are genuinely concerned for my mental health. so yes the post did not say "pedophilia is good" most posts don't, most posts also don't say "transphobia is good" or "antisemintism is good" or "zionism is good" or "racism is good" must people use dogwhiles of language that's seem reasonable but with context of how the person is and they're other beliefs makes the post bad or even rethinks why you liked the original post at all.
you yourself have called out people for a reblogging a post that used transmisogynistic dog whistles. as you should, but people could use the exact same defenses you and her are using to dismiss criticism of the post. "what am i expected to do a background check on every post i reblog" and "i never said anything bad about trans women so why are you lumping me in with the person i reblogged" and like no not the inherently harmless ones but the one's that discuss gender politics or kinks or race, yeah you kind of have to AT least be able to spot dogwhistles, and when you're informed what the post actually means and you ignore it, that doesn't help your case.
they're are many posts that seem feminist and perfectly accurate but than when you find out when op talks about "men" they're actually talking about trans woman that obviously should make you reevaluate the post. very often i'll see people being like "a terf wrote this post so i stole it and it's transmisogynistic but with "terfs dni' added onto it.
the post isn't just bad BECAUSE a pedophile wrote, but the fact that it was SHOULD make you reavulate the post and the message it's sending. again this wasn't a post about pancakes or waffles or whatever it was a post about ageplay and incest kink written by someone who has a lot of reason for people to agree with them. this actually matters.
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marblecakemix · 3 months
Welcome to my humble domain!! 🫧✨
Hi, I'm Marble, a lesbian in her early 20s from Poland. Just vibing here on Tumblr from time to time. If you want to look into my post/reblogs read my takes on #talk tag.
You can ask me anything you want. I won't shy away, but remember that I'm not your therapist and all my opinions are biased forward women!
More information about me under the cut! 💕
If the part has * in front of it that means I changed something in the text and/or my views are different than before.
*I'm still quite new to radical feminism and I'm trying my best to learn how to take action. In short, I fight for women's rights and freedom from sex-based oppression. Right now I'm looking into creating a small radfem activism group in my area. If you're from Poland and feel comfortable, dm me!
I detransitioned in the middle of 2023. I used to be a non-binary/agender and asexual individual for around 3 to 4 years, but I understood all of that was because of internalized misogyny and homophobia and I actually wanted to have sex and did like me being a woman before I entered the trans community.
I'm an ex-Christian, now I probably would call myself a spiritual person, researching my Slavic roots at the moment.
I believe in critical thinking and triple-checking facts. Everyone can have their opinions, but actions should have a base in grounded reality and unbiased scientific research. Read those books ladies!
I'm mostly talking about my experience as an ex-TRA, a lesbian, a woman, someone who lives in a misogynistic/conservative family and a country that has yet to legalize same-sex marriage, but you can safely transition here even as a minor.
*I'm a trans identified men hater, a terf if you will. I don't care. Fuck all men, I don't care anymore. Gender dysphoria or perversion (autogynephilia) should have never been "solved" with a surgery and/or irreversible "gender affirming" treatment. No other mental illness has permanent body modification as its treatment, same should be for gender dysphoria. The trans movement (men's rights movement in disguise) is the most harmful thing right now and I'm so tired of seeing more people being pushed into it just because they are themselves and aren't scared to dress unconventionally! I'm fuming with rage.
I make mistakes! I'm just a human being and, naturally, I will be in the wrong sometimes. May it be because of the language barrier or me just not thinking things through, doesn't matter. I will try to acknowledge my mistakes and say sorry. I'm still learning and there isn't a better way than through your own downfalls!
I don't block people, unless they're insufferable. We can have different opinions, different lifestyles, different views, but if you're annoying I draw the line there.
I also draw sometimes (I don't have much time for it right now, bc I'm in the middle of my academic years), you can find my work under #my art.
Nothing here is set in stone. As I grow as a person my views will probably change. If you have any questions, just ask them! I'm happy to answer all of them ❤️
Last update: 30th March 2024
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gutsfics · 3 months
can you give specific examples of what happened to help people understand what happened
this is non-extensive, just the ones i think are the most egregious of what shes done and said
i'm not sure how much of this is stuff she's deleted, as these are all from screenshots i already had on hand, but i would like to say that deleting a post doesn't necessarily mean you no longer agree with what was said in it, especially if you double down on what was said when you're called out for it. which she has done Plenty of times
and for the record, this is not something i enjoy doing. part of the reason this took me a few days to post is because this is stressing me the fuck out and ive been trying to spend as little brainpower on this as possible
First point: queerphobia in the form of homophobic jokes, sharing panphobic rhetoric, and talking for transgender people on a topic she (as far as i am aware) has no
the pelicansexual "joke" was told at the expense of Ethan and Tobias during the "Ethan Bisexuality Canonity" argument she & i got into in June (which btw i would like to apologize for starting that up, i was frustrated w pb's coddling of the cishet part of the fandom & i was having difficulty phrasing it bc of how upset i was w it. i did not mean to attack the fandom specifically but intent doesn't cover for outcome)
the pelicansexual joke was a since-deleted tag on one of her posts which went something along the lines of "my Ethan and Tobias are now pelicansexuals, which means they have to break up with [her characters] as they are not pelicans". i dont have a screenshot of this unfortunately, but i do have a screenshot of her response to an anon calling her out on it.
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in case you don't understand why her "joke" was homophobic, before gay marriage was legalized in the US in 2015, a common anti-homosexuality talking point was "homosexuality being legalized is a slippery slope to bestiality being legalized". while it is good she deleted her "joke", its frankly worrying to me that when called out on it she doubled down on how she was joking when she said it, instead of listening and learning. her bisexuality and queer activism do not mean that she is incapable of saying and doing homophobic things.
the panphobic rhetoric & her talking for transgender people are, if i remember correctly, both part of the same incident wherein she reblogged something panphobic and then, when called out for it, said something that something that most trans people consider transphobic isn't actually transphobic at all
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screenshot 1: bisexuality and pansexuality are two very similar sexualities, with the main difference between the two coming down to personal preference for what term you feel like best. while bisexuality does mean "sexual attraction to two or more genders", some people prefer a term that focuses on the "or more" part. neither sexuality excludes transgender people. pitting queer people against each other because theyre not the "right" kind of queer does nothing but damage the queer community as a whole
screenshot 2: agreeing to delete the post, but doubling down on what she said and refusing to listen to anon simply because they're anonymous
screenshot 3: the highlighted part is what we're focusing on here. "We don't consider cis gay men who only date the same to be anti-trans". hi, I'm a trans gay man. Yes We Fucking Do. i don't understand why she thinks she has the authority to speak on this. what "we" is she referring to here?
Second point: lack of respect or understanding of boundaries in fandom spaces, including both blocks and simply not wanting to interact with someone
i'll be honest, i'm a bit unsure if the above paragraph is the right way of describing what i mean, but she has a bit of a history of being.... openly weird about people who have blocked her for "no reason", and not only that has stated she thinks that not wanting to take place in an event run by someone you are uncomfortable with is childish
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i believe the first one is about my friend Jay, who has her blocked for similar reasons that i do. while it is perfectly fine for her to assume whatever she wants about the reasoning for a block, her phrasing of "all i ever did was be supportive" in a public post about it allows her to victimize herself over a boundary being placed. speaking of Jay, Elsa has, knowing full well that she's been blocked by xim on the "peonyblossom" blog- which, again, is a boundary that has been placed- decided to message xim on the choicespride blog xe runs
the second one is specifically about a tumblr user who i do not know personally and do not wish to drag them into this as they have left the open heart fandom. she was sent an anon about this user blocking her which, yeah, is really weird and suspicious. but this isn't about that, this is about her response to learning she's been blocked. she refers to herself as this users "biggest fan" and says that it "isn't normal" to block your biggest fan. once again she is victimizing herself over a boundary someone else has placed, only this time she has done it in a post talking about a person with their username in it. when you have a blog as big as hers, people are bound to go after someone in the name of defending the person they feel was slighted
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& here's her essentially calling people childish bc they might not want to interact with someone who causes them harm. iirc this was either about certain event blogs in the fandom not disclosing who's running them bc they know full well that some people might not be comfortable interacting with them (hiding ur identity will not help with that) or about people choosing not to participate because they know that the person running the event is someone they don't want to interact with. this ones just bizarre to me. no one has to interact with anyone ever, and calling them childish for it is, frankly, childish
Third point: her callout post for Jeremy and her non-apology
to get it out of the way: i'm friends with Jeremy. i'll try to keep this as unbiased as possible, but i am deeply deeply upset and frustrated with everything thats happened to rain. also, just so yall know, Jeremy gave me permission to talk about this. i'm not just dredging up old drama for drama's sake here.
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first- the callout post
the thing that started this was a post to the playchoicesconfessions blog where an anonymous user said- and i'm copy/pasting it here- "Ethan said he and Tobias were like brothers. Weird how many people in the fandom want to get with their brothers.’" essentially, this anonymous user accused people who ship Ethias as being into irl incest which..... we will not be getting into all the ways thats problematic here.
(as an aside, Elsa did at some point reblog and then delete this post, but her commentary was focused squarely on "ship and let ship" which is a sentiment i agree with but she completely ignored the blatant homophobia in this post. here's a version someone reblogged from her in case you're curious as to what she said)
Jeremy reblogged this confession post and added "i genuinely hope this person and others who think like this eat a fucking bullet holy shit" specifically in reference to the anon insinuating incest. in turn, anons on rain's blog assumed rai was referring to people who don't ship Ethais and sent rain nasty messages, which rai would respond to and get more anons who saw the latest response and again assume rai was talking about not shipping a ship they ship and not the actual genuine fucking homophobia from the original confession post.
one of these anons sent screenshots of rain's posts to Elsa, without the context, and told her rai was talking about her. rai was not. not until the post where rai (rightfully, ihmo) called both Elsa and another blogger (this one who also got a similar ask about being blocked by the user i mentioned earlier but who decided to put it in the open heart tags instead of keep it on their blog the way Elsa did. that's the only props i'll give to her in regards of that- yes it was shitty she posted it in the first place but at least she didn't tag it) for complaining about and villainizing someone who blocked them.
tldr version is- Jeremy was venting about anons that were being homophobic to rain, another anon sent screenshots of those posts to Elsa without the context who who rai was talking about and said they were about her, and Elsa, without bothering to verify in any way, decided the best course of action would be to publicly call rai out, painting rain as a bully who has been targeting her specifically and once again victimizing herself. on her blog with a bunch of followers. many of whom also chose not to verify, and instead just heaped more hatred onto Jeremy's blog.
this went on until September, when they talked to each other at first with a third party go-between, and eventually person-to-person. Jeremy explained the context of the vent posts, Elsa explained that she was getting the screenshots with no context from an anon and admitted she should have verified them herself instead of going full nuclear, and they both agreed to apologize publicly
all good, end of story, right?
while in Jeremy's post, rai took accountability for their side of what happened in this awful game of telephone and apologized for rains part in the whole thing. if you want to read it, here is a version of it.
Elsa, on the other hand.... well she apologized, but to be honest I'm not quite sure what for.
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she says there's been misunderstandings on both parts led on by one or more anonymous sources (no arguments here), says she understands that the posts that were sent to her were not actually about her (okay good) and says that its a tough world and that she's deleted her posts.
okay.... but that doesn't specify what she did at all to need the apology. which was publicly call out Jeremy on her blog with.... well, i'm not sure how many followers she has, but i do know that she's got the most well known blog in the choices fandom. by publicly calling out Jeremy in the way that she did, she (whether intentional or not) set her followers out to attack rains blog. she did not apologize for this. asking people to stop sending hate to rains blog is not the same as taking accountability for sending those people to rains blog in the first place
so. yeah.
again, non-extensive list, but i dont wanna mention things she's done without having screenshots or links to show proof that she did it, and i dont feel like finding more of her bullshit bc this just. really fucking stressed me out.
also this isn't me saying "shes a terrible person forever and i hate her and nobody should like her ever" this is me saying "hey, shes done/said some hurtful things in the past and it sure would be cool if she acknowledged any of it" but i think coolsville sucks or whatever.
also also most importantly: its possible for queer people to say and do things that are queerphobic. being queer yourself does not give you a shield from people calling you out for that. neither does real life activism. its great that she's done real life activism! but pointing back to things you've done in the past, or for a different group of people than the one youre in does not exempt you from the harm youre causing today, to the people you're interacting with.
i dont have a proper ending to this
thanks for reading i guess
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senil888 · 2 months
Don't want to hijack any posts about KOSA specifically, though please please please if you are a US Citizen resch out to your senators AND representatives because it WILL eventually go through there, because this is more of a general thing that KOSA happens to fall under.
The TL;DR: One should always, ALWAYS, treat any bill claiming to be for ”protecting the children” as bullshit. They never EVER do what they claim they will. They're always a way to lock down spaces even more than before, and companies will always go with the strictest law to apply to everyone to make things easier on themselves. Do not trust them, fight them every chance you possibly get.
Just about every time a law claiming to "protect the kids" passes - or even that argument is used in general - the vast majority of the time it's made up bullshit designed to appeal to a certain group of people who will hate you for not supporting something meant to protect children. My home state had a bill (that I think passed, thankfully) re: expanding sex ed down into grade school. A TON of people freaked out, thinking they were going to be teaching eight year olds about anal sex or whatever (it was similar claims to that idfk).
They were, of course, dead wrong. You could literally look up the proposed curricula and grade school? Was focused around consent, asking permission to do things like hugging, that of stuff. The kind of thing that will actually protect children should they find themselves in an abusive situation, because they'll hopefully ALREADY KNOW that this is a scary person who is not asking them to do these things and you aren't saying yes to any of this. Hell, even saying no and realizing the abuser isn't listening could ring that alarm of "this is somebody not listening to me or my boundaries. I am being Abused" or something like that.
The thing the nuts claimed wouldn't protect children because they thought sex ed for grade schoolers would be the same as sex ed for high schoolers would, in fact, actually help children by virtue of education. Of knowledge. Of knowing what boundaries are, how to set them, and how to ask to do things.
The same shit applies with bills such as KOSA. The goal is never to actually protect children. It's to indirectly harm them by making knowledge access harder. In a time where libraries are actively getting slammed and underfunded, online resources and communities are sometimes the only vaguely safe outlet someone has. It might be the only way a queer kid out in rural flyover country finds solace in being queer, is able to freely be queer. "Protecting the children" (from those filthy queers) means gating off those spaces from people. From letting people find those spaces where they can be free.
Let's not forget the way this can easily gut activism work too. Often these bills are ways to delete spaces for the "outcasts" of society, and once one group of "outcasts" is dealt with, they'll find another. We've seen this "protect the kids" line when it comes to trans people (especially trans women), when it comes to drag, or any form of queer expression. "Cis white men holding hands in public" is seen as damaging to children.
"Protect the children" is effectively (if not outright) a dog whistle for "this law or whatever is actually meant to target a specific group of people, set of actions, etc. without us saying it does that because saying what we actually want to do would mean nobody would like this thing." KOSA specifically can and likely will gut online activism organization, gut queer spaces, black spaces, whatever kind of minority or leftist space you can think up of. It has the power to do that.
And its effects will almost certainly be felt globally, because again. Companies will go with the strictest possible approach, if not outright blocking access from places stricter than they care to manage. Twitter being affected by a bill such as KOSA will affect people worldwide because they have to comply with a strict as fuck law, and it's infinitely easier to apply the basics to every user they legally can (IDK about how GDPR plays into this specific bill).
There's a reason companies cracked down on queer groups after SESTA/FOSTA became effective in 2018 (which, FYI, is likely a large part of why Tumblr moderation routinely cracks down on queer people, trans women in particular!). Because queer people are, by default, seen as more "sexual" and whatnot, that those groups are more likely to get a company in trouble legally speaking. So, they try to suppress those groups as best they can without making it blatantly obvious (usually failing the latter part but they don't care).
"Protect the children" will only be used, and continue to be used, as a way to mask the actual intent. Bills like KOSA do not protect children. If they do, it's purely a coincidence. Their real goal is to crack down on whatever "undesirable" they want to send into hiding next. That's what it's used for. Is the internet, in ways, shittier than it was 15, even 10 years ago? Oh absolutely, and it was still shitty then too. I definitely found myself in spaces I absolutely shouldn't have as a kid. But the solution to that isn't to lock everything up real tight. It's a good education about these things.
Nobody told me that, if I ended up a little too sensual towards an adult, it doesn't matter if they didn't know I was actually 15 and I'm making the advancement and they had no way of knowing my age. They're still the person in trouble here. Mind you, I was just smart enough to stick to the sidelines, maybe make comments in stuff, but that was it. Nobody told me what to watch for, why things were maybe Bad, etc.
I was punished for *gasp* having porn (furry porn) saved to a deviantArt account that I had an app for. This did absolutely nothing for me. Nobody said anything about why it was bad (or could cause problems to the artist). I was just yelled at and grounded. "Protect the children" just results in that happening. In kids and teens getting punished for not knowing things that nobody would ever teach them because "they're so delicate, they aren't old enough to know this yet."
Fuck this "protect the kids" bullshit. Fuck this bill. Fuck every bill like it. Fuck every legislator who supports it. Fuck every court that even dares to uphold it. Fuck whichever US president signs it off. You don't protect children by banning drag or outlawing any form of transition before 18 or whatever. You don't protect children by removing their spaces online. You don't protect children by indirectly empowering their abusers by making sure they never know what they're going through is Wrong and Bad.
I'm pissed off that this needs to be said, that this is even a topic worth bringing up. That this is even NECESSARY to say.
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vergess · 6 months
Hey, um, that last reply you did to someone complaining about Harry Potter fans you reblogged seems a bit off for the context of what's in the actual post.
I believe what they were meaning was just that giving traction and attention to something that a terf is still alive and actively making money off is upsetting, no matter your orientation, and that's it.
I don't see anything that would give the context of that person actively meaning harm on queer people, unless I somehow missed something on their main blog
Just seemed out of nowhere and concerning.
Link to the post in question.
That'll be where the "I'm so exhausted by this shit" is relevant.
Not one time, ever, have I seen someone outright target trans fans of Harry Potter directly, and then been actually chill or decent about trans people in general.
Instead, it's always a tightrope, where as soon as you don't conform adequately to their beliefs, then your transness becomes secondary to their belief that you are a TERF.
As that post literally does.
There is nothing "supporting TERFs" about a trans person writing trans fanfic on ao3. It doesn't benefit the goddamn bitch in any way. As evidenced by the fact that JKR literally wants us to stop doing it TOO.
I just.
How the fuck are you and a TERF gonna be shouting the same "stop making art" at trans people, and then say actually you're not on the TERF's side, it was the nasty trans artists all along.
The first half of the post was fine, BTW, it was a whatever. A nonissue.
The ISSUE is when the fucking OP turns around to SPECIFICALLY TARGET TRANS PEOPLE and then pretend that's a normal fucking thing to do in the supposed "defense" of the selfsame trans people attacked
Just. I know you want to assume I'm being an over reactive little cunt who needs to take a deep breath and put on its big boy pants. I know that temptation is real, even if you're probably phrasing it more kindly in your head right now.
The thing about a tumblr post is, you're totally allowed to give in to that temptation and just block me! You don't have to listen to me. But if you're willing:
The OP literally specifies trans people and other marginalized groups attacked by JKR, such as fat people and POC. The OP brought us up all on their own.
And then specifically cast us as being secretly in line with 'the enemy' and fighting for our own destruction
Setting aside the obvious bigotry inherent in calling trans people sneaky little traitors?
It's just outright fucking insulting to be told that your art is bad actually because you made it trans but not in a way the OP likes enough
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lupuslikethewolf · 1 year
One thing i have noticed in regards to J*R's bigotry and how it is presented in popular media (i.e. news stations, articles and by celebrites) is that the main focus seems to be on the transphobia, and - as a british trans person - i think it is safe to say that a major reason for that is the rampant transphobia already present in this country, but the blatant anti-semitism, racism, misogyny, and right-wing politics tend to just get swept under the rug.
I am brown (desi), trans-masc and gay, but i'm not jewish, so if i am incorrect about anything i say regarding anti-semitism, then please correct me! this is based of research and what i have heard from jewish people, not personal experience.
In order: Misogyny and TERFism, Transphobia and UK Politics, Racism and Xenophobia in Writing, and Anti-Semetism and Caricatures.
Misogyny and TERF-ism
I think the first thing to say is that J*R glamorises the term TERF, or 'Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist' and considers herself the height of Women's Rights Activism.
I think this is truly evident in the fact that she seems unable to include a female protagonist in HP that isn't motherly or a love interest. Hermione Granger, while the most well-rounded and complex of the female characters, is the caretaker of Ron and Harry during their time at Hogwarts as students, and is treated as the 'back-up' girlfriend by Ron and Harry during the Fourth Year Yule Ball. Lavender Brown exists to create a 'Not Like Other Girls' trait in Hermione by distancing her from all the boy obsessed, hyper-feminine 'bad' girly-girls of Gryffindor. She is also, again, nothing more than a love interest. Molly Weasley is a mother figure for Harry, and everything about her eventually links back to that fact. She cooks, cleans, looks after people, knits and sews, etc etc. Nymphadora Tonks was actually an interesting and badass character, but then J*R got mad at her fandom for doing fandom things and turned her into a one-dimensional tragic love interest for her queer-coded character who she has admitted to writing as a fucking AIDs allegory.
I believe this view is rooted in her transphobia, TERF-ism and internalised misogyny, as J*R cannot create a 'good' woman who isn't motherly and feminine, but only in the acceptable way. This is seen in Rita Skeeter, who is also hyper-feminine and yet described in a very masculine way, with 'thick fingers' and a 'heavy-jawed face'.
Transphobia and UK Politics
The transphobia tends to rear its head most often because it is incredibly common and in the public eye, especially with the UK government repeatedly shooting down efforts to make progress, like how they blocked Scotland's law to make self-recognition easier for trans people. It is also evident in her TERF-ism and the fact that she no longer hides her support for anti-trans movements, and instead uses her platform and wealth to fund and promote them.
There is also the fact that she has also been using that same platform and wealth to publicly campaign against Scottish Independence for far longer.
The UK Tory (aka Conservative) Party has routinely held up J*R as a bastion of good-will, 'progress', and the ultimate citizen, even quoting her directly when sprouting anti-trans bullshit. While J*R will claim to be a Feminist and support Labour (the only real left-leaning opposition to the Tories), her views often align more with those she claims not to support.
Politics also show themselves in characters such as Seamus Finnegan, the only Irish character, with the most stereotypically Irish name there is, who is always blowing things up when trying to cast spells, and loves to drink. In the 90s, when HP was set, Northern Ireland was suffering from something known as 'The Troubles', wherein two sides known as 'Protestants' and 'Catholics', whether there was a religious affiliation or not, were bombing, street fighting, sniper attacks and committing other acts of civil warfare all throughout the country. And J*R put those actions onto a child.
That's some Tory shit right there.
Racism and Xenophobia in Writing
If you have seen any criticisms of J*R's writing of diverse characters, you will know that she has a massive, massive problem with using stereotypes, especially in names, to portray her Characters of Colour.
I think the most obvious tends to be Kingsley Shacklebolt, the only major black protagonist in the series. She named her only black character Shacklebolt.
Just let that sink in for a minute.
Then there is Cho Chang, who's only personality traits include being sad about her boyfriend, kissing Harry Potter, and being smart. She is also the only main asian protagonist, and her name is just two east asian-sounding surnames put together.
'Cho' is Korean or Burmese, and 'Chang' is a romanised Chinese surname.
Padma and Parvati Patil rely on the same stereotypes. Their culture - especially the clothing - is completely butchered and used as nothing more than fan-service to prove how not-racist she is (yeah right) and are only around to be love interests who get tossed aside and treated horribly by Ron and Harry.
'Padma' is a Persian name while 'Parvati' is a Hindu/Sanskrit name.
If a writer needs to rely on stereotypes and racist views to write her characters of colour, than she is not a good writer and either needs to be held accountable and made to unlearn her biases, or simply not allowed to write anymore.
Anti-Semitism and Caricatures
Reminder to listen to Jewish People and the Jewish Community when it comes to Anti-Semitism in HP, not just some non-jewish 16-year-old with too much time on their hands and unlimited internet access trying to procrastinate revising for their exams!!
(Tumblr crashed when i was writing this part of the post,,,, feels targeted /lh) Also, this is not a definitive list of anti-semetic items in HP, go look at a Jewish person's perspective to fully understand! This is a good post from @/whilommm regarding the new HP game and this post by @/genderkoolaid which talks about a youtuber posting videos on antisemitism and other issues head-on.
Goblins are the most prolific anti-semetic stereotype seen throughout HP, and most other mythology.
The first and most obvious thing, in my opinion, is the description of their noses. Hooked noses are a very distinct trait found most often in Jewish people, and are described very often in the Goblins, and not only that, but Snape and other villains in HP have 'bad' or 'ugly' noses.
Goblins are also greedy money-hoarders who run the banks, which feeds into anti-semetic conspiracy theories about Jewish people running the world's economy, and the N@zi propaganda of Jewish people hoarding wealth and collapsing the German economy.
There are little-to-no female goblins. Which, while also feeding into the misogynistic side of J*R's writing, also presents jewish-coded characters as being inherently misogynistic when that is not the case of any ethnic and/or religious group.
The goblins are rude to wizards and any other outsider, which is a belief that likely stems from the fact that it is an incredibly hard and long process to convert fully to Judaism, as the beginning involves being turned away from converting three times by the same Rabbi. This does not make Judaism or Jewish People xenophobic or even otherwise cautious of outsiders, it is simply part of their religious conversion process made to deter people who do not genuinely want to be apart of the religion and to make sure those converting are doing so with good and honest intentions.
If the Death Eaters are meant to be Fascist N@zi Allegories, why not make the only jewish-coded characters you have actually well-fucking-written and main fucking characters. Or, better yet, Don't Call It A Fucking A Nazi Allagory!!! Oppression doesn't have to involve Fasicsm/Nazis!!
The New Harry Potter Game Not To Be Named And Only Ever Pirated If Even That is a whole other can of worms of blood libel, romanticising oppression and even more anti-semetic caricatures that deserves its own post.
Final Notes
This is not a definitive list, but simply what I personally am most angry about and can remember the clearest from my last re-read of Harry Potter. Other things to be considered: bad world building that makes no sense, werewolves as an AIDS allegory that then proceed to prey on kids, homophobia regarding dumbledore and wolfstar, and her use of slavery and 'slaves who enjoy being enslaved' because what the fuck was that thought process.
Here is a post @/chaos-in-one with some other links and more brilliant points about why people should hate J*R
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Hogwarts Legacy
Let me preface this by saying that if you are a TERF, antisemite, or any other form of bigot, my blog is not safe for you. You will be blocked and reported. Now.
Discussion of the new Hogwarts Legacy game has really heated up over the past couple of weeks, and I want to make it crystal clear where I stand. If you buy this game, if you play it at all, you have no right to call yourself an ally. If you were really an ally, you would listen to the voices of all the marginalized people targeted by this game and franchise and NOT BUY IT. I don't care if Harry Potter was your childhood—it was mine too! But I can realize that whatever Harry Potter does for me does in no way outweigh the harm that it does to marginalized communities.
(More under the cut)
Rowling has outright said that she views any support of her work as support of her views. Any Harry Potter product you buy, including the game, is going to go directly into her pockets so she can continue to fund anti-trans legislation. Even if she isn't directly profiting from sales, she was definitely paid in order to use Harry Potter, and making this game profitable just signals that corporations can continue to support her and face no backlash. You cannot separate the art from the artist when they are still actively profiting from their art and using it to make people's lives miserable. Reading Shakespeare and recognizing the problematic elements is nowhere near the same level as funding one of the world's most famous TERFs.
Even beyond that, the content of Hogwarts Legacy is so blatantly antisemitic that I truly cannot fathom why anyone would want to play it in the first place. Putting down a rebellion of Jewish-coded characters who are sick of being treated like slaves???? Are you insane?? I see people claiming that they're trans or their friend is trans and they said it was okay as if there are not multiple other marginalized groups being affected by this! Learn some intersectionality!
The other thing I keep seeing is the phrase "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" and it just does not fucking apply. That phrase applies to when people must buy necessities like food or toiletries or bottled water and can't avoid buying from unethical businesses because five corporations have mini monopolies over the market. It does not apply to a single video game full of antisemitic rhetoric that goes into the pockets of a TERF. You will not die if you don't buy this stupid game.
If you want to engage with Harry Potter content, support fan creators; read fanfiction and headcanons, look at fanart, and maybe even make some yourself. But do not promote or financially support the official content, especially when trans people, Jewish people, and POC are literally begging you to listen to them and show some degree of respect for their issues. I'll say this right now; if I see anyone interacting with or promoting this game, it's an immediate block. Do better.
(Note: I am not a member of any of the communities affected by JKR and this game's blatant bigotry. I would recommend seeking out trans, Jewish, and POC users and supporting them during this mess.)
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johannestevans · 1 year
how do you find a solid sense of self when society constantly demands you trade parts of yourself to live peacefully in it. I'm not confidant i can start working towards more self-discovery without running into road-blocks that say "Back in your box or perish". Ive changed the way i interact and think about the world so much that i cant come up with a solid answer who i am outside the few labels Ive picked out for myself. other than that i feel like a blank slate, EXCITING but what can i even do
It can strike people as trite, but I think the biggest and most important thing you can do with regards to your identity is define it on things you love, and work outward from there.
What values do you hold most dearly? What hobbies or activities do you care most about? Big or small, what are the things that bring you the most joy, happiness, and satisfaction?
But apart from that, there's also like... What parts of yourself do you think are or have suffered most? What aspects of your identity have been most neglected or mistreated by those around you? What aspects of yourself do you think are the most tender, the aspects of yourself that deserve or need to be nurtured and cherished most?
There are things that can be in conflict, obviously, like things that can bring us joy whilst also making us feel trapped or hemmed in, as you say, and it's difficult to work from that. Especially when you've spent much of your life being told that what you do and how you exist has to be comprehensible and acceptable to passers-by and onlookers - messaging that queer and disabled people receive a lot, not to mention the same racialised messaging for people who are Black or brown etc, or straight-up just people who have come from a mixed cultural background - because our mere existence makes other people uncomfortable - it can be hard to shake off those expectations and the trauma that those expectations come with.
The most important thing to do and the thing that genuinely is the most liberating is to ensure you find community with like-minded people - not just people who love the same things you do or do the same activities, but people who share the same values as you, and care about them on the same level as you. People you can exist with and relax, without worrying about them judging some aspect of you, as much as possible.
What that means for every individual, what those communities look like, is ultimately a really personal thing, but the basis of pretty much anybody's self-confidence, I think, comes from being able to trust that those closest to them, those with whom they are most vulnerable or intimate, with their whole selves.
When you find those people and you are able to take your armour off, when you are able to just exist in the presence of that love without being fully armoured, you can then begin to see what you look like under it yourself, you know?
Not just because you're seeing it through other people's eyes, but also because you're seeing them unarmoured too, and you're doing that self-discovery not only through reflection and introspection, but through connection with others.
With queer people, I would say find other queer people - there's a reason that I always say it's important for trans MLM to seek out other MLM spaces, specifically because of the way attraction to men and men in general are celebrated in those rather than in broader spaces where there's often a bit of an "ew, men are icky, being attracted to men is icky" sentiment. There's a reason I also say that for disabled people, being around other disabled people fucking rocks.
Good luck with it, Anon! It's hard, but it's so rewarding once you do start to find people you click with, even if it's online or it's only now and then IRL, etc.
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aleprouswitch · 8 months
In October 2011, my mental health was deteriorating for a multitude of reasons and I was actively thinking about killing myself. I told my therapist after a bad episode on my college campus and he suggested a mental health facility that would provide care without insurance. The idea seemed a bit terrifying, but I decided to do it because I was afraid of what I was capable of doing in terms of harming myself.
My mom refused to take me to the facility, so I had to ask a then-friend if he could drive me to the facility to check in on Friday night. He agreed to. Friday night comes, and I try calling him, and I'm getting no answer. Finally he calls me back, and he's hammered. Shitfaced. Three sheets to the fucking wind. Obviously, he can't drive. I am beyond angry and also worried.
I had no other choice but to post on Facebook that yes, I was having a mental health crisis and I needed somebody to drive me to the facility to be admitted. A guy on the local music scene that I barely knew agreed to drive me. He was actually really nice and stayed with me in the lobby until I got called back for admittance. I was asked a big string of questions and signed some paperwork, and that was it.
My phone was taken away from me and I was thrust into Grippy Sock Land. Food was scarce and daily activities were heavily regulated. We had an "art hour" where we were given colored pencils and markers and encouraged to draw. Apparently my drawing was disturbing to the caretakers because of the religious imagery used in it. In truth, the art piece didn't really mean much of anything. We were shown old movies and made to watch infomercials about medications.
I was placed on multiple medications that made me extremely drowsy and I spent hours upon hours sleeping in a room with two beds. The other bed was at first occupied by a woman who appeared to be in her 40s. All she did was cry hysterically and say she needed help over and over. She was eventually removed and sent to another facility. My second roommate was a convicted felon facing another robbery charge. I saw her mugshot not long after release.
The only thing that helped me retain my sanity during those three days was that surprisingly, a friend of mine at the time was admitted during the same weekend, also for suicidal thoughts. My friend was trans but not out yet, and at the time they were married to a man I had known since high school. We found little ways to make each other laugh despite our bleak surroundings, and that gave me hope.
After release, I got my phone back and found that my now ex-friend who was too drunk to take me to be admitted three days earlier had send multiple text messages apologizing for "failing" me. I just rolled my eyes. Another ex-friend messaged me on Facebook about my stay, saying she was "jealous" because I got a "vacation" for a few days. I was so disgusted by her words. Nothing about that experience resembled a "vacation" at all. It was miserable. It was hell.
My co-workers acted scared to talk to me when I returned to work afterward, as if I was volatile and should be approached with caution. My mom never really talked to me about my stay, which I expected. I did get some really nice messages from people I knew, including some musicians I networked with, that made me feel better about my experience and like I did the right thing to help myself.
Twelve years have passed since that ordeal. Almost nobody I was friends with then are still in my life now. Two of the people mentioned in this post sexually assaulted me. Another did something horrible to hurt me in 2013 and I have had them blocked on all social media since. I have never gone back to that mental health facility and I never want to be there again. The lead doctor there was pretty nice, but everyone else made me feel like a circus animal.
I am in the long, arduous process of making sense of my traumatic experiences and maybe that's why I'm writing all of this out. The more removed I am from these experiences, the more fucked up I'm realizing that they were. I deserved kindness and rarely received it during those years. Of course I wasn't perfect and I had problems, but sometimes it really does hit me how everyone in my life was treating me like a burden or something in the way back then.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
I wanna use this post as a case study in gender essentialism and TERF rhetoric in lesbianism. And I am going to be making assumptions about OP's beliefs and feelings based on this post and their tags.
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[Screenshot of a tumblr post and it's tags. OP's url is not shown:
"I'm a man who identifies as a lesbian" got it you're a fucking predator goodbye.
#men canNOT be lesbians what's not clicking #and the fact that anyone could identify as such or actively support someone identifying as such is fucking sickening #as if men trying to force themselves on lesbians and people trying to force men into our attraction isn't bad enough #now we have people actualy identifying as such??? you are chronically online mf #and no this post does not apply to he/him genderfluid or transmasc lesbians who do not identify as men #but it you identify as a MAN and yet also identify as a lesbian then literally block me #and it's a punch to the face if i ever encounter one of y'all motherfuckers in real life #stop invading lesbian spaces #lesbophobia #anti-lesboys #anti-male lesbians #this is just like the bi lesbian bull #men are not involved in lesbianism what's not fucking clicking #men dni #non-lesbians dni #terfs dni]
So, the core problem this person has with male lesbians is, it seems, that "male lesbians" are inherently predatory and "male lesbian" means forcing female lesbians to be attracted to men. They seem to equate "male lesbian" with "(cis) heterosexual man trying to assault or "fix" lesbian women."
Now, this is in contrast with the people who actually, in good faith (not as a joke) identify as male lesbians/lesboys. These people are commonly
Trans men who have transitioned but still identify as lesbians and are still active in the lesbian community, which has been a thing for decades- despite OP saying it's "chronically online". I would really love to see the reaction if you, in real life, punched an older lesbian trans man for existing in his community with his lesbian wife. Do you think people would be on your side?
Other trans* people who identify as lesbians while also being male in some way (for example, being multigender). I know the OP tries to carve out space for genderfluid/transmasc lesbians, but they still do so in a way that makes it clear that the only trans* people "allowed" to be lesbians are the ones who never actually identify as MEN. Just as a fun reminder to all us weird transes that we gotta make sure we never find ourselves too close to that line, or else we have to give up the labels we care for because The Cises have made it law.
These kinds of people have been identifying as lesbians for decades. Trans male lesbians have been well-documented. Male lesbians frequently find happy relationships with other lesbians who are aware of their gender identity. When you see someone calling themself a "male lesbian" or "lesboy", as an actual identity, it's much more likely they are a trans* person with a complex identity, and not a cishet guy making a stupid joke.
And yet, the OP of this post conflates male lesbians/lesboys with this idea of predatory straight men invading the community, not just through violence but through lies and deception. Men are "predators" who are "invading lesbian spaces" to "force themselves on lesbians" and "force lesbians to be attracted to men." Where have we heard this before?
If you took this post, and removed the comments on genderfluid and transmasc people, and the "terfs dni" at the very end, this would be EXTREMELY easy to read as a terf complaining about trans women who are lesbians. Obviously this person does not identify as a terf, and on some level cares about making that clear. Yet they have the same line of thinking: men cannot be lesbians, because men being lesbians is inherently harmful in itself. Men being lesbians inherently means men assaulting lesbians, no matter the actual person behind the label. Because OP is not thinking about male lesbians as people who are identifying that way out a genuine feeling of connection with the label and a desire for community... they must be doing it for nefarious reasons, because that's what males do.
And this person could hypothetically be a crypto-TERF, but I really don't think they are. I think this is a person who genuinely does not like TERFs, and wants to support trans women. They don't want to be a harmful person to people that they are supposed to support.
Yet, they are. Being a TERF or hating trans women, in progressive queer spaces, is a social faux pas, but hating men isn't. So for radical feminist ideology to take root, all it has to do is change "men" from "people assigned male at birth" to "anyone who identifies as a man", and then suddenly you have people who "hate TERFs" who agree wholeheartedly with TERF rhetoric. Because while they might be able to recognize that viewing trans women as predators in lesbian spaces is Wrong, they- and we as queer people in general- have not acknowledged as much how hatred of men is a foundational part of TERF transmisogyny.
So people will freely regurgitate TERF beliefs- men are inherently predatory and dangerous, and this is why men can't be lesbians, because allowing men in women's spaces puts them all in danger, so women must isolate themselves from men and any man who tries to enter a woman's space is a predator- but because they insist that they don't mean "trans women" when they say "men", they feel it's completely unrelated to radical feminism.
Also, notice the hatred to bi lesbians as well! It's almost like radical feminists don't like them very much either, for the same reason (lesbian spaces must be pure!!!!!)
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alligatorjesie · 10 months
Man. You’re right @driversfavtwink , I should go outside and touch some grass.
Hey wait a minute.
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I’m already outside.
This reminds me of that time I made a whole post involving an anti and how instead of telling people in this fandom to kill themselves, a thing they had done repeatedly in the past, how to go outside and touch exactly the right type of grass and to spend some fucking time doing that instead of what they were actively doing,
Which was telling people in my fandom to kill themselves.
You don’t even fucking understand just how much grass I regularly touch just to deal with anti shitwads.
And you know what this anti told me after I took all that time to record them a personalized video with extraordinarily detailed explanations on how to take care of this incredibly invasive plant?
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because that’s fucking normal.
Let’s not forget how a few years ago a furry convention I go to every year was chlorine bombed by a nazi fur who was disgruntled when con staff told them we don’t allow nazis into the fucking con.
A very real thing that happened to me and over 7,000 other furries in the middle of the night in winter in Chicago.
Then a few weeks ago I counter protested with the same invasive plant info at a drag show in an attempt to block visibility to a death cult church who regularly pickets any pride events in my town like our own personal westboro baptist church.
They spent the evening telling me and everyone there how we was all gonna burn in a lake of fire.
This is were they set up and spent the next 5ish hours death proselytize a drag show.
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Unlike @miguelsdumbass, I actually don't mind people knowing I'm a real person doing real things like the person I say I fucking am.
I'm not asking a child to show me proof of who the are by the way. They can tell me there the queen of fucking France for all the fucks I don't give. I just want them to fix their fucking tags and get the fuck out of this fandom space. It's the first thing I said to this chucklefuck and it'll be the last fucking thing I ever say to them.
You know, it just seems like hateful people keep encroaching on the spaces I should be safe in but for some reason assholes like you seem to think I'm overreacting when all I'm fucking doing is telling them to Leave if they hate it so much. I don't want 'em here, and the entire fucking fandom/drag show/pride event/convention don't want this hateful shit either.
It seems like I'm having a lot of trouble just going into spaces that were designated for us being interrupted by assholes who can't read the fucking room.
I’m noticing a pattern is all I’m saying.
@Miguelsdumbass here isn’t even the worst one. They’re just a child and really fucking stupid.
Which by the way @miguel-o-haras-rp, whats it like living a total lie? I remember when I was your age I lied about working for disney’s animation studios. And people fucking believed me.
The internet and fun and full of stupid people.
@miguel-o-haras-rp is not Jewish because this wasn’t even a thing on their bio until I dared to bring up nazis and that’s all this pee brained moron could think up when being compared to the same group of people who regularly tell me and my friends to kill themselves, which antis do. Telling a whole group of people they should eat shit and die for participating in a thing, that’s some nazi shit you know? The trans thing is new by the way @miguel-o-haras-rp, what argument lead to this one? Are you gonna identify as an attack helicopter next? Who knows what new personality you’ll invent in the coming weeks. A better one we can only fucking hope.
Not until you finally figure out the horrible history of antis and abhorrent anti behavior that's for fucking sure.
Antis, which shitass here openly says they’re a member of;
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have been telling people to kill themselves since fucking time immemorial.
‘Anti’ is a new term but the act of being one isn’t fucking new.
nazis are anti Jewish.
Straight white conservatives are anti anything that ain’t a straight white conservatives.
@miguel-o-haras-rp is anti using common sense genetics to realize multiracial people can look multiracial.
I’ve been around the block. I know hateful people when I see them. The fact you’re defending this person says more about you than me @driversfavtwink.
I do see the irony in being told by a Adam Driver superfan, historically really fucking weird people into some weird shit but whatever you do you boo I ain't a part of that drama, are more normal than the reylos who are just enjoy a fictional canon vanilla fandom and ship, but go fucking off I guess.
I ain't never doxxed anyone. But I know a few adam driver superfans who have.
Daivers are the weird fucking people who obsessively ship Daisy and Adam, the real people and not their fictional Star Wars characters, are not to be confused with "Reylos".
We are not the same fucking thing.
No one is white washing a half white character by stating the half white character looks a little white.
Ya'll are real fucking stupid.
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Antis ain’t your fucking friend.
Antis are fucking scum who tell people the most horrible shit. They’re not any fucking better than that church who pickets my local pride events or that nazi who chlorine bombed a bunch of furries because we didn't like his shitass racist opinions.
and they’re not any fucking better than real nazis, a group of people so passionately hateful they just went straight to killin’ the thing they hated.
I can and will make that comparison because
much like how nazis kept actually killing Jewish people, antis keep telling me and mine to fucking die in just about every group I'm in.
Not just in the reylo fandom, but in the furry fandom, and in the LGBTQ community too.
And that's some nazi shit and it's getting really fucking old.
And if you’re gonna act like one you can leave too shitass, fuck
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xxlovelynovaxx · 7 months
I'm sorry (actually I'm not) but I truly DESPISE syscoursers that are so ignorant about endo systems, the purpose of plurality as an umbrella term, and insisting that CDDs are not plural, and even that endo systems can end up with DID through trauma that happened after they became a system or in rare cases weird brain fuckery, that they just completely perpetuate system spaces being incredibly hostile to mixed origin systems and systems who have the "wrong" origin for their disordered status.
I blocked that person right after that reblog because... that's just sysmedicalism with an astrix! That's like saying "okay, nonbinary people are valid but they're nothing like True Trans People and don't have any of the same needs or experiences and fundamentally can't understand us".
Oh yes? That trans woman who is multigender and also a man and considers herself nonbinary due to being both, but is pursuing typical feminizing HRT and surgery and materially faces transmisogyny in the same way as a binary trans woman but also faces exorsexism on top of it is nothing like you, mhmm. That transneutral or transmasc nonbinary person who is pursuing androgenizing transition and will be visibly queer in a way that will cause transphobes to mistake them for both a trans woman and trans man at times has nothing in common with trans men OR trans women. Sure, Jan.
And I chose those examples very purposefully. A system that is both traumagenic and endogenic and has a CDD faces both anti-CDD ableism/sanism and endomisia, and their material reality and the oppression they face is near identical to that of purely traumagenic DID systems, except DID systems face anti-trauma ableism instead of endomisia. (Both are bad and can be incredibly traumatizing themselves, btw.)
The other example is a system that is quiogenic or created/adaptive, as some examples that may be neither, both, or either traumagen or endogen, or is endogenic, who needs therapy for disordered symptoms and faces unique forms of sanism not only from pluralmisic bigots, but also withing their own community, and is told they have to "pick one" (transmasc/transfem vs endo/trauma origins - exorsexism vs a very specific subtype of pluralmisia). They might face ableism, sanism, endomisia, or digenesism (the forcible binarizarion of origin and bigotry towards those that don't fall within the false dichotomy), just like the nonbinary person may face transmisogyny, transandrophobia, exorsexism, or ceteromisia.
Anyway, I'm exhausted of this shit. I'll make a proper coining post for that term but like. Whatever. Systems like this fuck off. You are just pluralmisic systems and you're actively hurting other systems with CDDs in your own self-righteous nonsense.
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trans-wojak · 2 months
I just wanted to say I saw your response to the ask about Nex and I wanted to say that the way you explained your stance is very well thought out…
I hold the same beliefs as you, and I would like to not be on Anon but I fear if my friends found I hold these beliefs that they would call me transphobic and hate me (it is a kinda complicated situation…)
I just want to say I admire your bravery to speak your thoughts and opinions so openly and seemingly without fear of being rejected because of them. I hope one day to be able to have the confidence to speak my thoughts on subjects without fearing to be criticized.
-A shy anon 🪼
I have been criticised a lot for my stance because it creates conflict and many people just dislike conflict in general, which I understand. I just avoid trans spaces online and irl these cause they are predominantly filled with trenders and “non binary”. I prefer LGBT mixed spaces cause atleast those are not just a group made up of women who ID as non binary. Since it’s LGBT and not “trans”, there is less room for radical feminist man hating bullshit cause gay men will tell them to stfu.
Non binary in my experience and research is really just radical feminism lite, it reminds me of “political lesbians” who were straight femcels out of choice. All core beliefs of non binary activism heavily align with radical feminist theory more than it does with anything about trans rights. Contrary to popular belief, many radical feminists believe that medical transition is fine aslong as you retain that you’re a masculinised female or feminised male and don’t assert you are changing your sex or try to be in any of your group’s gendered spaces. Though, this treatment is mainly only directed at trans women - they rarely care about trans men sharing spaces with cis men cause they see it as “rebellious against the evil patriarchy” and benefiting.
This is why most “detrans” TERFs you find will have identified as non binary but then switched, usually after trying testosterone and ACTUALLY getting dysphoria. If you go to non binary subreddits, there’s countless posts about being scared to start T cause “I don’t want *insert literal male sexual characteristic*” or even worse “I don’t want to be perceived as a cis male”. The comments are filled with encouragement to start T anyway, saying you can microdose to control effects (a lie, it just makes it slower), suggesting taking certain hormone blockers to literally block male sexual characteristics but get very minimal ones that could be achieved through diet, exercise and voice training. Or worse, suggestions that laser hair removal isn’t even hard or expensive, it’ll work blah blah.
These retards then go on T, get side effects that cause actual dysphoria and then go full blown radical feminist.
At this point? I think anyone who identifies as non binary should be banned from transitioning medically. I don’t think you should qualify for a gender dysphoria diagnosis unless you want to be the opposite sex; not some magical androgynous being to get out of misogyny in society.
Though I do keep my beliefs to myself in many situations to avoid conflict but I also play heavily on my autism as an excuse for things, if the government and society wanna deem me as retarded then I’ll play into it. So, no I struggle with singular they cause I’m autistic. Honestly, I actually do struggle with singular they especially if they look entirely as their birth sex. I just don’t bother putting in effort cause I don’t care about how they feel. The worst woman I ever encountered who got mad at me for this was self diagnosed autistic, had a fucking child and was raising him “as non binary” so she got mad if you used he/him. I’m all for not raising kids with no gender roles or stereotypes but doing that is gonna fuck up the kid.
I also know a woman who started T cause she thinks she’s non binary and immediately stopped cause of body hair growing. Now she complains about her slightly deeper voice and says she wants to get pregnant again but worries that T hurt her. Oh she still retains she’s non binary tho, just that she likes living as a female “cause its way more comfortable” - yeah cause you’re a cis woman!
Anyway sorry for the rant, I’m glad that my opinions aren’t all seen as me being uwu disrespectful and mean cause my intent isn’t to be “mean” it’s to use critical thinking. If you want, you can privately DM me to discuss more on this so you don’t feel so alone in your convictions. It’s one of the reasons I have stopped showing my face online publicly cause trenders tried to doxx me, dangerous at times to not believe in non binary.
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gutsfics · 3 months
my goal here isnt to bully elsa. my goal here is accountability. i know my posts have come off as prickly and angry but i am allowed to be angry when someone doesnt fucking listen to the hurt they've caused
and im downright frustrated that ive gotten some people tell me to basically just suck it up and ignore it. fucking how???? this fandom is so small, and she interacts with everyone so even with her blocked i still see her constantly???? plus also fucking WHAT?????? why should i have to ignore homophobia? im fucking gay. homophobia fucking hurts.
ive talked to her a few times, all of which have started as polite as i can be in a frankly upsetting situation and all of which have culminated in blocks when the conversation was getting to frusturating and circular. i would point out a way how she's hurt myself or a friend and she'd say that she doesnt count bc shes queer herself, or bc of her irl activism, or bc shes older than me so respect your elders and we'd be right back at square one bc she cant turn her defensiveness of for one fucking conversation and listen to the fucking hurt she's caused
this whole thing is frusturating and upsetting to be in!!!!! and i would like it to stop!!!! id also like for her to hold herself accountable bc shes literally the only one who can do that at this point!!!!!!!!
i know how hard it is to listen when someone tells you've said something hurtful in a way you weren't intending. i have been in that exact situation before. i was born and raised in the same society as elsa and i have been instilled w the same societal prejudices as she has. me being gay and trans doesn't stop me from having learned and internalized homophobia and transphobia. but when someone tells me ive hurt them, i usually reflect on what i said and how i can move forward and not do that again. its messy. its difficult to unlearn things. but its possible. you just have to listen.
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