#important 💜
singsweetmelodies · 10 months
Oh my godddd!! Kiss fic anon here.. I wasn’t trying to be mean but I’m sorry if you felt like i was😭 😭I’m always checking my bookmarked fics n I saw both of your fics there and idk it made me sent that ask.. I didn’t even reread the mesg. Tbh I’m very bad at putting whatever is on my mind into words😅
Anyways, you take all the time you need dear🤗. For me also these last few weeks were really hectic. I was trying to relax a little bit with ao3 you know 🫢 I’m really sorry if I was a bit harsh, it wasn’t intentional.. still, made me smile when I saw your reply 😁
hey anon! thank you so much for clarifying ❤️ you're all good! i did not read your initial ask in that way - although i do think it's crucial to tread very carefully with this kind of ask.
to be clear, this is not an attack on you personally, anon. not at all. but it is true that many writers (myself included) have unfortunately had bad experiences with this sort of thing, so i do want to just take a moment to explain why many of us might react badly to an ask along the lines of the first one you sent.
the thing is: writers on AO3 do this all for free, and we do it while also balancing our real lives. we do it because we love it and we love our readers, yes, but that doesn't mean it's always easy. writer's block and any number of real-life problems and reasons can come up at any time.
the problem comes in when we get an ask or a comment that doesn't seem to understand that. now, i do understand that this is often not the intention behind that comment, but it is all too easy for tumblr asks/comments asking for fic updates to seem like they're pressuring the writer.
it's like... i have written over two hundred and fifty THOUSAND words for this fandom, and i have done it completely for free, and in my own free time. now some person i don't know at all comes to me and basically DEMANDS that i do even more, on their schedule and not mine.
from a writer's perspective, it's easy to feel frustrated and/or demoralised by "when are you posting the next chapter" type comments. even if it is tempered by "i love your writing," as a writer it's easy to feel like you're not being appreciated for what you've already done. and, you know. we're humans too, not perfect writing machines who always stay exactly on schedule with everything. it's just nice to be treated like humans, y'know?
again, i understand that in many cases, none of the above is the intention of the ask/comment at all - which is why i think that phrasing is SO vitally important. instead of "when is the next chapter coming out? i miss this fic" it just feels kinder, to me at least, to say it more like "i love this fic SO MUCH... and i am so excited to see what happens next!! i will be here cheering you on for the next chapter (and rereading all the others in the meantime!!) thank you so much for sharing ❤️"
(istg just lost my entire ability to write a coherent comment when trying to do an example here 😭😭 but i hope you see what i'm trying to get at?)
speaking as a writer, one of THE best feelings in the world is to get a comment from someone who loved your story as much as you loved writing it. someone who's as excited for more as you are!! in my opinion, a good way to keep up this positive energy all around is simply to not ask the writer for a timeline. this is often impossible for us to provide - because like i said, we are HUMANS. life happens. writers can't predict it any more than you can.
just be excited with us. cheer for us and cheer WITH us. rather than demanding exact dates and putting pressure on a writer to try and create content faster when they might not be able to - just be there for the process, support us, and make us smile as much as our fics made YOU smile!!
... ah, wow, this has gotten to be quite a long reply 🙈🙈 i got on my soapbox a little bit, but this is something i feel quite passionately about, so i do hope it all makes sense! i also hope that you don't think i'm mad at you, dear anon who sent this - i'm not, not at all. i just wanted to take the opportunity to make things as clear as possible for everyone who might need to read this ❤️ thank you ever so and cheers to you if you've made it this far!! i appreciate you taking the time out of your day/night to give this a read 💙
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greykolla-art · 2 months
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“I’m a SHARK-” said Alastor the deer demon, “because it’s a good metaphor!’
(NO I will not do a part 2!💕)
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jkvjimin · 2 months
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so show me I'll show you
for @magicshop 💜
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The racism my beloved Simon had to face….my baby. 🥺💔
Although painful to watch, it felt incredibly validating. It was so annoying watching some people say this show was “only about class” while dismissing the BS that Simon had to go through. The abuse was ten fold because he’s POC and S3 finally exposed that.
That being said, and on a more positive note, it was so incredibly sexy when Simon sang happy birthday to Wille in Spanish (he feels safe with him!) and when Wille admitted to fantasizing about stroking those beautiful curlssss (and then actually did it). 🥹❤️‍🩹
Wilmon forever. 🤎🤍
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
Just a general thing, is there a specific reason Ren/REDACTED was made to be younger than Angel by a year?
✦゜ANSWERED: I swear I've answered this question somewhere before?? But it's mainly because I didn't want there to be an awkward age gap between the main love interest and the player! I know some folks in the community are well into their early 30's-40's by now, and I figured it'd be weird for them to romance someone who was like... barely 20 years old sldgnsjkk
As for being a year younger specifically; it's purely for the sake of the narrative! Certain (spoilery) events between Ren and Angel happen when they were children, and when laid out, it all aligns perfectly with Ren being a year younger.
However!! In saying all of that: if you are 18, Ren will also be 18. He'd just be a month/day/hour younger than you (until the day you turn 19... Then I personally manifest into the 14DWY world and factory reset his ass lmao)
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“We can’t choose who we’re born as, but we can choose how we want to live..” 💜🧡
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ufolvr · 7 months
Real big fan of robots and monsters and aliens btw in case u couldn't tell.
And a trope I Hate is forced humanization, in general. If a non human character is supposed to become connected to humankind, then fine. It's not atrocious on it's own. I don't care.
What I do care about is when they're belittled for not being "human enough" in a "weird way". Like, yeah, maybe the alien that doesn't celebrate birthdays is strange to the protagonist. They don't have to call them out on it. The alien doesn't have to be seen at the end celebrating their birthday to solidify how human they've become.
If you want it to happen have it happen gradually. Have them become curious about it, and find out they actually like the customs they're not used to yet. Aliens finding pleasure in a playground, monsters enjoying food they'd never gotten to taste before, and robots discovering they genuinely like watching TV. Whatever!
Just work around their differences, make it be gradual, and not born from the main, human cast making fun of them or pointing out how weird they are for not liking X thing. And for the love of god, don't make "Becoming Human uwu" the center of their story. It's so... Heartbreaking. Bleak, even.
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pharawee · 2 months
I'm so happy we finally got more of a backstory and a happy ending for Namsom and Kor in City of Stars, even if some of the flashbacks were super painful to watch.
There's this part when that horrible, hateful aunt is being intentionally cruel and transphobic, and I think the translator did a really good job of substituting cultural differences and a lack of gendered pronouns by having the aunt intentionally misgender Namsom:
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Still, I don't think the subs quite manage to bring across how incredibly rude and hurtful and transphobic (and homophobic too btw) she really is.
Because in Thailand/Theravada Buddhism sons often ordain for a few weeks or months to honour their parents/family. This isn't expected of daughters. See where this is going?*
(*That being said, some conservative temples/monasteries might not want trans or queer people in general to ordain either because they view queerness as a distraction and/or a bad karma.)
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Then there's this bit where the English subs again intentionally use the wrong pronouns but in the Thai original the horrible aunt calls Namsom a slur (tut/ตุ๊ด - which afaik is used for [effeminate] men only) along with kathoey (กะเทย - which is NOT a slur, even if that horrible woman meant it that way) - making it very clear what exactly she thinks of her.
And later, when Namsom tells Kor that she is kathoey (and negl that scene almost broke my heart for so many different reasons 😭), she shows him her ID card.*
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Currently there is no way for trans folk in Thailand to change their legal sex, meaning that whenever they have to show any kind of ID (which afaik happens quite often in professional environments) they automatically out themselves. The marriage equality bill that's currently underway will hopefully change that soon. 🙏
(*This was also a plot point in My Ride when one of the moto-taxi drivers discovered that his crush was trans when he found her purse - and he didn't care either. 🥰)
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eyelessdoll-y · 2 years
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ヾ(´¬`)ノ Important!! ヾ(´¬`)ノ
Everyone!! I created courage and did more arts accounts out of this Diabolik Lovers fandom blog, and with that, I also made an linktree to link every new account in any site I create. In other accounts (Instagram/Twitter/Ko-fi) I'll try post more drawings and receive more comissions (and get a job)!! There will be my general arts in any anime, game, movies; studies, animation, design!! If you really love and have interest in my general art, you might be following and supporting me!!! 🥺🥺💜💜
>>♡ https://linktr.ee/doll__amanda ♡<<
And I finally created a Ko-fi, the link is also right on the linktree!! If you want to help me and don't want to pay for a whole commission, you can support me at Ko-fi paying as much as you want and can!!
Also, I ask sorry if the text doesn't have much to do with the photo. I did this drawing of Shuu to draw attention, as I realized that the amount of followers who read and interact in my important text/warning posts is highly disproportionate to the amount of followers who interact in my arts and drawings. And it's okay, because my blog is focused on drawings so it's normal for this to happen, I just needed you guys to come read this warning so I ended up appealing with Shuu... A little. But come on, there's nothing explicit in this pic !!! 🥺🥺
Here's a short short of him listening to G-Idle's "Nxde" in bath. It's simple, nothing woooow in animation, but I just wanted to show it!! Shuu's photo in the full tub will be on one of my accounts, click on my linktree to find it! 😘😘 (if you are under the age of 18, you will not see. And I'm not sorry about that!!)
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medusapelagia · 8 days
I’m a writer and I love comments.
I love the little emojis, the short comments, the long comments, the unhinged comments.
I love all of them!
But this comment absolutely broke me.
Separate Ways was an emotional rollercoaster for so many reasons and I don’t even know how to answer such an incredible comment.
The only thing I can say is: thank you!
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epiphanytear · 3 months
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Shining me, precious soul of mine
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zennotixs · 3 months
What the fuck does she mean she was talking to someone for an hour????? That’s why she wasn’t messaging me! She should only be talking to me. I was sitting around like a fucking dog staring at my phone and ripping my fucking skin off waiting for her to text me back. I should just kill that bitch who thought they could steal my beloveds time away from me.
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meimi-haneoka · 11 months
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ユナ秋~ おでこコツン💓
YunaAki - touching foreheads together
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shadow0haven · 1 year
It's a lovely time to remember that in canon, John and Arthur have a very complicated relationship that is completely platonic! They are intimate in a different way that is neither romantic nor sexual, as written in the story by the creator. They are very close in a different and unique way (as well as their situation) and they find one another to be important and they have a close friendship with each other and it's super wonderful.
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tvrningout · 3 months
y’all already know this by now, but this is an official post to say i’m on semi-hiatus/hiatus for the time being. i might decide on an official day to come back later to help get me back into the spirit of being here, or i may pop in occasionally if i’m bitten by the writing bug; regardless, i just need a good, zero-pressure break to rest and handle the internal and external issues happening in my life. i could ramble about it, but i won’t this time :’ )
all that said, you can message me on discord at ‘ waitforspring. ’ and that’s with the period! i still wanna keep in contact, and i might even feel up to writing a few, little things on discord, too. just keep in mind that i may be slow to respond at times — i’m known to be a snail, and i don’t think that’ll ever change asdfg
i miss y’all, and i want you to know that whether it’s a day or a month or a year, you deserve to rest. you deserve to take time for yourself. you deserve to focus on different parts of your life, and you deserve to use your time how you want. remember that, and please take care of yourselves, friends 💜
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the-kipsabian · 3 months
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