#im sick of this place and there and i honestly have tried to move on from him so can we at least
priffi · 2 months
they're both assholes, can we acknowledge that? he did some shit but he also doesn't deserve the extra shit she's doing. she's allowed to speak out but she's not allowed to bring that extra pain. there's a reason he's coming back and it's not because he wants to but because he has to my god
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Chapter 3
Yandere! Strawhats + more x witch Fem! Reader ✨
“Ohh? So you’re hiding something now are you? I guess you don’t want people to see, so just let me see!”
Raising an eyebrow, a smirk now sprawled across your face, the feeling of eyes followed your every movement.
Multiple of them.
But at that moment, you weren’t focused on that. At that moment you were determined. Quickly, you uttered the words of your spell and surprise, surprise. A light forest green beanstalk spring beneath your feet to just meet his hight.
His observation haki wasn’t expecting that now wasn’t it?
For some reason, he didn’t stop you. Shocked expressions were plastered on everyone’s face from just your first step of what you were going to do. Staring into his red pink eyes meeting with yours, his constant muttering and talking (which you tuned out) was the only thing you could really hear now as you then grabbed his scarf abruptly and pulled it down with all your might!
You stared up at the sight before and then..your eyes softened.
“..seriously..? That’s It?..you had me thinking it was a huge scar or something!”
You laughed, now giving a closed eyes smile. His face was full of utter shock in surprise.
..what?..you weren’t scared..? You thought it was..not ‘that bad..?’
A soft smile rested upon your lips, letting out a soft chuckle, you sighed.
“There’s nothing wrong with you..that kind of beauty never really scared me anyways..”
Slowly..his eyes watered..
That was a natural response in the body but something else was going on..something was wrong.
The sea was sparkling, the air was fresh, everyone was laughing and chattering, everything just seemed utterly perfect.
It had been about a week or two since you joined the infamous ‘strawhat crew.’ You were absolutely welcomed with open arms. Delicious food was served to you at all times, though sanji had to put tissues in his nose every time he got close to serve you, you honestly didn’t know why though?
Yeah, It had been exactly two weeks since you left that island you’ve been stuck on for years. The one you constantly dreamed on, dreamed of leaving, dreamed of living finally.
But something just..didn’t feel quite right.
You didn’t know how to describe it or how to even begin to describe this feeling, yes you were having the time of your life, making memories with these people you’d never thought you’d make, but something just seemed..
When you tried to tell Nami and Robin about, they simply just brushed it off, saying you were just home sick.
You could remember sitting in front of the mirror, feeling their hands tangle and brush through your hair while you stared longingly at your reflection.
Your curls easily ran through brush, and by now it was surely untangled. Yet, they still kept brushing..
The silence in the room was loud, almost deafening. So quiet..yet so peaceful you could call it, taking a deep breath and glancing at the window where you could see the water move, you decided to start a conversation, you needed information since you were now a pirate right?..
“So Nami, what island our we heading to next?..im very curious..I’ve never been anywhere new before..”
You softly spoke, almost a little embarrassed by the truth but you weren’t afraid to admit it. Just that sentence alone had you thinking.
By thinking, you remembered.
The nostalgia..oh the nostalgia..
Would you ever see a place like your original home again? You could almost feel the soft grass on your feet when you would run out and play in the sun. Feel the petals of the soft, beautiful flowers and plants you used for your spells. Hear the birds sing as you would lay in the garden, reading books upon books to cure you curiosity.
You jumped a bit, finally snapping out of your trance and not even noticing the fact that you just spaced out..
“O-Oh? Yeah sorry! Could you repeat that?”
You said, hearing a soft chuckle escape Robins lips as you saw in the reflection of the mirror that Nami had her eyebrow raised. A smooth, tan arm then sprouted from the back of the chair you were sitting in. Slowly, Robin turned your head with her pointer finger to face her, making your eyes look into her sky blue ones. She was truly beautiful..
“We’re heading to Jaya island..we need information on the other place we need to go, Skypia.”
Your ears perked up, did you hear that right?..Skypia?
Ever since you were young, you dreamed about hosting there. So many books you read about this strange world you lived in..ones you’ll never forget..
Although you had no idea what the place looked like, you kind of knew exactly what to expect. The culture and place itself was fascinating.
“Skypia? Really? I’ve only heard about that place in books! And we’ll get to go to another island before that?”
So far, being a pirate was great! You knew they explored the seas and what not, but the fact you could go so many places just perfect for you..for your need to explore..
For your need to be curious..
But, something told you that..your curiosity wouldn’t be the best thing..in fact..it told you it could possibly be your downfall..
There was only one way to find that out right?
A slow sigh escaped your lips. Just what was bugging you? Everything here was great! Yes, the crew could be a bit..overbearing at times..
They wouldn’t leave you alone for a second but hey, maybe they’re just excited for a new crew mate right?..
And you were happy to spend time with all of them! You kind of couldn’t really keep a schedule because there was so many of them..but no matter what you did on the ship it involved them.
For example, reading with Robin was always peaceful..but eventually it would get too quiet..so you would go ask to be with Zoro. You watched him work out sometimes, even joining in if you were THAT bored..but napping with him was always a pleasure..
Playing with luffy, watching Nami do her work with naps, talk with Chopper while he was in his office and so on so forth..but you just now noticed, they never really gave you time to yourself..
You decided to simply tell the one you were hanging out with you were busy, what’s the worse that could happen right?
It was now lunch time, everyone was eating peacefully now, Sanji flirting with you, Nami and Robin..usual..Zoro taking close glances at you every five minutes..the usual?..Usopp feeling the need to get your attention every second..the usual..
The only remotely wholesome behavior was Chopper’s really, getting every chance he could get to sit on your lap or get some of your sweet, sweet attention..cutely though of course.
This was definitely normal behavior..for them. In all the books you read however, this wasn’t exactly right though..but like Robin said, “books aren’t always realistic..”
Cutting a small piece of your food, you bit it off from your fork casually, chewing before speaking.
“So, once we get to Jaya island..where exactly are we going to get the information?..”
You asked, looking around at the table for your answer. Luffy, with his cheery grin answered in an excited tone, tearing a piece of meat off the bone.
“Me, Zoro and Nami are gonna try to go around and see what information we can find!”
Chuckling at his enthusiasm, you couldn’t help but glance up at him from under your eyelashes. This boy..
This pure boy with the big grin, so excited about everything, it’s like he could do no wrong or be mad about anything!
“Ah yeah! Nami told me about that earlier..so since it’s the first island I’ve been on besides home….”
When you mentioned the word ‘home’ you saw the crew stiffen up..even Sanjis eyes widened before he continued to pour some tea into Nami’s cup..
“I’m gonna go solo and explore! I’m sure it’ll be exciting don’t cha’ guys think?”
You said with a light hearted laugh, sipping your cup of tea. They all went silent for a while, staring at you intently or something else. Usopp and Sanji especially looked rather..zoned out.
Blinking and setting your cup down back on the table, you looked around curiously. Why in earth were they so..quiet?..this was very odd.
Nami seemed the first one to snap out of it.
“Uhm well…although we know that’ll be fun for you..”
“It’s a stupid idea. You might get hurt.”
Zoro butted in, his tone blunt as he now locked his gaze on you. Raising an eyebrow you waited for someone else to back you up on this yet..
No one did.
Sighing softly, you had gotten rather..tired of their protectiveness in the past few months..but you would never say that out loud however. Something deep down told you not to.
“Well, that is very sweet that you guys..care so much..I’ll be fine! You know I can fight, it’s not like town is known for how dangerous it is or anything..”
Squinting his eyes, Zoro looked as if he was about to say more, but Robin soon chimed In with her smooth voice.
“She’s right you know? Plus, we could get very useful information if there were more of us in different places..”
A smile was brought to your lips, thanks Robin!
It soon faltered a bit once you saw her give everyone a look. A look you couldn’t really..describe. Like a message, a code someone could decipher.
Luffy let put a low grumble, trying to stare that ‘it want safe and, I’ll miss her!’ But of course that didn’t work.
Finally, you would get SOME peace right?
The sound of your shoes clicking on the pavement as you walked was oddly soothing. Even though you knew this place wasn’t the most beautiful thing in the world..you were fascinated.
The sounds, the smells the people. Everything you could get your eyes on interested you. Of course you had to take up from Nami and go on a shopping spree, new clothes were just too hard to resist! You knew they would freak once they saw them!
Since the day was sunny, your curly hair was out up into a ponytail to match the heat, humming calmly along with the tube you had in your head.
A yawn slowly escaped you as you felt your eyes flutter softly.
“Hmm..who knew shopping and exploring all day could get me this tired out....I wonder..”
You said, feeling your eyes wonder across the street to grassy clearing. The crew wouldn’t mind if you stayed for just a little longer right?..a girl did need a nap!
Walking into the meadow of flowers, you smiled fondly, picking one up and twirling it in between your fingers. It was daisy, an English daisy. The most common but still beautiful. You tried to find beauty in almost everything..everything or anyone.
Gently setting the bags and your flower down, you plucked a handful of the flowers and uttered the words of your spell..
A giant, yet lovely flower surrounded you. Enclosing on you and your bags with a little pollen bed for you to rest on. Slowly stretching you felt yourself slowly smile..finally feeling the most peace you could feel at last..
A yawn slowly escaped you..what time was it?..waving your hand in an almost dismissive manner around, the flower slowly sprouted, its petals revealing the outside world at last.
Blinking a few times to get adjusted, you finally started to realize..
It was..
Sundown and you’d still hadn’t come back to the ship!
Oh good lord what were they going to say now??
Even though you’d hadn’t been on the ship that long you just knew deep down..
You were screwed.
Quickly grabbing all of your stuff, you ran out of the meadow to the ship. While you were running however, you passed a man.
Not just any man though..
His aura..his vibe, felt different..
You looked at him, eyes slightly squinted once you were able to spot him clearly.Your eyes locked.
He was tan, big lips and beard with a big bottle of sake you assumed. A red ball necklace around his neck. He smiled. Wide too, revealing his missing and crooked teeth as you caught a glance of the golden ring on his finger.
You shivered..
Something about him didn’t seem quite right..like..
You were going to see him again soon..
Or were you just talking crazy?..
Lifting up the huge bottle, he took a long sip, the liquid slowly dripping down his chin and down to his neck as he wiped it off.
Still keeping that sane grin, a loud laugh escaped him. Remembering your face clearly as watched the people on the street pass by.
“Well,nice to meet ya too missy! I feel like I’ll be seein’ ya soon too..”
Did you get to the ship sooner than you expected? Yes. But did you still get very much scolded? Of course.
And they seemed very serious..almost possessive..
Just brush it off Y/N..
Brush it off..
These people were good.
Just something about the way Zoro immediately pulled you into his arms, forcing your head to meet his chest so you could feel his racing heartbeat while the others continued to chatter and scold endlessly at you for taking too long no matter how hard you tried to explain..
Yeah, they definitely weren’t leaving you by yourself..
Anytime soon.
Finally, once you got to the woman’s quarters, you couldn’t stop thinking about the eventful day you had..
Surprisingly, Nami and Robin met you do your night routine by yourself..
If you didn’t know any better, you’d suspect that the whole crew were talking about something while you were gone..
Stop it Y/N! This is crazy talk!
You thought yourself, letting out a soft groan, staring at the ceiling.
But it doesn’t hurt to check..right?..
There was a spell you knew..a powerful one that showed your future or fate..yet, it did great damage to your energy sometimes..but you had to know..you had to know if..this behavior was normal.
Sitting down in a circle full of cards you summoned, turned face down. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath..
“Secrets, secrets show yourself..show my fate,show my true self..for better or for worse I’ll know my fate..I’ll not have to alternate!”
Smoke soon filled the room, all of the cards soon floated and submerged into your head out hand. Taking a deep breath, everything went back to normal. Slowly fluttering your eyes open, you felt your shaky hands slowly start to turn the card over..
Would this finally be an answer?..
“Y/N! Come down to hang with us! We’re all gonna play a drinking game!!”
Luffy called out, causing you to blink.
Why at this time!?..
Glancing over at the card in your hand..you sighed softly, closing your eyes for a split second before gently setting it down on the floor.
Maybe it was best to not read it until later..maybe it was best to try to have some fun right now..the night was young wasn’t it?..
Getting up from the floor, you yelled down a ‘coming!’ Before hurrying down to the lower deck.
Little did you know that underneath that card..was a picture of a rose..a glittering red rose being reached out by many,many hands. Possessive hands, needy hands.
Though, that couldn’t mean anything serious..
End of chapter 3~..
A/N:HIIII MY LOVES~! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And yes, I did publish it late and yes it was TECHNICALLY on a Sunday 😭 but this chapter was basically getting to know Y/N, I promise other characters like all the strawhats, and more (wink, wink) will be shown more as much as their characters! I hope this is king enough honestly 😭 but I really enjoyed writing this and I must say, I’m so glad to be back! For now I will be working on my requests to try to get them back open again and since I have A LOT in waiting, then I will be getting back to this, which will be shortly so dont worry! 🌸💕
And don’t think I forgot to tag you @theg0ddesspersephone 🍀!
Until next time my pretty petals!!~
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AITA for telling my brother his wife is using him?
This may be long but I want to make sure there is enough info for you to give an accurate judgment. TLDR at the end but I encourage reading the full post
I (25f) have an older brother, J (28m). I also have a younger brother (22m), L. J and I were always close when we were younger then grew apart as we got older, the boys always were close. The year J graduated high school we became close again.
J met his gf A (29-31f, I dont even know how old she is but she's older then J) during college. I remember the first time A came home with him, and she was very sweet but very nervous. We clicked and had a good conversation that lasted hours (we all were at our parents house and us girls had to share a room and the boys did too). Anytime there were holidays we stayed at our parents and did this (big holidays that colleges had off like Christmas and Thanksgiving)
We met up a couple of times and all was fine. It was hard as they lived far away from where we grew up (2-4 hours depending on traffic and routes). Then I moved to the country, about 20 minutes away from them. We met up more often, but only maybe about once every 3 months. No big deal, I was busy working. Then J and A got engaged and it felt like everything changed.
I would invite them to hang out or get dinner, but J and A would make excuses. J would be like "A can't come so we won't make it" even when I said "okay but what if only you came? You're my brother?" He would make excuses. The days they agreed to meet up, suddenly day of couldn't go. He was tired after work, she wasn't feeling good, the car wasn't working. Anything and everything you could think of. I did notice whenever L came to visit me and stay, J and A would always be available to meet up, even if it was last minute.
So I figured...it somehow must be me? And then they got married. And it was beautiful.
Or so im told as it was a private ceremony and I wasn't invited :) I actually was originally told the date, which I asked off of work for, but then I got a text a week prior saying "guess what happened tonight" and then was told they got married. L was there. Our parents and myself were not. A did tell me she didn't feel right inviting our parents if her parents weren't there...but why not me? I was told it was a private ceremony and only L was there as a witness, but one of their friend's posted pictures and it had over 5 different people in them
I tried to let it go but honestly it hurt me and pissed me off and everything kept adding onto it. I have zero clue what the hell i did. I have texted J and asked him point blank if he is mad at me, he would deny. I asked for A's number cause he mentioned she was lonely and had lost friends, I said we could go get our nails done since that's something she likes (I dont but I figured I'd extend an olive branch) he refused to give it to me. It seems its me but again I have zero clue why.
It worsened after me and J got into an argument. They canceled again, and I do know A was having a bought of depression at this time. I understood, as someone diagnosed with depression and anxiety. But J told me I never would understand (A was still going out to places and hanging out with friends, meanwhile there were days I couldn't get out of bed and called into work sick. I know we shouldn't compare mental illness but it seemed like an excuse to me. A also would do things that she has said makes her mental health worse, like reading and watching things that triggers her). The whole reason I wanted to hang out is because I had Christmas gifts from our parents and a few of our childhood friends for them (L was out of the country at this time and had mailed a gift to them). They kept bailing and I tried for TWO MONTHS, I finally delivered the items the week after Valentines.
One of our friends was a baker and TOLD THEM she baked them a cake, special for them because A has dietary restrictions due to a chronic disease. They knew this and it spoiled. So I was upset for my friend, and I lied and said they got it to save her the hurt.
But when J finally told me to drop off the items I blew up at him. We stood outside his house and yelled at each other. He flat out told me to stop being so emotional and that I was letting hormones get in the way of thinking, and that I should understand A being depressed. I did! I yelled at him he should get his head out of his ass and that he is letting down not just me but our friends, especially the baker who has a waitlist and made stuff SPECIAL for them. He didn't thank me for my gift, but texted each individual person for theirs.
That was in 2022. A month after I apologized and he said he forgave me. But nothing has changed. Since then they didn't wish me happy birthday (they called L on his, he is now living with me temporarily, but when I pointed out I didn't get a happy birthday from anyone *literally only one friend wished me a happy birthday and L, even my own parents forgot* A told me I needed to get over myself and that birthdays weren't that important to them so I shouldn't take any offense. I didnt expect them to wish me a happy birthday this year because of that, but my true friends and my parents did remember this year),. They didn't come to my college graduation. I stopped texting J and I hadn't heard a response since. We did see each other this past Christmas coincidentally, not planned as they didn't come to our parents. J was pleasant, A said nothing but watched me the whole time, and I made excuses to leave this Christmas party as I didnt even know they knew the person throwing the party.
I came home early from work this past week and J was visiting L (something J claims he can't do during weekdays cause he works 9-5 during the week...allegedly). J gave me a hug and we all chatted for about an hour, it felt like old times, but then his wife called. It was a smooth conversation then I got brought up, and suddenly A needed J back home immediately. He bailed on dinner plans he and L had (L had spent all day cooking a roast, it was delicious btw and yes L was upset J didn't stay).
I had enough. I called J during his "work hours" on his cell. J answered and I chewed him out. I said our brother was hurt and whatever the issue with me is HAS to stop. If he doesn't tell me whats wrong, I CANT fix it. J told me there was nothing wrong with me and I was reading too into it. I pointed out some of the same instances I listed and he told me I was reading into it. He then accidentally let slip that A didn't want us talking. Which I figured. I blew up and told him A was using him. A was turning him against me and our parents *i am too lazy to go back but he stopped talking to our parents the same time he stopped talking to me but he always talked to L*. I mentioned how she is an adult and if she has an issue with me she needs to tell me, but instead she's a fucking coward. J yelled at me that she has anxiety and I yelled back "bitch I do too! I'm on fucking meds for it" which i know she isnt. J hung up on me.
Not only is everything above an issue, A also: doesn't have a job and only J has the income. Claims its because of her illness, the one that causes dietary restrictions, yet EATS said things even though she knows makes her sick. She won't let J meet up with our childhood friends. A also has stsrted getting J to take edibles with her. If J is tested, it will get him fired from his job. But then she complains he's being a loser if he doesn't do edibles with her.
The kicker is this: A solely used to date women. J is NOT a woman, nor does he want to identify as one. J knows A used to date women, and again tells me I should be more considerate seeing as how I am openly bisexual. However, and I havent told J this, one of the conversations I did have with A after they got married, she told me TO MY FACE "yeah, I never imagined marrying a guy yet here I am." Laughed and I kind of was like oh haha, isnt it crazy how things work out, to which she said "I dont even like men!" Slapped my thigh laughing and continued laughing. I was bewildered and when J had returned and asked what we were talking about we both changed the subject.
I did tell L when that happened and he thought it was weird but we couldn't change anything as they were married. I dont know if I should tell J.
But really I do feel as though A is using J, but now im wondering if I should lay it out more clearly WHY. Or if I should stay out of it. They already seem to hate me, so part of me is like why not go for it. But L is talking me off that bridge (my therapist is also testing me for something that isnt solely anxiety and depression) . I know J is hurt as he told L such, and part of me feels bad I yelled, but also the rest of me wants to key his fucking car and tell him to shove it up his ass and ban him from seeing L at my house as it is MY house even though L is living there
TLDR: I yelled at my brother his wife is using him as she doesn't have a job, always falls back on her mental and physical illness yet does things to make them worse, and has also told me she doesn't like men (she used to exclusively date women prior to my brother).
What are these acronyms?
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bueckerslover · 4 months
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P.S. I’ll always love you
pairing: chris x fem ! reader
-> warnings: cursing, angst. i think that’s it
dear y/n,
i know it’s been three years since i last wrote a letter for you and i’m sorry about that, i’ve been extremely busy these couple of years never actually having time to sit down and write a letter.
a lot has happened in these past few years i met a beautiful woman named ophelia, she has beautiful long brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes, a beautiful smile and a gorgeous personality.
i know i said that after you i would never fall in love again but something about her attracted me and i started going out with her, i felt guilty for weeks after i realized i actually liked her because i felt like i let you down, i felt like i was cheating on you even if you aren’t here with me anymore.
everyone likes her but i know they have one thought in the back of their heads “she’s not y/n” and i know that because i have that thought too, she’ll never be you and she could never take your place no matter how hard she tried.
she knows that she could never replace you and she doesn’t try taking your spot in my heart, that’s one of the things i love about her, she understands that you have a special place in my heart, she actually asks me about you she always asks to hear stories about you or how you were, i tell her the things i remember because im not going to lie to you you’re slowly fading from my memory and i hate it.
i hate how i can’t remember your voice anymore, i hate how i can’t remember the sound of your laugh, i hate how i can’t remember the way you say my name, i hate how i can’t recall the way you would speak to trevor, the way you would speak to little kids, the way you would look at me when i would jokingly say no to movie nights and cuddles i regret that day.
i honestly had it so good with you and i didn’t realize it until i lost you, i wish i had gone to that appointment with you to see why you were feeling sick that day , i remember when you got into the accident i was running down the ICU hallway praying that you were still alive once i got there i was with you for approximately five minutes before your monitors started beeping that’s when my heart stopped i remembered being pushed out of the room by nurses telling me they needed to do tests on you and i couldn’t be in the room.
after what felt like hours i got the horrible news that you were no longer with us, that’s when my world came crashing down. i thought this was just a horrible nightmare that i would soon wake up from but now its been 4 years and i’m still in this horrible nightmare.
last time a song you used to love started playing and i like to think that it was you telling me that you’re okay and that i should stop worrying about you or how you’re doing. that song made me remember the time i stayed at your house and it was past two in the morning you decided we should get some snacks, we were in your kitchen getting the snacks when that song started playing it was playing lowly so i was surprised you even heard it but you had me dancing with you the only source of light we had coming from the fridge.
that day constantly plays in my mind and at this point i think that’s the only memory i have left of you but deep down i know there’s more things i remember about you but i just can’t seem to find them the only times i do remember are when nick or matt mention them.
that’s all i have to say for this letter since i’m running out of time and words but just know that i’ll try better on my next letter, i mean it’s not like you’re reading them but still i like to think that you moved away and you are receiving them.
ta chérie.
P.S. I’ll always love you.
ummmmm hey yall this is the long awaited part dos so hopefully yall liked this 🧍🏽‍♀️
tags: @sturnioloslurps @hearts4chris
and lmk if you want to be added to the tag list !!! :)))
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formulawonu · 2 years
Your writing is amazing 💓 Can I request a SVT reacts to their s/o pranking them by avoiding their kisses.
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seventeen & pranks
a/n: thank youuuu so much this means a lot <3 and happy birthday minghaoooo!!! 🎂
seungcheol: the moment u swerve when he leans in to give u a kiss he kinda laughs but when u keep doing it he's like ???? he knows nothing wrong has happened but he's thinking anyway... but when u forget ur doing it and try to give him a kiss hes so sulky and moves away from ur kisses. he uno-reverse carded u
jeonghan: ohhh so u wanna play that game. jeonghan picks up on it the moment u swerve once and he doesn't try again. ur playing a game on ur own idk what to say u cant beat him at any mind games ://
joshua: shua laughs his frustated laugh™️ (the one where his eyes get wider and hes 'laughing') around the fourth or fifth time u avoid his kiss. "baby come on" tries to kiss u again to no success. he huffs a lil and goes "fine" he then pouts a lil and OBVIOUSLY u better kiss him now >:( he smiles immediately when u give him a kiss on the cheek im gonna cry
junhui: unlike those that get sulky he finds it exciting and takes it as a challenge. he traps u wherever u are and starts peppering ur entire face w kisses. oh u dont want just ONE kiss? take ten. fight him fr fr
hoshi: "BABY WHY" "PLEASE !! JUST !! LET !! ME !! KISS !! YOU !!" u dont know it but he always needs to kiss u before u/he leave the house bec its his good luck charm or weird custom that he believes keeps u both safe :/ he probably knows its a prank or whateva but hes just so devastated. just let him kiss u honestly it means more to him than u at the moment:/
wonwoo: heeee notices but doesnt say anything lmao hes just like hmmm ok. cmon wonwoo give us nothing!!! but i think he just doesn't react that much because he doesn't try to read into it since u both are generally at a good place and he doesnt need to worry sdjhfgs he probably also can tell ur playing a prank on him -_- but will play along just to see u smile and have fun:/ SICK
woozi: has no time for ur games MOVE he's got enough on his plate😪 will maybe attempt to kiss u ONE more time but if u move away he'll just shrug then go on with his day. its kinda eating at him tho bec ????? damn now u messed w his productivity. pls just put him out of misery and tell him u were playing a prank. he will scoff at u but feel better when u say sorry lmfao
minghao: he knows abt this prank before u even try hskjdfghsdf the moment u dodge his kiss he's like ayeeeee okkkkk i see u then suddenly its both of u fighting to land kisses on each other and trying to dodge the other skdfjhaefkh would be so funny. u both r giggling messes
mingyu: BECAUSE HE KNOWS UR PLAYING A GAME AND HE TRAPS U IN BETWEEN HIS ARMS PINS U AGAINST A WALL AND ITS OVER. "whats this all about?" even u forget ur playing a game and u try to lean in for a kiss and u can just hear him silently laughing and whispering "cute" under his breath. he plants a quick kiss on u and lets u get on with ur day. ur on the losing end of the stick here idk what to say
seokmin: dont even start😭 he's overthinking the moment u avoid his kiss the first time. doesn't attempt again because he thinks he's genuinely done something wrong and u don't wanna be near him. will visibly and obviously give u space the rest of the day until u cave (right away???? pls???) and tell him its just a prank kfdjhs dont stress him out
seungkwan: "ok got it" the moment u dodge his kiss. do not try to outplay the king of petty. will ask u just one time why ur avoiding his kisses. if u say u just don't want it anymore he's like hm ok. none for the rest of the week then <3 the ball is in ur court now u can make it up to him or not uksdfjhfj
vernon: does not even realize u avoided his kiss or he thinks u just didn't notice he leaned in to give u one. he's a simple man and ur relationship dynamic is probably a pretty straightforward one. thinks if u were mad enough at him to purposely avoid his kisses then u would probably just tell him why first sjhdfksd
dino: he's following u around asking u why u dont wanna kiss him fghsdfh "is it my breath" "i just brushed my teeth" "ill brush again ?" he may or may not actually go and brush his teeth. kdfgrf i just think it would be so funny to play this game w him. he sees u find it amusing so he knows nothing is probably wrong but he's still running thru whatever might have u doing this. would be bothering u until u let him kiss u. just do it
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
The one
Summary; y/n loves Eddie but knows he doesn't feel the same because he's with his dreamgirl, Chrissy.
However, life is full of surprises.
Warnings; Angst with a happy ending, fluff.
"You should tell him how you feel". Robin murmurs as she catches her staring at Eddie and Chrissy.
They were so perfect together, Eddie was smitten and despite y/n wanting the best for her friend she was still heartbroken.
God, she had to get over this. She was no Chrissy, she wasn't a cheerleader, popular, queen of Hawkins high... She was just y/n, a Hellfire member and dealing with unrequited love.
"I can't". Robin sighs and shakes her head but doesn't press the matter.
"Sweetie, you've been avoiding him for weeks now, he's miserable and so are you. He puts on this fake smile but I see the way he looks at you".
Teary she pushes her lunch plate away and feels sick. She desperately misses Eddie he's her friend and she feels like she's being selfish because he's happy and that's all that should matter.
"I'm a bitch, aren't I? He's happy and here I am sitting feeling sorry for myself, I miss my friend but seeing him with Chrissy, it hurts so much".
Robin wraps an arm around her and she wipes her eyes feeling just shit and incredibly emotional.
"I don't know why I ever thought he could feel the same way, I'm not pretty like Chrissy". She hates feeling like this but it's the truth.
"No. Don't do that to yourself. There's a guy out there for you. Look, Steve is throwing a party on saturday and you're coming. Maybe you could meet someone and move on".
Move on... she looks over to Eddie and he's watching her with a sad expression and the idea solidifies in her mind.
Moving on is exactly what she needs to do because she wants her friend back and to stop feeling so heartbroken.
Eddie corners her at her locker and she offers him a smile.
"Hi". He doesn't look happy and folds his arms across his chest.
"Where have you been? You're never around now, you show up at Hellfire meetings but you're distant...have I done something wrong?". She shakes her head and closes her locker feeling an ache inside her as Eddie still looks pissed.
"No. No, nothing". It's me. It's all me, I wish I could get over you.
"You haven't come to my trailer in days, hell over a week. I miss our movie nights when you'd fall asleep in my arms and sleepover. I just miss you".
The ache in her chest grows even more and Eddie gently strokes her cheek. She moves away as she sees Chrissy round the corner.
"I can't sleep over, fall asleep in your arms. It's... you have a girlfriend now, I don't think Chrissy would like that". She squeezes his arm and tries not to cry at his devastated expression.
"But you're my girl".
"Chrissy is your girl Ed's. Im just, just a friend". Her lip wobbles and she quickly tells him she will see him at Hellfire then heads to class.
Chrissy had watched them the whole time a dawning look of realisation on her face which went unbeknownst to her and Eddie.
It's Saturday. She's at Steve's party and has made gas one too many drinks. The place is loud and it dulls her racing thoughts.
Eddie arrives but he's strangely quiet and doesn't interact much which worries her and Dustin.
Had he fought with Chrissy? Honestly, she can't remember seeing them together at all the last few days.
When she's had enough of the loud music and definitely enough to drink she joined Steve who was sitting quietly by himself watching Nancy and Jonathan.
She knew that look on his face. The longing, the unrequited love and sits beside him.
Steve leans forward and kisses her and she returns it. His lips are so soft and it's nice that someone wants her but she doesn't want to use him.
It doesn't feel right.
She pulls away and misses Eddie who's just left the room and looks like he's been struck dumb until she glances around and doesn't see him anywhere.
"Well, that was an epic fail". Steve jokes and she laughs a little and kisses his cheek glad things aren't awkward then goes to find Eddie.
She can hear quiet sobbing as she leaves Steves's house and notices Eddie by the pool with his head in his hands.
Her heart shatters because she's rarely seen Eddie cry and she rushes to him panicked and takes his hands.
"Ed's, oh god what is it. Did you fight with Chrissy?". He looks up at her and his eyes are red, he wipes them harshly and shakes his head.
"We broke up. She told me something that I should have fucking realised a long time ago but now it's too late". Confused she moves closer and wants to comfort him.
"I don't understand" he sniffs and looks down at her with those beautiful brown eyes and sighs.
"Chrissy told me that I was in love with someone and she could tell that always had been that I just needed to see it.
Now I understand that she was right but I realised too late and lost my chance because you were just kissing Steve right now".
It feels like she's dreaming like she's in the best dream ever and in one minute she will wake up.
"I'm an idiot, aren't I?". She shakes her head and happy tears pool in her eyes.
"No. You aren't. I kissed Steve because I was trying to move on from you but you were with Chrissy and every time I saw you together it was like I was being punched in the heart".
He's at her side pressing a shaky kiss to her forehead and his hands caress her face.
"I love you, Eddie. I'm so, so sorry I've been so distant". He kisses her silencing her ramblings and he moans pulling her on his knee.
"What about Chrissy? You've just broken up". She panics and he presses soft, tender kisses to her hair.
"She told me to go for it. That she would never stand in the way of a love that was meant to be". She smiles because Chrissy was a sweetheart like always, the girl was a saint.
Eddie pouts.
"Kiss me again, I've gone far too long without your kisses princess". His dramatic sigh makes her roll her eyes indulgent but she happily kisses him again.
"Well you've done it now sweetheart, I'll be kissing you like this even when we're old and grey". He's very serious and her heart flutters because that sounded perfect.
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xaytried · 1 year
Dan Heng x Depressed Reader
self-Indulgent idk what im doing bro. first fanfic ever??
not proofread!! 1.4k words
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The day you had begun as it usually does. Being woken up by your cat at 6 in the morning, even though you had gone to bed at 3 am. You should have learned your lesson by now. Why do you still choose to go to bed so late, knowing damn well your cat would wake you up with the sun. 
It was hopeless trying to go back to sleep after getting up to feed the cat, so it might as well be productive right?
Your idea of productivity was different from others. For most people that meant maybe checking their email or cleaning up a little. For you though, it meant feeding yourself and taking your medication. Things most people don't think twice about, but the hardest part of your day. Your boyfriend knew this. He usually got up around 6, not because of the cat. He’s always been a productive and curious man. He gets up early and takes care of himself without any issues. That's not to say that he doesn't have his problems, but even he can admit that he doesn't have it nearly as difficult as you do. 
You get up and don’t even bother getting dressed, it was impressive enough that you even got up in the first place. It’s just another extra chore. You’re not going anywhere today anyway. The only thing you have today is online, and surely your psychiatrist won’t be able to tell you don't have pants on while on the video call. 
You make your way downstairs and on arrival, your lovely boyfriend, Dan Heng, greets you with a gentle smile, as he does every morning. 
“Good morning, darling.” He looks at your exhausted expression, a little worried that you look so worn out despite having just woken up. But he knows how awful your sleep schedule is. You honestly don't know why he still even wastes his worries on you.
“Good morning.” You reply.
You make your way across the living you into the kitchen. The medication you take requires food before you can take it. Supposedly you'd get sick if you missed this vital step, but you have never risked it. The last thing you wanted was to puke all your expensive medication down the toilet. Unfortunately though, you never really found anything appetizing, not ever. 
“I made you a breakfast taco, it should be in the fridge.” Dan Heng's voice startled you.
“Oh, okay… Thanks.” You make your way over to the refrigerator.
Dan Heng watches you. He watches through concerned eyes. It makes him sad that you always seem to wake up feeling absolutely nothing. No motivation or anything. And it's not like your sad or anything like that. It just hurts his hurt seeing you suffer. 
Ever since you first met him you've been very open to him about your depression, but once he moved in with you it's been more apparent. It's just not fair. It's not fair that a beautiful and kind-hearted individual such as yourself struggled so fiercely to function. You never had energy, you were always tired and your body constantly ached. 
He watches you take your pills every morning. This has got to be the fifth anti-depressant you've tried and it makes his heart ache to see you get absolutely no relief. It's like you're immune to everything you try. All he can do is be here for you, but he wishes so deeply that he could do more.
You slowly eat your breakfast and take your pills, standing in the kitchen for about 5 extra minutes just to stare at the remaining water in your glass. When you were little you used to always drink chocolate milk with your breakfast. That was too much effort now. You zone out, staring at your water, thinking about how much things have changed.
Your mother used to call you a “ray of sunshine”, her “sweet baby”. You never lost that kindness from your mother but it seems you certainly lost yourself. These are things that only Dan Heng can see in you now though. And no matter how hard you tried you could never see it in yourself. If it was the middle of the night and the sun wasn’t awake to mock you, this certainly is something that would make you tear up. But you physically couldn't cry right now. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by your boyfriend's arms wrapping around your waist.
“You okay?” He asks, chin pressing against your shoulder as he speaks. 
“Yeah.” You reply. Which is the truth. Nothing is ever exactly wrong, it's just never right. This is just how things always are. The cause of your depression was a chemical imbalance, there was nothing that could be fixed. So overall you’d say you’re pretty okay.
“Are you sure?” He lets out a breathy laugh. “You’ve been staring at that water for quite a while.”
You give him a soft smile. It’s not often your serious boyfriend lets out a laugh, but it seems even he knows the power his joy has over you. Coming over here and letting out a laugh into your ear, it’s enough to help you push forward for today.
You turn around, now facing Dan Heng, his hands now resting on your hips while you lean against the counter. Before you started dating him you would never have guessed how important physical touch was for him, he had always been so distant, wanting nothing more than to lock himself in another room and isolate himself for hours. 
Dan Heng certainly preferred to be alone, but ever since he met you he realized her much more enjoys being alone with you. Moments like this, when the world is still and it’s just the two of you, with some peace and quiet. That’s what he lives for. 
You were tempted to speak but then Dan Heng let out a sigh and rested his head on your shoulder. You let your concern show by moving your hand to his back, but you knew that if he wanted to talk he would. Perhaps right now all he needed was some quiet.
After a minute or two of silently rubbing Dan Heng’s back, he spoke. “You know you can talk to me right?���
You have nothing to talk about.
“I love you, I would love to listen, I would love to support you.”
“You’re already my biggest supporter.” You let out a giggle, hoping it would soften the mood a little more. 
“I want to help.” He’s more serious than ever.
“You do help, baby. More than you’ll ever know.” Your comforting words also help to comfort you. It was true. Even before you started dating Dan Heng had been your best friend and biggest supporter. Honestly, without him, you don’t even know if you’d still be here. But you don’t tell him that. He doesn’t need to know that you ever think of not being here. 
He stands straight up again to brush his hand across your cheek and that's when you can see it. His tears. There aren't many but he is without a doubt crying.
“Hey, what's wrong?” You ask him, no longer leaning against to counter, hands cupping his face, deep concern wavering in your voice.
“Y/N, you’re the most loving, kind, most perfect soul I’ve ever met, so why is the world doing you so wrong? You deserve to wake up every day full of excitement, full of energy, ready to take on the day. You deserve to smile, to laugh, genuine ones. Genuine smiles and genuine laughs.” Your eyes start to water, you continue to hold onto his face as tears roll down his cheeks and onto your fingers. “You deserve to be happy, Y/N. It’s not fair. You do so much good for so many people, for me. You make me smile, you make me happy, you make me feel alive. I don’t feel like I need to run anymore because I have you. So why must the world put you through so much pain?”
You had never seen him like this. 
“Shhhh…” you hush him and he looks at you, no longer breaking eye contact to speak. “I’m happier than I’ve ever been because of you Dan Heng,” you promise him. “I finally feel loved.”
After a moment of looking at you, he kisses you. Its soft and warm, a kiss to tell you that he’s not going anywhere and that he’ll be with you forever. 
With him… you’ll get through this.
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scullysexual · 6 months
It Happened One Night (4/?)
Scully is an escort who is hired by Mulder because he is going through a divorce and may lose his kid. It was supposed to be one night, they were never supposed to meet again, yet fate has other plans for them.
I don't even know where the other chapters are on this site so if you want to read from the beginning you'll have to go to ao3 for it. I can't promise that it won't be another year for the next chapter because this fic terrifies me if im honest but I'll try (and ignore everything else in the process) Also I know nothing about the FBI so that's that. Enjoy.
ao3 | @today-in-fic
“Dana!” A familiar voice calls out to her in the auditorium.
Dana looks up to see Ellen waving at her amidst the sea of seats. She brushes past a congregation of people, making her way towards her friend and sitting down beside her. As the only two females this year, Dana and Ellen had bonded immediately, a friendship forming not so soon after. It didn’t make sense otherwise.
“Did you check your emails?” Ellen asks her.
“No. Emily wouldn’t go to school so I didn’t have time to check. Why?”
“Agent Banks is sick,” Ellen says with a roll of her eyes. “So we’re getting a cover until he comes back.”
That doesn’t surprise Dana- the man was about 90 years old anyway.
“Did it say who?”
“I didn’t get that far but I heard the guys say it’s someone called Spooky. Do you have any idea?”
Dana shrugs but based on that nickname she didn’t have high hopes about them. In any case at least she could count on no arguments for the time being; Agent Banks liked to pick on her especially.
“Anyway, where were you on Saturday?” Ellen asks, moving on. “Me and Candice waited for you but you didn’t show. What happened to being more social?”
Dana internally groans. That was this Saturday. Dana had completely forgotten about her plans with Ellen, she was too busy having the best orgasm of her life that night. Of course Ellen didn’t know about that.
“Emily…Emily wasn’t feeling well,” she lies. Dana hated using her daughter as an excuse but she couldn’t exactly tell her the truth.
“Right,” says Ellen, not sounding completely convinced. “I think it’s about time we got you a babysitter.”
“Yeah, I’ll look into one…” Dana half agrees but only to move away from the topic.
Voices in the auditorium quieten down as everyone finds their seats and gets comfortable. The door to the side opens and there’s a murmur of voices and gasps. Dana isn’t paying attention, too busy arranging her pens in the colour of the rainbow. It’s only when she feels Ellen tap her arm and buzz excitedly, “It’s him. He’s Spooky. Dana, look…” Does Dana look up to see what the commotion was about.
And honestly, she wished she hadn’t.
In fact, at that moment, she wished she wasn’t in the academy at all.
Because the person who was making her classmates and friend coo with excitement was the very person who had given her a fantastic orgasm the night before.
It amazed Mulder just how neutral he could become when a thousand thoughts and feelings where running through his body. Confusion, surprise, excitement, happiness, and even anger all swirled within him at once and yet his face betrayed none of it. He was stoic, slightly rumpled from having his usual bout of no sleep and unprepared to actually teach a class full of future FBI agents, but still standing nonetheless when all he wanted to do was leave and never come back.
Somehow the universe was in his favour and somehow it wasn’t. In a sea of indistinguishable males she stood out like the perfect ruby. There was no denying who she was. He’d bet his gun and badge that when he looked at the roster he’d see her name in there. The woman he hadn’t stopped thinking about since Saturday night. Just why did it have to be here of all places.
Mulder tries to ignore it, ignore her, to focus on the male portion of the room but his eyes are drawn to her, seeing red hair in his peripheral standing out against all the grey. He fumbles through his slides, tries to focus on what he is actually here to do, to explain profiling, but his brain is a jumbled mess and of course he fucks up the date of imprisonment of a serial killer he helped to catch in front of everyone, in front of her, just like a buffoon…
He thinks he got away with it, thinks nobody noticed but a voice speaks up from the right-hand corner, loud and clear, unmistakably her.
“1989,” she says with an emphasis on the wrong number. “Ian Lucas Gates was imprisoned in 1989, he committed his first murder in 1987.”
“Perhaps you’d like to come up and teach the class then, Agent Scully, seeing as you know everything.”
It was an outburst. An unnecessary outburst that has Mulder biting his tongue and wishing to take it all back. The rest of the class murmurs amongst themselves, looking wearily from one person to the next. Mulder chances a glance at Scully who stares back at him with a glare that could kill him on the spot if it had the power to.
“Perhaps I will, Agent Mulder, seeing as I know more than you,” she counters.
Someone coughs to disguise a laugh as Scully waits for his reply. The room was stifling with tension and he doesn’t miss the way the woman next to her is continuously looking back and forth between them.
This isn’t the time, Mulder thinks. He switches off the projector and looks at the time, thankful for the class to almost be over.
“Collect your work sheets on the way out,” he says to them knowing they wouldn’t begrudge a 10 minute early dismissal.
They raise to their feet in a matter of seconds, chairs scraping back, bags being collected, a small chatter starting to form. Mulder turns his back to them all, fussing with some papers on the desk for something to do, mortified at himself for snapping at her like that. It was a mess. A big mess. And he had four weeks of this shit.
Scully and her other only female classmate are the last to leave. He should let them leave and next time he’ll do a better job at pretending he doesn’t know her.
But he does know her. More than probably anyone else in the room does and it’s that that wins out.
“Scully,” he gently calls. She stops in her tracks, as does her friend. “A word. Please?”
Her friend looks at them with suspicion.
“It’s fine,” says Dana. “I’ll catch up with you.” Once the other woman is gone Scully turns. The anger on her face almost knocks him down, he wasn’t expecting it. Meekly, he makes his way to the door, closing and locking it. Once it’s just the two of them all pretences drop.
“What the fuck was that?” she bites, referencing their little moment. “And why are you here?”
“Why am I here? Why are you here?” He wasn’t going to start with this. He wanted to go in slowly. He’s found her! In the worst possible place but he’s still found her and he finds himself giddy over the realisation. He softens slightly. “You said you were studying science.”
But Scully was still angry. “Well I can’t exactly say I’m training to be an FBI agent, can I? Besides, I didn’t see you being honest about this.”
He shakes his head. “I thought you already knew.”
“No, I—” She starts to go red and looks away and it dawns on Mulder just what has gone wrong here.
“You didn’t do your homework before we met…” he says.
She sighs still looking away from him. “Charlotte said there was nothing to worry about.”
“Who the fuck is Charlotte?”
“Kind of like my manager, sort of…She runs the…” she reddens even more. “Agency. When I told her I didn’t have time to look into you she did and she said nothing about you being FBI so…”
“I think you need to fire her, or…or move onto to another agency because she sucks. You’re lucky it was me.”
Scully scoffs. “Oh am I?”
“Yes. Because if it was anyone else here you’d be out, Scully. Do you understand that?”
She says nothing but the anger lessens slightly.
“So what came first, the agency or the academy?”
“They sort of…happened at the same time.”
The anger that had lessened ever so slightly comes back full force.
“Why should I tell you? You think just because you got to fuck me one night that you suddenly get to know the ins and outs of my life? You can get to fuck, many men have had that privilege and I don’t see them questioning my choices so why should you get to?”
Mulder sighs. This conversation was a rollercoaster and not going exactly how he planned, what little planning he’d done in the first place.
“You’re all I’ve thought about for two days,” he admits.
“Well now you’re just being fucking weird.”
Mulder sighs again. “I’m being serious. I’ve been wanting to find you since then but not through the agency and not by paying $300 to pretend.” He reaches out to grab her hand then thinks better of it, lacing his own hands together to keep them from touching hers. “That night was different for you, too, right?”
Scully shifts on her feet, crossing her arms, saying nothing.
“I’m just trying to protect you, Scully. I’ve seen your work and out of all of them you have the biggest chance here. I don’t want to see it ruined.”
“So why are you being a dick about it?”
“I’m sorry, it’s just…I care about you and, shit…I’m your instructor.” He wipes his hands over his face.
“You really feel that way?” she asks.
“Oh yeah.”
She moves closer to him, reaching out to take his hand. His heart gets stuck somewhere up his throat, his stomach doing somersaults. What are you doing? he wants to ask her.
“It’s just for 4 weeks, right? You being here?” He nods not daring to speak. “And then you go off to…whichever department you belong to.” He nods again. “So we can wait.” She isn’t looking at him. “And reassess in 4 weeks?”
“We’ll reassess in 4 weeks,” Mulder croaks, throat dry.
“Okay.” She squeezes his hand before dropping it. “I need to go pick up my daughter now.”
She starts backing away, making her way towards the door. She’s almost out of it when he calls for her again.
“Scully? I’m sorry for what happened in class. I shouldn’t have attacked you like that.”
She leans against the door, smiling and Mulder is so happy to see that smile again.
“I’m used to it. Agent Banks grills me all the time in here.”
Mulder makes a face. “Agent Banks is your instructor here?”
“Unfortunately. And I think he hates women.”
“Oh unfortunately he does. But from what I hear the man is on his deathbed so…”
She smiles again. “I won’t say what I was going to say.” She looks at him again, softer this time, like she did that night. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mulder.”
“See you tomorrow.”
He still smiling to himself when she’s gone, finally basking in the giddiness of seeing her again. Four weeks. He just needs to survive these four weeks and then maybe…
The door opens again and it’s her, muttering a string of sorries as she reaches for a work sheet before disappearing once more. The door clicks shut and she is gone.
Until tomorrow.
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versadies · 2 years
that’s my girl (w/ fem!reader)
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SALUTATIONS. that’s my girl
ADDRESSED. pantalone (w/ fem!reader)
CONTENT. fluff/no-angst, howl’s moving castle au, mentions of street harassment, ooc!pantalone (?), not accurate descriptions about snezhnaya’s locations, grammar errors
STAMP. as you try to go back to your home under the strong snowy weather of snezhnaya, you encounter a mysterious man who helps you get to your destination easily. (requested by anon)
PENPALS. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @ladycoleigh @034ven @dear-dairiess @owozi8 @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @nejibot @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn @kuni-kuzushii @jiminscarmex @mitsukii14 @nejibot @ylimeprive @sachispet @loreleis-world @sn-owo @starforecasts @someonetookmynamelmao @ceylestia @astrequa @ymikkos @reallysporadicarcade @melodyyamino @dudufodd @somberrock
POST-SCRIPT. aa my first fem reader fic for a long time !! i hope i did this right anon, enjoy this fic <333 and yes im aware pantalone doesn’t have a vision but just pretend he has something or an anemo delusion that helps him fly. 
LINKS. main masterlist  |   taglist   |  gn!reader version 
You feel cold.
Shivering underneath your many-layered clothing, you try to go on your way back home through the snowy weather. As someone who’s been living in the cryo nation for a long time, you aren’t unfamiliar with how cold this nation can be. It’s cold enough to make you freeze to death should you even stay in one place in the snow for too long.
Knowing this, you decided to take on another route that can hopefully take you to your home at last. Unlike the routes you’ve taken before, this one isn’t as familiar since it involves going through an alley that’s secluded from the public eye — a perfect location for dangerous people and dangerous activities.
You slowly pull your coat closer to yourself when you step foot into said alley, clearly nervous for what’s possibly to come to you. As you walk down to the dark alleyway, you pray to Tsaritsa that this will just be a breeze and that you wouldn’t encounter anyone, particularly the Fatui. 
Unfortunately, luck isn’t on your side today. 
Just as you’re about to take another step, you flinch when two Fatui agents suddenly step out from one of the archways of the alley and block your path. 
“Where are you off to, sweetheart? Have you lost your way here?” One of them asked in a tone that made you feel sick. 
You try not to make eye contact with them, trying not to look scared. “I’m in a rush. Can you please let me pass?” 
One of them suddenly leans forward to you, causing you to take a quick step backward. “Oh you’re definitely a sweetheart alright. Say, how old are you? Do you live around here?” 
Before you could immediately reject his offer, the other Fatui agent speaks up, displeased with how his comrade tries to ask you these questions. “Hey, I talked to her first. Would you like to have tea with me? I’m sure you’ll have a good time.” 
You shook your head. “I’m sorry, but I’m in a rush. Please let me pass.” 
Just as the two agents try to insist on their request (or demand rather..), you suddenly feel a warm hand on your shoulder, causing you to flinch once again and try to  look at the person behind you.
“Ah there you are, I apologize for my tardiness.” The man behind you spoke up, a smile plastered on his face. “Where’ve you been, darling?” 
You immediately look at the two Fatui agents to see their reactions, furrowing your eyebrows slightly at the sight of them looking a bit… scared? 
“S-Sir!” They both greeted, saluting to him in respect. They look like two teens who got caught from doing something bad, something you honestly didn’t mind as you’re relieved someone saved you from your situation. “We apologize for our behavior, we did not know she’s with you.” 
The man behind you looks as if he wasn’t bothered by it. “Why don’t you two take a little walk, hm? Maybe I’ll overlook your… actions when I come back.” 
The agents didn’t have to make him repeat himself, bowing to him before walking away towards where you came from. 
You let out a sigh as soon as they’re out of your sight. 
“Don’t worry about encountering them again, they’re definitely harmless despite being in such uniforms.” The man assured you. He’s one handsome man, you’ll admit. His long hair reminds you of a night sky, his skin is as pale as the moon, and his voice can soothe one’s ears. 
However, you knew that there’s something about him that you shouldn’t be involved with. 
Before you could thank him and try to go back to your home, he beats you to it. “Where are you off to? I’ll be your escort, if you don’t mind.” 
You shake your head in response. “Ah, there’s no need. I just need to go to… the main square.” It was better for you not to tell him where you live seeing how he’s still a stranger to you by the end of the day. 
Knowing how the two Fatui agents are scared of him, it’s enough for you to know that he’s a dangerous person.
“I insist. I fear that you might encounter people like them if you continue to go on alone, wouldn’t it be better if you have someone with you in a dangerous place like this?” He says. 
Now that he mentioned it, you can agree that you’ll possibly encounter more people associated with the Fatui, so it’s better to be safe than sorry and go with him. 
You can only hope this won’t bite you back someday.
You accepted his offer hesitantly, causing him to let go of your shoulder and offer his arm for you to hold. 
As soon as you wrap your arm around his, the two of you start walking.
You could feel his large cloak that’s on his shoulders over half of your back as you look around your surroundings in hopes of not seeing anymore Fatui agents. You would be lying if you say you don't feel warmer and less anxious with the man. Was it because of his warm and comfortable cloak? Or the way he makes sure you’re not losing your footsteps and that you don’t feel like you’re being dragged by him? 
Either way, you hope you’ll be able to get out of this area soon enough. 
As if he can read your mind, the man suddenly asks you a question. “Would you like to get out of here in a faster way?” He offers. 
You look at him in surprise. “H-Huh? Uh… Sure?” You say with an unsure tone, not knowing where the man is planning to do. 
He lets go of your arm that was wrapped around his and wraps around your waist, causing you to glance down in confusion. You felt even more confused when you feel like your feet feels lighter–
“Hold on to me, darling.” 
And before you knew it, the two of you started flying. 
You let out a gasp when you realized you’re now up in the air, your knees up against your chest. How is this possible? Could this man be one of those vision-wielders? 
“Drop your legs and start walking, you’ll be fine.” He says reassuringly as you feel his hands reaching up to yours and hold them to help you. 
Despite being stunned, you followed his order and did as he said. You don’t know how the mysterious man did it, but you never thought you’d experience walking in the skies–
Neither did you think you’d capture a certain person’s heart with your curiosity and awe. 
“You’re a natural.” He compliments you, his voice sends chills down your spine as you feel your cheeks warming up and smile lightly. You don’t wanna say it, but his hands are truly as warm as a fireplace when one comes home from a winter breeze, it makes you feel a bit less scared.
It didn’t take long before you spotted the sight of the main square, where a lot of Snezhnayans are found walking around unaware of what’s happening above them. 
Ah, it’s a shame this had to be over so soon.
By the time you two are about to land on a balcony, the man lets you land on your feet first as he stands on top of the railway, his one hand that’s still holding onto yours never letting go. 
You try to hide your disappointment as you look up at the man who not only saved your life but made your trip a bit easier for you. “Th-Thank you, sir.” You spoke, still in awe from your experience. 
He gives you a smile. “It’s my pleasure. I’ll make sure you won’t see them ever again, but it’s best if you don’t come back to that alleyway should you encounter more people like them. For now, Why don’t you wait here for a bit until the coast is clear just in case?” 
You nodded slowly with a smile as well. “I’ll try.” 
He slowly lets go of your hand before spreading one of his arms wide as his coat continues to flow behind him. 
“That’s my girl.” 
And so he jumped from the railway, causing you to let out a gasp and run towards the railway to find him, only to find no one familiar among the crowd. 
You look around your surroundings, and you realize you’re in a two-story bakery that’s close to your home. 
You may not know him nor his name, but you feel like this won’t be the last time you’ll see him, unaware of the fact that the man who just helped you turned out to be the 9th Harbinger of the Fatui. 
And he’ll certainly make sure this won’t be the last time he’ll see you.
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Cuddling with a proposal (pick a Character I I couldn't maybe its an AU I dont know) I love how happy Chris looks below. It made me smile im such a fluffy one I honestly wish I'd fall asleep tonight and wake up to this loving scene (that’s in the story I wrote) in the morning.... a girl can dream anyway I digress To The Story!!!
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Comments and replies welcome Don't repost publish or translate anywhere 18+ just incase.
It's all sweet love cotton candy fluff. I wish I had this... a man like this... but a girl can dream of a perfect day time and man (to treat her) forever like this.
He placed kissed down my arm. I airily giggled a bit. I love that. Everything about that. Especially when he does that.
"Skin's so soft babe."
I ran my opposite hand through his hair.
"I could stay here for days. Can we?"
He nodded
"I miss days like this. Carefree and happy cuddling." I think I came of sounding more upset or depressed than I was
He sigh and looked me over he had a sad smile which he tried to hide. It was also a tired one. He's been tired, more then he'd ever care to admit-I know that.
"We can. What do you say I back out of my next movie contract isn't finalized anyway, well I haven't signed it, we don't have to worry about money or a roof over our heads. And we go somewhere just us we snuggle and cuddle and just recharge hm? I've missed you too."
"I'm right here."
"I know I just I feel like I've been ignoring you and I also wish I had you in my arms more I have everytime I have to step out of his bed I hate it." He was serious but I couldn't help my
giggling chuckle at his what ever that is. His sweetness. His kindness. His love. I always giggle and chuckle he knows that.
"I mean it I don't think I have ever told you how much I love you." His fingers came to my face and started to cup my cheek.
"I know"
"And you're always honest"
I let out a small laugh "No, I mean I know you love me."
He just looked at me lovingly, he looks at my face with this content look like he's trying to memorize every single freckle.
"You're more than just the world to me, your my entire world my galexy. You're everything."
He leans into kiss me and I kiss him." His hands are still on my face.
"It's not my choice its yours. It's your work. And I'd follow you to the ends of the earth you know that." I paused a moment "this is getting to be very circular you realize that?"
He chuckles silently. "Yea a bit but I love you. I do. So much. I want to spend more time with you. It's moving too fast. I want to relax. With you."
"Are you happy?"
"With you I am always happy. Are you?"
"How could I not be? I love you and you just told me yiu love me and you would give your world up for me.... and then said I was your world."
"Well I'm giving you up ever. You're stuck with me for ever and ever, for eternity."
He sounds like a love sick man and I love it.
"Guess were going on vacation."
"There is no one I'd rather spend eternity with than you."
After a minute or so I chuckle to myself as were cuddling.
"Nothing it just"
"It kinda sounded never mind."
"You mean like a proposal?" He raises his eyebrow.
I turn my head to the side. He's got something under his sleeve.
"Good thing I have this then" I dont know where it came from but he pulls out a black jewelry box, it looks like a ring box.
I can't help but gasp. Then he took put his phone which I didn't notice...not until I saw the video afterwards but he put the ring on my finger as he said to me.
"You just made me the happiest man on earth."
Should I tell him I never technically said yes? 🤔
P.s. I couldnt fit this in the story but I wanted to so here is It....:
"I love your smile. I can't help but smile when I see you smile."
"Well I smile when I see you smile."
"You know what that means don't you?"
"Were going to be spending the rest of our 90+ years together happily smiling. "
"Eternity smiling"
"Eternity smiling"
"Oh yeah"
He has a smile in his face as we kiss.
I just fell in love the photo below when I saw it on the gif choices
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@nana1000night @sparklybarbarianninja @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit
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loveletter4harry · 2 years
sick day - h.s.
description: harry loves to baby y/n when they are sick
warnings: taking cold medicine and pills (that make you sleepy), a bit of crying, sickness, not proofread.
also covid doesn't exist here because it doesn't fit the story:)!
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y/n felt awful. everything hurt. they tried to open their eyes, light seeping from the window sending shooting pains into their head. realizing it was almost noon, they heard harry making breakfast downstairs. deciding to take some headache medicine and move on with their day, they forced themselves up to head downstairs.
"hey sleepyhead," harry spoke, back facing towards them. they watched the way his back moved through the white shirt he was wearing, before pulling their gaze away and trudging towards the medicine cabinet. 
"love, have you seen the tylenol.. or anything like that"? they asked, vision blurring as they tried to read the tiny labels on all of the jars. 
"it should be in there, what's wrong baby? have you got a headache?" harry walked over to them, kissing their forehead and guiding them over to sit in a chair.
"harry, i'm okay i just need to take something and drink some water, honestly-"
they were interrupted by harry pressing the back of his palm to their cheeks, forehead, neck. before concluding that they were "burning up" and did not need to take tylenol.
"y/n, go back to bed. i'll bring you some food and some drowsy medicine so you can get some rest." he kissed your nuckles and tried to guide them back up the stairs to the couples' shared bedroom before they rolled their eyes.
"im seriously fine, h. i don't need to be babied today, i have things to do." they tried to reason with him but gave up, knowing that when harry thought you were sick, there was no way of getting out of being babied. 
"alright, babylove. i've got some toast and eggs but if you don't feel like those i can get you something else. you need to get something in your tummy before you take the medicine." harry placed a tray of food on your nightstand, along with a talk glass of water and little cup of purple liquid.
they whined at the sight of that. "do we not have any of the pill form? nyquil is actual shit."
"well you have to drink it to get better. eat up."
they had finished eating and took their medicine, they decided to take their tray down to harry while he did the dishes before the drowsiness set in. 
as they walked down the stairs, y/n realized that maybe it already had set in. they felt slightly dizzy and floaty.
harry caught sight of them and quickly asked why they weren't in bed. "baby, you need to rest. how will you ever get better if you don't let me take care of you?"
y/n tried to take in what he was saying, but it was getting too hard. they hadn't realized how tired they were before the sound of glass shattering filled the room. they looked down and saw their plate and cup in a million pieces, scattered around their bare feet. 
"oh, darling don't move, okay?" harry quickly moved y/n away from the shards of glass, shushing them as they whispered out broken apologies, tears slipping down their cheeks. "baby it's alright! it's just some glass, just glad you're safe, m'kay?"
y/n watched harry clean up the mess from the safety of the soft couch. catching themselves each time their eyes started to droop, wanting to stay awake for harry.
they felt themselves being lifted off the couch, and walked up the stairs. harry placed them on their bed and rushed to lay beside them. he gazed at their sleepy look, eyes barely open. he kissed their nose and brushed his fingers against their cheek. "y'want a movie on, angel? or you just want to sleep?"
"you'll get sick," y/n muttered. "you've tour comin' up… don't kiss me."
"oh, baby. im not going to stop kissing you. 've still got a week left, haven't i? go to sleep now, angel."
and they did.
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st4rfvckerr · 6 days
@mazerunner-rarepairs it's still the 31st here so !!
honestly this was supposed to be Aris/Teresa but it kinda turned into Aris/Teresa/Thomas and im not mad about it
prompt: "because i want you to"
aka Teresa and Aris in the scorch after betraying Thomas
The scorch is hot and dry and Teresa is restless.
More than anything, she attempts not to think about Thomas, in the constricted little room adjacent to the cave she is currently sitting in. More than anything, she attempts not to think about Aris, curled across from her with his knees hugged to his chest. More than anything, she attempts not to think about what she has done.
She's exhausted and sore and still shaky from the aftermath of the day’s event and yet, she doesn't seem to be able to fall asleep. She squeezes her eyes shut and sees nothing but Thomas’s tortured face, frozen mid-scream, printed onto her corneas, an agonizing reminder of the actions she has committed, of her betrayal.
She tries to calm down her shaking, running a soothing hand down her arm and feeling the goosebump that had formed too long ago, but in vain. She only trembles harder, her core rattling as she grinds her teeth together.
Aris doesn't seem in a better shape, and even from where she is sitting Teresa can see how pale he is, his cheeks a sickly shade of white. He's avoiding to look at her and Teresa doesn't blame him, wishing she could seal her eyes closed and erase the vision of anything that would remind her of what she had been forced to do. The idea of Thomas alone in that small cell with the conviction that Teresa and Aris had never cared for him makes her nauseous. It's far from the truth, maybe further than Teresa would admit, and they both know it. She wishes Thomas could know that too, wishes she could run to him and embrace him, press her palms to the small of his back and his neck and promise him that she never wanted any of this to happen, that all she ever wished for was for him to be safe. That she loves him.
She doesn't move.
Aris shuffles, and Teresa’s eyes mechanically flick to where he is sitting. They share one long, meaningful look, and Teresa cannot take it anymore.
Come here. She reaches out telepathically, the morbid silence surrounding them too thick to be disturbed.
Aris doesn't budge, fidgeting with his hands as he adverts Teresa’s gaze again, his eyes running over the artificially carved stone of the cave they are sitting in.
I can't, he eventually answers, and even in Teresa’s head his voice sounds terrified.
He's shaking, wrapping his arms around his torso to stop the tremors, and Teresa wants to be the one to hold him. She runs her fingers over the warm sand, draws lines and circles absentmindedly to avoid thinking about her situation as she chews on her lips, wishing she didn't have to go through it alone.
She breaks.
“Please,” she begs, inadvertently slipping into verbal communication. “I need you.”
Aris blinks, runs a hand through his hair, and sighs. He untangles his long limbs and stands, stretching onto the position. He takes small, hesitant steps towards Teresa, and when he's close enough she pulls him in, burying her face into the pale skin where his neck meets his shoulder, breathing him in. Aris flinches but lets her, smoothing out her hair with his free hand.
He doesn't say anything but Teresa knows he's thinking, and feels his hesitation. She drives the pads of her fingers over his pulse point and feels his heartbeat, fast and sharp. His body feels wrong against hers, all cutting angles and prodding bones, but Teresa can't bring herself to care. Aris places an arm around her waist, securing her, and Teresa is more grateful for the contact than anything.
Aris eventually breaks their silence. He will hate us, he says in Teresa’s mind.
She feels sick, near instantly, her heart pounding painfully in her throat, reminded of the boy sitting not far from them after having successfully erased him from his mind.
She's almost mad at Aris, wants to claw at his skin and beg him to shut up. She doesn't, instead curling up a little closer to him. He's pliant under her touch and Teresa can feel his dread, too similar to her own. Somehow she knows that he, too, would do anything to get Thomas out of there.
Somehow she knows things won't ever be the same.
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Hey who wants some of that Pokemon AU that @im-feelin-sick made (and i suppose i'm co-creator for)? I've been working on and off on my own contributions to it, and now I've got something finished (also on ao3 if you'd prefer reading there!)
“Ya fucked up.”
“I know.”
“I know.”
Sableye grumbled irritably at Nny’s subdued responses - glad that he was acknowledging what was being said, but also aggravated at this conversation’s existence. 
The pair of them (plus Houndstone, whose head was currently resting on Nny’s legs) wouldn’t be sitting here, Sableye having to stitch his wounds, if Nny hadn’t turned on a goddamn dime out of nowhere in the middle of his date with Devi.
But here they fucking were! And, honestly, it wasn’t just Nny who got hurt during that whole... thing. Sableye itself had stepped in after shoving aside its panic, and Nny’s other Pokemon fought back in kind.
They, however, didn’t have the years of experience Sableye did. Sure, it took a few hits, but nothing near as bad as the beating Nny got.
It was pretty sure a length of 2x4 got involved at one point.
“The fact that she didn’t cave in your skull would be a miracle if it weren’t for how thick the damn thing is,” it muttered, briefly stopping its ministrations to flick a claw against his head. 
Even in this mess, it wasn’t above a lighthearted jab or two. And, frankly, Sableye felt it had the right to be at least a little petty.
“Ow, ow, sore spot,” Nny winced, ducking his head. Sableye would’ve rolled its eyes if that were possible. “Your entire body is a sore spot right now, Johnny, c’mon. And stay still, I’m almost done with these stitches.”
They were all situated on the couch; Nny cross-legged on one side, Houndstone curled up on the other, and Sableye perched on the back.
Sableye held up its closed hands. “Good news,” it raised a finger on its left hand, “nobody died.”
“And the--”
“Bad news,” a finger raised on its right hand, “you fucked up a perfectly good date,” another finger raised, “you got your ass kicked the worst it’s ever been,” a third, “and now someone who knows about your murderous tendencies is out and about.”
Nny’s head sunk lower with each addition. 
“And, bonus problem, Marshadow followed Devi on her way out,” Sableye concluded.
As it expected, Nny almost bolted off the couch, only kept in place by Houndstone, who let out a stubborn huff as it sprawled across Nny’s lap.
“Fucking-- Houndstone, move!” Nny shouted, to no success.
Sableye shook its head. “We already talked about this while dragging you back here,” it explained. “You’re in no shape to go anywhere, and, more importantly, I don’t think she’d listen to anything you have to say after the shit you pulled.”
They both knew Sableye had a point - at times, it was the closest thing he had to a proper voice of reason.
“Then what the fuck am I supposed to do? Sit around and live with the fact that that fucking thing is bound to cause problems for her?”
“Considering what happened a couple hours ago, yes. What’re you gonna do, write her a fucking apology note? “Sorry I tried to kill you,” or something, so she’ll listen to you?”
“Oh my fucking God don’t tell me you were actually considering that.” It looked, and sounded, thoroughly exhausted. Of fucking course he’d get that idea in his head. “I’m nipping that in the bud right now, that’s not gonna work out for you.”
Even with that shutdown, there was still a defiant, plotting look in Nny’s eyes. Some sort of plan was brewing in there, it could tell.
Sableye pinched between its eyes, slowly shaking its head. “I know you’re gonna do something stupid. At least try not to get caught,” it urged. It knew Nny well enough by now; when he got a particular kind of idea stuck in his head, he’d hardly ever budge on the matter.
If it’d known that Nny was planning on stalking, of all things, it would’ve beaten him over the head.
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boymage666 · 1 year
I survived the
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Anyways I'm gonna talk about it now. no readmore because mobile tumblr is dumblr, sorry.
So, only slightly relevant to anything, but I did the entirety of the game during the school day. Started around 11:30, but I didn't find my first charm until about 12:45 (I had to go to an assembly then eat lunch)
Finding the charms was a pretty fun challenge, the only one I didn't get on my own was the heart (thanks for that one @wizardgoblin )
had to take another break after submitting the charms because I had to get back to school, by that time 3 people were already done. No big deal to me, all I wanted was top 13. So I do my work for that class and open Tumblr again to start phase 2.
This is a good point to say I love codes and cyphers, so I was very excited at the idea of the next part, only to metaphorically fall on my ass because I forgot that the actual question was on the main post about the game. Once I found that again I copied it onto a sheet of paper so I could write out the sounds as I figured them out. And so the teacher of my next class wouldn't flay and crucify and sous ve me for using my phone, but more so i could write my thoughts.
This bastard. (affectionate)
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That symbol right there caused me the most trouble of everything, I thought for a moment I was going mad because I couldn't find anything like it in the sample text. But you know what? I think it's better that way. Made me think harder. I was kinda skipping around on words while translating, going for the easy words first then the words that I felt would be important. Decided I would hold off on this word and skipped back to the line above it to solve the big word up there. Catchphrase. And the last word was "Weekly". I realized then that this had to be "Wizard".
I'm glad that the "z" sound wasn't in the passage, it made me think harder about the puzzle, and that was fun in hindsight.
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(please ignore the blatantly mistranslated word on the second row.)
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Unfortunately I don't have timestamps for exactly when i entered the maze, but it was probably around 3:40, as I remember realizing school was about to be over, which meant I'd have to drive home before finishing if I didn't get through fast.
On the first page of the maze there were three options to choose where to go. I translated the first option, If I recall correctly it was scoundrel. Did not want to deal with that, the second option I couldn't translate immediately, so I skipped to the third option. Merchant. Sounds safe enough, I should go there.
So I did.
Reading the options, and knowing I was at a merchant, I decided to barter, and got an item. Cool. Sick even. So I move on.
[something] [STRENGTH] [STEALTH]
Decided to go stealth, and remembering how the merchant went, I choose the stealth option. Made it out with a cool gem. Encountered the dragon. Decided I didn't want to give up the candle and tried using the gem. Back to the start. Same path with the merchant, chose the option i didn't translate for the monster, and decided to try and charm it. Sandwich aquired. Not a good offering, back to the start. Merchant and gem? Close but no. Finally, I decided to try and fight the monster. It worked, and the item visually matched what I got from the merchant much more that the other items, sure enough, it was a good enough offering, and I got to move on.
Last part of the maze. 14 options, one was correct, spotted it immediately. Escaped at 3:57 pm ctz, day one of the race.
Honestly, I thought the game was fun! The maze was slightly easier than the cypher, for better or for worse, but that also could have been on me by refusing to try the other routes at the start of the maze. I can't wait to see what future events have waiting for us! Thanks for hosting this @wizardweekly
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saljpeg · 1 year
the animation is genuinely so damn cool as well as the visuals everything feels so trippy and out of this world its amazing!!
honestly seeing the first sequence really made me think of materialism and environmental issues just about wasting in general. however, I've come to a realization that itcould be related to the privilege of the upper class and the lower class getting the scraps of whatever they threw away.
in the first sequence, we see how they can easily choose between options in their avatar with no worry about the consequences at all! everything they rejected is simply thrown out into the ocean which then leads to the void.
in the void, there's a HUGE pile of just junk. literally all the junk they threw out. and we can see that there are some entities living in this area, they have no design and are only represented through eyes..i think the lack of a design could represent a lack of identity or just a lack of privilege to be able to have these things the upper class enjoys in general.
the entity scrambles through everything they find. as time goes on, we can see that they start grabbing things from one another, desperate to get as much as they can, forming different avatars with random parts. the music also gets more intense and fast-paced, it really shows there's conflict going on.
theres a part where one of the entities (a pile of boxes) gets stepped on and treated as stairs, i think it just shows how great the competition is to just do anything to feel that same privilege that the people on the higher social ladder experience.
the submarine looks down below, absolutely disgusted at what they see despite the fact this conflict exists BECAUSE of their compliance to the uncaring upper class. when it tries to get away, it's grabbed by the objects moving like one single entity. i think it reminds me of how in 'dinner for few' by nassos vakalis, the common people get sick of the mistreatment. they start rebelling, uniting as a sign of revolt that they indeed DO deserve better.
and what can be seen at the end are the bones of the submarine, but how about the ones that are enabling this kind of society in the first place? the ones that are so privileged that without care they just casually throw things away? in the end, nothing can be done about them, they still keep going, and they continue thriving.
the people that follow them may have gotten the consequences of their actions sure, but what about the people on the top? do they really care about the people that serve them for their desires and needs? or do they only care about satisfying their desires? i think it's the latter.
anyways thats all for my thoughts about the film! its really a great work of art and these are just my thoughts im also very sleepy so please excuse my writing haha
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techypen · 1 year
⇢ ˗ˏˋ niki - head pain ࿐ྂ
It was just another day of dance practice for Niki which he was honestly really excited for.
Him and the members entered the company and continued to walk over to the dance practice room.
"hyung, I'm gonna use the bathroom quickly" Niki said whilst giving Heeseung a look.
"Okay be quick tho we're already late" Heeseung replied.
Niki made his way to use the bathroom but on the way out he stumbled slightly and fell head first into the door.
He stood there for a minute holding onto the wall next to him still confused how he even managed to stumble in the first place.
His head was killing him he couldn't deny that, but as Heeseung said they where already late so Niki braved the pain and took himself to the dance practice room.
As he entered the room he received a few looks from the members and a "took your time" from the dance teacher but he was honestly more bothered about the stinging pain in his head.
"Get into formation for the dance break" the dance teacher spoke making Nikis head ache even more.
Completely ignoring the pain he got into formation and tried as hard as he could to get all the moves right.
As hard as he was trying though he couldn't help but grimace at sharp shock that hit the back of his head.
He stumbled slightly grabbing all the members attention.
"Niki are you feeling sick?" Sunoo spoke from the back"
"Nope Im fine, just lost my balance" Niki replied mustering up the best fake smile he could.
All the members gave eachother the look knowing full well that something was going on with Niki.
Niki just turned around to look at himself in the mirror and continued to go over the choreography once again.
Not even five minutes later Niki stumbles again which the members noticed straight away considering they all had they're eyes on him.
"We should probably go back to the dorm" jake spoke whilst pulling the younger into a hug"
Niki was about to reject to hug but his head was killing him so he just silently fell into jakes arms.
After 10 minutes they're van finally arrived to take them all back to the dorms.
Whilst they were all sat in the van it's was clear that Niki was not feeling the best but everyone just assumed he was sick, but that wasn't the case.
Niki looked over at jake, and jake could see the pain in his eyes so he patted his shoulder indicating for Niki to lay down. Which Niki did not hesitate.
"Shit!!" Niki winced out whilst grabbing his head and removing it from Jakes shoulder.
"Hey whats wrong? You okay?" Jake spoke whilst patting Nikis back"
"It hurst hyung"
"I know come here" Jake replied pulling the younger into another hug.
When they arrived jake slightly lifted Nikis head to wake him up because he fell asleep which worked but it just made Niki groan in response.
"sorry bud but you need to get out of the van" Jake said whilst making his way to the door.
Niki got up and made his way out of the van which felt like it was a lot further than it actually was.
He was standing next to Heeseung whilst Jungwon was trying to unlock the door and he felt another sharp pain in his head which Brang him down to the floor.
Heeseung quickly went down to his level to make sure he was awake.
"Hey Niki what's going on?" Heeseung spoke softly hoping to calm all the other members that were kinda freaking out.
"Head hurts" was all Niki could be bothered to say.
"Alright let's get you inside" Jay added whilst helping heeseung get Niki up from the floor.
The members laid Niki down on the couch and handed him some pain killers to ease the pain.
Heeseung and Jay both went to sit next to him to keep him company.
"Do you think your just sick, or something else?" Jay questioned whilst patting the youngers forehead.
"I hit my head on the bathroom door earlier, I think that might be why" Niki added whilst slightly hiding his head.
"Yah Niki you should have said something earlier none of this would've happened" Heeseung responded slightly scolding the younger.
"I know I didn't wanna miss dance practice tho.
"It's better to miss dance than end up sick you know that" Jay spoke
"Mhm I'll make sure to tell you guys next time" Niki replied whilst making himself comfortable on the couch.
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