#im real happy with how it is turning out to be soBS
catpeepeepoopoo · 1 day
Question If Camp Camp (Once the show gets picked up for season 5 again the title and summary doesn’t matter could be either or) hired you as a guest writer, and you got to write like a few episodes max, what would you write about?
bless you anon
i need jasper closure please. i need david to find out jasper died i need them to meet and talk please. or some sort of max + jasper interaction (ie possession because i think thats fun) that involves david (another example i had this whole au idea of jasper somehow involuntarily haunting max and max desperately avoiding david as to not let him find out jasper died. which doesnt work out cause david ends up finding out anyway oops !!!)
ANY MAX AND DAVID CENTRIC EPSIODE PLEASE im begging im on my hands and knees please just let them have an episode for themselves they havent had one in so long. just let them go on a fun adventure. they could stand next to each other for all i care and id be flipping my shit. please . PLEASE
oomfie nick told me about that scrapped david birthday episode and i desperately need that to be real it has so much potential... hte campers scrambling to set up a surprise in the mess hall and honestly it turns out kind of terrible but david almost starts sobbing from happiness when he sees it anyway.. max trying to be heartfelt and nice to david cause its his birthday... david being appreciated in general cause he deserves it
david? david mental health? let him have a little breakdown as a treat? i know it was kind of barely touched on in that s5 episode but i need him to snap. i need him to absolutely lose it. probably unlikely considering davids characterization in s4-5 but a girl can dream
notice how all of these are about max or david sorry the dadvid brain worms are bad
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strawberrywonz · 2 months
Mean? I haven't even shown you mean.
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Genre : Smut !
Person mentioned : Park Sunghoon x F!reader !
Warnings : Man handling (at the end), ruined orgasm, name calling (bitch, whore, princess), spanking, fingering, implied sex, reader "accidentally" sits on heeseungs lap, lmk if i missed anything !
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Saturday night. You and Sunghoon had gone out to get drinks with you and his friends, it was fun. But oh how you wish Sunghoon would just take you home and fuck you already, so you had to do something. Sitting on Heeseungs lap by accident or laughing a little too hard at Jakes jokes. He gave you that little look when he gets mad, telling no not telling you demanding you to stop. But you didn't listen and kept meddling about and doing what ever you liked.
He was pissed. Fucking pissed, like really. On the drive back home he hadn't said a word except for a little cussing cause there was traffic and people didn't know how to drive on the park way (real life events 😭). When he parked the car he got out, not bothering to open up the door for you. He walked up the steps to your house unlocking the door, walking inside and taking his shoes off. You didn't say a word also getting in the house taking your shoes off. "I want you upstairs. Now. Clothes off, and bent over the fucking bed." You look at him, confused. "Am I speaking french? Get the fuck up there and do what I said." He chuckled. You go upstairs, scared? Excited? Nervous? You couldn't tell what you were, al you knew was you were fucking soaked from the way he spoke to you.
He walks up the steps, his top unbuttoned. "Look at you, so pretty. What a shame you don't fucking listen." He spanks your ass, not once but three times. You let out a whimper, he just laughs. "What? Want hoonie to give you what you want?" You nod your head, he just shakes his head. "Please hoonie.. im sorry.." you let out, almost sobbing. He looks at you mockingly, "Shut up, I didn't ask you to speak bitch. Being a fucking whore in front of my friends, sitting on heeseungs lap? Fucking spilling out your tits to jake? Thought I wouldn't notice huh? It's like you're asking to get punished." You just put your head into the pillow, he sinks his fingers into your cunt. "Fucking your dripping.." You let out a moan, pushing your hips back against him. "Don't move princess, it'll be worse for you."
"You're being so mean hoonie.." you whimper out, his fingers working inside you. his fingers pushing against your spongy walls, leaving you moaning and whimpering. "Mean? I haven't even shown you mean." Thats when you knew you fucked up, big time. His fingers were still thrusting inside you, hitting that spot that made you whimper like crazy. It felt so good it had you mumbling incoherent phrases and words, had your legs trembling. You were just about to cum but Sunghoon knew you too well. He pulled out his fingers and roughly turned you onto your back, looking down at you.
"So fucking pretty, im gonna ruin you."
Okay uhm !! Sorry for leaving u guys w a cliff hanger but if u want part 2 lmk cs ill be more than happy to make it !! so 😭 n pls leave some reqs cs i dont know what to write abt . ><
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strawberrygyuuuu · 2 months
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Genre —> Fluff
—> will txt peel your orange for you? Will they complain? Will they not do it? Will they do it willingly?
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• what the flip guys
• you sometimes don't even have to ask, if he's getting himself fruit to eat he's getting you some too in a cute little bowl so y'all can eat your fruits together
• like...if you ask him to peel you an orange then okay sure no problem baby!!
• bro doesn't even think twice
• if his baby want their orange peeled bc they don't want it to get in their nails then sure!!! He loves you too much tbh
• just wouldn't question it too much so dont worry! You're all in good hands
• def a guy tho to do acts of service a lot for you, even if you ask or not
• baby js cares and wants to make sure you're okay! He def has the urge to take care of you a lot.
• papa bunny does it usually when you're sick, unless you ask ofc
• like, if you're sick he'll get you some fruit he knows you love and give you it without asking for it
• any other time tho you'll have to ask him and tell him because you don't feel like getting your hands messy/sticky (or any other excuse lol)
• "yeah, okay..sure." shows a tiny little dimple smile and does it!!!>0<
• easy, right?
• hes just glad to help you honestly
• "you feelin' better, baby? A little? Ok, get some more rest, sweet girl." With his little 🥺 staring at you and and and😭
• okay but realistically he sometimes just stares at you :D and then shakes his head and says, "ahh, no." Lololol he's joking pls joke back.
• oooo he's a menace
• tease you a little before giving in lol
• "wha? Why?..oh, hmm..no." then he'll get up and push you down if you try and get up to do it yourself 💀
• cutiee, he just likes to mess with you
• but he'll cut you some fruit! Tho he might make a mess so🧍🏻‍♀️
• no matter how it turns out pls eat it n be happy he worked hard😓
• if he's getting himself food or a snack or a drink or wtvr he'll get you one too without saying anything or you asking
• gyuie's just cute like that guys
• "here!!!! I bought you a drink! :)" pls take it and thank him and drink it happily 😭🙏🏻
• nooo cause his love language is def acts of service
• so he def does things for you a lot, me thinks
• you're cold? Cool here's his hoodie
• oh, you're hungry? Don't worry you'll be filled up real soon, he's cooking you something!!>.<
• he will gladly peel you an orange if you want one, an apple, he will peel it if it's peelable guys
• "mhm, okay." 5 mins later, "here, eat up, pretty girl."
• I need him so bad guys😭
• idk he's just really thoughtful and always puts you before himself
• especially when it comes to health and food n stuff
• "here, have the rest of my food I'm full." *You end up feeding him some while you finish it.*
• whenever he eats something I know he gives you a few bites even if you have your own
• def rubs your tummy after you're done eating I'm sobbing
• 🧍🏻‍♀️
• but, anyway, hes just very thoughtful and wants to make sure you're okay
• "babyyyy! Would you like some? I figured we could try it since we've never had it before." You agree and he's so happy and he airplanes you the food IM BITING CEMENT
• this is so offtrack😭
• erm moral of the story he thinks of you a lot so yes, he in fact would peel you an orange and care for you happily!>0<
• at first tho he'll prob give you the most confused face ever bc you've never had a problem before..? But okay!!😊
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holllandtrash · 11 months
6t1 girlie going to celebrate that p2 real nice I reckon
silverstone celebrations | lando norris
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continuation of the 6 to 1 series (read part 1 here)
lando gets a podium, his first one at his home race and surely that calls for a celebration. it's unfortunate, however, that the hotel walls aren't soundproof.
word count: 3.5k tags/warning: slight smut, fingering, female receiving, lando's a little shit but hey it's his podium, poorly translated french im so sorry, also not rly edited that well
Lando squeezed you so tight over the barriers, lifting your feet off the ground despite there being a clear fence to separate the drivers from their teams. There was no doubt in your mind that he would pull you over if he wouldn’t get in trouble from the stewards. 
The neon hat fell from your head as he kissed you, not like you cared, you hated it anyway. ‘You look like a highlighter’ Charles had said when you showed up in the paddock on Friday sporting the new Grandstand merch line Lando came out with specifically for this race. It was true, though. You looked like a highlighter all weekend, but you knew Lando loved seeing you in his merch and god were you easy to spot when he got out of the car in parc ferme. 
In the sea of orange and black McLaren crew members, there you were. Tears streamed down your face as you waited to congratulate Lando for his P2 finish. You were selfish about it too. You didn’t care that there were other people around you waiting to congratulate him, Zak Brown included, his family included, you wanted to kiss him and you wanted the world to see how proud you were that Lando had claimed a podium for the first time at his home race.
You pulled back, hands cupping his face. You couldn’t tell if your palms were sweaty or if Lando’s face was damp with sweat, it didn’t matter honestly, you just needed to look at him. You needed to see the excitement on his face, you wanted to take this moment in.
His hand covered yours as his eyes were squinting from how large his smile was. “We did it. We did it! P2, we-”
“No, you did it,” your voice came out broken, your happy sob choked you up and Lando nodded. He did it. You laughed, because how could you not. This was the happiest you had felt in a long time. “You did it, Lando. And I’m so, so proud of you. I love you. You did it.”
He gave your hand a squeeze before he was pulled away by someone else. A driver, a crew member, you weren’t sure. The rest of that celebration turned into a blur and it wasn’t until you felt champagne being sprayed on you as Lando stood atop the podium did it sink in that he accomplished something truly incredible at his home race. At McLaren’s home race. This would be a moment he would remember for the rest of his life and with every bone in your body, with every fibre of your being, you were proud of him. 
Witnessing Charles’ accomplishments through the years had always brought you a sense of joy but this was something else. As Lando pointed at you from where he stood, a few metres above everyone else, you couldn’t explain the feeling in your chest. There were no words to explain how you felt, you just wanted to embrace this victory and be there for Lando. 
Maybe it was because Lando said ‘we’. We did it, he told you. Staring directly into your glossy eyes because to him, the two of you were a team as much as him and McLaren were. His victory, his second place finish and you were very much a part of it. You were his biggest supporter, his loudest cheerleader, his motivation. He wanted to do well for McLaren of course, always, but god there was no better feeling in the world than having a good practice time or a decent quali session and seeing the look on your face. You were proud to call him yours and Lando desperately wanted to make a habit out of seeing your wide smile and teary eyes. 
Honestly, he couldn’t believe it when you showed up on Friday wearing the neon Grandstand jumper. Lime green? Highlighter yellow? It was bright and hideous, is what it was, but Lando loved it and then he loved it even more seeing you in it. He didn’t know you had planned on wearing it, having shown up to the track later than him but it was a wonderful surprise. 
And then Saturday, you showed up in the t-shirt and the baseball hat, the same blinding colour and he loved you even more for it. 
Sunday, he was certain you’d wear something else. The paddock was also a fashion show for some people and he knew you liked to dress up.
But no, there you were again. Baseball hat, bright green jumper, you even managed to find a pair of cotton shorts in a similar colour and you could be seen a mile away. You hated it, but you loved Lando, so you could sacrifice your dignity for his home race.
Of course, you changed as soon as you could. Deciding on an orange cropped cami and white trousers, colours that highlighted your summer glow and showed just enough skin that it had Lando rubbing his hand over his face as he muttered something under his breath about how beautiful you were. You had just strapped on the second heel and straightened up when Lando came up behind you, arms wrapping around your waist.
Your head rolled back onto his shoulder when his lips found your neck. His soft and slow kisses on your already hot skin had your breath hitching in your throat. You leaned into his chest, pressing your back as close as you could to him. Every inch of you that touched Lando lit a fire within your core.
“We could skip dinner,” Lando’s voice was low, barely above a whisper as the idea flowed from his mind into your ear, something he wanted to suggest earlier. A lot earlier.
He wanted to drag you into his driver's room and watch you drop to your knees in front of him. He wanted to leave marks on your skin in the backseat of the car with the partition rolled up. He wanted to pin you up against the wall as soon as you stepped foot into the hotel room, holding your hands above your head until you were begging to touch him.
But god forbid he had post race duties that kept any of that from happening.
The debrief. The fan stage with that disgusting shoey, but he had to keep his promise to Daniel about keeping the tradition alive. The individual thank you’s and handshakes to everyone he passed in the garage and paddock. And now the dinner with friends and family that was technically his idea but would it be so bad if he cancelled? 
Or at least, showed up late?
“We have a reservation-”
“Doesn’t mean we need to be the first ones there,” Lando pointed out, a deep chuckle emitting from his throat. One of his hands trailed downwards, playing with the button on the front of your pants before popping it open. His pinky traced over the thin material of your panties and there wasn’t a single word of discouragement that passed your lips when he pulled the zipper down, just a quiet whimper and Lando could have sworn he heard you say please.
You rolled your hips against him, feeling the tightening in his own pants as he spread his palm across your abdomen, fingers gripping your skin. 
He dipped past the hem of your underwear, the tip of his finger just barely teasing your clit. You swallowed, lifting your hand up to drag your nails through the hair on the back of your neck, pulling his lips to your neck once more because if you were going to feel Lando you wanted to feel him everywhere. 
His hand slipped further down, using his middle finger to swipe through your folds, already feeling how wet you were for him. What he didn’t know was there had been a pool forming since you first thought about celebrating his podium finish. You were as desperate for him as he was for you.
“Lando,” you whispered. His name was your plea, asking him to do something aside from his painfully slow motions. He took your earlobe between his teeth and you tightened your grip on his hair in response, your body reacting to him and his touch the way it always did. 
“Don’t rush me,” a breath of a laugh fell from his lips as he pressed another kiss to the spot below your ear. The slightest bit of pressure was applied to your centre as his thumb brushed over your clit. “Only fair I get to celebrate the way I want, don’t you think?”
“Let me treat you, then,” you tried to suggest, more than happy to switch positions and bring him to the edge before dinner. But you shouldn’t have been surprised when Lando’s response was to tighten his hold on you, his clothed erection pressing into your backside. 
“Maybe later,” he pushed the idea aside, wanting nothing more than to see your knees go weak and hear you call out his name because God only knew it was a better experience than any podium ceremony could ever give him. The crowd cheering for him was one thing. But you begging for him? Otherworldly. 
You opened your mouth again to argue with him, but your words escaped you when Lando pushed two fingers past your tight folds, his thumb rubbing slow circles over your clit. He took his time until eventually he was knuckles deep inside of you and all you could do was cling onto him for dear life, a quiet chorus of please and faster encouraged him to find a steady pace. 
Lando’s breath on your neck and his fingers sliding in and out of you had your legs giving out. If it wasn't for him physically holding up you’d be a goner. One particularly hard thrust upwards from him and the most beautiful moan echoed off the walls. He scissored his fingers against your walls, fighting back a groan himself when you clenched around him.
You were lost in your own little world that you didn’t even notice Lando trail his free hand up until it came to a stop where your jaw met your throat. His grip tightened, thumb finding your chin to tilt your face towards him as you rested on his shoulder. 
“So pretty,” he praised, dragging your lower lip down ever so slightly. You stared up at him, wide eyes, fluttered lashes, stammered breaths…a sight he wanted permanently seared into his mind. 
It wasn’t right. You should have been on your knees for him. It was his day, you wanted to show him just how proud you were, you wanted to congratulate him with his cock hitting the back of your throat until tears streamed down your cheeks.
But Lando loved this. You could celebrate your way later. Right now, he couldn’t ask for anything more.
He picked up the pace of his fingers, determined to bring you to the edge before you had to go to this fucking dinner. As far as Lando was concerned, he’d be happy enough with you as a meal. The mental image of you spread out on the bed as he dipped his head between your thighs was almost enough to convince him to call off the celebration tonight. 
Because the idea of being able to tease you throughout the rest of the evening was too good to pass up as well. 
You swallowed heavily, feeling the familiar build up in your core, that burning sensation spread through your veins. An awaiting euphoria that only Lando could deliver to you. 
His eyes darkened, recognizing the way your walls clenched around him in anticipation. His assault on your pussy quickened, the thrust of his fingers, his thumb over your clit, all of it was bringing you to the edge. 
So one could imagine, this was the worst time for there to be a knock on your hotel room door only a few feet away from you. 
Lando’s hand covered your mouth, knowing you were one who struggled to be quiet. Your eyes widened, your heart rate picking up and Lando only made the situation worse by not stopping. You could have sworn he sped up even.
He cleared his throat and called out to whoever was on the other side, waiting in the hall, “Yeah?”
“Just checking to see if you guys had left yet,” Charles' muffled voice came through the door. “Want to share a car?”
Lando, with a devious smirk on his face as his motions became stronger, rougher, happily answered knowing how much you were hating this. “We’d love to! We’ll be out in a moment, hang tight, mate.”
Charles said something else, something you didn’t catch as you were too focused on controlling your breaths behind Lando’s palm and praying that these walls were sound proof enough. 
This was horrid. Knowing your brother was right outside the door as Lando worked desperately to push you over the edge.
He trailed his lips to your ear, “I hope you're close, love. Would hate to keep him waiting.”
You nodded, your whole body quivering. You were so close. 
Lando slowly dropped his hand from your mouth, finding the look of sheer panic on your face to be amusing. 
“You can be quiet, can’t you?” He taunted, knowing damn well you couldn’t. 
“Lando-” it was hard to even get his name out, closing your jaw immediately when a moan threatened to escape next. 
Another harsh thrust of his fingers had your hips bucking against him. It was a stark contrast from the way his thumb softly grazed over your cheek, his eyes encouraging you to give in, let go. Lando certainly didn’t give a single shit if your brother heard. 
And you tried to be quiet, really. You bit the inside of your cheek as your orgasm hit you hard. Lando kept you steady and upright against his body, slowly working you through it. You fought with yourself to keep from shouting his name but there was nothing you could do about the angelic moan passing through your lips. Lando buried his face into the crook of your neck, a low rumble emitting from the back of his throat. 
When you stopped pulsating around his fingers, Lando slid them out of you. He kissed your neck and then your cheek and then tilted your face to kiss your lips, gently, lovingly, softly. It almost made you forget your brother was quite literally waiting for both of you.
“I hate you,” you whispered.
Lando rolled his eyes, “You can’t hate me today, I got a podium.”
“Then I hate you tomorrow.”
Lando nodded, “That’s fine.” He kissed your cheek again as you lifted yourself off of his shoulder. He patted your butt as you turned around, “Go change, I’ll stall.”
Usually he would opt to lick your juices clean off his fingers, but he decided washing his hands would probably be the best decision. He adjusted himself as much as best as he could before looking down the hallway, not letting himself get distracted as you slipped a skirt on.
Lando opened the door to the hotel and nodded at Charles who was leaning against the wall across the way, head down as he scrolled through his phone. Charles barely acknowledged him, avoiding his eyes as he muttered something about how the car was waiting outside.
You joined them in the hall a few minutes later. Lando looked you over once and then twice, eyes narrowing at your hair but not making a comment about how you probably could have brushed it again. He just played with it as you walked next to him, both of you hoping he could smooth it out enough before you reached the restaurant. 
Charles climbed into the front seat of the awaiting car while you and Lando climbed in the back. You attempted to make conversation with your brother, asking him about the debrief, but he wasn’t giving you anything in return. One word answers at most.
You pulled out your phone and texted Lando. He heard.
Lando snickered when he read your text, coming to that assumption as well with the way Charles avoided making eye contact. Instead of answering you, Lando slid his phone into his pocket and decided that the best thing to do would not be to let the situation simmer, but to bring the pot to a boil.
“Charles,” Lando cleared his throat, his hand dropping to your thigh. “It’s nice of you to join us tonight, really.”
Charles nodded, “Yeah, anytime.”
“Well I’m not you, you know? My podiums are quite far and few between so I like to celebrate when I can.” 
Charles nodded again as you shot Lando a warning look. He ignored it, of course, because at the end of the day you fell for someone who was more immature than they ever cared to admit.
“It’s nice that Y/N’s here too, to celebrate with her,” Lando added. You squeezed his hand harsher than needed and he winced in slight pain, but didn’t let up, even when Charles chose not to respond. “Yeah she’s a great motivator-”
“Please stop talking,” Charles finally said, pleaded, actually. You could see him raise his hands to his face, breathing deeply into it. His voice was muffled as he spoke, but the pain in his voice was clear as dear. “For the love of god, Lando. Stop talking.”
Lando burst out laughing as your cheeks turned a bright shade of red. 
“Charles-” you started.
“Nope,” he cut you off, staring directly ahead at the road in front of him. You could only imagine what the driver was thinking about this interaction. Charles refused to turn over his shoulder to look at either of you. 
“We didn’t-”
“Arrêtez de parler,” Charles repeated, asking you now to stop talking. “Dites à Lando que si j'entends encore cela, je mettrai le feu à sa voiture.” Tell Lando, if I ever hear that again I will set his car on fire.
“Quelle voiture?” Which car? Not that it really mattered, but you would have preferred if Charles didn’t commit a felony during a race weekend.
“The McLaren,” Charles answered, in English, to let Lando know he was talking about him and his car despite him not being aware of the threat that just came out of his mouth. 
Lando leaned in towards you, “What did he say?”
You shook your head, not wanting to dive into it right now and thanking your lucky stars when you pulled up outside the restaurant. Charles practically sprinted inside, bypassing Daniel and Carlos who tried to say hi to him. 
When the two of you stepped out, Daniel approached you with some concern, nodding his head towards the doors, “What’s up with Leclerc?”
“He heard us,” Lando answered point-blankly. He and Daniel were still incredibly close, you shouldn’t have been surprised at how honet Lando was.
“He heard you?” Daniel repeated. “What does that mean?”
“He heard us,” you said, more emphasis on the word of the hour without getting into too much detail. It took a second, but Daniel’s face was priceless as he dipped his head back and laughed. He had to cover his mouth with his hands to keep from making too loud of a scene. 
Lando slid his hand around your waist, pulling you into his side as Daniel’s laughing fit continued. You wanted to hide your face. Actually, no, you just wanted to hide. You didn’t want to make eye contact with your brother, ever again. 
“Poor kid,” Daniel managed to get out, still chuckling. “But hey, congrats I guess-”
You reached forward, hitting Daniel’s chest and he stepped back, hands up in defence.
“For the podium,” he clarified, still grinning from ear to ear. He adjusted the hem of his collar, sending a wink towards the British driver before turning and walking inside. You and Lando waited a second, watching as Carlos clearly asked Daniel what that was about but Daniel brushed it off, telling him to ask Charles.
You stepped forward, but Lando’s hand on your waist moved to your wrist as he pulled you back. His eyes scanned over your face, seeing your red cheeks, feeling the heat radiating from your skin, losing you to the anxious way your eyes darted everywhere.
“Hey,” he whispered, hands trailing up your arms. “I love you.”
You laughed, because how could you not? Only Lando would feel the need to assure you he loved you after practically being caught by your brother, which was, technically, Lando’s fault.
“I love you,” you repeated back. “But for both of our sakes, I hope you never get a podium ever again.”
“Ah,” Lando grinned, sarcasm already heavy on his tone. “My biggest motivator, such kind words.”
“I mean it.”
You didn’t, obviously. You wanted nothing more than to see Lando’s trophy shelf filled to the brim. You wanted to see him standing on top of the podium week after week. You wanted to get used to seeing him spray the champagne over the other drivers and the crowd.
But if this was going to become a regular thing, you were certainly going to need to change the way you celebrated. Or at least, you'd be sure to confirm that the walls were soundproof.
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lovingyoulovinme · 1 year
part 3 of childhood best friends!charles&y/n
part 1 part 2
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ynupdates Y/N today in Monaco!
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user1 so good to see her again 🥹 it's feels like it's been years since she deleted her socials
ylnleclerc she's home in monaco 🥰
user4 hey this is my pic haha she was super nice when i talked to her and she said she's doing really well after i asked how she was! she was with joris and another one of her friends
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September 14, 2023
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 32,388 others
joris_trouche Princess of Monaco has returned
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user3 moving back to monaco..hanging with joris...charles liking this post...i could cry
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user6 i need pictures of them together now im so serious joris open up that camera roll or i'll fight
ylnleclerc MY ANGEL
ynstan tell her to come back to instagram please please
user8 charles liked this so fast oh wow 😭😭
September 19, 2023
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Liked by pierregasly and 232,839 others
yourinstagram the past 2 months at home 🧸
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ynstan wife is back on instagram 🥹🥹🥹🥹
user4 not them lowkey getting exposed by that guy on twitter that met charles a few days ago jdbdnssn
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user12 why are we not talking about how he said they were so close that it seemed like they were dating...
charles_leclerc Can you follow me back now?
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yourinstagram i should block you again for locking me out of the house
charles_leclerc It was an accident 🏃‍♀️
ynstan are these bitches living together 😧
user11 the world is healing global warming has ended birds are chirping flowers are blooming
charlesfan i literally cant believe this is real i keep thinking im dreaming
user5 she was back in monaco for two months and no one knew until recently 😭
arthur_leclerc 🥰🥰
September 25, 2023
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Liked by yourinstagram and 632,893 others
charles_leclerc Good Saturday. Now let's push for a good Sunday 🙃
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yourinstagram superstar 🫶
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user2 still the most supportive ever :( <3
charles_leclerc if i win will you follow me back?
yourinstagram maybe 😋
user3 bravo amore ❤️
f1 🙌
joris_trouche You better win for that y/n follow 🤣
charlesfan YOU GOT THIS KING
ynleclerc y/n still not following him is the funniest thing ever when you consider the fact that they are 100% dating
October 1, 2023
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 279,848 others
yourinstagram forever boy turns 26 today 🥹 i've loved you three (eleven*) summers!!!! and i want em all!!!!!
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pascale.leclerc.355 Enfin 🫶 (finally)
user4 soulmates 😭😭😭😭😭
landonorris #HappyCharlesDay
charles_leclerc Je t'aimerai à jamais. (i will love you forever)
charles_leclerc Thank you for the follow back
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yourinstagram anything for my fans ❤️
danielricciardo Happy birthday Charlie
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yourinstagram only i can call him that back off 😒
user2 "forever boy" i'm sobbing my eyes out
arthur_leclerc Last picture 🤣
charlesfan ELEVEN SUMMERS 😭😭😭😭😭😭
October 16, 2023
tags: @nothernlights19 @kavyaas-world @aldene-styles @bbymelsworld @willowpains @fangirlika @saturnsrinqs @escapism-writer @scharter @moonlightts2 @christianpulisic10 @buendiabebeta @haloxmendes @p4st3lst4rs @lunamelona @vita-di-moda @honethatty12 @deviltsunoda @spencerrxids @gentlemonsterjennie1 @i83andrew @lovely-blackinnon @champomiel @wavesnotfeelings @elijahslover @angelwithoutmywings @justsayk @f1-incorrect-s @stop-calling-me-willhelm @mjaudrey @keonminshea @destourtereaux
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heartsoji · 1 year
haikyuu boys with an s/o who's really scared of horror movies
pairings: iwaizumi x reader, oikawa x reader, tsukishima x reader, bokuto x reader
a/n: lol this is me i actually cannot with horror like at all
warnings: post-timeskip in iwaizumi's
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iwaizumi hajime
iwaizumi's pretty good with horror movies
occasionally, he'll be a little caught off-guard with a sudden jumpscare, but he's pretty much fine otherwise
now YOU..
you are not ok.
you are screaming, hiding, and tearing up
he honestly doesn't really understand what's so scary about them
since i hc iwaizumi to be a realist, he'd be like
it's a movie. it was filmed. those are actors. it's so obvious none of that stuff could ever happen in real life
still, he understands that you're really scared and tries his best to comfort you
time to put those beefy athletic trainer arms to work
he lets you cling onto them for the whole movie and lets you use then as a stress ball
iwaizumi's a traditional, old school, cheesy hopeless romantic. convince me otherwise.
therefore, his method of comfort usually comes in the form of soothing words and back rubs in his arms
its actually quite nice. he lets you scream into his titties (HE HAS TITTIES AND THEYRE MORE ROCK SOLID THAN REGINA GEORGE'S MOM'S. CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE.)
when you're truly scared scared (like heart pounding, sobs racking ur body, you're def gonna get rlly bad nightmares type of scared scared)
he will probs turn it off bc he thinks that no movie ending is worth this much terror
he cares about you a lot, after all. he thinks its slightly amusing when you're screaming your head off at the obviously fake blood, but he would never want you to be fearful for real
rubs your back and whispers soothing words into your ear
"its ok" "i'm right here" "don't worry, i'd protect you if they ever came" type of stuff
after you've calmed down a bit, he'll try to make you laugh
jokes, tickles, anything, really!
he hates seeing you scared. he just wants you to be happy
10/10. marry me sir.
oikawa tooru
hate to break it to you but
tooru is equally as scared of horror movies
you guys have to cuddle up in blanket burritos together and scream at every jumpscare
honestly you both only make it through the movie through sheer willpower
if you're crying, he'll try to comfort you, but tbh he's pretty damn scared himself
however, once the movie is over, he's totally fine
movie forgotten. out of memories. what movie should you guys watch next?
but YOU
you're still crying
you're still really shaken up
you're def gonna have nightmares
he takes that opportunity to be the manly man he is and swoops you up bridal style
he's very charming. he looks at you in the most dazzling, heart-melting way
lol boy u were just crying too stfu
he cuddles you close, and just like iwa, whispers sweet words into your ear
however, unlike iwa, they're much more...childish? playful? how to describe them..
"it'll be ok. your big, strong, boyfriend will protect anything that tries to hurt his princess" "*dramatic gasp* YOU DON'T THINK I'M CAPABLE OF FIGHTING IT OFF BY MYSELF? HOW COULD YOU UNDERESTIMATE ME LIKE THIS? THIS.. THIS IS BETRAYAL" "they don't even look that strong. im sure i could hit a volleyball at one and it would rip into two!"
stuff like that
he would make sure to cuddle you extra close that night
overall, he's pretty fun and is good at making everything seem less serious. 8.5/10!
tsukishima kei
honestly, he's as affected by horror movies at the average guy
he doesn't find them as terrifying as oikawa, but he's definitely not as unaffected as iwaizumi
but you'd never know that
he just hides his emotions really, really well
also he just sometimes focuses on the wall behind the tv and drowns out the voices
he just sits through them and bears them, basically
now, why? why in the world would he do this when he doesn't even enjoy it?
to make fun of you, duh. shouldn't that have been obvious?
when you leap 30ft out of your seat into the air, he laughs at you
he'll even add onto your fear by like grazing your opposite shoulder when you aren't looking and pretending he didn't do it
hes a brat
but honestly, he partially enjoys it when you spring onto him at the jump scares, no matter how much he denies it
as we all know, the boys a lil shy about asking for affection
with horror movies, he gets your affection without even asking for it! yay!
but once the movies over, if you're really shaken up, he'll use his giant beanpole arms and spoon you until you fall asleep
but then he'll be an ass about it the following week
pokes, grabs, jabs you and will say,
"huh? it wasn't me. maybe it was the (wtv villain or ghost or spirit or wtv from the movie)!"
2/10. makes fun of you and makes the movie even scarier tbh. the 2 points r only bc of the comfort he gives after its over.
bokuto koutaro
like most things in life, bokuto goes between two extremes, and never crosses into the middle
he's either having super insane cut shots that go BOOM
OR he's doing awful and is in his emo mode
same thing with this
he either isn't affected by it at all and just laughs
or he screams when the character breathes a lil too heavily
now, if he thinks the movie's not scary at all, he's pretty good to watch with if you're super scared
during the scary parts, he lets you cling onto his beefy arm while he just watches the movie in amusement
like there's a really scary scene where there's a huge jumpscare into the most climatic scene in the movie and you're burying your face into his arm but in the background you just hear:
"oh the grey little child is smiling! it's kinda cute! why is the main character guy sweating? he looks like me right after a long game"
"why'd the grey little child pull a purple thing out of his throat? what's that? i wonder what it tastes like though..i think it would be a thick gummy texture, but maybe a little gooey on the inside. definitely grape-flavored. the really sweet artificial good one. oh.. now i want a gummy!"
he definitely makes it less scary because he makes all the scary stuff seem really stupid
honestly pretty nice. you might not get as many nightmares because of him
when he's terrified, he's more terrified than you
*main character sneezes* "AHHHHHHH"
think oikawa x 800
honestly, you kind of have to take the comfort role even though you're deathly afraid of horror movies
"kou, he's just walking. its ok."
honestly he makes it seem less scary like this too because it forces you to see why the movie isn't actually that scary because you have to find out the reasons to comfort him
8.7/10. a sweetie
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peachhcs · 2 months
losing the championships
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
will's self-doubt creeps in after losing the finals making him snap at the one person who's always there for him, almost making her turn her back on him.
2.6k words
warnings: a bit of angst, arguing, crying, this is a sad post in general
ik im feeding y’all rn but i feel weird putting this out in two days and not now haha, but guys you know i had to do it. i had to get the angst out. i think this is like the first angsty post in the series?? i hate when there is angst, but i love writing it lmao. i'm not sure how accurate some of this is, but i hope the trio stays on for another season!! i'd actually be devestated if they don't. anyways keep requesting!! <3
au masterlist
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it didn’t feel real. nothing felt real watching her best friends crumple to the ice in utter defeat and heartbreak just two days after winning the semifinals. samy stood up in the stands nearly motionless while everything around her fell silent. she didn’t think those moments were actually real whenever they played in movies, but here she was hardly focusing on anything but her best friends in tears. 
her eyes couldn’t leave ryan on his knees with his face in the ice. she just wanted to wrap all of them into her arms so none of them would feel this type of pain anymore. 
the stupid jumbotron panned to everyone’s reactions, basically putting the boys on full blast when they most definitely didn’t want anyone to see them crying like they were. samy’s heart only broke further when she finally looked down at her boyfriend trying to hold himself together while comforting a sobbing ryan and teary gabe. 
her own eyes grew teary seeing those three so destroyed not knowing what was next for any of them. that was probably the scariest part. 
when will searched for samy’s gaze the waterworks broke like a dam for the couple. the youngest hughes was completely crying and will’s shame settled into his skin that he lost the game without even scoring a single point. 
their coach urged the boys down the tunnel before the cameras could get any more shots of them. samy tried pulling herself together, but her hiccuping cries didn’t stop slipping out no matter how hard she tried holding them in. 
boston’s side of the lobby was nearly silent which almost mirrored michigan’s team two days ago. suddenly, seeing those happy memories wasn’t as easy anymore. samy’s mind raced wondering if this game really was the last for her favorite trio or if they’d stay on one more season with boston. 
thirty minutes passed before the bc boys slowly trickled out of the locker room. their bloodshot eyes and tear stained faces were enough to send more tears into samy’s own eyes. her lip quivered waiting for her boyfriend to appear, but he didn’t come out after his usual spot behind ryan and gabe. the two boys found samy’s gaze, frowning even deeper. 
“hey, i’m so sorry. i-i have no words,” samy brought them into big hugs hoping to ease a bit of their ache. 
“what a fucking night,” ryan muttered bitterly. 
“you guys played well. those refs were idiots making calls,” the brunette shook her head. 
“will’s still in there. he’s..he’s not taking this one too well. you can go in if you want, but he may explode. I i don’t want you to think he’s mad at you, he’ll just find something to take his anger out on,” gabe explained briefly. samy’s eyes slid towards the locker room doorway where her boyfriend hid. 
“don’t worry, i know how he gets. I’ll see if i can talk to him,” she couldn’t be scared of will. 
he was her best friend and boyfriend. he’d never intentionally hurt her and if he said things, she knew he was just angry with himself, not her. the girl shuffled her way towards the locker room trying to put on a brave face for will’s sake. 
she knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open. her eyes scanned the practically empty room until she found her boyfriend slumped in his stall at the end of the benches. her hands trembled as she slid further in and leaned against the door. 
his eyes snapped towards hers. he looked like a mess and that only unleashed more waterworks seeing him in this state. it wasn’t one samy saw him a lot in, so when she did, it hurt extra hard. 
“if you’re here to try and make me feel better, i don’t wanna hear it,” the boy mumbled bitterly which quickly caught samy off guard. 
she wasn’t expecting that from him so immediately. 
“i’m not. just here to be with you,” the girl said, trying to hide the shake in her voice. 
“well, i’m not really in the mood to be around anyone right now. just go. i’ll be out in a few minutes,” the bitterness in his voice definitely stung, but samy tried shaking him off knowing he was just upset. 
“will..” she inched forward, wanting to reach out to him. he looked as if anyone touched him he’d just break into a million pieces. 
“i said go. i don’t need your fucking sympathy. i feel feel like shit,” the blonde snapped this time making samy instantly draw back. 
“i know you’re upset, i get it. this loss fucking sucks. i’m just trying—” 
“you don’t fucking get it, samy! i just lost the championship game 2-0. we scored zero points. you know how fucking embarrassing that is? i’ve been trying to prove myself all season about how good i can be and then i lose the championship game. you’ll never fucking get it!” there it was. 
will’s tone rose with anger and hurt all mixed into one. samy swallowed the nerves climbing higher in her stomach as she tried remembering none of this was really directed at her. she was just the person will was getting his anger out on. 
“i-i do get it, will. remember my championship game in december? we choked. i-i get it, i do. it sucks and i’m so sorry it ended this way. i wish it didn’t—”
“stop saying you get it. it’s not the fucking same. you’ve never had to work for anything in your life because of your family!” 
the blonde’s harsh words finally hit a nerve. samy’s face twisted and she didn’t know anymore if he really didn’t mean it or not, but through the anger, will realized what he said. 
“samy..i didn’t—”
“fuck you, will. you of all people should know how hard i’ve worked to be where i am right now. i know you’re upset about everything right now, but you don’t need to bring me down to make yourself feel better. don’t bother waiting up. i’m leaving with ryan and gabe,” samy stormed out of the locker room before will could say anything more.
the tears streamed down her face as soon as she was in the lobby again. ryan and gabe instantly noticed her distraught expression, immediately going to her. 
“shit, what happened?” ryan muttered. 
“can we just go? i can’t deal with him right now,” samy choked out. the two exchanged a worried glance, but obliged. 
the whole ride back to the hotel was nothing but silence as everyone reeled from the disappointing night. 
gabe let samy camp out in his hotel room for the night. he didn’t dare ask her what happened in the locker room knowing she’d tell him if she wanted to; however, the dark-haired boy wanted to go knock some sense into will knowing he most definitely snapped too hard at samy which made her want to avoid him. 
it was almost two in the morning when there was a small knock. still awake, the two exchanged wary glances, so gabe got the door. 
he pulled it open to reveal a very weary, teary-eyed, sad, and frustrated will. for a moment, gabe almost let him in, but he stopped himself because he didn’t want the boy blowing up at samy again. the girl sat nervously on the bed just out of sight of the door listening in on them.
“is she here?” will rasped out, voice dry from the amount he cried after samy left the locker room and getting back to the hotel. 
“i’m not sure i wanna answer that,” gabe stood his ground. 
“come on, perreault. leno said he didn’t have her,” will tried again. 
hearing how wrecked he sounded broke samy’s heart all over again. gabe gazed back at her, a look in his eyes asking her if she really wanted to see him. 
even though he insulted her, something in samy was still trying to justify it for him being upset and angry. she really wanted to believe he didn’t mean it. with that, the girl crawled off the bed and shuffled her way behind gabe’s 6’1 figure. 
“we can talk in your room,” samy mumbled. 
“o-okay,” the shake in her boyfriend’s voice made samy want to lunge herself at him and make all the pain go away, but she had to stand up for herself still. 
“you’re sure?” gabe wondered before letting her go. 
“i’m sure. i’ll see you tomorrow,” she rubbed his arm and stepped around him. 
her and will walked three doors down where his hotel room was. it was basically hers too since most of her stuff was scattered across the room over the past few days they’ve been there. 
will shut the door behind them. the brunette looked at him expectantly knowing she said everything she could. a beat of silence passed before the tears quickly filled the blonde’s eyes and he started completely sobbing in front of her. he crumpled against the door, choking sobs falling from his lips as he body sunk into the ground. 
for a second, samy just stared at him until her instincts kicked in and she went to him without hesitation this time. 
“oh will,” she curled into his side, stroking his hair as his body fell into hers. 
“i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean any of it. i don’t know why i said it. i was upset and i know that’s not an excuse at all,” the boy rambled into her shoulder. 
“i know this loss hurts, but taking your anger out on people with harsh words isn’t gonna make it better,” samy said.
“i know, i know. i-i’m so sorry. i shouldn’t have lashed out on you. that’s not fair to you at all.” 
“i was just trying to comfort you like i always do after losses,” the girl hated seeing her boyfriend so upset like this. his tears dripped everywhere on her even after samy tried wiping them away with her thumb. 
“i know. i shouldn’t have pushed you away like that. i just.. I didn’t want you to see me like that,” will’s voice grew softer at his small admission. 
“what do you mean like that?” i’ve seen you lose games before.”
“i don’t know if this is how you felt after your soccer game, but i felt so pathetic for losing a championship game where we didn’t even score. my pride was hurt and i worried you’d think i wasn’t good enough anymore because i lost like that,” his words continued breaking samy’s heart. 
she grabbed ahold of his face so he was looking at her, “i’d never think any less of you because you lost. it happens. you’re not pathetic for losing and i promise it doesn’t make me look at you any differently.” 
“i guess i’m just always scared you’ll get sick of me and realize i’m not actually worth it. that and a hundred other emotions were just going through me and it came out really wrong,” will frowned. 
a small sigh escaped the girl’s lips hearing the boy she’s known all her life doubt himself so much. “you’re always worth it, will. nothing’s ever gonna change that for me, okay? i’m always gonna be in love with you and wanna be around you win or lose, whatever's happening in your career. you’re stuck with me,” a small laugh escaped their lips at the last part. 
“i know that. i just get really doubtful when i get down on myself and hard losses like that happen.” 
“i get it, but i’m not going anywhere, okay? you played your best tonight, those refs were making shit calls and unfortunately, denver just figured us out.” 
a small nod came from will. he pushed his forehead onto samy’s just trying to ease all the thoughts running through his mind while focusing on the way she ran her fingers gently through his hair and around his curls. some of his roots were rough and red from the way he pulled harshly on them earlier, so her gentle motions slowly eased the ache. 
“i’m scared that i don’t know what’s gonna happen next with any of us,” will spoke again after a small silence. 
he lifted his head again to meet his girlfriend’s gaze before leaning it against the door. 
“are you gonna sign on?” the idea played in samy’s mind as well after tonight’s game. 
the decision was entirely up to the coaches of each of the guy’s respective teams, but considering how well all of them played and improved in one season, they may want them sooner rather than later. 
“i don’t know. it’s up to whether the sharks want me now or later,” will answered. 
“have you talked to ryan or gabe? what they may do?” 
“washington’s pushing closer to the playoffs. they may want ryan on for it. i dunno. gabe’s most likely gonna stay. i don’t think the rangers are quite ready for him yet. the ideal situation is we all stay one one more season with boston,” will explained a bit, his fingers drawing mindles shapes into samy’s leg. 
“what do the sharks say about you?” the girl wondered with a raised eyebrow. 
“you know what they say about me. they want me now. they wanna wait another year. it’s..sort of up to me i guess,” will shrugged a bit, avoiding eye contact. 
“would you sign on now?” she rephrased her question from earlier. 
“if i sign on now, my entire life gets flipped around in a week and i have to move to california, but then i’d possibly get to play in the playoffs. if i wait, i get to stay with boston and everyone for another year and more importantly, see you more frequently than if i was in california,” samy rolled her eyes at the last part—he was always so down bad for her. 
“don’t make the decision based on me, will. you’ll see me still.” 
“i know, but i think i do subconsciously anyway. you’re just my life now,” his words sent a deep blush across the girl’s cheeks. 
“i’m flattered,” she rubbed the side of his cheek making him lean into her touch. 
“you’re everything to me, samy. i’m really, really in love with you and i can’t imagine my life without you in it,” will smiled softly. 
the girl flushed, but returned his smile. hearing those kinds of things come out of his mouth was still something the brunette was getting used to even after 9 months of being together. 
“you’re everything to me too, will. i love you a lot.” 
the boy leaned forward to place a gentle, yet loving kiss on her lips. they melted into one another, small sighs escaping their mouths at the contact. her hands tugged at his curls while his own curved around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer like he needed her as close as possible or else he couldn’t function. 
part of it was true. without samy, will was lost like a fish in the ocean. she was a part of him and he was a part of her. they were intertwined and always would be. her soft lips soothed every single thought and self-doubt will had because as long as his favorite girl believed in him, that was all that mattered. 
“i know i said this already, but thank you for being here. it means a lot to me,” will said when they pulled apart. 
“i’d never miss this. i’ll always skip classes for you,” she grinned. 
the boy beamed, pulling her back in for another kiss. 
the two didn’t get into bed until nearly 3:30 in the morning. samy curled into will’s side, his arm tightly around her as she laid on his chest. the tension in the air completely dissipated and the cries died down. things felt okay again. 
they’d sleep tangled in one another all night knowing the next morning samy had to catch her plane back to michigan and will would be left with one big decision that would decide what plane he had to catch. 
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what’s up! saw your post asking for some requests after tbb ep4 (THEY REUNITED AHHHH)
cough okay back on topic , what if it was a lil sweet wrecker or hunter x reader, maybe one where reader got taken away with omega? And how either wrecker or hunter react to seeing her again after so long? all sweet and hugs and kisses—
(maybe end in some nice cuddles cuz im a sucker for cuddle fics 😝)
okay lovely person have a good day ! feel free to ignore 🫶
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Wrecker x Reader
Summary- After searching for months, Wrecker is finally reunited with you. You couldn't be happier.
A/N- Thank you for requesting! Sorry for the wait, i'm trying to get through everyone's request. I hope you don't mind I chose Wrecker. He's so adorable at all times! I screamed when everyone reunited, i'm OBSESSED!
Word Count- 1,052
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Beautiful pic by @azertyrobaz !
Your leg bounced up and down, you couldn't get it to stop. Nerves coarse through you. It had been months and months since you had last seen, even heard, from Wrecker.
You worried for him desperately, hoping he was taking care of himself. It frequently fell on you to tend to Wrecker. Sure, he was the biggest and strongest clone of the force. Outside of battle, he was just a big baby.
Omega turned from her seat to smile at you, she was positive that they were okay.
The silence from you, Crosshair, and Omega let your memories flow. Many of you helping Wrecker conserve rations, tending to his injuries, and calming his fear of heights. You also thought about the countless times he'd made you laugh, stood up for you, and protected you.
You really missed him... Your days on Tantiss as a prisoner were long and lifeless- quickly relying on Omega's daily stories to keep your spirits up.
All that was over now... You were finally going home. By home, you meant Wrecker.
Swallowing thick, you stood as Omega landed the ship. Tears welled up when you saw The Marauder. You forced yourself to breathe, watching the ship doors lower.
You looked around quickly, wondering why they weren't outside the ship. Then, you saw Wrecker racing down the steps. Hunter was close behind.
You sobbed, running to him. He laughed, always finding the joy in situations. "Now there's a sight to see!"
The second it took you to get to him felt like an eternity. Though, you were immediately lifted off of your feet when you met.
He spun you around, arms locking you to his chest. Your head found a place to rest on his neck. Your nose brushed against the skin peaking out of his blacks.
You let out a contented sigh, the first in a long time. You felt completely safe, an unfamiliar feeling.
He still held you up off of your feet, but pulled back to kiss you. There wasn't a piece of skin on your face he didn't peck. Before you had time to recoup the action, he pulled you close again.
"Wrecker, Wrecker baby. I'm okay..." He sniffled and set you down. You could see out of the corner of your eye, Hunter holding Omega.
He seemed to have more tears flowing than you.
Wrecker turned you around forcefully, but gentle. He looked you up and down for injuries. You stiffed a laugh, "That's my job Wrecker."
"I know! I was just so scared for you two" He whined, lowering himself to his knees for you. Now that he was at an easier-to-access height, you did your own rounds. Something that soothed you and him. An unspoken rule that you did after missions.
"Omega and I are safe. not a scratch on us." Caressing his face slowly, then feeling down his arms. You picked up his right hand, inspecting each gloved finger. You set it down to look at the other. Nothing more than some old scars.
You took in one more deep breath then gave him a real kiss on the lips, this one less frantic and more passionate.
You pulled away to wipe your tears, then Wreckers. You both laughed when Omega squeezed her way in to hug Wrecker. He picked her up as well, but softly threw her up and caught her. More laughter filled the air.
You turned to give Hunter a quick hug, happy to see him in one piece.
It was soon that Wrecker was back at your side, you held onto his forearm to let him know you were still there. That this wasn't a dream.
Hours had gone by and stories had been shared, Omega was already fast asleep in her makeshift room. No one dared to wake her, everyone knew she needed the rest. Hunter took the first watch and you noticed Crosshair lingering around the cock-pit with him. You knew the two of them would figure everything out.
You and Wrecker decided to call it a night and settle in one of the small beds in the back of the ship. He insisted you slept with him, for 'safety reasons.'
It had been so long since you'd been this close to him, and you were feeling on edge. Scared you would ruin the moment by moving the wrong way or touching the wrong spot.
What you had seemed to forget in that moment was Wreckers free spirit, he didn't care what you did. You could have knocked him in the head and he'd find a way to thank you. He was just happy you were with him again. He had no place in his mind for formalities.
"You okay?" He asked you, petting your hair while you laid on his chest. The blanket just under your chin.
"I'm fine now that i'm with you." You responded, despite a lot being on your mind.
"Well uh, you seem all stiff. Did you pull something when I picked you up?" He worried, concerned he did something wrong for you to be uncomfortable. His face showed he was nervous.
This warmed your heart, he was still the same Wrecker you remembered. "No, no of course not."
You propped yourself up, face-to-face with him. You smiled and rested your palm to his cheek. "You didn't do anything baby, I'm just trying to adjust to everything. Big change from a cell to The Marauder..." His hands rested at your waist, where the blanket pooled.
His eyes widened. "Do uh, do you wanna talk about it?" He tried, but didn't really know what to say in this situation.
"In the morning... I just want to cuddle with you right now." He laughed heatedly. "Now that, I can do!"
He nuzzled his way into your neck, holding you tightly. You hiked a leg up over his hip.
He snickered at the position, but wrapped a hand on your thigh to keep you there. His thumb rubbed the skin there. His other hand rubbing your back.
You brought your own hands up to hold his head against you, mumbling sweet things to him.
"How did I get so lucky..." He whispered.
"Did you wish on a shooting star?" You joked back at him.
He laughed, kissing your neck. "Yeah, something like that..."
A/N- Thank you so much for reading!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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lunarw0rks · 11 months
hi! im not sure if you do any requests like this but if you wouldn't mind, with ghost or konig, where the reader is depressed and has suicidal ideations and ghost/konig save them before it's too late? ive gone through somewhat similar things and it would be comforting reading someone be there for them!
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A/N: I don't mind requests like this, just read with caution, please! To anon, or anyone reading that has gone through this, you deserve happiness and are loved!! "988" is the nationwide hotline ♡
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° I hope you don't mind, but I chose Ghost since I haven't written for Kӧnig (YET) Italics are Simon's perspective when it's happening at the same time as reader.
Summary: You feel swallowed by depression, but Simon saves you just in time.
Warning(s): depression, talk of suicide, PTSD themes - DO NOT READ IF THIS TRIGGERS YOU!!, established relationship, GN!Reader, no use of y/n, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff at the end
Word Count: 1.5k
꒦꒷ MAIN MASTERLIST ꒷꒦ GHOST MASTERLIST // have a request? ♡¸.•*' | ao3 ver.
In Your Arms // Drabble
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The world's weight had been on your shoulders; the constriction on your chest gave you a constant state of crisis, the strain on your heart soon to break it to pieces, and most of all the strain on your mind.
Each waking moment was a gamble of numbness or overdrive. In the instances of numbness, you were withdrawn, coasting your way through meals, laying awake at night with a blank stare. When you were in overdrive, it was like each bad thought physically pilled itself atop you, increasing your irritability and defensiveness.
It was as if the real you were trapped inside somewhere, but you were being overruled by an enclosure of gloom.
Chores, conversations, and the people you loved dearly became a melancholy hassle. You hated every second of it, and most of all hated yourself for behaving like this. At first, you were begging for an out—some savior to snap you out of it.
But now, you felt hopeless—and were making plans to give yourself that out.
You finally had an opportunity, a few hours where you’d have the house to yourself, with Simon out for a few hours. The problem was, gathering the courage. Even though you had the thoughts raining down on you, it was a decision you would never be able to take back.
You were sat in the shared bedroom, on top of the bed you’d just remade. It had been God knows how long by now, and all you could do was stare blankly at the wall ahead, choking back sobs. You looked at his side of the room, seeing the stark contrast between his and yours.
When you thought of him, how he’d be better off this way, it nudged you toward your answer.
Simon noticed your off-balance behavior the day he arrived home. Despite telling you how lovely you looked, he could tell the isolation of his deployment had taken its toll. The bags under your eyes, the dark circles worsening, your sudden change in eating habits—something he greeted like an old friend.
He, of all people, understood the feeling. He just didn’t know how to confront it.
He was never good with his words, or his ability to provide comfort physically; he relied on his crisis training, and most of all, how much he loved you.
When he said he was going out with friends, he was. At first. He found himself sitting in the driveway with a pit in his stomach, his anxieties swallowing him. He was protective, to begin with, but paired with the behavior changes, he was practically trembling at the thought of something horrible happening.
He was white-knuckling the steering wheel, debating on spending his night inside with you. Guilt consumed him for even considering going out anywhere when you’d waited months for him.
His stomach was in knots, twisting and turning, begging him to give in to nausea overtaking him any second. Something was wrong, something was going to happen.
You were fighting yourself again. The thoughts were racing so hard you could swear you heard them buzzing around your head like an angry swarm of wasps, each of them a stinger in your skin.
You reached for the nearest object—the remote—then stood to your feet, sending it plummeting towards the wall in front of you. It shattered the hanging picture frame on impact, sending shards of glass around the bedroom.
It did nothing to silence the thoughts. The sudden rush of fury only fueled them, begging for you to do something more to stop them—the only option you felt you had left.
He had his car door open, gathering his things before he was on his way inside. He’d made his decision, he would rather spend the night with you.
Simon’s trained ear heard the faint shatter of glass, seeing that the upstairs bedroom was the only one lit. There was no hesitation; no second thought to make sure it wasn’t a critter in the garbage can or another household.
He unlocked the door swiftly, a hand hovering over the holster underneath his jacket. The downstairs was clear, nothing askew. He next went up the stairs, leaning in the direction of the bedroom to pick up any sound coming from it.
In his mind, he was fearing the worst, paired with the anxiety he was already having in the car. He’d been here before, with too many people. It couldn’t, no, wouldn’t happen again, not with you.
When the door creaked open, it revealed you, shriveled against the wall with your head in your hands. Beside you, was a broken picture frame, sent flying into pieces around the room. His mind put the pieces together—the irritability, the insomnia, the withdrawn behavior, his gut feeling—all coming together now.
But his worst fears hadn’t come true. You were alive. Alive, and in need of his help. His gut feeling, that painful ache in his stomach when he left, it was right.
His knees dropped to the ground beside you, ignoring the slices forming through his clothes. His entire focus was on you, nothing else.
“Love…” He whispered, grabbing ahold of your knee to make you look his way. When your pooled eyes met him again, he felt like his heart had been ripped in two.
The sight of you, the pain written in your expression. Not physical pain, not heartache, but hopelessness. A specific, known too well by him, expression.
Simon could barely stand it, the person he practically breathed for, fought for, succumbing to their sorry—and he could’ve been too late. The warmth of your flesh under his fingertips, how it shivered, he knew you were still here, still breathing.
He was at a loss for words, even for a man who spoke very little. Angry at himself, not you, for not saying something earlier on. His withdrawal was both a blessing and a curse—a lesson well learned, now that his life with you had flashed before him.
Without a second thought, he scooped you up, setting you gently on the neat bed. He remained standing in front of you, staring down at you with a foggy expression.
“I’m sorry,” You muttered, blinded by the tears.
Simon visibly shook his head, forcing yours into his chest. It wasn’t your fault, and if he could force you to believe that, he would. He didn’t have words to give you, only the comfort of his presence. He just held you; held onto your frame as you wept into his abdomen, soaking through the fabric of his tee.
Tears only teased at his own eyes, but never made it past them. Though internally, he was weeping for you, nearly inconsolable.
It was his job to follow orders, to do his duty. His duty now, was you. He had to be strong for you, always, otherwise he had no purpose left on this Earth.
When the sobs had turned into defeated sniffles, he dropped to his knees to meet your eye level. Him, never one for eye contact, but he couldn’t take his eye off you now.
“I’m here now, I promise.” His deep voice echoed through the room, bouncing off your repines for his comfort.
You were still in shock, how one minute ago you were so close to the edge, but the next he was by your side. The sorrow only subsided for the moment, but with him as a distraction, you knew you had at least one person there for you. One person who understood what you were going through, no doubt about it.
His large hands, the ones stained with the blood of his hands, gently cradling your face until you were lucid enough to give him your full attention. He was there for you, no matter how hard the stubborn thoughts tried to convince you he wasn’t.
They moved from your face, to your neck and arms, then your fingers, searching for any sign of physical injury.
“Let me help you, please…” Simon placed a small kiss on one of the tear droplets streaming down, wiping away the rest with his thumb. His hand went down again, clasping around yours tenderly as he routed you to the shared bathroom.
He grabbed a spare cloth off the rack, wetting it slightly in the sink as he traced it along each tear stain, his other hand on your waist the entire time. He was focused and stiff, but his eyes were gentle.
When he finished, he cupped your face again, touching his lips to yours, then your temple. “You are everything to me, got it?” He whispers against your forehead, eyes still wide, reeling with the shock of nearly losing you.
Your head was in his chest again as one hand remained on your waist, the other holding your head in place. He was savoring this, not taking you for granted for a second.
Deep inside, he was picturing all those months he’d left you alone to feel like this.
How each tear he wiped was a lash of regret. He was going to make up for it from now on. Whether he could help you one on one, or you talk to a professional, he would back you every step of the way.
That was his duty.
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itsnotgray · 3 months
should’ve seen it coming | cole caufield
what if grumpy x sunshine didn’t work out?
never saw myself writing for cole, but i asked @fantillisdaylight for a few players and i liked this …thing? more than i thought i would. so yeah, hope you guys enjoy!
what if sweet, ball of sunshine cole started going out with this grumpy, not so easily impressed girl.
and for a while, it’s perfect, just like all the movies- but then reality sets in.
their differences that they thought they could move past, were too big for the couple to overcome.
cole, who feels like he can’t be anything but sunshine. with her hardened demeanor, he’s terrified that if he gives in to how he really feels, she may not be able to console him.
and she, who feels so intimidated at the thought of letting cole into her head. she’s the complete opposite of sunshine- and the idea of letting cole into the storm cloud she calls her brain is frightening.
eventually, it all comes to a head after a bad game. he comes over to her apartment, hoping her presence can work its magic like usual. but it can’t. cole’s upset, he’s been upset, and he can’t be bothered to hide it anymore.
“cole i’m here to help you-“ she starts, before she’s cut off.
“are you really though? because you don’t seem like it. most people that want to console someone don’t stand there with that blank fucking look on their face,” he bites back, frustration bubbling off of him like steam off a boiling pot of tea.
and she recoils, because there it is. it always happens eventually. she can’t be as expressive as her partner wants her to, and they leave, frustrated that something as simple as a smile or enthusiasm is so hard to draw out from her.
“i’m trying cole, i swear i am. i want to help you, i mean it. let me be there for you,” she begs, trying to stop the outcome she can sense is looming on the horizon.
but he can’t. he’s frustrated, he wants to advertise his fears, his struggles, but that fear of his emotions being too much for her to cope with creeps up again. and so he shuts down, putting up walls he didn’t know he had.
“just- forget it. we’re done here,” he frustratedly lets out.
“what do you mean we’re done here cole? you’re clearly upset- let me be there for you,” she exasperatedly states, tears of frustration building at being stone walled by her normally joyful boyfriend.
“not just here. we’re done, period. i can’t do this anymore,” he says, headed to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water, hoping that’ll cool the accumulated rage that’s been simmering inside of him for so long, silenced by his need to keep up happy-go-lucky appearances.
his hand grips the cup tightly, as he quietly mutters “i’ll sleep on the couch and be gone by the morning.”
“cole, i- why the hell are you- forget it. clearly i never meant jack shit to you if it’s that easy to call it quits,” she says, mostly to herself, storming off to her bedroom, only letting her tears fall once her back is turned to the boy, who’s walls are now crumbling as he sobs quietly in the kitchen.
but his walls, defense mechanisms he’s never really engaged before, make one final move at protecting his heart.
“fucking avoid it like you usually do. real fucking nice that our relationship is crumbling before our eyes and you can’t utter one fucking word that makes it seem like you’ve ever given a shit,” he practically yells into the darkness of her house, but despite the darkness, the words reach her ears.
there it is. the final nail in the coffin. at his rage-filled words, her back hits the door, hand coming up to muffle the cries building in her throat, emotions begging to come out and scream “i’m here, i promise! she may hide me, but im here!”
her hand is practiced in the action though, and her cries of despair never reach the air.
two lovers that in any perfect world could worked.
two lovers torn apart by a beast that king eurythesus should’ve forced hercules to face in his labors, for then the hero surely wouldn’t have been successful.
a beast by the name of miscommunication.
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decayical · 6 months
@ — a lifetime spent on your knees . . . !
❛ scaramouche pegging is real :3 ❜
01 notes: im back with more scarapussy who's happy, not beta read
02 tws/tags: scara wears a strap, both reader and scara have a 🐱 and are transmasc, praise, degradation, reader is called a good boy, dom scara/sub reader, doggystyle for like the first half, one orgasm denial, reader is so pathetic and a wet dog
03 mdni blogs do not interact! word count 737
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lithe fingers dance over your bare skin, the lewd sound of skin slapping skin and your wanton cries filling your ears.
a hand makes its way to your throat, grabbing it in no way gently. scaramouche forces your head to look upward, at the large mirror in front of his bed. he has requested for it to be wheeled into his personal room a few hours ago but both he and you were still working—it was only now did you realize if wasn't for any sort of arrogance of his.
scaramouche clicks his tongue, his other hand digging into your hip and thigh as the strap he wears plunges into your used pussy, wails coming out of your mouths as a serenade.
you're close, and even if he can't feel it, he can tell. he always can—from the way your pupils dilate to how your voice becomes much more high pitched and whiny than before, he can tell just how close you are to an orgasm.
he growls, his hand moves from your throat to your cheeks, squishing your face.
he bends down to brush his lips against your ear as he drags his strap along your velvety walls agonizingly slow. his thrusts slow down—not to nothing, but just enough to ruin your peak and make a desperate cry slip out of your lips. tears prickle across your waterlines as you paw at the blankets and sheets below you, stuttering out, "please, please sir—i—sir please oh please i—sir!" he slaps your thigh harshly, sighing as his hand trails to your stomach slowly, almost in an apology.
the tips of his fingers dance along your abdomen until he finds the tip of his strap buried deep within your walls and taps the skin a few times, letting out a small chuckle as you writhe and whine underneath his touches.
"what a good boy you are, hmm?" he hums, eyes darting from your body to the mirror, where he sees your shaking figure, and to your actual face. he's still squishing your cheeks as he makes your neck turn to look at him and he smiles warmly—quite the stark difference from how he was pounding into your hole just moments ago. he chuckles again, pressing a kiss to the base of your ear as he keeps his hips completely still.
you whimper. "sc-scara…"
he clenches around nothing at hearing you say that. he never would have thought he'd allow a lowly mortal like you to say anything other than "lord harbinger". granted, the closest possible thing he had to a name was kunikuzushi—a name you didn't know about.
"if you say that again for me, maybe i'll let you cum," he whispers playfully, shallowly thrusting into you.
your breath hitches, you have and cling onto the sheets below your chest as you sob. "scara, scara, please! i—" you swallow, blush burning your chest, neck and cheeks. "i've been so good, please."
scaramouche clicks his tongue, sighing as he picks up the pace of his thrusts again. "fiiiiinee," he says in a tone both exasperated and fond.
he picks you up and pulls out of you gently, clicking his tongue and cooing at the protests and whimpers that come out of your mouth. you squeeze your eyes shut and whisper babbles as you try to get him to fuck you again.
"it's okay, it's okay," he mutters, bringing you to the back of the bed, setting you down on it gently. you feel your back hit the soft pillows of his bed, feeling a bit dizzy—you were just on your stomach moments ago, after all. he's kissing your tears away too, and you open your eyes, looking at him as your breathing slows.
"it's okay, it's okay, it's okay."
you shudder, suddenly feeling shy. you're much more open in this position—maybe it's just because scaramouche is kneeling above you instead of pounding into your little hole violently, but you feel—bare, vulnerable, and cold. you tug on his wrist.
"scaramouche," you whisper, willing yourself to not look at his strap coated in your arousal.
scaramouche looks at you again, the faint hints of a smile appearing on his doll-like face.
"it's okay, i'm gonna take real good care of you." he crawls over you, lining up his strap with your hole. you widen your legs happily, eyes drooping from pleasure and exhaustion.
maybe mirrors weren't needed to see your gorgeous face.
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toniiswrld · 1 month
you didn't ask, but here's my thoughts on your Sohee thoughts
Sohee with a mommy kink is so real‼️🙌🏾 like he's the embodiment of a mommy's boy. he'll do ANYTHING for you (and you'd do anything for him, but you make him work for it) he's always at your beck and call. he never asks for anything in return, he begs 🤭
Sohee sucking on your boobs 🤝 Sohee loving handjobs 🗣 HE CAN'T HAVE ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER, YOUR HONOR! exhibit 1: he's sucking your boobs, he starts asking whining and begging for you to jerk him off. exhibit 2: you're jerking him off, he's literally shoving his head under your shirt for a taste
now,,, the perv tendencies really spoke to my soul 🙋🏾‍♀️ i like to think that he truly believes that he's being sneaky about it, but you know and just let it happen to see how long he keeps that habit. that is until you decide to accidentally catch him in the act. he just sobs like the baby he is and still cums in his hand bc he's a gross little pervy boy 🥰
never worry about me asking, i’ll always be ready for some discussions about sohee, im literally crazy
sohee: i never beg for pussy. i ask 20 times and that’s it
sohee with a mommy kink is so cute, he constantly needs your praise in and out of the bedroom and he will be in absolute shambles if you’re even the slightest bit annoyed with him. he just wants you to be happy and satisfied with him in every way :)
crazy wacky thought… sohee loving boob jobs 🤫like his favorite things combined? oh hes losing his mind. he’ll cum all over your tits and is so eager to clean it up with his mouth.
pervy sohee… im genuinely crazy this is my favorite of all time. the boy is so nasty but he’s so scared that youll find out and be uncomfortable and leave him so he tries to be sneaky, but how could you not figure him out when your panties start to go missing, and when they come back to you they’re stained. so when you come home earlier than expected and “accidentally” catch sohee jerking off with your panties in his mouth you cant help but be turned on by the way he stumbles and apologizes… then you call him dirty and pathetic and he’s so humiliated but so turned on at the same time
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klausysworld · 1 year
can you please write a headcanon of yandere Klaus Mikaelson with a broken reader? Basically Klaus is delighted to find out reader is obedient and does everything he says, then later he realises reader actually gives up on hope and became a former shell of herself with no passion of life or interests.
Decided to write this in more of a one-shot kinda way, hope you don’t mind :) i just think it might work better
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I’ve lost it
It had been god knows how long since i was last outside. I couldn’t remember the last time i saw one of my family members. The only interactions i had was with Klaus himself and even them most of them ended in arguments. It was becoming draining.
I was coming to the realisation that i was not going to be getting out. There was no life after my escape and no happy life where i could the busy streets and see what the world has to offer. One time Klaus had offered to show me the world, i wish i had just accepted it instead of being so rude. I should have at least let him down gently but no, and now i was sat amongst takeaway packets because Klaus didn’t have time to cook me anything.
He’s been busier lately, leaving me alone more. It’s hard not to contemplate everything. The lack of physical contact and communication was starting to get to my head.
Klaus hasn’t come to see me in maybe a few days? I couldn’t tell what time it was anymore but i was hungry. I hadn’t moved from my spot in the bed in what felt like a forever.
I couldn’t be bothered to move when i heard the door unlock, i heard footsteps getting closed and i could smell food. Real food, it made my mouth water and i closed my eyes to savour it incase it was a hallucination
“My love…i have breakfast for you” Klaus. Of course, I wasn’t really expecting anyone else. He knelt in front of me but the food wasn’t in his hands making me frown in confusion. His hand came to hold my cheek as he furrowed his brows
“Aren’t you hungry sweetheart?” He asked a little softer. I was starving but I wasn’t sure if it was worth eating anymore.
“Where were you?” i asked, my voice a lot weaker than i had hoped
“I’m sorry, my family, they’re awake and I’ve been trying to find the time to come down here…have you been using the colouring pencils i got for you?” He stood up taking a look around, his eyes saddening
“Those are the same books you had last time i was here, love what have you been doing?” He asked, his arms slipped under my body to pull me into a sitting up position making me groan, i suddenly felt a lot more hungry now i was upright as i looked around for the food. He was quick to sit down next to me with the tray practically shovelling the food into my mouth
“Good girl just keep going” he muttered as he brought some water to my lips
Once i had cleared the plate i found myself leaning into him. As much as i hated him at least he was somewhat alive. He was a real thing and he was here. I could feel the skin of his arms on mine as i shut my eyes and pulled myself into his lap as my fingers curled around his henley. His thumb rubbed circles against my upper arm making my eyes burn with tears, this man was my only comfort and yet he had taken me away from everything i had ever loved.
“Do you feel sick sweetheart?” He asked feeling my forehead with the back of his hand
“Please don’t leave” i whispered clinging to him tightly, turning my body to straddle him, my legs wrapping around him and my arms holding onto his midsection
“Please it’s too quiet” I added with a sniff as a tear ran astray down my face. I felt his hand on the back of my head and i tucked my face under his chin
“I’m not going anywhere my darling, I’m staying with you for as long as i can”
We stayed like that for a while before he lifted me and turned on the shower
“Im just going to sit in the bedroom okay?” He asked as he set the temperature, setting me down onto my feet
“No no you said you wouldn’t leave, stay you gotta stay” i sobbed grabbing onto him, his body tensed before relaxing as I practically climbed him to attache myself to him muttering ‘no’ over and over as he rocked me
“Okay… okay I’ll sit right here yeah? I’ll talk to you through the glass okay? I’m right here” he whispered
He stayed sat against the shower glass the whole time, he spoke about his family and why he was having problems with them. His mother being alive and throwing a ball. He said the ball didn’t go as planned and Kol had his neck snapped.
By the time i was out my mind was clearing over, and I wasn’t as well…crazy.
He brushed my hair and dried it, i didn’t complain or pull away like I usually did. He kept speaking the whole time, sometimes about the past and sometimes the present but never the future. I’m not sure if there even is a future anymore.
I stayed in his lap when he read a book to me, a love story between two normal people who fell for each other over time. They had a child at the end. He told me he thinks there’s a sequel and that he’d find it for me.
He only left me once to get us dinner before hurrying back.
He had been so gentle today, he didn’t yell or raise his voice at all
And so I couldn’t find it within me to push him away when he pressed his lips to mine. His lips were so soft and warm, his hands held my face as he slowly got on top of me. I didn’t protest when his tongue slipped into my mouth, I didn’t shove at him as he groaned into me, I didn’t bother pulling away when his hips rolled to meet mine, when his hand moved to touch my neck, when it trailed down and he rubbed over my breasts through my shirt. I didn’t stop him as he ground down harder his kiss growing hungrier and his hand becoming more bold as it moved between my legs, just cupping my sex through my sleep shorts.
Only when he pulled away did he take in my face, he swallowed thickly as he backed away from me
“Forgive me- i got carried away, I didn’t mean to make you feel like you had to” he muttered as he rolled onto his back
“Would you like me to stay for the night?” He asked quietly and i nodded bringing myself closer to him. My arm going over his chest as I snuggled into his side
“Will you be here in the morning?” I asked in a mumble
“Im not sure, i need to sneak back to my room in early enough so that my family think i stayed the night there but I’ll be back a little later for brunch?” He offered
“Yea okay, i understand” i whispered, he squeezed my tighter and pulled the cover up over my shoulders
“I love you sweetheart, so much. Just rest, i will take care of everything” his words blurred as i began to slip into unconsciousness.
The next few days…or weeks i just sort of did whatever he wanted. I did as he asked, sometimes we did some art together, he had also gotten me a typewriter to try and write stories, with all the reading id been doing i had a some creativity. I wasn’t allowed an actual laptop incase i tried to contact anyone.
Things were seeming to be a lot better. But then the realisation set in that this was as good as it was ever going to be. There was nothing that i was going to experience that would be worth living for anymore.
Klaus didn’t notice my detachment though. He was just happy that i was behaving. I never got mad at him or cried. I didn’t push or shove or kick or hit. I kissed back and sometimes i wondered if i could actually love him. But then i sort of realised i didn’t really feel much of anything anymore. I wasn’t mad or upset or disgusted but I wasn’t happy or feeling safe and cared for and loved. And i knew that he was doing it because he loves me and wants to keep me safe but I didn’t really know what was happening anymore.
Sometimes i wondered if it was one big mind fuck and i was in some weird game. Like maybe Klaus wasn’t really an original hybrid right? Like this whole thing is just to see how long it would take for me to crack. Sometimes i found myself looking to see if there were cameras or something watching me, was it a tv show?
That lasted like a week. Im convinced. I’ve lost it.
Klaus sort of grounded me most of the time, made me see and touch someone real and know that i was still some what alive. It was coming to the point where i had to pinch myself to make sure i was still real, i spoke to myself a lot, Klaus had days where he was really busy, he was better at seeing me as often as possible but still he couldn’t always balance me and his other life right?
I’d stopped writing, who’s even going to read them?
I found myself staring at his paintings for so long that i began to hate them. He had so many stupid hidden meanings it was an impossible puzzle.
The majority of my time was spent on the floor, either the carpet or the bathroom tiles if it i wanted a colder surface. Occasionally i pretended i was already dead. I mean what would he do if i were to die? He can’t just bring me back, not without vampire blood and i didn’t have that in my system. Sometimes i got worried though… what if he kept my body and kept me in my room, i worried what would happen after death, what if my soul or whatever was trapped in the room?
(Third person)
Klaus was not expecting the scene infront of him. His love passed out on the floor, paper scattered everywhere and his paintings ripped to shreds. He slowly lifted her sleeping form placing her back into bed, he notices a cluster of little bruises along her thighs and stomach, pinch marks? He frowned seeing her fingernails slightly bloody and kissed them gently
He went back to the papers, no more than a few words scribbled down. It was about the afterlife and some held questions of what was happening. She wasn’t sure where she was. He felt his confusion grow seeing his paintings beaten in, the paintings of her. Her own face was torn out and a dot her blood was soaked into the carpet.
He slowly neared her in the bed after clearing the mess. His hand hesitantly pressed to her forehead to look through her mind
“Show me what’s troubling you my love”
He wasn’t expecting to find her completely emotionless while watching a clock. A clock with no arms. The ticking was persistent and yet there was no second hand, mo minute hand or hour hand. He found he was entranced by it struggling to pull himself away.
He dug further seeing her mid way through a panic attack in the middle of the room, spinning around hastily while pure fear crawled upon her face, she kept asking what was happening, why was she there? Who was watching her.
His heart ached, his wolf cried and his soul hurt seeing her scratch her legs to the point of the skin breaking.
Seeing her unmoving for days
Her laughing at nothing
Crying at the abstract painting he had made for her
And then he found a younger version of her, a small child version. Speaking to her mother
“One day I’m gonna live in a big house! I’m gonna have a baby and a husband and a pet cat! We’re gonna have you round all the time and it’s gonna be great! We can take holidays every year to slowly travel the world!” The innocence and excitement at the girl held her first plane ticket waving it at her elder sister who rolled her eyes but smiled non the less
Klaus came back from her mind to find himself crying. He wiped at his tears and sat with her hand in his
“I’m so sorry” he uttered while trying to find a way to stop her mind from collapsing in on itself.
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luvtak · 10 months
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of weepy afternoons, lhc
❀ pairing lee haechan x afab!reader
❀ tw/genre est. relationship, super fluff, domestic, crying, reader’s on their period, reader is referred to as ‘girl’ a couple times and her cheeks are described to be red once :/, criminal amount of references to the movie enchanted
❀ a/n i wrote this in like an hour so it could be real rough haha, inspired by my very real need to watch enchanted when im on my period. i wrote this with this couple in mind <3 hope you enjoy it and happy august!!
❀ w/c 1058
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When Haechan got home, he didn’t expect you to look so sad. There are so many ways he can envision your welcome, anywhere from loud laughing to big bear hugs, but he would never expect you to be bent over and shaking.
When he left this morning, you were buzzing with energy, telling him about all your plans for the day and how excited you were for him to be back with you. Now, you were sat on the couch sniffling into a throw pillow—making no moves to acknowledge his arrival, shoulders shaking with your cries. In the back of his mind, he can hear the TV slowly letting out noise, but with your crushed look, eyes finally raising to meet his he ignores it, and slowly approaches, as if you were a wounded animal: and you might as well be with your glossy eyes and red cheeks, you look so small: his usually tough girl tiny by comparison.
“What’s wrong, honey? He asks when he finally gets to you, lowering himself to be eye level with you, “What happened, huh?” His head is turning like a confused puppy, looking at you with so much worry and affection you can’t help but cry more. You cry because he’s home and you missed him, you cry because the house is a mess and you promised you’d clean up, but most of all you cry because he’s being dumb and it’s obvious why you’re upset (or so you think).
“I—I don’t know, just my heart hurts for them you know?” Your voice is scratchy, showing him that you really must have been breaking down for quite a while. He wonders who you’re talking about, if he’s forgetting something about one of your friends or wasn’t listening when you told him something important, but nothing comes to mind.
“Who, baby? Who’s hurting?” At his confusion all you feel is annoyance, it’s obvious whose hurting, it would be right in front of his face if he just looked.
“Them! Hyuck look at the TV! this is so sad, they’re just so in love, but they can’t be.” And he does look, but all he sees is Enchanted playing on the television. Combined with your sobs is the soft playing of ‘So close’ as Giselle and Robert dance around the ballroom—and suddenly everything begins to make sense.
From the very beginning of your relationship, every time you’ve gotten your period you’ve been drawn to Enchanted like a moth to a flame. Needing to watch the love story and cry your eyes out, as he has to unfortunately watch. He can’t count how many times you’ve sadly announced it’s your time of the month and then promptly turned on the movie.
While he could be annoyed or bitter at the constant playing of sing-alongs, all he feels is endeared, so he quickly cuddles into your shaking figure. Hugging you with both arms and legs like a koala, hoping that his affection will somehow cure your blues. He gives you a series of wet kisses, laughing and cooing at how sweet you are to be a grown girl and still crying at Disney films.
“Oh, my baby, why didn’t you call me earlier? I would’ve come home to you.” And you know he’s telling the truth, if he had even a whiff of you being sad and alone and hurting, he would’ve rushed back with ice cream and flowers galore. He knows millions of people go through this every month, but he can’t stomach the thought of his Honey in pain—all alone with nothing and nobody but Disney plus to comfort you.
“I didn’t want to bother you, you’re so busy and I can watch this all by myself.” You’re putting on a front, looking bravely at him even as the tears flow freely from your eyes. Inside, you know that half the reason you’re crying is because you missed him. Usually, he’d be there to sit with you, laughing and cuddling you at all the right times, and if you were lucky and he was in a good mood he’d sing along to the music like a lullaby.
However, you understand he is a busy boy—his schedule filled up with several commitments that he can’t just walk out on, even if he would. There’s too many people relying on him, and you can’t call him every time your tummy hurts, and your hormones go crazy (even if the hurt feels like a knife repeatedly stabbing you all over your lower body and then laughing at you).
“My silly silly girl, I’m never too busy for you. I know I can’t do much but I’m sure cuddling you and remembering to bring you your pain killers is enough, right?” and it is. There’s something so lovely about him, even if it’s the bare minimum. Your boyfriend never shies away from these conversations, he thinks it’s important that he knows and appreciates everything about you. Even if he can’t fully understand—especially if he can’t understand.
Donghyuck’s love language is really just being obsessed with you, knowing the ins and outs of your everyday life, and loving you more for it. As he sits with you now, he can see fully what he missed before—the telltale signs of your period running its course—the pinch in your forehead and the deep eyebags, and parts of him do feel ashamed he’s only now picking up on it.
“I’m sorry your body and your heart hurts, my honey bear, let’s start the movie over and take a nap, huh? How does that sound?” and even though your nose scrunches at his cheesy nickname, and you know the movie will just make you cry again—you look at him and agree.
He's wrapped around you, and he smiles, hoping your body will benefit from his body heat pressing into yours, smacking kisses all over your face until you’re laughing, and his gentle pecks begin to miss. And you know He’ll hold you tight all day, warming you up from the inside. He’ll tell you he loves you; he’ll tell you over and over again if it helps the pain wash away. And you know if you ask to watch Enchanted again, he’ll put it on with no complaints and sing along with you.
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© luvtak
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noirvette · 1 year
stan and kyle! w/ a plus size fem! reader headcanons!!
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cws: swearing but otherwise just pure fluff aged up characters!
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Stan thinks you're THE cutest girl in the world and he's stoked that he's your bf. Like people will say "Oh you're Stan's gf?" and he's like "no i'm HER bf, she's GOT me dude."
He's most definitely your biggest supporter and biggest defender.
I mentioned in my gen headcanons that he'd love his s/o to be wearing his jersey and this is multiplied tenfold. He absolutely LOVES and I mean LOVES seeing you in his jersey number. Guarantee win for South Park because seeing you just fueled his desire to smoke the other team.
Loves holding you. Just you two, laying in bed, you both just in each other's embrace. He could die the world's most happiest man at that moment.
Is a thick thigh fan. Like Stan (and Kenny but shh this isn't about Kenny) are #1 believers in the thick thighs save lives.
Despite him being your number one defender, he's more silent in how he defends you. Not that he won't outwardly confront someone if they're bothering you, it just happens to be he's like.. mean (that is not the word I want but I can't think of how else to put it) when he's silent and he knows this and uses it to his advantage.
If he's with you (or even if you're not with him) and overhears some randos talking about you he's into one of two modes.
First one is he turns around and just blank stares at the people and when they notice him he just.. looks up and down, eyebrow raised and does a MEAN side eye as he turns back around.
If they continue this leads into the second mode (which sometimes he starts off with this if he's had ENOUGH)
Second is that he pulls you into him, gives you a kiss, and turns to the people with a "my gf is better than you and you sob into your pillow every night bc you're lonely so shut the fuck up."
If they try and argue he's just "cry about it lmfao. Don't care plus you're balding."
Picks you up, doesn't even matter if you think he can't because he can. He's determined AND he's hella strong. Being on the football team has made his biceps BIG.
Said earlier than he loves holding you but I'm dead serious with this. He's such a cuddly big spoon and just holding you in his arms makes him giggly (got him blushing and kicking his legs)
Loves every part of you and if you feel self conscious over something he's kissing every inch.
If you're wearing something (or even just showing him the outfit) you normally wouldn't wear, he's whistling and complimenting on how you're making it work.
"You're looking good, babe. Wear it out, you're stunning."
Boy's in love WITH you.
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Is another one to defend, except he's throwing hard hands. And he wins because obviously, it's Kyle.
As he gets older, he's stopped making the weight comments on Cartman (thinks it was immature of him to do when younger) and has definitely grown from that.
He's got a major sleepers build in my eyes. He's lanky sure, but basketball and working out with Stan's got him that muscle to hold you too. (I'm thinking like moistcr1tikal kind of sleeper's build Kyle also has major biceps im actually trey parker and matt stone so). And he WILL pick you up if you're at a game of his and his team wins. Even if they lose he's still picking you up. You're like his happiness supplier.
Leaves you cute notes about how good you look in your locker every day, has not gone ONE day without doing it. Kyle's sick? Tough because he managed to get that note in there somehow (Stan slipped it in for him haha).
Back to him throwing hands real quick, he's quick to jump if someone is talking bad about you like a "What the FUCK did you say about my girl? Say it again, Say. It. Again." And boom he's one hit k.o the other person
If you're not a fan of this behavior, he's not beating up anyone physically but now it's verbally. He's making sure everyone knows not to ever comment on you and how that's a bitch thing to do.
If you're down about yourself, he's gonna sit down with you and just point every thing he loves about you and go into detail about how he's with you for you. Not because of what you look like or anything, but because you're his beautiful girl.
When he's the big spoon and cuddling you he rubs circles into your hips and presses kisses into your shoulder
If you're the big spoon, play with his hair and he's asleep within two seconds and his head is laying in the crook of your neck.
Similar to Stan if you're wearing an outfit you normally wouldn't, he's ecstatic. Got him going "MY BABY! You look so good!" and then moves you to the mirror and just holds your hips and is gushing over you.
Bro's got that love in his eyes.
Loves your thighs too, he's constantly got his head on your lap, reading a book and is in heaven with that quality time with you.
Loves for you to sit on his lap as well, you're worried about your weight on him? He does not care, he's got some strong ass legs and your weight isn't ever an issue in his eyes. He will literally make you sit on his lap. Even if that means he's gotta drag you.
"Love come sit" Kyle pats his legs as he calls for you, "Uh but..", "Wasn't a question," He responds, shrugging, "Now get over here, I wanna hold you.
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slvt4lanadelrey · 1 year
Jenna Ortega, Princess AU,
Fateful love
Forbidden love
Soul mates
First love
None of this is real <obviously> this is just a work of fiction.
This is my first post on here, I used write on wattpad!
Warnings: Domestic Abuse, Swearing, mature language, kissing(?) There may be more, im not sure.
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The Moon and The Ocean
There's probably going to be spelling mistakes, grammar errors and maybe it's even a confusing plot.
Word count: 8000+
Your days went by dreadfully slow, every moment that blinked was torturous. Your father, the king of some far away land had promised your hand in marriage; You was to be wed the moment you turned a women, your 18th birthday.
It was the day before, you paced back and forth your bedroom. Biting nervously on your nail, your hair lossley falling below your collar bone. Your feet tapped against the hard wood, your room feeling foreign to you. It was strang, marriage was always something you knew would eventually come. However, you hadn't expected your dear father to had given your hand in marriage at the young age of 6. Sickness swelled in your stomach, knowing full well that the man you was to marry was at least triple your age.
The bile rose, aching at your throat. Suddenly, the corset that was tied far too tight on your stomach began to burn, your eyes swelled with tears and you sobbed. You slide down your door, gasping as the tears consumed you whole.
Screaming wasn't something you wanted to do-but you needed to. It was mortifying, not being able to chose who you love. You stared at the floor, the magnificent marble of the ceiling soon catching your tearful eyes. You huff out, tears still falling down your cheeks.
Why couldn't you just be a happy husband-less princess?
But no, your father had screamed practically howled when you suggested a life without a man. He cried out that his own daughter, the hier to the throne had to marry and birth other heirs. You gritted your teeth, deciding this wasn't a battle to lose your head over. Literally.
Slowly, your spirits was brought back to life. Extremely slowly.
You stumbled to your feet, shuffling as the dress below your feet tripped you up ever so slighly.
The door infront of you swung open, in walking the princess Ortega herself. You holted in your stance, taken back by her sudden appearance. You bowed down, your dress once again catching under your feet and making you slip.
"What's with the formalities, Y/L/N?" The princess smiled up at you, offering you a dimpled filled sight. Your stomach swooned, your cheeks blazing a deep red. You too offered a sweet smile, shining your teeth at the women infront of you.
"To what do I owe this pleasure, princess?" You asked, a brow raised. The Ortega infront of you chose to ignore your question, she strode forward walking further into the room.
"I do love your room, it's the most glamorous sight I have been fortunate to see." The princess stated, sliding your closed blinds open. The sun broke through the dark curtains, seeping into your dim room. She smiled at the sight of the castle infront of her, the true beauty that was held within the country you would soon be ruling.
"Isn't it beautiful?" The brunette asked, swooning at the sight of such a kingdom. Your eyes couldn't tear away from the sight of her, she was flawless. You always thought Jenna Ortega was beautiful, naturally perfect; but her freckles was the thing that drove you to insanity.
"Positively." You mumbled, eyes preoccupied with how her eyes lit up, her dimples creating shallow pools on her cheeks. You sigh softly, running your hands up her back.
Sadness dipped into the atmosphere, the truth of what was to come tomorrow. Your birthday would come, your husband would show, you would be married, forever.
"Do you have to?" The princess' voice broke, her eyes no longer holding the sight of the kingdom but now the sight of someone who was about to lose the love of their life.
"I tried, Princess. I tried." The women infront of you gripped the curtains that were held in her hand. She gritted her teeth, not understanding the sudden formalities you had forced on her.
"Why won't you call me by my name?" She asked, turning around to you with an accusing look. You stumbled back, the harshness taking you by suprise.
"We love each other." She whispered, a single tear falling from her chocolate fountain of eyes. You gulped down your pride, your heart shattering with the look she gave you.
Jenna Marie Ortega had stole your heart, took it for herself. She was flawless, funny and most of all your bestfriend. When she confessed under the moonlit tree you honesly couldn't care about the repercussions that would take place for you, the princess who fell in love with another princess.
It wasn't talked about, nor was it a thing you thought plagued most people. You fell in love with a women, and that was bad. She told you it wasn't, she told you that running away would be fun; facing the raft of the people finding out their future queen was anything but perfrect; they'd kill you, murder you in broad daylight infront of hundreds to name and shame your kind.
She wiped away the single tear that treded down her plush cheek, her digit soon wiping away the tears that fell for you. You couldn't face her, too ashamed that you wasn't brave enough to stand up and speak about the love you felt for Princess Ortega.
"We loved each other." She then corrected, her eyes turning a dark cold. Her eyes no longer sparkled when they met yours, they burnt with anger. Princess Ortega already had a well established reputation, she was named the voice of the people.
She stood up against racism, single handedly helped thousands of people who was ruined due to poverty. She was a true princess, a selfless soon to be queen who stopped at nothing.
You however was scared, terrified of what your father would do. Murder? Conversion? Banishment? All of the thoughts riddled you at night.
Every kiss, every touch, every hushed whisper of I love you rang through your head as you stood defeated. You once again reach out and nibbled on your nail, scared of what Jenna would do.
"I love you-" she released a sigh at your confession, her eyes softening at once. She was hesitant, her finger grazing her dress as she reached forward. The princess you fell hopelessly and loyal for came rushing back into her face, a sigh leaving your parted lips.
"Run away with me, please."
The bubbly laugh that sprung out of your mouth was mocking, a pure sign that her request wasn't going to be taken into consideration. Princess Ortega huffed out her chest, hating nothing more than when someone would laugh in her face when she asked them something.
Princess Ortega ran a hand through her curled hair, her nose flaring ever so slightly. She glared at you like you was nothing but a toddler. Her eyes shot to kill, annoyed that she couldn't have what she wanted.
"Why are you laughing." She seethed, her bottom lip trapping in between her teeth. You shuffle on your feet, assuming she was joking. Your mouth fell open, soon closing when the women infront of you stormed closer to the window; in the utmost dramatics.
"I- I thought you was joking." You mumble out. She placed two hands against the pane window infront of her. She was yet to calm down, her breathing staggered and eyes trained to everything but you.
You stood awkwardly in the center of your room, hands gently brushing into your dress due to the build up of sweat. A sigh left your parted lips, the realisation dawning down on you.
"I'll be Queen tomorrow." You offer the brunette into a conversation starter. The Princess' shoulders tensed, her hands gripping into a fist.
"No. You'll be married tomorrow. You'll be some pawn in a game that was meant to defeat a women to ever rule a fucking kingdom without a stupid man beside her!" The women screamed, spit stuttering out of her hung open mouth as she did. Her eyes were blood shot by now, tears forming as anger swelled her short frame. Her fist clenched, so tightly the once was a nice olive colour turned white.
"No. Your father promised you to a man when you was 6! Y/N, you was a child and another man came along and picked you. The man you will marry is 50. He was a grown man when he decided you would be his queen." The princess screamed, howling like a banshee. No doubt the guards and maids outside your room heard the argument erupted, their eyes trained to the floor as Princess Ortega released every thought that ran through her mind.
"We can't just change the way the world functions, Princess. That isn't how this stupid game plays out. We had fun, we fell hopelessly in love and you became my world, the moon would speak to me at night- talk about the ocean and I would speak of you, your smile, your laughter, the way you always try to fight. I'm not a fighter, Jenna, I won't lose my kingdom, I won't lose my life because-" the words died, you was left gasping. Your breathing became irregual, struggling to see when the tears began to leak like acid out of your eyes; burning you as they did.
"Because you love a women?" The question lingered in the air, the tears fell from both of your eyes uncontrollably. A seemingly dramatic sight for those who was fortunate to never fall in love with someone who you couldn't have; but to those who knew the pain, felt the burden and the hollowness of how love could drag you into such a dark and unforgiving place. It was tourtous, a wound that never healed, a song that you wished you'd never heard.
"Isn't it."
"My dad-my dad would kill me, he'd have me hung within the hour. I won't die, Jenna. I would rather marry a man, birth kids that I was forced to have than die a pathetic death-I'm not-I'm not dying today, nor another." Your words slipped through your clenched jaw, tears no longer watering down your face; only anger stining into your heart.
"He would never hurt a hair on your head." The Princess infront of you pleaded, her hands drawing small circles on your upper arms. You tensed away from the touch, the mear presence of her burned, it was like a thick fog was casted over you; making you unable to breath.
"I'm scared, I'm scared every day of the week, every waking moment that I breath-the fears consuming, it hurts.-" you turned your back on her, walking towards the desk that was pressed against your wall.
"I refuse to live in fear. If- if I marry him tomorrow I'll have security, I will be queen and I will essentially rule the kingdom therefore the people." You slide into the cushioned chair, sliding down into the hard wooden back of the chair. The cold, and over all hurting sensation brought some sense of peace in your heart that was turning cold quicker than you'd wish.
"You think by ruling what happens to the kingdom you'll be able to make them love you? They love you already, Princess, I love you-" The Princess promised kneeling down infront of you in a disparate attempt of holding out to something that was slipping out of her fingers.
"Tell me you don't love me, tell me you'll marry that man tomorrow with no regret in your heart and ill leave-my father has places I can leave to, I have a safe space were I can be who I truly am without the force of society burning into my soul- I know you don't have that luxury, but just tell me you don't love me." The women's eyes cracked, water still leaking from them. She looked up at you, like a puppy that had just been scolded. Her bottom lip trembled, her teeth not doing much to prevent it. Your hand reach up and wiped away the tears that flowed for your love. Her brown eyes met yours, the chocolate puddle making your whole body set aflame.
It was magical; with one single look you knew, she knew. You two would forever be each others, a secret shared between two souls that feared the unknown. Every whisper, every kiss, every glance, every everything. She was the person you moured for in the darkness of the night, she was the melody that made your heart sing, she was the breath you took everyday in order to see her dimpled smile that sent your body into an up-roar of euphoria.
"Tell me, princess Y/L/N. Say it, say you don't love me, it's okay." The girl lied to herself. She lolled her head, leaning into the warm familiar touch of your hand on her body. You smile at the sight, loving how the princess infront of you always melted due to your touch.
"I cant." You whispered back, your throat burning and aching at the thought of admitting something that wasn't true. "You know that." She shuffled forward, her knees hitting the base of your foot. She leaned up, her nose brushing against yours.
"Because you love me?" She whispered, her breath brushing into your face. You huff, rolling your eyes at her. She giggled into your neck, soon pulling away just to her that confession of yours. "You love me." She no longer questioned it, fully knowing she had you today, tomorrow and forevermore.
"Indeed, Princess. I love you." She hummed, satisfied with the outcome of the heated argument that had just taken place a few moments ago. You lean further down, assuring she didn't strain her neck.
"Do you wish I would say it back?" The women teased, her lips ghosting over your own. Your tongue darted out, damping the skin below the muscle. She looked up into your eyes once again, her eye brow raised ever so slightly. The air blew harsher in a moment, the curtain brushing into your room further.
The wind blew, the scent of Princess Ortega's desired perfume hitting you. Your lungs collapsed, a heavy groan leaving your mouth. The tension brewed in the room, a heat forming on your cheeks as the women infront of you refused to press her lips into your own.
"Princess" you groaned, leaning closer almost to the point of falling. She shuffled further back, falling onto her elbows.
You followed after her, falling onto your own knees as your leaned over her. Your hair fell down your face, falling onto her own. She giggled at the sensation, the feeling of strands of hair against her skin making her laugh.
"May I?" You pressed a kiss to her cheek, assuring she was comfortable with a kiss. The Princess drew her hands to the back of your neck, biting her lip at you.
"You never have to ask, I am yours, my queen." She mumbled, pulling you that little bit closer. Finally, after a restless about of time your lips collided into a swoon worthy kiss.
With one sudden movement the door slammed open..
Dearest Y/N,
It has been far too long since we last spoke, 4 years in fact. I miss our conversation, I miss your laugh, I miss the way we loved. I miss you the most, everything about you. Its nearly your twenty second birthday, I doubt you'll get my letter; since you haven't replied to the last four. I heard you've became a mother, I'm glad your happy, I'm glad you married someone you love. I hope Damien is okay, I hope your mother enjoyed my latest letter. I no longer hate you, but it appears you still hate me. I hope you still talk about me to the moon, as I do to the ocean.
Forever yours,
Your Jenna.
You walk around your kingdom, constantly wearing a smile full of happiness. Your husband Damien- not the man you was supposed to marry, no your father backed out after an argument with your mother. Instead, you was matched with Damien, he was a hopless romantic with a boy-ish grin. He had dazzling green eyes, something you didn't used to love. He had a charming gaze, long hair that you constantly had your fingers tangled in. You fell in love, hopelessly. You once only held love for one person in your life.
Damien held a tight hold on your hand, smiling as your eyes met. He leaned closer- your heart swooned- just like it did whenever you was with Princess Ortegan.
"You look beautiful my queen." The man spoke into your ear, leaving a kiss to your jaw. You giggled, ducking into your shoulders as you blushed. He smiled, your child- Marie- was hung to his hip. You had made it a tradisation ever since you got crowned; to walk through the village, speak to your people before the anniversary of your coronation.
"Mamma." The baby cooed reaching out to hold you, Damien offered you the child, carefully placing her into your hands. The crowd around you awed at the sight of the latest royal family that was caught infront of them. The baby held your hair, loosely brushing the stands in her small hands. She nuzzled her head into your neck, seemingly tired of all of the fuss.
"Are you tired, Marie?" Damien asked, his hand brushing your shoulder. The child nodded, humming as she lolled to sleep in your embrace. You smiled to yourself, carefully walking back to the Palace were you lived; hand in hand with Damien, your daughter tucked into your chest.
"You cannot be serious?" Jenna told you, a smile begging to be played on her lips. You glared at her, chewing at your nails. Jenna immediately slapped away the hand, scolding you. You huff, hiding your blush as she brushed her fingers through your hair.
"My queen." She cooed, her breath brushing over your ear. You giggled, it had just been your coronation, you was officially a queen- without a king.
"I am being serious." You chuckle, feeling Jenna press feather light kisses to your cheek. She hummed, not really paying any attention to what you was saying. You push her away ever so slightly, trying to pry yourself away from her entoxicating lips.
"You'll be a queen without a king?" She once again asked, repeating herself. You nod, exited for what your future holds. She squealed, knowing no one would be able to take you away from her.
"Are you okay my queen?" Your maid- Eliza- asked with worry in her eyes. She was the women who interrupted yours and Princess Ortegas more intimate moments. The younger women looked at you, preparing herself to fetch whatever you desired.
"Why didn't you tell." You whisper to her. You was sat on your couch, which was placed in the drawing room. She looked at you confusing, acting like you was a make-shift medus and had grown snake hair.
"The day before my 18th birthday, you walked in on me kissing Princess Ortega. Why didn't you tell me father?" You finally looked her in the eyes, the women stared at you for a moment. The girl wasn't much younger than you, maybe 21. She watched as your eyes became an ocean, as your voice swelled with tears.
"Because I knew all along, your majesty. I knew you loved Princess Ortega, I- it was just so obvious." The girl explained, her own eyes darting with sadness. You glare at the floor, thinking maybe if you stared hard enough It would create a black whole for you to fall into.
"Was we really that blinded?" You whisper, your words dying as your voice finally gave up-
"Dance with me!" Princess ortega demanded. The rain danced around the two of you, the ocean above you screaming down at the two of you. Jenna began to spin, twirling her drenched dressed around her legs. She stared at you, she reached her finger out and pried it back; urging you to give in. It had only been a few weeks since becoming Queen- you'd already been granted a break. You ran with the princess towards an old cabin on the out skirts of your kingdom, where you could be free.
The rain didn't stop, it began to pour more harshly if anything. Slamming into the dirt below your feet, the trees bent back and forth the wind causing such a fuss.
"In this weather?" You ask, pointing out the obvious problem with the literal sea pouring on you. The Princess infront of you however giggled, running over to you.
Her hands gripped your waist, her baby hairs covering her perfect face. Her lips curved into a smile, her eyes a sweet brown. She giggled once again, tilting her head to meet your lips.
You acted quick, Cupping her chilled cheeks and swayed with her. Your lips never left hers, the smell of her was consuming- fresh maple trees, with a hint of strawberries. Her breath lingered with all different types of fruits, most prominent one being raspberries.
The rain some how began to bleed faster, mocking your act of love as thunder stuck behind you. A near by tree was stricken down due to the bolt.
You and Jenna gasp into each others mouths, but that didn't pry you two apart. You carried on to dance, her fingers brushing through your hair.
"Will you love me forever?" The brunette infront of you shouted over the storm that carried on to block at every bad thought.
"Beyound forever."
Your rage seethed through your veins, your anger swolling you whole as you paced back and forth your garden. Marie was sat down on the blanket, nicely placed by Eliza. Your hands clutched unopened letters, tears burned down your cheek.
"My dear, how has your evening been?" Your husand, the love of your life, the father to your child ask. He walked up to you, wearing smart attir as he gripped your jaw; placing a forced kiss opon your lips.
"What are these?" You thrusted the letters into his open hands. He cupped the paper, shock clearly written on his face. He clenched the one letter, ripping it in half. A sudden side to the man you'd married bled through his transparent persona.
"How dare you." The man screamed, his cheeks flaming red. The letters were tucked into his closet, covered in old clothes he no longer wanted to wear.
"How dare I?" You shouted back, howling as the thought of him betraying you was still hot in your brain. Eliza quickly picked up the little girl that was sat on the green grass, walking off with your daughter.
"I am your king, you had no right to accuse me of such things." The man matched your anger, even daring to strike a swelling smack to your cheek. The smack stung, sizzling with heat as he retracked his hand.
"You're measly the man I married, the person I decided to allow to share the same bed as I. You have no rights to struck me, nor call yourself king." You seeth back. You decided to ignore the throbbing pain that ached your cheek. Damien stumbled back, staring at the floor in guilt.
"She is your past." He expressed, his words coming out unsure, they sounded more like an excuse than anything. You gripped your dress, your knuckles turning white. You knew he wasn't acting normally, he was never an aggressive man.
"She is my world. She is the reason I live, she's the poison in my oxygen, she's the ache in my heart. I loved her the moment i met her, I'll love her until the moment I die. She's with me everywhere I go, she's the shadow I chase when im alone. She's my queen, Princess Ortega is a better person than you'll ever be." You screamed, every thought, ever passing momemts; Princess Ortega was always there. She was your everything, and you couldn't bear the thought of someone keeping you away from her.
"She left you." Damien jolted your memory, remembering the night that still jolted you awake in the crack of dawn.
Damien had swept you off your feet, his stupidly dumb green eyes enchanted you to your very soul. Jenna hated him, absolute despised the man to his core. You didnt love him, he was just a friend.
Your pinky fingers were locked, walking around the ball. The close proximity of the two of you made your locked hands evaporate among the silk of your dress. She flashed you a prize winning smile, offering a hushed "you look amazing."
Your foot trembled, pushing you over ever so slightly. Your whole body lunged forward, Jenna went to reach for you but Damien was already there. He brushed your hair out of the way, flashing his stupidly cheesy grin towards you.
"Are you okay princess?" With one glance Princess Ortega had ripped herself away from you and found herself sat in between her own family.
Throughout the ball you offered her small waves, senting your smile her way. She didn't look at you once, she didn't mutter a single word to you that entire night. When Damien had worked up the courage to ask you to dance you immediately said no.
He nodded, his smile falling. Princess ortega watched, then she watched how you grabbing his hand. You pulled him to the center of the room, dancing along with the violen and cello.
Her face twisted, heat pooling in her chest. Her fingers fiddled with the hem of her dress, debating whether to leave.
"Sister, have you decided whether you'll join me?" The older Ortega boy asked, smiling apon his sister. Jenna looked at him confused, unsure of what he was implying.
"My trip to Europe, the invitation has been extending to my favourite sister." The man was met with a swift punch to his shoulder by his youngest sister. Jenna giggled sending one last look your way; You was dancing, freely without any fear. His hands were politely resting on your sides, still offering you his best smile he could muster. You laughed every time he cracked a joke, after Jenna left for Europe without another word, you accidentally fell in love.
Your feet moved faster than your brain, your heart beat raced. Your eyes scattered around the familiar sight, proudly standing infront of you was Ortega manner. Your fist clamped together, knocking formally.
The old man smiled apon seeing you- randy- he offered you into the house. The warmness of a full house washed over your body, you smiled to nothing. The loudness of clattering and someone talking caught your attention, you dart towards the sound assuming it was your princess.
"Princess Y/L/N?" Mrs Ortega stumbled seeing your sudden appearance. You furrow your eyebrows at her sudden attitude, she glared at the floor. Her voice was stuck, her chest tight with the realisation of what her daughter did.
"She didn't tell you?" Your heart stopped, you could have swore you saw the grim reaper himself. Your eyes grew fuzzy as the older women explained everything. Your chest was tight, anxiety filled your heart. Unbeknownst to you, the Ortega family was fully aware of yours and their middle child's affair.
"She left me?" You gasped out, tears leaking from the source of yours eyes. She embraced you, held you as you screamed for your lost love. The news you had begged to share with Jenna died in your mind, becoming a passing thought
She had left, she has left. She was in some third world country saving the poor, of course she was. You gulped down every tear you pleaded to shed. You somehow stumbled to your feet, sending your goodbyes to Mrs Ortaga.
You fumbled with your foot, falling head first. A strong, muscular hand caught you. The man chuckled, the same man you had dance with all night.
"Prince, h-how are you?"  He smiled down at you, lifting you up onto your own feet. You stood awkwardly on the pathway, staring up at the man.
"We must stop meeting like this, Miss Y/L/N." He spoke softly, you nod. If Princess Ortega hadn't have left she would have known about Damien, and how he had agreed to marry you so you and Jenna could forever be together. He shrugged a hand through his hair, awaiting your answer.
"She left." Your heart turned cold. Your eyes no longer felt the need to burn for someone who couldn't even handle one simple dance, you burned for her and she left. His face dropped, riddled with confusion.
"Why? I- I thought she loved you.." He stoked the patch of beard he had under his chin, a puzzled look on his face. You hum, not really caring to waste your breath on someone who clearly didn't care for you.
"I guess she didn't."
"Your highness!" Eliza called out, her hands clutching a bag that you had made a few moments ago. You stormed into your daughters room, collecting all the essentials you'd need to get through the days with a toddle. Marie was none the wiser, happily hung around your neck as you darted around her room.
"Help me, Eliza, I can't stay with that man." You seethed, the memory of you smacking him back and you demanding a separation still hot in your mind. She nodded, stumbling forward in hopes to grap your attention.
"When will you meet her?" Your head whipped towards the question, daggers leaving your eyes and piercing the women infront of you. You stood silent, assuming she had  betrayed you too.
"You knew?"
"I- I, I assume Princess Ortega is back? That's why he was so mad? Or has he always been violent?" You release a shaken sigh, dropping your head. Your daughter began to fuss, demanding to be put down. You was scared, you couldn't stay with Damien but you also couldn't leave your daughter.
"Here." Eliza offered her help, picking up your daughter and began to play dolls with the little girl that resembled you, shockingly.
You nod, everything seeming too fast for your brain to catch on to. Your hands thrashed through Marie's things, your feet trodded across the hall towards your bedroom. You stomed around; gathering clothes, Letters, Information you'd need.
Damien was no where to be found, probably at the better end of a whiskey bottle. You found it easier that way, thanking his alcoholic demands for having such a hold on him.
"May I ask you something?" Eliza sheepishly asked, packing the final bag into the trunk of your carriage.
There was a pause, an undeniable awkwardness within the cramped space. She bit her lip, nibbling ever so slightly on the skin.
"Is she worth it?"
Not even skipping a beat, not even batting an eyelash you nodded, "Yes."
Jenna was worth every tear you shed, every ache you felt, every smile you held, every laughter that bubbled out of your throat. She was the root to everything in your life, whether that be bad or good. She was always behind everything.
You hadn't read the letters yet. He had torn one, one that you hadn't had the knowledge of reading. You knew, whatever she wrote she wrote it for a reason.
"Goodbye, Queen."
"Mother has written, do you wish to know what for?" Jacob, Jenna's older brother asked whilst walking into the drawing room. Jenna hummed, her hands flipping through different pages of her book.
"Queen Y/L/N, didn't know you was leaving." The boys tone was scolding and accusing. Jenna shrank in on herself, her lip between her teeth.
"She fell out of love." She mumbled into her palm, knowing that was only half true. However it wasnt at all true.
"That's not what our mother declares." Jacob carried on. Jenna didn't give the boy the satisfaction of knowing she was dying to know what their mother had written, word for word.
"She chose him."
"She danced with him, that wasn't her declaring her undying love for that fool." Jacob retorted, throwing the paper towards his younger sister. "Shes gone mad without you."
The carriage ride was exhausting, you dreaded seeing your father. He was a strong man that turned sour with his age, he was mean and wouldn't have even cared if you told him the truth; that your husband turned abusive.
Your foot nervously bounced up and down, debating whether to read the letters, they were hundreds and you needed to read them eventually.
Tears openly flowed out of Princess Ortega's eyes, clutching the letter her mother wrote a few days prior. It had been 3 months since leaving, it was hard not to demand her brother to return home. But she suffered through the pain, hoping eventually she'd find a sense of belong; a sense she'd only even found in the arms of you.
The words bled together, her hands tearing the piece of paper into shreds.
Queen y/l/n is engaged, to be wed next week in the halls of belle. Damien was the man's name, charming, she does seem happy, Jenna-
Jenna couldn't bear to read more, her heart already broke and stomped on atleast 12 times already.
"Y/N, we've missed you." Your mother cooed, holding Marie in her hands. The baby giggled, nibbling on her pacifier. She had been teething terribly bad, to the point of tears each and every night.
"Mother, could I trouble you, I need a piece of paper and pen." Your mother nodded, asking her own maid to fetch the demanded things. You sat yourself down on your desk, the same desk that Princess ortega would write random love poems to you, the same desk were you'd kiss each night before she'd have to leave-
My dearest Jenna,
Loving you was probably the most easiest things I'd ever do in my short liven life. I loved you, I loved you until it psychically hurt. Every moon lit date, every dance among the ocean, every song you declared was ours, I always found myself loving you. But,
My love was always not taken serious by you, the constant recurrence I had to send your way just for us to have a normal day was exhausting. You was mess, a mess that I wanted. I danced with Damien because he looked so sad, I laughed at his joke because I was being polite, I stayed with him all night because we had a plan. I was going to marry him but love you, instead you decided to leave me. You left me, with nothing but empty space. I don't forgive you, I don't hate you either. Your the light in my tunnel, the air in my lungs and most famously; The Ocean to my Moon.
Damien stole your letters, I left him. He knew, I think he knew, I'd always love you no matter what.
I loved you the most when you was dancing with the rain singing without shame, I loved you when you broke down in my arms the day I told you I was marrying that old man. I never hated you, because hate was too close to love. I just stopped everything, I went numb because I'd rather lose myself than live with a life were there was no jenna.
I can only hope that we will meet again, maybe under a moon lit night were we dance once again. I'd like to kiss you before i die, maybe express how much I loved you even though you left. But I won't let myself dream anymore, it's painful. I have a daughter now, Her names Marie. I guess deep down i knew you was always the love of my life, my soul mate. She's named after you because I wanted her to be beautiful, to be strong and a fighter just like the women who was supposed to be her mother. I'll leave my seemingly long letter with that, I hope you get this my princess.
I'll love you beyond forever.
Sincerely, yours Y/N.
Jenna found it oddly surreal walking back into her childhood home. The colours were still a warm green, the lights still hung on the walls. Her younger siblings running freely among the grass outside the manner, her nieces and nephews making baby noises as her older sister chats with their mother.
She walked further into the home, sadness dwelling on her due to the fact no one noticed her appearance; she'd been gone for 4 years. Her feet softly padded into the floor, accompanying her mother as she stood on the lawn.
"Evening, Mother." She greeted the older women, smiling as the sun blared unforgiving at them. It was like the weather was controlled by Yours and Jenna's love, when the Sun was out the two of you couldn't have been further apart, when the rain poured down on the earth the two of you was probably found kissing somewhere no one would found you.
"Jenna!" The women gasped, embracing her daughter into a bone crushing hug. The two shared a few moments together, before the nagging need to find out why her daughter had suddenly came home.
"I love the welcome intrusion, but why are you here Jenna?"
Jenna wrote madly on the pieces of paper infront of her, scribbling down every ounce of love that she felt for you. Her brother watched, a scowl on his face.
"Jenna, what on earth are you doing?" The man asked, walking towards his sister in hopes to read what she was writing. The girl shooked away from him, hissing at the thought anyone but you would read what she needed to say.
Jenna needed to hear of you, she needed to know you was okay and that you still felt atleast something for her. She wrote every pained thought she felt, every sadned question that aired her brain. She knew you was marrying Damien, she knew you wasn't hers anymore. But still, the thought of you forgetting her was enough to drive her into insanity.
Word after word, page turned into pages until she finally had a book.
Jenna stared at her mother's question, she found herself wearing a smile mixed with blush.
"Queen Y/L/N, replied."
Eliza carefully tied the lace on your corset. The annual ball was today, the anniversary of your coronation. You impatiently bounced your left foot, chewing on your nail like you did many years prior. But things were different. Next to you, as beautiful as ever stood your daughter. And there wasn't no Jenna to push away your bad habits.
"I'm dreadfully tired." You mumbled, hoping you could excuse yourself early to the party. Even though you was still well into your youth, days always seemed to drag. Eliza hummed, her hands dragging once up your whole back before leaving the corset with that.
The dress was soon fitted, sliding down your frame. You smiled at yourself, seeing what stood infront of the mirror. You may not have achieved much in your life, but you was sure as hell proud to be able to call Maria your daughter. She was playing quietly in the corner of your bedroom, fiddling with letters Princess Ortega made you when you two were only girls.
"All done, Queen."
As always, your night was dreadfully long. It was brain numbing to be witness of the true mindless People of your country. The Ortega family arrived late, Jenna a no show like the current balls your family had held.
You sometimes caught yourself wondering if Europe was all it seemed to be. Surely it wasn't that interesting to invest years of your life to travel it.
In your pitiful state, you felt the damness of the atmosphere shift; water began to positively pour down into your kingdom, drouding out all thought that casting into your soured mind. Jenna getting lost during the rain, forgetting every pained image you had of her. Your feet dangled off the edge of the hill, below it was a drop worthy enough to kill. You often spent your evenings casted to witness the wildlife that traveled through the vally like state. Along side the hill stood a tree, the same tree that held many feelings in your heart.
Your bear feet had trickles of water droplets falling off them, along with the edge of your jaw and tip of your nose. It was enough to bring a mad person to sanity, the feeling of rain falling onto your tensed shoulders.
Everything was corrupted with the sound of the rain, the weather suddenly growing harsh and unforgiven with each moment you stayed painfully unaware of the brunette who chased down each and every one of your staff in hopes to find your whereabouts.
"Have you seen the Queen?" Jenna breathed out, her pants clouding her speech ever so slightly. The man that cooked you dinner shrugged, not really caring for the women infront of him. A strained groan left the princesses lips, clutching her hands together with a sob. You hadn't realised the time that drifted, it had been two hours since you left your own party.
Jenna left the kitchen, sprinting to your bedroom. Funny enough, almost like time had stopped all together when Jenna entered your bedroom eveything was the same. Everything in the same place, the only different was the sleeping girl that laid in the mist of your pillows and blankets.
Jenna gasped, her heart exploding. She was identical to you when you was a just a child, her hair scattered across the pillow and cheeky plushed.
"Princess Ortega" Eliza bumped chest with the frantic girl infront of her. Jenna was untameble, her eyes wide like a serial killer. She panted, her lungs seizing at the thought of being too late.
"Where- where is she? Where's my Y/N?" Your name rolled off her tongue, like it was meant to be. She wasn't ashamed to show her face anymore, she wasn't paralysed with crippling jealousy like she used to be. She wanted what's rightfully herself, she came for a reason and every moment of her passing years dragged all due to one reason. You was no where to be seen, you became a stranger and she'd be damned if your love story didn't end with the two of you hopefully in love with no fear in your heart and a house fill of laughter.
"Shes- she never told me. She said she's leaving to her safe space." Eliza stuttered, shifting on her feet at the sudden desperation that stormed Jenna's features.
Jenna didn't reply, she hurried off. Her feet slammed, claiming down onto the carpeted wooden floor, she barged past people ignoring their cries of ignorance. They didn't know why princess Ortega was harshly running through the halls, nor why she was in such a panic.
Jenna finally stumbled towards the tree where you and her first kissed. You two was 16, she had finally admit her deepest secret that led to you sharing yours.
"I..I think I'm in love you." Jenna sheepishly admit, her face a blushing mess. The moon lit night did wonders for her beauty, the moon truly reflection the astonishing view she could be. You was so caught up with her freckled nose that you almost forgot to reply.
Your confession was caught in your lips. Jenna was sat infront of you, waiting for an answer. She was smiling, almost like she knew you was desperately in love with her too. It was obvious, the love you two shared wasn't a secret. It was painfully clear to anyone with a sense of mind, no friends long for one another like you and jenna did.
"I know I love you Jenna. There isn't a doubt in my mine, you're my ocean." Confidence washed over you, your chest growing in size with the amount of oxygen you took in as you breathe.
Jenna giggled, her hand dragging closer to your cheek. She cupped your face ever so slightly, placing the other on the floor to stabilise her. She leaned forward, scared to fully commit the sin she wanted to destroy.
"Kiss me."
The way Jenna ran towards the moon lit tree was supernatural, she didn't stop when a seizing pain took over her lower stomach. She treded through the untamed grass, storming faster when she saw the faint sign of someone sitting down by the hill.
"Y/N!" Jenna howled, her words echoing through the air. She shuffled, huffing out in pain when the shadow didn't turn around. Biting down on her lip she ran faster, her thighs burning and the bottom of her dress tearing.
"Y/N!" The grass sqelched below her, the mud splattered up the better half of her legs. She ignored the uncomfortable feeling off the thick muck intruding her skin, knowing you was only a few minutes away.
Just as God frowned down on the two of you, the weather began to grow worse. God upping his game, the rain began to pound, slamming into Jenna's skin leaving harsh marks in result. The rain turned into thick clumps of ice, then a shed of hailstones. A sharp enough peice of ice slashed the cheek of Jenna, she hissed holding the skin as blood began to trickle down her flesh.
Thunder crashed down on the tree standing right beside you. Your body jolted awake, the lighting scaring the life out of you. Your hand clamped around the fabric around your chest, breathing becoming labored and strained.
"Holy-" Your whole body was forced side ways, your arms swinging ever so slightly. You gasped, someone coming into contact with your face. The strangers hands cupped your cheeks, forcing you to look at them.
Standing infront of you, as beautiful as ever stood your Jenna. She was wearing a shy smile, her hair stuck to her head. The water droplets dribble down her face, leaving her a mess that sent yout into a coma. She was ethereal, extremely elegant.
The years you'd spent apart felt like nothing anymore, like the gap in history was drawn out of proportion and it hadn't been four years but a mear few days. Jenna looked exactly the same, maybe even gain more worshipable freckles that would add to your on going count.
"Princess Ortega-" Your words were muffled, Jenna's lips crashing into yours. The lack of people around left the both of you reckless, a slave to the desire that drilled into your bodies at the lack of being near each other in far too long.
"You once promised me that you'd love me forever." Jenna gasped, the lack of air still evident with her struggle with breathing. Her hand never left your face, determined to keep you as close as possible.
"I believe I said beyond forever." You reminded her, smiling with the same cocky over confident smirk that made Jenna want to rip your head off. Instead of rolling her eyes, slapping your arm or even straight up leaving like she once did after seeing the sight she pulling you closer to her. Her lips crashed into yourself, your hands finally coming to life to hold her face too.
"Do you intend to keep your promise?" Jenna asked, pulling away from your lips. A stern groan left yours, a plead of objection.
"Only if you intend to extend the same sentiment my way."
She smiled, both of you giggling like it was second nature. The weather was yet to seize, only growing more fearful.
"I'll love you until humanity crumbles and the sun explodes into nothing."
The Ocean will always have its Moon. And you will always have your Jenna
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