#im just Scared™ for no reason
nexus-nebulae · 1 year
how to not be anxious about existing in my own home
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hedgehog-troops · 24 days
"all generations of potters fall in love with blacks"
strap in, this is a long one
i propose to you euphemia black.
euphemia who took her little cousin, walburga, under her wing the moemnt she was born. they played together, effie was the situated babysitter despite being only 6 years older.
effie who walburga used to call eff all throughout.
effie when she went to hogwarts and came back to tell walburga tales of hogwarts, and walburga listened about the mystical and magical stuff.
walburga who wanted to get a job in the high ranks of the ministry and wanted to study hard for it. euphemia who would come back from hogwarts and teach her small stuff.
slowly as euphemia got older, she started to rebel a bit, hanging out with muggles and always with that blood traitor fleamont potter.
cut to walburga joins hogwarts and she's scared that no one will like her cz she's not cool like euphemia, she's just smart.
euphemia gives up time with her friends to stay with walburga, show her around, entertain her, tutor her and everything.
walburga when she goes home and get scolded by her parents and told to stop hanging out with euphemia and to hang around with her pureblood friend but walburga likes euphemia so she continues.
thats up until she comes back from her secodn year and her mother threatens her and walburga is like well im only hanging out with euphemia to gather info (in an attempt to save herself) and she rats out that effie is not only dating monty but also intends to elope with him.
effie gets disowned and theres a kind of target put on her and Monty's back. walburga writes and writes to her apologizing, but she doesn't accept.
walburga then has no choice but to play perfect daughter, to do as shes told, to marry young.
when walburga finds out that her son (sirius) and euphemias son would be going in the same year, she warns sirius, in her own sadistic manner, to never engage with him.
when sirius comes back yapping about the potter boy, she yells at him, but she just doesn't want him hurt as she was.
when james comes home talking about sirius black, euphemia has to close her eyes shut and remind herself that she promised herself she wouldnt meddle in her son's friendships.
when walburga tries her best to draw out information about sirius's friends out of him and he doesn't give out a word she knows that her son is stronger than she ever was.
she sees sirius rebel, again and again, despite her emotional, mental and physical torture and she hates him for being better than her, and yet she loves him all the same for that reason.
sirius runs away, and she could make the potters' life hell just like her family did with eff all those years ago but she doesnt. shes heartbroken, shes angry, shes sad, shes livid but a part of herself is proud of her son for doing what she never had the courage to.
when The Prank™ takes place and euphemia watches as it takes her son time, maybe a long time, but he still forgives sirius and they treat him as they did before, she realises that the boy she raised is a better and bigger person than she ever could be.
as walburga watches her younger son break under the pressure of one sharp look and a few loud words to reveal that sirius ran away, she hates regulus at that moment. hates him for not being like sirius, hates him for being a coward, but most of, she hates him for being herself, for being her mirror.
years go by, she leaves sirius' room untouched, shes not worthy enough to step in.
the war rages around them and euphemia, years later, opens one of walburgas letters. she reads the tear stained, smudged words as she takes in the sweet innocence of the letter. euphemia potter has always been a self assured woman, though at that moment she couldn't help but hate herself.
she hates how now she sees walburga in sirius, she sees sirius laugh with james and dance with remus and play with peter and wonders if walburga couldve had this life.
she welcomes death with open arms a monh later, but not before sending her own letter.
walburga watches the letter catch fire until all that's left of it is gray ash because she knows that euphemia all but did the same.
when walburga gets regulus' death letter, she, for the first time in years, breaks down.
she realises at that moment that she isnt a horrid person because of her circumstances, she just is.
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buggyjuggie · 5 months
I know this might be a weird request but I saw on one of your old post and it was mentioning a swap AU with kenshi and Johnny, I wanted to do something kinda similar and it be instead swap, be opposite personality (ex johnny instead of being confident and cocky hes timid and insecure) I'm new to MK so im not sure how opposite kenshi would be but I hope you understand, if you have any questions feel free to ask me again!
──★ ˙ ̟Johnny and Kenshi Swap personalities AU
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( There’s little hints of johnshi here but can be read as just platonically)
「 ✦ Kenshi ✦ 」
* So because this is swapped personality but not positions Kenshi i imagine is in a higher rank in the yakuza than normal.
* Because of his cocky attitude he takes more jobs and is more confident about his missions.
* He still doesn’t like doing them but he hides his guilt using his personality.
* I feel 50/50 about the idea of him being a show off for example in MK1 Johnny tends to show off his wealth, fame, movies, everything but i feel like even in this AU if Kenshi did it would make him look insane on one hand he’d do it because of the amount of time he’s spent in this bussines has at least semi desensitised to it but im not sure at the same time cuz i dont feel like it’ll fit his character so idk let me know what you think.
* When Kenshi broke into Johnny’s mansion i want you to imagine the scene where johnshi + Kung lao are walking to Baraka’s village and basically take the dialogue and put it here Kenshi just straight up shit talking Johnny to his face
* After losing to Johnny, Kenshi is absolutely pissed because he’s never failed a mission.
* Johnny and Kenshi’s relationship initially starts off very hostile they bicker argue and insult each other but trough training at the academy they slowly start to put that behind them and it evolves to a sort of rivalry less hating each other and more competitive if that makes sense.
* Kenshi was surprised when Johnny gave him Sento while yes he’s cocky and acts childish Kenshi still feels guilty for all the lives that he has taken while being a part of the yakuza, Kenshi doesn’t feel like he deserves this until Johnny explains his reasonings and slowly starts to put the past behind him and starts hope for a brighter future.
「 ✦ Johnny ✦ 」
* Because his personality is different in this AU instead of being knows for action movies Johnny is most known for horror and historical films.
* His social media presence is small but he’s still got big fanbase that likes him for his mysterious aura.
* Because of his now more silent personality when Johnny drops movie quotes in conversations it tends to sound more ominous and makes people scared of him.
* Johnny and Cris break up still for the same reason as normal : Johnny’s spending habits and perhaps some looked over alcohol problems.
* Did not understand at all what was going on when Kenshi broke in. Whas this a movie ? A prank ? Or is it real ? Dont look at him because he doesn’t know either.
* Johnny keeps sento to himself not because of it’s monitory gain instead for it’s history and doesn’t give it to Kenshi because he think that he’s untrustworthy.
* Eventually after being in the Wu Shi academy for long enough he starts to slowly open up to the people around him.
* Kenshi tends to rile him up so after a while when he gets annoyed he’ll talk shit back to Kenshi and they’ll be off just bickering (like love birds WHO SAID THAT)
* As for the dreaded Mileena poking Kenshi’s eyes out™ i imagine it goes pretty much the same Johnny realises that Kenshi saved him. Even trough all the bickering and rivalries that they had Kenshi still choose to sacrifice his sight for him.
* After the incident Johnny gives Sento to Kenshi as a token of his appreciation of the man and the sacrifice that he committed.
「 ✦ Random hc, these can be read as platonic or romantic ✦ 」
* Because Kenshi was part of the yakuza since he was young he didn’t have many chances to see any type of movies so when Johnny suggest to watch something Kenshi is on board,he’s really excited and keeps talking and making comments while watching.
* Kenshi’s favourite movies tend to be action and thrillers.
* Yes Johnny did show Kenshi the movies he played in but only because he was forced to after loosing a bet. Kenshi just talked about how hot Johnny was.
* Because Johnny doesn’t flaunt his fame like in MK1 his mansion is diffrent. It’s smaller, has simple designs, the awards that he’s won in his carrier are stored on a shelf in another room, all the items he bought are expensive but in the modern art type of way aka simple shapes, basic colours, some of them are small and don’t take up too much space.
* Johnny and Kenshi have different aesthetics when it comes to clothing Johnny tends to wear more basic and neutral colours while Kenshi if he’s not on some sort of mission wears more vibrant clothing.
* Ok i know this one is basic and practically canon to the fandom but still i gotta do it. Johnny buys Kenshi blindfolds, they tend to differ in colour so Kenshi can match them to the outfit that he’s currently wearing some of them have embroidery on the front(?) to make them fancy.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Happy new years !!! I wanted to get this out before new years in my time zone so I’m a bit late lol. This one was a bit hard to write and get idea and I’m REALLY hoping that i didn’t make the character OOC if i did please let me know so i can improve but yeah hope you like this :3
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burstbubbbles · 1 year
maybe im a bit lost because i was really into the marauders like 5 years ago and then i left the fandom, but like. why did we adopt ATYD!remus as *canon-fanon!remus like ??
the whole reason remus is that way in ATYD is that he was raised in a completely different context than canon!remus. he had a different upbringing than the canonical character so he obviously grew up to be different. that's okay! it's an AU after all, and everyone is entitled to their own characterization of their favorite characters — especially with the marauders, whose content is 75% fan-made.
how did Remus John Lupin, the responsible, witty, smart and just a teeny bit softer bookwormish marauder — which is how he was usually characterized back in 2017-ish — become the edgy one ??
it's a really funny concept to me, because i remember all the memes from back in the day and they went sort of like,
remus, after finding out the marauders know he's a werewolf: but ?? you guys should be scared of me now.
sirius: moony, you literally fold your own socks.
peter: and ours!
james: beware! beware the very dangerous sock-folding werewolf!
and it's not like remus had No Edge™ in the old characterization because he was generally thought to be a smoker who lived on coffee and tea. now it's always like. remus telling people to k!ll themselves for complaining about life being difficult.
maybe im exaggerating a little bit, but it's for the sake of the point. it's weird. it's not even that i dislike the new characterization of the marauders — which has actually evolved for all of them. i just find it funny, and i would like to know how it sort of just... happened.
tl;dr: i wonder how old fanon!remus became new fanon!remus.
maybe someday i'll make a longer post explanaining how i think all of the marauders characterizations have evolved because there are two cases in particular that i find really cool. but that's for some other day ;)
*note: by canon-fanon i mean the generalized view and characterization of a certain character by the majority of the fandom.
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sapphicmemos · 2 years
i like the idea that nancy cannot cook at fucking all like she just cannot cook while robin somehow always makes a fucking gourmet meal.
like the reason nancy sucks is because she’s too scared of over seasoning or overcooking or doing literally anything wrong in the kitchen. like it gives her extreme anxiety. she actually made plans to either date/marry someone who can cook or depend on eating out for the rest of her life.
and robin gets so bored sometimes she just fuckjng taught herself. like her parents were working late and she was like 11 in the house by herself and they left no food for her and she doesn’t have the money to order out so she just fucking winged it and cooked for herself with whatever’s in the kitchen.
i wanna say like before they started dating nancy somehow ended up saying that she cannot cook to save her life and robin’s like “i’ll teach you! it’s honestly easier than you think! :D” and nancy doesn’t know how to tell robin it’s more likely with the both of them in the kitchen it’s more likely that everything ends up on fire
so they do this thing where they both cook the same dish for the other to try and robins literally trying to get her to let loose in the kitchen and nancy is just so fuckjng worried and robin is like “im not gonna hate you if you put a little bit more pepper than what’s recommended” but nancy is like robin is so nice for lying to my face about this she’s so sweet
so they eat each others food and nancy is like this fucking amazing and robin is just like “nancy you took this off the stove way too early but beside that it’s fine” (she’s slightly lying, but she doesn’t mind teaching nancy how to cook and trust herself with non emergency things) and nancy is barely listening because all she’s thinking is about how great robin is and she’s a great cook???? she’s all like ‘oh if robin was single (because how could robin not be dating someone it’s robin she’s amazing) and if i were a guy i’d propose to her right in this moment’
nancy later realizes that that was not a platonic thought to have about a Very Platonic™ best friend of hers
idk i might put this in the jealous nancy fic (WHICH IM FINISHING THE FIRST CHAPTER OF ISTG ITS JUST THAT DANCE IS A LOT RN)
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stretchydyke · 6 months
so i've been listening to "Ship in a Bottle" by fin today and i have. sanji thoughts. this is The sanji song and i need to write it all out otherwise im going insane
(blanket spoiler for whole cake island + wano just for the last part of the lyrics analysis)
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first off this is sanji compartmentalizing all his trauma with his family + abuse and him coping with all this by being the Romantic Love Cook™ all the time and being the sweet, charming, smiling sweetie pie he usually is; also the entire sea/piracy/sailor metaphor going through the song is simply perfect, for obvious reasons. and also his dream of the all blue
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now this is whole cake island; the way sanji decides to face his family and his problems alone, without his nakama, and he leaves them all to protect them, "this is your own battle to win", even if it kills him to be separated from them and he has to fight off luffy to make him stay away
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the chorus!! i know the song probably intends "captain" to mean yourself/the same person singing the rest of the song, because there's the lyric "this is your ship and you're the captain", but when i heard it my mind immediately went to sanji and luffy obviously and ohhhh the sanlu feelings. the emotions. sanji feeling scared for himself, for his nakama, and he bottles up everything—but if he could just talk to luffy about it, have him by his side to fight just like nami and robin did for their own issues, he wouldnt feel like he was drowning so much. and he knows luffy would come help him in a heartbeat too, which makes it harder to push him away
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this. well. YOU KNOW WHICH SCENE THIS IS. the crying in the rain scene....... sanji crying in the rain is probably one of my favourite scenes of him but also one of the saddest of the entire anime, to me. destroys me just thinking about it. and sanji crying.... thats when everything cracks, when everything he's been keeping together just falls apart
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now this; this is wano sanji. getting lost in his brain (hell's memories) and running out of time (the germa process changing his body/making lose his humanity) and losing touch with all the things that made him feel sane (anything you could want to include; the all blue, women, his nakama, his humanity/empathy....) and here "captain" is more understood in the meaning of the song, as in sanji telling himself to make up his mind—as in, getting lost in himself or getting help (asking for help—robin) and fighting to keep his humanity and what makes him him
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misc-obeyme · 2 days
But now i gotta pull for Levi !! I haven't read Mammon devilgram yet but I'm so excited!! And the new memory card with 13 and Beel, Im dYING. BEEL IS ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAVES AND THE COLLAR AND THE TATTOOS (?) AND WJDJJFKF. AND THIRTEEN?? MA'AM. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ONE CHANCE?!
She looks so prettyyyy 😭 happy pride to me, the bisexuals (me) are winning !!! I'm getting this card no matter what!! My poor coworker watched me have a Moment™ when I saw the cards because I got the notification near closing. AND I JUST SAW THERE'S ANOTHER MEMORY CARD WITH MAMMON IN IT?? I AM SO GRINDING THIS EVENT, CELESTIAL BOXES DON'T GOT NOTHING ON ME !!
Also the login support bonus where Mammon is like "let me show you why they go for the bad boys" like 1. YES PLEASE but 2. okay whatever you say mister heart of gold (would burn the world down for MC probably).
the gloves AKWJDJF and the CHOKER AAAA. THEY'RE ALWAYS GIVING HIM CHOKERS AND COLLARS AND MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT. 😭😭 i needed this after the terrible day i had on Sunday, retail ain't for the weak. It makes me wonder who in the cast could handle working in retail. I'm trying to think of Mammon or Lucifer as managers and having to explain policies, and the specifics of coupons and sales. Or even theft, because you're not allowed to do anything but be overly annoying with customer service. That's a funny idea.
- ✨ anon
AH I got the card tooooo!! I haven't read the Devilgram yet either but that is next!
I actually really like all the villain outfits?? The hero ones are okay, but they're a little boring in comparison. And like the villains got Barbatos, Solomon, AND Mammon!?? I mean there's no question which side I would choose lol.
And yesssss, Beel looks amazing, too!! AND THIRTEEN. She's stunning and I love her.
I pulled more than I maybe would have in the Nightmare because I wanted to grind this event too!! There are so many things that I'm totally loving!! Straight up, it's the villains and the CARDS are really good, too!!!
LOLOL I laughed so hard when I first saw Mammon's login bonus line! I was like listen, I know you think you're a bad boy and that's really dang cute, but we all know you're a good boy. :)
But yes, they REALLY NEED TO STOP with the choker/collar situation!!! I swear it's every single Mammon outfit nowadays and every time it feels like a personal attack lol.
Oof I'm sorry about working retail, I know it sucks! I think Lucifer would be good at being a manager, but he'd probably scare the shit out of customers. Maybe that's a good thing lol. Mammon would charm everybody just by being his adorable self. He's just got that outgoing personality, so I think he'd do all right. Might blow up every now and again with someone pushing too far. I think Asmo would also do well, but he's also not gonna let anyone get away with just anything.
I kinda see Beel being too nice. Like he'd be good at it, but he'd be the one who just lets customers yell at him without defending himself at all.
Belphie, Satan, and Levi would all be failures for different reasons, put those guys in the back lol.
And no worries at all, take your time! No obligations here, I love to hear about it as long as you wish to share it, whenever that may be!
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Live Levi reaction (to DaP reacting to every pinof #3)
Ok Im almost 6 minutes in and decided I need to write down my thoughts
THE PHULGE????????
Tbh putting a “ph” in front of anything that has to do with dnp is actually peak comedy keep up the good work
I will now be referring to dnp Lore are Phore, thanks for the suggestion
I hate to break it to you Dan, but the reason it’s the most played part of the video is probably because you guys touched.
“It’s when you go fast in a plane, and it goes *bomp*” Im obsessed with him
This entire series is just an excuse to answer pinof questions without having to actually do another pinof
THE NACHO FANFIC???????? I actually had to pause and stim to get the gross feeling out (does anyone else do that btw?????? I call it “ick stimming”)
What is the plural of Weenus? Is it Weens? Weenuses? Weeni (pronounced “Ween-eye”)?
Bruh im only like 9 minutes in
New phore drop??????? (Phils grandma is my idol I aspire to be her)
Dan making the same noise as his past self it’s making me unwell
The fact that I know they have a proshot of ii but instead they choose to use bootleg footage (also true for The Internet is Here)
Phil forgor the diss track 🥲
Phil doesn’t like bananas so true king
“A Dil doll”
Why are their voices harmonizing on the “yeah boi”
I love Phil ❤️❤️❤️
Not to overanalyze (this entire video is an overanalysisq) but Dan did the Tongue Thing™ after he said “your mum.”
Dan talking about the Phulge AND the Phass in the same video??????
Ngl Truth Bombs was a slay. I got one for Christmas many years ago and it’s still in my room, relatively untouched because I’m scared of using all the papers
That’s actually so funny bc I was recently in a production of Mean Girls
“Looks like Margaret Thatcher” has me DEAD
ii being the branding for their second tour was so clever idec
Valid reason to end pinof /srs
“I think I am so comfortable around you that like, the brain to mouth connection? There’s no filter” that’s how you know they’re besties (this is literally what’s I’m like around my friends)
“You might have different opinions, but this is the correct opinion”
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purpurussy · 19 days
literally haven't eaten anything all day (it's gone 7pm) or been outside in several days or slept more than 4 hours/night in the last week so im probably just being insane for no reason atm but
i feel like I'm at a weird sort of crossroads with this blog?
when i made this account i saw it as kind of an experiment in vulnerability and positivity. i said i'm gonna try my best to post what's in my heart and not care whether it does numbers or not. if people like it they like it, if not that's okay because i like it and i'm having fun. and i'm gonna practise some kind of general radical positivity/acceptance towards others too. like i promised myself i would not allow this to be anything other than a positive experience, a nice opportunity to express myself in a way that's disconnected from how people see me irl and maybe connect with likeminded people along the way
and once i started writing fic i literally couldn't stop, like the idea of being able to share my writing and have other people enjoy it too is so exciting and motivating to me. there is so much happening in my google docs atm and it feels so good to be writing again after years of feeling too depressed to create anything
however unfortunately i am the grumpiest most insecure person on earth and i have never let go of anything in my life. i've already been unable to stop myself from wading into discourse™ and the general social media fomo/insecurity is starting to get to me. like when did i go from just gleefully shouting into the void, to constantly checking my activity, trying to figure out the best times to post, literally crying when my stuff doesn't do as well as i wanted it to??? taking note of which posts flopped and which ones did well, so i can post more of the popular content instead of just posting what i want. none of this is even real, yet it's been bothering me in a very real way. most of which is just my brain turning it into a negative experience for fully self-imposed reasons
i do think social media is poison in general. and i know it does not work at all for someone who is very prone to having a complete menty b at the first sign of any kind of rejection. and i know a big part of the problem is that i'm attaching too much value to this blog and how people respond to my posts (I have been connecting with my friends irl more lately, but social media is literally designed to prey on the part of your brain that perceives social rejection as a threat to your existence so unfortunately it feels like this matters to me a lot more than it should. also my irls do not want to hear about dan and phil lmao)
idk if i should just accept that this is not good for me and delete, or if it's possible to once again achieve the carefree fun i was having at first. maybe if i can work on my irl issues i'll start to feel a bit better and then it won't bother me as much?
i'm also sort of wondering how much i should reveal about myself? like i want to feel completely free to post as much cringe/insanity/weird smut as I want. and if i was posting in a way that would be easily traceable back to my actual identity then i'd definitely be a lot more careful with what i say. but on the other hand i wanna get to know people better! it would be fun to hop into a discord and actually have a conversation with people rather than just rambling in the tags on their posts. so i'm not really sure what to do with that either. it's kinda fun to truly exist as a completely formless entity in a way, like im literally just tumblr dot com slash purpurussy and there's something freeing about that, even if it does make me feel like i'm missing out on a chance to connect with people properly sometimes
also that idea scares me! everyone on here is genuinely so cool and wonderful and it gives me such a huge dopamime hit when someone i admire likes my stuff. so it's just scary to interact with people more because it feels like oh no they're gonna realize im actually a cantankerous little troll that lives under a bridge and is a nightmare to talk to lmfao
this makes no sense and i'll probably delete it in a bit i just had to get it off my chest
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marisol124 · 2 months
I need lore for Zorua Carmine pls? :0
I apologize in advance for how long of a read this may be Its a copy and paste from when i was explaining the whole thing to a friend on discord so sorry if theres a bit of context missing from some parts- This might be around 1k words im so sorry. I am not normal about the kitakami siblings.
warning for drowning and child death (Y E A H)
The au starts with The Drednaw Incident™ (I can't go into detail about it currently, but for now... lets just say that itll be explained on the rp blog i run 👁️)
Carmine still feels so horribly guitly for the whole thing. she feels she was responsible for the whole mess. for her mothers death.
and kieran, he too is so torn up about it. he doesnt WANT to blame his sister, but hes an emotionally torn apart like 6 year old, i dont think young kids aremature enough to realise what is or isnt someones fault
SO, one day, the siblings are having their usual arguements. but it just keeps escalating, getting worse and worseeventually it gets to the point where its like WAYYY too far. carmine says something bad and then kieran claps back with "WELL, maybe if you didnt *kill* mom then, then i..."
he IMMEDIATLY knows he fucked up bad, but its not like he can undo it
carmine just. just stands there in shock for a bit. She knows its true, but nobodys ever said it outloud. its the first time. and from her *brother* off all people, the one who her horrible mistake affected the most...
She just stands there for a bit, then looks down at her hand. she sees it covered in blood, like in her nightmares
it just. replays for her. the nigihtmares where SHES the one killing her mother
Kieran goes to hold her shoulders, to apologize because yeah he said the most out of pocket shit ever
but it just scares carmine. her anxietys so bad she starts to run. she doesnt know where shes going but she just knows she needs to get far away
she ends up back at the timeless woods, to the spot where they were attacked
she runs to the little pond in there, for some reason like searching for a drednaw, hell even a chewtle. something to kill her i guess D:
she runs so fast that she accidently trips far into the lake. and the silly thingis. she never learned how to swim so :3
also, her grandparents and kieran are trailing behind her, but since carmine had a lot of a head start- they kinda lose her once they reached the woods
she starts to drown in the lake, unable to get back up. she regrts everything, she only now realises how much of a coward she is to die. she doesnt want to die here
but she also thinks, maybe shes just such an idiot that she deserves to drown here in a small pond, never to be found again.
eventually after a bit of running around, kieran reaches the pond and looks down it, just in case. then yep, there she is. carmine looks at him and tries to feebly reach her arm out, but both of them are too small to reach each other at all
he yells for his grandparents to get over there, right now, and eventually their grandfather reaches them, jumps in to get carmine, and bring her back to land
however shes just. swallowed and breath in too much water at this point. they try to get it out, but its useless. it wont come out
the last thing she sees before dying is just. the horrified look in all of their faces. kiki is staring directly at her, everybodys eyes are full of tears. it wasnt supposed to go like this
finally, her eyes go from looking back into kierans to just... nothing. her eyes still open but there was nothing behind them. the light in them had faded. her body had gone completely limp
their grandparents keep trying and trying, but eventually they have to admit that shes gone now. there was nothing they can do about it.
now its KIERANS turn to feel disgustingly guilty. he said the thing that set her off in the first place. whoospie
so yeah... they go back home. they grieve. they do all that stuff...
however, unbeknownst to them, a bit after her death, her spririt, her guilt, her regret, it solidified itself and turned into... a little zorua
i wanna take some inspo from pkiki for it... like a sort of fuzzy memory... not being fully aware of herself but knowing she used to be a human..
she spends so long just wandering around the wilds, aimless but knowing there was something missing, making the zorua feel so empty
shortly after she wakes up she meets a friendly trevenant
it takes pity on her, for it also remembers seeing her and her mother back during the drednaw incident
it cares after her while she has no idea what she's doing as a pokemon, she just feels so much body dysmorphia and doesn't know why
he tells her stories of back when he was a human as well, guides her through this whole thing
though he does recommend for her to stop trying to get her old life back...
as he has tried before too and it lead him into horrible mental states that lead to nothing. just a bunch of worrying over nothing...
he's not being malicious doing this btw, he just doesn't want her going through the same usless pain as he did
but carmine is a strong and persistent spirit, so it doesn't deter her much. just makes her hesitat a bit and accept her more feral side eventually...
she and the trevenant grow very close, the trevenant reminds her of someone she used to love so much.. someone who was always there for her..
But, one day...
also dw about the trevenant. he's just looking out for her in a way that's not helpful for her 😔
like. like think of a mother being afraid of letting their child do something a bit risky
but they know their child wants to do it so bad, so they set aside that nervousness to help them achieve their goal. that's kinda how trevenant and carmine r
Going back to Kieran in this story, he ended up picking up mask making as kind of a coping skill, his grandpa being his mentor
SO, he and his grandpa end up going to the timeless woods one day, to cut down a few trees for more materials
-ough maybe she likes to illusion herself into a phantump... it makes her feel a bit closer to the trevenant and the slightly more humanoid pokemon feels just a bit better than a zorua..........-
ok so when Kieran and his grandpa are at the forest, grandpa chops down a tree, and then hands the ax to Kieran to try
So Kieran goes to cut a tree down.. but it's actually the trevenant sleeping (I like to think they're a bit nocturnal, zoruas too)
this angers him and so he then gets up suddenly, scaring the shit out of the two people
They've been through this before. They've seen how aggressive the pokemon here could get. They knew the dangers of this forest and. they. were scared. they would be the next fatalities in this cursed woods
The trevenant attacks Kieran, it scares him so bad, BUT THEN
carmine sees it going to attack and just.. she feels something so strong looking at the two. she can't put her finger on it but she knows they are what she's looking for
so as trevenant attacks, she jumps in front of Kieran to take the attack
the force throws her into a rock, she looks a bit at the shocked faces of kieran and his grandpa before quickly fainting
this is the first times she's fainted btw. the sudden pokemon attack gives her bad flashbacks too
trevenant is shocked by this, he didn't mean to hurt her at all
he figures that if she jumped out to save them, then she doesn't want them killed so he won't attack them anymore..
grandpa has some pokemon stuff on hand, intedned for their own pokemon but when you find a pokemon in need you gotta help them out right
he gently gives her a revive, waking her up again
She's really freaked out when she gets back up, panicking from the attack still
she notices the two and trevenant and while trevenant expects her to go to him for comfort, she instead leaps into kierans arm for some reason
it catches him off guard, the sudden lunge scaring him and making him drop her
when she hits the floor she looks back up at him kinda hurt, trying her best to communicate she wasn't bad and she wanted to go with them, it all came out as growls and barks though
his grandpa though is a bit experienced with pokemon so he gets it though, telling Kieran that it's not going to bite
the two decide they should leave and head back home, but the zorua refuses to let go of kieran so, they end up just agreeing to bring it with them. it was a bit injured after all, and could probably use some medical attention
carmine looks back at the trevenant, he just stands there and in a silent type of way wishes her the best
kinda a sweet goodbye for them
so then they head back home... heal her up a bit more. they were going to release her back into the woods but it refused to leave, so yep to them it's like they found a silly little stray and now that's a new part of their family
though they do find it a bit strange that when they offered to catch it, it absolutely refused lmao
I like to think kieran reached out his hand with a pokeball in it as an offer, and then she just slaps it out of his arms hehhe
so after like the first night of having her in the house, they start to introduce her to their other pokemon, just to like start incorporating her into the family
the first one they introduce her to is kierans sentret, since its usually out of its ball roaming the house. HOWEVER they find it really... unnatural that the sentret immediately ran towards her in a concern type of way, it seemed to sniff her and realize something, chipping a lot at kieran, as if trying to say something...
the other pokemon don't really know who she is but, they just have the slightest of feelings that it's someone kieran used to know
so yeah the pokemon are kinda all over her, but they do make quick friends with her :D
this is were the "finding herself" arc begins jehdudhjf
she spies photos of her sometimes around the house and just... looks at it intently
there's something about that girl that she just... can't understand what it is about her
I think.. the silly thing I'm doing with this au is symbolizing her humanity with her headband :3
since it was such an important thing to her, they kinda uh buried it with her
so as she slowly starts to remember herself more, she ends up wanting to illusion herself back into a human again. to be able to show Kieran and her grandparents who she is
but the key to doing that is the headband...
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
You asked to send u asks about striker so i will. Umm sorry for writing them all in one ask and being kinda messy, feel free to answer them in any order or dismiss. Honestly your points on viv shows were very interesting so i want to discuss things.
1. How you would write striker, if you were led scriptwriter with full power over plot choices?
2. I totally agree that it's pretty BIG LOSS there is no characters who can back him up and he is so lonely (he even bothered by imps who sing flattering songs about him and swears at them, despite being shown as being a bit Self-glorifying. Statue moment. Can he be an narcissist character in canon story?..).... While somehow other characters magically got all the good royal lads, but he got no friends from his own class, but annoying fans (that aren't even creeps like fans of Fizz)?.. Uhhh??.. And he is totally alone and self-isolating?
Would be ironic if striker would be cured from his worldview with having relationships with good™ royal later. Honestly if he was swapped with blitz in stolitz there would be much less drama from his side and more of traumatized Stolas i believe. I think striker wouldn't be avoidant unloved guy to run away like blitz, i think Striker wouldn't avoid the possibility of destroying him morally and physically, from the first ep he appeared in, it seems like he is perfectly capable of manipulation and pretending.
But honestly, i look on all HB plot from "can barely analyze canon because memory conditions", and i look too much into explaining plot from characters and world perspective, than from "why creators represent characters certain way", because... Honestly im never interested in creator, but canon? Gotta somehow live with it and other fans who would eat me for not going with popular fanon and canon. Never checked Viv's socials.
3. The supremacist thing. Honestly, when i first saw that moment, uhh... I thought they were (i forgot who said this sorry 😭😭) just trying to insult him, not that it's treated as something bad?.. Can you explain more how narrative treats him badly for it?
I don't think "character insulting other" = "author tells their true opinion about character and world real issue". because all the characters swear at each other constantly and using all kind of slurs, and isn't it a thing for characters (and real people) to try to troll and annoy each other when they're angry and annoyed? It's telling more about characters for me, than about the author, idk.
But maybe it would be much more interesting plot if (i think crimson can be considered somehow high class lol) they had a talk about how they are sorta in a same boat, serving higher up demons for survival. Or just striker starting this talk, that he wouldn't kill them, pls don't run away or fight back we just need money from Asmodeus i can share it if you play scared victim and just chill here for some time. :D wink wink we are in one shitty situations and all in need. Tho it would be harder since he got all this beef with moxxie and blitz (as i remember. I remember badly, and don't remember does blitz even know that striker tried to kill Mo.) and for fizz who don't need them at all since he got ozzie, but probably that would be a great moment for striker to debunk Ozzie's good behaviour and just all the Royal sins (who are MUCH older, in fizzozzie case)/peasant relationships (i believe there are enough famous examples in hell history when they didn't end well at all) and probably brag some personal reasons why striker need to do so much money from killing, like "oh cool im glad you're okay, and got it all, fame, money, cute dogs, relationships with someone much more powerful than you. I'd never reach same, congratulations! You know what people in my area have to do to survive?". But that would be terrible moral depreciation of Striker's bad qualitues, since he. Like. Isn't shown as good person (lonely maybe due to anger issues, serves rich maniacs who need a good killer, still have the statue, snap at sincere fans who do cool songs for free, he litterally said he is capable of killing any innocent person, kittens, babies, i believe low-class is in here too. yeah, it could be that he said it just to appeal for customer, and wouldn't really do it, but it wasn't shown in canon that he isn't sincere about it. So it's more like his personal beef with royalty, and not a willing to help others and form community when it doesn't have monetary Benefits. He seems rather unpolitical, just trying his best to survive, since we don't see him... Yea, very social. Not even a leader, but a part of some political community. By the way it seems like in hell revolutions really never depend on mass opinions of sinners, imps, etc, and mass protests, but supernatural POWER, like holy weapons, god, angels, true forms, or alastor kind of power, even Striker couldn't harm Stolas without holy weapons and ropes.)
It would show how striker is capable of manipulation and being cold-blooded diplomat, rather than... Snaping out at them shdhdxhdjdj for trolling tho it seems like he is just stressed and got anger issues, short temper, and anything i described would be wildly ooc for him.
Sorry for long asks lmao hope you don't mind
Hiii anon sometimes long asks are a ton of fun if I have the energy
1. So first of all I think his characterisation in Harvest Moon festival was pretty good, but, they shouldn’t have revealed who his client was at the end of the episode. It keeps the mystery. I’d also change around his hatred of moxxie to show how striker sees him as a weak point, not as “inferior” or whatever. When he is going to wrangle the hog, Millie and Blitzø volunteer happily to do it, and Moxxie just cowers a little. Striker asks Mox if he always lets the two of them pick up the slack on his behalf. Mills parents side eye him and smirk. Then that’s what gives moxxie the motive to try it. Of course, he fails and striker has to swoop in. Afterwards, he laughs and Mox holds out his hand to get striker to pull him up. Striker looks irritated by this and tells him to stand on his own two feet, and that if this were the wild, he’d be both starved and dead. Mox is about to struggle up until Millie comes in to help pick him up and she glares at striker. This is what makes her not want to compete in the pain games, and in turn causes Mox to insist on it instead to prove to Millie that he can do it. — here we’ve established a reason for MnM to not like striker, and show how the tiniest things he does or says causes turbulence in their group and makes moxxie feel like he’s the problem. I’d also adapt it a little to say Striker replaced Millie as the farm hand since she in everyone’s eyes “abandoned” the hard life for a comfy job in imp city. Striker sortve implies her family doesn’t need her anymore cause they have someone stronger and more loyal now. She says if she competes in the pain games she’ll only go back to her violent temper she’s worked hard to get away from, and will just kill striker if he gets too close. This disappoints her parents further. While Mox tries to appeal to them, Millie doesn’t care, the two bicker about it all. Blitzø just acts as a quiet spectator here, until he tries to talk MnM into communicating about it more, that “you two saps can bounce back from anything” and they come to a deal to let Mox compete, and he won’t let him get too hurt—-he drops this within seconds as his competitive streak takes over.
Also—-he’s gotta stop being used entirely for shipping commentary. “I don’t support this peasant x royalty ship” is his entire character now and I’m tired of it. In the caged Oops scene for example. He should make a lot more references to survival, oppression, having to work hard, how you can never really quit in this life without stepping on others to get there. How expendable people like them really are in the grand scheme of things, and do they even realise that? How royals destroy friendships and bonds with their selfish greed. It would hit a lot harder if striker talked about how stolas strings MnM and Loona into his shit, ask blitz if he’s ever once thanked the four of them for anything. Ask him if he’s really used his skills as a leader effectively or if he’s just another royal imp slave. And for Fizz, ask him where he gets off acting like some kind of inspiration to the common man when he’s left his whole race in the dust, he has little touch with any of them anymore (as we’ve seen from his behaviour on the streets of greed) and now hes resorted to commanding power over succubi, over sexualising himself, teaming up with a sin to shame and intimidate an imp like Moxxie, and how he shacks up with a royal who’s no better than mammon in his eyes. Does he even have any real friends and allies left? Or just a bed partner. Seriously romance isn’t the extent of relationships and striker probably values friends, allies, colleagues, and family a lot more than who has sex with whom.
2. Exactly. Characterisation of him as a “narcissist” falls flat because he isn’t one, ego is what helps others trust him to take out the targets, it’s what keeps him alive. It makes up for the inferiority constantly forced on him. He has a right to feel some pride. I’d love to see him and fizz interact again because they could learn so much about what it really means to have connections, that ego is so fragile and performance of a persona can make you lose who you truly are. How do disabled people like fizz fit into strikers obsession with survival of the fittest, can he really judge fizz for his limb enhancements if they’re what help him survive? And how can fizz teach him that gentleness and kindness is it’s own type of strength? That teaming up with the “littler” people is much more powerful than standing on top of them, is something they could learn together. These two could become the most unlikely of friends, even brotherly, they both need someone like that. Blitzø just doesn’t really fit that platonic role for fizz, the underlying, yet deeply repressed, mutual feelings of love and lust between them are just too complicated for him to deal with.
I always thought someone who could change his perception is Octavia. Of all the royals she is by far the most unique and down to earth. I get the feeling she’s not proud to be a royal, she detests the way her parents treat the servants, the idea of monarchy in itself, of corporate shame, the duty put onto her and her parents. But also hates how they try to play house despite it. The fact she only exists as a spare to her father and resents that fact. Not to mention that she is a child of force, but can’t fully point the finger at her mother or father, it’s essentially mutual SA. Imagine how that scars a persons mind. Striker wouldn’t feel sorry for an asshole like stolas, that guy is the real supremacist here.
3. It’s essentially a message that if you hate racists, that’s reverse racism and you’re just as bad as them just for using violence. It’s sortve an “all lives matter” incredibly privileged point of view. Which I find disgusting. The real racists never get an ounce of this. Striker is just a stolitz blockade who must be crushed.
Really interested in your rewrite there. I pictured fizz showing some unexpected grace by saying “I wasn’t going to rat you guys out, whatever, you just gotta make that money right? but since you were stupid enough to show your faces on camera I guess I won’t have to. If I were you I’d skip town fast and don’t take a step in the lust ring or it’ll be your last”
Yeah I’m not sure what else to add maybe I’ll respond some more in a bit.
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i have finally finished my only 12% and if you saw me curled up crying on the floor no you didn't. some of the choices made in the show were so absolutely phenomenal i just have to talk about them (no matter how incoherent i may be)
i loved that the storytelling wasn't rushed. like desis like to say, itmenaan se batao, tell it with patience! it's very easy to make the show dragged out, especially when it's a slowburn romance, but i was still at the edge of my seat all the time! (except maybe last 2 eps but that says more about me than the show lol, if i start to rant about the father I'll never really stop)
in continuation of the above point, the choice to let the scenes linger a little bit longer after the plot point/conversation was over was so good! for example, literally every scene with the friends doing their basic kids nonsense! (bestest friend groups really <3)
that terrifying Eminem poster that gave me a jump scare everytime it was in shot ☠️ also the fleabag poster for some reason, in a show set in late 2000s/early 2010s!!! (i.e. make a show so good that even bizzare mistakes seem negligible)
speaking of the show's setting, oh such a core memory to see MSN, the flip phones, skype, that box windows computer, adding relationship statuses on Facebook, peak 2012. (im a sucker for nostalgia!)
i don't think i have to talk about how beautifully written CakeEiw's friendship was! them cuddling to sleep and Cake just spreading his arms for 'HUG! 😁', yeah. adorable
Eiw's discovery of his sexuality (with Love of Siam) and Hom being so supportive of him! im so glad Eiw had such a supportive family and friends! no matter how much of an 'other' Eiw felt like, no one near & dear to him let him feel like that and its SO important (snickering at the fact that Earth is older than Prem).
the entire America plot, omg, bawling. who hasn't had that friend who moved away, or who hasn't been the one to move away at some point? it was so well done, and all the scenes between CakeEiw post Cake telling Eiw that he's moving had such a bittersweetness to it, especially on the last day when they're promising each other sweet nothings! (kudos to the actors!)
Eiw saying that he's sad that he discovered his love for Cake but now he has to move away? KNIFE IN MY HEART! Eiw sniff kissing Cake and Cake coming back from the car to hug Eiw even tighter? NO PAIN
the letter/email style story telling in ep9 🤌 i love that they didn't go for the "they grew apart in the 3 years" or "one of them isn't replying" etc etc tropes because not only i don't like them but also it would be so out of character for them! and correct use of emerging tech!
love the confidence and the glow up for Eiw! he joined so many activities, making new friends, becoming part of the drama club, dresses like a fkn model, also got his hair dyed, GOOD FOR HIM
Cake in Blonde™! Him immediately begging his mum to let him see Eiw after getting back (in the middle of the night!). him crying and wiping his tears when Eiw hugged him at the bus stop. he's everything to me. Eiw repeating Cake's name on repeat and asking him to always respond? 😭
the enitre subplot of Pu & Tal wanting to be with Eiw was so funny to me skskskskks because have they seen CakeEiw together? one could be with their partners but would still feel like a third wheel in front of them. (and that's BEOFRE they officially got together) INSUFFERABLE
oh the post-show CakeEiw fight, & Eiw saying "Have you ever had to be the one who waits?" holt saying PAIN.gif. that entire confrontation/confession was so intense that i understand the choice to spread it out in between two episodes. and finally Cake saying "then i will be gay with you" had me laughing in the middle of all these tears he's such a best boy i love him dearly. (i was lowkey scared of the 'im not gay i just like you' making a comeback lol)
CakeEiw's relationship being written just as good (if not better) than their friendship!!!! the scene with "i love everything about you"? crying screaming shaking. Cake being basically a puppy? love that for Eiw
in conclusion, CakeEiw best boys and i miss them dearly and i want them back already
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strangertheories · 1 year
Honestly, byler to me has become a stressful 'thing' now i cannot even enjoy it due to the whole discourse and drama surrounding it lol. Also it feels like the shipping culture kinda died because people just stopped shipping things for fun but it became a match where you have to prove your ship's 'validity' 'morality' or how it actually exists in canon and it should exist in canon (for this and that reason), and you have to constantly prove yourself that you are a master analysist and you Get The Narrative and that's why you ship this ship and if it doesnt become canon then it means the writing is dumb/poor and im like..? You dont really have to do all that and i get that sometimes feeling so passionately about shipping is natural part of fandom and i have been there and done that too, but this whole narrative and mindset surronding it is just really tiring. if a ship makes you this stressed and traumatized and if it happens you say stuff like 'imma kms' maybe just kinda take a step back idk. I ship ron/nce and i adore their dynamic, but i am well aware that it is not going to happen even if i see a certain level of dynamic between nancy and robin. and i get that it is different for will since will is canonically into mike now but the overall point still stands. you can still like a ship even if it doesnt become canon you dont have to try so hard to prove its existence or validity since the shipping is usually supposed to be... fun.
Anon, I'm convinced I somehow sent this to myself because I'm exactly the same. I get being critical of the show's queer rep and plot if Byler isn't canon or being disappointed which we saw a lot of post volume 2, but yeah. Being a Byler shipper has become not fun™ and it's become a requirement that you think it's going to be endgame in order for you to ship it. And I also think the sense of superiority a lot of Byler shippers have about being great critical thinkers or having media literacy can make it feel scary to ever question anything anyone ever says, although most people were actually quite supportive when I spoke about this. All of that to say, letting go of Byler endgame before S4 has been great for me; I love analysing and theorising about Byler without the pressure of needing it to be canon.
And I know people will read this as "you shouldn't be bothered by the show using Will" but what I and I believe the anon is trying to say is that fandom should be built off of fun and wanting your ship to have content because you enjoy it, not because you're terrified it's not gonna be canon. Easier said than done, but I think you need to take care of yourself and your mental health too. I'm not famous or anything but I have quite a few followers now and I'm not going to lie or guarantee 100000% that it will be canon because I just do not know and I genuinely think people's mental health will be damaged because they've been hyping up an expectation of ST5 for years.
If shipping Byler has become too stressful for you, try take a break for a bit (I've been posting less over the last few months partially because of this too). Especially since we all have hiatus brain where expectations and theories become more and more wild because we have to keep digging deeper into the same content. I'm so scared that S5 will come out and it doesn't happen because I like a lot of people in this fan community and if Byler isn't canon, we'll get angry posts for a couple of months and maybe some theories about interference or deleted scenes (this happen post S4 a bit as well) but then it's gone ): the community revolves more about being 100% sure Byler will happen instead of enjoying the pairing of Mike and Will so without canon Byler, I don't know what will remain.
Thanks for the ask, anon. Also Ronance forever! <3
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immushymellow · 19 days
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Heres a fuckton of my regretevator ocs i hope you enjoy
closeups and info about the boys™ under the cut
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Stuff about them:
Suspicious Gradient/Gerry the Gradient:
uses he/him/his, it/it/its, they/them/their and ve/vex/ver
a detective who is very bad at his job
its based on Perry the Platypus incase you couldnt tell
idk theres not mutch else to say about vex
Mouster Squeak:
snarky, arrogant and a chronic liar
also a chronic gambler
will do anything to be better than everyone else
found on the Rat Course floor which is literally just those mazes people put their guinea pigs and shit in. if you beat him in a race he'll get in the elevator
"Listen, kid. Time is money and I don’t have any time, money or fucks to give you, so could you please kindly go fuck off and bother someone else?" - Mouster Squeak
im not telling you wether Mouster means mister or master
Harold Dyer and Morgan Lillibridge:
so unimportant that their names arent even big
he/him/his and she/her/hers for Harold, she/her/hers for Morgan
Wendy and Francis' archeologist colleagues
Wendy Smith:
Researcher of ancient ruins and strange monoliths and part-time librarian
Harold, Francis and Morgan's colleague
only Francis still talks to her, the others are too weirded-out and scared to be around her anymore
has been acting more and more reclusive ever since she found that amulet
always acts "off", acknowledging things she shouldnt know about, muttering to herself, disassociating and staring at the corner
Her floor is a library red light green light maze where you have to find ancient relics and if you get all of them she’ll get in the elevator.
her(as well as Harold Francis and Morgan) are all H.P Lovecraft references theyare literally named after the characters
i havent read hp lovecraft ever and never will he is/was extremely racist i just think eldritch horror is cool as hell
Francis Webb:
desperatley trying to reason with wendy to stop focusing on fixing ancient relics
doesnt know that wendy isnt fixing the ancient relics but is instea
ing them
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sadhorsegirl · 1 year
need it on the official record that i do love moiraine and lan's relationship sososo much!!!
i love the implicit understanding they have with each other, based partially in the fact that they are both heirs separated from a crown for very different reasons. moiraine and lan are both people who cannot go back to where they came from, whether they want to or not. so there is this shared sense of loneliness, and drift that they share, wrapped up in the idea that they probably aren't going to survive the last battle (or even the journey to it) and would rather sacrifice themselves than have anyone they care for or, in moiraine's case for some people deem more necessary to The Pattern (although to be fair to her, this often still means having a certain level of care for them she just um. wasn't raised to know how to show any healthy positive emotion i don't think) moving in companionable silence eternally Searching™
i've grown increasingly haunted by this exchange they have at the end of new spring:
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like............"surrender after you are dead. yes." is the sentiment set up as one of the core values of their partnership starting from the very moment she decides to ask lan to be her warder. surely, this will end well for all parties and will NOT have any tragic implications!
it sets up this really harsh poetic symmetry (surprise) when they have their Big Fight™ in the great hunt. moiraine LITERALLY invokes how they first met with funny little jokes abt him throwing her in a pond to get his defenses down so she can jump scare him w an intense re-examination of their relationship. the whole fight is basically her forcing him to think on his toes so she can examine him at his most basic emotional level in order to try and expose the truth abt how he feels, going from playful to painful at the flip of a coin lol. and he's aware of it!!! him calling her out on it and her answering back w patented Aes Sedai Speak, in a relationship that should be free of such manipulation.....
the real master stroke here, though, is the fact that the chapter is from moiraine's pov. we get to see her own inner thoughts about it and see that beneath the devastating chess game she's playing she's just as heartbroken at having to play it. the argument is really a crystalization of what makes her such an interesting character for me -- she is leveraging absolutely brutal social dynamics in order to, from her perspective, HELP someone she cares for deeply.
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essentially, moiraine is saying that in his love for nynaeve he's found something to live for beyond sacrifice and that means that their bond to each other must be terminated. he can create a new life, and bc she thinks she understands how everything will play out moiraine thinks she is just cutting down the time before he realizes he can and will ask for her to dissolve the bond anyway. he isn't wed to death anymore, leaving the heavy implication that moiraine still is.
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which sets us up for something really interesting for them in s2 i think! while their relationship in the show seems to generally be under less strain than it is where we see them in the mainline series, there remains another crucial difference btw the books and the show -- moiraine has siuan!!!!! im rly excited to see how that comes into play in terms of any potential interpretation of this fight/the breakdown of lan and moiraine's relationship bc it makes her decision to push him away feel even more hypocritical and rooted in her tendency to be self-sacrificing to the point of self loathing.
tldr for anyone just trying to figure out what this might all mean for season two according to one singular poster on tumblr dot com: in the books moiraine feels very........time to burn all bridges so no one can chase after me on my suicide mission basically and i can't say im NOT excited to see if that's where she ends up in the show (to live is to suffer etc etc)
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comvi · 3 months
Chief is necttt "Whats with the...wraps?"
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^shitty image i know. Chief is a leader for a tribe of 7 scavengers, only being identified by the white body and green mask. having a spear with a red wrap on it. Chief is whisperers current friend. being friends after whisperer scared off lizards from his tribe area. Chief is pretty brutal but attempts to talk to whisperer as a normal person. here are some highlights from their convo (lucky was a baby btw.) "Where ya from?" "Island in the sky, mother never told me the name though." "...What about yer dad?" "He died." "im so sor-" "No bitch dont even fucking bother. my mother taught me more about how to be a normal fucking person then all of you motherfuckers." whisperer accidently blowing up on him for no reason "What about yer..tail?" "Everyone has asked me that, look i was born like that okay?" "Do they... do anything?" "Not answering...yes they do glow at night. moving on." chief hiding something from whisperer so he does not freak out. "How about the straps?" "stuff for things to carry...my knife...my pencils...my notebook... and my bag on my tail." "Whats a notebook?" "Thing you draw and write in." "Oh, we do that but on walls. can i have one?" "No i dont have anymore." "Thing around your neck...looks nice." "NICE PEOPLE AT LAsT!" -random bits from a appearance investigation. after their encounter scavs know whisperer as "the talking one." Chief does not know anything about sliver. Nor voice of course. Chief never saw lucky as a threat, even while full grown. Character notes: Whisperers notes: "Horned thing, pretty cool. kept interrogating me so i left though." Luckys pondering: "My dads friend! they vvery small...ithink they are smart like my dad!" sliver eyed's boon: "W-WHATAREYOU!-Whats..hedoing...with the..slug?" Voice has no comment since. hes just proud that whisperer made a friend.
SCAV I WAS RIGHT!!! and the leader, even better!!!
and Whisperer FINALLY has a friend that is a tiny-bit-more-normal™, ofcourse still as you said “brutal”, so that still makes Chief fit the theme of the rest but WHATEVER. New Friend!! Either way!!
its funny to me how scavs like Chief don’t normally like lizards (due to their inherent aggression, atleast towards them) but still doesnt and has never minded, and almost seems to have a liking to, Lucky! obviously heavily for reasons such as, Lucky being able to efficiently communicate much more, if not completely compared to other lizards, but still i’d like to think maybe Chief just, instinctually knew the moment he saw Lucky, that they were a good one. not there to (intentionally) harm anyone.
+PLUS ++PLUS !!!! QUESTION FROM BEFORE WAS SLIGHTLY ANSWERED TODAY…. The way silver (eyed) said “slug” was very strange to me, and was almost said in a way that implies that they are not a slug themselves. now questions just: if not a slug, then what??
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